• , ',I • ' • • • • • • 7 2, , ESTABLISHED IN 1786. 1 ~, , , ,.;, ,i , - --.i., r» a!li,-1 , 2.:'.?...,:-., f,, -. Commuggpti. ..=. slam ' - 1,,,..". 1 4, -„... I gum oroostsoN, 117.1 . " ---- 7 . t Spodoll toctw. 21 11-10 .11 - Ma & oorrxN, WnobZexiii TO IrtiaIDIZIA,ZIIIIA a. holesale ' GrOcen, Wood and Water Street; / r' • P/Tllooltall, PA. L 10,41.,,,..-.....---....,..;.-spws.as tow. JOHN I. nOtisic az CO.. I 0,*11.11 . 11.1-E G a oor.Rs ~, i pourifaloN lissaffAivrs, (OtileCofiiiiiiiifield cut water stints, , . 1444 . • Pinsiume. PILINL. It Opt: httS it DILW - -- Nnetriding ma' Com...ratios Merchant.. .. , Petri ; ILOttA, Olt ADi owl P ROCOCO gootorelly, -, 1 __ . , No, to Wadi/ odd 98 Prot stream. Itunio-Alucacodt. A10.......7 A Co, Ptultergb; Jos. . DiNfoolhiboa ,dc, Brown 1 It 1 ripserkl., do Linda, Dallee I 00.d4c Waling A Nigro. 04 k 4 Tatum A Clo, S. Latic J. Z, Mar alb. dcc BeAttli , A Allaerann.Clocbasait hoot _ dadsoar & Co. dot WAWA tutor. Cti.% :boxwood & Oa. da.„ PooltoOy & NW., itailleown Corwi & Dorm, , do - , rli&dwdaosit Oferaan;POiladolpti*Oookana A Prot ban, 44 A. Ni. 0111114 lOW Yak. l.:4yd EDOBRION At . 13TBIWARTi - liVhchate:ls Grocers &Cominiseion Merchants, 107 WOOD STREET, mica 3 Laza4u.- . • RIDDLE. a , tiers &bo.. • • Wholdeide Groom Odoottledidu sad Ferdradlng Merriman tad Didlos ter Wadtan Pruagos add Prolddlods, at N 0.116 •=*mt. Pftldbardb, Pintas. . redsmtidd *lbws, Botts. ns, Elnan, ote., % Ilddattildatiddiatm ?cleft. oam:um& ilbend tomb .a moo suds. • • jaw. B. Mini- —Ana. ICIAZRarsaCIL mows `39 . .irt 91.1E4 Cs• R. 60 ICR 13 - .. AND MUMMA IN FLOUR ik..ND.SEED B. 1i0t.191.and1.93 Li berty Streit, Fitter:it& r.e.eurreeker—.. .D. L }all9o' • J B. OANFISLD & imia&fattor& Iroivrardllng litereltasti. :. dad fß4ulauV - Drtnda WEST.ERN'RESERVE CHEESE, ' .':'.=min, Laiut,• - iinta, Imam, twin, non, -Part !sari 11riarains. Llama • Lard OIL Dried '‘" '11•••• ••••••14 AS 6roaa IlArr•aAr Pirrdnunau. PA. , - OWLS & 00111MISSIOi9 2 AND—DMILIiIIeI & PKODITC.IO. 3;3 I.lbert7 Sae's' t, . • • PITISBORGET, PA. tMegrim Illachiattio 'AlngB A. 'FETZER, ` Forwarding and 4/0411.NrelN SeII.OIIANT. rer Um sae of SLOW; DAlerLeoo3. lO LAtP,IIIIITEIt, ttilpe,DßlEDJ'atler, sod Prod we p, NS le /were Street, eci•oo , Aral, War to 1.41.11d15e. tee, FitteittlOVlDite Deedele, Es, es, S. Coldest t Pop, do, Mart, its it Os, do, Jobs Dialog, E•4l. del Super .3s, outhdoi.s. ar.y, ouster a:a X. 'Vise, Wheelies Sousa Ott, toe, d‘.. 1), ••••' • CO,ao,P.toaa D. 01., Opulentßro., Pelledelptts doledly a. ram tiOnDNIS. - 1 Oft&E'r,.& VAN -CIORDER, IBERORA'NDIBE BROKERS C01II:1581'0N. 11Z.gC114Nr8 - , , 114 Secoced.Street, Pitteburet. 11.111 i.. I Tiers* Dp, Zia* Iptly, Maim a Dtbreith.Pltayi rm.. r co.. • 4 . O iurig.gb a out a Soo , *, IDO pr. ndlask Keens &MO - • • . ELerrlsou * lima, Cicada 'T.; A.M. I inf0ue;114.17" . .. 12. &Duo* a 00. r.. WOW** * Co, Maletaboul., IL D. lleacomb *ft,laft• • d11119.151*, litimi A Co., . ' tog% Ey. oclT4yd • B . SitatiT ••ft. • BAHASA, _ • • - • ' novas VID PItOTIMON _ 11 .. 90*IE.SION MICECII.AI3TB, - - 287 Liberty fitteet.eorner of Hard, • Ll*EreeiroWlint. rroma& sem o eh* gmete. ant sales fwerElrat raid - •halts, Potatoes. Pork. lard, Bllttet OnsrakOkeer sad Stssoth Soda Ala - Orders per Wed e t tbs lowest tosakat prima. Ad 41111.0150. of Ow Patabessis Saar Mstratartory. saStild Sttitirls•B. SLOID CO., • • - oolueteston iismaittern, • All Marl Wan? ends sad Produce earendik 0.1•1011:14 Ca/WWII= eas e " 'COMMISSION MIIBOHANTS, ; , t k MUMS IN, PAP= An ups, lasi] Agate lbe the Bale of -MthoeingFas.Brick and Pot Casy, Imi.-149 old 151 Wood IPasetoing 1111nb, Pittsburgh. ftilltrapphas raw Manifetann• it Cris AWL jatlyd 11111 - 4011 SitaC tescasemtoklalitsjECieftcygOw) .701117.rding sad Vonamiagion Merchants, . , •prid 4 iaiso; Flaufaal Wool, • • Aiai /Witt mai ISt Bramil et.fittibuija, erial..5114.2&11111111.:.1121/003 ronri.—ws.s; vartnna 11/141.1111AUGli OOJILMI$S:ION 11 vto n s. DPLLIEE argot Prn visions& Produce Generally, .Ikne Uni Mani Street, Fetsburgb. nierina, ~F7;1753T, Grain and . Products.. Op t f s on . ind Forwirding Mardiante, 71 , 44:374 Bewail 8/.,.Pitagnersf Pa. . Ilatuiststs. .1 - oEilift3TON, (inacceem to it.Wiloola 'MTh DAM= *Mc anoiototi toot notv we violation to sir' amortmotirof Poo, Drags sod Portwoolop _tad hob, goods, valor Mohnen, Obot000"OUOALlioolhol. Bonin Mid, Pure U 4 1102, Work* bneado Olgoso,to, ho. oil of which an • ollorsel so woompsiool tality Nod AR Wore prkei • ficolkiluntolosolotlooo composo64. ocablyd 11. RIAOKSOWN..-.Wholseale Droggi:t e , „ • ge.b.orkiwodftvg lutArm 1001116. Im a Mfdi• ./ 11 .4 1 . 24 !"-• "': , 1410tIrd:: iPA • Z. f • & 110LF., rNDetq&d aoa ifosobetscom of Wldhs Lid; goof Llflunr ? rromr Frost! sod Nast dims% Pitto, , Esaata----...