ESTABLISHED IN 1786, X ' l '■! wt^rtOß'ieKSjiu, a^iZ.ToottMj tilMUsßtWmorwoSreariOow,,*-- niii.rf’m* o»era.ji, Ph.u;.lr.hii;BVW tRTS Sc CO., U’bo%BitliOroc*r«,atßnjßlMbß end fonrtrflo* Merchants :anS'Deslereia re.Jfo.lBk Llbsfty«mfcftttdNrrgb,Feanm‘j. ■'.!--••• •-’I • • ' • Costtgomesuof Chrere, Better, •*&-» »?Hf Hotend yn*i*b»s«L.. Liberal w j», r vancea made. > ; ' ‘'■ • ■ ■•• I • ' ■«»» t*. HTTNTBR A BQBINSON, PBOEPCJB AND MS 4INSIOJI BEBWUMS, No. ’« Smitbßold Street, Oppaajm-Mtji. ugabeil Soon. ’ I’fITSBUBGHi FESSU; M«i la nbDK, aa»«v. MIU f«H>. iri mj Wad otOaantry Pnjdaao: it"’ <» Coo •tmaraiMolpiidMa- •E*fcnaPit!aaai*li llmhaotafw wStr. .=:-DV" ■'•. " I " ' t^ l ?* ij. m«ar»i»in ,■—-«■ a A.OTB-—w». tnuirp^x. .• SIiOWIV * RIRKFtJlraiOKlf ■ctnarox'Es a; Lsi'&iftOjOKß » , ~.AND IS, . . P.'v " ; ' / FLOOR AN D BEB DS, i NmA9J. and 193;T,1t)6rtj Street,', Pittrfrargh. i. ..a m. iuna ■ * a. ?4&ms ur * 09., Oommt*«|om . Po'iwftMtnr Hmbliti) • *** - s iad IMti Oail«« i* ;. -•-• ! .- CHEESE, raa, Pot * Yreri iAihre, * Uni OIL Dried ,freUo&dJ>rntQpegextsiaUy. Woai'Hll'm*»tt llPiPrimiSUMt. - ■■ r >l*imCVßQH, PA. ' tnyiS -'■.T-MrWArBHBPAEP,™--^ c 0 idSi s'ir* n t*, • and dealebalin' - FLOUfi, GRAIN & >PBODUOE, B* SM'f.itrer&fftr ««t, Cbolca .breadsof FLOUR; for BakiuVeod foamy: use, oonstoatly oft band. Particular afatttiOß'Midtei-ftlUag onkreto >ts>ehandts>giogn>lly. v 7^;-rA^ocO^iyd JAMBS A.:EETZER, [Fortmdlng and ooumasiosttKasaAKT. fir the' attAIR,BAOON,LARD,BDTtJCM«ED3.I>aIRD.FiIUiT, sod Produce generally, I**'. Id Mvk&SbuL comer FtnL PilUbvrgh, Mu j ' ->•■ t TUEw t>»F.O.Bafiay, XaqvPittsburgh; William DQwortb, Br., do, 8. Cnthlert A> Son, do. Atwell, L*e A Go. do. Jobs Dunlap, Ex], do; D. H*rr»r A Co, ClociiißsU; B. Drsdy, M. A Mi' Biak, Wlwettßg, IflusotL Ott, Rwjn OOi CritQgls A Ccl, do, Psztoa A ’DooinL dq nr«ftVtit»n a Br&, PbJtschlphts. • - ••’•f ••; • : dsSally • t. Q. UUA.f. ORAPP * VAW OOBDBEK, MERO fl AN DIBB BROKBRB ‘ • AND ■ I: - ' COMMISSION MSkC HANTS, ‘ 114 Second Street, Pittaburgh. tonn • t. - - B.'lP.'Ttsre A Cov Nev ToTr BbriTßr A Dtlworth, Pitab'j Pwonor A.Co, -♦* Sor. QsrpvuA A ** Thompson, Clstk A Tonoy, w Pbllsdelphls. > - -- asrrlsoaADopper.Olodß. T. A. Nowbstl A fioai, Pblls. T.ajDoysaAOo, .« T. HbltriJge Bshiaor% CLD. N«vcomb AOo.,Lca< ArmUtrsd, 8lgg» A «* fartUfyEy. oelMyd HKKBST * BARKER, ' ' PRODUC2 AND PROVISION '.COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ■ 2G7 Liberty Street, corner of Hand. PnT3BCROn, PUSS’*. gat-Psnlcalsrsttmtteß ylreo to tb* nothntud sole of floor, Grstßi Dried Frfclu, poutoco, Pork, Laid, Batter GbMM, Glcwor sod Timothy Beod*t Ao, <. Orders promptly tiled it the lowest market price*. Ad TkoCes auide oa eoßriyomeats. guPßcadthe Pttoborgh Bay ManatOrtory. *atU|yd SAMUEL B. FLOYD A CO., / , OOMMiaaiOH MBfiOUANTB, Hi! iliilinfn flrTir Trill ml rm'• mehY V l ¥^R^nw^'s'U7r.7^. , r~vrnT,^T^** JO ** l ******* of EL Cuit ife. .1 OgKEH ggagM|KtBD||MBBSOB TO U Tl%. .gso. 4- i Hjjra^-"jaß«aQtBx, -A&sgasa «*•• J ,.Whoits«lg.. Dealer in 111 nAnn-romit utxtb*. . ; -i r s< ;#phw^®* a teni.' JAMES nOiaßsittioi.'^SrSaen Y_ff* B, *!*” taFr,l * lw *'« I ®*etK**to*M4 mot rjaHmk iaWwfm B* °^* r «wSrtS««is ! < II. JE^^JWalySjSjSj? wS^IKSfSmaJST I^ . &4mimt£^nf7 , r?: -.-if :: ■ ,-;- ,' mt | y ' fi* & Co.,l)ea!eta in . Prori* .£ htJStJZtiSZ'W 1 * *” Ul **r • JgiTEiiiQUDKsi's ' BK ®ft E yos fishino Seels, ssw*-. »»iiKj£*SE»l!*[ if W|-. rT ....,, SgLi! : i . 'TOIXm*. . _ , . (r-.- - r.j.r fRO " < S. PROFESSOR A. S. GREGORY and J. F. 'STAYfIS&fK. D,[fledlagtbalr Rooms at the BOOTT aOD*B lßMffldaßt toribetr teslom, bate REMOVED TO SO.