APA4Tor rarsa. • :YR E -TUT MEstrAr Arm 18, 16C1 CITY'AFFAIIRS . 1 : • ,:!,,,StatAoiioiaxixem; 0 batoilli lot the Gazeite ) , - by .1.1.!" - gz.nair; Optician, 63 auea 6t.--corrected daily: - 154 '9O . :-9 o'doeki.r. ' .1t Republican.Bealcraartins fofr 1860, 'OOLV. E a FO O D.- *7 O -*ViOg;4-8 ‘. ihr;badifi l 'ci on • • • . , REe.DING Romptopertevgry ddy;•(sun.,:. • ' dayiezeept.l.l - Inna - 9 x tnlOWX:' :zoos fl ettlrMergt+pai Nan maIXXX of tbn Ifolon on We, y pat Coanpaigia °new:anti frlellllttibultuU. , outdid goteraby Arid Ora L 'vialtli% Pirtgbniett aro nor, —..ffirTb i e ßVlOnUriftiannftlen - of Vie Clob cunt . EVERY attb!i , 110°o:hitt I)i e. lark; •od . .oomModiorro room in 1 118- third - - Stpir.tr GigrOt.l Ilullding; le well will to rented cheep ;.: 14:igood. rollout— .-Nprly st46o - omootibg room ; - iSotthti °Moe. - - - - •-• -;o e Weser Cosurr.Befere - Judge ' Williams. lith.'-,Wiley'ts- heirs vs. R. . • ; of Johnston R. Davie; altitib of esestetipSle to enforee claliddepeiritog on the foiltirreng Idols': Mr. Jahn. Dots ; aecle of - ",•'.feudante .Intestate,' died previous to the year • 18-19 poseeesed of a track of land in Reserve , • V., containing one hundred Cad fifty acres. The • trot:lien au the Deaver pike, about tire:miles from the, lu '49 ad inquiet was bald on lend - end the ldry veined it at $BO per acre, - Cupid not • well be-divided among the' who teen numbered her Baronet Doris,' the,.eldar brottier, took the esluation, at by the lair, sod gave bonds to the other heirs for their share of its setae.' being' AAfterwards, ld and unable , to atteeditS it, he convey. It *olio tion;•Johosinie- Davis,'for nal:einsidereition,••eneumbered with - the bonds to the beirk'who afteririrde Sold it out in coon . .1 ;try- iota and obtained for it 'shout. $26,000, which ,wan inn: more than watt expected_.' This money _among. the other beln, sivinstbekt tattle ode- . which wee $9OO or $lOOO more than thel'etere - entitled to. Mrs. the heirs; Wee dead, - Sndlei hue- Welberefore was entitled to his . : . I",•_:::,"„;:queteel.p.belaterest an hie wife's interest during and heirs eonld nOt he paid • until bi death." An Mr. Johneion Davis lived on the Rod Rieer,.mouey and bonds amounting to about $BOOO were • left in the hands of . parties • heed.lasjway. Mr .' - Wiley his' Interest. One bun tired and eighty dollars-was paid - him antinally, older . the impression that, it wad intended Mrs. . heirs should. 'li!`eve le full ahem like her stistere and brothers. Mr. Johnston Davie soh- WedteetUy Corrected - thin mistake ' and directed • _edit no ahould be given th em. than they, Were entitled to under the legatee of the joy,. {t2ooo) = 'Aft4elitYptinetink Davis died, Mre. •"driley'S here heeded:mai for the whole amount - and got; a verdict for it, with interest, y eiterdey. • • The graphite:On Which ebe pis intiffe recovered Waned &Melted iiireeinant between Jottings's' Da , via and the heirs, by ;which ito.viaa lei pey 'emit • asille - shiee proeeeds of the isle.of the . land... The testimony orlitee. - R Riddle wore _ lied on to prove this, the defeediee's claims, but , ___: it did not $o that length:: A' Clear admission of - • Lr -, thdratitto;fite.ltiddiderin pecuniary to establish •it :.' Bet-abei:defroce:reay Riddle merely Mated that be bid' aniMpreeeion ouch an agree hut-who„ informed him Of it be could not Hap. , Moreover the defendants foist money-m eat be - claimed either tee 'gift a contract. If ads:gift, it was not executed. 7.1 f W . iiontriair, it *ea without soy coneitieration and therefore void. , ;•= - I - Me.•:"Tfatitititidefendents" dounsel; intends to ... • , Move -far anew Iris': Valois •reasosti Wee ;• - : leged, but they too lengthy : to be given. • --Conde : or 'QUARTII4BFds#OS-,llerord Judges Meclitie Adame.: : • Aiii/17.—Cam. TS. S. G. Lugdon et el,, con tinned.•;• • _. • • . ;• Mr. RD. Jades was recalled, - and exnlained the nature of cm-alkalis of dePosit. • . Tike.-.Commonwealth rested here, and - Mr. Howard opine - lifer - the' defense. • Rleketeon; eworn-LI reside in the oily • of.Breeklyn, and am acquainted with defendant :(eertitiostme.ezhibiled:), I' eair epee to : • - those in I patreden'e office; Ceder ei.,•New York; •In sepeembee,.•?6B.," • were delivered as his • °Mlles! for ihree.,,Wsr-lou onths,previousto ibis a7slr,he hnd deco iii e . all the time; I saw him ai often .ae every other and some . - -• • • A ,cpsemion ••filr„ldo ward •to thew to whether the:handwriting on- the certi r o b jected to and aided/On sastalued, kr this court • Me:7lMrstd-YeaWnenneedad.-Jq.e5,t,....i....4.:, jury,- Mc,' artionr other thisigir; suitedederifr. • - - Leogdost, wtithiesto become' a stockholder of the Moliseiebit Itend,di doqualetance of hie to • New leek 'wffered.2-ta-leisi him the 'credit of a' • dePoitt.- 0 0- the American Erchange Baud of Neer; - YOrk - fOr $27,600, on 'odditien that be should: -• . :L., pay him $5OO,- and woe draiethe Monel tatdc •po Il'the`cerSitleateSin the unit of the Motion .' •. gatiele t ralley Dink;. there to beneed escape,' and tbstle-had the Certificates niade ant In Mr.: •••• • Langdore'dwaeie. dad-gare, them Id him en ar riving here. Mr...Langdale was introduced' by • Mr. Langley;WitattlerLet"the.Xeliieesport Bank, Mr . Jones , -be - shier of :ibe,C[titend 81014 ;of lie had'elie err:9ll64M' ca - shed on the • • iitieelaty, in tifeßeetipot Ile.reeeireis letter float ibe man who - goe . bias' the Ortificoto .in New York, telling Item' thee if he lied itiO papeii --=cashed it would hied into trouble; he , was eoired,_end went immediately to New 'Yorlr find tbernact;•• his filende and blmeelf hatialenti bundiediet dollars is endeavoring to ferret'cut • the inini•bat they were uosuceessful. Mr.: Lang •:. don waiStbeihrougtit here boa requioitien from" : the stiovernor,,,and has -bred:bins bore :in the jail ever eince. .TtiesProseePtors have not shorn •you !that the•foreeries 'Werdi•cesomitred in. dile. •• - sheistY"Seiday:wcia they. cloned do it. -Yon can ooi canidai man idAllegbioy county: wise bee committed 'forgery in New:York; bir•-••kfiller," - ebdDistricie Attorney, dosed for _denouncing -the andesying: that he , wos enesof• those New York • . finineleid.whoeti. operations every- nowwed then ••••• startle the all over the counti•jrWith their audacity. -The idea was this, Jones. WAS 40' keep the certiaoste until early the felloWing ." week, when, with their privilege of drawing 'out, in the issue of the McKeeeport Bank, ne couch se - .Abe:y - 0:0in, and diseounte to deublethat, amount, (bey. would codebeck to Pittsburgh add redeem • ..• ,. ..tbe certifiable, on the plea that tbeyWentedNew :York eiebange,; but unfortuditely (or them, and form:Lomeli : for the people, Japes gent the eertifi oaten immediately, on to• New York, and the die nevem .of their. eiartbleisuess came two days . z afterwardet.-: Miller, - utter' eerie mere :re spieled the_ preeeendoe. -••• Judge Mo,cltirri:llti cheekier; the jury, review. edtne case from beginning to end: , indictment gond,ond care.: - t--4011.1 and prOperly , drawn.: The queetion whether -.the fergetry wan committed 4 New To - 7, --"Alltigheny_conety,VielO,Lthe jury to decide. 7-.. There Se as no direct testimony ire to where it wae 'bet s.4:fredr:the',:testiniony, theY Itiellidt evhe Priedies forged thesdpapers to tbie coUoty, they could lad Idue•gallty. If he did ••• • not forge them herri,:ittei waPia acquit him of the forgery. : the jary:belleved lit/lever that •:>-:•••• • the 'defendant , Asa uttered: , these certificates, • knowing them to betorgeries, iritha view of.d o. fi4d hi in thiteMltideolzed, of the lodic - denied - le •••••,-,"-,:the pelt/Odert esti! . the , pap e rs :With the tilted lion to defraud thetAnierion-Etehange Bank of Newyork, and lltitlitiled bettered, they would tad hineinlitlesilfirettited oily* An d if he at tired the - M,...irithtinecsitiost" of _defrauding •:-?",->"'"tlerat luititutittec[ltti - Wsullty ed, tisk : fourth count. librlOntlegVolo-ocaupi ed about bait . , '• an hour, nedt . 'rivited , tlnewttantled - 01;tbe audit eltee:+' , VhiS3tinr.iollied'tillrn'Slonk; lid - could sot agree, (hey reintitnci;l4ti"to . impale@ if they „could 'find "the; defesdintightity" on . one of the ; ; :k',eibtuite and Wet,gailly:Od the dtheis. Judge.Mo thedsepSetellstrii(:nf "hidcharge to them. andetiatifrided by tesyleslhat each count was.= indletinentaiiteinifi•anti therefore they. could Convict intone ileparatiSCOSinti::: Th n joy then setdirtre gut, out when the ;pet; Th - C will most takers 14;4 iii tkakrsdfitaf this morditig. -,•,• COM; vs. Mary IVicilities indicted for selling • .11quor withent a litiestie.:•::„, • • • •,The printeeitilig attorney eubpsootedeeveral ~.•.Pollerieftleere Co testify, but they eidd they y - dire - • unable to, tell whether - she "sold Miner- or not She hie some time to enterer this Verdlot not tpill • Cum.ia:irref.:B iieetio 'in dicted on of „:„ furrier, , with the.' larceny of `n fur 'l•4le;ariiie: • Several gentlemen _testified to know- Ins dhe prisoner, and that he was considered -a 7 , :•-•:. : _.llLalt. Fitted bc9" , ""andwited"under the infleence ....".,,y4.l(quOs, :would stest:',liiitdend guilty and was Ohttedieed to the 'enmity jell for four-moutbe. •r,'j..;lPtifie.:riti3:4Med !Otis: indicted for Minty, of The router; not eppear g ng,wan aged; • • . _ (eolOred;)•hdeieled en th , • arlce jeiMmy,.with thet. larceny of aqu of beef , ' : • oo- kingid :. 6 lll ! l 4'!nd !rna'llen etifedfOr mouths..'' _••••, ' . '7 • Corn. vs- Alfred all (colored) InCietcd foe - : : lareeny, on eathaf.7ohnl3,illigiiSi, 04a gam y ' and was sentenced to .psy,tits cotta of: ptoesout. and go to jail for ex Cam. vs; Litxta While, Cline Albtegpt;' eltowo conviotedpf larceny and won:neistencedtn,* tl ttirthree inobilin - t.44 nit ! d[ps from the • e OIJ 11 . Eleg-r thier'Llindrectat4'isu'llesis,,i4 tiolts; `o • giio;l , 'dainsgiui t r! irsie ri 11..ta, sold •• •_• . . Pollux ItlDU.;.%Pattl "aloe made btfortratilon before the Mem., cualiiiilidey, 'changing - John P. Bell . with' mai n taining a nuisance , tear the Point. Mr. Bell bee a; coal oat refinery there, whit& the alioSi‘complanant swears is noxious and'uffettaire to the smell, and very dangerous nitnn;of fire.. Burins thb recent flood the . Witter,:gat there - arid fioated the oil through this.niaghborhood to such an extent that,when the water subsided great quantities of the ell Iradr - Jett Misting to the walls of the houses thereabout. A warrant was lemma for Bell'e *Met. 'Alderman Donaldson, on Monday, committed JobtiSpatte to jail on a charge or assault with intent to kill; ou oath of Marla Karl 'lt apprises that Spatie was edam time ago the bar-keeper in her house, in the Diamond, and that,`(alling out with her, be left. Subsequent ly, be had her indicted for keeping a dieorderly house, and failing to prove that eke did so, be *as saddled with the costs, by the Court. Ile got so angry with her then that he . went into her house and knocked her down, hence the proeecution. 247-10 •-• Patrick Foley, the man who shot Morrie White, on Webster street, a few days since, and of whose arrest we gave an 111000111, had a hear leg befoie Alderman Lewis on Monday after noon, which resulted in his ,being admitted to bail. APHlL.—Yesterday was an April day in every particular, The atmosphere was warm and the sky cloudy, with a fitful gleam of sunshine break ing at intervale over the .country and affording to trete and flowers, thoee Important auxiliaries of vegetation, light and heat- April, ea *Oconnt of the Otituerous . ehowere that .usually prevail during ire continuance, has been called "the •eeping sister •in the fair company of the .months. ":'lts constant succeseion. of until showers, followed by warm ; balmy weather, is well calculated to stimulate vegotation,.wheu its .functions have become inactive during the torpor of winter, and need resuscitation. The ammo• .nit in the rain, whioh is absorbed by the plants, is also a very important fertilizer, and so this, more than to irrigation, is to be attributed the rich emerald which meadows and pasturea as :some after a mart shower. During April, plants make a large portion of their growth, un less cold weather or frosts prevail. May is also a growing Month, and during the two tee crops are prepared for the hot suns of June and July, when the sickle completee the work which the plow and harrow begun. Lactase Sorra -Some time ago suits were in stituted before ma. John, against about forty buto`lers, who occupy Malls in the city market house, to recover for "meroantile license." Mr. Riddell, City Solicitor, was employed by. Mr. Melba= ' the City Treasurer, to conduct the eases for the' tate, and Mr. Geyer appeared for Abe defendards. Judgment was obtained in la 'v.or.of the Commenweilth, bat Mr. Riddell hav ing doubts whether butchers (who could hardly bOortaeldered aft, engaged in merchandising un less they shiPped 'smoked meat to other markets) came within the premising of the Aot of Assem bly, sietter was addressed to Attorney General Knox and the subject laid before him. lie re• plied that the defendants were not liable and the suits were'discontintied,al., the cost of the Com monwealth. It is probable that in hie zeal to enforce the rights of the Suite, any doubt as to liability of the butchers never occurred to the City Treasurer. It would save oasts in many in Mapes to get the opinion of counsel before commencing a proceeding. Oir.Newi-The latest newel from the oil re gioit le thet..the laat vein struck throws the of out of. the bole to the height of twenty feet ..Right on:" Tho'Conneantrille Oil Company has run into the ground 'about 74:etc:and going dceper every day. The yield of quiekeand is immense, (be number of barrels per day depending entirely upon the capacity of the machinery to throw it SALes or Srocas.—The following stocks were sold last Tuesday caning, at N0..54 Fifth attest, by J. G. auctioceor,. I 3 shares Beak of Pittsburgh..... ... 8 do: , do do ..... 