~CLanr mom U.ate - itier."—Up to - Friday , bodies: of.the_ aOll Mid by the wrecrot the Elgin hrid been recommit The body of. Capt. I Wilson ••was found on Friday about • two maw.' north" , of Gros 'Paint. His watch, a silver 'pencil and gold pen, were found upon .the boy. The watch stopped at 545, ,Anil probably min aßer the breve officer twit Ttiere Ism littleip the features that Medd be identified, decomposition having been - 1104,yatici lties violence -of th e serf having Illarfedl the coubbinance. 'The ' body was eent to Coldwater, Mich, and the flags of shipping at Chicago were displayed at hag mast. Among the 'bodies recovered .was; that of a young daughter 'of Vol Damien, of New Or ., Was Picayune, and Poisseroy, about 15 Years of age, son of Fenniiitore C. , Pomeroy, a Ousel Umber in *flimflam. . hpy was on .the raft with Mr. Jervis of Milwaukee; who beam testimony to his on thechiegeourege. Use of his comrades, Capt. Berry's emi, was on .the alba raft., bat died some three, home:before it reached shore:— Little Willie still clung .-to the body,'. however, 'ream than an honr and expressed the deter. libation JO bring, the body of' his playmate sabot* ordie with him. The cruel surf, bow -1 ever, tore them; apart. t I Over onelmidred Isodies were seen floating in the' Lake by vessels on Friday, but the wind i. was so high it was impoesible to recover then*. I. A. tag was eeat'to march for them. Onlyseven members of the Union Independent boards shaped ' when - the:Tilts went down. Tietrearetillini Officers iusd thirty-thme pritiates ors 'Nisi. But two of .the Milwaukee City Itmxtvatie:aavol. ware fdrward pottier' of the Men pas biteitcOrind ;Ong ancherrtbout six miler off Ai r th-4*Wtatilfetitlyleot far from the exact spot of -ttie' ,ftaft. lt is stripped of all the ripper workiiiiod "On" the larboard side cut oil just irherethe Pttal %low _came; on the other edde the .frsimes and,planhing run further back— ; The hell is of colas() empty and naked. It was daub** ;carried - down with the engine, Ind; limning released, has nseo to ride at the 3mx ton bent to the chain cables at the bow. It 'Mats to mark the spot where many a brave and loving heart perishol'from earth.- Esausrliclos.—The full moon which hap. 1 pens 011 the 29tti. inst.; ie the harvest moon, , the theme of so much admiration and song in our climate. It derives its name from the agri cultural economy-of England. For - several ,stuicemirieventogs - about tins time of the au- Waned. equinox, it risee at nearly the same hour, end pours its full radiance over the land scape; affording the - husbandman an opportnni ty to extend his harvest labors into the evening hours. The arrival of the sun at the authm nslequinoxwhert the moon is in the ascending .node of its orbit and entering the first point of • ~acids, wilt prciduth a harvest. moon under tho most favorable' circumstances. With the aid of li'etleitisl globe the cause of the phenonse is non may be seen by simple inspection. - . When the full' moon occurs on. the 22d of bithtember; and is rising in the east, the sun will be slotting in the West, in the autumnal 'equines. AU that portion of the ecliptic then' above borixon i will be 'south or the celestial • - equator, and making the' least possible angle ,with the soirthern horizon: As the orbit of the -snook is but little inclined - to the ecliptic, and the moon advances in it regularly at the rate of - thirteen degrees per diem,the arc passed over; - thy to day, ascends •above the tierizon in about a quarter of an hour, whits, at other sea - moos of the year, the -same arc trquiresthout an hour in itB gisneWsion. ' The fall moons whith precede and follow the • harvest moon—when than happens on the 22d of thiptember--do not Wee mock:from each otheriln respect to rising; nor do‘they differ ' • realty from the harvest moon in - the same re . sped. The fall moor! following the harvest snow le known as : the hunter's moon, it hap pelting at the season or bunting in England. Dosser hort—Two gandeners living aide by ki% bad their early vegetables killed by the 'frost. , One came over with a sorrowlul face abortlyidlerwards, to coudole with the other. allow unfortunaleve have beep, neighbor," head& aDo you know I .have done nothing bat. fret ever.snee. But;how - is this, you seem to have aline crop coming up already; what are thew ."Why these are what I sowed direeUy after ray kart Whileryott were fretting' oeighbor,T was wahin' you - ever fret 7" asked the other io asloaishmeat. of 'derive pat it 01l nail I have repaired the adscidef." ' - - TW6y, then you tame no reason to fret at _ .That tryttrne, and in knit the reason why I put iirragOirkkalErintlilheadqlSCMFdreP -- 451,1; . 1 1 1 0 11 1ta/V/i4oool.ll.owilagisam ~Wad Maintte 011110111111 141 . 44=4, a *far rodaormaarra to mire,. Slaw! et asibattnedaanikrerseiorlifcit• nark thrpablia aarriar 7112111.1" ILSZNITZ it United awry Minn. der at &Wig*•i•S a lave Muth! slust,4n4 amtaans its iddition tops ward at (.84 . week,4 oarriady marred and rabiddirdiart of Lae *rkeld, doonmedat,st and mow/dry of. • fair-f.kpv a ale kit Claraurao4l( - ma/act:rd. Mai West DaliT-411 - Doilara per aim* 10ya1:415 . 1n advance, or /*icier. Ar risk Maid* to lb. Cairlera InntitY7-o.aDonn premium, payable l advance. firami Wag trio siippgions oho get opi tank orocadlog sirmhoe: 010767•005 sot stiSetly essisbrd, saO r po pr -. pir vfil bloat atter Um timgrb iip to wroth It was pad. ' .. -- . .1R4410 . 402 Advarthillag. ' / - • - •, 2 0 , —...4..• - 71 .... t ................ 1 00 • 1 •.. • - • 1 met :.—....;.......—,... 176 '''/;..• ,• .. ''• '2 • - ......0.:. - .....'„,.;-- aoo 1: ~ , r;.-. . t',.. ',a .m .. ,—.....—.........:...... 400 . 0 , 1 .—.... aOO I 0 '. 0 0 2 0 ..- " • a .- ,—.....--; .. 100 •I . - . o ' 4 _ . ,' 4 0 . ::-.-..---...:-.10 00 I . • • •- 0 ' • - ........-...................1.2 00* : 1-. "„ _ • - •12 •- .. • ... . ...-ao oo . Isstrys4vortSsisanstathisd to ooe squsssobsog. • . - We sS •V4,vme veciatreble ork. ..:...... If'oo .- O. JOHNSTON • STX&IT JOB PHINIIIRIN 11L114111. !MOE MAKRU, - - ' ASMIONNiaI AND PAPILA 'DEALERS No. 57 WCitscl. Street s • Aliptilisonosntd nod Maio Job POntingissadod at snort snaked a superior looser. - • •. Alirldd_ gals Ds, !Wks, Dun Books, Journals and Ao• onenSionts stall kirds on band or gosdo to tordsr,lo soy styllsof rents or Dialog desired. ANPArnold's sad oldergood broods of toinclhaxes ND: rdlty inenundlo Assd Pus AWN 'Cohens PIK Prolgo• Perry% and MOWN, PM/4 .op Odd Now Copying Pram; (MMus Saks, Oopylne, - Ilt sod Gooding Woos, Itadowey la emend Ix oft ta remonkble dids. lord rotrlinalr Engine and• Soils:- Shop: Tichx. - ENCIINES, Wilkes, on; band or own n, era. : ...mud saudwttou. STRAW nann,-rant. annum. mulls, 1111 A 'VINO RUM AIACRINKLYARDCARTING FOR GLARA AND IMAM WORJUL. VAULT AND ORLI. AR ORATES AND WA . RAU, Wire, Alamo ea h.ott. :ARNO% WORK AMU IMPAIRING &viol, short liotles. WrOMol.4llllllDatixstreet, PißaLargb. . . - W. WALLAC. •• . TO MILLICiIIi. aamoseilAhr,Olothe, heath lure Mill how, Portable - Mem gad Choppleg lillds-tOss bed h the country—Wee'. Mod Water Whets, Matt Sheikhs* and Mill Parelsblog • din kiwisAt the kreest prim: W. W. WALLAOiI, Othe SW Liberty sirs**, Pittsburgh. feRIDEUZB-- • • - • • l 1,500 66b. prima N. O. Ilkhomg . MAL do Sodul _ - ' IVA bona ' ' llosco=fikk" ms T ua""v ' • • IN Wig. no 3 Lorgdidactend• • • 110 bolt bbid do do do 11: 1 61 , 1336odloto do , 1,000 bora:ll6:z 16 do_- Mater Arcked thuds 00; Ih M 3 =lLlA: a lr4fimlart flowing, Plod - No.l and DM* dooakinC Ciesibk 0 1 11 T/Mdd,_ inliditis Taman/ kofd' Wbokunk Groom Ulm= Sod for sok 111 JOON 1. 