The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 10, 1860, Image 2

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1 tttsbij
..._Traninens;ikureday,'Dea.;43.-Tbe Haat
Committee on the Perin. jOondttion of the
Cowry wee -sesessired titeley,-SaA will go to
work and each pripaition *snit/1610.5W,
again on," beginning with; that of nightie
Slava. This it is believed. Will streogthin the
seasairsiin party 'in the 061 f fitatte;"alcd*Pl .
int separate seoeuion.,'• , . . •
Houston and Cobb say their Distkiatie will
end thirty of the one hundred debutes to the
Alabama Convention - , pledged against precipifs•
ties Costa will and three.; Mobile four, Green
three, sad &stages one, ailed pledged against it.
The Republicans are alive to the dangers
Christening , the , aouniry:, ; Sheeran, Poster,
sad. other leaders - say they will make every .
effort to save the Halos. . ~- ••
Much trouble his arisen (ninth. inabilit yef
the Treasury" to meet obligstions of a . petty
naracter. Some members have been paid only
is part; othenlin full. - Wiehbuen of Melanie,
„attempted to get his misty aid was refused..
He said he Mould and thie.flpether'reertiffoitte
to a seise, anti protest' the Treasury. ; They,
tins paid the' fall amonet,:sevealeen Mildred
dollars, to sena. Treasury from 'protest Tie
same Nara will be
. parened; by other membe rs.. There Ii nioartesougk in pay. them ill.' - It is
reporipi that partiality has ibeen sharn in this
matter. The Treasury war never in 'a bad a
condition before. The simplest calls Ant 'recta
dialed. Secretary Cobb, is int to be foind pi-,
day. • He has either ealgaed, or secretei him.
self to.stesps sampan. It is stated tomight
that is has resigned, sad the statement is oda.'
'radiated. Both mannents 'in from high
. It is reported that :the Cements e will meet'
soon;when plane fot a enthrones will beef:
fared by several member,.' It is thought Shit s
division whistles between the Repablierainen
ben- of the Committee. Ii is understood that
Corals. Cacepbell, Maps, Kellogg, and Straiten
will, propose • compromise, ' whioh' they 't leek
will sot degrade the Itspabliesa Ping no r the
t i r
North, and th e more men will differ 40.
them. The extremists of bo th sections wit Op
pose • compromise la the Committee, b t the
consenstivee have a majority, and will 'report
rectotatione„ "Milt, H. adopted rennet bit to
allay the pretest feeling, sad restore bermoily
Me. Corwin is preparlig 'the reaolutiooe, which
if adopted, ki thine will 'agile all:difficulties
and save the Union.
Hes. Case expreseed the hope to.dey that ill
would yet be right, thokgb himself, Secretory
Taney and the President., are moat cast down
with the gloomy prospect.
Mr. Etheridge, of Tenneesee declared that
peaceable secession is utterly impoesible, and
oat of the question, which eohatantiates Senator
Here's position.
The House Special Committee seems to satisfy
nearly all the Union men. Speaker Pennington
is compilionted for it. •
There is a etrong probability that Merry l 's
Tariff bill which will come Op in the Senile o
Monday; will pus Without onions oppositton.;-
The /lowborn Free senators ay they o
sot care meek shout it, as their Suttee are
bound to go oat of the Union.
Senior Wade and other ;promieent' leedire
emotes Sthe opinion that nothing can Sop (he
seeetision movement. And they believe the CoM
mists of Thirty three will socomplith nothing.
. Tim Committee 'of Wile and Means Sill as:
on Monday, and twill regOrt a Teu Mil-
lion Treasury note bill, and put it through'ldilt•
not opposition. ' I
Senior Iverson was severely repiOied to-day,
persosally, by Messrs. Crittenden,. Dania,
Hooter sad Humphrey Marshall, for hie ill-nd
nivel speech of yesterday. ; - ;
• Mr. Stephen of Georgia has unties a idler
tali friend here, urging cslikneee, and deleyrn
the ' SeitesiOn movement-deprecating it; and
a "jag • reconolliatios anti continuance in the
Union. 'Boultain, of South Carolina, declined to
appear. II the Committee •oniMilitary altars ro
dey, and will resign Ale pallier' on' the'Cols
mutes the first of next week. 84. be dsOleivii
to•day.4N. Y. rinses. : • • 1 • ••
Wantewrok, Thursday; Deo, 6,16611-When
the Speaker announced the •Committee, Mr.
tinkles of Florida rose immediately "'naked
to be encased from serving. ; This step was ex
pected, sad had been previously concerted. Mr.
Milleos of Vs., Moved en ladjournment, , Wit► .
the-Mei of preventing a stampede is that direo.
ilea, and gaining time to ante with dins to..
tretnistr who are disinclined to• any arrange..
mats vintner. Hs oneceedn by 12 mojerity,
sad the ;Hone* hale' . Previously agreed Wad,
Joan HU Monday, three &eye are given for con
sultatiost Mesatime, Mr. Corwin has decided the Committee to : order to allow
full oppOrtnity for Soothers members to confer
among themselves, and. if practicable, to effect
sa anderstaadiag liy which the extremists. will
akar :altos the.oessaltation anoooditionally.
,Wkes. Makin'. ie.dsoideddrielli earawieSeilits•
. It may be assumed tharthe Haws Sill as ex.
'nee 'members fres invite, though they, clay
*Wee' loaned tie sitting ef the Committee:
It may be cenfideatly steamed that Saith
Clarolist, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and ;Min
'issippi will inane before the 4th of Manth, ,In
spite of efforts to enrols their separation. ' if
let aloes by well leasable 'people, the danger
might be thee itemineet. Some of them will re
tire, with the design of bevies the borderfltatee
to megalith uthreathee open .which they may
Mara. 1 There sre-.leiedere Is this anon no
look to a consolidated Republic or whet-fan
of strong Goverainest, with-the ilia of 'their
own advancement to . supreme power. Many
Demoonce are opal, egellist, flee suffrage, , iv
favor ef the oestrailos of partial' rights Or
tweittpase years estaralitsion, end of er
rigid lishatins. by which as oligerohy mer i ts
established, and entire; antra placed le the
neck of large elm holders ; :: I 1
The War newton' distributed 500,00(lel ari
of arms is the Slays Stan daring thereat year;
bat a bee libetarpropertlon le the Free Stabs.'
oar linden tbnoeaod dollars worth of innents
of old 'pagers, which coat $l4, were recently
aid for $2 50 nab, when they might have been
ashy mutplied with modern. Improvements
Perhaps they will" be *old CO Government mein
at fall piles after
_being altered at a slight ex.
' ' • - , . . .
Mai 'he Soak Caitlin enhance far seers
else Mall balmiest, Commthetheere will be neat
sirs to`negotiate with she' Government for a
• basis of patentable 'operetta, aeoriransfer la
tin property of the halted Sister to that Stale.'
They nil set be rewind Ise any official implicit',
sad their domed for the faits sedimental* will
be refaced: Then the ball will open amercing
to the preen' programme.; Messrs. Magrath
sad kinsulager will probably be the Commis-
Meaen; and perhaps Mr. , Haiti . . . •t -
Most of the Soothers nod even Cotton States
are restive ceder the lead of South Caroiths,
appreheeding eased, the tame diffthulties with
kre In Meant of seownion Which are sow mal
treated,. and ; salloipailei the probability of is
eseind separation. Elbecennot live in or out of
the Delon oomfortably with bee Noltiffees is the
seasadast. -N. Y. VA. ' I be sus.,
Waiiisonet, Da. 6 =There as be so death! ~ t * Zt". l "--
of the feet thus the effect of the message ' hie j7„;„„,4,.;;;;;;=; - . .
bees to maboldes the aeaders by Its heir adop 7 hien it ;
lion of the inoeeslaidoctrise. .The golf states !with.-- ISO
delegations are certainly la 4 much' more quirt
and eentemplative frame oriels,' than before.
Its lining tee', and lack'of ;vigor.. bid. fair to
reader the Piro:eldest more dettplable in the eye.
dell parka than any of his previous error.
havadone. , .
Ti. Morrill tariff bill iiillter called op la the
Bents on Monday, when- the opposition to It
will. propose a revival of the tariff of 1846
Bonen of South Carotin, will withdraw
from the military committee last 'Week. Stn.'
len, tin Onion, sated him to etteed the meet
fag. of the committee to daY, to eonsider •the
Sae of the denims or, Fort Moultrie, when
Dualism Informed the chain:in that he should
The department !applied Charleston postofftek
with:bleak' to-day to the fire' of July, is ems
plane with the federal 1aw.4 , 6f: - Y : World.-
. .
Weennatow, Dee. 7.-Tie day hes beeti
marked by • free sad freak liserebangir of sea- .
Unrest 'among members, end It le still a main.
Mae ;feet thanes* who earaely-fraterilied
teat esseion, have boss , brought together in
Madly; ; if sot entirely "unrestrained, 'inter-'
sates' . . i
The southern members attend to buelesee to
day, and mines with tin rePublione freely. i
There seems Is be a sonnies good feeling .
between the patios, and it" is hoped that the.
passion of an hoar may not destroy it.. I
It is thought that th e quailing will be flashy
settled one way or the other before' another.
