- • • • t - L. smug r. RZLML1...111:;111•CIPIZS: Mai& • ilk . -VAR BTT & -CO .. iDITOIAS AND PROPRIZPVER U2ETOM=M .WEDNESDAY MORENO; SEPT. 19, 11380 ABRAH I A ma tNc QLN, OP MVOTS. _ - • • lon via norsiimsr, • 11.AN-14i184.1- HA AIL IN OF L►INR j IClectoia at La rge. _ LEON. caldES POLUKat. TOONAB-14. HOWII 8- Pt-nub:task • if wear, -- • 16 660416 Bressler, . • 16 /1..11.• Bbsrps, . • • IT Nalel Q. uetit, 28 14168610•1616, •111 War Octru6, SO Wllli.m kleNeonsa, 11 - Jobe 11Irk Weak, • itt Jamie Km. ,' Rkbard P. Rot. 14 116017 bouthar, Sheet. • / r illriad C. Knight sitamrsr. **CS, ISM& M 1 .04 ittrbra ' a Nattosi ,11111/4, Jolla III:Broogostl, • . IIL tairto,. 'anarw Chti.i, I.lllletlibtpsams, Dikel4 Tairsart, • • -I.lllledsot . _ roa oovaatola, '• 1101 4 1; ,A441),E9:1 4 ar -C4. CITRTIN, Or 0117Til 0001111 • Pon aottems—xiat matter, •TA;3I- 11 38: it.:xvtooktnlc.A.D. lOU OONGHILBP—XXILI DIRITLIPP. OTV inRP rdoittrifair.x ‘ „, 14 - wi ltur il tia:.'Plttaturgh. 3 lies , JIM Il4l3PLAP.PIlist4th. oaa 11. BORN& 114414/, Id / 3 71 1 / 1 1 f 1tOt 1""•• - "_'..... L wasui I. IIIOHARDSON, Totoperance,llls. P. j I 7, a Aaf r troy. , ditozal tranwron, Eluabutp. "arsisrcr LANZ, Ellubith. Plltnburgb. DLndm of the lbnr, RINEY aukiaarir, Whiting. ,:-Ticsra• Loon. or Fonainisna,-There was I 'll me ices the Democratic partyprofessed great leek far foreigners, and to, be the only party in ►iley could 'safely Anti refuge. As Wog as . . .;.8119 could baroboogle the foieign born ottitens ',:.eidth 'these profeeeious it was all well enough ; • - .lisdl . 9is moment these oillsons began to open ...dial" eyes, and see, and judge, and sot for them ::selteo, and ehowed-that they had found out their — militate' by joining the Republican party in terowds, the lone of the demooratis press began ,Icalter and now, those who were SO lavish of that lovirfor foreign born citizenly, now show thus' hatred of them by showering continual &mei wan diem. For instance, the Indiina Stale Sentinel, (the Doigiss organ) of' inet„ publishes e later from R.- J. Ryon, la leading Demooratie polUlchut of that State, of sibiobitbe following tetN conclusion: later spoke in terms If condemnation of •• tiny sit of men who, like myself, had beau born is mother land than tee, it was of that infidel crew of whom Carl &hurl and the infamous libeler of the Freie Ptesee are noted and striking axamplee—cowardly fugitives from the battle- Slide of Europa—men who, with the stripe of Pun/nick sad lianas Joseph fresh upon their barks, slim to be hustled to the shores of free America tasty for the purpose of bliely and traitorously leyttiing their efforts to.Areak rip and destroyjhe "free Governinent, that geaeroionly protects them ' trod the knout and the Ideh' of their former pas. tore sad tyrants,. • —, •Yours respectfully, R. T. Exam." Leoking - st tinge from a Democratic point of view, Ryan but follow, the nownefin *reed of the party ter-its legitimate conclusion.'Modern ' , Democracy has no sympathy with men who tl7 -to east off their chains, no the European 1848: Its sycnpathies are all with . these Rho forge chains and put them on their bliow stn. It would much prefer to see the - • 'Republicans of Europe degraded by submitting . to the knout, kelashand the stripes ot Euro. maettemtand tyrants tban.to see them come hero to Oppose Amerleati 9Arery slid oPProc. . At net to be *oedema it, thirefore.thet the Demeeretio,sesse.: eveeyerberm devotee ell its potter. .of limesulion to , :such men se C o ll. quorulte. - They loot oult f feer him, for las um terlY £bully, but they hate bin because be ie teis foe . of oppreeelon hero as in Europe. Poston to Maw Your ..-Fuliou in Now York ilia:oE4oe fillure.. The attempt to fuse with the Brsainridge men Ise complete break dowel - Jejtike that already_ amploted with the Bell Men' :MIMS to" be driving off men of both parties in shoals. :The New York i.rpros sod the Troy IfAip , persist- in the sasertion that len or the - Eleelore en the Dangles 'Ticket wilt vote for Bell sad Etroiatt . "The frisit ...etauriram replies that . Mild! party make waiting ty Melt./ 111Viiii-ni heitert4.ttie recognition of, agency in helping 'o:siefaiit 401;1a: Al the ticket noestands, it is *(ad jiir'Dotiglis andi,,roAason; so that every . Bell titan urea it might eus well (so far as his ) 14 eleaterskjiinctions are MMoorned, hive been a Dimiesi Democrat ." li. the midst o me con tradlatory statements, Mr. ndorfe he.rie presenteti, tri kite Gam emoorat ene Vaal,' assaidoti of Ili Committee %It . ... . . _. . .titiy.shnold - compel the'ten Bell men to show '„ldialie deed. This the, Bate Committee hue de allied to do, and so hlrc Ottendorfer has-With- daienlrattithe eleatoref Cast, and will not be pereesiiinl tortiloys his time to remain. Me pe; Milan es the , leader of khet_ entire-. body of the Oman DalnOntite will lietittlOW him to regalia fa a 'polite's-Where ite!apieers to be the sop. - fetter, of. Know-flothing candidata, although they May have really add themselves to Doug- - Tits listrishurg , Union-is unesq• •boat Mr. Mitts: - 'lt, bits emu ohne of his speeches Is : 4 10,114; tad winds io knots, you kuTiv. hfr. Cur:, Oa makes no" secret of ' ,hie IMMO. He ilia pro- violated Mica in .1.'4 ominly of aft Stale, and If mos , thilet know then:, now, It ie their fault, id kb. Bat how lilt: whit Mr. Fouler? We 11U110011 to know titled' of die democratic eandidatee, fok Prealdetit he prefers. to he for Itanitio at Breckinridge? Is he for Ffilloll or DOOM *tnlght?-'•lsi be for tho Cincinnati, plalform, or does be »imitate and kpit upon FOll%l answer, or dare; the Union an: nrfi. _ kor ahn? • . • Dotiotat, Porina MID PIOTIKRIOIII.