JiHsbmrgl iayltt. * C&VJ * D~l TOR J AND PROPRIETORS X’ITX'aBpBOK ; SATURPAY MORNING. MAY 0, 1860. , ADrxaTmss.—Tho Pittsburgh —ffr,.- * l»fi*drcolatioc amongtbebosiseu “.Jou **4 tbesononodlag cittse—*r&oag thoea who »V» iia_>M sin—ant »moog mMD(«ctarcxi siod pr> ‘• k* tf 1 _ to* famd Jo nearly all tbe araotlns rooms: ■w*boosee, hauling hooee*, bwela, factories sodootnmto* r '** 3 wlifoße«totto*twoetti*w,wher»lt t* r»a4 aod carried J 55“ W the families for panusL A* • median for sdrer - *wng» Ibertfortr tt offca lodacemeots which so other —VSPttnEWeettro.PcSßsyifMita «w offer, to all who defor* Co ■XREnbloUfsocbu ofoareitfoeme. Ihe Wsmr Qtscm !-« ub UaM.hu • ranch larger elrealatloo to Westers ...Fmwsj Irani*. Ohio end Viiglm* Among •abetaattsl form •'•QW) aKduat» thin on; other eecaler paper to this Etßtfo r- JOAaoTMKOB, ... HOW. ANDREW &. OURXIM, DISTRICT, JAMHIS K. MOORHEAD FOB OONQRESB—XXIId DIBTMOT. ROSEBT MpKinOH X. KbßOt HOS.JARM ■ ... no.f.iaojiAi 1 EdwudO. Knight, .rf •• * BobertP. Blog, I UW7.8Q08,. 4 Bobvt V-rJutt, 6 ftsfeSft HOU, ‘VJJBWtiBtoMBHV T JsßW*ir.»cller ( • • levl ABminh, " • : 9 Pond*W. Cbtisf, 10 Osvfct Miriams* Jr., HDerH-Teigm, 1* Than**Tl ami, i Tone. I POLLOCK, is k. n owe. IS TnaocJa B. Ptaolaußs 14 UI/mi Mereur, 15 Otorgi Brinin’, . 18 A. B. Bhiip, If DuUl O. itirr) •18 8«mo»l ObltJo. 19 fotgtr Cow«&, ■ 89 WiiiUm U’Kermn, Sl 'Joba U. Klrkpa!to& t 83 Jamw Earr, 88 Eklurd F. Botata. _M H«ary Boctk«r t a Oner, CftißLuroiiCoßTiraoii.—The adjourn- Convention, after a two Without making a nomination, (s ihi : Ogh«i posalhle ooopUiDeot that could bo paid to tho itreoglh Bodjrigbr of the Republican Pkrty, It>ao acknowledgment that they dread ; li» power aaflUiat tflepcnaot decide upo&lbelr •«*»'coun»of aolion untli Uwp tee what we do. nib oalp hope la that *o may auke come ml*. Ul» by which they may profit Like a wary general, doubtful cf hlr strength end chances, they are afraid to giro battle and have drawn off their forces 10 natch our moTemeetoand be : goided aceerdlegly. > t*.*itfa the rampant, Irrepreaelble, alooat om nlpoteat Peinocrailo party of old ? Alas! how fallen away—how ebrnnken |q the ehanks, how aabdued In debeenor! It le already half whip, pal and tailtlyoonfasses It. Torn by dissensions and agltatedby an internal conflict wblob Is • deitroyiag Its tllals, It has tottered down to Charleston, quarreled with Itself and, fearfnl of . tha future, adjourned wlthont doing any thing yttttU It can learni what. Its yenng, active and • attong enemy la liksly to do. If we blonder, iU jaay coma out into the open Bald and fight naj bntil .net," It win take to the timber, and ■naka a chalking, sneakiog fight of It, each aa . only coward* and eavagee resort to. . Tble Is tho first'tjiae, in thehlstory of politics la this ceoßity, that a Rational Convention bee -met for lbs purpose of making a nomination and adjourned without making it. Ersry other Convention that errr tnet bed ooerage enoegh to face tbe nttuio end do what it was sent to do. The act Is without a precedent, and nothing hat Urn fact that tho party b reduced to the straits •V of a sad necessity could justify It. No party •*ef, before fell Itself at oaoo so weak and so Cowardly aa this aet ahows the democratlo party to ha. It may ba good generalship, under the elrenmSlanees; hut it Is the generalehlp begot ten ef deep despair. Ppea : tha Cbleago.CoDTention, therefore, is threwmhe necessity of faking the Initiative In the Presidential oampalgo. It most not, -will f net shrink from it., All that it baa le do b to taake nominations eueb as will unite all braoobes -efxbe opposition, and adopt a platform fully up ■ With (he advanced pnblio sentiment of tbs day, endlct tbeeo freotloni of the worn-out, broken np, •ffele demoeratlo party take care of themaelvee. ’ Yfodenee, caution, and the trueeplrit of aenoll iatlon will load our friends atCMotgo on to lbs light track, and all the not is easy. It must uot bo oonoealed, however, that this movement of the enemy throws npon our friends the necessity of feeling their way with can and wtlog With a due regard to the difficulties of our •- *wn position. Victory, is not an assured thing. 'lt in within oor reach. If we lose it, the fault will he oor own. It racy be lent—it may be enf • I«»d to ally' tway from oar expectant bat ill .