•;n* .. ( !■ -7 ■ ;• '.V;- * .6 i ,-b '* ‘ •, •• ij •ij- * ’ V I n ■*.- •; l.lv* •’ . v< .j. , 'S' 2 -• >. .!»••'• .•! i- . , * "* j* ?*jm V"-. j J-S s ■ .Li; tc 'K- ' .V'.'El.'J 7 '' - v'V *V' ; * • J 't ': * v t’ “iw: w •; >j • >.;• • 'i ' '-i'A *,•;■? IP' - v.-.VT:.-:, r.:; ’•“** ■* * _ >< ' _ -■■., ' « i ' i ' - W*. "vv NJ'iv ' j r y*V.- <-.«•,•. 1 4 x- 1 1 N- •: *v, • ••_■, ••■ \ W-.4‘x•; , ;-. ~ ..jV . | » V- , ' •'■t •''■■ ■• •; -- 'fij&i ‘V-; •:,;**> •, vi>; \ '■■■>;•' + O j,r v' : :4' ■'j>. •, >. . i>:■ ,xHirv : , •i\ f!.' , i \i ; - , \ WW «* •♦•*: ■. .*•?*►*'?;•••.« 'so®.. • 4 8L ■ i '• x..;, sT • '• , ! j. •■•;\*:l\ •; .< .'••.vV.’.'a ■ >•? .tjK 1 ; : ■: b' *'Y ■ :{ ■ - * > . i , # •- T.^HTnwronre^r * --•■ ■ -■* *»"? 4”*«—»«. jfr«i», inm train .Mining.' ■te SS^iT^i^^.Sffi’ur^C * . T »- - J. .T'-, ; • .-Sdv - • . * •• \ _ m m r • ;-V ■■■ i A J. - ■ t ! V'; . .i OI«lr sS tt-’BIEWORTII, , Fmcardi, 3 and Conmi'non Xtrdmtt, D-imy »wto,oihis .trf eiiODDoip^nj, A | .'HaHtvMiulMllntitM.' . , v-4-f iSu*** ***«• * ****** OhUgn flhrrwood A PQQltoey A Mtefa, U*lUa>or»f Qorocll A Dray, do; “wwjWßOwiiiin, PbiM.lrhiojOookiaia ABroUwn, v- ' - <, , BDOBHTOK & BT&WART, 1 - Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants; • 107 WOOD STBKET. W*. f. »»« BSCS-ft LAZBAR, 1 fUwnMM'TD svutTS «se co„ . Wholwafo flrocwt, OanmteUao tod fonrartfag Merchant# *od DeaWra to Wert ra Pnrloc* and PmMou, at No. 18& Ut«rtj> atrwt, l‘vAßk." i •-Owlgnntenttof Chat—, bpKCT,f'Egt t Urtla, .ate, aotto • Uadaad MtuUetajrAtoroii'go«r*uiaßa*-.'U)Mnl-tt>had* .i.; j ‘ ~ :T- ■■■•■ J«cfcdtf Mumaum. STtJIMTBft Ac .ROBIKSON* PRODVOBAMiGOXMiSSIONitEBpHANTS, NoV. 6r SinitlifieW Street, I . '^m^iUtiunaafc'. .'I- . ' ?! riXTBBUROH/PBnPJI. _ la.VLOliflt, dkAiN. ’MiLL MKD, lod warn klbdrfOoanfcTyfrodocm Special aUntlm clvaa tbiW Refer xoPUtibcrgh M^tanugta- ***■ ausr*vaiw M a.aauwa... -tM.»w»nwf«. J BROWS. A KIIIK. ATaiCKS, R OOKRB .. 1.. • AND OBAMAS-IN I .FMORAN D SPEEDS, ? Nos. 19l andli?3 Liberty Street, v Prttßbnrgb. i J*3-lyd •■ j I^' ! J. muniU).. M ,...L...._ i— g. pnn^i ).■ J. B. olanfield & CO., Con«liiloa * KoM*trdlßg S«rcbant«» i ' AodWbolcnle Dealer aln RESERVE CHEESE, 'Y'V lylUil, LARD, POR&, b*Oi>N, FLOUR, VI2U ' «o«. 141 .nil * *i sir.at, -- v»•'I -- ■r: i , irMßmiaHii'x. - *». CgLf- .l ■ ■ - -l/tla iaW«D. ' OTTZiF & SBEFABB, COMMISSION M EUU'II ANTS, • U jtND DKALkKrt IN fPLiOUR, GRAIN * PKOUVCK, No. 341 lilbartx flu-Mt, ' 7 !. ; : PirrUBOKQH, PA. Ch&lffl *»«ni3iofTLoUß, for Bakaftud famll? ui, ■— cooataaU) TAMES A. iFETZER; Forwarding and r • O COHMIfISIOM MKROUAST,forth* rtoof /LOUR, : aRAJH.BjLQO»,LARD,BUTt*R,S*Jffi3,DKIRD FKCIT, | • m< /rb4wnwnl,iy, Af.Mj'awht tod, termer Pint, ri POUb9fB%, iV." - (’• i -j- • . r ll *olh to r. 0. Bftllrr, toq„ Ptttabarsh, WUHuo DO worth, i > do, 8. Cothtort'A 800, do. Alwoli, Leo A 00, do, John ; MoUp,Jhq,do; P.I Horpar / Ua, Glndonati; &. Urtdf, tUablcr M.AM. Btok, Wh**Uo*, S-vicnfl Ott, K*q., da, CnuuW A Co, do, rutoo A Ponton, Ouokmu A Bro* : PAtteMpAfc. j d»3:dly ■ uu. oiurr „....FRaNtt van uoedcr. OSAPrj & VAPT QORDBR, MERC II AN DISK BROKERS, I ! AH» , . COmriSStON MERC,IIAIfTS, * r ll4 Second Street, Pittsburgh. ,j ’ •'] UJUTO .. JL W. Tier* A Go., New TorK, Ifibrlrer A Dilworth; Piub'g -FfßOar A Co- • j‘* li>pr. Utrbaogb ACo, .•• < . TtumoM, Clark: A TirCog,[ R’CandlPU. Mran» a Co. “ \.-Y ' ! Y F«W«Jpbta. ; 1 \QtrriKm * Hooper, Clodn. V* V . ®- £J»*«fc*U * Boot Pi'll*. IT. 8. Prgan A Co, k RTkftrttfga A Ohi ttaUlmorMU. D. Neotomb * Co, Loo . l ~;-fT A IM»hod> I UCTaA,Oo,_“ { Irrlllp. Ky. cclMjd SEKBST A BARKER, i .. i| PIIODBCS AND PROVISION —i OOBtMISSIOirM.ERCnANTS, : 267 Liberty Street.corner i.f QauiL , . KRSBUBQB»?KKH’A. ’’4 ! . . atMetkm glTen to the pnrchaec anJ rain o( Yiosr,Qralst DrMjJTrntai FoCatoea, Folk, Lard, Hotter Obaam, Qatar and Tnnoihy BowU, fie. 'V • Qidmtpromptly fitted at' tbe loweet market prtoaa. Ad YOQOfastMaoocoiAlcDsaxita. . ilttOfld M tb»Ptttai»r*h BagJUoafoctofp. acllOjU - !?r : |SAMUKL B. FU))£U A CU., v 'rHaF:-' | [oouhimion mcrctunts. And dealenla Flrcr, Grain and Prodooe Generally, V au UDUTV STRKKT, Bear Pa. 1L tt. Dapot, . PtTTBBUROg. Pa.|' • -aafilFd t.i • ' t • * CHADWICK A SOS, ' COMM IBS fONMERCII ANTS, • J DEALERS nr PAPKE AKD BAQS; for th#'Sole of v :Mahoning Fire Brick and Pot, Clay, ffoo. 149 tnd ISI {W°°d Kont, Dtarfitstt,Vliutmrgb. ■aiWrißplnt Pobcr *t tfsaa&ctamV prices. Cub "pfflitiSF* • • ; ‘ •. JnJfcljd' ' * LLOYD * POUSYTH, . WnoXESIA.LEGROCKRH, I •• AHO. J> iff A L "E;lt S IST ' PS O D v:c-E % -;• tXMMISSIOSJIEiCIUKTS ' -: PIO METAL AND BLOOMS, So. »BT Liberty Itmt. Fab'y i, itttopgo i fitraDUßan, pa. i -• *'< ; JUTCUCUCI&, HfVKKfiUY 4L CO., ' [BDcew>mfeni>gaatt,il t Ower7>Oo.) i 1 Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And yTMIcmU potion to Ero4HM» Vlevr aad Wool, \ tfjfoia JPVonr coS lZ2AoaN(]cL,i^tt<&«Tv\ t /H. . «pur*—•**> " I' -■'■:■■■.■ . mtlf **>**»*coa.~»raniri» wamcoa BPIUHOEB. HARBACOII * CO., : k *lo MMJSSION MFRC II ANT S, ■■. OK.. ' : pKALX&S in ■ Wool^lirdeB k p2 : tmsioiis& Produce Centrally, i Ho. 209 Liberty fltrMti Ptttabmrgh. ,'- '• ‘ • • * - 1 . :••■■• • • - i ■•-:'• • 5 ■:•:* - :•-•■ f ttIOAII m * AIJKU, ~ , ' v *' j. tuuua " v ::v -' Moor, .Ginlh and Produot. . Communion ;cnj| Forwarding Merchanta, ~r.... No. lU a&MdSLfPitfimmkt Pi. ■ :-•-li -. • ■■• • ;. §;.. CUTUBERT A SON. General Commie-' • MBinia lor ibe&ib and Porch### of Bttf BoUtas putionib.- . jotiyd* U»O*AI. • j, UOOKTT * fr&OUB FACTORS and Prodao® Commia- JPUaM SfrcbaaULfiK (tu> a** of Floor, Ora* a, Baadt a»4 fißtea Meant!)/, iht. 76 Water tad 82 Freni acract, IW*BHh»r»na;*. ;. ~ •.. . y fcg-iy S. JOHNSTON, {Baoceasorb? L. Wilco*,) • RCTXIL owlJWfi JtrarfitwosUrotMatattooUOaiofcla asttrtmaatoTFnra Onpud Ghaaucafs, fWfassrT tad fancy Oorts, win*- bUfaaU* UsdfcftM.Otia.-AfcotQl, Boratea f ' /iitwrtiwwriu bissds ofCtxir*, Ac-, Ai, all of «hk£ *r« ‘ sStndstAasaiposMd la qaAlitf and at lowest prlcea. „ prssaiptlonwcsrsftiHj coapomxUd. ocSfcljd ' tIT > .Whbleßilo Drtggui, -If 4 OarbosOQ Uaanfccttmrand Arrot fotTS»w*i flolM and fWd ZxCracts, Mo. ic Liberty itnet, rUtp 'bandy**. ■ -■ •. Jatelyd ; tA. UN &BTOCK A ofUrafirm A-' fUtaastodl A Oa, and wteiawn to liaMa* Bnau Ho. 6DL constWood and foorti PaTi »• • -;'A. FAUMBSXOOK: A CO., WUOlri* • aUa ftiifgiai aid Mamrflietnms of WbUa' Load, and Ulhirptccnfr Wood Bad frost streets, fttts \> ■• - T - ,i. -. ' .* -BtW ,\ •-/'* •; oßaaarmm aaaos-^...i.i.»^—.—. .■aswi uga - IJEADN & BEITER, WUOLESALZ AND E«t«« Mami,i»ni« dUbntj and It. CUlrau, . SttflAstvd* • * f ' T 08KPI1 JfUiMIN 0, (SUOUKSSOK TO U . tfiflßlaui A oo.)«traeir Market street and DUiacad, keen -«»iHßilsosA«B4a/aUa»deoajplKiPsaitoMtofl)rtia, •> , Marffaliai, ITntWns CbmH, fwfca»>ry,aod«U arfltfaa p«t» ' ! ,< omfall/ taEptoaiadalaa • i .mm. -.-- .w T■ ; • ; TMfc-' QEO; 11. KSYSKB, DBUOBIBT, !UWwliMrf,-atdMr . Ton Oftkaos lSLkotto*.—We oli p (ho following rom the fianFrencUco ilereld (jDemoereUe) of Juno Bth : ( .1 ' A dlipnlohfrom -Vreko io rifaii Bulletin ti;i ihot iaibo loutbora counties tbejßtpabliaaai h»d mode coMlderoblo golntf. H nppeertd to ho probable that Logon (Republican) hut been elected 16 Caogree*. . I j. ;|/ Ton Washington Conitltnion pronounces the voto of Beware in ibe ttonseof RopteronutiTes oh tbo iciodplona eoti, of. F/etident Bnebenen on ettempl to degrade the Presidential. oSioe. The President blmeelf degraded (bat offiaebj the comnitslcn ofiboao eott—be didn’t leawe the lloaw to do U by n foto of oenpare.—Z* tr /our. Uoi.l E; Jot Mbttw.,'of W adelphte, who Its tbo onlj Opposition ..member of Cobgrosi ißnL.HriMFn4f.rf L ®* i from Pefinejltinle, who held book from endow idU, take Ti*)i pf all kind* lag iboCblcekonomlaai^n/buennoQDoedbfm nH^^.Bgtr fl D ? ,J\B A TH, - < ':■ -- C6q. 1 * .““"v . cEitn »WW iijii ****** .. To RATS, ROAGHES. MIOE.andVERMTO the' scores of other offtiikiadj, bj miof tb* o ■> a y* R PlP* Devoorfttiepsporar'iPouglns jhifl.iiotecoiirtati jST r ,-.y i RAT P AjST* ! V electoraltote/ 1 s.rtbtLoals.WetWr ,nod “CSSSSWMSS3C Of all qaalitics • • ' of the'Demoereoy ofMontgomery Goant/,la -. Imar Winttf mooy and proipwiiyoMho Ualon, ... ■ iTßPtoim«u>Vaor«.., • .j.ysrfj} f&ttiiifisiSSu? "■’■ r .■! la CunbrU ooonlj, Fa.' tU Salmel holala BAG JHJ, ’lawjers ,; »|T32 U:sssrgaß.W'«Wßr-r! —■:;_. , thaanua ofßrooMnridga odd Ino, tad ihe mam ■»< *>■!««<■. V alia’ 'njSu'J'i.m'Lt.l 1 ?r nßlxlft p >l « n *«nre *«V Is. >-aom. jun ..•■*» Movtimnm thi* of Banglia tail JoOoaoo. Tka 1 ■ -ks : ■! " I : ': ' :i. : ■■;■ Vi! ' : ■:: ; !'! CTROIM*. 1# \ DROFBBSOR A. S. GREGORY and J. F. A_, *- D., {finding their Room it tfieSOOTT BODBB (anHß9frat for lb«tr loatneea, bar* BEHOVEDTO RO. 85 ÜBAftTBTBEET, opposite tbe Cool t Doom. 6lb doacftaa Fifth «wt, and next door to Be P*Bpttco* ? J £* ar< i h * T ber * unptk ud eoaveAfeni rooms MHtoaoliaUea and Treatment - .*» *»«*■ ft*™ of ELECTRICITY which they “**• Dllhvrto B ed, they are prepared to administer - ELECTROCHEMICAL BATHS! " eoa© of IkeidtoMiee* which readily jleWUrthl* POTEST REMEDY: 7 Pa }p f*cfpie»t Consumption, Rhtumwi firm, 6ofA 4c«l« tmd VkrvuicsJfeurahia, Bead askst Torpid lAoer, Brmehitis, Catarrh, Asthma, Weakness end Curvaturs of tA« 3p* fl A Scrofula, Xhtpspsia, Deaf. ; BW * Paralysis, Ringing in, ths Bars, Amaurosis, Cat. aracts, Weak Byes, • Eryesipilas, Spasmodic J": Retention of ths Urine, St, VU , ' tut* Dance, Rheum, Pro , lapsus Ani or Pitts, Female Weakness lrregularities, Central Debility, Dc. ranahnsnts of the Bertous System, Stiff anaall Diseastt of the Bowels, OPITIQB UOUBIi FROM |A.B. 4o S M, * UI ** ,0 ****odance to aaafet to j , eplT^kwttT 1 CoUOBS, OoLLa, llUARSBNl&B, afMliyn no IminiU| larrriTioir, 'Rutmm oc. A|dM|IMJ|M any affection of the Tbnat COKED, the blililMollUl OaCEito Oooqb la Gofracnprioa, Baota- MUUugMnuOfDTU, Wdoopiso Cocoa, Aatniu, Ca* *«*H»BBUfcfED by DtUMVN’g BBON OQIii TROQ(ifiß,or Oocqm Louaau. m A tisnpte mih elegant rvmUnantm far COullHB. 4c. Dr. Fr-m.le Coiliwe. u Oreat benefUsohtn taken before and after prtsuJixno as they prevent Hoarseness. Prom their past eJTtti, iuink' they nia be of permanent advantage tome. n ~ Rev. *.• ROWLEY, A. M, President Athena Col Win, Teoa BoUby all Dranfeta, at 9S cents per box. Aleo. BROWIPa LAXATIVE TRG3HEB, or. Oath line union, fur Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Head. ache, mumsjfidmnt, Ae,_ ntfoufa wflmT lhkU R, A. WIL*AOM'» Tonic, Cathartic and Anti-Dyspeptic pills. WILSON’S PILLS havo had a mere local exigence fur over twenty ymra, noaoppurted by*d vcrtiaiug of any A ted, and b»ld at doable tbe prkw of what thwart oowaold at, yet wlib at! thaw. dlaadrautaßee, wbererer need they bare In boiMUntw fillett to reuSr Ue otmoeteaUefiction Is performing all the reqnlremenU of • vshsablefsmky msdtdne, and as a orb are recommended by mme of the moat worthy and rrwponatt.le elUxena of tbe PrpwCW, ma. Uopktnt,laU Canal Cbssmittionerrlrty,l. . HO. 131 WOOD MTKICfciX. .a»3 ! : JUBA IlWX—...Jlßlir. CA8a..~... —.BATIO a'PJ!lul>.< WJLSON, CARR & 0 0., } (LtItWILVQB, PXTBCAOo) : 'Wliolemtlci Dealers in FORBIGPT Ac DOMBBTIb DRY GOODS, j So. ok Wood Streal, 3d bo«U Diamond Alley, ■ *plfcdtf r j PITTBBUBUU Hardware Agency! JAMES R. LINDSAY, ' ; ■ No. 7 2 Wood St., Pittsburgh, [Pa. HaaJaitjrec*lT<.ij , i ] 1000‘dot. W.iH.’BUrcaEEl’d PlLkri. I chn of Cut, Wear awl ftUrtor Stoelr; i ■ Alao, atootber aupplyof TABLE and POOttiiToUTLBRY* thMild nit sad m nr atosk sod prim baton bdylagTUrwluri. apfco . mp&Mt [- 3.W ©; U S* F, J R. J. \ . (Boccnapr to WotfALan^) ItfPORTKR' AND DIALER IN HARDW A R E, - Garner Liberty nnd St. Clair Streets, ' . ; Pittsburgh, pa. jDDHTI B T, . : ■JQi; PENN STREET, opposite SL Clair r . -ft notaUoaerta’Taothoii PUtoa of OofaUto kod PoroUolfc o!m,oi>Oolit;Mdottor UouUic But aabok da> Jr«L Allotnar Doatol fiparaUoaa cofofallj'pttwuM to BoctrlcalAiiaaiinaalaapnUidliiaMtacnaAtaaUi.. oolfelj STANDARD SOALEsi— PAIItDitfK'S BAT, OOAL, PLATPO&H and, | | COUNTER SCALES, \ Tbemoat doralita, aceniats and conaaoitat Beotoa madt. Corufoal • i . . . i T / | SOALB WApEnOCeB lj • ocgfcijt5, WRAP BTKZh CANADIAN GLASS SAND STONE. WOWICB-COiIKIB Of lEOXT AKB aJUTimBLI) BTRCWg. . .. ....... mrl&dtf P. MAttSUALL AtuKranoaa tba antral «f AsoUierchck* Jot of iMIHoiI WALL PAPin, BORDIRS AMD DKCORAXIO H*. AT THESTRIPRD PROMT. QONDRIES^- ! )3UOAAda.H. O.Sajmr; 'i' . KO f ' pitawTlUlalinUoUiia; ' l 100 f* iwortadbwndi Sjtnptj SOotamftfoOoftc: . j - » packet Jar* Oo&a;. .■ 100 UzevMortad brand* Tobacco* 26caUf* 'da , . : (jo x • #o bold Scata Bosfc Ocrsu Scan "'BB " ni— • T«u i ;«► !"' MoaldCuMlra; ' .*? ’ • j« SUrr->Ai . :' V ; yoobi4t.Rxtra*ml ! Bxttif«all#rioor a t U»tor*ttdtowl»by>aam ATWKf.L, LCT A OQ. PBQPUOS4NOOROQKIUJSS.~ .Mot4BS*B—iW/febl* prZpm V/0. : -JSKfiBSBSgJSffIr - 1 pjUMOOOlras^luy^F . _ -">!•••' > • : i^ObOBRSADILWORTH. ; |ag :, / t ; ifT flp Water aa<« Tint tL ; Friday morning, july- 6, tisiso 9ianoß==^nsic. UHTIG THE FIHST OP JOLT, OEU^r. 1&B Bargains in Pianos. ; . i .* i'? A Double round corner 6} octane, finiibed buck and front, mide by Cbtekmng A Rjui. itoalas, In nae leu than two years, and In perfret 6r«r, fur n A Koafaood octave, tootul front, aide by Bteln* - 'i.' wayAr.on%p(ew.Yorft,inperfi»cterder; Innultui : tttat. IUI»|Mr nr „ 1 ,„„„;,„|„. 1 ' iirmr.i.n.imin 83|ff An etegaot. Boeawood. 7 octavp, made Emerson, BiwUm, With. foD Iroo frame. In nse one year, and la jj j ' perfect order; retail pries when new, $350.5|0 Atnpr fbl cArVed legs and : i“ ma»jc dsek, made by .Raven, Btron A Co, Ntw ">S : York, ssmxxT nw, Ute rtUil twieu In New York -f!j! belui fUO 060 Another of the same make and size, with Gothic lrg« , J; 1 end c*r*od lyre, zvtixxit ncr, the retail price to 'A : . ¥•* York Mug IS7SA-.; ffSO A Brndwood 6octava,madebyGiil>kering A Ua.key, J* • ui ekeellent order and of beautiful t0ne...... iDj A No«|wood 6 octave, made by Wiiklssoo n Ob, Doe* ;f , ion, k very line piano..~« l«o A/GOOD PtAKO, Ip excel*. J 'leali’Her and beantlfal tone—an excellent Inatrn- ,§ men for leernera, having a good tonch and ataoove,Plaooa not sold before the PIR3T &P AuLY ’fill be rented to pH rate fata (lies airauonabioraDa. »“A NEW LOTOP PIANOS will bo reoelved froWL factory cf {f CHIOKERINQ A SONS, BOSTON, H daring tbs coming week. __ : g JOHN H. BSBUOB. ] NO. 81 WOOD STREET. I Sule Agent for flickering A Bone’Grtnd, Uprigbi »nd rqaere Pianofortes, fur IMitebareh and Weatein Pennltl* JelA^ PIANOS.^J^^ fit | |l UOliD MEDALS || In Four aocceuire years at tbe Maryland 1 Besides FIRST PREMIUMS at Pain In Philadelphia,' Wiafc* logtonand Blcbmond. i TtßCroonUU of Excellence from ’:f TUALUERO, ETUAROSCn AND O. BATTER;*j. At eUo from some of tbe moet eminent Profueore ebd'Am* etean In'lheeuantry. Tbosnbeeitbrv wonl.l mpectfully Invite the attentioo of tbe patillo to her wall aaeortod stork of ;.* PIANO FORTES i .Which for boanty of fialab, powar and awMtoe«s tifatooe Every Piano Guaranteed for Fivo Yeni^. ®“TEUMS LIBERAL A call la rvapeclliilly WD «• pnrrheaivg alaewbera. Piaitoa takeu In exchange. , CHARLOTTE BLUMf, til Wood door Abort PI MKLODEONB. v IT II DIVIDED SWKU^. -JV/.V* -DtrnREST r4SUTJE.II T\* Be*U Tuned Jtted JmtruounU in the iFAritf. Price from $45 to $2OO, j ; TIIE ORGAN MELODEON, j IKi'/* Tick) Bank* of Ktyi, Ft're Srlt of limit - EitjV Sluj.t anti Prdjl Bitt. Price $.150. [ Prom tb* Hum* Journal, April 3i 18S8 } The Mdodoonr manufaeturtd by-Prince A Cka, abd for •»!« »t 8? Ftilton street, or* the beat la the world W*>bire tiled ttiom, anil herft.re (peak uadenlauditicly ol Vtbelr CMrlti. The; u«iffmtlid »t«my notenletod. . l! ILLUSTRATED PRICE CIRCULARS SEST BY MAIL. H ' ORDERS PROMPrLV FILLED:;. AdJrogf*: \ ■ • --, CHARLOTTE BLUME, j i; | At Established Piano DepotJ'f _je2l 118 Wood, j3d door almo Fifth pt. Great ImprniJaeiPsteiiwafii Ha^osr Justr received, a-splendid new I\il OCTAVX aQOATUf OttAND PIANO FORTfc.wilb tb« AtIitAFPK T&CBf.B, 4* tie* uj recent improvement. *fw the taehlcnof a Graod) and TfTttKK STJiI.VU.f to 'eacboole. It ia.frcm Stelu*Ay*e Fecloryi and the fret or ito Mod broQftbtont'lVeet. all maker! and tinier* ,tn prod \n y. tkloic rqnal.tojl and quality uf'.Uyi* and dora biilljr Ot Worktbafcihlp..Profryore, Lbs Ifc IU lnvited to cull and **aiurue. ■!r -IliCUUfltA p.tOieJ JelS M»Asmta.6t-Bk4q»«y-Apop« < CpylTiUd P‘»Rn«. TVTKW MUSIC! NKW MUSIC!^Smm ;A a Jn«t publiibod, , CORA DKANwlrj> Stephen a Foitrr, cf | | V f >|f jtbl* city—bU. l*te*(jotjr .and ooo'of hl» beat—a’beautiful melody,andvertfe^iy., ' 7 -, r . : - QLKNDT SUttK.by B.C.Favb*r-~* Plantation Soo&abd egail te fbrtflereffotU in'ibat Una . < l'U'A JOtitY RAQniELOIU-a Doafonmi by C If. Soper—moalc bj,Fr*d. B.Uoldkb. '■ , j THIS CONSTANT HCUOlTWll—arpriibUy coajpjwliiob, Bt>od for dancing, by Jean llanoa, of tbia dt». • c J H- SLKBIK A BRO., No. 63 Fifth itwt," J|2 Bole Atanta for ifutaway ft Bone* P^noa. .'SJoiclß.' i ;f^ Columbia “uousfc, OAPliTlgLiS'ii, CAPS HAY, N.J. I , Tbb labor, rißdToueanorsL»nl unpeUj rir to» reception of gnatU oa tbs 95m Of JUNK, 1860. ■.< Iba b'iu«« bu been campbhily repaired and refnrnitbed. A netr cooking raope, otciu, ateam boiler* and tarery m&daru. Improvement added. : < : Kxunireaublicg attached to IbepmnUa*. ;- ; i : I AU Utter* addmeed to tb« eubaeriUn,o«pe lalarid.New Jcne7, Kill be promptly attended to. ; * I LAIRD A WOOiLMAtf. i : JAME3U. LAIRD, let* proprietor franklin UotwvjPbU adelphta. i t 8 IS. WOOLMAtf, formerly proprietor Uooel Hotel, Capa I eland. j«l&2qul j •T. NICHOLAS HOTCS; BROADWAY, . s* b *w: .tt o a at .U WHEN completed six years ngo thej'St. tu ualramJl; j>rtßOa*e«J ule mcalm**- a*oy«jlpot, nod thoroughly organized MUblUb* .meat oftbe kind on tble continent What ItwmalbnHt renalM todaj—vltbonl»ttral ia aica, la lanpiiuiuDili, Aod latb* meni veiMata at com tort tad enjojoebt— Tb« ilcfel baa accommodation* fcr 1.000 gu«U, indMiog tw complete aul tab( aparttnoo ta for featilM. Wi hcftdrrd cut be comfortably ta»t«d at tbo Üblee of it* tun* public dialog ruoma, and nothing that mcdor&artftaJd* rtMil fortbecooTMtobca-aad aocUl gratification hf-ibo traraUfig public baa bceo uaUlcd lo Ita plan/or ia begU-cted toitapnctiral detalia. The aarfy reputation oltbXb»aie at bciiia and abroad. Ah Ititt fhan (ta magnitude, iuaotfeib ipoiptmouta, and Itabomadil#ami fort* and |exnik>a, F l.»a been eoUaooed eretyjearby thß.nowearied exert tone r-i'lbV feroprfetdH: -iERADWILL WBITCOMU £ CO. ■ myliUmd , i • : AIABOITBRY COUHTY: Li Torcu.lßU. ' iatrict Court, Kq. 1027, !iow. ■_ . i ,th«inUT«il. , uS» I »;ttM. Psih. H rprJj #Co. • IhlM Da Poyejtporoted'bitbe L.„ .. , floor* B*qawtr»tor ot yib* PitUtarvb, Yori TPejnti ft | Pfttebtuicfc, Putt Wajtsrt A Chfeeg-o K. R JJoojpMj. (Chicago tteilroed to |VBbh. { v IT, IS ORDEEBOIr, THE COORTi tint the Prothobotery thereof 4a hereby directed to give no- Dee of the nhOJlfloeead flliog to the office of Mid Pibthoo* OUtT, pf the eoeooot of T. Ueakloa Da Pay. BeauWritor or the Plttebernh. PUVeyaeftCblmco Reltrmd fttliao** eytnale.'ts the Pittebargb Defly Omtle, end i>i«t ; end Logel Joarbet, | nolle unpipvti, published m r to*’ L'ltr or PlUeborgh. eetUair fuHb, to Mid nolk*. thet celd ftco.Hint will be allowed by (lie (fear too thMibdeyofjlir A. V. 160), bolcm ceoeu be ehobd why each eecoobt eboold DAtbeailowed. •• “ Jam 16,1660 PK& CUai Afel. : Prom lb* nc«J. D. AHUSTKONOJ! - ’ 1 ■ Pr^bodofery. : RT \jT., 176 Mjli prime N- (X llolmu. oik expextsc • !, - ... > Mi hr bbu , do , co ■■ ». : > { • i tt bbta embed eodirttlvertod do ■■ i:< 6do 'Maplehfiß * ;j - Xbo*,Mepte*«9«r{ta ! 26 do Book' ' do - , '. ' AdoLtaOred ■* ' do • 25 boxes J. W. Prlddy’e 6* ««d 10* ftibaeer; 10“3o BaierilAßpNeeouU do 1 ». do- .WrJl.Gfttl'e • do . ■ 25 do. unrted»mh do -U eattf boxea **Plm A t-pW do CO LbUOot bad Dry < «» *“< »•!'«. Ul.-.Cottau Y».o, aod fjtuba.th Mumtetan* wnunilts f *nral»tgr.. . «3&TT.*WlttO*,.;'o ' J*23 «>» LU»tty etruet QUNDBIJSJJ—2CO baa Kve: r “T O. 25«lm* l*cUtoee,(T«7 food;) ' . 10Q bdl»BrMM.plftliMd«»te}; - 1® Bi de VlMVtlUltinb; ; ICObbteExtratotally Vlosn ... •*. 60 bbbpeciiry (reals tfj ran ' ■"• lObbddi '/ do •: d« .• , • r mV'-?****&* ; n- ; ■ V All Inrtoreoad feral »by IO&AfV* YAH (WftDBBL _ J*° ■ •• , .i no.ftdaewmdnwt, ORAIN, ; ; r '"^~ vJ F 4000 baa Corn; BOQbaeOatfe 300buByes . r UOObae Wheat:. . •'.! •«’ "V Vi * 3Wb«oMUdllo|r; .. ' Bsge.UooDjr Seek*, Ao..slwsnoDfaeod MdforaleL* 1 ' HITOUOOCg, MtCBKHEY ICO. - A. fCJjlt ASSORTMENT OF 5." JL-aM:-- ■■ Mom, jtoosßin! unil SOETOAMBRIO MbSLINa. tei-jAV; ts.'WIUTBBRI tUANTB, ," • " -\i\ ;:pr.£j ; • > ! ' PUBUSSKD DAILI AJIDTfBISLY BI R. SRRKTT & CO,, nrra mnr. uon nianu. PITTSBUROH! FRIDA* MORNING, | J(JLV ti. POLITICAL ITEMS. Lihcoui at Hows—JVvtaaipiy to Uu Worth. —The l»deptndant publishes: the following ez> tracts from a letter writtento *friend io this city by Her. A. Hale, pastor of a Presbyterian church io Springfield, 111., and io reply ta Inquiries Mt ; •peeling* be private moral character of Abraham Lincoln. These extracts speak for themselves. “Mr. 'Liaeotn is not sa aiitsilaat ott ay, preaohiog His wife U a member, of the Pint' Presbyterian church, nnd whenhe is io the city he pretty rrgaUrly attends there on tbo the fob,, bath. I. understand be ones taught a Sabbath* school, bat polio this place. H__ . , “His moral, character staap among uVbere withoolreproach srblemteb. s harekaowa bis for t treaty years, aad Utterly/ {m circa miitcboet bare made blm prominent, l barb become veil acquainted with Mm-hara watched hi* course, and the tide of Public .opinion in. these park, both among his frieods and-hi* foes. My resi dence biro at the capital, wbertMbe streams of .political corruption from all parts of the 1 atate moot, baa made ma •officieoU) durtnwtful of the Iblegrity aod rirtue of public me*. if t»ot 'all men,’ al least all public man ban seemad to be 'liars.* Abraham Liaoolo has[b«ra here all the lime, and eoneuliiog and eonealtedby all hliincc, all parties, aod on tljsubjects of public interasi, with men of erery degree of in&ieaoe, and every degree of oerruplloo—end yet jl hare never heard even an enemy accuse him of intentional dishonesty and eorrnpdon - "He has stood before the community hero the man ef uoearrnpted if net loeornipttble integrity And to be able to say that of any mao who has mingled as freely with rilraoib polities and polUioiansaa Mr. Linooln has; Ujglory enough for one day. To call him.'Honest Old Abe* is not to my ttsie, out no words pan ’more corr'eoily express the common opinion of fcib where be is well kuowo. He hss nerer b<[«o In the habit of drinking, and has leclured {against it once in our meqtiog-honse. . i - ... > "In answer, to inquires reunify cnado in re spect to pledges, bis reply In sbbouaoo was, that he b’ad mado no pledge rof . offih?, honor, or patronage in any way to any man or poriy, on the condition of his election to the Presidency, ar t he was most hespy to eayjlhal very little il the kind bad been sought.* j "Tbo prospect io this itate.is that be will bo triumphantly elected. The Fillmore element, that defeated the Republicans iojlBsG is note 1 rery geoerallyiiodraatiog its preference for Lin coln. Tbe same ie true of. lodlaain. 80 confi dent are Lincoln men of a glorious riotory that'll iluo uncommon tbiag to hear it; is said, *We hopotbe Baltimore Conreniion wittput Mr: Doug las oh the track.’ . It Is well understood that his nomination would .be tbe only one likely to awaken tbe life of tbe demoorhoj in Illinois, and RepobUoaos feel eotlrely abfe to fight and conquer.” .1 Noxth Cauoliba.—Oa the second Thursday (1 lib) of August,-the "Rip Van Winkle of the Bouth M >olds her Stale Jslftctioa, : nnil tbe Dong Ist and Breckinridge split will probably make; Itself felt io the resall. Doubtless, a Urge ma jority of the Democrats will yuie in November for Breokioridgs; but there U a strong prospeot i of a suEfioient split on Douglas to’giro tbe State to 8.-ltaOd Everett,.. Bat, preceding that, there is a State contest of serious import, whioh above how. inextricably the "impressible nigger” is interwoven with all our current politics, aod bpw futile are the'efforts cf car renerablecitizens Io expel him. J • ' t- Mr. John W. Bills Is Governor of North Caro lina, eleciei in. 1803 over D. K. Aloßea (also a Democrat by a tote of 5G.220 to 30,9GG. Sir., Buchanan in *tjS bad 48,210 fo 20,835 for Fill more and io tbe Governor eteclioh of that year, Bragg (Dem Vhad 67,555, «,359 for Gilmer (Am ) Mr. Lllis is runolag for ta-olection, op posed by John Pool (Bell and; Bverelt,) who has seen fit, to "agitate the BUver* question” by, proposing a repeal of the eoestiUttonaW provi sion whereby elavesafe exempUdfrom taxation, eate those who arc in the prime ofjife, aod these are. assessed at about owe-tbiijfr tbeff actual value.. The Stale has involved ifielf some Eight Millioos in buildiog or aiJiog tUllrcsds-Texa lion has broome onerous;and, whitethe slave holders are but a tithe of tbo population, the I*¥® are shaped as to exempt them from their just taxation. Pool proposes a change; which esn hardly;, fail to be pophlkr in the Wept, where there are few slaves, while ihe old Whig strength is largely centered We do hot anticipate hip eleoiion; unless by kid of (be Dsdg las men; but to le opening a train of thougnt which must ultimately and radically revolution ito tbe State.—Af. V. Trib. < \ Slavkbt ia tub Familt op Jijoob Douglas. —lt has often been asserted (h4t Judge Done., las, tbroagb bis first wife, be'dMe the proprie t°r of a slate plantation, with ‘slates- npoa ill This assertion has always been denied by him and bis friends. The real fuels are related by bis friend and biographer, J. W. Sbeabao, Esq , who has recently published a life of. Douglas, for the purpbee of advancing* lbs Presidential prospects of the "Small Qiaot ’! Mr. Sheaban says in bis book that on the 7ib'of April, 1847, Judge Douglas was married (6 Miss Martha Deony Martin, daughter of Col.| Robert Martin, of Rookingham county, North Carolioa. That on the day after his marriagje, Col. Mania placed in the hands of his new eon-fn-taw, a deed of certain plantations, including the elates npoa them, in tbffHiate of Mississippi, and that Judgo Douglas declined to hdiftpt this. gift. That Col, Martin died during ibej following year, leatiog those plantations,to Mrs. Donglat and her surviving children; with thejwiah expressed la bis wi)i that (he slates should remain in the family. Those elates are nowithe property of (be children of Judge Douglas by his first wife! (Its wife fro« and bis children ate elavebolders; and he himself has ssid publicly in the Senate! VI bate no wish, no aspiration to ha consider* ed purer or better than tke wtio ww. or they who are elatebohlers.” These are his own words taken from one 'of bfo! Congressional speeches, and by them he and bis frieods must abide. .\ \ . ‘ _ i •" SfiSATOBfi OSKSS ASD POLK, qf MisSOUH, Srfl for Breckioridge and tine, while the Demeoratio candidates for Governor and tieuleoant Qot •rnor are for Douglas. Tbe bad feeling between the two factions Is growing very bitter, and the Breckioridge men threaten to run an indspend* eot Stole UokeL In that; event Jpdge Bowlin will be nominated as thV Breckioridge oandl* date- for Governor; and.Borsa, of Platte, the candidate'for Llcutonaot-Ooterpor. They will proceod to stump the State as sobn as nomine, ted, with the. determination
    . ' i Awosa the objections anted e'gkinst Lane, tho Demooratlo caodidateforyio# President, by the Douglas'men ta ibis olty, are the! following: Pirsi—He epells Ood with a Mile Sceood*-lle spells barracks Aorrax. Third—He spells dirt with twb t't ■ Fourth—Ho can't drink as mbch whisky as Douglas.. i Fifth and last—He oan’i fce?n a hotel.—Du buqut Tmts.‘ ■■■ l i ' Tub Newark Advooate; edited py Ek* Auditor Mergence out hot had heavy Douglas. It la stated that Mr. M. Ik to be the chief editor of the new Breckioridge.and Lanc paper to be started eoon toCloclnnaii. : Senator Bigler, of Pennsylvan|s, his enrolled himself tinder the Breckinridge banner.*—Zou. Jour. iV ~F(-v; : = : ’t V..' Dkxorayic Stati Coxvutiob nr Gbomia.— The Dooglu wing of (ho Democratic party la Georgia will bold their Btato ConfenUoo ai MU ledge ville on July 24ih, aod ; ihe Breckinridge meDmereCoUauetheircallinafewtUysJ A BsscsomiDas aid Lavi electoral Uoket will be alerted to lowa. : Uoa. Laurel Sommer*, of Lo Claire, a Jeadiog Democrat, U oat for Breckinridge and Lane. ■ A New Bbkckibiidoi Oxoas.—There l*'a ru mor that the friends of Breokinridge ake aboat to establish a daily paper 1® Dtba, New York, to adrocate the oleins! of Breokinrldge and tine. 1 •' i ' Tbs C&lumlia (Pa endorses the oomiattfonof Brccktnndgabot Ignores that of Lane. The name of Cha&ss R. Bitcßalkw is •abelilaled for that of the latter. TBs Breckinridge, Bright and Fitoh aen of lodiaoa are e» embittered agalari Douglas that they threaten to defeat the democrat* io oaadldste for Governor in Indiana, beoaoee of hie sympathy for Ddaglak: r i . Tu ■ Atlas Bod Argo#, whose aostaro of *Hoad/*> ks,*' oapaetoasas lr wae, it hmnlsg ever,- in forms ns, : this morning, what sort of exaction# <»»de by the Booth/ from the New Tort Dele* gallon: = j i When the (notion to reconsider was made, and the CanmMttra tookMiei recess on Friday, Iks New \ otk drlfgaiee inquired of the rsprestn letieemen or the Booth,; what they demanded ? “The redaction of efery vote that the Coavtn* Uoa Ins given; no. ihiseubjeot.” i : | Aogwhstbexrt \ -i “The/ repudiation of (he platform; and the adoption of the ipriaoiple of Congressional pro- Ivoiiatiioslavery.” ' , And whai beat? ‘•The abandonment of ihe candidate [of the raajorily.” j « Aad wbatjnsxtT '■We are not prepared to say what next. We shall Inform you, when the time oomse.’* Hard terms from harder masters! It is the same spirit that destroyed the old Whig Party. It has now divided the Democracy. —Alb. Eve. ' Jour, NEW BO O K S-T f• . Vwl. Oof llamiltonVHlatory of Doited BUW; Farwiebj ■■ j ROBERT g. DAYI3, J e «* | Sncceeaor to J. Pavlaon, Wo, 03 Wood it. T Uis NEW BOOKS.—Bancroft’s; United X eutra, Vol. 8. UutjWo tnkya; uewodltlon; Atolt. > WilcbAira Pepnlar Aatronumy; ThsOorreapouhneot-f Alexander Von Iliiabotdh Flortmco Nightingale'* Not Woo Nomlug; wooda Olawßook of Botany; n»w edition; l3, TbeKelly* and Q'Kollya; by Anthony Tr o 'lope, , Rutledge; lVol, IZbjo. Kl FaritiiJlr, by tti* author of The tampHabter. TbolllUou th»Hon{ bytleo. Kllot. Tbo Stars and The Angola. Bt*ry Banyan- by Mre. For.!. liawkkvfew; by uolme Loe.‘; Wom4b'a Homo Hook of Uealth; l.y J.B. Wilton, M.D. A mar lean DUiorlee. sol. 1, UnlJayt* Pophlar flirioty or Rutland. For rate by i* l *: Bay a co, to Wood meet. BANCROFT— VOLUME VIII.— r Tb»6ib Tot. of Baocroft'e flMtory olib* D. ft, Smlth’a Dictionary of ilia Bible, edited by Wo. fimilb, LL D. Uy Diary.ln India, by Rnnell, Oorrwpondeut.” Looking at Life; or Tboaghtt! and Thing*, bjti A. Bala, nitburaf"! Journey Dos Worth.” lUvkkvMw, by Uieaatbor of Sylvan ffoli'a Daoabter. Onr clblo .be good that came nt It. Uaqpuet MebcricO; or The Kfrat Low of Aaroo Barr. ■ Just rewive4by i ROBKRT S. DA Vie, it r r ‘ i ' WWooaat. Dyhpkpsik.anu constipation:— Pertiopa tbore Is no ooa tbtog ao afficisat la ratiavlag tbvaa dlnuitH toe almplo laiina ktiova by tbenanw of Kmlspti. FacUa of dl/Mtion, light upon tha vtomacb, and highly nutritious. Also, Mm avatents CfOckara, for tboaaoe-pQrpbso;- Fmb npy4l«a'ort)oUijo*t rac’d. .'1 J.L. KE\D. 73.4 m atwt, VACCINE MATTER; tho genaino artiolo, in gtaaa tulwa, liatmalically aaalad. CxprrtrßCe baa taoght, and autistic* show,'that vaccination wllb'tbe pore natter la-vastly now rvliabla (ban that prodqord with the rrn«t—re>wcdoaikra Kltlom taklDgclfect after fbetaar, vblta *t duet alter tba latter. J_'“_ J, L.EltD.:«,tUntr^t IF YOU WANT TO BUT CUEAP. now is the limit »J AHE 8 ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, 3d door from the Maikat, Utiow atlHog off lilt large and well aslocbd aiock vl 33001-3 ASDBEIOEB, f it OUfT.I,I SIKCOIi PEIOES. Ladlra Luting Qaltara, foxed aU .. oeSltlyit BBS’ CITRATE MAGNESIA IN POW.DKS. •! ' j n» »KBr AWBBATITK Iff Ttlß WORtD hr etc* “!»■»«• ■.“» AT* RRLtVP uhor eating or dritoklng too frrsly—napcrlor to Ssrstog* W*tm m a cooling drtak—and oik bottle i* £jual to Uir«(lD Its medicinal properties)of tboUqnhl 'S!rMM.¥! l i“S fc - 'W®*- A HttUKMI 0» •« .. !r* •***« Ip New York aJoao-laat saamer. Por aale PW«b«»at. Mtanistlcry igj Spring street, New. York city. * . MUAsk forßoQßitB* t »ititow flo other. apl^nid gLANK BOOKS. > A LEDGER?, * . i • JuURNAL?, > 'CABII B(K KB, . *, j - BAY KOOKS, j f AnJ all kind* of Blank Books on hand or made to^ordtr! lu «uy •!>)■ ol rntiog or bl»dlokdeslrs>d,b*. i wm. a. jpiinBt6n & co., e J e9 _ Blank Book Makat, 57 Wood st BE AUTIEUI* THINjfcIQUT, | ~ . • },'■ ' .itWliliß DRESS aboDJ- Wblto, Blaf ,g»d o!.e*n BOSINCTMOBdUrMBAHS,' (.AOB MAMTLS3, BHAWU. >B f OMRBUAS, ■ !: llo3PBmTMe.tr. J' Bo • 0 rt ANSON LOVA, 74 Mwkrt *. , HURST’S ~ s-j. i. . 8 K.ELETON FISHING REELS, w.1,b1»8 l ot tnese otracu, eet propooncnl bj .rpoit euced fishermen to tm the n ■ ' - _ ; VSttY DOST BUL IN USB- j ! \ Purest*by • • l ! j ' ***-3 H, WOLYp, J a~, cor, ÜbwtyaaOL CUirata. 1 f ARE FISH! LAKE LAKE!!- r JLi WaiTBPIBN—2OIbUNo. 1. ' ; 71 - A», ; —»bIUUNo.I. : i=- THoux-iftiti*. ;. j, LARK OKRHIBQ—IS bfUth.' ! ; • LAKE SUPSIUOU BALMp.N—H this No.l. do ; ‘ do i; «t»io do No.ij , d» ' • i,f do -UhfbblaNoJl. fctr sate by t \ f .i-WAgf* WIUON.' O.ROUKRIES AND PRODUCED *• ‘ Ajl MOLAMKB-ltiObU* prime N.O. , ■ vti. ; <■. do* * 1 —*,W.(flo do, Sonrllonte. r: . • OATm-1000 bnAprimn. 'J • PLODR—SOO bbia dx«loa Faany. J • > .MAPitB tOQORHI btl* fee Mnilx wi T , : BOtMIERS k DILWOHTIIi : No.RO WM*fand «8 Proot stmt. k m;o. v a;;ju,.^;V:' : ' OABTijraTant * tooso | Qets removed their Catlery, fire Arm! snd AmmnnUloa jj ' ■••: .(-j r|JtoCf;.W‘. . . 1 N0.'79 Wood Efrj!ei,.'6ofAer Diamond .‘Alley. ■ • <»»-l.inHT»IHgmill8 pel up Ip .11T tnrlof tb, eoaaty. I?EATUKR9j RAGS AilS BUCEP PELTS! Oo at'wmcr Ttn'pdd tdatrlnsfcrtslobr •:■• l>.' -111? ' • .IaAIAB PICKET t 00. IOOftAM'JBW. NO. 1 WHITE FISUj a V/ \J IMo,branded Inspectioo: • • I • - . 100ksJfbblaNo.lliako|itrriDg:/ MO ..do .Nb-lYrobt;'''*' : 1 1 * t :« > j J; B.OkWfIELPAOO. HAUS, ANl> OLD ROPE uw mJS ostbibr'lSipieAt P.pcr (or «*t* .t sutpobctsT- POWUJfKKJ) BUAPBTONE-60 bbta. jut >•/ •jyr : : V-'i >--n #ltto Jloofca. lioota Si ioiwea. BUTTON, CONORS# AND LAGS UAITEBS, WM. K SCMIMKRTZ & CO., No. 3i Fiflh Street, VOLUME LXXIU—NUMBER 184, inautantt. Palawan latnal Safety lugruct Conpmj OHoe, S. E. Comer Third *ad Wtlnolita., tmuDtxrmi. iiunoniiinfiM?4Mk l oii|D l u4Mtki to ill parti of tbiitoU. ‘i • iu; . . OfLiW Itf&UMJJftAS tn i (kodi) bj Btnn, ivutu IftkM and tudOvTtaM to ftU pirti onbaOaloft. JTOJf Mirrinu&hie fasnlljr^-OB " w * u 3£SojsJot! poMPJLirr+l i . V * • • Sarran L lutf, PhUaddphU City 6 ptrllti IO.W j, " „ O 0 JJWBftPjlrtti* Stmt* !*■*«;. lllMi 00 BIIU HVfiM OS Paltodfltotop Tnmnrj tfcfaa *o4; Utawt dqa. M£78,64 JwrpomjrLoftftioatjrf 2WCO 00 e par flttt Horace ;U,800 00 , am a «m3».U , ■ Johaft.PearoMk M—VTrwSLi^^. ss&ssk £K-®sssr’ asi!» r ’ ■sefisa*.. < fe a ffi2 ,ni | JfffiSgw*' (SarlM ' A,B.B*r*vy ■Jtf4DKT lU.Agct, Water Itwn, Flttehartfc. flant 0c23 ifts< Indemnity ‘Against-.Lom.toyrtca. rrukll« Fir* lm?ta«i Ooiaptßjr eir " FBliAbMZ ] PatAi ' Office 435 and 437 jThestfijit st., Fifth. eutemoctcf A***t», Jannfcrj Ut,|&6o, pablutwd wm blj to an act of Awdblj, btlpi r flru Mortgage*, amply iacaradO~..~..-....f1.688.8&3 8S Keel fiiUie fnrewnt valoe 6l) co*t~}oo,o96 ti Tetnperarj Lo*o», oft Afcpl* Collateral ?*w; caritle*.., 1-,,,, j • w,isfc 86 Block* (prmuut tain* SS6,6BT ?3) ct*l.._- BJJBB CO Notes asd Bills runalfcahta '1 • ijil to Caah..—. I:—■ 33 } j. ■ as ,n>» onljf Profit* (rcoi Premium* vblcfi Obntp i«hiiudi votes utla Compa ny cad difkto by low ere boa Rkki wlikfcbave kad« tormiaed.. J , j ‘ losfironoM male oo rr#ry description of Property, (a To»n ud Ouuntry, At rstM M htrmn irnekrmn ollli { • j ' T tfloee-tMr'teOMpont&a, • p4ri«! of; thirty jeon, U*» poM Loaabffir*, td«a oaoeot exceeding ibar JhUiotuaf ifctlori, thereby iffardlng eildeoceol tbe BdraotogN of Xmormnc*, m veil mi UwireMUty ut tkpo. < ■ uan tmia, - Lowat poM daring the jjeor M OurUe’Tf, Baaoker, d! Uwta '" Tublma Wegner, j Darid 8. Bfeva. flemmsl SAt, • '-•) Im«oUi*riv Jacob B. Smith, KdvmrdaDida, J. BABDNSI OOrfZH, AfMS pyfl . OttceHoffteartco»rWoodM4HJrjf. /»UR4*CK, *n ' j . . Uliana* flclnal Hunjanei Compart tl PBilAiiaL pju. i A. ; On Bafldlugy UmUed «P^pstaal,|f«iTkaii^iaa l fanttaf* to Town or Ooontry.v Office .No., 308 Walnut Street 1 o*nmtss> f t»o M Aaun ratios oi-inmetad M wio** rtnt Mortgage on improved City Property, worth doable thenßoant oo Qronod rwLflntritu—j.; ..,1.,.,...:L.r.;-- 2.462&0 Poasa. &alttt»d Oo*a e per isat. Vortgigo bou* r 2TJO*OO Cityof PldUdelpblc, tpM4»niiM«j , 10.000 00 AUAghcaycoiißly6percaat.'PeBna.iL&. Ctxo.. 101000 00 Collateral lokDa,-w4i eccurej i6oo 00 Uaollßftdsa and Brood T<4> Morula Baliroad Omnpaay,mortgagelocal—.4ooo 00 PanacylrafliafUHroad oo*eBteefc ;, ,u. O toQo 00 Stack of Itr* IteUasco Matcml locariiaca Oa',,._ 21.350 oe Stack cf Coooty nro lanakica Oo4~~«w.« LOMOO Stock ol Delaware H. 8. Intanoa* 06 ;. ?oo oo Commercial llaok do - ,J._ I.I2& 01 H>^>bica- Binr do ...U.... 1 f, "oij M Union H. laaansce Ou*a Wjiiv i r - 100 oa Bill* Beoafrcble, tmripa«?pep«ir l -,*. , 10,29; iv Book Actwoota, accrued tofereat,atoJ tU;O 73 Q»*b Ob bead «ad to luod*i¥ a gfmteu.3ls ib I i):i WWW 'OLtM ULll.riaMalg. eiffcaota. 1 * fluaoe}''BlaDtmD, Bobertßtw*, WIIBmb How, BatfXW.'Xitifar, Monholl Ulfi, Z. Mthroty ChwULehud; . JkxIFT. Banting, . Smith Bovyo, - - John! imrc4MAPr,^oa»u^. J. Q;. 00fftN,Ag«&k ' Third ud wood vttMti Oral Yls clay, Wra.R.Tbotnpaofc, Vredtrlck *»ro wo« O.StaveuDa, John B. WomlU , Q. IkOinoß, BolwrtToUad, Irutwfck Lonntß. 1 C. 8. Wood, « Juua&Woodvwd, <, D. k i ny< North cat opr Kilt, Sarlnt aid Inlaid liinraan. INSURANCE CO, hr NORTH AMERICA, FBtLAptLPBU. ' ; locotpmtod 17»i-o.plulj tSOQfIOO. i!2!5 i““T 11 — —•~-TJ£EuisM n. , DlMJlOka.—Arthur & Ooffial Safes tiai w. Jooaa, John f ? r s*L Buiul *’ taMtfChartaalEjlor, Ambroaa Whit* Jobo Haft Klchard D. WmtJ, TOMam \ W«f lb, VBliui M. s°”?* itorkWaltJjoba km. 0a0.,!* tUcnaoa, Prud>B.Oope, Edward fX.frottar. Mamin Mam* Bac-y. • i AMOUR a.COFFIH, Pwi ; INSURANCE COJ t)» the STATE of PA^ POILipKLPHIA. 7 lanrpontod, '...■■133,000. . Aaatta Fibnary U ikm I.—i- (bIFJfIB 48. DlKttrOftS—Haury D. jTStvi«s Hacaleeter*- Winiua B. Smith, John B. Rudd* Henry 0. Fnamaa*obsrtasB.Uwia.;a«cr« oarJXfeomaa B. Wattaoo* { HBS&V D.SUtB&BttD, wauui Qaami,Bee’y. -}i r i 1 r Prr^lriit 89UlDaunac»ta tba nbota Old acdi RaUaUo Compaate, can baobtatoadbj application to ■•} ; faUaHy W.E.JONKa.Apmt.glWatartt. Western Company , or PiTtißosaa: 6SOROI OABBUL PmMcnt ». M. GORDON.Bocr«Ui7. - ’ *' Otpu R.D.OOOItR4Ni Ottoml l(*Qt QraoB r No.MW»*rttw4 i japM** 00/«;W»r*bca»*. apitatrfcWtftmrth W&huurttqGimfilktikii of Hn md Marine A Bm* butitutUm mohoM &g DmcUnwho arc well bam taUe mho a rt itUtnimA bo er—ftimaitf Uto«aj,fcincfetit4tt« ch£odcrwki& ttjteN«thuM Dot—, BMoA.nomv Akx. Ntmkk; a. w.jwkMD, i :x»tuiliS!«; /•suaßfeAalej,- ■ • IBmun n tmM.' , Alexander Speer, - s f. o,'WJSfekataaa. Andrew Ackley, . i . . ; . I‘ r v • , PfSO ••/it P. H. BQBDQN.Becfr. . Baraka ixuaraoea €Ja. ol Feonayivaaia B*iW»4,.maa Brut, Mtdmrv*. J B aaowsaEMMi AukUk. W. K. BPIWK, [to {MM.! , EOBS&T nsm, tSrinuij. to Inmra OgotiuioU binds o! firtntd Marim ' . AB»tra,sTUb lU.?.'ij nookDo^BIIU-fojnUoMfaooid-I— 17,«» 00 Prußlom Now*. . i— 4050 c 83 Dbeoasted flfrtfriT t,*. ■ ; Mlsu 4| Rwbood Monnlob— 11,108 S 3 MO alum Iroo City Bunk Stock—ccot.—. 15,000 00 no do blokuiio Bank Stock—cuoU Z- (Cm •» J“2. kHopnooi BkOk lO,OOO 00 too do Mechanic** Bank Ottkk—coek , LW 01 BOOk- *WWBh,n li ;„n,' ll anr^i}ini'ii'.„ r L---: ,-,' [ l'., U44S tt L_;i ■. ■ Nuc«bM.-'f ‘,.. . ;;‘t«a»ic4M Q.rao*ab«rt«r, ' IQ;Wv6m. • WoK-RlbMu ‘Mbm KlAubifc £ o^?^^* jr ’ & D.,Om9u»d. 1 ilfe.T. liTnrti fr ; i«M I. BwmU,’ 4D*Ttdllis2»dkW jLPallßUte. jgaLJ*AS««r lloao»|aiiai& jlMartMt'OoHpaai, or f nrsßCßan. omcw-JAMB3 A, L HETBTJI.ATWOOD BMnUi: o»pLJAB.WO«>BUaV,o«b»xtiAs*at ' i_. . - OvnevMdr Mt Wma-ftnikiL Wffi tnswnJfiUmt •B mdt of AOJb. i ■.! *M»ra,*Nnr‘i*re.mfc ■lock Dt» Bill*, Mjmblooa Anita J, wqfrcd t>j • - MroopfrtoTM mmm . ,f 00.714 m « 15SS‘S !«0 flo .Bxebaan Ouk ?4o •*<•» ■.■■■'• • 7ma-m BUwgtrjtol. mg wfc«gii»itefc-» ,%55» — u,mn w • -* sn ' inn ■fegsr j aw ißsfta. tsa®- ;*«,*•**!». J SiwuSSft, :■ -- 1 •■ •■ •-■ ■, ■•• ■ : A. ÜbtAICT. l^H®sosAijo^fEfcinßZlu3la^ uL|IMBinUJIQI,AIIt»D]TTANDTaO»-eOOMPANI, M Uu Gnat Rnet, fttttborjb, continue to ttftk* tnnnncai on lire*. ; M odfllttan to t paid capita!of Poo l oott,tt»>h»te *terjt*isa taerwrfoi,*««*«» oft*4log nndoobted wcofUs to lb* la*£r»V. in coho at htraraoa for Life lb* bonwvlecU«*J k from t>ui» profit* ; hM olrady oxeeetM fifty pe£ cent. 00 oil pr*«io«o t*w. * nuaborife. rorfortftwbArtaittkDOMlr'to:WU. BAS* WBU*Xfaritfartto OOHpoj&rrSo.?* OnM ttaM*. *•■ • Hflfelr* ;. -..-. r •" - '•=•■; •-•-•••■••:- •-,: ALLEaHEHY inSOBAMCB COMP>Y -.'■y- of Fniyioßon. ; ■ Omcx—No. St fitni Block, 'i TNSUBKB AGAINST AUi KIffDSOF IVIKI AND HilttHl UIKJI ' ; ’ ■ ■ UilO JOS«S, PnlUnSs Jomt D. KiOORD . -"I f ‘ w «« Citlna'i tinnier CMpuy er nttibiigk " . Offloa, cor. Xsrkat * Water Btrtot*. (l«ai»V*4oaj - J. ,%l L BABALKT, grirtiwt; r ' - I -• t • ' brn IBBUMB itIAVBOATS ABD Mar«i«(*iattltiSi»a4Dfta»c» Lrtb* BoQ(b«n\ «Ad Wwt«ra lU>irv I*k» ■nri thi IT«t If Ihm nf ffci li iMm «c»te>tlirfc,jf, o.zu, a.iur»«ah, ‘<{ n Ctotß.G.Vfloafc, J.MInIL Jr*. . 11 frtbeU Mim, j£u.Kkr, i . Jot^Sklpton, w 4*uuaawphia mm.and JLrflW ■sgfc'Kt." ► * «»»«** No. 149 Chwnat StreeV ' -‘-4 otro ■ 11 m *a « o Bit a V*** ’ • v tb>wl»f>M»'’h( blttptola nonmeat, noil more durable tbaaeiniy otherbmuoi, ' we give foil loatraetioDi to enable the pnrchaaec to eev ordinary Mam*,aUich.bee, bU< quilt, gather, bind and tock;«t| aiibeeaue machine, and nrrnt It forth res/ Ctrenlara, containing UettmopUlefrom teJUw pt fclgh.- att ataadloft. Katttd West, airing prtOeM, Ao»vfttbetat« oiibad gtstlf, qo application to person or l>y latter. Sewing Machine Needle*, Bilk,twl*t, Oottco sod (XI on** ~. ■tabUy oo Jiasd. • • ojy&lyjiwT ■ gjllfflNQ MACHINES BOWrB NB* BHOTTL* MACHINM mr# Uftmttf' ■> adaptedforellUmmifmctaringpurpoene tad fwailyaw . m tnlljr wmrTmnlod, puid »SU be sold for one Kal/Vtt Mvnff". i ehmrged for any oiber Mocblrtt cepuLU of doing tW *e*iv fiw#» of work fu fce good • meaner. Cell end m Umb Wj^.* J; (mparaSMlßg. MaKKxa WABtEO. . i 1 ! ... . W. B. LABMIU, Jp»t,; LljttfJ? jmUaUwf Mp»flO Market -i' • THK WILOOX * GIBBS j . SEWING MACHINE^ |A BKLIABLK,'’BIUFLB, CHEAP ARD DUB AILS Mfc. ; FAMILY MACHINE, 1 j /71OMPKISINQ all the good qualities ofthe . V/Grtrvtr A Bmker, Wkceler A «VibooiLU.Ategeru4 '.■ BUmeHowe’iMachine*. •“ :• tarenl pewlmpto wuwoUheTo Ulelr boeo applied tolt, •. nukingit the meet perfect macblo* In the market. 1 j :v ... The Franklin luaUiale ‘ln their report on Ben lag Ma* 4 cbine«,«a;: i . The'. WILCOX A QIBBB SEWING MAODINI ftlb mum then mayioa exhibition all therMolßnwaUQta-'.-'-- family Machine.”' • AE^Prlcos3o. Fornlebr : ■ mySI rtiaBAHM A BWINB, 80. 61 rUhjit £. BRAMAN & CO/S ' i .]** DOUBU THREAD I rAmrjKWua uaoeuhu ; ' - ' PRICE |s6« I Every liedrise vtmntod. Arpu* noted. Bead t» • dicalv. Celt end Mo. CO TlTutit itreet (hi ■**!*»-) U\l . W. W. HORT9KOP. Book-keeping, PENShiANsnip jurt* - >nOSOOIUPUY lauftbut 0. WILMAHff BchoOL : Vo-24 at. CUir atmt. -! ■ ?* Bot.ILO. GLOVER, Orient, tooglalaod, 'mjnt**Kr ■'■■■«■ !or«er*&nebont in thi*onUn Tbe Luid Arts,' or wife and .*’• children ocon J, Phoortripbi third 11 i JUTi EMORY WHIUUT, Fexboraogb. Mu, would not taka a ibcnuiuj dollar* for ebat lkurwoflho V theory and practice of Phonograph jr. • • .(• -jail 1 • " JXUONOCjRAPaiO K£PUttTlKa taught “ItUftrellrad «7«|«tDlit*rinr~ctn>«r*ttraadton* ■/." • •oo oritaopodltfOMnUraod S^mmosfS 1 ’ ", _aoM: - IUT.Pr.-BAffLKMJmpooL PENN INSTITUTE,- : . ~ hanooos srairr, mu nun j > jwfll roopm on MONDAY, It. «u ABOOTIi TW*#. J 33 p#? MMtan of fln Booths..- .. 3. M. SMITH. u~«=w: ■ ~. fripc^oL i ~ HOLLOW ACJOBRS.— Unm. J. N. StULLINDIROSa * CO, No. 101 Mtrt.t •«““ »g“jciuua* , B PAnoii iwosMBW hol! monthi ilocowo ptrcliMod onto riba •boreHolloslwraMa jon,andh*Tlo« 11 {■ u» mt' noc«, unit* lo RoomiMQOi&g it m tk* best macUmof th* Uod«*b»ft eT«rßMfl6rilMd. > H. MoOLDTOB, j : • , v ; „ v W»g'&Utfen«t'phdpi,P«Tk rornlat* . /.N.ftDALLtffBIQUUUt*ODu J«>S . HirJw»ro beaen, 101 M*rket fUMwgb.' QAB OHANCELIERS, ,j I BBAOKira.USDASTB. QIOBSS, : I > W*M»nov.opttlßg«l«r|ar»t4ck.or 048 VXXfUftSi * lbu«ajot|)erbooM enr«UtlbUad ' pUtenu; would loVft* AtfretloaoT-MraDM vuttßcuf* 'tbloc Id th* aUinXTORS or Vtrnvo tteaTilUM OABTUU3, J> LPMDIBQ, pwpUy ion, - f - ' -L.” OALLAOUKK, 01UI0 4 00. > Wwsroonu—lT4WooditmC l - •!, : y«iodr»-.l6>ytt»iMtrapt» • ' •yv----- ;%pgy>[ OORKBANU CKttKNr.— - 1 A fnU >i»r(ni*BC vttUjki nlatM* rnttJiniiov «•- »«, IflUodißß K*nto*« J«, «UA»> 1 qaITM tMitttfr W*x »or Cwxnt to rcufcr It pvrfccU* tit- >. U^t;faifMily.claMd 4od opasad,Md mutosMfmdm .. ‘ QMr from jew toy»*' vitMit Ur" Alio, C9BU v< ic&dtf '- . r CitrTroeecw* Sundkiks —; . OATS—IOOO to« prim: fLOUfr-BOObMa, all grata, . MIDDLIROB-Sitoo,; 7?? T •? ' S±?M* BWUB-8 \, - ~ yw pffaam; . DRI»DAPPIS-10Ob»® ’• BlSAlRCkMbblininrltittaMta •• br wUbp - ■ * r j ROMMS * OILWO) _j*3» -:. »•■:• .so wirfwsaarnEt SUNDRIES— >v i '■■'■ SUhlUVmolli !:.. iK k ?* ir ™ J : 0-ckiFfOlh.ra; .-. --IJM - *l. - ld» Wool; . ... t"olooo»rn»al Ml ferollitil • ! ; J* B * -" ’ ■ IMIAB DICKKT ft CO. u. KiNDs or dry poods, ■ : '■> I “ ; Selling m low os they can bo found any placo. • i ■ . J* 3o TAMMtotßtmt ;5S$? 'I'HANSfARISNI' WINDOW NUADKS— ;■•.V JI OomiCTtoij Ja fancycalc—; PU»pi TmmWb>l> - v BoqMt,ud tU’otbor tolM&at <*'s.■ 0 iyJ fHtHjt rwirhHy ta» prlffifry ■ 1 ' i ■ " 1 “" AlLntmm,'si u4‘b RWtik’ U LUSK’S PATENT SPUING BBD^hidl *••ttnUloß pltww umjbdJy. ,r4 i_H»> •:o ? Mo.B»i»d *ofaHAAid>«jg npLUPB t fJUOURII—IOOO bbl» but White: -3? : -L _wbte»tFamily FJocn • .?;:• -s V Wbeurimlljllooi; , » 5 ~ In stor* uxl hr nil by - ■■ < ' * ,v /.w* , j«o ; t ■ .-.-i mrcHcocK.McosßKßtrnoo«*ite>»H CBJfiP BUCKW-UKA*—lOO tnu/iUttS&5« W ootrntjp B*ed CockwfatM'tß ttcrfrtodfgr ml**}?- \* \ JVLA.r*tttt k ' -J« -..t. OocwM«trt«»dJTTttMl=» • __ tIWERH,' JOUKNAJUB, DAY .BOOKiLSVKS' Oab.ltiolc* «nl Ori«t:Boot>,»«Htol»<«r«ri /-y.< ( myll ■ oomrWoodnufTkMttt. SflppmfiNK flAJUit—6oo bblgBoperfln» f iJUSSII fr«tb'tasked • v - i-4 —! — l= - • Sj, «W _ I>RX uoois* AJA,KINDS,. •„ '. Vjjjj i‘'~ 'r ;l O. nASPoy Ky7af^<.n*r%j^i>i... 10 btu.pri mo ;K pra in Rtar* and;■■ I JNUJA KUIJBBK A vtj •, V>M •o|«ri« mill J, ol HKmt .to*, lort tmlnd u ,*ea| SUKN MKAL—7S bus. lresb groundCm2' V^'H _« j r; , v --’j AU.OW—OOOB»«ltcadere(i Tallow; = ■ Jastm’disd JAMBaA. VRXIK. ja» V / ‘ Oon»TlUjrfc