k! MS . burgg :waytt c.- nagglia.-+ lg. MOO k TT - a eco . "froze 'AR 4 ,ZI -PRoPiliTolo. 31P.1.T.r826 C2“3/3 z MONDAY - memmo, POT i 2. 11560 - • saytteara Easter. Oar telogra palri'eolottis _dated some rare Ipthithhell or Hautbois blotter and brais!to, and will remind the reader of the ~ 4tonriliailf fury, g io sigieltyiatittog,"- harseterised the , which a - J.tt4 . ` /Stow!: raid &year ago. The etory ofseyen hundred ihootand mien ,beleKenrolled VOl7 ilthait like that of the, fi llythousand Abolitions!. .1461:10v.' Wise imagined were *bent to make . b descent 0h Obsrlatowni _ Ittorder to get orig. ! citersests at this bind, autroesatully, dt le amr awry that "solely shenhl be eampeeted of two eleasee—Areat llama and great ,foobr. fa a Nursluins a cOmmunity, panto' like lAA_ one In Georgia or Booth Barolinaociuld sot live for one day. ha very absitedlty would draw upon It public Contempt. Tlia alorj Of lite dilegatious of - deorims visiting South Caroni& and deltgatlonli of South Caredialis• 4itiu6 Georgia remind. us of the achievement 'mentioned In the couplet, "this Wing atlitatica wartb.d up - a WI What Mita t Ha warded &ha twain!. , . nbe or Georgia are in; earnest depend upon ki;',t'eiya the telegisphio' none riportor. Aye, israinmit in matter foolo ht them /ere& Their 'medial on (hip ommeien je • Mrikieg eel ( gentle of the 6arbe i om, lefluence which Slavery alerts oineeTety Litany 006 read thees reports ruefully, aott certainly arrive at the oonettudop that ai, people ,Pepable of much calm 'wool are not goateed for eel!' government. - Itarioes.,Tha Republican triumph in this . State was thorough said complete.'-.Besides giv . log a largemajority for Liecoli, has elected a Republical,Gorernoi end Spite "Legielature. Who It is remembered that this is the home of rur. Douglas , whose popularity' with the monitor teas tepreseetid by his 'party to be very great, the result is indeed gretifying beyond ' expression. The contest in Illinois was very , bitter on the part of the demoorati: The Spring , field Jointed, published at the home of Lincoln, thus speaks of the recite: "The election to Illinois hal been a deeper * allay fought contest. .. ;The "Donklasitee, 'owing to the face thet their; leader balled from this Butte, lisse - ..pat forth' herauleai exertions and heritated at no expenditure of money to carry it against Mr. /demi,. They have contested levery . foot and Inch of ground and made the fight a pitehetiliattle In every pert of the field: 'Rut they havebeeounable to cope with the hoses of, Freedom - le by our able and-betted stand ard bearer, aod oar-returns indicate that the State Itas gone against the ensue, „by: upwards 4115,000 msjoriti. We think srs are eife in potting the majority at this figure, and it me, even sleeted that. - ' • :': _ We bive,:be spite of the boasts of the Demote racy, 'never heed a doubt of the State. Oar only anxiety its been lefiefeiveice to the Legislature: Owiog to the' grossly uojnet apportionment for the eleetion of membern, we have been afraid that tho Doaglasitee Right go In, In the same way that they did two yearn ago in the Lincoln ,DJugliel struggle--and thus defeat the re election . of ottedietioguished Senator, Judge Trumbull. Oar Tetuan, we think, are yet hardly enough to show definitely what party hie carried the Legislature; but, our impression' is from the ecapplexiein of 'whet havereoeived, that we have likeiriee secured the control of that bed)... It this is is a double victory, doichtlrglo rious„ and will testis to the gallant achieve. mentrwhich the Republican party'of this State_ have gained." . The telegraph his since announced that the Republicans here carried' the Legislature. TAXATION =roa DISVIITON • RIBIOTAD IN ALA.. salts.--143g 'winter the 'Alabama: Legislature inthinslatia taw of $200,000 to be Mint to defraytire Wailes's. of analog : the . thole. aid Obi the 00.ernor power to appoint two - Gettneissioperit.fiem nub. county._ with ._, power to detennine tie: panne which the State should take la: the Scent of tie Limbs election. • The *apothems of Alabama neiow collecting • - . tidying,* aid s portion:of the citizens of Medi, son coasty, have assembled together and solemnly resolved to nein its collection. Here are their resolutions: • keselved, ,Thst.we, as 'freemen, abhor the 11,1- leafy hew passed by oak Legisinne- and now, in thili o publlo manner, damn. [Arlen. as KOMl mitutional, and P subonrive of can liberties as free, • *hi: military toz by lan babfal meaas - ,. lei It bur - ittempted : be en. foreott to any manner or shape. Resolved, Tbat wa - Maimmend_ to all citieens sad freemen of the State of Alabama to do se we b e done--take a bold and legal stand against 4 : ._the enforcement of this military law. • - Resale - id, Thst when our Seats require. our property and lless_in defentnielWhstzeii=iiii enneitler her.honor and the safely of her eitisees sod their property, - we will freely: give both; . but 'iv are not Willies *Santander up oar prop. erty, Marty sod 'lien to 1111 emetantientional 7 ,- and intolerant *tot don Legislator.. • Doukas Edam-iv sn6 flocra.