. ~}'x'~'l~P'Ms'~?f~, AttiiiitWftAtttt . . Mg;u:tri2= 1088 DAY MORNING, OEM al., I'B6o CITY AFFAIRS: jar•Romeonforr 111 Opis44--The Annual Pair fde nallisattit of St.'Paaro & C. MiltonAsylont; -.4-- 'witAitara at City Irall on Thiday .Eronlog, . . tosr Slit, and maims* for two weeks. Admission • • -" .Isw. Al!ID OIITUAL —The ADDili f9T-thiP Ali of the hamar, out the 4114U61. opensd. Contort Hal thio.ltth 'land will motion: Flhh and arecioF dniing dui week. Admission Ilitosl4, to pis, rent of Hall.' SDrsartaal Ahreirtsr, I—As the da&ti.have come, these whohaie hoods suitable - fO4 gine, La.; eheuld let the public know wbat they are and'where they. may be had on the inost favorable terms, that good selections -," r44lo4;!:ittadn..for that pariah?, in pursuance -. of it titinlottored cnittom. There is no medium through which thin may be done to better ad. • vantage Sian the columns or the °WC/ALCM. ". Try it.'ft will payl Tie Public keeling on the 25th. .• • Y. • Visualises of snail numerously signed, • public - " • snaking VIA convened , at the Mayor's CMOs on Toes . dat afternoon, to consider the startling information 1 , -that Abe monitions of war (gibe Arsenal near this city were aboraf to bo'transferred . under an urgent MAW ef.the &motor,' of War, to Southern military Great ateitemeat having' seised the public .arled.pea the receipt of this intelligence, the streets _-:wensLthroapd by sailors and esoitad inquirers While! hht sma ll faithfol garrison of Fort Mool.: la the -harbor of Charleston, were denied rein. : vie," 'foromnints_by the traitor, at the head of the Govern. PICA liari at the Nara it seamed our'publie depot •l"itorlakof arms were to', be despo il ed and transferred SWAN threatening immediate awiession from the • • Unimiand treat= against the Republic. Coder winch • i.-',VOisitashirsisse It was not to be wondered that on a holiday like Christina', great Agitation should prevail and lord Weals of popular. Interposition to prevent •It',••• • vonovekby as sot of unauthorised power. `Undeitlds view of the Subject and for Melones, of laquirlag into :Um tugs' of She ease, as well as to drriminabst sad judicious action should the exigen ,-....74:,,5-i7stentand, useedeg was organised by the unan hall of Op.. Whf ROBINSON 16 the Chair . as Preehient. . _ . '' • • nee , Prewideen.-Ifon. Wit. F. Joanna, lion. ‘Citsittne littaLlts, Cot Eowleo Eimpsow, Mr. . . ...s. if U. 4 . ..P.Arlikitsost. . • :-.'..,* '• ~i eabar -Col. J. 'll.- Festal; Mr. S. F Vow -,•:'...-: suilwaftur,, Mr. 0...W.' buoseati. P. '.::;, `.Tithicill of tat liming baring boon read, Gov - : - • ,. .-i".„..' , . " , aver Johnston istithisied the meeting in a calm and -2 7, - : • -. digelfied expostdon•- of the • wanton ' derileetion of -.-...,,• - ••• duty; of tee Pnwident of the United Siates,an view ! 144 ! ,, f; thiectial°B saisa of Public affeirii and the -' over of treason oa the put of South Carolina, , ecineeting,•es the lea* . tilae. , great eiscomapeetion • •• , ' _" in any movement on . the part of this people.which ' --- : iibt'bearlti Semblance of a . soon • any breach of ~ . ... ' law to haat the - Contemplated removal of the public,, arm of the Ceded Same, bat rather that in.:labia .'? . -, • 7 'head:belied. at Wallington of thivaim and objeot et a/lards:love, end suggesting a denthed upon the • , - , Pmelitat of the United Bates that tin order should lee eetatennandedesithat delay. ••• . - • :' , at4, , :twimi. - Williams followed la a manly denim- etetiosi'lef the President; and Secreteiy of War. end -,- ;.„}itiwid.;ths order foi this removal ofthe publics arms .... :. , - from the North to Southern garde:ma but another • -' , .110 in",thi estalogne of uessoe which had chino tatted ?Ale /want oast of the administration, and ..."-4,11 - . *WNW deteriniatiott that th e arms Should nlst, be . _ , .• ~„,_ .mooted out of the jeriedietion of 'Peineylwatits.. Judge Shear was also, caliphate In his dannels. . ' ..!-,-.• ' ilia et she untimely order in question} but was in , - • &teed to".molider the;sutdeet with . calanees and ::eaderaikine -' - , ._;" - ' • ', . , Oa. 'Nobleman follow ed with,i feW;remerke, after . 7 litieit•Ptletioan Steel offered two rooOluttopi, one of ethical; pouitlnitiog a oommidee to tdegraph to the Posiddiat`to. ocenumnited the order, and" the' other Pi make inquiry of the commanding, officer at the . •,,- • dneddia the dine Of reniimal. were both adopted. '.. : • The lomulitt:e• to address dm Presideut of the United Stites, consisting°. Mon. W. Wilkins, Gov. • W. if,,Sidanston, Gen. Wm. Robinson,- Roo. Thou. -Williame and Judge Shafer. afore laving the ball . , •_• - transmitted the following telegraph to James Bn. ' ....sf• ,elthicani , )Presidetit of the United Stela : t •'' - filii:-:.:11n order lusted icy the War li - - to f . ,thansfit'ithis *Cadre munitions' of war front be tpl . - .:Areatiebilt this elks' io lion Meta military poste,. pa wowatod great exeiteruset in th e public mind. e would advice thetthe ardor be latinediendy wan r „,, . -.; maudat, Waved'. et the instance of the people. d lista:dee*, an not'answir for the eoesequenom. . . , ASigned.) - , Wx. Wminas, -Coplaln eisithectent 'of this telegraph wail ohm, feint* to lbw President, the Secretary of State, , . wad AttOtney.-Gozersl, With ;inquest for an Immo- -.diets eawercrhieh is looked for with some Interest The, other tennsultese acesisting of tb• Mayor, G. W...Jeteini. Dr. McCandless, W. M. Hersh, waited - , ”' me the Officers at the Amenal..wbo stated tb.e iamb •:. . aiallesinier of the Department, and unless anew --" •" •- ateaddepwould'asaimailly involve the diseberge of , . .. ' Th. following to a eteament. of the timber and • ' -Oltilatitwe or the guile named Jo the order and. the . polita• to • which they .en to be transferred:-To the fora at &lairds's:id :I Colon:161nd, of 10 Inch • , ; tallatt'end the ease number of 8 Inch calibre. To ..,...., 2•• Gilleadoil. Tau, U Columbleds of 10 loch calibre, • . '', and Vthirty.two pounders. Teen Aura . weigh In _the agaigate 693 tons:- 'The small arias .renteved, •i . awarding to the steams= of Melo, Tallefferro, are witty few:-sio few that their removal could not be at tribited to isy,siniste# , . purpose. We understand, ~' . however; that a carpenter ha been emplojed 'for .'