. iinenx amu. r. ttu.i as?-.% ■. r*MtSfs_ j. k.btosz*. a: ITRirBTT 4 COT,' yo/fM* ’A y Pi i Y£t-BtbPa - - - gXTISB - ■’ TRIDiy“UaESINOr MAY '25/ 1860. foa-p&estp£ST, ; ABRffi-IM C OLN, t» iStvjeiiJ '.o? iLusois. . .' Mi:-..; - - rwaiDEJii, . H 4NNIBAL HAAILIN, - 07 VAISZ. ' I* Kleotor*' at Vfc : «o»./AMxa pouwck, . : A /i ~sj • "IJOrf. TdOMAa M. UOVVg. c< l 'ltS^ ,i r3 C-Knlglit,, 14 Fr»ocia fi, renlaußL • . ,ill Uljj*t*.w#rcur,'- •; 4 Robert >L F-ort, : r .)& A. Ii« gjjaipi - Dill*, 17 D«®Ul n, Jilr Li ffijjj* - n .-18 Bubh»l C*l»ia, ‘. •• wrhfH " • 2? WWi« McK«qo»»*. ChiW, . .- 2l Joha,U.JUrrp»trtc*. ‘ffigSSWh 23 Eobtrt*; .IfXhcmM lL Aril, .. -I|«, a ’ *i ..... 25 JutmOrar. fcV~JC>- ...... r ~"' T9«aa raisim, . . liKSJf*- G-. CURTIN, ■ '. ;. cr CS](TU COTJWTT. PpR .COMBES iihxxi.t DIBTMCI, J lt. MOORHBAD •.*PBpOSQBEBtS/-XXlId DISTRICT.''' 808 ssj|Ti MoKNI&HI Tan HtnHe;of BepresentatiTcs at Washington appropriate a certain earn of ■«SR&.fci!hWjwaw auxiliary police force in t hat bby'-.When a Comber of Bepnblicaoa caU etfimbw-lsietdeow of Senator Hamlin, 'onljol orday;.last, for the purpose of congratulating him on his nomination lor the Vice Presidency, •hey wereattacked-by an organised mob. Slones and other missiles were. thro leu into the prooee- Mob/ and th'o'se'vbo composed it were assailed j With insnltiog and indeoent language. The an- 1 i thnriUeaof tho city made no.effort toanppress ; “ dhe dtsturbanoe, no doubt stcrelly approrlbgdf WWtfeapo* etrnck with a itrj seri- ! Jtua nflerthottght—the; bad an appropriation bill pending io Congress, nod the Housa was con- 1 •trolled byl a majority of Bepnbliean*. Tbe re aaltwao that ercry paper in tho city L-from the’ staid Nctionat lMclljsenctr to tho little! twinkling Star —oamo ontwith artioles condemning the •■ontrago.” T 1 —lhoCiwiConhcH nailed a special meeting and pissed.slimDg resolutions denouncing the oon dantjnf.jthei Uwlesjjndiridnais who dared to at taok peaceable oitftena in theenjoymeat of their eonstitatioOnl righto. 80l repeatnoee name 100 lato-ithoir appropriation billcamo np on Toea . day, and it Wop rery properly defeated by the Be-, fabUeott ' in the debate on the sub-i -. Ml it wne »howp' that, ajlhough it is customary to detail police for attendance at pnbliemeetihgs ; of tbo other-polilioal parties in Waahlogtoo, not °°o waa present on thie occasion. Tho police, we oooeidered thst Republicans htreno' righle wilob lity.Trere bo&ad to reepectftnd ibaflpnMqaeßcelj that their pay willbcoome tbo carreat jeer. Tfl* Bo4fS/u£OAji or M*. Finatona in rAYoa (^TjLuiqqxj*.—oof (bo moat expressive tod significant signs of tho times (hat bare beenrC- Ojrded the adjournment of the Chicago • is jhe open declaration cl (be Buf fer*- Commercial Adceriittr in favor of Lincoln •Sd JTamlii. J !Che Advcriuer eapporledPiUmore extraordinary seal, aod was re- tbw special exponent of the views of tluUigfi&emsh in thd. canvsssof that year. It atioWpported what war called (heJJdca Mote ®wjt > by which half of-tbeßepublican-ticket . »■» defeated. ;’ia' New York lest year. it now lbe platform and candidate of (he Chicago-Convention to -be in accordance with Its own-views, and -‘gladly”—we quote ile own lan* §o*ip—?*eobr»eefr thscertainlopportunliy thus: a?erte4oftxpelttog forever iheeirrupt'Beiaoc-: : ojrtW It le alto intimated (hat. Mr. Fillmore gires the Chicago nominationshiahsarty support, and will probably take (be stomp in their behalf. When it Is remembered.theithepcUiiciaas of New York hare ths-headoad front of (be third partyjoigianttation and.Ujat they hare fur bished it wUi;ih* ‘Wnews of War,” erer Bioce it hat had aa tbeesdefecUoDS indicate a wonderful ciangejof sentiment The follow ing la the article -.Ja'.'Uto to which we bare referred if;thVj&«gobgremarke: .. "Ibe Abraham . Lfocolo, of 'iillnbiii'ie the standard bearer'. So fsf a# Ue■ Opposition is concerned, the .ohoice reSUrbetireea Mr. Lincoln and* Ur. Bell.' For tbe coiacrTatiTes haTo a 'respect bo sincere, :*n : ; affecttoneo earnest, (hat only . a pould lead them (die foso' hi® their, vote*. I'But-vtsi p/ndt&i nsa wfebiogtocest his rote where- ft will tell against to vein *•honestly-say -thetho ezpaciato .attain that for Mr.-Bel! huhisßtatp?. Xfce-Jtoa'taTe po, Ordered'thitcptctco J Wa ac urawledged>patity.ef otatcsmanahip. caujneet ita reward, and though wo and all those Who bcnd our every energy 1o ‘hie it wooid result only in: failure, or K Democratic irfompb. [" • llcalh e:palhbrdcuy?;fMr.'XJ ncoin) tmominated-by a powerful -party. His sueoesii is more (ban possible/ (t hi* siroog probabilities in.its favor. If be is not personal .ly objectionable, if there Is no reason in the.man . Wtosrif, why he'should hot merit tbe jsupport ii&d'hhdphjement of honest national men/tbeo it iw the pldh doiy of every old Whig and Atbirl csu'whd hopes (0 do anything for his eodairyih this campaign to come op equarel/ to ibe flag' and pledge to Abraham Llocolo all the aid and comfort which, a.unamaa’t help,can give him. Mr.” LlooolnTiai Dotlhat Hong 'expen epee' £o public service wb£sh beeould have wished, but bo~itas something hotter In this strong sagacious