The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 17, 1860, Image 3

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    fittstotgfc i&ajcitf-
WBDNEBfIAY MORNIBO* S^ r « 17, lß6 °*
e. 8. ; .8h»w, in sc*.- mnuDß.
9 k*—~~ It s*
II « *• 54 H
a it v 48
L™*-..- -» fci*
rr ft. pofftict OOCBT—Btrotr JtTDai Mo *• d ‘
Oonni^—l* I **^*
Coart :»oi7eftterdey. morning *4 10 o’eloek,
Orond Jary b«ig|-«npiAti»lad »et*
weni bad oftero brief obergefrom the Coart
roitred to their room.
- C 8, District Attorney E. Biddle Hubert*,
oek< dnoonUoaenoe of the o**e of Sprotley nod
Ot< u*indteudol ibeleet term for counterfeit
ing ikeooln of the country. Tbt application
YM booodnpon lb* obsenco of a materiel nil
■ Oi l.! Franoio • Horne of LowrenoerlUe. Too
mottos VM oppooed by Mourn. Porfience ; ond
Cochran, Attorneys for defendant*, on 100
groaado Ibotthe nw hod alreodygone o»er one
tarn for thenotbe reeeon; end Sproilej who w
now lying In joil U r*ry eiok, uooble to go
host and bo token corn of o* hie boil »* *o
high ($8,000) he oonnot procure it. Tbo Ooort
nevertheleoo fronted the requestor Robert*
nod continued 4ho com. No com* Mog i r< * d *
for tried tho Court adjourned till tbio noroiog.
S crux I Oouxr. —The following owes acre
dUpooed cl yecterdoy, Chief. JacUcc Ucrle .nd
Jndgcc ffoOdxcrd.-BiroDg iod Thooipecn on lh«
Brown re. MoCenoe; Jtfferoon. Mr. Loom
for nlclotlff In error enggeitled diminution or
noort, cod iCorcd for i certiorari nod oonllno
u«. Motion greeted- . , „ . , .
Bllrerhbrh re. lowniend,for uoe; Erie.' Ar
gned by -Vlnocct lor plaintiff. In error cod by
Woodraff contra.; _ '
....CoanoifireftUb f*. tel. HtmUion ta. CUy of
Karrtfc Wrigbt, et *L; Jtffonon. Argued
by - Gordo® for defendant in error, sud by Luou
Reefi Wl. Ofay, et el’ ; Erie Argued by
Orest forplelnttff is error, end by De Cemp
ooetra.•• m
IHlUaaeen ef el. we. McClure; Brie. Argued
by M. Bussell Thayer for plaintiff in-error, end
by Welker eonln. ■
Oodst or Quaeres Bmiooe—Before Judges
M’Clarr, Adame end Psrke.
Tmttiq, Oef. 16 —Com. we. Arthur Klrkpel
rlek, indicted for peering counterfeit money.
-Hr. Beiley,- who Is employed in Sboesberger’e
Iron Works, esme la the defendant, e linoensed
terera keeper in Ike fith ward, wilb a SIO bill
for which he dealrtd In get small notes to pay
bin helper.' -The defendantgero Briley a $6 bill
end some notes of.n lesser, denomination, with
which he paid Barney tefferty, his helper, $7
60/ Tbs $5 bill was <m the Harrisburg Bank
of Panes, and eased milled to be a ojnntetfeit
by Ihe defence. These facta were made out by
the Commonwealth; jbnt the rasfo ornrao, the
guilty intent, was not prosed, and the jury
fooad a rerdlnl of acquittal. . .
Com. we. Henry .0. Bhafer, indioled for eeoault
aniL battery os the person of Anoa M. Joses
end her husband. The defendant rente a house
to Hr. Joues, sHuated ou-Jaek’s run, about fire
miles Mow tbs city, j Oo the 28th of September
lest he,' In eompaoy with another gentleman,
passed along by the house, and obserrtug what
appeared ««: be n aotstoh on the door, celled
Hr. Jones, who, withihla wire end a man named
Quail, Wee digging potatoes, end told him that
be did not waot his house defeoed in that way.
Mr. Jones replied that It was only h ohalk mark
end might be easily | rubbed off with a clolb.
Tho defendant retorted that be (Jones) would
not like‘hio hoots abused, to whtob the latter
answered thnX be bed n ten times batter bouse
end newer, minded nosh triffes. The dispute
waxed warmer the longer it -continued, until
Bhafer Jamped ewer .the fence, planted Me fist
In Jones' lortcheek end knooked him down.
\ Jones jumped up, ran away some distance
and pinked up two stones, whiohhs threw at de
fendant. One of them strook him on the shoul
der end bo then turned upon Jonee,,who had
tripped or fallen from exhaustion, and began
beating him while down. He wae pulled off by
Quail, nbsaHrs.Jogee, intelligent lady,
earns upnadlnterfered in her busbandls behalf,
Bhafer spoke to her id wery ooarse language and
pushed her rudely aWay. She states that he
•ilio itrwkiltT la tbeUoe.
There were two lodlotmenta, one for assault
upon the Wife and the other for that upon her
husband. The jury found the defendant guilty
in both tnalenoes. ,
Com. ws. Robert Bay, indioled for bastardy
end adultery, on oath of a woman named ltfer
-geret Ann Heloea. We refrain from publishing
the disgusting testimony. .The jury rendered a
werdiot of guilty, in manner end form as in
Com.;?£ Bernb Donebn* nnd Sarah McDer
molt, indioled for aesauK ud battery, on oath
of as Irishwoman named Elite J«ob Cahill. The
portlet lift In Pennon** Court, off Diamond
iiliy. The prosecutrix swore that on the lOib or
left July the defendant*, who ere yonng-gitla
between 12 end 14 jews or nge, oommjtted no
neennH Md boilerr on ber Hule n girt
nboal 5 jure of eg*.. Tho defendenie produced
•ererel vUneeeeip who testified that the prose*
cutrlx vu t quarrelsome neighbor, end bed beeo
In U* habit of tree!log her child In e most In
homes manner, ao ihatpcople in the neighbor
hood were really alarmed for lie umeo;
nnd farther. theUhe chargee here made were
brought «p against ihe defendant* with the view
of extorting money from the mother of the girls
fwho in a widow) to get drank on. The jury
- rendered n verdict of not guilty, but that the
defendant* pay Ihe eoete of prosecution. .
Com; ?*. Denlel Clark and 8. BeoWn, Indiol
ed. on nalh’of Arthur Bendereon, for laroeny.
* r Oo trial. BUlrioi Attorney Miller appenred for
the eommonweatth and T- B. HamtUon, Esq »
for tba defendant** • .
A Da*wo Bc*otA»r is AiKOßtsr.—About
1 e’deoV jeeUrfej morning, two men succeeded
is effecting on entrance Into the werehouee of
lieirls PcSnos & /Co., wboleeele grocer*, Fed-
MUlmi, M«'»li»:B«nrM4. Ootaf i“to >*»
oßot, whioh to w" lb* <">»* toe robbore
clnok' e light ernTprooeeded to erplore toe
roe a. After woklng eeeerel i Ineffootuet et
leapt. to Upon too eefe, the, ot loot blewoff the
look end euooeedrd lo getting ebon! eix dollere
U oheoge. whloh wee to one of toe drewere,
who. they, were frightened off by henrlog fool*
oiepeot toe door. It eppeere toot toe wore
■hooeennn, whooletpe In the building, hnU bees
;,t ooeieUule perl j nil toe eteniog. end rtturo
• fog to too ; werehouee eboot.'lj o'clock, found
too door ojer. • , .' .
~ Tbtokieg tool Ultroe were witklo, he roe op
ttbe Merot’o offloe eod procured roue foar or
o policemen. It erne their footetepe which
Mwkteaed Ike barglere tod eeaeed them to ez-
Uneuleh too oeodlo. The building being eur
reooded, one would bore thought tool Ihorob
btre could bhre beta eeellj nought, but It wee
the ooUoemu belog too oowerdlj to go boldly
to end erreet them. Ofioer Smith fired et one |
S towTwhu attempted to get out of to. win-
Sow, but dldno further demege toeo eoere him
bMk enlo, hod turn them to toe book of the
wldinWhere they eueereded in geulog out
or owtalow to the ground, :eud nektog good
theto M» lh whole offeir woe o blunder
tog toJegthrooghout, eod the police deeerre lb *
•erefeet oeoeure for toelr menentment of it.
Fiu» Pnti>cii -4 man t»m«i Michael
wtalark alter ippwiid, Won Aid. Taylor, of
tfcs Fifth ward, yesterday morning and prefer
red a oh»r«a«f“abt*l'>l»K goode trader fhlan
mMK" against Angnil Porto. D«no, 11
JJ—era'hsd toiagb la wntoh- worth *36 from rtpreseollog to the letter that
k* fDoma) era*» dot* °* oomoleslon pedlw end
dlepoee of the welch to
advantage be would pay Mb (Winterhalter) the
fw ItT Wtotwholtw atleogib
feMM<!tl»d of welting for hie money “ 4
nmo Inquiries about Dorio, the ooiwero of
SSih wrakaylhlng fcS'n
dod thsohernoter of that indlrlduel—lofaot, it
wh sold that tks ■•oocoolitloo dodge had been
k Tin profitable thing for him, ns hohodrio-
United a oombsr of persons. Brooming alarm
ed, Winterhalter mode Ike shore Information..
The polios wars pul on Dona’s traok sod finally
orerhacUag that gentleman, made him disgorge,
ibaproperty! - On the reoorerr of hie watch,
Winterhalter .left' Iho Aldermen's offloe with a
- very elsHed Ida of ’Squire Taylor’s polios,
kkd ve may hope, to ois so eipreraion not el all.
stale, ’lawlserif not a belter man "
IsaaaousiiM n Autaaisr,—Allegheny.
eUy nppeera lP be Infested nt present with*
•St of Ineradlerlee, for whom hanging-would
he too good. Wilkin a seek eertral fires
kari nesarred tkere, eodool one person arrested
Monday nfiwnoon an attempt ru mads by some,
seonadeele to eel firs to a stable atuobed to the
Pearl UlUa oo Laooek street. Fortunelely the
firewnadlsooesred byeomeor the operetleee,
who promptly ehtoked It before it made any
beadsay. So amaU haro been made as yet,
and It la doahtfal If than will be any.
AaaitrtT ASD BirmT.—A man named Roger
. Jeffrey.was arraated by Aid. donee’ polios, of
tka 6lhwird,yaslardty, to anasar a charge of
aaiaWt.Md battery preferred agalnal blm by a
Oaraaa, named Philip Kaseer- The latter
' ohargSd.JcWrey with kaooklog him (Nasew.) election day, with hdumb ball. Jef
gee»gt»l»gbnllln*2oo to aaewer.tha oharge at
. lr <im - <,n a. l ° | ll’- . -
' month
. jfpH> Meriiskar Is on oor table.' Wareeom
ekakd il ta Ihi ladles, as ana of tka Tory beat
SSSt=**T " *l4.
iddreii to ike People et Allegbeay fm
• The greet freedom, for jb*tsc*
and far protection by the people or Allegheny poop
ty OB the teeond Taetdey ot*
rendered tar nemo celebrated in *t«t flute.. Bat |
there yet remains mnehto be dona. -That? e* bn t »
•kirtpUh preliminary to the greet bettlewhleh le now
cloreapon ae. Let ne not relex our effort*; jletae
again telly to tbeeonflict; let the friend* ofthO
not be content with en ordinary victory—■Abjenero
Lincoln can be- celled to the Preildeoey by a cle
majority of the people of the United ffltate*j «
who ihall rejoloeet bt* potnlug will J>ot
raffraget for him. To that majority *“* b * D /
eonnlycan end wUI cootribnle a fall ten tbndiwd.