-'7 , •" - lOilt• *IP back-by the :'gorernment authorities In ,•,,IS„,.."lttaklig taxes to export giuts, who allegei that be 1-- - -,' has Made a large camber, 40E8cl:tette held an ins , arose amber of small army. .1 ..., :- , . The`following °ail for a meeting was presented to •-• Mayor Wilsmit., • - r - - fl.- litir7fair Gail* .ii tirst= B l t r a titstl=7.4 .15, P. 1 44, f. OA P.D.* -a. -,- wpm ins est of tee Warty. leff ~,. .loosePostwo twit* &moat at t$ ha peter .r.e. to Wks, '''''''''•''•::;:-,P=ll-e,=::,:g 5h!.1.7 '' - .';:•'; ' 1-4 - 'i 4 fj.. 1 1 C ,j,.7„, 34 t k , ~.' -, ' --• •,, lierem Poster, , ;1111ackikoiletok" ,t1t_m,74 1 , 44. • ~... „_._. , , ,. ,....,. — a tttf .,.::- .. . - .-..t." , 11 , i - : ='.,, -.....-'.....t,'!:',1*...,f,;11„: er .r.°N c1 , ..,..i.. ft... 11.5, ~ ..p.u.0,„4, .... ~ '.1.r..-wofs.:-,- , -' L6wirLn to l t d~teh.Jioee to the R bh lb.. eclexeme;•:,tl:;'. eipreesed,libpoe ittegeneeti's abating, ea-will be found itt.lellreffetktiet, os!:electea, to-day et 2 o'clock: By, thlreheredifectetgraph it , will be seen that the Mir I=Perat . it'Whehiogtos say they call ~t aite no :iirklo'oeteeieee to the meat adovetoeote ft 6114 b. eh, until , offloial information .le neeteeefteat:tbt officer Itiebuff• of the ',teens' shut . -,thei tho purchase, of the tethiekleakloos Moen wide for the point) • • Lay env te he, reottneH dr sod without ea, Formai* tet'politkielieeeit , ehiterier . . This may doter, Altr *fan: Ru Ono bate been mowed yeti bet itilder Tillafferro has, wads arraogeotanis, we vadoistaka,terreatove thedi to•ff ay. • _ . . appointed at tbian ,•4 , , , ni z s th last.o4 to relation to the hen an it hi" of anns ' gm , Pripet 611011 M id6tt..yltYodl I mport. ! oil ' • ' - G t h e.nr9ralatton detintd. 841 ' 1 ' P Atrium , '" - 4: G xrc.a,...u, A• 1.• • • 11161111/11Y Ansinal, -- • , --; Dm Pt: 1860 r • Ale to riga.4 k t tstratth . bereerith it thatreot Inaba thief tier Os bieits jar my °tea ot the ohlpmea of Wei; 111116101/11,sed AUltaij'atoris Onei th e lea, 1860.1. Thew ehtptheat• hare bloc aleantthrath,altb the ordthory roadai of. baldness eat* , lhaetpanthed atthth post tor theOth,..tei • ; 12 - 441 to the a... 4 order for the obtpmail of •letwthitb toththie'the South. which •appron to be thir ~/thamolleth,ease •04 the peanut ayltotthee 31 , , the Masao, I think that Me clear . ethrillthltealpleeittheath girth 'your eomaitttee tut 1 „ lark! Bralastaa meat hire been ea- 1 ethathaththor. rithamily hoping that the ex.. ;, - , ,, ,!.l.,llhtualkiaa,throlle aid the itstotheato herewith thr! Tl4lll4l.lps4ser Vasentitse may * teed to allay% the o PP o .s end Arias: nu of the col:mashy, 1 0 MINP•Poctrallh your Load sad abed': eat sirreeHt.: . --- - ' - /91111 D. Sarum. " - -" To tbe..Sioree of .the City of Pittsburgh, Geo. W. Jacti,fitakFt 8. 41.trarsou sod others. g ltsiolosiVO itoths Ishloisid from lb. A 11,61114 401014 duos July Ist; 1561: . thstosthissethi " '''' Auststuss. Ismael 8.018 *HO 88 'kid NV nap lopleinests. D. . Ad 11 A. 6. 1 18..11temanoonti. Itsfithiss,Wlafie mimeos, IS Pinola. a • - otu. S7W roe Mod* At. And 8 11.6142 or nor.. • j • iifAtase atako.soatye ietta of 118aket .W 0.881411808.186 or 116tH gecoa.• 7.. , Y 4 A /gollaak4ll ' 41 ; 11 ‘da r: 16.611.1) = 110tiows.mi uck,Rfatak 26 • - • butlar 8/840184.mir • -.; ' lel.4lo:l4ttrittaity ,___llll. ...tr i r dp . smatL k Awe. ashigeo./.asami.'l2.emb 0f it 1: ,,, • ... ..., _.. . .... . . ~ Tow Atrami,an.daitoak rio ,Itilloo paw Wen, alkatAtas zir, Tora—asaehthei. - ' New/04 Aftleacat, .34.--133 =a MAW, 100 Nati Dim. kat Ammuliammit% abil &duo sod Et. nail% In,-22 Copt Hamm 87 1 Bar bel:le carteep a The following aro the ambers and waled /I' the eaaon ardeeed to basest a way: For tie Fort as Blip . totaled, idiom I 'nine 4 . SI 10 1ui .. 13 Columbia& - 14200 Ilm. ft& stomp lb.. 33 8 181 Elbi 432 Coombs.- Iron Om 7.260 •.. o 23,a00 ____L. , • , Ai r the Fort iiit o.loeatcnt Martha, .21,213, 10 tri l cb ot. 14e 1610016 e. each 349 , 3 9.2 '7 e 2 Pilabder Iron Goo• 7,8* 40 • ••. 60.760 • , tt0.... ..,,_ . . 1 m p01,,, 0 . 1,;;;;I 4 i,Eigro tenor oral ] :42.054 ... 1 . ouR Rogic rAIILE. Teo Mumma Morena; with January, • om• Imenoed' hih volume. The Pub • ere anoonnoeilist the new, oakum' will contain feat ures of .returkable interest 'sad attraothre a ess. j Amofig thesi4.cosy be named, • new Novell, by Illiv. Ilerriet Beecher Stowe, Author of "Uncle TOM'S thibin,"-sod ..The altunister's Wooing." A sew Roirel,.tiy . Charles Reads. Ant/tot. of Christie New sad °Peg Woffingtlin," elo. . New Stories, by Harriett: Prescott. Au tibor Of i.iThe Amber (lode," end atilt , Rohan's hoot." : A new .Itomanoe, by the authoi of 'Chines Atiabester," . and "Counterpartal"— Also, contributions iir Prom, and poetry, by Hen ry W. - .Longfallow, NBkaitiel Hawthorne, Oliver trends!! i Holmes; James Russell Lowell, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jobe G. •Whlttler, Bogard Taylor, Edwin P. WhipPle, Heierj Giles, Etch. and B. Kimball, Ileorge 8. dililliard, Bose Tetcy, km. Dr.; Bellows, Mis.. Finny &table, Charles E. Norton, Winthrop Satiety T. W. Higgision. . T. Tiowbridge, sod other- dieinguished i SU hors. Published by Ticknor & Fields, FrOilloo, Is 3 Wiper annum. - ' • . Theekegiving Sermon, by Rev. R. Hill. We ,eeelved a cop; of this unmet, delivered by, the . as tor of the First Lutheran Charelt.on Thanks giving day. We had tied it previous to petits! Oho copy rsterred to, sod were much pieeeed alth - thecentiment it contained. It reviews labs cendhion'of the country as oonireated with its Prorpeoll et • more peaceful period, and ailddes 4 the horrors of humane war, should snob • thing befall the country, but winds tip. with • liable expression of ociaddenes in the perptitalty of tbe Colon, and of • hops that the Supreme Arbiter of events will bring present didurbiedoes to a peaceful and prosperous end. Ic, '- — .datit*.ts.