The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 12, 1860, Image 4

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stammers : istramestherm alieftqco or,
;Tar. amfrocrostr,!: -
tang it 'harikari lila eat the av
teem; biter the - manner td - ditele'a 'Reef Hitt
lie*PYdea" - Ale; 41aliefolle . en"" -
plus of the account, we can detect a rest love
of the Doctor, genitalia weigmo a ffor extracts:
_Oliver, ...Wendell nemesis-pm" et. the most
reliii*de - hriaki in the' country ; es thin brief
tdooaphy stilt alter ' Ile is the son of the I
liolora,eit &tabard), the author
at ilclottebei,"sta tonelliog tindery, fomaded on
theadvenuares of one t the ancestors of Ste.
n A. Douglas; who. had' Wilda deal or
tenable in finding hisenother4 difficulty ender
sebhdytheitatellyand laboot) and tee sufferings
of Lady-.Bandolpb, Ole wife of the HAD. John.
Randolph of Roanoke - Odg - Mally ROM Bekaa"
Hole, 01(1,11;44y of Dr . Holricee, wee fpaseed Iq
Boston. . The firist ohjecte thatinet hie childish
eyea:in - .ihe Modern Attieni,' *ere the State
Boers, rdeli he hai never cented to regard,
and the Coalmen, for which be.
haa:atc,tuingenunt rtwerence. :As Might brio
been-art' from his: . poetical temperament,
tke.einl ittil of Oliver was rather wild; indeed,
he was to ergd at one time that he Writ entaally
seal 'to the Tradmill t The -ocastion was as
fallout Beteg- one day is want °la ' tail toe
his kite, <end , nof. finding 'an; tfing adapted to
be purpose it the fankiirrateag, he clewed
over to the Charleston- liavy Verd,-whete -the
Oonslitation Arse then:rotting, and, erroggliog
hirdelf ea beard; stealthily climbed the lanyar4
until ha reached the cut water, where the Delon
Jack wailliing: Be appropriated it tor his kite,
tail, but; was- fortune-leg:detected, Mad 'matfett
the Veiling roi three months. Ile laughed
at, hkr, peddle:ma, to it poem entitled "The
Tresdpkt,t.r Which, very- sppropidately, - :ran
the ':.-maintsiel Allis constitution beginning
_at length _to Big.• he recrnitiog. it hy
abontilisitikg_of the Conifltuddri'=..a spirited I
little grin, which; strange - :to say, Is always In. tainted 'The very 'that- fleets wrong
for instead eV!
.'"fg, as. air twee/ outlet •
it Ilittai _reins:
,willtanttertppittrit.',l,-, •
(WEiNttpt. ttiftelllttOrteCtAbe teuttliegaq&
"madman wilition of he poems!'BßC-perhaps
be wishes to veil in mystery this ronienthrepi.
mode of. his youth.l - - "
firmed from-the Tetedmill and therolitterid
haprheannasit, Oliver otaniatinced the study of
law s but growdeig wea y'r of John - .Doe. Richard
Hoe b
bd the rest ofthat large legal family, he
tamed Ns - alleadee'te.'lnedieW , lerfed . :
ea apprentitiesthip with ti distin guished spathe
eery oo Beacon EUU,' end graduated with dis
tinct!" started for Parts' finish Ms clew
. .
- Dr: liohneff,.has . written rivend ;
works, with alarmingly
_scintilla (we'
sluill.not punish - the - readers - of V.l, by one.
meriting WIN) end a volume at poems, which
oonadonvEyetneli of the OOP: ellefeglethey ale'
anything bat a drug In , themsrket.. ile,reekka
In a palatial 01111311012 on the banks of the
Charles River,' bat fie: Irma thecdttage.of . his
poblishir, Mr Fields, (known to &Wand under
the llonbr(tplet of Kenny Meadows,): and
sight of the otdeet of,timearlysecimiratlon, the:
State (Imam 1 ilk :deviation,. to the cupola
of the State Rouse la et, erclent,thit be cuts it
the Hub of the Universe l ~Ills and its,citeciiis
scoot at the idea. which certainly is eztesegant,
and say It Is but a amatipart of even the Ooze
mon ,Wheel or Maseachesette I
Dr. Holmes ia - fr great proficient in boating,
an muck that thelassfer with whom he studied
( ktertin. the Vegiturldf) calls hid Ms beet
scholar (Query f Seeger f) OombN the Plain.
ologlet t paid din ei slender conipliment, amine
he, was the beet skull ittltoston . - The prox
imity of- the Charles, led him to sparring, mad
he Is now so devoted to rho manly art that he
never takes a walk without patting on his
gloves I. - -His habits are pacific however, not
sepsomding his correction with the Atlantic I
firif "contribution to this magazine Sees. the
the "Autocrat ...of the Breakfast Table."' - it
was originally his intention to have continued
the sakes with- 4 The Democart of the Dinner
Teti*" "The Sovereign of the Einpfter Tablet'
sod pored* "The Loafer, at Lunen," but scene 1
injudicious friend pareneded him ni change his.
p_hte. and gives us "The .rrofessor'' insteadi--
We ahouldlike to wudise. these works' for the
delectation of the reedere of .1; but unfor
tunately our Anti Eliza te ebeent, limns gone
into•the country to Nether - sick mother; so we
will pan theta be raying .thny are worthy of -v.
which lethe highest praise that we cen give
Dr.:,MOlties &feted ill his "energies to hhi
profile - 4N Ind was at. last chosen Professor ot
Anatomy of Cambridge,- le the place of De
li'Wigton, (the inventor of Warren's. Blacking.
the, author of,..t , Ten-Ttuumand a , Year."
waY. Ines the imagoe which hie
Wig - gave him,) who wee unfortunately
Ida ma - Banker's - Hints the Rawer of his
youth as the reader of astuilican history will at
ones 'remember,. : . 7.1 e was 'also,* a ecuresixnaci
ent Informs nfi .
, with what troth we know net
"Pecifoseor Ot Comparative 'Anatomy knd - Thst:
Neale the Ifsasschuestts Wa te r Ode Mien:
Helmet* and bald the Homceptitha Chair bibs
lTemetry. It was under his wile
gablaudi that the . pmotlie , of Medicine attained
Inch tatirdoir precision?' in Roston," that-not'
two panda in sit atuthred a call from the one
hone :duty.",
-- . ,
How. in Wts a Virk.:-.A. yOung,-Ilunati....
fat and wealthy lady, wi4ovi olio. Fluent . ); ogee
Wkiloott his life at the - assault of her Malakoff.;
has &mien a second r lutsband after. somewhat .
exact& lshiot. tithing . ;shire from a-martial
diqoasition, Or the &Sadly of a ;attention be.
twee° ao les than ten singing aspirants for her
band. Disdain o—=--inwited the tea gentle.
men to breakfast at her, &ante, wile, 'and
hawing this Suited hi; „Bottom; .thlorMA ti*D
thatile Would unite herself to tlief 04 who
would hold in his baud illitel , r,Or:ber 4 1 , 4, i, et ,
and bieik with a pistol, it tiventy pikes. L Nine
of the party Glint care to.ruattut risk meted
by this female Tray* but-the-:tenth. sport
• marnhank comageously determined. t 0 . ,, Whit
the oondltionita .: 7laidaro . g3..:.a...' og g.
ed her pistol forthwith , sod went into th eger.
den followed. ; by Abe acompeny. - -"The: twenty 1
pace were meowed, ttaloweesztile barti palled
mat his watch. gallantly rat:dog. one not 'much
larger thee i frac, .offeimd.. by the „lady. and
fearlessly assumed . Ade , pleat. .The-1411.tesson
took deliberate eim—bangLarent the pluck and
down tumbled the watch pierced to the cap.
Tbe;genthinian the -- adveutum,
,has married therint wide/ and bought a Dew
Barumi or liastotow.-aeligtcw :tumid
111110MICII he proficsor in al the relations of
tlfm .Whiserer be dries, bs 'Markt do h the
better lor being a Uttriatiau.Be abould
make one better etuden; a better smut, a
better ebild,'it better manta 'Utopias: The
, pions but eccentric' Rowland Hill remarked,
"that be would not gins Girtidag for. that
maa's religion whose oat Mid dog were notthe
better for it" • •
i - NS , * To ADVIRIIIIIIII.—Ibs .. Fictotugh
Dlist Ourtrot bar • larteelnclatak au . Susi me oodoo.o .
• 1 foes la thlo sad t.heamkotnektu dtheessilooki lams 111, 0 -
" Orr sad oho 0r.1.--4141 admit turiorditorers' Mot pros
4 ouses.• It mak ho Wood lu snarly , ell tbaokuutsur rooms;::
dons hum% booklet Woos% anatajscsorhe •44 tommiw
! • Coo boar. la the sou elisoketer. Ls leerut sod minted
lasso so lb* (skulls' Sot puska.' Jr a sparkles lisr skier.: .
lidos Yana.., It Aldo ladorimerita 41;kb so 'other
, I m ions Werra li s •Osierlsass4 saudrer, so 44who Osaka Isi
rotate tart Woe clan of initiations.; lb* Waster Oustua
at YU Oda mu. musk Isrpor eiroutailoo to Waders
pdiasylosou, Ohio and Thatrus smoog taluaotlal hums •
enroll orsobrou than sop other Secular paper hi thu
. eudoisi d Y. Puts.
_i ern; I a bait. r ciA.C.Aar kasu.sainat At.794,prr •It. Us
• Irkil , aaghgebiist!aearivoc in•ii.&zu,s amowitaithmiass.
etto,ciod rethikstal2 dosaa4l bra Nedueratenteto oderrs
. Wort as Ciss bat Nositaatllissoph serhtersto rastAthassoadki.
