.*-:uLyV. 1 -VA tr- -V :■i m ,likl v > % llil# 111 Uj&K. ,j; : ;i : • • , .*• I : f. 1 •». • ■•• •> •: ■:**f :■*£!?*' Vv v •’'v:*'*;*: :'V'S i’- ; - ♦!•“•• \-Sfe*:-.V.: S'-*-•.«.•..* t- ;:'4,y 'Y'-" ' N v t.t t j-t 1 : : *#■;.■:•;:■> •>.!■:•?••. tfi:’?:■:» fa '«®» 1 i wiwsw: |::. 4 3>?: #?!s&'■ ,1% - < wiifed® i P-tj Vs'yji'iixV■*• ’«.< - -/i'fK-sT-.. .-- ,* -f -’ ,'■• ">•'■ •,•5. «. \f ’ -Pr 1 - ‘~*u -’TV ■%’••' *r» l, i i n, 1-. ♦ si 1 *<* - c:'' t'-w .!■• • t y- ; 4 iv , ")-,• • t-T.*-' I, t..!',?f|-fr-- /•■}■:! -rf ft* h ■»*'"• fc~«N a *4* l M •. **l’' k f ~ -aiw-rv ■* ..v l .->(>• C* » ‘>» i"«i v ’ '< - • r !“-.j ~* > . ‘„i 4 ' . r . f £\ ’ \• ' ' ■> *■ • * ..'■ i V h ' • 'i -r ■ f •f'"'.-!'-''?' ,< >V^‘'*»i-“'^,' S ' l, *:.'J ••’..•»" '.'-a ••*>.••: !'![,••-'! -' -'v 4 -' H» ‘ * 111 i ' MU a Itf Mt« a t „« K ,1 "■ ' ’ f. , 1 :y. :j; vvyv ssteM* '.:-\ 4 .. '. r • i . -,x ■:;■■•:r /. , 4 r., 4 .*-..[ ■ - '' -•'V' -^ S: , V - fe‘^f' : ;:i"' * I I „» ’ <•>' T | *’-M? ‘ , r. ' ■■ Jlv:;--:::. :■:==.; ' '•'•■ ! v. ; : ; -;^.':,-^;.' 4 y-- ’< m'-' liiL T-*- f UiUsburgtj <®a^ctt c. xirtm austrX. r.ituu*e..i.l. m»«*J .•■mm .-.} ,r. Baaiii *iqo,; . tsiroMS Jim rtozmtTQ**- WEDSEBUAV MORNING. GO I - **• 11 **"" “ r * ion • ”? ABRAHAM LINCOLN, or ttusois. , ■ ro» vie* nwiwt HANNIBAL HAMLIN, V'JUeeida Aallfa** inotei i rniee. , H—rj t BkH M. I«m. e luihu hiumi I Johelt.BiecoieU, » Jim W. teller, t Derli W Mom, 0 rreodeW. Oerltt, ittmurml',. U XBfM Terairt. h Thaomitun, Tb, DtimslH Threat. I Tkeßontk’het,frontlineloimemotlet, kepi Ike I pleaolon threet Id roteere, jo Mere (be North I with, (ini bee need It on eepry ooooeton whtoh eeemedto werreot thefeerof power clipping tram Stt'greep. It »M ue>d in 1820, nt the ittde whenlht edmlteiou of|Bllteoarl ui olnet ] Suit 1 wee reeleied: in 1882, when the North demoted for e Tariff; in 1847, when there woe oprodp'ect of adopting the Wtlmot prorleo; in iB6o,'when Cellfornle presented hereelf un tree Elite for odmleelon;|nnd in 1866, when Tremool’e oheocei of eleotlpn teemed good; end j ;i it id need now to protect, if poulble, Ibo elec- tion of Ueooln. In aoit of there eetet j the threet prortd eneeevefdL It enooeeded la 1820, in 1847, in 18S0 end ip 1886; eodlhle fcol ieOndonbtediy now •tlmnlnttag the Booth to otter it with the moot dUmil howling!, in the Intel thot whet bee la ired the people of the Njirlh before, will tenro I ihemegeto. >_ The trnet, howeeer, le! roin. The Dlennioo I dodge felled U 1832, when the jllon-heerted I Jeekooe confronted the [dieanionlete with the I wrote of the gibbet, oudlt wUI fell now. Bog ibooe any do to eonre ohlldren with; bnl ell ohlldren ontgrow the fenr of them, end the North hee eolgrown lie feer of thle. There le ] no etaoetliy or rteUly in jit, end ndter wee. It ie the tent retort of dctpernte men, who koto 1o let go their hold upon the eword eed puree of thn netioc, end le no more to be dreeded then, the empty reportage oi deeperntt oriminele when reduoed to atralta. | Ike timid and cooeerretlee popple of iheSurlh aete, beyond doubt, intimidated by tote deeloe Into too rapport of Boohaunn io IB6C. Hon almool toe oole capital [of ibt dimocretic potty ii tbit oempeigo. From tbo list U opened aotll Uo.eloee tbo cherfceo aero tnngupon tblo . themo continually. Ujnee tbo key-note of tbo porty eong, ood woo reload hlghiyer lover, jail on the exigencies of the cooo oeened to demand. Immediately .preoedlog tbo Ootober election, •bos' tbo proipeol of Frempnt'e oleotlou noe promising, open thrente aero mede.lu tbo South, to be trumpeted. In tbej'North, toil hlo inaugur ation ekouldbe pronnteS by tkolnterrenilou of oßoulhera army; und tbtooto aero eleomade that too OopUol obould boUkcu pooooeoloa of to edeenoe, end toe. tropouto of tbo Botion Belied : upon; oad Northern too* aero ;*•* ° tt, J b»nd j booo -ooongh to trumpet tbtm, bat toouy aero ftmod atok eoodgb lb belloro them. Aod rerlly j - they boro bod their reword. . They elected Ba aheann, dlegreelng lieUoloo oodibetooetreoby toe not; and feu, bo found ailllbg to ran tbo rtslrof o eeoobd Buobonoa, let Ibe Booth threaten netereo teroely. The people of tbo North booo found out, uilbto tbo loot four yearn, toot Ibeoo Idle tbreoti boro no terrore to them. • They oonnot bo frightened" by them front adhering to prlnolpleecf onrloot- Jog right end juetioe, nor oon they bo deterred ] iherebyfrom the exetciie ef their prlrilegeo In | __ the Coufederooy. They here [the right to rote for th! men of tbeljr oboioe, aid they alll exit* oioe lb They bore planted ttemeeltM on tbo solid ground on which their totbero otood, end bn not to be mnrid. They Oak bnt right end »jaellee, nnd.uiU'not yield to along end outrage, beeoueo toe botopuro of too South torinlendlre fttl thlnge If theyjdo not. Tbe peotnoooi the i glory, too prnpbrlty end the parmbneuoy of our -oMtntry, depend upon toe onboeoa of too prinol pleobl toe BepubUoon potty, end they ora not ' to bo bartered uvey- to oeoule toe oompleoenl regard of thoao ako eon one no pontlool prtool jgoe 'lore through too' oodlum of a- anaocled '.:---ela»e.'