The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 06, 1860, Image 3

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•FV- I "-ft
lip 1 '
V2SU£&-*> **“• S
j WM !- w lhe rt <?« P»rty were senL
uo ' n wi'bjQ nf,4moment.'
Th » “B'y premonition bo
; TO«ln*L iW“J i °!' <1 ‘” !,1 “ lion w “ 1 o' l ** l
“,!“L n . t “} n V* *“•<■ “P»n tooling [which he
Jrtlrea tcfaU cell and immediately exited. The
SrJSrTv!"®^' 4 * >a ’ T T lO foullli n oordiot
or aeoih from bongtoiion oflihe brein, produced
by oxoeesiee drinking." I jf .
We understood lb»t tome ofdhs unfortunate
.men 0 oomimoione here been' eunltd! with hie
OOdden demine, end ere eeriiuelj cooiemplntiog
reformetion TJbo (resent njtd tutnre Welter* of
nil of them depend, upon the menner In whioh
they eppty the eed rieilelioti to their £wn oon
dxion. j
jorwgfijc, Tor rnw c/rr. l
jutr 0/ kgo.
H«txomlosio4l Ob«*r»»Uoo« for tb« OaMette, bj
Q- tf.stihlr, Optician, 6S Fifth daily
•' V'.\' : S" ' nr ton/ nr
1 o’da&a. -74'?'
1) 84 ; *
6 ''*f . SQi
~ B area Mar ...... 28 3-W-
H»pobUc«n Headqaarteia for 1860,
- mb. round'm.
• «*»u°P*niverT day. (Smi
tro“ ■" Paad-STSKiS
t>' »««*«■«• tar aiMiltatlan. T ,5
»SS«jmilWiEteSfSff,“S ,c, »i> DKI ETEKT
«mST^?V lloo^; 1 ‘ l|fvelock. *■ m. |
• T i
V-iSsi r 11 0? 0,1 oar de,^>
??s*s London Court Journal of
v *•=***■ (6* partiaatere bf (bo
J ' /SjjTO £•?* h#Wb J tb * Oaten on herWlb
• ViSlSlS^^^» *«& er«n( of (hi faeht
‘ we find bonepieaooe in tbtf
: L M elluetoa (o fta Amtrican rirl-i-Mies
Bcbcjuey. ~ " ;; " - •
■ -Many of oar r{aders will doubtlessremember';
i twenty years eioce, of Cspt.
I Sobtdey, of »he BritishAymy, to Wise Crogbao,
v»* Boarding Sofcooi on Biateo lelsod—tn
beiretsla ber owo rightof at lent two millions
*pf prbp'erly: Inland about Pittsburgh, Pa 1 .
-addition to her great »ea|tb and beiuiy.j Miae
Croghan «ki the niece bf, Col. Qeorge Crogbao,
(he gallant] hero of Sandusky; and the geotlp.
Oian wbo ironithif praeioaft priee, being aijieast
thirty year* Ibeietilbr-of the bride, the ooiima
ntty lbr«ir Itself into a ferer -£f excitement lit.
lie orodiiablvto (be oooetry. Erin ibe Legisla
lore of (be State of PeoosylrioU made itself
ridieolpos-by poising a bill forfeiting (be bride's
pwpenylwbleb* of course, wain nullity.!
pi.l>4du<Ugn u U. *«nll t m»o,not only prowl
njonlf lo bonnoffrotjonuo hoabooJ udlkiod
, : r»lk«r,fcal ootaally von tin ooofidenoa tad ,f.
j. fenilooof faia oife’a father. who wcoilaEnst.nd
«d opeolMßjjißt undrc Unroof of mo.on-
JJW, 1 "’ , »» oo b»d io nrnogoly oondemord . I TOo
JT* 1 . W* •l»l-ii»i*f.-kalo and-beany;
V ', ‘i rKllSu'i 1 ©onstqueooe, daring-bit
• * rerldoooo on hu eeum or Pitubur.n, h O .
lir- r .. ,«34**fe«ii" asm. ■%» now fiod hit
1 doojkUrpjwrottdu Caun.j .n England BdU;
1 5 ■. *‘ tr . *• “ -dmodcoo, nod rpeak
5 . Iron knowledge when w. etjihet her count rr
!; r$» lriW ' rcprM ' DW 00 ,he f-
.% . (fro# tb* Court Jotirstl)
\. ■ “T b *deal blttah ofbeauty in with the Hhul-
V v t r ,lWM > , u u oonecquence of youib
To elogleon| e««me lueldlone, and we might be
■ .doooeodof wnptof Courtlyrespect, Worewe not
U»t the-traee ere made
ihe eubject of pralee and feme, end the f»ir
*iooe Wiraalltrerooapled with ibe brave, can
»ol adoapt their Inevitable publicity. Al haiird
among the beauties of England, tit dl, ae! we
e»w. -The iroiji lovely Mine Schenley, who wee
presented,Mhe ItM Drawing Room, wee nltlrcd
iopiot and yhlio.?—A". T. Caui, sEng . I
\ ' „ W » l,, “' c 'oTTlXTlo»lolhe card.of Meeere
uerrbey & Brown, lo bo found under Ibe heed
of new adrertlaementa lo loday’e paper. Tlieee
gentlemen hats parch shed the Harness end Sad
■ ..Aler/ MUbllehment o f Mr. R. M’Kabe, on like
' elreel. above Ibe Diamond.
\~"*rt«»y oily, in whieb tho senior partner of
- l.'..^v' 11l Crll1 ' Mr -J , ' * M foremenifor
nearly three yeare. Both aro young men and
praoilcal meohaniol;-nod hnderataodlng the
'wania of the oijmmanlty, they onfy need the re
qulolto enterprise and mtace, which they oer
“tnly pooaeaa, to compete with or perhaps rtvel
any other establishment of n eimtlar charaoter
in our slatjr city. They eelCct the beet materi
al, employ the-beet workman and; paylhem the
fulldgureo. Their artiolee are therefore onleu
"l'“ , t 0 fojlrra high reoommehdatlon toaov
ihiog in-tbe faarneae line. Beiog men of mbd
r-S~“ “<* «“*» families, they are willing
to NU.BhMp fa order to p&lronan. ! 8
■ They will eell synod aet of jingle boggy bar*
mad,? within " r
■ Plated toopntlng, for twenty.doll.ra!- They'of
"*» of ihrneee Tor farmcro for from
!??.* •* tb,rl J- lwo dollare, made in the
T,r fbeat manner and Intended to loot an longea
reaaonableomU taken of them. HcgolinSnd
- rfMhvTao* m ,l ,r>m ~Ttn *° ,wp|,e
dollars aodehaft saddles at from fifteen lo twenty
They on hand all the articles of the
every deserip
?°ffarn, common oolleiß.leolbertrnnkß,
w a pa*.“*“ e&o - Hoee aro made to order'd
every eiae. Repairing rceeieee eptcii tall, n, ion
■ and will be done promptly and cheaply. |
L- "• reoommedd the new firm to the publtc-odn
oauo«v Bolh the pwloerswe ioduatrioafl, sober
baaiotM rnfa* aod will *BsureJly
• reaoer.stHflffretlaa lo an j who mijr briog them
/•Tori/ Paroer*, etpecUll/, are invite* lo <wl 1
a ”\* >ln * p<tbe fr fetor* bojfog elsewhere.
>TB*fttCUATOCrIU«»?*«-OonjlMpWk Wu Vftil filled
'??• rjSrtk l * 6 *•**•«•»**•«* MTsciWon »h«4ih. At
ti two UouwmJ ip*cpi«, mu,
ttt«a l<rdk«»w{ttilatbetsclo*t)r* all w.ufog fa.piUrbll*
(•rib* fen toeoßßinc*, wblrb «n \taua by »#,« (r ■
port* of *tt. n* fcUowifig wm tfa. •Art#.: -f *
T. Collum «&t# nd b. }■
TT. f ?r'i,B •‘UzzteJow." l ■-}.
‘ - . Wl>a ‘ **>♦f*° Ar« b**t» ib 2fi< an<l 159. Tb.
»■>»{■« woo fu O&tbyVLiula who ]<»t tLe
“**- I= e Itlo 3 07, U„.t,
I> Jl4*
" -* “Hart*" | !
b. m. w Sam9. M . • i i
?n;**V ttb.' M CUjrb«bk'. m ! • • !
?J? toll™ ttr«l|,bt Ihelftirtctt flaw l*.
lor30?. , I Cl.jrb«afc n WM*hato6tlo th.Rco&<] hnt. J
- ZS***' *** *** f«tote-Bf ihi b*toi • troltloe
n»*'cH for apor#. of $llO. —• ,t , *
'• W 8. .stand b. b. ‘-an.nglirt.**. -1
Wataoa«at*rsd b. ltobiason."
WMa tta'borws wan tailed to th* • laid; Mr. Wetaoo
aDaocarod tbal LU man, -Jantjy Hi brnoo." bad a cvfd.
. rug. Ootetdenbla txdtdDtbt bera ejj.
nit t'?- I ’™** b * **Jw*«™ appoidt
•*a«lo*tb* ttara, »ho reports brr
yotd and waa withdrawn after tba first andoa);
4j Jf ,r hM,D ? l **° diXaoctd. aod lift atjoi/.
Tftßß,s!L7*^ U - l^ t * 4r ' lb * **** WM * ITbD *® ‘Sb« K'‘»L"
Tba Mytb.aair'Ual nca wH f.* : tbs,iiT>r te«aet ••
*wey** l**Wa* besa >eoc up lor tbs
r" aol<nd X»b.“lJw*hsot,” nudw e*dd]s. !
’-v y8&-v2 v -'* ; - JSsslsr,"in b»ro»(«. J.
v&Tks: Bowrrs” :«• .•
. **** •<»*t 4, Al»rcbsßl” Id 3CO and
' lJ Boyer*,” la 301, 304
6 . 8 n, 0o ?*“ u ~ ThU bill ! tbelr rtjQlir
—' !25ffi»*Si52l"5 1 2 fc ? * ool i ioVrfc«iiuhtag
• Ccnofa * a tbe repotl which
:*2??"J» or w*fißM. e * OatanlttM. TtHj : r*DorUd rile
■ of *“• at ’ S>JtaibrWt«h.iiKj.
:-sssfas*?® 1 M&issirirc
• 1 *?ufanaittee.reported Him b«J
{*?*.£!*■****7*l»iot-tb*ttl»rre h hot Ituieboite
Tl »*lr 0lJ«l Ulo jtlo il
K*2ifcs??o^!VSE‘^‘“° r «*“■«*« win it. ,
!? B y T l^yi ‘ *7 *• tbK tbe romm'ttee «u«*ate>l tbet
h TSli. ry%J ,tock *>»**•<<b trap.
