orncixL r*pta or tbx oitt. IHPEaDAT MOBHINO, OCT. *, 1860. CITY AFFAIRS. Republican Salor - aoBIBT f*. M’OO ' C»b a ßaf<»« JB. it wrl«li First ward, was discovered to be on fire - which resulted in the dettraoiion of the piecing mill, the grocery ttore of Frederick Shield*, » bj * factory, nod tone half dozen dwellings— nono of then, however, of n eery vsluablo.char - - setsr. The pUoiog mill «u i frnne building, four stories;in height, nnd contained a large amountofvaluable The first floor -. wt* occupied by Messrs. Gordon ft Miller, sash *-nnd door taanafaotorera.. The firm bod nil their r tools destroyed, together with o large quantity of stuff, nod their loss is io the neighborhood of £OOO. The second floor vu occupied byUessrs. y Miller ft Johnaioo, owner* of the butMlng. They dost n planing hod surface machine, a number of saws, 20 or 25,000 feet of rough and SO 000 feet or planedJttmber\and n largo amount of ma- S-.vl.* 7 * *s*® rm » Q PpN«d power to the entire building, nod their engine, sained at $2600 is almost rained, and the mill completely demol iahed.. Their loss mqal be heavyThebuild -- "t Wiew, was j valued which. wi»h tbr maohineryj lumber, tools, eto...will nboQt TSOOO. The firm Is io rared for s3ooo—slooo of wlilchie in ihoCorn ° f They also ihi —I! 8 * * hicb fM io l he stable nt hia’uf* “° M *f* bt \ l **eo out in Urns to “ d tbird Bloric# «*M ocoopied by ? 1 r:v?. al w’ * le *® boBt <*«** bonder, who suf. \ wsd to the amount of $2600. He hid co io \ S'trance. I 1..* £r ? “ ,U WM • !«*• *» next MO,ht too bnildiogo owned by John and Som net Kumo, end oooopieU-by oon of tbOßeeroi’ nnd . nnn nened Drcesell. The raofe end in- Stas ortbe buildings were completely destroyed nod it was .with greet diffiealiyUhst they were Sited from total destruction. Joes, $6OO on esoh, on whioh therswss no losdrsocs. . Oa Ue following'houses were either totally destroyed or damaged more or • if”? , A „ l *o* t ory briek dwelllog, occupied by Daniel Hsugby, nnd held under lease from C*p£ Bounty. Loss, SCOO A back dwelling, ©ecu pied by Mr. Charles, clerk in Smith's brewry. u OSS, $600.; : * On tbe corner of Pena nod Potat st n two story brlok dwellloc, occupied eery, nod feed store, by Patrick Sbl*. damegebere was beery, sod Mr. BWt la raUmeted el $2,000. He is issared fob in tbe Pennsylntoln. Adjoining the UTu\ wg, oo Peon street; veto two story brii oapied by Jeoob Richter, » batober. Tbi ttpU deDege here was done by water. ;Tb« Are broke out in the planing will, bit hov or through whet oeuee no ooecen explain. It horned fiereelyfor »n hour, nndnt onellme it •eetned the! ell the buildings in.that imtaedisie rteiolty would be destroyed. Orest eredit is doe tbe firemen for tbe efficient serriMUhej tendered on this- occeeioh,'end bed it iifitWen for their prompt end anilriog exertions tbs dun* H* would ondoabtedly tore been acre serious then It is. QffATML fiiuiou, Joacea M’Ciare. Parka ud Adame JftfoNEqr, Oct. 3, 1800,—Joseph Vaooeplaad gnmyofan assault and battery on Oeorre W • . Thomas. Scnteaoe deferred.- •. . . » a Pate* Brady vu iodioted for assault and bat* : "}**.'**' of. Sarah Magrav. The Jury fonadaverdiot of pithy, and the Coart sen , : defendatttto pay * fine of fire dollars **£ ooota of the proseealion. L « «W dlwlple of Mereary. *o stealing Mate clothing from iH window of Elliott's shirt store, on Fifth street, and «u aeaiMoed to an imprisonment *cfiii* fioatbata the «oaaty jail. ! - Patrick Noonan, John Rost, Hear* Riehart Thomaa Wieklloe, fcnr lade, were Indicted forwseaoU and battery with intent to kill, on oath of Jamea .Patton. The prosecutor la a "ttfaeer” wt.tba Fort PiU Qraes Worka, and had adifiiftuUy with the defend tnU'sometime daring the mohth of Joly least, la the ooora# of whiob Noonan hit btia. with a brick. Noonan waa eon • rioted of aosenltaad battery and his companions . wore acquitted. Margaret Mooney waa iodieted for selling Jiqaor wlthoat ■ license on oath of John Girirtn. Be eworethat he had liqaorat-defebdant’s hoase «c»er*l timet at five ee&ta a plat. Also that hit wife and children' had been served on aimiliar aoeaaloaa. One witness, a women, wu ealled for He defeaoe, who testified that aha would not - believe Garrio oo oath. The defendant is a widow, with three children, end pocopied a small ; boast-.belonging to the proseoator. A moo named Patrick Collins, also swore _l© baying liquor from the defendant, whose credibility was not attacked Acoiossr os ran FSSSS. U. E A reryinn foriunsie accident ooenrred near tbs cater depot of ibo Pebeijfneii. Bsilmd, juterdbjt.nsra* nt sboat bslfpaet eix o’clock, whioh reeulled la four persons belag Injured—three badly and oife slightly. It. eppeirs that a oollisionoo car.-ad bsleeen so emigrant and freight trsia, the former going Into tbo depot and Ibn latter golog oat, »od eeveral oars belonging lohoth trains wers .thrown front tho track nod badly damaged. Three persons who bad goloatbe ■ emigrant train a short distance from where the ’.accident occurred, for the purpose of riding into the oily Id tbeir work, were injured more or lest. •John Derison,. residing in the Ninth Ward, nod one of bio legs badly smashed and the Other - broke in two places. Hie injuries, altboogb rrry .painful, are not, ire belters, considered dengerone. i o *® Etlltmau, a lad, who liree a short die . laiiee beyond the Fair Ground, had both ofbii iege broken, and was badly injured otherwise. JenteelColberl, who woe a brakesman on the emigrant train, was badly bruised, bat fortu nately had no bones broken. He woe taken to hie reeidenoe to the Fifth Ward * dohn Lease, a lad residing in the Ninth Ward, moetred one or two slight onto about the head Bis injuries are rrry trifling. . 1 : Tks aocidenl is attributed to a dense fog which prerailed, extending erer |be entire depot grounds at the time, and prerented the engineers of both trains'from seeing eaoh other aatil if wee too late to arert the collision. The matter will doubtless be Inreeligated, and whoever woe Id fault—if, indeed, there wee anybody—will be dealt with by tbn company no tho nature of tho naaotnay reunite. Aocibner oerHaP. Fr. Warns & Chicxuo B-. E.