--The - Idoist• gotaery . (Ale) pipers 'tete that Mr. Dough/lea his arrival in that _City Wu egged-by sesimunf- Aught the amid. Theseloarnali d4llOllllOll . the Wes mewi wad aosrardly, but there is no deoht that the outrage iris erireTlY appletided by 'Aerie _number of 0111008. keople whone - sad feather luireneive strangers, who whip 5g , • arrant Cleves to death, end who hug ministers of .the not _vary likely to respect thir personal - a politic:ion:who fi for certain reseCns obnoxious to them....lllontgeatery Lahti home of - the tratiteri(seeee,aad we have- op doubt that _ Mr. Dengincomenibe nogreemne treatment he to some emor maim friende of the , , Taa Ulflol f4eirtaxii II Vtaittetait recent meeting of thy chime' of Virginia, le Rooirliddge county, the "followleg. r*S•h2l100111, .among, _ olll ers. 10" , RwaseA, That the allegation that Virginia wit so hitetied - h.the:tionthern-Ststes that they can drag her into a Malmo° dottier trlth them, no matter what may the divide of her people," ht a foal calumny and asphalt= on this noble old Clemmeamrealth, and a groat Insult to berpeople; • _ Rh4hel, , Theitare eerily bellies; that Riee.trothe of the people of - it.. &ate wilt he °moped to revise:vitae Amoral Goheroeient, an l ila na it amyl hsedet onefonetity toile Doftetateilhei, and the eoliefek„beseySt of ell the States. '. • ~ Raplacir, Thika Virginia! ease no ' , duty to the Benthr or auratheamtemer of the Worldiesoept to' dimhargethose Ctiustituthetal obligations reeling on her as a member tbe . Vika, and 'sash es every, civilized °ohm:oily-owes . wrery othertmd - that elm has the ,abilltrand residOtlon to maintain ter rights, from tilmatet qtarter they may he aesathal. Ma: Lauda'. Oannirr.--Imte adriote from Bytiondold otitis that Mr: Littoola is wiry much amused at (hi (*Nike.' which are tainted for his by the aswompero. Even the domoorata of thai Colony have announced 'lda cabinet, eonlidon , UstlY, which is iologreptied to the Now York papas - at a gonibie emanation from hoadium tom In the meantime old Abs keep, hie own counsel; Munn. Supine, one of -Baohanatre prhi 14'1 offiteboldesa Ili lien' York atty. and a per% tonal friend et thn old Potblle Panetionary eras to profess and intim-In Ids remarks en the light the felarns - of tbiTilietten "Veto reoeiiid; that big rn!rd.7. l . B t oo 4tea told !dm to ,"lease_ths 'stend e and step making 'helot bimsell." _ _ Ltecozi,pilledrUKhreiee Marylina: " The" itiohabilltyls,' titee_ the liapah noon veto .4hOhlit Biala; 3411 *need 2000. le Neerpere sad Co*lgtotOreatuokri Lincohrtmal Nollyvetes thsa Dreakleti4ie: The Itepibllela VOLO Uli Vitilee;filittiiii 1260: row irlaerroarta, wird wirw,Riivasit:—A - tiei: patch trees Fort Veirary, dated.the 7th nye: as extra Posey Enters with 'dieholies re-' ' - lures ter CaliforshOete here tor Careot Volley ~.; 1 Vebrek, to dej. It took ties a tweeiderable slumber 'of prime teligestoo; Both rider end here° were woefully decorated • with nhbose, '-- - thit , aid thijAaparted amid .ibe cheering et a large dad: estitualeethvgatherlog. This-rue Is **patted to M !quieter. can •arty aver. jet made 'heavies Aare sot tht eater -"taloa btrhe.Corit , • - fonds wiegrefir Huse— The peaks leering Bt. ; JohltPb. Thtawie7; Bth,olol-Nueday.joumeleg„ I tat, are abut arreakiiierddemittittimr, *Wing -, kers ter. the West telegrapt&delea-The etwell :Nati Juitorillte result of the l'reaideattel . , of tbeWeeters - Ntage Cotapain.iidaii.tittbiji: elect leti le New .. .leery does pot eh ogether elm • • , b s , m, Aiw a , smite!, vF4ll:Abf Aiidhl - taid4 *lie us, thotigh we bad hdped tor.'s dinette( - tilt eterapilitil. . :OR 7 7 : ..,_- - Mi.; .ittli 41011:14iti shat the toe - test Were ie.: • - ff4s - obiecu re ;,,iivii;:' - ' .;!4.',..1tge,41144tuk, iettiredweitre directly t h e etteeedeoey and power 1 4 # 140 •01 0,1 4 7 3 ThE iti - .4 0 ftrIPA. '442!illiaid*Hmkpoi3;;;;oloii Via 110;4114g X 101001 44 *i.teig ASettaitachatjalijegilt*Wegyie • ladiiiiitiolfireid %deride, than hit,A9l,3 .. .:.'. gegdilllkathagai , ::. :' , ? . T , , i— , "'.;` , 7....:4 - `-';' , : , 1:: r ', - . difillie .... bsl4-1641:1,411 40 10 aM1, ;;,, . ~....;.,;,, ._,, , .. - *__'.,., o '-;',-,`"'-' ::f,,i , ',': ' ,%:,-..,...: . 3- `-'/V, ; 4 ,,'„i - .k.,:` 11 -.L., .. , ...1 . : .71a.E.,._- - -' -,...." ':', , l: -' " f, . ,N, .A o :t'Z'Rk.E.E' - ' ,, ' l' ,, :cLs':...gtt' - '4 - :r‘t ,- -t.r.,- , ...-.:! 1- .p -..7.. ..,-,-...: 7..- , 17,, , . , .;. , f....:,,,a ; ;;;; ; ..iv,.. ; .„.4.-..........,....,,,,,,,.. ~ . .., , - „ ,,,.;;;.,: , ..,,,,,,..?„-4 ., ,,,,,,,. , ~,,,,..,...,..,.........,....,, s. , . ;4 . 44, , ,,, , , ...;}.4..,,„...4p4„...4:.,i,.i.2w .. 0f , .4,,, ,, k .. ikizif,:4.4 . t.i . ,, , .,, , ,;w!..5 , ..... ..,. , , . ivasiriscwolg . AmerliTO,RF.rllB _ Ilo6lo96sitato R•sumoroa, Friday, Nov. 9 —Toe eabioet had 4 "' Prilese l 4 ,l '. 9 .ellietteLto-day. during which the present - tintirtanate state of affairs in the , Barth eras freely.'disciuseed.' President - Buchan. an expressed. Insiself se, confident that Bomb' Carolina' would - Dive the Cotifeidereety. - Whether' it be celled nu i lification, amession or hero ic= Bon. On this_poing all agreed; but the Preei- dent dict.sitit baltaie that secession amid-mita ally occur during hie term. Ile anticipated that thinga - willgo off so they are until the-fourth of March ; bot should the issue be pritipinned be fore that time, he thinks it would be madness to attempt coercion, as the collision would &erupt the whole country, and involvirria in irretrievable ruin. . . , The hope wan generally entertained by-the -Cabinet that the cool judgment of the beer ton of the Booth would prevent Beeeeeion on the part of other States, - Unless .113030 conflict should oo ' oar—Bscrotary Cobb alone excusing the extreme position, of South Carona'. The itosesage tit (ilay..Briews, of Georgia, via severely criticised, that portion suggesting a repeal of the penal - lawe being pronounced the ravings of aluoatio Thircommercial policy re commended by him was approved, - , Mid pro- - nenntied by,seiveral Members of tile Cabinet to births proper raccedg for. 'the evile complained of ;- but should Booth Carolina buten matters and annul the rerolutiongadopting the Federal Constitution, she'„will be let alone by the present Administration: • , No efforrwill be Made at preeeot VO fill the eattancy ooimairdied.by the resignation of the Federal Judges. ,, ' If South Carolina 'does not de sire the Federal Courts, the President thinks no . one should minplain and as the Collector or 'Charleston has not reelgeed, as rumored, there is no embarrasenient felt here. • .