UUisburgj}; ilkfffe t tro ftu. its itt..n. f. trtuuaiu*. ■. rsucii«>.j.K.rros^ *H. EHHBTT 4 CO". . ~ si> trona ajtd »gpjß/xr oms. PXVrSBVRQH : THURSDAY MORNING.-OCT. 18, 1860. : . TOR maiDBKT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, or auNora. 7U&.M08 PREStDKNT, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, or UAINA BHeatorw at I^arii«. HON. JAMXH POLIcK’K. - HON. THOMAS M.-U9WIL - u rraiode S Peontmao,- lt UlrweMercer, •.. ' • : Ift OeorsvßnHlw,’ 18 A. B. SOaspe, ' i; t>«skt O. <;»Lr, IS Suns*! Okltlu, 19.KJtf*r Cuo. 20 WUllua MoKenoaa, . 2t Jcfcn SI- alrtp«Uteki 22 JraeaKnir. ' B.HkUHP.Bobtm, i M Hmu7 SoeUwr, taOrwr.. . j. I JU«*rd C. Kaijbt, tßoUrtP.Kln*. a Haory Ibtmm, ■ * fUi2**rt'lC ft Mtfhta UiiiM, :• ji C J.*n M. B/oo«al) ( ! f-J* W. Poll**, .1; 9 D*»M ■ PUttt, . .. Q Pntesb W. Obrift, ' 10 D*TtdMamiaa,Jt,, II lk«UT«nvtf It Tin— £. Unit, - . 35 J< No*tb*ah Duo»ioaun.—l>iaLQlooU a ift do Dot i exclusively belong to the Southern Demoaraoy.] Wo have-tbcm In the North-la P*oaijlv.eoie.i Djtappcinied aed mortified alike revolt of thej laic Slate elcoUon, the. leading ..demoorate ore beginning lo express their ml sentiments.— ifow thet there is no longer any motive for con* eralsiaat, they have otsied staging hosannas to the Union, tad lesteed ore engaged fa giving; 1 aid Md ComforUo the seoetstloalstsof tbs Slave! fttnte*- Their former palrf3ilo regard for the whoUeouatry meant Ha desire to eejoy He pa-; , trooegf,nodthnt oDM wreeled from their grasp: they are willing tolurn like dastards on their government and deeifby 1l Fortunately their! ability lodo harm la not equal to the wlllwhiott goeerei them. . Bat it Is time that those deme-j orate who are siooere friends of ths Union should separate themselves from an organisation whose leaders! thus boldly consort with traitors openly preach treason. The Philadelphia Penn* rffwawaj*—the ffcognittd organ of the Buchan! an administration In this Stale—qaotes, with ap-j prove!, the following extraol from the ravings of eotna fcalf~crniy country editor In Virginia: **lf Lincoln is elected, the Booth wUI pot her j v eelf ln immediate and stern opposition— oan never b* relinquished or abated natil his .purpose* ira abandoned. Resistance may ooaf aeaoa la rations ways, noder the forme of th* OoiutlloUoo, of-wh*oh wo hear so mooh. li may coounenoC by rejeotieg in the Senate every offensive appointment whioti.Mr. Llcooln may! •end la v \lt may, be made by constitutionally ■ obstructing the legislation of Coegreas. It may be mads by withholding appropriations. It may be made by Btat* action.. It the LegUlataree of almoei cotry Xorthem &at« may make the erime pmiaiabli by heavy and even mfanoue pcnaJtue[ for on* of their atixeneto aid in the txeeution of a caaetitaUonal lav passed m pureuanee of a eonetv tionat engagement— we mean the law for the ar rest of iagitfve slaves— why may not the Southern . State* maka & a erm* to aid in collecting the taxa of the Custom Arwt,” etc. j Instead of rebakihg this rldloalens lengaegej, the Psnftsyfeoaiaii responds as follows: j . “This paragraph certainty contains tome plalb ' suggestions, and every grave qaestlon/whlek, nooofdlng to the laws that govern .nations and political bodies, wIU admit of. hot own answer. An act which, ptr st, would be nojoßtlflable, wrong or treasonable, becomes, as a retaliatory measure, both excusable aad just. The right of reprisal Is sound doctrine when aU other law has failed. The fight, of resistance, is supreme against the violation of constitutional law. position are Impregnable, because the troths wHob.sustain them are incontrovertible. j The only polnt rtqnlring consideration is the qiieatioa of Ume, and that admits oT argument, because a&tagonietio partles>re. apt to regard ihelnrighte sometimes confounding right wuh Interest, aad sometimes blending the two pnlllcue or the other la overwhelmed add lost. | Oib.portion of oar Boathern feUaw-altiieq* eoathad that their safety demeode_c resistance to “lbs Administration of Mr. Llnoolo* 1 at its very- oommeooemout, because a control of the * Oavernmentwill give a eeetlooal party the pof> ar to.do whatever misoklet they may desire, aad' resistance, then, will be either oselese or the harbinger of great eaeriftoe and calamity. j Other politicians of the South affirm: that for their own honor and in vindication ofthejtls tiea of tfatir oauev, it will be neoessary_to until,’‘the Abolition Administration shall com . mit some overt act,” aad the threats whioh have been made—to ohderoloe the Constitution^— •ball be stiseceded bj violent efforts to enbvcri theGomaoent. ' | ~~ Tbit lathe language of a paper which for ijbe last three months has been calling upon all odu eervaUve Weil lo.aidJn defeating Llnoolojin order id. save the Colon! We are giadtkaljlt has at last exposed it* (me colors. lie own par tisans, who have been so long deceived by jUs professions, my *°* eea where they are drift* itg ooder lie leadership, had if they are really hooestj they hava ateple opportunity to rebuke the daoeption practiced upon them by going oyer . to the only real Uoioo party la the ooontry, and thus’aid In awaiting the majority for Lincoln awd Hamlin la November. 1 Tn Dctjutaan LaTTsalLturraATat)*—“lcn," the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Am, ii eaid to be in the aonfideooe of the feu ehaaan administration. . Saeh being hte pcil lloa,'WO 'are surprised at hie lemcrityj In epeaklag Ia aa approving manner of the expen ditures otooney fur electioneering purpose# by the democratic party; He certainly most have •eaa the Daqueene letter, la which bis patron dvnoanoed such practices as dangerous to jibe country eaddeetruotlTe of the. moral* ofjthe people. - Here is what "Ion” says Inhta letjer: . "New York ia not yet eorrendtrtd to Llooplo. There Is to he a oontest, at any rate, and a Very oloco one,: Tho bntioem men of iheeity, sov otned by the Interests, of trade, as well aa of patriotism, have determined'to make a gteai effort for the.defeat of Lincoln- They are to •apply the sloe we of war, wltboot stint, for that purpose. It is resolved, as I learn,: to raise a food of a million of dollars w aeodro theelection ef.the Cooper Instlidte.eleetoral ticket, the only eonservatlve eltotoral ticket now in the fleld, Tbo subscription to this