The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 10, 1860, Image 3

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    . .;4 - Zts - '
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Jacrrmas flowiss.—Ose of the most lute.
weedeg things so the Fair het week: wu a col
lection of wax lowers, mounted on astute so/
. protected by • shade, exhibited by ?dm Dr.
_Gregory.— We heard the opinion of florimutur
-...hete, who - prononnied 00114 of them the mast 10-imitable
- imitable quinine of die original they bad ever
. wean.' One feature of the collection wu 'of Hearst of the. dowers. Among them
-,, Wertabe welebratid piailon flower and the Ja
7. pia ram The forbear does ant growin,lide lat
itude, exempt in a sheltered place, so thet tee
piaphrtere iron lit, Mei. o.'e waxen counteri.
' felt iste coneldered a perfect duplicate of the
manna a 011412 . :. The ravioli's were very same?
roes, and exhibited the. greaten profusion:of
nob Weis and ereastal folleie. '
The toUoirtag in auapproximst• statement of
the suninp of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Obtuse Railroad - Dempsey, for the month -of
august. 1860, compared with the same period of
roam Trldaht piton ewsuuta ous "1.680 37 am
. Prewar. 12 668 11 10.631 46 4721_62 too,
:arm ,-_. 2,100 00 , talc 5 Lig! 616 004.0.
11•eanud 7,070
6, : 2000 00 3,6i0716g76:
M6er11406% 2322 t. • 250 04 02 64 040:
4 , •
.. ,:;:~
;{^; f}.
wants Fantawrs —The oonferencea of the
Committees aloha Pittshiargh Board of Trade and
Philadelphia Corn Esehabge Association - with
*bar Pmenepresda Railroad Company, in relation
to freight condeg Eam, from points Weet of
Pittsburgh; 'sad detaleed in that elly, in at
temptiog to diem auk, beteg allowed to come
on to - Philadelphia at the through me of freight
as previetuily agreed upon, hu resulted, we
Mars, to the ectapiny agreeing, to the propos
rhos ander each limitations and reetrialloas as the
Presideat and General Freight Agent may deem
neemmtry to prevent 'Nome arielog therefrom.
0.1• •
•••14.:'• ;:•:r
; •
Tan Republiean meting at Wilkinsburg en
relday *lglu Irian hags one. and stirriais ad
dressee sire made by Slum Paisley and Elston.
A Pro meeting was else bell at abarpeburg on
As same Inesing.. •
Da Batsmen, craning Repsibliage meeting,
were In Perrysville, Rem
bomkaidi, MeCaadiesa ip., at Moms% bogus's&
bitiongli, Pin. tp at ilillemille, Lover St.
Clair sp., and Brat ward, Allegbeay. All Mao
mindlegs were sell attended, sad me bear ex
cella% reports from all of them.
•,:;;; ~; • :
;: •:;;;;•:; /C.:
Acommwraz Dementtno.—A by &bent 'retie
yam of age, named Kam Here:, was drowned
to lineagebeta RIM OR Saturday &her•
woos. H. had gone out on the elver in &
MT with Mime other bop, and while phyla&
fell weer /be stern. The remains were reeovered
noon aterward, but the vital spark had tied.—
The Coroner held so inquest at the drowned
tad's pseuds' house, - on Torben offset, 'bole
Stevenstre. ' , The joy vendmed a verdict& of so
oidental drowning. . .
11? 4'
• Wa lease tiltie glut pleasure that Ile. ALT/ID I . no
Bono, the Chief Idarabsl of tb a morales oo the
27 1 1 1 of Sopteenbet, bas appointed Capt. Cam.
W. Beizazzoo, of Peebles, as hie pritoipal assist
' sat. TMe la an excellent appointinest. Capi.
Baobab/ hen taken • deep nad settee lotereet io
thinusepalgo, andla 'sedating effietent emit";
deity. at will ado a MCC of offline on
the onatalloa refuted to. • •
l'ouLL-The aloes of fits to allogbooy,on sat -
ardor aiming, was ocaitionod y the bonds(
of a abed• boitasaing tail Pottery establish
mitt of Mr. A. N.. Batrobaold, la the Fourth
wart It woo' itstlagalshod, bowever, before
*ay mania thanes • Irma done. Ws aid not
bars bpi Itorlgtaatod, bat pessome It was so.
oldostoJ, ' ' -
Itaatmausm—LTlns lutflsolth, who woo so u. I
verely lejured by the tolling of *dent& at s
ludas* pole rilolig-to Alleghboy, few ens.
take Om, Is reousting u npldip u odul3 be
expletive dada the atroututasou. His itieid•
tut physliisi, Dr. Efardituyse, tileie ibit with
fireseeteses b. Wiliam' to able to be out, ' •
• Botatna•Pdar, Bora •Siovuro.—The 'roltisj• Tr
islil'sren'etill Dais a mettles oo Wednesday
mains; to make preparaUess restating pert is
eke mai demonstration, on the 27th. This Is
abs neat movement, sad, It is the right step - in
—the right direction.
L - POWS Nawa.—Than via Tory Milo 4olog
amen the police ntagletritae an Saturday. The
andtbar at aomnaltinenta to the jail was only 12,
and rim ea haled": .6 tardfanheOnellat 3 for
, ellaelderly aandual ; 2 failure., of lbot puma,
1 Mal for dad ballery. .
Fos oart.-- Th o ‘Woottsogioo laminar;
latt se r. Bloat on Saturday far Cleveland.
The; sada • handsome* &ppm:sautes rogirdl
their otalteiam, ititt., though Sitar numhar wal
Banter - E .- ----'----
Ewer ott.—Zbor Borough elution oa
Toledo; last; pulped at very ettletlY. wad a "try
suall Toto wa, polled. da leen was made epos
miss woad dollars for the oae boa
dudtboesaad dollars worth of stook Is the Pitts.
berth sad CealelllnUls flallroad, sahuribed by
the Borookk sad usobad la favor of the wow
ere rill deolded...aujorlty.l The following Oaks&
woo C'Plulltwoo-.Thsteu Pune, ; COOS.
an—W. J. klEllero-W; /pl.?. r. Whit*, -Bon
ifflellilreleptUl Jams L. Gook - wee
fbilliabld....Afgrisvorfaruka. I
r ,
1 ...'
- .•
, .
.... . _ • i,.' ,- x.a,3r....a,-~a~ r3c~r.;~~ `_ .
orAciAz "gran w ras
,NONDAT ►d)RHilio, BEET, 10, 1
Or . trIRT
Xavier! at Tani Orin o n. on th• lest Magi.
biles sal et 60 •Udlde la i c. • I
Tie O. & P: R R - will issue etcOirelou tioketo
toEris'at lOU the 'mud fore, - good to either
trate ea Ifoodsi or (bawl, morning train Tues
day, which wiD di goad, retotalog; until Friday
alpha - This Watts GO atealiera opportunity to
weed the tortugurstioa of the Perry Mottle, of
Chrnlead, am well le the greet OtpoblioaniCoo•
nation, to bt heldot, Eris on the 12th het: ----
' • - •
Munto.—Mit are gratified to barn that Mr.
Edestillberratt hie been eleetetitenher of vocal
t. h..., 1 3/40 lit Ike Snood, Fourth, Pleb. fftzth; sod
Palk 'Ward Publloeinitools. Mr. Et is a very
aunsenetoil hushes, of vocal mush, aid is bean
I • kaolin to &great many as the leader of I hal Es
calator Wee Club. Possessing • fine, ()leer, so.'
somas Table end Si Intimate knowledge of Imo•
110, and having-withal an enthusiestie hie of
his profession, he le well fitted for the Radon
wailed' ban be.. seeigoed hlm. To teach' be;
glances the rudiments of unto and to so lean
this 'loathes, voice that its compute may be In
-. erten* and Its melody Improved, is • dtffloult
teak, sad would be much more diffloult were it
not for the totsivet whole's generally take la
Mesh. We ken however, known many bean.
tiful idigere that received their training Is ;our
Willa sohookkand molten:10 doubt many others
will be made by the Meese of Mr. B. We eileh him
guano hi lie new appointments, and trust
that his will receive others. We think it *Odd
-ttoadvie If Were were but toe towhee of
unpin} foe the nine wards.. The nreou chosen
:.eoaed then devote his while time to his different
obeys, by which all the schools would he• mu
lady Befitted: . .
Rautuotts.—At a ungregational meeting of:the
.Pitst Re[ireea Preibyterlau Chords, held in kith
oil, as Tburcda, ovule& Stmt. 6th, 1880, in which
hammy end good feeling generelly prevailed; as
they have. Wham], prevailed in all Ito courage
theelmestings, the following action wutaken lu es
lathe to the .renounced intention of Rev. Dr. Doug
h/I/see putter/ to rutin his charge.
llfemmus,*The Rev. 'Dr. Douglas has publicly
amsoneeed Lis Intention to ask Presbytery, at: its
neat useeting, to dissolve the putoral relation exist
ing Weise him and this congregation, oaring to
hie leeltility to perform _the duties devolving upon
him in than and whereas, the Marlon of
lector tad people sae existed for some ten years, du
ries which lime nothing let the most cordial sod
fraterrud feelings ham prevailed between our beloved
pastor end ourselves; and wheress, through his earn- -
, nset, faithful and cgleleet ministrations our spiritual
Interests have. intrust, been promoted. (evrchettbd
lobs overlooked at this time that when Dr. Douglas
came emus us we - WWI few in trumber,latalet one
hendeetand forty-in,) and et the present time we
ausherabout six hundred meatus-) Therefore,
Duetted, That we, as a congregation, do bens and
now deolles to - . unite with our pastor in seeklog •
.diseoludos of -• Mallon which is so-entirely setts- .
factory In Gnashes.
Barrival, That we respect/oily oak D. Doughe
to moulder thelsonounouttent he hes made . ' ;
- Amara, That Pretbytery he reputed to* anew
Dr. Dengles leave of absence from his charge bee
time, that hi may.traral and recruit his health.
Resolved,: Thai -Nu
oomm. Thomas Burial urti .1. B.
Dahill - be appointed missionem - to attend th•
beat meths' of Presbyter, and lay the foregeitig
preamble sad neolnlloos before It; and in ease Dr.
Douglas parade in asking tilt dismissal from his
Charge, end Presbyter, ehould great tame, they
an empowered to ask that ourpulpit be supplied.-1
/rooked, That a tam, of the foregoing resolution,
be funthied to . Dr. Douglas.
R. C. Mate; 846
Total -.....15293,438 1711X11 614 43
3'atwopfiom bat
li„ .924 04 111 C.
-14 to A4tg:6t...sorexe 9011,180886 3911
. ,
- Pnrsauann, Baps. 8, 1200..L.Doctor Iliram Cox,
r2barnioal Impactor of Alcoholic LiqUors for Iteroll.'
'ton Venom Including the city or inacianalf,"oolo,
erM,lsetun on Monday evening, 10th lust, in Rev:
A. K. Bryant's Church, on 611th street, on, the dot
,phistiCatfon of Lilian*. Re will also -analyse a',
numbs, of unsplu oh liquors, procured from 'Om.:
of the princiPal liquor stores of our city.. The poi.-
eaculdkrructer and partsfcitnisie,flesers ihe human
system of the varlorsandaftergred liquors of our mar.'
kits will be fell, exposed, and should enlist the in.
twist of all who are desirous of having pore liquors
for medleinal ead.other purpose&
• Adeultreeee 20 cents. Ladies, Mioistom of the
°oval, and Editors of the mins city papers„ free.
Terrible Calamity eta Lake Tilobtgaz.
Chicano mor ning mania Lady Elgin was
run - into I b is by a eettioner off Waukegan,
sod snob within twenty Minute" after idle eollblan,
took,placecithe bad upwards of thrtielittadiedind:
fifty. pamengers aboard; inelatilag several Military
cod Am emnpanies. Only serantaen Person" have
been saved - vs far as known. (lob Lamedee, of the
New.Orierait P1014E111114 Ii Opposed to, be smug
the lost. • • • •
- The Bleak Teague and Orson Teasers, and
all fire companies of Milwaakeb who here been on
a volt to this city, ware on board the ill-bbd stunt.
n. The names of the eared worn H. O. duel, clerk;
Frederick Mee, steward; Edward Weerrege, porter;
Robert W, Gore, Thomas Munk?, Thoutu Can-
Mesh= Michael Conan sod Jelin .E.!Hobart, of
Milwealrie; Thomas Shea, Wm. O'Brien, W. A. Darn,
S. & Wiltaan Mills,- of Ohio. Lyman b r pdyke, -of
Wanpant H. Ingraham, mettastr of the Cenadian
• A son of the proprietor of this LondoV l News it
supposed to be lost t •
&cud Dfsparch.--,ln :addition to thole repotted
need this morning ars the followleg May,
Michael McGrath, Peter Wolib, Qat. Furlong. Wai,
Elwood, lohn Rogue, Wm. Demer s Jas. 4 McNiunel,
John Merrily, Fred:oooler, Jahn Roper, I'. hit..
chard. John - Preston and wife; - John, Doyle, Mr.
Waldo, Israel-It tageleg, John Mr. Burke
and wife, John McKinley, Folk Iroydor."; Wil=
lard, H. W. Gariallon, • Peter.Wabh, -War. fiereyer,
Fred. Derarelty, Bridget Reho",Jobti : Rutter, E.
Deßar, Jas. Bedsore, Folk Peltuayer, -fir' Powers,
Mts. Rived of 'Milwaukee, Jerrg ember 'Petrick'
Maher, Bremen, Mrs. - Bknonds, George Dails, P olk'
Myer. Iwo. Chicago; Jacob 'CPO, Poi &lea ; Lieut.
Geo. Hartsolt. Mackfneat Sas. Rodgen,
woman 'name unknown, John Jaitobsoo, New York.
Peter Waleh; theelerk, makes the follOWlng Mate
mute; Lady - Elgin left the port of Chiesgb at • halt:
_past sleeekcealock for Lake &merle?. Ahern* the
pustingets:ware the .llnton Oaarda, of Milwaukee,
composing part of some 250 excursionists from that
pity, about half.put twOo'olook this morning.
The sehooner Angeteta, from Oswego, came In col.
Edon with the Lady Elgin, whet, about ten miles
from shore: . The reseal itettak the steamer at mid
i .ships gangway on the larboard side. The two up
' witted instintly, l and the Aignsta; drifted by is the
daritaese. Al the moment: of ceillsion dame was
mule and deeming in the forward to an le
i slant after theforash, all was still, and I, half an
I hone the 'Manta sunk.. I puled through, till cabine;
the ladies "ware pale, bat There was not a
cry nor shriek ; no sound bat a rash of 'Yam and
.the serge of bury NU. Whetlihr. they Were not
folly aware of the danger or whether their appalling
'situation made them speechless, is not keewa..
The books and papers were all' lost. After the
collision the steamer floated South to,Winette,etteni
elle rink.
' The boat was lowered at once with the design of
going round open the larboard side to ermine the
leek. There wen two oars, hatjralt al that moment
tome person paseeseed himself of roe of them, and
we were left .powerbes ; to tunas* the boat. We
noceeded onoe in reaching the wheel, but were drift_
ed away and. thrown. upon the heath
'only two boats left thrrsteamer; one of them non
' tained thirteen parsons, all of whelp were sand;
the other bore eight, bat four ?seabed shore 'alive.
the others betas drowned at the beach., Before I
left the steamer the engine had cased In work, the •
fires haring bean extinguished, and within thirty
minutes the Lady Elgin disappeared. The force and
direction of tttetrind was each thdt the baits and
fragmenta of the wreck were driren rip the Like, and
woad mach the (Yore In the vicinity of Whietta. As
I stood upon the beach, het plenty look log back along
the ratite we had drifted, I could see in the grey of
the morning objects floating upon iihe water, and
sometimes I thought I saw human lieingestraggling
with tha-waree. • (Signed)
11. G. Catirc, Clerk oral" Lady'Elgin.
The following person, left the Tremont ilonse last
evening and took passage on the Lady Elglic: —F.
A. - Lnauden, wife, two children and 't **** a No.
Orleane; W. Guth and witel.hilas Anne Garth and
Mies Amanda Garth, of Parii, Kanto:Z . .4y; It. F. fiall
and lady. Aurora, !Wool.; Mr. Leypthrhen, of the
firm of Smbh & Lemptisben, T. O. Henna, Mr.
Pence, of the Bun of Goodman A Pima; Mre. Bar•
ran, harm Elogsley. of Milwaelsie; ;Jos. Caigrazy,
Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Kenosha, Wu; lire. Kett.) and
fine children; Mrs. Bond and two children; 'dames
Ballow ' of Diluted polo, Wiz.; A. Pochinghtan, J.
v. Pollard and lady, of Wilwaukte; LlFitegertld and
. 11 3 b. of Milwaukee; Michael Gmegen and lady, of
Milwaukee; H. Ingraham, Esq , M. P. and Peooto
, toior the London Illoivated News shed St Hilbert;
Ed. White, Fancy Bans, Chas.. Stniih, or Chicago;
Oen. Norton, or sopovor City ;: G. fijSkapand,
Loeke Sheboygan, Ono Serereoce;!and wife, Mr.
Wicket, Mr. Phillips. of Illtiwauklegjohn Marro,
Deputy 11. S. Marshal. of Missiseirph'. None ache
abuts named have yet been heard cf.!
go: lesion, Sept. S.—Denver City news tu:Sept.
Let is reettrad.
The reports from the Tarryeli silverjaines continue
favorable. The richness of. the ore has not been fat.
ly ascertained. Some specimens glild More, lead
than silver. Several quart: mills 4, tbe.Grigory
dist/Int bore- been sold below cast .Melt of those
ia Sevada Gulch have been mopped I dsy. no
scot:mitt of the scarcity of --water . The DAVIS mill
'ln EitssellVGalett, remain four deid, hag retorted
51,589. Mille are being moved from Begldee
.ttiot taGregory's,:kwhsre the awasti alithipete tad-
Ingbatter quarts. Woes its - getellati:loss glowesdly
doing well. A few are making apetallis of US par
Iffiddangh, who captured the mosslarer:l2totdon,
arrived on Wednesday to subpoena wiinesatis ftir his
trial at Lonvenwarth. Letter were Olund..oo 'Ger
don 'bowing that'Si. J. Williams and:Dr. Kennedy
sidert,Gordos. is blo *nape. Williftnirand Kenbedy
have tied. The witnesses will go down next sleet.
An; affray occurred yesterday morning bet Been
John Cagger and Washington Beall. tffeearal shots
were fired, one gracing Caegrr's hip lima encoring
the foot of a bystander. 'Beall gess himself ep to
the authorities.
Oo Wednesday, the 29th, 11. J. Ttecttand H. Pier.
eon wan killed by the Ciowas, at Rice': Rumba, on
Box Elder Creek, 21 culla Sontbeest of Denver and
their bodies burned—nothing bet their`. bones being
found. They ware identified by their - buttons and
other pieces of metal. Left Hand, of the Arspahoes,
Is in Dei, and sap we may eapeet • frirlber
Mr. Creighton, telegraph agent, lei#l this creek
for the litotes. He has beau unable trerabse a anf
iciest amount to bring the! Overland telegraph
through to Denver. It will probably Os vie South
Platte Crossing and Fort Larimie. :•
The lawyer, of Denver hare agreed Ot transact no
more professional bulling under the Omni disar
ranged state of affairs. The movementle stared fn
order to genre a government of souse Iliad for Pike's
Peak region.
Yesterday there was a severe thunder storm. in
Denvero-The lightning struck in many SIMI Ironed
the city, bat ceased no damage.
$218,1e0 LI
Arrival of abe Pitne• of Wales.
Toaosno, Sept- B.—The Prince of Wales Attired
here et half-past six o'clock last night. ;Orangemen
had.been parading the streets in regalia all dey, but
when the Prince wattignalled they pulsed beneath
their arch, doffed their robes and rtnapOlered as pd.
iate.eitisets. The only mark on the; arch...which
could be construed Into a party sign, Was the par
trait of the Priori of Wale. in the posters of , King
William, when crossieg the Boyne. The neeption
only needed the ships of war to equal Ilf lh maelti
cencenhat at Bt. Johns, /P. F., or at Halifax,:
Fifteen -thoumnd persons were present, end , a
thousand children yang the nationel-anibeun , ,The
Corporation presented their addratte, nod:the Prince,
after reading his npli, reviewed the houtense pre
cession which defiled before him 'in alumet andieu
saceession, and than took a carriage and.followed 'lt
through the streets for intim'. The ohms city was
Illuminated, and the dhplay eurpamed any yet given,
for all the dottiest and decorations need at phew
preceding hate been reflected here.
The ..en.M.g was deafening, and the f t were
41Isal with ladles Swing Rowers for_the hr
aa he passek. The tre
Plitle• resehed b t e he Government:
Hens, where be lodged at about nine o'clock.
The members of his suite stay at tht(ltanin and
other gouda.
New Tonic, Sept. V.—After thenejoariment, yea.
inlay, of the breekbmidee Committee, the Donglu
sib-emitting* on the proposed fusion &Mead to an
cept thentoposition of the former so the belie:of I
fusion, ambien The the retinualon of that/eagles Stets
Oaten:dues. propositions me ten Beech [widen
den on the 'lootersl arid the Litut..Govantor, sod
Canal . Commissioner on the State tilket.i: The DOtlf 7
lila tub-Committer finally agreed to the proposition%
sad Moommend the State Committee Writillythatr
Thh matter now rests between the two
Chairman of the State Committee, and probabir
be adjusted es abort,. .
, NO --
rretc; Sept. B.The committee Of the Dimel
las and Stockbridge parties in this State here filial
lithe', trial to fuse, sad here adJouned.
The steamer Vanderbilt sailed-tete aftertoon foe
Southampton withl . oo penengere end `1 1 114,000 id
sP•O S . .
311•Mtiorow, Sept. B.—New Ortes"... pipers of
'resides , hare twee remind. Adriessetreat Texel
mete that a new electoral Soho to sdhroestedi 'sod
promises to become • plea of seam, bibs roted'for
by all parties *weed to Sreeklortdge:ead Lioeolo.
eaves committees wart still ramie&
SlorPteeyerst , bormipoodent apyi, et the list so 4
itotints from the Liberals ehiee debate( Afirsitoo
they ware *drawing from envy olds 4 the osPltekiA
trAermarost ems*. 'Sept. •The &notary of the
Creesury has adremleeSt for the *timepttoo of prop...
sale, till soon of the Yid of October, for .a. loan of,
110,000,000 maw the"Tressotr NottliSebtoptto•
Po'rtartuty, ,
Douglekarrieci here'
atwight o'elook tide evisiagratid' Wei wit at the;
depot by a lug. body it the Damooraiy; accompa.. l
tied with betide of - mode - sod treaeptrnoies..!Hei
is now speaking In front of the Etobittge Rotel to
an itomenee assemblage gathered (sone all - parte of
thecounty. The otos* eathashusa
ALuerroww, Sept $:-Hoot Fleury AfLongoicker
wee renominated ter Coogrees by the bounty can
tuition of Lehigh by iteetainallon to•dey.' Lehl4b
ontinty Is entitled to the crendklibe tot -cebereqt°
theoetentb dtitriet Simnel J.
beep rrioulloatad u candidate for the./Usembly:
Remorse, Sept B.—Mr: Doualas artirid hem this
toottliag sad met with a warm remptlea from' hie
friaide. Ile addressed as immense meeting at about
woott ea Popular Sovereignty preteetio4 to du' In
tonate of Peatutylvauls sod other euideets...
scatiest, upon Mr. Breekieridmea' mums were-
Terj rimer* and were heartily applaude4.. • ,
Bram:atom -Pr.; Sept. I.—Rota:no, from 143
towiss Oro Fatrboats 14,746 toojottly,a:Ropiabilesa
esti dace ha year of 3,937, 904. Foltbaddro aw
J0V14,. aidoubadly r0501k32,1100.-:-Tbo &mo o
atdabado -Vouod, - tbut
fbr,litoodo, Royablioano 114 D0010a04411-1:
. publican pin of six ant at par.
• -. _
-,t _ '
-woos su s
loyee la morals& hid Um focuslatfou holm for
s thane of oho Q thla Sflorpoon: 'rife loUl at.
fond at • shisislOotilo *ming. There -la so Sp . -
probonstos of. (Fiber dills:tidos _slob tbo Oroop-
. .
Lormsemmi. k
mateli fee $l,OO O,
' ‘
—time 2.431. I Low ;
the ram, Evermeed r
• ^
. .
Sept .
• Panancartste, e B,—The inflation of Prot
Lowe's bellooneree rimmed elite morning and lure:-
peeled to start at one o'clock for Europe, but high
'lode ennead the balloon to bum Putthilt am sod
to the proposed trip - ,'
Somme, Sept 8.-.lThe etesemblp MealMy from
Liverpool, arrived berethis evening.
MONTRIIAL, Sept. 'F.-:-SEt George Slayton, °tr
emor of Radioed II data et Leonine tble taming.
Al ettomormotemt. Observations for the Goren., by
G. E. Bbaw.toiat4bBßiftb Bt.—corrected daily
IN NMI. mots.
9 ceoloolr7-A. 09 72
11 .. m 00 79
a n P. _ _
8ar0meter..........4 .
Benronts.—Tha shingle market is very dull just
now, and priors balsa a declining Unduly. Thh
decline is attributed by a gnat. many to the supply
bluing more than equal to the demand, but the real
ranee may be found io the fact that the demand is
not eci great as in fohn )ears, er yea, stilogle roofs not
being thought of whin "Groggon's celebrated As
, phalt Roofing Pelt" eio be obtained. The agent for
this excellent raster il can- be band at his Mace,
.haughltn's bui lding , Canal batik, near the city
Water Works.
RlPllllttaiff Song Hooks, Nos. l and 2 ; prijoslOo
Barleigh'S Repubilein Song Books; pries =a;
Young Hen's Ilepaklisani - oealht; price 8S;
Wide Awake Votallit ; Prim' 100; •
Liras of Lincoln aad Hamlin , 12 mo. cloth, $1 ;
parer, 250;
Grealay.A Cleavelar n rs Polities! Text Book, 11;
Debate/ of Lincoln d Don*las; Cloth 50 cents;
stitched 37 mots.
All kinds of portraits of Lincoln and Hamlin;
,kledals, carton, kinds, with portraits of Lfnooln
and Hamlin. . I
All oampaign dommteats can be had at Haat .t
Miner's, 71 and 73 Fifth. street.
ice" Ws call the , tteution of our readers to
ao avoid. advertised In notteir column, adled BLOOD
FOOD. It Is an m ,
ind; dhoove, sod most not not .
fantail:OW with any of t ~
ry notational patriot =Widnes of
the d ty. It to .thacif.r the And already prepowed far ate
aorptlino plesamt to theist te and notate/ tit anion, and
•bal one gale. he rataa. Lee all Moat, Men, lobo ar•
inalbeitug front poverty o furity or daft Dory of Maid, and
W 11l
coomouentry with sow, chronic r lames or alimind, tale of
ood good and be tenured to healtb. We anti.. Unit
our Druggists have rectid a supply of . thin article, and
sato of nu world mow Da. MATOISD INPANTILD
CORDILL. which every mother obuold horn. It contellm
no ringed* or *platy of ..y blob whalersr, and of coots*
041,0 be Invaluable for al Infantile comptalato. It will
alloy all polo. sod sof so • revue Iti pron. of .te, tbethirrg.
and them. Inns regullue the boron. L 4 all amnion
and morose, who bare endlired anxious bus sod aleephes
Wain.. Pronlm•sOPPlY. atid hat once epitom,. _
ea.e....d.ret.....t. i /or oats by
,into. IL II BPHIL
Al.t, 140 Wood st.. Plead:inn*. P. - aull'.l/ %Sea
.FALL should not fail to read the adroit-
Wmrnl or Pt of. Wood, lo
Tire Dover (N H ) ll'ide.rtwakes recently had
a grand sallr at tho City Hall, and were ad
deemed by Hon. John ;P.' Hale and others, upon
the Whiml toplos of the campaign, In able and
eloquent speeches. Mr. Hale remarked, at the
talons of an extended speech on the coarse of
Mr. Douglas;
.Finally, in regard to Mr Douglas, there is
one thing In whioh Mi. D and myeelf are alike
more particularly. 1 vie once a eandidate
for the Presidency, and did not get a stogie
Eleotorif vote.
Panning here, the andimme look the jots, and
the hone. free completely taken down.
A 01 , 11 f. BOTWOIN Two Ro te DßOTlitze
KILLOO —The 'Natchirechee (La ) Chronicle of
the 25:h, rectordc the tillowlog terrible tragedy::
A qc anal mile a fe* algitie ago bet weew rWa
brcitbell named Langiao,'( William sad liarrela
residing a few miles &Wive (Ample, rhea a prop
*litho being made by; one of them that they;
sheold Gght it out immediately with dauble•har-;
relied abut goes, It wart aceepted by the other,:
and &clog sicoulianeenaly, both of them Wee.'
Instantly hi:led
Means' —Thee. Eteerart, residing in Potter
Ip., Clarion county, bad some money eaten
from hie bongo, an lam 'gabbed, Jared Liege,
Constable, and Eli SloCity storied In pursuit of
the thief or dame, and on analog up to two
indbridoslanbont midnip,ht ordered them to sur
render. Charley Lague, one of thoeeordeted to
surrender, drew 4 piste,' mid shot the Constable
kililog him, and with lanolher ball woundid
McCoy. They have n6t been a led at la t
Tas flauwee Is E . MULAISD •- It la staled that
ao changeable bee the heather been In England
during. the summer, dial arts -- la dwellings for
comfort were In (IMMO 11 , 0111(1bn, end Molt
winter clothing la uas I the ape air. A pa.
dews, who spool him the 26th of Jed, to lie
11th of Aguet lo &Elan own that be ow ibit
min eel hot twice, end than not for fa bowel
duration, end for two w hs previous lo Frump
It rained every Jay, with but one 0111/6 stoop•
PoPOLILTION OT Nair oakase a --A New Irtht IMMO
correspondent e•se..the J inn:ober of specious and
costly residences in pr pees of construction,
the extent of rebuildingn . thePutiness 0•41 f•
of lbe oil. ond the credo I inoreaas of population
and improvements la thesuburbs of the town,
do not fall short of that 6f 1859 " This result
Is ascribed to the new railway ecninectiont
PoPIILATION r,/ 8r bolos —The population of
St. Louis, according to the venous jolt taken, Is
160,667 . The imputation of the city in 1860
was 76,000 In 1850 thslpopulallon of Chicago
was 28620; it is now 1091420. While St. Louis
has Increased in leo year!' • little over 100 per.
cent., Chicago, in tee yearn, Imo Increased nearly
900 per cent.
Taa Rochester Demereit stales that °urban
dred voters, nearly all Remiss, is the town
of Orort Tend, Liviorsion loounty, who. formerly
voted the Democratic' tioltht, dealers their Wien.
lion ,of voting for Honest Old Abe. 'So it is
A letter frost; Pony odunty (Indians) elates
that Fremont only got 171 votes In the town of
Mount Vernon;
the count* ecat of Pony, while
the Laconic elntt now organised there Douala 197
so ere, without mating the !Amnia men who
don't belong to the club.
ri _
population of Rochester IMIB6O la 4090. The
Increase sum the fitate tenons of 1865 has been
4219. The increase since the tut United Mites
census of 1850 has been 11,693
POPULATION or PaontaJ—The population of
the eity of Peoria is 14.860; lof the county 18,838
Total, 32,742.
The Committee on Speakers' of the Repo&lieu
Executive Committee suntan& the following meet.
toga, at which all miens oratory party are retpeet.
folly Invited tongs to the discussion of Republican
lit . Rio "SCHOOL HOUSE near .htfilerstille, In
Penn towathly, onTuesday, il6l 11th toot., at 7}
O'clock p. Thos. -noire/if sod P. H. Collier,
Eno., will add - rote the mottle .
Triit WIDE AWAUE of Pittsburgh, Alle.
/Leif end vicinity ere rogneeced by tbe Lvecathe
Corturdnee of. the Alb/bay Owlaty•Upabiloan Ciab, to
rawt m their natal Owes of lerr/hIBIO
EVENING, at 6% c'elock, ugly ad trom /crane kr the
tdononanb-le BMX% torsion on 'flout la front at
o'clock, tom:Melo the prod-tee/on fir leocatlog Oast SWIM
If the numbs la •Ilegbeay City. IBy order of . •
utlntul Um:nem 00111 f
VAG.— tel Relllng Mill GPM
bre. of Plll•bargh and vkle *tauter REPUBLICAN
DIAL Qll ARTS B, Woof strew. WZDNUDAT NING &t. 2at 7:ecl to wake h arracEVE-
lareny oapt la, P.OOOOl/07
, la lbteCo ow nasr ,
We city on R. L 27114 IWO. al/kW
` O ".-1" GUARDS Pepe tbair banntumers la lb.
rear of TrliabWo 11010 &twit, Tall 117111f11411, al
Ty; o'clock. Thome traibrea of Gallia, cerfardzetkna who
porno* naltang• la lb* reunion tb the /MI.E. comm.
TIUN eritl plume be It attendants* mitt la mehlag•tb•
Goal wrangameala for then pf4lllM5- By request.
ealo BAUM. INDEATar Plug.
tlollee to BeiWort 11111Contraciori.
TUE lINDERSMNIN ormerly Foreman
fth ROWLAND *do* phrtthUy 14401111 Mos
Mr • hem /lithos amm work, and t bllo gourslintbst
he Is now propared to furnish BL A T Iof differroleoh.r.,
but. and purply ) pat ma ALM 110011 la I the
oust oppr.voil ammo,. Onion Mr Welsh or reintring'of
Slat* ;toots 'flit ha at M. tees of ALEX. LatititiLiti,
f.wir Ito Miter Worts) will P. mammy Ittoodod
aiiftlftwot - Ttlaltalf PARRY:
Arm :Piods , ;Am rit.4
Plumbers, Uss add
Flumbhag sad
'ALWAYS ;12.11
. , ='>.
. .
B.—ln the Woodburn Course
'ward Enna win the dint but
Rogers wan theaeoond beat end
firer delving foul--the• 1401.
IRePoloa ormaorilie thi IYffiburo aloonal
. Pirreoutax, Molnar, &ix to. ism
youajo.„.i ay ,ktbect, tamer, on, rimeterbel
clerete to irate la mime. AU armlet ere Imild and odd
Wit. Mt ,the operations. are looltok Doyen toting so
more tbs. sill taw thoir orAto T roaming
on tin Weil;
Papas. istre t 4. Psto. hat?
100 bud tro6l 646 670 660
60 d o do •fdb /4 676 6CO
230 .do , d o 645 670 636
110 do I do 645 37 6 630
63 do do .. • 646 676 6ZS
7 3 do do
el •do' do • 645 15 ha IF IS 711 SS
GI do ! 641 676 630
SI do do , ....i. 75
BACON—torbnpad 1611 bet PON dolog. asks of 4000
adooldord st 9,0111 d- LW do apes st 1k 3660 do pWs
bamaat l yod Os titans sogai =rod do it 1.66
02Allf—pate ant In [stomps/a. Walt of 660 boon la
' ot 260240 is anon, ot
galas 476 ts oar
at 41062. Waast—a oafs of Com
700 both In
tad szkl lotto,
200 do oblio
was nvortra, bat the Won wort oot oral. public..
PlaTATo36.—Balas of 260 Won ottmod at 04 - no p both,
oaEar quality.
Wfileldlf-rthis of 26 !Ala at 27411240 ill gall.
011611,012-6dao 70 bps W. E. at 6420¢.
Pl:nialt—dochanged.; Was of Obis palm at 9015930
61 70
46 SIOLAI1214—Silas of 6111 tads at 46640 E and 16 do do at
00 1166—dall bat tanattaaitad. &dos of 40 nal at ma
IttauTHY SICED—Sales of 20 but, at $2,20 p b • b.
PEA151165•••••Balea of 20 bale at 22 V bbl.
11 011110TA11.4 'AMID talallldlidaln
Nita Gratin litiztire,•ivt..b. 6, P. ar—ilm—if
.drm at $5,9085,95. •
Cotton b drew, ral .4:2,000 Palm it 10 ,41riONO.
cons Okaed Ltd oftwardidatabatty, sod b qtot.l at
- Urreorlar—dogar i gateratt 989Y0. Mobutu, prl.a. In
Pn rhdomr—Sfern Podets haldaittrr, Lard la firm at ISo
for 6thy Boom drat.
llzroala from New Totic to PROrSI Porta ford mouth.
from Jammu I e
1864. 1869. 1860
Doom& Pr0duce......... tas,otsete.s33.624l,oLT $54,2114,889
roorko 965808 2,180,807 1,936,607
2,T9/482' - 98112.686 3,6162131
Specie and Bahl= IT 3421,267, 4 0.66 4 174 36,696,660
$59.113.963 193,135.474 $98,047,777
total e xcluder, of a pech41,760.6.0 44.476,700 39,747,332
Talus or New Cat.l.s4Tho Picayune of the 14 fes4.,
rays, the following 14010 shows thltrendpts and export. of
oar leading staples, sod tho prtocif al articles of mantra
produce, du lug the last two Jit.ff :
Ib•Ubibu Ripalta.
Artkiea. 1859-60. p
185159. 183060. 1868 69
Ocaton, bale( 2,2515 465 5,770,139 3,214.311 4 ,717,168
Tobacco; 6600, 81,010 ..74 16• , 51162 79,864
84 1 5 f, 8 64 44209 MI 4 - 65020 107,119
diolatece, bbl 31 811343 543,492 ' 119,687 144298
Floor ball 951174 1,011 814 379228 692527
Whorl, sacks, Isms 30,n27 6,95 e 37,100
Coro, gecko, 1,702647 763,192 649.394 14017
Pork, bbla bud le; 3 17,810 167,124 51.452 39,831
Port lo hull, 03, 6,279,564 41,011,370 ---. ---
Baal, bOls and tea, 35.119 61.109 32775 26,230
SALON, bda 6 alta, 44 , 696 ~./16,1189 23,146 18.141
Ns, bre, 4c, our , 3227 . 3188 1176
Mum, cat t tr . . 35122 • 37,104 11,147 16,115
Lard, bk. tr., 67,014 :rim 19,277 66206
lao4, key*, 86.687 64 302 01.019 63,34
008484 y, 4 , 01 a, 186.0911 102.1430 10,959 64,400
1 150,129 • 112921 137,101 90,605
' 4,435 11 105 1,121 6,114
Pieq 81.11)/ 74,1109 8205 78.357
Cat2aoo 1441.14 r, 2441 7 -91 01:11-accrdpfs of 3370
bblw .819.0.,. 1734 attar market. advanced 64 2.. a 440
Bartlett spring oo private 16wma 110 851. 11 1 [1.1.7, ROO
Data Velley 41114 (mond hoop) 80.014 Nlll4e, Make. t
< 0 - 41 6 3 , dank XV WA • Witty. street 40 61514 Cedar Hopi&
aod 350 hole sood opting ealn at 114,90, all dal; 100 66141
Omar.nt $1,92 64 04 40.061100 681. Chute it at 114,15;
100 4-his N0nd00.00.,2,0 dolftemetre, and 110 do fair
10409 1 1, 14 51 1 . 200 do Oak OtOueld PAO. 42 do V. Stares a og t
$4,41% 16.5 4. 14.1.11% i; 80: 66 do Paanix Si UR 8 9
01 trot!.
do riper at 14;100 do do ed 91,12,4 all 4.1;100 do 80 al 4,20
W 6 eat-Recolpo 117215 54411 . 10 9.1401. 819.8:3 4 8.8.
illarket treat 10111, 8.4.5 01 od No 1 Pprlog al 914,
gkoof, &atstopd o al 93e; PADA Do do at 8%
18,000 to, do at 930 36600 bit oo vein; at 89r.. 10000 ho
do et 69,4 i 28,000 bo do at 10,00 bo do .13 1 04 e, lo
moo: UAW° cu do (0w...) at 9 , 4, ;Mar, ;Loa eo tud epos
at 191,-, 10011.1 n dr, at Sec, loth to bf,b et,
bum Way 49',Ohn no 2 rad at 9111 ICN) 01') raJ at 1 1 1 e
oth la .two.
57,840 tith, sidtbutufs MA mama/
ready. Bales 7edd oo 2 coal ..88. •ftrak 76.000 La on 1
at 13c; 68 .w do do at 87441: 3009 do at 117ti,e; 1105 lin nos
at 37e
11*-Iteceipti 2072 tug thtfounls wen. Motet Arm
446,10 a toe to 1 to et.* .
few tey-9...l 271 Wee 19
by. La 12 at 17. e
. trace; s'ai be d o e 1 . 41 met, II bag. Neel. st,
.0 trees.
Timothy yeed-lies kel tied N 310.3 low; salee
hen petite at 112. 20 bA. goad et 819:.; 12 do da •t 131.004
127 dO Mr at 81,86 a.
00 flt&-Te. Coffee market . 114 .1 6 • 0 1 10 . 5../ 04 . 9
7,1.4 Meade. and Although we have had Nutlet activity
mocatk still, 1•51111 hes bee Wont • g . r4trwie derasud.
na6l Thillel • Vowel tele& ea. dozen Do dem-withal to
5 1100 1 Goestulteutly, peke* &metaled Mindy. Tee
Wet far Uwe Week add up sheet Uoti he., se t011.r., vir.
SOO byre Rio at 114 ots ; 700 begs ela et ?Ski ma' 1,300 bags
40 .1 114 t 6.2 9/9
Ise '44 4117): cts. Tio , et we et
RI. le /Ina 1.44. be. eto Odom! to wet e.g..
The mart.[ LW tio, week vbs. aeady at 12609
coattail., vle; 1.2)(314 ordinary to'har /11.; 1114,4
1134; f
Id or good do .o 8 145%3110 far t i lasa 4a lave to pece•
st• et 1 7 c0a 4 Elonetuovist fa .4117,1411 e. Tette
Met -Bah.
IB so LOrtla•
Amer. •• 1•605.1.• I`. 100. 0 .11 0.1.
• '
681011 -Th. mattel Id oaerfy bare of le
Arahauts: .lea 4 the small lat. took. Crowd are lat. ate
6 1 96 486 10. 600 Nobel, alld au tarots boa ems.
paella. Meath, la arrintlae tbiely sod be.deollaed rtx.
b.h. tat. of 1009 buehtleat 6068: 26 .arty le the
•...d ...Oa 89 1 0489 I, with
sates et the 1.10., Aware . A sal of 150 bathe* to
4011.14 m
the imam, as we. puhlle.
artive, .4 rasher lee. Offer2ww, Asia! tales at 11 es,
basal. 13.1tatta Lletaal bosautlarkaty. e1...0 130 fee
.11.1 ward.
'The sewn. of Lines. Iseptilifed Wet tea Mated 11.1..
, astoctedatisty Iw , lb. sweatB., the war, 9 .1
cla tet Ist laic, w.• a.
Ittlettla bar p 116362 164.700
• pockst;.-.. .......... 170.181
Oa lb. war, 17,691 119,164
....... 14717 61,1 at
We. 04.109
15,141 ' . 211.661.
f P4ll. Goat.
Teo ....Ali; lee Walk. lb lb. kar prlnstell titled of
th e': last wat• lo whithwrely report. are sande, to shore by
ecoeula, 1. es Molts:
Leone. D , ,sts. dyeerie arcs/thew
N. Tate, 1 8171,323,215 11,661,909 1.616,30 02154,106
Retort, Sept. 1. 611,061.3111 16 1 X5,634, - 1,0511 0 161,769 AS
713311. Sept. 9... 12,095 . 9111 18073,7101 4.787.917.2148.826
N. 0-,0,13t ..... 92041,911 14821,611 ,9997,118'9,196124
Lan 82
242 5 4 8 ,020129,7011.213 MAI 691 Z 1,018,817
43,159921 181,613.10396,181.62963,016796
I.alo 1119.629,111/121,613,16043,112,999C,649,L12
WI Ma • CO•Ipill•TO stahtteeei tf lee Impart. of
fon lgo fey Clowl. at New Tart for tb. matt. and Ida.
'tonere 1
Lie lereY. 1869. 1889.
Roared et.thre 5 2 02 9 8 1 9 52,0004,, : 99 Thrown oa
Jar 1 2,111,176 11,994,721 2,144,64
d al,the pott.-..-..18,11k1132 20,0276116 80.94.490
Throve ad market 94644.193 68,980,016 19,601,676
Isparta b 1 9 4 • 420440 6,
PPtW 1 OA 1t— , 121 grata 61 WI, WeLougrato; 11
dry ray Broxisirne boot; 20 to 992 • 2 1 4 0999 & oat 20 9 28
Polwarry. O L Faboostobk Ao. 1 bx onearba, D T Parlor
ea.; 9 Inapt Dbl., Lwow oil or; 300 barb *book 0 11.9.
coot,Zratry• o; 1 do: paw ixtbut II 1101 • ax I bolt
box tobacco, W tr Itlooluaa 2 odes 1901. W 0 Thotoparch
PlO 8 It-10 bldaapplea,tt Babfitsta & 2do butter:
II U 017da 10 as Ow mood, Maar rakes, Barron & ax I oar
bottle. J,Toreort 8 1.1. spoke. J Harbert; 2 LLB Onrush,
Wiltort, Carr l ea; 12 tba oppka. A. 0 Ofibtaarer 0 bolos
wadding, Uoratastorti 8r0w, 2 924 and W 10421 .0; 4
ts 4
Iro n iglus ware, W WWI,: lot b good., 2 • Itiltdrl oar
01001 Rams 1 at do, Zna • Palmer; I dodo, Jowl •
Loon; !do 111 Iteltrilabt 1 10:9 4* 2, 8, 01 41 2 . 89904 11
at bbl. 4 099•4, T Id Hawn 1' mum, B Dbl. wpm,
Pork, McCord), ,VOO4 I can cstilo.CoOk • bury.
lb. loading ern al oothill &gonad oo Inolondol.
tho Tanago, In ostl, beteg the 0 , 3.1 boat 31.•
16 4. 3 .111firelabt.Unti bad, teen DO MITIT4III Of newton*
furls day Of two past, o rfe.o having got so low net boats
ol io hoposolble to tido • Orfp trith anything like • pily,
log ip.
InMe non ere are &il l to dna !robed Kiln eight or 4011.
ane.. Saturday night. and at DODS yeganday non *ill
ne tbrn, bat on Own Um* litypte,. bee still rising
Wooly The Lou.,, Gain Oloohnimi, was Ono loot Welt,
Sp . .4 will ductolno be Wood at lb. wharf ado
The W. I. Mashy to laid op. below Wtnedlog, oohing for
Cracniratt.—Th• loJoulog I. from the Commando! of
Monday: '
The likobasay and Medan. r..ia 8L fools, and Wolcott*,
from N.. Orleans, Iron the moty, .nine outride of the lot
col packsts.........Tbe liarmore dewed Pltsoinirgh with
elert trm% nig /16.11 fleolt, Jamb' Poo.
sot (nazi Pltratichan &dines awl Soils
List, from Wheatley' et. Mad,.er Way.* and Stalgno
D ewer, horn N.. Odle.. erode* eremilt temil 00
• ho Rocket, boded from ;Pittsburgh foe, hiemphle,
wank moo of ben bones, Wets orlth railroad tran et Pom.
Pnr........0t0i1ti1f of the 0 Perm IMI Mid 01. New /Iv
May on 'Monthly, to CYO. 3. leaned,. of ,AniimeMe
Mho , 210,000 inhts an do efittlog fluir N
Th. tannin 60 to for Soar, nod 2 7 30 for Si ft'ogh,
T v ole a (rapine !Nankeen. •
Ern TOn. la ottoa stiady. Ploar baosaat, gotta
6alos of 19. 1 00 bla. l W h et Aral; saw 1.7,000 tugboat rod
irosttau G111_37611 410; *alto $14.1111111•141.11oatbern
1110. Cora Wady; saw 11,011 iamb at. firmer°. Pork
opal at VD 73®1. 60 br mow mad 113 3315 SaYs fot
prima. Wald, steady al 20026.
Patitaana. ta. fo ft fl—cois;'d aunty, but ears I.
not mach dub,. 116 Logo 111. aold It 1•346161615. /War
arm; aapardno $O. Thor* 1a mon Want otaning; Wu of
ndia slss s4s amigo at $l. pal 66. 0114 21141114111 4444411
no it 74076. Wahlros aid Woad Se; asha of 111
Ohio at 146516. I
9atttrtou.P at. 1,410ar staid/ it ft *LW ;plat Eat
arm; sactara rod 811/al &1; 11 1 . 1 14 $ 1 345. Ciotti la
aria. Praittioas quiet oat steely. Lott 1 $616. Coen
111444 7 IS 13%014%. lirlihky pro al 23 a.
T 1
.1 II It too hits. U. BILL hal remand to WI
r .
1.011/ BURST. In the w1wn_ ... ... i tmagalo , in , u.
IL lloystroppartio. OAT d'S Ow.. LW WM gift .11 l b.
=Wen kopr.Antonats. Toth lorded al '1.61*.A. prim .
from Bib to 1112 par .61. .
FilllWoll—E.,. W. . Sawa, R.,. BEalia Flaßley,
4. IttsAlt.v, A. U. akowit...,. u. D., J. H . 1/opkin, W. fa
v a abk..l 4. a... H. gaiger,lr filact,lßizugel When.
- -gatifttlyls .1 1
NQ. 97 Wylie Street, Pifieburg9.
9.11110111.116Df. A. tl i PoiktY, Dr. LIMA*, Tbso&ta
ITAbtx., Raman irron. 1.72417
111,1forAcroar-i4u &lath of Stadia. to
With um. suallqataatlai, eilitirattuaratal at Oath, dm.
IS rataosithis dam - Ilatiaa fatllithea nonfat la asca.
utlWmot la Ws tits, : imbibition othy aipaaitaath
lag th*lr sot &ails IN, bait olio sod lathed. hai thaw
than tax be boo slow 44. ROWLlValgertiallor
Itawanaltal la Back al alogitir's . Nos. 12
and 74 tiara dart. Meat • '
rthartre oaf wails! asititissat. •
• ad • 0:11011tION 'l4 Martha it.
LAG & C 0.,„
WreigliT of
CABB BIAONIS!A- 7 2aseas in land 4 OZ.
plws, gar sal. by 11•41101121.
Ur 1 , 16111181. -
04 20,000 Two amid miaow woolftlow, ts swam .11
forowo woos 114111121.
me corium. newer
. _ _
,~. -
- A PRIX PARKI4B &all kinds for sale by
.42L ' r,lfis.es4.4.l2=a;;
H~HD. ,~:
fiITOCKS AND - Jogs sariety of sit
sat slams sei4 •
s. wows, Ja. •
..s . ixtmerli.Obtrilad .
APPLE:3-35 bble.rea'd this db i ebr bale by
B&tali i 1 fio
by - •NT
,~ ~, ~ -.
~v'a'r~ie''~'+'a2 :4,
00%1 ' 111411 110112ZATION 100 JULY •001:1111 , -
Mar. Joule" Duman. V:lk.
W.Jkaurssoi I Usserea
'Lux eausnx • 1 0. Jolt! '
ita inr, af. bbitt y izettil
• . _____.
1 .
PITTSBURGH, Arreyltir Ji1t...19(41.
Ili nt 002dI1ITTRZ appoiwed by the Select and Common Councils toAudit the ii*uritp
a tuORINTgAL BOARD°, EDIJOATIUtfi bar. smairtstert the &ammo Tambov of litnymorier sa
Sari mild arecurrers to be correct. Sbee Wore la lb. haw!s of trio Teornmer, ore Um 451.0 of . ; wit &it
...;=chis Horidned and Stitrit-ttlita Drlortrgel ari,letpilerru Cent& . II:* kee
acn l a
w , zl ., . acid otatireitert Of tjeo
:t r e..z. f ..d ." ..i . 7,...„r,,,,, tha zd,„g i grarig:ldor e t t y of Janet, ISto gdmil . Et, YOBBO ' V l i"."!,.
. .
Tar.:Asumems ACCOUNT.
Joao I.—To Ramo,— $B4lO 99
W. 116 ore, Cot 6th ford, on pc'l.. 101 46
Collemlsof 1967.
Goo Hodge:6.lkt ward, kr ful. 34 12
EL Hamolood.9th do ' do ....—... 331
rollootozoo/ 1153
Boaell, la ward, on am000t:.... 000 00
John Oruro to ao 40
John ilage,42 do do 673 62
litch'd Eiclia, 4th do do .... 209 92
Jeremiah hew, 6th wd, do 34 71
Awdraw Oth wd,du • 7 711
Thomas Weela,6ol ward,do 435 91
11.11adimOnd. 9th do do •is 1,
Collation, of ..... 033 06
1860, •
Joao —To balance on hand
♦ddWould ColleCtlena.• •
. 1; 7 488" Jona 64— Tobeo4duoalj,ct to Commbloml
m 1 ..0.
568 66
660—T0 Dtr
p t.
4441tional Collectloo;..
7 869,-4a Poplicat j e7 P4 21 " fi ..". °1 '
$6 ' 626
• '
Jou. a!—To o lodate. , tokirobject to etincohslooo:s 9,3 1 3 10
and esottoratlosto..._. ............
/khan, Bop, •
11150.—T0 Doplicoto ...... ............ 1 6 ./ 2 3 03
Jaw 6..—Td Wan. deo lint•lect to co mtalulonis 0,123 03
723 C 3
1150.—T0 Duplnto
Mao AddMutat CuUtak....
1979.—T0 ""
teed. •
Juno Cs—To I.4laLco duo, sal pot to tocomlnotoo
Area. S'Orerty,
I sad.
$1,820 87
Joao 6!—To balance dos, sutpct .to costal •
............ 470 87
Darla Hid otison,
9 : .—To Doplicair.- •
—.51,895 71
$2,6115 71
Jos. 6 o•-To Wont° duo. ratite' to cotnoklogotol
Nod t00ntr0d005.......-- ...... ... ........ 51,t91 71
Ho Pi Mammon d,
I SSC—To Doplles!....—,
1.686 tr 9
Joao 6e—To baktwo do. solJoct to cotombolono s • ,
aou ozonoratloso.
I 8110. -. . • Watio34 More, Soli 1413,. • • I
Joao teltot• as sower al 1865.... '
._—...1 , 924 CI
I Bell.: (Web Awed. 18,.J Mud. -
J nod 11.-;-To Wants of ocooool a 1807.-............8 403 40
" do
_____ do 13A _....... 040 13,
, I
*do lttlid woes J bug lA. 1403
IralllD 11C130 31.11
Th Wzra-Yrleac pa 1....
•tdat &PIS. .....
tfiNtit frtoule_.
, ...... . ..... 2,M0 16.1
. Night /14%0 , 1 ..... ILO OU
18.10,8 41 . •.— Pr 18,1 0 1 ..•-..,....-....... 8:0 10
...... 8,110 uu
8.668 echool. . 281 28
hurro 4—krfar.ll4l ..... ..... AtO Ou
• ?NEI eshool.. ... . 'lOO 7.1742 Ed
Nlittt Pah, ti
. .
fin , A'h 12.—PFIno.loll Ct.o OA
, Avebtatku.. -
Nitta School 1,11113 OA
...... ..... . Ikl) Au —UN (A,
LtA LSO to
.66aIttackui ............. ....... 1.032 to
Mint 130 CO.— 3.911 10
.NOlOl 410—Panel:al... 0 sz ouo
Ao•ol..ata .... ...... ...... 2,70 S 00
Night Art,l 000 00— 1456 00
, N URDlNANCl4,granting the U.O of OM .
• lath Anode In tee City of Pittermigh •
males= Co to the Stoma
hammer Belem Cowpony. we t aro niumaded by
Bel l sod
'.tier.approved of by the City go-
Pace= I. Bo II ladaloof and =Kiwi by the Mayor.
Aldernatt hod Chimps of Pataborth, to Bele. art.loomons:
Mane= awietehbed;ond It le tunny • auto.' and ordalmd
by the sotbority of that sum. That the consent of said
Oonnolla Itt_iLtweby given to the eloomeetele hewers,
gallon Oonspony in order upon. lay out and m ut t
Sallee V, on the following street lo dwelt, "of Pittsburgh:
Nound street, itoto the thy Dno, new barn No. I. to the
corner of StoillAlaid eyelet; along Smithfield to Filth state,
Da Bleolothace Pasmorer Hell my, by tot Coustont boy.,
to bee =we of coasts ore.. and repeal, to Ile sold ph ,
wilsktisat =nape Hallway. as may I. mooed upon by
dielotinated pen Que, ono to bet chomo by ewe thom
ploy, sod them two chocolat the third; with • tract oat
Elwood anon. between Grant and Roterereeta, uo emh tilde
of lb. Public Pinang eh. tune to be constructed with •
Bogle troth; with turoooto =lnge and soltchea sashes
any be Orelentod by the Cbownittre on Peels; Noe mid
o=pm:l.Tel:tat bees the privilege of tmenersing odd streets
with their cto• and boons melezt to all ate , cottellimet re
strietkole and Ilentesdooecoutaloed in sale An of Incotpse
roe= end .object, oleo, to each Ordinancse si said Court.
chem., from tins• to dale meet, puree tot to the Mere,.
pasted lo the lath seeoon of eat At* end that the told
amt shall ha teem op only ruder the dteectlon of the
Street Commit...
T. The power above coofirrad ere granted opth the
kW/owing morose moditkor •
Id, The mid company shall use, fa the conettuntlort of
led Railway. tabs of a =tarn on. approved by the Hs
Regulator of the City of Plttaborth and the eau
nett. on Ott eta, and shell lay down the ettmender th•
enperthekta of nod ocrordlog to the planedeslgnatedhy api
Ihroollor emulator, who.. *Mien goal be pall for by
aid moony.
—le, 10 thereat all the gotten craned by said
railway, Iron Coteau, of • petters to be *permed by add
Brooraing Regulator and Woostalthe on PUP* gel the
weld rails shall not Is Isla till mid =warts are pot down.
34, Tho payment of tee a= amend upon each [ee l lay
'the sloth wake algal Acted Aseetobly,abal be =le for
each at vied* one moth akar the
shall eethalthee
mania' on Mid read, sad at theme. dam annually thelt :
atm; Mt no ment of with simnel amemmtht abell 'he
molted for h o
me y . emeeed for am In ems of seeldeat. :or
damage 1. ahem. The tea shall be borobered, Y dtMe •
end anthem. :the no. niimbered, coder the ordlosom of
of wild oily. throlathig Ilmaide on non vehicles
Tehe Ilso end fee= of tho tat upon dividends or
net-poem of Wild company, preemie*. to the ninth melon
of a 4,1 Ant,
sal I cowpony shall pay limey:l.lly (moth.,
Ttththr7 WO city. the corn of too butdred dells., for
and dati ng the One ewe yawn and Toler hundred tell=
mortally &het...leer. the grat payment to be made on flu
Mwei_ ~JeolnarY, 1102, I sid an theism.. damson.
Idly thereon:wt.
Ibib. The Pt ablent of said company anal &ow:dilly, on the
n day of Joiy, mike mitten nano.. node,' ma, to th.
City Otnitralth of mid city; of too member of cm. wbby,
)mil at any tem daring the your ham thew rho upon the
rood, hot Imlddl l og them sow peed lo be thrill
tn.,,, of
tide me/lon.
fhb, The :said company than keep chart that portion of
Wraith which the std railway may poor, sod
peepatual.rood matt% from oath to nub, setileet to the
dlmattoo of, neeettiet Comntlitermar, wise briellore *fir
peel to tbeilthimmluse on ntreeta wathe athlete. ehell
gosh mil 'extutpotty shill not at any time to• permitted
to throw op am ph. ordirt, UMW or ice trom off 'he Wee;
tower! Ust getters or °sateen& gad he It retthle there
and It anvil 1. tb. duty of lb. ntrest thomenhelloner to me
the foregoint tented ado erect
101, That
theret wed for. foe eine
m eevengr burled In
Meows of m railway cameo; shall exam! Be mute
Within tha Etty'rtialta
gb To.o tell city micron tha rhtlik it soy Item alter the
red of twenty Y•cra feel TM da • hereof, by &tot The odd
=malty one pees notice II slab intention, to Pole= add
nod sad .tact by paying for the WWI. at a nth to be deed
Ley Else dlelobtreeted spprogere, to be appointed at the rat
ton= of meetly. by the Prete/ea dodge of the Coon of
Ithenthesplons of Allegheny county.
lith, The el coinguny shill emends. .0 claim *tight
I %hem soy act f kmembly to me soy other streets of miff
• Lofty not herein boom. rated.
101 h, Ilia betas this militates shall yo into eff et. said
oompeny /hall Ills with the Pity Controller • properly um
thentleatadthaitheaco of the sem., throwing all Its mode;
ththe and Matriktiona topothe ebb good and eugleiont bk.
canny to the nag of Two Thrtnatod Doll= (tbeentne to be
approrad of by the Controller.) Ito the porforatiOn* of lb.*
pert of toe toddrect, end - oommottar that any hams to
simply with say of Its tams may, at the option of the Cry
Consalla, be load m bethrefoc.tion of thit thither. hereby
Ordained sod enacted Imo a law be Ogallala this TA
day of horn; A. D, 10E0.
'AUTO kleatthET,
lamb H. fd
.PiasSditit of lekebeoorictl.
' ' •
Cloth of boleti &wadi. : • I •
• Padden* of Como=
lfrastal s in i ttu . rn a.m. :
• .
I 1 licLustnal4 a IGIIIINI l'aerAtitinom—
HILLMIOLD'a UMW for th. 81.4 d..; . • .
111(1116OLD'd IiEWHII kir this Midas) k
lIIILYBOLD O II IaWHO for tbs Grant. -
EIXIABOLD'd WICHU for Its lhoprj)
MILIIIKILDY 61101111 for Nerircasurei;
BILHOOLDI 1100111 U tor Lc., a: Hamm
USWIEULDI SUOMI for Drurnrarcit 'imolai,
HiItAISOLUPS EUOIIII for Dfilkait Erase:dn.;
HUM:WM.6 WORD for Meat nano;
elnautours gtICIEII for Oniriral Debthlti -
itIRAMOILIY6 KWH for Marmot Unita! k
HUMBOLDI IWOIIO kr Horror of Dismal; • . .
HUMINAD.II 600110 kw Night &mark
0:16461BOLD1 BOCHU tor Malatalnam
WILIEBOLD2 WICOU for Dryorrat trio B. In;
HILIIIBOUr6 MOH for trapWirig .
UZLISHOLDII ANWII for Pain In tlia Mrit.
Milli BOUM IMICIM kir. Haulms" cif Ms 81014., with
Tompow7 Suffrirkna anit Low atilakk
II ILAMLIMI nocoro f e
Wow of Ittestbs. Mirror of s.dayi - . , - ~
Humours MOHO I. .u.
Oban.r. . ' . . ••
MILUEOLO . II tl kr Rtrosere *Haug train UM
mittini, ad ell of U.. BaNIMI Oritas„ filltin to
oliberms, I Wmme rano arlkistrair.
W Ha ; a fu. II max% 140 eiso,
Avis? roes4tir et. Dry
B s 4n r s :=4:l77Z= Milia" t ni t
.44 r. 16. rn ig ormir =Noe radr to
ow iw# , l , A) . llAzi!l
e ax runtrainvir ALPS, As au: law P...
rad bow Pak elt thoi Wistenursten, stch V
03 41.-Blian. in to *faro. w•diti..•• alarm os•
oi i
ct,n st -. n r. ,
, il ft
—lttonna. p M -., Q
—Hvelritbu d
. - ,'
4:4111111 ": 6 A " leneL . 4112°9e ' , .„.]
.410 ideb, l av a l rgi
miers CLIMIQX ignitVilttilit!it
By (bah paid Teacher. of Ward Scboola-.-4.-4313.114
-do do High do 8.491 la
Arprose. ot do do
T ...berm of Colorkt •
Txpen... do 301 2300
ferret try Central Board OLEducatto.— .....4 400
Drop Light he Uflott do ...--.: :•11 88
Bograriog and prtutlog warraot 05 09
'Waring aud :•• 4 00
Ow " 01 0, 97 of &hoot Law.. CO
Retuuded B. 11111 e.r,Jr..Treater.orer.payanat 30 00
do B Bane, Oollettor 7th wzrd, 1&58... /9 th ,
do U. Litter, do do • 1931.... ;- 93
Ads.rtlang Auditor.' 40 90
Coratalusiota on $16,974, pald between Jae.
1839, salrgirtintary 11, 194.143
Balance -4 ....... 6,19/I
$7,420 92
1860.-13 y Cab._._
lone 6. Balance--.
. &cant Ward
1800.—By Cash
sane I. 1 0 .1nry. exuseratfun., etc—
$7,272 TS
• TYid Ward
1800.-14 OWL. ..... ..........
Jobe &
11660.—Dy Fourth Ward
Jane 6. Dd. ce •
Itfla War J.
IS6 o.—lly C 4.11
in 66 6. Unmated lot., tams. amens, etc
BL-(h Kart.
Joue 5 /1/1•11.1
retath Hurd.
11360.—8 y Clah'
lake 6 Balauce
lipAti if11; - d.
It! 0 5 .:1 1 f i z a h. ,:;; ..
1860.—8 y OWL-- 41V1"8176'4.
Jane 5. ..........
--92,888 09
.1 (Ito tio
. a VI 14
Price pbl , .....
turtlootry .. .
Uttar, bud 'turd &mt.— ........ _
PHarlog ...
lurci”uce ....... , ...............
tra err.:
(31. " , nt. rtd.. . ........ ......
Pstotlnst i ..... .
fropalribil rkbparedur
do Furniture
Carpel:dr, Wort ................. —..—...—..
,Obtroltsle .
1:4 ea— koins 07,
' boa t3l
3 D9O as
144 Cb— 4131, Go.
eery eater Mork
.1. W 061113. 81• 'FURNACE. A6.-Ity sinus, of in.
toothy reeled to Pa .0 Truman. for amain creditors 0(31.
hid M'Cormick, and la Fireman. of • deem of tko. DIME t
&art LI All.heay coanty, In this 0DE..10011111.1i. cif P n
aktraola. In N. 3 of November term. lath, we will expire
polnicialest the MRCHANTS' EXCII/Oillt.on /twit.
Menet, In he my of P it t sburgh. on TUESDAY, amp?. Ilth.
IPA commencana at 11 o'clock aO. the Roiling Mill and
Nett notaries mooted near New Ca stle, Lawrence cbantY,
Pions/I:ady known no the Urbana Iron Work...sputa*.
log 16 Bolling Pomace; 800 Heaton , P arnica. Bar Ball.,
email holt. Nall Plate and Mn, k Rolla, Ego* cau s al/ Nell
klachketh one Wrought Nolte Machine, and Idseldnery fir
cothofactarlog Nall Kegs and Pre Brick. ' ,I
Also, the Bthel Mini” tumid ea Booby adjoining 064
W-rke, whlth la capable of turning oat 150 tons of Plglnio
per week.
', 1
• ;
Also. several lots of around, adlolnlog. and several please
of lead, esthete. to the Imo Wolks, containing tutl, Iron
.Iths.Ltmostotte and fire Clay.
Thos.Onefourth of the Furth...coney to On paid 10
she on the ark othrlifitnsent of the deed; thelilanca lb
one. two and tons years from the time 0/ Into, . 1 11 , 1 .4..4
from that [llan the deferred momenta to be eicared b}
bond and monger/HI on the. limier.'
Manua Ithae, 11. Bunt Mall. -,-
anllaltsell Isaac M. PennoCk. War K. Nunez.
Jar Sale $. ILit
signed Om dirldmi that portion of Oakland known.;
LINDEN ciztoirm
into LOS' of convenient tire for
COUNTRY R.Efirnicivalica,
ntnaini in quantity from one to sixteen acrew
.104 propeny ilea -within two mars and a half of lb. ell
The ptetehlribA Sot t4urty PAnaltNGlift RAILWA
rocs within a abort dboatore of it, soda branch of aid tall
way 1e uow coos honied to ran tlitoolol SIM center 'of th
Slew of the Lota are symmetrical tootle, covered wit ,
Raw Um, and susceptible of being eadttrated to the mos
pictureept. end besettful =neer. The soil to *xi:glens •
gerdeelog palpate. and fruitgrowlog. A good neigh
hood. Public aid Private Payola =melee..
Toe following vary literal teron are offered—C/11.00
In hand, and Übe tenth mutually from the time of peat;
Plane may be =a at my 'aloe. W. O. LULU;
Jr23.ltoct Huhu'. Law Balding, 93 blemond it
Executors of Charles Brewer, Deceased:
VOA SALT—Those 3 storied Brick
Dwelling arum, sneers at &coed greet (edathla,
side.) between Market and Wool tore..., Pittaborgh, tere
dietely adjoining on the west the Machine Shope( Wet. P.l
ALSO—Um four two storied Brick Dwelling Llottl
.llnete on the soeth=teonser of Oberry alley and Third!
street, between Cherry alley and Grant etreat.
ALOO-eThe late realdettat of Olathe Brewer,
ate on the pate .ide of Western AreoneiAlliegheny Ciq , t.
with the mend eppurtenant. being your gored, ow which i
tai ewerrstrry, =mete r with choice pleats, vegstablei and`
a number of so. fruit tree; oleo, • good
, aced. h ground., with the building; Ac are in eneellant
condi n.
for partkolars and term. of side apply to
Lt. DAS° tf,.
Jr Executor. of Cherie. gamer, deed,
my liar rto D. W.A AL R. BUG. Vototh it.
Ottlp [moo for awe.
T!Ill subscriber offers for. saki section tan,
totroshlp ill,notiatrk conoty,tibloy commonly
holm ellownosn's
Wuxi 040 term It le
ensued three 'mile& west of swills., tto the . 014411.0
leedlon to Wooster, and within shout two roll., of the Pitt.
burgh, Ft. Wayne 'end' Clldesgo Bellrosd. .The eoutbi,tast
ead north-east quarters ars pertly steered
.u 4 I m p no .ud
the remainder Ls covered • .Ith alperktr Gerber—sad the
whole le wen watered by eptiogs and runolon strewn.—
Ms ma' Is onosidert4 the floret trolly of lend In - the
coast). It will he .01,5 undletded or la onset:are to nil
molluscs. To the. whti.deetre to Invest he reel Wale
Mater opportunity le rarely anted.
. .1. IL
tto.tai lth .frost. Phtsbereit. I
R . lrei . and CRirzel . ler .... tllit o ltallect i
It Wear Bottonk--In alive atalli nlcf
of croltlystloa,' irlth g'6od
Buildings and Broil thereon
Pjfee of the farm, totlorllog fanning 'invented's, Oman
CO% Bogs, and UM Droning Coop, Ilthpar am; oned.tdrd
tom/ head,
FOR. the balance
--In 2) years. - • •
t°, MAL lea. GOOD LOATIGH tot e - DRUG.
Qin 64 VII VIIOIII , I, bin,* Borongh of Sharteddiri.
for path:Wont edam.; •' GILLIAM,'
jedSkdrintl : • littupihotth'Alleabanf co, Ps:
LlO.ll BALLS—That splendid iteentenee,go
was lag. Loader... halt TA...lad amain
tarryorlloated irtitita aro Want.' walk of lta•
bard Railroad Statiado , The km. ha balm aad
mod... Erg at ;meat carnal. tl Lama ma:awn:—
wmas. sald oo reasoaaala torma. Apply to •
fl.ff.A4l fr f flel An!. Wka firma etc
OWA FA RAI ENO LAN D.--The arubeenb•
Swats tossed= !meads tams sfx boridrsd
01.101 Laodr, situsiod to Witdd sisl Ilsocott CPO.Oi4ll
adJsoatit to Ilona Ilailrosds oirwlo worse of isountiiet .
Milt:olld 040 Pla 084 tiro MUM pain 06•11l7 '
TN. dm. will to sold. low for /wallow subing.4
. rarmiss !modals this or silloltdog county. sole SIcHANI 1 ANdldll t 14eisidst..
130. , Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1859.
rrlit _BALTIMORE &rac
Amu° aeimumooompooriami
Aru ow pm...a to Mei% WA forwadlif erehandles ands.
WroaA►l,lll. of !*thug to and Irvin
eft tllbttßillt And Hem k a Gallas.
lass goarsatood to LS orally favotablo i.RD , 1t.... OS
rim Pooltsylvanta Roll Ro4 It.. m .ay aim Du. .
for Indwasdiso so to rater, MO., eta, .(o, sAylloO.
Noe cosy be mode by lotto klf (ti porenti to elthif at thlt
Minima sputa: •
At BOSTON, Nom Puttof,tor. Mote and WomatlsagtoniA L
" NEW TORN, 0. W.
ll ~Peru% B ro od way. above the
, '
raurimusu.ciabot. - Cowan, corm Med
, sad Ottarry ottoods.
olKodd,aar. earth fusi
ant Ma
°ALTHORN. J. T. Hoglood.Otaloo
• PIITEIRHUE If, W. J. Jobadsa, Lthnty idroolopros
__Olto Non% ValfroostPossoager Depot.
Iff,Pottkolor &Moltke of motetulote. loomotheion.
:tog stilppoto proefolly. of nthibatih,llieemty Citystsi
tiotaftp, In celled lona Mafioso! Ms New BMW ISCOIN
Wed: ith others ma Mott pot= sod Ancor, ono HO ,
suer . lausam - rretight dont &o. it,
—-- - - -
-I _- '
~'. ,~i
446,900 DI
.122 ...._ /8
4 8,53
234 tO
i. 788 87
II u%
.8 1,400 00
723 0
$ J. 123 03
$ b f ala 72
._$ a l cr.o oo
.... 4010 76
11950 00
,$ 1,400 00
1,405 71
$ 7f75 fl
-.. i 2.636 98
417 I 6
414175 07 7
Ull3 2.—; 125
. ZOO nit'
CIO 4.0
cd 61
76 41
40 75
0000 .{
II 25 1
2. 1 6 0
41 Bb
24 10 I .
11 40
_I Po
11 1. 21./ 12
1./C.• i
e a I
- zoo •
20 o 0 .1
if 9.241
$1. 0 .90 St.
070 00 1
200 09. 770 04
200 00
00 00
7 49
2 Al
201, 21
ed to Wm. A. Batchelor Axe 1.84, sad ores 1113,000
Shia hew twat made to the Bah of bb porous or
BAtilolll4lrll HAM DTI prataire a tetra ml -
.to ho dletlosalsbad from catank sod le lreaaaanto Apt .ta
fejnralp laaat,tyramr Bag lima, a OOOll dtdlLs
111efkaa' of BadDT pecoadlad; •.;tha [arty:eared.
Ur% aohl or oppUod(l.l prln't• rooaulat tailkirl6.6"
km* Br?sdirsy. Now York. : -
MO. all throe and lowa, atrial Ilnitat .
iftstil 00 4 Awes Gooda Nokias;
Aliiri,:The sonata* ban the same d* ecklme awe, siMi,;,
, .
plata awl,' ring' ott korildes oratch boa, of :
intl - WILAJAII Bivrousto ft,
4-e heatit la Bond eireet.NeaStalt. ,
w 0 a s-
aiilMfi , ?Im , do xrpag not, umuia daml,l*.
Iltdpg to ••o.barm--so tangos op esktad—so idulake4
of tii• tool ; tills is Hu only eitabligusient *bars
th.• 04 1 0P*... WoWil ciodmswa anitaiada.'
j•Llidih•T le Rood ersot.linf YniC
agrrtutaggint agtriggiagaars starrusaggisti
Nig% foil to pmpure Mrs. WitmlOoes'Sottitil,
tog tottjp - ror cidargsTs.t.ugg. It bee no equal tut earth.
It entry., reellliste•the mem of teellaityl7 tal:tarteit
etundidielortay ell talletomstle_ alley yela; =CU,
tore kregulate thy Depend itteratt,
IWO* melte yoareelna,exut relief and health to . rya ,
ihlitaloabL yreperettos 'ls like prescriptlee of
111,5 rigetelyerisaced sled attltal tamale Phyelderuroitiw z
400. end his Lola and letit, nevar-lefltay
lattuicif.rmag. • . ,
Ws kennel& the beet sea inset fa tea
. 411— opYieatery sad Dlethrea let CLlkttenorhelber:ll
.11isilArrt teething Si treat say other ono: - •
If 114 end health can to animated EY diallers end eta*
), vane Its weight Irk gal& ' •
ot potties ace sett oval year la Aire'
lt te an old acid wellteledesimetly. .
.1 PBlO2 ONLY sa creaTe nornat.. -
awrxonsimismutnaursths ibeamnip otcrge
)I gal lzillytr. TOL, on normal& e ayLll
rp &ee a . m
_,l ll- ..'.. I it 11. 1:1 1 - c- Lit • it..::-. , :::: , .- .,
1 lapin' MI !lightened— aVVIael. tirittrp,-,:-A , ,.
: bail neat Ma Ih—l pabileb helms so mime or: i lei Mt ,-,-:::` '-,.
tet Avl.l Sop, et Ma hstathei Ittederintrlbe 11tehltiiiy: ', :''' :,'-,,
ellei.lteitrtot taw wee mad of •NM -torn" of devoid... - • 'f , '
Jr U4.146(4 . thi Newish getup. hfr, Aeytt it IC ataol.
_ . p•41,61;4 t• well Yuma,... b. bai roam! ta sliakat;,
itaLtiyeAre. If. 'aortae se that he Waal ilea powww - :
.•,, ~:,,,, :-.-
ipt thoei r hy the wee of a* bottle or the gin% ead hie ea :.:: ;,.:
EighglAt re hi pahthb tote hater; shall' hi . appigadodt . f :',.. -:
thh , r to - the toe( adrertlereheet et , thie Fareetes eft OP ih '- 4 '''',.
40 eqer, oote . mts. ha portlealon at Itia turnip pave. ~....-": ',';!,::: •
pdd. U. Krum, leo wow strii,kikas 44
d , , ..: - . - • .Jorgar MUsk. •.,-,7, ..,
IDi m. U.'. refasoh—alr—taekeen I .-
awed pomp. ; y -if •
dON. , 4::h.w t.o touts .f LW !erode. Itykep. - i, tot eee
aitLaw from you Mom three .wielts terit. .If etet ieweiNwx.'.::', ~.,.,
I tat wow that I hat legainfotag Ilk. dieppn, , fah„:' , ..:, ;:'',,,, ,
oting ...loggoo, era: algid sad pan' ill the bawls; apple's horyi,
, - .l":';', - 1 . ,.
. beat aM. sett, tad st hole. 'dilindwel;: 1011 iiOX -100:,-Ii.':::,),,'''..,'
.200.0d04jbe P•tillflil4 airop t alia ft ' haoi deaohosnie -;-;
'than say winkle* that I hi,. uliet yet, eel I toe bees :.;:'o't , ' , e'' '
Woks *Wee lot the bit eisht Pore.' yds. - told ggeeli::4;',-'7,'
I novendtedoe three teethes( dad Um., Pa egiadd Ova 11 . , ..
sia , . , kpii,..i...iii,t k.„.1,,,, .4,1„,, ii y.a.5,644ii .;I
rid. kiOnahsi woos ani try .w iota.. :Nall ukibli:,-,-.
sit emettei th e tedebe•of atom, le ic. poeboct • eiA)l4/ i'''.. , ;,,".
will Meellie thiliather th ree bath& : - DAVID BOYD, -g g:1- ,,- .g.-.1,.. , ,,.;
Okikl WI SIOREI2:IL, Kll74ll4!,NejeoNeed /0,, /, - . ... - ,, , , , , ,. .F . ,-,.
- 11128Mlita83B &O SI'S 14,1'311408 BARS):
Al t M 741 ,1144#4 -.:' .. ..a ::: : : ; : , : j, ,.•
vieoh.. 7 , ...:‘o_lrllyfir 7ti , 51..z.e,5, , er . :- , ti; ,
illOlßoikimunli: :"..,,"..-'-•
- --taale . lalslSxteltaeltlipessi.:.;'
lit4 , .i ~.:-=•,14,;,61. 1 4.Z., A ..' ~-" c` o
f - 1:
~z,~ ; ~ ; ,
rit lag !sr. vir
PARS; iirCinijii 4 OG.,
seaman. 444 BOLT 069173.. Mon
PIS BOTTOMS, BOTTOMS, naiad NMI Bottoissy 81R19144 Poier, aRi.
Mao, lawman and %abr. MITAIA 9411111
41114 p IROI, 11/11111, lei 044•41341 1,4p4.114a4k4-
94eipiiall Auld Tads. •
N 4. 149 Am and 124 Bacondotrola,
tnyin 49 P 4 4 44l 4l4rders oftkppor cat to say Oadeat
RAIL ROAD spurn coate.amilr. . •
Oossph W. C.
rarvraarvtnD Da
(Swann to /*Ger; ROA al ANA) .
earner of Water Street and Chem alloy
.7,4ol.klydrr PRTaBUR4II, PINNA' '
Ma/3RLD/C 41C , . CO,
-"lftirwarding and Commlesion flambee's,
And Agents for the sale of Pittsburgh Mann- ,
'Attorar. Donalgooncia and ord.* for LISAD,
PHODIIOB, &e... solleftsa. Prompt tilll6. • '•
• tiGil to renlvlng nod forwarding.
4 inommerelal 9 00000
; UMW .
Pitteburgh Steel - Works;
1410 /1511k4 . .J4l. MO. . . 11'6MA:1M;
, Spring, Nem and A. H. At.topßlNGui,
• A% L. Omer Bon • 694 Viral sto., •
N. lilliallalfll3 ar. moss,'
come i~
Orelps and DuMellti6 Bills of lizsbaßle;:"
• :
LAME !OTTE AND enema,. .-
imalullialoas made ors all Me Kt/Jai/Al Mllas threni
wt [LA UMW Sikh.. - . ' , saltily •
? i • . ' OARD. .
J. SCOTT, Demist,
!AS removed to the hone/ lately caaupitid,
WM. AL Ward, N. 28 Pam, atrast, (watt! *11).
ducr aL4.9e UAW alreat.
Orrire, Ikon rswau 9 L. 9.3111 6
- r
60:11 1 / 1 8011, X 11418 it HI
r. •
AND NAcinisios,
B*,:da an t 24.4 a 'lb WORM a; - •
2' r:-.2 Pittisburth. P•nna.
tacgNo, al ,Diarket 4444 • "•'
1 4412N/taro all kind. of !kit= tivinie arid Ylu Walla_
, Islieastlup, Railroad Work, fllmtla Bonita and Matt
• , Jibbing and Ftspalrludonsbo abort ponce.
5. B. a C. P. Kamm%
And Dr,bro to , •
Ng' It F' F 24 a •PAYi K.
thopit from Nu. 2T Wood stuet to Nu. 2.11 MACLItaI
•or TrAth: Oc
f eet, R Pit
w tsburgh, Ts.
or .
;' ~ld]F7Rt7FZq „ NT TA.z.zoolz ; i•
j, • No. 54 &. Clair Street,
:(0441•tes !A.
. •
hlrOri.l4 C. 70 O,ELJELAN &MO., •.-
ir°4, margommuiss . •
11 4.4 113, 11. iron- Vaults, Vail& 000 r
W.Adow.litiotters, WINQw guard!, :'
Nos. ill Boxed Sired semi
iiktria.Wocd lad liartetj prrZialllloB, PAL;
:pa band urfs!, otnewlatterai, fariPleld &an
luggage forall pcnpms. • rarckalar I:2=MM ;NI so
,maairGraveLet. i dbbblEdizosaighortnotlea. xott:!..
l'Orioratillits sad
.Conuntssion Sterelhadd
AND WSOLissis swan=
ph<rme k , Sutter. Seeds, .Ssish„
1& N.. / Vi z , zatientmaly,
la&R DTB--13.11.8 Dlll3--.11,6,11/D713.
,:,*lll. A. BATCRELORVI HAIAL Dltig I •
74epriginal and bat is the World/
Al) ahem are mere imitations, •atid-ebenid
ea traded, It you Al* (*.Amp* rkliesAL 2 I ' L f
0 :94k, RAD, OH RUSTY BAIA Dyed InstigAgy a 4
b.A1061 aid aatural Amin. or Black, without nu 'rutin..
jafy, tbebatter *to. • -