the daiee yrFTjßrTWarsw establish. Oommifißion, &c. •R OI,i!ERS * niLW ’ OKTH ' Ponrirtlj* fc rommlMlon Sltrcbanu, Ds*l«n lo WCCBf OKAIn «ud P&oDUCBgeoenlJj, Hn W ’ jtotttj-HUchwk, iicCntrjl Co.PHUborrfu jU « Kirkpatrick, do; IwbXuS j-Oiite'-SwJwr * Dil#uct! K| i)c; Tunn ft Co Zlti LaSS J, B.Bder kCo,4t* HeatUa A Afjtfton.npclnnfii g?_° l j^gsgrcu£^*&*igK?: fcUUJJHTONfieTBWAiIT, Wholtiale liroeen & i nmmiuton Berehani 107 WOOl* STKEET. *«•»<•«*... BBCS a LAZEAH. rtIIXOLHJ, WIHTB Ac 00., -IVbo’Mtla'-OroMfa, OuQmmi>« and forwtnilng Mercbaoi* -Mil Oealeca.ta Wert;ia Droiinr* mil i'icriilou, at No. IU UiKTij aictci, Plttahargb, I’raot. - Cb'AM, Butter, Kggs.Qrsla, *lo, •.•lio* ltol«tu}«a(M(ac(or7rjian« trtiartniMi. Libert! caab a.l - nude. BUITU eoa'f ROBIS os. T3CTTWTJBR Sc ROBINSON, PRODUCE iKD CO.ll AISMIIiI fflEltCnjNLS, No. ot Siu i tlili ei «i Street, Oj'pcsii' - 11 ngulioU Uoqis. Dmlhili »U»UU, OttAii MILL PEED, tod •Tory klod of CmtotryiriTuloci*. Ppedel aiteaUm gtT»o to Coo* aigemaotiOf Prod are, Refer to Plttabargh MarchuUgea wfir- jtg-iyd sa». tiaxrattict n b*qws w«. KOtcrtnici OROWii * hiukp&tricks, WHOLESALE GROCERS ANDDKJLSRS IN FLOUR AN D SEEDS, and 193 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. B. OAIVPIBIiD & CO., OamnUiloa .* Porwanllag Hezehtuti, And fflwlualt Doaleiatn WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, .BDTXKR, LAUD, ‘PORK, BACON. 7L00K7 PlgH, tot twl Rabat, Satcratuß. Lloaeed A Lord 011. Dried frnittad PruJnca generally. Ifli* 141 And 143 Kront Streat, '** ■ PITTSBURGH. PA. ■ jjtdj auaratD. CUiP Ol SBEFASD, OO ill M ISSION M EHOIIA N T S, ■ * - AND DEALEHAIN FLOUR, GRAIN at t'RODUOB, So# 3ft3 Llbirtf Strui, _ . HTTUDCIUJn, PA. -Choicei brmJiof PLODB, for Baker's aod Family cja, tbaatsatty on band. Particular attention paid to flutes orders tor Uerebamllta generally. oc&1 vd T~AMfc>s A. FJSTZ&R, Forwarding and y COMMISSION UttßOn ANT, for the. a«laof FLOUR. (HiA'iN, bacon, LARD,BUTrEii,BSRD3.biuRD fruit And Prodoc* xnitunU/, A*.lB JUfktt SUnt, earner Fir it, FtUiburgk, Fa. Refer t» B. Q. B*il*y, R»q, Piitetmrgh, WUIUm Dilworth, Pf, do,B.Cmhl«rtA Hod, do, Atwell, Lee A 00, ao John Bonlep, K*q, do; D. lUrp*r A Co., Otocmaetl; a. Brady, OeahkT M.«U. Buak, Wheeling, S*tsntl OU, E*q, do, CrettgU A Co, do, Pexton A Donlon, do; Oookmao A Bro.. J»blladrl(.bU. dually U Q. OKArF„._..._-.„ —_FliANfi VAN Qnunicp, OBAFF & VAN GORDER, M BROn BItOKEKS, ' AND , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 114 Second Street, Pittsburgh. _ _ _ umn *■ w. Tiers ft Co, New Tore, Sbrtrer ft Dilwcrth, pjt*l»’a Fenner A Co, “ 9pr. H*rt*ngb ft Co, “ Thompson, Clerk ft Yooeg, M'C*Ddle*», Mean* « Co. Philadelphia. - IleiTtsoQ ft Uopper, Cloefn. T. A. Newhall ft Pone, PMla. T. S. Dogao A Co, *« T, Hblitllge A Co, Ktltiovn, 11. D. Newcomb A Co, Lot- ArptateaU, Rlgpi. A Co, - j Irrille, gy. pcWiyd TJERBST & BARKER, PRODUCE AND PROVISION COMMIbSION MERCHANTS, 2G/ Liberty Street, corner of Hand, PITTSBURGH, PKNN’A. ■ Particular attention given to the porehaM end rule of Floor, Oralu, Dried Frolu, PoUloee, Pork, UmJ. UnUrr Dueeae, CloTer end Tlmuihy Hoed*, Ac. Order* promptly OIUd »t the low<»t market price*. Ad vaacea rnede <>ti't»aaigameuta. ft3.Qdlc» «>> the.Httai/orgb Beg Manofaetory. no3l:lyd S AMUEL 13. FLOYD & CO., P.. , , « „ OOMMWAION MBRCnANTS. AnJ dealer*.in FI. or. Grain en-1 Prndgro Georr^li* S3* LltiKtt'FTPMfTr/SneMiv y k [ l( . Dr> , PA. ’ —cnao. ciutmtct. CHADWICK * SOS, COMMISSION MBBCIIANTS, DEALER? IN PAPER AND BAGS, And Agepta for the Pali, cf Mahomnj lfto and IJI ffwl Str**t, o*«r SlxiL, Pituburafc. . tauWntpylug P*ptHr tt M*unfl»ctur?T»’ prl«». cT«b . P*JJ lor BagJ. Jaifclyd LLUYD 4 PUH9YTH, ffIIOLESAU OBOOBBS, AND DEAlfina IN PRODUCE. ooMauseioff msbciiantB for tbe tale of ' PIO metal and blooms, Ho. 957 Liberty Street, leVj l, 185fc»p30 , PITXafIORQU. Pa. uatcbcoch., aeuaicjcufr * co,, ' , [Eaeeasttrrto OaCnun.M'Croery 4 Co,] Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Whclswlfl D«Afcn la -frodatti Pioartßd Wool, .Vo. 153 iVonl and IS3 4~ond jr, AttiburoJl. M» »pi:lyo~piy,Z& • ' ; • • • ' •?asaai*ai*a*cttß_iU3UA«ia».MTm~.e*.e. etaxcaa. BPaufiKn- HAaBAcoH *~co.» 00 MM I S UiNTS, : ;I>BAtElißila... Wool, Hide*, P Generally, XTo.SOdLJbexty Gtrcet.Pitta burgh. tt d i, a. urout. £' J« S.MOGBTT A CO., LOOit .FACTOBS’ahd Produce Comm is- Aloa ilorcbanu. foMbe *m* ofFlcar.Ondo.Seedi sod nc* coowAlly, No*. Zb .Wrier usdM front «tr«*L ruajiqrgh, Peutfe. '/; i fo2B-ly Qnißgißiß. - n-!i?, , .V'V?nT, o^, J 9nC ™ ,SOr 10 L - Wiloox,) Pbmd>D.pmcrlpil„n. inrJslt,, emnwmiulid. : -W •■m“KK>WN7WM w *i, DiaEEiflt,- - .u J • ; JiSOilytf | |{ 4 Uo -> late ol the firm JL-J • lll)Ulk*;k ACO« IDl) IQCCMintlln Planlf. B A. FAiINKSUOUh. A 00, WHOL& K>o Mitmr*ctnrwi'ef‘Wblto r—nu barfr:-;- -mcM bustiUot rr DRAON &REITEB, WHOLESALsSIt JJ ILfua Profits, eornarpf Libert? and Bt. CJair m. fltubargo- JOSJBPfI FLEMINQ, (SUCCESSOR TO "I/. Witcos A Co.)coreerUark*i>inetaad Diamond, keeps eoaataoyy cm haatJ * ftiil and complet* assortment of Dm**, KtUdnaß,MoclidcoCbMt*,I > erttmiery t and»ll articles per- bis bnrincea. • ••• • • ■ eanrfcHy coopoondad at si) hoars. ...... , ■— . Ja9:ly F|R- UEO. U. KJEYSKK, DRUGGIST, ro '“ ,r Wcm >tr«t «na Virgin AJlcy.PitUbnrgh,Pa. - ■* Whoie&Ue'"Dealer in V Prop,P*lßU,on«,TirolilMl ini p»Mioff»,»o.2M PlupLurgb. . . XII artier* will yvcelro prompt ftttentfoij, UtOtlUCtßtgltCS. lAAIES..IiOLMKS.. k CO-t Pork Packers De * l ' t *l» cetmt of Harlot Bn/t Trotl lafelyd* SmaJZZrSS I <•«■>» »Wnui, B. .~i P°tiCT. Uliraimi.Pol £?***' Fnrfcce u Doolarfa Clj*e*o, SIS iVP^ M ereh ,tJ S 3 Wool «t-, tboro Wmt, p|tt»v^^^ gTBCT^Uy, jE^ E w^^f^As-QASS. 4yTctpncMh.■* =-.:- ‘ i itom. L*rd W 'flUVi* ibo brad of 6mUbßiU4lrwi. ...; , v? I** 1 ** ,t f*^|^o«riu ANOTUTiiI. l.o7" » - r'- 'Qt tSKIT •• •• : •ÜBS AND BUCKETS— 1® &**'.■ v €a*-'- 7 Sgtktil. ■■'■»• -•• V ; IBJtOTfflfcrwuby MMX HlEBlj.g, Tonic, Cathartic and Anti-Dyspeptic pills/ jrj7’lLSON*S PILLS hare had a mere local jWjf axlatenea for OTrr twenty year*, nntapported hy ed- any fcJtd, and h«id at doehiethe prion t>nrbat totjir* coir Mid at, jetwUtvtil thewdtndfinHgea, Wherever n*»-l they bare la do laitenoe failed In tender tb« ntrnwt aaUtfarttoo Id performing alt ibe reqnlretnecti of a vatuablr/aMpjr medicine, and a* aocb are reoommendid by i;D» ol tee moat worthy and rxpooaibte citizen* »f the land. Hear for ln«tence what Col. William flopUioa,of WWilngton, Pa, ««}c Prom CW. FT“m. ZZf}ikvu,liiie Conoi Onnmuttoneroflhe Sta'r Waattmaton, Janaary 8, ISii i Da U. A. Wuaww, Pitliborgb, bar* been mlo* I year Autt>DyapepUo PlUa, abeaoccaafoorequired, for inane year*, and can irntbfntly aay that I bare never found any medldoe equal to them In relieving me from affect 100. tbe atotnacb and heart; they have tiew (ailed to relieve me from headache, and hare a!war* left toy tryitetn fn belter condition than ebay band It. I moat confidently common i your Pill* as atafe and blgbty valoabla taMrittfoe. . Yoon, respectfully, WJI. UOPKIN.H Hear Of. Ktyirr. M&wu U L. Fmcrrocx A Oo —l bare bad eotisldntah’n experience In tha oae of theextraordinary Pm commanded by Dr. R. Adame Wrlaon, of which yon are now the prcrrlo tore, and bare often felt their benign fnflcenci in Eyowu oaaa for Nervooa Ueadacbe, arltlog from a dlaordwed «. n J h Al l l L c l2 toin f*l • 1 Ur- ,I *‘ OTrUo Pr»cribW Ufonfor utli.ra formicf beidicbe d ""«' d Mi-lrttobl. condition of S. aSS Yoon, truly, .GKO. 11. Revort? Preparedandaold by B L. FAHNESTOCK ADO Whole vKßM7fnm?» Qj £'“ frt, “'* or °- u »»nmatuosvi 12. W N n5J '^“ 3d “"l- twill .IrooM, ISS& Md “ r «*" *>» ««T. h«n. fITTBBURQU, PENS'A ‘ .c^ R01> 47» S? ">■ P 1 8 ORSOORY and J. F. lL7Ugßl!L?m^.i^P’’ aa ‘ s,l ? ff tbff,r R«J®» *» the SCOTT awwwwS. 1, tusta “*’ ***** REMOVED TO door from op P°* lta **»« Otari Honae. 6tb h.™!»JSn‘iJ h .V br “' ,or »i*orßiciTr »ueb u», nave hitherto o ed, they are prepared to adiniolater ’ ELECTRO-tSHEMICAi BATHS! - L “ Paley or Paralyeet, Incipient Coneumption, liheumn- U*m, both Acute and Chronic; Neuralgia. Head, ache, Torpid Liver, Bronchitis Catarrh, nealcnm and Cnnature of the ■ Scrofula, Dyepepeia, Deaf nen by Paralynt, Hinging in the Han, Amattroeie, Cal • aracu, H'eafc Byte, Eryetipelat, Spasmodic Retention of the Urine, St. | r i. (**' Hance,Qholic,Salt Rhenvc,Pro- I iapius Am or PUte, Female Wiaknen and Irrcgularttie $, General Debility, De rangementtof the Hervovt Syttem, SliJ Jointe and all Dueaete of the Bowelt. * office nouns, mom 7 n. ■.asLg" 0 ”/ 1 " u ,o ■s&ks*„'< • Cocoas, Colds, lloabsknbas. >»»tt*noa,‘Boa»a m lnr any affrcO&c of tb« Throat CDKbU, ifco fDcxjao Giccn in Conaiwpnoa, Baofi- CHiTis, Wboopho Cocoa, Aarnwa, G*- raxMjßliLttVKO b , BKOtVS’a URO.N- CntAL .TKooHj&B,or Corea]Lotooci. “A nmpit and elegant comltnatlen for CODOUS An . Dr. Q. F.'DIGELOW, Beaton. Hem promt (xtwly tervi&ob'e for DOARSKN KSi* 1 Uer. UKdBY WARD (HCJtOIIKR. / recommend thar use to PUBLIC SPAAKEBB.** *:*>«* taltttary nHtf >W T “ r - k ‘ . . , . Ho*. S. aitfGFEIRD, Morrlitowo. ObJo "EJectnaltn rrmoriy IT/riuneu and TArw., to common anik fp**KjiltS and SiNfIKUS - Prof. M. STAC* JOUXSUN. Ujr«u» 6« Xonclierof Mule. Bntifh-rn F.miU tVfois Grral txndbvihen taken before and a/ur prntekina ai ast£St? , r tm * m . l**s%!rnM V>. UiiWSJ tmnVH TKOJJIKa. uf, O.Tatßnc "»!v l " fyl*?' I *, Mis-ntim, OmniriUM. /r,Zj. «cV, Baioutjtfrcutii. dc. m o r rA TT ' a L i F K Pi LLS I .TO* BI9H AND KNVIED wlftrlty vbttb tbl« prominent medldo»b»» HqolrcJ far fie i««nrl»tu efflc*. 5* th * d '“* r# * hlcb u proft*M *o rnro. b«* reD ib« n«a«I pr»ctlc* of •.-rt-nt.itiatt* poOnpoctcni, oi>- I ,V?,'' *' ' h -“ Th '> ‘r*kn^.to tbclr fiOttcthpJrpooJ works urtUr far them •„ f o.e\ tbrlTPßoU.y o.* Mib Of .he ciklol'Oi m ' e J. tlrpoere dy-in-'V Lihoa* »od •ff,cUooe. tHlo*. n.ra mstttm. feTerl tttd **n*w, obi ttaife bmd ricfvr*, * t ,| A || ■ «r»l r. Mi.flatV l’lm-uu U'U«*r< »rn f W.-l MJQ,| , . (Hr.* civu* io»:i cm*« «J u*rt>4ta lJ b ' »e-ifc>e» »od r.-MIW»T ?P SPP??S2S Spring Novelties. HAVING completed our Spring norohisi s w#jc - iro prrp»r t rf tooflrr extra-todocemraUlu lU F'A.N’CV AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! Our Stock ia constituted of tome Karo Stjlea and latest Novelties of tbe Season. Oarlock of BILK AND LACK Cl A Ai TILL A 8 it rcmpceej of tfc* S«wut Styles of the gieioa, To»t»lch ** futlto K a PjtCI4L ATTESTIOS EF£Kf WEEK dating *he fprtng imi Sntnwsr mw . 0°«i«, *1,1.1, Will b. pulliuUMi odipud to* Pittttargb ' to » to Uipplto, No. 60. Cornsr Mar Jcet and Fourth atresia, -Plttabureh apl3;tjul SPENCE & CO .860. spuing 1860, HATS AND CAPS. M’COBD & CO., HAVE RECEIVED THE NEWEST STTLE3 Of SILK, CASSIMERE AND SOFT lIATS. AItO.OAPH In great v.tlaty jo, 13L wood aritHiHur /OOH JU&ll W. m'ctttfUiß WIIiBOnr, CARR dl 00. . (J'tH Wows, p*rat a Oo > Wholesale Dealers in FORBXCHT Dricdßcei l ,'M6flsand[^umppprt 1 Na. 13 fooftb ttwt, a»*r Übwty,-Pirt<*orah. F .. AIAB£TU ALL «fc CO - Anuctmca tb» vjfrtl of NEW WAM. PAPERS, BORDERS, 4c„ :No. 87 Wpod"Stb«t. JA-008 REE BE, _ tumw m, 2P B > > v.' •••• «nos(ttfc< SORiP IR[W~ MBiP BTX£lt GLASS SAND STONE. BxSrrar®^ oaNEBoy n»PT AND OPNDKIEC. : MO io ttlr. “ •>•> "*>■.' ®*T» ihortojEw tod Bh*JW Cora, !a ton •.'••*. sskpabm - - - Wo ata 14tarty amt. dr R A. WILSON’S Ca tnra ot Watninj Mnohlno. clothieg, ■ tike A.VD LAiton sited. Indiiprnsablo to Ilopstkttpers. TIIE MOST SIMPLE, ECONOMICAL and dnn»Wa article eerf. offeredtotba ptibllc to allerUte tha dlecocufurU of wa*b dar. f : , .. .••■ . P««crfpllon, It contlftror x Beta!cylinder, with tha rib* on tha Jo aloe, audaa interior cylinder of wood with ril*. There iea •pacecf from oto 8 Jncbee between tha twocjrfladerv, One f”t B nLj B !?*ij? 1 SI fifth ■lreet. D2d*fc. E 5» r i. A, ' TS ! AT,TZ,!I ' TI, ®VORU) tc. p fjck ?TBSsVm??£" 0, .! h * ecDTn»ch to !!!^ MtlDg of freelj-taperior '•sfl«fso*SKlXi?!?'“ * In . B 000 bculo I. oS.Uo? tD^ ual lb» liquid D nTLifi tmpUly. A MILUON OC ».r2i i» *? ? f O ,' N# ,T Yo,k “ ,sn ‘’ *•« Wnrntr. Tor ulo •KiK^r o ' r 'lS^ 1 '“' ,m * 11 - M ” nr ‘ K,,r =’ lH »P"”* g*4»b.farßQqcitB» |>nf f nw no otter. tp!J:3md Th«uodm}fiie4 I* now re«dy toerotnct lo» rha jimf l ?. ■ oftb!» Bend Stone In Plttaturfch or »tfy other uolnt «„?►£ MWNM bum by ttluJjSfiVS earner «£)«• lionangtheto Iloare. *• nrlthif PAPiSßti—Kmbruiderßd Gold P* VjTrerarcrptrJxtiDldfawißjrooojot )t,u*t •i;le*—» cfcoJca M«orin*Bti for ulc by . rm,Matt -W. P. UAMirarr ' OMYK OiL—Prime brands, for : BaJa hv l v . . 8. -JOONfirON’a, J>ra«*feL. W|3 ... cerwt gmilhfl«44 *od roortij»tt*tu. - -.-ri,4-. ^ :.. ;: ®ianofl~#luoit:. II S I |l QOI.D HKUUS 1181*11 In Tnaf lOKoalr, ,| tb» H, rjljuia i olUlou Gulden FIRST PRKMIDSioni rnlr.inlphiladfljphln, Weab* Ufctoq pQii .Rfcbmutfi. TMtimcßlda &f from TUeLBFJUi, STttAKpBl2lt iSPUtimBH, 4» bU'i fi.uu noma of thumoat eminent Prafieeoit *o< atenr* in tti? country. The hul.«of would roepectfolly Intite ibe htfent tho public lo her well aetorled »io*.K ut PIANO FORTES WMcb o( OuUh. i El fry I'iaoQ Guaranteed for five Yean 49TTK11M&J.IBBUAL- A call la i*«p»ct*ul|) a .li Inn te porrhasirg eleewhern. 1 AirNhl Planoe taken In rvcheoge 1»< Wood struct, > tec ad it>x>r aboy Fifth. ffiSStaa AB-JlWTlßDnSk— ffTrfl NKW HTOOK UK ffffH *f7 CHIOKEUINO & SONS’ PIANOS, pONSISTINO OF 6} ANO 7 OCTAVE vy rIANOf, In Plain end Camd Boeowood Cieel of (be moet e egnnt description, b«i Joitbecn rewln-J by the eubecribor from tb* factory of cniCKKRING 4 SONS, Boston. Among (Lou ere two eUt-oratety o»rTa.l Mlt'lS ill' BTV!,t PIANO!), Which for power of tone. eleetlrlly of touch au J huauly exterior, wo tnrorpimble. A*“Tbe attention of tho politic 1a oeneelally directed three luttrotaeate. 49*Tbe aboro »tock bee Imoo ciiefnlljr eelecled lj (l, •nbaerlber, *t (be Factoty, in Boeton, nod m it Uannetul ly Urge end Tarfed, porchearre bar» rxlre fefimieeeffrrei' to tlietn for tb» eeUction of « Pieou. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTER. JOHN H. 8Z8X.1.08, Woml reet OVRUSTUIJTO ORAKD PIANO. ORANDCONCERT PIANO Iroo a-ieorated factury oT rTKINWAY * fIONA.If If I It N«» Tort, wRI t»« exhibit**] at o nr warerootua on or fclj»r Tlinrwftj D*xt,'*2.l Inal It wkt i»raooftllT •elacudai (ha Uctorf *»y 11., and II u cejiOJnotir rspwted In »or p*« atiythlrr heretofore *«->u or. heard la tbta rlly lo Mir frfaoo ||d*. Sour* all! b» given of It* arrival 7 II K'LKhKH « HRi) .No M CrfOi BlrrMi ."•'iMrraU t»r IMnmrA M . U. SUITH TBACtZKR OK MUSIC. (FisUn, Hutu, Ugnittn and Htt%sxnj ) m£?Tl® r .!?i? known opo» »l Ul» HK3! D oSwiy ,WH FlrrH aTR ** T . Plttal'or*!,, p, * H-AkWck & BKOS*. NKW BOOK'S^ P*rk*OwJ»iQ , « lliator; nffranc®, V..| 1»t Aocion o»ui Old fr.-n nowhoMWor.l* | r | jn reo grantor* »ad i„ .nd Aju, a il,,k for oM and yor»%I«. hr J L HEAD. ?% fonrth »tn*j HOWE'S I>RAWINO' BOOSTDASOps -l-cf.llrtolmrtrir tncl.l .PTOlne r .rtir. p*' c '°s* »”* poppfcr ac-J "Tit f«A*t3QA>.!o Qa,RMIW. OomlWP*, y« Dirtwi, 4ff t with *fT,rj T»rJ e tj nf utt»t Bill tno,t fl*orw*nd caIU tor fhtoci-*, MTMigvd lor ttin • Prte* |1 r< r ««u hr „ \ 3Oa * » MELU-fl II W«vi,tfe*» rr.all«d on rrcoipt of th* |.rln> , r a DS MOTT’S AN APERIENT AND STOMACHIC I’rc n lIION P° r ‘C* , 'l of OxTgrn aart Ca.bon l<> ilyorrtro. br «bp M«lmt M~l «?' lh *° J *»» Pni'H »»•**., «o 1 P r ** c, ‘‘* , Uo Ibnr I'factlcr) a U T r < -r X .^' BC V' ,Uw,KS,d *‘ lr P r " r » nr. r r Pr » f - JU.Hiftr'mnc^nl- .tth , t . 1m; urltjr* of ti « om P IMWr.1 o .nc»Uit/iM ; ,m,r T l„ .i mo „ ~r r. »rj^’s. rijß ' r *’ An * in tll n »»'* l Jlr«io«h*<-hlt bn. it,. ,«^* to ****>’* *«rTO«» Auction,, KmacU. ® eni * tar* Ufom c lotg i«. n In own baraioJdenl/ r*-tvpra»fd la ihe durlnT' UnA* R^ Urt mo,D d r ' em protract* i| ir«n, critical cbumiDil that mmplicatiwuortwiTaea nod dj«p«fi(Jc aieraljo to air ** e ; efc( « whteh th« ph,dd« bu do US Affoctloo. of all bind*. %0 d tor f4n „. Ur to mtofcaLmo, (be operation of lfai« preparation of hll'iliill* 8 toD,e * *“hoat U'lDeeadtlax and ort«- n5.i1. , «f T *y'* UUr,y ***'*•'»*. f ['•‘‘Bat# cava nf cxafcvaoaea, without t*er being a K a«trio pnTgaUfo.or Indicting a dltagnu ablnaeniatloo. toVeSaSlMa3r 9 Z?V' J I OU,OM - -Neb ro.ka.U , ? pcn, * f lo4 l»?nn«naut a n-cierfj f., r l\bj opoo which It alaoappear* to ai«rt a dlfttn-1 and ewclflc 'T,*' which furtna tbrm. ■ i UnanjwatJe a* *ra liiuim*, a alnsls 1..-.* ■«« caffnrod Vcr ihfinYt* h |J „ « lD^ ,n « IheatUodaal CUlinncst. In nmtoectedDlarfcoari, aten whan altaood to praenla effrctil have b«n rqoally dnrlaire , B ,] aaionhhlng p fJ"’ a «‘ *»j Hr.o,lh, d'uuuiftu ratgtd »nd ntultt-DI «hl, ti ceorr-llr ft>dir-i3 I°* £d. . C Bd“! b ** *"*»<«> lb * •l"BH>f ! ° “ r "" ■"> i» w . ,hl ’ i™. b.. h.d <*r Biore thaa Urn ftmd ((TbCt tf tb« «nc* of thejoint* and renerVe/* * * In loteralttent Permit mo.t nrcemrilt to B great rrmod/tod i»B«rgptto » od |i»rnT K rw h» tho n.» Mtt’tmsßt* of the H\,r; will proUM, u JE* i,.*! rennwnaod nwfnlnraa. * ■ in the whole hitivr of whichi»»ni nth prompt,happy, and lull* rt • fffo-U. appolto, complete dlpi*tion, r.pjd acijnleltlpn ofvtHßftfc. with aaUnucut 4le|M»itS»a lor *c» tit» and ohMifal o-xrecUe,' lmroedr*l«?ly follow n« o>e. , r ._ t , n ?!!** fl ,* l l»oX*i containing 60pill*, price £D-cenU per boX;- far eele bf Dragghte end deatr-ni. Wt)| t» »od* free to any addrm on receipt of price. All letter*. rrder*,ttc, *boal-ttoeaddrr*lwl,to ' R. B. LOCItE i, CO., Oeneral Agents, >r&a»wdlwoo»ljr 330 DHQADffAY. fi. ¥. OGB R S' CITRATE MAGNESIA, IX POWDER lANAIHAN SAMU STONE, Grlaan Manufacture by S. W, WeywLtn. Elite* IVr OltJeof Jron. Alfamln* JAOOD ftEgfnt fjillsliurgl)- (Sap ’ IKP'WMa£rBT It. EftKETT & CO nrra nun. laoyii unTOT***- *- x -J.*T & RQ FRIDAV MORNIftO, MAV II Kinncui Rtsmis or ff obt lama Rh»»ci patioiJ.—Tbo Ualhodlst Qtartarly Review baa io the [April number so etlensire arllele on the "Rosalia of West India Emahclpatloa." in which wo find a tabular Ties of Iho comparative oon iliiion of the Britioh wrotera slave oolonleo in 18.13 and in 1851-2. Fromflbia U appoars-that i ln 'igbloou years, elooo lb'a emaoclpallon, Iho population of tbeae oolon[,fljweot npfrom 827- 224 In 1,000,895, an inoroug of over thing p«r oenli nod evory elogle oolony bad Increased noopt ibe smalt Islands of Angnlllo, Motlsorrat nnd Nevia. Tbo poorly reveono Increased from '- 110 * tba'tahie ofimportg from £.>,*.0J021 to £4,727,295/ Shipping Increased from 47-1,091 ions to 051,098. Tbo eagsr or poried to tbo United Kingdom bad gone down from 31,040,306 lo% 408.687;: a fallini off of lent than 9-per ocot, while tie horao oonanmptlon bod brooioe immenae, bealdei a oimoiderabio er port Id the other countries: ; Tbo writer of iho' arliolo; Rer. Hoary Bluhy. ao English Wesleyan olergymao In Barbadooa, who baa rcelded also In Jamaioa for fonrteen years, adds the follow (ng remttlu: ; •■Tbo otatlsliaal .low wblob wo baa. given of tbo oolomca la 1861-2 ojKibilo Iho results of emanoipatlon under lbs mos) oafaTornblo aspect: f;' 2? 1 ; “ » lr « aJ 7 »*“’w<’,»as iho period, wben Ibe affairs of the planters were at tbelr worst, and Ihe fioaccial oondltioti tad prospect of the ‘ colonies most dark add dUconrtglo*. Since » d £! 8 • T* st b«» liken place io the Weat Indies. Sugv-hiviog risen In Tal us, au Impulse has been £vea to lie oaltore sad mioafaature. Tbo ptanitrs, adopting modern Improvements, Bod the cultivation of tbelr ea- 1 tatea highly remuoeratlve, sod the profitable neea or free o?er slave labor is no longer s mailer of question or experiment, hot of demonstration and eertaloty. UHAKUITTK UU.’MK, Tub “irrepressible oonfflot oannot bo oloppod. Boob is the language of lbs Chicago Journal U is io the plans of Pro?i(fcnoo, and mast go on oontlndes the Journal. Is this true? Is tbo wraagliog and dlssention, the stirrlog np ofbit ter etrifo, the engendering'*! hatred and disoord nnd Irreooncileable fends between the different tribes of eor great nation, Vnecessity of the limes ’ —Peoria Union Even eo, as far as this vettd qncßtlon of Slav ery Is cooeeroed. Tbo "nringllng and dleeen lion oaooot be stopped, unless the Democrats atop their efforts to the **10811101100" •nd render all the other Interests of the nation subservient to It. The “Irrepressible oonflict «j *a necessity,* as ibe very fact of Its rxiateooe and its progress proves Rcao’t be suppressed even In the Uomooratio parly tipelf Tbo only way la wblob It ban bo .lopped la for either tbo sSlavtry «x yield. and oertalnly the Party of I reeilotn, consci.»us cf being in the right, will I So, bow are you goiog lo (lop tba “condioi’' | How would you, If you could ’ How oould ,ou If you would! W. ,011 you, eira, Ib.l you migbl u well attempt to quin tbe roar aud ter ror oftfae letupeat on tbe at*, aa lo attempt lo •tippreee tbe "Irrepraaaible Conflict' 'ib*| alwate baa been aud a 1..,, will be lu pro.ctta be tween rljbl and wrong prioblplea, ayttema and t'leaa. \ou eau't do it, and might aa well firat ** lMt Ri* fl “P 'be tope ofdoiog IL Tbe "non an will work out tta own and, aud lal ua wait for "the good time earning/'— CAju/iJmmil Sco»» Uui'iicnins ia Hmmu Ksw iirwrsmu -a correspondent at Beiblehem n H , nudrr data of April 26.6', writes to or: I ' I*»rge q>iwo ll ■ l ea of maple.bngar end srrttp are meoufaoiared in this anti adjoining town, and the manufacture fa esteojied! far later Id Ibe ecaaoD tbao ID the arm hern pinions of tbe Stefa »od in Maettacbumie Tbeftajtneaa baa been trotetkatbly good ihi, atatda. ! It Is seareele Sotrhtd hrt ter; f e , of tic bucket. barlni , “ KWu up Mouj of our farmers rcalfi- Itomeoar prr.6 , rnto , be i, rards without e.' rrer.f..u Patiir Beedr, E„, a firmer of bandwtsh. fort,,, nraoufae.,,. ,0 * '" U ' »»J -aed ! OftKre tu „Car c,u»lj ~wi»-i«e.ibt,i d ho»i tAvlt Jim*' !»r aocunu Tin ot eWnrc ruchebto ieoa.L dr»Tco into tboherk tbom an loch b«i»«ibe hole are.n almost univere.l here to conre, ,bf h< l uM BW,, * ! ‘he buckets !« Carroll couoij, (be elder .pile* are eitll in upe . but m»nr m«au»e«ltircn are Introducing long suing, of •ooden guMere to carry the tap from the bill .idee to .heir or to acme coorenienl place for bailing it Lugo flat .bee.-lroo rets •re alio earning la rogue, instead of the *!d faebioosd Betties end boilers. ffoiion Traveller TdE Mobtaka Cab*.— The Oftrticmi, i.l Turin pabUßhcß Ihe demand of lb* public prosecutor *t the Court of First instance at Bologna, in tbs cats of tbs chllJ Mortar* Tne following la lbs conclusion:-■•Considering lbs riolsnl iorasion or tbs public officers into tbs bouse of Ibe two Israelites, e.Momolo ami Uarianne Mortars. on June .3, 1653 at Bologna, for tbo purpose of taking away tbalr young child Edward, under the pre'eit that bo vet baptised; considering that tbs ohild, by tueane of tbo public foroe, war Immediately transported to Boms, where ho was shut up and sequestered in tbo Colloge of Iba Catechumen); tee demand that tbs Father Plerro uaeleno Felelll should be judged in tlrtua of tbs Arte. 440 and 444 of tbo Cods of Prooadure and condemned by the Arts. 133 and 200 of tbo Pen al Code of Sept. 20, 1832. (Art. 138. One year to three years' bard labor; Art. 200. Ooe year to three yearn' imprisonment,) against tnaeie trsl.e who barn abused Ibalr office, and against soy one who arbitarily arrests and imprisons any indtridual. and to ibe payment of damages and interest to Ibe parents of tbs obild as well &9 Oitalfi '* "r all sanitary performers, Dr. Winebip, of Boston, will probably beoome Iheznost popular For be adrooatos nothing that goes against lbs grain of our humanity. In particular be lakes stand against those two old dogmas which incul cate lbs byglenlo nocssßlty of rising from the table hungry, aod from bed sleepy. 110 says nerer rise from Ihetablsunssllafied; naror get out of bed as long as you bare any inclination to lie Ihero. And Ihe Dootor's prescription Is not only pleasant but sensible. If one is lorlse from eating hungry what use of sitting down at all ’ And in relation to early rising, our sympathies barn always been with ibe buy, who, when his father attempted lo 00l eff his morning nap with that rusty old saw about the bird and the worm replied that it serred the worm right—he hadn't nny business to get up so early,,; Sttegafdl Ibe distinguished author of Ibe saying that four hours of sleep were enough for a man, Bye for a woman, el* lor a child, and scran for a fool wo boro always Inclined lo think that ba was r ntiilod lo nrall himself of ibelnlter clausa and sleep a good seren, for which ronton he fell no oompunotfon to curtailing the Bleep of others Dr. Vfiosbip's leaebiogs are muoh more agreea ble.«*-A r . Y. Timet. 8 Me. Yabcit axd Secession —The Washing ton Slam publishes a letter from Mr. l'ancer lbs loader of the secessionists In lbs Democratic National Conrenllon, to James S. ifilanghter doted June, 1858, in which the following semi! meats oeoor: 8 ••If the Demoorooy were orertbrewn, it would result in gitlng place to a greater and hungrier Bworra of Bice. Tbo remedy oftheSputh is not in such a process. It is in the dlllgW organ ization of her true meo for prompt resistance lo tbo next aggression. It most oomeinlbo na ture of things. No national party can sare na • no sectional party can seer do |L But if we oonld do as our fathers did—organize ••commit tees of safety" all orer the cotton States fund it is only in them that w« can hope foraoyVlTee tiee morement,) —we shall fire the Southern heart, Instruct the Southern mind, giro courage to each other, and at the proper moment by one organized noncerted action, wc can proelpttat* tbeeotton Siai«« Into areTolatioo.” 1 1 Srtcotanon lit Oars —Wo learn, upon-relia ble authority, that there are parties In Canada who hold a large quantity of oats, whloh thaw intendshlpping toXnglaodiathe enmmermonlh* on speculation. The amount is »ariotnl» sail, mated from 250,000 lo 400,000 bushels A let ter from Montreal alatea that four Teasels bora been engaged lo lake them from the 8L Law rencc, while another statu tbs freights bass been engsged in New York upon muoh mere ad- Tantegeoos terms than could be obtained in Cauda. Should they be. shipped by the wsr of N.w Vork.ber -HI soma by the w./ofNoTthVn OM *U t 'I; h,T * n,nM sf the firm en gaged n this speculation, but are not hertnitiid to print them. It (a well known to most of our grain dealers in ibis city that a large quantity of osls wero in store In Canada, but up to with in the put ten days it was not known what dis position the owners Intended to make of them Albany Jour. Tod Pjacb Prospect in Delawem it tcry glwmy. H.I dots ibid bill a crop «U 1 bt r«*lised. Oa tt>« E«alera sbor* of MarjUad [ { }* **Uer._ Tbo-trce* *rc r»pp.we(l to feftTe.tpfltred frost wlattr. Beto Boots. N^S??ri PopaUr A**®°ny’ b.v Prißrt fiwitMTUni; Abbotl’aSoutband North* Fmh Haarn that Failed TU« “ ,h>V - *Aw P.*.l J L**. ■ - “** ■-*«« 'SSSSSIS2K ,fcta * , -« Th« American ll«rt]toQ*rtUo,i,.tr» t . l i.. *•*. * of tba kind pablUtiM. 1 wtUou The beet 1..*,* „ t L ' f * Baton Him-* u,« America ,t„ r , Vplumo ) flOßrai s. da via J*y* Soecwor 1a John B. Darlaon, 93 Wood at, LOW) ELGIN'S MISSION TO OUIWA AND JAPAN in the year IttVH and •« By 011 pnantj I to!, 8to; lllaatntioea, ' V 0 W , uV«rKlS. raitJ * 1 “* W NoT«l,b| th. author of Wu. CATQAB&A clvdk UARPBa’aOHgCS AND LATIN TAXia-Ha.lln n»r at4oe. *Kaob;loa tod Horetioa; now raadv. - »ps J. L. BBAP. 78 Fourth at Althousk on medical eleotkl JS}^"7 A Tr /. a ‘ i,# 00 Medl( *J Klwtrlclty, tbeomieel ,a <*• *««ODSQ* Of Paralytli. honraljla,and other dleeaata, he J. Althaeas, m. j> Bay ana Sul— new auppty. Abbott 1 * Htlobow and L,eky BarlM. For a*U by U BHAD t ?| FtmrthUftt-t. Bools & Stioes. w: E SOUMERTZ & CO. Hat* rcc'd a Largs ~1 LACIBo FRENCH KfD 4 MOROCCO SLIPPERS, A vary StM.jnalitf «i N AND FANCY SHOES Thi Urgvti »o 1 d*o*i joj*u»lu |fa« i Uy, ( i W. E. SCfISIEBTZ 4 CO.'S. go. 31 Fifth 9tr««t. MBW STOCK JUST OPBHBD. JAMES ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, Hi'S;;;';; *»> *«■> -« Boors and snores hi. iiuat. .j chilli!"-1 1 , ."I* »" ;*?• MOTt - Tiili” iw,7Y° a 0.1/ jh«u,o.u..^o.rort WHOLESALE OB RETAIL, CUBAP FOB CASH. i i.JtILUt t ,>h.rr . JAMES HoBb7 >U lho Fooplo'a ohoa Store, D. s. DIFFBNBACHBH DEALER fpf BOOTS, SHOES AND QAITERS, FOB Gentleman, Udtej, Youths »ml Children, So. II Finn llrut, 1K«« ] piTrsapteng- M JUila OAAPBELL. ~i ANOFAOTOEEROF toOTsl**- «•—«pao=. H».M iwftrfd TIEN" ..NTS’ FINE CALF BOOTS $3 SO ' Jo 0xf0rd#,..........,, ... i-n do Mjbt* J-5J ea-Thx ' t*epV« Shot Store, no 15 Fii.h!• tba r ® l " » tlr ,- W’0RES 3 OAirtVS OXFORDS or STRAP BUwBS. *pW DB. tllkPF S."/bac2l> K. pUBUu sale Of valuable; pkop- A eUTr-l>or«i«ol toa-deciaaol tin D..irict Coart of A'ktUtoy nndrraigaetl, oitb* proper lyof Katan, Dnjlty * «v». will *U pnblle Ao'tlonoo U '". ' ,O Slay icth. l%ro.«t' 0 Uu-K«> li-’*r r T r H tC0 " B “ ,h * «-*wr«*c« jNuib ill-. It> '4 Pin v-imb, crn.rtfcUn* . f trS T-"« -V*,«and lai'©lorfcfJ«j I Sprli gfl. Id p| ttl «,* | ota. IaJJ «-m by Hn tlaiiy p*cb bLkV ** them-*, and rannle, !fh ~ K . U "‘s 4 U, 1 , ‘ oiitfloj* •r»ct*t I tureen aja (5 i ib* »<»*l «ot>*»auiUl character, a reeled atfro-t.j ior iLa i D r^ B r r '^ o,i °t* l 1 ** fljuirraw. One to- P-rwr **r»lr.*i a l*rgr amount gbaßlog.Get7lng.-4fU lug, 4c AtJ o*CP«M»y machinery, r t tbt moat tppn.; d paileroa f^rlbo-nnacfactnn*af Bariet* «od fob*. V “JV - , • I * J *'• *° ,J 41 “>• tfcnaaod place. a ),rce •jojoU!, a Bnekatand Tub gUte*. D -tt«£a •nd eibar material. Tool Cheats tad TocU, ratata. Caaka. £t «Prtog Wagon, foar Vh-IbJZSHS, V. B **s ‘ n r,“ , “ »«l> • >*rt-d eotlroli™, „■ ,ntil “ •Moillibo.uii. -1.... . si ‘ "V”'' B “""‘ ood Dtjtng ip. “■’• *«, "Hlb. nig elthtrwuti ibiloiud ealldloii., or (.p.rmulj. lb. ml «teu will b* nld, ..I. L « S.V ‘ b,,, °“ o ' I*MO ol pores™ ml* ~ E h D ”” t ' ,1 " rbra,r l *»h, 1111, »ub iQienai payable aemi-annoally. °* U “J prot-arty aßordi facilities for obtain- Elm i«2 l * < ?V? Pp,f J rU " p ™' of ,b * tnano factodog material, and at tba tama tfma for a cbean and •ptady oemreyanta cl U»a maantaetnrad wara to tha extend. *d markets of tba fk.oib and Wa.t, nu*n>Moad tVanr point In tba Onion. uusuipaawa by any - putaupdlddll.T No. »iroonb^ 1 ?i”.'£, , !"' , 0. Brotopoian, A Substitute lor Cream of Tartar, Anew, qealtoy andoheapar tlela for making BRrAD.OAKCS *dJ all article of I'M" ttqnirtn# ib* UM of YCABT- 01 , T £l* De » •»«* v*lurtu arttcU i« 00l a drug but » Q arUz'i u 01ta * oott,,n ? *■« flTw BoarUbnwm to ItiSZl.? 1 ‘•BMwiUftrf tqaal tattreo*th Cream ofTsrur—lioMolo tfc*aam»w a y la ecokmg— l» cieaoer br ** d »od cake* of «upJrj OT qnality! Ttol» Brttelo (• appraroj aod r»coaitn*nil*A i,.u_ v«ntty of P»no*4 PixT lluffafOHD. 0/ n«rf»nt pr.n.l. «WiDr. JAOKSOX Buu Am,«£2a£ SSicSoEi ®°f{® 05 t p f * CUItToN and oilctbor mcaUflu m«o wbort c * ,l s 4to,t - *«d «ll hcuuketp«r,m bo U»»o ot*d It, recommend It in lb* blcbnt trrma •Skfor ole by Drocvtot* »oA*i Matt to mu and Granary, IT Waier tfrttL SPENCER & OARRARD, Baooeieora Co Adam Wood, Pittsburgh, penna. ftt£i* L £££ C E*°’ s*l?“ d ***" Alm - PsrUr «d Browo J ***** Al *. ,od PjirUr. Warranted lo keep la any *l ptfU P™ m S"J «“«»dad to. Price ..^IL. 404 u wood cootlnoMconnected with the coacern a* Rrcaetaad Qcoerat M»ch«. co2&.fimd WUUUJCN AND WILLOW WAKE-: 100 dcieo Chorus, etsorted; 100 do Baekcta, do *0 do Hoe Mid CedarTabe, to do Paluttd Tabt, tO do Ziuc We*btoerds, T* boxes Qgtbee Pm*. 100 MU Snuur Box™, pl.iu un i; 60 do Cortred Merest BMktta, 70 do Opt-o do . do 25 do Clothes do 0 dezm Well Backets; 20 do Mr*.ll klad» Repaired. work Warraotnd. m > T t pg H- WOLFF, Jtt!, cor. Liberty tad at. outy iu W P * MABSUALL Aaor-oncn tU trrltalcf aaoibti citslci laUl raE.VCiI WALL PAPER, SOROKAS AKD OEOOBAtIONS. AT TUB 6XAIPED PRO *x. TDK LUXURY OF XUS SEASON! TBO 3180 N*S 00 RB 00A TBD BKTR T 3. For tala by tht prtßrfpalßtaUart. TABLE OILOLOTUS—SO do:, assorted *l*«,Jast rscatrad from factory, at S 3 sad 23 ft CUir wr * ct » mB J. AXL ygttURL lORN—SOO bos.' Ear Com to close consign* fmnt. 9 . SACK A LAZEAK- IIl£S!!l£~£0 boxes new Western JMserrs. 'oiji nasuniß. r “OKTHJSRN Assaranoo Company, po- 1 MOOROIX* aniXCT. LO.NDOV. „JI?J TABLISnEI) IS 1 830. Tms\ company insures against Urn to Tire, limit .rerj dsrertptl.Tn'ot Tkt % JUU*cf -Prtmiumtart uodtrale . S»B LM character of tbaowaarornm*- pwt, tad of the rirt. . 7 1 PMjpUy attyotlfA ud (Mid without rtftrtiK* to K?f tfrctal pirma.'wU fimd pnmdtd in pttLadet* P«i* for payment efi atm tt toil c^anfrjp . . J mmitn n nftoata; ■ “■*¥•» McColly A Co., 174 Wood aims Jotofip,4*Oo,lJ4 1 “ - Si**F»*rtck , l |Sa Liberty •!**.<;, r “j?!/*®"? * Co, *4 Wood etre *t; £ 0*? W Wateretreer, CbVflwtand Wood «tr«t4; W SS£ iH£ < ft® ea * d aod «n*U; iTirKPff £ B*> Überty kitm : 85ffik£*Gfc» Fourth and Market tlreetc n«mn«ai, UauaAOcs'Waod ul Water tu. „ s«v»riflnawtuMirgii *<"*«. *p. IS Bum street SlSS£!f|! * £l =s"“*" ■*>«". «SSS*Sig,teSf'B?7£ : touts, Wiuum. i Jatnea flraham 4 Co-20 and 22 latijlb «», p '“ Um » Cota B.„fc U W T»iitJy , *sS , ' , IR. , * p, * n " Court JAB BS W. ARiiOTT i.._. tnrMydla OCre, 17 yimmTxilt^. tfr Delaware iQuiobi A&toi) ißturaoee I'ompaoj lacttTfcrsttd by Ou ItgUlatart pf 1535. Offlce, S. E. Oonw Third and Walnut «ts M C ll ,«p. r „ o ,Lc. n ....^l.‘”i , i\iS„ w Peonajlrntj] ■ State Loan* *777177 22 cm. .‘‘•■“J °° Tn V a r? K ‘ > ‘* < * ni * lnUsr » | t daa. 65,578 64 TatDiwrtry L°*» to City or Philadelphia.. 25 <<» oo BaUroad 6 p" r cant. Jlcitgag* 80nd..-!!. fis'sS^ We*t*Pni!*??*h£' p" ° M ,Qd ln,or »oc®Coi!.V »5,0»6 00 neat Philadelphia Panaoger Hailroad Cj* T I par caot) coupon 10ud*...... f 12,600 ik> :6,35S 35 , ’• 67,000 St 3L Fifth Street. •ft'lt Cim.ORRM. William Martin, ■deawid A. Bonder, TbeqphQoipaoiiUar {<*n ft. Posroaa, Md G. DitU, /**J«Tracnalr, WUUaa Kyra,Jr. Jnaum O. ttaad, WUliam Q. Luo via Jo*»ph Q. Beal, Or. k. M. Uestoa, George 8. Leipor, flegfi Crate, fibula* Kelley, . TUOB.I Uaaai LiLaoaa,6ecmar£ kpJ t)J—co2j imoity Agamat iroaa Oy rtreT rrawfcliß Kli, laiaraaai Oorup*»> ot POILaOSLPQIa Offisre 436 fuii 437 Chestnut at., near Fifth Temporary toaoa, on tmpla OvUateral fc#- ’ cnrltfea Stocka (prewot rain a mtl~Z Note* and BJIJa r*celT»w». ; o*** •3-Thr '■■nlj Profit* frora Prfmitjin* whic^thU^Oottu*. ““?* “ •WTtltgertjßlogor Prop.rt 7l jS£ 1 “' 1 Cotutttj, it r»:«, u 1,.u. r , caiotaMo! »itt • r*no4 or Ibinj -r»„, nj P»W Lnaau bj flr*, ta to turnout «idw4ltia . •dttfiimof l^J^ an ' •Jtonlln* 4»fococ*«f Uu l^ nae * t M w#n " *b«!r tlfHtj Jfrpo. •UJoßto»e ot w, lh p TOaip j n-nft j . lotto *t ma. Looe« ptSd darln* t(j« yaor 1»43 .... _ . _ otucnu. tShf '*iT | Uordacal b l,«, itr lO* I™' 1 ™' o*™ S r S . ar .“- V - I I—cl—, i mc " b R Jmtti. E4».rTa Dot. a~rj. W (Urfct.o. | o™, ri .,_, CBARI.Bg h baNckrr. Pr-a-i.o; -- . BJ'WAKD C OAbB. Vic I„ n | w “ * Bi»d NKK £i.»mr., — J - - Vfflwa c»H. H,»r.l BUfi'rtiini *IHB ISai'HASCt' leliantf flotnal loiuracte Cumpapt- ti iv,« '“'uttinu 1 Oa Luoutdoi Ptrj.ia.t.Mrrrh.Ti li,-. . Ttßo or CuoAtr7. Office No. #O5 Walnut Street p -t t e: ? ;t ‘ls £ Foiiaijiaula Rrilrood (V.ftKk.L. toww «ocfc of&wnty rfn Isimn (Jo_. Toto Cu'o Scrip. iS ~ Blllj ledum ,»£, „JS “ Book Acnoota, occniM mioriiL etc.... Vlil £ “•* OO b ** d »* * ,gg g {27ICIU OLSM SXNSLn, Pi*fWwrt tatttou. Clara Ttagley, Wo. R.Tbotapeoß Frederick 0. Btereaaon, Joha R. Womii. fl* LOirm, BobtnTolsad, Prrdtriek Leas** 0. 8 Wood, JunaS. Waodvard, Nw'ih-fcist col I .£![*> ® ar^BC inland tciaranw. NSORANCE CO. or NORTH AMERICA . PSILADKLPRIA. ißCcnwied ITm—o» P ltal_ssoo,ooo. '*»&"** 8. MorrttlPi!?7ota- £2» 0». L. lUrrUrn, Mneto O. Oop*s Edward fi. Tmitsr M*ttbia* AUai*, B*o , y. A&TUUBQ.OOmH, Aan. TNSDRANOE CO. or the STATE or PA A PHILADELPHIA. . _ Inawpomod, UW—CapltaL.^„t2aaoCo. William 8. gntth. John B. Bodd. bean O l!;ei; ei rt Ornt. Jr, lTton«,W.|t D.HUKFtREKD, JfcSSESSSSHMJ-' W.P.JO.SM.Jtrat.n w»ar rt,’ Philadelphia IPlre and* IRiDßipoi OOHfiST, No. 149 Ohesnut Street. jjSgJS* B Wwh of ewLrfwprtiuf* *Wr £S2,«m .r B ra &g^“ ct o&ujt* P. Hajca, KmC ||‘ p B a«^S\row Q . ttUS^ 7 ’ 4 S. p«ai, a JbhadijWr *• * . K. warn r. fiUoUrni,Btaipi Corfu?. iftgL r Tfalnl ood Weed lnaurano* Company I PITTBDOBGD ». a. oo&wm. D.OOCUaiN,«uma!i„ n i. OJriC*,No. up Kiat ia*el, (,p«BR m oi.’i Wuaiioaia - Qpitatzs,pittabBrgb ■ WJ™™!**OB-atM, gr ft-t «4 *«rtm Eat, AgWM firtKMw B* «A» «n ®ffl &?*f I «ad «u ore Jc&mtesL 6» promsraeti dntfZt&cr«Uf|r l to«aiiitis n (fe C’l*ra£9. Stock Aoominro. . j 80,000 00 ~ . 2ylfio 00 , now toes .... ir,S3S 89 wa ijisT xa Frnalsa Wctrfc.. &Q. 678 13 !fot«« scd Blllt PlactmutoA. 29 d«Qrz* Dtnlt, B. Miller, Jr„ Beet J. Tbocna. S. W. Jacktna, AuiotKeAo Uj, ■ Atumder Imi, A*!rf« Aekln, ay3o ■onoafabala luorutc* Company UTMBUttOH | otncm-jiwEa i ncjcmaoH. i>n*4 tc t i uSNRT It. ATWOOD, tervtan C»pt. JAa. Geoand 4gt2! Ornca, Do. 93 Wim Bmsr, ■ /Wur# uU kmit of Ftrt m*4 ifarou £U U #w vv . ABBSTa, 'HGYLkAIBEB 18th, 18S». lock Co*BUU»e«iiU>!«6» duxud, «carsd tijr ■ tVOHpptOTM BUB 8» $104,4 33 00 BUI* „ J4J*s'oo Bm» t,480 oo „— 13,000 CO lUihari»H*ctuotr*'..B*akE!c»k--fu«~----.-~ O>IM 00. 100 do OittMOf’ ' da ' «!o ■H do -..teak of. tUUbnrtb do i M .do Kxebssfft Ponte do foTittroof Boote'AccoooU.. OSeo Wa. TTo. A.Cal^wtn, BobuDtlien, tTUjctt Hill«, ftfl — JohaMcDmu. Xowpb KlrkpaWck. , . ?■•»«*»■. . jonucKi,; ■ >;■■■ Hml 0. JoW . -1 • I " : „ r w* I AZETTE Insurance. PHILADELPHIA. AMXTJ Ot THE CO VPAST, Bamoel S. Stoke* J. F. PcDiffton, Uenry S]<«q, BdwmrJ Darlington, Q. Jont% Crook*, Spencer Mcl l »ala, IlvomO. Uano. Hjrtm Jf Jacob P. Jom "* Jaeica 8. JlcFart* na. Juabiu P. Byra, John e. »cuj^wtan pmonj*; tmM tr.rjto MUtoiboofs-portoeft v«»tJpf lot* ia,itio gums roue ofrttrujaiiowpLuss OAsn>d, FLtJaßiya, *A;wiS, t jJ *SeT m r***^ a: W«*ww»-ir4 W«4 < tt*t. . :•<; f;. _T>T'- » M? flOnpQfl. g^t. rnniy uHL*. familyfu>uh? - ' * \JyJ\I WObtUShtllMCora; . - '* ; ' 30oims;B*cb -' do < • l , IQ IsaiMiu Frt.iurtn againat Less tad D4m«go la iha If sTlradozt cl tea Scntbcrn and t?earern XtTrrs, Lake* gsd figtaQt; tadtha Narigauon of tba *—• * lororr* agalntt Lom oed P*bb&«by.:flro. a- _ bx«»ct»s: JlTp«Tr 7, ■***-?-**• U*v+ 3u.M.ooop&z. bpj *' r 0 *«». «• BkrtMfSr BFJun.t, C«pt.e.aToaßrr/rO»Uw«ll Jr ia«h, **> JTuwu.. PilltDnrfli Imuraacc Compuf, Office, corner Market and Water Attests, piTTsmjEaff, pt JAs. w. G t ItUAN. Pm*r. 0. rr. nATCHKIOB.tir. _ *• Au, KBaOaIT, Sec 1 /. . M*«| ,C * ea ?£? nn! ! ■ uJ c * r K° Biota, ontbaOhlo tad UinUatppl rtrara and ti Ibetariea, and Marins bOacm- Atw ajaJoat or Damage by yira. Almader BraJlrj, John itoott, Sataoel JVCinrftao, Jame* Marshall. Chaa. Arbstbaot, Wil.Uni CafY, Botxrt D. Hartley Nathan y, Bart, PemuylTania lesnraoet to., of fiitibnrgft. Office No. S 3 Fourth Street. Capital and Snrplns oter 4150,000 03 , . n , JMMCJtQrr < n*®rton. a~j j’ * umb ’ | A. A. Gutter, J £s?gs^. *‘ MBS& 2 , 1 . Cc , tn P®?7 *>*• p»!J lcn*a» trosn tb« i»Uof-fej ineor. In 0 °f > *0 MBunnt of *3TW Eftfl nj wr^!. lo^^l^ 15 a^WnUa * T, '' , W»VIMMI«OfSS»S*Ii P^P^^f‘^ jriU H 8 *‘ f of »*• *UWUtf sad OtIUMK rp*c*»! «t entla£i nlr«o io Icjoraoc* of Dr»lMn»» »•* »™. n 00. c am,an, ** Coaasa übekalu- adjustep , I'iiOMPTLY Pith. I ALLtOatiK.yi maUBAHCB COMF*T I ' or PITTJBORQH. ; I°SSfc;? 0 - 37 r,ftb Street, Bmls Bloat mi™* 4 i? Al!iST ALL KINDS 1 OF fIRB AND NIRTNK Rt^KS Sr^^iiass IN2UJUSJC*...AKKDITTAND TBOST COUP AST ss* rzri &“¥" " l f ‘ r lh " 0on *P» l, y- No. W Onat^tnav Vetoing ißnrfjiutfl. WHEELER & WILSON’S No. £7 firm Steeit, PmißtntQH. WJ3 offer to ths public WHEELER &, WILCOira IsIrBOVED *ETYI33 WAuniSK, wltb fscreue-l cunft.Tane* Icrlu merit* •« tiiliit reliable Family Sewllg M set fee bcwla tas.- It n?« «Qatl> Ij wall pa tbs hlckMt no-1 thlam fabrics mslcea the JUt •ttteb lapowlbls to obtitJ, w*b ib* eeeeattal adTcsten : .«f befog alike on both HJrs.lonnicg do . ntJgiCT Chain on theunPtr iMe—(< stroll# to «m«ii action, moraepeedyl* xaortnwnt, ud mors durable (baa, asy otbsr • ,w« s iT«fvtHnsnarttotia to «a«bie the purchaser to atv Ordinary trsmt, ttircii, hem, Ml. qolit, gather, bind tad tack, alt entbeeuse end warrant it tor three Jeaia. C*reaUrs,an)tilnhjg tmrmenlali from Ultra of the hUh* «< ffrit, *tTlug pnc>*, A = , vilib«far> enfara (Till*, »a apptiesttnb la pertuti r>r by latter. dewing Mechloo Neewa applied th themeehtoethlch prersat* 1t« befog i ait to the -wrt>"« dfrecUon.- or tbe wheel weufoc alaVsdren. FBICBSJO. - * Cell endeliatoeet “ ' FAIBDANKB * EWINa’JSCAtBTrARIBinraa,' »p<> fn>;yrfimi streets K BftdJUN A CO.’S ' • - e ' DOUBLE THE* AD TAMIL? SEWING MACHINES. . „ PftiCß i»l .ETerj Machine warranted.. Agent* mated. Brad ‘for ■ CUCttUr. .Cell and examine,« Nr. M Market street fan «t*irt.r fou. - •• r w.\y.M3BTasop" y Hats, caps,^ BTR Jk; W 0-6 OX> & ? FAIICY UATI, V" .la gnat ebandsnee end ~it'moderate prt-ys, «t ' 3. H. Hiller man & .Co.'s; FASHIONABLE HAT BIOHB. ‘ No. .75 TTOOD ‘ STREET/ LIGHT, FLEXIBLE *VNi> SIKONQ BOTrt AED DIiDTUCI, IX SBiTV ' AFfWTtfbj »31« . JaTHtrft fcr TnOHBOTgCQUtIUqjLTZD aSIMS. : ' s.janssros, - ; corner gquihajd net 4<&«te CMMtLI POTATOES— ~ li°o A, -d<» E«ch «• tiealtat Üblft Pputofl*.- la wore for reM by .**7 1 nEHBtT * ClKfirß, ***** ' 1 r •• arwr Übotf nn> nasO