''' i titts4 i At ,, .oititte T‘o t rnarsz,..rAtrafe or rai oirr. THtiIIBI , IAYIIIOIINItiO, JAN. 17, 1861 CITY AFFAIRS UitiWoIuILOSICAL Oboarnitione for the Ganda, Ahvy* Optician' 68 Fifth, St.-=isonvetad nimm. Maim • 9 o!olpoic. 00 ' 45 19 .! 00 44 v. ...... • Bo ammeter Thai_ of Trade and titic - coneney axes t www...limireetametusseemasseadarlems. TI. Anted of.Tradi has bad ender dircouton at ;m mbject of the dee's . "hid' the country is .4 ooded, and the tO. }kg report yesterday by • committee sp a !device loath mods of remedy for the ex. atit' it MOW Wail warmly discemod and fioal retina ' - pair Sit sluts= Meeting. • Premium's, lanl It, 1661. • 21i' Unwind Jimmyrom V Ms Beard of rived., tont • T e • Committee appointed to consult with the baste, inantheteritre aad bankers of the city, with a View to Sorbing and 'tpeosimending some feat to Orbits . th e loss and Inconvenience nee dig :iron 'the depreciated cumeney which \ pew . "cereprisu the satin eireelatiag medium, re epee idly report that we have endeavored to fulfil the purposea of 'oar appointment so tar as the vary ' limited time allowed would permit. The only plan suggested is, that, by inanimoni content, the mer chants and• saseinfactarere_shall refuse to receive the depreciated paper in paymentfor goods or ac covet., escept at its current rate of discount The ,sompetitioe for: trade between :tee different com -:Coincial,centers make. it seem probable to year .ealwahlteel , that this plan would have the affect of 'driviaglerelitiera to other cities, where their,funds euelstatori readily toS used in' peyenat,—thie tailtieg. is .a sedaan lots of trade. Ivan If this /dinette* Ware *aired, the competition betwitee vidivideals in oar ewe city weeld render the plan imerectieible. In 1857 the limning manntectoren ' of Ike city Conrad into a written agreement, bind 'tag themselves 'Jo .. require current rates of et. Asada to he paiii ise all bills payable out et the city, and par finds when paid in . Pittsburgh." Circulars to that effect were issued aniaestemarely dimritiated, bats in.• tow , weeks:the obligation mingled therein mas,,by mutual, Meat understand. lag, entirely abandoned. A eseasnre which tailed soder the moat favorable possible cinemitaaces certainly casinot,he more insoceseitil when—u sow —it:would . require the attest and elooliate. good • faith of all the! luny and varied Madam tautens of thosaty to reader it so. Tour committee have thanatin. noththg to repairer us as immediate rem ellts-rfop the aktedeg difficulty. - • ' . BOelecommend th at maestro be: taken by the W Tradi r ts procure theansciment of a law authorising the ask, of the city to receive on de. peek the bank es of other State. at such rates of disease' aa will inside them to return the use to the place of 111S1111i requirieg that the notes re ceivedukall Isie'retaiviedi and prohibiting their re-kwee or isle.- •Elech - etaw would, we believe, heltenhaelikertir.*adlieme a large - proportion _ of the hank...Wiper:which maims up oar circa. lulu, linnet it s place to be supptisd by the notes of our owe baalui.. It couldwould-eaable our merchants andlannefactorcie to keep their accounts with the shunted hanko-Lry privilege which main are now deprived or, for the reason that these institutions cutlet tiWord. to:receive the depreciated currency -a; ";par," sad are not permitted to take it at a dieconot. It ;quid make it the interim of the beats, is' erde to increase their deponent, to re duce the rate of,diecoent on cntrancy to the: costar sending( it home, sad the community wean • ho heneated by the ealmary competitioe is this re spect between the banks and the brokers. It would tlie , worst class of earresey I. be Deer home as freelYas the beet, and thee greatly le- • prove on the turning meteor orals brokers,which ististeitP on the pointer or seed home for rodemo ties the best, and pay out that which is the teem valuable, mut, cessequently, most likely to resat is (see to the ealimiutity. We ithiririeoW*liad that an effort be mada to pro . man lb. repeal* to ninth of Section 22, of Article XV, of the detigalating Banks, at preemie the Mom by - Banks th ns ie Comuwea l th of "notes of • denomination s' `than live dollen.". Tble testrietthec in its intention to substitute gold and silvuthrper'as • circulating medium In the Minor operations abrade, was thioretleelly. cornet .• Bat even with las 'anxilimr Ito to - Prevent ofeasill *one tram ether' Bums, it hit not • effected the Odin hatwadoi, Its theory was tii - give to Pianayleabla 'bunt eirealatieg medium than that -privalltet to' her Meter- States, when emit notes An hued. ; : lan remit bas bean, for ten years . duties whialithn,upairnatit has Loud. to deprive us of i currency: bared on speete,• which we might bite, and =thanes therefor the "Wild Cat" notes of other States..,; It is also practically a law to da pritathe Bankt . orPtsersylvaids of a large and val uable hoMe circulation, foe the.benallt of the banks. of orii, and others which enjoy It. It Milieu, open me eltiseti lone., which am no m:tartly incident to an circulating audinte, issued' ens* beta of credits instead. of Million. Is the fair of an existing statists Imposing a heavy was • andMalthig it a Micabild offse* to Msneipay oat, pus„ circulate, ezebeep a transfer "a note of any Bask not located ref Pennsylvania of a less denomi nationthan . 