xsun.'.o. ?. wnxu*«..9.*.'riMCK»_J. v. srsvtxj : ki E.aHBB-i'co,,:' / . - . r't'D tfO&S-JLXD. P 110 P R ISTORS. pirrsßxrßQH * MOBSma. MAY 8, 1860. Adykstjskss.—The ib#ttutam . »*n io thU &&4 tboffcmootfio* dU&>~:»Mcqg tho *” • ccr ud *bo ent-jinJ tmopg Bumf«ctprcr» imi pro d«*r».- -It ni*> l*o tniodia.neofijr nil too coaming roomt, •tur»bwue«,b»oktos tittaies t .t>'i?«u,f*ctori«B kuJ oomU- btraaes Is ti* prpciik*. wbwc Jl *• bofiwtothe famiiU* for pot o**l. A« fcr lUfauf, tbsr*tef. H effort tn• .Cfiarletton'Conrentiob ;' V; v .he baa m«& 7 &IATe», some of wb^> m ®*®e directly ;v « frotaAfric», «Qj ihpfwfl’recentl/Impotted •re the best and buds oo bla .. ali." Theyare, thee, belter - V-» “ “Wfc.fricana subjected to ! the humanising fV-v -li-.T'Vjf? ' of Southern Chrlstisnß andlhebumasiziogand ilj3fliiflaecceß;orUi6-“Ja*iltuUQD," of - « ' T somacb»srf, according to .imoojof thhad» r good Omeioa Taesday last ‘ Jtepublloao 'e tf &/irB,Qtip £ecpjh, andkspt ,elr side# for two hoars with Us Bow xbs Noarasaw DutocßAts amLookid .Urix^Jhft Georgia Attonto, who •mil Charleston, thus refers.to the Northern Democrats in Vh at tiiy: •■High'prices lor.board, the hot climate, the fear of yellow fever and‘‘southern assassination* baa rid the Convention and the city of many anooyanccs. Buoh is tho dread of assassination by the Yankees, that it is atmost impossible to toll them from, their quarters after nightfall. They retire early, pruy for the nomination of Douglas and their immediate delivery from so hot a climate. They try very bard to act like Southerners by ealiog rioe and turnip salad, bat invariably retire from the table with pota toes and a tamp of salt in their pockets." Toe Union Satbbs.— -There was a considera ble class of old lioe wbigs who went over tq the Democracy In 1850 to “save the Union" and eo joy peace and reet from the agitation of the Slavery questton. These patriots now find them selves “oat in the cold/’ and U will be hard for them to fiod an orifioe to creep into. Hot only Is the Uoioo in much danger as ever, but the party that was to save U is rent in twain through the foroe of that very slavery agitation which It was to settle and prevgn*.- We pity the poor houseless waudcicrs. Tea Slavs Trad*.— The proceedings and tpeeohes at the Charleston Convention develope a strong feellog In favor of re-openlog the Stave Trade, legally or Illegally. A conservative Lou isiana paper says: "The re-opening of the slave trade Is another measure of the Southern extremists, as they are termed. Whilst we disagree with them upon the policy of secession, we agree with them most fully both upon the right and policy of re-opening the slave trade." __ How. Eli Tuatbr, one of the Representatives in Congress from the Btete of Massachusetts, has been eleoted a delegate from Oregon to the 'Chicago Convention. The election Is intended as a compliment for his services In scouring the admission of Oregon as one of the Stales of the Union. Mabihb Lossss,—The New York statements of Marine Lowes for 1859 and for 18C0 np to the Ist instant are jast oat. They show frightful results, and amply justify the warnings of the Jewish prophets against the dangers of those who go down Into eoa to trade. The losses for April, 1860, are ai follow?: Vessels and Freight '. ..$783,100 Cargoes 1,480,700 Turning from this heavy destruction of pro perty to the statements for 1869, we have what s still more alarming. Look at this table. Yeseets and Freight $1T,901,500 .Cargoea 19,678,420 The losses for the first quarter of 18C0 op to the close of March run pretiy much In the same proportion, as those of the corresponding quar ter of 1858. Here they are. Vessels and Freight- J4.05f1.350 Cargoes 3,758,450 Ooe would think, that with these almost over whelming losvee etariog them in the face year by year, our merohantile, ehip building and insor i og.people, would devise eome plan to obviate this state of things, but with all their efforts and improvements, shipping and oommeree 00 the high seae oontioue to be the sport and prey or the wind and the waves, and to be unable to ro slet their destructive power, notwithstanding the agenoy of steam, by whioh it was sopposed the dangers of -boean navigation wool! be re duced to xero. The truth is, Ull not the lee and winds after all, nor the weakness of the vessels, that ere so much at fault, as the negli gence and ignorance of those to whose care so much property is committed. Let the character of the sailor be elevated by proper eduoatioo,as Capt. Bel) 90 strenuosly and nobly coolends for, and Marine Losses would soon be eounled by hundreds instead of by millions.— Baltinort Patriot. TsiSlats Tbadb is N*w Yobk—How Scs«- PSCTBD VSSBSL9 ABB SBIZSD ABU SONBTIHKS Pbbsuttbd to Defabt —Ooe of those suspected slavers, the Storm Kiog, which has been closely walohed by the authorities for eome days past, cleared on Wednesday afternoon from (be port of Hew York, and a Custom House officer repair ed to the U&Ued Statu District Attorney’s offioa botweea three and four o'clock, with the infor mation that the Btorm King cleared for the ooast of Africa Mr. Dwight directed him to go up to the eapposed slevor, Charlotte E Tay, at the pier foot of Tenth street, where be would find deputies Joseph Thompson end Donnell over hauling that vessel, and who atone were author ised, in the abaenoo of the Marshal, to sign the warns* for detection. It appears that Deputies Theodore Ryndcre and l|enry Maon went to tbe Charlotte E. lay, but Messrs. Thompson and Donnell had left. They did o or, however, go to Mr. Thompson’s bouse for tbe proper signature to tbe warrant, and proceeded in aearoh of Ibe Storm Kiog without the necessary legal author ity. They engaged tbe steaming Relief, and overlook the supposed slaver iu low of the Jaoob Beilin tbs Narrows. B/oders and Mann boar ded the brig; an alteroatloo ensued between them and the officers of the sospeoted slaver; Theo dore Byoders drew a revolver on tbe eapiain or male, who was in commend of tbe Storm Kiog. AftersomeooDvsrsation, however, metiers ooolet) down, the veesel was permitted to proceed on her voyage to the ooast of Africa, and the Mer rier* offioers returned to New York, went up to the private residence of-Mr. Dwight, ooe of tbe Uoited states Attorney’s assistant, and reported to him that the suppoeeed slaver could not be found. We understand that this serious matter will be immediately the suhjeoi of jadioiel in quiry, and that tffidavlis will be presented to tbe United Stales Dlsiriot Attorney respecting the reasons why tbe Storm King was permitted to go on her uolawful mission.—AT. Y. Herald. Theßlavb YACBtWA*D*RkE.—The WMhlOE* too oorreapoodanta eay that tbe government has evidence of an important character as to the ease of tbe Aaver V?aoderer, not only tendlog to convict tbe officers, and owners of the ichoou er, bat also implicating some prominent oHizens of tbs loath. Tbe story is that a mao named Bacon, employed sametima since la ibe Land Office, informed tbo President nod Attorney General that be bad information of this charac ter, and desired to be engaged in secret service as to tbe Wanderer affair. His representations were not credited, however, tbe matter passed by, and be was afterwards dismissed. Tbe gov ernment then found that bis stories were corro borated, and that bis intimation of important evidence in reserve was confirmed, and accord ingly soagbl him oat and secured bis presence as a witness at tbo trial of suits ooW pending in this matter. If the etory is tree, Mr. Black has been as unfortunate os his companion Sec retary Floyd was, in negieciiog tbe letter ex posing John Brown's project in advenes. It is reported that Bacon, the informant in tbs pres ent osse, was tbe antbor of ibe anonymoas let ter to Mr. Bickles, which aroused bis suspicions agaiosl Mr. Key. A verdlot was rendered on Tuesday last, at Columbus, Ohio, for the defendant, to the United States Cirouit Court at Cincinnati, to the oaae of James Lee & Co. of New York, against the ChilUootbe Braoch Bank of the State of Ohio. The suit was bronght on fourteen bills of ex- to about $68,000, which were indorsed by the Cashier of the CbiUlootbe Bank to the Ohio Life losuraoca and Trust Com pany la New York for oottectioo, and transferred by Lodlow io the plaintiff*, Lee & Co., who pre sented them at maturity to the Trust Company for payment, and they were protested. Plain tiffs sought to recover them from the CbiUlootbe Bank. The defense was that the bills were to be need oolvior the benefit of the bank, and that Ludlow having no right to transfer them, the bank was consequently not.llsble. The verdict sustained tbe.defeojo, Lee & Co. have similar suite pending against the Branoh Banks at Ms 'rietta, Dayton, Athens, Xenia, Piqua, the Logan Branch and the Boas County Bank for similar transactions; to wbloh the defendants have en tered the same defense. The whole amount claimed Is about $600,000. A RsM&saßLa-FacT baa been developed by lbs publication of Lord Brougham's Mathemati cal and Pbysioil Tracts. One of the papers, on the subject of light and oolors) was published iu the Philosophical Traosaotiooa for 1796 The oopy sent to the Roys! Booiely contained remarks on the effect of exposing a plate of ivory stained with nitrate of silver to the rays of the epcetrnm, and also on the result of edbmlutog the plato to the rayapaetlog throngh a email aperture into a dark room. These suggestions were considered by Sir. C. Blagden to relate more to art than to pur* science, sod were ac cordingly omitted from the published copy. Bad they appeared, It la morally oertaln that they would have led to the Immedlata dieoovery of nboioerapy fifty year* earlier than Us actual introduction. In spit# of ita abstruse nature, e ,pew edition of the volume was required io a week. : . '■ •••-. - T Whoso c* THa'Paon.-rrßothe few daya alnce, the New, York Btritd. attampUd to shew that Rev. J. a Hardeo, ofNewJtrsey, was led to kill bis wife by poison as a natural consequence of being w aboUiion poUtieal-preachart aod it. preached* loog sermon on the enormity *f M l * exlaianee ud praetice-of-ahoiiilo&vpraMberf.' litarasoatihat iufectßardsQhiUal*ayabke% • Demoerat,ntid before hla arrest end ration preached aeveral times atrengly' against nhoUtlon political pmokart... As » In!. of"o»ts *m going ftona Boobsitst | to Bsffslo. tis oth*» nigfe.tto-Mgtotsrtawa* ?Tr n ■ a n P P~L- Y crash, and the head-light was extinguished, w £ "ON PD bur*" 1 Oa examination, a pigeon was ioand oatsideihe laniern, dying. It bad a broken wing, and was otherwise Itjarcd; Tho glws'in front, three- ; 0F ’ eixteeutbo of an iocb to ihickoesi, had n hole ' broken through it jail large enough to allow the Spilflg & SammOT GrOOCUI bird to enter. It is supposed the train eooooo* I tered a flook of pigeons, and that one of them, ‘ tt ninn#% | P! . v Son datsled by the powerful light of Ibe bead-lamp, "alHUvl tirilj •*» , u j toMMiludnsMUtki. . j MERCHANT TAILORS, Tub law forbidding the sale of liquors to litres is being enforced with great rigor in New Or- no. j.y> yiiTTK. STKHJIiiT, leans. Oos Bamor Uartlnex, who had already : , oontribated about $260 to ibe city treasury orer Uave just received direct from tbeir Import aod abore hit Heeose, was conrloted the other ; • jJ ouse3 East, their day on two ebarges of accommodating the Afrioan , 6 with the ardent, and fined $6OO on each. 'CI?PfI TV Tl Cl’ O (~* If The Baton Rouge Adtocite calls Charloston Ol u the Mecca of politicians." It certainly will i proro the tomb of many false prophets.— Lou. I Jour. . Ten Babel at CharleaUnTl‘b« that of lh * Tfcln ' glorious builders on plains, has been arrested, and the party dispersed. 'V-t ifntlarg JAnimmt Curts AAnrmatilw; The Mustang Liniment Curts Sfrff Joints; The ifiulasig Liniment Curts Burma end WOwdi; The Mustang L'niment Caret Sant, Ulcers, Caked Breasts and Sort flipftet; Beuralgia, Cftmt and Wisrts, and is Berth ? 1,000,000 DOLLARS FKR AMHUM To lb# United Bt*lM,*athepre*erver and ratorer of v*lo .»bla;Horte*and Cattle. Iteore#ellBprtln«,Galda, Wound*, fitlff Joint*, do. Did you «T»r beer of any ordinary Sore, Swelling, PpnUn of Btlffba**, either on man or baaat, which the Moating Llnimeniwonld not cart? Did joa orer vialt may reap4etable Drngietlo any part of the world—in Korop*, Aela or America— who did not aay “it vu the great**! die cornry ofjthe egt!” Sold everywhere. Every family ahonld here it; three dree. ap!9.3md BARNES A PARK, Propria ton, New York. Winslow, an experienced Nurse and Female pbyddra, bu a toothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly fadlitaUi the procaaeof teelbiog by eofieoiog the go mi, reducing all lefl immation—will elUy ell pain, and iirore to regulate the bowel*. Depend cponU,mnthera, It will gin rail to yooraelree t&d relief and health to yonr infanta. Perfectly **t* in all caaea Bee adrartltemcnt In another coining. f*tS:dAwl jT CosTiVfiNßSa.— -Persona who suffer fromthiß palnfol condition of tbedlgeetlv* ergmt, will experience immediate and p> rmanent relief by making nae of WIL -605*3 PILLS, a medicine which baa been tbortugbly teet ed;tn tbit and hundred diaeaeeecf the elotnaeh and boaela. These Pill* are prepared and eold by B. L. FAHNESTOCK *OO., Wbolsaale DmggtaU, and Proprietor* of B. L. FAH NESTOCK’S VIRMIFCQE, No. eo, corner of Wood and Fooitb etiawtt, Pittsburgh. P* mj&dAwf FOUR THOUSAND SKIRTS PER DAY I Rrqatrfcg Fonr repiret* Factoilea, And the Labor of One Thousand Hands Are required by the demand Cor THOMSON’S 6HIKTB. j*2o;Stndeow .$2,283,800 /ita sasmtatmtntß, ._537,479,570 ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT W. & D. lIUGUS’, Corner Ftfcband Maifeet BU A »*»y large assortment of VARIETY iIRESS GOODS, ORGANDY A JACONET LAWNS, Of tbe Newest Style*- Borage Robes, OBOAND Y BOBbS, GRENADERE ROBES. A complete atock of SON UMBRELLAS. Alar, tbe large*! and ebeipefl a*eortmeni of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s HOOP SKIRTS 15 THE City °U B .$7,814,800 NEW boOKa.—Popular Aitrjnomy, by O. H. Mitchell, LL D; Prime’* SaiUerland; Abbott’* Booth aod North; Fr<-*b Uasrta ibtt Failed Thee; Thousand Yeaie Ago. by euth -r of New PrWat of Concep tion Bay; . , Tha Mill on the Flou. by anther of Adas Bed*, tc4 Our Farm ol Four fcm. Against Wind and Tide, by Holme Ima CiihaiaClydj, by Icono, . .. . Tbe American Dome Garden, by WaUOn. Tbe beat book of the kind published. . . Life Before Utm—a new American etory of merkedlater* Vo’nme let Cb'mt'Vts* BncjcfopfuC'"; history of tbe Untied Btataj, by 3 U Peitoa. A. M , earn plvtein 1 vu!, brought down to the Clcee ot MU» Geegieaii BnUbebe M*y Vul Darfry’* »pteodkl oCltluo of Cooper, for i.U by RUBRRT 8. DA FIR. ojS PoeCTStor to John A P*»i*on, Sa Woal at. THIRST CLASS RESIDENCE TO LET. O3 |» a modern finltbri! flratelasa on WyltaJß. Kiiret, No. 140, cuolalnlng nine roome, with evary eonvan ienc* fo be f -und in No 1 BwU*a, will t* rented to a good tenant. A p wtlon of the fnrolture will be aoid. Apply to tayMmd W. VAN KIBK. No. « Woodetr—i. PUKE POTASH, PURE POTASH—Pot ash of tbe vet y beat quality can *iweya be obtained at JUS, FLEMING’S, mjg < Corner Market at. and tba Diamond- CHAMOIS SKINS—I bare oo hands.u vorfor U.t of Chamois BVia«, enttabl* fot cleaning far tdlnre, ailr-r, etc JU-t. VLEMINtt, tn } A Curoer *t aod lh* Diam&od. FURNITURE POLISH—An exctUont »r -tide ol Fo/nitora Puliifc for sale by P yS JOS FLEMIva. ELANORING EXTRACTS—I am this day I* receipt of aeoppiy. »nd full Msortment of Pnaioo AMarrlU'eend Burnett’s Flavoring FxtraclA traela ate superior to any tow lo usa- *ry tbemat JOd. FLEMING 8 m j3 Corner Market*! and tba Diamond OATS AND CORN— -250 boehets Bar Corn; 200 do Osta. For ealaby m>B GRiFFA VAN QORDEB. DR. MOTT’S PlLLS—Highly«oommend td for the curpoi Nrrvoa* Dleaa»t**bd Dyepepat*,— S.„d by 8- JOHNSTON’S, Druggist, corner Saithfield and Foorth errrat*. SUNDRIES— SuO bus. Oats; 10 tooaOii eiaal; Joet laeeirlng at w but aod fbr sale by 81MP80N A KELSO.<, Ftdaral stiaet, tojS and W. W cor. ObloaCaod E. Uum, AUagbeny. Ali/T BUS.PRIME SHELLED CORN ju.t 4»V/v/r«c’d and for aalaby SIMPSON A NELSON, Federal at real, myS and N. W. cor.Chlo at. and R. Obm.. Aifrgbtay. YRUPS—IOO bbl». Penna. and Now York ‘° ,tor * - ° a fjr •"S&n * TIN QOBDgB- RY APPLES—SOO baa. We. Urn Reserve for “mxtl a V SM QORDtE, HERRING— 50 bbls. new Herring iast rwM end for by HENRT n. OOLLtfld. IOTATOES—I7O bus. in store and for sale b/ tP)B OBAFFAVAWOOEOER T ITUUGRAPUED NOTES 4 DRAFTS; NEW STYLES, AND PRINTED ON EXTRA PAPER- i, 0,7 KAY A CO-, tt Wrod itrept. STYLES Of CHECKS OS TOR DIFFERENT DANES A BIOKEM, Bound nod Id *b«eti, for n(o by JgiXIKA HEAVY AND LEU Alj And * larga aimrlment of OOFINQ—CHEAPEST AND BEST.— Oam, Cemoat and Canvas Roofing; Oam, Cemont and Canvas Hoofing; Felt, Asphaltatn and Gravel Roofing; Felt, Asphaltum and Gravel Hoofing; of all klndi Bepabad. JEVAII work w«rr*ntad. _,, . SjTjM Wtt. JOnifflOS, 76 Jplihflald «t. GOODS, SHAWM. MANTLES, NEEDLE WORK, DOMESTICS, Ac. ATrery larg* auorimtat. ÜBESIS-Sl'OlbsiKo. 1 FmoApplo Ohowo 100 do Sap flago ‘ lt > Jurt tfcrlnd and for aal* by kJSVMER A ANDERSON, 89 Wood at. n,«7 ocporlU St Charlaa Hotat USTAKP—S dor. Frenoh Prepared; | 10 do Doabao EnglUb; i KtcHTtd ibla day aod for aalt by RfiYBEB A ANDEBSON, 89 Woodatmt, m>7 oppoalta St Chari— DoUL LAKE FISH—2OO pkga. Whito Fish; 169 du Borriog: B ROOMS—IOO duz. fur sale by but qkrry n.coLLiRB. PEARLS— 25catks iec’d and for sale by n>y7 osNay n.ooLUBd. EAWNS, BERAGES, ORGANDIES, Fan cy Stika TraraUag Draat Qooda, *tlb a tail atoek ol at my ■, .•-Tvy . BnacPfield a co>s. LB AG UK DM 0 S U NS, IBISU LINE N p, all wra flax? TU>i» L‘WB*«od R*rklna,at 4 , ■ ~,i 1 Buacn nto * ask. TiU.UOH.*-&JctrB, Buperfinft Hid Tfcnllj * '•*#**• T-v-p wrV*V*.w?» » KAY A CO. » Wood atraat. CAP LETTCBABD BOTE PAPBBB, LEGAL STATIONERY, KAY A CO. AS Wood atmt riltF. AND WATER-PBOOf. C. gABBOB LOVE, T* Mirttl itmt - 76 do T*«rat, m>7 11KRBY n.COtUBB. jAtto gtamtannmtfl. \ Spring & Summer Goods GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, OomprUing all tha laiwt Importations of the Beison. Alto, an elegant aaaortmeot of Fancy Light Colored French and English CASSIMERES A MARSAILES VESTINGS TROWSERS AND WAISTCOATS, Which will bemadeup to order In tbe latest nod moat ap- proved ilyiee at moderate prlcee. m)4 ei±XOS.gg^ m ffFffl GOLD HBDALB 11 • 1 I* Id Fonr pnecotaiTe yemraat the Maryland IntiilcU, Bealdea VIBST PREMIUMS at Fain In Philadelphia, Wub lngton and BlobmonA. Ttitlmonlal* pi Excellence from THALBERQ, BTBAKO3OH AND 0. SITTER, Aa al*o from tome oi tha moet eminent Prufoeauie aud Aiu atajr* In the conntry. The enbaertber would reepectfnlly Inilla ibe attention of tha pabltfi to her wall aaaoried eto» k ul PIANO FORTES. Which for beauty of floUb. power and •wtelnru of tone aod elasticity of touch, bat# been, by lodge*, pronounced UNRIVALLED. Every Piaco Guaranteed for Five Years. ESTEEMS LIBERAL. A cell is reapectru’ly euilciled b>f> re partbaali g aleewhere. 49*01d Planoe taken in exchange CHARLOTTE BLUUR. 1U Woodiitreet,second door Fifth. 800 DRY HIDBS. 800 FOR BALE BT VI. DeLANUE, 233 Liberty St, oppaaito hea-i of Wock!. , a>T Bid ; MOLASSES— 200 bbU. N. 0. Molasses in oak cooperage tC Lbla. choice By rape iUwaßß—PrimeN. 0 Boyan.lo hhda. and Ibis.; Cioih •d, PnlTertxed aodißrfinad Bugara,lD barrel*. TEAS— Fin* and ExUa Voting Byeon and Cfoli.Bg. inebesu balfobeetsaad quarter chetta. BU.NDRIIB—4O dot iwoom* tOdox TobcfOd'-t Bncketa; ICO bbla No. 1 Bath SO do*. Zioe Waahbuarde; 100 box a# amor ted Boap*. _ _ ' . BAOON—Tcmake plain Haow; ttirrcce 9 0 Hami; .IO.COO Ibe. Bide*. Bbootden aod Jourii; O.OfO It*. S. 0. Dried FLOUR—2SO bble Fxtra Family and Fane? Brand far aal* by BECK A LAZCAB,IBA Liberty «tre»t. CE CHE&TS—The usual sues on hand and . odd elite to order for QjUU, Lager Beer Saloon*, Bream and Oanai Doeta, Bamtnuifw, Ac. MEAT BA FEB, REFBt JERATOR3 WATEtI COOLERS, 1 CHABOOAL FURNACES. LAUNDUE33’ FURNACES, HA96ZVB PATENT 6 MINUTE “ ICE CREAM FREEZERS. TOILETWARE, 1( , E1 BIRDCAGES, Ohty eg«i» bribe mleof tbectlebratel __ _ * BUCRETE COFFEE POT, The beat In rrgszd to economy, *p«d aad eafety ew bronabt belora tbe people Porcetlaa, Bra**and Copper Piweervlng Kelltre. A Igll aaeoetnjeotof UOUBE-I URKiSUJNGUARDWAIIE at Ibe old stand of _ .. _ . W. W. BRADSHAW, No. VM Wood *tnwt, mjT HretdOQf betow thoalgn ottbeOoldeoOnu. ■piEEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, PRINTED ON IUi'ERIOR PAPER And in the beat etyla, the '»’* b T KAT A CO. 65 Wood etrrat. TIIOMSbN’S CORRUGATED SKIRTS. THE D DU OLE TRAIN fr TUB PARISIAN BELLE, THE GOSI AUER, (off£&Ti£S TAB WOVEK. gae that oar Kama, and tba Crows «ra tUiSpad on evary Bklrt v tEM.nf Ts& A © e £J R’S 5 OIBUTE Ice Oream Freezers, Aa InproTid tor 1619. H’llA Stamptd Iron Cowl cad Botlomt—TinneJ. TDE ONLY FREEZER known which is cooatntctad ro troaacWotiAcprlocipka. Tba Cbaapeat, Baal ud mart Komoaleat; rn“ lrtD * »«*» lea aod lew labor tbas aoy oUisr, balog at tba aao« Uoa tba Boat dorabla la atroctara,aod meat cartala la liacpar •tloaa. (ala Agents for tfca Called ttatoa, E KITCHAM A <& m U>naf«ctnran of lapaaoid aod PUnlehed Tin War*. Bj&lod • 969 P«arlH-» Haw Yo»k. ADVERTUEUBST. AflimtßlVi Tor tba IHBTANT BELIEf aod aVTUHIB PEHWASBST CURB if ibiadteiraa 111 l I IllUIla* B » C PENDT'B BRONCIIIAL CIOARKTTESi Uftii bj 0. a BITMOUR A CO ,107 NASSAU BTBBKT, N. T. Pric*. f 1 p*r box; i»nt by pent, fOB BALI AT ALL DROOOTSTB JAMEI KINO, M. D...~ H. tTouIPKY, M. D M° ,cu -1)H8. KING Ac COFFEY, Aaaoeiotad Id Ibe practka ot Madldae aod Bn'i**7- io« irifin Binn,«pp<»itBthi OaUtadra*. - ; p r* :lwd T) F . L 0 C A S. ATTOBKKT iT law. UOSti, ,o. I. Drul Suux u u n a. Jail opened, i variety of BOOT GUN* abkb. to£elb er with oar aural'variety, nußeseur iloek Ibe ooettxlcn •iv* In lb a city. They are oCeted at very * ow prtcea. QABTWBIGUT & YOUNG, m js No. 80 Wood stieet. PPODUOE— 2000ITL Bid,*. Sboo’deri md 200 t do .Flex. 3i 6 dl * SARDINES— 200 cans boned fresh; soon do do do ICOQbCdo Cono M ÜbtUd *; 1000 K4o do do R*cM ihU 6*f,for nU by EETIUR * A® o i B}6 Wo. 29 Wood *t, opporfU BL Guilt* Hotel. WK. CIIEESE—A frcih arrival of 30 * co. AO HUDS. PRIME N. 0. SUOAR to ai ri„ K. »'• y OiLTn . TOSEPHADAMS, u saNCiai No. 97 Wylio Street, Pittsburgh. Bimneti—Dr. A. tt Pollock, pr. Balloek, Thot&u Bobbiae, Rawll Emit, mjrajy OliL BUTTER—7 bbls. fresh KoU Buttei >"* t, «a br mzEßi d)« Corner Mwknaad Until*. DRIED FRUIT—4 bbls. Dried Peaches; 1 do to to pwl** H bob to- ArP ,, *». „„ j. b. QAimktP *oo- la Mao tad for r«nt by HERRING —200 bis eitro large scaled; MO 40 Ko.lßmlßS.Dtv; Ojj QypcotU Bt-Obifte BoUU CARD.— 1 hare this day cd of my •tockof Book* «od St•MoßeryWftr. BOBJRT DAVIS, UUof Mr. W, B. H»na** moth plcMor*' l& racoomrodlc* bid to J™ 1 " •ad oaatoaun, to «boo l *m ?odrr ?f^ T r2nw**‘ tiow, JOUK S. DAYIBQH. Plutlmrgb, Ui; lit, 1860. HAVING* purchased Mr. Davison's stock of BOOKS AMD BTAIIO9S&T tai mpoi{B(to carry «o ttM bottom ao tb« prtodpto •dootod j>) P? P™* dectnor,! ooUdi tor zd)mH tb« mb* literal p4trunH«Hi»t b Book*,* nod topply of STAPLE AKD fSNOT SrATIONERi »IQ te ilotyr ®® band. Old ewtoawr»»lU*M »* hems,** Mr. WATSBE, for mat 7«r>lnUii*P)plcy of "Kvis, PllUbcrgbi Hsj lit, 1880—PjaJ*d /'UTBATE MAGNESIA.—This ogteoable V ««4 potta purjiliw li •jjßjl. ■ • . Qurun of Hart>t rtmt«ad Q>« Di«aooJ- - HOUSE ANtt SJON PAUiIINO in *U ofita baacb**jft««pUj exact tad to » «arkmuktft« I AuMi to A B> FBtUHi JfasSSasdfl Qitrstmtir Jl»lD=Soit fluacrtaronitt. - Sava Tour Carpet*! THE CT4&t enquiry has been made for a cumber of by hiuaekeepara, Whet *b»U «• put coder oar carp-ta to protecl tbrta Jfeo we*r and motor TtU grand ud valntbto dl-ecTwy watafl-ctedaod patent ed April let, 1818, by J/KTtlißnrKQTON.aod tocalled Patent Carpet Lining. Tkl* article hitler pror-d !U utility bM DO* com* into general cae, eo much to that oeareelj a carpet *Ol be p*t do« d «Itb at It, aod lu ehtapne-a pata it within tbi tiw> oterery family. lti* warranted toadd fifty percent, lo tb* durability of Carpet*, Oil CSotht and Halting. Tb* de tail! of 1U merit* are too dddumi to mentloa. It caa bo obtained *t any ot the prioelpal Carpet Bton* three ghost tb* Called PUtv* *dby the NSW YORK CARPET LINING COMPANY. * At*) ttltoiitt onujafietonTi of MtUUOtll COTTOS BATTING AtnCOMrORTABLSa, the beat mod cfcaapeat lb*t bate erar bets Introduced to the market. . Office 11 Dry Si., Salttroom 440 Fieri Strut. 4y»*!l order* or inlorroa'lon reqoeated *lll $e attended to with prompter** and diipatch. r Under tbeaapettUlna of the patentee. ' ). tt. HARRINGTON, AfIWT. Manufactory, 448 A. 450 Water St., N. for a a renter. mrtfcflmd WILLURI), HARVEY & CO., 84 Maiden Lane nn,i 17 Cedar Street, NEW YORK. PAPER, CORDAGE AfID TWISS, _ j>rinoe Imperial Champagne, jfe EPEESAY, DE Funn, &U tv all rapalaVU DteUn Ihnaihimtthi amain. TUIS fine brand of CHAMPAGNE, which until the pMt year «* confined exeloalTetj to the b«ai table* oi tha Continent of guropa, baa «“«» tba n>oat unbounded anocen end P°P2 Hi 1 * It ta recommended by boo# of tha firrt Pby.idaoaof tba city of New York, otar all other winea, on aceooot of ita '*■ tram* portly and delicacy, and tboaa who «nca try U rarwy nee any other brand. Although one year baa elapaadain-e Its Introdnetlon Into thla cc*an>ry, tba demand la enormooa ■nd constantly Increialog. Oar arrangement!*rn «cn *■ toenanra tba quality of the Win. being maintain** atlta present btsb aUndard. Tha Prlnea In'partal lahifpprtad solely by na l '*e being tba aoleagenta of Moan. De|vogna A On. to tbiaroontry. _ ... | eo.d m .bum,miu.Cr * "‘i^ouwoTO, Not, 4?H,4W *nd 491 Urutoway, N. Y. BICHABDBOZTB RISH LINENS, DASIASK3 , DIAPERS, SC. CONSUMERS OF RIGUARDSON'S UN KNS, and those duirose of \btatnln| the OKHUISC GOJDB, ebould ■ • ib«l the eitlcUftbey jinrcbMiweH*! l •d with Ibe foil uama of the Qrm, ' 1, tt. MCIURDduN, BOSS k OWDKf. a naraotM of the a aodneea sod durabilityof the Good*. Tbl* emotion la rendered essentially neeeaamry, U large quantities of Inferior and drfrctirs Linen* aaaaoo after aeaann and pealed with llutwa* o( RICHARD SON, by Irt«b House*, *bo, regirdle** of iba Injury tboa Inflicted allfceou (be American eonanmar and tbamanofae torer* of the genuine Goode, «IU not readily abandon a borinem bo pro (liable, «h!la purchaser* can be Imposed on *H baYM *ap rot •ooTßiamnl boctbimw!* *s& BATkt. |roa **w ioa*. VANDBRBILT, Bay 6} * ILLINOIS. Griffan. Bat May » J BaL Jan I*l Wad July * ILLINOIS,GnffIo *®l ia TANDEBBILT Bat Joly 28 Wad. Aog. 1J ILLINOIS-.- I Bat log. llj W*i. Atig.M TbMa abtpa baaa walar-tlghtcoinpirtiaanta. Prlca al Paaraga a»ltirr way tba ■•m'-: — IstCaUotlZO * $100j8»coad Cabin J®i T».lr«t Cabin |3O Oartifleetea of Paaaag* taaned lrom Raropa to Atscdca. Ppacte oellaared tu Loedoo an* Parla D. TORBANCE, Agent, No.{6 Bo«Ung Groan, New York. BuiaSmd ) EVERY LADYT WHO VALUES COMPORT,® Should bin THOMSON'S CORB< WE’VE GOT THEM. ONLY 150,000 BOLLS OP WALL PAPER AND BORDERS TO MATCH. Some for 6 Cents, Some for 8 Cents, And some for 10 Cents. Thousands at 12 1-2 Ots. Beautiful Qlazid Paper at 20 and 25c. MAQMnrTCEXT COLD, VELVET, OAK AND WABBLE Panels for Halls. BRILLIANT CEILING DECORATIONS, With a \ ro4l*M T*r?et/ of Sew Designs for CHAU BIB?, LIBRARIES, PARLOR?. orriCE?. W. P. MARSHALL, S 7 WOOD STREET, IT THE STRIPED FROST. apftlmdAwT PUBLIC SALE oV VALUABLE PROP ERTT Porictnt to a decree of. the District Coart of AHeabcsj county, tb* ucdpr«tgn*Q, B«erlv*r ofthe proper* tr of JUura. Bsllty * will sell** Public Auction, ob tl. prailM. « WEDNESDAY, M.J 181 b. 1880, .t 0 o’clock, A. U , lb* rrtiwrty known u the kiwrwc* Docket mma Tab Pnwtorjr, eligibly Mtnated on the berk of tb* Allegheny Hirer, Immediacy edlolcjor Uve Moth Wetd of \b» city of Pittsburgh,ecoiletlfigof TEN UiTc, being No*, t, 2,3, 4,6,« T, 8.0 end 10, In Block ho. •JT. SprlncOrld PUn of Lot*, fold out by Wr«. Lenny, met 24 Iret front In 'wllth. fronting ec the river, end running t*ck to Point Alley. The building* encled thereon art of the mod enbertulUl cherecter, erected esprswfy tor the menufectary of Wo««deo Were Tbo Bltnreeeir: Opeau uenor Steam Bogina and Boiler*; Sleets Heating and Dry log Apparatus a large amount of Shafting,Geatiog. IWt log, Ac. All necamry mnebioery, of the moet approved pattern* for the manufacture af Bucket* and Tub*. There will *l*3 be Bold at the **me tine and piece, a large Quantity ol welteeaaooed Backet and Tub EUvee, Bottom* ■od other materiel. Tool Chert* and Tools, Paints, Cask*, etc. One Spring Wagon, four Wheelbarrow*,two Hand Oarta, and an Iron Safe, together with a varied collection of article* unially to be fouad in eucb an establishment The Steam engine and Boiler*. Healing sod Drying Ap paratus Machinery, Ac, will be aold either with the Lot and Sulldloß*, or atparately. The real eetate wBI be sold, *nl» Jecttotnc paymrot cbi.beUnce of |4 600 ol purchase moo* ey to Mra. Ellxebetb r Denny, duo Ptbnury 4tß, IBM, with Internet payable aoml-annnaily. The location of tbla property afford* fadlitlef for obtain ing an unlimited supply, at a cat ap rata, of the beat mono* faemilng materiel, and at the tame time for * cheep and tpeedy conveyance of the manufactured were to the extend ed market* of (be South and Wert, coforpaned by any point In the Union. Term* and farther partleuUri made known at tele, or on application, either to peraon or oy latter, to TDOa. SWING, Receiver, myfcltewdtdAgtwT No. W Fourth tt, Pittsburgh, Pa. o>)b‘6mdi*t PITTSBURGH, PA A BLOODLESS VIOTOBYIl! 1,000,000 BOXES SOLD OP This enormooa quantity of this Inraloable Remedy bee been purchased by dtisrtu of ttaOnltedState* during lb* abort time it ha* been before tha public. Th* reason for this extraordinary raccen U simply in tha actual truth and value of the article. Bo one buy* the MAG BBT tO PLASTER without becoming it* frieod. It performs all that li promised, and earrte* with It Ita own recommenda tion Truly this I* a vl. tory—peacefol and bloodies* but we believe not loss glorion* than tbs triumphs of war, with Its carnage and dcaoUGou. The MAGNETIC PLASTER I* undoubtedly the Greatast Strengthenet and Pain Destroyer that Selene* has yet dis covered. IPyou put this Plaster anywhere, If pain U there the Plaster will atlek there unto the pain has vanished'— Tha Plaster magnetise* th* pain away, and PAIN CANNOT EXIST WUERI THIS PLASTER Rebamatlem, Lameness, Etlffnm, DebUlty, RervoutDcs NesraJga,Dy»pepaU,Ooufiba,and Oolds, Pains and Aebar of every kind, down even to Corns, are fsmtwftafrfy rditved and, with a UUIe pattsuca, pcmoacaffy cored, by tha magi cal Influence of tha MAGNETIC PLASTER. Tile the aim* plert, forest, snOrt, pleasantest and cheapest remedy In' existence. It* application is universal—equally to tha strung man, the dellcat* woman, and the feeble infant To each e&d all It will prove a Balm and a Bloating. Its oee ta agreeable, and without ennoyxnca or thoubta. Its price la with to the reach of all—rich or poor; ail map have It who are sick ac d suflbrtng In any way, YABMBKB should be always supplied with this invslun bis PLASTER. It will be -oe Good Physician in any bouMhold, ready at all titM*,aod at tastaht codes. • Pot op la el Might tin boxes. Each box wtU make six to eight plasters, am) «oy child can spread them. Pries 21 , o*ole a box, with fot» and plain direct loos. D. O. HOREHEAD, 11. D., Inventor and Propnrter, 19 Walker st, H«w York. MORE HEAD'S MAQNCTIO PLABTKD Is add by all drag glats In avery city, town and tillage of tha United bistre. aoSreelAwlThiV Juaiyitcti atd Oanntictarlig chimiitry. GESNKR’S chemical and enoi -SIERTNU ROOMS, A’c*. 29 and 39, 24 TFiflfam fffmf, Fun Kwl. Analysis mads of' all Mineral and Commercial artldfa, Coal Oils tseted, Orel Oil Work* tree tod and contracts made. Ify beat proceeeea for periling and dkodsritlng Orel and Pstrolacm Oils furnished, with sklltfal workmen and enpar’ Inteodsnt*. Mint* snrvayad and Goal* tested. Tha Sarcasoa Patent*, from whkh tba Coal OU baaiasst in the United Bute*originated, wvra first gnuanUed to Dr. GCBBER, Chemist and GaologUt. myl^md ;oas -irmt it Jtsu w. unu. wtid WH.BOW, oAna a 00. , (Lit t Wiwcs, Pirn * Oo) 'Wholesale Dealers in fojvhiopt as dOMßbtio DRY GOODS, KHiiCian. JgTFoR Assbrult.—A. 11. Burns, of nadl«7 ttnrcibfp. vrt I »«• » eeodtiat* lor AaetauJ j to tbe dxlitoa of the K»(>st>llcaa Coooiy C uJeoMoa ttjfedAwtcT ASSBRBLT. —U. M. McM AS7KR, of tb« Third Ward. Piitiba«*b, will U aeu-.dlat« lor Av*a>* blj «oW«l to the dscbioa of the RepubUr*-, r\oqo!y Cob. reotloa. nyMOA.teT ASbBMDLY. —ToollAS V. i>NEB, ol Jefferson loaneblp, »IH bo • i for Am.ui bly, «obj«et to the decUiou of iho R«c iUxc.n Ten lion* __ . *- .■ Assßvßtr. —Tn >mab Kiddoo, of Pnowden lowotLlp. »M l«* • candldets tor A»**»- reotioo. KeKimer. ITS»Foe KioiyTE*.— I UUISTIEIIHD Bono Iky Till b« • candloate tor Refl.tor, InbJ-cl to Ur.*J cUIon of tho BcpcbUeoo Coont? Coorratloo. NEW YORK. fi"S»Fo* Register— W. J. Kichakdsov, of TempormsccrnK wtlt be • «cdld»te lor •abject” ih/doclrica of the Ooamy g"' IT'S* FOR REGISTER. —HaRET W. IURBiCH.of UtSr Wilktoa towo*blp, will b* * forC.-autj Reglater, tahject to the d«.*Jon of Ibo Republican County OonTentton. *P 3 ‘ * Recorder. (T3»Foi RicoMtß—Wkslet Kerb, of Up- Infiy per 8l Clalrtoamhip, will' be* candidate fortbe ebore office «nb!ect to thedenil-m of ibo I trpaWtfau Coun ty CoßTcntloo. mpIHMV rrs»Foa Ricobdxr. —Abdiel 11’Clurb, ol IK*/ Uifflls towuihlp.aHl bee candidate for Connty Record or, autdect to the tiaclafoo ol the Republican County Oon Taction. mrCri»wt<-T IN AMERICA IBALIU AND ELE3ASCE io ons of baATED SKIRTS. OH!!! OH!t EALOONB, GBUROBKB, Ac. FUR SALE BY 18 APPLIED. POLITICAL NOTICES. Asumbly. RECORDER.—DaVID S. AlcKit will IraSr be e candidate for County Recorder, »ulj« el to tie dedaioa of the Republican County Contention. mrttdAWtcP _ TTls*For Recorder.—J. F. K<»s\ ot Allegbe- IKjr ny. will be ecendldata for the »U.r» office, anbjec* to the dectalon of the Republican Cunu'y CoaTeutiuu. mr22aia etcf n-S» For Recorder. —Uko. F. KuDitiLL, of IKjr Beclckley, whl beoraodhUte for lle-trder. ■ot’Jett (o the dfcMo" of the Republican County (‘ocTt-otirm mrlfcdßwtoT ” Cleric of the Court*. or the Courts.—Jmo. M Oreo >b, Ihy ofplttatmrfb, will bee candidatefor the above lb> J«cW.u of too R^ubltom tfoo rrS»FoROLERR OF THE COURTS—Dr. J. D. iKy Raißßts will be e candidate for the abCToofflce, mV Jeet tothedeci'fon of the Republican County Contention. rS»FoR Clerk of she Courts.— Samuel P. Dakt, of L*»rencc Title, will be a fot the aboTe office, subject to the doc Lion ofthe County CouTeutlou. mrlfodawtcT "S* For Clerk of the Courts. —David MacraAAov, of the Second Ward, City, will be a candidate for Clerk oftbeCoorU, auhjoct to the de-Lioa of Ibo Republican County CouTentiou. mr&daetcT "S»Foa Clerk up tut Courts.— 'Vh. A. ■V BEURON.oIPIU u>wo»hip, will bo * c*u‘lM*i« lot Clerk of the Omrta ot Allegheny cocnty. «ut.J-c» lo tlm do cUkio of Ibe Republican County fioinJMth.g O-ufeolluu. J*3l:dfc«tcT or Courts. —Jamis Lowet, Jr., h£y of Plttobargh, wHI tw * cftnOMtto for Cltik of Ooort*. Mtjeel tolhsdfccUlua of tbo RefubUc*n C¬J CotiTfOUf D. ■ f^>A«lcT rs* Fob Clerk of tub Court. — Jons il. B*«wtfct, ofCullloi tornablp.Miijectlo tb* OkLloo of 'he Rcpabtic&n Count/ CotTeniLm. frt&djtrtcT * Commissioner. rs»Foa Commissioner. —Isaac Mills, of WUIID» towos’p, «11 Os s c*adL!»t* f irtb* i.CU* of Croat/ CommUaiootr, «nlj«t tolho eectaloo of ihsß-pnb- Ucab Connty ConTtntlon. m)J3.-dlar«cr Commissioner. —Wm. Li Miller, K£r E*q, qfDaqo**n*Bor*ogb,»iU b* »c»D2toti} w. n. i Esy •,€—i.icr t-T,-KAtfi« Bajs oyJ’iTTtSCtqg, I . _ ■ . ■ «? ; s. B. CALDWBLIi ft CO M frS»The President and Directors ' 632Ch»tnat Street. , , |uti dvCitrad a DlriJeod of fODii “** i ; ( of tbo profit*©! ti» Urtatx mootbi. Bl«*ib- “■ T A \ I . \ LADS I* P XI I A . «ufi3» .« nrS»Tho Board of Direotors p - V’SnSuw o«wQT°- aix tnootfaa,i>aj*l»leoo or after lb« ll«b io»L . utitri"iTaiTorCTLo, sAUUSII H*TBwUS , mjMOU E. D. JOSIS.O-kkr. 'WA.TOSBSi- BICQ JEWELRY, now dwlgna. '!• DIAMO3DB, PEARLS, ud all tba Pa*bl»tbl» fetjlca. 81LYBR WaRB, tmrarpened Id stylo, qn*Uty aad flnUh tracers TisillDg PQlledelphla, are invited to as ■TTilrm tliiilT A’ET? MARBLE ESTABL ISH2U2fT t t visit entailing bo obligation to porchaaen. UNIFORM PRICES, ta plain figures, and *o wiatfoo- < J 623:1yd r iliCHi»t-s’ Bask. \ PlttabargO, M*J lit, 1860, f irS*The President and Directors of thirfiank Irv btn this da; dtelind • H*Ueod of lOUB PKB OINT.ootLe Oaplttl Stock, oat of the profits ol fboUst Six months. pejtWe to BtoeAbcldixi or their legal rrprw erntaUaes. oa or titer the 11th Inst. mjtlOuJ 0 KO. D. McGBIW, Csshiet. ~ AUIOBUT BASK, Usj Sat, IS6O. rr3»The Directors of this Bank have this da j lh£>r » DlrM.nd ot ronh PIE OEM. trat ol th. croSU ol tb. l.'l ill month,, pmJ»M. to SlocbboldeM or a £sE*"’ nM * tn ‘ m &MI.. : isos cm Dans. F~ Pittsburgh. *tsy Ist, iB6O J ' rrS»Tho Directors of this Bank have thisdaj tn£v daebiad • EltUud o( 1008 VIE CIST, on tb. OsplUt Stock, oat of tbs profits of tbs laat aU moothy pay able toatoekholdera, cr thsir legs! represeutatlreycn std -“g J ,HH MlOttlPtN. CttiOlrr Western Insuriioce Company of ty ptitabortb has this day doclareJ a tarldsad of THERE DOLLARS AMD FIFTY CKKTSapon sscb ahsr of Us CsptUi Stock, cat of tbs ssroeil profits ol lbs ls»t« l * months, Twe DotUrs p*r fchwsof which to be cwJitwl to stock srCvrtiot, sotfOosDwDsr **d Fifty Cents per Sbste to be nsld to Stockholder* on or tfter tbo 10th >&■(. May ut, IMO-my2-2«d F. M. GORDON, Sec’y. JBiutatumal. H WILLIAMS, Classical and Commer* * d*lBehool,No.2B Bt.CUtretrtet. Mr. Williams o*y be tonad In hli room from Sts. tut 4 o’clock r. u. . , ' Tuxs—Sll prr acbotsr per qr. of 11 weeks, tn aJtslco. 10 “ •* . tor Puonogrsph'c RrportlDg,ttms aallmlted. TxattwoßUts. —I tske greet pleetars lo tsylcg that Mr. IL William* Is so exctltßQt tracber—lntelligent, discreet, sod falthfat. It lss proikaaii'B to which be !■ wholly demo ted, end to which be brings not only ■ long experience sod so srdsot eathesissm, bat s tsmmrksbls cuasctrottoosoe®, la which I eta tsrtJfy from my own knowledge «b«t ptrts*u sad psUoDsmsr fully eooflJe. ALEX. T. McGiLL. Western Theological Seminary, April 20th, IWO. I folly concur with Dr. McGill tu tbo shots fts'enent sad rsoomtoeadstloo. D. ELLlOrt. Bis method of tracking and msasglog his popjle exceeds b, hir . b... b.o.n « PIU Til . ubil , T»cblb« U .pro (Halos gnj"**?’ 1 - tb. o f », Ho la Ob.ot Ib.bHt toHh.ri «‘Sf°Jfsnes T “ b»a or aoba. (mtSO) JOBS B. ffARPIW. TROUBLE ENTRY U BOOK-KEEPING, PESUASSniP ahD pnOSOGILAPBY, n. WILLI AMP, No. 28 8 L Clair atiwt. T)UONOQRAPUIO KEPuRTXNti tanght JT übo 2,SLOtelr ttreeb “It ta s railroad ayatsa literally—• true railroad by rea son of Its expedition—a railroad by nsaoa olUaswte. J 00 2 ft Rev. Dr. RAFFLES, UverpooL PENN INSTITUTE, HANCOCK BTBIKT, NBIRPENN WOlfwopsa oo MONDAY, the 29th AUGUST. Terms g 22 per eesUea of five months. 3. U. SMITH, an A lyd Principal. Tub new patent corrugated SPRINGS. REDUCING TUB WEIGHT OF BRTRTS AMD INCREASING I HEIR STRENGTH NEARLY OSE-HALF,' AurocssonTn THOMSON’S CORRUGATED SKIRTS. Cits fluttion Salsa. AUSTIN LOOUIS <& 00, J/ereJanu’ 2Mo*J» TO WHOM IT MAY UONUERN—WiII be •old st the Urrchists* Exchange, oo Tbarsdeyimera tog. April 26th, at * IS absrei Plttsbarga Gsa Block, (new;) AUSTIN LOOMU * spit Block Broken- US Focrthstfwfc^ Alleuukny rkope.kty —Two Loti on If oatgomery U^sh. 8 ? fe * t sad sxtsodlag sloag Tsytcr stsaoe 110 »•*, Tanas, oss-Toarth cash.balance la I,^ ply to AUaTfHL&QMta ■» t 9 roorU> O 00, AT IHI uAETuerch^t.-Exchsag*bT AJTanJrL ckanß A OP. rwrobl.l.uns, br.— w »i,iii»t^.wr°°rtbß. 1819. Baltimore and Oltio taUmd Co, 18H. TrtK BALTIMORE SfiiHISSSEB »C»!]J fttonbls wtfh tbosa ol BosaCo-Tcr ssy other Uoe. tha PsnatylrsaU Bsu applies hrttor or la pSto to either M ths Potter, cor. BtoU sad Wedtlagica ids. V MBWYo£t & w. NmO, 229 Bread wsy, sboss ths Aster Booss, i m emT «nsi.PllT>iO ,Jl,aw> * Covtao* comer Brosd mad Cherry street*. ' • * Od.EMly, cor. Sixth sad ChestaiA its w BtLTDIGBB* ttiQpSd • FITTBBOROO, W. J. Johoetoo. UtartyUmd,cppo sits fsnrt JUBrnsd Psoesctn Dspqt, Partfenlsr sttsstles of msTTbsaty ttiaolwetcim «ad shippers gsanlly, et O® sad tidalu.UtolWtttbefcdlUksaf this JCm Aesdrsseoa nnd with ethers,tad Uudr pstnawgwsod toorssrs.ee. wscMUfsotleM • - Z*mt h 9wriiyrafghlAg«a*B.AqAtt.oo.- PEANUTS— 40 ackl priiro Fei Nuts for ■lit, tgn fioiro. oohum. AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBD»OH THEATRE - W. BttDEUSOX ttius cr must) Dr«* Circle *od Clixl*- 2i. ColorwJ —— *4 GRAND OGVBINATIOJf—CAMPBSLLS AREOOUINO'J' HRS MAT PEtL'S CAMPBtttL'S MISSTStLi 1 C TAUNTED AtTltm iQ Corian.Mloo «uh it,. AO DRAMATIC comply. I Will SACS RYKNINfI DORUO TUK WBBK, [ OPESItG MOSDAT, MAT N»* AWa^-OtUiß^'Jt^-'VMarpuu. 1 bli»~KjMO4 > DANCES,OOSUSI»BOMS t BDK* tIEQDS3. Ch.oge of Prtgr*®m* *«Ch*»«lßtf. j. T. UONTLY, Borip— Man»>g« FHARKLIS Rir.t.TAPn fIALOOP. FtLLSKLIX BALL, Gth st„ opposite Pittsburgh Theatre, jos. Matthews, iu ?«**** TIIIS eleennt and commodious Hall is now JJatUed .IlDNia* NEW WABBLE BED bOLUBD TABLES. of the Uteet and *no«t»ppxo»*d«tyU*hdpWn, »sd UotfaM^twfitted op «»*»J **>• tS woammodAtlcn of dtiwnaud itrwßetA, and to jfrht. »ir. comfort and conTealru:*, ta not eorpUeed, the Watters State.*. The Proprietor eolidtl a co&Unoalica fora, and aamiaa th» pabllc that ainj alunOoa will b. ‘"n. % Tab,-. Ln. Ctob. Co'» Coc-Polut*. Chalk aad all «Ab«r artidee In bU Hda, •htrbbe eandi-poMof on tNwuHt term*andaitbe ®aoul*£inr*r , » whole ale price* arl-tyti SJljnatiupSia anhfttißtmtn: J _ AiIES^ITTIERNAN, ißfositior FASCTAtib vjkisTr goods l>a!er la TAPES, GL'JVBS, MCATD3. SUiPKUDKa/S, SPOOL CJTTOS, SSSDLES. THIiBADS, PISS. h**lgQ SILK. XUTTOX-', CUILKS7. LACKS. tiOTIOXS, <£c- UaTVBEH AXD BLACKIXQ, No 4 » buiifbirry strtat* i PUItADILPHIA. Ay»A 11 gtxxit ate sold for CASH, at ©xceadlfiglj.lov rat©*, lalyiuß more upon extotulT© tales and imUi profits tbao opoo limited P,l»> and Mgb prlre©. *pl(hSa4 Roman cement, kosendalk ce. ÜBST, CALCINED PLISTBS.QEOTJSD PLASTER, Ac, WhdttoU ttt.d Petoil, at low caib pricer, by EDWIN A. BilllH A 810., North-IFeet coroer Frost snd Wfllo* PblUdilpUs, S. fDQUBT & BOND, IMPORTERS OP HAVANA. CIG-ABS, Ko. 213 Sootb Front *tteet, Philadelphia, P*. [FUaUiihid IS3Q.J W© receive regularly, and offer, a choU* aworiment ol do*lr»blo Cfu. he flood £og«J*. Merited, ICO ** p*lma Cota SfuiaMit' 6.ot**g* iUoCofire, prime and medium qtjaliiioa, With otital assortment Tea*, PpJree, 4C. l*fi QAHDSs I GAUDS u rnLvrtß's sansT and cut cards Beit *nd Cheapest to the t Cards for Mounting Photograph Pictures, '' Of Baperbr Quality sad At Low Prices, Bat end White and fine Whi e Strew, fibcril dc t cH hOMdand Jnr talcby A-1L COUOSS, pAPEit «o 4 CARD Wttebottae, 608M150K STRIR, jifl~,lyd PIULiPELPOIA: BAVB TOtJH ICEI BYKBY FAMILY BUOULD UAVE Ol£ ! .. i or. Schooled's New R aod Improved i o E be r a T I 'll T l * N fIMOOUV-t PATKRX - mam H RtFRKSWATWU SI *eiW* BW * l I op- *»«a, - -3 WllliMalvr--- v ..mmr eijl !•> »- REFRIGERATE Oriaikal Paint Pranlcd Hard 13, Imprpad Patmt Oraaud Aog*n 12. Improved Patat. Graattd Jnt IS, ltko« Alas, all kinda of ICE CHESTS AND BEER COOLERS. laiJßMiaonUoiEsnd totboTrtde.'T® Seadf.rpriQtod book of prices. joi w a scßooisr *: ca, irtfctadte A r J. 163 nw &ntt CwcMwa/i, (MtOi &AHQU. L. lUinAßCX...—J.comr, ' LmUof Bailor, P*. L*to olloditno, Pm, pORYIANCE t COFFEY, ATTOBSZTS AT LA W, flttiturgh,P*. Offlc# la HtUott*»BttUiUeg*eon»iref fifth *nd >pgl Boltefly GEO HOE P. HAMILTON .WA&OUS W. ACIIHON. Hamilton a aoheson, 4TTOB3IT*>T U», ua» Ho.ua Fulfill rtrert, PI tatarrt. - f. ■ ftnwt : tntALD arm COLLIER & M’BRIDE, : 1' ir ATTOSMCTS AT LAWy ho. xoi nnn st&jst, - de’iCmd I c. b. m. a Mitre, Attorney sail Conaeellor atXiSWi QAS RXHOTXD TO LAW BUILDISUS, KUnN’B No. 13 Diamond Street, mTlfedl >J>r W«tdoorU>Bt,Prt»w , «Cfetaeh. Htt.Mßou/s Uwphii i*K«rAKATioy.-". BRLUBOUPS BOCHU forth* Bladder? . BBLUBOLD'd BO3HD forthtitldß«JW HBLMBOLD'fI BOCHU fortbaOrartl; HfLMBOLD'S BUCHU forth*Dropaj; BUOtIO for KtrToetnaw; HXLWBOLD'S accno for La»* of Matacry; ncLUBOLD*a BUOUO for Ptasmnr'Vtefoe; BBLMBOLD’d BUOHO for Difficult Braaihini; BKLUBOLD'B BUCItU for Weak Bcttm; UCtMBOLD'B BOCnO for Omni DwbiliSy; -. nrt.WBQLOT BUCIID Cm Ualraral U»u4e; UXLMBOLD’S BUCIID for*Borr«r ofUlMes OXLUBJLD'a BUCUU forM(htBwMt« HXUIBOLD’fI BOCIIU forW>kffaln—r U XLM BOLD’S BUCQU for Pi jmm of iho Bhta: . QKLM&XJya DUCnD focßnpUoias . BXLttBOLD'S BUCQU for Pain ta*b* Bark; UXLMBDLOT MokuiSunu>tfMMi» wtth Wool of Attratton. Horror of Societ/i OVLHBOLDV BUCUU fbrOfettroetloai; UILUBOtm BUCSU for PTfiMii arfoiai from tadb . mttoo. wd *2l dfonaM of tfca taqal Oroua. eUat tw •4iho-ao«b«a wbateTtresaMorirloausc. “ fold only t>j Da. 080. H KXTtJXn, lio Wood atmt, i mtufccrjh. -•• • . ■ . • ... aeCaUwf ‘ EUSHTON’S COKSUMffIOH TEETU-— BAY£ THEM BitfußEww^* It la too lata. .0. SILL lartoema ta 84MWCT PftSN efJtXXT,loth*bow* forfoatlyorrepladhyp*.q. O. Kajwr.oppdib* CferliftiCfcerch. Q* will glnjOl tha moJ*B TMth t&Mrtcd at T«*ioa* prion, trotaßtA!osQ|»riM. - - - Btmna-BcT. W; fo Bonri,BfT. foan) Haffiey, k. Bndltr, A. Q. VcCudbatJL 0, J. B. HopWntW. B. Y«klrk.Dr.a».H.Bn»T,W.Wlxakk,BamortH'Kn. . Btjfoflyli ■••• ■ : ; ~ • • A WORU.IH XIMEw-tlfoiLCsa keepwoiir J\r hasst* freafteta wartwef jQ Mndabr wtag LtOH BAOBBnoBOWDKa. '& Jtessros, .'.;gyl' •: cbrawßnUhfltMMtdfwatha&aata- g()fypmg£Al^CTAßCHjjgtjßOtby DBIED APFLES-200 bosh- in store, for ■defer *pM MoUSIAASUS*. cards n 'ttMSDO K&I FKtriwr»he*»«P»