-85 ORAKT BTRIST, oppaeKa the Coari Boos*. slh doof iroa Fifth atrewt, sod oslt door to St. Pntai’a Pptaco .p,l Oh arch, whet* they bars ample *ad oooTeolaot rooms I °lo«Sjdin^ S SLEOTRICITr wbtcb thay bavs hitherto d ad, they «r» prepared to admlafater ELECTROCHEMICAL BATHS! Tbs following are aom* o t the dlsaaaea which reiJUy yield to this POTE3(T ARMED?: - Palsy or ParatyM*, ImeiptM Cowiwnplfon, Jlhtuma firm, both Acato and ilhronic; Uvuralgia, if«ad achs, Torpid L\ spr, Pn>ne2tfir t . OnfarrA, Atthna, tTeaLurs aud Gurvalur* qf (A# Spins, Scrofula Djftpeptia, Hea/ - - nm by Parolytys, Kinging im tie Sort, Amavrotb, Oat ! aiwii, : TKeab Eytt, Eryuiptloa, Spasmodic ' ’ of t 4« Urine, St, TV fti»* Danec, Cholic,SaltSkeum,Pro tiTpic* Att or Pile*, Female ITsatneai and~ i /rTfjuAjritie», ftenerat - ptbiliiy, JDc ranaemenu of tie JVrrcous Joints.v andall DUcatu of the Bowel*, OPWOE HOURS,FROSt 9 A« K,TDOPiB. GREGOR? will he Is atteadsacAtoaislit fa~ tre*tlog Ladle*. •• ■.• -. : • wpnaMwifT - DR. K A. WXL»SOH?B Tonio,' Caihartm and -Ahti-Djapcptfo PILLS. WILSON’S PILLS bavo had a mere local axUtrace for oTertwoßty years, numpported by wd- WftWof of any kled. and hi Id *t double the prtee of what tbeyarw now sold at, yet with all these dludraßUcee, whereveromd they hor*piint,lait GuuXCh*nittiona- qftXeSlaU : . 'v _ V Wasareotosr, JanßsrrB,lBs6. Dk. B. A. WOSoir, Piltsbaryb, Pa.—l bare beta o*tn K yoair tortnsay years, ooaean ttatbfally say that I bare never foaodony mwlldes aqasl to tbam la ralUylog ms from aHfoctioo, of tba Btomseo and heart; they Uts never tolled to re Here me from baadsebe,aod bare mvsye left ay system ia better' coadltloatbaathayfcaadlL Imaatcoeadaotiycdmouad yoor PUIs os a sole and highly taloabla me-Uduo. . ; . Yowo, mpectfblly, Wil. UOPSIN& Seer Dr. Keyier. Ussoa a L. PasniTOCK A Oo —I bare bad cdosldoiable experienea lo tba cas of theaxtmordlasry PiU compoaaded ty DbM. Adsmi Wllsoo, of which yon ore BOW the prosrfe ton, and bare oflea foil their benign lofloenee lo my own care for NrerDoa Baadacha, arising from a dleorderod con dition of tba stomach. I hare likewise prescribed them for .’oUure, la costs of kmferowfaaod other formsof batdadie •depending on a derooged and irrttahla oondlUooof the stamock aaddigeatiworgaßa,fbr vetcb they aeem paeolisr ly adapted, being entirely tree from any grilling tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, andoMthatonntea. wlikoDt at all dsbUltatlng. Yonre, truly, GEO. B, SEYSBR. Prepared and sold by fi. h. PAUNEBTOOK k CO, Whole sale Dreg*!***,and Proprietors of B.L PaRNESPOCBM VERMIFOGB, Mo 00, earner ol Wood and FooKh itreeta, Sold at retail by Draggiua eve/yehere. ; 'JdjWWIA - COOQBS, OoLDa, -DUAESRMEIS, ’ ssd Imcuu, loomtios, <««»«»«. or affKtkmor the Tbroei COKED, the iliTHtlHillillHiCiuia Cocoa In Conacnmon, Boon* Waoonso Cocos, Amu, ca- I WaSWFKf naia,BELlK?|£D by BaOWN’d BKOM . CHtAD TROCBE6, or Cocoa LoiKSOcs: *A etmple cod tUgnl eomtinoUmfor COUGHS, Ao. _ Dr. G. 9. BIGELOW, Boston. . -flaw prooct eximflf tervictabit for nOARSKRESa.” ■. Rev. BSnRT WARD BEECHER, “/rftTwmmd lXor toe to PPBLIO BPRAHBRB. M ; , Ear. S. U CHAPIH, New York. •Most toZolory BRONOHITia." , Bev, A SEIOfRIED, Morrirtowo. Ohla • Bay. & J. pTaSdeESON, 8t Lome. u 9£echtdl (n moaefnp Serteaen end Irritation of th* Throat, to common with tPMAKKBA end n ProfTH. STACY JOHMBOR, Teacher of Uosio, Bocthrr* Female OoUete, "Qrtai bauttwAen fobs they freoau Boetncmm. Prom their pad tf-si, l tatak they tod be of permanent edoanlagttoou, m Bav.R; BOWLSV, A.ll. ' PraafafoDt Atbaos CoUega, Tenn. Sold by all Drnycbta, at 9 A coou por box. Also. BROWN’S LAXATIVE TROJIIES, or, Oitstuto Losaraa, for Dytpeptia, Initgtttion, OmttipaUyn , Head acht, BiUouiAfieUo**, Ac. no29jilwemT .fAAWK YAH QU&I MO F FA XT’S LIFE PILLS, TDI HIQQ AND ENVIED celebrity ahlfh this preeminent toadidnebse mrqofrad for Its InvariaUasißewi ey ln*all thn dtneaea which It profoaaea to core, bsa reo* dated the nsnol practic* of oatenUtlons pnfang not only no secaetsry bat nnwovtby of them. They are known by thetr froltc their good works testify he them, and they thrive net by the 6uib of lha ctedolont. Inallcoaraof ooa ttvenees, dyepepria, bllione and Uver alfoctlon% piles, rbao maUttn, fevers aodagQM, obetlaata head acbe*,’asd-all£rn araldarengamrnuoi bealeb, thee* Pills hart invariably proved a certain and *p*edy re*wjjr. A single trial wtll yta» the Life I'ille beyood (be reach of soapedtion in the astlmsUoa of Stary patient Dt. UoflsnVPlvwiilX BtlUr* *m be LtubJ euntlly r(Bc*- every klodorweeknrss r.f tbs Olgcstlvaorgsna. FocsalabT Dr. W. B. MOVFATT, S3B Broadway, New York, end by Msdlalne Doelera and DraggLta (eoerelly IhßMsboct the wootty. . MAaMtwT, f ? < ? ? n in _ Spring Novelties. O AVINfI completed our Spriog porchastß, XX V* ere prepared to cff.r extra to toe WMJCI FANCY AND BTAPLK DEY GOODS Oar Stock is constituted of come Rare Styles and latest Novelties of the Season. Goratock ofSIliK AND LAOfc BtARTILLAS la compoeed of He Heweet Style*or ibeSeason, To ehJeb we loelto E«P£C( AL ATTENTION. will still beeddtog to oar already targe atock BYKBT WEES daring rba spring aod Summer, mv, da> rffebtoaod aoMoaabla Goode, *bkh wiu be perticaUity adapted to e Piiabargh Trade. Rrawaber tbeplaee, No* 69, Comer JMar test and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Epl3;tjai SPENCE & CO. 1860. spring ' 1860. HATS AND CAPS. m’coed: & co., Hiva reohved ins siwtai stud o» SIZ.K, CASSIMERE AND SOFT 'HATS. Auo, GAPS to great nriet;. ' NO. 131 WOOD. STREET. 073 JOBS VB4Clm..O|[| W. CAM PATH) M*r.iWßta r « WZ£BOV, 0AB& & 00. (LareWnjos,PimtOo) ■Wholesale Dealers in. FORBIQN SB DO2kCI3SXIO DRY GOODS, Ho. 9* WoodiSn-eel,, 8d bosee abaea Diamond Alley, apKfcdtf !•» ' PCTSBUfiOU. Hardware Agency. JAMES R. J.INDSAY. . tf0.72 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa, llAajut recalrad. 1000 Acs. W. A 8; BUTCHER'S PILES, kernel cam bf Oast, Shear *ttd Blister Steel#; ‘ ' : Also, another supply cfTABLS and POOBETCUTLEHY. ; tboald oaU and ace ay stock aod prices before boytofsleewhra. epao epltftr W O I, *■ B, J It., . to Wolf. IUfOBIIB INI) DIJUS IS HARD WARD, . , .Corner Liberty and St. Clair Streets, J?* 4l * • PiTTSßusan, pa. 3*- STBBBINB. IVT. TD., OSSIISI, mi£ E i I £sL.®l£ EKT ’ °PP osit * St Clair EoUMmerta Tnthca Pluaiof Oor.Uu ami TO™*® *fe«SAP. *“ O'P*' B»Umo ban •band*' «£«>•," J “ b "P2 U,O ‘ I SS6«» “nfalll attondad to— Untried AonHlntoaivlMhimtneUoitoMb. nol6:ly F lAIBBANKS’ STANDARD 80Ai.ES.- nAT. OOit, PUttOEU nil COUNTER SCALES, Thp mot durably acnnu aol aannkat Bcalu citdp. lor Ml* *t •. VltftßlKS'B OOALB WABKQOBfIB, JA.CK9O*TOWffSKUD, B O R K. P A C K K B 8 . •ad pMUmtn Bacon, Lard, Dried Beef, Mesa and Romp Pork, Ha. 18 fourth Itmt, MU Mtartr. Pntobnrab. P . MARSHALL A 00 NEW WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, 4c., No. 87 Wood Btkht. J A 6 0 B RE B 8 E, DULXBm nsunus rßotj ore, scrap xnotf. : scrap btrki* • AND , CANADIAN V QIiASS BAND STOKE. o# feost and sjutufikld ffTMETE. tnriftdtf JDST RECEIVED— s i 9 doaaoßAtan Stahls Brooms; ' » do b*«» Saitfrfstato; 3ft do do v do Itodtao ■; - w Vd»-B«toKiC Wo. 41.- Fifth *tre*L iasoaoo* th* arrival of PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MAY 19, 1860 Uumog^iSusic, fni K " m ' arm IT OrTI aoilo bkdalb nrrr la Fear snccareire years at the UaryUod InsUlute, Bnklfte FIRSTT PREiftUllS at falreln Pbnadelphta, Wash* logton and RJobmonfo TrsUtncnlils of ExcalUorefrua TUALBEBO, STRAROSOH AND O. BITTER, At sl«o Crum aims of the most smloeot Pnifeaioit end Ki etscreij^hacoontry. The sulssriber wotild rsepeclfnlly invito the attention tbspQbdd tobot well omoriad nxk of , FORTES, - brAoleh. |)Ower and swaatatas of toss lbavabtto. by Jodgss, pronouncwl Every Piano QuQranteei for Fiva Tears. LIDEQIT». AcsU U respaettnllj soUcltsd b>f re mtrcbssltg'atttwbsre. v - - ftfexebango. CUARLOTTfI ULUHK, 1H Wood etreotyaeooad door above Flflli- I I W | |l NEW STOCK OF || ff jf ll CHICKERING & SONS’ ■ - ip.i P T.A.JX O S, ftONSISTING OF 0$ AND 7 OCTAVE V/ PIANO?, tn Plain and Cerrod Roeewood Cows of ths moat oitgant deaerlpttoa, baa Jsst hero iveetvrd by tbs subscriber Dont tbs Ctctory of OniCKERING & SONS, Boston. Among them ars two slsboraloly CarruJ LOUIS XIV STYLE PIANOS, Which for lower of tone, slestlrlty of toQC*i ant beanty r.f exterior, are nDsurpawable. AF*Th» atlootion of the public la especially duediwl to thesa toitromeuia. above stock has been carafolly seleotod by the anbecriber, at the factoa y, la Boetoo, and aa It Is nnasaal ly large and varied, purchasers have extra facilities offered to tbsta for tbs solecttao of a Plano. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRAN’IED. JOHN H. MBLtOB, apXhdlwT . Q 1 Wood &treeb. OVERbI'KiSG GRAND PIANO. A SPLENDID OVERSTRING ORANDCONOEKTPUNO.fnim lh*W*ff*sflß| crlroratpJ factory of >TBIKWAY AfiONM.II “ | |V •New York, will besxhlhlted at oflr warerooms oo or a(t>r Thnraday t>oxt,imt It wu p*raocally eelaetedat the factory by U.Kleber.aud It i« ovufldentiy expected to ear paee anything haratofore uta or heard to tbit ell v lu (he plsoii line. Notice *lll be given of tra arrival U KLEbKR * BUD.. No 63 Fifth etreot, mr2l K.. 13 Ayente far Stvlowey h Sooe SMITH XHIACKICR'. o|r MUSIC, (TCottn, Flule, Mdodt*+% ant Singing ) j A>*Clum>d la Plcgiag,-ln th# Breuiofii fur A-ioMt, »ud &UanJ»y» tor JotncUlMk . 47~T«rmsmada Inovo Opv*»o application »l bUlltflt DBNCB. KO. 108 nrru STREW, Pttttbcrih. Pa octt-dl; HARPER & BROS'. NEW BOOKS.— ParksOedwin'e UUtory of Franco. Yol. lit Abdul Qui. Old Iwtii, Oathsreil from House hojd Words, 1 Tol. 12mo lOTutore and Discoverers la Sctear* and jUu, • book to old and yoaag, wttb UlsstnUoas. T&sTtrvaPtnio. Vol, 8d Rainbow tod Lacky fiatles; Tim Ouboaa, 1 toJ. 12ms; library ediUou. For sal* by J. L.RBAP,*B Fourth atr|at. HUWJ&'S DRAWING ROOM DANCES, eapaoUiiy designed for social cruleg Ulntogatl ibopopaUraod meat fhsklanabl* Quadrille*. Cotillions, Fancy Dante*. Ao, with awry variety of tbs latest ansi UK>*t approved figsrasaad calls lor the dlSkrut changea, arranged foMbaPtaoa Fries, $l. For e*U by JOHN B. MELtOR. 81 Wood street mallad ua utelpt of tbs ptio*. apSI NINETEENTH LIST of Applications for Belling Liquor* fllod in ihe Clark’s ufflw op to Hay l?lb,4&60. T I Angssetlit Heaoah, Uvern, Waal Firtetmr*b, Albrecht FnrderlclL eating iiituta, Borocf Birmtcabso, Black A Woods, »lih other good*, 4th ward. PilUbaryb, ttelithor-ver Wo, tavern, Lover St Clstr tnwoebln, Back John, do Ad ward, Fitreboreb,. BoydJamas. vlth other gioie, 4th do do &>jd Jeteee M. da do no s-l w«nl, AH* ward, Puubereb baaoov.ot Qonrj W, do Pm township, Ball Robert, «ilb utlwr gouit. 4, Wearte Denial. u?»ra, WUklo* do Wo'deopMch L-.ola, with othor g«J*, Boro Birmingham, Tniltteald Sophia, liftto, Collin* tosnmlp, York Wm, do St b w*Tit, PiUrbuTih „ * ‘ THOM Alt A. ROWLEY, Clerk. Clmh-U Gtflga, May 17th, iB6O. rnylg Jtd Cacnraot Wa»ning Maohine. CLOTHING, TIME AND LABOR BAYED. ImlliptmaMdH Honukttptn. THE MOST SIMPLE, ECONOMICAL and dorebl# ertUlo ever offered to the public toallerUte U>* dhedmfort* of wa«bday. - psserlpiloa, Keotubtaof * metal cylinder, with Hie rib* on the lu clde, eodsn tnterlorcyllnder ofwcod with rli HEEBST * Barker? m>U 1 comer Ut-erty ted Hind «tr3te. 1 SECOND HAND PLATFOM SCALE” .1 'dO.. • dJj.T-.MH**.: . d» * for sale by • ' v, aa K l „ VEit * CILWORTB, • myl-j - .- -i Noe.lS3aodiaißecoqdetre«t. ftKUSHED BUOAiS—IQ bbls. St. j£s^ ,^/Crashedßadn , jcMm^d>ndfora»l«by -■ ; mjTI 1 fi init rntjli. PITTSBCRGn (J tgPTTp iUttsbur^ PUBUMUCD DAILY AND WXJtKLF BY it. re it u re t t ac c o nrvit yraur. asovr satinnaio. -PITTSBVHQHi SATURDAY MORNING, MAY It). (From lb* Woiblogtun Blar, lley lb ] How rna Japan bsi Kripiot TfliMstLvga Bah, Ao.—Odßofibe lopiriklß, Imi evening, four ested and emuicd, for • toog time, a number of ladies and gentlemen, wbn hadcolleotodtogether iu the main oorrtdof, by hie enrloae elimination of various pieces of money exhibited to bio, as well as by peculiarity of manner. It wee diffi colt for him to conceive how two silver half de late were tbo earn*, .or equal* la raluo' to n $1 bank nolo bill. He seemed to bo able to oompre* bond how j* {gold dollar might be the lame in value,-but OxjcMe of tbe two sliver half-dollar*., Appoared 1$ him to bo Inexplicable. Aflereloee ly 4eruiint., .0, ~ AI-.MitP. hjQQMb.I. ■ AI,TIK)USE ON MBOiOAL KLKOTRI OITY—A Treatiea on Utdlcml Hcotrlrltj, tbocrrUctl •»a prtrttc*!, tad nte In tht treatment of Ptralytle Neartlftlt, tad oilier di*ese*«, (.y j, A Ilham*. H, Li. BaJ tad S, 78 Fonrta »tr*»t. loots a NEW STOCK JUST OPENED James kobb, No. 89 Market Street, UtTlutfJnat relarUtd from the *Uh * Urgo and Wall •olecUd auck uf ■ ■ BOOTS AND SHOES »'» yttf »4Tlet/«oJ Wjlo,l» now prepared to wait opou hie blend* end coatomera. Ilia stock comprUuooeof ibe >*r*£e»t •tsoitcwnp to fca found we*t of IheosuuoUln* , }' M «"* OWldraV* Ulnh Qw.l«d BOOrfl, GAITKKS, &LIPPKR3,OPBKAd*od TIKA Übos’, Buye, aad ToniW flu* 0*1! Boot*, Oelui», OiCarrl r '.rV’ < : ln * pQB ‘*’ , ' , -1 ~r * ajol ** L*.Uoi Gut- t, Ac,, *ll «r»lilcb bn wit] eeii, , waoiMAi.y or rbtai k cii bap roa casu. Alt lo w*ut wvitlJ Jo wt II to call vital •lamia* hi* elook McfpGrchetloyelwh..,, tp6 JAMEJ ROBB lhe L'eupts 1 * dhue eJtore, D. fl. Dl,r run BACH Bfl -DBALka IN BOOTS, SUOE.H AND CIALTEKS, for Uontlaaien, Ladies, Youth* auil Ohildren, fto. 1 b Fifth str**t, mAAfoi [Saar Muikrt ] PITraBUftUI JOHN CABIPUULL, m Manufacturer of booth f^- •OdBlloSBof e?*ry JsacrtpttMD, N* »4.Jmlthß«ia Pitftmrtb.Pw, CT ENTS' FINE CALF BOOTS.. SS,SO J do i5O Jo 1* an roa ... Ag RS-Tb* 1 People'* lUm* Slot*, No 16 pint) a(rt»{, ll Iha pl*«* w let • t»ca« ptlrof COKORKia G AITBKS, OXFORDS orfITBAP BQOEA. ap!» b.tL UIX7FENBACIZIR. PBCESIX STEAM BBBWEUT, CV»w?r- 2S ke*i 6 twist .... do 10 do Piitahargh Plug do 16 barrel* Cot'aod Dry du 12 (treat da do ta 6 dec, toJ 12 do*, boxes' 60,000 e*eti tod brand* Qetta*oCl*ara, ’ for tale by WATT A WILSON, ro y» No LU*m I'rrat M ULASSbS—2uo bbU. W. U. Molasses in —.J»*rcwp*r*i*;fobW*.clJcte*Bjr»p« . O So*ar*, tn hfcd». attd bWi; Oroib* •d, PolTerlted and (U-flaad £ut(an,io barn la. TBAS—FIo* ud Extra Young Oysoa tod Oultnt to ckula half eb»at» tad qnarter ebrau. SUXDKIffI—IO6o&. Uttioac 10dot Tnbr, fOd.t Bocfctlc lOObbla. No. 1 Halt; SO dot. Zinc W nab board* 100 boiM tnorted Sotpi. BAOON—r-caiki pla'o Oarer, 4 tttreaa ft, O. llama; IOfOO 1b». Birlaa, Bhoctdw* ud jAth* 3.0(0 lbs. B.O.Ull«d li««f Fl/OU&—2!u tibia Fxtra Family *qJ fancy Drao4r ealblj AIIRIVEB A DILWORTH, '>*# I No*. 130 and 132 Eccond etnat. 'JumPLETE STOCK OP all or DEI 000D3 VfcHV 01 Nov open aal g*Ul| Ipg wry low. 4 Hanson Love. 74 Mtrkot atmt 'I IT *■* H‘o T O'U N a Jut opaud, • T»ristj- of BttOT ODNB, vhtch, togeth er with oar c*a»l variety, mekueoretock the matt rxua •Jr* In (he city. Thai BrooffemJ at mj low price*. CARTWRIGHT M YOUNG, nijS ! No. 80 Wood street. LAKUK ASSuKTMttNT OF LI »X 3, BBBJQBS ABtBiOSA.SOLU3 Jo*t racftlTadfet tojia . I , BPHCnfTELD * 00*6. ACON-201IU lb*. wo»l cured fiidoa; •WW do do Ghoaldart; Jdo do Uais^ Jo. »onr«ured do Jo do B«ef, J-9 QtOK.*LAZg*K IK HUSK—43OO feet of toe '* nuoaUdorfl, lalitblofor hjdnot, jiti .pariMWMt for ula. vitb oil the i, «t iS and 33St»CUlr a. ; •3» * O'. PHILLIP*. Priroo brnmla, for sale by ;Wb»tl'.At a. JOUNfITOM’fI, coraw ittUbßotd «pd fogrtfcUrwH* India hub; OottflD {tailing flr« engine nod lor' trctmirj bran flitli m>9 I "iUVE OIL, J Ui* detenu- »!) ORANGES AND LEMONS. - 400 b«x«i Unuioa or*D£«a, bis. extra Wblto Uarjla&d Lloajoal cac-'dAnd tor tala by -•■ ay tO . 1 . HNSnyiL OOLllga. WINTJJH W Hfi AT bbls. cholea WblUrWbuat family-. FkreHo'akua and tor aalt by toOOdNN d-ANiHR. m Ba^tSfto 7LOURI FLOURII—'SOOO bbls. all trades / ofSprteg aßd'WJtrt»fWfcMlln l at«w and to arrive. myU i ntroncDCKj jtcffßWW a oa GOLDPaPERS— Embroidered Gold* Pa pan tor par ton and dravins rooaarf-laUat far alas ,jjl»-*chwca juaortjaant, for tala AMITAtI. : EATHEH, EEI/nNO, for. ilachinorj, of -Uthabnat oak taxmad Uaihar. or all al£*J,to* aodtt*t Clair ttnwt. ay9 J.*H. B BXt£IF3. VOLUME LXXIII—NUMBER 142, insurants. NUR'TTTHIPy'" Assurance Company, -■ so. i mooeoatb Braisr. London. -estab li sh bd rn iB*3e. OAPITAL..: wmM »,«..,« M „. M ..r„|6 l OO - PAID UP CAPITAL AND 6URPLUS... 9*104,111 O 0 ANNUAL pQ This company insures against, U«*er Dam*f» by I Ira, alaeft «my dmcrtpuoa ©t «*F. Hi Bout of JPrcniunu an. moderate, ted, Jo. MI am, bated upon tft*' character of lb* owner or oceu* past, and tha merits of th* rtok. . promptly adjnated tad paid without rwfetance 14 London. A tjwoal permanent fund provided in Pk&adtk pnta for paymenf oflaoatn t&U country. __ umnon a mamu! Um. Jam** Mcthjlly *Co,U4 Wood ttiwet: “ iohn rioyd A 00, 173 . “ - . « Klrkpatriclu, 1W Liberty aJreat; . t,?"R *Oa,»Wooeitr«it: " » 00, H Wood «!r..K > i^i?f* t k! . cC * ndl “’ * Co, 103 “ “ “ Klntck * Oo:, 65 Water KrMt; - ?L A i,™i"“, l “k*o>.rir.tei>aw«od.!r«tei *. WoodweU A Oa, Seoond and Wtod atracM; ; * Foarth » Dd Market atreat*; MsOmdlen, MeanaA and Waim *l« _ unusm u ruusuMu ... Oroi». U. BloorU taq, U Bok ■tn.t, Z kt ®oa* 00, 63 Sooth Froatatetae . UVotebeon a OolUu, front ut n*w «t* ; emlth, 00.6 U Uuktt Jante* (JMfcain VOaod 71 Letfti* atrsat* Jo*evb B. Ultoh#U, Kw}, Preaidant Mtsßaolea' fam** Dunlap, K*ti , PreaHant Unkm Bank: Uoa. W.'A, Porter, late Judge Boprema Ooutt. J ABBS W. ARROTT, Affent. trifAlyifla'(MßQß.3T Pfflb «t;'g 1834. 1 Office,- S.; £. Corner Third and Walnut *ts., [■ PHILADELPHIA.. , .... MAMltft L^fSUR 60 VencU, Cargo, as 4 Freight to «U pert* of the ijorld. UftAffD UfSUHAytIS on Qoodij.fcy alter*, C*o»i»,-. lAkaaatrt l*ad Oerriagea, to all paruof tbeUnJcra. ' ' fiRMtNS&IIAItCES on Uorchaadl** ic&ejallt.— Oo" >tom,ov«iUßf aouM,ae. . * u ?r ut - Assam Ok TUB i COUPASY* . ; PbUadalpbl* city fl percent. Loan 1123,0*0 03 Paoniylvanie State Untie _ . lUAI4 ooi BIIU Uacel»aUU....„..._ ..-""...i1" UtSJ 6T UoltoC Slates Treaanrjr Mote* and Interest' du*.. M 678 fr* Temporary Loin tn Chtj of Philadelphia "5.000 00 r eS V' ““T l **** Bw,d ' - 65.800 00 rtorkflo I rone. ft. R. Oea and Inttaaor* Coe... * ,r - i»y Weet Pniiadelpljia Paaaenger Railroad Owe 7 i par rent, coupon b0u4e........ f 12,ft00 00 Bond*, Mortgagee and Real Itoui’a 7& 3d3 35 Batanoadnaat Ageaclae, PreaiQtue uo Uaiioai ' PollcLe, Interest and other dst>la due the Co I ® Oaalt on tfepoeltt In Banks. * ~ _ Ol»«JTO»9 84mn.l S fitoke. IMmatd & »oqJw. j. f. PwoUtoo TlMcpUl W - Umwj glow, • at*rt*. U j O6( , or^r, WUltaoi Tlocum o. lUca. J Attica 0. Uua, UoJ*n buitott. it mmun C. LdcUU. p. JoJ? ’ '"""H SJcPwl.nJ, Pt. tLJJ. ilßft'oa, J«j«ba» P. bjf*. U««b Craig, l> t ilurAu •• UWta Ml«f, A.O B-r*-* WU. U AKTlii, Pr»4deoi . THoa.o. iIANb, Pfe»M.D4 UUli Ltuvu, Rwritvi. P. A HADSIHA, >UA.IyJ-Lo‘a Wo. M> W»trf »irrtrt. PllMUuijti Ity Against Less by Fite. VIn (••«»■•• tiiinptaf ot tBibADMLPUI* ►ffioo 435 and 4J7 Chestnut eL, near Fifth. euum.uiol Awl*. J*uQ*rj In, Iss», pabtl«bo4 ur*» blj to M BCI w AaMOiblj/bttUy tacnrwd |i,T3l,fl«» b» KM)C«uii l (pr M «ii( »alo« *103,31361) cow 777*471 Temporary Loan*, on ample Collateral r* ’ carlo**.... __ _____ Stock* (preaent rain* fid, do" n»*w*t Note* ami Bill* rooHrabU. CMb ... Profit* front Pieastmni arcto dl»ia#t>j ttt ir» trout Kkkj «LKJ> hire t>Mu Om urmlowL laranMM »*J. »»u »tmj itucriptloa ot Pjouertj, Ui twa and Country, at r«t*j u low n tri amtbtent with •eeorlty. “**? th»U tacorporatlMt, • period of thirty *««* *£l*- few ***i Jf I*"** 1 *"** fir »» *«*o *OlOOOl excsedtng- F9ur Dolhrt, thereby aflordic* enjoncta/ the MfuU|W of tofiitmßM, u well u tbalr ability *a4 dbpo ■iuooi to meet With proaptaan all liabilities. „ , LCteu ai nu, uum paid dnricg the yur 1553 nasaois. Qurka W- Bancku, i Uordtc&t |>. Ltwu, TobU* Wigotr, j Darid 8. Drown, BAi&Qa] Grant, i T«»a» i^« 4unb B. fimlfh, EdwardS. D*i», dxCTge tv. Bt.-iiar.U. } . Ocorg* Faina. CHAELKa N. BANCKBR, PreeMeut CDWAKD O. DAUB, Vke Prerld*-trt Wat. A Buu. fiacrvtuy pro tea. - • i. iUILD.7is4-<>>m.\ Agen*, p y" . Oißca Nurthoaetcoi. Wood end Th*r.i»t> punt instmAJiCK, •i raa ItfllSßct Culual imnnuus cuiuj'dPt el PQILiMLPUii Ob BaOditig*, Lluifed or Perpetual,AUrchcuOMe,* tuuitair *e-i to Tova or Ooaatry. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. OAfmi UT7,B3l_A*«n *re,«B «• blh.i. fim Uonfsgooß impror«lC2t/ Properly, *orth . qoatuo the amount..—. _ «i«> oo Stock of Oeeaty Tim locsrm&ce Q0..._ _ OO Stock of Dtlawar* U. 8. Ituanaef jgo 00 Uolon hf. iMoranr* (V* Perip ZiO w -- BUt* QrMfraUc, fcmfuM* paper „ 4 3: Book Jlceoaati, accrued lntermt,«to 3,311 Q 4 ikcb onhmsd c&d Id Bank— .... 16.633®#. saj*4J*4S OUSU TlfULßY.lTaalJ.ot ' UUOKU. ' - QuTtacUy, HBi>K.TtiPU])«o( > fiadarick irown, 0. BteTeoacrn, Samoel Robert Rtweo t Se&J. W. Ttorlaf, Marshall IIUI, %. LatUrop, Chat. LeUrsd, Jacob T. banting, BmUb tttfWM, Joho BU-ftlL PitUbarrb. ULNOUUAN, gocreur* J. 0. COFFIN, Agft&C' Mr Third and Wood atraAla ■ John B. WorraU, QL LtknifD, Robert ToUnd, fttdtriik Laanljr, 0. 8 Wool, Jemeaß. Woodward, Kirr, marine anil Inland inanrantt. Insurance co. ot north America, PmiADtLPBU. locorpantod 17M—Gap1U1......J&00 1 000. ' • AmtafJtauvj 10, ima. fit* DIRRCTOHS—Arthur Q.Coffin, BamtwU \f. J»oe*,Jcib& A Bro*a.B*ma») f. Smith, C&ertte Tutor, AtnbrceaWLlt* John H«8, Richard D. Wood, WiUUm Welah, WlllUa R. Oowen, Jemae N. Dlckaou, 8. Atari* Welu, John. iiuaa, ...4.|&>O.OftO. AamU r*i>rcari „ „ H1J,603i8. BbwicrJ, filmooo Toby, Charta Maralaater, William i. Bmttb, John B Badd. lfeerr-*xt*a li. Lodi, dcDiKa a Ctraeo. WliUwatt,. White. Qaorga 11. Btaart, Samuel Uraol, Jr* ThocuaWax uar, Tbomaa B. Wattaoo* UtNUV D.aUfckßteßD'. - woium Ultra*, &k*j. Ptertdent; - CkJanrsnc»lolh«obev«OlJaaJ Baltebta o«a(kw,', cea ba obtained bj.appUcailaa to ~r? W.P.JIHtH, Philadelphia B'lre nnd U(i» t Hjl OBiflOl 0 0 U p a NT , ' No. 149 Cheunai Strcot, OPPOBITB TUB OUBTOU 00611/ wUI eik« *D kfnJi of Icsßrmact, ettbtr P«fpctuici Unttad, go »wy dncrlptioti or Prcpurtx or ifoetwAitt urMaootbU nuaa of primfom. ItOBE&T. P. RINQ. PrwU.ot . ' U. W. BALDWIN, VU Pmldot fcuaon«a. '. ' Jompti B. Pact, JoboCUytot, 1. Wiloi. Chub* P. Bafea, ft. B. CnftUth, P. B. Viftri, Q. fitanua, 1. li»t«rx«*, F. BuoxmsX&*u(aa»fy(4 Hr t *h4 JtarHu Bitkt A Son* fcutfu&n Menaced fcp' Dirtctcn. vk» art veil sMtassty, and -«u m AtUrmSoei. bf fwwtm and ttfcerattp, Umaini :utu c Bara sttr iwa they Sam at cffcriniatht nrsUstm lo ikon ta\s 4DBORS, aea*rml Agmt. . Omo,'Bo. w ffim Brun, WA Aim-* Aye* ut aa kitOa'tf Knand JiaruttßU&t. ", itoßarKdv£iißEß'iBxa.issfc StoefcDoaßilla, payeMecm demaad,M*or*l by -two approved cam— oo BIB* Rape*tab. 3Mtt «> Blfla •!,«*» Ou l!ort|*» 12,000 00 U 8 abaraa Mechaoke' Saab Block—' ®»l*4 00- 109 Ido Citlxeuj’ do . do do 1,171.00 U do Baokof fttt«lnxrgb*> : %no o o AA) i Kklusi But . do. do . 1(064 00 EaUbc» of Book M.MO OOooTaraltiir*.~^—-400 00 Onb KWUMM i «.«Sf BO Wm. A,C*Mw%II, WOfoaUlUtf, Jcta ,tlCK. n'rt Pratdau. ’ •' g Ooatlmo««o-lpiarf »U kiuda of Wtrtjtmd -jh ■ ASSSTS, 4IATUC, lhftft. 0»»h (a PltUtOTgtl y-. tfftjf? (1 Stock Due-liU]*—p*y*ki*'aa dames,}..-...■. ... 17.(71 Oft Pwmloai Notw ~ , ■_, ~, liiftf 43 Dtuoaut*! l&ftt 4ft Bond*andiftLOOl.B S£ ,b ? m i ro ? Baak.Stock-ooit^— ,.4 255 Oft SOO do £zcfasac« B«ak Stock—«a>t : Ewi Q MO do * tl«Bii.oj lUck Block—coct. . WJOOOO MO do Uoch.okV Beak Stock-ccot_ i_ UiSO Book Arcspoa ni _. , , „ t , k biiicku. irff.ytq 0i J-H-fikoenUrgery Q w fs- * , W. Kimtck, I»mc SL fwaaock, ■• • " Joka A.Cw K h*y, W. W.M«r?y,. -. I BD. , B.T.L#«C7fc, iuam I. Bennett. ~ . Darfci fcF3odl«*. A. D; Smith . Ciiiieo’i Usuraote Comjuny 1 ot filtsbsrgk, OUcb, cat’, Markets Water OtjwjtS* ‘ (itco.ltji'ljoc,) wm. BiaiLEr. rmijint - • ..<5 ,j . B»irca£u t jtaccttvf.- ' '~iNSORKB bTgAMSruTs isi> nnofary Mare* »j« M( Law ud ts tfc* lUTtatJoa cflht Bcnttero end Wwtero Rirerc, XAkei kid atroßK frua,? ottt* aS" ’ 't ■• •”. ; r: ■. crkicioaiJ - . - J ° h djM>d°* Bktclcj. Proems. Pinitargn Insurant* Compaßyr"' ! ■Offloo,' corn or Market an'd:WatSlßtrott»,_ j 45.T7. nmuAN.rmt. o. w. batoskloe,t. p.‘ '■ ?» A. Kntsiir,Bm*t. . .. -v> uiES 1- u “V RlUfc on a. Ohio «nl. *f*!y T,re ™ (,ltuiUrlea > ud Minsk. BilU §«• • f •atd »gkla*t to** or rirt. '* ' - ‘|.- *** ,nrt th * Fttrila ol tt« Bm sad lolasft N**tc*iioa£ W)d Tran*port»tloa. ,’ J ‘ • D»»cto»»: N - I CbtlatUa Yoogor,- . i. X.a»oor4oi)r ■ •: = i ■: i,*J , “, u ; r lh*l | . ClitrlM X. D.oto, Ob*n g,bolbu„i, . Cb«U.Oanoo, ■ ' , 11. K. U.imlio.3. .. ... , “•»»'“«».' J-LMWwli.: 1 1 Noflwo * Bon. _ J -■ -J- -- dcaiyd; - 1 iA_LLiF»QBBN y. COMPfT OR Plf TSBURQU,, ; . 37 Fifth street. Bank Block, , T^, SORES AQAIVs'T AtL KINDS Dt I TiriE ANt> MiUIM; UUKS 7 ' * • • ' • 2TVJ^»‘ rP'E IN'SUKANCE.'— I*h«OIRAKD LIFE isacruAMca, annuity tub .tm»*Sjmpw, i*L V*®-4f»ocj,NivTe. Qr»ut«rt»«, PUUbcrgb,coeiißß» to «*<* '» *aln*r,.offl*« ffalia wSfL«* • ’SitfrTL «V r *o*f«Mdoa»pp»y 19 -WH, ZLAEfc -4* # * < Kb<7> &m« irrwt - .«.l PWDiyiiama : iuiaraßce to, o(:PjiiiJ»ji(gg. ■, ... Fourth Street. Capita?and oter..J. $l5O,(KK)'^ , ... »iissicM*> . * 't* ‘.y! f.luUr, i - W*4* aiapfc*. -* :>■■■"' - *“**£• A.a. OttriWf w . - ' ■ a.n^fiST;. • N«cholM Voe*fcU>; ' : ■ Tub Oaopuj bM p*u tdMM troo tbafestoif u« toccr- . poritoon tn ISS4 op to Jf»y, 15*0,- to ansoot CrfOOUSS CT. ' io >4duk»a towfoiwaerni^aßooLDmdwdiitfJnmlLiii per ceaL, tflopliog crUonce of iu lUbUltj tod BMfetaeta.. "P 42 !? . M '* attoo * it *° ,0 Dedltotred. ctMieaU, tor termiof ooa tothrMTMra. - - J r . lo±jb tu*s»tir iDJuaiiß * ' r: oaiiia'BPttom. fe c ,.itr/' <]t>gl^iSytfer ' ’ i ■■' Sftoing iHattjiUfa, •> : - WHEELER .& MSON’S 4106, 5 w er El « * " ‘ - v ti Au - a ... I, WE offer to the pubiie WHEELER '£ WILSON’S IMPBOVID' tXWIBO 7 HACHDf*,' wiuv inerMMd amfidasoo to lu tmrttau UhJm4w4 taptt* ; reUfcbta Famfljr Se'Wtlg Hath IM SOW tn CS*. It K¥i ly»*U oa tb»'blekwtas4 tbiofaitabriai toaXastbaaott*. •tUcb.!ap«ttlbl»b>(mnral,vltt»-lfc«-iaMastUl jof Uias aliko cn both •ttea.tbnfitsg fio 'rtdport&ala oa* tbauur ajd»-UL almpl* la- «o(praadjJ% uonia«nt,aa4mon*■> S e wi n g • 31a c lii ii«s COMBING ALL TUE OQOD QUAEITIE& ot Whvlir * Btkfrt. and EUmUqbi'i P*lenu, tpgitbtrvlUiKEQAXltßd.vAt** . :C*BLE I j JIM El tor*r. : ' - • / ■ ■ • "‘i vi . :Tb«fc>»tat»ofu9crtaUyinthtaM«ch(M:tnift*rMMi£4 «bU SimpHzily f Incra Wi.»j, Jcsitrieyond lan with «hkV it (• oporifaf It !■ balmUm, cannotdr&p itUpta* lad lr‘ >jipUdloillkfcdt<>f Mfting. - - -v. i. *••’<{ . IXODrtDhtabwQ «pidi*4.totbKa«ct'«dri«.'?aio*f3;o;* * * - < «**■*' * A ~-:C*ll*ndeiunio**t- --•>* -•- -;i ' FIIRBANKB * EWiXO'd i 'i ■ *io. gl PlflliHß***.-. ' E. BRAMANiCO’S -;-v i • •’2*". - DOUBLE IfßltfA»"s i •lAMllt iiwiso, UAOUlHlfc.c, V ••• PJUCE ,. . ri Sr«rj &ucblu wu,r»nted. .-Aginti BiatnJ., «f » ctl calif. 'Call Ibl extmtiM, it B M fIU i - W.W. aorEHRQE^ a t h .a.,-w «• o o.x>•.%< CUILDBEB’S F4»cir iim, • ; Wc t _lagria»*ban4*Baias4*toiod#r*i« jprtets,ti y, J. H. Billo t man &Oo.'s,> FASH TON ABLE ETA 1 ? ' '> Htt. i .is.Ayooii-.a3'waT i j3 , 4B ? O.AS CHANDELIERS; imiCßrri, *£st>iiiTs'QiOßß3? 4 *i 4;J wVere do* op*&isg *'largeraWk of tttaa aoy other boa** iT]r rrtTlMfnl In'thti rllji .. . . ?, w ! ; P. : M/yftSUaLL - A&uioociMbuJt.UkUl *»3iber<£sieiJc*«|j niXKOB ffiU/fAPlft, ' lioKDiaaisbßEOOSiTiiisi. 7 { tcc Biji . „ AT TOE STaiPKO’ FBONT. JUS* RECEIVED'—. : ' “ IS ling ovUtia4, ;• M. £j«tf*Emr>c*Qiixm 13 da f i r»ldtM , if > rtE*rrdOlOfl !2’ tfar Eyw'aMAgaatiePtfwdtf? 5 - 13 .da . ' ]3 da 'UuiUsf LiulAt&t. * For«U*fe;. - >p3ft 1 / UVA IUvV/ mdui,Sh*U(4c»n(. ... I. 300 boa. £«ch tf a . <;.i- - -:-10toMlllirFe*W • - v* R#=aU#d ud tor mU bt ; . tiUSP£OM ANEtfION. > “Pad#**! kUi&4 If. W, ccinef Oliljat.ulXOattMO. l ' J • ? : r-AilrgbogCltlTs^ I'EHUttet, JiUNUS AN 11, MORTfIAOKS,; r 1 ’falRTEftOH IblCatOß Tint-- ■‘■‘>o . r itd la ibi b«tk ttjla, far Ml# by* W Wood bbb. * M tAU.CobiMoUa»;. ■ >. t . p •54 Ux6» Prcmfl f &0 Jlj lur- . • • r :•■•■ SftJ dcz tffcat,’ ■ ■ • oiurrl>4S«>w>Jot‘. gg llt.Btea>d WHI ■,_> *321,0*89 for nj« ti**p by ay 11 , r / kttX H.UJX IUIIES—2O in«tar*tafal* . bju,; ..; UiUHJaiqfcK *.ca,- • JU’M Insutantt, IST, 8 mttiy. PirtSBUBGG, PA. I:;,; m *d* Sj :/V^ s ?£i4-i. - • a.JanHST9S,*i- :• cooHr.6tt.ubaeldßDd.4ta its.;