**• ..w I ■ * ' r=»- .N'-l^ iv/.W.iit,*'*- v ‘ • V.v 'jpy : 'M.vi'li-v.y -v „ S 1 1 :v ' 1 » *• •* -j % . : -Y * . i'' ,£ "S '• M ; I’vj.-t^vk' : ; ’■!::-S:-c.-:;!9h , ’|'-V.-.v .V'VV* vi* c ivSttW^iiiN' t :'. 4v*<* .<:* **- , * : - •' '• .*:?;>v . : .K . c- ’w ' ’ i.V. WbowM he I. Lot at hii atoii.—Amtn who Would girt tcch to opinion oagMVotli'b*r i; ,V aebooedi to glee 1»: ih»4nlgh» of bii>nm. ; h >. promiHiDt Kepabllctaineoiber of Con. ■f Oat wllbMe »»!»••; K the SoarMi Win oqt gin il/ lb* numb.™ of.ConjreufronaU 3j • 6taU ofM atiwef for tbomeelfet, and "eajr eiiob ® .-Is;. for hlmtolfjwbeibtr bedld ordid not make aacb .* ■■■ : aftateneat. ~■" ; | ! ', y_ ' : LTicnupjrn Waoeo Mia.—Dr/Horlteher, p loading'denqorot of Obion; ooualp, la (bit Slate, ojfe- ■'.•V,. wbo wm Ipnebed luljetr la Uiulnalppl for ■■'&■■■ ■ bi[agU’Al>bUlloDitl, bu iononnoed blmielfne . ■>% ■ .• for Breoblnfldge,. j,;' ]‘ J : Tbb» ii nntorjr told of a Tanker wbo wee ;i... _-g,| „ *, oio*whipped bed)/ la (beSonlb, and wbo langb • *■ * ij® - * ’ •l»^*H«U!*i 1 * wblppJog irai going on. Oa ' being imbed wbyba Jeßghejd at taob a lime, ■M ■ | replied It waa beoeaie ibej’ wwp;irblpplD| life' wr»g!saj!,:itrpen.tll*Jirlflelf!eD.r. Hotlacbee ' wwftjljwfc'tot'wwi »»•// •- ..-r : ' i-'i''.' 4 J . . ... w \ ... .-.j . ... ...... , .. V?' / £•*% f.. .f • ti® •>. ■ \i ■ ~ I'ittsbnrg ■ v ; auM«u»un~*r.inuaM! • fOtTOU-S AND 'r-V'j'i - PITTSB TBEHDAY MOjiNIHCJ,' JULV 24, 18C0. ■ .! ! jU WR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, ■Ptes iLLroois. v ■ •• »- r FOR VICE rKRJIBRNT, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, s ;nr iuisb. HU«o^or« • BOW. JAM! uow. too: l.&]rardO.Kt> ,«*>T«4Jbjr his pariisens jo the extreme South * with at ranch fsror as la fhe North. Tbo as sumption, howarerj is by no means oorreot, as a nftranoa lo lie meaner In which Ibe (be oan 7U« leooodaoUd w)II satisfy any candid person. In bls lals speech at Boston, tbs Senator from ; Illinois (has Indorsed! the Compromise measnrss of 1860 :, _->j . ' ( . n ?o moretUu jaiilc* ia *!*- M»g tboljfUad oa middle ground between ibe iwo ptrUea who ire now tgiutiog theioonolr* »o fortbereßee of ibe fiewdi of their pUleoUr teoUooß. Oo one hind yoti will find Bpirty do. ratodiog Ibe interference oflhe federal govern ment for the pnrpoee'bf-destroying eleverv »h«# ?b. Pepple;wani!i- omhe other, jon find " * P ul J»ho demand the same interfereaue in ■ order W fores it whirs tbs people do not want V M*«4 whertflh. Dom.or.lio parly baa stood for, roar years; and where tbs Whig party ' f ' gfobndof non-iolersen llon by Congress in lbs matter of slasery In tbo Territortes. Hon lnterrentlon Is Ibe doolrino to wblob allrnatlonal men stand pledged. When tbs Sontbern fire-eaters, in 1830, sought to bring . Irouhlo on the country, tbs iminorlal Clay cams forth ro, poor oil on tbo tronblod water, and re'. store ptMe to ihe dietricted eoantry. TheUn gtuge tor Ihe compromise wu, to the South • 'lltode off! r to the North 'Htnde off!’ *No In tetfereaoe by Congress with the Insulations of tbo penpla of tbo Btatoa I’.. if yon obnriah a SeO iloaal party at tbo Bomb of at tbo North, yon produos an irropresitbio conflict end destroy tbo bonds of sffeoUoh;,which, hold the Ualon to. geUter.” , ■< This declaration wee fortbe Norlb. Now Ist uaecehow bis friends talk in Georgia. Tbo ■A Douglas journal and the organ of Mr, Johnson, tbo nominee for l .°f Presidency,—in offering some reasons . , why Dottglas should li eloeied 1 In preference to all tbo other eendidsjes now before the people, •aid: "We beUese that the neutrality lews, tie Compromise measures if 1830, and all ,uSreyuen( compromises wsnn 1 nifooor to mi Bourn, and Ibat by the eleotlon of Mr. Douglas a polloy will iteogurated by which the Sontb will be plsoed on 'nn squat fooling! with her sister, sections. Mr. D, taw. lbs iojastlea of tbs Missouri Com’- promise to ibo South,! heneo tbrongb bis loslrn menialiiyit was repealed, and Slavery exitniei from 30 irfrete 30. minutee ro tie 38(3 parallel af norti latitude.' The: Confederacy , as tn .ddl- Uonal reason forlis Jnpport of Douglas, urges : its desire fprlhe reopening of tbo African elm . trade. On Ibis point wo. quote its riews at rf\ . : We are for tie repeat' of lie reetriclions upon tie ‘ ?/!