"Ppaa ow TBti bit] FBIDAX SIUIiSUiO, MAY 25, 180 V. CITY AFFAIRS. * ■ litTxoxoLOQloXL Ob#«rr»Eioci for t bvffauiu, b j *a.'B.fllntri OpttcUn, 4S Fiftb St-reoneoted d»lly: ■ r - 7 ix iok. .n hum. ; . .•o-cloAx.il. }“ ;; . « '• - • -n-” '-"79 29 9-.20 Heoablican Headquarters for 1860, « 9gMU Bonitas U well v4*ght*Y«Wy-ofMCftM, And wiu bp rented Cheap to e Apply tt tho counting worn ;; -‘.‘''lV 1 . ! . -. import notossa of Wm. MoCallyet el. va Robt. Forrester «t, al.,wia £'eyyj u 4»piu .makiog it 000 of (be most tedious ■ cause* we have ever knowjn. Tbs property jo litigation is a valuable tract of land, containing four 'bundre’d acres, io Ross township, near Woods’ Run, on tbe Bearer pike, and said to be eligible for oanairy asais. . It is said to be wbrih as much as $50,000. The plaiotiffs claim on a paper title, that Is, directly or by deed. Theground of the defendants* claim is adrerso’poEsefisioo fop 2Lyears- . No leaathan twenty-three points were eobmitted to tbe Coatt by plaintiffs’csaaeei, most of them relating to the character of adverse possession., They were generally, refused,, the Court defiaiog-advario poesesalon to eonsiet' lo cultivating; the tract or eoeldslogit with as wall aaln aoioal oo* .copaD9p t .wbl«ii4hs lawdid not require; ' Either coliivation without enclosure, or eunlcearawiih ottt eoliiTaiioo, for 21 years, were deeme&iniffi. clentfajihe Cqurt;tn establish a good legtUhle. The jary retorned.aweidlptiordefendants. Atitoarar Pone* Imte.—John Cook was bebod over'lc keep tbe peace, on the ootnplalnt •ofiGeorgu Billon; John, it seems, bad fre quently threatened to' take Dlllon’e life, and (he latter, disbelieving.the aphorism that '‘threat ened folk live ling,”; invoked the aid of the lav to prevent euoh a catastrophe as that with which fae alas'menaced;- ,! ' * ■■■■. J,.. '•* A > colored woman named Miller made oath agaiosr another of the same caste, obarging her conddoi. - The magistrate adja-‘ ■dieeted ihuease by impoaiog a fioe of $1 00 aud woaif:oq tbe-defendanL Whereupon the latter, ofaaetrUg ibedifferencfl. iufecti if not tin. law, between .ihe. position of prosecutor and defend ant, turned round-and rngde the same charge agaiost Mrai'MilJbr.'’* The magistrate, with be coming caesifltbncj," Imposed a similar fine on her, and-both paHles retired in an apparent goodhumciit.',v.: FreblTCraigwaa santlo tha House of -Uefoge on the oomplaint of &lh: .Jas.'Rush, who charges Frank wiihthrowlng aVJite'.ohildreothrongb tbewindow,.and. being, in most respects, abad boy, ' Tbia is the same boy that was. brought before Mayor SlorrUdn fpr seme mischief, and was permiited togo home with bla mother io the evening,- with directions tb return to the Mayor’s office nett mornlngv .He did not reloro, how ever, add remained ekalkiog about home until arrested by Alderman Beott’s police. ‘ : ;!4 <^wfs.-^hfr.'Gep. 4 A.'!.Bradiay, of .East Washington countyone day - this week, had five of his ribs broken and was other wise severely Injured by being ibroira'from his wagon. Ho was returning from mill, when the horses ran off, throwing him forcibly from (he wagon; Homaypoßeibly recover. - Mr. John. Henry, a miner at the Cleveland Coal Works, near Monongabela city, vaSeo se vsrely iojured, on Taesday last, that hla eaaa is considered doubtful. His legs, right thigh hod arm were broken; the bones of Ms left leg were drawn through the flesh, protruding several in ches, sod he waa injured la several other parts of hU body. - A-lad named Pollook, residing In Webster, bad. hie scalp toruoff and his arm-broken, on Satarday last. He wae engaged in hauUbg eoel, when tha fore*gate came out of- the'wagon bed, and the coal failing on iheboraea 1 heels, caused" them to run off; boy was thrown out, and* thusseyerclyinjured* 1 _ OBstncctißO Passsbqbb Cans —Considerable J>sd blood exiatt between the drivers of passen sger Uamsters. \ We observed a fellow yesterday.who-det«ined-oar of tbs oars of the Manchester'railway for', some time, and finally yielded the track with great reluctanos,alleging that fas had as good a right to the street as the c*t 4*lw-r,;Mayor Wilson’s attention was c'alled ioa fllmirar noleance oo this aide of the river on Wednesday. P.-Downy, determined dispute tne track of (he East Liberly railroad, with the cara raoning ou it, bat had to strike bis colors, ' the Mayor-deciding that tbs franchises of the railway extended to the free use of their track, witboot limitation or obstraotion. Patrick was obliged to pay five dollars for this misapprehen sioo of bis legal rights, aud the pnbUo interests, demand .that Any one gnHt/ of similar oball bo like manner. Oar efficient Mayor will, however, see - that tho malter jfl properly looked after." liswßPAp&n - AaiKCi*e.f-rla common with many of car cotemporaries/we hate time apd •goto suffered air manner, of impotiiiotis, and frauds "froto perrons who .bare desired to aet at our “Auihori.«d Agents” for eoUciltag adverti sing and ooHeoilog subscriptions'ln Ibe Metro politan cities. Jbeee “men" bare bad their day. Few'if «toy of them, ever edceeed la tbeir ras cality long, and have hunk Info obscurity and iofamy to ejte out a miserable existence on their pilfering,. ine-vitb plessare tre turn from the conlem platTon ofsooh beings to matte honorable men tion of Mr. Jones Webster, of Philadelphia. Mr. W. has been acting as the agent of this paper for many jears.andwe have never found'him derelict in any ooe particular. He does net seek, by sboffliog aod delby« any postponement' in tendering .'hlsjaepooat*,. which, considering ibe amount .oit. business done by him,'are Correct to an extent truly surprising 7. I PiTrst AspaaPTilPfiTVr-fhU isiisev Eng lish material forroufiogrbirildiogs, ebede, &o, aod bids fair to 'prcvejnore valuable for those patpostsnbauehiogles/elstee, or any other de eoriptioo of v roofing.'—lt is impervious io rain,. eoow or frost, andMk of beat. It has no com6loea the four great r£ quieites of lightnesr,- economy and : aursbUi{y.*T|^6dW;ferroofing churches, cattle ebeds, for linjpfr graneriee and stores; (as rals end-mite wiU&Mwh £f;) for ceil iods-Bndsr flooring from w?t and dsmp-forcor crlognonservatomsi garden sbsds'eud frames,' (being a protactlTtFiaawHal iopUntao quite; a popular amusement in .- Allegheny cUy. ' A race was reportedlylaforo if gfarday, aalwahaye off on Wednesday. were Frank Belrton and UeleSor Otia. The stake warf a purse of $4OO. They ran sixty yards, aocom plisbiog tbat disianes In 6} seconds. Gwla was tbewioner by twoifletrrTnßre was oossldera ble bsulpg and a on hand. ~ ; • yetDembered'-by tbotw owulog dogt, that the Uwreqairesthetfi W hive their nmminiled frotntsri 15lh 6f Jane a util the wesraubHsr wftbVTOttal/plete, Otf fcfiefc.'iljs, eogriVtd. Jkli to pat tbl« Uw «**4bypr.bPfiriyibottld isotah&rp, or theirpete' : & ,rt; (bis oity, has pUc*Ma oar .table a likenest n& ABliM -: nub Presidsfat of < the United States, whlchwe a. goodcne, frottaaacqualuUncy,iirtlbtbe per* • sonilappeatinoa -pf. lha-crglnaL .It isold.Abe to tbS'life,< ijuy.be procured at Mr * Be&uc&m an’* at thejquuprloe of 25 cents. CoMXQTlcqf.rrTbo prlmery meelicgs of the BspublleswpirtrwUl be hold on Saturday weak* the 2d da^ ; of)taat*abd'nbtbh (be coming set* uidey.'tereportedia iht OauiU of yesUrdij: mornliffgr' ~ ’ ~~ ? Toi cotl-eouiUe booQet tMhloo lo t>o • lO much oft wcoofli of lift bid* U mft*eB loo> lo !|i,llli'/ ra-.-.e'. ,-l - r - : ' * ' Poiioi IriKß. «» ih».j«U.jr««tnd»f.'= OfvliewB wtn for dnirttnarrn.s fordliortely eooaqol,? form- liroo^W— Z-r*,' 1 1 General CoartnaaeKef tbe nuhodlit Kpfacopal ra H, _ •• , Bditalo, N; 1., May 21,18G0 Seventeenth Day.—Bishop Morris iuibeebair. Kellgicas eervicts conducted by Rev. XB. Cor- Joumi read aud approved. - !r«*"9port of the, Committee on Missions re jfflpooimendiQg the. General Conference Bishops lo constitute Mliisions of lhe Sl, E. Church iu Arizona and New Mexi cdj MMjothers adjacent, into a Mission Cnife- atany time beforo the next ecssioh.of the Gevnil Conference, if in their judgment it is deemed beet. The Committee also proposed a ocWoffice, to be styled tbe AssielaatSecfetary of .MlssionarySooiety, to act principally in theWeef. After, a (png and spirited discuaaion, jq which Drs. ' Darblo. D. w. Clark, Kingsley'Cdrry, Revs. W. IL Goode, E.*Thoraas, G. Moody, and others,' participated, the report was adopted.— The 'Missionary !Roard at .New'York were re qaeated to giro their legal concurrence to this act of the Conference, parried. • V i 'Agreeably to the action of lho.Coufercocs, the Committee of Appeals presented their official action on tb* following cases; Tbflappeal of Alpha Wright, expelled by the iNorthi,Ohio Con ference from the ministry;and membership of the Church, weß reversed by (be eommiUer; Vt, H. Sheets, expelled by the S E Indtaon Con ference from the ministry and membership-of the Charcfi, remanded baok to the Confe're&aoTkr a sew trial; G. 0. Holmes, - deprived of his'ere dentlalaas an Elder in the M. E. Oburob by the Book Riser Conference, was reversed; aotion of Wisconsin Conference; wberebyJ; W. Wood wan expelled from the ministry,, and,membership of the Churob, wae affirmed.by the oomciittee; - - Dr. Holdich,pMsented> from tbVC^m mittee oh the .Bible Cause; .read and adopted The following iatereatiogatatietics embodied in the report; Daribg tho'yciir.' to. oording to the last Annual Report of- tbs Ameri can Bible Society, its ieboes wer5753,772, bcin( an Increase of 32,183 over (lie year-before,"mak ing itstolal issues since iteorgaolxatioo 14,278,* 881. . Its reoeipie for sates of books, and dona tions, reached $435,956 92, the past year. ~ The Committee on Slavery made a further re port, olassifyiog the &o., and giving the votes of .the Annnsl Conferences on the pro-! posed changes in the Geoeral Role ou Biavory. Tho petitions -were t 1. Asking for the extirpa tion of Slavery; 2 That no ohange be*made. id the DisoipUoe on the subject of Slavery. ~ Result as follows: Against change,: from 32 Annual Conferences, 187 memorials, sigoed by 8,999 persons, and 47 Q M. Conferences. Aakiegfor extirpation, from 83 Conferences,Bll memorials, signed by 45,857 persons, and from 49 Q, U. ; Confereooer. Most of the memorials in favor! of the extirpation of Slavery were from Confer ences io Nev England, Western New York and the Northwest. The membership 1 of the M. E.| Charoh;(North) being over ,950,000, U'. will bej seen that the whole namber of memariaUsia isj less than 50,000. Dr. Tippett, of the East Ba!-< ttmore Conference, (embracing a good portion of- Pennsylvania) stated immediately after the read log of the report (bat it bad been the studied! polioy of the border to mako no petitioos on ibis! snbjeotv He said there tirereoue hundred thou j to eoy change otrthe subject. Appended to the above was the repprtofthe several 'Annual Conferences on the proposed ohange of the General Rule. The vote on the Cincinnati Rolo wae 819 for, 1,212 against; Providence, 1,242 for, .1,329 against; Erls, 1,705 for* 1,41 G egauut. - , This vote is by the ministers connected with the several Annual Conferences. The Discipline requires A vbte of three-fourths of the members of all the Annual to authorise tha Geoeral Coofereooe lo ehaogw a. restrictive or General Rule of the These proposed Rales, emanated from the Con fere'oee* named, Ciooionati, Providence and Erie, but U will seem, that neither Hale obtaioed votes euoagh to authorize a ohange, consequently all fell to the ground. The General Conference, now ia session, may adopt a Rale and send it down to the Annual Conferences for their coocorreoce, and if three foariha of tbe mombers. thereof voie to eoocnr, it wiUbe the law of the Dlsoipliee. "The Gen era! Cooference m»y, however, by a majority vote, change tho . chapter on Slavery, staling that the Rale of the Discipline Is Aoti-Slavery, and always has been so. "Advocates for. no ohange regard the General. Rule strongly Anti- Slavery. Conference'’adjourned with siogiog the J.n< ogy, and beoedlotioo fay Bishop Morris. Gen’l Assembly of tho New gohoi Clmro|li. The Assembly -met at oioe o’clock, Thursday morning, and after spending half an hour is religions exercises, procreded to the transaction ofbQsioess. The order of the day boiog an address from Rev. Dr. Wood, delegate from tba~ Amefftcan Board of Foreign MUbTu&v, HTaT gentlemaatook the eland, and delivered an address orau hoar’s length,.in which be weal loto the p»»‘. history and the operations of the. Board, and gave as aeooqnt of its present financial condition. After the geatlemto had eoooladed, the report of the Committee otr Education etas taken from Ibe docket / EL. Williams epokain ftfor of (be adoption of (be report, sod given history of the work of edocstioa in'Ms field'ol labor*. .. ' Dr. Clark moved to strike oat of the reporttbe second resolution, which provides for (he estab meat of a general treasury for the assistance of students. motion whiPdrscußsed pro nod 000, wheo, it appearingxihaii there was a geo-, eral treasury a existence, it prevailed by anunnolrnous.Wte. Her. ScofleldiooteJ thisUhe rasolaliotts re»- ported by tbeComaittee, be tskefc apstpintely nod disposed o£ ;'; J . : ’ ' The motioa prevailed, end n dtscassioa oc curred apoo (be first resoltmoo; which endorses (be notion formerly takeo by the Assembly. Af ter remark* by Eers. EL. Hurd, T.’A. Mills, S. T. , Seeley, Welter Cl&rk.D. D,ahd others, lbs further, consideration of the report was post poned. Her. Q. W. Hoots, from tho Committee oa Mileage, made a report, which sot forth tbit orer ibroo thousand dollars had been oontriba ted, which wodld, after - devoting! sufficient sum to tbepsymeht of mlleagi?, leavcabaliDca of sBoo.ld the binds of .. Afternoon Srmon.-—Dr. Cunir, from the Com mittee on Churoh Polity, reported: First,'Thai Elders oagbtiDQt to participate io the laying on of bands io cases-of ordination. Hecond. Thkl nil oomnmotcnots bnro n right to rote la,the selection of Bld^mnd-Deacons, save to 'excep tional eases. Third,'That business transacted by a Presby of- less 4bf* a qao ram, may bg considered ; valfd, jmleh Cbjected to by a fall board al a snbstqaeDt meeting, r,. ' The report of ibiEdaoatioaalCatnmittes Mine op io order, -an3*Dr. Oraioard, or proceeded to address the Assembly. He ex pressed the opinion that under Utopian hereto fore io force there was übeffeeiive organization. . Dr. Mills, Sitcretaryofthe Edbca'ttooal'Board; repHed (otb* rsmtrka of Dr.-Jlrsloarif.''' ' ■ Rev.J. M.'Sbefwbod, of N. intimaUd tbat .ihe embarrassments and difficulties which here* tofore stood jo the way of the Edaeitih&s!.Com mittee should bs removed,.pr th& pUa of the As sembly ooald never btfsuccessfullycarried'qat? The : pUOj he Intimated, wad defective, and was' noLpoderstbod- fully by’the. .ministry of .tbs Cbarch;':fierertheless,' be woQld not be willing *e gi*o.lt bp; •theugb he .desired to iee.H modi-, fied, so ns those w&o.oocapy conserva tive ground. Tbcooramittee’s feporffcontslned. the;moaifloaHocs dhBlred,'snd if i s>dopledwouTa work .wUb advaaiage to ’ the caaseof education. The gsnticmanxtloied by contrasting the affairs ,°f the 0.-S.’ Prtsbyicrian',Church‘(relaUpg to' edofljkilQDj wltb Ihofie of.tbe New School denom-; laalionr ■ -■>- As»ri*ll'E!^t[jge I or Detroit, responded w some of the-argnroenU-sdeapoed be Dr. Bretnard, aodadrooaledttrnadopUoa pf lbs re- P?“- 7..,. s ' thsi ihp pntter^eoostifcSkiiavtftHhiiSMti^is POB»-yanfntHy :t : ißefoMfSedebtfon tAsr, efloog Island, took tbs eland andspbki Of the adoption of lbs report. • ■ . . :Mr. 801 l egaltaebwed JUs n£Mo6, »blob on dhaqaesUon being taken, waadeolared lost ißr.MlHaread the'roles protidedforlhsgor'- eijninent hf'.lhe Aieiirablj’s peposnaht Commit-' lee on Education, andfoe tba appointment ofa SacrttaTjr.'irkMn » Oakland Bt«el»,,’ ByOeotgaß. Taylor. N«« Yorbj Phetdoq’ •* is s'ser ies of delightfal stories for y oath, written by s gentleman of Virginia. The beau tiful volame before üb, entitled “Cousin Qay,” h.the, second of these The author knows bow to talk in the young, and la amuaiog and instructive at the sameiitae- For sale by R 8.. Davis, of thla City.' Ist :otcrb iH Tfl* AcADtiil.—Tbe Hall of the Aoadimy of' BoUao* and Art waa wed filled last evening to hear th*' leplurfeof Dr. Philips, on loUlhjology. . TAo Teofurer had on the (able before' him, soma amoogthem were the Like blaekbMs, 1 ; at -&ntroreku* Ftaciatus, from Eogliah LalVf'WisooDsifi; the Gar Gab, or Scomber Scombrvti of ihe*Ahegheoy riverj the Hone Mackerel; orßlae Fiib.aad many others. The Dr. delivered a very Inleteetiog lecture, nod was listened to throughout with marked attea* lion. ' ' l ' A -• '•* .* Ooe of tb*Blooe*4b|i felldoriDgitie-Uteme* teorio etoawer mObto,Bttracted *'great deal o! atleDUoiL L .;'FroiD all.t&(U t3oii!4 b« ascertained, it waa toonghi- to.J>s composed of sandstone, dominating, r WA paderstand theowner has re fused $l5O far, itT. . t)oo - * MadDoo.—A mad dog vas killed jeaierday near (he bead o t Federal aireel, Allegheny- THE LATEST NEWS BY TSLEQRAP B RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETTE OFFICE Wajbisotox City, M*y 21. Hocsb,—-The amaodmant reported yesterday from tbe Commiueeof tbe Whole oa the State of the Oafoo. to the Civil Ajpproprixtfoo bill, wu agreed to: »ju 03, nsji S 3. The bill «u then pelted. It con tain* an appropriation of iSMXIMOO for taking the ceaiae. It alio appropriate* $40,000 for eaedi and eattiogt tobedlstributedhy the Patent Office. Mr. Colfax called op the Senate Pacific Telegraph bill. Uewxa origloaUy Iq favor «f giving oat the con tract lo'the lowest biddar, bat he had baeome con vinced that it was not the beat pita. Mr. Barnett's amendment to the Pacific Telegraph bill vat adopted, by a rote of 101 to 73. The bill empower* the Secretary of the Treatary to advertise for propoiale to boild tbe Mae. The Ifa»e took, op the Pacific Railroad bill. Mr. Cattle' explaiaed the faatorea of tbe btilre-- ported by tbe Select Committee, whiob propt-eed tbe central rente, with two braacbei—one from a tiara and one from a free’State. The HU wae made the special order fur MonJaj. Adjourned.’ SKaATX.~Mr. Benjamin called attention to tbe necessity of ' doing eometblog at once tbe bill from the Ja4taisry Committee to prorlde for tba ne groce sow at Key Veit. It eothoriied tbe President to enter Into contract with aoy person or corporation to receive Irem the U. & authorities tbe Africans Boiiod oo by 'the reiaela -engaged ia tbs litre trade, end support them for six month* from the date of tbelr landtag on the one«t of Africa; provided (be coit'of the aato® ebell out exceed 9100 for each per eon. Tbe President Ij also authorized to qio tbe vessel* of war. to transport Ibeta in Africa. s2oo.Olid are appropriated fur tbe purposes of ibe bill. Mr. Pugh offered an eaendment to extend tbe po rted duriog wbioh the negroes are l» be supported to not less then one jearv. Instead of six tawnth#.— Adopted;.yea* 20, naya 17. Mr. Dari* nppnted the policy of making tba ap proprielioa. It did (alt within the obligation* of tb. government provide for tbeir rapport La Africa fwi *u long a period. : Mr. Fessenden responded, cootecdlog that it : «■< lohumao to taro them adrift vlthoat providing fyi their rappotfa '• Air. Darir replieJ, saitaiotag hie pravi«aa poil ti-. 0. Ilo' offered no amendment lo strike oat all iba hill except do tnaeb a* related simply to sending the begroee back. .. Mr. Be&jamio advocated iba bill, abJ eooteaded that by onr treaty stipulations ita passage was de manded. : Mr. Davis earned the treat/ to be read, to show that no inch obligation esiiled. Mr. Brown coDtaoded that the oegroea, were alarea at borne, and that if U tree inhuman to ratarn them, it wet oot inhuman to bring them away. The bill from the Judiciary Committee providing for the deportation of the captured African* at Key West, was paired In thaahape reported, by 41 lo 14. Mr. Baris* resolutions eomiag ap, Mr. Bingham read a long speech is opposition, aod Mrf Bfgler de fended his position, os the other side. Be said he bad at ooe Umo expressed bis opinion to the views contained in the resolutions, bat regarded the Bred Scott decision as settling the question, end should vote for (he resolution. Mr. Iverson said that be had Intended to offer an amendment to Mr. Davis' resolutions, bat now -de dined. Bo however read the resolutions wbieb ibe intended to offer; as an expreasiou of bis individual i views. ■ They-claimed extreme Southern ground, maiming that itfe'theduty ofCoogres* in organiz teg.the;urritories, to provide for the protection of Slave-property. He ahonld, however, vote for the resolutions, as the best that could begot. Mr. Clay said bo trad Intended to speak in favor of tbo resolutions, aod was sorry that he was physically unable to do so. - Mr. Oroen contended thit.tbe resolutions wore not intended as a platform for the party. After further discussion, a vote was taken on the first resolution, which teas carried; ayes and nays aa follow; * I Aje*7“Me*er*. Benjamin. Bigler, Bragg, Bright, Brown, Cheviot, Clay, Cllogmaa, Crittenden, Davis, Fitspatrlck, Oraen, Owin, Hammond, Bempbill, Hooter, Iverson, Johoion of Ark;, Johnson of Tenn., Kennedy, Laoe, Latham, Mallory, Mason, Nichol son,-Pearee, Polk, Powell, Pugh, Rico, Sebastian, Slidell, Thompson, Toombs, Wigfall, Voleo—Ss. • ■ ; N*yi—Messrs. Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Coll*. ,2ner,DlcktoQ, DooUtHe/Fessendsn, Foote, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Hamlin, Harlan, Klog, Simmons, SbtQoer, Ten Eyck, Wade, Wilson—l 9, iThe 2d,,3d and 4th resolutions were passed, by a nfarly similar vote, Mr. Pngh votiognayon the 4th. ~ 'Mr. Cllngoaa offered the following as an amend ■'menu' ■' Mteiofced, That the existing condition of the Terri tories of the Uoited States does not require the inter vention of Congress for tbs protection of property in slaves. -Mr. Brown moved to strike oat the word "ool," after the word "doas.” Pending dlscosilon, Sonata adjourned. . - . New Tons, May 24.—The second trot os the Union course, yesterday, batmen the stallions Gaorge M. Patcbeo and Ethan Allan, to wagons, again resalted la the viotory of the first baaed horse, which won the race in three .straight beats. The match was wall oonteatedAnd. excellent-time-was.mads, tbaaaaobd beat having been trotted: la 2£fi.>.There were at least 6,000 spectators withierthe oonrsa. The Tribune's Washington correspondent says the friends of Mr. Seward, who are the best authority to swak for him,' rebuke in 'the most emphatic (arms, tbjo suggestion that be will give a cold or baiting sop* pqrt to Mr. Llneolo, or uoeourege anything like lakeweranesßOQtbe.paH uf others. Mr. Wendell again appeared before the Covode Committee, and testified, that while the President or. Cabinet did not specifically ‘direct’ him to apply monies *to;carry the Lecomptoh bill thronght the House, bis intercourse with them, at that time, folly justified ■the interference that he was to be beueflttea by the expenditure l , otherwise.he A woold not -have been In duced to bate approprieted fi3o,OOOors4O,OO6ofhls own money.- TboexpeetalUm waa that bo would re* coive remunerating- patronage, which was subse quently realized; In part: AU HU testimony on this and other delicate points,bas bees constrained, and evidently embarrassed, by the knowledge that every disclosure affeoCng those la authority, would Involve blmiolX. In comparing his'check book with the no*: pounta of the Bank of tho Metropolis, several week* ago, an Item of $250 waa found charged to Foster of among the money appropriated for electioneering purposes, and dated: September, three weeks before the Congressional election. He was •thdn asked whether the Foster thus named, was the present Democratic candidate for Governor or Penn sylvania, who ran against Mr- Covode for Conmts in JBs9»i ; No satisfactory antwer coold be obtetaed at the time, but when the Interrogatory was repeated to-dayrhe-admltted kqowing-no-ether Posterior .whose benefit it *cnld have been applied. He said Urgetomr had been entrusted to Mr; Wilts •membertrom Psrmiytvenla, for distribution darln* that canvass, - -• • - *- Tha ease or Reynolds, at Loulsvllls will be brought before the Committee. He was apl pointed through the laflnenee; of Mr. Guthrie, Bx- Secretary of the Treasury, and it wfll be proven that ha > deposited the reeelpts at a prints bank from which Mr»o*tbrls borrowed..; Mr. Cobb pronounced this a vtolaiioff of the Bub-Treasury laws,bat through the inflaesoe of Postmaster Qenerml Hoit the Presl jflpt keenshltelaofflea- - ' SAVAKViff, G*-rM»y s4.'~Th«re .was a duel this Burning -Ferry, between C. A* L. Lamar «nd Col. Moor., J»t» of ti» Imi N.tt. Th.dln. cult, grew entef .UrmUm of tbaUttw la Su tmm'i csk. .Shot,:w«t .fxdkuiM* Tbtiff.lt iru Nxw York, May 21.—& dfcpMfih from Waihlng -lon eayi Henry'Dv Jobnsson, of-th* State Depart ment, is nominated Consul- General lo. Constantin ople. - ■ 1 Tne Impression Is now general here that the over issue of Pacific mail stock Is mack larger than was at first supposed. One slstiunent, **ld t 0 comt from tbe company's office, !* laid to. he 240,000 share*. It is said that certificates for 39,000 shares hare been presented' for dirldoads, and tbatnaU these ate registered in the stock* A Shanghai circular has been received per tbe Per sia, which says that advices from Japan report Con sul General Harris* health better. This disprove* tbe atory that he is deed. Washixqtox, May 24.—A pbilentbropie scene oe. curred in tbe *nte-rpom to tbe Representative Hell to-day. A baadsome mnlatto slave girl appeared io tbe charge of Dr. Davidson, of this city, with a statement that she bad been sold to a negro trader, but by raising $3OO cash, and securing the payment of $7OO more by the Ist of August, she could pur chase her freedom. Tbe emount was promptly raised among tbe Republican members, and tbe girl U now free, lowa City, lowa, May 24.—The Republican State Convention, for tbe nomination of Stale officers, and the Congressional Convention, for tbe nomination of a candidate for Congress from tbe 8eoond: Dis trict in ibis State, adjourned to-day. The bid State officers were nominated for re-election. Vm.Ten derer was unanimously nominated for Congress.— Lincoln and Hamlin were heartily endorsed. Nxw Oblxsxs, May 24.—Advices hare been re. reived here from Galveston, Texas, stating that a meeting of tbe principal citizens was held there, lr* respective of psrty, to-take action io regard to tbe secession of tbe Southern delegates from the Cberlet* ton Convention, end that tbe Southern platform was fully endorsed. * OrrowA, Mey 24.—Daring x storm to-day, two boys named Peter Kelly and Alfred Collins were killed by ligbtnlog striking tbe tree under which they bad taken shelter. Two others were slightly injured. Acottsta, Gs., Msy 24.—Son. Wo. C. Preston died at Columbia, yesterday. COMMERCIAL RECORD. OOUMnTKB or AKUITUAftUX VOX HAY A JUtfE. Jests Put, Jr, V.P. • Josara R: nemres. i xsxuet Rußunox Baxosl* flnarvra. | Kure’Owxaa Weekly Review ofttxePUtabtugh Jiarket. (J UporUd tptaiallY/vr tks PUUbnrgh Oaaettg.) Prmaoxuß. FBWiT Uay S 5, ISO. Tbare b*s been do remarkable cbangs to ooto to tbe reo eral market daring tbe week soding yreterday. Dodo**, although dull euoegh, Lee given enOeuce of* sllgb lav pr»reiiVDt, and continues mure animated tbau wsa gtocrtl- I; anticipated. Tbe pruepeets of a bountiful rrop of both giatu end fro It are becoming more fevorable aa tbe eamaer aeeeoa edi-so res. Our exchangee, elih bat few exceptions, tpotk io tbe meat glowloi terms <•( tba coming crops, and If «• are bot visited by any more frosts, wbieb is hardly probable toe Ibe jleld will be larger this at-aaon tbao for many yean pra rluna. Tba riftr coottaaee In fins navigable cooJltkm fir tbo Urgtat claaa of beats, tbare being upward* of alareu f. eton WeJuead»y. Freights, however, are vary scarce, *mJe tbs arooout ol tonotg* La port to all pointy la Urge, asd it U «lth great difficulty that a boat caa grtg trip to soy ofloe varloua («clo»* bel.>» short of teo or three wicka kshliog. Htwd oo> taatprieaa rtmalo atmoat uosltsrad there betug but llUlft change u> note in aoy ul tbe lead leg ertlrlae. there la a pretty fair supply of Hour; and tbe datnan-1 ti about e>)u«l to il la grain there baa been nothing done except In corn and oats. ABllKA—tbe vart'i iihi were amall at kroMir prices v‘e: Soda Asb Pot* rang* from Pearl* Hi ©b',4- Tbe atock la first baoda la ample all ordtiiary parpuoee. A PPbX4—(be eetaon la over, aud sllhoagb (bole* apph ■ would now coiDoiaod btgb figures, tba i&sikat Is so bars *bd sates so tow that we omit qoouttnaa. A LX—Pittsburgh manathetaredco&tllioe* to fair demand, with atreHlyabipcueot* to all parts of t&a country. These abtUticxJ raise at praecot ate r tia*. butbbi* • 4i $l.OO » xw — « a,oo F0rm............ 6 a_oo HAOjI-itu prlc* currast ot Umn tlortwtd B*ikw. for prloUO I*gt U;» ft* $6G&66, 60 fi>. sfl.S3?6- W lb. tilt 0» 10 do >* do $26&30; SU do US li»m wad bwatbof*—l4 ft* s£, maaltn,slp <1100;Silo, drillbg, $l6; 2 do, ttanobarz’* 114 sl«s»2t * ’* UICON—Th« ttaoauflonc la beroa d&rfog the put *r«k h«o two liberal. Price* ere 4m, but aatLeogeJ, el pre viMta qnatatlcne: tboaldero qoot* at ilJ*« *1 jU'.yir <$l«? i-lalo bania »t JO l . 4 (.'c |o awl icnr corn] baiuaal b(JLK iiS IT—Hb* trauewUooa it» far eld**, aad g for fauna. B. W fIOW-a* btrt baud of do h!m Jortoj tba *aek. Tba demand baa ct«a*J, tba »-‘i-n Uavloa cluaad far it* g»arrM ue«. HUNi—Tfceacp]i|; U abosl iqcul la thedemand, «(tb of traail whit* at Tfa®&or,aud Tort BtataH 96£f|. llUTrEK—Tbrr* ia« prattjjfalf ecppJj of butter la war kau w&icb »Hb the warm waatftar, h** ■ccealotrej a doc I tea is prseaa. Traab roll ctwaaJJaal lb iobbta- P«; at onu)Aoe_ Uanllla Kopo, coil, Uef fa'kfeallU Roj*. cat, If c fa 6 Uamp Uopa, ewL II e ft fa Kemp Hype, cut, IS c fa fa ifaj*, cud, II C V fa Tarred Kopo, rat, IX o fa fa Xard,au*.U e fa fa|l>»ctiufTanj.ojm lo c fa fa Bt^«iKlW—Manilla, U.ffljs »IvJ7,rA»««W476 ft di*. Uoiuu coil, 11 eta M lb. PUit‘lll I.IN Manilla, 87 rta a market leatMdy at tba falb-wlai’ qaotatknawbkh er* corrrctad to data; •w.* tMa. Noa.iielOtaUealraroeytfamo.la 7„ ,a#»fa' Nu*. 11 * n. at eytfa N0.u..._ saefafa Nats - —.steyift N*» S TeSfa £*»• it —Ocytfa*No.to....« si c S fa ho- li —Aa c* fajjfo. ffl .sac ft fa rvit.« . 1 • . r .11 cfaifaaiNo. 100 •10 c ytdcajKo.9Uo.. . Vcyickn Na 100 b . • c fa Jox| Okrjiot chalu, aa«4x4. Sic yt fa T»rioo-~.. «fa l£» Jo abIUsSS . Canlkloc 16c •• to 84 rnla, lie “ r«m(ly Hatting.. lfaj •• Ifa Jo 3etoMc22o - tfaUtag, No. lie - Coverlet Yam._ 25c “ 110 No. Ue «* (UndJv»Uk-.-....„ * * - No .. tJcflid OIaNDUCs AND HOA1 I—(Xndli* 1 —(Xndli* w>umiij ax —dipped mould U sad adamMUoa 16<&1». remains as before, steadj at6 toe common, 6U fur PaiftT awl'lO for Pawyrr'a TiBW A Castile, (©SU for Bawrer's Ohsmtcsl OtU*; aud 7 ft* Gsrnxan. CUDKSK—There U a good sapply of (bit article to the market, and prfoae bars • declining IcodaoCj. IT* note u»1t« of MW W. It. at &.9.V310; Oemborg selling tt 1?U. CORN MEAD—Is Itr good supply. We qoota irjo Ortl hoods «t OOvfpfJi, end from store st Ctk£(7o. CaAQKKtif—hsr* declined • little recently, andwa tuv qiHte aa follows by the bbl: wafer crackers, 6c B>, bmfer, 7c: eager&c; eoda,7e; pllotbresd,fs'3 bbl 1 FEATDER5—prime Wee tern at* dull At 45 io lute to are lo ib« aoull esj, ulm st MgU, DRIED FRUlT—Apple# sr* plenty and.ilall. A sal* of 3ft bath was mede on Tomday At ftl,» W toiU. Tracts* art scare* and command $494,60 fl bueb. FHMt—Tho triueactloM in flan daring tbs past weak bar* baen Isrgb, and prices • •berally u« pretty Well m*lo> Uioed; wo quote Na it Meekers!, Urge st $12.(0 B bbL Uka While V Ml: helf bbis dost *Vd. Uk* Tnmt $9,50, sal Herring st $4,10. Bsltlmor# Uenlng ft'taTAo- Halifox doss,K>; AleviressB,(o; Cbdflib Jb7 FEtD—k eesica snd hM sdrseced a ter* Is but little chugs to note to this article. Tb« supply of teptrtin* Is smalt,hod the salat art few. We quota eaper At $5,40@3,6e; ettra $5.70, 5,800590; «itra fondly $O, 8 iitaO/ii tsney $1,4038 60,; and soma cbolca brands et sfi,To<|pT- The sales irom firstjb rods ara smell. . OkA IN—There is nothin* doing in th* grain market with the Asreption of corn anJ oats. Whosl commends f 1,259 I,M for red fr:4, Bj£©9c lor C'-mmao to choice. U-lmi-s »ro firm, sol «a quote at 4f©6o for Nee Ortoaus. Cofiea is •tMdy at 16^91(q%t8». die*ln good demand at urap' B* lo tcs. . . . GERMAN CLAY—is nominal at $20050 $ too. _ GAB FlFE—the foliovtog are the qaotsuooa tor wrought rooiablng: Per Foot I Far Font MlnobQaa Pip*..- T cta.l IU loch Gas Pipe—B3 cu. K “ T * ?.. - “ ... » • . § • i* ‘ 2% -• • •* eo * a - •* « »H •* *• - • “ -.1,90 - : r-zff*;. . ableei to Um costumiry dJacoont. lIAY— I Tbere Is • fair eopplj at aoalu at ptlcoe nDtlor from $l2 to ill B too. * HOMINY—SeJwof ta»al DID&9 k UtATUK&—daU,'Rr«aobesthl4aaer«qaot*dat 6&OK, the Utter Baore ruling for dtp slaughter*] Grwa Mtedblde*7£4&7%; Dry flint lt><3lQ; Rough conntrj teetber Pnoend Leather te quoted u follow • bad Spinlab ßet* fT ft..-,-- BUngntor * ** Uppar L®»tb*r 9 ____ Bruit *• “ . logifi' Skirting Leather 82034 Uamoaa.. 27039 IRON A NAILS—*I* month** rataa, or 6f) cant diicvwii fur cull:— ' Inch ...h SJi.SH, Anod ic by .;*M 3, 3!4< *.«“» fcjrS£«xT' 3-10 1nch..—...-...... .2^ 2K«>d3K *?’}{•»*; •; 3-US 10ch..~-....«....~.'-3;' A and oby tol ■ Dandy Tire, IV£ and l?i by >- . X,M6aad& inch—h~3i BotMiboa, 1 and V/t tocti j by?iMo,keno»s - 3V4 §&*&*=£» *2 by £&aod9a tudi...~-b: Saddle Tr**, V/ 4 end 1% by !. by l«,a-16*ndl£lBcb.S?S fc.lu»d lVfby&a-ir and W i V by V. 3-lflud tfi acb.4 « by Vi. 3-16 and fti«b*H - kODSC AH» SQIUU. ■ •■ jj Inch ... .* ft nwr unit;' S : =-: f •am uoa. - '' ' - ;W,SOyS2»4i..:-H *.»•——....u « «g. «JO«l HO*. • ■ins. IW to.diO f_ty\ - Aftu» NWl**>» ;, »«k‘ 6d *ld «i " M ' •:. ' “ V.^oo “ “ “ ~Xv ' • • ujuiM «>••* ■ti 1 Oat BpikN ft’ to iu ■■■.:. !»h. ... '-..;',.a,50 •• - -•. ■ * : tsd '^UluOO EW-d SpQc» x iwb ...7 ftll «t B * w« «;„V|Q Duller Blveta • 7fi £r*o Plow Wtoja - ■ •w I ** SUba- - « - .•■ ■.WIKM. Bert m. . gu Steel Plow. ... .** •** WlDft J«| EOHBE&, Qjaei>—Tb* eupply ot green Umber oabasd at ib* rivrr b t ery IrtE*. notwltbiUndUg which prion an pretty well maintained. The -prtor common t@lOH Hbet,and dears2o; timber 7@loo fi cubic foot Tiao—Obmmoa Umber, •ewood, $U U. tot; clear dodo rt s3L**£. tot. Bblnato: print IB tach »a V 1000; Bo Ho. !-18 I bob IMS?* 1000. -talU »2«100a., pafflar $lB WIOCW. UU£—onebuced. -Brin of LoabriHe it bbL -tod MeryUnd at$LT6, •- •• -•* LA&D—b nllis* at to Nol clly In bbb. and UH@IIJ4U Iwgri eonotryitlC@lo}s ;«, HkBB IvßK—the market cannon* Arm with a tood da* maad; odn of country at $1131080; dty slB@uio. OlLS—TtotrasaaettonlaaiK Of all qnalttin bare bteo raalLbut pttoiart oßcbaswd.- Waqaoteiro.llardatBS @50,N0*276050; cjal, CSS7Cr, Übriaetlnf.MgjlO.lJßaaed, 02$AS r L ' PIQ MSTAL—there b HttU dolu* attd price* ttmaU. bn*. cbtt<«L aebtof AUe(boqyats2S32oDtaa. • POtArOßg—«reln rather bctur deauod,‘an4 good qual ities her* adraoeed 10®16cj» bosbeL We quota Nertu»> ! ooeks at 60®&6| *pd 3>@4oW nd. BTB f LOOa—dull with qccidunel nles at ILTfc3<,B7^. ? SEEDS—SaIes of dow at' sl quab lo lob from •tot*. Tlmctkrb&ejmlttdMfS€ftM,a&dJUxbacarc*at aALT—amndaraUdemtod todiafaatf Ha. 1 atilfiUfr nrlqm wkflnn. and we repeat oar qoctatfcwe mnks>-flxS and 7X9. fe*Js **lo, ms -Slfliu eSuSS ffig S ** V6o!^W fcS—wVcoat Wfllid ltAfl-llna and la cteadr demand et E2LBOS » ft:*nhject totbeSaJl “SgfLM l art .and UtbJee SX oo?.Si^? r T CaU ,“ rf prtw* declining. Sales rectifird at goacyget andrys toqaalltyr Cxsotatan Dn freer ftUxxcr, May 23 Dating the imal week Iba ourkel h*a been doll and prices about lb* ir™! „-.Vr?° ,n f-ct •• ““ *•* no change et el!.— .r,^°^ bI V ®m o*o “I eutemeot of tba cattle SifS f»° rorlb * ntma th ' l car oM k(!e Q hfa B «B^JS^ r K U> * * re Rtl ' m “ u ‘ r bee vacetsd bit post, lift t VuT? , b ** no ‘ »•* t° l *ba bang of things. Ws V in Rotors to give tbe toll statement that baa hitherto been placard in oar column*. _ „ QCOTinoffß. Beef OkUle, troco &S 0 to $4 00; ggtra, tifiO fihrep from $1 to $3,12. **»■-« ** ,BU ' Hogs from $4,76 to $3,25. Cl.cnr*Tl It.rn Muib, U w SSL-Tb. lamtar k.t cuoutna u » «ul o.n,r, .„ iU „ „„ U1 ,j, 0 w - IsUl* tor foil pries*, tod buyers Jtatt a* atnbbornlr >ra holdlog off: now tod then • aa>«ll lot t« disposed of itntr. tllj at $l4, and sometimes t shade lea, hot foil flfuoa mil- Uoo feat remain untold, lloldert art anxious to realise, hot they trmot willing to drop prices to 112013—which flgores dealers art wiUlsg to piy. Toeit U t nodtrtla rwllsl demand at Ibi jarda. at (bi fol lowing price*; Clear, 9 M, s3soVfc. lit common, $26030; 3) do. *l7 uv 8d do, J1U.60012; thingl-. $3.60, “ u> * Uf#u; ’ Tb« mill press for framing timbers art at follow*: Ptte,sts. Aiun Lira BtoextfiiuT -Cattle—aeeeipu thk week 8 JBO agetaxtS ,276 last week, mod the market is anlet active *• b(Ure weight) adranae. Tbs Eastern bujen will take shoot kOO bead, and woald take three erfour bendred ®ors, If the; cootd get them et ten week’* prices. The B*w Yorkora, howsrer, are buying freely, and nearly ell will change hand* hers. U not so good ee leaf week; ThUW.ek. Lot Week. PramlniD 6 @5Wc Sartre....... 4WOJ c 4^«4J?o Flml Quality- &K . Second Quality SJfittSiic - Third quaMy.....-..2)*03 c 2&@2fcc Interior @2l£c - @2, c sheep—tba ant-ply la large and demand good, all being eoldat n slight advenes la mica orar last week’* flxotee Weonoto mum wtigbL **yh®—lnla branch la doll, end bnt few changing band*. “l010 wpo* 1 * »we* ,n * HOfta, atftj£e?> Milch Cows—few In market, with but little inquiry for “““In***/ « $26043 lor common to good end (60065 forextre.—fa. Y.Trttmne. * Imports bjr Blur. WUIYUVQ, per Ulocm-OH bble fioor,irbbds tobae- V £t sff°t * Iwartsi bx ®d*a.Curie * cm 100 bbls floor, D Wallace; 100 do, B II Myar**ifco; 14 bble wblaky A Wenace; 23 do, 3 Lcflok; 1 do liqnurflios tatter A Bmltb; 101 do whtekr, Q W'Bmllh.ST doL ) Qardl aer; CO da,- D Wallace, 3 bbla wine, C Laobtoter 23 tea barna, P Seller* A co; 3 eke, 30 bl bble ala, 3 bla hope nam ing « brut; 13 cka eel soda, Pa Bah Mf co; 8 tea bame A *>7. r t Wl l * l !*** b bbla flaxseed Dickey A co, 83 bbla and 6 hf bbts tobacco, Graff A Vangorder; S 3 bbla lima. W Dr trg co; bl eka featbsra, Brown k Klrkptlckiick; 8 bxa, B A Fahnestock A co; I cheat, Brownsville wf boat; ft I iron pol ,6Jk> Knapp k co; Clbdla paper, Foatar A Fleeaon: Ibt l eggs, 4 B Smith. 8P LOUIS, p«r Arlzunla—l23 dry hlJm, 123 bble floor Clarke A co. 100 bbla floor, Iftbhdeaogar 1W bblsmotesiei 10 do oil, J T McCombs k co; 36 bbla abUky, A Wallace 12 do, O 11 Dierker A bruaJtS do. J Parker; ft bble • tcb*cm! M W Bank Is; 10 do, W iisalaxct 3 bble bominy, Long k Do ff 10 bbla I oil, J B Joma; U bbla, O Bnad; 6 chrataM eta rope, McCloiky A 303 aka wUeet, ft T Kadbada ftcotifaton Oplowa, Hall a Speer; 23 g hide#, 223 d dot J H McCuae, 100 tone pig Iron, Singer, ftlmiek A co. aivKuaiewst The rlfar eoultonea to recede alaAJy wilb tan teet of wa ter >n ibe abanoel by the pier mark laat aveotog. Tha weait.er wee ppprmtevly bot, and el ttmaa theTs strong Indlcatloui ol mure.rtlO. Tbe wbaif preMnted an act.»« ajpeejanc*, tbera being e cobaiol» and Wbaaiinx •«** the only arrlral*. wblla iba J W Uai.man tor llnßola rlTer, and Wbetllug packet 4tr»rtri TsiCoauoatDuanms—Fifrxo Ltrx>Lo&T—Weanoaj a Hat or tbe coalboato fcouwa to ban been k*t between Y#- vey.lodlana. and thla dt-, Li tba dnedfalntaraofftfondav aftaraocHi,., It is leered that a large .wMn'i.r oihara mat with ibeeema dltaatrooa fata: & A J Watada loatftboata; Ucuou; A CoogroTe I; ileroo P, lancet hi Waltoei T done AOb 2; Blaekbsra 2; O'CobDur 1; Wyan2. At Vera* IScjalboataand 16 live* weralmt AtrQoUtoa A 00, two tewtat DScsUb, pilot; two men (oat WaUOfL two boats; W Baser, pilot; no lives loet -T Watfc»»iroe boat; Hob*. Campbell,, pitot; *> lire* lost. UoOtaakey,Coegr-v. AC', on* boat, J„bn lfoirsy. pilot; no live*lost. Tnos JIMWS A Co 4 Uo boalat'-.lloa eeater* pitot; foor men lost JoeWaltoo, two boats Tboa Bevln* ton. pitot; one toao" tun. Tboa Fencei, two boats; Samre Benogton, pilot; foor men leal. P B,kfr ACo. two boats; BII Bleckbnrn a Co, two boats: Uoea* BeourU, pilot; bo Urea teat. O*oonnor ACo one Uml; B For tl, pttot' no liras lo»t- U Draro Ann,2 t>oaie; W Deweon. pilot; four men tost Tbe kdlswiog-eretbe uesol tbo*e loal ooOaa SsetordV J McOnemy. Pet M*Q»rr, T Duollao, and J Danny, Oo Deolevy Smith a boat: W Bthaton On Jemsa Bavtngtoo'a boat: Dan. Glrana, Ulcbral Daffy, Cbas. Teaasaod Joun Belford. 7 Qo T. Boviogtou'a tfU»e wrecked boatmen and brought them to this cltv — Tb-y were ail kindly camd lor, and no charge made for their psaaage or efit^rlalnrawit.—Loo. J.jar , U’adneaday. Steamboat .ARRIVED. Telesraph, lirowawellle; | J»fler»oo, BroeiovtUe; I Out. Baj-nrd, kliushsth; | kllnetTs, Wbeetljg; | Hirer—lo bt Tiiagrspbie aarkats. ffsw \-*x. May 3to—Athsa qnUt and etsady, with smell sale* at $3 23 for f «tt and $a 62 for pearle. Cut oo ftUsdy, wilb a fair dsmsod; aalre 1600 bales at 11V for ml J ftliog nplaoda. Floor U (ally As h.gber. wliha ttrtsr ex p»rt •fomsbd. sod sleo an ImproTaJ inquiry for bom* eon* eoutpUra and epecolstloe; e*lee 1»,700 t>hta at $• lft for aupcrlloe suta, ftft 23 for rxire etala, 13 0J(«3 I2»< tor aop-rflo, wee tarn, $6 »osi M tjr common to mod tom estr* western, and sft for vbipptng brands oC extra round hoop Ohio—msrkti etodtg firm. Osaadtao Floor la »w* wltbiTOisulkingchsogri aafae of j « 4 *1,44 flioft.4iJ.tw cotnsMM iethvim. In Floor lower, mteafOO bbla 1! dim; ealn» of KfiOQ bo*h Milrankaa 24. fiOOboab tair Chkawo spring at SLI& 13» Ntsh wbuwßea tacky at $1 6S; 32Wbttrt» mixed spring • *11 ih WOO baali rm at -te at $1 2301 ££ iww bort Hseioa at $llBOl go ry« fins a! M/Com McilnJag; sates buab at ft;0&fo Oats etaady at 40 042. lihles Arm. with small aalea al 13U016 for Bneaoa AfJea., Tallow Arm at 10J£. Pork oochsngtd; sales 630 bb aat sl* 63017 TO fur bmj Baaf atewdy. Beef (Jams doll: ales of 210 pafksgM «t Bfor Hama and 71C Lt flbooliwa. bags damales at Bonn aates Sboo bbds et «W®7s< for Cuba, and 6V n , fw Porto Klea. UdUsm aalaaltiO bble 0.0 a< Bft; S 4 bbde Usd«s et S 3; 230 bbds Cnba kltucaredoat 23, and ftObhds Porto ftleoat 38. Cisruxari, May 24 Floor onsetUsd and lending down ward; as Ira 400 bbla at $6 30 for nperflnk and $3 sodft 90 for extra. Wheat wry doll M $1250130 for prims red sfal abite. tom doll at 47. Oats 42043. Wblaky steady at 19s. pork in geod damand; 000 bble'aoM at $l7 60 fur mom. Baam-Bld*# aold at Bulk Sbooldnre 6V: bulk Sides Lard la good dsoand, at 11 for prims barrel, withss-eaof ftOObbla. v ... » eyidox b c fiffee .. 8 eyidax . flouts to BoUden and Coalracton. npflE UNDERSIGNED [fortnerlr Foreman L kr ROWLAND PARRY,] vooM Tt*p*rtfnUj inform IrTJ . 9btm *• th»jmMic |BQer«Ur, tb*th*U now prvpuwiioniniah SLATE of diflaneicot °f »i (CTwb, bJo» «s 4 psrptej or pot do HLATB ROOFS la Is* n>Ml*apprciT«U iuu«r. Order* foe RooSbs or Rrctir* JoKoiSlito Root* (if leflttUMofflc* of ALIUL LAUQH LIS, e«*r lb* W*»*r Wurrk*,) will b* promptly attested l ± njlMmd THOUAS PARRY. p , KOPOSALS will be received at tbe office ...°iSi, 1 L^73 10,r . R,p,,WOT * IQ lh * v**ut BoUditf,- til BATVKDA Y, Ulb Int. iurOradlof, hvlottßl g«t. ttogwitbCarb Stsaaa, Craw turd BtrwLfratai WtbvUr • treat to Caßtre A»rnu#, mjSMtd ARCUITEuTUKaI. JAS. n. Bilcl.uny abiicUeJ mylfcdtyU Analytical and Bannhclnrlts übtmltlr,. GESMKR'S chemical and engi , NZHUIxa uoous. AVi.’W«i«I2W U WtUiam Sired, Sen Toth. Acalytirtnadeof -mil Ulmmli and Comtnarclil attldii, Co*l Oil* tMted.Ocal Oil Wotk* erttUd and contract* The beat ptoeoaee# for partying and deodtrtxlag Ooal and Petroleum Oil* lortd*bed,lrttb •ktllfal workmen and rupcr- Inlendafit*. Iliaea toroped tad Ooala taated. Tbe Sercaau* PateaU, Irwa «bUh lb* Ooai Oil boalaraa lu< lb* United State* originated, were first granted to Dr. OCSXKR, CbaotUt and Oaotogiat. DjlJtnd E M O V A L. " JADES W. AREOTT, Agent of tho Northern Assurance. Company, ITa* Removed hi* Odea to No. 31 irifth St., ad atovy, Bank Dloek* tn?l4:Uwd , . . T'IiS'ULLKKY E 0& tiAUC.—A DirtiUery X/cotnpl6t«,cooslitlsgof» 39 Horn Power Bnjjlce aod BtdUn, ■ large OopperSUil, twetelnof IT'ocfc Borr MlUa. »uU»bU for e Srln kill, large Tuba, Pomjn, Ao will b*eold fjr orkof putta properties. MnitbeUken twiy **m, ulbe bnlldiog'i&sttbopsltedtowo. Apply tl the Uacbloo fforfca, PtMKfanl Bead Aaberetrret* phjU delpbU. - - ai)g|;lwd F ?OUR THOUSAND ;BKIKTS PKR DAY I auqnlrtog Fcariepvrtte factorias, ‘And the Labor of One Thousand Hands ..Ar» nqulr»4 bj tbadrauadfor „• TttOMBOS’S BKIKTB. - .• r : I*. ■ v • •- CTJfiAftLDOOK.fiI^DjfiKYAitIiBLANK O BOOK ktoda of Btodto* to Urgo oud caill quautitt,eUh»orDM»ttt4! or pitta, dost to rtwoMbU Urn*.' Ration faciUtko aoparbrio uteo> to thla dt), psbllabon coot depend bdoq W log tboir work dost to too tool ttjleoad la noch few ttso tb*a con bo doa* etacwtan. A. 1L BOWAlTO.lnttetorof fmprotenmil to Book Btod tag Stogwlj’B BuUdl&s. Noe.TJ •n 0 74 Third etrart, Plttatmrib. , . ooMMydls 1569. ;Ballimort ana Ditto Eaiiroad to,, iBt9. TUB BALTIMORE -iRCBnBeSI omo tttn.nmnnmiytitvßimaiilPMHK tro ooirmpond to xtetfto and fanrard ftlmboadb* art* through b»Ue ©# Ud tog to wd£ro« Plttabargb ud tha Euura Cltltfe BotMfitiraatoediobo oqaaUr Gmmblo with thon at tb« PoaMplVMOo'BolTßdul Oik. or mj otbor ties. |keaiUo%'ato« oto, Appßc* Mott nay be mode bj letter or la perwa to altbei Oftbg aodenhrorduoata; V At BOgToKV M ooeo foliar, cor. 8 Uti and Waebto gtoa «to “ NEW Toaa,Q.;W.*wmfl,o# Brcadny, abort tho - Actor Boom, ’ •• - ' * PIULAPKLPaiAtCoUwtto * Oowtco/ootaar Brood - • utf OborTTotreou.- ■w .1 ■ r Qq|, Kelly; emr.flltth'nifl(Tliwtiliil ill • - BALTIMORB.J.T.attjcUod.CwuJrtBUt^^ - • rirrsDOKQa, W. J.jphnatoa. U>enj*tn*i,cpjxy '' ; •ItoPnm'oltoUnadPaAttscer Depot. - ■ - : 0> Particular atUottna of aarchaart, maaßfhctttrm aadahtppari guonUftot Pittatmrtb; Alkfcbmv Cltjr ang‘ tidal ty, I* called id tb* bdlltUo of ttfa Urn Jtowtcac ooto ; -patod witb-otbcn,Bd'tbotrpotrQo*n aod bnrtnart ro •pwttoltjrooUcltKti . HB»Br zt. JtBABB, ' felftlfr • • -flottwal yr» ' saja ©js «, Soli bj ' : B.' JOHNSTON, Drnggiit, 'UnjlO.. .Cdtnu Smithfialdmi fourth «U. COPEUND & Ci UAKUriCTUKB FAIRBANKS' PATENT BfOCK, UAV, G&AISJ, Ottt, OOj l»ttb BoUtlag L»v«r ur wllioat; Iron \to th* Baud UHbtor Sale* and BaUua*. *iD o i,ATcilß«T,l7,“ a ,r[’ of It,. .»rt..11.d J ASUS PACED DOUtt LOOKS ?*ST BRLH. CORNI'T’’ Uim* *"> Mb*. OOl.tl tITUj, , IS,!??!! U ' LL ? amixias, saubaob cettieb «m STcrFiRE. boits, uumsig [* T ? Dr^. S Hl!,a * 3 ’ “ D °* STOES ' AXLB POLLU3, WAKDBOBS BOUVnU ISOS nwm labs supicuiua ouppbb sill AffD 8 M Afr Is T 1 n © WOKK 8 , PITTSBURGH* . PARK, M'CORDT A CO., *: MANUFACTURERS of sheathing, BS4ZIKBa’ and BOLT OOPPJUi, FBISHID COP P*K BOTTOMo, BauudtUl Bottonu, Spelt. PoMer, to. «»' lopomr, and Deal,. la UCTALB, TIN PLATA lr “ r **“~, *>■ W» '■>*< ail 1» .. „ . PUtebargta, p«« at( SSSftg 1 ” C,0 "PP" PM to *»r Metred puutaf ; B.TNA SXOVK'woSHsT^ ALEXANDER BRADLET, Heoofecturer aid Dealer fa irirj Tarlaij of COOKING, PAHIaOR AHD HBATIHO STOVES, Plain and Fanoy Grata Fionta, «c. Solo Proprietors of the celebrated PATENT GAS BCBSISG ASD SMOKE CONSUMING COOK STOVES. ? Ro °“ 1 ' n ° 4 Wood Bt * P* i Tho Coofeselona and Experience of a i _ Victim.. DESIGNED for the benefit and as a warn* n O< L? Motion to joau* turn «ho aaffer firm jftrp* ***"*"* Aeajr.it, u a coneeqneaoe of BArijurcr^njppljJoj atthemae lias tbe Afrewre/fIJ/ ,* • *utUnr from the above caawu>d tr w» medical lapotitkm aod qaecben. (Bail'd free) oo reotlrln* • poetpaU Kn- TM2S , Af ,I SiV*l!tß™!f ‘ b ®eppllowt. Addnwa Hi- TUeMICL U*rfAlß,]C«t, Bedford, Slop County. New Tcrfc - aplfcdaw3m* INSEOT O w U K R, EXTERMINATES BED BUGS, ROACHES, TICKi A STS, GARDES INSECTS, 4c. ia.lt cOßtaiuao Poieon. LYONS MAGNETIC PILLS ABK CBBTAJS DEATH TO EATS AND 3110*, et>iaamd.Tß aygotd Brery whereas Pittsburgh Steel Works. Uiaoiovke i. w.a'juLLOosi I JONES, BOYD «te CO* CA ST STKEL SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRING ANS AXU9, Corner Roes and First Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. .*• r - we* Toki r „ ..•uuit taoTauak Xatrcrp!tubttr*b. Philadelphia :j PITTSBURGH COnfiXISSIOH lIOUSS. WALKER ft BARNEYS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And A*et>t» for the Sale of I’ITTSBBKQB HANCFACTDRED GOODS, Co*l Oils and otdu Mekchandiss, Ro. 160 Pearl Street, NEW VOK K . iPft>BiJ|iiß»iiti Killcltod, to which proper personal at' uotloo ahatl be given, and procreda promptly remitted, axrzazacxs. -f Mosul. Brjea, Riebarde A John Black i 00. AleXsnder Bio*. Esq ,| « McKee A Brother, • Ueem.Adeau,UeckUoAU». Wilson A Brains. N. T (olltlld •KOKEiON EKUHANGE; ~ SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY ttaglalar, | DXPAftTCD. { Tetegreph, Brownarltl#; JsflerauO,'Drbwasrinjq | CtoL BayarH, Xtuabstb; | Mtoerva, Wbaallug; rat, 6 toebes. DeSCSB, BRCBail * CO., OS TUB USIOH BASK, LONDON. IN SUMS 01 ONI POUND STKKLINQ AND UPWARDS. AlSt BUlt on Ui» principal dtie* and town* at fruut, W|hu%- QoUani, Gwaaay, ftutia and otbar IsnpM tUittCeinUotlf on baud sad tor Ml* by WM. H. WILLIAMS A CO., BanfcOT. Wood ttrw*. cornor of Third i W oodeu and Willow Ware BASSBTS, BROOMS, BBCSBt*, CORDAOB, AO »a»tMA«br MERCHANT TAILOR,- No. 54 St Clair Street,. (Dr.lrUb'aNavUalliUnx,' PITTBBUMIL PA iMUhlrdb . 1 JOHN COCHKAM dc BRO, maoTAOvouiu or IroK RtliUf, irom Vanlu, Vamlt Doors, Window Sbotlen, Window Guardi, ie^ JS*». *1 OteemiStrutaodW ntrdStnO, (Bat*w» Wood and Market,) PITT&BOROH, PI, S»«e ookattd • variety e t new Patters*, tkacjandplala MUtabte ter all pniyua a. - Particular atteottoopaJd u>>», elortagQtare Lota. JobbiacdooaattheirtßOties. aw*-- 21 BOmcBT'OBH.. Ssai A& tutu u BM|| STRAW BONBICTB AND HATS," BONNST utuuusa, FLOWERS, Ac, 80. S 3 MARS IT STREW, PITT3BVZOB. RAIL ROAD SPIKE COMP AST. ioiiph Dtlworth ,_Di W. O. Bliwtll* {Snectitcn u Boift 4 mmtunvtttt v? RAIL HOAD SPIKES,CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. Corner of Water Street and Cherry alley, aolttlydfr PTTTgBPRfIa, PKNM'A. Forwarding ana Csmmiiiioa Bereliauti, • And Agents for the sale ol Pittsburgh Menu* Isoinroa. OcKHlgurntuU and orders tor LEAD, HIDES, - UEMP, PRODUO*, *O, soli Cl tad. Prompt slum - tloo Ui racelttog sod Corvardtaf. Ho. 49 Commeretsl flurut. St. Louis. soafom N. XIOLiAIKS & SONS, . . iuuu a ftraUn and UomctHe Billi of Exchange* oißTmoATEsor deposit, BANK NOTIS AND ftPSCII, i NO. »7 BAftKrr Sr&EKT, PITESBDBan, PA. v M.Oollecxteaa mails ca'sll tits principal muss throatb >otn Ua.Tlaltad£talaa« I_. . _ apSa-tcly WEYMAN ft BON, f M aaa&ctarsrs and Deal an (a all kinds ol TOBACCO, BNUFP AND CIO ARB, | i A If. D ; LEAF TOBAOOO, ; OomercfBmt&fid4Btrutm& Diamond ARct, j_ pm6Btmflu.pt. jIIAS removed to the houso;lately occupied b|;Dr. Wai. A. Ward, Ho. 878 ?*nn «tnet, (Kath rid*,) Udrd door Above Bind a tree t. Offloe BoarefrotD 9 a. n. till 8». n. ■*.o. fcOMMQB T _„ TTT - TTrT ,„„„., a Mniu. fnaioi JKinaitM ..-.--Ttanjf Itit-f* • SOCI H S 019, fit 1 ftl Sk B 1 LIEB*> | rOUHDEBB ASP MACUUIBTB, : WASHINGTON WORK S, | Pittsburgh. Poona. 4u&B&eUrft*n fclsd»WBtaua fcaiinei tad MiU&UeUa WocVStMin BolWu tudfibetllroe Work.- ’ jobbing { • HKWRV ; . Forwarding and CommUdou. Mwobant, mvaotisuiPxAusia ; Ohbmo, Batter, Seedefl^ih, And Prodoc* ticaoroltft - 4»*J» J9*. ■v> •; med grot PUUHirffk _ i -e.aa c. p. maekiib, nr PjAPEB M AND PACT O HE RS, } ' AedtetknlQ :\, t - ; Lmcit ASoitUuKinof. -f. R A P P I N O P;A'PB R, Jl*WretnJTH fnjm?fc.27 WobditmttaNo.B3 * ft r ; .! • Btrt*, Pttttbwjfa, JgrCuh O* Tn 6» U* Eng* -• i'-.w JOflH_O. LBa | ; M K;R'6'H AX T ’.T'A'-IjL'b^R* ; v { "Bo;«CaMkii9t! t >iuib^ii ; - A good fusbiftßsni ofTUuDTHiiOxunizus* «*ita nnubui«i«mS3; pcanptl/ flilad. hi the l&fast«jlm cfU>* tit toILM&OU/s HKLW BOLINS fiUOBC for tb*BUl. - n»LMBOLO*B BDOBVJtrAmeSw .- • HELVBOLPB tUICUU.far IMM of kSmorr 55**52tD»8BDCiID : BfUfBOUrB BDOOO farDiOnmßrwblnr BOHBOUTB BDOOD far Wmk B«mK >’ BBiUBOUrt BOOQO far4faiwna Dvbtnm BSUIBOI.VB BUOHU farn*lr«mUMitßd«; BELMBOUra BUOBU torB«RV«rpIMM; . wn.minf.PHi ttgomna# Might £—ur : pp.iTßnf.DHrimcmJtewii>fnln«w- . * ■ Wp«mnT.T»P BCPUP fcirPrTPMUof tiußklm DXX.MBOUJ’S BCOUU far Brsptfcnc HSUtBOIMPBAUCHO far Ms la tta Iteck; : QKLBSOLD’BSUaaO lor HMWbfMof t&«Xjall4«, trilb .- ftanonnStfltofaflMid low of Bight; - ■ flnjiSowv jbocho fariitfaUttvcwißMOMnw* via Was t «f Attaoito. Horror «f floaelji BC&MBOLD’frBCCQD ferOtatroctfaaa; BBLMBOUWBOOaO far JSxcmm* tririof froa i*au crAtlofa'Md *U BiaeiM tftb* Bbxvbl Orniu. aiwiM a . dthgpfan■bMwvauMMlftßin« t .-* BoUotijtf£*. W, a KITUB, 1|£ Waxrttmi: yHfatWHlfa «s,• ocSK4Avf7' WAXEB, LIVINGSTON Proprietors, Apmat datura. I.VU.VA SAUfIICTIO UioolKterm of —ALSO— SAk.twITJBL -RIID OI+&- usaurscvcaxsaxo piiau n Ho. (Mt DUme»«ti piTTSDuaon. J. RK LIX^TLiHJ JVlo.Bttl£>l& ac CO, - myfadtf fa “(“'ti-.lrein Sitter Special jiaiim. AUt»’> Miuodlocs Viuii Dunam, «v Baud,i*o, nkiu mxuamo aurmttou Rits.UKa, UOKtim«|Tuu> 50,000 soils sots hi on wottixL ■ • Tboap Celebrated Beaadlet hare tuna fTtenfftrelj urf tor twenty-two years is all ptrti of Baropa, aad thatmztrw Dioat power bare been attested by tba oeurtaaf .trance, England, Austria, Prussia; am, Holland, Naple% Ac* and thrtr Chemical pnpmtM axamtnad, and appro rad by tba meat u^l faculties all over the world. 1 . Their dsstructlvene* to all kinds ci vermis and iomdS baa beau certified is this country by the Directors aTtht *ArtoQs Public Institutions, Planters, Panov* kfwpdtion Hotels, Warebouaea, by Tkrfcrettftt logolehed private citizen*. Numerous Teetimoulale and Osrtificatea of tba cflasy of tbsee Besedin can be seen si tbe Depot. Bor sale, Wholesale and Befall, by tba lora&tor e«d »>* prUtor, JOSIPH UXTBB, Pmtfcal Chamfer," 612 Broadway (cor. Houston gL,)N#wY«k. Oanarsl Agnpt for tba O. fitstee aodGttldM. fBIBEB* ICtt V. BDBQTOS, Drogglst, ltef()i*tcr &dUMkß&d4if Broadway, New York. i _ ; tbucity, wboksaleeud retell by fc. ■. BD* LEB3 ACO, tamer Wood aod Second n; Jnff wr.wwnea, •»* iUrke* at. EIESHAIC * JTKXS WAS, Alleghany. . - 7:7~ASJsff jQJkJUUtfECK WILL BE IN PITTS- Maw 21st and 22tf, r. To examine paUenta, el tba Drug Store of ‘ r j PB. QEORQI If. E BYSBB, 148 WOOD ATBBBT, - - Wbrre bshss flttetfupan tffice, for tbaca’apf/oOjfr SPUPTIONsnd ALLDlflSaftsang THg Hflirnf, ! Attar Dr. Schoeck’e departora, Dr. atO.H. BEtttUk baa beau provided wltb a heaplroartter, and »U 1 ««««»«* patieoUlf th»y daalie It •< - .• Dr.Bchaeek fa tbe inventor or wb«t(a called Scb&sckjg fUsptromtter, far examining the lunge, which le hlgWy recjmntfnded by tbe faculty. ’ „ ■ Ooepart of It fap'aced to tba naked »o the ear of the anscu»ator, then, when tbe pAtl*«£ drain a !qn< full brea’h, It tbeaocitdor rattliuef tlm inhge, so kmd and distinct, ihstby practice it isMty feds* termo,orwbeth*rlt it So atßrftcntf ihs musivUtiuciiJuisLe w ttN> bronc lai from tba liver oratemaob, and faf mtog a pngbCSß* attotO- Many jeers ago I was given upo being idthftftettUoa vt oonsamptioo, aod wee ukm from my boa* fh Phtfadri pblatomy btendain Hooreatown, New 3 eruy; to dIA. 7 '! we>ted away to a mar* sktlefnn, waa coofioed to my bed and my-pbyttman, who bed attended ay tatbar'a. faaUtr bdor* oe,eaid‘l eocld not lira a week. Thao, like a drowning e»t catching *i a atraw, I beaid of'and dbtalDAd: this preparation of root* and herbs, which oadaa'tKl&ct " cor* of me. It SMCM to me that I could (relit peoatratlag my whole fjs'rm. It aooo-.rlprtted-ilTo matter to DylaagCihdT' woold apit eff more than a pint of offensive yellow Qithr every (naming tor- more Uuuiawaafe.-vAaad6waatbarbw . gan to snb'lde, m| cocgb, fevsr, pain, night ra eats, all be gan to leave me, and my appetlta - bet-ama adgieat that II . was with difflcnlty 1 coaid step from g eoangaloedoy strength.and .bars heed truadewln4aa& eretatoem It aaton(sb*d all »bo-koew tbadaht I waa too far gone ever to be ialaadwgU£ Ussy ofthoae people wbo knew'me then era now Uriu lose* Jersey aod Philadelphia,*bacea)a.eaadwmaiaiy •" the oprt noeredal osea u> th- tnrth of thls'K*Wofabt.— Mine waa a family c-implslnr, my father, mother, brotbets ' aod sistera all died wltb consempChm, and Talooe am lalt. Nor 1 er,joy the best ot bsaltb, gfafhava TvrTeam wefah •d over 210 Zmaadlatjy ontay r> eeyery i-tawd my attenUeic o tbe acfaaoe of - mtdleliw, and Ow'fltalk'of this peculiar dbaaaa. - in fact I waa 'driven lolTbyi tba.. Crest nastier of people me or eecdhSC~tor. U-.« ba given gratia, and -I a ill do- elila my bbwrr toaxntalß‘ ! the nainr# cl their case. Tboeadetiring ha atamioatido. and feeling uosble fa.pey. need not bmiteu to call ana far the asm# attention-wtn hntCuVa'Atidlbk ■Mjfltew"' msnlfaatad in ibenr whkb more farmed. lam anxfaue.to meet ant to rxplalmto srerV ans. mr ner of treating this -. v .p*« &BHNBOK canalmraCrr toeomaof thamoatymsaei*' l able dilscoj of Pitfaborgh, wSoae, names canbegiyea.aad h*ve been,fcycalling st ibs Dtugstorecd . > -• •; »)lfcdAwP Snt 6EQ.fcLJLKygKBrUO i r-* Ibok as Mtwcun— CcuMum fcelov’eft*itta£df*« letter froa David Boyd, of KtakhalnlUeJMetloa'af .the dUgteqr ; Yelley Railroad, who w*a eared uf a bad form of dyepepde by tbeoaeof thePernvlea Syrop, llf.-Boyd ti a hotel keeper, tad It well known, end he bit etifliirad for.tbe ’“i eight jeer*. Be Inform* meihat begalai ~ thoftaod nw topohlUh hi* letter, whkh l««j>pend*d. jJ. ct rtfer to the long edvartlaenteator the Peruvian jjjtUß bxUl ea&ther column, far parttenUti of it* curative power*..? j,-# Da. o*o. H. UTSXB, HQ Wood atreeC, SokAgvi. » 3* JjjraiiT De. Oxo. H. Exmju—SLr— Saeteeed leead yaatfcnfrU dotlere ter two bottle* of the PenttUh.6yTßp.'rlgat«*v*t bottle from yon about thy** weeke ago. If joa ®e» I told yoo that. l hed eomething like Jyepepela.:. flu .• • •ymptomj were »lod eadpalni to the bowele, t&d ptfau ta 1 the back of the neck, and at tlaae dUrehoea. Toe recom mended the PeravUn &yrap,and It bat doao me mcregycd then any taedidne that I here tried yet, end I- here bedfc' v taking medicine ter the Uet dghr.yean. Ton- told me If I would (ike three' bottle* at oot tlm«v yon wgeldgtvnte ' ter Bre dollar*,bot aofknWlaf whether It would do »"y good, 1 thought I would flm try car' bottle. 1 Bov the* I am eenrilnr the balance of the man** In aißhftrratVwiA •til wad me the other three Lot!lee. . DAVID BQTD. Bold by DB OEOBQ* B. BB7BER, Jfo UO W«4*t.. BUTIIIUUI AUTUatUH aUTBISMm 1 Don’t fail to procure Mr»V Window** Sootfc 2 t&k Syrup Cor ChUdrenTeethl&g. It hi* no equal cm earth. It (ttae, reducing ell IrrlUintrirtrin-win *Haypais,end it tore to ragulatetba bowel*. IDepO&d upon it, ts J relief, add health to you* Infante, Perfectly a*fe la ell (tea - :'i - ‘ Oil*Taloablepreparation la the pmeriptioa of cfc* «i-; taoetexperUfload and akOfol female PhyetetaailD fi*W*s»' logUnd,eadbee beds tead «lth. ee.Tu4aUJac: OCOWUb X milltpuofcuA W* MlmUU* bat and sum! ruoidj ta ariatfrym(no ABjothercMM,- .J. UiUii tad baaUbct&t* Militated fepdotkn art W worth Uiwdgfctta gold*. . ftlUUo&aof boitW. trt.aoMavaryntr (a fttta*. It la m old usd w*lWrt*J racaodr. : ; > « L--ti PEIC*OMLY»O*MB*BtrtWA.-' 1 KQ&l!ev.xaßtba«ttatfavrsM«r- l "' ---■* Soliby Dracgteta throoghoeitbawisii.'' DB.OSQ. EL UTA£&,AE«U(ar PUutarsk.' - , jnfcdJtwlyfcT .-■-■• Jewelry! JewerlyH.. • .-»?» rbjhbmaiF* Mßzaiifo,,. ... „ *3FinhlU««t,} j Hare just opened, and havefbrealß,XlArjw:"si eafl rated wort pent ot ■ ■■„ ifS,.*; • BAR RINGS, - » ; FISQEB RIHQB, LOCKETT, . , v . . BILVEB SPOOHB, MUBIC BOXES. , :■ i .v.;V,v • ■ ... FODKKT CDTLSRY, CA*AM BFOOS&p OH4IHB, BPECTAOIESr^ ■i !.. . TOBACCO’BOXES, . ;; I ■r.VWRWOWUama'-.'g. T A r~{ ;. ...... : , CLOCKS, -S3. t accy Goods, eio., Tito., nil of which will bo' Bold low I'or cash. .... del7:diwT , - . :attornoa^ -no A;s,-- CVO Ac*i no* MO ran 18 ir«*t» '*' pirramrawr. i£'.i 1 timu. a a l'atii aca— „~Z.„._„..rrniP i.-co/ril l—A- I*t« of fiailar, Pa- UatnßdWP*, . P DEVIANCE £ COFFEY." v - - ~— —-—: — r* - - >• -- - JTTOXUMTSJ+IiVr. 'JI •mAMKK-'oan to IMMIi gMHfagcaaiWWK/ 1 ;* fIMMI W;'iQSIM9w; f TTAMILTpir ftAOHSSOieT^^M m. ■ nrrttiwm f|M rn[ .. ..... , ■‘WTTlfli* ' (ESfiESSiIgSSI- -I- j Mr9#UTM,~,a,f vr/Tf .•Attorney i- J* '• .< ':• -BASUKDVIDTO V. •• ,• KDH N J 8:- LAW B >- ' : - N0.'13 wnjlUl*d} / • 4* '-•■»«« door to Cfcwtfcr*-*-' v »•.. ..-jj - >t, »\za •tV-'-V/.isO- ..