.... - -,»T • ‘k ■. • tcinnu g.yimf i ? . ..-fam, ■] R. ,R BHbTi « •CO'?; . fit irons '-ah o' p&tipß, iT~ nir . ‘ > • : S-XTT’ f BIDAY Mr abraSaiv OFlLLrada. • vos tick pß&ixiEjrr, HANNIBAL HAMLIN EleCtOM DC v. . lIOS. JAHE3 r Uo*. TfIOHAS 1 CdiTßft! IX Knight, J 3 2 tobartP.Kfst. 1* - IQwjßaaA, • 18 4 Unhurt U. P■■< ft ftrwocf* Y.'Cfarlat, - “21 10 b«rl4Moaa«,jr. : »j . It Dtfld Ta(|irt, ; « . : II ThwnM K> floU, '-24 I • - *5 John-Qm tOl OOVBSNi HON. ANDRBVd j I JAKBB ft. ntd [ ■ fok ri Dmaicr [; : ROBfa R T MoK u I q-.tt fa*:"' . THOV4J WILUAkarAIH-W^^' - CHABLM L. 00*na»(US!gL ! • : :■■■•.>: ,AtUU* D *B Hi BUBNB, riadUy ! ‘ 1 :__ - witiiiuj/BJoifjfßSSjJ Tm^c .„ WStATBUrP.^SSji,^. ' . r ::' BE3MKTT ‘ T‘ a mioowis; rMSSSST* '{ , r Tho ObJ,e* «t th« DU»i>l c ,iuU. :■ 'g Southern Seseielonlels'nre conducting the e»BU»t for Urn purpose of secu ring the eleotlon of knoTUiot Breokluridge hu bo • chance,' but boo his name to {(in their,cause B • *? OI ?, , ? r * ol * bl< appearance. Laoeils the bob ‘hey’want. la their hands 1e would bo a eup plo BB well is BB unscrupulous tool) sod they lt. This desire on Ihtt ■ part should bo • powerful Inducement to eiery conserrailre and patriotic cltiien In the country to glee hie heurty . support to the nominees of il>« Chlo.go Conren- Hon-LUiColo and Bnollo-jiho aro the only . _• oaadldatss that hare achanoefor an election by lha paoplo. A Booth's easiest inCongress »onld oßdangar our InsUlaUbiis morn than years of •posUlob fraa (he dloonlo'nlslsorthoBontb and if that oonleot should terminate intheelera lioaof Lane lo the head of (he gorerhmehl, no language oan deserlbe the dangers which will ■Benson the oonnlry: Lane is k demagogue, and dow;Bot possess s' single qualifloation'for so re- . Hols an llliieraie dema gegßß, too, without any proper standard of mor - Wlty, and Is emphatically n Wpreseotatlte of bar-room poUiiclans and political tricksters. Coder hta administration the country Would not on y lose the respect and confidence of our own oiUseoe, but it Would 6ec4m.r. by-Word and. a reproach among alt ciriliied nations. His poHpy would be deetrudtire of our best interests -Itwonld open our ports towlaro-traders, who . b,, * in ' M in dtfianoebf public sentiment and the enactmrnis [of Congress—it • : *°jW.P>dogs the country into aggrosojro wars wubnelghbo ring Slates—and it would inaugurate an era of oomipiiou and renaltty biiheriu uo . kna wa ln oar-political Mmory gUndor the rule of th|srpolltioai profligate, ihd uuioii of* the Btater, bow janlyreg ardodas hacred by erery . PBiriolioitesri, would aopn.bewin. the inures Jf ,■ oppregslhn aud . wrong nsbard.to endure as the ratlosl despotism .oaths face efitho earth. TVilhiuch a possible calamity threatening the future df ilia,country it would be irimiiul to Ihrowaway.roles in fator of inrigniliount or gaulrat loos,: which possess ns other power than that of doing mischief. Theeohfllot which we erenow entering is a contest for the Union In US original integrity against traitors who Would undermine and destroy it. . If;Lincoln is not eleofed to the Presidency by . the people, Lass M rWually plsoed in that oilSoe by thsdis unlon majority in the United slates Senate— l* ? 6 * .direct issue, and before It the petty oonlrations of candidates and fictions sink into Instgßlfloanesr If Bell, Donglssor Breckinridge should carry erery State tbeir psrtiieos claim for them, tl is morally certain that neither of .theta can be elected to the Presidency. juinoolß ’* BOBdidate in the field who : has a chance fur election by Iho .pohp’le; and fortu natelyifor the country his standard oftoniroalao- Uon ftßs elsTated as.his rule of personal BisUon. He'has nerer entered into the demoralizing echepioe of corrupt poUUeians,[ but Woe eser stood.beforehisoountry a giantiopolilleal honor aud»,patternjn moral reotitude. If we sin cyrely deßire ; p»aon,fortho.oounlry in thefoture I” 1 etraestla oar deprtotlloß of Motional agitation and excitement—our I ouly ooures is to ep direet our efforts oe ito end »ho oonUst in Horember, and thus present its i lr *B»fersuoo' to the halls of ,Conjjrese. Sxcueioxim.— Rumor in •Mlfoing li> Breobiorldgo and Lane Iht friend, ■ Hip end.ynptlhy orEx-J>reelaenU>i e rct, «u *M .'ewowTUiireeeatly ... wr i^U n loiter Id hi. boeomfriend, B.F. Hal oymptthl.ing »Uh klo jo hla - ejeoitou from the Baltimore Conreollon, la wbioh ho anooaoccM tie prtforenoe.fi* the o.n dlilelep. pf the. Southern Dlianloniote. At the etme lime the E.-Pretlrfent deploreelhe end t ooodiaoa ,inlo wHoi hie' party he* Wien, end • k mildljenggeeleUtt ttihloftiroM badah they .. . non be, thirle no timefor indnlgence in crim inelion end recrinilneUon. J. H&S. notion it the metier, jnppeelng hint lo here »ny fixedJdee on the reboot. It, Ihel.the Donglu min. ehonld . drop their oendldtle end nil J In rep'port of hie ftTorlte-e ooaree which in hie opinion will me Item: from reaping e "hamel of ngteu" Inihefalare. Poor Pierce hu to iongrobmit led,to:.ftmlhorn dlolitlon. thil be ytgerdo eiy 1 ® rendering obedience to be, et tome thing UtUe ebort of mirtl treteon. I» if of . ’ TOy little eooeeqaenee, hcwerer, which tide he . mey lobe IS the ccnleet, os there in not e hem lel in the lend that would permit Itnelf lo bo in- Soenood by ehy opinlone that he miiht tee proptr i to ezpreot onaoy political .übjecL Inhlel,,. tT h * edopie the petition of the w “hiojton epeeoh, that there baa been no nomination uadaln aooordanoe With |h. ret.bU.hed mage, of it. por j.Z therefore democrat. are not bound » a poUUoai Orthodoxy, to enppart'. any partiTpiar candidate. |lnt he .Ignifla.ml, nds.f P ■.■ M^®det three.dronm.innoe. it would meeaoreibgjr if on, friend, i o .mft the land could nolle e.rneeilj .od dorduu, i„ the eUpport of Air.. Breohinrldge .od°Gen; b.oe end thn« ineure for onr o»a.e«ige«i:eicior>;ibut thta oennoterro be hoped for Whit theu ii. to be doee-with n reenlt ee repugnant io oar w|.n -■ **• t‘ ie Of leee ooa.eqneooo to diecate who wefe right •pd.wha .were wrong- nppo the qoee ■ ■ “•‘•Tl’mebowlheDemooratlo party, whioh nailed le inrleoHle, pap arret theoelemUy of “. - While It would’ bt F«»hneie to iotennit effort for the 'right, then li neither wiedom.nor ’oonrage in LwihiS?.® ® ,tU »•**«* “• emb.rrutm.nlo * il4 A bw,t ?nr party, nod the dengera which oulr Iht only manly Idee on • which to Ht loi‘thing, arc ,bad, ana mayjbe wofM» Jny-liifc iht bietslot of God. vi »iu' iry to.makiuh.n. better.’ ft HI «„u* tt i. ®° tloeft* orimlnetion and rooriminatlon amonr thoaa who orpeot hereafter to need and (c hart aaoh lheanpport of the other. It cannot mend MM*Pr«*ent—and cannot failtobadiaaalroo. to (he fulure. Bo who tehee " a dlfftrmt riow, and aele upoa it, wHI oniric oumoiate a harte.t nfregret* by oltofing aoaU mretelo be explained quaUH.d, or rentllnd, nh tree, lnde»d, he U niready at tha -half-way honin’. . (wharo no mauy.haro atopped temporarily ba.';i fere,) only to rrenmo hie march, and take ttf place lo thereake or ihote whote oplnicniaaS> ' omiretore.-fmea la jodireoj antagonlem wilhhia - B^bM^Mwi.^llbo'ErPre^ienlwlih gUUptnll^eili^BOpfdpUafwi^yftyitg', Tfc* Crop** Bew Wheat. —About See Ibouiend boehels of oew wer. and will hare barf Z " ° m or °P beford the autumn eel. «, p "ce™L*X! Iu *•■*•!* rn r ••i 4 '? b *’« *>«« bnay .and ehonta ibo w-athor «** ‘heir grain, heretofore, la .f„ d„i?h.*T ** £?S r » W » *• bowsed ihew^e.t T^nx“:'\v‘ be f*r atm b»vp »btiad%bi B au»« tVl'***’ our a plentiful reward ofrbclr Übb r b ” k,ul ft t i oug orops Bra blm „•• * *b#ooru*od ererjiblog Id the vactUbfe ]iba'^ll 0K ~ rloV.°r P BM , * Un '* laat year haa b "P“'‘ , .‘ b ’P» bl £ »PP«U«■> Ui.4 K *'*» *«• Chiral Spri.*6«U on Tueed.y laet, , lil ““janetion; with the Pieeldontlal elee ““ ,k * Republican nominee, for elate offl cer *’ M f*oged apian for a ejatematlo and rig orona oampalgn, aofar ult oonld bo doaa al the prtaent lima la acoordaaee with thin pro p*ooo, appoinlmenla wtro made for Judge Trttnboll, Mr. Valet, Mr. BweU, Carl Sohnn, Jodga Hattanrtck and other., extending (a the nlddlo or laat of August. It wae juatly deemed adeleabie by the committee to expend Iheitjforoe drat in tbeeo Domooratlo.loealltlea in the centre and South where, according to allanoonnti the people are beginning to think that the Republi can, are not all Inenrr.oUoni.ta and onlthronta and are ooxione' io hear eomethfngio behalf of ■T 20. 1860. INCOLN, Largt, 1 SLLOCK, m. nows. 1 ffsada B. P*nnln.» Wymm Merc or, ' ‘iwgtßriwlw, 4* B. Shup. I>oW 0; H*rr, 8«aoel Olivia, ■£**rOow«n, Wljlim JfcKeeou, jioba M. Blrtpurtct Uuim Kerr. i*fc**rd p. Robert*. Soother, CURTIN, sunrT" or St - Itotns-dfetuier Wh, ° h * a ‘ h “ «• £^;// P r." n T z°ouAr^“«:‘: • “ **• lh « PI«M cf the grand reunion, ud lh “ ‘he front of the prooesslon t.rad P„„.?S S!, # ' h ', l,u ' r - before the rear on- S"'?*!: 11 ' 11 '' "“I gim eoae id., of it. Stf •il? I*' 1 *' ~ ktn, w * * l * le *“ oonnection with it, th»t tne route emhraoedebeinttl etreet to Fourth s, “ a '’ Franklin .Tonne to ■ N ‘? ,h 10 01iTe ’ Woe, Cheenut ud Merkel f.”'" 1 "* Lo °M M«k«‘ by. eeob n( the four Mretle, esery deleg, lion or the twelre or fifteen which constituted the procession, headed by its •« spirit stirring bud. Arti.ed ih.r.f th. scone wrarntguifloent Before »nd .11 .ruud the sperter’estud-whioh, by the way. wra brilliutiy deoorated— stretobed ud surged t*ra nira Mil'S? Te h ° h * h ' b *“ ner * “ d ‘rauspiren cies rose like the meats end rails of ships; while iens"who had' ,o . ,roand,d by dark m.eees-chl- Unn e P» rl " ! >P««‘i i" the demons™, iief.’ b r‘ ‘hem sympathised with its ob jeots. Leery eminenee in the neignborhood .Iso th ‘ h " *^ Dl PS‘betio ud the ourious, r«««r.led estimate to say that twenty thousand human beings were present when Sarnuet T. Glose, called to lb.'chair. T *“ d ““ir'rsal apppl.usl °*iog to the lateness af the hour, demised solely on Mr. Blair. We but repeal the h^‘nr. m dM a'" 5 ' 01 ’, * b " > ** Btt J that noser in 5?. , i f * d id bo acquit himself belter.: Theexpli ° bis political slews whicb P be made,rendered the contrast between him and u * bo d °«* not dare to say for whom he will sole for President, exceedingly forcible than “in-1? *» M r. Blair’s supporters himself, Whose candor, sincerity and “,n b ““ d * l L 0W 'P’* 1 adsantageously by the side 7a 1 M ** rdlc ' «r duplicity. Sure ’bo tgnores great issues in such a critical time as tht«, and stands by nothing h u i hi own meal, land tu reality, fictitious griesaacea mtlVn P l ° 1113 re P r ‘ ?aent *it' f e of fhis sre „| citjio CoDgrcap, or*Qjwhere clfe. 8 DISTRICT, )RHK'AD of 0./ kl ', Ml3 ’ Lm ' l) ' deugb.er if-?:? W P«« l '''. commaoder at Cewnporo be row lb* macsaere, floemß lo have been deSniieiv Some mon.ba .go. it M® w r ,liU »t*b 'be eo«- »r wdo.wu laid to have carried her cS and that •ho Willed l 0 hide her sorrows and be'rehauie A “* li,e W- *»“ baa been irac.ng bee fate for aovefal moDibd, baa learned l.m nff fr ° a u **nporo by Ni tarn All Kbau, Helhau, a eowar or Katupori. A fellow -trooper ibua desoribes biln: Are 22 fe.To “'k' * , f *' r com Plexiou, bigbl .bom 6 reel f tnebee. long noae. dark ey.a, nears a Tj'iPVr'' l m ° u “’ cbe ' TH eieiera.nt i„, ibaa ibio fellow. oaa accompanied (rroin Cawu pore) by bit, wife and eieler: bn' Ibai, on e ,mo 'eking ptace among lb.ni all one bight bio wife became .aim,*.,, f rou , tuli ,J 4l Iberenpon In tee. and killed the young l.dj Imo I * bM1 ' r .) *® ‘beyungle. and out her body Jlw.k * r Suob, 1 beard, Te„ ,h« ao oonnl lbe y gave of him, and that they had also bit bT'.l perW “ ll "” on »K*r >b 'be batlle at Boomal In a very miserable manner. •_ Gaminitnl’a Poarossa.—Thal Garibaldi Is bent on carrying on his plana.notil Italy is i O . ‘ 'fro ni .ll ,* aA , l l“ 10 “• Adriatic,” ", abundantly manifest by. one of bis Istest pro olnmatlon. to bis soldiers, published at Palermo, in which be reminds them that “many of ibeir aun'm *? “"I. iQ *kom they have sworn to release”—that “the liberty of Bale reposes on their jbayonetsthat “the youth or SrtT.TiV “** °>’ mb » t o *»d new vio- J*' Miors II can relnrn to the sweets of life and the embraces of wife and children." “Sol. &lS C *^ , - en,V ’ h ® " prep.re to begun!" ® orloa# work * k lok you here so well »kT«Ini lrk 1 0 L t * kin *. tl ’" ««» 01 rhiladel phl* «IU not bo completed for sercnl t»ki tei °<= »•.«««»<»« in c 00..: qnMMjOf lie .root naobrr, toil esriele of qnaliou ntbcd. Non. of ibo word, hsre jn ?e P lt* i \s"' U !!, ,h °' , * hl ibo.o hieing wtrgo of this ciiy v ,i| exceed 650,000. The OCDflae-tskerß report s namber of prnooß ibot lh ! raooth lie oldestono be ing 117 jeers of sge, end still In tolsrtbls heelth- In neerljee.rj mird, people of 100, 105, 106 be !.° r, P° rl ' d - A remcrksbls circnml ‘ie lekie* of tbe present cto- SHjV* /e ' k,t *n Americsn bss wea found that cianot read or -write. Elhbirt County Tina bay. that a Ijiii. K"'* ll *. IW*« ««r Mlddlebnry! StoTalL. ’ ,e ‘ r *; «*«*»•<«' lo death *Uh *h;.i" a 1 wl Sr r “« l| f*wberriea boy. The owner of the premliee teeing them threatened lo (hoot them nmwJ!? ““'o' 10 * ?° o' 4 «o »o*rcd lh“ llUIe fellow. Ihei they ran l borne a conelderable dletanoe, when lilie Kolgbl lu found lo be in f*oo}lo?. 1 tol.be bad been ftlA I*' 1 *' J h ' **■'*• end remained delirone for a low day., when he died. laud F uTi ““'l** “A ol.rgyn.an in Eng nSk no . l 'o°* oiooo. represented lo lhe Lord Biebop of Qlouoeeler and Brielol that a brother clergymen™in ihehebitlof preaohlnii in on! biUdloge, and' oibefniee similarly ! 1° '’ 01 clnlr,!l > o’ England, lo !hd ' B L ’ h ,“ p ” torn " l *b« unexpected, but likewlee 11 ” eaola ® re “do thou etd do • '‘ v ’ ':&■ r.Tnxii ewlTorfc Tr&toietej*: ‘* : 'r pleased Wlearn (hat the Fowler Com tail tee, Iw* M fi»h Fy., nm Craoetos, Euj*& F- Pofdj.aodDr Crane. W t? DO*iboJdit»f 4b«iir west]; Nf»Vurk fiUiel, aredoiotrrTecibrtier^habthey *«&r«a•«* Already; tbejr h*te col- J?cwd oTft S6UOoO o™ on- ihe Fonrih of Join, wnicb feoi, wapresome, aooonnta for his being sop.lnoi ic n republican. Ho wu born In 180?! »bd to conscqirtnUp 63 jesrs of age. A Qoop Boatonioo.— Tho Bepnblieen Club of Uorioe, Madison oonoly. Illinois, now nntnb'era 181 members, of whom 70 rated for Douglas two years ago. * Ceoene takers hare placed lbs population of Clnoiaaali at 1.81,000. Catanhl Catairbll Catorrhlli Catarrhlll! WKdtiatif ffovCuTtdf Thousands of pslsons snlfo, all aorta of aaooj ms. from Oatatrb Uotl psOpla know what Ita Inconraolanc# and Malta arm yet bbt low know bow It can ba cured. It l, almpl, a ebronfc Irrlutlon and ofuo fom*. s«deoo^o.atthtek,nlo S oftbam l uoosioambnn^tiob, l U»nml csTltlse,ffontsi sinoses,and emnetlmeeeslesdiiig Into tbs. throat and loop. Irom Uti. moll tlgblnmiuld oftso vertigo of th.| Imd,obstructed boss, or n pmfom no, Z2ZHZZ !*“*"• ““ «■»*- old retno.il., L.re new been eb„ «, do tbltig for It., Kaaallojoctloa. and tohelatlooi o, „ ,*|of Ql VotUoi- Mirra- Catanoa Pricirio, a simple Sopor/YU, tn.n too Ibras times for day, prompUp cons lbs milder caiem corsa at onoo all colds In tbs bead, and radically corea, |.y psiaororlng a as, tbs. most obstinate-caeca, as tsprored hr tba experience 0 f bbadrcd*. Price, with fall direction*, E'iAy j Cents Per Sox. * N. Be—A fall wt Of Qumpbut'i noMorst.to Swancs. with Bookef Directions, end twenty different Retard fu, Id Urge tills, etoroccojcue, *fi; do, In pis in cue. $4. F«nlly c%eof filtorn baxeSindbook.gL Tliete remedies, by the single box or cue, ire sent by mill orrxpreu, fro* 0 f cbtrgr, toeoy sddrcu,on receipt of tbe price. Address Pi, f, QUMPURKT A CO» Bold In Pittsburgh by J Pxrry°Aii*. gbeny City. C. P. PLEtfI.NQ ibd J.J.K\ET. ’ - Jyl7:ltu*fWdA«T WiKsbotr, sd experienced Nurse end r.ttul. I taytUlen, bue Boothing Bjrop for children gibing, which grritly IscUKeU# *l» product tenhlng by aofleuiog Ut* gnias, rrdodng iU i isfl mtaitioti—will •lUyill p*to,«m!igfnretoreguieU the bowels, Dsncnd epon It, mothers, It will give rest to yonteeln. .ad relW end be.’th to jonr.lnUnt*. u!» io -n rl Soo edraUaetoeat lo enotbrr colnmn. fol&dnwlyT Card!, to Ladikj andGxv TL«.w r Tbe.oUcHbrr.tU (f™c/J£Z)™ u «» Pl*' 4* bu Xs 'o Ul ° **' • «h« 4.S fLI * «hifUid U—wjt dtar, 6,out* M Tnoee desiring j ill. K«ip«. witn 101 l nciiews. nu t advttr,; will pltu* call 00 O’- wldru. fwlta na. turn josisgej JAATM.bS^LI/ j>63tndAwF *o.3iOitjr Krw'v^k. ■tto ntbrctißinums, ' MILL FOR SAl'K.—-Thu under -a PaTHR WILL •liuvtfxt in Mssiss! lut xi ‘* fitl,eal lii u 4-Vulcl,^ ' OMr ' bu « , '-'> f>‘!«•«.« M>ln , I ‘ nr, L Sn M,m '•»*»*’ «tor, tirfuc ii«„ e ff“ l •“ 4*° '*** l,rr ■»’*• '*• »* Tii- .i-.tu eLcujo « touJ xl'ir** *s* t, far'i-wu, “tUf* -rl^U p™; niKfs £«£.*«''T 1 " “ u “ ““• "> - jjactf ! UMK3 ASPKRSQN. 3 - H. WELBIK, Bookseller, Stationer, •i . i BL IK BOOK MAN UFAdjoRER, riUXTSK AHD B.'.XDEK, o*l Wockl Street, neap Fourth, PITTSBURGH. jyKW MUSICS *r J -of ibtoel*. ULLiekJaturka, * * hso 1 OaAFPA ViNOOUDin. “ d * ,n •'bSTiifio, * VAV GORDSR; j^UNUKIKS N.O.PDOUE-60hh.U. N. 0. MOLAMKft—lifi bl>li ■Amur BTaupA-aj tbu. . jSjasgnwftßsa mbs \y u T « >’ utu E l a:- BURCHFIELD * CO. Sas4^te^sssaas ■ *• ‘ 1 JfU li o Sip U OUT c n ir „ ALL OP OUB SO3|M .£ ; A STOCK, 1 reg^d ‘ to co * ( ’ to room for Fall L O- ItABBOS UJVB- T< WtrMf MnJ of Western Kc y * ,,t •* VA Ijbfrtj at. i£- *’ , 1 BRCK A LAZRAR. ' S^i'.?S 1 ™ AT - 75 prTme StcJ i i ( | bus. Bright Oats? V/ J cut r*c\j *m for -] r by ’ ’— 4.limtß,tiir MirtrtMwiyifttKi JMSSfiSSStf* lu , r ®f*“ a ««$• •*No. lit SKOfid ,u 2 * * V IN QfIKDKO. J^YKUi'b —$U bbla. Penaa c*yrupB f * ,h " *4* *■ *w™ "S 2 - y _ i>, i Oft»yK * VAN Ou»iDKH / 'IKEA.YI OUElise-SO b«K,, * | ihi* dH tod jutml* bj Hi iikshyV oottiNh. S BBLS. lugkukf nuts, , V S* d ** *'• *»» ■; haiUVKR ft DILWOrtTfJ, _ ' v 1 ' 13a |t*on*rl»trA Q « e a p ; a. a w ns— —- , , Jl'' 4 CO ■•S <.lU UC,J * 'i! ' l . L * tn ‘ ,U » to 13K. T‘!rr !.a*rffir *; »o»ueh.oood?.<■ Bri«t P niu.fi w.I'S a K S,~ ”is.iiio*«t ' K ; - iL'l liii »»wimi, C ico.. i , tJ UN DRIES JfDk TXIkZT •" O fcjTOJUO btu VTinr '• l>W»iN. O— 60 lm *nd » . w I ; 'i - ; UtNKT U.OOI.LINIL < I' R'*“ *jalen» tco’d and for nle ±4r?~: r awn* h. ootuiia. *M>U'R=3OO bb]«. joond kj k°°p4l„lv. ul. u,». to eli».ila -•<•■{»»« ™«»» t co. - P&rtr.* bo *‘ ft"* ,ee ’ d * %•*«. ; BDRCnn %P j' • ■ sas^ | tsssmtß^\ I, . , l -* '• " . kifaiojKß foujiohy. ‘ ’''t T) O *JIA~E N !A SON, if* Mi^raioitrHSKso* • ' VOOK. BamJl.Oß and HEATING J., , ST O VES, . • 1,00 Uo °» Raills;, Scale*,!Hollow Wan, PJam a’lOancylßrate'Frt'ats, fenders, elc., ty.„i I oTallkipJeo»J*toC-fi*r. nareltooge. Federal Street, one rqaaro from - U'« Dtw do*p»Dakia:tHaffv. * q ij • ■ AUMHIPT CITg. O.KEBK/SALTED, ■ . iISP Y hides, rather belting, gujt belting, ii U M PACKING, OFguPiaTOkIIQIJAtIT'P, TOR itLB BT i. ,M. DeLANGa:, bfuHtaSHtfeJfy °PP «f Wood. WM. /JOHNSON, OEJIENT AND i ©RAVEL ROOFER, A „P°r cr in: Roofing material, Mo "fc r **. LT ei eB& ’ ■‘ Bi,UALTDM . . Offico No. 75 Smithfield Street, -Jf* > :■■ fftUbcrgb.Pa, T O H N peck, \ i i . U ri S'IRSTP PBKMICM HA ifi sTOH E, Wo _ St.. D6XI door to DUpAfeh Baiidiog. LRift^r?* s^?. o *•*•««««* rHRNCH ! P£BnfVSET, ifafh JSI 52 TOOTH ood NAIL BRDSUW lo 018 city. OoHatd tf mloo iboWocß. [ Jjl&lyd FAIRBANKS i SCALES, M by Fairbanks & dpi • 11 i for »j!c Bu t r*M\ |. y ;«,• utbortsed agqit. • i TIID3. J. DU.NTKR.Ag.ut, -iii? I No- 61 FJftb at b ; union hall, ~ bamatoiSa Sowings. Wow York...] TPMWtaftlmoWNßtfl'BH, pleasantly wert *W* of Brood «y. »htLnr>p»(t« tbe --..trf a« r « a g lln oprn.r.r V til It Jr a iw»k- *• f®f «»• B«mob; tor ii- of * A‘H-0010 trick bollO »S’^T-A“aDdro ««• In MtADt, in- A fin* bind or Imqilc Mobs* «i,,Y" Y* • I *°to tb» pteml.rt,»ffi>rdios TLi r mil! ,<^L XCDr * ~ ° ~ forth,‘ “, 4 "n ,oJ4 H ' ) o ofßdwtf afiiS'ZZTk 1 °J v«*" ovi,*p>Mt. iti Dwi »ti • *“ il * bo *”"7 h'«*or «■ With tb*ir pttrodm*. -Jrig.ttd .} . i ; Ur«4M.|p*]vMt.t» ff .f r Kg, r 7*- Li Plireiiology. | PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS, Thu Q *• If d«*lre•«««£ >i . ** ( >ua til littiMk ewdi,{buu«, ln«k>o> 'Wtow JuijUMa, ; H.SMIKO iiros. o. I nil*? jESCMED.BaSINKSjj; at the , BToc”?f SD * 1 wQi c T O( alb, il A i[T \vi II OPS, tfckmlljr L * P ****?! the public •*™. : (JgMitf) » ! PIANO PUao. °n * !l «'>Mfuahja Books fhr iill: funs II.: »i*u.Oß. «i Wirf ianl KINDS Of ] [ I susJmeb dress hoods Closing out eitlemdjijow W Foil Stock. J>!ii .... Ci h tsson «IVR t 4 Uuk.i .1. g U'M Miiitlc A K D l pbioko : ’ ;! '' , ■ ■ • i : MuUtn> ! ■ 1 i . DOWH , , i i JOILI j Twenty Per Cent,; for i ,ofc < *" order to mako room tor oar i nIJ purchases; i •. . i stock haa been j . | ' ,i | \ FULLY \ all through the Mason; and embraces at tie present timo many _ s f xe w ; . y DESIRiRLE STYLES not to ; be fuond elsewhere, which wo will ; MAKE OP Tb ORDER, : to the; entire eatisfiietiin of those who jnay with a call. > fV'j Siimnel Gray A: Son . j MERCHANT jTAILORS, . ’ Np. 18 FIFTH BTRKKT. Children's Department NOT EXCELLED. jj-rj jpUGt’AKB Fyß •'KuUiUli!'— -FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, at owt, EMBROIDERER HANdKERCIIIEFS, 250. to 920.-v • 1 -i ■. f . SCN UMBRELLAS.iOo. anil upwards. BEAD and BUGLE HAIR NETTB. i , BgQK * LAZEAB. C 4fi? Rr * jLE HEAD DRES HJSjs. • • * ; s j .!.■ LINEII CAMBRIC HA SDKERcIIIEFB, sc. anq, upwards. . . ’ ; : MA9IC RDFFIEB, Lnew«Udo. SILK, USI.E nn d COT' "ON HOSIERY'. j tK“ 8 OF OtOVES and Long.aaJd Slnirt BLACK,'IiACe[mITIS, j SHIRTS, COLLARS,! jIRAVATS, TIES. BONNET RIBBONS and FLOWERS, j ' White’ and Colored FRENCH boRSETS. | Best SIREL SRRINO SHIRTS, , : i and DDSTER BRAIDS ..and FRINd ESj for Baaquo Trim-: ° TWf ET B^U>B * »od TOT. h., L 3-4°. , C il B ®< r bl lONS. Imvo .old at"? 0 m Priws -; ,Mi|«iy; articles wijl lo iffASTEitN jbpST, . Vlu “"‘■'“'Co™ fltlol io oor Ml Slock; .*• witoicsulo and retail buyers in ired tu.calL EATOcN, CKEE'i MA3HOM,i : ' i'iy Trtih Ftwr. | jg ARpj.l NS! KABO ! -v 1 At. !. w, & »' U IJG Corner-rifth and B tailcet HeragoKoLcfl at coatl< Organdie Rob,, reduced «* • '■ do . *> "do .’I 0 <- do : , «M hattoT £2L??L . - W *‘? «ha •oirtjonojnifeof a **> Mllcr contfnjTj. tf^fflSfe£f£rS2^r ne " ?* fi^K*«*PP»**T ttimterts , ?f S bS ! fr*s”d? .‘if n 1 *o kU'riog to th* ntlfttehlota i* .I. * n~ u - ** «>i >° .wn* r>«.„ Com.; uuiUu Ch ‘ ALTHKD rf™ffi!.*"''- ALrHKD e .t a^i N . D i. *HB 1 TOaCH-UIQHT PBOCBBBIONI I>4NNEBS, ' j , I! ‘ .PLIOS, j. All klcdtor ' TBAHiPABINOIBS, ic. : LETTERING and PAtNTING *f 1 "P »“* Bt»l. aJ «t tba Loweat Prtaa. j; HTTSBukfll Jflf-iUyd: CABg roit : SOIIULZfi * WAjUTia! — 7 ! . iujw'mctuexm it ■ . CQPfjER, TIN-AND SHEET IRON WARE ; ; . ASD D&ILEUJH ! Cutlery and Houaefarolufilng aooda, BRJJTATiIA A Si) BLOCK TIM W aBK STnve'a ?r>. ■ o| !e%w« , a.*»A»oTaSSlj SSV ! !"4 he » W4TKR COOLf.IF, WAITERS, • : i wnOLtSALM 'A '•D SETA]L(\ ,• 1 2 c Smitbfield Street, Cor. Vir-in.Aliev PirTiBVnOII. HRVKA- jl’i ; 1 : etOTllKllsi j 3* rcSS.fy-r z i |l ; jx^tUnuttfr. 1 BLOOD room blood foouh e»ic JL»J *Vr- **•‘''"l ccNfckijss—. r r— ° tric&K.o. ■ ■ ; <»o : hhrtM. «j„ Bocnr ,i - : : *wiwu qutljtW W iMirqrjpiJtu# Hi»* ‘j * r ; ffitof*«***«*"*l ! :: ' I rto do tiu • :] ..; W I»W*. Mrdloa «k) 1 30 f rto WMt»F(«k; . : ■ ; ! ; pdm&quiliito: OnoaiM, *<*s* \ a ftt!i%Ztir l !Ti a t ri , C M •W>Un«* srttJd, t* U«a4lt, k r^l h V*K^l , l ll |‘ Bj< * r JZiSst* *“*»«"» *ttmsrrn£?\ -rf : (eOpO«33ORB TO B. McSU.Ht) '; SADDLE, UAJtNESS, IfttlNK, HO :':: -i , asd •’ - j[: ■ v-1 ■ ; wmp manopacioreks. gsd .UeUil. F*DXRALIirB«*T : j^,^\v-^ri3b±a I : ]*P 1I -U», uuutit *;]l'u n 7 "“ !®°- fourth Street, Pitabargb, P*., • J •■'I-.- '| »A»rarAatpfc*M n;1 ; ; j nrnilfs, LASHES AND-aTSTITCI TV ;U(lc7«rpdfKr«ptioaof j.! : ■ ! - 1 WAtHta BRAIDED. WOl tolidtinfrea Um tnda, ■»* —pw hwtrtKttota. 1 W ' OUUIWMI . | OKAJOWICIC fc BU3S-, ; .f : bkalees ja ■ ;jj . * t and Hiags, • iMpi. 1-0 and 150 Wood Street, ! - PIII3BCBGH, Pi. ■) . P»l»r. »i (uMlmmii' prtot.’ ilh» Su •“ : P '* B*4“ mi r* ,^~&££E?p!£S£ SoK^KfSEh^y l *Jii •*•*•*with Itantmoidf RIOIURIL j ncndWt of IbL'bjuji tfcn I UferErf d£EfcSL^ESP^S? *£**> wen (M lA* mrein« Qooda. -will nnt rwa/trt r abandon si Sr?S^o M *' •tllf t»orcb«m eon too Impoaod on with Qoiwe oi»Wt#Uil«. ctwwKr. • T *; .-•■■ j' Harm*.-3ft CboreU tirraetj Smt TarJu ■: AsuiyUctti aid i.itmutrr. GESNiR’S CHEMICAL AND £Kgl i•' kooks, , r -f: I£u. -Uutf a, u mtunm xntii S>* n#A * „ ,il MtMrrt.toafonuiwii.l uKd* •Co*! Oil* UMmi, (W Chi Wurka orated aodeootractemode) Til® perl|>iag »nd dooderisatf Oaojaad Pwroleua pita furukbod, wltbeklUfal workntefti&dtopi. ! Intemlauta.: Miinororrejed «od Coal* toatodL f-- 'j *¥•***■» fTbia * Wca lb® Co*l!ODL'tiuaora flßJveu'fT I *&*' w J J* , “W. *®r®kraiStated OEBNgK.Ou a >m»i>dO«K>| tlt l,V nTSll&ffl | !t.urnti,;•' \ - ’. lc ®: o<«ajn Pi^aiißra.i .:| Ai iaprftT.atw Mtfj-' wm MawjwJ *°» o>*m and AtfoJu-JiWi 'run ON- L)i FHEKZEft kn.™'whicli JL o»HinuM^u„. ci , OII1!( ., WIUCOI) AiiQWi^. . Icti «orrliiiolni h 1 fev r.&.pKAvq; t| »ge assortment of JIAWNBI : Jfl4j43o\l ]\r o. MOLASSRS-100 it, Jkl « npMlnmßl iaJ fc« x.r'v OIATTAVA] JIM • » »- - , A 00. i atoost! ‘ dVat ** Oo#U « t ; .: at oomtS: v;. - arm, w ijrti. DRy. _ .. -^'aasar.T, L' ! % ] ■;:.<•}. ■/ ': The [firorite mo»t-lir WfliTß 7CLPHIJ& wtppnc&wftn&d^ i ISPIUttCi. «i*7. Per* UtratttaJa Air,lbtl*. *4 * » 4 . SSslSffi*S3t3S! : i QOOu’ I for p^ftknlm««Bdfoi , arcr . £WHrS tOW. ') ,#n — jwfo :L«t.oekiK a .tifsotm.' • # Como* pA. ’ ' BODGE & SMITHSON, —°- tftiCrth «*•» Qptxwltß Ifog City Bapt. ! . ; i CKAP-ioN, paper dealer A’o. U 7 wood street, K. ' | . promptly ship i*jgoit gtarnttriSrahi ? " )l&«hoiMi I [own; v; IBMMdlkTi {j^iriiisND a **'**" i£**&it4k. : ■»!•!■'' VJ*» Of ]VThe ‘^ps-Ju* Me* of th+Qta,.. 41U1 nTuTyX X Trowyof. bwbtchik AHTtf BXCUANtit, „ ... H£U(*t «>XI,IU 8 tCciock p flightfiaodnd «tnl Kijrhtjr *>**• <4?. ih« No* tal Slock of lb« £tl#sli«e9*liri£»'. EWACfIUUG, PltUborgh.JoiyH.lSfD . ;; V ijl slttMttfW. (ra»ALLB(3IIBNX BHiWJiii-IiIVfDKND fer * Bridg* o»«. r the Aim, 0(^oOt» nr ?S!l. ,alb > Wuoai y of ki-tt. IhU SwmV eUr«d* DMdearfof O.NK IK>LljA.'t .*.NJ> «Y* Ol&IB, 2"JSf® ®C *b« Copiul Ku<* aft bciot ttonfe f°‘ der * °* Ul * lr wgal rtpctamum**/.* orantF-tb* ISth flhbfltfßicnjitntg. . "' J^rotopoiSiir' •~' A A »rf.w ffi? te ,or Croa^of Taitar, ‘ iJealtiiy an® l-ukap ar erM^s}s;ssK R(Sm"ni!s»ol p ?. r 7 e * * ** l *‘»wb(rrjr : ij r «• i, •W**llg«od« nre mAifvr fjta*. rtijiox owns bpon cxkiwiTo M)J*«od Tm^frfrJ* t fa , 0 i-mi.AMi.pau. SKisyarfsir- • ■Ojßfad.Mt.ltaltj . » Oilw.it Prjdt.Bt. Loci*. 3 £}*■“* 1 ri | CARDS II “ - |opEsT, "** j VBurna'sjaKcr-A94;ct& oahda •M* *oJCtie»p<*t iu tW Market. i > ' : Cuds for Mounting Photograph fetuwf, -' - : 01 8o Ht towivjct*' E Dr. sonusc toexj ifcofPhUidelpfir,-; will bo in ctmlne prtienu w r '~ l ' , f'OMpjibUi,' MTES COarplKT iSD DysfK^SU, CONS, MONDAY AND TUESDAY,; Jane lith tad Uib, '\,l * DR. QEQ. H. KEYSES, No IIrMU I ' r™ • •■ .rtf y( \ :>!. DR. SCHENQK’S MEDJCJSE9. c£RTiFi(UTje£ i • BgySgg^Saaa ”»,'»»«»■ to U js,awMi r y4kSts; aw OkM my long. »&ctwL- IiSSIS'J.i: anchla flwh,and»Atres(tb l3(a«.' iS?*K2itL>2 IV^ 7 Es* bo?Sof?S2SyihS b*txtmloed m* Tb»bocfcptold nwl * Silk's iHssssSSfe »«scsa3BUft,'S©|^ 1 iiags^iafeg^egM^S fe:."" 6 ™ °F’ »i|Sp;.tsSiSsL 4 SffiESiiJi o*- 0 *-- ?■ • Pirttictaß, May 25tb,|l8CO. ■ ‘ ! , ASOTHMtCIRTUTCAV. tW« X Coma*tt«d oalngiha •—«Hlt -dtrcc. ltlx**lnJp»cTe< tuy hnltb non Unt^xOttlN! lrwottldjn ao * ttW-lua wo trail pI«M*4 Stwwmd lonic" and TJiboblb Sjmp," UubVwimiiL Jutf .lowadra* t»o boniwoi ►‘dwmtiTocle" ***.?»?—it T.f* .sspsgs ANOTaBa CUB*; 7JY DH genEvng, .gspas^ssssfe' : fttuuwa^^^SsSa|^ “>*<*> iw J ££j'La i -’at?y“i»: «r> *aa. r«3 * rriv dtral iSh»?r ■ , * > i^^*^ lw ' lr ]u bj nji.l t an*. So, S*,® i!S5“'“ «J to-gl .ilbhi.mi,lfiS r “ l i‘ , ?,V“i my Wot>cbi%4 {ulna V. r, *»* mu. iTjt« j* 1 •»* * U W n»; Biio „j <“oi;iLl«i«, »«pW]did of thednMt Kcfchfa tfotr SS;i>S.SfS?TS2KSS£ ? 1 l,,x^, » r ** *« j Jyl3 : ~ V :;; Q?mrr cftb*Mua'oridEod’yhityrt Vt. ' friwss AND ftfOPPORTBR -JUo>rfOAiiT*tniit * Yobasy Ho. «ii Mjjly onpotito iht o'd tUod, b*» ff*vo to c»U «f Ibc ftffltcted to tho bet Utrt lb*y mo tho eol» tfUtxtn-i £^^ r 8 CrTras r* Bnti i Th»y h*r» h*d m «ip«lBaUof joon Id tb®»>rikChctoW Ear aSßffiwi •Ti'. 2tOI»ual)«U, j • :; ' ■ .■ - j . - —— —■* Wmitwai.«uju..y^. > q| bus. Pribo -tf Si -■■• - ;:v - - " -1 ■• ■ ■W-A-.Mlta nr- -itf I'( •• '■• '( ' J ' . . .jflK (■. I:, I 5 ? AMtTSEMI^Ai r j.’S crat*inq4»..BiMsSSs~aiaooS: V TMASKLIS if ALL, Wa * Ttf AJ>4 c°mmod «ra« II«J1 i* now;-* uahiilkbedjbiUUKD’. •nJ "“"•wwwlrtju *rul(*!««!*:- tfco fccc»>am M xl % tt.iQ , 0 f J® wf Id tb« (OQOtr? fc» •Jr, comfort »Dd far OAK tb* f7e*tero SutM. iINDaM itt of the patronage n> * tt«Uno»J»0» - km, dd4 Miorea thd potitfo tt*JoaDlMrHO>' pall to (heir comfort am] «URtbo WllT b* N.; B i —>Arcot lor tbr ui* n f Bimarrf >■ ■■ fu^f«rloU,CUjfcaM W( vhicbji* eto OUptw* r.f on 1,1 *»|« lino* ' manufacturer'* whole ale prfofn. *** -*•»■» tad hi lbs ~ ':'»blt*-. : W "hats, ci&srm QT R A !W“ Q* OoZD q \ cnit.Dnß»»s paucv hati, * atrnnJaiKe ud «t modmto prfoei ai J. H, ; >. ra*. . . ~/ J OFFICE ON A.NOI R3ON STREET, . WtMD IrtCock Ui] UliNllfOli IK*IU * • ' */ ■ ■ *»** 7 .5 Au.tanEjnr* 'T'EETiI.—SAVK. THEM UCPOKEm* ■ W B'tA bunnonlkg ataQSB rsffN BTHKICT, io tbe bon*»- lor am I;' ccca pled u Dr. O. aKere, opposite CbrtiftCbarcb. IU wmcfT«Mllb* S^JJ« 1 . , “E^ T * a,roU * towtod it vtrioea'prloM, lroost6tof63pvriftC * *. > W - D * Doward.lUT. F»ooel Plbdby. A. Bradley, A. i,(tc be id ede by Utter Vii, p«S«,w SrSSI, t ~ “f"? £?“* r * cor * ud Wahlbctoo ate NEWTdRK, C, Jjf. Pereeil, 229 Rniadwiy, »bcte tb* AetorHottao. ■■■ •*•♦...; , PHILADELPHIA,Ct>»Hrea * Oojrten, ■ 1 * ' »n*»CbetTjritf««.. H KAITIMORIt »nrt Cbrtttnitks. ; ] tit* hbli’« iuiln>«4hMOff DfuOL - Wf;'.;, " «#■ PwiicoUr ettoatioß of tuercbuitd, ibAon&CtnJwi'" * •ud *hippor» ffeper*li>, uj fituhorgb, A/W b«o j l,yrHgatAgent,lr , v BAVINU ijKFjf-IPrOJTiXEli.jjieno'' • for themle of - V_ ■ j t H.P.PmayCELMftAMDFritttWftßgV: *• 4re fro* prpffcrbj lo offer then at prlcsd u k>«- u u . KMtotb mabutaciunsfi, uu| w« urfiUi Ui« lmMlo to c*Uao& examine fer kumwlrw. • - Our r«n»i«t« of |br> following? ‘ EomiaCaadlo*, common from i.fitii ioSO I^ll* ■i ! . ■wy. .. colored do do pUla from 1 o« lo le ox; balflbtoSft^ 01 *** cn *odß*rpenl«,from j Boogel liable, from 3 cztolCo*; ‘ ' Uloeonf Sure, pitta from i Wll to S btft&r ' ■ do! :• colored from l ball ioyolcwdom: Trf*Dxlo«,-from los to Coe; . f ■* FcnrbillUrpa, Croat No. l UNo.Sr Mower Pole, from 6 Inch to 8 liicb; -Jr World, / 3 i»eliverbo to subscribers »t,\. TEN CENTS PER WEEK. ■- J U*na jour trJcnviUi, -•/ • • ‘'" •” ' 5 'i ‘ ; JOHN W. IUTTOCK,.... ! | S!y#*^V i ’ rN '* To,lt ’ »■**»•» «ijctad»iu: v - A ’ Gildmfenney’a News Depot.' i ;;f«5 fifth Street. ' ■ f iAVOKINO JSXTBAOTS; » ; CO.V3gPARHIJNOGSU,TINfc ! • PARIN A, TAPIOCA 4NDFABO;, POfUEOKBItf TARTAR:' nWioiuM craia? 011 ' M “ ’ CASTOR and BWRRTOIIA' * '•;>>, XIQCIDBBNJf*r. i:„-: .(■ • BAKING SOD 4 V"". \ ARMOR STRCP. t" OOPPAKAa uidLOGWOQP, HiViagfATortLlo hcilitiix for porchMlng ■ff. AND assums-ntricLss, DWd from mpowlble Ewfent betmt. T I offef ibovfeTsaodwrjUilpg oUiIS ujV ! On 3 and Patent JUdkili' £{&,•■ -J-is. atptfaooa low It not tome tbtn can *** Ml ftjwiliOßi ? !MOVaL.— itUMfttberMMi' ■ B ‘B A V KN._^ :. J W.Kxj and Third htreets./ '' ie2l ’ (tjTujsa, = i—r >*; BIFLSfci, „ 'if FILING ***«. BE I , SpottiugO.wls ufnll No. 07 Wood Bt*e*_, i f JftK« ton SCIMMKiTpiNfs : .AM) , t ; ■!. GOODS FOR BOVS’ wkahvJ w great variety'. , . _-* n i J ver y cheap, at- . - • BOKCHFiBLD&O&.’&- w :_■ . *iwl Wwkrt £■& KIK'— ■- i 'bU L.iai»Tnio Cut am D» j ToUcM.-' ■ - :rl i iS Xolumt • iJsJP *&*** *•*> ***•• .:•. xa foe *U b/ : ttHAf? * YAS CORD**, ' - T -**—?■>*• ••••-■ RAlUgwaiMiß.' t '.-i F “ '' *ISiL —5O foWs. So. 1 Potumao Ucrrinr -i -, . MkcftcrvS; . . ,t“.. . iio - : ■- V" v ; ,a .* fr* jpgs ntGititM aofr. rjttEiMi APHLES-lflTbbE'diowQ Gnwn'l'i .’AtPMiittftrtA’irnlaod iur Mi*by-'-»• jjj-v.* .■■■ •' ' : wmintfw'Sr" : b 1 ‘ ~««nw- Markrt an.f Ptr»i , Tawns and .lawn noiiss, rv? -SL-ii; ,- aa«N»UN toy*. MH«rt,t'lllMi: ' \ i'jWlWi" .. primes™: “ V Si;]'-. _■■■■■> nrronoocK. rnimfi oari-v [TBjKEliEtt BfiL oak tanned; i■ C si .ft&r**?™ »W|of-ctM«, for ■ aal» >t»4j n it,':’.:*; ■,■ -i" .•: ' P2S22J ,£«w>a» msonm^iha'v i/fshsS22 ir *i ,0 S ■«» la UN. fbr -:l • - IBj ■*! *W» rt VBMfOI. |# i•* ■ ‘ ' jol runiia*,-. -*J ?> “ ra5J K?' l ” T < • ifammaninß),, ? •■'. 3Tnjwl.iwi.t»«i.nr.' .. t ' " W'V 1 ‘ •■ mimDios*? *oo. '*3?... - , Ij'lWffcOOßr-iP tbta Fine Floor,* 3 . . ' 1 _ J4MKB A. WKtZMkt * v,* WTffTs Om«a«tM■t?Ma l . >y ! -•■Jr" 'p% j,5 i. :5 . . - '.*•...■ -i . . «twr -TPbceU. i Bur k*joJ»v v J*#«f £U«rij,gpftfcfc'i; . £*•*** Shell*, B«oUgj < - ' ANDER&OH.' It CbitlM UoM. \ “ ‘ .-vV'-'i'c-i - f , f JA : .f • £' ■A?