Friday comes ironed. ;. ' - • I:
The atheists have.put .forth every effort; tO r
day to get Houston, of 'Alabama,. to resign Mi
lpitas la the sommititer, but, he declare, th at
he will first fight roe . the:eighth of the flash
Drafts torus salaries , of 'tweeters Were • - fer
faced to-day. Tin weekly 'stetsons" of the
treasury department show:the linguae of the
country 'to be is a worse condition theses' oiler;
they ken been berstofors.-4. F. 'World: -" 1
... . . .
Weirsteons,,Dio77:;-thir: Cobb; the • Reif
rotary of the-Trueury, is again ill "hie Montt'
lag, but ie nevertheless eageged .04 his letter
l inplartatory -- of his, • courts lis politic - or led
ffsanites., I lean that bits ea oaPeild4tat Die-[
asionletikat he looks fer'disoolon es right
and paeleary; and; an hti letter.te full; of
the strongat language aid the meet alas ex:
realm against the people of thorns State!
He will eshibit it to Mr. 'Hathaniterterit iii
Sobbed, and will at otos entire if it is tie"
satisfactory, Or If its ion Is 'deemed tio be ob.i
jaelimenn/ : ;.; :' ...' '. - :... d.. - : ,
Maw . Pte ideal Bastbatanynterdey_ainistoecl to,
. t TWA; g•ldikor of swag .11 Baribliwwi llstAlts or list Manatee lint ke would;
1 kgglltli Wise ll.hirtrit_ Ili thefird•yr $ 4 - 010 ate- angel the renegue's' , 'all !;lini.gPliit :if gill.
,61$,!1t08 00214700010 to 6- alitillagg of 80111474 . 1 ' artilbt e. , 11 1 , 2J 1 .7, 4 1 ,14 4.., 1 1 4 1 i 4 gl i r
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!AIM ISIUNIELS. P.:111110104).0.
./Dirmes - 41rn rsorsprrosts.
21'1.2 7 .,511.02 ‘. 43 FEK
- 110NOAT MOBNING, DEC. 110, 1860.
Quays Coressonsu.—The Maio a toeitpre
• Sims hillel arnassibent la which eaish patties'.
oda@ 'sessethisS to the other foe the sake of
46407.. nos, the Missouri Oompromismpos
it's floith all the torritsirp r eouth of 88°80 , sad
alis North ell North of that lise. Had Mut bees
-esdatdaid, IN would sow hare bad no trouble;
thel4ati, mot satisded with the half cos
' Ceded SO lion tried to : Steal our half sad baring
:Moils that, Ohs; soadmasade ertotdar 'tamps*-
Bat the Compromise sow distended lea queer
oat. lestsod of bola; a SosoeseloW of each pay
. Is to the ether,-it Is to be a oosessios oslifroes
ass ads to the other. The adrastegoe ire to be
ell apes 0114 INC
TiteMorth Is aszioas to oosoMiate the Booth,
-if she ess do iriitkoat diebosOr, it'd is
to taks asp step within the bonsai of rases to
s,' the
.Uslos sold restore, peace to the coastry.
.Nst: whme the North bu sad ie will's(
. to some te s anima datirttsidieg, am! settle
' . '''sod` ruput the rights of *soh armies, open
isillog to pemienitsre, she Is met with ea
dennsd that the Repabliess pert, shill
surrender he izletenoe, Ite principles eat its
. elijeote. Upon this eelkleet the N. Y. Timm well
Is the Republican' who , are to make all the
• teenemicati,—woo are to propose and *mate all
- the oompromliee, and by whom the Vann I, to be
send. And they are upend to do It by abandon
, lag away: pritedpie they have ever profeese4—by
foraisptist every taw envy- antinient. spina
shish they inershitherto protestedby 'earrander.
log all the fruits of the victory they bus juts whin
sit, sadly handling over.everything to thole whom
deg _heal Jut defeated! .Mr Beaman, in him
sees . 111essige, offers an admirable illustration of this
, -phase of the modesty and patriotic devotion of the
D.soentieparty: The North, to the Bret plate, Is
ee uses* the satin responsibility of the evils and
deagore that Orman the country .The Northern
people ate alone to blame, not only for what they
have does, testier what they are finely charged
with intending to do. And they are to confess In
seekelothoind ashes the entire truth of oil the eau
sedan which have been impel epee them,—abolkh
eery local law to which the Bona may take area
clew—poem& everything which the Booth hu hith
erto claimed; and embody In the flonatituticia Itself
every Southern law with whieb hitherto they have
. - dead to Gad fault. This Is Mr. Boahanan's 'am- .
`F prunes..'.,-Thies is what the Democratic' press at
. lama 'edema as jest and aquitable,--and as SOON
may, moreover, to the preservation of the talon.
Zqaally hutting le the manner in which int
sion of the Itepubilemas on this 'Afoot has brig re
.' • calved. Those of them who hale nooplad the
aliy of delimit to the 'Union ' sod have been willing
to take saessera to avail it, hen been tanned with
tardy and with a dkpoeitlon to abandon
their pony. Those of them who have not does so,
lane beat reproached with raking disregard of the
pease of the country, The oonservative deolarationi
of the President elect, are utterly ignored. Not the
allghtert notice is taken of the sentiments panne
- ed, or the anion proposed, by leading and Inflitential
members and organs of the Itepublioan party,—an,
• lea they afford material for fresh tenets and abuse.
Aed the most letunentory.daciasstions of the 1104
- .llltis Abolitionists are coolly set dowa to the sooeunt
. of the Itopabikeek who are held up to the Booth am
batik to their tights and resolved to sake war upon
non 'Miming's.
"Now, Is our oplalon, this btu is about " played
out." The hypocritical hisineerity of them appeals
for comptotalso sad sonalllatioa, la Wanda' too
gig to deceits any potties of the community
ssash longer. If the Democrats are tally alarmed
about the train, lot them do something tewards n
ein it. Let them show a Sadness to samilloo
something of their own views and Wisp, as well
'u 'demand such sectillose from tho .11epthlleins.
They demand a repast of the Penimal Liberty bilis;
lot them amend the Parities Slave low, and thus
remove lb. eons. of Agee billo—seed _ they will bus
ia_effsaing their object
Itsuy jest u well be understood Arida last,
• • that elk ossoided gains of tempromise .will not
proepwThe pore
have Wielded their med
. to soot oppouets half-way in this mat
ter-sad to do 'everything which Julia will sane.
Aloe and edf.reepat penal', towing ressorthg uses
Lad harmony to the Bolos. But they are as pre
pared, to abandon every . prise:lphi for which they.
lave imatended, and , amender at Mandan to the
party_Silom the pupa have jest expelled from
power." -
tI- Is thins sentiments we oaten heartily. We ha
we • sow : mew—to -.lust the South is an linkable
spirit, lump their estapialatir sad grisviutesi, add
- ,Tito so fails Monolog awn es the spirit of-ntan
-I".' boothellt ellow—do anythhsg, to abort, whictili not
dtellonotable fad which loioltu no moiler of twin
, ; 01;de totwedliete end iodide the Booth. Bat we
; I ; woes to me In a lib obit. .want to oee
0000416M11111116 oo tint eldf We will not MUM-
• distort potty oar our party. totoctiplors, but we stand
siely to ylelge ourselves to actors. the Iloasthutioe
lad—the laws, sad to reapeet every oossilaarketal
dgks et the South er say other' astdoe. If that
toes sot hatistir tb9s• who rail it us,, let theta take
the' ilirposstbility of relectieg gook brute. Tbsy
airlift held se responsible for their owe obtuseness
• -
T. Mauna ar IWO Boars.—We dfrooted
att Genoa, a few 'days ago, to a Uttar progenies
to elms the "ewe for tie Melia( of alarm that
• - now
.premille fa the Southern IMMO, villa
_ I puma! law Ohreedric' of ibis city, eadersod by
_ •
• . WIS Oiler as the production of a pions sad
- • patrlotio member of lb. WINO orPraoldent
Ballillaa.. We now, fe earallraililOil of lb.
lona" ere upland on MA .00reseloa, lay before
-.oar iisden as extract from the lOUS:rot i Seine
CospUes lady—the wife of the Gina of thirty
- ass ohnee--to his cnole reoldiag la Now York,
le which eke, with men candor and a Idg,her
regard 'for tb. truth Ikea wore displayed by the
• . (Wait raw, attallbutao the ezolltmest to the
soadnot of the Boating people thimasolvms, god
- sot to' the faterfammos of Northers amiamrisa.
mabjois tie Wren :
!otos May iniegne, doer ands, oar sitnadon, but
, .
you sever can melba It le ter falloan. Already we
tremble in oar owe hems la antkdpatioa sad
tinny d what lis Undo to barn forth at say moment,
—• erpro mess whoa. Could you are the one and
precoadon displayed ben by the rogriletore of the
. • aegroesa sot only planters, bat others, you would
kw • memos envy as oar inagesabass• Not a
.• - • . night puma that as do mot sandy look oar Medd
~.„ mirmiate ta their quarters; bat oar mom loved sad
salad hone savants, who in ordinary-times we
'said treat to soy sat en, watched and yarded
upset wNb 'an the earadny sad one than ire pot
'. mem• Oar pliant' sad °lmre idolise property do
. as alley thensenranu to have any latereogues with
sail ether, sad the nevus, ere outset strieqy to
g the premises when they belong. ' Wears silobllod
0941mwerre ear Woe or ovaremers to peanut too free
Iteetramne even among oar oars awreate. The as
-4• • " groin ford sad ankle then pew netneblts, and wai
f reliy ask, 'Why Id this r Bat It is anemseseary for
ileum le ask the gpmetion, for they all comprehend
:Assegre ea well as on lobo own nos.. 274 haw
. - reiready land enimpi to give time so ids!, of lan
, snip on k dm slei. sad main, cad elte
ergs timg ism est gonad from Aiolianainr, manse
=at i e i t (ma coriesrearias of Bair amen, la.
- • stair parsenee. They have already
, A. beart ed ,i ldaredo .6o
g it i ldera u tal i aad z.v iele ouid e ra ke
setae thensath
Iva bare heard that oar servants all love Moir
and their senders? famodUse, and would by
fora thong lives for thma—that the scionsd race la
.tM Sean' Indira Slavery to issedcan—that _they
weld not be trio if they could; &a.; as. nuts
but the poem, of the ease, as reality ormelide 'ln
sleeping wpoa our arms as might—la doable bolting
ad. burial' oar doors—la establishing and 1111111-
tali& am *SAW"In l fares—in bayingwatch
dais, sad a Sating torno In watoldeg ognseeping
to guard thin sad oareelres from the von
vans_ then seam aloilog servant; -ores.
_ •
rows vkleb, though now ernauldsrlog, Is liable to
aunt eat at any atoemon, to overwhalmi the State in
spno et the Pa leis dap of State prenaticon.
. • - -.Yea u tke NO V& are sot the may ona lobe ara
edbiles! ggsaeWlybT this new pants. The plan
.. Aire tangog us are resMy esthetes from the depreirds
,-,...- _ property. Amara, appose are not
with MN pier, No , ems data to bay s esevaat,
sasses Met he, to defog so, should be introducing
fp apes hie phonation cos Unmans! with the idea of
bly lailead las bat s nw sawsals,—l benne
„bat Ably sae all told,—stlll I Owl (sad to dose be)
t•st deg ate tbirty.ess tia 'Amy la swab' thaw so
dams Be -would sell thee beatedlately, If II were
padble, bat tbs truth Is be maid realise aotblag for
den at prossab pat hut aw belt their roil value;
' an'a less la she nuke."
',The essmiltlod eV the people of the Baugh
. visbeal the aid of aheeprellod, is bed esoosk.
'' t '-tflriAerer nay he said la theldemaatioa of the
miles" donor* who tor the vilest party
. , .
• purvesse tan brought about tide state of affairs,
eisessaii7 at lop le entitled to gispethy.
bit It'shoold be borne Waded list ids Bather"
Pollak - b7 editalebog ued edeoaraglig - Ales
,deiseigsgess is their work, hare prodoesd the
.Threaldo that dew somas Ora.
ayti t.
EItOM:',VASItiNti C iON.
li'.LiiW When ;Sind If ►la''' ' fi --:-
„, old . nes.foree.:
kiffittellerl . 01i,.`,..1 Siff obettslittlawa. ran ltif
.starcioi:Ol. ant'smilit of peamtl:hut Isslir obey-
Me bows ” We shall see if hamill do his whole
'dutyin-tliiit-importent orisis-1 - • . - ....
Colonel Craig, of. the IJnitediStates ermy,..hes
beet detached Nati his 'mild* ' la ;the Wet Dc
raiment, and 'ordered to Calf ' ornia, and, It is
alleged; because he has mist d the k alibeal of
United Bootee arms, to Southern cities. Colonel
Craig lidaself .etsittie that; Skeeter; ,Floyd is
gradually Meg the Southern raimories, and Is
shout to.make • sale of . 100,000 steed of aims
Per coldra, I hese that; within a few days past,
thi Secretaryef Wei bat - seat, forward to Cali
fortitationie 40,000 steed of arms . •
.file Slidell, Senator from 4Ouislana, is open
iy pi Moctstion, bbt conerodeethat if his State
goei nut the free navigation of the Miesissippi
shell be secured to all the /Natio or the Present
Union.—Phiku4shia . Press.
WOODIDDTOD Fridei..Pen. 1, Aithdligh ll le
consteully denied, I a confident theta majority
Of 'llepublieume will befeady ftreny compromle
not, involving .the loss of the 'person,' belt r -,
spent ofwho voted for Lincoln, and di
dignity Ofthe Northern States. : Tappets, of lie
Hampshire ; Adates.!of bleatiebtuteue ; Ferry,
ofponneitileut; Reward, of. Vic:hitt° ; Wash.
borne; of Wletioneio, sod Aldrich, of Minnesota,'
wilibe very strict in taintinypote the dignity
of the, North , in d no emeriti .of .Republiesn
principles,: -The conservstie
,will be in • ,ma
yorityranderill probably offer a compromise like
the following„ tie an amendment at the Coned
tuticin,reiffirming the right ofithe States tong.
slate their internal Inelittaions; anklet" stronger-'
provielene for the rendttion of fugitive stases; .
repeating the present obnoxictue Fugitive law,
leaving out each provisions he au Axles fee to
the Hailed States Commisaioner Mime of. eon.
'lcahn, and giving therelave i right to ',bobby
jury before the United Slates Courts ; sad pro
kilobit% the States from peseta laws to °harem
the execution of it. A plants from the interior
of 8 itit b Carolina, who owns large number l of
eisres,..eays that ouch a oompromiee would,be
adobe, satisfy a majority of 1 his Slate , if the
leaders and the prose would only loform the pal.
tile of its provisions, and the ( true stale of ef.
fairs He is just from home, a dd eaye the people
;are wild with the disunion sentiment, all'pro
dated by the politicians. He bays he knows the
Stale would vote ageiust reopening .the slave
trade, if the question were enbmitted to them
now. She will go out of the Polon inevitably
on the 17th, but he thinks that when the exper
iment has boon tried, she will come back, and
that every man who helps to rreduce the pres
ent revulsion is signing hie own death warrant,
ea a great revulsion of meat (meet must take place
as soon as oatmeal' prevails agate. He gives
many interesting fact, eoneeratog the elate of
affairs. lie is a member of the Lrgielature, sod
also of the State Convention, but strong for the
Colon. lie says that what ew conservatives
there are In the State are comp etely overwhelm
ed and rendered powerless by, the popular rave-
Intionery current..
Complains of the English.Giv liniment, ai (hie
time, &gehapt the .constent Tiolation of the lase.
and treaties.proLibiting the Afrioan slave trade
by our citizens, are regarded) by all parties as
indications that the sympathy of that Govern
meet will be with the Northern States agaiest
thi Southern. .
Senator Latham gives it a hie opinion that
there would not be fire hundred men in Cantor..
,pia favorable to • Pacific .Itipublio, and that
California will go with the Northern Stites
. A proposition to press the passage of.e Tariff
bill, with a provision for a load, was introduced
before the Committee of Waye and Means, bet
*martin withdrawn at the euggeetion of a meta.
bee, who urged the Impropriety of considering
• Tariff bill at this time, and its insufficiency to
afford present relief, teen GI paned. No. one
would pay duty or purchase the loan. Nearly
two million, will be seated on, Jan. let, to pay
thit'interest on the public debt, nod Secretary
Cobb assures the Committenoti Ways sod Means
the' he will - not have the meson, missy he be an lune Tremury notes for the current
expenses of the Governeient, realisable. in pay.
mast of publio dues.. Mr. Phelps will probably
mail • hill on Menday, althea:leg the re home
often millions.-4V. F. Totes 1 : .
CfpflTr.l4l Dlaryakb to tbtl. r. Tab... ]
Wesoteoros, Friday, Deo47, 1860 —later=
maims bore elates that a force-of 8.000 strong
is organized in South Carolina, for the purpose
of taking tee forts there whenever the Govern,
mist shall refine to relinquith them after se
Notaithetaiding the threatening attitude of
South Carolina, there is reason to tamer that the
most discreet and trusted advisers hate . have
written to the managers there counseling against
any, demonetrotlon whatever by which • collision
might be precipitated or blood shed. When the
. Cosuniesioners they send to
not be received, causes for postponing action
-Sill probably be found.‘teult the other Caton
States indicate their purposes end policy.. There .
le inane method in all obis seheming bushiest,
Indite anxiety is felt on the part of prominent
patriots to sun their heads unneeesparily sgaiset
the stone wane of Fort Mciultrie, which is com
mended by a Kentuckian.
An informal conference of I Sanitise
was bald to day, at which Messrs. .Fessenden,
Bigler, Pearce, Pugh, and ethers, were present..
They seamed to favor the exteasion,of the hike
thisi line to the Pacific as • beau, of 'comp's..
mine, assigned ae an amendment to
the Consul.
lotion to meet the difficulty Interpoied by the
derision of the Supreme Coal. '
• -Mr. Secretary Cobb has hall repeated inter.
views with Mr. Hunter, .Cadrinan of the Coes,
mines on Finance in the Senali e, and trade him.
-eel unable to extricate the remte, from its
reseal bankrupt condition coesetinently . he
proposes to resign it ones.tie. Hunter, as a
matter of course, wall haveto sign his position
se , Chairmait of the . Flttatteit dotOmittel in As
Relate. Both are Southerseraand secessionists.
kfrAlolt, the prase% Postmaster() I, It is
esid.vall encased Mr. Cobb 'OM Seeretjay of the
Treasury. and Mr. Feesenden will sumac& Mi.
Hunter. Mr. Holt has streedyl brought the PMI
011ie Department oat of abase and Mr. Pm
minden is the Atlas of the Fihants Conitelltee,
These changes, if made, will be foliated bythe
psalms of. the Iderrell l Teriffl Bill, and *Stat.
ones restore confidettes in the ability of the Gee
eminent to pay its liabilities , and "pedant .. Ds
credit. .
Oa Monday, it la toped and hollered; thot
tenwill4kea'taeorableturn. •We look tor led
hope for the beet, aid try to be calm, Should
the obiegesie the Cabinet I speak of. take Plan,
eaulidenoe willbe • restored, and trade sudwou•
meree will revive st ones, sad; huadrede taint*.
to employment who are wow laid ow alioeutit of
aids polltlotsaa' panto—Nl - Y. !Trib
• •
Tea Presidetatiat odamtest..
It Is Morally artiste that tbiv' . &ewe Preeidea
tint Electors *besets on the Pacifieslope hare so
. .
led r with one bciudred and eeeettly-teree of those
chosen this aide .- of the Reeky' Moiatalne, for
Lincoln' sod The general result may
be sueeiumly summed up as relieve:
• .
h*Liorraiil mkt /1 1 •31161 clierridge443d /44,4
04111betrt. 4
... 4
111100111 ' betsll•l7l-... .... ... 3
14411344-.-. 13 ....... .3
..... 4 Georgia 11)
3144sreher•Tt;..---.... - ...........
.. .. 3114.44.1#pt
Mtnearote-__ 4 Math 04r01t5e......„
Nor! 11 /loath Car 0114....
Nom York • 54
111b4414 41
. .
Total 71
Plow,las wag/ 7:Jinton.,
New ...... 3
. .
oral Tow: —•'
tai Lincoln sad IT net '
Tor Iliteeklinfrimand Lime '
• Whole Illectoiil Vets.-... .
.Liotolu's. =dotty olior . .. .. 67
. . , .
Wia, CIitIACITIRIZID.—The - .Evening ,Post's
Washington correspondence sera : .
..: .
~...The fdeseage wag playfully but quite happily
hit off by Ur. Berard, -just artier the 'reading,
when some Meads of the Preetent askid, him .
what he thought of it. , •Ithln '' ' Said the New
York Senator. •the -President has '3°mill/slimly
proved two 'things: : I. 'That no State has the
right to 'secede unless It vlehesMo; and 2, That
Ms the Prisident'a duty:- to e nforce , the laws,
'inane somebody opposes him..' , -
s lave that as "appalling itipor , bee goes
up:from Newburyport to Bowe,
to the effect ,
that Cushing cannot stop I lie has bead at his
speech now loran indefinite ti e, and they icy
bee wound bitumen up, like the famous 'ankle&
and now that he le warted, le -destined forever
to keep et it., , The rumor forthrwore runs that
the oh Izens of. Newburyport en lnc panio about
li, and aro moving their families over to Plum.
Weed se rapidly pottalble.—k Y. Prib..-' •',
• Tule Presldeta kr siainktiolei, ble oositstenlay,
Oa •abowirthst..:e State bas no ;tight' to sece2E;
aed'iltiO he can't do abytblog to prevent:seem'
skin. lii orders the corawauding officer of the
Charleston fortificstlort to defend there: and ito
Noes to giveblut - the means ofdefenoe.--Cie,
TIOAT 111 , 1011 itlitirrelllloll I Leintoky, of
*blab -We beiird, Og Jelegraph. the other' es, i l ai
subsided. The Loularille DrinoMot says: 4
'Neese was,. hung, - .N4 oily lone' stain min, 1
Antal Rislice,:ets:sriestod: The proof sates
conolusive that ha tampered Sidi nogrotil;slid,
is lai held-for "Irbil: • .;.: -:. 1' ' , • 1
Oo Fotor 0 •1 mo.'olog, et livakitz UAH ; ~ci ii
saddeaeo- Lo Oseggoboit.! . • fug pontos von* totorted
9t • • gj.1111!31):: ••• •• • '
(ma ago ruidenes .1 bre hotAlog Zoisit-sgoa.-
jog, str o.llaad. 211111 (1116gulay), 41T121510N,• at•
• • • • • .•
, , .• - .•.• •-.• ,
Life of - Andrew Jacic
BY JA.M171.1 . 13. is A. RT._
Gilt... 146:
Three Voloates, 636 to 734 pages eac
•' Steil Ptirtreib.
Oaornt Demo Itvinos—ClA tb Bindlog td; 80
.. • • :IL•e(3•14 raft Clattri.
fzilsciusuat Lansaw, natal OCtIMO, (Jed br •
• .0.4,)—th0th.57,60.480.1_44T,01935.
, .
' Hi. Paean has bo.n tevetat pona, engaged In
rm.n ut. ibl• work, and. b. beetpire4 upon Ilt
c.•141414.tch.4 hsrt•Uptlen. Th aro! 1,41
Pb.'hhlesini Z4lihn was unied • per, Mier, ttt 666
ir•• • gin•Ushe4 1+.4 Hittite, . cal the . .thlr4 .4 I
Anaphted uf thi, Ant EA sen4n4 T•lum.s. th• 6
i ,
spoke. in 1.1.6 weromet nbutowodetlon.
eTee tits of A hdreetJscatuo use Indeed ea eve Vol ow
sod the two ots tit 4 were crowded tote his 0w.... as • ph
seer, • - stioesl. sod a asitsousb, we stuatop the west Oh
piSlast to the history Of oar 000nsti."—IlturOo t Coots&
!'diolost all Mel relabel, to tam Is peculiar eutraordlasty
awl leterestlog."—;llsnatio Zeit.. • • • - -
, flewe who hers beta sone rataillsr with tho
Jeer sus will be torpti.sel st the town of sew
savior too collected '?—thot o Avenel. '.lt el
..Meet."—M,. r Thrk Day dark.
'II I. so Wart 0001 c throtighout..—Ritho• is mostly tree Irmo the spirit al clettertion,o
bead, sod or ihodsed slerlhow leo, co the other.
sod rheum ars alike thithfally deltossled..-- Stet
Writ Adwoole.
, "og. of din moat readable of twits.. livery pug Is afire.
It ti see romantic as I toad soral tomarics, sad y I has the
quanta"e of bang kas."—ftawa Journal. "I!omni •
&grow of lolling wbloa sus warody be owna."—
New ,y.:rk . /lora "A hubs. limner abantatt naive
otitfesslr soy hero, by say sotbor."—Boston v oter.
.11i, wort of IleUeo could bo better Sited to bold allow
liquid dear th . mind &lobe with a staaataid teihrodaton,
thin al savant el the nal We et auto( oar oetrintry
mre."—Ziostaa' w t Becnder....arem fi rst last, A Is
latotowly latenatroir."—Placuidinki Bert. ~ Plal4atly
taachtatlart—/Veia York /kip Balk wito. oarvii ia
Cloak% sad abaronag. Ws maws karts., mad dm wbni•
(nee valuate) In two prat. tedalttlaq."—Haspia Weekly.
"rim moat &Mont Nab van whirs sad haw to q tramp.
sylrlth It."—Nice Ye* Orogen. "IN totems d barrow
twat !atonal,"—.{fro York tharroor,l "this rota M Internat.
log political sad woos., Wolin . , link Wtt ille or laay bah ,
Ile. man In Gls cosintry."—Pmasylawithin. 'ilia styli, hi
rattly eloquararhh "Dada.. said dummy aw.l.e.t of
tho d/Iliabe of NOW 0f1.11., from It, Ineeptkm Oka climax,
torarreta or.n deeply the,. a Ida of chivalry, or owl Orivillai
IMPapee."--A•14136 raMOS "Oar or thn meet laavoatlag
and had:active lonta we have over read.”--Ros Ga.
avaaa (Charreana, H. C) 'A LI& Indeed...o to rn wbkh
thocoorentloql and anarno. place biographies most,.
Maio dot lots ataphilly and insigalacaaoa"—Ae llork
Journal of aamerre.
i -
. , •Lio J liar PUBLISEIXD, . '
Toe LINILID Ilias Or Puw Pcntrtint: aly Brown 1.
Losing, Vol. I. thorn aro, ella peps. With a Lel Put ,
troll. Cloth $1 60
ror the arrt time a pontos biography of Ono.Bc Loy irr Is
written. The character son rer ek.• of this rlacisT 3 labOrer
for tot rOvatfT.ra .4 , 11 be the eutabilehed repetstl of Mr.
Landug as a nil er nil hlodnuf toll., tire to IL nook no
onilorny inbred .d relic The sr st • 111 I e cutsolete in
ton whams. . .
Italy: "lel 11l &Man 111100 141413 Peer} DWI:
By Jobs& 0 Abbott Orono aro, &V preen M?th Steel
Portreite Cloth, V6O
Tbk roinme 1. one of the sr ries of Mr. Abbott . •ilonerch•
tee of Oontlormsl Moroi* of "hied - Auricle etid howls
hers previously append. The volume are of i uniform
sips iota polo% Wunsch dienuct In Itertf. 1
BON.HiA Bit 0 7. •
. Noe. 5 and 7 Mercer-et, New
Fin. sale by Bookielbbib fieserably:
. '
snd emu, description of Account Books,.
to WIWI.. the Itesterieonor titled to any psttern
tel!ti or erilliont printed bee:dings.
Zell) Blank
600uR J UN
bus altoka Ha
7 I boa 14 AX. PACED;
Ws INSAlatt
1170 boa BAELii:
ILO kw Rowed', PI
bt . del°
10 Mr . . for tale
10 ~
JUL, Boatioy, In •ions
N DER-15 b
1~11. tILOIrIi
low sad Hat,'
%And 1.1184. Oak pt.
reed' India 'Kt , •
asto J. it Q. PHI
COVE ,of 'lndia Bub.
ON.Obth. toe 1 , 3.01. y. r sal. at
nftv , D , Pa. M.. ISMr et. , .Ma . 4.• N. PM
ii.ii,W.: - FIGIS —3OO drums! New 1 1 1,
"L V4ol:ge. 6*
- 51m Airdslit . o; sWeir:isoW 3YI _
.1,.. N!rtp- - esks NewZante Cuirrents,
j le "I tare;':
~ 25 '''' ! Vii s ilica : a AND N. .
410 -,, . sm. as Wood /di opperatialt. Ow klouL
Lkii - ONS.-25 boxes Lemons, fo r ely
.1:4 , esvidna , e AND 11113011, SD Ifir.q.C. t.
•41. 10 . . oppoldt•' EA. Cantles !Hail
_ ,
iaAItDINICS--5011.1 whole eases :Judi es;
kJ 1000 al ammo Manila, .• d, was audf • .
4ae• , 4.11(1111111 aAR DipaDri. SVUud
OBANRKKRISS--7 bble. cboice tlanber
thlly Just no'd for Nal* Di JAB. ki 8,
410 Merrlud nor w.
jays toe'd for by • i• •• ;
Boot sal Job prIW, '
LIOR - ,-SA.LI4 7 -The FARM! on *h . Mr.
1' Ti'uc.awe mow molded. Must* Ic jisacism empty .
Yny noir We eteoeonelll• paha& "Inquire •
aurae T'A
auks ,, 23 Shop Pelts—sow laad
.4 am.. &hue kTaqa by . -
440' 121323 ft MCVAY
][2lR_ Y alingl2,now landing from team
et enlsora,,fori!• 0p • ; , ,
' 10 timian DUX M.
1001lAti3--29 bales Raga now.laudio
- JAL, Mmer Pclimcdi for Ml* . •
4.10 ''• • lIIATA.II DICIR
UNDRIEB-18 Dry Eides;,s2 bog
6j b.i t o, lb.lbw; baso flruabol N
-to Barbra ob rimer fix. We by
uar,—too bble. Fresh Lime, reo'd d for
Wd be . . name,' O. 00 'LIN!.
TOY PK!WOES-5U sacks, Prime•'ettelm
lad toed kr wk. by mittim e.OO Witt
OC W [ARAI' !MOO R-2.5 ak s for
p 1001011 ii. 00
gefb- -2 ° bbja. just read fe,t.
Geo. 11. Key
Wholesale Druggi,
woDictiva DiAll3ll
WO. 140 Wood' eltragit
••• 1 .
V ' t
ikiissis FOR: Tut OUR etiflc
Marsh's Radical Care'Troes,
Ritter'a Patent Truss.
Fitch's Snipotter Truss..
Self Adjusting Truss
Dr.'. Banning's , Lace' or 'Body Irma, _
Cow of rtotapimsAbdoioloil;so
Dr'B. 8. Fitch's Silver-Plated Suppor ts
Pile Props, for the suppo rt and dire of
Risatio Stockings, for weak and variclise
Elaitio Knee Cape, for weak knee joints
)1410 Supporters,'Cir wails! ankle joints
SinsPensorj Bandage'.
Self4jeoting Syringes; Mao, every i
... Syringes. -1' ,j r
Da 41Cimuta has also a Truss which 'I
rally cure Henna or Rupture. - 1 . '
..••.• . , . " -
00130 at Me Dthi Store; Na4.140.1V... et.,
alga of thetloldea Mortar.: .
Dori RlTan preeerlbea lo armor CILIKONKIDI rases
"fl hetromeate for • DILSINSiaI fool ajo 1 *MIT
flames requiting saeobookal roppra .1. 11 4 61
OiLPAIIIO qatreatt or ahacTati lib to iii-'
OR tellitfl.for modal mania; of a see 7 It , grill,
Ls seat &sea, esprou ckerges, 'herons SI nae,
oaeue, resnitlaoce of Teo Whirs. .addrro r .,'
- da *--- .- P 10.140 Wood Street, Plllel t rale, Pa,
r t
T. , .. " .a N ... 1 . w i, 8 A °°, ,0x K i,0 8 .„ ! . 1" . 7, . :B:K:) , ill--
Patileree leffureaus: lte illotoesenta Marry litild .
PA. VLIPUL P0R0VE4,..... , ,,, - ,...,,.,),:,,
Waite.. Maori of era sulhorot liblal of
1 11141,111.Oltara ful/1/. COWES. '-- -
ravers se Tro th : Op Two Prettier.; "„. "
LAVilifei: by sotbor Of Dr, lotoolo. , ' f v,. . f
.Iran- klarrhuroon or. Us wou)d Deo Gentleman.
IllltleMos OP SCOOP& - - ; . I
Iletrfroitoto ft Mal (4Tioe Goes. ' '.
_-, i
The Nor • Riverside %Alien of seoetrutt• a
Joel. aorisela Soo Invoke of - c
,- L ...gOglish Books .froin the Tot . .de Selei
TillY LOW.., N. opaline. In el-sr of too•P,P11.
Ilea 1101.114T0, II Spleo.lid orrOrlrotot of all Os i
Naelleb ..d Aeofeioso llookeeaketrle lo the *Hour,.
!toed 0.. *de Ur ; . , .. - Apagfer 11. fiAVL
`,.1: 11,. eeemAirs.e, eameoutroa. a lb. letefo of Al.-
Jilliflall,deed. 011ero isr sale a LOTOO GROUNtf lo taw
' 80 . 1 ..
0 4ef' feeleillef. coutelologotoot two itafrde of .a
a. es,,as WINO, I. errsts4 a 'good temoatory, ,Belele filmes of
mega roma. .11 ls steely imptolool, In rho best par of lb.
'bonmalf, eadtsareoleol to tbritstlava4 ilkslkin; - I
• - '-' . .. J.liir.Wl3lll9ll. litleiroey sa IN 1
Moe lta Pifea ea. Plasoaroia.
TN!)Lei' 'BURSAR OLOVIING, '',P . bing
A Ilyate„ IlikollamlltallaAhrSelknilows Cush .ftt
' Bat NMI, OaszsAidiala.4•l4 ra5u1 ,14 540.41,Q. 1 81 ""n
Bovto,:flas Oems,'Oodit% Gas Toting, ,Wiapi 1060.,
FP11111 , 411,16 ltiat ivristr - te 414bp too s 4 4w .
Ist% pabbiellia.slinqi nimbi ISO milli Si OW Sh
~ lIBU - , • -- , , .1.174 ~ .
Ottutstments. ; `1•
l i'i'44zse!e_
ON AND AFTER ins 26ra or Norivgat,
tbore vrlll I.
ILID,OCTION IN TIIN PRI= -' - • •' - -.•
. ,
of " ....b...,....P0Va15r muldriee
I. prep..
the toot
e of Um
t Is Ito.
•.. No more euiiable or accepyable pragent can.
be given for the coming llolidari.
• compelect t teroon to the resider.. of each pur.
dower, to tasch'.them operation. of the nkechtne, non
varmint each maehjue for torte rare. . •
No. 27 Fifth et.
CilallSTMlL!' y l A N S,
mu sarlßa
I • -
square Gra4d, with igraffe Treble,
(The I:teat awl 610111 t valuable lenprovatuoub)
Octave t.eooze 14re ETV.% PlaNoll,
Round.erniere and Octagon Lege:
from V e 'adios. St New Vire, cod peewee, .11 the
superior Nod late I toprenneseto for whkh the
ill.einwey Pi Met arthologoished above all at bus.
vac ...VIZ °Phil TNINO. TOLL ttisOi /ROMP, Fil.T.
VON TI Li %VI EN, Ala.. .
darthros Mewl need hot to be tweed to be pronounced
et superior tone pyvon ,be tenet nounnical Witmer: SS
Ito., wilt be sob et Now York pile., sod 011 t CCOIII6IO-
dation testae. ' , . •
ICK I RBBRA BRO.; N 0.13 Vltzb street,
' b Aiepta bus fur Stßlinisy'a
T nEsußSdillßEß lias just received from
Chickring & Sons,
With rkbly carredi solid ttormuot Moulding; atairanUy
carved Lap, Podat and bode Stand: Gina Atrinica to .
garb not., lin roved Grand Action. Oorarstrong I
13a.a, Tba YOWIR or Ibis loatrotaent Ir
Two liple
[did Louis LIV.
en Ls' lo the woe nil. in• lb. .bon.
Thom lostrooten
to the Ileac b
porn en the Ispneieotents pantile*.
tering, the run Loaihime, to, end
are angora
• imEasr PIANOS
brought to tho city.
The atteolionarl
etnre !minis:toot.
poblio 6i ospikatlr arected t* tbo
boilrban Diaroondalloy and toorth strioL,
Solo Agi«nt for 1311,iikarloi Son/ oria.l„ Upright and
!quo. Ploapofor Pittoburils and W.gtors, roottql.
icating Oil,
IPILLON, calluttaally ea bast and tor We. by
r.O. • IL U. SAWYER.
Aolo toe goallfy; ors refer to atiorsol -
Ihrtrocial, Nov TORO
um. t 0. 11 j. U. Sainrom art.— i.. Latoriootiog
00 we ore getting from pot we w the lostAoLoor
porp.o ito bolo r nod. Too L P.N. IL R. R. Co,
oo.lllrf • •• • - Ily We, rev, Portk. ,
2, tribes, ttangeo - , Grates, Su: ••
D• D It AMEN &130 N,
COOK, PA.P21.014 and KICATIKG ,
-S.T 0 V RS:-
Warehonie, FtlieraL Street, near New Sus.
gumbos Merl,' attsneres HWY.
Week We &imam of &Won to ooi largo woortot
of Cooking lid It Skives,lue Wood and Coal, weffeb
we ore polllog at t lowootprkwa - Thome lionizes ono city
will twin to their nutmeg. to givo caw call cod namn•
on mod beton siamben. 4 " ,
0.111.11 190040 to, /con ailing, Sisley Hollow Hem
lift,ow Boles, -
Plain And Fan y Orate Fronts, Fenders, ate.,
cum. of all Mode owl* to onto&
• if Ike) d D. no 'terns • SON.
A. 313 Et. A. D L ID LN
klrap slGmbrnmievery witty 61
coo*, ra4t.ckt AID . . ilia 49l1 tP
Ike. &e. &a.
' Sole . Proi.Frielco' of die iolobroted
41.1[40171f1t31!2'; ,
jao applied to oar
Cox ionsi l lbs ideates.) of which
lot. /1, great autos Of Tool. •
11. A mach stacks/loud hotter arm. froze thorium ars
3d. TM preserrotkei of the bare plea. ,
• ,
no, their. W sot oSe•titly 'the moaned dirt.
Mist W Wood Is other isonw. . •
Mb, Them ohms WI all Worm wo lair sold, hit a car,
nit of, ould alr *silos betimes airs wad
• whkb smariro Mind odds to the diusbilltyo . t seer
Person wishing the UST STOVE irrike
market will lind our Perm? "Trepie,”„Fita
reka," or "Artdtfm," with 'musts Tor, to be
lax Stove, WI handrede in this city and vicin
ity can testify. . .
Would oleo nll purtioalsr :!halloo to our, dock of
Parlor Stain* and Orate FroniP,
'able!), logallww Olt oar other wary v.. will •
. . . .
Office and Salesi Room,
N0.4.. W 00d Street*.
•e IL
„ .
•B 111 EIZI-Li -'4llt
w.. 3 - • /13 E Erne' ErrzeitEr.
MAbitiPACIifIRERS of all kinds of Cook-
Ins, Parlor- d . 11 M1011 adman Cadging Ilanips,
Pim dad damson liimunidal Orda Prone, Panden, kn. an.
Tiniaikhealad OW Making Stole, • .
sod •
Wood matins roar., ' • "
• "Bleak OakTand "Foresi Roma." •
The "Capitol" and "Eagle" (looking Ringtis;'
,mlth Adair Eydranlle or apen'llollere,
what an more amairind pea In tar dry and Mink,
iban any caw Item • I . .. .
Pin ver7 Fi - aeet Enameled- Oradea
- that en ba read. ica6iliar.." Persona telktlng Ana MUM
rill plum boar the n Mad - •
Ake, the Om .04 artful Parlor Nora,
ea, vary taloa manila Mr way of Paddr,Binrin
sawn. ndry Pnrialaa yid daori, /We 'at e% Than/
I/bod Claidiap lararf i i : , -
BAng 1141.14 "Ina Irma, HAM ROILIIRP;
DOOPIa thane, and ?PM.n,l. of YouspmaLW!lliges,
FORMA P U, ldadestimonea
Oa Waalalloruirthia Is 5.. el ara,
..- Jamb ended, Nathan Matra Ted Earths, - .
- Th. Tablas raaprelally Weird to all and ermine
our entertain. snack: - •
I.JL . •
nam NaLs.
.woos erre;
alr (100011,; alittof Oo'lti nuns
o mums unra. r 4 unbar
xare Ulla
the bat voile/
1?* ttbellf di*
041811X1.. tad MARX 10Ps,
4 sti um Marvel shriotaildines
.t0ti. 1 441 1 111,0d
, 1.4M - PHILLIT9. '
%Le U4041%141
es mei et SII awl VIII
IVCIU 4 O:OI*':'
t:;1 46.
WANTIltif Active : fain esR ftferk attar
VT Tim* f Lai% fa • Gel floatmety • osof cooletet Km
bildissol Localloqliwooonkgr River. Iteprormedte
to /toed :ma., n4er. foglfe `ola. Willa. lognirs of
RAD HICkII,I 3 K.— IN ,B•olta '
r 47 St. CI.Ir at.
.-- .
Restorative Cordial
BLlSorsi]. 1111:017AT It
il , rasainici l f,sl4l4,l! . l 41 Nall It IN Kg n
. —Cro 'Iobal• plessma.'l“ the I.!, i. I. 1,, ,
plfylett. itelnlaratleg vied ,t,lrknitliertileg to the anal t.l
re, It ManoriCtlete nm
ib m
ab • rat reeve, the
I' , =ln Alta *gloat Oita . . on the, reek.. and 0
Ei rend*" the Ode. level . to attack v . of di. 1:,
sew liksba Max veiar lon ever offered Ca tin ,
4 world in • paimbr 'am so of In be wdbin the emelt 0 0
.... dell.' Se ettantlealsot/ altlltrlly notnttlued m lobe
WI the most pow•4l I reenter 3 abetted I m
e i lo'm toad biplr• acdtd•bo, mirk Me 1•2•8.1 No. ,
Li gurcamptesesxmliqhribratit4stomarksod woe up
R = ? lrtOtt u 4t i cl u y " •7l:ile ' N ' try n g d i ' ta. is '
D •o•Maimpt, met* M ip..ilr (•11••• 4 by bonne:sot
n depnrionoi .1,44t4. • it I . eakohneve eattrely et yea ..
41 °tables .at tbm• o,Orribob(f combhll4 puaorfot [
t took sad emtbio•prOotklibilm• ommoilmmiloAo .
1 Inver Wars, BOob • IrstiONT be. long bona felt lobe a
.a.aa....2. lath. c..,rprld• 1.10 17 the li.
1 rout:bigot/11W linittattettierktmeasideleo hymn oho I
h .
. 114 U•ek.adhlultivt'enaltey dm, upgesr6B4 system
7 4,
tW"......t. gbh •lt•elte ni Mau • lb. =Mt dengeeneel l
I in tttelth lOW b,.n ..,,03 I. c Mburly 11• Os. bucb,
Skins:pie, as n*M io• 51: 4.r i f anu li 11:{o b i o t:ro:11:1 I
t rß•rb..L4 ll llll7W' S ari f id a M i din:r*".'Da teod :44l.4 :ll l4CP.7 M i.-.YP:ar°'144P LI W: 1 :17 : 16.11 7 4; c 4h :11 '4 7 :1"."Ighi lum :d:14“1:; •; :ar. 1 :"a: .: 61::11 r ."'tli m: 1114
tom CC i..g.h.m... A 1.,, ilvbr Lbmrsommuon• or hr
lektilYituld i1 , ..x...P1.1.1.0014.....1,4 lb* It Idarmk.
-AMIN, or l!Mmablenm tit the nth., or any general)
/di,i;isiXajeiii;;;;;:iy;;;;;s3 4n in ibaiaCi,
aid. and 1:441mM; lb.' ati.lldrni, I.4llaptaltkm W
ellgtd. colds, haa.itibg atullo4dtlatod coaala,:eap,cla ,
dos, dddenity of braatbaselaod 1ad..1 v a m i bi
chaseeret• mint mere sale9B we Lave cave every
Ito my, It will •.stot onle"Fory lb. dati.ity leliewhig
4 ichille sod forrentilmt prentociell eitteke etiojecchate 1 ,
le rnmeado teammate, and cafe the di... et °toe, If a
ratty attacked. And . Is ;rats{ dire. ly to I verve...lll
upon Oils Miler) ojieteet, ardoelea the Ogee to actoi; pin
meting. la tam. &lithe bscratoilliasid • IT.OOOI. of the ey.
&WO, It will lotaillittp pmeeti arty dicietert Of WOO queer.
fdlowing nose cheeps of climate and waist I. ernoill tra
veleta ehould it bottie a Ittithe* sod all !Mould ink,
a table epontal at toast beam, retina As It prem.. ve•
Urn.. etrenatheelp me. duersirre tams, It should he to
tee hind. at .it pentane of onldovAikry habffss lib:dente, mlt
'tater., therrne'rneWt:4o4 Willidiklwrfsetoettined m Welch
bat door exercise idioeld a/ Waye elm it., If they *Pt they
will and. agimelde, plea.. and alki. t icon": ...lost
these IP. which mh•thein of 3 thirr beauty-for twenty ash ,
not valet *DIM, heath, and bil4ltti'coonotosist while the'
above Inegulrnlthi:coationel em amite„ tee, Cordial le
a perfect moltitedlWWll. Takenh mouth or , two before the
torsi ~to, eh. win: peel literal petted with perfect
- earn and safety. "Mere le iiiitt intake about it:
ale Cordial le all *ei 01 al tbr lt.'s Mothers,
try it! AA'S to : 'goo wt. oapoiet :to detect the Meese or
mains not may of emu dot/ itli terra before It is too tote,
but also your •storis mid Imps bands: Illir white the
former, from awadel!cec 7 4 otuo go aggro to premature
averts rather thee , : let.thelt. a:414110o* be brownie thee;•
tha latter are ell. sari mLiedlbri with the exclimerneof
bustlers, that If Ilexes not ler dog, they too would travel .
In thornier downeierd pitlij mall too labs. tomtit their
'fatal talt.• • But thee' Mother, I. always vigilant and to yen
we o.oddeotlk spWak . l.•for . wii AN ',.pairyour nowertsillog
alfectlon wlll unerriliale Pohit Au 1 9 l' , .t. Wood'. 8."6..
Mrs Cordial - led Hiiind llecelvepr as the remedy whic b .
ehoulit be Owe,. otihend to throil of need. • , ~
O. J WOOD, Preprietnr, lit 'Brositway, New York; 114
Illeriet , hictle, Me.; no laid by all good Dreg.
abet. Price One Dither per.botO .
thw sale tr ';I I
au3thlyd.thlw - 'ir 'corner a
B. ' •
Or°Mies, N
11.010111. a. toavianl,...-%
Lot.; of Roam., Po
pURVi iNes &
_ Atrotz;vicrs r LAW,
Pfttollnol, fif4ls ito 1 , 4; liolliflog.C.Lfr PHIL
mad W,liodtefoli.,lY:
& A:t3 11 ESON, • '
Orne. N. 1 49 Forth etra.a, !ttAboratt. " 1•9:1.1d
Attorney COullaellOr at Lava,.
KUUNi'S ';;LAW 113 . 131 LDING
No. Diumoild Stieek
eit d.!ter to 914 Pmeen Choral 1
0 AS, w ,--
AMIRNEVI.I tap courtsEtpli- ei LAW
No.1&I Feu street, the 4, ,
gUaDcigla . ,."ft --- "kbettissments.
t •111 0. t • tbe tans o
r•lbu ir i;l4:;lerr • (route the Mont, ',No ge n .
mud rotund tr dbn • Onto* and add enemy to the
card arid SfiiVlol rymtern. Its nalue bra bran no-
Newitabl3 etridehowl Ile' waheet (al federative pew
ees vben erdinefit tonfwittahroe tay, exhausted
Italenis zwewbeiewni totib• 'betty •hen Wititbast awl
be biome,i:Wi
and leshes inn uncut. with Ist to • trot)
reoitrkibie =waiter: '
Poe CONAO7/PTION .i.rbßo.vannq,
30101 , 7164 ettlis.t.nigornmet,
Warr,/Ye, •
the - wzalurs,ts arilre.•
DSBlLlTT,ltt'rratl!e kt opo row ate oortraled. •
It am' be hi* edition ditifillsh bribe moat dell I e
no Petbo , t; he&!•1••41 editorial effort to. the mot d
strionilb" 4
1,. etiO.ertier . 11110 Ale and other t
Important charojeterhoh• fetrolneoror U.S rrearitt.
OW Wet: the tetnetidettoo the mast eminent
Phyrieukas throb:l%oot tee; the errilloo teeth
aloe y &AL° /evilly of thite , sttoeilket reboots tb•
Prot...ono! *NKr - • -
urnrsturrr 0p . ..1 , 141a rim
- 1 •! - •
!.londhle shoot& I. careft4lio purchase off of u,-
doubted repetatietylt they, re the wet active nod
lomedhite erfeatitageeot berherty, That "'Mehl. •
1 prip••• ti•ia deo.l4.4 , •••ll•setof 'aped mit wet
aloe Isledu , likaat•ettimi oly by
- ,••• . 1? r4CON O. ANN& &CO , •,
Imports'," end ponhui to r Dalgcebuttglaila.&o e
. soktioh6ll 1141totttvrilf•d se.
Peaty GOOdt.
108 N -DOLI*IIa.-1.1.0 North Seiond Street,
abon'Aßl, PR ' - '
Jag mend, at Ali lIVV6TORII.* a very large' iron
~,,,,,,, et .. ir03p,,,0f !every Alva, !nine,
Baskets. Wmii liima; 'Nakao Boxes, Idlgar Clewee,
PlpeyOeoreeod PiiPoyArtjiolee,at 1. tallow/ay,
maiming Imported Al recs. tram we ameaiteinrere„.aabilaa
- .llLtAllitrENrlltuvr.; ;•1 • • •-- .2141 m
InoitisO pit *dna. RC beltaub pita% by ,•
• • •412014• Nociblfim4roompoot gowl WOW. ntrabi;
•••••• • , 16 1 ••• Pialad•lssibta.t,'
• 8. PURITEI7 & 8088
111:1 t 7A . N CIGIA42B;
No. .sl6 B
' r [Rifitelia44l3.W.
We receive regultely.,ead eltat.f deem eeestauet o
Thestleetkle of piegglitsi 0 moans is teirileei
CARDS 1 y. DARDS, li ': . ; OARDSII
Ilist sad ~.••p~a Qin. i •
ellidli foilliatink OtographPioturor,
or sep#l l ,ouoity ma at r,...rr*, , '•
mamma Waft aufArie orri..asioan.b.ornoo - iie7. - 48'
_ _F .IL
PAPIIIUad 101.11P A Sirmsboans; Ma 111N011 OMIT.
blillrl , Prot,Aorzp,uta. , _ ~, . ,
.4.1/ •
, ~ ,t t otoN\ v 4 " e
, I Ali,uniacrivz
4rNir '
-„ runa oks.ora 4 Asru OIL%
AND r,kivelizi_. van
irDRANDV; • ,
4npodsai3;i bhimii l fieibiraaltod par" ' &i,a
bedt ante; tam it. bottle wt.!
I,llllsool torb. - • ;
Isporliol wad bottlid•by 6t•uPl'br too ' flonni boo
hi. pWGub 114 tcb pun.: tronnoutd pant • '
• • . - ,Jfn do t: 7 . •
lIDOLPIIO wtotxres " ' SHEHILY
Imputed and Latta by Monte!, tbo satoo it!rOtf win. ,
1 :11,
imported and bottiodilpy toiol Oaf prlfati otot nod klool
lur e boftinno_over oeforni to Id, info la bob-- . I
tbs. 31.1. elptilowanttant pa wily li . tu
Awl)ogsiiiil i tusKyv
An filo ahoy. Impvt4 Pod boit by Mar
enton; ntaatn3
pa* &MI of Lb. bat ;)'
{. l l lll tPlibbi: ' •
11011114 L • CO
. .
1 . 11 1. 1 ,k. my rot otttloo mi **mak stky , Mcidiog as
motabot of dirty ytlOy roddMiot a Admit) as Itut.ltoti,
th i
that w bat I c4.0t0 •mb Unity.; a tit my al, my t.b.a,
and ml conblksto, If tomobt to 'Cab bstiollibt ape by
Ybrblo'sso into Imo IMO obtaltilboil
tboaid she the mitempro to 6/Wm, ~. 7 I 4
For Ws b. all raweellibl• Witt os4 Apotbibkf4:',
: It LPRO:WLtik.
Sok , Wastactortislipinponsira4tMilabloisai atoMatio .
&bnopp.. .- -:I --. it :,,.'4 ,' --- - ,
- ' 3.."r r e,121 ileivierolratti At* Totki .'.
. . WI .. ';7l,4oLasOLargalrigligi ~..r.
- . ... L. ~,j,i r l o, l lllo.lrold gm*.
I (.)o.i aqX . 31 1, N.:„...WPR0 ;: 24 . ,,,g....54g
' . ..14 ']!..`,: il igiOt(iiioll Teabr*sik,:it'
roe okkby
Itiothao s;s7
, .
rm►~s~a s►iiiea~ _~ ~*ooa~
ofihn pitissa **Uati%i
ao so tss m, /messed aphis &Jaen Isse.t m rw es . a
'nna Peelle that ram:, is
.11/ . M^ye tap seer ma**. &ad
N. e —Amos ear ems sea of ilditas4 .
C.., N. PAW.. le.a!t,
...eel et els.. isratim Ingsestless.
'which bor . cat dlasims.ari,a ...Mimed* mem aed Ibis
amendicesarea who.. , -
• •
011 . KEW
City nal/ Ecivate, coin
it4as.a. ] Go
r nap la a ilmstrn'• 5h01...1.4
th r U lt
----e •
61.11 onoll tiro, in ovary sly'o on!ocktor, he pm tod . ossi 61' 1
solo Yo sox !roux oirr.Y.
