The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 22, 1861, Image 4

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,w 4
/•,:' l ,c• ; .
V*UtAltr ., 4l(*o o ,:-
• _a)" ~,tik a mosinalterejtz..,4ollomi,
b,t!d1y...141051te0.-Ai 0.r1.4111P4i.41.
groin, .alts.infictiia alitfrfctmet onkregant lathe*
istOtPense.or.s,4. It i. pow. one, of the Ir.drst
ftroite.eilke,rattee,Shitar,thit any rahiti Mae in
ataleibetepay4ol,e.MActiair negro, who has oily
to hiek..tlet.,hiel,ytetint "has-been .whhiperieg to
slaw*, &MAL* Ow aid rope are epos prepared tor
rho Montgomery (Ale.j Nod giyesthe fall re
port Pr the doiega of the gmilanee Committee that
inventngated' the inaiirrectioo, and the remarkable
fact **Awn that.whereas in so Slave State la
mentors oath taken in coons of per
, frctly Credible
before Judge ..Lyech. . Another re
markable f is that much slighter testimony
• -- is required a. white mac; or a free Negro:
Slit we think there.assor -was sinews ridiculous
tale told, than thraene which this Committee be
!jawed, i • bate 'swoop cir which they hanged
jetkite man and fifteen - aegroee. The white
tualNinatee , nrs: William Rollo, sod the testimony
was entirely from suspected
elf lusla Elowtsa.: -
f.qta Monte; died a Tilidayi . alnee in this city,
.aildorisa birietroti 'Thli-aelebrated
p sot:WI - Way born about VW/ yes* 1820. She appeared
P#4lalwlo4Vand soon 'after went upon the 'stage
• 1080 aba went to Misigcb:Cwhere bar relations
",.‘.::,..Witirehai,lll. King. of Bavaria gave • her notoriety.
4tutiwatiliaated combats of landafelt, with a pea
, '••,...4* 4.2 20,000 florin', •
.: : :41ter was driven- Pram Bavaria a popular out
bryk sada that 'the liar lived mostly In
country, baring a notoriety of the most drew
. alvaluddreo -,
bean malign since an attach of paralysis brought
laer2o 'her 'death be& Here slue was found by •
_lel 6.i{ known . her to childhood, and who
ten id bar with charitable care and religious devo-
Ralf. Di BOW. often ?tailed her, by request, and
offickilig ;Cilia:Priv - WA. She died, it is believed, a
Oarts. Adv.
• 'lfellpsesolf 1861.
tirA bd lareilifiei this year, as tallow,:
1: Jia4n4utlii - Wipe° of the son, January 10th—
"...T inviable in America.
2t` Alt ainiilar onlipee of sun, July 7th—in.
7eisitele In Ameficn.
7. - " A pieetial — eelipile of, ilia moon. December
gslifinala--early in
- the morning—
visible. 'bite only 222 digits. or ationt one fifth of
Ihitandinahi disc. -
,'4. A. total eclipse the sun, but only partial in
thdlifiltifiSintes, December 31st. The sun Tiara
eeijpead,tuidchoobsr.oration will be risible is all
lba:elltatoi rut of the Mississippi river, and in
tbeise -, States adjacent to , it on the welt, eecept
ends at Washington at 8 - h. 36. In Tea
'mei Athens**, Miesouri r illmois and Wiscoamo, the
eciipee end, at anoriae, and out of-Maine it begins
at .stint,lao: ; Size in the Atlantic Staten about sic
_ l`llo ROMIUMIII.—A Russian function
-ivy of high rank in St. Petersburg; who bu taken •
very 'active pert bebneging about the emancipation!
°tithe sok aid is well knowu for the liberality of
opinloes, ieceived, a few weeks since a large
pahket,terettilly sealed, containing shares in tee
Hestiam stocks to the tales of filly thossaud roe.'
bleo,iilsdirleasouyeaons letter . pnying him to
cePt the ikUt Ohm one Who respected and admired
_ hien bar the einisent services he bad rendered to the
coheir:, and especially to the Class of emsacipal
tien.,.% tie rich," said the writer, whereas your
privau interests have suffered , from your devotion
with, public weal. -Do netaeruple to accept, for
tbdsake of year children, the gift Coffer yen. Yen
will 'Molloy name wtien 7 am dud, and you will
probably ,lcans :it 'ioon;.for I ask already old: r
Tki:Emperior, decided .that there was no reason
wily a-gift so delicately offered should be rehired.
Irst, end Matapaneataaiguatinittation asomporthe twiner
esevaaai.rrahlw dam. a, efsrs induce...2W i• who ,
ttetrieratteelartsimitssa lAreatth idea to rasa GU petite..
!seermrs'snauczt Ctlin47ll isitsa eserf lirats4
4 4Y . ai441 - 3 6 1. 4 .1 Ai • , t‘tait eittet,and await= ia
add to Pk wan ttr- the welt, a .oslAsay Prepared
r4aatlritipartatthi Bar seaataryt
I . 4iii:4 l6 4tft: 212,14 - 4
bet OtaaWa sitiliVesap•per &Lit tide
lialLlt 7 ,atz p011:10 - Par minim; piptle In Mut" a
Mg oaatm par traek.PinkbAlP Mt
WIIIILLY—Me Dollar par szatcm, poyablo
• cemaeut ties tape/was who pt up It MP esededle•
paimimirariatrietlfraqulrial, sad no Pa
- par ri-bekrt elr the Ulna Lapp to .0d& It Ina pall.
**tit, ear .Aelpitill•tialp,
•1 ,241149:2111 ihir sa l
;1 .
I • • • a • ._....100,
! • • •,/ 171
• ' • - a' Oar .
1 L ' O•
• 21artlitdeartiantratealed to ono altur•eh•ag
-ie 'Wait alum* pee asteu•- 06
I SOlP•Pmettaametaa with eatatre•ta ark.
Prir Ge().. IL Keyser,
Itholesalei . DruggiS l
ilffo. 140 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Pa
i F t i
. - -i.. - i Marsh's Radical Rare Tress.
.'.._. - I Vitt' ii:44'atelit.'lruae. .. _
IP*Ah•iiSaPporter Trans.
1 - elrAdjanfing Trans. - 1
`D -,- iinnieg 'a Lace or _Body brace , for the
r :f i tri,,, : ' sr Cielern e Uterl. Pile% Attlee )m1 end apnea
i• e
I • Dr. - 8.13; Fitelee Bilver•Plated Sapi.ortcr..
- , .. .- -
' Pita Promfor the 'support and care of pilelT.
.. , ,„ ..
.. . /Ileitis Stel._kinga t for weak and rarieose veins.
Misfit,' irieis Cape, for weak knee joints. [ .
Ankle Bupportere, for weak ankle joints. [
. . .
' ''' — 'i Buipineini , Bandages. . -- 1
. -- 'i
l_ . •
. e a . 'n ,B 'ages,
also, every kintl of
' ' D Karma has also a Trio which will radi
_,.., ', i ,, ~ [ malt core farms or Rupture.
'''' - ' , 1t 4 .5.r . : 1 61543 '0
CAI . hiiihui Store, No: 140 Ilroodlet.:,
' ''',"•'.7" 1 eiga:il the Golden iloitii.
j .
Da N. LYS nit preecribre in reword CHRONIC DlliZaillta
ands hat, Iwitrentente tor• DIA WHIM mad Neat .Very
' surrpnet. - • 1 -
I e/truli 11:41 Tier or itilltiTllo 11116N11210INA
-01115111.1. medical waster,. efe very Naparior tied will
to wet freer? raptors clarre; wherever an Waren rons,
arm aranititanweril Tee Dolhat a. AddlE
lio. 110 Wood streeL l'itiebergh, Po.
! A FUL4tITOUIE Ratandlitrim..
5 • Aist,'IPANDW AVAST APR% la store 6. wow ti
'hart ; _ N0.161 WooditroA6 Phabbo4 . b.
(aSILDS-Lit; Ltd". Flax*Seed; b
t 7 i bahonowuy Bed=foe u 4 . - z- 1, - I .'" l 4 uure N 0.6
OftWilt.Y-9 kegs Buttet,
03(04moct8x Medi • ]GO NV 0411 ;
I" AW AQl not i llir /MD 1188QORL8. 263 tamer et.
• .I.llVdmiloNd• to llketr Now WoMacao, on PIINIt' ST;
lamaMoly oboVvlWso DP, mod • • • • tv to Um • • rib,
r. .
; COAL bbis. 0 ce•
• 4 asioed No 10o610* • , • • •
f,64113 Obis Osmibk Goof ern acid 011,4 e sae b
; -4011b111110111.4, bON,IUL to a.
Lions, bikes Shirt &Sr
• '- - • 6.IIAVIRON Koziol at.
ititi/d010;-;10 0 •bim• OrY APP!"; •
' 1"1"11111111 I1 5 :4 11" TLOUR—lfilab; .
mum itRABS.4O bbhg OXON IMTHICSIII-21141b,
for We by doll L G. GILA P 7,2113 Llbetti
• •
inipXBll. - -1 0 0 0 tioxes prime W. IL;
- - t 200 bor.r. avail& Diary,
'.4aritai 111,2'11.1ATIVit1Trft.,"*"
Da4 risme, era Wroa„
ao de . :Appt b "
. 1 70 B A " " - 1 a.' figot.72.V. ... 4
Ist DIUSLItody trt,
ggisLD k co, ate selling
Flannels, Blankets,
' ' Shavls and De Liana*,
IV - 1.11 KOOS OF Dkvx UOinni
. *Alm
sa los so they 'e,aL• local say Ocs.
AppLits--so bbla. York State;
too tab mean aro*
do eboio• NAN) APPIe•-1. 4 fled for W. it
-117.1111 N VAN GOILiII3I.
: - 1000 -1000 boa. Clover Seed; 1
•---' ! - -T • • labs's...try peed, by . L.a.agAirr,
r•,:;'•"•:• -- ;•' Jai . - • 917 Lltorty at.
''' ' • l i d Itb--150 j)bbb and tesp ,LOsf•Lard;l_,
•-p •
-;;?-.2:••• • I itio kap Loik!Larfl. Ifyi silo ,
-•E. 1 ,- . ._. r,.:. .:..., • ' IL ROBISON Jk 00.
OR81) IX)1111118, 'of India Hubei , and
On 4%.".61:n.4 far at ladla
-gaut,iff TEpot,;ll.4l4Jtat., _dole -J. aIL PHIL4JPII
Ur IN LiOW!.N•47-..pz
*Pe arl" '
z v''16"'"•11- et _
',7la6W We4L_YA Pk:KS—New end choice
• Joi quota.. last vrelss , l by w. P. 111111 Ma.
deter reed pee.
lermiyee's, E em
‘rt . Nc: : . •
- .
..._ , . , ... ,, 4 , - it,...!..!•, - ;1-2.--;:
......4-,ii,-;?.i,t• "; t7- ':' , ' - ' l7 .': -... : - -;1 - -i--... ,-. .i.i4 . -.-:: :: , .'..r . T . ..
