' , WEDNESDAY /101iNLISO;".• -NOY.. 144 A STol,.lfOft 'VINE. /LITTLE Ulla/. TH6 , olllllY3'pgsAii OP A 8248. • cusizia troxiss. There was once a Child, aid he strolled about, a great - dial, and *Ought of a number of 11 lie had a larder, who was a child too, and constant companion: :These two used to w der all day long. They wonderM3 at the beauty of flowers; they wondered •at 'the bight lua t t blueness of the sky; May wondered at the depth of the bright water; they. wondered at the goodness; and power of God, who made the lovely. world. . ' .:. ... • . _ _ . They used to say to one another sometime .Supppee all the children on earth were to die, would the flowers and the sky be sorry t ' They believed-they would be sorry. ;For; said they, the hada are the children of the flowers, and the little playful dreams that glum t 2 bot down the hillsides, are the children of water, and the smallest bright specks 010 at hide and reek in the sky all night, m sorely be! the children of the stars; and they would all begrimed to see their playmatat, the children ofmen, no'inore. ' ; -. i • There was one clear shining star that used to cattle out in _the sky before the rest, bear the Ohara spire, about, the graves. It was larger and more_beantiful they thought, than all the °thus, and every night they watched for lt, standing hand in hand, at the window. Who. ever saw It Ihist, cried out ; .--- - • . 1 of see the star l" And often they cried oat together, knowing tie well when it'would :riae, and where. So they grew tote such friends with it that before lay ing down in their beds, they looked oat once agaio, to bid it good.. eight; and when. they were turning round to Bleep, they would say .diod Wean that star." ; Bat w she war very yonng—nhl very. very youtig, the sister drooped, and came to be so weak that she.- cOuld no longer stand in the window at night, and then the child looked orid ly out by himself, and when he saw the star turned, round to the patient pale face on the bed: dI see the star l" and then a smile would come' upon her Jaom "and then a little weak voice used to say:_.4,4od tape say brother and the star I l!' I • . And so the time come all too soon when the child looked out alone, and when there was rkti face upon the bed, and when there was a little grave among the graves, not there before, and when the star made long rays down toward him and be saw it through his tears. • Novi these rape were so bright, end they seemed. to make such a beantifal shining way from heaven, that when the child went to h i aontary bod, he dreamed about the star; and drearned'that lying where he was he saw a train of people taken ue that ehining read by angeln. —And theater; opening showed him &great world of light,. where mealy more • such angels waited to receive them. All these angels, who were waiting, turned their beeming eyes upon the people who were carried up into the! star: and some come out from the long rows is whirls they stood and fell upon the people's necks and kissed them tali derly, and went away with them down avenges of light ;and were so happy iq their commmy, that lying in the bed he wept for joy. Bat there were Many angels who did not go with them and among. them one he knew.— The 'patient face that had once lain upon the bed will lloritiol and radiant, but his heart found out hie sister among alt ;the hoot. "Is my brother come I" . And he said "No." she was turning hopefully away , when the - child drenched out his arms, and said "Oh sis ter I am here I Take me." And them she tamed her beaming' eyes upoa him, and it wee night and the star was ehining into hie room, making, long rays, doin toward him, as he eawit throgh tears , From that hoar 'forth, the child looked out upon the stars :mini the home ha was to go to when bis time should come, and he thought be did not belong to earth alone but to the star, too, became of his Sister's angel gode before. There was a baby born to be a brother the child, and , while he was so little that ha never yet had spoken a word, be stretched his tiny form out on the bed and died. Again the child dreamed of the open star, and of the company of angels, arid train of - people tind all the rows of angels with their benadeg eeyes all turned apon those people's &co. - 1 _ Said his sister to the leader: Ala- my brother Come t" • And he said, *Not that one, but another." As the child beheld his brotbers angel in her arms; he cried: • . ' "Oh, Sister, lam here! Take me." And she tamed and =Mut apart him, and the star was shining. ' He grew - to be a young man, and was busy at his book when an old servantour to him, and said • "Thy:mother is -uo more. I btiog her blear ? . ing on her darling , son." Again at at night he BIM the star, and all the- , former compeny. I Said his sisters angel to the leader:; dip brother come ?' And be said "Thy mother." A mighty my of joy went forth through all the stars, became 1. t1r,.. mother was re-united to her two children. And he' streached oat hie arms arid cried: r "Oh, mother, sister and brother; I am here, — take, me! !rake Me." And they answered, ..Mcit. yet," and the star was shining. - • 'lle grew to be a man whose hair won turning gray, and be was sitting, intis chair by the tiro. side, heavy with grief, and with his rem he. dewed with — : tears, when the star opened ore again. . • • his sister's' angel to the leader: - "Is my brother come r' And he said, "Nay, but his nuOm daughter.