60:t a illars," our Conunonwealth fa flooded with th eibited nous, end scarcely en individual caii found who is not In this particular a transmitter of the lair.' This fact proves condo _sively,that the ngall melee are an atAiolitte rien.ssikr. Tbe people most end will have them, and it teem. - to • your .siommittse that legislation on the subject should be directed towards providing for us the best eke maid! currency which can be - atained. It is evident: this to the cities:4U Neuss Ivania the notes of Our.e./I:ltaalti, issued on a spools basis, are bee tle for eiroulatkial than thou of any other State, and subject as to foster lona, Bann notes of 'be same Banks would , be Carer and,baturr, relatively, to those of tither Stites in still muter ratio, nail we.see no good reason Ark* posy should be longer dotted. ••• '• • - - ' Ws. AteCnitter, . , Rosier Oaa, •> !y na:lllfteen.digui n tra•—Minn . rlel To *Winiiinydny.inorningt bettrten 12 and 1 o'clock , the tobacco factoty of Mr. J. A. Mazurie, located on Bud street, between Liberty and Penn, was • • _almost entirely 'destroyed by firs, together with • valuable stock of goeuli. We, learn the following `Mr. Macarie 11411 the itore at term o'rlock Timidity evezurg, two hands-biting in charge until able o'clock, when they left everythiat secure— Me frost door bales loCked on the outside, and the key taken away.;" About hall-put ten or eleven Weida tiro wee ere observed about the store, by a witch' mita ;Who 'apposed that they belonged to the establistimeat. At midnight the cry of fire was raised, smith!' store was round to be In 'lmre - A smart rain was &Meg, which, coupled .with the exertions of the peewee, served to keep the Banana frons-sprinailieg ,tO _ the adloieleg property. The building, thred storybrick, wee badly damaged, and rut ,requite as outlay of 91,000 to make it tesentable.; Mr. Memorial ataolcoise a large stock of tobaceklierpirs, etc.' The 'Sloe of the stock on bald, January let; wan $3 394 19. 'Maio amount; - lout 1 2 . 45 00... !worth item/destroyed, among which were : l6oAo cigars. The building woe issued friisl,oo9 in the i.Delaware Mound? , and ' the, stock for $lOOO - ie -the • rleitizensAl__• Memorial! low over hut i aaaaaa co, will be about 1%.r. me... to lie no doubt whitener that the - storeirierirei watered sed:rebbed, not afterwards Bred by ibtt,tbiavett;' • , 4 key which did 00Lbeloag to the shop vii, kited' Wile lock of thermal door, os-Ibiriftside,atof the bick door had been- no- bolted. The money dreier had been carried into' an adirolaingalley,lwhele it was left alter baviir Wee tided of twelve dollar.in mosey. .The knob of the safe ( which moe one of Berke ft Barnes' ma- - ofactara,) bail taloa broken elf, be en ouvaccess fel *Sort to force it open. It was evident that the fire bud befit' eAmmanicsted to the end of - the oeuteler, - ifter, .eiliteh the thieves closed the back Tile ease calk* fora prompt and thorough ; INatiaattaa. in hope Mit true pe o apprehendeds r i C!:l7 i tte i t : et r e e g ; lathe Le't the 'ilk:: mad it will bei a difficult' setter for the-miscreants ; .11;111hhia,r1M ahmrhhelius imitehtgesiee. r . At a Meeting of Chanters Preabytery bald it Cities ',Heade tin.::the 31 'call Wei austelied from the eongrratatfons Clis Were for Mr.p. H. Preach. ' AMO,- a ..,Batt, miss received from the congregations of Mertiesberg sod • Utica, in the Presbytery or um. individual. Both thew cilia - were - presented. to him, and the lama at espied. Hewitt. Healy. be ordeeed and installed' sooaniterthe mastiNg or Porebytery le April. A WI !U ;ale *metalloid from the coegregalion pf Ceraseiltilig ter, Res.,. Pahl; ried,unasinitted theOssbytery of Mitiseeld for prediestallel:.—.... Cesearrangir Prestotery ,heid ae adjmneed meet atm 'Terfloreirille, 'lre. let • le 944 for the per-, Ens .cC ordematioa lad initallation of T. - 4. W hillowieg museum took part in.the es cum': Set. 11,!Andenon preached ammo., .Hek,ll.•Bresine pr oposed the questions, tad' pre.; eided,,Per:S.C:Griteraddramill the pastor, and' Hen..7.-C,...Telteid. addressed the people. A all • wit reerired by Presbytery for Ass. J. C. Trues-, dile, bat ki-mr. Treesdele was sot presoak, farther action .yysingeptieded rot: the present. MarPerisamtretari - or the Home Mission Solne:A7, - ealtir the ,attention of the Chards to the. remettaritiortlie Home Meehan tend: The iagehtegereparattlibilehdr';it The' ead - of the hall year, iteriiipailie "Atli 91siDccember , I. 111fies.42. rilhonethilkhae" trot Ire tree searla.erhick wrdd cereal thirefnanlit Or abort PACO: ,To iseetMeas'isdebtedisees there are $6B it the tree. The seals of supplies fits the -sweat palpits to this inelalty is is fu First Ouch, Pniehsrilli 3C6sbrattho Cantons 4th, Light Fab. mu, Ist, liasitop 1 ,, 211 4 . ilaireiderma I. 211, B 411; 4:145/sett; Font* chinch, AUethetty--Jassary, 1114,lintatht Febirptisi,lsti amiss* ; Statist: March Imp Dr. Clarke; 3d, auto; 6 ths Pre•cliari - Mastebssiss—lsattstry ad, Wattage; 4th, haws; 4.0.; Dr. Pill k 41d: . spa 401,Jassisoai Mirth Lti Little j , Tattiest . 4d; Hatebisint ittheisastsos sthALstsseass. Ik - its"' ,;!,b ... Treilrii,:mr . ..;46i-itiuki o f oikama wb50vg.,;16;114191-..sAili';Aia W. lliktritiati'f . Id.g l‘i I s t gH. tHi 041 Wil -asblven " : ko la s ileu ities• nik ... ~ Volliiite!alatiiSime , le ad aroasir =Pm of 000rorkoot rnirlahlefar Par gri..!; - - - _ Vettlet Cart. W . riocusest eau of Sam uel 6 .:.wt/Otkvitarintia-Raysitalts• , ep by Jodie 81. 111 . a. Monday iv still cm trial. • Before Judge Willilsav-10 the cave .of Hamilton Stewart vv. Abrabaci Pettenoo—action to recover $l,OOO damages sustained by ieloriee received from ib• ..felling of • board from a scaffold stetted by defendanthe jury foiled a verdict for plaintiff in not of five McFarland vv. Boma. No. 351. Referred. Gordon vs. Grope Adminiotrators. Action nuns unary motes, amounting to $:16,000. Verdict for plaintiff. 