. \ - - Flrmeeee, la Jockeon'o Ume, embed outtbl dloanion eplril, ehd there lo firanoee enough-, nea, to oroeh It again. If toe majority of the people of the Union oennol be permitted to etoot no Preeidont abba they bbtwee, too Union li rlituelly dlooolred already; end If dlouolon to to befit ul because ao ekoeeolo oxorolee our oonaUtationol righto, lot it nemo. But it alll not come. The election, of: Liocoin alll, ar ronture to prediet, lay too gboot of dlanaloo; bnt If It obonld not, toon all! be pouer enougb to toe general gbroraaenl, abon he U inaugu rated, to oruob out any looano attempt at rebel lion; nod the epeolaoie of a ooutborn traitor dangling iel too end of a rope, alll prtrro aa po int oo Jaokaon‘o pro mire to hang Calhoun to . 1892. J -v j' . . V / work for Toon* HejmbUeiin. Tatjoaag CHS In Ai Bopabiloao pirtf dll ■. i graft work In At I.A etatM. It 1* to Unit ardor led titrgy ntnAigtriitr port of tht VloAry; aid Ult A Arm trt matUook for Iho itihUy wkftk la A otrty ot Arough At Prill' distill altetlou. ' Howl/ oil fktytatg mo or* Btpubllttol. - : Of Aon wko tottd for Aiflrit liai All ynf ; * men :Aa* jdsrlaßlk eoAd Ai BtpabUeaS OckiL The basalt, «ra lopultt. of youAm wtA At cool* of frttdora, tod one whin Ao ftft pansA jure dasocraUo, At toil art nry ft.r : ! qscsUy fossd apostil Bepibiioio lUa-r, ; :Tklihll bias Ai nil Aroughoui At Suit. ■ft The MW.aoA Itotwly ill *Hk ai. Pomr'l lolalroA U about tqatl lo Ail of Booklets I Wkllat Carlle bu 82,060 ;nort Aas Pfimlot, 'ft : .i mA PltlsioreooabloiO. dboat its Aooasd of Fplttr*. tolt oamt from Actt abo wtrt Fill v-'ftftilotamis AS 1856; » Aft our mail giA ll .* about 42,000,» nry Urgt proporiloa of wMok !.< oaotlttt of young mis votfag for lit firlt tlm* *''S^'i V ii^llwWA•.^^foaryl■t.|!v'. far Alt riialt wt trt tadebfed to Ai liBa '•eelof oar prAolpltt; bat ear prlselplti would ■ IkWtr hiifo io fttrsetid Ao young If At Coni' l|>,kool .J»Uo of lhoBr.lt kid sot aidi ikio SiltlUgo« t “'»- Tlllt o/iAm bubtta a ■-graft aid Aworllo'girtrolutlon iatki pollUM ' tfAtSlDo, U bil trftotd AtrUlogg«»«ri tloa to kiblA of tkoagbt nd lomtlgtUoo; isd M Bi gndaitai blit grows op lo miskood At j ftft kin silortlly guhtrtd AA At nokt of Ini* don A inis wIA At BipobUeasbolt. v. Tkirtiri aisffoasg isiota Aoßtpablloia array, kowtrrr, who bait beta wot Ag for *er* . tril yuan, whole tUtchto.nl A Bipablloin m--.' pi*lnetptta itrßt son At lon ardent. Thft lUttbatit growi wilk titty patiAg'yttr; sad ft - 4ki BtpibUcta party kaeibrlghifoiurt murid Alt by ib.ttirrgy tod dtrolloo wklck Aty ' bon.oosiiertfad a Its itttAt. ft'ft To Aifoasgati, Atrtlort, wilook for Al ft analWstk whlob (ilieoapltti .our riotory v llHortttbtr. Tbty'tft' ttlfnUnnl,lndomllf ill aadptrttttrAi; as* ktrlog ildtd to nobly. I, usoapUiklsg on gnat tioAry, Aty will ■ m | ' r »« A. tAir Abi bit “Wldt - 1 ligtisst ssd lAlomb tSfy eassot fill A wlo. bsrdtu—At bird' ■ verb «t At nap**** °P® # t|*A Aouldtrt. : That will sot thWt «, woksow.sor itrln to gaWfroa AftrJUhtrt situ A. Aoal of Joy ’ J HtSMotairy. te tow* louAtra . . ' I ,:.V: !' I a. PITTBBURO® = r Of HAW*, i Selectors at I>ar«e, : ROM. JAMKB POLLOOK. BON. TfIORAB M.;BOW*. U frtaetaß Ptabi®*®. 14 Bljm Hweu. U Sw» BnutNi iB a: b. etuup*. llD*aMO.e*tr. U BimtfOalttb, 10 Bdctr Oavo, 50 Wuumb MeKaoabb, n JutaM. Ktrkptfrtck, at jMMsbrv, s akbud-p. Bobwtt, 51 ISMurt tebtbef, iQreet.. KWc'Un. I Co3fi»«»i 1776 Omitta Botal 1860—Tbe n* " e wa. interview of old Ralph F.rnham with the heir of «,&SI fcehaao M»- the Britleb throne at Boston, woe on occastooof j—Merrill .... 6,?fi3 Brodbead 5 » 4, ° • interest. “Eighty-seven year*-ego tfco ttteron 5 B,MI Kline - 8 . y ®f > WM m t Urd Renfrew's preeenl ago, aod the stir 4—Kelly .—11.563 Mcrgen i riogs ood forebodings of the revolution were 6 Dari Jagmall - M;f ' t a ," rousing hlo blood. Kiog Oc«rgc’s soldier* 6—Hickman. „10,140 Britton.. '•'* : g{} e d Booion nt that time, and nothing waafur- T-Longosekar 10,620 Cooper i th#r f rom bU man ken than whal men no* see, r.m ’•SiSS'U.J.Hh. or ,b. n.» h—.*® | .. Ktni’nsrcr 12 2(6 Morrell 7,488 tn.nj points of oonlaol ullh p„t tint,, nnd rl* | 11—C»mpb«ll . ..7 9 887 Hughe. 9.5t8 Utionß, brought .bout h/ lbosl.it of tbppnnoe, | It—Soraoton 1t,719 Randall 11,024 w bioU ate eorioos and iotereslicg, among which < 13— Shoemaker ~7T7.. 9.698 Johnnoo.*. this la particularly noteworthy. They .shook j 14— Grow .... .........U,9t2 Sherwood ~ M B } j haods—old Ralph and young Albert—aeroa^; 15— Hale -.:.... 11,907 planing .... J0.2J3 ; 80eh n B byss 0 | Ume %n d change, both of them ? 16— Jank1u........—1U711 Baily- "It'S"? •eo cordial and child like. There is often some- ; ?» -SlelniiMr "’520 ! thin* Indeeorlbebly simple end nnworldly In e ] 13— Blair. —IT’IK : SSAi. te r a'vfltJ very old mau’e ideas and addres*; no! only be- JtgKS : J’l« 'iErtir rrJ.'::ia;«T eiol« of the coming Of tbai 6ec»od ohndhood ttZafUTrhLd 10 SOT K*rr 6,631 • which is to conduct him back through Ibe porial »—MoKolght..’;..". Mitchell 2,95, j ittnt be entered, but by reason of bu n.cees y JJ—vr.ll.c. 7.836 H.uteln - 6,102 lecluston from tbe noll.o and progr.nsirc world. 