'y rNiX*> -,>**i•ivi.M.i..'-; ; i-.'.-j •'vVvv** , v ' ' r .*rHv ; >*<•-? " ' ' ',V V ' j' ' ' :»?' ’y>*. :-i .v. iw.iNS\ /“♦>:%{, JvJ'.Viv - .’ ‘-‘ . * ! »vr vH*‘ ■ **•- .■ :":?LjtfjiSw i ••“• • ■ • "‘j •!•'-!! r ; ■>'■ :1/.:■+•■: - ■» * K m ii.. •, ;• * 'i ■ V- X-' 1*..;' j : P*' SATDBDAY MOBHING, OCT.^^ BEUGIOCS: ISTELUSEKCE. • of- ihr llthoontaina •\ an interesting letter from Rev. E. on*ag«fc, of ■ -. the Lutheran Foreign Micron in India. After giving tin.account of hie visit to severalfil- Hgm aud administering thn ordinances to the tihrUHah cpn'ferto. ho Tefera to a diffieulty eliding airone or two of tb* village*, where be . 'found adults vrbo bad been prematurely bap tiled before the proper oridence ofooover«rion r had l>eea ascertained. This state of tilings BtOdii to hare arueu in part from the vptnt of • a resident missionary to instruct . them after renouncing beathenfrm. lie gives instances ■ the nstires professed totedieve mChrist and were baptised, and'/lacking a change of .honrt, forgot their rows, and have gone back t V bcatbenism. The (raining of the natives ld evangetiem, hie believes, i« necessary tojgive permanency to their pro taaioaend faithfulness in the cause they have /espoused. 1T» following extract illustrates / the point in hand:— • "> I ; “Ibsy *sly do yon. wUh to b* bip-1 tiaed?' the nntwsr almost Invariably is, ‘Bsoaoss I wbh to bs eared.*, *WUI baptism save yoa V ‘Ys#.* .After an axgUaatiohot ih© aatara aed svldsaos of rtgeoetettotr/tb© ahstgart ars changed to salt tbs I ta.bsipg bsptlxsd, tbsfevf* I dene* of rvgeoaratlonbrihg as y*t>no part of ths 1 sppUeaßft.sspsrleaea. 40 srangeUcal missionary residing fa tbs Falnand would ooubtlsM do much is eerreetlsgthUfsls© notice,andthaibethsmsaot, - aadsr Ibs goidaiies of the Holy Spirit, of iodnelog tbs psopls to abandon this rsfogt of list, aod to bs> sons nsw erscterss la Christ’Jsus, born again not .i>f ths wIU of mas, bat of Qod. M Notwithstanding this apparently dark pic ture, he writes encouragingly of their mission work. ‘ ■" 1 ■■■The Midnight Mission Movement for the reformation of fallen ,females, although in itS' in{woy t ; hu.ali»ady aooompUshed great ' good. The first me&tingofthis Idndwasheld ten years ago, and only seven pereonsjrere in attendant, and the; effort vrae abandoned, - until, in February last, the preeont movement! was oomuenped; fimee then a number of meetings have been held in London, and simi lar tSorts have been put forth in Manchester, j Exeter, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow and ether j • . cities. •' ■ .1 • ThcfollowingarethereeulteinLondon:— “TwsltsJingUsh and two Frsech tnsckiega held; . 2490 friendless young woman ©Handed, and board tibegospsl; MOO Soriptureserd*, booka,aad trteta eiroQlslsd, le addition to 6000 copies of : Mr. Koel'e sddn**j‘tfr*Bty-*ii females resorted to friends, one *' sf tfcsae'to Ktw York;, eighteen ploosd in terries; . ctaety-Bae nowln "homes;'* one nooncllsd to bsr husband; one is b smploy ©f a printer, book-folding; foor married, two emlgiMbd,«lm planed In basiceu, __two madar eons of the 'Committee. " The average of tbs ages of those admitted 1* not more than twenty two.'’ ./ •• * The. numbcr received up to the end of July, I is nearly-190./One .of/the promoters writes ] that the “expeh’ee are very large, as we give I f JG6 to the homes for each girl rescued ”,In I connection with thirmovement, it is proposed I to issue 100,000 copies of Mr. Noel's "Address I to Men’* for ths purpose of oorreetinga "social [ ©vil” existing in . large European cities, and 1 we regret to say, the evil is making its appear- 1 auoe in some of the large cities of this country. 1 Geffrard, of Haytipou the ! opening of the Chambers, mode a long speech I inreply tonnaddress presented by the repre- 1 tentative* of .that body. After alluding ter I the peace.pnd 'prosperity of the nation, and I theJfriendly relations Axisting, with foreign! . represented in H&yti, he says: j “Xlrsaty has be©a ennehidsd tstw**n HU Doll- 1 : tutt'tbe Popeaod the Republic; which I bats ratified I \ ud tbf ;Beoatabaa saaetlousd. By. this ©onoordat I the to wbiob the vast majority of I tbs Uaytiin* bolobg, will ipr*t omat eeUniie of tbe awoaol oecweery to eappott the foreign and doaeelio mtoetotery work of the fthafobforihe enealcg jeer. Tbe BiekopooUondtkUmeeilog. \ —Tbe-Aonlvereery of tbe Rcformaiioaof the fitoteettth Century ooeare oa tbe dipt of tble : -—A* exchange glvee tbe followtog Interest* iigbtß; la tbopreeest aepeolo ef Fnteh ProUiteottim Ihffi tr* sold to U many very eaooarefinjr faeta. Il ls believed 1 that there ore new aboai 1,909,4)00 PnMOttU it Fntee-u Itmm.of pirbtp btlf • million etoee 1899. , ~i -—The Uieeloa properly of Ifco. Uniled Drotkreo dbareb to Afrleft it valued at »•**)? -eight thousand doUart.: The Eev. C. 0, WBeos, ■ Hl i out by tble denomination u » mlulooary - to tbe Shoßgay mlaetoo, Weft Africa, eilled l*et week. ~ i • eSd tbftt eboot 080 hoodred Mjl of the three hundred graduate! of the : rino.jlmu tWlfp, rtOWyrtar*, P». «* yjrr lUT6W UK AT IiXTRA TAM U<. ■ nlmltier.-tflk«o(*r»llalk»£alk«*»C»ar«k V* f WBB-«»rk.