1 - ■•a&lfiffi.lJ-V*!* ,P rr ** ftUll fr*« »BBdr» cUt£*M if the I
\ .‘SSJSSI >«« s i , to «S!t;
: JnC«m'.<tC , i««n{*paliUoatTUtiT«iotrit<r ,L
: Qnrw tftej, v«a referred to the Ootaaltiee da Htmu/ .
w: «.*f tt*o« ConmiUm wu reeetred « D d «
VlfltteHJWa ■ntbofliJn* tbe Uijcr lo drav hi.
\ «trauißfirvrofU*Q**Onßp«ay ( ri>rtb«taaiofft;'MV
IT. fa ton vf kw fcrobttfcJ Ibec.-ty, lor tb* q<mt*r en’iieC
Joljr ttt, ISW. •• - ' | • I*
Prtltleaof r rederjck Own*. uklog Coencftrlo er*it
■ trim tin ns* of acHtmln euU fa the Diemoad msrfcef nniii
•orb Hake m toe new marker »biU U built i The t»ti aw
•eu foctbi.that UJudoocaoM aeUIl for tbaputtea eeere.
«htd»tbeOommmMoa Uufctfebaderfere'Chiu to leave!
eod referred re HerketOocnmU'ee. t . - i
WM*Io| moinUoa we# adopted.:,i !
P l ?** o®«®M«w7JiMr fcaberiw |
**w»aretired.*Wre it, torn tbeffoe of tb*
**. ffbatm, Harken, girerti. E>i<Ma
v .4wnt UP Bantu*.—A woman living la
li. jriflt ward.. named,. ChrlMUPa Kamo,
UndP-MPf BUioa' bcfof• Aid. Jooei, of that
j o fillo* named John Henderson
*rfaf'*«tiog iff llllle bo/. Hesdonan : vai
affn.todj'-lmi belcg nodtr ibo ioflaenet of
Jig«w,w|nUiento jail, nod will hito'i'Jitaf-
Uglo-day. j . . •’. j
: Tka ui mtgl.lralo’ mnnaUled Jeremiati
Ooaniog, and ~kl*.wife, £M», for OMealUog a
namad Tenooo McPartlud vilb a obalr.
Thty aleo will bare a btar!bglossy. |;
Naw You, July s—Tilt Lirornoil 1.-.,
ud 1 Philadelphia Sto, to,hip: Ccmplho i,,,,
trartod with hfetrrr. Tod 4
ha b.iid.h«o!ug«, ■«*.
lloe .betweenllrorpoul ud New
<*■«»• owlled th. «*Clir or NiwYori “ud” "" 0
«pced,mrpeee uj of the proeent dret
Srr Tni, July i 5.—A« the 7tb Jerimoni won,
tie foot of Whir, ilredt, while being trod for a p, r *.
o*“ “H Welly injuring
Fndortek flllbert, _l»«iwolor >t li* Water W„,ke,
John Donnelly,. feeder et Ibe Tciblie offioo; add
JobnWclebyaboilmu. '• •• - t 'T. > # i
lon “ r >kty without
jeV Peak Jx~
ie 20, Arrived
1 »"Miad-.fcr
I ‘tad wtx.
tlajo He
1 lUaeV
ttrj dan. Tbe
- '«<»&lia
fired at S|drfP?»CePe Briton,oo Hondie.^f.'.'i''
<i day.fciwffow York.
N, l» 1, reported ]fo the uriit*
Of Bej™»iaohwinitanf# whleh ft&nthj w?
jroMiSfdbo.afpedlUon lo reaching liehSatlnJiKT
* going to Co node
‘■ . L— !• ' >■■/•■
•> - - i ' „ • . .l- : 1 .
TKic»,M KLiem,.-n„ following perion.
lh * Beoond awd of
®-i u « d ». Prlnotpali U!m
v Mnel i, a. nicK-
Sj* Or.»»u. Department; Mary D.
I~t-Be<Jeß, Mile Intermediate Deparlmeni: Alary
SaMTiompeol', Female Intermediate Dep.rl-
Htt»S»b4 Emma I. Willett, female Primary
Department, Annie Carry. One eaeeney Is mi
Jtglwfemdn Primary Department Jobe eu|£
. 4 ' ’ ' » M
-Doomrto. —A boy, »ijoat («□ jpiro cf MtJ.
■ir iuuooA WlUlom Brows, too ofMr. Wm. Bi-oirt,
' or (ho Btoooj w»ril, ATltgboop.whtle ploying,
, on,tl>iotlra whie«lof;»bo»tiha» wurlold up.
toO lli* hbak of. (ho rlter,>oo3 won
jbowao*,' A «um>orof ponou wero einiiil
‘H H»»r,
;iWpi Jirlito, In tto Body, Ml-op to oM
•.owookhat oioaloi it had aol boon rpand. j
.v-*Oo*iji or-JiMifoiKo.—A liUloboy.notßnd;
-M4*:llw*i,whoo»pirtolo lira oa WatlairaotJ:
AIWWwj, WaaaMuoljr.bttmadlabooltba fteo
'gMaaolvoa lfcaairaieg of; th« ; Fourth, f>y (ho
. j*' **“• at » »»*». »jui
t)oVo, who reside# cnF*o*j
- &
*- J K ■ '-r ■ 'V '
“* •'' •; • •j * *"" ' '■»
I V “ AMO Cou.Tv —loo iiemfeorAiio! ticket i«
5* r° R Lirnborton; Ainfmblj,
i: ; I-rolhonol iry, R L Cochran-
Reglßler»od Recorder, Jnoti Oriffio: iCommio
aiooer, Thoa. llplmden; And'iora, W. li Boueh
nar aod J. C Siggio.; Troelia of Academy, M.
ff. Sage and S. Matahall. i dongrea.icint coa-
J F R "kmt ,eJ * * Qd ,D " r ucted id support
f™«T" " I,0 » C,lr ••*»« -A number ol
!bJ A gi ? oc ° atr ' d <’‘ 'he ron City !p„ k 00
b»dlt a’ I*""”® ,h \ h ,eTcr »' iodiriduele were
7 « .’i 00 ' b * l °* hil L w *< ll » l»g«r beer
gUee, cutting one >Ue of hie fob terribly. An
k. JkTi.' ,r "‘ Wilh 1 brl “ “ lh * hc*d. which
knocked him .(oeeleee for oyer .half honr
i™k m “/ or f'l "■»> ■>» leenhen eleren fiebt,
look piece iinhe 1 ark, end n.itoee arreemide.
Qo'”—Oor rfajeri „ho> »iu
“ C "» I thank el fo celt
ffnh? ho* l lUol yantain, which
F.,Lur?n 0rO "UV b ' ' “Pll' of the Pittsburgh
bork t™ S TC Tirk 'l* lob. faed .1 lbe.lulln.od
PW. I?*l' T , ho, M, ” ,K, “S *' *og the libe of Ibe
Poee e Railroad mil be accommt dated itithja apeciel
T A , ' m ’K “*>o*mld Herrey Robieeoa
l l ™* Beer the "011 MileTlun,' bed hie face badly'
Ottntt, tod searly lot an eye, by tbeeapleiicn of .
b,'. Ck^?r r *l k "- h*d lit I, hot thinking the
k dtd hot born fan enough be ebmmeneed blowing,
w 150:5 all of a euddeo It went off and bernej Oku.
Attkhtioh la called to tbi admtWistDt to
another column of thi® paper beaded "Fire Dol
lara Reward.'' 1
*> cfic Republic,‘ D Cam
paign Soogster; price 10 cent*. ;
Lire* of Lincoln and Douglas, various editions.
Debates of Lincoln and Duttgli*.
Portraits of Lideolo and Hamlin. I
1 Min£' P ° b “ i * aPi ' tol '' ! * n >>• Hid*' n "“
B-r TffLSOlt
Fatctwillc, Arc., July 5 - Tbo Pacific T-
gr»ph Liao <u computed to tLis pfio Veter,l..
Thio io tho Orit otni» optmid ia *A,kt<Li
to JnM V li r |h° 4 “*'! t""* ' i,h S J*» J.loi
TW ih ’ b ‘™ *' 0 •■dM* tbi. martin,.
. Th..ieitem«t>l to Aruoni. in regard to iba eld
CO h* h'i* U ” Jmbr *' aootipun.. Mot j por
•on. h.d loft Tuscan rortho mlncf, ood more Woro
prop.tio s to .tort Alt the mombir. of tbc'orovi
wool goToramoat bod l.rt, ood tba| „r thimine
«u on o»orj toogao oo tho ra«.l. , t teike J with .
ouaibor of perioDa.wbo h.d loeo to tho diggingw.nd
howd rorloo, roporu. Some Won Is/riJ^
ft«ESVd , d." ,0l ”o"“L ,g * b ‘“ Ab »’'i «l>™ «td
4 d o‘“/° b «l<-*ftortb. b.U .it in.
Bat 000 m.a b.d »cj gold dan to s.bibit, ».f,bcul
fouroaocM, wbioh b. b.d t»k.n id tr.d,; h . .oS
p.ted bating • good trad, nd •u titt no
gnioo of the rich Ji.ld of thi mine! in ,0 0 0 u’w.lcr
coaid bo h*d. At tbo lut kccunntl tbeto iforo but .
a few pool, loffidoot to p.nout it, uni even drink,
tog waivcry Koct. Tbo ontiro diction of eoantrc
to wbioh the rot to. .re to oaioi, II . do.ort. pro.
“P"° * hlcb a-an -r bout 0.0 eii.u
Tbo Pacific .nd Atlantic Tologrtph Comp.nt .to
oontatonclo* cpor.tioo. ~ Lo. A„gV10,.,„ „
■i! o?. *v tT 410 * *° uU ‘ front Vit.lh, 00
Ui« Battufiflld rout*. The eompstay states ib*t *
contiouoWs Mo* from San KreoeUc i to Los AfcgHbs
July 0 m !e * f * ll ** la °P ei * tioß >J middle of
• Ratification meeting, have Lfeen bold in tbo pria.
cipal towns throughout the 'State r nee the nomina
tions of the Cbwjgo Convention wfere aononoced.
, , r . Tp, i of K rail > has comtuefaced iu the acri
on lar.l datnol.. All account, .to
Ibe "heat and barlej produtt will be ilhpre
ecdeotedly large, sod peob-Uy one bird will rcuul'
exporting for market. **
Retorts from the Oregon el*-ti..n
Otucial and reported returns rec-Ur
Jesiephioo, Uu)pj<|'ji, l.«t
.Mario*, Milliaomab, Clarktmie,
Runbiil Counties give 1032 vote, L:
candidate for Congress and 10?e3voti
lican candidate.
The counties tn t* beard from ait
very Coose, Colombia. Clatsop 1
which last yjarcwtJK Dcmocraste
Republican JTotrs. Material chani
place tbit year in counties board ff
tog Republican gain, on lasi year, i:
rial Republican losses; consequent
hopeful of securing the ueafbor <2f
year. • The accounts all agree that i
tare of Republican and Aoti-Lscora:
hare been eleoted as will insure tbe
•Lane and Delaxoo Smith for reeled! (
Senate. Lion county, heretofore j 1
crotie, and the residence of Delsi
elected four metabtsraof tbe Leeisl i
and Smith, liouglss coopty |
eratlo Congressional caaddidate 13’
elected two Republican represented
Ulature. There is no'otber news frr, i
Tto Fori Toxcserfd Register of Jt
oes to psedict th'e danger of the N ■
making an attack opon the Parr
meets. b
British Columbia dates (•> the o>b
~• jl ^X 4b* ® prtif.crt> in Victoria is can
000,000. I
•Tb« FrazcrrWer mining news is el
thtt mining population lather incrJ
reoltonifl g the rash of Chinamen. 1
The Washoe Mining mtuerr.aini
conation of the Indian war ire weal
•d aspect, with considerable emferrJ
rvetioo. b
The mining aeeooaU eontinao gooi
ton wonderful richnca* »f eeretal i
no longer expressed. The gold ah
oeivlng increased attention, and in
man; much more impor^ nf .
siirer.. r
Sr. Aodu, Jo)j 3, 1800 prlrate (
riow from the Northern part of the
Doogl4j has no supporter! there, an.
wlu be between Bell end Breckinridgi
i , Th# “Mtlog to ratify the noaloet)
noge and Lane, held at the Court II
rer 7 brg'o. Senator Ure
Bowlin addressed toe eaieotbij. !
• C. F, Jackson and Thomas C. R<
onlr# Tor Governor - and LieteaanM
fires In thoif adhesion to the Donglr
and la eonsequcsco thereof their ntu
from the Balletic this morning:,
, After Soootor Or«o’« fpetcil thin etonioj;, lb,
tteeUogOMnlMtoltho protect Utotehantaortroor,
usnoock Jackson, for Ooreraor, aad Monroe Par
boos for L(eatenaDt>iQoreroor. -The Bulletin will
support the sew candidates. _.s
.Sr. Loots, July 5.—A G/e ooosrret at Bbnnibal,
SiL ~iI,W? ^ Bfa!B * 113 u ' cUek * The jjrincjpal
itS? e*a a*« R i **' wh °i«>*lo grseery aed liquor
** or *» HWWi insured for $10,u00: J. Nj Cardin
«PO*Uol7» $3OOO, Insured forJSOOOj
K# *» <*«*§**» losa $3OOO,
opt of it% *w*Wii ■s», $4OOO, no
Cr* - :
.v!' IfV* Dj.DOCT.Ijo Sut. C„d
-n W,BUi«»*i.T. i i!,i S ' cUUh,.Baprett»o Judge:
dent of PablU WorAwJ/ 1 * EHpflrinlcD-
adopted. AWal fifty BmSSJC! Johflic>n wero
.from the Convenlloblaod met it t&■J&n*
sppotbted'nState SiSiMS
tee to pApare eo eddreea to the * Commit
tailed a Convention at Colnmtae on tle 2i¥^«^ 0d
of Aaguit to nominate a s“m u?ked HI nit 7
crate of the 12th dlitriot mS bSe
nominated S. & Conmii, endorud « a » d
noonced the SeoewioSeft anJ
d*j, u<
Tbs la<J
«t, bat i
i: - '-' 'U ?..];s -' . ’'■' v "' • '"& ;<•: ■• j '■;•
•' ‘ ; \ ';: ••■■'. ’.i- :
LATEST PROM |'fiUBOPE *W«tir Hwr Yott^Tbe
arrival flP.rnjf ipM cm 5 ?. ew J iork W*r*UUm»u/tUi -Uadeitfhvuf
; v.» v„tW v “ r * Jobo *•»&* lha wealtßj distiller,had Mr.
J Su 5 ’“ *?** M*«»to*a»btp JofcnWaita Matthews, ft roilroad conductor,
L". tEaSE ’ Wh£ bo ?i r * b ‘» ** rtof i ? New-York oa 6*4*
X.txrTxjo^Mct—-TM Cotton market opened dull I w.Hon » :l , h * T°£ ®I ? t<P ' BOD cf *J r
»t id doollae,bat ifinproVed toward*the cio»«, doiioe »I - I , Mr WbUoD * lif * k * dbwo reputedly
ftt eboat Id decline on th* week’s sales. 6 ; ‘nrcateoed, and be bad taken the precaution to
The Manchester market was more active and im* f *** b “ coutio to accompany him home at
pro Ted is tone. ' j night. »
Liverpool BnatHufft Market. 23d.—Breadrtuffa j 0° Balurdey night, Mr. Walton bad been
| are generally doU and nominally onehagedl Corn i down to tbe distillery, and was rcluminr in
(a 35. I M mi ” <i 3j!i ~Uo" 3J, @ 5J * M) whlw 34. oompany with Mr. Pmo.ll, whco, >1 lb. corner
Pro»i«iftn. >r An . . . . of Eighteenth street and Tnird avenue, they
Ulnt. via <Ja*»,ta*n, J uno jj th _ TuIIIM * b en 'ho man name up bshtod .nil dig.
23d—Adrlce. from m nin lo th , ,3d. .tale that * P'« L "1 »l Mr. Walton's head, Ibd (hot
al ltuU, the AoittUu gevernmcot had compelled a “‘““>6 «uect behiud Iho left car. Mr: Walton
fa&r<]ini&n merchant vessel to hoist the Pontifical fe " ,0 lb ® pawemeot, and’ was afterwards re
“*!>♦ AiFueme the harbor master refused the »tea- l ®oeed to an adjoining drug elorpj and subse*
mer Rsrenoa the papers neousary for departuro, be- l a ro*ly to tbo Bellevue Hoepital, wlie.e bo soon
T K d fV i rl 'r 0l 1 flr ! ,gl M*wdtobn»i£. In (he meantime Mr..
ibdJi ? f 1 U “‘- Q * r ; °* n ' uotapaoj with ee.eral olSer person. who
tho 2lgl^iatIwbic 1 wbicb C 1t I WM o uban^io°Bly^ari^d I ?hat to” 6 d '*
the insurrectional army, after having colleeted eU »&**? a J*W*\;* d ** MM I ? f Ir,in «
thsTnecrasary mUltary forces, shOnld much on Mea. \1 i * o< l Sixieontb(B«reet, one of (be party,
eloa. jj lr - John-Watt* Matthews, bad got to near to
l Tbe volunteers brought iy Col. Medici bad been “* m ,b * OOrJerer, to avoid arccsl, turned
j chosen with great care ; /mangel them were office™ f od Hf cd MftUbew*, tbe ball pltroiog bis
I aod engioneera. >. . freest Mr. M*<bo»e fell, eiclaimiog, “he b&s
«o*v ,'* eT ®d that tbetnarcb would commence on shot obf’’ audio (he coofusion prodnccd, the
the 28th iosL mao edoaped
! Un. w?reT r ?i?,r/M e °t U BW > Mr. ilattbews was conveyed to the nearest
buiditdber ' >te h °"« b « i
ammunition. . , ,
The evacuation of Palermo is comi.letwl Ti.. murder rr *1 tbrao two KebllemeO bas
Neapolitan frigate bad left the port. 1 Dol **••** Jdcniißed, aod all search for him bos,
ttatibaldl was forming tweoty rcuiments for on. U P prceeot’lime, proved unavailing.' It
crating on the main land. v '* boown, however, that Mr, Waltou's ; life
-The Neapolitans were io great force at Pel. , bef " repeatedly byaeon,of bu
, w . . , • *‘ f * B a marriage. From (bis lady
AH the conitnonea in family bad presented addres- Mr Walton was rndeevohog to procure a di.
T?? Amßriea^^ 4 ilr W »® fCP * ° u ,h « fcroued that ebe treated him cruel*
Waa tboCharlcsafad jLo o°( d B b Ulmore NMP ° liUnS if’ al “* tlmUb J » fr * id ,0 »Ub her.
Tbe American Minister at NaDli. h?i ,* M H ,eo M ‘ P * uBleU - * nd Btaled
passports for his and two other* to visit i““« J k s'l* '° D m,kio K **iaacqoaioUnce that
sd at Gaota. io visit the y M . abe bad bega lw)c« married Bboftly after tbe
It was asserted that a final conference at Bsden * d . be,a However, Mr.
between tbo Fnnce of P/ossia and the Germao sov- Io V r °‘ ,od •*»« thnd b«en,marrled
ereigoa, resulted in a decisive -agreement ou it. “ I‘rjiflm es previously, and ihst ooe of° D Vi* “u re * od foraign e . T .rn- ‘ er l>u,baoi)»!i a Hr. -Morri.ou, waa lialog in
brC about 'u“ d, 'J thcir B<“* >" P^' 00 - ,lb i». »"'l lb»t ah, bad not procnrrd a
Aumi. auTtndorgtandiog Rui.ia .ud 'rg«l arparalicn fr.ra him. Tha lady oatd
Ibe proanodiaui of lha Pnoll.h i . '« r 2 mtau» in ter power lo praacnl Mr. W.l
unimportant. L*uld Via P |n iSPL.T* P° ,h » «* • ft" V«m, and
moat of a Pranob note, ntUtir. to Sarjy, «lfn ind Bjii' T« l'* * f “ ,m ' r “«-rla t ., Cbarlra
condemned the eoorse of France. 9 ** E , 10 'Hreelrnod to lake Mr
Ahoot 30.000 volunteers were to he reviewed bv W * ‘on’s lire If lie did not stop Ibe suit. As a
the Qaeen the day tbe steamer sailed. 3 protection agaiovt the so panics, Mr. Walton
ihJ^MrtTi 0 / Wales will embark for Canada on ? e T! r ] * lt bls ro ® m &t ojgHl unlers accompin
tbo Ilthof July. , ted by Mr Pascal!. V
Oaehcntdred {fibre dead bodice had been fonnd in ™ f “ ~ " |M *
» s Of .V he v boa f 0i of Pa’ermo, which were de- • J“* OmatEui ojr Bosrou Cdumoh—This
SSS’bV Th « ocet nobin old Irar, the fama cf which eiteuda the
iinto.!. if b ““ b " ll >“M‘ wa. Mtini.tad by oter, ia a wreofc. In age and Ibe
j ThwTim "Wnmiliionatmiiitg. wolgbiof in brancbca s W»e m.d« iron clarnna
bad atrired ' 7"** ***' iDrorril3,i<in “ ll •>*nda ncoraoary lo *keep It togttbrr for m
roar. paat. Bn..ran w'itb .b'ewld „?'b"o
coma, front .nib .onrj,bSTt Tim^iMto“«£ S ri d iT fur r of ">» » l “™ »"
the truth of it * H> 1 Friday last, which WM quite dealruotive to the
Kout-Oen. Latnericierre-ia said to have issued n IIM °J common. Tbe Atlai and
m, order of tb, day announrlng that tb. mom.ntfor ." f 11 :
dtavchtog against theenemy is approaching: » ,bo ooiumoo a Urge number of trees
w ! lh . tb# tla ? “MeMaboo, King .fi "ere injured, rad ibe walks badly washed by
. u 2±2T B^* a “4-c«.-. to h.db-,
. Tb. army wa. eiaaparatod at’not ha.iog ,b 'P r «“l»™‘ frnlnra of onr baanllfpl,
bended. 1 »tu. as they road tbla paracrapb, TEOalf be
f.ftton hundtul boo*a had Iwa I, unit m lb , J>'r«.»t> 1 a.aociation.of ohildbood’a happy honr.
Tu 'P*b oo.ttar of Con.lantinopla. beneath the shade of that noble old tree ' What
c ? , " >o Mm •* Maeelley, nrar Man- “ ei apierof erennit iaigbt rce,ll if with
tbester, b.dbeen barct, Lo,. XUO.OO*. .peeeb. But it. gre.tor.a h.e departed ito
beauty deairoyed. _ ’
zette bm
Arrival of (be Ptrani and Ktna
r N ‘ F 'J*'* s—Th. steamer Parens,
rr<.u» Galway, errlud * t this port at 7 o'clock tbir
morßiog. The new steam*/ Coooao|ht -was to have
sided un the 2Cth, but when .boot atartiog «b* blew
out .hi bottom part of her cylinder; the Kiraaaac
cordingly tool; her place, sailing ou the following
The steam ship Etna, from Liverpool, via Quccns
sr; p r d , c r. h \ e °•* 74 ib »
Sbewaa boarded by the news yaohtof the Associated
t ress, and a summary nf her o ew* obtained
It wm reported that Q.ribaldi had held a council
at which it was determined to inarch oo Mesaiua" as
toon at the plana were fully orgeniesd. Ifwaa re
ported that the march would comtneoco no the 20ih
of June-,
1f l w f* 'f* 1 lbnt th ® Neapolitan gureromeot had
determined to restore the two captured American
Tosscls. hut the American Minister demanded repa
ration for the insult to the American flag.
The King of Naples was HI.
It was asserted that ILO Neapolitan Cuttoeil had
rosclved to grunt a c.nstltoiion, a general amnesty,
a total change of Ministry and a free pres*.
It was reported that tli* Russian and Spanish le
gallons hta tbteated to .withdraw tfotess Sardinia
stopped her expeditions to Sicily.
llßrrr llarrarw-The Howe uf L.rds had de
bated the Mara Trade Goes turn, and abated a mo- ;
lurton m favor of the re-appulntment of a Cumulato
at Motambique os a ebook to the trade, notwithstand
ing the opposition of the Government.
Itjras reported that the Cbanwlfor of the Exche
quer, Mr. Gladstone, bad deteinrlhetl fo'Trtign on
account of the lame report in the Committee nf the
Commons on the Lords’ rejection of (be till repeal
ing the paper dmy. K
Liverpool, Monday evening —The sales of cou
•on to-day were SOOO bales, of which 1600 wero ta
. 7, "?®' uUtor » exporters. The -market
closed dull but steady. The weather is uomtled and
unfavorable for thecrops. Breadstuff* market quiat dull at 20»n.d for Pou j pearls not uu .ted.
Roßtn steady. Spirils of Turpentine steady.
J/arldi —Wheat slightly lower for Eor
lirh, but firmer for foreign descriptions. Sugar buoy,
ant. Cofree and Teas firm. Tallow 52,Dj. Lin
secd Oil 27»fidfa;27t9d. Consols closed today, the
2oi h, at 93g f«»r account ex-dividend.—Prince Jerome Booaparta ir dead.
Tbe Emperor Napuleoo viritr Sarny in July.
Since lhe Hmperor'e retort from Bedeo, the troupe
eoneaalrah-d on Ibo eaitera .frontier ol Freoce h.ra
been enhdra—n. : .
1 ft'Dß in slowly.
' 1 from Juckion,
c. Bouton, J.iqn,
r the democratic
a fur *ho Hopub-
10 Arasco, fvlk,
itjii TUlaurootb,
i > Vote* «q{l COO
have taken
’ipss, fomot-hofr.
i bd olhera mate*
both parties
c*f Congre«» ihi»
fiucb a Legula
»>tOa Democrat*
• defeat of flen.i
pa to the ,U. S.
trcuply Dtmo
oo Ltnitb, baa
uoro hostile to
;af« the Dcmo
-55 majority, but
' ot to tbe ;ueg>
no 6th foctin
inhfjnv ladUiia
Sobl.J igitle-
** ** that the new French Juan will be 20
or-40 miltons francs itcrliog. ’ '' '*
The Boone ware depressed. Rentes closed at 68
trance 45e.
ifi»ve do ten#
(mated al $l.
Acstbca.—Tho Austrians are making vast mill.
Ury preparations in Vehetia.
Kdssja. — Daring A Bro’e bad introduced thmew
Russian loan of 8.000,000 pounds sterling in Lon
tedat2 War " iD '" e, ‘ ftt 4i P* r oent ftD<l WM 4«°-
icouraflng ehd
asiog, without
F* tbe apparent
(iog an improv* lha|t di-
Cqiha—The China mail was telegraphed.
■The steamer Malaba, baring on board Lord Elgin
and Harm Qros, was wrecked in tbe barbor of (Jalt
Ho ilrti were lost. The bullion in tbe ship was lost,
and both embaifaJors i tost their cradentlals and alt
Cih*of > * ftd * ouWko at Ualt till tbe
and doubts of
liver mines are
m are also n
jibe opipiim .
i than titoie <
Tba advices from Canton are to May fi
Tbe reply from the Chinese to the last Communi-
S U #n.? f 11,0 Bfl,i,h Minister, la .to the affect that
the Lblneso are preparing to resist
Tbn allies bad ocenpiedCbarau without restftanre.
Trade was improving at Cantoo.
ealn i“*’ J " n * 22.7 Cotton —sales of two days V
000 biles ; New Orldana tret erdmutre 01 ; ta» 85 •
foww dMfir,pli ‘ )M ioferk>r * T * dca ralbe^
W<J rslUbiw ad
put* lay ilbsl
uUnttbe fight
lion of Brecirin
louse ibU
!BD 40J Judge
ijo'flds, candi
Soveruor, have
Ji nominations,
w were erased
Chicago, July 5 —Tb Peoria papers say the
heaviest rain and Ihnodar storm that ever vlvlted
that portion of (bn State, passed oyer Peoria on
Snoday night, doing a large amount of damage on
Bureau Valley. Seven bridges were washed away
betweeo Pepria and Washington, on (be Logansport
and Poor * road. ; Ji will take several day# to re.
pair the damage. The loss to tbe farmers in tbe
vicinity of Pooria is oetimated at fifty thourand
On Toeiday evening, tbe wood train and the con
•traction train collided on tbe Michigan Centra
Kailruad, near tho Lake station, killing John Mana
ben and injuring John Hatfield aodjuho Sbeabon
Indiabapolis, Jnly 5.—A fire occdrred last night
which entirely destroyed the clothing store of Mover
& Brother; loss'$5000; inland for $lOOO. Tho
hardware store of J. B. Wittet, adjololog, was in
jured by Ere and water to the amount of $5OO.
A man named Joe Smith was Instantly killed yes
terdey, by a blow received in an affray'near Palmer
Room, .
New Oaliubs, Joly s.—The first bale of new
cotton <ff tbe season, received from Texas, goes to
New York. b
lb. ul!«] vl, Vc,» Ciqi
Ilh large malls and'Wlubfogtnn dispatches.
Poillmunu, July, 5 Flora Tcnplo boat Oao.
M. Patohon jreiurdajr, «* lb» Suffolk Park count.
Tima, 2:221.3:211, and 1:371
Notice to Britten and 'Contractors. /
[formerly Foreman
for HOWLAND PARRY,] would. n*|«lfaj|, igfona
* honi doCo work * »n«J U**« pol.Ha RMtrrallr,
tliu b« U now prepared to fornlfh BLATR *f d!Sem>t «5*
or», (Kfpro, bine *mJ purple,) or pat on BLAT« ROOFS Id
a3S2OT ( iriri^ te rf ,,^, ißsfc
jJOalldlßgs »*»1 Bop*rtnfett«l* U**lr •rectioa, OS rtMos^lo
Mdttoblowo ttmu. •
m DeLANOL', \
<m tlwToatliiaßliee* JUnr MnrOoaadlfTilto UaDti»a<
[ 99mUntroa P^tt*i>aiai,«ovtKiutßt44o
It Hitec
! Bsildlag* »od Fruit tfe*m>y .. ... j' -v— .P™
GIST orPllTllCJiS,lath*Bcroßrtbfeh»rH^B»«.*
V' rac-psrUeatus.aAu^H••■\.::-! :••' <*T. O!LU Alf j
>:« :<rj\i:a*rp*mtt'-AV*h—t m>Fu»
' W ; 7)..
A Men lallh raoit rue (tciruqow Beman.
tesierday afternoon a man named Eliia Bel--
100 employed on iho hew Poeptneion bridge,
accidentally fell from the fl mr of the struotuie
| u dutancr cf about ityhty frrt t alighting in three
! feet Of water hear the women, sboro. Upon
jreaebtog Iho water lie arooo q-.ickty and com
.mcoord to strike for thoro, hut being badly
loiunno i ho mndo only feeble progreoeand would
I dotihtioeo hero booh drowned hut for the .hallow
Waterapd the timely amlelance ofthe men on
Sboro When rc.ettfd one of bta lege was die
oorerod t., hire been badly ehattered end bruts-,
ed. The wounded mao wan planed in an eiprea#
wngou and oonreyed to hie rc.idtnce, where he
?*’ properly treed. D.ltou was walking about
upon the Utortng, when stepping upon e loose
plank tt gaee way. nod in bis fall he clang io
Jberlmhcr almost until he reeehrd the water.
Alighting as he did io not more than three or
four fort water, it is the wonder of eeerybody
i, “e w *’' in.laotly killed Dalton bad
been emp!..„d the l.r'i-lg. bat a short
flme. and le a elranger in tbp eng iirrri ini
Ontiigciu. or nr Kossuth —'The
' of Madame Kmiiiw fctfaVsk* Kossutk
ms cektaated on Hondo/ aNtroooo at the
'<ib»gel of tbe Second Unitarian Hoelct/ of Brook
{ D a- 4r ** n , umhfr of Hungarians were io
Jhe todittic*. Dr. Bello we rrtd the lexstus from
|bo Bible; Dr. Osgood offered pra/er, bd I Dr
Jerlr/ delivered in address; The sobs, tbe sis
ter and ncicee of |bc droeased followed the
dofiia Oq Ibe wrisl# of lhe_eorpsc‘w%s a braco*
l r l, wade from tho chain which her brother hid :
,wern io prison. The tufermeui took place in
the Unitarian burying ground at Greenwood:
-wbere-LoloDei addressed ibeasnembhge
i* the UuogirUn dialect. After the coffiio was
Ihwered.-earib from tbebaotfiofibc Danube was
thrown opan it b/ the ohilJron, and the friends
from ibe ppoL f •
1 Nmpoutaw orrespondeot of the Paris
vM W . "AI*** 1 *** *be agiiation among (be friends
qr rraocts II , at tbe capital, as ver/ profoun* l
Jud tbetr djficooragemenl as dal 1/ on ibe io.
•Jrease. Too other da/ some ro/al officers’ were
tiiscusstng the best posiiiou for the arm/ to take
ftp at Palermo. “The best poeitlon.” said tbe
Duka de M -—, “would be a position on board
the fleet nnder full Bail for Naples r Tbe same
(!brre«pondeot relates that wear/ of bearing one
ppnlj old official denounce Garibaldi as a Glib
busier, mpporied by that accursed Sardinia, be
tdiddculy asked him, “Wb/ don’t /ou retaliate *
njb/ not send seven or eight -hundred men to
Uko possession of Garibaldi Tbe Neapolitan
fjebed with itnperiui btble and exquisite gravity
‘f»ur people would never be guilt/ of each a
dred!" •
I j
I Tin Biatemeut of lb* U. S. Mint io this city
ilia month of Juotvehowi the tout deposits
flaM fr“» »1l soirei..,
5&4 8J.5.88; ailver. $$l,G7.Vj7; copper cents
orT 1 m ,xohMl ** ceDl ® of uew iesae.
« Tb * °? iDW for !b ® month wm
$ll 800 id eagles; $|C,«7O io half esgler; $9.
ii° 'U ?"V Ur : M B , W $17,780 iu dollars, and
|q flee b4r»; making a total of rold
S'Kft* $*5,718.47. Tho eilter coinage was
SH,T3OO in dollar*; $119,600 in halfd©llar«fs27 •
“T® < l ,urler s2 600 io dimes; sli’.
•P 0 in half dimes; and $2,100 in ibreocent
piecee; making ibo total eilter ooioaßc $07,100
9r o< ** $24,000. Tho whole number of pieces
wined during tho month were 2.050 257 of the
viiliie 0f<5184,878,47, *
i Mitt Bubwt.— I Tho Coe eicno grist mill of Mr.
Samuel laetl, Etna Iron iforke to thin county
wh regret to say, was Iqmlltf deslroycd by fire on
Sunday lost, together wlUj all Us couieots - Lo*a
eetimaiod at from $lO,OOO to$!6,000; end no in
surance. lie had about 1,000 buehelaof Wheat
in,the garners at the time, besides a quantity ia
.the mill botooging to customers. A large eomr
crib&tlßohed to tbo mill, containing some 2 GOO of
bushels of corn wm also destroyed Thofire Is
supposed io have beon opmmuoioeled by a half.
wittetT fellow residing atmht the Works —lfalli
djysbury Htgisttr.
Tpa New Yotkurs are.gaping* «l the Orest
Essti-rn—(be journals write long leaders about
ibe Utraaoloe on her keel—while the dollar-meif
are figuring out bow,alia will!be made lt> r pay.
She will on Tuesday to the publio-1
admittanco one dollar, .children half price
Arohbiohop Hughes; wee conducted through it
oo Saturday. The workmen arc now engaged
lo paioiiog her up for tbs inspection of such of
the public as can realize a dollar. The Shadow
of Defth seems to Great Eastern, m
two meu have already been accidentally killed
since she anchored at heKprcsont elation.'
Bbutal Tbaucdt is |qwa-— Chicago July %
The bodies of a woman named Mre. Willi# and
two bhildrco were foiin<fchorrlbly mutilated on
lul Saturday Dc.r lowi. ”
A man named Kcpheart, wa j nrrwled on sus
picion of hariog camoiHUu] tbo mnrden.
From n cooftnslon whfoh bo bis since
ttsppoara that bo oommtiM the t’ripls murder
at Eddj?il!s,:snd btuM >bo bodies . distance
°f thirty mlloß to Ibo plieo where -they were
found. ■ ‘.‘-i ■ ■ *: •
- ' 183,411,278 83,4U£53 4a,643,<40
/“ . , / A LUSDKt ... ,i * rminuiVV
.Editor Killed.—A bji|*r coalroverir, car* markoi/wiu «»ottertuiy*ci]rednHDgihft vhii*
rted on for eorae lima between Ibe “Print** M pr t l f?\, h ‘ f<, k o . Dd \ r ft£ e .? b oi p*riicaUr bcto.
~d n..-Arp,.,- pabiasr4Lc,«k e mT”»;, JsM^Jsar^savjg'gs
was brooght to a oloel, TV few dayaato. bT'» rticH romaiulog on*oM will t>» mi «*rt. ■ “j"
nit town, 3 {•,««: '•*>, *a*a**.
“IVldler f*b killed*; Cr Hepperlor of tbe *@ s .j ■ >.- * ll
“Argil*;*’ was slightly Foaodeil id (ho bead. „ Pmuokmh Cat»li M*asat,ra* i~IU muk*i ? 4i,
_ .i _ ' “■• * i'♦’i ’• i • '•> P#of CitiJj ih iiQ*MU«o:iuui th« «oit|au **.• luv^
Tufc Comßt Ib plainly noTr, on a per- £*°l!fer£ , iF o
ftClij clearcfccing, tuUdi /nitatJe. jt will * 7 AiS. 6 tr t !!l 1^?
lb* fonVd hr * abort Ijmi- tf Ibe .kj I. tiS. • ioi,Vl “ “ ®‘"" *?*• “‘1 »“• tbjS /M ‘ti.
about due norlhwrat, and- aou)e (eu degrees • s 0 11 '* ! . Kiss. -,,
abate ibe horfsoni at a Charter or aloe 6'elook i}2 “ Su.
;Tbe noolena iaiconaldereble, and ap M ara mneh “ • i»agn%m** ! ff '"’’'l! V'■"'■'•'»«*4s
like a alar of tbe|joilqde. •«* *: In «erta.a*ii**ib* »""??■ fi't'-'.y- * _g
i Parnr Goon.—A corrwpimdent of the Tana- £ “ },,•».?)<
ton (Ma.a) Oaatta. eaprereasbttaorprb* that, ».1 ' S'nH&SS^—a <»Tw
In tlcw of lbe laoukai ala eon were killed r£ 3 <i '■.s £ »'»
;*entl> bjr electrioltj initbe wtateni part of (bat “ !: watt » Btabii“Tal3"'"" — uatht
Stale, as ?**tra ael.loa Ofdlhe Lo»l.t*lore bai ; B B.u*io,cbaii;r• » / ’Str!
not boon sailed, to proeldoitheteet'or the cattle Wilrnl- I^M‘L l T < ?.V * bjo, ib*wair»t*<: ■ '
lo tbi CommoneeaUh nltblllghtnlsgTods. ®3 J *«fmeftJidlVaiVXSsJ£‘'V' *“* had * IU
„ P“ , t ! T , * o^ I AA Snaupauaa K»ao.—The'
6aa rrucltoo {Cat.) Bolltria has Waned hr • -. ; ’ T !
! 1 ' **' ,4 ; . ...ia x
■••. 1 ■■? V'' .'r .•
. , Or ARBITRATtO* mB Hi'
_ I ' JuurPttt, Jr, V.P.
»• r Bma soimoa.
pHIUTH. | . R«m Own*. •
Waakjy tt«view ortt>m Pltubvrfh n«rkat.
i ' ' p >twfco»aa. , PiiD*T Jolt O,'IMO.
, Tue »M>k jest clowd bu but been • nmarkabln ou ao
larjubmrpMi«TD«4bt leuc Tbti bcwwir m
uoC a. «. b*T«**tr arritej at *b« U gimr
• 7 cuu *"^ rrd ,b * dQlle “ t »d awrt inactive poitbn of u*
>** r - TUgrDfr.l market pr«*«pudo sew feature wo-tb?
pf special hWl<», ead .1 il llkrlyihat tbit (tele ot affilre
Dill ccodpno iiDttl after biiT*#|_'ib«“rwMiU of which U
Ulcg watched with a real moxtrlj. — —_____
': U-r rireh, ouder lb* Uiflu»t»c*ofthe ree%t.thmfrflinir
aw »gala lo Bi» Twrfgabio condition, there .Lem/ water
«Lou*b ior-boat* V. gfct out with fall trfjri, prpeldioc they
c*o get Ibriu. The wrallieri bu b**o warm, dcn lr and
uuavtlled, though Lot nnpWant
at former prlow
d-<l» A«h PoU i*og» from *%&*%, p«*rie XXi
@ s !v The atock iudrat hiuda ia ample for alt ordinary
porpceea. <■ ; * \
APPLKd—The tnarkU it pqtiieiy bare, copaequabtlt
uier* barn hero no tales to note.
ALE—Pitubargb twoulactbrvd ro&Uonot Id hlrtlanutxl
triUi tu-mdj ihipmqDU to«U i»*ri# ol tba niooiry. Tbae*.
auUahal ratal at preacot are : !
Porter o 3,00
; RAQrf-iba price current i.r AJeurm. Uertet k Darker.’ tor
& *' M foll<JW,: fl ‘«r ncki, Vi% DM, $35@37^0
Slow* £> Oa s6a®M; 60 B>« sfi6@7s; 06 C* *100®110; wit
limits; la Oo srf6o@2s; II do s26@3<t2o do
86 d0532@45. llncdand Metbac*-~lVlbes6?t 100;
!® la . oQ 10 db $1.26. Onto bag*—? to»b.
"'“"I* !“> * d - * M
fiATO.N— firm ao<l io goodldpmaait at aallgbt thuu.
Sm. S'Sn a ‘ a “ , 3" PW»
• BUL^wi*T* #d u’ ~g,r CUr *S d ° M -
nitMtrA i r ti KAT “T 8 ,r »&a*cMpoi "• *» mfliotf, to come*
Jj'JJJJnUr* ,tOCk n ra ‘'kitbeingatoall,that UldunaaM
SnHj^{‘i7 4,,UQ ,'l, ,r ‘ A “ t wl L h: ‘' ut • Umlled Inquiry
JmaU ahiu, are will.* at CO&O&c, and York *Uteat 86®
*s,?™}* u K iC !, > r? u,t ' ,r *• 10 ®-d'Tat« demand at n
STS. i'» * ad k«j u. 1.”,«*5
I. to Ur J.„„a
** j kt
JlauUla Ibjpe, coll, 115 c* ttjttnaUla Rwm, cot, U c « tb
oll i; J 1 c -P tt'J ll<to*p Bop*, cut, 12 c H fi>
* v *} c $ fi» Tkrred Rope, cnl» 12 e « b
P lbin?r««\n r .vs flu « 11 D V ttll’vkingYam.coin to e M D>
StKli CORNS—MttuiUa,SIJM), t2,2S®sXoo*doa. *
st,37. $2,00®52,76 * duv
_ Uomn euil, 11 rt* « C).
Urrtifv eU * J"*- Hi'inp. 700.
n,, W^T°* N Tba markot U steady at (be tuHow
quotation* which are corrected to date:
act.» tblOlndoalteaOc fclblNoilfl. „
»«. li* llt-J— 21 c jllb N’o. i:
i 2icȣjKo.lS...L.
No. H i.-_230 9 filvo. 1#.....,
No, IS M caffljNo. 20
S°-«» lletdus
2°- 6IM 10 c ft doc
N 0.000....„ »c*dtw
No. TOO 8 c 9 dot
c!i%tr», m«xwl. 28c it fi>
Do Ou «HiJt«.24.
to 36 cnU, 21c' “
Do do 38 u> ttc 154; «
o.i«Tlrt Y«rn 38c *
o*udle«lck_.. .. 30c “
So. 900 ..
Sb. 1000
T*ldo .21c «lb
Oi»alklDfs.:„.„ ftjo «•
fiubilj lutUu*.„ ICc u
B»««ng, No. l r ;i3o «
:t>° No. l£o
no «* m
OANULKa ANli BUAF—CBiuHei am « oor uimt*.
•* A common, *u &», p^n?
CU s?li\ MKA| W 1
— **
C>KAOKKit/—bar* fleciincd • liuit* rrcuil,. •i„l it, tUiW .
qatr|o m Inline* hj ibu l>bl: «*(»*, 6c B> |,n,i* r
7t = v,lat *-*■•*» ™
ll»f[ B h UK^> ~?" tJ, w,tti • .1 n®-
, FRITT—ApfJw roi.tiunt, doll, and meet »UL-
Bir«it wl-h a tbedy atie at }ti>s4,2s fi bo-lt.
F*HTIIKR«--prlme WeeUro ar« doll at 44 la lota tv deal-'
•in In the 1(0411' *ay, Mica at 44&£u.
«MjtU~mn>bbi/ lo moderate rrqaeil, while i.r.'c.a are
riihtr nuntl.rld, with a ti-n-h-orjr to ilruup. Mackeral No
bf at *.>,7t>ehO Lake
Hhito Gao at *l* ht.l; Jull thla do IGai I2'i—.
[£-" ? *? V Ralttmore Uerrtog
tut fax Ateifir.a fG.fctl; JmU trout tH
ki. u.»in«h f*lh. ; ’
aemca, but the demtid It 0 0l aerr krti**. W-
I .1*10131,10 ¥ si»ll>, il L .hart, H-,e
.«hV R- f , “ h‘W f*«an*. *0 tullcelu ihte article"
Wlth.lU**X<f|>tbm «l a alight axy %
th« tiaut,cUo:ui have h-*b »«•»* ilmlitei, brin* .ouflortj 1
Rtovtalta to JoU to cltf dJa'ere. The tntiug rataa I
.bo j jtr. fV2tW. forVopertlor; fcs,Gi,rps.7i) »o> «t?a; «T
~ or r AI " Jlto ‘ , r* for Caocy. rtomV
!«•■»■*tro/im.ljr wliilci whoal;asa,2o
M.M* l \ ’:r T< ' r ’ b , nl n " le °' in mlrlair ’
.□h AIN the grain market baa ; Ueo nocauallr da:i and
UoKoid dunna the peat week. Th* traaaacUooa, wlthoot a
•luKle »xu«)>tiou, hare ttreii confined to email lota, borer* I
m t to-t.he more than will turn thilr lone
f'*£ "''i'' ° 4 * - *" ,Ui * dkr '. fch ‘ 1 ' ?'*»•■ have adnatad a
t e ;^Jj k V Mr,rnt ' r **? from Ural heuda,
• udi .lb/340from •lore. Jncoro thti-e Lea m«q bat very lib I
Jim b -io. ( ,nihwJ#lrow.t rw.; U)*—• *■!., 0 , »» baeh
<>rihreed-y».i.w».at 00c V hoah. Wheal
d!»-hei p d at ft -fr.’i 1 ‘.5 tor red titan »i«>rr\ j
GtmoKKlfc.., ..oot.Mje eteedy.iaad ptk*e show aa ad
"'J,r,'7 kI P T* r UlO
tort-Hme N o. IYtU firm, bat; uucbloked.-
. Kio^n,maod#i4tihv i4 . are to good demand at I
S*b *' *** ■ | T* U *»
' SSsnst2;.* ir r,!* “ mhml iW
i.dSil,: ft'i'dwii])/ m W,i <u ,
M incb.o- lKincia^pi^raa^u
§ • fI : :=g :
• hufi{«t ti)lh»enißoniW7<Uflenant..
*?•*• !» *•»at
X>A T~«sB B| w»W« nHnMd#ft | ■C4„ - »t Uficei IM,.
JnK'njmJO to ft'i loq. v** « iaog
llU\] l N V—i**Ki <>< &«# at i&ivQfiO'H bhl
fifaV‘!dtr A . L^ T ' IKK « r «"? l»*» hide* ar# qoyb-U al
Utter.figai* ruling (nr eitj «laocht»ri><i n
PUOjtbUT • - - * ft*®* .
BUS -~==3g|»
.Bklrtttig Lmttber ft ft) ZZ.'ZZ ssSai
, Oaracn. • JJgzl
'"!*•■ “‘* ~oi aiSJiit
&i ‘ ; =; $
* *°a ‘ 1 M **» !lc»,
££®"S&l 'i*
d *“ j 7 !'A'" a '^ b J j*r«»N.n.
> •'■a I y. iiicb ! M !;■ - - "iK
Kf 1 %5 4 “ a ?il'" r b J s »i : - -~K
Ji bj,jj intb.._ ii ; - •• HiS
%• \ «h! lfc by >4, a-18 /4 ’
»a«lV;inch» « ;
«Ot)» A«l> S4O&M. I
ft 1u«b.... ......* fc.syi
6 to a .1..4.00
Prea*«l BpfkM iueb L..
•U (rtugtha., i.. 5,75
$ M« “ .L.t,bO
Hollar] JUvet* ft lb ..Lft ?6
ttOB.aO. !
tr*ti Wow WlORi •*
“ ,M Slab* “ L.. 33?
i lUlk BOM. I
Bait gi>
ittal Wow-
Untm—T&* unpplf ct gtWn lumlMr nTlumj
“i" w WJ Iwjte. mHwlUtaUttdlOg wblcb ptfe** are
ffiow i P 1" raogea—far common
.«OIOV »* f«*t,«>-l cl«irfao ; Mober 7&tGj «cubldfu><:
■hirgle* IWJO. . «’*•“•«***.
JfeatcuSu 'J“S •"■•"OW « M. MiUv'
7°. ?fi <e ® ,; drwaod fl ortn* board* $lB ft U.
;• >"<>■ 1000: *, (toll 18
* B^BllOOOJ, lift ViIOOO.
**i n» i nil in u.ul ui'
“* • iOXß—t&a market onmiumi Arm with ■ good <l*.
-“57 01 r " nD,rj * l tmilWMlT *1&18,W 1
•fV . to ell* or all qualitiM b*T« bran
?^ B a vl Q . l .?f^X 5 .* , *' ol,ch ' , ' Kr ‘ 5 . Wfquuio No. 1 lard‘*tßft
fija.O; litmaJ,
PIG BlKTAl.—there U botlfUla dolor and prte>* remalo
Bueb4o|p»d. fatmof All»gbooyatft'it'(3>26l< io~
<>f choice U&, SfiS«; » be-/
b>nr.,tfc. D fn*ej M ,,4s(£hO; r*d«. 3sj|ia,inliad,lo ihm
bM Uwu a few lot* of b*v |>oUU*J ic)d; »t $4 Tt@s V bbl.
tnortly frum N*w Jorwy. i ! T »
RYB. PljUDß—dull with orrulutiai jralaaat ItlfcQt STU
rtSE Kl ri7??ttt ,jf doT " f I HSSH? VUb tou from
°‘ ' u “ o«> »* *B*3.ia[ an jD« U acarte at
5i, l /Tr?.> n ¥ Kj, ' r ’ ,tl ' and talc* of St, 1 at tI&LOV
BTiiAfUh hi—elauly at lQ)j, j-f j * “ l *
TALLOW—ronati la t<ou f bi by tba xhitjdttra at 7. aot)
coantry reoifcMdattt&fijlOc. . • ■
WINDOW GLASa— f.ricr*'are flnui Ul ] wa repeat! oar
jiltes, dty faiAku:—<lxB mod Tiu.
i,Wfc J2JiO,Bxl3. Svl4;and
*>***»,*"«;-■« n;«nt
JVIUTK LKA.&"flna»ilidla -steadydemandat itioa
keclor ft fcjroltf*.* tothVowd
u^F^^ri 0 . *“pp?y. *bu« th« drmVud
la llantMl. City r«ctifi»dl» aeUlos airsHcna nrirM frum
»©». Old Ilya U.l eady at T4@*l]al *5. P Y?
Tlio Mlo«ing l.'.ntapM,!!,, .utJmroloflb.iiLrt,
iu *" v ” ,k v*
'! 15M.. : ilifi#. uuw_
Porlh* ttSBO,»B .j 1,12*882 I.*mW
Piofioiuljr ifpotltd ™iJi,U7,W(> 3L,2880Ul
i»un*J«D. 1.
:■■ ! ''"j« : " ; --3i»:;«-'
lo am •mWj'ooo'nor »’“> AlljclMw ud raiiStii'lroH
J * Sl ’ B «««» '
PAINT MILls, CORN MILLS And BnKLLRRZ sioaToß *"'• ««l*k«L OOtfll MILLS,
- ir -'- I ° s,tbfr W|U> ~, <* »oJ nAi. L U i i
Cora—JDgytxJdeiMnd el 72®7Sc for mined. ?
M«w Park—in moderate demand at $l9 60,
Brcoo—corhangtd ami in moderate demand.
No cbeog* lb outer article*,
I Imports bj r Hirer. ;>
. WD P" a 0 coll rope, Laeu, Rlcflirda
I ga^g."
j bbl* lime, Blackfotni A Ulatn; 301 dry lildra. Watt A vWU
«SiS!a KKinoTr. iss *jSR.
Wallingford b to; wool, Clark* A cos lot of proSo*.
8 Barkrlr, do jto. J Otlbooo; do do, J Doocbarty* 60 Mclu
Trimble; 4:alea, nuim*£?Ubo * ”?f .
»A? J **o®*®* per w I Uselaj—lM dry hide*, J R Mct/ofar
| 100 da, XT Bryant 100 do,G N t HofletotL 160 do. P
R ft il bbd. tobacco. Ift bUe.Uo?,F»U &
10 bxa, Clerk* * co; 1 bx maehioerr, P* OwStf
I 3 . 33 bolii green bide*. Grotsoyer A abb; 4
[ bU* dram, B LlFeboeetwk A cat 600 ate* lead, y n Kevin*
4 bbdal'*Of'D ; Sbie tobacco, Mcßan* A AnJ.r; 8 bblaedllet!
'“•'ft*“• *» Ml* J YlM.a.tVjjiS
I a )U ,n S !l:!r L ? , J wr bMa -WOlaky, 26& do
(flier, 10 bbda tobacco, «00 bxa atertb.l bx r.u«ra.a i c
' 6 1,1 ** ‘pkft J' Flaming; 60 do floor
wJ? MC S? Sf7 * *** lB *“ h#m "»* O Wtlwm; 6 cfo du
Wb a P'' bl * ,, 9 00r i L B*Wi 300boltfl!n?a UiS
i*y;3o6 d<> do,!M«lt«wwD * Gregg* 100" do do. WiiefitS
• Markay; 2 bbd* tobacco, M, HaybSO bbda anger, lllftr *
ißlckarteon; 1 bbd tobacco,.! pkg asmplM, MecraW a <u- n
bbda tobacco, WiD iUoeh «i t; 6 do do, J WVuy lor, llbot
adhiatMi ! n > Ooil »*>•. R A J Water*; 3
bdlagttel, 1 bx 4i; 2 apting*, Finger, Nimlck A co' ?
. B “* 1^ ‘ l **“ Übdlnff yetterdiy wm- moderately actlye
to what li baa been tor eom* Utn* p*K. /Tbi \V 1 u.A.«
*1 t°® l«ol»TUIs»od"8 C.bSJt
W? 1 i a . g V r ‘»«i.e*cb haring tair trip* TLeM^er
ftiJS J'r.Z “S'.’'" “j*, o "'? ftn«. TD.r. ....u.,
i '<.l*lll tor, ufil..
■ V 14 Tb« Jlrer coutinria to rla« elowlV W
£2?J«ite K ,h kl T nt B ,n ,he cbma *** l r '*« I'ier Wirk
SUamooat lUglatar. ?
ARBrvlltD. DKPADTitn '
Oil. B.jrfrf, gl]„b., h; 001. J lube Hi; *
«£*»«: ZSrlSg j
W. I. Uaclay, BcLodli;
-27 c V lb
33 c * fit
............. c*fc
a^^aZ 06 *’ In moderaf* demand- aaleakt
£-.?T«ff? , r poarx Oottou qSkEwifi
aalee at IOU .or ppUnda mldallng*. Pluur acaicelv iokv
iTb&fh? 7* 000 ■* so*o@s Xfi ter taper etaref $6 2®s
« i* 1 ” *}?}*' I s »«®» tor anper eiMtera. *5 4tS
£<* 0? B 1 j **tea «flaiaro«an<l 15 Joasiw
|^ I ,b |pP <E 8 *[- Mlr * roond hoop ObS-c^l^,
dny. Canadian /lonr beary: n | M 6&o bli at sM6fflssb
tor rape rQcie amf $6 76 for common
Floor atoady at $3 60@4 20. Oorn meal aolllns aloalr At
prwvltiixiß rate*. Wblaky aochaoged: tale* 600 bla at Ilic
I 4011 * lUl «r *Mier: aalea 18 600 boa UUwank^
I* nb I* 30< ®l 31* H.OOO bo»bCblca*o epringat 11 27-sto
*» ? b 1° P t,wo tonna; 0600 bu Amb*rlo»a M
WO0>«. do weatrrn atsl 4X Byaqulet It {[
<#s•. Cora 31.000 boa at U314A04 «or atm At
tnued weatern. 05@C7J< for western JSg“a!S
nI S d^* >W *, t- qnletat37@4o; Prov|«<on* qaUt a<j)
l»?* l |Elt CM “ ,b,nw flr ®: •*!'• 2W> bU.t I2W§»
n'L£“ ,, Mssi , Ti , 7@ii«|" , r ohh “ ,ii «»p
Wbfu 1 S^ 81 V - n . ,y * ;al ’ : taper floe |5 27 S' *-
. LibeDeily PUtsborgb Q«z-a(t«.] t
■ Fd ''<"’ : w « bud the cleaiuro of
icg, °q le.t Tlior.Ja, evening, lb „ commencement
„ I *T ,U Th. >1.7.1...
an nut, need an begin at Jj o’clock precisely. coil'
b . C ’lh P on '"! , *l P? r “>bagv.of coafio, *O7O there
! ® f'Mwg thecbnrch (Chrkl’i M. h’3
about half full. ,11 e waited patiently or rather
patiently for a quarter of an iour, hot eo far aa ltd!
exercises wew. Concerned, ire waited io Tale; Ift
' n, “ l h ‘ ,f i”>°r rolled wearily oi era
Eu * fftfokbook touched with fairy llk. Once,’
Ibo aweetly emwerlng key> of the piano. Thu. wa
■put/orry lf.’e mortal>, with the thermdmei
tor at 90 ,in aniiona expectation. Snch a want oa
pooctu.l.ty oogbt pot to be. Tbo church war io*S
foil foil of beauty and all ill acoompanyiog trap,
plngi ; time a watad pointed to hxlf.paat elgltHihS
imh ? B ' r i° S r f<>"> «>• Piano’, key. Ini.
huihed, when the Throne of (trace waa addend l»
* *"d oloqoOnt prayer by the Kea. llr. Cox’,
The Salutatorj-f being neat in order, waa raid id
Latin by Miss Emma Halway, of Pitixbnrgh. To>
cour.e it wa. imjienetrahlo fruin to a m.loritv of 'ihu
audience, and wd shall resetvo our remarka for Midi
0. a next composition—“ The Minion of Beauty.”™
The oext exercise on the programme was miuift
bj UUs Annie Criswell, whom w* think plsys ex^ 7 .,Tli'D Sb *S?‘ f“ n »»“l tie* composition
onhUed “Thi Purer Temple,” by Min Martha Few"’
ler, of Pitubprght which we think waa decidedly itS
getn of the e jonitlg. The dellyery of this prodoil iu|
“»?> ® “* beauty, at every word.waa enoa?
oietcd dleUntuly, with a peenliarly eweet and musl?!
cal voice, Wbielh Oonld be heerd in nny pnrt of the'
church. Ucr .manner waa .tan calm and salf.po.2
aened, which had a happy effect upon thn nndlaiW
Wo ihali not attnmpl ncriticiim upon thn mutter B
“• compositionsuffice It to aay that ’the subject’!
displayed genius and learning and waa heated L .$
maateriy manner.! .
The exercise of ;MUs Fowler was followed by music*
by MU* Maggie who we think
pieoo with wonderful delicacy, and the tone* tbat'
spring therefrom are truly ~ , .
M Upk«r»weet&[iu long drawn out". :j !
r u wu ‘‘ Th » Doarn.l Hour of!
Llfe,_l>y Mus kato E.Smith, ofCandor, Pa. Witb :
tbe.matur ofithia! effort w« were tnoob pleased. It I
wu elevated, exhibited much thought, and wu'
dwply religious. ißat-it .was read la a sing-sonc <
maaoer, in c«neeqaenee of which her period*! how! I
•rer beautifully rounded;did not fbU pleuinaly on ,
Ibe ear. Th ? of Mlu S. wu followed
bj moiio, MU* fcfdia Boblnson presiding at the pi.
“°* * b ° tjUowed by MU* Emma Galway on :
The MUaloa of Beauty." Her reading, we thiok,
wa* somewhat hurried and iudUllnct, owing probe
biy to embarrassment. The matter ot the essay ex:
hibitod much thought and iarestigatioo, bat the
style wa* not u smooth and flowing a* U could have
been made with more, care and itndy. She wa* *nc
ceaded by Mlrs fowler with a production entitled
"tliuwlitbu.; Z»Mk,” which wu.ll DutA bn,
•ad of courso wp c»n i*j nothing .boot IL After
muio by UUa Kilt llltchcpck, th«“Vplcdic[orj" wu
read by MinK. liendrlchaoc,of Pkdmont, Va. It
might btve boeo better road, although the eanoola
tion wa* distinct, i Whilst listening, one woom thiok
it abounded in poetical quotations,from >he peonllar
manner in which tbo closed bet sentences, wblch wu
our main objection to the reading. With the vale,
idietory itself we were much pleased. It Is fait of
gem* of beauty, and her allusion to the death of two
of her classmates wu very touebiog.
After music, the, Dlpiotaes were conferred by the
President in a few.appropriate remarks, After con.
eluding which he called upon JUt. Franklin Moore,
of Philadelphia, th soy a few word*. Mr. M. re
sponded, whep (it' being 10) o’clock) the andienee
wu dismissed, with the benediction by Her. Mr
Homar. I I
And now, Meuri. Editors, we will juit »; that
we hare **i«i dowo naught in malice,” and that we
thiak all that was wantiog to'make the exercises ed
iting, waa punctuality aod brevity. U
Tu* Beau or Blavss toCaxada.—A reoent
oeoaaaia Cenedisbowa chat there are 45 000
rnoaway alavra in Canada Weal at the present
;*“«• »®< l ibal they are coming lo at the rata of
10,000 a year. These slaves are assisted by as
sociations, and many of them settle on land par
ohaaed for them.,,
. 7iit y oung Prince, Christian William, of Dear
mark, eon of tbs Crown been
admitted as a. pqpll tv the Royal Naval Sohool
wt Copenhagen, ifier undergoing the required
;exaoinaUon Is the first time that a prides
:ofihe reigning family of Denmark has competed
for admission to a public school. .
Fanio cf the PUtsbnrgh Porf, ;i«
warning his democratic readers against paying
aoy head In. false statements. Barr needn’t
do this; nobody ibas; oonfidenoe enodgh in his
alalements .to render'stioh ’a warning at all
necessary.— Clipper. ' i
A Texas papsx. says of Gen. Bam Houston
that he lookiln feeble health, aod the wreck of
what was hot ajfewyears before vigor and
strength. He now goes; open a ornteh became
of lameness in one of hie ankles, Che effect of a
wound received at San Jaeinto. ,v\
Labov Inxmakriow to Eaxsas.— -Tbe agent
of a large colony pr Swedes has reoently coadn
dedaiaiifcfaeiory arrangement in Johnson county
Kansas Territory* wear Olathe, by which (httw
will be 40,000 Swhdss MUted there in the eotm
of a few months, t • \
i TmrGoßfK J)utx Tmdi,—N»» Yoik. Joi,
3.—Adnceg froraGatnianamo, Cuba, state it?
enottwelvefAmerievn vessels have landed over
6,oooflat ticinOy, «Ulila tla lut
£* *’*• :?“* i of 160 Ttinla .nplojed ww.
steamer. -v| . <■
, ]i Mahum Loibii rot Juvi —Dariof the ptei
?° number ef tettetr Jolt hM
i^ n iklpo, 13 bftrqatf, 10
bflga •odU'ifibcontr*. The temlf ere e lined
W $618,300, in'd I heir eergoee it $259,000,
mehlogatoUUtfogeiher of £1,472,300.
j Fatal Cata&t£o,pbx— Oa Bondiy, Ui 17ib
ipiL,;43 (aider*, iaoit'of whom were inloxic**
n lied, lUempudloicrcES Portige Like, LtkeSa*
: peri or, from Biiioeek 4o Hougtoo, ia a* kiff,
trat wkid Aban* bttf par >****'» ibeboel
: iviajcd,; and ieien j of ' ifeo pirif verb
iwimped. .. 7o- y r
\ Sitr EiriAxcaiiiauiT. The gexteiil to*
friocbtitmtoi of ike inf* of Bonin will lake
place next ialam.l fat ike two following ptst*
tbe/ will remain to ntraaiiUoo state Uvard*
freedom/nadeiifennd ef that periodJktgvOl'
in etMtl«i»ly ijßMtontii. * ‘vtjfv ,V
. ait%~a r A*t
ly /-£
'(i * i
Tho ponlM.ioM .nd - ~
Victim. " •'
DESIGNED for the benefit’and a* • '‘"
log ftOft • nnttoa to joong m»a «ho jnfffrri.- r
wly tnw •anpljiog »t tho wmIiSL
SSLjZVZSEIS '“»•■»» «-2iSKtjjSt&S
js»«w as^'isafa
- apttdAwSmt i’£
•• :!• fIAQSICTIC •■ . t
T X> OWI> S it Jr*
W 5 ££Z> BUGS, .MOACUEff -.- »Tf>?V • h;‘*
.j aata &4£o£iY/Mncnidk..^■‘i j H'. v *
tSuIl eouUtyn bo Pgiaon. .• , . • *-‘( •
■pt»3snl»n O»8o|j Iremrbkrk.-Q • •
Jo..ptt Ullworth D, w ,;o.
tiSwcmen to Poritr, Botfe 4 Avett.) 1 •
- ■ .{J W»
Corner of Water Street and Chern- alier '
miugtifc prnußOßflK, PKafr'i.
.!;• AloßKiDtt * CO, ~TT”- «
KorwardiDt JDd t’omralnioa lerelMiti ’
, v‘ . v, •*■.•; 'i'Oi;*
And Agents for the sale id Pittsburgh Mann- >■
. f*c*ar<*. OobilgnraeuU »ud orJtrt ft* f.RAU, U
UKlIp, PRODUCE, *c„ Prompt '■
• ; : ? ,wn to recoltlug *ui] ror**nHug. ' ••' •.••: r \
ZUlfi ««. baal*. .•* i
W- HOLMUJB A v t '
;i ,: 9ULRB» >" '■ .v 1 . .■
I'orelgij:;and Doinrstie Bill, " - 44-
CI*T|fICATMT>r DEPOSIT, ’> - * fi*
f. , | irons and specii^^#* 1 ;“ XX
«•«*»•*>»<%•• *' ’ i
* 1 “—~ "
W R Y M A. N teON;
ftlinahctama and Daalon la all kinds of ’
lh AND • /
<•/ At#A/(eM Stmt atii Diamond Attef,
J. SCOTT, Dentist, I-
OAS removed to the house lately occupied*
»k.^l W^, A * w * ra > Xo - 3JB P*ob «tnttV<«Mtfc tiAJ .
ißlid Dutf iimi,
<HBo Uonn from V, a.». till 6p.
WM.C. aomfeoa—
to mum, amu'Kti-uiiias, .
Pittsburgh, Foods. :
oae«, lto.lll Narb«t ilrttu
Maaotaeinreall kinds of Steam Engtm* and Mill Machln
vKk^ ttl,^’ R>lI “* d Work - Bkuo Buftn.. andßUoel I,on ,
.Jobbing dopeon abort notice. a.r3Jy,lLj - ■
plhinky £U * * .W *[ 5
Forwarding and Commlaslou Merchant, *'i*.V \
Cku&ae, -
I And - Prodoca Oeoaniiy, i
dj>»> Jgt. M Wood jfratt PHtttmrfh. I. ."
: >. 8. b. *c. p. aiahklb; s - j ■■". .■
■ f > And Dealers In .
: BOOK. P%'NT,O4P, Utao amd all kibobop- T
Usts rt niOTfd from No. iff Wood street t0K0.33 amitiiflrtd -
Street, hustrorgh, Pa. • »••. 1-v
** >Cluh oV Trsdedor Rugs. tnj4iiirfc >4-
' •
■situpsovnuaurn nuo n*
Woodian and Willow Ware, I^'
■}.: No, Ul, Dlamoadj '••.•• T . -r-”^
snlMi.lyy 3 PITTHBIUtOH. j, *<
|f *J. M*JL.I r XTLfiT n . j
tf°r 54 St, Clair Streot, j -.j:
iSfcVJSe' '?*" 80,,a, °S'* PITTSMJBOa, PA. | , '
Plain pa Fancy Orate Fr onts, Ac.
Soloproprictore or the celebrated ,
Cook stoves. ' •
”*-•* W-dttirutiimaSi'h
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
—joaw uiom ■-w^ncw
JGftras, BOYD dc CO, ' #
Mwtifhctarara of
. If: —ALSO—
Corner Rom and first Sta., fiUabnrgb, Pa. : 1 1
t. MW H»fT “ j''r*
r lai* of Pitubp'rjh. T pffiXJSu Ji .
t : •‘•ttsoiuioii,- commission! iiovrbi ■ L ■
* "" ; Ao4 AgooU br the gilo of
; Ifp 160 Paul street, “■
I *: » ; *W YORK; S.JPI
1 *f'P u « , inJffleoUwUciUd, to »bfcb prop« umomUl-''-:- 4afflrc.U
Ration tball to givvo, tnd procoodi prompt!* rtnlttat-- - '• 1
Brjea,felcbaid. A Juba black A 00,
-m Alexaoikr King, E*q.,j M UcKmA Brolb*?.-
AOo. WlJ*oa A Brtina.ri/P -
» •j'r ' tunfionssnop ■ \ [- 1 '
H«li|sf, Lroik 1 VtMlti, V««ll Door*, P*j‘ v
£ Windowfkuttm, .Window Snardt,4e., > V
\ AW. fit tooond Sunt ait* 89 TUrrt MtnM,
i (Between Wood aad '••’ ■ PITTSBUBfIH, Pi, ••.■<*'
T * ri * t > «OwrMtona, faaejoodDUla ' ’ ; -
MJUU* porpon*. ParUcaUr atteotWMid lo
Mo»a<Ot«ToU>a. Jobbintdcrea at abort art .: '; ff
iIfiLMRULPdt tiUCUIJ brtbe BlmMct:
HStMBOLIrSiBDOmi fur tkona) D»ui|»;
fIKLaBOUrBBOCIIO forUilmirl bwladir
IIELMBOLBU BUCIIU tor Horror or BlMlor
HrLMBOUyB llllonu torNlaht6w e ,t7
.JIBLHBUI.D’aTIUOnD tor w£k.toli>««r ■
|I«CHIMLIrB BOCUD torDrrnaaorttio Ufa:
B*UU»U) , «jBDOnO tor IripdM* ■- r
.IUttUBOHESJBOOUU brMatal& Bark: ‘ A* 1 '
ffIJLUBOLW BUOnO lor Barton. ........
iTewpurvy a«mulo& «ad LoMbfSletit: *• : ..
%*Kw*.MWBO tor MoMmf?odlU.ltoi«i» -m. ’
t tfMtofAlUiUoa,Horrorof&Kt»>Ti *•*"""**?>W
a *°- “
1-. :__ HMOtWfgg. .
o.,f.loox— fj#
•' , JiTToajrMratt*w, £
■ prfraaoEnn, pi. <■*
• - • y»tlhlHi,V
-■ - '.• i. ;:
fa»oct k.
j lAWoffetuJor'pa.
jrroMsxrsi4riuw;> .
£ltUbat|b, Pi. 1 - i>Br* iu Uiibm'* BniMlcc, cut car of fllU
yd WjtfcmraetV ? > ••: :CC|»al|y ,
SU«K Jt. AtU}im w.< ACHCbVW.'
ijOißcaWo.ll9 ftarttutm^ynifcbgrKh.,
11. q. B. M, BMlTfl, ;
i'Altorncir.ißntl CoatueUor at
Sunics; law buildings
1: ■ ' ! i No; 13 Diamond Stmt,
~ i ; KattmtaU. tw.Ch.faii i
A*! ,UAUS—}cllon Utaud, FI? Proof
..rartbM in IoU lo tttlt Mxn&' ; a .5*
. i\ . U*HBW IbA&nßb^/
*_ ,-, : :::r , oon>w’Ll&myjadH»o^#taii£^'
iron JtfcW fLAX HUOPJSP JLoUft
4UVy A <?/ * ,
t « -. n«g«a r fc»ralrft ■■■< A - ' r
' ‘ cctocr
|iulN k AIIIAL-75 J>Mbeli£»w
■ -r-L
. 4- i
*#*) I** ;
- v ‘ ;