--The day passed off quite plass- Shay, we presume, to those who triads it a lion ty., The serest. sere throeged with peoklet peolaily In the afternoon, when some : of tie atorouglfarse in the vicinity of the toy stores cod confifotioneries were so crowded that it iris possible to pass along the pavements. The new hostrearrisge of the Allegheny Fire Coin . y arrived about the middle of the day and vie hauled -around the 'city by the members, deserted by the melabiew, with their hose ear- Ogee, of all the other ire companies. Two or three trifling disturbances occurred, but no hf nista were made, The day was ushered In by a dines fait of snow, which at first threatened; to diminish itbe pleasure Of the halide,. „It hit:- eher ceased in good time for the Indite and yo g besides giving those with fast horses Sod light oaters ea opportnoity to take a Chriatoras shish ride. The anew wee not deep enough for' geed sleighing. I iftr ,ittlnKlLAlLY.—Thorny Stout, mode information sighisst &mho named Thompson, charging the hitter with burglarionsly nattering Elia house by Means of tennis instraMonta, and abstraotitg alhue dolor hill, two goartar dollars, la co n, sii, ten cent pieora, One three coat piece And • kit of coopers. Thompson Was committed for ta al at tail!, proper trout of Ciiurt. He borrt • hails through'the door of,S . one's house, by taint means tudasieniag it, and thus obtained an en. _ pieties volt 1861 —Tee pleon to boy Dis St tenant . Minitel', Plftb street, bent to the Poet Oltee. They have Lou the beet rrsiortmeet ettry bek,ve ever ?mid, end cell 'beet at much luau pei• oie thee ever they eeld ;bete Were. • i ,1 • yertraat OA COMMIIiCIAL two balers tbe etatleOts ofDoll's Collage, to-day, (rbeesday) at 3} o'obtok, 141 W. T.- Vette. Esq, Mummy at liem—tokleitt. 000 owls of Salmi."' A oiaitier of blibly io 1- bag meat legal deoisioe be oiled- • lATTIII2 I OI/. Zowearr! !—Tbs liepablicsus tkO 4tb Wird, Pittsburgb:will meet Is tb. f3abdtl HOuse, this frothy, st. 7 o'clock, ro oomlosie Wird officers. Va. T 110 1 ,168 MAXIIMLL. SO old end ivied • PU Haut. it up for Cooetsble in the 4th 'We hoe.setved in thle offiee far 'au 'airs, and tee el weesproved hientelf no vital. ran fltisbarsh Almanac, for 1861, ea b Has salcuhdlons. The edition of this pop. r aie6amaoiq nearly all sold.. Dealers 1061114 g ihim had better order soon. OLIDAT BOOKS AT 1 0067.-aBntit Si !diner le e but the balapoe of their holiday books ea • •oet. Lem tio, Delo Potabilimb Maeda? i I PO.OIPIIIITICI CALCULATIONS. his. lEtaroasi—l mod you the follows g brie extract:l (roan • curious prodoetton, ',blob wets °Hai. ly pubtietied to the Nottb•Western 0,6.4, at W Inman, 111., to the spring of 1958, and MAO war. oopied'lnto other papers.filea of which I bais to M poseession r . 4A:hese United &stomata about to be scourged ail esangeinery civil war. • • • • • Tit mat of ewer will k, transferred to the South. C Ourion will *rise among thetnecivein They will • roduted. by internal broils between Meech fee sof their hiaoherent re • . A Freelded& - will elected alp; will yield them the patronage 'elf b i ri Rove mant,..-mith the 0r...,, miry and war Made tiortY. Anarchy, wild confneioo, . and a palaftd sends of insicurity will irueemd the present Mate Of ordir and tranquility.** • • • • s **Th'e autumn of 16 will eiff od the last Prealdeni that' will be elected tio4ar the ounstitution, ands b. ',Minot fulfill bile term. Theo clouds, dark sad portentione, ,shall Glom around and above' us whit one baited mice the sooplicatioo will aimed, Helps belOt ur ire peeled - Tani nip .angslie hosts rail to the, manta. • • * A youth will these appear oconmseding publia attention. By ao4 plassaturn he; will be chums to preside. Upon him will lderolve the duty to arrest aleleoce, and mitotic °idol. from chaos, and - be will prove adequate to MC but' 'The skint of the Lord . hall rut upon him the spirit of wisdom and nuderstendine lie 1, 11 be the type of a perfect man, orimplete la form an appoloheenta fle. iS the pattern to which the rood will plfienately lambi." • • • • I . 1860 trouble* will b oy seriously thickened. Is 'ap the apes will bare hese attained. Our ago rae/ will he protracted mid serer.; but they will] hare!a termination. We mintbrat be parged—.theill We W.) edminieker to others.* • • • a: li•gerope, Aisle, and Airing will aloe hersomirved 64 maraipestilenee and &millet • • • /het -a, ant ,*lll be egoomilligly sant:liar, sod protracted,l sod finally Tomtit to a uolversal, general jail delir-1 cry Pra m religioua and polidtal despotism, from seal ,turia bigotry Mad „from all i violenoe and In} a.. • 1 "vioa are appreachleg a a bb. Natives la - t,f throe. to prodoemia new Heaven And a new EartlX . mum Orst be en . countxml; and..whan the paroxysm ie • pant, 'matoratirei will be Mealy admiabitered. • • • Theo Goo shall govern. •• • • • • Thesis,* the ; Miter days" , • • • A l'le the recital af these more incidental debate w• will not clakWetrirt accuracy -neither is the order or oreurienee.,* But that the male tneidents are rub. stabtially tree, our coovietions wonild velment the 'strougeet seseteratione." Merl. ef the CON of rtqusited e•il sosiunt of 0 vty; st. the s•slimf, nos. r,. of ones...log. Shoff opinions skean in erdoain thy esallas t this city to be. to ,n,ncts action the *miens. keeldsoS npo. tint.snkitst, of P.M to snare. asspeof Eltaisr. • , .Masansil Wsk Wilkins, . • W. /Lot lawn, - D., WSW. M. Keit, • 4.ldefatilea4 P.J.n W.410,0:4 • W. if Johnston. .• kidney - If:Von Bonnisrot; lateen D. 6411.1, .• •-atrzlexter ' flso.st. Dash, • • David Ikon; • - 0. - (leo. Mho.. • ; ' ". Anson - :.Sannosi tto o. o. Toms. if, nbaw. J o Moblonni, Y. IL Vows-. • Osamu.' Entries :.‘-A United Sistu fiteastor Sim be Sleeted the' ar;mlog winter, sod to far as I. cao . pernely• we should not be content with easbiod rate Mon,„proilded a drat - rahs one mould be found. TetipPou no Doe will Mesita this plata troth. Wow• the eleetioncere over sod man can „yield to sober mood thatights. The time* require, If ever timee . did requite, no 'able, linden*, hem mate.'