a ussu. issarre.s. Tausis..e. s. - 11.111 r QUM a. EIItRIIITT i Dir o 4.A. 4 Ara-A*BlO,PO sir a a a.. Citaric. 4 TUESDAY' IIiOIININO. „NoV. 1660. -ruin Err, _ABRAHAM LINCOLN, T '• Ole 11.115015. nu vies rassmica, RANN:IBAL HAMLIN, OF MAINZ. . Slaotors . at Large. _HON. 141111111r000oz. ' HON. TAWAS H. HOITIt. I - (Thad' Posalless. ' - LP them* IleopAir, • IP A. B. Ebarp% IP %del 0. AA?. IR Ilamelfialyts, -11 Wpm 00w... PO Wallas NalhaPsa, &gm* ItlePOPl4 ska.srd P. Roberta, ; AA Hoary gleatber, ripen. ia..a O. 1 &dell% Stag, 11 liftry Basis, - :I= l tiffler C' e Jour W. h 14 4. • ErsaielaW.,clbriet. 10 lholid alliumea;Je; 7' Tbolsimil Ha - 211 rob HUILI;NQUARTEIRS. ' Repolloia o•44•Qtlistlers et City, Hall,. D414.-...00 1 0tke tilorns. sarli• A Pa rung ,Word. Itopablitotittof . Alloglieny Cattail I to day the Monde t hoodoos sad of tight are to osoonator lb snood's of civil abort,. Foti lb bug two Tooke as foes of Oat filo isottlatiosi bon bon la fall unrest, bowling dlllplldr om tbdr irmsocabte, ikon; but of s ridden Mar shot toil and broken solution kon.boon brenglit to • bait and • rigid about foot; and Om boots of Modem sill Ono, IRON i e oompoUod to 'topple with . tbo' loot 4,1 b Woggle, of the poborts of • . Weeny to our &publican - frreide; Prised an itabrehra Peal, cold staidPm 'The effort of our edveneerles to-thy' will be their het '"fiturry"— their death struggle. .Tboir toellt ire broken; their hags are roes; sad their power for rill hee deported. Adocesuf aloof Ws whole hurt illicit/ the foe . that wiere to eerneet:'•See that every Repot, Ikea whales* not at the *loathe on the pal of Ostobor, Is it his poet to-dey; tied before the sou shall set, bosun that the lug vote la your dlarlotthat trtlftaunt for freedom iodate right! bas bean depoillad la tho halloah*:. ' GUISAILFGaII4O-11Slopraral toy Illegil sot. and that o!ery Mb who is iatith‘l thirst*, 2niti l yhatre,the free and anintorropted opportani -7;:ly tidoposit ihr vote. ' t r. Voters, Attentlezt! Wisevai baL4tes Skit Cuatlintles wits "'teemed isd the Union awaited to* .Welebilah - Itbert7,7 and the Alai if the ineJority to got cro, wlli vole , tot LINCOLN AND ;HAMLIN. . Whoever beltovle In the prisolples of the Declaration of. leslepeadenoe, wilt vote tor.LIN COLNAND, HAMLIN. • - 'oplored the nivelof lbw illsiOur- Compromise as a resileis re=epeolagnt the sla very egitailoo, will vote tor LINCOLN AND • Whoever ablaut the doable. ot the Drsd geoli r tbudelos, that slavery erlets everywhere mkt. the Constitution, Will tote for, LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. • • Whoever Ultimo that slavery la A . .creature afloat law sad NM no legal existent* without 11, will vote Tot LLYCOLN AND - HAMLIN. ' Whoever would sonde:au -the pre - ehntill dot patient et' the Desiseratie party Of the smile*. Will vote for 'LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. - "Wilkie:. claims-for whits litmus tit right to odds to say lenitots'apart frost onedaot or compoltiew with *lives,: will vats fit LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. - i • - _ Whoever te In fever et FREE HOMES for the . HOMHL. d HS.B, ea provided by. the .liePublities Hcanesten Dill, will vote -tor LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. • , Whoever would rebuke tonallolito sad restore - -the government to the parity sad economy of Ito early days, will 'vote for LINCOLN 'AND HAMLIN. Whoever wouid bread:eorraidlos sad utter i s tk — spume Ii lee sitloosl expesalial* yards Mir LINCOLN AND HAMLIN, - Wiosier dies sot vim& toOtto, awl his • votelow 4 'Mr.' Dough'', who hi sow out of tio 1,• figheorroostributo Indirietly to timiusettssanos au poweror - ths yressorsorruprdyssaly, will tote for LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. ; Whoever vomits on