*^ers qf the Conference, will never be guilty of partleipailog in theso tbioga, and adriio'all tboie member* ootamUted to our car© to follow our example. - } ——A farewell"missionary meeting was held In the Jaoe Street United Presbyterian Churob, |;Kew York, on Thursday evenldg, the 4th, on the occasion of tbe'deparihre of KiV. Ur. and Mrs. I 8. O Ewiog and Mies .McKows, misaloearics to Cairo aod AlexaDdria,la Egypt, Tbs excrelsts wers highly iuterestlag. 1 ——An iuteresting meeting occurred in Phll- I tdelpbla on Mooday, ths Ist iqst, in wbiob tbs 1 different evangelieat nnited to I pray for~tbe Unity of tbo Spirit among all the .followers-of Christ. This ia tbeseoond meetiug. ——The eleventh of ibe Amcrloan Bible Uoion of tbo Baptist Chproh was held to the First Baptiit Cbnroh, Naw York-city, on Tbarsday the 4tb, Rov. Thomas Armilage, D. D., prealdlog/ The Treasurer reported, that $40,- 489 94 was received dnring the past year. ——A resolution worpessed by the Ohio An nasi Conference, M,* E. Cbopcb, at Its reoeot S-ssloa, held at QalUopolis, Ohio, refasieg to | admit into full oonoeclioo. any proacbcr who may persist in the usS of tobsiaoo. —We elip the following from Zicn’t Herald, Which explsl©3 the systematiei manner the Wce leyans have of sapportiDg an arm of power amoogtbem: . - Tb* UatbodUt-ehildreo of eontribuled last year no leas than; $100,004 for tbe Wcileyao school*—day aod Sunday. ThU li ao example that tell# the real itory of Wcileyan liberality. The ehildren ore trained tn 1 U—lt becomes ib© edaottad habit of .tb© denomioatloo. —Tbe Churchman .stateV. that about one hundred of Father Cbinlgayte colony have ap plied to Bishop WhUoboute hi Eplsoopal enper ririon. Ose young man is: also desirous of being edaoated for tebe mln|stry. About B?e hundred Prayer-books have bden donated. The Russian Bible,Sooiety, inlfuor years, has put in eircnlalioo 91,000 edptee the Sorip tores. Tbe Prnnian Bible Booietyi last year, oiredlated 14.314 Bibles and j 825 TesUineote; In connection with! Us hrapob associations, 65,584 Bibles and 25,29 G TesUmen'4 Sait ee Co *L|| OIL! OIL! OIU , VALUABLE PROPEIWt OFFEHtD" fOU SALB.—WUhlsg to cbAige ny 1 Hl-r to e«U Um ao» half of tbe flv* aixtb> of the wcll ksowu proiMnyof BMITti’A fXHRV, 00 tb* Ohtii rtrer. It «' oae of tba b«M for a tnijiobi, tn tbUaec*' do© ut umutry. TboMfy t* oo« ot -tho l>«t t>n the nwr.. The baltdlofearegood eii4 welt caknVetrd t>|r p«it>Uo tmei-' nee*, end be«e Un campleO m «rbofi»| and itor* tbr a tons : I Uoe There ieeleo rtwl etStlon h©pe*,briouginf to the,. 1 eaav property,oq (be C. *P. K. dofdgaxood bo»f -[ new.. There are about S> acne of labd ©0 thtSouth elleof [ the fiver.-wtitali eKhrea-e good with a gcxxt' deettlnf be cm On tbe ©eel eldi olsthe ttver, ere abaci tOOecne of roagh lend, veil «Opplle portly cfcwmf sad Improved-* tb* noatodee to covered with topettowtitaber -and its vboio to w*H watered. by aprtoga aii(d rnasiog KbtoMcttos' U eootod*red tbe flueer hndy.'cf land to tbs posnty; It wtU be «old aadlriVtS or ‘is qaartora to att mirhurii Totbaaewbo dcrtr»-tb?ti)V-»etlB mlMltdl WttaroeppttSDity to rarely offered. £i : 3. a. SWUIIM. i tdfetoftll* So. 10) Sli rl«tir«, moat of which will boor the coni log wmw, 1 ''.Two dwaUJeg*,« autria ud food watar an th* plane. ft# Ur tea, etc* to-tor to 3, W. HALL, No. 98 Fifth ttrtct, or to ALIX,OA«IFBKLL, oa j- • y aatutaj lOWA FARMING' LANp.—Tho Hubscrib •ra oSw for pale oo UvorebU Stoma eU ba&dred acre* Oboie* Uolt, altoatadtu Wright fbd Uucaek conttke, adjacent to Hoee of lUilroaDa nowlo eoaraa of eoaatiw ttoa. *ad owe tract ©oljtwo mlire from Ceaoly mt Tb* •boa* will be aold low or axcbehged tor Arming land* fothla or adjoinlngcoantito. noSO MrPANK A AXJKR. 194 Bocoodat.: EOR SALE—That jplendid Reeidonoo,g» wttblarg* Lotof Groond, FrojtTraada&d Bhrat»H| bery. attested within two mloat*/ walk of tbs WllhfSb bars Rs&rbsd Sutton,> Tb* bona* -to l*rgs sod flafihed te mourn alyl* *t present ooetapted by Moor* Thoopsooi— IRQ b* sold oa resaoaabl# term*. !£pp!y to totodAwtlP d» Bwtan 1 * OStoto ear. Kb AQreateU. 1 OOEST—lhi^fSrSTOßE^Norib (Tatar and &S fioat •ueeU.noWccnjpkd by U>« aob acHbara.’ It toadaetrabl* location for Qitxary or Prodoc* bnaiscaa.. foaaawton Immediately^' RODO2HS A DILWORTO, ■ »aIT ■ No, >0 W»i*f and K froot atraat. tjusmtfls flotcta * Changes. PrnnraOß, eat*.2Ut, THE CO-PAKTNERdIIIP heretofore e rut fox uwJ*t tin Arm awl *tjl* of: M. DfIAYO A SONS, U (fete Ur 6U*Af6 by i. f. pßlVtf porcbaitog tb* fottrwt BfM.T>aAVO. ■ j' Tbt *>«<'•« «iU ba aottUaea^ -pj lhanmAlntox «rt* (nra,J. B\ A FV©. BRAVO, *h»ar»K»lhor* tMdfoaaUfaaltmattmfwnatLtoctotbroUflrn., V ICOB4VO. { .?! j. r.oiAVo, r.i. DRAVU. i 11,116 4t NOTICE. —W 6 have associated with u* ia Um Vottft4rjßn«lim»,oAfti(JKL h. PKNVOCK. Tb* boMBWi will t« ccottomd'abler* b«bw «tW «ijf« of PUN ROCK, HART *OO. ■' Mltatrergli,Apvilie,JMO. fcBBfNOOK k HART. ttfirn », l. rmoci PBHHOCK, HART A CO., PULTON FOtFNDRYj Wtrihom*. 