...: ~
.• .. ..
z:.:_~: .
' - ;"‘'' - !•Abalipirs.'lleliana Glatt— 1
Spalilies Prepared Glued
par • • fermis at Tose }u .•
Al autelods spin happos ww h taWnpult
Asi/40i Is sse7 dlifisbls to Mn some abosp sad I;os
vsslent lily Icor repairing Vsrallars, eisetashi •
. Spadini% Prepared Glue
meets WI sub" mini4encdo, sod atibeisishola ea staid'
to be erithoni It. Ti Is eltraya reedy, and tip t tlit
log point. nen 14 no longer • nocololty for IllOplog
own, oodotand *doom Wads dol4 end tnisken
cradles. It Is Just the setkliabr :nob% lila!, ant other
ornamsand Watt, so . vegitair wttli Moo/ si;!!limisait and
This adiniretilp ssUesiaidos la used mid, being elsesul
ilully field le mintiest susd possessing ell the vilisable
qualities of tie boat estiluat-usalsere Ghia It izliy
used 10 Use plan outlier, medley% Wing *aptly
N. B.—A Brush aiminpsoir andh baths.
Wholseals.Depati Nix
Address— lIISMAY C. !SPALDING IS bo..
Bon As BA" Ant Ulm.
Put up Air Malin to Pose welshing leer. Alan;
slag Twelve Dass*A length! Lttbolgraples Ilboskerd
accompanying ewe psoksge •
gm — A es& dells of SPALDING'S PRNPIBIED
OLDS will saw
atom will awe t. Ulnas Its cast annully Is ovary
household. _NS : •
Bold by all proadosat Stationers, Drausists, Hardware
and Furniture Ilea Son, Omen, sal Taney Stores.
Country toorobants Would woke a mote of OPALS
INGS PitEPAILLO GUM, when snaking op thrill, Ilst.
It son stand any ammo,
Spaldhig's Prepared Glue,
GOLD BY riotres,rulantrituto wreathe.
doLD Et of T,! EN v. ti ALLY
Alanntriel tared l.y;
/Wooed be te.Alphiebellesil'elmeof Arelyley
Ysideb, If ettembaKed, army be rembernd *Or
griesail serylyclik Med metbillneby by
,Mends CRADLES ..... ...
.14end• DOLLS
„Mends PANS
_Mends trAZPB ,
—Monts INLAID-WORK ...
J I...bleals JSRS • '
II ....blends KNOBS .
111 ....blends MIRROKERAMES.
N ..:. Mends NEWEL POSTS.-
0 —.Needs o,llobl JENS, .. ..
R .Maas SOCKING-11011SES 1
I - .blends SOFAS , ' i . - .:: 4,
T ....Elands TABLES
II ~..blends UMBRELLA-STICKS f • u
V ....Meads VASES 1 V
W —.Mends WORK-8056"7 I W
Y ....Mends V A IiD•STICKS i • V
_7. —.Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORE ~ Z
Is wild In Llbeerlen and lbehoOs. j '
1...11 -Mends:SOFAS - 8.... 1
8.. A -Mends i ACC4.II/1/ EONS. ... ......... 1 .A.... 8
4..L..liends ',LEITER SEALING I. L.... 4
6.- E..MendeilllAGES • j 1.....41
8.:0-111ents:GUNBTOCKS ,
8..8 ..MendsiflCHOOL- BOOKS 1 8 8
11 ..11..Mendsi RULERS
I.2..E..Mende,V.I.TBITSICAL MACHIN EB.l 8.....12
18.. P , .7dends PAPER-HANGINGSt P.... 18
14.. A .•.11 nodal A 1221-CHAIRS •
16-11..Mendi: RICKETY EURIIITURE —.1..11—.16
16..E../4endi ERASES...HANDLER
17. D-Menks. DESKS D.... 17
19-11../leadi GIGUES .
19-1..../Jendi LOOSENED LEAVES ~ L.... 18
21i..11 .Mend 4 Urnot.artru FUENITUEIL.U....2O
21..8 SlenM EGO-BRATERS , V VI
22.. ...Mena ,41.X11:76-WGRK.. ..
- .' Mend 6 CH ESSROARDS..
24 'Mends VIGOUR
N Mende SHELL-WORK ....
26 Mendi FILLET-WORK...
21 Mende 11011/3V.UOBBES..
29 Mende MONEY-SOSIDI L • 29
31, Mends BECRETAMES al
32 Mends VENEERING ' 82
SI Mond. SCIIOOI. FURNITU ES ..4 .........113
34 fiteo44•PAl'llil44lA4lll44 • . U
:15 Mends W Awn:Qum za
96 Rends PARIAH. MARBLE , 116
SP Mends CRISS •• B7
34 blends RAIIY4UMPERS , 68
39 -Mends IVORY-WORK , an
4) Mende MATCH-SAE IR ' ao
0 ......Mends picruim • . 41
.Z' 11e,314 Qt111.1:-4111g.}:1.2 . 41
81 Mende TOW F.I..R.ACKS 89
U. ..... Mend. WASII.STANIU . 44
Cl 91.64$ REDSTEAIM 411
46, ..Mends 11171TAI8 . 41
G. An CH J 41
ht. Men d 11A LLOT.I:ONEI4 .... . .. 49
19 Wen.. 11 li1:1.1A RI UMS . ... ... _ . 1 .., .49
91 Neel. 114.! . .E0 A MN1074 11.31:0S ~.. .
„ In
..t...4...11AN0 R.N./'2, . . ...... .. ... 111
. 4• 11..1. 1:1-141:..110AILD2 ..... ... , • . 7
.M. +.!.... SA Ets. V 1161. m
:., . .M.. 141. 811.1.1,11.10-TABLIN 91
... . sd...d. 8111.1 A 110-CUES , ... .. ..N
~.. ... ...MI. el 110-4 1 A 1 1 ES . 61
~; .., .. Moil. 4.:1140113T1CKS al
foi ... Al OD(' 4 1100K.CAllYS IV
fel .. bl.n,jl• BOOT-CRIMPS 'r• 69
Mend. 11111/1411.11ANDLES ! GO
63 . 61..eps BRUSHES
I" . .M e tal. CABINETS. .. ..,
4. .. . .I.lerels C11U111711,,,,
I . cLocti•Ce*rni
6 ..7i..i.5. etairreit EH ...
6: Mends CURTAINS—.
64 Mends CASINGS
6. Mends GAUDIER ...,,,
7' Melds CAMERA'S .
:t ' Mends CHAIRS TI
1 72
10 Men.Ls MARTS '
1: Meads CLOTHES-FRAMES i 78
74 .....Mends CARD-CASES , 74
-., ....../delids CIIESTS ' "•
1.; .. ;; breeds DIARII.2I. . ........ . 1 ,
17.... i idelds WORK - ST ANDS i
19 ....Mead. DISHES • L
- 4 0 . &food& DIVANS.„.
61 .111 ends DlOl6 -soxii,
. 4'. -blends DOORS
61 Mends nusomaiii
Cl-. Deis& runce
N • 0 , 1 won 11," —""
..... -......
5; liKeilds OLOBWARR '
69 ....Melds HANDLES
E 9.. ...Mends 13DTPA•PEVAIIA-WAR I , 1311
111.1.. ...Mefids KIM WI
II Mends TOPS 91
95 ...Mends ORGANS 99
9n Mends lIODELA ' vs
04.._..11eilds.BZWINO-NAOHIINICEITANDS...... II4
91 Riede PANELS / ,
97 Iiends•PATTEBNI9 ' 1..- 97
9y Nei'di SIDEBOARDS 98
4 n en d d* s W I O LL D OW- -WA R R
0. HANSON L0T1.?4 Morbid Mt .
asirshis I
; Ti" •Mb°,!'‘' moan
• fillipwres
* i mam s, UNISIMISIN
~ _.~. _.~
SAVE SSE Pr'="l3l3l
rake, gcl Cents
limit, Nur teak.
_ BOLD Be trnynoNna
BPALDIII6IS resrlinso wait,
1;111111, 111.
ILONWS itEr, ‘i r
Kit-01%c R. No a f.M.
Spalding's Prepared eine,
speugswe rams= calm,
BOLD`BY DR17.301615.
BOLD ET (nooses.
eimn BY wwwAss irroun.
iIALbINGI3 PREPAM 06: 1 14
BOED BY FANCY-000D6 D1A0.1131.,
; '
6 °Lt? ItC o tMaia gratCUANTS OFigIULLY
HSASY C. sPenrsra 44 co..
vs coder isanwp„, urin.
, nos,aox sailor*.
_ ~.; ~~
.! • - .%'` 44. 1000
VOR RENT -.01, outulottiitile
Baum owsu.tetorkatiosii Alin [oblige, otij..
irr4 caw, lo 69 0:11[441 gt . , I.
• pelo • • t ig 1111t.tai,
- -
LOK - EAbt l / 47 .-11be nuy,a,
auttfOlt blubt., IA Itty .Awa kat tu
.2.turullug Iniit Waft to grout tow', tsunami Cu . tt.eut
ur I,w OP. funteisblo ono.: Tbst'bittldlutg fa to
au:gutted by Yews looklUt Mkt" Co , Apply b
41.40:11 iwasimegusa. iluquouto Why.
LlC'r-Sl l / 4 1r. 'HOUBI, r No: 52 el.
L thalr tt. Alio;11141.1.; 40'b r 36 hot; on third .
fluor of Nos if *tali ft - Mk street; With throw wliotolog
Clam IMoom swat zoom. 61u 466 L Clairtirort.
with LL.II, Oa Magda otolad 11.4. r. !again .
&Mgt r. lat Ba. No. hi
PUBLIC SALE.—Notice is barehy given
A to di •boastSmay toamm„tbatl will .an for mama.
at my maldotom, a lot. Rat sad Round Imo, one laze tot
Plallorm Itcalca, oa SATURDAY, Jo.. 12M., at 2 o'clock
p.m. Torsos mob, par fano.
Daqumma Buroaab, Jan. 81. h.
uhderstgrod, Adadetrtzetor of the wroteof
J•httlf,deed. errs for sate • Wl' OPOROUND to the
Boou.lth of Reefatee. =statute g *Wet two third. r 4 as
e. re, an which Is erected • god tworgery Wet Dopy el
sena roams. It lealcoly Unproved, to the bore Pert of the
borough, end wow:float I. theltallroirt Iltelloo.
EMIL Attorney at lON
0111,4100 Wirth e 4 t•tomoreh
FOR KENTON. LEASS--A comlorta-'E7
OD ReaILiIINOU to Pitt Ulnaip, adjoistfoi=
sioldooco of Rollo. 8..0tt1. Sp, bowing cleat 1..11..
Too acne of Emma. yearly on Volga] with etio'oa frsiN
Opp. aitor,.Btabling, an 'oval of
M 1 L FOR SALE.—Ono of Ulart'e'Pa4
t Floottox end Motheitt tIIM, complete lo!overj
nerved, t• 111 be sold very low by the aubeartben.
