MONpAY„MOMggS.O.„JDI.Y_3^ frit®*. ' ' The Fcweal of mb. ajuis oa TbMst, .- wufiD erect ilrhlch it waslhedesireofthe pea. pie or Wablogton, t*orleolimeotj shouldbemarkedwithanei .prettton of aidrincetE veoeretioband ■«te*ni in which tfcey,l*ld thedeceased.. Be iMfJlbe: tokens: of riapecV oßthe pMiof all Ibe-bytochea -qftfre j City; Government,, which : ••cortollo Uria paper onToer doy mora ,'" v . ... iog, mtnycitiieoa rnadelndividoaJ indication °f theJt-penee or the general lots.-•>All the i bpokttilets.of.the: city kept iheir stores closed for the d*yj »Dd some private citiseda draped ’ their houses io tbe hahitimeDta of mourning.— T: J?Qttce« of .the deceased, couched ia terms of > - UN,kindest remembrance, were prominent in. ttepoloowof all the. city press. . v t>AHfae late readeoce of Mr. Gates, and where be has had bis home lor 41* part twenty-five - years, a very numerous asserablago of ladies and - gcoilemen were gathered to witness the last services inpresenee of the remains of their vtm crated and respected friend. The President of the United Slates was there, and neariy the I whole of the City GovernmeoV many of the officers of the General Government,' and most . _or the loadiog;dazena of the federal Metrop * olia. In the oonree ol the afternoon a ndmer- MadepatationffomtbeCityOouoeUqfAlex andria oams up to participate in the last honors to one. Tor, .whom the people qf that ancient and honorable town have invariably entertain* cd an almost unlimited regard. Owing 'to the lateness of the hoar at which the arrangements . of* the funeral; were completed, the Alexandria ‘ „ delegation,.;witb great regret to themselves, Vv; were compelled toxatarn to Alexandria with* oat taking a placata tbeqprpcesrion. - ■ At the head of the procession, which passed “at a Mowpace from Eckington to Fourth street, and thence by New York aienae to Seventh i - < - street; tod; down that street past the office of ! the -NMkmMloteUigeneer, to renwylVanla ar ea ne, Was the Colombia Typographical Society, • on foot After them followed the emplyees 1 of tho offioe of this paper; interspersed with other-dhtaos, also on foot The cortege in carriages camenext, conveying the bffiefatiog clergy, the Bev. Drs. C. M. Batter, Pyne and flaltwho had conducted the services at Eck- logton, Dr. Tbos. Miller, the family physician, th* hearse, the family and friends of the deceas ed, th? members oftbeOity Oonncil, nni dti ztoa of both sexes. The palthearbra were Gen. Walter Jones,' Geo. R. 0. Wetghtman; Bich ard 8, Ooxfi Thomas VL. Smith, William I* Hodge, James M, Carlisle, William B. Lee, and James 0. Welling. ' The City HaU was draped in mourning; as were also .the office of the National Intelligen cer and the Clnb Booms of the Bell and Ev erett Assodation of:this city, and.suspended above the hall door of the latter was a large photograph likeness o£ the lamented deceased, eoshronded 1q black crape; and bariness was suspended for tbs' day, the members feeling t&ax they had lost a noble leader and an hner ring counsellor. The office of the Congression al Globe, the residence or the Swedish Minister, andthelvotel of Mr. Gaapvis were'also shrood ed withemblems of mourning. • As the proceasiotu-paased the loteUgencer office the dremah f a belu were tolled, and the scene waawitneaeed by many hundreds of per sons who had gathered at an early hoar in the afternoon for that purpose, all indicating the* dee^hold. which Mr. Gales had oq the popa 'fbe ■, proceaioa reached the Congressional Oametry about seven o’clock, and. as the sun departed serenely from' a bright sky the remains of the beloved friend and benefactor were de posited in -the grave, the clods reminding the amid the solemn words of ;tbe offici ating ministers, that thU was bat the common fate or all, “Dost to dost, ashes to ashes,” bat also assuring all that there is a resurrection and a fife to come. . Totrcufko IrfctDKuT—We recently heard a ,: remarkable and teaching story of alittle boy, theson of.a gentleman ia an adjoiningcounty, llfrage U fatlvefor thirteen. He ts an inter esting, promising lad. One day daring .the past - winter be failed to Tise In tbe-morniog as early • as uaaah 'At lengthhb latber went into the - room where he lay, and asked him why he did , not get opr He said it seemed dark yet, and he was waiting for daylight His father retired, hot the boy did not make his appearance for ‘ Some Umej be returned and said a second time, .. *My bod, why rion’t yon get np?” Ho replied, “Father, is it daylight?’' “Yea long ago/ ,; — •“Tnen, father” the little fellow said, **X am blihA r * And so it was. His right was gone. • In a short time his father took him'to Nash- • TiUe. lo get the benefit otthemedicaf profes l. sioo there, but none oftbephyeicianscoaJd do . aDjthiog for him, and happily, made Do eiperi* / jneott.on bis eyei -'Some ladies in: * ftmilyof ; hto lathery acquaintance sought to cheer him, . in his affliction, and one night proposed to take - ; him to the opera that he might hear, .the marie r ' and singing., He went, and was delighted. In -- the course of the performance, all at'ooce he ■ leaped np, threw his arms arotmd hto father's naa, and ;66reamed with can ace! j can see!” His eight had instantly. returned. rfoce then he has retained it in ■r t . y fall vigor, except that under excitement there Ss sometimes a transient dimness of tWod.— Thecaeeis one of alremarkable and singular • ; elV'r tiajU trtatJUkmnU in the tforld. 11IIE MACHINE for 1860 will t,» found to . • yiMity ttnprcffc! m folly to tae«t tlii irrtU ot tw, tMii u'm u**p«r »o 4 •* a ldj*ir—»o iualifi*] to tu ecuttrautoi*; m dw# to Lo .' TBE ONtir. cotipLjUJt iuantfß ter loth porposaa. - Wblta coiling a »w*tb a**aral laeba* j. ' wtdar lhM tbaTfo Qem MicUm of p««i mnbu rt-la ma 1 vfaola,utf(>«er,'lUb!«rftoa itraDgcr,and*lll raamach bmlm-—vlth do tnaurtal aid# dnttgbit' W* pteamt, tbart-1 fcrp»fjrti)«eo(alDgMMDOi fttftoebfM so* ucrl vidftrtbftß j thoaa of 10 oat cukan. with ■ |kht dnailit for two Lotom, j taß*iDia«orllorijw{—LlQHTeaTliAM IB KEQDIEID | - BT tfuOll NiKROWf Bf tba partecthm j of balaaiiog of thi* marttna, la ooawctloa with a pataatod i aa;ai jotutwl iopfDa.(wUb Lbo wWlfraa*,) Uw cmiiof »{>■ pftffttn*. whan mooiDj, U now a*fly Ihfcvo er«r obatrro* tfooi white to w>6tSoa,atmptplif tba waightoftbadrlvarlo Btft dltpftoftiof with all teraiaa<osiplimad •mtCrsMlftloyflartUiOAvadlioeO ; \ '<■ ; - . -Ska maebtaa of IBflO will bafuuodtQperioraa'a MOWKB, ptaantlm aonapaeslUr taaons ncl mttamaMt bp.c&er •aasWiMK' Th'a thoTgb ratting aLoot. lira mod coa half fr*taftda«ti of ligbi bad tuy draaght, ae> coapfkfcisg a gfttttr emomi »/ wort with a/?