The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 07, 1860, Image 3

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    nrticiAl pafzb or tbi airr.
MRXOBotooicAb Obamriotii for tba Qauttt, bj
q £. gbftw, Optician* S 3 Fifth Bt.—corroetad <Ui)y:
in in. -iB rain.
70 60
86 72 .
y o'clock a- a
n •• «
6 ** t. U
Daromtl ar—...
Republican Headquarters for 1860,
Enters*tt frn WbodilrectJ^t
{Tree Heading Koonsopon every day, {Sun
days cample*,): from &4. M to 10 F. K. SoglUb, Oerm4o
AOd Wyteh front all partauf tho Colon on Ole,
and B«j>aU.ic»a C*mp*h(u Ovzomcuia for dlstrlbnUon. The
pol>Usg«>Q«r*!iy*Qilatr*ii;»ra vlklUeg Htuba/eh «ro cor
dially invit/d tc> cell*
- aaKTbe EcmtuUve OumoiitWJ o( the Olnb meet EVERY
W£DNE>D\\ attLeK*>»au»l
culfcJAwtct., , -
Fob Rest—Alerge »nd cbmmodloaa room in
third story of; the Qaieue Bailding; is weU
lighted; easy of;acoeas, and will be rented obeap
la a good tontut. Apply At the counting room
ot this office.
Thb C*aß.—No bearing took
place os Saturday in thia oaso, Mra. Diddle, from
whom the j&ODpy was taken at Robinson's otr
• pel store, .having refused to proseoule, ott the
grounJ tbatif abe could not gel her money, »he
desired to drop the matter altogether. Sho.aleu
Btated thftt.fibo could not swear positively that
the woman, whom ahe Identified as tho one who
robbed saoldae to her in the carpet etore, (named
Ftisgcr&U,) Sied robbed her, at* ahe did not see
her put her bead la her pocket That ahe had
pretty strong resßon to suppose Bbe was the
thief may bo inferred from ibe fact that no one
else approached near eoougb to get a hand into
her pocket, while ahe wae in the store, but Mra.
Fitzgerald. When aho went in, 100, aba polled
off her glove, and potting it into her pocket,
felt her parse, and when she went 001, on re
turning her hand into her pocket to get her
glove, aho found berpurse gooe. Sasptoion la
further fastened on Mrs. F. by me fact that'ahe
is a notorious pickpooket. Tho market master
oanght her (Dobing money from a Mra. Jordan,
and when apprehended she confessed the theft
. and relumed the money, Mra. Jordan refneiog
to prosecute. -She is also charged with stealing
$3B from a servant girt of Mr. Beale. Sheßtoat
ly dented her guilt to the Mayor, but disregard
ing her protestations, he directed her and her
husband, wbo was present, to leave the city by
1 o'clock, or they would be arrested again. Thoy
promised to go.
The Kays Stsau Piaa Enginm —This hand
some and useful apparatus was paraded through
the city on Saturday by the Niagara Fire Com
pany, to whom.wo suppose it now belongs. It
is a vary baodsoma piece of machinery, and re
flacls oredtt to its builders. I»e, running gear,
though strong! is not olumsy, and from the play
given to the fronraxle we infer it 19 much more
'readily mau-tged than the ordinary bead engine.
It mads a very jaunty appearance, eo light aod
r elastic that H moved as nimbly over the streets
; as a fashionable barouche. This we regard as a
very important feature of ibe apparatus. Tt can
be taken anywhere, up laoes or alleys, where
one of thejnoostcr machines of which the Cin
cinnati folks boast, would not be able to enter.
Then its oapaoity for throwing water has been
. tested, as ia well known, and. may bs safely
rated at doable that of a first class hand engine.
We congratulate oar citizens in having taken one
step in the very desirable move of abolishing
the old syetem of the fire department. We have
now ono available engine. The Eagle, whioh
will shortly be finished, will make two, and bo
fore long we expect to see one la every ward.—
Such an arrangement: woold preveot many a dis
aster by firo whioh under the existing system
seems to-be inevitable. Tho Kaye Eogtne was
preceded by a fall brass band, and made a very
. attrtaliye dieptajv Crowds gathered at every
earner, Wit approached, to watch It passing,
aod every one seemed to regard it as a proud
acquisition to tho city;
(hat, a clothier, on Liberty street, made informa
tion-before Aid.'Donaldson, Saturday evening;
charging a man named James Neebit with surety
of the pesee. Neebit was fitted $3 and oosts.
Nesbtf elated that while passiog along Liberty
street, the prosecutor called him in to his store.
.He went in and asked Bcsenthal what ba wanted
of Mo—if'it was to give Mm anythiog; Rosen
thal said no; bat he jvanted to sell bio some
thing; the/SHelilfUllii ttßT ViVtoat*mattering
about birheiog made a fool of, elc\£* says Ro
.senthal then commenced calling hbsxttvaev; ho
... waxed.'indignant and chiTiengndf the *V'lor
boy” ip fight him, whioh (hs~i£uer
batwsol ta tbo Alderman aod rnfode tho * t0 ’’
asking-As ■STibiM.-s,
ahould wblpßatenthaiL On being told that that
would-be eteanU and battery, and that the pen
alties were various, according to the manner in
which It wa9 commlited, be (Nesbit) concluded
to forego that pleasure, but declared bis Inten
tion of prosecuting tbe other party for tbe lan
guage he heed.
Sab Dews —A young too of Beuben Miller,
' Jr., Esq , lift) President of ib* Mechanics’ Baok,
nras drowned on Saturday afternoon,-About 1
o’clock. Hflvu In a boat, together, with two
other lads, (one n soo of Mr. A. M. Marshall, of
.Allegheny, and.another named Culbertson )
They were fishing in Ihe MonongaheU rirer,
above : the first dam, and io some manner got
into the current and were o&rxiedneartbe dam.
Where tbe boat upset and the lad was drowned,
flle ovmpaoloos were saved, though very muoh
exhausted. Samuel Miller was a bright, prom
ising-boy* nod bis death la a Sftd blew to bis
family. ..They will bav'e the sympathy of the
community with them io (heir bereavement.
Re was between 14 and 15 years of age.
body bar not yet beeu recovered, though
thire were upwards of GQ fouods fired over tba
spot where ft is'supposed be was drowoed, with
a oauuoo on one of tbe-Btrtningbetu ferry boats.
jttftp a reward of $5O for the
reoaveryof (he remeioe. A Urge number of
persons visited the spot yesterday, We counted
tjomd 1i0r.14 skiffs, all engaged lu aaaistiog io
reoover tbe'body.
Fean Baibas.—The Commissioners author*
ized by the recent Legislature to pooetroot a
bridge over the Ohio river at tbe Point, met at
tUre’s Roiel^on. Friday, to organize.
lowing officers ware elected: Mr. E J. Brook,
.Chairman, and Mr. A. M. Brown, Secretary. A
oommittee, constating of Messrs. James Wood,
-Oeorgc W. Jsckson and C. s£ug, wasTappointed
to talie such measures as they would deem prop
er,-to ascertain tbe suitable site and grads for
tbe erection of tbo bridge; tbey were also di-
rected to employ »u engineer for that purpose.
Mr. Ssabfook will most likely be appointed.
Tba-flubscriptloo books will be opened at tbe
asit meeting, which will be after the oommittee
tbave oompleied tbe business assigned them, so
ibat old subaoriptions can be aod
efforts will be made, in tbe meantime, Io secure
unfSoionl additional slock U eoable the company
to gel I heir letters patent. After eleoliog Mr.
Brown:permanent Secretary, tbe meeting ad
Sbstsbcsb.— Andrew Foung, who was con
victed some lime elnoo of committing an assault
sod battery on Mrs. Ellis’ Bell, of Fayette st,
add whose senlencebee been deferred from time
c© time, on |be application of bis counsel, who
staled tbetrfae could obtain an affidavit which
wcyild pat a nsw fscs to (be affair, was teoleno
t3 , on Bit or day, to. pay a fioe of $6O aod ooats
of: proseention, and undergo imprisonment io
she Western Penitentiary for ft term, of three
, years.- The prisoner seemed oonfonoded when
•he senlenoe wak passed,: and for a moment or
~ eo was jpoable to leave the box. ■
■ W^risaflaD.—-Mayor Wilson arraigned ibe
' lwo'waVobmeD,.Damed Andrew flblrlok aod Jas.
■ ‘ MAnn,.befova. him, were fined by Alderman
.: Rogers far drunkenness, wnd assault and battery
on Mrs. Rutsell./and after giving them some
prettysevere hinls as to the impropriety and
■ follft of ihelr ; oonduet, disoharged them. We
werd MI Honor Ibat ho rrgretied he
aras.<ibliiW. ; to do;tbis, as they were two of
. -loe most 2solent men In bis fares. They have
cewrrbeso goilly behavior before,
• J •' ood>rd.okaddiqUffjto:t6e ipse of ligaor.
10 Chicago
lo aiieM postponed
ib» bj tiipjg /roDi Saturday avealog aotil to*
owologt dtheo the final imogtoeDta
will-be-Bede/ Wear* Informed tbel * lw|«
' bars ’signified their Intention of going
/ «itb thed«legetion, ; ~sD aeooaol of the expense*
• " feefagebonthelf of wbellbey would b* if they
' r. infant son of Officer Reed, of
" *»,r■ »badly eoelded on the feoe end
, eiooe, that Ua life la now die*
\ SJSLa « v' "His Bother bed him in ber l»p nare*
' hJrfcilrf iJ!« - ehewM drlokloga oap of
JJJ ' bp ble beads end opsel the
Uiffi o r ,0 ‘ 1Jl0 « hID
. -- 'o.— J. 8. VfttJTDorhla
Cowttalqssas Appowt* .« a oi*. M 4E F.
Md H. P. Bljlha. of F*yctla pp[lllil .
Hooacoin, orW««raof elaM, b* lb r e nae
cd Commleslonars to aurtoj and & between
• betw'eett fir .*alt i. . f | verg
f ■ tbe MonoogabeU tol YoagUogbeoj uuer
t Tbey wlll oomaicnca iheif 'Ubof# la ibe
- part of the preaeni pDpjh. ; '
* Orm frUna, Sir- John fl. iteloj. U. 8. Coo
n»!ssIoo«r, ooomiUed the lira men,
' *o<! PttriakO »eD»,
-Uoiud Siftle# coin, lo - jill,,
•eUti<S !h«lr (riftl iotho catalog l«rm of th* U. p.
'v ‘ ’of Common PltM wh
oa' Saturday and dUpowd of a ooatidctibM
- aaoonUf coloporU&iroallatbtfiifles*.
Domes Conar.—The rrgnment on the se
questration question, wMoh has been announced
as pending duriogtho last-three or four weeks,
was heard before Jddges Hampton and Williams
on Saturday. Theparlicularsof the controversy
are probably tolerably well known. It relates
to the. right of two officers, a receiver and a
sequestrator, one appointed by an Ohio Court
and the other by oar Dittriot Court, to take pos
session of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Waynh & Chicago
Railroad, and receive, or seqneßier the prefits.
The receiver of the State Court of Ohio claims
ibe ohayge of the whole road, which la denied
by the sequestrator a) to that pan of it’wbioh
lies within the Pennsylvania lioo. Mr. Stan-,
bury made hie argument In support of the re
ceiver eome weeks ago, as will be remembered
by oar readers. Messrs. Stowe, Brady & (lamp
ion appeared bcfvro the Court on Saturday, and
eaoh made ao elaborate argument in support of
the jurisdiction of tho sequestrator. Tbo Court
gave no deoisioD.
CooßTor Quabtsu Sessions—The argument
fora new trial la the omo of Sylvester 0 Laug
doo, coovicied'sometimo oinoe of uttering two
forged certificates of deposit of the American
Exchange Bank of New York aod passing them
on the Citizens’ Bank of thin city," was heard
before Judges MoClure and Parke, ou Saturday.
Mr. Howard, the prisoner’s counsel, claimed
that the oonviction was illegal, the
Indictment bad been framed on the common law,
although there was a statutory remedy for the
offeuoe. He instated that this remedy and not
tbul by common law, should have been pursued,
according to the act of 'lBO5 whioh provides
that where a -remedy is provided, or a duty en
joined or anything dtreoted to be dono by auy
not or note of Assembly, the directions of snob
aet shall be strictly observed. • There » an act
of Assembly which precisely describes the crime
with which Langdou it ebarged. It provides;
Every person who, with intent to cheat or de
fraud another, shall designedly by color of any
false token, or tcrtling, or by any false pretence
whatsoever, obtain from any person any money,
personal .property, or other valuablo things,
upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned 10
the penitentiary or ooojtly jail, at (he discre
tion of the Court before whom ho shall be tried,
not exceeding one year, or by a Roe not exceed
ing three times the value of tho money or prop
erty, or other tbiag eo obtained, or by both euolt
fiaewnd imprisonment.
Mr. Miller, on the part of the Commonwealth,
replied (0 Mr. Howard, citing numerous autho
rities to sustain the indictment. H* held that
(he act of ’42 alluded to by Mr. Howard did not
apply to a crime like that with whioh tbo pris
oner stood convicted, aod bo insisted that if the
indictment should be deemed by the Court
feolivo, then no prosecution for forgery could
be .sustained, no mailer of what description the
offeuoe be That every lodioimeol wuuid
have to be framed on this aot, and the common
law with reference to forgery woold bj virtually
abolished. He did not know (hat the act had
ever received such a construction before. Judge
McClure reviewed the law (0 some extent, add
after remarking that Mr. Howard had raised a
new point, whioh deserved the Court’s consider
ation, he stated that ha would deoide ou tbs
merits of the question next Saturday.
Boat Rack —The race between Ibo row boats
Boonafoo and Saht came off on Saturday, and
resulted in tbo former winning the race by 6?
seconds. The dialanoe run over was from the
Suspension to the Mechanic street bridge, and
return, without stopping. In connection with
the race, a rather novel wager look place. A
gentleman of this oily agreed, in oise the B >n
nofon won, to forfeit a bushel of potatoes <0 an
other gentleman, and convey them on a wheel
barrow to the latter’s residence Of course ho
bad to pay, aod when be did he was escorted lu
military procession, by the Vigilant boys, with a
baod of music, consisting of an old bass drum,
which was played as hard as that musical in
strnment would allow.
Foucs Itxms. —There wero 11 commitment*
to (be jail on Satnrday ; of these, tl were for
dronkeoness, 1 for disorderly conduct, 1’ for
vagraooy, 1 for assault and battery aoJ 1 for
surety of the peaoa.
Constable Robert Johnson, of Alderman J uoe*’
polioe, mado information before that magistrate
charging A. B Karo with assault aud battery,
and resisting an officer in the disobargs of bis
duty. The warrant for Kern's arrest was sim
ply for disorderly ooadoot, and the Alderman
eent.hlm to jail for 30 days tor that, and also
lodged a detainer against him tor lbs assault
that was committed while the officer wee taking
Mm to the Alderman's office.
Float —While returning from a blight fire io
the Ninth ward, on Saturday eTooiug, t«o ioeu
named Miller nod Clare, membere
of the Fairmouot aod Niagara firi- c;>rop<tDicH (
tot into a difficulty lu the Fifth wai J, which ur
'tinted in iho former striking the latter no t bj
was pastiog at the time bad sot interposed be
tween (be belligerents, the affray mould have
probably resulted seriously. A general row re
tailed from the fight, bat order was finally re
stored through the efforts of fame iofiaeotiml
members of both companies, who very mocb re
gret the disgreoefnl occurrence.
Bcdt RccovaaED.—Toe bo>-*r of s man was
found floating to the Ohio river, over George
towa, Beaver 0000(7, a few days since, which
was subsequently itleoiifiud as that f*f ao c»M
man named Campbell, a w&tchmao io (be em
ploy of Ibe S(. Clair Sireeifiridge Su&peneioD Co ,
who fell Ibroogb the epaoe between (be timber*
of the bridge, before it waa finished, and was
drowned When (be body was first found, a
large eo( Id (be bead, and tbe neck being bro
ken, lead (0 (be belie f (bat violence bad ooueed
bis death, and a verdlfct 10 t bat efT« cl was ren
dered Tbe remains were glren over 10 bis
friends, who bad (beta -Uoentty interred
FatcKen's Coiiucbcial Rbstach\st --
spacious and handsome eitfcblishnmii is now
open (o (be pubito, and those who <lcstre m 000 l
and airy apartment in vbiob (0 eoj-iy their mid
day meal during tbe approaching but season will
du wolf to flail it. We need to giro it 00 ro
commendation, as those wbo have eujojvd Mr.
Frinker's boftpitolliles onoe.ueed no iutitai iou to
go again. The saloon ts iu tbe basement of tbo
new Iron front building occupied by Hunt L
Miner. We intend giving a full description of
it in & day or two.
Therc was some difficulty, on Saturday even
ing 1 , between the employees of (be Pittsburgh
St East Liberty Passenger Railway Company, wbo
are engaged laying tbe track along Wylie street.
We were informed that ibe men quarreled with
the bosses, on account, as they allege, of not
receiving pay for tbe' past two or three weeks.
Some of them were taken to Alderman Hogere’
offioe, where tbe matter was settled.
- CoLLtOToi, Appoibtid —August Ammon has
been appointed collector of the school tax iu the
borough of East Birmingham. Tbe tax is soven
mills. This information is for tbe beoefit of
-any wbo may bold property In that borough.
Mr. is also collector of (bo Stale and
County taxes.
In Town.—Our happy and entiling friend, C.
F. Brown, slits “Arptous Ward,” (late of “Bald
winsvllle, logeano/,”) local editor of tbe CletO
tand flaindraler la in town, and we understand
that manager Headersoo is negotiating with
blm for tbe parobaeeof then ”w*x werks” that
•re “trooly” ltf«-liks._ .
•A VjjSßf dawn the Aooor ; wHb a land laaftier tbroajib
Tlteria anil wltb Incidental notice* of SJaocboorie, ff»m
echaUa acid Jtpso. By P. U.CuUJoe, t\ 8. S&eoi it Ibe
Aauxnlrer. -New York: D, Appleton A Co."
This volume has already attracted general at
tention. It describes a country but reoently
opened to commerce, never before visited by ao
American ond but lltllo known to tbe world gen
erally, although a deep feeling of interest has
long prevailed concerning it, in common with the
other eastern countries shut up by Chinese ex
olQslvsness. Those who devour books of travel
aod advent ores, (and who does not?) will find
this an interesting book. It is plainly but
dearly written, and is already one of tbe popu
lar books of the day.
‘•BswniPxaCT.or.l.’Eiparenc*, tj Margaret flail. New
Y»rk: D. Appleton k Co."
A novel of the religious order, written by a
lady of Philadelphia. We have not had time to
peruse, it but tbe imprint of the Applstona upon
it Is * sufficient endorsement of H. The eastern
papers speak highly of it, aod wo commend it lo
tbo favor of those wbo believe that lessoos of
religious (ruth can be inculcated by tales of' fic
tion. ” , ,
B/ **«• “ ,h * He rot
Badd>ft>” New fork: D. Appleton A Co."
A reprint of a powerfully written EogHah
Jto.r, As of lb. rcllglona order. I. is os ao
nr.lendlog (tor/, sod formibSt o email rolame,
h„i 1. •tlllen by o muler hood.
AltoflhoaboM works are for b«lb byßoaaar
8 DA?« •«««« « J - 8 - »" iBol \ N °' °, 3 " otKl ,
atrMtJwbo olio baa for »a!« pans 12 *sd 3 of
OtaSUrf Eocyelopedie.Appletona reprint, tho
cheapest tod beat Eooyolopedla of tbo kind.
TbH TOlomoia written in lha florid but altrao-
IWoatyU of Mr. logribim i, »»d“* l
to a Borlplotal •“y* ol , noona.oan road it tilth
ont lofereati. 1 It la 000 of • »< !»?"[“•
laalraiiog tb» history of tbo *ktawp»|WhUu«
bale, lha last of tbo eoriM.and dotoUd to tbo
grind period of Hebralo history, wheojhe Jeja
rose to tbe height ,of their ,powtr and glory is a
nation. Students of tho Bible ?1H find
''tabla book to read. For sale. : by iHont &.Ml
•* *, Fifth street, next door to tbe Poitcffice.
Ar«*or *irn Cairo; wlttrbfrlee. By. Prob W,
.'T-:Nair forktAMpplftoo A Do.- ; •
ut, we oannolaoderstaod
iV?E«e oi °rwk ; wilt Aoubileu -«•!*
"■tiSiiSg v text bOhki li=*lf vnry
bwi^rfrjt^ir l * Bor **'*byHnotSMligr.
Oistral * Coafiftne* of the Katbodtft
[3p«ct»i Comepoodmie# of ib« Dafly Pitt«imrgl» O- ratte.]
Bptfalo, N. Y. t May 3, 18G0,
Third 75<iy.—The Conference was called to
order at 8£ o’clock a. m , by Dibuof Buirioi
Religions exercises were conducted by Rev. R.
Hargrave, of the N. W. lodiaoa Conference, by
reeding the 76th psalm, after whioh tho hymn
waa enog commencing—
“ Let e»ery Tongue Ttijr Quodntu Bpt*k,"
followed with prayer.
Tbs narnei of the absentees were called by the
Secretary, when the credentials of tbo Vermont
Conferenoo Delegation were presented ; and also
Re?. R. W. Keeler, of Upper lowa Conference.
Rev.' J. Lanabau, first Reservo Delegate from
Walliman Conference, appeared iu (be place of
Rev. Thomao Sewell.
After the Journal of the second day’s pro
ceedings was read, corrected and approved, tbo
Secretary, Dr. Harris, introduced the following
resolution relative to memorials, petitions, elo.t
Resolved, That each member of this body pre
senting memorials, petitions, and other papers
for reference, shall prepare by writing in a plain
band ou the back, the following items iu the fol
lowing order, viz: Ist,nemo of the member
presenting it; 2d, Cooferenoe; 3d, obargv; 4th,
subjfc'; sth, first name of tho petition; Gtb,
number of petitions; 7th, Committee to wbomlt
is defeirod to bo referred. This was found ne
cessary as tbe number of memorials, petitions,
etc, aro legioo, particularly on tho Slavery
question. _
Revs. M. Marlny tod J. T. Mitchell presented
a memorial on the subject of abolishing the dla
tinotion between Quarterage and Table Espoo*
ses, and other manors pertaining to Ministerial
support. Referred to Committee on Temporal
Tbe bishop look up the regular order of buai
ness—to call for memorials, petitions, oto , in
alphabetical order of Conferences Rev. 0 D.
Tippett, of East Wahimao Conference, presented
a petition on tbe euhjeot of tbs CeDtenary of
Methodism, from the Looal Preachers reaiding in
ten annual Conferences, and connected with the
Local Pre<tchers , 'A9eooiaticQ of tho Methodist
Episcopal Church Referred to a speolal oom
mitteo of five Mr. Tippett also presented a
memorial from Rev Q 0. M Roberts, chairman
of the Curators, aoJ Corresponding Secretary
of (be American Methodist Historical Society of
Welliman. Referred to tho SAtno committee as
the previous memorial
When tbe K*Q3»i ahJ Nebraska Conference
was cslltd. Rev. W. H. GjoJc, the pioneer
preacher, made a statement of the aotiou of
their cooferooce, and avked for authority to or*
gauize a Conference prior to tbe General Cou*
fervoce of 18(51, at tbe Rocky MountAioa, should
The Continued emigration aod tbe permanency of
tho work o3Bfhh.*.—lWfcrr*d to oommiueo on
R?v S V Mouroe, of N J Conference, pre
sented a momorta! relating to privileges of 00l
crcd preachers After.,explaining tbe nature cf
lbs petiUoo at some length, (he matter was re
ferred to a apeoiil oommlttre of five, to be called
tbe committee on Colored Membership
Dr. Floy, of N Y East Conference, presented
a memorial from tbs board of Managers cf tbe
Trad Society of the M. E. Church, and also
printed oopien of tbe prepared Constitution. Tbe
former was read and ordered-to be printed
Rev. IV H. Norris presented a memorial and
resolutions from the board of Managers of tbe
Missionary Society, of a highly eulogistic char
acter, of tbe important services rendered by Rav
Dr burbio. Missionary Secretary, aod asking
his ro-election.
Rev. D. Wise, of tbe Providence Conference,
and editor of the Sunday School Advocate tad
Sunday School publications, presented a report
and memorial of tho Board of Managers of tbs
Sunday School Onion of tbs M. E Church Tbe
document was lengthy and important Refer
ence will be made to tt again, Tbo respective
parts were referred to ihv appropriate commit
tees. -
The Rev T. M Eddy, of tbs Rock Rivr.r Con
ference, the talented editor of (he N W Chrtit
ion Advocate, at Chicago, presented % memorial
from tbo Ministerial Association of Mount Mor
ris District, asking that the ward “CAtbolla” be
stricken from tbe Ritual In tbe baptismal err
viee. Referred to tbe Committee on Revivals.
Dr. Carlton, the Senior book Agent of the
N. Y Book Concern, offered tbe following reso
Retohed, That the Presiding Dishop be re
spectfully requested to introduce to the Confer
ence Ex-President Fillmore, who la present, and
that ho be Invited to s seat on (be platform
Adopted unanimously The Ex-President then
oame forward and was introduced hy bishop
Revs IV Ywang and G llildi offered the fol
Resolved, Ton the CommUtee ou R«tie*U he
instructed I.j ioqulre tato tbe D*pedicncy of so
literitig the Discipline, cu page 61, •aoiioo 6. ••
Lfi prusi.lo f-ir tty ooiiliSliOO
South, end
M. P. CburcV—as it le provided in tbe case of a
Minister who comes to us from the Wesleyan
Methodists of Eoglaod, or the M E Cburcb in
Canada. Referred
Most of tbe session was ocenpUd la receiving
petition# and memorials At least fifty were ou
tbo flut joit of slavery, mostly asking a change
to the rule. Memorials were presented on L%y
Delegation, Extension of Time, Presidtug Elder
Qiestloo, etc. etc
Conference adjourned with siugiog tbe di-xol
ogy and henediotlan by Dr Gurry, of N V Esst
Conference Will
Dr. Wm. H. Dessr Sir Although cot lo tho 1
journal ol Doany, as published, juu have 1
thought proper to atalo io tho: Memoir, written by 1
yourself, “that it we* your father 1 * opinion tbal Uon.
Batter 1 * aouml oat n,ly o fiasUj wound, tod that he £
might harebe«u nrougbt away land bis life sparoJ."
You theu add that p'olAlly blsjaii, Major Morgan '
may bare adored to firing him Lfl, as was bit doty, 1
aud tho wounded General Jedhwed, cvibsriouji that 1
hi* weight aod A#fy>/*e»n<*» would only eurumber hi*
bravd young Itioml for no ute and hinder him from
rat iog Limsell. Ni'w, rir, l want y*-u to aoderntaoii 1
that if tbeio i* n-‘t a Butler liviog to refute tb* re
newal of ilia charge against hid gallant anecitor'*
memory, that there i* a Morgan liv.iog and .ready tu
retettl n, a* tho poraonal (rural of thw Uto gallant
Capt. Jarnns K Butler, our lato fellow citiicn, who
wal honored and respected by every individual that 1
knew hid), be beiog the only sun of tbe late Gan’i 1
iltr.bard Butler. And now, sir I wish distinctly to
state that your assertion as to Gen. Boiler's wound |
being a tlesb wound, etc., is not true ; aod that even
at tMs late day 1 can- prove it to be so. Captain
Hannah, a winters on the part of General Sl Clair,
atates : “After my return from the first charge, which
was uiado by tbe left wing, I saw Oen. Butter lying
on the ground with a number of officers around him;
I cannot tell when he received) bis death wound; It
was not in tbe charge of the left wing ondor Colonel
Datk; after my return from it,’l saw him lying on
the ground; Major Morgau and othor officers were
around him; further, ah aged lady; bom,
brought up aod now living here; of the blgb
eat respectability; wife of Boyle Irwin, Esq.,
and daughter of the late gallant Major MeCuilough,
who served bis country long and welt, has met at
her grandfather Capt. Irish** dinner table many offi
cers who,served lo S u Clair’* campaigo and defeat,
I and beard them frequently spest on that subject.
Among the number were Capt. Edward Butler, tbe
brother of Gan. Butler, and my father, tbe late Geo.
John Morgan, who was the aid of Gen. Butler. That
lady distinctly remembers bearing both Capt. E.
Butler aod Mr. Morgan state that they were (be last
to leave tbe General. He stating to them that be
could not lire, be waa mortally wounded, by remov
lag they coold do him no good and would be billed
too, as the balls were flying all around them—aud
at bis request they loaded bis pistols, cockvd aod
put them Into bis bands, (be General saying bo
would sell bis life as dearly at be eould. They then
loft him and dashed into the fight. Alter that Major
Morgan! waa abot through the Teg, tbe ball killing his
horse. -- A camp woman brought him another borso,
the rider of which bad been killed.;- The pistols that
were la the holsters on that bone oy father gave to
me, and they are now In the Lyceum of Jefferson
College. - This seoood bone It was that bloodied
Major Deooy's pantaloons, as you say lu your me
moir. In tbe confusion of the buttle, when the offi
cers were nearly all killed or wuuodod, that John
Morgan, the aid of tbe disabled Butler, rode op to
Major Benny and asked for orders—bis horse cov
ered with blood—rubbed, bis wounded head agaioit
the Major's pantaloons. Afterwards, God. Sl Clair,
seeing tbe blood on Major Denny's pantaloons, said,
“Major, you are wounded."
M«jor Denny dismounted, drew off bis boot, but
Gtidlog no wound, recollected Morgan's horse. Now,
sir, I would ask you if any sane man for a moment
could believe that a Butler—a wall-tried tnsmber of
a family of warriors—that he, Goo. Biobard Butler,
whose imdauuled- bravery, energy and officcr-Hke
conduct, bad been shown in many bard-fought bat
tles—that euch a man, on receiving a flesh wound,
would leave his division without a leader, joold lie
on the ground, occupying the attention of most of
tbe officers then living and unwouoded—keeping
them from Ibeir sacred duty of leading their men
and striving by thetr bravery aod example to fight
their way and eave as many of the survivors as pos
sible—aod ba lying on the ground laughing, until
his wouoded aide shook, at a young officer who bad
been wounded to tbe koee—and that, too, at the very
time when the Indians had rarroonded them and
killed and wounded most of tbe officers, aud half the
soldiers were lying dead and dying around them.
No, sir; had Gan. Butler oot been mortally woonded.
' he would have doao ns his brother, Major Butler,
did, alter his leg was broken br a ball—wae lifted on
bis horse and fought bis way hrougb.
Io tbesecommuolcatlona I ! ad two objects in view
—io my first letter to shoi <tbat Geo. SL Clair's
postscript, In bis account of tt o dafeet,to the Secre
tary of \Var, waa not true, am that you reiterated It
knowing it was not true. Tb s I flatter, myself 1‘
bare proved, not ooly by th< testimony of several
.distinguished officers, bat cooflusirely by jourfnth
er's own journal.
[ •If be, as the aid of the commanding General, saw
, fresh signs of tbesawyw through the march on the
Sd, In several places, aud tbaj through the night of
theSd the /requiat-finny r>f (gsirutinefohaddtstuib
-1 gj the camp and oensed some oonoero among the
. officers, aod that tbe guanlt kail rrperit it the Indians
to lle'stotfv*? aboot ln contideralU nuaheri, sorely
ItHsjor Denny's duty, a* aid lo (be commanding
OenstM, to hsve kept him loformed of these feels;
and if so Informed, hiiw could SwClsir 'trnthfolly
| VtiriWiatbe surprise to- want of tnforaUUbo being
► furnished if Gw* Batlir. j 1 £ /•- •'
iieosi viH
Qca. Butte wu sol aozb
Ihare been UTtd wal not jin neoordnnoe wtflrtha
I hU aod to repot tie due*, ftuoy Athoruid th.
i ofieon had mmawamHy ebendoned their
! aod gallant. eblaf when they might here hi) Ufa: and alio to repel tba charge that Ota.
Bailor would lay down, .lightly or with a alight
flash wound in tba tnlditofleTiloody batlla, when BU
brmre ooldierl end brother nfflnen were b*lng killed
ererr moment all around him.
Although nnaocuitomed to writing for tha pram,
I felt bound to repel tha Imputation again it my
father and tha cdirjf) oylilwt ay/wlkrt'o frltml.
Respectfsliy, J. B. Moroar.
Uorai O' Tot Con*oi Oo0«tu_
0,1, pwiu.ol U, til lb.
B fttßrtssr*“°p aa " l * iih t,r * y * r m,> ,uii * t
JSnotMoflot mwUo* m4»u4«»* < L
Sir Bua froo tb«Bpecl*l CommliU*, prMUitfeJ 4l»* f*j»
i«»ln* rrDort, whtcb *“ «»d*ad •
Jl/otHfSWd. b»Tißfft»rn » P J«ll.lra • (.nnrulH»» fa
confer *itb ««wl *a ta u»w.r b* roU (rota lU®
Bonrern® Coart, do miwrtfaUjrrport—
E °Thlith®T b»r*eon»ulud oooo*®> out Uto lc*o feltbod
ih»l tb« ®MW*r to Ui® nit# matt l* m*4® t.j U..
lb® rot**®* l**u*J, *nJ u..t by tb» (Vmnrtl
offidolly. A^iJarotd.
Spddm Dbath J. U. Obruty died et bis
resides re os Fourth' stmt, et shoot 2 o'clock this
morning The cause or his sudden demise, is from
the effects of a wound received while bolding a fust
mortem examination. Hunt 4 Miner's end see those beautiful
tinted holiness cards. ,
Tub new novels; school books; ststionory; all the
leadiou foreign end American magatloes and news
papers- the Taucholtz edlllotl of the UritUlb authors,
in paper, doth and half 'morocco binding; and all
lb» minor aod standard drama*—can always be had
at Hunt 1 Miner's. i
Waxes' SpmiT.wUtrfuU/reportsof tire fight, can
be had at llant A Minerva, y 6 cents a copy.
Allegheny C aunty Republican Ex
ccuttTß Cjoitulttie will meet ;U TUESDAY, tbs Btb J*y
w(Haf,e()> u’clwki A-M" el «b<» offleo of JOHN M-
K UIKP iTiilOtt, K*i panel i»l atUniUooa I* riqurft*J
to,; UIRAU UCLT7, the’*.
S*n OcctraaSßce A Child D'rovmti IKe
hloxhtf Savtd —On lasi 1 ueeday, April 24ib, the
wife of Mr. Abimei«nfc Alexander, of Wood
ward township, reluifalag from a visit to her
mother, Mrs. Miles, got * man at Posey’s saw
mill, near Alexander’s fordiog, to take her
across the cmk in a skiff, or flu. When near
the opposite shore, the moo dropped a bottle of
whisky from bis psokei and in endeavoring to
recover it, fell and* optet Ihe boat, participating
Mrs. AicxanJer and oblld, as veil as himself,
into the stream a short distance above the dam.
A person on the opposite saw the accident, and
threw a plank to the woman and mads other ex
ertions to render her assUtanoo, bat before be
could reach her, the woman with one arm over
the plank and bolding the child la the other,
was carried over the breast ef the dam. The
man who was trying to render her assistance,
hurried possible haste around the mill
and seeing the womaft. disappearing In the re
action water, jumped in andTdOGCeded, at the
Immineat peril of bis own life, to catching bold
of her and bringing ber safe to shore The
child, uofortunalely, was drowned, and at last
accounts its body had not been recovered. Tbe
conduct of tbe person who rescued the womao,
is highly praiseworthy, and we are sorry that
we have not been able to learn bia name We
understand that ibe proprietor of the bottle of
“Jersey lightniog" has disappeared Cltarfitld
WniAT Paoopsi'rs - Yfe have already spoken
freely of lbs wb«at prospects io this locality,
which are very favorable, and generally of tbe other eeotioos of tbe State. Yes
terday we eonvereed with a gentleman who has
just been traveling through • number of North
era counties. lie eeid the wheat prospects in
Dubuque, Clayton and Jackson ouutiiiev, and
neighboring localities, are by do means good
They have not had any rain for many weeks, end
the wheat la suffering frotp the waat of It. The
heavy rain wo had hen several weeks ago, did
not visit tbe section of tbo Biete alluded to. Bat
we believe the wheat prospeota over the State
generally are good Ponw/or/ (htvi) (7a:
Mb. Bcas, editorial proprietor of the Mmtnjer
at Fremont, Ohio, Is a tbodel of Incorruptibility,
(o 1860 be was a olerklb tbe.Douse under Ur.
Alien, and he testified before the Corode Com;
mittee that he received $5,000 from Mr Wen
dell just before the padsago of the Beglleb blit.
Be further treilfiee ibel he tried to loflaenoe no
votes with it, but elmplypul the money in bis
pocket, and declares tbal It did not even Influ
ence hie own opinion I That man knew Bean,
but Wendell didn’t
Sous of onr farmer! have planted corn, but
the eeetoo is too cold for that generally. It is
rather a backward Spring Wheat la doing un
commonly floe, and promisee welt everywhere.
Fruit, we think, Is safe ~-Ltvi»town (Pa ) CKton
Thirtjr'Ftrtt Confrtit-SUth Ititlon. (
Waibisotos Crrv, Mey 5, 1860.
Oocar. —Mr. Strain uksd leave (o report a rex -
lutijo protidiog for a Wetcbmao to protect tk i
equestrian itatae of Wesblngtoo. He stated that
ibere was $17,000 remaining of (be amount appro
priated (at (be Ineuguratloo ceremonle>, and it wa«
desirable and Decenary to employ watchman till
Congress shall make arrangement! fur protecting (be
Mr. Crawford ebjaoted You will ont be happy
ti<l tbii money Is spent (Laughter.] There is not
a man on this continent wbo would interefera with
the statue or do it barm. [ K vuioo—“that's, in."
Mr. Elliott asked loave to Introduce a reaolutlon
requesting the PraiJant to communicate to tba Uome
tbo Information recently received reipeoiiog the
Chinese Coolie trade.
Mr. June* objected,, whan the House reaameJ tbe
consideration of private bill*.
Among those pessod waa one aulborixiug Captain*
Hudson and Sands to taoalre a snuff box and medal
from lb* British Government, as a testimonial for
their tel vices inlajing the Atlantic cable.
floueo went into Committee of tbe Whole, and Mr.
Trimble briefly advocated tba protectfou of domestic
manufactures. After which tho committee ruse and
House adjourned.
liurP-tLo, May s.—Tbe M. E. Oeoeral Conference
met at tbe usual hour, Bishop Morris in the ebelr.
Tbo list uf Conference* was called, for (be presenta
tion of petitions, etc. The burden of tbo prayer to
day. as heretofore, was fur a ebaoge uf the rule on
A resolution was offered by Mr. Ujll, of Erie, fur
tbe appointment, by tbe Bishops, of a committee of
fifteen, to try tbe appeal of Alfa Wright, of Ohio.
An amendment was offored by Mr. Cowles, of
Mina., that tba General Conference, by delegations,
appoint all Committees on Appeals, in order to re
lieve the Bishops of alt liability to the charge of ex
ercising an ooduo influence, as has hitherto often
been the case.
Mr. Cowles meant no reflection on tba Bishops; be
limply desired to avoid tbe possibility of any such
Imputation being cast upon them by tbe eoemlea of
the church, as bad been done In similar cam hereto
Bishop Simpson said tba amendment would re
lieve tbe Bishops very materially, and ha hoped a
general Court of Appeal! would be appointed to try
all eases. Tbe Bishops had conferred on the sub
ject, and were anxious to be relieved of ibis dat^.
An amendment was finally adopted, that tbe Com
mittee on EpUoopaoy eppolnt tbe oommlUee asked
for, snbjeot to tbe ratification of the Conference. I
Bishop Simpson rose to a question of privilege.
As an officer of the Church, be was somewhat sensi
tise of his official character. Tbe Bishops had been
charged with corruption. If snob a charge bad re
ally been made, be hoped it might be invastigsded.
Mr. Cowles bid no recollection of say log that tbe
Bishops had boon charged with corruption; but tbe
Northern Independent newspaper bad charged that
tbe Bishops exercised an undue Influence over tba
deliberations of the Conference.
The remainder of the proceedings wa^ of an un
interesting character.
Washibovoit, Mar 4.—Tbe case of tbe United
Stales vs. Baltoo, better known as tba Santlllan
case, was decided to-day lathe United States Su
preme Court in favor of the United States. This
finally settles tbe title to a Urge portion of the city
of San Francisco Land Company, most of whose
stock is hal’d in Philadelphia. Tbo Oourt decided
tbe ease oo the broad ground of a fraudulent claim
for title and Insufficiency of evidence to sustain iu
The receipts Into tbe Treasury for the qoarter end
leg with March were nearly $22,500,000, of wble£
upward of $16,000,000, were from customs, $500,-
000 from lauds, $249,000 from incidental and mls
oallaneoui sources, $5,588,000 from Treasury notes
under tbe act of 1857, and $1,110,000 from the loan
account of 1858, The expenditures were $20,337,-.
000, of which $U,500,000 were for the civil pud for
eign Intercourse and miscellaneous, $3,037,000 for
the War and $2,444,000 for tbe Navy Department,
$1,095,000 for tbe Indian Department and pensions,
and tbe remaining $2,300,000 for Interest on tbe
pnblio debt, the Ttlffiborsmtat and payment of Treas
ury notes, and tba payment of Texas creditors.
Wasbisotob City, May o.—Tbe N. O. Pleasant
contains tbe details of tba Mexican news.
At tba clty.of Mexico a special conduota of $3,000,.
000 was being made up, and It would be escorted as
fares the National bridge. The church government
wonld receive 8 per cent export duty on It. The eon
duota wonld leava Tor Vara Crus on April 23d.
Tba naws from tba army operations in tbs ioUrtor
is Indefinite. • ,
Tba French ud English art aadsavoriog to’oon
summate a cassation of boitilltiea.
Nsir Yonc, May 6.—The Vanderbilt took out up
wards of a million and a half dollar* in specie, and
the City of BaHimora upwards of $560,000. Both
steamers look out nearly 700 paseangen.
. Messrs. Mann and Theodora Rj riders, U. S. Dep
uty Marshals, ware to-dsy dismissed from office for
an alteged complicity |u tho escape of the supposed
slaver Storm King, which left this port a few .days
for Africa.
Raw Yore. May s.—Adviots parthe Csoada state
that Heauan and Sayers are to fight agaio, as soon
as bulb parties are jeoovoted from their injuries.
' Augustai G» ♦ 4.~i
ftotlooel Demoeroej* ioet *nl
Oor. Klog.of
Their rem*ilur ; «w» froU'Wjk
tbo meeting nolle* wu girm
bo held to next
jebe to iiprt*#al;Ge«jtri
fr-ftle mnnSteliuinml
injond Ist crsjiof tipper
lifyjkf asaartfta-'thnt
■ wounded and, might
. —Tm Uumiomr-OwaiiCll
tttrdtjr •fftilnu.
I llrMr* |l*rnM,
Ujt, W. It Urns,
•A Urge meeting of the
light, vu adjrctud bj
-Pioorae;, of Aikiniu.
Mired.’ At the dote of
\ of, another meetiog to
• la the csaatj, to lead
»tk»o, to appoint dele*
ttfßtltbeore.... _..
' the flroet hu*jrwflj
Arrival arf tbt Suuublp Bohemias.
Fraudi ComtniUtd on the Bank of Londor
«fv, tfv., Ac.
Fabtuir Pt>isr,Maj 6.—Tbe steamship Bohemian '
from Liverpool on (he 25th, vie Qowostown on the j
Jfltb, passed this point et 4:30 I’. M., to-day, en
route for Quebec.
The steamship Illinois, from New York, arrived
et Southampton on '.be tuorting of the 23J. She
wool*! probably not leave before the ISth. The
•uemeblp Adriatic, from New York, was reported off
the Me of Wight at 11 P. M. of the 24tb. end reach
ed Houtbemptoo on tbe night of the 25th.
A report which we* current in London that Hee-
Oan bad died oferjeipela*, proved to be oDtirely un
founded. Ileenan on tbe 22d writea to the Times:
1 lee by your article of Salarday, that you mlsuo
deretand tny wishoi, and it doea me great injustice.
1 have no differetica to settle with Sayers. except
aaeb el I tried to settle with biui on the KUh, and
Instead of being celled a boy, I ought to be termed a
baby, if, after having Com* *o far and not having got
a settlement, I should bo willing to relinquish my
Eiie for a few good nilured pate on tbe back, and
told that lam a Gne fellow. I bare received
a great many anonymoni letters asking if I am Dot
aihaojod of myself; a great fellow like me to come'
over to whip a little man like Bayers. Under ordi
nary circumstances, I should not think of sending a
challenge to a man of Bayers’ size; but England
thinks him big enough to defend tbe belt, and I want
It, and canool get It except through him. Tbe en
dorsed tetter which I sent to Beil’s Life, when I beard
that they Intended to call on the surgeon to name
tbe day before which Bayers coaid not finish the
pending affair, will show tuy position; and aa Bell's
Life has not published it, you will do me a great
kindness by lettiog tbe English people bear whit I
bare to say. If the late battle is nut to be resumed l
and tbe belt Is not to cotno to me for what has al
ready taken place, l claim to bo tbe Grtt on tbe list
to meet Mayors again for tbe next chance to conquer it.
The following is the letter to Bell’s Life: Not hav
ing been able to obtain from you, as referee, the
final decision upon the fight of TueiJay last, I deeiio
to demeod through you, a new tueeiiug within the
present week f make this demand from baring
boon informed that it has boeo suggested on your
part, that I should give Sayers sufficient time to re
cover from certain iojarlei received by him. Now,
sir, while I am wilting to accommodate him iu any
proper way, I must not be unmindful of my owa
right. I also rooeived injuries, but 1 bargained for
them; aud I put it to you, m a man of honor, whether,
if I bad been deprived, of through the effect of the
said fight, of my eyesight, nr the use of my arm, as
in the case of Brettle, when disabled by Bayers, you
would have made Snyors wait for mo for &uy length
of time that might be dictated by my doctor. When
this match was made, the date of tbe battle was the
10th, or as soon as we coaid get to fight, and accord
ing to the rales of the battle, should it be interrupted,
it was tbe understanding, aud I believe it is the
law, that wo should fight within a week. We did meet
according to contract.
The battle was said tu bo unfinished, and 1 am pre
pared to renew it at eny moment within the Uwful
limits. If Sayers, on account of Injuries rooeived
from me, oannnt meet me, aeoordiog to the rules of
manly opposition, t demand and olaim that be re
lien to me tbe belt, wbiob bo is not, aeoordiog to the
rules ZT tb?£ri:« Bing, eai4i*d.tu («uia. Hoping,,
to receive &o eoe«#Sr trom you, before the week et
pirts, slating your view:, iu full, I am, Ac.
P, S.—You w‘ll ploass understand that I don't
wish to compel Sayers to fight, became he is repre
sented to be in a disabled state; bat I wish to obtain
whaf I think I have already won, and whloh I will
cheerfully hand back when be or any other person
thinks he cao take it from me.
Two hundred pounds are said to have been sub
scribed in Liverpool by an Ametican captain lor tbe
benefit of Ileenau.
Orest Bnmiv —lq tbe Uuuae of LotJa. -n tbe
21tb, the Marquis of Normandy brought forward a
resolution complaining of secret correspondence hav
ing been carried on between I. >rd Cowley, British
Ambassador at Paris, acd the Hume Go-vertmeot,
having refersneo to important matters on the Savoy
question. .
Lord Cowley made an explanation, and the Mar
qois finally withdrew tbe resolution.
The proceodtngs in both Houses <>u tbe 21th were
It Is slated that £170,0n.) have been paid from
Lloyds oo the ship and carg j uf the steamship Hun
The frauds committed by W. O. Fullinger, chief
caehior of (be Bank <>f London, amoont to the enor
mous sam of £205,000, nearly $1,225,000, which
pieces him at (be heed of (be class of defaulter* in
London. Tbe entire loss will be met from the Bank's
profit. A sum of £120,000, drawn and capitalized,
will be transferred beck. The present received food
will be swept eway. The remainder will be provi
ded fur from tbe profits of the present year. The
delinquent carried on unsuccessful stock operations
for years,-and bis frauds were carried on by means
of a forged pass-book representing an accouotof the
Union Bank with (be Book of Eogland. Tbe shares
of tbe Union Beok were quoted at a decline of £5.
Tbe weather, throughout Eaglaud, continued cold
aud wintry. Spring was very backward, and gave
some anxiety regarding igrtoultura! prospects.
The Paris Flour market was firmer, end ad« aoced
If. per sack; a short supply of wheat, whfoh bad ad
rancsd to 70 per sack.
Tbe bourse oo the 25ih was fiat aud drooping.
Hentes closed at 7Of. br.
Savor.—The voting an tbs question oi annexation
France took place on Sunday, the 22J.
A dispatch from Cbambrey in the Pails Journal
tys that the enthusiasm was immense, and all efforts
to indue* the people to Abstain from rottag com
pletely failed.
An Agenave teltgram bbj* The v.-ting la Fauceguy
bai t«k»n pier* eotticly uod>r the Influence of (lu» antt c
rttlr* Bad clergy* There w*e do ballot, D»t *ven permlaisn
to prrß’Ot # card expr**«laf ev.-te agalnac annexation, and
theiiambar of voter* who h>r> kDiiainad.. (:uoi ruling la
very lor**.
Toe lateat dispatcher *t»uir an loiraepee m j rll) t_ t an
Deration aren^h-re.
flptiv —Ucnnt de MootQolla auJ ktibrother Ferdinand
aod the r va'et weraerfeeUd Bt Toitnea, bi
* oMlook. Ttu gsudtrmee eotroonded the hoona and after
vainly detnendlo* admlitroce, one affected bo entrance
Ihrvogb the window. Tha prtccei Were aireetid aod de*
dared thatneelvee at tbed*;o«al of it>* gendarme*
A majority of Spanish people era In lavur ol atrial by
ui oidinar) court martial.
Tb* Correspondence!* Antof rs|>li* cunslders that bottling
will t>e resolved a poo uutll lbs lutaio of o Dooobll frutu
Africa, Lai h*U«»«s that lb* will twtuoibj
lb* Ptesla.
TbdMoutUL |>lr(iip-'ldUtUr« hu *ril»«Ml *1 T.laau *ud
aegvitiatloba loi cart) Uik out th« c.-udltious of po*c* woald
k*>u be com -uermU.
ItiLf,—the Kl>k
'v>UliQU»t ItU (r'UIBpIMUt (-(Oglr**
through bi* new doiMuloin Ue was at Leghotß »o tb* C-IJ.
Tltr c-ln4oal piocoo.lluKa at *£*lo*l Father Viol-
,ih, an inquisitor of (he Holy urtl e. lor tliti stiJucilou ol
if cMM M.rl.ri, h-td mulled in bis arqmti .1
TU» King of SarJlLta, following il>« advli-e ■<{ Kr*u>-«. b*J
l»r lb* moment IL* IJ** of I*2 lug (Le title of If ol Italy.
Naples.—Account* from various sounds repre-
•eat tb« ioiurreetkoti la .Sicily, a* completely sup
The ludepaodeacs Beige state* tbal tbo Count of
Syracuse bad written to the Prince Da Carigneo,
stating that bo would offer bis »word to tbo King of
Sardinia and tbo cause of Italian Nationality, if
blsoephew, tbo King of Naples, persists in hii dan
gerous policy of refusing to restore (be Neapolitan
constitution of 184 S.
Tbo assassination of (Jen. VilHa is confirmed.
Aostria.— Baron Brock, Mlniaur to Frano*,bad
suddenly boon takan ill from congestion of blood, and
sxpired on lb* 23d.
A dispatob annoanoing concessions lo Hungary, Is
now laid to bare boon masked by considerable exag
geration, and the belief was current in some quarters
that no real change towards Hongary was contem
plated, and that (be object waa probably to deprive
tbe Hungarians of the sympathy of weaiera Europe.
Latest. —Tbe Weimer Zsltung contains a decree
appointing Coonaelor-of.Stete Ignax Von Planer to
tbe Ministry at France. He is also created Privy
Calcutta telegram* give reports of disturbances
baring broken out la Cabul, India.
Cantoo dispatches, dated Meroh Uth, state that
tbe rebel disturbances were increasing throughout
Tbe stock of teas was very light, and tbe supply
was exhausted; sales were made at full prices. Ex
change unaltered.
Adairs in Japan bad become worse. Tbe foreign
community was in great apprehension, two Dutch
captain* baring been murdered in Tokobela, with
out giving offense.
London d&trfefs—23lb—At tb* London Stock ExcLaoe*,
tbe opening prtcae for Console for money were MJi
for Account ae* 3| stock marb«t
doll; Share nuiaet unchanged and firm. Money easy tn
open market,and Uiasupply good at per cent.-
Urerpool Cotton klaraet wtlva and steady. ’
bresdstaff* steady and firm. Prorliloas dull and un
Oswaoo, N. Y., May s.—Tbedespalobfrom Wash-
Ington yesterday to the Associated Prejt,*statlng that
Ur. King presented a petition from the Board of
Trada of Oswego, oomplaloing of tbo manoer lo which
tba reciprocity traaty between tba Uoltad State* nod
Great Britain is carried out, is a mistake. The Os
,wega Board of Trade bare had uo action on this sub
. PatLADiLpatA, May s.—Tbo Ereolog Journal Is
informed that by tba adrlca of amioeot oounsel a
memorial will be presented to Congress to re-open
tbe Bantlllan ease.
Jobs T. Sergeant, ex-Judge of Ibe {Supreme Court
of Bensa., died this morning.
Cuarlkbtom, May 6.—'Tba schooner Robl. Cald
well, from New York, reports baring passed a dis
masted, waterlogged schooner, with dags of distress
dying. Her srew were on board. It was blowing a
gala'at tbe time.
Sr. Loots, May The rlrer is about stationary
at this point Tbe upper Mississippi is swelling slow
ly at Rook Island. The Illinois and. Missouri con
tinue to fall- Tbo weather Is »«ry warm, the mer
cury ranging above 50 degrees during tbo day.
Albany, May d.—A man named Tboi. Halloran
w*a stabbed twice lest night, by Juba M'Cotier, and
died from the affects this morniog. The latter was
arrested and finally committed.
New York, May o.—Tba ship Switssrland was
burnt yesterday at Apalachicola. She waa loaded
with cotton and Is vopposad to be a total lotol lon.
She was owned here. . '
New Orleans, May 6.—Advices from Mexico ol
the 27th, state that the Liberals have been rlclo
rioas. Several skirmishes are reported.
•ComtDonforl caused excitement at tba CepitaL-
Lont&riLLi, May 6.—The river is falling slowly*
with 5 feet 8 iusbes water in the renal. Weather
clear; mercury, 77 degrees.
YfriLUAldll. GRANT’S
r B'< tnd M*<Tobftceo«
TbU twy *npMb>r Vr»o-1 of ToUf
co recdf«d njfcoUxlj oo coo*liomHit, wUb •
«t f of fitter *r.J« *oJ tiooJ. of Tvbrfw ••jhrwJ.• lj
ap9:2awd2tn : ‘Ko.'.&Z Soritb •*».
r*BA NOTH—6O eaokrpriaie PtaUnllfor
Jr >T
oomhixtss op abj»otu*ios fob may a jits it
Jans* Pats, Jr. T, P7‘ '
J oseph R. llceti*. I Aaxctt Bckmo*.
3.utca. saw via.— | Ksm Oaxxs.
[ Rij-tcTrJ (tpeciaHy for iLe PitUdurgh
PiTTSßcacn, MoXDir, May 7,156f1.
FLOUK—the transaction* in this article no fiaUrday wrre
■•nait, tot price* ax* cnclungvd. ft* nos* lb* following:
(taper. | Extra | Ex. Fast, | Fancy.
150 bbl* from 5t0re...... - 600 oOi 060
100 do ...... 6 45 & 05 600 676
M do do .••••'. 6 06 0 Hi fl 03
200 do do P *- P- *•
Pi) Jo do 6 M 6 tx) -
Ity J., .to r. bo 0 00 a 10
-5 do SOU 0 16
25 <:■-> do b W
IVj da do —— 6 uQ 0 2b 6 50
75 do white wheat —— —— 0 M
GRAlN—but little doing. Pain 350 bush corn at
00; 600 do do it 0b; 120 t>U«b o«t« dspot at 45; 4M do il> at
BACON—Sales 6000 lb* abuuldei* at 7>*®B; 4COO bams at
10l£tf#l0U; S000do»U»»K; ICOOdo clear stdee at 10; 300
docoontry barn* at 10; and 12 les sugar corad do at UVji®
Sslrs 15 bl this while fish at $8.60; 10 bbls No.
" msekerat. large, at g12.t0.
BUTTER—dels* 2 bbls roll at 14.
OUEE3E—galea 100 Lxs W It, at 10? f
EGO?—Sale* 3 bbls at
UUIBSY—Salas 3d bbls rectified at 22«J24; 10 bbl* obi
POTATOES—BaIe# 5D9 busb DMbeoouck* at 6Ci255; 260
do red at 34g$3i>.
OlL—Sale* 20 bbls No. 1 iaiJ at
nux&TAiii A9i> con nsent:i ai,
New Omens, May 3d —r u —Flour Is dull, without any
change in price*. ,
Lard firm at with a lair d>ni«ud.
Bacon du» at *@<£4 fur shoulder* and sidrs
Corn in demaud, and prices Arm with an upward
There is • tno-lorale d-nu .u-l fur whisky, au.l prior's are a
shade lower.
Ttiv-re is bu ebsugo h> ulbnr aril. lei.
r*t Lvl'li, M,y 31 Tvbsccxauppllee sis uuJ.i|n*U to
tb« douiaud, an.) priets sti-a-ly.
Flour steady, t>ut aiuwiy adraaclug; iluilied aslseuf city
•u|-ei ftos, at
M lieet n«ui, sa l price full * vastsirel; receipts l<c 24
bum*. 16V-0 LuUi. »pttu* club
lair to cbo re while/.11,11.37
Com stiff, ami domand active, with sale*of uilied
tfic; yelb-w white, and ai.lta 60^04.
Klver failing slowly, w.tb 75$ lest Csbo-
Tie Curu uiertet, rt.s tuflusuce uf tiia Co&ads’s
opensd buoyant and active. Itcloaod quiet at *0 advance
»t I( oo lestrrday's treusacrlona Aboot IctvXJObutb
were *o'td, ttka.lj for khipmsnt,'at dOe k>r prime rtrsr ysi
low afio j; 57c lor rirer mtxed f o forcautl efioat
54.'3:5554 tur No 1 |q str>re, 62053}$ for No 3 in store, and
4**g43 tur rcjoclwi. ffbeat wea alto t-eUax, aud under a
Kuod aklppiu* doinaud ibe market improv'd Jc, closing
qQlet but firm, With sales uf about 65.000 bush at £1.1?0t.-
13 for No.l spring la storv, {1,1001,11 ter No. 2 spilug;sud
£l,olol,oo}s for r.joclel. Fluor tu more ffrmlyhwt-t, but
tbrro wrai no tn-iiCiUI oJtscc»—buyers being cautions
About 1,100 bbl* were wild at $5,2005,76 lor fair to cholca
spring extras, aud $4,55 fur auod spring mperffns. 0«l«
quiet ted steady, with limited tales at 36c in store, and 33c
on tr«:k. Kje firm at 85036 c, lUriey quiet. Qlghwiu*
ut 13c. Heeds scarce. rrotLians quiet. Freights to-day
were active at the decline of yesterday—rales being C}Jc
fur wheal to Klug.tou; 9}sc for curu and 4; fur wboat u
Buffalo Cblcsgu Press.
Tli* fuilowiag üblo shows tbs condition uf the Btuks la
the tour leagiag cltliS fir iLs wiwk preceding April 10th:
Losns epecie CircnU'n. Deposit*
PhiUde!pLie..s2T,i7l.o32 {5 451470 $3 037,843 {13.627,891
Bostou. . ?1.257>fd 6,317 W 9 6 992803 20,165,861
Now Yurk. -JV7 085,r67 8,74-3,048 81,015,433
NeW-CrifiP*.- 22.312 376 12,052.089 ) 20,026^64
T. l*l . $238 22r6uJ-43*U3,3W 81 760,003
Last w*«k 249,242.575 158.774933.
Money continues very eupersbuodant. 'TL'J ttesTgraile of
ptpet 1s rsdily token at 5 to 3 par c«nt, five lor
short end six fur iosg dates,«Ton for stugi* Dimes. Even
to* next grads of paper at 7 per cent, fur long daus whether
endorsed or net.—N. Y. Ooar. A En.
Daring tbs month of April tbe bnsiLessultbe 0. fi. Mint,
Id tti's c>ty, was as follows: Gold deposit*. $231,891, Silver
Crpcsits end purchase*, $19,745; total—J33l.63C; Oopperc’U
received, {3,765 Coinage—Qotd, F»5V55; Sl.Vsr, $38,434;
Copper, {id,ooo; total—s32l,lsB.
News rescind 01 tbi* afternoon that u tbe o*otlllsa care,”
bivulving th* title to immensely valuable piopsrty to Baa
Frsuciscoatd rlclulty, was decided to favor of tbs Balled
htatrx Tlj's is a decision that earionalj affects toms of our
uilzeo*, who held the larger portion of the stjrk of the 6an
Franrleo band Compsny, thepreeent owoera of the claim.
The unfavorable declalco ba* boeo expected within a few
dsje. tbongh formerly tae cie'.mant* wets vary smgntoa
Tlio stock, whose per ysloe U $330, soldet one time •* high
ss four nr fire tbonssn'd dallara per sbare; but lately It had
filitn iff to four or fire hundred, and this morning, In an
uclpatlon '•! the fleciiion, (t soil for $75 Phil*. Dullsttu.
Import* by Railroad.
C 4 L’ R If— 61 bMs gnu*, M*J J Symingtuu; 1 bX, B A
Fenneliuck; *dt bis candies, llllier A HlckeUOn; 1 dumdu
Eaton. Oreo A Mscruru; 2 Iron plows, fi llall A 8 empty
als bbls, FirmlDg A hrur, ItO pea stone pip*, 13 chimney
tups, II 11 4 bis tegs, 6 bgado, f M Waltoser; 74»k*
prfstoce, J Al>er; 15 etut bbls, Brown A glrkpatrtcA; 31
bg* petitor*, Q HsmllDo; 13 ak* scrips, 1 bx mdss, William
Witxloaon; ( uieiodson, J U Uellor, l bbl eggs, I l x bnttar
3 tks petaUHS, A;well. Lse A co; 1 bbl batter, LSprout; Ido.
Grsfl A Yeagor Jer; 15 ill rsn, I Pxwcott; 2 bbls eggt, 1 bx
butter, Little A Ir.mble; JO do cbeeae. Leech A Untcbln
eon; 37 do, R Robin*jd A co; 837 bush potetosa 2 bbl* egzt
s butter, 1 firkin, U Stemktx; ICO bbl* floor, 272d0, Hitch
cock A Ucdreery 4 co; I bx, Kewmyer 4 Greff; 60 plow
wings. Hall A filter, 20 bbl* oIJ ele-J, 1 kg do, Junes, Boyd
A ccs 5 bb!s scrap Iron, 3 pcs toilrr Iron, Wpsog,Chalfant A
co; 10 empt bbls, AJslx A Vecder, luO btus Hoof, J 0 Lig
gett A c<s 31-b-a bruksn glen, 1 cak do, 10 do | inllsH Ur-
Em A bres; 2 pcs old iron, Zag A Pstuisr; 10U bbls flwur,
llodgers A Dilwunb; 33 bi ts oil, B 0 A J U Bswret; 2 bbls
ge;>{ifo|.3 iks dn, J Qerbtt; lit batJwsre, ITh tcucre,
W,u fe A co; l(i veil paoip-,6 cUt-rn do, 8 fores do, l hoc
har>l«sr», 1 a<r rbamber. tialiff A Biuwo, 2 bis hardware,
W K I awry, '1 l/E macblnsry, fiiahsr A Gilbert; 2 bbls b’cky
outs. W A Llairoa; 10 bf this fish, W M Guitnly; 1 Iron
■xle, El cuter. Nltnlrk A no; ‘i eeaiw ocff.e, 1 hf bbl do. J P
William*; lbhd; J Orr, 50 bxs starch, Bnrget* A McKolvy;
2 U>ls tobscc\ M Ue»l; 6 W Carr A co; I bx.
L Motor; lud bdt* casts. O BkoO; 6 bbls egg* and baiter.
but Is A Trimble; 25 sks ngt, I Tr«*sott; t bbl bntur, Kirk
A A'len: 2 bblsr-ggs, 2ski, A Lippert; 15 bx* cheese, tmllh
ATilmblr; lu dodo, 1 do hotter. J B Sasaiben; 32 bJl* fsl
lore, 0 do lUif d* DsVidaoo, 21 b»ls eggt, U Stemker;
2 bi« buttesv »Ao chi as*. J AT U’LanSblin; JO da do, J 0
Oambbtll, 7 1-xs batt<r, Leech A Hotcbloeoo, 8 doda,J B
BkZifield; 4u bdl* fellow*, UoWhloorj, lien A co; Scats
cenade (too ere, Jacob Uette; 31 bt-ls potattnss Qsrbst A
Barker; 10 bf bpl* fish, W £lx*l*g>; 16 do 8 Ooopsr; 83 do
da, 4 bbls du Q Q Collins; 2 bbls hardware, T J Craig; 2 bx
Luoaroo oil cm 2 bx* b b goods; 1 ear wheat, J Voagblly,
KB bble flour, B ‘dgere A Dtlworth; l car red wheat,
era A Dilworth; 1 cwr cattle, D Uiiyatd; t du, J W Graff.
PFtWA C R R, Slay 6—IS do; (■ookete, fcbrtrer A 1111-
worth; 1 car o*ta, 10 do; buikote Brown * Kirkpatrick; 2S
do. Beck A LaXirir; 3 cars acrap Iren. J Malian; 31 bgi pc
tatoea, Q McSiaoDt; 11 bbU paarU, Dryca, Richards A co. 10
aka r«g*. Chadwick A toe; 10 bbl* ooal oil, O Tints A co; 1
tbl bolter, R DiltrU A or, 1 car abort*, 11 Wallace; 6 cekß
peer!*, J B Ljcti, 6 roil* leather, J OeU A co; 8 bblf flih.
Ora ha to k Tho on*; 10 do, Reed A Manger; 1 car acrap iron
Uellman A c< ; 100 tbls-flonr, Watt A vtll&m, li-Odo flitch
cock, li. Ureei j A co; l»*S do, J MsDevil.
Imporii by River;
WIIKKLINd, p*r kllaem—l37 ikt corn, EJnrton A
Stewart; I ok cheese, t Frisvogt*; 1 gilnditsue, lletluiau.
Katun a on a) blilf liqiur, Hoatau-r M 60 do do, j
KttJUn Vi-Uo,J Loflnk; .14 du, 8 McCrlckart A cu; 4 bhd»
tanr, d I»f e-r M oo; kga twtrt t>l>*reo, £hm*r A lull worth;
Km, fl >nr t'j'p & r*lie;itj»nl; 2£o Jo Ore barn A Thomas;
3 bJlt woud-*o !—•»*, J; 3?-l>£i J Uuileudoff. 2
oak* w«r-, II K»r« h-», | dollqaor.l bs 6o>/kr, Clarks A cu;
06 *k* oala, I' li.wiwftr, 1 i ht i »ka (Minus, fimtih A
t-or it Litii' —Vj l/Ma, Mackvowu h
l4 bbi* «M«ky, 1. sahl; 6 dobrvuly.H fichmidt; 7
bKda tugar, Uitrlmx:*. UcCreery A cu, 10 bxe ettrtb, WJ
Rot; '1 hints lunar cured hvmt, Itargeas & UcKatyy; 13
tint* lard nit, J Koe*, 6 btida auger, S Uror** A co; 36 bbls
charcoal, II O Hare; 41 chair*, B P Jon**; 41 rk* wrap trco,
rpeug, Cbalfsot A cn; 3 bit d lil.lta, Ur.»wo*»iWe Pectttco;
2 cktao *]> Iron, Gc»fl. Bennett * ru; £OO aka euro, 900 bMi
Qvur, J 9 L<gs#lt A co; 3 plow*, fipverA Btdwslt; 134 Us tal
low, 100 bbia floor, 36 do wblak y, Clarke d cu; 10 bbls floor,
Id., tviup. 10 bgacvdi-o, A V R tlco;.TJ L»os pig trou,
aiugvr, Nimick d cu. '■> »•?-
Dualoraa ou tb* Laos oo Saturday iu vary dnlL Tbs fet.
LuuUSiom Lacrutes w*a tbs only arrival, wltb iba excsp*
1100 of lbs regular packets. Tb* Mery Cook ciiarvd for
Louisville with • moderate trip. Tbs Ida May was expected
to strive no Saturday night ur 'fionJay. Tbs fivers! this
point U ncvedlug atowty-, alch lour f-et 4;ioob*a In (Us
channel. Tb* weaihor ondatCrdiy was war ft and pleas tot.
hot towards evening gave slight Indications of raia.
The Ootnberlsud is failiog’vrUb 4 lest on Harps tb shoals.
Tb* lower Ohio i* Ulllog, wiib f I feet on tbs sboolaat bar*.
Tbo Ulaaitslppi U (siting, witb (j feet from gL. LibiateCairo.
Tbs (**m lilrkmao came to from- Naahvill# with b fins
trip. While at CitrkaviUs she cams in coltkaioo with tbs
wire* and chains of tho railroad bridge, knoekln* down her
chimneys and demoUablng bar texaa- Tb# Aurora end
‘TactuDieb front New Orleans are also witb na again. The
0 ndine, atUr an absenca of two month* la lb* Arkansas, ta
hose again. \-
The departures were thr fit, Olood for Pittsburgh, laden to
fcet—the bulk of her cargn being over 600 Jits of tbs
Hmtengvr’a colioo. fibs was fall of p»s*tns*rr—.Cio- Com.
Batardsy. A .
Talsgrsph, Brownsville;
JvCsnon, Brownsrille;
CuL Bayard. Eltxabath,
Minerva, Wheeling;
Ida May, 81. Loqlt;
Telegraph, Drownsvilie;
Jeihrsc-a, Brownsville;
Col.EayanV Elluhetk;
Mlosrva, WhecOng;
Mary Ouok, Lonlrviu*;
fit Lenta, Lacrosse;
Tflttraphle nsrkiu,
Half Totl,Msyfi.—ricnrU dolland heavy; holders are
compelled to accept 6e decline In ordte to reeliaa; the rt>
Anew prices vobmlUed to will cot Itxdsce buyers to taka
mere toss sofflictent for their pTuslec wants; sates of &BQO
bbtsat|s,6o fjrsnpar«tau; s6,to&£6olur extra do; $3O
,69 foreoparAoe western, sod sd,lt&s4.23tbt shlppfng
brands cf; f xtrs Ih IL O.—eloaieg doll and drooping. Ca
nadian floor is a sbado hatter.with only a ttQ'og Camani.
ByaflonrseUlogtlowty Dts3,a@i,4o. Wheat qnlst; the
tn«ik«t javora buyer*; only awry limited expert and' mtll
lng.demaad; saJe« fioo both oommon white lllcnlgaa at sl.*
i 19; S&fiO Luih fair white Indun* at $1,60, and 6000 hethals
wtntarred ffeaUrn at $1,60. Rye qolst at S 3). Bartey U
dnll. Corn da!l and low»r; sites 4000 both. Oats
Hlca in ialr.nqaaat for export, fiagar morenettva.
Cisasxiti, May 6->fltur; there U a good demica Lr
better grades; Sales of svpsffitM at Whisky Is
doll and lower, at 11*d tor prims quintas.; Wbest tng\rtd
demand; white $1,40®1.<3; r*d Com is active
receipts light. Oats coll st i2@44 eta. Rjs »0@93 cts. fe<
Cl me, Utkv Pork onll and oflared fbrsly at There
tsbepn nothing dons la Baeoo. EbonldaEi and flUas an
Uld at '
A Eutetltutofor Cream of Tat tar,
tld* for makhig BREAD, OaSKB and all srtklcs of
food requiringthsussof.TfAlT. ' l '
This new and valnable article Is sot s drug hot ah
of fjod, containing notblox bnt whst gives ootxrUbtDant to
tt>e body. It is pnaraaii a eqasl la strength to partCrssm
of Tartar—is two tn th« same way in oooking—la ekeuper
in pilot, and make* -brtaJ . and cakes of snporlor quality,
which rsmalo frith bad yaTatatfc rinck iSV rr U»*a whan
Oream of Tartar la otsd. ,
This kitidati approval and recommendsJ Ly M«sara
BOOTH, OARHtirf A Rtkfifi, Analytic Chambts. br
Pbiladalpbts; JACK BOX PlnX. la <b« CnL
vsralty of Prot nOSSfORB.of Harvard
Ma»s ;^r: J ACSdOSt. ti Slut; Vt. HTCDOLa
ofBostoc; Or. CEI LTtiS stol all t*bsx ssmstißo ttp whos#
atiantionbiabtcn callvdioU, and ail hmstittytn *“®
hava esed It, recommend Uto <b* highest terms. ;
' gjufor sate by' DtngalaU nndQw»rs L ,
RTuto b, t. t. TmnUTON . CO, N». » Wtb .1,
PUtsbnrgh. . I
Wbolwaio ordats sdJissaeJ !■> “ '
r.i Anh Strftt, PKilftdelptiia,
Klw.Uablfiic«i«b«olypnb*sJ ■ .. • , -
BIOARD SODA, tb.".. PnaJ. ta kr,a,
l pi"."bC L''' f ■ , ' ■
«ODA PALBSATOS. lobU.,k.p.k<M*»j P*fOi.
SKioiioirAW V«A,*OWD*»»- • : ■ ■
npt7:9a»J * ' . _ - ■ •
for sal* ImpariA! Pints shdOuatnon Ptota,
TO! tat UNITED BIAII3, - - - - ; -
127 Pearl Sfee6UN(i«_Xotk. r i : ' :v
qjbrdmD, -KOgattat
nUEk EotTetU>Zbll«:>»usa Bolt But-
XvoaJu* ts!l *bi fci kUo.bx axi>aTH.ODuaai.
Th» Confeuioni c *a& Szpattaaco of »!•
Vlcttm, *
DESIGNED for the benefit &adu * want- * '
!°* to * OM * nSWfaxa !Tcrr> •
wi Drewi/jr, iYraUvre .ficoOfiA*, m % oon*»QMse»«f '4
**riy*rrw*i tnrpljloj ci lha cam* tin* tb« 3tt*nafmf i
; L\ra lly * <affeytr troa tha »bat« cmm tmi h {
I f
Btn«U <nalf«d tm) on nodtlac » M«Uh. .! -
r«tcp4 betricc ttMsdJr**t-f tbanpaUckst. '
AST* (UMDXXHt&xcn, At.
conutaa m Pohoa.
£ro*v»A juaxrric puis >
are ceetaix to %iT3 aid mioi, l
lTa*ywb*r*.*H J - ;}
?pp?pp p P P Pf
I«os as Mebicinx—Pzabtiah Sricr—A f
Ctu N'ui Hoaa.—X pcbllih balow u -xtract of • (attar i
from Dartd Boyd, »f EiaktmloiUa Station of tha Allogbeay i
ValUj BoUruod, who vucnrad of *b»d tom of djapgafc'
by tbaeaaof tha Pototlio Byrop." &lr. Boyd la a fcaferi
koapar, and la wall known, onl ha boa ooffarod in thaUat ’
tight yean 1U tnforma tno (hal b» golaaJ eight popsdi {
(u Hath by (ha naa of ooaboUlabf lb* tjrap,*nd fca*«&» }
thorfcadoia to ptsbtUh hit lettar. which la tppaofed. 1 ;
n*£rr to tba long odvortiaamaot of iu« Ponirlaa Syrep la -
toolbar eehjinn, Cor portkvlan of [U eorollra power*.
DR. OEO. U. KKTBKB,ItO Wood etrwt, Sola Agent-
JiKUiKT ZM, ll»
I Da. Uio. U. Ktteil:—£irr?Sacieaad I rood yoti Him
| Julian fur two bottlM of lb* PwurUn Byroj». -I gotoot
U-tUo from youoboat thra* ndl ago. u >«*» taujlho* - 5
rna, I told you Uiot 1 hod eoowthltig Ilka dyspepsia. Thu
j ayniptocn wet* wlud and p*lua to tba bwrale,asdpiixa tk
! the bock of|(b<> back, ou4 *t tioaa dlmboaa. Too fteda j
i mafaird tha Peruvian fcyrup, ob 4 U hot vluoa a* mot* gaol \
than any uedlctoo that f botatriad yei, and 1 hart boon i
t taMoa mvlidoo for tba hat algbt year*. Too told B9lf
, I would taka three bottiu at oca time, yon wealdglra U
I fee Bf* dollar*,hot uotkoowtog wbathar it troald do ssy
good, l (bought f woohWlnt try on* Lvttta. low that L )
oo> «eoiiing tba bolooea of tba minty in *o abort* tta*,yc* ;
«til aesl mo tba other thraa batllre. DAVID BOTD. ’ ;
Bold ryDK OEOHGB □. KXTBEB,» Woodßt.
hS&Akf? - - • • '
.ttsrca's aliftAooLODs VsKiini OnrsonSj *
TSt D»fy BtmtdyiniXt WvrtiSurt toEßtff*&*ai« 5
(Uf». if tot, Oocxmiohm, Boot, a»», UoeQuron fuu, t
IT&tui, Molu, dun Wouo in Oiuu laucn, to.
50,000 boxes sold in omb nohth.
The*- Ottabratod Bamadiw Lot* bian txta&tiralj UiJ j
tor yurt la »U parti of Europe, tad tbtlraltto
aloa* powir h*T« befloitUotsd by Uu Oaartaof
Franks BogUmf, Anuria, Prank) BaTirk, 64x007, 60({V> {
BoUand, Saplee, dc.» ind'thrb Chemical properties ]
eternised, m 4 approved by the moetdbUogaiibed Uodbal
reraUtse all over the world.'
Their daftnicUvvaaa |o ell kludeaf , vwmlo end tuKto
.fee* been oertlfled Iq tfcia coootrj by the Director* of tko •
rariooe g nbllc laatltotlsoe, Planter*, Paraera, Proprietors •
of gotoli, Werthoorw, Wesafactarito, end by T&rioca fis* •
Ingolihrd private elttseoe-
TfcasroovTeetlsMoleliuii CsrtUcatei cf Uo «2>M7 of
tbws Bemodlci caa he seen at t&s/Drpoi.
Pwreeio, Wbolevaleaadßetaß, by the Isvoter ord Pr>
pii-l::. J33SPB HSTSO, X*nsUcal Cbeadot,
"• ~ ni^jrußroadway(cor.Hooituaat,)Hew York.
(i«a«ral AgMtTNtaJWfc£t"*Oafc£l», **“***
(OS T. BOSBTOS, Druggist,
Broadway, Haw Tor A.
forola tnthlacity, wfccleaalaend retail by B. B. SSL'
LESS A 00., corner Wood andflecond *Uj JOS.rDEinHd,
Oontar Diamond and Market n. BXXSHAM 1 STUB *
HAH, Alleghany. 1
noTiiKosi aoxaaoiii AOTusuim !
Don’t Call to proooro Unk Winslow’s Sooth :
log Syrnp for CMldranTattUngf, jtbu noeqaal on sartis.
It aaftcaiog Use
gnat.radaring all iUay pain, and Is
taretotegnlatethe bowsla, Depond vpon it, mother*, 13
*UlflfarMtiojoaneiTte ( and relist and health to r«s*
Infects TertactlyeafalnalloaKe ,
Tide ralnibU preparation ta the prescription el sno cl
•be austexportanoed and tkilfal (eaeli Phytic!*:.* In Bert
England, and baa been need with csTsz-Ufllng tsetse* hi ’
Wa Dalian 1t the tut and •tuutcetinjyin.iae amid, in
n caeca of Dysentery and Dierboea In Qkiidren, whslhsz ta
■a from teething or from any other cane*. -t ! ]
i Ufa and health can ba tatlmtfedby dollar* and cans*,!* ■;
U worth Its weight In gold. ’ •
ftMUoaaof 'Dottlea an eolJararyyear, ta tbs Gali-rf 1
SUtae.' It la an old and weU-triadraiMdy.
BtHfL Haw tote, taontbacatalda wrapper, 1 t
• Sola by Druggist* through cat the world.
DB. a£a nTKETBKS, Agict for Pitttbnfgh l
JafcdewlyfcT T l
Mrs. Winslow,
An ei[kTi*a«J Nona and Ttmal* PbjmlcUa, prmsU V» ■■
tba aUanUoo 6# rnttben tyr
which grtitly f*dVUte» ih» proctM ot.tKtUag, tj *sltca> ;
lug th» (obm, rtdodng all UfljcimaJba—wtil aIUj AXX
PAIN *od aptamwUc action, and {* , '• 2
Depeod upon li, nothin, It win gin rut to joamlra, oad -?
Belief aad Health to yonr InfanU. - f
W« b&Td put qp end old thia article for otn Its jun. i
we hare o*T*r beeo M 'Z abiitoMyofaßT s
o there* did o« w.wkT7Vf»*i MYERHABIT 3
TO KffCOT CCJUC , 2SW, , S“ tbia tlotlj i
wed. Niwdidw* aintPi. kMwtnlaMSseo a
of dUmUfbetloß by «o> om wba and U. On the contrary, %
all or* delighted with lie cc*r%tlo&«, aad epeak is-tanos of i>
commaodatloß of iu tfletu eodaidfeal vtrtsae. j
We apeak to ibie matter “WHAT WB DO EtfOW," after 5
tea jein'ejrpemoc*, *5fD PACDOI 088 RKFOTATIOS if
GLiRB. la ainaat every fattens* wh«r» tb* taint to ssf* - •!
talog trots pain aad eabssMioo, relief will be bud ta
flfleen or meaty mlnatMefter theijrsp le adzuloietared. -d
Tbie valuable preparation ia the preecHpUoa of ose of 4
foalud.aad baabeea OMiwlth SKYER PAIItNQ SCO* ;{
OSBB la 0
It not only rslisvss the child from pain, bat Invigorates $
theatumachsod buwels,oo(v«nUaeldlty l snd gfrulnaMd i
snargy to the whole iy«tao. IlsfU almost Instantly relieve !
Uriplng la the Boveli aad Wind Colle. j
and ovaecomaooo- valaluikS, ahioh, , |
if uot ap«*illly r*- ovl - Y Yfx3Xi»M mtdJrd, And to 1
death. Wa W »***U Urn BSfi? S
avnaiJBKMV raiarHiau, mM»n»w 5
TUB WORLD,In all cases of Uf&kSTEUY ARB BIAS- t
RUCBAIN oaiLDRBN, whether It aibaa from twthhagar j
from anyothavesoM. We woaldsay toavary tuotiurwhonaa i
- n child suffering from soy of ths torvgulsc complaints>-89, -
OF OTQERfl,.aiand Letwwenyoo and year sofbrtng child, (
jm> d tbs relief that will bs hCRE-yas, ACSOLUTKLIr |
"TORE—to fellow the ass of this oediclim, U tlmsly used, j
Poll directfeaa for oalng will accompany anth bottle, hoan :
geoulns o(>l-«s the fac-aldHe of CB&TI9 A PS&KIKI, J
Now York, is oath# j
fiuld by Dragitstelhrooghuatibnworld. «
Psimclpml (RDM, 13 Osdir llissi, h, ¥* t
■ field by B. U fABSSfiTOOKA CO-, cortwr Wood asl ;
Poorih strsota; also, OEO. S. KtTfilß,llO Wood streak I
fsiadawtslyT ' ■ , |
Ora c*. Bnutj, AtrtnyiK and LigkbHt* ComOntd! j
. PATESTKD • - {
for dAThUUtj'cf ouirtfelfttSK?*
Uard vtih the elegant asd tin fraeetafbnaftveßtoUn 4
ram, piece* tfctifiMrt far inadf«»c*cf ia? ether yet It* j
Tabled. _ - V- 1
Eaton, Cree
No. 17 Fifth Street,
Areibe bieats for npcbrsll Btaleta.^
«t MAHD»*oniEKaB pbujS— tnjjbt eWf
added. Alao,A|«aM far tin oUcf, * \
Bradlej’a Patent Spiral Empreaa Battle.
itU to r..U, • Skirt towuUf. II will toil dp it* >
tklru (wriicUTWtt&MUtkk .hoold«b«tec tooaAMwa 1
aiUietrepCitadsoeklrt \
Weight onlj2f. DaDM* Etch 1 j
E, 0, A tf.tlap IKBTt teale tb* ‘ ...-■»
“L* BSLLC*«ad - IUEEKd”WOTE*tEiaT. •'»
•osßotnui■ * onßsastAM* isd -moor* WoT«rf.
8 6EIBT, lalßßTiad GHEAfSSTI
BSl&Tmade. /''•"■/. • \ '_f
t©*WholenlB andiiataiipeaUra in «U thfj
abovo. Pj3U <
• -. ffiiTHDßt l i • -W- 1
The attention of Mothers ia called to Dr{
mended for ell eompUlota atteadtog Teathtagi eucae* W;
eatery. Oroapi Be. . ...
BLOOD lOOD.*-Thle madtelM, beat, ia laaamcsig]
fiMti,"£ioos Too agenda mfcoiifto dteoonrj dtfigtayntni
ell pafteetiaedfctßea, ia vaUw&rtfty tßaatiaatira oUllwM
u«nd>Hsi titxalmparitycrdefideocy cl bteL. u*
prepared by Dr. 0. P. BEOBSOSr.aotborcl
oa Pfcyitdkgy»' Sdeocai to. efd
by oatcerccs eertlflsaf.a* tbcee eFaaaawh
AteOed tbeamlree U Ue rtrtaae^r ...-U
, CHDRCH e DUfQST, Kew Yc*fc,ai»tb*Gia*r»!lg*6ti;?
farbothoZoanlW.Xwiii Ma>L J. ' . . i'-
QP-Bee edTeffHeaept- ftr ige bytiKO. H.
AySTuo Wood «U my|fd*wlmT-i|.
book, of Sadler bl
urge end !&SET£Zi!£&l£2i
is renoaebte tiae> tfeeiof tsyaeo
UWihff**" I la btrie dtK pablfcbeee Btfoepecd
tag tbelrvtffk tone lobe be* *3fe*g|*a iwchnS If l j
(has eao badaaaetiaahere. A. EL BOWAHIh Xvmoref a
imprwmenl ia Bnafr Wading* Ptngwty’e Bafldtex«Moa.n 5
r vT» Taird Wtamt, Ftiabsrgk. * * aclSlydfc |
■ellhlM Lot TfiXU OtKSXgr Obd KOBCOOSed bfOMti"
eaeedflibenaeotdbetbo: . i
gvrealeby"- * .--■•• -v.-r-".
epM : B-WOtfT.JE^cor;tlß4rtyaodBl.OU , rettf
Q.UM BKL'HNQ— - ' •.
A * i
W i/UU .. ;
. *V* 111 As* 6 *•"*«*J
»»IHoa .'■: %£?g
..- 'l' 1 " _\ ' ' toßt>»**iSPDi*as*l'kra*\
cria >t til icrurtKtt
aiIPBB naaitt
I,».TffCIC3 A