0 0 0 .11tetiAtill A AtiJ NB, 11.124 Second et.
Li ORM FOkt SALE—A fine large Horse
11 for We for want of um.
nenit 111101100014, M•OREERY
CELLAR TU RENT.—A large Cellar under
our ilfarabooq ntltablo for the @torso of Ale, hug.,
allobtares, bto. Will be rooted low.
001 l 76 Water and 9 Fruut at.
R RENT—The half of STORE, No. 8
- -
• Water owl 55 PI oat Anode 011 occupied by the oat;
scriber. It is • dedrobl• loatti caw
for Grotery or rgoda
badoeng Puree•goo Immediately.
wIT ,
No. 50 Water end WI Front street.
lOWA FA RAHN() LAND.—The alba:a
-1...1v offer Ibr dale on faeorablt• tam. 12.2.dr.4 cress
Madre Lauda, situated In Wright and Ilancock cobalt.,
adjacent to lino of Itailroida user% Of construe.
tion, and one tract only Oro mite* from °aunty seat. --
The above .111 Ue .old toff for cash, or unchanged to,
farming lands In d 6 or adjoining counting
no2o 124 decond at.
VOR, SALK—That splendid fteeidanoe,/a
.Ith largo Later Orcedui,Srult Tress and abrrib-Mll
bay, situated within two =Woke walk of the Wlltlos
burs Itallroad &Woo. The booso Is luxe sod dubbed la
modern sty* at premutrooeupled by Moon Thoropeor—
ainu be @Ad ea renurenablearrus. Apply to
desuiserrSi a t Ileoricta's IVAnn. nnt. Ott. a GraN at•
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compound remedy. dc,ignetl to be tbeimoot
effectual Alleratice that ran 1, made. It is
a concentrated extract of l'ara Soruiparilla,
so combined with other. suli4ances of still
greater alterative power a+ to afford nn effec
tive antidote for the glistnge. Furinparilla is
reputed to cure. It believed that such a'
remedy is wante,l by ti: e svho suffer 'from
strutrions'enroplaint+, nod that one which , trill
accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this lingo class of our tifilicted
citisens. flow completely Lill, compound will
do it btu been proven by experiment tin ninny
of the worst cases to be found of the following
t-ecncyts, 31enceni SI. DISEASE, DROPS V.NEU
Pcr,t t AND I Rosa
on St. As r ls FIRE, nod indeed the Svholo
els, at colplaiuts nri.iue from /LPL tart or
Thiv compound wilt be found a great pro
moter of health. when tat. 11 ill the vpring. to
%pet the find looloiro which fevter in the
blood at that xcnwu of the year. Ely the thne
ly exputviou of them many rankling diatirriera
lire' nipped in the hod. Multitude% can. by
the aid'of this remedy, spire ilieinvelvekfroin
the endurance of foul end nteeemit
sores. through which the will stliva to
yid itvelf of corruptions, if.
.not assivted to do
tliiv through the natural channel: y the_hosly
by . on alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
%Mimed blood whenever you find itsimpuritisu
bursting through the akin in pimple, oruption%
or sore"; idealise it when you End ltda ob
structed awl aluggieli in the veins cleanse it
whenever it iv font. and your feelings will tell
you when. Even wherellOprtiettlar disorder
an felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
• blood henltliv. and all iv well : but with this
.I.iulum of life divordered. there cani he no
lasting health. Sooner or later soin - thing
must fro wrong. and the gren• ma.-I,itiety of
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla bus, and deserves moth, the
reputation of necomplishing these end.:s. But
the world bas egregiowly doeeived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone hits not all the virtue that is Claimed
tor it, lint noire beeause many inept - animas.
pretending to be concentrated extraads Or it.
contain but little of the virtue of Sarzwparilla.
or any thing else.
I/uring late years the.public have bern
led by large bottles, pretend hog to riiven quart
of Extract of Stir-aparilln for one dollar. Mint
of thew- haven fronds upon the tick, for
they not on ly contain little, it . Stu-sapn
rills, laut_ulten uu eurative properties
Mince, bitter and painful alitnppointmcnt
liaa followed ilea the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood die market. until the
name itself is justly tbeliised, wad hue become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and inland
to supply such it T.monty na abut rt,iouct .11110
name from the load of obloquy_ which rests
upon it. And we think we have ground for
believing it has virtues which aro irresistible
by the ordinary run of the discuses it ix intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their Complete
eradication from the system, rho remedy should
be judiciously taken acawnling, to directions on
the bottle.
DR. 3. C. AIER k po
Price, al per Honk*, S 1: Bols i lee for $5
Ayer's Cherry Pect6tal -
has Aim' for itself such a renown far the . cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung ConaplOnt, that,
it is entirely unnecessary for no to recount the
evidence of Ito rirtueq, wherever it has teen em
ployed. As it has long been in cone ant use
throughout thin seetion, we need not do More than
enure the penple its quality is kept rip te the bind
it rrer hes been, and that it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever boon found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Costireuess, Jandiee, LlyiLxp liT, Indigestion,
kr ,,, frry. Fold Sumach, hrastpelas, headache,
Pita. Rheumatism, hruphans and ShitMeatnea.
Complaint. Dropsy, nu e, rzonerri aid .
nhenni, !Verna, Gone, Nemregici, in a
Dinner Pill, and for Purifying Ilse Dicee.
They are sugar-coated, on that the mosf mnsi,
live can take them pleasantly, and thy am the
beet aperient in the world for all the purposes of a
bmiir phy4ic.
Priem 25 tent por Box; Two boxes for $l.OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen : , Physiciane,Stotten•
men, and eminent personages, have lent their
name, to certify the unparalleledusefulneminf these
reminlien hut our space hero will: not permit the
iiincrthm of them. The Agentebelow nomed fern
v.ktio6ir AIai:RICAN ALMANAC in sihichthey
au yarn i with ab.o toll descriptions of the above
co:old:limn, and the treatment that bliniald be fol.
I,meil for their cuter.
It.. riot be pill off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand Armes, and take no others. j The sick
want the Lent aid there is for them, and they should
liaVe it. U
NAll our remedies are for lisle by
I A. YAIDI [SCOW( • EX) , Plttduargh, bidam g
onaly. aelklyglver
HO LWI6. K. O. Eagan I
10 114 a Rained Mewl
600 " prim Plantation Molnasta.
100 0 imported brands Pyrtinc
KO tags 1110 Calk.;
10 podia' Jana Otbe;
100 bases awned Wallas Tobacco%
26caltys do do , •
160 ballottnata Yang Own •nd Black Peal;
60 catty boxes do do do do
60 bozos Sado Sow
26 " Berman Poain.
26 0 Olnan do
" Moold *Ladle;
" Starr do
SOO bid.. Sutra sod Zito. Family Moor,
to slots sod for seas by jolsitf £TWZI.4 tiS h 00.
via won
Country Flannels I
White and Plaid Flannels
C. HANSON LOY& 74 iltaitst Amt.
% ,,, a TWO P1111,11:4 ree'd forby::
• W. I: HAVEN,
: SU rare. Wood 60111bIrd al&
R o .6l.. l.. e litl y. TT id lg o a by — r.d 2 i blle . jr 7r inl l : 66 Ro t l i. l i E ns. ne
NO. SIIOAR.--6 !Ads. now !finding from
ser somfl, for •
1 160 k et Navie. rid P?ag, Copy WA+ awl Mont:
SWAM ibt oh by • - • 11.8.8111'M;
carper Wadi Tbbd sta.
orIUM PACKlNO=4llthiakumeo, cr,
kir moatain. smut twos& cueram unon. ao .
ha for ails at 2 . 43 Ltherly alisic oppwite bird of 1104.
- id:vm LIMY. '
ti&V.ILOT is prepared to furaish
• PlANTSlViiltilltillUSe....t•TFLstpied,
t ~ ,~ ~ 3 ~',,-
tit g tifY 611 fit;.
4 , --. . • • C •.li. •ct . •.;
Flies tor dart haat been plowed wt the slot. itri
w. Wood stmet, .411114. am John 14444 kW.;
Liberty • Orders tor Ifilouttl nothea 44(?1.AX.4hED YOU
BAUIt Ith thi.14144 , ) ,, .1.111 rh•tiveytoon4tAtkotion.
_....J YYL_.....»...Y I. fl M:
112.:(ALINTOlili, ICISPUILI. 41. vu.,
Ccrriker 1-!ike mud. O'Hara Street.,
P 1 T .7 . 8 11! CI It 0 f 1 „ P A. , j
a 1111111.117L1M lid PROMO PATANT OttILLAT
and hest style. t , .; ;
Having pot op,hlachlorr, of largo capitolty sod of the
boat guilty, gm aro vorpatedto do nom dubbin& and ati.
licit stork I. WI line, traatlnff that by prutoptora• sod 114
ammeter of oar unit, to merit poltlio patronage. Wu Iti•
ritrapoclal attention to tar DALANCMD VLI.AIi OSOILL
IATIt4I3.IINOLNIttI,ar combining ndrantanea heretoltrra
ttgoect to Ulla clanO of Engines.
grgr goon rich stedoa Outer ood good I gLt, To Let
A IVOCillet
magma= to Joan Cartwright,
ANUFACTURKRS and !Totten; 01
.1111. Poet& end Teble Cutlery, Songhai i Dental la.
stratoanta UMW, PYLON fiellllClSkr.klo, No. SO WOqd
fbVeL They give owed& &Pah= to the msautrieturlott
Tram& Supporter . ..le. Jobbing sod Repair& with punc
tuality and **patch. apllkdly
tnatar ..... —.rum r. olMio
61 Penn et., below Merb_nu Pitteburgb PA.
Iron Workers, Mematiclurers cd Barnhill's 'Patsiet
Roller, Locomotive, Need erild Cylinder Bolters, Chleinete,
ltreicbeo vire Bed, Steam Pipsy OoteleoSer; Holt Pane s
Boger Pink Iron T i , Life Ikeda, etc. ftleckeed the
Work, Bridge sod Viaduct 1n.% done et the ahortest no
tlos. All orders from *Masora o. molly alloodmt to.
D I. at tt • le A t; t o
No. 65 Fourth ticrn ,
Wodneaday and Worth) ~ .emeee, tram Ade"
Cat to Noveinbet teat, frus. - 7 to 0 ...Weir. and fmns
taular Ara to sly deal, bolo 0 to II data*. '
Deposit. readved all rams net bee than one Dab.
and a dividend of the profits anclarcd tyke • yearj
Atha and Dedember. ~lidereat boa been declared setobital
anally, J obe sod Deeember,alnee the Dank was organ
acti, et the ragout alg per aent.• year. •
Interval, If not drawn oat, is plauel to the, credit of the de
met*, am prindpel, and bore We woe inbreed tram the Ord
, days et Anne end becombeeoelnyounding [wk.. year with
Oat troubling the depteritOr to call oe even to of hb
pre book. At ea rate, emery oUt doable in leea than If
ma; making to the sip:rapt& mem lap max anti inn alinT
• all.