* Arid, the man who has been the child, now his daughter, newly lost to-him, a celestial crea ture among those three, and be said: • • ' 'My daughter's - is on: my mother's brim, and her arm is around my mother's neck, and at her feet there Is the baby of_ old time, and I can hear the parting from her. God be praised." , And the star Wag shinin g . Thus the child came to be an old man. and his once smooth face was wrinkled, and his hack was bent: And one night, is he lay upon his bed, hia children standing around him, he died &I he had cried so long ago: 'Ol see the atnrs:r' , They wher , W to one another, "fie is dying. And he maid, "I not. My age Is falling fi•om =like a garment, and I move toward the "tar aaa child. And, Ohl lay Father, now I 'thank thee that it has so often opened to receive thowi _ dear reit who 'await me." And the star was shining; and it shines anon his grave. . /17` To Avvirrossis.—The PittBb4rgh AWLS Osumi has g hop dreolattoo moon th• bmpow• woo In this tott therorroondlog eitiw—way Wool who cat so 4 who utA—sol mina inunhotorws sa4 pro. Moos. It soy Lo &wad In wady all the woman; Aoms, wont hooooo . botklog booms twists, twiorlos aid ash WO woo booiso I. too two CIUMI. whew ft li sea wad eark4l Goss• to ;be &WM for wawa.' As a =dam for WI VW. than& Wootton, It afros lolottosents which oo Wow toper lo Wsotorst Ponsolools oto afar, to all who dap* to nosh We Luse coo Woos elttsows Sass WWWA Gams •at M. 0.. ks. a- moth I..wr drsulatloo to Wawa. Pwroylwals, Onto sod !assault - wooog ottitsattal Awns. we sot worrhsots thia say other tocular paper It lass ...1406 of lb. Hoot. • Aldrill/CDAIL ratiZMlTEstUbsoidestifientmptiam Prestound bast:wan t,ttelitim earadaties bedew ratchbv 41 clam, U gars istreensoittto burs was best wawa tbrougA tobichtereach ritbrbb zrraz wsvittrougns is Wiwi nay Itithtab &Vaud altbrda7. ots • tow Nod* 'Ass; Sad caskilaids `addition to ths arm of VW week' a earchaly remit! Girl retabbte t•eport Abriets, onnaercialtutd obitatary tlf• !hers -Mali t Oki brit Cbottslfiberpttper datha Mud DA1LY..412 Uteri par aanni, panne to Mramti'a 1.2}4 new per wink; wale to the Omen. • . Doller per mum, payee to deem ► enj in. free entice ulau D. up a din needing . SPAOrauce unweita an erietly required. sad no : pa pie uriltje mi terMetloa Isep to chick Hun pied. Babb ~~ et -Adt~rWla~. I *pin, or lleey " 1 171 *1 , 2 * 100 240022.,„..„-....,...11 1: *1 * '" - W. 1 *-' ' * 3 * ' ' 9oo' • 1 * l ' 4 7.1, • 22 " 00 Illuilidiar7lmeriateo2ll9o293•ollqoanNe6sar 6144 at Werner. pee 400019.-'......1666 - .- ll4/.001“41194099 9 with Cat•trebloachmi. nn CASES; CONCENTRATED LYE bor. simacrowic, CIIiIiESS--Vresh arrival of: Wesiorn Be. Ad sem Mem. .t 116 Übtely at—WO bn for its q n 024 BRIM i LAIMAIL 'pp UfvIiWUNAT fLutlS—Boaaiviog, fresh ,maynrouta,tor miubv . mot a LAZliiit, 11l Liberty id. RBD COUNTRY I , LANNBL,,White Tidied Insasekaanultry Itlittpc. riatata puska*, • Pall rtORN=4O.O bulk : Ear Corn in store for is* 'VV pl S,AMUIL TDVID kW, not , . . fIOCOA :NUTS-5000 Barocco, just tool 1 1.1 1 71 Renlloll e asonsoN. No. WM diod • - Gar ?. OPPOII4II M. *WO M=III:M=N aieauthisAilChailei.fixio. ;•"Ditcfeezed. eiIIIZEL • FOIL , Sat L&. those - 18 istarill . NJ &Ws DireilieLElvoirsoetnals on arassel striet, (oreile idea brining Mirka. sir, Wood ile . TIRO Mi. resdistaly rdjolidinfacr lb, Snit the Madam Shona Win. • ALEICK-Teore leer tiles isortirCESielv elin.r Hoare. *We on itearasilienst corner or Coorri• ally rad Third enwil, beirressObarryelley and Onsol Wrist. • .jerre AMO—TIse lair reader, or Markel i, inn:VAUD rim on the south iiies.nl Wortern Arensi silleinenT TIM • *Us tbrk insane spnitrtsnani, tains r Mrse. on whirls le • IXIIKTZWIVOTAtbd r rrltis cbrin to, yiestablei red islarri saunter et fine firsql trill al., n'sood briii Stine, Tiers gems* with tb. Wilding., 044 Ste in riesling Far partkularo nid isms or We epply is • - - . 7 . ' WILIAVVOLIITS, • • ' • ' ,•-•• ' ' '', ' , Tiernan's grew* Bterrer; deed, irryllif Or in p.w. a T.•&• IllLr,Od. Pit 0.11,11. ta. WOR.. 8A ' =-N:handsome 43ITZ FOR A 001IBI0T illlnTi CIABOBItor 111112 /ARM, alto. Wets tbn Balm ft Brighton mai In Wei townchlp, roar whin from Allegheny Clu, =leaning at atm • It bin • - 01gtrinitrof-solpnw pad: haw IVOlrinfunewtaeiwliont amdltion and of> Lb. flout iroficees, wait of which will tear ehe toning memo. Tao &wallop, a 'stable and paid wow ter the plow ' For form; de, *.f.r to W. wily MI, II fifth wrast,oista ALIOLVAIIBBIILL, on It. prim. 10:1111.0411.1STU LAND., 7 IThe subeariti• ars offor for sok oil favorable is dr hoadzsd Arno uss.h4 &ward b Wright Audi Moro& mistiq ociisonit to Una of Bollinids now In" Mara of osorstroa thossiesti owstort mks isro isillo.from Comfy sash , ..12hr bo sold itoCtiorAsstriorrichanOrd fox &raft Undo lo this or &Wising coarale. • aelo IIIoBAISIt A ANJEII.. 124 licrood IL MilOR BENT---ThOhalf, of STOKE, No. A: Water and Se Twat street.; tem eeerepled by the se aceiberk It id a ekdrable kmaaloa for Grocery or Prod bud " . rc.""len blun l i ttartE k DILWOHiII. wl7 . No. Ik Water • • 108 heat. knot: MILL FOR 8/11411.—One . oc Olark'is Pat eta floorthit sad blremhant 1111i4comiatto la every rimptd,•lll; be cold Yid7 low by lbeeutsetben. 1 j ode, : • 1081b1111 a; AMIE. Peo.l7A &coed at ; . XVII, SALE—Thataplandid . Reeidencte,dik with Ism tot demand, holt Trees mod IftwiteMl , sheeted within two minute& walk of the. Witkhlw h . hsarried swim Th. home le lathe eat Gelded hi WO; at preeebt wcapkd by roam Thowpra, WM Meld on rwrooshle tenth. Apply to ibtlethwtti ._ at. Itartme• CM.. we: Pt & Grant 00i • . thuncos ilottcus & inangto. No r tiot=Witi - ii - e — usa7) - iuturwith u • in the roandby Busineeh BAIIO AL L. PAN MOOK.Ahe bedlam AM be mei:ham' under the hem end mile of PANNOCH, lI.ARS A 00. I - Ptustmusb,Apilll6,lBoa. 1 UAW.. man rare L. 'MUM. PENNOCK, EMELT & -- FULTON - FOUNDRY, pm-raisin:tam PA: A magma supply eti DOOMING STOVILI AND HANONG,DTOVIR GRATN4,' WAGON BOXES, MI ohm EIuLLOW II ABS; PLOW •• AND ALGTINGS AND POINTS, TN& NWITLN, DAD IiAILORIP IRO N, IRON AND NAHA. . Water and Gas Pips', Honor ProMe, alld: • Marlaitery Csatiega Asada tb order. Sejoitla, or Sines Evil,' . lea cocurtitutional disease, a corruption of into bloo& by which this fluid becotaes vitiated; weak. and Isier.; Being in the eircutatioe, it pervades the' ,hole body, and May burst out dis ease on any pail at' it. Na organ is free from its attacks, nor sa there one Which it may not destroy. --The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, loiv living dia. ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy-habit; the deprmang vices. and, above all, bribe venereal infection. 'What aver be its origin. it is hereditary in the eon: atituticar, descending "from parents to children, unto the third and Mirth generation r" indeed, it teems to be the rod of Him Who says, " I • will visit the .of the fathers upon their children.'! • - • I • • ; ' Its effects commence by deposition from the ' blood of earths or ulcerous matter...which. in the lungs, liver. and internalis ttrmed i tubercles: . id the glands, ; and on n a i the surface. eruptions or sores. • 4 foul car muffins, which genders in the: depresses the energies cif life, so that • wirof constitti el, thins not , only auffitiltorn - oath o ut cam- plaints. - but they have fin les to with stand the attacks of other ' • conse quently, vast numbers perish Iby &Borders which, althciagh not scrolirlout in their nature. are, still rendered fatal by this taint in the ISTALeeL ISOAL of tke consumption which de cimates the human thinly has its hrigin directly !, in this scrothlous contarninatinit ; and many : destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain. : and, indeed. , of all the organs, anise from or are aggraratod by the same cause, I ,Onc quarter of, all our people ire scrofulous; their Kist= are invaded by this lurking in- tertian, and their health is undermined by it: 1 "To cleanse it from the system weimust renovate '. the blood by, an alterative medicine, and in- vigarate it .by healthy_ food land exercise. Such n 0104C1110 Re supply in • - ' AYER'S ! ; Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, 'the most effectual remedy whith tie melic•al: skill of our' times can devise far this eriy where prevailing and fatal milady. It is cont..: bitted from the 'moat active remeldials that have been diteorered for the expurgation of this Sint' slhorder feria the biota, and the rescue of ,the synon from its destructive I consequences. Hence it thiluld bo employed • foe the cure of not only: scrofula, but also Ow other' affec- z thins which! arise from it, such as Snuerms • and Sans :DISSASISS. •Sr. Asstricett's Fine, Itscts, or EIITAIPILAJL Putri, Puernas. l Barrens, 131.Aiss and Bona, 'raison, Terren and SALT 111181814 - Scorn . n.Ab, RLNOITOSX;; RILLIXIATISX, STIRILITLe and IgERCVIIIAL Dis-, scums, Osuirav Dramas, Enurrr. and„! indeed, site CoLetaurts surstor 780 X Vent-, TED OR IMPURE - I/LOOM The popular belief; in .. impuritye f the blood" is founded in truth,' for scrofultris a degenerstioniffithe blood. The: . particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and renneratelthisvital fluid,: wit which sound &Atli is impossible in. contaminated constitutions: I Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF , A FAMILY PHYSIC; are an composed that disease within the range of their action mn rarely eithstand or evade thtve Their penetrating properties search, and cleanee, and invigorate every portion of the human ergots,. ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy literates. As a couseprenee of these properties. the invalid who is bowed down with ham or physical debility is astonished to find his ealth or mew restored by a r u dedy at once so simple and inntusg. Not only do they cute the evety.day complaints of every body bat - also many formidable and dthEtvells disAdes. The agenti below. named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Mosque, containing certificates of thew cures and directions for their use.in the following complaints: Condo nes:, Heartburn, Headache arishoofrom disordered Stomach, It'austa, Indigestion, Pan es and Morbid Inaction of the Bowls, Flatalmey, Loss of Abe: Jasuulice, and other kindred complaints, arking i from a low state of the body or abstractio n Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , TIM RAPID Celt OT Coughs, Colds, induensk; lloarsenessi Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient ConsuMp., tint, and for the relief of Consumptive Patienti in advanced stages of the • disease. So wide is the field of its madmen and so un: men= are the cues of its CMS, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub; fitly known who bare been sedated from gaming and even desperate-discases of Ithe lungs by it, use. Milieu once tried, its superiority over erect other medicine of its kind is too apparent to radios observation, and where its *tau are known, the phblic no longer hesitate what antidote to em lay for th e distressing and dangerous erectus= o the pulmonary organs that are inddent to our arrests, While many *lnferior remedies limn wen the community tam failed and been discarded, this ongained Mends by every trialoamferred bene fi ts 011 th e slilicted they can never forget, and pro. diked corestho =maul and too remarkable to be forgotten, , • PREPARED BE I • DR. .1. C. ATER dr. CO. LOWELL. MASS. I ' L. PAIINJUTOCIC 430,, Pittiedrab, sad nesterserr erderlysere COD LIVER 011,- ; !s A o . l7 o .b l izare for , le by acti caw aline sad Wend .741 FBATIISIiti AND Susie Pls.LTS-4 Wu' Tostharg 1 WWI. Sharp Pelb—palf humilult from ausamwßoclet for We by • __ ora MIMI DUMMY & DA ' LICK)KA.—Paper :Hooke far tbe pro. Cosh. Mated In Ike bill sooner with dow typo. id abort notko, WNI. 0. JIHNOTOM CO., Mow /0. Pelotas and 800oodos, Id Wood 0. WHITS W H EAT - FAMILY T 1101111,40 tacks .0410 Mt, to &olio in ottol by ooto 1111 II DIOCrf xlOO. 10BM'S' N. O. 81110? MOLASBBB, w10 rw.174 " "* " ." 'IiNLY U.OOLLIML FINN IKONS AND NTA I D L S—A largo N • largo 100°"°*"" h." ' ** V. :Liam, JIL• - It Clalran4 Mag."' 2 A BOXES WOOD'S - STARCH. in a re El sat for ado RI GRAPY ik VAN GORDNR, oelli ; 114 &woad et. TIMS—MO rec'd thin day, e.... 0 * , • VAT nat.T.nal HOPS -- 3 . NAN just rea'd and for sale by "e" : EMMY 11. OOLLINIL on BEIM ITACHES to olive, far valeby .to ORA,/ VAN 41411L11RIt. 114 llorand URORTIKLD lc 00. hvie a largo Wiwi', B "oat Nom alvi. masa Gonna - ARD-1 bbl. No. 1 Lard, 3114 reo'd apd JIJ far ask by arm.Daroptuntnn ,sosonsnam s two. 101110TAMS-40 bap Vale Potatoesi Teo 1 - fina. 1.11.+4 6* Ole br e JAL a: tirrziki. lAIIIS-5 tone, a prima artiolc for sale br . wins Y. ()qualm. ertognii.; • Maw r. ' LATTLY . TIELIMIEILIC. • GROCERg ASD COM. TT TiLISII/CIN iIIitICHAM Dealer. to Piodiata, linear: 840E4 Cheeskei Cwt... *ad L.ta Oil, ltatq , Gu.s.,Ocriust osas,..b4 .I.dtslllM4ll rad i . 1.12815061P11 Br, PITISSIIIIGA. L Sl. It*Taut.. H. AnDia11011...............14111.1rMFel DOI. • 4.- W,A.T o N .14E 0 0.; Wkkolesale Grocers. awn Diacass Is 1 Rope, Oakum, Pitch. Oils andll Pittsburgh • • lilanuactures, • 110. 128 WAT/11%. STKICICT. Atone IlsoltbUld, • IsolLlydi. Pa. WILLIAM BAGALEY, wBox.2Eus.ii.xf7 Ginocmaxt; les. IV •■4 .0 Wood. Btr..t. JoilAtt . . , ... Piftaarntan, Jean tram. JAPOILL r4)4,Siroceri and Com- UP I mission Ilerthauta. Aginto Winn) Ws at Pls lioa and Mona. ti 0.183 Übirtyanakyittabaigh., felhlyd fl B. JONgB, WIIOLESALE 011D ossami Deal Fendeber, Dealer In notion. and Pllnebargle Kanatnetens.No.llllWakn mad, near er rs. alley, Plttsburgla .. s_l .Duman. VIRIVER DLLWORTII, WIIOLESALE Ur Gitlin No. 13C, mid 132 Bemad street, (t4il6o.Wii&l SOIL PLOII-.........—..10311a1t)114,11.--....—.1V1LL1i1l 8010. TOURS FLOYD & CO., WIIOLEML& vv Groosessad Oommtiskin Nershants, NUM Wood Sail PM Liberty strati, Pittsburgh. , JOYE I&TT& WILSON, WIOLESAL ORO:V . COORS, Conimhdon Alerchszak sod Deal In Pro ritt.bea* Plttaborgh Alpumisetareo, Ha= LlberT.str pal eel, uqtb. - . • In hiccUTOHEON 'WHO H O LE , BALI mer, Produce and OwnsLeh*. Yen/slot, eg Pittsburgh suowld.r.d Aiticus. No. /b 9 Liberty et 1.114.0311101. of Brewery ay. Pittsburgh, Pst.,_ A.TWEIay LEE CO., WHOLEg ALE Grown, liaises and ClookoNslos lienbouto, iod In PlOsaborgh Nitoshdoulo, No. $ Wood stoltot4o. /wean WateNrabd Praold, Fittaborgh.• 4 WI AROBISON 1 CO., WIIOLF,SALS • Grows, ooulmterbsi loktrehanta, sad Dnalori Ili all of Prod./suss, Produce sod Pittsburgh lbstutaSturtsh $0.9116 Liberttrstreet, Pittsburgh. • • 1.1417 , 3 SCAM a. /LAMM LtOBKRT Tatum, & CO,, 1 , 7119 L& eaut atnms, Oorsadaskin iod tore. diq as.r. Peal Desists la trades,. mud Pittsburgh tetsultbsture, No. 2111 Liberty street, Pitulyarich. Ps. toySI lo.SAIAH DICKEY CO., WHOLESILL.O Groom, Omassiodatt Merchsate,satt Nears In Prates, iD Wafer atm; sod ell Front arest, tootoctlers, &c. D ORIKRT S. DAVIS, succeesoi tz John. S. 1.11 Davison, dolor to Book; taXkokot7, io, Pio 113 Wood atm& ears. of Dimas.' alloy, Plidobo rgh.l tri3&ly WM. O. JOUNSTUN & CO.; Stationeru, Slut Book Atoonhotozon mod J Prtutors, No. 14 Wood otnot, Plitaborgh, Pa. yr AY &CO., BOOKULLUS .1136. TIONEW, N. Ad Wood aro* !dint ea of ildrd.Pltttotrich, P. Ilobool and study on 1aud..:.. . . . READ, BUOKSELLERAND ETA *, TIOS AR, xo.7S South let, Apollo inlidlop.' • Vertical. L w. 3. RUBE L KIWI AND ORNLIENTLL PAINTER AND GERA/NEI-li,, No. DL Firm B.razr4 Opposite Otlit•Fellown PITTSBUROII; PA. Sign work done for the trade. foStrtyd i . Kcal Mum fiatnt. . WILLIAM II WARDS 121ALSR IN PROMISSORt NOTNS, Ikeda, Malmo. .4 all mmuitlm id mammy.. ima mums lam throaty 017 Ail*De7.oo molr: W. taros. Tama within g to bust thotr money to mad mlougaga We. as slums Sea Int and mood clam moo at my °Ms. too All atausankadoni and latorwann ark* malliamtlat . —_ ...... too noncan'. manna St Nil \ Oatioo OftIameIIAWISTVALT.M.ii•aL Oktimtmt 1•171tt - littnltt, &C. t • - JOHN 11 bLELLOR; No. 81 (WOOL ST.., IF Irtmou.Dlamoosd ittor NM fourth 41• a, hob Vol krrIMICICKAING a EON (Bump) PIANO .11111TRA, h•• IKON a nohiLurs MOM 11.11110DIONS sod ufamr HAMM lIMIS,oad Doutort• Moab and lltoacol acolu • H URO.,'Ne.I sa FD•111 a i i ii. a. z ip r a itgrto t or=kt i r rtr 4 llllpOlg 141110110kadi7A1111ART A!ILISDHAWIC pamdra 11= DION! ud *MAN ELLIPAIONICIIIA, Duda** Music sai 1111rkel go{ roIIi:RWITTZ BLUM, MILNUFACTUIV V Yu sad D.. 1 I. Plow uipunwror tali sad Medd lagroatearts; flok_Airms foe the flallßUltlg , MlANOtiodso fag [MILT, 1141 Mb • MOM lkinos esaeti oft and witlient Mime Attaduaeol. lL W.mxll gnat. I .1.7 1 j . : EMI= . ' . Wall Paper Warlikeaim. • ipprAusa P. MARSHALL' 41. CO.; Iza• TT perm and DWAIN $7 Wad totnia4 Wavle Ramat atm' and lasiond Allah wham may to llama as anaemia, staxtsaaat of ern ampaliptloa of Paper Ilantatap,tar Po , lam Hal* Dtahrg lama .sal Chatabara. AI Wiskaa. Soar, la volt wider at IMMO prkaatdi away, &slam WA INNS P. ALL it ' ===tl M. UORUON, Secretary Western laser . .' - 1 GARDINER:CO/11N, Agent for freak,- Er • Ihi Ms Isamu., Ckmparly. tiortd "craw !Fowl mul Third A. MADSIRA, Agent for Delaware . btotaal Comma; 0..12 Wataraipet, l®Ctt ~~ooas. Isamu. sumaraLl 121[111CILPIELD & (eNuceituturs to Mid -11 pb) • ll•re4o.44l4Wltaca•le and lteUdt Desk. f6 Stapleand faro I 7 WAR, tionbaast corner /Earth and Marketsts., Plttabargb. 1 vet ■C ■ !v• 11. LONG, Dealer io Stable sod rimy Dry Elood;rilgo of the origioal Dor Mr% No 14 Markel error*, PlDAboryb. rorl9 . 1.) 11. PA L5l de, No. 105 litarket Street, 1.1 a• DasH, la e. .t.. Lista. Straw. Trimmings; asd tusw Goodsgemwally. ,dll j jfuntinnt. Jli.hllES W. WpODWIP.L.L.:. FORNITURE2EANII CHAIR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, lbobrostts story tot lo of "Cr R INT I T >li .R. 23 ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT... nottablo . I PA ILLOtil, tlllll4llllBB DIMINO IMIIB, AM to say NEW YORK Alio PHILADELPHIA Wamoors, Nov. 77 two 711 Tiguao Bram, garl7.lo. P 111718141011. IrevaL.--....titaL L Meg —.2 -St L 111611 • V. S. "mato L Co., IrUkINITORE AND ciueints. . Of every Deeniption. 1 / 1 131 . 6HY—"Israi. WOW oil Palma. Wantons—hi. 18 k 40 Ingtkfteld IL, QTINSIBOAT CABIN FURNITURS-:-We re cow:anti, manaketwias MLA MSOAT CLAM 109211111111 and (111A1U, and tooo 0 .' 00400 0 lbw Intaraned fa ferflahlog boat. Tornio vo' SUDIDKIES.--9UCIAR-,6obblx. Yetilo' Anon' AUClAll,4s.bbia OrasulandOml Crushed Bogaii. • , - bOOAlt— do Maple Pomo. _ 'BTROP-40 do Ooldem Syrup. nyparp-21 do Cagle NII a)rop. • I . _ • UOLAMINP—I76 bbl. N O Molamea, to O.k Parials. INOLAINSICS— a 0 bf bbla • do do l, • . • TOBAoou— ti boa asodard broods, ba sod 10.. CUT AND 011Y. , —Ii.bbls Imadmille, 0.1100. (Wm RANH 011.-14 - tdda Boolt 011.. PITOH-11 KM MUM NICE-10 mie palms Rki.; , . DIA P-I4 box Pura Osatile boap. POAP-60 do haft Ilb Aar ho.R , • , 110A1410 do Palm do , ' ILODA-71, Op mad boa Imported El OMb Soda. • NA LIIRATI36—IO bus Nods Beleralmi. NA GIMATII3-3 . 0 boa' do • -- •, OUH OAPB-10,000D Oa_pr—for tole by • seal - ; • • WAIT A WILNON, Na Oa Idborty iraKIVICRIES, *O.-150 bap ltio Coffpe;! .160 hf dims Y. 11. sod Week Mort • /WI Imo oloortod Taboos% 4011 p IlhoStritt Toboteco, , - • 10 leo RYo, • 100 lip 111 Oath Bodo. • IFS Mole Ilatrlog, . bbhe large Itidkwo.l." 60 do. etrolhot Tor, .... do Sommeoll, , 0 dos Bacitotd, • 10 dos Tabs, . • 100 40 Oar. 81 . 001134. 2OO bra solid Wleiloiiolaiot With • petrol itoiortioelit or ankles in tile Groan Ma, for oak hy [mall 201111 1/LOITO di 00 17d Wood lit. NOW OPZN AND. FOR.BALE TUN lIANDROMRST- AMR= INT Or FALL ADD WINTER DRY OODDR, la the all 7, to will& we oak porDa OW ottoatkok Santo_Cm7 ' • _ - •' • oak - O. RADOM tOiriklil loarkat oonok SBABI LESS BAGS! SEAMLESS BAOSII 4000 tapir.;. ,9300.1loosigonk; 1400 Amoatasc • - 1000 aolareur Balm lo st," sad r.c.dying &fly, for rab. by - 111181111? A BARNS:I4 .1 al norm. Tartly no 4 Mud moot.. T.TAND-ti.AWS, or Dimon* Taylor's, aid I.J. all llwbest beau& of logliah madSelkab Bair% '. • IL WOL/rt, Jr.,. 'onnar tibetty.aud St.Cleir at . 11111ORSR FOh SA. LtS tine large - for , Ine sale tor Irma 01 use. neZI lIVIVIIMICH, IMBRIUM 011. NEW. HANUM)MN AND OUBAP DRY c 1000461 ovary variety, al wiya oo haa4. ae3 HAMMON WIVE, 14 Ilarlkelat. C IHINESIC-60 bra. prime Coiling eimoiti Ll LOUIS! PLOU it !--50 bbls. Family Flour le liddr• awl Cur Isle by • • 0 41. • It prennonn. 11111R1ClillY & APPLE PARERS of all kinds foe sale by . , IiVoLVV. Jr., Na - . earrior Er. CUOMO IJberty •r, WII HAT-. 5000 bus, prime li0; 2000 du ••INDOW OURTAINS4new pate be Ws by (al) W.P. abillabLL rroraKi ~ : - -,. fliart*liti.i*itgiiii,:•ll;., l - , l:'-i LairaTirrra FOUNDRY ViiirehowsP, Na 2154 iabati Bt:Prniairltail; &Vl:after uhoo- mai Noah W1'017.138, RANGES GRAMM I :Cirtaer•rnints.lNsitdrriii, .notaiow.lcuut BAD num. PLOW roam tr.ipm Bows, Sulk RargAts,Kettles, , igt. 113..Onten 1.4 l at bi 0.214 tidal) le will b. lorcapOy • •ded taaltlind) MOIST *Nall= Pitcaihttnigh Aartatiltttral,Workur. .VRAJICIS , . ' . 144:40 ITeriy street; ANU A.OTUREA'OF WILLSON'S 134 Tame& troy, Straw and Fathin. Cotter, Maim[ Ittooloto, Hanle Power. Threshers, Cider IdTa sod other, iligricultond teethlare. det&tyd IiWYDAWB LINBBED OIL! • • ltir B. SUYD AM, Manufacturer and • lhalor ie NEIEU 011., RAW AND IfOILND, OIL OA IC t 0... • • 80101 for ordeal bars b.. placed at dm Worm of Wro: nocstey, Wood otriot, sod )fear.. Jam Orford A• • , ty urder. for On, sad wilco. of FLAXt44ID 14.4, Jon at dm* plows, will Mahe prompt kiteotkiti. or. d. Ir• 8 r. M _ . ACKINTO SU.IIIIO, )6urner' Pike .and , x.r,any T 1 8 If A/lANUriiintiftEß ' OF MAO It I NTO k: HIMPMILVP IMP VIM PATHWEIIiOII., knU s 1 AM idioms AND PLUM VALVILEI Wall • • cud flayi ti ng pat niiillachinery of lava capacity and of bent quit,. too ant prepared do heti: Jobbing, in tick. work in thla linty tvittingThat invospiones • . vtimineteir olowerark, to vend .pablio pwronige, Tint opecian attention to oar .BiIitANLIXII .VALVII T. LILTING BITVINES, as continlog Viantagon ..,• sno4tathed In Ude elmsof goginta • - . 4ir Room .1111 memo. VAIN' MA I[ol4 11{13,Ta . CAKTlWWlllemcw..an .w lava°, MANUFACTURERS and Importer. of AIL Pod:stand Salm Cadory. 8 and Dental Ie dromputn,6nn.,llßlola, Mahlon T is,£e. No. In Wood mint. Tbni gins ninend ntionn fo the mannfindwing ot how* Supporter.. M. Jobbing and -Esping with moo. leanly and &snatch. W .1 5 .1 1/. . .1111141/ll . ... M. IMAM wiLLIAER iinu.sniLi.& . . 411‘Penn et., below Martel , Pittabargb, Pa. _ TEAM BOILER AND MEET • Ina -Workers, Idattahaturtee of 'Dunhill% Patent Soder, Locomothealned and Cylinder IWO; Brelehea, vire Dad, OW= Pipon, Onelenves, gal t rq Boger a Iron üb, Lib Dan; Inn AllsoOlukuniths Work, Benign sod Waled Inns, dm* at the abortion no AU onion ham s 4letenee promptly Wooded tot *. • Ire* City !hove Wasolhemoi. BRADSHAW, (SuocsOliaor to T. w. Cgllo & 01,) ilenufacturer TIN. lIWN .4 COPPICE,. WARKind Palm In STUVIRS.Ao.,W.III WOOD BTILDST, between Nob sad Virgil ahoy, PlOw • r: inDlyd Olonnatz DOLL AS .saviour B r I.llli 1 65 Fourth Street. at BTA• do to the cot. . Books Coo. 0114B2 • 21110 IN 11166.: • • . PES DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O 'CLOCK, Wottpoolity llatoblay eloolligly from May kat to Nowa.. Ito.,troo,t to 9 delock; Ind bus No trsber 1,,t to May eat, hoot 4 to II o'clocts. t V robilvo mm.l of 431 . not I. ebb oton. llo4rrkllßOO tbo' tomato 'briorre. .(a loor,lo Is... Jaw sad Docoastor: Interest Ma boon 4o4ared foositoot Roolly,toJasieabd Doomober, !dna lb. Boa Otto .ontan .94, It thirst. DINS per e.t.a fir.: . - totem; It out thorn ookts placed to lb* MOH It COO de 1.4•1 g pett i pl oloto4 boars Ike woo lotoroet Itom thejl n er mr,:o." A-4 Uto &walk ' s to= i t Le to rnle. SY"' groat' bb po.. took. At ebb Ws, moo.y 1.111 4OUM. I. boo Won 11 so9lpilt tbl._ ilergeOpt• MOM lAD OMR pla eel VINT • Tll/11. i?oolu!conalsvg "le °twirls!, Brian 11.1 . 11.6 mid It.ll liOatts:l - 'r;Mukl gapn~ell Reptant, James Bluth JasseiD. Ulm% Robb, • Sway R. Pew. l, Rill Scrim* EEIM Dotal Campbell, kta Oliallergraa, William Daagim, a Selma. "made Mx, /eo7•mta 4 raimmelack. Jab Halms WIUMai O. a.m. liter U. Mist. mml 114aansr. salilv,l--latlkda. ADVBILTIBRIIIOr, ANIN I V:A= lokomplaist . • • le -N rrr•s. BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, ileada by 0. a. erniouft• 00,107 NAJISAU K Prk.,lll, po . r bag imblrnoo pan. , • 0 4 MAYA a U. ',amain% . • PITTIMOROO PLOW WORICIL J. C. 11 IDWE L L =CM plorreant tellpeer 1 Blimrl9 11 . A S er ON HAND A VERY MEG - PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS, • 01611 the dillarent iartelinnarly to anali, his Monism& asatorma al anal. nib NSW WORM!, am bah.' ended le the man' part or tbe city, cm the lot fronting 1101 W Md. ea Dosteesa. Way rad Valeta atima.'sad *standing Stahel= Itarriem • he Mad a. 'Mad = 4 a. picky 4. any Plow Watt tn. Ma Vaned Sham; Mang all the nada:. Impronments In Lads wend and tan amides Mecham', M. Mitt* fe toll overatna stmt the drat or Nay analog; Ilmotatary„ Wareham sod Ofitte may One Keane truo ell the Iteltroed tapes. • , • ..layetrdere tu. mmertrully addled. • notttlt .1„ 0, BIDWILL„. SEETIN'S OLD ;yvrAND . , .;.. .111. TIME DIA.I4OIIrD, . 21. _I , I ONEA. a ST.O ZS El. .: .. ' Lat. Clink . of the Rod Lyon ROA, . . - raoevairtoa._ jr . AVINO TAKEN and fitted op, iii it it JILLof a Knot exporm, with at tn. modern loip.Oineusta, thin popolv 'iron. lA•aaboari• ' et la repatod to • comrade. big friends awl toe pow= peonyolty, with inn bent the market Wont.: • . ' toreersas will be rend op to scary yarkty of style Orlon _ LIQUORS and A. Ib. Pols conAdoot.l6 yommtnyodlos ‘o the radiator (bah. oicallesa• BOU .., M DOIRS ultra. : illilitl43aerrna av •sal•dly -al ill houra; ?HOWLS •toll DAY an IITONIL d NIGHT, QUNDRIES-- 110 hbd.. N. 0. Eloneri 00 bal. lied oed antar: ' 600 " brhe• Plantatam Holeaeog 100 " aa.nrud brands tlirupo, I,eaal Rio Wie, poctot Java Oolbc 100 orue atoned brandy Tals.".Ya Menu', do 00 160 bolt asst., loons Ilion .ad Black T.lB 60 tatty brain do do do do 60 bozo Logo Soup; 26 " German Soap; o. Olean do . 60 " Monldeandlan 26 " Slur .do . 300 bhls. ham and Actin family Floor. fa More and , for Mobs' Phdtl ATWIILL, L 6114 CO. IVALIBLACIEra r0171111D117 Engine and _Bo iler Show . - STEAM EIiiIINES, all siion, on land or NOME . 1 . 5. " 11112 GEARlNV i nttrz. l 2ll l 4 011106 MAMMARY AND manna - 1011 - 01.41.88 AID IRON WORALA, VAULT AND CALLAN GRATIN .AND P '4l" A ITOBA AND RLPA [ R[NO doe ..hut not L WroVV10:1-3119 Mem flttaborgh. •inclura.11:411.0:11.111.,•111voch Bow Mlll Alum; birtablo 'fluor awl Cbui;wog 11111, 1 1 he twit In Wm townti—aamh :patent WWw Wheals. /mot 111w11tres wl.llllll 1111/111.114 /154 tat the kweis laws: • W. WIWALLAuIi, mrlll.4Wai Map 319 41 1 / 6 /1 remit. ,QUNDRIII2.- - to 700 bbl. prime N.l.l.'nolssons . . • .1100 bbd.: do Sow; • ' 100 bozos Tobacco. mlos• 0 0611,1 !.. 100 tads. NO .3 Lug* l sob Oa; , • . 100 bolt bbs4do do du ' • 4, • 60 bble.lledlom do' ' ' • 700 MO Nails, 1,411001 elate; bays Window 01..5,v4174306 LAG alb. Na 1 Ostia 71 do Winter Mamba Wbale:011; ,Dailloults, Bay Idsza sad Swart Unuitig. Mad No. 1 ' No.l, lo Mae sad 10111 bbls; Gsrmso old M 1.0 0 71 C 174 'prime qualltaa; Oodles, 066 p. sad ,dplees of dlblods, stsrytblag rrbkb Is to ally kept by Wlsdesh. Omor•—k 10 mars end for solsby . JOHN I. 110U111 & 167 Owner eadtbllelo sod lister Nt. *nibblers*. Ps. :TOBACCO-20 boxes be and 10e Russell& JL itobtsiseN Totems. " • ' - 915 bolsi /la 1502 . 104 J. WarkSdy Toboad9t ' • I 19 do ba Addable, 4o: 29 do various brawls la wad land lb lamp.. 20' do •ad ebrated Plat Ayyla,./40 Ito 1114.. ld bbla Hoyt; Dubow Co.'" Oat 01411 NY Tabu**. 95 grow Oat and Dry, la payer!, arclad la arrow add ball Bros berat•-for sale by , A WAIT MASON. sail . N 0.298 liberty 1V OTION—To Iron, t.)otzun and '4ll ; other .Lll Mao afaetarers nodal: IlleeMarrwea - • W. Imp* andant supply al Lard uwd': 'Wow OIL sad ,WILL OalllABll, wbkh wa or. artadOwodatlad.senaa..l, 013. 111A1A11 DIMLY tun. • Ti OBEION'FRUITBOObvi—Bunah .L bozo" lialsiooohn CloisiOnst ii•OO . th • • MP bl tom do do do • _ • ' ioot Toed and kle w 4 b 7 AND/WON. RS• 'Pi 6..19 Wood st., oppodlo ot. Cbgabo notot. A --PPLES, &c.lOO bbla. choiFe Preen . Ap obhi Llborian Crdo Apple.; •• •2 oo small Peorw for proervlV= O'r t• b): or 2 - • - tprotir Market .4 tird.ft INDIA! RUBBER CLOTBII,g I 3; . Fishing napt4m.l Panul.Alr Ws, P 111 0 ,11.011111.10101101 Penn. 0 nu Cover., enmne.l:l••Tablnt.rblr% Ow kt.fam.oe • gm; torle4y nr tAniv article* In the lams foldne llw e &nays on hand nt 2d in 4 nt. CIO, Y. 11114 • COUNTRY BLANKETSand VLANNEa Dock. fra;Stosmbrot !WO. 4 ilandiiorne Dregs Goods, ShawleCeta. O. thiNsiiN UMW , . iklull.e a. " A l' a l ti E jl 3 /IfliLlP ' Aloopti7 unalllaa. Itultank . lllankiabi , 41041: • Benet PlumAs AT O. MOLASSES-42. , bble. in storn fog malwhe 0.22) inTonmoll.lierMillgY a el).. TAAKIIII--300 bales, beet avig,aniving N„, aott rag aslll waximala IN P E Persian FEVER AND AG' ras await co TUE PREVEN*N AND REMEDY INTSBMITTINT AND BILIOUS FEVERS! Pili44 'Or CO.; • 'HAIM 'Pt Wosks, ON,. Pd., INPECTINE. INPECTINE INPECTINE. INPECTINg. The terrible isialeir kalwit u the rarsii IND AGUE. hes mitten Manatees tit thousands of pereous throughout, the Ingle every rev, and bee never tilt now bus lust by , suceruful torsties, treetaient that bee not produce!! severe, • IC DIC NAL which sad the LUNOII, the BPLIXN, lb. Lives, we. HURT.dr other puss of the human orpnism. The • ' INPECI T INE is the. nataraLeataigoeist of all FEVERS sue, when it comes in untied with the skin, Is absorbed by' the bawler Mush .bkb resist sully whams end ill teiPa diorites toward three =Wise 'which PROSTRATE TUB MIND AND BODY I ravoiand AtIMO' result tom — oussomoos sasses No plscs II &tempi has tits emmis srliktk pro:6ooth* eilMsoos.of the dlssmi. 'llLst Oslo. doss meted Is the system. laicism •Isostors• dif wkao. issaNids.lspror, pains. shall. Jima , : sal • loos a•• of, dlossemsbls ssemstloos, depriving lbs' Wiest of all massy. sod Mixing Wm or boo la • soadS tkm of alum innsigala. - • : Why will any o e suffer the horrors of a` debilitating • ' INTERMITTENT FEVER, ;when, by the nee ofthe Invalua, Inpectine; John EL Phainitkrion Moran Joe &Wow. Jannon dmu. ' Al M. Mina, Wilms h. laveley MOND J. Andsne• ,• lAA B. klefaddolo, P. A. lLdun . the eminent medicinal &Rd magical qualities ,of which are inatantly,ablbrbed, ;ILL 11LA0ES . 0/ aIIE i SE lIAY HZ ANNIIIILATiIi Jolla U. aYior, i Jaws B. D.. Moeda, Anode Mr.A.007. wauw.P. .111ibuo IhtUl.o6 /os Orr. Mewl L Rt .141. D. &ally. William 111.11tharis. Alesaadelledis., or ANLXII 4. COLTGUI 1111.1-0112 18 lIKTTSI TUAN PRIMO. IVIIIIT F BAS RIII IDT THLWIdIi gees: w srniroouauDßlAW . . 11111/KPRZT22I T 112.11 STRIPS TO 00112. DBLAYB 112 D• 20180124 THE I PECTINE, 0I - feyslut Fever Cbarm, Ile4lintd:thoasan sof both sem of the:most • - I Leal Doom% of 11113illarigh.iat t;a pars maim Idnakalt .ad wawa --• away!. to Uanla asd Yeter—cursd fo kaa lima thaw weeks 'sad ltaprond la . 1 0 1 Eoat. • Marl R. asikasp,datsioalij, tato, attar ahead ladag hir lawn. as roll an ataviati M . lalartalttsat foam WO roamed to headta. la Wady taw.. L. il. TUtaa, at Balv , ide,Mal... lawabl from 40,11 N door.butag mallard tarmyarytara, mad* wall la Ilnk weak% cud Impeaull In two bac.. - -, igniplan Monier% of Ir►oce, nkneved In . naolanar. whin tneelin`l lemon of us !art Wayne I Chicago Unread He min arpareallytOng with Oallia. . . pleat Beeson, Ltokpart, N.. If o.kovsteed eft. ..OM prose safferleg. ♦ perfect cure. • . • • . . . . . _ i i . ThOttoiaao of othyrosoo prom:gad wadi:3lld ovary oioso sael opt a redo cocoplaist of lb. aldose, of Its . I I • 0. ...... . 1 TRY IT, P OVE IT, KNOW IT, I li •- I • and make known its wonderful powers and virtues, .that thoier who suffer, or who are threatened with enffering, may be led to nee' a simple, ifinozioun preparation, furnirhed by the field of Nature -for - • INPEgT.T.NE A Bdirt BY W. W. WALLACE PRICE II is thilakso hig la Clutbnti.olk JOHN W No. 28 Bank ME= eTINE: 1; ,, . ever Charm. i B &XI'ERMINATED. ITVTION RAVED 1201 011 ILIA IMMO 1N • DAY. „ Nituree kited tiestorative. INPEOTINE. INPEOTINE Iwire FEVER.. Peirlllllll Fever Charm, at A raw uornist dreidfal fevers. Read au! Rid aci WtiND l'enian Fever Charm. a. 'Ammar OK a 00, Na si =Aar at Wood sad fourth ea IL I- ramcceroca a co, or nnt woo atra.aL NI.!: . 111 . M KUM, ' MOH human, r Wart it. and the DiagiOnal mow. ionnros, - h01t111614 'ea fourth ats. mom m rills czri 11110I0INI- 41111112J0A. NE DOLLAR. Seat bitost3 to say Ipiut of ars thillad Bed.BERI lh bit Mapp al 9alwsnlo,,ca*l - web Pactsgi : U►IUM)IID BY /I.XOX Si, Ca AIN EITOI3/31, I 011110 ND, TA. OH ON'FiCIE6 Of CO=nololl Hupolg6. • w soar arm E. SELLIIRS & CO, Agensts fbr Pittsburgh, Weefista,:second Wholesale i intul t p&. --0-, nni , Al34 - -.. - -1' I , rAur ft C(,)S • , 1 1 ~,,... . ~ , ij OPECIF/C =;- i t 1:7 -- ------, ------ q .4...„,.... , ~..„.... - . ~-,7-1. _ , - _=-.7-4:ip, r 44:- - •, Peop ' --1:--W_-_;:-,... 11 .... c . .... }PAR WHAT THE PEOPLE sex.l •" • • The widenigned haring. used Ii D A.II.I HEMP iltfre.T EPEOIPIO iIOIIIII.OPATIIIO IFS; in our ,liornes with the next nalletectory raulia,hsull hiring fah confi dence to their geoutnentee. uheerrnit? morning then to nil hennas win with to have pie, re. labia sued efflotenoa Monies aC fteadttor green* or d.t. The Bee. W. Resatecedttee nribera Idlo• ant “ ,:= N C . JA, th ant, r il. ll :;the tree, Malaga et the Autosni ethtie: !Throe ; the' R e v . hpeouer IL Rice, Rector, Nerolleildroote New.; the Her. Ahem hteele,,Ne.Torli Coofniunie ; We.L We , . ntua ,l lasteensee Courezeace,;*t. 1.1" the @VC" S. ['MU, Dotakr.; she Het. Jonal. ROM% Barn. , Y • the Row, NW Do., Podium% ele. • the Hori, &begin dulfax,Sentielleo% bid.: th e no. G. 4 1. HYYthhteye, N. Y. • Hear" Cloak, The OW, Igen Joann, Oolombite r 4:lldovthe tied ft. IL •fir.dent. Koann,/iLt the Holt Thous* J.- Chi" 14, . 10- oho, Pia; the Wm Joseph Denethet, Utlce„ N. ; Ode%N. - Y. Y. • A. a. pting,pg., title% N. T.; huneeyleinkett, Nukelhe, Team LISP or SPECTIVIOI 651pleli Ifflr, 0014 tedilitl. p561311341i0 , i. $O. H—Peg Worn Tem, Worm Oo!l Wetting the Bed No. s.—War Ootto, Crying, Teglibig, 04 Wakehainese al Na 4..L4P0r Whinier% Cholera t o taomm, fed entraner , B.—ice Code, arlaind(l4D Cantdery,Or Bandy lluz Np. d:—for Main, Molar& Moans. Vatnalng. - Nat—ale r bend* nOho Ineadsakand H lon 71unal No.B,—Pa Ttnabajaamaeyn sad ndil. 9.—10 r adadathe, Tardgo, ilea and Ininmon ea of the newt N. 10 Na 10.—Dtheartha 'Plats—We •.Wesk and Deranged Becunach, Oonalpadoth sad Liter cleenplalnt. No.ll..—gba letheaulliaaant.antra,l3anty; Painful, or gnpproneed Perkela_ . " . ' ir _ No. 11—grar Lenoentea, MPrZaws, and Stating, Man of hamlet No. 16.- 16.—Pot Cr Crony ; Roane Bad Ihnathing. No..l4.—Nath Ram. Pitha--Pog nlpelan, Eruption., kr, Pimples an the has _ Na 16.—Rentenarth IrtuA--rarliln:ll , 6"l., nee In the Cheer, Back, Lana, or IMbt • . A. —Tor Fever nod Ago; ahM:Tatne. D ameb 1 ' Illoreannel shoo . _.. L . ' !' . ' P.--Por Piles, Blinn .r Bleeding,!pagenil . O.—tor Ban, Weak, or Inflanted i egyai ~ . . i ., ng, Weak, or Blurred NW& :I,i:- .1..--ror pOtarrn,,o' bog then F., . I -obstractlott.or prolate dlacharge. a: . N, C.—gor Whooping Cough, an 2 ' -.' . .. : • ' In all acute dinessee„ anch . ns i eien, Inponn! • , hYtteeterP, Croup, Merlicatlinty and alien crop tire diseases as &arid /ever, Mamie, and Erytlpd►a, the advantage of giving .the proper rentedleit promptly ob. alone, and ln an ouch ewes the aptedfina act Like ► dun. The entire dieetute la often arreatedat onee, and ha ad case, the violenne of the attack Is modefated, the disease short :aced, and rendered lesedaniterenta.l:'; Cunha and". Colds, which are of truth frequent a... 9 M and which Is often ley th e foundittion of diseased Mugs, brow-hills and canstuo4 may w but et oncacured by the Barer and Coogh • , In all chronic diseasok Dyipepoda, Weak Stomicb, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Rh* Youtate-Ltsbility„ and frorguLritlea, old Ilesdachea, Bore §r Week Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eru pt ions, the Lase has specifics whose prop er application wWafforit a care In &moat every lodation Often the core of a Magid amoeba difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Ca Headache or female Went. ness, bra more than pdd for the tauten *tee ores.' PRICE. - Case of 91 stale etimplete, to 112=40 , 144 Book 'Ossa or '2O vials, and Book, : . ~.1 • Case of 15 nombered boors, and ; 2 Case of I tax., amax.vd. and Waif. 1 Naugle numbered boxes, with ... .22 ceota Single lettered boxes, with 419.9100. .60 cent& Largtease of 2 on vlais, for placates sad phydclana...sl6 mI3o Runium. • , • - To: Aar...Aar... oa Pelleiliet—f•Mtpreese4 cdlt, Laboied flreathlogottiended with Clough sad, iteretesratlon.• Prim Am tilt DIM11.111011:iun Dtesseblichrine fmte the Sar, the remit of Scarlet Fere, ihreas or Mercorlaie. For Nobel In the Heed, Beninese of and Moen* in the Sus, and CaPache. eels per box. Woo Scierms.—Liniarged It Waned and Indent ed Towns, Swains" sad ow Iticerst,Faofuloos d ay of Children. Price, 00 mote per boiti • t - • Foe (16111.50 Dmoun.--Physical or Femme Wealinees. fluter the remit of Meknes, laden Medication, or nautilus of Ptllo cents per boo. Fos Somer.—Plaid Ancomulationi,Umki IhreMogs, with Scanty Semetkom Price,lso cents iper bed.. Fre Ens-Stenomea—Deathly Sickness, Vego, Mamas Yornielog. Meknes from riding or MotiOn. ce, 00 mole Was Comm Dmisses.;44. Orstel, Rental Caked!, m eat?, Painful Urination. Obsesses of 0141Lititters. Prim, 00 cents per bos.. • „ Von BEICIAL tetwoosa-40salistari a lliachartes sad ue Conseqnt Prostration ...I waft. of LW Sabha.. The most emceed and witident remedy known, swims, be relied epos as te aireit Mee, with toll divas tiona.lll per bon. • Persons who slab to pines thmOres unite, the prof. eland care, or to seek ethics of Hot lititereams, eat do so, at Ma °Mee Od9 Mroadway.aall from 8 /Ltd. to 8 P.M. ooa anirmia at . iiatt, '1.40k offer the tht; make up a., , nese vhat kind you &cove, and Inane the amount Wei corroatiMate or damp by mail to our edam% et No ; §at Blemlerli.New - Tbbk• and the medicine elp be %Wrote/kmd bymaki or =pram. AGENTS WASTE-D.—We desinste,e2clent Agent fne the lode or one Remedios 111 eel filch of comeamtly n the Unlini SLates. !Addean Dr: P. IfIMPLIRMTS* - - ' Nu. ISPlißeeseett.r., thrs - Archs. P. IC PLUMIt PIM street (Dhtetehltethlthe.) seated door from the Post (Ace, Wholesale Agent ler Pittebtatth Awl itetslty: alte,J. ii. Itel.TON.# 01.4111rmte1bast J., P.P . :Anil:l4o6mi J. J. PAST. Allegheay Cagy., • • telltelystllmP • . MOTHERS • • awl Wks, brume !Lamm feat toaf , tret • .stetsgssusso se. I/it/ob.:a Eis.ol. umsx IL acts,* 11 I.): sIKI wt mat aka.' Mil coorfirmi dui rshst ws soy Is tins. It NO PARAGORIC OIVOPIATE . • .of sup kied;atid therefore relieve!! by , riesovhey the turer , 1 / I g, of your