The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 21, 1860, Image 3

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yittsburg||. : <iB2c«r.
ornoljiL rAPtt or tbm citt,
: MmOBALOfIIOAb ObaarrmUonJ far tba Quart!., by
O. K. Ehav, Oplieura, 63 Fifth SL—oorreetaj illll;:
■ >4 - J *' i« «»».in mu
OO 51
7l - 63
, S> o’clock a,
12 ••
■ 6 . " r. M
- Republican Headquarters for 1860
ooasrea wood Aeit> vwsrß ns. *
V - H-ltorOTM®#
WsKSTiia? 6 .^^ 1 tb»CUb mtM EVEQY
*,i M*&i sud.'obtnmodloua room io
|b el bird story of Ibe Gaieti* Baildiog; it vail
UgbUa; 'ttty of icoett, bud .fill be rooted cheap
to a soodj ieaa&t. Apply tl the coaotlog room
t-fAbii ofioo. '4 r-.
. fioHatac—Tblt geotlemta arrived
10 D^?Mter aod m»3f bt'foand toy lime
aoU to-morrow, at the Drag Store of Dr.
Jl;&jeer»to ezaariuet'aoge fitb hia o<jl«*
baited HU prloe for czauioa>
. laoa.!» three dollars, tot whan pereoot are an
side to pay tbe prioo bo will do it without. Call
early if-you want to too him, as hie etay will
'pobiiiveiy bo Jimirtd to ibetwo days, named.
•Tea CmcßsßsfcK Fosoarr.—Judge McClure
/gave bis oplol6nB»(urd*y, lit the motion made
;fu arrestof -judgment, aadfor, a new trial, by
Mr. Howard, In the case of Sylvester O. Laos*
doof, who was convicted in the late term of tbs
Court of Quarter Sessions, for paseiog tiro forged
certificates of deposit io the American Exchange
Bank'of NeirTork, of $27,600, on the Citizens
-•B»#k.dfHis«Uyj ; in the month of SrpL: 1868
It will bsremembered that when tbn ? tiria-
WM ware-beard, two weeks
ago,; Hr. Howard, the prisoner’s counsel, started
waew point In lhe«tse, and'one lbat tbeOourt
thought worth of-aUeolioo, DamebMbei where
Jbew wero .elataloyy remedies fo&iny offence.
* .remtdy by oommon law,
y K fortbe offence, with
1J whfab L-»ogdon was oleared, for in the 21st sec
of the 12th of July, 1842, U made tbe
obtaining money by atiy false writing or false
pretences, a misdemeanor, and provided for it
Tbe court went on to say, tftbis be so, judg
tnent ..must be arrenieJ: No authority can be
fotiQd to eusiainihis reason in arrest of jndg*
meat; non© is produced. The act of 12th July
*M. : framed to abollab imprisonment tor
debt, and to punish fraudulent debtors. It pro*
rides new remedies where none bad eiisled. The
21st section crealea a new statutory misdemean
or . The framers of. ibis important act never
intended to repeal ofto eupplaot oommon law or
elatuUry remedies heretoToro inuao. If tbe ar of judgment bo sound, tbo
OtTcase is . clear, and we must stand by~lbe con
sequences,, let them be whel they may. Let na
eee what some of these oonsequenoee are, assnm
iog it to be eras that the act of 1842 and 1806
abrogates tbe common law offenee.Qt. passing a
forged certificate of deposit, knowing it to be so, i
with intent-to-defraud. Easting counterfeit 1
bank notes of a bank in another State, with liko
guiljy knowledge and intent, is a oommon law
misdemeanor. Pawing in a like manner cono
terfeit notes of a bank in this Stale is a statutory
felony;, passing i* both cases is to “defnud by
color-of a false writiog,” and it is obtaining
money b/ a false preteneo that tbenolo is genn
. me, in tbe very words of the act of 1842, July
12th, seo. 21. Ifsuob be tbe force and effectof
the act of 1842 as io abrogate lbs oommon law
misdemeanor of whiob the prisoner ie qonvloted,
then •it followed that these offense* referred to
are also abrogated,and tbe statute repealed, and
many more commoo law misdemeanors abroga
ted, and many more statutory felonies and mis
demeanors of kindred oharaoier with tbe crcnm
fsUi. The argument proves 100 much. It is very
trne.that paesiog a forged instrument with crim
inat intent and guilty kuowledga ie a fraud and
a false pretense; it is ibis, and more—lt lea epe*
ci6e common' latr offense, alone and beyond, in
, and. unprovided for by tbe act of
Paesiog’witb guilty knowledge and criminal
iateat ft oouDlerfeii back, note of aooLherSlate,
Ua penitentiary orton a bank bf this
State,.!** penitentiary otfeaw; aaJJzyabo 169»h
eeclian of;the act of: 31st' March, 1860, freudu.
UnUy to fitter or publish **any vrUUi i uutntment
Cthcr than (k6i9 cnxtr*emttd, ,p au couvlctioo in*
cure a fide, not- over $lOOO and a sentence to the
penitentiary not exceediog ten years. Had the
commuted bis; offence a few months
latter, thia notion would hava reached bis case;
- aodthiela the kind of punishment the
' prq*qtlb*|Jwrtbe ltke offeooo. Tbe common law
■ t&isdemeanor bf which thsprUooerii convicted
by the %ordo 4, any written instrument,” in see*
. tionl69, would be a statutory one, if committed
aoar. ;• v-*v
, 4f oae year in the coaoly jail was the limitof
& aentanoa io-« eue like ibis, the law would
ueedumcodmeotv The easy assurance andeoo!
dexterity with whiohihbi offence was perpelaled
by.lboprlaoDer; the ounaiag precautions adopt*
■4 -(« aVoid' detection and insure eueeess, the
magnitude of tbeamouQl, realised on the forge
tie®; the ekiltfal 'execution of tb» forged certifi
cates; bit Instant jßght from Ibis bounty tod the
State the momcQt'-bfrJboaght ho wntdbcoTered;
the vhoJo tostimliny da the ease forces conticiioD
oo tbe nioat' relaeieDt mind,-not only of guilty
knbwledgeaud criminal ioteot and sot, for which
fa's b-.obaTioied, .bat warrants ths,inference (bat
be is quite.familiar with (bis kind of business,
the result ooddublof experience and practice.
The oountben .proceeded to pronounce tbe
sentence, whiab was tbniihe should pay a fioe of
$5OO, iho oostr of'proseoulioo, and gtru (he
Vf estera Penitentiary,and there stay for three
years.--'.---.: 1
for June, sold by Haul &
iaiaer, PiftbetreeU. JThis. periodical Is before us
le Tested frjthita usual attractions. Porte Crayon
; Summer in New England," from bb
pen/beiofclhe first article;la the msgexlne.—
TVuarUcJeie cbaracUriaiic of its author, being
a story fall of incident -and - praoitoal inform*,
{fob,' (old in ah eooeotrje wayanjiaterspereed
wiiU maDy amaaing iUartrelioos. “Ancient
Moatimetite la the doited States No. IL/Mt abo
an aUraolife document, at those who read the
firai namber will beTead/ jo admit; “Loral,
■ ibe WHower/' byTn'tokeray/hasarfited at the
fifth chapter nnd’eUll’maintains Its interest—
To these'contributions '‘lnsects
; belonging to the-CoUM-Pieol;” '‘The Century
Plant;’* VSdlHTan’s labnd;!' .“a Ballad;" "Mls
, arable Mau.lhat I am;’? /'Only -Words,'! and sev
eral others. ' -
1 Habqjjboos— Almleboyebontfoar ywV» I f*
old, itemed Strain; whose psreDts retide in
Splene'e Coart, off or Fifth street, bed biseokle '
afternoon. He #M
balettelng himself on onVheOl QYer Vstop cooV,
wbioh was without a' hover, 'when his foot
•lipped; end doabHog tip with the eokle, slid in.
It vw extracted bya geailetnen wbowu paes
io*, after some troable end cattiog the shoe off.
Major Wilson notified the pobllelately, through
tbe.newspsp.ere.;-tbftl tbeyshonldheve these
• bidgs r removed; nr the ordinance relative to
tbemwoafd be pat to force.- These things ere
absolute!/ dangerous, aodshould be cat down
< cube pavements immediate!/, or soms serious
soeident wit} resaUl frpjD their eipeeedsiiaii
liooe.Y ' ‘
' PittißCßau ftQi Margo*-
rHera-play .of t3oetbß, tßBTM*itea maofa »p
impersonated by Mr/Rotori** exalted tbs high
est {<^r«Bt ; op6a by
tho'TJulidtdphlaar^ui'.-:' f
] "Tfaepanaer'-of -Mr. Roberta
thenfiolb hold r .detllla&;
bWbc4'*Drfc4od6 ( 'ftod be did il—oot a*»mere
as (he archfiend Mas*’
silt ; :Pillte %*''CbMlerficld; brave a* Bayard*,
dourliegi &TsTletaod, be via adeeUlo admire
iodtotejnpt. jfo ; 'tbomiooteat-deulla faa iris
almost'per/eoiyiu fact* we cen feet!) no fpall
arh*ierer.’ : Tb#obftttMster ofMephletophflea, as
f«jft)rbjed; by c MK > Robsrt^, , pro*
dociuib'abiebciJilbecjQdiedandadmired, tim*
and. again:*’f; 5 '// H
l»i*i> l ~Hafpur'aiitohell,..Rs4*» os*.lltha
. .conceded wlib-lb* li/onrfny Porf or thirdly,
HW* * ilt P r «* the Mandrill* Spirit of. tU
ggt, died daSatatdayß of
»S a jam*; wheohewu Uken UK ,/H*
atD:.»bo. arrived RaiuriUj etenlogfrom ij.
Chiefgo Cooteol 100, wera Qo». Bud w . /«£„ *
lllerund.edltcr of the Laneeeter Eiaminerjc
Haiti, »nd Hen. TiiwW«n» Bt«i«n«.' jj,,, i?.
left Iboclljinthe&SOlralnfgrtbeEMt.-M,
Bivi&i wu to Koto' >mo ptrfiut »i
ihoTitl6wiion!!hif:#««Mojg, bat being
•ipK Jiomor’Aboilt bo»ba«-
•dred of -tbo .del.tgoiM tfino tbrpDgh Battwdi»
AlleghgnjOnd M»B cheatedJalMOgw Hailwfj
WBWoTir. ItB; iipw »MpeDßrtia ttidfttfteljn;
tint ■lhntV Saturday morafog. iTM MBPUij
Trmaddad iome:isore an toTtbpir Uae,within
Gesevwl . Cssfiraass ef the Matbodlit
thIZZfSV* • Z %.T" Th * Confisrenc* assembled at
tto Waal hoar. Hufaop-SlcjpMn In the chair,> Bell.
" ftr * condacttdhy Rer. of
P^^^kurgh. Conference. Journal ap
memorials, Ac., vu taken top and re
tpoadad to by Blaek River, California, Detroit, Bail
Baltimore, East Genesee, Erie, lowa, Michigan,
v * Jorsej Conferences. At this point
I B».Y. Monroe, of tbe latter Conference, moved
tbe reading ef-the credentials of a deputation of tbe
"LocdrPreaobera’ Association of the M. E. Church/*
and the memorial of that bod?, signed by Thomas
T. Tasker, (of Philadelphia,) President, anJ Wo. fl.
Kincaid, (of-Pittsburgh,) Secretary. Tbe depute*
lion,'consisting of Revs. Isaac P. Conk, of Belli,
more; Charles C. Leigh, of New-York City; James
Riddle, of Delaware; and Jos. Gatchtll, of New Jer
sey, -were severally Introduced by the Bishop to tbe
Conference, after which Rev. Mr. Leigh delivered anj
address. Tbe memorial reqnests tbe General Confen
enoe to make no change in tbe Discipline on tbe
Slavery qaeitlon. Immediately at tbo close of the
address, s memorUl was presented, signed by a
number of Local Preacher* in the East, reqnsitlug a
change io tbe Role, whereby Slaveholders will be
debai rsd fr. a membership In tbe M. E. Church.
Call for petitions, etc., resumed, mod presented by
tbe North Ohio, New York, New York East, Phila
delphia and Providence Conferences. Under this
•ill, Dr. Dempster, of the Rock River Conference;
! presented memorials from England, Ireland,
laod and Wales, oo thesuhject of Slavery. This led
, t 0 • eplritod dUcnisloo. The main point discussed
***• enUrtainlbg tuemorialsTTrom persons livimr in
a distant country. Tbe Conference seemed to think
i that the members of tbe M. E. Church knew their
m“ British Interference.—f
The Rev. Mr. Moody said that these petitions were
tn*ouf»otnred lo orj.r ud Imported for thU ocoo.
•100. n. thought that th. Brill,h rrh.n thor.ppoM
unoogßt nr,,hua!J come In ineholoth .lili über 1..
mnntlng th. grant ~11 the, h.d dotra tbuoonntrr in
tnur-urlng th. ucnrnd ijitim or >l.rorr lolobo
™l* Rnrarnment, whon the, h.d tho rnpram,
utbotlqr bora, .nd tearing thlr hatod mortoaoo on
Th 'J *0 Ura -In ”" In
wt.blUblogBl.rery .11 orar thuo laodr; and nd-
V. an but reaping th. -hirl-lnd of . thonj.nd eooio
-1 quant ills.
( While this matter was before tbe Conference, o
resolution was passed, That It Is tbe sense of this
. Conference that, under tbe call of memorials, etc.,
J no mem Ur baa a right to present petitions from any
except mtmbtri of the M. E. Church. Tbe /nr#?'7a
memorials were returned.
Call resumed and]m#morUls, etc., were received
from Troy, Arkansas r and Western Virginia Confe
Tbe Report* of Staodlog Committees were catted
1 * or » whereupon the Report on Slavery was presented
and read. A majority and minority report were
read. Both papers were long and ab!6. The ma
jority report favor—first, a change in tho Rule on
Slavery so as to read, *‘Tbe buying, selling, or bold,
ing men, womso, or children, with an intention to en
slave them.** 1 If the restrictive Rule cannot be sue
pended for this purpose, then, that tba chapter on
BUverydeclare more explicitly agaiost the great]
eviL The minority report is opposed to any change,
regarding the” church as already Anil.Slavery, re
commending theXommHlee on Pastoral Address to
state the position of the oburch In relation to slavery.
Two thousand copies were ordered to be printed in
pamphlet form. Tbe reports lie on tbe table under
tbe provisions of tbe role.
The Conference adjourned till Fridu, at 8 a. ra.,
for the purpose of allowing the delegates and visitors
to visit Niagara Falls and the celebrated localises in
00 TbuisJay, by invitation of
tbe N. Y. Central Railroad Co.
Conference adjourned with singing the doiology
aod benedktiooby Rev. Mr. Ma;lay, or Cincinnati.
General Synod of the^ReformeU
v..~. 29 MO
Presbyterian Cl&ifrch,
[Ebkata.—Two blunders vert made in the
rvpurl of Syno J’s proceedings in- Saturday ttoro
paper. Tbaono related to Dr. Crawford
who, U was stated., bad separated bimseif from
bU congregation and obtained a oerfifioate to
unite with the U. P. Church. Tbia waa a mU*
apprehension of Ibe Ohio Presbytery report, it
ought lo have been stated that Dr. Crawford,
having two obargee, bad a call from one of them
to devota bis whole time to il, and aooepted the
call. He never bad any intention of unitior
with the C. P. Church.
The other .mistake referred to the aotion of
Synod on ihe'rsporl of the committee oh the re
cords of Chicago. ThiaToport, instead of being
laid on the table after, the Utter clanse vu
stricken ont, was adopted]
Sotuday morning, May 19th —Synod ccovenod
at the usual boor and opened with (be usoal
devotional exercise*. After these were con.
dnded, a motion was made that Synod proceed
to the Third Presbyterian Church to untie with
the General Assembly of Ibe N S Church io
a cession of prayer and praise, Saturday having
been selected by the eommitteea of tha.lwo as
semblies as tbs day far that msetiog. Tbs mem.
bera walkedjover in a body to tbs Third Church
and spent taro boars in joint session with the
Geoeral Assembly, both Moderators 'presiding.
At intervals between the religious exercises,
several members beioogtog to eaob body-ad
dressed tbs meetiog, expreasiog great gratifica
tion at beholding ao assemblage of. tbe ministry
of the two ohurobekTwbers au'opputuimy.woald
be cajoyed for tbe excretes of fraternal fading
and social Intercourse. Numerous declarations
of mafual esteem and affection were likewise
made. churches, it was stateJ, bad the
flame confession of faith and tbe same baptism ;
and they wer* all looking forward to a Goal in
heritance In the Land of Promise, where all do
nominations! distinctions will be loai sight of.
Wheo tbs Joint session bad dosed, the mem.
ber» of the Synod returned to Dr. Me&tiUan’fl
church 'and, after the msmbera of some'bom*
tnitleefl, who bad business to prepare, wars an*
nonneed, adjourned uoiil Monday mornlnr. at
9 o’clock.
“PopoUr A^troaotnj; • coact** draeafary tmtlM on th*
f>GU,PU*«la,Bai»ljU*AiblCoa«U.' By O.SI Wtcball.
New York: Pfaiao*/, DUkmu t Misoo,Publfaiben.”
Tbis.if.* work written by Professor Uitcbel l ,
of ibo Cincinnati Observatory, sod wo need not
s»j tbe subject if treated with * master band.—
Hr. Miiobell, io (be preface, announces that ibe
plan and cost of tbe work is all his own, and
(bat he endeavored io follow ibe path of real
discovery, and in ever/ instance to presenttbe
feels nod the phenomena so aa to afford to lbs
reader and eindent an opportunity to exercise
his own genius in their discussion, before offer*
iog tbe explanation reaobed by aoolent or mo
dem science. Tbe book is for sale by U. 8. Da
vis, No. 93 Wood street.
Ksock Dows.-—While Joe Barker vu delieer*
tng a lecture yeelerday, near (be canal'bridge,
ft man, whose name was nokaovo in the crowd,
made eome ironical observation about tfaeeabject
Joe had chosen, wbea ft woman oame up, and
wlthoat eaping ft word, elraak ftn ftttilade "ft U
Heeuftn,”: ftnd (brew oat that ftwful left sod
sent him Lomoiher earlh. . Second rntiflid—»Boib
c»oC cp io; lfae ; e cratch wUb'determioalion in
(heir face*, **9 *'Sn ir one" io
known” to ron. Afler aome preUy r paeeeß' by
(be former, ebe lei fly her “left did Jle" andaeol
bim down. Third and last roand-He cemeap
rather Zgroggy, eodaUempted (o ran;
lowed, tbrowlpgiiooeetihimj-tbie wee declared
foal, balshecbatiDaed io do it untilhe distanced
ber. The crowd followed tbem. for a considerable
distance, bat ebe did not seed io mied (bie io
the least. : . -i, . ■
. Girt, HoinspflS.— AY* have heard of an old la dy
a ehop-keepeir, who waa.alwaya proteaiing that the
•old everything for leaf than coat, and' that U.waa
only by doing a rery large bnniaeei that aba ebald
make nosey! .Thia'ia about ofapieee wltbtbepro
fMtioni of peraona who lay (bat they fell their geodi
at a email profit, and beitow.a gift upon (he par*
chafer worth more than tbe purchase money. Book*
Ml A WiUoo, at Iheirßrown Stone Clolbieg Hall,
Noa._oOS.Bod. 605 Cbeatnot' above Sixth, do
D °( do btulaeu in tbia way* nor are their cuetomert*
atopld or, eredoloofl enongb to be gulled by euoh a
truapamit abanu'TbeyateadUy refoae allappilea*
.Uofia to open * <iift CtoujiogStore/aad they lotind
to_eonUr\uei(o tU tbelf elegant garments on terme
which wUI preelode tbe throwing in with them of
jaoolona amount* of pinchbeck watches and galrao
wed breastpins. . -
i ;MbUi,Pf»,o»n<l Hymn
SeUnllf lo »nd Afetjtoctunl
worki,'Mu«te»l wntk<i,OJd Ftllonbip-nd M»-
w'ltrS v’.f 0 ' 1 to*? ch * 01 “ d OI«*fe»m»ok«.
si-•“ “f* 1 " f ° r ‘‘- a '."*•<>»>> »i»ck t,.. jo.;
S"s* 4 „“ in «- P*U »o lb«ra
7LMd 73 Fifth ttmt, next door to ibo Pott
- emcroi.—A jong min Domed Jobs Eaeer,
•boat 2! 7«w» of ago, oooniUUd auloldein •
(errlblo menoer la Wllliamepbrt,' Ft, cb ilos
do/ weak, bj blowlog bia brainaout with a p |,.
to)* Ho expired Id oboot eeaes houra, is tba
■oostaieraiiaUag loraoota. Tba easiaofbla
daalbUaealginad to deapendeocj.
- Bwcwtaa* Manno.—Waara aslbbrixad to
atafelhat tbeCennlJ£iaoaUnComailUiaof tba
Bapablioaa Clab will taaol at Lafayette Hall, os
Moadeytsornlog it 30 o’clok, to make arraoga
taenlt for • Republican naettog, to ba bald lb
CilyHalVMooday eveolog.
, HABaiED,
On tba Bar:*.B. bwitt, of MW Cut!#, pa,
J<UIB HUBboak, *aq.,of llodae Para Uataarlaa, pm.
batabjandMlaa ItaaQlk BHltM.V.ot tin fottaer pltca.a
fF^A.Y.W— The members of lodge $O.
“V 45*adUi»fr*UniUycw)er»llF*/» sotitaltoftt*
Utwl • *p*cUJ mmtiof TO-DlT,*t JO o’doet,jiredMlj a *t
tboliiiVfef cunotrofotuoAicg p^Bn.
WILUSU fIBEPItJLIr. Tba fr*<*rolty«lll proceelta
•M wdaema or Ibp d«.y*at6'»t tuJf p*tt eu* Vdotkaod
th* fcMrtl to tb* OsuJ Knit,
*• * 9111 *• to nadloM to eoUVf/ tMm to tb« Cam
.**•*?« Py ortMr ot tho .(<ay») _,. •-■•W.-Wi:
JoUce to BailderiaDd€oßtrfleton.[ v
J9*®NDB R 6iGNBD [formerly
tfc&SSPW *>*»*.] «oiu w^fartr r iafoftt
S*uSunc^!^l^ D V? ,or ** Md «WpnMiflt«MWtlr.
*"• ■'■ BnttST^ 1 "‘" *'VBiif B&ffgj?*.
-i • :
The weather eontiunea favorable for the growing
: crops. BraaJ»tuff* quiet aad nominally unchanged.
The Prussian Fmaoee BliuUler denies eay elti
enre wilh Austria. ''
In repiy to the proposals of France,England eon
sente to adopt as abasisof the conference, articled
: of the final act of Vienna, which refers to thenau>
iralixation of CbablalsandFraodgoy. England re.
served the right to make proposals at tha Conference
relative to (be mode of neutralization. This decl*.
ration increases th* probabilities of the assembling
of the Conference.
7 The Arabie was in contaat with the Grtsl Britain
in tha Mersey and bad the rigging of hstporl side
carrUd away. Th* Great Britain was uninjured.
It was stated that Prince DeVoinviiie was a-pas
eeogtron the Europe, übder an assumed name.
Advices from Palermo report the agitation as de
creasing. The ssige has been raised.
A Turin dispatch says that the insurrection is
spreading throughout the Island of Sicily, and Is
spontaneous. Th# royal troops are in possession oT
tbe towns, and are blockaded between these* and
tbo insurrectionists in the interior.
Naples advices nr the 4(h instant report tranquility
throughout Sicily, while ether diipstcbss confirm
the above.
From Turin, rumors were current that the relations
of Russia and Turkey were egato assuming a bad
aspect, and- that Prussia aad Denmark are on the
eve wf » rupture with UolsUiu; but they were thought
to be manufactured fur speculative purposes.
Th* fwliewing Is a copy of a loiter from Afr. Sayers
to the editor of the London Timer:
Sir:—The period has arrived whan it becomes my
duty to thank the great British public for the patron*
age they hare bestowed on me. It is oot for ms to
pess any remarks upon my late straggle, wbeo the
new world was pitted against theold world; baton*
thing I cen say. In honesty—that 1 did my best for
th* land of my birtb. and dearest affections. I bad
opposed to me one worthy of me, and whose activity,
rapidity and pluck it Was no small task to encounter.
Sprang Horn oar own race, the Americans inherit
oar best qneUtiet; and as oar conflicts with them
have, in th« progress of lime ended in peace, so may
every bitterness engendered by the late struggle for
tbo championship passewey forever. Upon my own
part and that of my children, I bomb]/ offer to you
toy moat grateful tbenks, and I trust, to whatever
period Providence may exUnd my life, that no act*
of mine, either in privet* or public, will be unwor
thy o f one who has received the notice of tbs Times
newspaper. I remain, yours truly,
Tow Satbbs, Champion of England.
Loanos, llsy 6.—Latest.—A dispatch from B«r-
Ijo-says that the Chamber of Deputies unanimously
gnioted supplise for placing the army upon a war
Latest advices from Italy stale that the Preach
garrison would remain at Home, and probably be
Tbe steamer Prince Albert, arrived at Galway on
the 8 lb.
. The Fletaid's Paris correspondent says that the
camp at Chalons will Bomber 40,000 ooder McMahon,
and will be (be centre of tbe army of obeorratloo
along.the Rhine fronlier, the whole force camber*
iog oioo thousand men nodor the command of tbe
Liverpool Cotioo Market. —Tbosales for three dsys
warn 23,000 bales, of which 1000 were on speculation
and iszpofL {The market closed quiel; MluJUog Or*
teas#, 6i; Upland do, 6J.
Tbe Manchester market Is Chai -
Liverpool BreachtHjT* Market. —Breads la (Is quiet
and unebanged. Wakefield, Nash A Co. report Pious
dull. Wheat also daU with very small sales; red 10s
4d@los 9d; white lls(aflli 3d. Corn dull aod quo
tations maintained with difficulty: yellow .Ilsf&SSs:
while 3(5*@375, : 7.
-■■Liverpool Produce Market. —Beef heavy and diffi
cult to sell even at reduoed quotations. Bacon firm
aodadvaoeed Is. Lard dull wilb few quotations.
Tfiloiir, daU;. aod quoted nominal. Sugar steady
Ashaalikewise at 29e(g>29* 6 for Pearls. Coflee am
' London Money Market. —Consol* 951(5)951 for
money end 95j(£p9$i for account.
- The*Adriatic, on the evening of tbe 9tb, passed
the Keedles at 6.20; from thence to Cape Race she
encountered a succession of strong .westerly winds
with a heavy bead aca; she stopped off the light ship
at 6 a. m. to-day, and was detained 4 hours by fog.
ThtrtjvPlret Congress—Sixth Session.
! . WasßtifGToe Citt, May 19.
House.—Tbe House proceeded to tbe considers*
tion of private bills.' l.
Among tbe bills passed was one for the relief of
Sweeney, RUUnbouso, Pant A Co., directing tbe Sec
retary of the Treasury to ret urn them tbepnllminary
deposit of one per cent on so mack of tboir bid for
of; the $5,000,000 loan, ooder tbe act of
December, 1859,'as was not issaed to them. The
question of consequential damages, owiog to aq al
leged violation of tbo contract by tbe Secretary, was
left to Urn adjudication of the Court of Claims.
House went into Committee of tbe Whole ou the
State of the Colon, for geoend debate.
Mr. Washburns, or Me., and others, made short
At tbe Ume'of, adjournment, only eight members
were .present
Sti»afa.~Mr.'HalqjQtrodaced a bill to provlde
for Ibe re-eoastraeUan of the Senate Committees.—
Referred to a special committee.
Mr*Sebastian, from tbe Committee on lodieo Af
fairs for Washington Territory, aod also on Indian
Agents, reported a bill. ,
Mr. Collamer moved to amend, that at) temporary
agents be' dismissed and oo others .appointed. This
was agreed to, aod the bill paued.
A message from tbe President was received and
taboo up. Tbe message calls the aiteotlon of Con
gress to the capture of the .Slaver Wildfire, with 607
negroes, by CapL Cregln, of the stsaoier Mohawk,
on tbe 25th of April. The negroes were carried to
Key West, Florida, on tbe 30th April, and delivered
Into the coslody .of the for tbe Southern
District of Florida. The shall
be done.with the negroes ? The I'reeldeot referred to
the cate of the Slaver Bcbo.' The negroes were not
back to by an agreement with the Colonist
tion Society, and ba suggested tbit .Coognss au
thorise the President to make a general agreement
with tbe Colonisation Soeiety to cover ail futnre
cates, lo coosequence of increased activity in (be
Slave Trade, such cues are likely to become fre
quent. These negroes are now at Key West, and an
expease of $13,000 baa been already Incurred j but
worseJban that, the yellow fever is likely to came to
Key Welt, and the Marshal urges their removal at
an early day. /
message was referred to the Judiciary Commit
Io accordance with a previous resolution, the Dis
trict of Columbia business was taken up.
. The till .relating to the Common Schools of tbe
Datrict wsj first eoasldered,ia which Mr. Clark, of
If. H>,-offered an amendmet providing that oo person
Whose property is taxed, shall be deprived of the
privileges of two vpbool#; Also, that separate schools
iball be organised for colored children.
it Jln Clark states that fae'iballlnsiit onhUamend.
mebVaod on motion nf Mf. Brown,' the bill was
postponed.' Several ctbcr bjlls felitiog lo the dis
trict were taken op and pasted, and the Senate after
wards adjourned.--
. DinioTT, M»yl9,—-The bo jy of a respectably ap
pearing mao, evidently; a; .teaman, with the name of
"P. Yoang'l oo tbewateb-poeket of bis pants, was
Uksoifron tbo titer here to-day.. Theiaqneit ad-
Jouroed tlll fotlbe porpotrof obtaiplog In-
- . s
BT Tm’lßObTpß. ;
Rritlfieation ■ Aleetines, Boutires, 6cc.
Coicaqo, Alsy 18.—Tha nomination of Air. Lin
coln forth# Presidency by tbo Republican National
Convention, has been received by the patty ia 111.,
and tbo North«eit with an enthusiasm unparalleled
rinc# the days of 1810. Th# excltemont -which- baa
centered at the Wigwam for the last tbreidays hat
scattered ibrobgbouUbe city. The “WidejAwtkes ”
tinieveolng, are marchiog in prooesiioo, rjomWiosr
over two thousand, with toroblighu. battlers and
transparencies. All appear to have laid ikido their
gravity, and become again boy#. Bonfireh blase on
the sirtet comers; meeting, are being held in front
of the Tramont and Metropolitan hotels, aid a largo
and enthusiastic meeting is afto being blld at the
p <?«?■-. Spee ? h *! 9X9 Uln * made by Hon. Joshua
* oltwr prominent men aodfdelegates
to theCunvantion. ] SMH
ti Pfeu and Tribune establishment, wkoae pab-
UcatWof the debates between Douglas and Lincoln
lo tbo .Senatorial campaign of 1858, gars Co the lat
ter much of bis national. wpotaUon, la splendidly
illuminated m honor of lb* success of their favorite
candidate. Other baOdibgs.'io Various parts of the
city, are briiUantly-|llamlaated.: ■ |
Xbe announcement of Air. LinooloV Doimiaatlon
was made at Springfield, at noon, to day. A Urge
and •utbnalutle meeting assembled at 4b* State
Uonso, to-night, and ware addressed by eereirai prom
inent citizens.. The mooting adjourned at 9 o'clock,
and, escorted by the Toting America Bat)d, prooeed
ed to the resldonee of Air. Lincoln, tils appearance
was the signal for immense cheering. Whew it ended,
Air. Lincoln.saia .thathe did not suppose, that the
honor of such a visit watt Intended particularly for
himself,-ru a private eitisen, bat rather the repreeen
tavo of a groat party. Ip reference to bia position
on the political question, of the day, be referred bis
many enthusiastic bearer, to bis previous pbbllo Ist
lers and speeches. The speech throughout, wniah
was varyjbrief, wes loudly applauded.
Dattoit, 0., M*y IS,—The nomination of Lincoln
created the wildest enthnalaim among tba Republi
cans of Dayton. Cannon were Qred, and a large
ftoPe WM er *«fod at the junction of Alain
ana Third streets, enclosing a hage boofire. A large
and euthnslastio ratification meeting was held at the
Court House, ami was addressed by Uon. R. C.
Scbenek, Uon. AI. 11. Walker, 8. Craighead, Esq.,
anu others, all fully and heartily endorsing the nom
ination. The nominstioD of Hamlin, was read in
(be midst of the meetiog with lood cheers. [
Isdianapous, Alsy 18.—One hnndred guns wele
fired this p. m., in honor of the numinetion of Abe
Lincoln. A grand ratification meeting will take
place to-morrow night. i
SpittßoriKLD, 0 , May 13.—Thera is a grand Lin
coln demonstration in progress here to-night. Can
non are being fired, and a very large meeting is b«L
log bold et the CilyiUell. The greatest enthusiasm
. It’otAwsPoLts, May 19.—The Republicans of this
:itj are holding avory large aod euthuilaatic meet
iog io the court house square to-night. Speeches
•ere made by Horn. CeUb B. Smith, 51. Grose, and*
>thcrs. „
Arrival of the Steamer Adriatic-
Sasot Hoot, May I'J.-The steamer Adriatic from
Havre via Southampton, passed this point on her
way to New York.
Tbo Great Britain bad arrived from Australia with
£190.0011 in goid.
Count Alootegelieu and Dan l'eraanJ>> bad pub
licly announced their claim to the Spanish Throne.
The Great Eastern sails from Southampton on the
Oth of June for New Totk.
WuBUrQTOVMxy 19.—The Reciprocity Treaty
will probably be brought to the attention 0 f tba Hoasw
next week. It ir tmid that the Protidant and Sen.
rotary of the Treasury, together with a number of
members of Congress, are opposed to it, while it is
charged that Cauda has violated tha spirit of the
Tb* spacious residence of Mr. Cass, last night,
presented a brilliant scene, on tba occasion of on en
tartainmanMo tbs Japanese Embassadors. Among
the throng were the army and nary ©Seers, in coe
lome, members of Congress, foreign ministers and
attaches, together with hundreds of splndidly-dres
sed ladies. The Japanese were, os heretofore, ac
companied by tba Naval Commissioner and Mr. Par
man, the Interpreter. Notwithstanding their aoetu
tomed gravity, they appeared to be delighted with
the brilliant scene, bat as heretofore ebilalnedfrom
familiarity with the ladies. The festivities ware pro
longed to e late boar.
New Yotuc, May 19.—Albert W. Hieks, tba prin
cipal In tha oyster sloop tragedy, waa convicted to
day of piracy.' Hs beard tha Verdict without amo
It Is believed that tba ex-Postmastar Fowler, went
ont to-day in the City of Washington for Liverpool
George Law intends to test bis liability as surety
for Fowler, and has sent an agent lo Washington to
bant op evidence ef negiigence the part of the
Nww Ton*, May 10.—Hamors are afloat of a fraud
ulent over-issue of the stack of the Pacific Mail
Smamsbip Company to an amount, U Is sold, ranging
from $BOO,OOO to $(00,000, and the developments
here not only serioaily depreciated the market veins
of the shares of the Bteemahlp Company, bat stocks
have beeo seriously effected for th* pest few days.
The Secretary of the Company, whose duty it wes to
prepare an aoeonntof the stock a week ego, has been
missing since Tuesday last. An investigation is now
In progress, and [farther revelations will probably
transpire In a day or two.
Bostos, May 19.—Fires raging ia the woods at
Presque Isle,Ale.,reached tba village on tbtlSlb,
destroying eight buildings. Lou $260,000.
Th# robbery of Grant A Co/s store, on Washing
ton street, three neks ego, of about $9OOO worth of
siiki, whloh were recovered, with other
berlas, are charged npon'members of tb*ipoUco,and
an Investigation bos resulted In the arrest of Isaas
B. Hutchings and Joseph H. Goodwin, of the Sec
ond Station, and James AI. Callls,anaxpolio*man.
Rumor* ore current of several other policemen being
implicated lo lbs robbery. A rigid investigation is
being mad* by the Mayor aod other beads of the
Rocbkstbb, May 19.—10 the General Assembly
the greet debate on the system of Boards in the
Church was begun yesterday. Rev. Dr. B. M. Smith
spoke against th* system. Rev. Dr. Spriog defended
it to-day. It has been continued by Dr. Tbornwell
against aod*Dr. Hodge in favor. The various com
mittees are at work, and tba basioess is fairly under
way. 320 members are enrolled.
Pbii.adbi.pbia, Hay 19.—C01. Forney, in a leader
In the Press, state! thit Lincoln was nominated by
the Republicans became they considered Douglas
woold be defeated at Baltimore, and that Lincoln,
therefore, would cany the whole northwest aod be
alerted if Douglas was nominated.
SrutROFiBLD, Mass., May 20.—TheGreenteai and
Taylor piper mill in Ibis city, was totally destroyed
by fir* this morning. Lou, estimated at $25,000;
iosurediu Springfield and Hartford offices for $l9
000. The cans* of the fire is onkoowo. ’
Locisvill*. May 19.—The* ri/sr is stationary,
Uh 8 feet 4 inches water in tb* eanal. Weather
ear, mercury 60 degrees.
Sr. Loms, Alsy 19.—Hirer falling slowly at tlrii
potnl; scant 7 feet water lo Cairo. Ail the upper
streams continue to recede. Weather clear aod warm.
(Corratpoudaora of lb* Dell) Pittsburgh UaulU |
Cuicaoo, May IS, 1800
EJi Qazritt: The Convention reassembled
(hie inorniog, moot of the delegates looking
worn and weary. Last night was one of ex
oitementsod restlessness. Many did not retire
to bed at all, very few before midoigbt, and oot
many before 3or 4 o'clock in the morniog The
night was epent is csnouuiog, visiting delegs
tlous, bragging, blowing, talking bud wtib
crowds baagiog round tha dispatauls, lisleoiog
to the angry and excited discussion*. The Se
ward reeling ran high at ibe Richmond and Tre
aonl, while at tha Briggs and Metropolitan the
toti-Beward feeling largely predominated.!
At 10 o’etook, the Convention was called to
order and prooetded lo balUt for Prealdeat.
Air. Everest, of N. Y , nominated Wm. R
jStwaiD, of N. Y. TbU was received with
aboata and obeere, aboat ooa-third of (he aa
*dieoee rielog to their'eel, waviog their beta and
baodkerebiefs, and going wild with enthusiasm,
the cheering beiog kepi up for several mlnotea.
Air. Jodd, of Illinois, nominated Afiiaa&M
Liscolb. This was followed by a detnonelrs*
Uon perfectly terrifio. Tha other (wo thirds of
the audience rose lo their feet and there was each
a norm of noise—checre, ahoutn and yells— as
wot never before beard or seen. Imagine 7000
men expanding Ibeir lungs with shouts of all
kiods, aod waviog bats, handkerchiefs and every
other available method of demonstration, and
yon may have a faint idea of (be aceoe.
Gov. Reader followed with the nomination of
Gen. Cameron, Mr. Carter with that of Gov.
Chase, aod tbs other candidates were in dae
form named, each beiog received with obeere;
bat tbs main eheeriog was divided, ns I have
said, between Seward nod Lincolo, the propor
tion beiog two (o one In favor of Lincoln.
After (be nproar bad eabelded, (be Becrela
riea proceeded with the oall of the Btstse. Three
ballot* were bed, with the following result:
Lloeolß. £• w%»O. Ctceron. Bates Oh**
S lo-
.. ..._
, UuMCfeOMfU ...
Conner ticat
B»» Tatk
M*rjt«Q4. ......._
TlrfisU. 14 St |
Kttitocfcj 0 0
uhio s
lodUo* SO
iltchlgaa .
lIH tide.............
Tuu ....
Orrcoo .............
Dl*l. Colombia.
Ui 4:»<, :::
a ... «
1 3 i
Tool loa mu tu« «J m
BcalUviog—Daytoa, 14; UcLoaa, 12. Ha-I*. 3; B**L
rrwaout, 1; ColUmcr, 10.
. Uuwttt. btiril, Lute* OblM
6 10
« I 1
New Urapebli*.
ManacbueoUe ....
HtoJ* l»Uod
New V«irk _
New Jmvajt
i’eoeeylretiU. ..
UeryUttd .....
Delaware...... ....
... s a
14 8
v 7
... 14
10 _
•6 a
. 8
lo— .him i
N»br««k»- „,,
DliL Culnsubl*.
... «
1 3
- TbUl.m 181 184J4 ft& 4iU
ScAtiarios—D«)b»D, Olay,£ Minian. 6. .
Llocola. Seward. B*t'«. Oban
t ; lo
0- 1
8 18 . ...
8 J ... 'l
* 1 4 2
Ma!oe>..— ....
Naw litmiwbira...
Qhoda IlUnl
,N#w Toth...
Naw 8 t
PeoDa>!r*uU~....... B 2 *J
Maryland „ B 2
iMlaraa. -
Virginia. . ....
11 g
13 a
... »
llllDolt .............
T»iu,.., n ;
.... 8
t>x a
... 8
. I ..
... " 8 ..
1 3 -
Jjiutw*** 1
OrwgOfl,... —.
h»imm L..— ;
Mfrt>tMka..~~. ~
bfotrloi ColambU...
Total 1W » k - 21
£c«U»flag innMaiy to »dtol'TS2aa • -
New Jersey oo Ibe firstbelloioast H foriisr
loo »oJ 10 oo tba second, - Vermont voted for
Jacob Collamer oo (he first ballot. Tbs three
rotes for Wade were 2 io Keotaoky sad l j D
Oo alt (be ballots, 233 voles were neoeeeary
(o a choice. Lincoln gained steadily, ,beo
(be call of the States was through on tbs third
ballot, he bad 231$ votes—jaßt]s short. Ohio
immediately obaogsd d votes from Chase to Lin
coln, which Dominated him; and then sotoed a
Mens which beggars all description. Tbs de
monstration' which Lincoln's name was men
tiooed at tbs opening of tbs session was nothing
tolu Tbs nproar lasted for full* 15 minnle£
ever jbody seeming to be era*/ with delight. Tbs
frieode of Ur. Bew&rd, alone, seemed to be sob
doed; and as they confidently expected bis nom
ination, the blow to them was a terrible one.
After the oprosr had sobeided, Mtioe ohaoged
befvoteto Lincoln, unanimously, and the other
States followed in turn, New York eagerly fall
ing in with thereat,' and ao AnnanaK Libcolh,
before the. ballot was formally annonooed, was
uosnimoosly nominated.
■ Speeches followed,. Everybody seeming anx
ious to givs ia their adbealoo, and none did U
mors handsomely and grteefnlly than (be Stales
which had voted for Ur. Seward. -Tbs apeeob
ofjCast Soabsz, of WUooneio, wasa model of
gric'' - .
„.*c«fal eloquence, and I beg Id la thiaktbit
frinilia «u right «b*a bapteßoaneid him lb*
ableet aralorla America.
At half put aha ibeCoorwiicnadjourakd la
are, lb* bobluilob for tht Vie* Prmdeaet be.
lopyetta dlijoaapt.--■' a .
Tfc« ncminallon tu scarcely made before the
cannon were booalsgoat the rejoicing* of the
aoUfiftdaa outside. . The Philadelphian* and
Pittsburghers outside formed along procession,
*ith their two bands,! bended by a banner bear*
the inscription "Pennsylvania good for 20,.
000 majority for Abe Lincoln" Seme in the
procession carried fenoe mile, other* broom*, ,
oUiere rakes, Ac., and altogether It tu a unique j
afftir Col. Cartio. when the crowd arrived at I
the Metropolitan Hotel, made them a congratu
latory speech, followed bjalltheepeakiog Penn
sylvanians present, end proeeeeione and speesbee
at el! (be prominent points in the ciiyare (be
»5 r **! ***" • ft *«»oon. [ oevereaw a people so {
wild with entbusieam. r
To-night there is going to be a grand ratifies
(ton meeting, of which I mail try end write you
an.account. o
The Vote for Vice President.
The following is the vote bj Stele* on the
bellola for Vieo President'
~ . QeiDltQ llkkmau.Bsnka Oi«j p^t.,
Ueioe - 16
New Hampshire 10
Vermont 10
Messaebn#eUs_ 1 l 20 i
Rhode t*Und.._ 8
Connecticut.... 6 3 1 - 3 "
New York 35 11 4.9 2
New Jersey 6 ... 1 7
Pennsylranie.... ll 7 4) ,*4
Maryland. 8 1 ... 2
Delaware 2 ,1 3
Kentucky _
Ohio 48
Indiana.... 8
Michigan 8
[ Illinois... 2
Wisconsin...!... 5
Minnesota. .....
.Disk Colombia. . - r3-
e ToU ! • .194 58 88) Iolf it
BcaUering— Reed, 1; Davis, 8; Dayton, 3: lions
ton, fl, * '
New Hampshire...
Rhode ItlanJ..
New Vork
N*« Jersey.
Kentucky _
CWlfoml a
Oregon „
Kansas ..............
DUirlc* of Colombia..
T>Ul ...
t.'ouMirruk or auuithation roR may a juke
Jink* Pa»K. Jr, V P.
J»tra R. Iluetia, I (Uwuit Rcmaina
Mmi'u. Kusirja. | kim OatNs.
[Ktj-orlfd c'ptciaU-jfvriht PitMuryK Gontte.
PiTTsarnuii, Mi.sdat, May 21, l»Co.
Moslem on Saturday was f»ry tltiti and iu*ctlt« rh«
trausarflooslofloor were prim ara unchanged
at former quotations, aoi, Indeed, the same nay ba anU of
• vrrythibg alee. The r,.iu>»lng are the uUi reported on
Saturday. *
laH KM . . I ®*<ra | Cs ram. | r.ncy.
188 t>bls from store - _ g j u __
>W do d« g M oto 860
do do 6 90 t> 16 6 76
•ef d» ili> q 00 ,
}** do do 660 696 6t» 676
IJO do do 600 690 000 000
M do do ...... 666 690 fl UO 076
•4-0 do do 660 6 0 7O
100 do do 000 086 8 W
tw do do «0) g7o
U4ooK—Sales of U.COO Da at 8c for ahooldera,
•**,**??: ,n '* A’C barns; SO tea eager cored baas
at !S‘<&lS)t *
Hail—Sales 26 hi tbls white B.b at fiC£* 60 dodo at
$6,26, 36 dodo front at |4 76.
CORN—Salsa 46 both stalled from’afore at 06
£U<IAR— Salas 20hbd*at83£.
UOLASRES—SaIes 70 tbls at lO do do at 47 esab.
CIIKESE-delea DbuWß, al 9>*@lo; St) do al 9&9U
MAS—t*at*e W bids at 9, 10 do at 10
LlME—Sale* SO U4* LooUridsat $1,26 |l tM.
~I ’ V.T . A T O Kd■ “*^I ,,• 00 Alkghsoy whaifut 10J bosh raj al I
?» T ,h> w COO tosh ooshannocta at 4&5J46.
■>“*« *1 »2 ■«. IWSP. (or
CORN HEAL—Setae30 both at 06.
tIIDES Sales Sood fliotat 17.
® MlBBY—Sales ISO bbta ratified at CJ633.
DUrCtß—Halo* 20 bbU roll at 9.511; 3 tJo 4 (k 9 ken
peeked nw'.; <
■osktauv asi> vuaaictto
N*w Ouws, Uty U-r ■ -Floor U la a*
ta«bd tadr-otflattl tc teal irtd*. Oblo tad
flat t&,BOQ>A.
la»d la sit .dtmtad ted prlrtt bfobtr; prUae bbl %t 1 \%t,
“**•?*• H c ** tud
for aldta.
Um Pttrk oacktbgtd.
(\>rn la foil dtstul tad tfia strict firm «1 T«c for wtrrl
tad SO e for ytilo*.
doll for rtrtJSaJ; tht dcstaj b
for folly f*l r .
nociitfctrf; ralwlltd 34®3i.
CoOxtdailtl l*i@l3}sj.
■»«>». Jna bay*n ofltr |6 for food eoaotry txfrt;
tad <|a»tf>dat $3,78©!. ' n
?* Tk * , vi la i , . ,nJ ,on J *« lo *"i *t)cj No S,ttrly
«C»t,o«lotiOrr; Noifob,tlsl.o9ai,oeiß «tort;clab M
» , ;' V ‘VV* TU ttoooot told wu 1f1,440
Otlt—-doll; ttlet luu bull la bi[< n sju
Hyt, tod Urut Scad, rctatla BDtbtaftd tad
lUll-eetaa COO Lbta coerieftt sl,3TK.~[Uilv»uki* Dem.
W* hiTo Utile to report regarding the Dry muktl.
TWIiMTiMt Iradeot UuMMoa U peat, bat tbe reorder*
and tbe &*“[*! detbead from tb» Interior have relieved tbe
dulleaee which tunelly etteoda Ibla period of the year.
Home tfcv OriMae Packagv-Uooaee bar* already ibalr la tbe market, and Motaof Iba leading dlstrlb-
QUBt boaeee are making prrparallooe lor tbier fntore np
pUw, allboogh do Imported Iraneectlooe can be reported.
After tbo let prex. we may look lor aa Imprevetaeot la
badoee* in tble departmentand sore g*o«ral activity. The
Qraaeee (q Poneilr geoia. la maintained, »n.i |q tome |o*
•Uarea aa advance bee baeoeakaL The export* of the week
bata been lergt-ly Iff eocom of lha tame ueiiod laat veer.
The tmpnweioa preralta that tbedUßratU** la China will be
•eUled without any arioa dletarbeace by tbe coacteaioQ
ol tbeObtoeae, but tbe epprabvoeloa of mother Cbloa war
baa already had a prejudicial effect a poo tbe trade at Bbgtip
“•N »d A»erlcao driile are lu ronaeqaeaee reported daiL
—tN.Y. Tribune. ,
4 1 1
The aiooey market ie without ear evidence of Improve
meat. Tbeoffvrtageof paper would be greater If borrow
ere received asy eucoaragrtaeat that tbelr otbrlura would
bedtacouatal; but la Ibeabeceoceof Ike latter tbedenuod
ie not brary.—[et. Louie Deo.
Inperu tor Uwtteoad.
I ? I*. W *,* bM * potatoee, J I Uooav; I bbl lard,
J A eetzei; 10 bbla c oil, A A Hardy, 33 Hoar bbla, B Bob*
I moo; 0 da tuba, Lambert A Hbiptoo; SO do backet*. J T
UcUonbe A co;4cke wire, 8 do riveta, K Towoeeod; 480
bids floor, liltcbcMok, McO.eery A re; 331 do, i UcQuUy bo
do. W ittagbe«;-Tcarrwbeat, L Wllmatlh; 086 bbtawe,
alb bbu butter. IG3!> tibia liqooc,2ob bxa mdee,4oO bbteoil
1116 do floor, ISO do nif*t,'!UA bbde do, 2S) bta rage, 1000
pge lead; BuS pkgi tß*f Impl'nte, 65 caeca tobacco, * axe do,
06 bill, 60 fra lard; 290 bgi wheat, 100 big wool, CUrka A eo.
Imports by 111 war.
. WHKKLINU, per Minerva—4o bbla wbiaky, 4 bxa mdar,
1 eeemgara, 136 bbla floor, 1 bbl wbiaky, Clarke A co; 0
bile ala, Fleming A broe; 25 bdtg obaira, PalktDrr A Irwin:
£8 do do J W WoodwelLObbda tobacco, J WTaylor; lOtuoe
old Bietal, Lyoa, kburb A eo; 40 bbla ala, Bbodea A Tenter;
Ikjt wloa, B Wormier; 6 bbla boleae**, 3 B Oeafleid Aco,
10 bxe glam, Bekewall, Peere A co.
Aiida from Iba n-gotar eackela there wav not a single
arrival oa Selaiday, Tbe BOttoa wtib a good trip ol bulb
freight aud pM*»Bgere got off for bu Lcrala hi tbe crealeg.
Tbe river coatlatiM to recede at Ibis point, with ebon et>v
an feet elcineheetn the channel. Tbewealberledvaraad
pleaaaut, ead eeemlngly eeltled. Boaintee oa tbe levee le
r*r» United, eod there U but Utile doing either la tbe wet
of eblpplog or dUcbergfog.
Tbe Beametirabeta from Z taeerUle, waadaa oa Sander,
aud will dosbtieae be band at the landtag tbie taoraing.
Bbe will leave od blr return trlpoa Tanedeytrealug.
Tbe Ueetlage froU hathrltle, aud South America from
New Oricwne arrived oo Snaday,
Tbe DUdeta, frotO PitUbargb,-paaaddowo far SbLoaU
withe fall cargo eod a One trip of people TbeLebtgfa
ead Arizoola, trom 8L tab;Daeotxb, from klempLU, end
Man rouetltatalbe mrriveU tnm Uet, from
LoaiavUle for Wbaellog;' Courier for \VhooHcg, ead Lady
Pika lor Naebvilla, all with good tripe, ara (be deputoree.
-The Marmora and Clipper from P.tubnrgto. OfaloNo
3 from Mailetle, gaaira from Wheeling, Urey Earle from
Pomeroy, Weaoos from Haabvmr.UleDdaU fromueatihle
aod Judge Toreoca freta New Oileeae ere dae today ead
to tourrow. , .
Tbe Jteee K. Bril, Arlzbula, Da cotab. ead W O Woodefde
ell eeooanced for PiUebnrgb tbie nomine —I Clo. Cota
Saturday. . , . < .
nievivariiere waa aUUonary jeeterday. Pr epecU ere
g-edfurwiueful ludTtry oaranery tin by tbe 26th of Jane.
.At preernt we have tto any heavy rata, or any at
-all worth ta)oUo6n>g«otwbere. Tbatlleautirl aumiioole
wf”?** BtTl A»hte 1 eadoo more.’ They ar* (eUingl and
tbelr cbeaaeUaracoUtagbetattd'vtraUbteolag, vhkh lea
feruoatedrcatiutaace ..
There ara imtaeaia qaaalitka ol cm and other goode
along tba Miaoari, awaitlag a tin la the river lor ahlcmeot
to oar market, saUlwheo, money will be ecarca la rural
perlx There will has perfect nub ol grain from tbe Up
•r MUelmippl. aUa,.wluu:-tbet river tima mrenl Aet.
Tbne le aot much freight op tbe Illioufe, we eboold la <ge,
from ibe tact Ibetacterk ot a bdatneaaUy kaorkrd down
ao agent ef another boar, lately on that etrema, for dartag
to engage freight the fcer-f tbe Grand Turk -(MiAotnl Dm.
Plidaj. •
Weiaotbe following pertieniximef tbe barnbg of tbe
SiltorPterlrculbePadacahCknamefctaL :
Tbe flrw originated la tbe dark loom, aowaget'enma baled
hay; enppoeed to to tbe work of aa laceadiary, aa U wee fra*
poesibb tor tbe flra (o have been communicated to it from
tba boßvra One cablo p*ieeager ead-aaa Craaaa were
leet, - The Star - Wea nearly aew^la. thcraogh' repat-'r, end
va'aed at $ll,OOO, and UearedJCr.^ i&juM. Wbro tba Ora
wee ditvovrred tbe boat wee eboat to lead at Oar lew Gnat
Ifiowhabe waa Immediately beaded to tbe above, before aba
bed reached it bar ttiler and bell ropee borat, leaving her
eotlrriy et the mercy of iho cnmal.
• j Make of tbe eiev mad paeaeogeta got effbo flithoate
eoma, howavar, were left on board, among whom were three
ladleeeed two tbddm>, WCi ceil rely u tbe mercy of tba
fl«tneeby Iboae whtxe duty lt.wae to hare protected them,
and (bey mml'beTa pertebed bat fur tbe mealleeee of Jee.
Pa! lnnon, tba mate <4 tbe UmL,«b«,et tberlak of hU Ufe.
yemxlaed open tbe burning dmk lo mve tboae women ug
cbltdrao.’ i • fT*/;
Tbe tur-kveper,JeOKA Yiavyenl, aarroaty ctesrad. Uot
log all hU money aibl bar flgtnr«*~.amovaUas to ahbwt
THefitßcmeadpAmehim tcetall tbefrUmnL
dr. RbUtae wee at tba wheel; and was comaellwi
from Ibe bat rhaoa roof to nve hie llUi The y
Bowen modern! mnh»—.uv lnft fa her pcwii.
‘ Utglrtir, •
■ ', ■ dBRIYffD. ..•> jl PfPlfTan
dlaatloge,NaehvUW; v
• lilrer—tfeet,6laclive.
TalegrapliU JBAxatetA.'
; Hrw Tcxx,- May 19—tehee qalet aod ateadv, asd ta
moderate deaUadats>2l> brpwaaad pmrle.
2OOO t»)t>]iipj£
0 l
1 3 1
titan*. Cut. Uiqxui
T l
1 i
a ... a
a t s
g* 13
Iroa ttaliiag) Iroa Vaalts, Vaelt Doers,
81 Au*nd street and M f*A<nl Strata
(BetWMB Wood uul Uuket,) PITTS BUKO 11, PA.,
Ht*» cn hand a tarUtj of turn Pattanu, fkocyaodpUlo
uIUU* tor ail porvowa. Partteolai attention paid (o an
cloaftnOraraUiU. Jotblogdoftatlabort notlca. targ
ru kobbkt ohh, Sa*,
fiiuu n BtMgi
«oAS?AS O £ H,,fa ‘ r * “ D
! Joa«pb Ullworth D, \v. c. Oldwsl
I s ™" to Mo-, gefft a
KAXOTloniltU bT
Corner of Water Street and Cherry alley, ’
anirirab PITTHblUnj*. PJtNH»I-
And Agent* for the dale ol Pittsburgh Manu
foocore*. Or«Mlfom*DU«ndorJ*nf.jrL*4l>, HIDES,
UUIP r PROUDOB, Is* aollrlud. Prompt ttUa-
U>«t to nestling *11(1 bmivllßp .
Fortlgi and Demrstie Billi of Eiebange,
so. it uabket srarsr, rirrsuonou. pa *
gas;.r!•°° ,lla ' , **** , ' aa s£;g?
VV K Y MA N dc aO N ,
kfeoatactarereead Dealersla ell klodeof
a a d
Omur tfamilkield Strut Md iNaeumA Aifry,
. PirrHBUKoa,PA.
lIAS removed to the boose lately occupied
by Dr. Wm. A. Ward, Mo. 378 f*on ttreat, (tooth tidaj
third door above Uaod ttrttt.
OOct lloort from 9 a. M. tfU (m
vrrno*' sonants— ........ witsea «pnp
ROffirsoh, aims t hileßes,
Pittsburgh, Penua.
oac«, Bo.sii fl«rk«t itrMt«
klnfj* ofBtoKnktt|loa««aa Bill llsrhln
njjh RsUroed Work, BtMaßßoOsrk sndßbeet Iron
Jobbingsud Bsp*lrlagdcosohthpripoUcsr'nirt3:lyJtc
forwarding and Cothmftalon Merchant
CTbeeae, Bntter, Bootla.irufa,
. And Prod bo Oeosnlly;;
i <U»» tr* Hi Wood gmrt." r'ffifii'rgl
And Hesters in .
n wra p pi N t G t> a&re k: -
HnT# rumored Iron N 0.57 Wood street lo N 0.33 StnlUißsU
toMt. PltUtmrgb, r*.
or Trade for Riga.• •
JOB R 8. lißßj ■ >
80. e» flarkst St., Pittsburgh*
A good assortment of Cloths, O/mimr*,
roTaoa, Cto*Ti»a*, nod nil goal*' «n|Uble Jor r*oltpai*ntf
vetr. jut received: ' -
Jjgirtm prompt]* flUed, I, bteet etjlee oltbsart.
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
Mta u w.B'cmuocßß
UsDofitctsrenr of
spring And axles, ’
Corner Rosa and First Pittebui^i/Pa.
r.7‘ ~r V* ™*» iutou*
Utoornuttunn. pmiJSJi.
pittsburou connuiion uuuie.
Coal Oils ahd other Merchandise,
No 160 Pearl Street,
n re w\ y
SpOooslgameats eolklted, to wbkh proper et
tentlon sbsUbsclTeo.snd pretßßdeprmaptijTnnKind •
Messrs. Rnca RJcterde A O* t |lt*«rv.lofav HeckACcC-.
Alexander King, Eeq.,l •• JScKssA BrtAW -
**«*«• Adems, Uscklin A Ou, Wilson A-Breloe, N/r. ’
SlffllT BILL S' DRAWN It i‘.
DCMc.n. aiißßnAs * cd„
BUU. copituU, on h,na,ii,]fc*Wi if
■jss& ~^fcsmgs«Br f
IPRinUI: {.h iW IKSUU MLin ml
H\l HnlM Rixuiui cnaai-r iu.duim»
.. .. . J'B'NDT'B : :
B. T. Priee,il|wrtes;mtA'wtorpc*i.
: >- :
And' tha Labor of One .Tboasand lTaxids •'-
innqalrWbViteiliauiKir ■
Ja«*B»rta»W ._», • .. . f'2
1' a UULASSKS—IoaHaIfbbK prime
. mention Uolunv, Jo' mI to ~*,,,
i lor Ml*- on ib* wharf; pr NallA
MUtmC tail*, . x Q M M»ySuspEK.r
■ r ' '' ( -Tf • - • \
»ttb QoMJ*c t»wr «r wuboat; Iron or W,
to Um null Uoaatar Scale* »od B*Uoc«*.
AHo\iTCnK* ,^°rl7.‘“ I .r! , ““°“ CtUm^ 0 ' “• " nrt ' ,lW «»MmS»BOuB LOCKS
PAUT HILLS. OOUH lill!LuA , '«Dt? 1 dtOT -° r '” r » ,, “*"« UUumti u 4 OiktaL. oommm...
A^fa,- to P u M T.iu.«T WT ~MF,rM^u.oMU.„„ J DoßJSa^iwwßwrAii^:i; :
Cjf Piddling cpUnrt*. Kilhoot tnnrt.
|5 for»ap«rfla* wotero. s*sj@ r— ——, r -.,--,-^,. 1 _
“™> .WM^ivmMwwiv
?,?*•*,• Dd ,* u « , y« o»a»di4a flj«r fau agtio •ii ( bitj di V* &****¥ into*
«n»a. W.u» osljsasdmM* Iwlmt, —l 4tobbto*t ***•» Mic*, Coctioicau, BwvAre*. Uoncno&fUU,
-» w^«
f*** WOO both very hutea* 50,000 BOXX3 BOLD IKOXI HOSTS. l-L
-J. M; a£oS“,i,S r 'S d “2£S , « , JjJfttwfiSrti J£"‘ w * b W W
21? m . $l C 0 3000 r«7?«n2o»* tW l“ ly ' < *® yMr V !a * u p«rtaorjßu«f^'B^iMraiM"
RF?a5Lf;* I 8f 00 iw! 1 . “ U * lok * clob.t JlSiOiM—. Qloa> Power &•»• been «U»«UJ by th* ObdfUWXWtfc
o.u^nSu 0 i g«d. ,< p«k , 2i *"• UollwU. Itapte. *n, ud ihrtrOmlcai pref»nh>
JKTJ KiESST 4, f£L“,“*" 'Wing; ailm 160 ; * l,m "'» i , * Bd •«*ot«I 6; lb. mmtduinnhlmd UrflmJ.
fffti 7Mlf ‘%? U — “1 »®»Xto Han. Urt«,m! hm.l'ta.nmrlhiimrifc'i ■-> - :-T^
_ »«iro«nutiwb«g«tt «ii«in t< . nralntaj'inmon
!H§aa £auit£toi££%f I ',"| ii ’ 1 ““"“t*‘ buu, t «j WU u, MIIS , bj&.^
>n«lt«lloi, Whmmn* ftnprt**.
’“>st s common u c£tat?,* r “ u “** u - W«W|4, UnnnbctniHv nijr n*m<o*
wiikriSSS «l?“aii!, O SS !, V"“ <8 ® M, “r“ r 'ngnUhoO print. cHlxoni.' i
Bboolta. li ?i/“ ~ UmnSnugnl
Pork. Cunulry, M |17!26 M *Q.»r'L r m the *“ *•»»<*>• «a k»wg •* tb« Depot.
t + 4$S £ iiJ£t- t 0 Cor- Fur »%!», WboJo*ai#«nd by the Inwotor and Pr&-
y + AoBXfHil»T*B,PWetfc*loh« «p
General Ipßt tar the D. But— anA nwUt* »»KT'W.
r?‘-\ ,CK V ' RUSHTOS, Dnggbt, Ho. 10 Atiat JLnfc-'ttd AT -
ißro*Jw»j,NewYoric. r
sarJaasr* “•** *
£ptciat Notices.
PER UOTTOUa, IUisMIVUII JkHlom*, Salter Polder, Ao.
4 7?~“ pur ‘ er * * nd De * l * r » 101 l ETA LM, TIN PLATE
'•HRET IRON, WIRE, Ac. Ootiitantlj on h»ni,Tlnttea’*
ilftuhluM »uJ Toolt.
•ar.Wf, Jfo. 149 f.V.I and 150 Strand , !
PltislmrEtL, PiMat*
d«lr«l put.™, ;
Tho Con!e»ilona_ana Bxporienco of a
in* D «f l . aN^P i i 5r the and as a warn
out Iffoilf'y, Prm ilurt Dtca r,4e- u • MOMonimM nf
S£ "E’J* "gP I **®* ■» <l*o Wffle tk*a the XMi of&ir
jas&rS^a 3 h™ A ‘ i
MAYFAIR, lbq , Bedford, Elu«» Coanlj, Ne»,
--■ ■ •i*li-dAw3m» I
hausctTc t
INSECT Powl3 K r :
zsrxsifixj Th'3 Bgo Bros, ROACHES, TICKS.
ANTS, GARDEN INSECTS, <fc. tooUlm & o Toboo.
• lwfbiti
.NOOOUUAM <fc tt tti ».
Window Shatters, Window Coardi, it.
MufittU>U « CO,
Forwarding and Commiuion Hertbaati,
JSjt? C * m " ,reUl SUrMt, It, Lo«li,
Diuni n
J. SCOTT. OoaUst.
B. B. * C. P. MARKLD,
And Agont* far (1m 8»U of
~p : f.,.f
-I«o* as HimciKt—Pttimm;Br*cp-J[
ecuEui Egii-i polltab UWiiiulUclof'iWiu
from Darld Boyd, of Ktakfmtnltoa Station of the Altafbwy
VtlJej IWJrom!,»twWM;corij of;»fc*jbr«
by Utatu4c.r thaPerarW Byrop. Ur. Boydtea tulal
keeper, and I* well known, and h* h*a aolbrad 6»r the lux
tight jeeia.lTa In&irftialne ihiV* hi* gained atgfatpotmOa
(n flash by (bants of ona totUa of (b« ejrop, and h*a an*
tbortzal dm to frablWi ‘Ltal*il*r, Which" U 'appaufcd. I
n>r*r to tha of IheParorian Syrap la |
another colnmn, t* parKeatara of Ita rantitfa powers. I
I DB. QKO. H, BK7BEB, HO Wood Agent
/ Janatar 554, 18«0
f»a. On. H. I **od you <>■««
dotUra for two bottles of lbs r«ro»Ua gytap. I gat owe
botUefroaiybOAUmUkrM tracks ago. If-yon realises
ma, I lolJ yoa that I had something Ilka dyspepsia. Tha
wfnJ «bd {laTiia-fclfo'bJvUi,; and r >i«. |*
the back <J| the neck, and arttaaa Tea rrroa
mended tha PbfaVfsto douinat mora*aod !
than any medkluo that. J tiara and L ka;e taao
Uklurftuedhiua' t>r the taatejjgbt 'years. ton told me II
I would take three botttaa at <hu Uma, joo would give il
f«r Are dollars; bnt oi>t knowing wbetbaf it ironM do any
good, 1 thought I would firat try one tcttU.. Mow that!
aoiaeodltig tbebnUoreftf lb* weary la to abort a tkoa.yon
•lit aeni m«tha<>tb*r tbraa bottlea. *DAVID tnivn
N>td l*y HU OEOKQH 11. KEYdKB, Ho 140 Wrad W
o*rttict&»i ao'jruicttsir ouTuiHim
Don't fail to proouro Mr®. Winslow's Sooth
a I for CbUJien Teething. lUuußomu)Miirtb<
******** fM«HlAtatlb#pror«* of tttdtifegbj MfU&JBf tb«
goou, raduclsg all luftanmiaituu— will allay jhUo, and la
tor» to rcgnUte tWuoweli DepaoJ npob It, aotbwa, tX
•111 giT* raat to joorMlve*, aotl rellat tod baaiih to four
talksU. P»rfcct)>«*roln»lloMM.'
TW»i>repar»iloa 1> tfc*.|>f««crtj)Uo®.ol «■# of
ih« UMtaxpcrUiicvd »b<3 aktlfal CqimU PbycteUns to H»v
■agtind, and hn’Uxa otaj With u*rtr bntag'n)uMita .
qUliobs of cate*.
W» belter* U the tmt io4 nrut nsa*sj la Uw vsiU,tß
41l cum of Dymterjr and Dterfeot* ta Children, whether It
•rim trun UrtWp* at Iron * a y ottos caoo.'
IHlteas* health c»b be wttiiMtttityddtenaulettfeM
toworthUaweight Is fold. - »„,- t t ‘-~--»>.
<«M2i2S«%ass^ift»A a i? 4
hold by Drnggteu ihrooghOßt (1m wmM/ '•
PE.OBO. ut\llTBllß,a l MtfcrsSSbß»k.
Iry! Jowerlyf!
J«w»!l»r», 43 nnk ltVMti' j 1
Have juet opened, and baTB for sale, a lai&»—}“
*ad TArled uaurtutot of ", • ® '
EARRINU3, • j. v-. 1
MUSIC BOXES, • ' : :
~ .'WATCHES?* v .v.*,* •> '
' SEALB/-' ;: :Y ;
, raft;: • '
•... PENCILS, '
POOKCT CDTtERT, CHK*U'g?6oHB, fiinßT BTUI)3, *
- ‘ f - CLOCKS, '
Fancy Goods, etc.; etc., oil will U
Bold low for cash. v del7:d&wT
HSLUBOLD** BUCUO tertfaaDladdae
UELMBOLD’S BUCHU fortheSß&aic 7 l - '•'
ÜBLU BOLD*. BUoaU for th* ‘ |i: •*■'
UELUBOLirS BOOSO terOteDranr* 1 *
QIbHBOLD’S e c '
UKUhi BOLD'S BCODD.-fer Dlnte*— //irau>. ' • ■'<. '■
U BUI BOLD’S llOOnOtbMHtßcott'BjJSnrf'' ’
ÜBUfBOLD’S BUOUU for Wert K4mat^ ?i : - 1
ÜBLUBOLD'S BUOUU for Ganarat Dabdltr; ■-' r
UILUBOIiD*O fiOOQU brDmwtrUtewK 1 "/'••
BUOHD ter WrtatelOMC 1 *
UKUIBOLDV BOCDU torl>rjo«oftS*Sktß: , ,:
UEBUBOLD’S BUCUO tbr tiapttetat - "-- •H .- .
BUCUO ter Pate iat&
BUOUU tor Uterterkior ihhklrtttdK with "
■C Taaporary BoffoatewaadLoarofßtefat: -••••v.
ÜBLUBOLD’S BUOUU feeUoldUtrrtdArrttenß wtih
Want of AtteoUon. Horror of ” T “ '
HtLUBOLirS BUCUO terOtefroswic - '''- i
niLiIBOLD’S BUCUO ter PTreteoi from-lafi- -
% »od •!» dl-aaaaof tbaSaaital <W«s^*-
u Hi bar aei. from whatororeantecrlftnatS^.^•• •" -
a *o- U *«T2KVIIOWooa «r«.
Pittabarth. •• -; • * OrtUSwf ’
*’Th» majority of -Pair Wo«hM. ;Pn»r
Tt«(ca, 11air OIU, abd lb* namberlonM pracmntku vhkA
Ihay pwiwiipy, fa.lbnnhev do no harm. . HtwtT.tßh
WuALC Oik LA-UO 0114 BWBITOIk Mafadaado*
nak* ep, vban Id bMßiltel «ru6m aa4vhlU AM
gUao boulM,ihecpatlk«icfearader«f4oQlcs: *sd whoa
(tiu coriir,t>a fa4>Ux>4l«ttb «oao trbylhldttwarMd
cssgbt at by verdant young aadold «Tl>oUiaaxaa- Inch -' '
fa not tha character of Prnf.woa Wood* Hair fcntoratlva. ‘
TU« geaUaitMn boom before (ha world vUhostaoy < *tiUh
IriaUn 2Cilopblafariaiß, or nay other —L
riarUinceatriiMaay tarro;.** afmplyjJnrifawn i£Sr
Se^oratipe- »hat It expre*a*«, precfaaiy—aaA M • Bator ,
■UvaltacU. Bajr {‘nuinr Wnid'tUiif Hittwilln "til
m you value yonr acalp, aya.yoor v«ry train* a&ply not*.
to* al«« far ft nay bo (hat-ywnrOl *n|ja*«vroma#h.
uunuu (»rfamM liraeilea'imcnsiUt Smmm*-
Ur.yood’a Beaturailveforth*. Qatrlsrii>tnHhnlclaax
It Will, b?Natare'« owoPfocfisi,-*' 1
HeatoroGtay Hair totha'OrUtoat Color
; Witt atkt Uaix draw on Bald Ueadt, "
IY’lirrß«Cor* th* Kaiara) Svrnttaoa,---, .
' Will raibotaarotca nil Itchlot, v
.WlirratnovaallOandrai •''■••
. Will caranir«n>p(faor-4Taa BcnlAnMj:'\r ” v;.
; Will uakatUDalr Boa feodOJoia/, *
■ Winaahe the old appanr yotnif ngnltt. >
'WUI ptaaenatb* Outer of Bale to ullage, '
". Aod le oceof the tx«t TolM AiUcfae bow la
«»•. f: fJ ~T.
- • ktajafetared by O J. WOOD.* 00, fad ao&Vbol«tW
.twl KMat), uUI BroadvM, (bit jr«ik.«aiilU UirkiUt,
SL'Lool<,Uo. f
' BoM Id PitUtarfch by Dr. Q IQ. OxKBTSEB. :B. L 118.
WKatOCIt Acu^M>a»»Dramg».-f—wiy|,
:8»9. BaltimorcaiiirO&iaiUilroadCj., I8f).
ouio uiuuADaauttHTtfßß9E9B(
•» do« pc»p*rod to uc*lT*tfad bnracd M TTtriiH»iratn
thnoitbUliiof Udisgtoudboa"'' 'I -' >! ■ .
. Mct thi KuoraCutn.
*3^' l 6 **™h»S«fc uiwjm
ESsi? *** ?rU ‘ p * , °* •••*?* "«•
-^. l 5?S I L*Vi c * B * Potter, a*d Wwfetssicaite
,N*W ToSS,a w, .Brondw*jJs?j7t&a
" ||W
' « ...-..«-
Col. K»Ur. eoc. Sixth and Gtewtast mb.
* g* wiucra*. j. t. eSST™
“ PHTSBUHOU, W. J, Jolibaloo, Utattr atrotLoopo
?WS^M^. OT ,.
end ablppara K»Mrallj,ol Pittebvrtk, Aftrgbaoy OUjr tad
rkiaUj, la calted teflui feclUUuartfcU Ho*U ageon
parad with otbmtaodUMtr pattooarw tad (mam rw
•poclfotlr•oKcUmL . --- UMfftT D. MIAJUk
m<ht sw.ato;u. b.oq. ~
BOOK UANCMCTOBT.—III Modi of -Bladta* la
feirtf and
U rawonabl*tiwo. Ui»b< M'“teF utn. .
üblfchnwollnlbWrilji pobUlbtrtteapAprwd cpcat**. .
, i V £ tfaair work, dosa ta tha twit atjlaaod te noeti I—m-. *
1 than can l* duaaalarwWjt t 4iH-.WM?MPrlaTaateror
loprovaarat la Book Uladlag StafKln ItaUataw.lfoa. T 1 '
aod74Ttlidatr<t.P<tte6oriW' .- < ■> <* M •
Lf&IWKKLLAS/ m Upitoa jpa Silk.
Sioop f Kiari, 1 terLwUt«.uitteittd.cfcad2nc.iVtiwi r
t- "‘" l "
o r»ttA BBiWLß,L*criuwiUA* udfioims
laodall kiadforD&t UOODS. : ■- >?-■■■;■< r 1 ?”"" 1 ***
mvu '
» fOßl*NlsmUU4S»tte wvMfin ■
at 4 o'clock r -~t' -J^Sui ßßr*m*
board, : B»rl3: Wjj%rEAßgET7^*TO,^
U-1 Dry PUnt rmterfc •
3bbteT»ltewofe* r ' •
. To MTlra on ataamar for ■!» by •
«■»» n»i»n bictbt tm..
I EAf TUBAUW— - '■•■> *•■■>
JLI ,' Üblb-I&MeHLuI ■■-
: - ' 4bo«s - do,, .~, ...