Bomb containing the Mader, Aly.laree, Bob.. and belfle
latione iltenlehei! gratis, en annikationet the aim •
Hopewell llopbcrn.
Juan Hadley
Jews llt. HaleP,
Robert Robb,
Lim M. Palma,
Hill Harrod's,
Johaß.Malled, '
Akntao A. Wrier.
•Thuht Ounpbehl.
John n.Cluagrave,
Witham Dung
John Ream.
trawls tall
Bent amin tabumn.k
John llolnsts
William E. liartu,
Pator U. flunk.,
tismatikry wad trassur
as •
/or the IttiTAHT It/A Re 6.1
t I I
, PR a ft l erikll Er OURM c.f thht Mot/W
.11' EN D 1 . .. • I 5
.. _ .
04.4. by 0. 11.17EYINIIII, A CO. 107 MAMA U PITSET,
N. Y. Prim, $1 Fpr tA.:;...t fir".
808 KALIF AT iIPI.o01)1111
PRcir. W 001 1 ,6
ilestorative Cordial
' While please, to the trete. It It roadi
hying. osblletatleg end olmngthealng to 'the .1141
p.m..: It also melodies. relnatstae sal meows the
ohad In all Ile original parity, mid thus teatoree anti
maims the flatus irmataratdo go attack. of . ..11P.
ewe.. It la the only preparation ems caned to Um
*aid In a popular gem Imes to be wills the reach
..ran. Err ehootkallywer/ ahllfully combined at toile
tha mod Powerlnt tante. and yet to perfect , •4i 001
in as to aid thepmfreruenteddreet ..iA the Irm.l Nb
kirs,asrl Maar tondo the waked Eteenscli, sad well 0,
411Patim min... and allay all acrunn and *thee
imitation. It is alto perNct4 estillendieg to I.
egrets. and yot ft le poser Wawa! by Isirolind• 91
Japan/on .4 opiate. It I. entipined entirely of leg
Mahler soil tepee thoroughly machining pownrfal
Mak 0011 Waling Ineinltlitn, and comoguently can
110,14,12410*. Ouch a namely has bag Leon kit lobe
• dttelderantal la MO mintleat tcold. 1,000 by the limo
roughly tallied :1e maim' dente sadabut 14.11.4 s
into suffered from debility; halt hoods no owelleal
0411 tar knowledge 11+0 In n. that &Miry fdllmie
all attacks of dlimarm and layette negeattlad slakes
open to the attest • td' many of Ilse wont Moe gonam
to width poor hnutontly I. conatands 11.1.10. Pate.
for exempt, on lb. followlem coestatiption.hroschld
Ind!ittotlnt4•Y•PiPalta. tom of appoint.. fellantem,l
nmeous. Irelvddlny. 0.0.0/gm. palpitation of If..
head, motancholy bypocoadtia, night sweats, lam
intr.:6dt ommand all thet clam ol caws m 41.'10)
total if naattewded td in Anne. celled !mate weektMer.
ere nee Primulas kin. Ala; liver detangett eats or tqi.
Odic), awl liter coMplednia.dles.wir of the kidneya
eaddltry sr Inetddillente of the mitts, or any gesend
denangomont of the urinal onrs.,l"lo m ff. bort..
Oda and between lb. ohmildere, predlapmettga
slight colda.,.hatklug and cautioned mnth. *much.
aids. ildffeulty Of breathing sod hided se might
etillelerato gabby mare mill, tni we have speerTgo - 1, LP
t, say, It will set only cure the &HA, Inhosina
4 lentile and teems, but prevent all attacks orioles tram
lete•suelle le:Uwew and an the due... et sure, if el.
.rmiely atiscited: '- And es Is acts directly and periestently
apes the billary System, wowing the drer to actimi, pro•
mating, in fact, all theeacretlenesod iscrettone a the eye.
teal, it wlll lufalliely pretest any &kneel , as comancience•
followiugupoo chum. it climate .ad water; Lena., all tra
wler. should have a bottle with Back and all should take
, • tablespoonful at lariat before settee /a It prevent. out.
tiveoem.streogtheue thadtgraUts °Mout it thedld It. In
tt a hands ofall perioni of sedentary habit.. atudecth% mina
Isumlitarary one. And all ladle* bot accustomed to touch 1
eel dmir enable.' shdold al e•Ye Mal it. If they fel.l. lb.) '
will fled au agreeable. plasma:it and eldelent namely edtcdnet
them IP• which rub them of their besisty.,4or lamas cote
oat exist wilt:Mut health, and health cannot cutlet while the
.Iron istNftlerltijce asses.. thee. Win. the Ourdial It
s perfect ruochtes reli.f. Trim a truth or two berme the
toot tthd„ . h e will , peas the druidical parted with perfect
icase Mad tasty. Thera Is no Mistake about it.
this Ondlil to aIINWO cloirrt for it. Mothers.
try it!' rod •lb yaw-we appall. to dew% the WO.. or
deaf. sot only or ,ourdattightsrfa. talons It letoolate,
bat also Your soling and hosibericlw; ton while the
former, trots fair '41,11011.07, came ea down to pnuaature
minus reeler them. let' their condition he knows la time,
the latter an often eo mixed tip with the cation:dent of
buslems, that If •tt ran sot for yen, they too would trees!
Is theetorse downwsrd path, unlit too late to erne! their
fatal IsIL But the - mother le always vigilant. and to you
we confidently tipped, for we an-site your newerfaillog
aflectlou will unerringly point yen to Net Wood's Belden.
the Cordial sod Blood Renovator sa the remedy width
should be stems 00 hand hse time of nerd.
9..1 WOOD, Bropstetar,44l—flsodwal)y Nem Yarlk; 114
Market eteenalt r il.adkj, Ilcit:atld; ord _by •11.0.1i-lhuli•
eras. Petra Ooe Dollar per bottle.
Pot tale 1fy."17 7 6 , , ,y c.' : r,0111T(111 JOiIiSTOY. :
inkinlydahli fru - - - .•4011Mr Perithilel.l hod -Bantle ete
- .
Or bd.
L.t.a.k.otia.; •
3 Agin - • -' : .1
• LI AlriNdfl'Altri7iiiii"fittcd._4, 42 lk
[IM. • gr.:,t_txpeo
I.bp ott thes tu gbits ,
x prolpo a o i ell4 g iii l ,ff.diftu
c unput.
vult.ty dr .t. ) le
anti,* the lean,.
mda LIQUOR4awS
Orl E
. 5q,...4.{..0.41 11 ,r 1. eactufimpodlog ,
1 ,
6:l 4 ll l 4l t e r ii. :tigl".4117""4$"11.
S. ?o,, U 2d N tb. l , l 4 7 :ri ndtP: 4,..
1 ol,t t , 91. 9 0 . 41010.9 p 1
0 00 bo. 7 Avi.14417 - a c ,i„,' irmherc,
lud b. M.. 4,441/.4. •
1 jot • •
GO td4 Cidet,yl4l,l4 -- 4,loRvita, 114 A.cfm.l It,
• VA Id ILY. IC(Tiut AND Bu raaslON .
movv4 ricautAT - nool4
Ond-2DeO bum Ow.
O v D oia E m t quO DDllMLfoeak bm lOb ► W •
JuD • • AUI lAtmirty
ILINDRINS-250 bble. Choice Kneeeta and
) acAntonooc, ' •
BROOMS-120 4Asso ha[, Bwono., amp.
STAMOII-100 basoe Wood') Pbtreh.
NOVITNT—: 0 bbl. Vint
. XOOE-3 Rh "ml Imo
PIAOIIIB-330 t eetel Petrbes
-0 dote fur Hai at 114 reeond .PRANK VAN 4:IO6NEIR.
OW UTTEI.-sJ)ble. prime;
~,,-•, ,B
—as=4l4..ts: . ..
neni. , HOVINI-112 blip Purl thsulur.
VUITAI BRANS t'A• Whit. 13. "'" ,
RSV • ILOUR-19 Slat S.Te Stuor.-4u.t rocelr
for WA by •. . • . • JAS. A.lllTilta.-
&SA f . ogrom . Sartre and 11Sniketa.
3-0 bb . B.dt•tt's Xi istralhoGly,
00 do 'Maks tisher'ilamlly,
3 , 0 do Grocer'. '
OD do Xxtre—in dor. lor rot. by •
d 029 .• GULP_ & 91111PARD. 813 Liberty
APPLES, -35 bbls. • ahoica Pippins and .
11051111 Y—N) bbl. Pfait noroloy.
CORN intaL—#S bble 13111.1 Corn 11.1.
• IIIIOSIMIL—W bf bbld 11.3 WS* 1b.k." 01 .
, LARD-441001b Cris beiat Lab& IP sati
nut tied And kb ale by • J AIL A /1111110, •
, terra. Larks' sod kmei
• DIM P$11:111t5.--18b boo Strspedikl Peed:64, that.
1i.^114 , 40 bbl. troll, Ogg% .
Burnitt-4 bbla Intl, flutter. thole.; .
POMMY-17 bblo 001813): _
WHITS Lt*AN3-48.0 bbl i Whitibeffivo:
1/148X 811116.29.b..1 111 . 30 . 4 ;
TILLOW,.2 Awe Tallow—
Pw We by ; . 443 . : ~ L .(1.051.310; 988 Llipert) st..
%XI_R 'CUESSII--15 0 Doren Western Ito
TV-. eerie Mee" boos delb 101601 E eerie. ter ado by
BUCK i___.1!...91%1A11.
01L.,011,0311 . .01111 11 8. CLOTIIs+-or air
knot siva and item, toe mao at the Oil Cloth Warr,
turni 206,0 Y7IILCMM K.
gif Swiss and French Landetit,.
and as 14.3 tie Belfselw, faro/hill /
1 , - • ~ • • . 6*411111AL1...
RD bbe.-now-lodnt Pm el
i tt s 4 "l 4 by
, 4
say% a osIAGDr , '
41 ,- . ♦' ....
t 11,‘..,(EATE
BESI 6 _ ,
P I LLS - ` , c. IRON.
tilatbooo of 11/Off poked of Winton end CAI i/011 by
coulaustlon in Hydrogen. bwootioned by the bleb , et bled
feel Imititoiltbs, both to Europa end the United btette, end
preactlbed In their,prectice.
The experience of thou.& daily pp,.s that no ptaper•
aim of Iwo can be oontpated with It. Impotent* of, We
blowloiopresaion ofJltel onto a, nets and othetwiaa eh kly
coutphteloantindicatoite beceenty la ..11Thtat•eir, • a.
bit' con. lnuoz,ons In all otaladloe lu which It hoe troen
tried, it tow proVed etwolutely Connive In each of the fol•
lowing comphilote, the
Dbliellity, dervens A Ireelleins, kmeel•-
tloni ilympeptia,Uensilret len, Diarrhoea.