Air nil tri.varchezzme Ls Unser arty Wesfaess
1 . 41 1` old Oakerdelli, Sot a An* bailey Jag. pi to.e.ea to
.1 &MOW b lb. ono,/ as toko.ooviato.o.rprocoOd
i . ,sham o r o K reoragibrkds. "fussier:4g salliaididry 0
! rank-4 4 6a #4 . 06,4 Oromensa, t A rlira;eol - 7 Cstl4'l3lw
041.11 Slits Ilettir ' e . mammy' mum la atlrsocii i or
- '
_UM MO POU'Ousl.O.7ulls lu llolaliklicS
. I waILLY4 4 Oori Dollar per =am, isyabli la lame*.
sopp most 011 s Sorrento* pst cNi 5a1i914=40.111;
1 ' aridiim • '
painting a iasetiit# iicialiel, 44 _se pi
1 . par will ho sage *Ng thatleao - hMi to .fah tt oat lASI.
' 1 . , .... . ...,- , •
eats. ' aill' Advalltlatalli, - -
I OPlarete Is lima, I itaur---;..—...,......:. 00
1- :- .I . r . ' :: '..: ".... .."'• l ". 7 --- ••••• 1) ;
i I . 0 - • m s wat
.• ______ — 'r -- ",** -- e 1 4
.! ! 1 *, - -•'* • !*--: a ...• • ' --.... 4OD •
lal '- ' •'. • - I oresta....:-:.4............... CO
I • . • -• a ...! ......--.= oo
.'/ • . 2 2 ° ' '`! 4 :;• ,, ° .. , a ••• :-.4.—....—...4.1 co
Tor a trirmoosoolossoisoooomoco.cour .. -:
oleas os ra
101, anor.— —.4...........78 'cni
.t ! ,.
"I tyCASiiti 130 N 1111 21TRILT.CU: 1.1 . 4'
*.t. Iwo& II !,. •.i- •! ! '.W. womotOwN,f.,-..,...-..,
to r /karts etkoeS
--'• I - I; llll 4 l,64— i r riato - arriTak : or -, Wesuirti lio.
" -- /1 . 4110a1ii.18 lie:Lt6orty . 1,- 6 4.9 *wh o' Wolbf
...,..:-4. -':-- ~ ' - .:' • 141114 it 01.1116.
7 . ` 113 OVIt WIINAT 11L 1 .1 1 1.0 - 4,4liting, froolf - --
19.0feriti." !2",1 4;tikiiiillioli, 41 tiaiotY .- A . '"- i
4 4.1 1 FlitD''CIOUNI=1,N
1 rioildonittoosipatio „.„ , ~ , „
... , , ', ,(,,
s ah haz
, •onotiodoiliboorot - -...... -;1. , -..--,- 'sr. se ',.. -- , 0,, -a: --, ~
041 1-;' , - , -''', - ~ -4•14 '. ." • I . ' " ' "••
.1)Z. ! •• ' '..' •• .., ..:17-;vf.-Vi
; ..611 , A , • ' - I , c - " 4 "' .-- il 1... , • 'Y - -
. .
. _.... .
,iii. V.
O•VM -54, bus.r -- .1 .--- al„t. . viiii) Q.
41 );i1dtb..5,
r • $ Ottfillir,D At, PO. ,
IT 'Aiitii.;..j.kilil.,!bcvirlard.jt m ree'd aster r1KE.4 6 .14 , ..4..0 1 / 4 OtotakitivrAwfair
.1. , 1 *044101 . 1 ~.,i: 7, W„?.4. 1 ! litll it Xi Qa,, , .. ~.s 14 7 1 : 11 rif,apiPtitill.1•67- •, d_ _ • ~ ~, ,
' — 'll4a • ,• '", • , • ... ~ laktA , laLsrbivi• ,
ipOßATOES. 64o :bikorrhtlibilotistookftst T •
' 1 1/ 1 4- ''l'. ' • i , ''' •' Ai
• bAt --Tiiii0,4474i;.:r17.:77,0: kirmilitva,l:. '9 / #.44.o'o 4 4# ll 4'tbriiii ii iic ootr I
,at,v/... •
10karukillrime anust 4 o. ~- $ 2,! ,, 0ritti1.. - ,,, 0
'--740:7r-'-417e' .--r -1 v . --if47 ''• allildrrlic -,? WilitaiiVii*,,W4 , 1.4116-.`-
1.,...7 i . . „ 41`.. 0 .,,,*•, ...',.vs4- , ....211.14,.....0 e..l. ..., ' 4 . -.,47,•ki, , A,..90 , , : i_04 iz..,t.1uV.r.:128.1- . -
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, _
•.• • , „
til scu til a Cluarblr. Arargralx, Beceii..,
OTEERlYilt_: , :abia-Stscate 3ilibkitilt
moat 0.2/Ltairmar , a;amtroatioaavri.v k . ,
tb.1it,31.2. , Pff ):Arlitt i.;14 . 11' fi b _ Pilteaag aa • itel , :alntrikailioioAa , lichhop al Win.
• kidtY—Tb r, ..44 Vi - P . •*ii.jyrititk . 10.4lipg gni.,
ettuti. on VatrantitAstreft*tr eterry'all• y azafThirl .
ii= t viLtwjer . : itr c azgk7t. ic 0 4).4 i.,
4it*osrviiiii andliVa o - RV7,lerzt .. .A•etitir, 2111.0,,y, Oly. 1
- arith th• ground apparteasat. Lelni 'our. acre I. Ilthlcti
IS a Otearvh. , r,V,lo3lt, k .rattla C.I.VoqiIOP; tiptabla.. nod
. •art• laNnbtka.l3. lima tram al.o r a 61,4 lel ill ..s,v,i 0.
Tina Miadi;iftai i!.• !Amara l a,i
.; ~.ii fa itrialhot
T or parem:lart sa4 - f 1;2. 4,1!, to
II 1,111L3 n i
. .
• • , r..ii. a..ax0.1. - , 1,
"..., :1! 'iiieim'n4 a mid.. rinvir,-.4.' 4,
Attyl43l in. in , ll. Mi. a •. II BIiLL. No. ICA Funtili at.
VO Ft 6A I. .filihtisAlio - SI Ft: roe.
brat tf•4l/15N - vi ?ARA atty.
to inhfro Dit•rr k Igtito4 ro rm.
tmictestaintl t ES age• it Aiu a
bigtrwurw• e r kuttore•wrA. t 0 f rt,t. vett Ao FuqUeht
Angrt•en,ni , S.'o 'eat , St*c•r:rlatira, rims: "anal vo:1
rvitebeworinit etlnto ~ ..lieudowlttv . • •t•litii•l*llo43,4
wat0 , 41t1910v7.% ch r , etr 11;A
.Nofla'rutit;or 1 , 3 :MEX. CANPLIKLZ, °it • ti• Orvla,
. .
aOW A F Ai. tt.IIIN I,4ii u..-- , ' the aunsdrib
-4.; *moat 'noon!. ‘ku vonta els boo/trod tali
Abolot , tocoOo„olttutto4 lo 11t 1 ttO owl flondia "am Ifoo;
adjacent to Ilt. of Itailtoschi 1:10v to copra* of cooOtroo. '
ItkOk, sad ono mot oily. {WY thl fro itouretonity soot. [
, Thirahrolo will to: WO toot Ito. okotl, of - oUlto , of flit
hiltdog.ioods foobtoor ao3Otastitoottotlis.... - ,
- - r --. ,
tiolff. • : i,:.. , . , Atkos* b: S. O.ONSNR. 194 OicotoKat,
ii -1 51RES".1',;:liii 4414; S VOA 81:1]
Waturac49ll•o D 1 tarmii..sisircited 4y •tblientk.
elt*r an: ICfs , ..kgl , able , 1.0,1in . ..err
• or Yr•Oao•
bWildwan..troattulu a tuft - • I , s '
I ,R 1.114.6413, WV:MR . II4
• ; -NO.,l4lol24l4lPTAmikuSemntiumiL....,
.ATEIL iFutt §,ALR:140114.,a-,4,l=firViioicr,
lila. impirte ta 16.1
tc!oral Would' r,ry .40.• ar• LA • 'Xi.
'OO2O, 01 < 11 •Nii Yr•,l YNraYallt
lAlUtt I.s—lawA'Afrialidid"*ACtimbn,i4s
Alth 14.'1;3: t4t cw I wt, /not Vas aAd &ant.
• • 411 1 / 4 14 within tAitniot.A• at Ah• .WAFins.
bu salln.rsa St,tion Th. ninny And tl.bAll In
• up t otyls., lApneonst omnpin4:b3l .Mwn!srbo,.":l.^.
W I'b. iidro ftMaata••• tem Al
• V • •, A. AN/MR.904
• • /*San , tiottiv. nm,
tuiineis _Aoticin 4c.lttestipci.:
. . ----
1. . IL. --, 'a .ava.unamated wil. us::iu
11111 folandryll•Wros y l %Min L 1., PISNAIIf.:4%•••
th• unit will lA.Antateened WW •-r• lAA nobtaDA•tyle tf
P 'NOCIE:STAILT k Ali•-- - . 1: _ -• • • • • • , 1' . _
aprillkll4o: , • &MN:M . = A 1:1611*, , - •
Al ,
..Pa B octx.f..-4.4...1. • -r . " - ammi...•. : 4-i - J.1.. sank/.
t s
' r k2Q ggq/ C ;; - 1 3 * 6- 1t : Ok ,-PP..,.:-: 1;';,`;
.._ , „Vkaripili4iiiii..l4lll,*ll.2 4 , prrtei
1 ... ~ • . . •,' A' tertulatit.inipply . 4
• •••• . • •.• • i - -
* .IL MU tl`..llzte, AND P.A1401: , ...5T0P1110 4e OFIST.P.E,
.' • IMO!! 11•OXER; al: ••1.. 0, ktotww.a, 4h e i r im w •
~. 1 CIA ,, TL-NOA : 41 ,. .1111411NTS Tea- It Rett.Cl, if AD? • .
• • I - AND tAt WES? 111.1)Pro IRON aND N. 11.8•• 1 • .
Alder . mod Of 4. Pipe., , flout :Pri,o, JEll ' dad .
::- '' • JtatAii,47 - CisNti*N: Med.. inn &r -' .1
• ' •
ablciail' : • ' . • '. ". . - ' ,
- otOrilla,. or Itirtes .2 i!
