ilittsSurgl ».wnbe«Mi’e;iamiakj;«.e^ r a. B 8.8 B *_*;'* Q# . tonosa j.irD PMbraiMtomT.- h»Atr-4388 UhWKH;!,, 1 ; TUESDAY- -MORNIH6,-; pop, - 80.-IMO.~ roa rßaautxjtT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, (W, iutiKdis: - ■ wr vpig nnsbiav...- ..'i* HANNIBAL HAMLIN, 0/ MUSK "... • i -.r —. BO*.JAMKTPOfcWO*,- -*-• ~ - BM. .SOQlUfllLk HOW*. * • U trmdiß.huiMa, ■■ivmpmuwSEr* *• ' • 18 Af*.fharpK IT DttUO!•«&. U &ura*J Odrla, * itedL* ** Orajj Boater, --- laQretr, • - - . " 1 UnHiLKslitt,*- iaebm**ta* I Bnirtaaß, ■- •- « Botort JL tort, • Ndtea aOK «idha h.bwcmu, ■: 7 Jim W. Vail tt, * ■ • DarM ft Stoat, 9 Vraadt If.^Okrtat, 10 OtfM Moaisajr., It DftVid Tagfart, • It ThdMM ft. Itafl, |i ; „V »Jot. ORLTOHEWESKajORE. ThoUmn It rapidly alippiag, away, ud oil/ cm ottk'tMatlpifor, work. - Within, that Unt tho dial blow ofthnoampalgalf to bottrnok. The tAgrtf jitar ea tht 9th of Ootobtr WM almott.lnptaaUaoodilj apparint. ttaroto V kopo (area, without Ua latematloa ofCon. *raaa, aalablUhea alor.ry la Ua Unilorioe. •la brief, ba iabeianllaUy eadoraea Ua Brad Boolt dcelaiea. .We are ao( aware that the Bell I aiaa ar Ibla Btala will aota adUUaolaluloral I Uakit To curmlndlhero dosanotMem to boanr i eweeaUyforinoh actioa on their pan.’ Irtbey I epprore Ua etaliaitala of Uo axlraot ahlob va I bara qaalad, why 00l lbnr their eolaa for Mr. Breekaorldpe at qaoe 7 , If: ba Ut oUtr l baadUayregard BUeerpaaalooallaalUaUoa I >ad not national, they ohonid aappbrt Mr. Ua-1 aola, aba la Ua only eaadldata la Ua bald Uat I rapraaaalaUataide#fUa quoatloo. Kleelhet ablab eaaaot ba anaquafallj eoalroTirlad I Mr. Ball aad Braekenridge, aa far aa Ua Slat*. n qatatlaa la waoaraad, atoad praoieely aa the eerne platform. I \ Taa preapaala for eanyUg New York oaai V ba aary (loom/ for Ua foaloatala whoa Ua Nea V B,nU oonoedee that Iba aeateatl* bopa ■ laaa. taaa artlola ia Uat paper of Friday Uat. aa Ead Ua following: ' •■CoMKmjcjtta to *u ooiMraod dtmtadt **«*jW* l ••yiani op 1 I* ' AwM b« (bMlnid. Na» Twk fill Tflhr Lifooia, ud »y' top*. W««f «t)Mfpfa4 • *;* •* ; ■- r. TMubtat tur ftiteei'ytoa nbw doiia toan?e all the wityj eadflfefiLbte election wiihta nek da Co*gn**a«*,~Aua|Ujm*n *al oooalW eSekrtr LtnootnwWbJTioted; and *npartlf*~ •noaentd m*, a* well juat now than. their eouM Is Ufa! arenTaa in eralt UU tlia daY aftar liaeUo*."r:v,. . • Tkd ndprlanipled’ifrprrii 1* not ae candid u lianlanie en.|aborier~tktfeimerpap«r la atUl crowing orcr tka “brlgkt prcapect." of Ike three headed orgtninllos In IWEmpira Biaie. The Bxfrtuku bean pttdleting trinmpka for Ike fd rtonlala near lloce iha dpealn* Ifie campaign. Praeion* to Iha Halo* eleoilhn. one! or Ida editor*, •h» waa on a eielt to tka( Buie] wrote home Ike Bepabiloaaa had not a ghoat of a akaaM tkaee. The return tof the eieciion not realising tkat pradlatlow; ita attention waa aezttnraad tn Pennigiraiiia. Dhio and : : lodiua. In tboee Slaiea '‘Foalott’* had a aam.lkiag of u, bat ninekow when the rotee wore counted, metltn U»oed sat peril, mack after tka aaiata faakioa ** *• Maine. New York-|* now lhe ‘forlorn kapa'V of, Ike diaorgaaliare, and nnt week will akow haw far WKBg tlteip. lia** been In their saloalatldsa la regard to ike trola of that; great state. - Itotaaei NoMßia or Bnriaaau te Bnu.— Jff«nw« o/ BM ,/_ltl, now certain that Ike ailent of eoffartag la B,rla ie apalUng. Nor dlntaoelone of tbo mlaer, or the ad" Th?N i •«",«! aaoartaln fwim n t *. N ‘i V ‘ ,<,ar J*l of OommeroeTb, adrlcee from Bjrla, learaa the following faota: Vn'JlvlL »ke etrong arm of Foad Paoka la raatoriag some degree of order in tka plain oouir,, If not entir.l, in the Bebanoa diatrlota, new maaaea of hitman wrelcbedsaaa sk* OM lo .*i° 1, * hl - 0o, J • r «» da,a preoading tbo2Sdof Baptambar.aom*three Ihoneand mie mbto oreetaru were heard of b, the Analo- Amtrloan Belief Commlltee at Beirnt, aa read, to pariah at or oner a plan* called the “Codon of liebaaon," and 30;000 plaet«re (or $1,200) wma seat op lo ear. them from death In famine bad deeiitnilna. About the aemo time 3 000 wrelohed helnge bed reeohe'd Bidon, from the region of lleebe,*, who ntoaf be oered for. And knell,, Beer 4,000 bed aome from another quer. I ter, to Beirnt—thue Inoreaaing the nnmber of tboao who moat be fed b, tbit’ committee at Bei rut, (and man, of them elalk'ed too,) from 14 - 000 up to morn then -26,0001 Nor doe* thia iaolndaall iha poor ereainree who meet be fed through the winter. Aalheaulnmn wears ew.r I and the plaehiag cold oommeooea on Lebanon, I boodredsudthousands wbo:ib#vebeeD eeekiog ftmismble edst«n#BQe from i herbs ooite side# Md is Its revises, will be compelled to oome down te Beirnt sod Bidos, sod they moat be fed •ad elolhed dr die —ls addition to ibe messaree slresdy in pro gross in tb# United Stntes lo pend prompt rslief. tt bnsbMS saggsatsd tbsoks- S 11 ?* d*y («blob will be observed probably on N# w»b#r In nearly every Stile of the Uolon) ooUeotlone lo hid pf the • offerers be taken opnr oharoheaot all denomlnailoaa. The Joorna l remark, th.lthe Pretibpterlan B,nod* of Hew York ,aad New Jerec, hate alread, adopted tbie engge4tlon, and adde: . It i* probable that other Sjnod’a hare done ®* > r **“ d® tbs setts. WheLwn be more appro prlale then that e liberal eoniribalton sboold be ttade ou (bat joyous oooaaion'by the ebnrebes of A ooontty so wonderfully blofaed the past year with aboodant harveale end heeltb tbroagbout Ml Us extent, for the reliefer these sufferers who ttuet now beooonled by tens oftboneandsl | • Who’* Afraid ?—The* of New York nnder the nlarme of th* News York IJcrali Ore “•kin* |i*»«t!e effort* to bo, off. and frighten " R 5? p, f at th “ Bul ' from earrplag 00l tnelr pollfleat riewa *od aenlinenta Jon n o« ioiheeleolioo of Llnooln. ' 'William It Aitor wiion Informed, bu contributed oo* million or Sm'.!’.'? 4 . S"?! h ." “‘"lnnikM boon faiaed rrom tbe.flret half doxto merchnnts that war » WIW to: Thia I. but wh“t"£ •n dolag. Ikon moo Mill, entpoot that the Bootk—or *lo*ll portion of’lt at leaet-lein *»roe*t »boat oppoeiog lb* eleollon of tbo r*D •* •*>• l**»l pod constitutional mpioru,. Are tb* monojed m.n of anthem *"•» to puttie*. tk*t lk«, ikoold bletd them. frnnl/» nnd in 10 hopolon * took. ■* "Innnllnf» b, gold *od gobble, the pooplo of * IfMt free State from ike rindicAlion of their loUtlcel ooorlolloea ? Are the poopl. of New “ d 10 ptofllgete lo polities! teo tuunt, that *0 attempt ho nnoompllmeutary to tk*lr Into grit, sod luolllfeoeb ekoold be gene r ? U U indeed ufnrgnment egeiosi irtf APtrity forsslt government—nn Inanlt to thenerdinnlprineipelof Republican Government, •od n horrid flat upon themtet popoleiioo of {i # J r ?tu En,rt I t f 141 ** lobei wears utoa *i (be audacity, not to speak of tb? im ®™u* of the attempt. We presume, however (hat as fear la notenipnloQS, «nder tb# higher ‘ p ?^ of B««»Uy. three bad praetioea are the terrified mer naattr To Ibeir. morbid Apprehensions, ae a I matter of policy It seems better to oooirib-1 Ota a large share of wbat esohfr worlb, than to lota the greater part of tbclf properly io the depredation and paoie that must follow, ai tbe North, tbs dreaded dteaeolatlon of the Union Bat who bit that la croeliy Urrifilog those Northern prinoee, and maklngtbem come down ta Ua work of defeating Lincoln? Has the Booth got than by the pockeie.vihat they sboold B ®eh seal, aod do (bay know it 7 tw it I thajmonion braggadocio at theSouib that todu om taw at thia late day to make eneh bercals “ • XBflioD * ? W# oik for Information. Bley bo U via (be dljraaioaleta of ibe Btatu-Biehta .Damnoraoj tbal eleoted Mr. Buphaonn In ’66* by pitting iateraat ageioat iaolioation at the North. « .Jf . boweTfcr * we-ere sorry to be* “•*•**• Na* Yorkafe may save (bemtehestbs The City U not fbe Biaie, and thepeo plnpfib* Inferior of New Yorfcinro too many, if pot lon io be' bought,%or can they be I frigbteatd by Sootbern thunder.— Charleston Mtrcwy, October 2d. I /flfcAiTOrouiMa orAppits.-iTber* f, BctTo< . Ifood, uii HnU’c Jour ulof Heottb, more widely nwrbf.sodaoreobu I ihaa (be apple. Why every f* rm . I!L .-* ■ oa hM not “ W l * ofoherd, where | *U» is onei of (be myaier- I. • f? 1 •!*** i% y *® Ain two (o (eo or I more bjarre!s,aod it *UI be t* them (be ooeft wbbie range of cal- I A raw mellow apple le dictated io as * half, wbfTa boiled obbbege requires ifivtkodra. ThenoetbeaUhy deetert wbioheao | taplactd oa stable, fa n.baked apple. If taken I frtw at breakfaat, with eoaree bread and batter, m ® at or M 7 H has ao ed- I atrableeffect on (be geoeral ajatoa, often re f mo T** Oooatlpatloo, oorrecilng?aeoidiiiea, and ooollag .off febrile eoodltioaa store «ff«ctaaliy moat approved medietas. If families 1 y* M be indaotd to eabeliutie (be apple—eoaad, ripe and loeoioos—for tbe pies, pekes, oandler, -T* 4 ?#* wll , h • h,oh U,#lr iMldren are (oo often; odiieree*!; staffed, ther* would be * dl> mleation in (be earn .total ’ of doctors'bills la a I 1 ,ft® 7 ! e K'• a J Bci *M 40 **7 Block of Ibis delldotur.frbit for a whole season** use. Not Htrsa.—The two Biiohloga, father end I i ;\* r, » ,4 ® < * Cheraw, 8. O.ron luepiolon ” l .«I*ged in an insurrectionary plot; hava not been baag at reported They were before a committee of seventyperabos ee leetad from (ba several beet eofrpaniea in (be dielriot, aod were aeqaflted bynwole of eleven Tor baagiegaad fifty nine sgaioel it. Tfaeooa mi«ee determined tbatthe two Hltohiogs eboald lenee“•Stale, and appointed epob-eommUtee | y ***» forthwith performed the duty of oon daetiog them to North CnroUnn.? C*m»* OF YMKOBr—iDEoital; nturaa iff (be late pentna hove been reoeivpd to ebow that lb* jwpdltiloaof Varmoai hao daereaaed *lbm theceasas of 18fiO Io fotir oottollu tbehaac* naoast Io 4,413 r .nod in two other counties the j gains are 8.448, showing a real loss of about a thousand. The iotal loss of tbb State, it is thoogbt, may be foor orflve (boolnnd. This is, we beliefs, (be first lostaooe lathe biitory of tbs sonMry where lbs populeilonote State bis i receded in (he. courts of ten yea*** . - : I *?" ** Caeolua.-u's Piekeni (S. 0) Cbttrfcr furnishes lb* following: o “A sadden obnngs of tbs vftttber occurred on p*torday. It was.nnufuaHy. Pool, There was uow in some sections of the district, and the mountains north of os were cowered to tbs depth IA-°- t*'*® -Coro.UiJ,b'Btioo. oo feS&STSSWSi rwtly bihlod lbir«i*bmu,”l!j||,“tV run Jeo tbguud dollars. Bow, wbofwotea u,«w. lb*«Uu maa, Ibt aa(ro«t,oribf plumioot Mcdaoif, oaa of ih. B.n oluiorala Alabama has gout tin t. Braokiaridia btoaau ba laaraad ibal Edward EraraU oaca ant bia bojra.loaobppl wbara aeolorwi be, fvuedaoaud! I: BWMb. Wnraunr,an exprrionoed Narao Pbj*d»o, In.. Bcmktß,Sjfb, fcr cblMrts •Mblat, *bkb brnUrbcaibl).' On pnmtf' iMlblit I *7 ; lb* ton. "ddda* tn teguim^b»-*m bonk. Dtfnid :ap°a*l**olbn»,.l,wfllfb» ran to roarralTN aad nlkf load bnltb u JIM. Mbctto nWi. cura— la .Sulb.r colas*. . ‘ CUBA 38 bM«, •( |«w ntfe** ; vmea»*-»bbi*oUTM«nuhrt n re; . • WBITI yißB*»tQ bfbMi, la fk#cwitini«dr«dbymiortogtoaakh»to IbatUUoT faMlth.attd polity.. Thotnot ooly la (haiUa il tbs cotnpiwfn i Pr(c«,2S enita pwbo*,>ltb dl/aetiin*. Hx bolaa, |ll W. B—A fall aot ot lltntpmn'a Bo»o*oriwxcBnafKw with Book orpinetSobi; as* twenty di&rnt Jtaisadlaailo: larga »Ula, moroeeb caaa, |S; ditto, to plala Um&i am of fife,!, box**» wnU .odlio oaota. • ' - • Th«a Bamadlai, by tha atogla boz or caaa. rra aent br naUornnrcn.toMof cbmrgi, to any »ddr*a«, cn ncafpt ofthaprin. Addmt Dr.V.HDUBHRXYBA 00* J" tha PoatOflfaa, Agentlur Plttaborgh. , oclfcdAwltnt „ Ita&lit COLLOQCIiLLECTCRE ' On ‘‘QA»inu.Di,,iHD Tor Itauah Bt«dqolm FOR LIBIRtY,” , bt rear, rohaih lcjeasr, • " A ' r I- a. S’AY KTTJ£ HALL, Oa tnUMBAT- EVRKINQ, Not. IK, ramnwncfaig u a o'clock. Adnlaloa 3&l WIDB AWAKE PARADE **««**“ of SOUTH PITTHBUROn, BlB "vE3^o^')m,\ i 1? l » malUM ‘ ,A,, ' “» ">“»« of ProeiMfon will forta on Carson iUnL Booth right mting od first strut. TboCtobs treatho»ortakt4«ot lb* Hooongabsu rirer At 7H prodtHV, lbs Route of Prdestsion «Ult» op mWIom-Oom fint bum to Cbunat. sloov P**? 11 * lo Third, ddirn Third to Bingham, along Bingham to Oliver, op Oliver to Corson, along Carson to Mcßae. d*«o Ueßos to BJogbsa,' atoog Bingham to Ooutrs. do <**»«□ down Uotw! ny hf>r t »od can bs geos over la « r£ d ,k h *IL companies ar* (u Has i tins for lb* proesMlon to movsut lit o’cl.ek. tbs* u er £* c “° ** d|l,l,, ' a^ d *»J V I A o'clock, at the Urtbaa’ By orcer irSfelt AMB3T. UAY. OranJ Marshal.! UyifmSOiwjM.— TtoThirt Ward ln (roe»d*y) MVKnTnU/u^7 i/filhffc. mitnt»‘r fi gOMtod to boln •tUttUuce, u 6a«tnMa uf toparta&c* »IU iXLtraoMcUd. oc*o:U D. B. rKBOCaON, B«cr*»ry., WIDK AWAKE PAKADJS.- M .„ (UlbreotargßtiJittioeaaf Wtd« Amua,M| B tr nil !!\« l^n** 0 ..,!? Ti»rd», 4c, are cordially larltedtto partial Ra Ort?£Sivh f ! d^i. to o k * p,M * 0B td M»a t even. “ ,eo, " d public are respectlullj in UtL f ° nn * Z ft uV 'ALLKOIItiNy JAKE fiOrlOS.—B/ (In act of 27tb of i>l> I ,?*J •*» M **l«l> tba SHUT TUUfWDAY el Nw*mbMTl£L « _ • m A. 00 iGYLGR, PrtMeot pro tem. JOM L*»o.Secretary pro ua>. oesStool IXOaAbGEBANE orfIXTBBURUa. | i r „ __ Not. 19,1809. f ira»AN ELECTION. OF THIRTEEN 1)1- taSL B .! o s*f. #r 00, * “”«rL IMft iL ,b n ° am > m MONDAY, NortaUr IPtb, batwMQ m# boat! of 10 a. u and 2 d tn . TJ 1 * AWNPAL AIKtTIIfO 01 lb* Stockholder! «R] h ‘h* C,h cf NoTambaf.oUl o'clock a.m. oeiaiaßlUY.Caahlrr. MERCHANTS AND UANUrAOIURVtU gars K. I _ a. October lutb, iB6O l fop Tilirteen Directors SSL *“* » U 1 b» Md at tba BaoUcv Pcoaa,«. PENNY. Cubler. ' MBOttANICo* SAME, » . ._ . „ „„ PifTStUtaß. October 19.18C0 f [£p* ANELECTION for Thirteen Directors JEJLjyk? ®*«k. »U»J» bald at tba fiaoUnt Hour, on m°F aV ’ Vonm^n l ®» MM. batwaao tba boors of 10 a. b< ana sp,n. m^toiaSiv,!!,*«!?"? Sj-S'.affUwlifcn .111 t» held 08 iiL.®* *• SoT * 6, b, at 11 o’clock a. n>. oc3ftlm flMDjraUff, Catbfer. IRON OtTT BANE, I _. VT «. *■ • Oe *ob.t M. lseo. { ELECTION for Thirteen Directors uStnZv 1 ? U * l4 “*• *“«»« Hemaa.oo MOtDAY. buwratw 19tb, p»o», Wtaeen tba boors «T 11 a De aod l p. a. 4iJ9n«n*ww M,^P l,a * tkaAiaeiboMerrwlJlbaheW on TuKSDAY, N&t. 6lh, it 10a n. i _ aOOPSIN.OMbkr. Uinz£as’ BARK. I ELECTION fut Thirteen Directors h .. Om*. to»«'.Ter>rth**oMiloff>aar,wlllU h»W at Ui- Bankln* tloaaa. un UONOiY, 10a»oUO*. m and 2 p. id. v* ° r ,l »«ai«klK4(tati will U twU eo TUKBDAY, Not. fi, at II a. m. crto-lm . .» ALLfcCJUKa* SAN Ilf let. IV, IMA O*AN ELECTION lor Thirteen Directore " ni u *»*M •* Ibo Bukins Boom, on MONDAY, November the IfUb, between the hooreTf ft o’noti i. m. ioit 1 o'clock p bj. V* 08 TUfcSDAT,»b» Clh dejof Wo wbwt. at 10 o'clock •. d. ' oelS:«bihi? *° M * •** can t.Mssi.ns .“%*• 8 *■* “" o ». ' Bold aldo by Druggists generally. oc3orflwn»UT T»£5 RIVAL fallandwintek -r D * w >.»* nd »t | >« sod cheap—* lfcr . B gtoek. at low prices. Pleereealiaod san theta. One cue VKLTBT RIBBONS. all widths. FbtNNKLfI OAMU&EBEd, Ac, opened this d*y. 4 WKL ®' _“ |M OJUMOMLOV*.,4 w.rk.t.t S UNUHY PRODUCE—4O luiaToTioice Flim Homloy. SO bbli Apples. Wdo Msrlotta 8 seat Polities. 100 hoe Bed Potatoes. £0 do Mixed do. 2hbtu|BaiaU IV bits Besot. " 10 bos sew M Apple*, ft bob Sweet Uldsr-jiist mM sod for sale by _ e • ■ .4AB. A.FIST2BR, 0,30 , corner Martel sad tint ats. A BOUrs WU* WORK.—The Kioe tftEe jHkJJ °® p'm‘L fa L K f m ao ? AboaL Tn»Ml*tw?by Mary ° JO . K>? A Qf)..M Wo3J »|tKL p kY—Miaa Gilberts Career: i b / J Boltaßd. kotbßr or Tltooojb'i Utter., Quid owl, it Us. volon., ISuiO. ■ “* ' ' KtTACO.MWood.t SHAWLS! MIAWLBII SHAWLS!!!— 0 n “?%ROaVIELT4 CO.-r “ • »u>»un»«»> of mirgoopa. • «ao REESE.! CHEESE 11—275 boxes Prime W H Cattlog Clnte..Jait ter —U by oc3 ° HSHST H. OOH.IKI, FRESH ROLL BUTTER-5 boxes roil’d tills day for rale by Q&9 ■ ' ‘ " lIKSRT n. OOLLTKB. CUNOH4HS—2O.OTT Hides;7 sacks Feath kJ en? laack Dry Ptvktfitoarrttsfcraaleby «30 . ISAIAH DIOKBT AOO| TSISbOLUI lON.—-ihe.Partnership hereto 1/ f« existing nnd-r tbs east* asdktyl* crORAFF * VaN QOBOSB ta this dsy diasolvsd by limitation, Hr. L. 0. Graff retirlog fnrsths Am.AU person* knoslni them a*Jm Indebted or h»b ‘eg ctat—, will pU—» c*ll at tbs old stead, Na 114 Seoond street, rad teak* saUfaoeats w'lb Frank Van oorder,0 order, who skin* fa aotbcrttsd to ssttls tba taiiosss. L.O.saArr, OdtobarUtb.lSOO. - FRANK VAN OOADKR. FRANK VAN OOHDBH, PRODUCE AND costuisaioif ÜBHCMAIfT. T * aW i'i2.°*b. Unli cbM, folk, Dmd and Brsso Ftoica and Prodoeacrasrally. • nuk Jdtamn mad, oo OmMfmmmli. Warehonsej No. 114 Second Street, Pittsburgh. i,; —mwo ' illnan. POLIUR BASK, " ~ *5 • *»«►■• WimjM. , I ~yo. iS'rOUSTII STRKXT. : : ' y »n«tt >n*d,TT nfTißnH6siißf. mi — 1 . i t ,arJ\aos>KMßsx, wm.4« WMw 44j MMtat 4 rar _, Qs2Mtd » »»- SLOIfT * * p n | »iOICAI< CVKB TK6BSB9 .. ■ *Ol car* Matty kimrj cat* ofrodaceabl* uremia. ««1.-^ aUSa * fl N Ttri ®® B t*le* ®o bead. O&ILtIBKNM TRUCKS, r tbe aippcrt and car* of Pile*. fl^ U J£s* b» ratio** a crooked tad deformed .. coiullttoo of ibe Cbm, aod toxaj Oimearf 4b* Cheat. 808PRN8102IBAHDAQRS. • willi 6 *! * rt!^ e » Who tud orippifed it Dr KBTSKR’d EgSmLVm ijw Wood efgo of lb«OoU*w Ucrtv,« «111 t* wet to any part 0/ tbe coda ify by wudioK tbd taoooraad tbe *••nr*. Hanibwtoh’a Ornemuodo, for B*«rant, deteralr* and eo*w#lL\ Bathi»a.CU*%itip the Tketh, nUiZy? 5- r**H>**h will FncMet, acd fir HK*?flsa %»'S 1 !* I***" 1 ***"- by Dr. QROBQR U.RRTSER, 140 Woo.l ttreet, Wbnlawl* and Retail A net. I : Prtc* 2ft CtQ>*. Are »«, ta« LIQUU) DBfJTRLI *nd will prevent) powfer; • [ • buttle cfib« On (•rtottle - Piles! Piles! prepend bf the Or«fle s Ltfr KKTflKirg, HO Wix.j t t. l£ > t WHEELER & WILSON’: HEWINfi MACHIiNE! No. 27 Firrn Strut, Pittsburgh. WJlßßXiisjß «Ss r WILSON Awarded |tfie fiat Premium at ttie OniteJ States fair; ‘ Ohio Slate Fair; Illinois Stile-Fair; Wisconsin State: Fair; : lowa State Fair; Kentucky State Fair; Tennessee State Fair; New Jersey State Fair; Vermont State Fair; Chicago Mechanics' Institute; LouUvutei Mechanics’ institute; Cincinnati Mechanics' Institute; Allegheny County Fair, Pittsburgh, sod other Cwaitf 100 otru«on< to raeotko. WKjaffer Ulthe public WUKELEH & WILSON’S iMPfiOVVD SBWIBO NACHJNM. ... . 4T BBDIIOKD PBtCKS, »*• “«1»« M the beet aod matt -«t. W t. Dtt IAItMM fabric* n&kn llttlCc*. hniteb lnpoalbia is bqrwTel, with Ibo mmou«l edvetiuJe tormleg ao <£l3 *• Slapfaln eonetructfoe, our* epe«}» Id UO w?l£ r *tf l a>o S. d t nbu *“» -»J nivK' J** *' TO toerttictUmj to nutlt IbepudiMr loin JdbbST 'fe tem s UIt ’ 9 nl,t > ,Ler | ud oo werreot ft far three from Udlee or the bi*b» ta ls o2ui°ln l£S” Oollon Mel Oil eoi MrfctrdSarT ‘ A LARGE Uod well assorted stock of &U Mod* c.f C UfTli KR f, Ponta!.asd jSurgical Instruments, Tools and Ammunition, OURS, PISTOLS, MToLVRRH.; RIPUU, RaZ-jR*. POjarr KNIVK«, Me, Sc. Ocj ;S C . ; sa. Sc. 'Me CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, 1 No. 97 Wood Street, paraac of PUaßomt *ll«y. FOK SALK B BODGERB A DILWORTH, wunJS&iSSsIBS? 9 H *‘ lroM D *“ ot: HUOK WHEAT rtOOR—S4 £*r. MILL fUDrWIOBi. flu ißdcoirw TIMOTHY atUi-STbo. ’ OATS-1000 »oVferinw- * ' (ic29 T/ATUBR eiSLTINO, of taeTesi e Mte rn Aul mike,.cak-taased,«ll due, til* at 333 Litem optxwf od».4t > M. Dg LAKUS, 9 sswmaent on tt» Leather Store of. If. DM 4* wo K, gS Liberty t* cppdhlU bred of Wood. o£94| OUM' GASKKTS—AU sizes, round and wrel, lor •*!• Übwt/ etrret, opponrebret] of CTwJ » b y j «Sft4t • - M. DK LASdK. thicknesses, LACE L, f T J? ER * BKL? ' «00H8, OOPPKR aiTgraie !. : j M.DKLANQ^ TVT AN OFACTURED TOBACCO—IO bis. -1.11. &•, lamp, !a atari for tala law, tn ctaae a aonaiKo “y“- »-*> ; Mun ptoa it a cu. e)TTON —C. bales now lending t'rnm raff rose, ior>«i«bT -ocaa laauii biS*iv a co. WHITE WHEAT' EXTRA FAMILY ?LOUR-lO|>M Uuw-ytar dd*. tnxn 8 to I t**L To .uch *> VIT. iJfJHPHf 2°r 2 If 8 »>y ib« too or i wo, i*r. foE«£ farriiaai P«* |rj{~' J* X H? ,# T** ■Acmrtcao mod ItoglUb IW, fSS, it Troe-PUnti-r*, B lr*»' a* * call (s*t* lofOMMDCfrMoaippitQtiiob. • * w “* Plurtnrjb«t|ao#klM«f Komrlea, rilUboMli, "■ (ocllrttaallf); , ... JQHM.imabnng jf ' bkavehTuaTs, Unirim ' ncd ULovnl Price*. BATON, (CREfi A’MACRUM, •! ' ? . :i: rirtb flirwt (JILT AND STE£L SLIDES, ! JorlTfimming Uata and Bonnet*. Orw 80 grow or N.W »«mrrlf. tj Kxprwa Ihii *(hr. ' M illiners and Dealers supplied at less than Eastern prices.; i EATON, CREE & MACJUJM, tK-TiOBES, ° a - I o. UAMBtfM U)VM) H«-t,|,i. i ;■! • KAisiNsi new, imju._ ~ CJ* l hnnd; SOU b! bimio O 2ante CVrraiTtV o.t rreMl.J‘ ! IItYMtH. ASDKRKON, • 1 “°l 3a g « >l °W»IH 81. Ha. W||. N E J Jf »I2.V ? BJ rn o,ju.t BfcVUta > A NOKR RiW, 3«WmJ it D^&lST FewA ' a,,ian Jgg-is' P2 U k?i2dsf afl ? fliin BoTdeaM; fif* k*gi Borte«ax. tor rtl« odtr naW^»L R * YM aH * AHPMMOW, ——: iJMM ft, OppodU gt. Oh»rW OoUL W 3^ --i—..{ ‘ OWnlte »t Chwle. S™Z*& b 7* a “ b »»«i»syfup» r *ff- : 1 ' 1 BttogTr * grppptTpipp-p °3‘l Md Bit Teaa; ttmortedlh^. *-3, 25 **• «»**•« Jo-In nor. tot ml. b, -~- ; /'.-«WWH « KtSKPATRiniIB iiugcs; Haikst Bis, Owf“5 D 4™ »l»tge Maori- Winter Dress Goods. |i i f i !: Satin Popjina. Fancy Wool Dd Laices. -Foulard'; [ a complete' rmi)Oioaka<| IrM'lkxHkl CPAS. A. COLTON. TraMawr. Vour.Teelh HadP bay abottlaof Dr.Wau’a IPS It *iil keep Uteut wLjU and da»n ■ Jtbflr fartbar tad will cam bttetf* Bi&h. Yuu.caafcMJjUatOrJKMiaKK'B, i »UZS ud (O ctal* par butt • i r pack of Weak Eyes and -a parmaotnt cori rffi*et«d by *fc*tmrg Cmfany’t KY M LOTIOa. Pur f. BkYfSa-B, 140 Woodat PrlcaUoU. PAIBB OP: I 860! WM PPUNEa. lered Silks. !K ifl St, Dqater Olotlis, >i«took of 81ibw1b, Duslora ond boxM frMh.iioU ttanecr jogt v *m Him a oouLUKB. l -y NO. 335 ÜBBRTY ST-H EHTT. of all kind, of Cook- Tb.