141 Wood ? pittsburg-h* pa. A COOlUst Mipbtt of 1 COOHIHQ BTOTU AND ftANottS f 9TO7U* QRATW, WAOON BOXKS. atUlstK QOLLOWWABB, nOW OABTISOB AHD rOIVTB,TiI!rXimXIS)I,BAU : AND IAILOKB’ IKON, AWI> MAILS.. Wa(tr and Oat Ripe*, ITauii Pn>nt*, Milt and Jfa*Jiiu*ry Uaitingi wtadt foordtr. apl&SatA' - 'S' j ; I HAVE TFIIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITII. BMsMr.JOIIN DiUiOW.ID tin (Jb4«rukmi bwiuc««» vlilnb •Ul b*«wdecUd ted«yfeof LKtf* OM A DKLLOWi >!. JAMCbtEMO^ i loot m^ow. Unnd«rtakittf !■ *II.U» flrancw**. : . T KMON 4 DEL.LOW, No. 118, Fourth it, 1 J in ||nn»i rt to ilo lo *ll It* br»ochWf 1* ibtfbMt IDIBM. *1 PricMtO Mill tltBM. W«C*n*p» oUI *U«ittoc to rbh on •t/!*:pkt*nt UeUlUo Bartel Ohm, fcrUMtaUof irk kb-w» *r**ol« «|«aufa Oibclty, •oil of which w*k«p.CMwteaiijr.ta band • larg* »mv *rot. A* nc«nbt rfttofi>r«K>iltwr*)lj < I Wtoodad to U»old Bra».' apUaUj ÜBAMLKSSJIAGS—RftDOOED PRICKS. O***• »f* pr*p**ed to Oil onfort for ur quantity ol BM4 At Um foftotrl&ic nfot: * > * FuUt*r t b-.-~...'i lt cc, |*i7 00 p*r* 140 »«o#, jew do : fcapir* 1,0 IJ ct, MOO do : QrMtW«rirra*~ • ; j HBRBdt* BARBER, mal . •• ajrvn Ltbfty and ltot>d>U»»rs. BW; iDlTiONS.—WbMldn’d Law l>io- JLH llotery, ffo?U*d *od taUre«L *. f ‘ Whartov * Ptllfo** Mwllml Jai4e£nufo»o*. Newly Reeleod. Ske NfooUoa Lum «f Paunasltnuda; cri» SO creu, : . B’ ANKKHS* CASKS, of *ll eieea, with Loci ■iadfltrap. bp : •; /•■ - ■■•. v >"- ? W.A. UAVR.N, Rlnlr w y . iurterffwJMdtiiWitti • imuEti (Jiiir: repartd Glue? Spalding’s Spalding’s Prepared Glue! 6AVB THE PIECES! S3F“ * A BrrTm n>•' tos Beta* Sin.* *1 J« arrtJtnU t*iU kaj pen, ewe At sotU-rtgalirl'n AtttiUU*, It b twy darinba to hata to ton dttp and am v«a!#at way tut repairing j 'omlwrm, Toyt,Cn>ck«ry. ete Spalding’s 3’ropared Gluo niwu til nob en>argendi a, ud M bonaeboid can afford u> }*» vrlibout IL It bah ayi ready, and op-to tbs »u«k> In* ptriri, Thera b do lngar a neeaertty for Umplag . «btlr\. epltsteretl aeneen, beadle— dolts, tod broken erfcUea. MtU }cst tha ar Ida for'anoa, thett, and otbnr oraaiuenud work, to pnpot irwttb tedleaof raflnemanl and testa. i Tbta admirable prepare lon b and cold, being chemi cally held In eolntloa, aid poserming aU tbe'valuable quallUea of cab! net-ankm* Gina U may be orwl.ln the - place of or Unary rnoaflega, being,.tartly morn adberit a I • •' “USEFUL IB KTKRY BOUBB." S. B.—A Bran aooomp ml— aaeb bottle. Pklcc, 35 Cent*. DISPATCH! ECONOMY 1 itmt, S«v York. Wfcotaxle Depot, Ho. hbvbx c. bpaxdhtg ft GO., ■ j ' Box Ho. 8,600, Hnr Tou. Tat «p for Dealer* tx Oanee containing Four, Sight, tnll prominent Stationer*, DrnggUts, Derdwiro »nd Kcniltori Deale IK Gtaoon, and Fancy Store*. Country nwebaata main a note of BPALD -ISD-3 rEKPiEKDIGLtJK, »h»n mikts, up th.h IM. It will Aland any-ollnmta. \ Prepared Glue, EVERY HOUSE USEFUL « PREPARED GLUE, “ SPALDING'S STATIONERS. PREPARED GLUE, SPALDING'S DRCGGIBTB. PREPARED GLUE, bPALDINU*B SOLD BT DA] PREPARED GLUE, SPALDING'S FURNISH ms STORES. V FOLD BY HOUSE PREPARED glue. SPALDING* Mrntf, DKALKU*. PUKPIKKD GLI K \ .li.ioim IH'.ALKUri I’KKl'AJjKti GUIK. . \i.WM; •> ;v GIMUKCS •KLP.VUKII oi.i;e >s , .u.i'i s a & MF-fM'.nAh'TS GRKKbALLT nl.li HV iVH'XTItV Sl«ll jScUjrol (•/ HENRY C. SPALDING & CO. ltrrr(. S««t Yorh- BvxNaMM. , . •Ur-** ptmbeUcat I<|»i of Arllcle* , may be reiUttA to their ■ A uwAtlnm by PREPARED QLUE. AHiH kcU U at} Al| «>lilrh. If (!an>>c«**l, original mi SPALDINGS *r books ..;...... ,\ . ...Ufcfe ACIXJCS k . m«m:« m: he a 5 O Mwwta CRADLE I* pOLLH .. K . .Mrtuta RTAGfcSi I . . FANS ...i U .Mw»4« fl ....NfKn.l. IIARPS.. 1 ... INLAID- I ... ,s!*-iE»F3 * .... Unxh SOFAS . T .. Mni'li TABLES i O ... M-a-U TORUS' t Mend* VASES J WORK-BOXES ■ X ...M*n.U XTLOGftAPmC-WORK X V ... Mend# VAED-STICXS T Z .. .,Mw.»U ZKPiirH WOOD-WORK vr. 2 A .In p.jne!o*Jon,SPALDING'S PREPARED QUII u tucA! In Llbmrie* indflehoel*. I .B ..Mend* SOFA 3i. 5.. .Maud# PITCUCBS AOCOBDKONS. 4 L . .M*»ds LETTER HEALING..., L.. 4 fr .H.M DAOUEEEEOTVPB CASES..D.... 5 «. . I ..MencU IMAGES J 1.... • 7.. ..Mend* NEW BREAKAGES *.... > 0.. G GUN-STOCKS 0.... 8 *..S ..Mead*SUUOoL-BOOKS ft.... 8 to..P. Mends PAttA8p14.....V..U... P....W 11. .11. .Mend* RULKRft ... 8.... U 18.. ELPXnTICAL MACHINES... .E.. ..It 15.. P..Menu* PAJ'E&itANOIi.’CH P.... 18 14.. A,.Mends ARM-CHAIRS.. A.... 14 TS. .H Monds RICKETY FURNITURE R:...1» l«..F...Mrtd# ECASER-UANOLKS K.... 16 IT. )»..ftfenda DESKS. D....1T 18 GLOBKB G...J8 IV,.i...MetxU LOOSENED LEAVES 20.. 1.. Mends UPIIOI»T*RT> FURNITCBR..IL...IO tl. E. Mend* EGG-BEATERS . J *....81 Wfoa* acorn-work. ..« 58 Men da CUP.Bi-BOAROS .: * H Mend* KIDDLES 84 •.T- Mends SRELL-WORR Bft ■;r. FILLET-WORK 86 '.T Mwh HOBBIMIOUSIM.. ....87 •a .. . . Memu kaleidoscopes s» w Vro.la MONKT-BOXES..; ....89 'W .. . Mend* PICTURE FRAMES 80 81 Mend* SECRETARIES..., « 35 Mend# VKNEKBINO ....1 88 X Mend* SCHOOL FURNITURE M M ..Merota PAPIBB-MACIIR. 84 X Mrn-tsW AKpBOBBft... 86 4ft Meuda PARIAN. MAURLE 86 *t Meo.u cKina.. ti * Mend** BABYjjfmmiS.; 88 #•.... Mend. tVOnf-WOTK - 89 Manila MATC1L5AFK5.........40 II .Mewl* PICTUREa... 41 . « MendlQUlLfcWllßPtS 48 . Mmrt» TOWEL-RACK'S:: 48 U . M«nda WASII-STANlift. 44 r. . MemirnXlttTEATtt, «A DRUMS 44 ii U.-J.il* C;JU->SMRS 4T 4a Mend* B.\LM>T-W>XW ......i... .. 48 15 GEKr.UIttUMM 49 vi U..!id»- IIACKO AMMON- H0ARD5*........ N> ‘Sf-S-la-: BAN If-BOX EE.". i*. "1 rlai k-b0aRD5.:...,...:. . M vtoiA _v:, . .M iiJi.i.jAUDG'ASLES......M M.1..U r.iu.iAßD tnjßs: » ’<■ Mn„j, mubUlAQEft 94 Mend* P ROOM STICKS fll ..i 'lend* U(H)lj -CASKS'. It*. .*. W *:• .. Memia-niKiTt-cßmrs .1 •v. Meiut; Br.rsu-itASDLKs. ..a r.I ... Mei.H BRIaiUKS . 4 ' a ... Mm.ln c h BIS ETS-. L . «... Mends CIIUENB . 64. CLOCK-OASES . f.r. . Mend* CKUTOHKS 68 MemU CUPBOARDS. J-...... r, Mend* CURTAINS. ... 6S Manila CASINGS O Mmda CADpIBS To Meed* CAMERAS'. ............. Tl Mend* *... 7? tfenda CHARTS 1* Mond* CLOTHES-TRAJ>ra . ,4 Mend* OARD-CASES ...Mend* CHESTS;-.^.,.t; '« ....Mend* DURIEB... ..V......... ... .Mmda WORK-STAJTDS,. •.. .Mend* DKAUGUT-BOABM. IaDKfIF- 1 LA-STICKS. .9 . .Meed# DASHES ... -0 Mead# DIVANS.,.;.. Ml .Mead# DICE-BOXES ... »t. ~M«o# DOOEB . -ft M*#d# DOMINOES..... 61 ifaodaFJKEBOAKDS.,. b& Mead# FLUTKB. oft....;.M«nd» BALLUBTKBa...../. VI Mewl# GLASSWARE *# Hmd# HANDLE 5;.......,..... K *9 Utoda GUTTA*PEBC H A*WARB 89 W U«sdl K1T85.%....;v;-;v. *.'..T.V.. .*» ,JM Mend# TOW. « M Mend# OBOANB .....i- .99 M0DEL5...................... 98 94 Mend# SEWING-MACHINE 6TAHDB 94 .95 MendsPANELS » W Mood# PABTEBOASD-WOBK 98, ?T Mend# PATTEKSATTI. « Mend* SIDbBOABDS ..98 W Mend* WOODEN-WAKE 99 Joo Mflwb WIQX)W-W ARE : 1W s Prepared GI r Spalding |bt stationers. rs rUEPAKKDOLUK, BT DBCQGI6TB. D* PttKi’AUKD 9LIJE, Jd BT GBOCEKS. ou dt.ni; IhardWakk stores L’a pbkParkd olur, PBR-fUttNISIIINO BToiIKS | i . ■■' J'S I'IiEI’AUF.D OUfB, ksi’y-iiijorw DKAI.KKd fcl'Al.lMN'l wjlh bit BI’ALDtN Ef*Lr> bt no( fcI'ALDLN I'ni.n bv y\ «•* niKJ’Ar.KD ot,uK; i r M mill A NTS GKN Rft a U.V sP.U.IiINj si»i,i»vhy-c.niNTi) >laiVntVi'ti«rr*i »•(' 'JiF.-NttY IC. $? AIDING Sc CO. .... Mtm-Zon&MMi «ox no. m» Pntop t i ,t. ..?;]••■:- I ',' L -;r .'(Mf«.«o4Wftlat r: .• -V . r •! • .- J- "tfMMf tav . . • .'V' . H|bt«r .. .« v W»fc; ■| .UMMuirm to** u**» .. ¥■ R. & J. WAT » O K & C 0., • ; Wholesale Groc**rw. AHB ;SSA.L£KS IN Rope, -Oakum, 1 Oils aud Pittsbur^h Mdnufaoture«?, . ftO.]a« WAfBK^ ( ItBKT, Abo™ att*KhO»'l, . r (4ull:lj«I) K.JTIfieUiiUU, Pa. TMOD. tWiA, |,8,j,.,,~ •.'. JiMfta TJUXbLJ LITTLK A TBIHCLK, yyra olc* j* i,k <4roo*as an d d-rai.xrr riotr, ;o!kcotit|obtmi I PruiUiOtlißProdiic*) j ligjßWN^ax^irj.TTywpßqg. WILLIAM BAGAIiEY, W»OlL»|B.jlk.laS OROOEK, |o«r «,»> 0 Wood litrttf, : joaa m'hh.i. ; „.±, acuwiz -—/**«# s'ujul. JOHN M'GlL.Lufc SON, Oruc«rs-niid Com mfcMino Apcst* ', WHOLESALE GKO « 0K& AOd/fleet famtaber, Dcalm- Id I‘rodr.r* »nd PlUabargh UMrobetun*. No. Ul Water str-*'L ueur Qwrrj Alley,Muaborgb.-Pa. ; •Ul •i. f . L . •• _ 1. UU.WOMH. SHRIVER 4 DIL'W ORXH, ' "VV HOLES A LK Omen, Sou 130 auJiriSoooa-J rtr*’ct.(Utwe«»n W** l t ' «08» nolb_—L._ . li.JUOOA*l> rVOTD— — JOHN FLOYD; o AlercLaut#, fta l?fi 1 128 liberty »tre4t, PUubarg Um . tOQB WATT ---■ ....-..'...j0mt *11903. WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GHO -OSHB, OommbulOD Slcrrhaaf- *n. %l.'r«sivaU ‘ldmliof.ProTli»UA, r.cU M«vct>Jtnii**, Ho. 8&& liberty mvel, pitt»l-nrgh. uv-cl>d IOBSBTDAinU. JAAIIt. I. VarAßir-O. Robert dalzell a co, whoi.k- BALE 0 ■ooens : Oomml.«loij »ml Puro-si-djit;. M»?r eb«uU mud De*jer«ia Pto'locpaoil Plltsbarifb M»nofHctt.r-«, tio. ttl LlWny Rtrnot, i'lttabcrgti, l‘t. 4ij^ ISAIAH [)IoEeO''CO., vVIIOLKSALi: flroc*r»,bo:omliwWuMfrch«»a,Abd D*fci*r»lu Pn>Jtv*« p No.Bo Water It fluil W front Rtrcot,Pltti!.wr/lj. _ _ BooSseliKS, &f. Robert s.'BAVjs.Buccoss.irw Joiin s. Dwrlaon, iJoaUst InDoolß, Butioni-ry. Ac, No. 93 Wood rtreet, corner of Diamond alley, w>3:ly WM. U. JOIiNSTUN it CO., Sfcuumei*, Bliuik 1 ook MsibnCactorerii Rutl .li b I‘rtnwr*, No. H Woodfctretrt, Plttwbgrgh, P*. ; *o*»o^ KAY *OO., BOOKSELLERS ANDSTA TIOSCf&rNo. fib Wood oext door to tlie oor Her of Third, Wu*Uurgh, P*. School and Law Bookiooti rtantly to I uni- ; Uni IAD, iBOOkSELLEh aK i> si a* • i’JONKf. No.TB:F..nrO.«U, iro l!u : gainlttjj W. IF. C iCI h W K JL. X. , fIOOSE, SjtiN AM) OfmKftTAli PAINTS *iijsra; GK&INRR, No. 61 Firra Stmskt, Opposite c|)tld“F'€'ll<>w» Hull. ■ PITjTSBDRO U , P A . Sign work , Dealer in] promissory notes, Bosda, & urt£*|fM «It «j. fmooiMD prvfflrf lo»u» Ma«lw*7< fluqßrtt u<4 •kxkuJ dart p*p**raf my nfflc«, far Ml*. f Ailttwaaartftlhiatu.ut'VullJd. OfBnGHA&t aTREBT.-oryeafL?6*. r*or* C«tl.Ttir»l. - •|~ • 1 • . jiaustc, Act. JOUfTil 'M£4Ia)K, Mu' bf WOODS’!'?, betWec-a i hAUOitd’AiWy «uj-t Vonrth itr***t. fc*i* Agent JbrOHICaERtNQ a SOfcr’ U'-»toiij i*UKO roKTKS. HA BOir a bahun'S HOukl mkloorons u>-\ oiuiaf *~* - * “ --*»» it» Mn*ic«o'l Mu*k*t QoijOa. BRO., So. 53 t'irm 14*0 HWT>,S>!r Atria! CirNCTOJg t nnrtrUU-d Oruul Kr 4 9qmr« A .SKIiOHAM'B genu* IMONIUM3, »c StcUr, ui ; •■•fee ,UMK, iIANUFACTDR -8* ?»«!**, ami (lelt A|cM>t fOr tun UAH BUBO , T»A Vtji i ktUftfcfrec! Us Woo4*U*»t. ir Wanboait.* .ARSUALL. 4 CO., lm l, ST Wood itrwt, b*4w«vo Fourth < when ib«k touod an extemln otiau at f«H«r P*r duat#rt. Aina, Window t krwwt prkat to country dador*. P; UAHBJI ALk A CO. mtt AgctitK. , Secretary Western Ineur Wttcrvlral. JQA-RpINKR COFFIN, A S ont hr Frank • UafltitimuiaoeOrt&pajiy.Sorthibst eonx* Wood uxl Third nncta. | , «• ! LMAOtitRA, Aeenl tor I>oluwuc I lMnnae» 4l Vwr fttwt PH • M n'atf -a ' Btg GOOig. . I. ■. TOCffltlU-—ij...—BlO. fc. KIIXSKU. BURCUiTIRLp A CO., (suoces-surs to Mur* phy'A BitrchfUldO Wholw*»l* *n4 Keull IK*W« la 2Up]**od HicfVrj 0o6d«, i!urth-<»Mtcwrm«r Coortli aad MartMuU, .. ___ ___ »ot C; H. iidYJS, pealcr la Staplo and Fancj • Dry Good!. id th« ortgitnl Deo lilt"*, NwT4 fttt/rtiqfgb. [_ o>rlB R 11. PAI.MLfiK.No. 106 Market 6ttoeL » Boron*. UftU* »nJ i < *Bl . jFucnuaw._ _ : JVVMIhS'w. WOO-OWJEaL.iI. FI) I*l7 CJUiIKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Aatrkdiic »wy ■tytocf ' • f T 3 li pr X X TT ROSEWOOD, MAHOOAN7 iSoluble tor i. . 18»0UAIU1ICU AND DIN IN U fcOuUB. . ffaoti to «ni in Rtf AND V illl A DELPHI A ; oati Nail. TT and 7? Tbibd Stbmy, I rnrsiitmw, fa. PAKLQ NEW TO Wiuiie nrSfoStf 1 ' ». v. ret»* V.%!v61)J10 * CO., ' »u|jIOTiCTB**M:"OI. .. . MUTCRE AND OtIAIHB ; * Of-Bjery Dwicription. filTCOttV- 'Wthhlrg boat*. wJKfcitAwT ' •• • • ',• - •“ ; T. A. TflDllfl A PO. bbl».’ Ycllwv «n**r. • '-••••: - t •'• •; f -- BCOA.R— Bngan. ICOAM— T do 1 Mtolrfngtr. BYRUB—4O 6a (Mlden Bi rap. BYJ4UP—'A Jo. Btjite Slf j*jrnp.' [ MOIiABBC !*—l7* ÜblsH O MolimmJ, fa 0»h ItnmU MOLASHjfi- SO IrfbMi ' Ao , AS ; TOttAOOOMft T>XOt%ndpH br*mivfc« AtiiT[lQii. • r CUT AND DRY—ttbb)* t*rtif»TNK taHotjJ cr**J««<. BANKOIi—UhbUBMdtOIL Hv '• Ptrcn-s i>t>u p4t«u.. , mos~io »c« pHtoa nic*. MAP—I 4 bi» Par# &»UI» Bo*p, . do fiDH) i# iiir Np. T .r WAP-PO do P*W «I« ‘ 1 . RODA-tl&kgt «n<{;bu ImpotlM til o*rt» BAMflftATOrt—' 1 MLkftAYOA—'Otjxa - Mtr-:: > ?' GUN CAPS-20,000 O D C«pf-for »*lo l»j nfll WATT A Wll.*ON. Kn.'»A,UHrly «t. GROCERIES: Ac.—lf»obr»£* Rio Cofloe: t. tl. Aw! llUrk TrAn,' ' r J : : JOrt tyw a* lortcd Tobacco*, A 0 kg* j*li*T«rUt Ta|»»eco*, . *> toai IU «, I |no kx* Hi Carb Rod*. » M>« Lferring, ‘ 6o I»W»Nn.B l«W Mjckcial, . : w 4*» Carolina Tf»r, . .23,t1* YaßtwiVOil, '' . ftOdoaßdckafa, ■' 10 do* Yuba, *’ . 100 do OcA o Hrotiriiv I *A*om*nt or r*ti;; akd IV et{jr, to whichw*tik p«Uc >n. IWHnjoolloawtc.nk; ■{ nu»li**jc : 10W>‘ABrt«n-r " rwlilu*«J»llj, for Ml»br -" • *.-•£ : ’ i r" HURHbT A DARfcBR,. j Borot»r MNft* »«id Hand »tn»U. NOW, fIARIi WIMTKItDH ittsr >i ICOO A t Is slorwaml ot Taylor'** and • bM iif Kbklith.afid Au*i|s*n Bi**» H U.WOLKM«V >' ,caf8«rlll»rlr»ml Kt Ojwf : iE FOli A fino Urge; More* WAal ofoW: ■' ’ Hand all (ij< ft.r«»te by m 23 Horsi - iM-rpnaicii, wmbkuy «wv iIANUSOMB AN D OUEAE Xfltlf | B,'otftTef7T»rli’ty,»iw*j»on bund; f. (MtANBO* LOTS. T 4 M*i»**t H.' IJfi-r6O bin. prime Cutting Cheese. . u»Ar.zßi.i. ion, i\ FLOUITmO bbls; Family Ftotir ■ tad fbt fctlc liv •• i - ! HlTeitOOiiK. M’OHKKTtT AOt}Ui. flaring pat op Machinery of largo capacity and of the bml quality, we aroprepared to do beary Jobbiag, and *©• licit work iu ibU'Uotvtnutiug that by promptntM and the character »>lwir work, to merit public patronage.: We in rik'ijnciil attaetlna to oar, BALANCED VALVS OSCIL LATING ENGlNES,aacoaihlbibg advantage* heretofore onattuitird In thl* duM ol Knginr*. Uootu *llh aieaut power and good Igbt, To Let. Ja2Rlyd c a itiw hia ai a tuusiii (Socteeeore to Joliu Oertwngbt,) " MANUFACTURERS and Importers 01 Pocket and Table Cattury, Bnrglralana Denial In itnuaeot*,float. Pfotbls, Fishing Tackle, Ae_ No. M Wood xtrtct. Tfaty gitrnprcln! AlteaUuu to the mnunlac wring of ?niKSi«,t>Dp}.vrtAr7i,&\ .I'tM-'ns in.J_ Kopalng wjtli imoe w»ilty *ud ibspuirth.. * eplfcaly VtUIA* AAM11tU...... WIJULIAH OXU.NHILL * CO., 01 Pehn pfe., below Miirbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAM BOILER MAILERS AND SIIEET Iron Worker*. Mnunfaceume uf Barnhill's Patent Bolter, Locomotive, Flood anil Cylinder Hotter*, Chituo*y«, BrelcUon, Tire Bed, Steam iPijica, Condooaere, Salt Pan*. Bogw.Pafas, Iron Yawl*, Ufn Bouts, etc. Alsu, tllAckamlthr Work, Bridge ami Viaduct Inina, dune ut tho Ahorteet bo Uee. • Alllordera from a distance promptly attended to. JeM : Iron .City Niue* Warabouee, WIV. BRADsUAW, (Successor to T. • J.CHAIO ACo. ) Munitritclnrer of TIN, JBOS audCOPPBII WABK,»nd Dealer In STOVK3, Ac, Ho. 1M WWD BTHEKT,'lx>teocn Fltlli aud Virgin alley, P!lL» burgb. P* fc&lyd Oft li L.A ft s a V i Alia U A A H No. G 5 E'jurtfc Siroet. ■G u * & f t: u g v i y \ ? t 6 . OPEN DAILY-PROM D TO 2 O’CLOCK, •ItuM) W*!oe*:ey aad tatqH*? 8 o'clock. Deposit*-reMfreO of all nnu iv-t !<*• thaSi ca«Doilu and • dividend of (be profit* derlarel astro • year, in Jutland jyjcetcber. Internet has Own -Wlarad eetniaoj anally, la Jmu-aud Uwcnab9r.Mltcr.tbe Bank w«* organ sM, at' the rate of tlx jwrnrat'a yw. Interest, tf not drawn out,?* placed to the credit of the de peeitar m principal, and betri tie same 1 nterre t.troa the Aral lay*of JdbhenaDeoember»oompotmjJlng !«Ice« jr*r with .act troubling the depositor; to call or rvtm 10 prarol ht> l>M4 Lrc.-c.lt. At tbit rate, ntobey vtU dtrohU in [no lhao IS jeered making la the eieire uunn iult rn cent a rata. ' a tbf- BjL%w«, Z~\** «3-2 flrfir tti.m Cnrni*ocd ttit Ar.nRFt. yhjx rifitMMu- Jihß tL i, John H Ouifleld, . Ato**> A. itirid Ctni'hf4l, iiljn P,Oo«r*T», CJiarlf* A.OuHoo. WlllUtn Dou^lm, J.-hjti Emit, /nttteia F*!tx, Br.el«oUa J*. foJii>t*tock. i Jkom W. Unions, WHlUr . KNDT'B BRON C HI A L CIGARETTES, OO.Urt NAS(*A.U RTUBBT, N. T, : Price, $1 par Ihm; aeat f«c bj pv«t, roa aalk at Akt. ntttmanra PITTSBURGH PLOW WORKS. J € # ItUMVI LL, ... JK9Xr.fl t. 0090! lKtt««wortoEj>**f A Bldvell,] Ras on hand a vert large •lock (rf > . Plows AND PLOW CASTINGS; (Kill tfa» *lia*r*nt TtrittlMireody to ttrpplj M» rri*&d*ud cuatot&prau 910*1. Ut« b'BVP WORK A aowbelog *ncted iaiiui«olr*liwrtof;tb9ctly.ontho lotftooMa* 120 tool emit ob Vf»j «o 4 Fmt«m otraet, »ad txt*niitrig 340 feet*>utlarritoo fclter, will.twwqml la *xt«ot Bfcd a* p*ny Wtoy I’low Wort*to tbo Halted Sutra,,bwvloc all tb» (iuhletn totpn}«rmrou lie butb wood *&d Iron working MadUncry, sod will In* iu fall optntioo *boat tb* Brat, of *4* WarehocM »ryl OQc« only tiirM «qnleni u* rmActfall* Ktidtod, aolfetf ; J. C, RIDWRLL, SEETiiN’S.ULD bTAND tit THE DlAllttSD, THOMAS BTONE, L*l» Clerk of the JLsd Ljoa tlittel, ■ PROPRirtOJt. Having taken and fiu«i up, i »t «tr*-*t txt*n** f with «H thepodwn jb i'jil>r6TemruU,4hbi popnlerreeort, wii prepved to’ i cumuodete hU (need* httu too puimo grst>r»lty, wuh the b*«t the raufcet effort* . o?BT«R3vflt teettrcd op in every variety of atyle taring the aueon. i •■ LIQUOUS »sd A' K3ba fet]i ooofldent in reouaojendlof to ibe pnbttcfor their excePeoce. eerred op •taUboore.-ind DAYtndfllQHT ROikDRKSUOiea. iplfelly THOMAS' bTONE. s MMiDKlES— 'Uobbda.N.O.Bo««r;' ' 60 bl>U, HeQaad nti<*r; 600 w prltM Pttnutioß Molaeaer, 400 “ amortrd braada Hjrnpa; . WO baga Klo Coffee; : H pociat Java Qofler; . 100 twxea taontd brabda Tob'acao; 26cattra do - do . 160 ball cbMta Yonag Uyaoo and Blaeb T***;. 60aUtyboxw do do do do £o boxM Koala Botp; i . • 56 ,*♦ Benwmßoap; <26 •“ Ulna do’ 60 ,‘* ilpold Caodlra; 26 . M . Burr: . dOi SOU bbls, Kxtra ao > Kitni family flour, la afore and for tala by J»2att( ATWHCb, LBK A CO, vu&&cs]s masKT Engine and! Boiler Shop. STEAM' ENGINES, all sizes, on hand or made tJvr.Ti?i*r,»»rraafaHl toglTeeat'alaetloa.' STBAM BOILHKB. Mill.; GBAfUNO, PCLLIKi*, SHAVTINQ UHICK MAUHINKBY ANDCABTINU FOR GLAM AND ikon woitatj, vault iand ckllak oratks and GHATK I'Auß. *ll i.ir*,always on b«od. «TJOBWORR AND (tkPAlKlNfJdona on abort tietlre. «t*orFl3ie-319 UWrtYetttet, Ptmbflreb. ! W. W. WALLACE. - Anchor Uniting Cloth*, french Dorr Mill Stop*, Portable Flour *m) Olmt-pftsg Mill*—the boat lo lh* econiry—Bo***a Patrbt.Wnter Wlnel«, *iaiit Maritime anl Mill PurnWhlDg of all ttlodn.attbe lowietprlfr*. W. W. WALLAUB. ivrlO.dOot _ ; Office 319 Mburty atr**l, l»m*t)nrgh- CUNDRIES-^ O : Moo M>U i.rlWfH- 0. • WO tiMs. ' . do IWI but*Tob*ectWT» . W) tlercet prion Rla 1«0 lihl». No 2.l«rpt .160 !i.«|fLt>;r do |m . M M>!*, Medium ■ 30 do While n«*l Too k*mN*U*, 'r*jioCi»lm4 ' 1,000 luxm Wluda»QU*», rarfoai «U«t; 1000 M.l* No. I «*lt : .r.: 7ft do Wluter Bl**ohed Wbale Oil; . Baltlmnre, Bay failed anAOoaportHearing, Shad No. 1 and N WATT A WILSON, ealT f • j y [ No. y« l4h*etf at TUrariCh—lron, Cuttdn and''all other il Mjiauf*ctnrrTauila« Machinery.— We keep aeouatant (apply of .Lard and Tallow OIL and .MILL GIIdASR, which ww aril oo accammwUtlo* vita*. »ul3 { .HAfAH DICK BY A 00- TJ-ÜBBION RR U IT—3OO bxs. Baocb JjKaiiln«,JfibnCl> , tneii}t , bran'l; I - .1190 bode* Lajer.UaUliii. Johndatttens* beadd; 300 b't terra :do•) - • dd'-r-' ■ rfi> • Joai roo d and for safety l ; HBYMBR A ANI}EHSOK. *3 No.Ml.Woirigt.,oppositeCharles Hotel. - A cBPLISS, &C.—loo bbls. choice Green Ap suibl* ÜbtrUoCrab Applatt:-v t. ; 1 j . • .1 Brasil Paarr, fur prrmTlnu—Jcrt recM. <»r aata by . ■!- ' g . " JAum a.Fktziib, : • j eitwrWaitmminM in. INI>U HUBBKK; CLOTHING, Fishing Tt<*K DapUruial pint*. Afr Bed*.Pillow*, Cqahhraaand i»«»l P*D LINBBBD OIL! A M, Manufacturer and OIL.. RAW AND BOILED, C A K K , * r.. • Um-u i.IwJ it iti«- of Mr. wl, *htl Jolio Ali'ji A 'll, mid tjn;ic«' of FI.AXifc.BD FOH v ill it<* (vo imxi'iittttfrutkra. iftonrtaiK. John B. „ COLtON lancaus. ADVBRTWiniB^T. wvMnHM TO MILLXRS. Molimm; Sortr, qaallUi'K irisLD'A 00.*s: ft*, u»PUn»«fcr ►ls,-in store fo 1 tb-roiaoda of perenba lb( tb*s world wary year, and ban n&rar till now Ifei •acc«etful magical treatment tb*t boa cot produc- ■XDICINU disxukG which aflwrt lb* LONG?, thwPPLXBN, the LlVP.R,tiia HEART,or other pamofthehaauoc'rgaalaai. xh» HSrPECTISTE ia the natural antagonist of alt FEVERS, nod, when Ueoiaralb cuulect wltbtba aklo, la ab* Tb»d £y the Interior organa, which rraUt eaally miaama and all ton* denciee toward Ibwemaladlet ahlcb V‘ PROSTRATE THE MIND AND B wnn FEVER Perer and Ago* mull rna t .deprl patient of all energy, and reducing him or hrt to OoDofazraratatirLiMaifli. Why will any oao - aoffor the horroi debilitating INTERMITTENT FEVER, when, by ,the use of the Invaluable Inpeel FemlHn Fever Charmi the eminent medicinal and magioai q; of which are instantly absorbed, ALL TBAUW OP DIHUKB MAT Bt ABNIII IS A Fl W HQU&Bt ; SELF-OARX Ifl BKTTKR THAN PUTBH NATURE IS WI*BRTOAB ART. ETKRY DIABASE HAS A DIVtNB RIkUK TaBWISK APPLrWUtLKTIU' IOOUBO