1,101.1131 (XL, jll - ; Owner Itbleb dold mad Wolor 010. Patikonth; gaROCERIRIP-300 It t 4rime Rio Coffee, SO kopeks' Lamps • 4 0 Ws Ma m* 014 Oomliment :aft Cob , • SO do New Yoe sad ilthion • ; X 110" do Nee Od th es= Slop.—' Dirks* lad 1br a14,1.1 - &DILWORTH, amlo , Nos. LSO bed Ssoood'Krtet. QUOARS--100 btva. B. f3agar; W•P ZIP-Onidwil Sage:: , ae P. IL Item ?al Boor lll do D. IL Opens Pultatbed at, ..-Far sitio by ANDSRSON, No. 36 Wood et, • - °Roma. astAnuitlam 11°44. HUM ba' CLOTHING, Tishiliiedixthow paatoAinfaitmogions QU Ewen,C tT s y T Whia, Sankt+, lal aid • pu Taney o a iwkisa la the amp oa hand at 20 and 28 et elair .11111UNS.--25 boxes prime quality Prone .IdOond rcefd Ned for Ws bY - AMR,* ANDIUDON o n Wood Etna, oopoilto Bt. Marla. now. I mats . um No.. just re. g 114 " 4 i f t "t 71111 - k ANDRIISON I AlkLeb Ork3l Wart. ' ' I BUTTI7,O6OOIIb Packed Butter, isgM►Mibd &lOW D7' JAN. A; rote& • : ; -,041111.1 Matta sad /lent as: • -0 ‘—.: :boo • : Sserma a-gammen; z .010 •. • • ga . ia:rPlll a,41;11115.7.7. , flOll CRY L • IA-p• Übesimi!!..,- • 4 .tustrori t • to•br4ms.a.ssrstig. ,. - .. 1 014, , ,;4 onsapartetsaitirs , , _ . , • AIiAPERIENT.AND STOiJACIIiC Pie p of. IRON Fifth's.' of Oxygen and Mahon by imnbuellost Lfydristri. Ilsorttourd by the highest lied led Ahihmillea, bob to lobo amt the Veiled Mates and preserfbed In their Precike. , The ei pal NOM of thomaide daily proves Oast mprepar liatto. of Iron nui be Pourtul jimorditlictrr erbons IndklU r i t ta meant; LTellecoall miry emicedel bye Itotorne In mai sd lea to which It bee bean Wad, it' ha plured.ebeidutily aratire eact, of the 14 lowing enenplainte, jI., - • DeWitt • r4,llorosts, Affectiltims. ; liCsaneellse glom, Dyspepsia. Coyest &ration. Diarritass, Dysentery, e Me. iple Vonnuisigul ISM. Reeser' willesse Tube rens loa ts, gale ltglame Misisamter.. s gnus tlone W Rites, lth lo resit, iallwair Const• phal m s.• girths la end so he sr itlemem w• lealaxlaiiimill4•Pellratls Pimples eh tits Vanes to. - Js rotor ot. await' whether the molt of sate dateme or of the anthem' diminutlon of mama and mem cuter energy flout chronic compLalutei me trial of Mid rta brill., ham pared mcoreeful to an extent which no dew crlption nor written atteetallun would render mallets— bull& so bog laskidden as to hare beanoe begotten In their own neightextumm, here suddenly neeppeated In the busy world an RPM returned hum protracted &reveals, • dietant Some very signal Inseam= of Ude kind me *Umbel of fatale sufferememaciated Mollies of upwind rearamma, tati•=l/100,orithcal change., and bit contplkation Of nervous awl drfsephio mend. to air and exerriee for whirls - the phydcian ham Ito IMP& 10 Nerronahlkaankam a ell Linda. and tor ream, WWI. Ines to medical Ina. the opera:km ale 01 Iron nuenneceemilly mintary, tor, anlikr=rlorb dee.it Is rigoronelf tulle, without being exciting atut our , leading sad gently regularly aperletst,...vea In the roost obstinate caste of xx:ativemem, without ones helng • geetrie purgative,. intik - ling • dielunteablesensalim It la this latter pro smog oittematerh mason ac, remarkably effectual and to exert remedy for soles, emus whet It Wad appease r to exert a dhelint sad morale acnow, by dimandpg the local tendency which Rama them. In limpepein hanueseralde sears IV. C• 1144., • Monte box of them Malaita PIM hie often softens' for the moat tmbitual amen had adios the atteedent Chwiterwre. Jo unchecked lihrheee, Mau whim ademiced to Drina.. re. ootiOnned, endeclatleg, end appareutly maibremot, the effects hare heenenually derisive and mtonishing. In the local pale., to.. of grab and strength, debilitating come, end remittrot hectic:, whkb. genially ludiata In. Mutant Cionanupltun, this remedy has allayed the alarm of M mile end phyekliens, lu mare/ very gratify leg Mil toter. eating latamen to &minium Toberculotie, (hie meditated Ira ham hod far • more than IM good effirt of the most can tkanly bal. mad preparations of lanne, without, goy of their Well Immo liabilities . The attentim of. facalllMcannot he too catlifeellY left. tea to this remedy, and trotorative, In the cam peculiarly affecting them. . In • I. tusomminn'i both chronic and Innernmalory—ln the latter, hommr, More decidedly:—lt has been invariably well reportea4 both ate alleviating min and reduclug the mob Inge and Might. of the Joist and inaCks In IntermittenC fevers It Inuit necemwrily he a grad randy end energetic moo-alive,•o4l It progress tu the new &Aliments or We West, 111 probably Moue of high noowo sod mahatma.. No remedy 1,.. ever dlreoverel la the whole history rd' medlelnn, .tbkVi ...cf. eech Poll.Phlt.PP.V.ltud fully re. Moralise effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid aapgeillon of itrepailt. with ala nuneuel clisposltton too so- the Mal cheerful ewsechai, Immediately follow Its ime. Plat up to neat flat metal box. containing 40 I , lll* iietwnle Porter ; nie bY Druggists and dealers. Will be Sent free to anwadtiress .m receipt of price. A ll lett.us, (Went rte, elwol3 he mhlrensert to • . Dr. OireittllC Wholusale Agent .or Western Pennsylvania. R. B. LOOKE.i. CO., General ligenta. at.5.2..4140.4.r 319 BROADINNV. N. Y. BILLINOIWRST'S SKELETON FISIIINO REELS • weighlog but 'Mtn OURCICI, n d proneoured 47 expert. enc.! Cubarmen tale the • V lIKKL IN UP& for altle Ity .p 3 IL WOCer,3lt... for. Mort, tuttl Fr, pu t t, et, StiNllitita.,-40 biAn. low-priced N. 0 Alelmm/A Ws IJoblees New York Amp; bbla Oble Pea bee: 'AX) Ems prime. Nation IA Am Prime Timothy be/41. in .tore sat for sAltary DRAY) A VAN WADER, AEA Nu. lIIPArood amt.. ENAMELKI) OILteLOTII, FOR. CAPES AND CAfiA4Scarlat, plea , Drab, Br.iara and Grail.— cas W lAraialhad Rx Prilltroal WvW , ar lAA Oil Crab WarA roma, titarid Is tit Clair alrert. ME§S — ATIWiirliP - Piitile±ir --- sali.6l 0 UNISON • TOWOKAND. earl 5 No. 12 Poloth street, Deer Metty. MAN 'Rag 4nd Straiv WRAPPING ILLA.,: PAPltit, Mors. Woe wad Mate. Nounet Bwds, Tee •Paper, to, SS lade love at the Paper .461 fug Were. house er I' i CU ADWICK At CON. enl 1 Nn 161 Wood *trete, Pittabergb. PPLRIIIVITRR ono KRAUT STANDS A—Tight whet• cee sieffiele,etstable fur parkin Cato ter.. Meat, Ptah* Itrant,l eta, of es, visa, en baud sod trade to order by i • , - SAMUEL-RIDDLE, . sell '1 21 DIAMOND. i pl3ll-200.411. ht4.l .l ritee White Fish; too '? d. , • Hanlon, bu bbls new lore* No 2 blarkeret, , IN. 011 btde • ,Ile AO an ' 5n C41. !d0 Not. de . W hia• Dallis:nom flowrior—tar AWOL, 1.14 .l ._ , J. IL CANFIELD • 00. ElSll 50 a ble. late NEI, No- 2 . 111 04k 1 We 40 bf tibia letse chew No.ll if intend; 25 do No 2 do; 16 kittectsolee No. 1 Twat, Alaskerel; 26 114. Ueelloc 20 bf 414 letkelferrjog; ZilnlsNo 1 Leto huperkw Fannon; • 40L141.1. du 7 do ; do • Nortek by, ,;• ! WATT &WILSON. 1, •11 . 