JitisbutgJ 'r. brbbt't :* £<» ; 3 »’t prom » lean ooooriag three tlmea tbot eumoeabop It. Tbo piirtp tbot offered twodtp tkonaoad del-, loro for foot rotoa for tbo Loooapton MU; that ; offered oixtp. thanoaad dolloro to Foraop for aa airtiolotbo length; of bio. bond to lapportof. the ootab aeoanroi tbot pare oat tbo Cool, Lin Dob and Armp oootrnole topertleens to oartpeln tlom; pod tbot boo dlepenoed, monop, jeba; ep polalaoata, and ererplhlag oleolo lie poorer; to diipeaie wlththo thoatlarlsk profueioo,ln order iceutlelo Iteilf, will not bwltato’lo bee the four huadred mlillool—the opoile for tbo .Dialog four peon—ce a Had wberewlthto . fweheee.ibe klghppt office In the gift af tba poor pie; and the preetdeat who unlock, the doir of tbo Wklta.Hjgue-withgolden hep, trill be ooepolled to gororn bp'tbo* aememoaaa amplbp . ■ id to ooanra bio eleollon, end tbo eoatogneaeo ; •HI bo, aralnadp romorkod, an ora .Of opa - tamatleed prolllgaop ud corruption, and a train ‘ ■ of ottogdrp. bnl appalling oillo, nhlbb tie pbU riot m.p well ohaddor to oantemplale. AComoeiißia Auuaiun.-He* Poi. cfftetordejooaielnt ike follonlo*: ".iA tht tut tliotloo' ih# DfnocreoT wire ho*olydl«tppolnted. Hop did eottooktar •oekemeU. Hi* BopobUceoe ere n«mg. ant. btu eedeeeor oo Ike de> of ike Pne ' idealiel eleeiloa lolnrn Ike lebloe ted ilu tkca , . BdbappetatßeaYoqael to' IbeVakloh wa oipo. neaoed oa Ike dap of Ike Gmroor’o eloolioa." .!j *kel woaldbe tßemo|tmiet to wkioh «t j , ike deaoofaia voald hate aa objiclloa, :i kol Ike alffioulw le to nadir H ifftetlee; Bod k . *k»’d«BOorele ued “e‘»<*taeay pen ofthe Stale. Thelanre -l.gvgtgatpt «f pnjaatee oa tka exaraiaa of ihoaa oon :' rlgkti ~ froodom of opaaohraad, ftn; . “*• cf aaffiafa—will dioappaar If w'a put for. *■ Haaanbar. tot at tak»*kU*a- at pro olorarr la Mlnottyl will dtnofru nriii 1 * *d*ll r«JoIoa at tka eltra tloa of. Ltaaola; pkaatka (lad aowo akall ba 1 akaatadfrotaaratoeoa.ud doapakall aaavtr t*» «i 'Btigiu iittinu niklt. - " A anaibar «i Ibi Dmjlaa on la Uli' Blata Mata ikto Iktyaaaatl tapper! Ikaßaadloi tlakat. .Tba PfcUaltlpU* Prut aayalkal II la aav ii raaalpt at boat* tnm all parla of tha Blata, prataatlag ataiatt tkaaliklranl ofakat *aa knvaaa lba • < Btnl|bt licktl.” >tt tayt maayaftkiMtalUn art alyaed kyiltkikorata wkakm ifiuti ia Ika for* Croat af tka parly. ' tor yaara. to pabUohuat a apaalaiao,. Ifca Col; laalaf latiar CfaiaErU: ' « ' . Mrii, OtL St), 1880.-1 aaa by VuUfrapk la. i la daj'a BoSaio Ayrraa Uat "tia Dtoabaßiala | : llftwr. ; “He epoke of Hr. Llnooiuni doe who dldttot •wehi# nomination totbe facttbaihe ha 4 spill v»Ue to tori y lire, or bnira a* entering the legel prafeiriovfte eome tourist* dr tbit frateroity •Uesrd. He wee. a goaiitaina of Intellect. e “W;er of ability, and • gentleman ngninet the jmtU/ofwhoee character no Individual Or jour •AthM-madensaggeeilooi" aarlbalai’a Vie tor r alia, p.aiuoa. Tke unitary abilities of Geribntdi, the meUle Sf**f tt »rajbeen pat to e severe teel In the fight on the Voliaroo.- Komor !e tlooii nlweje it exaggeraior, bal hei* reporle touching the roMat eoediot neer Capae; according to oer “ 4wi * eetae ehort of the truth. It wUiift feet, ihemoet eaegulaary end desperate ••gegenest thet hee/et tekeo piece between the petrlote end ibe Neapolitans. From the field of Caeerla the diotetor could see no snob Ueooitm ns Cmtarit in eeoonnoiag hie victory, for there the soldiers of Boobelino stood their groand manfully, eod fought bravely. They were alUmatelj, Indeed, repulsed elnllpoinle, end driven b»ok la greet disorder end with se vere lon towards Coptic;, bat the conquerors, u ns well ee ibe conquered, suffered severely, end, ; sloae the battle, no aggressive movement hot been mnde on the pert of the former. Thecondaot of the Neapolitan meroererleo on the Volturao proves unquestionably thet no more deeerilons, or fraternisations need be ez peoled from them, end thet nothing wIU dispose of.them, or ernih the Bourbon, tavohard, oon- Undone fighting. This conviction may have occasioned Gsribeldi's inactivity, and rendered him more eenlioas eod elronmspeot ihnn nsael. The royalist army, though directed end potto flight. Is very fer from being; annihilat'd, eod even were It driveo from, the field, nod compel led to inks retags la Caput, sad Gneta,. the re dotuon of these greet fortresses might be 100 ttoeh-for the besiegers. Lf Bat whsra nre King Vlolor nod the Sardinians* Bow thet Ltmoriolere end his mollsy brlgedse ore vnnqaUbed, nod oat of -the way, wby does not hit aMyesly hneU'Cothe help of tbs diotetor? He In exoeedmgl/ noxious for the Immediele Mnezetlon of tht Two Sic Mei lo hit other no qaifUlons, bal. there oen. be io submission of thls.qneettoo to the people belli ibe oonieet with the tyrant shell heve heen first decided. The Bourbon throne is not yot completely snbvertsd; the Stallions heve sUU n king, and one king At n time ta rarely enough for tbits. Folio/would then Mem to indienle that the-Piedmont ess mon orail should: cross the Neapolitan frontier with Us forces, end old Garibaldi id giving hie rayel brother end relative-the coup hm/race. If not assisted, ilmey bctraableeoaeMd tedious work for thp ; liberator to oMsomnts.ble but were Victor Emmanuel to'not newo hnvo snggeslod, the struggle would goon be over, end afterwards tbs bastneea of annexation could be *t ones tnkea In bead. ' Now. why it the King so dilatory shout par tielpnUog In.this NeepolUen Wer ? Ii it thet ho designs to lenVn the diotetor to contend with ll« diffieolttan till hie oadedty is thoroughly tamed down ?. .Or does it eriie: from a feeling of deUoeoy toward e sovereign inth whom - he Is nominally at pews, nod Whose oeepfra he would fain not grasp trait I*fairly castaway? Itihe miley.of the Sardinian springs from a desire to humble Garibaldi before he olds him, the motive of It Is unworthy of o kingly mind; but U it bos Its source In any fastidldaineer in regard to the unfortunate Fran oil, racA e qoeamishness Is to tally oat of place fa a potentate who has been' virtonlly at war with the Bourbon since the first day that tho Übsntor landed at Marsels, and who has neospttd oo nhoeramodlodily the pos* •esslonp of tho chuwbnbdlhnpooiiff.—Fortrf. Tho UiDpii StATts —We hear a great deni oonilnaaUy about tho. growing, power and Im portance of the West. Bat the?* U another tee don of oar Union whose Imporlaaoa and power -are expanding rapidly, though the foot is gen nrally ovsrlsoksd. in; considering ear national pragrate. We ailads to the (wo great Mlddte Staten, New Toth end Pennsylvania. At the October election lo this Commonwealth we pol led near half a million of vote* and lo Kosem. bnv the two States together will poll about a xsUlion and a quarter. This lean enormous eg- BAgats, aod shows more forolbly than anything •inn wc.could adduce the ran): power, of- these B fnles. They eoaiain together eeveh-millions of inhabUante. Considered uVeeoilon, this Is equnl either to the oorthweet or the couth, and when we take Into view that tkeee nre but two Sutes, itandleg npert from th« others, there le something of meeeivegreataese ln U. t We nre elreedy abend of New Eoglend, nod there is no prospect of her ever overloklng os. Xhni fur we strangely enbogtr, kept pees with the free and flourishing? West At the Presidiotial tlecUou foar yeers ego oor-lwo SUtMswt 1,048,804 nit., vkih lb. til ««i. •to'lmBimm «M-r,106,07». I« Ik. four '“f ll k *»»• «I»PMd Iktwtrt hiinM umu, from but orota, btaktaploj ..d ih. •IOfPK* «f Immlpsiioii, Md Iba Ulddl. BUIn k.t.uadoabttdl/ (^Hdopoalbim,u(k.lllig r(M k kov abctit IW, tad -ill to .ppeir |. U.' Pntld.BU.l oltollon. In 1866 Ik. abol. of sk« Bomktni SiktM, *htr* .. .Itgiloa «u held for PtMldent, pollod .boat 1,043,000 .oln. In Boolh Otrolioi Ibo tleotof* inehom b. lb. UgliUtaro. If ob» oonld poll o.tr 30,000 tolm "L* “S* ‘a™**!*' would;• nook .boat MOO,OOO, wblok Now York , cud Potoiilnala will woh4 at ■ Ikla olectloo. The ■ comptriioo for 1836 ataada aa balow:.. i / jNtw York and Peanepletnlail, 066.800 rolee. : iNortkweet ii,i06,079 ‘ • ;Bouth- ...............1,100,000 *'• been retired land repeated until—to ute aa axprcealre Tolgarleo—the/ era ptaped out. Their bombaal It obtoluttlp elok- S 4*f™“ Donooiot.—Tb* Blunt mu u 4 lb. .oftut doo|hta. la .n Mr Coa.eltlor Omni. A law data tinne aMI. frnb from ,b. loorolo.U ,V rS Prllin • ball, be mod. eepnok 10, Ha . übool ohiUruJn ik.oliy, la ablob, opeablog of lb. •*» altb wbloberowd. on bo u)loeted la Iblo MOBIry, be (old bo doubled !