gmllommm • 0; I tag 114: 1 44112 . • 01177 0141 - I.' 1.411Jt-2• 1 0 as carr. __. • kIaDAT Btrr• /9, 1000. MEM CITY AFFAIRS. iBOOK AND .7?13 01 ITIRT TEM OVV/ olc oti flas dmitd. - LET.—The FOURiII STORY of • tie CORM sum= ,ts tor alone or err sr le co noiciaala lonia Opt to 'it 4 bltai t itr *OO lieO tg Ottoricto.--We paid * Ilyl44lalt to this oily • lees week aid found the tide 44.141proof:sant • , raft; 'shoal - as -high-as In more prosperous'' • Mal& . Being origlitally a colony of Na. Tod-1 I; int people Chicag- have inherited all! , esturprise of the mother oily, and indeed have extrelled ber in souittrespeota, as Tyre did • , Omit Are found any number oflouses to •• Oat ; loam of them large stores le-the businew. ',"lltertitin 'el the city. Notwithstanding then, the buildiage were going op in the • different street' as if the =robot Improvement, though retarded, could not be obehked. On the oornir.of Randolph and Clerk -street* immedi. oPpolte the Court Nouse Boors, n new • , hotel le being built, Thiel& will exoed in mkt ''satderchlteatural beeuty, the Blehmond House. It le called the Sherman Hamm. Ilt hoes both Clark Ind Rudolph streets, and both trouts are of the material called "Athos Marble. ' Ii is six stories high, whit no decoration s on the elope except a ilUle exqoislieli. 'neat mining above the .11 will be !probably the I ' largest botel in Chicago, and we beard fie oast estimated at $400,000, Along Michigan Avenue there were eXtumber of priacteli disilingg lately pat up,• looking ont epee the noble lake of 'that came. 'lb's" edible exhibit a *timber of dif f ant etyles, so many indeed that it would seam the arobiteet of each betiding had' cudgelled hie brains to produce something novel and btomatiful. .• , Thayer* different from the paletial dwelling' of - Fifth avenue, New York oily; and much hand -"som0 we think , thee any of th us A eplendid effect Is produced by the onion' between the _ eanrsd walnut window !heti s! and and the 'pollees hue otthe marble In this 'particular, - • ' .'we thlnk•that the . white eicue!of Chicago has a •,; Vest adeattlagliever the brown stone so pope -•• Imo - •Oae row,'. consisting ofeoms 10 or 12 huildipge.; called ' Twee. Mork' stook. it. a•titter - rentarkably --- impoeiag.l- - The ear- P, as the front railing; "blubbery ;and_ other deooralloos were Di ',scale to oor • . with _the magnificence of the build :: ill* eel we coojeotured that ”Terrsee Block" most be the very bodged centre of Chicago ' Titers were •• largo number of bundlers, contatialog store rooms, going op in Lake ittnet Thad. other • parts at the city, and a Urge amount of Mildew's visible on the thors . oughliraa. The prominent topic with the pen was the meat Lake disaster.' Bodlea were I - constantly *mingle to the oity,'sod ehortly be- I, fore onreeperturo the captain of a brig reported Aar he hatilsou one hundred bodies floatlei moths plum where the Lady Elgin went down. *Greet sympathy was expressed for;,CePt. Jack Rm, as he was [helot mat seen on the wreak and went dowu with It, doing ail In pis power to ova tfie peonage's' in hls chargis; The cep. vain of the schooner Ito been arrested and' will have to mibmit3o at investigation of hie eon' , - ••deot Huallaga' that 'flair he StraCk the Lady ',Eight, ha had so_ knowledgb of the mischief Hone to horsed thought hie amid hid enTersd - "moot. His foremast rigging, he says, Arse all destroyed and the Schooner eo conoh strained, that be was fearful Oe would waterlog. 4 fter kL totesin for bit own vessel badstibeided, be bid drifted eo far from the Lady Elgin that ebe wee not to be seen and be conoluded ahe lbed VMS on her trip: Thera/ire pariloulir oatmeal marked out for sailing veseela, in which theysr• regained by law to steer. and 'team craft are re. gutted to . get out of their way, on account of -tee greater futility wick whiett they are moss id. It the schooner was to her proper course, It is probable her captain will be exonerated from einsunt, Iteinarwr.—A - ratiter novel charge was made;at the Mayor's aloe yesterday morning. Jas. Grey :bodied a.lnformatioa spans& Jobb Pohlad, at; bights that be we. guilty of common barratry; sad requesting that be might be hold to, easwer tor AU offesee. 'lts nature is explaloed ln the hammeitcc i as follows: “James Gray being - 4 01i : swots, Ste., depots:a and-says that see:lsla -Sias Duna Jobs Poland, for the purpose of es. tart's, modey,frota deponent and otberi, as de; peseat Informed and believes, along, in and prior - 10 May 234 1860, frequently threatened to lastlislettgalnat said deponent certain alai; sud-Prossioluige, sad in ?uranium, cfssid threw; did e imid-224 of May, 1860, before the Mayor — if the Idly; by IMI - taformation cease said dspo-; smiedo be arrested :criminally, and put , said dei point to great trouble,- isessumiscee sad es; Posit, l ll which on part of said Poland wai 'avast - and maliciens; tbit notwlthitinding ; said &Obeit gave bell to answer said criminal prooeedlop, and intends sa defog at the Coto: but term of the Allegheny Cutely Court of I;litatter „t3iMelons, there'd Poland, for the par poet of extorting money, tee - oontinued hie wawa, sad on the I7tb Inst., before Aldermen Mcßride, caused Ibis deponent to be ,again teisadf, and held lo soarer to other criminal' _Merges.' All of 'Mob, oaths part of said Po., land towards this deponent, ire opprettlea, ha, jaaftead inu us. atfa" . ' -4 'Comas& Bettstry is defined by Black/too* to le,..the offence of 'lnquiet', stirring up India asslquarritle between anklets. (oitixeue,) sinter at_law.or. otherwise." - Disturb** the pease,! mittag fake intentlour, propelling& :tell re-: 00n - sod faits rumors, whereby dis c ard and disquiet may ensue amongst neighbors, is buret.! by.' Bet no one can be committed of any. mos t eagle sot. - Tbe Indictment moor charge the 'defendant with being a 0011121011 bernstor. The only Penneylvenle law on' the subjeot le, to be &sad to • vet, brief old sot passed In Pfl3 7400111 UMW. • It provides that any person coo stood tie say °mart telihin the province or nom-, mos Jimnitty; 'ball hare his sniN and actions retested, If the court see canto for the same, sad be panicked for bit barratry. • rnatere.