Cdttd,ceoraadusbakidg nerve, andintelUgeat bottett'of alllroe Statesmanship. Bis colleague ra;ttrtfci^HorL^Dnib*JHemlhi t ofMa}De,''' • if a siaiwman ofouliiyatiob and experience. No. one can doubt his ability and adaptation to the sT..wouJd'jfesr to' see the reins of the ex-; cowtaoffics pfecedin Jxfs handa.io evcbflof the death, of the President. ' Wiib snob-views of the CUhip>;’lilhfflfffl and' nominations, -with -tbo Knowledge that! the ’ liulqetroogtb belonging tip. John Bell In this State has already-'diminished . by a considerable Secession to sam Houston,abd withthwOid Whig hatred of’ democracy, nursed In with, our mother’s milk,.ae4 sirnog .to-day ias In our hearts, wo oooceiveTit to he our duly tqplacejhe names of Idneolo and Hamlin at4hs,fiead;ofoar colam os, as a pledgo.tbat ws WiUnxtanAtottkem sush,honorabla;asd faiihfnl heloogto our posUibhaud jhflu •w?T“~r;;f :■,"• •. ' .**- .•• ~ • 1 ! i »n ConxßTATxyss Idxcofx^->Ehe National pU^igtMtr p whioh is one of the moat coaserwiUys journals iu the,country, as well as one of tho Dost impartial, sayaUiat when. Mr, Idsbofe Vaa lH Congress be was "distinguished Mika-fer tfit acd^emeoHy: wbich-be to thjsdfsdiargo of’lls' pnblindoties j” that «he /‘seltctionwu ilributanolUss to : the confederates than to the popular talents he if aJaitird jy aU to possess, and,.ln oboseque&ce frUlntbo issueoftbecontestbctweenUmand Mr.l)ooglasi'bis nameacqulred anew-celebrity bsyaad ibeboands of bis while .ibe I kin- ur is which be bore ■ himself throughout Ihjtf arduousstruggle has .doubtless largely contrib uted Is procure for him lbs dlolloollou bp. bss Jttt reset red at tbe.baods of bis party, assembled la gnaenl contentioo;” and that Ur. Lincoln is ‘luslly eotiUod to bis prints worth and proved abnty -tb wear with : dignity- BDy''honbi? kty friesde may be able 'to oosfer upon him. 01 Mr. Hamlin tho InltUistzzor soys: ;; : "Ofth* worthy gestletaaU’plotted lo nomina tion for the Vico Presidency It mustbeunEeceo .aaryforostb epeak»aahls loon cereerin ibs Senate of the Vailed Slates hae-fstbiliarised bio .; Basis is all sue readers, .whtywltS as; will bear willing testimony is ibs fidelity,aid'indsitry wilh which be bate fulfilled thehlgh publla Iruole ; oondded to him by tjie people orthi Slate wbioh be hsseologg, ispsit, bees sailed to repreoent." ‘ Ths Wsshington Stala profesSCo Is be eath< led (bat tie Cblosgo nominations' sre the weak-" set th at poutdkaTebten ratdo. Ibis is but whis tling ts jksepilts soitnge up, no tbo Stott does got bellrtwiil rich Ulhwny morn than it tbinbe "that tiers aro asp hoptafcr lie bogus democra cy tile year- Tbo Boolon TTcroitf, a demoerello tbs poslilpn it ,ißtin{\& tIV folMwlng paragraph, «blei iiiict fi dlifiMta .1 liatl toi&k ■ dMpYliiaije hetlij.. \go-\ "JJjj" I ~ ‘‘the natnlntilpn, °o«, »od will bs difficult to defect, u j thou ■ wbufluicribcmTOlTciitbot thedonMnumtir- Tte Cd«ention “! ; aesSSSS'SS^wtS?'!); J.V. *® 1 ™! E*TT«Tii»JtRj or TBd ■ cofreopondenl of tho Jouniti of «oteiurc«...fto l a tbo C, s. oidomer PowUtopJ .xurnuhekthc follosicgr - i tbn, venerable lather of. Kama- the present king of the Randwieh •lala&dt, l commend to tbs serious consMeraltou M our countrymen, uffiriafaUd others,, who rnay entertain the Japanese* of mingle in theis com pany: I faave/wever seen but one instahee of intoxication among; tha‘Jap*6ese,>tlll; they are fond of iDtoxioaUogUqaors, and by lbs Influence of example and solioitntltw in respectable and honorable circles, can ossify ‘hi sedobfd into the most ruinous habits, I'Ybeir common and favor-* its driok is safer, a distillation’of rief, which in strength is abouteqakl k old Sherry, wine. They easily* however* exebaogn itiorohatnpagoe and other wince, and rum, whiskey, 'and brandy.; Not an of;]iQ(oxicaiioa occurred on' board tbc ship. *bll«' ill f.ollity with; which moderation could be made to terafnaie’ in intempe^aocsi'; ' At tKepreseAtaiioQ.of. lha Japanese ministers to Klog Kemebfttcek* at Honolulu,* I happened; to be Standing near the King’s .fatter, theven-i erable and hoary headed Kekuanava, who alonp! survives for the lsland party whioh! went toEbglans}o'lht|‘yeArlB2C, on aeomewbat : similar- errand. - Kiog- Liholibo and Mg queen,: attended by chieftains,Mike (he; present Japanese tEmbaesy, resolved to leave; their beautlfulislaods and to go abroad and see! tbe world. Arriving in London they were feted’ by the Kiog, the Court and tbe nobles, and: in-; iroduoed into all tbe practioes of the table which; onlyEoglisbmen. are able to achieve or live on der. SaoQ they became grossly l>-teoperate and died in London from thelr excesses. ' Tbelr bodies were brought baok and how sleep in the Paradise Island, wbioh they so fatally left.' When the ceremony was concluded, aud the Jsh-j ahfee mioistry had .wUhdrawo r .ou whomßua oara had gazictwilb aserioos and sedexpression upon his faoe, heslepped"up to Cominodbre Tat-? nall ahd remarked tbal‘“htMaresaw the faJoi of the Japanese embassadors; they would not;. live to see tbelr obarolDg isUod egalcj ibey would bo initialed into, drunkenucss. in the , United Stales, as Kiog Libolibo aod . bis queen 1 wero lo L>ndon, aud, like them wcuid leave their bodies there.” I was touohed by the bu- 1 oanhy of tbe venerable man, as well as alarmed ' by Ms prophecy; and taking oat my note book, committed U'to paper. “Let himlhatxeadeth understAnd.” A correspondent of the Bcston Adcerturr on bis way. to Chicago, fell in with the distin guished Beoator -from New York,- of when be relates the following anecdote: 1 ‘•I camoalong from Albany io the same.lrAto 1 with Mr. Seward himself;-who was ocbls way I to his home at* Auburn, for a brief respite from; his congressional'labors. .Be was io.oapitotj spirits, and talked very, pleasantly; of course, ’ not abouttne nomination. Be had lo endore a' greataoount of ataring and hand shaking, whioh; he bore like a hero. A remark that be ,m*de at : table. at Utica, where we stopped for dinner, la • worth repeating. Be. happened to sit next to IRrjkcr, ,a leading Democratic politician, you. recalled, the presidentof one of their Slate con ventions; and speaking of tbe Charleston Con vention, Mf. Seward eaid, »Youf Whole trouble was that you forgot the fundamental principle ofyonr party, whioh has always been that (As m&jority, ovyht not to govern. Hitherto you have acted upon this, and have got along.finely; but at Charleston tbe majority actually assumed to have Ihelr Own way. and of coarse tho minority could not tolerate so glariog a usurpation abso lutely contrary to ibe whole plan of the party! There is philosophy ae well as pleasantry fn this.” 6ov. Srwaw> ajid toe Chicago Nomination. —lf say body donbts the devoliou pf Governor Seward lo the principles of.ihs fiepablioenpeiw tj and hie abnegation of self, H is ooiy oectr- Wj for them to' reed lbs foUowiog from the Auburo Daily Adcertittr of Governor Sewprd bioeolf, wrote the short leader which announcedthe resoltat Chicago; ajid'ii Is char acteristic of the. mao. We speak advisedly vbeo we eay thattbe following not pnlj spetks tbs sentiment pf Governor Seward, bat tbet it vm written by him.— jfi Y. Cour, $ En*oj hnro ittoanrse of oooeirociioQ * nummoth, furry host. 6be fcillbß jOC feet in Icogtb, 32£, feet besm, pad About 860 tons ba«h*o, supplied with n beam jogloe, tnohes dUaefer ntid 11 feet stroke. UkwJlawljkttßitrifc^iaWflwof July, and ebt.U to bftentirely: complied about (ho let of Ociober. Tils new boal *lll bo 20 feet longer then the ferry boat John S Daroy, and by Tertiro largest andmoet powerful ferrr beet Is tbs world.- ■ - ■ ...f. t j Sisknssi'lit Terse.—lho Texos anmspon deot.of lie Mobile Mercury s»y,: “Neur, In tbe otisouse of no epidemic,: haesomooh fatal dliesee been kbowuas oow. - Differenl- types of fercr, pocomonlo, lyphcld, cajogeillre chilli aod . other diseser si ncl Jen t lo.cur climate, are dolifg their work of destruction Is almost esery seettoo of ibis Btate;ud especially la Ibe sculberu fcnJ southeast Btillpis.',i , 2 ' Tnß'pipedilion fo YisltGmDlond Uodef Ibo direction; of. EroLChadbnrne, has obattered the dobopner NflullHu. They: will prooetd, (u 1 1hp conetef Greenloud, ondeflerboslllogloßmilb's uauxid. and completing Ibelr obcorrelloos, will return lo the coast of Ltbrsdof.aud thtdeobomo- J*ts rtlsojV'otrtlliis Je aicabtlfnl Teantor' one nndrtdaudoforly lona - Bbo will bs fittedfor the orulie about the middle of Jose. tax ig aiOPEffi: OoNYgHTifiar wiricß AgSEMBLEP tig PHfeBdMH €Sk 'TfOr OT\ MARCH I«A6T^—wter**«, it sppeuiog to the executive ttA, j»m..AaiJ-T»x .Coarrmlni,.. that, vithoat ttTcuooiu exerUoo on tbe part of tbe poop!*, tbae Is Oaogor that they *lll pr&bahßliy, coa^f proaiaod on tb* great oneatton It f. J ilii.i.4tVn.n f ,4 r ToXatfou - bp4h*>wtra«srkteg»-«ad-tsfle«aeao ot •oefctog pollOcUna, mad beiDg anlhortud bp lh« (jorlcaoth ruoloiloD to caU tbe might oanridCT i all th* Del* | rgatnwhtefanoriabiarfb that cinriulkm »t!l -agatet«l I aaMmbto at tbsCODSI DOUak, io.thaCHyof Htubafgh; f oa WXDNEaDAY. 3olh, d»j at ; iho proprfatj of puttlag In umiOatlM bratfdbtos for tba i tadoua Coooty,State abdNattooalOfitta/wboaatlew *rd - hsowa to bo eooni aad itallabU 00-tha aaldaet of ’ rastifiace to Hat!rood Tmttgo. - : • mjftdkwtdP BT TOR RXRCPttyg'f^aHltfjgg. Rumphraj's Sptetiie H omoeopait tu q Bcmcdlta have bow Ha befcro lhapobllo flax five Ttara, and. have ornrj-wharo wan golden eptobcf from tho many thaunadawho tiara Bead fliim. feimpln, froojrom Intrleacy, tecbfilAUty, os danger, they h*va becoma tho ready ths parvet, tnv< alar, butea, or tovalld, dao end medical «lvi«ar.cf. thonaandeof..(sallies, tfo wber* hive they baen Uriel without bavfeg bean appTOTHS and their hlgbert appraciatiou 'll among'. thCMLWhohave known them longort and moat lotlmataly. .. N. B —A foil set of Hex maxi's Bbuoseraxxxc Srxcmcs with Bx»k of Directiotu,ood twroty dllf*reatEemediea,lo Urge viaia,.tsotoceocMo, $5; ditto. In plain flfloaa'baxoa, aod Book, $3. -filsgio boxea, 20-csnts sad fO 1 eeots. 1 Vl Tbeu Remedies, by tba l essa,Re. tratby, mail or exprnoa, frceof rhnrnv. tn anj aitifr—. np uLiLL otib* price. Addrea* fIUMBHOXVa j Ko. 683 Broadway. N*w-T6rt Fold by J. M. Fifth feirtet,' sepssil door from 1 the PoatOO:*, Agent for Pttiabargh. : . .inyUedAxlmT : A Valuable MtDicutß.wßr.. -Wilson's Tonic, Ceibtrtlo eed ADtl-Djipeptiq'Paiiwan iarented by • reenter phyddaa and thorough Cbsmiet, wboy e&eryaais of atedy mod experience, elaborated tho ttedftfoo end futrm docod itsocrossfoDylnhlipHtatepractko. lju torpssdsr ♦fflooey to Byepepaia, Heedacba;- Dymterrißnioua Terer! Ac, eooo iprad ita fame beyond tbs*private practice of tie Bxtir, end U now enjoji UDpreccdented celebrity as a eafo sad reliable medidne. ' ; . Prepared and told Ly R. X,. TAIISESTOCK A. CO.; Wholesale lad propriotor* ol tTiiaop** Pill*.’ No. 60, c timt of .Wood arid fourth atroaU. PilUlmrgh. Pa.' my*, So • LowerSt Daley Ueory, do tdh ward, PlU»l>cr*b, rncker Joa*pb, cation bocae, M 4o oo Gabbcbel&ter Peter, Cetera, fitb do do UotorgOr, do 3d do' do Helfizr, d« 8J do do J tmlaod Fraocii, do 4d do do Elrbj John, do • lit do Alleghany, K#rr J.mei L., do . 6tb do PrtUbnrgb, Myora K. it. A Co, wltholber goede, Atb w’d do Meribtll El T4th, If CO, njOtAtd Nkw books Uftty Bocyao, tb« Pn»OH’i EU*dD«tht*f —»Ul* Of iullcioaa PvfMcatiao, by tfta. B. EocbUtor fori, 1 »oi, 12aw. inptirtttd. 1 tf Ij Ui* TbomM QatdsrL -At>&Ut’*Aa>*ric*a nirt*to*. ittvitliKtoL). At or)*]o4lAß»ck*. JeapobaJwd. >y» IUY ACO.M Wtadattad A {SMALL FAKM FOK 8 A LB, plewaatlT 110500001/, lactudnueo,mUar*Jafta»ti(B-w*s w*5 a **o ttori fiiuM dviJllti booM, aUbU. A«l irotl oX «Cif( waUr.fttUM door,pctlfc»lo frcotof tb« boaaaaad pofcblaXbA>Mr,Urs«|«id«i,tni4 traatabnibtory.w noti, gooa«b«nta>, «tra»b*nli«, An, la aftandwta* all to , b**t of wd«r and » dallzbtlul placaefmideora. p rteo ft,950. T*rma>«»y. A CPmM«&TAlQXtntaifc»l rt. OUNDKIES—6bt:s. Opt®; • “~ '*• _* <&R' Aa fim’AT LOl‘ of thoso tcij fine 'Jut rocfirod at JJKESEKVE YOUR FRUIT TREES! WUiLB 01L 60A? JOB.SAI.IDr w: MACK*OW»,i|fl itewtytract. fiJfELbKi) CORN—4OO taw. fJtane Celled ►JCia c Jo»* tte’d by JUJfS A FJCTZCR, V . Crtßft M«rkft Rn( mtMi. S'IOUB KOUM FOH KENT bv n>>» B. CPTUBWtT * «OW, « HutMit GONUIIIBS O.MOi.ifiSc?—uo bbi*, o»k eoopwtr?:. eOOAK*-4X)bhda,N. IJ.' Bogwj alao, Palmfx»d tod Crtitboi, ta bbl* • i•, ’ Z^®7"®’** , airtbtat»llJge!iai*r(}rtiin,Vatloa»fnwJr* D AOON—Plain and F. C.‘ UtDi t>y tlw eatk abd titra; ««£sr* cvkJ * M **® BCloi!, » | <«® rw * ' CUEOE-M boxrt w-vaop, U»t fttrlraoo lb* Wrat •rfi lUmtt*; 1 DRVAPPI.M-tOOtm*.fof*il#l<«tiaaL Ofv KULa.l\RlMlSl>iilßi>Am,£& rvviOOdo Lonl.rlllaWfcltaUmr • " *>/■ 21 do 'YotfcßtttaßMßt-otatltwbftiL • ] o*toraaod<6eah)» by •: -9i D. OAIfFIILD A Oft, P? B * rtm*tff<,pw Voo3. —^a,ii6o '....'080' .^...^870. C6O 100 E\R£SU .BRUIT— . . ' . ~ L; 100d(s..eaW(»drt, m 7 3 * etdario Haul. EOTATOES AT kfibUOfiD RATEB-Wo' (■" W hhlaef eholo. KoWSewl nrteUM, which we cI4M obi at rtdnctd rites4a IbIb: to nit ttirttt. /2< corow.Utortyßaailßodß^nte. hg auus. prime n: o. riuoAß ju.t V rtciaer Jew E. B*nuai£j«ttl«QaMTw W - • i r rn.f t - it* ‘ JHWTM A DILWOKTQ, i mj24 - t ;- - )tac. 130 pad U 3 Seoaod Ot)i)(\PUt}XU&£L&X; ftVV V.UWiW o; Couit; e ■ . k,v..■ r,-;.V - JO- .-tto* .rWbltl IMU . , - gnntyift a oiLWQRxn. [Vrpy.A‘BquTlA.Rl.UE3—Aepleudid table LlPotsto*—l nr l9a*jut.nQ*4.te«ekofo* Mbtowßx. BiyB4 t.x ■: .<> UJBBBBT ABARKKB - Ij’ASULYiFLOUa-fiOOibls, ehoiceSoo^; »J3* i r..... a HIBBSTiA B*B««Es . PkHAJisUJSy—2ooboXes'Meisin4~ juflt reo’d L/\*pdlbmta by - . • • • i ■-> ..-t.I cypodto lUtCbßfln goUt,- _ I h\oWT«*a AiANDßßii6N. : kV:»'w<^«t'’ ?ny3b...oppoeiut-Chwiw not*!.. ANbkRBO!*, 89 Wood ft:’ L o)s4tmrf-rF ! >■ re ■-./ CPDOrfUgL CbtrtW BoWL ■ b Aft wia WAV: WJWJute*s-jfor clmt^ DtqßJPKlWew4.frMJ«l»of|i« lladntjtj bjfj ' B. JOHWSTOB. Drogfff^ ojS3 cecwtoukfleida^roißnhstxtoa. WU. JOHiHOjI. h fioiita.M u. COVGBESS, BTBAP Mm GIFQRCf, BURCHFTIL'D A 00*9 LAWNS AT J2JCENTS* Bpaon field a ocra. Spring & Summer Goods Uarojatirccoirod direct from their Import* SECOND STOCK Spring & Summer! Goods AUtjjin *ld W-o»gM l*p*. Liberty etr^i pyg-ipd tikojas ak.vold NOXICJS TO-CUT TAX PAYKKS —The Coousltte* on Immii teo« City A» veetw ou will uutu amot-Uax, is tbeCity Trvaeotei’vOfllcts oo WBi»K£- UAI, ibeS tb but; at 10 oVUck, A. a , tor (be imrpcM »f 1 ~ - J. B. NEWMA.V ■ 1 Cilj Imwm,, j^arKiGisUATOßai ... BLFBJQKDATORfn ~***• tloct cf Lhs belt mMcroe to be fc.nad w»l of tb*Botuitthii.-cnn*i»itti* Is bsrte* (bllosv: T « B SS^^BBTAL^RBrBiCCBATOB, " f® R £ “ WISDLS j do “ WHJBtIJ TOP do • “ tuvotviso do nt ' i' do AllortheaboTe, wlth »*d_ *Uboot wster taak. Ibey m rn SSH? ta L» n| l oiefal—«m'('hitfcal]y (be ' r.‘,,.Ti ■ IW »OPBII IS-TtlK DININfI ECOU. T, Wiab Closet sod erpir*t* sjwtaanu for tbs ofproTi*loßs,*oibsi»be fliwrof ooloxu. with any other article keptlo WsAldnlogcloeeL to ftddfttcra to lbs sbo»e we lure of SSL 0 .?" sad wirrsated. 5®,SP®? 1 * 5 —*11 •»**■,MBIT BAFEF, APpAEArLs, water coolers, BIRD CA<3EB ( CUAKCOAL FURNACES, ' !L AUSBRKB3 BTOVCS, TOBCILAIH, BKABB, COPPER AND TIN LINED P&ESERriSG KETTLES, , OABy la the lint of Boa rornUbJug Uardwue. »t No. 13* Wood »a.ct, first dc -JZ,?* •**» •* ti« O-Uea 0«m. — g> y 2} . ,W.W. BRADSHAW. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, 1 broadwat. __KT-B -OT* ’ Y O S. J± . WUIM completed six jears ago tho St. .1 * Nicholas was ouivertitfljr pronoucfvd inimeat meg- Btnceo t, am realm t, and thonxmhly organized wtebliib -2!l?« .*. k, tdon What ltweethen.lt ***?, : I “* o< **j| — »Üboota tiral la dzs, lo samptnoosoasp, *oa lo toe g»t»r»t ©’emvnu of comfort and enjoyment- Jiote * hMaceoquaodsiioe* for 1.000 rotate, tocladh.r Ww eompfat* sattsof epertmoote £»r fimiiina. *nx boo *rt*J ** rAted at 111* tables of Us ll,fp# I‘omm Ctofoif room*, an,l nothing thefo modern erthudv "T* *r tbacoorettßoca and social gtucifluUonof the. irtrsllog pnbllc haabaao orolUvdln lla,,lea,cr |g Dr elected : tJo-Zall*. The early rrpnUtioo of the Lotus a* “°® 4 Abroad, derived from 1U nuguUode. Its suptrti *polaiia«Dts,aiiliAn comforteand Inxariee. baa Oeeij enhanard «tsi j year by the on wearied axenioea «f tho IIK K' ^WKLLWniTOOMB * W. & D. HUGHS Have received their third i EOPPLT Of SUMMER DRY GOODS. Among tbelraasortnjent of Goods can be found a Urge as ■ acrtment. of Silk lace, Cloth, Challie and English Berage DUSTERS AND MANTILLAS, All of tho Newest Btjl*w. 4150,a ooapku stock cl CLOTH—Striped and Flaio: CHALLIE BERAQE and :BILK MIXED MATERIAL for DUSTERS. Comer ruth and Market Sta. Q( )() BUS. N. V. STATE POTATOES. oOUao* Will. pink Kjm, *» do Henan, IW do Prince Alberts, _ . 300 do Whigs, la store aad far aab. by OBAff A VAN GO&DITR. ENDKRSON'S COUGH SYKUF—For tha ‘pewfycnrwof Ooegfce and 8 >»• Throat This preparation Is Ob*qnalad. Sold by 8. JuONSrON, Druggist, ocrnfT SmUbOeld »od fnorth strrst* TO LET—For a, term of years, tho IiUUoJS GROUNDS on federal etrtet, nowoccupied by the •abaenbor. Also, the p-opwrty on the nppor aide of the bridge, with • river front of UOfeetby to fast on Federal ■treat. Poeeesian efrsn Immediately WM. R<»B1NB0N. Jt„ A»kgheny city. LET OR FOR 2jALE—A commodious , well flclshed-Swoetory Brick Dwelling. No.69ooiwell street, containing S rocmi, finished attic an j tags cellar —■ The honaa la lighted witn fu »ad Las tbs water convenient. Tha lot Is I erg a, well laid cot, mod planted with abtnbheiy aad flower*. Thera is a coal boaiaand other oat bnliClsc* ettschad. Ftr partknlers apply on the prvtntssw, or to "yg WATT A WrLBQ.V,a« Liberty et. SUNDRIES —3 bags Flax Seed; IS aacas Toathere; S 3 Dry HMete 44 Sbw p P*lU; 9d tmnolee Re^e, S bales Wooh tl bbts Grawaa, On steamer Basal Dell to arrive far sale by _ Py» It’AlAll PICKET A 00. POISON 1 FOIhONU—Jf you are infested with RataMlr* or Reaches, go to JOS. fLBUlNa’d, corner of Uaxket strast and the Diamond, anl proenre •ocboßat Pasta. Itlsaoidta aoy qnattlv tosalt norchas era,aod for dMtrvylng Rate, Blew. Roscfar*, ete, i« rally •oparlor toaoythiugalsa discovereL Jt actsqnlckly, da*- troyin* them In a few bonr* after sating, aoo tnvarUbly eaeacatbrmto seek the* pea air, tbns avoiding tbs din grsaabto ataoch wb*q they Ala to tbeir bolea. my» FOK SALSi—Tbogoodwill and Furniture M tUHBNDSRSOB IIOCSR, oppoetto the Depot of the New Baltlffivn Railroad, on Market ttreaf. tetweeo ITthandlSih. The pment proprietor is compeHed lo diennw of It rn Koantoflllbvaitb. B- Q. PIMKIH. Pbil^Ulptlo. Tub new patent corrugated BPHIBIO9. REouaso in* weight of bbirts ADD INCREASING THEIR ST&KNOTQ HEABtYOXBUiir, ikj'rssntaesiTr* THOMSONS CORRUGATED SKIRTS. labs risa. (SOCK OF ADOCT.J PACKAGE?, late caught Fi*h. VVV/V/ (CBIIWIM cf— WHITE ll»IIi it tmrtli, bilm v. 4 ktlU TROUT, do do BIBCOttIT. do do PIORERU do do FISK, do do , ltl&RtSO, do do CASA, do ca BAT FI3FT. do do BtIAD. do do < CAT run, da do AJI wall ctrtd and rtctaUy latprcted. Oar longbo*l oea* ecatocitoQ v.th ih# tuLoi ftthlog Jo caUUwoß lb# Lak*«,(Krl», tlßToa,&licli!gAa aod reporter,) kHttlscnutd otr IfUKtlau with the at to road* I tab an Importaot tiraacb m oqj trad* («■ enw balsg by.far tb# Urgrat rtC'dTecaorfrwfa *4>r Cab 10 'liia eoabtry.) end hi crutr io bar# it ncdr» tha brat powibla •tuatfcn, «e hut as ployed aa «sp#ri#aeadsad eoapatea t w# ta d#T<4# bit vbol# iluta to u» caaaaftaHbt, aod art In a potidoo to oor# ihaa ordinary advantage# tc boy#rtof LalaFUb, katplog cuoataatly a oooplata araort taaat, atd no* bar# gmj rwKty of lh» gradea of Fooad aad fetaa caoghi Flan, vltek «ra offer at r»t*a tbit ■Uleompot# vltbanjetbtr raarknt, ms we do aot (kbswiatlr) ahowcmratlrra to ba aad»rm>>d. ■ : OOIDOR, WeatLLaß A CO, Wbolratlt Oraora, Cl»#»»aad.tiaF U, IBr-o~a>lt imd - Js u u ii i) a u p v l y Samuel Gray & Son, - MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 19 PIFTEC STBKH7T, ing Uonres ia tho Ea»t t tlieir GENTLEMENS WEAR, Co op rial ng «]| tk« Utaat of tb# Souon. r»boj Light Colored French end EnglUh TBOWBERS AND WAISTCOATS, * • attune, obiix mo bcack. Of «n lUei'iod*Vin'prke«. EATON,. ORKEAMACJUIiI, i, ■mjh.',,!. Np.-ii Fifth gtrcoC.; BDAWL9 AND MASTLIB, SUPPORTER Hernia and hterine^isbases cured. AaHloatrated pamphlet eoi.uiolng .ell psrffrol«iasent tes*»oany"fe BAYB& AND BACK. S 8& Tbe Vanderbilt European Line United States Mall Steam* •bipeaall between New York, fiootbampton and Him. 14 now nv toxx, now situ a*p son locmaajTtti somtntfoir . A3D BATftt, fO* BMW TQJX. VANDEKBILT, aL Hat I Wed; Mar J 3 ILUKOIS. QrlSan——Set. Ray, 19 V«Uaai 0 JQM U W«J. Joly 4 ILMMO[#,Grtffla~~..: lit. Job* 30 Wed. Jal* IS Jaly a VaL inr. 13 lLjJNOlfl^ w In »B|. tl Wei. Aof.aS -*—int*. Tbew atop* hrra vafer4lsht compwtsMi Price •! P ****** Mtto* vmr the i*a»r:— Oartlficataa of Puug* loaid (rota Koran £p«i* C*Urar*o*hl. proparatlon to tba praeeriptkm of ona of lb* taco! EXPERIENCED and BBILIUL NURSES Is Naw BniUod, ud baa baas oaod with NEVER FAILING &UO - In THOUSASOI OF CASES* H nol cinlj I.llm th.chfM froop«l»,b,t Inrlnnb. towel*, comets acicHtp, and elm toßaaad energy to tba »bolaay»tem. It will «J meat Instantly rattan Griping In Ibe Bawtli anil Viod Colie, THE WORLD,fa aft cam cf DYARNTEST AND dLAb. UU(BA IN oaiLDBBN, .better it ariNTbo/mcbteeSr fro ? • n * a WavtmldmylosTarymotherwbobu a child nnlferln* from tar of the torarotac ceantofata—DO pajumoM, KOntATaSroSa OP OTUKRA. stand betwaea yoo and poor saArtos child. Sma^VS!!? 1 ll L mt SURE—ms, ABSOLUTELY PORK—to follow thena* e r this tMdkua, U timely used. Tott direction* tor tulof will aeeempaoy iwcb bottle. Nona ketmiut nulm lb« UoalmUt uf uURTU A PERK IN SL New York, is outbeootstda wrapper. * Buld by Dregglstithroafhcut ibe world. PrtActpat Offiei, 13 Cadar Strutt, ft. Y. . PRIOR ONLY » CENTS Pitt BOTTLE. Bold by B I*.' f AIIjtEATOOK ft CO, come Wood and Pftnrtb almtoiatso, Ota K KCTSER, UO Wood atrwt tol3?Uw»lyT a siiOOßiiZiaa vio^oann IjOOOjOOO BOXES IO!«D OF This enormous quantity of this Inralcable Remedy bubeao purchase] by dtlssss of thaUnitedStats* daring tba atomimatt has ban baton tba poblla. Cm fe\aoi» Pa- this extraordinary sueeras to (Imply la tba actual truth and ratoa of tba artlcl*. Ho 00a boys tba tfAQNIT IOPLABTKII without toeomtng Its friend. Ikparfbrmaall tost I. prom bad, and carrto* wttb tt Its own racommmd*. tloo. Truly this Isa riitory—peaceful and falo«dltoa-4At *• ballptf not Icai glorious than tba triumphs of war, with Us carnage and daeolstioo. The UAONETIO PLASTER (■ undoubtedly tb« Oroatoat Btreuglhoner and Pain Dostroyer that Sctoeeo baa yat db> «mrwL If ydu pot thta Plaster aoywbea, tf pain to tbera toe Plaster will stick than until tba pain has ranlshetL- Tba Plaster magus Uses tba pain away, and PAIN CANNOT EXIST Wniß* THIS PLASTItt .i -IS, APPLIED. lUhumallsoi, Cameoraa. fillffnssi, Debility,' Nartomoau Neoralga, Dyapopda, Otuijcba, and Oolda, Palos and Achat of avery kind, down aren to Coma, aru iPmediaidvrtKnrd and, with a little paUenospcmmirndy curei, by tha m*H. a) laflaenea ol the WAQNETIOPLAfiTEtt. HUthadi plMt,aorMt, aatoat, plaaaauteat aod ebaapmt raoudita ail*lone*. lu ♦ppUcatloa li onitaraal—aquafly m jrong man. tha ilellcata woman, and tba (table Infant— To each and *1) | wUlprora a Ralo anda BWng. Ju Each box wnimake ato to . rf*bt am nny child can spread them. Prfcu 9 oanta a box, with toi< and plain dlrecUons, t 'Pi P«.IVQRBHBADi 9. Dm ton toa DnitM BtaSo HILLBUMAM &■ i-O. ittTita the citueos of Plttoburgli toon examloatloa eftbalxMock or HATH, ,; ;• .. - /‘r ; - -i', ' - •••,.. '- v ■»-i •' WPBAW GOOOO, Which, for arttopsicwscanhbihutorpatdtathatUy. m ,n >u.:j /~IUEEaE—SO boiM new Weitern itwci Vi:' V«ll . MCK*UX*U, POLITICAL:, NOTICES. f ' Atoembly. KijKtwu..d«bk, or a» H. f »tUoin(WrS^r - fJj3»FoR Assatncr —C. U Gucußixa ot tfe ■ ***** towi»kip, wut w • te i_v7 »oy«t to tb* dtria&a of Bos* - frS»ABBHDLv: D»riu A. I'mult. of the Fourth City, willbe ■ c*pjf,t AsumMy, scljcctjo thtdecisioatf (ho RepoUireo (Vo. reoUoß. ' tayl7:dA «rir p fZST’FOR ASSEMBLY.— CoL. WiLUAX DoCq LAI, at JQltebetb tOWßlhlp. *IJ b* * candidate »o* A-wem biy.aaljsctto tb*dt» of ib« lUpobltaa CtaotjCDD rdntloa. roVB-dlwicT 1 ABSIMBLY.— A. U. -BURWS, of Fiuoley township, wdl be * candidate for AeaemblijiobJect tu tbearcbdoa of the Republican Conot/'Cyareotion. mifcdiwtcT |&*Fob .Asssmbly.—U. M. jMc&ASTSR, of tb* Third Ward, Pfmbortb, will be a catdiJate for Amb* My.wbJaai to thadecUtoaof the Brpablieaa Cbooty Coa- Tttoa. •»-••■- wyfcditwteT Assembly.—'Thomas F, iisse, of ‘JtSenoa town*hlp,wlU bca candidate Cor A»*eß>- b!j, aobjees ta th* decision of tb* • BepaUicia Cbonly Oo*h ▼eatfaa. « • ...• te>a.-wtcF ; Assembly.—Thomas Kiddoo, of Snowden towoiblp, will b* a candidate tor Aim bly. *utj et to the decision of tb* Republican Ccuoty O-d- ; Tratton. . .. myawtcF {TS*F ob Register. —CntsTßßFiziD Robb ZT »“• * wdldttifor nt;f«t totbade* qMoocd thaßapobUao OpgaryOonTmtlon. ap2fcd*«tf Register— W. J. Kicharbsok, of J u aca&dltatafor BrxUlcr, ratgaet to tba dacfotat of tba Republican Coaoty CoQrea* “°-P- ■ | aplMAwicT Fob Register.—Uabby W. Usaaacir.of Wlttlna to waahlp, wlll.be a candidate for 1 O>ontj Bactter.sotycct to tbe decision or tba Rapabllean Coo&tj Ouareottoa. apkdawtcT Rjs»Fob Recorder.—Wesley Kerb, of Dp < P« Bt Clair townahlp, will be a candidate for the aborn office, subject to the <3eeiikm of the KasabUcasCbao* ty Oaorection. apiidawtc? fljS»Foß'iUcoßDAE—Abdiel -M’Cttjßj Of Mifflin tovoihtp,will baa candidate fcirCoanij Bcoorder, • object to tba declcion of ;tlw ItrjmbUaa-Cophty Convaatton. mr&dewtoT Recorder.— 8. McKee trill be a candidate lor Oooaty Recorder, subject to tie decision of tb» Bfpnbllcsn ODCotjCooTrntloa. mrttdawtcp jTS»FoB Recorder.—J. P. Boss, oi Alieghe-: ay, trill be a candidate for the, abuse office, aobject to tbAdertaoo of the BepobUcaS Cooaiy ConTsntioo. au2fcd*atcF [Jjs* Fob Recorder.—tixo. F. Kudisill, of u> Caalcklaj, «i>l bearaodldaU for Rectrdcr, eOject to Uta dadaton of the.Hapablicao Cdaoty ConrenUon. tarlOalbotcT Clerk of the Courts. [TS»CutBK or the Courts.—J wo. M'Origob, ofPitt»burgb,irinbeACAßdid*tafortheal>oTeiffice, •abject to the daelaloa of tb* Bepabllcaa Coaoty Coavea tot. tarUfcdtwicT OF THB OOUBTB—Dr. J. D. Bltnina «Ui be acaDdldatefor tbaaboraoffica, nb : jacttotbs d« 1 . Oomnusßioner. Coxhissiohrb—lsaac Mills, of WlUloa tovaa'p, will ba a candidate for tb* cffica of County CoraiafnlooiT, rul Ject to tb* dadatoa of tba R*-pnb- Iteaa Conaty Oonwatloa. royfbdAwtcF |T^»CoinJTTCo*ia»«ioß**.—W«.U. Millie, Eeq.ofDaqoeaoaßoraagb. will be e candidate for Ooaoty Oonuafssloaar, ratject to tba dedaioa of tba Coaoty Eepaincea OooTtßtloß. arZl:4A«tcF ITS* ro» CoKMiMioufß.—William M'Kii, of Preble* township, will ba a candidate for Ocaaty OotamlMioarr, sotdact tocba decision of the Hapabilcaa Oooaty Con reopen. j tarKhiUatcl | Third Cabin $3O x to America. Inen, New Twk. I6TFOR Acditoe.—Bihmitt La**, of Llizi beta Boroafb. wJU be a caadldite for Aodltor, aobjaci to the decision of tbeßesatllcaa Ooonfy Coareotloo. ' toySdßwtcF Unbltt yicticre. Omcs Homiintt Inttuci Ownn.) ' Zfo. 99 Water atraat, ' > PJttebarjb, May 19tb, 180OL j n^»DiriBEND. —The President and Directors of this Ouspasy hare tbta day declared a Dlrldaod offlTl COLLARS opoa each abara of tba Capital Stock, oot offbaearaadproSte of tba latests ladatha. Three Dol lar* and fitly Ogpt* per ahara, to ba applied to tba redoo: tteoftbaßtoen Doe Bills, and Oae DolLar aod Fiflty eta per abara to be paid to tba Stockholders 00 and after tba gthlart. nj2l;lwd 11RNBX AL ATWOOD, Brc*y. 33imrat(onal.~ Locust grovb femalb seminary* NEAR PITTSBURGH, PA .—BOARDING AND DATSCBOOL'TOR TQTTftQ LJDlZl—' TUe'lararporw ted lastitatioo is now In laccwafat operatleo nadir tba Bactmbipof Rer. B. BUiTS. Tb# AoOaal Eeateoool tba lastitaUoa will eotaaa&ca 00 tba Behead Wedaaadey af Beptember next. Welorite fbaattaptloa of Eateaadgaardlaa*totbaadraatacaaof this adnjlrably ad and wall conduced reboot. Appllcailoa for circa* lancoateialnE fatlpartkaUraof terms, braaCheettoaht, bsmj be made ta the ibHowtag: _ * J. Q. SfIOBWEIbOBR. Esq, PrcsldMi. Hon.Tboa.ll.Uowa, Hoc. Hopewell Bepbara. lion. Wn.p.Jobartoa, Joclab Stoj, Jm, Isaac If. Paaaock, Xaq, or ta tba Rector, nylT.lad Baa. RICHARD 8. SMITH. H WILLIAMS, Classical and Comnrer • Ctal School, Wo. SS SL Cjslr ctnet. . Mr.WUlitm* loond la bi» roan from Ba.■. tm 4o*clock».*. - (* . ' j Tmm t> * t*r KboUf pg qr. of 11 *Mk*,ia uituta. 10 " '' kr *<***»»* BKoMwta. » , 5£? OSU ?— l tok *. * TWLI pl*a*ara la wylag that kr. a. WulUim U *n *iceJient teacher—tatoUinot, dacrMt, ud bHfcfoL It Ua proCMatv to *hlcb be U wholly dero tea, and to vfclch he bring* oct only a long expcrfeace and ta ardent entharteaa, bctar>a»rUM» ‘-~i“~nnm. la vbk6leu tart ty from my ova knowledge that parat* •ad pataaamey foHyamflde.i ALSXT. McGILL. WcaUra Theological Erml&ary, April 20th, IWO. I folly eoacsr with Dr. Meg Win tbs above mteaent cad nonaawodtUoa. D.HXIOfT. □b method of teechlngtad mtMgbghbtmpii* tact ! Kfpamd by uj I hive Kdovh at any u®o. - , •' S-M.BPARKS: PrttTorbiWpv : Iteeblfig b • preteloa for*hkh ball neeobarly fitted. _ ! CHAJtLtSftHot.gR, wltblo tb« nag* of ay acqnaiataace be om bo taper lor “■ teed**. JO3BFB P. OAZZJLM. He booeof the beet toechen nadir whom X ban erer a*d my tons. (arkO) JOBS B. WakDBH. D |OUBLE BNTRY 800 K^IEBPIp:, pxauANsniF AHV PHONOGRAPHY, jj, MLtUMj, No. 23 fllCUlr »tmt. PHONOGRAPHIC REPORTING taught X”« So. *8 Sc. GUlr street: • “Il to » nUtttod ajitemliutally—alrosnllrosd by ree» *o» of lu railroad by mm onto ease.-* . ’ JUt. Dr. R4y>bKB»l>towpoot PlfiNN INSTITUTE* ‘ ' HiSOOCK BTHIEET, SYIBPYT7S ! ' reepea-caHOSDAY,tto XTOAUQUBT. Jmsi |Spynl:noTfly»BK>BtU., J. M. mum, nisdpti. annum jfealtß, AUSTIN LOOMIS . j gnistoor A*mw&tim P*p»* tfaoiatof «to«l k*rtn« from Q> d*j. to 7 nast&to knyUflod , ■■■.. •»!» (Buvia * I Register, A BubaHtnte for Cream of Tartar, Anew, healthy and cheap ar licit far making BREAD. CAKES aad all artidot of food r»qnlrtog ifaa on of YEAST. ' ' Tbla oev and ralnabt# article Is Dot a drag bat an exiiiie Of. food , containing nothing bat vtut givoa aonriebmeatto t&«body. ItiigKdnuije'deqailiaaUeagthtopvftCraam of Tartar—teamin' tbeaame'way In cooking—la cheaper la price, and makaabread and cakea of ■nparior qoaiity, which remain fnoAand palataile muck loajer tU»n Worn Oraatß of Tartar la seed. - « Tbia-artlcla it apprnrrd and recommended by Ucavg. ■BOOTS, GARRErr A REK3E,* Analytic Cbemiat*. of Philadelphia; Dr. SAUUBL JAOKBOX. Prof. In -the- Opl* rmltyof praon Prof HQNSFORD, of Barrard Ooifage, Mart; Dr. JAORBON. State Aaaayer «J Maaa; Dr. NICUQpjI of Beaton; Dr. CHILTON" tad all otter •c**tifle QMOwhaaa •tteotfos hma been called to It, aod all hoiutkcepvt who here naed It, recommend It to tba bfgbaat term*. WW-foraalcby DroggUti and Qrocara ttper»llr.. Pur «•!• by F. & THURSTON A CO-, No. 25 Foaithet, Pittabnrgh. - r Wboteala crduiaddraaaad to - BURQIN k SONS, 133 Arch, Street, Philadelphia, ‘ Who alao harecaaitaDlly 00 band BIOARD SODA, tha wall-known M slelU Brand,”ld fcfgt, boxes and papera SAL SODA, to barrata and emke. TAMES A. TiEHNAN, Cf ‘ bwhuct FANCTANB VAiUKTr GOODS Wbdealo Prater In ' TAPES, ■ £8 AIDS, ' SPOOL COTTON' TBhEaDS, i-i - - 3**lNQ «Zjr,s BUTTON/, . CUILE&Y, ■ LACES . SOTIOyS, db> MATCBBS AND BIACSJXO, Ho. 9 birawbtrry atraatv pniL*t>ixt'aL4. «9Mll(tcd«u* *>U tot CAfiJX, M cx«*«ttsgijrJtiv r*te*, r»Jjutg mor» opoo *±t*iuJT» •*!** ena vatli profits tf»ocpoiiUahrt»l— tadfclgbprttm - ,>s>»**»«* Boaitsr. ‘ GLQVZS, svsrgy&Bks, NJSKDLISS, PINS. Auditor. pOHAN U£M£*T, MUJsKADAUi CJS - CAECZ2ra> PCiSTSB, OBOUHD PLAfi?BB, Ac* WheUuittadMttoA, atlowcuii prieooißy -1, 8. fUQUfiT & BOBS, XXPORXZM 01 v HAVANACIOAItB, No. 316 Sooth Frost street, PLlUdelphU, P*. [rit ■ ThcaUtatioa ofßnifsUts.Grcotn t&d other* friarlM j. B.KOONB d CO., flour and Provision Commission Merchant^, .SV H ScrtX Itharta, Icbm Vine Sttett, PEnLADKLPHU. „ “ Itm fS : Pnz»l! A Co, Boston, Phil*. Qarrett A Mirtltk Phil*. B*ok Northern LibenJe*, » Sttw, Prtea A Ctt, * “ - ."• J. D. Lehmsr, CltclntAti 0. Wright “ A.D.Bollook, • ■••• ’ Ooro ExptoqgeßmA,, gnhwlyywyßc-fcwfla,- • 'BMAUTSTcHANmIEE; Wholesale-Croten iConmluion Berthanti, 13 Market £t, aim fmit^nanh /~\FF£R for sale the following, oa tho most \*r reesoosbls terms, Tie !£ “■* W bbu. befloed Santa, assorted* ' }°s “ prt«* Oor» Molasses, • S.obsf* Klo Cofiee, prinjsaod inedfom oosOdes,*' ’ WUh ascii —ortment Tets, gptrrs, sc. Ji2J . QAUDS I CARDS II ; CARDSU . PBIKTKU'S SHIET AND CUT 048L9 Bsst tnd Cheapest fa th*Usrfcst. : • Cords for Moonting Pbotograph Pictures, Bkucnd JfKfessd/itt»A*s F&U-Boari^JSrta*Badris AandaadJersaUby . . „ _ A. U. COLIJNB, - PAPlKaad CABD.WanboiwsAWtUnTOaiTRKI. J*»l* . ... PHILADELPHIA- #. B. CALOWBZ.L A C0.,.' 8229 Ch.ei»tnufc. ; 'Streei*l.~ fcppsMfa Chord Booss,] PHHi I A. AEWin POBTATIOSS-FTSB WATCBSI TAXIS; PHILLIP* A CO.' Wstc&eKtoHeasn. CHARLES FBOOSHAU’B London TlafrKwptTt Oeiv series, el] rises, Is Bnntlaf Os>— —--r *@-Solo Anthoritei Aiahts for above. ooid aim «a.v*a,*sotisn Sbd raiss w"a; *oas &. ' >: BIOS nmax, w.MUa'. - .Tl " ' ““•''““rfliaLa, u>4 *ll Ua fuhboOlß tajli, ihrn ma awry jutta nr-i'smrgxrv" ■ * TtsU aßtriltarso cfttlgstfOß topcrchjßHs. —- ‘ pUto flsqrwy vßdßonrisaco; f :)Bavb Yopa’icßr_ ETS&T PAItlbT BBOOLT HATE DSfii .. BdiOQloyXKaw. aod Improved 1 • • J ‘ i o B B E b a- Or\g\*al Patent profited JTcptS 18, 1855.) fmprovid Patent GranUd Ahgvk 13,: ISM. > ■ L Improved - Paint GnaUd ggae-36, 1BAT; j. K , .w ' - . ■** I'. j JOE CHESTS AND BEER-COOLERS. . JSp^Grftfl»s*c*ni*p ts ofljend \Ct lis' L I; i BsodLarpttstfldbaofcoCpdcaA; _/’■>-« *4, r, ..>,.,.4",“ 1' J sp.fcSadtl, «ua^&.l6»Pasd£>it«fcfYnrftia T rf tuto. ~MIS UmißlC OF THR SEASON t ," -' tapasoirs oorbitoated skirts. I-H '• Jgr.Milb,Hi.cttodwlß»UtoV. ~ / .. / / ’EBXU.—SAVS TUEM7SRJfORB»/C» ; X ntstooUu. C. ** T fi harnmnssiiTi ! PoNSjttRUT, la tLs hceas bt /Ki ; 8» • Hrvtn^rf^ rf7\}?sz ■•s oo3#ft* topr«sscs«Bt& treat(tSdoMtarMC. ' > Jf??***, Prtoaa»* i Hxrsanci—R«t. w. D. - •' JOBBPU A1)AU»~ Ifa- 97 Wjliß v (i y; t 7 -*■* ■iSgES&iig-"*** vj APVMTmkßifi.: -* • jr.SI ••. • - sx< i> BBONOHTAL OroARBTTES. i- L «n.M«aniWitejS - ; AMUSEMENTS iiTTSßtmon theatre— f. W. BBSDEfiSON ———. ■ ..W!«W Dm* ClrcJ#Mi «rr * th * °** t * oo * , “ rQl • B ‘»I* UE.X6EMON A 3 MARSCWII*. fiOP S»iVtii?i t *» Uf i l^AIfATI 0 COMPANY, vbewUl ' “‘MDEan*, p «t!. >fe * Ur * oU * > ca r «^tht».dt T ii a *jTKacß. M A 8 ° NTc-jmn; LIST TH&EB Kiaarj SANFORD’S TROUPE IHDB3DAT. FRIDAY A SATURDAY RYRM.YSB. - - - Grand Cbaoff* Nightly. KXfRA MRFORHASCK SATURDAY AFTSRSOOS ; J^DooraopenatS—cumweao*a*2*^. I 4®-Ctl!drenco ibia ocusioa balfprkn. SATURDAY BYK7tSO,'BKN IfIT end leat appeared of Sasdfard, *1 tba Troop* appear at Etrabeartlia If 7 oad* and TiiftUy. Wbpqliflg Sedneaday aodTttireday. aylfclwa < • '■ "■ ■ ■ ■••••■■.': ; FBAjNSbtn BILLIARD BALDOR, TSLkSKLUi BALI* •. sth st, opposite Pittsbnrs^Thdatrd, • JOS. MATTHEWS, Ja, Proprietor THIS elegant and commodious Dali is now JL Prided with KINS HEW 11 ARBLE BED BILLIARD . H”! Utnt tad moat Approved at yle asd pattern, ■ad It ctfctsrwta* fitted op equal to any Itt ttw roontry tor tta accommodation of eiuxMtt aad atrangorp, and tor light, •Jr, coo Cm abd eonreaUbce, it bot atnpaiaed, If equaled to tb# Wettorn. State*. The Propriety aolldia a cooUahaUon of the patronage ao liberally bratoved oabtaSaloos hereto* fore. Md wrarto tlu pubiio that attrr attention will bo * pai»to their comTutt nod plrA*nrt. ' ' N. B—Agent lor tha tale oHMHard T4blea,lUflt.Gtatb. Cara, CaePolsta, Chalk and all olfcnt utklM la hU line, •bleb be can dUpoaa of on reaaonabla teraa aod at the waanfactaret*# trttola ale priori. ■ ■ £*v.lyd Pi)tialitip{|ia afc&rettsrownte. Itrotopoian, SODA PAbEftAToB,tabbl«.,ke«a, bnxea and paper*. BtloTOi'O&ABI YEAiT PoWDEBS’ TAKTARIO ACID—a. Kidder A CVr., Ai epgUcnd - .RBgPt A.surra A BHO, ' 4 . X North-West corhrr Frcat aod 1 Willow ttnats, faMllyd PhlUdUpm, Or Superior QoaDtj sad at Lev Prlcsa,