‘ah«[bor ibo nlbnof. Wole* bod iw ona oaeb o oread be. for* u Ibo one wbiob ar beaud Mm la Now York, *«* upon On utatbn tf ikt manahon tfMt tty. A.: lb. ■ Prlaoe *u let bora oalll i Mo** tan. year, afler lb. eeroultn of Qooon YiotorU, a.lblak Ur. Qorord woo ..|. lo bl> ownporllsa. TbU Mr. J.mti W. Oererd who to • kadlaf-faeieaM lo Boa York, badike aora rann, la tkl. wiry oddrtMte lb. robool obll drto.io deoUr. blr a moiarobial brail tonrum. Bikri atfalk. air dHtoaUoa tort.Duk.efß.fnuli.fiaden flOiMftr.w, T»a Stiaoa or . Qoiltt Goaaciaaoa. -iA dole jumbor of Ibo St. Paul Pienttr ralatat Iho fol lotring r . Thursday afaernobn ; i du cams lo tkajill la Ibo oily and hqalrod for tho Sheriff, and os beio, lold lb.t be wka oonSoed lo hla bod (on aoooonl.of bia laia aooldenl.) be! wrni away, bnt retained btroreiderk, nod Sndioa ;Dopaty Bboriff Miller, ho told him he wbo oliorg. od with ibe ooiainlmion'of a mnrdcr tome air year* ago in ‘Vlrgloia, nad dhat siooa iben bo bad boon a .wanderer, eod; dtolred lo dellior blmirlf op, and lo ban a notice of hit detention forwarded lo the offioera of Ibo law in Virglola After betlog an Inlerriew wllk the Bberllf, bie reqnetl waa oomplled wltb, bad tbt Sheriff wrote yeaterdey to [Virginia, notifyiag Ibo proper offi otra: Without manifeallog moob oontrltlon for ibo crime or fear ef be I megtoed, wherever bo lired, that everybody looked upon bim.u a marderer. Tba alemenla even whla pored ii la bit eetv, when bo hod abeododfd tho aooiely of men aad Jived alone lo the depth! of the forest. Cooeeqaenlly, bo baa bad nd abld- Ing pleoe for Oil y««rr, but baa roamed tba man ■ try from Mlnneeota. to Teiej, aofferlag/ so bo iayi! “more Uu * buodrrd deathe.”; At lest nlmofh wont dame to; tba oonolnalon' to deliver, kiaeaalf opt that after, tho oeotenoo of the ■aw.bad-lwaa axronlod,a., m]|bt again lira emongdiefrlendr. or jneke a borne .here bo wonU bn nadiatnrbad by Its tarrora. A Lima Qian Fiotmao . Baan — l The fol lowlagnlronmataooea le said to bate occurred in tba toan ol Foreet, In Badax oonnty, Wieodniln. Twooblldren. aged nine aad eleven, wen dig! glng glnteeg.and name la mntaet with n bear of large lit., wblok soiled Ibo! younger and man glad it la a. ehooking maaaer, when the father, bearing tba mtrama of the child, oame to lie reeene, and fontid Ibe elder, e girl, oombnting wllk tho fnridna beast llht aaeble ohempioo Ha (iuootaded in dHving tbt beer away, and irnotaded on bla way home, the bear following branmn distance, not willing to depart withoot hlasatlolpaied booty. \ RARRIKDi •V "•"NtofTbemlej.OetSSth, et Ibe retld.ee. ot ‘••..b’id, e feibtr, to aU,|h,ej dtp, b, Hee. Dr. Phuner, ?,U BOOK end ItttTt, ddwt dngbM of 'Mr. Jemce Don trail, r * COLLOQUIAL LECTURE Oo "Garibaldi, ah« Tik Italian STtnaam ; FOR LIBRRTV,'' ■ ?V rao». BOStAIH LDJRAjR, AT LA-B’-a.-STETTR HALL, “On THORBDA? RT RHINO, No». i,i, cnmnunLln* nt( i/clock. Alml«.liin n'e. ErapUaoal ifialt Bhtum f : Bryalpilaat admitted, that ail oropUt* 4mmw d*p»bd xpcm adm« latental or couatitstiotuil aoM»ud tb»t t« dm VtobM or ototae&ta for than U a nn nj to trjsr* tbt «y*tra, and oftty to ddre'ln,ooi to cura ihadbaau. Bat HUNPBftZYB’ BPKBno! ROMKOPATOIU MtT BBIOH PlCLS'araa int'tp«dAc for til «och illumii Tbojoaf Ut Hwom.Ba.Urt itbh, fcyUpaia*. pidpto «b«r»c»,Rlfl*wor» l an(J NaUU Rub, bj carhi| tfc« MOMB9OS wblcb Ike? W rt Marine the iUb to tta lUhof haaßb Bad polity. Tk bj, not oq!j b tb« iis *•" cured, tot tb* aoftoaM and ludty ©i; lb* «>m?l*a*c» Prtc*,a c *tUp«tox t .lU, jl, + cU^ l *, fcUUl«4*l. - W : ®.ftill mi cfHcvraitt'a noßoibjinua Ertarua> miii %iok Bo4 fwe&tpVdlStfvac Urg* tMi, morteoo cua, $6; ditto, iu pUb cm, $1; m« of Bfuw bdzu, sad Cart, ft gidgU' toiM, 36 Mata and 60 Mata. Bataadlaay bjr tfia «lagt< l-bt or acuity iuQofttUNt,fN»of (Jbarga, to ol tba prica, JAAtui. . ' Dr. ». BURBIIRtYB « 00, ‘ UraPvttvflka, • , oclfcdlwlaT _ Mt-Mia. ffiOTiiitr *bq Nam' arid Fsmalo l»bj«t»-j*a, bui fr»tilngB)nip ttr cblldrta iwilj lacOUata# -tbaproMMor. taaihlsi b r feftAdrig; tbapuM,rvdaolog ait «Ti*iimnttHa-Wlll aU*fatlpalo, aodfanraiw bowaU. •ponltyßotbairo; It«olgfii» rMt U yoomlru sod ralta/ ••J b«»10i lo ywr taitaUo PvrteU* ula la r*t mu Baaadyo#t|iwßw>A'tl>:>ootW aotanri.. '..’.'falitdßwiyT.’. : Putin r ~7; O\'PtAN^OAIF ; EECTT6Erin T«ffk; Atootg feta »W t» fed»4 • Itv «m. ass ■ «v- B^*' TAX PAYISBtf Or AtLKOUKNK *o*lol.—By tbooctef STibof ftb* roM/. A.O.lßaa,U ftddllio«cr TKSTHROBST. willt» “**•*? 4 H/“"> rW * »4 tefteutr of A Unbar *• nqaind by Uw. vflJ bctoMdt»to*tU assess' ■“■ ■* T^aKE,'*-* * •' -■- ■? ; CWTWlini. . TKUet AMO SAVINUB SSBa.« wfSp^WSSgXJSi O^rNffl^lA'SFWrxS. fewfteteassasa. *“• Caloa Stmt ft»» so* dot-tad D&Tftti*. >ul tut «ra> aatrn not t»H to bus In J^lSSJSffi nt«Mt froci tb« <»u of; ih» ipproni rf tba JUportol Uanrt«fS»«oOß of in.Tb.nj to8W»: :JOBitV.»iDg«ti.ainoiwtnf. 1 --■ v sxcu4fiQßO«niLorrtrrttiiUKU£Lt -A —,. : ■ fntooMi.tr**..»jMo. / • [Hs*m ELECTION or .XBIRTkCN DI- Jf U Mi'ttirtlnitmt «m t» S 9 S£^ , * i " k ?T* UKSTfIMO n fht fltrcktwlitoift HI It l' Retook ft. to. ociftiw - . n.M.«psjuT,o»hw. V MaaOUftftTß ftNI>U*NU*AQTUit«J» ftfthfl EMOTION for Thirteen Directors MoafiAv'ttL M **r h i M 11 ,u -_og3ortw W. H. DItHT. JithUr. . •- hi-"’'**"'' - -.MftOttftKUto’ftftftft, jsiAioitsrasss^ws&f aa^Smif? I y*J E 5H ,ra «niUk«ld “.IH..*■».?•*• «.to. -..- m TUMDATi Kov,6tb, profaftt 100 a. ■ «*»» • ; ...JOHN- toAQOyf tS, - < -V i omuess' bans, i [3*AN ELEOTIONTor y*^.«l <“* IS.«mlD«Y»r..llll» fc•">»».•]■« «J. a./of No- ‘ ~J. g:.ion»(WM.. QT3»U£ttMAN iTKUBT AND SAVINGS or UtU Bnir winainjto W fa to Joairii afttllt IlwwnMUrturMHL IU niM Itmalsontoa tbHr w^w^S Ep ; *7v Wffi' •!-.• : Jfoa fttbaiisiiiUnta c p everv MOBN 'n-TMa «r*mr jrT,si!f3. to ! 4 . '«arOaajtmf sRBiiK, u. 4 oxoAnr axAzsrorAovvaßß, ; . KKBPJ OOSKTINrLT OH mail. ' CmjHCn t ASD 'PARLOR oaU ANS, l 0P »YSBT m?.»A!TD BI3C»irTIO.Y. Vl®; I fr*t«ltt»« hlfh, 4 foM »inchu w(j.‘ •is? eisjssr^*^ 5 *""?■ * ,j *- .i^-?T B,to PXl6tfc4 fl incbaa faigb, 7 fart 3 iutbaa wld«, ffcat tlachaadiiap. r I No. *—U atop*, 18 fcH high, 0 fort £ loctwa wide, 7 fort ; | iTba ab©** dljaamk** orator Oteoiaacawo; If tiutblo cam,Uiay»m t« aotaawbalfcigber. -• For fBrUwK-UtbhnaUoa, apply to .. - HBNinr He* York, or apUaftlly : JOHN B. MBttOtt, «i flToo.l «t. •TOVBs.Iqr'aTGS AND RABQBI, e ® * no; : 238 I ÜBBHTV STitBKT, jW’ANUFApTDRERS ofan kin.ls of Cook- A*A. lng, Poilor U4T Haottos etc™,' Oootlor&una. noosed Uosiaoogooioolod Onurgroou, FrniliM, Oo i 7 - ,fbeeol«btotod 000 l OooUoi Stem, * •i." .‘‘Victory'' and “Triumph," Md Wood Cookies Bto™, \ “ , “Blaok Oak 1 ? and “Forest llcute.” s>« “Capitol'? and “Eagle” Cooking Range., Hydraulic <*; Op«n Boil«rfc 22m!T.S£B5S? ' "■?" -f TU vary finest Enameled Orate* sif SK£ %£‘SS!£s; i r ‘™‘ f ■«• , I i , ‘oljmpiaßj/* £w •*&{?** 10 ,be ny of p " ,or BtOTM >nwi«i» Suva, Jikimw lcy rwvvnf^»~^ ,iA; ? P i®. 9 Irona » ** AM BOILERS; OVKN r “ fcr “"*' ,lu *""I*. jXf^ n "^ ol,s ? Cauldrons ahd Furvach. ?• “« WuS-Bor" Ulalit raw fa ute, W '“ “" “a «“»»• •»aaUwFem FRENCH’S HOTEL, ON THE EUftOPiUa.N PLAN. ClTfjom*WiOßK. Silgle Boom j,PI fly (.'tnl« Per Hay, Ctiy Ball Square cornerof Frankfort at. Cty>pi»Jt4 CHy H*ll J ' nS?S , ! , A b *? •I*?‘^ ordßr r ,> ln U '° ■pMloiki lu^torr. Stel ** f Bwb * r^4 ***«»> * od BuL ttponu «it#cb*d te ,tf e UUU °*" *“ a '•■eam.n, : org:l,d . |. ; J H fagiioa, Proprlrtp,. latoa, Oi;ee & Mtcrom, Noa.' 17 and 19 Fifth Street, JOBBERX ASD RETAILERS OF Idebroidirle*, Slrtw Q*c4«, EUbbona, Rowan and Buclie*, OlOTiiand OibdilbU, Plata .nd Elfcb-d WooJ«o U.i*2i,Bc*ifi, SWrU, Collan, m t Htir tl«U|Ocmba, PciiasstltM, I !'., : I i Z*pbjr aod fibitlwi Wool, Mala aod f uoj iiltUsg 7*ru, Tu.fcpa BoUoti fancy Artfdai. Weare prepared; toeellto City and Country Dealera equally aja turret any Eaetern fobbing ■>Sn>mg“ L ‘ »•»"» NON-SXPLOSIVk BIIKNINO fluid— nia n buuninu »toin , n ~S e O' 6 ? l **! PrecoYeryiof tho Aiel A BnUuint Light without Danger, and Cheer . „ w *° ißf HlotjMaatlOf Raid bo* 1b dm ‘ o®*y Wcontipon^loo.. Call aud «MntM ior,y asnatoa, at* V- Patevim JJiatariaram libiiqai M“j tw^ot » *«*■» hail ealCranTtM liiilMD wii irctavo TM? Tal ?* b> ? .ahc*»uay waaadilrd by 6aao*i ,Dr*« th* rtlaflßfUhW WatapAyjiclan ft and U now oat of - - * *uU ,J »* i Bto * “l 0 upwards of 10 Mat 1 . twjtiron City east. ANIL HOPPORTKR 11ANOFA& A JP**" o**** 0 **** * Totltra, No. r. Wood at. t? '“ T * *» call ihoollimllne odkoeSlaxl loiUbixtaotinoruo ttaoool; Mena- 0f ’ 1 ' r “'"* 0 * »nd.BnpporUr« “3^Ssjr b , s?ss£srife.. 1 „ k^ BCtir CABTWIKIMT 4 TOUHQ.iff WsS^" eW BEAVER HATS, " —- ',... : ' j trimmed and Uotrimmed, lM*n tu&kd *1 Lownt Prlr** , - EATON, CRE6 A MAORDM, 'h‘ ■ \ itnnbatrMt. Q iCTAND STBitSLIUBS, 1 ' -.‘l TrimminflHataand BonntU. OtnM|ma olKov KpHne url,, 1., tipmi it!, ilillinsra ind-Dealermupplisd at uaa tlmn KuUrn pricts. |i ; V, EATOS, Orbe A MACRDJI, Mg • ■ i 11 fifth BUHL FLOUNCED BILK ROBES, 'tJf , ** AQti Lid)**’ tttd i Mlcwa' gfa»wl» An j Hooln toMUlu, Wq>Md°: “*” 11 . ***■ :• ;■- ,i . Q- tuams u„kj„. XJKOAjUOR—2O rack! prims Dr; Apple* Lr2s;r D ”f- M plilSlNSl RAl^iNs! N£W t MvZ:'~~ j» **«*• Ctmmf bUfcfl; 300 M bn do do 40; £S& W fcjj do do die? XX) bn I#»j« hu hKTUKUi* ANDRBSrW, ' ®*‘ - >*# Wood*t. t ofj>blu BtCWle* fTjUKKAft'yfl—2s ;ca*kB /ante Currant*. \£Jwlr*rtnf _ RtT«m* iNDKRWTT, jJ&t ■,i gft W'ootfat^bppoolUm.Cbtrinllctol. -”g ■■ :i : M , B?YMirtib.iNPCnsoN,a»Wood,t. - 'DH^E^fS , ; N ‘ #^ r f biao r *r ; r /- : a^w^^ggs^*si£a!sisf^^ CAAe^>*n gluvjui« Bordeaux: **t*;fee***B.t, **Cockle*, Jim rtuinvl for tal» ot * ? : ' .j» *W*t, oppcrito 81 QU»M HeUU —WHW Jiaracoa.jutt reo’d »f: I **T? TC * AljDrasOM, JfeO Wood ( t, "?' '' • - '■■ I '!• OPPMIM tt- rhgtw Bgul. "*° rt » d br “ d - #°p» - l! ’ 1 BHOgM t KIRgPATRIOKS. f P^ A B—l c _o half obeat* I. li.aod BlkTeu; JL t»C»U> toln YU T««-lil Itoro tar b? -r/VT ■tgl. BaOWH« gIKHPATitTnim TjjgAWWS-rIOO ibuua utorted brands •• *~r ~ • : BRQtrw * kirkpatmoh. . .1 •*J ,KB B- GUILDS Jt-CO ,! liOP£ (,’OT w; *9* m V* AU.tol(RMr«m.M>iiiirKtanrl A '. Keimliu Bai», l ui Of Oait ABCTROS, 11 to 10 40 In. >ll. Order* left *t ’n/ohild* t Cd.’i, 133 Wood ■••• *^ r **t> Plttefccnfa,wt(l rfcHr> mtHnttoo ocSSity '^|ienß : i » »»-'■ --- -J Utotj? •trftt»«&4 D&tort laOnitiirjPrtxJn «, v« Efi^^SLEJ ll : cfcb MAB, BUQMta,Ov*r*Si« I MOMF. fußAOooa, soaps, oanulks, »*lt, ■'Of100*17 MaordMoT. *t loirpricw, 1 Sp»W>l WtmUjo ttrm td tb« n!n ofKhafa, |_gro4oo»tTOmHfr..:. c . •■._ . • . ; -q&a : TABUS' -SAKS A KAMI LLa.—lho Ponu- J tNQfud Ijj IblaUoly (nntaible mmJWM w m .^too »d am lifailcbl/«i»yU«l, Ifihetp&sof (booaaad* M«luoa» IHe«« wbfcb tan bero cfcatrfnd and perma* >J iMa ntnordtnarf antfcebtJa hadVad» a t*«law*»jr mmw aimt not -Sfi 5 * and all asternal tnaoiftafatlooa of dtaMaa, tHMlltfland 3 M.U , mI dbvfdirji totrbkb It afftifdnpMdruid ' S°32 *)“ f* ! *'• »iHHBSJUOK * Ofti Piltotambi P». . »M'i«Ui>liyl)wnlUn t M ra il > ~ s cc3Ballw!»HT.. -UKrecXlOH ATTAiwiID AXtiAttTl .TUBS CONJ INHiN'I'AI. : CoXn shellkr M l * clifnix.-npoDlDTAOliond in that line. Moniao non cm u iiiiud. v ; Menufcictartra ere Invited tu «e it. : cpecnlitcri> would do “well to call. Ooe |M ids rtNo. X» St. C Ulr *t. ■ i~t *'■"2' fr}r rt j j. ri n 1 11 1 u < : iyrM ; V ' ;: -J- I ~.*** ■ BBaf 'srpRIBFKVER ; its i g?s . . wmttis• : " 2pjT ccntroeoce thteweik'V -2$ : • viWIH coanubce thhwoigM -p:-k ~vr~. -v- 5L ,a - H 2H is £ UOI - t ’ JOURNAL, No. 6, ?.? e HODBEUOI.D JtmilNAL..No. 6, 1?* HSnsEaOLD.JODBNAL, N 0.6, Th* (10 USJHOLD JOURNAU NiTG, Wilkie Collina! By Wilkie Collins! By Wilkie Collins! By Wilkie Collins! 4Wb« of “TU W-tneo to White,“ “The d**«J etcrat n A, ' celled . Tha Ctosaed Path! The Croaaed Path! . Tha Crossed Path! The Croasad Path! * , ' 0 E32 OuDhd mi receipt of tb*price to eteupe by the PhmlK? - A. HAttTHILL* i~ti .., «.v i .MNocto «lUtom »fc, New York.- -Sahecrlptioß, |l 60 • jeer, or sl, lx thirty toot mU 16* tßoetooteriatßiu tad tnttrav of thedey, with too ptfroof the d*iW»im4 Pert buplc erory week, - - .;. , oc2fcBtte<*r TfISF UifA of Application «M to lb* MVtW'Kli jktklTO IW,UT«ni, «a w.rd, All<*h.Df OuMhia XbmM, u..ni, SUuMth TowMtdp - Ditto Jecjb.otbergoodLpeebtra do Freoehebofi S, F.A.,Mrtn* hone* FeeeGotlieb,'other good* fllffla Andrew, torero, Vmn It. Clair Towoahip lUDi’MUef Anthonj, other goodi, 6th Wert, PUtelmrib W?i?,I o ,?* J Si 1 “» *•*“* hot»e, 4th word, Fltteborgh - ?!. . . . n Wn> » t»Terp,Baow*lmi Towoehlp f°?-» *»*»n, 3d word, PUfeborgh Wartla Mteheel, Urern, Bau Towmhlp , OraeUr ll«nry, taYern;Dcqueeato BoroUfb : S!!?"o£* *zf 3o \Z tUr *® odß » W »««. Wttehofgh olber jroode, CbortlereTuwaehip '. Denry,urera, 3d word,AHHheo» wo'oon Jobß, other goode. Btb wpd, rif»W*»i ' XISY'Km 3 ' " TQOVIAB A, ROWLlSr.blirk. SHI6IIIH HUM, ■ HAYING had frequent ipplteationsVfor ClMete,l.prupo*e hxMnmiiuitclM. * BTBNINO, 13th ho? H pt J o’clock. Ae lew eefomttndoto only o I mlUd cumber, ojplj earl* ot 103 *‘**.