* -■■■ »-»■ i’i ■ . r ' ** I » | WOOi.J.»,W WTitKa A/rp *»„■>■ lt ro 11 .LjlLi: "■ r *°» HuanMnrr, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, « ,4,”" ' VICE PRESIDENT, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, - • \ . /-•- Of MAINE. ' : Bleotort .' *! '■ no x iJM. '*. • ' /*• new. taoj l*.!Mria •;*'**»« filivritM, . * tbtortJL J-orf, i , s • fTukM-BWk, . ~ ® Jobs M. firooo«Il, ££# T MM W, TbMw. t? r. * * LcrlASstth, i"'B f*»od» W-ChrM, v I® Iftate*, jr, % 3. y ’ll THrM Tamrt, i»nm»srnau, : -|f : •. SS Job, ! T toa OaTCRROK, EtON. ANDREW <3-. CURTIN, VOX OOXaßXaa—xxr*» DISTRICT, JAMS)B H; MOOBHBAD fto ooxaiSaa-xxtid duthiot. BOBSRT lUcK yip h r : M%wnu.UPitubQrth. Xflpiui william*, AUtebwj. * / > 1 iWiBIH L»/«oimiKoiltaMrr». • •/.' - -’WILLIAM MUaLAB.Ellc«betL. -.ai.ua e raw h. I cane, - vllliSfcXi '®** '/«• Owrfe, YIXX|»K A. Htfc&OS, i ;,.' ‘-jt " • |j MMstiAv. •’ ’ ' \r WIUtAM J. BICTaADMI, 7toptmc«T*#» aimirSl^MSrojh. u >: ' r ..•?■ ••~ >I --. * Aarfo>r« : ■.*.■ ' :•■ ' ftnUORT LAXt, f < ..s 7 '. rsa «c94w»V, nmS^‘ V*-'! i > 1 ; riW^eftr Ot Four. ,: :i t -. .jnmit ouuut. wuuu. "Poruua Botmuoitt."—lt ia remarkable Itai Mr. Dougina, to kb letter accepting tba nomination tendered kin for Pml -0M« »!lnd«i to "Popular Borer • ? »P«‘An «h»«y end freelp bpCongrena with Slarerp Sf*. I *■» *• »»*Kera dad bio re £ ':, P*AU*lke &k of 1850 and 1858, "Ihatibo peo ' pla'oMhe territorlee ehoold bo loft free to frame r\ \ tbtlr llttltallooe la Ihtir own wap." That bant aeama to bore brae qnletlp abandoned. Bia 0 1 Matpla ereed aw b that Coegreae baa not the pe*ar to Uierraae la theaffaireofthe terrilo. - _ ?Ue; but he fella loelato that Ibe people Aon tkbl He nowhere olaima that power for i them; and me are tkarefere left free tooonolndo IhafPepular Borereigulp" u do longer an in te*ral part if the Dreglaa erred. therefore, Congroai baa no power to inter neu la Ike affaire of the territorial, and the >■ - peeptoof Ik* territorlee here not the power, vbo t. ku? Wean not, fortunetelp, left in doubt bp L ** f, ®*a*'aa nn thla polnt. The ConrenUon .»*** nominated Mm; adopted a reeoluilon, in . *^* l *?* t° Ibe ClnoinnaU platform, that the “ P“»« oner Slararp in the ter “a» (it tamaAerSmior aAuU hcrtafttrie r r *e«W.A» (At SuprmiCourtof Ac trailed Stata, ’AIT ■ k« reepeoled bp aU good oitiiene, mim fatttd vitk prooftniu and fidelity, nr nvini ; e *aaao*'orTßaoaa»naLoonin*«iT." Refer i-' rU * »»tkle rtaolntlon, Mr. Donglaa in bia letter aape: f ' "Upon a oanfo) examination of tbe platform c *5 adopted at Ckarleaton and reaffirm ■ ! 4 “ ““ Uno ? “■ additional reeolnlion, toAieA • P* cth *rl '•«> »‘obe a . Mibrnl embodioent of tbe time-honored prinol | ' , y-Jt o*aioe»Ue parlp, ao the name Bare SB aaAaaptaod bp all partlee in the . ,;s Pmaldeatlal contrail Of >lB, ’62, and Sc ” T4l,> *»«•»«.»• Deed SoottdeoUlon,alo p" , plpmeanathatlhe Supreme Court Ajjthe power ta taterreae inlbe affaira of tbe terrUoriea, and * . '■*' «• deeliloa against tbe right of either Con j\ 4 grieaorlhe people to prohibit Rlarerp in the jfro* '.i-. ~ territorial, ia toibe enforced bp tbe gorernment. S':. Sj - ‘Aatt. Afr.j Donglaa, aeeepta the doetrine of , V • InletTenllon bp "epffy Irandi of the Federal Goo :l ariuaml" aa balng ln perfeot hinnonpwith Aia | , DamMraep, and ia in faror of Congreeelonal In i , -’‘ereaailon for olererp. wheoeter a deolalon of »-4 ,I*o Bopref a Court map reader It tieoeeearp.-, • ' - HblUt-denounoing Congreeßionnl Inuraenlion Xu™* ** b "* lb ' notctbtte blmaelf . Th» Nnr Joi* Dihicatio*.—The New : *»J ■ tb »l Jodge Bella, of the Unl toa.flcaiet Platricl Cowt in that oily, bu deoid- that Fowlerfe bond* to the United B(ate« Got ■jnsnl: it| worth aothiag. It appear# that ?«*]•* wu firet. appointed, be furalehed r . boodin the earn of $60,000, cigaed ’ c vilh Georg# Lav, Goitavae A. ; 9PWW. ttd.OUTCT Charlick, aaeecoritita. On .M* it beoama'otoeetary for him Ih ilei aev bead,.vhioh he,,did, in the earn of . $76,000, r This.bond had four eeale affixed to It, but «u lifoed only by .Fowler, Lav, aid Qoaover, Ckarilok*# name nowhere appearing ~!• It, On hie defaloatioo beiag bronght to llsbt, tba Government took alepa to oolleot the ,'fcoidfrom the eoriellee, who 4 {Mwapoavpplled to ibeOonrt for aa lojoao. .fgjj ““ 10 •%'?■<* prieeadloge, loforolog 11, °° arl •k»Ufc«r oal,,gare tba bond to Fovln SSI- ' ' lk * “I*?" Hmaeot tbit Cbuliok alio >Vt>' V-' '**• U. aad slaialag tbal, aa ba did not ' ;'^:;’ ; !{'- tt »»»*«»Ml!»H«for aajiblßg. Aad Judge r- ' 1 ®»*iahold* It a.Tan aattlad! law tbal. If tie, Mow ajar, tbal the, BtTar oop- ET **k u ? ,0 *k* delitarj of thebond to the Ualltd ? T Btalad ia.lta pnaat aba pa, but aal, gara Uto I - Foalarto fatCharllsk’a aigaiiart, tha, araaot j . liable ooihe bood, dodge puuaa tajaaotloO to at ay the OjTtramanl’a proeeidiogi ontUlhat ?" ;9«j»tlaa;itd«ttrmiaed.; I - J It Brat Iraoiplrtd tbit Fowler bad bcea chest jff > ' *•« **• lOTWaatai for four or ■'Bra jaara, tba St h *oo blind to tea tba cheat, or r- ■ v «oaal»laf at U l i notu It raaohed $176,’000, aad tfc i l l ° rW oat lfcr°o|b tbe nrlmloal f 7 aaiUfraoa cMhe goaeramiat, the bond glean i II inaill, for hia faitkfataeia la woithlMi. KJ’ W«akneea,;intffio!ioo,, and aorrapUaa of I “* »4®laI*lr«l0B, are till fall, Mutttatad la ' ***?"?•. No ?*“" wh *‘ «““• “»7 Wiiirt : !”**rd, la aa/jahapt it eta ba pot jbla dcfal / l*_a diagram to the gorernioeot ahioh i? ti ■ panalltad or failed todataot It. . . . I ■■ j . . '■'% *»• appaarto be talklaf In tbelr aloapt Aaaa !./ : »»««la* aptolatao of tba wildoita vitb ablob ;/ *ta, dream aload aa aabmlt'lba followlog from 1 ‘kk Claolaßatl tba oooo(arpar| of «Ueh ma, ba fooad at almaat aa, time la tba Pul of ••" '■■>'- '■' ■ ': •'■ !, >'M’ > '^’ 1 . '!)• ' ■. ? • • -> .1 * i-ii-lBBUKoa: IPA 7 MQRHWQ. JULY -7, 1880. or ILLTSGI3- at Laris*. BSPOtLOCK. CAS M. UOWJL '• IS FruetiD PtooSBU. 1 14 Ulytaa* W«reor, ' 14 o«org* Drbwk'T, 1 16 A.. B, (lurp, IT Dulilu tun, ; IS B«aoa) Othlo, 19 Mpr Co*«n. to .WlTilmj McKvoatk -21 John M Kirkpatrick, 22 Jamw Knr. 23 Rldurd P. BobtrU, , 21 Henry Boatber, id Oner, >ftt tht following Sutei iMdJobawa: MUdoral r*Ut. IM Ifttloa, ibt Hwrliburg )U;«: ■ ’ trm tfcii ««l6ttlttloa dii Ut; bat thli w# do know, t a MwlghWooi Dongto < I* wofallj nUUktSr— Md dUomioa Ullotm * cat. of tbo Mia dot* bo aortchtaoo IkM tho Brthod SrtnU >e&ocr»Uo CbmaltlM, froa ««k word, hi 12. to •■dorta Dcog* i.Fwf«r*tfoarri»d, tsploytt Id tko Cor .lk»auu,»r taiV IMiMia PMImM. ilrt, ud Mnd jr«tolLB«(. f' - .:■ Hjkh.»et .»tiMe»,'Mur a»t«a>n, ; earn .tor -~-t. amtn aeo: A Judge. Hell, fotaerlj a member ' . habit. hntoeacoodUfoe. Bow auj —dr. r tlud Id >f Poegrew, cffefed . yeeolailon tb.t democrnte ' «*•"■■** *«i«d ten*.' .|U,... ■p- ■ n , , .... ueuiwiM , bdaJ mad tlUcka ofbMJttlMl V.t _ “P* 1 * BrwktDndga or Donglw, u they f ko e» ho. to ct.r.itr ** whtoa wag wiTtd-«ilb furious tfemon- j «n»tjpa**d, r«« ii h»a or tuattvtc £qi eppMiUoß. UMlattrapied to speak, I roc * * co&liitteo *M w.sur* cathaitw, T * ,asl * “• ci “ c,d “*" ,a^r ““ “**» *!*Chalr ruled Hall down— said be bed abused ih4 courtesy of the: Convention. Hall insisted cn'hie rights. Veits of "dofro with bin," f, "dowo," &.o. Ilatl would njake-a-»4ptr •outtl explanation.” Bboufa of "don't want it,” “yoo’re no democrat" ilatl said if be were de- Jiied (be privilege asked, Jjo had uo business in. Ihei Convention. Uoufuted yells of "that's a fac|,” "let bits explain," "down with him,” *'o*Jer. M Delegatee rcmooiirated against the ap plication of the gag rale to anybody, and upon appeal of Ra&kio the obstreperous Ilatl prroecd •d. [ He aaid ha had acted In Democratic Con ventions for eixteeu years. Hie democracy was kndwn. The parly had always been for mess areb, not oeo. Some fifty democrats in that Convention disagreed 'with the majority, and wazjted tbetr sentiments reepeoted. They nre J5T*. B n Cki '"'j J f, '? Dou «'“- and J' 11 .). "« wn '‘ tli '» kno*i( .h„ s . - h „ p„ f „ Br.ikn.rldg, nro dot regarded -Ithil Obml, of Uo d.moornlio parij. Deafening Uoou of . no | emphasized »nd long dr,wo out. HalUt jenita lo g, on, hnt prohiblled bj ol.mor. -hen tho chair poremptorilj ordered him down.” rjTan Doaglaa men of rbilsdelphtehcldamoct “* *" the Fonrth, >t wbloh they repndieled the •otion of the Democratic State Committee lid P“W lh ‘ following resolution: Bitflcti That ae the presarretion Intact of the irganiiatton of the Damocratio party orer °!. h ' r °°»»Mereltoo, the preefnlerl iuo. Tr 1 «trp» be talten to pl*c< -before (be Detsortcy of VeiiDiiTlvinU •» electoral ticket pledged to tb,eoppV, rego or nominees of the parly. Mi. Haldcman, the member of the Dongles Nnit naFCommlltee from ibis State, was preseot »l this meeting, from whiohtwo Infer that he will I Obey the order of the National Committee and oellg State Contention to nominate a Douglas electoral ticket. 8 • io . BV >HB PKHSIA-TUK REVOLUTION IS SICILY. ' He'd! ,? Cl^fs mO ,r menl w' a J “ '' t P orl '< l - Colonel r nlohlrf D h | thr * B thousand tolnnleers hod ■ "rilek on i^Tj'. T ho Ti ™ oorrrapondetit S?SJ ‘h* UUI •« 1 -. Hint the Neapolitan ■ lrusl acn *0 'he knife 1 . Jn K* b ,* yOIIPt ‘ Information had arrirrd confirkiog the departure of n baloh of brigands i iLri’f“ a “ a Th. LnSSe, In THi pl *“ , of '■>» Neapolitans seem Ikeenije ” P V roD B position at Messina, f?' p F ‘ “ * dTl,| eed; poßitlon, and at the 1W .™l° “ * “ ew bM “ of operations in Biolly. They had ooneentrated in- the oaetl, and town kbout peren thousand or eight thousand men, ht.fV 8 ™“ 9or Ibe lost eloern Jr*™; jit II U ,f ibe eeholo town bid been »|ept for join in prieon, tad trei now liberoled •nd enjoyed Iho flret moment* of freedom Tibe etories you beer of ibe :Oppreeeion end or ;>Eb"‘“ur of lb » Polioo wiu olmoit in- T. o '‘i*.?' 1 “ h ° a3 '’ 001 * * b:, P * b *o b b M opt been Ibe, eoene of. in brnloliiy, nod not a rpmilj which ban not been the object of ita * b » P°Bce rnled eopremo, and everything eleo wee eobordinale to it. Men t?f.. Co .'b°i' 1 ’i d h ‘? or!l er directly from the ivlog, with whom ho via io eonaiaoi sod te> er«t oomaoDiootioth ; The director of police bad Urge ettaa placed , at his disposal without being obliged to render any account of (be nee bo made 6f them. Thou. «*nd» of.ietoret police agents fonnd their wav into allthehouiee, and often eereed for the eei iafsolion |of prirato wengeanco. Their denun ciation was conclusire proof, agaioet whioh all ether leslmony was Teloeleee. This maxim opot adopted, all inquiry and jndgoent became mero metiers of form, whioh were in moot otoca dipeneed! with. 80 infeoied we. ,r*y piano with Ihla wermin (bet tba most intimate friends dted to communicate their thoughts for her of being reported. Especially daring the lest two months no one was nth for an hour, and ererw oie went lo bed trembling. I ' [Popularity of OotioWt. -Cheering hee some, ris'.i wS “ iOatibeldl appears, lH'n'ewi?.' i‘ D * “ - h *“ "* r ««r>« newer to hare enough of him. The oon- Mnnenoe Is that he hesglretfop walkingaronnd i "'f' * hen •>« i* kot [till, a? ? a -^ h “»>«»tod. The throng lo il|ts his hands has been snob that he has is sued a general order lo stop this, while ererr W 'toM.—AHteu from Naples lo says: Tbo plot. Is ripening, and the appearance of things reminds mo eery mnch of jwhat Nlp|ee mas In 1848 In front enny hojtss are Stationed no loss than twelse foreign senseis of Jeer. Oo .Snnday morning" united !ba Bretagne, end three other line of battle “»Hlog ellogether fire Freooh line of. tie “ips, (besides two other smaller serrels,) W a ® ?L*h , 0 f * T ‘°e and rear admiral. S •*“ deoktr camo in on Faturday with an Admiral's fleg; and we hare, moreoser, an jAustrlad and a Spanish steamer. All this is eery mrgoliloent and ominous. and looks ser f miwh tiko Ills preparation for a catastrophe, if not for assiiting at Royal obsequies. Neepoll lt,°' constantly going and com ?» and bring up the dlsoomflled troops of the , •Boorbons frpm Palermo. I saw many of them disembarking at Portlol yesterday, and by the cast "Pen I hair officers, they seemed to hare some senes of-shams at there- Mlkotion Uj*t 18,000 well diMlpllnedwnd pro- M been ooapeUedio fly befor* not moM |han 1000 good soldiers and 6000 or 7000 i irregulars. . i P 4*»* D °»jt«irorTHn Hodsox BarCoisrAsi's' MSfSI? Wi,BI * OIO » Tsiniroir The : We understand that a b *; B on behalf of the Hud *• General Haroey, Informing him that Ihs.Company intend to abandon their toeSossions htVaoeonrer,,on the bank, of the Columbia riser, In Washington Territory. This abandonment It Is said, Is oaused by Gen. IJar nej a forcible Sellars of somh of the Company's property, and hisdeclaration that the Com pans bM hid noot during (be luL year* to occupy the land whioh they olatih In the Territory. The. abandonment Is kooompanied by a protest, which, we presume, mnat go to headquarters; so here Is another snbjeot for In terahtional grumble and quarrel betwsen John Bnlljaod Broiber Jonatheo-; ■■ ?■ The Hudson Bay.men earn plain loudly of Har- IK They «y that if their right to eantt fol t , S > ol 1“ eommeh woufd hi,V.I. 7”,' v° f >“‘a*»»«nnal eohrlesy mebi ihJLa ' kq “ r" 1^ 1 ,he American Qorern 'Hf'ha BriUah Gorernment of ■ ri‘t.l : could then be communioeted be expired, In May, 1869; but the " IMI some' persong on behalf of IhM olilm V? the kxpiratiOn of the prltllese of t tradi) did not deprire them of their eqnel Jblh! to tide with other, pjha. th. 'm siisit Is all the legal ralidily whioh It h.d !_. Fini AcokDW.-a.mu.! Pita, of A, di« Pm tollra from lo*o, Id Sorntmt ip-. , u «» T*>«wl‘y «f l«t w«b, bid - ■ nontaj. n< >u nhni I, wp»lfl«g • Ihilotiadfoof upon «n old bin, (dr. uilo npoo > .f roinrtj on whloh bo rmnirly U»ed,j Md uklli cur -tbi m of iba balMioz OMoJll'onltanbroko.prMlpltaiJmbiabMlc. »»rt4 la iko groood.. , Fililof wron » polo, bta lbtl P»‘k .I*l* fort. ml ctotod dtdjrwQnfre, lo b« knows to b, tpprt. [*“,=* Mot. pw box. with diritlm, tliboXM.ll. irtih rT7 *•* *t or Hoxxiuxi'o'BoiiaopMuo fiManca, , “ *"* >f twenty dUtaut Buwdl* to .77'’ O! do. to ptoln too, |l. rltou, ciaaof flltaan box*} and booh,s2. *!* riFK^bSw'" i'l&tlmeowdftvT : I®"?. L. Fontrlsrocx’s Vuirircox.—This toedldnobtt ■ moot oxoollent topoillkto, nodoely wltl, Ut. bnodtod, of IbooMtid, who bin nlod 11, bit with th. med 7*! S”».™>lr. *bo Dull.. prMcrlptioo to I heir itonjpowetloo. It llwni It, rrpolMlvai tor whw, worm, «bt. It mw toll, to moot, them from lb, lyetem PtopMwl .ud .old by B. U »AUNI3TOOK * 00 WboleMl, DntsjUto. ud proprlotor, ot Wltooo’, pm,* Jytdd'w”" ° fW “ d * nd Tm,tb Piltobw,h,p, a®*Mfta. Winslow, aa experienced Nurte •od Pemele Phy.lttoo, bo. d Boothloj Bnttp tor ohedtjo to-.hlng whkb xro.u, Itollltot.. tb.pmtoU n ~ ?* 016 tom, irdncto, oil todtmmotloo-wm MU/all paln,aud larora tp reqliU |ha bowali. Dmend u r" ,w * udbwlth to yottr Infant,. Pwftctlyutoto »Ilm«w_ ‘ d "rtl*™"l1 *™" 1 «°°«bw coloroo. toUdtu^T Card • to Young Ladis* mn n*v ro, apply to u SSSJ5 E Ste^'., DR 6. KING Ac COFFEY AhocUI.J is th, Pmetlc, or MIDICINI oul fIURQKRV t** 0 "' o*' 0 *' N » I°S UN. «~U oppbMl, . ”cSL' w OODBURY’jj GUIDE F r OR TUE VOICE, s^sSs®3=sSS J» : . JOHN a. tfgLLOB. 81 WoJjLSL hhde. Sumr; ™ v-J 200 Ibla Prfma N. O. Mclaaact; w Do Prnu’a ud otbar ?) ropa; 1W bit Mold Caodliw; M4o BUra&dtttaarlnaCaodlda; oa do German and OltJaa goi K to d> Koala 10 do Ceitll* do 10 gnua Traa’pareot do 6J baa Tbb*tro»; 60 cbaata V. U tp* Black Ttia. Io itor. tad for atla try Limit ft TRIMBLE llSßecond at. 18fi() LA^K' WHITE FJSU, 1 QfU\ din V u ,a *£ r peand w «* f r 1 oOU dortna birTPt-b.MdM Ml* by tlia Ffab ‘ M T? t J- B. OANPIKLD ft OU, i.nrit ttr, at near Wood. OItANUEb — 6*J hoiea Messinn. Jo»t reaircd ipj Amalie by i- .. - *wieh ft asderhob. _ J ±! fto. 30 Wood at, oppoattaSt utwlea ndtat EMUAiS—IOO boxeo Fttleimo, 1 ‘ I Joaa rcralrad and for aala by . W**MEa»ANDRRFON,No.CB Wood it, 1 <>rpoa puib uuk , * « MB P3KK—Z) fcbU M*«t Pwk. Jwt rfori*«d Mil lor Ml* l.y LITTU A TRIMBLE. Jil ; liagtcood «t. OfIEJSP PKLTd— 36 now landing from O »te*n>»r Utuifci], for Mlvb* • ; ” 7 / ISAIAHDIQKKT M 00. G 1 *® Duw lan d»Dg from steamer (Uzel D»N, Lit iilq I>j ISAIAH DltlK»T ACO SEED-1 cask, 1 bbl, 8 bags, now A. laodloKfromitMaMr U«x»l O*U. fornloby ” 7 • ISAIAH PICKET A 00. RS?fcr w “ sta J*i i_ raAUH DIOKKT A 00. 6 bags now landing from -A- •••wow Hu«t D*U» lor mi* t.j 6 _ J 'I la.TAO PICKET A 00. WOOL —I jfack now landing from 6toam or Diul Delator hli bj * Jll l8amH)IOK«THOO. QUKfcSEi : UiiEKSE 11 —SObxsjott rec'd Jjt ‘ y * 7 BKSRT n. COLLtMB FA.YETTjfi_ SPRINGS. T^Si s S ß^^ aTiDß '' uli ' n 11 p«- SUMMER REBORT, th * tboroQfhi, nfl|ted.«|di inportoat udiuoae, tad the Boole newly fatabiied. •. Bedae Jutorer Lear el Hill llonnUio, la Fayette econiy, If 7 °( oI Dlll sr*l ud btstorlo loterut, soar the Mb* Jlmul Rood, only elghtyimtoe from Phtetmtofe end «bhl *?? Dt> , l l en , t 2*?~ , °* Uemfmwof the PUtabweb A OtfoaeliaTip* JUltroetf.oo which tvodafly throouhtroioa ?** rnn 7'i l 11 •* *•*/ ttttßMlT* treodtloa fma the toll* aad heat of milliner Id tows and clip, to the health* •artcoDfllage od : • '* w< “ y MounTAin biiuai, .Tb.w»t*™Brt«rooglpCbßl,bt«e-Hipnrß »od power* *“) tf aic *. • ott Fayette »prt*t«, Pa. By HO, Henry A Co. AUCTION NOTICE. IN ORDER TO, EFFECT AN EARLY otouira of ti. Loilimof oot lot. to.mvillMtl, „ Motto, on WI6MUDAT, Joljr o< *?*? I ‘ ~aEUo,u* , ® k Motocuraooco 900 to 2io Did* K«* Orluaa font. 400 to MO b&UCnubAd, Po«d*r«l*Bon-Qiaii»d titm, IS JW« dtlb» PjmuUm Mhlemm | SoO fef btH« -do do | i“ »ox«r Uan» Holm. ltOhfbbla do « dft do IBObbU BJtltaoir*llDs«r Uoom hrap. TO kegi do do fa l iSSl^^; n 4Si\ ,MammKxtns ’ n >- 1000 kogantli*' . 7 n.'itJoJol note. pay«bn Iq Btafc of Kfntttdy. ANDHEW BUdHASAN A CO | Icantun. Ey. JlfcdU 8. 0. niMRYi Aocilopw. KINDS Og SUMMER GOODS Closing ont Terj low. ti.li manw lov«, i« m.,>« «. REWARD.—LOST—A' blaok and too r** M*ocbt»ter. Tb# abort rewtrd mflbiilnototbwntßtDto J. 8. LI9OITT AOO, J2l Ho 11 Wilimi, HUSHES, DUPUjf k C&EDINGE, ufronnns or FA NCY GOOD S , 341 Broadway* New York, 341, OFFER0 FFER TO TUB TRADE a ukqk, hub V/ BBd WUMXUCTID MuttlMQl tif PA&18 PANG? 0.0 >PS, to wLifh lt»; will recti to eootuct eddUJoo*, by SUtmtrOtrfOK Uib tattoa. Adou Uwlr etock bit be foood nearly tilth* New SljHe tad foil 11dm of • Silk Braid Capif Hair Yi(t and •Ceiffurte, Fates Hair Pint, G?mbt> apd Ornament*! SUatt, Bth BuckUt ana'VUupt, Gilt, dc. Silk Tint ‘ Platedj plain*, ; .. j- Shout Pint, Bnuket, Garfen, Dftt» ■ *•%?•> **** JAM. ami \ u%u Jtvxlry, Button'* Acvcr- ' AH of •hkh tbK, Ui* Jow«t iufk*t oa ih« notf Übnl tint. Jjr.Twti TS taUdUg “ U»>«t ApoMfa totraac*m jfrwfti M.. PotMMtmcirn ffiu2ff® ppo-, '; w '»«ta I.'- 30UX MoGaidASOV. v fomwbwiV i 'ISiiSHS&iSSP * ait »W« R>r no Office on . it«A IbmlMi reppoHt* fit ; (w. nvjr * J “ rf zr#‘- 'pst-rri • ip btiftj t t. v «. F¥ 9^ ,i *» , ir« * , rEs^T7^-1 W f ‘ Tl>s ; l .■*.'•■ ;, |. ■. ;“: |jj . ■■! ■ i !-■. _ ■ ;fe/ s j i iKiciS&l** «=f*sS*js3 *. a orris, fi- ■:•■».- ;. i . . r- •*- !: *ofc'eutsias, utkXiiit> Wholesale Growers, ; coKKit or ! !' .■' . Wotxl and Water Strata,' lf ' PITMBUBQH, Pi. !WM; JOHNSON, I CEMENT AND ]' , gravel roofer, A in : BOOFINQ MATERIAL, B a CI «" 0 N 4””. I ' T r BPtß.ABPnit.ltl>., [OfficeiJo. 75 Smithfujld Street, *g_ -I- - ' : ;/ ; Pitobcrgh,Pa. JJSBPahb FOB THE •fFOOKTUI"- FKENCII EMBROIDERIES, at cost, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS,2Sa to 820. '-I ' ! SDN UMBRELLAS, 500. and upwards, BEAD 1 and BUGLE jBAIR NET^S. ODENEILLE and TINSEL HEADbRES BBS, ' ' USES OAMBRIO HANDKERCHIEFS, 50. *nd upwards, i Ma |glo RUFFLES, a new article. 31LE, LISLE and COTTON HOSIERY. Stl ™?R, STYLES OF GLOVES and GAUNTLETS. Long anil Short BLACK LACE MITT 3, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, TIES. BONNET RIRBONS and FLOWERS, Whiti and Colored FRENCH CORSETS. Best STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. DRERS and DUSTER TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS and FRINGES, lor Basque Trim miag. ‘ . j 1 CR uSS] IET BRAIDS . NEEDLES and COT IUfI;. ; la B(T8 REDUCTIONS 'have adein Prices. Many articles wIJ) be EASTERN COST, j 10 “ “>r nil Block. VTftoleflila and buyers invited to cal jEATON, OREE-& MACRUM,. HtJ'uJfSt.S* 10 ? AP P° ,NTEU Agents .-I-.*- PHub'soai.aoa.TßDrmagOßKa. , “ O'*"** £*d*'ddj •SSSi fc? SSSS;*" 1 *»e ~»*«* °»to* tollo.ln r man bom 1 boll to SO bslla; *P. . Colored do - do !, £*?*•** rUlo from loxto 10 cz; \ . *.* bdtfttoattf* 0 * 1 *! ****** *“ lMd from B«o(«l hioa j to ]6 / nlOMOfßura, plain from ! bell to 6 balle TiUnflL. frrJi* 0 *? t OO 1 to *<**a°*l Amocioa, non I ex to 0 am Vpaf from No. 1 to ffo. 6: F»»«rpot«, from 0 loch to I loch: BcttdUsfromNo.lto»iB! E»fiUsattir FlrMMo'o Toiebw; «rhim. l, T™ «*» W l,|uj .“,1,0, WtadaUJlrf St StotarnSST E"'\?" , 2I d B “r w ty*WK..o" Kit b>,t*BM*,T r ».or Llbntr.lßp.DUb n.SbSja'SM'Stb n?”' 1 L “""’ Jl» no. or foiibth os joIYTI —j ~ PAIKS of Miss’s „ , , BOOTS A SHOES, j 1 tb.aJtlSl»h“ a | *l*>,.Tnjibioj 0n1r.1.1. Id toidtSla wf b a? fwUrtfr«»odOonU»piro, Will (» •oia comp xl lbe Cb»ap Store of • {Afll JA»IM ; ttOBII,No.O»MwkMit, ‘ 1 i - ; K<»r the Martel Üba«o. _ D „ : WIOPPSAXiB. jj r~ Ps?»r received at i he [Office jit.* ?»*W*»tIAHT aoifl IU«RDbT. p fi**«WWO U» Haw Walk bo* |o e 6 ®”™* ** _«*OUOiJ. tIM PTOpoMla xaoll ap(o,f»> ÜbbllM f N o *** yantjbCutlia otoal iooceaaa Piaster Alto, for _ ' oaß BiKkusoiiiU, tW JJ AROAI N S! I B A R 0 A I Ijl SI i W. Jk 0. OUGVS’, Coraor Fifth and Muktt Sfa. Borage Roboa it coatj i ;T. Organdieißobra roduled from sl2'lo $« *>', . do Hlto 5 do Bto 4 do oto 3 do ~ 4to 2 ' dal Figured Organdica and Jacouetta at coat. Lace and Silk Mautillaa eery cheafi. Reieireo thiji morning' a largo auortmen t o! IM 1N B ' APP L E LAWNS! electropathy. LECTR I C l T i;' ■ ' jnji ! , ■ WATH*. OOMSXHSD. T) I \;.,E£s2 nNß > l ’ s : positive At D ii.iQTM.inta/fßpfiu bitiu, ntibßunl. Plttiborgh, P». --,- Mjrjof «b» fotlmrtDg ju»«d Jto «o4 ; ' ... .1 f joe.numiret V* tbrawot Uo DfaawoeoßdMwfcotrt. c. ! i. n&,»; \ IMfrtET & BROWN, , (scocutoiw *0 m. Moccn.)' BADDI.E, HARNESS, ■ jTBOHK, HOSE WHIP; MANUFACTURERS, l MDHUL am**!, =;■' .j .•'v. ••••• ••• ■ MattM+abon Uxfri—cti,•• j •'“NSYLVANLi BXBDP-10 tea.. Sadi aottpbfa itoißiliaktr.' i 11 ■ r.:- ■ outfit taj opapas. | 1 .tri: vs ‘ v / • f tmmxAs havo^S^VSge'iiciSS PATENT LEATHER HOOTS • l • (BENKKRT MANUFACTURE) which we are felliogat j;• . -- ; - ; - Lttflkun t'kilaiielpKia price*. W. E. SCUAIJSRI7. A CO., Ma-AStd . j : 81 Filth are* u noTiiKtut ■'■■ . the following WBiimonv to the Suc re** op D*. tiros'* isramiu (V» p *»_• i D. 1!.*., r c , ~ * W*yu*. Jtil>2otb mi) 7v l 1 *•••" n “* rh plM*or* Id rerttfjiog >» r«wna>.a.| It to tb«M «ho bat* Cfaiuraa 1 bav« o««t it (n m. owo taiutir and two buulml fc«,tr!«-j.ihe p.at yo*r. Mtlboa* * UT ® ] * nr o***lflt ante fu »t* prml-fl lor all M which ycd lt iw*, Me. % ( ' . f ' '<*•*'. LATII kOP. BLOOD ViiODl BLOUO FOObtl 8il: BOtltW T*ln*l***,tO roa, to .J* h*Toc*? any tyktr Medicinal loowa to tha » ImituacotteU. I rceontnaad th*w Preparation* mb I am uataraU* drai root'ihtt-itbny «houlJ b» to*£l»tj t«*ied and adopted. Li u; K. BKOWM.U.O, New Trek, §«pL 19th, ISjft. , ivo W«*t B-otd*ar. , 1 *d«rtlrem«it. tat uln by GKO. 11. BKYsKR, Agent. 140. Wood *t..i Pittabafgh. gp. : . j>2d*vlaV THB TOSCH-XIGHT “DANNERS, ! XJ 1 • FL4O* All kind* of LETTERING and PAINTING derir*d,?jt op lo tb* Bnil Bt)l*itjl at tbe Lovett Pi | DODGE &j SMITHSON Tl Foarth at. oppoelto Iron City Back. The FdVorite resort for WHITE, SULPHUR lbwM *l[o*Ppr*cl*teiGrabdSea» ■aniMns o«ry, Pnr* Uoantelo; Afr, Xoilg* Irtt,,us ' / orating Bathe, Urg* and Weil CUMBERLAND CO. Pa VcuifUwii ko wool Po lrly and iHjoiid Table. QOO.- for P*FiL nUri Send fur Circa* TBBMB Low/ Ur ', QWES.c. This AJOiltyiKU, AT W, d l). HVOU8 1 . JirgiVst -uml cheapest assortment of BILK. CI! ■■ CLICK, BKRAGK ANGMIBS MAN- TlLLASabji DU-i !•: iS rter offm-d. i AlM.» 7 f ORNKK i SIAHKKT BTB. DICiUM<.K. AjJUULZKAVVAU'MI! i or COPPJ3U, Tl a AND SHEE'V IKON WARE A (0 DKALKIIg IN Cutloiy cud Souaefurolahing Goods, ! * ND oT ' f>cn TIN >WaRR, PToVga, ICE OUBSTg.IBNAMELgO ASO TINNED llol.LoW / WARE, WATER COOLBIia, WAITERS. Acl, Ac, Ac, ’ WHOLESALE A »D hETAtL, No. 126 Smithfield Street, Cor. Virgin Alley, J** B ”* 1 PITTSBURGH, HENNA. 17 rmb BtrwL WIHLI.I, UIDULE * DU., 80 Fourth Street, Pitteburgh. Pe.. ffINnfACTCUM IF WHIPS, LASHES AND SWITCHES, ud trjrj dM.'riptioo of ’ LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. autldta] from the trade, tod promptly ihlp ““W lMlrorU,.n« 1.U1.10 OHNDRIES— ~ O 1,600 bbla. prime N. 0. Slolmm, 600 bbdfc do Sogtri 100 boxes Tittocj. ration* qtitllllrc. A ' : • 60 Here** prime Hit*; 100 bbla. No 3 Largs Ucktrel: 160 halflb;*. tfo do do 60 bbla, Medium do , 30 do White Fieh: . 4 ‘30 Nulla, ywlooi »!*<«; J >^? r “J£ riudow *•'!<»• »ljt*; 1 000 bMe. No. I Salt; - _ .... 76 do Wlatar Bleached Whale OU; N« « tteartng.sbadNo. 1 And ,a 3bl» «d half bbl«i Oermtnjaod Uli*v.ori CUya, P *i^S? d,U ?*Ly , V ,,J '*** BpUt of all fctoda, and everything which e ueiully kept byWhoteMledrocera” ID atore aud for win l.y JOHN I.IIOCBE A OO tiQeld WaUrtte. Pitubon;h. Pa. . -Sfttocntrihnmtß. supportel< Hernia and uterine'diseases ~ . u CORED. r^i-Sl lr *ift p *?? hl,t -all partlcolanMot fna to any on* by addraaelnc BARNES A park Ommm AgrbK Wo,. 18 and It Park NEWT.ORS. gff hicbardbonq IRISH LINENS, damasks, jjiapsrs, &c. rjONSUMERSOF BIOBABWIbsra UN- Oujm'S^u^°“v? l A?" °f '<*'**'“«* “>• GKNUIS* artklra they r ,,v -n «r» Mi. id tliic tbi (stl uni of Ibf dm. J. BONB A OTOKnJ orllM irodDMSMd . ImproT<t Itfu. l >»“**■ *«> «■ ?£TFwnnßmiiß&&T [ BOOK OF THE PAIST Tolama, front iu permuobt wi! <“«4 to lUim, ~ *,££3 gWiMffSt?" l SSSSSj™ 1 ' *•««• «§&».” iwy« totbtpablltWr.' - ; ®*be«Pl>U£*tloo »oon • ; : - C.; : .i I' " H. Pabli«iiir, • ■'*> l •Wlt.tmr.h.Pt #uKSßiuizrT r; , ;;S‘ : .!:;•• ' In ,js®™“ a *^SoffSl^ lm,l WATr * WILSON’?, <2—: •■ •■■ ■'-$ - '■••Wo.aamwrtyitmi. PLoUR-eobii; jjg ' r - fteah Packed Butttr, JAB.A mzii.-j ~ I •- jya? ; '• !< •'»)*••* • WWltetaUrtßrUd ' bosT~prim« V "HP*»rt«>Wi ( bwl it* ■boJttof mybraait ffedda,n« euopletely nw. Joo * u Inflammation of ; DfTt ■***t*ttond«d bp eo« fifths boat Doctors lb hadlaflaatmatioo of tbahmw. “"SnSSiSi&SR patleaUat Dt. Ksj Mr's Dreg Bton, 140 Wood ■ AfMrbtfnaiMnieiftMbb* told m» that I hjdKfsr complaint, which bad Mttikl moo “Z* *J Ufon 1 ealta) on Dr.fls.wk.i33 “Jfiff* m J , l ?°«v^ re b * d, j •ffeoteifi JIU waSadVSJ mocbla fWh. strength ]«ft «*,. Up appistits m Wrigh too poondsj.im.To thso rr*r;l did la my-uiabafar*: «***•n.uch .wriibilts •waSf-Sr , B d^ n nrconstitcth>aaal «bo bays UcocnradTi Dr Schlock's oodiclib^,'wboioi t roeoamandod to taka tbrnn* ‘ V"* ,mk ±T? ,b * f t PflW .ia mrboSi tSV ® a J*^ o y VlfcalUtw complete! whsnnn thing bstpber. n*r »ki*'*&* mUow sod J^J^ggy^yoaid §fSSa^aa^Bsaafi.B 2“|»' “»» Ita«, 1»"»«1»4 iSSulkSSi’ ■ ««;Sonl.aS2>tt„ , ;i •' finaaUkoa, Ua£ i&M*. •’.••*; • ANOyciß OSETIVIOItr. Aftssa S 5 * Till* I coom-oead ijtjfcjj ih» ejadlclM'accordluta dine. M owr* ttM lexpectad ;*■ fj®* I»« «o will pi—d with Om Hn«m4 Tonic" aid *j»Op}* that I vast yoa of jpß|MtoßjrapVl»a for ft# cftnlaga of U at UiaicQala Zw««Titt*r>:: DH nvn n *M»iilW, a . JXHg “• "V ' ’’ , ojrooi >«o-o tlolont tt- Uck ct cold, wb'ch r lt3nlr*ct»d; by Ijlnr on,Uio (UniD «ranil on o lujnlUjWcnnloG. '1 tM f tmISS Sot? w^awfc^fsmftaas gsswrfffl-aßsSssjsi&a HotSdSn njrbrophwintoo*t no;pofioSSod.;nStSiJS! •eriMtar potto UoUfoto Ml* PnlnEntotonSo-i5 iuT Toidftoodfonr taHfciiJf u. fnlnoßlftmi »Yim! &i ■??* - 455 it »V Wm, tsgssixS^^sfs^asst JE&Sgg- WH. uuo Bailroadto., mi. •*?* Uu . Co., or may ttoo. i 1 ?• *°»*V frcUtth* **, at*, *pplk» m»y too modo by l»K>tf or iapmooto oltbor of ibo «»"«rNgaedtcrata: j' '• }7. -: »•.•, *.:v-*..j.; WkibfegtoAote, NEW TORK r O, W;?em*t?tW £tt>*4iny, *lm«i u>» -. A«tor>H Ooirtaa f ‘Coruw Brood • ftifd Ghorryitrwu.! ■ “ _ •* •;.•■' ,ear. 4UUi Md Cbaiaat it*. “ BAITIHObs. J.T««rMn4»ouMMi#Utlaa. “ PIXTBBOIUJH, W;i. Jobnlos, UkootratTMt. opto • »lt«{ l v&ji’A JUlhfco3J > MiMf»r Dopot, ;- ’ N^Fortic&Ur;ottrat#»"of Aad •Wpren **WToUjr,t* Ptmtargh«Atfefb«inrCU* sod TtdDKy.bealMtotbe ffcyu&oof tbk RauUucts* porvd tticir pstreaofo oed Ur on art r» tpoctfallf toUdtcd.,: 1 UENBT H. MNAK*,: tolfttf 9tM»l *>■<»>t Apont B. 40: Ha.tK • fauperfinelFJoqr, jo«t re* iuiimiLi corptr lUriet aod rintVW. f?”-" • ' •• -Jr-:. :■ w v A - /ki **» « «*J7m.M45^5£US5f U4dcn wifi, .•!>*• tb* pries 6> r *n**j things «U*-»berMri «Mr TM brich-> .juj |« Oi«'« OB Ih« Jhl«Ehvtivf* I'* ' Hc««* tu& : “ j. j3cK;.-avxjt>'3a^A 1 7 'ICo l Co <, poor JulyT.I&JiV: .R. u ; DvVt*; , i ir7*3tjr ; |> Joattenmui-KR.: .) ‘ w,tvter « ' U NOllCEf^Tßs^Tkhold- W Mj-i» .MUsborg!** hereby notlii*«(l!j*t * Dni*l«ijl ; « f TJIRKKtU}U.IRS ANB CO 100 pw *ysr* hu been deeler*-!. fejibln fciribwtlh JntylJ, letter .!••; prank j*. BT3«z,t,‘ .Jj4d2w r> , \ Tres*arer. irS'AL&tjjiaiSNY ÜBLIXJEHmVIDKNp U> s> r JTUTfO&f'Tti* fmMeit, U*o*g»W tor erecting;-ft bridge iorrr the ; Allegheny! l Rir*r, crjipolto Pittsburgh Jin ■£*»« Ocnnty cr Allegbiroi, w |se* this Say «*#• cUreJebKJeiJof j)ili»Sripl)ia atbutistnunla. lirotopoian^ A 'Bt£gslitiite for Cream of Tartar, A and CHEAP AR. jCL Uclatey taking BkkaikOaKM aadallardclea o( fexlrtqairtikj tttQM.br YKAqT ] ”iT* l L°* w E7 * e •rticfe la uut a.i/<'i|y:bot ao artfcfr V /p°d» CODWidAg nothing bntwhat give* BonrUhtsent to Hi%/»aradr hr Drabble a®>i Ur.oct.re soOerallr. * TUDKBTON * 00_ Nd. 36 Foul that, Plttabqrgb.i.' sUj " ' ') ■ fo ■. M sl! UUROIN t ISONS,- ■ - 1' 433 Arch Street,. on baud 1 * Bl CARD jLJttAJ tho woil*kabwa ‘‘Blc)la BnadJ'io krga, • ”•• . , ' BAD BODijjlO'liirjelaanilmfcs. ! * BAh2fltAtDfl,la boxea'xod psptrt BROTOW»A»IJTEA’»T POWDERS- dfllD-a.Eldder A&J Art., Ac. apZ7Jisd ;>js| | J~ T rr ™“ -i'i - IKMtf&OP > ; . VAMiSTr QOODB. ___ wiWUoleaala DealerUa j ,:.-j TAPES, ■ rsa^&r.-.: fyffigßEl ASD pT.ACISi^ B ' **' # Bir#y*birrF!aiNii, • ... PUILADBLPniA. «TA IgocjlyraW aqldCor OAfU. at ex eadiogly low relylog.MQr opon extenttye tale* aad amalt profi.a u»ao opoollmn»gfc.ifa aad high prlcew. aplWmi l> oil Alt ROb KMiALK CE* -L.L'MENT, PL I&TEU.GRCUND PLABTEB, Ac., WMttaif iiiiJAefaif, at rrkev, by „ V'V EDWIN, A; SMITH A BRO- Nortb-fthet corner Profit and Willow atreeU. Mftly ‘ "!l :V PhllidilpiTa. ft BOMB. ’ OP .! HAVANA CIGAKH, No. aifl Sooty etraet, PLHailelpbU, P*. ! rp . , [FtlaUOkni lisaj 7 * tLulf » Mwrtnmatol ami oibera 1* In riled r ; ;i • -' £. KOONB &CO , • Flour and S/qVlaion Comihisaiou Merchant, iTp. Slif iVrfA' ffftarvtt, 6,Ue», - Bib*, Price A Cd,' WH^fat^■/ “ J. Di. Lebmrr, olnclet»tl,o Wright - A. o;Bollock, -i try<*,BL Lobla, CAHDSi! 71 AHDS 11 ii'll£tflNTEß’S BD«*T AND CDP OAilWj . Beat and iba Uarkat. S'. Cards PI :turea, : . , of Quality and at Low Prici, Bue and fiixt+Boords,Straw fl^rde !*FvVf* h*wt aad for tabby v i- A. IS. OOLLINB, \• • ' i^.5 B to ' l Waraboows 80BMIN0R STREET. J»g;lyd .5 ijPaiMDLLPHIA. :Sg&OENTS, tw BIU.IA.BD BAtOON rjUUKIm BALL, ' ■ 6th opposite PlUatraxfell'X'beatrift, I I rai|>ta MiTTIIKBS, Ji« ftOpiirtCT :. - !. 1 COlwn^ott * ia now i TaOIScTMAIIPLBBItOBUiIIiBD ; th« tccomttK-ltfiun^^tvrS!*r? Ll l° ** •Ir,roaft.it uj c-.tmnuL*!?*^ »l*»*£(9lfe£ thi Wf.-trrn if*«*iWlr. i of the p*trtm»*o *o UJ>««lH , t2!j!I t 'T t * o,lc,t * • «>»t|33i£ I ptl Ito Uwtr cwaLtl'Sd I T«I •**?&* «U U Coe*. Cb*Jk Bolta, Cloth, vbiebh* OMdlipowof os tobldte, ■uwofactupTr** »bote n« iiHc** o ’;* u *“" *i lb* " _' ' - * M — 4 bavb Toga ice! ~.-v-'.:.yy i KVKBr FAMILY SHOULD Schcolay’B New and Improved^ iobb b r a R- . {Original Patent.Crank* Jferel IS, ISSiV" 1 - ’ fmprxntd Patent Granted A vnutt it, 1856. I Improved Patent Granttd- juat 16, lSi7,y'> : Also, til hinds pts:l»dli tfo 168 Km snt(. ■ gl ( 0 ONX) . S P ' j-v » • ■ 'V :J ’•• ’ •' : “V-' 1 •• ’''i or •’ ; \ : 'v v ' ; y Spiring &jSar tmlc, lil&rge •notified sMurtme&t of BAR RINGS, ' SINGER RINGS, - -i r SILVER BPOONB, *1 ' MUSIC BOXES, WATCHES,- ’ .... BREASTPINS, SEALS, , l, ' ' • "KEYS, . . ’ f ooK«Ton T L«»T, CBSiit spoon b| buikt^um’ CHAINS, SPECTACLES, - I : TOBACCO BOXES, 'l'.) portuonnaies, < n _ , ".•'■•'■••■ CLUCKS, } fttUOT Good*, etc.,eto., all of which will ba ,80)d low for caah. "• 'delT-dAwT l*r hats,; caps, ' is 07 R JL. w 0.6. O Xj'ojV' ■ CUILDREMM.FAMCV.IIATa, v -'.-" ■ laßTfitaisaduKiiaaifat modtrate r ' J- H. Hilleinian & Oo.'a, - PABBIpRABIfit BAT v BTOQB, ' • ■ 150J,.7S WOOD STREET' ‘ \ T.AMfiS M, BALPH, t 7 ~ _ , . - 5f JM»»o Cbw. BtiUwrger, rM .nt>ii»m «y. i £?®.rlL? BA^W,0a,,0a ®fr«OlttOATlo«b\ot*llkfidg J Mjwrtal*ttil*tMr«r»« od rptfjMnfel* 'cotios oxANf.BasoN'gußr; x ‘* Iwlwwn L«eock ted Kofeitwofr «tr« u. I*l3 •■ -• »•' - ■ hi DRY FLINT HIDEs. Jj EATII ER BELT 1 NO, ■ ” . ! RUBBER BELTING, ■'. AND GU M PA C KING, „ or sspmioa ttUAiirt, roa &*»**-■ ' i RDeLp6£ v £33 Liberty St., oppo&ito faead'of Wood ‘ ; !■• -jy*4irtdrtoii» r««r [ .aALJt—A DKSiKABLK A iVM, !«^Mwagasagis^jasa to twri, tte balaao* la 80**“ oaK’pminWt*. 4 .K o^ o •WWiTUW 1 . gb>Tp ‘ bnry ' *tWh!ffie§T»:^j | *;KXII.— BAVE Til EM-ll EFOB Kmm* <-.. ■A ; SSSSP I SrI**!;Jf* & DowwJ,'Rj>V;!km«bJTUtfler. ' vlS^^ A n a, « C^f°' 3lrt *^ L a - nopWoi, W* £ | *•»■*?*• *«*■..•:■ | :'/■'- -jusjfiPu ADAii»,. - .v;.'r bbnvzit,. No. 97 Wjlio Etroat, Pittsburg?; ■ j. I giiag^sa^^ roUoek ’ Br - I-TJKMOVAU— ZTTs ■ *• *• ! Btok Ifnd Jot /’rinhoj OJietmd Dxi BlOttr * ■ J ■■ To -V" 84 WUKD STKEEr, ' _■;' • ; Statioatry Eton. -.- * v & Tott#corner or / r „ - ; . Voodand Third streets ’T-jeiv g£LLI,NGVBttY LOW— - U Light Drew Silka, “ ! Sommer oreas Goodr, - T . Lace Mantle*, £c. .* j»gy ~ c. lfAwgpy mvku vr»rt>lri. INJSN HW SUMMER FASTS " - • • ' ' i AWD *T'.' ’ " M> . ! .GOODS FOR BOIS , 'W^AR,‘ in great rnnaty ■ - ’ * md very cheap, »t • • BURCHFIELD £ CO.'S.' Yy OOD AND WILLOW WAMpttJ' f ZINC WABDBOABDS. /“ ‘ BUCKETS uid TOBS. - ■ BASKETS°ft Ter j »ii«,»h tt , p B and T»ftly,* Mtodwio Ihe,line, for .ala whdenbwid ™tt}by _ BAUVBI, uipdST ttUND&UStf— - ~ i o i - lf.; par'w.w.™™: • •JH- HV-«-V''Mrf;,. BamWmwifrjftt ' POISON 1 POISON 11. .POISON !!«n» ri&Zmi*&niu**J!&22SS!i. fIABKKT’ :fflM