11115 L e- • , she oof amkod.nrytglieel it not of retwithitudi The foutlifil4BearT Itr * " I Apia jiin 1" -- ' 3 3. ' pen, ~, e , _ lit g tt ail '-. ' ier el. a I a ''' I , a -':::. ‘''' 1 ' '•-•"*" J ..... U . ~, ..) -. ethlideniouts of the grrattoterete of bleep, I ibis hoax, doidaringliv t. webnir bt loillise tote ' .., -t' - ".. " lllMlNglantir,je r- t'' i ‘4:, • •‘..i .... /: i'* - Me rthilltion will Cho *hat ibis fort of i ennui " Ti, '"it tr etcy , rvedentis"ref "Capt . .ll '''''...l'. ,-- 11A,m-gsetwresmo na , ''":-^"-^:,- ,•- -' 1 . i , ,-;*-, .-- . .--....—............ thing is wth. , `, ' - t ' Fain Alvons " loWhictil6 spear 0 I "' ' '- -. .'" 7 " . "'"" ah t I ' '' • 19' :- 41K .......ns a., tretuasot.s, a. ______,' _ I , la°4 '' f^s• ••• rano- Titan c or b e at 'd.4l. i titii,rolud,ofity' r•cooficed " - l ' ithrit gyal ''"':, u Th e .' Le ° vr tl l '- - : ':---• ' 4 -'- ' -- .• - ••7- - ' ""- ;-- . . ':":' __ s`>• 7 i! T' I coo who lie tient tiny pdrtion et ble life in •I hizru2ted . llinn ' Me n a: of . .;!" - •; anle .ThOrni a .i. :. ii 8 7 , . n- irize. ' . 1 ! r Verner or ismtritot irt.i - 4-- =‘' , 4, t • tv a. El ti Et TOT T er C 0 .. 85 Cl c• le, a., - ' , Bowe, that the enti.elartoy trentiment•there„ IBulidlog. aro on to r , poled to coustitute In °halo ' I • ' t i t- gvi 70 Ai ,i ALP _pre orsizroaa ___ f especially in Preece. sad: wort especially lo I ging _ ••l- I ' _ ' I ."- ,', ,„" , i --,' FlTrf3l3 =Fftc 3 FmC: ' Seglhed, bears &boot the time . relation tint to ----•••••••-4.---1.---..- • ,' ' - ri/Tnu i 6 a , PA; 1 ' 'lliog lED s ' , D Til t , te, fatiattoistu invalent in 'New Eogiand, that ica ` et or ths Criarivatemlwevro in .Nett 1 se,„te ' I . 4 . ., •-r/ a the pang/nay of nitric geld Nara' to the milder - F°rlgt- : - iieddny of arab Wittegar, 1 Aby attempt o f a The,telegrapirio-diepsrobeslsonouociog that i - Dritimh Ministry, for exetnate, based on what- Fort Moultrie had been evacuated and dlonno- ' CaPC ..•• it. evev donoideration of counntintal profit or mste- ilea by fd*i Aliden/ 0 0. Via boirizioed.reliterdoi LEL vtotervilare, to espouse ti, IN pro slavery aide cf about noon aodproduaql emu etableaeutiolor. so Ister.thete quarrel, would produce a. vote of Crowds gathered_about she Oeirepaper torah,- cleuure to the House of Cole!Oloot, No immediate 'Meng.. SIDPItIeCt/7 Waltiolg the llPPetwannet of sad decided as to throw tint htiolat t y oug,, zy the evening FePein; and, Abe *trio - us bolletior, PAM beton the lapse of, twenty four- boors. whenthe Mogul:thee wino poottd, were thronged The popuisi pressor* which to ratoorrialesaly by nu ( wafted gobblinclet wider to each h Ilfsbele converted the Island of Janina* Into a barren lof &be P‘rinalore• .04 'Chattier. to the street, waste, wallid, with equal "Indians, eacriflos the in hotsla and bat-loony, thee:totting Deere was bread of • million British! operatives% rather gbo topic of reinter. mod in nub) OalleAl Of glob then tolerate"a step In the direction of govern- ' Unit dwegleagon- The Iziolittet k lor the o 01 "ibe 1 mint MI to eitisysbolding ) lower, ins contest authority on which Alej Audenon. probably favolvittg the isadatenaeoe or abolition of toted -and the results !Any flow from the wove. shivery" main, were earnestly okoiroaeod All Corte of ___ rumors were current . liome gild ft was bawd. Tas Misslesippl Secession Commissioner who failag--thia eorrendtring a fort of the Bober Whi dipole:4 Oa lotted Gov. globe of ilerylaird sloes without , firing a gen. of before even CA owes lon, receives Aut atild comfort. , Gov e"seebe rem be 'cm/ to' e ee '" °`be , Cote- • praised theatragedo akill which stole a ma U. rertte at length to the oliell7 of the on-the tbreatettingCaroliniaaao t ud, erh --the odisioner whether be I Oovernor-woold Ininisgposeeetion of • really dere° tionvene thelegbleints for the purpose of co. Pe°. rendered.any t i od°P 6o °7 ;or nee poet lingo:table. The inovento operatic/with Mississippi Inloaseetares " .6. lta avows but would gre try to defined the rights of lb. Booth, and to folio yes o f collision, by s i • ne'w confettersey," concluding by saying Um tort Bumpier lite zu hates he la Pithead Mud there Le no hope Of tac k.. _do aver adjustand,waid not until then will he tier- I"°' lo ; "e 3 collision odunny power with which he is vested to afford. oven an opportunity for ouch a proonding " or r ' MORtiAT 11011271711 T DEO 81, 1860 laUpst frog Washisitet. •.: , :the:ll?petaboe from Weiddalitoti toodelid Ink I " ‘Vijiciii.iiisoesdivisieli io the cseblee4iD iimq; c.rolimleommusti.; Fort gis otter. Itoeeme •that.tbe 15eIieoehishdiliii4aonedereiOodiego:Flih the ins ' Ident tbse.lbe NM to talikollo sattio"natopt qie pert of Boutltearollia totolgo"port000lott.,ILIjor. Amlar!on's 'prompt amino epcdled UderarrsOgeOeht effeetoolly, sad 4iMitoo lbs irtioltMlML6 cibidOL- The; deldidei at ' ProMi,tti - , ..atiffirOrobie to 9 . 041 ttrossoloitsto, bat,"l,ii,iiio.:PMl4o; Aloe* •Miollastioss VII la thole Levor„; sty bold e¢4 to the sod ee folio to he:oeeti: c 4told . boa reifteed h 4 poit rj utLittatimplo mill bloom) tollotiod by ntomi ippt; and TitootiO, of If oryland, bat; f ltiottotottisM. . r • ~ Ti 4 nont .. litee, osi,Fridsy ulster Sigler d .. otter Nsllans. Dominos .called on . . deal sad orgsa blp..to lA. stsp4,aga4st glides tip ,!it? fans • Old Public, Fiiitaitiaary if 11- abisiscixasfortidites position as bilialentl «l ins! ifejas Andersen abould oosopy . .it Fort - mpuitirk'ilth net Sumter on ooi side aid tlii fi!stenion,44i'*i v ite4 OA the othei. Tie Illeollmosat of tko,Sooath ? Tim tame fkklitit Dompatioa of POri,l3nottei by the Omit Major Anderson heaters noebted timnaghouilhe kl,f,rth pith the most enthadastlo abrovol. *New 'York, Philadelphia, Clooln• nett, sad Auk akl/allizern. the monde army!' vtio turroanded ibineviimparhnlietia . boarte. at the same LIMO oxpreeerd thoir ado:4min of the tionsloot of the ooeimender of the r forces el Charleston, owl their innitempt for the l miserable oseentivii who refcsid to rotator°. him la the hoar of The Ptealdent'a faithlisaneas to bleArk MIMI. le ovary day beooming more and attamappanat to aims of all parttek-and i pile connplloinad treieon "rain the bone at the o , l 4 6lll . — thit - itilitlatint ot, the . 00intry 'lndloateo taikatriotin gentles To the Union. ThO poop!' ha nnetthitOnitbinspreeedantedananially, that, lb. goberamont Mut be maintained and IM an enforced. to the ooadoot of the proud Ezeietilie they hire nee alnady too mob' of 1 the w lid *dho of noillatism and oonardlet. sad itieY lo w long for the time when s Mao shall . Gamma ticacentrol of pulls affair,. Thi;l"/ of the papilla la la Air, fie linottledie of tie man, vs feel amnr itoP! fail be fianzed to te• ewer.. , vadat in tim Mad. A little 04..14 Dimetebm to .Ito.tho.. 1 mommaros, 140 22,1880 —Go event whist" ley- transpired within my.- motivate° = ever leiansed so Moab excitement in this as tbi 0000pstioo of Fort Bumpier. by Major Anderson. The intelligence of the affairn &abed btre early tide morning, sod since lbetl every one has been .bintymemilelog coil Imparting, the tkonsaad rm.. mars fo reference to the metier ~ it appears _that Mejtrr Aodersotes course wee take n on hie r i own responsibility , fokepporPosa of stengplt. sting his prosidon, and thospreierriag the limo of the mon pieced midst his oltdrere: _The-Pres. 