« ttpentt ■ tvn sfpewr tbaa aoj oacbtoa mada •- ‘ ■' Awaarwotaftli gtrwitooTwrpairHiaar.aod la addition,; tfca foUowtof oflir la mod* Ao j lario&r, who map dratra It, la at ifbortp to war It till mtcbtoa lArough tkt himjf with •ay other. *od »*t far tht out Mgraftoa. •; for iwtbar particnlart, aa alao for patent claim* under whtehthte nachioftlalm(lt)va rater tootxraoaaalpaia pbtet, which will ha forobbad m application to oa, at Ofal* oaao,'or«nb*> of oar maojagwU, iaupte'naebloaaeaabaaaaoalalljM’ataf&watpsfata. : » -Prtea ol aacbtoat ddirarai iaOblcago, M. Ltaii lodlai**' apolbtfFdrlßoall, hoakrillfc Plttat-urgb; o!*W«nd and Mdttora—ebaripa fellowlng frea»tbaaapuate''".-.- . #crPoordotaa > - PorTwoßoM. otaoptaU—lao ’ •f6M»ma,fa*|winpUaiaftadWlU. ' '’ : > , ~an.ibcoßinsx*sßaa,.: ‘ \- Manatect cm*, Chicago, 11L ■ffacMlftlf U* Mtawia* Agtcte:.. i. ' • • tiAIAS DIOKBIT A 00,8® Water*!,PUtebtuib, Pa; ■ . R. P. lim.lltiw, McferrOo^Pa. 184AO V. KBLLBB. KJ®Grur*,OblaOi< V*. JOllB DOOOUEBTr, BteobeoTllta. Otalo/ J. UOLLOWA7, f)adoca,Ohlo. a ~ william scgpogaacAW. Practiqal Lithographer, Nbi. i7jaiuil9 Fifth si., PitUlnirgh. M4W, DIPIWAa, 800 W oV»Dfc FOBTBiITS, itt n^ , a^^ Cllmf WAtM A. KREBS & BRO. : ' PBAOTICAI, JiHnjjpajlusrs : Corner Wood and Fourth Bta., PITTSBUBQH. ulMyi i I -CTTAUi PAPER— WiII be sold «t iwJoted T» rHotie arise u* «•►», • rtgj.MWJ.iyar. .W.-KHUmaife .if ' /IBEESBi! CHBBSBI !— 7S bom gt -c y l pr* < T- fcf " l “ T ■■ BDTTSR— 10001 b. Fteth Packtd Butter, tnttmfi ini bruit IT !«»< fSik-'- St* —ri ; . ' cerporMoiktoad fTntftti : SQGS-r-lO bbla. iroeh, jo»l rtc*itcd and br; - t:p.auma»+api-< ,,, | ■' - f«mrt t awVopJ» - YjBJXQtJK—25 bbl 4 Rre WoorjostrecM ' ‘ JBOJttfBAROBIKaO!!, • - ■. > , Ko.oBati>B«ldiL lOKN—3OOO but. fchelled Corn iznrtore and ~ u a 00. JfifSWßflßlte .saw*: ' •“BS&v.v-.-Stv.v £(w*«Wawe«Ma)ni«mfc. £««I§1|I ~ _ fc* 1 * >• I 'ill '%£<*•<,> ' c -.V 4».-.., i . I C-.''.„.»|1»..: •?• -* K * 4' / I 1 v -.:~Uc r , J . - *• , \* . ».. . ' . J - > j-V'>y «*?.r j ■ lir T-TyT l v.v A Jcki"-. -«>' V -A * W-w>,-’ . I / rv ■ ••!: . *r--. " ' Wzmtm L _ Szecdbort of Charles Brewer, fieoeased# 1?0R S i ’3' ktoHM Bifekraf JC IHraniaf adlJbiWwD dUMtadJoinlosim tba Sheperwm. r.i Be«tb. i .. . 2 ‘ i . .v! « ’ --j-a : .SLSOv-Tbo** Inir: t*o Brldk ; ~h«»lHovjli*iiM, : lbeM>aib«*dc«nß«Vii4 •Ob*ffy *l|»y j wa TMrJ illoj wd (Irut d > Bltii-; at*c*.fa*Malbti4«ol WMtaro Av*aa», ditj, .afß ttut groaod »pi>ttrtMHkat,'t«loi foor Ajoproa which < 4» a T*fc. ry, UvbUii r Wll b &Mca pUaU, aa<] • •taT|» tiDtnWr uf Doo liall Imc slav, A;goM twlch Suble.' Ttaw itnmodf, with (b« haUdlon Ad, at* la eXcclUut coodliUti. ' i'. ‘ VovpalrtlealM , «abd4«rMO(v«la«pplfla;'r.''.-- wrujAiTaoMUtv • ' T. H. EATON, i J' Ei»aitcr* of CbtrlM Brewer,:J«c , d, mjllif Or top. W. i A. 3. EKI.L, S«..ICT FVuttU »t. GEN. OEO. WASIIINUTON'S SPRING. —Tor heautitnl, Coautry :o*iitln firAJdork'a TUlcbau<«lag lvo *ctm—a Boa UeiUtrl ivar the Ball* road&uitoo—oa which h tbeUTeljrafcd M*R UttlogSpileg at whlcfi Col. WeshloKtob'e troopi w»eb tefreehed oo the thettortMeBrbol.Jaly r nW,M» the biUlo field of Dred doek*e Dyfeet, b> the freovb tail ln> Bowi&aD , esectla6, M .contatiilag SWocxea. It a ■tteetedjtbree mftee weet of MemDlott, on the-Stole hood loading iv Woaater, and within about tWo odlea of tha Pftt» bsrgh, Vt Wayde and Qhleogo ftallnad; Theeooth, aaW aSdoorih-mtqnartenar* pertly deerad and lmprorwP— '-*-1 *r nrrrnnl irtth rqurlrir .rtmTirr anil the whole U well wetoreO byaprlagiaßd nranlng rtrmrae thlaaecHuo la ooaeClered the finest body of lend la the •oenty. ’ It wm bOsOold tmdlTldad or i in qnerten to sail wrebaaen. To those who deeireto tatost tn reeleetete a batter opportunity U rsrai) aSarad, -i ■■■< i -• 11*. .. r. B.sffxmis, eaWaUwtl P Wo: 101 ttb trftßt. PUabargh. EORHAUi— A. DESIB ABLE; FARM, on iheVonahlogbeny Hirer and KsUroed. SO mUaefroa -ftttstm gtveontalnihgUO acies,otM*balf of It Blrer Bottoea—iaatoeeUte of cnlitrailon, with good Bnlldloge and Trait tberron j - Prtaeof the Verm,laeJotflnfrsnDlog Implements,Hrab*fl|l rj, dfaaLotl within two mlo»te«* welk of th» '.MTilklsa borK IUUiro«J t'utioo. Tho booM U largo »bi) fiulibed is at priwooi occupiedb j Hoorii Thompson- Will l* fc. ld cp roMsaatla ttrau. Apply to i. ] W. A- AKMttON, ibdfcJlwtfP ’Ar lurton*a Ciftao. cor. UN A ■*». ''ILEV .uffiVttb&ND PHOPEHTI’ VOK feALe. —A Farm 0f24 acr*t,«lib »fw&aWyLrWk D#t>Ulng Btnns, Vi Uialrock'ina'lhroQfb tba teat and o! the firm, itsTersl aprtngi af pora inter; tot ags&UMaui'a rwddaoca, (be abotegreODdaMO batata* fully amog«d.. For * garJin.Tloejard or trait collars, U can I* made profitable, ijetaiiab Mar tba city. 6 dr C aero* of wuoilsod. tot foribar lofurm»iL>n, apply at cor office. Je2» 1 S CUTUBHRT AtfON, fit Uatkatat. I OWA FARMING LAND.i-Tho'iabscrib- A er« clfcr tor nls on ferormbjo termi *tx birndfadAcm CbaiM Uutilii ijttttUO In Vri(bi.u4 Hioooek •4jK*tittbUt>e*oT tUilroada noviofooucM of Coniine Hott; aodu&a tract ohlyt wo tnlleafrum Oooutj aeat. ' Tht alfeva wilt t» told low far c>ib, or axthißgad tor fcrniliig latitU In thla uc adjoining coaatiaa.' i . -»***»;’ : , MctUWK k ANJfctL 1318yood«L r*H) IiET Oft i FOR SALK—A comniodiou. A tWuatorj Brick DwaMng.'llo. WOotwoU . atnot, containing fl jouui, S&lkbad «ii{c «ai laigocaUar Tbabonacta lighted withg** andluathe viler ro&rahltot. Tba lot l*l*rga,well laid util, and planted with ebmbfcery and itdnri. Tfa«n H i coal botua aafl othtt oat tjuitdlagt ett*chi*l. 9„r partlcslera epplj *o lbaprrmtrea»or to ; bi»* WATT a WILSON,g&3UN)»ty»L IltON WAGON'S FOR SAl.E—' (duoptm wagon; j I Oua «trtrogetta bora* wagon, »«wbJ haud,»t-f WooJoodTbUd stmt*, touc* oo Th»imcßB Ji'olittß $ ©tianflcg. NOTICE. —We have associate! vrilU ue io* Pm.uJrj BoaIttMt,SAUUKL I..PRNN4OK. Th* ItmiloiM wIU «-■ coottnn»J ooJtr Itia u»ju» Bofa»|*bf pbshock. runr aco i i PllUliarjjh, April Jtf. 18«. . PRNNOOII A DART, joatra pi«aix‘E„. s. r’iwar.l -..’a. i/taurocx. PUN NOCK; HABT & C 0.,! PULTON FOUNDRY, iVaircbouafl. 11l Wood B&r«ir^ “ . PITTSBURGH, PA. A cooiuat wpfdjr’of ' • ' ? OOOKtNO STOV BOARD RaNQ£S,.&TG?B9 A-ÜBATEB, ; WAGON 00X*3» aUktaiK HuLLO* WARE, PLOW CASTINGS ANO POINTS, ThA KETTLH3,BAO TAILORS’ IRON, IRON ANp SAILS Water and Gat ~Pipfs, Houie Front*, itiU and i . Machinery Catlingt made to order, ] •oM omrt iL .w. ai _*rstin k ba'nmTsoj?. I UKB3TIHB * BjiHHIOIV,' TJ R AND GRAIN FACTORS 1. . /:■. AND i v General Produce Conunisbion Merchants, 'Ho.- Zik A*! m'wt and.Ul & txtim Fiw, i pnit&DßDpmi. i i uru id , . ) Wm. B.rmllb A Co, fbll*. Wott 4 WQooa Pittsburgh, “ CUrt# 40a, -I* 4 OnigAfßeiitf, •• j.iknuiifach, J» lI.A BJW’.Colfconrood " Vd. {•* Twwd 4g(blej.CU)d&a«U, Bolter 4 Oo,HULofIW, Ho. O.W.Wwt4Co -- ** 8. r.C*wtboo,l4JUSeTille, KT •■; JoSaifltn -: y ■ • ■ IIIAVkTUIS DAY ASSOC* ATKDWmi mo, Mr.JQUN J3«LLOW\tii lb* Uadertokta* buotwwo, which will bo coodoctod uodtr th* uaum end itynof LBSf< DNADBLUKT. ' JAMKa LEMON.. #obw muow.. OrindirUkiDi tn«lll.