louiN, ospahh sad Goo ecientiolie ststeemia fir Au ion will Tots for. ABRAHAM LINCOLN.' • itimeinbert • Remuthar, that thtspolioy oar mob:tilos. sq fatiers, was to make the national domain all free. Rentaittor; that - they 'excdudielli - words °Aare" sad, *Waver," from the °medial - los, sad t 44 ;Wier-mid he thought It umprag.to !Amulet:a* tle constitution the idesi that thus could.bs_ pirdintrty: in tam" Riaiember, `that the Territorial of the Mame will be suds Alther free' or' slais . ,Blitia'jut m condition.. Borne bar that the B.spubllosa party is CM °etyma arldindl-for thirprlatepla4l. free . Terriferim. ' • ' Rtmembwr,,llmt tha laellnllon of alarary Is ths o*Waistair-witrerloselymdier-i prod She paryitel4-o'f the Union. • ' Hataember, that the esorosolmenie Mid over weeolos,Olaltas of Ilta Na e renewer havi_boaa oarrlad ton itsgth 'kWh' s laeorapeUbti with the prtaimitlin of the'llette iiitt ;liberties of the -»- . .- Itimembir,Altat Ili lastltotkiratidarery le • purely eitolleast interest, aid that out ef hays. at three.bandredatitl - fiftyfittensaad , elm" holders; ilaariMbari - twat - fretristroris - notWeeettsaal occident* intainit, lids other. sal iteMerabir„ dna If Is the fundamiatal Wird ' pis °fear goversticent that the istalOrily should. role. . llattember, that the alms holding lalarest, 414,19 tidepresest lYewbelallantb;bu am. mewl to'rule the Federal doiersaisst so as to etureeri. It-into the Mlles propassidlat of ohs- Raimmher„, - ,that wider (hlsieduseee two- thirds of the older of this goverment havelmea bemired apes &taken ass, and the rentals der oilikuomi . to - the disslosat palls seattamat the' Firm Mates—Led this, Intl whiltalm - roplaid-tba- Free Matti are Iwo, thlrdsit the isatlia, and the people' of ameba Itinsii4r, that Ibis miestroas Irregularlij is sttam - plid: to, be towered by • 'false eatery of . wio — tartelitielliiiii , Tatii - oali - ieir i - to remora tielaii equilibrium - MO). le ilemes4- ad by iguanas trhielilec ; • • Reasmedii, thstal/ the Diailikpf4k . akeh•44.- say part pathos' ad le the Sepik :sad so depubdema its l;,llentatealit: ; itemember, that the Iligablioaa party for the emelltation, sad the right of the adjillky4e-ssiers, Is-every • atimiiaidrer. tukapsza k urts you.-Un jirs inmate, where the peoplerale, - tied ihw.the_..reeyosslbillti - fee bad • kw bad mieseverilisit rams directly os loeanirts ReateMber;tiet -Abides LIAM* is the oily maitaild.er(bi'dl .19kla Yresfds•L b Ik. pm. Alelk:Pla le. Conran. ' th. ee. y , wWbe isigolod fsforAnairelid "P . iO4,'w4jit'Aitsties Nis gop re. . • • - Ittieembee . Laiesinav isis womet. teetf s - : 1000 * 1 0' 41 7f sot Ilea ii,l44li`,l46SiiiiMiik tokiittlatitii4 4,;.„,(4014 , pier - - . REPUBLICAN -NOMINATION Election, Tuesday, Nov. 6,.1860 Abraham Lincol HANNIBAL HAMLIN FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, JAMES POLLOC K , EDWARD C. KNIGHT, ROBERT P. KING, HENRY BUMM, ROBERT M..FOUST, NATHAN MLLES, JOHN M. BROOMALL, JAMES W. FULLER, DAVID E. STOUT, FRANCIS W. CHRIST, DAVID MUMMA, Jr., DAVID TAGGART, THOMAS R. HULL; FRANCIS B. PENNIMAN ud-Sills to. the Rescue!" To day is the time agreed Upon by the "mad. sills," ''greasy mechanics." soil ..bard fisted farmers," for *general rally to turn out the proud, aristoorstio, labor despising Mayo. hold - ars and their, Number*. dependents from the chief places In the goveroment, and put in their stead meet who can apprioisto the worth of free labor aed will pay some rrgard to the lotuses of the mere of the people. That will be a greet revolution Indeed—a glorious revoluttoo, peace fully effected through lite hallot-box. Every man who has the good of his country al heart must bid the muss God speed; sn4 to make his good wishes effeotual Ito must put its own head to the work by votlog for Linoolu and Hamlin TBE DOUBLE -a We gles . below the F Me Douglas straight floe Die Falba Bakst are Br 111161131 t. ifmaire. Coup N. Rialtardi r mix, Pradmick.l. Surer, Will:.. a Pafformo, Amp& Crookiii, W. Jacoby, _ r,i4m ir t i o rails; Dora &LW, Joe! L. Ligitam, &mu/ B. Timer H. Walker, &gime 6 Wiacbmiar. Jediapb Gotland', Lase Baekhow, Charge D. Jackno, Jabs A. /1.1,__ Joel B. Darner, Jaen R Crawford, Horatio N. Lee, Jodie' B. Howell, Pollards! P. Aratfrrinow, &Dame Mamba!!, William Book, BgrowD. Booia, Gaylord Church. • lemma? Taaasoe.-The Frtech paper in New York, the Courtier des slats link "aye : . "Preparatory overtone have already been made to the Preach government to to ow whether, the ease occurring, It would consent to take un der he eels the commercial neutrality of any point on the Southern court of the Coked Stain.' The Courtin , adds that an indenfiolle 'lesser was gine, but that the Repression left upon lb* adnde - of the negotiators . , wit: Mat the Emperor of Pram would be only too glad to assume ' mob a protectorate over "any point oo the Soothers motet of the Ualted States." Upoo Ibl oosfeeslos the N. F Commercial Advertiser pertinently remarks: - "Of come the people of the Veiled BMWs would never permit the assumption of soy snob protectorite4-any inch, foothold of despotism upon Ito territory, and that phase of tab matter may be; diemisied. But tale pbbee remains. It to conciliate own who Acme slevady invited a foriiyn derpoOto take posers -4mi of American territory", that no are to refrain frost voting fora Republic's President! Out of rowed to soft who-are already traitors. to_ossr comma country, we are 'to hold our pence and let them do an they list !..; That le the argument of Mr. Llooola r e:Lfonente, We mull not offend those who are ac, y negotiating with a foreign 'dispot for protection its their treason, by vanity ttpeltzt their wishes!" A Bats ides Breen ' our son' Ltsiniut.—Mr $.'Q. Worrell, of Phlledelphle, 'hitherto se so. the Bell moo, made a strong Llitoola opieoh at Attestor', Pa, on the 25th alt. We haviroom col' for i few extreme • • Wkelloba Bill woe Aral nominated, be me rged ardently sad itioaroly le hie euppon— em'ene his time and rimy to the cause, sad me t ier faltered In hie cubit', until a naprlo ol ed leaders had attempted to transfer the *Wesel sad body, tolls Democratic' rants, •at the late Governor's aleotlos. Hundreds of - good med Ito. friends of• John Bell had met at Independeace Bqoare to Om ally of Pluladelphis, to !protein agabigt the unnatural cad unholy - harpla, bot a tomultuous mob of Demoorate sad preteadid men had'illitorbed sad broken up the meeting. Try Viers determined to cam• pet himself aatibr - frleade to vote. for Poster instead -of Galls; whethor or no. The free eplitit of ivory true Bell ' o rbit spurned alai' ht digestion the offer to tell theta oat to their old irreg. Be said; plat the coolest for the Presidenoy UM between' Limmis and Breohluridge. ff he resided in the Boath ha' Would vote and work for Joint Bell, a name that 4 honored sod revered, whines, purity and ohainoter, spathes integrity and lofty patriotism date admirers. It is per. Wily useless, however, here is Penosylvenia to Mails Mr: Bell. - His party is too weak foi any emoist purpas and to divide the i - pposi.: Dos to the smocratio piety_ between Litoolo Ind Bill, lidiWarisht Maddesi. of that game la 1866, byWitioh James Buokiaan Was enabled to step tato the Presidency, aid 'play such fantastic tricks before high Heaven, as tasks um angels wavp.:' As for'!_ Stephen A. Douglas, although he hY 'made L manly light 'ranee Ductimatt, Yancey, Draokloridgo leo., his prospeois are worse now itkan Jolts Dell's. The Whole power. moos! sod thaibbstry of theeDsmoor stic party , me in thi .asadsiof the Brechinridge men, and every vote glean to the Democratic ticket, li a vote for Rneoklarldga Ths mar; to clam out Bonham; DeVokigridgit A Coils 'Old Abe Chronic . " asaiiatte -Tiro jean ap Ile people of No brats' ideated m Republican doleetip to Cou pe* by • kris mojerity,' but tbe , teirttorlid *Mittel. manta! hied oat 'aed pee the certilloate to his &morello *calmest. Coagreek oa tbe i*opportusity, milted ;lb. locofotai Intruder, sad tbypoople of Nebreelik at lb* late ikotiOa, re allotted the Repcbibma .member.. Hot ,tbe teriiterial Dial* bate diala meted Lip; auk .aits bave , freadeleany Ole tits cortlicate 10 ibe locefotte - imediditi:; Tide poriioleao. I. fraud tedloetes tbeisiditto tbi ptirlp forwlo ,` eiseltikteperpetratet - - • - ' 44 4. 1117 mw HoMild•b a g • tom a. 4 itia 1.14 - 401prindo, of bloprtoolploi by 1104 mats '1 404 41400 # 1.b14004141441411,44,4**411•11i':4..-C' FOR PRESIDENT, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, AT LARDS DISTRICT: ULYSSES MERCUR, GEORGE BRESSLER, A. BRADY SHARPE, DANIEL 0. Gr.HR, SAMUEL CALVIN, EDGAR COWAN, WILLIAM McKENNAN, JOHN M. KIREPATRIC'K, JAMES KERR, RICHARD - P. ROBEIITS, ! HENRY SOUTHER, JOHN GREER, 00WPf ALLEGHENY COUNT LINCOLN AND HAMLI Free Homes for Free M Protective Tariff ADED TICKET 100 Eleatoral ilaket sod et. Than la 'Wks oe itoklarldga men: DOCOLA. 61111161111% EfOSE.vr AND sDoNoittuAL ADMINIST' TION OP THE 00ITR_VM6NT! Elretors. Richard num, jebn Comae, John Alerander, Godfrey Metzger, Edward Wittman, Joseph Dowdell, G. - . W Junky,- iselab Jam.., George D. Scheel, John Blank, 0110110 °MU. Wm. L Dowert, i. S. Winchester, Joseph latubacoh, Isaac Reekhow, George D. Jackson, W. It. {forges, ,Joel B. Danner, • 'J. R. Crawford, Francis Laird, J. B. Howell, IJohn Calcium, [Samuel ma.b.ll, William Book, James S. Leonard, Gaylord Chunk. REMEMBE GO TO THE POLLS FREEMAN'S DUT ABRAHAM LINCO MANNIBAL lIAML WILL OS C$O3lN FO PAL Tilt lib:111W 0 CE.I OF !HE OOFERANINT I • DJ nut Ile satisfied with simply electing th' but do your part towards giilog them DIASORITT Or run Whole Vote Of the Unio ONE DAY TO YOUR OOUNTR LET EVERY MAN VOTE HIMSELF, SEC THAT HIS NEIGHBOR VOTES AL , •Ny Vote Nkke no 'Different.' No true Repot,linan will think, twy, or so He remember, I hat all majorities are mad of Atingle balloyr, and rota accordingly. II highly prises Use right of suffrage to omit I. It When the fate of the Repdlio mei be bale! coo rote Suppose a for Republican& lomat sod foirasbly In Pinosihrocia skoald se day; "my vote will make no dlffericee," abd awl; from the polls Defeat would follow, , with it yerobsofie (indica oaliniltitiitho coo 4 j of A protruded straggle, in Clangreis for PrOildoner: Yoor; votais ay - tootle :Mowed questions, tliy Dab,the4 Pray. TOW liiil no dlffeyanee:" The oplyipropit nod life RI for.il•egio ilia .Piiisideicgr Is-at alike ; is i . 84 1,1 43 t BOX] . - . 06111160 . 611.-/011 6 tdigniamint frt . ' thnt thi• mei sibti aUSeit‘ti;the lab-RePublioal-prooil: lion in:Beltitebri and du Limitti.i toltreni dp the: It/publican, mutton Witch tollowadolteur Breoldnridge democrats, many of thorn bil!oir . 'debt:nen who iciinars hue compfalnad titbit rowdyism and terriiiinepraotteed (ovoidal am: by the Ameeloan Militia orthat 614,.80 Lig rt as they 'wets, themUlitea, the objects of - pe O. lion, they could pra!e r ky the. diy. month d year shout the right of free speech and free om of opinion ; but es loon as they end S‘ - p , yly weaker than themseiree, they !allow af4tao Iti the, footsteps of - the bullies whom) rowdyism lej have to often deprecated Cirounsetatoes idles, Taw BALIIIIOIII Patstraas.--41m twopri OtiF who went by tie board, is Baltimore, Mai week, ware_tlialartilatrorltilesi aopplialooka,.ood . all their omouranotaata to_that.foot. yet . politician:sod aowapapara aro dmirtous of re. attaig Ora lartprotaitio that. Hiroo falloraa.aro tribal Oda to the irobabla sottoma of lam, WIIO . III ABIUAUA■ LJICOLI I -.The &blast lawyariai . 111ioob, tad attain It istatampitpaskei a the Ualon,-,:antiple',4 end hottest /11111,'Irho What ho profilist sad sig . carry out What ioustdartiara:-P-'-8 . , Rensesbar . aba 7Waraa - of tlaor . .o! y 1 "80 f e araa odd allimo-ib• - •110 ontriail 10 flow through lay I .111 steer tramrall NEVER: It by word or tbouskt„biroliiiliri . 14 : lu admitlug onf rid of free., iffripty' " e , ettastins , cuing)! Auman bondage v* Dwain of piry.:.:. if you fee eiktseys,l4l !if deli's as the street corder oiling,' to-day,, co mil 4 know itult:Le:.bie been reeding the lll4;:' battb Foot, Illaiiiiliemifialli eeere - Catfluell4 Milan.. . , .. . . . A Poortylot, - 11riotooy.--Ttirto - le toot JI !lop ptobibility otivojrilliiiitim pally It slll be, to tiiixtriiitilieiint; A wo:leat tri I . o*llirtoirmielog littd at >Bolliiituy". sia , swam dr=19.4 .. I. tibia 00 - the Moo of :Ltottolo: - from , ottam ;tltottiutolotted 'otitteoltros, ltot. SWUM' Tiorill*r ol4 11 , 111419.01614L,i THOMAS M. HOWE II WI ;IF tlo rlP‘',lnia.:ll TO-DAY_! QM= , tb.G e r i,lXettiea}llaeetde boom,Oet.loth It.. L- CnireiriDvited-irl,'Scitieti 411 retii 'Wier:mut' 1 Pramet.—Fram the plains wa hear of • terrible thitinetion *Feints, - :belonging"to the freight trains cm route for this city. Their death le spuMen. nod .thit best :cattle in the herds are . , usually, the first vlallemt. ,The disease of which thejdieltas bettailibittety Proconneed'eturrtio, i distOmPer, and alkali. From what we learn, the latter ii doob lose the owe. The amen in pow' very: dry the Platte river low, and the I water, to coteequeece, along Se courts through I the alkali plains, more- then usually lover:wed I with the potion; bat , it le doubtleee more nitrite. citable to the ;dust Oen tisoything else. Tee roads are exceedingly dusty, and • cloying I, Mu In constantly 'enveloped In' its clouds. Cattle Mlle it at tiery bre..th, sod eat it with every a:nowt:dui - of Ow they tate. The ,gray is acid to be thickly'oevered with it for three. miles from the road,. By' ibis means, enough alkali is at length intrlnaed boo the system to prodece death, and the finest, largest and fattest oxen are the des to fall 'Wilma. while the scrub will stand It for ad todetinite hoots of time. Sane c trains have hien obliged to peril:me cattle to till amp their teams, and many have been seriously delayed by their loaves One day reoently • gentleman whit. came up from St. Vraio—forty, .two-mile, lialOw—tionnted near the toed over fifty. °stile ta tt of oxen tbst had died wilble I few hears. ' Some train-msetere have tried lard as an autidote to the-disease, with good encores. It should be gi ven freely, sod se sown es possible after the animal is found to he ebb. A good rein would dCubtleas put a etop.to the preeetit bovine mortality; but as long an the weather eontiones en dry, It will doubtless Increase. Tna Norabeio (N. C.) Propels, in comment log wither pthbable consequences of Mr. Lin coln's election, holds the following language: Lincoln be elected, of which all-good men us fearfullj . apprehensive, there will be but tithpartles In the Booth after the cutlet leaver —one for Ulu and one' for disunion — lna then it will be found what were the reel -objects of those who produced the trouble at Charleston to April lest.. It is needless for are to thy that we Mien be t r Otind battling for the Union ae long as the Federal Government respeeth the rights of the oltirene of North Carolina. Now is the time for all potriotio men to ohottee poeltione, for soon they; met be found on the one aide or the other—for the Union 'or wised it." In like mutter, the Hon.W. S. Million, of Vir ginia, In 111 recant speech before Mu °math eats at Norfolk, in referring to the approaching election, said: "Rrentt se it might; in sixty days after it won over there mould be no Bell, Douglas . , or Breokinridge party in the country There would 4e but two—a party for the Union and one &Whet the Union. He bed aided and wotild battle with the former Lars room Jrrrsseop TIERITORT.