1 a`camodtatioital'distalie;teraraptimi Of the'
t` h ood. by which this fluid, .beet ti yttisted;
weal., and IOW:1i Sitinglzt the airetilatirre. t
ittervades . the whole body. and.may hunt cut
td direase on any fart of it. .Mt *organ is free
fi.- its attacks, act is theta carowhich it may
übt dMi*, r The etrofulaue taint is vatiotutly
eittsed "by - ntatiaxisl disoMe, low living, iii. 6. 1
ofdered-betiriltialthyi' COW.' ionnite 'air, illib
Old 1 3.1tbihabits, *et deluallong,vitos, cad.
a /944 ell; tri tbe'vistereal ixifectiois. - s:What:
eft!r hertlihtigio, it j a, bgri l ttaZY l 3: l33 .loc. ,ii , ,
Latution,,C.cscc343T3g ° Pampa:rata to chilaron t
alto the tLiia eackfaurdskrolzabloar indet'd.
,id secnwie bit' theroll 6f rim who •says, .1
via- vi#t lbe iniqUirits iof the 'Esthete
theiihildrou.' , ~_.; - ? - . 1 .
' ; i its ,914cta oonirnencel4..deposition from the
' blood Of eontimor.ukentos matter; which.*
t'rci: Luigi, livet, and internal termed
sr tscreles 3in tHe 'glands,- a ings;' and on
Cie satiate; eruptions at eerie. This foul ccc.
vilftion.'srhich *enders Mlle blood, deptanali
the energies of ltfe, so that scrofulous mulatto..
ti ,, ,s: net . only tarifa from' scrofulous own
pl Aints, but they /Um far, leas power to with
stand the tutacks_nf. other damson:. conoi..
,vlonsiv, , vast numbers , Istrialfilbydisoniers
uXub,alther.gli not gere64.o , 3s La:t wl:attire.
ars still rendered fatal by this taint in the
apron. Most .of tronsuurption which tie'.
cl: news the human Lamar has its origin dinmtly
in t.s scrofultruirsontantination ; aid mutat
de rtructive disearcs of the liven. kidneys, brain,: :
1194, indeed, of all 'the arum aim Inter pot
giv sggresated by the same cause.
I erre quarter of ell out eme scrofulous l_
their . persms are ' - by this halting in+
faction, and their health ir wide-Josh:el by it. •
To cleanse itftamthesystemwe mustrentrvatri
the blirad.' by emelterative Medicine, and Me
vigorate it by healthy food 1 and ' exercise;
Stselt arstetßeine we supply ill ,
... .
. • • AYE R'S. ,
• Compound Extract of Sarsaparedni
thettart effected rereedi *blob the medical
Atni of atr execs - aut',derise far this ewri
when : prevailing 5.....41fital milady. It is can:
tamed trom the mean attire remedial., that here
tan aueraredfortheeepuriatibttef this foul
dissri!or froze the 'bleed: ehd the mate of the
frees - deetruetirel•COMM/MICELI
'Feder it PIMA} till• emplyed . far the , tuna ef
;net c earfuls, but else those ottai edire4
_ lath miss from it,:,lntelt as }:ttorrzst
And Run' Ifiiitces, - Sr. - A:mares Fa:P:l
Ron, or Zerstritue. Ptirriaut, TirturzlP.l
Brum; Dzsbis end .flears, Truois; Tema:
r.-4 • exty /bum, BeAtD Ent; Rn4 , 0170=4!
Unur:Aruu,Srr turar:a and 3/EIiCtIIZA.Z
dune, P 1747,
14=1, Ail Co2d71412:111 ilatirpia rnox V/TIA.,
OP. , popular . belief
! . .i5... - -,.."l.4rofthe.Read!! b founded in tr. tb, !
for rerefulats a degenerating of the dad: The
artituler purpose and virti-e' of. this Seretze,
*la is,ter.wify and begeeerete tbisetlel thud,
• Itftbeet I;lieh ecr.nd health it. impossible In!
eontinelnated 'anutitutier.eV •
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
-ta ssamorpoted thst•dizesselaithin•the raters c
their &CUM can rarely eithstend or emits than
• Their- ;teem:sting, properties 9cusels, end theme,
snd iastr:oyatc , every portion of the, lenren emus. :
secierorting' dlsesseid.action, ted mamma
iis em;-
aelenseguttie of thesi
..' properties, the letilid • aho is boxed , dawn with
;tiler or • yhnifel debility is &smashed -ter find his
heelth or merry restored by 9. roniedy at once s
zap* end
Ant only do they cane the ittenrdny emsnisitts
..ef every leodyr alp many fermideble sad
dangerous , diSVIEVS. The ecru:l9lcm asated
pleased to furnish mils myAminiean Alzonette;
containing certificates of gun cam end directions
. , fir their otelirtbefolloiting limmplainter Cartier
eat; liroetbortr, firreeleehsterfier - %firmn disertterod•
reonzTrkiram.v,rizth:qprionl'ancin and 111eitid
Initio.44 of o.i. Anal, TatiTeivir. 2..i;ge of
rife,Jeur.dics, end other ,klothrti . ample
_ from w/o:: slats at alf body at elairtiraost
*fits functions. •
lAy,eii : CherrylPeitoral,
. .
Coughs,. Colds, Infloonsar. , Itostaloneota
_ Croup, BranchlE% Inetriamt Consular.
f tionintid for thesultef or Cousrumptlio
Fotionta in . idirissetdlittagaS of tho
i. So wide' is the gild of Its Sinful:4es and so no.
mercers are the cues of its nuts, that almost
every station of canny at otords,lar perpons
licly known, who bare Been restcaed tram cnr-iriy
end,' liven . arptrato attesse s the longs" bY
dee, ;When ones ided,.lta teistricril mar anti
other medicine ()tits kind is too apparent to escape
Oksentlion, and when its shines are l.oxy, the
public ma longer hesitate whit antidote to employ
for the dishes:dm; and dsagetonaweectiana p it.
ittlinotiary °spas that en incident to sir climate..
zany' tutelar - remedies thrum :vivo- the
nottunttnitY" have failed aid beim ttistardeb:thia
haegtdned Meads 'l7 every trial, coaretred bend.
' onthe..WM:tad they can amter.forget, and pro
duced CUZIM too numerous sod too reeosrksble to.
be forgotten.
~ • - : ,., razttiato BY ' • - •
!. c. AVER co.
LOWELL. 31486.'
A.tpaltroroctr A 'CO., rattsbnr,,b, stet Vaal. to r.
01.) LI VER. 0 gt , la: pure fur tete by
v. A. D. - 4mq D. 4 s 'C aO')
' Urn anal &v ,
. AND etleTt Y
udro 'rniterrr; 1 boodto 86 p yr-hi—nox
(rum rtaroor !Watt for W. rry -
1 a ti.--Pquer Ikt,ko iur
! perm. COott p pealed la' Ibt. Fret. bbr
bmk• 1111111BTON 4 - Cll.
Ilesm Job Illmsma.tbmtben.r.., 6? Wr.b4
111,Tyr.T.B.A. - FA,,111,1f.
rixt , 4—so atYs 02110 Cb i. to *rev, 'Or by
tb4, , . . ISAIAH mintev 0..
00. SYRUPAtosnesEs,
6 1 . 10 '
. .v
IRE , IBUNS ANL* oltiAihJ-4 /oral!
,ta tar ustatoik•At ria bacd, "or my t=7
• , H. W01.t7,
et. No r nu Liter," /et
, 50E3uX 5 Wuu U 3 lITARCII i hi store
- 4F. 1 Le t o3'. Grt
• , , ""'
4 t......n.
btrlCrese. glib; dAy.
FFops—A ! Tacks ju.i,lll Said )0144110 by.
Of EMIL& rEACIIES, tit niriVe;aleby
,17 , 11 e fidttptli. V 4 - 1t:••
UlteiltATAP & - blob ,Arg,, Won= .4 n TnMrf
AND Diattitx,„:
Rope. 'Ociiitat;:Yitoll;.
Men l2 6 o6 ti -- .
' Of o.ll6"Witivitit'Vrag
Abo 8mft012410, 4 .,. laullst0). znite
AO ,131,11
W 14 40Z7M13.4.1:a3
Net. 'its't S' Wood St
lutmaui Aplasfor tbe *do' CI Pig 11
wad RlOninc No' Mt Liberty sifter, Pittrburrbl
_ ,f L 'La. , X'3A. W UL . ,GI
-11- . 'FEB iIA• &it Iriarobbot, - Dealo. ILI Produi,
PILLLImpt. tdaattfietstkies . , Nc94l, WILL."' Lreet, was. Ob.
. imuu. Imo
.ar.iii'atuicomalosos it0:174 Wpps
• • ••
•• •
, ).146timai.u4
,• in 4:4
on* ir.4 ebb!.4l l
M LI T : I
iio-Litt Oroaa, rroduc. Catomuida, lkf
rtry'l= ZarATMAurriVti4l%!
• 40 , 11. .1”.1 .1. J. ant
rWELL,- LEE: 4 , 00. ; OWII4
t ilLBAllri
" 0 tucerv, nochice. and Onnid.aarif .04.4 a
Waluily Pittstnult 2imattreclaresiago. ltross i py
tea. W.d.r and 'rant sre. tlttelnar?.. - • mr:
Gra; Cloaxmlado/. aid
Maus a Prvuloce, Ptalaar mad pip:A.2o4y thatardureit.
user ema.l"tttatatgit; ls • I.
Lt o Alzw. 4:k 00
o ti•aat no
Atm!) onuougsw wad rarrardbyg
wma 4.6.• I. ...a puitom - gh M.e -• •
go.. 161 ut.rts• thour g e, h.- •
4 mers,teartuTh3isrebant.„.4l4l Deakra ilk /110016
W" ... # 4 ". , M "a 43 r,"4ll4o.4.ltigst.wratu
boultlactlgtg — ,
Xtr.4; oiiociipior to John •
liiit:r4; 4414 in Naito. Voitiouen. AO %N. 6 W.X4
"umg.Mr , mtvf DA5n0.4.4:1,13.
Y.66;',470 7 . 1 ;T.1 731 g
A Butt ‘.s sT,A'
► - tlosetts,lo4. ea woio am," ' door to W.