217.1 1; itlean.15iireet, Igew York.. .!
neni 11. 41: .
r•rosail t••s Proir•l • Pm
Fru. I•aolver.oirt.ythi. Now York Boporlor Mort &pilot
• traodoloot ysr•r
to CkosetrirlHrlor tboir T•••• *MI I
sosd' Labels, mot will Oreferuto .11,p to Kristina
00 . !
11. ST$R'A r.
Improved y. P;ano'. Forts's..
. --/Courtimih-at.
.(hteter3hini Andide Aro W YOUR.
/or • Tattler of a otutary.the Taatratnable enknattidat
id at the Detahll.htheat have vaulted among the hair
in the country Thar darahllity.ittsoeth; and della*, of
team atot loath ate .highlyapptaelated by all .oho haeN
Time Ouch a taontagh trbtl. • alelag Me.
- pelletal attention to Ihdrtgentdattare of. each laatrallialth•
la all Ile denial. la enabled td.guatatdeeauyerter ezetilebee ,
add tellob.hly In evetyrtatech,_ . etlkaat
.10.11eld.nud Fuurttg
t tato.
trslll.l J Cal/FILT
a itliiilNl, Y•
AS ii . lll3ojd EC, ti AGENT.
,1112111141111 T •
ESPECIALLY -design for _the use of - dui
Mrdidar ETnfeteea i 4 tUaiE64,4lll.Dist
zoiDol io-.. lel ••Arntowitc,' 9 .oolclaV .16/11.7
411 oi a. ;
procilaeftt ch)mlcilkuL'elmOLOl, oat &dear...n.44 pems , ..
sloK - .IL of trumo.inly‘aft mottklnal gosh Dr. (awe .at,
dfgl.hc)which tologsltiosiold adapts - se Oto. Cut !Ilk
Ist quan otol olVdnoniciwo atooonottc
-• • Dr. ORO. IL RCM, It, LW Wall i
••••-•••• ?-40D1:1414LbOICR 021.. c. •
• I'd. _ ProDiloton..
• 1
- RIOXI&111,110.15P/4 :
Ili i §4ll 4 ,- 1 N E t . NS ,
- - - 114 KASKA DU-PARS, AC.
C ..
ANY, sod MUw difOrtillk of obtodohn th• 13 11101111
DONN% ~ h .naa,o. ',At tho ankles they 101(01M• stein* ,
.4 will! tho foil wino, of tbilhi ray , ,
as a putout*, of ths• oodotwastul .. or•hility of tli• lira.
Thia action IA twodereel elool,lly neeemary,•• Nov
qtutotllle• of Inferior sod defeeti Llano as powatal,
seee.uonteer sewhoustul waled with OW hansom DIMIAID.
BON, ht. [nob IlotTwhehstwAsol of the leltoy thww
mdk.lort *Moos the, A twertkw• nor sod Ow mambo
toot. of the minion anode, will toodfly 'Whim ••
boolzwes to profitable, whits pa ea. in hopond co
with D0,,4 •of • "Huth kir amuse ' 1
•R I,yd . Agent% &PA h Stowe. Now ark.
' , A , T./ `.., PAID —A o.A IllIDITit soled I n rtetty Sotto .n 4
IA not! to the Dolled Sestet, to IA • fooPottAhto ABA
troy Modem.% 1., whirl. 16.'04710 petal it - to.,T be cortalalr
h. 4 •041. 'Poo full tAttielllblat addioarTrrJ HENRY
IVARNSII,NO: Ai But TAW tratvet, New York e. By, um.
dOt 01l 7 ...v0.t.n.. 4 ..r, . - ... ,„ ~ .c 13,3.
iTr ' lita i nair
ttoPs thATON dtt A CITY.
;-• - ~1 . , jissarainiart , 6e s
• i
32 inelkes to 40 inoheeiwide.
Ordeals hit - at H. ChRoB & flu's, 133 Wood
lan:et, Pats but gh, w 1 II netly• *MAI kot, oeltlely -
8 / 1 401 1 1 loasrrom, , -
',AIM. PAT' flt3Tusr74, 3:„I , ' 4 3 04 1.418.
Burnirrg liTuitt, llioh is umuy Mods—
mom% i 15.40,01 •tnetly PllOlll qtoultt, loath Welk*
•• &MAST PHICKII , • , - . •. 1,
, . l'lrrabitiop. Pa.
,-, , _
RgrArcienrsomr arrefally onoresse&d, 4 Rl all isertelliii '
• ' Ico 4 ta , lI.OiDsWL,
. late *Wawa Liwrrr,toiAmp.ri.
ruoir DUAWINGe and ' PPSUIFICATIPkb Par all kinds
of buildtbm ImA oftertatirodattift: nrocrosbhi
_kqud , ON AtiDgrocip:arivarr.
. . . •
, IrarituirekankuN3.?
Ineteam and Atmollchertn t3ammom
-r ETTRRS PAilt NT iriweininied
itb, Vial. fathoms; litre% •• • MY tib•Pl• ••4
•ttont , l•WioogrtPit Atioapbstiolhatioto
*booby It. tal I IlitTolt* DI the biimplestp obtalbed. .omit.`.
.bat no Udell Ot noup pi from to b. 0..
mend—then by *Snips A pal btentioliorm,.... mom __: :
is. K. Pun.. ot mot., tt. to taciritt.tot 49D. awl • 'an"'
opudloAioilotiptexpeopt.._ _
• Tie viti iiritots at. mitten - 1 - dritiditti;••4 aro ANd•
rO.l or, hada; tittle. to oft itold tioprotemott, ....n ••
Pt:Titan .o'er .04 patent. A mo.el of tat'd lionotroot
lat at lb. oms, of , .6 16 06ta,116166.64146C1ub1ng. &Me
erys'at tatr; corm, or (link' and ta.mabdidanwa. Sbwo
puttee totinottot asiya.dl ItiOlot Want i tbo I
2 , •rm4 of license We, Jlo.
oenaatr kporf.,Aram444.l/ se, aa.
soo eatch.t.rosio Itxtrii Ca Tow
du- t t do. i ,t. fl a p
IQ do U. P. mot Jowl aR
/0 .4.61641 666666 its We lad zgaeltp. •
20 WA. 61.* Ton, 16411460eir .02.4•61101114: 1
60 cam and 1 .02.6e/m6166004•1666v6.:'
bto P.66el and i 11.., 0106. 6140
75 /Motes mad Toffikt &sir
6 6666 Pruke tidilkeetraitt:
`rfr do Ornrod`ll.l66o444.6l•6l6trear , '"'
. pcmo Lm, 1a01511• 004 *AMT. Ara Calks.
• Porto lt , Ai New Orlotaintod - Rpthsod Snot. •
Ctpc Ado, 0 4..1 1 10o•oa4ttros50r11t.
blimp id, VeitillMelli law
• =dm tu.swie 1 :01 1 .0. 1 1togo , 1 - - I
/or sale wholesale ani notch • -
waoooter tawt WELDER TURE4,4O.W/ILDST4;
BOILER PLlllll:EmmlscloiliEs ad *risk by
MORtitg, t tii Sit &Kt CO. ,
uu2o 3n3 ISM)-
t 6 hhaa N
aco bwa &hi in)LrMb rt.o3 . loLAPBll4tgiow Crop.—
to iterivrithle biv l4,oo, l';1"441,1 o P WWI .at
m • vori OM' dtql!rs
4011 X i‹tiotran
§A:li o D r s: v... s4t.
bk.d A
i t.. !Til ,, lnifr4 .
kg I, 144 c 444 'yenta iboWeby anylo 4444.444 B
4414 th. proper dominion of U.ILI YAW Imo.-,-;14
.1:0•4144,0raVi tb., , O.NitabigiCiplesll
n wp
n 0.,• 1.4 ,t0ad lota Mt , nslosen: wlllstwitmetl m o
A5441 . 4.4.44 k 4 b 2 4 40 . 1 bic,44444,44.4144444.4weacep,
pl4lO, bYer.'-rser. 4Y104044 estnempttos;eta. To )41tifiv •
theb1004444 spes 4 flyearolbusb,444444l4m44, botib.
but 14 so 4014,4tuas 4. BAN b4' Bo AS 4 PAIIALL/L.
►ol Yreper4444:4l 444 by 4, 0-41 0. - 8ANDArbr444444.1014;
Bold ibaby B ' A: PAH MAMMA A CAL Pbtaberglii
11,44 Woo hp brimyter yrowelly. • tulip -
iss• or trite stack ot.
Oetts? Drees'
titans and Yciao:36rptrila,
Gcnt,'„ linadis!iind,4oys' Cape;
idLiaea' Dearer Tinto, : •
%canal rattans% I 'hen lin, snap.
Altt ON ORISS.--10a4ozett Puttuomis
1.3.1150 box!, !litchi . . .. 7 . '...;' , .. 4. - -bbtt
10.btos011 isaDqx.bacces. sio tie um ~;.
1,40 bt boklolo Yoktaimr.,-,:4411t1b1e. Irlatrr.:l
I Itbki N. b 2 Ilt icluesti,l,g, aid • ~... . ... .-,
LTD* obrilirocdeleillemiduliiiii bi: Ui
.. , .
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