«»or*acaos* LeAiON ft BELLOW, No. 118, Fourth *t., oik prepared to do OcAortoklog la ill it* brooches, th Iboboot-ttosoof, «t tuiCM to nit too Umoo- Waistl q»‘ cUI ottentioo to nsk'< orwotyle patoot MoUlttc Burnt Coots, fbr tbo*aJ* of which .wo-oirsctologento In nod of kbtch wo hoop coottaully ou lioad oUrgo iwart. m*ut lAaregudatoantycftbsi** oudauiih,th«J.«xoolon. bthora. I' roMTolo wiU b* oupptlol with Boor**, net : CorriageopTomptly.ot tower rote* Ihoooay btborertiblfch* moot Id Anocity. ~qoaroat»cfbg torender Mttl fort ton, they. noUdt o eoattoosacoof Ui* p&trvsog* hdretafuro ooiibonllf •xleodod to tbeotd firm.' . sfcifcdly' „ ..WIIMIOU In OfL b leal Aathoritlr»,bolb id Korop* ao4lb«Uoiu>J Htftoe, sod preecjitvJ lo tUelr practice. j , Tae upeiteuc* of Llioauoda dally prtTM that do prepar allooof iron can ha compared bltb u. luiputillekol lb* blotd, rf'upreutoa Of t I t*l energy, pal* eo>l wtheralae alrkly eomplpiljn* Indicate |U nVceeatty lo aftoott arerF cooeetvg 'blacuci. liiUf.z/itu lu all- Qui*dl*alD«lik'h U -bee Laeu triad, tt tiu pruvad dbeolaUly coiatira io Warb of lb* fol •k>»logf»>nipTa!tiU, tic i ' j Uetmity, Rnv«n« AfTtellaDli Kraaela lion, Diarrhoea, U/MBiar/t inetpta«ttC«tta«riapUoa,9cr«r« at* ndilon, Wbli«a > Oblomla t Llaa* Cons* puiriii. tihrimlft ilaadaebei; KtUama- Inurnlifibt F«vaii| Pimplei ob lb« -, l: . 4.. j;. ' lu raaaa 01 Qaaeral DabUUy, *h*lh*r tbarßeoltof acoU dUraa* ior fifibe costloead dkoiaoUoe 61 nrrronjaodoaa «dUc eerrgy fnND chroalocf plaint*, bo* trial of j tfah no ;ier«tlT».b«i promt tucot«lahto aa extent wbvb do dte :ct ptloo cor written elicitation wouij reader credible:— lloralidi *a lon* bodriJdmi-M to bare become forgotten lo ith>lro#niteigliberhobd* bavnfeAdasly r**ppa*t«d loibe rboey.vArid an it Jutt returned funn prtrtmud . travel fob ;dijrtast|fedi;So«e*o r laM|aaeUon. j ..... It k IbUJalter propM{/ t .amoiitfplti«ra,;«bkb(r*cgtb,uM«DltaUDg cocgb.aod ramlUrot ltKiivarbkk|i|HrillfhA(aU'liv doletilOotmmpUoo,tbla iwilledybaakllajM tfcialeraof. iriaada dad phyalrfafad, is eeraral very gratify later , .ertlog ibataacek. ....... • •••••'j 1- 1 s - - - ,Io gciotalotu ToKcixatnna, IbUttMleaUdlAnt bakbad far,: uofa Ibao lb* goad effKt aflb* mdat > MQttdQely bat* jabcad- brapaniUoasef auy oMfcetr vall ikßoaroilabllUlßa. ' ' - • :jvj/.j I tba tkmUlei caaaot'baioo eobfideblly Itrri*' ;ud lo tbUratafdy and' k««lbraiiye. 1b ibe eama pecoljuly ;aff»cUoitha*a.. j-. .U : ... | , ....... ’ la Kbaaaiatlani, Loil> the iUtter, Uovarer,' toot* ddeMadiyeU laVatUhiy . well ireborWiL bnU>a« all«yE*Uag, p«Ui and radpclog Ibe •weliisga aod rnffroMOonba Jotota aod metric*.-T’-' . ! lo lotenailtcat firm it mo»t bMciurUr be a jyiat : -rtibcdy kDd •D*Tgotlo tf«COnitJta, «od 4t«pragi«u iotbe 1 !m» WjlwDCDUefitaffnit, *UI probably baoaaol totjb l .reeuvuaod pwfiilßfH. , • . r ( > Ko rrSMdyiiuarw braa dlicoTiret 'ld tbanbciobUt vy iofmidlciloe. fully r&- ;»tnret!m eKr!■* (TJOfl.appeMle, eomplet* ol(*allua, repld ;aa|uielUoo ofalrrnftb, vltban sowaal. Aeporitloo for ac- L i|Tojl4dcbatrfoiexeaci«t,.liao3fldiatelr.yooo«tte«ee* - poi opjo wat flat»ri»lbflXea.fOblalolp|WvCn«:rrk* to tebtrittHfex;* t«r asta by Droyaitta abd dtalerk; • Will 'UieDtttaateaakaddfaßiooi'Kalptor price. *UU|t«r% cr4e*«.*toirfiooidbeadiJn-e»friii) . Pr/OtOnOEO KKTSIBj Tfbolnale Ajeol .0# WrelMi ;Peaaryikaalm- Ji l •'{•••■*_ ■' ' r i' ' l *’■{£ rcB.LOCKBA CO.»OecihitJlffliDl« , l • ■=. 1 «pfcS*y^*wao*lyr.." ff. T. ' gELLINO VERY .LOW— ■. , ,■ ' > t ■ ' i - . . light Drew Sills, ’Sommer Dreaa Goode, -'t’ - : ■ 1 * : ■ , v-’.ui ,iilacrMantj|«,VhSi : ’';i. ii !.!v, t. •) tjl ... n fcrimeo* mv»,u HMti tt. ° '/TRAIN.BAGS AT REDUCED PRICES,. XX hr,*vj dnc&Utv ftff Tfj>s«aMJUMßte* BSyJTW^ ! J*g! ~* l • • 1 - X» coreer UtetjUM Dmd 1 r : -v I > not.unu, WH Olil 8 ALB O'ftOOBRS AND DftUtlßß ••*-» sr-i*. Of *.« .. 'r.'j , ~ / r od«e», —l< -HriMOIBIit^T^ITTSbPRaM william ' WHOLBfIiSBB 1 aot/ fi m »o wwri'iiMi, loUAti } /•> * % nftXBUKOB. tona m'Oni.Z... ,, . r; .-. . - •■/■i.afiwi ■‘aiu- T 01In7|PG1£L &sONjQrocerrimd Corn er ffliwatf lwautol 8 gnu for the a*lft of- pig Iran md Blfrai*, Ku-183 Ufcgrty atraot, PiUattrfgh/. felS-lyd •10. . . ,-_ -■ - , ,' t .; : ,. : j-~ 1 - «*■ l nnoLmt. -JONEStCOOLK Y/W HOLKLALR ORO 141*11. MBta , toua ft. MIWOftTB. QHRIVER A DILWORTH, WHOLESALE Q Grooe»,No.l£oa&d 132 &ccod*trwt,(t»«wMß Wood iiidgmtthflrid,Pltt>fror|{K. -: <08» mm— ...aicaiaa non-U....__...wilua* non. JOHN FLOYD A CO., WHOLESALE Gracanaad'boßimtaidii Merchant*. No. STB Wood aad tP Übfcrtyltreat, Pittabqrgh. 1 lOn <*■»» ~~A.I. XKAft. ATWELL A TWELL, LEE! A CO., WHOLESALE JjjL Prodoc* tad Oommtarfoo fttftrchint*,aod Dealer* In PtUabnrgh Maeo&ctarre, No. KWood .itmt.bft> tWftfta W»tftTftad fronts!, Flfctaborfh. ’ -i; aplft. B™OBISON A 00., WHOLESALE ;• flrooare,vooaßdario*ftlvchaata,a&d Deal*niq*n loTPrortftlotiajProdiioft sad Flttaborgb Xamfrctam, Wa»fe Liberty street, Ptorbarib. Jalftlyd ituiiiw. Robert dalzell a co., whole- Sill Oroosd Ooßtatafott ;aod Pbrwardtef Mar ftfaftntiftnd Tkftlwtfttw MjjJpiiul. No. t&l liberty stmt, pittsimrgfe,p*. myj ISAIAH PICKET A CO n WHOLESALE Grocw*, Ootncdartoa Merchant*, aad Dealer* la PrcdnCe, go. 80 Water atmt, aod C 8 front atmt,Plttab«gh. BoOfcßtlUtß.&C- ROBERT! S. DAVlSi«ucceBßorfco jSho S. Dftrtooo. di«ter In Sc, No M Wood fttreet eotiw of Dtnoboj alley,' Pltuborgb. n»8;ly W M; 'O. JOHNSTON A CO.; Stationon, Blank pouh ftlauaftclQrei* Sad .Job Printer*, No. STWoodstreet, Plttsbqrgh, Pa. .; ~ —SO KAY A CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STA TIONERS, No. U Wood atoet, next door to lb*cot* an of Third, Pituborgb, Pa. School and Law Book* coa> rtaatly on band. • • JL.RKAD, BOOKSELLER AND STA # TIONKR, No.TS fourth at, Apollo Bnliai&g*. PainUtß. pax »_* BAS lono*lamb. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS > No. 101 Third aiml) iSvcuud door b«lo« liutuie, Uart A Co.’eJ v t i r t a b r n: £'LAOS, BANNERS, BADGES ANp ITRANfti'ARRNOIBddoM ta cvaryotyH WINDOW atIADKS foir hoaiaßM boiuM got op i& dt UM Mtlis DaoooißTd- jaaa »od buttle u obbluidid tuiMt oat mk&uer aod Id my ftiyto* txjatrod; QItDKD 8IGS&1N QLAB3 dooeftt ihftloftftK raiu. 1 { 49*811 ordaraMlftadftd (o promptly. Preparftd PaloU >;»< Potty tor —la. , .. • orS^Sad JOHN THOMPSON A 0 U., m>DdB,BIQN. ANDURNAUBNTIL - > PAINTERS AND OLAZIEK9, NO. tU TUfRD BTBIMT, HTTtfUOEOU, Vk. mr^Cklyil WT J.'CKIMiWULX,, HOUSE, SIGN AND PAINTER AND GRAINBR, * No. 61 Firm Stkket, ••* ' OppoftttaOdd-Fellowa I'Xall, PITTB B URQ Ii , )PA Sign work dona (or thefraile, jftTtayd Bstatt Sgrnts. WILLIAK WAUD, Dealer in promissory: hotes. Uortgagft* «&d all ftMarittift Kw omLy;' . .feraosa mu prtMor* Iwau* Uinutgh by igia«y t ami» fthUterau. : Thofte vbhtag to tDTftct thetr caoMy td coed adnaUfift, naalnyifind firuaod ft*ooodclaat papfttfttmyofltoa, ht ■Qlft. I; 811 oooiaiaiBc*UoM and lukrtlowa etrlcUy conKdftßtlal, Offlcft (IUB NT mKNT.oppotlta St. ParJft OaOwtnl. JatdU > ;■> jaunt, *c. JOHN 1L UKLLOR, No. 81 WOOITST^ bfttvceo Di«(dod4 Bltey aad foarth etreet, Sola Acsdl 'brQBIOKSRING 8 SONS* (Cofttoa) PIBNO rOBTfiLUB - 8 HBMLUTB WODBL MKLODB9NK arid 0&I8S SAKUONIUMS.aod Dealer tn Marie aad Murical Qooda. iasa , , . HRLBBfiK & ItHO., No. M . FIFTH • Bt.,Btgn oltfaeOold«atfsrp,Bole Aiml forNUNNft 'ft QlißK'B (Hsw York) uiH««lm Qr«d nd bair* PIANOS, eodOA&aft&T ft NftKDJIAM'B fe»aiMMJLLO> DEOKB Md OBOAN UAAUOHIUIU, Deelsn Uk Maria rad 'Motes) lutranMßta. fe9 CHARLOTTE BLOME, MAN UFACT UK BA sod Deieler'tftPieao Fortes, *od -Importer of Hask end Ucxksl lntro' < nMits. flole Atent-WueflAfclßUßa PIANOS, »iio for 1J ALLOT, Aft VIA ft 00/B Deafen. Pfaiaca, .with sad vtthool -Sol eta fttuthmrai.llB .Wood street. my* ■ L' ; _ Y ■ agtotorng. . , . , - mihr. *iAABAitI..XYL-...._...~.......rc**»ft mni» WtllPspir Wmheiiii TOT ALTER P. MARSHALL A OOi. In ' Yf fortensad DulBn,£T Wood strut, letwaso foartft strut sod PUnkutd Alley, when as; be fcaed «a extcsslrs muitmsaf of every description of Paper Dmltigwfar Per» lynrliiUs, Dla*og' BoMBe sod Ghaiatera. sin, wlado* Madaa,faanal'variety mX lowest prices to conatry daalwt. •*lB . WftLTXB P. MARSHALL A 00. litEttiantt Bgmts. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY 99 WetsrslresC K0B?, FINNEY,fteCy. 0. W.Batch noa,Oeß«*el ft<|sot. - • : • rayS • A ; A .-CA KK 1 E K-, SECRETARY ft! ■ PetHuylfsaU laftnrsaOs Uittdpsny of Joan* UoUdmg, ftoaitb street. ' 'M. UORDON, Secretary Westers) Insur -a. » iLiiwO>>uiyllt'tt. I GARUINKKCOmN, ApmTf.if .V ■ ilB flxu luiuiauo«&>mi>ebj t NoTiLwMl Cvf a«* Wood ari-lTUiedetrotli • • F .A::AlAI)KiiiAt A|(«bl for Minsrs « Mutual losutsm* Qu.» 48 WatersM**!. tftatprls. W.urft'n. tt>CAtLUB, HEALER IN CARPETS, OIL CUITUB, ■M-J MATfINUd/fto. Ni>. 81 fwirib strut dbat Wood. JBeg Coote, i.«. tuk0amm...,....«»0, a. e. ■ enrol Burchfield a oo.,(9U(v*eaur»to Mur pfay* BoitLfleld,) WhofeoMsaud tteuli Beaters lo duple uid fancyiffy Uoml*, llui (b-eoet anm foortli sad UukcuU, hibiutb. sal C . 11. LO VE, Dealer to Staple Faaov •Dry dcAdvtljta of tb» orlglosi Bsu bite, No f« iMsiftstiirewitPiUrtwrrb. . oulg ■ XL.. PALMER. No. IUS Marie! Street, • Outer 111 BoudmU, (JiU, lUra* fcftft dtraa ttoAdif*D*ra))y. ttt' .* J’untitut i. JAMKB W. WQUDAVKLIu 1 1) K 111 Tl) I* 8 IffilH WHOLESALE AtfD RETAIL, Kalndog every Kyle tf P U R N l“T IXT- R S» ( RO3BWOOD, MAUOQAITE AND WALNUT, • --H- ■■■■•■■.; Salieldeft* j.... .» • I -:V. YftfcUlM, OUftUeßAß.fNpjoiNlNd BOOMS,;r rj . flkqasi to say to i.. . •••►;:•< : 5 NEW TORK. Atil) PIIIUAXTELPIItA, ‘ WftftMdofts, NosV77 sod 70 Tbibd Snoot. 1 , | *'fcrftdtf •*'• \ ' FlTrt!BXntOß?fAi ± ■■ I'-.u* o r«soe-^, u< . M .*oo». a. i oC*o~m....>a>iw'ft tVtfHr *. i. njua * ,i f ; B«k% Oat B>ob», Jcoraal* «sd io ftnjol uM«« of All kltitTs ol‘J&;gBß»mJ& aua ac rtacu&abla ptla*.. njyi6' N'r’ rxvai : rn !■ EW* s tt (tat piUma: • .T'• L*MO*a rr-SCOtfa,.; ; do,; do 4© ■ “ E«c*irr4 IbU d«fjui4 fornUi by • 1 .1 ■ AulHoriantiitwc&kJ ' 5 v - ccootluU.:CtakHai Hotel./ TVf cCOEMICK’S COjIBiNED REAPERS 1 iTI-AliD SlOWSt&—BrjiUra fi* a»yj«> 'rise* lb* |*> ;tnXEa, SBD| QBATBd, always owbandor eaatWorJttl* V j i i. ’ 49-Ordm feflkl tho FOONDRT, or at OartwrigLt 4 ?»>Mg*e,'MWoi i Sir W. BRADSHAW, (Successor ti T. Iff eJ.CHAIO AOOh) ‘Mkniriietorar of TIN, xBON ttdCOPPIA W ABB, and Deilarib BTOYB3, Ac, No. 131 WOOD BTUCKT, between t lflb and| Virgin alter, Vine tjmgh.Pa.;. . . M! • ‘ feasyd | CIHTWUIOHT * tOUBfI, i (HocmaMt lo ilwn Cularitht,) Manufacturers, and importets 01 Podutaod Table Cutlery, Earxfcalend Dental in* ttrumente,oiins, Plato]a, VtcblDg Tackle, AA, No.M Wood grmty They give spedel AthliuoQ to the takaabdoriogol ?rueemBnpportera,4c. Jobbing and Ropelug kith pano ttemy and-deapaicli. ! japlfedly •uwi i.i.. jeean u. iscsß 1 WILLIAM BAKSHILL *,COf« 61 Pennit, below Muxbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. OTEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IJ Iron Worker*. Hanofecteren at BarahDl'e Patent Boiler, Locoumtlre, Fined nd jCrliadar BoilerAGhimneji, Brtecben, Hr* Bed, Bte&ra'Plpaa, Condenwn,'Salt Pane, Suwram,;bonTawla| Mfcßrite, etc.; AHnyltlatkimiKbr Work, Hridgasad Tterioct Irena, done et the ebortvat no* ttca. All order* from a distance promptly attended to. Jea ■ , >•; : ■, . . Pans Colcoia JBtlla, Plitaearfh, ET ENNEDY, CHILDS A C&> MANUFAG* IX -CQBtBBef-. - ■ Pann A No. 1 b««V> 4 4 SbeeUngi; throat Chain u f *)) color* end *b*.ltr UtftoaTwtoa; >. :• i * ", 'i BedOords; . • , f - 1 ** •; PluogbUnat and Saak Cord; “ : Hope of all ateab end d<*criptlonr. . Batting. - et tba HardwareAtere of I»op. . J»tt:ly JABIftCB CttVVlB, UiNDitoTium or SULPHURIC ETHER; Sulr-huno Acid;' BveetSplrtte of Nitre; Nltrlo Add; [' HoOmen'i Aaodytte; ; ' • MorletloArM) I Aijub AmroonU, PFPj '> Nitrone «lu j PjwlortgolaUtm; .< myB ; May ba toobd at Jobu lre-fn A Stma, 67 Water aired. JUißttUahtaus. PiTTßaoHoa ribw wohub: j. it il> w i: 1.1., i ItutMiur A -Hid«*li,| Ha s: on uanW a vkry larub alock ol : ; ) ''' MOWS AND M(W CASTINOS, Jt)f*ll tba'dtAarvut rarletlre, reedy to aapply UU filetolaaod ~ c oatoo»er»a*'HMul. □laMßtfl WOlttta, oowbelog efoeted to tba central p*H,of Uiacitf. ou th» lot fronting I*JO (e«t each on DaqoMoe Wayeod fajeiu ati>«t,ead extsadtog WO feet oa Qarrbou eil«y, : w)tt*tN»ei{d«t In Ml toot and r»- peetty teeny Plow Workaloi the United SUtee. narlag all the modern laproTemealatnbntb wood and irou working Macbinnn, and will be In full [ opeceilbu about (be fit at ol Uayeunbc, ;j • . v . WP Manofaclory, Waribuosa ’end ' Ofil;« puly tbiae •qaarae Irotu all tba BaUroad Depots.', 4QP*Ordara are re«peelfti|iyaol»v'Ued, qoumc : : j. o. uiuwbi.k. Secoitd Arrival of CAR PUTS AND. OIL CLOTHS. Kit tllK KUURTU STSRKT I'ittPKT STORK, PimnUHUU, PKS.Si WD. A 11. MtOALLUAI kbsmct • ytiLLV anooutice ibM tliay are recdrlng a aoc> ood aupply of CAKHKI'INi), wk»:toJ 0 v •• .'*l; | W.D.A 11. U’OAI.LUWr ; /adStjaiß. : can iron orrv tb-ost bo., 80, 950 Litberty B(fid, Bank or bisoboNT, exchange .AND ] i .. . Capital attach. • 150,000 Capital ttepraaabtg(|, aTer_.... 1,000,000 awfirociwotexu ia_« - orin' .lawTrptunT Edaßts."^. OoW, Silver, Paffunaeiul! mwlred on dopoain ALL HONSTfi altew«sl to remain .far a SpeciJM Time, WILL Sigtil Ktriuiftbo u»;Kutfro am) Weaterv rttire ronnaslld O In eome: to stir. Coflecthma made In all the pttßdpel dUm In the United Btatoe and the Oaoadae, endiPftoJSEbS PBOMPTLT ItR UITTED to any Ctrrtrw poldt,oo;dßy of mitarlty. Di»a,orois: Jobs VoortiMi, 41t**OUef Jcbo n&ath, Qeo. B ttaad,J. Hm.WMUn B«jUrt, XT. McCHutcck, tUorj Uu- OnUoajh, lU!>ett AoJiraon.j : ’ ;Q. T. TT-MUTO*, Predict. , |R. 0. SOfIMKKTZ. Cotter. UUL L AH B AjVtNU* Q AN H | - No. G 5 ■ Fourth Street. ! cßiiroVi) /.riM6. !/‘'}l >JCN ‘- DAn ' Y FR6SJ 9 tO. 2 O’CLOOK, ; v/ *l*o oa W*:a**i*y end itotar<*r trcaioK*. r.'otu U»y ;trelto NortoiWr Jm»to4; > t,to 8 o'clock; *od (row Wt ;«mber flntloUey flrit, from fl to fi o'clock. DepotlU r«ca!vtd of *U time U;t lo> then o&»tfwlUi i&d dltidwi d(Uii iUcUrW t*tc* a rear, Is Jan* «*d DecttuW. ißttrjMt.ltM beta JeU*r»l*>ail-*i>3 auaJly.ta Jaut&d December, «J do* (be Uenk wu orgtu . *e4, *t theme of •UpefOftDUt/Mr. lo«**et, tf Dotdr*wocot,hpieced la U.« crsdJl Kdtor M prtatlMltSndteentM ttaielatct&tttA>ja tbkdrd. y» of Jew uw Dec umber, compcatxtltit twice * jtm wuh oot troubling the fopaattor teadl dr otec Uj ptwot hi* put bock. It tUe rate, inOfeojf «rtH dooMa la !«*• t Jim* LI ftefe, GUtiaflslh*aggfegitc taot ariosi uirrn out *na • •* \.j \-;v BcckaeoatUatDgifa* QtuUr. Bi-E««s,Jlclw*ad Uttas* furnish**! gp&K W the tdttc*. '.' i /vi 9Umt-4xpwa.-AiM**.’> ■ tin* -. f • j HoptVtU EUptara, j gboeabtiwh I June* Sbfcjje. | J AUrapilet B/edU|, 1 JimeiD. ttwUy, .. Jen** Herdtoeti. Bfitcrt Bd*>» IS, U, follock, M. 0 lesuM. PwmoU. .j WUIUmB. U».i*r, : Bill BnrgwU, ■ i WIIUmo J. AoXJ’r>««, [ Ukailn A.OUtwj, ! tflllua I Jubo Brut, Premia f*Ui, tetjauitu L. r*tiu«tcKk.. -*4a»r -b WIIUmb B. U*r«b, P«Uf 11. Uoakar, ' ’ i aetrttaffmi . ... gKt'KIOKIUTO'KSI UKtHIUtfUTOIUH Tb* Urgtlt itnr| of i&* (ntUru tNTI'«B.Nt*I. aEH»O«HATOB l ' •i «t BXMUIOft I. t a* -- . - ** tORBIRQ • *■• ! • a* - 4jo **• XfcOOBLK TOP • T : PATHRT BSV«JLVrMii' «S-v' * • * POUR 1 ea . i: AH *»f U>« obuTe, whl» *bkl pUliodt *»Ur |«bk. Toey yiofuawaui tod o**lut-Joa»j»h»tJb*lly lb* ■ • '■> , *WJIOUOO4* I8i.l«RI'INlN«? UUOSJ. • Pr V :Q»m • .'! W; w: BttAMUAW. SEETIN’S O J.D, STAND lW TUB bIAttOND, : THQM.AS .a to ' Ut*Clortrcfili*!ui'Lj(ioUuU.l,, morhuioji. ; IJT up,. •j.pitiw, With alt lhatnutUro 48&lb pcpntarfcaaort. lliainb*crtb AiSBBHEI «• upmiuu lo a cutatsoiiala ht« frlanda ana m« i>uutiq '«• I«*t tbW mv*H affarda a o>io T «W‘i7 **rK»y{f Ujle q nrintu»tataon.4** • ttnwTnM^ B •ertad op at MltKMinf. DAYand NIOftT BoAttDMM lahad.*’- aptddly TUOMaH ETOKS. g E,4St) iJ ajß L K 000 ( 0 3', PRBNOfT*OniriTILu’ LiOl MANTtISU, '%. IBerage Anglais. ManUed. Orgindia j Lawne, oaawmxnwN aosts, Anglais Rolwh; ..' ( BERAOS A»0 BSEi(r^4SqUß^ ; JBTTU*.Tftt^. : U!4 cent ,•;/\ /' > i n a flAMfoM.MiYi.UJUrfaUbgrt ' •S - >■ .:4D'?ERflflE«ENj;'.{...•'. AnißWlgi i- itiui instant belie? sod A a I IHR I K&UkfcENT Ctm*cf ttkUdMns* llUl|ll||lLtP#r4mpW« u« . vrU;-* t B BONC.n.IAi CIO A BETTES, •; ccmot Nassau street, EQR.BAX.E-AT. Atli babaotßTg. BayfreodA-wf :. ltelutßvtt '[. ■•• vi- si(•« ,'V.B^tacn..,j j,',' di>". ;.r I U«krr*|—No; ? »o 4 3. T*r«# #m«N; - . - :■ i it i l 3jhlUFlib. t»«tc»i<.b, ;i a, ; RSPAKKI> la » liqatdstaW 1 ton**fcr iscoilios dUbA..4walflrr». fcodfeoQtttoid ttrtlcl'B gofetrallT, which trtdno. rnrj*lihy i JOHHhTQg.frjPp.y rtHMt TIIE iIANDSOMJftr, t < iJL * j}-: Plslo Mr £mbrrq., pHc*, N. Y jjlhe Hon. Ketl D»v, PurlUn.l, He.-; the lion.' Schuyler Ooifkx,South-Bend, 1ml.; the Hon. Georg# Humphrey#, S. Y.; Henry D. Cook, Esq~ Editor of The Ohio Bute Jonrniil, Calnabna, Ohio; the lion. Ri 11. Graham, Moline, ID.; the Hon.' Thomas J. Ch'aie,' Month cello, PU.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, CtWa, N. Y.; Win. Bristol, Esq., Utiea, H. T. i A. & Pood, E*q., UU»; N. Y; Jamea Plunkett, E*j., Naahrille, Teon. - j • ; i" [ tI9T Of SPECinO REMEDIES. | -'No, I.—Fo'rFmr, Congestion, end Inflammation. j No. 2.—ForWorn Perer, Worm Gollo, Wetting the Bed. No;: B.—Foe-Ooße, Crying, Teething, end Wakefutaesfc ol Infants. j y Noi 4.—For 1 Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, toil Bomtner Complaint*. ,r • ( NoJ s.—Far Coflc, Griping*, Djaenlery, or Bloody Fmc,. Nixj&—FarlChoten,CholeraMorbat, vomiting.j .. No. 7.—For .Cough*, Gold*, Influenza, and Boro Throat. No. B < - ! For;TobU»-aeb4JFaeo r 4che, «a 4 Neoralgl*; " - : No.! 9.—For ;He*dad>e, Vertigo, Heat and FuUne*»ortb# Head; ! -I •• -•■• - >• • • j: j NoJ 10.—Dnrmu Fora—For .Weak tad portaged Stomich, Conctlpalion, tad liver Complaint. H ' ; NoJ 11.—Po» rnuu ItauJOLiamka, Scanty, Painful, ©r Period*, ' ) fc . No; 11—For LeQCbrrbet t *ProfaM Hense*. and,Beating Down of Female*,' •••■- • •• m . No; 18.—Pop Oroop, Home GoaflL Sad BretlMag. i NoJ 14.—Sals Kokov Pu4*-For fcrgalpelae, Croptlon*. Pimple* on the Face. » \ No; 15.— Rhxuoatio Prua—For Pain, L*menm. cr Bare ness In the Chest, Sack, Loin*, or limba. -;S -JL rj-For' Feyer, and Agne, : Chill FcTer, Pomb Ague, CH Mismanaged Agnes. ; ; P -r-For Piles, Blind or needing. Internal or External., 0.-l-For Bore, Weak, or Inflamed Eje* tad Eyelid*: Fall log, Weak, cTlljlntred Sight C.-i For Catarrh, of long funding or recent, either 4tth. uo»UiJ . lion or, profuse discharge. .!•, U For„\ Cough, abating |ti tioletice and shortening luimtrse. ■■■'• • • In all acute disease*, Fevers, Infiamtrjalloaa, JJ.arrhra, lUimtnaiUut, and auch erute live .ttsoasp. a* S-aclrt,4Vvcr, Mea»l«, and Kryslptla*. .the advantage of glvlog the proper reunite* promptly iajub vlom.jatut tn all such case* fbe specifics act Uie arliftm. Tfie entire dtyase h often - arrested at once- andin all eases Uie violence of u* attack ft* moderated, UVe disease short* rued, bud rendered lest dangerou*. . . J; . 1i.,; t C«mtla null CoWs, which are of such frerfuent occurrence, audwlilcli so ;oflea lay 11>e foundation of diseased lung*, uroucbitn and consumption, tnay all be at once cured 'by the Fever and •Cough Pitta. ; t ... y ( .l In all chronic.diseases, tucb aa Djspeprfa, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaint*, PUet, Female Debility, tnd Irrefrularltl.*, phi Headache*, Sore or Weak Eye*, CaUreh, Salt Khentn, and other old eruptions, the ca*e ha* Specifics «h«sc.pry*prj.*ln, Piles or-Catarrh. Headache or Female Weak °cs\ has mote than paid fof Uie case leni timet ovrri ' PRICK. [ Caw nT "it rial* complete, tn morocco, and Book.. .v... .|S 2d rlab, am) Book; plain... 4 Case of 15 numbered boxei, and Book.. ~..i 2 Case or,6boxes, numbered,and Book.. .1 Smgtejnumber-M bnxH, with direction*.’. J .25 cent*. Singlejlettered hove*, «l(h directions....... ; ...W ceots. harge raw of 2 ox. vlala, for planter* ami phy*idsnJi..„|lo ALSO SPKCIMC3. I - f r.>ft lAflniui b* Pimraw.—Opprewed, DUBcolt, labored DreaUunff. at Spiled with Cough ud Exwclorallou.; Frier, Mi cents per pox., .1 ■ j. j Tim Kia ftbm tb* i Ur, the "result of Scarlet 'Fever, Measles,- or Memirialf.' P6r Nblwsta the Head, Ilardoenof King log In the pars, and Ear-ache.! Price. DO eeni*perbox. : :. .t .. I’oaficanrcw.—Enlarged Gland*, Enlarged and Indurat ed Toriaili, dtretliogaand Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cacheir of Children. Pi lie, ff Slckneo, exceaslre ftfedlcatlon, or Ex t.Hiistlbi? Gischirjreal' Price, 6ft cents per box. P"R Haora t.—-Fluid Aecunmlatfbiu,TuniUt)«eUlnM,*Uh Scanty SecreUuns. _• Price, 00 cent* per bo*. . \ . . F»a .SKiSiimicaA—Deathly Sickness, iVerilxo,. Nausea, ■ Vomiting. Blcltneai from riding or motion.' Price, 00 rent* ' per box. , p.ih jUtnuHY UaFAdw—7_r 6rarrt, Renal CalruH, t>i«- Painful Diseases orUie'Kidueya |4| l >, i'«u per bax. ; -\» \ ; i KmiianisiC Pjusuom.—ljw>Jiinttrji Ditehargea ' and o.*in.' hiMit ration and Debility, V4remedy and rohr be relied fapoo ai 'a cure. Price, «}tb tub direr* linns, || j . ’NT' prrsnn* whp:wlsh to fda*'* ihemtelrea under*- atonal cat#, or; in reek adriee of Prot JjDMraaxr&faQ do •n, at I.U otbfd CCi Uroadway, dally froni $ A.M. taM' M. or by rtter. ' - .!■; \ . ' hCR nfeMT.Dlia BT HAtl*. v\ Ih>i. 'i»rr'tbe list; make op a eaao Of irhat kind you \ choow, and inflate the amount fa a current note orttarow by m:i I In out addrrna, at No. M 2 Broadway, Neyf-Yora, and ih e medicine »Ul be duly returned by mall or Mpreat, free o charge; -r ' !<. *-> AfiEXTj WANTED.—W«ifiIr» an active, efficient Aptl far tl.e ante of -nur Uemedlea in erery town' or commutdlt tn the Unite.! P r utea. Addrena Dr..*. UUMPHRRYS A Co. N« LFJ S»WfYo«*. 3. M, FULTON, nf(b atrr*t, (Dbpateb ¥aßdfag,)Medod J-xir Korn tba Po.l Office, whole**!* Imt for Ptlbtrareh •ort vlktoityiato, JT. M.-FOLTON t 00~ HlnDtaakaor, -3. P.FLKVtNGMiIJ.'XMASr.AnagtwQrCitr , j , ■ mytVlydAvF “ : ! jaiattHawtOßß 4Ia«b»: ; ». .c. *. *. mm I- KtBLLKatACO., : DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, AND ! LARD Ql L HAN UFA O\T U RE R'S [ ROQLlbartrStrset, ! j : i l PITTIBCBQH.; pij» , J. N. * CO. {Sucuuen to JL Dtnitap; Jr.) . IMfOITIII IHK DI&lltR IS HARDWARE ADD CUTLERY, . ; Wo. 10J. Marliet Btrefit, ‘ ' I ••: PITTtBCRQtt. PA. .. {mylTulU *. 4. OAU>W«II la» MtWnt »■ /SaLDWKLL & BRO., V J BOAT rUBNIBBIM AND DFALKUB IF Uaulfl*, tl«mp *u4 UvUoo Oonlagv; - ;•» •| Orton,T*t, HlcK, Ifcafo otit; Ttrp«DHu, Darti Light mil H««T7 Drilling!, mfcl» ; i ATo. 63 Wj'tt grid ,7a /Von< Strtri- ' rixtun mumi*........... _..a<>it*T t. A*t>*aiO» • j -RJCVjHttlt 4fc ASDRUSOM, WUOIiSBAI.E;O£AL6BSmfiO£i^IQN TT FROITft, NOTB and BPICIB. 06* tROTIONIRF. SUGAIU, FIRI WORKS, Aa, No. 3«f WOOD STREET, opporiu eu Q»iarl»« Uotct, Pitubocyh, Fa- : o»ria;lyd STUUOO W OK K k K . : j JAURa OWEBI, | maKen and wren STketT.t, tiiSTUOni AND lIMTIO WOO«tl ,l.» |.. r |ltolu aU*otb>n ig all oiJi-n tir ««xk Id Lb Hu*.. . •&USNTKK4 tb.IBWKI.KV.^^ X No.Sa riruu4oMuo WutMl aud u«>ku4>&M to tba WatcM aud JdwJr). ’ ' i _R*F}AII w<»rt •a«r*t.t*.l | ! „j, . ;: newitM» v * tiAllAOllCtt, C&AIO! * OOJj " b«•*.»» *• P xi xi a, UTKIU AND 111! riPK PITTIRA AND H,DkIDKIUI; XMNISiIER.S or AIL KlNte « WASH A- WOBB, .mI4«Ui.IDOAS HITOEta, 1» i *»so»noii AND WAI>»BOk)HBi •<-{«».. f;,i fir, ilixjr. fraio ,11th No.IDA PlrH .DMt,a*, door. Uluw, tb. ' AiJßOttiaMa'tluoafc, balirflan Wait Wuftßtlfl, ■' • JuU d?T ob - D “ HB F ( ILL*D.-«« ' jJi»bn B. MrlUdltc , : l\ A. J&aUrtie •ilubti U.&ieUt*, 8..6. Umili, i /•utm-Uc4uiv>, i Walter V. ! WlWuu t|illei t , Juiiu iiir, 'I Uwttrj U'Utai£W*U. i iwitO , . William Alei>a>UrlHuii*| i : limcWtlllihr. -IiUAHLES A. COLTON a Agricultural Work*. f)UH(tIB Y. WILLtAttl, v i! N0i,48 aidSlTifrf : \ NITF ACTOBEH; OF; WILLSON'S MegrApb Hay, Btra»feod< fodder Catt«r,McwlDg i, Uoft* Power Tbreabara, CUar kiltie tod caber loral-pachlaw. .: , dclfclyd - f43ANUBB'S UAIK DKfcSSINQ ROOMS; O OHANT BTRIir, OPPOSlTEtu&oathidhal, ' ! open from oa.m.tob p. m, v "“era **otl«»ao eao lure tbetr Hair Draaeal to ibt I atm aoa moattuHtoDabUouiflaar.' ll# baa fitted op a room «•: preaatfforUidfaa, wbara particular ottaoUco *lll Im i Iran - «o DRBSdtKO UAIR FOR PARTIES, & SORPTIONS, Ao, ; lo tU»'T»rIQQa approrad etilea. : AWtflANDEtfi Pf-LKIIUTRBSOAU» TONIO kaplcos itantly op bind aog tor aala. .. joSßtlyd i wax.Xiacb's rouaxms: ,;•> Enginaand Boiler Shop. JkJ ni%J« to <*d*n Tamo tad tariranttafftctioo. l Dft&ll -OBdWNQt kUMJEE BUAVUHQ IffiffinJftSB I ?*** AND CASTING JOE QLAWEND VADLT ANDCELLAR QRATU END 1 QBATR UABB,ftU«itM,U»*)Krab«ti4.. ; 0 : ■ , ... £££2s&2 R ?i AR ? M*AlJUNOAmaonabort uoUa. «rO»rtOJt-ai«-Ut*rt|tjimL PilWmrgh. ~ I 1 c; W. W, -WALLAUK }. ■ -‘f! '’■ TO 'MILLERS. ' J I .• AoAor BottfogCt&lHTwoeh BturMUl Alooa, fortola J»loQrltrvi Cb Orpin* Mlil*—the trot in lb* cotmtrWßoSa'i I Wtrtd*, Bmttt MarMota not Hill FonjUlttoa I ;oftMUocU,ftfU)«lovr*ti>H«a. W.W, WALLACEr ■ rorlftdftm j ' —Offlfa. »lg Liberty ■tnßl.PUtabprah. MAILjCAKP -No* 4.—? The axriTol and,de pnrhit* cf lb« Haifa, prapat *1 at ifat Poat Otte*, I oat [pint*) anil read*, f?r gwlaUooa..dtatribatton amoral oat 'fUrostud tUibtilii(MpiAltc|Mailli> 1 I | i , J, , , j|. JWB.a. JOHBBTONI COI i J*l« 'l! ' PflbtefiatnrStatSobtr*, 67 Wert at. irr\RV-AtPnta~s6TOcts, - /—rrr •J-/i . ■ In •tortand br aajatrr 1 •• '-"!' /- u ISAIAH DICK ETA 00. / !I>ATTINQ baJi TT"' ; Jy3< j • ■ i2mn pipebv: a oo; ‘ & CO.-are closing out their • ; | ,;C V^PARASOI3,i>--^'' : ? V V'Vi“.h-; ;<, r .v |»s* „- iT?AH a ?ARB«T ttKEBN O! LCLOTU-4 - < fBWfW l Bt'rf,4Wiitart anility Jut ttatlTsd trca beta? tod far nli'n;-- ; j . | ;Mi i r! i , j./tr. PihiMPt. •• •D AQS-rßS'halevDOwlandijjg from steikner i. jni - : T t»AMH,Pioi»T;* Qgt FEATUEK3— 6 bag* no\r laadifig Trent rtuaur iUMUtaU.ferttictij,, ... J • J»7j : ; . v V, tgttJltt.PjCltfKf lff). T7IX)UR4-60 W* tfm&bfM?: 3 ARAJ WWaW- tieraKhow liih4ipg' awmniiti' " Tnnrnrm i; £g> iS? • IjV _ • '!; • ; \.; ~1 .;- i.• • •. \} ; '.-.!' .; ,-;.v'i',, fßt&irii.' -;5 iclbaSh MNfITHKKISa 6 rdia AMl> BIjOOL> ’ lil FI K-U THE greatealßetnedv ib the v , tsnJSI know*<’,elfctoa»y*4li aadcbenkally.eoaiUticdjWHh thaiie** wlaablS'. rooUb berb* and beth* known .iS thamlnd tl aao.rtsf Steri JtorfJ BlackJt'bt, IRU Chetft\&irk t Ttii lovDock, Djn&iUenj&TMpvill* && r : 'Sftf*n. wKb; other*, pTwiietog tbaptoii InUllbb rcptor*' atton ot health trer ktwi*i». It ;to earing'dtoeaae* by abturel Uwa,’. When li&th, Itejaflo--, •ace to fatteutmlagtbrbiigb everytrik oT tying. and acceleeeUag.the clicnt*t|ou ol' - U aesUall&M any io the •ot the •bold otgenuptlcto. " ' zi: ' '’ig,' AT LEAKS &)BDIAL ; •willefcetaallyaj* ;-vf :- I j; Liver ComplaintJ Dyspejaia, jjauntjtfd) Chron* | io or Nerroaaj Ifebilny; the ) Kidneya, and a*l Vißeaffes:Rising ! : from a DisorderedLhef/br r • : j Stomach, Djapejfeia,| l Baeribnro, ihfitd Mt«i A rid tty or vlckaw*)«f‘the 8toa« tch. VoUmm oi blood to the Head. Dah FataWßwiau&lSK' to lb* Uc*r(l DuUigetOf Weighl: to the r Btoma£b. Boar Srqctatk**, SalfcceiTngj Peeling wbea lying down, Dry tweeor Yeltptnraee eltbe 1 ' Skin aod Eye#. MlgtuSwbats, lawardjVevenrLPhJa lnfthe : ■Ullct the Beck, Obwthrß«VM*Ufu fln&Mrof Urat,; DepnsaliA of Spirits, Prightfo) Driaine, UtJ§ r,D«at>oa* dnicy or toy ttatoaittitomre, fores or hMcbrenntbv Bkla,e&d Fever andAgt»,(orCbllfej aod .itwHi •too cor* diaeaeee of the Bladder eud Wornh ae Beak; o>l Weakoeea, Ipeoniloeoceot Crioej lnflam-v Biatioo Or Viumm irf lb* Womb' or bladder Walter, etc. raiMIfIjNOiUTBTAkB |4K>Uft*T. : ' -1; "i ThUOortJlel wfll nfevui tail to cfcraany of ttiw, it taken m per tiirtktioua uu eabb OotUy in Gtrmet>, Kngutbulfrench. I • • : i-' o¥iß a- wiuion Wava bent sold daring the lut tix ld do la-- ettoce blit felled la gffiog entire rntjifectic.g, Who, then wflt taller from nuiia $r debility, »)»» AfcLcs&’i: gtrcagtbeatof Ooribl #Ol core yob! ± • to o*h:hi 'ie&mn& -f ; Doyoa vtoh to be-beaUby aod strong! l%p go at cadi; aadgetsa&tafMcLksa 4 aCordlal, It will a»«Bgtba» and lorlforatr josr whole ryatom, uoalcg a hMtUiy: ami part etrcoUtiou of tlood lb flow ethllbe rbh/toey ttbtom o(btblth to tnobht tojyoartiiifefc bgtla. ■ lt«r| toUtole wahaolad ’l ; v B'ORj o,* We U yoor, children; an pouy, «r aflUtted wlUt cotoplalQto prerakntatooDg atve tbm e u&sU qneotliy bt klcLeea’#} lt .win -m*ke'tbetßtiMliby ( tet,*nd robust. teUy^tb rylt,aadyoQwlllt^cooriMod.