I L. &A I, !SLR - LE,IIANU ri
Nu. SIS toartirat.,Alpollu Delldtopi:
4.. 0 Lt. I is NV1.71:
'No. 61 Firm Onus,
Opp*site Oddl.Fellcrare =sit,
dfCn wort done fbe the trade.
j.a.:. - pt •
*ilia . • affair! flatius
• ; WILLI/a/11 ,WA/11/.14 • .
litoadOlbalgiroa ead'ob:giocustiial Oar awaiy.;
Pu - say 4 0211 piX,Mloson tt.ruV.cuy
• atila txrazi.
'• Those mtabbaa to lustrr tad, taaßiey v.;.d.adialic. s .
Ma Wrap and drat and 5t...11.,d. ;4,. 41t. tux 7.45,a,,, lot
cucuraisinitioas 1104 Mk . caanCinuu
UM* OltaNT SriiirrOVOWil, Pra GOW.*
ttleAr • •
ibititstt; Stg,
Waimea 06mA:A Alley awl Twartb racer, Sots Ageat
cuteramo A SONS' Imettia) PIANO POUT/9-I,ldA.
g, aO Dealer la Itloalc.rtd Alusierl 1).1d1,
- •
lILEBIR .240. 6a- - Finn
me. ; Olga attb4Goldkrithal e ,BOto 4414 filf riVTINt•
a • (ttrir ' York) untivo4l•4l - firm!
. 1 . -M. 0 11",
ri.A.Nos,..4?cazuArc • lisemarl DA •
DIXII4IS mad (MIMI 111ixtroxilIme, Nakno in itlciuset
iiA 1 TTI , BLIJKLi , - Tair.
Cit and Desist tb Pi.yc fort.poind toyartma Nivsk
Yoga/ auracxr.:*. • Bois !vat Gar i.
IRASCLII,44O+ lIALLE, DAVIS it 00-% Dow. ?Sift*.
altbaild *lgoe* Aulealk atualtomu. US- Wvalstmeet
Wu"111' W•ralso' woo.
VIVALTZ.B . Wati3jllLLVit..t.lo:,
ey -p.m. sod Dsoloss, at Wood soioesAessma Spurt&
=rt alsa thsassAT Allsy, sham mks ho Rand osteasmt
...sportiness Sl'ovisi rap. Unsistrsv,lss Par
l; a. Male, /Mal,/ iiipeas wad etym:lls. also, Maims
crset.t7l!.tl7 otthk.isl lo algal ,
WALII I / 1 1". ADOI2III/13. ALM
insuralur Agnate:
_ _
I: 4 GORIX*I ticw - eiLty WetAtTE Irma.
• *t....00..49.,9,0t
.. 0:111N; AA•ttrfur hag.
racta•urz!lai - mew, •••
r. a. maatuasi...:.... ' asaaaaa
12 LI itell6l6 ' & Vt)., (tuooteooto to /dm ,
0.1 a tintebtl+l4lFhol•sis,ted /Watt Nokia In
r•icyl4l, b0udaa.,2144.14 rid e r Ponfr.,,,d
.SlARMivact.ti• yl lL'''. • ": •
ri F irs
H.:l;4)yr, Dealit Id' : 8 iirplet *ct
444.,:a1 tto crogoial kora Woo, Zo Ti
nottotoomot. tltoaondo.' • , . . • -L9 •
I) • 'IL PALM-1;8,1o: 106:biadice4-Stieri;
nrts4 Sitnor. blo.solnp.
OID doca.grolatly.. • , •
Tea 1.100
• • ,
gmbnctog vier, 0!,7111 at
A? . Lir ..B, 4W - 2
'X' ~ r t • 2% .19
?MEM:WOO/Dot id41100a211( /iLIiD 117.41.21\1:
ima,M. me _
r4J111,01144 &LIU Mmum A niqprila itXrifo .
.. 4i llti t i t irrorri Mil% ft ern Ti. fry , tzar. .
sacas; J. atr0via54::......i..0 a. ravel
Totowa * cm,
rutiNITIIIM AND ; 011,8.111L' •
• Of,Ewery Deuariptitra.
mums-41*w &Odom, lark ina4 Etroui. carne.
ltatekonse+ool. 18 b 40 11101$1441ild'il.,
. A
ITUItli .11'1.13A11:2,
- )lonAth-stbta tctoAlt- m l ph, radon Grasatthosaactilaud kris. •
lIT'MN-g Ooldon 0) np., •
an boot. bII . .
'•• 1t0 1 4460.d....116-bblo to 0 , II oboaco,,
11010 Doti ' do ;
.1-0y0kc0)...40 tvotoodord trand.lii sad 10Y;
Cl7l`A OtilootS CO-to ktdaditto..yorboi tre4i. . ,
,;:0001t 011,..14 bbienni cr." •
aircu-41.1131.1101. - IRlL7ll—tiltro pr1ti.131444.:
3 - )31 , tA3 P-14 Ina Pay* 0.10. eo ,
.1 .6cuP'-ro do rwvitt por Id ot,.
b()DA-0 2 01 to, toll !Mt i;KoNtlld 1111..)!IL
11 SotRIAATUO---Id hot tho-o yuctotob - •
4•• NA I. oh o71170...:0 fix. do , •
01:10 CIAPI—A3,O(39 C• 1-6 , r oaf. by rrll,
. • WAIT dWI L 00. r SOI14: orty
eztju)caiii.EB; t-1;ii)
'Viil~GllrtDeO,. e , If. end WWI T. as.= ' • •' '
tzt outurtio Totturct,. 40 to fryiltrirt
Oltet R 4... 100 Irtt3l4o.b Stifik
. - - *l44* Nu.1111ttpf44414a144,
.; fin du Cagthnt Tar, It Inuotte OH,
4 , o4ustlut.teht 10 not Tut*, ' •
UV du Cora Emumt. .44.0 lqp alyrtod Wlodotraistt,
tfl{ba otert) twattletot of anletteld the Groat, Ilur,
0)4.444 ty (1u34) 2!1IIN fIAJVIth CO. ITS Itcit4at,
. -
SI'IIITRIt itunD!, In th. thy, t,whlth vet ea putt
War itstatitn Ctlllop In, It% ' • '
UINigN 40Y$ Y{ Ithatyt strtot
. it V. auwArap , icuO yo4oirbbibigrc
harm mad mblitay Cillyptot *at, • '
enebytlA4rtylitat !Man sumac'
lay owe, o.
all tne bat besixte of Zast4 lidd`AtllrtillWl6l•ll;
welt. to 7 WOLJP, Jr
"."; 9•25 - • • ennur tifwet er.d re Ober irts:
u onss ;gigs ; ilorse
for aliitot Ingtol eige. • "
•.29 • 1111'4110 VlX:lll'OrilkPlir& 04.
'1 • •PJ - 1./t1 • /fit ••
GOOD of era, irtrippo,of loop ofi
4 03 —• • - ' C G onnv 4lD01:11 +faltot
- 6 177 :per. g •
J • ilk 11.7..a.t. • , •1.
_ _ _
1,9 u[...l.•,,smaiiv 11.4-60 ur
apry wad Nr ni• ' • -
oso lens-tray i al
Pyyl uran
;-,.taut wei="l2:"As.
- ,)
witiret..lnrisitinta I mo , '
ntivoir.“ vit.illorik Rai 41446 , , , arj" : 447X- f
e ibiettelTatii;
renders p ers .
6 . 4 . D
WA. lteiyM4stw+,4
1 3.cordmiirvstic.Ais Lowy* .fil -t•A pecour
ati«,,Nd (.1.2‘4,54.0 4110/0/ AS I
Aistrionliartil , :inTarkek.
• 1141449
ZoVeitailb lily, Iltraw mid ►caa:e Cairn;
Pckrst , Tltrigial. Cider Milo awl other ,
•, .•• , &third 11
k.U..E4 MinufiCtiiric nr!'
• . 1
' Xaniblptcb . OIL, UAW A\D DOMED, ,. ' ;
onurs fk.ti pl•gird V. the 'Ulf% of Mr,
Wb , own, And Als*DA Job. .141 t34.1'
LILA: ty unDen iircr thlont4 no‘uira of IVLA.leolal) IQ*
L' at'4lo, A 14,0.. toodmi prolopc•slaitios.
„ .
5 1xe5.04. • •••••......a
,1 1 9rjrnqa” - '4411* end_ - CY'llere Streets;
, 1 - UN., Ask W•to - Werke.'
P - 1. . r - P 4.,
e 11 aBYL1L48 A.Sf l'lttOisl)PATstet tdOILL AT
•' 4 4 .T.i.emtatiPS4 VA l . l 7 l # olhll 01.!
litattfig pat ltp Maddnery at , Ant Na.,
*44 Awit!N'An(purprirpla v.. do tort}.4 *ad
'ratßortWMlif. int. l o , l o " PrOPT s s o v d ;be:
ss. vowthatur adtunageo , biotetoZni,
itztommind hk • doe antaeors. t ' •••• !
alle , hoomil • silmis fwiro_adul'legtah 14 Let. :-'.',
• Ilk,t4T l ^ U.S. • .11 , %0 1.1 Ai Op -
ANU)( • itiJolui OutitTela "
S'. UTUREI,6 , : and Amportere , OT
2,11 Voiskat*TlTlOrOUT•l7.T.l"..° .1).".1
4 nums.,thiew.i=uagint tio.l4l.lTouT
sues!, „Thy, ori! . 41, ...uat i 10.51P gq.
. . ..
;. - . wALPlA , ra , a4tartr-L44
61 Paul Pa.
Goa l'orkbrh_ Abusatounsts et 13
.rtadtr. eta , ml
mad dylitt i lkdlara,CLihriuij i ,
4 .1.1 ftvet bvaltawly irteaws, etc,
1,194: Vladnctst "
OM. 'All arthIITION proopsty stimxled
; ' •016; • syr r illovo. aro ; ;
upr' -Nv.'BRAD.4IIAW, (Pileaeiux to T.
.1. cit Aili La). Si.kauflas. of TIN; LION
and COM& 111:41tA,•od :Dufat BTOVEZ, AO., 134
•IP ()Or STILL% bet.lei! /Mb awl Viigto ellvy,
, Lao!. 1.• - • ,, awv atu'bi •'A sec
• -
$l6. 6$ Fourth . •
• •
csaAt rx.RPD I..hes
Obi, se Wader/add) awl ditardar arembega Iran. idry
Brat so4kosamideue:drehtra4
[ember Gra fria4a n to el arlock..
• Dafentita. rea•dred` I anon-wt te;e:j o4a
re , Shirked .off.tba•prtdLi . - lerlared"cidcet • fem.'s',
, IsSe mad December. .SW bead declared;
sad attel Jade SO.Dalatebrr. Diode itte Bank 'sit ' , won •
mn. year. '
latotaat.if nut drone out, brhccel 1 , . Da cradle dt Itas de ,
I..attor'.• rat adeadourd brand°. as!.nr trend tram the/tore
Loa knelroteel Deaddebre4oomraen.lloß meat a rear add. -
lat.trattblisir thedaiddltat I•eallar •
ark. rrneeta td.
pia" Doak.' 41 MG rates matey InD face eh, 15 •
yeah, Malang ts etaa,syrepte Lade 4.4Sors aux its Vin'
Drelfeettitalzdai tly.Law4; Itclaa sod
ItteFraita7detiat grafts, an rho crtfmi. • '
Aaree . faclet—GEOßQZ ..
fleiiimira. • , Jobs 1.1. , i4o.eubee tee
James ) ' llasandtr Bradley,
• Tod. D. dellst... , lama atain.,
tt<4l4l ttati A. 61.4%..11...k,
• • 1111:aea
Hill Darnley Le . Wittliee 4.1241,4 r:
- - •
tan . 13.13-miluttl;!"
Mut Ivaco, • -
Marl • : -
13.jsmie I. r114.46:3
Jobb Mialet
*Whim 11.11.14
14 , 41,11. oulet,
Th.rttecry 4.14 rramio,
' .ad
I 'I 11 aamplidet czt '
514. o. N. ammo COON Nassau e Mr=
oz rdc•4 l .l*: o s lo tattr. 41. 0 ?
vent 41,1. 7.trh7.10.4
" / 1/8/1 AC f Lit ' CAA ' SAfltt .11 =.
... ~ ~
J. C. 1 . ILI DWE . L L s
le., . ,
.. . . .
. . , Iktof•••• to !bra Oidooll,l
4;8 - ON ' lIAND A VEIIN , LAROZ ' ,
in the dlthooirf +tflifok if;tt to 0 •119t7 Iffl Mfg./. sad
tVitalOrli MP moo./ .CU 11ZW Oftfill woo Wog ...a.,
is a. oir 4 t l r4 pat .1 . I,lot 016411 U. lot froufllot iT) I. .t Oaott ol moot 11:01 . a 54 +Paw ass 6 4 "I ..1 ' ...44 11
faint's aiilti• - 411/11. WI ti *pa. la turn sad ob..
y tout, VW* Warta la fb•lisfoot 'No.* tootog all.
' .. ...knTeUOPPn.II.St• it lib Rod OS Iroll. 'Wilt*.
*WWII. *DJ onJkloi ULM oposollos •loa•11/./4 at of
tit /11•144fory, : i iTio sod Cli/Oo till, , tyres
Wet In all i/i ate Po brood Otlyoff.
Jorfatlas us roopocotollyooffotod, ; .
"riise OLD -, - ..11A1 .
1, .. Ili ' ism .iiiiisolii;
! rl3 o 3:14.4L: e i As 7 , oar Et.
i . pai
, oi.ll,4sulo t r .'it,4o..
-II ; - •.! • , , psoriakrost... .
• li - i iinvo i
_Tataglir.iiadttuallb , , ,, At i
i g oro
.“,,atitipiaty.wil t 412 it. moortoi
: 11 " 4 " 0 " 04 . tAff P•Pular rams. thaooloont
ff, popoool so • otoonoola• Id. ff ow,do asu too e.o.m.
Otbom , ly. Ineti lb. Ova Ito males affada : _
uTilliatO will 1..• foiVroi tip arms, ••11.17 of Iflll•
i MI sad A 1/1 as hole mango& to to•oftuotodbro
f•iiii , abOo•or tbelf iospollfoll..
t• fa tering pp el At bow% MA VAT 004 N 10 al
D• 011 fawn. c oplO4l T anYi to *TAMIL
-.."----- - -
110 91461. If 0 Ilklidtel
btla. 1 1 1 . 0 . 71.,0101 ,,
s 6,
109 tora,,lld.rd• d,?rided
'I NO tap wow
aa porta , ' iaar Odir4
IEO wit.* War Et4adt Tvbwox.4
213.0 t. ad 4 do
14/014 1 194164T0ctig 146991 ml 111941 r 9.4414
10 aso7 bass deo do 90 So
2 ~ N 9,049.0.911
10 1 00
nv 9l4
190 LIP, !asMl a 134 hind,
te.r**ad E,r.4.Lr 41 , 21.0 Aircc* I.ZII a
WataLACZI'S roan:at:v .
ugh'. and Zoilei Shop.
§T.CA4 2 $OlAN*B, alt Macs, on band or
"mai Omani 3.19t400 entn.sve:4ol9i4. $lll4
114101. .4 1 111.44 C10011:143, 1 . 18.1,[1,4, .7'llA COQ
ez .. . 1: •.11 41 111 1 44
, 31 , 6 , 1 1: 7) d i ; 4 44%7 , 1 ,1,
e LcUta
' i rto ( 4-tifr ut•aastmot, automat,.
tvlcatro, Smear seri Mei inane, Portable
flea me Who. — /M In the country—R/4On
Ptthel Bett e WIN Nang it stables en) Mill runtaltrll
04 11 kiede;n1the ktenn tenni. W.W.W Ll.eutt,
cr14,6 • ..141ceejli Vllene
AftbtMl4l4.44. 0 - 14olorsa. • ,
1W brz..l ", :bar.O.oorloft 1111%114ft •
•,• 44 ISkeit pit// kbl • • -
1041y0'b11.710 LA r lllOllll4 ' • •
•AO to/dlota 'do • , • - ee
4 to taw wmtoubi. - _
lon firm! 4.11, vutit1111111 , ),
1 400 bastirWla4ir fatour /kW.
Ti don y ouf eltioNat Whale Or • •
1 1 ^; • 1 1 . l
p Ry l4 bll4d Ol . cl i G
ro **l Illewoit Posh'
b'imb 11.1 1 1 11 10140..41.t01t05t0 oat lYlwe of .11 klub. att4
motet it %Web to vastly by wbamt,
.Iblk're .04 fa de by JOII4 T. I.lOVle 014,
J. (*lke brultheeW odd W,kr li . 4ilolbotgli ft.
i r il AOCCL2O 401,, qi".,xld 10, Rusisell a
':- i.uat,,4', r0b,..,..' • -y . , - .
'emms..64 too J. W. DtEdd/latejra.
•••••• •
A, do kildOu brook k .on Ido or d:b 1 o_top.
ID 'do oq.koted Plpto Aro., .10 gm Eel..
oDDldlottoye, Darbour a 00a Cot owl DU T oooo _ 3 l, ..._,.,,
-. 1 Aar* Das and Dq. Id man, r.cIIZI: VII , A ~ r p. u .
lom!...:tur solo to
.; . ,'' "IV .tfig f.theferk '
OT/91G-7o 'ltob, Cotton as all ottaT,
e t ""t'ilth^ta•lag
1 , enu.t.ta gram, a Lint aroll Tallow OIL ro l
.... 1 ..
!ro roll on acrommtel.tlng roitro.
w 5 DICliFr CO.
Fl,9 - A VA ir lc L - T—soo ,
~b ef..1,...iv.b.,01
t43lm lithdt* 'Oho Cklubt' Argot
bt bob.* ' do " do:
12 ' 4 " 4 . 04 to's'd• % , 1 rixvigica - Ahßignunt.
sert~uppt Cb.r.o Uoel.•
A;', • -;
It. I lit; ÜBBER• ot,trriiipiv, ..': istaing
• BPitt 11 4Pil•t4.i eint.i...41r.134411111nin thighlud.m..i
YAitt.thlo Ones, Qom hir.o44S4tini.Wbip% el Nom.
Door ptiog., 4444 Kr=4:l vurinty .of . were .rfples lei Ile
21 ... n.
1ti41% strict 114 s. at w!kri pu tand at 1414 II et .1;
•. .M , ~...,.,. , , , ..; „; , , J.. 4,N PIIIII.II*P.
(la UN' Itrlit. `liliTtian ANDEL3 --
NJ 4 , ip
.akirlhotlt. kr esetiabfattterit, c ,-'..!,,! ._
Bandeau's :Dress Oooda, Shawls: etc.. . ,
, OM.. .4 J . .:. I ::,,i , ' , o . trveallm 50171 14 44111.4 it. ..
• I±Stbl 4 (lo.lxl 66'i i
. at ettAilli Rita,
testae" Soap
Pr. se , f• e. atoct
.04 v.. • lterovt , ,Iptecurczot-,*
. •. yr!, . t
w a 44434i5, • • t
,J4,A ilcroditt,
P.A. Miso.:Dt
Sobel 8. Xleßur,
I Um.. B bfe•dr,
/AM" U. Auk!. .
Wattcr Niar.hblk
y, -
s ,AtalWhiT.Ov
:WA/laX9 4. grlin
rotund Po
Mowlf sod
10,114111 ms
of IltOl.n;06, for twojeirs wenn ho
... ly:-• ukart,r to 0:•118 at-Al rams , —taztat
Inendi.,.nod uainol , ..d La nl,ps boort .
~,, . . .
.. , .
._ . .
1du7 114 111 an .anodadty. OW, ot ter 'Tenon 10..1ng 54
tod..Th se Alt . nunoula Oy lossmilkOt low. .1,1%
C20.710,v0t0t,4 to tat to ton.ot7 boom I • •
L R. TM.; o B.lgrode, llotan. truldilrl Iln_td &MI&
&mingles ourf, 4. oneynnen, outs won In evenro.lcs,'
sad Isopcovol to tpoltt.cre.
