RT r: _ SJ. • U . Vi". . < i , . -...5 ■ V.l • ; , r'-H*. V~. •- \ .I.' vr- y. ! - X t * -J v‘t. ''! *{ *.-i •. .* •; • t w-' :»• -1 .» . > i • .j ■ . 20,000 Bald la tha &4>e I”v 3 TaanT Being a/Zarger mmber ihan it by an y > fhrrlrf. - 9 i |)UE MACHINE for iB6O will bo found eo *m*l7 Imprdred u fBUy Wmeet tbs Viou of term. - “** *’ * M;yiir iu modified tn It* t> OOwrwQSDfMMt to be f 1 *“• ‘ - *y-V .i''-jrzut oyir COMPLETE XACmSB £« t>olh parpow. WtiUec«tUnf*air«|b sereral Inchse “ iro Hofit Machida of pMtfewool it I*u ft fc-.v »OW,*MTo»#r > Ji < bt w « n( , WtUger # .ortwm ntotn«b -T- rMtir—with b© material *td« drabiht. We ptwot, then*. - mUr the Wtßlug BMeoo, • n>atbtne bob foot Wider than < ■ “«»f cjnx*t Wilh a light draught for two biirwa, Sf tOAK IB RfcQOIKKD Shsy i j‘ NA f U i^ WK i MAentNM. Bjth-pUrticUoa _ . • : • tLi * pyhlfcr, in with » wtontad •ftntijoiutoft iobkw, (Ithtbft •heel frame,) lb* cutting ap. •*» DuW H ,ly toro »» orer otatra. «OM *hU4 lo moUon, tlmpiy ty te« WBf K bt ortho drtnMu bis piece. that dtepenemg with ell lerara «od complicated ' fttriagesiaftU to effe t the earns otJect. 9 18?V) Trill ba fonDd aap-rior ae a MOWBR. pacallw fmtdtia net aUnmabii by oOker ftweWnej. The Two Horae Mochitoy iiur>b catllos about *r* and cor ka-f feet vhl*, la of llghtend eftrydraoabWfto. . eoaplUbfng ftpira-'er mount tf work wJUt • tat exxndi ttt*ivr jMtoertbni any machine aide. .. ri*ea toeewy lo addition, thft Jbtlawlog offer U Wioda: Any farmcrirbo may dram U, l« at liberty to work thi« machine tAroaoX u« haretu with •Byother, and t»t for the oo* ractajum. > iiSL i^ t thttp *^ £ri } %r »*«*"- P*foptcJalmaocdrr ▼fifchlbla B»aehiMUbollt,we refer to oar antra*! pam- P“***i *' , wi will be furnished on eppltealktn to tu. at Qbl. Ago, or either of stir many ftgeeul HfeDpl* uachinee mb bceeetj at all rrtmloent points. l “Ch‘“*<»*»wreiJo«.ka«o,Bt; LooU. ledian- SSSniSff*?V J V? B UT i U < ■ - ■ S'. Mr i- ,* . * : K •?- :;i :< * :• V •' - I-, -il ■ .*• ‘-’V % ’ " v ! : : : >;s. 1. '> i. . .* r . .} . * * \f ;■■ '.\ •? ,’ ■ ,v «:».v :* ' l u ; sz-Lj '•Vi : •••! ~<•; • •?■•••«....;.« ! ■" ‘A '• ‘ ■' • v- %}■ • X !''•-*• J.-jifc , ..AX •• mx •■ "■i v .:>ji i"I : ':«! J in r . bbU ‘ .... l. ‘KV-'- - - -w ?_ ■ . , JPMTI9. ' Hoir Sbe_}U^d;lt.—A-remariuble b> Executors of Charles Brower, Deceased, ■i waocoor ttadirereionjpto philanthropic chin. 1?t)B SALK-fThoso 3 etoried -Brick El j-wi—.-p.—* «—-WW*.-. -Mme. We are toM that Grei kZd fnrnwd s AL»-Tlu»» feort.o .larisd Brick D»«1Ul« Uoo«i., i' mn.,f.ul J2’ before bis door to be »i 0» lb* ground •ppp'tenaat/Sjn* Fonr. Acn*. ot/»bkh uieoQCa, mnrking a partipnlar stone as the for* ** * mwtt«uj7, to«ip* r wiibcLoic* pi*nu, rtgaubiM md nua*. i&faa c«, noticing a portion of the pavement being eoadiUoo. i .unrepaired, caUiog!.the attention of tbe . -^JQtkoieajoU,and wastoldtbatMr. Grey bad . ! rViJ'&TON, . them to extend their operations so _ ' iEraaitnrinrctiwie* nrcw*r,■lee'd, ' , (u: The girl presume! upon her aappoaed -g. l *" or a> P. »sa. a heiaju,. im toib .1. ■: power over her lover, or iered tbe workmen to their labors, and added, “Tell 1 him 1 vbjsd«7oa, and ho will liot. get-angry.” Bat 'utra bad reckooed without her htwt; lor Qrey t - iperct-ivlog lhat a change Ihad becn made in his ;poflitive orders, involvinglon additional outlay of 1* fewshilliog* fenoQuced;hM intention of mar g|rf, nod at the age -of seveoty-slx ijeaw&nned the design of buildfog the hoepi stnl referred to. In eredtiog the structure he Expended BWly one hundred thousand dollars, • J , :*®d tai endow it be left the farther and munifi v • icent sum. of eleven hundred thousand dollars. ■ [Aniitea ofliU wealth coay bo [obtained from £tnß Ifcctj" that besides making rnariy of .his rela*! ttlves happy .with annuities, nod giving large j I - {shins to various charities [duriog his life, be be - '"-ploeathed nearly half a unllioa dollars to be di- j cvided-amobgall wLo houlii provo themselves in lapy dagiye.rcl.ried. to Wra. Iligtory js mule freApecWt&tbe mauoer in which the almost bride fboro bar disappointment. j-Therete no evidence hf her huvipgj played the heroine’s kPartdo an Effie Curstang toelo-drama, noewre "wa-tofd whether the indicant old gent left her j the feast Jogacy as a slave for her wounded rpride. lAH we know is, that the assumption of jmttfrettebip a Jew boors [too soon, secured-for « Eogland one of thcJfinoßtfhoHpitals, and placed ; . of Thomas Grey on record as the IJanrest edntribator to benevolent objects known ito Ebgllsh history, or oar owa,—[Post ]■■}'■ ■ - n “- . .Fssxc&: DnfACTks.—l hare watched the '■ change of dynasties in Paris Tor the last forty ' yean. Each has {alien from its own incapaci • ty/ ‘French promises arej always ready to take t the place ol their predecessors;; bat they are • never'fnl&Hed, and the samerninons coarse is : entered on anew. I"have[ known, and, indeed, fin some instances, been intimate with most of 'ithhmen ol the! day. Among them were some f of: disnngoiahefl talent, aod the best intentions, 'j-bnt theydid not last Sometimes they were no I better than and often turned $ oateven greater rogues. /No government has ] yetkopt fiutji with the people; nono has iooked I PA. flit, own loterestfl -aa Of subordinate import* f ance to the public good. • Until that happens JO power Will be perroaheiiUy established in • Frauoei. The nation has already been deceived, ? and will now be deceived'a/gain. Then again, * . | too, will it punish these frauds and tricks, and f 4 for that it- ia already- ripe aid strong.—mum a i Letters. i 1 H .lx % ii noticed that the? gray hair of elderly * j; p®o|Je’elwnya softens and 1 improves their corn* 'pjexiofl. Accordingly, dyeing ia the moat stu ‘ P*d of Wanders, unless oho prefers the parch* meot skia of a mammy, which ia the iavaria* • bln conaequence. How little confidence in good ' mother Nature Is shown by her figity chitdren. ,•/ WhsAb genetoua.mah is compelled to giro ; a refual* be generally gives, it with a 'worse jjrace,than the xmgeneroaa: first, because it is against bis nature: and, secondly, because it is out of practice. K ' ' ■* ..■!?P?*wk*s RB&pin ako nowim . Quack Nostrums. .TPHE NEW YOKKDAY- BOOK save: ’ “**» majority of Ilelr Washes, Hatr bja. n«lr llalr Olli, ud tbt imnbsrlmi prmritiooMblcb :we a&« fe-fere tba poblic seder each extraraxaiiVbyper*. • • bolictl and fantastic titles ««■«•' see (traded le ibow^alo- he*dio«a,t> hair preparation*, ftniUbemeflrat vnttn their teal merit, wbiiL vgaraefiiifatwA'st.ssas owd^mahsap, when ItfUantifal +nppersaad»httetliat J™ IbocoaiJtfrt character of tooiee; ted wbeo that cotlly, ttt baptizid with eoQa trisyllable teem. ted «***®*at *'Y verdant ytmne and h" .;| . ’ ' ; > "RIGHT PLACE FOR EVERGREENS. XV*&—lB,o9»«*tr»in»,frowiiqftb«a»e«t b*rJy r» . rM* few 2)fto« feet T •• ™ _. to 1U fttt. ! Mttatnfiw cbcßftHOttpwdt •' b 4 3 "lfeMyMfiold.dvitfatd rtunri.! " .: osrlTa»OTBtocklnerery<&7>arf*«*i bi**!** *Mcbfi v-wfll atomm ylwwßtc tpibow to ear fronds uidtb* paMte ;V v ltfL ■ r 7.; iSSSSm-.bL. ■ MURDOTB, J« f *s G.EN. GKO. WASHINGTON'S spring. —For 81H * beantfful Conotry 8««t Id fiiU*i& t««h, ft. Wayne aad Chicago lUilrood. Thoaonth, nn «j>4 nortl«..t^ W rlm ara P*nly clean.d and lmproVod~ the ren<*ic.V,t 1* corerud with superior Umber—and the •bole I# well watered by spring* and ruotdug streams.— fine* body of land U Hit ooofity. It wilt be aol* .undivided or In caertrrs to suit flxtuwra. To thaaa who desire to iavcui In real estate a oattSr opportunity u rxrulj o2erod. - ... J. a. swarrziß, octfitdawtfr . 1 Vo. 101 ttb street. pm«i.r:rgt> TJOR SALK—A DESIRABLE FARM, JL do tbe Youghlogbeoj Kiv.ir and Cocn**iUriUe Railroad, i s*. * ro ® gh, containing 140 -cret, out-half ot U Hirer Bottom—in a doe elate of cultivation, with good BhilalOß* sod Fruit tbenoo am, VIUH bUUItIU , tbe Farm, Including Farming la.p]em*&ts,lJorM«.. uogi, **d the Growing Crop, $66 per acre; GDQ*lhird ID hand, the balance In £> ~ar*. I ALSO, Fou BALK— A OOuD LOCATION for a DEUO QIBT nrPQTBKTAN, In Uie Borough ot Ebtrpabors. For particular* add row, U.T.OILLIAM, __JuraalaarTtf abarptl.nrg, co, Ha. Gleteland prupekxv FOR sale. —A Farm of 74 acme, U ith a t woatory . rick Duelling Dou-e, in the Italian atyledf architecture, with beru.wdl, 6“tera, itc. lb* liouee ia tit'W and ju«t cam|iietml and ready tor occupancy. Th* groutnlabare a large on Kitumaa Aroape. A beattitfut rariur and a living brook run ibrohcb the rear and of the farm. Beveral tprlsga uf pore water. For agrtttiemao’a roaideuce. : lba uhote greon Jacan betaate roily arranged. For a pirdf u. Tiheyar.l or Xrnlt calture. it can be made profitable, being ao near the city. 6or d acre* or wooJUnd* For fonher inftirmatl'ia, apply atoan ffl n. B. CUTUBBRT 4 HON, 61 jjarketat. * lOWA FAKMiMU LANli,—Tho wubscnb* srs offer for tale on Carorable terms all hundred tena Choice Landa, cUnatcd in Wright and Hancock countiaa, •'lJacont to Knee of Railroad* now In course of construe* tton, and.one tract only two ultra from Outmty seat- The abore will be eoldiow for cash, or exchanged for forming lands in thla or a Mcll.Oig A ANJBH.I34 Second ft. TU Lhi OR FOttiSAlsß—A commodious well ELUhed two atnry Brick Dwelling, Ho &9Colwell •treet, cootalnitig 0 rw me, floithed alUceui Uign cellar Tue bouse to lighted with gas and baa Uie water coaeehtrnt. The tot it Urge, well laid util, and planted altbahj üblwry arrl flowers. There t« a coal h(ju»e and ulber out aUtcnnd. For (wrtkotare tijipiy on the prrthiroa. or to wait a wiusoN.sda ut>»ty at. Ij'UR SaLß—That splenilid K««idenco,^ . with large Lot ofOrouud, Fruit Trero'aod Klimts B 1 b«ry, situated within two minuU s’ walk of the Wilkins bnrg Railroad Station. Tbq bonw le Urge aod finished in modern alyla; at proeeot occupied by UooroTbotnpacn.— Will Iw add oo reMouabla tortus. Apply to . . W, A. ANDKRSON, wWleiff At Barton** (|lBra ew. 6th A Oran* its. IRON WAGONS FOR SALE— One good four hum wagon; One stroug one hone wadon, second hand, and will t>c •old cheap. Kuqniroof V fe27:dif .WELLS, KIttDLE A 00., 60 Fourth street.. TO LLT—A Third Room, ia the rear of biiilJUgailaated corner of Wood and Third street*. A public anlrsoce oo Third street, rpposlle Ft. Cbnrle* Ho tel. Fuaeeesiou glran immediately. . , . JOHN McOILL A SON, J7* . 1 Ho IS3 Idberty et. r | , o LET—A Room aultublo'for on Office,oi X Third street, immedlate'y Bt Charles Hotel On lower story. Inqolroof JjILN McQ'LL A SON, J> 4 ' 153 Utterly at. Susmtas iloticea Sc ffi&anacs.' NOTICE. —We have associated with nt io tbe Foundry Boaineea,B L. PBNNOCK. Th« bualneaa will i« eoDUeuel noder tbe uame strto of FBNNOCK. HART A CO i , Pittsburgh, April 16, ISM. ;PENNOCK A HAST. joasrri rtvxocr ...». r. hast. PENKOCK, HART ft CO., • PULTON FOUNDRY, Wsrehoaie. lil Wood Strset, PA. Aconstaot tnpply of 000KTK0 PTOVRgAND RANQBs, STOVES 4 OBATE9, WAQON BOXKB. elf tins; UuliLOW WARE. PLOW OAATINGJ AND POINTS, T«A KETTLEAPAD AND TAILORS’ IRON, IKON AND NAILS. Water and Oat Uoute Front*?3lill and Machinery Vattiny* made to order, spit fluid D. W. UKKcTLNb J. t. HaSm'soN. UERSTIKE A n.ASttSON. FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORS AND i General Prodnoe Commist-ion Morchants, Se. 246 .V. Whams and 2*l A’! Witter SL. Arlow rrte. miLtORDPUIA. Wm. 8- Smith A Cn-, Phil*. WaltAWlUon Pitubnrcb, Jsa.giMlACo, - raarkflCa, « . Cwlg * Bellta, u g J. McCally A Co. “ It A 0. W. (iUherwood Wftu Bsgelcy, &q, “ Tweed A Bible;.Cincinnati, Ballet A&i.hl Uiaia. Mo. 0 **. B. F. C«wthoo,LuaU»Ula, K* Ja3:dB« . a I HAVE THIS DAY ASSGUIATKD Will) ®*i Mr. JOHN DKLLOW, la the (JoJurUklig tmlnmi «hkb wiU bo conducted aoder t be niinie nod *t»l* of LKM ON A DELLOW. JAMES LEMON. ' .’“4“”:” —— jajisj moi, - ImiMltiUkiug In all Ito Broncnu. T BMON" & JDELLOVf, No. 118, Fourth et^ JUt propamt to Jo Cthtorulilh* ia oil iu breach**, to Uie beat mibnir, at Prtcea to nit the lime*. W« ail an* dal attention to Fiu’a new atyl* patent Metallic Banal Caac*, fcr the aale of which we are »le agent* in thia city, and of which we keep cooatautly cm bead a large r-rrrt- Beat Aa regard* t**nly of «bape ahd flniafa, they *rOl all othare. Foocrata will beenppiind with Umraea, llomeaod QtfrfefW promptly, at lower rate* than any other eatabllab* mat ia the city. Guaranteeing to render ntiaiacLloa, (hey •Olkit a contionaactof the {letrobage heretofore eu liberally extended to Utanld firm j ■'dfc.lle D MOTT'S ; PILLS ; IRON. A !» APERIENT AND STOMACHIC Pre aXl paraiton of I EON purified of Oxygen ud Oarboa by ‘P Pawtloiwd Uy ib» htafaeel Med. let! AbthorlMea, both to Europe aod tbs United State* and prteenbed la lb*lr {.raetice. | Tha experience of tbooa&nda dally prove* that noprapar ationor Iron can be competed with it. Imparitieaof ta* Uoad. dapreaaJon or vital energy, pal* and otberwiee akkly complexion* Indicate Itmreeaetty | Q almoel e»er# cooceiva •■* ***«««.«*■ In »H maladies iti which it bat l*en triad. It baa proved atwoJnUly enrativ* |o each-of the £A towiug umplalnta, vlk *«▼««• AOVellon*. Rmicli. non, OrcpipilatCaßitlraiian, Diarrhoea* »•?•«?' "•SSE 1 . 0-I ** >*ltUhann,lilim«n. 2*2 VhU .* , » c,l,otofc '*» LlT *r Com- FiJm B«*dach«i, BBtOma- SSmi*! 10 11,1,1 Farara, Plmplee ob Id caae* ©I General Debility, whether the molt of acole aiOMwe or of the continued diminution of ncrvoaiand maw c . hroD * c complaints, oea trial or tbl» res toroiro baa proved enceeeaful to as' extent which nodes wm£? J^mtoß.wcnid. render credibl*- lorallda ao lone bod-riddan u to have becomit ls ihrif own seiabborhooda, have sadden]/ reappeared In the fetunpd form protracted travel lo a P* 7 *®*U»cea of this kind arc attested or remale mffmra, emaciated Tlctltuof apnareot maraetaai. aaetol&eoos exhaoattoo, fcrtUeal changea, and that implication or narrows and dpbeptie arentontoair **v tor which thepbydcUnhesnoname. *• "•Tvooa Affectlona oTall kinds, and for reason* Cam!!- lar to medical nun, the operation of thla preparation of oecemrily beaalatary,tor,nnllkaiSaoMaxi dea.lt la vigorously tonic, without being exciting and over* baatlns aad gently, regularly aperient, areola the moat obttinatecaaesof caeUreoeas, whbobtever beinjra eaetrio purgative, or Inflicting a dimgrerable aenaaiion. * It la this latter property, among other*, which matea it no remarkably effectual anti penflaaait a remedy tor JU«. npoa which U aleoappears. to axort a dbtimt and apedfle action, by disponing the local tendency which fcrmi them. In Pyapepota. innumerable a* are lla cauaca, a elogle box of tbat# Chalybeate Pill* ha# often nffared tor the meat habitaal oaaea, Iwcinding the atteodenf Ohettomm. , In uMtback#dlHarbo«a, ami when advanoed to Dyeente ry. confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the a&cta have tetn equally dacltlva nod natonbbisg. In Urn local pallia, loai of fleah and ntrvnitji, debilitating ttoibtMKl remittent beetle, which generally Indicale'lu. riptent Oanaamptioii, tbf* remedy bal allayed Iba alarm of mend* and pbyetdina, In several var/gratifylegaad inter •■tiog fnatancaa. ■ ■ i Bpacnngtp * oo.’B. In Scrofelou IWrenlooa, thla tneiifcaled Iron haa had tar more than the good effect of themoei cantiooily bal knowo?UblIlUeir 1 *° f ,odlß *'* lUK * jl -* D 7 of 'heir wall talSiaS* 41 ®?* 1 cannot be 100 confidently Invi- KSifSS?*^ 1 * 4 mto T» t,Tl »tta!»b*eaia* peculiarly iJUfhSOZS??: boU V^f?® lo “ d Inflammatory—tn the vSrS CT 4«Medly r lt ha* been invariably “ ilUtlatlng pain and radaelng the «W/t|ll«f*and atlffnaaeof tbo Jnlote aod mnadM. - *T Iu IstermllUnt •Vararalt mnet neeeMtrllr be a areal remedy and aoergrlie fetoratlra, and I u proems In tho 2!ftS appa:lU, complete dtenetloti. nnid : acqabitlon of atwogth, with an nnoaaat dlapsJuaJ’(sv> tire and cheer Tel exaadaa. Immediately IblloiMtetue. > Pnt op in neat flat maULbaxaa eontelnteg do pliia; price (Ocentaper box; fer aale by DrnggUte and daatera/ Wni be aaotfreetoany addrmcn reoelpt of price. All latter*, crlora. rto, tboold buaddrfwwl to ■ *“ IWB ' Dr.OEOBOIH KBTBIH, WboJeiala Agent .or rraearmnia. •• - • K. B. LOCKE & CO-, Oonenil Acento, •,&2»U.K. IMW . J °OE.« S £ it°° L£Y . WnOLELALE ORO-' «/ GSKd «ud Du*i FurnWber*, ilnoltrc to prodoc* «od SSTSwliffiS?" 1 w< - m g ‘ tCT - [ ~‘.-r“^ cmrmTSEwoBTHrwHOLESAS is? sSitesr w ~* / TrV^l?~^vr;-^ ,nLULB non -»uua* norm JOHN FLOYD £ CO., WHOLESALE V Grocer* and ftmnMoL Meridian ta, No. ITS,Wood and C» Liberty atm?!, Pittaborgh. j«1fl /oag ™„judn waooa. W ATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO TV QEB&J Comfntfioob Merchantsand Dealers In Pn> Mooaod .Plttsborgh Maqatactarew, No. 268 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. ja'Ji WM. MoCUTCHEON WHOLE SALE Grocer, Produce and Ooturolaaloii Merchant, •Dd OcaliT ln j Pittsburgh MaoaUctared Article*, No. 169 Liberty street, corner of Prudery ay, Pitteborgh,Pa.' my 3 ,uu ® IJJlfViv'i*-’ •*• •*• -...ciiAa. ATVIU. A TWELI, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE -A*. Grocer*, Product and - Qomtniaaloa Merchants. and Dealara Id Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street. t» twoaa Wat# aod from eu, Pittsburgh. : • ft|^6 KatMit. »a**i a-xomsos. ROBISbN & CO., WHOLESALE * Coutmlarioa Merchant*, ud Dealers in all iTodoo* end PittsbarghMannmctarM. No,,2SS Übertyatreet, Pitubnrgh- JplPdydi JJOMHJ DMSLrroSTwBHE tsaiaii dickey, a CO., WHOLESALE *■ Dtalm la Produce, No V BO Watar street. aad C 3 Frontatreet, Pittabar^h. jgOOfegfllg(g, 9ct, ROBERT S. DaVIS, euccessorto tfahn s. Darken, dealer In Books, Station try, do, No 93 Wood sirral. corner alloy.Tittsbnrgh. toy&iy WM. G. JOHNSTON 4 CO., Statiooere, lilaak Book Manufacturer* and Job Printers. No. 07 Wood ’ltUlmrgh, Pa. geSO EAY 4 (JO., BOOKSELLERS AND ST A TIONKRB, No. 66 Wood street, a ext door to Uio cor karri third, Pittsburgh, Pa. School sad Us Books coa. staatlyuo bandJ JL. READ, BOOKSELLER AND BTA a TloNftJl.iNa.7B fourth sL, Apollo DaUdlng*. {Jamirtß. P A I If T B A' S~T (LORO A LARD, I. HOUSE AND S lO N PAINTERS No. 10* Third Street, (Becoud door below Hanna, Hart A 00.’5,) PITTSBURGH. E'laqs, banners, badges and ' TTIANapiRENOIKd done ia rrerystyU; WINDOW SIX A DBS for business honmgut apia IbtliMmlec DRUGGISTS’ JABS bod BOTTLES LABELLED la tliaoatt ost manner and lb any style* required. GILDED SIGNS IN GLASS dwoeat U)e loasst rate*. orders altrcded to Prepared Palate aad Putty tor relb. > , . mr&Smd J OHM THOMPSON A 0,1)., HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND QL A Z lEB S, NO. ISA TillKD BTRERT, PITTS BURGH. PA. mrfiOrlyd ' - w . J,. CKISWELL, ’ HOUSE, SIOY ASO OENAiESTAIi PAINTER AND GRAINED, . N 6. 61 Fifth Strxst, Oppoaito Odd-FflUow. Rail. PITTSBURGH, P 4 Siam work clone for the trade. ' Krai Esiau agents. WU-Llia WAtUuj “ PJEALER 'IN PROMISSORY NOTES, JL/BoQtto, Mortgagee and aU wcuridre for money. ritwdao procarelosuethrough my Agency,ea hmu* able torpm. Three wishing to invest tbatr money to goad advantage, M alvaya find Wu aad Mooad daas gaper at my for AU coaicranSoa Joae aad tutorrlewa strictly eonfidesUaL OtitauGKANT STREET, opposite St. Paul's CatbedraL I JtfQgtC, acc.i JOHN U., MELLOR, No. 81W00D BT., tctwtA'L L'laiiMJbd Alley and fourth strvwt. Sole Acmt B>rCUIC!IARIMI A SONS’(Bosun) PIANO POKTKS. HA SUN A HAMLIN'S MODEL MELODEONS aad ORGAN Harmoniums, j 'Dwllt >p iinaic at« Sign bftheQoldeb Harp,Sole Ageat forNGMRS A ULARtt’9 (N«i* Votk) anrlralled Oread aad Bo bars PIANLW,aad I’ARUAKT A NEEDHAM'S pmwm« MgLO. DKONU aad ORGAN HARMONIUMS, Dealers In Moslcaai MuOcal tnstremohu. (M CHARLOTTE BLDMR, MANUFACTOR KR aiul Dealer ia Plano Forte*, and Ittporterof Made act! Muelcal lnitraiuecn. Bole Agent lur the UAMSIIRQ PIaSOs, ftJto for UALLKT, DAVIB A CO/8 Baetoa Pfama, with aod wttboct latokwa Attachment. 118 Wood atraat. tpft apdotguq?. ,ulu *- »mn*4— ~~—t.— a. ucauxa Wall Pwpar Wanhaan. Walter p. marshall a CO., Im porter* Mid Dewier*, HT Waod atroet, between Fourth dreatapdßiaamud Alley, wbera n|»j UmodiantnuiTi • a *'tt^*of*T«tydeM | *ptlunof Paper n*aging»,forPnr. Ipra, Call*, DliPng Room* and Clumbera. Alao, window Shade*, In great variety atlowwt price* to country dealer*. »eIC . WALTERP. HARBUALL AOOI Insurant* Aunts. Eureka insurance company 99 W«t«>r • inset. ROUT. fINNJSY, Soc’r. 0. W. Bates, ■voa, Puberal Agent. D j| A A. CARRIER, SECRETARY • Pennsylvania tnraraoe* Company of Plttaborkh. Junee* Building, fberth street. p M. GORDON, Secretary Western Insor* e aoceCmnpimy.fr? Water street. J GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank* • Uo /ire Insurance Company, Nort&east eonuc Wood ind Third atreeta. PA. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware • Mutual luwnoui 00., 43 Water struct. ©atpttß. W. I>. * n. R'CALLVIi Dealer in carpets, oil olotur HaTTINQB, Ac. No. 87 fourth street dw Wood. fits (Soots. t. ■> SOMHrtIUS„«—...CIO. t>. isargewti- ». h4|h BURCHFIELD a CO., (suooewon to Mnr* pby A Dnrchftul'lJ Wboltwale and Betail Deafen Id duple and fuey Dry Qooda, North-east comer fbortb and Market eta, htutatth. k CH. LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fanoj • Pry Poods, sign of the original Boe ULlve. No ft Market street, Pittsburgh, KIL PALMER, No. 106 Markot Street. • Dealer to Booneta, Ilata. Straw Trlmaion, end dtrawOoodageßerally. ■ JAMBS W. WOODWELL. FO Ka 1T 0 CHUR*. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, j Embracing every stylo at FtJRNITURB, BOSKWOOD, MAUOQANY AND WALNUT, Suitable Ibr PABLOBB, OHAMBKBS AND DININO B00M& Kqul to any .In NEW TOBK AND FEI L AI7BLFHI A, W.fii.00.,, Noi. 77 .hd 77 Tnn Snn r, . Prttoltf PITTSBURGH, PA. Tio*. l u n «M r «. a. Tooao *' co., '• unmcnuu o» | rORNITURE AND CHAIRS I Of Kvorj Description. , MOtufcX—n&f*l in. Worelionit—Hoi. 18 k4O Bialth field It, (STEAMBOAT OaSln FURNITURE—|W« tt»aaf«ettnif BTSAKBOAT OJBXH fURHnOBI ud OH AIM, ud lavit* Um tbow toUTMtad la fehUabhiff bo**fc - “ WBUOB 01 "*&kwT T. B. TOUNO ft do. M. O. JOHNSTON A CO., ; ""SIBAM JOB PRINTERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS, ; j ' STATIONERS ENDPAPER DEALERS, No. or Wood street. j aod Plalu Job Prlotiogexaqitodatrtcrt Dolic* Id a inperbir nuHr. | 49»t edgrra, Day Book*, Oath Bx*», Jdorbal* and A* eoont Book! of all kind* on bander mad* to order. ibanr •tylaof rating or bladlog deelied. • ' • j # *»“An>©ld't aod other good braodaof Ink*, Taber 4 * Pin ill*, lb* Atlantic Sloe! Pan, JhtfT*; Oullom jw prauu Perry * and Ulllutt'* Pe&r, anparior Gold Pont; OoraJea N' EW BACON—Hama, plain and 8. Cm Shoulder* *od PW«€. paiik bW»,flrklo»»od p*Oa; _ , POIIK— , Mew »ad Bomb. ; ^ I 0 • wo »rooHh«lw»i. DtN | f Übmi B W A RBI VAt OF vfRR* it “«lq2.“=gS "T- £ ,p *£"' tnd u[A4ay and] foraala by ■ umak * imjKßjos, mwtndit, QPPodtoßt Cbartaawotal. MoCORMICHra OOiIBINBD REAPERS *ND KOWJtAA—Hypalrafor any year alaMlbaila. trdoidtoaitlMWrtWlciaaiaaUSadtndltaMabi J»‘t 'I:-'; minickiukt «nl QHJ6LLKOBOJ Oonla«nia I » B Ksyglr • .V _'/v- •- *''■ • S - r , •j ija- »trQi7aranirouin>AT. Ki MoCOY * ,CO^ LIBBBTT STBgET, oppetiu. Ptnna. B. B. Depot, * i I JKTfBBUftaD, PA. M &KUFAOlkjRfi on short notice, GABTINGB, sHatting a pullxtb, *t an else* and dacripUou, ofj the beat materUll and latest styles; •to WAGON BOXED, BAD IRONS, GRATES, Ac, always on hand or cast to order. HWOrders left at [tlia fOUNDRT, or at Cartwright A *jBSDdl ** Wooler* from b distance promptly attended to P**» CettA* Mills, Ptttabmr*n. Kknnbdy.clhilds 4 CO., manufac- TURRRSof— ' Poob A No. 1 heiry 146bmtlngs; Otrpet Chain of kll colon aod shadta; : Ootton Twines l “ BsdOordk ' Ploagb Unas and Bash Oo*d; &opo of Ml sine and descriptions; patting. | j ~ kft *t tbo Hardware Store of Logan A Gregg, No. 63 Wood street, w(l| hareatteoDPO. Jea6:ly JAfIM IHWIS, MANUfACTUBER OF .CULPHURIC ETHER; Bulphurio Acid; KJ Sweet Spirits of Nitre; Nitric Arid; Hoffman** Aoodyba; Mcriatk Arid;. • ' Aqga Ammonia, fFI) Nitre os do fowler's Solution;) , May bp foqqd at John Irwla A Bbos. 51 Water street. yU^rrllanroug. PITTBBURQH PLOW WOBKB. J. c. b|id well, [Sonsaaor to Speer A Bid welt,] HA 8 ON HAND A VERY LARGE .stock of • • | PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS, Wall tbs dlflerent ready to supply hU frUuds arid customers m nrasL HIsNEW WORKa, r ooWbelng erected the city, on the lot mptlng l'JOfeel MCb oa Doqtnops We* And Fayette stmt, and extending 840 u»t on Garrison mlsr, will be aqoal :|q extent eud cw MritydoenyPlow Works to tba United Slat'*. Laving ell ue modern taproTemabte hi both wood and iron Working Machinery, and willbwiaFall operation about the Br.tol Uey aantng, - ; ■ *V Uanofectory, Wareboata aod Olßro only three squansfruts all thy Railroad Depore. 7 are respectfully solicited, ' • ■POULtf • • J, 0. BIDWBLL. J Beo6ml Arrival of 18SO. CABPBTBIinn on. cloths, IT TOE FOOETfI ITEEET CIgFFT BTOBB, PITTSBURGH, PBNSA. W: D. & u;. m’callum respect b FULLY annorioce that they are raoßirfag a ero ona supply ©f OAEPRTINO, srircted directly tftm toe .S'ISJif 4 ! * n t J , Hinufaeturm by one of tb* Arm, now in “*i *° »Lleh tboyiinrlte the attention ot ucrebaaara. Alio, a new style of OiliTON H ATTI.NG. br iaositf per lere. The latest make, bf CARPET BWgBPH&a, etc., etc which shall be offered «t:the lowest rates i! , w.».»n.huiuhm. iAontucs. ■ the zbow czt? TRUST 00. Eo.iiSSLlberty Etriewt* ° F 'DISC°DNT, exchange AND DEPOSIT.j Capital M«a»w»W-! mi f R 150,000 Cwpitml Reprsttritid, "»«■■ ,1,000,000 Adr-bTocxaouxas irial held ixsmooatty Lusut'Cß . Currency ood^orit. -raS* HON EM aUpwvtf to remain foe A SpeoXed r»wf. W|LL DRAW INIE&BdT. Fight Exchange ob tnoKaitern Weeuwn citke ■oenataaUy (or sale in eotua to ,oit. Cnllectloua made In all the principal cities in lha Übiu4 a»n*dfct, an 4 PaOCAKUA PKOMPTLY KR lUxTED to any beared -point, oti day of maturity. trta-Sut oas: Alaliiader FureytU, Jobs Heath. Geo. fL Wi, * u “ W. MoCUntock, Uenry Mo- Cullongfa, Egbert Andemm. * i> UL 1. a k tav 11 e i a a mu. * No. 65 Fourth Street. C CfliSrifilfl /A' 1866. £}P£N. DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O’CLOCK, V dao on WadDaadajt and Batarftay avtaleta, from May Brat to Noeamhar flm,Trun, 7 to • rfdock; and from h£ veattarflrat to May Oral, Crve ft to » o’clock. Bopodta raodrad of All enmi net laaa than owe j^oQat ltm bute.ll anally, tc Jon* and.Decfcmber, atnoe the Bank ww orraw aed, at the rate of six ppr cent, a year. aotoraati tf acM drawn Ant, la placed to dM eradltof the da poaltor a* principal, aadUetiyUtaaaia* latere*t from the flret , * *tou :or*tab*d cr&Uc, *u ippacitlont ti* offlc*. : ) ■ JohaH^SbM&bwi**-. *=£&*. j jmjst- j i.H.PoUock“U. D *• Peinoeh, WOlUm l:l>Mi,, HMBnuutn, WMlnin'J. Aelntnci? J*»a.«jKioto.‘ John'B. licfidJ.n, • Jwm B. Oho Sold, t. a. Midetn ■. BtoQJoJL tkrrip, John n. UMlnr. JMU (Mjhnll, June. B.«. Menu, ilQ B'ttuprw*, : Jnmea Mcjoloj, SSf?* . > WnlurP. «Ur»h»U, - WlUralwlM, WIUoo MUltr, John Broil. John art, pßyawiß. itauj u BUumit, s“J“an In hhoontocß. John D. Behlt J, : JMMjW.&nnM, VOthun B^imtrti, wlUkas.'HkTcft, AfeiuderTtadkk Hnok«f,. ImcWbltOctv _^^.*a.’srr- aEußi "i- °° liob JJBrRIGBRATORS! “7 - i BRIBIORBATORfII ~**• UrgTM ttoefc „f tbs best patterns to *»4&r.d west of ln pwt m follow.! *l B S22 TINKfi TAL BEr&IOKBATUB, " MtOBLBIOB. do ' " IOEBKRO ; -fa " WINDLI 2 do “ijooaiJdop > do : mK 1 “ votvmo S All «f with Had without w»tirt4ok- They Md osefol—etaphstlemUy tho - llQpjß LN TUM DININO ROOM. for tbs Tarioos Mtklosof prortskma,so tost tbo oulona, i ®' ** u POt toUrWfo with'soy otbor ;«Ude kept to ! “*doost. In AddlHoo to the ibdrowo hsroof oar own cosks cad wsmhtsd. SSSRSf”-* sapcs, : moiwfi«i PMlUr ' ,B > WATER COOLERS, DIED OAGKO, J CUAROOAL tDtINACES, I**CN&RBS3 BTOVia, * rOROILAIN, BRAES. OOPPM AND TIN LINED . . _ PMXSMMyUta XSTTL*3,\ .“?W»«kAt«Aiiß* wdla.ihollMor Hoane ssttsfisfßMissa? WMd ■w ta,< - -PT* l j*. W.gW. BRADSHAW. SEETIN’SIjOLD STAND IB Tni DIAMOND,! T aou4e.BT oii* e. UtlOlßkellblßilLjMlllWi raftpiunoß. , : ; j. AVINQ TAKKN and fitted up, - JK *** ft**t i»p ISBTANT, RIUXt util fullLssss?"'' thi ’ dkt "~ . f'KNDT'S ■ |.; BR 0 SOB IA Tr CIOARE T T £ S, 00,107MASUO STRUT, bo*;«Mitfr»fbypart, AtAttD^MlgW. Jpn-Baj^ M 4 ;H ,mDg; *Wport I do SaniJS. lim wd «n»lfc,< , £*k*Bmtojt?-Uripso«rmi.-jDUch.rges from the Ear, thei r esolt of Scsrlet iFeref, MeiwleHi-or Mercuriati ln the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Rloelng la t§e Kars, and Ear-acf,e. Price, 60 cents mV bog. , Fqe Scnorci.i —Enlarge.! Glands, Enlarged and Indahit- H Ji-njiH, HaeUinn and Old Dicers,Scrofaloas Cad.txy of ClJlilnrn.. Price, fiO cents per bpx ■ N* n*MAt Dctiutt.—Physical or:NenrousWeaknmj the result of ttlckncss, Fjceaslve M»licat!oa. or Ea* . Uusilns lilscharges. Trice, 50 'cents per box j Fua OafirsT.—Fluid Accamulalion*, Tunjld SwelUats with ?c«t,ty Secretion* Price, M cents per bor. ' •: F,B^ iS *Vr’- r Calculi, Diflb ciilh Painful Urination, Diseases of lhe.K!dnera Price M ernt* peribox, 1 r ' jFcja Peanut. Einwiogs.—lnfoluptary 'DtschTrcrs , a J CoMetpiCTt Prostration and Debility, Bad Results ©r ErU lUblia The most successful and efficient : remcdy known, and .may be relied upon as a care.; pHrfc, with full direc tions, *1 per box „ : ; , pvreon* triio. nbh to place thmselres ttiider the profes t.obal care, nr to seek advice of Prof. HaanutTs, can do •?» V Lis 'office 562 Broadway dally from 8 A.M. to B p.M or by letter. . ; , r £ nk °T Pr , H*t; make qp 1 case of what kind you ch'inse, and ln.-h.se the amount lh a cufTeqt note or stamps by rnail to our address, at No. M 2 .Bm*dw*y, New-Tork, aiul.th* medicine will be Only returned byitnail or express.' fretjiot charge. j | , AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an s*tlre, efficient Agent' fur the safe of our Remedies In every tnw* or community m l rfted States. Addre» Pf. F. HUMPHREYS A Co. i _ t No. M 2 BsaADWAT, Nnr-Toix; F V?* T^ N * Tfr,h " ,rr «*. (Di'psCcb Balldtog.) sreonfl docrf.om the Post OfSce. Whutdrain for Pittsburgh M * WWNI •05?HinnlB g hS£?*?, J -»*«■ w • f ■ ilSismiamauß Cut is. 1 * F. fc Co.i DEALERS IS PROVISIONS, AND CARD OIL Mlllt U FACT Ull ERS No. T_,i>>.-rty Str^nt, PIT ooiiuoil. «, 2S 0. *. WARNER, PraaWent tt. 0. ajtniHKTZ. CetMer. j:. N. SHALLKNBliiittiijijK Ac CO, (Awerisnri (o R. Dunlap, Jr.) ; i»*PORtKRa abd|dialiib i* Baud ware and ; No. XOX -Marlcet Street, j PITTaPCRGiI.PA.; *. A. QALUMH- - pALDWELL 4 BRO.; V’: „ bCIA J MJWI8&SBB iuntMUCßtt a UuilUa, Uei«p ud Cvttuu Oord»Kt<; | j; J. ' Omkool Tmf, PitchlilUwin and Otis TtopAaUnj Duck, Light ud IIm*? Drilling*. * c _ : jv>. M Wa-qy.aiMt Strut. A LANK'S PHOTOGRAPHIC -GAL •I-',!1!,0f ohdSTrraErra, in Mofldlnif. oppodto tb»l Court Hoove. *"* inrt U * B fl ; tu; • ’ a S trooßcn »txl dueeu aw cordUllj Invited to call udez>, •oiloe for ibetuedrse. Prie** moderate. 49*Satraoce vd nftli atn»L u —r~ferrtM apakijd : VSIOE •—•••.—.Roaw? j. and two* ; < RBVfIER A ANDKRSDS, nriIOLKSALE DEAtERS IN FOREIGN N MTBet»d BPtCEB,CONfKOTiONEB?. *lR* WORKS, Ao n No. 30. WOOD BTRKR, PMUhnruh, Ta. !: mrlfcl/d ST U 0 0.0 WOBHI B, : JABBS - OWENS, ' CO&XEM ELM AND HtTUS STREETS, -,) l^’ TDOC J? A 7 D “ABTIO T?OimEa,giTe.p*rU«iUr attention to all order* for wurk la bi* Übo. * m %>« t ZT' n,,,l ' uurk warranted. '! - 8 POtr N-.ISiiB KB , AND 018 PIP* FTTTIng AND PLUMDJKBB; tj’INrSHKRS or ALL [kINDS or BRASS A- : WORK. «d deafen la GAB riXTURXB, *6, *»OrrtOß AND WAREBOOHfI, , j NO. WOOD STR*rr, n« door* from Fifth itncu . . •••Toaadry, So. 159 rint itrwt, five doors boloir the iloccatP»beJ»’lloo«e, Urfwtoa Wood aod Budth#eld. : •Ml OBDimS paoHPTLT FILLID.-M ! jaitoUt ; | ■ Pittsburgh Agriooliaral WorJu. FUASCI4 si W^LLlAkp, M So».« t»d'Bl Kerry street, ANUFAOTURER OF .WILLSON’S T*»ffT*pb IT tj. Straw aad| Fodder Catter, Hotter ttoßpen, |lorw Power Threehera, cider Unit and otber AittcpUgjhil wachlme. ' [ i- del&lyd S AND£H’B UAIK DRESSING ; ROOMS. QBANt BTRiRT, OPPOSJT* tn« OAT B*»EAt. ' L < tOPSM FROM 6A; M.fTO 9 P?n“ ? WberejmUen»o can June their Hair Dneaed Id (A* latest aod mocjuahioaable manlier. He ha* fitted aoa room.*. prMaly foie Ladlaa, where partienlar ■Motion wilt thriven :waiitiAOS'l. roTaBKX * Engine and Boiler Shop. all eizea, jon hand or to order; warren Ufß= IM f ,?'" 1 ' “ ,1 ” m *»*• vnlitj ' 1.11 ***** *« i i jj: ! - • tJ- 1 n. rmiuvn. ayfctodiwT I!,™ ‘"f “E J > T 1 i i . umn DiaSKY tco. K7JSATIIERS—G bags ntm landing from M :1 - ■ IrtUAUPICIfcT ioa bbls. Superfino Flour iusi rc •i.'!,«Nk#4tril,by iJM A. |T*TZKB, ■; . ■ iy»» - eormriXArkelfttH? Flnlirf* r |\AI#LUW" tiefcca now* landing- JUfroe* ttMatr.toa Pen? ft* Ml«by". r! •;; .; M --.ikajah dicest a 00, ' HAbKVT WILLOWS~i4 ! hunfllrt py I8U»g PIOKEIf *£o. iga faradsby,: ~ 'unxiiMun, POWDfiB&DCOAL— 2SbI*i, fankbj X>» amiawtttti.- ’ ; i-l « ' l\ ••' '. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE BAY. ] “*>' *wfa*r nmtpmris' SPROInc IIOIKZOPATHIC REMEDIES In cor fvnUla Sr, I 5”? And Ratliie full eonj ■ ‘t'.r E ,nr -’ n,;n «». Parity,....! cl.frrfiJiy - S“J° ' ’ rl “ to.hi.. ..1,, r~ ■Mik. *Ad tOcatau r.medlej at hln.l [nt prt.aM or .In- Slf?,''.'*"'- n C m,T . Mltor of “The Northern In-ie- I-jolent, ■ Aohunn N. T.; Ihe Ee». E. IL .Creator, U PerAarareii.AnbenhN. V.j LheSr lilt : * T ?S. of the Auburn State Prison; the klt. ■*&* JT«W‘Be4ford, Map..; the p.iv. V7^» a . St^r !e » Conference ; the Rrr. Ss-nr.-l Nishot-S EasVGeDesee Conference, ft V * the R-v ps.H ,T> the Ber. Johtt E. RnWe. Baffab.; A.SC. Hon. Sc* D*w t rmtanJ, : Mv; the Uon. Schuyler Colfax,South-Betid, Ind. : the ll4n. J phre J*’ N - T -j Henry D. Cook, Fju.. Edltoricf : State Journal, Columbus; OhW; the Hon. R.-1L ' nc i M- ? Hie lion. Thomas J. Chase,. M.iritl i cello, Flo.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y • Wtn. ■ Ur&ieVfeq., UUea, N. Y.: A. a Pond, Esq., CtlCa, N.T. ; : Plankett, E*j n KaihTllle, Terni. < c • > . ; LIST OP SPECIFIC REMEDIES. / No. 11—For Ferer, Congestion, and Inflammation. Ho. 4.—For Worm Fever, Worm ColJe,'Wetting the Bed. ffo. a—For Colio, Crying, Teething, atjd Wakefulness 'of ; lafcwta; ' i ’ .; •Jo. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer : Complaints. Ho. R—For Cofle, Griplngs, Dyseotery.er Bloody Flax No. 6.—Far Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds, Inflaenxa, and Sore Throat.' No. 9.—For Toothache, and Neuralgia. 1 No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Feline* of the llnid. r. • No. 10.—Drsremi Pill»—For Weak and Deranged ; SUonach, Constlpal!on,£ad Urer Complaint. Nf'.ll.—FoaFnuLiUiiiaotJJUTtß.ScaJity.Ptlnful.or I Suppressed Periods, ; ’ v ’ : No. 12.—For LeticorThea, Profuse Menses, and Bearing i DoWn of Females. 1 : No. 18.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. it-diiT Rnini Puts—For EryidpeUa, Ikuptlons, • Hippies on the Face. . y No ; 15- —IbrnnATic PnjA—For Pain,Xameaesf, or Sore* ; nee? In Ihe Chest, Back, Loins, or Limbs.' ; jL—\ f|or Ferer and Ague, Chill;Ferer, Dumb Ague, bid ’ Mlffnannged Agnes.' ' ■ R—For Kies, Blind or Blcedlng.ilaterpal or F-xteroal. 1 i Qt—For Sere, Weak, nr Inflamed Eye*and Eyelids- Pall* lng: Weak, o? Blurred Sight. 1 i •__ ; i i J?~ Ft, . r Catarrh, ®f lori ß standing or recent, either irith ;OMlructlon *,r profuse discharge. “ :,."A c -“ F « r "'hooping Cough, abaiii.g iu rlolence and shoHening its course. : • Irf all scute disease*, Achf as FercfS, Diarrhea, I>y*cr.tery, Croup, Rhmroatlum, amt such erup! as ScarlerFercrJMcaMes, and ErysipclM, U)e ; ;.f g ring the r>rt*ncr rfmedie* promptly Is ob » al, ~ dl f» w » «£ spoclflcs act like a chanh. rrc disease It open ajs&ted .atfonre, and In aU casts the tluitiiice of ihe attack Is, niodcclflfis alohje proper application will afford a;rure In almost ercry ln«:f tc. J'Ueti the cure of a single chronic dlfficnlty, such as l>fspe|«l;i, piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak* has more than palif for the cap* leu limes oyer. also sPEcmca OUR REMEDIES: BY MAIL. .i. JoU* tiAUWKU, JU. nkw firm. GALLAGHER, CRAIG A 00., • r"!". '''.fr-jfy: Cor : ; jAflwTaking THE greatest ITemciij, y;> khfTwurid. This conSUl ndlitillnl kn.Swnociy.tti t»yef*H and chauksliy aomUtml with u£>nit>'im*l/;’r»liublo medicinal rain, hferhs and l*rheikt>ov?u' tolkeitntad c# men,fir DUod X**, Black ftenfc,ri* low Dcct, Dmdtbim, .Suric/viyi/l*, './fltto*- JPhr&n; with others, prudaijlng U»o n«t inst)iito lai; tbe rvetof* •Uoa health tifer kuo*c. i *jx k,*(otts*i» oenmnedj, cnrta&di'caeAl ly Rolnral U«*.l.-:Wht7iuk4*^its(nOii eocets felt eubvring through the body, puri -1>lo« end actelerirlnic *bv Circ«>tt4*o( the Wood. It neutralises edybUtoue owttuf U» t%MooWb, aedeUeagth •as tbe «bvl«|orgaitluiioa. ■■'.ill. [ %•,. ; if Li AN 8 HTH KStt TUttflUo COBpIAL Will ! . •*- i Liver Cora ilalnt, jaundice, Chron -10 or Norroat i>ti the liianqye, and aU arising * rol f tt l>i*orderbc)\ Liver; or? " | Stomach, Dyjrivjpsia,- ) , In lbs fctoruaeix, fcmr or 6irtfcc»*na 1 i h m S y i Ne ”°, n * !»«*"«; t&* * a, Ekln, »ud Peter and Agne (« Pe»«r )"it.« I locuaiiococ* of; UttjV! stranjnigry ti & *. D> , I Button or Worn iw, Tflltß* » *lO M!BT4l*B ABOUT IT. r ThliCortleS Win (wear r.HtoMft ioj of ihsriitoW ss^a^rshs: i py£B a »aixTop : jioraLßB;' . v | H*TO been Soli daring tho last ; «nd in no In stance ha* It failed In giving ec/Ufa £»u'sf»kliou. ; Who, thru wIU antfrr frein weaknua cr whan McLeet/s flUt>ngtlietilng|Cordla] will cars’ ; i; TO THB : v -: Odjoq wish.to be healthjr snd.iltniglr" Then goat-onoe and get seine of McLeeo’v Invigorate joot whole ajarem, camdigalieaJlby cad nnr* circulation of blood to flow (hrobtfSt fc*efy yein, -antl tbs fhh, rosy bloom of health to tnottußfrycfct; cheek Wain. - ; *very botllejle warranted to - S' >r c&iXu&futisrl ; k chair your wrickly,inny,or mpUint* preyfcloimMuoM cbildyeb, rltc uien a small Hnantlty ol Cordial, aad-lt win make them healthy, tat, and rultatyjTreliyuot a ib'OQirDt try It, and yoo Srlll te coovi»«4.| i> ; i.. IT IS DELICIbCS:|p ; ; Cicnoß.—Beware of drugglata *bo tails try to palin npotj yon| some Uitur or ; flam/patUla :traab, which they can tuy cboap, by leytng iVO lnxl u Avoid auchroen. Ail; tor Hi-Lean’* gU.«ilyibtOlrtK Cordial,and Ukepotbing lt U the ooty wU| par‘ry the blood thoruigbly, and at the time strengthen the system. ■•• 4 v ; t . or auy prevaledt dis Mae. It Upu la fanrebottles. Price only $1 per bottle, or B outiifr IbrctA. - ■ Bole tbri Oordlsl. , Also, McLean’s,AVpabßigll Utdmvnt. Principal Depot on the knd pinhAtrMts Bt. Lonis, Mo, j -.*( » ;j- :z, TBoLEAN'S'VOtr lIMF-' -■ -^CANMi'tISIMKNT. The Sat Lmmmt A lie. fybrfd. ' The orit aaraaod certain rare fcf&ww&Plleß.l'itnorß, SwalllßiAßttd |B»«cM*or Nibrelgls, W*akae« olth* Mo*;!**, Chronic m>*U*oi, fijlffoew of ibe Joti.U, CorruptediUaadaa or Llga -Pt’^,^K * r *^- or Toolbacbo, Voquds, rrc«b Cuu, Ulcer*, Fev.ir Bom, tyim bre*«ti, *sre;Nlt. pl«l, Dors*, fioro <» 4nV Sufl«um«Mon or Pain, Du differed-bowaarer*., or lioifjonrf lhe‘dl#ot*e‘oia» bareoxUtod. HcLeau’* Ct>lebr»t»l 'f Jolnfoui U aceiUiD iwwdy. j • i : ,■} . ■£: .s | Tbownud* ofhnntto beluga harijbo’itf ifc'rKj a lU»<* dc crejiliada and miacry by the dm bf .ihi« 3n»«lnablc nadl* do«-; | . : .*s. £■ .' •:•; j - MoLeita’s Volcanic Oifc Liiimcntv Willroller* nafi almoet InrUDUnekaoiy; abd itvlll eb»»*a. gorwy, and boa) (bo fonlcat \ For Horses and % 1 iV 0 *^ 00 ’* c ? , t t ™* ed Liniment b t*« only only aafoaod rel t , * b !f H !n ' ed ?J br Bj4Tb> Rn>j Coot Wlud gHlla, Splint*. Cbtutanl Lamp*. 3o4>'or' ft Win MTrMaii to care Big Polled, rMnV OldßoD- H Sureo, or fwceoj.lf properly Tor Bpralna. Scratch**, Creeled Orn|», orCcllu Oatla, U»U, 80r.,i or Wound*, If IrajJ-iaUdllMe rrni«f»_ Apply U*a dtredUxl, and a coro if cvryju la otcry IniUtKo T\»-u trlflooo longer wiib the UuVrhH.tt offered tnyr.o.bbt.lB a anpply or Dt.)l C t.¥«nV colft-rfled Unimoaft. It will core job. { .aj ; • • | • J* p- McLEAN, Propricter^, • Corner Third and Pinaitji- St. I-paWiln. DR. GBO n. jKicrsisn, 140 WcwPrtn>et, - fitutorgb, , l» to wbotu knout be addreeiwd! j sniijr, o* ,:'■; ' “ : 'j ' - ot of Iron • pOMBINSJE*. 1,: - This preparation olrFfcßs from •n oihw*, Doing »o oucoaogesb*? proUixKJe of.lruu N b; • cuculiliiAiioo never I t!br£Xpa«rn. ':• •. LJ.tr, Btepbf» BrQi, aUlorin. 5 f 2.'! <, “W , "* I fo IntporerwhtnenlYl ihwtloort, gujwnil debUlt?,4ndeepi«(aify tbedUreere-pEnllg} to female*, II ha* fee round eitremely •rfte»rf. I MBoylrto&ttretet : :•£: ’• I 1: ! . 1 *. [-• A CARD. iis ■£ . • lh* üßAriguad having experienced i« beneficial e&cu of the do not heatutf tu jnramihe&d it i?; J-. Prom our own experience, a* well aatfea'foa'tccflmiray or Others, whore fitielUgeare and tnie£>tty»r» Jtocrehw nnqoeat lon able. we hare no doubt of tt&cagtcT hTtairet of focipiaat IMrereejoi tha Loop and febmfcta! Warerre, deed Ua effect* Wcjuld bo Incredible Ufiftf wiibe birih thxr* a*tot of thow wbq wttnreeed then, ho(f hart voluitiwM their tretJtpony, re we do our*, to lu rre&rartye tKiWre;; ! Bov.John Pletpout, Tbon#* O&uirW i Tfcomaa Jl Dwkter. Peta**flarv*y. • [ .>-•<; . 8.31. Kendall' Bt.b, JabSuOTfinas. 'i : \ - EetjTboaiJrhTtUjinbk ,nr S t £ b7 i _ I. DB,O:InHIIifI«TBBRi' . ao&dAwly? i ■ ■ Igffifco Wwl »trret. -C.i. ft. CVKII. oor cbiid] inttMd of br deadm»9 iUtmsibjtikn , fw ibU leMoB, lu»ifiMMhifo*fi;reftt» adoe. 111. porfccUr not iqjnrv tbo uuo« delicate Infant. ■ Prfaa2£™V. i*u : ; j ; j homtn 8100 l m» 0 being ! ' . ’.I. !' '. ~ anal-s th# "** **w 6 twi MS 0 * stand ahdHEW?* th# *m*i D.^ 0U b # CoDromplfoi^fiLWafooaipWtoit, SffESfci&^H 4o -' “** «• flod to eWwtowe*<*r> tun dfAde»«i»ej fo Ui« rw! global* of *l*3.' %i| ibeM tbei^ub^ 11 lhl * Ito yWqUbtof iocca*i.~ FlVt J S*PWto tto defldeoclea of the Blood latjlfleriat diaeeaM.' J’jr CUDQaii, OuLUB, BHONCniTIWr atiy affection JftUw of the THROAT or LUNtiB loet&lng).ONdO*F* TION. CMNii. 1. which It elto the No.!?/ DAPNIS-MQN 0»i8PIItIT8, LOdß’Up APFBTIT*, •bdftr attCHHONfO OOapLAINTA aritlas from OVfK.WHMQBfffRAL I>E*! blLlTf, tod MKBtoUa PUOdTKATtOS t UV ■&COMPLAINTS *No 3 tor DTSI'BPoIK /#<*«? ttfrwafjr' .prrptre* for lt ia taisa tT 3K-AM £aa eatrtodl lmibcd lately into the drculatioa. eothat iwlet yffO ffufn jots .rt/ain. 1U No. 41* tor MiMALB 18/xUvL&oITUS, UYbrEtttA. WEAfiNBwKA,Ac, dweSeUt dlmtia*,* for thle. Vor BALThttIiVM, *#UP*eoN« U LODB, KIDNEY end ' BLADUfK COJ|f take 56. .6. In alt caeee the dlrnctlooa muit be avail? 'WloacO- Prtre of tie BLOOD [FOOD < l ftt bcttij. W |1 Nd J§lp6lfT f * t No. 409 Br*ds£*,Bhv 'York:''. . For ote bjDU.OBO.It hw' pittt bargb. P*. j •• ;- • • » fcftlydAfrg^ tfUKDHIfieM • • fit” £=. , “ O WOLAaSI»-|OO Mia pri»« M*nt£jon. ': •*« MIDDUNQS-fOtctulUr. ! : i. » • ! . ; OATS—looobwprtiao. -• j_ }• ■;■. ■- \ j ; iTMKDiPPIJ:J-10bw.,A„| £ - ; .it- • »#»**» *] VIWOMIj, ! •PENNSYLVANIA SYKUp-i iy —; \ OEArn fl Wallpai Prieto, dortni [LU—VVui co ncisi at'reducti ttMrMMoe** ■•**?* cb«& lot if «i L: :-.W; ?. fi»K-:u*(.u . iBSSS - a> Uft. 'JTnah MSikwli fifittoil• ____ * Lvj.-U,-- -■'••* j ■ :; '"" ■i.§ f .I r P'i mcljeT' _ „ , rsnxi TO Mt*-"**~4« H»|to I 9 - Philtedo-fbU-M..... 90 fc> * L«ucat.tkr4 StS . !; . . , , •»* »«■«>«* Haltfmora and New w“ ; * haU^™ P' , " b . to, °R»**<»• «*i «ra,'*mbecb»rg*a*fe* ?.OD)H»iSr B .-, *“.V aUioll **«l* Btitk>oi»tM,*n«p6 Solicit i7 l^ C PO.Agant, < T, *Si wTfi’l s U,u <*“i*** * m ««* U ‘■“lj l |afia fcrtt »nrt^e g wPtoV I !i 6 r^ n cra P ,< 's od tocooTry not to urn] Ui «fu R r”, t^w, J rCtU 01 *« • for Tlcka**r>Ju £ Wg»P>. • At the P. K. H V^SB or c u ,.._ J * BP»VVAKT,Ag«t,, “ * r 6U1,, ' a * f “ Liberty rim] Ura&ft at* w THE : -Tioso "Tr^asssg'!^ To aUPuioU in thu South, Wral'iNonWct' * J W&IXO A!W SUiiV&R ‘AUk'AXQtHxfij. • TIHF TO c,n CINN'AT£ m quick, und to ' •V s ,‘ L °°''* M ■!'>'■*« Own t, - « u «»&sttasg& , .i mklaft clogs connection* With WHJrfmitatmr H,,t PbrrZ Uttd, aiDoibns aud Cincinnati HqX v ' ■ i Arritlng atllidiahapolta........ic.-io f, a. ** fit ’Lwjhi.**..,. ..... tJ3V*i *’ , . H‘ ** •—i-<:4O ». it. rti?'—ir? 1 * t,mft t 0 clocfuu *M h tSj’iiime V2\£*»" «* «1* meet at Colntuin*, aid r%**»b. ' SWajlll goluto UutißMl triethcr. -v "* TKA|N—l geraalj go into Cincinnati together. * SlMtlog Caraonibl* iratn fiom'Fit(«bnr*b{o Clocfa* oati. to IndUiiapulU and >o Chicago. 1 . - 1 K&MAIIAM WSSSS-TBAiy. * ' Ijatm Pltbborgb ............. «-■»* Arnr.a at CmUior :£V._ ' 5L n .£* ?' * ** Cincinnati 4 M ~ Tiilut through toCtifc&go vithont cluinse ot Lfc>A * * ■ ••' EASTWARD THAWS'* T ■«••:•• L«*ae Chicago, a. *.mnil 7:45 y. a. Anhtnr oa • Lima, 8y a. and £.-3u a. a. tounwtiog alih tralba'Ktr ‘ • andSo 1 ?! 1 *? 106 ArriTlu « ■«j^LtUoc a.-if r '. ,cr Clndiinail, Clefy ■ D,l, ' rr * Ti, iKot Pi übir^,.a« A. K.an 13.15 y. a. Indiauapolia aud Llneieoati raat <>*« S“re“uS P “" Il “" ra “ ■odtkt iaomnwd.llol, Tr.hu, (ram rrfc«l .Irwl. 4 J„i ra j: Tiw K.w Brigbtwo, 111 DU *. u , u u |:10 !■ w * J *!* : •*»'“ ' JZIS-- ‘-.«4 ■■ Tbroagb Train. coustela.foD£m~ ' i . v . , ' uh “ lli “ “ A riiuimigk r, UL - 'fcr fprlngflcid, Sand tttkjyttay ton* CLodanatt, ®* dD#T * D *f :,oß » *tb - il - ,lJrl> i rß . Catayett^Tod.,SbLouiai kaa fntw . njoifat* fo Oentnl Indtaea and lUiaoU. At ny mooth fotJjafurte. L - . . A BS*r«!?^ * U PtJaU 00 tho li4 ' r Albany avl Ba!tm f nitou ' , »« for ftlhhar.lßfannarton oxul IhcOngh Tkrteuannlj u. | • i '• J* ETiWd iiX, “nckei Agenu I dtathn., PI«,M-Vnr*b ' I fAUKIh,.Tuiw Agvol, ■ Parteugvl tflotiou, Aii«hrU¥. fet mlo at ftlj the Ticket Olfict* ut Um o thelitis of the remi, to all p«m<>f Ibcfusited 0 « ! 0«-M>iq\ Pft^;ru rf >it A.-» m. -:V»> : lnigl> * >a «n- •"?*****•" *•«rt»SS o».»Ua'd 4i ,-n. IVUtoTsi, Ofiowtu .and antmnn sum L J. . .. . Sqtanb “I*> "• d*rcto«4& ' #«'■ j|t. s *<«i •)! ku.i»i jjwuii, ik.r.Mit ;,,.’’- **™ Bleeping Cara attached lu all **- *>l'ießiW fis-i si; i£= ! 'S;i winnui P ' >'■>'*b.tn«,,E„ci lu ur,<,d i,.'"; S' *«l. kU8 ’ B*o«»lTSi:kei Ajp-tit. / I. for fora»ertntb«paUcKi appw to •/- y ' JN O'STBW'ART,Ttek»4 j*.Bi ****** I Liberty *t. dfpot, Htutn^. , / M’atuurosjip 7 ~ bazaar and livmS' stable ■< 'DIAMOND BRXBT, NJut*“LlßaitTT - ■ |- ivrrasa^WAi. HORBEB, AND DAbd wtlloordur »t «U °3 nu*. Stenoil and Brand Cotter’ JOBBINQ CPTLEB. ORINDBn^j, »TJsß^ i j (CUNDKIES R%!w 80 o^! ftb *? , n!lck Grwo, TuloatmjrK i liS2r e iL a bi‘Mi. a , ll ‘ m > * »uVJ!KB3 *?*'. J?" T*. «*V*>**M** «lUwJrt. «**- far«J«bii j ue g tAZeAR. i»a uw.rt— J • ~SS»j£SS ;s ttsi4 , 5- IOOtbU.No 1 MtM J 4_ OZ 'J nT *U. 0 B“W* **• zh » *•**»«**> »L° D R-JW bbU. riln, runl| T «*1 r«W! Bniifcr jri. >> . heck . ikzgtiuas “<» holri, £S, UOLUdKS lb okk tumb. do : 1 1 iatmlf do • l •• . ..^-.v «vn h ni iim '- mv* m •• T DHDKRTim KAMI ■■ so»s « coatrakv' ; s^3SSS3S«M*y ■SShb§§SSBS3 ,T)tW UANBUKK-, Sia m’s • --ZKi ‘ ' 08i*MaAtw» KiMisajiwma AKO C ZI BROS NKNv From ,tlioj Cailabid. Sj*a» Cinolnoiij,. Ohio. ComSSrJkL 1 ? Tef 7“ach reKUßtlw jJuUf /.tfc* l?£SL£Z£\fhf * B *«*S»>btt*i* »Uui ft«.^U»sd«teo**w. It pTKtettU* tfcjpy cwnttawtaa ot c*pi>7 tnrE»tlT*.* S3?i3K^S!*JS£ ln .^ !W^“ ®^9 a . l(I . t ’ e , t fV n ,** **>• **®pai'niat* 'of ‘•ortßff«*Uct. v E 4 ic* Cold; h*ir* bottle full ii ft '. ntaatniMlMßihßlfftahohrbeftcobrMkftft,' { Joa.fLzaisa' * - *. JelO /_< [_i, Oorncr olMirttl rtrtJffcd i»q yj V; >0 ; tc*. and f. S?! 1 gur<(6ip«iu9.- tiroad-^Bfcffr' JLr aod ftblta . ■ rlrwn and fcldaroKd— > «npo T W k Z hMid, os tttd' U ortw, «Ub or without RiHud|«kdl«Sll Oiabort notice, to tt* teat ia»on»r.bj . *" ’,; ■"■> 7 W. U. JOftNKTO!* A Ctti I gwkwaafcod tnintw,. ,»V -■in JKailtoatta. Rabr* bi q iuiir'ilin rpjlE P£NNS¥LVASIA^—.Li " ,l,<>o X CS2TTBAL RAILROAD.' iffTmiC ;■■;£ • MON DA V, Jen* luj, t»,L- >rnL,r-«» MAIL TKAlJflut« lbe tiUttvii ’ (rxcr|.iSoad*j)«t sfc3Q*. r au trol^,ricwPoN*,J.'bi»io'«»D'.»iul*U‘n v«!ar . John*tcirn awi. »iuect D»ltimuio, arriTiog in, PtoilAddpiiU wr ' » TUB THROUtSQ KXR&KSB TRAIN lMul*H. , V t f. «, floppingonly at priocipal Ka'loo*, mk>fay r** o**tea at UarriatH'n; ibe DaHircoje, ami afriTluir i(> pv.i_ W|;bwor &3ft *. « ; * ■!?&.>■ »t o-ns * i 9 * UN * Wr *» *a* *t»Uoc io»i. tr.i?" cnl> »i Oiwailuiff, • ,k r,U< “® ATlltlDStorhil. Tue ioUbatowr/tf 1 ' n “ w ' w ‘™ Train* j - / Sba jXvZZ . n'* 111 ' »Y« Bouc-ijotiiy' "'“H-I.inm Tintm i*u4ra tMy(nt. oir-n. *• fir.aj. Cui.ati.Ui U. “ *** *«»• (etcipi fo«^)oUls^!i'‘3 ll ' t ' vC, * ,k ? rl^W, «* Trt AtVi nnui>.!m^ it , y, , I. i' [tXCi'Pt “ ,c f“'n«lwCr.Tt| o iTe*o*il^ 'Tt»lrJ Arc..cnti,«iatiouTr«u fi.rT„,, ; „ . (except siiioJ*)) n( lUk t j*. “•» <-r*»K. la-aTeailaity. • UtUtriiiag Ximoa ainr© in > J pit*»*,l£tOr M ; M-11, Uiu 4. RX- I..WU AcCl>Ql(DodMtfchj,U:oUA.‘M4 HrL.‘“Jr*;; 4 •*-.Joil»ii • n:«l«lfOO, C3O A MU««Otnl A(XvmHrwi*U,,V I.Vrr 1 ' A '°tO- AccttumoiiiaiuD, e:w p. » * • u,r -* , -;lbJtd , Ti«»n« tor lliair»Ti. .. , lot*r»rctioU with Jiboalown Act».mtat,|«itoti Ir**i "» "* .SStoSSti’^" Piti»luri:lt k Conwn»»nfoTr»iuii, kU-riiitK * ! t *ll ataUma ; on the PiK-burnti k OoooelJa»HJu Rw.|, irrivv'ilLilr fenrt** »XrrpUit)M f-JloWaj—JUll Twill, ?.-«0 a. m : K»i ; rt»lTiabT t.'iOp. «, Jl«Uirt.lo«L Tr.ioa froiy Huatmrab [« *illo »rci«cjit I'uUlnrgh, 9JiQ&.m. »ui tt*Ar V- ' TJie trmlfir* public WUi'tilul It gitaift to tlUr iatrtttt lu IP-iiiß fcaat-Ki MV»c, 10 * ra *iS3fr lVuiiajlvibui Rb|]! m tue accwmtmxlatk-tia r.GW.t ff.-f.tl i*uti<4 L-o aorbaaa rJvL Any other ruuttv XL-a Hw.J |kbal(ain,lvc»»feiv *nxd and rumK.it to all who rany t*ror this Koa.l with their palrou