-.The mate of dm steamer Clots •• Andrew Pie, „met with a very serious seoldeut Di Monday night The boat 41 seems gat iqrsisitl an Glue Houle Ripple. audit-was toad Wootserry to put oat the spare to enable thr Au tit get over. Arm/ Ml* bad been done; and plain the men. ware sowed is railing one of lap Nark A WA parted, sad the derrick fell to Ith gratkvlelesee, atriking Mr. Poe on the arm and ittilkdieg some very a l l ferule's. The isjurles, though not at all daegerotre, are az ' - ' treetelypalefol; end it will be 1101 O• time before can moat, Ids boeinea. A statati7oan jointed n/ari, raiding to the sleiguy,of Seisiskley. 'tills on Ids way home fres tit Allegheny market, and near the career of Otdo sod Beaver streets, met with a very - pdefel leoldent. - Assisi one of the Mule:hes. aer Passengermieweomingi he attempted to leave tic ituttle—ou ,whieh he war driving -rand la dewy k which ,he „was by "some means or Other - Ptoolpiteited out of . the - wagon' 0W tO'.‘the Prost, hie head*riklng first. His lejariu west cougethql vary estart r ilat We bang BO anions. nenicWit !pyre:bladed. - Hi it said to hive boss ssuisstlialatlstoss Lions of his . Mods bearing of the ocenrreseir, made It bed -, iu **Dime Weigh, bo. was plead cod re envied to . Otreeldeaeol- • that was perpetrated at 4h Monongahela Rouse r as .Manday arming, of a rather data( ammeter. John Coreti — and Vaderetoixi waked ittto .the hotel otlioe 'lliottly after derk, wad picking op • cost, se sgt..trassiler or put of the Itouermight be ' . 'llippesed to do, walked off with the almost won. thetemye,-. They wets - observed by the servants itidediere armed, but no ono. tammoted' them ifs theft: Mr. Rout, the. owner of egm voila garment, missed it. Haring stated Whit he hod left his oast, It wee at tame *oh. jeatind how it had dlseppeared, and so inform . Wan Wing ben lodged at the Meyor's **Hos, - his IlatiOr intoareded in apprehending the offend: aterama sear hag them in custody. The oast bee net.ltiewriomeri. Mr. Rent resides at - Some potattlewa the ricer. re Ths parties we arrest ed en Monday. night by-the night, witch Ind iltwa.on titetr may to jail when it ems disootored they hadlateli the cost. They were idenUfled .several patine, among teem mom tavern kilt,prtf,to.wrhomlte attempted to . tell the mat '4lignsitir sin - z - AiNAvim Alm Barrnies..—A °stomp aimed obsouriviWelattart made complaint belay, Ald: 800t 1 4 'on Month,' loontog, egoluet William AM& and Edward. Wares-, whom he allow oponalthed an entiwatt his person en Sunda, wok, shoot 9 lwhile mooing the , hto. ohnehlattest .bridge, vithout any manor pro,- *ado, by itrithig him repeatedly on the heed. A mama lite toned sad tick offending putted mama , Thof had s hearing sod - Reale to yaw to bait la the lam of $BOO for hie appear. Base al. Court. Thersbelag no sildence what. omer baptleallog. the affstr, he nos 1 1111 =Imeir Outdo a similar oomplelot before Aid: law; of the-Fifth nerd,. agahtet gush ildlehall al4s haiti for striking her (the pros epoler)7t lbw floe— Saab ?Rae .arrestol, sad la dorsal( of ball otoninltted to answer the oharp. Employes la the al slops it ohs octet depot of Ahe Piuiborgb, frgyfili O. 114" - rosii1140 Wharton; of Aike 1 1 1,4 4 4 04,OLD004kiWONIPMMMit rli inieksof *twig stittekoesini othl u •iiiiiciPitattr, apircelatieti9 l3l4 l l4l l l l , if .11,111.4.11111111 1 41011010, dWei of his 'ode' . , 4,1 I _ , - - G. r_ aid Allegmay GROUND. oq stAkeriMpot lad 'inset ititthultreelle Bo _ , palace's' Mietimge held- kvAlligkeit, 4 11 28 lbs . , Prinesael atrililli took 'Loa in the Third ward, intlihatrally last aiming. The following pu llet:Ma were seleetild es oftlomi: ..rtr,tlicnt-.llobett Taornburg. - Vire Preeklams—Jamem M. Delph, John Stew art and Bannon Smith.. &er#arjr—A. D. Armstrieg. After the meeting had been organised, epe•oh es were made by Dans. T, Coffey, Robt. Knight, and John M. Kirkpattiok. ,Of the spesones of these pallames It Id scarcely se mesas, to speak. .They were able, eloquent, isticat, sad to the point, mid the speakers were frequently interrupted by rounds - of applause. The Linooln Minute Mini First' Ward Wide Awakes and the. Rill Spilt/stir were &Ise pre sent, sad contritintad largely to the applemmee of the muting. This Rail 'Elpihters„ although bat recently turned oat weer 80 MOO, and, as we were informed, have 128 members In I alt The linnute;lifint and WALA i wakes also hed good turn out. They all lad 'Very fine appearance, nod were musk &cloaked by the . en tire 111341141900. • • The Allegheny Wrje B,Wake Oki Club under the direction of Prof Wce. 131nok, well present, sod - entertained the chat ancemblegelilth aerofoil favorite Republioae 'iongal This Is without doubt.ove of the best iglu alibi In tide end among its mashers are found gentle. men of so ordinary Muskrat italent and ability. The meeting, atihOugb gol'up on a'few day* notice,. lo point of number ind enthusiasm, ek.- needed lb, most sanguine eipootetions of those who were lostrumint&lin bringing It about. Cr - .isuour.—The A54'414 . 1411104 tiara rcoals ad Gammons oompislao. from persons residlog In thosioloity of . Montgomery's Hill, to the ef• feet that soots - abandoned oharamera of 'both scree, from the olty, 'tare been wandering about that ilhinity, oommlithig atutdry, depredations, - sod that they were afraid some ;bilabial might be done to their ',royally or pampas. Oo Mon. day night, the pond* made - a visit to the place complained of and encoieded in finding throe mon sail one woman, - lay comfortably situated In a barn. They ea - weeded capturing the woman, who gam, bar name as Smith, but the moo made their esoapti. She was committed for 20 diva to jail. A CHAIIOI roe Dastrertozzl—Manager Hen* dersou offers prizes of po sod $lOO tub for the two beet plus, prepared expresaly (or tale star oompany—one tolls • popular tabh-drams. tiled' within II zoutti, and trio other a keel dramas, to be _fdruleheml by the hu of January next. for the letter lye prize of $lOO la offered. This naming the local dismai; entlaled— °Blanche or Allegheny," is sonounoed. Mr. Ward has painted scenery expresitylor It, ins shawl up the Allegheny river. The play has decided merit, snit will be , likely to boot:due highly popular. a . - 7 VIOLATION or CITY 911D/0LF011..