1 ' No.2de IJberte .1..4 purr Y I NI BLA EIDERS, for sate by. ft ;A. VAIINICSPOOK a OS , , *CO -• . !. , oxbow PI d. sod Woo-t}l. DILL IIiCADS, Hilts of Lading, .fards, and 11 CI WI. of Vaficy sod Abdo Prfallod, duo. by P. S. II A Yytbt, Souk mad Job Molar. mil Owner Wood and ?bled ots ULAN K. BOOKS, dr all kinds, for sale and II made to °Wit . , by W. Pi' Bost Ilsont•ctoser, sell owner Wood .12.1 ',Wed slc RASS A N.l) BliOkiZED ROLLISR SNDS. I BRACH lON AND RAM PULLMS . —Wbolaaslo cod - Mall. at low ' , skip, al th• Clo th IWareacoess. =cad 1511 Lk askance- aA . J.& IL MUMPS. PEACH AND HAMPER HAREEM— Together whit • toll Wick of oor own manutoctore Willow Market Baskets, of miry variety, - Oahu, School sad 'Mato Baskets, op hand eind for vale hy SAl4l . Ollt. RIDDLS, St Dimond. Caingsg.--,200 boxes prime W. K; • t 410,0 4 000001, mod Ilambarg, to mils 17 ; J. B 01111011LD 100 0.11 Mint staved. war Walt BRAIUTIRIL. WALL PAPERS, in Orien wane Hogt . ti.t pasien4, for sale by rI2 W. P. 11114411 A LL. GREEN APPLES 10 bbla Green Apple, Olt sped, •61.14. •613 RAWL U. #LOYDA - CO., 336 Liberty mt. OATS -300 bus. Oats to arrive this day at Pakinb Hit. Deput, for bal. by 111 Bllll7, D. rum • ao. 131 Liberty ed. S _ (MLR MS ; 7 -5 sacks FEATILIMS; ILb DERMAS; 132 DRY IDES-on boar.t atoms? Vlt Stersoam, to wit., K r lodo oat IRP.TAH WORRY l 00. LAMPBLACK -115 bblo for nale‘by eal2 B.A. IPA RNESTUOR 00 ext., of rant ~d Wood as vERMILIQB iritiEsTl4-5 kegs for Bale by B, A. FAUN/MOCK CO, opl2 ,; mroor M VIM and Wood 0•. FAKMICKS-1 New WHEAT LiitlLL (LiWm rageo1,)11111 complete, for ado by ro4 J. :A. P 117411, am.. Market sod lint at. • II OM. dOCIABLRS OR • SENTERS., xx Walla. nu 4utad foci, Meal Eioni•ldaa. with Spring Beata, width wa will sell low. I', 8.-YOUNG • CO, we • • , 38 and 40 linillboe4J at. DA PE It BOOK Paper Books ,fuT the Su. L prem. .Coort, piloted fii IGe Lott minim with now TM n *bort tiotice. - by • WM. G. 301.1PBTON s CO; otB ItoraereJob Pilot - ere awl Willows. la Wood mt. CPAPIRti--Oheaper than any, and markt moat pion camplaty, fay yak by set . I W. P. MAYSII•LL. INDIA RUBBER BIS LT I NU, HOSE, STRA/14 PACK INS 1.1 HAS RSV, of MI the emulous Sum fur We it Rubber Depot, 26 and SS !IL Mak Knaot. iloot4 • J.* EL PHILLIPS. jHAMER DELTINO, oak tanned, of the 4 bat quality,lJ all Nan., for ads at 21:1 and 21 St. Omit Bt. ;«a . J. a n.I , IIILLIP/1. A PYLN PABERS of-all kinds for sale by: Jak. , a. WOLI7. Jr., hi s - : conztc M. alair sod Üb.rty .1.• 0 I I, OLOTII' , TA LILY COVX/I,l3—Anotiter &apply of diffmnit afra.:msd Lot qlnllly Jut method hum lictory. •16 I J.& n. PIIILLITS. CIEISKSE IIKESS. 11-150 boxes prime V ebemeti°ol ndd.f.r 411, b, sell , MIENRY B. 00LT.1112. riAKB 24.4UNESJA-2 oases in 2 and 4 oz. PV`rn fur Wit W. Mull ROWN, •67 ' ICT Libuit !NAPE Llh igS—a, new ariicle of Lines, for so* oi. I 9. Miff, 108 - • ' cc.nei• Bt.Olalr and Libuty Ma. STOCKS iat:DIES4-a large varieq. of Was &Middles', Go tidal+) H. WOM. 311 , ab cornier St, Cdar and Marty ara. 'S u .,?2,,, ll4 l2l"ttegitgartgle :O,PRING .11E0—Canatandy on band and /...7 kw wk. hr - sok S. YOUNG & 13008-4 bble fresh Xgge. jot reoejied sad for NJ* .• • = JAS. A. INTZIS. soli.- • . . coma , Alatilut and Plod lots WALL .PAPSKS-4or . utumn 18ok— TY bOl/13111bakipriPas by W. P. IIIASAIAGL. aor - • • No. $7 Wood It 'II" • - new patknnr, For ralo by itinsti W..I II IAILIFIALIy 17 Weal M.. ' 4 sacks to arrive for sale by . inaiati otocev ago, lr ARV QIL , w bbl s: in store for sale by LIU stulla ilikrAU DUMMY& Ou DRY lIIDES—rW," tb" arrive; thr sale by "- ISATABI DICILIff M. ; ; TALLOW 0.(1.--25 tee. in store for sole by 1. 1.12 ' , •,01111.1111 bit:miry am.- Itaix—loo Ole. Fresh lotainille. 4 by 01111119 11.0ntLTNIL, 01401SESi-11ut reo'd ibis day; loritale 0 „ - , , lIIENRY IL OOLLINS. altitittill--311140, to arrive. for sale by fIOTTON;--13_ boles now bgling, for ssaltye ty DIORNY is 00 ~ A NIMMAP; V/E1ifr: , •p.:::;, , ,.:1' , .i , . , .. , • i. ,*.0.04-61:,.4-.11,113,,,,,..:-.,..,lit.ftitilsiratii7s' ~U&R ~. IN bile to urhe, for `~t►~r M a `i~ilpßlZiow - I , P:".E."i . C7T, -.L.bVE, ian Feirer Chaim .1 AND AGUE EXTERMINATED. UNAN co.:omoms SAVED PROM PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY VTZIWITZ'oVNT AND BUNGS FEVERS! CUIVI Dann DI A DAY. Niturt's Grind Reatontivr TINE. INPECTINE PECTINS INPEC rINE. INPLOTINE 5 fide mesh kaove ee the IT yr: AND AGUE ea hummed. of thousands of wenn' throogboot, I. every 78.. soJ ilea taaVer tlll CHI* 6.0 wet byl .1 Medical treatment filet has not produced lavers DISICASICV, ~o ct the LUNGS, the SPLIIEN, the LIVILR, the! or other pasts of the ham. ore:maim. The II is the and, yrb , lb. lote chmeie• PECTINE natural antagonist of all; FEVERS a It ramr In euata . clarl tit the akin, to absorb.) by or ward whirl tads{lllo• and all tab. ! • ward Mo. andadla. • hid, STRATE T U B MEND AND BODY i.. /t . a .m vor tt t cbo dboccio depreitia and klici polloot qt lion oilic Ind Ave resell ram umusruna anima No piece! t from the Mlme llbleb promote the ealehmmo • Thai heleg once meted In the eyeing. tudnoes l 4ltyirih.lrrltade. Win.r.:Mart.chats.fsarr.i g vane of disagreeable mosailocuy d•prlring rf all enerypr e miel reducing him or her to • rmdl•l MM. 111141.11a01111411. ail! any one suffer the horrors of a; sing INTERMITTENT FEVER, y the use of the alnahle Inpectine; Persian Fever Charm, nent medicinal and magical qualities 4 11 are instantly absorbed, J. • IT. YITILLTPB ll= LEE= r, car DISEASE B►B A DIVINE MINDY. AZ APPLY W OILI Til/1 fOOLISH DUCAII TR PR&VZNT TUAIi STY! Vi TO OO QL IMLA vs 4RX DANGETtOtta. HE INPECTINE, Persia Fact Charm, relthpusande of both eezes of the:uies femmell Barman, of Plltabargh, tw two pizza natter, I , blawelt laad'aotiaty—• mutt r to Canal a•. 4 Lett—cat* In law ttinn thraa wawka,and Itagrotad la algal boom • I 11 .7 g B•lk.Hudodry Ohio, ter alma toting twr rt.. eh Intl so strangth by lettwastitant rover, with Ml* rektor.' to brilth W tinily boon. J. it.t om 1100, of Boirfro.S., Ifolao,bronibt from &MVO end Im mr,ba g oottond foroors. mor p icl ors,mo won loam melts, pfel to two b Adolptio Houten, d Prawn, roll In ono bow, . tile Warding In lb. ems of tbo Pros w.r..a Chicago Roamed. •••• oppunntly dying wllh Odic WAX.% Now Yoh, rewind altar eev.o )err sotlwios. • whet cam • Monti I. of other tem preeitoted and cued sexy mouth and hot tingle complalot 01 the eMetence of the INPECTINE, 1 Yersila Fever Charm. TRY IT, PROVE IT, KNOW IT, and ma i ke known ite wonderful powers and virtues that thus', who Buffer, or who are threatened with suffering, may be led to use a siruple,l innoxious preparation, furnished by thtstield of Nature for I:.'"PECTINE L Tux DAUGGIIITS 79 THIS Carr, 0.1113131Ei1l AND 111DIOThili DIALIRIV E •ONE DOLLAR t b7:a111 to soy yak of Ihieoll.d !haw REMEMBER! taken lowairdly;bat ki4ll.lbatwardly, aitord, door, üblili setompsoy Neb ; Nokip. ' WILCOX :& co., /813 aiang amass:, --- • = =••,: • • I""44"s iiii-41/001-111*.4-17-1 - - 110} ' • 7-;•::i.,14110„let,,,, INPECTINE FEVER dreadful fever. Rend mod Rtflect WONDERFUL ■MUS& Men'', Blessing IS BOLD BY IL L. ►&BNEStOOB A CO, • No. 60, eorcer of Wood au4 B. ,A. TAHNIISTOOI .00, Come or Mat and Wood struts opus H. REYRR, 110 Wood it. - JOhiPll rr,sume,. Oorher Ustir4txt. sad the Dl.momt. IHMON JOHNSTON, Corner emliblald and WoOrth IN /I.IIIEIOA MANOIMITI7R6D BY RICHMOND, TA my Tong CITY. MEM • • 'wirrau 111111_,:i& J. W'4: - T NON O.', . - Whoberialir:Grocei's. AND DiALLICS ru Rope; Oakum, Pitch, Oil*. Itul• Pi burgh Slaimilieture*, ' wATiatt. NiTtLICET tE A bf. , tinelttAftel.t.' 1.114 ti•• • PITTSBU , i. 119 1 .11417. &Lt.° utIOK NN ~ AN D Digh, LitllB 'tumor, Che•sei Prodace. 112 MINSOND 13T, PrITSLIOK(I/1. LLLIADO LIAGALEIY, 1T 7'2 ! .30, 1438.4R61-o£l 44Xt.C1C:71.17., Na,. la &ad Woad 131 , 4 P1T1311012,1. ions—.—a. 1143114/14.. JOIIN &, NON, lliocers and Com nilmaloa Uerc -Agv•ln furthi sale" of .Plg Iron sod 136,m. No. tea I,llaerlyesecd, 1,95:08 C' B. JON 6.5 WIIOLXS.A.LIg ORO OZFt and. Veit perntabar,•lkeinr In r Pro. .cud ewthprvb Ideacletturee, No. lit Wei.. sireet.nealr Chefry I, lley,ylittborgh, my2ll • BIM% T. Minn QIIRIV ER & DILWOW I 10. lhocen, N 0.1 3 ,3 and 132 BS. , • /4.llll.lll,lll,Plllsborgb. 2.1.0 I HOL I etterot. (Loh.. , ELIIII,-.. .2.1G111 RD run JOUN FLOYD it. Co., VorUOLFISALE iirPosriano (loromissloo. Hervieols, N 0.173 ooLl and I.lberty ittrewl, PH rgb; Jolt3' W f iiil WHOLESALE GEO .oxakv, C6maminlou Mordant. sod Dmltilitil . duel Piltaborgb Illnuotoctorot, N 0.269 Liberty otronl, • PitLitiorgb. J 026 WM. Moe II 1!4 . ... II .li, 0 N Lli Grocer, Prodtios sod Cloonohnlon NNNmaul* askl Male. to Plltobarlit Iltana4et.rwl Attlari• No:161/ Liberty alnot.coraer of Brown" .y. 141141111;14 1,42 . 50u55tint......—.........—.A. a. Y..... cum{ AMIS.'. &IWELL, LEN & (Xt., WUOLESALE Cluic•nii Prepuce sad Caustolislau Nurchiwits,inut to Pittsburgh htsisufscions, N. 8 Wood *ea, be. Mau %locum* itrinit st, Pistationet. - aptB 0 ft0 , 81 0 8 , 021 .. .1 . IEI 1 E 1 I of Prostilous, Praulace and i'llmalfstatorna, N0..04 Liberty etront. Pipsbiargb. A.M. a. oirosiono. DORF:Iff DAIZELL CO., WOOLF.- 116 BALK Limon, Oommirloo Furvrarditig Ma , ands sod Dadorslo Pk-Mu...n.)1%10.1.0 Mein .17rel, No. 261 Lawny' .troll, Pitiwborgb. Po; myl ISAIALI DICKEY & 00., WIIDL SALE Omani, OnsomlaintaMarchlakortd 'NW.. I. !NW... N 420 Wator otroot, riont Wee., Pittsburgh. itiootstuer*, &c. • - . . - 1- 1111.0 BERT S. DAVIS, 811131essor ti) JOllll S. &Ai Daarlaoa, tlnaler 13. ilaukNataticarrY, ac 010 . Waal slytat, yon3yr all Diamond :Ok i . Paulin r a h 3 3ly v )r -- m. 0. 301INSTON h. co., Stub Wink Book IllannEranrera Jut, Prin SI nu.) ottnor, Piindonrgh, P.. WAY to CO., BOOKSELLKILS I,k„ TIONNIUI, Na be Word street,' west door War or Thiel, Pittsburgh, Pa. School and Law • aboUy oo ham). j L. READ, ROOKSEILER AN ere ILP TIONNa, No. TO Powthollo fainters. ' 1 ..... I- - - PAI`,NTEB.S!. LONG & LANE, DOUSE AND SIGN PAINTIER.S, No. 101 Third It . • _ lgeonut duor lotuollanua, Ihrt a C'oht,) • • . PITTSBLI QM F , LADS, BANNERS, BADdES 1 AND TRANdeARKNOIIL4 do. * la *sus, Oylu: WINOJW' t e Hilirti Out Loom. buuo. g ot mc on Ho, IntP I sailor, DittfUdaTe JAM awl IV N11.K.4 1,810.1.1101 n he 1.61 fit sueuuee anti iu say style. o v um]. UII.DICO el NO I,:i 0LA8,21 Suuu at thuleuesi-obt., WAII order, altrullol to i r •runipily. Po l otOl Pallas so/ eulty for sule. gueN:14.3.1 . 3. C rc, sv. 1101131 t, SIGN AND PA. LATER „ANTI OttillNEl.4, ND. GI Firrti STRICLT, Opposite Odd-Wallows ]Nall. PITTSBURUIiPIA tligra work done for the trade. j 021.0 J OliN M tiOURR, MON AND ORN A lel ENT/11, PAINTERS' AND OLAZI , NI). In TIME. 8111.611 f, Nrrtqluaoti, I soratte.do Ural Estate amts. •'— .112 BALE R 114 - -PROMISSORY N J f y , TBB, .Ik.k/44.40imethl all amtuttla tot mat* . eau 'meanie.* throne. toy Aothey.o able bola. Thum *Malt to 113Tiert MST mom" to awl notstge, as silway• lrat and Inroad don pap s al 0,7 I on, tot AU ouottolotatfoo•1112a ifill“14.11 strictly coot/LUal. Mat/KANT STAR* 614.1 to Mt. Paul's Catbottral. tf • OIiN IL AINLIA)/ii No. 81 WOOD J 'Maws. Dianswod Alt &al P.M etre., &4. &out Ibr QUICK EKING & NONIP (Mot.) PIA MO MVP, Mil. SOW & 11AXLItill lIKLODIOOIk and iuttaan 1 1 / 1 11110NIUMNood bailorto Ihmkaad 311121.211000114. 023 KLallika s itkia, Dig, 53 i irru .I.A.•.ol"migu of Outdo.. ttbrp.b.l. Asyut tu ~rrui.rliONNO (Nevr Viol) unrivalled •Oa mud and Ilquars rianos,..a CA RH A ELT & 'MCKIM Anil DitiNS Dad Olul ASI NA HAWN I Vita, Dealers lu Mask aibd lustrueuvatta. nititaurryß BLUME, lIIANUFAI Drler I. f J Idualral I.strotimuta. Rote Aput Lb. auxo t1At708.0.) 1.. !ULU% DAM A C1( 1 .% Hoot. Plano/., wlltiand ollbeat droleut Attatbairet. .10 Word knot. ifippoluterp ==!!I!!MWM= Wall Pew Waraboaaa. WALTHIt P. MARSHALL C Ty torten sag bogies, K wrod .tree, tellroe•i street nod Dlaemad Ailey, white meg be Smug as e emeteseet utererg deeeriptioo or Ileagings I tom th 1., Dhiug lifeweee and %embers. Alto, dilate, Is greet variety at keeled price., to °etitle 1 tele ' 1 4/1111%gt P. ISAUSHALL insurance agents. EUREKA INSURANCE, COMPA ,W.U.rafroot. ROBT.9INNRY,Iky. C. W Ageut • A A. 0 .A . 11:11.11 F. R.: SliektEr P.Lidlyhasttalunitance Omarany of Mt 8.114110 g, r.urib W 0.4• clowoN, &missy Western seesompLey,4l2Witterstrtet. JGAICDINEROOFFINdIpint for i l llunntmonocuOgwany,tioetl.ert on and Third otreut.. • • Y! A. MADEIRA, Agent for Del tintne nann.... M., 42 We.. titr.t. Caws. W. D. a. wunt.i.ve, UEALFIR IN CARPETS, 01.1. C _31.1171N0q..11e. Nn. N 7 Point!, twett necr W . . . . • OARPEITI3 AND OIL CLOTH : , " AT TUE FOURTH STREET CARTFT $ 08g, . .. • . . _ .... . .- • . $ - - pirrani) Rear PSNIIII, - ' ' • Ilk D. .t, U. ; III'CIA ' LLUM• RES ,EDT IT : • FOLLY wawas., tbSt ilboy ant Itessisiusi is ss , o Ma sopply .of slAttpsyttO, allostad .11rIstly, fri . no lopotbsi sod ,IllonslictotSre by Nis WAN, an t, um 11l Lb• dlsfi. to ottkb *boy Wks tbsotualso aps ass:* Alµ • .../ allie of CANTON IdATTINO; C 51.... - sr I.s. Ism Tulskst•susts of CIARPST SWICEPAISS,s ss s .. which Shall Lsofrots,) at lbStowSet rsts*. •• • . . • . kok , ' , , ,; .. , WAS a ii. wychti ism • ificft teoobs. L5.nacitnn0.........11.0.M.11111.181111........T. Z. I LILOLOOViELD 41.. CO., (successors to Pert Borthlklil.) Wlullarakruut Retail , diaPkod hoeybry Ilobdi, Northwest C 44116 1. Woo ' Ifstketeta, C'4I—LOVE, Dealer io Staple and I ':Dry goods, alga oil thootlitiail On lilts, MatkilOarset,Plttoburgh, - , •-• DU. PALMER, Nu. 106 Market A 1 6 .. Ban. shim trims) Sunittitts. FllliAll'UltVqPlND CHI NNOLDSALB AND DETAI4I ===m ??. x xx mt. Rcgisivocip, itIALiGGIANY AND WALN 'Own, otwkinrawMlD PININU BOOM. NEW xiNtE A Nro• 1 , 11 ILA - 1,.1 1 1 • *Ammons, Nor: t r iaso.79 Terra Bra MeSkall • - pirmamitGru. mon al ummt..4...,.:.Ti0al 3. •34 YOUNG . 114.0fitrrininic ;• ?; • . • .fl4/IN/TURW AND Ot ETiTi.ll3oll4lTititloll;• k;lll34 ;b 4 4caoPtik ml 4 nnq , i.: 4 1 1 14 18 & !ID it&field 81., 'II4MBOAT f44 - 81N FlTatiltUßB-rWii 2. 4. 