--..—samas aorta IJN; REITP., WILOLISALVaIiP licalllmpakeirrtare of Marty w 614 Mgr fts, i% . F U, (WOO 011 g • lOUslo6)l4o6t6ißrtMalet wad Dia66666,k sosokally bod 61.611 664 emple66 mortanna D. . gragagm,Yed.kililloblini .0 artkise • fiZt Tik ,..." l""l =4 64U can Imiamt 11. A: uao 14•Wevel strict, trniv at stesd rod snen P:.. &MT, - W • • iessle Dealer in , Drietuffe, utwou ens , p.,60 osmium - AltAniem M;== TAWS )101ASEI C0.,-. Pork Psalm U sodV.ißsfA Rorbtme.wctnap . sad had, Irlloll 4-1:111TCHIN BON , Oommiesion jUrsiia Propic - s KW:AWN , desists to Waniorir sitss , • Inssr, VA,Butter; Mind OA Tot Pistr: 'Sod; arida, Ihisd Walt, sad PridaCr. =ll4 Pot Nally roar always hats,— tbe Ws 'ld idbosOde ivlsagated PsSealsd Owl .talk. Nos.llo &sand and 141 HM Ka,' bst , seta WWI Nal likaldabg4 at 4 Pttadasesll. Ps. a t alia . WAILKIIOUSE.-11ENRY • IL own sanromn.od ammtpoimMetobiettotnel "Sladartallissmalalsr, Lase 11*.sed Prdees pasta% 11111 WWI st.; sbova Wow; riesensret, osydi Ch..1!14p14.11 o,4fiD Selansafaiiture. Alwegfreaf by: ff.' IPe9ta j n,' " 0 • ..... ,21 Per Outdoor . 14 Tbilladarihrosa ls Dom reedy*" coatis.% for the delivery dab abbe Moan* Ptholbwo or say elbow peaorle the Ittineititete. A intfillello be ONO by goalie/ as tee, • EPS/A- AIit'CO,VIPATION. =thrtsla 400 thlsis 14• 411144al 14 n 1344144 .6.14 a• Ample %Aim moan y 00 am of 3144444411; OS4 4C di4414144, AIM 4440 the Mourch. v intwig4444,44 ,4444. avaat* Chian% 534 tY N om ons 44- „, In* men of 0001 Pie Teed.. : CcIA--Bania, plain and B Cured , aaan-1; abia,nitiaa awl panic Imo ran* stags. ree ' • tkO,, .111014131M-4 41 blirlli!Thaststio. iiiizsiunia.4b l 7qustaun to egg &Wile , iLOOl.OOe bus ion 613• 61 mom; . mae:No Insir 5049111 trout stmts. 8I TP: i: • • t , paromousxrawilita ' soy "roe t rro-- 4 0• 11 .mt , „ ionwo _ 4l , Olbri`" . f'h,4*4744--0, Ml=Ell Amt. - TELE vrEvrtrics o ILECTRICITY AND WATER COM , .K. A R&i, I 4% • Ex -711f,e.1 lettm patent from the Paoli Oaks of 'the Bathed Stela...- Thaw Bathe hare been la nuresehil ores: tion for the lath two years; le mazy of our printiyal town* sod eldes.dering Whke time hundred* of WINO bath turd their aucenlah• l ag with signal Dr. IL dthilendeithe entire wworld to produce any out systeu4 cupid Ad of mesas, that will cur. .5 many Onuses, end I ,eo short • Um*, as hr ltl.otrra Betas aloes, whew rigidly esludeleter. ed. The 'dude& Wade of all pcst .I 0enn. , a1.117 shut to well. moot.. sad lest lir damsel reit The duration °teeth Bate, die tecoureture of ,the were, and the strecith of the electric current.ers varied scud. I. to theater" the condition of the pedant Meths% and the aids dedthel. The water Oaten% id teak sled the seleattioity ao graduated ea le prod..* Both Put ydr mumble atheation& Thera le no clued Mawr, either diets or reek, to which they are not adapted—whith duent yid at once to Utak all weeding and besilleradoring Indus The eget and &cupid have Been led, volustartly, to tlhlhmt they felt nifty, years younger, end elept but than they bed doss for years. Others hue teen =red of tat woos In • ihw Beth& it.. do their healthful efforts sum to $.l nod moldy to We plythed moor they hue an equally hue' Indoence upon the mental faculties, making, Sheet • u . 4 . l l llcleut moths le the treatment of Icsanity ~chile met tai condidone /mead the disuses sucoessfully touted by NINA' Bathe are laseylaut Consamprou, Beredula,. Earelyre& Nyder'', (flee) Lewdly, bedtime Tretostis. Bt. Tito" Darn,. Ours. tone of the liednejthetunetion, Idercurbil Dhisises, Rath. new Bath and Joints, Nerroamdew, "Odeon. Deed Aithina,Etrocbltis e otharrb,WeeklyPertial Deaf use, 'travel sad other thinary and Genital Dte ueses, e nd , of the Womtelescarrheie,and etre Female Diellnablntil Teter, rlper and Ago% - These Baths ate in eteccusfed etention t rt No. 21 fifth sheet , Pittstams Pa., relented many of du, added daily. .Oall and err to pupil 00ZV8ULTATION3 now. Qffice beam from 7 to Id .S. af t 's:Wit tog DR. &LODZ" It. KIN% coneultted iitysictati Beni end surnt for the oslo of Meaty and ludOldnet Pthreolessith. I. W. BLAIN. Durum I LOsil or address Dr. HIKO, Bo: 1123, raka l .gh, ethlalydileT • Quack 'Masse:pais. H E NEW YORK DAY BOOK ea67:' .1. . 