'Mut was,entirely unprepared for 'nob decisive salonen the part of s sobordinice, and .4 once neat for. the - Seamier, 'of VIM. sod Generel Boots, to know what it meant iAt ibis meeting unite an angry dispute aroem tie President and Beeretary of W detionnoieg Mijor Andereon's aoudad, mid cluing the4lll had violated or• dies by fo ingFort Moulteisend taking pea session Fort duarplar, whilst Oen. Scott de fend is oondnot, and pretty pletoly iatimated bi *tempt for, those who lot only , premed hog to sacrifice Ib limn ct inoimict men, lit oleo exhibited' a diapoiltioe to wee lawn, taut defenses fall into tae bandit of ib - ienemies of the country. In- bio opinten. 21tior Aodee• eon bad dons•embody right, sat 170ald bat bariti soled otherwise, sworn as he • to pecan.. the lives of the officers and men rind' his n eominend sad under eiriot 'orders to def did. position The prlnotple of, self preeervation required the oemthation of 'Fort Sampter, inbloh futilely oommandad Fort Moultrie, fled f M•jor Ander. V atic two 80 Cr71Ceistarimit Durum son had not taken pomempotiof It, he would i have been placed (vibe sleety tube Bomb Car'; ilk OR NUM 0 lab Carmina We SO. 1. .i , •.. , i ,• .. _ ' 01.10% Ja illiliCitholo ; *Rose tuts , lon A , t ae M .. lo ili'ioltioirPiro . . plOiliffli to make their demands kave thrown a naffloleiat taloa iii it to force • his CM timi ' POVerlentent., TM Washington 0411114. surreoder, oi Moore hie demo ion -lannedi , •• b ei th en g of no , ji r o,il - Aogirkai thus nil forth atelf after this meetlog a esblert• commit psi L - -I , ' irlist, Ibis; dam dr are; 1 7 . , , - , _ • sl o e advisers exonerated each 4 other from ail .i'..r. , .' _ el'its tbree CoMmisidenets frowiloati Caro-, blame for the 01411t41 , 1t0Oril which n a i m follow, C. Ithalls&thdb ethlail d 4 / 1 1111 . mdlithe s la b ll92 th sad naked le the oottolundon JANA Mi Ander- Id PriththMatirtheo.„ th1„ , 411 0 avoidall owe° ma and General do bad deCemnitted to act , i ("- ''.• emilmypoblioll7. it this uecordus room And fof te Ihion, add oot for the treeldent under Ll'- - - - . l _ ''-' met_ _Cp_recclseski, ir imilvelitictl aa Ilona. 6 Who., orders the laws of the ' +yummy placed r , ~, Via *kid ar ce d of-j consortous mitlideei Might them Too e eth ith es e of ,me hi th b ee dth st i m, .!ill_rs bock imolded - l'ito objest of this commis to the, state of thecountry, is a delieste n Contrissioaxit's Orric, slop tith- theall'i th the (I , 99 eth • TtaL foe flat 411 •• matter, and thee* ta m emote to hope that ilr. ''''',,, !,,, slitrth.v,r,,,V•moir„h*A,_6*,:h4,,,,LBB9- , liver./ OP 160 (01114 Millionoth, altathaassa•ad Buchanan will not I f putts tt by micalliag de" - ,2;l, l '"Tt e r. o . .;; l n "'"V 9' 7:5zb1z:17„,7417,'; t 1-. llib i rr .Mliiitlitll within tkelimits of Booth Clio Hai ,e , Anders/att. if thu gum 4 be dose, 1 oer tha fano( Ow iLoidbolduo•itailogripaitod to lb* so * reline. aimithleo for the apportionment of the Nee. tome °maw &my v ia b uo y aN I .4 m ai n &loop e d. tee IlLoefare Orh. you to ...was Ilia lik,. .- .°- P I ". dibl i s ad for . a division Of an otter his (Mad paeltlos' and offer blsiseivieee to`-ris r'dethl49'''''93'.°"&"7,,ala,"'re,:lr.,rjr„,tetzr.. , .. 0 field by tits goferomeot 'of tho wilted conntsy. /Amid ;111 ,- attempt liii made to take ' , civet{ v . :: ii boot loans I. , trfmi s o of Limo connerutd. ' 841449 . _ ~i''''• M modal PlmPOollioll. Wbioll Washingtoo, as the Regain, &sell the• Examiner, 9ronir e i r mildi x. 9l l•,,,,, th ,,, ,"2 theral? Imo Ibi s Mbeernment to gime up public of Richmond, Virginia, contused, sdnse, be I •:',. ''' ikiiiiiir - `ll9.oololmml prop/sty over-Mllitra 'South Cerea l :o not only .telll 110 doubt plum Mattel! itt tie head of the , ' --.-. '' i Tlithiquilimitill jarimmetion, but ithanowletked militia 'of the District who.: e all Meyoted to ibe I....toterm. oiler'. IKOTO logueot... 4 ' lo 0 ,,,, 01i0r0 kloe.- --- " " ' ''''od Eitate•sotoreseelsit l Beton. i hk . hooir ,,,, lii lb., Coavehtim b•kt *9 thi.liath 'ILIUM% 4 , - r , I builo7.4oforitl thy Wept.* to O ne Ocereolloo to riro. i _ l 4 lOl l l O Pr.,ibot Our mitlialii-talkAif eutoadiag the atm pill. oembia .3 am cam J10a. , , r. Om Cttl at Pittlitelabod. 11 1101111 ltd 40 Cellihloll. tope ,." The Cabinet are boy it, „,,,eie e . hat ou.en .. m • on moitosb,taextuo.yoro.l n•to.r. 'JO fan:M. this die" good mire la take:: emit tbe tom tik.' ,of I hely CO , pZ,,t, ' 7:ZlV:t i 7, tr ..1, rn 't .7 t b ..;'''''''''''', .le shit Mae. The liberations shall , not transpire. . ' ..oiroiitiy &also tk.• . ..,•-•• liocooloci oYer again. -- -._ tvosuutoros, Tounittry. Dia 2f, 1860 - th 4 l. 4 .'"f" -- 1 ,,,- -, . ,-.- , S 0; ttliTitllli•-• Tie intetilimoes a M . jar Asaergunic-rlz , :- - f"ri , ..' 1 •,::: --- -- ...mut,,,, ~,, _mums vemoval from - Fart Moultrie to li..let r ,:t”, .- -, -,.. t. ---t• ... - ' l -C: ;!, "••••• L__ """ 1, 114 "." a ...."' •,produard • 0f , f,7 -, . o , ~,..i.11,1„,‘R, irtty . , %loi s I - - i - -- ''' 7 - -"ir - ~.. /••• •-•. a r..•,i• 3el - ' iti6 _ 410 . i 6 brebk &wail . ~ '' • leurar i ticior6!, •••• •••• it • t* T l" I'' ' ‘"". 11' ,, ' 1,,,, 1ci / It. "H_ 465114 i . "lit 7,41......: c ,,- iimtt 14 MA dtri,f el.:. ;.10 ,-, ....- - 6' : frii . .til Ti - toI r•evigiAt., eLAbses oil p. ,, , , ,. ,-.', -.. i I r,A r `it ~,,at,h,.i „ 1,.....„. Lii,,, ,t, ~.;,..,,,, t , r - r,l't i .. - ...tavallVA of 11,,,i 0t,6 ....1 foonyiranta .. 11 - t4labk io Vr , ' ": " ' '' - , . ,- -- ...• nodroild Coon , of, la.* sal tosn..*lilroodanop.), Z. 4- fly •or..te ~,, ,l ,„1,31, t ,51 . A.:a - , , a.y. 4 , ‘.. -...,..... Fe Werra and Olivtgr, k:4ll.Kwultkacupcal.,ll4l:lPtit.extr^ 1,--4Tilgill, 17' ' '` Z -61 , 1 ,_ ` " - f 14 - 17"Zir r;:br;l. ^ -- 't• • - `,..%-i , tiiloolll. cod all ft. Wayooand °lingo itoltroon Ci.rt , fsor. ,' 4'2' pi t'ctlittg .- - "'t ~- fr I- ”, • '.e ,armor ft, ee l: oi th outepe. The em. or LOOrtuffiuktkre ba*lug tem Orsipteil,ll.• imad ahil ‘" 0 " 4 -T. i• " instructione from the IT r -Department, 7,,,,gr,:ttchav,,crl-ztv:-.7:,,,,,,,..t,1,7: ],, 47- ' _ .. i. " 2: 1 . 44 e0 1 . exempt to told the AMU - 6114 SC oo the defeat- emus po II •.e.l, to hi pirroa., of um ...al, } tAr rosomotodor the al ele,, ae h his iikpira tbgt Gra. pote, fayrred rmum Intmr.rd are ...Ines.' to , rol 4nd .thesv %ca.. Th,*Onlikftillio7llth tilseisp, ;ben reinforeements ,sere retailed for ''''''mk`'`• '1 -tsar sh.m ~,,1 X ,1 : 741,b „ `: ;',''''„'`,T,7 . ,t,:::l7„„ - , lli- II dominant me ode Port Keehn. sod crimps may hove 186°104 - - ' -••-- - - - - tEap lilt e_ l 'mama *WI iiidlevie dais who cow ..on—intreot *adonis , tbi -.- . ~: , ,,Ifloodopi _Ai' nemesis of tbo old Public rasa. 4- . 1006: j. 'IO - amp reizotbtriii.ittiliottili Cilia Itafls"Tillikii oi7. *".Pledue*." It is7 ll : 4 .!.01 au trio . diiiiitteala- iffitObtili history et .obt »J bas Etrodsood,ilott Is so tinning. •':4liii,„lii soor7 - polar...filo, so th e Soups Caro-.' - - --- Indoso4disos., Ai, fa amt. li /lc - to - abolish tbs Mb;of 'er, 021 4 1 1 6 1 lid*. 4 , * he 19,04410 n, *deb it 400: tobt.bovo timed kiwi) jo: - ... , Porbspti, bin*, vooiltio tbotootlooo. to ~ .of Attic boa bore boon 'Ot a afo - r_ eti_fitiou . omit sit`OVUM '.o:dogoot roopece tiLl‘trtir-iii of Ittai- Q . 10We. .44ttif Pooluotioa. otitittortied porpooolt, CI Volta' by ail Meow aloes-to Pasoldfint aisil ii14)111 - iiintrards. - Vie N 4 t;tcgaii OirOiss °alai r Jae mut rant ear to - 18.112, It As thinks it s intitsit . -SIM obi 341 dOitaubs,14 If ft , easn•Jititi of aislic SW `.WeMtioajof, lb. -Pools maim otiairm. i Tibia dot's wedge, 040, - ;. j. .Andllitt' thi, tholeilisr • 4itta - )•xerths steu*k. if saliCio init. : 1 Dirmir iks ge,asioevitabli ristilt4: 10141imiti ipt• Wail it as Ruth tilso4 - 111 ;4ad.wkits be liseriot - tiiiiiitr:tassid but at hi imoiltd , dm - bolus Is a .4 telt 1111,Adialaimi - Om 4HtmeArli#l,l.+o44llUt 4.4 '.4l iielilit VO:). g laie Aka 'commit WA ripest , Allihvoivaiiiis.inria'of Askiiila4ligid lb* orbs. iiii - S?: BO Alt ft eau be et 'll fil 4 41 T OP o PileVof Aoki! . i tiko4; sidlii , tholtigbels lAsoitia - are "ntitpr , \,,,,,,,,, ..!;-•-•• , . , .- sj 4rwmF IA aiv .. Iter 4. ouolf ' T t erkvia quo .1.44,19,!0b ' ' k -1400wagturee• ..,1541 opw ItVik, 4611; ov it 0 4 " 4 "j -141 s so Tan Pommyltialla Legiesiars win 'meet 10110 Tre The Goveraar a I megsage delivered at ibe foilowlog dajr, them ..g, D° probsbllltiof so) , dLelaulty to I, , 15 ,P gat ""' of *Wier brikaoh...l3ov. Ca . "1"1111- 6660,6611 b. Ibird . 4lJaaaar7. 1 1 1$1' it thsi a at everj lace than tip of of the pillion* -t It iiIINO it aohno‘nodapint for tta Wingate", , ParEAnno• Is say mat 41 Enly to rem hams fort it lb. hands or woloomol by ascii:lob I 3 elle othier lo ditomaii of the maelon, Major Aadeneon had the tight to make the transfer. [bough ft undoubtedly leaders • dell eau reopen:ltalie, under preempt cireannoanoen The Pre.ident will be arged to toPercrils him. but ea the force hos not eau segmented,' which was lie point railed by the euteorbles of %lath Carolina, be will bailmue beton veattnieg 10 rebuke tele act. _ A Cabmat meeting was held ea the subject The D 4 unionlitiieiainicie MAjer..odereoe's conduct is the armrest teem.. lad regard It as exhibition • bowile ou the part of IN Ade:debit polo* Tbry sty it slit preelplia• a I aisle, but others balers It le No beet petan-pre i severer yet demised. While Miler Aadneent held. Poet elatopter, thine VIII 1* to collletost:' Weillearon, .28 :-.11 ca gene,. • t ally nideriecioce that the telegekpli °thee ~•t: Cestlestoe wee lo the lands 'of ;be alits•tre, el that plat. fait ofebt, sod ootbiog excepting whet they oboes wu allowed to be tent moll 11111. moral, shell Pk o'clock Mr. 11.11, lbe' Phan:outer Ventr•l„ his mai orders so tea Sub Treasurer at Cberheion to re: mit ail the balance-486,000 on the Pat 011!6de aocen,i—ln his posiesefoo, Immatlmely; to the' ' candle Oiled Department. If thi. 'order le not complied vile at coot, ho will defend of the fedora) Goveratuot to enforanhe order*. He altroallieereolard, as before loggiteed, to sup. 'rail mall neither to sad from South 'Corollas It the melte are I elerfated whb la that . Stale. Tle Otbltet broke_ tip to nigh.: aver five hone sealat, entliont taming to say eooeluelon relative to thedleporitica alibi troops'. Cearlee 1100.- Tee baptise/fon prevailed. that • olofbct wee in labia /hetet/try TociAti lid Mr, Welt Paimester General, urged dehoot; tb. others • farther usattailoa if Neoeisery.. - "1 - Tie &nib Coronae, Cornallealooenr ematrittel• eued es Preside.. Duchene the Iltit ietoma• teen be had of thtlivicostion of Pot kl.al , tir. I cod 'e sparred (bele la dlgeetioti so Autilelation of the undemanding en the pert of , lb. Pederet libeveratoriti. Intense etoiteuretti prevails hem ' and may remora are carat. • One ear thee Andetua II to be removed: 'soother, cUil more tidlanions, thet be le to tateloapy Pert Moultrie. ' I have the bat authority for 'ale( that' tbe Cebleet aerie to tio 'eattoluiloo ole the pubjeot, bia edionined fo alfetrthe Peptide: it to attend • 'dinner party. • • A ale - pitch tesefired to.night by • member of *lie Cabinet/nye that troop. are pooriog foto 'Clarlattoo from all dieretloce The oplaley was espreead by .11 prat:nit:mil amber ot the Cablael tolitght me,' that war. le begun. . Georgia troops, - at list %victims.. errs citadel to to lola - qui' South' Caroline. Maas, - Tau entewnetrit atesat• Kew , . Aar Zweite Yoking to tbe liteeetve ere saute Caeollieet. - The Chitelatan Newry bate ben gears! flat/ - imaged by publiebing bogo. offetiot tollbety sidetuts from the border elsedAtateil: Tao foLlowleg, which fl prints my Onapletteatly, Is the Latta am: ~ • • . lb Apo! ohlob bsi siiioithy whit ibs AN 011 TELL .. lasrodir ”Low Mount - au Mulcts didl.'... } • ' 4. Csatle Shalom Bdikliog," _'' - I.soutilinds, Kr., Deesmihar lb, 1860 ' ' ASA CideLeito• Atiniwy, Charkstow, & &-.: ' Dux Elnu —Nos tsoorlog •b a . youi Le 11111... Adds wi ll seised 10 Dumpy the h000rabl• position sitasinnrior II your glorious old Stalk .I.sdopt Ails alitind of ass* to lost i StaLs Ins ilonitUd jlesain Mtn st;roirlsellle ' - - Ws i amber .72 soon; , :Mt sad Ms: , nod et oar lost visiting:ll iine efisnlin owl, mai rod OW n nen Boutin . o . stolin I. FR ASIIINpTON _ _ : ' , ., - - , 3:'•:'-ii; 'l.l . t,:'' !Zt.t....)•.':;.: , .4 -, , - --.. retried _ preeili tbe °bur , Icommsoder or itisterist tovesisist be.getiorelity or :people possihtitti.or,ei serious 'int riot tivriere it trod' actual The great .bloOder or oriole ri Maj. A,odersoe Withosie the Disoessary oraeoleine were everjrwhere Oestuseed... • - "alirCol) ttit aed,CT/Ir Oa atirata diesgamakka alha ATaiiMOraltione mod, kroactade mu. miteptioa' ma; be tie retch= >Rol Toa may care ahem 1 4 Mkki4:7," ..d parmatiitly,?" 'WM PFIRITV lITIIROPATIItO COTO It or 0000 a AN) rikvaa PILLS • .1 .J. dOttie Work'. :Toa need only take eke phiMmok maul nm yralibuigil 6 sot.; At. cl cO4 nn.l hoily wlih 416.cti0314. Eli 1 / 1 ,64,11.-, hall met a thomems'a tOatualieinio Itormega', with It CE of D4iat!oac; and twroti . dittstook kamedkrt, to ISse wolocria 6 5ti , .54; 1116, 412 ter, of Ritmo boira, ow Ti 6/ . 11, it acse, 2i rem. and,iCi. ow Roto,ditaitry the ettiglii4,4;at'or ssoo,,rrw 0n0t,4 Ermit or *km.. Itio s of of lb. Arta. Aiddroloc *Dr. ‘.. - LIIIHRUIthTd . B. (ht.: , So.-463 iiroidolly, Now Tortt 4014.b)1.;31. fULT(P . C. fitsu atroet, - *Omni door hoot tioiliirti4l6;;Ageat luiPi4oboto[k. idolkddrolakt , Sair•blas. WINSLQW, experienied nip) asei Pamala Ph7afills, bay rbr'thu4rim wibiblaroniktarsolly tha prietWa( teelblq hzjealloaltak;, the gaftti,rattnelag. I aft Itamitftn—arll) Allay all padOted la rue to nacalate lanrehl. Dattesid oral lt,mothera. it 1.111 - gly• reit to ,ftailatTe• sad Mkt tad health : ft scuar Infanta. Pat faitla aa:aaft all arc—. ft,,,taailor aillbMarly? , I:. • . -- f.tiblit.-.4la . otieni:, •,( OPP= Plena:anti Nnioriv.ttilctlLlWD Oa - I Ellabation.; DeNiimber'2o;lB , lo. J TUE eat t, .or ' , the •••=ftr4 BGilhboiden of tilto Plaibolth sod Stva bearillr INI rod C , NOP.OU.NIO. b. b.. 41 o ,, mortus, Y , 14 vie , ea& °Mos. No. 114 fourth pleat; ' , Pittsburgh, be. t tre+a, the bohis of 15 deltiOhh Sad - .13.0ku.a.rtt.„ st tiro, stud Osman Eh•CtiOil for Prosigent - sbutPhveb, Vrit grill he bold toasts.. forth. sustimg 'age, - 114111:4,r ..BIDNE I• P. VON SONNU!OtS2..-F4voilary,, .:urrtee.thturate eaturite.'24.thateen. 1 . "Tlttebatah taettntei 211,,1tiC0 . TIL 13 'ANNUAL M tETI NU •of 'this ateekleldete et the (leant., irTqtliro 4.ouus pia*. eynt J. held m alttlit/LV: the 14tb . Saimen, VOL at tttettiit2a., Nn Its /earth West, flUabUripi. between the !mei" et 2 tod 4 e'clock m tehllt 'Vt. end place au me tea for fleece:ea will be bale ei sem:Oaring gee en .8. r. fair Don; Emir. 88,881. t., TUE CITIZKSIS °FMK FOURTH :wA Ni brittetortromtun.. t • the I.l4l4thrilt Wart 4lnwlu dussr• milli:4ow *Wad surptiogFc. boh -at.44 21118 (11ciad)) 10/1211N4 - I•ll.i.3lstitt iLlnek, thnleeboial -Jeal4ttsat ba.186.03,; 1.11 Ale broribt ba law te• //veg.* , • ' • • • d. "'" " . , o.l4rrs If ORti II -1.)Y.razva,'ei1u....0..v...t.. , , if el 4TRol.—xfbo toiritti-toot,O er..b) , "onj.llimf it oho_ IIftIifkr:ILICITION fat. illfortoolltblficl; ocrlo V, 1)49, Doc/nubs" Slck:Ot the &room of stii4otoclatloo. tollkupro fn., sto !o'clock p..,...„133 cotliw Of -..... , • .dellUit .. :. . • ..."..- '- 7 ,ratuaki4viD • ' hbe r d sbii aosseada .; . .04% •• S&CCID - ANNUAL , IatOBITION U► tit 111139.1/IGU • 'AST 411S111001ATZON • • 'WILL °PIM OS WRIONEOODA.Y. Deokeirabirr lath s tx JACCSOW RALL coessfr . rmis - •ind ,Cl a s. at la i o.lmagy.4r *O6 from io a. to. so 4 p uti rpm 'GU ba. adeala•lo sent. 64.411 - lektto SO Pato. r..... 4111.00111 SE RV Eli UP NV ' A 101144 • 1142,1 ma 10UU 12.. by O. . sniumsolt.. hs. akaims,fa,m. wok ea/ RIVe .... . . . . 11.) 11 AI V • .1121406 is fare; I/ goat pdipla. et color ,1216.1 salvo vow; log tram toot mambo S., LAI t •• • • Stets ead IWO Koran rot We. • 6.11, z NM 0 neet• ownit.. , Ow hae,. v!'re . One Id KNe—Yr e aro prepared to Ini11•11 PU411'8(.1401 Walla, with tatkevp..., has Ipe4 11003 .44:1 oirtror V 44.14141 4.4i1y for *tot. 4441.144..1111/1 01411. 4 g 4 OD" 114 W, 444 a/. 1 .P4n41414. O.LILLEuIittiYY kVA LT le_ t , R.. of Or Tbint Alkkiler. b • ei.)) , 416 n.I Ha, ne ul tbattltr. odenodos ditto kviettivot Petal, throne.. '.IIr,CO II EN . 4 . . Y1)/tit 17fir.i.4102 1 . /OulT taiblatits )Issota. Alf•theaj, • Obil tte drivbe the tittgre6l am boathwoua. ,• • . , • : .4*yr. 'Alb) atibtrtisair!ile4 • • togirnAws couirr • N ;be matter of tho Partition of tholotati' - or ItWIN II IMO. drecraed. • , i 11, va tab or ap o•aey of Ow Orpb•rei Outlet 41 A I VgbeVy *runty. tb•.•atereigited 1112.1.4 vl I exp..; to arta. *7 ee•asape public ornate. or 11 , . Cul:01T n04tt.14.0. IL. ot s of e.l.k.Mnib. On 1 CI Oal. it.. - 1.40. - a Jerinery. A. P. PAL at 9 ;Allah P. sit cattalo ptt. parral d voiced situate to the kit weed al. llat o ry of Pittrintrcb. •o 4 brood-t 1 •od deft:W.4 fullinta.ro wlr .1•• in• 1. (rapt to tioneford strut of 25 :at, tied •areaaliet roSnob ar about 121 fret lower& S4lOlOlll La •na bwr. tog tbeno errt.t..l . 94w d htick •rentima in; lo front and • Itvlisealvalo lb. r•tr —644 the Ira m. right...A obit% the earl Job,. Hrrd died seisa.l. : 464 writ itti lb be .894 by peocepiloya 1p partition 111•1 to NO 11: Jae. Taim, 1160. WM A. .11101191071; tate4.a. 'Neutral We, : for p•rtlattlan blotto of + . . • • • JOllll lttartnt N latw. dr.Blllitnell: PittAistrgh. Ina • 0011A — N i r COURT of Apogheny County, 11,Dacenthor, Team, 1.67. • 116 TILE TV CRLDITOBaI or VTATC OK 30/111 11% tOWttil, New- 04.14 slter46• 7th Jai...7,110h the eut•critet will par to lb. er.titor• of oath Xtrat, by ardor of Ooort.• torelDrobte•4l‘4lll•l•eet and Pitanltrabtba pot nat. of Opole visitor. •• &Wired by •lewele ftputt Auditor; l 0 Mo. 161 DranntateiTotak. 01 ..14 court.. • •• • • . 11.2191:11WYLI• untying tieocah,r. , , delt 111•te • lie. 71 gaud rileet,';, A. LIMP 1;81111131.131.> NOT 33 Et Pima atic.., cginnets:: too: , ptiet •L'A mf , F!; ill 41:ot:bleak bf best:at r.niatt?s!lrr , .)AfrirA.tcart - ,. " 6" . " ,tdoittalca twti*O. Itmgraitm aui! Poloaos: Tee. Ott bona smS• at ••• , 4.3 • . .PHIII. *DIM VIIHI4I. Pa. • cres.zza en,t.r! nitationet 1014DA01111 ' 4"th.f 1 .4• 1 4P17. •0r' 111 ..7 • • • • 411.14014 JOHNSTON, •• - Asa. , I* Wu/143 . 0110m Family kt.Olcrate,. 4.144t5111)1W1 :onnwr7.inlibB.4,l mut l'.urth etre.% APrGras--35 cboice Vippios . and mn iiinmior: • • ... • COHN MCA 1.-11151411. PAN Oura ' • 111.1 AU ILI R tl,-.141 b64t.1i0l ~ 4.ltD-401)D1b t Got Larl . brygsl4 . . cfflom.MiallodaWe=s JUg—l !Ala. 1:yo Flout; .- 4 1 11114T-ILOIIII4 wk. 6tlto wag 7 . . ~ bl{ • , . kr otlf t 7 ?P. 91141,/a ° .°°° 4, ~• ___ _.,• Itallnitn. 4 Brix ir, , wb•loo4oamentasofflteiss ef. 'bbles. Jiro 1 , loon, diewyr , iftinsprposeactotitsgobt., =patibuirmiliaait Pow- ; 01.rtg 9 ,01 * -6v4/• %11' .. .- ,- -.lisfeemiie; . _ Riad oeou 1)1,9414,8 t a isikitt , . , . . ,i 4 r 4 di ,,, Lbb UV I. ,3 . . r s k " • , • '....,:, ' *lnitl44ll4inat. " 1- !2 1 4, 11 3 i....'.4•W .a, 1 7* -a' akbiz..... , iiii •• - •••••4....}..w.--,4......,---:., ----" VAIR El BiN KS' SC ALES. ---The. undersign- :,' ..t' ad .11.rfog ha... lippoioted- Sea ittszta . .Weetertt'l.-. . Paimaji•iuh , fu- eItILIBANIEb'. VANDUID EICALLIVI ' deour It - bizini - witary to entsilato *ay ititilatl Lotto. of 1 f.S.jr a...kV as ties 1236 elii - xl tho t a co! .tbfrty 3..0.1 71 . 01t0,11f., embtftst.sani. thin/ :vuletfe.,!nu which ...„ gm, Wog rr.5igt414,44+1../....0t1y.C74 tl..ligL.i. B. Poe. W.= sasoof.durere prior& . CARTIVRIGIIT & 'YOUNG . ... ware. if Diseetolid • F.L9Uft I k LOUR 1 ' . 1 . . I i-0 bige Daiwa... xx irs.... 6• co d. chot. 4.1... i or ~ b y , . • i a i w l) d t 'Gr"`"1:0"' .1..Aan..11.121 Llhort? 4, • :13/4:..4 ' - :...•'. -.. • 11. Uolditii Itu.set4V: A l :o3 P ` L 'h g ~. al - 4nitom►fu7sol,47_- : .= '- 6i; -4 ' CULP & frIIEPARD, US Libor at. ..... d • 21, "! •' 30 hht...,* te . 4 . - 9. 6.40 , • •I • - -':':,- 'iiin is. JOkriris; tit wale:.t. MOLASSE B -100''bble. :New Orvp'N. Or snivhinv, utvrldolnottey kr .417 ROLL Burrsic-9 bbLk choice-ROIL Bui .o.at' oaLzorme co. ILIE It - St-400 buzes.prime- W. R.- Chpeae. Aa-eals. 13. Daunt, +Kock A T SNOWED UP - I AL SNOWED UPI SNOWED -"UP Araixourn I.„tin isrovat The fed here' and Minna' Stat. iind-.l4lgrime -nest 'Lb* Podiazi. and 'PUgrinwe Rest I.— 3d 3ANITARY, . . i • . .. . ... . • 1. lb. 011ie ItssONstk,ott rite above do Itk• Sr II be outdo yobbo the ;non 4.,exottlota sllwbsoitleg •- •ltioldont, of Nob almost o !op. goo le sosious to lire* Or boot , eta.. Be il • Ilibblttb 'lbifeb.ie; a' 7/AO! , s.i.. litz, -. 104 - 4 /me: virtttrii At most rerseriosal• New ; Yates Ptall4notwar 4 balif slits for Ito tubers!, exwooksgand-Ctirllllor sof bilarft,'Sio' It and paver. wblob Cr..,. WI too WO web a trills by I otot ittattoodiobt tato lb* botiebOld St Amity faulty Its , , tits but& :Soldoto If. slier, Les Wociti boo Pabllottott . =Oro, looted I. soltersel petals& sr. Os rommoutimeel of • tow Yee , not 'Watch of. lbe wootkoletager•Sold by thSplt ydw's lad pedlars wba wer , all sitotrid op ttystber . poi th e a emorollo bowases. arteraid to, an WI - [levelly bliodsl . t sirbOtt;lty tbe %titbits. Is a Pyle wi. oars • gootel; ettrirllvo sod t otortetelug. to this sow otory.. . . .