food was ooonenotd on Saturday, and a- considerable portion of it jwa* raised at onee, and without calling upon many of tbo merchants. I , It Is also quite la the power of tho anll-Llo coin party In New Vork to eeoare fifteen noil- Llaeola representatives in Oongreee. ■ Iq fifteen dlotriois there are anti-Republlonu majorities, aswaeehoirn laetfall, and they can only be loci by running in eiaoh two or more antUßepubtican candidates, while the BepnbUoana have bat’one. If Hew York cannot beat Linoolc, U Is qullioer (ala that render hie viotory barren of any frtdta.” i - With iho«ptop!e on one side, mad by the Interests of itnde,” ;on tho other, wo.hayo no fears for the result. Mr. Buchan an’* own fxperlinoe should have taught him what a table teeiritment money is when It is pom* polled to confront aa honest pqbHoJseatimenL Let the fact bespread abroad in New. York!that a fewcapiiallsts are attempting to force Iheßtnte under the control of ihe pro-slavsry powerj and tour of thousands of Us patriotic eiUasns will rash to ths Republican etaadard. We were told thatn million of dollars was raised to tary Pennsylvania at the Octoberelection, ood ypt tho :• malt of the contest proved the investment a bodaeo. - -' -' - ■ Mft. Yabobt/Io bi« Ki« York »peeob,ex pwcd tfce rt«l Moret ef bts liortUltj loi'hj alto* tim of lAMoli. Htatld “How, ___ woaldbe ihe molt ef; m tools tsto poimf Wbf t (eail«m«! would boild op osoddUlosol ptrijlo joi Sosttar* StsUvood Hurt Jo so donbt of 1 Tie;* *rtto«sla LheSoutkers Bttiee who *< ufc* offioo aftdet Xleeolo,tod Ihiy would coam, be ike setreeWo ijopttbltiog with Iskterol*, ••lull* poo U would sol tokt i i for Ihtm. to ijnpothlii nlinl; with him | lea Mia astlral; uio be able to ketpihtopl Hr. Tottetp io ttfbt. Tbe mm probob f ofMr. LtHolo’o oleotloo boo otroodp trail fimaldoblo Bepubllou orgtalnUoa, lo M i load, UiMoori, Kpaiaekp oal Delowor*. ; Taa PaunikTui Euaxidk— I ffo ore t f tbit Oo loprtwlon prerelle to tome poruo I ooaatrj that tho PreoMoatlol tleciloajli K : piooobaiba trot fWay of No.embtr. ; K . W, do nol know tk t origin ofthli ctroe! R. ■ Isprooelob; bat It ohooli bo Mneeied proa; u s li • ■ Bp aet of CMtyMlerdi9 to^i'e iDerioerote tod Deli men for oopiM of their eleo* iortt tieketei Word wg> reatbeck tb&fthey ;were enable to furnish ibe documents desired. iHeitber of ikeec'parties know who they will jketa toTotefor. - ■~"p ’ ' ’ [for tfce PtUaiwgh, Gazette ] United fttatee Senator. •j 3fftrs.BdiioT« : At ibeitlmc tf near when it will •j become necessary to cbow a (It porno to represent >thU Bute with Its vast and varied interests lathe [Senate of the - United Sti’ter.scmo dWeosaioo and : expression of 1 opinion to the matter may he considered 'at. a mattor'of course proper and al lowable, and I seed sot therefore make any apology for treobltagyba vriththtecommanleation. But there are two Iblogt'lo be oohiidered—First, the oialmi of localities. Tbla ia a jnittt? io practical politic* which canootlelong jni’Jyoretlooked; to equitable distribution ©f' ( the honor! of official position within the whole territory represented, hat come to bo a re* cognised principle to whlohth* clalnu of individuals, however eminent, most;giTe way. This principle befog concedtd end I think it will hardly be dispu ted, It remains; to chow that the IFsst is, at thU timoj molt admirably entitled \o the honor of naming the Senator. TbaSapremeJadga, Governor, Auditor and Sorteyor Generali, State Treasurer, the present Senator—cot one of ( tbe'tn la from the Weit Thb : ii not exactly the treatment which the towering Be* i publican m*J oritie* of thaiWest deserve, and wilt not, !I am be perilled in If the'West la tree I to berrelf antt presents g. united front, and a proper | candidate, amptable to iall portion! of the State.— ! Tbla bringa us to the second thing to be oosaldered, who U the fit and proper par eon. It la to be hoped I that the aleolicnof Lincoln will settle, In a great '( measure, the vexed questions, mmoy-of them of but •i little more than mere abstractions, which have been forced upon the oonntry by thepresent admin la ira don, and that the time it oome, or la near at band, when a little attention. may be given to otar material Interact*. It is well'hnd proper, come timet, to fight for an idea, but In the mean time «*(«•«»(« areaptto suffer, and the] time must oome, end it hat oome, when they must be eltendad vo. Whet we went, then,-to repretent na in tbeooun ella of the nation it a btuloess man—and li/woald be well for the-oonntry If, with their practical ©oo aoa MpH, then ware mere of them there, from all quarters. In looklog around for inch a man, I can none In all respeota ao emloently qualified by charac ter, personal qualities, legislative ability and a largo and varied business experience, at our fortoor repre* eentatire in Congress, tbn Hon. Taoe&e M. Howb. Mr. Howe bas been the author of many enterprises, and the aotlte promoter, of many more which have -contributed largely to Ibi wealth and growth of Pitta, burgh and Western PeunsylvaslS, and the personal worth, nrbaolty of manners, and dlapoaltlon to ob lige which baa tenderad'him ao popular and influen dal In tbla community cannot fall to make their im press and bare, (heir effect at Washington. To the Eastern portion of the State, Mr. Howe would be as acceptable aa-any person we oonld name, and be would nnlte the "West perhaps more easily andoordl ally, I think, than any ether man. PmanonaH. PBRIfdVLVAMU jBbBOTIOS—Offldal. ' IS«0. »►» FmUr. Cctferao. Wilgbt 80 counties be fgregWeo. ...174620 185783 119874 103284 Arawtroog...... 8474 2098 2&82 1948 Blair 8061 2172 2000 1449 8070 2114 2264 1774 8024 2794 2770 2226 HanUogdon J. Mercer \ 187,839 105,611 129.700 112 675 I9ih C«ngrO*ioß*t UUttioi. Covcr'e. t'bel,** 4387 6129 .}, 831 V 2773 .y 5684 1859 WeitmorelAod AtmitrciDg .... locHia*.. T0ta1..;.,! 11,790 97M C jToda’i majority 1,029 Araitioag Cowaty—Official. Rep- . U.m. ffoiwior—Caj-110 H? 4 . Palter Gmgrtn —CoToda ...,3919 Phelpi 4*a#<«&Jy—Craig ~..«4H06 Crawford •• —M’QooIgaUISO Hawk “ —Taylor... .459* Graham Judy* — W*od*;..-..3300 Kaeser^,... Prcik'y— Traby ........ BtgUtrr— Tbiomproo Ss4s Bogg« ... Cb«V— Templetoa.s,4s6 Marshall .... Auditor— K«d McLaughlin Tu« Citii Wa* th Oost* Rtov—By way of Panama we learn fronCoaU Rioa tffit on tbe night of the 28'.h ultimo the troops of President Honteelegre; 1,800 eirong, aoderGeneral Msse oo Blanoo, intueked' lfae fort of ex President Mom, et* tbs~Atigoeitim, near Pouta Arenas. The force of’the latter only amounted to about 250 or 800 men that be bad armed from arnoag the laaaoh man and other inhabitant* of Potfia Arenas; of course, tbfiy could not resist the at tach, and, altar twenty minutes* fighting, the attacking party succeeded. At the same time a fan!! party of thirty oien came down In small boats and tsok Mora and his staff by surprise'at their headquarter* at Paata Arenas After home resistance «be booee vat taken, bat Mora and two others hid them* select under the floor of tbe adjoining bouse, where they hemained'a night and a day. When they came out they iqfreadered to Geo. Blanoo and, without any trial, even by a court martial, Mora and Aranoibia share ehot in the most sum mery manner on the htornlog of the 80tb. Gen. Canas, who had command of the fort, fought very bravely ;$e fired the last gon with his own hands. After the etormlog of the fori, Cooes, came to to*h and took refuge in the house of the New Grapadiao Consul, bat after the excitement was over be aorrendered to the commander, who pardoned him and promised to aave hit life; but on'flho night of tbe Ist an order came!from Ban-Joee to ebaot blm also, aod eoiuwqaeotly be was executed oa the morning of rthe 2d. Wben ibo troop -‘entered Paolo Area** * great many of the friends of Mar* wore kl'led Id the streets sod mtpy bouses robbed. To* number killed on both Bid<9 is raid to be about three hundred GenetuljJoee J. Mora, brother to the ex Pres ident, Dob) Manuel Caow, brother to the Goner el, end Mf. Maouel Arguollo, wore ordered to leave the aaootry, bat their friends had fear that they bright be also shot, and they succeed •d In getting an order from tbe Commaerter-iu- Chief tb be taken on board the Amarloao barque Bilodeer,! wfeete they were to remain nntil tbe arrival of tbe steadier Columbus, when they were to embark lo go to San Salvador. Tai Episcopal Cuuboh ia tea ÜbitidStatib. —Aooordiog to the Church Atmanao for 1860, tbsEptsbopel Cborofc In the Uolted- States coo taios. thirty-three dioeeeM. Tbe number of blshops,jprovltioD*V bishops, and assistant bish op la forty-three; prieeis end deacons, two thousand and thirty!, parishes, two tbousaod ooe boodred aod (eo. Thera were ordained during the year aeveoty ’deacons and niqoty-lhrce prieste.l Noaber of candidates for holy orders, two hundred and Slgbty-ooe; oburohes oooseora ted, sixiy-nice Tbe baptisms w*re aa follnwt: infants,itbirty thousand four hoodr.ed aod tbir teao; aiulte, five thousand ,ons hundred and twenty-one; not'stated, four baodred aod eighty wren- total, forty tbousaod. aod twenty-three. Somber of confirmations, fifteen thousand five buodred and nioety-jsfx; oommuoleante added, fourteen thousaod ioveo hundred end ninety four; present number, thirty five thousaod seven hundred and ninety-seven; marriages, .seven thousand and fifty-pice; burials, twelve thous and four hundred and forty-two; Sunday eobool teachers, fonrteeo’iboaeaod and ninety-one; echoolsone huodred;and eighteen Iboosaudand sUty-niof. Amount 4f contribution* for mission ary and ohnrltablo’purposes, $1,027,188 12 !i■ « m \ _J— » . Temxiutn Acoidbb* on tub Cbbtbal Onto Railroad—Fiw Mm jEfitted—Tbe train of oars over the Central Ohio Railroad, doe here on Monday ereolog, met with a most lamentable accident about two-miles west of Cambridge, by. which two man were almost loetaotly killed, la - coming around a curve at the point Indioated, a flaogs of one of this looomotlva wheels gave way and the eagles fiew the track, ran Into the baok end was over-turned by the force of the oolHslcn whh the earth. The engineer, James Freese, was caught In the wreck end before be could be rescued, was scalded to death. The fireman, Chaw Russ, was bulled beoeath the tender and oruibed to death jp the tcrrlbte wreck. The oars ail rbshsd upoo the fallen engine and some of them were badly damaged. With the exoep lion of[a few jar* ;eod bruises, the passengers war# uninjured. It was oos of| those aooldeote wbioh It la Impossible loforoessoraollolpate.— WKtil.\lnt. ■ V' CAtiroiaiaioßLiß^otß.—TbesubJoloed spo ol al dispatch wasVreeslved yesterday, by tele graph,[from St. Joseph, and oamdflbroufth to that point by the Pooy Express from Ban Frau clsoo. I It addelmmsasurably to the ohaocsoow pirsteoted, that Lioooln will carry every North- : efo Btate.->B<. Xotiis Dm, [Sp«dtl[cicp*tch toths Hiaoert Ornnent} {Ornct Bmiutu tnn Ontui Oummi, i BAB7aA»ct-ea.Oct«bcr4ihiSMO. : . J . To:lffMr<, MeKit $ Funiaek:-^ Retoroe from the rarloos oouoly organisitlone and lo. this office, show a Repoblicen atrsogth In tMe State Of.thirty- eight thousand five hundred votes. ' If tbs news from the Ootober e!setloag_ln the East should prove lo bo eooh aa we hope tor and expeot, this Stale: is certain for. Llucolo. On ibis you may rely. ffx. Rasa, Secretary. Tai Famibb xv lUbsas.—A private letter from a merchant in Omwatomie, K! T.,'osbflrob the worst aooouuts we have bad from that region: ; . . a Thlcft look very had here Thera are tosny farmers wfaokavwuol raltsd firs bushel# of grata of toy klad this ■ sessonT aod thers are meoy' faalllsa who hava.not mors than grain enough to luUhemafewwetkt. A large number bars toft the Terrfiorjr, and mtny are etllt going:: Thousasds df hsadofeaUle and hogs are bought up by drovers. - Ws have bongbt come one hun dred gad fifty head for the Eastern merkel, paylagsl,6otos2per.fajutdr«d,ehlefiy.lo:goods, Sbese fei’tnei's who faavs stMk to seU wlll be bslped/thnyto gst ihrough lkto winter- Bat What ars lhsy lode U the spriog—no grain to wUfVim.mtfjUHfmV ‘NS . - S.h . r Rcrrcuc awuh i tw'CA^i?oa»uvAStv>PEiOcx. 1 —We take ttw{t?»lo#ing frojn thevPaoj.fia com- '] fpoudenoe of lhs N.TiOetdflry Oregon, without a divisiotKin the'Dfimocraijc ranks, would most probably vote for Lincoln and Hamlin. Lane is extremely: unpopular at home, and it is understood that, he cannot ob tain the vote of the’present Legislature for iha Senate. In the division of -the party there can be no reasonable'prospect' 'orsuooess for hie ticket. Wnatnao prefect the vote of Oregon goiagfar Lincoln ond Hamlin it is dif&OQU to iaa^ne. Laos Is peculiarly bff«asi»e„U a largo majori ty of.people .in Caljforois;.especliUy to ibesa from the North,though he is oentiderea a North* era mao.. Bteokeondge, pa; the other head is highly-respected hy men, from -the 'North, Re* publicans Included. Though they see nothing very positive in his character, yet they regard him as a.gsotleman and a patriot. Bat the mention of Line's name bits an effect on tbe muscles near the end of tbo nose Several of oar best speakers of the Republi can party, are Southern men by birth. Among them.U Tingiey r e native of Kentucky, who,: though flroi as.adamant io bis prlaetples, knows how to advocate them without needlessly offend* iogagaioet iho prejudices of Southern people. He Is listened to with attention by all desses. Whatever .may be the result of the prescot canvass, It is. bringing about —it has brought about—a most extraordinary revolution: in pub lie sentiment. A -few months ago an avowed Republican was despised, if not abased, by a largo class of pooplo. Men were ashamed or afraid to announce themselves euob. Now, Re publicans stand on a level with other parties, if they do not look down on them. The result of the Preside&tial.oontest will not ohaoge their poal-’ tioa. In future they will be respected and hon ored. Eruptions Y Salt Rh 6t * m 1 Bryslpolas l It la uow generally admitted that aU eruptive dim*! depend upon tome iotcmal oeconail t&jUonal can*»,ahd that to ute vaabea or ointment* for than U a eur* wap to tejora tbo ijetem, and only to drive la, not to' ear* tba dlaaaaa. Bat aUUPBRBTS* BMCIMO SALT an BOM PILLB ara a true ipad&c fgr all aoeh dimata. They car* Salt Rhecm, Barber 1 * Itch, Brytlpalas, Pimplra on tbe Vac®, Ringworm, aod Kettle Rath, by coring tba eaee* a.-ou which Ib*y drpeod, *ui by rtetoriag the akin to tbeaUtoof brsltli and pori.ty. Tbo», not only !• the dl» CMC cored, hot the aoftiiMj aod beauty of tbe ouopfexh o irelorod. Priee,26 cent* p*«rbuX, wlib direction*. MxbwX«a,gt. ( N. a —A foil »ot of Uuuraxir'e Uuvoaoratfiio Brearne' with it >ok ol Dinctfona, aod twenty dlfT*reut ltomddlva.la targe »l»I«, morocco caea, sb; ditto, In piala caat, $1; cate of fifteen Ihixm. aod Look. $£ Single boxee, 3S cento and 60 centa.- Theee Ueamlie*, by U** «in*te box rre tent by Kail or e*nr*»«. free of charge, to any addt***, on r<«ai/t of the price. Addrtwe. Dr. r . UUMBHAfcVri b (X), No. M 3 Broadway, New York Sotd by J. 51. IX'bTOS, F|r»" etreet, around door fu« the PoetvfiU's Ageui tor Pittsburgh. oct&*4Sw!mT jQtMrs. Winslow, aif experienced Nursd end Fauata fh)«Utan, bes a itootblng Byrop fotj rhlldreu UetblQK, whl<-b gt rariy tacit I tab* iha proceeeof \ taalblsg by eofleoiag tba gume, nxlucliig at) lofl unmaUoa— I will allay all patn,aDd lieura to regnUte tbe bowela. Depend upon lt,n«othere, It will give feet to yooreeUte and raUrf andbaaltli U> >-.ur iofatit*. P*i(»:tlr aat* In allcairs A«e atUarttaw&ent to another oolaom, felftalAwlyT Cabd to Tocko Ladiu and Gan *!•■*»—The tobscrlW will.wod (/r« of chary*) to all »bo U, lb* Hk.'lp*:*T.d Dlrectkiaeior taikic* ikliuple Vfyilib'e £?ifn,th*t wlli,lu treat two to eight d»jt,r*taOT* pitui'lo*, Bk/tchr*, Tbtt, FrtciUi t £«i>owtM«a.ui4 kit Inpn* Htt«« *a«l Rough!*** of the KkloTlMViag (M mo>*~m N»- taro iQtrodki It aboold be—iq/tj cUar, mootA fwauti ful TbuMo. K»crj man 1b crgtotlj reqnreU-i! to t* pr***ot, *Ub bUc*p, c*j»* *t*d torcn. By onlw of tbo Oarrai*. Tl»f Oo*rd» wouWJ niolUll) iaitl* Um OITiZK94 o( (b* Ward to nnwt with it»*m ao j Join »a ib» PKcrerion. [lt IT^*NOTICE is hereby giveo, pur6u&bt to U'*£' • B**n)oU»a uf Council*, Uinl iba (&Uw*lt.g Bimed Aldorntn bar® in**!* ratorna tor lb® u»«atb rKjairwlbj Uw.«ftb» rismuHl Ft-rffUaw»,ae<»«Citf {►- Clouets. IJ (bam, tit. Tbuma* o»*lcti— - —..--W w*r«l TootnaaDaft....- . - Jo Tfe o’.bw Aldcmtfu of tb« citj bar* sot msd® tb* rets rwnlrrd bj la» tcia.iid RUB3ELI. KRJICir, Ccotrollw ir~j»jfcK&iAN trust and savings BANK 09 PirMBCKdB.-r9cbwiib»>r« lolbettotk of tbit B«bk rk to pt; In to JO3EPU MKT AR, Tr**»or*r. 424 Pmo ‘treet, lb* first In»u!m*ni on thetr •oktrrluticnaon or lh« terentvflfita of October, IMO. A. Joare Uia, SeaoUry pmtm, «ri4ln JTS»LUNCH SfiRVKI) UP KVKRt MORN «t£r tsz. frrm 10 till 12. sod AVERT BTK9]NO.fron • tllllt, bT Q.M2L wifIACKUCtTKU, Ja at bUßeeUocast, aynur ifjh* and /VSA JXt. fit® abomintmnus. f-;r Procession.*, flag 4 f.ir Houses, Flags for Polo*, Flags for Torches, Flags for all Parties. C.»iU »br oU (All at lit* Depot tb*> Pittsburgh Flag Manufactory, ■u'J brotar« thuU i-f ft* c * !•-< tb* Treceuiofl »f dtj. j *-ltH INDIA RUBBER BELTING, UOSB, &TRAX PiCKINQ, GASKET 4, «nd KUA&K BOPB. of *ll ftUM, forwto at th* raCta Rußbc-r u«pot.2S asS 08 gt.ci.tr«t. oc«8 j.a n pnn.UPS. LEATUER BELTINO. oak tanned, of the t-ett a>ulitr.f«r *ll ata**, for »*)- *t 38 and 2S St. Clair *t. J a a. PPILLIPB. INDIA RUBBER PIANO COVERS, of a Isrga i'E?,la>t t»c , d at 39*i>t.O!»lr at. uc 8 J, k H. PJUU.I PB. 1“ SDIA RUBBER OAS TUBING, of all (Ixo*, fnr *«1« al th« lailla Robber Depot. 8C aod 18 St. tiielr »t oeis J. A 1L PHILLIPS. [NI)iA RUBBER HOUSE COVERS,of dif f-tent aoaiitica. tor Mlaat 26 aailiS tft-Clt'r atraat. ,*lB j.a a.Phillips. INDIA RUBBER WHIPS, of all a.zee, for aala br ; . oclB J A 11. PHILLIPS. 23 and MBL Clair at._ INDIA RUBBER CUATH, Rising Capes; Wcton. Overftlla. (loot*. Sc, for tala by ocis • J. A n. PHILLIPS. 4J RaLDINO’S OLUK.—IO grass for salefby O D. A. FAHNBJTdOK A 00, „ . ■ enro-r Vtratat>d Woodafa ’6 hhfe; lor gale by - fi. A.FAIISiIisTOCK ACO, corn* r of Vint and Wood »U SAND PAPER—2SO icantsTor sale by U. A. PAftRSefJOB AUU, oclB 1 cornor of flrtt and Wood au. SWEET POTATOES—OO bbla. Marietta; 64 Mcka aod f.r aale by . JAM.A.PKT2BR, oelS . ! cotpry Ma»kat and tint AU... APPLES-— 1< 0 bW» , various kinds. jo*t rac’d for »t« by JAMBS A. fJtTZKK, vclS o fair Markida^rintrti. KED PUTATOfcS—IOO bus. Bed Potatoes; faatonasdfor Ml.Ly JAB. A,rBTEIUk oelg 'j tarwf Mirtrtawiyirit ate FEATHERS— 3 eockenow landing for eale hr pets haiih moa.r.oo. RV- HIDES—6O. now landing for role b, ocis ■ i IMlin OIOHS, ,00. OTTON—2 bates now landing for eale by «,!» ia>iiuniCk»t,oq UNURIEt-rC bnlea Cotton; 4 bags Fea -1 thar«S 1 t-bl Flax B*cd; 1 bale Bh*ap Pella: l.b«ff Paakd iclra—to arrittbj rall for •*!« by cl 9 , IftHIIMOgXTAOO. , M CLASSES— 300bb|s. prime recoived per SMamer Moderator, aed fifr «it by . SURIVBR A DILWORTH, r*lB Wbolatala QtoOara, 180 aad 1W Sofood at. OUNDKLES^-500 large new Gunnies; O ltuO fUeood-htod Ommira. ‘ ... 10 bblaZ*aiiCefra*t»t >' SibbU Bo|Sr Uooa* Hulaa*ea. Inat'-r* and for tala by • ■ . ocia . r RtTOaOOCK.M t OBBBRT AOQ, WUEA'i! WiiRATIl—l5OO bus. prime Kfd to arrlae. for aala by 1 . HITCHOOCK, McCRkSRT ADO , . ,*l3 No. 1M tlrat aod 133 Scoond ata. VtOKnai HKK WOKtCS! Uifi <»jf fron H-P. DtltflW PVM - S^^S^lSStßSSr^m , oppo, rt ' T J-UftAHiff. celt - 131 W.vxl Hrwt, fifth. P&NDKKSI! rftNDKK&UI Wirt Mm, Nowwf fendo*. BttrtUJrfca fend*r*.P»« Im«>**d«rt,Oati>nnjp «*•» Iron fruder*—*»«*» m** tad

«H«lrt »t.d p»Urro*,»y n p ATd , a | ' 124 Wood iL aw Fifth. BANB.—SO bbl» Small White Bean*, .for Ml* by ’ 3. B. OBBUBIB.B.OU^ cell ; ; ■; - yirttrtnrtMir.Wpat. WHITE LIME—3OO bbl». Louibville, , • *or«rf*bjr •„ „ v ' ; i j. b CAHnKLt? *.oo. TV/I OLABBEB—2S bbls X. O. Molmi as; 'lll 100NiSu.. nmiomi Wc*d. IUBR-25 bbl*. Bout Cldcr, for Viueg«, for Ml. tj , ~3.8. o»B»jttp *W. . , oar ' * . .. nm*t«a—j.iraDd.,*■ PUfiBNOa- mkjunos. vbloms dkw Bl O. B4PHM «!?*.»• .. ... ~1 : • - T\iSSOLUTION.—The Paitotnhip hereto 'U ' fr* erUttagnad rtbo nttss n 4 tijto erOltAl 9 4 VaN GORI>HR;u tfcla dit t!ls«lTtd by Mr. L. Q.GntXrtt'ttog frnt tba firm. AllpM»opt.ki»o»»B*tb*fti telrtt fodel fcaidAr'tut »oa claim*. «UI *• tb*ot»rJ. I’br... Pork, Dried and umt Fruits and Prodaea s«wr»Hy. LiUrat GwA Jdvancti mode on OmtigrtmtaU- ll4 Second Street,Pittsburgh. i ■ umtbT Kramer A Rahm, plmborgb t P. S*Heta A Co., PlUtbargh Mea«t A OoffiiK , .do - jthrmr A DlUonb, uo oeift | j 3pTtßiT..llarb*mtb A f*t». QLIVK 4'AR! OLIVE TAK! ! ' Olive Tar! Olive Tar! | ' . Olivo Tarl Olive Tar! A tea tod yalaabla Median*. FtrttU, j by JOi. FLRUINO, by 30*. fLHMtIM, b, JO*. FLBHfNG o*n >od (di 4! Fine Almanac, 1861, free of charge. Fine Almanac, 1801,.free of chaige. Fine Almanac, 1861, free of charge. ! * Orner Martel atreet and tbj Dl*m< ad, I ’ Onot-r Uuk*t atrcet end tbb DUuiono, Cara* Mirkil ■ treat and thb DUmonfl. Belting and Packing. The place-to 'purchase a good quality of GDM BEATING, LEATIIER BELTING, Gu| M P A'C KING, j Uat the Leather Store of !l»I. DeLANGU, ail Üb4tty;»t t oppo>lt»h»*dofWc<>d. o^lKt EjMjO V A L.— Outltjryj and Fire-Arm Eutablubment, Needy oppMita their Old hUod, where they will te happy to e»e dll d»lr f*W frlrnde and cn«tonwr*. iult . jgLANK BOOKS— DAYjßOftEft, OABU llOOK«r W ~ uid description of Atconut Boota.cn band of toad* to order ti> Ifea boat outauerj rnlcd lo pattern trqnlitd, wllb w wUh'iat printed U» n-'iuga. bj i ; W4l. O. JOUNSTON & CO. , o«15j ;Biank.BookMakers,67 Wr- I?URNi;iURB AND CHAIRS—Of our S' u*u|m*&aUcture, •• jt.iKid in qoolltj su-1 lo«» In prlrw u toy tii l-« Lqd t. tin hviiii «uJ id ofdor. G*)l nod »nm>noJ j kIB T. B. VijDMIACO. PARLQR, Chamber, Uiniojf Room, Library •uujOffle* rUttMJTUEB, cvwUDlij a«ior»cto»lu* Vr ui* stt>l tor Mt cur Wamhuine. 'Jowl Md war raato-nd qoklit;. T. U- YoUN*l A CO, ' gcU j j No. *9 aod iO atraatJ RliKßßii WORK:— We are prepared to muofictaro (a order my deocilptloo o( OiBIKtT WAttlLi i ocli ; T. B. VOL'NQ 4 00. Oriental patterns of Waiipuf*r lo tiold ftOd PttmarTUclora, fur a»to by ucis ; ; wf.y.MAaaiiALUfr? w«>ui Decora uve wall papers, of «r -dilucionl diitgiL fur ui« bj uuIB j | . W. P. MARSUAI.I.. YIKWS of &wid9 and French Landscapes ud U>*' B*tll* of flolhrlß'K for mIo by. ocl6 ; W. P MARSHALL. OA/TBOXESIVOO WS STAROir,Tnatofe -ytIV «ad wMt«i,, oturr* vanoordeu, ootß ! 114 Bacond at. : PPLRa—SO bbU. Ruasot Uro?aingj, il) Jdat rac'd m I for mW by JAB. A f ETZKB, ucIB 1 Onrow Mtrkn m 4 flnl tU CIIfiSNOTS IU but. CUeanuta, just rec'd totals jaa jlfktzsr, : util , • cutbcrUiikrt *&d rintilC MILL : FEED—2O tons .Fine Middlings; 24 ton*Common illiilir.a*. 0&T«-K&>tat prim- BOD3ER£ A DILWOJITH. octt ; ; ; 34» Uwty »t , 300 bbls. Kaoiilv; si> do. Common. X* ■ KODQEItS 4 DILWuKTU, »clft V M 3 Ui»-rly »t. Batod, Oree & Macrnm, , i WHOLiKSALK AND UiITAIL. Ruche*! Ribbons, Flowerj and Notions! 45 Fifth street, VI hiJlopaje Dealer* supplied at Lowest Prices, I EATON, OfIEEfcMACBUM, i 1 1; Fifth Bwwt. DEPARTMENTS, SECOND FLOORS, 1? and 10 Flflb at ■; . PCV3 CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR HAS.'UAD A TEN YEAR'S TRIAL, Which should U sufflUtot to jconriuos *T*ry Soffering Woman of the greet value il the ' CATAMENIAL CORREOTOfUI : **d that It li vttbnot ■ireptino ! fSjt' THE BEST UBU/VJN£*GSi. i . Letuielbe'pabllc', For qlf Ditoai— Arising from Irrtyulctrxtit, (Riiftbk or Ncmui Dlliilt!)’) 1 , Palpitation of the Beott, Vectijcoor DittioMß, pain* in tk* Kidney*, • pilot to (be i»m*ll of tbe B«ok, Paine Uodcr tboahoaldws, j i £ot**M*e of Spirit*! 1. j Langaorjend N*rieaeoe»<}*t.erell7, j . i. Difficult MtnHrwation, - j ■ . 1 . ita»p*Bd«dMenslrn*U,n, { ! '*r Ctitation v/'lkt Jlentet, , India aliaoet •adieu variety of other dUnwet ntteuddnt os iri*«feitttoo,*npertadoe*d ftp told*. by a Weak coortltuUon Mien cm-oW or physical. latcr.Tbe vtmpletemedy foe all ie to gvleUbe the • fflttnt—• remove ft, ao'd yon a*»t»t Nein-e to regulate. : Ibis m be ilom bp Uw great Oj9R , £A.fiA£NIAL UORRKOTORi Which hu oarer tolled toaffrctnenrewbsa OTuperiy :*«ed *deoediS£.totbadlraetlooe,aod> Wr wialgiTen U. : It ta prepared from the redpe, and andcr the personal so* putlrioniofimoatßklllfnl PtmWan, wbo for * number of . yeefaceafleed It. to hla priva*. P[«»°V ** tmii that ft hoa be«n before tbe puWifi, It bos gained for ituff a poelUon tbal will uoo by Us rapid Ucreaae of pora* ferity, pfeorft at tbe bead of all nmedfc* heretofore ©ftertd for Women’s disuses, the mow vepedstfj those eboveeuo aarated,'*hlcb toobtten ' ..««w 1 ! I • i "• SND.ttf CONSUMPTION. , viw Sale by most rrspectebleDraggtal* throughout the tows UMS « PIR BOTTL^ If. BVwben K happens that jonr Bragg!* bos not the srtlefe, tbs money an be Remitted direct to stand « two or mors bottlee are ordered stone time, tbo medfetoa will be seatfreeetebargefortraosportstbo.. .. ' ± Pkrtlaitar dltuttotui ml* aes,*o, ewmpsnjeacb bottle. Übsegfots «an liesopplfed dfreet fromoor Üboratcey^or .by Mdtsg tbefc orders to ! BARM Eh A PARK New York, : ! *. O. WELLS A CO., Now York, > 8. Bt lIANOE, Baltimore, M iJUL THE BIOS AND KHtjED OBLiBBITY wbjch •this preeminent nwdldne bossoonlred forltslntorfenfe efflcocy-la all iba dbnases wMcb it ptofaeree to teaderejl tbe eanal.pncuceofoatsntauoos pnSsgstAanly nohacduary (mi nnworthy of them. They are knowirby thrirfraltt; tUlr good moths isstlCr-for tbrtrenMby tbotkUboftbecrednlmM. ttrenoee, DyepnwU,; BUfans and^ijter A&ctlons. PBu, RboamelUm, Fevers nod Aanre, obstfoato P*»d Ache*, *na all OrDmal Derangements 01 Hultb,three PllUhnF*»»F*n* ably mored a -euufa and sp—dy remedy. A ylngle tjfu wilt pten tbo Life Pills beyond *he rufeh of compMlUoi} in thduilmufMofoyeryMtleat. • ■ i---< , Dr.MOFFATfd PBOBNIX BITTEM will bofmndedoab fy eSeeetow la all com of Nvrvont DsMUty, -Head Ache, tb* Bfoknus Inrident to rmeUs a Delfeafe BmUhjandevery ilod of Weeknugpf tbsDl*eitt*e(h» gins. ' ? • j. for iafe hy Dr W. B. WOmTT, 886 Broad York, end by Medldne Dealers and DmggUte gwandjy, ftronthmiltbeoonntry. ■ ...... ; , tahiyorT ! FENDER* !H &0f BI ABD * WIBBI, 1 Am otaues 'm ' Afoot CottaeßeiMt and Selin T»i*% Oakum, far, rVc\. I • notu^ato. 1 ■ WIRCUODBE, «S 9 COB. WffN ACT WALNCT HB, tirolqiuiesAboveßftWJO.lLß.FrrlgbtDeyot,- cclftimdC- ' PITT»BURQg. PS CONDUUfia—MAPLK 6UOAK-3bWrf. io tell: Alfo, Persian Favar Charral • Persian Fever Cnarm! I Persian Fever Charm! i ; CAHTVVHfiiHT A YOUNG'S 1 No. 97 Wood Street, LKD3KRH, JUC&NALS, t No. 17 filth Street. ! NTTfflOiiOM STRAW GOODS! TKIiI.MfNGS: EMBROIDERIES! aoiiMurt eLors.%! gaztstlit*' AT WHOLS&AIE ! A VCLL LIKE Of j VOOLEN HOODS ASD BATS. I ; VT9OLKS fcAOii AND OOaT*. VTIXJLIS OUAWLS AND EAGLAfit). Sf OOLKK OAJTER3 AND MITTENS WOOLiy KLtKVCS AND ABU LEM | BOiTOH EIBUD HUSIMBT, , f ANO ( Y WOOLEN YARtffl dr: M&RTIKI'e I HBtWY euKWIO « uu. i' UISU,AOIUUBAOr ALL fIZSS Of : ' ' Bits aisbjnistcunts ITessidns of Alio* IK tbe Coart Of Qa&rterj ; gheoy Ooßoty. t in the natter of tbo petition of raudrjr cltUene of PeeWae Towneblp, prejlcs for the tecaiipn of thet part of Boond* arj etr et, to * Hub of th#- OHj Melrfct f«w It* point of intmectlon. with the Uxh> rti**r&Ui)g tbe lend of W.D. . BoetUhdttf}, from tbe tuuHrf NJ Holnw* toitepdatof lnlhreectton vfth tbe Centre! fuUroed,wbere tt eroaew tbe WB* t lb*Court made the foUowinr order: And now, Rex>leo.b»r 15, A. D. ll« 0, tb* wlthlo petftba printed :q open couthetnl it.ia erdortd IGB * SHITIIHON. P»iutiv !>, No T» Fou»ib »t kiaVbOi nicNT. A MONTH AND ALI* EXPANSES SPtH " PAID—Aa AGRNTI* wanted loevcryTown and U uoty lo the United Bute*, to engage to a rrai«ectabl* and easy badmaa, by wbirb tbo above profit* Ri'-y he rrb tted. For foil [irtknl«». Dr J HRKHY* IFAfIJFJPa. No. M K%*t T*elt h etreet, New York city, on* eloalug me poatageatamp. ' clfcStn JgUIhF BIOGRAPHIES: by IIKLP. Brief Bk-grapbUi: by fomcel Bfdle*, author of “Sell Uotp” : Firming’* Vocabulary of Philo# -pb j; edited by Dr. O- r. Krautb, Jr. The Fire Gateway* to Knowledge. Ledle'e Recollection* x Raskin’* Modem Palo* «i*i* complete* S «o!« Joit iTcelved by ROURKT 8 DIVM, ocia 9i Wood »treet. JL LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MATE- ? JC3L rials roR p WATER, o GAS M STEAM. rwTtleby U.UUSV, KARUELL A CO,. oeS l‘>* D-nr SenHliUtM. S' FRUIT, UKMaMKATAL TKE£8 t 4E| H03*9,*0 . Id ratorntug tl.au\» m tbe polite fei Uitlr patron***, hlU»*rto to llboriil) njroJwl, I wjdM calf thi-lr otleotiun to toy Ttrj largo alock of TREKS lor lliht I ail My atock of Applr, IW, and tl P«x«»i »nii Cbmy far ric«M}» anything I litv« r*rr roiroA. AH of tb» meat tariolWß. wroogdl by b«rtog A f-.1l fcoowUrf** oftha IrUßfno**, »d-I *»rr» cm- ttkeu to liav« «rrry kind Iruo to name Vl , Of AppU Tmi al<»n* »« l»*to 150 »>U'—BfI.OCW (it «hku tKilbrwyMr ,-Wn. froni fl 10 S rut. Tu #ucti ** want EVKRfiRRftNK, from 2 to $ feet. hy tl.* 100 t>r UOO, l*r» g -loa w.iold h»*»e-u. Extra U»g-» MopK for aka-le, per 100, f 25. Extra largo Auit-r*c*n aud Kugif«h Ltndoo. per ,100, f 25, An- Tree-Planter#. ptea-e gir* ui « rn of IRON ptulfled cf Oiyßro and Carbon by cuiuenatloo lo llyarogeo. .Sanctioned by tbs hlgheet M«S leal Authorities, bulb in Europe sod the Doited £tatea, and prescribed (a their practice. , Tbw experience* or tbooaaada deity prove* that no prepar ation of Iron can be competed with IV Impurities of tbe Wo*d,depreolonof vitaleoargy, pale and otbrrwlee sickly roompiexlons Indicate Itenecdwity lo sliauet over* ooocriva-r Mecte*. InDox,oti« lo all maledle# In which it baa been tried. It h*a prbvtd abaalately onnxiiv* to each of-the W* lowing emnplelDta, vie DabllMyi Harvotia Afftelloni. Kmacla tloo« l)yap4pita,Qenatlratiettt Diarrhoea, Dysentery, luclplentConsmn Mlton. tiers I*- aloaaTnomnloila,BaUiUiaaiaiAlißan* itraatlOßi: Whltss,Chlorosis, Llvar Cam* plaints, .chronic llaadaehaa, Rfitntaa« alam. Intermittent P«va« t Pimplaa ok (Re Paaa t *c. In caaea ot General Debility, whether the result of scots dteea** or of »h* continued diminution of servantand Bine cnlar energy Irom cbronlo complaints, one trial oftbi> ret toretire baa proved aocceaefnl -to an extant which no die cnprioc nor written attestation would render credible.—* Invalid* ad long bod-ridden aa to. hare become forgotten Ifi iht-lr own neighborhoods, have ■nddeoly re-appeared In the boay world aa If joat retorn-<1 from protracted Intel in a distant land. Borne very signal Instances of thto kind are' attested of female «nff«r*ra. emacUted victims'of apparent martraioa' sankoiaeoda exhaoatloa, critical change*, and that complication Of nervous und'djapeptk avefifon to air and exercise, for which tbs'physician baa no hams. - In.N*rroua Affections of all kinds, and lorraasrai* famil iar to medical men, the operation of.tbl* preparation of iron mnat ueceavarily be salutary, for, ncifke tha old oxi de*. It la vlgcrouriy tonic,'with©ut being exciting aod over* betulocaod gently,regularly aperient, even lo the mo*t Obstinate ca* a of cortivenesa, without ever being; a gastric pttgttlvß,or Inflicting a disagreeable sensation. . . |t Is this latter property,', among others, which makes U so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for ihfej, upon which It;idvo appears to exert a and atiffseea of tho loints and muades.’ ' - In Intermittent Pawn It .moit nacewtrity hi afreet remedy »od euergatlc rstoratlris and , its progrtse in tbs bew eetUriuenta of the W*tt, wfU probably M one of high rsoownaod oeefolmcs. Ho remedy bee ever hews dlaooverat in the whole history of medicines which exerts «ch prompt, happy, and lolly r*- atoratfrs rife.**. .Qrodappe it*, complete dtgmtloa, rapid aetjnUUJon of stmigth. with an aausnel dlspoeitlouluf w five and ebaarfol eXeedse, Immediately fallow Da oaa. . coatalnfng BO pills; prira M cento per box; for sale by Drsgfbta and be sent r r«* to auy addraga on- regalpt or pries. 'All latteCfe ordara. etc, altonld be addrrwM to. CrJQKORQE IL BSIIIB, Wholmle Agent WAT. K t OUi—Bo bbli. m rtfli, 6r n>l« by qu»*vnsn«gs., ©Rant* ■ ! jj 7 • 1000 fiiorer T- BMifcr «4l*‘b lh»t>»gb*U,c»i3iprte* wni,>*t*M. ;J«»J A. PEfrZMi; :1J OirMM',Miikot*oil!lifit«U, WANTED— A PARTNER.—A Domestic try Goods Co-uiDfui'*i H.o«f in wbwabwieortbnuor i a*r gv**tU ; >U€r«*»fd. and |*lll by additional capital !*• abH to *aini»:»nihw»a>*soi»l>ttfrein Wocjen and Ct-Uoa MtlU r-w ofltrtejr tbfcra, eut*r Into DrsolUtloD* for a Special «.r hu can comastU ffota $».00O to f 30«», locwb WIA *Mi tioo to the mcatiaof sii«ccuc*!n. a r«*j jr «r»tL*j e»rr offered 10lb* ' world In s popular tot mto•• to l>* witbijt t|»£ttch l 1 ofath SeeOemically «ud nfctlfullycbtßbtosdaßkobe p i the moct powerful toulc,aurt )-, perfectijfepepted w 1 10 u to«c( bijNr/’K'iuciitilifrfc tilVllt * ' (ure,atM2AeKee4o»*A(Mr«craJl'e(4lntdtA > «Ddto9oDp ihodtgeetiTe organs, and all ii'tv.Q* aodotbtr » irTlUtloo; It it also pr«f.ci!y exliUtratlf gita lu f. «fiects,and yet It le t»-vrr f<>H.»w«d bjy latsuode I roughly akllled le medical arh’iicaodeleo IJjwirwhn p ‘ bate cnffered from debility; f.*r it needs nd ntf-dlc*! A skill or fcoowlsdge ev- aay.lt wilt not only core thedebl.ltrtoßoalog 5} Pi cbtUa end Leer*, bnt prevent all attacks analogfnm» V mlnMnatle Inflaeocee, end care the dfse*** ai quee, If «l-. ready attacked: And aa U acts directly and JWfatatenlif upon the biliary eyatea, arooaiog the [litar tbatjtion, pro moting, In fact, all tba ncrotiotuand a*CT*tiop§qf the eye fetn. It will Infallibly prevent ai.y dblaiei P n««otMcqaencn v tollowlog upon change of climate and water; bfqca, all ttv ealere ibonld a bottle with lbs nr, and al| ahonld take a table apoonlnl J»ftwetbe Anal trial. *ba w*U pwi the rtr«rlln» period With perfect mm and lafoty. There 1* no mistake feladat it* thi«Cordial l« nllweolaimtor.it. friothere, try it! And to joo we appeal 10. delect iWi Hlniwa or decline not only of yons danglitere before tile too late, bnt a*eo your sons aud husbnndejj the b.rmer, from fates ilellcary. oiwn ; go downitoJirematOre gmvffl rather than let their condition be known In time, tie latter ere often e» mired np with of bualnraj, that If it weienrtf.»r you, they tod Wffhld travel la ihesame downward pafb. notll nwjlale *o*fre*t their fatal fall.. Bnt ll>« mother l« always lo yon we confidently appeal, for wo are earn yon| affection wilt nnrrringly polot yen to Prut Wo-fd?* Heitors tivnCordtal dnd Bbxd llencvatur aa: fbo t|mady which iboaldbealwayaonhandin timeof need. I -.-J, ‘ O. J WOOD, Piopiletor,.444 B«Oedway, MewlVofk; 114 Market efrtwt. Ft l, .oi«,Mo; aud bold- byqllgpod l>rag glm, Prjpe Qoe UolUr per l»ottle. afpO»||yd.thlw NCtf BOOH, ETNA STOVE WpAKS. - it ' A . B R A D L HI JT lUbQte’iirtui .rerj toriotjr ol COOK. PA.iII.OR AKO HI GRATE fl-RONTS, .FIEND ERd, Aso. Azo. <3co. j II; Sole Proprietor of the celebrated Firm gas burnish axd suokkcos3Umixg arkargsmknts, \ J («a applied toonr CVI {‘tot**,) tbs which are: - '-. jj j:j . ’ lut, A great atT(ng ol Puol f if; 24, A u>arta qolckrr tori boiler cnta. (rum the fifoe Ur*. M, TbepmeerrkiljocfiUeaoUeploco. i] ;ij lib, Cl*»ciHoe*», as there it ni4i tmt-talf tB« totyl and dirt that la baud is’other etoTra. | if;.. stfc, Theao floret, mhl mil »U call paikfcalar AtW&tlso ear. ttcck ot Parlor Stoves and Urate Fronts, which, together with oor other ( w»t*s, w* 4fll V Sfil*l* CHEAP, j Office and Sales Kocm, J .-t ! “Wood.: Street, 4 i \:t ■ prtTgßXjasu, pa. STOTKS, UHATB> ’ A i >ll | BIBBQLL A cb.,| NO. .838 LIBERTY BET, Manufacturers of aii kiLdaif Ccok leg, PerlOT and Bearing Btovac, Pdoking Rasgea, rma and Common EBimeted Grate ho. Ac. The celebrated Oaal Cocking Stoves, } : -v “Victo^y ,, and ‘^yriuranh/jlj and Wood Cooking Steve#, I L “Black Oak” and “Forest Uome.” Tho “Capitol" and “Eagla" Oootineßangea,' with either, Hydraulic i or Open !potl«rai «hkb ere (son tfateoalveljr to am. In tb« filyeui Tldotry, than hnyatherKaoK** ! !•' \ X The verv finest Knaznelftd f parlor Storw bo* extant. i « : "a ijr To*Mh«r with Bex Seta, An -ffd x ilut>ll9 are raapootfally inVlted to. nil awJeXaoude ourMttmatre atuck. s iri .!• uMltldn STOVZta. • H';'-. • pYOvll* I Di i II A V?K N -ft lb o 4,1 . MANUFACTURERS Ofl ih"- : [ COOK, PAKbOR and HEATING STOVEiU Warehouse, Federal Street, new !JJew .Sue* P F D »loat>rM g «, ALLRaHBNT CITT. } i$ ~ '■ We *ak th« attanUon cf do*Ur»;tocoiUJg* Maortmmt. of Cooking am) lUallogStotii, for .Vom afiajOooVwb Jth wo aro rolling *t tho lowoat pricaa.. Tboai TUfting our City win find ft to ibelr w)r»nt»f* to git* ®i »|eall;Aoa azarntbo imr *iock b*for»parchtaiogalto* here. 3 !A ■ ;(i Cutliou Uotua Front*,lron Watllog, FcMaa, follow Wua, ' 17*400Bosea, 4 . idly gaining Bit ai pebta Bad ttraagtlu j . • ■■'£■■■. \t | ' ftvaptcttaU&jmirs, [D. N» BARBpIL ; ; - Tali truly prtvtxiixt aod dura for JVptr. and JpMtnd rttfess Avert, will baaeot by tfialljpaalpalo, «a receipt ot>on« dollar.' Alm> (or safc£ at pJI napeeubw Dnugtau and ttmatry Staac. V j \u .■■■:- iMaeHpal. Da pot and Maonfactory. 1M Main ttn*t,Jtkh atoad. Vjt : Branch OSo*, Bilk u Otftsmfcrak-Sofldtog, haw Fork. AdiiM*: jr ■ '■ -21 . j*2ft,wlyT - •i : Joo3g WItOOX A 00- ROiiS -"W'-m pal o(l to |&7 pvt.cf •arrtJtiiKJißg wnnlry, by' u '\l iv’ " h CARTWRIOUT ijYpUNO, i oc6 No. 97 tfood SteeotJ , SUNimS UolWi ! V -13 tofaUTriao WWW Beta**. • , - 80 do Rami Apple*, houd-rtok*!. } &■ - Ido Prune Rolf Battor; 8 baxe* dodo do ocU JAB. A. Vi>TZ>B.eonrcrlf«ik«iand Vint tli. REAL WELSH FLANN&Ir-tnuraatei not u»*bt!oS lo *MU»g»U . ,L ) t \ < 6(JECUfIELD 4 Co.’B, ■licet; •-- CofttCTroimsM»U. AKMSU CUCNTKY FLANNEL, Whit* Z«i)M liuwd, Ctabtr jr BluMac ItHirt «»»*»**, .»tall wrarUDeatM - 3 r.>r.» w!3 - ■■■•■■ 1 ' BOttOHflgLO tOO'A DATES— 30 mug ArebUniNo; 1 jaat'.tt strived tad for Mlotj i; 5- vj^? RITMMJciBiIUSOH, »e 4 -,KctSa’ffoc4«tmt l oti^4t>jh > ph>iUeSot4’^' BK AUTJFU L Wa LL PAR&K& in Orieii <•l*ad BaqattMtUrtt* fcriolo tfy A -. »15- _ vr.t.ittttnux: fiKKBN AWLES—IO toll VI > - * mu Burn, 1x919*9$ jKTIsS SBO R Q'P TBS AT RE x?LUK* MwMfir— Unaoiw. Tri>**orTT«..~~— —.fc. Ui Fr'"r-*«n*a>L otfln ibeaUT**.. 'THIS KIMBKttI»V appwreas %WD, ■ (A-f.jttwn/ Octer6**l Ocbrecn ■ - The bbtofoon! • I • Thn Octoroon! . .1 STOVES, irnfon * co if-bbls. N. 0. (innApplq AMUSEMENTS. PBaNSLIR BILLIARD BAIiOOW~ ftUJTKUy BALL, r, 6fch st.% opposite Pitt«burBli.Xheatre» ,1 JOS. MATTHSWS, Jt* FiOprietMS Til IS elegant and oommodions H«D ib how prorldcd wlili KINS NSW IUSSLSBSO SILUAKO T 4 of tb« l*tNt«sd SMCl«pptev«d U}U Mdiattan, •«iU«otl}»itw!»B fitted up eqaal to any In tbecoaativfc* tbe eeconmndetluo of dtrtena and »tr*nf»rt, tad tor nfc iff, comfort *ad cooTeobnf* to ix* tU Weaieto States. Tb* Propj fetrr eoJldti a «mUDPttk>* of.lbV Patronage *0 liberally beetowed cable tons ibd (UKoref* the pablle that *nrj atteaitoawiU b» ialitolb»lrcotfltrfl and plMwor*. ._> 1 It. B—Aiteotkrrtbasale of Oora, One-Point*, Cbalk and all olber eiHrtdt la Me pan* v wbfeubo candtepuaeef on reasonable temiaad Mtbe, maßnfacrorer’awbofe.efoptk—. ; . , . ■••„/ #ua)=Borfc aimi’iiißirrgWg. -' J. & jI~bbLMAN’S LONDON MUSTARD, 01*11 qo*ljlf<«,ln i*jary tty’eof racking.lmpelledand tor pale tu tat by . !• . GARDNER G.YVEUN, 217 Fulf on Btreet,New Yoilt. ' M«eaia.J A J. Ccixfc* baro recently ton granted * Fat* rkTcax. Imbhm'iox by'the N»w YorkSoperlor OonrVegiiMt • jfrmoduleot par»y for Conntarß-Hlag their Teas* giant *ud Latvia, and will proutnle all p ro-na falling Bpartaea MaiUrd m 'Lein. oc&8m ; 11. WORCESTER'S Improved Fiano Fortes. UANUFAOrOBT AND 6AUBBOOV, (brntr 7had Avert*', BKW TOttK* For a qoarter of.* ceatary, tits Inetrn mania tskaatoctar edat tb© atK.ro Eatablbbmeat bars tankadamoeg thafltat tojlhe country: ShHrihir*biH'7,ttr*iigUi,'*nd dellceev of . lone and tooeh are b’gbty appraetaUd byail who bare *. I lyen tbi m a thorough trial.'- Tbe Proprietor, by giving bla personal attention to iba satmfactnre of each laatromeot, Iri'all tta deUlle, to enabled Id gaaraaloeenperlotaxeeHean* inid reliability hi every rraptct. ocftSot.:,'/. HICHAHDBON'B LINENS, RISH J. .DAUASKS, DIAPERS, SC., € ONSOMERS OF lUCUARDSON’S LIN INI, tnd ibundwlrooi of obtaining tbe OBNIUMfi. SO JDS, Ihoold e a that tbe articles they purchaaaare *•*!■ ed with *b© foil name ol tbe firm, •. J. N. &IOIIA&D9US, BONB * 9WPKN, M a tnaraotM of tbe»van«!n»*«*iiJ durability of tfea flood*.. -ThiscftCUou fi reraJaredMaeatially aeeranry»ttUr» qoaottticaof inferior and dcfertlva Ltnena ftra nraMtadi M«*oe after Maim aod sealed wlth-thenacseot BIOUAIUV 80ff, bf Irish Hoosn, who, regardlMt of th* Injury thas. Inflicted stikecTtLtba Ameifcao conramar and IbemAsoto* torera of the grootoo Gooda, will sot‘ readily abandon a badness to profitable, whila porebassracao ba Imposed on - With Good* of a worthiest character. • J. IiULLOCKI iJ.B. LOOKS. ' Agents. 98 Charch fittest. Hew Tort. ' ; 1 TAB DAQLB BLATB CC., BEING prepared to teceite orders for their. BUPSBIOR UKKIM 4*o rtmPbß a oo r x h a 8 1, A T K 8. wonUeallatteottoototbelowccetofthte Y Pirt-Frovf materiel, u 4 to tb* put purity of eblkcted from slate roots, not bckg impregnated with taint y bf'deeajed ahtnglw or the poisonous qsuHlMof |aliM •BjetaU. Tbvobly Ageaeyestablished by the Companytn ;i 16 the City of New York. P*iti*e wi*hlßg to procure »h*. j Genuine Eagle Company’s Slates tflH p1e«o address the Company, corner 12tb»t»et and 10t!i. areaue, N, T.,or the undersigned, where orders will raoitfa prompt a.tention. 6. fOSSiS^pBt, i Acgoat 1, , 6Q.~eoT:3md - 27 Conttlaodt itrerKH DS, to which they will receive cotutset additions, hy Steamer*, during Uh* Meson Among their stock may he bumf nearly all tbs New Btylre and (Volt Unae of : . SiUe Braid 'Oapi, Bair Bets and Ootjptmi toaeg i Bair Pins, Combe and Ornamentr, SHdee, ~ . ! BeU Buckle* and Clam, Gilt » etc, • Si& Waich Gvara*, Vina ) \ Plated Chains, \ \ ~rv^ j Slqwl ] ) : Pins, Brus&csj’ Garters, Brest jl Button*, Fancy Belt*, Steal and tfilt JctMlry« ifaa#o«*«4ecor» J> , . deont, f mry dfactlptloD. ilMiTataef Banket*, work .Bate* Tobacco BwygprOwn, ftp**, cum and Fancy Articles, orttoitTiibu* : ar* being imported dhect iroa tbo meboactamKo—bifnr gk/Uidl Cul ASJ> KIjMIBX 3tr SI PCS. trtbm,-,. Bide, Oil aitLuilur Jtin. : D KIRKPATRICK A SONS, No. 31/ • BooraTiub etßnT.l«twM& XariM. iudiOlMrtK • i aatctiMU,FbdftdelpbU,tiroforwl* r '■*/'?' DRY ASD JULTXD SPA MSB BIDSS, '■ V i'' . . Dry tod Goto -Silled Pititt Sir*, Tfcdaff ’a Oit, T*nD*r**- . *nd Confer’* TixU, *t the !ow«tt price* Mid apes lb* baC;. terms. ' ; ' M: uf. Ld».- oASDI*ICf» V AtJißwatlM, G»r lid T«llvw:v ;• - j - UAHOLE3 <■ - • :) Pat*£tMßD; L«r4, Wb*4%|#a . OILS fctetUot, Suklqmj Wtul*, TfikMn» ■ - j • rottleray faint, OUfo* mad K*d ojj-w!-. -«* p, -) Wt.lt*, YeUo*. f Ottv*. SOAPS . J rutej t »advUMrßußPo. • AaftutE.lBoo- - - •' , •" > - Roman oehbnt, rosendale oe-< Mtt»T,OALOINU> MiMVU**' Ac., WholuM and UetaiL at low ca»h prioaa, bv - BDWIH A. SMITH iilO r ■ . ■■> , Nortb-Wttttwiw ftoat»ftd.t¥tUo« ttr—U, • • i ■ - • , ! j Ptetladolpfcli ••., e; FoaußT A BOHS, ; v IUPUKTIftt or * HAVANA CIGARS. No. 2MBoaUt VroolotrMit^Pbilftddpblj^fc ' :W« rttoWerojolarly, andoffer. « fobablo Optra.' -■ Th»»tteoUoo of DrtiggUU, Q r,cc*n and oOim blorttod i fcMyo • QAKUS l •JARUBII MOBTKI*g aae*T AMP OUtCAIM- B*tt tad OimfMMt tn Ito Katfcwt. • Cards for Hpuntiiig Photograph Pictures, <■ .. . Of B«p«rforitf»*t,PltcrtmrKli, . .frfclySrV C. B. M. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Lay, hasuhovidto v KDBN.'S . LAW B-UILDINdS-. No. 13 Diamond Street, - 1; fe., ■n«an>jn »ma»«toti.M«rtcimrta rflH OjM ASEW INQ, . i ATTORNEY ANDCODSBILOBATItAW Oflk*, Ho. 166 Ponrlb «Uml| dmt Qtul. - ' :A.tcaHixa:Grrufta.L.,, TAMKBM.BA.tPII, i.’ ( U Ut» ■> PttOtT M4WISQS abd BPMIPIOATIOfIB for oil ktefe" on>aUdlii|v*Qd toporittrsds tbtir owcffc*, « niiniitilr • ", i'-XV; orno* onahdtoos mm, ' 1 brtwwnhßgckoadttoWMcia imota. . ~rs. JoU..,- ~~- . A LUO BENT, it. oaiowicK oniEtMoatDwuau >• CHADWICK Ac SON; ' * ! p«pe» «'n;.d-.. : :R;a;op^*i: 149 andlso Wood Btn< " v~' : ' rmMOXOH,TA. -I f arwnnm-s*m M nuzlMmnr pitau. Thrf UiW«rt*p>lc»nm« atttn B>«* issraassaar. ST""Zm* 9^iSwn!iuSiSSS^, PITTOIPBBB* PA. :• -