'The tosfortty of Heir Weetsert,..; Ustr Oyes, thdr Turtles, their 011.4 and the tountetirkee preveratlons eybkh art nor before the puha* under each aVviteastat, hyper- Wks! sad &elastic titles es re see worded In show elu de, cards, end uswepere treater/I,a. liartwitters., are ell humbep of the first rebut its*, tad erft, tetra they weber soy, *thin they d., no harm 1106'l L&IW. ?MALT, OIL, 'LAM, OIL, !WRIST OIL, aria hil end col. wad, mobs up, rhea In treettralAil liners and white fi hat alma bottles, thr earliest eheyeeSer of :Italics; and when thee curtly, ore bsptleed with sortie trhyllent ma. sad caught et q lamina you% end old etibrath ea boob is not 'heehaw:kW of ?referee Wadi :Bale I ea entree it& gentlemen terra before the world without soy 'blab Wore" - Ellophlaforlum or Any ochre saturnalias .od Wallies elatehrentey wing be sheyfy:adreetteee • Hair Earterefiee—rtert ft trapreere preehelyratel es a Aare. stfrtit .its. Buy-ftrobasor Wood's nate RMdntttAsad ra r. 2 igloo year seep, eye, year very Ondere,• . taply uoth trg_elts; for ft easy be that you *ill gee sear oronr. rub. stores then fret:mad tare. etl Do 3 oar Moab:lei Bruen. bee, Wood's ftestarettes for the Her te Ote hes article ex tant?' • -. . .. It Will, by Ihture's own 'Pr 3c, itestori 'Nay Herta_ th e OTIPAD Will mate Efslr 011 bold Lloodi4 Wtlliwbwo the Natant lloonoloot. Will roman okk ono, all IL:btag, Will mar* all Dandruff, will cute allontottooo-411ro ISonla Will mato the Holz bolt and Gkmay, WM mite the obi opoow yaw* ages, WIII prawn tboDolot of Hon . *" old Ka. . - always Notes It sad stop Ito Yid Ifoi, And Is Goma Me teat Tonot Articles forma Maw%lbeterod by 0. , . WCM: I O a 00, bd al bad Itatell,bs *hi 117b4mi7, Mg, York. 4.1 I II at Loot*. am to putabwit, by Dr. ono. H. Ksrtan, narrow &Co. osatimmthie: t: FAMILY VATAIABLIt riII:ICY MD / Tat6ts day la nedpt of [rah minty W Talasble 31.21kt05. ttu lisaramkt,ll.#lloll„.Dhecvn+7, , . Yeti liugsotio efoitoi. „ aotr.oe.ga.a.nUlol i Ifolaboleal!stroci of Alor's Soraetwills oisd Isom Con,. gobeaok's Byrne, awl limadroll.; Weadli kW, itoolontfro, Nn.••- . MN. • astr Itaitarstl -Bantam's saws ofth. rally Patent Medicines of the midways be obtiJoal at Jtia. PL sOlO Comte of the Maingid sod • S N HATS AND C M'CORD • BAN% 811VILIVED Till wiwzat . ES 01P ' CASSIIAISE AND SOF FLATS *tat., CAVE h. real radii,. NO. 131 -WOOD.!STD, : site • .ross JIM, W. 11 . 170111ZZL WILSON, =CARIL 0., (Lays Wisamc hOlOiSide 3;401414D i wcausixamr ar 33lowcw To DRY' :GOODS . • • af.. lid Woad Strad. id house *bows Dilme d .7 R IBtowesine 1,010 L 0,4 tos.cr.ig H 11,'H D 4 E , . Corner Liberty and St. Clair 8 eta, wan, irriarro OM PA. - T H _ • pats rifs , Ti. . 1 01 . PENN STREET, mO' .6i ta Bt. Clair _ 11401, beats Teeth ea ll4 domino and !maiden Wm, on Gold rod alb* bAiy Ablia dl sired. All Whir Avid ormalddral MOM idlkodord nattiest Asmilleads appllal la Omegas:fell.. sollar inpzawriumn FIRST -.Gioia Pan Idlannfiotur•ra, count' rotruz iva . neti*.re PITTANSIIIGU, Paisvd Odd rol atm Pawn OWN, ok 6111 W Litatt. Pass red oleo wain:um alpinism wiled 4ACKsOII da TOwmpail , , r n P 0 IS 33t P A, 0 K..; .16 11 Baize, Ie tid, Dried Beef, Men and R profit, No. II Itarib drool, near 1.7 • , Pitt '• , igh„ P MARSHALL tOO AS/0011DO• the rival . 0 Mnr WALL -PAPtRS, BORD - No. 87 iVoon AO,O3.RESSE, , no METAL, T o)1, BOILAY IRON, PCUP raw. CANADIAN GLASS. • SAND . 1 grOIMITFIXOIX III7 I nor tr 4 P r sanity writ& GROORRIZB--7 0 hhda. p;ime N. O t imptr; SO bbli D.I CtoshW, Powdocol. POI rlittial and. naiad. glades of Tal lew tolfea Sager, 163 bbb o.lolosos, ob* 631 c SO l‘f bbts do da '7 1,7 01bba 0014 as 7 1 7.1115 " 10 06 evinr 306 . 10 oaks pima /On; ' 7do Melo Satan =with sooomlsto sod froth wortment,adowartos, mat prop, Oodtoo Tufo, Sloolot i oad Maar Isotand eadlo—dar ado by W . - - - WAIT , =LSO.= bets at, . _ CINOOSRIES- 75 lads. N. O. Sigark; Igo bele 11 0 11WeeeeK 40 bbid *dint BMOC • odo Wood Boor • so ht.:Wets T a WA Alma Tiat 125 las MAO" Moo- oho, oil it4o3 fib ounlofie hoodloft**, tor so3obdl dad - ' ME LAIRAII, 210 Watt *Rd. AOON—dame, Shoulders end aidis; , JuP atia111•0011,11D 0111110 611, 4 x ado by rri JACIZION TOWNBUD. No. I'd Fostra 'Wool, sop Llborty. REAM • :S.BAOSI BEAU B • BAG I MON' amloterl Mar, Tadao"' one for mil• tb• Puisanrsb smit ruckaiLb, ST od 11s ' - HINII4II, 01 streets ISH-300hf.bble,White nib;l2o dn.& Smart ISO do do Motiog—ibr add - LOllO,--203 bbls. We or 4 i Ritni FloorF, . sad Itw Nal* rss.• . laWit 1 1 -allTha co.= Litooty ot. 1111'HE&T-5000 bus. rim ‘ll doirbitr4bie wl3 l J. 8.. Pi -' 1 ,01$: resat :-;;:r4k-PRIy ~G'- .:.::., - ;'..4:',7 -,. , ' :', 11. 1', W 4 :: .:‘-4.f&.',4 - ; , ; , . 2 7 , ; , . , .; ,- - PITTSBURGH,' FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1860. . , 0 P i )\) . . • PROFESSOR A. 8. REGORY and J. F. Ault= Poe t mi u'dr la r aarlYt N i e r N 0.85 °PANTBTANAT.I e°irtDoom T a O door from MbM l orth a psi Mora. tam hym ink a % oa m tmow b tor oomaltottonan4 Trootomi. Jo addeltuas tattle Ibtme of XLIMOTRIOITY Mileti they tumodusera, • eel , they ere peaparel to edloiair•• ELZEITRO.OHR,DIIOAL BATHS! - Tba iallowtag eta mese 041 the dlomati .hick really yield to UM fIrfEST tJthlibt: Patty or Porolywoo, Aseigtot Conoulnpdoo,, elma. • tire, bad Acute oriel natio; Nmpateirt. H Th ead. aria, Torpid Moor I RrootAitio, Catarrh, Asthma, Weakly*: cod Conotturo of the Spims, SorANAM Dyippak, De.l - Ringing it. the Nam Ami3nrotio Oat-- - come% Weak Eyes, • Erptoipalas,! Spantane Reteotioa of 014 . 