• . The 'Whole`number of Federal troop.- from Maryland to Florida, is lees than 1,000, 500 of whom are lo_theArtillery School of Fort Mon roe—tbe reel barna a few soaUered , companies, three of them at: Fort Moultrie, in. Charleston harbor. Nearly,thiientire military force isw. , - ployed at present weer of the Mianittelppi river. President Itiobanan will nol on the idea of the constitutional Hiatt of a State to amide, but at the same time will offer in ble Annual bleosage an argument disapproving of it. On thin point the Cabinet are divided. Should peseeablo secession not , take place priarto the,4 hot Muth, the opinion was ez pressed in the Cabinet today that a eoulliot 'would be certain, and a diseolution Of the Union fnevitable.' To• Ctrat Dongrmistowall District. It will be seen b 7 reference to • despatch in Another part of thismontiog's News, that Go vernor Pinker his hated hie proclamation an. menacing the names of the persons elected In the BSVend districts to ripreeent the people thereof in the nest Coegrees, and that he has named Mr. Williem.E Lobelia en having been chosen for the hive District. Bp what right his Evsellenej,the Governor, amnetre to than declare, we ere not now advised: but it in plenum. ad thit in committing what It unquestionably a wroig,ftie will at least offer some excuse for so doing. \ With the controversy existing between Mom. Bailer and Lehman we bare now nothing to do That • frond was:Committed by Byerly has been proven before s.donrrof - Justioe, - but that Court has not undertskio toluterfere•with the return of the Return 'Judges for the very plain reason that it has no tight to do eo. Every good chi. us wilt not only denounce the frand,cummitted by Byer'', who ie now °offering the punishment .due to his crime, bet will commend both Judges and District Attorney for the promtitode which governed their coaduot. But all thin does not jumify second 'wrong on the part of the Go% senor, who has no more right to go behind the retura mode to theState'Department than he has to do any other Illegal oe outrageous act. If Lehman wits spaced to Cameras, and did not get returned by thejonly power which had a right to maim one,' he bee his remedy. The law provides who shall determine that question, and G tvisrnor Packer has no more to domith ice delerminatiox than Vre have. Teo, wrong hive never yet made. and whilst , Byerly is convicted for hiving committed &forgery, Our. 'Packer commits what is, to say the very least of it, a gross outrage, by ustorping • power which does not belong to him. If he may establish a precedent of this kind, he may go behindevery election return sod pro ofs& himself thelCzar of the Commonwealth. Olathe same prinoiple he may refuse Col. White who was timed Phrothontary of the District Conk, hie oanifioate, and give it to 'his compe titer, and this for no better reason thou the lat ter le .A LIMO PoeoL.Thet-precedannthevestab. Ittihad, In indeed a' dangerous one, and merits without regard.to eny circumstance euppotsed to be connected with , it, the severrveet denunciation. —Phil. Sr*,. Gov. HOttatota OR TniTIORDLIaa is TaZoe Mir/ Domes —A correspondent of the ,Oaliti moo News,. writing from iodependence, Texas, on the 2lst,' ghee the following rketch of a speech delivered there by ,Dov. nonstop fo regard to tbarecent raid and inceediary• ism in Texas, he Said it bad been eXiggeratect sod enierepresented by the lettere of "that maw Vi,Orr, of philsß, " ,itie heather, he avid, or Dab% A. Pryor, of Virginia, who bad "emanate niece seat • certain challenge. The fact. In/4-there had been hut one white man bong in ,TeXtia for teeendieryietn—Lierodoo, of llendeLclo —end two neigroes ; and :there -bad never been a vhf or bottle rf poison found in tho poneeseloo of any other negreee in - this State—than intimating eery clestly (bet the other, that were ittbisbeti, were utijii.ily puttlibed- As to the bonne burning% it bed been report ed at- one time that. there were fourteen houses hurneditutitieiss.alliestle. shun le feet there watt otitis shear, or abed in the outakina of the city burned; sad he nominated for the burn log if that by the eireireenetie of the Thatch, Who were longiog and sat oking there at the time. He said that thin: Pryer leiter had injured and yea groin, injuring our opuntry, Its t3nete wifibaing felt everywkere; our land. depreeillt log in asliM; perrecte tram other Slitter were afreid to immigrate here, Via , d e great many were learieg our State. Oaly the other day • gentleman from Di:inherit 'Texan bed told -him that on lie way in tie loud met two buodreit ote,With et isitit-Are persons to 'each wagon on their way to ,geneae and Arkanatie--some kaiak/star fear theft negrose would : ha falsely I *Mused Of incendiary's:it, and bang, and other. for fear they, as not, being slaveholdoes, might I be charged with heir% abolition isle s cid ',etched. He bad been sectisod of being violent nod shit. sire 11110 speeohei, but be did not think be ocightto be blantedV'irlieo forged tothe Wall; for striking Out- De bed tnitied die pentanei din like to Dreckinritlgo; Douglas and Bell, laud was fox either of them 'to beet Lincoln He said nothing in favor of Dreekinridge, nothing for or Ageism. Diuglas bit Mr. Belt - ba4 horn with him on the liebraelti bill, for wbieh the people of Texas, three years ago, rehubed hint, Sam flonision, Lot time bed shoat" bo — was right. flowerer much be might regent tkr'eleciion of Lincoln, will, if tionstbutionally elected, be aught to and should be inaugurated: ..Yes