14— Petto, 11,799 Korr* —10,319 : wub ebsl eimpliolly end itmAmomtc, tbe old 15— Bebbitt 10,706 Wilson wu j petrlot sold to tbe bojleb Pilnoe: "I bear eo ! ranch In praise of Jbo PrUee of Wales, tbit I feer i tbe people will ell turn royniietn ’ There ssee i sn much of the lone end Icollog of 78 mingled I uitb the child like good nniore of tbe renters. A limlinr redolence of the poet, tree in the Bret | address of tbe ,eleren. wb.u be enld tbet. In | ! common with ell our countrymen, he desired to I pey bis reepeots to lbs Prince, to ibo* that peel, ] animosities uere forgotten, and be hoped never |to be rented." Tbe tribole rendered to Gen. Burgoyne, end the generone exonee for bio mie- I fortune, were alec w a spirit of old-fesbloood | politeness, whioh contrasts favorably with the j tealoas reolnlsoeooee of some of the ill-mannered I patriots whom the Prlooe has had tha mleforluoe !To enoounler. When the Duke of Newcastle asked him If ho saw Geo. Burgoyoe at the time of hie surrender. “Ob yes,” said Mr. Farn* bam, “aod a breve offlocr he was too. ‘‘But yon got the bestcf him there,” said the Doke. ! Mr. F. replied that Burgoyna’e supplies were out off, aod that be was rtduoed to a wretebed condition. . «. The visit of ibe Prince is the most remarkable soolal event of tbe boor, aod we might almost believe that Mr. F*rub»m baa lived eo loog to grace the occasion, and form a link in livtog history.— W. Y. IForicf Rep. majority;.... 49,638 Tsa lolal tola of iba 8ibl« la 1860 and 1860 VM U folio** : for Bocfcuaa (Dtmoct*i) ...... for TrvtDoot (itafabll an)..... for fltlaur* (Aat*r c*») Tout - Auncit* rot*, IWO. Cortla’a majority to the State 1* 3!i,084 Bffily (he entire amount pf the inorea«o But farther: Bochanui bn).. ~— Fo«tu MU abort of Boetoaaau-J.- FnmoDt and itlUnor® bed Oartlo bu— Cortta ftfoaow Flllaior*Mid Prtiacnt---.- *i,TU From Syrl*. The Bejroat correspondent of the Boetoo JVawJler writes ucdir dote of'Bep», 23: “Information hM Jaetbeeo received thel four (tea 00l of the thirty-seven Dense ohiefe have eorreadered; themeeWes •: to the Government, ablle the others, determined on reelfclanoo, ore doing ell the oiecbtef is their power to Chrla- tUnproperty. Guards from the American Conaolete have* bken eeot toUhe mountains for the •aob Americana as, are jesposad to the fury of tba rebtMoiis fugitives, ?ead a« tbe Droaee are determtoed to flgbl to lbs death, .sanguinity eoafliete may be eipeeted between them aad lb,e frtaot army, as well at the Arabs and the Gov* •foment troops. 11 • t Uaro that pretlou* lo theeppeereoea of toe tbeve proclamation, the Prose* sent a depute don to Abdt him, but tu i la* abiding pseoeebl* ou, sod faithful preeober. HU ooly offeioe ooDslited Ini bla eonoeotiop with a North «ro Choroh. As ebowiog something “Barbarism of Blenry 1 * so truthfully portrayed bi Senior Stunner, we copy tba followlog par. acrapb from ao arilote In the Sherman (Texes) Patriot of Bspt l&ib, in regard to Mr. Buelly's OOM '*He la wall acquainted with atl tba high fuoo* tiooeHee of Iba M. C. North, be baa passed backwards tod forwards frequently, between IhtaState tod iba Northwest. Long before tble nolle* retobae Bishop Jaynes, bis soul will be before iba God ibtt gavel t, If be bat toy. . “We presume, there Moo Northern Methodist Preachers latexes, who are hoowo, and lo faot bone eodld bow remain lo Texas forty-eight boors in aoy safety, they base no right to visit this Btateeioos their late Coofereoes at Buffalo' i there is bo time gives them io oreate many of thoei saintly loeidsate attended upon the mar. iirdom of John Brown, do fuec tod fettberi, at wat tba ease lo Virginia; they are takeo tod boogop wltb as llute oeremooy as would be the oase lo the exeoulloa of a abeep billing dog, and left bangioguntil the oarrleo orows devour them. Busily was saved io FeyeUevill#, Arkansas, vbeh-MTbiftd'ooty by interposition of tbe Sheriff of Washington Go ; there were eleven of beee wrstobee in; oompaoy with tbslr families, but »U eacepsd Moepi Baelly In ibs Timber (jrstk effelr, BUhop J*yoe m»** Tb* Batrlal itt BrllErtroll ptper, ml be lo'nttla tb* «n»*rr»ll»« Mil agitation pnr'ir i Tsl*io Bladt. I OrnouL Voteor Ohio Elwwboro we gi»e the fall rotate* o( the (lection* held la tola Buie far Btele offline* on Ibe 9ih iniu The eg gragnt* role le titj h***7. 4 J?>" 704, nod ejowdlog ibel of!»*l (865,768} bj 56.- 036 iot*l—a rimirkiMo looreM*., The eggre •nl* rot* on Siipretn*' Jadg* il hriiler by *e»*n thotuand than that 00 tat other office, aleerly ■bowing where ibolnteeiltp of Ibe ilrnigle lop. BrlnhttholT* tnnjorllj le 18,001 • Murrej'e plarilltj 1* 25.278; hie ebiolate mijoritr oier lb* Domoetntlo end Union vote* oomblned, 16,- 638. Sargoaet'e plarallt, 1*24,840; bin deer majority orer nil opposition, 15 654 Tbonrer n(« btpabllctn plnrnlllj I* 21,674; mongo I majority owe oomblood opposition. 15,482. M tb* Prt*ll*ntUl eleotlon, Ohio ona gifo 40 000 DOT* note* for Lloooln then any one of tb* other (brio oandidet**; and an absolute Be pdblioen majority of 25,000—1b* opposition i ntnnlolog in lie preetol condition. But should > Ibelr ben fusion of ell.tb* anti-Llaooln ole-' taentr on on* •Ibolorni ticket, this majority, wo • bell***, would ran op to 80,000. lfourßtpub : liana fitted* throughout tb* Stole will bat work, 1 the** tgaro* oin be rnaTnid. 