1 Urine, Pt. Vi toe Das% Metre Rhaux,Pro. tapas/ Asti , or Pi .footalo Wookoe. • and Irregvhiritioo,_ oral DtbDity, Do. rangeemOr of glao ilhoreona 8117,1apf. aadall Diiirdoia the OPI/701: 1101/81h wabn A. M. TO 9 P.M. STUREI. 0870057 oda in to attendance to mold to treadmill Lassa _ solVddottlT hallos_ illuoic NSWPIANOS.— JUdt RECEIVED FROM Chickering & • Sons, 3308'Z'ON, A SBW AND OHOICB LOT OF Ci, 7 and 7i octave PLALIWOL IN PLAIN ANN (MINED FORNVPUNP, & YoR SALE BY ZOBN Innuatop. PIO. $t WOOD EMIT, between Dialamei alley ead fourth street, Ws lane he Meted.ll t Pone Greed, Viaight wd *gum ?Undone; for Ptitebarah awl Wotan Peaanh made. . ath*, Now Mblodeons MASON & 11 /JIM WS BOSTON M ELO- AsA 4 pours Rosewood, Bertable 4} do do ,do 5 do do 5 do do l'ann Style 100 5 do . do Double 130 5 do do ; do Piano Sqle. 110 6 do do Piano Style 130 5 do do . DonbleKeyßoord... Jon tocalrul, a large aad foleasi.t lot of lb. above ..t► bratod tottroastata, sod for nal. by JOHN IL mirt.con, of. *ant for Mawn a Kamilla, eo18:wF el Wood StreeL . Pianos! 1 Pianos! PIANOS.II9M SPLENDID NEW ;FALL TOOK 07 THI CII3IIITID GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO TORTES, - NAkeubmbakt by WV. HiAllit & 00, lU.TI7IOai. Width for bray or lialab.power end manias of tone ;Air ! gar too* bra. by WI" prontosaani Every Piano Guarstated for Five Tear.. Allirriltie LIBERAL rall la respotitilly Xrd Ite Leonia cidasp. Clllll ME' BLURB, At "Old Ettabliihod Piano Depot," • 844 118 Wood, 24 door above Fifth et: SA.ORILD Allas3lC BOOKS. PRE CIITHANA;I New Oaemin& Beers; Jobileat &bleat Beth lam tote of Zloo; Alltbee Mahal= Alluetsel; Theablettleat Otobto Whim* eatt.l. .Clatlt. All the above books mah» ode to quantltlae or ant,. GLIDE • 210081. Th. lortlral dl.. Hook; T.. New York Oh* and C 1.,... Ba•k Vaasa PolVe alas Bo* 'rho Pan Crown; Tray Mai Beet. • ; . . • . -,-• • • • lavealle lllagiag . 'Books: ' Tb• bolas* Wrakttg - Nisi Mors Tb• oriole, • nay boob for liabb•Lb &boob.. tor We l•qmotitlos or •Orgir by ! AMIN IL MILLOB, , 8616 *1 Wood sine; row Fourth. MiIISTEINWAY'S NM I P I .A.;l4' 'OB. vallnomoly.dloattoll lob. The Belt ih tee World! A z i rk. lar .. t4 the 0i:44• oortalod 11'16.2. too. ma.. im B. UMW& SRO.. Na 62 WRli.trwt, . WI M. &mt. turs , lbellioloomy & Moue Plum.. HAVANA CIO 9, UAYANA OTGANI, UAW/ Tat 11141 T t MT, : • Harr la tot 0 0 ,ITY Till MIT ?BB 0=:. at JOSEPH nianzitrs. at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, *taw onto Diamond .a.I ilarkat a run of tho platogoel and Malmo a t. Career of the .11111.01064 .ud Stork.* o WA. AND TRY TIM, CALL ADM Talr TEM, - CALL AND TILT 'MIL sole HHOLLOW . AIIIONRS —Minis. J. •N. .ettAustanasa a cii,tiro. lot rats street, tpt br IIIeCIJIARTII. ADJOBTABLII 1101, OW ARAM . alre...Abeat fretir webs I dew ere parchind ose of above tlolloerAteeire hoot ;roe, sad hotei It Is ISM inu dace, mho I. rastehetettaleis It so the best meth* elf the Wad ere have ear moor red. WM TIMMS, WaVVlgelffe .1 rhelte.Park AOee. Tar We hy • is..maiaimibizaza ha). - • - Padova 11M1510‘,4111 histrlurtiL. thhtbergh. /114011 MS. Parli)11111, GLOBVI. - W. us Paw large axle of 0 FIXTUTIES Aim au oast loam waldbesi In Mb citr—eir pawn% irouWl tat* wagon et perms abut in the GAb /EMIRS or FIXTI2I6=III CIASTISO, MIMI% to« vs•mpily dam • on 'a co, , warsagar-124Wid , /Deadly—lSS I/frit aural. apart ' ONE - BOX-OF OF: EAT ?ABTA ha Pm terra to desert* i nrri anew sae : 11.2151110. ?Mond • br nwnea . w Muted st. WO CASs 11RO i /4143 iND ILIIND.BILLS, tar aikibution et I Tan mown Yaw, peete is timunterk muder i e awn n ar~ot toto .4 &imams mow% We IT ' Alnsilit ji ol lIAVANA CIGA —l, kiep on band an aisonment of sit 114 oliciar bras& of Ossidam Ur lum atm, *hid , vili PPftrirnbil with's° , In tb• mos Jamgi; : jos Duda In Drip tattliaragribila U, PEED - AND tone Bl.lN - DRIEE.-4. Sae Mamba% ID Om Rd illdditepi toisszbonn lair 100 bbla IlraneirtioshiViker rn.M NIS ' 90 Water sod RI Itoil 'Z'l OUR-500 bble. Extra Family; MI do. 7. - B.• (MA MO Oa. - .flat Meat sow Wavi. FPivotlbsb—tor oft by I NOVELTI Ell in all kinds of FANCY DIM AA Goan. 1n con pitfall/1r otioottou too., punt Wok e so w 4.ltbat it to dr own ottroottoo relarre o'er Wan ot4o to otter. mil at LOW - - .6.19 . LOU, 71 HIKED eurltdtf TERN 18.110 Exouss for any person Unit =Dept by 11411. Uwe Yee edueutly_eld ' m art of theta or ads' eiredle kte or ebe Mimed etr — J21%21= RYE 11.0011,--15 bble. Bye flour, choice, jut reed far rale by AMP A: =MU, • career Market end lifters --- - - - DQAOIi s, MlOl4 and VIMEIN of ,every AA, doonipidoo, ors *Widest, ntsrudgmeoftw tboIWN MU% prow.