„kbr.orf oSoSTta, ***"< tofc -w^^LC“ d - Ti „ ~nß l^fk„ ?a k" and "forest Home." * «'»nffi&2?!SSs jrb. very finest EUouoolod Orst™ -fflKSEi'.ffiffSEi r *~*«MN.»i«a. w ll»o, tb* Daw ’ ro, ““»><« «- »»> Of PtfltV StaTW sw'stjssg n.. 1 H?f!!!LB° Un C* DL »«ON» AND FDEKACM. MMt.Wm MBMIiACO ETNA STOVE WORKS, A ’* ® « -A. D 1., A Y M«nofrctor»* kitrj variety of COOK, PARLOR ARD RRATI9P, STOVES, ' GRATE ERONTri, FENDEFtS, &<*. Arc, Sole Proprietor of the celebrated PATKNT OJS BURNING AND BMOKRCONSUMING abbanqrmbntil •S: W *° '° r C U, ° Advantage* of which ltt, A gTMtßSflogOf Pad. 3d, -A UQch qnicker and hotter ot*d. from tb« aamo fire. 2ft P^r».U on o r rbe centr* *!««. «tb, “«<*■/. Botooe-balf tbe toot and dirt *«»* w feond la other atOTr*. ■.. Atbi Tb *“» t ? Tt *.«»d «ll atoveaweeTer aold, bare a cor reolof cold air paaalof batwaen ofea and flra-bark, J““ *•** *M» *0 thrfdorabttltyof oar Sicvtt, overall others. , . Persons wishing the BEST STOVE in the m t » wtll find our Patent “Tropic,” “Eu w . a » or “Arbiter/* with double top, to be the Store, as hundreds in this city and vicinv ttyeon testify. WoaM alao call paYifcotar sUauUoa to car Hack of Parlor Stoves and Grate Front* ■blch, together with ohr otter wane, ve *Rt >bll CHEAP. Office and Sales Room, No. 4 Wood Street, STOVES. ' D, D * H A V E N 4 SO N, • ' MANUFACTURERS OF COQIC. PAHLOR ana HEATING 'i STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near New Sue paoaiou bridge, ALLEOBENY CITY. «r rvJ!£?* l, **i t !? Uoo cf a ** ,ert to oar large uaorimaat ° , SS’SSf S'*; 10 * «* "Oirf aaS Ocrf, .bleb i , lh 'l 0 '”• , P' B **- *«• TUlUlbt our at, J to gIT. s. • ell ut Uamla. ooraioek b*&ra porchaitng alseahera. IMal Doo uooaa rranU,lroQ»ieJ ting, Scale*, Hollow War*, n. • , « Wagon Boxes, .. ' Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, Fenders, eto.. , ... , Ca»Uo*aof«U kind* euda to order. „• Jyifttyd D. Da haven a bos. tJanfegtatf mutts. oirVh.'ii£Jfi^r'|>r,'i«K;s6. Pimunan, October W. 18 00. MEANS. Bills ud Discounts— R*«l Scuts eudQrouod Renl.„._ Slocks sod UUdellikniM Due by other Banks Bsnk Notes A Chetks Specie v LIABILITIES. «*«*« Unpaid Dlrldradtaod Bacp«oN Accft S.TSS 49 Etopuflte. w 660,230 61 . |2,3|0 M 9 46 ' U correct Lottie beet of aj know] belief. JOHN BARPSS, CmUo-, • Bworn to end wxUcribeil tbJj Qrfc ath. lßtfl, Bf 9. BMITB, Notary psbltc. atatement ortbe Olaretiaata’ •atTainH. rtelnr«n» Btak of Plttibvrfb. r -,. , P>TTSBDMa,MooJ»y l October S 9, —4 WO,QuO 00 Doe Depositor*. 847’)49 la D« other B«U ...H™ tf’Jg g Doe Commonwealth;.. _ .. 3,663 04 LosnaudDlacoaDU, OU.4M 89 lfiiiM >i Notea and Chacfcaof other Peaks- 111,437 60 Pn *- by «1»« BaJNu u6|mo a,™,*s°” •***•“•»* *» oor r* c t»od tma to the Leal of my kaowledgeand better. - W n DfcHNY. Carter ■ » 8 «72..* nd me, thf» »ib i*j ot (fct, *-- PlB »f’ w - n WUITNE7, NoUr> Public. Seal'’ lenient or iha VUliem» B*nk, I _ Pittabiugh. October ». IBW. . . J Amllb, “* a **" J DlocobuU.—. 781&68 S 3 ,n Troworo Nefea.) moos 42 Note* aod Check* of other Dioki,... 11034 16 - Do« from Book* ud Stoker*-............ 37 528 35 LIABILITIES. $500(000 oo D«* to other Buka „ 20i6 32 Ttaeaboreeuumuitta correct to the bat of my knowb * Bd K l» JUNE?, (feebler Affirmed before me tbta 29tb day oPOctohw. IMO - _ '* ! - HAM !« IIABMiR. Notary i»oblk. Ir— - ltM«n«nii or (be Msetkooles* Bank ar Pittsburgh* ° . Muodij,October 39.1800 liabilities. Circulation... Dae to other B*nk( One to t83.77* 00 U.JeS 60 W.MI SO um Biutaud Not©* Dlacooutal Dm bfotowfl»uh„U., M „ NoU* uk] CbecJca t>C vlber Bp*cl* lu.Y*nli, It correct, to the beet ot ni* know! b 5 ,,#L «*> U.W-UHKW, oibEr Barorn before me thia 29th Uumtai of »»> AU»gh«ay **wwfc7~ ° CtoUr USL Loma uni Discount* bos.hy other £Uuki_.. w Note* tail CU«ck« or other Buka! LfAßfuTmr""' CJreuUt10n............ • ..o :cft . ™ I>Q* toother Biuka..„ ; alms oa ' D*po«ltui \ 19Z1T5 16 u “ trat 'ywraoi'* Mg_ ». ii. wnirwur. Katin. >SiE'- >UUwtßi of the Iren uiy tfWafc, c. Pl u,«., c » ...^“'.'Ssar lomu and 744.C67 23 1)B* by otb«r Hank#.*................... . fcfi ; NoU>* and Checks of other R»nfc« SS.S33 7 1 2{** ?:;v ~ - - ivs.diTso _ . 'iTrt ui nn •' boatou«jt»rlUok , ....^,...^..^“ i r *t£o to '' Due to Dep0tit0ri... 334,930 07 tdo abort ttatemant It comet according to tba beat' i >7 koo«lo.