We have hot to be faithful to our great c * a,e ‘ t
b dost. Lot every m.o bbor ool.tltb. d *>-'" d
oar eoooty|irM contribot. h.r fall qa»». l» 4"
majority «v.r gireo by r.nn.yl«.nl. to « Chief
fbgii trite will ba out oo the «tb ot Noroniior for
Abrah.m Lioooln, ond for th.iglorloui o.t» of
-which the peopl. b.r. mode hjm tbo taproroaUtlro.
By order or tho Eiecattre Committee of the Alto
gh.o, Coaoty Repoblicaa Club.
Tan Octoboob —Thfl *>Oul Vimj?* U Ihe
Pittsburgh Then re bu lately been obrUteocd,
was filled last night with a ter j large aod fash
ionable aodienoe, to wltoesß the performance of 1
this eensation play. Tiiooe who h4ve beeb prea- I
cot at former repreflenUilona know that this j
drama is full of thrilling incident*, whlobj, when
heightened by soenio effect tad faithful dielioea
'tion, eo transport the fetltaga beholder I
-that every pulea throb* !withexcitement, aod
he sympathizes, lifts Addieou’deauntrjmui, with 1
every oharaoter oo Ibeetage. . This was tbe case |
with maoy of the audience last/bight. | Mien
Kimberley's Impersonation of Zoewas qdmirn
ble. There waa jjO affectation id ,her manner
and mach.genuine feeling displayed in many io
eiaocea, especially in her interviews with (George
Peytoo. Salem Soadder was algo''"a favorite
with the audience. We considered his as
acted exceedingly well . His manner wj*e easy
and natural, nod faU jaalioa was done to the wit
iloiama of the Yankee. The balatjos of the play
was well sustained. Jacob McClogky rather di
verted this audience by his grimaces at time
of the disclosure of the murder. but wjih thin
exception Maj playiog was highly [dratbejlio and
eviooed oooaiierablo talent. ■.
iiL —Jeremiah BriodUnd, t
n arrest by policeman Johc
i eeogers at the Central D<
I bis escape from Hint off
al days ago, has slock beeo:
1 in $lOOO to appear and
,oooft. He was also fined
oily ordioaooe, vrhitjb mak
buukmen, porters and ott
lets of the officers it,our 'i
st before he gets through
ill be likely to fiod it ta ver;
Übld to’b
runner whosi
troubling pai
noticed sevat
and given bs
the obargs a
violating the
cumbent on
obey the or
depots, so tb
matter be wi
live affair,
lacciobrt —A laboring me
y, employed in Ray's Coal
Slaiioo, was rah over by a
Railroad, on Saturds
1 bis legs taken off :He w|
Jlimc, and lying on the )ra<|
I man waa conveyed 'to ihe!
a-Hospltel. where he-died yi
Charles Dal]
near Irwin's
cars on the 1
and had bot)
ioa*ed at the
As enthusiastic meeting of the Sep
was held in the thriving borough of I
bam' on Monday' evening lant., speech
made by W. E. S»ev*neoo, R. Bi Cams
John F. Dravo, Eiqs. Large numbers;
nod a determinatian expressed io it»di
RepubHoan vote in November.' j
First Phiuidm PxmtASflßiP.—The
collection of Diplomas exhibited by Mr]
Doff, tho accomplished profeasor-of pend
Duff's College. Pittsburgh, attract !mueb j
and are rapidly filling ap the classes of tbj
establishment. He U now ihe only protest
man ofaoy reputation teaohing io the citj
Wa hear it 6lated that the Citixsns’i
BailwayCompany has made artaogemi
the Sbarpsburg Plank Road Company,
whioh their line will bs extended to 6b
next spring. i[ |
the GAZrrrK BUILDING, fora term of five]
on rtaonblt Unn Apply m R BRkXT
Sbisglxi.—The shingle marKet is ves
now, and prices have a declining: ,tend<
decline is attribntad by a great many to
being more than equal to the demand, h
danse may be Ifouud in tbe fact that the
not so great as to former jears, abingl
being thooght of when “Groggotf* eel<
pbalt Roofiog Felt" eao be obtained. T
this exoellest material can be found ai
Laoghltn's boildiog, Canal Lank, cei
Water Works.
Midals, breast pins, tyonket-plecc*,
eong books. Life of Abrabem Lincoln,
paper; portraits of Lincoln
sold at greatly reduced prices at Hoot .
Call aod see them.. AU the oewbooki
tines end newspapers can be had pi Hat
Nos. 71 and 75 Fifth street, next door
Office. ? :
.\j9-Wb call the attention of oui
*a articl* adrartUed io •uutto*r colons, <
fOHD. It la an en‘Jrs»y new discovery, »o«
eonfuuoded with any of tbennßwrooapatei
tba d«y. It ta fbal/vr the BUk4 already p>
aorptk)o; itl'Mtnl to tho tuta and unrtoral
«b*t one ntoa, b# r«4etiw. I*t a'l M«**o
eafieriog from poverty, icn|»nrlly o» deft to,*
consequently wlib aom«cbrotilc\ isne*e or a
thW Blood food sad to restored lobeeltn.
oar Druggists bars received ■ anpply nft
alao of Um world renowned DU. SiiTOfif
OORDIAL, which every mother ebooftl bar
no pervgorle or opiate ol .any Mod whatever
Dttat be invalotbto for all infantile! coop!
allay all p«ln, and aofeo tbe gums Ip fioo
aod at these®* time regulate tba towels.
ao4 aoraaa,wbo bare.endured anxious aaj
nights, procure a aupply. and be at obee ml
advertisement. Forael# fey.OK
Ageot, HO Wood »U Ptttstorsb. Pa.- ■ i
|otAld should riot fail toread
IIMMBt o i Prof. Wood, io to-day’i paper.
OH. 11. v. jousaos ON
H. V. Johnson, (Democratic Candidate for
Vice President,) atPittaburyh, Sept. 22.
W Qrud Marshal baa leaned the foil- »wiog order for
the formatkio of tbe Proeeeaioa lay rrenlog, the
18 Alleompeelae will be escorted hr their resell™ AM*,
and are nnetlyditlnd to be to tbe earned po*JUcnß,ao
aataba able to take op tbe line of march ptaoctoatly at tbe
aicoal.lathefollowingorders I • . ’ .
lat Alt Oompaaka ontaldeof Allegheny Oonnty have the
Right of the Procession, aod will form ejk LtUity itrwt,
iheright mating on Bay, el 7 o’clock.
3d jbuetiUre Committee to eertrlagto.l
3d. The Oeetral Wide Awake dob 9! Pittsburgh, with all
Ita diriaioOß, Will form 00 Fifth street, tbi right nelIo«on
Liberty attest, will foiUw Ute flratdivlaloh from abroad.
4ib: All Companies Booth of ibeElrerb. lerioding Bir
mingham. Booth Pittsburgh* Merafield, Ohertkr^tfnowd^D.
Ac Will f-wm Kaataud We»l t-f Motwngkbele Bridge, the
right if each resting <*» bridge, apd -wllijU encorttt Into
Ml position by SmUhßald aod fifth Wrest tj eo Aid-
Tbe right will reft en tbeleft offtfitml Gob,
Uh.-Tbe Third Ward Joriociblrei
Ward LlooJo fltwrde will form 00 Badlb&e'd and BiXtb
isUeari, tbe rlybt ratting on Übmtratreet. „
Ctn. The Allegheny Central Wide AWakea, Butcher*. |
i:iacoln Mlente Meo, Ball BptUtta, AbhA*m Qnard« of
Third Ward, Etna Lincoln «o*rd,pbatpsborg Mlmtolin,
and alt other delegation* North of; tbe Blfera, will farm in
the order above, on Federal atreet, tbd right rwtljr on
bridge, and will beeacortad Into poetifootm Penn and Hay
atresia, right mating on Libony, by aa AtdjJMrWon to
move punctually at ?H o'clock, }•
7th. beat Lioaity Minute Man, lewredesvllla Inaugara*
tors. Fifth Ward Look Oata, Math Ward Wide Awakea.and
all other companies from between toe Hirer*,will form on
Peon atreet, tbe right reatlng on Ptah and Li arty street#.
Sth. M'Keaeport,Klltabeth, .roft Perrfy driega-
Mona from Moeongabeta Valley, :vrill (com oa Grant aod
Seventh streets, right reatlagrm Liberty.]
9ttu The ?lr«l Ward Ltneoin Qaarde pill form on Mar
buy at Teat, the right reeling on' Liberty atreet, aod will
fora tbe Left ofProotmfoa. • i
TbS signal tor taking up the Una ol March will be ilx
w of gf* Ti gred from tbe bead ot the Proceed an, coraer 4 b |
nod Liberty street#, at pretliely o’clock It la etruenly. l
rtooeaCad that all bids and Manuels •hail bare their re*
vpacttve companies to position before the hour for match-
Grand Menbal baa appelated the following FpecUl
Aid** AllredO. Loyd, WllUam Woods,JG»o J U f Negtey,
founael Riddle. Charles Paterens; pal. fit. Holi*:
Tbe abure Fpedtl Alla will wear Bind Baahae.tbe Com pa.
nv Aida&wl la-few nil mooeted.'All toe Aid* nr* r»<ioe«c
ed to meet tbe Grand Marshal atßefoMlwn Heedqoartaf#,
corner fonrih and Wood atra*U, im TBCKjIDAYJI^SN*
IM 18a«b Clobte expected to remain lo pWtloo until dlsmlt-
Wf.* I ** I 1"
.PT K -"-SAJ ? iMriwf.a
—.Th. tollosls* notion wrf* nwilmooily fclopt^i «
HMnbolo, bob! »tH«4|a.ftcwonMomln,
"Irkm tho Ornud H»ib«l U MliLioa to ctiMiO tb»
of Jm*o»10O, If tompotlbloliltO
SJK«th»i& Bom to Plfib, n..i down
rmh’u.ToSrftbw.t.J »»t«r™ * »*'• ■ lm lf u‘
bntftbo m2cb op pinMJltonU noolo. .lAilo.o Wjllt
“u£corf«oco .lib lb. nbcf*. tb* -111 booiodiarf
MloOlemod to ihomolion. t M.Mnia.
ocYlJti ’ 1 ■
Important to Families!
Save Time, Troubje, aijd Ejtpenae.
b st
AHlltll lC#ll *° a
Onepfittfld equal to flixpounds
■ ■ 1 POTASH It--; J
r*r **io *i wunh) hr ■
Penn’a. SaJtManufact’g. Co.