they would bans to walk o err hie dead-body if he Wile net " ." Tun Unmans blevestewr. —The dispatch purporting to come (rein Woohingtee . aad to represent the 'len' of Mr.' Buotionao, is of • very singular tine!, It is reported that the President kayo ha "will resist nullif i cation, but incision." .Ttils be ocriaioty ibemost sin gular doctrine that no well he imagined; itthe tins! eigoification is to ho weaned le there - momentous verde' To our judgment, it appear. without con be no prniumi and effenive beCtOffititi, resortiog to oullificstinn, in lin very wont forms. There n,sy be nullification with. ,ou(seinesioorkinerherecertainty can be noire onsion flaunt nullification. A there may yin: bite 1101216 of the lain of the nation without Be ceding fion It, or even deeiring to do no, and such attempts hare been of Oct mifrequent no. =nun la our contry. Thus she is, of comes guilty of en attempt at eallifintion. But nom non lioplinthet not. enlit one, but all , the lawn dile Federal Government, will beset at deb. son and nullified by the Bine whin resorts to it. Theriot of needing netteenrily implies a Voliplete equation from the Confederan in a legal sense of the term a nd consequently si utter disregard ,Of 'lie Cinotflutiois end all the statutee netted under it, exiiipttio ferns they - may brdsemedittittbto theiltgetifilieiribti nineoverelety td"be established; jest as, when the thirteen , colobin seceded, front Great Brit. stn; nobody °bend any Eoglieb law becauie it Wes an Eogileh istrindeed ill offensive nat. nit:Senn; mother country were nullified in a very daterteined and 'unequivocal manner, end only such English laws se were tasteful to the .Alinerion people wen legallP establishod end sequined -in. If, therefore the venerable Old Prattle Functionary guneesfully opposes until. Minion to South Carotins, there con of course be no effective secesoion dining hie officio! term . If the itittliwil itivinites are colleofeti, the endings of the Federal •Courtenuilnued, the - operations, of the Pontiff= Department Quin. torrupted, twiddle Censtitution sod theist's of 'of Congress enforced, and not nulldied in tba Palmetto State, it is impassible to conceive how' Aar !rya status would -differ from that of - any other Amnion Comnionwealth, no matter what her politicians might arty about emission:. .. .= The inputted position of thePte olden on Ibis qneitioa. authorised fl/Mnr.-Or helms spoken forked tosigute! to the Disanittaists.—.Forney'e Prem. 'lion from the begliniogunderlyliz Illatitelntr. Sind outdo to pliftibiinutiractin . ai petaitiol part That oorporatiost long :agents elded .. in oh:sitting control of both ' the demo* le Orilla. 'Salton; and 'Retard the Belt nlitlaft . outright; 4 three months ego, by the well code rs ood applb , *emu. salt, with all the atreaph,o this pow-, shut combination, ii Wee found eifft t tolvelit the popnlar . fealiag.yer A . besheas Li le, or to limiest dip moral revolution 'Whch br - ` Jost tit , - Minolta is an tuipreoldented' euectini. -17odei tinsel circumstance; the most 'desperate meanie illtellmPtVedt and moneyikattered a erywberi With a profusion wbichitae before b' n knOwn. be- the traveling publio , "pay the ' iper," the' c, tOotiopoliate could well afford to dan eat thine eapenee..,4 , Phil N. Amer: , , Tug 'Nava MIATIMS or Giiveaios C. arm --At .`meeting of the offieers of the Fitt . DiVisiois .Kontleylvania Volunteers, 'held at ifarrishur g op Mondayeveoiog. November 616, 11860, 615- jor General W. it Kelm was chosen Chairman', abd Major John‘ W. Brown Becretaryi On me lion; Major Goners, Halm was request d to issue au order to the Falk Division Pe nsylvistili Volanteere to - p arade at the Inge ration, of (taverner Curtin, and insiie the militiry of the /Mate to partiolpite: A committee of three wai appointed to make the itetteseary arra ogements. The oommittee ire Brig. Gen. 13 0. Williams. Cot. T. J. Jordan. and Col. J. D. Dougherty. The committee adjourned io meet at Olean of the Chairman. , . ... . . ,i' Dlffalis Do estords) monitors. A am 10th, it Ms reshi 44 ahlosibos,vpp4itis Pittabstigh, A:KIRII LO 4411• yew of his site. The footrol sorricossrfil Saha plod, at Trion; • MONDAY, at 11 o'clock a. sm. - • - illubitc rraletiti_ 0 MEN'S: LIB RARYA:SOOLA. r ey TIO Et N'LIiCTURRA , . . G0.B(311 VAPDBBRO P win gtrer Rotertahaint at at Coleman's new :Concert hull, Fifth Street, 110 MONDAY RYE VINO. November 1 Ballet- 4 71e Tragedy. and C !minty of *nu' Tkketa 2fi ci ate,: tfi be bfid 4lf bleb, Una Aid Book .Btoree, Llbrar, home and at the • W. 11:Rtricsi Y. R. tau . Ir, 2eitfil itebLe, • W. D. ItleGlowsk no ' S:triol2 lam It: Mawr, • • lecture Cdtoroltter,, . • SINGING 51031001 LL A YOUNti PEOPLE'S S !WING wsx actiritn...ul' onaord by • the subect , ber. is the I.i.cture Room •of the Bacon' U. P. ethurch, (Dr. hove. Preetlay'r..) on buthl strrt, au alguenneot AYPERNOON,at 4 o'clock. Al. • CL sae IN.NOtIAL alUele,at the we* plafie, fib TEIURADAY ZVEN.INO, cotomencieg at 7% o' act. mount EDWIN BU air?. A OARDWe would re spectrally direct the attention oleo & nor Pittaharsh and skin ily titourNens nick or ISTSCII W li , 41 PIA SON, int& --- • - • cotaprlelog PLAIN FRU AUR,SQUARR 011 AND GRAND PIANOS, pireonally :elected at the Pluto rectory of nTRIN WAY!liOria,-Nrie IleOry EleMr , firai ointildently recOom.sided fo a lot or these autivaled lastrunteno• wwar a for male here. LKBER 1 0110.. Nn. 63 Mb •• n „ :• 1. OM. I Witrutax Impti • , ••V: t phtsbur¢h, Nov. gime. Iraqi! s President and Direr:tumid t is •••CP", Ootop•or beveltals dory declared • DIY WINO Of TOUR., 1 / 1 0• IOU DOLLAILti vivo Pooh share Ito "Apt tat Muck, oato4 toe Norma Propot of toe loot thilltontli•—.... Top Duthri per there to Ito ipplled as • credit to stack • counts, ..1 Poo 54) 100 per share to be pthl to 11*.tholde oo ttr tier We 15th lest lief boon. . ' ' ..; F.M.GORDON ALLMUMMI IMAM. Atm ..11:TIIIM—AnniehaM this day' d DIVID/IND 'FOUR Prat OMNT oolot d. /"SeiZ Ithm.an.lnUaLle to tho eft.' • Initnl repreeetitntivaa on or aft, ICUs bask nelanont.. J.W .000 K, • Pnerareum, November (1, Ire/ Bona of Directors or t, CHANGN 'RANK O► PriTSBUNCHI hat declared • DIVIDNND 6r YOUR Tait (MM.