-.. Wow, the . to entitled. so thehtitat SellOtorr, sad lo casting *mod tor • per son poimiaalayryhae: nersisitew, the first name that assorted to mi was that of . Th: tue* -, Wilihulle. U. had Iwilmed MO: . ani4cg.ui hod - mast be famine:lY linolie to the mold of us ‘ T. talent of * high Okla , heehaw high begat Attidomente betnot emetarti . wlth Wise, itsise, he n added general iof.rmation lioneseed by . but few. Indeed Edo not Snow e man method oo poueand of his multifarious knowledge. He is perfeatly.fam War whb 'Lire and his )motel towage le tiedoubted. Thaw' qualities wind. rabiy fit big ftir the posithio, sod we be,. mans to gain Oulu" by his elution tell* Senate In then natoWerd thee* Ws at. to eirequutanest ,the mast frylog,,sind the: nenleof which the wisest eannot' fornmeo; 'sod 'lli Reeser them with a President little ken,* almost puled.. He issue to eaworater the greatest . dlfllaul, and will surely-need s Susie of akin this ordinary praline* It Is clear thee th at the times goosod pre:lathe, and courage, and it.ds. pleb oo na tert seed an Vilide,"Artit 11 1• D• or & Weak andirsailistlag'otte; ' ' • Iloder theee,oiremnstaneer, will you trott your country . . littoreeni to a owed rats bin: or will yes; tooth oh a Arai rah, Goo?. The queotios le a grave , mon sod ous would.do. Wall to pundit on It ft - lo no light milli+ ia sr meteoroid with; and tbeahluit mum Sr. Imparatirroly requinad. tiara no interim Is ale matter beyood.the comma. totem - it of *very chino, and if a doecription fo to tahe plane, f will salter as little to ' , Mod, body , and tiatotey' .as in, ova la oar oommeelty; so &hot It Ii tar niimiticiapcc-, page I urge Mr. William I anyone eonsidendion. I oak Dot even swam that I actioonsultiog Mr. I, lithium!. 'wily. on anesthtic% Minim., sham I tilers new, opoken to him on the 'ablate, nod am Whorl? "iguot; rant of what his. wham are. It Is not for hit bat that of the community. thatl gave =reel( the troubl. of writing, or you of teaMog this lettor.for. penenally the what* affair In to opt a roamer of to-' differ neat.: hi!' dose my duty In codling public! , atiotittoll to a man admirably fitted to that thaw— By his aliet - ion we would gots snore than bei sod .1: marquim p0run044,2 that wont its anotatutitit his own I Indlvldsat id toraite hi would IM Simko if wept O *foe of, so .much n9°1.01)411_ I. timmt, 'maims), 4 01116 . ' : aMP. Di titttig ' Dr, 0 8111, , X0>,-Utyltindi. • • ~,~~~~' ~,.: . THEi LA + EST , NEWS B t Y TB,LEGRAP B. RECEIVED!: AT THE 'DAILY GAZETTE OFFRE. , , Canada/int, 8. 0., Lisa it.—On the eating of the questionlon litniiiirw the cords ...non-slavehOld log," beforenlartholding: Mr. Margate said-that copies of the ordinance and of the causes josdlitrig the secession of South Carolina, 'should be said to the governor's of the elaveholding States only.; ;Ile asked why riot insert Ragland and France an t all sovereign ;nears, and said, en were lately in [nave with uounlaosholding States, and thin is nothing inconsistent iwith the dignity of /loath 'Citrolitia in so defog, more or less th en the duty of courts"; !the owe. to her late confederates than to snowmen ;her withdrawal from the league and to Inform theni of the course which compelled no to do so. •', i Mr. Middleton proposed that the Coniantion'cion form to the Fraction of the time, and not oomintiol cam with thefooroalaveholding or ilaveholding finites . . on the subjebt. . ; Mr. Pardon socepted the amendment. , • Me. Rhe4 believed that all intercourse betsen , f . the North ni, and Southern Mates had been broken off some mil ago. ' I i The q scion was!taken on the adoption of th e amending gaud they,were ail lost. The Or Nil resolation was adopted. • Mr, D lath moved that the Convention goiiiito secret sea on, Carried. I ' Thep ingatonight to the Convention *into reference o e Custom'. i • Theis Mations are that the Convention win ao;rt the. Doi . - OtitlNl IIITIMO• laws. Dirsiit revenues are to bei 4to the State Treason,. The unions swear al be p audgive bonds to the State of South Carolina. no free trade party ir, at present, smell. The hip use marked with Radium, to avoid injury to nomMerciat Interests The present condi tion of affair,, Ii nitres embarrassing to the foreign • vessels in port, ! Commove/4 Dn. 26—The Convection re.assnin- matUrop, Dee. so bled at iko'olank thin morning. - A prayer, fot the security of the Southern CO4O - waa offered. • • Mr. Shaw Introduced a resolution requeeting!the Governor to communicate to the Consaution Bret leaden any information be pounds with refer en co to Porte Moultrie and Sumpter," and CMOs' Piokney; thenumber of gone in each; the :mailer of workmen 'employed and th e kind of labor ;In which they ars engeged; the number of soldier, and marinas in sank sad what addition, it' any, has basin male atom the .20th 10.0.; also, whether any miii,r; once has beebigiven that ite forts will not be rah foroed. and If so, what limit has been assigned; .35 , , what police ori, other regulations belie been nude,* any,' in referinos to the defences of the harbor' #f' . 'Charleston endthe coast of the State. • The resolution was laid on the table for isonsidnrin lion In-sestet Union. i Mr. Brown introduced the following resolution r &gibed. That all the eithene of the Unitdd Stara liominded within this State on the adoptioetef the ordinance of easeesion on Dee. 20th, 1860, be, end Humane an htuby declined citizens of South CMI - entitled tb all the privileges, end mideet to "ill the liabilities incidrat thereto. . • • • Mr. Brown Said there was a number of merlte* l erns citizens of this SiMbe who see citizens by ad* . Con, who hare aPprebensions as to the extent! of their allegiance. There tub two Methods by whllh individuate May he althea, of South. Caroline: blab, and by adoption. Birth gives an onedelided eithenahli State, and citizenship - of the Unified States. By Ditrltalilttion, person wore made eiti illl3ll of the Chita States, and by virtu* of beteg arch were made citizens of South Carolina. ip 1832, the consitntiors of Booth (Wolin* u amended requited them ko take an additkroal oath of allegiL woe to the State. He did not intand,,,, canteen plate making ;voluntary citizens of these aocidettli. ally dousialled!st the period of the adoption of OM ordinance of secession. Mr. Remind offered a resolution that the Con nine Son tiiCe a genus to-morrow till the 18th proc.;ot enbjeot to the no-esssmbilog, by order of the Plage dent. Laid oW the tatde. Mr. Bbett introddoed an ordinance :whiab wanted to lay en the table without readies: I I Mr. Mei:Binger doubted the authority by whir l papers in poblto deliberative assemblies obeli iii, wilted without having at least one reading. ,H• Mr. Matt then read tbe.ordinaace Montt .2t provide, for • Wonventlon of the daveholding Stale .r the United State,, for the purpose of fruiting:a Constitution for the Southern Confederacy, eta , es, follow, : Firs,* coureatlon of the nudist slevn; holding States a the United Suttee, to quite with! South Carolina'. at Montgomery. Ala, fur She pui• Pose of forming a Southern Coafacheacy, and agree! on the terms ; second, the said States are recoeg mended to eppaint, by their respective conventiotia or legislatures. he men,: dedepatee ei they hare meek bars lo the pramot Cone.* of the United States, sci• said convection, and on adopting the eoostitution" the vote he by Statue; third,. whenever the twine,* a Constitution are agreed upon by the momeetiosq the some Mal Ale submittal, at as early a day - la, prattlemble., to the convention or legislature of each; Sat respecting. ea ee tu instruet the delegates ratify or reject the Constitution; fourth, in Ilia opilo ion of the South Cotolina envention. the Cenetits.. , " tioe of the Coifed States Is a suitable heals for ttin'i confederacy of the Soothe,, States on witbdrawlegil fifth, the Booth; Carolina onvention shell appoint.! by ballot, ahrherkilegates to resume& South Carolitne3 Ia the convention of the Southern Confederacy. OM', commissioner fur each &masked! be eland to cell' ,the attention of the people of the several elavebal4-1 leg States to this ordinance. • The crdinimo4 Armtatteced.:i4,ltie , cimiuse th.y.ustitatkre!. Mr. Dunkirk Moved • yeast marekrn. Apse! to. CeaatastroxilDeo. Atahrunafitale Doti carillon is usdatatood to b. ia .favor of saewnion an immensirembrily. • There - sae cuniore la airibilatiop that miloral hun ted Imp* are roofs to th• Challenge frump also th at Fart Dampier was' riloforted Co flanda*• ebb marines mailer tbe:disarthe Oflabarerc. The posial aniansaments twatlea• as formerly. The rollowingl i verseic arrived hire 'to-dal Jobe Patton, from Bornini.kliddlewir, frets Boeturi, and Beck Lindeeiftum Boston. 'Wan/ fordo AO* with Moamar% powers Worst/is SOiti are mow loaded; .. Other veined' will 1. rotiebty ;eke clearance made}', protest. t• Maarilatelligabt Carolhailes admit that it will be a dllhealt mallet to estimate -tbe Gordis§ 'knot of Union. but the )est MICH wilt be to eat it W. AIEXPTON. flartbar revelation of the facts shows that Maas. Munn, Mjiania Co'a contract has two jean to run. The alleged atreepti snare of the Secestary of War are Laid to ameba of mere meturarde eating that so much mohey r woold beans on the executors of a amain reeivkle under, the contract for the treuPortetiou army rtoPPiloor which Mr. Rouen had from time to tali sued woolt lateral security in borrowing.. money. Haab eueteni rands or arbitrator hare heretofore berth givan by. Other Departments under 'Mal 'elnamstantree. Mr.! Dailey la him:leiter of coaferielotito t3nooetirey Thomp.i we, *eye that oci;,odlete of :the dowortilboot hod oilij tatopllelty or the ;slightest knowledeeorthe fact of . Me hayloft abstrieted disband*, gad th at it was Cr.,4 . final to the persona directly implioaked aid hereto.i fore tamed. Thu badanen for Dailey surrendered` Mtn to-day god be is now In jail. •As to- the bail required of Russell, It haebeg been agreed to take . $2011,000 of the Soot outside of the Jtu isdiotion of t the Cu,,,a &nolo? Gaon sidiepnisisetatiees Wotol•i, inn and Bernetti. bare goon tie aeourity f. , r this!. amount, the amok:dolt $160,0011 I. /aloe made opt by tbe citizens of ;Washington.: • The proceedin# of the' two Songreeelsnal Select: Committees on theorists excite no portienterinterat,f as it le not eappoied that they will ho able to coma S to a satisfactory .eroncluelose, and. ai 'the ethane " Santana?" are at paean' ofSralled to an,, mime. Mr. Dooglu denies th e publicatioo that he refused to pot blaz.elfilstit on toe ?cooed on theyesolutione of Seesaws Davie ;nod Toombs, saying that he did pat on the Yaroall a etaament,that be direithedeo.. tine on the • abstract peopultioos, which were not unkind to the foil o< aeundmeato to lb. Oustit•- tion, when he had jam sewed ea ountedment In doe form, covering ill 'points in the tienlutlone. The secessionist! are 'gab ounforted by . p Seat* accattou from Maryland, rhea* and tabor South-. ettl litotes. . . . . Slue Goa. Cum 41119 rained from the'Department tti Shia tt him Dan dietiogulahtSgentlemen haws bone 'numerous; innlodiog the represeatatiera from ' the foreign eatable:tent,. who. gave *widgets of the • marked enalideratiotr-weieb hommenced with their Oacidinteroourse.l , - The Bactetsry .rebt, Treaionj blmalf deities that faidafaliation atlas is ble'laparbizeob • HOIDOVIN, the enanleation Into Its condition noottones, cad Ile fir none of the trait bond, are allot* ' The South Carolina 'Coatielielateck bete arrived ;ltd taken private quarters. ausieement, they will cooky with tber Wadden. to.morrtar either ibany'ot by wrillog.; The subject itin . be . aterred to leaagrees It a spatial masers; in which there itllt be an attritive and viiicAl dcbtstt. ' - • Pgicaou.rsu, Love. 26,—,Th• Bulletin or this 'even:dog, .01144 4 !or tbe Pitteburnh:eiteltement, Jaye: •'Lert nor Potaboinh Mond. be fidortied that bo m y moth rising it rotadlloo. The authority . of• the fad. Oral government mind be supreme. The' fart that tha • Pmelderd is node lot bit ndlee dam .01 'the people from allmilsere to the; Illeitod 'Male' or resittanoe 'thailnidara. .The antidotal that ahem gotta aro to he employed • to resist the North, or to ba hooded over to the pomibte Milton; .at the South, does rat warrant an lotarfareatio with their removal. To. arsenals of the trotted States **under the riellitire contr.' of : the Prodding and i'hio Secretary of .War, mot , they:, hang ttur right to illapore of their inoileati nod dittriboie them mooch *Ma ae may owed padernfoo. The executive to .;tmmossible for their oft. At saline when the w l ' , Jebel, North and ,'portion of lb* Booth Cr, eon densalog the salon Of Ilona Carolina, It fi deploro t° see on ' attempt made aa,tte North to unwed woos her. We trait' that the, good mom of the sr 4erdoviog pottlok * tbineople will prevail, and Aeon Ms dtopeenion to riot and rebellion. Suppose lb. South does Obtelo alai' tilos,' that need not frighten the North, which Instill amply able to take . r mp• of Iteelf end ofltha Pedant Mato, 'should It finforimontaly , era tit00:011 ennnicaitty to light for its • • ' W11111111611314 Dee: 26:—Tbit,Trar Dapprimmtess lets Ratios wttb terminus. hi !armed monnoestt ht PittabSigh and A1106b007 until official Informa ble is remind frosettoredlear lo.obarmi be lhev At. Mail thaw Tao order fur the - miliaria' of tbe goes lam rental, lamed to be et Shipp.. Island sod 040sitom by the tome fiat daAattive, work, at Moss legato, though andahbed, may, be reidy.ta main tbinta The appropriation 'for the purchase of the - 00111011 was long !toes made for the pupate abova Mated, and the order; for MHO remoVa I Thltbir aeoordanee with '11:11, Taw and remdationa; mad aaltbouTsortafaresee to vandal letammame * bat . stet . . . Qaptata logratam.4 iiominad Vlthcsloop- , 41-trat 14phowed, • attb• Msditarrassiux squadron hat 6 W 'An d obtebttl.. famo to mk* iSaw ,, roirAlk-iDkincike.