D) BiITBB PREVENT THAN STRIPS TO tV i ]; , DELAYS ARK DANQKROUS. THE inpectin: P«niiß Ptvtr Charm, Has of both sexes of dreadful fevers. Rtad and Reflect! WOKDOTUL iriSOTB. L*mu*l Doncall, of Pittaborgb, for two yarn htmaatf aod aoctaty—a uiartyr to Cbllla eo4 fan tn lea* than three veake, nod fapßired Is tight bd Mary R. Belknap, Saadstky, Ohio, after alnloiat I) raaaon aa vail m strength by Intermittent Be) CbflU, restored to bealth in twenty boors.' J. B. Tilton, of B*tgr*Se, Mtbiis brooght frot f,tb*! INPECTIN fenlsn Ft?er Charm/; TRY IT, PROVE IT, KNOW sod make known its wonderful pow virtues, that those who euffer, or; w threatened with suffering, maybeledj simple, innoxious preparation, furnij the field of Nature for | Man's Blessing. I3STPECTI2Sr[ IS SOLD BY &» l. rAßsncstock So. 90, eonwr of Wood and V B; A.F4HHI»TqOK Coro or of Tint aad Woo 010801 BiKI ' aio JOmHILIII Corner Unrkot at aadlb* bt filliOl JpHN| Oornrr Smlthflald aad Vd all raa druqqtsts m this rj * '=■ : and' '■ :i;T' ALL DRDjQBIBTB AND ÜBDIOINH D 1 IN AMERICA. PRICE ONE DOL Bcnt.by uwii to any part oftba UattodSM REMEMBER! . HUooluh«afa*ardlj,feai!*spp!l«doalwar tag to dtr»ctloo», which aecospany wch Packaj uuicri.oTUi( i »* JOHN WILCOX k 188 MAtH BTHEBI, BIOnMOttD.VA. Ho. 38 Bank of Commoioe Bi • R*W r»K ClTt.' B. *. SELLERS 4 < i WholeuM Agoola for Pittil . ,m 6; , - Osnur Wood md B* ttaiiioa^s' frills RENNSTf LV AKl.y 1 cb-s*traleaJlhoa«» 4ESS&§VbSS3 ' lIOfItbAILYTRAIX&v*’- - ™- ----- Oa'aad sflef MuNUAVp dree-lUVfttevn'totjdll HAiL TRAIN leaw lie l^rvr*fr_SrMicnt«ry tomj |.i (uccki S3O A. g/Afrpft Og*t Qlfciahßiy ti trobr, Yieterke* Jvhnaiuaiis.MMl *tt«i;oli»* Jehurtown a*u far Otitimae. artlvtajp fn lWlJ*ddp*'H er ®*iOmore at r. m. ; TUF. IIIIiOUoHJULP RKJi TRAIN learee Miy aiitto p. », atprindjieltfa'Jeha, m»kti>Kdii*ete(fe> i«l ou at n«rrlatirrs tor Baltimore, kind arriving faFblla- JfcU'bUor TUliioiorvat fc3o A. K. . •,„ ' Yllß PAST LINK to**# tee t-=srtoD daily ('Xc»pt Ea»d«y) •t*u»F «h tk-j jiJtfa Utr«i*bofKv JckM to*», Wi«law»,y»ij„ tta< Altoona, concerting atUar* wph tra,l » ilirrct tcrU»U«ni.iTO, and Mfirlng to FhU- RjtpnMTrihL-' f. m. Rclnming Train* from Phtaburgtr-ak.QaMelle*. title ILvalh unreal PHltburgb,’ WO a. M.aotl Tb« tranllng public win ddq it gf«tly' 10 thu&'istneat, lu g>rfng Raat.ur H'mU (o'tr«ri4 t-y tbo IVmWjNafetaittii' •» ibk accumtswiaUuna uow «JRrW cannot b*wffM» «l ua.anyubrr rtaite. 'TbeßoaJla(>al<'M'ed wUb rtonaauil la «t>t|tviy Ire*from rttilt. WVran juvoiWatMy.aptwl tud coaitr: tu all wUo tu«y faror ihH itond with' Ibalr’patron h*> • •'■■; •' •■• ’ ; rAHU . 1 t, . To N*w York tl){Ti> 1taU1uw1........— $ b M 1U OC[ ' 8 k’ 5 46}. ' '• IohU SUtiot • oti Ibo IVana. .{Uilyotd . autl tu rUlkdclptilH, ttaltJiuvrt* ainl N« w Vork. •, '. i P*iaflipcHi puttbaaißg Uriel# in c«nt,%ilt bocbarged ooa bait c-uiptrniil#laaduiuon lothe wtatloorale*,«K6*pt w l «*rc thoCompßE*^bsa DoAßC*t* & - ' '■■>• nOVKjK.—in Coaipany Blir bolltfieat* a irnt rc*{«t)*ibiß Ur prrsotial bactaao oui»: and far »o nmunat But cr.r«'«4(iig s)uo *, -.’ c ■ K. tt—Au Om»;iiina:Uno Laftt'O.u unplorad IocoOTF/ ' Paa>»Bff*ra. i»».tl to Mid ttuiu tile brin't, at»ch*rZ* 11 ,U " S^r ‘- , " c “ paaarugrraud baßMCiiw'' : ' Fur Tlchfiaapiily to, . J. KTiWaht ' *v«* *\ x i }'***"**' nutiou, w Liber.? SmES ** , aad Fitubargn ; CHANGK OT TIII£—DOdMKP. ARRANGftUXKT, ' r ON dpt] aacr Mo-NDAYjfXßfisaßJ^Btt. APRIL -3d, ISU), TrainJasaflgg>g—B; «IU Icavrtlia Drput nf tii« PennayiTania Haliruad,|a Rtt* boxgb,aalnlk'wa: .■. > .. ■>■■■' s 7J>*” .■lXUibxrgh atidCbtoepoLine, Uavra (*ttt»irnrgb l:0u a. m., arrivm at Cievelaml 9M'» m, : 12:45. p», ** r*f 8.06>m, Pawongtra diafriug lv gu tu CMcagn, Tla CnareTauf, t»Ut b« particular Uja<.b for Ticket# Ti»WefuUntL PUiiburgK, Cbh*mO%ii. and Cincinnati Xhart Ime. ail ■ -.' . Anbmcdk, ". No cbaagß ut car* betworn Pittoburfb BbdOtnci&abtl. T axtircM Iravra Arilraa at . Anlara at . • AlUiaatt WTfgUOHGiJ, COh\JMBD^,-CiNCINNATt, 6T. LODU. 1.10 »in 11:55 am 4:14 i> iu . 12rt6 p ra - 10;t0 p to •'■ -Sub* n» ' •Tbll ruaie U «br»rtrt to Clncir.imti, Lmi'aTiiio, Cuioiabna awl air points A»uib, tban' aoj otbor ruiuo. .SptnatUd. .- WrcpiogCan nlfarbe.? to a}J Nlxbt . /ktltburyA o« u r G.&iKji m ' 4:19 p m.- ' 4:10 psi fidW ptu C6O pnr j . ■Tne 12J6 p. ta. Traindoitnot atop betweenKocbctiCrand 'WetUrtUe. •'••• •:■/< a place Aenceot txdoce4 *./wcr; ring thi i eonfll* Ticket* can baprocnr*d.at Pm»urgh, II»rTl»- ■■■ bnrg, FhtlaJelphln, N»>w York and B‘«toa. V. K. MYKHS. Ticket Agear. - ' ' farther iotonnatliai apply to .• ■'■ . • ' :JNO. nTRIYART, Ticket A grnV'r aplC tf ■ - { Cold Liberty at, • . . To all Point* in the South, West & North-'WWt; ' FALL AND irjtfTKß A BBJSGEiHCfir. TO CINCINNATI us quiok, aod- to--- X Indtan*poll«, SL Loaii and CLlcreo qaleker thka by :i ’ toy otber route. • . . HXSTWASD TRJIXS. FkSTjLlKK—Lenvta i l litttargh..k..».i, m .', > ...,li(i|pL -• ••; Aimc* at CiMiliDe-.... a. *; • MakiaficloWcounrctlonaeiUi liollefoofalAa aadCl*Tlr ' land, Cultuaboa and CineioDali’Reada.- ■ ' ' i.; •^ Arriving el Jndlaui»polla v „.r« M .0j"40 F. j(.