The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 14, 1860, Image 3

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    - _
01 J7CIL1Z - Parch , of TBII.CIT.Y.
• RV 201‘014eleat. Observassoas for the:Gamete, by
a;L Entsw, Opdotis, se 7 1 (Thik.—oortlwalld
• neetra. b
•—•••••- ?le . se
9 o'clock, a. .
Comutos cm one Onto Rives —The steamer
. ft witserlapd. - Capt. d'. P. Behalf; bound troth
Ciaoiustl to New Orimens,,wlth I cargo of 700
ems, sod the tow, boat Conestoga, Capt. J. 4.
Yandegrift, bouit4 'fram."?dadiaon to' milt city,
_ with • tow of tits empty anal bergs, ; collided at
4 eolottk on Buds, monied in the Ohlo, iiii•
. reales the Moulding Litighery Creek: The Cal?'
. tan of • the Col:meg& furnishes the following
details of the disaster: • - •
*:llhe Sight was clear, and it bad just cow,.
minititidto fog when the -bade
.ciatne -together.
~ A Vete fl
of oatlng eoal boats were brae foot of
','lhe bedd,and both stesteers oleic: to have beeti
trying to pose bottisen the anal bests end the
Kentucky shore. H. (Cept Vandergrift.) had
Ittired for the night, /sewing the mate of the
mintage sad Pilot Goolwie Mead, on the
mob: - The Conesto ga 4aitiM to have-whienled
' for ihiteberbOard 'lds, while ositserlsnd'a pilots
. aloe claim .to hive whistled -previouly, which .
Ives net hosed, however, by the ascending boot
The Coneatoga had stopped; her engines whin
; . the collision took plus. Biz of the bargee be
log` le advance of , the Conestoga, one of the
number meek the Bwitseriend on the starboard
side, tearing off the guard from the forwent,
GUM( aft to the water wheel—the bow of the:
___. , high empty barge instattly kilitng fivevaluable
harm; sweeping a quantity of freight and the
ea ok•house end °entente overboard, and likewise
bending the lever; end otherwise disabliog the
starboard engine. The hull wu not mitubilly
lefored, allbough• Captain flottuk, m ;of the ,
opinion that ,he will be compelled to'residp tho
- ' 8 witterland's cargo, and return to Oleoinnati for
' • riptirs. The striker on the Bleltneriand, lives at
Cummallsville, a short dietecie aboroCineinitati. '
its is mortally wounded, having broken
cot leg and one atm. A deck, hand on the COO,
;miaow', also, had an arm broken:. fie wire sent
to tha Hospital oo time arrival of the hottest LlD
eibll 'uld, Monday night. The • Conestoga wee'
. 'toured completely around by the collision, One
'of her barges was demolished. It was 'forced
up OTOIF her forecastle. sweeping away the steps,
' boller breeching. and dully landed on the Cita
, sstoga'etcabin door. Nicely miming the boilers,
.. thus avoiding an explosion. Another hi-emu
' tarn loots and floated off. The Bwileerland euo;
„ .
needed lo landlog on the leditina shore. half s
mils below the Point 'where the coilltdonTemor
red. Captain Vatitlegrift estimates the damage
At $ 1 , 6 00.
, ; Br--
lIIIPOiItheD —The mita wing - no: ice wh fah ex
plains Itself, was eernd on the Clerk of the
- Comtclationere of thhiwoutity, On Mondarafter.
JoSe W. Dobkin vs. The Coniston," dUilhmsrt
fb David L. Smith, Clerk ; Comantenners,nf
..Itlightsy malty.. fin:. A enbparne having bolo
'erred upon you In the above cues, ion:are re-
Aloe' ted to produce the fallowing &tannin
Toe book .contaloing tho reentry of the alibi Conmissionen. so faro resale to
she braid, tuned io the following railroad j corn
%motel t The Pittsburgh , and Cennellsvlllo'llsil
roid Co , Chanters Valley Entrant Co ,lAttle.
sheet Valley tinned Co., Putiburgh and -, Bteu.
benvilletniroad Co, together with the pinion&
lege ',of the Commissioners, In Atilatilm to the
sobs:wiping!' to the stook of the 'given' ono-
,paniac above nained and in relatiou to the bonda
and coupons bent d to the bald Companieg, and
tall documents at your *Mee rehabs thereto,
and the book of minutes to far es they have re
form:toe to lb., salt subscripthon; 2.1. Minute
Bookp of. Commissioners containiair entries un..
der Ma dates of fits.' 211a,iiss; and Aug. 26th,
1 3865, and entriscor resolutions reinin tO, any
'N.itliority given to the °kirks of the CommissiOn
'e. aor any,other person to sign er execute the
boit.ds,or goopoos Woad to the above mentioned
ra%lnoad eiompanles; 8.1. The original bonds
gunge, on behalf of the said enbeoription or any
of Marmi wttioh have been caneelled, end any
other doom:touts in your poteesaloo relating to
~oingenk t bonds or any bonds and oeopsna leaned
vo;.for oe on /100.10114 of said railroad comp:him;
4th. Thi , ..rettelpt booke or books containing re
nipte forgionde fund to the above mentioned
crompantear. Must Snout
• Clerk of U. B.Cirmiu Court
_ 'Asrsairrirn • ‘letr.—llalonUay itt attaapt
'WM made by soaks tudtvidnal et - Individuals to.
burn lba Beamth,Ward Patina Bohool" Hem
dawn. The tte waa..aide to the tmatMent.
inch • position that tlae Ar. would communicate
with the wood work, eittlah beteg dry pins' Is
Alta so much Under: The deo vas welt sowed,
and had gstood tome heading" before It treadle.
roovered. A tiseher In the diet story, wring
ornate lamb% from s bole In the floor, quietly
• :guessed whit was the matter, and .wltbout
Ang • word to the scholars far febr of alernilog
, nheat, quietly walked to the spot and stopped
, ibehole up, 00.110 prevent soy 'draught. . He
crzeo went down Stairs sad commoneed poneiog
vastee.on the aamee, which were beginuloa to
more deroely. nippily the fire wt• extlognish•
,before it had made mach headway. Too_
moat pralee tonuot be awarded to the teacher,
•erhO by Ala coestss probebl,y preeseted a catas
trophe like that Witte New York Primary School
I bit eyeing. where s thallar ooze was the OSUMI
ut'Slie daub of • numb/p..4 obildeeu, by befog
omitted in their fatale (Indultam to atom)* from
the trioln." _ -
The., Board of Din:dare were' ehgesed the
whotwaf the forensoa yeeterday lh laireatlealleg
the muster. They hire Wrung *espial miser whom
ose of sho perpetrators is, but Wet that belied
twe eeewesphees, sod Italy were amebae to se.:
care thefkl esp. The p - ittles are oh the!, track.
' SClANDAll.oollArtsia.—YAsterday morning an
iatormation was mod* before... Moho, * V/bn'ii by
eon boteirioufs• Shoe- hluoney,• plias "Muer
Brosso;":olialost - . a snon,nomed Jac Ai Bradley.
*barging .him with forolostico andbastardy. .
eriffdley was promptly arrested batimesedredely
ret;• toad on eying boil to snorer the cluing at
iestufsulan eamed Connor bsoocalui his
b:fadsrAso.. Yesterday . , afternoon, about die
o'clock, lifr.thinuor. was coming down Swithlisid
crime; se "bee; near this aostusr of Fifth; was
Met by thikjfinstle Elise, who without seyiag a
' vorflsfrush; a phigilistio' attitude. and In the
..roost scloutie t e lassoes protiesded to pitch into
' the ofifortuarf.'es object of her wrath. A crowd
quiskly'eoffie f .4,'and in a for seconds Dumber.
sd'offer a thous* Ortaififi• A couple tlP,lled•
. men who were att vacte.d to the spot by the Lola,
sociedded,ofteiotOff difficulty, to uttering the
tab:Timed wawa' and. couvoyiss . her to the'
jambe:. She wee soliytequeotly solsomid colon.
This is the sams.isOlnott who , * owlitiohe to
sego, named Brown, fie. entire Asettu f attract;
et) considarable ationtake sows Sims since. 'ln
..eddltlon to the _dusky pei - tnor of her joys sod
st,: „ „ory;
above It is said that OW has
husband alive in 'hbrolland; whom she
dirfem`ed years, slooe,W.holl lbw come to
Atikeria , " • ‘"
Idoss Itcrossa.—hlr. 'hest. Taller, the
.13. 0 atiiellaerr 'pat, arrived la f6L cite' ea
' Monday altetnecte,. for the purpotti lasklail
u r ringemis t t e Sot a ' , Grand Fittlo Tonte.tatent,'
to come off II Cti:t .1 0 tidey sad Besurds7
si e bee t ,, H e elated* this lidayot's orgies and:sp.
plied fez Ili Irons', \but tree eocurldeTably • se T
touaded ea belie teeetmed thst he could sot
.hete ene,se hie'lloaoothe Meyer, deemed 'cob
exhibition/tie lie prop° lied to eye lettootst In
their tendencies. Mr. eau Wes wiry touch
dlireppoleted, sadist; In Alt evening stela the
tome day tor Wheelie& HNloser iteeeapseied
StNed of Holtoll, end `Attic Joan, will
STILT* la this eke ta the aeon'. trela from tbs.
can au.Fliday. - . .
Paiaa r.-Jobs Carsabeis was. committed to
',llll,yektaiNbiy by Algoma' Dos Whop of the
41b.stesd, in default el $6OO solver
:abuse :of perjury preferred naiad bleu by as
Iriabibeis named Barney Baru: - Thi,defeadeat'
-4 PPeseed is a oilmen opine' gbeklmoeeoutor le
• case to arblob Bunn Wet socceead of lamely.;
eieeeind Peebleely abet be (Climb so) ►aw bite'
enmesh ibit !treaty.
• •
Ilasiptso. km been tesstatty formed by ate Omni
Oonuton Platt, ous of pubs of Wee pair,
;idioms sad lidoesndliss townships. .
The swm• Cooit tout sotbotissd them a - for"
of* Stow sowialdp to b• eslis4 hfstabill, ont
Or!naliP. but the rote . of the. people '
- ibex not yst.beso
(Jonas, Pas:._ -4 too - iglus mash is to mum
liondaY afteraooa at Cabo' Park, but 8 la
fora mad. of $2OO, batirsta Vaa Vooshir.b.
e..Ortylnrk" sad Charles Jeralay's b. 3 3.
"Unto Oalkea. " ' The stallion has already Iron
'WU for himself as tkla coarse, sad lb. book.
'Hit Of 1114 mars ass Sully Sad tacos for Omit
tots. . •
Tweamit.--hit.Elethets'a ea outdrew,"
it the gelatelowleit of cootie ' soneeneieenty.
etwolopliekee the ambling earichttur of
top - et the int water eitweelently. The whole
!play weer well pot epee. the' siege. To-night
win Primate* "Flown" et the forest," Mr.
others ippon,' se Eleetsits.
.1111811114 MIXT .1k Ulna has Jut reoelvol • nes
laced , autllleil "Dm Bathed Glatessert." (rout tho,
.pronskpett o f th at soloist novelist Gong* W. Bey.
, seldo,, solorsporto d “Thottoblatosn's Daughter."
tillrwliorton. now soya! an well worth trw'
WON . • ! •
!z. Pr I
•.,i 66 l6lllslate.....Ther• wen 12 emagaliteads
-- , 40 'Meant, 111. yesterday. ()ribose 6 Imes
••fet deaskiassera 2 far dlesedettlyeesdae4 rfoe
.4622 2 touiovsno,y.
mm+,~ y v}~~~W~v ,:s a 5 Nl,.l'~°~- ::>✓e~>"'y~ l ~, M`- - _ N
Persia -03 M-4111af Justice Lowrielks4
4 a a r W cairsrd,,Tioapeon; head and Wrenn
ilelnoren Eittbailited n/Krere as . d
Shale fer Phdatilt la, error, and- b y B. P. Job n .
ton, toning.
._ B " 11111 . &Petal; iftroer r frabmiued by B.
T r;
pause ter en wiped chant, and iped by Mons ,
rased Ti. Pitapat anti Gray; Clarion.' Argued
b 7 =ampbrll for . plaintiff la error, by Barr.
Breeden 're. Bsaoet; _ Taoaago.. argued by
Thlydolot for plaintiff in error, by-Johneou t coo
tra,-and by . Herr for plaintiff in error.
Binolgir vs. Renligr;. - Elk.. 'cautioned
Workmaits4e. °uteri.; Clarion- • Argued ll'
Campbell' for plaintiff in error and Corbett,
Ltoy va. Hall, 4esaogo. Argued by Max
imd tor pialatiff In error.
;. .
U. B. 101101711. COUlLT—Jadgeg Grier a nd
Candles, on the Beach.
71statijr, ,A'ov 13 IV.. hi Rso~tardson'wi.
The Wreath of glelfreeport:tertik-rolgeg goer 14.
taredoa 66 genitally bit. itiMilkilnited . ; - by the
borough of hiSiteeeport is ipsytooas at itbaorik•
floe to lb. capital *took iir - flisi,rittebup s b and
Conielliville Railroad. 061/4V4,•;';,( .. ; T-
The ootuatel* for plaintil k,11.11„ Biker, grit
Chun sulimitted to the Chu tini t nety,ckamcobly an
thirisfog arni.enbeariptioatit)pn4ang!tiedinentle
passed bithe Council of , .thieatterongii; of; Mi.
Kempen, making the subingigi i mind bistly the
bond itself with' the efigsatiire of 00:Burgeis
and the feel Of the boratighn,pitietsid.,,The
ground or .thi,defetteiwatilittif k b :2.18 hid
not been iiiiiiiii:tetihtactstia was
not the imolai' the - orniteralleitil that the rail
road camping. hatLegtoted )54.pa7, the Interval
until the maturity of tehe.bneda:a, •
That the Railroati - Tloitipapy, !sever sold the
bonds bat merely hypotlumated:theni to Thorny
non Bell, a broker in this city, on s loan at the
retie of 24 tuna on the ,dollar, that be at.
terwarde sold them contrary v. the Proteet or
the Coulee". at'abont 9 cent, en the dollar.
Three WitUealell, W. E Harrison, Andrair
Boles sod A Itoaael, were' called; who corrobo
rated the above, 'ffurlson.testifying that the
borough never had any meal, ,wept one which
was tarnished by, the Railroad Company at the
time the bonds were signed, after which it was
taken away by the Company and bad never been
seen since. The jury will be charged at len
o'clock this morning.
. • ,
COURT or Q Sceezona—Sefure Judges
&Velure. Adams and Parke. • .
Tuesday,'Noti. 1:21A, 1860:—Tbd i jary in tba
auto of *lobo Ilarophreyr, iidieted or seduction
on oath of Moe/ Aon Solt% .caure lob court
about 9 o'Clock, after lb - abxelacie, of about 20
bourn„and , refurnad, a .verdiet of not guilty.
The defendant io a loolgooking young DSO, COI
over Zr yeirre of age.' Re will probably be eon.
fenced on Saturday.
COVET or Oran. & „LIIIKIIIIR —Bsfore Jedges
McClure, Adams red
TArrsday,lron. 18 - -;Thaosee of ihe Common.
wealth vs. Mathew Harbison, indicted for rape,
on oath of Mrs. ?der, Donohue, ?coupled the
attention bb the Court daring the 'entire dajr.
The jury were charged about 4 o'clock, whsft
they reared. A verdict of arquittel:was brought
in about half So boor afterwards
, . .
ttoys,aged 17 esekaud named respectively Chas.
Leone, Fronk Kerr, Elisio Owens and 'Wm.
, ,, matoterd to &totted from tins Rattle of
Refuge yesterday olorniog._ The thumb on the
right baud of Ltferro le wanting. 'Owens Is an
Boollehtniu by birth, and speak, Wilke °Dilute,'
accent.- his widowed mother resides In the Li
word, to tele,eity.' Tee boy, were all in,
loke, each Westing a: (am ok -: shirt, dark panta•
ons, sod itittodabouts. As ease as they were
tutored. fde D, P. Lowery, the Eloperlotendent
Of the inetittitiou, cent a description of them to
alt he variant police. officers to both Mlles, co
there is tint little doubt but the youngsters will
soot be in their old quarters egoist.
finteasna.;—A , irlabwoman named Mary
Grogan was Committed to the county; prison yes
terday by Alderman Dodgers on dorsull of ball,
on tharge of keeping and molotalning3 male
amoo to the ehape of a bog pea on' Nano leant,
Avonai, protorre! agaioot her br po escort)
Jerry Gambill: '
rat Disenvelr.-et oompsey boring for oil
tin the Nesestatook, to- Washfester terribly.
Ltereobe coda% etritok, the other hay, a rota
of coal eevenleet thick, rhea treaty feet from
the bathos. The dtreorery le said to be a moot
vilesble Doe; aod to doubt the owner of the
Overly wUI 'make a headionte thug out a it.
ainahsa—Tbe shingle market k wety null last
wow, and prices, bare a declining tendency. This
decline la attributed by a great many td the supply
bring more than tolstal to Om demand, butl the teal
rause may be found In the hat that tbe demand la
net to gnat aa is hamar' Nein, Alight roof, not
*nett et. wbee•orimiggWas eidehrated Ast•
ghats Roofing Tele *an be *Maned. Thil agent tar
We excellent easterial can be foetid at his cam,
Lengiain'a -beading, Canal tent. Deal' the 'city
• •
siirWe call the attention or our readers to
as natilchi whertfeed In nether oolosm, 0.11.4 *tIOD
FOOD, It la se
to salinity of er discover. awl &ISt bot be
osoloooded with yof The sovertioe peteolDuiticleta of
tbe dey. It is irtftdfie , the Skeet a/ftaity tinuared vat.
stopikito plasm( a Oft mate sad mama to onto., sag
*bat owe 'Woe. Er mate lag ill mew, :Mu, wbo•re
mewls( fwei powny,liatority or eelleitosy of blood. wet
owletworstis waft (*mote brew of oIIONOI. Übe of
dila flooftl rasa reetwed to beelOs. reithio that
our Druggists bare vereftiod • supply of thl4 article, toe
alga' of the weld rebooted' DS. X *DOS'S Dfi ADM"
MIMI/M.lokb sooty mother should beau. .;It moraine
Pfteatifte or crease of aoy bled what... and Omura.
am* be larialosteo for all Infanta. ceiepiejete.. aeor,
idley peg in, to the game lo ono.. of Stettin,
sod at tbe same lbw to
Om bowels. Oil tbOlhOtt
sad ouneseribe tuft oodanal retelorre 1 .
and akapfees
pieta. wows ussify. wet be at.. Mit -
siaLltre oll.rtiomon.L tor ado k•g4h It SIMS&
ilsout, 140 Mime et... we. ao lid I • Oro IP
!FALL Phonid not fail to raid the solver. of Prof. Wod. In t•doeo tom.,
Important to PAMleo!
• •
Sava Tim., Trouble, and E-p-noe.
BEST' Juan
Ons panne equal to alz ;nada
.T ) 4D I I -4k lfg
twos% se wawa* 17
Penn'a. Salt lianufaet'g. Co.
awry= release* orogen ea ow vaned aster
Atka to .BOlWar* Rod Contractors.'
THE UNDERSIGNED (tyrmerly Ftiranart
ke IIOWLiND PARIStj wookLemnpettnit) lodide Omer
be elms be ewe dohs work, oad.the wblro geeolokh that
be kw, predated to forsdsh EiraTlO of doliortit cob nr,
(rooeo. Moo sad porode,) ne pot en !MATO Ike
tome oOPTheod manure. Orders for itoodng or reosdrios al
kegs Ekote Of loft et the oleo of ALXX. LAIVOULUY,
ow the Water Walk., ) will de prompt!, ettendod to.
".124.°2 TEIONOS -MORT
A L.&ltti/e anti well assorted stock-of all shies stonTs•nntr.
Dental and Surgical lostramOlth
[MSS, roans. tsugrat.w ROOS, KIISSO.P.f.
Mechanics' Tools and Azumunitioo.:
muss, P/STO4B. ItivoLvEn.s. mina, itstusa,
. ?OMIT astenl..
is aa. &e. la. im &a. So. i. . So.
No. fa VOUOd Street;
nwnar of V o oolotti one,.
0- RAPP, Cormartom Mulatto?, and
Isittonimprov BROKER, •
240.299 L.ibertretreet,
ft ttd A Witi-t6 bbls. Sw. et. Vrangati, last
radd for ma* R Ml' It •an DIMON.
pap , 1411 , 45.4 .t dharke and.
OIL UL01:111 CKI/Allt CLOI dif
• -*eat af...lw#4 ur44 ler We in the Oa ChM Were.
roots% 10 std 41 at 01.1
T °Lis-Ft pow from •
Anb•Ssitax, for W. by
ma • , • ISAIAH DICK ey;tco.
- 1 - 1 ISLA INES, PRENtfirtIERI
sod • largo assorbutta of Nen Gond. Jon retitled At
BASKIN, 111121 HOURS, awl SQUASH wen, Tor lab
At tb• In" /lubber Depota S. blab .
poll • • . J. •TY istruays.
QTAReu-2.00 boxes beet Pearl Starch,
Rw lisl• ry
Zit • J. •CAII II OLD • 00.
Uk W
dtad plithr••• bY •
pg 2 -- • • W. PAI AESHAEL.
nue, as low Wm, at it. ltd Olotb wannowat. Visa=
Clarsszent. 0011 l "J. FL PLIILLIPS.
LA LIATH2II, !ALT 1100101,00PPLR. Rirrars,ao.
D012:4t ' I Lint LILSOIL
/10M OAS/MTS.—AI aisem, irottad; and
w00d.74 4 lot
t""it. Pat Ire
isATILER BELTING, of the best Eastern
Ai mak , sacaiss.e..n for NW it SU Llomty
Moot ofoorAta bowl o• Wood. ti012.4t Ac. DA LANOL
GGum• AfiLT/NU—/Argo assortment on
bowl soil libr of lb* L. 1 .144r MOH ot M. DI
LANG 11, SO Liberty opoosi to tom of Woot salt It
OATB--1/50 bus.' Prime OA* ..
- pia. 1 . 14'4 sad for Web, - Jim A ',m 'mli ug,
. . %balm mut lovt
OUP POLP43-40,000 Hoop Poles, .tigtte
see AS*" 00 . itbirl, fatale Of _
Immeasnasca, Ner. 13.—The New Moslems
mail 1M charge of condoetor Tooker, with dame to
the 28th ult., 'Mead
Capt.;o3.o. MaLeary of the Mounted Ribs. wee
tilled by the N 410.1 Indians on the 13th of Coto
-her. lie was out on a mime, with ble
Whoa about 23 miles from Pm baloney • prat; of
Indiana! wove otrartairen,land Capt. MeLine billed
four with ht, ptstots. 'When the attars* was made
and the; word to rally `lnc, the Captain WM.*
mparated from him mew and was arm to fell Was
hie hors*. Hie foot bectoMing eatangiod in , his stir.
rep, his horse beams frightened and nu of, dice.
glarhini • contkletable diitans• heroes he Gould be
; 11 71n h t — ait 6. vudg11 b : 1 :
instant death.. So periahod ow of our noblest ofil.
um the handset the led Mica.. Cape ileLano
Imo • eta of Senator Milano, of Salesians It.
teases a Widow and throe Children, Mho at, at Alba
quarqurn! The Indiano, afar the death of Capt. Mc-
Lane, mid. their escape-
Madams In Banta re was vary dull.
Them leas con Womb' Meow and. gold weather 4-
yond the; Miamsear ; from; theme' Wee is pleasant,
There kno news firm ao Mimi of any interest
Bat:rattans, Nor. 13.—Itors. Win. O. Brows, who
sat recently elected MayM cf ibis oily. on the Re
form ticket, wait lusuglarstnd today. Ile eland his
inattgarei address 'with a jtreog snafus of Ms
Unjust emltiomota. Ile dt.Ptutol that be expressed
the annul:moos sentiments of t h e people of. Baltimore
—the Wiest of the .foothern titles—when he said
that the policy of Ittarileod to to autism to the
Union as Intel% es 'boom, do to with honor and tale.
ty. fe eriao 01100, h• esit no muse hee yet arisen
salßoient to justify the overthrow of the noblest and
most benelleent gorerninesimei established by hu
man pdadOta, end which Sainenteratad nod endeared
to Oaf boafts of sit not only by the ahuadast. We/W.
ions of the presto ,enmesh bat by the tasted mom.
tat Mao( the put and tb• great hops* of the intern
260 miadiesey or milling a man meenfaerof
zest to 'attain the [Yoko, le meets oar
famines, Men. A Southern jtentlemap made hie tip !
memos" so Baltimore unila. tnle ttionslrm,'lrhh
hiss melted" on bit hat.. )fie jas tisarded wish
mach euriSally, but evidently yeti little favor.
°racy Igor. 12.—ee oosoh arrir.d to.
day with Sevin poiwoommr, thtuugh from Doolittle
deo days, benzin Dff6V•f datoo to the Mb. the
erry Pa. ,411 7 wister . quarters tti,
tawas. Mr. W. P. M•Oluto;tharged within attempt
to JOU a Mt.tantistio. hoe otibuthead hissolt b th•
attratithoritlei, and was to hero Ids Whit on the fib,
Ds waathitt on lb* monotallia G rtrottoPeold. with
oonallkeablo =OW:• Vila °lamb brings no mail , or
Nolembilt 11.—Tha Dintat mall each, villa Seven
paassegets end $9,459 la gold dolt, and $9,09 In
the hands of passerigsta, Fused hero on Saturday
arming., Inowtat the Depot Platt* mooting to ris.,
prowl to %Irmo sores to tools , * lashes deep.;
Tr: Kaiirsir;Nor. I3.—P. Boom a stioila the
Commissar* department, 17. 13. stem Ira shot slid
thaterttly ktlled It Keeney Mry, abut two owe.
oreet of, We plea.. eu Sunder everting, the Ilth.—
Prom the tikloioity of the yentas who were meteor,
the morainic* appeart to hen Nes aeohleoteL Tho
'hot miellrOd by, Mr. Slooot ' sdlteharged serene t of
the IT. 8: army, who wit eoille may eon from.Cootp
Lloyd, Utah. Thedemated wu alio dlieharglel mod
wee.golegehm from Camp Weed, Ife wee formerly
from Tama.
The ,Peav Stpress, Icariaip St. Joseph elf See
Say goareleg, passed ben P. In. °D 210,347.
Mr&Lena r a re, NoV. 18.--The Military
BMW Courantlon mit to.diyi Tao attendee** was
lugs. Rosiiradoos were 1701104 favoring s name:
elm from the Union. Govoroor Drown made a strong
nialatenee speech, deviators the right of reassign,.
and Ai dory °father fitatharn &Otos to austabi that
right. If the Federal iroopa altemptial amnion, he
raid, then far *my Georgian -who fall la the'coodlot
the beads of ilwo rotterai soldlive 26211 atone for the
outrage on 13teto bovaralgati t Nothlog of loierret
was don. la Abe lontislators l to•dq.
J- a it
ArcessoN Nov.:•11.--Three.earloads or provisions
anLved yesterday and the 'JO Wore yesterday, for
the relief et ]the settliredo the territory, leakier biz
within t h e pest week, and cask pas lead regales from.
eight to tea' mos.. Teams are Dow wattle'. to be
loaded from' Oreearrood; nreoklaridge - sad
°toe ormatisi.' &MA's treeless la them only who
have proper smideadels trod the nelahborhood from
wideh they coma.. . :
Loma,! Nor; 3.3.—The watt la Itlinottil 'la
doubtful aodaannot M kuowavothively for wont
doe. The Itapublioatt and :th• Domocut kati
Dotterel aa openly ahead with about 30 ootnittor to
hear from. The Bulletin igirer 801 l eourldarably
ahead with 38eouatiou to hoar from. The Soto fur
Dreakhoridgefa about 23,0001 Manta 16,000. Elfty.
four eauutimr, ofhoial, giro. :Bell. 34890; Douglas
Janitor, bills., Noy. l3.—Gpv. Petters bu tuned
a proclenanklon , convening. the Lights:ant on the
nth hat. to nonsider the propriety sod neoessity of
providing lent - 8411 hatter afigoarda for thetas",
liberty cod propam of 141sibuip_place than the bete
election aad put action of . tba ',Northam . Eltetegov.
stomata, promite. •
Wass/soros, Ifay. 13,:—Tbeeotulinition pablhh
as ono of tbe forms of a Drielarilion of !adores:deuce
to be inbtnittaii touts South Carolina Convention.—
jt staboties a portion of the Ai:tales& Declaration
of Indepandinoe, whit gni' Utt Of grievances altered
to colt tb, Arsisot-clioOltJon of gdank In tbat state.
A copy 4124 hotallans‘ h l understood, nos WO
ban, the Pradthnt yastarifay. - , • •.- ,
•Jut Przita,
14: rsisouri-iili.
Arrival a t the Steams alanaM. '
theivax, No vr. IL—The Royal Mail steamship
'Canada, from Lief/spool on the gal
rue on Sunday the 4th, arrived at this port this
afternoon. Adviou are two days drier. The steamehlr North Briton has sustained no
damage by getting ashore.
(Olt toasted *Meths steamer Etna has been bought
r laman's New York Has.
Sir William Daum:sten but been' azetted as Gov
erner of Madras..
Claaav Banear.i— The Loodott Daily News pub
ashen the text of a dispatch from Lord John Rouen
to the British tainieter it Tula, dated Oct. 2 7th, In
which he sayethr great questions which appear to
the Width goVinitnent to be at bum ire Gm:—
Were the people or Italyjustifed la asking assistance
of the fling of Sardlala toroth's them from govern.
Mats with erblith they wars dbeontintad, and was
the Ring of SardlithOutifed la farniableg them the
aallitanoo of his army. Lord John Resell sips
that the 11 0 • 1 4 111 Mat does not feel justllled In dealer.
log that thapeoPhe of Bataan Italy bad not good
seasons for throwing off their allegiance, and cannot,
thirster", Manor dm Ringer Serdinla The dispatob
doses as &Ilea& i_liar Majesty's government will
turn their eyes tuber 10 lb. . gratifying prospect' of
• people building op the edifice of their liberties on
the sympathies sed:goodwishes of Europe.
Tastes.—lt Ipso believed In Paris that the ob.
Jan of France In e preceding the Melted" of Gaeta
bY!lea. Merely lit lialikate the magi of Gelling
of ' Naples add !ptivant the complications which
wohld retail from his &septets. The French Jour*
Dais offer no explanations for the coarse of the. gov
ernment.. ; •
The Daum tae Prat and animated. Rents 'Mol
ina. at 0ld•115a. , •
ruby—Awarding to the Neapolitan etc:Unto,
Cieldlne was beaten with great lon at the aerialist
au; soma dispatehei . placing his loss as high as tests
thousand killed &kid wounded, and i.e gnu cap-•
tared. Oficial dlipitehes from Turin Bay that these
martian& are completely fairs; that the Sardinia's
have not bah defeated at all.
Cayes was auatikeil on theist and capitulated ''on
thifollowlng day, the Royal troops leave with
the !honor" of war, having laid down their arils:
They were to go on the ad to Naples.
Naples was illundziated, and there ware great re
joicings over the event. •
The attaok on Data was expected to be soon cow.
' IX is desied via Toil° that Admiral Pereira had
commenced and suspended tiring on the Royalists
near Gaeta. .
Ring Victor . Emanuel had encased the Oulgliane.
Tams'—lt Is reported that the Tarkleh Gov
erneient is:about to ugotlate a loather 518,000,000
sterling at Paris at 321. . . •
A 'national loan Is oleo spoken of. Great Mum-
Gal faettietloneursooiarring at Coostantin opts. '
India aid China.—:The ladis and Chloe mall
are aboard the Caudie
The Preach version of theists victories In China
says that tin the 21 irthe Atka after meeting with •
satin:tuna ruinous, carried by assault the most fut.
portent of the taken torte; 200 of the French add
200 of the Ragliah ter, thrown hors december ; one •
thouiand Tartars iihniwcie found la the fort were
killed, among them wee the GaneraLin•Chlef. The
other fon& emendated suarosehrely on the um"
mules. A general capitulation gives Ghillies the
whole country as far on Thula and 000 bruit guns
of large calibre. The Rogileh and Frauds Ansbee.
sadurs were at Tient* when the Chines* amnia.
Mails attended them its open nogotiathme. la win
reported that the auGairidere will goon preetted to
Pekin with a eavalr} emat • ••
Tee Calcute Gleaming report symptsone of dGef
(titian in the oth Rtiropeen regiment at Dinapore.
Ltaidase Market.—The market h coat bot
study. The C:llea naive bad no Itiluetiee un Con
sols. :Money was unchanged in rates, bat the cos.
tinned withdrawal of geld from the bank led to the
'expeetition that'. the tank<mbaliona will soon be
raised, poetibly Deli week.
TM steamship Attie, arrived at Qdeenstowa ors
the afternoon of the Chi
Literpoo4 Friday r Nev: 2.—The sales of cotton
for the week amounted:o 111,500 bales, Including
47.000, bates to speenieten and 10,000 bales fur ex
port. There hie hir. aoneiderable advance. on all
qualities; on the nt ddilige mid lower grades to she
.exteorof TM" advance ties bean feared by
the adelese trent America. 'The aides of, are
eitimaisd at 12,000 beim inelo ling 5000 bales to
speculator" and lot expolt.
L.ter. Friday erasing.-0o the receipt of the
ateacui Vestdatblit's letters this efttroows, a renew
ed ladled:mat la the eotleu market was created and
there Was a farther alight advance la pries'. ender
the effect of the large eglecolative Inquiry; the toles
are variously estimated et from 23,000 to tO,OOO
'bales. ;
Lutist — l,l reeyoo4Sitarday .I.—Tteetem 'a to
day ark estimated at 20,000 balm) the market. La
baoyaut and primes bard advanced keid over the
omelet 'quotatioatt
Boma Comma/444d. Pidamelay.o-Neer Osleatn,
ft . ..on:Marie. la emoted it 991, and boa a 921, no ad.
roam '3®l4 Th. itarkerte buoyant; stock in
port, 222.00 e.
. .
Lawton —Breedatette firm.
London/Mug rewkeel—The Bohlen in the Bank
ham itteieweed 5407,000 dating the week. Money
market Ostlerslly atteheugetk •
• Lireeponi, listardag.--Brewbtelia qukti...
Arrival of the_ Overland MAIL
. ,
.1 LitUK from' Ca/ltenils,, --r
Emit Neaturni, Nov.-113.—The pony - untrue
froth San Tnuictboo Nov. id, pissed here at 4 o'olooli
Ibis afternomi, bringing the following California
The steitner Uncle Sam pilled on the lit Instut,
for Panama; aking leo psnavto nod 8 1 4 8 40 0 0
transom 81,082,040 of which is for New York.
The mummer ittlUTaylor, advertised as appal.'
Guru ham., st ben withdrawn.
The pony exploit , . With Eit.Lools data to the 18th
ul4, turbid at doh FrOnotroo on the Bib. .
Rarardy Johnson hes been speaking for the lest
two dayi oh the New Almadln mine ow.
Alstalsment is Poblithed showing the yield' of Col.
Frei:limits Bfaripora 'sp ine, lo the tut fire months,
to timed g 176,040. Nothing in said about tlie en
penis of working. thelnes daring the same time,
so that the somal pro to *snout be amiss) at.
Gov. Downoy has ' lined the appointment of a
cominisolooer on bob if of the State to act with
Lint. Mowry oo the hounds!". or California, and
d c .
the work must be delayed till lb. meeting of the
Leghlatore. , I :
. • .
Accemon from' the peninsula of Lower California
npreitent that a band: of ludhula in Zemke and
California, Gaines 'antis murderers, base Duel, en.
tend that tenitory and committed atrocious cottages
uPotl,tuani Pomona, beildes murdering ten oatine
and one Amarionn. { The band declare their purpose
to kill thitty.threm patinas, inoludhig the Governor.
Judges, and Counaellors of State-and priest& The
lambi country was Slushed end had Bed to Governor
Reohirger for protedllon. He had himself one bun..
dreg sod fifty tunto ' his aide, and not to San Diego
for aid. A whale . was dispatched down I.. coast Tram Pen Di on the 3 1 at or as moon em.
munition and loch a plies as nemeed requisite f.r
offering resistance. I I
i d
Tin whale shlp M atitohusetla arrived to-day. in
32:dsys from Okbotok Rea. She entered that sea
May leth f found whalea name, and a large quint!.
ty of fee to the Toriemple and mouth west bays.
Sak. Era arisen, i.e -,The Uccle Sam dot opt
get sway this Morning st ' the usual bout in coon
quo nce of suspicion Me tensioed by the U. S. Marshal,
hfej,Seloosort, that 4 °nisi* individual had taken
puesge whose pronime eras ..requited to this mete,
to settle some old unmet* with his creditors lie
was dot hand on bond at Ife minutes before *fano
o'eloch. The Cools "Seto( tired a salute an* steamed
W. 461007021 erre, Ni... 10 le
.—Piate Informs
lion /tatee that the tharteaton Paht Infantry hare
tease dump of the.lg. 9; arms In Charleetop, but,
ay It It euppond, hi !Pedant' authority. le the sk•
moos °Fairly. goreramsat troupe there, the sot being
one of in'oteation to Fedeial proporg, more that a
majority fur Ilieeklo
ridge &Ed Lane will probably nut be for fruoi 1000
The retinae received are oil:Melee! to determine
the ticket _ kee been elteted.
Neer.Xcinc Nov. 13I—The 'chooser 17u. L.Cogs
ell h&c been 'eked Oil compicion or being connected
ith the Om train.
Lomivnam, NOV. —River rising rapidl,9, with
9 foot 3 ihohey water th the nand.
Meaulir WeeklyFiei — olioi — , --
For Wheeling, Marietta., Parkersburg,. Nina
roy, Point Pleasant, Oallipolia.4lyandeme,
TCatletsburgh, Inintdn and Port mouth.. LIE new and elegem steamer ]. ja i l,
P/LIIN tlaT.C.rt.ltatatll
alll I.ave l'ltt.butat,2,l7,23lr WILLINEtOI
at 10 utlott,for Yucuatvala a 1.2 ali tatermadlap loplatga
Itetaraloc will lowa Pattaaloaltt /or Pittabalta aver,
TRIDAY at 12 ~'.lark m ! fait trtubt or Palsy& apply
bawl, or a. 'wt.' 111..t111. HtliN ZS it OkL. arm.
VAAL U L ICS —Thetas)
•144a0r Itrrii,.W. 0. M mire. Copt•tiii
D. hirour,, wstC.forb 1..0 . the abor. Ile twormoomkte.
port. Oa ;EAL , IIii.DAY. K.. L 714. h fretata or pimp
VDII on looxrd, or toi
ip,l4 /LLCM. II .11/11E. it CO. Amts.
Slths uaueous
NEW 1000 D
Jcurc npeo43,
Ju.t oi,coed,
Co#ner Filtlia
d Minket 86
to rotoenfog tbooko to ibo pnbllo for tholr potroseigo,
Wino's.. No tlb.rglr oatoollo4; l veralit nit Wolf steostios
to my Toy biro cook of TOlLleg 'km dila fol.
bl 2 0 .. 1 4 44 Wt. Poor, (4.41.4...4 oost)Pootb tog
t4 r thttli t toll/ over robot. All tilt.
moo approved vorbetbes."oror t: 47 moats loofas lb Gil
boortolare of lb* Welcome, ol eeeee aro Woo to tom
ovoy clod boo to stow • , •,
of* t0...•tk0 oott—te,ooo of opbkt.
u• three frost freed 6 to; loot To MCII IA MAUI'
from 2to 14 l oth y dolga or lOXI, boo
g too wooed to glorti. Oblbflb WV. ebr obode, pot
1 C A 1 . 13 . pit. tom , worlooo tokeLik. Lor ‘
100. 2-43 , give. vi eat. Ca.
logovooor I fie, oa opppootoo, ' • •
' oddrooo rttovorgh sod tadebuti 'Heroin.", tituborsb,
(Ortllloraftf) 1 • . IOI2 IXaIURNICR.
Tintf.--CtitswaMtv 20141/2. 74..6T Wool o t ,
Doody *mod. lb. old 'toad, Ole Nave to ilboaltattlOO
of the stektot to do fat tbst;ttory aro lb. pay Mogen.
Coiettuet* orrruitsooW bupportvno
to too city.
ybey bon bol so ripoi:foook Years tD IN. maltafoctora.
t m
lM eorapootyr.of
ootoo totre 000 .• 6 ws lorobb
, All
.*mhottt , ...4. s •••boti
i. ,
LIA illesUT a YOU-20, VI .Wood
: 349 Lib. 4y 14 ills IAr;4A4
:401,1 9 4E1-1444 bb,. 191.4 4 N ID;
I.T 41111414-409 Li& Del m• 899%
41,1 C 9-3( 0 1114 Y• 9119 1 , 99 r.
M1D 14444,414 - 1 44 1 994019.9A4um0t ;
1.14 0K AT riouu-4-:4,. :
DATA—ILO ba. prl94*. 9013
141.3 " A °UK
DAT DO*Digi. OArIEUD LiDito.s. jOURNALi4
Kw, Arm., colkylraloo at inee994 Knott, oo Mild or in*Ko
withl. a war I. tbKinot mm.o. 04.4 K , AKI r. 110.0.
Of Os/mit 194994 044•41994.. by
w.,12 57 mood t.
ed4nd licitrimraed,
sh.ri • a Bei/44464
bro,rpmepplihlAl 10.4 kt Pttiti.
-EATON, uf l & M.III.IRUM,
ao 7 - 17 fifth PUset.
Dry. Apples;
lade ; }bib Pry llNlkebne limit ins. Dry beim
!mow. =l bbl. Obbnis-40 dais L$ b.
0 A,l INZW,
*3 On lioocts4olt et 1:4. shoot! Stud; 44) bt bad do
do mg Std qr 'tdd do do dot WO bri L kydr tly 44 - 44 - 140.
mado4.4 , sob burs; VD droa 4 Saittad.
Jolt roortyrd tor *o 4, - , 111r1211 4 AyD4llllolt. .
boW rSO Wood at voofi• St etiarlea flout
3 it,ootqwtallki •
p... 4 km, doorptloi of meow,
w.7.9ea7tr,lll4Moourao4 Abol, abd Job Maur.
4. L. Prim. Cutti2g pus EST:
Q,. Pouts
uoiPi-a~{Rp A~Wr+t+b.r.
wAT K PlP f kr, 7 4.„.
J 1 So l inch cilibre, farad" by,
boo l, ROM, fL OntLINIL
likugs ; - • I
iv yip ,
Beck. leathern FY... Man .
. ll'frod;-' • BetkorYti *
bßran on I tf.ra coal y *yid. hy •
.4 • • 11111 11 MOSBY& on.
_ .
NI •
jup. H• • , _ BUROUIILD aco
1.•• • foil savorlion lor Morro r 1018,0 Uloaltojhote
Cot. Ovonanuo. woo, Osop: boo
111a&W -PAINTS, Giiiiiamp, Obeoks. .tdu*-
.j Ilw , 1.10.14, aunm ow, wc.h4 flaomirlo,wltittrao4
o ._l3A}LBoti, LOVA 14 %forke' at.
T 91119 61811-50 bilbble. White FIAL;
so lir bb., La. Trawl. Ai ht tit* L.A. Ihnlogg
' , I; MINIM 'COLLINS 2tr Wool et.
FAMILY FLOOR--Ossin Mills, soo bt
o .
Star Milli,loo WA skito o*.• by . .
etV AT t I " bl-7---11 iPm4 h ra
Lgait:MB.-140 IK,%just
reed tad for oak by •
kIIVASICA ANDERSON, b. Wood stmt, ..,
Ref ovVnidt• ec Made. floal.
4(1 itNAN'I'6---20 cote New ZauteOurreetv,
Jaat Peed by I IINTAIIta p ANDIMPON.-
on) - Pr& so w.on °pod'. es. Mart. now.
BARLEY -175 bus. ?nine /Spring Barley,
lu ileac. r by . JAS. A. tbAZIOn.
. • - earwi Itar km sad "na..
fill Etic UTS-2 bble. Ottesnata, -just reo'd
4„,/ for Oa by RUM= I aNDIRSOM, 89 yr ood at.
na2 wake et. Merles tlatel
G 419 ' 14 -7.,211 bales l n t° L e tt r t r
irg b /Co.
.11011 TE tyilL c AT 0011tA„ MITEY
V 'hue tot Wetly
.02 Satan' WORMYt on
ALL° ' bbli.instarlAceaki by
timihn MOUT& Cln
_ -
.101U0K1911BAT CL14131 Backs (Greats
•• - -
OoduNe-9, big* Quioni joss rooeivool for
tad by aros VALLILLtat CO.
dolliMEliCLelL REC
P. NOtralq.R.
y0w11i41,411." I * ,• lark
:eawj A.B.a •101.-
. .
p prrrestraon ALABICETIL
,- . - [l4porfort 4systetifixfor as Pittsburgh brisetti.]
Prlissolums. Wroitts44, bow 14,1440:
i .
. . 41 •411• 1 N-We ['sae Co nay fasten to non. In Us attic!.
Trio bitosal J . Incloil .bits rat. ma ozaittka..gad. no
Han *u n . ,
hoer. : Zir. : 11. F• 111... NM',
•NI 661 a Tram atnra....L -- . 610 . 0 7 6 00 .
0 1'44 tso ~... .-- 060 •67
6 4 '
G 26
Z 110 • 4. ....I -- 660 6. d60
100 ;'4O 1a.....1. .... boo'6 7
I'll 4. Jo .. ..--. --. e a . --..
20,.. '4O d0. ...1. -...... 67
40 - 310 .do ...!. Al 6 --- ---
•10 do do ....I —. 6
Z 40 J. • .-- -_- . t 76
10 'O , . d....... -- 660
26 iio •Io ' i --- -- 6 --.... --
1 110
100 d 4, Jo .....1 606 06 0 6 76; 6 1.1)
u d0,....1 hlO -.-- 6 Ing.s PO
04 1.1 1 -006-Saleiot ZOO 60.1 Irmo .tan Ft 21a 1 , 0.
I 70146.
oenv--0•10. trim ..era of 100 bosh gat at 4Cto.
Ilarlayo. 11•1•-• Gu mint band. of 100 bob tpciug at Wt.
Rye-Cain tura IMMO of 100 Dub at 01%6 gl butt{
OROOPRINEL--ancar ie doll and priors have a downward
taodateg C6ff.-11[76 but unchanged. ' o.ln n 1 00.060
Malaria declining. Delft. of 10 1 bbla at
44646 c,
1:116Z3B-In tOr nqatab Lim, of 400 Lzsl i llf.„R at
10. 40 bo do at 101tu, 104 gi1 4 5144, mad 76 04 amtiorg
';•• •
• APPLE!-Calea of 60 i bush Bubsetta at 41,00:iod 10 do
ante 6141.75 gl bbL 1 , •
4111.-gun 0114 Dbl. a. 1 Lard at 91 -wilh pa , for bbli.
/fLANSILEO-Rain of 600 boon no Onto carom •
Plila M.S.-Palm of 4 ions at Wo glib
LIIIE4-34144 6(40 hbla Lanintile at $1.25 pal O 1.
. at, CTIM-Etalce of IMA Roll at 12* 'f fb.
liALT•••1 . %In of 160 b 6l § No. I Inca at SIM@ ,16-de, i
114,r1d. ;. . . I . .
MonirmAkatir AfilD voatziacticii.L. Nnrs Ii •
hod by lateirom that Extbnage ho. bet ' s Wean,
rad asalain °blear, te 19j par mom prom..,_mdmequardly
the mt. dhatiat m 11111.1% Iow•;. and Mae/atom cur
rency towhees adrimoutoPhare 2 per coat, It It pat at tale
Lunntwilit.* ft It autleitlated that Etehamtio wailladmiaw
lattterr la • low days araamarb ma °rain ohlp i elute from
that pOhiewlll from thm lime forward NI redwood, ad um
corttooy Wh tea Is at ,st them ben Itwm.etible seer.—
Lela Outql-
To. 81.3,0 rd• AMOCtIIi my. that It la Inform e
bat Itio
Blob tkoambolk,to.r of gbh Male of Mower! la, m liet.trod
by thmatafate; ateltiogaod to,k fug loin lb. ermditlda of the
ratluna lirmchea of our boats; sad It lo reported that all
are out lajaet so wdlaGoctnry • mat. m they mlghtlbe: but
la what parllealar May Is I abort of thole dation, add what
oca as lbeladad I. ON oaterwy, acs do re,tl7.
Poke 00[113111101 mak. Um matter chow ht d ue lime to
all whom* latenotted.
The Iftiary marketing' far as the aopotlotios of llop.r I.
004dr11,011 Dearly at • stand .1111. 110).T. hartlomot
a/direly wlthdras from Ito morkst, and wall* the •m ro
apoehil psiaque of paper' rates has. adrauced The few
traanniloia otilet, an, mado, are .1 f Q coot. for shalt "et
ensed."•4) /16091.1 oeat.for imp aarea. Anyttd omr
aarydomiood em otrlotly ft clue oamant be pawned bet.'
0 si,lrp aut. bnt oh, notedly lone thwr
Nada to rammeretal paper • dlaporad w, bold oft two the
present, .hell. ware deildrd salmi has taken plea. At lbw
dam att4 tee constqattais Out bo calm:doted. Potbe par.
ties prodirCitoothir oommoirelat rafronloa,llte that clf 1047,
daring the,asltatloa which matt .014 .0111 aff dm at too
Borah mteiome tattled ateopq hat rblo 110 w In not hy In
gr*.l. Puma of oaytmall ofthem,boomaii, bate
herons. alarnoed, Red atm Rettig soder abort e 8 by galling
to de...4 linto. Tale hat mewed was activity rola; In
moony on 641, and y Vent him remand'' , been mit qo best
mlldetala f Many old trads,..howtrar, It 6 0 rent mhi
41111tl0lla 01*111.1i0
Ws amuata comity atateraant of tho Importa fa.
algo dry goWda sad arooral merchandise al New Yolk to,
till weak atid dam Jao I
ybr tha , Wtek. 184. • 16i10 1911W7 ' $W0066 IP4a,alft 61,251,/s7t
Ont. Neretviiiiho-- 0.300111 1.6411100 .
, P.l for -. 2 217,370
Precouyriirrka.BMl 2120 sit O u h & 12,243.322 128, &l
More ,3tn. $129.1:21 kel 11201327,638 r0L11348.081
The eSpOrto fpeci• trout Me pert el hoet tut Mr the
eit.let,:foy.lo, •eno as follow..
Nor 6-14th liontlooket, 4yree—lkontemt-- 11.729
B.C. Telma, aterseeibe...elre 202
her. 9-119tk Threes. Waraciiit dellars---- is.soo
Nei 9—Summer Yoko*, Ilette—.oeld bet 134.200
N. , 9 —n B, 10r tb:ew
Nur.lii—liteiither 'talk a, LoW I O I 3-8111rer...---- - 44 soo
Tao 321
FIALTUaIiII Attu Mesta , . Nue 10—. The following 4 the
weekly two,,) or Wears White &Elder, Bookeia:
Whelk of 8., Cop., hoe, 4 400 ioaga
tstva fur
..... 4000 1°
40%) ; .
IMI. . ' - 'l.l
600 bop Blitz )1 ay Wilmot,43go
. IA c
.......... . lefie
.-....... 10 co I*:
14,4 toll .1.
WO bags
'flit matitt . moltotire tondy, wtatioot choose IS klata.
Trobwobotia aro lettiored for trout of dogtrot os grader of
poltoi to lb. rrspolnotteolo of the troth
We quota primer km at Ifso,!stoXl at 14,4 to lair at
14 to WO; otdiaasi at IS it 1.1%e; Lophottro ot 10p9:
Jove tall 10190.
Cuomo 1110.2“, Nor. 17 - .llloursotietelota 4 914 liblt
ahtposette 71111,05. Market toll. hole. SO bole •New Oar.
two! not whip' at s6l'o; 00 bbit .Warsoor• whita• wiser!. of
$1 0O; 2611htl.:Smdleo at It S 7; MO lsihtli Only.?
.0.5119, sod &ph bbio Vasadebia p. t. 40 MOW 'Slack Hill'
.m 4670190 6411 lotty Mlle vapor of 94,10; nu hblo miser
tt Palk IN ltd. !tarot' at $ll 02 ill dot,
Whastb-lloompte 411411 Nit obrpoosota 1e8,210 bk. '2l trirt
opeoed Sr... lon aloud dell and dreoptos Sols• 2 OCO ma
contest...tam 000 6417 14 POO bo aoll,g at Stet 1.100,id0
et title; 1.2C0 Stool elm 1100(4 to no 2 tpg at 80q12.10,114.
sal 71%.r 1000 141 do et 1100 oil to More.
thou—Root. 01,T2t to. otsipotsata 102,611. Onotworted.
2,0 : 0 ito lotOM 10 at) tot tot lat So mil to wog..
IKIO wo 2 canal .5 re- La cora Itt dootost at :So kett
Ito oo latch
Oat•-•Psteptit 111.0 btu elstpitomit 1941. Market sioody.
Saha 400 to toil • or 170 th war,
.237 40; ohlpotoots,-- hoes- Palos HO
• onitTirrl4. • ' •
Bothitliodeits ZIA hot; iblpossoto-9111 bo. 984. 41.2
b 4 - doh. at illge elle1;12 410 at 1170 on track.
espote—'2overiteed -*cora sad 14 dottoont at 91,1900,1,0.
TiosooLy drat as Var.V.3o . por boat.
Tits toodsty takrs Pt tpose tl U . narrillod forarlth ind stA.
awl, willt • situted lodirpaltion to ...tot Into moo.
01•01 a Th. r• IE tett:tag way ef plow which wit go
astea out, moo • 1141..1 thy, abbot. co.'
rite.. most olltho offstio koarding to 144 tobowit
of I le. W1110.4'00. 0
11a the Mortally ssf the istodor.
appear, to b. it/ prem. of Ile dap, aiit .noplushoto prefer fo
pot op wish a tdopstars kin el interest rubor 14.4
eh oinfl Dahlia *amen awatall • m0t...p1.' typp..t•oo . 2,
Thereto eto tworlot Orr botokto esehooke tido mart:dog s
attt the setae or. ao tropowlar, lbw. it im Impololoio to glow
siostattolocooto4odol Vault attn.! rroostooloor; of 01,11. ,
W. , 6th o .lolog. !Moro are trout.. totql
boil ova. hot &item,. putt. an oaolllits4 to dome
thapf, and tlwes.l. iso 01. 5.1 kr thota onewtotord.
11 doote
ink of Etafrot:roalk thrones bill s os hoodoo we Itadois
.424 ...Iv ClT,lstoood tbo fat hid thot could be oldoloit
woo 7 ihr nos, Or.tto t Ittivrt,pat Meat ta med.. c
atorptaao•oa 01+ other side —O4. It. him.
abbot tomket I. 001 aboodett ey tap/died wit
orpltal hut 1.4,41, hot tho sbOnaad 1. tot potowog,
Mor. Is 111:10 te T l . l .2aoartiotaay ertoctl
oats. thy e.blie wiled la tripod 1., the oultestworttt
Pools Oslo
moo.* oaktoltao to we two ossolloo—a cloisorPitrb.
boy otre olirthol:2l••24ntle•noa 21:1 1128..1 dutossliolf
tu louipp.p.r. Th. rates foe .c.ll to owbob
tocorltow are 707419 riot ; goirt• Ann ondun4
7197.1( pot toot s and tobor ludo kl conk 504 tio
11•242 .15•80•222 f• 'other usworthils
Tao ortoillyaossettwat oft!. Phllagfelptila luokopionoti
• folloerk : mg odor.soltso aototopar•dwiti t Ito:agog Oho IT
. ,
Now A.'
Nov. 13.
ettpitel At0ek,,...1,...-311,44.423 11 11 . 5 06,023 ine-11 1 ;f1$
npeto—.... —...,.„ 4,14.9e7 &tilt OSa two...ll3llCvZ
Do. Won etbew. Uwe kk. 1 Pf3,9tei 1,625:13 bee... 214,734
Dew to °dote' boot.-- 212.,3.6 2,217113 Dev..2.1144ti
.4....... 111:29 326, lk vt.4.1.5 Itoo,plpop,opk
meeutpto.o ___ .. :, . .„., 2.157,11.1 3112,112 Iwo. ,101
—Phila. enstaello:l
tee WAIT t Rai:PM—The rouplp to et 111. muter or aJor4
'newt: eo bowl. work.), for two let week of :or, lu Ile.
lieu' ISt*, bow beifo ow %Vows : ' •
?lour; toftle Whew:, be. Com Wt. itprlpt, be
100 ....—... Ikt:tql , 1,1101,00 :23.100 127,100
1633, .... liklOU 117 .00) 20,53/ 310.10
—4...... —....: —. —.
01c:—........ 74.1.10 10044,uket 205,4 tt) 32,0:9
Tbe. oggroisk. 5U11113 of elm plotto .0,13,54 left pt lido
estop. Nom too witattuPpopmeett of tottloott e to lbw Lb of
November, tueloptve, Le tbo peon ISIS cod lUD ,1* ow GI.
lows: ::
71nr,t.blr. %Nit. fo. Corn 1,,, Rai. Mt,
1101.--,111,760 111,21,,u00 livO7.litl 2104100
Icerrenr..4ll,frt_ 11,161,7 W
..1,n,, , 56 800 • WACO
ft.-dodos Ens nriint W Strut tbr./nnottty or the lot.:
hit ..r.ster pat 0.nfr0n41 , 003 lb. Onrrempowlibig
rt 11.4 mr orriAttounkr. snug of 11,1.47,b1e/ obis door..
• Tis Ahoollat rtnT•ncy Taupe fr I'4 tot
...I ow-11lIm.A. y, .0 /Own At tot bolds
Donn I. otbfir 14.0 rtuut iirpaltasi In it. In slat oXIMI
tf Al trecAt I Ir tilli,ht At la dry Lot lair ban
-01.1 %fl corn Too report t 1 tri.noot with intotetv
pronto s tar , Lolte..Anderien owl Itst lines rlL•otht •
smainocobOortibi34. some or lb. ALAN amen rotrinir.u.; .
11,4 dtarait.. .
• •
• .•
labparia by Rivet,
L 01 : 1411 '91L119.4or /4.4 W•A ?to 9-01 fat adonos, Wit
t rap.4:4l, & out ,1440, It 1 1 414411 100 tow vow, .1.8
a&L 16 bob weloomo, Mort add & ()Amory 11l do 0 Coop.
.r, 6Ou W IldalroV; 4011 mom P 8,4144 & INA 101 boo
coda/ o. kshootiwater A L00c;66 1•41 o•koz, Lag Poo,
COl a or. 19 ck. I WA«. Ponta co; D 1. 4 1•••6.. /thodao
a Votawy 6 est. Indos,„ Zak*. a T.,. dant r 46 DON Mom,
wo, a0 , 4„uch.,, 0 oo; 91240, Nocloolon a °torpid° do,'
j54.41i.. , a Majk.d.stri 1001 00; broom a Nlntrourldi
246 4, p; VA bblo olooloy. Clerk. 60 Oa 11 •a'
U Utglaemq al do u6oer; Id do.•• WalicCej • co, J P.m);
Al do. UldrogolOoiruer a. bn& 60,10 12 bid diddled, U L
Octutoda A a& 4 t 0,14 v,ro , li VA•l2oor • bn 3 do 'paw;
If CW N0ri0064.1 & 0; Al toocrodtal 0 Loom O,
4110 , 3-por Joao , -909 balm trar,Clorlso
ra bah. oteAloa,. Jawed LI Child/ leo; 400 b.. Bony , Jed
aleOully a ao; 436 . do dui llodieooro i %MSC SON. cool
t11:$ big thugs, II $ Sonora & ' : •••. •
0011 , ToalUU &We 1454.4 bz, 6 0 /color & cc;
Ammon. • Ng to; 11.1. aids; a bOlooood,
61014104 • oksooddrio• 'Wow& & 1,4 ale &foe,
10 bt 9404, a • Woad; Vic ..t.4lt 0 Loo 00 4;101
balm Boor, 014:94 ado. • „
W 41144,1101.-pw• 4 , 614 al plod, 4.941 Ando
wo &top potatoes. Thar/tor 149 btda opplok, 09140 pr.
alartaw •cq Coln 1.401014, Yorrionotoro do; bola,
211,10bi ab o addl.', Jabs 1141 tort; WO 1.. d chola% Ladd, &
llaidtdowni 10 01,14 apples, 1 1 411401,, CLrr a o); LA .trap
J U Young:l9l4o barley Abode., a Vernon 61 do
do. boo W 6.0119; 191 do *Lay 0. Wlloarb; 6.0,0., apple.,
• Oolloa; 164 WU piper, Iloacw & od; 41 dodo, k
11 1 1.16011;146 63, klceullougb, 6ralth•
' • Import& by itaillrawd. ,
pOl W a o a 6 B -- b6 hdl• P 4 Per..l Pot tn..; aekyeLae.
ba•dowa. N Towoand earn 6 do, bac Jos allibc•l3 ens
Woolota, Jobo • on: 20 so on. WII In ar,
p i , kart 1 6b1016 8!", tahroreck a graph baby ja•
:modally a co:14 bbiscoal • awl oar goo.
our. Par.* WIII•6:144, Dd Wu bar, Pomp, Chilly.; ••.
tq 16 aba L Wbmanto 46 Wm bookalb•s4 door
Lam a • Tnortdr: 18 bbl• *Doha Borgne • Ille8967; 19204.
olaraniwo. lioehnksv, Ilona a. an I warp banal, J4i
Orntop tag lig baalt W 8 Laralp, arA 9 Wow ow moral.
John boor, taab I amply bbl, Foribl• - • u; BO alba 800,
)1.4,011, pi Oren:* Obi" taus. $ baba:jib co ; bas
iwsp,J I , l9llllara r • .
• Ir •0 it 8.-410 trll4 rbalr !Mgt Yank Walker; 36 bib 1
Hunt, • co;
L'ltir:uelZrabrt; tly t b n dlaltr d° , M°41 1 :14 • A bookb9 lQ
bbla brar, 6 - do spats% 1 bag. bi attodnrw , ,iLay.a. w.
ban.* co; - bola. •ppkt, 'lran/ Gam
.1a) brow Pau.
Lbtp • Bbrpbardl 96,1aa olowaarod. Lee °rapt 4' empty
Dbl. dB Borl.l. ! {tiara Oarrad; IS) bbla brobb•l4ll.
'WOO, 00platbd a o. 0 imply earala, Prl2llll,Baut
bble elder, Orlp a Maplard; I rsr S,or. biShinni
. . ,
• . fkkIIICIL 'SEWS' ••• •
T 6. file: •u abut . 0ta..001d7 pout:nay. aid Mot eget,
tog Om tugs of motor: by the Vitt mak mgo I. Otos. 11
Get-' lb. member 01:41t4D0111 phamoL. atut Imam& for;
the trioactlno of boolorm: As Ott "'Mr( Mem' ma coo
.slderobto mink, otoolfustod, theta' logo( a good 4.111
ftrUbtablpplog and Ofattargtoc. I
Iboorrimig foto too. kWh* Lid Odra PortemoolLloirg
from New Odom, Bale MO t tram Oh Om!, aod Allagova
nom It Mellen.. Tim Oullo brought dart' mos oil and pg
• Tb. depolorio ware Ms Lkuloo fur Lutifoll9lo,; Ramos'
Grabill:Mk* LmotatO4 Wig No, t tor, Froallitr od 11 1 , 1119.
TS for Wltesiveg., • . I ' '
• •
Vol Il l taftig.vfn--Tbe bit ofkot ulesour Pow. Litt IrOl
roo mgolorly bottom P.,. .•o PurtmmuntiMombit ton
rimy W•domumy us 19A. •no Piqua* ww boor, g:9l.
rot mood, em , fort mut ma'am odetutuk the hong import.
mak,* tad agootalordAloos•Oo boob. =wino ma Oft
lair %ago, CM94.llmlill Igo patitulagitooltkidflt
• . . .• - . •
fa lots from Way
:scut./.t TIIIIS OFFlOit.ett theraoit fan ' rabl.•
IIKMNtJ FLU lliqubon Oil, , Ler&Vi!,
• Aktai...welkyusof"m!;!-:
*or nee at lowttit plest iestriato*.l,4l6,-.
cumortmlitt4 , l4ead 'hung
C9A v4§Es a»c . ,
• -;
• 11°1191
ib tiatliTTLig it!
all ahem NM onterom, tdi .• „• • -T. J.
1,- . - : wood 1111116.
I)l.l7lAti AND Freakrue'd
JJ fog Ws AIM Lltiso street.' •, • • nsos , ~,zti i
rekwetto diaivotha deka on& olketorbilehrsaks
dl ant. will lie bad sysry_gss aigrkgri
roz sow (alio* fi. Maurer . AIWA Willare kir
N ris prima seni lissusiostiu• pints on listsitilsi•
Is so...venni best sad is is charge of careful aild*xpan•
• .1. .1 -
1 • .. •.: Teiogniplde ilarkall, ::-_ _ . ~., . : q.
Pluton tiautNoi,l3.-- Lout I. doll &di*
1 24 ad*. at $ 6 ,346,60 tor topetttat to 1,23( W.:et.
eta. teelt NI tor .stn fatuity, sod 14 k. 4. 0 6,•• ,•
Bloat soils at $1.N31,44% rta nig cora •latatte.; !Wet
Battlaoaz, Nov. U.-.Floar steady. Wheal t tat 4 1. *4 . ,: t
$!• 20 461,2% ablot $1,1601,66: Oota ittandy, ..tat
064576 et white 7611160.• •Yroritlaaa Wady; ows PP
CC1:,76. Itatop tuba. port•lll44 Ladtard 126142
octal., aksety; kat 16416. •No am* I. trot -
Walaity No at Itta;OX,
• i - • • .! 1
Now 7 ' 11 . 2. ' 0 '. it — Cott 6 it;i.a/: Wm. if 1 ben
at:llX for middling. hoar b...l aud dottowl 1 60104
ostoall,loo balr, at $5.1086,26 fa t tatit 11,16®1100 PIL
Otto, and $6 40.340 Cl for anthem .11ar+ar auddisag4
Wa•ar, maks 101,000. both; iatot• $1 441 6& red $1
IL CO: Com doolinlot Was 42^ boat at 0 2 1 6)711. 1,:PO
dam at SID 125(4k1a 26 Alt IMO 06/$1460 eat pffiri„?l,,,c4::
Wax A.. 0ra...84111z Wttatit k... t alb" • ! .40. ! 21 t, 1
Maas clortd tats,k, • - -
_ _
D R. SO N 0K,.0f eiphh,lwm pa A;
Pllttburitk to walla* patient, aMlottd, '
Liver and Stomach
tioi.6lb awl 61h, at the Drug Start et WA Mak',
DR. UEO. IL KEYSER; No. 140 Wood otOeot
ANOtIIes OlRtlVJoarx.
wits dodo
Ohio, Ward{ ad.
VA. Krt//0:—.1 wits dodo howl to Infoha yon that
wee to rituborgts 'OO Nunes, IMby and bounb.• bottle of
Dr. Schenck% Cameral Tonle, and whoa ortioll Zip.
Vinci mommoott otitis the medicine sommilng to
Om% aod It has Unmoved my health owe thaw' art/soled
It would le so abort • time. lam eo well plowed wllh,the
.dsa weed Totde. end !Pultnoolo kenne that 1 want too
lo seed me two bottle* ol ° Seaweed Tonto . and one bottle
of "Yulmoole Syrup's by seprestosed / ootilo farthe
carnage or it et the Ohm in Zaneettlie.• • •
• W. ROBERTS; ZeeeeTtne, 0.
DR. 000 18. ERYBt3II, 110 Wood striet.holo IKlWgce
• ,
I took last •hatd—now nearly ever eigo.,Wiolitittat•
tack•of oold, which I cootruted f.y 1110 8 on the delve
ground one hooting egcrueloo. 1 tied • dreadful wash
mad coward path In toy Ingest. aril liexpectoraied a
4..1 of tough metier how my lo g . bnumbi.l It*Ma
I thought tmd chommptioo. IJudged It the Claim frem
the fact th at I had suck • hard cough and hightwereata
very bed. t suffered a great deal with polo and dankest
to my breast' I coiled on Dr..Bctieuck tatkiobet Wt. Rod
he tratutdried my lunge mith his rendroinetir: teed lue
scrtwourbial tobre won, vi ry moth alfacte4. zed be Ow
ibed for mob. liandiske Pulawitoo Py rap ate/ See.
weed Took. I took eoe bog of the Plllr and two of the
Took, and four bottltehf the Palm a& Syrup,. At this
time 1 em entirely wril. sad •efgh more and mu 'trouser
thee 1 wee hefore !took rte themes.
At lillater.lifle.kit !pm% etwilWarlut..
Wed PlitsMugh, 310 /A 1100.
I..VOTEIDII 6111ZAT conk—Cittall Of NICHOL/4 gift;
• i ,
. o. andirosin an.
Oa the 6th day of isstJakt I Wok tint ukk tI. yiltg bk.Od
d • bed. insight I did riot mind ft till It ten or tans
thedu I eon .omit a inroad fat of Moo& • k utak WU , .
tall at returned sad got alermisi, sad mud ktg
detest sail got median hum him. tibia did her do me any
geol. I theft dent to ituntiert wh.lold me my brad *es
chested, nor did amt give me mu: d estisfectfou about OA
.plitlng Mood. I beard of Dr. Schanck AMOS la the city op
the 264 of July, and ins added m tall ma him. I *LW
him at Dr. ger res. drag atere. sod he .unawd my hintt
sod told rue that my right fang we. Meted, sad 'that the
Needing or Muted of blood came from the lama part of
the rigor Ides, .Dr &heath told me to teas his Puoulit
Strap sod ,Dlesdrele Pille, which I Old midi t had taloa
wino, hinges of Yahweh 16:,tvit sad one bozo? Mandrake
Pills. I em mow welt awl cest , used to my regular Omit.
Len. treat, making 'Tilton at lid Wood street, ead iheo.
Wet Men, tenant Plea 'Jul. streets, dillsgheoy Chg.
I str• this onnlitate itordrethat other wenn eitilietad'
may redone the eduithoroett nett I ban. You may
Ilsh this lryou. with - Masotti hrni.
POttbargh, August Sikh, 1166. -
Bret has berm itte dateded.fiwe
et fitirioritharlitais bpi
semptinei Presort le Oneida s skew mactiatenr far
lA. ditptiedd VOa balk bottieg down Vie sigretp..... Op
slued As bd won readily and pr
traded. Ildrproour este delbeinet oat* to it, mitts .g
tir fidddsr,ihd Kroveruisi.batoacfp dgmirece to aim
amp doer indegte &bid gaemitestmus Oldish agsstare .
. dh i ng e itosoneggg.soch bet kind mg druid '
osadeunced tirAdignisdirs Mei:seined t ip - • • .
Ow. 14 ARV !reit is gefe Agent Ibr mg Melt
dna In l i ftt..hdia. • ! Jekdineg
roperloooed Nutty os4 rooollok Phydelso, proopate t
tito allentfol of milboro ber . I
tablet grimily teoeiftatea tbi pnxiai of teatbirig, by acitters
Y:i:mid'' rrdnefuly Inanannatko—orld allay. ALL
PAI opeattrodh: ordinal. and la • • i• !
Depend upon It, inotbant, It LID ere not to yearn,.,, and
Relief mid Health t , yak?,
• .
hareput op sod aoht arlielit too Yeager mod and OrlN BAT, IN CONVIDENDI AND TIIIITH Al It *est '
o a b er Leta corm beiti abk to ley D of any
, obis I Maly
nard. Never did we
01 dhamirlactlon by wtl7 OD. wt.* twwi It- Ot. lbw =Mori,
all are delLtdad nun ha oyernions and speak In Senna al
ci.cnendetion °Liu meow tants and reediest alit**.
Igo Root In thL mann. "WHAT WI DO KNOWeraltat
to yearrharperiatboe, AND PLADDIO 001 14.11PCTAT10211
DOS Tell
TUGHLLILisT. Dr "MAT Wl Ural b r il.
MARX. In almost gantry ll:Wawa arbiter tbe Want 4.d.
Airing Dom - and adhanatlon, Mier real bat laud to
afters or twenty tetrannieftirr the apapla administered.
TVs rattan's preparation L the poecriprara of oar
Ma mem NAPOLI ONCE° and PRIV/ LWOW. la N.
Itnehni2, and boa boon tread whit 111 9 / 1 4 /AILING Pb.N
It not only nitrate t mehtld from forlplattal
tdoknonoch and howl,, oorniii acidity. mad ginotoohood
acorn to windowpane. Unlit almost Mountl> Mime
Griping In the Bowels and Wind Celle,
OH. rohdoca
tir n " " 44 cl3.r.t.owiraq m•dl " 4. •4,1
Math. We be. Um It Or BUT
AND PURIST aimsoris
REMAIN PUILDREN. whether Warns. nom from any °Caw mash. Ws cocidohytoororr motto...lobo or
4 child miasma footo atm of the lomgdbm complaloth—DO
py OT D ECd, stood Comma pm suld liar sabring oldie!,
chi ths.reliof flat b.. AIIiBOLOTZLY,
41:111-4o follow Cm an of iblo modklos, U noway and
Polldbxtiota for smog will occomphor ma* baths. Iran
gamins macs the ischbollo of LUILTIti t. PZILICOIIi,
• on York, Loo thy mad& cropper.
Sold fa brocilststbrourbout ins cortd.
Principal 011ie% 13 Cedar
PRICEONLY ZS °tires Pgit Borne. I
Nld b> b L. CMISEM:mit • CO, owner Wood hod
north armor. .ho, 0 CO. E. li 111 00, 140 Wood stint
:169.' Baltimore and Ohio &inroad Co. 1819 .
fig RALTISIORg . d i gr ag go gs
'nil end 1 , 1'0141 ta roomve and brrard itettimmilevaitier
ditocuch pf !Wing to end Oval
Pittsburgh. wad trio Eastern ttttt •
. • Oaten intaraotred to ba avutily favorable with • thrti', at
Cho Twooayiraola Iltwal GO. or goy °that It Tor Isdonatation as to rah.% etc., appilm
dao Oa by !attar or ? it parson to ether •of lik•
At ia_rAT9N. Podor;oor. Etat. and Mishit:teas a,
KW TORR. - O. W. Perfail.l.l4i Broadway. abate att. , .
- • . Add'. Ararat . •
T llll . 2 .D. l il.l•lllA.Coibtaim. A oowtooonwroar Arise
-, rot.Chrry Waco. - •
Cot Stith atatobaatout rt.
tiALT lM P ßA , l.t.itogiaotl.eatratetiBtatkos. • ,!
PITTABURAII, W. ./..Jotiodoe. Liusty
db. Tate* liatirodat Paawroote Depot. - • "
ao~isbPart.kolar attention or Inarchaota, manoractorati
P4alw Avowal,. ot Mod:may A I tea:bony City nod
fiddly. to lathe twillthoof Aida lino goats.,
pared with Others, fad It& 'pommy,* aod Woman, 4,
b ' ' • flatletlßMO' Await H. A 0.-IL &CO ;
.1 1 2 27
UAW! • itiluleas.• •t: _„
nary cm, am Of nduosablo nisa3lA:
,• • TIIIISIDDI at vatiOao rifest tdnft on hand,
dinPuard TattsSzi, of dlfleteat forma and iktr•ig*
ci.9r%7 irocat.NoA. fOr Violent or Dolaigid
,ADDOItIIf AL IlfDPDOff kin dlffetont
- I%o6l,torth. etipuit sid 003. of puts.
snow.Dga DRAWLS, to rollers • crooked saa
oiuiditioa of lb, ams, odd mg, 4tonfoott :beano.:
,- • suiensiox BANDMIICS. All
thooolittilliok =ay to had or spoiled at Di ZIT/[R'S
Wbolooto and 114141 Trews Depot, 140 Irv:Nitro.* sign of
tbooluloo. Nottar.of 0111 to Nat to itky put of the Does
hf bi 0001 4 St" moot' otof IDo t000nro: • •
• •
• • . .
•• , - nOttlb/41t0iVie , Orniiiiilllldo.
A Tattlah %MON Illgbly 1 11 4 gma..1 . 41eraire ant cortnetle.
lor Chstlnlti .4,A414f amp", k'sliting, atarati Ow AA;
14 c.v.t.: 0 /achAt. - rk 4 .4. 1 •46,1hit, Nod "realm mad
ptakafoiv,,4l4 C7ol4ldytim by Dr. GAON'
LL ‘l7/ailllo Weickl *Wit: Wbolesol4 sod
' Arti Your Meath litudP
tf ihot suititilts oar ad,lx sad WY& bottle of DYlWilei
1.1401 D DVaaIPrCC It all A•op tbota while and clo.e
sod rill pcstro4 tintb•ed4o47, sad will eon bb .q:
ttglati trona au.. you dui boy It al IMECTBIIR%
I. - Wood etrolt.' at4o and OD times psr .bottlo or pack of
• •-• viNcialc IFyss'••• ' • •• ;•
11. 7 0,., DS rolisred sad ponssant sat* etraolsd
eweia f the (.810aDep Cbsersra ill I,OTIOS. Por
Is si Dr. 010.1 i. 6 lefrEB 8,140 Woad it PAM 3l sty.
. • •
. .
. .
. PILE OINSSIIINr. br 0 4.1•1 by (bg dicaisawo
, ••pany. ta K.WroWy ta ell aualot tberaup,so
'.. •tm b• thi-k inomlty. & ours liimnsatia.
rit, bottle. -Soli by. DU aKOKOR Yl, Kan.,
Onesp, Letter and Writinirpaijor
*dims for .ilea. "r. RWVIIIIPP.I4O Wcvd
11,4.4.5 . CA
1 . • '
of svcl9. Dzsopterios,
,• • -
; iI'.M.JC T N' Ea. W. 9 t!, st
•# PARK, arcruzarr a CO .;
pOtalaw awl MOM DOPPIA, PtellinD 00P
tsa ion?reatshed sun actiom4 PplabrPoldirdic.
law/Wm sod Didai =SILO, TM puma
11OLIT nuprormix ara await, ' am lust Stomme.
, .
Pranklio,r,Are.,loll rim, 1!..` ,
MS*4l'l.llol4 /Naas
. 411 /Ploodslartlin olt?ppoieatlida!ay *rind
rit: r, eaptl ,
ca ca
t.. 1
:I ...
MI .1 z • •g. fg.., b.—. at .71 . 1 rn -cl
IM 2. fri .4 A Itt i
4•71.:al n
gri t a v o a tip . _ W
El r. s. .. , F:- 5 " - `
t ).q
014 It fi;
, 19.4 ,p
14 ;•i• ' Flt;ro
Edit itjT .
.4 1 p .
114 i II B NVit: - . 3 a
1614 a -
o ,v. '
7PB: : 7 1 t
; o rn
zit.. a t
5,311. Q. BE , "
LIPP.; J ,
Fgs fl
os. ,
"1.. g g:
CiOCURAN aSt Xtllo.
.4; autcrrauratraor .
lec iallilthalt. /rola Vaults, Vault Door
a. iti4d 4 ir7Shutieti,
,Winenv Ongdi, 41,
',... : 141•4 01 &tag &ma and N Tient anisf,
( Wood milfaket,) rrriannon,E.,
Elo4ooband • mid, of now Palau, ausersodpisto
*Utak for all furrow Particular attention paid to air
alltao(49miloot Jobbing dome at abort notice. ran
8 1 . 2.701"02,7 IV OFL Et El.
, ,Pllttsbargb. Penne.
No.** Market itreet.
irtlaintliattnall kinds of lhatioiseost end NM Kubik
,NlatElicsa)allnadlirark, /tam Ballet. awl Shoot iron
iTobtdikE sod
dance short 1 . N2t1 et. cullklydk
• - —l3 • m AEHZ:B, •
2 • , uinit. -
zq e' R.
ARC r.t.ipm from No.ST Wood arrest to N 0.33 Illegthdal
Arreoi, Plttabargb, P. •
fArTaaii or Trade fur • • myllartflo
J. Pd. L.W.12,10 • •
3EMOZE.A.Try • T.A.x.r..ave.„
No. S 4 Si. Mai, Street,
.044tbr.trisikrwietemeenethe.,.. 'Trip true, re
tL tioAD • sPnce • COMPANY.
.... DI W. Co Bf • ell,
i: gg!ooggrooro go Agggoo. Rom 4 1440
11411 1 :110AD . SPIKES, CHAIRS
00fier eft Water Street sad Cherry eettirero Prrringuaggs, PEN N 4.
ttsiburgh, Steel Work..
Alio,Pprioi, Plow and A. H. m.,, B.PRINCIEI
iiralA.XLIALts. oaraw 124," =tiara
ra, uLM do By b.
For jgo . and Domaine Bllls of Enhaige,
0 arato.tria or Inner,
4. , 14111 L NOTU AND APZOI.Ik,
O. st suaan tracer. fmrssokaa, re.
ttjealligtlousum =daft With* ptluctprJ a. through
Maud Stem
EXEmatir EL, Clo.latamia.
torreding and Commis on . adarcbant
NAND wauragut Dumb!
10biese. Butter. Seed.. ,
j .. !. - And Produce tleoondly.
AO, VAnif anal PIN•Arel.
tisf pi; is...;BATIMIELOIVII 1ia119111919
ne:Orisbrafaled best in ti. World S
. .
, 4 OtillOrs.are mete Imitoions,' SOod should
irs6l4. tl too wish to nape Miceli.
mat' tisu, int lasirr sun D9ed Instantly to •
Irma* indbanmd Broil or Meek. leltboot the Wet to
lor9 to:eliiktenren skin.
- 'AND terioums
tl to ism: f. Ifekbelor duce 191 M, end over 90,000 spillea
Poe* te byres southto the Mir of Me. pawns orble
W. 1 ,4. 1 1 1 4141[9101i1l DTI producer a calor oat
to be robbed . . broom nature, 'and leyoruterrnto 194 le
ware libeelinel,bconner long Remy be coonnoed,endthe
Wed*. of Bid Dreasedlidg tb. Gob Invigorated for
. sad* epplkel (lo 9 panne rooms) at the Wle
key,* Ifroi4Fs9, Na. Tort.• • •
&Atha ell Odin end 9,4= of lhr Milted Settee; b 9 brag
glob 1 ruri Goede Dealers.
r•499.pbor'irePolne by tie ouzo end odder* upon i neer
plate engnmed an looretdre et web tat, of . •
4WILLIAIII A. DATellabea. •
',, , erlyd,9•;era , • • 16 bond sr:metal.. Tort.
, vcr
os—w as
' ' They ere elegenatighl, eery sad daribla
7Urrigr teeti}rine—no tenthaiap brbitid,oo Alfalng
Ors indeed Urn is the Only enablidnassa vitror
roseo , ll Ira geoperly anderrood end undo •
i lertlroot.,. : • - le tart abler. Ner York:
Al gnarl Arra' terra' t •tkretitaartu
Doit't fait to proonre Dinh Winslow's Booth
I.i aria: an • Ibethint •It b.. bonging en earth.
It gre4tectilannetbs of teething bleoftenlng the
gra.. toytierbi.ell Ingammetinowafil allay prebend b
Sr.a to !Noire the hirer Dapand apart It, terbers, It
grrayeet toyaitradresoutt WWI sad raft to year
Thle iSitudde propultra Is the procripticto at one el
lb* CitlililXol6lll . Med and eadirol terele, Plearbbni In Sim
.Ingitenti; and hen been turd with - norrohiling sumo to
si g i ovitif _
We believe It the run and inter remoter the arid, la
itfornidetiranteip rid 64,h... hi 01,11,:renieb abr . I
WINO Pia: !erring or beta soy othervera.• t
• lllt6old health cm be antratedby dollars and eendall
is leortklts:wsitti i, Old. • -
Ifillare or prate rue ooki eves 7 per Is the United
tt} I. an old rid reptried remedy.
Si. r
par. Jahr the laosimile cdolll4l BS nil,
acrie, T 0,.. bon the orris orapp d er,.
grik.gbAt7e= Dodd.
taper/a Horsley'
E • dapprior dineulag
1 10 , 61seShildi d
ctokaßott -44 RBON—OAREION-4311b Ott
GOAL C)At. ON coat, coat, ow
!snug 011.1 SPEW ON • SPAY/OIL •
't Dorm MIAs Dimond mad Nuked ?Inst.
• • • VS . TOW Oi the DAdosod sod Sans.
.022 cons? OM* Dimond sad Mal= dtssi.
-•- .
riEtZTAID IaEbBINB *ill 'S , 11111111 ;
totPo•tor snow lo AI '2TIPIOZAL If,
smut eit 4hi Valosolso BM allot Into mom too so
periot q..tlti sod rotoonabl• pone ot ba work, Vito is.
b. ObtalbakigNillefs le IS. city otlitostorg. 004 stow
pato Ondlioroas of Out Wad of orbolo onfl bean
Ittsio amis. Po fo tooolnol oat to 'now b Pa& f so be so
*told Woos esot woo is. is.., the 001. .wll gush 0
ortfeittl ootw;t1IIIIIist 19L Pomo at. WWI,
J . 91)0 p;4:i..,,
t, D Ear a •
I.lo . 47 *oloii4eekrubbure 4
klesnoci r , Thsosor s
NattomlimenOtnift• 11314111
_ -
!kJ BOO* 0 1, 11 1 IIPLOrOltr.—All Ittodo 04holio or
lam *cid Minh quinuttloo,oltheronouosotat or phbolotio
ta etooootto - Wattle Ooorti. o w
labilltos4tlzt ettN stolabo n orfooi4 btoh *O4 Ooso boot-os Flood to matt kos Moe
than titOotoolomboto. 'a, scitvaND.J.meent
Ito Doak Illathm, o ottri Haitian' s . 1t00.r2.
, •Aim
121ANDO#it 311'' 1D12911.
m 3 s
NrtillsZ,,,,,'Thiwg. MN< ," - •
2194 "I"
SO4 P.,tlW
‘l, rialtrA,
Rai •
. 4. i@aft;oLiligh -‘