{ Pratte el the Loa No Haab* "Stockholder. or I repfeeretativee will be odd on °yeller the Ith ne7aoolB H ld. HURRAY: Tilt litu: ly OLTY UANB UP Plitabarkb. Nut eth.l WI'D s Directors of this Bank have annintett • DIVIDEND° , FOUR PER. eg 0:14tal , Btntk, unt or lb. Put/Ita ot the lent Pt, .psysltht tu Btarklinbtrin or tettlr bgtl repronou antrUttnr the 16th 10,1; to7:101 ..... IC JOHN IMAGIOPP•N :" CITIZNo• rifolufFl4 Nov. Gf Ital. f 1117 1 .116 President and Direntors a - this Boot buy, Ibis day 4oclarod •DI VI Div of FIER PER GENT. on the PLOW Stock, not of Iho Pra 'fa of the loot ',Hs blooflo, payable ou awl onto am Mb Novell). too Stockholder, or t t .lo legal roprootcOstivoil no7:1006 11: D SONIC., bier. MEECH ANTS' 41 — N - 13 lIANUFACTEEITIP? E NR,} Piffoborith.NtooniVor Gib, I Lrequis Bank An-day dedared of Pollft o tho Co”'• oho trolltA of flu hat Pio. Mobilo% • lOtte tint. oo7OnoOl pittatme,b. LE".7 , . Pregidect, &rid Dire wer hwy. I his dmy .14 , 0.04 • DtVl CIST. en the tUpttal Stock, out of Ptx poWsTwokr.ble l,i Attel*.larn hontatires,loi ex alt.r ILe next Mimi rufcl.t t - 0141 MEM EcrAN ELECTION for 1 . , • of Oh Colooatil; tomato. for I 14, Ireld at thr Moro ot tl,r Comm") 016,1.1- Nrtorou I. houtoot it • irosotoul3' M=l== • fkote.rolmy lat.lk4 AN ELECTION f or Three fire forTlrrre4....nr. at 14 9.10,4 00 . 2.10SUAY, 121.4. be. Louviorlt luid 1 pfaa. • • JOKY 9. SCULLY. • • urra:m Ert.aCtlneenn.ts On. nf, • Pitt• [SW. I • Ira.. A N FA: OTR* fir Th Uirteen rechirn ••••=,-- wit/. Company, to um ct for *lmpugning, .+r, Ht) held•t• ft, if 14.01ey . 0 MIII.11•g. on T 101 /AT, N.tejol , rl34lA.ltiek..bets o . thn hnurt of II • ta and 1 .11untritt - rsotr~~as Quvs orritt'+:nu • hymn Art. Nor. /D. ID zr -: ? ,.; AN. gLECTION OF"t1IIRTIC notonms ut tAla MAD, to ferraanu 3 1.41 it dm DAMN% fl.rtoa, g , o MONDAY, tA. Amara allo ra .oef p Tha ANNUAL MI:AY/NO ul thn AfAckbaidt 3.44 no TIJEADAY, of Nur tatter, at I/ ec .alO-lea II M. MONO IT, • .. -. . Pr n... 4 October 19, WAN ELECTION for Thirteen Vi Me Iliuth, .11t be feria it lb. Milking I ' MONDAY, November 19,19 , 9 h between the boon, . vont 9p. a ' of Stortol m The ANNUAL eIINTNO 11 the•htn.eNll on TU NADA Y, Nor, oth, 60 o'clock • • 090 D NEORNW.,C ort/Int ____,_ ~ mon WIN DAM j Prervgraait, Pa . Chant.. ID, I, P:AN ELECTION for Thiiteen . Di 1 lor MI. Bank 111111 be had at. the 14nkleg I r ..atovbas. hovrmber Illi . lb.p. oz., betwatut the bon a tn. ;1.1 2 p. m.I Tap ANNUAL. INICTT/tla or thaPtarkbaldenml cro TIJKIMAY, Nor. pr:. •t 101. m. ' JOHN MAOUSSIN, •torize:mte HANK. .. . October 12th, I*.l . fr"•''AN ELECTION fn Thirteen Itheetere .r"or of Mir flook., to moms LOC Ma mosalne ymm, mill bo 1,42 lit Om Booting flomfr, op 110NL111.19.h Momnalmr. tof Mi. the boom.' 10 a. to 21,12 p. m. II TIMANNUALMIO:2INO of MoStat.lholfloto w . ti frhold• MI TUKKOAT. Not. fkat no. m. I .. 0r..22 fm _ 11":" . 17.110!t. MEN.—We are :pre - pa , lisrn4h nt4lll tir Olt Writs •Ilbel ooyy In Om, ALMS sod sql.lor VA !MISS rwly LI luF . • UALLMUILL, CRAM a iss Weed 61.46.4 I _ _ IOTICE IS lIIIREFY - 0111EN pliretloo Xlll to, made by the WWII ANICW of Plitittorgth, to I 4 ghaetti re', et Its sett tent°. INUIWIIW 1 1 / 1 V010,1109 In Oellettliel 8totk;•• iel^-4/111sert Nki it, :ISSN ED UP evicity sm "'Cr Thg, front 10 till 12... tty U. W. thWIACKGWITI alLb ileehowe.W..lTtoT .W 4 / We. AR. rTo urr.-;:The - rouirur 'BTU the UAZILITIS UILLIYU lore term of Onriettiol reainaublo loran Apply to It MIN NTT • - • • : • Gilman Illoutto•11 . .. tin 1 1C.Dblittottncnto. . wriv .------.-- o tiIiiiINANOE granting Vs the Alre 41.0y.V•Iles /berm& Ikaapmay tue right to Lo. . . ...Ws. onghke litters. 1 1 1:0700 1. lb It ordalue4 and 000cied by the aloe, Aldermen and Citizens et Pillstiersh, to Itetrot and nano 00900114 000010111011.011 Si it betray enneted sod &deed by thenothorily of trams% That the Illibf sod : . aro here by . granted to theldlestany Valley Hall Conk pony tei nee Lecorsotles Moslem In drawing their tr 'se 00 Plk 041 .0 0 01:410,1d144410.1 so bltsoloone coa l I se wend shell beamed to add Loonnattre Eaglet* Is mall stem whilet '' ellisireff to Insert leg Saldatreeti sod th at ei th er lb. Ledoesothas or Carnahan be run or,e said a 1 ith i greater rate of need than tone Wiesner hoot, an %pow &drat tayntytyadollere.foroach Offeremkt be cull ttdtes other los • aro iiolloeuthle; awl - provided. also. st the °noodle. hereby reistrre the right . do repeal or sine this orditeutco at their option..l -• ' ' " - ' -' •. Man I This onlimaoe shell not go Into effect. on 1 the Ptteldeittittitintiltrilieity Telly Ralhatell Dampen shall Ala to thieVity Controiteenrfllee a property anthem Led 1 rotolothin of the 11111111111111 01 'Old Ballresd Cow y, ow opting of this ordlowthe to all Its prorbions. 620 - 3 - idnit all anthilloiger - nr - partsbrottttisiuiiiii, - -- .woo herewith be and th e roasts hereby repealrf Oldster-0 ant enacted halo a lair In Canons thli dal of !fare:ober, A. p MO. foraltitiT. Pita Watt of fielekkOoo Attest: 11.111kasow. • - Clerk of Soled Coo or.ll A. O. IdtOANDLIDat, rtyalftea artraleflaat k , Ahab- ' 1 • ' Clark*, ttomatoes Cattail. not. • ClTY — OF — P.ll.lBBUfllliittilr. ikft 4o4 . /4 the Mar*Aldnrosen and (Whew Of Mir WO. lo Want and Mannino Aninelta anetadded That tea tlasnr - of • the idtibe end lie n e h o eaten! and ornpotroled tolksretit.liind r dillyi to. Thee= Il weir John /Well end Jertientr ifuttay oi - mort..nn noun any cr 111 of the Ml NUN belennleg to the lilt of PltuDer►h - G~r • "mpt...anoelint.nit.le!"' In leapt Inv the etanki pal nel/gatlota, or tent per posa.e . , of Platy:lmo MORI an 310,0 realltirociaai' Oblhothine.lnlba (WIWI • In feleFt and,OOIIMINI 00l tine! theaaandpaosed _ •At of Volact Cool At4rL''il/oa2JA'a( t '~:....:-(MvkufOawon oloeaelC tb4 Skits O f:3l WiestWAVlZlehro'i4 thoti jedoopooldo,' . 