* by V JOL fL11111166, .010 °ono, Of blamed sad Marlin at; ENUMMI PICK 68-25 Ones t Blockindr dos °bow Ctwr, doo don Owittorow, dot 60 dee 11 Plato, do:-Jost toed. 251141161 do iistassoft, so Wood rt. 101dEIROIDERED COLLARS, Embroidered 1241 phial, Ufa (Mu* tied Um. Jwkwo; with • hill awortaiset d DM= GOO • Jost wed at . sozoonsi.o i owe. ORCIIIIIELD OO JJII with full swat of 4300 D &. whi ts , lobe„ NA • • PLANWEI4II.Iust o•••• 41. 81C-4000Ib rash Pine .ipplsi Cheese sob .30'4 thigo&-tterk,by 2 1-111111111% • ANDIEBON. may Na. Lt W opted,* Be. Marto OWN. ANAOOABONI--. wee . geminelialbisi satrsla.eaiiineo.' D_BANBIRIII : : -- w*""ii - P!Or t Af i( - , 71 14 . 11 ',4:,..:, - -,.:•4.;:; , : r , - - - - • -- - PITTSBUItgIi 4.1 itts'it4Tiatit PUBLIBMID 6/142 AND 9141.11KLI:By a. ERa Evrm sr... .v... 7 0 Ism tem,. isova Y. - 1 'X' a' -ra V• 1-4. fa . ...:;-,.. . 4i - - • ' ........., , s - , FRIDAY MO VINO, SEPT. 28. vpiour OP T IR ;:/13140 OP BIAPLOS. Irmo the ?foie aimispoistsul Naples. Apt. Bd—The last tutees of the lut sot is about to be nulled. The sceptre is risi bly slipping from the hands of ,Frastals IL, and la a few deri--pe hips hourslis w il l have al coed to ridge. , ben I last wrote to you the i s bilnieterial crisis SUI Pfindingt indeed, the truth is that things' aro now is that state that any government whatever Is Impossible . with the present King, and ,whoeverars . hie counsel lors will have onlyo close his eyes and assist at his obsequies. he. adiantage .. of utilizing the present Maisie lilt be that th e tosethwe e . will be compare& ty treenail." If they, are S i °banged, the !Ultra rites - of...he King of Daho mey would not, ;whops,- exact more victims. After 1 bad despatchod,lay Bituriley'e lettere it was known that General Cotrafino had sent in his resignation to the Dilatators 'and expressed his hopes that they wohid now remain in power. At the soma time the National GUN again coin monloated with theta, Ind Mated:Oil if they did not rennin - nll would begin the "evolution in Naples. As oircuaistatioss, bowever e .wire, Min isters considered it ireposslblei to: - remain with dignity or 'debater , ' to. 140 , 040 y, and m muse again sent in their wilt(signetioo. "We have been calledlreitors," laid; "we 4 Fir have the troops against us, and if .. r enjoy the confidence 01 tee BOvereign; w e' support ed by the National . Cord and ths 4 sepia It Is true, and are their Micisters r . - - .lttan the Bing's but tidal is not .itcoordlegck WI. lir • - pried pies4iiii of the constitutio n , sod' e earn estly bog jour Majesty to chose I million Ministry. Besides, we will not undertake the responsibility of the yar against Garibaldi and his follower', for it will be altogether useless." Such was the manner in which the Ministers *idealised hie Majesty,- and put Into plain En- Itch it means this: "If your Majesty will aban don all self doyenne, we will serve you, but If you are determined to risk an Kellen, we will pullet in resigning, and then parricedee will be formed directly." The choice left to Francis 11, then, Is revolution or &titillation, and this is the end of that VIM structure Of despotism which Ferdi nand 11, reared with so much labor and cement ed with eo mulish blond Co finnday morning Ministers met in the. Council Chamber, spa waited for some decision on the part otitis MO. eery, but none came; .but later In the day De Martino was sent for-hy the King, and requested to form an Administration. Thin, however, Dc Martino declined doing, and the Meg excilaimed, In great sadness: "Thep I am abandoned by aIL" So stood the matter on' Sitnitsy night. his ales, to me that the Ministers have no tra , f.e• or-in tentions, even It they remain in powei, ,, of doing anything more — than keep things together till Gsribildi comes. To them as to all la Naples it is evident enough that 'the game lent:Vend that nil they can do tiir the country, at present le to make the fall, or the tionsition,i(as you like) an easy - as possible. Up to the prim( time their, conduct has been beyond all praise, and I most, name in addition to Domino and Ds Martino, General Pia:tell, who ihas eupported the moat Liberal element of tho. Ministry with a &mimes and tronsietency which have given much misfits. don. There ,wse an (*premien in the oily that the Ministerial , difficulties had been *visaged, and in consequence on Saturday and flandey night there wad a milel illumination of the city, and bills were plsearded bearing the ineatiption, it IMa Garibatili ."? ries Romano - Whatever may: be the aapirstions of parties,. the coorictione of most men are that the Bour bons are incompatible with the liberties of Nea politans. It le impoerible for soy gitieroue mind to contemplate the poßtlon of Planets 11. with out compassion. Not: gifted by. nature with mob intelligence, kepi to gross iglaranes and reared In a sobool of political deepotlim sod re ligious bigotry by his tether, nalsgultfittl end be trayed by aril counsellors in the early pave of his reign, sod acidly Abandoned by his oldest uncle and by the centtinptible pobtlity, sad par ishes who tees bithetto supported tar tolerated the corruptions of (hi Government so long as they were to their owi, advantage, be sits alone In his palace, the last: Sovereige of kis family, hothatisg shit. the nisoutssoeheo hat-Wu lay down both crown and Sceptre. Close to hie pal ace crowds are feeding .a u d. rejoicing la the latest despatches from' the tamp of 'the enemy, who itadsanolng bytitpilmarchae—an enemy whom he has no kid to repel; end not moth more distant resides the Minister of 'Sovereign who subscribes himself the "beloved condi." for by same similar itypoorisy) of Faisal* 11, at the same time doing sli that in him lies to drive bits from the throne. • The; poeithin is a hard one, I repast, created by the Bourbons themielves; it is a fulfilment of the great deoreS that the sins of the fathers shall be visited on; the children; but yet all thin can never rendatrii Ineentible to the demands of a generous compassion, nor otherwise than indignant at the treachery and :baseness which have 'puked some of the Prin tipal agents in the great movemeat which is now near itsyrimination, In Naples et least. oo On ddny , yesterday) morning a deepoblit arrived from B.ls, dated August 111 st, couched In the following terms:: ' , Long lire Garibaldi, mid the unity of Italy through the whole time !give you good news. Yesterday waedisarmed a column of 10,1X10.peo, ememanded by Generel am*. The Slosh:4oas just left for Itogilano: This evening he will be in 0.1100211. "Ageiroglio; Aug. 31." The sails informant thew eommuulastes a die patch which hie beta isseival si Bids trout kkiir tbddL• • "TEISDICTiTOI aiiIIIALOt TO IRE Pao•Atc TATO" "littroaln arm and organise your revolatloa. Do not come to meet tom I shall be quickly among yon. Tell the, world that yestardsy I made 10,000 soldiers Isy down thole mime." The tropblee oteurrioder ars 12 fleld•osntion, 10,000 intwkets, 3001toreeks smaller mmiber of moles, sod an Immense quantity of maieriel of war. At the satire 'tame that I weed you them despatches 1 most caution you to receive them with some degree of nisei., as emanatlng party whose interest it Is to exeggerate every sumac September I.—lt Itgenerally understood that the Alialsteri Of Bpalti sad Austria. and per haps Of Belgium, would leave with His Mejesty. Baron BlCliti hal up , lestruellons, sad Ur. Elliott, I takifor ambled, Mould remain hem. I epealt on the supposition of His Majesty goini to them, though it just as pribable that he will leave the tilmgdoufteltedethef. As for phi. - lug himself at the head of the army, Its Majesty . osoltdi be said to hove au Cray to commend. Burlap dm whole of Aaudey night boats were golurbsokwards sad forwards between the laud and tbe Bpsolib'vemails - with royal ‘Properlyie. feat ethlob would emit to point to Chow v Is is ilia royal isfase, : aid :to a flight to • foreign' lead. The Glitevu Mother Is already to Albano. Ws INTO, from II credible 'aurae, that one day net week a few thousand dollars wets lent to Peoneylvach from this ally, to be need by dem ocratic' pond sot Malthus the October election to that Slide. "Thla Money is to be used se 'wort of trial belt to inking In carious dirty pool. in eye and mother looalliy. If caught at by the minnow!, and' nibbled by bigger polling fob, Indicating' hailer aid sueosseful eport, levier sums will be furnished by the fam e contributory, and a hereunto' effort,' 'droller to that la 1856, be made to carry the state election. A dLtoreditable pieta of boldness like this if, unhappily, nothing new of kit kind. Were we to glee arpreetica to the ladiguent seam of incul pability wide!' honest loon ought to feel, we fear we should be at down so political novice,. .. w e are aware that the expenditure of money to car ry important 'eleitlota has become the practice of all portico; : and whoa it to contll2oll to leen s mate eleetion .expeneee, such the 011 . 011Ist10111 of o ,, pa ii r u ta per/ sod deco mile, paying the fare of publiespeatere; sod other means of dn. seminating inforrostien and arguments, It' de sereee:oo censers. We wish we' could believe that the money about 'to be impended in Peon weenie' win be. toed for no other purpose". Out all weltinformedi politlolins are too fully aware of the : method} by which Pennsylvania woo carried in the Memorable election of 1856, and of the ma," to which money was applied in the lama state in 1868, to beim that mosey le seta then sow for any haunt purpees. Indus the pandase of yeast prelate and editors le hon est: eldest the belting of men to whom ignorant eitleene lecke' political guides it reputable, the noes to which mousy tee heretofore been applied In peaneynarila &tetanus le neither reputable nor , bearet. II le not that this or the other po 41t/cal patty to guilty :that we denonees it; It le not thet this party li:dsmaged and tbet slim taged; but because ihe thing hull lea Ilegraile affront to all honest Simian, a fraud on the el lathe grattabite, .ii .disigrus to demterratio . gov ernment. .We hate laws to pnulah bribery, but neither the giver riethe taker of a bribe Ulu' Morally piny, beelines- the oriels Is is hatoilljt ootstattusl-ss to -*sods the penalties which:the law dationnois agaituitiXr.N. I'. lOW.- '• ' • xin ool7:shive4 joie eldletbilis .a: of awiscoss•ai.; Lotii 0 1 -!Vi b t , ril!tOkj-- 10 box. oboloe Vamber 4 : OdsselsiSAMMlOA . 4„ - . • ..r NEWAND -POPULAR WOlll - The auumist. orraaw it.d, 2 . Smear by Merlon Uomnd. Thn Lady In WM: by Wilkie Chaise. The NM Sports:4ll4N by Capne , ln SWUM.. Salmaguodhand Paula g... =ad b y ariallant? byq•be 4 4, RI Puraidln by lb. aothar or Ow Laraptor. Read'. Yorme—bew Wlltlon,ll vole. Lwrre' Phyalology. of Common LID: 2 vol. hthrhelrt Palmier Astronomy, Diner ow& Th• Commandos*. °INN. Van RumboidL The 6 Ilya of (May: by Anthony Trolkopc • The Rainbow sod Lucky Markt: by Abbott. • The New Dl:the:au ot /Imola Quoutions. mark Boom, or, The Dreelner's Blind Daughtor. Beulah. • • Rutledge. CosibesOctrosponana• Nth • Child. . men , BATA RIP, 65 Wood st. NEW 8001111-:-For sale by J. L. READ, 78 Fourth st : C100 7 0 7 0f 87. 71 •77: Iliodiss of Salm! Lift. _ RuslitiVs Works liemosbz by Blisloo Hsrlsol# Th. Roserillot: • Babe ot &rmoo.fx Frwbor Lip .Tbo IlmossotCom so Espositloo of lb. Ihrstlidt elms .11711dobuy Amami Uatialbelg or. Life of John Boot. -.lCastorslistirldotbs Pm* pries - Tb. biliolonary in Many Lauds. Aunt 0 mien Lull. Library: 10 vols. In boX, ptics $l.. tol3 J. L. RE &D,78 Ifoortb ant fro. City Bask. . LIVE Booms. T IIE QUEENS OF SOCIETY.. THII MOUNTAIN: by Dr. Jarboe. Lastly's Recollectkats. • • HEAPS'S TRAVELS IN EASTERN ATHENA. Tom Ilood's Manorts/o. Avoidable Omen of Mean. WHAT HAT hE LEARNED ITIONI A TRH& A Eau Through Europa by Eammilet. 110111 A SUOI.D OF 818 Taw AB MOORE. Planliro In Animal Ufa: by Lewes. . JOURNEY IN TIIII BACH COUNTRY: Lire to the tiamr by Do C 0..... , • 111010114 or TIAN ELICTRICSTKLIVIRAPIT Baml-I:44Achod • - • • Pbriotogy of Oommaa Lift b 7 Laws. Far ole itt DAVIS' 9100 K STOILIII, gull , 93 Wood moot. MARION lIARLAND'S NEW BOOK— ITA Nam= • Now Nova by notion Barload, author of “Tbo Bidden Path; "Moo 81do,' , Jost nr,-'d by . ROBERT B. DAVIS, 0n17N0.93 Wood rt. • • GOODS.- foots Niiv S No. 89 Market Stmt., ad dm. from the Ithirket, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 33007N3 AND *moms. Hu Bert received andopened hie large end melt indult.' .rock of BOOTS sod 811001, =liable war WALL and WIN- Tint Wt AB. the enxt comprhee one of the largest moon ineutetia be found In Ouch,. Ladies', Minsernind Children's Boots, Shoes, ()niters. Slippers, Gum Oven, Sandals. eto. Men't, Buys' and 'Youths' Coarse Kip and Calf Boole, Sheen, Oxford Ties, Gaiters, Scotch Bootees, Operas, etc. eta. Men's Fine Calf Water-Proof Boots ? ' ' do ' Quilted Bottom BOO& COUNTRY MIROBANTIS *feting the elle .. InefttOl to call sod 113.141210. big stuck before parctisatng, Otellog &Trod They coo be .stud se to quality sod prime. JANUS ROBB, 89 terstriN s et, eel 4 MINI doter nom the turket. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - 1 1301itlirraY INESCHLISSII. and otroaktmi vitittor cur city, arl Invited to col] sad goo car stock ,ot soars stop Buono, ay OAT WI end our stork Is squat tt rag PDPWRIOII to any rrer 'monist to our city. PAIOLS VERY LOW. All 'c.d. gold by as wmliorrao. 11AANTIFACTUREROPBCKYrit: gula 13110 Leaf very .hear4tkm, No i 4 Sod areet,Plll.4kotgli.P. odady4 Boyer's . Sultana Sauce, Fat BoT AND COLD Ihenz•.or ALL KINDS. Ttd• moat delactotta and appetising ~. k x . Baum Invented by the renownad e , ' •er s "Mimi' dor the London R. ›. Club, 1., since Dia demi" Nbroubde I '''. ' ..... tnred by tba anaknown bonds of `91 . • e CI? ..? :,-, 0.....k8...,L.da., fr... c ) I I ~.f .- - - -.1 ...„ ., i.;. ib."'& 011 nee. It Is the Lam , ', ... -..., i Ito Banos In Inghwerl, end on the k...... 1 / 4 , onadosut. oda. • blab and gulling * l i ., reputation saws; Amaze= Ilpir i r elms, and la tonab approved of al A V atimniant Gotha appetite sad aid to dictation. W. reamnaned oar comspoodant to try Moat. Aortal pw Banca, anUllad thi•Aulana's gauca.• It Ir me* after lb. Tmklob ...II Ue Work•••••Uaat,aral It eriarda to- Womble ald In cur of mow win wee. nuarrion Lanret.. •, ••••yory, Plqoant ial Wry, worthy Magentas of &yea . ; —Obstrarr. .A. moat 'skiable adjoarklo Fisb„Fle•b nod fowl, sod *ad lust. • plan an may , tabla."-400. 6..da Amon; for Oa tolled Matra, OASIDAIR 0. !TIMM $l7 Polion at, New Tea, and BRAY A lIATIAII4 lArrddle, baton. Par Pak. by.Groows pad Blatt Palm orarywhars. .Jalt3tawdly MO'FFATT'S LIE'S PILLS.— Tat MOD AND =VIED minium, erbkh thre prneartaint nodktne hem mcontred for ft. Invariable ableacy fa all the Doom ertitt, It profane to rare, has renddred the mud pirriks of odes/atm/ paZag mot mly hartenemeary bat unworthy: or theca. They ere !mann bj thelr frodlin their amid rods taedly for Oman, sad they Wire not by the faith of thecedmloaa. I nAll ranee or Cow Unmet., Dmievaila, Meta se/ Lim Athatloo/L Illentnedens, Mon sod haw% obstlamta Mad Aches, sad W General Derangemeate of Health, dune Pill. have Invert. ably proved • certain an/ speed, remedy. A slant) Wel rill pled the LIM POW Wood the reach or otarpetlUon In the rethearba o Worry patter/. ' Dr. IIIIFFATre enocsu BITTYJIB rNI Worm, equal. I gd=rtlt 1 1 1 alai" of 2174 r b" tl D a l = Deal Lb, and every bled of Wearier or the Ingeetive For dr by Dr W. EL 11011ATT, 3116 Broadrysy, Niow Tort, WI by lierlletwo Dealers sad Droulisto soorkrally 4 Ibruniborit tbirroautry. fr.tlytut S— UNDRIEK,-91:10 AIR—GO bble. Yellow &lasi. OORAR-36 RAI' OronalaladAiol @imbed doom 111:10•11- 7 do Maple Sow. SYRUP-10 do Golden Swap. - •TRUP-21 do • Saes IS /I tloap.. • M 01.148•11-175 RANA 0 bolas, to bat Biwa& Nowlin- SO Labia . do .T0R4020-64 boa waodard boned; do Aod COT AND DS blab Loobrllla. rubes SrWM. RANTOIL-la bbla Rook OIL • . PITOII-11 blab Mob.. RlOl-10 to prIZIN RIC*, 1•1AP.14 Du Two Oballle bap. • SOAP-all do *wally lb Raz /loop. 60/11 , -.10 do Paha ' do SODA--70 tp wed boa Imported RI Oarb doh. lIALXRATUd-10 bea OW. dalaratos. • *ALSRATII6-40bu do • . OUR GAPS-9{oooo DOapa-for lab by aral WATT S WILSON , NA 261 Lltrwly 'KI►,T►Ao C~ca►to DEADU AND BADIPER A :Tql4hor gr0At . 011 .. "(4 . of our oyn otooolodueo 14'8, " GOO 81 NSAY 000D81— , 111111.01111110 il CO. bora aoi t ora Moir *total supply of flaw Goods, ilassolik Mask. Obawla, 'Nato Olualro, awl . grau ?anal of Raw 2 . C°Willa ittANlS.ESkirts, loop and 'all tht* of DflYlloi3DS—a tall a%olt, at low rim. 6,,c6 • ! 0, MIMS LOlllO4 Radon M. POTATOKS- , .-40 bap Raker Potatoes, Tery flee, Jaut - ree'd faf oho by JAB. A. 1/1111/11, • ..at • , came lehekee and /het eta. T ESONS.-25 tone prime quality rtenati - ALA Ullman red 4 lor sale by • tummaa t ammesor,to Wood Wei; min *twin* Bt. Owl. Hal& riATE3-3 • mate Arabian No. 1 just re oeee .ed • webs •• salmis sitomorr. met semi, opplJto et.Obstiainotalt FINN (ILA' —2OO bbls. of the celebrated t . tees.e, • ' Izab)l7lsi,' etriftlly /owed for 0 uds 14.t0r ate, for al•by Jell::- MORI R. COLLIN', 26 Wood iIIZA,U ad TI.F WALL PAPIRN, Jur let tHop t lateral, for sal. by ' W.f. ilittllALL. GRIrN A ' PLNN . ,;-10 bble theca Apples j twaNl,ll3t Ws - . 1.13 Ulf% 6. , 7L0TD C 0.884 Liberty e 5....3,i bus. Chita to arrive tine day at o oar nRIEB-5 sacks FEATHERS; 1 bbl fa B 1 WM: 54 DaT PIDIIIIroo boar{ absamst v. K. 5 - to inlver;l6s sal* hy LT AbiPM.AVIC , -425 bbts for ids by ...• D. I'AtIBIZTOOIC AZ, " #.4. eV Of 0 1 11. A. IaIIN ElfrOuif, oats • • rrO4.4ItMERB--1 New WHEAT DRILL, ( • Pssest,) all emplelA, fin mala by 164 .1. A. Min, am Markel and VIM Na OTEL ,SOCIABLES OK SETTEES.— joU!Pm Ms WM *we ILAN Floel.bles.wltb Spring sew. whirl' ire will sal law. V.V. YOURO 11 , 00, .643 PAPER BOOKB. - -Paper Books for the Su. priim• Oconi; printed In LW •boot moaner vita sow typo. 3 Btoten Job M Ohott pollee AN* sad ,by Wit. G. a JOtotlialTNllTt mONItWood 00, 00. CHEAP WALL PAPElLS—Vhesper thgui or, oral samprl m out most coWete, for nt• TNDiA. AUABER, 11,11, LTI NO, HOSE, j..faitim PALMING wrommievot au the nukes user, • oda at ll* hidla lubber 04ce,98 !ma Is nosh liP4TLIBIL =BEL CING, tanned, of the boa 41169611:99- 611 lberl• at 96 tad RS 11. PPLIt PAREEB'of all kinds for sale by --i. twigs, Jr, cone: ssonormss Met)! sta.. SADlG . lUMB—Consnlunly on hand spa ~ i. '- , i, , -- , --- , - ,,,, 0. -,,- .)]-•i ,,,,,, , ~_,71,,,,,,,,,,,(.,:.,,•,..: ACID Mats. 2111 BAND HILLS OM .11/TLAIqI) JAMES ROBB, W. E. SCEIMERTZ k CO., 31 Plft Stmt. Rink Bleck OPINIONS OP THE LONDON MESS. lb! lam 4 5 90 0447-‘11",1) ~11141.t!t_ ...4314f • •• '~, I -. ', ice' .: .~. _,.. 1 i • ....; ,, , ,, s "„s›.l . : ~-74 F:" t' - :" -- l*v.17 2 .- • - - , • ,::•: , , —, 4 H ;z2•,•