—The CiD• aiasati rth • platform, upon loh both Donis@ and Pouter Maud, upon the abject of the . Tariff, Alias ae follows . , last says' that beautifal !palmed of Dammeratio earptatery, the Claccionati Platform; amiable point Here ielmitat it says %aphid, That Jodie sad sound policy for; ow the ravel Getwament to foster one bran • if iminatry to-this detriment of aoy other; to' obirish the interests of one portion to the injury , if Another portion of par- common conntry;' vLt Glis time has corns for the people of the Maid Swim to deolare themselves in favor of loth Age and provender FREETRADE through. .getine •world,and by selsom manifestation, to Idese their moral 10e041100 by the aide-e 4 their • theleithefal example !" ( : • ..Tin`followleg arraignment of Mr. Douglas, Made on behalf of mottles men, woo published thathe drat of May, 185 S, u ln the specimen nm bet of "The. Iron PhdfOrm." I The Senator's • - mums stseethat. thee hes only,serred to make f l -/a.r•tPPrDPTiaill: ' ' rhos tbi N. Y. Iron Flatkirm, blay 'Hen. neepiems A. Do*glatt. OSS of the most palatal Instances on record otlbs extrouthe to whleh etollroo of personal. elabllleirw 11 lad a won bevies power,.end ifetersthethd - to' use .it, it that 'afforded by the .dhabgniebed Senator whose aims we thus In ' snobs* Bathe: has wads a fatal error. The pettyr which own US 11004611 to the workingosee gg shellelsed States, under a solemn pledge that . than slionbt kw no wore agitation of the slavery mo vpilliM ilid sadi prolo wkl o o t h e th irsi o t t a igh o so is r ua til th y - booott to ' - * iliii Fond fah* la les tru s t ten" of i., Ina skeipprotedo.mourft" d in° "w -usutocp-hao.i . g letetsets of the to vim torn ' SIM '‘ Vim* ta,. sod i m , „wild, f desf to sit lie power - rilorDloog to, plath - the I b rig a - -,.-,4241121‘d Bairn in r:un ad aaPast of .vomedip --,..m.i.._ 1. ; in. th. bond. g . --- vaposs7al4—, - . Dego. 1.101 only ,'-- = , ..°P..1.9.. bet be toy Moat bath retureit of the north, ~ We r .... ..,,:,..vats,*.itipliiiintgoetiikeca.„.l . -'s WalititilibOklajoitipW••7"7- '-- TethileflPieititlirrikhiebe '.. i , . , ~, , r Illt!!•Ot itf Ai —I— • Ms-DougWiles ill otsloe that 'Douglas • rig • itwoMilt,le iota of 'oaths _Batthaat. Costeslie*, Hun •Uionfors soodsulos use .Voitotar)' _ DeSAles himself uptodu tbi hotlittia ko , bl Again& P., spetiolo U. sa t4..;:q4itpa a part** lola it MI Owen.- do, o ft orgafr 41tswitil1 1 , 14 Oitithote , :.hilkWocr" - -?% • . • MEM - - - , =Aran Vii'S:brivgitt as into alstery to the laws crania's! You pivi limbos dow,tt tbo ToolpoTta., - Tir into. dam, tetra- b 7 I.tbiiilkudartout , wits irrAbw_liat pooratlos I 2- - - Yon booe beeW deaf fo lbs otiea of MI widow sod tbo orplpai!, , You hive , tu heir the appeals of the workingnien, wljo are heooming poorer cud poor er *very year, while foreigrt-espliril in -build ing lin palaces ind disliking Europe in blood. at our, expense t; -•- You have used Dpinoedatig only 00 a cloak for oppression ! And the workingmen of the Union, north and south, wildbuild their Iron platform over your political grave, over is blob no "Rmorgdm" shall written tin the end of time! Bones Counit.—The Opposition oouniftiok of is an follows: Cungrm—Usinpired term—Copt. 111101 ell Ala- Refight, Aleaee Congress—hull term—Levi B: Smith,Yuen'. Senate--Aaron Mull. efeeembly—Jain Wm; Taylor, Dr. Jeremiah Tr'exler. Prothonotarg lenale. • Register—Wiljlam Cell. RteortkrL—BehterUle Clestar. • , Clerk Orphan's' Court—Denial Cl . Clerk or Bat*H—Elartison Biruer. Comminioner—Coorld Ember. Director-4kob 8. Ebliug. Auditor—G. E. llorloeher. MONTOOKSII.2 CQUITY.—Tho Rena Mani of Montgomery mninty have nomtneted the follow log aoonly etastmbly-1414151 Mid, Bowyer Brooke, Dr. J. W. Holstein:, disociato Judie—John Patio. Prothonotary—lmo W. Wimpole. Recorder—Ripen Bestieter—Rloherd B. Ott. Cie* of the Cowie—O. D. nunetoker. Treasuret—Joehus Pisa*. Commitrionei,'—Dantel V. Orffer. Liman Cotiorr.—Tketßepublioane of little Lehigh hove oomloitted the fotloviog omit, ticket: Congre”—llenry C. Leogeueoker. Awrably—Simuel J Metier. Clerk of the oourta--litory J. Saeger Prothonotarg—Lewla C. Weill. Register—Castles Keck. Colarairekmee—tivery Yeager. The vote toe, Governor iu 320 tWIM . ship, and plidatatlone, on Manley teat, emu puree with theooial vote of the gumtree eventide lad year SR ilttiOW2l:-- • E=l=l=3=:l • Re pt.. Ant. iteintb Ciourdie.. 35.5,40 64404. 1•645 b ,21•Irt Earn., Andr0500gg1n.......3,090 2201 3,774 2,541 28 Aroostook. ...... I. 970 1,1111 643 393 Cumberland ....:....6,894 5,037 9,598 7,095 320 Franklin " 305 1,944 2,431 1,914 Hancock , 2,950 1,892 2,253 1,5119 184 Kennebec 1-5,297 3,289 7,324 4.201 96 Knox ........,_.,.,..2,360 2,407 2,858 2,983 53 Lincoln 1T...2.335 2,334 2,487 2,281 18 03f0rd... ........ 1.-4,217 3,470 4,345 3,442 Penobscot 6,440 4,729 7,516 4,540 159 Pisontagnis , 1,563 1,143 721 151 „.. Sarahonoe_ 1 386 993 2 456 1,061 267 Somerset ' 3,914 2,066 3,635 2,404 109 Waldo ' 3,70 2,003 2,005 2,136 9 Washington .' 1 217 2,831 2,441 1:799 . 