11liana G. Britt. No. 355. Continued. Allimn vit. Mills. No. 366. Cuatiaaed• Forbes. so. Morriss N0..357. Referred. Wadington Bedding and Loan Association G. Rz — Franktiu. No. 3tB. Judgment confoued by defendant for $660. Same irs.i J. 8. ,Franklin. No. 369. Jodgmoo e.mefeseed by defendant for $550. Same SI J. Y. Porter. No. 360 Cootiooed. LOgllll vs Playmate. No. 203. Jedgmeo eonlemed. Boadbehuer n. Meyer and Hanauer. No. 367 Plaintiff takes a aou suit. Wallace les. Wilkins!. No. 370. Continued. , Prosier an.. Park. No. 371. Continued. Barter sa. Miller. No. 373 Verdict for plain. lib $1140,20. Chou irs.l,Jonen. No. 371. Satisfied. !. Nei vs. Stewart. No. 382. Continued.. Itzr..ws. Crawford. Continued by COMIIIIL Court adjoutiad until Wodaegday wornialt at sine o'clock. • Pout of Q6artar Sessions ri nlrlr..w Coon. am John W. Williams, indicted for forgery, on oath of 'Adam Appel. Collier end Hamilitton for proseeution, Shannon and Stewart for defense. This cue is about as follow,: Waltham, the de fendant, is IBA was a Justine of the peace for the borough of West Pittsburgh, and wee elso collector of lb* borough tax. It le alleged that he forged the name of Adam Appel,,a citizen Of that bur nosh, to a. bond to the borough so sorely fir the' collection of the tan. It appear. that Mr. Appel signed two bonds of the same kind before for the defendant; but denies signing this third one. W.I. Richarmon testified that the bond was handed to him, as Burgess, by the defendant. Adorn Appel, Sr. testified that he did sot sign the hood is question, and never authorized it.. He identified the bonds be did sign and lifted when Williams was • defaulter ; also, his signature to other papers. ( rho signatories to all these papers are in German-that to-the bond in question, a sort of mongrel ehirogthpb.l4 •On cross-examination, witness staled be was previmaely on very good terms with defendant. He acknowledged to anybody his liability for this bond, batters the borough Councils ; did not propose to settle the matter of the bond, and Wu not adirised to do sii; for the portion of ems ping liability: At a othetiegof Council* late twit stunner. he said be would he responsible if Misname wan on the bond. Next morning, when shown this bend byliia Sea, pushed it aside, said be was glad he hider; paid any money on this, and that It was not his signature. Never wrote hi. sig in Bagliah. Dill sot get tbe duplicate to canted taxes on this bondi when Williams was id; never author. iced amp onel to coileet on this bond: Know Healy Brown, who Wadded in West Pittaburglz. Haney Snivel: testified be bad seen Mr. Appel writs his buns. (Identified si bond which hedged u subeathiss witness, while clerk of ths County Commisaionsca, and to which Appel s name is also signed, and whiob the tritons also Identified.) Can not tell whether the signature on the bond in con troversy Is Mr. Apparr; did not an him sign li , and would not like to givekan opinion. • Mr. Collier offered in evidence curtain papers to which Mr. Appere name I, signed, end which he acknowledged on the atand,,for the pupae. of com parison. Mt. Bhutan objected, and the i questlith . sou argued i t length, a • authorities being emu steely quoted , on both sides. - .Thelfonweenareallts tamed in evideace the re.. cord of the District Court, showing that toil yes :been brought on. the bond, by the Borough, against Mr. Appel for the 'incest of Williams , de ficit. (The delleitis 1310, end the bond liar .$1.500.) _ Sohn M. Scott, constable of South Putsbargb, testified that he had frequently sea Mr. Appel sign his name, and that-the aigsatere to this band was not Mrf Appel'''. Was not present when the bond was sinned. The ComMonwealth here rested, era the de fence we. opened by Mr. Stewart. J. P. 'Rossi Burgess of West Pittsburgh, testified that at • muting of the borough Council, in the early part Milan summer, to which Mr. Appel was cited, for the purpose of adjusting a deficit in the borough taxis, an agreement was mode by Appel to pay the It,' Race of his liability in note., which M a Council tea ed witness to have etyma. Next i ff Here, day, went Of Appel's in pursuance thereof, when Appellud his son, upon being shown this "bond, Awaited the signature. At the meeting, which was Mild to the purpose of slaking some anaugeonenq Mr. Appel mode no objection as to his liability for the bond. Therepotation of Wil liams for honesty previous to this off& was good (Dermot Offered in evidence the minutes of Council for a meeting , referred to, which were identified by : witness as correct) John Aoth, one of the borough Comiciluses, tee. Gam: that, at the meeting referred to, Mr. Appel and his son Were present, sod that the son had to 'his possession the documents on which the settle ment and maculation.; were made on this bond: these were, i book end some paper.. Mr. Wil liams' previous reputation for bopeaty ore good. • George Widen, who was ale() present, corrobo rated the abilve lin part. After ilefendlot Iclt the borough, Mr Appel held the daplieste to collect the bask_tra I " -- Henry Braten, roller in Sheffield iron work., re sided to Wei Pittabuigh in 1858. (Identified his signature to the bond to controvamy as subscribing witneso ) The bond was executed at Appel'a store. . Cross-sieeneed—Did net see the defendant nor Mr. Appel iiiiite their signatures. Told Mr. Ron, when uked l abortt this matter afterward., that I could not ranee:ibex signing the bond, bet it we. ... my signature. Several wiinessee were examined and testified to previous good character of the defendant fur hon esty. , , :The'defanie here closed, andthe c s immonweelth produeed - lba following rebottieg tea moray : Philip Staines, S. B. Cooper, tied want Spun Minified that defendant'. connote, fof honesty we. not good for noose time. , , , Adam 'Appel, jr., testified that the defendant gave him the,the dopticate: to collect) back tare., to sire hie father, &boat the 'time the county se j counts were iiettled with William.; n ver received any of the balmily.); nothing wan aid about this bond; wax-under the imply/66n lit er bad only 'lifted two blonde, and was snip • d when in formed that be had eigeed the borong bond ; took the word of Mama. Ron and Dryden that father bid mined fit:, • Alter semi farther unimportant t. case was refered to the jury. • 1:111110/1 teillig In Areastrong minty. rs Puuant t call, the cihaeue of : l oath Buffalo townabip, townahip, Armstrong county, met at seloot house No. 9, for the, purpose of inquiring into the right of the seceasion kit our stater State of &jot!' Carollea. The meeting Ines called to order by ppointieg A. M. shields, Presidepr ; James Hill and John Step, Vice Presidents; Samuel Ferguson, Secretary; John P. tfuldiaa and John C. t. eff,'a committee to draft resolitions. The following ireamble and resolutions were unanimously adopte Wu , Oar sinter State of South Carolina has needed and declared herself an