Dysentery. anelpleneConsoneuelon,
slows Tnberenloslx, Salt it house. m lases..
suuktiol, Whites,Cblereels..Lleer Unin
pialinte, Chronic Daadeahes, ttnesinea.
Minh • Intermittent Fevers, Pimples' on
the Vase, nn.
. • .
calm anergy from chroalo complaints, num trial of this rem
Nestle', has proved mincemeat to an extent which iro dear
coUtitin nor written attestation wonid render credible.—
!unit& or long boffriddan as to ham, Locums &argot/. In
Weir own neighborhooda, hare suddenly rnappeanff In the
Dml world WNue. returruff from protracted travel to •
distant land- Some miry sloe Instances or this kind ars
attaated of female Roffman, emantated altators of apparent
marsimus, marignineaaa exhaustion, nrltical changes, mid
that cinsaplicallon of narrow. and dyarreptlo arereou to air
and aierniso for which the physichro has no wane.
In • env. Affection/ Mall kinds, and tor mamma
ler WI medical Men. the operation of this prepandlon of
Won Must necemarlly be adutary, tor, unlike the old
dwhlnl• vigoronely tool; without helm( exciting and over
heethim tool putty, regukrly aperient, even to the moat
otellnatecams of with.. ever being • gnaw.
ptirgatlnhor indicting • dingratable eensealoo.
It It this latter property h among other., which make. IL
eo retharlmbly effeetual and permanent a remedy for Pam,
upon Which It aim/ appear, to exert • dletim t and ermine
.MUM, bysliaponilng the local tendency vrtileh forms thou.-
In Ilyspepeia,banumerelle ao art In cause., a uicle boo
Chet) Loste Villa haa often authred for the un et
habilnal r.m.,including the attendant Gietieennu.
in neeheckul Disrhon, even when anutncod to Drivew
ry, cnolirm
fo ed,rtuatiatiog, and apparently nutllinent., the
effect. have boon ett natty elecitlve sue mumbling.
the local paint, lone of ROA and evreogth, debuitnumt
wage, and remittent hectic, chick generally indicate In
cipleht Comamptlon,ll,ll remedy ban allayed the alarm ol
Weeds end physielene, in emoted Tan grabiOngand Intery
eating 10015,00...
Tuberculous, this uuulleaull Iron lots had
ro theo the good eaeot xt the roust csulltossly
'reparations of lodine, ...Man soy of thew well
•. • •
The %Meatless 0 . 1 familiar canna im too coundently 1.•
tad to thin remedy end reatniative, in the cum yocullarly
offectitig theme
both clam& and into minatory—lo the
tenet; however, More decidedly—lf hm been !amiably
well tweeted. both alleviating pain rod reducing the
owelliogo and otifronot of the Jointa and movie.. •- • -
In;lnterrallient revera it must necemarily tie Si great
remedy rod °amitotic moturatim rod Its progrem to the
mar battlements of the West, rill probably be ooq of Math
rettOirnaod mefolueon.
NJ remedy hao over hem dimmers. in tlio . whole Mabry
of medidoe. which exerts rod. prolophlmppy, and folly rev
etorative ette‘ta. Uood optic •Ito, complete digeettoo, tepid
aNnielliuu uf streogth, with Mt unueual tilepodlim for oa
th. tandcbeinfol eteeciae, Intmedietely follow Ito rm.
• lint tip in root eat metal halve Cnotelolug ISO plihr, price
60 Milo we tam kr oak, by Drneolebt sod Moiety. Will
be mot tree to any address on receipt of prim. All lettere,
order., etc, should to addressed to
Dr. ONORGIS U Kbilitilll, Whulsoolo .gent .or Western
Jalo tl. all.)•
Alexander Briullory,
lama Manitn.,
A. M. P1,110.-k,
wmMA. Lunde:y,
W 1111.3
Duous D. U. Id. 4s,
June. IDIADD.,,
Walter P. Plaraall,
John Orr,
tintry•L. alspret
John D. &Dili,
WIDIam 9.Mbmerb,
4ts.o4er Thine,
Uwe Whiffler.
ft. E. LOCKE & CO., tioneral Agants.
will yore newly every awe of redocesnie 1l UNIA.
' 'BRUNS/3 at ...loom pates &hearken ban&
OUILDRBN • d TRUSS al, of different Woo sod eliethOh.
'MASTIC NOOK L'ii)9, 8R0..) r Salaried Being.
ABDOMINAL Fueroarmit+,..i. , ..n different kind,.
PII. YhON., for Ills nippiat and eite• of Dilee.
BRAOIt9.tu relieve. cloaked AN theitivretd
rondltiott of the Übrtt.uud many ifilessee of tbetNeat.
All 011007 I. had or applied of Dr HICYSIVICA
lirboleode snot Ittivil Tone.. WWI. I4U street. of
the Uoldeii A:Data, int 4 soul to O. pert of the
try by eetding the money eel ihe 1140.01 A
...5.6 .14wr
Firlrabletork's C)rnamyllltiO,
.• 'Aittoh (ON btlbly flagrant, deb Pay,
wt Ilkaztag. Ilmayonssny, rathfiv, Clt.".•g th , T.erh,
rezrnrivg Bla,hec 116.1.1ri. 74m •od Freat.t, awl fur-
Ekair by Li.. Okr/Faili
U 9 KV S IV, Wo., t. Wb.4 , 231r •Lkit be.l4ll4gunt. lake our awl lmy main
LIQUID DYSTIII VIC?. It •1111 r-op thtn. wilt.. Led tle•ti.
end: will ptrvrtt thetr tug th-t 11« , p, ttud DD,4.1
"C !" ..1 .I. O •XY tem. D., D. .1 Dr RkYllt t i p.:
10; Wvorl I+,o, 0121. J 40,1114 (...t 1,4111,, 1.14 of,
p01 , c14,
- .
►UT •t parr. L• Miami •n 1 • ve:asaorottt en re eef.c1....1 Lj
• byttle IA the G•ofrienrovt.lmeNnly's NTS 1071(1N 1 , ..t;
wN •t DC. 4/ CO U. V /Y,NR'fl, 110 Woad .1 Nit. 2.5 NAO .
Pr.i last . . PI LK preperea by Um Gnrfin!oursi
Omouny. ty •4...verrlrn remt4,l4 In 411.44.4.. 1 1n0 Pll.w,uu
111440 r whit In 1.11441, Intonslty. 4 ura Irwrritut.l.'
Piro per NAVAL 4 , 01.1 DR K11T116114
1441, Wnon 41
Lottor 1144.41 Writing Vapor
ort.rdiri I , a /ale at Or. RRYIII.6 . P. r4O Wuutt it.
So er's Sultana Sauce,
; - ...... This m 4,16110.0 R/1.1 appethAnki
I, s)
' ' - • •;.- • t Huttee,lnSentsd by the renowned
.';:. "MOTs.," fur the Lo.a. Reforai
.4. .I . ' ' Club la, slum his itemise, menutMe
r: . e ; • .
. Wed hy the well It limMt WA. of
•- •^3`...:i ', 4 • 4 ' , ' • • l
P. ei..,t-,..t, fl;.), CluteSu A illAcmwm, London, rm,
....w. 7 -4i:r....' - "' i the Oli.jirk•l recipe. 1[I: Me r...c.
N ~,T.--.
. A 1 . 11,,,,t-. In Illoglnti, sud on the
itr i . ‘ itk; Continent, with a Huh and ',Towle;
; 1111 y, , remit/RU.ln swung American Kph
F • cures, •nd Is 17111C11 apples.] or emu
stlhmlnut loth° arpetlto and eel to dimmlun.
W. flatomtastvl totr <nrre•pnw!not to try MnPa.84.511,A
.6 MUM, filltnind Ito, OlUaJsSaute.' It Is tuvla alter
thet Tarkialt recipe, It flavor iv airalleat, awl It lOWAN tap•
sitianable aid to PA. nt CAW APD WWI DiaLliflolll "—fl.
• _
Plqunot ao4 SPlcy, worthy the eh'. of or
most valuable attlooot to Viab.Floats aro! Fool
/timid hove •plsr, on overy tWle."-4tfo
8.6 Agents We the Cluttht Stake,
GARDNER U YVELIN. 317 Vahan .1.. N.. Yary,
"RAY a DAY ES. El CornhilL Exam,
B.oa hy thocara and Endt Paden annyvlddo.
. !En Morning. thank. to the goblin for their pationsin,
hltberto .o ostondool, 1 ovoid , ' halo Mod, altantiOn,
tot;toy very largo stock of Sititibi for thin Pad. !
11/3, ob a to of A ITV., Poar,(.t•navil Sod II mort)Peirto rod
dors, fay oxford. anything II harasser ralmoi. All of the
Moot Improved vartottos, 'mongol by perroos having a 6411
knowlvdr of the boohoos., ond army rare tshon to hays
*Say kind bur to name.
101 Applo Trott alone ors hays ISO 000-38,860. of mblido
tbreoloar old., from 6 to 8 Art. To moth on Moot
INVARORIRINS, from 2-to 8 fort, by the.loo or I_ooo, bor.
glim mould be Oven. Holm logs Maid, for Made, tom
16Q, holm largo ADIMIIOI2 mud Wootton Larch, ISor
odomo give m mil. Coto
lologom mot fret on applimtion. .
Adalnrox 16thobtorgh and Oakland Norm:dim Plitabor
boollMovrtolif) JOHN 111/Roitell,Jai
BUTTER-10 bbla. prints;
NO. 1 lARD-45 kres.
SUCK WIIItAT /1.111111-3.1.1 be¢•.
!MU NU CLYR-20 bbl. WA lb ergs
tore fer ule by
MiW CROP N. 0. SUOAR . AND tdia:
! 60 bbels N 0 SUGAR. aad
, IW.bbl. and lou bYtrt I. N.O. 01.1AanF.S. New Croy—
arrlya thb wtyk by steamer it•Saatw.-.11 of wt kb
io *lll
fn old at • tory gr...t. decliaa, by
1.16 7011,1 I. 1100614 k
PltOooe6-100 hue. l'omtoeo,
• Pi.I.S4--120 bblit Grooms •pples, !
' . Br:INS-10441s Win., flew., • ' ,
cIUKI4-10 bbls kettle.' War,
tiltf pa tOFIES-160 Inn rbolu.,
I/ItY APPLES-200 bur stoles Ur It Sorts,
WI 11P.M—fa ustrer,
FE SOLI CB-1760 bur Kentucky; 1303 slue numb,
fer,esle by I. ...15•S11,,
I / 48217 Liberty s,t.
!I • Li Uti DRIEB--200 hue Small Whim Beans;
43 1100 be.Cbotr. Ne. Dried Apples. •• . ' !
1 • ' T../ PM% NMI II 'mirky, 21 ebb* 041ous, :
i • LOU Ras Super, Estill feud F. 110111) ItIonr;
be. prime IV 11.00 v.. for ..le by f
. Sell . It IiOtrISON • 10.