31 York ; 6,045 5,448 7,236 6,318 ,„ Total 57,230 45,337 31,543 44,834 1,2:4 Morrill'. coojorliy la,L year I complete I LBO WAulantra's majority Me year (um complide,l6,7o9 The retinue:yet to come iu will add slightly to this cosjority. The Republican candidates for Clagreu are elected by mopritiee eery nearly its follows: I. John N. Goodwin by WM over':. M. Reim.. 11. C. W. Walton by 1,000 over Calvin Record. • 111. S. C. Poeseadan by 900 over Alfred IV. Jobnion. IV. A. P. Morrill by 5,000 over B. A. O. V. John IL Rice by 2,500 over S. B. Blake. VI. Fred. A. Oike by 1,300 over Blau Bradbury. We believe do one of the members just elected las ever yet ibeen to Coupon. Certainly no one io a member oT the present House. Mr. Morrill is the 'resent (Armor, The Senate' aonoista of t.:l member', and is unanitimusly Republioan. The Let House oatisisted of 119 Repot.licias and 32 Democrats.' Thia was thought -Itrird to boat; but (hero gra probably not over erste eleoled year. Tian tar; ars 84 Republicans, 11 Domorrale:i•- as. township. (Glyiane) !hare Is • do.' Hampden, the home of flatalio,gago laot year Sly Reppblioia. year, WaeLburn 3Cl3;Brnatt lif7 , /Strike/A.49w' log • large Republican: 4.441 t -• Grade pff. • EMCEE! The vote foi 6.llnm:tr e? the entire State ex Ceps 45.ereell !opal/hips lam op re followet drink% Lax: . Fl l igs k y: .- 300 30 .- 1709 817 111 2391 SO& 262 .. 227 684 62 ... 391: 167 35 2337 681 246 ._ 310) 161 41 ... 1349 417 33 _. 3091 1996 161 819 266 7 -. 284:: 971 139 _. 2960 1307 81 3341 644 41'5 ... 4475 .1116 268 Bennington Caledobta..;. Cbitteuden: Essex Franklin-- Grand Isle Lame'lte.. Orange.....;. Wasbingtoci- Wlndbam..». Windsor Falrbaak'aaaajority No far, 18,258 The remaining towns will add some 2,600 to 2,000 to this, „making Gov. Peirbilak'n majority &haul 21,000 The three !Republican members of Coignes —Justin G. Morrill, Ezekiel P. Walton and Par. , tun Baxter—ire - ot course elected by handsome majorities. Mr. Menill'e exceeds 8,000. Qs tried to decline, but the people ,wonid not let him. Mr. Neter is a new member. Thelocate (80) le ill flopablioan but one, lost through division. The !louse le about ten to one.—N. Trib. —A writer in the Eaton (Penn.) Zen% of Ike Btl LW., gives an latitudes sketch of .the life of Cu! &bum lie was born C 2 year* ago, in Bonn, on the " . Rhine; is the Prussian dominions. In 1849, ho jeir ed the Constitutional army, and sharing in its Telerate, was eentenoed to death for high teatime. For three deys and nights, after the Prairelans had entered Rastadt, he lay coneesied in I shed, on a beam or rafter, just wide enough to conceal bin Fermat from the eye, of those who stood below. A guard of some kind wee stelioned in the very house to which this shed belonged, anti every night the soldiers sesembled otirthe floor beneath his hiding pisoe, and danced let the muskier the trumpet. On the fourth night ..• heavy shower of rein gave bim the Ara opportunity of attempting an vmps, and he jumped from the roof upon a chicken coop, 'blob broke down under him with aloud crash; though without attracting the notice of the sentry who was, or ought to have been, but •fow pude off. By the aseistance of his friends be reached a sewer, and thus attained the out side of the fortifliatione. Even here there was a sentry, but, by following closely behind. him, as he walked-by, he managed to gain aroover, before the sentry turned on bin beat. lie made hie way to Perin, and remained there a coneider-, able time, in. therein hope of a favorable turn, in the 'Urea hi, native country. Is • little. book . published by the chief spy of Bonaparte's police, bete:bared honorable mention as ..the moot audeeionti she most adroit" of the ex iles, who, while emistantly active, could Dever he emulated Into any' set furnishing a pretext even to the liberal oonscience of a Bonaparte for his extirsidltibn.' At this time the radio opin ion of Germany was much aroused by the Cr.,. , ardly vongeattee wreaked by.the Prussian Gov ernment on Xledfrep Klekel,. a tOWSIMiIia of Baburee. a Proftmeor,,,who had joined the con-, stifutionel inurement at the time with him self. This min, a poet, of delicate frame, bight;; educated, and aceuetemed tff all the reantraaala of life ' ail imprisoned at lipandati, twenty miles, from NOW; dressed as a convict, hie hair cropped short ; mid forced to labor al weol•eard.i and to roam end mees pith felons, &ban; having determined to Teem him, repaired to. London, collected tho meats, and made the at , . :nonmetal,. 1: ith • forged, passport he traveled dirtied to Berlin, left hie papers with At/pollee over night, .ebtsined a wise for some ollair tome' the next morning, and, instead of Proceeding,: took ladgloge in a beading-haute. There be remained for six weeks, going to Spandau every day, and retuning late - at night; when tbe pa. Beeman was always so obliging as to nolo,* the. 'door of his, boardlutplionse for hint. ''All the', arrangement having bean completed, Itebarried: off Kinkel in la coach one rainy night, together, with his keephr. ii lays of horses were in reed-. insets' !rem station to until they reached the sea ehore where n pilot-bust received them. - They landed at Hull or Yarmouth tang before the Government had the most remote idea of the prittoner'e whereabouts. Coming loth(' country' in 1851, be registered himself as slew Loudest • at Philadelphia, and 'daunted there for a nano- bee of yearn 'To:tuning hie time, mamma 11X0111 . - lively, with the study of this canary, items torlst and eoetal conditiot,' its history, its in atitutiont.and, its retiree. In OM' he :mirk+ to - iyateriown,.' Wieeenelo, :anti entered on the ramie, el, tWlev.ln.ldlitrauliem A Twitliiiiia il i l Z --- A' Vhd ' .. liftyle* in 110 3v-> suits ottite, ~ ay etas Hotel. 00 the Dew TrleanwTodituuka, of the fit inetplt, - *it* YeiterdaY,4kliotikiAin: oar, :th ova . into a paraxism of excitement by ens of those thrilling inoldeus which Attest how intense land profound are ihe sympathies of the haman kiesrt.. ik.holuoui-00)!!!KeNOPeared at the dodr of the dioing'salion, mid 'uttered" ii scream kf terror. - - Wits.site - said was inunlible, but be:lac/lona ludintril that something dread- MI was °centring. ' Tkue'stat's eimultitheons rush to *odder, Ind out upon the banquette, when H orror of horrors - . a little girl shoot its years o d, the daughter of one of thelady guests 'tithe liotcl, was seen suspended by her dress from t • hook of s'winddw blind in the third story, kola° fortj feet above the buquette.— tii, 'Every 'bout ceased for the instant tipparently 'oboe!. It was a moment of thrilling, of terri ble in rest; but it' wee bet for an instant. A Mandl band from within grasped her Junco'. direly, , rid—little Dora was safe! ' As ths words Haile's- safe she's safe,,' rang through the ball, (ho mother, who had not yet . tearoh .4 the door, and did nit know what the matter as,' bat who nerorthalese had a present imeat .at her objid was in danger, swooned I upon the floor. The MID girl had been in the roam and swans ant open the The instant she was suspended at the . . .._... • eight over the banqiette, her little hands air power, ',sod had ber dress not naught be book or °slob of the blind, she must. Clien to the ground ; and been dished to . Captain Kirk, onoof the guests at the. as unending the @Was iit She time, and the alarm, and onmpreliending what metier, rushed into the room and rec• tc:e little creature 4 before deeorlbed, Lob Incident took plans and was over In e then it lake" us to write three line" . truly. a Wonderful snaps from instant. rue . fit. CLAY'S PERSONAL EXPIIIIIIII7II.--. ley odd la ► spasm guide s few dm Illinois. born in old Keolookyo •ae ono of the !re of Kentooky—the eon of one of lb. ba formed the firet Constitution of Ran- the eon of the men. Oreee eley, who preeentatire of the district of Kentucky, Virgiila Convention, signed the Constr. of the United States in 1789. Bora the shield and patronage of both these alone, I offered to discuss this gnostic° ery right whale it existed. What then y say ? Look at the hypocrisy of this amearacyl Tito) , said: "Why, Clay, afar in the talon under onneti of eta did t ohm , think elivery ie ;nob an Warns! thing why don't, you .Ilberale your slaves? rfOIT your aith by your works. I though!' here was gre t deal of force in that argument, and al. thougr was not very coosoientlous about that matte , yet, seeing that. I was drifting In thal dlreo ton, and willing to go with , the tide in ta.. volt: o freedom Satoh was no strong,-I did liber ate elaves—every one I hold on earth'. 030, and odes of "good," "amen.") No I,llr calla ma maeler—nor woman etthei, lam for May.) Then when I went ant cicala the same principle, what did they They turned on me : "Why, Clay, what ou to do filth thin queellon of slavery? one of your bowlines ; you don't own soy " (Loud laughter and cheer's.) , m ÜBLICAN D lIMOBEITRATIOS..—Never per• o soy political campaign-were the people awake as to the preheat one. From all lone we receive glowing sad cheering to of "the masses moving," "thousands man in council," "tremendous Itepubll olly," and reports of speeches' made by cent men who have gene into c the canvass and soul. Wide Awake cloba-and other iizatlons are organised arid forming is all orthero, Western and &Mere States. We ISeward and others at the Wset, Stlernme Jersey„llielaso to Pennsylvania, and good men every where. The iodination's cl ones, too—are tbst Lincoln and Hamlin • weep the free StaiO3 as with a political ind. Lot the enthusiasm continue; let man, young and old, who loves s his coon , .in fa' the w ary, sod nii to the extent of twer the canoe that will (hue he made hi ;aut.—N. T. Poet. MI at C1101.9.—A correepondeut writing Maitland, lowa, under date of Sept. 12, t night we were visited by the first treat 0 enema. It: did nal and as unprepared u :ear.r The corn crop is beyond the reach try from frost, and such a crop wee never I Well may : the farmer indulge In a smile liikt•as be-*IOWA his tenon. sources at ei;.1111301 incite plentlhd. thaw , in years Weelisol - b4lnlenireabed. and marketed .. per teehel. Luse yields are frequent d nett knee 35 to 45 bnehets per sere Cr. Ig small faets...—N. Y. Prib I vulll/011,01 , Nsw HallIPMIC—The U Et ~ el and bit aseistants hero completed the o of New Hampshire, which those the !nt popahnion to be 326,175, being e gaits 111 since 1850. The population of the Nev. ountiss Is se follows :—Rooklngbam 150; StaffordP3o,4l6; Belknap 18,561; Carroll :6; Merrimack 41,460; Hilleboroogh 62,= lehembire 27,443; 81400;ran 19,039; Graftcln '2: Caul 18,168 T4l‘l, 426,175; calms of 317,604. Geis, 8211. woke BRPUBLICAIi ULIN.-04 -Saturday z-Alderman Wm. J. Etrieley of the Ninth , who hie been of tats years • promineot et of the Mozart dell feotion of our oily crony, a firm hopftter and follower of Etoellency," and never auYthlng but a • onion Dentoot at, addreeeed to the. If ay or • , in which he evolve hie determination to .rt Lincoln sod Ilamlin and the Republican • ticket In the pretent campaiga.—N. Y. Trio. 10443 19.36 =3= TM erode of !trustee ender from derangements pecoller t , 11. 1 . Din. Pint end remit common among them at b, Fixate WU twa, or Written, or 4fifoonatese, with De COOMInt WA% t 4, LAM v., Par...11107t, Lori or Wall Beck, end 111'11111/41. Newer. No one an be entirely well who dm Mime, and In hundreds of rave broth le Mewls lin detrained. 0144 e-boot medlcinee end dreg. do bat little good-Lofteo mach briery; bat tIONPIIIILTIP SPROIINO 110)1B0PAT21itl ram emit P 11.1,8 ere Jog the thing... Dort . ' promptly end coring pe.tmenently. ft dolleeeworth will ore good then Iforratof easel - mu, or .1. month.' el ems on • doctor. ' 81a belts to St' tingle boxes:bete. • N. —at foil btpr IiCIIPIIILIT's IioIIotOPITOICET[CIP !ell . I. with , oh of Dlowitorikezed twenty different Item Ifi,le lergtiele, moron:omm, $6; ditto. in gash ebb, $4; ' q Oleo holes, end Book, $2. :Ingle bole.. 2f. mite ;CS cent/ Tb . ut • . nerals*, by the Woe*, boz or elm , rre ma i,' oval r express. tree of charge, t d any edam., on reoel,t. of thipriew. Adams. Dr. V. IfIUMBEIREYB 100, . No. 602 troadasy. New Yorki Col by 3. N. li DUNN, Villa emit, moonti door Iron the P. t Oftlew, Agent fur Pitirburgh. eelfedditinfT • WINCLQW, lw ezkrienced,Nutise pod ietsalk PLysttlao. hula Nothing Syrup tot clilldtals teeth ug, whkb gre.ny 'Palliate. the ptoosmor t.. plug Itetdog tL. goolVrainclot pit lue4oulukt4un-4111 all* I pod la ours 14 rryrulate thy Depend =allots, It will Op sett to yooradrei pod relief 1.05 • Ills•SPyour !Plant.. Purfeetir POP In all nom— Bee • • rartilontent le pootbor column. tpllifdarlyt jilterA CARD Ti) YOUNG LADI23 AND GIN nu 3 , 1 6 —The subscriber will food (free of dearve) loidi who no It, iheßarlpawsd Diroctlous for mailog • ateoPla rA . Gl< DaJw, th at will, la Dow two to sight &mamas* Pimp BtalAhsi, Tan, frokkaii44 4 1.1.., nod 411,1miu ritliks u 4 Om & Omahas. of allay. fewritUt toe iaino—mi N. tore Duda' It should ha—soft, doer, math and bogoti• i r fut. doeirlog the Recipe, with fail lasitoallusw,Al• tool a, lad white, will please call oa or Marrs (with To• lota . tsge,) . . JAR. T. 111 aftSUALL ! Practical Chetak 1..34.4awir Nu k2aity,itall4lck.s. New York. ,4lublu f%ottcrL MIN OUT, "ALL MHO" MEOLIANIOS, ARTIFICERS AND wmtaiwomo ONNIRALLY, sultana la Ma dlr. Gran [napalm I,floauelryi fa sad aroma Mew& and buy• su ea let Iplede aelleogemenee br Loa o t In (too 111111111,IWIN HMO PHOdSSIII.ON- of Sept. b, 111 moot at Rambtleart lIsW goartara. Wood area, on T URSDAY Re t. 20th, at 714 o'dodr,for it.at •Mow. lAt ttstrotlo 1/11LL 11311 H OUT of thi Re • übliean •"Bo r ne and Sinew . ... Arad -y; 104.IRITOBER, ATTENTION I—Ai:met...! 16g of Ildallatthan of Plttaturge;4lllishaay Oty sod a arroandlail Botodyt4 ; rill 14 held at fleptddload Bawl (Indrawn, Wood 'meet pampa of booth, TIM/ (Witldar.: day) d.VVIINO.. at 7J4 &doe k, to easka;auraagewasta for, tunably out fa llaa IttrOBLIOAN NAM OONVrdaTION of , rr.4,NOTIOE.--1111WDRA.IrlirEN of Pitta- ' we , I Web eed Allepeer DID! meet tle V Ve ni te. C tit: t t l rt i Ptta i ke ve le. r4r i per k" 11.'1. ; Dog le theItYPIDMIOAN 'UAL OUNVINTION tept. . . seleeD Pr.:Went wed Deeseof DI e[ EIS 10DROLIANTS' the [theme of lb. A otnolatlett, onl limber, et 2 et.: By order rillhtere24 Of /ICA Or Till Prtitainuid 04i tloinrattr, t ' • • 16;h lEttesaber,lllto:, THIL StadholderfloUthe Pitillbtirgli GEO Ooltipthy 'ate her4by notitlett that an Itbdtl44o:l Eli do 4414;01. the OM. of th 4 OoshplutP, on thel'lßOT 444ItidAY (dot - d47) ur OttobothA. DAM, betEehttut hottr4 of two and the .?lock p, tE tor the wools or Ind thiteprndel to IS nry So VIEW for lb* term of thise y • 44itarr oi.fU WORM/TV, TrtEontr, 11;tTUE KISYSTUNE UIL ; UUNPANY.— Boulf for Ilia subonlytto Os .to the yttal Ptak of oats ;spans will bs opened at t Otka oflttfillWqoDY, :tomtit wait, ott.,WEDMICYILLY ta011,N11:0, et 10 o'oloott. sal wilt lammlu wen till MI Mar . Hrs. Pro yorttsr•Orlth • tied Or ins location, will to f . Idol to thaw who may wish totattsattlbo • setakt itaN WCatair3. WAR NNTIRE PROP • RTY of the oAltl- A.lcara lIION kiAtheCOiAßANT.yia tugtll 1 a 0 11tuf VT aotrt biiSP r ED . i ad l eo. f l, - r.ea. a. leariN tom. "4 , 1°4:1a1i ?116.11iNVIV"Itt=6 LIN FA iD T HA 6utin kau Victoryl! 41* paano anrysLiaarfr, MASS MEE.I'ING At Pittsburgh, TRURSDAY, SEPTRMSER 1111 PsoPrm or Prauvari.v.oiia, who lire in favor of Piotoottad to A.ukortain Industryl • ago, ars iv POVOR . OP Pro.: B . lo.Oestosai so Ootoni S.lUurag ' wzo Alta r.voit or PROTtET/Nd PARRITOILINP.2. 7 O I Y. PAPP PRO.If TB'S BLIGHT OP SLAVERY XXTEYSIOr; Irmo AteuriAna AA I.IAINTAININO OUR NATIONAL UNION AN THE ji l c AUPERBIAOT Of THE LA A INVIOLIT : ' L wao um is sAr aov ' : A . RADICAL FORK, i Scl di AA will -correct th e shameless Pild£l.lol- CT rind CORIOPINN of the piesent NAtional A , mininiatration, . . ARC (AMID TO AITTGND A . G and_ Massrffeeling AT prrrasuaarc, Om ,THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Tff, To strike a nsciamt mow at the R erfi, l dioue Demooratio tillers who have impoverished our t i Treasury, paralyzed our Commerce, a d beg gared'our Laborers by their Free Trade policy, and: tic raise their voices against Sectio ahem and Disunioniam in any and every shah The following distinguished gentlenl expected to attend and deliver addresers fon. Will. IL SEWARD, F. HASSAUREK, • 4 ' . CASSIUS M. CLAY, 11.'1'. WADE, . i' - E. COWAN, '' ' J. P. CAMPBELL, 1 W. D. KELLY, ANDREW G. curaiti, .f P 4 People's Candidate for GC' CARL sCHWRZ. of Wisconsii; ' JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio; 1 THOS. CORWIN, " 1 SIMON CAMERON, of-Penul; MORTON lII'MICIIAEL, " " JOHN HICKMAN, " JAMES POLLOCK, " JOHN COVODE, " The Idneoln, li•nilln and Hurtle Tbronabont lb* auto, and lally to all Ito camdlµ ire elpeetal 'io attend, proptrly °waft THE WIDE AWAKFI, Are Invited and expected , to attend force r and a Wide Awake, :TOIIO7ILIGIIT PliovEsattp will take pl a ce on the IVENING or 7 gdPEXCU RSHA TICKETS will L on all the Railwasa, good for the tim aarT to go to Pittahurgh, attend the ,1 end return home. vitienos OF THE 1(1011 -The 'OREIT PRELOUNART STRUGGLE State le NEAR AT LIANDI Rally, in your Might to prorricte your OLORIOU3 ca ALFRED W. 4,0Y1.) E=E "dA.IiRS MQAULEY, Chainna Han+'Pnoa. 11.1. Lbws; H0n...1. K. Aid ;Rour....M.PKNicar, JAacem,Yemm, Bitg• PArrilksw. JO9CPII A. AI'BANR, • Wm. Pnicut jaTTSBURG II FLAG M ANUrieTUR PLAIN AND voir..rr/c4.-I,' P LA GS, rot the Cempalsa of 1801 IfLat4a for POLIL Pf. 409 fur TORO • /WOO tor LlOUdia. I' LAUB P • • 'LAO ts ALL PA RT14.13 Glo view of tle.....ateuelef prelratiletta belt* iv , pettles for the wade: rfeakleottri em=pelira, VA :teetering a large v.llet7 of • Ilage. which Lt. 11. tlgO 1.13 . 13 *wrist( of else, ice oosarpusstde. Gad feellittee far the production of Plage enable on +Ol at the following LOW PRIOVee - 1 No. 24, Go 9 toc.) with Mews , . (40c por d.. 1 " 1.: 8:12 6,3 .. woe J 11.13114 of ..1 ehe e.c. "2. 12:19 do 1 cannldate., 1 6 0: do . V, ITIV do I 19/ 26 eV v• e, 16:16 do . SAO do . 6. 40:60 co 100 do . 6,6: V hot e 7, 7. , tr0 „ 7 ,., • tamt..: cf i . .., • 6:12 do Qudtdotee, " 2. 19c111 d., . ID, 16:31 do .11, 22.30 do Hai 6, 7,6:9,10.04 II an, large sod magnifica ease liage with 33 /Masa, soul aro far Booboa, l Mkt, 700.• .to; 00. hag. enemata for the hi that oan Ds ratal. Nos ON, 1,:,3. 4 and h era 11 flowasiona, W•goria,a. BTRIASIIIRS, for 704.1,•t0 , ant whit. audj mar of candidate., la mad. p.r foot, all tar ildpentitrod to apply Aunt. and Ulchrw ith ankh. Campaign 119DALd , atel uneaste liklmorto of camtklater for Proaldnot and Vine fi 20 per dos; We. each.. Campaign BA uata Mor•actrltti Ilksneas and tkket ou wain 660.13,7 • 103: tingle; arts of 100, with utroos of clot. Fhlt thimpalgia 6tiVEWPB, 1101.1, r.tik Ilkettens of l• If.. per pack No. per 160. Ltbaral redact/x.O to th• trod... 411014 ma compmakd balk. anonel.. Addroataill orders to) . . JOHN W. PITTOf4 • Mole Ag.ol Pati.lflag fifeutifark 64.19:14. It. Fiftb at , Pitteburgl,l L UBIN'S zruzsois— EwOr SISTKIP.N, • •n 4 oibnr choice yu1.140, b. 4 . 0. by 0 NI: liox OF T[! ti bat It*o lk gtawu to dssttby WIT RATA IN 0.1 Prepitsd byJs' rIP rtnarof t tains! sod INI , UVELTIkikI in all kinds of FAN : oodus. We can portimilmattontioa w.oc .mi Rs Owl tloit it to Um mom et trami v. 'it Lmti 1011 , to offer, ittid itt LOW. emodo. 1 ulD'•tL HA ORM( LOVIL T 4 i ARD-1 bbl. No. 1 - Lard; just 1J kr imb. by 51 , 11. INOretlito IPS INDIGO— Various grades--1600tb A.A. lAIVIVNive , itz , • - .'terror st.t aW C~ ~ . . ,t.. C'ALA.BRiA 'LIQUORKIOE— • 'fo 104 by . R. - A. PA lINRSTOC .4.19 , igaroof of Find &ad MANILLA ROPE--8t) caste axes, to .tor. and for ado by' • B LJ.IV ATI 4 O 'N. 9 Waist areal. above , H IL3-30 !ibis. bleached, NV in ter V .10 bib lambed steptintou; bbls No.l lArd - iol,bl.llu. t 80. 131 Uene mud 1/graals ' , IL •T, t 1 Sillte . • y ,Wsterstnet, abh. UGAR,-150 i N: a r l M. win by . JOUti tJ4 D AKUM-300 bales, beat Nne3Cl , Lr. see for sail • J , PiA3.l COTTON CALKING—INOOIb in 1 - 1 tor n• by ..19 n.* JAYA_ INQUIRE ROPEI3.--All sizes, for 1:.. 10 • . it.* 3. WA fIROOZBIEI3O hhdo:' P. a. gar, fair ro'ia.aict CO bids N- 0 oonso. Fro oo .ol 300 bbla NO lloloolond 50 We d Molooloo: ' NI do 11i11 Nen dyrnyl 100 0 0 20 do" NI Golden , do 100 bac. Rio 0011014 nil grod..; 76•Ineksta 7n. Oodok - 30 lei Verdi boatlo 101 20 hldo blooded Wbo4011; 10 bblo Tignera 0,1.: • 100 t%W.N 0 Tiklatero Pod onnsO 0 0 1 .: •• I ' ao.T OIOOOO , IniAddbld 170 bus Tobitiv: do, do and 10.1 ' 51111.0 Vs Torlot 'fibsooni • bbli (0111111 C Cl NA 14 obnota TA, CI 1...0.0d 00 do Moon do . 120 bop RI Oa b Yo 06; 30 bode doI MO; 100 bbl. °marl, l'oodiano 0 rondo Enter@ 76 do Cares dupl.—Wl* [ono) , otbrr ono to inontlogi, la etor•oud ti tAl t Y, No. 130 ond nnual Bleotion for . `actors of lb* MAID OW , 11htf;411,1411 be held al TIIKEIDAT,2Itb d Sep. DIOBIT, Pml4,lrat EIRE CLAY-204.1..13 lx, of the ei3lobrated Cbelt!obirosy t rinatOly wietteii roe atm Vat., RON.* etc, for br • 1. COLLIIO4OI* Wood ot. NW -OPEN' A I IPUR BAUD THE jlaNnaoeirbp -O CALL' AND W "' ZRDaY 0001 . 11 1, In Om by, lovitich W&luk Onto. tIO•attailloo. &Mai intry - • • • I watt • - . ' • O . toy e, 74 imorse.,-...a: 'filATLlSitti Ma) o,ageFea f X:ll,lPi.l6lltlreate—ta-pk.re.for 64.1 NAIAii 766,7, . fIRENN" APP 'LA Otarik (1 1"r019-7..4„ . 1,6 ty arrive for ea]. , :"IsaLin DICUL Yaoo , E 1 4 3 1067 2, btas.j set posoo said fdtsals try 1 .. I=3 ,earl 1, do 160 do 26d do CO do SlOO do 601 df, 6 00 lib b 00 do 10 00 44 1200 do 16 od do. DI Amen* WI. re ii, fAlowtog cB, vrttb Pesal ot, Cur PrOoll- c gar dnz.l Ittd an, $ . I andidata, MORE NOV 1111252131! .h II Ern "'low B6llibritld 1.4 Y DRI" prnesit .an ow I )ItTfl. .trod al. bbie., hen nuTan I.: - ;;. '-...f.''',Fia:t::Ettb. - itiiiiiii ; .-..'... 4 Eat(iii Cree & Milenilih No. 17 Fifth §treat. =l= EtOLEMA.DIEC. AND RETAIL. WANTED.-1,09,,00q bdsh. Yhsat 60,0D0iiiabbk ambit; I • ' 1,0‘,0 do. hmi p 1 (Icl e:1,00r. dor rwsu - sdus4ll4 - ws pey !midi g... 14 duadist ouratardibsz " IC2r4=iltirtaht , WANTED -40,000 bile prime. &deli Arta :Wm per . . Ric; 143 baCidisi , Tlmotbyl WOO U. Obbma, by T . , ' Sift* V # mann. 13!ait0 Osir le, Oiavatg, Buspbo6.l. 4.4 ANTED—+IU,O Era! and Ohodellie Mar N.t4 I f " "bklA tb.l4‘""t Strait Bonnets and Matt feibmideted Catar., wee,, ii, ; KM 811011ARVI) *ad 111010 &tiff Llt,. Bed Sire Spiv Skirt"; WHITE aixt COOR:SD ITattIOH 009lkTil; Riibans, Flower, and ittahot; . Clider. Shirie and Drawitri; • Basta*Ribbid Wool •Rou Globe, Guitmil•f. 2aphyr►o4 Ph('flood Wool F.acf $41,104, Itnaibes,CLA#4l,•to; Bolt Ltoty yeti., At. • OlTl:kToumiTity MILLIN DM, sod Ott at tat to .11 midi.; anlovltad to 111.1111116 Our Oood. and Lots ooi. Priam EATON, ORES & MAORIJAI, IT rink eared 17 wed ' W CIO LISA L PAILTAI RN re. SEICIND FLOOO.I.7RS, 19. Milan TUBER OENT6 WEELICLY. 4 , tithr to nintiy-771 { Ekst of Ercryfrting. TIIR 11 Rli 0 D JOURNAL • Of Infursnosi ion, "...ciesomert end , • DoMestio 'Economy. The Beet- and Choapeet Jearnal ever pub lished contains; every week: - POETRY. • TALEA OF TACT AND rtcrwri. EANAYA. DIOGRAPHY. ulbrOklt AND-TRAVEL. Curse. ruzurs. ENIGMA& Ir. IiaIENTIFIO REAEAROII TUE FINE ARTA. THE DRAMA. MDAIOA . • LIAADERB OVDUARENT EVENT , . • UARDENINU AND WATIOULTUDE • DEDIPEA FORTH,: FAMILY. RECIPES PONTINE WODE SHOP. NEW INVENTIONN. IqOrES AND AI ENODANDA WIT AND 11171014. . LITERARY IXTRAOTA. THE 131 . 31 . LttEONN IN 0601 IN A Ili, rttausa WEEKLY. ANT CiiiNd Tive.ORRESPONOICRfs. StX?tt!PAGlS—rirtr ooLttuns• .641to,'•'or.Aaw•ry Daparilincial• rutur{ug • g•laXy oft eat, iototlool lu oue Jouru•l a•• ,Nasloct lu lb. sun lay( Ifterature. Try one cumber' and satisfy yourself that it is the Best Paper, for Old and Young Read ors, ever. published. ireirPnbltebed In Nor Yot A every reek. Al Thtea Coats aevkly, by A. El A RTIII LL 1 CO, al worth et. Tivde enpi.lled by ROSA A TRUSIRIC, Dr,trart a °COMPANY. of Noy of 1114 Wholeeele Now. Ageacy Howe. N E %V Pi ANOS. - Chickering & sons, BOBTQINT. A NEW ANO Cl3O/OT, LOT OP 6i, 7 and 7i .octave _PL&BIOU, MX= TO SIN It. retrampa. NO, Bt WOOD STATAT .- - , between Diamond alley nal [ n u mbWyo. . . . Yeti frinnit lor Clakkerinfr-,lk nend.Orend,lloll - ta and Pinery Pianofortes, tor Pittobru gb and 'Phelan Nom!. 'male. - .rellivP „ . • New Melodeons. S BOSTON lIELO -- Octaivitobowood,'POrtable • • t. 45 O. 'do do do 64 5 do do do .75 5 .do do Piano Style 100 5 du do Double heed 130 5 do do do Piano Stile. 150 6 do do Piano Style 130 5 do • do DoubleKeyßoard.....%o Jan received, a imp aod elegant tot a the above cal« tratal incrolhente, and for eida by JOHN H. hiiLLoR, tole Agent tor blown I Usual, selB: , rF SI. Wood Street. OILI OM OM VALUABLE PROPERTY OFFERED ill SA LE.—Viiehleg in (hangs ray (Matlock I ear to all the one Intl or the dreatzthr of the well...warn properly ot mass. on the Ohio neat It one of the bat HI T coo fur • general btudoesk to Oda ea, 01 country the lorry hi one of the brat on the deer.' The Oniktinge ate gaol end *ell cakuladed kr public boat urea, end•hara tong. <1.1111•I'll• • Imetar4 etoe• for • loot Woe, Theta la ego a pond atatinu house. balooging to the the Ga tt, sad doing • goal barb u.ae. There ere about 1.9 *cam of land on to. son lh aide of the Ilya. which 1•100.11 • good fenplandlegotith • goal 40..11104 Acorn On the one adlekl the otter, Bare tel ideal 100 zest. of rough tenkecell .pplied lith mak sod • drop bed or lire clay. And tart, but not leeek la without coy doubt the brat rite far Brutal OH that It on the rtwei. Mardi hu lino *ant by the oldest settlers of this conetrY, mai hatt routinned to be teen front day to dayto the palliest limn sel3 Itod • nAItUKL S MITH. • ; • ; ; • Diti,LUY.K.lll.,.hanfltl•tg DISEASES OF TUE LUNGS, Liver and Stomach, MONDAY AND TIJKSDAY, das.rth and 29th, al tba Drug &dm of hts agent, DR. GRO. H. KEYSER, No. 14,0 Wood moot' . DR. NCHEINCIV3 MEDICINES I bars Loon alelt now for awl, two yowl with • cough and 11.,r oemplalat.sod rho Whole of soy lowatt handsome mtnpletely rate.• I brat took It with A bed Inflammation .4 the laega, mal I was attended by cos of the beat Doctor., In DlMetaugh, who told to. I hod tollestunallow of the Wood. Boma tires in t h e stogy paled March • loot I called oo Dr. &henry, who wmeatmlolon pttlesda at-Dr. Hammes Drag knee, 140 Wood Mean: • After tee mumbled ma cereftilly Le told me that I had Derr catoMalut,whleh had milled upon my Nos.,- /ay Orator. befall 1 called on Dr. Schenck, told Ma that orY loop were bully affectad: I am awned rar7 touch in fireh:and my etwrogth lentos:, My appstitn tem . *tinnily goo*. marl had very DUI. hopmot tikuvery whet. he , s end ad ma. The Dcobw told me would jet 11 I took'hle toedlAme and followed hie dlrethen, alstchl did hltblnily .0%11 I had taken four MAWea of wrolmonto SYrap," two al "drawee.' ' , pole,s• and a boa of wklamlrede !illy` and now I am tamer then mar I rat In toy lifo, and welati tan pond.- more than seer I did in my Ills before, and lan now carry as moth .Inaght la any man of • my .wrlght mil Mao anywhere I . ant enttralf mcorrrod Iron /bedlam. *blob thit broke. down my rouelltulloo and lti.orienod my Ilfe.eod I feel uodar• date of mall/oda to Dr. ifcbstait for hie treatment. .1 know, Molder., quite • nnalhor of my otomalosencee, who, boa bees oared by Dr. botkencl'i nuallaturs, 00m I reconsmeodat to lak• them . , I slam,' beep dm wMandrak• 101Tly b0. 3 / 1 8:_ TUT cardraj onto of Hear reinplatot When %anima Mak would, help her; • ifer akin wag wnlow and .he authored tanch.— the triad ratio. Mbar klod• of pilla r tut they all dld , Itnod, until ohs took your Mandrake PIII•Othlth Winyah, born well woman, / sot mai that I - ow• toy life mid prow. ant drat-rata health to Dr. &bench' and My medlcinee. son I Mae plesenre In ~eggnog my tear/tootti to their elboacy.: hero .amt • mewl many tettwouut 'for Dr. &hawk% mall ..o.orar.d.ther. 1 , 11 . 11 . 1 / L ., 7 •ll , l 7. twr z n y. Miley inatimeot. L.. GIORGI WOOD, Too toIto: , .4 Haasey's Copper Workc flIgot•O to thopros.o , o of C.o. H. R0p0n.,140 Wool stook Itittplootgh, Po: Chu. P. Amos, U 2 North Seventh it., Pialladislphlo, Po. • Piressnotoo, him 'Alb, 186. • • • ANOTHER OztiTlitekTf. • • lutumum, Ohio, 'iamb ad,1660. • • Da: litigant—l opts time 1113011 to inhtme you that wet ra•lltutntriat rat Ytentary,l6th, aid Annaba •bottle of 'Dr. art axle* Seaweed Tonto, end when larrited to Zama. alio I swim-nrwl ming the attach :it atainling to dlrer titas, oind tt het Implored my Imelththrte than I especial ft %Nitta lo then • Unto. lam to well plowed with Mt . f'latested Unto" aid elvisontdo /Yam,. Ibal f. want yen to 'and me tantalite...l 'ilea/vat Tonle sal one bottle of 'r. l ....ikrtrue . by **p m% end l will mitl6 for lb earettae of It at the et: in Zfmntfe "•,, W. nousara, Da. UM U. 11.11,Viik:8, ILO Wood anal, snit witty... : . ANOTllittl ounic lilf Ul4 ttOLLE. , IIIIf. • I loot lan Anso4—qap [mull *year .go—lb vlai•nt st• look of cal, which I maraud by iiing on the damp grunt! on a hundiamuitalon. I had • dreadful moth ttral cointant mo t tomy brutt, sad lexpectorwed a gnat dal of tenet from ray Meg§ aod bronehltt when.. Itbonghtt bad emaitopthra. I pelted lt the dlouna frau the lam Mill bat stub a herd, cough' and night-sweats vary Dui. 'l'm:it:rads groat deal rltb palm and 'lguanas lii toy herrn I mdled or, Dr. lithenet Muncher hat. and tetmminril my km galOtti Qlo respleetneter,. •• fie (adult ray bronchia tuba wait very mortraket6.4 Mid' he pig. scribed for ma hieldantlnakt Doll% Canaan° Pyrop 8.- IVO,d Tvedr..- - 1 took azia boo of mw Pllle sod two of Ma Tonic, atel fair bottles ttla PaltlXiule gyroß . At at 4 I tin entirely *ell,' tort weigh more and am itrolian !Bean I Was berate I toot tie Caste. • ••• , •-• = ittminl4 * 004, &al WAN. imr &MaSk4 deMand jar oty Byrup, Mai /h044b4414 comp4/143 Pinion ta M 4 *ma pm 1444 I. ummy' jar ihe dg.s 4 . l Mnp of am 441-ba a...444)414w dooms Ms Myrup, 17. wb44.1 the 4,46444m0t as* madtl, Emrmfil Taisproatt 411,44 4 igrerest COW to Aware env u tipkii,but an:motif' am 54144444. lTt dflermer Is calor stay 1,44444 Maitypd44464l44pmaliammtm !ma MY:ogimatort ahmays 44444amsaucet1044, mvd VW. an 44iFtir pmmusaid: 4444./. renders topsoition toyarifble. : - MIKA. OW: IL K RY1141" 4441444 Aigm.!;hem 114.11. dna OA Pittsburg*. A N ILL FEED AND WIND Mgt .?-414n5 , ,41d - .6iddAuck saliao lid M/40,44 4 keithaPg 'IAI4' UP Artai,Vcrad's We Vaiin.4earMilltride , 10114:11117i se wmwriamligisto. . • . tz.;:. • A.!: •IVA.BITED--:A'PARTSEILY--A Doratistie Gila 4i2 Pbll•Mitel., thaws Naftali tuts of late smelt ty• arldltlotal taOtal ter able to manta rata. Iwamoto from Wool= sad °atm acra.ortatog Mien), would enter tato partial:tom fog s elparlM ot.groer•VlNnaae, tram eao etanamad from MAW to $ AOOO, melf:, With tbla addi• flan to the SUS w of lag concern,* ? - my doilmbla sod to the buoisesaan Amu% The or•d• off,tae bmme tandahed. and Mr attain intemba Wing pies•l througla the moardaty diffituldfli the ort few yrura *Elk credit !infants& • • • Oximainkattoai•J4reisa 1101 delphiaroteltoe, cur fast items, }i Pt held strictly' eon; Ildiratla. and tradmp protopt alleattort l - 'raft:d - Tim sritl-be pH by JAtb.• 1 , 6121114 pub,11•4110. sod Tied bla TEUrE[OLEBAtE ANFP~{ TAIL• equterst Diptcauryrsi aud strangers vldfidg cur city. 'IA lo aud xA zooms 4LIVni *Leta as lb*, will am cuislcck li .141 if iter.hioa 14; any ever bwmght to'our city. 1" CIER VARY LOW. -All goods sold by us WARRAIiTho, W.E, Sett F;RTZ & CO., • ; 3l it AWOL, 8pak.,1114:11, P o 0'13.6 Restorative Cerdial ~ .... . . ANN . ':Il ';-.-- -.!, ,; .„ BLOOD_. • REOVATOR . . ig 1 .13 ntly„CialeLY .. . M . ILT in NAlfllt INDldAree n • —for while .plessant. to (he WO,' it b - reser . Pllying, *alliteration in.' '0.14 thsati4 to lb. 'lto LI H pin= 11 alai rag ride*, rediateheAnd mews me hi bloodies nil in ofinhielperitiltui thin reetorea and aw , renders the eyelein inculuere /a *Ttacka of dl.. tj ~ ,i aura. lll& the ouly 'loopy cut to ank: allayed to thr H ~ world in • popular form Ito ei be .loin.loin thirtie th al of all: Oa chemically aintelillfo.o be lobe Id tin nag poworlti I tonlo.and 3m in pi t tifectlYedenied H to as toed inpatient urconforke wfatfhe fan if ./Lj L . ti Lomond Irencearrothe Um MmHg r i etuek•itirlt,_ ,, and time op ~ R the dig"l.i'"lrlural nod I Vel o y i eraltlera . trrr i r,rl. P ft e l lX,ln u d y Vie also never fo)lointl: hy lesal l uidir or I A: 1 ft &prenatal of :Orli,' lt is emPponedusititely Of Ten ._,. ^ ambler; and thin, thoroughly rombiniog powerful lIVI tonic en 4 mouthing prOpertlekt mud cfpnarquently can In earn Injure. Much a remedy' traa loniDeea fete tot* ki .. a diaidaretem In me mantel /mild, both by the tho au o roughly akillat la mOl b seance sada!** byill who t'l tit halm euffnad troth debility: 1r It needs to medical f 11 't still hr. knowledise ei.o to that iketdlity tether.' X rt all attain of dine.; and leyritha minnidal eysteei t.) H open to the ebonite of msofif the Moat dance.. H to which poor humanity I. c atantlellabic.• Such, lei 0 for iiiiropie, as the felkieritivi roma:action. Drone t. 0 tie 'di rar' s Vnutr i Lirgitikl . la w ira. 0 , . limn, melancholy hypocom a„ night anti* kn. W. 1: . plot, ladiator, laud angina e nof cane in fearfully V i fatal If meson, to lo timOnited female maks.. .1.1 or Irregulerlitea Alto, tilt derstinements or tor. 0 Many, ano ihibelloolpt•lots, se.niof the Llama .1 ~. ocaldlog or Incontinence of Op, tuiretbr any general 9 Pi derangement of the military eitgaiat,palu 11l m. hart, a„ 0,, side end , between the ohnokienn pyntlimpadtion to r alight °olds, hailing end cmitionedynrugh, lideact. *3 , deo, &faulty or breath Imbed we might el lit enumerate many mom still, the we litifo Ram only w to my, it Intl not onlysothe dabliity foliatingPi chitin and fends, tint pranot I altiMie nisi Mt from ~, miamostlc 11,1313611C1111. 'aid cure it diseata 41 otee, It al. reedy attacked. And m It , iicA directly and pantaloon upon the blurry eyeball, stO g the 'tier to action, pro moting, In fact. all the excretion!! mot teMetiona of the .yin tern, It wan tofeilltly umlaut no delatiAberbutriptencts ' follow liscuint. V4 3 if' J. RULLOCICIS k .1,.8. Await,. BO Choral Iltrooraiby York. EZEILIBI DR. DSARTDOrD