-A intercepted a country woman on Tueedsy add parebued from hers bileket of: pure. He paid for them and went. away, espies ha would re. tarn la s abort timo for4hem. The clerk of the market, who bed heeu:sretobleg him, immedi: ably stepped up sad toak the pears into his pos session. The haokster afterwards came back, butt• when lefortned hog' his pears had disap peared, he took hie lots' with greet indifference and did not go in pursuit of !bete. The market olerk. (Mr. ill'Honalgley states !he will be very happy to welt on.htm,should he Insenrrr —An information Iras yesterday lodged against . Won.' Dann, by one of Mayor Wilson's pollee, charging him with behaving In a very riotous manner. Life would take the asp off. of • boy's head 414 ',out it Into shreds, and perform other manoeuvres of • similar ohmmeter, so that the citizens to hhl neighborhood believed themselves in danger from his Iriblellee. Meyer Wiliotrit first determined to send him to ths City Farm, as he has Mien' iodine before, but his brother-offering to bepome hie sorely for rho haute. be Was dleouirged on these terms. culaurrab.—Thi! loud. Imo Haskins sod •MeKiniry, mentioned yenterdit l y is - having been arrested by Aid: Bootee polio. oo Monday even. inn for orentiorao osoloWnint no the street, by stmotieg and itssolting pontoon with whom they, ohnnoed to come in ionised, intense!' committed for, sirs days to dui vadat, jail. 7, • 01ZOLOCIICAL Obter►ytions tot the &tacit", by G. E. Shaw, Optician, 68 Fit'th St.—corntetid daily uses. th nubs. 70 54 100, 80 et 6-10 9 o'elook, 9, M. 12 st. 6 " r. u. baramoter uss, hangout orders *Mee far banners truss parsuoisei carkesturns., etr-,ror the procession on the '270. Orders left 41- The I 'Xilsq ot.l the Pittsburgh' Yernefstor; reoelf• prompt atton!loa. IL .roar oar Moamar to Browner publicans of Snowdon townthip met at Elettal Roma o. 5, on Baturden-Sept. 1.5)1, and the meeting - was: organhed by calling Jomplt Mier, Esq., to tbs . chair, and appointing Jentes Pith, Esq., lacratary:: The object of the meeting being mated, it was is-: 1 solved that. an equestrian Vijde Awake 4issociatkos . ' A commutes, pontistios of &trattorias mania. tufty wit that' appointed, : Jam RE., Limb lidoElberuly Esq. Isiah Kink Wm. J. Kkidoo aud, Dmlog the absence of the committee, the misting Irma Ably and tsloquaotly ,eildresesd by Col. Itolts,fn hit happiest magnetl. • Tho committee furring returned, reporfed • COO.' mitation and By-Lawr, mealier with the following board of team, which mint 'ism ; onaohnonsty; 'adopted: Presideot, Joseph Hiller, Eiq.; Vice Pre*. Ideate, Cent, Jas. Milt; Um& bleElbessay, Erq., Thomas lElddoo, David Alfe, E.1. , q 81 . 4 0 Eats Henry Donaldson, Robert Molar, Esq.; Bantam Jason Me, Eau Chia Marshal , Col. Elam Halts. A log lift of names was clip signed to the C0..0 stlto don, after whlah it wu setolved to bold I public.' meeting on Thursday evening, Sept. 20th, at the boas* oft:amend Gann ; and also on Moodily even lag, 24th att., to th• Of Library; and also. that shit President and Chief Marshal be a oonnaltlee to procure speakers for the vocation ; and further rotolved, that tha proarsdingt of &to meeting be published la all thiltaptablimm pews le theoonoty. Joorro littunt,' Bid Pres's Enteraner Mmadnio L uke,kiery nun Just Dun, and prices hare s'dipolining tandeuoy. This duelist. is attributed by a great Many in the supply being mots than equal to the dsmand, bat the real causeway be - found In tha foot :that Mel demand is not so_grest as in former. Jean, Abatis . roofs not being thought of villa t'arogrynes eelebratad As phalt .B°olll4 Felt" can boobtainad. , The aria for this issoellent material can be :found at his ale", Laughtht's bonding, Oanal ban . k, neat the . any WllisT Works, " - . Rivositcaa Bong Books, Na: 1 and 2; prise 10o; Boilstgles Ropbilean Book Books; Floe 100; Young krotei &publics Voting; Moe Bs; Wide Awake Voeallia Pr/se Dlet Lives of Lfocolo aind Ilatolia," 12 trio:clotb, Ise k Cleavelsod's Polltsial Test .Book, $1; Debates of Damao and Douglas; elotk SO coma; . • - AU kinds'of portraits of Lineota and Hamlin; ,'!Modal, rufous kinds, with portraits of Litman Att edunpalga doennisnla can lis had at Haar& &Haar% 71 and 73 Fifth street. • iffieWs call the rittintion of our readout 41 on *nide ads/snout la anothsr cabana, Wird - BLOOD itIOD.. It fa an mainly new dlaavrsyy, and, mita ea Do oonfoustdrd with soy f th• numerous penult audit:lnn of Its Mg. It t. flostifor LI. /fiord already pnyered Swab. aorytkun phmarnt to the toot and sienna In notion; and what ona plas s ratafea. Las all Lb., who ore Ingo:lug from poverty, Impurity or dalltiansy of Mood, and oommysentry math mune ehrollotbroum or angriest, I ah• or Ibi Brood Food and be martors4 to We pollee that also or OW Draggles War world bows seaf Troosr.dod o DDR. awr "supply of thLs artlelN sad oui IN CORDIAL, which . sap mother should' bar*. P ANTLLlCcontain* no patriot. or opiate of any kind whatever, and acorn. moat be Invatnabst for WI fantail's coutphdrits. It win allay all gran; tad not no the gam Iwyromas of teething. and en thisam• elms mango th• Dolmas. Imt all =Om end attrias. who nava andand 111121101 . 1 111111•12 d Wayless silfhPnslnsolre • =WY. sod Os at onno ITIMMOd • . Inas. Odfllitliemarbt. Co. solo by! 9 /1 0. IL 1178.1111, Agwahl4o Wood Id, Pltnabarah. Pa. • . Nana& wamp ,_ALL ahonld not fail to toad the . adver thowastot Prot.Wcad. is today's pspsr. . ; POLITICAL - NOTICES. REPUBLICAN BIEVIIIIRA • 'RALLY, REPUBLICANIi! I I . . .RALLY Ths,Cossinltoss on. SPalists or the IhroabUosn Essouthe (loonnltts• announts threfollowlag mist : lap, at whit& all pasons of limy party sun rappitot; folly Witted to Ilstan to du dlsouukn of Republican prim:bleu • At OMIT'S MILLS, Aiiiinson iownhip, Thurs day soentot e 20tb Inst.. Bpeakor4-4. Pion, - . At BRADDOCK'S FLELD HOTEL, Miklos tp.,. on Thanday,' Rapt 20th, at 4 o'clock p. tn. ' Maeart. Moorhead and SeManna will addreas lb mipatlog, At JOHN MUMS, on But atm% AU•gboays on •Thoroday stating, Sept. 20th. Spialottth. Iti Kaaba!, Ran, R. H. Truk, Wry - 14, Moult, Do!14 Al BUEN.VISTA, on P;idiy, &44. 2 114 ni I o'otook to`lb. attonioon and id In th• avoinll' Musts. That. M. Marshall, F. H. Collar 'JAL hloothoad wUt ad the muting. , • ,At H AIMItSTOWN, on Satanist'. &Pl. 7.11 ‘ teolpek k p. nt. -Spoken Mosso. Marabali, 'Colthr 'and D. L. Smith.- • • • • ••• At Mrs. HARTMAN% M'Ohite tainnahlp, ',la arming, at 24 teoloolt: AM*, eleaketa bo At MITCHKILIS STORK, Plaiiiitoinith.rimat' /alma Station. oa Sendai sonata,. a0pt: , 4740 at I o'clock.. Mom. Blisbaa, itiotutaadsa4 *Wok will adding, oho amettne: i ACTIMPILIAISICEVILLE. dd, at 11 (Main • hiaidn'iiidTMichoni:'... • - • • Al - .4MUSW ikesHitwairtiditsraiwasi t c notk+TALMOOtiii 4 MOLLICANIII4 444 414 - 1144i14441. - - • 9`' ~ ' y ~ ti.-~ -i,Altar.l ; NEWS , . boar t al em Sept- 17.—Th e New Maxim a mail, ma il , with atm to the dd:inst, attired Ibis everting. A convent( of the poopli of New Mark* met at Banta Fe the 27th , ult.,:for. th e pOrposi of making SlTlOVretien for the protection at their lieu and property fro the rovagurbf the Nevado and other tautens. ay revolved to Mae 4900 valuation, and asked the Governor to 'naive them, bat he would not. 'Thar thew proadresolutions that owing to private unarm', between, .the tears of the rega -1., ler army, a dependants could be planed on them. and that the solar troops in the Territory are not ; sufflcisot for Ito protection. They determined to take . their defence into their trintbancts, and a call for one hundred m o oted man, from each county was made. Emanuel ROMs was apPoloted Colonel of the tbs reime2o4 n bt, fa tit Is expiated to open the campaign on , Col. Font troy boa =doted a campaign against Ike lading, to more in these separate columns on the lit of °Mellor. On lb& ilth inat.,l 404 of ICM. mu, , uumboang eleven, with Cotanek their abler, went to AlllatM's Rao* on Cow Creek, and agreed with. Mr. Pollock, the proptietor; to come the next doy and go to Pawnee Fork and mike . tmaty with the Gaited fi atee allosis. , True to: their promise, they came, and Induced Ur. Pettooth to go out and look through 1 spy -this at, they repotted, a com pany of soldhrs some distaithatd. .Whlis Mr. Fes 'Gook was in the of limithigi they shot him through .the heal and elan through the body, tilling Wain stonily. They then shot Mr. Myer& his clerk, but ;did met kill. him at one,. Ne tstreated to a room 'hero there etas a lick man, and warning him of • what wait golt4; on, sank down and died almost Int mediatoly. • sink man was armed with revolvems, „which the' iudions being ipprisad ot, did not see proper to mcdthit him. Tb.y loaded eleven potties with goods anleft The pop)* at Cow Creek Were explain an attack from elm same 'lndians, and had only one company of soldiers to protect them. Mr. Rape fort eighty toned of mutts at Cow 'Oreak. They Were MD off by a statapeds of buffalos. Ire is en route for ant& Fe with .a large train. A band of I , amen ind Otto Indian., a few day, ago, Game to 0 uooll 'Grove and ran of fluty bead of mule. and ales. i t , moon From all th Information to b. had, It on that there Is .s de teed • plan among all the wild Indians tom e war spot" the army and deltas harelip, thopl Br. Jonas, I. F.. Rept. 18.—The following inter eating adrioas re contained is the dispatolba re. abed from the ntaamer Europa, in terespeed off Cape Rare: I . The Galway line will run their steamers monthly. Th. steamer Co naught was to sail on the 20th inst. STMT.—The King of 'Naples quitted the capitol on the 6th Insts,?a, on board of a Spanish vessel for Ualta. Gen. Garibaldi Was at Carta.ohlY twastkr-eu atlas from Niplu, on the 6th lot., and imputed to reach Naples the followlag day. Mr advanced guard rattled Salerno on thi 6th telt. The city continued tranqiii. I.ltosts.—lnsurreettonary movement, here taken Pima in the Brutish tomboy's , , and the insurgenta de feated the royal troop. at Pours. • Estmann.—The barreat la England was .progres, 'lag astisfaetorilY: • Ltraarooa, Rapt. IL—Thie Riau of cotton to-day lootuded 8,000 Wu for export: Breadstuff' GTO dull. The miultetyastirday was pargysed. Naar cloud With a deollabge bel donoy. The total deci for the Week has bean 2 • ila, whaat od.. and corn la. dd. To-day breiiditub close doll, and the quotations are nominal: The Earl of El andwilla has gone to Madrid on a Litigator' from the oglish Government, which is said to relate to the a cs trade. A battle b intmlnant bemoan Garibaldi and the Royal army. The !attar occupied a strong position and In eau of die t will ruin to (luta. The Queen of pain hu offered the King of Ea plu a range in B ale, 'Melt, lib *aid, has been ao - oeptad. • . The Bilged. o 1 Caldaroll is reported as haring gout over to Garibaldi. The Poutiffoal troops - have mated the Roman froutiars. It to raportad that blettarnioh Is about to btoome the Austrian (mien tablear. . . ' turiswearn, Sept, 18 .--Gordon, the allied murderer, who -entry stooped from Denver,. and • who her bun .1a the custody of the United States. Marshal for ••• Sam rot, had in examination ay yesterd before lode elk, of lb. Milted Sums Districtwtiet Court, eh resulted in his disabuse for want ofJerbeliedo , It having been shown that Den ver where the offeims Is alleged to have been com mitted, bin Motile'," county, and not in ,Arrapahoe, as was uprose& 'lbis decision. lama the citizens of the Pikes Peak Mean outside of Arrapahoe aun ty without any la whetezer. After the discharge of the prisoners, th ti wore made of lynching, and an excited erowd g around the noun room. Gordon, _however, trait taken to the Jail for eatety, nodes the Protection of the Sheriff and , city Mbar,. Late in the eveldnig a body of his friends ruidsztook to moose him hole,, bar wari immediately .or. :waded by an eteltod crowd, ehooting.hang him," de. The friends o law and order, however, under the lead of Mayor 'Dowell and" other elty odiemrs, sneoreded in g the mob from proceeding to juy l was W aztnuittes, and G' on agate lodged - in jail for eatery. Ile wu ba ly brushed and mat daring the melee, sod others w somewhat and. Shedd Middaugh, of oil yeasty, *heartbeat la town daring the tumult, - L. badly injured. by a blow on Me head.. Gordr 'immured on a Jos doe's artsek, ' , e ;in Deem SI .can IA hie Oldie ' affair cause much eteltemont ' citizens am genera' 17 gratitie 12w Mad ardor. Nsatil nation having be.. raised Mt the recut proposals' should 'be metroeling the Pe elle Ulm d 10.dity, It add, decided that Indiscretion, as lb. lewProvides shill be made mail the Ilse 'bill Woo, and the fulfil ment of 'bill the twee of bide for 'mall of , lomat olfer for the nee atom* • align melded, undm the go. oiled condition'. J. ;Hermon of Detroit, as hereto fore stated, is lb* lowMt bidder. It la expeatedthet a decision will be oftkielly announced to-morrow. , The Preeklent bar appointed postmasters Lemon and Grime at respectively Laporte and Logansport. Indiesa, and removed Mr. Milliken, postmaster it Pirdoolar Kr/ and fpointed Job!! C. Noble is bis P iliel " • Na, Wan, Sept. t3.—A very large meeting was held In and around the Cooper I astliateleat evening. An addneee wee delivered by Mr. Joshua L Henry, who Welded. A Id* of resolution, providieg for a noton upon en ablators' ticket, to be issilected by the President of the Meeting, wee adopted, aid the meeting,adjourned to Join to a terabit/tit prooarsion, for lb* most part compassed of Bell and Everett moo from Brooklyn, Jemaytellyetut mbar neighboring Mum, NUM perarabaleted Ate city U 1 a very late hour. 87 de. /mirk, Sept. 1 0.—Elateataeato data of the 7th Instant Biala that Itie Delon Stale coavectlell ha adlounted.birlei_notklasted a fall electoral ticket The Douglas elostreatioa b d also nominat ed a fall deka, ; a hitien of the two . puttee *ea not deetoadadeloable by either side. • Naineend.e. Beget. , O . rand Lodge of she O. Allow elected Allo elected R. ft Bdylatoe,•of B. trued. elm tierell4, of radians, Deputy greed eine; J. L. fildgely, of Oiled fiserttery; Joetdde Vansaat, Md. , Greed Temeew. Bars, &pt. 11,-..PbllllupJoboloo, Elan; ha &Ma nominatsd the ~ oases of the Thirteenth distrlo , • • LoI fist' - Reties b Bifida Bad Contracton. • THE UNDERSIOSED (formerly Fineman tor HOWL 11.2fD PAHRTJ ekekt rblatar ol l/ Jiang. w hat 1.. *heat Its has dam aro* lead tau pablb aeoarallt that he Is ow prepared to Ihrolk SLAVS or differing cobra firko. Woo sod porplej or!pot en MATH &00/11 la the tt Orkas kr itplN . Orropehibt of alba ors ra Of telt at !ha atibe of .e xt - • LAUGHLIN. ow the tratarlrarb%) *Mike Mobil" bleated to. mr1241•4.' . THOICILA PAIUM. STEAM BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOR 11.11N1117ACTOR Mode of Mario' ko sage sod Min quokka, ekbarornameatal or ple. Owe Is nesobablolkoe. Maas &VON euperfor is sob st tabUbmmtla thls dth polbtaare en aped Vim bay lec kale work done to 'Dobai ityki sad fa KIOCIt UM@ dm ate be date elondors. R. HOWAND. Imola of Book Bio•Huir kingorlp thellok. Nob TS b etnee,Plita. - • bosolledia • • GUM REL'I I .IIVG. THEboyars tbl. motels for t••1•11c1O0. inione ad.*. reineste the i • attention of lac The ova 12 •ILT 1 110 - bu straustb adrpted ftv pure •••• O Ins • peonais moon asell roarer. kg., sod mill shoys , too orsigtit with • obis boar. lag au th e puling. id. will stand hoe of 300 &pea. V•brenholt, without leiseetakoeasse Ow Fromm cold *ld Dot Moto kb lm pllablifo. • M. II comontly barna to damp plush or to exposed tb• osOlor without - No. 233 Libert etreot, • . I,o2:dit Opposh• b•ad of wood.. ITIRUBs AND- bU PPURTiR mAzi Duo., TOUT.—OARTWILIOLIT a 4OUNC4 It* 6 , 7 Waal it.. 'Daily moats dee old *awl, Nelms to ands Woe** et de Obeid to the bet ten they ere de only Zdadttiv root-aware arTrunses add IthipTlOTtairee , They have tad /wog so* repets aa et so these pa et SIM In tb, Mia.rhelik tamenu Awn at rick..rick.. Toi7 far Woven" atom ces tan* * ane. '• All ea ac4died toes* afeetixamintes **wham self • • OntlitllGUT et TOM), ti Mead a& o ARG E AT 'AN b S k ilir edp . /OA RAM .L VIII //111 STICAUBO AT • PO, lb . qp a • itae ht ertal low - .lkea Do Liu Woman, Imam tormtwidapc Q7. ocia. 1110Z8.611 to anti*. condition, o , • offmot oa favorable Ottes . a 1;!, to LITTLX, Prtottioot P.* TiCkol Oa, No. GO Woke oolottlOt EGULAR ,TUZSDO: PAOK. Yff 808 TAXXIIVILLIQTho• an i itanisr MAL& t. Wawa Airthi7.+ 74 . th. -..04 &u tiktOMl•dint• parte; immr.Tuzson id ff. M. !or filfight &Vora, apply m boud,or to ...a .. =MAO*. 11•HRS8 00., Aiet. • Q :STAR ES 'ANL, BOOK-0.118E8.-• Lae .tar *ad haaliaalipiatartaaaimbal mad la ;ma • , TM:MGM:KR 1120 FAS, LOUNOS9. !ASV OH • :eta, pf sop lad 401E440 pittAlui, 11•14.14 and kc . - s. 8. TOUNGI,IIOO.- MtiiiiMiii 2 `BB-ElLACtiEttto mint. far sale . *sue ALM BT .Ir . .BLEsSoit 4P R RECEIVED AT THE DAILY. GAZETTE, OFFICE tide - dsi e ~.•)• ;COMMERCIAL.; REcoßit. 0011111771110/ rOl arniranals DM) Ca 141414 Wm. iktizar, , Wan. , . - • , 131.7181€111. alumnae's. ERlpdrfed4wPfeafallyJl7 the Pifteloerga g 1,09 .0 wa Mrs • Prrisimmi: WEDnIorIMAr. 8494. 19, 186:. partlo clump to notkw 10 mild,. The haneactkoa Wilalizlnmtly Mimed, the nye,. aka. gorawally bolsi awned to "limn kda Tb•SoIlow °1 0 . 0 . 1 4 60 17. anfaer. Bigle r. reoe. nary 20 664 '6 00 1141 i do II 00 21 do -- 660 6 00 16 . do. 64p 62640 1011; do z 183. do r ; do ...... 6 00 --- 06 00101118-6ogar atto6anga3 and quhet ;. wale. u. hbdo al 8 1 4,9 ano oad feir and! prima. Notary Woof 1.2 able at a . 00.1 late. of 26 baba at 16X0:41 ,16Y.,0, sad 10do 41166. I. • ' ; I OW2dal.-la 191 r danuaLlNol46 39.ba0 N. R. id 96 93442 -aart i 1666 lbwobirg at 10a. YlBll-8.6.1 at b bIONo 8, farm Macketal at $l.l, .416 do 010 NO it 13 'BAAL -66!0680 bash aBt6g at 664 e sod • sato LI 400 do do was - made, bat 10a imam won not coats 4b1151 Ude btd 4176461:90. . 1411 of Li toalirrilio 11 8 FLOOIII 111188L6,561.4 ,on whorl , 100 'new sti 11 tad. ; • I SALT of 200 910 a No. 1 at $1,10,4 I ulna it 1,11, NO 1018A11,11 , AA , ' Owitolt --Sba fillkort of thi Now. ork 16Ipping LI the read 'ler a war of yea r • Balm ... 10404 --- ... 3,861 481 18404 1170:61133:4947b 46111 183140 11.117,831 186 6.7.......',.....2,939.619 132169 1,360,635 18661 .... ..11,691,846. 1867.8 1,861,410' 1664 6 ' 2.807,889 18304 9.420939 18693 ...... 1090 1,264.r.6 18114 8,0401,029 18384 ..............:.» 1,076.898 18604 2.6.46467 1nn1,070,438 16611.2 10,4771 18400 2,72A,890 14204 . ... 811 1447.8 2447,631 117840 ' 97084 1,778433 1128 ..... 870416 18 4661....»...'........ 2,100637 112741 ...... . 717;601 1944 • ' 2,894403. 18117 - 957,216 1834' 2030409 '11315.41 723407 184231.... ..:...__9.978,676 .... . ... 669,20/ eali'ort• (rani Sept 7,1869; 4i Angina 11, 1883. , To Great To To Kalb Other 1 From Britain. Ihvoct. Noropo. Pore! ! N. C*14004- ' 4 9 001 - 1 , 421 .901 293.291 138,184 129.270 Motel* a1a.—.... 4 1 / 6 666 148,918 21.800 41,094 eiveldon, Sas.' 0,972 6,471 19,609 `.2,1766 P4r/44-. • 62,886 1,420 2484, 2,068 B.eansiah ........ 291,401 21,453 24,100 • 1,121 Cho ....... 240,111 64.495 47,060 34 . 668 V1rg10ta. • .8,269 Now latAxi asa to 30916 4802 -20 'pa 40 18 Phlladalfrhla 206 3 Boston 01,614 3.00, • Grand lota/ 1024,482 699,07 51N,070 =0,032 Total last iiar.:-.2.02,262 4150,119 d eaoou , .221,443 tom.* 34,940 1,341 no crop ofis;; . L.lood dm past row (Inciodsd lo siot uslototerosot) woo so follows, F1ar1d5,14,951 lode. 0.0,7 its, 19,86 , , &rah Ossollus, 16,601—tat. 62,418 Who, ftsrat 47,691 to 18.184; KAN b 16174; 46,914 10 11166,7 44,412 10 18654; 60.841 lo 1444,. isad 99,66 el 14 CberamPrJoo—total crop of tbs tfoltsd - & M - oo 41 at ' IL comosm o Add amok, i; r,l .139:moatofths*oa414481oM Plnbar pots.-- so In sohen pons. 050,t 7 90 138 bYt h[LLlab • 8044 of ..... Dodact lba,dral— • Tat/ export to &folio pa b...5,171,17i Laaa. • 917 Stoak • cal &pt. IBM la dm BOathara la lb* Ninhara:port...-. • Bacot at N.. °aeon." Aptla. elltrala,,Chseliatostaact Malr • Bami matabetand a: Illobilatatoo sad Mom- Maaataetared 17,11tt • T.kaa for tom* nes North of Virginia to Virginia, .ad • Booth atd Total c0n4961•1 16th. MOW 118.1••, (laelndlog burnt la port) 181069 ...,..- 474,011 North of Yirelola 2.l.4•vettars. s Bales. Balm. , .1458 .. .. ... ...... 157,427 917 661 013,877 1197,662 164.218 819,836: 177,712 770.739, 1166-6-- - .... 185.249 706.412' 18636.,....:_. 114,24 777.266 Wa malls • ftimparatt.• 14•114•461 of Mt impute of . %nap mak and dry goods ai iad salami membandho st Nor Sort kr tb• 908 Om week. 1• 1861, 1469 1869. 326 015,139 ' 21 242 632 04.n.ral 047,644 1,320,691 2 711 644 - --,--, • ----- ----- Far 11 .. 99 . 9 . -.--. --.1 3 . .16 - 92.18/5,111 - 5.1.684,960 Prerionsly repormi• 09,9 - ,2611 174,601.118 - 10016 781 .... ,...----- --- Plc. Jac- I '4l ' 705171,7811,8311 1179,100,111 Tee Sollowleg ant the espoilie of merle for lb. imok ma les kepi. 16th: Ry Wlettumr, Ilmmallle, epecie... i - - s woo - , Am treat pee.-- ...... . 4.000 I. Wallleigo, B o ungs Apt., _doobleem..... -.-. 15•35 Risk 11m, 11/166414, a5.:41.811......... 7 ,..--...... IkOA Mem. Afar.. Liverpoul 814C/00 bats Aim Llnie R 106.2114, i1rar0me............. 470 : Stamm UM of Ilamsbeiria, Uerrpeal, Old barn.. 09.987 , . gremlin... 12,300 !teems Fang, 11.rete, M g 15. ....---......... ' 4000 ~', Bold but .........- ..... ..... 904,040 - .l l. gold'. :,., • 189,000 . • . t• Maims 0011w0-- 100 080 Magog DeMms, /iscobarg... - .... ...... ..... 147R00 . . ! . ---.. .. SermaamOorrsi ilsurr. UM. 13..-Tbe 'bib:ming is the neellirmejlert 08 Maw 8.. Well. /1 Rider, brokers- • Meek et go CIA., Rept. 8, 1800.-- ..... .......... 14,10. We. RiallTB4 data, per boa, Ill_ Vanua .. -- ~:. ..... ' -- ' Takla it:oomat;PijOei--- etc;!g aum. Move 1. d. to Lim Mum I no drir repay. , A 11... Cjillslf fi4II4OAT OF PC/LoW•traUlliss. • • alo l• the conoireilor of lb* Muttony the owl to whom •Tos look k.r . mirk. rmtlinstroottoo. JOilo .1. WoLOort.. I er. ow ta amagiaa l ;waning imp.. and fruzbgru int A, gboil Weld*. boat. Public ..d Pries it.cboola oxiVaateat;': t Th. Wowing vary 11 farms anioriore4l—Qiiiateutit la ba a d. manna too th au wally from il,ti tlia4 Pf purcbtac Pima may b, oft at aly oob rer. 0. Mune, . 1.725.1wi : . 11 ., thdi;wr.,c, ,,!" it. Ezeoutp r if of Charles .6r , , eased. JIOR SALE—Those J ' stalled - B ri ck Ell. ' Dwelling Mules, sltnite on ileeeteettininthja aided between Illarket nod Wood elm/ Pittahingh, Wm*. diately adJohnng on tbe'weiet Ma Mich Rh* el Wm. P. • althea ALSO.—Tbooe four Iwo s tied Belch 5 Dwoillini 1b...., 0n the toothoest ea 'of , Mud* allegE end 22dird etreet, between Cherry al and Smut twreet.l its on ,_ , .1" - •• :, .. 41 .80—Tbe late rand of Obszlee !morels dedd,iftit• "nab the the month tide of W teen Anent% A I leghow* OKA Ittoowl epportene t, being fold. AMC oo which Is • oeeeteekry,tonetter with chinos plena, vegetables slid Tuffs number of floe frolt hoer, oho, sr. brisk Iliad*: groin:AN with the buildings, • o are (.4 4aillamit 031 101110. For partiettlare nod terwe or nee apply o :4. . .. lIVIGLIdiI 11 144 041 •' , F. IL .ItAtON, f., *. • • I Of Chlldo4 armir, d.c'd, 1* BDLL, :Nog 103 fourth et. ; myllat Or to 0.4.7:.,4, • , Onto Lana rrint Subscriber (gore tor tale pennon ten, ..n. tomehip 12, rage 10, Stark sountkOhlo,';/erzunonly known as ''Bosuoireafieettemprontabetl 440 acne. It tit situated three miles welt of 21 MidlloO, oh. theAtete ittmi WOW" to Wooster, and within about two Wilma{ the Pitt* burgh, It. Wane .od Chino Itallromill TbillOotli, ave# d aortbamt quarkn are partly oloanakeoll ltilprondTr the naminda la dearet Mei auperior , 1inbar......21 th e whole) well Iguana) by Sprint" 0114 !omens lertteom., This aI. mouldered the • llama WIT of 40 in Qs 00.0. II WU/ be mid madlvidall or In ccallitt. to. Foramen. To thole who teen to lentil to reil meta a hetet opportunity enroll Miami- •• I , i ' , .62,ka..,up . . eio. 101 ith itr 'a. Pliteswerrets it 1 OVA. ,F ---- h ---- 1 —. .-- , 1 MUM] [AND: e Slibscrite ' ..1.._ era offer for tele au favorable terms alt Wrier. s el acne Mein Laud... allowed lu Wright and 114moclaventlea, adJaceat to SLIM of HaLlroads vow in mune of;4ustrao. tloo, are ono tract only two ogle* from Colhoty Se..C.- The above will he 1101411 m for ma,* Jawboned 14 tannin lands hr ellser milobting comb* , _, .f... no2o • Sloe/WS 4 ANJE I t, I 2I oacood at Licia --- 7S.AL.K..._ A DEBil - --fi . --- 1 31 , ." it ii, x. nu the Youghiogheny Itienr nod Donne srilleiltrdirokb. 20 mile* from Pi tint. gh, oontairnug 140 ea, onfir•balf tit it Hirer Bottom—ln • fine faille 'of caltivion, *Mt good linfidinge and Yrult thereon 3 i . ,.. .. . , • Prim of theism, including FarminglroptentOhn• Hene., °owe, !logs, nod the Growing Crop, g 66 penacreOnareittlrd in band. the Warm in 20 yaw. ' I ALSO, FOR BALL—Ar GOOD LOCIATIGG for*. DEGO.: 1118 T or l'iltilillAN,ln'the Borough orgbArnstrog. Yon t601.L porticubun addremr, ' .a. 14461, Ja104.6•111 . . Bhargrhorgr•Uqberiy,.co.Pa. sLE_Th a t is .L 3 with large Lot of Greend, /rola Toms eiad NDßtt buy, &anted within taro oalna tie walk th. burg HaltrouJ Radon. The bomb large trod flerhhed fa nbr: sltitangararlet= !IppTrarbeff W. AITDERieSN, 404.1.ati1 , at ilartnlia Cl5l.Ca. a1e.'111.4• Gni& •1416 attarrttga at Rata B. F. LUCAS., sir-omee j No. T Grant Bt 4 114417.7. 4. tonmpos • latoof Butler, Pa. yougyrAncg& COFFEY, ATTOSNET) Jr ti Fr, gt d ta v rize i t b o:ll.l6 8E111443g, cinnzitgth, • GEOID Z Y. 11 kifIUMN. .... --HARM& W AIIdEEION. lIAMILTON 41 ACHESON, ATTOIL:3I6I AI",•:LAW Onto N 0.1149 Fenritk stout, Pitteturgb. C. B. M. 8161ITH Attorney and Counsellor at 1 44 W. HAS SlnftW4D TO BURN'S LA' 151111.1INMS 13 Diam Street, Inflect' dom ond e> St, Palm, a Cts*ll. .TUOMAti 1 AM:IBSM( AND coomik.olt Ler GIEN, No.lllll north &Uwe, cm °rent, tl AallAinerly PIMIPUId.I6II: 1869. Baltmon and Ohio Railroad yo., Ina§ , . THE`: BALTIMORE &Amigo 01110 RAILROAD:4r NOSY _ are now to mai and inward MalidAdiffe WON thrOnth sof Wing awl from 1 '..... Plata burgh watt the fit aattiria Ottani . Bala* guarautant to be eandlY WvOratdv oliii. - Wr4o of ina Patnaylvanta Ball Rand On. or nay abet Ilan • 1 for Intonation as to MN, heltitglis 1 , 14,' .tb” •PPliar Ran may be =lda by kateed or la person to titbit .4 the atittandgnad *ml.: i I'At &MON. Mom Potter, roc. state tint WvvifolOon i 4 o NSW YORK, C. W. Portal, 2NI Broadway, above tna _____ datot Maw,. ' 5 t , • o PtigdadiDZLPHlA.Colboon A Oowtoot oof oar Bata , d and Cherry strata. 1 o Out. Kaily,onr. Sixth and 01 4 1 • Volt 1 0 1 " BALTIMOBB, J. S. gualand, Camden Stop*. I. . etrrastrabli,w. J. aanaton. .1=440. sit. Paztea Bolin:ad Passenvor Doliva.. t 14 . Partfctdar attootkut of marcbanta. MA fliCtkiill• and &Ippon generally, of Pittabvirtdt. *Hannan Oltriand vicinity. la adied toll. facilitle•of this Xes• Random cow pared Nth °than, 1121 their patronage mid CMOI Sri ri. spactfullysolicitrd. =DRY D. 10,11,0, Oita! oanaral height intent B. &O. W. 18.17.0. 11641811040 . 6 ORRIIINZ P6A1A.141171114. 11111.14 ROM% IMMO for the Bladder; 8611.1111 , 041,8 SUOMI forehc YldwjS f analooLwa 8001111 fur the Gravel; /16.451130LD'8 8170110 for the Dropm, EIE -86411801.D11 Buena for Norrotaruard. 81011104.1)% Doom) for Loos of A/mart EISGMBOLD'S BUORU fur Difooarauf Visloo: HIGHEOLDI 11801111 for VlDeole Breathfor, HCLUDOL4/6.8001111 far W.. Dams ' 1111411110111.8 1311811111 for firooril Deblll4: 1111131801.4 n BUOU I/ tor Dalvional Lag DIELDISOLDII 8110118 for Horior of Diner*); • agumatara 8110110 for Night daunt; '.:5 HILIILSOLD% BUCIHII Wakefolomd - 7 4 0C4111301.D . 8 8118118 for Dryrusaof the tun; HILNIBOLDI BUCOU. for troilood,. I 1111144.8041r8 MORO for Paln Dr libel/ark; gg - 11114111/04D% 11188.111 tor liaartoess of the 6yeds, 84 TemAurrary lloCarfork mod Lou of 11106 ~ L . L: BILKUOLD'S SUOMI for nobility asdilaullrao.4l *Oh Waal of Attoalloo, norm of 13orkty; E . lIILMBOLD% BUOIRT for OtortroctkeoB • I '- EUILDIDOLDI 11110118 fur Ereaufaa arialog . ojp Lod& ararkm, and alt diorama of Ma Banal Omani, 0,682106 eltturr 1.. ferro whaturer mow orlaloatiog. Sold only .QlBO. 11:11.1188844 1.18 World NZ.* . Pitsanrah. . Antal' tiTYLEs U? ourcsiumv. cad OR . S : t" l' D 1 ' Also, LADIES' AND MISSES' WALKING HATE RATS AND CAPS, ust rei;eirett. a, very large aasartmeat, at u'00111:0 & CO' 'I3IW. Illese Winslow ' 6 - - 9- ~ I t i: An frosrlsootal Non* tad raroi. Machu; Vedanta iii , the attention of "adorn. her % C .4 . , SOOTHING - SYRtiIP -FOR .CE/LDREN . TBEITEILNGIi .' , I.L wee% greatly facilitate, the proem. 'of teethlog„by foe tee loony rotating elf InAantatatka-wal allot ALL . PAM' and spearraetki *Moo. end Is . . ' ~. Spitlir TO acciutwric Tar. uowir.rr;• Deptita IVOR Cl. owthem, It wlll 1133 rest CO yoartehr sad : . . , Belief and Heal th , to your lufautt. W. Ai" pal ttp and *old tele article far over WI and CIAM BATOR OCINTIDRNON AND TIO7II/ of ft who I we bare utter Loon . e „ .._. , able to eay,Lf a o they neellolote.... '...,.- ,;,,r.."..F...,. . NWVBII WAD . PALLID IN A BIN. ''' - i'''''''' —"' GLSDNITANINE ro union coal wintigi 0 ' • 666 •itt 6 • ti. need....Threer Oldie. l''''''''" - . Mom aft kat' ned of diemdafactloo by attyoas who 6.4 If- tto Mame:am all arAdollghted with Its 'openttana and epeak lo tall 01 nhontaiddattair at IN matti.xl effetts end unalleel rlnfle: We speak to tide. math* "WHAT WR DO ENOW,I IMO': tollvats' aspw4noe, AND NAOMI ODR DRPOTA-TfOie Tao .sormuarzir OP. WIIAT Wit MIRO! DR: lor 'xi Al • °LA most avow ketones *bent the Infant he mop Lanni hoot pain and ashatiction,'teilst will be teed to' ARM.* or tlireot, tolanteeaffet tote way le IniadttletoWth ..! 'rid* 'skiable omparatka le the onectiptiott of One o . the WOO ILTENEllatilitlD and AR ILI.IIIiN URA IR fit BIN Imams& and Imo been mod with NliVRIt /AMINO Iwo, iliorioworno 09 CASK!. , t 4 t. ; It hot only telloviti thhchild from pein, bat Ina . th e idtoosch and bowels , comets oddity, and cites sod , OMR? to lint what* sputa. filial alma humanity Ilion _ Griping in the Bowel' and - Winct Collni: , • Mid ovettoneloonl ,p, p , . tulehmet olgdoth If oat ommur .a . iiantfuzi oilhd. intilo death.. We we . r ,,,,,, iiiimo . _ Ilene it tho AND il UR lIT noinno IN TUN IN WILNin Mt C 116.1 of DTAIINI it AND DEEM toutk . miIiiI,DIUIN, ethelbai it mime Int tilltut =l, i to i tt= te tr i lidefd totniety e n h ie .L 'NOV LRT TORII rjuttorr NOtt Ttl i PliStrihW 'or orusar.rmodom66,l6. cad /amt loteming....4ll And the talc( OM will to litlYßß—yela AAROLUTIILT AtilUt-Ltolt.iloW Willem id this toltdititie, II ttami l na r k! fall fitinttleon kr ttriet will seeont r aoy e a ,..h b,p 114 . iham ., malt* 001031 the Metall* of Immo a - muunto,l :ttik Tint, le Wm outildit *MVO. •- .. , - . .... p ~ ma 4 , , ..Hg ti " .eg lau'r themohnot the tete*. ' .- •' . ' ' , . •.;.. ; r • , —".....,',4"-^:'.