*s * U| * U * m ** ic '* "'lt be more koowof QCgj.tool3 . ffM. D. smith. BIKSBLL4 CO ALARUH ASSORTMENT OP MATfr RIALS FOR : ... W. & p. HUGHS, Corner Fifth and Market Bta, Q PENED THIS MORNING a large assort- Winter Dress Goods. Satin Face Poplins, Fancy Wool Dei Lain as. Embroidered Silks. Valencia Plaid, All-Wool ’Plaids. Foulard Silks. Plain and St. Duster Cloths, And a complete atiwtk Gf Shawls, Dusters and Arab Oloaks. H. WORChJsTJfiR'S Improved Piano Fortes, If ARUPAOrORY AND SALE&AOOU, ; ■ Ootntr YOHIC. ‘ t»r 0 -jowteref • oonUtry, tbe loatrnoanu tM&afceter *4 ot tbe ebore Cetobllesßiest bore rooked wodi the firet jo the coaotrj Their dnreWllry, iuen#th. ood deJfcscv of looe end touch »ro ht«bly omceofeted tf oil wbohorw glteo tbrm okkoruiiKh trial, tte proprietor,by etfiog hie Mteotloo to the meoarector* of eecb loeirwML 10 *»*»»•• o rotSbtHiy lo.eeery rtefwct. ocftSm "\ISSOLUTION;~The Partnership hereto . J. f'f* ezlatiog nod-r the oamo oed etrte ot GILaPf A 'X*j? l 1 *hl» 4ey dtocclred by u&tutlnn, Mr. L. O.Oreftretiring ftau the Arm. ATI (wrscnr kooolos tbe» indebtedor.bufot etetmawUl pleMecritot tbeold euod. No. m fiwood mo— eerilewiete w th freak Voa Ocrder. who okme;le oothoriied to eoUtetbo bod&eeu L.Q.oaAff, - • October 16th,lb'60. : \ FRANK YAtbOORDSR.' TRANK VAN QOBDBR, . PRODUCE A.VD ' ‘ : COjMllJastOJf MBR;OB ASX.. Dtalpr lllTifflir, Bro'izn, BnlUr. Urd. CbM**, p OT * Dri«rl eed tireta IrniUJOft PitdiM geaeraitj. LQxivl &uA Adi*tat tuti« on ContigtmtnLt. W arehouse, Np.; 1M Stack'd Stoat, Pittutmrgb. „ . ' .■ ■ Kt.m«r A lUbia, PllutntjA I fCo Mlutwrtli **““ *<**»»., an IBHWABUKcIh. i. * pfls .. SpilM».n«t»»,k AOO. . A KOHITJEOTUBAL. TAMES M. BALPII, •r bnlldi&fa, ■& reaaosebJe tanna. ’ Offic* OH ABDKBBON BTRtrr, UlvMUcockudftobtMoa etnat* J 9ii AIUUnEMT. I.W. (JII4DWIOK..._ ~.CQAi&KS OQ4DWIOS. CHADWICIjC A BON, JDKALIIIA- IN Paper and Raga, No«. 149 and ISO-Wood Street, J riTXSBOtOH* PA. .P 4« *t'm*niif.ttnrer»» prlota. The ilghaat awkd price paid is cetb lor (Ug>. t+Tl ; ÜBNRY OJSRWIQ a CO., . . M ANUFAOTOBBR6 OF AI*L 81288 OP a O * vr IHII, • A»^;»BAlilUriN^:’ r 'i>7 IW ' Barton'! Ukc Begloo of ifrict. - IWOW BRADYS J.Y tue HK*iuaiOHo»crnriui,Anuoi- br Kicbftrd F Btutua. . - t -. v- •'.c •?•■ Ur« AND (.HTKMOmNNY rORRCSTISV fIODUKI AKPRKB' RNOPCiOPUDXA OFOOOEIMQ AND DOMKStIO JBO iNOUYt tj tin B; 9. UMklll ODD FAOM.It: bf CkpWn T. M.tm IW4. NAT.tbißobMoßoy. •- NIGUT CAPS AQAIHx TwoN*»Tdo»«. TKINOU ON TOA PABABLAfe OoodaßMd. • NIWROOK) J.UcTotcAb. - Jut r*ctir«4»7 . ; HOBART B DAYIf, : ■■ V;f.r...n Woodttmt: m g OFF ATT* 8 Lm& PILLS >/Ai THB .fIJOII AND KHTOO QSLKBUtY wfckfc •au* pr* emjMnt ordlcia* b***caulr«J tar it* l*r*ri*hiZ * me ELl'iS u «J»f, wMch it mtmm to cor*, h** wndmd tb#hhl|>nctlcaofMtMiUt«Ofi>paOoff Detail* ÜBDCMMrf but on»«tky of Um». tier wK IhelrfrottH lUir ftMi *Ork» maff -lSrtS!S?i& ■K=SSSS»^RS«{tfS&S eblf pro Tod ■ emtaln mqA epMf remedy A iJb/i. TT*«i Si'A'S’. _ “V* w. u. iinrufr, M 1 K „ IGHTNItfQ HODS, OUtM ANb PttTOLB, ' : ’ * hiVR ’ ANIHOMfI^ ■WtLutiitSm . v ,;‘Soi*9oM and Bator*. Mechanics .Toolsfind.Ammunition, , . .]■■ 4 • . . Cental and Sorgical Instrument*, lUr ' Sboxes of "j, 2 J nt*?—flo 6m Upritt*; »lOjbpliCtagitttaltVFkmUf, - ' ' FRAHtt VaM 80RDKB, -jg° j Nall4H*e«T.l. bw, ppjpje;-' • noOB-*OG!>til»Olw\fc*r4®nj; f “ r *■ J*J , ’.. " •• !r '\' OAT£—iooobetprta*; ' i ut .l>WffV&rrw.iOM TMkM»fbr««l*bv - L : r. RODGWUACIbWQeTff, » » >»»ll rt fjBptom»j>tlmd pipit •- ■ IHKBS-171 I ntrtrnlto.* ‘ * * •• s'. ONLY DISCO VjpjY; woiyar.or ant comtiduk;, mr i ' BBSTORINQ ‘ f The Bald and Gray. Many, riooe. tbe Great Dlsooverybf .^rof, Dot only to ImlUU.bb iUatortti™, ratpßMlfa) bav* dtoOfareraomatblng! that wooß pro:: MU tUolkAl; bci ti«, Unill aw I Atjcn; batygßrrttdawr by tbs woaJsr’nlraanlttof tfatlfeod’a S**£antkft,aad jbwtatwea fortad toleat* tbaMd-to Its mafruem sway.- Read the fallowing j- r-. 1 n i ni*a.MafavAptaiikifci4tf. i ,aLfco,-° J WOoaAQo: Ocuta-Tha lattat TWaSaioa Id yoa bm paUMMd To tht. *» e fMty’aodrimJbartl bM £2.° ft y °pyy u»Sc!«te a>« 2?*n2SS?2S!»*r : £“*" !t * mypbKattoa. ■®® Ultw la Uw urinnitlli ii' Jf®* ofallihsraia loaUload; ihlid,halSjSlii «m. • * a «d«r»nd of umri) eoioirSo alllean *ad do •MvarnTartabiy.yw. Uj Uir tahu.isS? ■***• of my lift for forty yeirtpaal, morastfL tttafte Md batur colored; tbs asm* la tro*oMny wbUSrril and »by it U not gaoaralty trnejfo tfcSt ta*>ob- Pf fr»«wo* ablntloa of tb« be*, ftben ■ «•«* toy wiptD* lb* he* (b dost doomr doo' *lin tbs xblikan, tba mum retail will follow 2t it. lb V! rt E! p !«® r ooourol b{tensnm !h ptr !*i f **»w Mogbod, aakTaf taa li m* balr atilt con.' b* good; aatberali n> math fraud tqtba m »rnfm' tar* aod »a!t of »ari.*r compound*aa wall u »h£*llbaa.’ do doabt, totan tooaly imitated aol \ been Sac* oo?«S ■wltboatiDygoodeffect,battuabulata UJqry. Ibnr»m& .«aad - any ofyour BrstonuiTs of auyaiiiat & month* and yet my hair ia aa good a* are#, ao4 hooJrSr hat# auatoad it with snrprtae, aa tam apw 01 y»*ri old-' Mdywt a gray balrio my brad or on my bem ana tofirota.' tbla foct, laaml yvn a lack of my'W tSS off ibl£2 ** k l J if?!*?* locr of two quart boulaa laat imn^ mar, for which X am vary gratalbl; l gaealtto my friteda S°m Ul ? r * b L U»«a to try it; many «m ikegtkal (mill altar trial aod than purchawd aodbaed it witafoul! ">"»] •Mema. I will uk aa a (ator. thatyoa land foe a ; last by wbkh lean dfaromfraod in tba itaatofiUvaiaoli by staoy.i fear, without aotborlty from yoti. A el* will iMura «c«aa, and I UlteTa'wb«r« good eSaria do; not Mlow,tba faliura ia caoaad by tbalmpun arlfcls.wblob cqraaa tba loTentor of tbh «o«dL I dietifmy dofy,aa io k*«p yoB apyriatd of Uift oocUaDed afbqt o?' my hair, aa I aaaora all wbo toqoira of maofmv ooshakaa opmloa of ita vaioaola nralU. I ramaio, daarmr, yoora,. i \ . A;G:B*T*tote..' lUto*** Re*, Ky, Nor. 80.18^8. Pwr. ; 0. J. Wood: Deardlr—l would cmtately ba «fOia i. looagrMilojtiaiicaßotto uaka koowo to tba vovldftSi woadarfol at wall aa the nbaxpect«d malt X bin ashnl* ••“f*® «om oalog pus bottia oryonr Hair BaatoratlnCAKer * r Baatoralltw axtaot, but Mlbosttao-'. nmrly d««tUata of- ttalr. ijwu floauy iodncadlotryabuttiaof-yoar Qatr. RcstorMtlTaJ How, caodor aod ieatlea •Tcr.iMyraadtbia,shall DOwpomeaanMwaudbaatWat - 1 PWBCBBrwrtrhar and hamwSffi . feaa_UU original waa. J will tbaiafora mootßiMßd tbia intalaable ratnady to -u, wbo may foot tb* *W2LSf ,k KCTs.Auß?knc^ bio tnrUldno (aa yoo.ara aware of) Uaoaolldtad; bhtlf • yea think it worthy a plaea inott (btnit, la«rt if j toc *lsb—Unot,destroy, nsdvsy notbioc* •i, r s !*? Toui,le 4 M. Raw 1 Tba Baatorattraiapnt ep ia bottle «f thraa llrtt/rli' Sitfn.fcSI 1 !?.? naall.boldi half a^at& mtaUii for per bottle; ibo maolam hold* ai 0<«: WATER, STEAM. UAILEV, PAURBLL A CO, ICT foortbetrect, cwu~ BioUbaold. B. F - : L 0c A s - _ay>: > Txy gJTTBBCB6H» PURVIANCE A COFFEY, . | ; ATToaatra Arfam* PitUborah, h. Ofßca to Halloo* Baildlfis boroer of tlsv MHiWiihttmn,-■; » p n ' ■-.sa”' HAMILTON... .MAROUtI W. AUQBSOM. rjAMILTON t AOUKSON, . ; oac Mo. 149 Tbprtb rtret. C. B. At. BMITB, : | Attorney ond Counsellor at Law^ ' UA# JUHOVKXTO , j KDUN'B LAV BOIL DXN o’B No. 13 Diamond Street; vv ,J> ) KCTttoctoßt.rx^jOtoafcll rjIHOMAS SWING, v ATTOEMIf ANDeOUHSELOBAT LAW Tojb, BufctU ud Fmy 4 JOHN DOLL, No. 120 North-Second Street «txrv* Arti, PHILADILtfifA. - IK . /l” ]uinWTU.nbUSIR 8TO&1. tvtrrUrg* ukH » ftp ? s , o “?* moiJ S’anoy Artlole^of»Ur*» narMr, BMoMjlitTnylovetlM, ■§ t PT,»iittYiir;f. jffn MXAUiaa ur at ob^ ...y Hide. OIL aic uuhtr~itin. i H KIRKPATRICK A SONS, No. $1 A/ • Boot! tin# (nm. rntTnan Until and Chut. ' * B ? 3 Dry *nl Qrnoa Solud Pmtna KJpo, Tnon'iOD. Ttaotfi ■adCßrtWoTix.lo < oSlbo to»«t pticooud opoo lb* b^al Uotbwja tho wo*b mM,kr vfc£b UMtaJtbntßwkotprfcowUi borlvoaiaCMfat orttkooln rtrhopgi tarhtdn.toolbar Hand Erao of ebon* oadodU tio conmioikm. . . - a. a. *s.a. I No. 110 North Wharves, unuDKLPHIi Jh3[anof act ore AND UAVifTO! n*btOiWsS2SW^ate ) CAKDLKB. "I «... >PorefPOT>,UiJ.Bl«ttad Ttlal*, SM OIL! 1 »wfcßVUnla«l WUK Tu»ri> j; ra>iim',r>iiii,oidu.Diudoiut —1 o? 1 ' Actum, 1800. .-; ,; •:. - > ij ■ ROMAN UKMKNT, JIOSENIMLK 01 ■-''i.-- - «bwib*.mltaitio. ' ... M*lj, ~--y--- *• PhllMelpM*. a. FUatJBT a non a. IMPORTRMOf • * ' KAVANAOIGABB, No. UOBoctb treat atmLPtfiadclphJc, Pa. ?■ f AtC&ttMtil 1180 wT U( ~ Pf °*^* li * r ”*' l *■* «**>«■ li|a*lM £JARI>SI , nURmi (HIST AND COT (USDS Beet cod CboftpMt la (be . - ;i-v. . • Card# for Uoantifig Photograph Pictuffco,* f Of fapcrUrOMlltycoiftlLow Priew, Bit and BmdttStrvm fynnU ; .A.M.;OOIAIN^-' PAPIEmadOARD WuchoQM, WMMINtiR PTJUIIT, Jcfrlyd PHtLADILPaiA. *'■•■• INOBRIW CARPBTB, R£ANOFAOTURED AND FOR SALK BY M PfFJUI & ooi, lalbrccdt A ITJfcwtU'tttaDdUif, R. MauMreOf, !„■ •; : PHILADELPHIA, c«H.li»o . Goodj Guar** , ft'l i; ■* ETNA STOVE WOBKS. COOK,.PARLOR ABO fISATIBO STOVES, . OKA.TJE FSONTS. FBNDEBB, ..Sole Proptietot outlie eelebniadA.r PATAMTOAB MDBm.VB Ai!D tMOKMCO!I!UItn:B (MiWlM'tobav o*om *drwtet«« *rf vbfcb ■•••^rolintoiotful 77 * tt «hs«lekar*adlwtiatoif*iClrwaih#J»®*®ca. ift rjS* of tba MQtn flm. ' t . k 4lh, Cl*«illije#*,Mth«r* fil DOtooHalf UmmolmJ dirt .. -j «bal l* faoad la Mhar atof«. * ata,;Tb«MatoTu t at>d. all ix«tm w»*T«r aoW, &a*a * cur ; rtat ol told air panlof batwam «raa and trwtftdc, ■’ ; which pmattaa It aafaddt ta tbuhtrabllky of jar '» «owa,owratlolb*™,. Persons wishing the* BEST STOVE ti the market will find onr Patutt ‘‘Eu reka/' or "Arbiter/* with doublb top, to be tbk Store, te hundreds Iu this citj and vicing itj can testify. ; . ! WdqU tl*o ull partlottlu cat >ti>tk Jt : Parlor Stores and Urate Front#, »hlol), *ltb Ptif OUxrVKTM, VMrilt ' BBLLVBBAP. Office and Sales Room, I JjOBOUmu, «w. opining _>:HsaasB&r: * S&ahtd, W rLouj " 18 - —yaoou.nn.awJ W P fim » New&ortr " .“■T r *•**?*? idi Mgw I. irn Wo ."UomU,** Boi Bd^tUl,wliaainprottfit>n '•'. OnttWPUMOVaiOfcfiK y. . u i wadamb ooxaoiv. 5 ...Ml SS..K BLLOQO! j . • iV*f T "* ,klM BohMu Pttai'bAn/ Sl ° * lO R RR IQ Nox I! Tho Famoofl Tenor- r; . : - j SIQNOH StJSIVir 1 •* ‘ Tb* OmtßM*o,fio«ih*Ono4oaiu , a Loaij »> The whole under the direction «f *#. 4- a* eobheJ Mouoau D,,ISS 0 SIGNOR MCZlo°” Wl *;, ; The AJulMtoe. notwltbatarttb* Um nopretndantae 4r blaartoo*f MlOßt,haabeenflin*to nil tbcpapßlar price of $lOO *" **. • Ba«te will be seear»d *lttont extra chara*. et Uie knt? Store ofJohd B. Uelhir, X«q. . “ l "% for Profretnme end Particalaia, Metmnll Mils' • ■ „ * . Doonop«e«i7Uo t dock; Cnoe«rt leocanMeeMt - lUDIHI OOliJltitfiir nitttMilLvintUlQidh’ tali, St iMWeottOUaco.- - "’ ’ --teStitt 7 tf ABQKIC. HALL. Six/tta PtrfuiTntrt, UntquaUd and • PIVB NltiHTI OILT, ' .Commencing TO BSD AT E VBNINQ, Oct. 23. on.Noi ot rioos.xiliNiOßTLr. Double Troupe and Braee Bend! ■ fIIUHEY. LDPHIZ VaklUM'S : NewOrleana and Metropolitan BVaLSBQDBOPaaAVKOOfBI, 2^^-^fej^rv °^ii:———' M«o>KWPdftnta«Miffi.. PI T TSB UR (i ll TH KAT hE i.- ■ o*u»J. UoonopailTi dinitathH^tlj^i .Tflteivjijsrtfa, Burßiu.orrßc»»■. J*. s mvMa , > **■ - ■I 1 " 1 .? Ble K»»*«n4 oommodionsHaUUnow' 5?; "iirsssrs b u - Jl»to=Bork flObntisnnrm*.' • 3. & J. OOLMAN'S CELEBRATED LONDON MUSTARD, •”'>>'J’* °fP,ckl»g,UopolM»*4ta- S ■l*wrnTltii cortT,by "''■''•tf-ir • • ! GARDNER G. YVEUN, 21? V'olton Street, Naw Toth* ■ • ; UlMti J.Af CoUIASbATArAMAtIy b«mCltMrtA|n> • nnuxlA/nctu>»b;UwNcjpTo(kBQpArierO»mM4MA - • ftsodutcot p*rf? (*r odOßt«rfriUs| iMl'flUtelCjS* ' 1 v sjurtS’.ia;"! p ~ cw * *" ry* m, "-» aar (teas OWAS A RBBBDIAI, AOKNTr i . ■' TUI> DELIGIOOB TOHIO BTIWOLIST, “Afwnatto,**. »*MSf ' - aedanMl byaUoftbe pn>nu£ktfab}*teUatcbo!ntftsttdcoßaflbiMßnk«MM»’ ' **°f •Jt of 'nun , "o»M*tfcTß*dJelO*J omirtiM ffrjflMlml' ' dlu»«ie)*bfeb baton to ao old end pare Oio. Pat a*:;- lßqQmbotil4Kr«r obMaioflh* GKSOTNfI -- i «WM,imclit • (hittiMVtittathirnßteiifiMit i >4 WilhthofaU qtcis ofU»flrn«^v ' • , y/N v aicaiEMuJr, 60,v8.* owcbm, /• M * rainiitsoiof tbo ■> nmtaoss tad durability o( tha 9oaH>y • J ’ futcsatfaal* naiiwd —pmi|m> •*■ GOfestUlMOf loftrtar ud Mhettro litM* in nr—iiii mmiAkmm *«d mM fltk (WatMtt R»Off*iP-- tiMißjary Cbn Jj Uflicfod silks obUm Aastteaa cowaiosr ud Ihitisnaftn f s twsof tbsromios Goods, will oovrsodily *t*a*» % > bwtoMi»p(olublMihlto.pß>cte«fs cutslimndov k frith Goods of a woriblaMcbisnetsr*'- .. .• j : _~, V ; J. BTCLocorj;*, tOOBUL '* ■ Ando. ? ' aLA*a co,;, . recoivo orfoniot ilmr »•: • Jf sai*a up purple bo o iiHa ii jrrn fiTl?Al?y M "H ttmltailoUmhw»«n*H»» *W**» *ht tfwre pro«U m»j toeicttMv yr. szzzfJbH?; M **“ *••“•* wj, w- w wwlpg onp pq»tf< Mtmp. -> . . . ; , t ■TOVSS. D; D ■ « A V E N & 8 O N, * . ( MANTTUprUBEU or u■ > KFRDTt, ORNAMENTAL TREKS,® -1 •■OHM,Ia;- .... fSHZl jy^F.iimniSttßVui. '•*****". * &g3g£^*&3SSßSi' fegs3SSSF^sß»ls? , 7, l^44dmK..nttata7xtiMtdoUl^aljßtnniM. ' ■‘•*#.' - Tl >% I - ~ J.AMm * '* : ■ I *. jIWiUARUBBBBHOj ■W? .”•.>, ;r,~- •‘t?y • - v -• c ..‘ ■.^- < :-v /-- '••■ i i*ov*i.