ArHVal of lbs Itssmsr Arsblsf
Halifax, October 16.—The steamship Arabia
has arrived. The prlocipaWcataroa of her adrleef
are embraced in the dispatches from.Cspe Rase pub
lished this morning. - 1
The latest despatches from the seat of war say
that the Piedmontese lancers galloped close to the
gates of Rome in their pursuit of the Pontifical
Liverpool, October 7.—The steamship Illinois,
from New York, arrived at Southampton on tbo Gib
Ida!, The Royal mail steamer Asia arrived at Liv
erpool on the 7lh. The steamship (ire&t Eastern
will be detained al Milford all'tbo wioier. OsptaiO
Hell and'tbe Chief Eogloeer bare been discharged
from farther services.
The Pape has Issued an allocution, oondemoiog
and protesting against the attacks made
on tbe property of the church by ibe Kiog aod Gov
ernment of Piedmont, aod calling oq Kiropwsi for
assistance. Fie deprecates potioj of non-inter
rentloo, expressing.the conviction that the Catholic
Princes would come to his AsslstAnoe. ■ Napoleon
I had replied to tbe Pope, sustaining the policy of non-
I intervention.
Naples—lt is slated, via. Genoa, that Oailbaldi
announces a vlotory along the whole (bat
tbe Royal troops were being punished. A Naples;
despatch of the 2d states that tbe royal troops were,
repulsed from Oaseniie and surrounded. ■ Tbe Oari
baldiaos made 2,000 prisoners. It is reported that
Garibaldi has Invited Victor Emanubl tb Naples to
assume Ihe reign of Government, aod that he would
1 return te his homo.
I M- Berlauij late Secretary of G«o. Gatibaldi, the
I Sicilian Dictator, denies tbe statement that he had
I given orders forcibly to oppose the entfy of the
Piedmontese troops into tbe Nespolilau territory.
He also says that neither he nor Garibaldi counselled
an immediate occupation of Rome at ihe risk of a
oooflict with France.
Stria—Letters from Syria say that many addi
tional arrett* of distinguished chiefs bad produced
a panic amongst tbe Druses concerned in the massa*
cre of tbo Christian*.
Ancona had capitulated and Lsmorciore simended
to Admital Perseus. The Admiral manned yards
and gave him his own cabin. Lsmorciere goes to
Turin by steam to Genoa.
Tbo Sardinian Chambers have rosolvod that tbe
King be authorised to annex to Sardinia those prov
inces of Central and Southern Italy,:ia wbieb tbo
population by diri-ct universal suffrage vote, decide
to become eu ibtagral part of the Sardinian Consti-
l io hotel
Ison, for
Spot and
seer, we j
crested :
t answer
i $2O for
liers, to
vith »ha
y expert-
tutional Monarchy.
Tbo Sardinian army has not entered the-Neapoti
tan territory, bot Garibaldi announces that their
bead quarters will be at Aqallla eud tho King will
command In person.
The forts of Pescara aod Augusta in Sicily ear-,
tendered. Meuiai still holds out. Tbe only province#
left to the Papal government are Civile, Veechia,
Furosinone and Vallcrtria.
Some modifications of Garibaldi’* ministry have
been made to meet tbe views of .the Neapolitan*.
Bertain has beeo discussed. ■
A better feeliDgexiifs between Garibaldi aod lo
tor Emaonel.
A new manifesto of Maxxtni dsciarea no
King of Italy shonld be proclaimed beforo ths king*
I doa of Italy is organtxsd at Rome.
I Garibaldi has granted pensions to tbs mother and
I sisters of Milano, who attempted to assassinals the
King of Naples. ■ , ,
The details of tbe defeat cf the patriots at Capua
State that tbe EogHsh and nnogarian brigade was
badly cut up. . ;
k s named,
train of
i.y night,;
WASHtsoTtia Civr, Oct. IC—A few retains from
a number of the States are necessary to the comple-
tion of the census thereof, aod measures have been
taken to procure them from the respective marshals
at the earliest practicable period. Return* from two
small States and the District of Colombia ooly have
been Teceived. The Secretary of will,
however; in bis annual report tw enabled to ioform
Congress of tbe approximation to, .if not ttbe official
I statement of ibe population o( tbo Doited States.
I Information irutn a reliable source bat b«en re-
I omved In tbUeity that the. Congress of Nicaragua
Will be convened to ratify the treaty between the
I Doited States aod that Republic within tbe time
tberelo designated,
I imposing
'Wb. U.
anabip io
j attention,
is splendid
lionet pen-
I'mis with
f, through
PntLADBLrntA, Oct. 16.—The etlaosiTs Coal Oil
Works or Messrs. Helms k Co., on Bridgewater sl,
near Race, Twenty-Fourth Ward, were totally de
stroyed by fire, together with 1000 gallons of oil,
tanks, stills, maebioery. etc., estimated to be worth
from $30,000 to $40,000, opon which there was no
insurance. Daniel Brown was badly burned and a
man named Smith slightly. Tbe eombustibleneture
! 0 f tbe building and Us contents prevented any
the property being saved. The firemen were
Loot in great numbers, but the want of water at this
point prevented their terviees from being of mnch
r avail. ,
STORY of 1
J ratter lew,
iy call Jaetl
iacy. This
< the supply
>it the real
demaod is
11 roofs not
< brated As
ia agent for
bis office,
r the city
RiCHUosD. Va, October 16.—'Tbe remeloi of the
Ule Commodore Skinner were laid in state at the
Capitol U»l night, tbe first regiment acting as tbe
guard of hooor. Tbe regiment also escorted tbe fa
malos to tbe Norfolk train this morning.
The Richmond Enquirer alludes to the late elec
tion, as showing that Linooln wbl carry the North
over all opposition, while the South wfll unite oo
Mr. Breckeoridgena tbe candidate of tbe Democracy,
bot fears it is now too late to prevent Lincoln's eleo
ttou. The article closed by urging tbe South to
harmonious action in the oomiog eontast.
io, doth or
is, wilt be
t Miners.—
•lata tnaga*
t A Miners,
to tbe Poet
Albaay, Oat 16.—Baroo Renfrew and sails ar
rived tn>m West Point at 5 o’clock tbit evening.
They were met on the river by tbe Mayor aod Coao-J
oil. The atreeia were crowdod. Tbo Baron-was es*
curled by the military to Congroia Hall. This
evening the Prince and sail# dine with Gov. Morgan
and staff. Hod. Wb. H.* Seward being an loviied
gneat Tbo Baron and bis suit* leave at 9 o'clock
to.morrow morniog. for Boston. They will be
escorted to the depot by tba Burgesses corps.
readers to
alltd tUK>D
OlBflt uot te
t maJiduea «»f
spared for
In setioo, au«l
tbro, ebo are
j of Mood, and
We notice that
ita article, «nd
i. It contains
, aod of room
Oases, OeL |fl.—Pour men, noknowo, arrested
for b»r*e stealing and ooefioed at Council Bluff*,
wer* taken from the jail aod one of them, named
McGuire, was found suspended from tbe Umb of a
tree near’ tba town, (bU morning, dehd. The
others are supposed to bare met tbe eame fete, bat
their bodies here not been found. Great excitement
prevails. •
dote, it w tu
rn of toothing,
,it»U motbara
a and »tc*pl*»*
the adyer-
. CtscinKATi, October 16—lleory Eimso, liquor
dealer on Mein 5 street, forged his fatber-10-law's
name for six thousand dollars, and then left for parts
unknown. , , ,
Yesterday the engioe of tbe express train bonnd
east, on tba Ceotral Ohio Road, flew the.track new
Cambridge, killing James Free, engineer, aod
Charles Rusk, fireman.
Wear Poist, N. Y., October Pildm was
recoivod hero with a salute or seventeen gnu; he
then witnessed e review of the cadets, attended a
bop, and left for Albany tbU morning. It ia staled
that be wUI visit America again this winter, to as
to visit tbe Southern Stelae. ! .
Bosto «, October 16.— I The Hem Hannibal Hamlin
arrived here laet night, and wee escorted from tbe
depot by tbe Wide Awakes to their headquarters.
One bnndred Wide Awakes aeeampsnlod him from
Bangor to take part to tbe grand torchlight parade,
to-night. ( “ .
Ouaii a, K. T., Oct. li—The official return* fra In
from all the organised coon lias in the Territory. Mr.
Daily, tbe KepnbUcao,'Candidate fur Congrfcis, has
162 majority.
Cobcobd, N. JI, Ocu i6.-rThe Bute Convention
of tbe Breckiuridger* nominated B. W. Jeonewfor
Governor, and K. Morrison. Peol R. George and
Etra J. Olidden forCoogress.
Moarreuw, VtT, Oct. 16.—10 Joint Auembly,
State officers were elected as fnllowa: Secretary oi
Btale, B. W. Doan ; Auditor, Jeptba Bradley j Su
perintendent e£Btate Fiiilon, H> .Barlow. -, OoLie;—AodrewEwlog «4 lilll S:
Brown of Tonnnren pu..d through h«re toll >fl«r
noon «n root. for Now York, to .tamp tho lnttn
But. lo f.ror of tho fmlon tnoremoot
gjacoted at TniS OFFICE, on the moet fevoFablo
t«rmt and at the ahoriett do tics.
Notice to Bnllden anil Contraelors.
TUF, UNDERSIGNED (formerly Foromnn
for ROWLAND PARRY,) would reVpxtfallj Inform thorn
lor whim be bn done work, anil tbe public fsoeratly, that
ba Is now prepared tn faralah BLATR of diffareoi ct>l--ra,
(creso, blue and purple,) nr put uq FLtTH HOOPd tn the
nualatfbftiTed 'tiiaoMr. Own for tlnofliig or repairing of
Mate Roofs (If Wft at tba t-filee of ALRX..LA€QDLItf,
near the Water Works,) will be promptly •ttoodcd to. ‘
•svlttdmd ■ . TIIOMAg PARRY
DENTAL.— DR. BTBbBINS will guanro
tee be 1 ter twryelo* In ARTIFICIAL TuYU,.ln
serted on tbe Vulcanite BM*, teVlog Into eeamat the ia>
Krlor quality aud'reasonsble prices of bt* work, tb«n eaa
obtatued elsewhere In tho city of PUtehonf *, and (base
who are Id want of that kndof article will co welt to give
him a call, ae he la reeolved oot to allow himself. to lwun*
derold by any one wao cao equal the elyle and finish af
blsartlOcM est*. OFFIOK at 191 Perm »t. nnUily
did steamer HASTINGS, B. U*>blnaob. Master, Andrew
Beers, Oletk, will leave for tba aboveaed all inlernedtate
portion SATURDAY, SOth Instant, at 10 o'clock a. at. For
Iraiebt or passage sppty 00 board or to
0.10 FL4OK.B4RNEB ACO^Agle,
fenni.Aß TUESDAY PACK-. IPft ta
wr TOR ZANB3YILLIL—TIia fine o«w4fl||H ,
■leaner EMM A OHABAtt,&pLMfiita<nA»aw. will leave
tar tbe above'sod alt laterifiStele poru, *my TUESDAY
Ins S * M. For height orpasaae* apply 00 board, or to
**l ; FLACK. EAKNBB A (Xh.Ag'ti.
BAlia iUUUOFF&E, from Fair to
•dllU Choice prlmai on hand aad arrlvlag P* eale by,
riiANNKH'S bbls. for side by.^
1 A B. A. y&HNUTOOff 4 UQm.
' I eora»rflff>tti»adWood»U.
(JKKKNTIN& ai'lttlTB ,^BobblB.forf, iale
“ t nK - * MHHKBTJOK A Off,
Jfc - •: v gyfrrtMtOHß* Wood «tj
“4 GOOU • ASSOKIMfSfIT or rtitkllUliof i
T IMS—ISO bbU ftcthjttrtwo’d. forMJjby
11 gSTOT B« QQUUVB* , r
• M«na».ay. I-.i• I [• 3*l* w
ic.JrL t&4 PUUmr,l '^.‘f^ 0
’VfmXWAT, Oct J l7. 1800.
ouUrial ebang* to nota la w 1
“ l “ : ) Bop *l S«x«^l
76 bbt* from ttore...M. -j gg
76 do do ....M -r*i gso n 26
liw do do 1 btt 68T 030
I#J do d».***r j 537 6&! •6 60
M do do 6 40 690 6 W
{rJKTJli.irwi-.0-% «
2SSSrSf3^-«- i s
WR at I0c( W do dbal l®lj , , g# Amn
BADON-Is qaWt ffi? 1000
lbs fibonlden at 1 **
•lo.fiogar Cure-1 hattM »t *®' ,1 im n«uAv
FKKO—BaUaot SCO bo»t» mlWUngs at |l p« lOQpoaads;
at 06c—barrels reatoM; JO do f 0 2st Mo. and 300 bb^a
tr "l"iO*-POLf!t— fialesofj-iojw U*hla »t| l2 i 1600
* I! EUOS-towce and’ln 8»’« of 3>«■ at IS
oi 8 bbl* and 11>* prim* roll at 13 r*ots.
Thsre Is bol little fwmarkatl
OIIX6T.NUT4—BaIswof Io;bu*b *»$*!»».
APPLK —Sale* of 60 blili al |I,M.
We annex a comparative slattiMnS of the Imports of
fjrelgi. dry goods abd a.-oeral mfrchaadlsa at Hew York
for ib* we»k aadslofaJsn, l: . „ 1
v.n-th.vMifc 1868. IBS® (800.
r.‘ |77W,313 f |1.636.3«7
Qen-rel UtrcbaivdiM ... 1,*48,« ® MlhpM*
For tbo week fA»:W®B
Prerk.asly rcforud: 113.M9.M3 191,613,M3 183,041,430
Place Jan. 1.~ ....BUfi.7B6 l M‘6|lM,»34>UB $137,036,328
Ta* follbWiog Is tbe sblptnenl of specie ft r the wesk end-
Brl* J Bcarmaan, Pott ea p’riaoe. epecle 203
Bark Roetmck, Uoe&oca
Bfii J U Dwirjn, Para, Araercaa
Htaemt-r Arago, il*vr»,ap«Sa~— j........ .1.09
Naw bsuiirs Misxn, Octowr li—r. ■-—Floor Is dull
aod price* drooping. tLoosb not qnotably lower ; aslee at
IMOaiSfer soperflnr. Cota doll and price* declining;
mixed 60®8Se, and whit# M®7oc- Mem Pork—U eomlMl
atB3o@|aj,6o. Baton—Pa(! smd prf m nominal at 10c for
and 133 for Side*. Bogar noeftaegad. Ho far
ther orriTsls of aew crop Wbleky la dnll at .30 cents lor
crop. - : .
Tat Import* «>f fonlitn merchandise at Baltimore the last
vena amoaowd to 6367 063.;0T which amount 6116,416 war*
dory paying, aod |<sl 608 free good*. The MM export*
for ibe wsek were $391,721, smoung wbieb were 16 044 bbls
floor, Z? 8 tible corn meat, 3,684 bnsheU oern, 60,067 tfushel*
whrat, 7 this rje floor, pnd 1,081 hbds Isaf tobecca
Ths Osarb Taowx Btocxxe cr With fum.nt— A tale
graph dupotch was received by Tayb-rA BrotWyeaUrday,
from tbe Oeneral FreUbt Ageot ot the Grand Trank R*H
way at Montreal, rn;qrillDgtb*m to notify bar rood* to
wrtltDg that no mare freight would ba received at the weal
ern termlnne of ihe road until further notice, as tbe
was now completely blocked ap Ootion already contracted
andln traoelt wonid U rtcHved.bat no mera eontroets
most be m >de for the pres-pt.—Oiorinnatl Ossetia, October
9ih. ] \
loo*—Tber* hob been copiWerable inquiry far Pig. Metal
ter future delivery at fUurt* rather Ulow tb* views el
holdara. A Dumber ol the makers have already ebl« ait
tb*y oeo <Lliv«r for tbs bataeceof tha year. Boles of 600
too* Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite at 522,10 and $21,60,6 months.
An invelc* of Bcych Pig, which arrived last wf-k. rarualas
on «old. Bales tn lots, from store, at s3i. 0 moo.—PblL Gam
u*t • j
Boeig* Pxl* —(Owgo of •eh'Xroftr. John Qilplo.'
from NHU*»)—10)0 DOXM baneb. $3,7* 600 half
*>dosl l 37U, 2005qairUT<J<i rto 2.M0 bx* Ujer
400 hf Jo do i,«; MO qitrttr do no
Tic, 4 »*>• —*tl Jobs Cleta<sn'» brand. j
Toe lo!lo«(d((lr» IsMip* U*bu lo lb* -report* ottbs
banka lu tho fjorjdUoa »twr* »«cklj •lateainta tro pah
tiabad: 11 « \
Ldbu. i .Dnpoaita Bpacta ClreoUl'n.
N York, Oct- 13|134.8*9.4M 76.353*03 20,111,008 9,487,637
rtiiu, Oct. 14_ 1 16,822*38 6*76.099 2 832*38
Bofttoa, Oct 16.64,042,90 U.M0.636 0,870122 7*18814
N.Orl'a, Oct. 11. ] 957.1,973 14,382034 9*15,997 8,872*39
| Total .*441,317,3911*7*98*61 *0*4*304 SS*»l*Bo
| LMt «««k 341*4 4,0# 127,096,881*0,0*6*04 o*Bl*so
wq 677 $67,762
' ; SUM,39B 81*3106
TM W**klj of tb» PblUMpU* bnkbprnnta
lb« following itfgreg«b*, ! u conpcrvd wllh tboa* of tb»
prevlai **ek: i
oet. 8. OcUtt. *
Capital Block *11,790,076 fIITMoOO Ine.~* 3316
LoU«. «na.«w ».umss 100... saw
gr*ci« 4.661,947 4.5M.W* Kec... 63,967
DoilniDo4bfrt)inU> 1.T919U 1 Dae... 6)1,917
Do* to «ib«r 8,183.699 3114 499 D*f~. 69.00
Dmo«IU .... 16.879.463 16.786.931 D*C~. 93.630
OircolklKiD $.0)6,864 3.011,060 Inc... 10,206
Tb» U • conpiratlr* aUlaHvaot oi tba eobd
, lion cf tfa« B.nka of tb* Clip of Slav Tork Sapt. 2», and
lOct. o. i Oct. ia.
Leo, |IM.S37.UT D*C-|M7,2HI
» P t<i» ; T 30,1:7 ,om S).U7,*» ioc_. ».sm
CiKulalfeu: MtT.637 9610607 1m... *l*7o
DrpedU. : 7C£l ,3*B 76,1707 m .Dm... 1206.657
—}N. T. TrltwiU. •
ten tf; lb* Bjblc of lb* Butt of ludtana, B«pt»ni-
! t WflO:{ . . . . . •:—••••'
| ; tunr •
N'otMitod BliUDawoMfd --$7,435,069,69
{Unking UuQ«k~ i —. 1153,322,87.
OiberhM)B«tittt..... \ — - m.« 9 0f
R«(dIU4UCb nod vtb»r Itnmi 113,107,97 ;
; ! .. 562,06935
Oiher B*nl
Hraocb B»Uo.-b*..
NoU» of 9th«r feaokf....4-.......
Hold and silver.
Surplus Fund..............4'.
Profit aod Loe*... —L.
IrtditUtnl • W*W»
Dotttinwl Dltldwid*...;....— —■•— S.WWO
Olber llema . M.607-.M
Dutotbtr ™—18,074,91
Lomoaport Branch me allowed to IftCTMM her ceplUl
$56,000, and #oulb Bebd Bruch $60,000. Tba dl&reat
brancbea w*r« ty. AoorUblbc ceodlllcß.,
Baltwou Oorra CricrMh —Tbe Collowi&c to *b* week
-17 nportof M«m. Wbiu * Xldtr, broktra
Ht>ck of Bio &ff*.o4 l* 6o * '
Rmlnd aloof, par baKimOUltoo,
TcUl, ’
. Taken fur cooaampUuri,
Stock et Bio kbte dey, •
:• s\ia
600 tot* Rla, ex Anr>W«r*ick,
13*1 -. •• •*;
710 •• “ 4ra,ir*« There**,
1300 h M " y
160 “ »• ; “
1300 “ Tr*T«ller,
4UO “ f. Ollitcja,
10/ftObagi. >
> TketUel thoeeetloo* of tb« put week eoonot to 14,000 I
tinm tbdlodlogCOMO bege retold from fi*Uoc MtvoM, j
aw to IbU br good Mr to chofc* qaelUjr, ebowlog • 1
•lUbt imprateoivtit to the r»lo* of the better gnAtm,t+
mcMlj. Too coneonjptlT* demand weal to be etetdllj Ip- 1
crwAloa. ead (ettroogi* lodlcaUreof the exhausted eopplj
of iho iottrlor. Wo iwtlmtte the dock to flr»t boom M
1500 tige, inoetot medium qaetlljf. Tbe tpeikot dkeee
oert flrto, ,v ’> -
Vb quota iprlsoa Rio at 140, good al 1414 to ltjic, fair at
14 U, It 1 .;-, ordinal, ,1 la to I3J4”b Lltoajn at nto Ito,
Java at 17 tb 18c. ■■ 1 ■- •' ■ .
Importa a, Blaai. -j
WHMLlNa—parUliiarta-KB taphaUv. Rbodaa 4 |
Varoar. 144 codo,Q; W flialth; 90 btayhaaLßonn 4 DP- I
wortb; 11 tibia appall Ho'potatoaa, Jaaao l l4 fUlart SO I
baga opplaa,' 4 aaHotp 70 1140.0000, 1 bbl applaa, 4fiaotan I
09 OU (laallßakaaall, PtOl* 4 cot I M applaa, Bro»aatllU I
a bait eoatl 3do do&s W W WaIMB I*«* "J-1
drlea, J ArbooUo; IOJ MU ptpor. °»<d * aoai *» 1
ulaa,Roblo«n,MU44oi» l«larga tno.JoboHo»dati 4
boo; »t brlcka, at Itlaa, RT Baiun IH WOkl, J B-M 1
Mil «lakj|ata.mar Baalim* laba *ooI,.WIIIIaM Batfcar.
POBTBMOU ni—par Ballta Utt—B obla ala, tS Of 00U do,
83 bbU.BprSieat 40*rratd; tO7 bbU»oor,fltorbo 4 00; lid
Ola applefl do potato!* 4 B Bnaatlao; 125 toot plf laoUI,
oworr 00 board. ?\ ■ ■
CIBCIKItATI—par Halootla—lKltaol plr natal, BO
bortaU; aabWa 4 Ibonta; ttdodo, J M
Booadao ion «do do, W B Bnllb B a* do dAdnoph
0 Loach ill at do do, i H’Oltl4 Mi 4* do do, tl do floor,
«!£H.O.p»tnoidrettdodo, Laocb AHotchtoaea;
to do di ll flora Ini SI doaoo beoona,,9o bn dmfl bbU
abi.kj, John 7 Mcflotona 4 00, 39» oil bblo, 4 good.
lotpOtU bp floUftod. I
pft W 1C K K—2 eon nllroad Iron, O DUrkn; 18S
bbta Booribo corn lo tmlb,P Wollacai 7* bblo flovid I
Oruij 2 bit machlrior,,J Wagon Joon cot* I Ball 4ooi
ZciMßllkaWd Tbt*mp#oo« 2® bble cow 011,0 Tbatatei 1
SS’kbM-U »!™<»l IOOMI. oOjr, J 11c00 | 1,4
oo: A d«dt btouma. B RcMocm A c« loth h foioltarr, awl
eiatotU; 8 oer lootfwbwt, IlHobcoek, MCreary An* % Me j
kmtier 1 do refffa 4 CO, 77 hldnJ f UoUflfh* I
lin A m 13} tea* fbMip MeQtorkeo, Urtroe 4«;I3 bble I
iTdodoaH Gerwic; ttdewu
SSa'idTow:WMOir-M.J * W
daiinr beaooltibbUpW itukoown; 89 del bwkrte, 20 I
wV toithk a C tou, i
iinkmibriJ UiDtbirti Hit 1 bd acrip IroOoT MoAstej; I
I d ttTOor, 73 .1. bbU, a WBmllb; 9
tie rl?*tj «do B T*w»upd
pk 0 k R—2JB beebetleTi Wdo dd»f Bell*co; 1 leak* I
9 plalat, Uaibaanl 400. 'Sntnnfo I
loratle UMber,Olerke A cd; 87 tie eweet potetore.
h o y.V?inlf-i T 1 do I biulefoWB floor bblli J A Fetier, l bbl
™J DbtXr«Mth opplto iooalhao 4c« 11
%nnll»at. Soiled o.»o, I flail
aSfbbbloplKfl * d Ooialbont »*>•«. WWBojU 4o«
»USaKS.Ataall, lao4oo tpkpL*'”<£
,2 u w 0 Qedekobt 0 eke te«e. J B WeWloj 26 I
Iko abfpiSSl, M?bla oaoot potobao, Ud do opplao 11 ab.
irha .Mt ootetoee. 8 bble itfii A Bello*; 100 bble
XS »Xbur*Sr>“' • ta ' bo v“ 5 di “L" »
bbU oufloil, Iflarka 4 cat .18 doappla* Meranataaa; 41 poa
nStloni W K’Blror 4 w ST.bbla aMdawfl H faaljl It do
?*.l iEXrenn. luO bdUpebef. J M ferkfoi; 1*
1 vfctf Ta MtTMper, BeoakA cm M 0 eke
ba.£p*OWflmlß sa jbßappK,J UOa«pnall; Bbla door
24 bga pbtalooy 18 bfla Bad, d A Palaar. ;
: j: - :BiV8Bt8»»w»t' ' ■/■
Tborlaorcoolloaao loratoda Woaly al.lbto polol, and I
kßlr‘'b "»it tbrr* UlUadcaa «’* f‘«< bp Iba phe
SSr *ba waaiß-r •«* doodj. Ibotljb oMßOtUaaant, aid
lwt nleb» *rr» fe*owb»e to more Talk. • • :
b?lba ibatt aaa calhar dbll lalba BBi, ofablpr
“ikub .IriVaWwitVtbe Belli# kht from Pottnaovtb, lbl>
J** SStTnelL eod Hlowri, !*o« .Wbeeltaf, ell
wtuTfelr ti hje." Tbe Boiaui OrebeßJ, to ItMnf'lCeHJ
to Wbwlitw lOMiinne the deiMlorw. i TbeoftoettMthe
Mtolni iod f MB "P** *«“*»» tot <m Qian Hoaee
Ripple.! v
CimUn-TM l»'.k*lb*; U hoo Ite CtmmM «
ll4Bd«!| '
i tb*rM i* eMm *«« fr>y» -g*»»yftjgSWEg
i ■m mo flmM fail iHimwnw >1 titTffnwwtiif
prowl, ind tb*r* ir* now faUy ft** fc*t w»irf
MtftoWhMeatb* Lower topito™.tbo mW»“«
Mtorari iWorr-Btotl suUoMry, wKb two,
nor* in thiM ooou bov toodtsc •* ,flt,, TE!rz
SS BbT*Uob»lMb«w*oo bond,
Stow !-.!-&>• Kfinnid loom ibte miss** Wtol'
Imii .Tb*Udj Joelwoo Utfo* M* [ ro “ M *®P b J , l J^
d - „..Tb* Udy Jistomwoo* to on «*tari»r ffl" » «*»
of eotwo,oofl w«I rrtoroooTbemtar*, •
;Tol«ffrspbl« Mmrftflt* I
pßtUM&riili* Oct. 11—Ibt dotoond for- UjWttui I
off 1 mlm it |& 871403 for eons moo i#d l®°d B 0 I
Wtoruui fomlly.oo4* 6 . 7 f. l< f. £ *£} I
•d»*bc<ST•»)*• WOO tmtta *•»! ** * l . 3e 9**WS
vfclt* it 414301 W. Prime jdfow 0001 «V!^
&M«rio|; , .wrA l w
wbtu. Oorii Aim. tnlx*d it 87e. ProtUk»u» «t**uy. ***«•
firm. wbJiky firm .*r uvar. to ft*- Rmt<e I
N»wToll'.Oct 16 Ploarquiet it|G 40@6M"f oltw
ti ftftflirt (of ind 45 for SooUrtro* Wboot Ibow.!
mImMMQO lm»botsl 800183 for Mil. Club, ind|l 4301
MObkmfro.jCorq brttj; nU* *!{?* 6r « fc w
M»*,oo4 tt Jnw ‘ "bfo*
»fl —Hoardoll in* prle«nomlo*l*nd
ooiiordFWhiot doll it St Io@i Mlbr t*a»TidMd
wbiU Cor* dull lU 30058 for n*w ood 40033 for oW«r*.
Proriilon* qufot, nolhin*dolßgrX£*t>t * ,
tob»d*ltT*red to Nofenber. wbbty aall it
WHEREAS, in and by the 13 th section! oi
the Art of the General Assembly rtf P*?®^ I***** 1 *****
named July 2d, WC9,entitled “AnArtwtatitf towtfjwe
tioniof tbliiCommonwealth,”lt>eojol^oo JbsSbjrUf |
ofeveryoouaty togive noticeof soebelections tolbe bud,,
tad enumerate lo neb ootkavbM officers ■« *? bsdsrtad.
lopamunM I, JAMES L. GRAHAM, BbwiffpTth*
county or Allegheny, do there tore mkke kngwD.aDd P’»
thlspublle notice to lb# elector* of mM county of AIIsghe
ny,that»GENERALELECTION wlllbetomidooau
to, on the;rittSt TUESDAY.eth DAY Of NOVEMBER
NEXT, at the s*tct»l Elertitm Districts therein. I
And M directed by Hid 13th section of the Actor Jwf,
1839,1 hereby give notice, that every person (excepting
Justice* of the Peace) who shall bold any Office or sptxitotp
meet of profit or trust, under th* Gorenunaat of the Uolud
State*, or of thiiSlaie,orofatiy dty,or incorporated dlitrtct,
whether a dommisaioaed officer or otberwtoe * subordinate
offleeror Agent, who U or shall bo employed under the jleg-
UlaUre, executive or Judiciary department of thu&tate,«r
of the United State*, or of any dty or incorporated dlswet,
and also that ercry member of Opogren, and of the Bute
Lecislature. and of the selector common eounefl of any dty,
or commissioner! of any incorporated district, labylawlo
capable of bolding or exercising at the samo time, the office
or appointment of J edge, Inspector or Clerk, of any election
of this Commonwealth; and that no Inspector, Judge or
•other officor of any such election shall bo eligible to;any
office to be then roted for , •, i
And further, that by the 4th eectlon of the Aetof April
16th, 1840,'1t Is provided,that the aforesaid 13th section of
tlwAct of Jnly 3d» 1839, shall not be so construed as to pre
vent any militia officer or boroogh officer from aertlng
Judg#, inspector or clerk, at adfr general or special ilaetion
SSoreofttoFirat Ward of the dty orPUtsburgh to
meet at tb* Public ficbool Urns* to**M W«L
The electors of the Second Ward of the dty of Pittsburgh
to meet at the Public School Douse In ealdward. .i „
The electors of the Third Ward of the City of Pitts
burgh, fim product, to meet at the' bone* of Robert
QlUesple, Corner of Tunnel and Wylie street#; second pre
cinct to meet at the house of Frauds Jamison, corner of
BUthaad'Smitbfleld streets.: __ J ■
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the dty of Pittsburgh,
to meet at'the Public Bcbool House In said Ward. .
-ft?electors of tha Fifth Ward ot the city of Pittsburgh
first product, to meet at Liberty street School Bouse;
toineet atTth* Public School Bouse In said Ward. !
The elector* of the Eighth Ward of the dty «tt»burgh
to meet at the |*nhUcBaiool Bouse in said Ward.
The electors of the Ninth Ward ol tha cityof Pittsburgh
to meet at the PabUo School House to said Ward. ■
The sloetorsof the First Ward ofthe dty of Allegheny to
meetat the PublieSchool Boom in said ward.
The electors of the Second Ward of th* dty of Allegheny
; to meet at the Brick tscbool Bouse, corner of Palo Alto and
! bh«t>n«pto »>re»t*. In sai l ward. - „ . ■
.The electors of tbs Third Ward .of the dty of Alleghany to
meetat the Public School Hoosstomld Ward. \
Tha-slettorsof tbs Fourth Ward of the dty of Al J* Bh !T y i
flrat product, to meet at, the office of Aldermen Ktm*ft*r
Derby, corner of Anders « and Robio«» str-rata; socood
jreclr.ct At «be hoo« of Jamb Pack, cornsrofChesnot and
The electors of the borough of Birmingham, first precinct,
to meet at the Pablk School House; second precinct, at the
B ¥fr,«^o°<t d Ewtßinntnstum
at BchodHouso No. i, to said borough. - ■ -
The ekclors of Duqueene borough to meet at th* Public
School House In esid borough.
The eltctors of the borough of Lawreneerllleto msetat
the Public School House In mldborougb.
Theelectofsoftbebofooghof Shsrpsburgto meet st the
bouse ofjamet Sharp to saidboroagh. |
The eloctoTs ofthe borough of McKeesport to meet at th*
Town Hell to said borough. . • :
Tbs alectora of the botcugb of TempecaaceTiue w meet
at tba Public School flooee In said borough. ; ■
The electors of the borough of South Pittsborgb to . msrt
at the Public tebool Mouse, corner of Marlon stmt and
B lx rough of Wert Pittsburgh to meet At
the Public School Housain «*|d borough. , h .
The elector* ofthe borough of Tarentum to most; at tha
to most at tbs
Pl The*l#elanoftba borough of,Elizabeth to meelat the
bouse or H Q Taylor, formerly occupied by John Walker,
otortortof toe borough of fiewiebley* to msetat the
Public BcbooHlouse in eaW borough.
- The elector* of MoooogabeW borough to meet at tn*
School Houeeio said borouab, .
The electors of Election District No. l.of Paebleo town
shipto meet at the house of John Bdtler, la tba villageol
ofEloctlonDistrict No. 2, inPeehlii town
■hip, tomsetattbeGlenHoteUn said :
The electora Of Pitt township to maetattho toiblfo School
housN near Oahlaad. to »ldtowi»hip,«xcn» qualified
voter* rwldt&g to webon* St*. 4,7 and U. in the cl y dto |
trkt, who shall Tote at ail the general eucliona, to to*
Ninth Ward of the dty of Pittsborgb. .
The alectora of OoUlne township to meet attbabouM of
Wm. SPCall, to the vfllag# offcast Liberty. J
The electon of Wilkins toWMbto to meet at the PuUlc I
School House to the village of Witklnaburg, la eaidtowti-
electors of Plum township to meet st the house of
John fiommerrille to add - :.
The electors <H Patton townsbip to meet at tbabouw of
Abraliatti Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, m said town-
el actors of Penn township to meet at tha bouse of
Robert: Deoaldtoo, on the Leech burg Road, In Mid towu-
1.808 >47,90
2,112 950,90
■ trifs&f&fit
elector* or VenaQle* towuahip to meet at too goMje <
Behoui.Uoaae, on tbo farm of Datid Shaw, near the Whit*
Houee, 1 formerly occupied by Tbomea Neal; now VFj William
*The elector* of Ellxabeth towntolp to meet at tooboooorf \
B. o.' Taylor, formerly occupied by Jobs Walker, In
BUxnboto borough. i
The elector* of Jefienoa townablp to meet at to* booe* ©1
Michael Soee, formorly occupied by John King, InaaM town*
* h TheVector* of Mifflin towntolp to moel at the hone* of
gun oel WUean, formerly occupied by Jamee H. Neel,lo*ald
elector* of Upper SL Clair townablp to meet nt the
bouee'of ln aald township. „ . ■
Tbe eleetor* of Lower tit. Clair towntolp to meet at to*
botue: utoly krai by F. Hello, at toe junction of toe Bir*
mlnatiam end OcedHlH rued*,in mid township. ;
Tbe elector* of Chartler* township Jto meet *i;tbe house
of William Obey, on the Pittsburgh and SteubenrilUTurn*
elector* of BoMnaou townablpto meet at the boom
of Salto M’Ferland, formerly Audley MParUnd, in mid
The elector* of Findley townablpto meet at the hoc** _oi
•TCMland A. Anner, formerly,occupied by J. Charles, In
the tillage if CllQton,ln aald township, ... . . _
The elector* of Boon towntotp to tmt at School Boom
Ho. 6, In said townablp.
' Tbe elector* of Ohio towuahip to meet at the boom of
Beery V.Tbemparn, in aald. townahip. !
The electors of Franklin townablp. to meet at tbe boom
oocuplad by Joeepb aald lowneblp. ] _ • I
Tbe elector* ol Beaerre townablp to meet atjthe Bobool 1
HoUa* No. In mil townablp. !
Tbe elec to reef Baldwin towuahip to meet et toe bourn of
John Corw.n, In *ald towntolp, : 'J_
Tbe elector* or MoOlure towntolp, to meet at tbe buae*
of lacob SckarLon Wood’* Ban.ln seta towatoip.
The electoreof Snowden township to meet at the bone* of,
Peter Boyer, In eald townablp. ' , ’’ I . ,
- The electon of Sooth Vayetle towntotp to meet at the
hottee of B. Baye, ou tbe term of O. Y.Ooalur,tn eaid town*
.... .... 738£6&,92
}Sj® I3 K
i lift
! I*S
i lUUti.
•lector* of North Beetle township to.tneet at the
fcrm-rly oeenpiei by FrmocU Jamison, at Bedgsr*.
In said toinsblp. . r
* elector* toof Bote township to meet at tb* bone* pi
JMselL on the Franklin Hoed, In said tostpship, ' .
elector* of Pine township to meet atr bouse of
a Crummy, In aald towoehip.
£&• elector* of STOandlemtowiisttp to meet at the bourn
of Joeepb Hoon in add township. > •
■the electors of Weet Deer township to meet at the boom
of Nathan Conley, in said township. ■ „
thedeetomm feut Deertownehlp to meet *t the Pnblio
School IIoQM nt the mouth of BsUey*e ban
«k« eUcture of Fawn township, Qrtt precinct, to meet ;
■ttheeehootbouM e( Soda. Works, in ■aatTarentom; sea*
nod nrsdnct, at the hone# of Jams* at*Po«dl.
The elector* cfNsrin# townihip to amt nt School Hone*
No,l(bere*ftertob*caU*d CbapUn.} . '
. The elector* of Bewfekley towmhlp to meet *t the boom
of Samuel Ritchie, to Mid township. J. ’
She electenoflndlsea township to meet at the bouse tor*
ewrly occupied Tamer, la mid township.
°Tto ouetfied enter* of that port of Indiana townshlfota
Allecheny county, redding wilGn the Allowing di embed
bJffiS&CtotS t-Beglnnlng at a point obitheAUeghmy
rim, at theupper line on the farm of Joto-Odde/mM
nianing hnsrtherly coarse, between the Arms of *dd
Cable end John Boyd, to the north met corner of
running a westerly courmto the Shakrt
township Une, to eneh a manner as to ombtnpe all teme or
lota In Cunningham's district, and known M tb*
ftSe?S£ UhiHiiSwntarfaCeWl hemftor *om
at th* general election In tbe bmougb of Bbaipetarfo d
thldeetion poll of said boroogh. - ; - _ \> ‘
:Tb*«loctore of Bbakr township to meet at John Shaw's
HJIL In eald township. A I '■
i Tne elector*'of Creeeent township, to meet at the School
Reuse In Sheusetown.
, me elector* of ■ Ktcblsod township to meet it the Pallia
Bcboo) noose I o Bskerstown. I ’
At which time and place* the qudlßed electors as
mid will by ballot »oU for i J
• < rtweat*wer*a persona to' bcßtcionol a President and
TlenPmWrntol the United flUtat. - - ‘ iW
- Often coder my hand and eeai at Pittsburgh, this lftb
diy of October, A. D. 1800, and or the Independence of.
L.QRAB AMBhtrltt
18H. BiHlbom udOklo Eailfoail Co., IBM.
tn bo* wbobw! lo f»o»lT» «od forward Mecohkadißß ooflw J
ttm*«bbUUof Udla* toßßdfton 1
h piuatrargb iad tki Bailor* Cltloa. I
i! 1 latH KBWMlaoAto b* woolly BmroUo *Mh the** «41
I tat PaaonlYul* R»B Bam or oay oUm Us*. ;
ii foHotontt23« Mto row* belllUt* •(&»;•>&, oppU°»
ttn ouy bt vodt by lottor.or la ponon toeUhtr ,ol ttt
* P-rtbir. eof. But* ond Wtoblßftoa rta
If* mfy TORE, aW. Ptrr*ll,2» Droodiroy, abort lift
• • ArtorDoom., •..•■ i •_-■•■ .'I
I;m PHILADELPHIA, Oolbocn A Oowtoo, eocnar Bpjod |
H • ■ ud CbMTy atTMUi 1
1;; m ' . ' od.K*Qr,mr.Blxtb*adob«toatttA
I ; «• BAWniO**.XT.toirUad.Ot»A«»«»tfc*.
I I •* pfIPTSBURfIU, W. J. Jobßrton, Utmrty •*rt*A I «9p6‘
|> - «iu Ptno'o RtllfooA Porno** DtpotJ
1 Kirtk&Ur ottoaUoe of owcehoou, monoflkclwtrt
Vitb oUim..«a U»to«»<««>• **
-Id jro-ta b» B.A. MBHUTOO* J iOO,
. ((jj " ■- - corner of tint nod wood »a. -
G' ATS—3OO liua.Oats to arrive this daj at
*V loiter.tad limblj /OliLMijnjWAß,
m ft . ■ '" » . .
,I T*RY,MIACB*a» rWjd'aad U»P«»Iod, V
X • 4CO, -, I
f PiUabttrcb to nimbi* prfmta amkted with ;: d
Liver and Stomach, l
. on ■:[ i
Nor. 6 b tad 6tb, at the Drag StonoThUsfeutj |
I DR. QKO. n. KEYSER, No. lit Wool itrwij
rmsßtmaß cibtihcutzz
I lure been sick now for nearly two jearf wltha oongl
tad Urer oemplmint, and the whole of my Ira* tMldfavah
eompletMyrew. 1 first look It tilth a Ndfaflammaltoarif
tb* fungi, ami t *m attend'd try ooa of tba bealDoetore ft
PUttborsb, who told m*l had Inflammation of tba lung*
Bom time lo the early; part •( Match last I called o* Wr
gcbenck, who was examining patient*at Dr. Eejfer'iDntjj;
Store; 140 Wood itmti After bseiemlned aw earaftfliy at
told ou thakl badllwr eamplalnt,which had•ettladmpoi
mylenga. My doctor, t*fa™ I called on Dr. Schema, row
: me that my laugi watw bully affected. I waa wasted, very
much In lab, and my strength left m*. ByeppeUle wee
entirely com, aad I bad vary UUIa bopa of tacovary when
b* examined dm. The Doctor toldme I woald get wiU If*
took bla madldaoa aad followed hie,direction*, which 1 did
faithfully ootn Ihtd ukaa feorbottleiof •Paftnoofe
ByrdpT* two et "Seaweed Tonic," enda bozfof “Mandrake
PTTK* 1 and bow I am batter thenicrer I vu la ny Ufa, atm
weigh Uo pounds more tbaa nrr I old Jo my Ufa UIM
and X can oow cany as much weight a* any Bias' or nf
weight undetea any where* lam entirely recovered tram !
thaofaaaaa wbkb th-n broke down my coastitatloa ami
thiaateoed my life,and 1 feel under a debt of gxaUtnde fa
Dr. Bcbenck far bis treatmen t. 1 know,
number of my acquaintance*, who have'been cured by I*.
BcbeoeVa me Jlrtnem whom X recommended to taka tfcefa.
I alwaya keep Ibe "SUndrek* PHV tu my Uouee.
cored my wiw of liver complaint whan nothing alea weald
halo her. Her skin was sallow aad aba sulfa red maeh.4-
BtM tried vartou* otber'kind* of pills, trat they all did no
good, ooUl aba took year Mandrake bare made
bar a well woman. lam nn that I owe my Ufa aad prw*
eot flrat rate health to Dr. Bcbouck and hie medicine* ami
I take plearara In tearing my teatta»Oßy totboir«fflca».
I bare eent a great many paraooa. far Dr. BdbeocbVn»adl-,
dnaa. and they hare all been be befitted. lam well knoifn
and there are numbers of my neighbor* ean beertaeUpofiy
to my statement. ; OKOROC
. Two miUe above Pittsburgh, at DoHey'o Copper Work*..;
gjgoed in Ibe presence of Geo. l4O
Pittsburgh, Pa: Cbas, P. Atnet; 842 North Berentb If,
Philadelphia; 9
PmSBOEOB, May 2dtb, 1860. -’ 4
ZenKyriua, Ohio, slercli3J,lB6oy
D*. Emu:— l write tbeoe line* to Inform yoo thaf] I
was In Pittsburgh on Pebrnary ICtU, and bought aboUW,or
Dr.Bchonck’s Seaweed Ttmlc,and when larrivud InZatoa*
vllie I commenced ruing the medicine accordlng to dtne>
tlona, and it bae imptttved my health more tbaa 1 expected
•It woe Id In eo abort a time. lam ao well pleased with fa#
“Seaweed Toulc" and “Pulmonic Syrup," that I wantybn
|o tend me two bottlea ol “faawsed ToaJc?* aad one bottle.
of“Palmocte Syrup" by express, end 1 will settle forth*
carriage of It at the office in ZenurslUa. -1.- : .2.-
W. BOBSKTS, Zanesville, <jt ■
DR. OEO. H. KBYBKR, 140 Wood atraet,eoleagmtifar
P| l W>O,B aijOTHJ6R COBH RY DR. BGBENCUL :• . ; |
1 took leet Aogu4—oow.nearly a yeer ego-r* TtolenWt- 1
tack ol cold, which 1 contracted by lying on the degnp
mend on e hnottng excursion; 1 bed a dreadful x»9ga
and constant pain in my breaat, and 1 expectorated a SfM*
deal of .tough matter from my lunp and .bronchial tnpea.
Itboogbt t had oousamptfan. I JndgrdU thedleeaeefpom
theftft that I had each a bard eonch aod nlgbtwwfata
nryfad. I enfirnrl a greet deal with pain aod ligDtdno
In my brreet I colled on Dr. Sdumck lu October Uat, *ad
be examioed my I flog* with fate respirometer. Hetoltfme
my bronchial tnbee were Tsty rnarb aflreted, aod 'be ore
eertbad far me bis Mandrake Pills, PulmoptoPymp M*
waod Tonic. 1 took sne box of the Pills and two ointhe
Tonlo, aod four bottle* uf the'Pulmonic Byrnp. -Atthis
time 1 atn entirely weU, and weigh mtnra-andnattrooger
*~ t ”‘**' t *****~li l &'b. wiiio
At Singer, NinJck A Co.'s, Steel Worifx
West Pittsburgh, M*yBo,lBoo . «
or mroBOTCtiT.
On U,*6ibd»*.&f UalJalyltoCkiltkwilhtpltUDgWooa
U d m bad coogbj I did not mind It till I ep» two.orfon* j
tinea; 1 >pit ebont a teacup fall of blood. A week aflei - j
verd* tt returned ud I got eleraed, and went to sty sby* j
•leUo and got medldee from him. which did Dot do Mttf I
nod. 1 then went to another, who told me my long.-we* I
atoned, bat did not glee ro* machaaUefactScnaboat: the
; •plttlcß blood. I beard of Dr. Eche&ck betas Intbpdtj oo
I HitZll of July, isdV'iidtlMd to eall on him. I cilWon I
I Mm at Dr. Setter*! ding store, afld Leecunluedmy langa 1
Leadtold aw that my right long wea affected, aod : ibaS.tbit 1
Lbleedlngor gpittioa of. blood came from the lower pertofl
f*lfae right long. ®r Scbeock told me to taee ble Peltfonta |
[ aad Mandrake PQla; which 1 did oottl I bad taken
i'siTaa bottlce of t'olmonlo Bjmp ao4 ooe bos of Mandrake I
I Pilia. I am sow well aad cm attend to my
I naea. trank making- I work allot Wood »tre*t,and litre on
I Internet, between ftntaodOMoatrtete/jillegbeojtfQUy.
I j g|v« tbta certificate Ja order that other peraooa efQictad
I may racefre the aame beoeßt that 1 have. - Yoa jaajrpab*
I llibtbieft yoa wlili: - ‘ : . Ktoaous Bftt |
I PltUborgb,Aagi»ttßta, JBOO. - • • .'j i
1 Jbc\ baa betm the iemamd far my Synq> t thatJhai4bef»
\ ampdirdto retort to Me moat perftet titoM macMoery for
{ttxdisplaciofififOuhtrbtaxitmUnydomi** Ajrnjp,*lr
! which w uiottoneM camUmer* rraJflj* and perfectly u
| traded. Tkitproctufitu a different color to tf, rename?
lif Uohttr. but urongtr fa fw&rtanee. fte difftrenqe fwewor
I may. centre teanytadoab/ itMaenxintntUi £uwy tigiptvrt
I alMjri wameMkfMckM'R, aedmyapentr oft publicly
1 tanowAetdwMclinadeninjxmtio* imjmnbU. \ K-
I OlO. H. SKf HICK iaM* Agent
I dnata Pltteborfh. JoßatAwP
Mrs. Winslow, jj
As uptrtftoMd NdiM ud r*oul« PbjileUa, pr**akt» to
tb« AttcotUmot motbcntur _
, , • >). '
vklch Rf «dly beilUatca tbe pnoam ©f tartblafr bf-Mb?
log tbt go—, rcdodpg all ' lull—ia*ilw"WMl •Iw Auk
PaIN »od *p**taodlc «ctioo, *od la • p
Dtpn4spM It, atoUicn, U will girorert to jooiiilfn wi
■' Belief and Health to yonr InfanUi '
Vtiunpntapud sold Utii uticti for ow ttb jufii ,
KhTsxSi Wl «»—laartsrs.
aailVd in a am- 'JAot a®So
ami. RrnrdWw |kmewesin*»Dce
of dlmattefcetioo by any om wbe twd it. _Oo the contrary.
•II an doltgbted with’ Ite w*ntiMi\ tod «p«ek Id term* oi
commendation ol ltd magical •(fcttt artoS'MM&M***'*
Weapaek Id tbit matter -WHAT WE TO KNOW,Ta«j*:
ten tear? experience, AND PLEDGE DUE EBPCtATIOH
GLARE. In almoet etery lueteoe* where the lutaht l« wf-,
ferlot from pain aid eabau*Uoa, nltef wnt be (ooad In; -
fifteen or twenty miootea after the ijrnp taadmlnittered.
Tbb valuable preparation la tita pramrlptiontf cor
IBMttetS. and baa bean naad with NEVERfAILItfa 800?
OISB In '!i ••
It not only taHatea the child from pals, bet lu>lgoratee.
theetemaeh and bo well, correct! acidity, and gtadtonaeafl!
energy to the whole Byttem. Itwlll almoottnetMipy relieve:
firipUg lithe BoweU and fflnit't^lle,; ; !|
and oreroomacbn- “rtm l n^Js?2V ’lP 6 #*’
TBI WORLD, to all caaea of DYdENTS&Y/AnD DIARr
BHtXAIN OBlU>BES,wbetbir ltartee from teething or
from any other canae. We woo Wmy toererjtbotherwhohad
BURS—to fallow tbmae of this taedidoe, U UmWy w 4.
New fork, la on the ©utette wrapper. }; | . I'j
MdbyDngglaUtbroaihonttfaeworld. sE,. U
Prlmalpsi Ofliea, 13’Otfitr luriat| A* V«
Bold by B. L. fAUNRSTOOK A CO, comer Wood and
fourth etmte; aim, GEO. K. KEYSBR, I«0 Wood itmt;,
faISJAWIyT. 0 l j
gUNDRIES.— : J ... If
mbhtaSCQAR: . .. 8 ■ ■ ;*• j
60 bbla iU9:»d BCGAtI: ij js -i
too do PflB»MOUU»!*E8; ; * Uy
75 do BTaUP— M*ort«d btaodi; , g .. . jr,
BiObfct«atoOOr/*E; . . . - . n
100 bosM TOBAOOft . ... .. 2 .. j; ...
SMkcctOtvUtTQBICCO: y !j .
MeaddtraaaaorttdTOßACCO; ... ■..} ....
100 bout Boila SOAP; ' »■
100 do Pmicd ttbnld CASPLE3; ..;.. \\ - t <;
ii do Star CANDLES, < y
100kegaBlOirbBQDA; . 2. '
Tootbfr «tth Spte**, &}• Staff*, fUb, OIU, Bd|a Lmlfept
•* ttMtipid ••• ; • •••• lot Wood IWfl,;
mfiASL TfiASU j ~ i|“ H
100 hilfebftiU Vlm to Extra Oolcng TaWt • -
j..’-. dd-. ' Ycotg 13 .
I io ' do " do : ' 'G,P.*odl«fe'l*e*i.i .
I tO eoWkf wkm« fttjloo »od qullir. 5 iV
20 bWs Haw Tom om Hot* y Ext* Bjrapt» . p
: feOcnwoodboMtPoraOroaadSplen. ;j
. • 60 bn Pawl ood Blltar Glow Btarcb. ?>
7ft do Oolgita’a ud Toilet Bcapa ■ L
I to da tiermwi aod Detenlro Soapv r. -
I ft bWa prlccaZaaUOarrant*. - . A ;g.-.
I, ft <Jo GrofcDd Rio ud J»** Coffo«. : - u
I FtißWßlo| Ugq»Fo m^OMQoi-JmOo&e. 1' .
I port® &lco. M«« OrlMO* tod Kafload Bokw*.
I ChocolkU, Ooco*, Bioi&a aad (Xcoa Sin-lit. '■
I - Uaee«R)til,Y«mlc*lUaßd KMraca ofOiCer.
I . *0 do* lUtort** Extract* ftc.4e. & !;|
I -TorMU»bottn)«»o<lraU<lbT - ?
I oritSadftwT :J. P. WttttAMB» »4 Emlthflatt ftfr •
TORY—OARTWRiaiIT k .YOONO,:» Woo4 r :*t,
•Mtlr eppodt* lh*o>d rt»nd. t*gl**** tac*ltth«ttfaotioa
o( tbaaffliettd to tb« bet itaat. tbcj an tbaoDljJ’MftftU
fUoturora of Trueme* and WtiirporUJrs
la tbacn?. upertrooeofjMnlnUiejhmneU^ire,
They Umo bid »t».. —. --w- r
flitloz ind lisptir of ih**t instrument*, tod, c*n faro Ufa
Ihota *t pd«« Tory f»r b*to»dnijoto*» •gtiniL' -
iw * zovyaZSrm*A4x.~
Toe SUBSCRIBER would rMpeutfullytmll
ibn attention efh!» friends tad ctulcrheH to hurts*
■ toa °' FAIL AND-WINTBR GOoi>B, ■■
ooxanrUlof tbs newest designs tD?ronlpo:and
| pomentia Uooda,tor < J*unug* A} n, aitflas
isnatiu of Boys' and Youths' Clothing
kept ccoetenUi on hand, mod mede; »'**•* &*£*"l
beat manner, »>y , . .. . JAMMAWAXft.
a«W - corner of Peon and gt. Clair w. -
tares and mall 1
In renwnabletlma-'-HairlorfbdUtlee topertor
taLliahment la this etty, ‘pnMUhsi a ma* depend upco oat
tax thetr.wnrk doaoin ih* beat style and to much UafUma
than tad p# dooe'eleawher*. i. H. ROWANDi Inrentoro#
lotarovefami In Book Binding Btncatly’a Bonding, Kon,T2
and7«Tblrd«tr»rt.PttobPtfb. - aoSOilydla
ObMW Itodr, Bowl sml «*J «f P»UI» ~1»
■oten. Drafts and Uana vn-Beal Batata .wgottaM at
ano »**» AUaTIM mxJM« A «?,
ITSI ilock Mote Brokers. Ml rogrtfrei.
No. 97 Wylie Street, Pitteburgh.A
MMlttxMtm-ir. A, H. PoUoe*i. Pt.Brijac*, TVto*»»
Bohtdas, BaaaaH Irntt, m .•/ ;• ~ ;nv;- . I ,m>Kdly ■
rpoßACOOS—2sgfo. Mr»i MillertFlntCat; iron i, .
wi o n»i
" ! ahd
PIE BOROVS* EUkod ttlß JtaWowr, Pp«lt«rPoWw,A*.
Lnpcrtm ud D**Jarf, ta VKTAL&i TRf PLfcTB
SHE*? lEOH, WISE, Ec. OotutMtl; os' bind, TSumb*i
149 Pint aftdlllSKowfrir*^.
: Pittaßargb, Firm* ;
i ,|9>talilmil<i»cfoow*reattB»»ydcVr» •’•nv.
i ; maltaUwiyf 4 ■ .. »••■ v -
tefes i
a||Sf s*'
ip| I
Nss 3 --
C-rt- w
|||^|,-| ;
•ffWa ®Q
>«bS S' S
53d 5 w s;
5 s’
;s3§S | !
•I o * 3 3 - H:
|g|"P |
Ig3sg s
?§3pS ?
1? ®o.«g • 5
JOHN: OOOJttRJUNT « 880, -rgfci •;
.. , - ' i luiraTAonuuov -
Ir°» tttlllag, Iroa VaalU, Vault
I Wihdow giulten, Window Baardi, id..- ;
t' : j Not. B 1 Second StrtatndW Third ,
~jjßotwrtn Wopd tod Market,) • PITtSBUMW, ?*■* \
ts bud ilniift; «( w* htunu, lurul pliU , 1 .
•tftttbU for *ll porpoKfl. Particolu »ttenti*t‘s»M VfJ*' * - '
etfotogOryekiU. g,
»kaao«W.l-~.. ? .^,4Sfe : W
io bi nso:n, b rmB.s*’fl‘n
1 PlttßbbisJ>..: Peaba... =4 :
fOAet, Hb.)ll SukU itmt*. .
'llfoßa&etarßallklod* ofgtMuaKprincf *aJ Mil! M«tbin
•TO Ouilogß, B*Ura*d Work, Stntn uoilef!.'tod Blirot Iron
Work. - v -i i- ■•••;•. 1 ■’-.j-s r r,.v. ;•}.*? </i ■*>.'
:JobMtmiind Br>p*irlngdoDooo.<hotlßOt!M>. :.. ,
B. B. * C. e. MARKLB.
•;i . A&A Dealer* !a •
!; w. R A;p p I N G P A r P'® K.'‘ •
jUve rinoiti ft0m.y0.27 WoodrtrwtloSii.t3 -
;5 • fitwt, PitUborjb, r». • , * *
W*C»«h or Tr»d»(or Rag*. ... . ..miMtf t0...,'
Nj>. ;5f Si.;! Olaljp .Street) r . ‘
(Dr.lrf«h*tH«irßaad!]UbV .'.PItTBI\VMH, M
MSQrlf dfn
io*«pb W. C,B!««all,'
•> T -Pmmmbt.- j..v : F*cmt»b** ,»
% | (Snieotmn ja ibrttr, Bsft a:«wU.)
■Jjni» , «ntoft»iat?/ '^4,
: J I ■ : AND BOATSFiKES. ->
Comte of Water Street and Cherry j.*.
f vMtljMi 1 1 PHTSHCyOR. PBSN. , A>fe < ,
Pittsbyrgh Ste
' r JONXB, B.OTD Sc CO- ■
■lltl fchn. gprtnr.Plow »t>3 A, p. Btw4 BPRINQfa '
■•• d AXt*liiS»'Ooro*r KwiDd rtfftww^
;?ocl» ■ t?TI-v ■ « 1. • PITTBPOBOII. ?»• V
■■■ *■•• tuiutn v .■ ■■■[•
ftnlga and Damtstia Billi ot EuhMgn,
cnftnnOATis ot diposit.
■?j . "B&HX JfOYKS AHD artcitj
M^ollsctioD*naJeod ftlllAe prlnrijuUltW throe gh,
oct th> PntttdgUte*. 1 .tpfchfclj
foiWArfllnf anfl CommlAAlon Moictant
; ' 'andwiiolesalb pbalixib
.• 'Butter, Sootlw* •-.
And Prodnc* (taurtlly,
ikwt U Wtotf Krai PduAttrfK
,• Wn<&>B&tOUßLOft>l HAIRDYB 1
■. kJ ; TRi Original fat ia t&i Worldt ~ r
• All aremera imitations. and shoold >*
to «old*di If jw vlab to ••coporldkolo.. .■
QUAY, BSD, OB BUSTY UAER Djed lutuM? to • p
be*atlfld*ndc»tur*lßrowOorßl*ck.wULbQitbol!»*lifi* . , .
Jary toth*k*lror«kln. v ' i"' -
KfOTB HBDALB ANl> DtPI«OMAB h»« bow owirf. '
*d to Wm. A.B*tcb«lorrfac«ia39,u»d^n ,
hiTtLewimftdetotti tUtrofbU tMtrons cfchlifav,' "
v - ■,*.•■
Ito bo iUrtlnipi! A «' l from mUirt, «nd li *iui«u not to
j tttfoi* is U* tone ltm»j •
I (U.oßoetaofßodDjrcimailed; U»e U*lr Jovlgmtad for -
I Libby tUaopUadidbjß. \ • ••- V' -• • - ••** • ' 7 - *•
| .
| toijiStt Broodwmy,; New Tort. '
1 Sold lo tiudtlMAad town* of tb« United PtAlestbyUrag - |. i
-1 Banff flood! DiftOlw. . . - t-. ‘-> w - *?. c .■
I/' (Nninibil lbsduxmmi)tddfwQßßpos■ •teol l v - ■- ,
1 JffclyHAwmT ~•- 16 Borilrtr*ft,y* Vork. y' A 1 c
•wpoMtll. Tb*y»r«etegaolHgtit,«fjand double. ■■■.•
mUngtooehonn^-notondngopbsblod—nobhrlnklaf'' • *
otthe>b«*d; tiidMd Uili UUM where .»
i ttaoUiißgtAroprppttty taidmtdM wdfnadA. -..v-i,*.
I tt*-j«dAwT '■ Boßdrtr»k. Wpw Tot*:. •
*limiKttit.auvHKß«ii auv«iifiK»(!t. v v.
; Don't fail to |ntoonro Mra. Winslow** Sooth /
lUMindodDi itl liiftajaniiM.ffo—wUl tUw p*iDi*®J J* r
t»r*t© reroute tboboweU/ Depeorf .npon Kj lt .
«{Uclf»rMtCoyoßrMiTM,at»l relief’MßheaUb to you?
tafluta. perteefljwife Id alUiae*." *:
lTtaU Tilubto preparation ii Ui* pnikirlptloo of .o«* ,*4 •
tfWttoatexperiMMdand'akQfaKtaftie. Phyekinnela . V
•itfljooaofceaw. ; \v. •! xs fi ■
■Him from front jpqr«fc»reaiTW'' ?
■ lfllf«‘»ad
bvofthlte**lgbtlogoU< ...... \ ■■■/wjSSP®’*
MDltasaof botttol atjp eolderecyrear An t*i Pa««0 «**
Hetea.-ItleaßoidoßdwalMrWrebadj. I • ‘ L
jcenoloennieeatbe&MfmUe ofCUKTIB BFSR'--.-,».
t D?& New lor*, bon ibc oawtd*. wrapper t / \
Bold b* Dragfthte throngbotat tbe wcrw., ... . . ; < S
f P P Ptft* ■
Iron as Mkoioins—Pirutuh oYRPTj—A ± ■;.
OntNui publish below an*.*tr»et oT ft(ettag., •£ * .
free DitrU soyi, of Kieklmioh**Buijnnof tfaa ADagbmy »*. t
Valley Batljraad,wtiowaacQr?4 of abad fcrm of dyspepsia V.
jby tbeueof the PrrntUa gyrop,. Ur. Sbydla* bctal r ** ;v
1 keeper, end la well known, end ha hatmßered tof the Urt ■ .•„ .
He Inform* me.that be gained eißht poonia y .*•
Yafl«4ibytU«,pMof' I , OB#botUe;.pf..lha*>rnp,and.t**s*r; ■,?" v ..
tborised the Uj poblUh hi* letter, which ‘ls
refer to theh>sft*dratissm*atef.‘lieTererUo gyispln. ■...
I soother faf pvUnUno(ltitiintlf* p>ro*> ■' f •* (J.
I tfR. oro, U. BA?aBB,U0 V»oo* <',*
I- •“ •-J .. . :.■ JiKOtfcT.SM,-188> • •
I Deu-aio.'H. K»*sn>-81r—locloaed .Iseod y«othraa..’
j dollir* for two tba Peratlan Eyrtp. I j.
I bottlefrc« fan about turn week*.«!»..,» T» i,'
I di, I told yon that 1. bad awaetbloj like d|»pop*la. Th" , V >,
I symptom* wire wind and pains in thabow*l», and
I the Uck'ot the back.andUUjnea dUwhosa. too w»* >f it '
.1 mended Byrn|s.*i4it,haj dow iae taorafyod .
rihtniny medtetn*tbaf.,* tiledJ«t,*ndt h»n ]***o
Ttakiojf medletae' J jaata. Yon told me If -
Ilwooldiakethre*>©Ui*ei©oo jltifc* yottwwldglraU■..«*.•■ ,
1 tor Oi«;doU«n,tutiiotknowtnß whether ItwtobtdoaiJL * *>
I r»d, I thoagbtl wOTli firil lry ooe bottle.' NoW-lhailf ,sz..
-1 amaeodlnfthatalaimsof tb*mt*e|Ui«o abort atUae,yo«
1 will een<l loetha other three boUk*.- DAVn>.E p OTD^;
I i gotd by DR QKOHUR H. &RYORB, Na MO W«d.ply
I bOniawT * i " >-"*
WRhblhdUUllbS # iO n ( - l
: i: 80 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., -,p*
Kurononaau •» - . *y f
1V : andatety dsatrlplitM 0f..: .
■ RerOtdwi aedldtedfrwsthelrada, and-i.•:.
‘ 4wp«f taatrwWfiww lehaawtff v
r »**»«*** %
■ jivi. Jh
wtfct*. - :■.
S - • i:s
a . :-i
l: : '■ .. a .
2 a
>1 Works.