•-• I • - The Mame • stprr Awe- bees retie..o opeofolly . for VW 11013dIttiOtp rel3llli 11, a:5.0,6940g In Zio-16. , lti I:1 .. . . . r f ' eelet ' ,_llc. r , .Witsisn'. - s' .... LSEWING.,MACIIINEti.''',-• Household Journal •Ths ravadto Pa42l IT Paper, - 1 , 111 : 1 ; Od January, 1864 . . . .. .. SIXPI PAGES'S. TUAIEM CIENT.ii -,, oparotu PIGILS., laltgli ell.:1•74 'I i ' I - 1 " 1.4";.18: 8 1. ' . L .. r ai lli :l:VZ 4 lt . 1 4 4 1 1 it - , ..J ...: . ,• 161 a DI a/1-11.4.6114. mil •1411, Atm.. -•.- .- i weicairTs.'o....kim .? .. ry-- ~,.•,• t ' . !'l'4°'7l, - , r !".''... ~. .....q..,-,..2, 4„. :-.,.., ~.... -.. ~, ;. , _ , ..• ~ v.,,, t , ..1 ~ 0 44. f!, ;,,,, t‘ ., "4 , .... , / : `'. l . - .7..!;..''.r.'t;:5v , .4171.7:1,,, , , -4 %.,y1 7 yy . •• ,-, ."0:- , ••• ~- , ; •4. •71,g r.1:47., -:..• 707 iiilm• by Ib7 pito., ~•,. , . tr......ti4.- 7 e4.:, pia by ottli7r Agents, ~ .1 • - - . . DROCLAMATION.-Oity Pateburgb,•ii 1 I. .00. r doe odds the overladen 4 a. *a a the • ilein..2l Ameeddy al the Coe/40320...1 a Peoodireate, piorietta for the saarpondoe of We ty at Pfnabargh, see of the Viiteal It applesent la to art, ha tow g WILdON. Moo e el meld city, do 1.... 11.4. aty,trodgao i doe, 10 it Oa ft>. fled? TUESDAY TAU/ kV, A. D. 1444 stye me ofant day . deeetairth. ?deem if •ech Wad of odd rity,^ toolterd to rod lade tore .110. •Clortatt of hapreerstetarra a • tele Illpeanereelli, sal mew 0 4 Pre •trria Ouse of Itoldloe sludge la their to eiartp• we ke 8444 red wile. sod Watt by Iftlia, agar the W &Meet of 4.4 Art of avereely rifted tholfah oay of e.. AL D. 1561: • 4 og went old wary 0a oat person to tai • Salo of. the tteret Death of odd chi, Sad akne pd... tO De mm bere of 141 , CO 01 1 1 ..:044 , 41. .. 1 __. 1 I • admod weal, adepts. re be I lionata of ad Gwen mg too Demo* le to reablis of ob. Cam ,m Oreeell. Third etird,eoe pane to tea *amber ...filhe Sant eel Seer pet . ..trio he agrabert of theOaaaottpiewel._ , a . tepee wept, owe pawn to be • • mereberpf ltre read .4 be:peep...me. be imethere el the Damara Cooed, ?lob edal. am p.m, to We etteedeer Of • SAW sae dye eareeem lope 0.113W11. Of.J.• Otumon 4. ad/. . 4 • els Made. ear ptreoe to bra floater of l!leartia4 drape...nu to be see sage of the Mamie lied. i e t dentuth mat, ose (4.1,.... le he a wad.? lee Set t dente palter to to mealera of the CeedlOgstda, • I X.gtab 1404.; 'Mg poinel. I. be • suanbef the egerd ee 41 ion. Plateroe to be segebore of the Can Cocodl4 Moth ward. ow, porlDia t . .. 4.• ladeber of t 4 &leaved three p• 4.... tole rnenten• if the Ooze woo Coleus. Reda of ohe P .all 04 qoaDded to erne ea • lee of 1 : the 1.1.d0e Li Itaprercaetrove of Ude Gower.Witt., , Arpin gem.. la to Owl g etarieell. ea ?Us AT, the II et .4.1 of J .datery. 4 . D. 1401 • . _. • . Th e eleuore of the Find Ward of adv.:Prof PP laugh Li Wag Wad ' 141c.a. The denote of Lb* emceed 'tartlet (be efty of ergb te suet at the P.OlO *hail Wean la ashl Wad. • Tho idecton of eo eche lb ..1 the ThOd WL4 t f kw Illy of - Oltataire h. Ow 11.• WC b of aed r.a or - Oran re4 laden precinct Ito. I of sofa want, to mot eettoo Reeds Jangeor t 04 dm corner .of Pisa aa4 flia grotto toe g•otore ol leo .34.0 of the? I • erd Pr mete red rut or threat asset bolus precinct :la 4 ledd • rd, to User et die -twee, 11 Metes!, tttel, en the .0 Wylie um! Tipped emote . ~ TiAbe stoners gibe lamb Wail gibe city of Pit nee; et the Dell Scheel Mane tepid Word. Toe elecarre of to mac". Ltd flab Ward ot the . d t li of #ll tebetite .a lbee Ire thend .0, re . . darer, ..l eeet, re prose, 00. 1 4r laid Antra. to weeefat the P.Pe lopes nous oe Ltlerty gran ,la 'oda' pr. tact Ws eleetwe of ea meal o, tte !die mai ...11114.41.0 out rat , 14. 4 woad. ta Foe mend, ett 4 of retel we'd. V. 4..14 .4 1.4 1 1 . 1441. HAW*. Hoare ay the wrote of ?do and Wain epode le sad predate. -:. 4. • Mil Welton gibe 514th Word of the tityt.teiltaDerel l ta: meet el the 7.141,dc0004 lime on held Waal. -... • - • • L, The donors of Re &moth Weldor the eft, of PUMA - tonna at the PLI4le School Some le old Wart The elgeora of the 4014 1 ithilfard of dwelt/ g fatteborill * to meet at the Pet.llc3co4l Worm fa said Wird. • . ei • ?Legation of tumour Ward of Ito clty of fittatrar to total al the w Plbllelleaconloaed th old Wad. i 1111.3 coder se bead eat Itte /ell of the e .1d Ply cif Ineetareh, the Oth iley anoweasber, A. D.,11180 . : • - 0 4elerj dl' . i . • - • . :01:014.011 .W11.50:41. }laver.... D OLLAR' SAVINGS 'BANK, • '.. -. ' . . . No. es rour!ra dram. begwit. made ;ith 661110 bare tbo" • vaiiiri . . • . fraia INN 6 . 46. ' • •.; • •• Oki& .i.illiieri*Trointi•4 COLOMBO:At PIANOS FOR/ff . - tim b 7 WM. ICI otat•e.tored B ‘ll-2•JECEIIEIOLI73 AIII4 A. .411:3r Il• W.. Ilalelmers. • Josr•orm.4)— • , 001444% II V. •tylAk . 1 ,01,3..,...a PIIIII6 ......$6OO : do do -amd mk. ALL (nun errugi. ?ma 12s07.Vvudd. A 1.,.. roll umvastotelPAlNCE*4ll•LuOto4l6. •- • • 'CIIARLOTTS BLURB, ; .., • Oki totabikbet. Man 1D•;44, • • 118 Wocid, 24 doorabovellilli et., .. &go Arent la tasbni 4 • 044 00.41.1 . 0.044, lot Vit.sborein - awl Women' P• 11 1. 2 1.1.14. .' 441 N" CiONSI43NIiiNTEL - • ' DIM Pi lOU LS-ISS bus SairChrnel !Numbs., etokej JC 2 114-40 bbls Irtabltessg • b 0 rrica—s tobte tt•stibsttef.cbaloni .• •. ' ..• . ` 20.111111N -IT bbls Bowls,: ;.• . ... WWII, 110.41Nr--211 bbls While BALA; . • . /LAX 81.11-.40 bat hum ' ' • TILIA.)Sr-;.3 beam TL110w...-.• b ..ts bs &Kl. L. 0. Giiirr. 261 Liberty et. czpiktuoiuites c.cre II klsdi a/• tuuDionit P.1221300R01L 'PLOW ' WORN& • • . J. C. , L.L • prANU/AOLLIM of au; Tpuitiaetertes ue 'l l zovtra. PLOW assumes. ~ i, Cotton Corapers, Colittritote, /So . • . , , Adopted to the various &Ale,of thellartherti;' !Woetein anti Southern States.' ' sa-trimenoury.. Aryan !lot, paw.. doe Way, I/Apollo Illc"..LilalkOwat, y) a 6 • la /Ili Only avow wows. NIP.2I)': tr. brikatr,ft ,pateNtbe DB6tsaß 9 ,tietsii . •-• ; aid .awalailli atae 4. ids loo , 4 mki Yie.treetott* 4.3 g fr ;11. -1 .A fivß =2:l .i,4 : 2l';''g. ' ''..it : :4 - .: - '! - .. -4.1 ' 1 r ., '' -il.7A' "' ',"1)•::li'-F-::f-:•ff,..:..-Z'::1'i:::-...1.-..c -';:::.. •-5:.:7:;;•:-.'':7:::--,-..:.:'1" • '.-::, '',.':':'-'',!.::','-.:1?_-2-..•:..i --- ''''' ''''' . SKIRTS.:! Sr Yin* Wida ind All Oulons *Lib AD ATIANE OF • Cloaks, ibtabs Coats smkwEs, 11131); FT 4 D:R I7O O9;i.IOISIN - 1/11T/1 AND 3111114 T DTEt. .V. D. ROinte,OORNII,I- RTII'AND MIRK IT Eri W.lt D. HUOUB', Co4lPi.lfTg. 'lllll • w. hp.mmor, bouts% tura mai maim? &Si • PREMIUM olt Al-ND "I PIA:N. 0.1 JUST u6SIVSD, OP autegtemo & • 1301.18. Uiftifrffa!;• tido lootw g Molt , NSW ' III PROVRO - atuND4 ror which °Bic:Mama a SONS ban Jon ravifirodtin GOLD loto Itzaibllkok of DO Ifaiititpnotta, Ma. donde... 401141•11. -• •• , • ' • .