,idoipbo Mao •
L 1407•4 4b, puma'
-talH9t, least '
Ilt.sain4. of
iatk••• • dall• -
and make ka an Its woadetfal powers arid
f ull
, Ittasa, that 'hose who safer, or 'llia ars
theeskakewi , auffsrlng. may bs led to use a
simple. Jana s preparatioa, furnithsdl7
thiraeld of .N . kw . ' ' •
! . "an'a Elicostat. .•
hts. Bunch
iS - 614 64E1 !ow
Ins to CR otlooo,
1,..1..: , , , :,1 , ,,, , -; , _,:::,..., , .-,T.:; , ••
,:,-, i .„..:.,..! , ._.,•.*..
A,i ,,, ,p0i.400 - .:
PE f N
an Fever Charm,
NA N' tortsrrrorio - n SAVED ,NROM
'zsmargyr AR LI aziomy
(118E13 !Kamm) VI .1 DAT
ture's , Grand Reaniative.
kno•ma iv. ;Perdii A .6'o ACCE,
• pia a«I11of th.a.pria 11.1.0,D0 lbrAliboUi
, nult.stierer tl!I bow ne,.. by
• lad tnualeas ttui hotpot proclamd movent
ozotritAt,, - viiionsitse
T 6,
bat anzkus •
Mx, Vold r
starawfall •
.I I b affect
I he LIMP, the. PPLZEN, the LIVtA,II.4I
het pat elthelmautergettlem. The:.-. ..
14 the Aah
b t0.b.0 4m
Ibllttetfor oi4
*rude* tmity
viral antarniet ot.. all FEVERS.
!mart it. c. 0.% stith ttio ekia, ts.Vmslootl
ranolokb - el-Met !wily.wham* Rod ..ut tow
trlosa itiodulles %Wait ' '
P.tOT awl
t eitiopi • •
imo qf
Ikh,l • lang tr
alum* W
4 . 1-I .i , i'at • row No ON*
• t6ip.e/m/.1.111.14 invemne wh'es l / 4 8ea. at
• Whig ....rallied 14 Igo 0.1,4.14414.
rtef, lami(asio.t,
is .0 laurr,
• °Tiler to wono•11.•
Why , nil
debilitatin •
any ono suffer tho hariara of a
fi3ltT I'ENT ,rznit
ablp Inpectine;
when, b,y
In val
awn. ir•vGr k.:narra,
medieinal and magical qualities
instantly abeorbed, ' • - •
the eminent
`of xhirh ar
41, 1 'WES
P: DIELLSW MAY BE 4:17,511511..TED
FY 4 PAW .tiOn44ll
ae Id Idid.Rß TRAM ;din
; EMT D:
mem Hasp DIVINS Relll54V
, tar WISi A
2GT warte TIIC V 0011513 Dan)!
117SIKT 751.3 ni:IVS T )
I, 4 Y11:41111 DAN*SOtri
fan Fever Charm,
ands of both EMS of thl3:oloSt
d readful fevers
a.xt m f d moug
ontsurat. s/MITP
, .
/mot. riql. led la oca bear. *ls no
r• cf We Port iVa)ui A Ctleagg;Lairoa4 .
drkg 'nib Oath&
trskpcet,Arr Tcrtaure alln:41.00
• yethmt scut.. .
Man Firer Chum.
1 et
M. Does*/ et wad sod !mute&
n , rAmaterocs ca,
0.143 K of SIM todt mists.
(+Lona E venni,
• ..ta
lona ramie,
cog. fir
axon JoiorniN.
Outnar 143dt/deb! sub tottelb Itc
. ALL 2all
*main: tv..ratia dTP
Scut by mall
is, rat otth!Ohlit•d statri
1 RE
a • ty, tat Is antra:Ay,
B Li • fraga t • ,44!, !O/e4
0 LO fati*W
to bp foppl , to rboritywni
'D a
lD ",frtalti.nt-ii
Roo4 l / 1 .111,
4111-6. 7 74431W Z4-4e 1 14V1 . 4;
17. - - il.*:10417.111kont: ibeiketliedialtrei
tinw, •. e .' : ' ti l t.n 4l tt i urlfase l' P tlr oeltm L • • sub
tootvino stiVaill
F hde nitusuiti t ls
P 11 814 . a 1 4 4 41i0b14 d 4 Lit ,#4 O ,
13 ; 1 •1•ERSLitr4;':•
4 '
/LC()X 4 3; CO.'
ratiN STRUni,
'triton; vs.
1,1 Coasiaelcm'anifding,-,
TORY .611-
Eli ie, .s' . ' , * t) i)Vi i.l
S: • „ I !. , --c- , 7 ..-
."..3 ' ' fr,.. - I . ii e 4 : ga .. ,'
der/ l ;A, - - ,„.. ,...L , " f
tia 1
i'' ' ' 'PO Qi e 'a=m e ~,,„ „... t_l 11 k
HMIS WHAT TSB rzon.2 80.
The Cruleediened Lemke need Pretoveor vt ilPlill.rr•
BPECIFIO BOIDECIPSTIIIO 111:11651191 in r rocilles
with We Mon IBlalfratto7 reads, and ko re reel&
dome In their deseuntemba, pettily, ant Olney, eherfutiot
recommend them Watt persons who edsh to tarp rhea rot
Yetis, sod ciliation remedies of band far :elms or do
t -die rlilli
The Bev. RSV Hananr. enter at utise Pah= le le
wet tent,* Apt N ... T.• the Bev. IL tn. Creole% ELIE
Sector <lSt Chord; dolor; MT. i tioi Belt Eat E
tete, Citytkdet of the Auburn Stab Prime . ; thetir Roe.
f•reocol'iL aka Beams NereDedeord, num the Be. .
Allot beck s NoreTork Otenteream I_lha' 1 1 14 , •' 6 ,.... ',!,
`:10,31a 1 EsaCkance Conte:net% N. r. the n" r, .
P , . , t, Doren, Vt o the Ilea Sohn •MIND; A. C
Mee; 40.. Utka, K. T ; the Ikea N Portieo I.
nee: the lies Bchaykr Codex, Booth 1 Ito 1
Goal;, tikophreys. N. T.' Henry D. Eis„ Enke of
rue We Ewe Jouted. Wombats 01110 Usenet. IL 11.
tirdoo' lianas 111.; the non Theiel . . Citos . .„ nun*
cog", ce.; th e Ben. Joseph Beetedte ta 04 el, W e L
tfr 4 tot. EP.. Mica, N. T. oil B. Dyed, . . T.:
hoes Pluskoz. Et, Nesbit:lts Tenn,
aeu.l.--lor iti.t, Onagnaina. and 44f. _
No. 9 =For 'Warm &nor, Worn Be n, Udell the OM
No.a.-A. aft. area& Twelfth wake*** of
'aw.. i
14. 4.veler Dilinhers Cholera ham:7 add Boluarr
Co l:lslets F . '
No. ateertr Oaks Grtpispe, traterydir tdre Ilex
No. 6.--For Choler*, Chelere elbea v ._''
No. 7.-lor Concha Cone, Enloe". " d113,417 tr00L
len 8.-4 1 or Toothache, Foroacto, and Noutidni,
ttl. l, or noldache e Terillivenest add rid* ela of Do
Mot ,
No. lit-notrueu Pettre-Eor Wale anti knerseted
BlattacheOnnalpoka o and Um Complaint ; -
ilopp o. 11. N
ol Periods. -ilea ftdasalaseectosnnle Blall7lrailtrile or
roe _ " . r
o. 11'-Pun - Dencoortes, rotten 11 , 0 bes e:tatd Initial
160. ntri , or Comp, nagneConiull '
.`he. IC-fiett Barn Enti-lbr Zryilme ibtmite 'dostEnriletes,
NaPh i4n, C oihe ► aoo ..
US-Bssenteoe IPILL.-}orllllll.rdatentik
Ma to the Choate kole Utile or Ma* •,,,, , I
'6.-1 1 ,n• rarer ioed tddens atilt Yende r nwila
Pi...sraap4M AV.& 1
.- Ms, Blinn a. IrdiOns& Manta
th -Pot bora Made. or Ellieduld EPP '
tile WWI. or V.,114111116 1 • ,
ee-rer Coartn st leaf Nast ' t
eart dun ar prelate dirojearge.l
W. C --rue Villa:The: vearres ab I
shorten , noj Ita count • t • t
.. I. .ill score dike" lath so Fevcre i haat=
turrhos,D.ronctery, Croup, Broeuntenties and inch [varlet Pero, ritt
nee ..VJ,6201113 ch Netudes teedlerletrea'S 1 '
adeackee utising the proper mobilo tpromptly bob.
r no, end in all oath cub the vodka , sot info thorn .
The . vibe Doak In often arrested el 000 e gond ta all ebb
the violence of the afoot b cesierited, the disease el ow
neiNl, and madamd boa dampener. 1 ;
Gavle end Colds, which are of etch ilevesot teeturrenee,
and which, ao often ley the foundedlen claim: wind bodt.
bronchiole had comet ption,nmj mil he at once tarsi by
the Fever aced Cott., nib. 1 1 ,
In all chlorite oilseeds; meth ma A Dra
m pelyelo e Weidatvtarb ..
OvasenntloN Liver Contlaints. Foible Det4G% ,
Irraanneittels old lilatischea, Bore or Week ilyea lbliturne
dot ah 1.1121, and other old motion, the one adertapecees
WI., Kuper eprdeatkut will areal a can la slasbayreste
ineleteee. Often the cure or a On& throttle ilnelily r weedt
Co Ityspepria, Pita ar Catarrh, thaleteeha or Yeessie nuke
toes bto mon than paid fair the metal tidies di* t ,
C se of 10 ebb tea Ids* ht teeteceei "4 D 9 4. 4 , • ' ' 46
CIAO ot 90 nabs sad Hoot. Oda ... •-•• • •-• •t , I
Cost at Id
bode; end e..... ~.....„.., .
case of 6 tosee, tandoved, end it......:. . . .... ... 1
Shoe e emeehered boom, with directietta..4.. Xolillitit.
ftesee knave bolos with direatiool.-.. ,2 . ....A cent&
Lorre we et 2 az. Irk% for plaidero antephysidsta.Z.ll6
ALTO spumes. 1 ie
rok AM U." OI Pitevetea4pmeard, VARA baorle
tletathalf antended with Cough and Idepectaration? Peke'
l 7 vole gnbax
AA eta Disczasoot ma rianese...Dfiebatiaaftear the
I Ear, the :Beall of &arta Ewer Meet ,' qr If ereetiabs
Pot x ow. Id the need lisrdneelof wff. and *bend
Atzln the Zoe, and
fLo.=eted P rice , trtriatelter.:3l4
'"dosa niowNecitratickoa*tt
ct rrtren. Prim GO ennta pee boa 3 ,
too (basalt Denetten.-Fleyelosior Nerrooli 116skette.
Other the melt of Skates% Decoeire 1 , ,„*.e n ... El"
bomber Distioareee. Price, 60 meta per bon. , •
rw.D..“*.—rhad Afts.nlallaos,T.lld avail." ilni l
Cooney Seorettans. Prior, 50 coos pet- box. t • , •
y a iboalorms.-..Deothi7 814"44 V V. , 44.,
~..„,Itlns . [Dees from ridlng or noodoto ce, Flab
Fla UnZaf G
li Douala-. dr omel, Len Cal DLit
cal:, rai.w...l thlz.d.a. Awaits at aho XIMs• "t {l '
cadlo per atte., k .
Foe Scant Eatnemos--Involantary Diechargie and
o ,, heooeent Proetradatt sad Debility, Bel Rauttekt Eell .
Habit; The tam reecerfal and ancient. remedy ho
ms 11/ per hos. e;
and nay le veiled upen 811 li Cuts. Pelee, wit h 14 ditto
to 1 -, t
Portions wbo oldie te plus theeeseless under the rero.
elated tem or to seek adetes of Prof. lionotam, eats do
nee at /di edna tea *Wray. dailylirentitAA. tttitrx.,,
17C11 arum VT ran,. r
1.-ce over the ilait mats op a case or what kind yea
Ovens and below the aarenat in a etinetdraear W laalopt
Pp mall to oar edam, et Bro. 11412 ThnederannowltTert e
and the enencing eLI be crab Horded by Mil or neFtein,
Ail i'llil WANliltli-ne dere en Mtn% VilideltdOnne
f-r the mete er nor Eseceilas In eery born ar_coonadaday
Le the ratted Notes Addles,' Dr. Y. 2113178111111
.1. Sf, ruvinx. Tin eke, nablotch lalg it ell sb eilid
door Dem the Pat Once, • Wholesale Spat lor le
004 liana,: nias.l. AL FULTON A CO. Biretaihalrf .
P. I LEnt Ma and J. :. BAST, Miltih l4 7 ViEY''
4 z 4.
Thattastaharedally spaskote fa tlair pre. it I„ •
" tit Tyros
oortr,t.wg 4 :,-.
.aad by, h•ancw It *no fa* to . ii . terpotosolly,
bad wa
%tr. m limo: It meta ea It two-nice gad fala
s/Om way 9.tryt,,16 'on that *balltay la tro:
eattialua i
of inw klnclowd nnt•lbrs Oliewil WW 011,1 4 „ 41 0 1 0111% , „
iv. 44 . ) , cur at id Alitml al In decoking, ito nwnBBlool4.
out ad* twww no n 11.0.11161, mil 11.4,4 rellk4l4 pew:
py...tna moo 14protrio: If Lil UMW”
'LUDY& Dltl+Nticalc OkIPING 'IN Tllit Dollnma,
1C1D1.4 It OF THIS ISTCrdMIII. WIND, 1)01,0 UI 1111':
it C ROO Poin", tor seal* 'ha ea.. rtrnsetwfi
nouicollr &wt.. and rouppyr"*. II
orna..—hrlo, antikpaanewa blast grith ftlw
fettiv .1 C....rf I . l DhlttrLs/ON 07H111
}lie as NMI Calial ghli f. Alk.
int. ... dim tlalrr*ha'
64i ,to wax 'Ann/nos Mon nral wevaallOns.
11 vim*. ttlakrt are LOtaal4 na4/46,44. woof Netrattet
/442, unn• nnvdito fir Cbwohn mita 40,0111 k
rwtt , ate new/ ma law lc ATORNI IN/A.:WILD 0011bIAG,
Lias ta, Newly hamlets, salloati
nA to arm nra.t ttallcate la Nat. Prioe,ntattlall
aat . atarsay oath toms. Prepare at.
j tict 409 ilmotow, Navrott.
_ _
ibOalltict Munn ltood pop bobs • I
Mos, I holt. so with lb.; onto prowl* okasol4 -
thVantsoor too TRUCE Ilt/INDAPD. Analyst tbo44,ed
of a .Porsoo •O .slant tnan Connor tbs. Lbw pow
WPM.* eco.dols. aln • pod we dud ft; oa* goodmod amt .
to* detkommor In lb. rod elobtdos 01 M dedooloson dud Ito; no*. pool. Tbo lswumwht
Maud* noon this Tbency..trot••• olosatoldol soca&
Is oil . I ***4 Sam ChtlY 4 lnerrion; totoppolarrsas. -
arm *, or us% Itlbilky **gib op, Of ITAIll•ACII Maar
tr.i. .d 021.. IT. Pat on by any now oc fro* whottc.
lots totoploluto; tn.* itomotts of tb• Skits), or twist;
and t• laal* .14C*Iog at" of oloc many dsseph* Sow
pl•bos *et sk Ara Panto ts, sad olikb *WWI* low
II Loop loopAS • tweeds and nicobt• coocidS• Inehtllita
or•iy p•Ptionla boat *la pools tuslos ar 04 °V
*cont.* combtaatt a at taut", SVZPAtV44, *CY
'2140.9174 of very pc* sortb. 1114 NM" billklrede
. end .al promollonuboolto U. bozo** IttoSccoll'
41'• b••• cicotist *to P 9 ** Its•ostWo sPIPIPSt
; reds hollow. and tocromod et• ot Ito bon* to bt
°moon. the wry osuloos, .buttnit, to MSS* thls
Stoll* of our slaws* to co Os cotAmpo fba Stop9e*.!
lotto of tnolibOOD FOOD $1904 **LP I e
, • Sold by OR Vitali DIUPDXIT,
dots Prono•wort, tio 441 Proouroy. Iloci ToiG
I*NQ. by DP. ow. savant, sa •vrood rub
*sob Pa tclayd
UNDRY Pittwpct.-20 4.) 4
Xotus., •
ntamVlAte Ceann '
40 do lomat Apples, bondltokod.. • '
do Prow; that Rattan Zf once do do do ,
20 d.ten thionno—joat no'd tot **l*
toll40.41•/141 comer ktukal loot
S .- 4,Ci ja
1113 L b able,:'
/w orm alwoara,l,
SICI Ll*" se.
iftt DISK
30 bus PtIMA, Thaoth3 13.0.
Lawn awl for molebr GnAtP a Val altatintat
303 ''.-- • "
.111. trim "KA • • 0
ITI sta 4artc. Moak
PareVarobnisieibir Pow Roe'Sraw
3031 0 of SIIIeRNICKJOR,i,
3,1 ; matt' Iro62an4tutowwk•
F "U-
S 5 brbbbt,t.iti*,!•• 'll4*
•.•• , , .15Ibbbk CNC. latt.s2 -- ; de' ;• • • .";
• • - COW* Vittlooouoltia Awflor ale by
• %Kr
11— pit 4.
)Ei - 7 -40: b • • "
I 4( tiqk done-I 'lat..;
lot Rovt.ciawk) ratAraso uß oua Mg" Bentoo'
It) b t 104 4141714 r •—•l•s_ ••••••-•--•". ; • ..
I•bi.No 11.1t#5bpa 7.
for Mown •
FJ bi uNe Qv d4to ••••
tut gal? by-. t." WATT wriforti
No At [Awes".-•;,"
isllOoilailliali ARM All R acat ray_ %so,
J. aurnUu: RAILROAD $: t
oe inA after , .AkaqDlr, June. ilab, 0 .. 11_..
,xam MIN kind the P•niajoi ADO,* .Ak•
DlArril tlitsOnjo tO/s., IL• .nCtrthit OS ea
n italbutu r ot ot ., glet.oi. &Nilo* aDdAu.ftuue tutimiumwir -
lobiut....u. ilimbiaankampu g ohms em mu y.,... _
MithilatATlc alliTphr . 1s - pepompei.Tl7.lyti tim ,...._
1.. li.
Tui THROLLIR txprzd9 Maim INiv. eenrst be
P. 11 ....PT5A4 cols At prtoOpel sairks; DiaiNlA/roolLw.
Immo. atilserioArri IA BeslastßA ODI 41211,R1a....
Aglaia et DATlcsora et kW A. ID .......
a , tub.IIIII:::,
.... r :op
uw .t GemenDarlL .l WILMA Mot
TO II FAIT LIB bores tae eibidaiidatit toscisiandii)
tom.; WillmotNrrtmle .Aloce% AA. LealloOftßat M.
odOPIOLAI. lOTA A. A, 1 " . 42 " . . 1*04.111 ,
. ~
I The Jaartosik friky Trim oba .I .
!The Jrtoun*d.tha WW % s
apt flunds))* 140 it.►
ittoppfaig at an MAIM,' jilith•
t Umtata. ell. train t,
c. ls 4ttum,j4lbildip lam
Cotospt !ands') N. Mb) v.; • '
&cowl *mom. atm Te•la tot Tunis Cs** lernfrfilft.
.firsept Se oda, .***l r. IL
Ttiltd Acxxamcduloo two go Ttztlt C* 0 41614 64,1( .
it•ttlrategi atm% Pittx - baighlas 4410 e,
vs*. ettlr N 4 U.,1112:20.-U4h."..12404141.764011#'1,.
ACCOMMOC•tkia,II , O4,4II4 /14111.2,0111. COWL atxxay.
madatlvo, WO* mniamegt Iftunfbt!l.**..Llr **Ammo
Tnaln t Aoeome
or Blafrbrote abd t Whig" eon** it iffakieng.. otenectlott etth
• Ttsh. Wat. ape thf. Joiktworrip. Arf o
futokft •
Train Cm sae We* '
humberilt rtrfldrlt it mg re& r ....
Os th it e V* Cobra urtftlt
l•aid. me ttellf(
irceptel) .1.4 s—hirlf.lkauk-7-**s.. as; to afiffi•_ - _fw.....
r t 56 a K., ofpralltr. 174 as frost.4l, troirie..44
fill. 11,4 d, arra. s 1 Pttuffnia...*oo..lo- t
r4911 .1 1 ;' , '
nuf tureitrgrptAtir Inroad cespy'l,fiettik,krod
Isrfas Eger* w.n. to an t i by a* Iferfiffriraf
rudi thrf***unrdarder moo , .BYriel atom builorfsifw-,1
eit on hey caw !yaw. TOG ha** Whim with
I. ertinar p ro from dart., ca. preador rolatirrlifo* spa,
milbri,ti all Rh* sul , tirft
To Nos Via— —Syr i*ll.l, la
" •
Pagaitte Mee itd er...JI Paatt‘a i 94tielaalle,.1100.0).
fad ea Pealadelleals, taatitame abd NM 101 - t • •
Promo. perceamdaeg Ilaista to carkerill be Oaf
WI cast per age la b alden- to tba Ilteatieteriameakapfr ' O,
Amu e eat.** we wet t1141,0 b4/411QAPllt I tict•ttlf 64.)
2"Y21".-U"..ofitao poo, 4Lbold , tbimb:i.,
r:Mtal t afir4s , al i t.aad!aFal, :i
ti. - IS —4ll, Omoltais Lbw Mattock rag 1
1a Oftaaak . a a sa t a vo tb• e
li fil a
........0. ~....
, dpti . ,
. 3J I MRA;a
at.l ataas,coLOvrs lb
_, :,
clove/sae amid rlttalliallal ilistisimbill, v.
- - .
clung ov ings-at
lAN skid afta . • 31 *N T WAiliplift 1;
ej *Pala Mt, 16E0,
sill have It. Depot of Um Peateilmadielltaltsma, •
. _ - VW/bona vaida74eZelo-__ _ ~_,. ....“-_____.
Lvalva lattotargb 1:00 a. anima at t 0 .7•!.•11 v•vm am.. ,
~.," " -7 -' 7 . P IN. •°- '" '" ' 'NUNS to: • •
samaras tkaltins so gv.. to Clbiscreets.4o/rellaskenist:
la pm - molar to an Zr Tickets Ma , ,
Pirbbarst, Caamtma mid amsamas "Mort Yaw sib , ,
No charge of mai tettaa• P 7,77 • 7 4, 7 t 7444 ;777=.'''''
=l7bohams .- Anima at - &inns at "••
1,110 aat ,1471, aa . el{ pin f 7 • llb
UM p itt - 1400 p isk , MO a,aii ~ : 7 47.1.70:
• lAN roma 4 vbortee totlatilltabl, LooNVI:11% ClalaioNes .
sad all babas Suathottaa AA, other mum. 17pbssilik ,
eleeplog INn atlarbas m all Niiitis Itahm.• • -
Lame /arty-nat. Armes ite arrtna ea . • at ;
nrriaa,sucturm irmarr, , realms, ev
I-00 lis WO • m :Sal es, aal .s, : 1,41 is
601 , 16; a 7:lt. • a &la a al iltil a ve'7ol] 7 LIII
1211 p , m leap vo Ibb p. &BO p.m SAW Ilk'
1 , 4
Tb 12.40 p. m.Tvvio ina out otop babravo litootmetwal* : ,
imutiarzieb ti . be promised at eut:busk, itp
Nor (unbar talotmalloa apply to i .
• ..INO.STNART 7altat I= -
Prryse viiiall. lll- "r. wAiits &csiscouslo,-;
artA.1.L.13091.131 ~ 7' - -V .
, , ,
To oil Points In the t e nth ,Week ttliforthii -I
FAL.l.4rth WI. T2ll 4117 . 11 1 1 f11.3tig0t - ' .
.lMit TO CINCINNATI , iiii titticki - and' to 4
-Indianapolis, et:Lcalt sae Mayo qalcaat 4?aii by " "
-___ IFESTWAND 7 84498.. - - _ -
SLOT LINN- Lana P1ttibmaki.........,...........714 ‘lll, %
Maltias Male avaavetkma 01W / ICcietl
ivfleib' - . . .iii
- -. ), 7 T., ' '
laud. Ootomboaamt t 'atoms' Aosta. ~ " “,' -
Arsivtas at 1n0 z, ....-....N.70 E. Is , -1.
...Ala a. al
. “ .... a, R.
Lt.* -r.o um.. credno.o Is Sly Muse miSTittiatitte•
villa. Isamaott bethsada mat at Millasmis, amtpaimm," =
gra ill so lam etesiaaatleagmbvr., .. ,• - ,• • _ ‘., ..-
ECPO-5 . 11 T94.777-70.7•1113taancraa.....,..ada a.m.,.
_ Itablog close Ocomeettaa la abblat, ,
ilvtivtagst Lad= ,OM iii
0 0 laciaaad,....M7o4ellk
N. L.-Ilia time to Marmot! to than Mee ea bp Strabia
II la TWIN, co kat:llMM AMA ell USevataKlati sailLeav , ''
11 s' Guam this into Cram ilitibmslt to clock, ..
" Vil"tau&' , ..
• u-a ..z.r. 12N1S TRAllti . ....
Is 1140-............4..;.....4.11 L t . . '
118 I ns "it - .."."-"-"....'"'".....".
1 lIA.7C;'
Troia Omagh to CM.** sltbmitabonga 014.40,,.:',..!
Clibmga. 7iNi a. a. awl 1411 P. M. Mrs
:Llma.l4 N. sad ENO a. N. illtimmfas adt4 trallta,fac,
07taa owl Clinthavatt.- artfia t s, At QlotabrilMS fl, !ig,
' 4)=l[ll with hula* ka• Colombo; .
lead, Amtrak/ mit ea Nava, mad animas 111
A. 1411414 6 / 6 li. N. , LA/Wisp*. 000 4.2I7I.Ioza4AINAZAJA •
aniTINA, alga IL Jig Ziwk.l g dam oembelloW t
iettb .
taws Qs kaaaarilvaale Balltsai Pe ebtlobspliss pod tlivr-•=
fit N amototatatatitai Train% tram Fedora! strif4, All. %.,
ew thigtmay
Ara o 7 •1 1• 10 11 . 4 1 10 " NO ." •
&Unbolts aaa /maw p amocomasms.,
Iv Ma bam ILPO •••••-• --
IE9 - minis isz.
Dem •
irotionaii Luto ' ••
Loonciootomi,' : 610 •ft • WO ft"'
intve at Alt poor. HO
Dllbin •• Glo ft •
Skims on& oo bola too tint Maas at Ur sidood 01110-1
Ttooosit Tram. otitoriao 61106/4. ,
'it Wiwi% .itac snub. inA Clottitfi4•!*".4i.*;,.,
• -
it thridoltity brad 660 illtddilitilliolktusi,o9llolo".•
At madieut, ow, tar 114, Von, Ode%
ihts=ttii. roe , Spittoithookilibiii:
Itjtitelo.l6Wmata=nkti Loo6,
it tl
. rano foe Dom%
alibis to Nam D‘too. miaow;
wilresar um, tayva., Et. =41611 fate.
,At WodotokbttWPM" Oa 06,60 110611i':
. rartir6ll 460 tratalidt: e Udi•- " •
tiltoaaftruieTkieve •
• • Pairrers trews;
Wale itileto Eel. miguim -mow -
wormytb tho flat at6totood. to tett. ,
• ,;•••=••
tt•itiftYr:pitODl: 4"-•l Vidpi:7.:l::
am o* 7 WIt Obis EXII/Udrld, •
046 Onti• -)161,3 41 a Wipe" wan Milk
64 tor toto by: • • ' • JA 6 i-XtrilllN l • •
Vl.ll-Lrudipicillitt3-76 •
is •us 3/..leux
. WM& WII.5(110 96111.11 t „,
ft(siir.B4.4ol)bh;-,ptbahegv s
nr 61,14
iseeneetrod sod tarse•pja.,-koiot-gisil
ws wiiasetioramoiamliodowar!
It A.b' X1.T11.3.4.13..unz1-wvis
htilas9hinef4 Larmetkpoo pril= 61
: pm.- .•.• - c. Fah iiod ;r.
1 ht , ;. ',
PACD - ' '.-- '- -
AGlttamt petted Ithlte Qty. . X vikirtelteit ',.,
, . Moo 44, 414.011JU1 laanoll FLAMlllhoeiriviirif , ' 17
• Al'Utt U'
•usteva sta gipiorpeokise•csio,:l
nest 'maim , Voir 'ear% #o. 6!' Nab ilyas.ftgi
C ar.
DA Oil - yrs
sin,nn - snr: run ongran *whit ottr,r
Oi, TAY . LAMW-;z;A ty tki . be Ccittar.,,,
thiiirdipsstiedobii.l. lAis.ilmttn.
urrat qty s~av ~i
l'A '
Cornet ratted Wale",
ankle& ot Ram: and Plata Priadiawdana 1 4 , •
' - Et. ELAM, Rao sada* Mori , ..
BLANK KOOKS, vfsli Maas,. form* •
• . ..w..g it& smog* -
.0.8/I.IIIO , PAPAgs--irs fropoo p . kpoki.,,
Awahlaseadnidrnaata o4ll 7 ' W , Ww441 , 4,{
irr="l6Dia 1,4 •
bby itatia &TWINS 111~.4irier0
aie iiketacal o h m sal. anr.,
.MANILL4V , ROPX+4O ocilli
~. ,- ' alf , 1 , .
~ame.i IN woorsixibr ie% 'i ra li t ri o i ij '. , i ~-,..
L , a ,
tia, . - .:1111 11 ' ..
' '' ' ' - . - Wits it 1ttiL.,..." Re42:11411.
;', _ s ig t ., - - ".: . .• _ 87 Wned '-. ,
6 . ilawilium.- - C4ipllol „
' -, lia , owl WsidisruDlT fi9K/Nrwisikafirgrisclunig;