-ook.tooo cooed ti t iliotatoAtok ot tht ittialklika lli 04 Ho/4A impi ottliiiiiritoiror; ti now* OW iii Tido Trot boado; rippliol so to _ . llti l relit DP 1/1111 111011111111*ptneinda, -- . . ham ag, Deo."211:--Th0 stlimeskip Canods, heel Merrell on the-266 Ininalik, r atrived at this port sea t. • , firm the' c r. 1 "Pi kt thill teem o f eon - L'—The ut ,,, o f las cap of Pekin , and stall th t th artily still kept the field, although the Em had list. ' - The chief share oil the epantilakais by the seeking of the li:sparer's pilaw" feDittt.abe French. Tb• treasurn taken would, hebig divided between the Promsh and Boalshl.7 of the private soldiersked sold their sharelw 30.000 francs. The skip Georgians, fina/ 411 i Orleans for Lim. pool, had been burned et see.t The claw were sand. Feagen,—The spools In Oh tank of Preece has donnas:xi 2,600,000 helm diarMg the month. Exonteo.—The steamship Pleads earths out 214,500 In specie. [This is pr ably pounds ster ling, thorigh the dispatelt dose sellstate It distlnetly. The girl of Aberdeen is ditaiL; , ." The Leindon Times' money aftiele, dated on the 4 1. 14thinsd, says: TIN faadisfsload wta_al Owl*" tion, aod remained needy, Wang Oil The dis count dato4d was small, and fi st thageperel market Wes 1 per rout . Tba'ainit - exotanges wire drin. American" rallwat , h had im proved. ; I . 4 1 Adria , " from Italy elate that - like mbar:haat Of Gaeta had moommeneed. ~..,. The Obln "mail was expimteille anion in London on the 151 k et , P Latest 6, eler to apl Qaomobwa.—Losnon, Doc 15, p. m... dispptch from St:l'eterstitug say. that peal» has` concluded by Gni Allis' in China, end the aglnPofor h as returned to,Pikin. A report of the ridged:Woof flathead' area from the attempted murder of Col. Dime, of the Sicilian army. I Omtestiorac.—Litrattroot. Dan. 14.—The sales of the week, tooled. 0500 hallo to speculators and 4500 boles to importers. The market •closes gelid, with bareirmidotained quotations and partially lower. The sales Of today, Friday, are :unmated at 10,000 bales, 2000 bales of which &sato speculators end for export. Toe market le steady at the following au thorised qcotation.. New Orlaana fair 71; middling 51 Mobile' fair 711 middlingq: Upfaia tab 71 mid dling NI. i The stook yin portamounte to 567,000 bales, 'colliding 444,000 balm Of American. , Llterpoi.l Breld.ttif• MartionA3matistaln went quiet et the opening. Whealrikes; hoiden demand an Wren°e for the fine quelithi;: . LimiToOf Proritiona Markes:r.Tha mirkof ooalln.; ua doll. LaireaLiedos. 11, oar/ Makka. • —Consols are qua tad at 021€102f ex dlr. Arefricau stocks ; The fol.' lowio sales are reported: Moots Central It. R., 2/1 ®211;,P. 0. Erie R. R,111; IP. Y. Conceal, 78- Tun Laramr—Oweesistowni'' Dec. 11.—Unit0001 Cotta,, Math, : The pales of cotton Saturday were esthested at 15,000 belts, looluding 1000 to specu lator. sad for export. Ing market closed firm. Wheat wive and advancing:, Londe," ,—Coneobi 621@921 ex di , i. i, Lana Ma fewmatome—Adricen from Italy state that the POl:Mika! troops are about to march mallet Pennon. td overthrow the Provisional Government A dispatch received from thiterelms *Zoe at.. St. .Potorebargh,dated Pekin, Npv.4te, onnounoo• that pease wee imeeteded with Chinned' the 20th of Oom. bet. The terms of ntilleatiot went exchanged oit. the 6th of Novemberand the allied Dues. had *vac mad Pekin. The Emperor wis expeeted to return immediately. Fr. IC , D•to. 20.- _ '/'pa Pooey Express, going west, was twesiy•four tours late, owing toy sew rider lasing the way and Isenisx to death. Ile mu a German, name unknown. The C.'o: C. and P. P. 'sprawl stash puma. at 2.20 o'clock yestanioy with '3,000 in gold - dust, end six patesegera. ' Dewar City. Drc. 22—Patriek Waders wee bong yesterday at about three o'clock. When on the gal lows be misruled the murder Of oreeemen. Hie writtati troalession las been pubilsbed. Be midi ' sated the crime due days. A new diteovery.for erring gold her Mei 'made by a won to the gold dieniet diettiogi. It is still a tenet. Betook a pas full ..t tentage from ono of the quarts mills, suppoyed to contain no gold, sod by subjetting it to the prune threw sound dines, %tubed sir, ST, end:S2,./0 respectively„ Cheering !spans uneaten' the Sea Jose reentry, A rut extent of . AU Plater Malaga are Reid to exist in that tegleei besides boa agriceltotal vel7 We bad s' light snow on the 20th, but it disap. Feared In • ,few heats; the weedier hu since been • New Oactiene, Dec 241.--Gor. B — ootees has fumed • cell for so :entre eeselou of the Tetai Leglilatore, .blob la to emetable on the 21.1 of deanery, to coo.' rider the preilest arida,* The &MOM:111011ot the peo ple will esserable oo the 2Stb. Toeseeeuion feeling LI le the sereelds• L. -• i‘IIIOAZII.I.III/1, Deo. 15.—1100. Henry IL Foliar "died lido mooing, at. Ito rey4leoes In We oltsy, of typbold foray, to tbo 50th lie ea. Ito ox-otomtoir of C 013511,14, sad lately • eatodtdoto lit the second fattiot. • • POILADIttirINIAi Lot 26:—ThiiStitlis &vino Fond, owing to thopreostuu tiode upon it bat Assn to To tato Urination. Tito stufgne, i. M. Stephen isaaparation meet_ . fog to wstifyllw , weistifialkwraif &Howl was well smelled. lipesebaa wen mad. by Mr Swdo and ee.ar Fein x 1V . :344:,.1 1 --7,41.=JK Peiebem. ilielnt'iiiiiirWaribe Dalai a Beaker -11111, died Ode awning et Atab3a. Ms; eseJ.IOI years. . D. 28 .—Thtea haedt awn W the Nat'l Vistt.,lti a special train tan ay., to join the sloop4t-war eeeeeeiso, at . Porismeauth. - Lognirtiji; Dee 28.—Tim- dun It ?lain* with fat *star In ship canal. MirEttoitit Foot) — Attentiotria tailed to i 4 mast remarkable and sriaand • peaparstion,adrettlood to another agleam It Is MI patlraly tow dhantery. and now not to mntoondad ikb any of the samertare patent sn.dLiore of 0. day. It ts certain rowdy fur all the &news Di:4.MM. and eltaleally thoae ot a ohit.nts nature —ot loog atindlog..et *tyke, mouths, and years. Mork , am try till . Moms Como it mtg..: at Naar Tort, aria the sot. .taunt for lt, and al.. prvernteri of the er.nlittenowned D. Ilevon's Toricaux Catlett.. an agitate which Orcry Mother ctiont4 boo. tp b..r medic - tea Octet to Om. of 0004 sod rout.ioing. so tt doo, p elogorio - Or %data of, any lited.o Me be tr bed aeon Tito coo br criol on loycloolo apeotee to Oil M. Of let.the co couloto —UAW .flo's Jogrocki" *ye» vicOrtlioacmc. Forcokoj 4 11 4 1.11. tarot ay., lon Clittoocneti,. . doillatioleor Aff` Mum; incise floosp ior,llouo,ey Pao. rerte.:-Hut AVldloir Inn'sew dleplayed on their eoooter and ithelves • moot eplendLl Wok of Holiday !lecke, 01,14,1141 g of Blbla Prsprir Booke. !limn Book., Aoithide, Gift Book,, Album., Juvenile Books, POMIPLI Werke ? , sod works to WI 4sput. zebu of literrath* is elegaht bilidthg also games of 'ell•kind., bicb they offer 'a!, prleal to colt the AP•1:1, _locyopc 111111.1, Water, QV* aid Homo: par - 011 Phislolani slso spot for Rainbow's eolebrarad Trais for Replorro. No, 130 61321tbfiald dp. . f• Mir Au . *had nos fail ta read the 0ver ,11..m....14 Prot Viirad. Is paSr. ' • f SAPONIFIER! ImpoNms 14) Famillo: Sees Trimble; mid Expo**, , Tux , Tem 'BE S r „, , MARKET ARTICLE ' I ° 4 - ... MAYjNQ SOFT ,SOAP! on e rue, •4ual to Ilis pounds r ) rr f .1. TO, Sail. 011 . 14 by Penn'a. Salt Manufact'g.:oo: PITTSBURGH. PS. l'aza by an il.4oerk ci,.%l.;.hstuiris;rtsestio.. soss,;focro 46. Irmk.ohatit.: i5,R014 . ,410 TO $3O PER:SST:- sihrOt Eteitittoes Celatastcd . Stencil Dissa, — mi. y tututl,tualtablied to th• best stile, Till last • Ilt•thn•; • 'tut&lnderttioli •rtatvalan can nut. $2.000 • year '.Wi are ntatintsettniog ani otter to tti• tom* iLIF `eldnery ., ...abetsi.ittAolikl• /NUM!, &mho, yod mot the Stencil bubo.; VitkohNitta and it t urtalL • . t Led Clrenl. tree, .datta,,, • T. 33(MCMCCICi . ...11C; . 2so annromproax. rnovanits ,__• IN Liberty stiOppoolf• Unload thiim •.• POT;To 103.-1 au.Narbsolkokr, - MILL rell43.7l , p,Onli,TAth.n. gall lift( ,Wlliater.44 meta WWI+ 11.44; • APPtll2.llsobble Iturftt•.%ashoilie.' ••• • -•- • ftL4)Oll-40QMIS• limn) Maury - ' • . • 0.1"—M1 bus prime. -. T. - •.: XlOLAJiattl—lnciubtoPlin.6 N. 0 - - • sufficlirmuT Vll.ooR—neattN,7': • - •—• • 111110Tillt • • Ptitrzlitr .W.OrAst Racks; , For whit, PArkersburg, Pon* roy, Point Pl * /11$ 4`9 4111 1 101 iT. GPRI/Otte,;. patleleburgb, Ironton liind Portemouttt. nen , and elegant steamer:=p PA 1.111 !Jere, cot:cr tioinunuenetent .nut k... Plfthborieb XTILLIT 4110 ecloolt, for PotiamOtti'lualsll fetrfrodolintolosolloo. Motorising. rrlll J.M. Pottocuoatfl Vitfotnifilb *My TOIDAY at 1.2 m Tor freight or 111.4•11(1APPIVA noon. or to soli TLatli. %PAN TS &pm: eget IV:OMAR TUNSDAY"PACK VT ton zaarttavit - ttetu'inni Mauna Elet ll :aßalf"4, 11~ '#lll=r= for Me litopmmo utetetne.O.Weectut. ..'t7-TtiltaDlT .64 LAOS t a Alit gA. itESS6DAVMS . -;::10 Droomd,tik,.. ?I'pava*pacalitllllloo ads 11440Kinv Art ) .74-14 •D a maw. , WEDS PrimeTyl for sp , - mwßc.tAL'l • Irtfa of AtISITRATI ti Inns Davaiits, , Joan Hisirassica, I 114;uni, I I f PITT9HILII2O72II . 1113,112T6. Ellefel'Oedeep.eiaziyibr lab Ilegawro aaseaci '' 1 PURIM=It. Taus...,. Om. V. 1860. i Thin. .. lane or no bownwerniaareted yralartay, and rate mica effactad awn all la the NO ill Iffigt. Taw damaad Inn all itia,4eadlstl arllalea roatlenwe Witte Malted and the lomat/ow, now very Ilahr; In .Inc lbws is no now fr. lion 0m0005,..1.0 tode.o Ilia can basal of every. UMogobe4' i ; Saner. I Jet IC. Irlwa. l taney , I , lIA 064 Sr.,. alma -- 1 660 -- do° Ido Li , do -..- 4 lar 640 000 1 60" Ido do ___ p.l t. 00 ,d. ' w d0...._ .--r . 4 6 0 6262,.."-rn i '' l l li thil r E 2 ilogar -- .....1 - oil - Rat I.tsaagat 26 4ala• - oi - 7 hath 4. If ateady. Salea of *Ude 10 0 ld. 23 46611 r. I OR Iti-gtalo. of CO Web ./lar.st 43. SOO do do at 46. Data fat, demand. nano of SA hash hum more at 234. It -El tee le*. prima Rad et SIM'. Br N 10441., OM 1... a, wen. .4:81.01104..h. PO LTIIT-Salni Of 12 dos Inskewiln 11/4661-onaddla/e .. mid edit, sad kn do rhea .t 27 per par. - II E W 11/1T 1 1 L0UR........4. of 0001ba al $1,60 V Ritt.l-ia. Rood request Balogui 2 bid. choke* 801 l 3 :7 1 ° a°4 In lie kaiak/. ae of 60 dor. at Ir. I , 1 realms oft! bbla al $6,60 16 Dbl. N 1113111133-1141•4 of 6 bbLi 64510 i'L ,- ,4retvl:ll:::: 2 l . 2 fgaldoimga 3: rILLNO.• of 100 Obit 11.41 k Ilt * sell . oft° dee al j: I. 264 4. per quality. II . funsivrAli.at ; ANSI. uttrimactlClA L. O• l t . = Waxer, Dee 22-. lour to dull, ',Mout In 600.11111154,67. Porß embodied... 4 selling o mall haa alllO 11 H pb for prime lo Llama. Sawa dull; matting Ily f ' haulm] lu the hug: erfl. 214.thfled outale• sal nt 17461111 c! doll and Ina ricapta very bag. and Jo •-• bang .4:1 Fng .. taw. of 7 4:alu . i -- li iitio ea " '- dr d ott ate Naar, fall, fdr whits at aliftt s. 90 halo wrte r oslyal dating . the w.rk. 110131•41.1 . fall; a ti hr. ?ha re elate*" laht• and lacy:era of ma trawl I; th whole range I. 20 to 2110 ,116,1101 lads 15411. rt.. Krd la taw the area. Volfto !alio Ire, Ma WIN In 10 arat la 41 sod,pler• hare eteltoedllollittaddlo. Pith Midi Ode Sod New Y. 41 !.• dlittant. Tat ahlp4 la oof trokl today ,wee;Stod,ooo to New 0, ram rtheta:t4hate traladod 'belt yeatudon to lame ill I a ort. Wooa fuedga note at Poor e (otoortsrd lonawitA)fneei 1614 Morn for rotooodoiLeytelog 1 boys ortr of tee ronetlro,wratoget.bl pascal be.nits fen of Vie, bob... I.or, to hi3O, .4p1 , 111 , 1%,,,fa1c0•4* tine 180,00,1 1 -36,0 W i t t. wbleh ere thonoltoinotee../Jote 6to Ernie.' Tooth "noel lfleFlßlllt!tei eft" ,$ ro: 6. trototite• 100 601514 ben woele-14:ier tetrktespen Lutta- ,Atemorsowe .10401,14, ffrof k un krif,r Ott." 1 4: - 4 '‘- 'eolonuaf.oefinktni af' , 414 4.0,441ettettee tutill&!es . 