—The yore sod Mail Coach from Denver City ere bringing ourhatidsome moms Hof gold every trip, rauglog from $20,000 to $30,000. The regular ilmo, by mall close, betwoest Omaha and Deaver Is nOii reduced to fired er and a half, sod the oosoh eiblith left, Denver City, Oot, 22d brought $32,000 is duet. " The *rep of vegeteblee raised la the vicinity of Deaver City ;the put season was very One.-- Wheat was relied ittoonsiderable quantities, the quality good, the yield being thirty bushel' to the . aue to the Platte Valley. it le found that the agricultural resource' of Pike's Peek are griller than the most seaguine anticipated. • Noun. Clerk, - Crater & Co , hare o wakes Denver City, sod oohs about $lO.OOO per week cm ea average. They coin $2,50, $5 and $lO piece", widener* becoming quite current iu oil cattalos. The cola Is neat locklug, but bee the slime brisey,ippearauas of all gold oast without the oopper alloy of the U. 8 Mate. rm. u. ir.SJOHMsOIt rithr.w. mous I "LOOK AT TUE 4LAVES IN • YOUR Olt N WORICSMOPS I TREY ARE DRIV EN TO TOE POLLS AT , TIIE BEOK OF Tiriztß MASTERS, UNDER PENALTY OP BEING . DISCUAROEDI"—Speeeh of U. V. Jourpott, • (Democratic Candidate for Vice Preaideuttauti Pittsburgh., Sept. 22. Oar Clams Is Raincoat - —CI v. Chase lade ohs of Meal. Republica epeeddbbes la -Coring. too, • Kentucky, the evreatog ofl the la lust.— coa Fellowe': Hell Was densely crowded, and some thlrtylediesgraeal them:maims with their preseace. The as.,. were all filled,•and the aisles sod area were packed with Bootlicking otall.politleal Watt. Though ./311111)11 wen in otrittlatlou early la the eseolog, that . disturb alba yacht ocamr, •the sudiesca was mainly attentive sod respectful, throughout. . Tut Lenlaville.Joartral well pyre - ( (The rigtit of ireoession is like the right of thedebtor to re. !NOW. his dahlia-vibe right of the landlord ro reclaim the lead (bat ba bed sold end bun mild for,--or the 'right or the bookend to repudiate biewife and 'renounce bit obildren. It is (be right to do wrong. to detain pledgekto &atop the veiled rights or others, and - to uproot the foindatioairof ail government." 4 1 Isormu Therthas. elide msel, log toidship- Inds at the Naval AeideMy the present year 'nimbus sieetreevee. Attests them le • son et Hoe. Wm. L Teeeei. who *odds. for • five yaws' mine: I* the Unionote fur that. term? L. mud ,think so. , - Core, A/0118111" eitlikialle a Democratic ea air to his sleepy , partisans. • Attu the election he will have °coition to et aloha:'sun atom!";. • ' Siete Rbbertustutents. • 1861. • . 'lB6l. Bet the• Cheapest aid the Best. The Pittsburgh Almanac ce4casted lira Edited by u.istoila Q. 11114 EM.." No. 3 foe 1831 is 110 W ready. raw a • largo . 72 pigs book, containing. tog L alber ebb thwaseal ealealatkiaa, table s , de., meal valeabba inairuC. thl and adbreirdida d reading muter. I Every Fatally ahanld haven copy. read by all drak e @ at the 'oar wk. o t 06NTIS inr d opy• ditribmil by wall, on raulpi at led Mart cord camp., Address: ; & ' Ptibli•heya, 71 and 73 Fifih et., • door iiotba Poet 01111 k. DIAO. I / 1 03 and klAt AilAoo for 18134 ran be bath HORT • opfUtdager CIANDS' :SARSAPARELLA—For. Purify t..7 log Oho Inibal—floobb &posh aloof ands, ly Ass too'aaais: of ababbod lf ' ricalizina Bold latch boo .irolhe Amory osambnoba abm, aloomsfi flood 'of *Um' ofirok out oatballory losabotios! lib ahmestsfa of dhism, ofelbaboOnst 0. 10. oomsquolgo. sod lbo ,