--dirteted grasp. It is for the delegated to the ' Chicago Convention to realise this one fret abera - alt othsrf—that they are not sent there to grat - iiy their mere pereoual praferenees, lo the aeleo* lion of candidates, hot lo make each a cboioe sa Wiliba moat eitiafactory to ad and will reader ..aaa»»a certain. The firat step, the French pro verb aaya, la the meet difficult. That tret step is to bo taken at Chicago; and Itibehoores these to whom the talk la antroated lo look to It that it be well taken. - . -• ‘ Tax Sicisiaa .from the Charleston Conven tion brooght their proceedings to sa lads oeon .nlaslon as the Bnmp Convention. It adjourned without making, any nominations, to meet In Waeblogtos n week ((fore the reaißmbiing of the Bnmp Convention. It is a regular game of eee.eaw. One adJoarne to get ahead of tho othtr, indthe other follows salt. The Bamp Convention in afraid to do anything, and the Seotlers dart oot. Each waste to control the . other.'bai both are afraid of the Chicago Con vention i and if the lattermakes a prudent nom e lection, each M will nolle and oonsolldatethe opposition, these now antagonistic Conventions will rush to each olher'eambraee, and be loving brothersantllfrto decide! thegaesUon of spoils. The Panel. Conn.—Wo .have received from Harrisburg some forty copies of the Bevlsed .Penal (frds, nail passed the Legislators. Utm bara of this bar and magistrata, sot otherwise •applied, can obtain espies on epplloallon at this 'Ttta PcoFitsa’ eratnCoxaima met at Phil* itSalp&lft lasi week, aod after tba transaction of \ . liibmluUjftdJuiTccj to tsnt in Chicago on May 15th, at 8 t. x, at the Bilgge Aj K- U’Orni, Eeij, la Chairman, and IL fioiirras, Secretary. . Omtu> Samob—A eerreepoodent of f segoJctiniaJ, of the 2i(h alt, related iht f.ftet of itreogib towhloh he wee wit ■,l .~\r lut, about alee e’oloek A. M., ‘ '>ftwud wee wilbla three or' four '•J*' -.i-xA on the Fort Weyne rood, e '• •*.. .A • , .tfed ontho elllt work end be : .: -*jo train wee elopped, end L:&olctr the Ireok. It wee bo *T ef the hone wee * A I'P having pieced too thort to roach t'. ,7MU» wore hrenghL ' :Vlho horoo tilled 'him In oue he ' ropei one of patten oane ■tor etrat- Levere tagged twee N4w ff«mp»hire, Kr» JerMy, K«ir Tork. Okie 1 WBfjlTaiiia; &faod« island,' Vermont,' Wlsooo- • tin—ls. --Bgiully Divided —Keotuoky, MorjUnd and North Circlioft—3 ' inerif4ii.~T*nt>ssBeo-^l. . -If reqolrss 1 < voles to tffeoi % choice, nod ns neUber thedemoorsts nor the republicans bore a tnmeient number, (be four last named Stales will, or course, hold <( lhs bsUaco'of power.” Bboolo (be House fail to efect a President before tbe 4tb of Uarob tint duly will then in effect dcrolre upon tbs .Senate, which has the eleettoo of a Vice-President, who, under tbe provisions of the OODitltuiloo, beoomes President of tbe United Blnles. The Bensle is composed of a majority of democrats. Thi Fibs at Wabbkb.—Tbe Warren Chroni ole, of. the.2d, gives as fall particulars of tbe dinstroas Are that visited that beautiful town oa Monday, tbs 30th alt. We oondeose from that paper: “The fire took place in tbe taming factory of TraesdaU aod Townsend, sooih%f the oa&al; cinders set a barn of King & Bro. on fire, north of tho canal, theaoe the flames went to a barn of Mr. HoJl, thenoe to a barn of Mt. Samuel Freeman, tfaeooa to one of Mrs. Freeman’s, then to Mr. Falk’s livery stable. ! _ The , fife then iprtad cut and wo»t\ on Jrraoklla street, then erosslog tbe street, bttrn three house to the east, on both sides of the street, and golog west sweeping Franilln S W ,V» g » n * loalh M f * r " bouse of R.IW. BaUiff, Esq , and .north to the comer of Market, to the Van Gordon Block, utterly destroying two of the etores In U, and damaging the whole blook. From tbe east side of main street it orossed over to the wesl side, oonsuming everything from Anderson aud Rapp’s River Blook, (iooladed) down to the ooroer of Franklin sireot ? « ® o< *’ t dwelling, locludiog all the dwellings, baek of Main street, almost to the Methodist eburoh. From these baroiog baild logs, biasing shingles were carried to the upper bridge over the Mahoning, which stream was •oos a span of fire. The old bulldlog at the west end of tbe bridge, toon oaaght and was con sumed. The fire raged from one o’olock P. M , until five; aod at night the wind eoattered, bnrolng .embers, aud again threatened tbe rest of the Tillage. Tbe firs was not really extinguished until by a rain of tbe next day. To tho exertions or the ladies who rcmaloed at their homes, while most of the whits popula tion were working at the fires, the safety of tbs upper portion of tbe town is maioly owiog to they covering the roofs.with oarpets, carrying water aad extinguishing the many fires apon tbe roofs. Other Isdtee worked incessantly, bringing water, carrying out goods and removing them to places °f*|jfety. Others provided a boootifhl supper at Williams’ Hotel for all who oame 10, and their name was legion. / Every house in town was thrown open to (be sufferers, and to straogers who had kindly come to assist. Seventy buildings were burned—the loss in bulling* is $100,000; in goods, & 0 -, $160,000; in all, $260,000. Oa these losses SIO,COO was Insured in Pbceoix, Brooklin, N. J ; $l5 600 to City Fire, New Haven Cl.; $l,OOO in Monhaltao; about $lB,OOO in Etna, Hanford, Cl ; $6,000 in Colombia Mutual, 'and a small amount In tbe rbcaoix, Hartford, Conn. Coalmkbs’ EtoQOßßca.—Among (he most ar dent.admirers of Dr. Chalmers’ eloqaeooe, was Mr. Tonng, Professor of Greek. Upon one oo CAsion be was so eleotrifled that be leaped from bis seat upon the beooh near the polplt, and stood, breathless and motionless, gating at the preacher till tbe burst was over, the tears all the while rolling down bis cheek*. Upon another oocaalon, forgetfnl of time and plaoe, be rose aod clapped his bands io an ecstasy of ad miration and delight. When be preeobed in London bis own brother Jemes never went to bear him. Ooe day, at a coffee house which be frequented, the brother was asked by some one who was Ignorant of relationship, if be bad beard (bis wonderful countryman, and namesake of his. “1 ea,” said Jameft; somewhat dryly. ‘*l have heard him.” “And what did you think of him?” “Very little, indeed,” was the reply. “Dear me! ’ exclaimed tbo ioquirer, "when did you bear him?” “About half aa boar after he was born,” was the cool answer of the brother. Ladhs were debarred from visitiog tbe Ja laneee corvette while It lay in San Francisco. . Int two French ladies were determined loeee ; the decks of the foreign ebip; the femioino lex icon. Hkq that of jonib, contains “no snob word as fail,”* Accordingly, by (be coonivaoce of their hatbands, theydonnedthe distinguishing articles of the masculine uniform, aod clamber ed op the eblp’a sides. As Frenchmen, they wen received with rpmatkable politeness, and carried on a lively conversation with (ho Admi ral—tbe only drawback being that neither oould understand the other's lar.gaage. But when they prepared for departure, and extended their handstothe Admiral in leave'tabing, that dis tinguished Japanese perceived a rat, aod sum moning an attendant presented (he p/eudo gen- Usiren with a variety of magnificent balr pins, bracelets and fare, remarking that though a Japanese, he was still a man, and could dettot the pressure of a lady’s hand Tas Crop* aid tna Fmoar.—Hereabout*. on tha Ukt shore, ibo fruit Is yet in food condliloo. Some pesohes, pure, and charrlea, oa the end of the limbs, are injured, bat two thirds of tbs rcaalfiiog blooms might- bo bluted and yci eooagb fruit left for the good of tbo trees; Id fact tba remslniog froit, would, wbea ripe, weigb mora than tba whole will if permitted to ripen vitboot being thinned oat.’ Applet were not iaffidontly Advanced to be injured. Small fruits, too, were not in harm’d way when the Hat froite occurred. , A friend from Richmond County aajd tba peaebea about Mansfield were killed id tbe wlo tar and tbe treea above no bloom*, j He alio reporta that wheat ia tbe Northern part of that oounty looka badly; it ia better In tbe douibern portion, but bie repreeentatlone are not fgvor able to a heavy crop Clevt. Iltr. Ob Md»j afternoon at 4 o’clock, Ur. A. O. ROBB, of this cm, ng*dfil veers * v « uu I* I *® Tma ,h * "btdence of bb too. John B«bb, P un Omt, Fifth ward, et 4 o'clock thb mfur »». HU friends and ecqttsinUacse are respectfully in tutd to sttctrd. **• Mujt&g Liniment Okra MktvmaUm; Tka Mmtang Liniment Cunt Stiff Jginit; The J rattan? Liniment Cprn Burnt and Wound,; The Muttony L J niment Curtt Scott, Plctrt, Caltd Br&tta and Stn MippUt; fteunlyia, C*m and Wartt, and it worth 1,000,000 DOLbABS PER AIIIIUJI To the United Stales, u tbe preserver sod restorer of rein* •Me^UcrKsindCsUl*. It csrneU Sprains, Oalds, ffonoils, Star /otota, to. ©id yen ever beer of «ny ordinary Sort, Swelling, Fprmls or Stiffness, either on mao or beast, which the Masteng Liniment wonld sot C tmf DIJ yen er«r »un ■oy respectable PrngUt Jo eny psxt of the world—in Korop*. Aaln or Acetic*—who did eot say “It wsa the greatest dlt cjreri of the ■ftl* Add everywhere. Every femlly should bare ft; (bn* slave. •plOAsd Barnes a’PARK, Proprietor*, New Totk. Wwstow, an experienced Nurse •nd female Physlrtan, has • Soothing Syrop tor children toet&lßfc which gweily fsciUtskc the prom* of teething by softening the gams, redoctog *ll tofUmmatloo—wn *n*y ell jwto, end is rir* to ngnUte the bcwoli. Dtp«ci! npott It, toothers, It win give rest to yourself** tod relie ’ esd health to your Infants. Perfectly sela In all cases- Beeedvdtiatraent la another edema. M&diwlyT I Costiteness.—-Persons who suffer from this pelsfat condition of the digestive vrjini, will upirlntt immediate nod relief; by oeklog dm of Wit. 808*8 PULS, * medicine which be* been ibonngbly teat, this nod hundred disease* cf the iletnscb end boaels. Tbm Rtta ere prepared end add by B. L. FAHNESTOCK SCO 4 Wholeeele Druggists, end Proprielors of B. 1. fall- DESTOCK’* YJRMIfUQB, Vo. SO, corner of Weed end Fourth etieele, PHtaborgh, Fa. myjrdlwf JUto o^uto(mmto. ADVE&TISEU ENT, HDIHTTHffA F«r the INSTANT RELIEF end HXI Hltln PEHMAUKST CUM «.f ibis dltlree*. lluHm|f|,loa me B'/BH VT’B BRONCHIAL cigarettes, M*d*byO.B,aBr2Wß* CO, 107 NASSAU STREET »• T. Price, ft per bcvioi fm by p«t, ’ TOB SALI AT ALL DC^SGISTS. ■piSIVSO 3 largo Mookercl; . -*W*t Oo do do do do medium do « do Sutport Uo»rinr. » do Wblta Flab; 100 bf. do dj W do taka Herring; 33 do do Trent: 16 do do Shod. *r«ateb7 J. B. CANFIELD 4 CO, rtwtract.BMrWood. ’ A L. .u. t. coifey, m.p. **©■ 4b COFFEY, Met of tfedtaine and t orgery. vifiti atreati oppcalta tbe \ mySilwd AT ZAJf, jiefe aiibirfiaigimtfl. Ai.Lfe;aUEM, S 3 he Common £SS| wealth of PaonajlTA&ta tp WIUUm Paater buib*od cf SUlzi f. Foettr, Daughter cf Hbrutna b—a«ott, dteflvi Io punohttco of an order of tk< Orpbiat' Oosrtof mI4 eonnij, oi*1« < n April 2*. l&OO, joa b«r#bjoii*4 to be •oJ appear b-tuie the JuJgte of uid*Coaxt oatheSSta 111701 1860, to ilv* B. If Mj )«Q bin, vhrecvrteta lot of groan.! In tbe o*y of Aftegheoy, oa Sank Lao*, at tt** ClAtaoc* <.f W (Wr-t «*itrr«rdij from the coro«r of jfru I L*oe, cufatalalrg A'frTOt on Bank LaoeXX [*t, act] Hooding In depth luO liut, a tmai! two •lory brick b&ou Ibereoo ehotild tiOl bm rofd Atteat: TFIOS. A. UOWLET, CUrIL SmvIIELL A PaLMPH, Attorneys for Felidaenr. Ppoduce— -3000 ibe. Bacon Bidet. Sbonlden aud Utac 2>oi do tUx, SuO buthele Dry Apple*: 100 do White Dus*, 6 kegs pecked Butler, 2 Lb'.e mill do 2 do Timothy Bead, In itcra tad for tale by BRKITEA A CILWOBTO, mjS Nc* ISOaad 132 Srconfl atreat. WJ . rA N KIK K , e (Formerly of Fajetta ccunty,) LAND AGENT, Notary.TubHc and County Surveyor, BOLIVAR, POLK COUNTY, MO. Prompt attention glrrn to T*x Paying and LceaUog War* tnnte In Mlee-juri, Kimm aad town. m>ft dly SAKDINKS —200 cans boned fresb; 200 bf «Jo * do do UOO bf <*o Open A Uartln'e; lflW}jd4 do do Roc’ll tbUd»j.for ante by AEYMKtt A ANDERfiON, Bji No M Wood at, oppoelta It. CbuUi Uotat. HERRING —200 bxa extra large scaled; 600 do No. I liming, new; Just facetted end frr »aled>y RtTUEK a ANDEBBON. No. S'? Wood at, Bjl Oppoette fli Uurltf Hotel. WR. CHEESE—A fresh anivai of 30 a box»e sew W R. Cbeeee Tor tale by Q)S J, B. CANFIELD A CO. «C> HUDS. PRIME N. 0. SUGAR to »r -v riro per steamer leeeak pell sod Cor Mia by ays smn van A PiLWORTn SE\ ENTEENTU LIST of Applications for felling Liquors, filed in tba Otmk’e vfflee op to Mae w, two. AppUby Lance, tavern, 6th ward riUelar|h, A til aeon Thome*, do 3 J do do Appel Adam, do West PMUPhrgh, DeJley Ihooer, do 2d ward, PrtUbnrgb, black John A 00, with other goode, 4th ward, PitUbnrgh Brown Hobart, Uforn, it M Allegheny, Born Jacob, do ) Bees townahtp, Decker FradaHck, do lid ward, Allegheny, Cook Fraokllo,' do let do Pltubargb, Cell* La ole, rto SI do do Canning George, do let do do Clinton Wm, Co Sd do do Carl Xarler, do 24 do do OafTtn Jamas, do let do Allegheny, Conrad lionla, do reebUa township, Okspbtll Jama*, do SI ward, Allegheny, Diamond John ' do (hb do,. ' Pittebuigb Drombla Chari ea, do Ist Allegheny, Dana Patilrk, do 3d *do Pittibargb DaJuU Ilngb, do Hots loantbly, Doffe> John, ; do 3d ward, tllltborgh, Drita Catharine, do Upper fit Clair towq’p Erins it W, *• Cutltos township, EctcrtJAP, .-do MoOtnra do Kldar flansol, y ?o wtjklo* do RTitlDtorr. «(ih »tk»f good a, 6ih ward.PltUtnirgb, fiMfilioll Job* d» Itoro. UfttunHlli, Vox Jotm* / vitlcK bona*, do do Prank Low)*, do 2d ward, PlUiborfb, Vmi OotWti, «*o tiawrfoeaTlll*, fry Qmama, do Tarcatam. Gillepwflearg* 8, do 2d wild, PltUborgb, feUr, do 91 do Altrgbeoj, Gerbfr Gtorgr, do M do do Qtjhl Qaorgo, do , 3d do do Qdlotuhflmor Pater, do j- 4th do Fltutmrgb, _|iaLm»i Gaotgn, do I«t do do lliutli XUubelh, do Studaf tomablp, U»rw)g Brutal do Jet ward, Pltiaborgb, Ilcffoto Ambon/, do 3d do do Ilopklaa Patrick, do 1«| do * do Jtckaoti William, do Ketl Jaccb, do Miffl a tovoiblp, Herr Jiues l, da 6th ward, Pltttbnrgb, Bally Chirlri, da 3d da do Rack Joerpb, do Sib do do ILtcoady U P. do* Paotlei township, Balteobnrg Patci, do «ih ward, Pittstiarib, Luts John, do Lower 81 CUir to*a"p. Lalwlg Jacob. do. Maucbsittr, Uw*t ueerga, do Lover Bt Clair towo’p LippertlA. do Ka«t Blralasbatn* Lots Dam**, do Besom towjublp, Ljbcb Jams*. , do 4ih ward, Pittsburgh, Lang Maigarrt,»Jlhoihirgood», lit do do McboUoo Fri&ds, lamn, lit do do Kisser Philip, do LawTsoeaTltls, Nsaoo James, do 2-1 ward, Pittsburgh, Naswr Fradtrkk, do Vmsliia* township, Msjsr John, di 8J ward, Allrgbtoy, MusDarid, do in do Tlttabnrgb, MeHlckla with otb«r good*, 34 ward, do UcLangbtln Pblltp, Urtm; lit wird, do McDtrmotl Anthony, do Ist do do M«Lm John, do Mifflin towoshtp, MtQrady Jain, do 4th ward, Pittsburgh, ObarOrercn, do 4ib do ilkibuj, (/Mans Mfebaal Jr, wlibolhar goods,ld w*d, Klttabargh Past Jacob, bnn, 4tb ward, Allegheny, • Pint James, do lib do « PsttarsonTbomu, do paresli 01lr*rL, do hosm Juba, do Boblssoa township, lltddsU Wm, do 4th »itd, Pittsbargb, Rlttmio Frwuick, do Shilar towosblp,W*» FtowaitL. IF, |do lit ward, Alleghany, ~ FchollJHoph, do Boro. ofOitniashiß, Bebtomr Joba B, do gait Birmingham, EelfrrtbJubn, do lit ward. PlUibargb, Fehanar Philip, do 4ib do Allrgfctny, Pcbwart Qiorgr, siting bonis, £d do Pittsburgh, Bborpsooy Miry, tsrsrn, Ind Una township, Bhnbirt Adam, do S 4 ward. Pittsburgh. BlsdlsßmtnoU, do 3(b do ' do Bcbockßitnou, with othsr goods, lit d> do BterllogJinw, urtro, 4th do do- Bbleldk rnd’k, with otbT g.-oda, Ist do do Efeiosr Anna, t»T«m 4tb ward, AUesbeor. BlcdldOottUib, iatiog house, 8,1 do Pituburgb, : FallsEoih, . tircrn, lit do do Et*»colouCJpv'(oghoaet C ioobeedeep. jfo.B—eatops.lt bet Clnch*shlch,7 f«t 3 ln«be« w»Jo. 4 feet 8 tnchee deep. ♦—l2Stop*, 13 brt high, 9 fret fl Incbi-a f fa t Tb« Abort dimemlosa an for QiocUo cases, If Uotbic **■'•l *“ # y *lll bo oocsowbat btgbor Pot fartbor iDfurraoiloo, *pply to HENRY JtRREN, Now Totk or JOHN 11. URLI.OIt, 8l Woi.4 ATWKi.L, LEE A CO. JOHN 0. CPETIa. widen and willow wake— -100 dosea Charm, assorted; 100 do Backets, do 40 do Pine and OedarTaba, 50 do Painted Tabs, 40 do Zinc Washboards, T 5 boxes Clothe* Ptse, 100 Bests Sogdr Boxaa, plain and rarnUhtd; 40 do Covered Market Bukete, ’0 do Open do do 25 do tlotbea do 6 doreo Wall Backs! e, 20 do Massons, Pine, Cedar and ch-etuut; 60 do Toy aad Qoerur Palls, 10 do Oadar Brass Booad Pall*, With other articles la Wood aad WUJow too aomwcoi to tneotlon, for sals by retail aad to ih# trade cbeao for caao. myl.dAwT fIAMPKL RIDDLE. 51 DUmood. QONDRIES—IO hhdi. choice N. O. Sugar; • do prime Caha do 10 bMs, N. 6. Pyrap; M do LoalaellleCot and Dry Tob: 40 boxes Ptar Candles; 20 do Wheat Starcb: 84 bbla. Caba Mola>ere; 400 Lnab. Dry Apples; *4 do do Pnacbor 1 bam! Sweet Ocra; _ . , „ .2W do* assorted site* Bracms, To etors and tor ytls by 'tA»?a VsN GOiIDM. IhTANSFIELD PROPERTY FOR-SALK. XU. large lot of grtraad 73 feet front on Chastaat at. bj 154 fret deep on Onion street. The Dwelling nooao u larg* aad cosfaateatly arranged, with b»n, parlors, dlolos room, kitchen, bed chambers, Ae,—l4 rooms to all, a well of water aad ptnsp at the dpt*; Urgascablo. fruit and abed* tr« t, good lance, Ac. Price f 1,600. pj* - a. CPtDBKBT 4 SOW, M Market »t loe Oream Freezers, As Improved for 1810. Witk Stamps Iro a Crrara aad Butlouit — Tinned. THE ONLY FREEZER known which in toostmetedVo (roecrWettflr principlea The CBeepeal, Deal and moat fea>ooaiicsl; rtqciribg ler* le» Mi lew labor than say plhrr, bring at the eam* ume tha moat dnraLla la etroctors, aoa wm certain la i etions. Sale Ageau (or the Cettad etataa, „ £ KITCfIAM 4 OO* Meoonctnnoe.of Xepanwdaad Plaatahad Tin Warn my&lmd >l9 Pearl lh t Hew Yoik. BT me CODBT. CTAKI>.— 1 • have this day disposed of my / stoeker BwUud BUtWmryto Ur. BOBKETa DA*lS»l*t*efMr. IJ.S. Ilavra'i atUblUißent. «o<* Uk» ®«*> plant* ta meauneMltac bin to a? former f wy oo tbs btulssss ea tbs priseipl* adopted L> tuj pr»- qwswf,'lssttett tor d)mH tbs tun HbsnJ sttrooststbst tsscjojsd. ‘ r»d topplj of BTAPfcP. AND f*SOI Bf ATIOtTSHY will bsalways oo band. Old catoam will Ibst st bcdgas Mr. WATER*, for Busy jssnlstbpsaplej of Ur. Psvfsos. wilt r*o*l&. . ' .BOBEKT S. DAVIS, fa Kay Ist, IMP—ay&lwd A Bobttttnt* for Cream of Tartar, Anew, healthy and cheap ar Cola Ibrmakiac BREAD.OAKES and all article* ©t (sod nqatrio* iba naa of YEAST. nia oa* ud tiluUt arUcta U Dot a dmg bat u artie r qf AW, cseUintof BOtblot bat what glraa oeerlatißMat t<> Uta body. It to/w*rajarr-rfaqajdluitr*o*th otTartu-—1*n—a tc tb* cum Way taeockicg —ii ts prtea, obd aaku bread andcahatof mp«ricT qatlit*. which rrmaia fru\ aal pejati Ui vucH longer ib«a whati Cream of Tutu U mj. Tbta tHlda to approved and rwomnjradfd trUmn BOOTS, CARUrra REESE, Ac*al,llo Chamfer*. of PhnadaJpbU; Dr. SUJUtL JACISUN, Prof. | 0 lb. Uol nsraltjof r.on*4 Trot UUNSIOKD, of HaifaidColW*, Mata; Dr. JAQBBON. 8 tat* Aaaayarcf ilm; Dr. NICHOLy of fioatan Dr. CHILTON aoJ all vtbaraa.ratlfio man wbr** attaatioa baa baas caJUd lo H.;*Dd all Aowrtorxwrt who har« ned it, recommend It to it* blgbcit trrxaa. aato by Drof.fet* and Grocara jcaarr.llj. Forms* by f. B. THURSTON A CO, No. a: Ponrth *t. Pituborgh. WbofeJala order* addraaaad to BDRQIN A SONS, 133 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Who alao haracaaalantfy on haad BICARB SODA, tba vei!-bso»a"BtelU Breed.” lc hre* boxaaaad paptn. 4 ' BAL SODA.labarralaaodcaika. AODAPALEEATtJS, la bblr, kata, bum aai paper a. caoTOroHAist teat? powders^ 7AHTARIO ACID-E-Klddar A Ou‘a., Aj. apJTJma p THE NEW SKIKT! Grace, Beauty, Strength -and Combined.' JW. BRADLEY'S IMPROVED AND • patented "TIP TOP” SKIRT, T°l »*treto« Hjhtß«ai aod darabllltyof material, ecta* blard totib tba alegsat and th# (raoafnl fora given to tba Warn, placet thla Sktrt fU la adtnoe* of as; other yet In. Tabled. Eaton, Cree & IVlacrnm, tot tW»plhoa»*ad »Ul tnpplyaJl Dealer* •t MANurAOrCREQ 8 PEIOW-frelgbt charge* only •ddad. Alio, Agent* for tba aalt of Br*dleyV Patent Spiral Empress Buttle. .Js** *• rulljaSklrt fopperter. It will boMqptbi Bklrta perfectly withers! tb* rbontden Mag boaoddowr «lib ttrep*, tad no aktrt ahoald bt worn witiiont oca. Only 2i Ooncos Each ! A M, alao bay* tor u!« tba J|LA BBLLt" aod“EOREKA" WOVEN BRIBT. 8 ?HW 0RWI! * OUB S3RAN»aad“WILOOX» WOTEN “OORTEiI*' 1 S&IRT, and DlSTaad GITKAPE3T SKIRT mada. Retail Dealers in all the -ftboro. mj 2 JOSEPH ADAMIf, No. 67 'W'yii© 6tr«ot, Pittaborgh. »5S“ s iL Cß *“ Dr * M. Pollock, Pr. Hillock, Tbomti ,g<>bMp» t ßn—lltoH, mifcdiy lit do Pittsburgh, dth do do CWEETS-200 bbl«. W. O. Molwaoa, oat KJ tooterajtj (o do H. T. Sjmpr, brioUtT nia *° ami lltorty it t>OD_L BU'ITER—7 bbla.fte«h Kail Batter T\R[£D FRUIT—4 bbU. Dried Peaches;? 1 do . 'do do fttotuf; Tn ■lr.r. . . « t V W tmib dO ip?]** lo ftoroond tor noi by j. b. CANFWLD A 00. I bbla. nice berries jdst ftcowtd red for nl» br J, 8. OANFIKiP A «X>. N . D SHELLED COHN—I9OO bueh. Clj.ehta.te.ua lb. »i.i* a " J. B. CAKfIKIiD A CO. Kjo 111,4 ' : - j. n •oiirriiLP too. AFISLBs—2OO bus. bright Dried ippi«tortcr»«»4fer»itt>T kftsntn.: "'-r n r ’ i T:' v.igtfn glibtrtistmtiitg OENTLEMEN’S WEAR, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND 9 UfEVTE firotopoian, A GREAT NOVELTY!! No. 17 Fifth Street, DBNTIQT, JAB. A. FBTZKB, Gorntt M»rtct*na,roend ® d **y #om ® °f l “ B fint PhjaicUna of tb* city ox New York, over *ll other wlaee, on aoeoaot of itaeX* Irene parity end delicacy, end tboe* who one* try it rarely iu* any other brand. Althongb on* year hu elapsed aioce IU Introduction into tbla Conakry, the demand I* enormctu and cooetaotly locroulog. :.Onr arrangement* are rech ai toenrere the quality of the Wine being maintained at it* prevent blah atandard. The Prince Imperial ie Imparted eolely by tw, we being the eoteugnnte of Meeere Do Void* k 00. In tbla country Sold in tbUriiy bj Jin.LRU ft KICK BT^ON E V.iIADOnwOOT, Noa -tSS.l'Jfl eod 49: Broadway, N. Y. RICa'&RDBON'B IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS % DIAPRRS, SC. pONSDMERSOF RICHARDSON’S WN RNS, and those dssirooa of obtaining the QENULNS 00 JD9, should a o ibahJhe article* they pnrcbaao araseal ed ritb the fall dbuiool tbe firm, J. N. RIOHABDduN, SONS A OWDKN, '•aguaranteeof tbo* aodnes*end darability of tbeGood*. Till* camion la tendered essenllalij uecMsary, as large quantities of inferior and defective Liuana are prepared, •eeaun after season and sealed with the name of RICHARD f*OS, bj IrUh Hoc***, who, regardlma of tbo injury thna inflicted allkeon tbe American conanmer and tbe manofao turersof tbe genuine Good a, will col readily abandon a business ao profitable, while pnrehaaera can be imposed on vilh Goods of a worthless character. J. feULLOCKE A J B. LOCKE. Aprtit*. 30 Cbnrcb Street, New York. Steam to southamptoi HAVRE AND BACK. Tb* V«nd*rblft Eoroj**«o Llo* Hotted Bti •htpi uwdt,i|2twT Wo. 16A Fourth at., PUt*bnrgh.*Pa. whkw„ I cats w. cia*._ . WTID WILSON, GARB «Jt CO. (L,r, Waaoa, Pit,,*Oo) “Wholesale Dealers in FORHIQIf Ac DOMBBXIO DRY GOODS, No. 04 Wood Sirealf 9tl bom* above Diamond Allay, WTfSBUBGU. Analytical ucd flannfutlarlog Cbtmlitrjr. GESNKR'S CHEMICAL AND ENOI HItRINU tOOHS, JVel. 24 and 13, 24 fTitZfea Acte l'otb. Aoalyil* medeof all Ulo*ra) ! and Commercial artkltw, Ooai Oil* tabled, Coal Oil WufkatrecUd andeoatraeuaiadr. The Lett procotiei far pirifjlsg and deodorizing Goal and Petroleum Ofte f araUhed, with wklltfsl workmen aod aspar* loleodauta. Ulnfaanrrbyed and Ooala teatod. i The Keroeen* Patents, froinuhLU tJitOoal.OU Ltulnm* lathe BalladBnt«#originated, wera fiiel guaranteed to Dr. OCfiHßlLCtiemfrtapdqtoligUt.. . '"."'lnyUSoA C TITRATE MAGNESlA.—Tins.sgrteiblo J and gentle purgative lfjprepwvTfanh mjt ' Corner of Kalktl rtreel and tha Diasmad. ' v' » POLITICAL ■ NOTICES. „ * Aa*emblr. •@**o* A&3MBLV.— UcJrf ,,f tb. Turd w«a. p.«t»i)ar,h, %mKV»X£ TS *!*J-! n»yfcai«uT rS*Fo» ASSKMBI.T,—'I'aoMAS F. »JU of «=>■ Jfl.mra «ni t. . cndU.l. r„. bly, «übj*:i to lb« iJtcto o( ihn Beyahlico Camilv Coa (TS*FoE ASSEMBLY.—TiJuiI4b kiuuoo,' o! Snowden towaahlp, win boa raodliata jar Awxd bly, ra>j ct totbs dtciaioo of tbe RspuMicaa Count; (V-q- Twtlon. • mjS.»rteF Reg-bTEK.—'CotSTEB FIELD RoBB will b« a candidate for R*£l*tar f subject to lb* J»- dalon of tba Republican Ooont; Convention. ap2SJ*»eF Register— W. J. Kichardsoj*, ol TampeimsceTlU*, will be acandidate for Beglator, •object to the decision of the Repnbltcan Count; Con Te n apl&diwtcT [TS* For Register.—Maret W. iIABBACHyOf Wilkins township, wIU be a candidate for Count; Register, anttfert to the dsciaioo of the Republican Cbcnty Oonranßoa. ■ ap^deertcT [T7s*Fob Recorder.—Weslet Kerr, of Up* P«r 8L Clfctr towneblp, will be a reudidsle for the •bore cffic*, subject to the decision of lbs Republican Couo* t; Convention. »pl3-d*wirF frS*FOR KICOBDSft.—ABDiEL M'Clcbk, ol Miffllo towiuhip, will cwndiiAle for County Baccrder, to the docUlou o( tb« JupobllcAo Cocat y Conr***' —* Recorder.—David S. McKee will be ft candidate for Cocnty Recorder, subject to the dedftoo of the Republican Conoly Convention. mrtajjWteT , [T3*For Recorder.—J. P. Kom, ot AUeghe- By, vEU be e candidate tor tbe atxive offlee, subject to the decision of the Republican Count y Convention, mrfcfcdawtef » njs» For Recorder.—liio. F. Kudisii.l, of fiewlcklev, will bearsndidiL* for tte-trder. subject to thededalon of the Republican County Convention. mrltoJAwtcT Clerk of the Court**. JJjSKJtiRK or the Courts.—Jno. M’Gbeo ib, of Pittabargb, will he e rnodidste for the shove cffleu, •abject to the decision of the Republican Comity Conven tion. mr’JO:l**ieT |T]s»For Clbsk of the Courts— Dr. J. D. Bsltmw will be e candidate fur the above office, tub* Ject to the did-too of tbe Republican County Convention. mrl3-d*wtcT [Tj5» For Clkbk of ibe Courts. —Samuel '* r zr f t B tU) 0 f Lawreocevilte, will be a canUdate for tha above office, subject to the doeiaton of the Republic an Ooonty Convention. . mrlOrdawtcT ITS* For Clerk of the Courts—David Uicnuoi, of the Second Ward, Allegheny City, aril] ba a candidate for Clerk of the Courts, eubjoct to the dedikm of the Republican County Courrutton. tdrSdewteT |T«»For Clerk of the Courts.—Wh. A. HEBRON, of Pitt township, artll be a candidate (or Clerk of the Oourte of Allegheny county, aubjict to the de cision of the Republican Coooty Nominating Convention. Ja3L-ds»tcT IT»*Clerk of Coubts.—James Lowrt, Jr., of PiiUborsh, will be a candidate for Cleik ol Courts, ruhject to the docirfoo ot tbe Republican County Oon ven ties. totdhilAateT For Clerk of the Court.—John IJ. Brawaav, ol Outline towatbtp.aubjact to the dediloa of the Republican Cuonty CubVenii'sn. frEfcdewteT IN A ND^n Commißnioner. Hjs»For Commissioner.—Jsaac Mills, of Wilkins towue’p, w*)i be a candidate f.r the office of Oeoaty Commlealoner, adject to the ceculon of me Repub lican County Convention. mjSrddwrof UteiH&ll Bt«*a >lOQ ud Hatt*. noi BtTU AMS •OCYBAKtfOJf TjSHJountt Commissioner.—Wm. 0. Miller, Eeq, of Dcqnaese Boroogh, will ba a candidate for Ooonty Ooouslealouar, adject to the dotation of the County Republican Convention. .mrTI:-lAwicE Tjs* For Commissioner,—William JIFKee, of Feeble# township, will be a candidate for County OomolMionrr, eobject to the dedaloo of tbe KepnhMcao County Coorentlou. mrlChdeetcT fi@“Foß Auditor.—Bennett Lake, of Elizi betb Dorongh. will be e candidate tor Auditor, to the dtcitloo of tha Republican Ccnnty Convent on tnyl-dAwtcF putlu £.ntttt£i. Orrict Ecnrxt iNiCKtvgx Cobp*ki, i _ Blitafcnrirh, May 2d, into. / fjsr*DiTiDENi>.—Ara meeting of tho Board of Dirtetora of thia Company, held this. ey, a Divi ded waa declared, out of the profited tbe laat year, of FITS DOLLARS per ehare, upon each (bare of tbe Capital Stock eubecrlted, applicable to tbe payment of tbe Stuck Dne BUM. BU* dividend hailog extinguished the Block Doe Bill*, the Stockholder! will please call at tbe office and receive them. myfc3td ROBERT mWEV, Eetretary. HracatAfß' isj Martnctcasu’ Bt»s. t _ . Pittsburgh, Way Ist. la« 30. / n3*ThU Baak bos to-day declared a Divi deni of FOUR PEAOENT.cn tbeCapttal EtocS out of tbe profile for tbe lait tie monthe, peratle on or *f ter the liih insuct. ttyßlOtd . W. B. b£SN »; OaaLLar. Excaaaoa tuax or PrmfioaoQ, j . May let, 1860. / President and Directors of thia Bank “V have declared a Dividend of FOUR PERCENT out oftheprcfltaoftbelaatalx mjutbe. Stockholders, or their bgal reprvwaUtivei, wlllbepaid on and after (be 10th Inal myTlOtd H H. MCttRAV. Caahlvr. • Cinzus* Baas. I PltUburgb, Way lit, ISSO. ( Board of Directors of this Bank have thU d«v declared e Dividend »f FOUR I'ER dz moo the, payable oa nr after the IBTfgJ'ffJiM oyHOtd R.D. JONES. Cetl M*CfltMns3TF i&SEi&s sspssssa"- ■*^ *k a A LES Austin LooMia * £*? T!^JXCUA,iQ * IVIIIT Baal |gtU« - iK>» Al pofeßfl — l *t ' ' *iwij»«win» »tw. • cma ca Learn ra Bail Uiu ea nmaUttataa tj - xveza Looms* 00- Stock BotaSrek«n.BS VmxtbsL Ilecorder. . CIGAES, No. 216 Booth Frost e tract, Ph Uadel phi*. P*. f[riuuil.tdlsa.j We rocdTd regaUiljr, ud offor. acholce auortSMatd da»ir»bleCtgaia. - TbaaUotiliun of and other* Itlirtited fcfcijA ~ Flour and Provision Commission Merchants, 3"o. 513 AVtt HSsttcj, bticra f*t ntSltat, | PHILADELPHIA. Auditor. Draiell A Co., Banker*, phtla. Oaintt A Martin, PfciQv Bank Northern Ltbaftkt, “ {titer, Price 4 Co, *• B. Bollock A Sooe, 1 " 3. D. Lehmer, CtsdncatLO- Wright Brut. A Co., M A. D. BiUlock, ' - •» ; Corn Kxchaaga Bank, •* OHbeil Prjor; St. Loot* jaSattf ; f ‘ 77 • SMALL & OUANJDXjIU!*, , vv holeule Oroeen & Coamiiiioa' BtrthuU, 123 Markd SI, sbosi Jrc>nf, nmh fid:, f'hQjdefpkii, OFFER for sale the following, ah the.most ■ eaaootbk terms, viz: T • 2W p*ckagae New York end Philadelphia Jyrupa, aa»d; lOOrMkaprtaeretaiUog Klee, 600 bbia. hcDeed Bngat a, aeeorrad. ICO “ pilnte Cn>« Uuluec*, 6-Obagi Itlo Code*, primaaud mediant qosUtke,' WUb utaal a—ortgwut Teaa, gptcea, Aft. j-,yy QARDS I CAliDa!! CAiUIS !1 PaiKTBR‘3 sninr AND CUTCAILDa U*-«i uid lq th« Markrt-7 i ' T Cards for Moantiug Wipiograjih- Picture*, Of floj.-«ior Qa»ilt j *| t6w Prtc«*,. • Blue end IftHtandJStu &M t Stma Board* ds,in Kindandl/vrtaleby U*L COIXIBS, ■' -C' ■ PAPgliMil WdMraoa STREET, , / PEIILAD E-li BUI-I A . IBW inPOfITATIOaS-VIS^WATCUCS —TATFU sa?tT.Wi jVfrtfsltfw ■' u9t)3liAU'3 Laiulou Tv'B*"Ke*p£TO, S6V »etle«, all «lze*, lb Hooting Cose* tud 0p«o face. *■ Authorized Agents for abort. GOLD ASH bILTER, AhD BWIB3 W A X O h'b S. KISH JrWILBr. mw dal.tn. JrrER?Ei £5 ARLa ’ “ d *« «»• luUtnH.to ittjlei. SILVEa stylo, qusHtr tod fiobh Tlaiti&g Philadelphia, tra Invited to ax tzstoe toelr [ _ - MA&MLE E3TABZJSmiXX7; • Tlait entailing dA obligatias to porchaaw*. |,BlC£3 * io pbla flgon-o, and no variation. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE OIG "0? ; ■ ' Gchooley's New and Improved i o E b it h © JOHN MIO3JFIN, Culilcr. {Original Patent Granted 2larch 0, lSSsi") Improved Patent Granted Aujuit 1?, 1856. V Improved-Patent Granted June IC, 1847. J. ICE CHESTS AND BEER COOLERS, ImliiftiipaßU offend to theTrsde.Tt* " font! Lr printed book of prices. . „„ „ Jdinr c scßooLir 4 go* A&.-168 Finn Street. Cincinnati Oki% ttvOKt k. - Lete of Bailer, Pa. pURVIANCE & COFFEY, ATTOMriTS 4T Z4W, . 0O»ln Helton'. BnUdtaj.a*»«ri>erHU> ” mdWill, sireeu. _. ■! ■ .pH mIMIt Trr HA ROCS W. AOHRSO9. TJAMILTON * ACHESON, / , AA • _ - ATTORSIYS At SAW, OClee Vo. lie Facrth ttmt, Pittaboryb. •- -; tafclyd ——••• sto , COLLIER & M'BRIDE, V..,, , attob&sttjltzaw, I*o. lol mnißTßKrr, dot«ra4 ■ ■ "t>C f aM. SMITH, , Attorned end Cbanaellor at J^aw, 1 DAS BKMOVBD TO KUHNfS LAW 'BtULDINGS* No. 13 Diamond Street, mrl&dlrJ*} N*«t door to ft, Pttw*» Ctotk. ■ iIKLMBOLP'a tiagPICT Pm»s»^ f ny ... QKLMBOLD'S BOOUO fortUßUdden * ■ ■- r HKLIiDOU/d BUCIIO fortbcKldnoic UKLM BOLD'S BOOQU for IhoGnwt HSLMBOLPS BDCUO for th a Dronr: OKLHBOLD'S BUOUU fcrßwrctitoi* BBLSIBOLD'S BUOBO for LarraMssßOrr- RKLM BOLD'S BOOQO for DmßmtfYb&c -5S, L 2£2fEf BUOaUfor Difficult BDOHU for Weak - BKLMBOLDB BOCUU for Osoars! DsbtUtv: GLELUBOLD’S BOOHD for Csir.tisJ L*asnde: : BKLMBOLD’fI BUCUU for Horrur nCLHBJLI/8 BDCUO forNixht BwoW* . HBLUBOLD’S BOUHO for W&rfolowr. ÜBLUBOUm BOCHU Wn la »b* IWh- ■' ■ ‘QELUBOLD'S BOCUU (or Bttrh»mof »i,k Taropomy SoStoku and Lon ©flHskL **>* HBLMBOLfrS BOOQO for UokUK,£aaK«lW«a «ith Want eflttnifea. Horror «f Bodrtrr ««*■**•»« «Ub BOCHU forObrtnSKi: u clmboutS: BOontj'ior ”TrforTr7jLi..i r£££H* jV& - MTaSSTittW^iiw., - •■— . • '•" • ■ : • QeSftflßwf SUSHTOK’S c«jjtef#a eOHSUMPTIOH 'TEBTU.—SAVE TUKiI HMuiOCMma. tsu, u.r.o».«i« a*«Bga STB&ST, la tbs boots forowlj occupied by Dt.9. 3.Krywr, opposite GbrUr.Cborriu.fl* wlU*lr*sntk»i n»J*4ii lajpr«*em»u. '9MthJoforM'kt'T*rfoQSKb«L nxmnci'-kc*. IF. D. Uow*id,n*T. (UaiulTladlar, A. iCroairr, A. O. McCsodko.JL D., J. O, Xfo»k(sA V. H. Hlafck, Bums! ITEM. - --—• . - ~ A WOBUIN TiUK—iou can keep your hosHC to* Aon Tttnlßof sU UodtkyudogLYOSTS aiAtfftsncpoirDKß. fold br jtmsaos.. QCin BXS. P£ABL STARCH lor raleb' *p3 niimuni.' AMUSEMENTS Eittsbdroh THEATRE.- *-—inm. rAn*Fo»lbMmio»:" —” Drrae Circleead far^oettec—>—— —.AOo. Family Color«*J B>nxi« «R_U»t appeiraDCevf AIR. C. W. hb cbarwmg daughter, SATURPAY BVislNfl. BAY 6th. Tbe t«a M t NenticalDrama,’ BBN BOLT. Mary kui» Uaadenoo J Aik#— ~tnj Craaar To conclaJe with . r> o x - w- Mh.CuoUockmilj- Etli. H*nd*twa. ‘nw Mjt ..MU* Ol£a. Sh**"“ <**. ........ttiuo- —.os*o. Mr. ,UlJlc g -..11r, Kfclwta, Tbe Camptwltear# Comlne. .. , .1 PRA27KLIN BILLIAHD SAItOOII, rBAXKLIX BALL, 6th opposite f*ittaburehTheatre, JOS. MATTHEWS, Ja. Proprietor THIS elegant and commodious Hall is now provided with KINS NEW AIARBLKBRD BILLIARD TABLES, of tha lettatwnd moat approved etyle and pattern, and U otberwiee fitted up equal to any in tbetoentryfor tbe accommodation of cilitene and atraagaa, and br tight, air, comfort and convenience, fa not iurpaeacd, if equaled In tbe Western States. Tbe ProprleL r eoliriia a Coonnuatioo of tbe patronage to liberally heitoved on bit Saloon hereto, tori*, and aa»nr*s the poblic that every attention wilt be l«i i to tbi lr comtort end ptca-nre. N. B —Agent for the mle of BdUerd Tiblca, Balia Cloth, Cn*a, Cne-PUnta, Chalk and el] other artidea in hie line, which he can dlapoee of on reasonable trrtse and at the axannUcinrvr’i wtoleale prWa. dnltlyd 'tMjiiaUnptKa aiturttsrmtnts. JAMES A. TIERS AN. iMVosmor /'A.vcr A2TD TARltrr GOODS Whokaala Dealer ’la BOSIiBT, TAPES, GLOVES, BSAWS SC s£££? SBS - SPOOL COTTON’, - SB *i > L ES ' threads, . aMnitiQ SILK, TJrA' ccriKgr. LACKS, ADriOASL «fc. jure 'BE* JXD BLACEJKa, I lio. S Strawberry atrectA" PHILADELPHIA. are told tor CASH, at rxoedlngly tow rateA relying more upon axtenalve aalca ana imali profits than upon limited aalte and high prices. eplftfioa Roman cement, kusendalb CE MENT, CALCINED PL4ETER,GROUND PLASTER, it, ar.d Ecta.il, «t lew c*»h price*, by . EDWIN A- surra * BKO-, North-Weal corner Front »nij Willow etietu, PhlladtlpDla. S. FbQTJjBT & eons, IMPORTERS or J. a KOOKS 6s co. f h caldwbll * co. f ©22 Chestnut Street, [opptaU* Slrari Honw,J lAVB YOOH ICE! GEIIATORS! Alsojsll kind* of attoraijja. •«»nTux.;. «nn, LstocfJodlattfoTa. PlttAerafc, F»W>