0.:m.4,4,14 .aisamtictorhis inzuthoss <4}Lni ancl .lavUo 300: 011 " 03 1 3 0 'O 3 adlihiher . ..; • - . T. a..ithoNO ikoo. ror us .ai Al i ! ' , isuchrit i m i rr clia N a r- or Tl ibit mon.. 111 I hit oft - tut ' 1-- le ic zst..n fr. a . .. , I- iIatoNenTAI , OIOARETTIES. Imo, 07 0. B. skrAima A coy* i44/ 4136 " , ". gi, 7, froce,,Lpirt boi.ositi... kt.P.i. a 1 442 r14i!1itiii411,a41114140,1012..., -.., : - 111iPaTIVITIVI tiourmavel Warehouse, No. 214 abaft SL.PISTSBCFRAB; end cocoa Ohl* Kona. au, Auzallyarir CITY.; 81 200313, RAVGIIII,','OIIII 4 I7III.. • araterli s rcintlifin.d6ret.' IitHLOW:WAR2,III.i.I PLAW:TOOrM' 81.0r:lenitattto..ki LI altaudegl to. - mattatil ;U I i SkY _ANdotorz. Vittaintrarligh Agri crttliural ,Workou a ; • VISABICIS B. WILLIAM!!,.. -0105..49.na1i 6l Verry • MANOVA OTUItER Or WILLHOWS Eltrni Lad. Cutter,•liming Kappoti• Boras Power Tlatramps, ilbler il u l ml other Aokulturs/ • ,104,1Y4 SUYDAM'S LINED 01141 M. : 1 12 ;0 . S i A u, Y;11 Al,•lllanufaeturer and LINSEcEIci, oir...fitAW AND iqtl43p. r. 0. I. - 0 & . , eats. for orair• hare boui Plailx) at Um 'Mr. of Mr. OW; th4oday:lll , md atroar; and Ihmorr. John Ittorl &Oci, Liberty it Order. am' nouur or FLAXnhitD fort SALM, tart or thaw piaci; mill remits prompt attomim. • Y.O. F. WIRT. & MAO Corner Pike 'anti 00.Tinrn etreets, Near City Wstrir Works, ' IP .1 TTSB•TI P A., AVIANUFACTURERSUP MACK: INTOSU 11RM ell ILL'S INIPROV RD PARRA? RSOILLAT. aTEdil CROMER CID 2LIDI VALVES of Old.. ie., beet style.' Raving pet up Machinery of :large capacity and of tba beet quality, wit are prepared to • do awry Jobbing, ..,d . a licit melt In Rae line, treating tbat Ly promptuwei and the ammeter after wort, to merit public patronage. .We to. vitt. specbJ attentio n to Our BALANCIiII,VALVR EATING P.NGINItit. as combining sdrantages beretolbre 'unattained In tale clasp of Regime.' 4011- boom w lib .tram power end' good light, To Lat. -ICIaet•CW111.11‘11111.17. (Summon to lobe Clartweight,a M[ANUFACTUILNIttO and imp orters of roam end Table OW/44, Surgical Dental to. sumo:seta, Gabs, Pletela, Kahle; ?stela, /he-, No. bel Wood etreeL Thep glee atecial ,e tea lieu loll...olanableturpi a, o Tres.% roptoriere. 4c, .febbiee and Iltpalog •1141.M0 2.111 y and .I.:eimach aplkely Jakt.Yl-111110tlE1 It# (JILL *AU., GI Penn et, , below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND - SLIEET Iron Worknra, t — latoitiodurera ad_ Hare Win. Patent Boiler, Uneoinotite, thud Owl Cylinder Callen, Minnie" FfrO usa, titssui rims, Kin Psi., Cuter Pam, Iron Yank; Life Boats, eto. Ahai, Clod mltly Work, litidgu odd Viadnot Cowl, done al the Anneal no 11... au orders from a diniauce kr ‘ waptli al/ended to. Je22 Pena Cotton . ENN ELY, Cil ILCS & CO., NANUF QC ITHICII44 • . • Pdou A No.l hoary ,4411heollogr. Carpet Maloof all oolore end shed.►: Clottoa Twine; Bed Clordru • Pkealt Woes awl Iteett Cord; Hope of WI etre. mot deerriptions; Betting. Sig-Orders Intl at the LiUdtrars Stole of Logau &Gregg, No. at Wood creel, will here atteattou. I86;1) iron City Nto•• . %Warshouse. VV W. BRADSHAW, (Sucemor tu'T. . J. OR AIR &Co.) 14ssulecturer of TIN, IRON sod OUPPRR WARR, Sul Dealer h. 81VVIDI, Na 131 WOOD WrRLIZT,LerSeei Filth .stid. .fflonetatv. =OM= No. 65 Fourth Street. , 011418r6gsci IR 1.1366 OPEN DAILY Yliohl.9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, alto on W•do•abiy glad toduniay aveolop, from nay Out to Nuretuber tratjtont 1 to • o'cltat; mol from N,. Tatatar 6tllllol, Out, Ikon a to It o'clock. D+l,olta reoff,•o of sit tutor.' 1••• th•ti unt Dotal tut • .11.1.1.u4 .of the emits ,lerlaied tots • year, In Jou. tot boeutta.. tatwrod boa ilOl4. &dared atal-aol It. 11), Jut. •1•1 D•fhtutor, taw Um taut Ilota orgua .1, at U. rat* of six ter tout • rot • , Intoottl, If at , Intvot oat placol to Um orollt of 1b...1. ofol for el oluelval, awl lo•ira •••••Intoreet In.m 10•601 4..ta of .fon• Deomater,ooaspOutttut telt•• yaw. wilt oot tootling Om depositor to coal .o atom to pr•••lst 64 'pass boot, Al this tato, maw, rlll Joel l.la loot tom 11 deer,, looking I. the agtirrytto ttatlt arm into NW rY Otat VMS. &Oki formfitting Ms tlturtat; tits. fool Sotto UM.* font/died rat* um apptioatkurat W. oda& ' Prerfilmt—OSOß64 Ales re ono longtime Juba B. eboenberrt 4hiabilar Jim= Usediaan, • •• A. 4. PUNA, q. D Wailams a. Leulay. WUlluu J. •wheaosi Hcpewali Hapbaru, James SIMI*, Jame•U:ll•ll6y. guiwn lira Id.Pomo* Unl Itargirto. Ja4e U. &aka., Jame IL (Undo • AloaeuOart 0.14 Osoptall. J. 112 P.Ooegrwee, Marks A.Ooltozh Welthami Mae.; Jam kraus. • ' Itraocia &Weeds L. rahusettock Jam. IL Wreak . WWI= S. Elan., - Peter ',lmam • Artmleiri swel ..tio—stuawr mitt an io s BIDiWI LL , loan . ..dm to Spoor - la A S ON HAND A VERY LARGE. A.A. stock of PLOWS AND PLOW. CASTINOS, Of all We tllllereut sarkdies,rastly to supply at. frtaudnand coadoottwe tutrud. Matt KW WOltlitk, wow Wog erecied in the cauttat part of the oily, idt the lot rroutlog Rad each on Dolor.. Way laid /pelt* street, sod extitzalloir 340 Get do gel ie. alley, will he rowel lb *stout sad cr parity to any Now Wralts lo the lhattal Ata4y, baring all the weaken losprovelowthklo bulb wood qual. iron woo tog Slactdoery, mad will be lu toll operatiou about the Ant of ' Slay ousulug, , 441. Natnifactory, Watchcasecad °aim only three rpm. !roe , tII the Railroad bawds. M' /NrOr.l.no an, rognallally caballed, I -, • .- will( • • 4. ck.artkwlLL ItXIf , KIGIittA'FORSi RETRINERATOIMII The lel•peet Week of the Net pinata to be toned wool of the woomalos, culudetleg le pert o. follower TUN COCIELSIOR ! NTINENTAL REPRIGIIRATuit, • o REdo - " .10E11E1E1 • i* . " WIND ER ado " PATENT'REVOLTING 'do • ' IVWR_ - do • • All of thwateno, wi - th sad without water taut. Ttkey Are ortytuteuUd ad awdol—empbetkally lb. • . SPAIN° HOUSE 1$ TILE DIN INII ROOM. Providedwith Wine part writ rewards sportuirsta for MA yellow. Article.. of UrOilidalle,oo that the Seeor of - outdo l4 fhb, Am; will sot intorfere - with asp tither artleteleptio the adlolahlg chest- la addlliou to 1114 Above we have'd our own male end werrented, ICII CU ICSTS,tiI Wm*, MEAT BARKA,. lIATIHNO APPARATUS, WATER CIUOLERA, HIRD CAPES, • ' CIIARCOAL 11M1540E3, LAMMERS STOVES, PORCELAIN,' BRASS, COPPER AND TIN LINED ' _PAAWERVING Mid lunar &A1a...1044*n be wowed Is lb. lia•of Muer Iforulehieg Ilerdwaro. et No. 134 Wood street, CM door below theorize of thefiLliew Unit. • , • • mp'l3 • . 'W . DRADSHAW.- !, teum sir• fix PAP SEETIN'S .OED STAND • IN TUN: DINNONO, INC 41, 113 f 3 T 0 I\l * , Lite Oak of the fled Linn Nobel; ' ' [JAVING TAKEN and fitted - niV i iti o grail Caption; all thd mutant Improvements, Ills populatimutl,NitilUbMiih tor le pupated to a -commutate No *lamb and we public Scamalle, with the hied the mouton atrattle. - - 0 1 0fratta wIU. tre 'arca s tip,to . °Tory variety of idyls •• LIQUVRII,aIbtA' &tie teals coaiktiut recotoialudlut to the plibllc for their Intuolieno.:l • • • ' MIS 1A 48 orry op at MI boars, end sad MORT. bun 'WINS take, e4l THOM 118 bTONL S UN DR.1148--140 bbd.. -1 • ' ' ibtas. St. n o. Inman f.OO wino. ne ts Idolisonn oinked unadajraPK, 3no tow. at. catt,4 _ k • ,p pocket 7eia Ootkr," imktei lumina' blinds Titroo:* • - IR, Dalt obbota Yozig Hymn and !lit Tear, T" 60 tatty boxy. do do do . isospi - 914.1 t;tactitta and Slim had*Tloor, In store to t for NW* by s.4dtt . ATWAILI. 'Len ,CO, Ettbotitii[taut. frt.._ -POl% flak.. from ix to bd."' r":° a°," 1,81,1 1 moWBono tn. moot to W e i foot. thrae" .Xtr. .boreli 4 0): 0 11401 , o 2 2 'onto, ago f Mrs dd. dirort omf suourd, 2 Oar riOw'r, Rna fu nVIT 4 ,4101.00111 WV; WhiCh h • WM eh Di plearan to show to mat fiimob add the pe1,416, Pillatnimb tardOsklmNl Nano,' cm 31) MIU 0.1011. Ja. - R TOBACOO-201k0r..-''' 413 & 000-2 -20lioiCitc5it and lOs Roseau & Robloomea.Tobacco. - % • ' bacial la ant 147. F.Trl24 Tobacco; 25 do • astbasi losadels ond 10a and 2 lamp. • 211 do ; coiebralcd Plan App12:110 • • 15 Gbh MO, Barbour 2 Cos Cot imd Dry Tobacco; ; 25 (ma Out and Dryilnlapcps 'picked lagroat and;balf Itio" .