• pobnoiro knifed Co pal ndelnliatiff•l• fa • otz,toont the !ottoman of , • . Oka B. 3atritr,oll. NU. II WOOD min, , • - - 1tOita•oo Dlitamd Why art roulib slant, ••• aismikch...verriebt6.4' tqua liroofotot t o 1. , A: -5 iana - foi. .111350. .usrainn lutanist.' pit SUBSCRIBER haft lutd left with him by stuntly •ab9tbitoilaTOW• atm of quickening & r .oeTAvis •R Er. WOOD CARVED exam's: Coat $5OO . . • —• . eilgio Y. tat'llilf Tit dte :MR; had the bedpost/hi...ire taken of It; It at [Open • both la amoottiod•otsud tothltattle Tact, ,ht D . AI9 NSW.. le. It must bedlspowirot lot beeei It It t . •4 mt ths °RYA? RIEDITOTION 011100 PROM FIRST • • JOILN U. MILLOR, 'Bl Wood Street. ()LIDA. Y PR KS' ENTS, O . N-AND AFIER Tat 26rn orNavixasa, Ihnr• will be • RAD ocrioNix TIM PRICE - oI thitalwvi.amoll popular aslablus No more suitable or seeeptable present can be given for the coming • 'lO4 ink a evezepetvatieecsale te 41224424124•2 of -4-je kw obese, 42 5e , 22144. e 0t,e14.7, , - i:la ro•:eilaa,Ak,e. ..... .....,. , . . . r.. c Co'., ".. ' -k' . • 6TEINVVaIt. ik BONS I AA 3X - X A 08i AIIPit~OL` lquarti Brtul,: "witto Agnate Titbit, ma I tat ask axon jralststitittoptisismitt;)` 71 Octave I.ovie ltvg Erni • ' TORSI / INI-TOXED '.• ocrr.a.veu eQurn.nir. L!I.A.N . 08 nound Cordaro and Octsgon Legs. ABOVE . ARE JUST ARRIVING tt.d. toetcry. si s.w Von. ood pomp., JI that .eperfortsoelloodao slut tat. Ispnvocodouto lb, .bltb tb. Skismay Hulot VT vte .Ttill OVl diotor I e W •n . I. a tbhoUv.4 e T oR i 1411.1 14 h l • It s t.T s. ODICASI 1111RVLIS Tu SODITIOR•L PROTK) . ,TION T r LtITUIY , Ic.a • , • . AIRPTIoto Pisan wed bat to to board to he isoo . oootti of moped.. too. byetst, Moonlit •ozooakta Itepser.lll datto i t TR./ ome. .10 Ns ..4.1 Tort pia % •od tm tocoars. , U. [LOCI ., BRO.No. CCM Artot, . • bola Moots tows M Rah .twira Pte.. Eid ' LLISRM4N , & co.. . • • bay* • Weald,* el" . Gentsbran lifata,. • - • • ' : • • Gents' and Irootha' Soft.ll4;* . ' Gents!, Youths' and BlaNills- . pa; • Miss edisaver Bata, . . . . ..7.• Ladies' Feocp Fans, . • .04 , spiediaaarloa.at 112 . 0.0 ; bat ' llttileaM•N •CO ,711 WOMM: • -firm BOLIP*Ir BOOZE! roa'Aix lir tie~u,su: ti • • ruVILTU /11 . 11.111.111iT 0 • • • .WZAVOULEj INME. ATUNTION to • .11 r . Mort or BOLIDAT BUORd , um:kg 11110., , .231., lowan awl I haws • oto 'Or I tar of ocatolifoatta. Pow lolormatrua la rarrod tn our Warr poblirwaroa am.. law*, oaks TNRN Tl1011!AND.dollforoot that., 1,1.1 ork.alt oar eat.ll.o4,..hich fonasa . dal • . •. •. • J. 4 FAA O, TO Fourth ph ' _ w. WA atftet foot etot Ye blibt,lbisty4tolon to •wis. *bloodlot two Wo.tor lcast illobet, band tor Ent Ot , boo. oo fotonkble term.. Tbe bolldbog Jibe portal otooplod by Neon (nigh Olarty lOa Apply to. ~ nooißT etre, Vaqueros Woy., O LET—srmic 110051, No. 52 R.ditt tt. A 1.., GULL. 40.4 24 bet, co tlttrall thee ol Ilete a 7 ..e Qt et Oak lOW free Ob. odlobtoto aro *rasa Otto BTOR Itooll. , 41IPL Clatr tom, *llk !Nib Id be 48 b.t,es wool Lot: logolt• of iletfof • .. • No: Al et. 81.1 r at L&_ OR RENT-A Three. Storied mode rari• bout HOUR oil Rao 4botio•a 8.4v.0. 711114 mono,— 'logo!. or J. 8. &A. P. roam(); • • s do:BAT •- Lttornoye.No feO Pennb st. TUE tIU BSURIBEIIt would respotfullycell - tI.. ettstalai °Pile Mood. &ad canctiers to has mom. •• • • . . PALI:AND:V/01%1C GOODE! . • • ( 01a7. 1 . 4 .1 M.. Ili'lir Sit dealaiti• to )ordbu,~od Anafulf. Ofaufa4or Ondfonan't 4rporit: Alto, • full far aonsaa cr VldyfenoFid youth. , Clothing kdyt cooataatly ae bawd, and mad* to craw to Iltiltiry best gainner, by JAIIXEI 0. WAIT, ' • • aeod . • eareor rf Pupa aadYt 01•trals... M A AmA. ; - ::- Till &MS orrri 741 ° 7 Or-a thodk einmik Nitta iPoet, etc. Plale ma 4 IMAM Pr.Acb Witted, All Wool, 4oe. Plata tad wise% T.lain De Ottomne, 100., . IN& and Oolonld Claslionis embra‘ftsr... fie. • •Doableorldtb•Alt Waal Ptild% . 4 31 °' • &dB. • • PAM* lOTA :TA lamina 51.4 1.-1) r T.. 51111 ukt 6 -- , •,outusakes rassirtiiriiiiili vs, mutate' yes chips. tItIII Salad owl h .natimale, ' • • • T. 0.0111101 satatekkt.t. GALAS IN. D SIM 000011 Om IttleillOlDl!tiltry 'ihrgsins in Clniks,- •• ~ . p. • Bargain* in libirnO, , - $' Bareins in . Robe's and Silks, • ' • , . • • , . . t stntonnetn,s atilt. . • -, 7, kiliktlES---100 bbls. -.Kitts ind- Extra ~,. .li, Ilimr:.' U ele Itratelltatad Gem M 1.4• : tO wets bed' erteiet neon ".•ee.',, t.- .'‘ .. 11 tee pinto Ord—/wt tweetigetilitr * " IUD.UUN.-41) baxes.lnie.eae k tea. Olaln• Fees ppiftij e ‘f , -- dsko. 41 for. tie •-ibull 4 - • ' .•:,.avazallairtnA Utllinlio--Wigego.Batter, " ' 1011/ItileoOß9 IN 1M...4c!1•j104211%., ' 448 muramimsk X liocact43l*isbwr git . . URA. STATZ APW..--pO.l )*C!Oice . ..„1::1Ifek Mai pprlkkpierito YLl d`Nela/iii• , •1 ; 04% ,-lIINSWTOriIinOIIII4I gleasist:, It I g. num booby 'YU WILD ire, , . .__„\„. .- - L , X thnt throe In 11: Cr5iC . ..1684:114 ,wrllitic wiz, mop partkpaavibmit9 `-"' Belo uptt: kir # KING. B ..lor,+' ONLY -.- I.)IS ()VRY ONLY .. . . ...?..- oi 4y7i , CUllib • ?e 4 NA VG •,. , • The:: . Balct -Ao, ~Gr4y. ~,,..5-; ' 1:1 .. ' , 4 ...• ~ Idany , mace' . thw.urent k , ! 5,3 -ter) i , • rrt' , . WOOD, bierwittemWd *on il Irlielltets bit Resiloraller, burprokmeto b..,, ollirdtm 61 ~ o vii,libiti dm' .cord pa our.r..o v,,,,g , 4 h,4 4 .... yaii o.,,teiteer all 0411,1 oral gene, b.i.s. w ri s c..,,, by.,41,77,31 emolfa of end_ ?fops . . pr-iftrailon, elot . .t.syt.byrt ll." 1 111 1 ". '" ib• deed 11 1 '' eli dimealver;. ResetUdiZe‘ .. ‘ o o , l' - 1 '" ' - ' ' • ~.;4ta, Mater, Aptil i fhb. 16610. hate 0 Y w,,,,,,j a 4ote—Tikei letter I wr •to you lu la d. etnaarnilas'yee, ' lf•Milr kasfofatlee, and ablth .Too he,. v.tabb. 1., , .minalet. end . el..e, bei L oren ri., i.. ~,,,,u , AM:nee retug the feria In the ;ca... gn..1.4.14... r .-„ltg ''Jett a f t of. my hebitatiou :eod 'mama, xhn„.j I, mik•mtotataolcatioe: eetend, fa it -th i- i 'id iin 'betide i oer`erifir Mk& does my hair attil coo.' 'rants to be he Mod ter elii.f natoratoolort Toe/I Imu and do eneirerrnrarelidTi.few Myna?, le ivio'better thee Ist nay Map l irdtl Years yam, more sotr.;thrifty .. d i n sty.... th oo : *IA...a my•lthi•ltm4ll.4l the Mile Wilv I lk ii lild . .delli line, le that the rob. i . ....,. r by ate ipteet eblettoe albs face.firkela If . car, . weld) be its t'lr le./ la dim amate-tlini itha th e Lame, the emit molt will tallow m the heir. g a.e. /a the tesielpt eye mem eidusber of lettere bon' .11p.rhot flew Sauteed, nekton Ms It oar hate Mill too tu.i, if be tool; istbere•Rou emit Oval le themseatm tore as. , 11, 0 of 't o o' efai.foomide sir well m thle. It h oe , ~,, got, been Ili Ifaitetad awl.' been abed nor wee ggaprany good oaks, Mimi able:date legacy.. I bare nit =LI rostr a t r i i y i rl :Pr r ::: g o nt o d . 14 4 l ammoe "'' a n u T t for n rule b,, examined It with sine I am sow el years old to rot • Itt.7 Writ. mY Mad or an tem sad th e prove tta feet, ',wad you a loot dt L illy hat taken - off th ra4 wielt: I received your . ferokier two quart battier Lest flan. l..ser. for tub/oblate very grandel; 1 • gee. It to my I eletide aod thereby Induced thrmilo try le, zany were •kepticel entil altar V* akflaOtti tat famed Off bird Wraith out ' venal enceaM I will esti itis a feroo.L , hat yon sensor e a km by 'bleb I mu dlaroregfread.ln the.; Halm afire; wild by many, I tear, without ealtkority'.tro..t Tea a plo• ant. CU ielll aware seam, and I believe here gaol effieta do Min tufloar.tbe Carfare le eaoied by gm eke = waffle, which Mined tbe 'tortoise,'" I fai.'ffoo.f.', - I eke= ft tny defy, im keOra, ilo loirP 7.5 +Wined of theigLtiened effect oa my hair, as I somn•All vto 64 alr• of ' of toy oaakekna °Outman:l4 velum neutral I remain, diar str, yours; • ' '•-•" • • —," '' elascite;itos, 7., brov.:4, HIM PUY. O. I. Moon Deer iii-I would certelely be dohig Yon a great folualler not to Mike known to the world, Um wundesfel as well se the twolipected - risolt I h•re, expo erieed from Using on. bottle ijiyour Halt Reeterativw Altir. befog evert khan. 0 ,Iteetonettreeestair, but whbont Ma orseomd Medlar:ay heed Marty; deilittum of hair ,l sea godly Indium, to tryi tottis of loaf I it.!, lleMoralTre. Now, antler at d Jostles temigild ms te eritiddiiui to .ho ever may mod OK that I nag pone." raw and baiutiful" lefowilf of halri whielt. I Preheats:a ri , klC.7 end bandetener- ' ' do. 'beat. 'bet wee. i *III therefore taki.vftrice•tor recotoreaftef ibis lovideabletemedy In tt who may feel the werltpst li. Ilespectf • y3ilafa. BaYS. Alta! 'touch.. P.D. Tlide leatlmoolM of tae. approbelket for your valuir ble: medicine .(ea: you are &Ware of) IS umolleitedi but it tl think It wirtby ti plecsiAatvoc ctl ten: to re If y. ditiokdretioy,en4 my - nothing., .. • '' lolirerd-i ~.% 11 It. H. ' The Rottoratlm ie put up lalbol the i f- thretratmecylm leo. medium sad emadh tligimall , holds 'bar &Mottled' retail. gr one 'dollar per bat.. Ibe medium holds we lawn . twenty tai Mut more in viol rdon moo taitairfal‘eatithr, .for two. dollen It bott/vd to laige beide et igiialk - p - prt .coot. more to provost/cu. andFietaili Ifriglia - Nottle,-, UJ. WOOD - ii OIL ettrinionte, Mt Broadest ! so Wad Au Market elite; Br Lint* . Mat iihd wild :. _ *NMI Drogakda sad -Bauer GoadclWele. ' ' I , at ~ ,,,,tkitk. .1.--.,1 attaVnrrik* PEP. r LAW, APlP•onies, No. 74 or Al it -, ' MANUAL A. WA of Staler. pi.•." '. • tl pIIRVIANCE COPPEY Plttsbitt eh.P Otllie lit:MalNe. Bo ildaiaaiiwer Cotilrib sail Wi lie Strom's; .n 0194117 OVORNE I, IIAMIIIV.IST-111A1VJUil yr-soap:Bos. EFAMILTON• k AtitiV.SON; -, irry AT' Lew „:1)1e• nu: UM. ituatb et". - 7.l.kftlid Attorney - and TO - bl. Nos No. 13 Diaertrio_ t; raTteblly.l3l. tiesrdikttigtzrotmieborFb'- 7----"--- Irl.l 0 Si A"..S. • AIT ' OHNITASO 00111124,Wit 'jll' LA vtreot. _ Wa•011u11. Py. 130tiabtipttia aithatzzintento.. - ,-- ----..-.-- ; 1.) AK ER •.t : CO. MIe,DICINALI4 ;„,,, L,r TRANSMIIIINT COIrLIIVIin. OIL. IC 0 _ TII 0 TIIIIA taltib ST ttr4 ' 0 2., tIaT.3I7ReASPICt IN QUAbITT , . fl . vr oars° THII ttlrit,Tlt 4W Sr" ' L , Jth dStt 11MeTIPRIIPMITD. It nee, If Lida V . W. ea 616.01.114, the a , " • the dtgeetave omen., j toetrotel.... - 'r ' 'Yr ' 'it ...I e•fat t -....ac-eat . ...art, -: a.1.T.3 1 11.1 ' ; t^ r. 3 tx bit 4 0-“Leue frit e l 4,_,whe....t:_e . . L... 1 et ': ~:tker.l . 4. ; eshletr.d t 17, ~.e.:, n i P.,.. 1„.»,,,t. N.r. lel,: 1,44 0 1. . II; t. r 7,,.. ;:d7 '' A'l a, .t. sit ) 4* l° ' "" *. • 4-' ' '",„,;.„' "., , - , Y. ,,,,, '... • /JO: , 35kt'Y'r. .4 1A...-: 5tr ... ., ' ...re - A F, .45" t „ 1,..i, fArrt,,,,, mad . f . , 4 ado:LITT, Ile to nne proXr tau overruled. It hay be taken obboot atterellsh ' bi.th• owe dell C dell , we vette...4 luta retaittedmltheat Mit In the oust C g . aettivo atoteuest. • /to wopetiattty Wale art 6 other t Impertent rhatoetetti , lee of etatioenete Wm iu" X t.ed tui It the co mead etteo of the hhAt tteiceal Phystelea thecroThoot the atatm the ...nun teen M teet.y of tits taealti of the tat medical wohooth the M P.M aeon of the .- , t. +. i , ~ UN/TATTY OP PflVNlTTrefifd, ZFAX 4 II; z O r :V ZILLICIS Or PUIVADIMPRIA Fli 0a... P ACOULVICOF MEDICI Illoka4 r, lavalfde that.; le e mrta_loptwo, a' at U. tutaftra it pit . e.t . taa, If th., cadre the mot atiVILATA 7 . ixr ."' tnn 1ar a,.. .7:11...:=1i11aK:47: - That which wel I tr other bee.d.. tam,q.4.4,77.17, b . . 44f1 i '.1,1 titer C imPOrt. *.dik•L ',° :::ii tik ,_, K a k 1 . 1 U ° `,.... , Ohena 6l .`"' - -,22, 1 1 .4 ;:th Veirti-et. .1) OMAN C NT, ;KOSidnALX Lig- LI6IIIIMT,ZALCINID PL iatklt,O.6opllD Matrix . a° 7 r?"`"`" Net QVArril b iao, 01intrilicet ;stow 'net asol WITIole stmts. 11444,1 Pkilad•loftla. B. PUGUZT 0 Sae. - - :ThIWoRTHS ow . ::• ' BA:V42Vii. 0 we. ifillealk wroa ' lEGatl4B. ...„ 1 . 1.0, Phnaelphls.r. - , • • • . . . . .j IrdeAtiaalll3o 1 nivastly. and dper,• Odes aisortimil datrabhagare. • . Siteitivitlea of Drigatiii,Mr/ire aid morn is lailtid nnnirwititOrcr Loot sof Olsaipasfli the 'WWI • ~„ Caidiii . gcsinginiy*Orspli , :Or isperiorftisti•Araitniim," , fietweitwitimiaiimi.sh. /*snip to Adilailftir wits tip • PaPillead (lUD Awaits% Ns RAMP!. A 541,4 • , co l AV:" _; , iliage...• .SGot\ s •f c .. ty,t" , N om, a . . • . 1 3:oht lc ; D 1 11 , DencelatiO:COßDlAL PURIC 'HOLLAND GIN, FOR MKRICAL AND PASVATTI ran UDOLItIiD.:WOLPIIPSRE,! COON, AO , Impothal aal b.attleal by blimattisminanfasi• pant sad the taisannallty, with LI. csT l lOllO ob A s• bsiSts, 5.04 • : I.ls 1.11 as Minsk. •• • - A s-tm lIDOLPIIO IVOLPR'S:Pkiii6 PORT WINE. Impanee acid boiled by bbisaleryt ap Sac nasdlelsal sub bls asetlitasla as. UM eguir: wastanisd porn ama ' %Idol l. , / • • 000LPI-10...:WOLTR'S IPURBI SHER NI imp:ra..llo4tutu, las ism 'en Poet SPlits upoLruo - wourre• , Torte, MADEIR A . • layirtrteal and basslmi biltheiatCfai pslmni and totallslital •tl*.the bast who samn attend tbs Mket• lb Mt -11...ts warm:tied pseect.ll pate. DDOLIMO WOLFR'S 'PURR JAMAICA .Rl3ll. ST. CROIX aum, SOOTOU AND IRISII WHISKY. Vl ti..A.st.ilistparttsl and boltliai by biennial; Pam ants . 4 !-L . rams/sit °fibs beisa.mitty.l ' To Tintutuct. I .111 Hay/ my ft-pat/snap as d was. mTT stsadic as a aetcbaet or yhysty yessi rad,..cb la gosh, al It.. York A ka. y pkays. aim frailty Li silth my mil. my Web. anti my estnlficali Is mend ..I cats I. Sailed span Sty • Pbysteuts via nag Wl*. and ILlsmans la ilaiir ycsay9an.• .6,,,aj tem tbayrOcrsoist slam assishla I • • ' cy /meals I. all sitipsetabbayingeilaand Apothscathac: • • • upoupno 40. Mionlactarlit and Imparter Piths lkilsdaas Arj. • tichnsppa -a tl , m and 11 Mame shassid,:tp'. tor mho by . • L . _ . ts,d•,, nagbiksi • . ' • • • UNDRIBB77-250.bbis. ' hj/ Oissitnaanit' • FINIX*ISI-121.14fM114.a1ci Ir•••• • STAllelda4o • HillaNT-alli • /1111,0016., • • ip aim* ibristiamig 1 1 ). 1, • 46 owe. 4 1{414,1P . 4 4 10 1 ! • , -.- .: I I 4 --4?i44t4r4, MMM —.l.lmmea. corrst / "°!lu'l* , a. eP 7 . . • „.,.. ,_.,-,...-.•:-:::.: , :i::•.•••,..,-,,,, ; : t .,,. 1 • , NINGE 01 ~, . ...=,:, . _:-...:1;;7,,: ___-•• Ne .: ~_, c ., ....,..-.;„,;:,.. 1 ~.) - -.-.. '.. .: _ 0 •• 7 ; l ' . •'.''' ' '.%l .....1 - - - '.- • . ..:..-,...y:. ,, , ) , . • •f. . .. _ ~..., p .mtli. 1 PlN".4.B..A.AtidatriorszAr.;-AcAnatr. Tara DIZ10101:18,'1,1:hrP,..04 111 11107 ' VSP-iditt LLT deiithed -ki th ' , irt fe•m Pnileie.r. ....d tba Avpaltur,rowe ale..r. .'....- ..1 , 4 fe.i swas.l te....aiti. 1 . ,, ," " A".34M,11 tri: *IA .1. 1 1 - , ';'*?l••.' coot"' ~..rP.V.,..., • •, , .. 