1 4 aMtiltint aitlier; .se veins: /nter. Into. =1 , 1221 LAX* 1110 / 911 111011 - 00.1PPLA .11111 LL. hi 10 LTIN Gl• won't S. P1V 2 1111U11611114 . PARR, arcinarr at ce . ITUFAEFFUitERB OF Salta i MA Et, imazums• met, BOLT OOPPii. MIME . ON I / 4 Pig SETTOEB.Ratord 11111 Bottom. iielarrEddle.lo. Alp Importers god Deelere h. lIIITALI, TIN PLATE 4auT IRON, WIIII.Er. Whetsatly em,lrealyThem ivt usoldeft end Tale.: s . . Wanikeis.,Ne.l4ll And and 12111 Swaim' !Wow, lb Pletaurill, Pealui, ~. arapsetalbedimottlapponsuttoluly ?elltodi.abirlk HAIR DTB-113•18 DITE--BALR DTD, Wm*. samonaLows liatalaira? n. mod bog is tlis Mold! All °then are mere Imitations, mid should es pass% Ifyso wish teak:opt ' GU; an, oft aussi Nona Diod botain4 to • um:um mg sword Ignore or Stook. tHtboot ON hoot 131. jury to Mambo, limo strous Asp ornomas elm two inter& td to Wsi./.l9etchaJor ohm HU, awl over Kotaiittpllo. that here bra node to the RIo OW Wm. orbit io. . . WM. A. DATOBILOVII BA DTlprodem li MO,: oil to to dlatiogotdot Dom =tom . iitO Dynamite, mg M Non la the lestit,hoorgive lon It the bitoottobobouid lbw 111 Okla ofiled Dyge teutetled: the Dar ilerist kw Ub b, thb bObtott4 LI% ' . L '' . ' ~ I Mal; odd or applied (lo II itlysto toosti9 obit.* W 4 RH 9010 In allettise asel loom °gibe grattallteggi. by Dreg 13 T 410- The pools. th e nom Lad Midi* litiVil • stool Diets oetotortog ott TAD, tooth bar; a , ' i srua.zart a. matortai _ Jokinuinavr l* /toed etreog.lhoot orb. runt. &KM triPti MUIR t ourestsurrato Don't fail to procure Mrs. Wilmslow's Booth . ogi Syrup kir Chlldrsultaikts.' It "auks mut au sink It /pulls faitiktatt ettspetimssefttilitssitiptottiedit tb• Lc*, roidiklufg. W luflautsuiticia—‘lll allay pshi,aud tit tare tiAssitistett• bowels. dim:A opts %Maims, lg . riutto7uumitlysi,4s.l relief turt tk•tuus ?Is vatiablii r prsparstion Is lb. prestitgitta' rh•mUst . :firperisuesd tad skilful knits I• Nrr iluctsukuud has hies mud with aiiiirtlatlise sieour WS boiling it bast siltiosiessusiliktlut miss of Dystutssy sad Dlithota WOW !MB *thin frog titt.otkiu =auk ; tfll4l.4hnithcw butstisistUll oattouolt.oaNtt mamist Of batiks - um sold rutty prig Vit**. ?Slat OXLY 26 OUTS • BOTI:LX. -1 111PAsuegumbo Wass ttistiscidualt afOtilltlll Pik =Nß, Nos Yank Ism Una:o6U tZiphisu s kW Drokirkts out tbs . . 0.110. irtEllit,,Agtut ; istuissilsk? W lO lll-WIGID—W BATOHSLORTI WIGS AND TOUPEES . sa rpm IL They sr* slyest tiatt, say and durable. Mang to sebum—so tandn up belded—so stislats i g dike bud; Ladd ibis subpolar istabliskssat ~hair thus Wass a.. proposly isodsrsiood and Fmk. • Isiktratsof ; IS Used sass". Ws. Vat • EiLEMIILI ;=;3;OJ Irma Saliba la aulasi Vault DiaiNt Wiadow abate' WlRdow a.sitertdow se rain/ Oliteraia Waal and 111arltatj 21178111/24411/i... . Hasa bind a nada, al sawnstrai; .agtable G. all parpomeo. - Particular attastlatipaid la ea. okah*Grala Lea,. Jabblingdoaa ai abartaatka...- IXO. Ilontl WH.-....................:.........-............r. N.. =JAL R OBINIION,.IIIII/.4-111ALLEIM, . . ... VOUNDICRAI AND ISAC I IIISI47I3, ~ 4 WAS FLING..TON\ WCIELif S.' Pitsburiga. -13,ii11,ni......;;',:r. Ogae• 30 . 41' Market e&e&& t. :. - ~ : :.:. -- 4-:, , ,, libunrfo:tors all kimii of SONIZO Ito=.sod.lllll3l4' 7 : Cattqp,Rikilrood Work, litress rfaillimo, . .leMbrirkOad llMpairfos &moon in... 41.4 . o.4wareft. . O. B. ft C. I"- NIARXIA PAPER MANUFACTURtiCB - -BOON, Palift OAP, Llferifi -Ala ALL KINDS 9 W a L A P. P I N Gl.' :E . .11..1P IC R. Have rammed from Nall Wood otrort to /MO loath 1 iiiii ri:r Truk Om Row c; - *,-,. , J...M.4.11CT.1.A.W 1 ~.. apart ( rrt.k., - 4' t , ': zwizixecusr T.A.x.x.o*-: No. 54 Moir. Stroek-)..! tfM•friab's Now frOgill4. . - - PlllWlMalieri.. RAIL ROAD BP/Sll COMP AAY Joseph P1etwert1e....4...—....1.144,1. C. Ertleeellr e -• • (hicersonte ts /inter, ROA asitt.)'. RAIL ROAD SPIRES, CHAIRS `. • • _ • AND BOAT BLURB.. Corner of - Water 'Streeeisnd Chen? .stalrdin . • pirmseasoa. PRti .1.- . " 2 , Pittiburgh Steel ,Wotkro JONEe. /BOYD & CO ILIANOTAOTURERB OP CAST BTRELi 7- .:'' afar, Pieta& Plow nod A. Steel OPRXIIGR: i sad A MUSK Calm Roo sad PIM she • - . - imp -1' - - " N. .E1.01...8L1CE11 dr.,,VON forligli aid tqmestis .2411 or Elilijit,:.- owirrznairra or tuiroar, • • - NANZ NO US AND .7 NO. $7 MANSE? NTILINT, PrOTSBORON. - wt . 11‘Oollsetinta oil ei ta• OtnelpN Ciao .ELEC.N.Err Er..VOLLANAN "onward:lnt end .„ . LID WHOLIIMAin zwitaltr. Butter; • , ' lad Prtdne• tliit „IN* Pim Itrad,f HEELERA-q, WILSON"tit:- ~i v ikr,a 011114E1 " N0„(27 Firm PAIRS OP 18601 NtrznanzErt etc wzr..l3olsT kirlideit tiemlam of tine United States Fair 1 0hia - 'lllinois State Pair ; • Wiioonaia'Stata Pair, lowa tifafs Pal,; - Kentucky State lain , : Ticatessee State /hill ' New JeutscyStatct tali ; • - Chia " p Mochanieeinditatei : I onuville Atiolisnioe Institute; , Allegheny County: Fah: ;Pittsburgh; .nd otter tenet, felts, um nentennee otrOl . to the publie TY %MOON'S lIIPIIOVID amnia _stanapne t AT ItiDtelltl) PRIMO, • • ^ witttlnoteneed tenothlanat is Its sterna ea the 16.4 ilea Mein , rehab leanly Ihniteglltschlos now le nee 'it tweettetteet• ly cell on the bkkett and Wines lateienAtteltst Chemin& •-" ankh Impnealble ro tionrell, with the tweeted whastaht of holes alike on hoth tikw. &nate b° - er clulltltte. the %Way AU-0 temple In th onetien, ewe etweely , lle . nem-meek .0 mote datable why other neepenek liVe are tell inetroctime to- bl. the peretweer b.OO unlit:m.7 awn% &Wyk by OA quilt, gather. Wed eat:. ) toot. ell to the atilt lettAttre.nne Swan abe t Onoulatiosettehtfor lyns o W te l.4nit. Inet h d i t Lra l mill"a•l "4-26,Vt"4.r7Ae : I•4o4 :ttinii l WTwhol ob bend. - mykliiir WU. 11011111i1.• . Alt 0 - itrAtrtfli ljaL Till fll rI AND 110/1110 011LISItlira asleep% sedlda• bat segainal for 11/111wer Ili dlamom wbb:tlt peollow to cm% Irsolore4 lb. .Ipractlesol astadabaar Nigustrawas *rot lummtby at:lbws. - Tbry Asir fralua tbiltr_aaoll weeks tow" Soya lb Iles aca by the Sala oltbeerataked:' la all eon afOatY +. .11.1abos, byipmp.lB, 11143a4. 119 , litre, Allloooll4'. UsemalastheN bwors art Aiwa, atellaala Med all Ornate! Llanuscalwas of Hank - ablY artrted a cattalo and speedy Asbyls bht ! wilt place lb. Llk YIN beyond 'I. mg* of _ 11 ,141/leltiel IIIOPPATTA PbIIESIX struntirmaiiit_%4l. if ellicsetou la all cesuiol &Nova' comb Illot AOl4lll, tlkl. pass "ftwidaat la bowl , * JMI- ' 'fib sntfe q Lied af.wliami, et, amp l!ta.ct•a--,::2 For aft by _Dr' .ILI4OI/1/ASP, -•. Yorb,siie'ttbeseabmagollediebioTbismi.o4-Donbibb 1 ,34W+101t, PLUMBERS, GA*S. . STEAM TITTERS: 413.:'!htgs" %w=..:., if. MMMI