independent na tion, Hrsoloed, That we deeply regret the action of our lamer State. Brsoloed, That we think it onus Resoined, That we think South right to secede, from the Halal Radar!, list - We are willing • wrosis that We h tve-•really , dos • State, If we hire doss any it all. Rerselui, That we will eopport of the Vested Stales to the lut. . . Duolord, That are uphold our P the Govereor sad the Congressmen • as lon as they .opport the Coatit is they esue to do that, las cease to Masked, Thu tbeas•Proceediugs• is coast, papers„tho Frig Pros. a MOO i. tM Peliabingb Gazelle. —, IV ALLtOOD FAME PICTINSLC-- 'amed J. P. Erring made iotoimatioa fore Mayer harging Wm. baring obtained Wilton,WO, dub, by (al • Mr. Midair had mold a lot of bogs to • Tuesday, the tatter paying two fort ! ins Sheathe 'weight of the hogs did .1 Went le Eiiise and asked tow lb. he bid Paid, alleging that he bed to finds' heeded all the money to Ada latter stack in bin pocket, at the so Ewing that ha could take his hop. compronslied ;byAdems paying $5 and thee the matter. ended. ‘ BIIIIIMARY ut LIMIRCIACCTILLZ. I o Moeda, i t light, the residues of Mr. lathe Ho yle, Allen tweet, Lawresserille, was mitered by orglars mid robbed of a lot of household goods, ether with bleed, preserves,' etc. Several deguemurtypes were tats, *Moog which were likeiseemse of some deceased members of , the family, four of whom died of coonaaptios wiihis the paint few years. It is to be loped that the thief will eittor return the platens, or leave them where they cue be obtain ed by 8111111101111 who will lot be Oral. to return them. ' AMMAN? Eisrose—At-a eau:egad, log held is . M. &riles church, All htheday 'unbar, Rea. Kthotek. Erin teasuble doctor, wu chosen inistabt salary of 111,000 per imam. Thu teli. by the eoegrelatioa eio account of the paired health admit' beloved sad faith Theme bai bei4Clocated at New C reties musty, for um* time put. I : 'Many Nuovez.—Tiontas 'Babette' of the Gee Coniiniey, ho. given notice stock levied upon as belonging tot . given up to tki etackholvlers mwoha U • that the city hal aaw am title to it wha in Inhofe or In pan. It ham been Cola • imong the itocltbolders, sad asp pa is~lt Most do' no it their peril: • Peony/Arai - a Common Bewooth The repair, of the Soporlsioodoit an:moon Sob. It for the rut pair MO JO* beta Jailed. Tb.w 'Ort somber oreowtooo SAW/ thlbe auto i.ll .77; Bomber of teachers, ioehuliagl4,t; number IffiefPUer 647 ,4 1 4 . Th. toga ems of the aroma fin* oaths State Atria' the you we ,819A.77. NlNarai m l 4 Nagazalt is said I dinto oil *Whim* *bon tn be sash is; artinmdiaiinek: Say' eilorld 'to tkogA,tl44ll.l_ **Ala Um wit' • usetolitfidshWisPtliket balk Isi UM ft - The COOltalaiell Of proper, called weimitly by the Prmitytmlan minietimi - M'Pietsbe r sigh nod Allegben7. , and the Profiteers in th e Ttroologkal flondergyi met on Tuesday main in, Di. ;Panicle's &war 00 Wood shoat After devottoM.l imeroines, lad by Dr. Condos°, of Stenhenellle, die opening sermon sat delivered by Rim Jame* L Broweson D. D, of Washington, Pa., from I Dints! ft: The mambo 1.. highly 'Token Of by those Wbo mere pres ent. 1 At l ibe clots of the sermon, prayer was offend by the P.m D. C. Critchlow, of New Brightoo, Pa. The amaranth,* was then tilled to 'order by the Rev.,Dr. Edlott, who tionrinatsd the Rey. C. C. Beatty, D. D., of Steubenville, Ohio, for permanent Chairman, and he wairmianlmonelly elected. The Rev. J. Hughes, of the Prubytary of Red stone, and the Row. I. N. Elam of , the Praboury of Carnets, were elected &oratorio'. A buskins Committee was appointed, oonalitlng of Rim. Samoa Wilson, p. D., of the'Prsabytery of Radetone, Rev. Loyal Young, D. D., of the Presby tery of Allegben,. Rev. John M. Lowrie, of the Presbytery of Port Wayno, Dr. Hugh Campbell, of Uniontown, Hon. Jaaob Slagle, of Washington; Rev. W. D. Howard, D. D., of the Prsebyotry of Ohio, end Row. W. Morrie Grimes, of the Synod of Ohio. On Wednesday the tonventioa re-assembled, and after the moat devotional exereiswelhe Bum. atm Committee reported, with the following re. couunendations I. Thu one hoar be spent in devotionbl exer cise', and in special' prayer for the pretence of God's-holy spirit .updh the oonsention, and the di vine blessing os its labors. 2. Some addresses oe We duty of humiliation before God,,end conteision of inns which have grieWed his Spirit. 3. - Special prayer for the blessing of God aponi oar beloved lend; especially in the present exigen- Mes of the nation, that he may overrule for good the exilting evil, save us from the danger. that teem to threaten us, add be our God as he has been the God of oar fathers. Urider the recommendations of the cesumittee, abort addresses were delivered tiy Rem Mitchell, Gillett, Swill, and other digingoished ministers. About two hundred delegates ue in attendance and reach interest is inutifeeted ie the proceedings latettlgrowee. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Allegheny, held het week, at Bridgewater, Mr. Monad, ion of the Raw. Dr. Monad, of Perin, was licensed 'to preach the Gospel. He goes at once to labor in Mr. Chieligare colony where he spent hat summer Rev. David H. Jiarron, of Mt. Pleas ant, Pa., has been slanted Profuse' of Latin In Jeffeehon College, is plies of Rev. I. N. &PHia ney, Who resigned coa . aceiseat of ill health. This is an !excelleet appouttmeat, and it is hoped that . Sir. Banos r rinipoid fayarably ..... ....At meeting of the Directors of the Wester* Theologi cal Seminary, held on :the 15th, It wad resolved that the installation of Dr. Pascoe, is the' Chair of Pastoial Theology, shall take place at the close of tho present term. Dr. Pastes I. performing the ditties el the office with great-soeeptasee Rev. &double Batley, D. D., died at foe resideeee in Port Damon, bliss., on the 1.3 J of Doombor. OUR .BOOK TABLK. Tbo Oconorkoo of au Irk& QUI; or LIN Iu Toro Fonds AU( Amoblograpby b •Itl. an Introduction 'by • Lady allow T. J. York ; D.by Jacksoe rltgo• boigh, Hoot • Moor. • It ii claimed for this book that it in founded on facts-Land that i. made i bled of recontamination of it. lA. we rennet undertake to prove s negative, even it the call were more important, we shall con tent eurselve. with repeating the Frenchman'. well-known mying nothing more lelre thee fact., sleep& figures!". Wo cannot accept thin autobiography as a true life-story, for we know it is notarise to life, nor true to nature, which is the fountain ochre, nor true to art, which is the reflect. lon of both.. And therefore we think it it not true m poiht of fact. Theitikj Demlkla Of the Cfetallne; or the Tihe. of the, ►lmevik • Er her D.vl4 Deramb, D. D. New /NIA: Dolby X Jecheon=l/161. Mahwah: Haut & Warr. Thal region io which the seems of thin story I. laid IS one of both historic and romantic interest. Genital has already mail. it clessic• ground.— Whether Dr: ideadoch will add any new interne to that which already attracts the toeriet to this beautiful region by the adventures which he re count* in the volume before no, we know not; but we do.keow that he has bed mope enough tedo so, in the mese amid winch his plot is hid and where its characters are supposed toll.. sod move; tbe men and Greats of the timm he his chosen to illaStrals• tea is the 470 well-fiiled pages bound up in MD b ook which he 'offer. to the omnivorous modem reader of fiction. Talcs to Tot PIiFITeNTIAIII.—Nine convicts were Yeeterday conveyed by jailor Small/ from the county jail to the etate , e prison to Allegheny. Their zanies are Patncli Dunn, Alex. lifeWhirton, Eliza .Jackson. Tbomu bleCaskey, Jobs Carroll, David Knight, A. C. Craig, Wm. Pelham, George Smith. They have all bees coirrictod during the present term of court, and were eenteneed on Monday last. This is the largest number ever „seutoner from our jul in one day. Cuu.o Scat Dl.D.—Ygsterday afternoon as inflict sou of Mr. Reeves, residiog off Santlifiald street, near Virgta allot,.vmov meensany isibired' by mend ing. The "Mo th er bad goes up etiire, leaving the chaldren about the table; when one of them took op the coffee-pot sod poured some hot coffee over the orci sod shoulder, of the other. Itillslarien are not of IL dangerous Cialtittet. .Aro Fos Kmilee.—/lev. J. E. Caretberi, on be half of the Presbyterian sod Lutbisran churcbe., in Leechberg, has rorwuded to Mayor %jiff.. $ 25 , - 60, in , aid of the Kansas fund. Dr. liff code, of Brimingbsta, contribute. $5 to the nme object. Como ooswy.-011 Tuesday, • little child of John fllcHimry, laborer, residing on Rebecca street, Allegheny, was shockingly burned by its clothts taking fire. It vas only four years old, and its recovery is doubtful. Disamicsago,—Mary Hoffman, aged ( t hirteen years, left the house of her step father, Jo, n Lett ner' Duquesne borough, on the 30th of Driceinber, and has tut since been beard from. The Remove of elm thane lOormente,lenco of lb. yell, ) Maim filllot • —As there werr comorder'able ex citement in year community with regard to the removal of eano•re horn Allegheny Arvenal, and various rumors as to the condition of the forts at Ship island and G.rlyeetoe, 1 deem it proper to eh. close to yea the fallowing peer,. f.O publication, believing that this official at-saturant will to ream.- eating to your reads.: krepectfolly yours. WarAsegion, Jo, 12, 'Ol. 3.11. MOORHEAD. WAD D AAAAA MEET. Jon. lith, 1381. ' Grerfemen: In reply to be enquiry ountibied in your nate of the 3d lust., I hen .he honor to oats that the order directing the shipment of cannon from the Allegheny Menai to certain Forts In the South, was countermanded on the same day. Ou leveed gallon It was satisfectorily ascertained that the for tilloadons in queotloo were not at all In a condition to receive their armament ; nor will they probably be for several years to come. Thia will mote fully appear from the letter fsr . Orineral Totten, In charge of the Engineer Department, which annapaulee this communication. The heavy gun Weaved to, amounting to one hundred end twenty-four In num ber, were not manufactured for the torts to which they had been ordered to be forwarded, our had they ben purchased by any special appropriation for the emoting or arming of these forts. As they would have been entirely unless at the points for which, ceder the order of shipment they were destined, sod as their transportallto through the comae, could not have failed to increase the feverish agitation and apprehension already so unhappily prevalent, I did not batten, when the matter was brunette to my ludas, to direct their ratan to the Arsenal. hatony the titutional. atolion has no • Vary respeotfully, your ob't rervaet, J. Holm, Secretary of War, ad Wain- . Swum OANIIIION. Senate; and Bon. 3. K. Idoonenan, House of Reprmentativam. Swami* Dsr, AAAAA wr, WAPITI - NOM/. isenary 8,1661. Bon. Joseph Bolt, Secretaryqr War, inahingtan,, Si. have the honor to state, in seaway to your inquiries as to the state of preparatiod for the armament of the fortifications at Galveston, (Tense) and Ship Island, (Mweiamppi.) Viral, The fort at Galveston, for which as sp. propriation of $BO,OOO ha■, been made, lute no fortherbeen begun than by. the erection of tempo- rary buildings or quarter. for mechanin end laborera--of store houses, wharf, etc , aid the making' of other Indeapeneable preparations. - So far as we know here, the ground ha., as yet, hardly been broken for the leandatioai of the fort .We may, at any rate, say confidently, that even the foundations of the walls have not been begun., redress sty to our elude, •e Constitution 'resident sleet, •1 our district, , lion-eu, soon uphold theta. ; be published Democrat; I countryman y teeitiJay , be- Adams with ; preteuate.— • Adamson e lot. Alleg nt bold out be moony which do a climate; a, which die The' estimate for the work is s4l3,ooo,—and, as to the rate of apprdpriatiou or late; years for similar works, we cannel expect fall readiness fdr its imminent In lees that fire yam. Second, At the fort on Ship bleed, the Working force is now engaged In the constrection of the embruarew of the lower tier, of which the officer in charge hoped to hare four covered ie by let instant, the others being to ration* states' of ler• 'nudge's. =MI he ease was to Swot, Not a "platform has been laid; and some month, wiLl be required to tomtit the Brat tier Of guns even on temporary platforms ; and another appro— priation, of at least V 35,000 mast be made and applied before the wore can be ready for its entire armament. At present not a gee naiad be mosiated. • • I have the honor to be,very respectfully, your obedient nal ea sou of the • war, at • .wastaltelt , • Lod is. al toloister. atl•, Law- OrDirirrrsir.—Dr. CL Bill, N. 246 Poen atm; Wands to al4tranoltes of tbe Dental Vfofee. don. Atoliocress C. Basa;;Water Care and Rows pubic rhyslelan; also liiplat kr Rainbow's oelebrigsd Truss Os Raptares._.. - No. 13S thaltbdald Si. t Preeident ►at the pm ,e city, wee e age, end -rer, either pro rata in porches- stirAut, ehoul , net ail to read the wows et PreL t. 4•158 paler. z-TO LIVP.—The'FOURTII ba ; .....x of Um DUMB BUILDING, For* UM or Ago toitio% nonosobto brim Appy to : ZRIL?r • „. , !GosotblCbaating soda, 11111"Bwoo FOOD.—Attention is digu..... this most remarkable sad asisaidlls prepsostlovsS la ,soother °ohm. II la s, seistisi Dew , sw , must oot be eastoondsd with yof the au pant onlieimi of Us day. It li a etortslis rowdy be aft shie di...is siebtfli.d, Sad sepedalli those olf a shmaid sim i u. ...ed loot etaadlsessof weeks, esoathd,aad pats. Mhz: sos, to WM. 00121“ II ii - Dirromt...gAmlrairtMO Dee sede mots ix it, sod mho psopristord of the sroshisiamsed Dr. limisal Unman Vcis. so ankle ' , MD eserd IllotheiWoold We fa bwisallahre *kW 11=1.41 sad esiadsta& se It. dais, as Desegatio as aphis add klad.it oaf be Vt fils gab he lowa sal will h• fond ea üble speetio ta all sem sitialtatha, DiOdflisiDi s4ollis :seneed; Odwatmic • .!, 41=1rheifilewors. Ihrt Nis tor M. I. Kann ,k.: • / Vida" MOM* ph 111011~ ..I . l• Ii.iIA•::',,.L;.A.LL;, t two or to borough edirret-• • to'-. Notiv ead Colonel oßr. .1 iidvez , elliMt 40 0424 ed to , as , . . p• TAIIIEGRAPH. RECEIVED AT THE fir, GAZETTE OFFICE. XXIYI&b Cougrtlii—Setaid gassiest. wAsuriop. Crrr, Jan. 16. Homo6lr. Cox, of Ohio, Pr.ionithd the few"" tlonSpasied by the Leglalatureht Ohio, expressive of atthehment roes Unto', igalnat the right of arsiee-. elun,ideclaratory that thuliu; should be inaletathed and earthen one State interaveddling with the lawyt oC another. He said that bilthoesti the Legislature bad oot unanimously putted tiateeTesolutioas,but the State hie already beton the work of weenie tioa,thy giving a vital stab ho the person' liberty aad he had been assured. that the week will go on till every obnosione act of legislature shall be remoras( lions his statute honks, and lulljnauce done to all petitions. The resolutions were laid on the tattle and or dered to be printed. • M. Briirge, of N. Y., 'permuted Memorial nu. mereply, mgeed by cilisess of New York, in favor of the propositions made by . the Border State Com mittee. The House, on motion, went. into committee of the whole on the state of the Onion, and lookup the airmyhtopropnation bill. Garnet, of New York, thought the time had I come when they ehould °asunder the impending/1 dangers calmly and without passion. The catis of the pre ssss crisis is not the mere election of Lin celn,but the domination crone section over soother; differing in character, institutions end ace. The Republican party has steadily advanced till it has gained possession of nearly all the northern mates. In conme of time the Republicans will havaih6 neceirary two thirds to 'change the Constitution to the deteriment of the Beath and the destruction of het prosperity. Mr.lCalhone, years ago, pre dicted the rosette or Lb Vicious organisation 111 . Northeni society. it siontrols the Holm& sew, sad cannot be long before it 'will be in thin entire possession of the Legislature and RxecaNvet department., mama therelia some great charade, which is not likely to octal!. The kepublicars ; party is an anti-slavery party; without opporition to slavery, it never could hare coma into being, and without this It would dinette Om party; Ail eminently sectional buses. no Southern State could approve of it or nutter with It. pre party m Made, up of with heathens and deserter ; from thirdernocratic. party: Tee corruption of the BMte and olty of New York was nientioned by Mr. Garnett, to show that the na tional workings of the Gomrament were timed on nomejtoal majorities. Mri.Garnett, of Ye, recoonimended a Waft, and peaceful reateation. Mt Gurley, of Ohio, said that'll Gm Dukra Is bro ken up them will be war, and &cunt will be as 'to who io tha strongest. Dld Swami Pooploolput the pupil of the northwest to told theis hands- with In diffenntoe 'and see their stuuboatii end Into and thilr morollatto sent hose? Row - long 'wen the potpie of thenorthweat to 00011010 peautul under those elsomPitatieeet If • Who passod4lrLog the Pres ident authority to ageing thi sanitise of volunteers to aunts thonational noesrument,l you could have one heridnd thousand men from thi West alone, and then Ist tho wont soma, The pieplo of Ohlo - hose, throuib their legislature, neatly unanimously pass ed resolutions to foyer of tualatelnlog the govern ment.; - • Mr; Morris, 411., said that the treads is again the efinstuutioa. It hu geoid to lupe proper nee; is heavy footateps STe beard all around a , sod the molt hopeful begin to despair of the Ha patine. he sooner we make up our minder tuistldisanion the better, ten should more on wi steady servo, and unfaltenag atop to the line duty., Such te the verdict of erer, patriot. The last dens is the Lecompour drama bar been play ed owl, pieldeclag one baud the overthrow of the Democratic party, aud ea the other the destruction of the Government. Whn''.pould have deposed that Mr. Buckaroo on Me retire from hie nude qq to FOglind, would hare brOnme the boom meat the nation. Nero fiddled, whil Rome man boning, and Fr./Went Bochum's' while the republic he felling to rain, complacent!' comer forward and say. that be is not responsible for it.: Bet be (Mr. Morris) said, with be. whole country, es Nathan uid to- David, " Thou art the mesa." The Machos* of Manes mull overobadow Bachemut'a memory. II there ware needed any other tasenptioe on his tomb, it eboald be, "God ante Mere, en him." (A von treat the Republi can stele "Ame.") It he; bun said 'by Southerner' that Pruldeot Ihrohaoac Is the loot of the imenitetional President& Is might with more trmh benumbed that he Ia the first of theaoturtitetional tyrants sad maws. The Presidia bee virtually earretiderred the goverment to We tuaissionists who gained his tor. He trav elled With them to the mugs of asulaion, bat re fusing •o take the flue lug they tern their keib bladewagalest him, nod be new mho for hap 'bleb he pregame like a patriot but nets like a traitor. Deceitful man 1 he sure that your eta will find you out. fidjoarned. Fiarim—The Vice President presented a ears sage from the President raiment% the Senate resolution of inquuy u to SW appointment of Hon. /deg Holt to perform the dales of the olkce of Secretary of War, nude main by the roeigamion of Floyd. Be felly lortb-the legifilresone Mr.;RGe, of Minnesota, Introduced a reeolutiou providing for the appointment of a special commit .toe of not e s by the Umtata, with 'saltation to fit Mitre Into the expediency of awes k general let for tbeadidesion of sew Sulu, and a re-adjury meat Of the limits of Califoroia, Minnesota end Otcgoii, First. The adadealoo of Now Head to be bound ed north by 37 deg., let ; east, by Texas; south, by Texas and the Melina booed:ay ; west, by the 114th degree of loegitade. Seeped. The admission of Rama to tooled. the present territories of Kansas and' Utah out of the 140th cleanse( longitude, and aemallvortion of New Healed nottb of latitude 37 degrees, and that por tion ofillabraska adoh Ilea scuthof latitude 43 deg. Third. A. enlargement of the 'wadi :lion of Mteneriota to embrace the proposed territory of DacMh and a portal of Nebraska lying north of latitude 43 degrees. Fourth.. The enlargement ellarjanadiction of Oregon so ea to ladled. the Territety of Weehiag ton. Fifth. The readjastowtet of the iota of Califor. sit to is to isolede that portion of Utah oil New Mallet lying west of the 114 deg. loaf. Co motion of Mr. Bigler, Mr. Crittoden's 'solu tion wet taken up. Mr. Latham, of Cal., opposed the smenditent. Mr. Powell—lf the amendient is accepted, the constitution will be so amended that the aitentlol2 of sisetiry will be forever precluded; ws will tiellit get Cabs. He did not want to ink* soy step which would dgein precipitate Me qo a ctlon on the Azle/l eo people. They understood the question thor .oughly, and If this amendment should go before them, tbey 'romp never consent. The Chair—Mr. Toole, Of Vt.-..decided that un finished business, being the Pacific" Railroad bill, bed precedence of the special orde r ', befog the bill for the Omission of Ransom. - Mr. Bigler, of P►, moved to postpone all other buelnati to.take up Mr. Critteoden's amendmauta. Mr. Wade, of Ohio, railed (or the yeas and nqs. The tnotfon was agreed to b 7 a vote of 27 you to 20 nays, The tote oh suspending all other hi:sinus to take op Mr. terlueoden's resolutions was: pus 27, and nap! 20. A volts wss taken oo Mr. Powell . * amendment to the lirse,asellon of - the autandments, after the word "terrltotty" Insullog “stow held, ar hereafter to be ongoing;" pan 29, nay. 24. Mr. Collatner, of Vt., called for a vote on post. pooiog Crittenden mutations, In order to take ■p and !de a day for the Kansas bill. :The mallet wan jut 25 4 ,nays 30. Prucsoiciamta, Jan. I4.—A large Democratic meeting, was held this evening, sod adopted rewa-- lotions iippeatiog to the month sof to tarn away is anger Irmo their friends, leaving them to the doe poilam tit a 'motional party.; declaring that Demo crats are tree friends of the Union; recommend ing the; repeal of levitation unfriendly. to tee south; Opposing of the Critteedest compromise, sad, if ill efforts foil, that a state convention be called ha determine with who, the lot of Penn eylvaalsishould be cast,—eitkor with the north and eaw, whom lanstioime hse preelpitited tb• misery epos usi or feel our brethren ol the sou th , whose wroap we feel as oar own, or. whether Penneylva- Dia shall suinJ by lieraelf as • distinct oimmenity. ready ethos: occasion affords, to bind together the broken Iloilo, and rename hey piece of loyalty sad derotioif. • Fon? K ,Jan. le —Mr. Huth, either at this post, ebb volunteered lib servitess,:lo Col. 11111 u to brings delegation of Indiana to holds council, re. turned, having *hind deletions of :'llrole and Ogs. Isla, Blob, on the Republican Pork, about one bon. Aced mliii lit!uttivreit of here. Re Minima Col. Mtle's letter to them, ()gelato being the outlived party. TheY replied {hat they ooeld sat come as their hothes were too poor to travel: They also laid that they, so well as their boreal; were statsleg. They wanted peace and would not' o to Fan they would mime here a. coon as they Were able. Mt. Ilithreperta thelreendltion as wretched and Many were dying of the manilas. , Rie report has greatly 'relieved the afprehensione of the.sattlere. All mite itsestornlng him think..; Ntw Mauna, Jas. 16.—Voluoleere are daily drilling for 'reinforcements lor the surrounding form. Coasul Pickens weal to Yen Cut this ourning, hearing ;important Wubiogton Oiepate r hei. The Arnericin Comasaeder, it is rumored, lo fur con• contratino of ties fleets at the month of the,ldissO, slppi sod the harbor of Piano°la.' LAPCitrIZI, fan. 16.—Mr. Bitit. a Promineet hapublinan, recommends a prompt repeal by the State Legislators of eafrieadly leeialation , aid the appointment of a COMMissioner ,to the border stare Stater, to con aaaaa et the ii I I6WIITiIIIS from the meeting States ADCs pledge that l'eserylva- Ma will de her fell duty in fatifilliag ell her Con stitutional requirements. t hang, 10.—Gen. Din entered upon the ditties of his °dice 'ea Secretory of the Trammel, aad attended the . Cab Met =sato( yes isidll' Mr. Rodman, the ehief 014. his beta rammer eloped l e act as ReCreillty ad intelia, ill place of Mr.Clayton,maired: ' • , . - • hen 15—It la not trot as stated , that - nisi sloop of :war Macedonian milled op} sealed °Mem She will. word tbas eta snaky igo, ordered - Maths Solt Squadron, and Is on bar 1 Innteiaeoite, Jae. .i&—Beery S. Lang, aognated Gamow on Stoeday,wu to day sleet. ea United Slated - Senator. He reeigead aid 01 P.' Illotttot.iLiaet., Governer eppearedineet wait aware. - . lerriniatz, Jul. 10.—..,1is riveriurbiag l lowly, mi with 10 4ot watailo tie st; ' - • : ,v.., , Cisiiiiiiriel;liii;i6 f ;:1-Than ilia** nh* nit au foam wog* impasinloadal. , CoMMRCIAL RECORD OOPOUTTIS OP ifternuinovc rOWJAIIIIARI AND • I naatrainr. :MPS blanks. P.P. amiss P 411., JIL, I i.oruans. - Pasrlaos, I JOUR& iSPDIIIII. prrrsiltusiGirt MARKET'. [Raported eVeifkillyfor th 4 PltjirrgA 610"44. • P1 416 M666. - Wlmmomm, Jag 1111561/ Th• poem! mmot of bottom today was tistet,th• MMus In th•prodots uttrkit Wog roslrktd:to tb• 411.1 Statist Marotta • illgbt hapromment bowmar, mat lb* proml/0,4 day.and the general oplakis thist ' tem oh tJa•larans, Rasp whlbegin to briattrit awl httprois.„ • • /Looll—coattanto to mom whit • nett finally, tn. do. Mod pagan, 0•10$ of • last ream. Prices ma Ina •WA fusebagged. Illq•aoto o. follows: .; 14pm. 1 Ilmum. I Is • ha, that" 100 Ws from Mory4— -- P. L 00 do - . wdo --- 6 046 70 20 do - . er do 4„,.. —;....., 660 76 .dow ei do 600. 516 600 46 do •w do 600 6 9.1 10 do - •w do 600 661 — 21.0 do do p GR.00291112-34w—sundy bed onclusogal. Robe I bhdsikt N. 6 dodo. at 73467% and 3do do cholas at B eo Uotatown—firm, 8•1•• of 16 bbis st 116 c; 20 do do at 340. sod 10 btds do et 140. Oodas—golet. Sala of 26 by M. 10.1 and 16 d• do at 16016146—the Ist sr for chem. 011AffC—OM• tiot ck. Tg .k td sattdolL 6slos from depot of 276 bush at 26c. • from, wborfot 500 bath at 860. 8111150, 711111 T-13•1•1 of 10 bush Ponchos st $1,714121; 10 to (quartm•d) et $1,76, sad 26 do spplea at 90. 011.--Same of 10 Mt WSW at 80c; 9 do Bo 1 Imrd to azzotry 94.1, sad 10 do,B•Sowl(larboo at 650. - • 3001(W11$,IT it.ol:so.—ifnl• es 1t... Mora at 60 maks at 21,75 12 owl, and INOI IN at maw Ligon. OEM ESE—gale• of 124 bze W at 10w, 60 do at 9%, sod 40 do Hamburg at 110. • GLOVER/BAB-311m of 600 NMof. 3566 bo;b— fvolootorm and /Oda hoot thst Minds at 54X. APPLIM—PeIm of 20 bbla prim* st 52, 20 do do 111,506)52,•imd 10 W. do at $3. 1101/11.111f—Bohn of 6 bbls Pearl at 46,60 p bb I. 1111113-9.1•• of 13 bbm at $1,55 for Ito 1 Ulm. P66X-4101e• of2oo ID. Is m. DIANE—UIm of 10 both Small Whit. at 900 70 bosh. noeuvren:Nr. saw vuetacittoiel.. , Tao Philadelphia Mint le new turning oat enlnt very esp. Ida. The mould reelied Isere la are woritiog dava es ' owele$1,000000; egos! Witco millions pm month. Thaw bg camalatkerolgoid. weinorde very great, there Wog to day about ave .dat a h If sailllcate in the Amoy ova.. await. ki tjtro n if Mass at o. leer, ll:rupees 'of" , tito amontmodatiou 'granted .1 the Irma at the adopt of the Lute Oettileate wimp. A mamosat is Dow Made, which will probehty b. ane. angel. to *Used the me 6:s laming thew eentaeatee Co tba lot of Vetch, ead redtemlog Ma let of 10.11. These oertaleated hive beed imerai r ae tomato' a Web Mr the etputelon of dheem e 4 of the Duke 11.1 Arms sewage to mute oter to with them after Orli L node. mane Ur anmey oter e the book.' ie modmate, Ultra e abotelml.. Newly t NO . 11 tent:' ID the diemeet home' aretelsie papal. Is emu u 7810 V cent-461T RIO. • • : . lemt - Ougalm.lltaiterdta. 12—hour up roll, ael had. me undoes la rialiseed 86,60 lies liopettioe. Need Pork to good demand and pima advancing, Waded at $1.8,011.• Lad 7=nod deemed bet moterate. Doom Mead, at; ird the C. aboold ' arid Mom. Whisky very doll; nod . the demand quite; Iliad! at Ito kr bestial. C.. IRK ehaopd, arta tb•-driliend bat birds rate Sugar deli, add , the tour indent me easier. lb. Weber grades ere onehang , ' ivel; toll; fair 65 , 1e,litiroe to choir* 16460660, idoleente meaty st 214524 e fa pains tubed:. Corm arm it litall Cot substage OD Raw York Ilitt dl.. Met had rather • detente.. market Ordag. a dii .d.c gp. pe r ked to ho goltelmilfenent,, aed bat litticiaelto limo le make Wawa to weft with Abele •bo wen droned. Bel lew outran, ask sop, tot the Nude rut below .or Let felling quotatioea 6a 1166 $1 wino* that we now give $6.16 •• the km inn... fearing SOX le the high: Ebit haw of the when hare bed bottlog today, and at puma' rates td wrIV•It bat hi°Ube bur, Woos It divided to all the- Omer. 6,006 Neel's:Add mane Lot light work.-10.n GIS, Tneeday. P•11.48.41.P4114 • of 114•4 0441141 wan • assail wad dull sod li c 25os.coenparad Vrlth to 18 50. lb* larger 105 16• mi. The Gallo pablles today at( 37 Ohlo,lAbrabascul 15 . OBaldals /Walla IWO.; • lb— S SS 47 . 80auatrerg .... 8 Is TS Oblo, Clem sr rwtha Plrglola. Pup.** 3 lA, Va., Uocbraia a 11 •0__.._.......... ...._.... Va, nullau't oor • SI Illhaok. 15 4Q5•41 5/.44 SI chow/ 40,11105 i -- 7 68 do 11hat. Mac 8 10 Clotatar 815 1 / 1 11au 44 Magee co, Aabd 689Y jf, 10 Cbadoi 51 17 (Amato , Rya •Traloor SW ' 411.178aavar. . .... 7 OW 5817bastat ocardy; * Mr • ilolauder____ 6 OS% SO Omelet ea.. 44.044 —....--._ 7 089 11 Omani .7 8 859 10 Chealre eo., J 00 60 Ladlaos, Loll • • 7 43 51 P., 7 @a Id Pa, .1-11 liCooar-J.-1 • (4- 17 Pa ,John Oman. ....... 8 84 5 54 114111beed Nunn, Jan. 1111.—ftne MOO WM ed sod .old Y P 01414.80 ntdt. tb• gootrolly bOll a .. *Ulna ogre week. atn 4 5 11 Ma =w ' h et/ .. et ll B l 4 m k o lb og N lb. partlottlan of the lake yntek ....... • About 100Cowe and Ghee were LP fired and eolic at ham . S2B to $!0011th, wm Crouolooa. Tbaltrig Merkel wee twist. aadat.,.% koco were dirpooed :Z6111 , 444 arid et the ant r a. yard at from 67,6031 A bud 211:0 bade Imhatra V 81.18133 the 100 Itat ast Of Ob.. p intoo 6,oooyeene armed so/ ,014 .t from 4 to 65(c It lb grnee, ..In Reality. Cameo, Neater, Jen. 13 —lllOO7-11ec. lyte 3622 We. Market active and adeancalno on obolce Denude. ee were es tollose 203 beta . -Ptitneton thty" (6.t bony). 54 b• 1 •" 1 - 711 e17 0 511111.°.600 bd. *41,1.4 tett ^ ml di bris