`,,,,5‘..... • 1 W .. . ,_.., i' W 2 4 441 1d..41101U15;'' LABS IIIaPICRIOit 8:b1 „Fe , iv, • PARE, M'CIIRDT d cc,1... • ItiANUFACTURERS OF SRItATIMie, erut2.ig l / 4 8 , _= IiOLT. PitIPPEEI OOP Ma, taYph./.110, Ra/wal, 0411 Eloalawa. PPOltia adbflia o lla Also. haportar s *ad. Dialora la 'Arra La, rtavri Alf/IPP 11101 g. Willi, se. _ctoutyr. bsoi,29!umes Irrrahm•••,.Xo. 149JV1T4 11/ 1 4-4.15/rise, Yltubuurgb, Peasta. StrYprela I order' offtper W tOknidfattla pUln i. RAIL' ROAD EIPINEI' COMPAAIr. ' .114. W. Cl.t/tNniSt (Swami to Por . ;r,' Roth Sat) RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CRAMS- -AND BOAT _„: Corner of ' Water Street and Ohm sonaie_A L21,4i0 • Prninnutall. s a ri • • ./kiaBECI.DIE• az' co. forwarding and Commissiotillefeilantii. And Sputa for these() of Pitbiburgh hiannz. r.nncer. c 6 . 1 4catoont. andantes' 11.11D4110010%, ' PROMO; att. oollelto4. - Protoit don to otoilvtof sod, bpi No. 10 COniotorclal illtittoot, It. X.Oollit. I a.l . I Frosivsy r4r w, tIA itOsity GN. It Ind4os, P. rittaburgh Steel licretico ke nolo • Mint L.Eit . 3- 0/VMS. 13 O'lra 00,4 NEANUFAOTURERS 'OP CAST STICKG; 411..1%. Ser_tog, Vow sad A. B. El_all ." B PRENIS!S :11X .11: lio ~...121. yam sr, Ike!' and . inm prnio - ac . - 046 W 111 ~ somelS2lo foreign and Domenic Bills of lielitaSni • • onwrzrioarts Or „ r , auto Nona VIM NO. IT MARKET anixr, trmtunnunt, PA rialt2rErtnu:d.•ilut 4a• piodiglifilaii A It D. • • •• • • J. BCOTT' Dentlst, JlAS:reinoi:e4 Go the_pqase latelioaaupied 14 Dr. Wu. I. Ware, No. r/§ Pr4211:930A,,001h,46114. tidal door awn 116 id • •• Diflco Roan. from PLAN 6 ''apily.llll7• wnlutow 1(01111180 N;;, 11 1 : 1111vIr'il1tlitE r vorminertir f *as Erizsrea•oz.r - Tarcp...r4llo".;. Pitts b rich,- Ploillfai' Odledoi market. 'trees: lias o adractar• an kind. of Steam pet and SlllENseilthi 11 .V.Saltroad Trort, &esti "Da 112rtly, Jobbing and Evalrtng dormott .. 411, PAPER BIANUFACTUFfE:Ra /Lod Dealen Ea' 80011, Pltlttt, nap; Lona atm au simokiti P et- P A. 1 441113, : Hsu tntiond from No.= Waal ittrest tuttosall Btolthati. set, Pt burg Pa. J. in. r.a.pri + in .;. ' , Atilaitcrer4L2qtr. 110: 54 14.-0hae800474 (I*. trish% 2f.w Badlsis,7, PIMETAFE:, 1 • J 01124 C/C4113,,,ELN Streik Iron Vaults; VaililDifia , • Window Elinttonti Window (Wards, aarausAtred and as iktrditrof (liatavaa Woad sad Ha 3144' PIMBUIL4, ta•ii ea head a nail, of new Aglaia', hucirsiarplata caubie sr ail carpools. .Pattiodlar attastlaapald Weir louttgamr•ota Jobbloadat. ithelinatim DIM . _ . 11 : 0 0/4LIZNI13, ' i forwarding ismer Ccilusisdon 'lderoboi A,tiftk*loZ4ll.ll 1: 0 141141XUE • Ukkeeis4 Mixt - ter. Elbectsariday • hod Plphe• Ibioratly. is saw and ,Fittaamit ._ 1 161.13--E1L6,112 DYS. $Agl D 4EI Wri. A. 8AT 011 104011,11 HAIR DYSII Tia 0r44.14.4 iad a ti. wokal ethers are more ingititiois, .and'etkoul‘ d b. avoidat, trots 'ab to imps tiOtoolo. • ' GRAY, RED, OR ItOSIR HAIR Dyed Datootti tot boeutUbt sad ror natund l Imam orlllOtk.:OtthOtit.tbiliiit a FIRYCIN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS hue tot* ad to !pm. A. Datokiloc Snot Ilm,'sad Overlßooo slog*. Dui hue bead awls to the Mar of hit patron,. °IWO& WIL A. BATOR:ELM MAlMDlMproduoto color not b distemmlibee mame, eee irmemmo i,t M (Vora lutaebrt,banri loniM bO'coottltito W& sett of Rd Dyto Otatodloi; tbs Usk torlstootoSibt Ws Si thkostooda DTA Mob, sold or opPoct(lo f prhtiiiii4Ooo) 0 40:it*, torn ECd Broadway, Now Tort. . , • : •• • &MU &Ultima OM to4no of eta. Coito3 ErOloo;4#1*, iIW and Rats Goode Daiwa. • •: ••• • Ito isoollop boo the noise fm4 .. siiial ‘ • plate 4,irroolog an karsideo of rob baAfn•ii:u4V 1W 114211--Wiell—Wl43lll. B.ATGHILOR'S' WIGS AND IttIPIIWA samaistl. Tbezits• elagaullettow dorgilho-9,3.- "nog Watt.l2o,—lrtandb4loPbtetixtili of the hied g 1,1104 dui tithe csaY ..... It• tbedsthtage aro propitly unamt.iod sad Lads. 71 4 6 - I , sarassi , novanassi aurrusrupsta Ron't fail to promo(' Mrs. - Wineleses Booth' he on meat 011 INVitt. tog Eintip ChfkintaStidltteg. tgr r ." l / f•dift " ..ll.oo . o nothblibledaidat,*" . e redwing Ili tprouremtlole-mlin Aft, Poblatif canto rtipelit*tha Ixoweb. Dort& awe ttoeolleim grill a 1 I resl to yoorsal vse, sod rall•I tad litialrbleic".,, rafi 3 C II 76OOi4IIIIUOIML - This riettable praptrietkia Is th• preiceipubp•of ca, Oro moat seiffilueowl Iva 4111111Iitaajt.hill$411eNsw ;mewed, cad bus 0.4 a lead with oentr.eass letwoots yr. attit7B It th•tmtand meet tetei.lyl. thi work, t. coo oll'lrmatory moul Inarte,m eltadree luau horn UWlnjtm hoar inqotherewsise. _ If We and boalth cat asthaated by &glint MUM AO ling th to vroight 16 gold- _ A 111111 nos I , I bow.* aro .40.1 awl row ta , *.litatic *atm 11l me old and WM:WI 3.3 33,^e*."5.- FUCA °anal:lllMM A _ thirPlooo r intal a• t uttanlitooiteattotttOurtillitillito Alb thiq tam unt.uleti tratdo erww.•,, sa 4 h„, Drell*" tbrotigleout tho sort*. • ".,;imr 1 tit GAM 1 iTßAll,Agetetlarliaskror., , tl , l4witrkx . • '33,31 f$P . F 1 1 •' - -1. , ilv-it,'-''ic. - 11.. . _,-,,, i! how as BilebtilKll-,tiltliTali iposa Mimi—T youth ba. Lit irirkOt 11*t1,!,-.--..>- *44 Dwrid hos, unti4tabitteeruza et 121* Aelepaygt. ~ 7? Van., attlma. *halm vow ali "0 Ibilail V, - ,- rj !ki. lb. soot do familial ftratk! Mi.: bit! WA - 4- ._. _ ...„, trim-, aaa al *AI 'aura, Ma bt ha' liam;ro6g.thrii*- . - _,-, 1 poi p.n. iza thank. act,bat aaphaatalabel~r,.. ~ „ ~,,,, 1 tobee, by no ass of ea* bolus at *howl:* oat hae r eg% , '. :-:::? Chi: .I Die *I pabllA lets lutes . lebkh I. aPPI•O4 IC::-:,,.- iaka ea the - aa'adivelailatat at te•PiiiiiiiihaiOnirsr - . - ;',.... etabor ohm ' l, for woculen*s4 Its equitivilk4.*„-4?4 . .C : 4 ~, vtoxo. A. E1T1f1.1 44 WOO 4 atc.pial9kAiseA , 2I • •., 14 4 ,;.. r?; ' .• . ' - - Alaaese - 214,11.11 - : ~,,,,„ .kent. Vila' '11f: Itet eer — lat--Vacklail I oak Pallifallk , . " v , t` 1 114 lase . ter era Welk* of tha terarlamanspivt= 2 . [l. , A .;.'' otaiga from yea &bait threw wafts are it :1* '' :- ,1 .! t'.."il tat pa tau .1 ea wattling lialtlevaoak. 441/ 't: .- , ,/..,-1;, popeaaas 11111 tr, irlad sae pato* la el:of:m.oa, aleggiaal- -- n','7;y , ~ ..1 kra hut ol tht DKr, Rai at thi..* oudios.l4l., i,_.--.i..--,,,,:,...,, Nuada ut. /*raglan ?pup, .04.11 batiAaiii sat Mai . '..A];".: