The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 07, 1860, Image 3

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‘iiai.t n'r~TnT i
MOHUINO. JOP y 7- 18a0 -
’ AFFUItSL ■ \
' ObUSrilio”* for tioOaitll«.bj
*••" ***£££*» v P ßr * u ». * hi itnt«: in muds. I
■ ---.i -•• 81 ! “
--J* ; ?*
■ »«■*!
. BcpobUcan HoaaquarUi* for 1860,
■ fry».fctfrTg»Ct *W Woocfitrael.’O
*ViSftrßiaPWg KooMsoneneveryday, (Sun
£ro«.o B.K to 10 r. v. latftah, Qernts
H««rptpn» frota kU part* of the Oatoe bo fll*
i - mat lUpaMlcaa Camden Docwneou for dterttmtlub. Tb*
gcoi-r*lij ft&AjirAßcm *i» ccr-
Slkßf e»TL ; ■ " _
• ■. T : CT*Tbc Kstcotir* Oommlttoe of tbo Gleb'total EVERT
WEO*E*DJkT.Hth» Haouui at lUo’ctock, r. k.
- ) rartl<4£*ttfT J. - • \ ■
**■ WimT is baaed for this week 1 , oontaln
>-•*' tog iU ibemoat inporuot newt of tbo »eek—
Ooogreeeloael report*, Foreign neve, EmioHol*
oVUedflof Babjeatr, aaUienUe Utrkel Beporle,
'■'iii Ad.r P«rwo« wUbing to ieod * h J el
. Wlof Wtfttl fooil/ TBidlog 10 ihelr Wondß,
tteyobUlfilt, enveloped for neiliog, et 6 eeoio
per ilqfUcopy. - :
,r ‘•WibnAwiXea'’ »T FotT.rtnnv —A »erlou»
■ dlttreloabe. bMutned. iolbereokiof the oa
terrifiid” In the Tlolnlir of '<■'* dem .f *l, .A.
iiitota. A "Wide Awake” club wee farmed thin
‘.Set at which oo leee then tweoty-tre atiend
< ;»d.*»d enrolled themetlrei l» ‘be orjaoiiuton.
VXht'aahbancemeot bet tel Ibe whole ooanlrj on
Btw.nnd oooTerte ere pourleg Inifrom erery
enter ‘be eoolely. lolimeled
that Ibe blab win be doubled by, next meeting,
: and iu membertbip will probably reeoha hun
dred before the expiration of this month; The
following are lit permnaenl oßotrt ,4
Prttidal —Oepb B. Wood. i
/frtontoySWrrferst-ato. T.. Frailer. .
'Corny o * l ?**? &er<f<xry —Joho M. Oreig.
Cow>D. • - 1 .
: • Osjriifornwt adds that the wait number ol
YIM veto choeao, and (hat a Glee
Cl«b—that imporUßt ftoxUlary-of [all pariy or*
■ Iftifoiloßj?—will bo formed. The ExeoaUee
—i CfltDtnUUa comprljei mil (he officers, mnOlr.
JghwM.Crelg li chairman. We; know iome-
Ihlßg-ftXiwo of Ibe foregoing offioert—Capt.
, jy-Wottgiid Mr. Craig. They ore both Miite,
lOlalnijml rnlhwilnitln Rtpdblleane, and. will
;v «rtlb».»Grla ibe Port Perry oommaolty. they
uodertland ibe natpfji of ibeir ardaoue mitelon
t dkft4>ftrt4elercnloed4o o»rry U out eaoceaifally,
viso ilftlUr what odds may be marshalled against
! cbsmv Tbs other gentlemen of the olab are, we
ore lold.rae felly committed lo ibeworb In head;
'•eolhet the friends of Eepobllcaoism may be
•are Ihal-the intertaie. or the cause will; be
properly looked after in- this. corner of *be
ooeaty. The party *Uwe of the people wane it
a Btoel ftdatrebte field for the exercise gf dili*
geftbe abd ardor to esoure confetti, and we hope
tbit abandaot eaecete may follow the prelect
• pal forth for thle parpoee^
>Tbi Stau Oil Wsiin.—Efery.wock brings
lldlujiof lb«..uoceMof loan on. of lb* na
mtrous wells now In progress. • Tbs Itsct: on
wbiob nhc BUr woUo nro looolod sojoine Ibo
MoCllntrok, on Oil Crtek, two-miles from Iho
.... riitr. Wo bios nol MOotuioed wbot dopib Ibe
boring bu resobtd, but in on* well (font mo in
prorrem) lbs titer I boo boon Upped nod oil U
bring bbtninodnl Iboreteof 8} burets pet boor
with n iiond pump;. TbU mokes 84 bertels per
dot without the nee of moeblnerj, which esooedo
,oy well yet reported._ An engine wilt be op
ibis week, when ibo yield oon be mote nceurnte
ly neoeruined. When ibo rein wit lopped, o
prodigious tolnme of oil spouted up. fotrly in
andetisg tlit neighborhood of the-well im
sukiog the water of the creek exhibit the color
. cf the floW. * There being nothing at heed In
wfcloh to catch the fluid, U ie eiiiranttd that one
hundred and fifty barnla wereTosL The other
: < vr «|t9 all give favorable Indication* for tho depth
to which they hive been exon.vaf»d.
It Isnotexpected that the well wUlhoU oat
ia thin extraordinary yield. The Croeaby baa
fallen back but may bbrelird
.00 for about 25 barrel* per day. Tho yield of
most of them baqexperienced a similar decrease
and It ia presumed that thie one will too. £F.rom j
The Yidleooe with oil spouted op when
It «at first permitted to eaoape. it would aeecn
that it had aeeamalated iu the particular spot in
I ''.'-jwhloh the orifice was made, and the. discharge
would therefore be lessened when *hw accamd
lUtionbed' been drawn off. T*ia wUl^owercr,
■ . bonne of Ibt.btetiin the oil region nod will be
, • ahendeoae-wlndfeU for lie-owners. Ooe faelf
/ of the land,.which 1* a largo Irani, belongs to
four gentlemen of Semekief, one quarter to
I • Arnold Plummer, of Franklin, and the other
i- • quarterto a Hew York company.j The shares
! P’:- are’ oommon, there having: been no di*
' ' vlsio* otthe trnot '• •| -
T)*ow**d 03 Til*’ 4th — 0o to* afternoon of ,
Lh* 4th * moo named Mishael Ke'.ly camn on a |
oalr ofLflat* ownng' 001 toward* tb* middlo or ,
Uo (hita *hott dietanoh aboe* lb* Polntjwnd ,
begauto undrew for • both: It being brood d*y- „
liaktja' gentleman lielng juil aboe* Ike bo*l*
.on thebank, oem* down and: Intimated to him
that he arbuld not be allowed to expote bio per
on io tkot neighborhood. Kelly began to pot
on hliololhe* and the oiker, turned to go book
to hi* kooet. li* had bardty got off the boot,
■Tioweeer, tonlil ho heard ntploob, and_ found
. tbSl Kelly hod jumped in with hie pantaloon*
an »*d wae awimmlng around. Ho oboetred him
dUedWing hlmMlf for aliitUwhileln th* water,
aflat which be aaw him turo> on hi* baok appa
rently for tho Intention of kioblng ki* pantaloon*
‘ off. Ia lh* effort to do Ihie ho puabeff hltntelf
under one of tbe boate and ni drowutd. Hie
badr waa not reooeered nntll ye*l*rd»y. A eore
- ner’e jury eat end returned a rordlel of neol
dtotilirowDla*. : .
; l^b# r d»ee«4®d vu fcboal 35
leate* a wife and two children. H»w*» * glen
- blower in O'Hara’* 01*** Work*, In the fifth
Ward, and teoided.on Spring alley, lo tket el
eielty. ■ He w** lotoxloated when ho took hi*
fatal both. When eober be waa an indoeUlool
. and eaoellenl workman,; but hod loot a berth
one* or twloe within a year or two on acoonnt
or hie Intemperate habit*. ,
: Bor Wowaan —A boy named Eagone Brown.
a •«* of.Wllßatn Brown, who rwlde. in All*-
ek«oy elly.we* drowned on Thu rad »y afternoon
HttbeUHgkenyrirer. Hewuafandlnguearlbe
otern on ooenf the eleam boat* lying at 'ko fo»f
of Pitt efrtot, and by *o*te meane -or olhor fell
In, A* he could notawio, and no help near,
- 'loot hi* life. Yeatefday afternoon bla body woe
found and a ooroner’* Jury-Mi. hading a. eer
diotol accidental diodnlog. Tb* boy wa* 13
• yo» of 7 . V„ i. ••• ■
'Aiu*& terj large bdlooD,
w - btttof &00p yard* of doth; Is It, I* #o|i»s tht
af eoadraoifoa is Ihli _eUj* fot 'Mf*
- an seronintwell knows »U Wir
4hf J ‘bOO*t*jr- so being ono of tbi moil «ip**
rt«so|4 a*d darlog is Ihirporiloua btuioMi,
•- vbossafcßpUiMßnkiog as aaoeoii'oa from the
IrcaOUy Parkataooariy,day. .Mr.-WlHoßia
• 'tendi making* long voyage, probably golog rt
tmr so New England .nr. Canada Esai> Thebat
-"C lona whioh *u acddanully looeeaed from Ut
fadenloge sad carried off two Hula children
who wero playing lo it at tbs tlmo, Ini C*Btrallk,
' v ' ftllontf a year or-co doco, and which- onoslff
j .l f oT,r tk. OOQ#-
r!?J h.lonVei lo Mr. WH«o«, wko wu pnptrlog
. f t.,K. ■■« totaWW
• v- oorredi
• u i MMihbt naDiT iv oop ilololij
- * brtet farXoogb f'oin tto
• heidMl Mi ■■“*>. Ibo tall «4 lnrooil,of
. Ao will - b* *®*®
~ Alfred McClellood, E*q > Am
- ■ 1 * ibieirtffiflir'ibo HitoQ of lb# celebrated Feyeit e
- A ®l »U 0 tb»» 0f;l»0
buUbfal ekblybnU w»‘tto of
u 'orolehed lo jlrilof*. »4
Cot.JoGleUtod,l. loo«oUfc»ow»bt
thooobllo of-ita petto,,.-Bo«J »■«
. n* Puvn oi Co«0»ptio» — Oar mderi
*iU pleiee notice the •xlloU *»_•" J{* ,#r J oltt £“
' 7,"L&Fw- .!!5 w * r 'J,VTih°. of
kn« nolblog. «pedm«D}»Uj, of IbjJiJM «
differvßt meibods ot relief for the : JJ
etrojer, Cooeamptloo, baC M Df. F. k»f/*“
/power of title dlwik, ui etldeollj Wirwi tfißi
hie, remedy U lho b«»l, wo hero gjtio blflij
, spMO lo oor eolomo*, tied hope iuSwUI »id
• wbetK?eejeon ibe eabjeot.■! AUwhowlek to
*: - oooealt tb« Doctor,ehould do eo it:onot, mho
. olooeo hie ofioo on the 2flih of tide aoith. .
A Booxstom la i town 20 mU«e Dorn PUtabnrgb,
•- of obtat two ihooaead iab*btUßU,~troffered for sue.
It li the oßlj cue io.tbe towo; »a 4 can be boogtal,
■^ :jl i a elc. SSOO. ThU eaexoeU
ini opportunity for ia ladortdou tout tteogege
r. .** A McretJre badnea* For farther portleolm oell
-«-«■* — jftSoal and;Minae’e 'Book Byte, 7,f,ind 7» Fifth
'thatcTOuEucnD.— Tkt tiockholdtri of Ifct
~h«l» Pn«l»MI«i; Oompwy.htld
m Tlmrrf*7 »ft«re»» W Ml wuolm
• UU. Bokl ot Muapni. Th. followl.* *«•
: Uuwaso* mbp«*» : ; E -°““2*
~H. A. ff. Ouaa, Omt(* W.
.V LMMiiut M. Jitatuti. 1 : :
£i ' It&tkwnn Aldit* »«*•««* Co..
of otoolor oot,
v v *t- Mctlov cn Mxt WodnoosU/, ri ttf riow
' SwrJxSlb. mbj
\ Mhmiail jtnfilr ftf *
~ PH*” lt<l| C* “*"*** "
■ 4 sS££S£i^ammti*“
OnsWfUM4ti’KtftfU|«A' DlsWNrilUt
L - e ~ VreimtnemtaWdCure* .v
This terrible disease, - wjth numerous other,
complaint* to which, from the earliest age, the
Bronchial Tubes and air are sub
jected, have engaged the attention land study of
medical writers of the greatest eminence. Many
learned disquisitions have been written ;
the pathology and diagnosis of complaints, i
Every variety ol opinion bks been expressed as |
•to thei efficacy of different remedici which from
i than to time have been Bat when j
the takathkst has'beeu alluded to, the -tone ,
haa invariably been hopeless and; d^spondiDg.
Until within the last lew years, tbq disease in all J
ita stages, haa been considered both by the pnb- r
lie ana tbo profession av npthing phort of- car
tain-death. Bat a lew years ago, bir Jdmea.
Clarke declared that there waa “'po reason-to ,
believe that the of the; present day
are more successful than pere their predeces
sors ten, nay twenty centimes agd. l)r. Paris
was of the same opioion; other wrnters Eny.tnat j
natnre has been left neariyi unassisted to perforin
a care. Medical science, j however, haa fairly
met and triumphed over j this hitherto nncon
qneroble enemy of mankind, as will be shown,,
not by theoretical f acts rod
sisßKD nv axPßEißJick frpm the;mo6t talented
medical writers, ns by oarjown, tijat-PuLMOHART
CossoMPTioif In the first BUgO'Ss curable-'in al
most every Instance; of |those fin the second
stage, a large majority-arp cample. To those
patients io the third or lapt stogd,l would quote
the language of the great [pathologist of modern
times, Laenoec, who observes: *1 am couVin
ced that Consumption, e|en in.|ts lost stages is ;
not an incurable disease!” Andral, Larroque,
Johhston, sod k host of medical authors, upw
tell os that “medicinea cbtnmonly administered
lor the. sopprestion-of CoaghaJColds, &e, are'
with difficulty acted on by thei stomach, they
prodace irritation of tholliniog jmejnbrane, and
thus do irreparable mischief to jlhe system gen
, erally; frequently not odly destroying the eto-.
much and all that was previously sound, bat
1 actually increase tbecoogh and -sufieriogi they
! have intended toallcviale.” yfben the remo*
; dies are administered by jbeing. applied locally
to the parts chiefly afflicted, all each difficgltieb
are at once obviated. Nor is jit io Oonm»-
tlon alone where local applications are avaitowe;
it is valuable and equally applicable in Bron
chitis, Asthma, Oroiip, pervoua chronic or spas*-
modic Ooogh, and olhefchrotjio or acote com
l plaiots affecting the air baasages, throat, or sub
; stance of the lungs; and many! other complaints*
'in which the longs afe'dot involved. The rem-
I edies used are of a ci/bj!titb i'kmdbncy, and are
| applied both locally hod constitutionally. The
1 success which attends this-method of treatmedt
is doe to the fact that believing Consumption,
and all disease® of the laogs qnd throat, are, in
1 many cases curable, bkmkdibs are
employed instead of tnore palllaliveo. How
does the Bcientlfio pfcykioUti treat chrooio in
flammaiioa oflbe eye! Hoarders stringent *o
latione. or lotions, to bo applied dirtcily to the
part afected, and success speedily proves the.
judiciousness of snob treatment. The mucus
membrane of the eye aid the! muons membrane
of the longs are oftbd same! oharcter, and the
secretion In “ Purulent OpthalmU” ie (he
tame as io .Cbrjonie Brocohitis. If we
oarry out (he same principles in one aa in the
other, oor results are not different r for we find
by the use of eutrinjenti hod alterative* local
ly applied toTbe Lunge combined with appro
priate cooetitutionat Bronchitis ocas-
H to be a formidable or ‘dangerous disease.
Many physicians declare Consumptive difficulty
to be incvrablt; admitted evidence of their never
having cured a tingle out in d. life-time of pracUCt;
and straoge as it may seem, 1 It is ebafly doc
tors of'this stomp who i raise the cry of
“Quackery" sgaloit latelllgeot tbeory of
sneceesfuT ptaoiiae o tbe present day. la it
not strictly orthodox lo treat diseased onoas
mcmbra&es-ioeaUy as well as constitutionally ?
Sorely nh physician will compromise ;hie pro-’
fessional oharsoter by declaring that it is net.
Why then should tbo TAroar sod Lunge alone
be deprived of ibgitre*taH(et which is found so
Indispensable In all eases df a similar na
ture 1 Alas! has not ibis bxoldeion nosed tbe
death of millions ? Ask those jo yonr own city
and neighborhood whp arsincW in the lasf tinge'
of Consumption how their'dWne began: they
vlUio almost every Instance’tell yep,-•• by a
slight cold,’* •• a sorejiere of the. tbroat,”
**a backlog coogh,*' whjefi they treated as
scarcely worthy of notice few months ago: and
will add that as tbelr disease advaoced tbeir
cough became dittrn. ivg, nrght itveati with thvrl
pttt of breath rested; /«t»e ehtekt became
paiobed with a bectio with, pato In the
chest and aides, grcii. debility ao dfost of fleth ;
.the eye now a*suaie3 a jredrly whiteness with a
certain wlldotw of eipfesUon f opogb is iccea
-BtBL-.expeetoreticn leftuareaecd—and the poor
tovaUd, the mere shadow if hia former self, is
now tottering _jcn khe brink of tbe grave.
Honest and intelligent physicians who may have
a tbeory different fwm out own, may object to
•otae of onr coaclosions, hut who will deny onr
faots ? It most not |be anpposed that all cases
will be lo every ihetanqe restored to perfect
heeltb ; this la notitbe cue io regard to any
'Cthsr serious disease. •
The character add reputation of lhfr physi
cian ilKdepend on practice.
As evidence ©Ttbe'enocew of this method, we
publish the follbwitjg: .
h laooneideraitoA of -the destructive tenden
cy of disease-of the throat ead cheat, a alate
meot of my oaae, treatment and cure, will iu
tereal a large oiass pf thq commooity who onffer
with there diseases] I ehoght a severe cold in
Florida, ‘Which 1 tejrtninated lu chroulo kore
throat, whloh lasted fot three years, and for
which I had trlpd vkrionf remedies wlthopLsiio
eess- Observing the adveeiifemenl of Dr P«o.
Flower, I at once placed myself onder his pare,
and la about five tfcekelwas perfectly cured of
my oompUint. Tbte if certainly due to Dr.
Flower and the ai large portion of-whom
Vre affiloted in a similar bander.
| | •• E Borrshibb.
•*• Louisville, Ky.i June 17tA.‘' ( _J
Uaaa &a—V« n»»e tkaa bur rears my hsaltb
duS: Laueely «rtai pr«tf»lk>a .MOiKi, *Uh ihcrtw*
MtJiaa atpsefciiWUtfu. CWtimlng
tbs ibaMuiul InUw cb—t iwl ill**. 1 iwpldty
i)«elißtd pot<HhTt*i TW, !"S lb * n—t araflabl*treatawat bad
£2l «t>S*4. CtoS2wlt»o«,«t*k» tnetmrot
sotmM* with prmctJc*! eommoo *‘, o ?.u I
rlawi Bys*)?Qoder lilt trvaltMtil. Io a abort limy 1W«
idiwU wjidly r(eore>3«e tba UtplM coodtUea lob* |
which I hat tolten. Me brtatkup U reWorrd, cough abated,
IStreTias saMMr I BOW »hie tUirment ioe ib. ,
cears* of aa*l«e and Injartoos
IliilietMMieWl affietad with dlmase ef the. Long*
aß4TtSrtSrv~rS»^S«.»-*with pala tath*chart
aaddCa. nofih expastoratkta, lotreartnc ibort
aM-of braatb, wtSTwcshawl , »t , S u *.botfrom wbkli I.
bar* two c mptiidy fw*rt|tir Dr. who trwfU this
lm i^lii.t^ i
Aaotlter pallsat wrltsa.esMlow:. . J
i,_ pi„n-Dwf Blr foe Mraral yesrs I ws* bmWv w
UMltosay bocln»4 t ereWP**» reliefU»l ■
V>ra Alterative abd 1 BaUamio Vapors,
loan! r»IU( end am Jow aafbvly rseov^wd.^
Another wha bid bJfn iffllct*! «or yeats, wrtt*s tbo*:
f '2Mj?!rr b '
sShSrflDca 7 tbaS tS< Hf d ’
dUtMli. AUm'loi thlrwn
git«*> wp an bones 61 rtcuvery. _ . .
'^Tbs lnvalid,who frwti U:Uer esperfcnm
onward withoot one hope of vw«<»w*WTi l Jvtfotd «»
traat totcat the tffloneyof tboaa moas# miorw
Un.H>—>da to health dad vlsfr. 0. Flows*. M.»,
t Pleeieiarfor Dlteaete of the Throat and Murgt,
Otfie* I Smith/ield Utreet , Pitteburgk, Pa.
from 4iu St/tUI« P. M.
dF>itt latUis from Isvaßds netdlac at a dUtante will he
prooptiy Mawwad.!' - i
. Aa Pr.V. claaaahtt cfflcaoa tba 2Stb day of this muotb,
all wbo wish to ocwrtlt htm ahooid do an at anca.
Tbj L»et Niobi. City Hell
*bierowded wllblo. tlUt .nd foobloo ot the,
city Uli night, to ktv the boootUut eeotot. of
tbe"Cbronetlan of tb|i Robo,”onog by the youog
Mdlee of the Mi B. College. Wo oto' gife oo
deborlptlbo of lb* elfoir, belog there but o fo«
moiileote,.bat We etwjooy th»l tbo oioglog ou
beedtlffili 00 were too performer., both being
onireroollyedwirra.! Tbejraly thing w< 4U
corcredln tbo wholeieffoir, tbot woo not wottby
of oommeedeltto, woo tho eoodool of o Urge
namber of yoop* yriitJrioni, who remeloed eeet
od wbUeledleeJrlghtibeeide them hed to otoad,
ethlog WO ootir before oow lo oo Amtrleui oo-
Unc,. ood oot Wblob dld oot .pe.k e,,, nil
fortbebreedlokoflke eforeeeldymfffmen. Tbo
getheriog*ww* St. tieet f0.h100.b1.0t,. of tbo
5,.., .ed from opp.or.noeo wo ohoold jadg.
?h7t o Tory-Übdooiootam woo reoliiod from It.
tk Mr BMbaob peoojded ot Iho.ploo.i wblob by.
•bo nywoo’o [ "Chlbkerlog, farolohridl by Mr.
Johaß. Mellow. Tb* oaooooo of Ihoolloir, to
eelbrr wllb the reqaeft of o lorgo bomber of
.lnJt.W«» boo iodneod Ihe yoaog iodleo to
tSKSbfejy* isttifffivtt
wkolo offolr woo eondaotod- ? ■ -I.' ;- ;
Nlalh Wwd f WBBlUd;‘f ® lU “J® O^
I wud JoMp* Ketßff Ui.U«tl; BmriT'j*
]til for IU laitaap ef/B ladia wbwfWlw™
ptrhapt 6fu«n maiMaad a kDlftwartk kbant
tan etnti, tbtprotMrty'of toolbar boy n*B«»
Chulta H.ff la tbi t!t«t awim
ttlag, wbaalkay k«nt aloof and took Ibt pro
party cat; of bU-poaUlacoi pookil.. Tha Aldar-
Du u jkqatnUy-rary tmhl tad comot in Ml
baaloott.bujP'aa Iba dtftadaola; art mm •hit*
dm fad k»Mly»p»bla »f kaowlag •hattbay
did U tv/ lou 7 At rttbar barab proaoad
flU •*^ Bifck of OoaofiM,
•'i ■
■r-v %
! v C 1 * r <
book-keeper la tht- Hsrket/itreot *® °*
aSaeSi OU
yesterday morning. by Ito prrawun discharge
of a retolttr whieh was /n bis ooat pocket. Bo
hod 'Met finished oleaalag and loading tbs plaiol
and 041 returned It to Bo pooket, nheo by aomo
theenspr other not known, U [discharged iloelf,
! the bri! penetrating Ike fieshy:ptrt of the right
thighMo depth of foeergl inohes. 'Dr. Mtir
! dooh on called in and eucoeeded in kitraoling
the brillofter oousidefeble troublr. Mr. Slnrrny
j mil probably be out again Inafew days, as the
wound 1* not * eery yrious ooe.
Cool -u-Some person! or perron*, entered lliO sU
bio or UK Miohul Heidtmyer, on Ohio street, Alle
gheny, on; Tuesday bight, took one of bis horses end
kept the animal evey until Thursday night, when be
Wes fonodiby one of Mayor Morrisons police wend.
Bring throngh Ihs city. Tbo poor brats nppesred
eery tired, hot otherwise was not ouch the worse.—
Ur. H. has,no idea at to who. the gol)ty party, or
, parties, are! ■ 1 ;
MitiTint N«ws.-+Tbe Adjutant General has
issited a proclamation to the different military
companies of the Stats for a general military en
campment. to bslheld at York, oommenolng on
the 3'l-aud ending bn tbo Bih of September, and
called “Camp Patterson." .
Tub Eoooatob for July. Is upon our tahle.
'lt is eery handsomely got; op, and its controls
seem well adapted to its -purpose. Edited by
Bee. Samuel Findley, andpSbllehed by Siogerly
£ Myers, No. 72 Third street, Pltubutgh.
CiUFAtas fUpa!
paign Bongetet j price IV oetiji*'
Llyea of Lincoln and Dotffli*. tarioo* edition*.
Debates of Lincoln and pjfuglni.
Trlbaoa Campaign Tract«&>
Portrait* or Lincoln and Jitalto.. ,
Tbo Republican Pocket Fggbl, sen be bad of Uont
A Miner. afr.j f •
by TBL,Bpa4rn
Arrival of lb* ■tejn® ittlpr Ffallon.
Cape Rice, July s.—N''s4t y&toc&J*. M. —Thi
steamship Falton, from Lirmw )f tU ohotbaraptoo,
passed this poiot at four oWjX t P. Mi* bound to
Now York. Eb« baa ninef&tl tf paaikoßora and
■lx hundrod tooa froigbt. gtH gParamat ffo ®
Johna for Now York, paaaedpjo e;ln eomrtaoy with
the Fulton. §fe \ . , ~
Tbo King of Naples la «*&;tkbaTo accepted tba
proposition Dadt by bis ooHclljifor a constitution
on a libera! basis, an aUUofii£wth Piedmont, Ac.,
on certain eoodltions. gKiil ‘ '
Liventool Cotton Markel.-ZftbfpnU* of the three
daya, ending on Sunday, tbo-iOlni.were 2C.000 bales,
of which 7,000 bales were ipscolatori and ex-
I porters; the - irket closed declining tendon*
Say, but quotations were not (gipaged.
The advices from Manche»fJjirere more favora
ble 5 prices were somewhst lr
"mladfluffs Jail with. dMillTsg tendency. Wheet
le lower, and Corn slightly Sfjduhed.
Provlaiona were quiet. Bdw-dnll and nominally
unchanged. Pork doll aodatbmlnilly unchanged.
It aeon ateady for good. at M@6(>».—
Tallow iteady; North Amsrl«ijj 53.
Prodnce J/ari«-f.—Ro*lo Steady at4lebd@Ui6d,
for common. Rice Steady, I‘,'Su'gar ateady Coffee
quiet Pol Aabo* quiet. Btflfita of Torpeoiine dull.
* London Market —Sugar add Coflee steady. Klee
and Tea flat • Tallow firm. ;
London Monty Market.— Console dosed on the
Sfilh at93j<s9Si for account ex-dlvldeod.
The National Guard are tuoecupy the different po.
sitions In Palermo doting Oarlbald’a operations
against Mctiina.
The organisation of troops aod mariners was pro
greasing at Palermo.
The Interview at Baden had brought about an no
deratandlng betweoo Anstrfa and Prussia, regarding
the re-organisation of the military eoatingent and
construction of the German Confederation. ;
Napoleon wiUaol recognise the ennexatlvh cl Si
cily, Toscany and tba Romagna to Piedmont .
Two bandrvd thousand ponndj in Aostralian gold
arrived in Keglaad on the 2&lb.
Wasbisotow, cly The derangement of the
California mail* ii likely 10 loroWe thd Ooreroment
io someaeriom diflicolUe* which here loot been con
sidered. Oar po«ul -treaty with England obligate*
aa ttf bring the Sooth Americto mail*, wbleh come
to Panama by the English ateamer*. It i* known
that Mr. Vanderbilt has litued peremptory orders
pot to carry that mail, or tbore from California, after
Jane 30th, to that tip foreign and California mail*
mo»t ba on lb* htbmm till «oa>« temporary or olhar
•rrar.gemvor can be made. In riew of tbia ex«g«oey
It li p'rj'pured tbat aereral of tha swiftest gorernmeot
•teamen shall be specially detailed for Ibe eerriea
until tho mealing of Congre**. Tbo Panama Rail
road and Pacific Steamiblp Company are ready to
•stand tbelr co-operation In ensh a mneement,
nod tbs «ngge*U»o will be made la tb* Cabinet to
morrow. ' •
Mnaere. D*»idg« end Uoodlaj. »br> represented
tho Pactfie Railroad Corporation*, bam both dis
claimed any sympathy or concert with Mr. \ aod*r
bUi'a aebame. .
Proposilitwa bare been informally maJeto carry
tho mail* by the San Aotonio and other root**, bot
tho transportation U eemidered impracticable. . •
Mr. Gwia ha* retamed here In the bopaef affect
ing totne nceomr-iodatioo. He bad taken pauage
whb bl* family oo the ataamer of Monday, but left
,it when the mall wae refused. HU Inflnsnea with
’ the AdtnialilralioQ la necaisarllj Impnlred iloea tha
mptore with tha Preeldeot last weak.
Tba CommUilooer of Indian Affair* raealred Im
portant Intelligence thl* morning from Nebraska
Territory. Agent Gill#*, under dale of June I2d,
write* that JDO, or more, Cheyenne, Arapnbo* and
Sioux Indiana bad attacked a Pawnee village in
light of tbo agency »od killed *»»oral person*. Mr.
Gillea rode in among tbe attacking party, and abb
tha asiUUnce of a half breed.;; Interpreter.' succeeded
in inducing them to draw 'They declared tbelr
purpose to ratara and wipe oat the P»»oe* tribe.—
Ao expreu wa* immedlatoly ient to Col. Oba*. Mpj,
commanding at Fort Kearney, for a»il*unea, m on-
Jer tbe tmaty of September, lBS7,tha Goeernm-nt
i* boond to protect tba Pawnee* on tbelr pew r«*w
ration. Tha boltila expedUioo wa* Cited oot weal
of Fart Kearney for the expra** porpoaanf making;
war on tbe Pawnee*.
WABatsoToti City, July-® U ’*« 00l until Be
cor Almonte, accredited to the Coorti of Fr®oc® Md
Eoglaad, bad.*aU»d*d bit diplomatic :mUaloa to
Soiio, that her Catholic Majesty lately acot a mio-
Uter to tbegoferßineot ®t lh® City of Mexloo, Tbla
coaraeoo lb® partof Spain obuiot additional *igni
fleue® from tb® foot that lx>U> Fraoo® ®od England
have, U will b® recollected, recently dispatched new
miaieter® to that Republic.
Tb® EaroptfO government®, It ia reliably ®acer*
Uiocd,®r® now engaged ia renewed effort® to effect a
reconciliation of tb® «ont*odlag parties la M®*leo,
Oar ova goT«rsm®a4 M heratofore,d®clin<s to tab®
part ia tb® arrangement, which promisee ffldr® ancoef*
than when tb® Jaem goTernmaol elaUd with lb®,
hope,.now deferred, of eonauamatfog a. treaty with
our government lo quarter* wail informed regarding,
diplomatic affair® bo eppt«b®n»ion 1® entertained of
boalil® dembnalratloo® by Bpain against Mexico, aa
he® been reported, lb® belief prevailing that bercoO
doctwill b® lo aeeordane® with tb® conciliatory pro>
rramm® initiated by Franc® aad England eemcero
•lb£ lb® contending factions. It ia farther represent*
1 ed that the policy of Spain la peace, tod that, while
ibe avoid* an entangling alliance the la donaoUdellDg
her power In view of tb® part ab® nay be called opoa
to act, ahoatd Earop®, at a fature day, b® Involved
i® » general war. ' j
Bslyidirb, N. J., Joly 6.— Ilerdao'j execution •
took pUc* «t 1:55 this tfttraoDO. lio mod* t\o
speech, ra bed been anticipated, Hrrtmalnedsar*
Moded'twelve minuter, whoa the : phjilel»m pro
nounced him deed. The body wu-tbth lo**«d to
iba rroood and'plseed ia the coffin. Meoy wer®
disappointed at the rafaiel of the Sheriff-Jo great
admlnioo ticket*, end expressed dlmtlsfsetiuo at
bia out perfprm}ag tbo exscutlou in front of lb® 1
Court lloow. . . ... I
Hardto appeared ealm and mounted lb* «t*p* wun
a firm and it®ady *t®p. The clergymen, the Bar.
Day and Boy. Mr. Kirk, accompanied by saurel
physician*, aieendod tba scaffold with th® doomed
man. Aaaoon r*sob®d tba top b® knalt
down. Berdan iad Id prayer. In a law mlnates lim 1
arotaand itapped opon tba drop. No outward signs
of emotion appeared. H® bade a final * d ‘ ea t ®
standing with him-upon th® scaffold.-The Sheriff ,
fattened tba cap peer face. Ha‘then deacendad to
tbo foot of-tb# acaffold and with® smell cord that
Uiteoed tba drop. • Harden fall with a heavy .lungs;
bia neck was oot broken end the death struggle
violent. HU limb* ware repeatedly; drawn ap and
than dropped suddenly. Several mlootaa paaaad
before the body became apparently devoid of laoil
bility. Tba remain* war® than taken to Mi father i
residence, in Bletratowo, wher® lb*; funeral wUt
taka place on Sunday past. Oardao mad® a iuu>
eonfr <lon to bU brother yuterdey afternoon. It
will be published but not-lo bU own language.
Dstroit, July 6.— Tbo boiler of tb® tugboat A
8. Field exploded thU evening at 8J o’clock, tearing
tba venal to fragmanU, aid {patently killing, a® U
supposed, tome four or five, and seriously Injuring
tnroe of the crew. Several perrons on the adjacent
ramie and tba wharf wer® eUci loudly Injured.
lioonntx*, July o.—Tb® river ii rUing rapidly,
with 4 fact I loch water in tb® canal, The weather
waa showery this afternoon; it U now clear; marep*
ry 72°. •=
Cnoaoo, July fl.—Kephant, tba murderer of Mrs.
Willis and two children, neat Batavia, lowa, lait
week, war Jbung at that plae® yesterday by a mob
pumb®ring"26o prrront. ,
OaeanuiTon, S. 0., July d.—Tb# wrath at U lo?
tanaaly hot In Sooth,Crrolloa and Qeorglr, wnd tbrra
art many deaths. Tb® ctopr ar® materially lojurad.'
SavassAn, Qa., July fl.—The Brecklnrldg® and
Lana. raUfieaUon matting waa postponed till Mon*
day. " I * ' .
■ notice to Bnuaers fttt ftmrteton. j
mTTK UNDERSIGNED [formerly Fotcm&n
I • lar ROWLAKD voaid'mptctlollj Ufcm
WiAK kte* of BUAu. la
« SJ^T«k'vj| ntT *■"
He*. W. Joasst«r 1
, v FIUI Burn * 1 Q»B.Joto
EX#JffEri“ »iiu ”>“ "i" •* ■'«" °' ‘“»™r
“•"V W * - ol * “ !ollo ?„V I Blit* 1 *«.«. I IW.!
V« DbUfrom *ttffr.- £g ■ &8* t W i «4
’S-S £~~h • *S in :‘A
*» -t £::::::-fi/ hi - -
” 3° 33 tsa. US i »** ! »■4
oo° d, > • < j a .»4 i ; *s w> 023
I™ 3“ 33 ■"“ ;l « l.« «.2SAiw
100-. du <W • j . g|(
80 winter wbeit :fc 70 fl at « &
« *10 to d ° ut '
cl OOhegent Wdodoetuy.
\ BTEAKIRK-iue* WWO B>* „ H ! ;
i; »s«i»»
*Nol ■*»>; 'ZVa 1 ft
' TTWB —fnlftt of 70 bbt» LooUfUle m
ihltaan C*m-
;■ . 41
! ■ jf;- ‘.'V jr""?
' TWFmontb of Jooe being cI»P *
1 wool market bu born derated to ita wearing otttotiv*
olio In the loihlut. Prom ell can : learn,wool hudjeeD
WtSOiu* ar* rage of 1«t **•*»?£
petition of maonfaclnrem eniM.mb;rkM en
booced prime abjre tbe anticipated rote*. Tb® «*l<*of
bothflJo- eod pallid w.nila, during fbe P*M “ *«•
booo htr, end would ha**born l*rg'*:‘J * h r
biwa vrrr firm in tbeir prime, end bold lor higher; mUto.
Xta°«lra»and IWt'olled wool h«e l>e«n Imprortog. atuli ita
•lock to conaldeiebly rvduted.
la belter rrqaMt; *cd alter **«>*
bad been bread upon IB* oaraH and *old below tbalr Teloa,
tbo market taa become firmer, with 4 IPf-) loqnlrj, : =
Th* medlom foreign wool* hererbarod tbo latetd CallW
nieaod elallar dommtle wool., whlc lv b or* tor n m or" 4 al
end prfoee (lightly improrrd. bon# end Wo O ran !p
bevabocß all Bold, ana«d Oortot altar* w aao-Witt* ajodj.
Th* rales of other klnoaof common jti'leign w ;** s,w '
er aUpla, hayebeen eonaldrrable, end a gpoddemend lor
Prom Europe
tbat Meetii) au<l Bueoof 4yera w«*r.Je bare beeu roll Mnie
th* lui auction astaa In London, at batltor ptlcoe, and Cap*
aiissa'i-wid* v*™*. «♦**«»•»
(Bliraiao,) Wool FJr—Uiß«o.tliflF«*» B 1 t • f «“ l r ha 4 "*s c I fs
in Germany—weut. ft with npull, pud 10 to 16 *b»Ure f
cwtartreuce ou Inat jeartotllp.
Cutctoo MAIUT, July fc.-Flunr-lUmlpla 8.. Ur.el.
ehlpmmte none. Market dull. p*hM6ot.l4a choice . .ring
•Xtra al *5.16 del; 53 Mile good do at . „• k '
WBiiT-lUreipUlO.C73bo^iblpn»- 0 Market
decltced Ic. Calrt VWXJbo* Hoi aprfoß at
300 both No 2 at sl.o* COO do ™» P:« lW do al t‘. ( >V l(J OO
boab red at 90; 3W do at Me, all m atoie; 90 baga at $l,OB
“VoM-UeclpU 158,634 boa; iVrmeQte, l* SCO do. 'Mar
ket nntol.and eaator. talee WuObOib canal Nq ia<
f o hi 16.000 bn rl»« mli»l at MJnQoil; 30.000 dt> b<? l at
60e in eiotn, 10,0 ododo at 4*). In ator*. M.C'tt do|U et
Mlitn alore; axto ilo do at Wc lu; >2.000 bn No lat • Me 4®
aiwe. 12,1X0 do do at 47>£ lo alor r, »MJ do do at 4 I®
atorr.-SnOO do do at 4 a o luatore. j , , ' j.
04T»~aecrlptaaW3 bn* marketiqatot atM a'eady later
600 bus No 1 at 30a on track; It* tge do al 2Sr cn
BT*— No-reoelpta or ablpmenta. ; Market qalat,.«*^e»?o
b *W« i L—Re«dPt* 18*693 tbe. Market cootlnOM firm wilb a
goS dtmaM..«o Ita 14 Mood .l»Uc; lW>dd«»».
toon b> Vi blood at l ' . , , J,, , A
Ur* bruCK—ltoer caltio ?«y doll, wtlb frlr -.10
prime at 2,*6®3,12H. ** ’£• “'• rc l‘ ,D(110 t*-** 1
$5.26. \* '
Nxw O.UIKB, Jol) 2, r «—ri«ur—lu
and julcea are lennltg epeaid, n.ade at. s3,^r4H,.
00 for eoier&na. . . .. , ■■ j
Coro—ln poor deman l at
Heepirt-In moderate demand at#. 9.W.
Bacoj—ie moderaU demand, and abooldere eel! at _
(Xtire—firm, onlog toe llchl etoc*. and prlc-e are a.bade
•aetor. fltoaW* at IS5f#l«!» t* ® ■»»!• to P»»*(
Whtoky~occbaßg«l and doll. : I .
Pof»r—onlo* to a light ropply to Arm, with 4 tolerate
demand; enpetfioereltoat Bc.
Pro..—Tli. ol »o!ioue T.rf ,oJ
with a email ab-ch on tbe Ire** la flt« b»nde, and bat lute
trmalnttig In the Bute, the maikat hu been rUaly U lart
wreka qnoUtb>n»- .
Inb-rtor and re&uing - S 3' 4
Uummno lo (jktod Oouim* u ®
Pair «n fully fair - IHSS •
Oeauifogal and Olartfied -* ‘ .
Prime to choice *
b.w G arlflcd - • ,
McblM**—WUbcwnttuued ucelpta kndi.oiy .a Mod.
erwedroiaod tbe tranevttoua «>f tta ««ek •
fOO bbl. «t e raoge of tvr Uitotlor end fermeuiiog,
and gal lot piim» and cbrlc*. Maikel. cl..*r4
call.— S O. he, ■ ; :
ln*|iorta By iißllroad.
p n n t 0 R It—t aoi milk, W « Tbompe- tg 4 ca»k«
lea, McCuHcogb, * cn 1 tad eml b J
lo« bhger4a,Rori(|; I ao«r, Mcfarland: Ido,TB,WU ;
Ham*; «em»l-blv Übodee t >«oer. lb I* '»<*• *}W?** 1 '
II ik* rage J Trewxtt; 1 La K ta«w*r*. 0 Party * «; 3 pb»«a
Uali * Bpee»: 2 rata iron, J»«d; 3d ala 1 W
nrateoo; « lit .node, J Qrnrtor. M tbU a.*xr.K Ueectoton,
«0 do, B UoUmoi; d«», U Wallace; Ad do, D Wallaor. ‘V
do, WcCollou!cl. a co. 130 do, W McColly 4
Blngbem. *9 do. J McCuUy * «n. M c>*to *
aaebor, 3 pkge terpaullM, lletlwt $ Dukrr. $ ♦
fabseateck* «; iuo 4 tiler. Sprtogar. Ueibaogb 4 <«■ -5
hf bbl. fWh, J T JleConib.; 10 08 .to, V O«op*l * Ctr. « du*
hrtem* t bb'ebmxm. Ured * \>o*order, 27 ton. pig ;ir«f,
J'bbbJC Elftpatriaki t bMrerapjWw,
Blngrf. .Siuitck 4 «<S jd bxe ctaea*, II IjiColUa* V
D n»o* u wn;"6d-.s tui>e. E Ueaxletoo; 6-c»»k* r»t#W, 14 bi«
U K * M tye; b«*cb
k Hob t.lo<w t b.e Q MUrhft,
Imports by lUftr>
WUKELIM*. p*r Ch*To:r—3 ndi« Hw. t <£«•!*. 1
lln JcOrt A o«M*r. lurp*« , tn, rtwr I B*iUr; *» oij
"2£o*IMM& l£k ~ ? A * « l2 M
HBrwH*r. A : , 4*, POwro« lb«
tiSi. 1 Iter, B**»rr, KmoJ * m » b>« **•««>. j
>«, II »ta Mdbrr*. »og 4o KJT*. *b»o«, I IT
•kifl»*w*d,'W Banr**®; 2 ct* fu*. llwtak-J *
t«r. 4 bhd« totmetn, 4 lUj*. 3 bbi« ««**«». I b* A. J
AWMarkiU J W-mrid* »b»l.M>pb»
8T LOClfl, «*r tcm Hi iron. B.orcf, Mb
kf«»?3dJ* eb*lr», JBT W<M3««Sts TH l ‘ M * ® r V'V‘
formh* 4w;49 «mt *l* bM*. flp*n«r A U»r*r4; I bj»*
aim. 2TO bU* flvw. CU»k» * W IWt cbarw*. » TiirntU
btda, 1«» bldo.B A W«»l. • •
St LOOM, per 1 hf bbrOJi. 0
Pbllllr* * tbwt 3U bl.lcs J KrHcCtnmptj b, *u J J
UubUn a bn «»»•*. I b*
SMbbte flour Jfl L<m* * * 20 * dr 7 hU ,
M»;SI bbUflrecUj. Krajib * «1 tame* iff, J « *Pf«
feit: SCS4 WMp»K g>»tu>» Wlw*»* * cu.
Tfa«» w%4 «D*td*n»Wo brtltity *1 lb* Ui4l«a
Tb. Mrlorfto »t*l Modor-torfroia *t W*? 1 *
r.uc Wb~UOR •rrlf«l l *» «*'!"■ NT* 1 *?
rrnlar p*ek»tt »b«« Who Orpirinr** Fr*l#fe»b fc-r
Soclun*U/t«tt»»rHl« *bd XL kml*. *\ ,•***"* tu «|*" l "«
prrtlr IwTr.lortblaiaoott o{ lb* jf*r. . , ~ _
9 -rt. rmru m*>o *«*“><*>•***• * Bd “ l^* re
«a tot »l«b« b*t t y tb* 0w m«k-*.a*iu« Ml km M«r
IS lirtbrf do»i»* lb* P»*‘ 34 hoot*. Tb* •**»«
■Mclair u 4 (iMout. wl mmlbl'l **UM
Tti* An* 10-flalvß d.foppsd flo*o If lb* **»■• U»l
•u 4 will itaptrt for l*»lUbur*b •! b00»..,...T1(* U|U> t l ,r ' T
ck«v4 f * bt. »««b • Mr trip of <r#l*bt Kurt prop *.
.....TbK J. Ud'oU. frvm B»»bflllK,pb«id ap WPijU
pbU» ou.brr flrat trip.—UlQ, Cop-' ,
>« H*gfil*r.
JtO-rtLb. DrowwtllW;'
(i>|. lUfiri, liuUDi',
8. B. tUVrr, WbMUuci
SltAttbO* 1
Jvflmun. Bro»MtlU*
04, tU)uJ, •
Mvloottis l». I
Mo4*r*b r. " 'I
Cbf.TJ.JI, Wbflln«: 1
T«U(r«pM* JUxMli*
»»»n, j„l,«-Floor i'SS'i.Ki
eoo h*« »r**h grooml *»tr*-*uM ■* P® B -, .f 1 *' 1 i' 1 * ®.
, »| Mil «jt. > aynj 4ml If ***t b> **»k • B»M
fciL^lJhubC of 800
W* *«t dull; utii* wd»“*o J w»d wplUtfo l«
S.rtoE p;io..o“»S>°L &««"»•> « «>»'" !•«>•'
m.S eloafel doll *t f>. ProTlriOD* BWb»BK*d «c>)
1 ;,"4 ‘tr o*'
I* firm It 14 p»f cett pr*tnlpm. Thar* •mtnhtmrj ihjweri
“roaIMLOT* Jolt fl -rloorMl, bill oocb.cjrdWhr.l
.„ii ß i [.r, »h 11• fl li®\ «• .Cora qa'M: mUm SOCO
S pr'ASl»Trf..»f «• ««■ •• w
•Jim hrmii «inl 1462f0f pe*r!*i OoUoo trifling
EVX&'JS*.." g.TK'ruSlii?^ rnf£*£Z
d«opAß*. >ai»a»o jißu* mot* doing for export: win !
PlSJffil¥r *»««82. Corn t« Tyry»earcr,
BI. «j <uL44ftiU tor •ouod mixed raterr,
"torn *V**J*» L*lJsS , «'2rio«wljai o *. 0»t« are In
M for T ,'‘ f Zii^ l .T»t < 37aiO for *>•**”» »V* CanadUn, *bd
aod«rat* r»(JU**t Wi a ofct *od oJcbwxwt, »itb th*
40«4V for -uto. «J«S; iWaod fln»Lr, 3hoo>.
e*»i.tfo»of Co* u»«a»« L*rd »Ujlcioilodm
der* *r* b*W •» “ 2^<al3 .v wiling •lowlyat
liiirrTo2iJ7»at4iiw£..m> «*tr. ci««««iu.*jj
' _ '
1 00 ng&t/wt®
• OUVEOIL, tot ttLUaw;
ittmT o^u c A@f, T ' i ~i
L'.Qmo rkjiwK, \
; t»I , P*KA«»nJLOaWOOC
u,l»« hcuiu|. btjUp*«'“« , |
l »rn t :efo tbcntoi
•M to tto
Drug and Pal*n\
Tb. UlMt.Twl'f U ' JIC "
M BOOD •« m»df powio.
SUM '»*“*
jpatfMd ,®*'!|
*ui*- • * ."‘.I
p»rO»M»«fiW*rT*"*T"T .... i t*
Allomhu..—-*—r*•. - ; --
'■ l . - -V } : 100,00
COCDV offlM U«oo«*l»l» Jt»“- j IOOB
oitktf i
j lj . P £g| *! -Bd| • l/af*o t'.Qf •! *!
coixn f **D Jt*Rl*T STS., ..
• “ J fXTWBOWU, PA. ‘5 I ; ■ , <
sold »«• •»• «•*••* B f m I ’f* ca O-tMW**?*
Om» CIICTPU.* »«PAl»m WW*
I •, HB*tii.|*aUM/. • 7..-t|£ *'.'|'Y" '!
'-A0~ ■ ssaoßSß W^
-'- '■' ;r :- ''tj'--'.'. " ' . ■iW
i. '|t - ;,r ' : .'.-V'S vji: !* r ... ■=> | ••”
JL -L —— : -.■»—-_..f^.. J |'
. Earn Republican County Cob*
tendon rcsoaluUd Elijah Bfestt i« s®®’
'gfew, by wvjofe of 4i to 41 for John U.-Wo«ey.
John P. Vineent woo nominated for Judge, bn a
-the following ccu'oty ticket «M seleoted:
Asiem6ly-±HkxiTJ Teller* Gideon
Prothoiwtaryl—diTntß Sbiooer.
Registsr and Recorder —Samuel Rea, Jr-
District Jf/orflfy—Bimoel A. Davenport.
' Treasurer —W®. 0. Block. !
ConnuMWfler—Jacob Frltts.
Director of Poor— Thome* Willie.
jCoroter —Samuel L Forster. , v
1 Auditors-film. A. Belnap, Philip Oaboio. , ■
Trustees of Erie Academy— Wo, A. Brown, Je-j
rooie W. wilmore, Samuel 8. Speuoer. j
Ae OrawfiirJcouoty bad before nominated MrJ
Babbit, bis! rcbominatlori end re election ere;
secured. ' i
Burst to Death ih a Boh«Fiei— Shocking
;Accident on ths\FourtK\— At Akron, lest night, in
celebration of the Fourth, e bon-firo wee mode
et the corner of Marketend Howerd streets. A
yuaog man nomed Samuel O'Neil, carrying *
barrel to the pile (which' wee already biasing
with tar barrels and pine boxes) by accident,
fell headlong into the Semes. He win, for see?
onde not counted, in the midst of the fire, end
oeme oat crawling oq bends end knees, with not
e shred of raimentonlhitn. “Kill me!” shrieked
he, “Nr: God’s sake kill me. sCnt my throat-*
anythiog—'Only kill pc." «’ After ell effort that
medioal or surgioal skill conld giro, had beeq
rendered, he died this morning, after suffering
physical.dietre6B Oar Informant
says his'shrieks still ring In his mt.—Cuvdafia
Herald. ! ‘ • •
Tub C&ttlb DrscXae—.d Correction^— In the
Examiner of June 7th we gate an
wbet was represented to us as being e species
of the Now Goglaud 'cattle disease having broken
oat amongst thqebeep of Mr. James Morrieoq,
of Cbartiers township. Binoe.that aqpouot was
published, ,wo learn that furtherdisooreries hays'
shown that Mr. * Morrison’s sheep died from the
effects of poison administered to them by some
designing,! maHcioui person. Some Hills np»
easiness bad been erjeated by the annonneemeht
that tho fekrfal cattle pestilence bad broken out
in our county, and we are but too happy
ba able to ! put: an tod to all apprehensions ; of
this kind, by makiojg koown the truofaota of t)»s
ea»e.— „ ' I. I
VasTtauAT bdog the “Fourth,” and as oiur
Banka were ciorcd,Til gave tho oooulerfeiterq a",
good ohaaoe to shire, the following now ooqn>
lerfeite: I N -. I 5 .
Bank of Penn Township, Philadelphia, Pa
6’a—lmititiOu Vignette, an agricultural scene,
:a group of fire poraons; name of bank ion ike
of the note ; a bust of Penn on the middle
of the left end; Washington on
the lowcf right end, eery coarsely engraved.
‘Paper is hard; better refuse all at present, >
Also, Fives on Ihe “Commercial Bank , PhUa •
dtlphia. Pa.”—Altered from 6’s on the broken
Commercial Bank, of Penh Atqboy, N. J. Yig*
nette. Whaling scene, men spearing whales In
small boats, “fiV In each upper oqrocr—vjry
well done. Better refuse all s’s on 1 this bank,
u o less satisfied of genuineness..— Peterson's Coun*
tt'frit Detector, ; : ; «
!ul , bil*Ji'tphU, Jo’y Ctb, WILLIAM P. WfOSKBStfSM,
,Ue,t fcj U ufgHMU *uJ tbo l*n> taaae Wlckmbam, former*
Ijr oflbU city. , ! ; ■
Wooden & Willow Wore
M*anfftcturer amt Wbol«*ale Dealer to •
B R O O M •* * *= C,. *
HAVrNO NOW INSTORE ft largojftnd 1
earclatly winded itock of Mcrytbiog la iht* 11a*, '
elib«r maasUcliiiad b> o.y*clf or ynrctimd from ,
munufecinren, POU CA«U. I« prrpar«J to, aopply
met* au.l4b* cnotry trad* «Ub rwJi In tila Ui.a j
thtacer ihan tier offered la ihi* ifiaUtt*
Tbw Wluwlijt r.,mprl«e tlt« It-eJloj U«a4 tn hla atjpca ot
W-klco and WUtow War*. „ ' } i i . -
OftDllNd— Plm tl*a.‘B (rtic*; oakitaff.'l ittw; fw« «**o,
•3 uTal crank, rrdar, o*k or p<u*,3 ttzec e*o»r l*r
rci, 4 iii-i* Snaur’a paUnt,4al*to} Tbertnomytat, 3
BUCKIT# CUnw«*> rad.Wa* and fancy aod »ar
, trun. Sand 3 Iwp, Pl«glu*, C*4ar,
J tio-v, Bocketa, ba*»y Iron rock
ria, uoa balf-, Oak WV»I Uncketa, Ironed} flour
Bocki-U, mated, ■ • .■s'-a i . ,
TOBji—and 3 boOp; Whtt* Pin*and Cedar, hand
Ba te, all at«ae,‘naaiad or by tba doEeO- ! .
KBELURS—PamItd and VarnUbad, 3 aiMS down or beat,
Odar Krtlwa, braaaor Iren b-wnd. , v_ ■
MKarUttkS—Alt alw*, from ‘bnkbet to p*ckt "*na
or Cedar »ode*lor ooaoaled. . . • '
CLOTH Ed I’lNtf—P ala and heal, InS ftosi bolesßoMtb •
Patent, tb etc** bosee. and Braaa Sprlog. to gro, !»•*•»
W\StlU*»AHO>—Watf-Tloo Hataed ManattaZine,
DooUe WyoiLamlall oih*r kind*, ( . ;
OHOOUS. Wttlbxr, BKCMllEs,dt,lniraatrarl«tj. . j
MKiL TUBS—Ulugbain Dntur and Uatlrif and Heal Tab*
'J.w3 la n»*l or »fn«ly. j - „ !
ANt» LCOJT MATS—imeante, Ooa at^Orato
Gmye TaWUata. 'j
WBITU NtST JJOXttS—Stke’and Pogarjßoxra, ejln o«t,
■4aln and tarbi'bed. i »
OIK rtAsM—Alerted llMa>'*>T appl* tallar (; kraiil,
plctilee, neat or Bilk. I . •
OUBaKLLA gTANDd—roratorwordvemnga. ;
CLOrOKd UOlUEd—AJaortat «Ha*',-%nd atylw.pwdato
WOODgN WARE—et,>pri»lng RollingTJo*.rotaJolla»b.
rr*,‘ hotter PnuU and I Ail**, Le«3o
S{M.«rtr and lioaiet*. ModdUra. Cop*. dbaring
bo»e», PplggoU, llnog iltarta, AX*. Pfck and D’ 14 *® 1
ItaoJlM, *w>k M*«la Ac. ■)
TAtl> OaNA. HOP UaMIOJUI, uoa 4nl «o»4 beads
CVjMw* P**«n»dn*. i i ~ . .
MAUK&T ftAe&KTA»In «n*t T»rt*ty of «in l»J
tb« Ml »r *»«r uwb BMMmt^inW**^!*****™
CLoVIIBS JUHCKTrf-rtUmod **«lout «(u
CUfTIUU tlASJPAK*—r<i«*r«, lUi nut t«oi*k Hi*
MJK4KKV OHAlllSof*T«ry*iyld.
no *0 It BA A H D Ctt \l> L K 4 ol ***rj »tj ty
TKAVELISU UAjKfcTa—Anort»J«lxMi»i»>l*»ilt«-
dn : . do R*(Uni»(MtMd. }
do ; do freVb, ,
L%DIK4 CAP dd do.I J
do KETRnJLtCH-— lirt«»t*d«id4»Mie*oj
SCHOOL lUsKKTiMntrfmVUiUtr. . i
SPLIT HAMPER*, tor i*t*tce«, «•
OHCHAhO BASKfcT*-WiUow *w» «pH*- j
•ml eouotty *» latftwl L> c«ll «ad «
•oOANNOT OR U?ToitH«>l;o I» TtlU rfAB^RT.
«‘i2j;CawdiWF 21 Diamond, PitUbjirgl
’ gazette’
Uook X Job Printing
Office—Gazette Building,
No. 86 Fifth Stroot
HXvinq supplied old with
■ lunitockof M*»n4ialibl» Tjp»« ** * ra P l **
parod touacate, ob abort silica ct»iy daacrlpOoD of
Book and Job
O A r XSA> 2u O U E
Business Cards, Bill-Heads, Pilla
of Lading, Receipts, Circulars,
every variety of Druggists’
Show Cards} Prescription
Blanks, Labels, etc., etc.
• 1 ' 1 ! !
uooai BLANKS or] ALL ElNOfl.
HnrdwaroLabela, Envelop**, dfo., neatly
printed; ; j
Justices’and Court Blank*, BtanK Deed# ai id
; Bonds of the moat approved; forms
on bandend printed to '
' ■ ■ Ao., Ao., 40., i ;
tffl-We would respectfully sol|oit a ehmo
of » the public patronage,; and will;
satisfaction both in exeention andipnces.
ij/tiicine Lin
, oso bftf(un<i.«lM*b«r*.
i «tid Prrptimflooaoa bind
Drr »g«l>hfl>Mdß/ 4th it*.
a«per Stock* Boo<i*wl WliiiiU *oli M po» »«
«'Sr ß .rch,»u-*.cl, M .«. t,| Am^,w(ma 400 .
itntU. T>r»rti tod Lout on: Bml Mate'MfDttaM «fe
Block Soto BroUtvM Fourth 1.
1 XT. ffiymas. \.
■ 0,000 Quart Boxes
inMiwtlcUsitut nc*i*t* nutroc. [ • .
ttjtttdAwt ■ gAMPtt RIPDLV fl Dlmaft4.
. lObtlMWool; ~ 'I tl Bbnptjdu.
HbV lu4h( from ■Uuner Qm. hi) bf •
hs • luun Dict«T«oo-
«ltb Botetiag L*r«r ot vttaoQt; Iron .. .
to tb* cmnll Oosntnr Botlea tnd BaluwM.
ALSO, tfa«7 nn tbo P»UnUo*«nd only
AND L< ATCIIKS for right or left hi
Ac. Ac; 10ErtbtrwllhCTiiTT.rl.tT of M.HmH.o~U°e«*kl OoKKtlenKdwK. 7 ~
UM RLTI NG WO R' iji ft,
PAJtK, U'CaabT & CO.,
PBR UOTTOiIB, UslMd illll Bottoms, Bp*U«r IK*ld«ri Ac.
■Alao, Imporlrn tud toiler* Id MITIUi JIK'PWW
WtKKT IKON, WIRR, Ac OubsUatlj oo lua<t, Tiosfsn’*
*lfcctllOM *o<l TOOU.
orders ol Copper col to say dratred pstleft.
mySMAwIyT '
TJu Orijxaaiaud b*Mt is iA« ft'orfd ! :
All others are mere imitations, and should
be avoided, If yea wt»b to tacape ridicule. • j
QUAY, RED, OR BOOTY 1 * HAIR Dyed loeiaotlj to a
beaptlfbl and aaiural B«rtrn or Black. without ilje lajwt In*
Jury tothebalrorakiu. r . i
•d to Wm. A. Batchelor atoce 18S9, aod over 60,000 app!lca>
Mont lure been taade'to tbe Hair ofbU pafyoßl oJjbbta-
moo* Dye. - < ,
WU. A. BATOHELOB*B HAlADYEprodare* rro|or not
toledtettngplUud from nature, mod taWttMHTn>|tiut ta
lijurm la toe l*Mt,bo teeter loog Itmmy UttmtlpM,fi»dtbe
UleOecte of Bad Dye* remedied; tbe U*lr ioOgirr*i«d f<>i
Life by UiUfpleodld Dye. I j
M*J«, eotl or applied (to 9 pt l**te roooiaj et.tbr Wig Fao
tory, 339 Broadway, New Tork. '• (
Bold to mlldtlcemnd tewna of the Culted eutai.W Drag
glstm mud Fancy Good* Dealt rt. . !
genuine bat the name mod addreag upon malaet
plate engraving on fuorddee of each bom, of . - [
<-iyd*«roT l« Bond elr**t,New York. .
W 1U S-WIOS-W lU9 « "
Above the Po«t-OBice, j
dputai goners.
Van&oiKe,JVb. 149 Firat and liOJfwmii
surpass all. They am elegant Ugbt, easy-nod durable.
Fitting to a charm--no turning op behind—no jtorinklng.
ol the bead; lodeed this to the only eetabllibmeni whom
ibeee thloga are properly understood end aider j
JofclydivT ; 10 Bond stmt. New ;Vnrk.-..
•9~f P 'f 9 # ? PtP I
Inoit *a Mmiditre—Puctuh Brepp—A
Ocas Nua Uows.—l pobllah below an extract of: a letter
(roo Derld Boyd, of Ktoklmloltae Blellon of lb* Allegheny
Valley who was cored of a bad fotm <?f dyspepsia
by the si* of the Peruvian Syrup. . Ur. Bjyd U a hotel,
keeper, and Is well known, and be has suffered for the last
eight year a. lie Informs me that he gaiaul'eight ponnds
tn floah by the nse of one bottle of the syrup, and has an*
thorizadme to pnblUb hto letter, which If 1
refer to the long advertisement of th* Pfruyiaß'Syrop In
another eolomo, for particulars of Its curative pijWera.
DL QEO. □. KXYficit, 140 Wood street,'M* *«»**•
Da. Qso. 11. Kxtexm—Bir—Enclosed I send, yon three
dollars lor two bottled of the Peruvian Syipi* ; I got One
bottle from yon abont three weeks ago. 'lf yurj recollect,
me, ! told yon that I had something like dyspepsia. Tbs,
■yoptotue were wind and pains In the bowels, pod pains In
the back of the neck, and at time# dlerehooa, : iYj>n reeom
mended the Pernrleu. * yrup, and It has done mi hiore good
than any medicine that I hare bled yet, and | ! )>e*e been
Uklng medldoe for the last eight years. me 11
I would take three bottle* at ooe time, yon woold give It
foe fir* dollars, but not knowing whether 11 would do aoy
gtfcd, I thought I wootJ first try ono.bottlp. Now that I
ameendlsg lb# balance of the money In so ekorti time, yon
wlif siod me the other three botilea. BlVf6 BOYD.
gold by de oboeq* n. kbybeb, no: iwwood st
fett-dawT -
AufiiKiui nu-ruiciui! »uTMk*tu»m
Don’t fail to procure Mri.’Winwlo.w’s Sootb
fog Syrup foe Children Toothing. It has nodical oo earth.
It greatly facilitates the process of teethingedftentcftha
gwnia,redndng all Inflsmmetkm—will ls
tore to regelate the bowels. Depend open It, toothers, P
will give mat tcyoon»lTs»,eod relief end bwltb to yon*
Infants. Perfectly sale In all eases.
ThU ralnabl* prrparstfas to tfca o* OQ * d
•b. inosuxpnrtencad and skUfal female PhysJc'Unslo New
•agUiid, end has been.need wtlb internals
■millions of rases .
We beliere It the best sod surest remedy (n lpe world, ta
41l casta of DjsenUry and Piarhqes In lt
artoes from tMthtag as from aoy other eap»*C'. 6
If life and health can ba asotnated by doUai#*Bd cents,!*
Is worm Ito weight tn gold. ' ?•/;.. n -»-j
utlllons of' bottle* are aold every year u* Onlta*
BtatM. Uls an eldand well-tried remedy .
raiUBONLY »OtNtt A
imulm nnl— tin Ssowlmil# ofCUATIB A PH
KINS.New Tors, toon the ontslda wrspper,•;>;
gotoby DrnggUta.throqgbeottha world.’ ;*■
PR,Ofa>. ;U?WbIE, Agent for Pittsburgh
lufcdiwlyfcT ’ ! , - , . -y, _
Has had a ten year’s trial,
which abootd beoofllcttct loeo6»lse*jW r J
Suffering Women
ol ilMimtnlMo((b« ;• M n n •
•ml tUt It y witbflnt ezroptM'
; Intoi*lb*public, ;;t i
f\,r all DitttUtt Anting frim Irrtg&arilies,
Cbtju&lc or NtrrMta BabMltjr,;;
Palpitation of tke BtarU ;
Vertigo or OtssJnam, -r<
Pain* in tk» v »
PclD*lntb%Sa»Uo<tb»lUcVv ;j
pain* Under , . :l
Lownttt of Spiritr,' ; >
J.iogn'ir ul SirtiwaMi
Difficult Menthruttio*, :
goapeoded McMtnmU-^pt ; £•
or emotion of fJU Uaitafc
And >u atmo.l eodban varied of otbar
tt-rrgalariUea, anpailodoeed by ‘
• wm! eonrtltutwo terete meoUl on pojiMl Übor. Tbf
•ImpU remedy for*llla tog»l ntlbnprlt^ur#«u«ort&e
djit err- naan It, ini joo te»U» .Motive to regelate
(Ul c‘*> be done by Uie great j 1 <: •:
oatamjcnial corrector.:]
Wbleb bM wear failed to• nn.«l4 properly omd;
according to Ufa olroctlom. nod a fair *rWltr*o lt - .* ■;
ft ta prepared from *ba recipe,and peraocnl w»
nerrUtonof anwal.Bblllfot Pbtaldlno,*b-tyur• numberof
tekreconfloed iu u*e tobtaprtndoprnetkA. forjb* ton;
imre that It baa bean before tba pabtle, If ban gained for
itmirnpoaltloo that will aoon by JU rartt Hcteeee orpow.
u,it*, place It at Ihe band of all naeedfea birelofor* ofiarad :
tot Women's dlaaaaea, tba mow ripedaliy *bcee abort eou>;
w?m ommiirfKwl . Jf
For aale by moat-teapaetoble JfmggSjU.lhroQibout thlj
“"“S *1 50 vsk BOTTLE |
or nu« bottles are ordered at one time, tbodnaOKltiavlil bit
lentfraaofebargafor I
Particular direction* aa to one, Ae .apootuimir aaib bottla.
Dniggtsa can ba aupptled direct Cnfa uni Laboratory, or
P.g.WKtLSAOO,Ne»T«k, ( :
B. B. BAHOBt Baltimore, Ud, i
DTOTTB Philadelphia, Pe, *, , •
J. WBiaHTAOO,Na*OrUan*La,; f j
JOON D. PABK, Olbriuaatt, OblQi r i; . !
11. B. QAVB. Pertlaad. Maine, . 1
Or to or rwfMOwblo Whoi~t.Orontrt. in No* V«k|»
PbllidtlphU. Clrcul.r*, with Trofl. Pit'ort *c., tio U\.
Oomctflo,ondt hr other to Wbole~e
Bojtm No Medltlne j
l~ J. D. I. »E SYSE, !;■
. <knor»l Ultent for tho OaltrrtßU~ onO Oeneder.
’4:lydlwTia 40Aon StttqtrSew Yor>.
' Mrs. Winslow,
fta «z«rleDMd!!ttrM ul htmta thjijdiD, l>ri«*U jto
ibaitttettUoa ol ' • ii.
Uiis rtJncing »1I l&fl MB ra 1
PaxS[»oiS ipumuito•ctlon,utdU ■ <.
Iqllb WfiilOVliAVß Vn|B BOWBfcp*
DepSdopoo lit notiwn, it win «lr* joor»lmr ind
„ ./'Eelieli aid B?«illi to jw* lßfanti., s
tssttsssi Sri!?;
wf"*»sE“ r“^l£iU
doJESeUm byo|o«»H»«~l>C o»th.tjotmj,
S&^M^Sv*i?£?p 0 M
Bu’TrSPinHihMW* oiwuat wa atom, db-.
CL&B&- In 41«w*t IW7 iMUaf* »i}*r# th* Ifitol * «of*
Uriat iron pnin tad «ahnn«dijn,:Mtt»< ylil b# too*|4 !■
BftMa <jt mty adntM iB« VU
Eoxlud»u4-tuabMaQMd wlUk£ftf:Uß VAtLUfQ
aim )a •» > «--• ..;■ •• . ■ j
It not only IrsMmn thoehlU fnys»V»ln,trot !oTt*w#t«i
lb* ttdCMeb and bunU, comets ncWlty, sod pw* togj *o«
iurp to tfcaf vboto mum. It "U***
firtpltii Utt« BmUiiiWlß.a C«l|? ltk
tad otvcmMooo- ,'....•
tf Botspcodltarr*- ciiiliUßSClN l£E»uW**ST
ISSiJStft t i &
fBM WOHIMtt nil *mm at iLf **i*Ma* cr
■ ;Mi-' i
£SKMM JtOtUf*.
Th«:Confn4ona wid BzpnKno* o<{ ■ tl
T victim. :■■■■■■ .
DESIGNED foe the benefit anA*»aw«jih ' JA
lag and a ~fc*nU«i to young msn who sutfer frith i‘
pm VtbOUf, Armature Decay, Ae* as t csusqaancncn f - • \ : .-£s2
aarty errors; snpplytog at the same tla* the Jeansy NAT 1 ° v -
Ctorfi ByssnSererfromthe-abOTecaoseanafrommsosW ;-.
lm £tigU > coßtos l SSl*lfree) on receiving a; if
velcM. bearing ths addnsa of the applicant. AadxustNAr. ( s-'
Ta/NIKb MAyAlß.»sq,Bedford t JIU^C^^y«W- ' j|
KrjOTJr/iVjtru jbk> jror^i
xyri /Mtccr**.
cooUlai do PoUoo.
pirs mamnc pita
■arSoiJ iwfiwtin'Bi .
joiiph W*O»BI|W«U*
(Aicmmoti to rorter, Botfi i 4 Awff*) ..
- Corner of \Vater Street and Cherry aUey,
talttlflfc PTTTBBUBaA PtOtl'A. 7
Forwarding and Commisiion Airektlte,
And Agenbj for tlio sale ol Pittsburgh U»nu-
Cuk(l|{ucieala *u*l orient for LIlD t DtPIA
; : HBUP. paOOt’OB, Ae,/«#£dtttl. Prompt AtlAß*
tlool to recoiling A&d forwAnJlHg.
No. 49 Commarotfl gitraci* St* LOttll*
AQghrftf :
Muni i* ' '
foreign and DomtsUe Bills of KxcMlfej^s’
CKSTiriOATXS or DIPO3IT, .. -'
made 00 all tfc» prloripal dike lfcco«ts<
,qt thP ap3*tfly
;i‘ WB Y M Alf S HO N'i
Humbctßran ud Dml«v In *n Undjol,..
J. BCOTT, DeotUt, j
;j|AS removed to the house lately occupied
bj Dr. Wo. A. Word, No. *!• Penn ■trwt» (pw
tbtrd tor ibott Bud itmt
• <)fflee Botin from ¥ A-'M. HU 5 P. M.
-WH.C MWB»0»v
Iviraaow D0caun......-.——*■*— ~*——*“**
Pittsburgh, Ptnn«
oac«, n»A«t »cr«t, ... s.
*oi WUMjcMllr :
«rco**tlaga3altto»d Work, gtoftm BoH*u utdSbMtXroo
jobbing »nd Rftp*lriug donf on «tiort tiotle*. artfelydfa 1
~ n. ooLlinb.
foiwaidlo* and jCoininliHlpD Maiohaot,
' Cbeeaa, Batter;Seeded BH»b,
] - And FTodnt* Qeaendty, >
il.t ff«. tt »>■« MS»«>
B. B. * C. P. MißKliß, ~■*
i book, print, cap, lkttkr and all KINDS Of:.
|l»T« r«aor*S from No. 27 Wood *lrw» to So. *3 Btatthlell
\ Stmt. Pltttbargh, P*.
: ji «y»CMh ot Tr*dft for R*g».
AtiAM'DiU. BlDSl^
Ml]ru»iCTOU*A»ft (iuul »
Wooden bnd Willow 'Wary,
uinti, BBOouB,BEDEa»a, ooßDiui,*a
■o. ai» DUmoid,
No. 54 St. CUir.; Street, i ■
(111.Iil.h'.S.. BuildlDg,' PiIIiBOHOB, f»
iiHilyiift ; '
' Menutactnrer ud Dealer io etiry variety of
Plain and Fancy Or*te Piont«. Ac.
• Sol© Proprietors of the celebrated .
Offiaud Sole* Rooiu,No.4 W*>d at, rUUbar||ti, Fa
nrllUiUjfo . '
Pittsburgh Steal Worke.
I Manoteciama of ' . 1
Comer Ross and First Sts', Pittsburgh, Pa.
cci» ‘ v ' . ’ -
w ». uimm Im, -T
UuofPunWisb. ■■■■•[ ) nmmtlM.
ptToTSBu.Ron conauiioa Boris.
Awl A|*nO tor lb. S.l# o. •
Wo 160 fltreet, •; Wg
' , NBJW VOKK. ;jg
*®-Cootiftm«DU eoUcited, to *bkb proper penoaal W™'
tentioo that! be {two, «ad proceade pcotapUy WlW^
awn. Bn**» BJcbMdt ACta,lli«aOT.Jphgßly**.9 ft ?
Alexander Stag,*eq,l “• {.. McKee* KoAber,
lltmn. A dim i, HacUln * 00. Witaoa *Braiaa,N.T.
juaayti • • ;• • •. " .. •* ' • •
(row Owlllac, Ina V.alt., V»mlAD..r«,
Window Shotten, Window Gaud*, to., '
* FM.nStama&rtAmA* TMatnti
(Between Wood nod Market,) . .
i Se*e cdhind a ear Wj ofoewPaUerea, bMMadphfc*,
•ni table far All purpoeep. pattfcaUr attentl« sett toiaa* -
Lot*. JobMaidoae at eboi tootle*. .*!<■
HBLStBOLB’ft IICOUO for the Bladder; , ■ : ■.
a*bUßoU»*ii BUQIIO tor tbti4ldße>V :
UILUBOLD‘B BUOtIU for the Ora Tel;
QBLMBOLD'fI BUCBO tor lbe Drepey;
tIIUIBOLD’d BPOQP forNriwumaiar. •
MJCIIO tor Lo*e cf M««c»»r,
|*UKLHBOLD*B BUOUU for DimaMaafTWoo;
HILMBOLPd BUOQD for DlOeult BreeaMog; • .
ORLMItOLD’S BOUHO for General DeMlty;
HELMBOU/d BOOHU Cm Oatmeal Unlade;
ÜBLMBOLD'B BCCHtJ tor U«t« ofDtaaeej . .
UXLMBJLD'B BOCttO for Night Sweat*
I BOCItP for Wuhtfolit—;
I HBLMBOLD’B 800110 lor Dryoeeeofthe Skb;
I HBLMBObD'a 800110 for BrapOowf . •
1 QKLHBOLI^BUCIIVforPeIn lathe Back;
I HBLMSOLPa BOCQQ lor Ueerinm of tfe* Kyalida, wrtlk..
I Tenporanßuffadeoand’tofocfUiht; .
I BBLMBOLIfS BUOIIU for Mobility and Beil—awe with '
I Waatof AUeptloo.Uorrorof BoeUtyi;
1 HILMBOLD’S BIICDU forOUtructkoa;
1 B«ttlBULD*B BUCIIU for Btcee’ew artel Pf frptt ladle '
I crattou, aud all dlleaoea of tb» Sexual Orgaoe, eedettag
| elihar aex. from vhaterer caoae etigtaAltiic.
I. Boldoullby DK. Q«Ow D KBYBU, IfoWood
1 Pltiaborah.
i : Attorn tg».
mtom ca, 80. 7» armmt ftrmtt, ■
' . prrrißOitaß. n
feWßtt *» *D»TU»CI—, .
lkto of Butler, P*. '■ ’
IT ATTOMSITa at tuw,
HAMILTON * AOnKSON iiii>it itw
Mo. m r°n'i» a™*. rnubntii*- •
r ; C. B. M. SMITH, 7
Attorney aria Cooneellor >t lev,
T BesuMOTm^Oi
No. 13 Diamond ‘Street,
■ittflia] - Hit door to 81, »<«*■ Ofaatcfc-
I_l am BAUS—Yellow Ulued, Fly Proof, '
IUUU BAXSIUte -‘•gSfe-', tt jg& t *s
\J a»» mil Jwl nott«] p* lUim
rxmitii AFFUa—IW *
*, '• • •/:- •., 5*v r :
:WC :W-?. :ov : U:'>\ 'f "**
‘4_ ■
•j ' • • • ' • ' •.'
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- : -'*m
ntui j. «wn* ■•».>
IMtellftdlaM,**. *'