ISU B i I I p u ll SI T,b ,
L .7 .l .l . o l44 lt i e . gfa i f e lGU i e b t bi u , rd; •.. :
Ores., tat rfN UtlfttliSS-60 bbl•
tIS lINS—SO bags Whitt —Jut reed for eels by
r kaki •. - . 'Jobbers .1.4 Smoke, SSE Liberty la.
QUNDRI —CIItYSK-10Q buieslV ill, •
5101..kbb ES —6O 114$ Cbct.o;
bb01.118— , 49 bblo Combed, belinial Oa. 'awl N. O.;
• kIAIUII-Ih6 barony; • • !
wig 415-60 id chests flue V.lllowo, am] block TeOx;
Alq MA*, bylerodeolt, Tobaccot, ki?rcb.
Woabboards, se.
1.03 ' DAM 411 . 1.425 AR, IBS Liberty. 4.
, • ISLI-100 puokageo, Wis. and. hnives,lo.
3 largo Madlctroß 60 do do do N 0.3 Ilddima do; ..
76 pkg., bbl. 804 Waved, Milt Medium Nldekdrel •
0 do do %late Finl. sod trout; ~ ..
IA loblsobolre Bay of Woad lion I nit% . ' . -
, 40 do Na 1 B!..Pbot Ulm.;10 1,03) 0nt0•1dd04613.13
r YU' by :. cold .. . tAlittdi IVY& 0.11 /TON, •
HICKORY NU K-13 okil., • . .
FRAU( CRN-3 swim
: DRY1 . 141:111U-1•10 racks,. • .
DRY A PH.10.49 who, I
Now lauling le JO3 We Rey West Mr eel.+l , l
DIIC F. - 150 1)1.114. uhoicellrerm Applea
Pl 5 MIA Iluculuy, .
*0 hae Dry Pachee..chola traree, •• • ,i, -,
SOO do Dry A piA.e.,
' ILO do Mato Rosa, ~_ _ •
SO bozo Cheese, 60 Lill chola Cider,.
- ll Ola's Lard-‘ior ale hy • " •• - ' 4
D . IAIO . . • • •L. O.OIIA er. %I Llberrij et
IN If. 1.10 N I , I;CT 10 N 14 It V -;-10001tv tlrpstiti
was Crenm n.404,,K -10001 h Ctet.intWtA l 44l
• 100tb tNeseittritirherrieii; • • 1, •
10001hOrotat li
It.pbetry Munk '• . . •
.1000fb Create White said IWI Alatniele—m.litheloted
freely for sale by ANDKRYON. 1,
deli ' • • No. ag Wood eh;1104:
ipe /.47.-Modr;
O n UN MI KS-44.1bble.Extrly Si;.
ts AWE Ch9fos BMW Oars NM;:
lOh hail tlmatarC • • •
10 do - him*. White
ham Baum 6a , adds
• fahach Baalkubealt PO am
flokaal. --JA5.A.1117441,
. ‘a_;!:_luckl4•o4.7loll,
..1 , 11 PUILLIPO
A 1.,. Your `reof h. 13 mil"
JOIINT FL 1,0 r CO.,
Nn 173 W,wl street,
•Ih alt•bik,ll PhjsickiitepThi j Pettq ,
otstl IM polunie itivortsly, M r4tvrtitlill.liaelkil. 4
t lb./n.411, of tlalstb•lntral stnp•rslkto.lowbWiltilki.lhti
141.1paiar Planspho. no.A.t4wttle.o Web
lit Ila will, lttw thoadle 04ale, or int M. 304
la all 0 homatvattOenpablr4 •1114
plot, coontonaor• and amatont deraageoartat ete of
td.. thtoir • drd. .nJ of tin ntraltoortea odd:
our &alto. and a riot, tins lb. olio, la almtja l Usti.,
of baulk obllm • par., vrat.han attelithd amatetiatt.*- 1 -,
ihtrh 0•160.1 rtsfiriehory of the rtd plotiol.-44rompto
4lr• • .11•••••• orobion e•parattuo•Of /01111 WksW
411.1 NV the pop... of aopptylea Itorrid aloballo.lbotak
e,,.land that Ivo* +low.; oulph Moor, i ebei=
valor us fermi.. viii aiol meat tb•turrlrlio.l Ib eOrty es*
but tb•t • ;Oak lotto rombinatton of oit Moat. alfMeat•t•
nottraury to notate th• tOtool to la utoiittf &abated. Tki•
point. •••••. astaiord, by 110 mobil! Ito
Inland Feed. and Il. 4lrrovar 7 rattVa as oroto tiotraolt
•ehmtltle arid Important t f lan ago. ItOrtarla Id •
ere lo eaten the cenitb, irtee the nn ne, eleeeithei 116.
e74ete, .11.7 the proetreteqt eight 11114.0.• 1011•1111111 1.1116
f+iyalcal aid wile/ collie. eetki th.thloed hl reeloslitt
the locking red globale*, Outrun tie oppellte. testers lie
holot,eisd clothe the seeleten home wltp Nb. The Weed
Ito oclwiit be feordg ipeeltle Lt a/ I 'Vie ronii Otaasl.
Maoel the Throat er L....egs,m{b .urn.b, ihat.
Phith,(l7.o4, end Negev. Ond
:I.ll . l,reet milt) In chit-leg sal aniitb. wog 'teal
prgatm. IS Dowpria. Lime Deep', EFilapiy,
Tardlirls, 1.c.1144, Omer. Yt. rotteliiShice., )t... aid
Ague, ae, It. trim., IA marked aud lultailtantous. ito
.1 .of dtwesee bogreeer, are the beeridal &heti of IBIS
t.eilelly 110 1:40110.61111a 10 Mow leurthelog
to which the gentler Nee are ; anorwhich teed 'clear&
Ouseumptlmbrach as Bopprristd or Deleon Jicartmatirs.
'43roon tickers; AMA', de. P;poclaity Were ' , toes cote.
OW Ids are acoompaeled with yelenewka ding) bob or pleb
for of the skin, dopt...lut of nanny Qe LID y„ pelptt•t buy
:want of Appetite. cud wove.. prottielloa. We ea , M 16.
.11t121(11t nmadtae. Itpreponforodly g DP; Blood Weed
to ell who may be rausclony of e Ice. o vitality eel tiy.
'fuel to them whose mental or I Deily pylvorr. arelpfeetratod
throe sh tete eta. either of the wled Polieuly.aud ere deem
It our duty to toty teat lu all me. of 1441.40ra end Soarice.
Claw. and le all awe* of the Kidneys or Bidder,
:pleperetfou hoe dale, ;Teri the nDentioa of Saffeefte
caount_be over rollwated. A faithful trial will be
',Nowt the yno.t.collylncleg ppod to regard to lte ;Macy
that mold be sake" for. With t; abor.(00111JkL1.41 1 10
the nurneyoue frothuoufal. we have VS favor, we offer the
to the coaelderatfon of the afflicted, hoielng theta 'SU be
Drew...lodged .ajredelyont r alt„.other preparatiOe.
tostobt allele Is point of ;petal*. Circelatavilvfog
the Thoori upon wlilch tide Imply fekvinded, *lto outle
t-ht.of rtmerkable cows. wit be stet tree whey; deleted.
We forwatd the Blood Food toaay.part of , ltio United
&Pea or Decode.; upon receipt of prigs—sl pet bottle. ;$6
ins ely ballot. Pe careful lo ell'to take teinobat the.
having our f.c.ltulle .fgaetera of milthe wreppe . Nene
other i. rutine. Propared only by
vnuaton OUP° T.
No. 409 Breed ..y, No Tore;
And wall by Moto and by 'di! rtepoctaldt; Drugged;
Portals by DR. 000: IT. NNYARROVO Wood Pitta
burgh. P. .]"- ;LI levrP
4firnililensi t''
OPMIlie -
S o /
'1.21 .....
PECIFiI; '')
k.t... , ett c-,1 2 s':
, ... kv , 4 .4
....,..„.,,,.... t . t .,...E., : -:
Poop ; ;- : - :"'' 47 ;; r— -'' P 1 '''.g. - .
-..-- -
Tzm spel.trelgned having rug e,l Prof6ene 111/141MBEYS'
lh We mrod. infllttartnry rprllts, mill baling' WI r , odl
tales In their groolnenrea, parity, wit; elllencyc
reomment thc to all persons who ooh to twig rd., re.
4.1 e, and elllcrmlotte remedle, at 61.411 tor private 4.1
.1 -
arsf• inn
7, goy. Ito. ifescler, editor of .114 Nod.lli l,
on lode
eioloin," Cohort P. Y.; the km H. 11. Creeet, 1111.
to /or of Pow% Cho M,, Aahuro,N. Y.: Pic Fin, / 1
1.10, Oul-Pr, 'f the Auburn Awe Prlson; Per'
11. Rice, lito.r. Nen Belfold, iliac,., 31u. ilea.
New P erk Conrorencel the ilkrj Aaniszel
:;rhoto, hurt Ile,cno Conforence, N;+7 ; the Pk, 5, A
Pool', Porno, Vt.; the her John E. flolie, I ;.A. C.
tC;tho, N 7 ; Pia Ilou. Weal Pon, ,Pullorel;
lee lion. &tiny! , Polfar. liolgh , llend, Ind. the Non.
e 1 llumphrt ya, N. Y. ; lionry W,•ylook, An; Plhor
01110 Plate Journal, Columbus, Tao; the I on' IL H. •
, :.-ho.n, Moline, III.; ihe • Ilan Mania. 3. Chola., klnoll.
, no, Pos.; the Hon. Juaeldx Bezedlit Chico. IVIV. •
Kul. ; I;tlea, N. 1 1 . ; A. Id Pod4l, Esq., Y. ;
lourvoct, got., Nfichotlle, Tened . I
LIST or gegaino Rgensol 1 1 I
- F,r ' , ever, Congortkutood7,lngartanallen.. I •
2..--Vor Worn; Yager, Wont Wettlagithe Bud.
No. - A—For Cube, Brylng Teintlagi and Waketulneai el
~. .
No. 4. —For Dlarrhea, Cltsederal Intention; Ind Nucl.:et .
• No. h.—For Collq Chiptarra. DiaanaaryLor Blor U P n , s.
t—Por °lndent, Choler. MortAll,,Voctilog•
I.—Jor Coughs, odd; imkehkh and
Na. 5.-4nr Tooth-aches Facetehekand Neer/Jilt •
No. P. —Fur Headache. Vertigo, Haat and Fullriese of' taw
No, 10.-1113111101 Poe--For , Weak and Heradra
Atulnacli, Clonstlestlan, 4114 Urea
No. ll.' Son Pram, taaeantlaurriat, &anti, Palatal, or.
Pariprfe•red PertOdi • ." '
No. It —Fur Leueorrhoo, Prnfase':lleneca, and Reining ,
Donn of Percale., ;
No. IF —Fur Croup, Heante Onnatti Bad Breathing.