1 do' Exchange Bank S dn. Allegheny 8 do Citizens' lasi:ranee Co, 27 do . Allegheny Bridge Co 120 acres Land Warrant Ti 're Eamon r Rtornas —The hearing of these men was to bate taken place yesterday, but the condition of .Crowly forbade his removal from bis bed and Mayor Wilson was obliged to make another postponement of the matter. Lundy and Coleman were therefore remanded to jell for another week; at 'the 'ciplrition of which it is thought Crawly yin - be ablo to attend. . ... .. . . Bosnia's - ...DLmo Lotter . Write r. nod prattles.' guide to composition, embracing forms, models, suggestions and rules, for tbe two of all cusses sleo.r.' — C5,1:7 “iiiiiihefreortecerereiG4tVtO ad instructing little boalt,liy Le et ine Le gratiril.lli., can be hid at Heat & Miner's, Fittest:ea. New Balms.—Tbe lower sidewalk of the new bridge wa4.thrOlitilopeti to the public yes terday, and the ..ICliondin strUcturt" for the se soniroodation of foot passengers, is being taken dare; People 'wilt be much gratified by this .news, es' the old toot-walk who notoriously Itt coseenient. ' The Wholn structure will be finish -ed shortly and Mill vle.with any in our country, perhaps .1113 y icon bridge In the world .1.41111811 Comairren +Tee faltering persons were appointed -IT the Ron. DArld Ritchie, President, of the - Young:Meted Mercantile Libra.. ry AsScoistion,. on.the Lecture Committee for the ensuing year, ending April let, 1861: Wm. 11.•-Kincaid; R Bennet, Joseph Albree, W. D. McGowan - and .ficob B. Rabley. WE eav, yesterday, to the Comodeeionere otrice, a large-cake. preeentsd , to them_ by an admirer - 4f theirs, baker, memo . eteek mince, With the follawittireeette—"Frcedoixi - Joe• tice; no Railroad:l'mi ".. Frac irlannialso,—We regret to learn that the barn of our aged and much esteemed friend, Ur. Andrew klecheeney, pr., of Derry tp , nos burned by lightning, a home killed, and a large quantity of bay and corn consumed, on Sunday, Sal Inet.--Latrobe Amer.' Taxflfairod battite of Tom Sayers; Champion of England, and John C.Hoonen, the Benetistoy,with full occooo of their.verions contests in the ring, embellished with life-like portraim,for sale at Hunt it Miner's, No. 71 sod 23 "Fifth strowt, next dour to the post-ollioo, at 25 emits n *copy; mot by mail free of postage. FIGHTS lor lbe Cbatoploosbip or England, from 1740 down to 1859,11:minding the Great Fight between Sayent'anit Entitle; ',Gee; 25 mots a copy; sold by 11ont4 - 111pet,_No. 71 ancl 73 Fifth street, next door to thp . post-0151014 . - 1869. Baltimore and Onto nallrOad e0:,1869. eras BALTIMORE 4t i s i gimai 01110 RAILROAD COROARY ma wry prepsred to rwlyeand ku;rdird alerabandiss Etodn through toWa of Yulling.to a1x...1 ft= . .Pittsburgh and the Eastern • Batas Nuarootersito be equally farciratta with them of Ito PentimManto Roll Road Co., or soy other 11 or. - • For informatlen u to retro, focillides, PM, etc, opplks Lion num be toads by teller ur is person to caber, or thi .andbul g uad arra.: At BOSTON , Bloom Potter, cor. Rata and Washingtonsta r " NNW YORE, 0. W. Person, 21:P Droodtroy,:idoOrti the .'• PHlLADVl.Pille,Colhonn d OwsLos, otorner . ..l "B P t.TISICRE, A. Ng lho ,th S o x d h nS ia ton. PITTSBURGH, W. J. Jul.cuton. I,lnorty atioirtryropi,.. site Pento's Railroad PosaengerDepot, , " Jgr Partkular attention of-merchants, 112131:1filMINIIII aud shippers getterolly, Si Pittsburgh, All•gheny at, and vicinity, ts °died tette Incilitleerettla Nato Roods zooms. tend nab others, and ask p atronage and homer. ors re opectrollS JINNItY D. =ARS, fal(ktf • - General. Freight AMU , . 0 . R. U. Cd' CZ HATS 2 CAPS w a- 0or) 8 . claw:pax:vs FAACY In great abundant. and at moderato Prin , 41 , d r, 1.24194 , bbi. upb ll4:(phki - , 4 PaCkna, Li f i. gr. 7 X ~PwU.p,hvw Balltcad PozDwaaloni - rrrrstnnt•TlTt.: