xf. ':r 11,, ... ,.10-411114611411r jj.4Pi* o f *tleilaatit in iit44 l fl6,ha 44 Thi Corpora. _ ,41441 b ' .? • • e e Pro for ,c,g,tfileittsuatead and dry pave without iaterrup , t k oi3 4 l44 ddilie'etitute liinitatidni. The Ellainpiwtathipplets is, that the tenh , -"perseo" " 4141itAitt stelae does riot apply td 'corpora , _t daem ,on Inn be render Sep ; . 418,2 i;* -- The Lutheransynodof Peoneylviinia, ilia -:;said, on motion by Dr of KW , jis u refoizuzum''' 'aid- its raniiteis to wear.the sowpoebara it can be done without giving • Dr. Weather*, of (hi Methodist Minion Is cote; fols toast sloes tho follkirfog : • :. , 1.0 Ttogof Otte- ptesadog in the struts - -yeetwoomeelltab CU!) kris worosoded by &wood Ottlitrite sold "You nylon' ars nut afraid I .:wrillaltrit.tillwow take you to a tempts Ind.7lltl' ' - dal ine 1.111 of Um Hats to' plow, sad, then we shall am whether 11has ant Omar to sarongs Itself.' Um Wore Smoker Oho aloes with Insults sod fandra cheap, hlsald: • l do not feat your , Idols of wwslwidittate iltid'atak and 101/ thaw ran that I diViths Ojtholublegvey moor of *sin to edam If .„.., I ,tootifflutfoolos a 'written a/cream/Ist thawl shall tot be howood by any atm for so doing. PlT risk dosisuto,lut I dareoLotriot you.' Tbo crowd droiped ~WA* to;':-.. - -•:. •, • = - - , - , , . ,i - ,: .. ,_ tripliraesJim was 1,11 4 4 tile Sons . ' Modeles; leltsii co the 23 of Jaly t e ri a ''' iiiiiii ---- ' - ' • : ' pueblo' etude work-,twoolod. ils ' - or estrogeid Ail 'boot Marty to•011y tlthonad _ . • • ••-looolioolieltod-tho Gordon duke the, 44. ... , .-- kwil th ose lomt wet. Murray, a ork Bi t . Dr. of . - , Now stogy, sod GAM U. Stuart, Pruldent of .411WRildledefplIa. Young Ofio's Chrlatiai Aida- . • --,,-11111,111 1 4441111tIVIITSIty of Si,. Dr. Spring's "- .4 1 . 1 1141 . 4 11 4 . OW the. Brick Okuroli, - New York 4. ,- amiLvotti moon pelt, erg Sabbath. is Augtist; 7.:':!ifilidelse le ezposfird to preach his analiernry ' °mon holt* l aErdid. dimbesor t Anneal states the Free and :t.F--.9alted Presbyterian- Cileirolum In Nora 'Booth, their Isle mestlage of 8,3°4 detensdued to I.,rerammosate Qs union of these bodim ;on the ' !4th sl °Motet nut. leeiwsß . . eirrioos oosineotod with the doper of Bic Mr. 'Mason for hi it field of libor In *Mi r beta Lithe Firit Baptist. Mario* New york,oo obi 30th ult. Mr. Nilaeou use °reverted while a *Woe and soon after oars , lelered pisialkiag la his native (Swedon) *r7, tine was esispolled to desist, tad was throws prillitar_. Ile gamma is a mbelinnuy under the atipleier bflb. Sipttins, sod was to soil. on Oa* of triapeikielp stalocl that 'there 411111 104 Baptist Cliturehes to Strideu, and . 5,000 00* pieftworip of ilia faith. RIM Mr. Cbtalquy, formerly a Rooms CaUtollo prime, stated several dogs ago •at the Felton o!o7se,Fieeliag, New . York idly, that the • work - of reform antis' the Frain It Canadians, of - /Mink yes progroulas with more pawir than Wert - emitsarelcine from reisthity th• 'Bible wire sietinfet. seoeseloas from Qs Church of Bata .- 7 4 4 4.Motlaralor of Ms Free Church General Aelettell, of bleotkaad le impeded to entertala the lasimbes eindally, during the session of no . body, et ids owes impales. The sum of • one theilhaditellare Le voted to him for thin purpose. - of, tie . Middle Geoferencs of ebtr.tilLibillsb Wilma Synod, will be hold is Sekirsoida, Pa ;on tka29tl of Acing, main. legitsitu" . The Thirteenth Lamm! Convention of -the Al 111161114711111StgelkS1 Lathan ciriOil of NCO : ~.1101- . 1 1114 will be held it Berl* Somerset Co., Pi,oolllolllllSdas en the bat Thursday misled . titSoptitabor But: . . • 1 ,The fillehltan .PArirriari Herald responds to a ArreM4reid*li - rus.tkis tine 4 414 v.," at hikes: the ram Dee. , ladicaurig that the per ' MO to WbOSI le be sighed, wialaad as -a idler prolamine* deeigardo i n, and for no other rob and 14 inch 800 no good objection to it. dyne]. Md p some of our boaseteatioaa objectors to tens glerrantudi If they would remember that wage bare modbled as well am ausbeehtte maw %V.They cry that the term belongs oily to Did." DCwad Mtn Palmer, of New York, are held- Isitipentel religleas smokes Is the 'Wesleyan -Cdsptd, Newport, Isle of Wight- The,. perspire kers bi ofutrumeatel L arsoompllehlog moat. .geedialins4Bsitiate dubs !hapset few month/ . T ll O 4 l rifn ago tka.Distbuttlyagostride i ., .tereelCclntrohes I. . numbered oaly abed forty. .Now tiers are ems hundred sod lumina,' with the Jepson' allows Amari ileitis. Japes' the freaersroire st their religion, -111i140 pOrpeire to Ideate of volubly, be under Ike eiMplete protemlool of . . . ... - ' Dr. Misstated at the quarterly inisdiog of ' Idiellenday &had Delis of the M. E. Church; the as 'mai of . biona for the Eastern Beaton sines the fast antis +w ;1,882 65, slid for. . -.. ~0 11- W0010011.644 oP . 11 4 d of $ 5 . 600 , PrrsoiPsD7 lOilia North-West. `Bev if2Mansill, of the Pittsburgh Colifir -1 '' , emes;3lss. IL Jackets, of ttoi Ns York Cos t'', 1 irrniine,,sint the Boy. I. L. Dauer. of the 9111; I ' made Costsissos, sue recently appointed Mix j idessides to lads ... . . ...., a t . rieticatitis of (UN's York Monodist Bo o* _ . I, is:i*seirsiiierraged Sis advisee of iforirdre thou 1. i -,,. 'Aid Abaco per, year during the lam four year,, ',.., 1 r 11 040441.0rg itia bird times: ; ' .-. '! :4 notkikAd midst& religions masings seri I. 'ldd Is the limn sad Donk-west datriots of ~- Ala eitiof Leedom dories the mouth of July, for she besot': of folios women. These meet ' ' Mule ire likely to di, mud good fOr the ibendoo- Oft„l l , ; . !afts Wyese an acoomplailhed mehelicr ibed"'iliirreiiiii Iserir; Lad a &Dishy "iitilliDecdor,Chtituesd was mortally mounded 1 ;'] 1 . 14 :1 11 , 41 0._ 11 1 411 thdlystife; Ile ma. taw Sew k 4 ,1001 *CAW North ..GeMiliiiie .CiMastaiiiii, if. E. Monk EMIL :1 tly,iserriago .14 !mama Ant tossointt et sloe town. And Inta—lideons• 'NE to bo Yeilaister or a laCilibtt of the ohnialt; ....;Eitsiditistery. . . • -?... ;Ms Airmial Coareatios of UaDarlaam opth' iiiietlibeil hi Iktiollyi Is Oolober seat.. Yin ..',..11 slit be gAscaed by the , Ref. he. War• ,#host wha for a brag time weitme of the'prfo--; ',.i,Alle thiebtlkitere to • the Watisietitter Riview..— _hatiiii iiitbor of . sevens! dangerous pubUov . - .'2.'Allilig;' -". ' ;,I::'. l lfmais Jim: Prisbyteriis of Ws lat.inst.;•eon. r7.. 4 .44_,.. 11 *15P•te1i. et Ear. Dr. Kerr, one of is ;,- , r „eilisti, dn. tio emuialea of hfo latiodoeiton to Ailll;iiiirid Amiably et Qs Proati)linina Mora ~.',4(ltoleitt no a member of the Americas Dopy , - 'MIMS to that body. Dr. Kerr resclifid home ob Wiiiilicilediiy fait in good health and ;Altai ,Tho asubligod misdates the can of Rer. J. B. Clark itiii.l4pietioribip of the 24 11. P.,Chnieh, Ally. ' 0 14 . 1 7: 14 1.' ' ' " o:4 4lll l Priebyferlea Church le lad omelets 1.,-itirkpil.„4 Frehbplerial,-114 colismisatfois: ,1110.preh:Aiiisably mappens at mama els Ea; itnlakintion, . toosldon Bath' oitlus Is 7nia, aditii; fot .do coaverefroi of the'hies. 1744.*Wiivalki amoklip_ _ ..f t h e 1 1 egiodlei Dos .7.ftlielicad flooloty , ot Podimaryi Apiplisoy liikilsilldstiiiisirrie )1.14 in jr, Vanity Af. B. Am 4 / 4 1101 :r4 4 . is ThiFrals7 iroslit, lb. , 241-114:ljnyer ' Little - preeldlag. Doted of i ;•_11 1 . 1 04 10 0L . 1 t./4 illsdao .Ilbseai/ be adopted to ' mommee the augur Woburn to amain le our fleb:- 441.17:: Kaztroimlitis to beribild fill. ,0.,. U. I. Chord", drat Thursday into; '.... - ' tar. ~' , : , ....1 I Peat of "At, mowed cos tin 2941 i ;stied by the Isere all -Dyer Moil 1 7,14.1 puttee of ttur Boilptirr44-1 f .eotk, lownontotloni aro road', ' ... err bun no enlip er a m . ilher. , .. I '9?..........' ' $4.,.. -I-, .0 . :, ...., i~ j. Jf"ic^ ~; i ~ ." • 4 /1 ‘4lO. ~. - i,1 , .;...._... - . kW:oz. - of Charles Etrivirer, ". r b a._.SALO-Tto 4 - 4 e 10,9tie4Airook• : ,INNelog Sato* WHOA. P 4 l l ootiMoll WWI otoote Waist end Wood - wrotto PI , diabiltspoinlng on ltio west ito Ifoobta a nape( la, r, : ,:AUKC7Inoc LAI ;WP .toila Mit k DPolUot ir=- 00 that noodiowdoiroor afremciyolloronol aboot,, between ebony alio sad Omit moo. -," . *LaO-21co tote madam of Chula ftrower, doe% Mai oto co tao 000tb oblc of Waikato Amok Allecimly Ofth olth tb* gromoll Was tow Aar. ob ?Mac, ac** Mat tocollor dick* pliabe r omotakiec_ slap as alma: Moffatt Woo 11 . 01 1[0.1 bd.i . 0 . occl44 a Tmode omo trocadsorlth thy baUdlop, ko , or* to -' ...Hoe ..-10, particular. atid k 14.0 Ori/.:•gia/t. ' 'mutt' }letup, , f. • • ••. . Exectitoto of Otortsoßrowar, den'd: s •-•,.. taint( Of to D. W. It A. & BiLL, na 103 Youth lir. an signori deices cd PAP= LIM, sit Canten, Ka on as PM* WIT= & Itedirocid, iine hundred Wes from Pliisburgh. has bean in nparation about tour fruit-. Ths meta at fin nry bad kind. built by. J. 6 .l3sterna & tio., I and it In cud Mt order. The niadthis Hadar b{7 2Ln building if or brick, ono bohdred tat king.tba wide, a al o h s wo apnea. ton neau Manus irgti, .lb, loans stra . p befog ist Units plant, and audit "obtained. mill btu constant spetatiotiond mutton id pucka" coo tritons ft running fir thsinseicss: .11 gad swamps's. - Tor p erticalsts, tespilat at the onlan. or of aped& ix tosactrojor ulna ANDFIts_ falad t; - , ma s , w ,itITO ildli It nab, =aloft torn onenn—s floe beano near Use Rif* rakt era.io6-00 WWI li the lardy and bow Iddeg lining ft libido Co i. Wirbbigtoan tienpor• wee zetnerni on *be seaseribts bab of Jun, inAo oo Ow mew UM et Ay Defier, by en french end bilbrai- The miler frim tbli bur bonbon ell tbrongb • rieldnee tm n being isil kr in* purpose Pen." erni to. • paroben tbli batottfal piece of ironed oraiyiebeippi ,e Jett* . 7 .r...r. . & COM . UT d BOA. :4 Msubooriber• -offers for sale notion iolo; ay 12, Mark =MY, Oldf. .ffaffaatay taws asnionum t • ccotaialag 041) am& .1111 a *Wad amok mile van of oa tbo BOW Rad loadhar to Woaarr; mad adtblEatoat two alai of 'bent* 6111 112, 7 1.; Worms aui Oblong Badraid.- TM moth, iloaS aa4 ft quaateas aro way cfoinall sad • almarrof —:' 1 Ohs riaoalwlet la 'mound with samba thaber—aad Wool* la midi attend by *top tad mains stroca tha Edo reek* !a comb:Farad Ms *toga body of bad la Si , gouty, II will be add andtrklad or In 'porton' to l* 111 101 l To tboal lotto dubs to Wood 10 redo ota Warpscm' lo attadty la rani! d0..4. , • - , • . .. J. L. BWIITZ3II, ' ; - "' . . No 1014th *iron/. PilAborgll. az:rn woR SALEA7DESIRABLE. FA Rh!, as Mil►Yollol*ilarT River and Otraildlavala Railroad. atUaa from ANWm, Ail, ocausiams Itil east, oat.todf of It Mut Rottow—llA a On. t*l of coldrattoo, "nil good Baildlop arid trait tharroo Pilo. of tbaturo,thrlodlot YarmloglraplatasolA Homo& Hart and the Groolog 'Crop, AU par amil oao.third luoilloba balsa. to COsteh. ALSO, VCR RA OuD LOCATION r a DRUG GIST or PIIIISICIAN.IO Ma Borough of Sharratorg. Ft , tortkodara addles, • • O. T. OULU% JalitdailTtf MiloTabilrit. ItUaabotY oil. Pa. FOR SA lA--T eramhdtrat Residenae,d. •Ith large Wog Ground, retail Unsold litheithal. burrothuatal withle two Washer' Walk a the Wilkins. 'burg 11.ailra•LI Otel/nn. The house telerge and eel.b.d 1. modem sty loq present ucuus.l.l by Moore "TbOutpuut.— Wilk be .141 uo reamltsbir. tem. -Apply so 444 W. A. ANDNII.9ON. .IA.IIII, 11..4;6% (Vide; nue. WI a areal-eta EVA Irsmumu L ---------- T ---------- ------ww_ The en riboo tr are ulfor for We on favorable tenor dx hundred none Lando, Wielded in Wright end. fieneuck axone; •dlaoaut to Hagen' Railroad. now la coarse of constr... Slimy endow tract only two mike - groin Ooettily cwt. The abUre sill be odd tom !for cash, or exchanged hr arming lauda lu Ws or ernolutesg mute*: mai WHAMS • aN./41L, Wnomad an. ________________ LIT OK FOR SALE:--A . commodioue well Belated two story Brkk Lactllleg. 110.09 Wilma stn.; roalelong 8 no, me, !Waled attic eat loge cellet The hone@ to ligittal with gee sod hu the sretet . cuateolent. The lot 18 ler" well lid oat. 8d pleated with Plantain y sad dowers/. Menthe coal house sod allow oat Wenn. ettectied. 1 1 4 r wanders apply. on the weather, or to WATT • WILSON.26S Liberty It. I IRON WAUUNS Mit piaLt— • qua good lowborn 11/11gUP rold " c :.."":; . 1 4: i .. 1 7 on.l Itiodowd &W ad •vr P. icas. RIDDLR i g 00 110 r strost. TO LBT—A Third titty Rix . " in the rear or Whits& shunted azner or Wood sod Wed stoma. A public marine* on Thkd cpponto PA Obarloo tilo. Pouenoloo (Iron lumodiatolp JOiLY We= soN. • No. ILI Mons at 0 T.. largeThird-Story , ROOM, comer of Wood sad NUM 'hoot, (knurly oconplid by Piloting (ad. LO moo on Iltib at, 4T r th l l7'f t gi"Dam"l i oi oa 11Wcod 6 TE utnee, ono L at sada •or an ?WI fin i.dba. wawa at Chart. Elotal, ea tcnrer Cory. Iftepalte of JAIN litcofLL 1 lON, J 74 • 10 Leon, %mum SOWS & abango4 NOTICE.—We have asaooiated with us to .tb• abbodry Buboes, SAMUEL 1.. PaSaooll. Th. bedar• anti b. moan hod abbr.. the nab. awl .pl. a/ PINNOCK, BART a CO' aadll6, MM. . . , faun norsoFt L eanocc PIIIWNOCIK, BART.& CO., FULTON FOUNDRY, W . aaaa aim!. lAA Woo d Street, • ' PITTSBURG-Flo _ ocegapt oupply of COOKING BTOTIS AND IteNOtli,:trOrtil ORATES, WAGON Glan s sit .Ir.s. GoLLow WAKE PLOW CLASTISGs AND pOItiTS,TIA ICITTLEA, Gal SSD , TAILORS /RON, IRON atlDNetut Water our ado /.pie, Howe Fronts. Min and ifackiney Casting, made to order. aoletkod 1:1- P. BANAPOti. lISRSTINIE 411116 BASILIIOH, FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORS General Produce Commies' ion-Ifferchanta, Be. 71t11 F. Mow aid 21119. Magri, betat PECEL/LDIDPVIL. • w.: a. ail. aux Pbaa Wan a Wilniak Paabarga, Jr. &oda Cb , 4 . gnaw , 4. Or* a aar,_ -- 4 I . ateClaU a. f aCa., 04 . IL aEL W:Clabiersood " • Wm away, bp, 4 lima a lOW Oialismati,- Basta a Ocyal. us* Ito. 43. W. Wale Ca . 4 W It. Cowthee, Loahnllll4 El T IMPS THLS DAY ASSOOLATSD 1 1 / I TII J, XLJOUN DILLOW. to the trodertskiog bestow. , trOket VW to etestoread 0r1 .... th0 noise ..d resU .1 ON & DILLOW. . SALM LIMON. MR Limo - Theadlortsauag lir Mla s. fa lliON ' DELLO:I9,IIo, 118, Fourth et, are ;mond Lau thosortoluo4l to' sit Lt. Uttioto,,, to outooer, at prim to. salt NI Lim.. W• nlltor dill adman= to nisi Oslo DURO MUNI porta Dosse, kr the anal wikkig ore aro sob viols to MD dlr. Wet which se keep toostaaltr oh hand *lmp mom wee& As neves Weary or dupe sod Math, Mu noel ell others. lbw& will be sopplkd with Ur rem. Imes sod Docrugospro6Ott7.ot lower Wee 1b...., ether totehille , gist Lei Do etkp eliaartaiallag torleekt oittelhetiou, Way itotothwitete. of We petrTmi I . lic. ozolibliteututroto . onft: - -- " ooPtottr f MOTT•S ci-0 6 FATE DIVE PILLS IRON. AN. „ APERIENT AND STOMAIIIIIC PTy psratke ot TION petrified of Osysae sod onon by canuovallos moo. eserkund by Iha Linnet M..n. tan embank.; acne to Summand lb. Metal Stale., sad Tea &swine' of Shaman& dalk ernes Int DO linear. Wks of law Is. to eesseesuid with it. twinkle. of kw non, demean of .sttal earn, pas and other" bonny outapleelaws sbe otos. la Wink arme emlicama• I.E. owe. Intiooucia all adke In which it tau bawl bud, it Il i um/ad absolutely comer* la son of ths LI • nobility. Nerwenie • • theltesii, relaecleo• ale% Drapievealaseelastlntellaks-nllarrbeario ri tiara re I TlV a lga l y e k. : i rei e t atonalities,. allibtles,ol.lorenle. /aver Ciento' plaints. Clitroale neeeet bee. - lithemsue. afoul. •MM MM uslttolet Verweirs, - . Pimples win Cho vase, e. • • In raw of Onwal Wheeli.r ihe mink Of atata kaki* or of ths coatioaed dludezolion of newton sod snow near eosin from remake:anoints, pea trin of Ihl. row knob ha prayed nemeadul to ma inoch no dee cr peen nor written attnuatios maild render ended.— inalidnes bag beilaideku as to hometowns inseam In Ilkir own nalghborbooda, hare nunenly roeppsand In In Lob world a Won returned how pestrnetsd karat la • &Wan Ind. • lkess very Wynn laskaour of 'hi kind are ag..ka of (male sulfernt, emulated skein of appszaut mamm a. sangetaidai anunistkei, albeit chautm. nod that beupliestiou of anon nod dyop.plb' wearalon to air sod ouncise for wbkh the Vendetta Onto same ' •.. In Pinson Affections oil sgi likek:aultii renew funk kr he inclined may ths operation of. this prat of Iron must nasally be eniniary i kr; siollke the old oi l &oat Is rigorously took, gannet. bake width' and nor beatloy, sad pally. reg ularly oflsa t, aw e in the most many( entleewwthisas knga trio yurgatso,or fafikUndod pe ,• is Ode latter emparty. ankugotbere which Makes It us esteertsbily aeschiel sad permannt • matey he Pao, epos trekh tt oleo appmun to siert a &slim k and specific .actlou, by disowning tW kcal toodesey which Tana awe • Is Vroppoi,liveamaralle • • as it. mow" • Meals box 01 ylwa. chelybeato Pills • On Mini widarnel for Ilk rem hatitun maw, loclndied lb attewhae lirtslasneu. Ie oarlock/id learboo, otos slew idnaoed to Dynoto, monied,i7enoo emaciatior, nuel appionstly snalldnant, elects s neat derisive and atooklang. to Ow local pain, 1011 W ash awl strength. &Minh% sough, sad rmaltinst hoc*. Which twoot itdieogo nplant Cuormapliou, Mk remedy husband lbs alerted 'ulnas and physklina, la Yawn Very snails lag and Inst. • in Rmofaken Tatra Moine Ina madkated iron has bad .far. room tbab nod Went of /ho most cautioned, kJ. newt moat. loan. Mem' as) of 11.1, wall • Tha ktintikior Tinfillos count be too ocullekey Inn tod Io eigibt Mud/ eta r okleGve. le abWolPoesdiegke ,eleieuew • ' nib ibrouk cod j U. 5.,, however, owe docidodly— lt C. bolo. aovethety I 'win reportod... ' booh bulb.. alikqe. pais nod reserge g .e. soololop sod itllFooto of tbli it and meocloo., - 11tWtteeo Coven II wi • Treat woody ila&MBIOrgoto ..frahtetdva ho:prOdtdos o the sow toulthento ago Wait, !WIG protehke begot neownand. lisalukelet • Notocood,thee emu. Wu amoorese t I. pit *bolo !Alton, of meth:tow which mite tech Otoerpt,lid tent es storable efforts: Good epectie. ogeohde MN mithiGee einsegihreskli an annalMe kr so ' nes led obtarfol Men* hasettiaplylbUot ly Deo. Facelift main horn conniving lify ell* min Wank per brM for oeht try of Atthes.•*lPUJ be elm het toss, Mame cm mete prieo . -111 lettere, nitre ele. neck to addrupol co t' yr. °mogul a !catgut, Wbolemila Ateat:or *plop! oproitesolo. • •.:- us SRO& .11Y,L ito los PATNNT ii PSI NG, li&D, which , wi stif,*"l"m rer-rit,intiNe, 1.. Z;:lit.:-41, 00 . 110 11.0616'L' 0 E1.T*4141F.1, ! 4* NAL! bbk._ , .'" . " 71n Lux— . . ca•ni mid F ,,.. f gr a i l * poilx Intalaxaq69llllllTOOk: ' • ~ . 1 1.14-. -, , ... " _.___- - 111 47 , =-. '''4= . 4 ,''-i.,..-: :I ini".T-:‘,:.' - -•--_,_ ~- . - 4 i-. ---:: .; - ` 4':l - ''''' _ -,,,'',. - . Lr .i.. 1 " :',"... " ,"' - ' , -i'V.,._ 1 , '. 4. -. t . :, -' 1.i.;,..-,..!!"...- .i4a-------------,-4,.------..--4-4-4.4--_-:,--0;,-.;,,y,.14---v- ,44-,..,„---:,.7:, ::.--',.....z•":N",t,"'=:.....1.--i.4.,..,:-.,-,V,,,,,,:„it:1,!.t;.,,,:.-:-;:ii.,,,q-7,---;:i4.;;;;:c.r,Fial . , . _ . ', I - • . . . . , .•. , , . . i.. tole.[t~4~s"eoa.rsr .., . IRM=2 . 4 4 1 VitTI 4 " traleAL7ll74; , •7' ,1 A7171fti6 4 .13 # 1441 5:1:9!) ,, Ztnit i ; 4 U t frialike." —4—gamma .f rsamOd'Olivirsau -•- iedft's r teeilii , :alsortrui. V°2a imitlL—t=.."":7 .7"'"autainc-44"" PlEignagt - - • "581.11=0 . , . 1113 btf °CV H & a MAW.- fhoesi, tioi nd Cloraiiikdori Yoramint; PftiblitoPrat KannfiNgt p.m flrest,ooznor of Emmy an se.%Kt TwEu t ___•LEN & C 0. ,, WHOIJCSALS' 'hisee'"llllll:=3:74.,./i 714'4:684. sem D JLOBLSON '& 004.' 1 WHOLEBALB Grovanokumurk s Mbeebanb o iod Dodoes to Mad, of Pr:Malmo, Proems and Tittaborgh No. OA Marty strobe, IThotargb. ' MlBAiiii""kkjat: Bosom 4 DAIAZZLL 110 422 :4110LE. :BERTBALS efeenat tadue ibilinniorkia R;imardio s mad Diskrats Lel oro. SI Mort; drat, Patibarik k i r ixna myr ULU( ' DIOKIY &OP.: W ROMA LI tro_c w e_ , 433mou soks it an hood v ow.) to Prato, elneS loa eVal Pistabirsb. ROBLICT Ea DIM ini*peeor to John . 8. . 0,..j‘-'74l Zotl i ttVr i t a `' N ``o3 sl ia l r 3 JouNtrrarva. . Stationess, V*WaoA l[I t aik Book Manafactlnd JaDMateo, Na 114 •6 4, Lubomk. Pa n t! AY 1304 - BOOR NLIIMPII AND BTA -:CON/WAVo. iii wood Anirt. Denbo to or. rl V il h d.Plibkwilb.Pl. • &tufa mai , Lwow OW *0 Mad: L. wsmi-memp , I.R 3,I9 , 4IO OKSALIAKIC Em AND STA U . 4nos sh, 7 voarth Apigkr.Balldlop. intni PAIISTE-1,11.• , . „ LONG er LANA • HOUSE. ,AND AIGNI-PAINTERS, so. *0• TAlrdj Meese, ilkoomi door below Booze, that it Mee,/ • Pqrriziralt. BANNERS,! ., . BADGES AND _Us PitSliatakiNolllol dose Isewes aryls WINDJIV sttaDltd for bruises, boom spin lb Wed styles •DatitialfsTir atia sod laBILLICDIn the oast eat mow and 'la say NOW requzad.43lLlSlD SIGNS t .Lail doses* lbtlored isles. • . ile . Won aitoods4 lo promptly. Prepared Patois sad Puny kr Ws. •.• • sirta3oid; - _ ---% ps o 1„ 1101111, 51014 /IND OftIIIIIIIIRITAL P AIN TICAti Alia . ,9 - L . A . Z . I . gR 9, auZnlydNO. 13b ?VISO sum,•errrsaintau, ra W. J. O &SAY .81 • 1111U1E, SION AND OlifillißATAL PAINTER AND GRA ibric Ft, No. 6t Yrna SUM, Opposite Odd-irellovre ' I P•ITTSBURGII, PA. Sign spoilt done !Or thetratte, Javild . • .Seal .testate agents. WILLIAM WASIN . 7-- ZA . LER IN : PROMISSQRY NOTES, Lb, *Opp. mid all seauttlas kr &Joao. akri peulakre kiwi Unoogh..l ACM/s.. . Timm widdiyi to Jana tliir wino* Migoi4 adseakage,. WI always lad ant sad seen 64 allow., al ml.-allos, pi. MI coaulartdoigioas . and Wards.* alirkily amlitliatial. Pk. OILiNTWIRMIT., appotak IL emir. ClediatraL PRATNOCK A HART. 1 OLIN No.'Bl WOOD ST.; t/ lictinnin Minoan allay and /meth atom, Mil Act toe C 1111064111210 80NIP POITEL • lON & aemulrs idODIU• sax/4mm 14 O 8 and Denier in Ilicnicaa4 Modal (icings. Jain IiLRBER k BRO., No.. 63 FIFTH tl • 'll l l, 111•• orate Cloidasttarp, &AO Arai Ulf Weil • (MARI% We York) carts alk4 Goad mad g= PL•tiClB, and Mall= /I N/LID1111•11 maim 10W MONS sad ORGAN HASMONIUMB, Dealer. t• Node sad tha CARLOTTS BLUME, MANI:MAORI& Eine@ Nola la Phu; toneoine Isporietellaile mod Nadal Iwitemaeatir. Bollklgest Ibr Elaitnin KABOB, Moo Por FULLS?, DU RO. 00.11 looks Piano, iltband without lolein Apiatanot. 111 Waal dram& Puna a aaaaam—....--.-....—.....4.0aan I. avarsi 'Wall Paper Wareham*. WALTER . P. MARSH/ill & M., /M- T V panorama Drina PI Woad Mal blame Foie* mars aaa lalaxaml al_ ,lay saws may be llama aft eased?* a m a rtmatalmnaaaalpiloa at haw alalentt: ra,:itatia, Was Imam sad alistabars. , Ake, masa, la peat wady as Image arks ia coat &Wa ad 0 ' . WALT= P. lk 00. ' ORZKA INSIIIIASIOR COMPANY 9g Wma amt. korr. 0. W. Bum. m)11 A. A. OARRIX 11. SEWLICTARY P.aaq Imola lasersaa Clamiyany al Pittsbargi, iceer eguallig. fourth Amt. . M. (101tDON, Secretary western Ina • ano•Compsey, IT/ Wattstotreu. JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank." • U. are Letniace Mop), a rnviert acme Wooll sa4lllnlstreete. P' A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware • Olatosi humor. 00, t 2 WV{, W• Ui Vi a. fIEALER IN "CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, N. Iff hara woof mar Woad:. • Bhp fActobs.. 1. Ittligi/M04.......-sau. a. R swo p OROIIVIELD 00.. (enocemono to Ittor;. oy • hard, w•ousehmt• awn Doom tb el mph, had hara , lboar, curt.: hart! sal Illarkotata, Prunbarigh. eel LOVN,lbealat In'Stapleaqd racial • aux* sigs of tb• ortglosl pi.• Mrs, 'ao 1 - 4 h•4•lrost,, Pittabarigh. , art*/ 11. PALAIKIi r No, 106 Iklultot ntren :11,6'Dselarla spuds, Clew straw, wersiap, of oiniltUoodsorleally. - P, 111 1111111112, lflll , WHOLAWALB 41110 swam, 'Embracing awry otyla of 1T,1:11134— 1T1333.33. ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, Sall/GU:be •ARLois, ONAMlllail AND Dune!) Room i t em to any to NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, as tardu Wasinmoosa, Nos , 17 AND TO Tim Rricallt. Pirrastatem. PA. soar • trovra—.-.1••• • WNW. . . . -sum& nova s. YOUR() GO.. sAllliamaNul Of • notNITUND AND °Heins Of Every Deoriptioiv. eauroirv-swerei itAttweis WyKraid RN* Amor Wird ooll D-4131,';8 41 IMillanehl It., itTNAMBOATOABIN PURNITUND-4W4 qv imstwA r amtme, s u ir RYKARicwt lIVAIM7VIIII marl (MAIO, sad Invite the safeties of Dow f•MbLes? laamsted la Azzalablag Ewa" t 1001 , 101• 00. WM. O. JOHNSTON it CO. . • lIMIONEDD ArtAPAPIDIDRILIRIY. • ,• • • No.: 15 7VS , Orril Etrrert. • . 1 11'0r 1 4 1 024414 aad Plota,lob prlntlapprotadst Mort 16 rayorkr tritior. • • ' i • 'art Wpm Day cooly: Out Boakaarareait "ad do: coma Boots omit litratana ador mach to order, la oar idyls at ratios or Modica , dottrel*. _ IDPArnold.o sod o th er pod Omaha( lair niftra Ma tha artialler Surd for Dora Dollop Poo; hitt/ Party'a sal lo lhotiire f riyortor am Poor Moro. Molloy Darr Mg lak sad Occolltu= Iltatioarry ia aoaand actorosablo pia.. 7 rya' EW ARRIVAL OP ISZSII 4,1 OSA NO ltB-203 bat. Wants* Oat Palmas! LIMON' —2oo do . do di, do Ittroatted W. day acct kw Witk• 7 . ' • - . , 1111111,44 ANDIONION; IS'Wead ‘,r Ando** Ob Rohl. kii3Uol izmosits - AND MOWailL.--.llerabro foe oby par goal bb . - oaks quom,Ftuie. mufti= tumid-to* solo bp . Mt=Uffia ita!tritrs ; 1117=211 fmnaratus flgnits. oirtaqitio. 7 rinntn 1111111 Joe PUNTIOW 1:1071: , , i aura. 'Aril. sukarlll, Witumg747l ad; for gib it bur* an m di attys. k LLZU)l,l6ll.thaty DIM —l 1 ---- 11,--alue suite, its•;foe masa* Ogre, tedllntiv sad paundly, us tau. w brok•o• ;."Tilek bi ma. O. Ammon * co., • ' - ' 3 o l lll7amptak rovinpar. zzikarrisir, m .a. itmciics.l4.4: , •' 1 -;` ?ftrissußower, -•. , .• • katlitrfACTUltS to Order, on short trot* gtorririas, .miLartora 'ropers, to a arm' 04 &maraca., oribo tog mama oda istai oht k: somes.oto wrokelikritsdo4Aisrs, oft ifiodoe tot to pc4r. " • • 4 tAi• 'moon., .r at chit i os 11. '"Ick se wroOrt, ein wan proawi stlaallow 811 , 0 H1111T0111, BUN PIM& ds Corner, Pike and Cellars aireartei; • Goa asy Wont Wads. , TT 151 , v . R IP .APIOPACItURERS fir MAOKINTOSU RIGIPBILL'S INPUTS° PAT/INT GINXILIAT: MAR ITIGINTS LOD g1..U11 , VALVES of Winn, Ha pas op heel of kw • niacin sae al kie ton Ity,loo oro to 6:sOolorry Jobbiospindsp, lido wan to this Goo, trosang no/ Ikt to 11 . 1 d.,,,, tho„: thonnit °tour *ark s ' ba 'DIMS Fir u Cen.ca teirahr ettiotlsoloass BALA •VaL. Geolli.; Li la 'ICHIENII3, os combining ohm:we - torStelbro IT Soon with olostepower and goal light, To !al. 14rea City *toy. ' W.' BRADBRAW,. to IT. . ". , 11104WOMBI U ta4l4No.wan MUT, bis.l.4n!thsd mon 4"5' • 1 3 481.11'N iii, 1cki1."4., ii,,v lo u a e, Ohwassonyto 4106ni _ I hir, UFAOTURIBEI did in Az& kat is Oaderl. *Wed Delbl' In' Go* 1 , 41 i r, judo/ meld ; ft, No. So Wood _Arid, , , en sped.' Mad* to 111 • asmaihetatag of milset=ln. Jobttag and limpainS wltbra mumi t , . boob lln isaAwißra: 4 /-Peui`ik . 66' Ni , a;,Eitiebui.Pi. 027NAIAIBOILER NAgßus AND !MET iv Of* 'Workinounalsotartes- pAfts acout.raahmat..., rood and Vfilador &Dom Obinnioto, Wog . Iltro Nod, Mom It" Omodmouvlisit ha; PotAlrtoantottiAllootAibto. ' Blot-LWOW I Wtolt, !Ridge and Viaduct MAU, d ray Um otiortootu • 11140. Au otdatokont dttional protaytly attandod to. Pena Genoa /111111, Pit looraink EMEDY.CHLLDE4 & CO., hIANIIP4O • ** a t/ e ‘ of df oolln .Mt Bed Omni; ' • " !tough Lines abd flab Mot BBtty ßope WWI ohoo ad.doomipolloog K _o. 1 111 11"Oodorrloft at lb* Eroriforkrillioro of Lassa liGrorg AlWoOd atm% Wit ha* attontloo. .!!21:11, 111 8• 11111 1 1 410,T01111111 11)1441URTO ETHER; Sulphuria Ada; /met 1110,14 at Nitric . ! EMU HotosatitAnoasnig • ,-. Marlalo Acit. Aims Ammonia, tiltru9a du Powkelitioldtk% • ' eta May be Amid atJolue Inrln it &min Wu.' .1044- Jl~~acillancous PITTBOURGIEi PLOW womut J. 'C. BIDWELL 1 . &women to Ilyeer & Bkbeella • A S i ON lIANCI 'A. VERY LARON • ' PLOWSAND PLOW OASTINOS' ti• 11 34•01 earbasaa, early _ply Ida Maul/mod abetment es &ma& 'Me NSW WOBIS owe Wag erected la Mao/a triapart al &Melly - ea the loe fraallas I= WS oa Daqame Way /d &pat. meet; WWI I. .140 aa earYbak Wet, will be aqua .. la atteat A U yadly 114 an, Mg Waist.% lbe ULUAS &Atm hulas AU be modem loymoveabeaue la bath :tad and boa warilay ihaala=ral will be la op./lama *belt Um Aral al Mayo • . . • alb OssCLscyry. Wan/lell4 . and Mee only &r*. *lural. Mae al lb. Railroad Wpm. IlillVadare are nap:orally wharfed. await • • • J.C,IIRMILL.; - - - - tstoo.iid Arrival of • 1859. CAROMS AND 1;11L CLOTH'S, .! £7 l ras FOURTH STREET CARPFT APAR,' PITYWIIIaGii, PAWN! : • • - • • • IL WCALLUM RESPECT.. • lULLt iatiolioni Owl 'bey etc reconlog aepply oflbarrllNG, elbarrnsa, selected directly boa a to MI6 o : lowan.. sod Wcoalbetorers by cos of the dna, bow la tbo agOki .bbb They tante lb. animals at parclacca , Mao,o mos stylo or CARTON autino; foe swum pan Um' Wic lamb onto of OHMS? SW MOW, etc, 010 "Web abaft at lbeiknew raw. jai . • • • W. D. a IL aoarzum. • W=i7l TIM ZIROCTOXILIE ME M* CO . . ve t , J/116 Libor air larreu 1 BANK OP DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE mu) won.. capon ae•iag.............:.--..1- ..._.• - Iso,oso MARMIcaI alialrammail 40, evi.L........11000,000 AMPealcarimajo..asa amai ,Imaracuar laws. 'WM OMR Slam) Par Paris •A 4 Omanamp reciasil cod= ALL MONRIA, markt for • WILL DRAW Wed flarbm:a=Leteco rad Wafters elaw ammarag6lawals. r: palm to wit. Claitwama madam, au dm dam Is tha vetted awe aad Cha Canal" sod P AIDA PROMPTLY RI UMW) CO sal trod pant. Cm dal' Wrwcwil7: .. amount: • :dm , Moarbas4. amo Alatwar orsyla, John mak am & Raid, J. zun.mium &Witt W . . Meelatadk, Weary Ile• Chaßoogly Ratarit'Amknoon. ' =Mare. 'R.D. Ir I: WA12111; Prasment. .: a.47J ----- 1 a. i. izNL---ai. No. 65 Fourth Stmt. creatorsisa I N 1568. OPIN DN•JimiAILY FROM 9 TO 9 O'CfLOON, am es Ift sad Wartily main" En= Ma 111 b &number ,:11811, (ma 1 181 0 dela* ouxl tram Mo. sumblr Era 1.8 Ku Ini•bon II 10 11 eclat. Dimas raool of ill woo art Wm Ups ass Donn sad • .11561•05 ... _of Po polls /Wand Ida • liar, to Jar sal kNo/it. band Pao ben ilookna asissi sully, bi Jams:A 1 80•pol•roIsc• 1188 Mak ram ars= aid, all thrrifs Oat Pormal.6 rem 1•11410101 sot *um ••41•86.1•5 So Oa Ondit a 010 4. ad *num ausluturere trout tb•5111 FrimrooPilatpcsolscrairpoisdlag brims:or . vat Ito ;apostate to €4ll or ova to mew Oil 1•1075 thl isa• - maan MU &Wets Wm &..l3 rani MAIM I. ta Illat WM worn Pow liikm Doolumostildoitts Clhaitit P -Wm tclio us Bow tarallbol (Mk sa IM allow Pft sl 4l/ 11 -0110/01 ALII//t. faips••ll Jobs R. ham Mathllls . . Airassas.,_litrimilmaliVr Jima D. Sanip, , 11•••• w, t lawn 111, - /L IL 570•17:2. D . I ' Ism 1 1.1.5amocir, , - - Min I. Layilay 5 I 1 5484.11. Paatlln y 1 .1.;16 A 5 I. 11•41.8•• AU X. 41851 e .II r r. . 164Ar 0 • Akeso A. OaccheiMaw, Dr4,l Cluag6/58, . ;Jaw B. D. le.& Ida 1.04.11•1 0•••••,. Jima 15563f10y, Imam 6*.; 151 1145 P. Ira• 18 11/Utir Dcsigis• ; 111150 o*, Mier, Jolla Iv . ./64 Orr, ' Ponds Ins. , goon L. I.l.lvals, 1 1 5141501 a/ L. htb•hiait. J0bn1.6813111, Jaw Willa:au. , ° MINI 111 . 188116 . Crtl. - 11 1 1 1 2: 4 . ' 1 1551111. ••• 1,4•8wir...018.81/Lia A. enrols .• 111 111tIONBLIVIW • sowe The ' Wing WWI t lb. Istot bitterns to be Load ...tot the lelae In tse Ibllswe: OhItrINItATAL 11111e pa 1110119A4011,, . _lOlllllO do • etteltalt ; • " ' -• * D O OI I IAI TOP • •N. • • " PATI/ 1 2141101,111619 As, All ot the ebele..whb wiemit watt 16111 . TUY ate otsoonstai sad esstal—sweehl7 ; mum wo rn ve..Tga 01/1"° . nimOsil what Aloe Won wed weistehl eihrtmetls sot IM "Wows &shake otmeneloae;to "mar a ooDbo, NA. has III) eat letethwe with en 040 f Midi Ind I. IdiNlN4li ikon. La i4JS I ND to Ow ebonite base Of est ant • end "snub& • • ICE tIALS*TS—eII Ng* mur urn, IiATI3IIIO AeltAllartla, .WATAIL 0001441,. BIND CANNA CILLIIOOII. TURNAONN - _• _ Obits' erovaik _ Pollolwlt, MINI. COTTEN LND TIN LINID Pitiisl,lllo KILTTLIS, , hod nisei washy thiA taw teseessa le the Hasa Mew Iterehhleg thalwarsAl 1th.12111 Wood ether, MIA hoot below Oho 4e or ILI GAMS ' SEETIN'S OLD, STAND vita' DIAMOND, • Lg. curt: a gh. LyiN k tram, • - • Pito.lllllTOl. .'" ' • 11.4AVINO TAKEN and fitted "aireid rsPla . ultb 64 Wwa' • bosoyitooolo, Hai popolomoort, tbotobtant, ty...... n itOtotiatod to azobkdoto him triode itoo uo. pow@ omit ° DTI: :t": 1 Irattoil Atte NB Wig iviikeouse.rt • tveossi m nob s - LIM arra op at .D how, aid Oil wed maw fte11 , 417 ?ROAM neat S ;1i id 0 Zi 0 U . O "thitin I ner4Tit.na aattn . itairme, 12 ,6 ; 49 Anglaii...oaritles,- Oigaridia` Limas, oaararfots 10811 Berge • and enrage Anglaia :Bober ; ,_ 1 11101/0111 AND 11111011 *HOLM ST ill 'Lk ID; • Nit 114 eto 1Lowo• la du city.`;t HAMM 1.01 , 1,14 Motet stroot Mk rim. iIicINETANT , illEttl/ end .11 :Piall4llllNT ONUS of I, dlalivel . 140 , apithil. us . - ro rx.,a • , BieuRCHIJCL OICIARZTTZB, 1, woh by 474, ellTlllolnt tx,, in PASSA U snit; ' Y.. Pik% 81 pep bormallhe bypol!t. 110 A SALM AT ALL DROGIGIBTiL ;NM inuix:piztps start sittnia2 ;7 " I 41 - mamt4 r;=2mffffßm _ - The anderdo hula/ ued !Ufa/Us% WNWPaItiM ISPECITIO ed 40.11 4 10PATHIO READ 113 In ear famillos with 4he mod aulaflearry rosalla, and baring rob cote demo la Their Mnadtionem, purity, mid ellEcacy, chterlidly recommend thin Is all pawns *a viab to Las, Pak Cl. liable; and efficacious ramifies as hand for primdei,or Ths, lam Wok Riturow, miller ot 'The Northern Incl. prated,. /*bora, N. V,: tbe LetilL FL INsesey, D Latoi of Pa Poter's Otnarr.h, dubiety N. Y. the lay ILL INutidala of, Amhara „Mesas Prison; the Rev. Plernetr 12. Pies; ltschor,'Nmulladitad Mau the Mo. Allen Nme - Yeirk_ • Conlatemine. abet Mew, Nichols, umellimmt.. Fier the Ram tlam & Putt, Dead, Its the du. John!, doy Itoffalo A. Wow, / I Vitca, N. T . Des 800. Ne il Doa, Portland, Me.; lb* fleturke ChM; Iknateatemi : 11 . Roo. Ge . Th6 rite glireldrilis. FL Y.; limy IV Oa* &deur of Olio NW* usual, Coimbra, Otdo; the Hon. R. IL Graham, Mokaei • a; lb Don._ Thomas J. Mu Mond rMal Do IP b 566.‘kk Therekrti Am: .°l4lC!'b, cs, •. ULM asa,m, LIIY SPARITi alitina Th , 1 1.-IPfx Onerik., and InAmoneamm, No. Worm Pour. Wens Clono„ Wended the Nod. N0.11.--Pos Coley Crying, isstaWand Nalredhluem of I No. Ik—PrefMudd% Chaim Ndatihnn, and Inonner I No. Oaeo, vas' sikoSs AUL Na IL—For Otuders,Va i roaaV, otafthat._ Nu,—aue and lon abut. let:Lable mkt Moan of I No. 10.—DUeapaia atiate—P* *ask No. 11.—Ma lumnotounaki lean% !dal*. cm N 1t...F0r lamomba. Puha lad Deming Dean of lasulka. • I No. 111.—Por Ortarp,lissue ' 41.1.11.—5 en Pella—Pod mondani, No. l&—lterintufil 1.2 cd—Nor Paltaluatuaa, • mak*. neat In the awe, Rack, Lobs, or Limbs. a.—Por l Apnr.over and Amut, MI Blue, Lima Apo, Ohl Ma, Blind 'or Oman& lama Redercial, a—por Sore, Weattet Waned Eau am 446 • talk lat Weak, or norm light, ' dla—for Catarrh, of , ions mandlor or ee4eot, either slip istraction or krofuse Nahum. W. 4—Yor mown, Cough, obating I. doletico and Jitall stole dbealiec.auch u revers, ,/atiallteastio ) re no, hahea, Dpemlery, Croup, Itheatnatista, and such prop. disea traria Pour, Was; h and truipolu, the adnuttags ms of taring do proper yeneedks Prompo7 b ob - Moue, and la all latch cues dm net Its a dam. lye entire abeam h often arr at once, LadNl ,e'lles the Moines of the attack b; moderated, tha Warm a bort. mid, and *Wend leas dummy* Coug hsand.Colds which mot NA hereof oesurrenee, and ntdcb so Mena lay the foundsUon disused tow, bronchi er a. and cimmou r aori, May Mt be at once und hj lo all amok Oman, such as Dopeuts. Wink Shienaele. . Meer Complalota tamale Dela% aod Md Newham /Ma or . Freiat ryes, Catarrh, Salt , and other old erataloas,'llia ease has whose proper aped:Meal= erill sand • can to ahobei fostance. Often the cum of aningto Mirada difiliadty7: l o2 Flyemula, Pile. or Catarrh, Lleadachs or Paula Nast. nem, ha. more Mtn pakl far eum tea times over. Cope of 20 dale,eto In morocco, sad 'Nook ........ e 3 Case of 20 weals, and soo t, plat& Coati of lb numbered bum, mat Boot. Cate! of 6 boom, numbered, and Hoot 1 Blasts numbered boxes, with direction& .... ends. Noes lettered bone, dluctions. .JlO cuts. Luse ease of 2 oz. cola he planters and physidana..illti • ALSO 132122211(22. ! role AIM oa Pornowt—thlwoog, DEEP" Labored !trothta att at. ended with Coodtand lapertaration. Price, Pole Eta DucniatiNrie Dioniok—DbOtatioDOn the Car. the revolt of Scarlet lever,:elftd* pe eloweartale. Par Hobo in the Head, Hada= of Hof, and lUnging In Ini Park nod Earpette. Prier, 60 awl Petr box _ Po Scoorna.—Ealarged Obuoda, Enlarged aut od 7=4 Ihreigno and Old Ulcer; Ilerafaloo Cachely of %Eton Peke, 60 rents pet boo. • rO4 oattuL DffaiLlTlL—Ph_picat or Nero= Weakneva Elibar the remelt of &know, itaceoloilledkstion, or Iv. kaereolf Dlotbarge% Price, 50 onto per bow, AM Dowsw—Stald deenondatkoo, 14Deratti Booty &credo= Pelee, 60 cents per bor. nga, with' esabeamosi—Doethly Banes; 'eerily*. Noon, Voinielag. leknees from ,eltikag Or mation., Prki, 60 tents Ena Moony Duress!-:..e Orayel, Rena! CaletA Palk Nobel Urination, Moon of : dintidnelys. et, 00 ant. per bat.: Pow Bomar Itenarrowa—Tavidoktoiall Ind Coneguent Protean= and Debetty, , Rambo of Ertl Tbe moo onerepoou noel *dein; =only hum, and may be need upon at a =re. , Pelee, Onto. ,tiono, el per box. • Peron, who erbb Wean tbeenotion anger the oohs. ablisi Ore, or to web =den of Prof. Haarlem!, do ao,Tot, bls *Mee 662 !Roadway, dal, from b 0.61. to SPA or Inr ii letter. cam REIEDII6I 'sr f . Look over the Ike; rook. op a owe of wkat kind You eb".:o, and lobo elp retool lea torrent note or Staave by toll to oar Addeo ; at No. NM Broadway, New• Task, and, medial= will be duly returoed by mall or upon', fro the of charge. _ I AOCtilti WANTED.-2Yl b. Gem- at actlytollident beat for - *Weak of oar Remedies to retry P= at tomatontly the (halted gotta Address Dr, P. HUNPUBITI A Ca. 7.; , , Na Mg EattaDlrer. Ninelfoag. !TILTON, ifitei Oboe, (DlopookiwOdb%) wand do= Irmo ties PIO Oilleo, libeinake o.pok foe PMborgti and rtabillN atop!. EL I/TILTON Irlagboo; J. -P. Mu a sag!mm. 'Lam, Adobes, , : intsciniutesim eau. • • ---.a. A. a. smart 51CL&1454 & CO, DERIERS IN PROVISIONS, AND LdND OIL JLINUPACTO 'JEERS No. 309 Liberty PITTOM Viten. will r. N " . I III ELAILIAL.enca3MR.9.BIN ac CO. ' (swetsgon u AL ARA., JY9 1 . 9111r1111 *ID I? AA A 'II gAinn*.tsu MT,. MET, No. le/ Market Street. PriTsgelLail. tioltAu ezpwilLL ainu• is Lll. Tr,,; , Ow* ULM Nad no m " i tta . T N.. a ons fivrauartic taw, JOSSIIP I an 1 / 1 411rifa • illIDIC•15011e las " , °MALE D a110 0 . 1 •1211.......uk11P1X 8 00 1 4, 21 "8 a N 417. 07 kobasirik ,shettlirl 12 you() WVitiLttt.! 1 1 ,7 t Jaime owns., fir*Egia nx AND mit aras4ra, • aal, voltamshm Pfriknu't *4 41 ...11. 1 14111 "lot 11m#2,andsiedi W. W. ftliitAWlßUlllt.. soil Oleo% WPOILTIR •• 17 PINS IVATOHYSANDJ,EWIt;AY,i svoneuuidnAuhrris Wood .a 4 UMW.. &WWl= pal Ut• swilstisi4 rogdm air.4ll pork sarnatfte . WAXILAGIWILIt. CRAIG 414 . • IWLIW AND /1117kIt AND rut I SM D.INISUERs op ALL KINDS to : ILiBB A?. *emir. sad aihrs I* ate unmask *romps AND. WAIIIOOIIII, I: I. NO. IA4 WOOD SWUM?, Iftri 64:46 hos "MN *jot " • • - •0, arltiqudry, N 0.11114 llnnitatmet,lv• docurilbekw Its , belwera woo 4 aid boilaill 1"/61V/I61 ° mpg' raceirm nu#Lvias . , t- tarrsouiltiarai worms.. y i initaicas ii. WILLI/m[li 1 1 1 ~. ; Nes: Ai lasi ill Perri ii ,I 44 iir - k g ANOTAXIIIRER Olt WI:LIMN% 'broil Nan alum iall idiot Oilit,llaifig urn POW Tbfllewts Claw 'lliiiitorkiliww /IP istilasa. 411.1617i ItEMLNO - ROI)MS, inAltiimil memirmuncrarialtD!lti bu ti t t.m . :44 'and Nag ItslikoZ l iasamr. .14 Mr SSW 1;14 rogto es. POWlttiti, utimrptire: ha Ile mbar apprlnvd wls. JRIANDRIM OEL TIP sam.rroitio las oar 1,4444L0ws Darns .aind:Boilei. filitop; §TZAX.; mhos, oi; Imaii or woo to oda; wirarsatio to era satlasktea.`. SWUM AMA 1111 Arerirli MOS WOULD, VAULT, AID Dian' AN ours 64_u_kail Ls*, al eve oe !mot I , AIWNTOD =MK AND iItrAIIIINO daat on thelightADa: 111""1"-219 ieno Writt6i. • To ituzzai. r . 1 ' - Au** DOW rrwoch atur Mut stop% Itietida• ?Ma md aune-the brit soutryt-~. ,Pateal West iheblairreadial-Fanll4lai ofidl Wait mem W. W. WALLAALi. gifloack • 0110.119 Mob INtee4Plstibirelk. • 111—yQtrI4.[TBRD No: 7 -- 1 de• tbl ad at the PlitOillekkil pltapapad hely kr grauutpur distreqium mon par patrons sad tbe Wass ptlelleTionala •; Alt: Pitotars and Statkoeriklel WOO 4 at• , ' ',PL 8-50 nob, • - , ! i to nal sod kaal* fro /21, Oa' BALItI DOM ATTIVO COT T IVN 4 —o bale- 1 la ems and tar sal* bp I AU I" ; ismau Dram - 4 'oci. CO: are cloeiag nn4 • isc o a uil. ittiir t'or! m , • ' • , I ! ' ' PARASOLS; , M!M Frkßetrit ji; WM* ar dliterag vidlho lad tra ram igsalty pat tooitna from 6660 br Alas _ ; EL PEILMIIt AU63 tnth:fiozn;ow restos? " i!"Pql'!"ll.l7,' 'biota Co: • NEM riti ditt siewhar DA i - V - .r , =Mai NOMA 00.1 UR-430 Mx* Surdas ceind kut Waft, litainorzi— r`" •' I '-inn2;ioNieitikaL ~a_ oWats`' , - bt f t_l NICW 6I BM. PICIPARED;9I. 1- 4 MOLD av - • ' • '' '601.D 131' itANCY-901M 13PAIJ)1ble9 riikkAgEll eurtio • ior.otT skytniTnir amazons azzgliii•Lf • 1 HENRY-C-OrAI.tING .• -at« dill OLIO • ' 1 •; 19 " 174*°14 -" *4 t l : **llC4:, 12 • ~,./4e • , 4 ty.4 , I L: Tipitiliiiilliaz*kzx 'SU ttettei-' tivri mums- •.,., . olax =MEE - ' . -'----77-- ...----7.,-----77 I- s kr i t itidlikpfAlttii - akil g :, • - :!'graidines , lepimi 'ow -4 - - Spaldinios. topared'iilue! ,1 , • s - 1 SAM -174V1 Prtiet ,-• 1 ' ' , , • . . . q a co gi ler 1 - -:i l i , Duipay r " iir ,, ..11 aqua a got 9.1.1 i ROIL 4EO 1 ' • • j r • ta aceffiade ftirl.44l‘tvi al.!' 3 - - 6,Y My boit 4 6"6_c"OZ :r 2m%t. min{wt b rvbiss: , rw . . , 7" . n, ...7 1 w . . i iptimig, - - - a s r ),: i) ) m : atii — d , u . 1 moots id' Weer ottiOtgesdot*tita, ol4 as 45;t1 _ ' , to bit itthoxt•lt.' tty,q , inreor.aidlrp gi.610.11,1r.k -hig:p010: i na: ti . ii.o'4 - iiimito roe litaibs chg.,: isifte.a::,,..6; *ohm ac t ft, .4 et4.t. ca , sk& itis int s.hi # l t l l,*" e k'w.:o 4l, aal l hcr "tsat t i t ta r tk t o ilWatl s t aitit 44/4,f ITP.°4'?!.rnd tut& , ,1 .... ,- .: . 1 1.•, ', ! ... ..' ', ..1, - . -,-- 1 Mt 4641bIsraMttlotii".4 .44{0°1,6,4' sally bald In solution, and jpiimagap 44 Um logotAde quallttoo et tlot boos .noirA„oilet atoii, It =rib' cud i thit pines ;of settlectilinsoilloti,ebotog 17 moi•oilti ';S - L - 4- ";:'' ••• -: ', • • 1151sur, Is tilkilr aote*,.. - Ns..--kihrui imirit en iosts.-i , , . - i - • rake, , 4§;, ca n - -'. • ' ' .--4 1 ,"1 . _ ... Inot*a• Ditot, No. 7-1' i stred;Veir TA *dam,— ' PICZNEY CO.. ALDIIIO & C .. 4 ' BOiti.tellO;NreYoi ' . Pat up foi Dialms hi aiiiiintaslair*our, Nit, MU Twain boaski bottir4j . Atballipkt 81.0.4 , -' aerapmptiNg 'web whim ' ' ~ . arrA It &Attu. of SSA! DIG'S pREPASI/D ~..111.171Iiift ..n WI tlzma bonsabolA ,:4188 'll4l by alljproothmat 11413 440.DThatuta, Hardware, sad Purptmr•Dailiti.emerpi*PlPpoity eiten.. ;1 ,O.BPRb, stand iaPetbsatriPpMkt tiott;iii • :aclEs* /WALD ZPAILD/reLl7 11,*tiiii. riskimr!lP Mill tagOm o r its; ,1 "; Spafding froppd Glue, , 11111,PUL TN Eva 6; novas! . I SPAADDYGD Put/vial, or.uF, . SPALDING'S PIaY s AIIIID GLIIN BOLD SY .I>EBGGDYrft • SPiLDINGS PREPAIND 01.118; 801.1) SY HARDWAV.B DEALBBB 8,p48188 , 8 R agcD . 9LI3I. 601.1).8T Hotiair4iiittio.— BPA i f tituf,, of sou, st• I - • :IPA tut irs mr.t.k4eit (0.0 , 1 sm.i, {SI A N . . 1" 11 1 1ijiti'ifF: 151.ti.Dt mitt ii•trAc papl.l. taut i'ltErAtClf GLIIP., goLn es courrlt außiAr Tai OENr:jfALc --,- , '12!!! , • .I 2 , • t .! . . 8111411 - Y C. SP.lO.lilll & CO., -' ' No " ' " imni.e. New Voisis.' d •thil it re . on '' ' • Ad nen edu ce,l' ox ~ I A Als ma Alplongeolne .1.110 of ;Artltles •evldeb, Ir • olienigind o Amor, I. , ' . 11 . ?4 , 144.01/ :1 1 i Dior, ...Vial Stressorth o.& P .Neclierliet'S by EIPA L01N91'13... PREPf.Ic:RE D GI..PE. . . . ;. _ • ....Moods Accv)uNT. Boolut ',....,. B ~.. Man& BUREAUS ...• .. r, ~.. ~. . C -.Mends CRADLIDo, .1 ... - o ' ; 2 ....... 1 , 1 1. ..... - .= niiilax 1 f - -4 : ':i ...... ':v r . „hum. revs ..... . ! ...... p,'' '' ' ..... • •,''. 0 .Nends GUITARS ..2 ..... it . i '... r. a..... . : ..... i. 0 HI 4.•Mende HARPS. • " ' ,04 :, •' ! 1 -.....a.344 cuLuz.-Wohie..? . .•S.,i ...... ; .-;..,. 1 .1 ....Mends JA.llB_ .. ... ... 1.....2.;,1, - • • .2.:,•...0. J IC: - . - ,../lend4 ENOBS • 1 - t "! ! ...... .. . - ..•:'.2. At 1......1ued. zzezzza,woze pic:::. ;;;.L.L ..114..,.1Leada MIRROE4PRAMFII I 94, ' • ,"- 4. El 11 ~..1104•44 NEWEL' P05T5... , 4 ,i, . ... .. .2;.;.. N: • 0 .. s ! . .Mende • OTTOMAli_ ,11. _.: . . 2.,.2.: .... ... !..!• .. 0 P• ;...Mesels PIANO•FOWCES ...6. ! - =i.:. P. 44 ....wadi, g011LT.1 1 11.991P-S .. - ,44.,:011 8...'...1iends EDMING•1101111021•41:'.;.. ... •.;...2...2 8 to .-..,1194.24 110 £ 2 11.2...0...1., , ,1,;.1.. . '.., . 2 ........ T • Needs TABLES '.. 1.• I. .14, , • ,1 T • II ....11froods PIIIIIRELL2-EtieKol, 2; . ......... - i.l. ll' T -.Wends TA6E3 W.. • I ..Wends W0R31.4301E81 .„... ! ,00 , .. AV a .....mmu x.rzoozamp,-19.0az. • . z . T --Maas TARDATISO.. - , ...T • Z ....Meads ZEIIIIS - sroon-ir.17.. . .... . ;.. z; di - -In rondostit,nrALDnterappary ARID gLur le lueltl t n Librales eztthOols. 1! 1..2 -.Mende SOPAS - ', 7 • 151, - .; I 9..P..Mends PITCHERS.,./...,•,..: .... ...P4.0., t 2..A..Menote ACCOEDEO/1111 •• .! ', .i A 0.,...!, 8. 4.. L -Made LETTER REALINT !' " L. 1.!..; 9 6..D..Wande DAGITERESOTTP, CABES-D4,-; 5 1 1-1..22•23s IMAGES ' '- : ..1 I v....: 11 I..N..lorade NEW BREAEACIEII . ' NO:- I B.,G..Mends 0 01249T0CE11. ' ......... ..2'. . :.....ti.. 8 9..5 -MusD scaool,Booz.ls .4... - .:. ... ;..e4.. 9 10..P..MetoderPARASOLI 1 44-..14.........P.-,;,,A1t 1111 .. 1110 2 4 9111LER.5..2. . !. . • •..., •-• ... 11.,::..11 12..a...moda.zuccrraickai iaikiiiiiii...z.-:..,11, 18..P.:314nds PAPER . HANOLNBG- 4 .',. . . . v..P.:;...111. . 14..2;oll eostrAllf- 421 1A1R5..:.__,.-2; _' • • 212!..14' • 16..R..144044.E.1081921T TURVIIII , R. 12-18 18..11-1914a84 ERASER-RAND 1.. i.... .. 11.,.D1 Ir-D-Mistel?//9/18' f , • . -•/:!-4•21! 111 ..0..Mends GLO _, . G....,..113 19 ..L..ltends 9210211 NED I.EAVIS2 !• ' L. .19 W.-U..11426 UP/2101.8TRZ SURIIITURIC:.O.4..2O 21-E ..12ends EGO.BEATERIS .!...,„,.,... . . .... 11..),.21, W.. ...Naels ACC1EN•W01LK..1,,• ...it.... q.llll 211 . 114ids. CIIESS . BOOLDS1...1•,..1 ..... - .r. 28; '24 Mode PIDDLES,' .. . .'...c!..! •'.!......, . .2,94 • 25 • • Goods IINALI.;1201I1 ..'...Q.;::..... .. ;.2 . is so -- - maw. rtusrmoitz :,...f;;.4.,' •Ai22 21 Nolds • BOBBT.1101101ES. .0,,.' .••• ! - 22 29 Moods B ALPJD O9OO PEB * .r.:I; 0... . .... 22',111• • W. o -.meal mcnizr•Bozzs__.. , ~.•.pei ,-.99 80 ......Mseds!PICITIRE PRA •• . t . • .. - . -I , lg - 21....... Mends SECRETARIES .. .: .. ;1•,..'.1 ...... .24,11 sa u...a. &mom rozziriii Ric ..t .. ... .. .wiss. 24 Mende PAPIKR4I.4OIII/4.,. . ,;.. ... ~ . .2A4 - 195 Needs WARDROBES ! -: ' ! - 85 121 Moods PARIAH 19218 LE. •n - -!! ' ',Ai II Make CRIBS . _ .... . . ~i- . .:•.2; .... .-„,:o821 29 Ilsads, Busr , iinsVii4s.t...,i, ~ •za • It ' Meat. ITOBT•WORK ..."......-4.• ‘ • ', ' ' ;K2 40 WU& MATCII.BI2PES. - ' ` 5 0,.,..;..1. .. ....1...40: 41....... Mend• PICTURES c..,.1.. . "IT 112 Ifetele QUTU , WGEELS.:...... : f .. •....! dlt 42' • -Wools Towel-Rai:ma . , ... 1- ..' , ;i...-- i :If 44 - ,Mends WASUATANDS. ..... •.• ...i.... .., • 1 2. 4- '42 ' Mende 8ED5 TRA1W,.........",..:1.....: .1.48' 42 .r- .11end4 DRUMS . ~.... ..... ;,,',,,' • . W. , IT-- - . 214241. oukvaiaii ;., ... . ~,., ..... ...,; du - . ts. ~ mad. a. 6 . 1 . 1 .0r.z011t61..... 0 '2..;..,.., • l og . 19......1dends REREARIULIS ' 4.,.:.; - .490 0it.•...2:.111end5'8243KC1AMM0N.140214 1. ~82 , I ,Mod, 1.12/110-80128 ..2 , ASeeds BLACK-802111kt .. . ... . 4 ;[. ... 2...61 so • 21.n0d0 BASS-VIOLS ..., _.. .. .o.,1•• ... ... , 1111 so -• Pdsiss BII.LIA RD.TA8LiD....,...;t .. ~. .84 4:. -M.& 81LL1211D.C11112.....-.....,•.,2; 4 . Mende B 1 BROOMS Ell .... ... •. , .1...., . .. ' A. ' I t. 7 M 1.3 14•044 BOOK Cllllo3* .. . ...... .! ... i. 1.: .... . ft, ..Mende Boork.r.rsy) 1.0....-.-.Meede•BRUSIIMANDLFI3 '. ••!' • ..NIB4 - 41 Mends •BRUIIIII2 ..... Co '' !'. tit .C 2 1.1.g0t0 CA BIN2MS ,•• ' II , V 1..., ..14.rotk 0 111171111111.• ' ,0,p....; i• la 1 44 '• ' -Meads CL0CK.C.2213 • .......... . - 4 1- ••••i' 41. 9 .....,1ienda CRUTCHES ....... . . . . ... ;•!, o;. V..., AL.:.....llfioude CURTAINS • ' ' ' ...1.: r ' . 44 Maids . 0 211119.3149 •••••• o . 4 .. ....... i , . ; ... •!.. 1 -al I , 9. - Moods WD .... .. ...... ; . ~,.- . • 4:1/JKIRAS ... . . .. .. . ..:i.,,,1 '....0...1 ILL..Wads OHAIRS...-...2.: ... .....d'1..:.}.. 22 :.; ,1 . 1 41.22CHART11 .• .1 ..• .. •. • , o..1..o:•. VI ' 11•06,01,0TMEM-ViGILIGi .....,:::;.1...;.0'. 11 .... „pelt Cci11U2422144da ... ~.....k .. .0 .2. , 1 1 '... • ....914= DIATIM•:! .: 1 ... ... .!"" ' '' , l' 7 !"' . l:' i Te..,. ;. lll teocts • wozzarriki:ii .* - -* . . ~ .:..".."I ' .: ......... IS. ~..,•„.Ideede DRAU RWI S IiOARDSI.„.•. 4 .: . . .......212 . 14 .4....1111e5de plans .. ...;.. . , ... i%.: ..... . 1 - ' V' n - ' II:2 t i ffell i tiiiii .::::: . Pu • ,.:VdtidirDoollll ~' . '.. .. . ..1410,1s toomoroin . : -. ..... - ei made rtzeozada::::::::: .. . .. ... 1 ,;. .. . ...95; 69......minas azztorritia'::: .. .. LI:, . . .. ?.....c. 87....:.1114indt W1A55W A1Dt..........3,, ' " . WO: 89 _ma& GIRT •rr actukavazz.,..;,.. .. . .eti II ...... Monde TOPSO. ..... 1. *" • ! 111 - • J . .-. ... ~0,.. . P 1...-. wail ORGANS --' ! - ' 1 .-- ' 12 Y • Si... ; ,'. veld' szwtme.iii 99:: i:'..MigdrMODE2B 6riiiiiiirYikio.,.....tw.l 95 - 'Jim. zrenstat- , ; • • ~, 4 05 ' 9T99 • Meal, PA8TE80ARD.W01LE........,.4-14, ... .. ....... . . . . .... -•,.;•••••••!n1 29 Moods astie_.,. * . ~....,. .. o n 29 Moods °ODER-WAKE .1. ,, ..! ••••• 100 .. .; . Mato .911LIKIIT-WSEE ' ''.... ` . :I°. , .Si 1101aGadtankl •' ; :• , eouro aiiTioNinut • . s iesuorNoirli.VAßYDetpy...• i . • SOLD BY Jaecethire. • ' ) IPILDIN9~I;4BYI!~BEO'eL4} • 801.1)fir.GROC*118. • .• 131" 1Lif/iiiirlilliPAßerp.eurkkf: socp•evilillDWAßE OTOAIt4„ 1 i 1 e 14, 44T 11111141tIril---11w. II I MEM PIDINSTC 4141Airomme ji, mutat, Muwan. _ , ,--,,- :.' MulitroaPlungit ,7, - ,, • - s: .. • - 'au • iiikeiiiiii wawa; 3,.. IltVisethows /Mb TiLlll3ll4Wmithr harrrAig Up, „„.„ 4 „....... 04.10 SINVII1)221. lIMIX.,,,iir .00.4.. .1"6. ,p4l I ,_ ......mibotwoui Jaßsaows NA 1144.1brarerii be Bolt !SIAS . Wog 4* 4 " . ' '''' • " ' all" ' ;r; st. t imam num Um., da:sam a " 6 . ~.__..etaisgpdatisowao,wn lon 64 . 4. Armaa as ...inpin ibr uft 8,1 A1,90!0" 4"4,742„,::::: 4 " - adiut‘ =v o w .1406 r at 10,0) LI& XiDstr44 addl. b - ah& n.t!ii9oNtlit trate du= lot • ...pl. . eat - . 1.1 .. : ii...,i:itai: ,210 ipi 11i w ... 6 .__ ;74 .... 11 tw aaa.- Iludt""1 :16250 -1 7 i.z.t., : i . v4rilahu.a.z ato_ 15' 4 2t.4 44L tis : s a. : to 2.1tra : z.. il ~41 '0 .;,.., .:.... . 4p... dAlttNeen4 2.f. w.t. las 3:;..11:1"16 , ... ao.ta - T.,. tortir&Clntockftottig, (c.xtiot etooto.) at 44 2 , -. of.- , _ . . TOW Aozzazodottoo Snlo iti Tama Chratk 14111ahiii (ctaapt &lathy) at 6.210 P at. -iir.4410. Troia Amor to ..444.10e.it.;114,11401,04 t0tt1it00.44.4.40a two Aatoanoodstioo,llo3 4- st 4 Coo T0u.4.....„,,..: , mow" 660 a' l4 teMiki ACCOMISCRWUL Mit., ----"''. • I Trail 21 4.1140 Sl u t ,i,i . ri. ,,i,ni tial .- • ~;,. , 7 , Pittetnnb Ak. ak 1 Vir at V*: • • -- - :- 7 . 0. ft -a , Iftsi4l4ll4 Nod, 4 4114 ',,,,-, • eieopted) 4 -,4ll4lTratol.l444.4litrilitilill, anon* rottl.*3 Lad It gooll,f to tbow *N u ._ ', _ to o.ertnelres4 tO tOnot-Oy itla Pamplifts . 'g a s s ill D 4 a 11140 7,.. :: :: : 7.. -. 17 7 " Dm — sm i3 l : 1 . 1 r s a 1., :, ; r: 41 I I 7 *l 4 4 I_' th i s t :14 C II 114 M ai i i Ik " dbin7l:: rr I b l i 1 Is I 7: 79, x O 4 1 la44 1 6. ' : . . . ' . • )OY ' T 1... York._ . —VII &Oro 10iit1aii.....44 XI I La0c00t0r......,...,,, IGO ~- lisioboort---tV-116 - ;:1 1;: i,: i ; , 44 6 4 oixl-7Mtlo. 4 ot3thooro 'l4°i,, va,.... ,mm, .. AtiltPillettgetlZAtufs to lb ftioottlboelsoripitlaso - MU PM pu• was In - JOU* 24W00 . _ filtliff . 1 ;0110 4oto *tattoo* tolon **Campo", b. . DO +moot... t ,- NOTIOIL-.10 ere ono* QS Compaq oda awe tbsoo• '11.114/0 ' opsoiblo •Lr booitir yalt. !ma ibir lo ro a U. II —.to Omnibus jai llg Glop* r * to caoTl7 IPoompi, owl Borgia to ad Ibibepot.4),Otoop sotto surd 211 *outs lsrosook *ape sasepro..... it tb• P. 8 - 11 ,fooltor it*lkara,Panum.ka 14 1860. 211111 etavastutgra, PT. Way a: laic:ago To all Points to the &intb, *eat &North -wait • •• SPSZSO AND SMILER Alfildittgitam, rrIME TO CINCINNATI quid, sad to ladlaimpms, M. Leas a n d Olen* takaiir lima by ozi norm: Mtn LTlVlE—veseee ilzariK ar. Attlan al C1i0mma,..4,.., a. o. Illaltl.i.Jor siege toonectlturtglth gllergegg. mai:lWe. Arrlelog er 7ighggett,:—....lk4o V. N. it. • 11. I —na ua. to Ofgetno2l7l. ' ;Q. by Ilteghea• • 'lnv 'halm go !oh nods Wet et Wombat. eadtommo' gen ail estate OlistuaidS together. ~• I „ ?RAlN—Lear Plitibergh.....-44 v. al. II Andra al ... . ... elan mountain es dem. ••-‘ ' Arrteleg radleasvoUt. thal it. N. ' St. 7111 r. et. Oterletutl....i.l.4o a. a. R.-72. time to Ciartgostll is the mate gabs Stiobaa v4te. Testae oft both mai trot 1 iktotobugvgagetgeg. gitesvn go lege Clutionall log etb ee.l • Nevin o.nm thle tae.,. boa PlltebarglftelCVaeht• :1111.4 lml.aeloWpA'OC6ka~p D. a. izz.tiyo At riceptc . • Lira A o. refine at 110 t/.. •. Stelae throilib Otikego of • , ZAIITICaID Lam Mega, 7.00 a. a. sad la P. 11.../Iftlrfai Lisia,lo. is. sot 0.130 a. at. camomile alt 4 Inaba tae ' Ai lan awl MOM:I2M Aril lag et theetthtet 614 at Clognerthig 62 1 0 tribal for QAam6 . to,lXatimid.arls. kW. Shade and tho.Taii,aild aulflog, at PlllOOOlO, BOG a. 6. tad 2.16 r. asarampu. 6.d attrialvalooit Loa azlldag. P• ciao acesaillaia tabu au Peaaa,Wasla sanroal toe IlltUalapbbi aN if, _ N acaatmodatlail Trains, Itaa P Una, illeek‘. ot ap Ihiektimoo 00 a. a, sad VA P. !blank ?labia ecaumolao fanavo..l PAlllaaaN with Li.i **** 01 " 14114 * ~ltu6atgb .t Umfllel/2 Ohl% tandem MioareblahoP As Yamiaati Oliklar AIL --Vamia, itatiAr,s.• a.. .ma Ma Da/ima., lboAieseak IlasMaalata Be. Lob* laalailia VI rand Var wavelet, fta6may. Chaam,at, ;.1t lara lbw attaalza.;, otaotiosia.k, eta Al 1 1.WAno for labeiato sad Woe waastor at all Waft !MOM Kaw /Nee nal Yam Asa neo palatatetlatacti,loira /If f°l6 ."ltoodiv• wad WMll4a v tla a 033021ii h rs=r3=._.._ uremia mak. Ea foams skalooliat OMPiatt 0 11 firto um, oat, to orrice thalamus m7l6Omani Poismass. Agra% Iffirk4i. E ttfakiNG mita Inimetase - isall . l i nts Insalls Atatipspc, ' &tato' dr nar.F,,aulutaß fIN" arid after . dimwit; ILA.. *PIM Md. im ibs Dep "Ink..- MI Aot st tuAmxgeimps lifitAir. blirgl4 !,. ftik " l n 6 . ,14n2isP,A LAO ii.ia,snizsmAwnimml Mita. • . -,- Amara diAtml to_pm taisidaztrMiat4 lout • ft partleithr,fl2 Mak Fir =No lig N . Geihn.". 041610.4-Zibt/Iti illik NI : ' WNi 1%16180f MTN 64t•G*II lt,ttibini,V . Clitehigail...,. it r ua lso ~ Ammo* .- ' Annul At' -- " A 1..,.. 14 • ppLUMBLIA, oracmuu:al. .; : •.",• 1 .1.03 • n ... HAS a ia.,,. Alt. p.m . _ *ASA. f.. 7.,.. , 'MSpin - ' '' 1140 p ' . TA& •- :. 1 'nib torus Is shame Minsinst4 Mi MI Ca lona. IN* sff . ttst - noir. :.111. • • - ,i,.. 1 littiboop mit ...rip ' • . . Loam r. , 'Ann il eat Anima UM at ' Antis ~Annus* PISTAWO, ItO ( lnialt, , WXLl4ll. BMW 111aatis 1 tre::1 1 2:11 - *:.M:1 0 1.1% . "', 1 1: fI: r.: , t is o o 6 a :., ,All 3, Pm . , Ain EL . -, .Me Pa .. li: &if p....inithan.-7aeoPai4eorall;alatiriugaaiii- 1 ..ra isa taanalaw is ri,aa . ::niL rtarrat t ' . fiat.' Sow Tat sod &Wm, _ r Goma nail Snot. - • .-• , l'intila' • • ' isslo: Many ss.'dopos. . : BAZAAR. AND, LIVIRY: * 4 o N D Luirraulalt at railin:p ptrzairmuzara. ITORSIS, BIIGOM CARREAtlfailiDs' ~..I,l l. ,l „ , r efi e t twat. ,h'sfeeNsierahttirid niacti. n rauda#o.4oo44 o =, air lar antra to 91 , 14. lir now b 011111.14,4 eh% bp el UM day ..Hator am*. ______________ rattionria Stamp:am" .litionon Wore* ,iii 'xbro..' ,u. - nuavincw '''' :. ! •staalp,:stanoil ill** Bnyiir* 4 ' t '.-:; Aroasugo CUTLER; Illilin) INA:I' 'Atec...-:- 1 :e .-'"- iul Albersoldwormil Nom ' 4144.:i t MA R •; - imer 14 42.416 Salves u , , I . unm 4066. i. ag4 1• - hada lo LOGXI4II/TH II 0/044.._F - - II!. 1111 Ilialltatuld liras ' 14 644 , 414% .: erfirikiis Ms Is pripm4lo sob 1ay1144. lie 414,4 co s 44.4.4,4% at 44 , 64, .1440 4 4 44•Ay pion what .W4llllah • AFARBLIG MANTL IS always og .911 tkAt . • • itiltHLß TOPE , i " Irce !undtirre. 'Kati atl,Coistarote:- b :• ' - mivalumefirrbitt.*, . • liti!otinzterei.Tmaarn debilticidwitadicillit kir 'EIiII4.IIICIIOOII-31113 rdbirti drese.:llli4i6ollseul , 6% awed maw 0M0f..-11,10.-labwq,=B: • nig. t6el Otiorilal/2 wujilied494.:Ar • ma es &tomato's:Rat. - • irastion. to 1110148888-110 bblit.;.ak 10GAS-1001.44-11. sk,Nronirintig..,4llF auir3"1.6610 "116 vallail Pike m-41alia and 8. 13, Hum b.ythop4Be/4 e _lllB-41 nag bait Onadagatt am; ' ilhumes--60 boas ow at% Not 4110,646.77"' • • - i , itiirtiZaoo rra, fur saL, by - • .BEIS LAzi4 . MOLMISU:-200 *Wis. , N. O. At olasieor t . , . utamate=rol.9="akAT teki Li:a.. _. • • ed.ralriom idol 44440-41. ease Zunkramosii=eassomftww. 8170041424.4061:1040020 104oiLen, ~. -, s4O M 40 c no. 2 rug iku.:ittibp. eilikli Ltoun-7 betrajeak 4 turas a. 0.: n. Wilt lbs. Mr, 44 , 1 4firsosi4 Joni UN hi; Luip0d.,....1 noun—sio lien Tasai4azfri ii.,' i_ii,egiai , ' i4sur.ustasfq I.l4 l)Nrna o • _„_. Ina,_ liti..." . lll;bilysit -- - ' ' ' R rl r . .Au...____ , .. • .serti„Lille ligaribig,z.,.'-.....-. Iftlbeausay.Troot. '' t..,' lON — eape!Citol aid Mr. liaad.orr ' . Chelantl IiOLAUJUI be ofillilansia. ;' - • , .. • ;do . Ilitheit do. _., . , • •• . . ~... 1 . . • 4 `.ll.ol7l44:tes_rititzfithiiiitt iota .iticilMorost,i_ sagOalioeb 4 stibrepa .. .- OMNI% 11101101V1 agClllOl4 Mali OGOKUNC.C44S4IOI 0111411116/a•itilMl4,'„ ,L v illoE-11 ii,ilialL . , ..0 :1-161.1, HA24BIIRT. tiellTit'd - ' osursimusainiinii -,-f! ~ . 4 A K.O ftZ, I .11,..817 4,21,;N; , ..-71' r''='•-;,--. howithe :,1 1 / 4 444, 4s qaciAaiti gad*,,,.':',..: , -ma winovithelnyotr mang , „aa st tho'.. ; , ilamm"-atm6,,ll m ldge..: iirrYiii,Wm '', -,' a d =sNebm= 4 ~: 'TIO4. at itiitamposaiaaa al :''.: ' tarn ralaalittast as attar at • `.., . ize••,,,twolsi.atreth. , - *Z '" ' 4 ' ' " '.. . eat' - ••••, - xz , -, , osisism a i miat ioiror ~.... .....,i MS ? liiiiiiiaritaillinli 1 • , ,