IfSfe sf’fc'C yitisbogj.’ (Sajetlc. »uiiru. iiorr-B. r.'nULUfK.TJ. 8, i a. ph.bbTTt & co.. tottoßt" and’ padpnittoms. PITTSB C7ROXZ r 'MONDAY / MORNING, JULY 2. 1800. l*f i... , .■■■: FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOR YICa PiU^rDENT, -lIANNIBAL iHAMLIN, - OP MAINE. at Lirge, El octors - HON. JAUI ' ».> . HON. too* J j{4#*rvJ C. Kolght, V-'c/P- Blog, ,S II«r/ Bum«a, . 4 Robert H. Poost, •. fi- N»Uumj itllla, • 9 Jabo H. Broomoll, 7 Ja»m ff. foll«r r , S Levi B.Bqllb, : tt Prtticl*W. CbrHL. .-•'t ■) L'lo Devtd Uaoimo,Jr.,i ' H David Taggart, ; c. ;11 Thomae R. HqH, ■ ju joh a POLLOCK, lAB M.UOWB. 13 friodi D Pcnulman, 14 (Jlysaoa Utrnr, 13 tieurga Briaaler, Id A. D, Sharp, 17 Daniel 0. «irr, 15 Samuel Colvin, .19 Edgar Oowsn, 20 William McKenna*, 21 John M Kirkpatrick, 22 JitDM K j VWItUAM DJUQr.AS. Elfetbeth. 4 * L Y ALBXANDKRJL BURNS, Wodlej. * . Cl€tlt-tf the (hurts. WILLIAM A, nj&KOtt, piu; - v * ' Register, VILLIiU 3. Teu>p<3t4te than Breckinridge and Douglas combined. Running separate tickets, as it is inevitable the/' will, his majority over either will, be in the neighborhood of 100,000. Tho vainglorious hoveling of the Post that Dongles can carry Pennsylvania is supremely . ridiculous. Breckinridge will poll more votes 'in this Stale than Douglas; and even in tbit with all the power of (ho Pott at his .back, Douglas will scarcely be able to lead bll .democratic opponent. The leiders of these two . factions msy devote their energies, toeomepar • pose,' to the tgsk of beating one another; but as to.beating Libcols, it is out of the.qae*tion. -PatiintsT Bucuaxas at Woxe forßrkck ihbhiob.—Tbe wholo power of Ibo Bncbanan ad . ministration will be wielded In such a manner as to.seonrs the defeat 'of Douglas. The exw will •- again' be pat In motion, and woo to the luckless .wight.who has not plaoed bis oame on tbe roll of thefaHbfdL custom house officer— nor accnntry postmaster—nor a clerk in theda* partejeni will be permitted to keep his head on : his abonltiers should be dare to show any syo* . patby with tbe Squatter Sovereignty faction.—- .The President is determined to strike one more blow -at (be “little rebel,' 1 and in tbe effort Is concentrated ,the bale and malignity engendered by years of rivalry. Referring to this determi nation of Ihe-Presldeot, Forney's “Occasional,” io a recent letter, says:—“Tbe order has gone -forih 'thit ©very Independent gentleman who . :dere* (o recognize the nomination,*! Douglas as •• tbe regalar Democratic; nominee, and’jrbo bolds under dames Buchanan, is to he forth with decapitated. The raid will bo carried on, not merely in the cities, bnl in the country—not egaiost eastern house! officers and postoffiee clerksalone, balsgildet the small postmasters , io tlo interior counties, towns and townships, of high and low; degree. No mercy is lobe shown lhe&” Cotteclor Baku has alresdy famished the cue to Ibk lesser lights among tbe office holders, and io a card ever his own name baa deolared for the secession and disunion can didates—for the Southland against the North.— We commlnd hia letter, to the consideration of tbose retalnerß of tbe administration who are anxious 4o.keep on the blind side of the Presi dent. ! ; t t : SoVtSSU PnOTpOBAPSOF TQINokTaUB Descender.—Coaid position be better describ ed, or plotnre more fallthfaily drawn, than tbe Charleston Mercury dqes the Demoeraey of the free Stales, in a roooot discussion of tbe Coo- Tentlonabd itsre-eesembling?— N „ “These delegates from the North, after six weeks of reflection, will probably ondertland that they oannolbe generals, bat only auxQiariet cf almost no account. We believe alike in tbs ambition and the good sense of the delegates of the North. They cabnob-dUgnite .tbe foot that . if they desire fedtral favor they oan cnly-ob-, tain ft by Southern intervention. A citizen of Boston can only is collector of the port on the con dition ofasshtinythe Democracy of the South against tbs commoa’eoemy. Aoitlssn of New York or Cincinnati cannot be postmaster, Judge of a United Stales co'urt or marshal without eta bracing aotiraly and unrestrainedly tbe eanso of the South, and toting in concert with the Booth in the apprdaebiog olmpaigo; for those oUizens eao get nothing from'.thelr respective Stales." Tsm Comtitvtion, the President’s organ, is out for Breckinridge,; It jhas issued its edict that eaah office-holder “declare the course which he purposes to pursdei without equivocation or re teres; and to indicate] tbir candidates Whom be Islands to support in t|>o approaching Presiden tial dootest, with decision and flrmncfca.” All who do Wot trill be I understood as beiog for Doaglas, and their beails will roll io tip dost at ones/ Tbs Preeldent {ln this werwiib Douglas will know no each word as “fWL" r , • ’ iLtnois,—Woos by. our Illinois exebango* that iba Old Line Whigs, many of whom voted " tot Bwbanan, and the apiive Finniore men of ! J 856, nse 6rerywhore taking ground for Lta " r eoltti ,Fillmore and Fremont, united, hsd.ema-. >if of more lt»n 20,000 o»er Baehtus In ... ni llocola'e o«jorliy orer DougUa win , ‘tan Uitt. •. \-lljr of 4h« Bthtaort Coates ;«r Bobodj>.? i Tbejjk»t« r'JJate, ■''‘aoiodj’’**- v*. - , ''■ ; ... ' ’ Tnc Amaloiuiuics . liczr —Tbe'pfopo *lH6» to ran CDO cleclortl ticket la etch Bute fot Breckinridge, »iih the nhderttend »nf that if the majority thould be for Dccgloe, or the rereroe, that the .hole rcto ehoald be the BtectoraHicllegc io acoor dft&oe with (hit arrtogemenl, Joe* not meet with (atop from the ieidiog Douglas mru: Tbs Na- Uodal Executive Committee of that wing of lbs Dcmocralio ctganlialioo, which assembled io Washington, oa Monday last, adopted tbo fol lowing resolution in reference to tbe subject: Resolved, The crisis demanding that tbe or* gaoiiatioo of tbe Democratic party shall be pre* eepved intact against open as well as secret ene mies of tbe Constitution and the Union, that it if therefore recommended to the severafßtele Com mittees that they take meainres (; Penn sylvania, Mj llllools, 4—27 to all, or two more lhaaj&re necessary to make Breckinridge ibe Preeident of tbe Uoited SiaiesT In neither case would Douglas get more tbapftt- but bis friends would have the satisfaction of knowing that they had returned good for evil, and elected the man by whom they hare been destroyed. We tbali see what success the political managers will have in oookieg up a bergaio like ibis, eitioo to sell out their candidate tod tbeoiaelrce! Chicago Tub No CotuTioß.—Tbe DougUe leaders here openly and defiantly proclaim that they will coo- ; Sent to no coaHiioo, or combination, or fusion of State tickeie r sucb as has been proposed by Mr. Bigler anil other managers for Mr. Breckinridge.. They are determined to fight the battle oak squarely sod separately, aod if they f rt il, to in sure Che same fate for Mr. Brickinridge. Over tures and suggestions hare been freely teaderod tbemduriog the last few days, but none bare ‘been accepted cr orco entertained Tbe effect of any socb compromise would be tbe immediate abandonment of Mr. Douglas at the South, and the concentration of his iofioenceio tbe close States for the benefit of bi 9 rival; and, failing in that, to oarrytbe eleotioo into the House, and ultimately to tbo Benato for Mr. Lane. ; Mr. Donglas ie oot qaite ready to sacrifice himself for tbe benefit of the enemies wbo persecuted bin and broke up the Convention. Ills charity Is noteo comprehensive.— Wash, Cor. N. Y Tnb Affair* 1b Qmpt«*< The Naples eorreepoodeot of the Daily iYnc writes ae follows: Everything wears a warlike aspect here, aod there boo lackof energy in makiog preparations for putting down (he almost universal rising of the nation! Steamers oomo aod go day and to greatabuodaoce and pro* vision* are sent without ceasing; and that there b any necessity for the latler showa how com pletelylbe Government has lost tbeoommand of the island. From 000 magazine alooe, that of Scafaii,l&o cantaria of powder bare been broogbt over thb week io Baia, for the manufacture of amiablo persuaders, those favorite counselors of the Bourbons. Abotbcb Kidsappihq Cask —A free negro was ikidnipped yesterday at Washington, Fay ette csoqty, io this State. Ue had been a slave, and 'was emancipated many yearh ago, since which.time he has been llviog in Ohio. The scoundrel who oommitled'tbb offence should be 1 dealt!with in the severest and most summary manO|er jrbicb the law allows. There must be an end io these outrages, which have so fre quently fJisgraoed Ohio.—Cm Qazetu. Col. extensively engaged io ibe importation of jtokasses, has recently landed seventeen at Charleston. It b a great pity that they had oat arrived in time to lift up their voices with their illustrious fellows, but “better late than never. ” It is ibeiotentloo of ibe own er to distribute (hem throughout E*et Tennessee. They will immediaeely prove valuable additions to Ihe'settlorsaiready there, and we congratulate Parsno BrOwnlow on thb accession to bis flock. N. Y. Tftui:;-: - c'Bsab Shot.—List Sandaj, tbs 24ib pearling beir wte shot bj Mr taalel Her, on Lick Kao, & abort distance above Jenceof Eilis Irvin, Esq &lr. Shook ij passing along the road, saw brain io pea, mod hnrrjiog home to procure a formed Mr. Irvin and one of bis eons, th another person, accompanied him to where he had seen the “varmint," Btiics 105t.,.a j Sbankwi the restd witer, in the bnsj gan,inf who, w|i the spqt !r. Bbaokwiler shot It to the head aod l, —Cltarjitld RoJUmon Coxpait.— Wa learn that a company has faulted in Covington township, for ibe of boriog for oil In that pari of onr A couple hundred dollars of stock O/L I been parpost county. have already been taken,and it is expected that • sufficient amount will be subscribed lo a short time to justify tbs company io oammeooiDg operations. It U said that tbe oil Indications arc flattering —Clearjitld Ro/tman. ’Bankas is gtorioosly avenged! She sees the menj who made war upon her now making war apao each other. Shestands out pure aed mvjesllaiu her hcoonquerable integrity, while they nra crashed, disheartened aod demoralized! Eansaa WiU come into tbe Union soon after (he 4th cf-uarob next, with her Banners waving over tbeldlsbonored graves of ber political ene mies.' Justice Is slow but sure I— Alb. Eve. Jour. | Willed last week that the managers of tbe Fayette Coaoly Railroad bad parobaeed a loco motive and passenger ear ana were aboal to commence working fbe road themselves. It that tbe locomotive spoken of, od foil examination, was not thought;fit to do tbe work, end unlit further arraogetd'Oti are made, Pittsburgh A Connellsville Company wlUoodUdqs to run tbe road as at present.— Fayette Patriot. ' A Western paper, cbrooloHog tbe lamentable ooearreode of a staging attached to a ohnrob being blown dowo, very feelingly says:. “We ara happy to etato that oyer-twenty per eona werOj brought enddenly to the ground safe, fttd one man, Mr. Wilkins, gat bis neek broke. Mr. W. vu an eatlmable young man; and tbe father of 4 good many children, besides a large farm welljetocked. lie was fatally iojdred/’ _ Bkvnm. Spanish sludeois la the Irolvereily of Balamahca bayed eclated their sympathy with Garibaldi They tbe sums raised by ibe protlQQO for fitting out a vessel fan tbe gay ernment (iiuezcootlon of a project adopted some time ago,)j ought, onderpresent circumstances, to be eeot 4a Garibaldi* to assist bin in combat tine tbo tyranny of Ibe King of Naples and tbo Pop*.”., /A' Lidkal- BrQtrtsr.—Df.Ferdinand 8. Wif wy.ef South Bergen/N. J„ recently died,and left property In Chicago, liL, yslaed at $25,000 to tbe American Swedenberg-Pabllabinjr and; Printing Society ofNpw' Yerlr, as a. perpeloal food; theloUrestto,btd#?oted to the printing and gratuitous distrlbatloaof tbetheological *ritiopof£m»aqei Swedenborg- w&m- Haivlst.—The harvest prospMt ifi 'this vi doity .ii'most cheering, ttd feanrfcdisstloaa the yield of j»U kiods of prodabs* willtHi’btUer and larger ihtn’for many years back. 'There has already been acme wheat cut. Die very little, if any, injured by the wcevlt andtspro nounoed a good yield and quality excellent; Tbo hay crop is also about fit to rat and Is abun dant. The corn and oats are- beyond criticism to tkis date, though the critical time with them biß oot yet arrived. Berries, * Cherrle?, and fruit generally, abundant.— WeUshurg ( Va.) Her Wubat.— All agree (bat tbq Wheat In this county cover looked better. Tbe straw is the very largret and tbe heads large, and there baa not been seen anything in the way of insects to injure.it, no weevil or any thing else, while the weather has been of the most propitious char acter for the kernels to fill. It Is now ont of barm’s way, and we expect to eee the nloest wheat threshed this Fall ever grown in Lake County, and the most per aore s — PainesviUe (0 ) Tel. Tin Ceops. —The farmers of Sangamon and adjoining apunties are now oatliog tbeir wheat. The general impression is that it will turn oat a full average orop. Oats bavs improved greatly since the late rains, and bid fair for a good orop. Corn is. in better order than has been known for years, and with an ordinary season the yield will be immense.— Springfield (iff. )Jour. Dyspepsia f Dyspepsia 11 Dyspepsia fi I What it it T Ilota Cundt Drartrau is qur National Disease—weak atoauth, f»«L!o dlgtation, dlttrea* after eatlog, costir* habit, bltiona condition. now 10*07 auffsr with (1 and lu attendant ajmptoma of low aplrl t*, bod toaU>, coated tongno,. obstopelled brad oud atlocka of headacbel Yet bow few know bow (0 coreitl Generally, bocaoaetba bowala are conatlpatod, reaort Is had to cathartic*, or laxative*. Hot each a condition wav never cared I 7 cathartic*, whoa* only office la to weaken the dlgvation and Impair tbe Integrity of tbe antlre naslmlUtlveayatem. Bat HUMPHREY'S EOUEOPATIIIO DYSPEPSIA PlLLS—*aia>ple medicated aagar pill—bav* cored boo drrda of the wotat and moat obatlnate case*. Thlatadone ■lmply by Improving the too* aud rvatorfog tbe lutogrtty of tbo dlge*tlv« organa, from which reiatt good appetite, reg ular hablta, a clear head tad bm>yaotapirita. Fnrb a med icine li t gnm, aud .xdf ji«nilrr« to U> lu»cn to t>«i apprt* cl*tod Price, ceota |>er tx x. with dlrv«llo&a. fcli box**, |l. N. B—A full ant «>f tlowraasr'a Uouixoritaio Srxanca, with Book *f Dtrectloua, and twenty different ftecßedlea, lu large vlali, morocco coae, (I; do, In plain case, |4. Family caaeof Qftacn boxeaand book.s2. These remtsllea, by the eincle box or cave, are eent by mall orexprevn, tree o( charge, teeny eddnwaon receipt of tbe price. Addraa* Da, t. IIUUPIIIIBY A CO, No. M 3 Rro%dw*j, New York. PoM In Piltaborgh b? J LANGE, JOHN PETTY; Alle gheny City, C. P. kLEUINQ end J. J. EAST. j-l&:lmeowdAwT Wilson’s Tonic and Anti-Dtp. Ptiu— Store Tettiamny —Every mall brtngi freih erldenre of the t ffleecy of the** Pilla. The Her. Dr Boward of tbe Chicago Pint Baptist Chnrch. aodrr date ot ApiiS 18ih, ISM, state* that he bed anffered periodically from Netvcoi Upadsche, and daring St year* had In rale tried i.i-Ultloee prrecrlbed byAllnpathle and flim vjittb'c pbysl* c lao«, when be was Induced to tryrWllsoo’a PlUa, whtrb afforded Immediate r< Ih f Theee(Pill« are prepared end eolJ by 0. L. PAtINXSTOCK SCO, Wboleaale Dttiggltta, end Proprietor* of B -L. FAB BESTOqK’B Y> ItUIPDOK, No. CO, evrverof Wood and Fourth atreala, Pittsburgh^Pa J-STrdAwF S*-M its. WiNSLtnr, an experienced Nurse end Female Physician, baa a Soothing Byrap t>r children teething, which greatly factlltaU* tbo protest of teething by eodeolag tbe gacna, rodncJag all tofl •mmatioo— wU) alley all pain, and la earn to rvguleW the bowala. Depend epoo It, tuotbrra, ll will give ieat to yoateeivea and lellef and health 10-yoor IntauU. Perfectly oale lu all caare See »dverti»msnl In another cotame. (*)3.d4w|)T StibtthsMnrnls. Adjourned sale of farm in ver -BAILLE9 TOWNSHIP. By Villa* of aa Order of ibftOipUaus' Ooartof Count), I wituxpiee to PoUIj bote, On tho PREMISES, in VERSAILLES TP., On Saturday, Aa|nit4ih,lBM,ii 1 o'clock y m^ AH lhs( f 213 acre* 77 per, lies, t*e!©c*ing to ifc# b*lr» o' Jam.* I’arteivor., rtet’d, aitosie io Vvraaiiies tons • Hip, All’pi..ny C. ooty, odjoluiug labda > f Beatt)> htiis. Wo. Watiace'e, Mk-hWl'a, htluch< coin's aod C*rj«bler’» h-trs, an t lou'l uf Wait; to be or-M either *• e whole or .n two j as may t* at suit |«rcliewT«. By diagram <■( »nrv-> <>r p,r iu|.«, ,*ij Farm la divided lr.l v l«0 ].o>* I‘nrt O ' coolaiiia 123 oi re* 42 i*rj.r», P«ul tao i 2) iCi-c* “S p ii-tes Ati-ai Iwoihtrda uf each Cleared Uart*L:e Dweilieg, ll,rn. Sc. Orchanl. cuil Uaoh op n-d, Liuiea'ona. and aetrr-tall log Ppil .gi u! Wairr, due (jrotc* of Locuat and Soaer Tree* TKHU9 Or SALK- On* Ihtn] Ibw porcbtae c wty tp b* paid In fatod on eocflnnatljo of lb» balnnc* in t«o • Qual antoal p*jo.oot» frum day of ••]«, «ub iuur*«£; to b« apcerwi lu Ik.tsi) adJ ta> rfno tb« pratnian*. ifon glrm off lat of i»ct ; cb« parrhaarr bating Imto to pat 10 /all crop. N. NELSOX, Tmito*. AjfnUitod Lj lb«Conri t<> tff«et at'#. Jon* CSth, l«M d.Tb« ian’a »r* wiihlo bxlf • mil* of Wall'* St*. (k'D.ou Troti'* HailrctJ. *bont 14 milt* from fitUlurgb, t«r Tiltojik* ftaaj, *ld-Uoi1» ar* ■cld-.UJ offtuoJ far »*l* corpUfaing cri lutny *.n*ct«af». rmutt t’nlrtsg lo imr thw will l«*bu« o tlj*pr*n.i«-» by Alex. Pwur*ou »t it a. tlwrtn, ai d fc,r lU!.« ib. J are r«ferr*d loth* ra-nrJ« Jr 2» U*cl«F(A4 QRPUANS' COURT .SALE.— By virtnc of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, dated the 2d day of Jaue, A. D. 1800, and in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed tin iMh day of April A. D. ]h63, emitted "An Act relaiiag to the ealo and eonveyonie of real c«tate, M will be exposed to Public Jfale at the Court House, in the City of Pittsburgh, on Saturday, tin Mill day of July, A. D AT IOtyCLOOK, A H., Aitb* ©f ELIZA P. FOSTER, wifoof IV«u.ro«trr ■■l tbai certain Lot rr Pitre of Qround uiu*l« Id itmcltj of Att'gbtuy, ar.dibvaodtJ tod dwcriWl a* follows, fit on Bulk l.anoat the dlttanre of (1 ft-et tul from «t*coit*Tif East Lenr.atidcutiUiolDg Intrant on Baok Lvi#, 2i Let, and dtrodltig la depth northwardly 100 tr*t, havlrg a email tw.-ntary (lr>ck lluo.o thareon; being the tarn* property wbkb Hng-i DarD aud trlt*, by Ibolf deed, dated 2n>*j«, ItUhUwdlf No. 87 Fifth *lmt, PiUaborfrfe. DRY FI.IN'P HIDE*. EATII E It Bi;i.TlSo, ■. RUBBER BELTING, AND GUM PACKING, OF EUI’KHIOB QUALITY, Full BALK BY M. DcLANGK, : 233 Liberty St., oppo.sito head of Wood. Jyafnia tow tmwr f jnoTiiictifli 1 Read the following testimony to the sue* eea of Da. Earo*'a Innam* Ouron: itryanv Ur, July fiOtfe, 1559 Da. Rims—Dcir sir: 1 have omeb pleascr* la certifying tb tlepcrfoct fcarmlrainaaa and rfflcaey of year Tnfkotlle Cordial, and cbf«tfolly racummoLd It to those who bate children tcethfrg. ( bora sard It la t»iy own family, and bare aold otct two hundred tott'ee the part year. All tho** wbo bare ever ow*t Uonl.e Id its praise for all dieraera for which yen r*ct,mßead It. Yours, Ac, t F. LATQ&OP. BLOOD POODS OLOOD FOOD!! Dt. BianoH-Flr ft nay not be nlseba, tc yon, to know that I her* need the dllTrraat Preparation* of Blood Pood lo aereral caeta, and uniformly wltn anectec and that I eta coaiioced they are a Dtouer approximation to the mean* of a kasu t cou of tUoee caeca of CAreafc Dittatt for which they are prepared, then d»y «.-Arr*Jte4ttloil Ayenelae known to the Pharmacol da.. I recommend three Prtpiretfon*. a* 1 am naturally d«l -rona that they aboold he mu*t widely Ueted and adopted, ILR.BBOWN.M.D, NrwToi k, Brpt JSih, U'CJ, 1;0 W«wt 11-otdway. edfertlnmeut. Foryala by GCO. IL RSYBKB. Agent. 140 Wood et„ Pltfoborgfe. Pa. JyadiwlmF TBB TOHCH-LIGHT PROCESSION! Banners, i FMUS, I TIUNtiPABMOIK, «r All kludf of LETTERING and PAINTING d'elrrd, gut op lo tie But Style and at tbeLoWcet Price*. DODGE & SMITHSON, X IF 2 No 71 Fourth eL, opposite Iron City Beck. NEW MUSK! NEW MUSIC! -W| Ju«t published, CORi DEAN, by HtepUen C. Peeler, of If W | |! tile city—hit laleuootig and ooe of bl* beat—a beautiful Melody, arid very aaay. fj OLWNBY BORK, by H 0. Potter—a PiabtAflon Song,and to any or.bt* former efforte In tint tine I'M A JOLLY RaOUKI.OU—a Uqoujoo* foag—word* By 0. U. Pnptr—mo»lc by fnd. U. Uolmra. THE CONSTANT SCQOmSfl—a*pri«blly comnoaltloo. Bond for dancing, Ir Jean Mean*, of Uile city. :"7 Ja«t rccoifed ana for kale by If RLKBKU A BBOh No. 63 fifth llrtet, ; iJ* Sola A«*ote for Itrlnway fk Soca* Htnoe. ' Linen *or summer pants AND GOODS FOR BOYS’ WEAR,, in great-variety and very cheap, at BURCHFIELD & CO.’S, Cbrner Foortfe andHatket rU MACKEREL! MACKEREL!!— 300 bbU new large ffo 3 Uackrrel; 76 hlbbis dit ' do 25 bbla KaS sediiun do AO do do *moU , .do .• . , : ' 45 do new Mo. 1 lien loa. Id rleraauderrltlDgat k WATT A WILSON’S, Jyi No. 2CB UorttyMml. Lake fjsiii lake lakkh-; WUITE Fieu—SOtLl.ffaL < do . —36blbll*slo.i. ~ ' ; ! TROUt—ls.lll*. , LaKB llFBKlNQ—lsbflu*. . LARKfiUr£&roß HALUON—tB,bIT< Hal. do do —lO do Nit. 2. ' do do ~4& fertile N* 1. Ifor wlelf [ jyv) : WATf * WIKOW. Groceries and produce— HQJiASBSfI 100 Ibla jtrlme N.O. *1 • —6O do do Borax n . . 8000188 AUItWOETBr ~ lit ■ * ' Ko. 10 JTatoraiu! 91 Vrnl Aikttr ; jactu atmi 4TH «TTJX/XY6O. JJREPAftE FOR THE "FOURTH !"- FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, at cost, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 250. to -$2O. SUN UMBRELLAS, 50c. and upwards. BEAD and ( BUGLE HAIR NETTS, OHENEILLE andTINSEL HEAD DRES SES. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, 5. and upwarda. j MAGIC RUFFLES, a new articl SILK, LISLE and COTTON lIOSIEtiV. SUMMER STYLES OF GLOVES ai GAUNTLETS. Long and Short BLACK LACE MITTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, TIE! BONNET RIBBONS and FLOWERS, • White and Colored FRENCH CORSETS. Beat STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. DRESS and DUSTER TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS.and FRINGES, for Bueque Trim ming: ' CROCHET BRAIDS, NEEDLES and COT TON. I LAR a E REDUCTIONS have been made in Prices. Mnnv articles will be Bold at EASTEIIN COST, In trdor locloae out,' UJoie lu oor Pull HUx k Wholeealo and retail buyers invited to call. EATON, CREE A MACRUM, FOH IHB FOURTH OF JOL.Y, 1860 Having BEEN"XppoiNTkD A B em» for thfl nip of P. DIKUIj'AGSLEB&ATSO FIRR WO» K S, w» or* now prepared to offer them *1 |>rtcp* m low m *-ij R**t«ro mauorßctorera, and w« livite lb* j>uL>ltc to call exuntn* An- thrmnlve*. ' OaratO'-k of lb* fallowing: Uooiao OamllM, ccuuutm fiuu I ball to'.uball*; do colored ii'» Jo Sky Rocket*, plain from 1 t-r to 16 < a; do color**! Gulden &im*ii*u'e Toiebrs; BlhtMifan Pmcxi, comprUlog Mrteor Wb>tJ«l l.altn • Wtilms, Troa Invars' KtoU.OulunJ Mm Wfc#*U, UetuO isg Glob**, Hufaao PjracnlJs, Trvr* of Lil*-rtrJ?i>*Dtt Fans, American Pur», fl*mio l Laoc**, Ptu lli, !ck-rul;i foortb of July, *?£, with RagU ItSyUKA 41 ASDKRSON. J»IS N> T* Wood »U, vp{w»lU fit. Cbailtj* PROPOSALS. Proposals will i>e lto.-i r*t)nlr«d »n tba subfsrT'wiil ta yltm a tb-ofljea. xOIIM dIRMINuIIAM, Warden. Jolj jj2.il TO COAL OIL LA U P,'UEALEIIS'.. WANTED, by •« a*tl»» r«. itig Man, a in > LAMP 6TOIIK. 1* Wall atqmlbt« w'tn tba l-nalpe**, can alt«r and repair lam( a la« (<• xi writ i «od *>-e in Itka. baryaof « tar of Addict* tV It J.rareofll' Outillrr, £6 K’Olb 6«C'Ud Ti* lait-lpLi* R.-f»r»n-a ... jg AKGA l N s ! _ B AJI G AINS W. & J>. HUGIJS% Corner Fifth aud Maikot Bto. Berage Roles a( tv.st! Organ-Jio Rohes reduce-] from $l2 to - G to ?, do do 4 to -i2 Figured Organdies and Juconetta at cost. Laco andSiU Mantillas tcry cheap. Received tlu« morning a Urge astoriment ol PINE APPLE f.AWNSI - j*2S . ELECTROPATHY, KLRCrR f O I T y WATER COnXBIZrBD. DU. KAHSiINER’S POSITIVK ANI) NtUATIVR *LKCTFUVrnEKJPKUTfO TUTU*, aia cow flued op and la eocceeslul operation, ralbtlug mipy ol lb* affllcteddeily.ai ' No. 21 fifth Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Allperaona afflicted wllb aay ©fib* lutlotriug named dU •mm, ur» rreptclfuHy aolicftrd (oral! and ixamloe for tbemaelrre. 'i'bU new and woorfer’ul diaromy in Tbrra peatlo aln-triclty ia applied on pure’y acieutiflft pctnciplee,< ood ia a maeotr that b b,trtulaae aad pleaaau | in"' tb« moet ddtrate ptl| nt. Tb» follnwing era coma of the dlaeea-a whkh readily jkid In tile oiuet jn’pQlar retn-dj:' Patiy, or Paraiyeia, lodptant CcnaumpUau, both Acute arid Chronic; Neuralgia, UmJache, TcipiJ Linr, ?K 04tarrti, Aaibraa, Weakueas abd Curvature oi t&eByioe,BCK>fula,t>yepo|aU.Deahteaeb7per- ! * ah ate, ttfugio* ia the Cara, AmauruaU, I Cataract*, Weak E/ee. Kryaiptlaa, ** PpMSOrftoiWtfQtJQOrilbaUriue, 8t Vitae* Oaace.Caltßheum, MtrrfirUl Liana*, to mala Weakucaa aud i IrrecolarlUde, General Debility, Dcrangi meat* cl the Nartuiia .Syatcio Bill! Joiou, Parer and Agne. l Calomel, *l4 os I ’ other Mineral Poland*. cotlrtly rtuo«*d from (be ijateta. initial Wcakne**—-which eofoadrra pmn«loi» pilua in lb* htaJ, back nod Utah-; nrrvoaa etujh, teoi-rai u*t|> >7 bukitoda, morbid Aepood-mcy.wT.raJon to society, U»u of mammy atd degeortacy c( Lulkcl. Offlti Anri /na 8 to 12, A. jtf. and 2ta9 l\ m. Patbntedeatrtog immediate relief will pw*. call earl*. ,l)r. K’« Btlhe wW be filled Ift Re*M.ncn, luCtma rvu, Aijtume, Ac, and Um right to un thorn, o& rename W# terma XlnfaOrt, PbyakUn* and ail CtUare Intereatcd iu the Wiliam el tlieir mfflnlng WKjw sura,nr* mprcifuitj iu tiled to calla&d aaa lue tbiinaitrra. tbo wonderful! cur*« that ar~ performed dally with tbeea Datht •tat , Uonalyor lodiridoal Bight* for rale f.ir (urtbrr Ukrua ( «r«,«aU at SI Mflb etnei, vraddnaeßot ll£t, ruet Our*. PUteburgb, Pa. , tnylß lydkut TWENTY-SIXTH LitiTuf ApplicatiooH for M. Belllsg UqoonLßted is the OlmV* vCk« op to Jose Wtb, 1800. r Asderaoa Va, tarern. : Ufper 8t Qalr Tp BaoildvardACo, aatiogbcnaa, j imaQttua Borough Dandle Stephen , on ; Mlfllia Tovoabip Crawtwd ML-hael, i Urera, ! 4'b ward, AlUghtay OraaUe (JolUtt), ‘ euiogbotur, let do do Lleubiu Pied’k, «Ub clber £ 3(J Tlie Km fort Daily World, An independent morning news. PATCH, la wblrb will b* found the Latctt latelH gtnee npoa malieracf pslUeloterMtlroo bd OloilntuU . Catlr Piip*r*. ( j| Office at W- Jl. OUdenlontiej'ij N ma Depot, 45 Fifth Street j gELLINO ’EIIY LOW .igbt I xesa Silks, Summer Drees'clods, r 1 Laqe 4c, >27 1 C.IUKIOH LOYR,t| j OAITKRS, ISTRApisUOES; it 31 Vi fili bt. RENTS' FRENCH CALI ! CONOI OXFORD TIES, nnJ . a nwortment, juat reaUi jc29;dCt ; p W.E;S< UG All—N. U. Bagar, Comnuml Peflord and CrDAlitd flugan, to bftdeand MOI.AMEB and &YjlDr*—N/O. IXoIOfM, ii la half bbivUAltiTn«»» lliilad«l{4 Iwkfjntßi»fo*e*Jo b/ BECK A L ' ]«vT ' ; r ■ . ' 1 'i ’; • lfE{ \X'iKASUWSftHK!S PMJVR • chafe* trlkW hitghoock, u«ckhiii a 00. vi £(&> fitiuttufmnita. Her, Dp. Cahill : IRE L A. IST T). EV. DE. CAHILL will Jolirer -i .v •-/ ft a r / o x GENERAL CHARACTER OF IRELAND, CIVIL AND EKLIiI Wi ASSOCIATION^ Cl T V II A. 1. i_ MONDAY K|VEN 1 N G, Jult Al. Admission. upao at C lAlicfc. Lector* to conmaaee at 8 o’clock proclaetj. Je3t-2td QFKNYnU ’llllB AIUHNinuTaT W. 6l 3). HUOUS’ TllE largest asd cheapest assortment of HiLK, CLOTtI, CQALLICK, BSBAO* ANOLMSB HAN TILI.AB and DUSTERS *rer offwwL Alao, a complete itork of trarelilbg Dre*a QooJi. KXi placi-sof Paclflc Lawn*, worth to Zi cauta, aaU IUK at 12' Snrrauleil f».l eo'nra. . CORNER Will A MARKSTBTB. DBflLttlt, HuaULZE * WALTER, COPPER, TIN AMi.SHEE'I IRON WARE A Jill DEALERS IV Cutlery end Bo laefurnlahing Goods, KRITTAHIA TIN WaKK. HTOVBH, ICB CIIKSTVRNA'IKLIfp AND TINNED UOt.lejW WAIIK, H iTKIi COOLERS, » AITKHS Ac Ac , Ac t Wtiur.lC.SAl K A ' !> HlCrAtl., No. 12(» Smithiii'l'J Mrert, Cur Virgin Alley, 1*4301*1 PITTiBORfiII, tIRNNA. M Li..,*, . »»ri.in» ,1.1 m.. IM tierce pi lb’a. Medium J., ’.A) Jo WMte t’i«b; 700 k'Ki Nell*, itrliui ■ !»»«•. I.UJO t* i>a Wlo-t>» Ol—v»il.>o« iI;n; t Duo tibia. No. 1 Salt; 73 do Winter,Cheched Whale Dll; EUltiiu;>r», Way l.laod a&dOtaport Oeariog. sbaJ No. 1 acd No. 2. in t»bl« aaJ ball bbl*; G-rman an.l Situ art Clara, priiLe (jnahliea, Caudlea. Soa,* nod Pploa tj all kind*, kod errrjtHlDfj wbbih ta otnall* kept by Wb alixe ao.l br a*l« by JOHN I. UOUAK A CO, I*7 Coru»r Stolilifleld atsJ Wati r ata, PltUbonjli. Pa. #ihdiSo(6 flafitnißtmrntß. SUPPORTER Hernia and dpekine diseases CURfD. Au lllailraUyi ft»tH*i!ilng aII pnriki*aUrsMct tre» Ui inf nor B\RKK3 A PARK, Qcnertl Afftot*. firm 12 lj TOBg. tnyig lUCHAHDBONB IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, SC. C CONSUMERS OF RICUARUSON’S UN f BK9, *n ih*t th* irtlcJc* thej porch*** trt iui ed vttb th* foil sam* of th« firs, 3. K. IIJCIUBDAON, £ONP * OVD BN, m * *o*r«t** o? tb**-QO'IQOM *nd Jurabllitjcr the Good*. ThlacaaOuß 1* roodmxJ MM&tlally becnwry, u l*rg* qnsotlti«of Inferior *od defnctiv* Uacn* *r* prepired, ■turn *fU*r nwn tod *mlk) with lbeo*r»* ofUICUARD f*OH, t>r lii*h Room*, «h Bf Cbnrrh Ktn*t, New York. Aaaiyiical and finoofaeturiog Chemistry GESNKR’.S chemical and enoi NBKKIM) JlOOilfi, Xu. 2iand'£t, 24 IFJ can tract* Tb» t«*t|>fuusats for parlf, log ftu ] deudcriziog Coal and P«lrulbaai Oil* luroi*b«J t witb skillful workmen *dJ rupxr* totaihlanU. Minea rorrojeil bdJ Coal* toatM. TTn* Rorcanw Patents, Irons whkb the Coal Oil l>a»lo*ai In 111* l) kited Btat*a orlgloktad, were tint granted to Dr. Ubomitt and ro»l:smJ Iwl A 8 S £ H’tj O jniAUTK Ice Cream Freezers, At Improved for 18*9, H’t.'A Stamped fron Cow and Bottom — Tinned, rpilE ONLY FREEZER known which is JL eoottrocted co IroetdtalificprlQciplce. Tbo Cbespeat, Beet end moat kconomiitel; requiring laea Ice and I«m labor thaa an; other, La log at ibe came time the must dnrktle iu attoctarn, and moat certain ia i:aoi>er> atluua. e»U Agrui* for the United States, K KITCIUM M 00„ M»oof«torrr* ol Japanon] and Planished Tm Ware. • my&amd iIHV Pearl %u% Wiw to» k< book"' op tbs pais. r SUBSCRIBER would respectfully .L announce that, witli Ih®<. approbation ao:r«Ttos by William Ucborhauuj. ' ten TTIOUBAND COPIES -«». tbU euaooahle boob will U (.'•'led ud ready Lr lb* ••ifoicfi ef lb« Exhibition. J.w . A SECTION r tbs folobi* will U devoted to a bit Lolled tod (Uliatlctl Imt of the Ttriooi eatablUbaanti la whkb Utenfeo I antclee on exhibition mty ha*e hen mala, with (ill lElfcma&f the tnicle*nUU»i. thohoßdt of the majority if oot S lUUMiltUoti totli*/air,thathrove) bosinea mao. tnlcor •gricQliorbl »IU te* tbt nett advantage to 1 ‘ & v.*P rep * r PW'otaUon of bU vim, pettUor t ibrough U>« pagra ei tbU vulobui, by tafctoc TUM »Y tub fUBBLOOE. * S l written notice tlMraof lei* prepared and ok*y printed in tba p«g*a ct tba BOOK OF THB FAIR. • nmllomof Ibtrodoctlon to a large comber of Dtt. *ny bktlnrii or manoractnrlegaiteblUtaioant, Ub U P®r»»n«ot character, fa 4tdr*tU. Not will It* gou«J oQcea, dating the continuance of tbt •mply eKapenutefor the rxpetaa locorred In obtain. □Uicil/ in Ita page*, tot aa, f«om Ibr-Hiatorlcal Elan* and lllnairated character, ft will natisrallr niii from to hand, atxl l« «attrmi[!d aid iuSYt» atS *? lto »b«*d bnal»»n|qi,B that it <>(?«■ ocorori jlltm, to fucb u would tutklngt? tcmmciid ib*.lr lljbm-oH wore#, pool, of Hoci to Ibo .It.nttoo of “f* *s°!* “•! w «[ lb. boob nut bs pr.p.rod ud rf, ud Iho roloai. Iwawl .t hut 00. d«, pfulotut! ** %'• ,l * Hl »* “b’bn. ,hlt'«H7sl2 ,‘oUbbu! ' ’* " Ml ““‘“Ph'ldMloo toon order* mtut be addraeeed to , G £ <>- U * THURSTON, Publisher. i”*- ~ ' Pitubantb, pa. SPIUBGS. n 4lr,luTic- • '•fWlcg fittlii, Lusf tixi tr.]| CtJMBSRHAtfCO., PA V*otiuUtJ Booaii,Uoo4 Bodfitv 4Ctt>aßo»»TioSfl r«t 40,1 : * ; 9 300. Por ptrUcoliutMod forCirca «hm a to w. 1 vimcbm. - _o»imu Bp«ikq«, pi. QENTS-Wc have oo hanj iflarga stock of PATENT LEATHER BOOTS .•: (BENKERT MANUFACTURE) which we are selling at Lttt fAan thifadelphia Pjittt. . ' W.E.SCUMEBTZ4CO.. - ■>***>»” ai nut, strMi. E' •I3U—Baltimore. Ilerun< No. 1: Bay of AZ I*lMd tud _l[»Ufu UefTior; White ffaUtoU** natf.Traal, uuj Uttkertl, Jotmrr*l«iui4 hilfl»rreU,fer “ KECK A LAZBAK, _ W liberty!. |BEI)JS, MOHTQAUKa, ' Lawyers* and AUciwtu** Cltalu, fritted toil foraoUw W. t. IIAVJUt, Oouk sod Job Printer, VotWoodnoJ Third »U. fl'Z & CO. and fui>; imi*." PJUECKB AND UllKj V th»B*nk*eoEH£D' COAL-r 25 bill*, for ul* bT j. 30 ' BKUTB. COLUII.* PI ITbBURGU, .25 Cents. 1 have been sick how (or orarlr two r-ar* with a coojjh and liver eemplalnt, and ll:e whole of my brca«< I rut tie, war completely raw. 1 first look It will. * hvl InOammatioii of the fusgt, and I waa attended by « nr of the beat Doctor* In Pittsburgh, who told me I bid Inflammation of tie lane* Some tims in the estly partof March, last ( ralhd on Dr. Scbenck, who waaexuuinlrg patieut* at Dr Keyaer'o Drug Store, 140 Wood »treet After be examined the carefully he told ma that I bad ilvar eampla'nt. u bleb bad settled upon my lung*. My doctor. I* fore 1 called on Dr. Scbemk, told me that my long* ware b diy affreted. 1 .was waitao *rry ojnebin dash, aud »y strength left ms. My appetite wn* entirety gone, and I bad very little hope* of recotery when ha examined me. The Doct r told ma 1 wonld gat well it 1 look bla medicines *4d followed bis dlrt-cUotu, which 1 0~1 faithfully until I hyl uken four bclUeeof '•Palm-.uic Syntp," two«l - 8«wwead IohIcl" and a box of “Mandrake PUU,” and now 1 atu batter Ih.u ever I wan in my life, aod weigh tan pounds more then ©v»r I did In my Ills before, and I can now carry a* moth weight aa any man of my w*lghtand aixa anywhere. lam entirely recovered fntn (hedlsesM wbkh tb-n brekaf’down my ronatltctlja anl threatened my 11/e,and 1 feel under a debt of cratltnda io Ur. Rcbauck for bla treatment. 1 know, besides, quits a number of my acquaintances, who bare bom cored bj Dr. Jtcbaocl’s medicines, whom I recommended to take them, "i alwsyskorp Ibe "Mandrake PAW* in my bo use. They ccrrd my wife of liver complaint when nothing alee would help bar. Uer skin was aallow and aho suffered much— She tried vartona other kinds of pills, bat thry all did no good,until sba took yoor Mandrake Pills,which have made here well woman, iemsarelhat I owamy Ufa and pres ent fint rata health to Dr. fecbenck and bla medicine*, and I Lake pleasure In bearing my testimony to their efficacy. I Lara aent a great many pereens for Dr Scbanck’a modi dnea, and they have all been beu,filled. I am well known and there are numhers-of my ne*gbl» >ra ran hear testimony to my statement. GKORGB WOOD, Two miles shore Pittsburgh, at Oopi>»r Worki Signed la Iba prwesi.ee ol U*-o 11. K'-yarr, 110 Wool atrei fMitebnigb, Pa: Cbaa, P. Amrt, 544 North Se.eetilb ■ Pblladetphia, Pa. PimfiUAuu, iUy iitb, 16C0. Zaacsnut, Ohio, Mtnbff 1, }k&) Da. Kal«s*;-I writ* three iiues to inform juti ibat I was iu IttUburgh uu Fi-bmtry 16th, aod l«.c,;li» a bottl- of Dr. fchenCk’a Placed Tunic,and when I ar>lv«• aliorl a time Inm io writ plraaed with the ‘‘Beawesd Tonic” and 'Pnlmoi.lc hyrop,” tbut* of “Poirooolc djrtip*' by expit-ss, aod i * ill llr (ortho carriage of It at the « dice in ZiOttTflin W ROBKRTS, ZanoaTltle, O. DR- GEO 11. RETHER, 140 Wood klml.e/r agent I PHtsbargb. anotiikk cube ny dk scudvck I took la»t Sa|o*r—oow marly a )©ar »g r— a nolact al lack »t cold, wh-rk 1 moiraCM l-yljli g <>o (be damp ground tins buettug ex'iir>a>o. Iliad • dreadlnl and constant pain in my breut, and 1 exprc:cra ed a great d<-al of tough uiilUr from my luoga amt l-rcoctual tu**ri 1 tbc-eght I had Aot.eimptloa. 1 Jaagedtt thedfeeae*from ibe t»ci that 1 had aucb a bard and eery bad. I aulbrel a great deal with pain un*J igntnraa in my urrast. 1 rolled id Dr Aetirnrk iu Ccobrr last, and he examined my with bis n-spirometer. llatnldme my bronchial tubes were v-iy much aff.cted, and bn pro arrihAd t.r me bla Maodraks Pdla. Pulmonic Pj rap and Sea weed Tonic. 1 tnok one box of the Pill* aa-1 two of toe Ti-nie, and four tilths of Iba Pnlmnnic Byiup At ihu time I am rnilruly well, aod aeigb mcra aod am Sirccgor ib«o 1 was before I took tie die a*n. Vul*.n /A» J/aand far *y Spmp. that J /.r: r '< -n csiapri/rd to rc.urf to u t ptrjrct iteixoi mjc-Vtariy /vt thr di-placing of Lh* A/r6i and tr*U*Q dnwn the .-yrup, ly •eAfcA ‘ht ftiOttane* caabem'rr rraJUf and jtrftttij ez traztni. Thuptoerttgitxs a dijf'rebf color to iA Ttnieiifg i: ILgh:er, tnU vremgrr «. U. RKldhH i*t>cleAgex.l for my Med I daslnPitUburgb. J-ILdAwP A Bobstltota for Cream of Tartar, A SEW, UEALTHY AND CHEAP AR- r tkU for making BREADrOAEJU and all articles cd food r>qotrttig ibs n*« uf TKAbT. Tbla new and ralnablo article is not a drug but an orfic’r of food, coutalolng notbiog Cut *>h»t givu* noorialimebt U. tbs body, it Ugi«waai<-d eqaaliastrenslb to ym-aCream of Tartarj-Uuac.: in tb« same way lu e-joking—is cheaper lopilCA,&nd make* bread and cakes of rop**ior quality, Vbkb rktnaln y>aA df rntfcA Icngrr Crmm of Tartar (s neeWIN A. BUITII A BRO-, Kortb'Wcßlourocr Fruot acd Willow afreet*, PhlladalpDla. 8. FOQUBT & BONB, IMPOCTKE& OF • i - HAVANA CIGAHB. No. 310 Boolh Front tftMt, Fti|f«d«||>faC*, Pa. [tstallithtd IS3O I We rccoiru retnlarly, asd ofiW, a choice EAOTitfUL TiliN, LIGHT, ’ j WwiU&DRMSOOODJ BIBS, i BOBISCTBBW.no BiM, £tJW i LAOE UANTI.E3, SDAWIB, I j,~, c BANBOS 1/OVl.tOUikmi. 1 foiutu oy julv. FIfTEEN THOUSAND PAIRS of Uisa’a ind ChJidfCß** ’A, BOOTS A ‘SHOES, . , or *ii T»rktk«w»il«»yUft. Al»,«rerjUJ3g la Clio D.kX *nd Sbo® Ilna. fcrwlwaodGeaUoiDejj, w.ll 1* 4 Tfairt it*. ~ SEED BUOKWUKAT-100-but prime BMUtetriUttdMneimfecafetj .=-r I. -’! ■■ s i JlH*s A.rttzn£,.:: l*» ccrurKuluiiinnliti. ‘.v' I <. ■' ' ; r^?~rr ‘j V-. Vl- »> ?•■' • , /)-v ’■• ' • v , •,- ' ■s» , V • •?'.' - : !' ■ • ■ - ■ sgetrit; gymnastic Assq. pq a^T^iTTP 0 ?*** ,1J Qawtft-ly vf the P.O. A,«M)lbeb»ld oa M'i.NDIV Ktettlo*. Jol» iS.etTU 0 clock. A foil tt!»iwl«bc* it rti)ONta! " -B7 order of the PreeUeat. JaSOStd J. d. McFaden. ELECTION SO TICK. : ~ Muting .of the* Stockholder* of the ‘*>Sr pnTSßOir.il A AtmSßt BWMxCo.liUn.lgtre-r.i will beheld at the Toll ilduse, North Krul.on Mosnai' July 2d, IStiO. for the purpose ol tIM-liug a hoard ol Oiled orv Cirthe coming y«*r. Tha soljset r.f Collecting h>lUou t: oS»bb*;h will >•* pm MSlrdforconsideration. PRANK d lllAPkl.L, JeSOfivd __ _ Treasure, is UliHt-BV SiVKN that ap plication will he maid by the SIKUILAKICS* BANK of Pittsburgh, to the LrgiuAthte. at iu u«lt session, lot an INCKBAB*ofsiQCUWtolfin»piUlBU*k. JalfcSdtlawd OEO. D. II’OKSW.GtaM-'. DR. SCHENCK, ofPhiWjlphia, will bo Pittsburgh toexaailto* pftient* with CONSUMPTION, LIVES COSPUIST AND HVSPEMIA MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Jane 11th and 12th, at the Drug Stored his agent, DR. GEO.' n. KEYSRR, No. 140 Wood stfei DR. SCUENCK’S MEDICINES. PITTSBURGH CEHTIPIGA TKS. A.VJIUKR OaItTIPIOATP JAMES l». WltSoV, At Sta|»r. Kia.Uk A Co.'s, Hteel ffoik* West Pillsborgh, May DO, l&cO thmaiuptm asamisemtnls. [SURGIN' A SON'S, 13 J Arch Street, Philadelphia, O.A.AX3. J. a KOON&& CO., CARDS 11 Rl,L * 8 ' REVOLVERS, AMUSEMENTS. TUS% CT A9>U9)o3 I>n»» Clrrl*wwi PUBilr .C»rcl».—~ roU&LZUKXTAXiy BENEFIT DKP.S3N. ' —l* * •• < r c * uri* Til.B bVFNiNi]. July 2d, ; ( • T LADY OF THK LAKR -- Rl*J«rl.l I>bo, W UcudrrfOD filea.-ba, BiiU tt— » To i-.'ijf JnJfl *uli . THE OCTOROON, s . : Mi. porcbtusl tbe rieht booi |n— « KIUUBIiLT ror Teollondred Dolljui. ’ T“*‘ 2»w,'Klti® ll*oJ,.r»oQ. JjE. Garden. - Beadier il- Ujilo oil Pete. Ur. R»u»«*. . ISal, JcnoU l>ur», Fstnif Crtiwr. p| Entire litw SVetu-ry Beauti/'itl Tableaux. RBANKLIN BILLIARD SALOON, FRANKLIN BALU nth sh, opposite Pitt shniuh Theatre, JO3. MATTHEW?, Jt, Proprietor THIS elegant and commodious UalMs now provided with -NINE NEW MARBLE BED BILLIARD TABLES, tef lb* Utt-rt «n*tttr», •ud !• otbcr«l«t Riled op eqoal toanj iolboioaoUjfor tte »cso«pud*tioa of dtizetn ud »tr&ogei% init lor litbt,’ nlr, cooi&jt md coareuienre, UoottorbMM, ta l be We*Wfn Bute*. Tbe Proptlebrr •ullcita t coaunoitioa uf the petrpoAgo eo UUrtllj beetowod on ble Saloon bowti> tute, ami jwarM tbe pnbllff that elerj mention will, t>« pal i to lbi*fr cotnßirl and plos'or*. N. D —AiwDt lor tbe ante of Billiard Tablet, BaJU, Cloth, Cn*e, CnMSdota, Chalk mod ail other article* la bia Üba, ebtcli be can dupoae of oa reeJuniLVLnneeod et ILe taanofactowr’e wbaleJtle prlcot. . ,d»L\yd Sale of New Stock of AllCj • Company.' i. •, BY virtue of an Act of Assembly of P.enn •jlrabJa, apprcTui Hi} «Ut, ISLTj and iapttraoenc* ui » rt-eoluiion ot the Board of Manager!of “the Corepatij f-r trtcima * Bridge ctct the Allegheny Riref, cpp-oal • Pitubargb, io lha county of Allegheny/' pweed the i'Sllx May. will i-e oCered at Pcblie Bald, at the Merchant** Bl cheese, io the Clt> of PitUonrchToa TUCSDAT. tbeMdaj o» Joty n»it,at 8 o’clock, r m.,T*O THOUSAND SHARES VF TU B 3 KW CAPITAL STOCK of IheComparj, being tbc haiende of cald Stock nmolA. / ' ' WM>BO3EBURO, Trtaanrsr. SAVE YOOR ICE! EVERY FAMILY SfIOULO UMTS OIK Hew and Improved i c B B E R q. { Original Patent Granted March 13, 1333.1 Imyrovtd Patent Granted Angvst IS, 1833. V Improved Patent Granted June 16,,1857. J Alto, all kinds of '• J ICE CHESTS AND BEER COOLERS. IbiluctmtoUbffired t->tb«lrid^‘ a Ct Emd t,rprtotf*l book of prlcu. j§ Jons o scnooLsr* co. /fo.J6& nj(«&rt(£.Cl*cfJUUrf l 0A& Republican Doccmontn! fJ'HE AUTHENTIC BDITIOS- - ' X Of THU. LIFE AND SPES OB £ 3 .or Abraham Lincoln, BY D. W. IIARTI/ETT, W»»ii!iutua C-.ire»p .tJ“3tVf ih« NtV fixk Fo-t, and iixirp- Ddcnt, *u4 tUe vrl! s>j LeJy Jane Orty," *4lwdero Asilttor*/* Ac.' ’ One large ]2mo. VoL,mtl» Finis Sfael Plate of “Honest Old A be/' Price, $lM)O£ _ Pamphlet Edition, without. Pi ice 25 cents. * ' ' J ' v„-<; Agntit, pirate to rrad (Au. Tea on make more tn'*oer4t> aelUflf Bartlett** LlCsiban eii!icapuiib'iM;'lxcMi( l lil, It is Actbentic and UpII&I'I*, mod «ail U» considered as Standard Antbority do* ring tbs paispetgn; 24,'1t la a Lug* and Beaniim! Book for tb» jllc*n CJntn supplied an lOwi'al Urta*. 10,000 Agents wanted to sell ; the Songster. Addrcst: U. DALTON, Publisher,' J«lU;?twT:Phlw>d 2isU6w*jd*t,«.T. FafU lor Tbc People! r£UE REPUBLICAN. . ■ Pocket Pistol! A COLLECTION Of FACTS, OPIXTOXSanJ ABQUMEXtS for VkKXDQiT; ' tiiM by mUUm E'.Birlt'gki lLq Published month!/ daring th* Campaign, commencing • Jon* 6lb. 3d pi***, ISaa.. Price 6 croU. Jb« object oi thU work wil! be in promt, Jo the moat cowle form pracrlcable, tfco principle# «trf elma cf theße publican Part;; tba Lien Inmlred la.iu Contest wi'b the SUt* Power end It* Democratic Abi:*; the ecsUmmU of the leading Statesmen oMbe eunalr/,paland preau.l.ln rotor* nr* to thoee Itanec and aai b other, matter* «4 inter*** um«;b« orolTod In the progress LT the political atraggto open which we l»*ra entered; what aver/ wji kin* lUpabti-: ao wIU desire, la the wa/,nf fact, argument,and ApUiiao, luf biauelf,sod tor hi* w ig'ibci*, to (otohn tba Ignorant, convince tbs prrja4learf, ana stimulate .Ibe'lßhewenn, will, be pi ren la thl*/tocfcef PixSoi aerie*, loa tarmat oacam n* paci.sai.taodcaDTmiiet.BiiilataprioewhkhwUl enaUa car Republican Club* to'put acopj of It Into the band* of ererj voter »bo era read. v . Ta* RiFOaucaa Ftcxtt. Patou will bo pcb'Lhcd on the’ 6?s o* xtut Koara da'll k lbs Campatga. SnyU copier or an/ camber wilt be tent bj mail. po«L>pt por'd, on melpi of 5 eeatt. Por.2sco*£r it will be mailed ta •ob«riiber*durtnpUr.ertßpai|;e; 6 cipiett*enr(iddrtu,s!l. We trmtoer k'public.nftu%Uit**it eoritrfducsat*- try will txert thevutirtt to make np Cwi for the Add FUtol. ft will Rive /oa a coaipbto of rkfi and H*«- warn*, wtitrwhljb to cunbet the Sham D*mce**c/. AddresP: If. DAYTON, PnblUher, M Bp>v. at.; ». T. ■ g E C O NOS. U p .p ft r Spring & Sommer GoOdi Samuel Gray & son, MERCHANT TAIHHSS/,.-. NO. 19 FIFTH BTJSKET.' LTate justTaceifed direct froa their Import*; • ing Houses in the~Eait, their SECOND SX#CK CARUS II c. - Spring- & Summer 'Goods '-'ro* ° t j GENTLEMEN'S "WEART Coccpri»icg Jl! tta latest m* Soacon.' 4l*», «a -AMorts *st «4.-t. Fancy. Light Colored French and English CASSIMERESi MAJIsitLES^STINQS Jr ... . . . K' trqwsers; and waistcoats, I *. - * . .--v r ,* ttUcb vMUciuJUoptaerJtria tba W«tßoftBK»tis> . P”*” ■t>lo«tnoderM»ppa«. - TEETII.— SAVE TlTtill Bltwiiiiw -■ i'slant ' • •£ J * ® Ta “t *° *£• boon loraurto oxnifed bv-n* o ' U. Csiri«t*»a»a*tfa.:l UWwiSSa* no* $l6 (o $« per wc ' * - -H J?™* ***** . J« ; W- »• Uo»Ari : Rer. Mm*) n*du* V V £«no«« U’JSm. ’ JOSEPH No. 97 Wylio Street, Kz>Kr*a*—Dr. A. H. irjaSke’ BobMni, Howell toll, ~ . - JJEHOVAJv- ftWUte r -.j-~J r '-X•. : . .' - —^tMgj Star, ~ - To (Learner ok.. . . . . —T &- Wbftl je2l ;j«w uxn&ooum ;heny Bridge .rosj.. s I,