—A mao, whose nemo Is'unknown, was : killed yesterday morning an the Pittsburgh, Ft. Weyne * Ohlcego Railroad by a freight train. About half past Ire is the moreleg,ShortlyJ be ;fenidey-breek. he wee met by the Welchmen of tbn 1-end near Kilbnok etallon. Be wee entirely sober aVd entered into n short conversation with - tho welo-Amen, dnrieg whisk herrmerked thet he wee gotAg to Sewiekley. They then aspe rated, ih*wat,sb man returning home and the alher ooatiaulng on hi* rtf. About twenty minutes efterwerds the fro.’rht train oame along and hn win killed bat e shot"* dlstanoe from where the aonrenetion with the w>lchmen ocoarred. The engineer-evidently did ti* Me him, ns he did - net slop'when the mes wee mn nrer, nhd the body of the leiter. wklok wee e'hcckingly mtn gisd, wisnotdlsooTorodonMtbeamianf work 'ni care pained el e eubeeqoent hoar Be wee oonrtyed to the.oity, end will be bnrilfd nt.the expense of the rellroed. At the time of tJ'O e«- eiSent it was hardly dsy-ligkt, and there was • ”111 "Jary fog. The drooled had a peckegt 01 - fils ? T r J tmokiig tobacco and a fltikotf Iqaor *?! * Mae handkerchief, which ho cor- u “\* f 'ho accident. He wore a -, • P»l*®f berred oottonede panta- * 01 pegged Esetern made **”*, ” 4 ' eornotr’e Jury returned arcrdictin aeoordenoewllhthe preceding feote. ailST** *'**•■—*&•* pnlee were mined on :Mtrnday »rei|ng, at BtwlokieT, within a few feet of'sen other..: One wee a Lincoln pole, the ■ "•»•< wee n Dongles r*U and the third e Bell. , , BtpnbUeM pol* fu oat* topped -£ ta otart, ; befog about one hundred and fifty feet high, . The etiek of which tho BeinSverett pme wee;mode w«a obtained from aJtepobUean, . fo be toforaled after, the November eleot/00. Conldercbte eathoffolm prevailed attbe rabbg ta ißepobUoan poIe» and a meeting fo ex* pteud te be held towards tbe end of the week, . ■ for Whioh prominent speakers will -be engaged. ' fpomm CATTParo in Cwvsujrn.— two ~■«**,‘A. Ella* aad Gaor** Oawbarl, war* »r -■ .mud Is Clnelud, OB Sainnlaj, by Uanbal ■on«, oa a rtqQllllioQ from Paeaaplfaai* su- IbariilM, obana* : wllb abtalaiag moaej aadar ■ -falaa prataaat*,' Tba >1011(8 was T. J- Bartoa, ■ «f ■Vcadvilia, Fa, from whom tk* aooaaodob •- UUtd |UO, spaa aapiaaaalalloaa Ibal Ut/wira tamd H tbt aoaltU biuUUM, aadkodfaada .-}•«* ?ofk,«*«. tffleiil file «i district*. ilintlon CoamiUee •WSbt.l Chßlmu, ■•Palmar, - ■' A. a. ar»vn», j TAo», 9. Wllion, Ist ward..... 24 do U.;. < 3d do ..... & 4»h do .... •5 • slh do ... Gth, d 0„... 7ih do .... B ;; Daring the present campaign! bowevet, an effort of this sort had been renewed and met with sneh success thst the Repabliojift of Wheeling now considered themselves a permanent and powerful organisation. Ho then adverted to acme of the local questions that bad'divided the politicians of that neighborhood, among which was that of taxation. A shameful (Haorimine i lioo bad been made In favor of slave property, t Men with an ordinary salary were taxed nearly half their earnings, while the most valuable elave in the State could not, under? the laws, b« taxed more than $1 20 Booh was the enormity of this abuse that the ally or Wheeling) was Worth more to the commonwealth as a source of [rev one than any six of the most populous counties in the eaaters part of the fret Ohio eo., la which Wheeling is shunted, contains ooly 180 slaves, showing that the great burden 1 of this tax is made up by exactions tff the bittiness pdrtof li« popolalloo. . Tbe Belt-Ererea part/Urn alluded to. They were oompered to the ohttreh member who replied, when'interrogated as to his faith, that he believed wbaubeebarot* be lieved. Whatdocs the oboroh believe was leak ed: What I believed, he rrjoincd.f Then what do you and tbe oburoh believe: We both believe alike, he replied, la tbe same obscoriiy.j tbe speaker continued, the doctrines ;ofi tbe Boli- SvsreU party were involved. ‘ I; j The record of either of tbe gcoflemeo threw no light on their opinions, la 1840,1 Mr. Erer •U made a very extravagant proletary speech. H* advocated slavery io such Unqualified terms that; he wss visited with a coatbia'g [rebuke by Southern men. John Randolph roes from) his -a—t» —hea Ur. Erer.lt hit cone I tided I.cii poiot log hie long, boo, fioger at him, o>trbed th.i he eotied not the mu who in hi. ha.dmd he.rt oonld •drocale tbe extension of eltrerj on prin oipl*. Eloeeo peare afioraarda, Mr. Erereti, in | repl, to ■ letter addreeeed to him, gtated (hat ho *u In foror of the obolilion or Bl.'eerr from the Dietriot of Colombia, and of excluding Eta. eer, front the territories Dow, then, ioqntred the epeoker, doea Mr. Ereretl etond oo tfao 81.- rerjr tjoeetioo ? gro tto. The ?Id*a lots \51,500, t bottd «,:oo- V priia* Lon, Mr. Lincoln's prlooiples,the certainty and e&ttsisieucy oLwhioh were'potent?to everyj in telligent man, were contrasted with (be forego ing. Douglas nod Breokioridge wet# then com mented upon, and Mr. Campbell concluded Ibis remarks. H* wm frequently appended iu jibe course of them nod was Usteaed to with oosl un remitting attention as long as he occupied the Bland. \ ! Ur. Norton, who was- formerly : a nailer of Pittsburgh, and resided In the Fifth Ward, quo. oeeded Mr. Campbell. His speech Was. a pow er ful ons, bnt our spaeo will wok permit ns to mike a review of it. Mr. Marshall made a short epeeoh. • The nesting was large and enthusi astic ana will bare .a marked effeoi, with other similar gatherings, in the cause whose good It bad in view... If thefe were any .doubling Republicans on the ground, they mbit base gone away oonarmed la their principles bad folly persuaded of their justness.' \ Eraata WaXD JUrttBUOAI MIITIJO.—A meeting will beheld tbig evening ot the Blend m Pennejlteolg Arenoe, beer Ptide elreet. JlMere. Menbell, Mellbeve end Koethen ere la I? o * l ** " i * «>'« olab je, eipeoted •w be U eUeedeeoe. As eothaeiutla '( glherlog »W be eipeoted, ,nd it will therefore per til who eejop word meetlnge to be preeeot W ” Pmr — W - - ~ Wall Ijosn.—Tbe commUieo io- for lh* Pifih Ward to collect fundi for B h .lb r «rt l, f n ‘am W ' ilvx ,< laß ’n™-Mr. WlllUm JIJS 4 AWw ““ J*bm M. T.jlor—col. Ruled $9O j«ji.r: „ Oblcrrnloni for tiu Gntdu. br O. B. Bh»», OptlolM, 48 Fifth. BC—eortMUd dillj s t* «or.: hi ivaok. • M l. ■ J 4 •1°» ? m; 9 o'clock, a* * 13 " 6 « r. ........ Birooiiter [for tba ftttabnrgt Gasatta.]j • | ■ Wi»T Nbittoit, o*t 2,1M0, i Mutrt, Editor*: At a meeting of the Wide Awakes of. Week Hewtdo, oa their return borne from Pitt*, bargb, the following revolutions were pi”** •' I Rttolvtd, Thai we express oar thanks tn Mr. Ju. W. Baxter, who, wtth s llbtralitp u large u the con vention itself, received sad escorted ut to bis roll* dense and entertained oi not like "raddslUs of to d©tpv* hat like "Lord of the Soil," daring oar itsy |» the clip*• i-l.: . j • Jtuoteedf That the cooßoet of Mr. Baxter proves that the good old fashlosed hospital Up bf oar Teth er* Is still coursing through the vela* of. their sobs, and we dseirs through poor oolaoatis to return him oormoo cordial thank*. "Map bU' shadow never grow ]«•*. . J. B. tfoConiLT, Secp.l . Thb Rail firm*as* Beiast Pin—tilth posit aad tAU*. The Wide Awakes* Breast Plo—being »f*e simlUc of the Identical axe Biei bp Old” Abe in splitting rail*. >, Jha Catnpaign Badgo of Sear Pin. I The Eagle Breast Pio. j . The Bail SplUura’ Pocket Piece. • .Medal* of all kind*,with beantifal WrtreU* ©I Lineoa aod Hamlin. - • f • Republican Song Books, VoeeliittreuL Campaign Docoraents, at lowest prtoa*, can be bad at Uopt A Miofet's. fiootetM—-Tha ablngl? maricat la vefy dni! jut "»»“<* Prfeea have a deeUolng taaSocy. ihir decline U attributed bp a great aanp to' the enpplp belogmorrtheneqQait© the damaid, bat the VeZ caa*e map be-foaad in tba feet that theidamand la sol *o great as in former peart, ablncle robfi not beifig thought of whaa "Qroggon** celebrated As plutit Roofing Felt" cm be obtained. Th* agent far thi* eieaHeat material cm be. foaod’ai'bu offiok IfaghlitiVtidUtogy Canal : benk, stair ihtAeUp HfpllffifiklbVV;-:- r ' : : :;,^ri;rW tc vat ajar 1 ?!' H- :4 y _ * meft«y;daily\i« 1856. nil''" " 4 THE lat: | ]§T;t i f ■ P -Ktsaa AT. tHEJ«ay_6*2ETTE : OFFICE. B 3 • , •Mgngmlri.il. - 5 . S. frootof Conriy'i Hotel/tbb morning. u th« hour : -b) : : 8 »PPp«oked for. tho doper urn or the roj.l p „ty |«1 • : it »; •“ »PPM«d anllotu to get m gUoi™ of “ , Ii" / I ■■ "■ r * b * Kiog of England. IntermlnßUno^wiih 5 417 234 35 8 crowd wu m largo number o! ImdSf. In coijver 1 ?6S! 269 27 28 Prince end Dike or Nowell, ogm,” a 2 612 6901 16 12 much grmtlßet; with thairvi.lt to Amort 6 415 241 16 17 ft. Z r mS , Vh,oh“bri 0 626 621 62 14 WciS th. ™ oT ' r AHtgh.nl,,. At 9 63E 367 81 12 T*'** 1 fra “ tie hotel, mod 3 204,116 111 00 K .*"?**”*• " aUl * Udi '' 1 m 198 \l6 4 r,T. wu „ft.Tl ’ £ .\'' r Tfc, 2 360.150 \*7 7 b O , “•»«• Thn Price. 8 407 146 & , 7 I.J fo"“w ” n f^^ ar T k h Vrv.'r'r' d "‘T” 5-400 191 5? 'l Lord Lyon, mod M^rk.p eor, of au 9 6.42-823 23 4 «PW Mat. In the Lrt.m Th. 5 724 468 44 5 •h'ongh Front .ttoet, elongtbe hank. o* the in.",! ! l‘ c Snmuohanna, to tbe Capitol, foiled h T c , h ' > 400 284 88. 14 mE?*‘a'T,“! n,iKM - At ‘ b « Capitol I 244 194 6 00 U |,i"i, BhW L‘" i r ' M 1 ’ rl > lt to the Ooteroor 1 : ?3 f 60 . 00 00 hem f'-ES Th» Goyornor received ! 160V110 S 6 Pr’L.VfolLr: c “4 mdd reM .d lh , ! 5 " 3 . 'G-MO RMfnmW— : rtJsbrdameio6n!te pU !nr „ I o?o 4 t 0 welcome your Lordship to tho Capitol of the Com * 24-1,123 3 I'■ monwealth of Penoßylvanta— onenf the otd ihlrra** jof 17 00 00 '?'»"'?• t b »t originally mikno.ledged mll.gl. 0 « to • 162 66 00 00 , 1 ' c ™*“ of Greet Brltllo, mud not.lth,landing 1 199 .126 7 6 b “ b “» »V«red, your Lord.hlp will I 83 48 00 00: Jf,toL?^**lMM*tth4tlMgl-imeofc..tQ t ,tJj. n d 1 79 66 6 “ 1 rCrr' J '.i ’ portrait. that adorn 77 19 'l4 00 2 ““““Ofo Gnambere) ibmt wn itill hen m great a 14 00 generation end regard farfonr mnnient mien, fhet I IHo inn ’4 .Honor portrait, la almo«Je perfect typo of moit of lft is 1 r ti' a Z~ D , k "" i “r”' l! ’ u "°” o°' «- Ift 66 15 2 f eJt f7 more then a few fceneratlona beck without 1 77 '3O 00 8 ''Of*”* Hno to . British red coat,'* t AOer eghfo ' 234 213 14 8 "rlooioiog Lord Renfrew end hi. enite to Pnnn.el. ' 191 }' 77) 38 4 ™l** °«™»f «P">M « 4o*m that 1 139 LlOl 2 1 . *,'”?"<• through the Dotted Statue might 10-198 198 1182 6 10 ft hl ' L o rJ * ll 'P-oo' J | 12? 100 |OO 1 • nation™ ** PJ “ °| '“‘'“g heneSta to both 149 134 4 2 .en T .t“nr?l,° o, M br o e S 7 ” pI, T; "P"'* l ”* b “ '•■ «Te„l 7 f**?," 7 Cl!, » received » cordtel welcome. Lord Lynne then performed the ceremony of thn iotrodnetion of tho .nile. Ai the.e proecod. 31.7"* P 'l T *P; lbo g»f»* ” f Gto President*, grnnttd. wore cloted mgmln.t lotrn.lon end ettendod by police offioere. It u a noticeable fact that den. vaa., who under the theory of the Brltlah Oonitltn. Uon, wee born m Britieh enbject, hi. nativity being befotw the treaty of peace, leeelvet) the Prince id the name of the Preeident, mud be.ld., he ... ~r o •ent •ent at tbe epronatlnn ft the |Prince*« mother. • St. Loch, Oct 3.—;The •peach delivered by AUj. J* #bo reeeotly spoke is tno Bf ▼eßQoo, and since claimed bW to favor their candidate. Ttit Douglas men vu recently! whether he intended to ■appotjl The fpeeoh yesterday rogatories propounded by the! xqenoed by stating that he Wi to be understood and called it every one present. I stated ek election tbit I believed Dragfl of the Democratic party, and L He spoke of his efforts whi| aotion between the Democrat! I and the Breckinridge Consent! ure, and challenged any Dree i to say be uttered any remark i: eating that be had changed or .Breckinridge and Lana, tie : for supporting Douglas, tayio| apprehension, I now say I * is my duty to support Mm as tbi I formed-my opinion of Doug! iuee from tbs reports of ibe'B Breckinridge paper, which au who nntil the last resort ope Convention; and If I live V vote tnr him, and I have nevr to d.o anything^tse. Arrival oriHi hkbi Jlaui'ax, OcL 3—Tii« steal 4l b»lf.pMifl o'clock tttU evet iMidditlootl diipttehii receli telegraph' from Liverpool: M'A-H **» wporlrf todar th*t the Aaitnau* had erosied the river Mlndo. bat • Z** •nb'eqaeetjy officially denied. . ' tj r VV^‘^ rrfo J ,- ' Tba Sardinian government hea decided (bat the Freccb aoidie a of the Papal araj who were made prteoners aboolil be immediately r#. taraed to their families. r J ■Pont, Sept. 29—The Petri I the report that the Emperor Sdt I * with to be invited to Warfiwi | Geo. Garibaldi, in • letter pt 1 i journal at Naptev, *ay*: **AHh > : poaed to tacriflce all pertonal f. i freedom, I can never be recot i •have told an Italian province." cree of Garibaldi promulgate* tj tot|on for Naplei and Sicily, 1 1 day for carrying it into effect. Tbe French "Mooilin Do I a nothing in the elate of Earepcr i the uenal six month* furionah l< of October. Arrlrai or 4 b» staarn * Si. Joh»*,N. F.,oct B;—Tt arrived from Qalwap with 'dat 36ib. Co»aerctal fniellijenct.—Ll i ket, Wcdncsdap fiapt. 26.—Thi Mundap amonnted to 10.000 bn bales to speculators aod for exp q BreadatvJ} - ,. —Kiebardsoa A i | snfls firm at fall prices. frortVione.—Provisions eont j >rioes. Beef dall. Pork qoia [itrd firm at 64t for fine. i*rodifce.—Sugar and Rice qi Mbit. Toss, oct.3,—Tbs «hl arrired this morning from Mom tarad bo- the African cosit by tb with nearly nlo# hundred alan baodredaod sixty of her cargo i royUi thirty haring died ob the : Tb# Erie jj la chirge of List brings home thro# prisoner*; tß{ | tb# eaptain, first and second tos i Downlaglon reports tb# steam It rlv#d at Londonderry. Tb# fir/ were welt. Nxw Tobk, Oct. 3.—The HtraoaDlarb, received bp the arrival of the Oahavbg, [contains an aeoonot of the execution of Qon. Walker*. Ho died with for titude, professing to be a Catholic. He arid that hi* war opoo Hondara* was wrong,]and be alone waa to bitmap accepting death with resignation. Fatbvtb, Oot.3.—The mordt aone whose bodies were foand oi between this place and Van Boj war* brought hare last night. T 1 crowd collected and Insisted npc at once, bat bp the repeated effof moat influential. citiseai Lba crO veiled upon to allow his captors} thaeountpin wbloh he oommltt thought that ha will be hung t Hts wlfe Is Inxnitodp as an aecM SoMcar, Penna., OcL 3.—Ttia Bapremo Court of renna, commenced its session ai&tbis place pester rV*, All.tbe Jodgea were present except Judge Read, who delivered opinions onfthe following eases Ihia.-mornlog: Penna. Railroad £o. vs. .Common wealth, Common Plata of Dauphin coontv, jndg oent affirmed. ' \ • . 7-10'- Avuobta, Oa.. Oct. 3.—A priVi gentleman In Columbus, report* 1 n Florida to have resulted In aq joritp in Etoembria coutp loku oandfdate* for Governor and me and the State Legtslamra. [ LomavaL*, Oct 3.—John T. the Louisville Tbeetre, died this moult. . • ....... • Riper falling slowlp, with 3.fe thacanaL Weather elondp and call the attention j en artkl* advertised In another ooj POOD, It ia«awit!nlj(tiMrdleeove( eonfoaodt-d with anyTif, the noweron the dap.' It is &»df*r tte Btoid. aln sorptlrai pl-asant to the test* and ni ahat ooe galos. be retains., tot.slit eoSerto* from povertp, Impnrilp nr i!e - eoseeqaeotlp with aone cbronlo i Issm this Blood Pood and ba restored mbe| onr Brnsglau bare'rwalredaaeppij also of lba world rmovard DK. JKar OOUDIAIi. wblcfa averp rootber shonU nopitegorleor oplateol aep.aiad.wti reiiitLe lovaioahM for all. lofsotile j allap.all pain, aod sof eo tba gsoe Id aißdatUwaametliMe.rwtnlate tba bow and noma, who havg eedarad; anklo tight*, pvOenre a sapplpr and ba at ooc - OBußiw-edvartlasasiit. forsAlabi Apwt,l|4 WoodaU Pltmbarirlu Pa. [ *&•& IT. Bhoold not fail to tlaeiwwol'oVProMVorda la pa] swot Served up eveut uoi tiu u, od near aTHNixa. t . .... .. .. o.^w.BOBAOSUm t-mwiVwmr If/M, mtffi IST NEWS BT^'rad BGBApar. (tepnblican pablUhes a ijcluoa, Qoveraor elect, jeckioridge State Con. ijtbe Breckinridge men lerefore acommitteS of (appointed to inquire it Douglas or Breckin. ij waa in reply to Inter, ij committee. Be com* i|m never more anxious be serious attention of iknpbaiieaitj before the lea to- be the nominee so no* believe. 4b tecta rod harmonious t|e Central Committee, tion regretting Its fall; : tiaridge man present ii the convention r designed supporting •bea gave hit reasons i : To prevent all mis. t a for Douglas; that H i nominee of the party. I tSM- the regular com. i lUlmore Exchange, a - tee that Qen. Clarke, 4*®d D.jnglas In the dtil November, I will it said that I intended ter Canada. athlp Canada arrirep lag. The following ed at Queemtown by i deoonncea ae falte lolcoo bad expreeeed blished in the official mgb I am quite' dig eiiag on tbe altar of died with man who Nevertbelet* a do te Sardinian Coniti ut without fixing a »une” cayg there la. n politic* to prevent elog given on theliit r Coantnght s steamer Gonnaughl si to Wed&eiday tb< erpool Colton Mar talet ofeotton on ilea, including 3,06 ft orU p«nc« report Bread- one qofot at iteadjr t* Bacon ateady.— ? Brie, of Ibtf port) otU. She wu cap. > steamer Mobiabsn - do baud. - Sight Ivors landed at Moo* boaiaga op thacoait iL.Duvologtoo, who Jposad to bora'beta »ka* of the Brio. Lt. 'legate Niagara a* ar ripweik la Aagoatall PRMN INSTITUTE, ! = r • HANCOCK BTKKKT, NKAaPBBN, wniMMipsn OS ,MONDAY, ibe Ail day of SKPTHHBBR. Term*: gupar assefon of five months. J. M. aMiTn sqatiy.l ; PrindpaL rera of tbs two psr i tbs moontata rosd rtn, oaths SldoK, bU a ora log a Urge >o banging tbe mat* Blank books- j • i i LRDiIRBH, JODRNALB DAY BOOKS, . OASU BOOKU, . ’ and story dresriptfon of Account Books, on hand or made toordar In tbe beet mssa»r,rsled to any pattern nouind' wither *llbc.utprhitodheaiJlng«. by. ; WM. O. JOHNSTON A CO., ! 00l ' Blaiik Book Mtttera, S 7 Wood B t ; •ts or sons of oar >wd m finally pro- to tabs him back to lad tbs dssd. It U jvday or tomorrow, fiorjr totba doed. STOUR SAtES BY ACSTIK LOOM IS * 00- AT TU« UKSOBASn- KXCOAHOIj KVKHT TUOKaIaT PrWp, Copper Block, Boot*, end Reel RstaUv»old at nublis nb tithe Merchants'Bxehangeby r! « ! ADgnN LOQMIfI A 00. . Votes,'Drafts and'lmana. eei Beal Ketate twwotialed ea 'reasonableterms by AUSTIN L<)OMlfl *qo ■ —a Btook Note-Bn»h*n..ft3 fonrth’sL ale difpateb from a ihs.rsosoTslesUone orerwhelmlbg mb* io Bell and Grsrstt imbsrt of Coogrsi* XjlEAl'llKKS AMD BKESWaX—S sack's jC J <■“ »«•***-■>*■» UWlog too iltinu, K»f WMtNo.3, lbr«»l» Ijy ■ ocl Lortoo, of kfternoon of piao- Jt S'tncbsiiwater In Jhowsry. I ’ /'IARD.—I have this day si.ld mvemiJo \J stock mk! fixtom to WM.j.KaKK,Bjg7»hd»ni Motions tbft bwIMM to *ll ll> Lr*uctoii,at tb« mas hoomi Wo. 81 Dtomoud. ; . Tboandmlfewd wfH*tUod toth«'MUlenM,t6t »Uoa^ •toa'lln* basfttM* *1 Um old «Un Menu • Id action, and those, then, who are iS.-iemy of Mood, acid UW aliment, tale of flUt, We notice tbet kof Ihl* srtirle, and N A 00. r o*o. H. BSTBIR. salTalAwatar read the adver- Oi l BBLS. FJKACIIESio arrive, fur talo by O&4JHT4X OOKPXtt-lU UNO, froth 10 lOtnni.t* I*. <£ - t^~L . n i I’M* in-' II ' ■■■■ • • - -rr--.--Trerr^^i POLITICAL NOTICES. Republican meetings. RALLY, REPUBLICANS! RALLY!! The Commitiee~ on Speakers of the Republican ExecntlvaCommittee. announce the following aoet log*, at which all persons of every party are respect* folly invited to listen to the dli cushion of Republican priacdplee: • , ! j. 1 . ‘ At the EianTH WARD STAND, Pennsylvania Avenue,near Pride i street, on Thnrsday evening, . Oct. 4th, at 7 o’clock, Speakers—Messrs. Mathews, Marshall and Koethan. . At DUQUESNE BOROUGH,on Tbnrtday eveo lag, at 7 j o'clock. Speakers—Aletsrs. Mufiit and D. L. 6mUh. ' At McELROY'S STORE, in Patton township, 'oo Thnrsday. Spoakera— Gen. Moorhead nod R. B. Carnahan, Ei>q. : . At on Thursday, at 7$ p. m. Able speakers will Win attendance. At ALLEGOENY DUMOtiD.dn Thursday eve ning, October, 4lb. Speakers—Mdrtn. Collier aud Swartxwelder. ;i At COURTNEY'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Ohio ip. on Friday; at 7J p. In>.’ D L* Smith and Biynfe. jj; ‘ ; ■ j At DRAVOSBURG, Mifflin ip, on Saturday, Oct. 6th, at 7$ p. m. a! 1 German rpeakffr will be id at. tendance. w At BIDDER'S CRO3S ROADS, (Butler county ) m «*t«day, Oct. 4p. a. Speakerr-Messrs. McKniirht, Thompsoßfcof Butler, and D. L Smith At DEER CREEKiLOCK, lodlajja tpon B*r«ir. day, Oct 6ih, at 3 fjj m. Speak A— Meiers. Me. Knight, Carnahan, CliHier and others. At EMERICK’S MILLS, Franklin tp., on Satur, day, Oct 6th, at 1 o’clock p. id. Speakers— J. L. Koethen and D L. Eaton. A* WARREN'S TAVERN, on Brush Creek, i„ Franklin tp., on Monday, Oct. Bth, at 1 o'clock p. a. Speakers to be appointed. ' AtJOUN MYERS,' Third ward, Allegheny, on Monday evening, Oct. Bth, at 7i o'ejock. Speakers —Meiers. Thos Williams, Koetben and Smith. Cas&zll’s Illustrated Family Bible, Part 15 and Popular Natural History, Van IC, have ben received. Forr sale by Hunt & Miner fifth street. book ANi) job Printing, ; OP *7IR*3PE«Cim’TION, XsoCQtedat THIS OPFIOB.oa Hfb tnoit tarorab? at ibo ahprieat notice BepubUcan Hcadquaitein for 1360, CORNfcU wooji AND kODETU feTS. _ • • la^AetcrOeei.ert Ifen Kiadihq Roowsopen overy day. fStin ***l ™lcl» Newspapers from ell ptrUof the Hotoo y 30.1 FUOllitO, Market atreet and the UUsk ad Coru< r. UtHk«t stmt and the HUmond, Corner Merkel street and the Diacttn*. < ldit Kf iwuer i>f PiiUi i aptt notfelly W. AOUtMON. XXAMILTON * XUUESON, .» r„ar. b .,^ P ,^T lilfg "vuf C. B. M. OMIIS, Attorney anil Ooan»mu,r at Lam, 11*4 RFUuVKD TO kim N's: u« it o i loinus No. 15 .Ottunund Street, mi 1 a lljr.j*| twr'.che.rti, fpnOMAS EWIN o; : ... *no romMixoE Xruw. UuJO>* t No. 160 fourth aUett, f»u Uhul ■1.11M1.T., Pitwut p,. Educational. npne fall term ok a.'wauAW wf and School* -IT* ,r 2 '^ ,wr *I«*L will commence oo HONDA t_ oa, 1 • I * T»oca.*^”* U P«f scholar per querjrr of 11 weeka, lo id. . *a»turu*r or waa writeoff*. I take great pmuuri. in eating that Hr. U. Will Um. !• an eierllent teacber.luUtllgoiLUUcrwit end faithful It i» a profession to wbkh be is wbollr'detvtod, and to *hub r>» brings uot only a loo* elpetltiiCs end an ardeot eotbari moi. but a remarkable .«uiDc|entiblUut>ie, | tt wbl.-tul e*a iMlilj fnwi my own knowing*, p*reoU and patrons but fahj conJUo. • aoi T. McOul. West Tom Pemlnarr, April Vth,loSti. - I fntly CKipctir with Dr. McGill in the slier* stslrtrarot sod reminDiendsltan, 11. Suiott • ill* method of teaching and meowing hi* puptuianot mrpnstd by any that l have known.at any time. -• • T.acbiug li a profession fpr eblrh he la t»calLriyflited _ . • Cbamj* Uuaur. vritbln the ian*e of tnjr ha* no anwrlor eaau-ecber JotrfVß p. Uizs\m llelaoo# of tbolwjt taashera aodrr ebo*H l hsreervr bad my aone. Jonff n. Weans*. TKTtnosrT or mum rune*. I often feel that 1««« more benefited by Mr. WJlUma* teaching than by any I «*»r received. : J'h»l*.!.|phla,valy7»iew. ; lluoii W.Taxta. Untiring liidnttry.Mruretnm andschulerlj ability. were charaf V'rtatlca ebteJt en>r made him ancceufal in Impart ial instruction and pcpolar alike with Lt» pui>tla and their par-nil ? W. 0. Johnbtjji. i in.*to>rvlUuyeuMcribe totbo foregoing as belna true to ti.e latter. ; R.A. KOKIKUN. ll* ba«, in my-opiolon, no anperlor hi the pmtcmlon. Do tb. happy fknlty <4 rXOUus • fhendiy emnlatloo among bl> rhfch tenda in oarb to ih-ir prngrem. • i Jittt M’H«iH| | Mem ia doe to him then l cap ever repay. T«;nao>r or.rc^voe-iiaoueaa. U* U tbe cnanaellor of the teechcra,Uie ad:4«rd •• •••*' - D Dimnsob. THE ALLEGHENY:WRITING ROOMS —ln the New Building, federal etmt, corner or tomb Oommona. aecond flour, will tie opened to tbe nublia cm MONDAT, fept,Sd. : ' Kobau are nttnl np In good atria. Call and w amine aped mend. • fat specimens -of Btuluese and Ornamental Writing, eoclese two poststeatamne. and addreem [eqiftlyd] . K. BIlsfrBB. ; BOOK-K BEPiNtt,"PllN KmANSIIIP .kd PnOKOQRAPnt taaghlatO. WILLIAMS* f>cbod Ito 21 PL Oalr street. . * Bsr. a 0. OLOTXK, Orient, long Island, sair—"Me lorrersDge about in thlsordeK.Tbe lotil first, mr elfe mr*\ chlhlroa Broond; fhonogrepby third ” 7 ; JUT. SUOBV WHluat, ftoUxiroagb, Maas, aa>ss-«I would not take s tboQssnd dollars for what I know ef the theory rod practios of PhoDOgTSphy. 1 Jail; I9AIAR DIOKEV; aORSK TOKSALK—A fine We llorea for.Mlefix**&toriiM. wot : : : 7 cmroHpaoK. M-omgmr im i fIAMPBL RIUBCR £W, HANDSOME AND CUJBAPIm? GOODS,om«ryT«r»wt]r,»|w*j*on baud oca C. UAftyON M*rLrt«t; -OUKI FLOUR!—SO bbia, Family I'lour LWroftnd for »*J* b* \ 2 . | . v irtTOPtycg. M’CREERY Am lEABLASU-30 fur sole by mib =.... j.b qimmtDfctio. tons,# prime article, for Kale ' H,Q>U.lna ■•• ifteibjottrcc’d, for a*lo by ***w b. ouufmf^ COMMERCIAL RECORD. ooMMictEK or :«KKtmAT)ON ro« ssptxkbxk ASIiOCrOBSB. _ - . . ■ t llamas Psax, ,V. P. . £ m ?A* r * m * ; I Wm. RViuuxs, WtubfoCaz*iT r : ;1 JlfliWai pittsbubob habkets. {Reported epedaUg/or Uu JHtUbnrgh GateU*.} \ Pinwraoß, framr, Oct 4, 1660. >l(^y a --^^ Do material ch.nje to wUeein flow, rr K^ d V >p . rlce ? OTll, ® tr^*:,to «* Tbi demand 2 *V» a Jf* 10 of • and boyar ado;®* aeem at kit dlipoied to operate.■ Tba following **» tba utea : enp*r. • Jtxtra. | *x. r%ua * hact • t bbl* Irani ft 12 6 40 6 8> j « 00* lio do do — —i. a 40 6 M 600 W i-o <«> ...... & 40 6 80 6'CO S 3° do "tf- •>* 5 81 5 75, 8 00 210. Z ■ JJ™ ~ .T M , da i!o b 40 ‘ * . 80 do do ....... -4. 6 50 b M C 00 75 Jo d u _ 6 g 4 fp do do 6 OO : do do —if. —_ 6 Od : . . rale* of 3,000 llwehoaldera at Bl&afcVe j l.tt»do.U«..tll« q 1,200 do plain bam* at HU/dlines' and e lea do «agw Cared banla at i GEOOKKlts—Sogar ttsadr. >*tuT of 10 hbd* at S3£fi Bo for fair toprtn.e; 10 do do at 00. Hnla-ra ..h. ui lotaol 40 bblt 47@48p. Coffea—atleaof 80 ikaal;l£ UU and 16s; Udoidoat 16@l«c. : n \ abrt io Wr demand Satea of 50 boxet iSiTc” u * * ■ ri * ■■•• #!o.h gjj “* 160 do Bprlug at 6«; wd ISO do ttUKD—Sales of 300 bush from first band* at I >4,10 ft to»n. > . ‘ | ** *cale« of U load* at 19,&0i3J10 —Mafra of 300libl«on wh*it at *l. . *• JJjflKu BBKF—Sale* of 6 tet at 1)14?. lb. ?an?^2n 8 * ,B ? SL l s‘ t “ n «w»t*|a St,tO? dottni JjAßß—B«laa of 800 D)i conntry at 12il» »«*, reaching 2285 ** ph, lUp*» yaK’a. all of which were dUfoard of at 101 l i>rlefe,nc«tly ranging fro® $7 to p, ioeladiag a few mlm*. at *9.26@#9.50 the 100 ft* for coiamoo lo *fh?frnJifo^ ~lkS *"■ , wo ! 1 ■ n PP ,le d with flock cattle, yarda-^ l *' l *»og ar« 160 partleolara D f the aatea at Bhlll'pa’a jt h»-ad T»**c Abrtbemt, Ol.fo 52 -J tUod*>rwm r V»rgiqU... ,«® „ £«Duedy * MeCI«.; Oh it-T..„. IS2 P McFiJlpn, Cht«iof Toauiy_ H 0 .65 “ Kimble £ K1rt.._.rf0...... « •; BNr»tn do. • 8 “ Pc.tt £ Ulmbte, Id “ M|Qaeld ft Uur 0bi©..—....... tiS *• Ju McVHltn. Jr, 0*M0....... 211 •' . C-cbrno A McO.H, Vint/0U... ~7 •* ‘ Jptu T*w, Cbeeier eo .... Jw « Mooney £ Snillh, Obli_ .01 44 D Beldomrldge, Ohio.. *. 2i u W Alrjt«uil-r, chß»U;r to “ J .Klrvlti, Ohio—.—.—.. <5 u II llttin, Peuae.w 3l» M Aull A Vuittri, Obi© \7.' H “ 9°* ,e# * Tn, **«>f. Cbwterco.‘.....rr 27 “ KcttiehiM, ObW,— 33 “ Untti'o & JJejmotir, V»„.„ *** -M *■ 4 Duffy, V» *4 “ D W Bradley, W— 7"” 60 u W Poller, Ohk>.i._„.„ 23 ** John R. Obrao ........ *7 “ • V iU.lebuj*h 21 M 0 Dtrubolr, _,^f n l t . CQa Oo "' »n*t o»W*a. ».t* dlapoaed Of at price* •Uhiu Jho nu»*e of lofuo **cn, J uTqaMij. , •n*a. m £*s? 1 P ,B we, « 4WO foclodiDe- St 1*1? f ro “ 1 7 - 60 to 45.&0 theloo pocnd* •«*« eco M the Avceoa Y*nl at I74oais’6. Abrnt WOT hM *« aJao tolddariaf tb* pan two weak* at th« J !“ M u : 1 R *» OoW, «*S@».W- The narked *»« Ukk a&4 price* «*}) mat&taioarf. . Sb^P &ffcr ‘ ll 801 « id MfromßtoOc Nt* OrUtiTß Mtixn, SrpteibUr 2®. r. «—Floor- I* OmM-r ani pH .r* higher, owing to light rappltea' and SSiT’" 1 ” ° l l,OOO bw * 8t S B .oe®*,W Jvr n> <:«e the R«t Paato-~ «••?« P Th‘. _ :Si n :” l, .t. t 'v"" 1 *“ J mi bolt ’ *" %u< * to the to»pectwo warcboOM I* 1 siKS^? 1 " I, “ t ‘’ rkM "" w ‘ 8h “ 1J "< io;< »'i D^ h . l „‘s' 2 i; I 'f.“r C ,"» M *“. j ~' ‘C H *• a >« •» noli- b “ l Ou» hhJ »w crop, the !“«“ w^fafcrf;"^" a, iu»w.t«r or floor, V?b»>.t, bn. Corn. bn. Dtt^y.bu. £*•?» • P -'. 7WI M 3 wo &.*& Ult-O WO.fiOQ 178 400 31800 Ini Wllthi 3!0,1 M IWTIm’ aboro artljiei left at Uda al-r from tit* ol oarintl'-n to tba 21 it of hn..«a.h*r, loclQtirp, for tbejur* 1669 and 1860, ft at' fo|. Finer. bl.}«. ft bf ax. bo. Coro in n,ri;b.~ im, 621.«n0 T.MS.i'OO 11SM800 167 000 ,M 0 • >43&JQ 1 201,900 2,099,400 2U COO lße.aMa.afT.lhO 9,246.400 D. 14,100 l floor. tba quantity of tba twfor Jl* *i I ‘ * I f r thecoitwpoodtog pwkxf W laatyaar, ftuwaa c«in of 1,660,260 i»Ua floor. 8 . * tUlMnoot of Bank aTtirtitta it nnatiiwhiii. ftrojaui* iui tb«Urjt*iy lnerc«*«t ••rtnatb of lha Wfitinoxl c-ntrar.Hon of «,«, i ino oVfoUT ll't ittter we cow downabout *6.000.000 fiWiho bf«b«t fwmt of paint (t did th*'n, and tba Banka In tba moan* Ku t£it u l k"'. t. l ” “;• ""‘t«>■ P'oUM, tut ftttr ()CKW»V-n.ii.v b t - , ° kcJ P lh 'ir »p»cia roM*T.aa»«ora *3v 2Y*?«? MU ‘V« 0T : ro “*« nt u-n amtooi l*a««x& ad aud pay inautt mad- oq ft Tba d-poaU If** iibowt an »«.- crraar <4 ow *000,900. ..! _ * j l ** Ito' r'l'u Iftu t it U.. nidi. UU ,T tho Butk. k 11, e.t, of Mo. Toikfj,j>l.22 l fc&d , ' «l'l 51 ! ' fept S 3. . ! M *‘?fe'“ 4 »«c.-ts«sia gSfcsrr:- ife iwfe - J? 1 Art, ‘ %l * ,< ®* nk al N*» Fv«fc bat for toeia lima fetao I * ®'V * ooe *, r °’ *»• £*«» krpt op only by tba yawria” Bptltbaalawy b*i n tafaad oat of IbaCetrlne Urn w, and notwfibaum»to* tba aid affjrd- I Clota I t doort. It baa twb «cd fur political iiarpowa • sued dwd, ao4 naa not for I toma ilmabao thacobfl-itneaof tba cammodUy. / j ,l »'“<»>oUte.n..bUo«liK:. / i lUt iU lU,^™.' : ’V !t_ ", 1 " In OttincUl clrel.l ibat tb-it(r««tora o( him of oar city v'm. I7i w ?* !U b * b **bwi and m-*t imp-ndbUof- In “b*doljW4lo*floUil»Ao *' n ‘ I **** doQ«i aid drß»»n4adaoltir«-a»of . M l. Pr at the eomlltfoo of hl» ra a^!^ 8 ' 'ZPJj*,** b ‘*” u M,bo ® ‘edition of hi* t e> h-,Vo hot m yat which boro I ofjbw Taty nupiowaoi dllcaitn* It will bo adrltable to at Recaro *. «oi 773 do* i U*u..™., 264 61)6 do i. n\T;: ——*-«•* w,608 do : D*rUy .. 02,9* do J ttcup.ie oy nee* uib or aw nnrocjr. v»hHtT"* -4“--«• 4«,8900Me. ;• I?- • do tte-ltjciDff Boor to wheat, oiHiaiißMroouta. AU* OOYUT. 1 1800 mo. loss. ihkt 1 Dir. Floor, bbl*. 88,080 139,013 60,29-1 60,141 07809 •sr fsss S£ fc: fSS : “■*“ A* ‘sss itorley, bo.. 92,989 Pl&a ; *“?* /rota the above table It will be Men that tha n,0n,1, » larger by one nfiDita buh-1* than ever before Intfte hlatorv of one th«eom«|xiDdtDjt pfrlw] -obi. Imports tojr Efclver. o brwjioo bbla nppUa, A Ackl!£ fl* twice cotton, 00 bbla wbtakftatoamarSt booh; 89 bdi«*D»- K?!r r * i° - l? r * f l **** os Mdo do. ilcCuUco*h Smith A co: 2CO aka apple* A MloS 120 fl y HaUb; 460 Ilia, Ur Qnrilck; 4 bbta tnnlM. < j. f W tigtpoUtoea, 23do I** 1 ** «,*>oeto„fA rawp T Import* tjr aUlnul, jJ, ? a 0 9?.*$ eo ®’: lO, "®P | ‘ , t*‘* do bncketa. AtwrP. Lee; A eo, 10ikrlloiothrned,Biova»4Kitbaitrii't 91 w., }. •. M Porklaa lift bg« at-Ntl.o, Bak«r* 100 bbla J Gardner. TO hratoapTl bbloEOwiSSAintLtoJtV£' bolt, 4nf do, Hpooccr A flamed: ti bn bartav a a»i„ Inn bvi .1 ddrr mill and preea.'pSheplar' 100 bbli flair,4l ackowa A Oregi; | hr, UefrA DavldaomVr bta wrap Ires, gpugbco; IPb&a floor, j Oarmow." 0011 BIVICK MWh »o T ih!ebl« r » w »**»s?n"* B | ow, *>***»d#y. wlth-rlx fret (Vjii by.lbe phr mark. 6o»Io«m at the vbarf l«n (b.{St^SS <>••« oplodo.l.ojin,,, 40 5?i’'Sg uKSiSjtiS? “ * nh * h " Talagraphla Ssrksts. taaaiiSj”! 3 -“ n °“'d al 4 min. amal!; mparfloeft! <9l® 10—cloalng heavy. Wlin'tt otxbuml aod *dnit* |llO®U2; suite $1 Uftl M/'. Cam ASiSi m dt tw—}« h tib.7T o i| , ;o.u7 0 d wiTl^!Si" aold MBo@3l. Barley dollaad'drouplng; the beat aamplea fflfi PwviUobaqofrt and atKbaßged. U«a roik if 6< * 585, “ r SutoaodgSTO® ftO tOfrOllo. Wheat; aalaa 180.000baab atsl Ifrftl 18 c2r *nd ftl 28®l SO tor red seetrrn. <4©7o' ; pork heavy at fttnaiO 20 lor met* ptlmatlaady. Wbitky ateddv at 23&2314 Pnu.tDurma.Cct. 3 floor doll andMeau 1576 for rapnam, <6 aodftO 2006 60 for extra Wheat acaroeaod lo dretaedr •alea4ooo baab etftl3o@l36l end sbita at ft! to Preotylvtola Rye tv «am«l at Houhem 86 Corn plenty and doll; rnlev yidtus at TO@7A Gate atehdy at 86 t»r Slithers and 3i for Peonaylvahs. Cloveneerd In lair demand at $6 76® 6 87 %■, TlnuAby baa advanced to 1803 2A . w y alrd ** 04- Ouffoa flnn at Uii@t43i lor Uto. ♦Wbl*ky fl«morat23®23>4 far Ohio. ProaawS oil ebangtd ButiNoat, Oct 3 liouratrady. Wbmt active at it 29 sblte nod yeiio«43®72 ProrWoo* dmi ttunn ««§a)4^ rt 18 .!*****«•• •«*»«»». STEBBINS -will nmnib A-P to* ba'tor bargalM la ASIITICIAL TBETIf, ia< mrtod 00 tb* Voleauita lU*e, taking feta accoanl the ti' perfor.qaality and reaaonabto prlcaa of bla aiork, tb »n eaa beobtwoed el*«sb«re tn tbe cj'y of «ad tboaa' sboar* |q sane of that k'Bd olartkta jeßl do seU to gtva bimacallrMheitnaotwd not toallns.blsMlf htaifr ! flwotd by sn» caa *Qaal ihvatyla aaAfletib «f htaertfflri.l aeta.' OfTfCßat IQLpmnnAt; ftelftjy jT\AKUM—3O0 T .: balev 6fit' KJ-itonktj wjT ****A&Sr*e£ 8 , '■** -•* >. l-w*--*r-r A,.,...' X .V, ■ : fflw* Winslow* laafarinoalKan, nd fra* Flvffcho, praj „ ■ ttsalUnttoaoi motors btr SOOTHING SYBU CHILDREN TEBTHIHO,. iba procM> cf fe*thbg, fcj*a|, ■ Ottß TO RBOCLATK THE BokiU Depnrflopoo B, mo then, 11 »i H gt«mt taxonrieinliia, Bells! and Health to vonr Infanta.! 5 - "• J»* T ® po* np *»4 acrid tbU aitiela tor orer‘ Un iLrh H&ffiKffSS: ■ w.&ESW wffiKb TO BPPBOT CURE SwEEJE? 11 ’ oaed. Navardldwe BfBUP» ?» t “ jri a!l E* 008 » b * mw* **• Ontht coiSfe! operations and »p**k j, tersj% ■ commeodatioo. of Its magical ‘ effect* had medic il vtrftoea; • WoßpMkia thi* matter -WHAT WB DO KNCW7*fifus WPS: fl «S^r7» ,,#,,oota# * ft,r u,et 3 rT «P Inter*. ■; e*T^l.V! U £££,. p £ ! P* r * {l ? n *• **>• preacriptlon of otk v ' ■£?_Ss ®JP» I M*SOKI ) am! SKILFUL NURS! 9 in &#*• OXBB La' *** **** °* wl fAII.I *0 Ijp0»- 'v.lt^.»a. Tf, ,? USASD * < > p CABBSU • f •; li•U^i2 , J!!?£ ?,^, . th • eh,,^, from P+o.bot lemromea- SSStSS J^fc!y wrt, • cw t ctt gtoetonXid: •ttwjr to the whole ay.tetn. It wiU almoetltfatnotlj rrttve Griping la the Bowels and Wind Coliel ■: and overcome coa*|~*~ » jJ,*. Irantapeedllyr-L,-, *3 C , b » death. We le CHILDRICN rordlq), in AND gUßßutl tukthimo, ' BBffiAlJl'oliLDlfU””!, ‘""““MBT ANIUITjj.NI OPWIIBR.S, bJtoiJSw® S?M sn^f“ U "7 «■»’>*• or Hit. m»llcl ae , l| nmol, Sj Pall for tultig Will oectoupan* rtcM«ntle MU. ; ■enaine nul-w the lic-sltnil* ofcUltTIH t paiiitmM* Nr» ror6,i»oatbeonuWewr.ppe i r. PfcflKl P* ; Md bj Drug#Ut» throughout the wyrja. I Prlaalpai Office, 13 Cedar Street ». 11, -,, , p Bl!0B ONLY 23 CENTS PKR BOTTLB. \\ eold bj B. L. FAUNKoTOCS-a CO, corner Wood i&d OKO - K - «?»«“. •« Wood ,t*Jf * ICO ft*. —** ® 9 .... 8 fift 9 ... H 0. 9 » @ © 8(4 *% 7H@.B*4 »k®». 8 tt n»* 7 0 9 7 0 9 8 @ V P P f P p Is ft TT\R. SCUENCK,of Philadelphia, will boin AJ FitUlorgh loexainloe patients ahllctod with • « DISEASES'O? THE d Ij TJ INT <3- S, Liver and Stomach, ... 7 @ 7 ** 7k® 8 Jf^B ... 7>v® 8 ... 4 & i - r|s . 7k® *'A li B |l MONDAY AND TUK&DAY, I Oct. Ut and ai, K the Drag Store of his agent. DE. GEO. H. No. HO Wood strait. DR. SCHENCK’S MEDICINES. riTTsanaaa cketipwjtbh. I .JA •, ,0 . k now ht bwlf two yean with a contf4> Mdliiror emphlßt an j tlie whole ufiay brew Jnalde,i& ??®Pj* ,le!if lv "; 1 A"* «ook it with a bad InflunmaiionSf tba la&gi, aad I «m atlradud by cna of the beat pnetm K 1 1 h,d loftatnmartoD of the land. S, " rch !**lc»ll*dwS«L wbowaaettimnfcg patients at Dr. K»>e*r’a Dr& I Aftef beelamloed mecaftfollylS ,h “J h »^> ,T which had settled opegf “'fe. My-doctor, Ufw* 1 called oo Dr. *chet,tk, icB “£**•* longs were bully affeot*d. I Bjtobin fleah, and tty strength left me. Hj appetite writ I J!j tlrel J r .*®sr , * IH, i* l » d ’* f >Httk*hopeaof recovery whej I Tli ;p?f* ,r * o, < I “«r»oaid|cetw«iuri gg£Sw‘llwcttooi.S.leh-Idil I ontll 1 had taken.foar bottleeol “Pnlmboß I «!?$& two «t “Be*weed Tonic," ud a boi of “XendntU | iSllik. asd now I am better than ever 1 *at Jo m? jjju ; mn 3 ri? JWOOd- “”* tt “.«*r I did fu my Itie boforj CarTl u a a/man of mi I *i*® •ojwherp* * ■« entirely recovered from **“<“*»*• which thru Broke down i*y conaUtotioaanl I n M, £L Mf i^ l V for l under* debt of gratitude tl 'rf"”™ 1 - I Kiow. limia.CVSt.. b "olwicaSll,j-Dd I *«hoßch ■ medicine*, whvm I recommended to take thona laiwayakaepthe HUs" in myhooia * Thrl S}Th 0, /"n toO V. ,? * reD “ p, * ,nt * t ** n “oOiingjrtae wuotl J*'P , H ? r Md ahe aoffefcd moch.4 dhe triad varlona otLer kinds of pitta, bpt toev all old adl *«* »« ir Mandrake Pilta, which baremed* ! here well woman. lam sore that f owe my Hie and omJI l°u»r«r!Ii!. he * , #* l *»!l or ' ffrl * ,DCk * nrt hf « niedfclnea.Vbd r ****P ,e *’ t,ret a be.ru.g my testimony to their rfflCacn! Me!JTV^fi! kgr r 4 * m *«? ~w,on* foT **• Sfhenck** moiilfl CfaNkaod they barn all b«,fi I ant well knowrf nßwt * r,,of ro >' ncighb-ira can bear twtimobtf tony ttitewot.- • U£QItQS WtN)D « b« T^2, ? U< I lbofe P'M'lmrgh, at nmwey’e Qi'ppnr Werka.l &*"•& 91 <*«• H. Keyaer. MO Wood etrSti MI N«r.h e.T™.h«3 Prrrocaoß, May SlUi, 1800. - j Anoratra oanTipiaxTp. ; Ohio, Mirth M, ISM, I! **/“**•***“* * ri ** I,r,M t 0 intonn yon that tl l c^ uy 1 ® h * 404 a bottle o£ Sti« ,, r TB^ e »“ Ml wben J**«T*d in Zanee^ vine 1 oommrDced ttslog ike medicine according to direct « S M M d «. K^*VL a, ? ,D !f d matt than IcxpeeSi l Itvonli ioio ibofi a time. lam ao welt pleased with tliei Seaweed Tonic and "Pnlmntdc Pynip " tlutlwant you' USSif&S&Sll,* 'tStSg: It - KEI6iB ' ™ T. 1- ■ iA ? OTgEa CORa BY Dtt. hoglivetr ' A u‘ £D J l T now ago—* violent at»i Uck ot cold, which Icoauacted by lying on the damo< and cooatast pain in my bre«at.'aQd I «xpeciorat«| a irrui 1 ifSilh» a t S il^* tter !ro ® my ,nn f , »»iwonchui rabSi ihS2 h th^ ! » , i,? , , b#a< V p,10 2' ‘hf* 1 S? 1 '* b * ri eottah and nlchUwnni En«»t deal wilhpalo and ilgtilneas : 11“ 1 f 44 I*B Of* ficbenek in October IwlTand mv ht^Sihta * Itb hfa Be t«4d me SLiif r Ch4 *' Wrn ’ *"*7 much aflVqid, and he ore- Z2Tr?«!?* h Mandrake-P,!K Unlmon^ByropandlS fonr "S.*' pSS B^rap^thi .... „ JAMKa D. WILSON, w„t mtJ! ««“* B, “' Wo ' u ANOTHER .QRZAT CGBE—CABEOP NICHOLAS RITZ a*v «.t . , or aUMhbit cm. ■*,“*rJl 16 6% 1 ° r '“ t 4 Jul y * tOO*»iC* with Ip till DK tiood •ail abftd coafti; l did not mind U till 1 »plt twocr tone tloifi; I apit stoot a uacop tall of tlood. A «nk v«rdi« rcm/iiod and Igm alarmed, and neat to tnr thy «bUa and got njwlldke from him. * bleb did Dot eoafUr r > «l.jl-lh«awiH>t to auuiher, who tuld me . HBABS, fcllfctf (t»D6ri] Tt»l g ht AgMit ii. AOK. K. 0.1. AJU» SUPPORTER MAN Of'AO- S? R lrn° A ? TWRIOUT * Yon ®°* Ha. 97 Wood it. «“*. ***««• tocdlthaattmtioß oTtfasafflifitad to the hot lh*t tb»y«re theonly ggjgj?" °f Xtub«o« and fempportara „,?£•* *“J* **4 * B «F«*en« ofmn la tfaemurabeton.' wptlf of tbow tnitramtnu, aod cacfaralih Ibaa U pdas nr, iw balowdrng rtsuefUrt*. WIT CARTyBIQBT.A YOuNQ.97 WaodaL JOSEPH ADAMS, . No. 97 Wylio Street,. Pittsburgh, nr. Utllock, ThAodon BofaMflt, KoooU Knott, 1 ujSallr «TEAM BOOK BINDERS AND BLANK kj BOOK MANCFAOTOIIIf.—AII l to!. of Dlodlur to ‘ M P •00-«at1l q tun title*, eltb*roni*ißMitel or ptajo, deoo faotlltlo* loperiurto fcoyeo tablUhm*ut in t&la city. pnbltabor* mojrotMwS epoabov. tog tbeirwwk tfceo la tho boot rjlooDd ia modi Uwtim* thta can ba dooo ol»wber». A. 1L HOW AND. Inventor of Improvement to Book Blading. Bingor!*’* BulMlor. No*. T 2 - noso-lidl*. SfiLF-SBALINQ FliUlT JaRS - ..... •' Th* • Ntwman A'Wlllonglibi ■ ,:t rnit Jan, KcqnlHng B»lfb?r Wot aw Punirat, tnonnfitciared and hr «d*l.r BABMWAWPJEAW FoS? M ooSilod Orrnorof Woodoß4 Batond PRODUCE.— bbU choice — PBAOHM-lOtblichW*. - 5Hf S , B3«SSffir 40 ' - -rf 1^AX *B*D—«boiicU4n— wcelred ia4'ftjr«ilob* ' BEOg *l.*Zß*MBmbfttyiw y 20 £?!£• pnne .-STw’ J ctsey &WEET PO - uni ftjr . ‘ Ui»flT »L PrimoOils.jmt reo’d and , Wu kz«b, COTMtHokit mu Hnt.U. R)f &Jfl£Utt~-33 bb]«. fresh ground Kyo «orul«t>7 '' ® • .« < w Mfl;.- JU.. t. IKTZbr, ftitwr Mutrt YlntutV. SIAEP SOUNPiA—wbich jou. can a * Uro?d Work > Bt * ,ln &»fl«v«dßbeet Irbo Jobbing and Ik-palring donaon ehcrißQrtco. nj«:lrdte ■■! 8. B. * C. f. MARKLfi, ‘ ? |A. PER MAND PA OTUR E R S And Deaiertla ■-.••.•/• IJOOK, PRINT,CAP, MOTH AND AU. MUDS 0» „ RAPPINO p AP BB.' ■ T " "oioTOi from N 0.37 Wool ttrett to So, a Ballbaol •'ll. « 1 Street, Plttabarsb, Pa,, . oe 7r»i« f, f R«g,. . ; m&tfa yRAIti ROAD BPgB COMPA^yT ?i‘,ToS;‘ h "-—~ D - W.:OoJmwA., ; j (BWooro to ifcrtrr, £ot/< tf Ateott.) ' KAivafAcniiißrvv P-Atl ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS tv 1 ’ rnr A ? D BOATSPIKES. ' r mro°l : Water StlMt 8114 Cben 7 »llbt, _«oia;lr 1 . hah* i*om tmtrtka, Ka ST M4BEKT MJIKM, IITMBDBOn, Pi. ' - ■ " .• -• faa-fcly HAIHDVB— HAIH OVE—HAIH DVB - ?"• *• B*TCHBI,6b'» uu DTK l ‘ ! lmffra, WorUt | All othsrsßTemoroiinitatioiUj «nd«hoold • i“® A’Wl'led,lf ym wbh to MORM'rfdlral*, iroaa,r, .Tlßpi OBHBBTT BAIR ldillMlly fa * Ir*?!™ tb. iMUfa |cryio tb«h*lror •Un. MW)AIBAKD IJ?■tfSf®' A.dJatcbetar»liiDeJa* tad ot*t 80.000.ppto. jtlon* J hlwto« B ,»d rte thb Heirofb** patron# ofbtefc. ywwitOye. , ' £& to bgirtlagttUhid frrnn natwa, tad fevuunn set (• 1® ||igur^lou*oJeMt l bowfl T erloß«U , n»jbBoo«iUm»italtlr* jU e »Kt« of Bfc! Djm maedltJ; the Bair fovfnntad toe tfcia apkodld Dj«. ***** n* rj*■Ppl&dlto 9 private rootu) atthe Wtefro p*j>S» Tort / * Sold hi a]]cJtlr* and tows* of tb* United &Ul«.bTDni* -.*»■ Sbt* ?uid Fane? flood* IteaJera . * •" Iha turn* tad add raa coon a ateel * ’ plat».engr«lpgop fooriMw off h h^jpf J«*-*rd*«»fcT - 10 Bocilitrwt, Raw Tcrt. - * ' • •• wtoi- W iog_ wlogi f* BATCHELOR'S WIGS AND TOUPEES FltMnc to a ch*na— oo taming op beblad—bo ■hrfi»M»« | • 1 * indeed thlj iaUieoolj.MtablUauDi wfecc* - - - ift 'Bopd Krert. New Yeefc. apTHRim aoTHcmn ■iieHKmm . to prpouw Mrt. Siwth SjrnpCorObtUnnTeeUda*. It baaaoaqnalotltthL. ■ fc CtMtl]rf4cUlt«tea(hopnieenoftMthtnKbyaßftalaf-ik» • ■ »U | n iUttitB*ttoß-*irlir tuiyg»te,«ftd to ; arefp regolata th* bowel*. Depend upon It, mother*, || - relief andfcealth to roof Jafcdw. Perfectly aifettx alt caae*.- /- / - 8 Tbii nltuble pr«p*rktloß' latha prweriptSoft of owe «l >cd •kiUnl fend* Phyridanpla Raw . ; gggjrj®* fa** bM«icwd with ww-falllng : ned***ta - best and aoreat-recwHijf |a tb« world, In l| ' jkrfMoTrcna teeiblogpt fron *Bj other e*c*e. ' II Ul(;a *ad health cab b* oranuad bp dollM* *od oMt*,il f» worth Its weight 1n sold. - hllinjoaiof bottle* are aoldempyear tatfa# flatted ■•. |j la ao eld and wetVtrted nsiedp. -r »j -_jvj t*RIC}SjONLV ftCtMTB! A BOITLI,^ ■ . r[<3rjß(nfe seßoloeouleMthe faOetmQe of OUMJ6 *PIB> iUlKMflwYora.uoAtheMtaldewTepper. ' . . j! Sold bTDmnrirta throughout the world, DftvOsO. 11.- • . jjletaewlvt&r • r- - <• '-• . ? jt.'j p p P P ? p 8 8. lips AS MIDICIKS—PKtTTIAS * ftroMfui OoxA-i pgusah Mow u .nnetarwMoo, gom Jhrid Bcjd, of KnUintoltM Station of . ttlUflUUroad,' «tio «*> coad of a bad fonn tf 4*K&ifo ibtParoHin Syrop. Hr. Boyd to* fojfol •*.' ,lrarj«^ f aod fo well known, and ba baa;. paSsfi4 fotUmfaat «i;ht:yMr«. Uft lofbraaina that .ba gaioed ttabtßfcunda "•***« ’timwM’tK ' dMjfl.M.l.f.Hhb Mitoter,wlifck i. Appindid. I , •T? ft' “• ta*-»*iwiwM«of is,' la ■ - P t«Uoal,» of IB corrtlr, powortv n, umß,in Woos otmt,eoi»Apiit, !U w fl»a,;doJUra,hnt not knowing nrtetbcr it wonlddoany-■ .*s*• 3 l wooM flrvt uy U*rt* *iji»o4in*rbo > tffei meihaother ibrro MUM: PAVIPBOTA. ■:.> jbS&Jr l ' aSOHflS a. EBTB»R t Sa lu woo) «. » SffSIST, — n&i **««**} tn kt.r?'cww»r.hofl«<; ’ ' ‘ j-No#. $2, and G 4 Seventh street; near ffrjtfilf wjftlmr -; oET —4 hbla, SwcotCidcr, 1 ■ ■ JMtnc 4 »»»<•» «!»!.* VJIB.A.FATIE*," * OmrllMilnllM* ■■ ANGANESIS bA\ONIf t ’m Jumpi-tad JJW. fcfwnod—i um» tor «»u ».>*■* ' . .■' t_j 5 UA.PJkn!fB«TOCC*Q(V _ »** » . ■» « x ,e>bw IHwrtwwiy^ik. 1 BMUTiFUk' UKKaS Stria r allkMipf ;r: ' Jo^Gwxi^l^RMiU;y ' K: - ", *'T -,; : V> totmai Jtontra. LAtt * dypjSTuk ooppaa Mt^t. BMKI, W I N*® WonK S. . PWTIBORGII, - PABK, MCOHDT * C( - / • WANDFACTCRERS. 01 SHBAI'IIINO b, o:uzicn.v » n a bolt coppkk, prksbd cop' .a. psa liOTroyis, mm b«m^ , ; A!*>v Import.™ out: Duion u, hbcbu, oh rain ! SS? fc : IFjrtjUiM, So, , li» fir,l and 1» AMomlurM, Pltt.bnrgh, Pa.ik Of CbRW o.'to i i cuoasAH ic bbo. — ■A • «A®OTM*ba**a ot V®* Iro» VuuJts, Va«Jt Dolor u Window ShnUer*, Window Guardi, ftg.,' Ayt. UStands^ttitariff ««*»**, v Wood sod Mwke<,) PjCTSBUEOH, p.*', ***** 01 fitter and fihifa Jn!!f «/ r *l V ai P i}tv *- PMtfeuUr attention paid toipn tjgaLopOw.Lutß.. Jobbing dona at abort notice.” 1 nrf ■H HiSNKTaooiiUNS, ftorwarfiing and CommlMloo Mtrobaot U 4KS TOIOLBSALB OBAUDUR •: Is .Butter, Seed*, JFUtu* it _ A*“* Prodpe* 6«jeml!y, ft* 1h HSwct BtT4di t\(tMb*rp\ ■•■ \ ■ ■ J* ixim i-I'XU'Uii . - . MERCHANT. TAJLQB ' - ■4 .. . No. ,54 St., Olftir Street,' ? • V Piwaßraon.vi i j&Mis oAkomn.