|g*aod boltef. JuIlN MAOOrflN.OMb’r. t»oi a before mo, thit 29th day of Oct , A. D-1860. ' w. n. WHICWKV, Hour, PoMtc. Baton, dree & Macram. NoaJl" and 19 Fifth Street,. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OR, Ureet Tilsaalaga, XaibroMerlet, Strew Qoodt, Bibbout, flower* *sd Rocket, Olowt ted OeanlltU, Plain end Rtbbtd Hoelary, Woolen flood*, Scarf*, kc H Shirt*, Ootlere, Crarati, *?., Bair Net*, Comb*, PottiuoDftie*, Ac, Zephyr and Shetland Wool, Plain and fancy Editing Taint, Yankee Notion* and Fancy Aitfctei. _ We ore prepared to ecllio City and Country Moum W ““ lly “““ “J Eastern Jobbing mSufifiKfIL,! 1 L,! D >»«™.«Meoou&clor.n of Sesmlwißagr, •■Hit 08NABDRaaBh.l.ltH.Ui Ordor« left at U. Childs ft C0.'e,133 Wood ►treat, Pltmmrgb,wlU nicelTeatUtlton r , ndfctj; B&OK. &LA Z S AK, WboiewJe ti rocers, 185 Lfborty atreot, aod IMvn In Owsitf Piotfntan TEAS. BOOmS,CjFBjIC&MOLIfI !IodI*2S*Si TOb 5S BomiMt »S* b»uv ■ “W 11 * t&bataal Orootrr awortsant at tov . r.oSSlVa;° « 1,, “ °> «•*■•. “*«* ten^ol^a^^^KSSTaS Z*™** nyMtataoda theireneilcd/onrinraeMi i'll ornoi on axdkbsqh strut. Ftatei^;«tc' wgas» ' Qotpt Hutat 'yim^ Mfra. .Hew* fa MrflaMtfiik •Wbounx. bxZrua Woolwiaod dsttoo Min* tvwaOalnt thetn/iwochTeetwr Into McoUatfoM fcra*j«Ul or frotnl PvtU, thTaa ttmmtoi Iron SU.OOO to tSOfiOO, HnA *- th% Wdj- Uoo totbo ttruaof th»«*aerra, a-vvrydwiiitsfe tad locra tfrabataMßoas todwoa. Tfa«cn4tof Ifeabaaao U aa- Urubbed, and It* affair* OarfebarraMia], hanojr nata*] erSSt'oiMinllJad?***** of tba'fartM jrjtb . Ogancalratww'a Bridtpaanj b> : “Eac.i>&iV gat cai-ftn*. PwtcJflea, ow nU uai*,«tl irtriotii»*ta &JMtial > asdi«edro|WM>p(*ißratltm. * ■! p- aj|ti *ii»-' • I' Restorative Cordial AND if} . BLOOD RENOVATOR H T» puoiui,t wan its K*M« hihoitm « t> iiusa o s v, p fc> X*r«7S! H 4 js. /' ?^i,2 U) Lr* r * , ‘' k> “ •wr'Sswibiw B o t* : 2 gsrsf a laUse ncdtcai wcrHTMta WlUmthela, Km of aptwtliai flfcota«ait| h i oeinrtj* inluUUty, nenralyia, p*jptutfa*k- of tS » f!> be * rt p “ f , l4llebo O > bypoeoodrla, night ewrtu, la. f P por,>«id«a waapfwal to datactlM^idhw^ daclina not only or j oar dari t«r» bafora ICla too Lußbandw; Wwba. ft* former, from falae daUcacy, ottan ao down (o enmatnra paraa.ratbar than Jet thalrcaodliobo knotofaiW "• »ra »oro yoor affection dlli naarrtngly point yoo to Pmi 22,82" «d « P S; SSSV^IwcS ahoald be alwayaoo band hitime or need -TT- ” ™ U °; J , 441 Broadwyy, Naw)forb: 114 by all nod DruL glrta. Price 000 DolUr per bottle. j*si -' r T“ l *. b .r. ‘ a israoN joavnov. PITTSBURGH, PA- SSOVSB. jp3o:iyd.rtilw cpfpw BmTtbflald *adVpgrthVt«: auonwg* at Eajtb. j 9 f. lu o a 57 I s' ' jTToat/xrui law. Ho. TI CirmtttStrotf | | uica a. of Baiter* Pa, pDRVIANCE 4 COFFEY, • - ,n MaHoo'# Baildiog, corner of FfflJb ■m wytießtfeeU, ;;. a&Hhdiy — 41632,644 U MAROOB W. AOHKgOjj. TAMII/TON 4 ACUESON, i J : wo. ..,,,, waggr^-feaf.l O2 - 2SU,7It iS ... 9j,1£6 CO 463,191 96 C. B. M. SMITH, ! » ■■;? Attorney and Counsellor at, HAS BKMOTBO TO ' •• t V-ij KDHN’S LAW BUILDINGS No. Street, i £ : * nylftJlyja) »«t door to Bt, F Mw’a Church : ' 'J’Hbat A S 15WIN O, TT ATrOBNKr AMD COUNSELOR LAW ! offle^,saJ£ Bfoartt * tr ** t ' DW »O«n»« / i • . * *^ btlwTl > Mwuth IJ&iiaDHpSta 9hi)ftttßnnen«, Toji, BukcU and Fanej~Sood»r . ] T OUN DOLL, No, 120 North Second Street U fttov* ArefaaPBILAOKurHIA. ' o l Jn,t “rtrod,« ( blm NEW BTORI.*-Te» tenV aMort 1 “}st of Toys of »nrj dMridba. iUdKanni* a£~sK™ISSSJsiJS2!S S-?S!=r£a™ssffl~««| Bide, Oil tsc Lealhtr Kitted ‘ D KIRKPATRICK ft SONS. No. 31' */ • Boota Trias Ennr, lohriia Harkai uj rw; l oat itioote, Philadelphia, bare for tab p| * I DRT AND SILTtD BPAKI3M BWti i LTJS£S3S K, I*.oil,temurt Tod*, at the lowaat prkaaeod oppaJUM boat U *‘* > " rouil On ot ctW|»|«l 10M O. A. ftB.A. LABDSUi ; No. no North Wharrea, FHlubxLpaiA.: J^JdNDF ACTORS AND UAVK i FOB: ■ o,hi._..L.p,74C? B^M^h£f u. ) CnrtleriVPalm.pMtMudAe^OlZA * SOAPS __lepte. ditto,! , “ CT ’“^. lWBoA^Eir ...$•66 963 35 ~ 26,6 m HJ *.46,461 73 .. *0,014 03 Roman cembnt, roskndalb oe jSS! T ' OiI fl N '?. pi -«t« a,aaouND rUemt, ■ c t PAdtauiMd JfetdtLit lovcatbprkiabi' } a. .W ICDWIN A. BMIIHA BRO* •' K°rtb-Watt corner Front end Willow etreMm MWyd Phlladelnhta. s. puotusT a aoirs lupoanaa or p « j 4 : T HAVANA CIOARsI No. 116 Booth ,I‘root atrWt, Philadelphia, Pa. • s ” r ** n,tr,y ' “<* <*»r.» ehoSnSSSiSy oeiinMoOlnia. j of Denotata, Groom aod oUton icliriUd CARDS 1 CARDS II CARbs II PRINTER'S RHirr AND OUT oIrDS B«t mod CbNp««t In iu Hart*. ' ' ')'■ T‘ ' Cnrd« Tor Mounting Photograph Pictnrw,: Of Bop«rlorQtHHtpaadatlo«Pritta‘ :: - atu and Wiiltamdjlar mill nMfßaardt.Snm BtMl *t« land and Jor fait by . ■ AM. OOLUKO, ; ? . P i. P ?*“ hl °** D Wmboma, AWMINOR BTRRRT. 1 Philadelphia. TIT - ■■ • iNOHiiar cabpbtb, It - y£ A nufactcred and for hale by / M. PIPfR & C0 o : MTowll 1 * Bntldlnj, H. L temr &c, hand SaefOWl,, PHILOILpEa. '' oetolM Ocodt Qnar*+tfs • ! || MB ASSORTMENT OP Mi NON-EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUlfe ! NotftxPLoaiTKßtnumis naip— - The Greatest Dieooverj or the Ate! ABrilliant light, without Banger, anaOhfl»- - '' «rtfcaabsj lUaalßttisg Flslawvlaw>' js" . Bivtetparcbwrd Um czelul** i-febt to Mki tod, MU U»o toAlltftwey coestr,lasibov pnpirod U efiir U artfelo pMftetly m* bbdor all CirWD f bom' thatwfll gif* a iaor« Mtilaal Ugbt tbaa asyoWtr fluidaov fa iim._ [j|; ‘ Call and mmlaoiof joomltM, al , v- :r U? " • joa. guDintfl'a.!’; l ocZT \ Cannot MartatatrMtßßdtba^n?^- KUUa AND BUPPUBTER MANOP.A& ggaaißßg^MaigiwK : ati&JnSZi ntiu tot tint iS 7U i ttaoSjiSSjS” fi lg turw»cfXru«e. Rnc»Biap f p^g; »»g ; ' o**twmwfffiSsiiß!ywsKr~ UoiiBK OOVKBB.ofd«!ia b, *, WATER, GAS / HICBABDBOWS IRISH LINENS,. ' DAMASKS, DU.PSBS, fO. /10N80MER8 OF WCHAEDSON’S LDT- - ' V/ VSi. Bfld Hum amircm cf ofcUlntnfttn OBTOUHI ' KJ. H. RIOBABDOUS, BOMB ft OWDBS 1‘ f SSST JJteS! jBSBS _, .v-‘. ■' I'j STEAM. ’ ; V.;:. - BAtLITt FABRIU. A ooi-i 128 dmi a *T’» B1»1M U*ttQ.—■a7' ’ I? :g, -•■T* - .Trtg&a 'V: £ w.mottoiw ( Sruh^” AMUSE] Jtfafre. OQii»onS~6oncert.~ JkffAPAilK -.PAULINJE .jGQIjSOIf THE 11l OBLBMTKD PAIBA or t*» IXIXI an oe*B*j» orw*wTi,J%”2fJ; pLUoni fcoto®,totw*Citj llnlf ■ ■ '•• - - OJC-.. * TUESDAY 3otb, .. OITY 2XJLZ*pj,- Ob wljirJj cocmloq Uh foUowtaf nßcwood ArttotMkfrca tb« &bgT»aua*d Open Hoc»o*,»fll»pp*t?}qlß«j „ ... L uo.sAMta ooisonr. MISS KELLOGG! Tb% Youthfoi Ptlm* Doao*, - , CaMflm*ppM(ftaQßla ibUdty} g SI 0N 0 R BRIGNOI.II The Famous Tenor. . 1 SIGNOR F.E RRU The Eminent Baritone., ... „ SIGN OR S 0 SIN (I ... -. Too Ontl Bioto, 6om OboOraoJOt*r* Oiiaitibf Lb»Jo«I ' - ' H *y*Mfe«rg, Jin*B, Ot«, • - Vy ■ . The whole under thd direction or thedifitin- gDithed Musical Diucctcb and Conduotub. ' r ' SIGNOR MOZIOI ■. rioauui: •V £ , AtU» .ateso* floaei * 04T*thj}, fi.fff b;«h. . S; l»p#u, fiois 6cii«mrki..,. iii *• TtitiltlttUi.Bolero,frota Vtrti’t foaou mwOsaka* B*«<*o Y«prr», H otinlß%lly tuog for lfc« fire* tuo* Id Amirtfl* by Utdina Coleon, ,' . ■ Madam PAOiunOotiur . . 6. SeietitJe, Dob P«»qa»1A...... lianas . . Th* hawse Übwij Duett* horn tt» forilMl, ■ ' « ■ • .SiOKtmfuw AMBSwm • f * u >J n ] T * u ‘ r «-" wJ ...Fiivo* rnu , 2‘o”. 0 .! 4^ 1 * o©L»wAitDMiitK*ttw» : I rirotlt>...„.««M Ml iliaioi | 10. TMeiqaUito French L*ogbiog aou*,c-mipo#Ad fores* • I , . *oBg , J |VSI n ®» u »'»’«c*ULrtU4lßif4 Boag. VMKBUOM ” «, * Bd Plti»l« from Leeli j thaeatlracnmnany.- . Bagshavr and Bradshaw! Qrim»h»w,Mr Bernard— Bagaba*. Mr. Baal* - • » . SUtLIABD 6A1i0087~ Oth-et, oppoelt® Fittalranrh Tlieatr®, riinro M4rra * wa , *•-. fropifctor , I*IIIS elegant and commodious H&ll la now A?S^.!"££i NK ., NBW “ IRBLB bed btlltaro " . ‘Vf*®! of tn* lateat and mo*t approved atjle and rattan. «y to tba roCßtrfSr ; 7 tMaoeramodatiofiof dtttetiaa(tdfltrantua,«tKHoruafcL Jto»ccoibrtwdeonTwbuca,btwtaorpamd,lfMoalldte . tbaWatyn State*. The Proprletrt aulldtaa ooeUtiaaUoa' r,i Ibra, add mare* tha public that avar* attaatfcw artll •• ba paj_t to tbeir contort tad plaa*tir». /JL >or l b *> la of Blltiard TablM^ 2^k&*' Pa,, *i? ,Cb * lk “ d * otbwartidi tsUattn! oblcb bo can tttepoae of on rcwcßabb AarnaaadHfea.< -- 1 • «aaabctorDt*awbob ab prim., , ASilrd i 1 gun-gort acotnmtmmte - FRBNOH’S HOTEL, Off THE KUROFIIiAN PLAN. OITTOf fIEW YOBS, Single ttoomi, fifty Centi Per Diy. City Hall Equate corner of Frankfort at. t roppedu o»j n.u,] • ccg:*t< • a.WUfflOH.fnifrMot; J. * J. OOLMAN’S ' CELEBRATED ’ - i i _ . OARDNEft o. YVELIN, is "J *!■??? 1?on8t «»VN«w Yorlt. ‘ '. v ,***?• ■ *C«eorwl«difii< i ; D. WORCESTER'S improved Piano Fortes. i! i “ASOfiOTORT *HD -«iL*JKOOK, rj Ifourteeth-BU ; B ;■:,>■ i ; Jbf , MO