4ool. Noe br i ns itrooto.l to the moiondi dlf ttorsoorojta • ametitorlast eil4.l4itlito nay I,r !. 4#l - AkiWitein•itill 41N rlOO4 Zi w . v . t . i.V ol 4.llAVAllllUrshiliNtrobal • l a uitripuifica;oo.,./bucTioardickts: , ,- , pEREB(P.IpItY.,SALE OP A'. LARGE v ,X.N01.1811, FRENOII, OBRMANIAND • k. AMERICAN DRY 11T , E10 , 111 ANA& • Zi o ,B2 , iortbi Charies. ettret • • 1 i • I lIAL,TAKOINJG. Ott TUESDAY •NORNINO, 11th lt Numaler, .61133.1.11,C O'clock pfeckely, oti wood fL.ei °Cour ,•I • WaShopse,46 will *44 br Cataloger; , .41118 ENTIRE STOOK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRTOOODS NOUSE, • . • oeolterute or • !ENO . LIS:II,.FECKII, OMIMAN • •.1 AIiIERIOAN - DRY GOODS. . . V.IMISIZIO in oast ' . geIbIoof4CAOLISII 0nA4.4 liar AN fIOSIERT. - aygellooor lllltlNO SRIR CS mid DAAWERS• • nellooof GERNANTOWN 'WOOLEN ON/. S. • .1• Ailorgo clock of TE1141.0408, RUMORS, 4c. Ac. ALSO, • •T - I . • A lug. Iles of LINEN GOODL• • Li. A l•r,o 114.1 of DRAM UOODS, Id. lin LAsdr., CABII-. MARRS, •LPACAS, SI RHINOS, estiroi, - • , ototitz+B, is a.. • YANOY - SILK AND ROBES. - A large *lock of FANCY DRESS SILEtt,SILIL ROBES, An. At. A full IlseLloeu TUNDRA/WILKES, Lltllce , 144in:11041mi - do, Embroblemi do, 811 k do, Ate. LSO, • A leriessmortosent 'A of Coots NECK nis4. , and 1511 k ENILIBRLLAN. I T settler with 14 Few ralimertm tof Palmy Floods. o entire Wok krill he eild • Itbo, rter-rve ou A toooNot' TblittOola •111 be arum..* for excitleatlon rich ieteligoe oat Ey on the morales of oh. tote. ; OpltEt • novira ANA A CO- Aucllotioeic. .eoe Meant the Inaportane!to trainilteal; LOOK AT Tight IV9N-E.?iPLOSIVE AT , NINO FIXID -1.1, NOW•PIXi.LOSIViIItORIIINQ • PLUlD— 'i?he Greatest Dikoiery of the ARel , • A Brilliant Light without Danger, and Cheap= lean poly Iliendoellog Plaid now to nee. . Only 46 deb/ per gegen, Only ea mule 4r N. a TIM ordinary Fluid Lampe am r ee d for Iho,Not liapkelre, Viola—booho:me 'n Ways. Par milt only hy JOG. ' . 01 ; Orrner of Market etreel and the OlittnAed. . • e.LL.,ert, IfcCORMICK & CC; K le 0 -IT N prrnointon: PA. WarehoOpa4 No. i 9 St, Clair Hereof. IVrANIVAOTUREIL4 OF OOOK,ilßilt-' 171`LOit and IItIATINICATOVZ.I. Peri lr elebE When trnter, Boller Weroyele.; giant and Olelle MIMIC IIoUI , g 4111 01 1eOps04111 Orsrlog.pea, Writer and Arbaee plpe, Sal berme, Dog /rout, W.goa burs, eager Kettle., Pub taw Wager'', Cu Whrol. , OunplloP, non CullaYll From. ally. ~?ho, Jobbing and bfachilaeCeellegs tnede,to ordrr. lhaented Portable Mlle, erllle Stearn or Lionel Power. nelphod. 16.13151 TRUEST 44 savincla nAtinr. tlnraer of Sixth and Wood •Streot;., WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS on. • V • • f MONDAY. Nomonalrr 12lb. or °mann—ADO USVOSHOSVILNN, President; NpOug. Ilarttangh 'Mow lidamon. A. Frovrooll.l.l Cbriollan /Dobai; J. Y. Ilavollott.., Anthony Moser, E. II Myer., Ja. • Long. anfirli snit r PULL loncnknotic Yorl4l, n• choke ~Ver c ffrrnd 1 • BtocklaoldoraDdivldonDy 11.14, •• I lot tog allowed pn Tlate Depotitt• 'tiottt ayd Alltor, P. VouttaMd , Outrtney, bought ion Md. puttectiont ntlAn on an points promptly and atintadoilly. : AU tic &ranchos of a Genarial [tanking Mutates carefully 5tk , 06.4 to. 10.6 , Alll be'openou IkilDN !MAY and 'PATUIt• DAY vinrixes, trot% 6 to II Velnek. .Dtsoonnt 441-110NDAY And TUURSDAY. noltioni 3011N - STAWAKT, t'Astkit FOR BALE BY 80908101 • •t 849 Warty at, opposite Railroad pow: H0L198.198—/09 bboa h 1 N. 0; • 14794T0113-290 boa Prima Rork - bbla hall'' , floor aIIDDLINtIII.-24 lona, acidcurroarl flues win AT YL0U49,84 war: TIMOTRY 814141-49 boa tablas, OATS -800 boa Wow. oat: !le EX o toes day 111 of M. I beer D LANK SOUKS— „ •, ty I LRD.)10111. JOUKNALti. DAY 1300101. OAR! 1101/1111, s and .0,11 drotrlptkat of Acooont linoia, cos hon./ or row/0 orchoelo the Loot MUM., rolo4 h. any patio rooolowl, with or *Mont prlptool bro , loo. by-1 WM. O. JOHNSTON ik 00., nnl2 Blank Bonk Makers, 57 Wonil sc. 11 - 114 . SS A - N Bilk/54.8U ItOLL tit 10;1;8, int4caisrs AND itACli PULLIIIB-14holniste nall. al low prima, tho 0.1 Cloth Wore-mow, 2Agni XS n.. 12 ! J a rt. pulid.i I NUT/I RU 0 Atli( 111, M . ANIIOLES, And ViilLl 11E 1401`,2,2'0r sok , 'At Um liwll. gabber Dopot, 81414 r et -Don J.* 11. 11111.i.IPA • S 9' ABOII , --,200 bores' Wst Pearl • fur solo by nol2 J, fl CA N Irly[l.lr 00. FA • - • __• l) ri DUTIFUIIs WALL PAPkaiS, in en• LP t yol nottipt patklux, For Ado Rot) W.C.IIACAILALL. GtIM PAOK INO-511 thicknoines, I,6 I*TUISX, SICLT 110411R,Aamtwo. v vs. Ac ooll4t 4 AI. Litt L. 11.11 Al N. G.Uhr Mimi and 4n.41. lebor . ty *Deck owpowto fond of nork4l . SI. D 1 , E LA LEAta BELTIN4.I, stio Soic.e/ 4suovd, Ida sis.s s.a. is. =LI !J.-1y It.lnß LA NW , : BELTINO 4 -Larao amnia - Linens on L7F hood ona.l Mt mit , at the lather Store cf loAiiitr;= l lAbwiT sot .ofwoollo Inw.t nrIV.I.A mil lit i;lessiirroiiir-salo Ly 1,12 ' 'll 4 / 1 1 ATI DICHAY / CO. ttreit WHEAT SXTRA FAMILY rr,oun -in ohm. For oftio by • • 'NAIAD' wary T - AL - .1.47 - v - iiii - _ - _l5 bid% in alive for mile by ßeif weary si Alin 1)11..-8 !Alin. tow ll%ding from Rtr. KJ '-A rig 10-Pgmlek, fue ral. by : .ml 2 • !RATA II 111C1 OW /ten. KATHERS--5.) mimics in,nture fur MIR:IC by ‘ll 111(11:1CV .; , 7 1 NE"' SEASOISiABGN PRY 6ti9DS - — " " " k"" 17:17417:i , R. 71 Moak d M. 2 IIII)ES49 Prima Dry C lint 11:02./".4.1 6 7 "1. PRIAISIt i . NlT.Attz„,ll,ll,lll4 r 4.4. CALF bKINN-300,1lreen butted. in 'Owl e fee We 0) 111411111141 b /111111.)U4t1 0 I - Lll.ory,t, bu..,Sprin g liarley r just roolived ke sal., by ) • 1.-O. ()Han', bal2 . 1 t)11 LINT ty wt. KLttl! i I prine Fi Gar e;D o 4 : Ihy i.n ! iiß a , mul2 A Ppits I. A Pet. ES I titinier a All bl 4. varlytklol.4-4uk rke.l 4•1. b; PRDZlnt.a.r.,or Muinr.r4 IA tri--.1.40 bun. Prime (MU:- Jag bre4 bbtl tqe Nola by. j JAR - . MM. balk nxrier Shalt 44 and Vtratill• liOUr POLKS---10,004. Hoop Poles, "light ALL ao 4.11.7 ota 'hue for span by DftilLta —.475 NIP. I!rimo Baffry, Ajp tar aal.l f JAR A. Pa PZKK, I : . 'mite' Iderll4 and YI Cilick - Nll'r.4-271,1 - ,k viwznum, jiiiit ire'd far aalally Ititlin RR & •IMPaltriON,39 .00.14 n 42 ' appotite Pa Chart.. 1401, BUUK,WUIA'r FLOUR-80 sackg yors qmporlar.fir ramify , II mamma, UdItIKKIIT & 001, 1,612 " It/ Peoaroll *gal 161 ata. 171151,AINES, FILENUIL MItItINUS, L aa~i'.llll - tid., CIO A KB, PG NNK PL a ?MATO, mat ak haw: awn !atria of Nat, floafa Jaat ' , calved at ;' , an* rr • r r • e It Lb Lows. GAR() tC and well itttnorted "dock oft nll orVIUTLICIII. V. • ' Dental and Surgical Inntrumentn, aatvat, Meehnniete.Tooln and Ammunition, - (MS, ItISTUILS. ItIPIAS, lumens, sai le.— tit.. • Le: 4e.: 1 1 'CARTWRIO & YOUNG, • • No. 97 Wood Street, man - - " tiwarr or Diamond alley. TR,SiIt4ICNOTIUN. , —NotiCO ie her:: . I- • L 61 Oran 16•111101 . ‘ N RKlllNlt,ithort borgt• Acid ilidobat Itwr pan old, woo taken op 11 tho hlig6l Polka. tad ;now In 11,84y.lralterooe• Livery 011141 e. :Posallb allot , Pltodairdis. Win 1,0 mold on'WHONIIODAT, No,. 14k:0110 o'clock. a. to ; not rodootnod:lmdbroflhat • noltkld ; • ••• • • EIROONI4ISB-400 hag* Rio COdliET: .11J1 - 2) 5 00.1400 0000µ hOdo N 0 doh • 'AO MAIN 51.1.050 r. 5f clo sta 'Nog- , : - 1 5 .1ouatimp Tolncon; 16 GO 10notA RINK 100 Lida torte Ne. 3 100‘249,01 1Q bbli No 2lf '40.1.611. " 0W.411 No. I.Uorritut.. t 3100 dm. Polotod socket., - .' '6O &a So bo. ot'ted .12og. 200 bolo. N 0.2 0411411 2004 a. W Olookidloicot 500 kegs Rally all *lwo , ktiN 81 CIO sods —twist. Oaf: Li ?MOW ;'LITTLZ dli • Tfitnumc, • - M , IIWiIi)LSALE OROO.ERS 'AND D.ten. I n Prodrll.; '. 1 . 0 1. 1 r. Mason. Cht•••,,Ploh. Gab. d Lord Oh; 7110 A. NAIL% GLASS 00141/1 . Yass,and PRII% 511 . .011 11 . 43 V 4 V E miecompar.kinnuali lillY•111DEtl; -.• • 4 - • tonna toottter.; • • 4 mein Pea tintL • 9 t4 t 4 9 'Ann. -. a Ebb a...mut • • l• to arrin) on itoeinin. Uointonlor• Polly. We . . •i• '• - 115414111409 Itlf CO' DUCK Yintellllllt or o:falai r"i• 0... led 0 1 / 1 1+63.11114 rer, amm. N EW PRINTS,' Oin,.,. , ltams, Choiki4, Md." onL n Canton mul Wophso ilatme.l4. 4,4 RANSON "LOVE. 741.111arkpt .t. y AKE Vlsll--50 wAiito Fhb; " tA141 . 141 Vt.nt; ,: 50istbb14 lwl,llortin4 sawliwa eMI FT will by , ' "L" AMI YLOUR-"-Ocetin Btu mincloo Maw -.l4,•Gut .6,t es DPI ED -NV IIZAT-,160.1iblo: C a•Lb by ' on, Pr IV KMO MitlaiirLempaPt NS.---40haus t.../ U A'S n t i l' " I'YAS" f50f59,0 .gia —^. i _ _ _ 4a iat4 iURBAN : Q'BspeNew7dltiEe ' curruot ~/H reob4r• - f 'S RYIIYk ilit + OikpON fau - i,l4l . iq►miFax. , b4Ptilalc;t7MeMatlMAi:::.: ficlißW:blikl!k,rou'd•fur 4 , rx , ino , lo)" 4111101,1 , , . ' .. ),: I Persons wishing the BEST STOVE in the irketviill find our Nanny '‘Trnpie," "Eu , tt," or - "Arbitec" with nouns Tor, to be StAive, as hundreds in this city and vicin can testify. , ii ANUFACTIJItERS of all kinds of Cook li. aZtotoP"mol". 0e1j.7111" olro'nala..C;enlenra,liZ.l.e. ttocelubratod Coal Cooking il.laina, "Victory" and "Triunlph," Wood Cookint Bton4. ' • l"Black Oak" and "Forest Home." • e "Capitol" and "Eagle" Cooking . Ranges; 1 .ffier nyttruulle-or Opera Boners. •ti arn loon in in urn I n ann my 00.1 vicinity any ollivr ItsnK•n to very Finest Enarresled Grates OW In , made no, rt. ri,o. l'o rat.. I.n thlo n 6; filie //pasta pitmen hannihla In folr4' --- - ' J, I tlf . pox and boaneaul Parlor atoAN ' - - • • " Olympian," Tot, latent Improarmearlo We way of Parlor Cloves ~ 011001. •T. • aUn.rwith 80. IStOOLS; ha. /late Slow Rada., St , Laundry .D..ots, tranklin Stows, Azkruum•Tny W. • Ci.olday Saws. • RA KaL.T. Wallin lion., RA W DOI LIMP, MYER • RIL shairriind Yokels,.F ,ot &Nara. IfLUIARINGY4, - Bgo yip•,. Vaal t 111 . 145. - ASU-IittUISS CAULDRONS AND FURNACES, the arranyeared for Ike Wok Ilowe now in us. • J OW, 6, II Ke CDs, me eta • e public anarrapocdutly UMW to Tull Ind e 36071,120 oar i•statatii , &duck. - anDulAw/en. Dr.II'AVEN-& $ 0 N, MANLIFACTUILINIBS OP • 'PAICLOI2 nra,t II ICA'riNG STOVES relemse, near.. New tud nubrilKu, ALITIIIIIICNY CITY. ' •" • .*Sc the stiontlna ci &Talent In cur largt , ala•rgureNt .1.11.9; mad Healing !Maws, tar TWTTA mud UN al, which r Alloy( at the Invent prleor Vora. viattita cur kill I; IN TA It ta Nlsrliarirtutage to give taT a Taal and rzatalein mit t.. , ruto ton rth salnK iIiNhINT Iron [kasha grunts loots. Itaillne. llTaluar Whre, .Wa4an Ikrira, • - u and Fancy Grate Frnnte, rendero, etc., tahliTigit of an I gala nava. to or ITTr. tkIsTI I/ ni HASP:N . & floc. fl Stqt(4.l Fair; , , Ohio State Fair; st. ll t l . li7t r t!t `fate Fair; Kent.ticky Slate Fair; I .eanee State Fair; NCIV .I,er;cy Sulu Fair; : ..Vernient State FAir. I Chicag.l4..h7tianien' I 'sat utp : .0 %ISM Ittealmnioe I ttfiti ltite: • Cin:;ir.ati in;titiacc; Allegheny CouriCy Fair ? Pitt.thirgli, laza, nool , Soltke.r...thooolOnfr,o s lutiw. of the high. hoe, IWleild West., eirll.s , will be ter , grullei, on in ' , onion or Ity Ir. (to, It M.4.1,1n0 (44U. Slid 00 co. IplAt.r • ri... € . 611.r*. Cr......, Lc., ; • t N•ta. Ootti 2,, PO ii - I,llliii l n, Sc. 1 h 7 AM 8h•illIlid WOW, . . . JAR. A, FRTZRIt, uinrr Istkei and ►lr•tbtr _ ! 1101.1C4ALK RATA, SROOND FLOORS. n. Filth ' or.ll ) .FFATT'..B' LIFE PILLS— • Ii C. 131.111 Atilt RNVIRD am.Rnkirr wucti. itut rr antleent nerlidne ha. acnnired 'fur It. inrattable aker, in all the Maumee tehkh It prober., lo rare, hu tend. Precticout netelilaDeAs &Meg WA only eat y ont mrerortby of them ' they are )111011It their tr Inn their pond work. todiri AT. thew, end they thrl re not by the faith or the to edeleni. In all raue oft*. ilrenexA, littapepela, filliork• end blur Athol/oh% Piles, Muni !Din; fever. and Aline, el...Huta Med Aches and all aro st Detulientents of Ileidtts,threo Pill+ havolseui: ably p red ta regatta and spiral, rentedy, A elogleliiiT will pl tint Idle PIM beyond the Dub of conTettiloli In tbeestit lA,e o fever) patient.'• Deal noretrn Ph tENI , RRA beliinodegtraii. ly mei in all' raara et lirrvena Debility, Dyapetatia, !lead A he,' the Ake nen imbiente to Tema/. in Delicate Ifrolth, nderery Abet of Wealtuto of the Dignetivelk. I • for Illy Dr W. U. MOVPAIT, n. 13 rtroiancy. Volk, a .1 by Malkin Deaden and liregaiete neutrally, throng .01. Diemen/re. 1 . in h* f.ch...l* Floe to Kitts Oolong, Trak , do do Voting, Ilymni Tbak DI Aft. . .do G. P. end ttop`l Tpiur.. 1 . I ca Mica 'Anon* sty I** sod good Ity. bldg N.* York siol Roney Y. dynip*. ' hi **intend bean Pure tln.end nide., lota Paul and Win,' Ultne t4in eh. • ' , . T dnOulgatahi and Toilet Stop* - ' IAI do barman sod Deland** Boat, 1 LW. Prime nude entrants. b do , droned Rio and Java th ane: l' me ILI°, Lagnsyra and Oldflo, J•Tao.l7.e. Nino Mee; Nevitirletiliasid ad soigim . . 01 ce - ylath o , c, a, Biortui mad 0 Nall brl 1... , ~., . hlacearal, Vorinicelli soil Enent* of 041*e. -, 110 dos /layering Natractis de. am - • t rm. . wholesale and retalll.y ochini lAirT J. P. WI LLI Ahlll, 111 IhnliLdidd *t. TIIS 'OLUTION:.---l'he PlrrtnenltiTriterete, JLI 1'46, ell.tlng 'mob* the mono awl *le* of OItAIYV A VAN 0011. DAR Is till. il if illasolv,l by IhnitaLlln lir. L. 0.111.4 el-tiring fens the llctu. All Inowne 'mooring 'Lehr. solve* Indebted or ha* 'ng &alto*, till plenanc.ll at the old 1 . .i.a, x 111 ti.coua str. 4 .co.m..tevt,th rneutioett, 14..k.v tlaoror. int.o' 01000 I. author ...1 . c,.. a,,iti,c(l., 0...1.0he Uth,1843.. - ' , KANN VAN tlOttOnli.' RAZZ, VAN - GORDER, -, PRODUCE AND ,h1)113810N .MEltCllttivr,-- it Per. Urn m, turd.. Rutter; I.nrcl, Che...n. Nr k, -41•••144....0 fhtitwhotlfrootnenueoenaly r --- -.- t anik'A4ll.-050..1 Windt ...1 9.ttioimottf. uso, , No. 114 &mini' Stree.t, Pi ttebuigb. ; - unmeo , ' . I Rahte,'Pllttrintrert I. tam.notecn..Pitunerge , Cs Air; an " i Phrimra trlivrotll4, sis om.rt a r. . 11x, 300 us nine, in atorel NIL ANJ Xit.. [i.ds • ...- Q N4 ll l - F , 5--100-bage:ftil) Culeev *Lading - • Lit do Pr[ elir ik Goolbiai'liactigyso ito•P; o -, t 4 91 , 5intd10411t; , - ado LoonMiloOot and - . D02ct 1.... • . - liigt . tottltrt.od 10 • irhq • r , LtITLIt• TINIS.161.11; : ; 1 1 4 pair, tr , a. ouyiri:urar tato, rA .angel, G & NA?'STOVE WORKS. . _ . . A D I. . 1 D 1r COOK, PAtitt.LOP. AMID: 11.1.*ATING: STOVES; • RAxic FRO NY .3, Irkt:N DER Ste. &e. Szj. . _ . Bole ,Proprietor of the colubrat&l TENT GAS MUMNING ANO'SMOKK CONSUMING MMANOSMSNTM, applit,ml WOW' C1.07r Erov.e) '44ll . aut*go• of mlaidi • • A great lotto. of Fool.: A roach golehrr and hotter ot'en, hien threat. fire. The prearrialion of the centre pi, co. , Cllnowlinore, no there to unt nu.-tell thoeoot wad dirt thetta bond In ottier , 71awri storey, and all attire, we over NAP, have a cur• rent of told nit towelogi between Wren end aro twelr, which prnierve. It and nAdi to the of our 14 , 4ttes, over all other.. . 'Oohl also call ,parttratar uttootlon to our mock l'arior SOvee and Una° Front., lob, tocother with our arbor 'w., too wilt .SELL .CIIICAP. , co and Salm Room, No. 4 Wood titroet. awilmrw7MiFfMßVi • 6 .-Ak X.,." .co . :23h LI II ECEIT"I" STI-t Ecr STOVES EELER & WILSON'S :‘\ 7 I.ING MACHINE! No. 27 Finn STIWAy. FAIRS OF 18601 ..Hk3 EILE Et. Wttsc kwArdrti the M.inl PrvlUaa.at.the, oft,r to the pttiolio WIIEELER wil, , tity.4 'snowy Ito l EWVCI AT REPVCILD PIELICIO , • r.rwiewle . ..toworo Ig It. iot.rll+ *Vit. 'mot god moot Vamily two :11. it 1.1.'4 1 1 1(11•1. I tk. thn hkk..t 4:nr! t1.1...-st Units ..kw ImpowAhts. W .3tirsYnt. with tht' . I •.tt.fTe KAthl , ..m both lora.l.g tm 11 , 11 v. or Ch.lit on ".!!.`X,!0zh',.t.17:1 , 40/1,.. to r.enlltaclkni, toorttopeatrts. durott.. t!-An otbet• towhittn. Ivo 101 laugtructlima to th.vverchwho, 1.11111r411 y •earvilkotneh, h.m. toll. cleft, gathey; hlnit sh t ,.. opd of Ai Imhof, Omagh lit thilbiosimmrela of tiia;, . ~, . "Ands. hi Ow II et. WomP....___ 1mr_5w..21.84....."0dywr, I. ',miaow. ;Wu. ..=....%:,,,. 7 - 1 ,47, mmt, 'out:att.: rtitabarabou 1 1; 1 1 , 151.T. ;4IP 1114 . , L't _ ~,,:,. AIM mamedog silt *lse s. at, O. nafrogiri -..-„, •., ~.kt , Nometoolksitaalcd svar *ow o salsaawitutcsbagarP '. al .lhamorsola, kaoinas i a*.A l kisecupubdwonsi . , I . f, thg" 0 1:1, Prur.arieldthWilov. —0- ilimall Ile en • aft ,„.; '-,,,,? Ewa.. Weasettitiltoll -_aajkii aadlip' - •, : . p....: larefaiprilliilapi,......._. , - - , * 'Alsollmi OW Maw% karni hilegVad ' ' ir.a. , ,lawiail•eip.obe oilit. too -' - i , : - . j. - -Alp ofrund IN • et i I miallAiliiiiiaesie ' . .: ...=-„, ~,j;,;;:i , : csisi ltia =7 4.4 tregonwi alllit AWe1ammainn0......................•!".44t! _ ,.-. 1.: 4 ‘i.,'"" ~,, ,,-1 ..,,,....-,;:. 7 ;5:7:: uvitorniumbeiwriailtriallt. . '''' -4 ' .. ;:it , ' -. as 'Mlana P. ' .lit IMO' a 11huak,' bie Y'' ..; ' 1101 0$ 19 4 6414ftil1141"111**-47 .: .1.111 111.111111M il iri t'iroatigFL ''' n +A :r!--‘'-.'2 . , . - .. ~ ' •- . , , , . . . . . . ' ks , ~_ ~+~~, awry.