--lot lade bt, ."' WATT 2 wtt,tore,. - •. YOTICE—To Iron, Cotton. and all idler sciaandaimraaaa'annaom,—;.: • .W• limp mutant oupply of Lod pad' Tallow OM and 'TALL 01(114193,1rbk4 bR %TM& ATM '' " ' t AII'INITURY •CO • lON it. U 1 T-300 b . ll. , llonptt „IMO bum BabliZt b otigtaeo' ..- Jigs Tied and Iroiselo .• Rent kAN DIIMN/r. 'ea .-' , • No. =Wood et, ovieeete Cbeetee Ilutat• Sx.-10111b1cclitlice.Oreen Ap; . 2 bbiltberisn Orsh Appleg ' 200 HOull Peat,, for preftninzaltig ferule bi _ _ RAVE! INO an 24 ' esroor "awl d Fur BOARD 1 irk,UNK, Monet, Pres& k id. 6; , if. 8.1141 altaillouersoil irw 1101(W. APPLKS- 00 the boot. iCI4, tfirtocrswaatel" son! ,; . *Wand end ISI golaD.B.l)l7l4.,tilireliold,kipx. or' - . . . - . . Win WHAT THE Li EAT, The enderelgoel Garin mid erne. BPIXIIIO HOIRIOPATRIO ERIN` te ear Waal with the met setbfactory mega, and hiNtlg.l,4 coe. dente In theft. geoulnenees, pasi . 3 end effieacy, cheerfully tventinsend them Walt tank o wish 44) m ile , re liable, sad efficaclaas reatedlea! hand . fer pri Cr do. The Rev. Wm- Ilniiiter. editor f " C.No4ertz lnd s Peudent,e" Auburn N. Y.; the WS.. Reeser of Ell. Pd Church, hat, R. the Rey. B ireti e._llkeleatn of the Are n Rer. °P. , eeee Mee. Reeler, Neal-ettiltoni,,Stan the Rer. Alien Neel.; Nee-York' Root 1 - " Samuel .Nlchola, khateleateek Rev..P. Pratt, Done, Vt.; the Rev. Johnß. Rob*, Buffalo t. A. a Unit,tet,•atlea, tf. ‘,'lbe to..t Dee"; rafted. Ste.; the Roo. betroyhr Oolfar,Sohttrltentl.,lnd.t the HOo. Oeelte Etorephrert, N. Y.; ittiri OW*, I.4., , Effitor The Oftlo State Joarnakeotureffies, Ohla4 ; the Hon. R. 11, 'Orerant, Kane, Ill.; the Ifn,r. thortuteq. ll.,Sew • the Ron: Joieph sembnet, Utica,"N.Y.: 'lea. Briatol, Ep., unft, N. Y. A. B. pool , akim, Y.; Jame Jam, Plunkett; Req., Nathellle, Than. Lure or 13PEOrtCh aaarpta , - • . . . . ._ No. I.—Tor ferariCorigardon, bid fnAsrnms,t/on ' No. 9.—Pot Worm fever, Worrell Collo,Welling „the Bid. • Na. o.—Tor ColloiPutag,!frO9llNN .44 'Nakaolnever of No:4.—Tor Diarrhea, :Cholera Infout* sad Buxom. 1 Complaints. No. o.—Tor Celle, Oriptegs, oteryj'ni Bloody floc 1 . No. o.—For Choler; Moans IV fondling. No. I.—Por Coughs, Colds. Ina . rrad soro Thront No. R.—For Toothatbe,_tams sod.ftenralgla. r No. 9.-1 , or Eleadsehe, Vertigo, eat 041 . fullness of the Read. • _ . . ,- . .. I. Na. 10.—Digrasis Pre.us-4o Welk and Drrasged Btnmseh, Consdpatind, 'arid lifer Prooplaldt. No: ll.—fne Posies lassoutesinvis,Bninty, Painful, or ' ~ ~&_ mon 2 ee — d Periods. 1 I r — No. IYor Lenerrbes PcOrde ka , ss, and Bearing Down or Ponodes. ; 1 , ~ No. 111.—For Croup, Home No. Cough, Bial.Bresthing. No. I.l.—Bar Hamm Pute-lbr Ery2direlas, Ern /dims, Pimples on the boa: No. 15.—Itarnas and Prtza:-Toi, Pa.tririarrorriethnr 8.. re. nets In tin Chest, Berk, Loins, or Ltembeit '',.., . . A.:-.for /erre and Ague, Chili Tern4:.:lrgolb A g ue, Old kiismataeol Agora. ' P.—For film, BIM or Blenllngi Irrte;l sal or Eatemat. O —for A.,re, Wee*, or Inflamed Zyoe Ind ligelhis; Pal. ' Inv', Weak, i.r Blurred 'fight. . i'i . .; , • , .... , : I• - e..r Valarrh , of long .land 1, or?,reGeof, either vital i.otrollon or pronien discharge.. .• W. V. —For Whooping Cough, tbatini ',Bs rlotente 10.1 xhort.oll.g i. course. : . . _ :• In ea acute diseases, ruch - •sug Pewit*: Inflarnmationa, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Crum,, lifictualsen, and ouch crap .boom m Sc tire .boom Pryer, 111 !mated Prottichts, the advantage of giving. the proper immilra promptly Is ob. loon, and in all such mum the smclflcsi.fict like • charm. • The entire elheme is often arrelledat ono', :and In all room. the violence of the WI. .Wick mu rated, the dlmase short ened, sod rendered licsadangeroull s 1•• .Codgheand Ca det:which are of Much frienicammerrence. and which m often lay the foundation :crammed lung; brunchtlia and CUPSettlipatl, maylall be' at once cared by the Peece and Cough Pills. ' In ail chronic diseases, such asspct4l4;.Week Flomaelf, ematipatlon, Liver Oomplaints, p m, Pantile Ilie 2ls iY. and Irregielaril les, old Headaches, Bor ,t. or Alf2ok Eyes,',Catarrh, Mitt Rheum, and other old crupilobs, th 4 rase boa specifics whose proper applidation nig &Mild a mire In almost every Instance. Often the rare of saint fired* dillicidey, finch. as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh,ll dache or Female It nee, has more than paid for the e ten times over. . . • PRIM 3 • •••- ' . .thise of 21; Vials complete, In naor4co, and Book . $5 .Casa of 211 vials. and Book,•plain, „,..'.,' • 4 Case of 15 membered boxes, Mittsk. ' 2 Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and k.. '' ' 1 &ogle numbered boxiest, with dlrecipum.' , , • - ^5 cent*. Finkle lettered boom, with dirmiloepa, ••• , ' 60 cent/. Large rue of d'or, vials, fur plantar. Kea physicians...4l6 . . - ALTO 111 1 21211111 C& 1;1 ' - fon Arrant to Parinew.--44Ased,'Difilcult,l.aborell. Dr.i/dog, attended with Qough sail Expectoration. Eder, 60 rent pet tbs. • Pot Kit Insessaaesaan insaiwslitt—Nrecherges from the For, the revolt of Scarlet fever, Nteasies;•oe Mercurial. For Noioes in the Head, ilardoeis t Meting, and. Eluting In the For., and ER1 , 1144:11, Price, enle pert... - fon SCRO/ut.a.—Ehltrgerl Gland 6, Enlarged mid leanest. r.l.rntieliA, Swellings end Old Mimi?, 2,refulous Cachesy ut t.l.ildnto. • fdee.•3o cent. per boss ; • - • roe flannel Dkril urr,--fhpgc4l or Nervous lypakness fitter the noon of Sickness, Esc.Wve Medication, or Es , tousling Discharges. frier, 60 cedls pro has. • Put Intonar.—fluld Acemoulatiam,ToiddSwellinp, with Seaway Secretion. fsice, 60 etat4ter bor.; Fos Sea-facansts.—Deathly 'Sidtnew.lfertdga, Nausea, fondling. &atoms from ridingor?notion:,Price,:64l cents . per boo. Poe Uarstav thesitled—:.e,Nrirel, Renal cult, fandol Disesaei o t1,0,124,1neya. Nricr„ 60 tert per boo.' - Eon Samosas. letteenots.—lnyoinntarie .Illachaiges and Como-pv.l4 Prostration and Uebitaly,llSM:Resulle of Evil Habits The moat sucCessfal and dicleat !needy Sworn, and nosy be retkol upon as • en Shire, with full dire*. nons,2l per hoc. Persons who ebb to plane the ves under the profes sional care, or to stet .duke ofFyor. Htigir.Pll3. OKI do w, at Lis ofete 662 &roadway., du ty front S A.M. ton P.M. or by letter. Joho & P. 41. thaalra ;oho U. Mellor, Jam. I. .D. Imes Ile Auloy, *Atm P. Manton, Wan. - k *O .1611u7 L. litiapWLlL Lan &Soil, 111111auf SA:mpts, AlmaelarThAls, lam %UMW.. • .411.1a5.4..C0LT0N. OUR IMIEDIES lit HAIL. ' 1,..01: over the rut make . up aienee `of *hat kind you hoose, and incluse Ilse amountln Current:note eget/nape by MAW . to nor address, et No. Brogpsay, New• Tort, and the medicine w ill Le duly re in ed b *ail or express, tree of rliarre. - Ali ENTS WA NTE D. —We desire In, getlee, eiScientAgent for the ealo of nur Remedies id ertry teen' or - esunt7ot7 hi the LTolted Stun. - Address Dr. it , . RUNIPHRKYIS C. No. Ih a r. miuseer, New-Yaws J. J. H. YOLTON, firth street, tobilitundingjosegmd door from the Poet Ogice, Who Agent toe Pittsburgh met vicluily: isims,.l. H. VEUPONAS 00. E Itirmingbetec, J. P. 4EIIINII and J. . 1. NAST, Alb/lets:ly Htty. - `usyttrlydget, , , . : . • Thoasat•bar• daily wiskinglbs fr• ,, , • of _ • • •.DJ,' : 4 • lINTP.A—INVTILIEI : OtpiAL, .• 1;ar•oe•It item , lair, 1.4,1'04 4ittaattrett•te re. lief when ;Ivan lo.tlau. .ft ad. tie If ;•••clo,' and.ont biaLtlone courhAce 'on tbstrtbst *a lay I. trot. It oostilos ' • • NO PARAGORIC OPIA T E.;. ofpty 11114,1nd theiokell rellevethl m ielliping Use nvyie. kg • soar child, loeteed of 4.0 a4..teatiak. For Mg r.. 6.0.4 it mommoda !LAMY si tbe only r aka° yew oarslan mow tome. foe oillimalm R,Arruine; MAR-- kaORA, Gelpitto TOR BOWltlat. ACIDITY OF TIM :RTORACII.•iwnew-COLD IN TOR 1111ADokat CROUP. airy for seflure Pent DVtaw.ataal,r , fulawer Me . lod raining F= r bee ea equel-,beuat asttopoe h, ...a • Imp faille,/ mean lo all trod of CD ..OP T ION OR °TUN& Ins. As Iffla ht. mkt Wer yourebfarrele, and. *Ai fa sum this from osi t sa: N bk/gbfbm mow , grown del, 4T, cote* tummy rem the o f or mweeNee ej, lotto% other riewaftet for htf • thoolaint. are cmr yard. take Mom but DIL:NATONIIINTAIIIII.NCORDIAL, Ono Foil no rag 5i.,,. hle perfectly Wisdom mul caw oat Injon the most delkia. fohLiill. POO; 25 meas.:ll dlauctkom ememposay Abell holtleul Prepitowl only by To . • •• • • "-,CiIIuRCEI,4CDVPOIII',.-.• , • Np. 40 4, • tempo% New York. . • • ; - • • - _ '-•- _ • .. . '• • , . . . . . .. . BLOOD . F.-. o• 0 D . . • • B.o,btiti Blood titSio bel¢t ' - ' ,- 7 ,'..A.N.A. - X..lekmiti "...• --;,' -• ' always priotaita alisilli the aiitaasseaddsl sliaitats.. oo d give* or 0w:m..146i ThOt STAND/ D. Auslyto rho Woo 4 of a Parma sulfsflat how Otiosb Oka/lu. , °Bolden il Doprosla,ficoAda. ihs, and vs bid io sorryinoOre orr• Lila els pstwks to tlat red olobolti:ol Blood.: thodi l 3l..thodo deflotoodoo, and you or* Toole reoli. .ThO B4OOO MID b founded upon this Theory .-"lrepi.Co Qs oiloOrabagooOcess. To all eolrerloOilon. CONBO,I/4170/T e lloctiOont or cow Crawl, or mm.. 4641114 of soy his} or from itheotal or bets ( rani prostration, tit , tsb t oab.o ha eat.; Sr. from :croup loos complatotr, or 'from Morarair the kldneya Or blolair; nod 4. Illdimi !hfothat .O.r.okr Ala Oraof aloroniag ma. pleats ther sOz Sr. timid. W: a n etikk;.....rootlor . . tow B 4. : ":11 , cii CI 'p i a, iipiicr N offrrod all • cesteta ood e remedy.. DilfaHogla ovdr, lertkolor truth Wad rotld2laiii of the day. It Is • rho oo•ddoatIou of JIZON.ffIILPSON sod PllO5 PRORUA of Tory g”at 'worth, ind mitfor bottdrad. Woo glad cod gratofol tortitoott}totho tilooontorrod Wolotrek cheated izta of t triattiElivirratfier Vow red to yellow, nod lorreued Oki 44 of 010 WWI to AIM otrocoa.:18o, rem oorl bor. lo t;ufixf. tow* that, the to- O kada ni opr otaturo hoo th•gi . l do of wrappar.. Price of the BWOD ,Foollsl. >13141•:.7,: • • . Bold kV cilugeig:a Bola 4 . 441141011,'N0. 409 4 / 4 4049149; Nair tort Pu ins by DLOOK annuli 444 k, weal at: Mir. berth.'"; "' • :1 . . Susinclos ...otters: fe tablineco. pug CO•F'ARTNERBII P heietofore eiist i. tog OWN. um Ens ao4 style 0 M. 44/1 , 10 4 DOM, Is Ibld day oiddliad L 77 V. DRAVO urclauay, the latordd Tba baidado iti4 be 'aentaaael • y remalalog put oars, J. BV at Jr. H. 1a 11.4. V 1,1 041.... 11 .. Waits sdlla all mankr. wadi:lll4dd tbaold dna. • , jyl4:dam P.M. VOTION.:—We have ttesete . iateif with Am Of .the I humilrylinehnies,BAUVELL:Pitlitiooll. The badmen will no mamma under' l. ulnae' erld 0 0. 4 f '1 ORONO'S a HART. .r IIN ICCIOge' -. FIT/MON - POUAWRY, itILTS.Att - BASITG PA. - A.a.uandtrit' '• COORINO - Proirßel AND RAN STOPeen ene; WAGON DOE RR, NI Now ROL in WARR. PLOW , , .I.I4IBTINGB AND POINTS, TAO ,IL_MI.Rd. PAD AND .TAILOSSI LRAM IRON W. 144 4 " 4 . - 048 •Thnefi ^mu, Mill and . Machinery CaNinge nulie to Order.. ' -. HAVE TlllB DAY ABB 4 CIA ED WITH me, If r. JOHN VOLUM, le Me:Omletsikleg Megfeiom mblabwill M m 044141.4 we" tha " 444 " 4 404 " ON DIMLOW. I .143 1 14381,143 40 1 4. _ it= TalAttit— . • • [WOW Or oda riti . l64lll "all Qs Bromc no ot .b.ELLOW, Nlia 1 lkFOurth erw pritietiol ti.la edertatlo l 411•11‘tWestiteiAtt. . 1 to nit Mk's: sew style :Week SletalUe glide! owes, fur tbe sae of wldelt. We are wile aseate b thls City; sal el Wash . ere keep eolotantly • A A rm.*, dat.uty or ithape sticl Oil fonewle will be.upplfed with Utikuk n om ., optivii4weteptly,et lases neteitt a zi Obit sistAbilsb. twat the dkr. - . AloAnythAA A ,A. sditheicion Ogled • coOtlunaom MD pfttrosuqui. berebbrooso MOB) ezto.d.l la 'bead Ors. - - • qua, CiIHESSZ 2 6O 'Vexes Cieaut - ebriee, Cured ipe swan. toil hi& rnit our trittiCrit* LAZIAIL seeks Eno:tiler sale-by .._. , :::uter-trueunerre a' an. NYIN ":§(10A-11/350:-bblii;-; ueeuebe,-, ',ZOOM VlB 11'5111-4Vitit NA; tar ado 111, ("NI Mk Ittraity 1141111.1111 SPONGIX•4I. bale kr ' 41102 T • .; D PviigNalfaY uR Ae : Fis - A, .r. r • -. ss- . o AC r IAL NS IL L A A . N . ari BAL I , „ r. =pin /Dal LTL.TRAML ~ ~..-, .; . _. ...,.. lin azi4U Our IIuNDAY, • Aim • Ilib. tb..Tin ow , ,IIA Ha TlLAlX:koten ll* P.OO-,,Wr /.4,lOllrAT*l7-.l66tialog ter rept sngidiky) Id 5.36 1.; K...M..104 .1. 0.....4a m.Li , ../1 , .. Mon.., JAnaovriiontdati refrutaiobrti, , ...... Job.loarct au. 'llartitbars,...itaultdimi . 4 ..cileit k. )3.ititam , io. urtivlug lzr Pldbult•lptia; or &anat.. al Of) ..- .. . .. -. • , . uR rimuj IgkpßiktB TRAIN Isiffie , t/altit v• . Manisa auly at ptier-tpal statioes, oak log dirliettew. uectbnat Itarrlaherg for Benthao o. mat antalatt to deltaic. Baltimore at b:,111.11C• • TUB WART LINN team. tWa Olathe daft (Itall.”.#1,060) 465 ► st.. Mar flag only at ardetsahtur: Gar" Jain. tarty Meant, Manua... mama, cedserthas' at liar ".berg with *sale okay, ILI' Rai tIMvIrS, Ulf ill% !A Phti.. adalobla at Ilttlo X. X. , ' Tho Jeinistowalr '""Waft 2"i Y toils Name at MO - - re iZt. t t jta la::7 "l .).Lt. ll . soa rat e ,7 4 :stop * l, li* t a l Pint Acoresiue •atiet. Tnio Whittle liter tregiat daily (iscautt etsadas) at IlaSa.,lth , •' !fecund Artunestooaux.T. ale Me Tem. onyo, (ac &mutat) at .34 r. • Third Arcumsn&lattoeTralti roi , re',6„ (except &Imlay) at 620 - • ' , Trait. attire lu Pittah.rabraa *Awe- ' 1210 Mail, PIM a. ht.: F 4.4 Pao town lccomomatatiou;l I:00 a. Y R .( I 0.-4: L .. hir• umahltko, tgbo a ts:Beconti arrototaw:lllllo,,,Lif,,,, k a= Artaximeo.latitos, C.:20 r, m. Tree.. t o Blairsville owl letliaua caueset Intetseelitx with 3t.hristuwo Arrotittuddatlial Tale - Tut% itiprewt Train Wen. Red tbe Joboatowts Arobsiatestallea Pittsburgh & Cp•uallaville itinplag AlatatJoutt • ttri Pittsburgh A 00hoefirtilte Rout, hoire drily (Sudsy rgrsvbs.l) no figlaW• l'.41•11. Train, xi; I:3l.torTriali, • P. hatatruiut ?raise frau. Phial:4lW. • Newt arrive at Pillsbutt,h, {Kg A, rra er,p I L , The marshes public, Wilt that gteatly to titarlalaresg, 4.gullog Bast or IWO. to .10tvet. I.l.ttle NOM) 41, as the arcututuotlatioeX uow allay.l_ol4lll4..ha .den au) ethos rob to. Ti., 1t0r..1 Lallastanl with Maw. awl to retire!). free inaut Qum. tf tea prumlastaatetr.dimid 6.1 rowt••,l to all who mat. &tor thli raaul tbsts 'Arco* .i.". 1 To New T0tk..... .... t...'... . ... 60 id . 061t1tu0ti.;::...-......$ 960 • klalladditkla —..- IU 00 - : L•uottottrt.,:o•....- !'SS 1166nstootZtoked to all kndloOn on Hot kp4nl-14345ts a and U. 14511611.4 , 616., 06Itintor• and ttU It4ii:' Panstotgars purctoolog tklnols to anti iwlllbeetnigt4iinit hall ceotpor nol• Su nOtiltlcor 10 Lb. 01itioar tttnts, 116 W. Gorr Statittot wi we Ilk Vompany tiro int Agent._ ..._ -14071011—1 n afro of Ns, th e eatott66l . 6tlll koltatink telt., ttskon.oblo •kr I.6tkonall knotkok tstlty; and fur an N. It , -Au - 06.4666 Lima' &obeli - it andioloyint kt 0:66V6) . Corteitteta and Blitny. to 004 front tbellepot;ittnonille not Itioscrel 2800014 for atek tdoUsitnar Ind tnignagno,i• for Itostts•pply to • tI6 ST6WAILT. dgaittr' • • At 166 I. U. It , P6.6.66gar k tattoo.. Itibirty lood Ulna- en Ja7.11,---1"... . • ~ .• • THEI 1860. WAViI .;:t. tillllllAOO ' ti. All . l'o all Po ints to 119 &mai, Went &Nortirweet WRING AIND BOMMRR f TO CINCINNATI as quick, and "to I.m.o.paix, rt, Louis and Chicago quicter than by uty utl.f 'MHO. EAST , I.'ll Amp.. at Orest/Ina..--. — .4.....,.&40 ►. K. clout coutoctioaa sills U.lM6intafw W 4 1:11,1a. lane, Volutaba• .the Utud ntt 80. d .. Arriviag 1116 . • Zt wr4 sa: N. g —Tar lime to iNucliniati le MO Maks ar villa, Tr alor ma Nob road., covet Et I-Mambo; end paltrin 7 el I go kilo. Cunatl .rogritier. . " B X Pil g TRAIN—Lea.. rittrioirgb .... : . WV. at erestant...,..... Bratrir.' t. &faking Hose Cal.erliwilt e., abut.. • • Arming at lad Iscapolin. 640 a. Mi. Bt. Lin " Cincinnati 31.0 Ca: ir N. time to Cirwlmoili tbe unisex by Bleabra rile. Trisha on Volk nags meet at pollanibtl% h[ll . ll,lll[l. maul! go Into Chreinanti tegetber. , • - bleepiug Verson Mit trap from • PillabargErtir oat!, to Inilieusuraleaug to Obleago. , /P. X.reglLlS Leave+ ... . .. 614. Atrlv.r u. Train• through to Cbire4o iellbontr bang, i 4 Cu..; ,,. .64.91'WARD TrgAtNg.' ' beau, 'Chicago, LOU a. NI sal 'lrtl t'f trititreist Liurik o am! 2,10 L.; sr. eireuecting,arligi tritiori.La• DAI3 ton awl Chin! num A raring ciertfpre, 6.41 l 1.41.; connecting alit+ tram. for Columba, OincatailLtaii • taut, kaftan tat, and arrlyttnt at VI tateregleatt," A. a, awl 4:16 :Imamate/14 . sod tanicaell Vast.Liaa arriviug. ar. Alt Ana Ira dare rantattora Mp tram a Pciase rata fur Ph Itatelpbtearld tha etetai . • • `t Accommodation T , ata, from InUral: stmt., Atlayarialy • Var Near " Heenn, 10.00 A. a., cal 440 p. , • t frau Ctga : • Maga Trawl cantata* talaine-t, • - At AAiiicco. with trains on the larentland A Vlttrlg Road. at. meals, Mkt, to sal from llHlerabaria" Alarna itandad, foe al LI Va, aTa it!h4Y, Datrollete. • At earth. ter Deana, IfpclakilehL'Uoltiratioil,OtaAaiter. U, Xenia, Destea, lalleaspota /IL Leas, Lontalla4."jita At Puna- favapraastleta„aantlaAryOlaytork.Llattattte, - Ata toelliday.,' o S 66 f 4o illt ola : t sic. A Pt. Waal* ka.retta, Lafayette, ket.,l“..Loahl, aid at.. taatiate parts la Oancallrefliatataa At Myraornlt . fitr Laporte. • • : . At Watatab for 011010d:on the Par Albany alai Wan • MiMM=:=l • • • • irmalsololansuatloa and thrall Tlekeisilryllt. : . • SUMAS, , Mast -Agoot;-s- , • 81.1.1eu, Pllbll-.1101, • 040R08PA11.114,' Ticket - • • • Pirmiu gta ptaun, Tbrongb.Tkkets to soh at.IL tf o4o.tiitlf eket Cmoyaoy oo the Ihm the r. 4,10.11 porta b( ths WWI O. ULU:R.SINa, .; nun 'Agr.nt Pfaiitkir. ci•v..i.aa elttaborfO,.l,ll.64lo. OfLINGO Olt TII/E.-01:111611111,'AllltlillelililliM" Nand ate!. biciiin asam mi O: APltil. alit kayo t.W Depot of Ms Paimaylvaotth asl lathw tartbot tulknt., • - - 114,14,0 CAG beet , ' rilichirgh strives at thevalaixt ant . '" " . 1 = 45 . P a.,"•" 804 p m Pciamagers‘lailtkig to go I. Chicago, altiOlatalaWaigat Pa wilts/Act to act tar 71cliala via " • and. Ant 11M,` .W No cLizgi :caiti totionfrlttabaritit - 111prie. tem. - rtl • /thins et , ...- Arc!.. it PI.TttIBI/ LOUIS. IVO 'a. . t:35 .6:14 p 1144 p 10,40 p• to all • - 11:411 p touts 1.1 .barter to °Wellman; aid all points South, M., sky Apar-, rints... , :4oliidift • IllsepLig ittadtat to all tiled • - ' • PlAndiii; tow: ~.„ . • • . Lome • Arritto Arrbrit ri - 144•1` ii PrllitleGl, lux:urea, W STIKIJIPX....WBIIIIILi 2:15 • at • .107.1 to • 6.00 s' 7:15 aY &IV • • it . St:2o. 0, It4ll p - m tu • • 2hl p 23:60 p't 4 i 4, 1:04 - p*. The 1246 p. st„7ndi dove iit .top bittreillid Ticket, no M Our{. Pb~Urlelphl ., New York mil pftiitired it lc.. Pittiboititti*rili; F. It. 1111( TkAtit .liar foithir Inform:Goa apply ti • • " • ' - : drltWAtra",Tlciat Alit; tkul6 Liberty st: depot,: PlMOnnei Pattebyrgo Stamp , . awl; Bte n p l ,watiug .1140.41. Stamp ;Diana!' . abd ; Brand LOBBING CUTLER;; : ; GRINDER, . iirulirer,f44,looftindßel4ol,lll,3iicill, sufficittoss. inme.t. Table Ulna Itayalred, amoral Jadbkag , ,t. toado.l to : 14:1011MLITLI AND' , lIKLIAIANOM Ko. I Una Itp Meld Trit reati sear Ellit11;, itar tbate /Ina hiptepared to azato abyibitie to ail kap/ alma ante toal, w.b au 7.,R104 Vont than ant SZBAINUMAILBIIIi VITOREIL'' 'WARBLE,' MANTLES alway#Am,hri.nd;,:till • itARBLI TOPS pot FuniltarorEsob Souido,'Couolaro,Ar.; AIONSAIRNTO, TAHLRTS, iiitavzirromi4 Ileac SillotbStii7 au.l .01,1 at low pike& ORPWASERION-143 LEbirty Lte..t M.nil.Nplm ou .otood .4PR,19‘,511/ auto, P. . f r o . r t ,Plll6. ' • WE, :PLASTER. PAHL% WHITE LITIEBELUORPOENEE4 Ms Dan t Ma market Stek4oroo, vorniatoß ISR" We At 319 L usq meat.. , w< w,wit!„.44,lv,-; 0.14147:tb O . !Ibt!(41! . ;.•? eta:lan—Primo N.' Dagen; tehlutu'aid 61410:6111iii ' ed. Pulverised awl Wiled SussUßDtbattWitq.z.v.: yDAS—tittoond Mtn Young Upon slug 001ung..1.#06, hulf dust& sod quarter chests.. SUNDRIP3-40 donquiugnio taaa No. .l nata Youg,,igummou* . N liiooll-7 MSC. 144/11 . Mgr, 4145;iiii $1• a: MOOD ILw Bidou,Slioalon um! Jowly:2;olUL 8.13.111161 ILOUIt-250 .414 a. Yule* nimily and hoot - Brand *Ms • by DRCK a Leta/Lion jibooty DK, . !lAN KUKY CYLKIIIINCILD IllitS/NOll4 twit! _ .xAKOtzr B 11 From the Carlsba4: Spa,, , eincituinK; l ohtet _nut othanue Canna bPrIPZ St timaloys,bal MabmotoostblM alnpal*M lb prompts* happy courbmalkm payrolptintique-. nam., aldwathe aml tobbrialts;Mul troPemad. In . 41 Os= or P.MlMPata.coastipattarbamoVall. “rmatid apbmai trump lomat* dimrylart r va4 .tbalitataPr dopsodla* Ppm Wm., 4 " " abookr be tat= at tba terapirahtna or aPiLog mar awl est km Pobb Nat • bomb, fad as a Mom armYrlo airy palmtop at *um Maim. kart Dadra Fur male b Jany nalimatmila :Oaroar 411rarx. dim; sad UM •. GILOOKRIES, ac.—,150 bags, 100...coffeei,,,:': U 0 brehesto Y. U. dad Mack Te•di ; • T.o.4"idr; •40 ktaldi•Tivist ctpy, c =to, e, • •• • 300 kit Miami" Baer. ttd W 4011402144 •• • • 3• he bids flO. kaooo Wdo Tdr; ,• • - do T.01¢30? • 100 do Ours broeddli : With a roared . ograrfAndus of 01001.30 Qs fluddzil4o ' 0 Fot sae el Lida.ll] .101111 11 , 1.01rD 00 m it; TAU _ 'twice tuatt; Of-bccus sad caddie*, Mx ads low, witts nuncooris_sic tuosna. 11110 P MG% TOBA9IX.PqI Ann ' , : A lAZl•ft.' at* -. J - bad and brebia.., • ••••• „ /Mg •1187-Ifilt is• Pill*, f..• late 41.••••••‘, b l 4; las° 1 / 4 0.1 Haire, . Oruli • 1.,041,11.„., . . . . bai as•Nrizeiv a i °Pr d all 7,7 .4511%.,... , • Plow till ate me them: • • 6132 ). - • ;Ct. HARBOR. LOTZ,i74 . llsMili ocomed•-3.. , AteLWßgaililittl via «iia In ►lO, . 0 0 ;accosarkari . eptios at .Skis r fk.ser , llo)4o„ol . !bif9 . ok ,1; . and %Mud timealos' ; • V. FROND 'ARRIVAL?' VALI 'AND ifliiß . V 5 - Tea DUI BOONI-4 , loVlLTlll2llilloodir.Vorsolik.?;, Cloak. sad Dry 01/ad.:lto mat Intlescani M0d1ta141114,(.?., as 6.24 tiltwatti - 081°14 ° fT1::1•.-.914PT'AIA'!'!"!-- 11414-; luOmrat;:caa.nse-' MEM ussrwilen TEA IN& 4 " . C. MIN N L1:MV141611:244.2,.;:?1,