41a.10 : 1-17-,..,--1-, :.;!3..: i, , ,9, „,,,,,..c7,..,,,,,"...,, - . ~ ~ 1 pre• e z i ' - o: i . r4.', Hi , .;, - i, , ?nl. - - : -• . -... -,-',.:-.- i.,:iigi 1 : V 0, .. 1 .4 - .) , ,... 1.- - - ' , :i..`...' ''' i 4 1.:. , , ,, e,1 ~.. ~,.. ,ed •, - . 2,, r L.btPi, - ,.i . : - ;.:. - = , . :-.--, . i- s = `'.• , . - '-' -' ,4iiiiiitilir a . .v. ,,, .y .. .,,,,) - '7. ~.: .... . - ~ - -.....,:-.....-L___---,___ ,12 . - ,r,, Y..; , ,... , ,i,..,.... r . :-.1 7 11: I Si}l,-- L I..N.YN'.s:',;:lit'” ..,,...,.... 77 --.-- D,4 31 A 8 43; Dili' .6",20;:"41 1 :6 4 ; 4 :' .:':- t.l 7 ;' -- ::;tZti ; ... i gtp.u2f,t114.2z..K.,,tt0bLAtt,e i r,f,!:,41,1,11 , ; , i.-, , -.:: : ..,..-. mk.hmld.s.buith.p ;aidwithvryttiftisiii66.l - . of erltb tbe foll - heihe of th.'.4m,... - . ,F,....',-.,,.., '.-.*,!.. • J. N. SlCELtr.ll6.gt, goNs. a -ovpix. ..„:_,...,....,. 1 ..tchet'hetteet the Ira cad...send dorabilfitylltti• , VliOdic.:- = ;r:; r 4 • . Thiromihmie tehdenelr eeseuttally..riscese st re..3 ' qt=l l ll.lo la:aim- ..4 , oeteetfee - Mutant onelp i• ,•..- • . emmon aftera , ..ana arid vended vrlth the mote el Rio A1P0',...,,,C.' -,.. SON. b 3 Itrety Eloesn, erbei - retterd' leut of the fiLluty thste.t-: ~ h4teted Altman tee Athertan *yammer sh - t. the toattolleiK. , •-• . tareniht the mate. Goad& 'OH net . medil," = abea&xtfe-., tresfalees se proll table. sr Slie perchee,t!,c4hlte,,liephiehlhikt=,-it. h. ,i,..... ! .1 ••"7!7;=t.' J. N. ' ' ' -'' ': - - -'l‘ Ilteate. 84 Reads Ettleetatow Toilt: - . t 4.-, - -,, • Q . A 310 N 111 AND li.LL•taPlNSZErf`i')r -:PAI6 --AsiaollNt 1.1,11144 la "liitit tin d. 7, 1,11' • 0...17 to gb. Rot awl...A. eopee sad 4,14 r...; I.y blb. Abe,. MON lamp' be palatally 0' iv. MM. Mir fail puticalas, *laser a *- t 1 duleßTrialrit.N.... um 2.11 barge+, arstrlleicatyi dmi. Imo imam. ilthlap. • - • .133:1111i •• " ~;" • -SEAMLESS 'BAGS . - . OSNA_BTIRGS 92 inches to 40 inches wide. Orders left at IL Obilde . tea:'B, 133 Waid . mho Paab.axbeeeen receal..tamtiow. odkly , bISION JOHN9TOIB,.. DEALER IN PURE DRUGS i3 1 ,11111110;:,': Tama P.: pameiry. "nein Burnie': tiuld.. aged_ „ Dines. ~c • se. ..ncllsynme Imam eeiz, LoWitef PRIORR • COltNlot Pllll7l/ EL D AND TO011117(311. Itirii4;crii dr= Af r .ll " ;l 3 = 4, ai altioowsalt col. 1) 4 • =LM=c=l Aakitaktrrnazmuic t s TAMES M. BALPH, -• • U. bum howi•ima - NOS.*. ticiberget, VA,i•ipsno NMI? 1 1 11•111 Wil t, ..4tat MAT luAltpr,..ll Mods i., • m`l-• • I,l6 lo ll bAllll44o . porletends their . 011 mi ON A NDIIOOI.II $lll-an a';- • 1101 awn "thrum, ALLIKIBINT.; i lf EWERS PATENT e wer e Obl Eept. — rv.• 't Ls tb. 1150 3, - IziTentafte Ltnetb; fore v•ry 'mile ~ ,i Itopineemeet is Ofmtin .64 AUfwaptade flefsial bk . •'', •. " 5 '``, 1 rh,t,by de fell etrae ol ibebesaftee isntilabbi. Sr al& . ' ': '- ' t-r what te the thlelteees or th• a.... 04 a In n ~ Lo beast..., ~...:- tennny:-ttne. by . effeetlng • gems lleffefte.of 'pee. elniie . ' ' • I•tir Sopa of lantla 11. to be 4poistel Upola:liall ab.s Tne tohettltera el e evens of ..Id patatit . .ilati es - •- r ....--: To.r of enl Oak 11,6 t. feels& ..IC loproneseeot. melt' • 4errltof7 nit , er old beret A11i , 161 ofee'd tap • • le left at the office of Mew.' Beltevell 4 CaJillqk roer R.T. , 4 La.. ioof Greet tad Mewed iereeby, • " '- pertbre lotereelei sty-cell nan SP, It. and leotromileg t•fats of Lom, We ie. , , .7. -, ;• 1* .lbACI1111 . 1a:?• -.•-: ,- c ••. ofteihf • ' . ••• •-• .-' . Finf libtf.Anbafffiliii t lir e k i . - ~,•,•. ; - r - - 1 RTEe/aer.:'s.4.wep D FOROIL ao •wancolir 1 RON WELDIIOIIIBtX, LIPM2 BOILEFI It 11 &!.lookolafitcla,o41ocd for We hj /MORRIS.. TASKIIR, it CO., inti , Pascal .„ 0010 Sea • • I• '(setombilolliCl2l.3 - • ' • NEW • CROP. N. SUGAR Asp, • 60 bbd. O. brink, 606 • 11 1/ .. 100 bbis 3ro brbtrie N. &110LAIMIA. Sew to tsar ardve ads wok try •Leaver Itallaave•—•3l a Id M sold d 6.1 0 0SUP% . 01,16 . N L t:2Jkk.4s , • Gli'lb! GIN T6l UIETB/ ... ' • is•asco 20w2r - •,•• • • • - • • ••• • 110E116 +-AM . •• „is •-• •r! a. iLirixiy•': • Curd via ritoDUCF<4,4 • • • 0 .00 , 0 000 ea.' • II WO Patoe.: - •:-. JO Ts f.r 10 , 0.17 J.,.1.1.:;:..• E - - ~,,,,-;,,,,,,,,-.41-,,,,,-t=r4 --i.64,:;..ic',".740::.,-.:74 v::-......... , , ,,,- ...-,-.. --.,-,:-t,,,..7....:,:,,7;:,-.-,..4,?...,•;0:,,,;:-.-r.,:, -- ~ ~`t, .~ - - p it. Anil' Ilsiteatiox 44**,41.6924,1. ilko;etivici4l:7 - ajalo timatN, 1,414_04ki of - 1 Tniccotttirs H WI 7 t 8 : 0 ZV.21:.:11 24 1 ; ,j t 'Ts enoeled~~iti~ Tikkripplutao 8811 Y I Tom° D. , ..i.watsacra tolmerron, —rAIBFE.I43I/ . ---,.. . ? • • . Oth.. M... opposite 'Attio burst:V/1k entre; . ' JOS: ILITTIIEWS. J! . ., - PrOprfroihmt-J. - - - i . frill I' elegil : tit Etna tionzmodion g 114.1. now j rprovi.i.,l u ith. NINE traw . MARBLII arm iattillittlr - , TABLE... 4, a the Intmt mni tcattlprittM4497llo Sedpiltlmbi i '.; Non to xitinr.i. fined op *tug to El In Oloiri-: itie 50c0.010 , 104 or instsinuo mid Inrenners, Na d u :' .str, rallitorf end courentetv., N not nnnoNNl,,tf:'-i .theWelt,, , to Eit*tto: TO PropHeter solidi...O •":; = :. of the re - rooks" to Inporattj tono•e4 Oa We Sawn '. fore, mot eon,. Om pnbtio tn*4 ..*)..aNtItION 1/41r lio n : ' ' ;;: psi I totted. cornAirt .1.0 plen•nrs .. A • -.• .' , . - • " ' N. B ste., —A4.I I,ir the sato .1 thillara Tank., 1N1N,C34.10,... , .. * Con, Coo eta, Chalk and MI -"ethe.r ninth", In EttlI1; .11.. h b e illoin dirp-se of .on eNwoolito Ammo nod at tba"..Ti ... .f.ctorer , • WHO. iN Okra , . ~• :. - 4.1:10 ~- 1 . . • - i l i t42, ol:llt.': A b•bnllSnMitli.: ., ?.;;:• , :. -,. ' ll l l l4Oll smobittirfit N 'l' 010 /4 : I3 I=tOPFL Ail' Pttalik'l'" cirr OP:O4v yogr., gill& BOOMS, fin) ! Pent Pllf Pap( 1--:. , ....._—_- 1 City Bail Square °Mei of erainitt ot t sr.; . 1 [Opp sl4 C4y WM 1, , Meals, ok. Oa*. may I* ea demi. hi tl4 ..p604001.044‘6%. 'Them 4 a Robeee atop slid )11.4440.4. 1ut.44.4 to N B —Beware of Ittmacii4 1 .11111 nillekla• ,_ 0e27: ya Rltar.N Dis.Prepthim..- • , OOLIMIAN'I3I -•, . - I ..•11 quail elm, lweywy afro of Pocking. hapattid Auld • e rat TavaCony..by . • • • - • :,- GAIIDN.ER G. YVELTN,....:,4 ;: i4 23.7...Fu1t0n Ettre!4,,Z.T.Ocr:lriiirlcift-:•;4. J 4 J. Cotwol 14. es recently Well primly bicat.vos bJ the New ?ark NapotwCemetiltetwita, • fakedulmt .65r Counterfrifin that Thal mad Lebr..l., and wNI prosecute oal yrs mie odious SpeuSeoll.7 114stard as tholt. •-- " " • " 0, 7 11, ,ank.t , ..-•fkk. • II:'WORCESTER'S • tef4 Iliiproved ANIIIACIIVILY- AND '1 4 41.: 1 111 1 . 00314 • - iraTlrtlSeltb,4lii4 - ' asraor.lhird Arias.; SAW. Put i quarterat.:featarj. tbelintromesti onisstAelue.: - a,t M du slant getablirbarent bass tanked aareaglks bit ;.1. 1. la the counter ... rale tlarabillry,atranaltr.abd erstlesalreCs.;,• ; tare and` touch are Welly strands:ea, by ratre r Oran tbr la .1 theivaib trial. Tbs Penpristar.byeelaglikr..-4. personal attention to the In Notareof ..e.ithloamirtarne; la "4" all Ira details, le - enabled to iinarie2o•fliP•Ti.rg".4l^/c! and mhattlMYlomlinrm ilikes. JAMES 11. CHILD., & 110P0 CATON, MILT:- ALL-1110111187•..CITY: raorAcfrOssiiii . - • - ' NLU ' Lbt. 3/-P/AU h;ttl*Ltirr In Steam and Atinoapherlotius .11 p ~. y y I E i