Na. 14. —Bair Kama Pilo—Yor ktrufsiloie,
F111:1,40 On the Fart • •
No. It —Ranee Arlo Pn.u.—for Pfdo,tarainocie,
.<ll.ll 111 the Plant, Lolna, or thAba.
—rer Fee, end Ague. Ohill Ferret Dumb V .
INNinitnoced Aga.. •' • :I. .
P —For lehr, Penn r Blecollaftlldareal '
fl. —7, Sur. Weak, or Inflamed tie.
log,Wenn, , Inurred Sight .
11 r
r I t
.r In
, -
41: e.. use, suol, !Os-re,. !host,. .1.
Croon, lthemootielo, sod 11.•11
lco .11.riiiios as Szairlot Fever, SleaslCs, Anti Et) .o,...titn r . tise
...notre of riming Cite proper tehlordles idoo.i.tty 'IS ob. -
vivo. nioris all snob oyes the sy.chlfint sot
Tip notice dl.sse Is often nom,. sod In snot...
thy vtolotics of the .clack no....lf.cliftedo he
rood, rendered 100
Conchs .4 Colds, which scent socb'ftencent Obraniintlnoc,
And "ditch an onen lay the in 0011113106 of dlosiscd•
hforithiVis uui constunpllon, ossy•an be at ono} cured by
Oft Yovor .41 Conch
In all oilcloth: illsoares,sucia u Drpcpsia, We. Blidnacti,
lbinstbooton, liner Cotoplalota, Pa* Yemale Ueblflty cod
lsregularitkoa, old Ileadscheb, Sore ,1 1 Wed }ye CatOrrh,
Can Illicurn, sod Mb. old troptlecht, O. con la. obodn llll, '
isboo, propos application will offordin CUT! In ovary ,
lii.lanro. (Men the core of • sbightel.ronlo dhWeolLy !b
ss nyiniefsin, Plies or Catarrh; Ilesditche or . Polhill, 7ts.b..
Deo, b. more than bald for the eldis time beer. .
coo, or 2) vials complote, In parser, ash Book
Cap, of te) rlab .od Book, peals.. 4 4
VA, of 15 !lumbered boon. allol 111,64 t I 2
41.0 431 6 boon, rsombered.'and '
to noollaereQ.aer, arab 4esdek'
!Sufis lottered kopek, Pith testa..
Luse,. came.of I de....rlah, for plAnleepl tha phylkinue...}ls
F. Akron rot Perrnmo.-rOpprEiped,'Difdrilti I4ooed
Mend hag, Interned with Cough an'n tepectoreatknk - He"
Ul r rytta , • , .
4110.0111111114141, ruffl.—tDlsetOzges tram Mt
kor. 11,c result or Scarlet Serer, Drente,
For Noise, In 11,0 Head, 16inlneks Ileaslnit,' 464 'lthonnA,
ho• Bare, apt Ev-.lke.:•!Peiro,'6o deal per,bos..
For SPet......—Folarped Glaelela. !Sharps! Ind looloott,
'Fora... Scrolling" and Old Clue& Scrofulous Cachkay
. 41
1 , 11.1 run. Price, 10;cenlk per bor:
(1r0n,,. 11.11,T.—Phypical Or Nerron4 IVeakeleket
ellilor Ibr rolult of Slekneoe, Zsereilve Stpllcatlnk.,,/r
t.a.pting P;ichni..".. Pelee: ISO eerJt, Per bat. 'ts• .
Rya ilw , r+r —1 , 11.1t1 Accomithliohi,Turr.l.ll4!*llll.l..,pl
Price, LO eer,l4:per boa.. ,
4, l....Sterlim—D.,..titly Vertl.(43 Winue.s,
Plikt.raa crirmilor.. rents
twr ha. I .
Pox 7.11ux., Renal nuti•
roll, Cr!nation, I,l,cast. l'rlce,
...Yds t., toot.
rem : , te.sAt. Flubtotoos.—lnonbiotAry Itinitotrger 62,a
Chtoboto,tt Trostrotion and Debryltyj had It2oultA of Evil
llobh, l'be owst. oar,oesaful hbol itnetent mod, known,
orot nos. be tottesl oran as I cor#i Ilk.", olth MI three.
tloos. #1 to, ho.. ~,
Perot. o ...IA to pilot, thesnietreo ontlei, the tre.
stood oare,...r to et,it adviee of t erof. Illostoitsvo, a 41#
Fn. at big ochre .412 Itrotolwoy tin.y from 9 AM. to 8-P.#4
or hy 1.T1.r ':.
I .4
OTIN anu.tnrs NY atet4 i • .
the thL'ek• ep lb rue of what Uo4 got
, met 4., I•er the amount tn:le e , thee , th , ethe or .t.nnv
21 No. WI Broadway, Nut-York
el the teethe the ',PI tm drly retlortl by motl or aims:,
feet of eharie.
etiliNTS actlee,etecitht Apse
of • or • ittei‘qite .hreiterel tent . of . eantteetdt,
'A4grhorthf P. iitimpogres A
• tits. he . S haturvier. NorToax.. •
J. hi, YOLT(I,I, fifth street, (tHspeteh Repel.) 'email,
deer from the Poet Mace,. Whebehele Agent etshergh
aid eiefolty; alse,7. hI,VULTON Ihteel heat J.
Y.PtAlitltill tag 3. J. (Sr, Akhighetty,lltr, I. .
myth:lye/lel , • ;
N. 1 Re.floill Callum OIL, rdr Ws by II
or ' .7:111N BleOlLtik BON, CBS L 16.117 aR
RAN BRRRIE9-5 'prime Berries,
In acre for solo 1 , 7 JUITKU. CANOLULD & CO.
an .ftm&t. &nor Wool
C t RRA d+-.lp b. it, iii: store
• • for sale by
• OW/ •II ITCH• 1114:1411R • .1k CD-
PRUNEb-5 in ilmeddre
6 C.CII In Nue, box.te—Japt received for pleb) '
dell RgYp en s ANDE118061:30,004
inURN EAL-12 bbks. frealrgroturd Cor
1,..1 Meal, just ti d for gals by;
• JAKA:v LB,
, melee, alit. and at Ex
gni) BUS. PRIME. IkARLEY reed
Vi.‘J far sale by N'D4IALDI.
d 412 . , • -I 263 Libido et.
Di ,
ILA bawl, fur Wu by - k ay ik ca.
dell ' MTOWPOCAL2 "
EW ,
CROP CLOVER: sicrp-30 bus.
rrerlred Fur ad& by
4.12 .1 - 3-9 Lib, Geer
VIRANBERRI ES-120 bblet.PrimeWe,tenk
teed to-day, for U. by t'l (S. 1.130 err d CO,
den 1 . 5 Water iDd 92 Pratt 9t*.
11140LASSISS---200 Mild. Prima p. MO-
Ilassesjeed per et't imere City 1.4 site by
AritloB:--15 L ble. wet Uidiscia store for
gla , JOllll a. oasstino oo
oeto ' wk.' ono, o.cwoos:
FOY PPAULIES---50:issoks Prime Peaches
jur Judreedforosle DT de4o
14-0 C KWH E. AT rLO ' —25 ek fa este by
dap • w MINIM 111.09LLIPIII
', V T . Q. SUGAR-2.3 Mb. Prime. rated po
IA • nth Umpire City, War,* IT ,
ARDINES-500 wh9le came bardines;
tit pow Pardint. 640 3 Oita 4 1 .0. 15 . 41 wc
dao . ?OM ii-ASUBBSOK NA Wood st.
)RANBICRRIES-7 Ws- eboire Cumber. ,
NO rimy Nat reed Ibr We by — SAW.
"-MO • • &maw bhubilue
N NA. RAI GROilp 1111131:Ii88 l S911!DF,
jsat ned for ate r - • •
F . &nava*, Rube , .
10 conk? woo act Tbird at&
- VOW . SA.Lif=Ther Yikfilit 'oil 'which - 16.
Wlk,uc .no • fooldei, iltuatd .I*l I".l**coec county,
Ma; I******t ,
.1141 , 111;147 It Chard.
lhostbark 11101bv P.:bk.-VOW ITIMpl*,4lll
Aga musk= it
' •
1 86 0 . ?MC
riTssavaesa. rr. waist. e OILIMILOGY •
warrilt Airmiaviralant,
tiME TO CINCINNATI: us Tack._ toid to
sa. Ma& sat Cblemii iipaime Wary
so, other thaw
*Emu/to ,
l'Aff MAIL LlllE—Lorrose4
:.M0 ,
AMT.. stenpetttML....ll4loll a.
eke* cormaloos el% Ibillibiablitili.loll
WA, Oalosbas elatissed
Ard r i . t 1
• .
". p. fa:
N. B.—That aw OlacinasU • la th. SWIG an lip Nebr.
aka Trauma laal, too& art It Oilaidgialawir
g ara dlpt law alseiaarati towbar: i• r
'SPUN - 0 user. N.
Ardor at unsuura.-....,10111 s.
listing Oar easmedia l' aa goal, - -
• i rr ° . J = ll.4 : •' •
• Oladasair. - ..... 5.110 A.
• ' * A. it.
N. lE—Tba lima to • Clarlasill 14 Oa ma* is by Mulw
at IA Trak* as both *Ada most at tialuthea aad IpammA
get tom Olsclakaati top th ar. • - •
ith. plug. Oar. on ,1.141 train frau rallealaillis Olad*
oath M . lodiaampoal sod aaelldlaivi.
Troia/ thtwgtib Chimp rattbaat daai* L i at Oka*. • ,
• -zurrmato.reauts.
Lae: Maio, 610:.. a. awd 11.229.49 i Miklos
Lime. at. ..4 k 104.11. tenlloting'Nlhtlatem l-
Bottm sad Oistolatiall. Afflatus at Ctisiklait, kit P. 9.
sad 4215
•Ooossating with tram for Cottwoban. Otrainestkaitie
Ind, Bakal* mut two fret: .84 witty Y H~lll9
A, Awl 1240 e. at. ALL sabot ohne atabasetlawa tiW
nail. Ihmosylvaal• Isfletad Bw PAllidolpkbb w 114.
Ilaaterit CEW.
Accoaskodatloi Testa; has 2wlseid 42 0.141 4
For Mow Bsighloa, 9.11 ws and $209.14
Art lye at de 1100 0 611-
Lime. do AN
Andes at Alleabooy.o 10 - IWO
A fleabane and keotbitoy Acasalwalsikw:
Lime* Alkatillar. 1100 Imo, sad 8130 P o i.
•rtlya at acceawy, too r W 200
lima, ltocommy. 620 ' ADO
Artie* at All. lawny, 7:21 a did 0
, .41 LLI A NOS Id ARE IT TBAll—Lear..l Wawa at Lie
and wetwo b Allesbony 6111.90 a a. !saes, AIM
slimy et 249 P. sad meter lb Anhwei at iOa ea..
ate kplag at all alatlatt for patadddrara bad waelistinat
' Tkitets *lll 8. 1014 lot shwa kolas at esdacird ram.