| ~ ti..-?' ITjIS DELICIOUS TO TA«Ei of draygfita or deelcre iiiaj try to peltoapos yoa eomejaiUar or £*rM£«rUl%'ftneb,tohl<.h tbeyam bvycbeep,|by keylo* ill* Joel Abroad. Avoid socbßiMi. Aak (oritidiMa’a. ’ taka nothingelee. lljtoibeooly retuWy U^(-wllrparity | the blood tbotvoghly, ! sao at the ektne jilme- tbs One ÜbtoeLo'iafal tlkr|i oTery morDlog ti e eer j’Ula preveottie for Ciiotore.Chllto‘ktid|r«Ter,d‘ylTow fitet, of >oy prereleot dUteae.i It le pot op la > Price obty;sl per M'llto, or d Uiltiewfbr tfi: ' i .L-. ». Sulo Proprf*torof.:thtoQurutol, . | • AtM,lieL«utoYotoutoOtH
  • ltMDtr ! i Prlodpel bepotoo lbelcoraer.of Tttrd ettd PiAe ttreeta Bt. tiuale, Mu. - \< ••'•'] , McLEAN’S VOLOANIU UHW ENT; Tkt Bett .UntranU m- th* ■ i The oklt WCb eod certsls core Mr Cancele, f ifee, Tuciora B»elllDgk,fe'tid Bmucbrii or Uollre, pend>iA_ NebralglS, Weekoew of tbe toortiee. Chronic ir Bfieo* oisttom, Btlffoeu of the Jotuts, Cobfracted Uutclha or Lire tasofar'Kancbe or ‘Tbotbarbe, ■folshe, BpreSpa,.' WOtytua, fresh Quta; Ulctia, : P*vm f)oni l Oakil Kip plea, B&rta Bcadda, fibre Throat, tit aov lc«ioßreUoa or PklD,uu difietTDC* ho* bow long bxay bmeitoteil. IlcUaaV (Wbrated Xiula&iA’frja'ceiUla rsmrdy. •• •'< i t}-i \j, ; Tbooaa&daofbouua I4fuge bare tiwo e.llfe older crrpltade auJ uiieory LjT| the tue ofj tbto Iwiylabbte oiedb MiLeanV pTaTcamo p 1 Liqpnetit • WIU relieve peln eloioet ibefeuleoeo inly, eDdH.wilrclearaei |inrtfy, end beat tb«|(ooieet aorta la eo abort. For lloreea and othe r ' j : releifetM lliolrneot U the ooiy-*ot} wfeabd ndiblvnatiltbr tltvnlr* of fipe tD/llrog.-tUOoe, WlmV gelle,iipliota. UuoatUrelLumpa,{tbdea !| •111 Offer fail tonir«!tilg U«eai, Poiletll t olog Boreejor Bweeby, If. pro|«rlf applied.;] for Pprblaa, Bndaea. Crwkad ( Litre, Ootlai Oalla t Ouu l ßoriet# Wotud»,U Ip o iDlallltileremedy^—. Applyjt aa directed, dad a cnre'to l&atatrrei ThAo trifle ob loof*t toltb the many lifblotMiU offered to you. Obtafp a eapply of Dt. celeLrated Üblment rare ;oc. . :•! •X 1 .,'; ! ' jl fl. McLKANv Sole. I’i^pheter, v • ' Comer Third and fitto LbcU.Alo. \ DR. OCO U SKT9KK. 140 Wood! HttoGhrgh,- Pa\b the bole iAnot,'!lo a bora. ell&rdaraiaa^'beAddrismd. •*fcdAwi>r~ -.j • ■ _•- _! - - -T?; : «“««uvi> in;t?, | ' ' i°*winwiSnij : : T :;■’ • Bolmion of Protoxic a oi r Trou COMBINED, f This preparation dippers prom ill ttkiri, being to onfOnpibit pro/.nM* of Iron* attained by a combination htk before , for l&digtatkm, Torpid Um, t>rop»l*«, Ijfiili, oil fetm • of Mum earned by ftopovcmbmoßt :oi ib££>lood, rtaenil daMlUy«end especially U»4toaaaaa;p*c«Ufo?to female*, It; her been found aitmtoaly efflcadoci. | Jv . £•;• - Pamphlets* gtm>& a fall deacrlpUoo of ItUirttnady.and tbo nnitkilli cam; It t>aa oAkied,! maj j a. obtained of (bo acanta.' ' • (Cerhilc«Uof.Z>r.&qrai.] > / { ■ It to wetl ktnjM thkttbe ufclioittj sftct?j Piol&ilda of Iron to featannby 4n.t>rfoTaipbaom loti., and that 4 : maintain a aoiattbooi lron \abool (arifeai: oildstfoa; bat toan dbetned tmpaasiMa. » - ‘ In.the Perctton ftyrap/thfe deafrifbfe hii bom it: ' telMd by combinatiom in a may btfort and thb' ntiUonmayretdacelaii the pro e*rbouat£L citrate* and tatUateeoltheiUlarUkloilkn. j ,1 •. • .- V v ■; ' It to also eminently edaptedlo iahjttli* ujeeof any fn>\ toxfdedf fron.'wnice.phye&aae'-turre nsturtaecurvp or ' Horbndo and to meet each caeae ojr«p *tJ«U befcuodlo ihesoedldaetbeatofeTery ehJpff :; S - AvAJ&drt&W*:|>, : » Aaaaytot to thaj&tata of HyraVloartte. 1 ISBuyUtoD.atrcat. i' - v - . j • : i • ; {’ ; AQUOH t-' "I ; The undenigued hettng esperktnud the fufttSclel effects o* the ,, PctaTtsaSjn4(f’dobot taHlikU bfaeruaieeDd’ll to the sttention of Uiej public. - [ -- Vi From our own es parte uc*» •« well H troßttQto Itsflmnny/ of oUim, wbuer tutelHgence.end'iatefrUftjWsllogetittr-i onquortloMbU. we Lew do doull'uf It* «U£cy to ewwol looptoat Dlmum of Iha lßoga iad Bntil^l' r—!■■■’ Drspepsto, Uih DnieeyJ.NeayiJUlAt/Mo. lAOi! mm IU effect* woold be Incredible Ml trotf/ibe litgb eher* sctMoftbomwho w}tues*«d U*toD,*od bsji* ruloateered their testlmouy, eiA w* doour*, tollsreetoriifliepower.' ■ BirUcbdFtorpont, - - TfcbaiMl&jitft-n;-I .: Tbnrn— A.Dsstor,.. :■■ "V -.. ; ft.'M,K*uda)t,. tUaetts] Hay, } ... _ JtM.TfcmfKtmtoßinore; For sets by '•] .- •.. DB.affalTlt UViitV ■■■< nofeUwlyt . i .if _Bo. tlOjftkxaJmieet Tboaieuilsereileliji tpeeklngiotbepra 'Jr.vt > ■ i ija ‘Jurwjf f£•*-: I ) cbn^fAL, 1 » *»a wbjr becsoM llftrtsr fuiUtoiif -'rd i***nt4nnut re, Itymbm gl««olutime. Il kUm if ty.ifkjki end tme tttaialOTH mu ebnililce jou thilwbit we pty to tree.] It OOBUlor . < .';,r i •f KOPARAGORIOOROPriTK ft of any kind, sod thrrtfcre rilUr**' by (As wafer; ingt of year .child, instead of by dtadrKfejr fry sewnfelttire'l -for thtenaeoo; Ucdtowcnilf Itselfee lb# otjy nJiaWf br#^ peretica now ktM*«te-Oim.DKBN7tCtUIOU.-BIAB': linos a. dYs*at*&y, osifoia in su« ACIDITY OF TH* IK .TUK UAAD, end dROD P, els£>, tvr Mflnm/ (wlmi, trductrig inJbMnati&itfgiddtiat ibt'Bovebl andwfecemy pout, ft 1 beeoaaqu»j--t»in/u *Mt-*pi*moi£d !{&£•** wilbfewi fitUingtvcan in «il t*eu vfCO»YULSH£| OaOTUB* FITS. At you value fAa lift ami Tth atbf vfn to tart (Km ftm iAotfiaSimi u*shtipg contt qucketimhUhatt attain to n*iUfrvm tfu]if*t of uahttKt e/toAtcAeCArr mudlttfor JN/tafOe arfcoM< Aaf OIL KATOiYffiNFAtII&KOQRDIAII tmeyoncMrrv not Injure As nost deUceteinteaU. fricQ.a cento, fall Slrectlone ectoapesy mW bT ''VfiOROA'A i ' • - _• • '■- • Ho^4®_Broidwi«^ff»»:yortr ; :' : Btaithy btjmuißUkdopcnWng |v /[ ANALYZED: ’* *!*«}a piMeqU o« with tti« Mm*«>*aUaf'»lstnfbU, tod Klm«lcoQM;ib«Tßttll(AKDAEl>.r JtaQjr* Um'MW' ct • rHfcNJ'-außferiog (tom Oowatoptlon, UVVrCotfipUlq*. *■* *• Sodla -net*'Watt* tt**' , Uin&fieitndtt la (bttod global* of BWoa/AflijrfjLtbf** i , 4«flcteac*t,*od roa in m»d« aril. foo9» 1 i .^^^^o^liTbßorj—beoa» 111 MtooJ^i^iocc®*.-- nvm »amEATiaji(' '“£*P**£ Atklesdeo'ctf tbejjood in dt&rt&t dliMMa.. tfjrOOUOBB, OILDR. BaOJIOmtW, c#tnT»t&etk* £*•*?»* of IWIKditfCONBOMP* TlOtf, woNo.l. «fafcb W iIoQm orspiaira loss,or, AeerrtTß, md OWtPLIJNtfiirHM fnaa nK-: mvn#** NEaVuD3 PIiOSTiATIOX.TSa,S foe UV ;*R COMPLAINTS. Ho3ferDMpEWrAiioaV«f2dr |9JU»r atboticalluttil; ' 11> IUIIII t'LACE FOR ' KVEROtiIENs] 1 i !fS§k«rtMlU».4stft«. ;./,>LtJn ' «'VI i«SKgpSsfiS?SJSsg£^»“*;: •OONDRfISr i ■ i *■, wSyssK{asj , ‘- > . *::jt I. iPyWUWgffiatbU trimt _ L irtt *3 r»*- k ;v- <*Masasaii f.;: 3£i)Ji ‘ V : -" ;:- - V;; IWjhi tiaumtu. yrngPßNßSYLVAm^f*— l<Hir BONDIV.'Jom lla.i ; WiILTiUIN Inn* lb. i'u« t 7r : (**f*»* SawUjr) «* ;£s>*. n* *ccolog : JWUwwa. la VtOUrU.Uii Tail# *» K«->m»pnigoao dally ('r»aactgnt.jf tv ., •**■**£ ,*-' •*orjl|»g *»>ty at Oiwulurg. lamJ*,, ri w l ?''. ''='''• dfOviia, *£-, reoMctlot as. i B *" l r"“ r *' .•** nrtthw <» (k%; ' :e^’ SS«t°tello l S^ l ;.“- *» <***+•>*}** *■“* w*m Halor&lug Trait# arrive to Ptlubor.h J ftJ , •- » p™~,liW r ■ ; U.U, »*».■< fcSuK £a“r fv**‘ B.•»mmiM«lt).n fe2O.F. V. ’• Tralaaior Btaliivtlte ao4 Indiana cooaact u BUtnMir folWeeclkm with, Jobwtawn AeeotuiaodMkm Tralifc^* KE2^w2L Mi ,b * J ‘?“ f, "’ rn £*■*■•*& , Piratnfgb A CooMltaf Ilia Train*, atoi-plijg at all ttaUota 60 the PltUborgb A;Cooo*UMlllg Hoad. >»>*« ' exempted) aa fcdlowa —Mall E»r. u. Hetnrbtojr Train# from risttbculi k ConatU#. villa.Hoad. artlTaatPUtabctgh. fr.lXta. A«f. l i-t'iS P ;g, f batravclleg pobfte will flaft It grenijy to thrfr fct*r*»i Id goiog But or fffU, to travel 1-y «b« rvri&tjJna** Kai|! io«d, aa tba accomimMiattota bpw tOmd casm>l in aerptaa «don aoy.otbar root* Tbeßoad Üballmffcd vltb rtou valid I# antlrety fra#from dost. Waits proQ>i«ftti..r,>4**~'»~Mi &S 3 Philadelphia lO Ou] ' 68 aMrikburf..„......i : 46]' - I Ba?g*gaCbeffc«J i»»ll duuqiaon IbaPeoon, RsJlrvw. aid u PbiladaljAU, BUttatOtt *bd NuW Voti. ' balfcaotpcr tail* to KWlUooto tha 'Button , r«u;feic'f’'t fr cmftm»°Diwie»«ih*compMy.b*iboAmbU' l « ;t;. j _ KOTliyu-InCTie of low, tie'Companj>M thtfa luetar Utii rapoutbls fo*; p+raccal baggage 4»tj>a»j| £i*k» amount bot exceeding $lOO • - --- f -" ; _N*B—Aa Omnlboeline baabecn^cniLJcTadtocoat** rUHigm and Baggage to and front lb* Imol nt-achtn* not to ascend 28 centaur each paiaeawr KaUaieS!^ a?!Z3>***&* 9 * 0 Li i^** ,#DRe [ * ■ 4l,iC ' oa LitcnTjTaaa Ut*st it* 1860. . . ■ ■'. . j TUB • u "' PITTSBURGH. RT. WAY- . afc ftcniciGu UAUiKOaC, , . -i_ To pll Puinta intlisSoath, Want £ N T arth-wc>t, BFRLSGAUD &VUUER A&KJSQLMS^T. MB TO CJN'CIN NAff'w giuc*, mkl’io ' A l TBiilsaapoli*, at. Loaliatid Chicago <4utck«r ikan toy aaj otlwr roata. s -t r; '■£ . '«*.•'• •• nXSTitdBD T9AWS. - ;ViST LlNE—Latvia I , Ui»!>ut6h^^_^; M .;1.-00 a, «u* *tCrr»UJi»™~ &4O : : illahltig clMe costieeUobbviitb fetlltifototaloa a&dCtiw laaj, Colaabsl.and Ciac|oD*U.lloada, . ’ Arrivibgat I&dlaiiapoHß».~~—(ktl) " '• • • **» !** M: Looia^^*. M . rstf,4.W' • • • •.•;“•.•| “ Chteagoi^.4. t*»u ».« ■.T‘^ e * in, ?* o®B 0 ® B^,m *iilMLa flt*bbos« , villa. Tibia* o» boib toad* meat at ftdomhus, abd ua**>b- •' gais all go luto L'ioalnuati togrlber. '-■■;► '•." ••• BAPfcK‘U.TßAlN—Laaiea ?lusfc*rgi'..~.;A.l&4s r,V . v , Arrives ai CimlUbo. flwO j*. .«. . Usklbgclosacooarrtbu*** above; •;: .-••• • > ■ ♦• •••' Arrlvi«e*tlDdUt*pMlU..''» uty SUtfeltt Vi la, Train* on tooth roa>i# to*Hat Coloaito*, igersall go Idto Clochwat lugmbvr. ,• . . < OTactdog. Otis on iBU 'tram {torn PUUtai»li to'Ofodn; oaU,u foJitupottsand oOblr»RO. -v ■ ' •• .> •< 4 . U. A JtjfLMlD KXPRSB& . , j s *i . I.«*T**PiU»borfb~.,...U.« i ../j . Arrlr>* at Cr««tmn..... ff'u *• ** Cladonatl.. -.^..•■■,,, M ii'b^' • Trains tbioagh ioChicago wlthotat«h*agatrfi«n.<» iusttrlMD TMAWa. : Laava Chicago, “.00 Ai ir*a •Smttn clUaa. - l • r ;j . } AscuuoodailoiiXnlMjrioia iWaral. UrM.: AiWtfei** for NawDrigl>WmlO.OO A,a . and 4M t- «> . > frMb *» * -fria - 1216 »• Jtat«*ci a*fellow*- • -:>i •AtAmanwy vifr ,tralq» tba ClsvclauDA fc'Uub&rgfcft toani&tjm Mlllmbarg, AktcuiWraSogV BtMtoafiaJd, Obid,tiJist, Vart&s.Bhbrhy.&aidailli.'JV • lHUvahs:iiprlbgA*ldi CUdiuLmt Lajrta, In lUn*polls, t». Uula, UaikvUia, at* V : At Tonor torftptiogflehl; Kandfialr, HartoV, CiOcJßß*il' 4 rtiwate. ;•. ■ -v; ••; ‘v-f -: i: :v; ;;i-A ,-7 AtUma to»aidn#*,.Dajluu,Qeciaoat^ ate.' >-f »»>* - ■** ,t ;,^ DO *or Pam, Laf.j*tU i JiuL,fll. UnU, and laW: ■ CMdiat* posts Ia Cebtrtl IndUftai soil niruOa. • " J ' ‘ AtßynooityorlJ^ottail-v •' », ■* <*»*«•* AlUAjm* ftfNO* : Vorl&rtbgrtßtosattomAad thr9aahTkbeUaro]| U i - JbJZKWAft. Ticket AgSrtat;" - insatiunr Btatkm, ” ’ - GEOBQB PAHKIH, Ticket __ . : ! P»ae*tig*rJlattoo, Att*gfieAft**f. Tbrungb TkkcUfor saloatail ibeTickat.Qacaaol U*a Ootßpauj co tba Una ef CDs toad, to'atl pari* of. Ulk VliHia State*. : - 0. O.iIATIIIWAT, * - py»- ■-. :. geeettLPamDgwArtßA-PjttobwvKit.b* Oi«y«iU4 at»d flit*bnr *h'rtf*l j.-' , changb or.Tiui-su hhrr / «lilkaT«tb» Papal of th4r»Bt»}lvut«.iu , nr(wl,iß ptttt-'- coign, miUJowb: , , .. : LftruntUtargh 1:00 * arrive* u cim!itd'9tS6 » >■; i. ? '■"*■■.•' p • ** . '•■ t* - ! **• .i ' . OiCi D EB. IwucoiMu tom to CbloKo, tl« ClajalMdj Mai. bapattlollat to oak ' ' ; Oianhlt ifcl ««eouaiti 'Usui-’Ha : .N« cbu.** 0! can twtv**n Pltatnrgb acJCltdtaelL »> ltaTat. '4nifes.fet. j. ArHvtv «t , inlmal st.UubiS! IsflO A’ ® Ifctt io’ 4jH ff nj •. . • B I j l^o P “ -Siiuaja - ,7.4* p-c^t ‘ ‘5V i .W , ?- h HpiodonaU, £f«ta Mu* fljia . to, 3&T rW£“bS?' gto*glogOar»aiU£.h»d to: all Ktgbtjfr.lfla. - ( *' - fW*wsh ; »)»« v.-^^4s*s&faiaagt. r arauunsas': ' BAZAAR AND; UVBKY, STABLE,a--’ DMUONDBRUT,NMiUtLIBUtIr,' ■.-«*.! rmiBVSBU, Pjl. ■■ ■' 'p«RSES, I BDaaiß& CAHKIAOKSANij 1 JJ.MM-yihiortuMllj (bcDii hi Vi/m ficaPuaiit; ’pa’*. baoaaad toonW al *llttm**.‘ifcr*u wS rrtfa't* art:} rtHaUtt,VtUdtt fbyoa/orf fomforta&te. . * o •,■ M cwuuctaafljarWti<)«!«u; trail buiia: ••. • '• • - r *#*Uwrtw* tiwjfbt anO‘aulJr also. kA« ay 'lhtf dav 3 •£!**“«!*! L naipf-j i Pittaburgb • Btamji and flteccU W6ifcr* ' jNp. jl>; . MArma C v AUmp, BUriuit, ! ah«J BrAni ;'outUr. • 0BBJNO;. COTLSR; GRlNnfcß, i; JmoMml: Tabla SiHvat (Upalrvd, au4 QoumiJ JiiLbln»tl 1 uodod uj: uxjKauiTii^BkufniNoSi^WV No. |» BmtllrtcldacMati wili’aUtN.. :*'■ r»*fl4K auun p^oasa.• ' , .1 ParPnraHora, <>«»hV-. . 5. i MUNOiIKSTa, I TiBUKa»-OIIAVKSTOiJ*l } 46 l ', c; ■ U*J«bf ll*cttim|:aadadlttb«prlcM< •,: U ; PLASttEPARIS,WaiTRUUA M>« beat hribo mwAaiAcrcitltftic,s»traci!a6>|fog& SUNUHIKa —1 ... ■ r tota4 iM-iauV. ' ' *llO W*. V- 8ub«; A)«o,:PalrMl*«*' as* r . ; • CrauM|la t>tilji, .' . 1 Black a&il'aicro,Ta klv » SAKOOZI BaON>W'B'H?r”Ln Fromtha Cailabadi ffpi+CiuemattV'.iSlW* • Tfc ; ttyi n^r^tcnUr^ailMsilU,fliHjwirfiMr ' ' luicmlit* t»*eo»t fl»fcaipArit*iWof '#pria£witti£ , *.r. I - #»M *^>Oop*fjOfJfcstetftr«rtßirfih»Masqat. gfltir J " ,fu ..t-HManM«WnftniMMK *1« ,f 4,t Si-mi. 6^sPh !■ ‘ ,i