- - M “ R Loniau— au “ ** C»nclnijatl. M .».,. — «4:40 p, tL , u u Cbleagoii.^,... p; k"; ••• ’ !*• 6 —Tbe time to Ciodnaatl la tie aaiua aa by •' rille: Trains on both 'ro»de meoi «t ColQmiua,audpaa*e»». , g«rs all rilDto Cinetsieti tegetfaer. • . •:•’ .>. • I&P&K.18 fttfs*.ergh;i.i'w..ttls *L'^ > : -i - AniTieatGrt*uiDaww.—:liSft-». a. T Vafcitigcloee cuniiixllvu* at ei^rpe.' • ArtfrioeatTodfa: ajuilia, ftM> “ - ** Rr.X00i«..4~ T:*»»; B-•' • j ", . “.. •• JtfiO k. B, , ' j :*'• Chicago.....*. BJB a,. *. • N. B.—The lipfl lu Cincinnati it the astne mby Stenben .. *H«*. XratMvaKti>rba4l«iD^etntColutslni ) feQd{iU»*&« g«r»ftUgo;f&toCilKlllßaU:tf*6U>6r. . • 6Jf*pl»«|r Cars 6u »Ws tfitu Dbo' PiUnbuiub to Olqold>. • MU.t*l&ii«Mpc?iiiMKES3 TRAIN. - )! JmM Wti«fanrgl.— a.-ffi; V* ArriTtS is Creatlmf . r „,.„...,. ttin -ihJQ p «4. • • “ .** ctncJi,u*tv fen. Trains to Chicago wittwnl change of Car*. r ' v -JSAIfTtTAftD ZBAlfifU . - i Lena Chicago, ?.U0 A. K.asd ?:<& v. m. \AcrUJtig « , Mas, 3 * [M. end S£Q a. n. Cocaecliuc niih »rnie»ft'- ' Dayioasad Cincinnati, Arriving at CreslHue, 3:66 1. i Md&SOaio. ’u r ~’;. vj "T Connecting with tralca ,g ciuaa connections villa : trains oo PeawylTmla Hiilro**>r,for I'btUdeJpbU sad th» . ■ tsstaradtis*. I •' •• AawuraoaiUoa Trains, from Enteral strict, ATWeMur For New. Brighton, «BV*. and &60 ». v, ■'•• :• Arrives! do ll.tss “ . tr2ur *. !, Learo .‘ido ?;0Q « ArrtTsntAlU-ghcoyi&Sn *» —£ &04 *• r; AUegbujrairttieownfjAcetoteodsitar. Lears Alleghany; ) l*g moo t a cut fr.(w rjr. Anlreal|btmvtnj' l 1.v3 a iseUeto I*sts Economy, i •*. AiriteatAligbPny, ?:4U “ - 43> « ; Tfckata «Ql Us *tld fur tbi*e lr*lu« as tb« ro>loc«t ra(M 1 jmblUhedOct.l*»,lMO.- : fknmgfeTntoicoAtwctMhlkm—< ' -•:•• ! with tntM.oa tfc* CWrel*wJ A a -, AyOiTTfll*,Ohk> t h>»tidfrotaMiUcr>b»rg, Akron, OojAliog* At MniwflwM, Obks to* Hu V*fnoi, Bbelb/, BkAdtuk«, »► ' ■ . i , AtCmtUw fcr De*w*, Bbriogfiohl, (Wombni, ClmlddU * . ln*fc»n*l»ol!«i fit.U>At*, Ixairtlte, nte. ' At Jforort lorlferingfitld, .SandQokjr,. b»}too,ClßctaMtfc- At Um»torBM(iST l Z)nftoo,ClQclna«tl l . 'V' At H.Wajnotor Pwo, Uf«7«tte,iui)v6l.{ 1 ‘ OMlfste pom la Centro! Indian* aa4 Jilted*. At Fljriodutb for L«porte. * At Wwwitnb for tn pc into oo the i’ewilUDTiod Silwi • Btllrond., -v. •- . .'•/.f Aq4 At Chlroja, with Inina tor mil poiuta la rfllautr, toVA * WtaooaJo ami MloDcaota.. >- . Jot forth*! Isftn&ttton ud tbrooftb Tlcteli im4i to fiMWAftt, Tkket Affßt, “ 7 Pnoeogw-tSUttoa, PlitthTwah. .-v OKOBfiB !»ABKIK I ' ' . £ ■ . PM*engM ?t*aao, 1 Through Tickets for ntoottf) the Ztektt ,Oomoot t&O ' .{btnptnjco tb*Ui>« of th* rood, to kllptrltaf tbo dtliid •. •■_ A.a iiATiiKvrAr,!»• flneiil Pm»fpg»r jgtct, Mmtmjli, •' j. O UNDKXPKODUCE.—SO bb(s. ‘DrewT O- Wdo ‘‘3c«kriioT*nb*r , *ApnTirt; " •00 toieb M»rl*tU WATKB ÜBLOXS; - aa bet Cbafc* Pali BABLSY; •bbURTJB FLCtlilr ~ JtSdu* Obk bellow. Sugar;' * !•••*r .do _l>. lu Defined UMubcdEotnrl" ■■’ •0 do foWcriKd . 10 do Powdered do. ' .for.eatefry . WATTA Wltao?*.ft>BUhertyet. ”• tare and hid nro to nsei'a jibed by PEACHES —10 bbliC Peaches, ‘ ■ ' Ji»t received and for tale by -: •J, A. PRTZSR, • —»* '•■•■ • • : ’ Oocwr rintbutnßdiWtetwcta.' -i- COUNTRY . BACON.—SOO lbs. C^uitCy*' n*o« and *boa!t J. PKCE’A ;■ Pint Premlom Hair BUu*, fto. <&. fun etrea* seat, doerr* >. to Itapfttcta Bolldhus; 1 apSO- .. , -.. |rw;i)A»- chests anb?fuk boxes, to V protect Wowlcne‘and fun from.|t»eraT*gt* -cf ib* -*.,. moih—made to order at abort notice. ’ / ’ •ea h - T. BJPOUKn A 00. CUUNTUX LAKD—A fuvr keiw nice Coon-' try Lardjtut rec’d,for.Baleby. .Jib. A. PKTZBB, -- ■ \ ■ latrner.harteetapd Straft* - * FUTJLXIN fur salo by s';- j*. A. FAHNESTOCK m 00, : .. h»I!> / ; • • ~ corner Firnt end tt~aod>te. v ( BILL HEADS, Bills of Lading,'Cards,amV v all k)Qdi«r Pasty and Plata PrlnUn*. d>ne by . • ,•• r. - : r'-W.B.lfAVßH;Boolr'*i«lJo6Prli»t«r,• • aelt ; • • ;• . n ■■■.'•'. Cbrmr Wood And Tbltdeu 4 .;, :• BLANK BOOKS, of all kind*, for auto and * s -; made io otder, by' A ■ v • W.&llAV£iV f ßt«okli*V:JUiauLeliirtr, ii'- 1 ■ artl r ; ' contec Woo4»ttd-tbitdaHr v '• CEILINQ PAPEKS~in frcico and > cKrocudnlgn* tor aile by W. r.MAIWUALL/ ma r '■ '• , il\ HEAP WALL PA PEKi fyr sate by *' • - • -■ W,P, HA&aaatlA '• ■ ■ •>■• ' o-' '• &7Wood LEMONSw— i.'s boxos rrimo 'ooaliw French 7 '’ •" Lesione fee’ll bad fudatloby:. ■ 1 *1- y . -1 . HM2USR A^AfinwidON,3»;Woodgtr^t t ’' ' Ag, “* l - OPiOdW dt. Ctutrlee llpul. * CTQNE WATBK ytoda from fc3 i to. 6 locbcabbro, for tele by . r* s .. »*g| - •■ t IKHRT H. OOUJMA GHKAr WALL eAWlßS—Uhcaper ton : f ever, nd.Macri m*nt non cowpltt*, fiir m)* by * • ■. •' *: f : : b»fc >.y h'r' J;-,, -tr.i'v makbhalV-;^ INIJIA AUBBKK B A hTiN O, v nUM FUJEINSuit O>«EET\ c' •<> (Unrion- " UMC,(4rakisM th« ladUßabber ptp"LS'»,»bby» pniQtßeM,■; u»- v i PAN £L! PA PE KSr~no wdesigns forßatootia A haPatAe-rovaUeby . . . W, , , M. « 1 • ~ VrtaTain. ■ ttiULOl'U TABUti CoVEltS—Another' ’ anpply of different tiim u 4 beat goalUyJiHtiiMvvA' . IronaPactßry,;..;;..^J-AHOiiLUa.^ GUCESB OUEESBII—ISO jlrinitt # 0»«, JM. W 4, fcr %„. RT SUUAK lIOUS® -WUIiABSKS-rO b»rreU' b«ktr [-