•"• &*•*■ jba*, hpanßm of ite ametrued tmpaltry 4j r Northem fmatiee and Sovtiem eub. . ""M'- This is oar cheriebed article. Wo trw an oal and out ad roosts tor: tbs re opening of tbo Af rican Blase Trader forghe reason, that if wa bid mora negroes Ihsßonlh oonld now and then ad mit shw Siam Stales,; and .wo would bear leas abontSqnaUer Soterelgniy, and there would bo nodemend for Congressional protection. Be sides, another Tory great reason why we are for repoaltog the restrictions upon all African Slain Trade is, tbht noder.lhb existing etatne a slave holder;!* etigmalited as a "pirate," when thee* very "pirate," not only clothe, feed and ehrie-' tisnlts n heathen racf,hnl from iha prodnota arising from tbo labor nf these elates owned by Ihei* "pirotee," the world ie olothed and fed.— Commerce,.the ana and eelenoes flonrieV. Ail, all,.wasay, from' the Impetna'of olara labor.;— Jtnd should j tbo elan iholderw of Ibo Bomb, or theirunoeijry, who weft sieve traders, be de nominated “piretei!” "We boliere in the etatrs msntbip.of Mr. Dongles, bis forseast, his jndg. 1 i fa b'r, fleeliofi, Juetiee and equity tnUbcmeted out to every .eeaion. Hence e-t ad vacate Ate lUettonf 1 ' j . It is evident that Mr. Douglrs’ friends in the South willnot permit him to ooenpy a "middia groaod’’. In Ibelr eeotifcn, and sir . they'are -a “powtr is the land” we obeli not be surprised to tad bin, ia tbq ooorao of p abort time, ex plaining uwsy the moderale iientimenls'of hie Boston spseeb. : ■ Ssnaiiiuo inn Tairrir—Tbe Dougin pi - per* Ibrougbont Ibe coabirymoet generatly re ftu* lo pnbtieh Ibo brad 800 U rMolatloo edopted H a part of tb« pluform at Baltimore. They . adppnea It leal their readeri ahould beoomedis i"**!a**l-.: They alio'enppreaa Ibo recordof Htnehal V. Jahnaon/tbalr candidate for Vice PmldeaO on Bqnatler Sovereignly. Some of ; Ibem bar* been offered to pnbllah, ea an ad rertUe.ment, Ibe report o i Henohal V. Jobnaoa , fo'tbe Georgia Demoeretio ConrCntloa oalbe dib , Jane Imi, with ibe oemee.itleobed, aod a brief iolrodactory alalemenlof the circamitencel 00- derwblohli wee prepared, bat tbey bare all de ellaedto do ao.. That-dodoment, poly ala week old, la a» -op« rtpadlalloa df'fi,oetter 6oW erelgnty and adrooajeo a Blare Code for Ibe TeW l lhtD ’ a ‘ U ’ i?P*" not publish It. Tbalr Inoowslatenoy weald bo madt ao alarioe by It that they ignore it. j We do woi wonder at tba oovardloe they show, wader the oironn «U004«;. A raowraiai Bepnblioln member or Coonae from Penasylrpnla admitted In tbla elty laat Tuesday that Penaejlranla will not role for Lin oolatadLßAptlOr<»£o»,eA>up. *?“ E ?*W.-*•?• ’“Myr the anipioai-of. 1k»-| emptier tofttrat#» and Mr. ijoMtn. it'Wh■ done not w«rr» ihe aiTisfioiion iFlhi BriJuh | P»plj, »ho h.ee : finally arrired u thnctmcta. idpo Ut.t they bare bet® p T » retched by hie In ““»« not aery Battering Th. wlel'" , | ,or ” mocrci *l ehrewdneaa. rt. . i* l’" ‘»f ‘!>etreaty here opened tle. il. lh » »«du!ou., »d tltreed lb. par fal»™ of •one of the molt important manufiotarlag In tenon. On the other hind, the French manu :!~! 0 re r 'ertrywhere te Booh delighted no eir English friends tre dluppoioted. The Eoglieh 'complain Ibtt the arrangement of Ihe deuile of the treaty wore.effeoted with too ,onoh huie, tod charge Mr. Cobden with hating forgotten the intereate of hie; own countrymen in hie etgeroeea to propiliaiejthe Frenoh. The london 7Vmea in an article oo the the fotlairing language: ■ "The diaaatjafaeiion among tariotta Englieh °f lb ° haaly , 0 wh . i ' ,l > , lhe French treaty hu been i" “‘b'fMt'og iteelr, not merely In thn eiik diatrioie, immediate oonseqnenoea to tbo operatitea bare been eepecialty diaaetrona but alao at ttudderefield, I.eeda, Manoheeter’ Loiceaier, and other important lowna. The’ faef o*r“. C a ° f l \° ?‘ lk “““ftoturera |iee in the fact of the protection under whioh the trade haa been Buffered to grow np bating been out away ttilltbut a moment® warni«. ”d J ' l | b * , ne ' l * | eao oeremoniee of a treaty miii« h a’ii° , ih , 'ht or j OI ’° l * il ’ ! °* * stogieolauae to J mitigate the blow, actually gitea the Frenoh -v t k P r*' r ,- 10 incre *so the eniatingdu- P “„ b F wl, ' oh eillt gooda are kept out of muce. The cooetqaenoe it that millt which two montha back jwere working otertime; are now being rapidly dosed, while the operaUtee are thrown into destitution. ••Io many branchet of ihe linen, woolen, ho siery and ether Iradeh, there appeara alao to be a growtog eenae of disappointment, and a con tlotion that if specific are adopted instead of ad tolorrm duties—h point on Which they appre hend we bate been left fo tbo mercies of the Frenoh Goternment-moat of their anlioibated .m disappear. Meanwhile, ltd. ,1- leged, continue lobepreseedlnpon out leading commercial men to proceed to Paris under the nuepioee of the Board of Trade,! with. Uie hope or being jable to oontiooe the French Comm aaionere tbal fiberalily is the true policy. These initiations, howerer, faii in acme Instances to meet a sanguine reeponse, discouragement being occasioned by the reflection that if, nnr depulationa oonyinoe the Coramlaaionera, it will remain for them In oonsiuco (lie Emperorinnd for loe Emperor toj oootioee (be people.” r [Tr^COv; \r&O*JIIKTOMa. I KkPUDMTIKQ AN|IbdIPBhDIHT JODEBAL.-i-Thfi j “Constitutional Uoioo Executive Commute” cf Mirylaod have, oa motion, of Mr. Coleman |rel- Uu, repudiated the Baltimore Patriot for 00l be ing sound oa Ibe Belt and Everett question. That | truly independent j journal, however, lakes! the mailer very coolly,;aod aouounces Ue Intension to “pure ue thoeyea teoor oflla w«y, M aeif tiere Were do sack self oouetiinted censors as the members of Ibis (iommittee •ia existence, Io announcing the notion of the Committee,! the Patriot remarks: _ ‘•Wean re.liy.ery eorry thal Iho Union Ml ale hxecaiivo Committee, sad especially Ur. Vel lou, disapprove of bur mode of supporting the elect iou of Messrs.. Belt'and Everett, ami that they are bo afieolediaboul k as*o deem it nebes •ery.to deny to ue the common right ami privi lege ofeapponiDg those statesmeo for the Preei deoey ia our owowky, and upon their own uhble reoord as the reliable friends of the institution of slavery, not only io the Htatce where it Isjbut or ifs exlenetou into, free territory. If our course oUUtatea agamel (he Bell and Everett cans 2 in I Maryland it most tie Weaker than wo supposed it was. But the Patriot { a not to be driven fbom pureoiog the coarse it has marked out for! U «lf, by any eooh fulmiueliaos as those of the mate Uoioo Bxecaiive Commiltoo. It will gd on ! 10 fj®* l * ni l ■ Everett, io spile of the bp poeitltm of Mr. Teliott aod eonfreree, not at a Union'Party pap e r,!but as au Old Line Whig jour , i9 , l independent; and we trust and believe that our efforts will be oouateraotlve! of tbs. suicidalcourseo/Mr. Vellou and his abettors, wMoh fend directly fc/ioight, oeu sudherley in the SoatheVn pert of the iingdom will be ready for reaping and (he wheal promises lo be in pi. fnrlheeit* 1 V l ?i** |D 11 O*" 1 * per buihel, andja eofte lo 'an-lleot order. The i.i«Wee™.“oertat2 B ta!hS forlber elmilar fell would perhaps now have io be aubmilted to b, holder, deairou, of forcing • I *OO 111# Upper CotltfttU. J • j aiU coosUot •jw.lioo, »Ld taj oo* wUitiog u> £® *-**“• n witasss It raasitig tor cbttnmira*. It «ni L* For panknitra, loqalr* »t‘lbo mill to C V‘£? , , C " crn, J , * ,t ' 10 Mtochetltr , * 0 JySDUJ _£AU&3 ANDERSON. BUKCUFiKigD &. CO. Are Jiaaa Arym, which hte long beta the leading Itemacratio orgao ia the State, baa at last taken its portion tor ridge »od Lino. The Bearer Dxm Democrat bis Democrat ia , bboal to do likeatse, add * Breckinridge panel !10 about to ba started in Mltwaukea. Tbs Breckt ioridgtrs confidently eipcel to gel mere voice 111 Wleooosio Iben Ibc D iugUfllee, 1 bough of eeune neljbtr of ibem *ill bo anywhere 10 compared with (be Republicans. r ! old Wheel Horses ofDemoorooy, in Democratic Holmes, m an active Breckinridge man aad de aigno lo etlendibe State Convention, al Co lorn boa, oo tbe 7thc of Aogoit. Mr. Loadbollor hbt been one of the nnohaogable and unalterable foil ibo loat twenty years. Hon. Wm. H. Hifford, a 5 !Row, Domocr.no candidate lael year for Lleoi itoanl Governor, is on ibo Hoop tn Breekln irjdge and Lvce. Tbnv We go. - i M *-:j J DOBiii»n flays iboro I. oo regularly-! pomloaled Democr»llo candidate for the Pr.sl dency, and no doubt hb I. rigbf. Snob being .Ikflcaii. why flhould’l jail patriollo Democrats, Wbo cherish a greal respect for regular n'omloi lloofl, abaodon boib Breckinridge and Douilaa and goto for Lincoln ! ! 110 wa. not only reflag it^“r*m b T ,n b ” •*- I . Tea President's graoloufl declaration Ibal •every Bemooral ia at perfect liberty to vote as be thinks proper," while at tbo seme lime ha bbop» off tba beads of .Douglas men, reminds Ibo Boston Journal of the Prenob mililary effi cei’d flpeeob to bis oompony preeione tn an deo tion, —*‘i so art at perfeot liberty to vote u jron pleese, any one wbn doesn’t vote as I do wil’ be shot." Taxu vu an immense (urn-oal at Terra □ante 6n Taeaday, to i hear Caaelae M„ Clay. The Emm. estimates Ihe number at'-15,000. '! uepfeeedeoted enthbajum h prevailing.— npeecbea were made in (be evening, to very large by Mr * B«*»arek of this] city, and h ? Mr. Bromwell, of Cbarleiloo, 111. Brat mar Com* —Wank H, Firman. Esq .Mger cnria&itj by .11 •#,„], b j * lth 7b ere .re nos four rl».l c.e That’*light No i onion with Bqhatter Sovereigns or Breakneck*. i , “•aait pat. ,1 - +* •V*W*^»«. ! leir*.--.tt IBia ibe I i Jf^ ,B * l >W« *»»,fof.Fnnnonl, 44; Fllttor., a 2s±!' i - AU>°rongh Cantus >or tfct I b ‘“ «»<*PW«,',«nrluk«j- 'ipf Tit Greta Mtttar, mmole, disappearing behind e ? , n ? lou f* io tbeeoutheeeL It wu fees at f""*" •*- L 9W * h “ *» *> A'™ i'ori.-Bborlle be-1 liu OnrtV,m: k ’ ** l » °»'M' of greet i I dhWl™ r “° 7 P *f" d °’ w lki * «“T. “king «™;o CI °. frol “ eeet.. It tree Bret ob bj passengers °°^' d,r «»CU 7 ferry boele, to whom ile'p peered to beee ebot opt from behind the hoaeee! in eamething of a circular eoarea. It seemed *? °«r the City Hell Perk, when u rotnea into two dietioet beads, one shooting abud of the other, eod leaving e long train of oerylraia between them, timlier to * the appear* ancelof a rocket after it bad borst. The Ugh! wia pf dazzling bine end white color, eod . dor. jag Its flight it Ulnmioated everything in lie train;— W. F. Tone*. , i TAr Sight in Netoark t iV. 7.~Lul evening it! a qoerterof ten, a most remarkable and bjaall* fat meteor passed over onr city, passing from weeillo Last, over Market street, add apparent* ly not more thao one hundred yard* high, end ,h ® speed: of plgeone, without either deecendiog or ascending in its course. It appeared composed of two dietioet bodiee of equal) site, and enrmoonied by a very brilliant bine and yellow light, and if it bad been as* oendlog ae rookets do, instead of passing in k perfect horizontal direction, it might have been mistaken for an immense rbeket, both from its •fP«^T* ua * * nd the remarkable light It wav ▼lviblb here for nearly half a minute, and in Ite oonrsh poiuone werer thrown offlike spares fromlrocketi, end these portions,! instead of rclung to the earth, kept on In the seme course as tbd meteors themselves—*• these were thrown off, there teemed a (light explosloo, noticed by some ! bat not beard hy all. The meteor apl pcared »o altogether different from all meteore noileed before, that w« are at a lots what to eay aboot it and shall look for farther aeooaott with mnoh loteresL rbt CatairbU Catarrh!!! Catarrh!!!! What Uat How Cundf ( ; #od*©f pntjDi enffcr all eerie of ennoy .oee'from -Mo*t people know vrh\t lu loc-DteoleDe* toil yet but low kß6w bow It cun be aired. It i chronic Irritation endcftro rnlirgeoentof IbUicJr# U«jOM,t thlckecJoc of the mocoo* mmibraoe*, lining il uvitlee, elntieee, end nmatimea extending jtbroet au4 lung*. From Ible re»olt tlghtoeeeend rtlgo of tbe beed.obtttatUd oee\ or a prof ami flow r** ,OM of Knel, i »•»•! tjlcc, ead oftoe lonelre^ ' pod tut*. U school rased Ice lure aerer bum elite to do, toy V 1 * injection# *adlafaalttiof»areMpei&fat wndree* they ere gt Deadly wonfaleu. Yet Up*.' Oiteuw firianc, u simple Sugar fffl, tekeo two 1 ,,me * J* T <*•*. pwoptly corre tbe milder cuut boceell colde Id the besd, eod redicelly rftru, by log ore, the nnetoUUimiecuee.ee Up'oredby Ueur* of baadrale j |tltb foil directions,- ! Cents Per Box. i ! -* ! nl ' nuo«ur. Boxsopatuio Enema; wUbDoekef Directions, nod twentydifferent RsmedLoe, h> Urge Title, morocco ceee, #6; da, lu plulo ceee. $l. p.ailly! cueof flltero boeueitd Uiuk,|l ! bj tb. ,l„ g |, bo, or ca, .r. b, “> '*"«•. lube, •dJraa.oo nalbl of' the prlc*. AdJieee Dk. P. ETDUPa&KT A 00 >'•>> b, J-'ffio'tfoSS ?S?TV^^ gbruj Uty. 0. P. FLEMING end J. J. EAST - ’ |yl<:lmeowde«r Tbctju C*Urrb rmaUa i ■imply 11 •dJtodi < th« uni intothe oftia Te of rime boiling I6?"Mr9. Winslow, an experienced Nurse •ml FemaJo PbjakUn, baa a Bootbln* 8;top for cblldrao tabbing, wblcli greatly taellltaLa (U proceocf toetbiog eofioaing lb« tutu*, mloclog ell tufluumlioß—»Ul; •lUy all pain, and la aar» to regulate tba t«w«la. Depend i •poo It, mother*, It wilt girt rent to ;uor*-|rra and relief •nd health to your Infanta. P»i belly aafo la alleam o*a advertisement lu another rolome. s&*\ Card to Young Ladirs AND Oxn n^aiM— Tbaanbacrlbar wlUaeod (Jrt* of chaw) to all «bo(telra It, tbaßecipe and Direction!far ftaktnJ* Ample IfprfaWa Bdw,lbat will,in fttm two to elghtjdaya remove ritiaa and jioQghsM of tbaSklo, I*stld* tba aam* «a Ma gi* *s£2Ti , L lhoo iI M l)# —tfe«r, moot* aZd£a*il adrk*. will plem call oa©vartdmm(vrUb X torn poaugoj JAB. T MARSHALL, J>&3aidAwg Mo.MlCnrtoSuaKy NAwVo^fc &tobtttfßtmmto. ° MRS. JANE G.SWISSHELM Mils. SWISSUELM WILL LECTURE Y * I 7 K HALLOW, THURSDAY EVX iii£"-»,tb*.fltblD*t,lo»tb«ben*6tor bar creditor* Soldaet* “TUB FINANCIAL HISTORY OFAY MAItaiKD LIFE.- niMU*ijo» th» Lava »bkh gtraro tba Relation of tlct* hiaod mail Wlto, »» they bar* ba«a bapded dowo to .’ ■i* l . - i.i' ~ ' ; r.:\ -. JO Hi?} PECK, , i : , EIBBT PU.ICMUJM HA IB s:T 0 K ft, No 60 Fifth gt., next floor to BnlUlng. . V?u FBSNCITPEEfUtfEkY, HShJ?n 4 53 TOOTU and NAII, BAUSHM •uicD will ltd ft>M cbtapcr ibeo la *cy other rat*bi|«h« meat loth* city. C«ll and exuuiae the etocfc. Fairbanks j scales, bt Fairbanks & co., Phrenology. . T' 1 PHBENpLoarCAL EXAMINATIONS, 1 Wriltfcn Deiorintiona by »KOf. 1H1.K9, Vt £ " H-ift h itrSß, E^ rt ? J? 1 a : 2 "pffi?* Uonrr: ll*. to. to 1 2 io4p.tlua. Jjio-.fllm PS B 4® rfOTICK is hereby given lhat-we. OBOM* WakSJTo U ?l n , thta *ff "* J * n ' l t "®»l‘riid Ut T H ■ ll ,lj » •*«*. KnodVrhtttlM, bor* ac- KH.'V^n?^ t * d V thlh : PPWT BRffiW : . atjilfrtlj T Miborlie lb* Mid 0«n. W.£«iib W* *l 4,1 ol ! daUsjaod iYmburyA.Jaljll.J66u. f FLEMING BIW3. ol S‘ l iItESUSIiTj BUSINESS-amo WSOK of ''T* * “ uUu ®* M f** , »«!j to kwp » FpLL ale, [malt hops,; rf vs?r '* t H*7l “ l ! 1 »»'' lh * uJifilHSiL. J _J «*\W. SMITH. CTUItE j SUMMER DRESS'GOODS Closing out extremely g u M, M. R | j i fULL\ Per Gent, j ha the serifcSija close, in order to make room lor oar Fall porcbases. j | Our stock has been | j ' FXlij.y REPLENISHED, |JI thrOUgll jt(lO tttuoo, (mil <>011,88868 ot tin present time bony jYEir ' ! ■ ‘ i < STYLES not til be found tberthcro, rrbi. h no will MAKE DP TO ORDER, to the estiro 'satisfaction of those wbo rone fftvor us with a! call. . , Samuel Gray & Son MKRpiUNT TAILORS, NO. IB IS-lITTII BTBEKT. j Children’s Depart: : NOT .EXCEtLEDI BAKU A rSAIATI mcg»T« 00. Borage Hnbii ot costl Organ, iio Robes roduecd fromsl2 to SG i' do 10 to 5 do ' do i Bto 4 do :• Go ~ Gto 3 do 1 • do ■[ 410 .2 Figured Organdies and JaconoUs ot cost. |Lace and Silk; Mantillas Terr cheep. Received this aborning N E,- a| p p„lr l!aw nsi JJEDUUED MUCKS— BURCHFIELD tCO. •ra ■ellins , • ' rA&OYmiU | at coat' LAOE SlSmr^ 1 I 1,1 °° s, i L4lS2?nJ£iS dCOM * AM _ f t.MBAOJDaiU|DfIKrTd j utoO*l! ■ **«* «•* jB A RCfAT rffg,; _J*l2 WILL YOU BE ANNO.YKD Bir 5A T ?' U J CE - IhOACHBS, ANTS or VER o,:” ■J 01 }. yon tin t-ffjclnallj •iiciiulimte i HAT PASIjR IV 303. fLRMfNO, C»m*r M*tket iLmet and Liatn^nJ. ‘prejWnd by J? 33 EtOUK~sot>i bblfl. Kxtro Kiunilv; faoobWitstn, ■ i ; ;200 bbll Hoptrfoft i . J ; • i.ii : 5° bbU Rjb floor—tir uli b? !~"P r J. D CANFIP.r. ‘gONUKIES-jt -5 N.o. pncuu-tohinu. Si*i-2!?£W a ~ 1 “ W' l "' : Iro “l »*!'•. W OJO* ">•<■, Hroan.., *«“ K ' r '’ “r"'* 0 ' 1 “"‘■H - Jrl * 1 !■ OfiOK t UZS*B. yy u i il n ann ees 1- buroufieli) 4 co.l. ; : 'Until, for iklrn, mil lulurd lb JmMnJ “ tO BIIEINK dm sy T fishing tackle, „ r AMMUNITION, and. Sporting Goods ofall linliit. • OARTWRIGUT It YOUNG, No. 97 Wood Street, y AKD Oik—lU bblfl LardjUil, . '4«*. i uirotrcoos, MiioßMar*co, -** Jl »•••-•■- :• lairimi»nd metwtiA lt. JJROD^JCK, —500 bus Ear and Shelled Coro; ■ I ' - WOtmad* '■ *" E ■ : ! E 1 BD»T*K *»0BI«P0», v ‘ KiSSmlOuMSKurt. I. JUtti abknhßrmtUs.: ' If 0 op:sKr K T 8— ' v §,? MMKRDRSSS o oops, *°* clQtt3 6^ tlt otfemdy low,- -j ■ [■<_ ' CHANSON LOYE,T-t iU.kW.f. STOCK or MANILLA WKAP- Z l ™* Lr «I»>7 S I_?3 "■•**?» UUlioD* r «Dil Book tod Job PrloUr, - I '■•** ■ !■ feorttor Wood and Tb(rd yU. TJANREJIS’ (J aTTIe s, portfolios' ■filh* *nr MwnrTMJnm book*. atr<> rortmooalr-*, for 1# : W -*■ HAVEN, OUaklkxk MM-ufaeterwi , •r i cors*r Woodatxl Thlr«J tu. /^JU*«kSK. —2CK) buxes prime \V. K., , . 60 U>xta Qoaheo tad Utnal-orv, ' fc * j. b canfibi.d a 00. J - J '~ t ,j VUtt near WooJ FISH— 200 hf bi>lg.prime ! White FisbjT 1 'W il i Ukt |UrH»p, ! £0 tbls new lxr<# Mo 2 ilnJberel, j ; S!5 bf lb!i (J »’ (Jo do , ifi bb!» Dslllau]* Hefrlig—for tote br < •« j J.B. CANFJKLD 2 CO. 2TAKUU—soy boxes ;best PearTstarch> | X-l, ' ;• *T*r J.n.OANyiELPxco. 'WT’HiXJv LIMK—2oO bbls. Louisville, > JJ, for Ml* by * _ J > B3 ! J. B CANFIBLD * C*l. TjßAhLAfcill —30 casks, first sort, * -- for ula Ly f -J.B OANfIBLD* CO. 6O bbia. Siiper6oc Flour, frest i.» roa “ J *' ,n ~dr* •>* JAB. A. FKTZKR, i -*’ a ; corner Jf*rk*taod Fintrr. —lOO boioi rcry rich, a prime «•» Mn * 4rt,r,a iJo«t receitol tad forwl# bf M •' :j ;| nENRY a. COUIN.I HO W H BABY, if PPLETONS’ jcO HP A N I O^N HAND-BOOK OF-TRAVKIJ, *, f ° I! dMcrlpllon cl tti« irfooipal Clti;«, ToWb*. SJiHttrortfto"' l ° R " h " 1 *" 1 Roote » » f Win. D BTA ™ TI * OANiOAS, 1 WHO Coljr«I Miju. pap«r OoTtn. iO C*atr, Clotb. TJ Ctv . ROBERTS. DA VIP, >• 1 Vt Wony «t; • KBYaTuKB FOUNDRY. D ii *h a v |f, n oo n • MAfTOFACTCTREBS OF ; COOKi PARLOU and HKATINGr . stoves, I VMI 1/00 Boom fronti, lion Railing, Fcalw, Hollo* Ware, •n» • J-;_, Wa.tm Boat*, rlaia and.Fabcj Grate jFronte, Fender?, etq., College of aJI kledemadatoorjer. Warehonae, Federal Street, sone gtiaare from , p*ribeadoftbanewßoipeeilon bricira, . ■ - j ALptQMKMV CITV, VVM. JOHNSON, " r ! CEMENT ANI) >1 i GBATEL ROOIEIt, A ND Dialer in ROOFING MATERIAL B^raS‘,3 C M0 N P "Ie F ** LT f * **«■ Office No'. 75 SmilLfield Street* ; ■ ‘ | THttiborgbl Pe, rbolMlt* toJ retail lj t!,. •uilj«rh*l «geul. THOfl J. BU.STRR, Agi .for Fall Stock. LOVE, U tUthfl if. 0 A K 1) A.vjfl ■■ j | DKsiitAirin W. Si D. HUG US’, i 7 Comer, IHlth and Matkot Btft. a asForhnent ol Rin.su, ’ REVOLVERS, Meshannodcs,' . nun WMIMIh' • VS*'.”" IMiitisrmnu I wmmr X inrl£&'■ Ti *° frvorito reawt for WHITS SULfHui »ta«ppr*d*ta Qrad.Sc>. ' IPRiana i ! Mr 7»P&*«.fountain Atr.lovl*- «*■ ***&& ICCOMfODiTIOM *aJ • Good T»bl*, 800. ' ~ ! ‘ Ijj ■*<*: for Oreo* 18 LOW. ; } OWEN, ILXNpENIN k VISSCUKOr Spataoe, P*. F AYEfTE~SPRmGS. Tl'®4Hi s o < ; I L I ,^“i l : aiiDs uken °rer sssliisSspi iss§Spi ftrtrae—lt || .i* - * f h tinni | hovhtAih sssanAi i w»flcM*afcr,-wUh «bkhca»u ! oo> hiffiSf *i^.!Si ri,fc ? ,# *"•«•«»« cooildrS m»fom°VbC^frimtS* .!sL!il5 ,fr l'f r ,D »l*rl»8 «• to. nlitfutian u.i, •mboldiia bin topramla* entire tniu£!??i ,W J?** 1 * M r e " to •bWlng nntiu Oome Cb>r«« «04t0u.. Ail I. j® ' ,*, L AbrKKD MNJI.II.LAND. »po» gfl, IBW—J;6.linfl >; FejettcPptloym. P». TOaCH-IiIGST PROCBB8IOH! Banners, THANfIPAEINCUS, ic. N J M E-WVIiuKND U«a*gfrt*ni Oooumdt » ■■ApOHintOIUKAIi..:, ■‘HD.riTis'fltsis, tames m. balpii, : w .. •traps' o( ™*°Lt'aii < M?lk£ e 5K,^ V tp ' “”>“> V,„ Uu “**•“* »cti«. Butbu-jrr, *t), > W.1M.0 . , I, J,s OFFIOI OS ANPKRSON STEKtT. Alt klct* of IETTERINQ and;’PAINTING op Id 0.0 B-d Bljlu iu>d at the Lowest Price*. J-- w. &RAFrOPI. PAPER DEALER, * - -VO. 147 TTOOO STREET, , . * r v '««» ->W. : PiTTSßuaan. jeLMyd tf A sn paid rbit racp. I»COKL*,&, SUHULZg 4fc WALTJtn, wi«cr«(jTOkiia o? COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IKON WARE -VND DBALEBB IS Cutlery and Oooda, * A'iD BLOCK till WaRR NTwea raw OU| EV“ »AHR, W.ITSR CuOLKKfe, WAITERS 'I *nlert •oUdUvl fimji the trade, and promptly .hip iMtrectW 1 : frts*»tlT MV. oii4kuiauiiifi7wTuir” CHAUWICIv. tc BON, DKAI.RHB IN Paper and; Rags, Nos. 1-19 and 150 Street, PITtSBDHOn, pa. A^Wr» t .i.lug Paper at manufacturer*’ prlcea Tha blab|,wt mrk,! prkapaldla caeli fir K.g«, 01 d Rope, nr. aOTiIKIU! ! „ lho , rullowi '>g teatjmony to‘the sue c«m of Da. Eatohs limirma Oot d al: j ; Di Joljr2oth.lBi9 Pl*“ore lo Cbrttr,lDg ioioap«fectb«r®l«« | .i , *w , [at , Jtfficac/ of roar labotlie i 1 H fo my own family, and Mfa aolloN of •»Mod?a3 V« g a"r o»o»Hy kept by Qroctrm^ 1 12? r?.* d i JOU - V L-UOOSB k cS, Ja7 Oormr SmHhatld and Water tp-. P/tt»barßb, Pa. *L e ?'® orfe aWutiinnriUß. • 'Crii ss p t SUPPORTER |-J£RMA DISEASES AulllßrtriW ptmphhr coouinlnjf twUcnUn nil HicHißoaowfa IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS *n C?N8 5 fe I th ß^ 0F Ricii ARI)SON'S UN od with the fall seme of the flria. •• “ . ml . J. N. &IOUA&X>SON t iSotfB AiOWSCf S‘.fe , J.“ fcrfor >" j i'■■■•• ■! ,-. ■ (,:. j.j.dravo, ir. A. i»jum -i ]\r i. 0. MOLASSES-,IUO hf.' bbtli eboiM X™ « Pliouilao oa cciuUnovDt«□>) formJ* tj „,» i OSAF? * TJLft^OIHU, 9UB-±2OO doieni jiawitHf aaaßtlw for i : f (■'• \\ i .;.; '- J ■ !• ■if : : . ■" .^ imp liiii cjK'ha»guy “njttxl I.J mikloc MiSi «t£. fJV r Z” “» ««■ 4 1*o lh# Ist IU7 of -AugtigJ Sikb *»» r °*- or * w ’- "rttfMßMi* of tb« tm* *M«ncrt cf the i-iJ* « •affirmfor tb*cor^ut£§i& W" set l *,ihmfiir#, inlj(u44t|woUiti!tii i■« ». »hi m«y fr«t«f griqTKl »«[W Bnil!£, t -£^ fof fch« current jn*r, tb» *ffliiV|tr*o,,i»3TV* U>elonlloaac».Kfjrelti9(^i^ller t ON Jtt BEVuubtiik 5&2 w#** to 1641 d Nb( Irofc ill* ATra^MmT^t eu,Ub«mL : SjK? uUaSfctt. krrht®. i_9if |_ !•" Oofitrxillv ' ' 1 . Of nci Of riimikt io* Co, •£ JolyiiSiL, lsea i |Jj&*DIVTDEND ;NftttriCE.-rrthe, Mononca "M* bel*Rsrl(C«ilai>'CoKjgiAr batclibh &lot 87 p||jt Tiw Gu 04,?1b JolJ, IMW. && Trustees of "The MbS? hwa thirdly dtcUrfd ■ wCR SUaIbB *n Oi# Oipltal !»>*» to Stockholder*. or tbeir it the [NBce of the Com* ’-OAMES iL CORtfiTY, i Ornci or Pntu PltUbargh aw Cjcq DtTldtadof TWO LOLIiA! of tba Oomp«nT,]pX >K»CrvprweDUUTw.OD iti P»nf. ' ; T -, j i 1 or NfcW STUCK IP®®« coiiMNT.-Jnti u IPT4^.??JK "s#sk%&!&4« *%®£* 1 ; Brotowian, 4 >®utautoto fog .Cream of: Tartar, A! NKW, UEALteySASD CHEAP AR- L" ?’ hr BIJMSiKJM .o 4 «tl .fifth. Of nqolrlag tba dm of TRMT. I '■ .SZjX™" «* rewrite h cot a dh»g bat *b arUdi 000,1,0 S & f h * e‘*“ V*rl*B* a t to at T*rur—ba«M to ihi ta eookijir—UeVapfr Jhfcftml b Pf>jp«K>r qn*Ji^ oSmt ,^ A “*? f*l|w»k»uc* fof»s*rth*awb«i C«*w of Tartar la dmS- Ae&!}cfa>Cti*m!ata, of JittWL 1 * a gl*»d all fipvuitrptn wbo b 5£ JNw«aaaj'MKl 1?: fytjij* ■ •a»?0f Ml« by Droftttit* (MUI flrocora jCTOifrmllr.' t£ss!F '■ *• N *r“ *'■■ Wbilt**l« Oftlcrf j: 1 -j V; | . ftfeljf t\ SONS, . j : 1..:i Arc-li Philadelphia, . I :•$ . .Jllffii”!?- ".nw p+*" to top. »*B**»> - • n i. "!»• j;i' Jo.jia, &<£ antytd, ■•. ■ \StSmA M i a &°/r ? ypiAr*' i Ko *‘ a pW*£rt»*rrjr*ir««i, ... ■■ i (/Jl* PUILAIiBLPUIA. r.STiIE!?* tr ° «>H tsrtmu, it lew « n g aP«» MMVW mlm »uU--«m*ii mflu tb«o ppoa limits Hr*» P j |r;| ipfasaH T)OMAN CE M * goSK N MA le: CE * .n BNT * CALCINK P p|.©a , Jßß,aßooNp plabtcb, • c * tYhdcsaUattd BftaO, •& hi£ t*»h prtaiVbf 1 v ,* w • ma I. t Non& Wc,t -WnWw tUtZIM- i■ a. BON 8. ■“ ■ IJIPORTER3 or!: Sii; :’ i" i J.._ KA.V^iibto/eHs,'■ No. .1 f Booth Front r •*»*• -agscy. Sf,’“ °’ D '“*S |lU ;«J >')• *»j ..Il«n I. lutHeJ ■? ~—'■ iLSj'i-L. li;i [ J. B. KOufcfe CO Flour&nd Provision Co-jinufisipn Merchant*,' >JVb.2ia Xorik FineStleet ■■■ ] - -• .1 ' m '„ r '“?*• B " t ’ . • £j i ‘j*' s 1 " &sDsb li. *!*» OiEDS lath* «»*&.<£ : \v CftT( f for Mounting P&t%raph Ijjiturea, ‘ >Of Superior Qu*Jlt| *nd >0 Low Pilki, ■ Sue am£ WkVeanifme Wtf-rf ffcj&Bbard*, Boards |. dig,pn handtalebj *!' jNCK, ofPb‘ijift)elphia, i*i]l be in p o n s u ii ‘0 I o tf, l '* t P COBPLaiMK Jjw dyspepsia, i : S . V ■ ' j... 0!, ./2;;.. ' : f ;; jMONDAY AI^a^BSDAY • J “ n * “* |fikuMsjt #Ss:“SSt§s|j£s S»ws3«i3!ffl3sg¥ Scbrnck, 4uo »mel»dj!dlb£ji* Uc&rA i ul kAw??^' fgftsgagttM £SSk?. f iS?i£ ,,,tlo, £ D< * # ' ?i o iu twfiS&tSSr!' Scbenck e ttfeUidpee, wheat l £est#(Qs+4 to tkkfl ih*m l *2**J | *•» t'Unodnko TOUf’-tift rtybotfST Ttw* "l* t'»JJTer coropUlcf %1&n sotblng tfhi Wooij bclp bff; Q«f »kto «nn MUo*;«ut-*&6 eofieredfiiocb o»b« kind* | eijoo - * ,ook 50nr fckVemade -f5 »* l *m * Br ** b «^ oy? nrnfci&a ««#. I 2 ft niedlefdnJllJJ r J* B “X •Lr*T? ■?s*! l K r **? m *o> ; < , «»»ob» WTachwel'k ymdi firtsßCMft,ii»j2iib,igeo. p ;/■! ... j ’\ ANOTHER !i ■: :&] ',' '! aa*g*is&s«r l |o “» nod U Uk» lmjwc,Tcd toy : It wocld (a oa ftbort* Unj. I \?*P«Ud M fc*w4 tfoßic" •ud.-Paiodt figftl.SMk tU tOMbdU* I#tl bottle WWI of**Pnl»coteS|rop , ‘by •if>rU»^T?^i^., c i! w l , bolts * cnrrlu# of lt*t tb* eflleoij B f° r *U DR. 080. fl. KRV3RO lift °- ‘ PllUbuiHb. “ “***“» m , c fc' r , amAtbir dma »r i: •. ~ J uJk“.ciS‘ ■<- (tOODII 00* Tjootlnff •Minlm' , < * U*: llllllp a«©wS^S».sas thin r * nd *«Uh jnofd,Md nni itroDS»r ta«a i*u ufen> r took tie i=: ■ 1::; i ■ * &■■.■' ” a wirjqff, ; : W( . A* SJo*er, Nlmlsk A PG.^ajwiw ’ ne*t PitUWirah, M*y 80,150®? '• • ! "■ - MC \ V* **** tta for au t J *OW &«* i tn mart to Mr noil ptrncAtftaA maehuurmfor i tfa fiuplacinpitf tyn&tf wuck tA« miijanr* .eakboMn +iaif\jji&fd ver/gcOf u. ~lraffnf. Tkl« oroorspiKr a /e m, . it Ugh{er t ?stt isftUor , May cawia mabyto£ilK>» £ml»y atmyteccompmaiaeachM i«, •*notm«4»BAfcAPiD*»/«r#<»»Kuaw|i <4p«lW*. . i < «9-X>R. oed. 11. KKXdciL tortnySledi. . danloPittobcryb. :■-••. ••■• !■:■ ; :;•• ’JeMtfr? - I?IiXEPknFIIMSRY— ifjNfePißfDM^ .. KR7.—X alii thli dry la receipt c.« - a Bjirga lot of-flav Perfatscrj, ocnkktlDs of Pwßixka. RaItQIIb. r»^>. Md BBglnb RfJrecU Ur lb* *tc < Al*o,■ BpUwlAI aMortiß*nt of Ij»vBiw Racliih^nlr' Bnubm, Toulbj-OnutiM, rr«i| nroyteii, FIoA Cra*h*oj*nii Tbnrlng firaebeb, fpoctre, »nd « tsn®rtmeot of Bomt JKoibehTflielSospe. ' -•« TV-T* Truss an i* roar.—om'vmoiiT 4 ofita.fflwrt “>«<&s«fltaS&^SSKS ffsxr" cfita "« «*<* WpSS™ oiuoriijr nSt I ** BSSSSSmSJf ■ g*grgmnnr USB™® I**- 1 **- fe- amusements rHAWKia* SAIOOJ, ■ 'nASKtrs aiu, ? th *t~ °ppo«ltß t*itUbursbTh o atr«,. “d commodiotulUU-i» now TtouS-T? 1 yew msßLg bidnmutp ■ •od U oi£*f *b* ®r, l «lr, comfort ltd cw4a|.S!