4fe nppenl to ' them lo labor for enoh n gbricu* remit. —Oteo . Stall Jour. i Politics! aa aaUaapoatrj,aafc«aitria(a bod fallaaa. Mr. MaSiutara, villa* ol tba N. V. frame*'l Journal,* bluar Calhollo papar, aiant la Karbari a (ar dajaaiaoa la Mina » failaa apaaob. ua araa aolarlifatiaL tba bnnaa of W C. Bubnnak, ibainbailoianiaf R»o» nabla lias! , ThuaTbaoriMtataf ArabMabap HotluaudTh* baai afaHark Übt»r» lW«a Vara -"oodaUak nadir, iha aaaa dlrfjr. bad- dir. BaabraaakiVdKaraaly raaaatr^ ad traarUickairabain l»akawtai-j;?W..»J»*. 230,710 ... mRu A Taaniniß scolded oooorred recenity at a which th. y depend. end by neierlng the ek»n to tbe eUt* of health eod potlty Tbue, uot i>o!> U the ms vert bung ! i condemned to u i Druse, who ibeyla; another 1 irltb missionary Prieo, 24 tout* per b X, with Streetli/ue. Ml WleS, |l. N. B —A full eel ol Hunrßaxi’e Qowuoriiuu: Brumes' *lth B uf Direction*. aaJ twenty different Remedlee.lu Urge stale, mo.occooeee. *6; ditto. la pUlo c«e,|l; attot flfteeo tome, eel fcoofc, fY BlugU bales, 24 cult eod to , yesterday with rllsb army for Hasbsyia, is an These R«edbw,by tliaelugle boi or ceee, ri* ectol by mall or etorea. tree of charge, to any •£**•** *'* ol lh» price. Addrre*. Dr. *. iIUMBIUUVi No. 602 Broadway, New York, sold by J. U. rULTuS, VilXh ureal, esawg door from the PcetCffliee, Agtn* lor PltUbargb. «lS:dßwln»T ilie prepared for Pond Pasha will .host in himself ils campaign lo ouch of a states- Seneral, la lesti asslaiioo of his ijo were Seeing In i Indiscriminate f the Freoeh and Winslow, an experienced Nurse and Pemale Physician, has a Soothing Bynip ter children teaUtlSg, which greatly tectlltat** tbe processor t*-rbl»g by softening the gntai, reducing all- Infleßnnatloo—will allayall pain, and Is «tt® to regnUta the bowel*. Depend opoei it-mothm. It will *!« rest AO yorueelT*. and relief I end health to your t&CuiU. Perfects sale la , caaee edeertlaaownt Id auotber column. hUaJUfIyT Pg«A Card to Y’ouno Ladiex and Qrn fLsau —Tbe iubecrlber will send (/m if eftoiye) to all «ho deelr* it, tbe aecl|>e and Diredlone lor mthief a simple Balm, that wULIo troia two to right days,remora Pfoptea, Blotches, fa*. Frtddo, Ballowntefeaod all Impn rtliee sod Rongnrww ol the Shir, learjng tte earn*—as KA tare Int-odrd It *hoo!d be— dear, moot* oad fuL Tboae daalrtog tbe Ractpo, with foil db netloM and adTfca, will please call cm or addrose (wtth ra» tatttDOtun.) JAS.T wru practical |»&3jn4*«f Nn MOltj RnMlaca. K*« Tor* irs»iioT FOR WEiT MIDDLETOWS.— i anw.lal Hsstlog of tba fODRTD W4RDLIN* 00 LS GPAtID *fll U beU TBle{W«do«*4aj)*V*SlWO, •UHi/«*oe«.t©mak» •kraog' m«oU lor ib* Jtxcar«ioo «* WM NM«Uato»n. Tb«*» *Ublc< to go »11l ba la *.miWlT PmMial. tr-S» TAX-PAYERS OE ALLEGHENY OITT, t»KB KOTIOB—BI •'‘V***'' jH row. A.V IMO, u uldlUo. or t*» PBB OUT. will b. j for 1800, not p*LJ to tbo Tr***oiot U told city «* tb*FtmD»jofMrr.»L rrS»GEHMiM TRUoT A Ml) 3AVIMJS BAKE. Pifftßrofts —Au EMOTION for SHoodl rectcr* of tbla B*oh will t» held •» lb* o»o* el Jo*- *J» r * Tr.**Uf*r, *l4 Peon Btmi, b*iw«*n tft« h*VXEB, PmldeotptoU*. Jo* Uja.&mriUiy yroum. , ottfoHatl ms*YOU.\’U MKN’S OURIBTIAN ASSO CIATIOS—Tb* ktfotar Mouihly Mtal’ngef »w Ptlt»borth Yoooi Mi*’* Cbr+itUn Anocit'loo will b* ojia to thdr Scow*, UUb «r**i,TMß SVftMNO.ot "H k ' io wnr " AWDKBW LOWS, W«eow»a« »c r*uty. U •oitWitliMWMO W tba BltaatiaD ot Qolon StrMt *'• dow. Cot tad ptydbl*, •ad tb»t if tilt mb* v* w>< l*W *> ■“» *“ /"TfeSTS iotnvat fro» lb* d»U of lb* TUwvn b» tb* Quart tf QMfl'sf «m»Ioo* of AH*tb*aT OMtstj. within Tanvr D* r j irotn tbit d*w, 1 »b til p*«t*d to coli**t tbt t >Di •courting totew. a ce2o .| w JOHN RTPPMM*. City Solicitor. ixoUAhQifß4ftaort*irrßhUiwii,t fmuDus.Not.U.lMO. I irS>AN election oe THIRTEEN pi utSr RBOTOEo of tbU B»ok,totm*cotj»*r.a»U * ball at »b* Banting Hua*t,*-n MONDAY* Rowa*b»r Wtb» “ ! « , .% l u*o, m l b“aL P ah I =',o.r. am a. ■"if,?,™ EaDaY, .h. E‘h of UKKCU4BTD ANO M l.HlfAOrOKim; l FiTmn»«,ort«brrl»tb,iuM*>« »m u i**m ooTUWOIY. No*. «Mt * |HON CITY HANII, Pnmutott. P*. October 19,1860 . ELECTION tor Thirteen Director! IKsy f 4 B*uk .111 ba bald at *be Botiklug Uoaaa, oa MONDAY, howmoer 19th. pio«, batown tb* boart'or 11 *Tb *AHN&AL : M*et'IKO of (bo BlockboWm will to bald oatOMDAY,N(j*.Ocb,pro*-.ar 10a m. *£s£ : JOUW NAQOmW^OMhUr, - OITiZKXBr BANK. 1 Octobar 18tb, UW. f JTS»AN ELECTION fur Thirteen Director! ln£r cf Chli Bank, to «wt« for tba y**r» *HI *-* hflitat lh* B*oVla»n«i**,oti MONDAY. 19. h Novantor, lrtt*a«a th* Loum of 10 a.m aodi p. ra. . Tte AM NUAK U RATING of lb* Btockliutdcti wllt.Va bald on TUESDAY, Mot. 4, at U a. m« vt otfjQltn . • I.P, JOKER, OubUf. ‘ 1 ALLAGBKNYBANS. tet. 1M&00. irS»AN ELECTION lor Thirteen Dlreetore tiu (Übk will ba b*ld at lb* Balking Qooaa.oa MONDAY. Howmbtr tba 19tb, bat*b of Octobar, JBWj p j A. UOEVBLB&.t’rtiidtnSpro tarn- 1 Jnf»w ting, gacraury protam. ■’ a»M.tW j SERVED OP EVER* MORN* lh§r. )o2,rrom 30 tilt 12.a0d BVttY KVBNINO.froa 9tni 11. br O.W.eORACKLKITinpa. at blaßaaunrmat, bTTmrW&fflKhHM**- 1«H1|*» Barten’i Ltk« Seitoi or Ihlct. IVTOW ready— IV in* u>* R*aiu« uioßMtiui. ifnio*. it Ss*m4V farm.', • ur« m ttrmt of fahhv _ HOOSItftKPMV MOTOWN®!* nrOL'OttlKO AMO DOMUTIOBO 'KQMTt by Mr* K r. Urtkill ; OOl>P*OPb«;byO*pt^»X.M#ju*K*U. Mafur'oAPßlOAlfrt Twi»N«« •nBSCaO* TB* PAftAbUlpf Qowkoirt y®* iss? - *- CQfB»r Wood fi TWI #*• TJNbrtU UIU—4OJ?bU ftrwia lj iutoi awuttii'raritts. ■! ’ ‘ Jttrto VhVH-p-ninß CIDER.' p^RTiF~ LlCtoSSn rOB>-NKXT ’T'iiKEOLLCiwiXG RECIPE. Tor Pwkwt : 1 tof OhW. »c.WW«»» ‘BV*?,®!!* £*,£,' S? ‘ ; f ArttariHopMttb9.'tt4 °£*"i focUrVUtt*Il,t 1 l,tb * , * ,d “ l lu, ' pJ - I '* l P« t p{,H*« reOMiiUr m «r* able to fariikl)*n JDOmUr of ***•• in «wt.»rfvi u u • «•*••»> Busier} and TraMputßeirv, »£«'»> *l'l; e* OS SHORT SOTICS. STSSwI'S. • | ». w . imra «.v*« pro-ms litillj Ibn lifjTl-l uu i).*’la»i**'to •nit. then •« a t,M3 N.j Foa «b *t. iiQtftfr o' no «nwV ot »n*p> I** - *■•* libmmo i g.ll-.in of ct t«r in »V oali-Brrl mUlti* tb* iiiu- In , x | about •qoutvfc! >r,ai-d jH>titlnjtU 1-acV In* l ' tbe c»»fc »i.d XHI | , gi*ii>R t» a th*ir« tijh •b*k Lg. After eua'iug * ! Tho **uulrtp ttrcet, and »a °^ n i rj „ l ’.' od “JV I prepared to «a olfb TKAB, BCQAK3, O..FTJJA9, MOLt>* . ' HEsTsTBUra, TOUAOOOB, EDaW*. OANbLW, HaLT, | VLuOB, end tba a*o«l Orocerp *mvta«Dt.«t low pttrw. j | Bpee-al attention gw n W the ael« oi Q. ato. Btod, sod V | ProdocegrCoreUp.: ! oc2 * •it r piMOTUY SEED—3B baa. prime V X FLOUR—Mfi bbli ChvloeJninUH UubA?BSBr-109 bbli prfma 5 0; OATd—lOfObtiß i/rimr; j MILL rKfcD—6o ton* tniloaa—W »*U bp hQDOVKS A DItWOUTH. oo>« apUbtity Hioppodta lUltuml L«pot. . WANTED;— A PARTN Efi—To enter into tbo romnafactnreof ao attiela pat-ow.l a »» moatfca «go, and wbten will pap large profit* and command a groat »ala. rortarth f:v*rikolar»,,addrr«K J A , OOtlJtd j r Hoi 409 HiM-orgS P- 0- LEMONS— £0 bxa. Malaga Lemon*, for sale bp RKTJURAANDbWSU.Y.Nv 3*Wo.d.t^ w g t ‘ |jp[K>.lm M. Charloe nolrl. satmc j^ottcis. ftibr ftMmwunrnu, simumi ju^. SWEET POTATOES —lOObbls. Marietta: Jut m*d and f„r MlaVy ja*. A- rarzEit, iff Mukrt «pd ytraHtAyi 1 F UJUK BARBKL34-700 Now Flour Bnr ml», on whtif, for «*lo by , _ J *B. 0 mtZKR. cvmer M »r*t t ■»••! firsta-i. Prime rcc’d and Roll butter —t m.i- UEESE—Trash arrival of fk'anem lie Olirvio. u l» tlU'rll 11-mi (••• lor <*l« t'l I DKJiI » I.AZ«AK >oH—Keooiung, fresh Buckwheat klo ctGood, for 1 aal" by oca* : KRO>;> LAZKaR.>I«& Llbrt) i» No. 3, for 1861. No. 3, for 1861 No. 3, for 1861 TllE PITTSBURGH A LSI ANAO, TUB PITTSBURGH ALMANAC, TttE PITTSBURG II ALMANAC. CUCULtTSO ANu BWTfiU UV SAWFOaD C BILL, Eftq MOW BE4DY, jPor hole Iverywherr, Piloa. Only Ftvo Cents. ou oJ •.«• Tu»C'«ut suo*y>*» {HMUgepoli ; all tv U»u.« i I tuiioo. I a UUNT A. MINER, RuMiehef: 11 and ? 3 gHI th at SANDS'; SARSAPARILLA—'I he Popiß 'lftritv ftruativJ by «.»• truly itumio-bV modta'D* <• « •<&%*??’ only to BcrutoU tad *ll *^l*™*! bot it* Otfprpatt, Bdtte* CoapUtnu, rt«otu-*J prhUUy, *fld ttW To»b-O# liflcrinl dthortar* tu wb'th M *2.Td».*p*Mjr •'J“ l *pi*f«*4'M>d *aV4by K U * 1> I'ttijgUU IjO httotitrvb N#v tb! BottkUobfU A. VAItNKttroCK. A Ou. J*i»U»urgb, P*. BoTdalu bf BfOggt** jt»o*r*Uy_ (xl&illtrrwltT PBHFBQTIOrt ATTAINED AT LAbl!l rim: CONUS WNTAL CORN SHEELER Puid liiA climax upon inventions in that hob. scathing vast cxh at Dtsinti*. M&opfocturer* ate invited to sea it. would do well to coil. Ktn'«t I*l o. 152 St. C l&iv si. St&te bod County Eights Belling lc.w gUPEIpOR BURNING FLUID, top#rk* Borblog Fluid, gtspanor Buruln* Fluid, CHEAtI CtißAh UIISAH Abo, a ropttfor an tcio of OABBON—OAXBON —CAttfluH—OAfcßON ; • uJ COii Oil; COAL DILI OOAL OIU O'JAI. OtU epkaaoiu tPEOU oiu upmiuoii i LABD;OIU i.fcMDOOi at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, at JOSEPH FLEMING’S, r. rfDUmtmd «ad M»rkrt HiVr i. . OntfO(tlMDlMß'j«itl(oo »nd firrtl Blasoh books— l .< LCitfftkd. JuUftiiAUJ, DAY BOOSE, OIUI BUOY*, : and Accoaut BocU, on Laud or »«5« to order to Use taltf td to ordaf, codHAQMj uu b*Di %i H ‘"JKSt 'S uuD, oitna LltoHyaod Htod tewu /Sum UASKBTB—»o assortment ot, nil U' ** M.D» LAStI», «in tibailf *U**t,cp?o»‘t» bead ut Woa«l. »J.OOM PIOKINd, t»OK USiTIItR ,n * iu»j» ou b«iiJ : “Lr: 11 . T EATUBR AND GUM BELTING—The ° P Z£'"tt U ' i . 01 M Dlt HfWK. URiNfcTl'S COCOAlttJs—a Riwa iur«»lo b“ , oeUi . Ul»fq »■• /"IKEES! A « PUM—MM'*. Ruf«el; J(U do. Ijr ai.it* gf “» W Flbll— 151) [aolwgw While lull; ltH) do. | Vi" Hirtitrn.noLt;iNft oc3* .* . * _ __^i' ' ■ ■" " T — HY pKACfIItS, I’coled nnd Uupeuled, wji*? *' 1 "• w * riw ’ fCT ”j^* >AU wok*?. iu Htore Wid f.>r *'aU l>y 1 U\) ee« " • AKJRiI. r 50SS®^ g T;R A W li*4 «l iowwt Fncoj, f WwUui.*i»L» Btwiii>i*«ii,«*ooNi)noona, VTEW; DKEBBTKIMMINQSI ; Uloh und Elogai|t-StylWf ■ ~ Mixtures, r«v‘4 jUtla 4*; by • - : {/."■ ■ • •*: BATON, OItKE A MAORUM.^ ANM MIM’hANO ifwoot. : 1 ,: i •>■ Iq Brilli*nt Shades, ' U - . rot Einoj KwUiogj "\^ ? **ATON I ORBS A UAOHOM,^ : ■: . it fifth B*l#** YA'BW^LA'CR'WAWUT^iii^Md | taTfUHbOVffiksi'r. \ MONTH AND ALU EXPANSES ’AI l) ~Au AG KSYI« wvilm) torrefy T«»o*n1 i Vic Dullr j Pnw»». ».> engage In ■ r*apucuMe«o4 i •*, »-j «.iu b lb* abate proflti w.j c-rtalcl* ? e* foil Dr J JIKSMY ,Ni. 64 K»«i T<*V« h m.-ri, ?>w TorKelfy. *o if * po*Ug**urop. -cll&oi ,«r,(.t*nS..d tom? for eatmdi anything 1 be?* ever rdi*«t. All «* *“• oat •ptnrrrrd T trio* In. wrong tit by permoi bevloge 101 l koowUogn of lb* Irailoow, mod every dte Ukftff to l5O 000-SA.OOO of which «rr lb»e-rye»r ol>i». from 6 io *• »«l To *neh »i went KVKftOUKKNH, from 2 »o & (r»t l y th* 100 or UM, b»r* g Id* would betfT.n. Pitre Urj- Meptr. for ehedf, per IPO *25. Kxtri Urgo American end KngHuh Uortwi. per ICo!{W, *c. Tnwfl»ni»r«. pl**-e glTe u< e cell. Get*- lr ei>r« *et>t free oo appltcetimi. W. & D. HUG US, Corner Filth and Market Bte OPENER THIS MORNING a Urge assort men! *4 • " • Winter Dress Goods. Satin Face Poplins. Fancy Wool De Lalcea Fmbtoiderod Silts. Valencia Plaid. All-Wool Plaids. Poulard Silks. Plain and St. Duster Cloths, And a complain mooli of ShjiwJs. Dusters and Arab Clouts Boyer's Sultana Sauce, rui IIoTUB Cui.D Dianas or Ai t? Kinds. - Tht* nv»l «MI?UkJ» »l*polUtD|S sjvjgVN. bonce, lDVfcuU-J by the renowned / ; aMS®I \ »**t the London Reform / ; \.Clob,ie,*luw hUdoceeee, ineo*feo» I jtorei by Ihe well known hmaeof I lctvaetA UucuUbt, Loudon, from «9H tll,ur, ' r«ipo. U l.lbethw**. ,n KugUnd, end on tb» Omtineot, with e high end growlog *!fni’ nputbtlou among American Bpl* cart*, and I* mncb epproved of a* a itluittlent to the appetite and aid lo dlgeeiloo. ! OPINIONS OP THE LONDON PRBW*. “W* reeoommd OM comipondent to try Molt*. £«***’» eew'Seac*, enltllod tbe’Soltlna** Stnce.' UUpedeafWr the Turkish t-dpr. it* flavor la »Hfatlmt,*od it afford* ton* eldermbla sld !u ce*«* of »b.w an# »*** maatloa »Ar Cavort, Pt'e edjnuct to f.«b, Hr»b *ud fowl, *hd : ihcold have a place co every uWe, n *-<4tla«. Sole Agent* tor «b* United &tet«, , OARDSBBO.TViUN.nT »«»““ •» <««• »&d PRAT A BATCS, 81 CornUlH, BJ*too, fa.«- .. DISSOLUTION.— The Panneraliip heroto [ rf. m«i» s Ui'd-r lb*»•«>**«'>‘ 1 VAN OOKDSK b *btl oum- O.Orftff Mtitirg fro-» tbe flna AU p*r*. u* koo*in« tb*m *l'(4 to«trtt*«J or b»\ ‘OH eWM, will No 114 Broood tvnrt, »od U *f Fratik Van GoratT, *bo aUro® to autborjwd to ■•»«•«» l SlHh,ls« J&« VA*i GORDIE. ; 1 /FRANK TAR SOBDER, I • PRODUCE AND aoMMissroif mbrobant Doaifr to Tout, Bro •*»*. 3e*U.Batt*r» Utd, rh *TJ** Pork * Drifrd *od UrwO fjolt* aod Produce generally, ttlxroi (Xu* JdpMwt .node 0* . Warehouse. No. 114 Sooond Stroet, Pittsburgh uruto K'nn« * K«tan». WiUbwgb I |’“ U^ rgh Umm A.Ccttß, do I Etriwr * UI«ofil». d® ih-U . gprtnawr, Uarbaogb * AttOKKriCOTURAL. James m. balph, Ute to ChMu lluiUrger, lta.pvtfaM **• H.IOIY DKVWINO9 bo4 UPiUJIf ICATKtRfrw all Mod* el l»uU«Jlug«, anJ their mclluo, cntaaaoßkW* Wnnt, OVPIOB OS ANDEMON BTHEKT, >LL»OUEH« i. ivi cniDwioK...-. ..,oaiiti.*soß»DWH». i CHADWICK. « SOW. DKILtRB IN Paper and Itags, Noe.*l4fl ami 150 Wood Street, PITISBtIBOU, n. ♦J-'Wrapblwg'WpM 1 *t mennfjcinret** prliM. Tt»« bijibs4t rata tor K»k*. *33 • HBNTtY QKHWIG « 00., MASHfAOTCnBRPOF At.t MZMO* Korns ahs iwm»« AND DtALtRS IN Fount Oettvn Stint* and Stint Tvtnt, Oakum, Tar, FVe Mint. mo. WABHUOCa*, BSD COH. PBSN AND WALNUT 6TB. Two Pqnir« store?. Ft WA O. H.R. Fn-I*hl oelQSmi) yi TT ; BOBOU,rA. E M O V A L . - CAfvTWniUHT 4 YoUMU’fi Cutlery *ud rFire-Arm Ketahliflhinentt l No. 97 Wood Strtet; laMltcpMtlUtMr 014 Ktiu4, *b«* U**y Wui ÜbulH UIUU.ASD KNVUID 0»U»9»IT» ■»«{*■ tills pts nardlpJo* li*a scqulwl for It* *** T tL hit •fflcMyto *H tlia illfcssw »tolcb t» ptofc«»e« to cimw, tIM »wid«o-l lh« tisoJkl t>ractli*« of o*U«ttt>} u us i all Ouwot Uutsaaouieou ol Kw » ul *» l I h *^ U * shit nrufwls wuio soil ep«#dr l*w*ly. A «*»»*«.I'l'l ■lif pItXA tb* Lw« nil* tmjooi'tb* risfib uf eouipotiUao l« ,l ’jr , Hu}uTrTplMsix Bltrsns »ni ~ efflSSoSi >u*n w» of. Nwtooi ImiiUUy, bj»pn*l», Hmil istihtbi itlekiiwi (orlriAiil to Fmml*o fo Dolfcsto Health. »tnl efurjf kind of Wcikn««* of ll»* W|s#M|f*Or* rsoi. Fat mI» l>? fir W. * MOFfATr.aM Hrosdwsj, Now Toik.sfl't t>j MrHelu* lh;6l*r« ond Diog|Ut» BftogtsMy, Ihrooslii’ii* thomtintro. v_ -> ‘ ""•• •• «fclydr»T j LIGHTNING RODS, j : KNIVW »OCt for nl* »t thrlirtl* Robber i*«*.Sß»od 88 btiSaTet/ i*\9 : J;AITpB!MJFfI.< LEATHER BELTING, oak tanned, of tit# TN LIA KBBBBR FIANO UOVKRB, of a TKbiA KOBBBR OA»;:iDBUiO, of »U INDI* RUBBBH HUKWOo'vWbS, o£di£- [NUIA RUBBERWHiMS#*.;. ailc*e»,for j.t n.fßrLtiw.Mtnig »>-Ci«tf«.. celt bwIWIM* jjosin-17•»^JSSS£&i 0 ,. I Trit ■■: .. • - taoit of In* «*4 *«*•«• 1 , ! m .s■■, ... njaants. ; j_i fr ANTED-A Situation, bj, al rampclcut BocbKeeper and flrrt >lwa Pen men. The bmt of eltTrvfercßrragirro. AddtrwO C. \ wifely * . ; -j ■ -&-. j Wanted— buo.kw heat rlouß,;by | ~ ÜBNHV n cbtussut ; W~ ANTED—IOOO bus. prime New Citrjer SMd. to "Ill'll »l»■Wto , ff*rm ?| «s;to|a«l. MerUt ahd jflrarte. ll ’ V ’.i ;• irTT a XTED A HAR TN tR. uumeptio W £y<££. U;- As wbcwe bonUreee b** n( .laj* tif loo* ac<6n»ia;D«n jcsiiiou.ic.pito t.,tl- 1 jJj loelbm ,^unidmet ffooUn and iWUw Mil i « whiV r*n •sa-f - , /Ib| WORTHY Of ANY OONFiOSNCI M* A ONLY DISCO RESTORING,! j The Bald and Gi-ay. M.ny, bince tha .Great CroC WOUD.bava attempted not to imitato hie jjUetorallre, bntprofe*eto hare dlecorwol fdtdeihlogftbee d'oee rneoJU Identical; bat lie/ t*»e ell [Com* audit**, being carried ew»y by tb« wonJernlroolUof Prof WioV* preparation, tad litre br«D f>rced to leeft tbb IU rttlelleaaeway. Bead lie f-liowtu»: i J • •. . 8110, Maine, April f Bth, 1^). Paof- 0 J Woob li Co: gebte—Tb* letit-r lpr 4e jcn tn lßjd,concernlsg your ralomble U«lr U*ntoi e'tre, and Mbtcb Joa hav* pnblUbed lo th'e riainitj. and el£wh*r»y b*« idvrn rite to outnerone toqa'rte* toothing tbe face In tbe eu«. Tbelniutrleeert-: elector tap habitation and nwne.ee wiled In Ibe cnonuoolc*t»on. hrcrod.lt H trneol all therein t Obtained; ihhd, doee m> ffclr »Ue*r»pMt,moo>eoft,thrtf»y andtwtter colored; the tame le tniaor .my *hieb*rt, and the only c»o«e w&7 It U not generally troe, UHbU tt*«lb» lUoee la woebtduff by frequent ablation of Ae fet*j:Wb*o ?“Se W«* tt*«d by wiHfg ere “"»*** aelth tbe abiebera, tbeawnereanlt :wMr WUfl* M Ujf ItWr. 1 b«« b -en!«. the n e*lpt rf a great inM tf airbaru of N* v Kngtanri, aakiog tn* lr tdySxalr atiU coo- UoS. to b. r»+, m ih,re h »tcoil>fr»oJl{th»m*or^; tsreud >•'*of r.rtoiH ronjfc'Uoi.*»Jwll J«^> ! M* no dent*, b.tn bo.lT lmltnM4.nl bwlj""'} JJ'“ J Wlttonl ,nj good bm to tMU 1 nMd »uy ot jov.r E'ltor.tlTo o( .OJ mcoltit, ft ml jrt my bUr 14 u good u «TfT,j«a b.Vo riuntned It nltb torpriio, u I un no» el JJJ" •nd not * gmy b.lrln tnj b..d or on toj fcw nut to jror. tbl. hot. I mod jott * l«b of ">» i llilr 1 week. J recetTed yocr fetor of two qanrt bailee ! *** * n ® mer, for which I am tary grateloU I g»** K*° aoJ * thereby Induwd them to try ft; many.'were »kepUcal until alter ulnl and then pntehawd •»*. ’« "jtt l “J* teml ioceeee I will *ek aa a-fator. that Joa a teat bp'iibltli I ean dlrover ftand In lb«’ bjtetofaUPe, eold by many, I h*r, without aothority from yotfi A poreertl cle will inaure eorceaa. and I bellere wbar«tgond aBbcte do net follow, tbe failure le earned by^■«*•• imMwy enrue toe Infentor.of tbe gtoJ. I ; deenf ltmrdnty.ee b* reto'ore, lo keep yon epprleed of ;Ae my heir, m I aware all wbo toqnlre of mn i« WP"* opinion of He ealoable neolta. /remain, dear ur r yw»«, Aiacn’o Bv* jßy., ! P*ot. 0. J.Wocd Dear bir-I wouldce^tolnlf.tadoing: yon a great iojtullce tiot to maka koqwn wonderful aa well ae the uoexpected reenlt 1' bayaeapert roeed fiom oilag oaa bottle o« your Bair Bfietoratlte.. Art-.r: ndogevetr bind *f Keetoremee extent, 6otwtiboot •nei' ««ae, and finding my head nearly biffr. I »ae fiallly indccao to try a Mttleof jouf H4lr Beftoratlre. Kow/cenJor a; d Jaetlc* ocmptl mdto aAtwuMtowbo-: erer may md IMA that Iww • end >aaotol growth o» faetiywbUb I proooooce Hrbei end benteaMt Ujantbecrl ltial Wee;: I wilt therefore Wteceewtoa W Rflomf&eDd tbtelaTilsable remedy to u. who neeeiuty oflu itoepectf’yyoßie, BaT S.jAUiWBMC«-> P. 8. Tbl*teetlmoaUl o» my appwbetlod bryatr emu? bln medic lie (aa yot» wlib—lfßOf, dratioy,awleey uoibtug: i . o ’ Yooie.Ac, B.. The Keeloratlra le pnt up In. Utilen large, medlom and ttnwl; tbe email bol« helf apint and retail* tor onu dollar per botilei the m*sl|m twenty par cent, mcr* In lor two d&llere per bottto; «bala*g*bi>»4e»qw*t.«per caul, more lb prop-nfoo, and retail* tor JJe UMtte i u J WOlDACtJ.Pmprttrtote.ill Broddway *ew¥««ji, end >U Meikrt Loole, «*; Dtoggleta and Fancy QoidtDwtiere. .■ • enSAlyibthlw attoinigg ;at a.ab. | V. L 0 C A S,; \ 'ff «rOI&e«,Ka-74 OriiiiU«r«jl, ■taoti a FOtTUfPA wt« L*t\ of Bcder, P* LaU of P» pURVIANCE A COFFEY. . { 3; iTrokHtta if n»j uiauio Jwttfi'fcawi*.«#«•»»•» ud W)lto Buwl<‘ *U2K i CGUdJILy Qcoaas p. nA>*itT«»fi— w. AOfIKSpH. Hamilton * aoheson, ■$ '"h : ; ATIOBBETB AT liW. ptßcw Wo. nfr ftm-th nwii.'>rotmA V.' t*Myn ‘ C, B.M-BMITiJ, V H Attorney and CoaniwllW at jurasawTia *ov • i‘‘; K 0 B N'S LAW B UtL D;I SI 0 8 -No. 13 IK&mond Stfeet \\- l tTtat tdai to Bfc» Pwtorfr Otearctt mnOMAS KVINQI j; : } ■*" ATtOHHRT AST) TOU& B*LW AT LAW OBcc, No IC6 Fourth rtrtO,Afc« -■ & •„_ Ui «oU»iAvTt)r .. ; : ,-. .■, FnntfMJ. ru_ ETNA STOVE WOBKS. . j 3 R Mußbetsrca «t«t *«§*! °* ]L' ‘ l cook, parlor aid |beiti»o| STOVER .. 1 ■ SEATS FRONTS, pHItN DKBO. *io, *o.: sou Sole Proprietor of ; ; fUriiVT OAS BUBItISO iiKZ) BMQKM CpifSUMISS ABtA&o*it*trsx> ;|i -r. (u«j>plWUi«a»T Oec* «|JT*aU4M ot ihtt lit, A «r»fct WTiOl Of Fnrf. 1' j A! ' Sd-A moth qnlek*r *»4 boU»r o*»n. UU »»• or*- «i «««-«« Mb, Tbii'rtSiTiJa •‘fe'JL ■■ jKow^.ovfrdiotb«f*b• •* £ ■ ■■ Peraons wiibiog BTPVK market will find oar Pat**? “Tropic ” 'Eu reka," ot ‘‘Arbttef,” with toPBUB.W, tobi to* Stove, m hundreds fu-thSe cityand lion? ity can testify. ; 1 ‘ Weald *lu c*» i»rtJ«dUr'fcttiaL»o *4)9** •*** Parlor iStovei and Ui4tolteo u fri • whteb,t«**tb*t wUbc*r.ott«r»*na,w*wtM . **i*u ca***.-J;; ';; r ; Office and Salea Room, j )| i No. ib Wood u lMBd THii »ITW»CMI«.;»i no. aao i‘.iß»u't'V bthsuct, MANUFACTURERS otkll kiadtuf Ocok i>(. r«u* n»«iM Cjoku* .fiMuJ Oumnw Iww*M AnK • Th«oo*i OBfefrhifr ,BtotH ‘gr, -! “Victory" *ol The “Capitol" »u 4: ‘'Bpgio 1 ? Ot»ijo« R«»gt*i i «uh >lo»r Hydrimllo i»lOp«nßpiUrii wbkh *ft mow vimmlmlj) in jaat $& th» CUjtrt .ilstali* .that auj o4WK«f**;. - j ■ :. •::* , ■ tim verv F!no*t ! Qr»twi lUico UMte. Mhfc«U4ta» fm* Aum*< Will 91mm Vmt lM« In mt«>6. I . -< A\*>, o«wna4Nt»ttftl fwUr ! i •.;•■■• lwsw«i la tW 4»f ;fwlw Bw*** “fttfttSf’wtlh Won* tj mm utmtn amt, »™un* mug "22*jr*fjus&w>tu jf-* >, ] ifo«’«i»a2 MX>M,ri»Mto'a4.'lMMt«f VM>» lURUA -n*p«MloM«MipMtanyteyt|sl »« oM I “ d4X “ to# •'pfOV» BTOVBB. D DIIIIV J S J* SON, , MiNOMonnuau o*; . oooit. PARLOE and KBATtiltr ST o VIES. ; Warehouw, FwfcraljSWrt. nw N«r, *■* panaUm bridge jU.KQaMSTigT£.^3. _ iuiMml 'sas as: Ksgg^»^«*■ <>-“»** “'■ ,^, §?mblvm t ns ,-_[ S“ ondry hf.bbH. N. 0. 12 bfcU *M«M WWtt . 4,;, i COTto ... , 2)4fi(9 bf.itHn !•<;-■■■', T) sal WKLBHS FliASNKli—TT«rr»at«d .BUEtCtiFOTJ) * CO.’&. , ect, •: •; Para*Fbbh>— •-:••■•• B BPMttfyilJH Tfc4***-3U «n«» AjtfnMW.'VJn!*;? “"J ' K» »WaoJ»few«.*w«*»*«. <»■»»»«<* " -AMUSEMENTS. ■■T-TeAMiwßHf”'' tub great ROY AL WI Z ARD, ; Dwarf SpriffhMyl PERFORM FOR-TURBB NtGHTS ONLY, azAaonso HALi, (Jn Mo«»4r( tober iiO, 30 and 31 fyfai |nrtte»Un, iw hribw >j*wiiwii>**W» MASONIC HAXt. fixtaen Per/oroete, ITnejoolfrf end Itsompanih- PIVB NIGHTS OILT, Commencing TUESDAY EVENING, 00t23. COINOf or FBOGaiHi* MSBTI.T. Double Troupe end Brmßand: i ■ sHOEBT.BOfMZ,* OWSS’B , . biiginsl New Orleans and Metropolitan? BUftXiEIQVS OPERA 2EOU3X' wi, *„ nvi oiaSD BrniopiAHCOSoeaTjutt. acteoetocted fro* ITTS BURG II Til EATRE- X low, e.d ld.Mgt.r~ - w *l “TfxEr' > Tr®Morw~..~ —• : .Price* a* o«u*L .Door* op«0.»t *» corusln ito*#•* <>»■ . 1 THIS BVENTNO, MlB§ »?!«”" zos, OeirroQni _ Odsnenl ■ Ottort o* The Octoroon!. The Octoroon! . •* The Ootocoonl To conclude wHh ' < The lAtile Jockey. Mloei Kimbany, BaUcr/Pitcs,*!* *rt M«:ir> B«Uen, ! Mach»y, Bmyto do, la-th* cast. • FBAHKLin BILLIARD BALOOH, rSANKLIN HALL, 6th et., opposite PittsburghTheatre, . JOA HARHKWB, *U Pwpttoto*.' mnis elegant and oommodiouß Hall lApow i OTOTftWrfitb NINE NEW MABBIiBBIp'Btt W» TABLBAoftbeUUataod moaUpproradatywaadi tad liolfaerwlie fitted op equal to aay to thacogi I |W tfe# ucomaaduloti of duxeu* end •treng*ra,«ad la i*«h alr.ectnfortaod CQOTautaoca, to ootturpawed, u«qi bmq the Western BUw*.'Tba Proprietor solldt* * ooeu t Mbs oftb* patrooag* *c liberally bestowed onhts Balooa i **»• ! for*. SdMiS^*thepublic tb*l awy atUotloe r tt bo I pol lto Ibelr eornLrt end pl*o'Or*- ,_ .. _ _ the oeleol Billiard , fiWtb Ouu, Chalk md all oth*» artMaa toi l toe, •hfchba oaodtopoaaof on tmoniW* teratoan i dljba I whole,ala prio—. ~• • •• - • eMfd AiiDtttiennniM. fimfficEgp ATTOkAtr Af LA*,. GIN A 8 ABEMBBt&L AOBKT* THIS DEUOIOtmtOSnOirtWVURt, J,*.. ’ Especially deemed ftrttini# of u« jrrffeii SSS> It. >x»llri “Ola*.* -itatMf,- y**^ . BoUFiuyitwora. Ko-lSSnxl «r FltfaßOitbu. FA (**»MWb*dUi:TBl ortfctT J. & S. OOI.MAM LONDON MUSTARD, Of »n rpuHWm, to U*r» «ty*t «r.P*ektofc *■*»*•<«* •» «1» to tuTfcftss6nT.br :. __•:•• 'v;.;.pl' r ;-' ■ GARDNER. q. tvslu»» . I - 3l7FuHonStc«et > lT«wTo«. I MmoW ftJ.Ccuu>luniiMU|be(«|r«to«>to ntfillMsacctilb) tb< StwTcrt ud l UnttirJMiWn. ' «e**a Improved Fiaao Portie msrfACTOBT ASO tALISWX)*. ITau*teeO*"«W~ I. Onur.JMid aw**LHMWIIOIUC fur * y»tw rfi«p«ry 4 tt»l>«M»h mart*** «& it tb» sbjvft fcttbfVfcw** bw. wnlrf *mmt*m*n to tt» wtatry IWr to»bimy.trua»to.ft»a^Mcw<« wo* **4 *«* »** *£)* *£ff22!lSSJrf!toJSS gtrtfclh*ta»tooKjO*butoL tr. Wll^ tt> tV< hl> *.“ I toiSlttiatiftafclitotfcbdlojouMtff gMXrTfrihor* i tain^tbUiiTtotmyr*#ptc<. .... .. . : .«cm* IRISH LINENS, : -p' -'"UIim 'JjMfJWKDR. •' rtONSDMKBS OF RICH IJM tftvttttb*taSX • j. sr.irca*Msb».«w«*OWWßt _ -*KS£ O i“SSiSS , SSI»^^ ■■ssw-*sSff^saSSi au«tf»AsasgSs »thl ‘ .1' ■ ~ tailtUß SUIB CO, V! . Seiko mputd tow<»T»orf«» fotiuui »cf«siOß*»*»* *oo *i*« r a t iti ■■ : \ort* fwti* ,rtfl ***&t***" i . .Oauttute. £egU <&m|wy&Utw, i; J . »lil yii\wm\hr wapm,«»aw t»h \ T AW«^gCPß>U*j*iwt o* 'l'oy* 4 •r*tt y^oy^Ucla^*WT*JJJ» sagsSS= .- gt CTB3g Hide, til «K KUStr JUK. ~ BKIUKHATRICK. Jfc SONS, No. 31 VRT MttD tFASISUBWn, ' 0,, .»4 ur»» wt-i gin*. *««»*»> ni ConhrtTo.k ol U>» knrot pikM uid L-ltarlotb« ikJbilHK muM p»K»»1U »• ««»*• "jLfliSlS utep te UdM. : LMbtt «ol«l too ot ■ h "E^‘g lJ lon ■ ■ • ••■■■■•■■•-■•••■■-:• ■— ,l O.A.IUI.A.»W>M»r2 No. no North whOTM. Wiumirei*. MANOFAOTURB AND IIAVK : fOB ul.l s lf£i '•' ‘ 1 PrwntoeX*. P*s»nt Bpimi, Bydnollo, OJL»O«.«} , W“£- I ”» paw Fran, l*rd, UtkcM Whal* Im m«ph*®«, ftidsrt v ' j Cttrri«rVpP*lA > otßiiMU4ft*4oil&. AL& OB JVmbit, uientD PLuxißtOßovn-vufmi te-, ffWMi «tf Jttteti. u by :•:? JUIWJN A. SMXTIIA ; •"•> •■ imrtbfwt totD*t gdoal ,W«b» mi wy.- ' >--■>•■ •-' ■ ’•;■• - b. moßi t aoH*. ■ wrosTna Of • , HAVANA OlOABSi.; Mo. »!• 0o*a» fwo« *tm»* FblMtlpb!*,. 11 ; (IttMUMt.] W« wetlr* Md4jhr, ■ (Me* iwcmpH of BrngM*. Grccmud otMnl* tfribi • QAHimi GAUDS II GAUDSU pEum’i tnvr us - ■aatndCMcatttaUMlbtkal.. ‘ ",V\.r C*ri» fbr Mounting Photograph Pistiitai, - ••■'•'Of B*t 'mtWHft m&* *U* Fnt, ■., * ***«»> y y \:y-y KiL ; dl>£Lin, yttfßUi ctiaiftwiK—. xaimiotmAtt nwyd > ■- wntmujiii % . NO'd ASII fiat Alt sj ! BMU&OOUUfc 1 H.WORCSSTKK’S UCBABOaOB'B §UOAR-abMM» - ■ i6Miu*Mwo*n. cell • Maw* UEEBEI CUEESBU—I7O boxanMit* tulqbaiili «tl JUWTE.WUUW.