Through 7talm
At Alliance, with Woe _ ea kw. Cllswiland ►Plttsilsaga
At Wreak, Ohlo, woad trout 11111mkiwg,
At Main t 1444 Citdo, kw lit. Parma, kaatiadthiler
lado, Nad, do.
At Ula Iht Diairsas,fteiniaald, liklaiabss;l324abiz is
11, Enda, Dayton, loiliamet.Loabbloakettliii. s 1
'At forest ke Optinallidd, Watteau; tayttilt, 0114218591.
ota, eta.
At Lima bidasy, 9syloa,Olachroad,sta, sibs • •
Li let.leaytia lot Pau, Lafattatio, 1ad.,84. Look, ail Mar
ovediatsporto Matra Indliitut aid /Wads. .
Pl.watoottifor Laporte.. - • -
At. %Amish di all points au thii Now Albany itad• lase.
Ana Italkoad.
ot Moak% with lastitii pony pcdata
Wham and
Wor tomer Infainatitlon awd
• 91101931rAnt. Velma
Prancer Oaks.
24490 Tickets Ss .al at allMoneta AM..
l Ma aion ki stway on tbs Una ths earl. to ak psis of kW COIN
NAV • . Goma! Parmapelpsil,laiallatabi
, . .
evntand "snob
(IDIIIOI 01P WINTIIb 11111111111111110.. , '
•ON and akar blon=alimins..4l:
Nossolne Nab, IDS% -
will Wass Ospot of tb• rananninanaurowta lift, •
bomb, so follows:
lidsbonyei Clendond end - ,
Lars anises at InsWor Arshslidli
11.1 T 0.1.11 1 / I L.D 01,11VWD
via lAA s. a. ; . 11:0 ca. 11111Lis.- •
I:4o e. r. 6.3 S r. is tat v. a. 10ddl SJI4
Powwows. dashing to to to Boadosdly, Solid*,
r points' Was, •Istsoostsod, nnas bit imetwatoylTlSW.
•N_ n. no alms lON'S: kayo by Ws mats IS is gnbik at
Tot no Way..
.Panburek, Cbloombid end Cfnefnwabl ids
• .
_..,. I
No aimpo of conk tatoooo Parabola lad 01whisam - ~
10n... Adt.ii.i -' 'Atillrii it - intiiiat '
PITISPOR011; COLUMBUS, OINOINI I / 1 111..• 147.1 1 0021,.
~ 1.60 o ol NW pm -.. 144 p . NO . ~ •,,.... - -..-
...4 Mb routs I. Warts kicittopiomi,,rwoinew h oilawm,:, ,
: sac - 111 pollo6 .Ikalh, Mai' asp Cloe rollo.
..11101104: :
1 , 1•41ag qui aitechici ti all NtiC t ri,' : .
I" • - ~ P itidnesdamd 11, LiaO ': ' - •••' ''',:'
• lowa.. ...AIiNT•46 ot • Ailivosat , At , Allarhadoa.
0 irrare,'lloollllEll4 Iwzu,ss, .errom.wiumivo iv ,
160.0 la ...11.06 aat , Itla a . , 696 aus (016.16 4 .111.•.4
l'Ad'P 'ln . aim V.IC T 45 p,116. '64011p. lo , ie. pls .:
' 3.10 rot tWp fa .-- 1100 ple ' • ~_ ~ ;
The J 1.6041 a. oaa 1:60 P a. Trains tosawal 'tat TrAinr. : '
C. 0 R. K. kw faaanillo,Loseastor, to. 4 :
. S hp 413 0 0. m.Tralaolopa at 01l aotioat beams Iloolow
L ,
.m IVollovillo.' • ' .
g. yh ft. B. lIITHRS, fl ladolpaby New Ttairsal Illasesel ..' . •
1* . . oaarslllll.6•Japat.
fa hatbor bfforaistkaimptpta OV. - 4, , ~, u ., It ,
. ... ' ~ ,1140.111311411T,Tleleti F.' :
! 6 ma n 029 .
,_Warty via** Plt
I 800—W INT MIL AlitUAll6lllll4iiilLalellertvt.
• Mont DA ILT ; 111AI
Ora • load atter -MONDAY; Ifof:l6ibi 'VW TIOLOORie
II AIL SIIA/11 lava Os* Prompt SNOaa+atay Imaralit '
(aseart.Ba4 Dearnarg elan regalariudais.:J.-
r. doppiataalyst Widow, asallarg ersito*.
metro as. Harrkkori Saltkaarr, sad onfirtaig Mai
drlpbla or Baltlasor• at 620 a. K.
SORIA"; LOOS roam tor Vaasa tally (sinspiDorallr
as DOS a. K., •PWag oafs allakapaLawkarratrijahrit
town; Wrtlasai‘Alloase, &a, coanactlagi 8a5..,,,
ri-Lant with tiara dhart ler Dathiarnh arid arrltlrg
The doessetowurAccasioxidsliow Trete Wren idly (go
cot gorida)stailigl p.m ~stoppletatiell *What. AM matt '
sins es ihr r Cketeoweo.
het ledmimodettus Tridn'for dtesaidThert r s Mehl ,
' rtr4 Accoetwes Tnisk ler Tart," Oredir Lam dilly
(except &sudsy) at WA sax -• • • '
&coed Accommodation Tub hie TrirtVeleklesnucliellp -
crimps gruiday) al LIP P. O. "
Third Accommrdatka Tniib Turtle gberesperess
(except Bewley) el tidie P. Ix ••••
geturattig Tribe errhielwirlitsburgdges 11PlowereMP
prer.l:lll X Ketl, Pao. P.ste lot Lai Ochre •
town AcixesusedeskekliPXle.s4 lirst.Tertleareek - Accnes, •
oralelket; &ls a 11 Briiderick i l Tide docommadttlo..
1. or. lionaxt Tattle Crealletosantio.l.4xl,lll3o T. 814 Mt(
Arcommodened,&lC a.
Team wed Wham .mat at likennilla s,
totwiectice with Johostowei .lixwasuoilettee•Pixprew we& • •
!dell Twills hint wed West, • • •
Pittsburgh a meeinnutilwirkla l. siiiisia4koi ".
no the PltWsry & Otesselissille
excepte O
g. sr dcWws Troia. GAO atirdIPITIPW, '
. Pc casein Treace Res iftriebezgli Omni •..
vino Howl. anise Ist Plttsbusgb,loXlo h.ll. ree41410.1.119 •• ^I; ,
2tl. tht•Ciin IMMO vrW mw
in piles Fagot Reef; to' weird by she wwirailath '
reed, as therseociagedalleseicrw tllletdriara be Ono* "
ad on soy otter mete. Rawl le hillseed ,MM-..
tree Dom diet. We cediprowlesielleql. spied:WA
c 0121.41 kith who way lesor;thla . pled with theihr peon
To Pere Tart
Ptilladersible7w...... 10 de . S k •
Chailabld hi ell Pdastlxii ea tbiSPoliii4 l •4 l 7 ••
Ilelthoonr End Nest Toth; ,
Piewistree Putshisehrg whets I. '
half Ann per alb Is addithie al. the MUM 11 0 114 MR*,
• froth atoms' .1 era tds Inns
. .NOTIOW—Ie cue of kr, the Ckwipsay .01 ball mot,
W'Pere - respoureld .hit pollee.] beggeri watres l fic 4.,;:
embank ,at exceeding plat • • • • •
N. It =. - .le dbee Lbw bes twee eiriployad Wien*
rewagetggips to and grow the Lepototschaups
sot to agreed Se vats Sossech egyve. l•
.Wor Tklitaapply 7, WAILT.ApeII.
lithe P;IL. R. PAIMIMpIf BPaidlly OM illb.tl7 laderaat ' llti
. 1 " 1 '?_1
mum iIROIIND NUM, visa mar&
Also, beautiful Saw Style
Dli 6llalla,ollloßAltill, Aa
ihs a ltabillol4 LOVII. 74 Matti*
A fall arartatant, ►t
DRIED 11 , 4Lelitt3-35 'saki ,Teunemei-
Dried Peockaihlasi nce!Ts4
c lt. UOKILISA , 711.0!!" .,
Ast not pule& TAN
dol3 114 1448,4 it.
11ANNALN8 N .„
. amiss suawskei
11111.08111111 LID au ryl.
DRubtli-Z-30 ebb. Bye flour,:
Clllll43r—lOto bas whoa Obsele. -
BUITYS- b !big Femsb AM Bauer.
Reot-11 bbis hub Pgp,for ohby:
urns ariusia,z
RODU boxes Chaco's;
.1111.11 P Cooke Gomm Appl..;'
10 do - Treah.P.okod Imp, - •
11 do Prams, Oars Wad, •
10 Mo.. km. W. D 7
r.. 01 L. a.
1, 50
s i i i ji ii m s....p. this : , 144 siy CROP: 111.. , ..
. ~ ~...,
too bk.% Castes M 0 UOLAMII2I- 4 o ,atrive prat'''. /Ir.;
Pia f.. 1,1 •b, ' , .WATz WATT* WILIIOv, ' ,
dell , ' ' In tarty re; — , •. ',
(I . IIANBg WA. prime order ,
.ftet" i-Daturtza 00. -
QUOAR-30.11h6.14. U. Sugar . '
ij Leads by
de , 29 0110.11.1011114141*abir
cHIBINBYi: T0P23.-,220- Oco#de
- Top, varkespitintakix M,
,DOLL lIITZ 4 bblikpriiie
trraesilw.h.4 lbr f,leby + 4,- + , , +4+ +++
4a4 PPS simosOi, 4 iry
BIND , APPLIGS-4516 buszis • •
Inisd . Aool4% OM (!gairaliTtit oo 4
4 • ‘.T6,RMw . mai Si hag
N • ti—Asnold's v -, sr's,- .114;nald
03 •4" Writhig mat °aryls( Lila
W. IL HAM. Mask Po*
imi N i n i l . M
exam Raoill
MO'NEY takes+ eS par Sorfat.:
Num siod asks of say • V.r,
t. S. TOOIIIO • ON; 15 awl 4111111WIUMslt. 7A 1
liallted sod hi viirelboosi
:IWO • ' T. 111. TOM it COL ',
1, II ata -1 .. to . two,
ervr Wr0011,42 stars Ibr siatbi ' , • " •
liure - ^ 1 'w. walasoinr.
mr 014 • A.Blir,-ut lesnti.. kegi,"AcV::
loutels.roadvottml •
001 l , . OO
Oil BBLB. 111111111.111N11; 10
tirN , 008111.—ried Ike Web, '
OAB KS MUM& VIL,i Winter: Illesebtakt* •
lie 4 em 1144 inst On, 101404.M44 .d 444-4404 *ram"
4400 . 11..11L4a140414.101.1.0444,"1
4 0141 -
entwerstatatlfal!"l,ll% 116 .4 P r 4
pdeiresiiipar Adolf
a•S•Wania (Ithrt.*f":".4
• .
uncramiars ars