£*u ?l ,lr * 0B * r ** •* *&*• lh* WeaUru BUtM. Ttct >o r tl>l * :J - lf«qi»*3 la of tk* p»yotw(« to •wst*)i eostjoattfow ‘ fo«i >nd wwni thn 00 *»h a«tooo bwto- P*J> to Jbtlr comfort £Swill b# Oort, OnfrPutat*, Cb*Jk »od fcii M^T rtichh. cwutopowof« «• n«:.. m*nat*enjm l awtK4» *u prlr*» * ,M W ud ti ib« " ~ ——. *»Hid Q HATS, CAPS, :s x a w o.o'oij ! CHILDHKS'S FAUCY HAT*’ * la frMtttaTKlaiieaudfttmttlmta pric«a, : i!l j. H. Hilloiman & Go.’a, 1 i rABHIOHABX.Il 1 HAT BTOBB. _ ' No. 75 WOOD STREET. I’KBTU.— SAVJS TUBQI is giSuriA •I 11 ' ■ b “"“»™ 4 It-Hltß ?!?*V l o5 r «?S'.«'' T ”J h ‘" m '« « v J O &;£ Pll ADA U 8, ': - . ■ P s W * Iff, No. 97 Wylie Street, Pittsburgh. jasaaasAy,^ HOIMEI, BUrcfTHmM. IMMHMRB or FANCY GOODS, 341 SroadwQyiNew Yorkr SAL "-< ■ a lasqe, ruu M# TlU>|ltKTU. tWrlMttl of kiuiu Vllinv & , SL£3S.i ,, 2. OJ BL«m«rt,dariog Um m**oo.v. Anodic theirkloek-nier b» foQQi dmHj oil tbs Near fltjita oih) f n j| tja** or * • Silt Braid Cap,, Bair Xtit and OiiVT.™., Faan, na\r Ptnt, (Siiß6ijiiii(i'or*aa«l», Slidtw, . BfU BufkU* and Clatpt, (Jill, £c. Silfj''Watch Guards, Finn Plated Chaim, s £jaio{ Pint, Brushes, GtirUrt, Dress Buttons, Fancy Belts, Steel and " ' Gilt Jeietlry, Button’s Accor- • ■ (leoi.tfdcd'c., AU of which they offer lo the Trad* *t the kvut mrtet ■ pilceeeitd-oB the moet Utwret lettne. IBi9. UiUimort tDdObio Railroad 1'0.,185»,’ Tub BALTIMORE ouio KULnoAncoupiNrMLW^P9H *f® DO T.?^? p * r * d Wreceleeead •uTwerdliereheodiaeaeJA* tbroogtr Villeof ledio(toe*d (roe* - • • T~ w **^*“* Plltibwgb th« Ca«l«i« OUlta. , ffyoUed to U VboHtf»Tor»LU >ith »h*„ A | BkwJ**,, .&,*,£ v , - » ; i Alter Doom. ■ - rBIUD»U'USI,* .. v * SlSp, B 2. 1 In P *Ss r?d to °®£ fb “* ,»* t»£« M lOW MHr Kaclgrs omnohctann, uxt.v* K fit* tbs uiblte to cslltiU •xublm for tfeeawlTOK. •’ ‘wu'.swisw. . Ooratork eontlata oC th« Toltovlog: | .9om*o Otodls* oosusoa from 1 ball to 10 tAitc oi. J*L S,.«4omd drf do B*7 Boei*u, |»l*ia from 1 ox to 16 «.*; 1 tails, to** 10 " 4 «“■ Satp.nu, f,am v Ught*,trota2 esto 16 or, . • . '?• Ulocs of Bun, plain from 1 ball lo C bslU- " i ; do. _ colotadfroaitMiiu)Tol&oaoM> - t otto^tc; ; 7oijfblU!ou,fromlfo.l toKo.fi; ' J Plover Pots, fraaoittebtoBlccb- ~r ' ’ ; Scrolls, from Ho. Ito No. 3; /• .... Ho Wheals, of ail stssssu colon* ' t«rpenUorChsMft,oJann t «; * • 7 : jssssstissr “*■ s '»£ Biotas Sanaa * s® less: The Kew Woritf; JS DELIVERED TO SUBSCRIBERS tt TEN CENTS PER WEEK. U»tb ymr irdfct* with JOIIN W./PITTCOK. "SKj Fbiw.ifi.i. otaSU SVr GiM-nrconcjVNcm Depot,' 45 Fifth Street. jj9 'LffcAYORINQ fcXTHAOTtf:- COX’S BPAKKU»OO*LAtWfc' " FARINa, TAPIOCA AND MOO; PURBCRIAU TAMAR; : rant CASTGK Rod BWBET OILS; * - i•' ■» ; . , LIQUID RWO»*T, * ' ’ , BASIKQBODA, • ' ,W • •• ' LSMO3BVBOP, v; , v Q9PP4IULao4 LCGffOOD, H.rlnr Srror*M« faiciUtiM hr partU«laf 1 v PUKE AED GEX VINE ARTICLES, Bitm fton IrtwwulM. Kut-ro it ft, I Cta DM,, ORtf tbj ibbNUtf tTtf)U||B( (In |g tM Dag and fatal MtdMat lint. M prfcM u low If not !<,«„ ILin na U f.aaj tlmbui. - ■***»*- • m stu&H jonnenm, , c-onxr Ha>Ubß»M ao44U) Ms> OEMOVAU ' u W. S. BAVIN To tbs corner of ■ Wood and Third streets. ‘WISH TOR SUMMER PANTS • - —mil ,i . . . GOODS FOR BOTS' WEAR, m great varjety , ‘ttdtery cheip.mt c v' - BORCHFIKLD w i CO/B,' " •"* Osrmr lfuktt W iJwDKIESkOK BALK— - TOatUCO-ffltAUCulurtllrT UATS—looobn.oa h»od «od Utrillag \.v: *v>t; •' to wr»t#r»od M liootyii.- 0 LOS 1 tt~U O 0 T o I. in. n « ALLOFOB* • s.UMM RR STOCK" **>' i OmS. 16 "*"* to C ° St ’ Q v i. is 10 * _c. nitaoti : toT«, r< n«»m«t. •■' ’ h *ry*t r braa ( | > <| |n«p*c*too—fer •*!• fcn&* Hri "VS**-7 J.B. CA»fl*tl> Jt 00, > -J*' ' .••■ - . flat «trm a«u.V«d."v: ■ FLY-XAP&K,- ; i { rLTIMPSP—'' ■* * u > o to* afUda of fljrPapar eaa ml van bo cltrad at '* CTONJS WATKK M Wi—BOOO ,ard»Trnm 3sto»ioci,c»i,i> re> fo ru i, bj vvywaairom 1 “ 7 - nxmvr u. ooLrtNg. IUTUIUCUIMNEY TMllMudilHa.br'Hhby'.-. v«n ' rr2u YJ l . i # Qalena tca~a and fur nla ==-rZ_. Jyu neitKT a. ooLLni? SUPERFINE FEOUiWUU hhl« -*. ‘ - "gsasggagfct^: M° BE WlU ' A *’ pawn's— - ■ , f - Kinramtna more or Uum BWBinJHtgW V !>■. i ■ *****nsi tijW,^,. fl UEK 32r~ rre,h arrival,or 'Wertehi^KeKS' ■ .7 Baca a LinAß-'v,. S^?^« CK - ffai!AT - 75 b “»- l*****^' ' ■MgfcO and Wtm ata.**; Tl ■ /!? ** cf -; • -‘V ■ •,.. bfrU* Fenaa: v * jvi , w^m* rf TOBfigggf ALLtODKSY.