SPALDING'S PREPARED-GLUE! Spalding', s Prepared Glue ! Spalding's Prepared Gine ! SAVE TEE PIECES! ECONONY I 13 . 1 ". A &MU v Tun BAT= Nm JO 4S.decidattil tali Aajp. , en. In watt-regulated U Wm . " desirable to lava ammo dump and am. V:lialatiltirkg malting Farottare, Toys, tVockery, etc. Spalding's Prepared Glue • 'Melte ap nab emergencies, and no homebold ma afford • - tab. without It. It le away, emir, end ep t o the .tick. hag vadat There la no longer ■ Dec:malty for limping :chairs, Wintered veneers,: hendleee doll; and broken . cradles. It b Jolt the article for cone. .bail, mad other ornamental wort. eo popular with ladles of refinement and • Tbia admirable preparation la won cold, being oberni nany held to solution, mad poeseeeing all the valuable mien'!" of the beet cablaribmakerf Glen it may b. need the plane of ordinary mucilage, being randy niereidliodre. • USEFUL 161 EVERY HOUSE," N. 8.-e Biagi aceomputes mach batik • • Price, 25 Cents. Wholarale Depat,,ack *ddzes— HENRY C. BPA.LDING &CO Nos No, 8,600. Nsw rut .op far Dealers b Cams containing Four, EWA, and Welts Dom, • toward Lithographic lboor•Carti .acaiortnyta• coch piano. gar A dors botUa of SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE will save tea Maas Its cost animas to ovary botoebold. ,§3 Sold b 7 all prominent Stationers, Dmggists, Hardware and heattma Dealers. Groans, and Pancy Mersa ',Country merchants ahonki make • note d BP.LLD oBa PREPARED Bl,l74 — iihen making up tiler Its it will stand stry climate. Simld!ng's Prepared Glue, -118 E IM IR EVERY 710111311. BPALDIISIOI3 PEEPASIID OLLIE, SOLD BY STATIONF2.B. BPALDESTGIS PIKE:PARED GLUE, SOLD BY DEOGGISTIS. SPALDING'S PILEPAItSD 6LIJE6, BOLD BY HMIS/WAS& DRAT riag BPALDENGII PREPARED GLUE. BOLD BY notras,mmsitme sTonEs. , SPALDTHERI PREPARED GLUM, SOLD BY FURNITURE ;MILERS. SPALDING'S PEEPARED GLUE, SOLD DT FANCY-GOODS OF I , FP., SPALDING'S PREPAP.ED GLUE, SOLD BS GEOCERS. SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE, BOLD Br COITEITRY MEECHANTS GENERALLY' lasaidi.eblred by HENRY C. SPALp/NO & CO, No• street, New Tart Addis Posst-011Ics, nen No. 8,600. Amsezed la an Alphabetical Mot of Ankles which, U damaged, may be restored ro their orlighsal streageb and use Wants by . • SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. • d: —.Men& ACCOUNT BOOKS - -Mends BUREAUS C ....Mends CRADLES - .. hard - • - st . . "..Mends GMTARS Mends HARPS I H INLAID-WOILZ J __Mends JARS 6:4-.Mends KNOBS L..... Mends LEATHER-WORK t .81..2.7dends MIRROR-FRAMES. N.:...Mends NEWEL POSTS.... 0 ....Mends OTTOMANS P Mande PIANO-FORTES ... • a S..'...Mends SOFAS - T TABLES 11 ....Maids UMBRELLA-STICKS ... V __Mends VASES W.... Mends won.x.soxEs-- , • x SYLOGRAPIIIC-WORK YARDSTICKS Z --Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORE a. ....In eaneIadon,SPALDINGI3 PREPARED GLUE b metal In Libraries sad Senora. 1..8 -Mends SOFAS 2...P..Mends PITCHERS 8-A.-Stands ACCORDEONS 4.. ::Mends LEITER SEALING 5-I.i..lllends DAGUERREOTYPE. CASES 6.. I _Mends IMAGES 7-19-Menda,NEW BREAKAGES GUN-STOCKS . 9-5 -Mends SCHOOLBOOKS . .PARASOLS _ll-E-Mends RULERS . 12-D..llmb ELECTRICAL MACHINES-, PAPER-HANGINGS ...... 14-A.-Meads ARM-CHAIRS 15.. R-Mends RICKETY FURNITURE •16..S..Yends ERASER-HANDLES 17..D-Idends DESKS 19-o..Messda GLOBES 19-L.-Mends LOOSENED LEAVES 25-U-Mands UPHOLSTR'D FURNITURE, 21.. Z-Mends EGG-BEATERS M.. ...Meads AOORN-WORK 28 Mends CHESSBOARDS 9.1' Mends FIDDLES 35 Mends SHELL-WORE • 26........ Meads FILLET-WORK 27 Mends ROBBY-HORSES 29 • Mends KALEIDOSCOPES . ..... • 29 Mends MONEY-BOXES IN r Mande PICTURE FRAMES 81 Maids SECRETARIES 22 Meads VENEERING 81.....sMends SCHOOL FURNITURE .... 24 Mends PAPIER-MACHE TS Mends WARDROBES 80 Mends PARIAH 14E= r . Mends CRIBS 83 Mends BABY4UMPEP.S 89 .Mends IVORY-WORK 40 Mends MATCH•SAFES • ' 41 Maids PICTURES • 42 Maas QUILL.WIIEELS - 43 Meads TOWELAACES . 44 Mends WASHSTANDS 4.5 Mends BEDSTEADS 46...... Mends DRUMS 11. Mends CHESSMEN IS. . Mend BALLOT-BOXES • 19 Meals ITERICARIUMS no Mend 8ACK 1 26.2431 0 N-BOARDS... Slaws BAND-80E 1Z 1-2 Mends BLACK-BOIRDS .Menda.2l.A9B-Vinls 2.; Vend. 111 LL I A 11 DTABLES f 4 • limb BILLIA R.D.007.9 6 Mends THUD-CAGES 21 Mends BROOMSTICKS Mera - do BOOK.GASES 19 Mends BOOT-CRIMPS 60 Mends BRUSII.IIANDLES 01 Meads BRUSHES 65 Mends CABINETS 63 Mends CHURNS. ' 64 mesas CLOCK-CASES 65...... Mends CRUTCHES CS Mendi CUPBOARDS 67 Mends CURTAINS . ,• GI Mends CASINGS 69 'Mends CADDIES • TI Mends CHAOS -72 - Mead. CHARTS '73 Mends CLOTHIGS-FRAMES 74-::-Mends CARD-CASES 75' Mende CHESTS DILEIES • • ".-". 'TO ' Mends DILAUGHT-BOARDS • Mends DIVANS - RI • ..Mende DICE-BOXES ' :Mende DOORS • • • 64.. .... /Leeds FIREBOARDS 65 ..... .Mends FLUTES 66 Mends BALLEISTERS ' 19f 'Maids GLASSWARE 89 Mends ds HANDLES KITES •-• • 91...2. .Mende TOPS stfirl.W...liends ORGANS 23- "- Ifen Mends MODELS • ds SEWENG-MACHINEBTANDS. PANELS PASTEBOARD-W - OHE PATTERNS 99' • ..Mends SIDEBOARDS.... Mends WOODEN•WAR WILLOW-WARE Spalding'a Prepared Glue, (SOO- Bit lITATIONERS. XPAIDING'S ItEPARED OLUZ, soth BY DEU0017313. 15P4LD1N0 . 3 PREPARED GLVZ soLD ByDRixERs. SPALTISG3 rttEPAKED GLUE. BOLD BY ILIBDWABB .BTORES. E PALDDI6I6.PREPARED GLUE. am) sy noueirtrustunso STOSE.i. 'SPADINI:4 PREPARED . OLITE; SOLD AT FANCTMOODs DEALEES. BPALDLN(II3 rt.EPAr.6 GLUE. doLD gr.OOI32ITRY 3fRaOOANIS GENECALLT gswitictwedbr moRY-c. SPALDING & CO., BUN 411,t7eder Street, Blew York. 4ddresil—POir-0 7,02, BM NO. 4°D°' Twavidosem , . , — , —lmaillaiptazof*Waornly Clo.sorsimpioseli ..-• - • --~~: ~~~. • Sot Sate fi , Zoltet. Marshal's - Sale. E. E. BOAOU ie., ) - age= 'r In Chanaty, !co. 15;699. DMirNIB BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Louisville cb.,,e.ri court, rendered to We /14.T0 cyoM Lbe onclarrigord. or one of an MI, • ' ON TUESDAY, APRIL. 241 n, 11360, About the hour of It o'clock, A.lll-, sell at Public loctl..u, to Its highest Odder, on the prendara, In the Olt, of realise Es/BPATCR 1 TUE UNION FOUNDRY, °Maple.] by tho late brat of Roach k Long, un side of Sloth at met, Wootton (to nand li'ehtr otre•tm which Is that, descrlted, t Commencing at a pOlOl 00 LW, 'test ettle Of 010th street 151 and threeowelltb feet north of !Ulu straw; 14ence Westersrdly 25 and ono-fotrth et; thence thOrtlartifdly 26 and onettmorti] WY. thence west...aro* 78 and three.toarth Met, more or to Mot. nortb•ardly 75 and thryfoorth frog thence erottearely 105 feet to the mated the sgmtre, betterom Niath and Tenth atretett, thence srortherardly 2(0 feet snore or ley to Water street; thence with Water street e otterardly .boot 110 fret. thence sontlYeardly spot 70 ft..? to •',Glut shout 076 and three twelfth feet north ut Hate street; thence easterardly ahoy 1W feet to Muth ette•t; rhouw math...MlS 215 tent to the beginuing. (A more stunt, descripti.nt WAY he hal by semenee to the pleadings.) Togsthy with the Perim.. &Wen, Cupolas, nhafttag, and other Future* belonging to the /onside,. TERMS OP BALE—Ono !earth on a credit of low inootb MO the Weston ou • credit of 1, 2 and a Ines The parches, will he regotnal to give bond with ',phi,' bearip,, intereet from date mail paid, and Ilan Will be retained r additional wenrity. W. C. D. WLIIPS, 51. L. Q. C. . 7 22.0.DALDE, THUS. A. DORGAN, March 2015,1960. •lao, at the tame time and place, • 11l be eutd all the per wonal property belonging to the Int, armor ilsach • lung, not illstuird of bait ro the day of Cale, couteting of Coal, Iron, Tool., Pattern; Ac. Bead Lathe. on Cut :role Mum. dingle and Double Brad Lathes 25 to 30 Incnet. airing, nod turas Wert: largielt clog and Boring Lather, 7 feet melon, an. torn. 30 Nib Cprlghs Borhut Luber Com pound Plation Machine and lug, Planer, with all other Tads reqnbile for carrying on a tint class liublos Plop and fount.), TERMS—Pin Cool and Iron, Cub. For Implemente, under $3OO, cub. Prom $3OO to $lOO, month*. 00,r $lOOO, 4 0 and mouths. hiond with approrod umulty basting Inter. est will be tn.:priced. For information apply oo the yrami. tea to Bonilla Long. ■treat, New York. me..l3:2lrdasP) S Z. R( . 1•1:311..,:thn'l of H Rosh. dre, VALUABL EL; PROP IMRT Y t•OR SALE. P _ URSUANT to a decree of the Distr. Court of Allegheny county, the undereigued, Aecel of the property and effect„ of Raton, Belle) , t Co., offere We the property known me the LaWriellC• nuckot and Tub Factory. This property Issdnated on the book of the Allegheny ri ter the Moth Ward, to the oily of Pittaborgh, and consists of tan lots, each 24 feet in srldth, froutiog on the Allegheny Mier, and roofing tack about 11423 lest to Pod. alley; ou which are erected • largo throe Mary brick !Mild. lug house, engine honor, drylog kilo., A. One superior Maginot and Boiler, in good order; • large amount of shaft ing, g. &Aug, belting, Ac; all necrasary machinery or the most epprosed pattern. lor the manufacture of Buckelemid Tabs A large tsmotity of well scammed Bucket and Tub Waste, Button., At. 1,200 lb* Hoop lcoo. SuO lb. Gale.. bed Wire, ono spriog wagon, one iron safe, one toporior catdoet tool chest mud tooliclot of paints, cask;, row., An, Ittl.ther trial a varied collection of articke etch a. are usually Toned la .000 no tatsbllsharent. Tao above,property will be gold entire, or the onghte, Meein beating and drying apparat., Ipacbluery, will be cold separate from the lot and hulbllngs, to salt porches.. For terms and particolars apply In parent or bfletter to THOMAS EWING, Receiver, fe2AttledswF No. 166 Foruth street. Plusher-IM. P. LANDS IN 01110.—One Lot, SU acre. prk. $ 0 per KM; vue Lot, 040 scree, price $5 per Arlo. (toe Lot, 150 acres, pro. $5 per acre. Two Lord, 2. wures, each $5 per acre. One Lot, 240 a... Nice $5 Per eon , . Ore Lot, 50 acre*, price yb per acre. One Lut, 112 scree, parotid pawner., The above Lauda roll be .old in enuller Lola If deslrod. Trawl—OrowthlrOu hand, balance to ono and two year.; or in trade for Dry tripod., Nalliarroo nod Vies. Persons &airing to purchare good lands luw witb title to. disputable, and ou our Vries, will please call at our office for itirther maimed°. a. CUTLIBERT t FON. Real Estate Agents, ap7 51 51•rket lan et, Moro rah. Oato Lana 101 FrIlE subscriber acre for sale section ten, transship 12, range 10, Stark mussy, Ohio, oossssonly Mums as "Bowman's Section." contedossit 640 scree. It to attested three miles west of Massillon, on the State Road leading to Wooster, and within about two mike of the Pitts burgh, Pt Were. sod Chicago Railroad. The .rith, sat sad sserth-east quarters we pertly dossed and improved— Ma remainder le covered with superior prober—end Ws whole la well watered by spring" and running etreions.— Magmal. I. considered Use boat body of land In the Olcuaty. It will he wild ondietted or in quarto. to sit wchasers. To Mom who desire to Mena to rut seats • better oppettardty to sorely offered. =ma CIEAF FARMS FOR SALE—I.Jo) acres of ',al nag, laud In vailoan kinitione in Tony too- Vanwnrt wanly. Ohio, lu a Leming ceintecooty. ccn Tunlent w ucbools mlite, store., and cbarclior; past porn and part Umber land. One let 60 fleece at pre acre One let CM aired at $2 per acre. Om lot 160 acres at grl per Two lets 220 ecru each at $5 pee acre. 240 acre. at $6 per acre. 80 acme at $1 per acre; and 02 acres at $lO Per acre. The above iamb will be mid lo mmilrr low II desired.— Terms, Onoshirri In bead, behoves In 1 and 2 yearg or lu trade bur dry good, ball., iron and glass PerMAIS desironv to pnrchaae good Land at low price, with title Iniliepotabl, and on eery teemA, will call at oar Oboe for turther intOrmatiou. CUTLIfikeT HON. 61 Marlow at F ° SALE—That splendid Residence, gai with large Lot of Ground, ?roll Troia and Skant4lB.l beryoltnated wlttiln two miciolor . walk ail the Wilk.m burg Railroad Station. The house is Urge and Oulebed in modern style. at precut occupied by Moore Thompson.— WM be acid on reasonable 10.111 a. Apply no w. A. ANDICIL , ON. dekdklrtlf At Itartote. 0113 c, mr. !Mk a Urant yELLINIi HVOSE pleazautly situate _ near the Nonlestown Pl.k 1.41,/tutug caeillee two wearier, hall .4 5 ronott, two lots of ernuod; goad farm., palling. In tronh cistern and aril. Yr.. low .4 lama eaay. Apply to - .pl 2 S. CUTLIREKT t WS. 51 Mara., at. IRON WAGONS FOR SALE- Ono good four hone migon ; Ono oftnng ono ham" wogne,o•nond band, and sad cheap. Engin:ea Rabbi ISELIN, RIDDLE it 61,10 Fourth wool. VOIR SALE—A 3 story Dwelling House, .12 coelhaolret 11 reams, en Coel4l M.OLIM, All.nheur Chu, frontlet the Ohio riser, (• very drolneble clue ereong.) for Wel.v. Terms, hell caab, Wane., Its I Keit year, eel th letereat. II lrCllllllCB, lecettErlt k . C.O. .L.... 4 N.... 7 4.... 8 .8..,. 9 P.... 19 lOWA FAIL/1111W LAND.—The eutmenb an at for asio oo favorable myna chi bonds - . arr. Co.. Land., Moat. in Wright and !lento. Mantles, adJacant to ilnew of llaliretane now la Doma of colon., UM, OM one tract only two mil. from County .rat. Tits above will be mid law for cash, or enctiani.2 for farming 'midair, tn. or witoinlng avenue. no2o nicltAN AniJKIL 124 Perm. et VOR SALe.--A tract of land containing ant• rod our lull serer, altustr ocs Orr Fourth Sheri tioirtorbot three Wird from lb. Court Flom. Will be to/4,110 t or mph. Itritrtro TO LET—The fine St.ure Room !situated tio. 62 EL Clair street, tumor!, occupied by Samuel Gray 6. eau, Xrupir• of r turlldf co . putruism. rLET—Seve;al fine Store Rooms on St. Chad• oven, one oltwhicti tw tvotal to enivirctioo with the specious room on th• tectael an., and is well tal• =dated /or . (amigo. urn:pet nom. It•qult• of 4=11141a , H. lIUSU, No. 6.olfounte A. BRADLEY, No. 4 Wood Street, WOULD INVITE PUBLIC ATTENTION to the lament stock sod wreeleat_verlely or !torn to the Btate, smog which will be toned the — celebrale, COAL COOK STOVES. TROPIC, Eureka and Arbiter. TOR WOOD, VIE: VICTOR, LIVE OAK A PITTSBURGH ARE UNBUBPISSED, Tope/mei. irith Premium Stoveoof three rarieUfte, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. Greet fodneementa offered to Builder, and others in want otORATES,GICATB intono, UNDER% to. We would call particular aticuticm to our Juan, colcb tad DOUBLE-TOP GAB AND MORE CONSUMING STOVES; TROPIC, EUREKA AND ARBITER, The only ass and Snsolmeonsumors In the market Otto ore that aro called no Dave not the DOUBLE TOP—the main Wan/ In mina Plate' and Fool, ' , LILO i. remind to to by two patens. -7 thaw In grantor s Store for Family - cm, that b. D., 10 . &tied to gin estisfaction, we would recommend thee., "Web, although tun thew never bens establled et Butte sr County hum s repatatoi forDatabllityand Icon- CM) Infask unequalled by soy other Ocoeee lo the Mats. CAUTION!—Buy no Stove called Gm Con ilamere without the Doable Top. nolB:6md ESP BLADDERS WANTED at B. A. nirmumar At CO.'B, tbnsw of 1/Nrst and Wood ourob. CORN. -1000 bust* -primp Yellow bbelled Corn In Mee awl tor irk INSEE 1 .0 L. -L-`-'0 liiilsipurit Linseed Oil In Nolo ad Ex sat. by Lig DEITCII.IIFON. . . Nos 310 Second 5041461714 strews. PEA NETS.,-52 eacks.rpwlanAing from rasa 3114344,10 r oalobs'A . : ; • ,UALI.U . away k Iron Oily otov• Waradonaa, WW. BRADSIIAW, (Successor to T. TT . J. CRAIN it C 0..) I/tannin/urn of TIN, IRON and COPPER WARP, and loner In STOVRS, It, No. /34 Wool) NTRX KT, between ,nib laud Virgin alley, Pitta burgh. l'o fit:blyd Galt TwitttaitT a 1 . ..01i0, (Soo:noon to Joi, Ortinigill,) MANUFACTURERS and Importers of Pucker and Table entlery, Surgical tot Dental lo ornuieuta, Gum, Pinola, Plabing Tackle, An, No.ll Wood Street They give special attention to /10 znaunfactining of Truism, NopFortern to. Jobbing and Repaing with polo. tinlity and 4lespetch. .• - • WILLIAM BARNI/ILL t CO, 61 Penn et., below Mnrbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. QTEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SILIEET X. 7 Iron Workers, Marrufacturere of Baruhrll's Plant Boller, lexioniotlve, Flood and Cythader Bonne, Chnitroye, Brekhen„ lire Bed, Bream Pipes, Rourierwors, that Pun, Rolla Pen, Inn Yawl; LIR Boats, etc. Al«y ithmktrulthe Work, Bridge mid Thelon Inns, don at the thorna no. tree. All orders from • distance promptly attended to. lea KENNEDY, CHILDS tk, CO., MANUFAC TITILERI3 of_ Porn A No. 1 Irony 44 Meeting.. Carpel Quin of ell colon aud Mader, Horton Twiner, Bed Cords; Plough Lluee and hook Cord, Batting. Rope of .11 aluew and drecrlptim• //a-Ordure left at the Hardware there of leupro & dregs, N 1.1 WO.Ol street, will [nee attention. - Pdtlit• JADVICII MANUFACTURER OF gULIIILTRIC ETHER; Sulphuric Acid, Strout dpirita of Nitnr Nitric Acid; Rothman'. Ar.Jynt; Mud,.lc Atilt, .11q. dmooni,YFT; Nitro. du fowler's dolutiun; mytl May be , tuutut at John I relit a do., 67 W•Ler strnet. - _ . WELLS, tiLDLILE & vu., 86 Fourth Suva, Pittrburgh, wommacetratm e of WiIIPS, THONGS AND SWITCIIES. Ordan solicited from mevwq.od promptly gar, pod as per Irmtructlorm Tamrs-11 mond.; o per mot dI mount for malt WWI lola lel' Q S TEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS AT HEADQUARTERS. Huhn will Bad It I, their stlfrantofgo to examine filo 14.2 ova Primo of the LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY Largest and most complete Stock of Stereo scopic Goods in America. The facilities ef Me L. R. tar . applying their N. Y. Deput with weekly rocalgoawnte 01 10s orweet nod best gins!. at no [Wasps/ly lu.r Nen enable theme to supply delgerm witb J. a. SWILITZ2B, Z is 4m 4..n..Plttabathb AN UNPARALLELLED ANSORTIIENT At Miff, Which defy pna,retal A NEW REVOLVING STERESCOPE, Fur mntAlabog Noy °amber of nem*, trout FIFTY to THREE HUNDRED, gbAsa ur paper, b. )wt b.,v rot.itud by Mr awl la now ready !or Dm Dad.. Tbla it..atru Ltaudaumely fur op to wail. mod rx.e.ouct, WILL. ➢ic et.H.D AT I.M.a.d PiLIC/C Than dm. brratornre IPOILI fur ,G and JO views. • AA A PIUSEENT 1 , 011. A CLICIATMt:N, or • an IN . STKILICTI V•I AND PLCAPINO ANIUSaWINT far !chows. tlua insirocuent, lortalug A UKAUfLPUL AM kiNT, vUI Doloood Me u.kat anecaUld that cao tx•'6inA --- - _ PITTSBURGH PLOW WORS.S. J. C. IS E - L IL • not Lu Opt,. ♦ fillwelld LT AS ON HAND A VERY LARUE PLoWS AND PLOW CASTINtIS, Vf all the difierent rarletles, needy h. supply hie Meads anti cwt.:nets ee eel. lila N WVtivithe an. Dem, lerroLerl ie the centred pert of the clly, on the lot truetist( WU foot melt ott Duque*. Way etol Payette st..el. extee•llng 3-Inf.est no tiannexo wiles, Will be oyeal le exteot sed ca pacity Lose) Plow W.nts to the Utott.l hetsiug ell the [notion. imp...rev...ow In both wow! sod It. erogineg Machinery. sod well he to full uperettun stemt the lint of May ensuing. 4lEdr 31..afactory, War.imusa ace! 0173 c, g,oly saroa lrorn all the Kai Lorpota. irordcra am I rapettfully ••^lO3l- J. C, • 5 9 , 1f,151/. eltlall;11./ aarriva.i of CARPETS AND ON. CLOTHS, T THE FOURTH STREET CdRPFT STORE W U. k M'CALLUM RESPECT T FULLY ammeter. that th ey are recei•io f f • • iod soppy ..f CA 1101CTIMI, //elected directly from • mporter, and 5.1 eaufactnrere Dos of the dm, how I. the Caw, o, which they Itivlte the atteutioo of pt.rcLemor Also, • to, et,le MATTI NO, for eitalutt.r par. lore. The Isteet out. of CARPET tIW I.IfPERah ete.. etc. which •Lell he offered et the lowest rat... ley W. U. t U. S.IVA LLUIL HUHU it 111ACKZNZIE, al Low, No. al north .cnet. THEI IRON CITY TRIIIIT7-CO 1510. 256 Liberty S BANK OF DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE AND npoe.n. Capital Stock.._ .................._..._ . ....1 150.000 Capital nap . tad, over__..... 1,000,000 Sir tiOCSNULtAXIS Ite IM> INDIVIDVALGT LIABLZ. Mir /awls Curieuey r.axlyd I)13 deposit. ALL MOSKVA allowed to rernithi fee a Speer/zed WILL 011. AW I N ttiaketr. Fight ILerlatuto on Ms liastern shd Western !AIM cohstaully fur sale In tams to suit. Collections 1 / 1 .10 hi all lot priucipet rttlett In the Dulled Nude. mel the esinmitia, nod PRODIEDA I'ItOSIDTLIf HK lIITTLD 10 assured point, no day of maturity. Otk•,l,01“: John ilouth.d. A 1.2.401. lonytn, Jain Routh, Gan. EC 11111, ....iclbert, W. McClintock, Henry Mo. Cullonsh, Hobert Anderson. UUL.L.A It AA. V lAUS OA M FL No. 65 fourth Street. CII ANTE a 6LP IN 1866. c I PEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, NJ/ Wudireaday and flartirday evening', from Ma, drat to November drat, from 7 In a iiclock, and Mum tit• minter lirr• to My drat, from 0 to 9 o'clock. &Indite matted of all sums oat inn* than one Dollar and • dividend of the prodta deciarvid twice • year, In Jane and December. Internet hal been declared veini-virt: nnally, In Jane and Dimember, alum the Dank wan organ red, at thu rate of nil per cont.• year. lntarert, if out down out, I. placool In the credit of the de posit. •11 principal, and beam the mune intermt Icon, the bed daya *rinse and Deortober,coreponirdlng year with ant troubling the depuntur h. aril or even In promat his pain tank. dt 101. rate, mutiny sill &oar in I than 111 pan, making In the aggregate lion, ANL Olt ILLS PRIICErt II VW. Boot. amatalulttg!palterLova, Rtles Goa Eno. tabby: Grubbed grabs:Go application -at the olltob Praidenf—ClZOßGß ALSREI. fLopewoll Hoptrarn James &Whey James D. Deihl, Robert Robb, Pffinrextr, DID DorreD4-- Julio GI. Bar.kofen, Jam B. Ow/Veld, J. Gardner Ckan, David Campball, Join B.ocagrava, Charlea A. 001 k., William &raglan, Inuul• Pah:, Benjamin L. FatmeMock. Jams W. Hallman, HUM. & Haven, %maw Hasp, .senrortary mad 'Predatory 5a.111,0-1.22-Aa. s ußDlttr,s--lo ba. 50 wit li him 20 do la store sod for lade by IIUTTER AND NOlib.— • JIJP 6 Dbl. fresh MAI Batter, 12 Ms Egg% Just rscelved and kw Ws by ales J. A. 71STZL . 11, cot. I.l6rkel and rant el. PRODUCE. -100 bush White Beaus, 2)0 Dub Dried Apples, 60 do Clammed, 10 bbl, 801 l rintOr. For No by •01 B. BOBISON A CO. Louusr POSTS! LOCUST POSTSII- Ju WATT 4 WILSON ars constantly nedlyiug &Ind Locust Posts 73 to Slat toog.'svd wilt lake orders fur any number of any Istutth tleelnxt, st lowest rem op 3 DRiED to sal. kv POTATOES-100 bus. Shepherd Bede in t..fl4tor elk by BrE&NMIL ANJER, apt 12e Sebowl .neat. CURN.-1 ear Shelled Corn, at depot, Reciteprime ler,ln store end fur We by J. A. FETZER, cor. LLLLL Rod First In. FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAINT of Drab esd Ohne.,late color, far sale by the barrel sr emr.ller quentikrokt 161ud 1.1 St. Oleic street •hd J. A 11. PIII CLIPS, SEED POTATOES.- IL, 10 Ma IWet4 Blow, 10 do Clarteub lu tor and for polo t - ElE•1131. • BARRER CLARK'S AND CLIDEsMAN'S CELE DRITXO fIMALE Pill:1-1m receipt of &war. or apply of the yofooblo Ifedir(La. wy VL0U.13,-- , I I -.-bblii - ',Gsfr4 Wbost.,tastorissiifor mask, • . • , Manufacturers DUQUESNE .I"OI7NDB.T. R. MoCO - 1 , & cow LIBERTY ETREET, eppraitt Penna.. R- PITIZBUIIGH, 31ANITFACTURE to order, on short notice, CASTINGS. SHAFTING t PULLETS, of tai Jiq ued ductipttoto, of the brat materials and latest etylet also WAGON BaTtS, MAD IRONS, GRATIN, tr., Jeny. on hand or cut to order. arOrdani tart at tile FOUNDLIIVoi a CArtvrright A Vtnstlec 80 Mmulst, sill rnceire prompt stonutk.a. 1.21011 . . N. t EMIT DI ACICINTOSII, lllt➢f PIIILL & Corner Pike and 'O'Hara Streets Near City Waiter Work., • PITTSBURGIi. MANUFACTURERS OF MACKINTOSH A 1 1 / 1 0dPill LI'S IMPROVE;Id PATICNT tinCILLAT Ipll eTliltlU ttiltliNgil D SLIDE VAIN of all Msea ano best style. tiering put rap Machinery of largo, tawny and of the beat quality, we an. prepared to do henry Jobbing, and no. licit work to this line, trotting that by prompt/A..1.d the character °four work, to merit public patronage. We tie vita special attention to our bALANCILD TM.VR O,CIL LITINCI ENGINES, a. combining advantage heretofore unattained in tCla clam of itrighiee. j illt y ltrot alai SWAP] power and good To Let. iditscrllantous AT THTIII NM YORK DRPOT. 534 BROADWAY Now on bsnd the PITTSBURGH, PENNA itionetarg O. It. WARNER., PrealdenL R. C 801.131148.1%. C.uhler. John U. Bboonborgit. Maunder Bradley, Jan,* Ilornman, A. AL Po!lurk, M. D WElthun 8. Lanotor, Wl.ll.lAm J. Andante' --P. A. kW:Wm I JohnJLitallor, Jamm IL D., Maeda, /ammo IleAnDy., Walter P. htarshall; Wilson Miler., John OR, Maury L. Itinctralt._ George P. &Nog John D. Pool IL William D. Pehmerte, aJamotflorlindle, • Igor WhitUar. 'r • JUI +IL =roll: s Flaxseed; l'otalceg .1allnmloy; third Apples; 111cItory Nutg 11X111311T t BARERII e in store and HERBST k BARKER, corner Übe, and Band streets. J096P13 Grotto no,. LIM;. —.JAWS nix= LITTLE vvuoiassias e 11001135 AND DlA.trate YJoar t batory Ch.ese, Vrott..oll•/. Produce 16 11.1ASCUND ST.. PITTSBURAL.I WILLIAM BAGALEY, WZMOXAES.A.L.EI IaFLOCIEI.R., Sos. 18 mad SO Wood 8 - • NO] Welt, . S. 1112410t11l ....1•1041 111.0/1.1. " ' OLIN AI'OILL .1, SON, Grocera and Cam e" minion Merchants. Agnuts (or the nabs of Pig Iron sod Rloima No In 3 Liberty street, Pittaborgh. fella yd ALEXANDEU KING, WHOLESALE Grocer and Importer of Rely Ash, No. 273 Liberty SUeet. Plttiihni3;ll, aplzlyd• •sci. s. son.. JONES la COOLEY, WHOLELALE GRO 13RIIS and boat furnishers, dealers In Produce and ?kW/13mb IkluinfacParesi, No.LI/ alley Pittshurgb, • my2t Lull. C. aux.. .-.40211. e. 011.101111. Q lIR IV ER & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE limceng, No. ISO and 131 Second Woes, (tots,. Wood and Smithfield, Pllsaburgh. mou.rt orn--....snuam JJOIIN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocersand Mamba:lan Wrclunta, No. us Wood and feDr Liberty fftreet, Picultnlrgh- pie JOOO . MIAOW. WATT L WILSON, WHOLESALE G RO CMS. Oncamlnlon Marc-Imola and Diatiora In Pro duce and Pittsburgh llatufactures,No.2.6B Liberty at Pittsburgh. Jo vir . Moe UT4 EON WOOL' v v ?ALE Grocer, Prod° mei Cummt BBlo B 31 .t 8 b4ht end Dueler in Pittsburgh stecturod Article., No. !SU Liberttstroot. corner of Nnssrp• ey, Pitt/anal& Pa. nz . A TWELL, LEE CO., WITOLESAI,E JCL Orman; Prod.. end Ctomminnon Merchants, sind Donlan in Pittsburgh biatinfiettnes, No. S Wood street, be Water owl Front et, Pittetergh. us, Ronson, . s.ZOBLOOS. p RolusoN CO. WHOLESALE • Grocers, Comtutstios orch ' sitts, and Dealers lo n F . I . kinds of Prortsions, Produce and Pittsburgh lesnufasto No. 255 Liberty strost, Pittsburgh. Jslthly ROEiERT DALZELL 60.7iN110 - BALI Grocers, Gorranission Nod Forwarding r. Clouds and Dealorsin Prodnos sod Pittsbargh Hum N 0.261 Lihorty street, Plitslairgh, N. TSAIAII DICKEY & CO., WLIOLES&I E A Glro,,rm, Commlusloo Morcbsida,and Deader. In Prodo NO. SO Wfiltvr innwq, and 61 Front street, Pittansrgh. booksellers, & W M. G. JOIINSTON CO., Stationer Wank Book 31annfacturora and Job Prlnirra, 117 . 1V0ta4 streak Pittaborgh, Pa. a,13 . . JOHN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AN Stationer, 11.015.11 co Davison a Agnew, N 0.133 Mark Mash noor Fourth. NW...burgh, Pa. VAI 2 CO, BOOKSELLERS AND STA 11 TIONEIW, No. Oh Wood atm% next door to the nor of Third, Pitiaborgh, Pt, School and Law hooker°. Wand) on hand. :11 L. READ, BOOKSELLER AND STA- Er • TION ER, No. 7D roortllifit. Apollo Bonding._ I.INT A MINER, BOOKSELiLiii L 1 find gtatlooer,Aluonle Hall, Fifth Knott. liamterS. PAINTEIti. LONG & LANE OUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS No. I OS Third Btre.t, &Azad dour 614 A Rua., flirt C 0..,). PITT8111"bt G IL FLAGS, BANNERS, BADGES AND TItaNtIPAIIENCINEI done In aver, arylr; WINDOW 811ADICA for bnalnea• but... got op In Ina lanoet atyleN DHUGGIoTn* JARS and BOTTLES Lab KILN!, In dm neat [ manner and In an, at 3 requ.rod. GILURD PIONS (N OLAPS done at Ina logo. rates. grAll ordrr..ueu4ed to promptly. Prep.. 4 Paint • d l'atty for el.. tor=3.l P. 1.101.1 C. R I. CaURINI.L. dc CKItl W ELL, OUSE, SIGN AND ORNA !OATH, PAINTERS A.NI3 GRAIN/CH.B No. 61 Firm Snarr, Opposite Odd-Fellows 1-lidd, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sign work done P., the lands, pe:t.tpt J OILS TIIOMPSON co HOUSE, SION AND ORNA SIRNTA PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, NO 1:15 TIII RD 14 ritE67, PITTPBON4II, PA isteStl ye • . _ Kcal iSittatt ligtnts. - ._.„_ WAILD, DEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, 80. d., Mortgagee and 1I Noma.lto. lot motmy. Persona mn procum SOWS throne. my Agency. se ream. able forma. Those artablug to loveat theft money to rued advantage, Dan Wray.. Cud Om an a meeed clom par., at my °Ma, lot talc All nomainut - mtlous at Interview. atrictly contidenttal. (Mace MUNI . treitg nilvalta Et. Catlrai. - JulAtt Otusic, act J— -01IN 1.1. MELLOR, No. 8L WOOL) ST., tom,orme lamou,.! Allay anti atreet,!6.l..• Amu{ f.., (MUCK CHINO a SONS' !Mot.) PIANO VOILTKS, MA. MIN a HAMLIN'S MODKL MISLODEONEI and ORO AN J I:G , HA MOUM& awl Daaler hilt.icat,4ll.l, - -al thuds. - --- ' KLEBER & lilio., No. 5 3 FIFTH a at., itto MM. °Masa Ilarp.aolr a rut far NUNN!! RV!' ((Yew Tura) comMalltal Wm.! and &mars ANO.., and CaIItIILELT I N KIKDIIAM'a genuine MM.°. - DIKAtt ma OMAN HARMONIUMS, Daalma In Hoak and Klaskal I immanent. 1.1 . . _ (111AltLUTTE BLUME, MAN UFACIIHir %,,j 11l and Lawlor la Nat. Foram. and Importer of Mosto and Inatrucoonta. hda Agral for the HA3IIII/110 PI ANOR,allo for 11A LEM, DA Vlll I CO.'S Boma Photos, mitts and •Ithout Mahlon Attarhm•nt 118 Wood Meat my 3 iiiptiolstrrp Wall Paper Warehouse WALTER P. MARSHALL & CO., ln porters awl Deafen, 87 Mood carrot, f..tsoen Fourth dr.". and Ditumnfd saws may be found aft extetutin amantiment of ortory drwriptlott of Paper Longings, for Pap fon,Dln'og Room. and Cbambon. A 1.% Window load roof •mrfrty at lowrat wk. to auatildualers. WALTER P. BIAILEILIALL a CO. insurance amts. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY 99 Water street. azarr. l INN EY , Pec'y. 0. W. flatco suns, l iencrsl Agent. my 3 - -. • - AA. CARRIER, SECRETARY • Peumylvaolo losursmo Omopsay of Plftabor g b, Jens.. Boildlo g . !fourth street. LI M. GORDON, Secretary Western Inktur .A: . anraOunipany, Water .tn.,t. JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank . lin Dire basin.. Company, North-awl. Corner Wood and Third arrant.. D A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware • Eintnal Insurance On., 42 Water street DW. POINDEXTER, Agent Great Weet,- .AN.,...ituaratleu Co., etrant. earpris W. U. & Al. iII'CALLUBI, nEALEIt IN CARPETS, OIL c Lo'ru s, siATruus, &o. No. IT Yt.nrth strootasaf4ftrud. I...asas igaso...—...uso.e.gagasss.-....-er: S. sweets RuimuslELD .0., (successors to blur. I.Stok Burchfield.) Wtk male aid Baal Dealers lo Bald+. eat Fens, Bey Gads, North-mut cortuo• FO4lth aid Ststlet at, paub urg h . eel C LO Fancy Dealer in Staple and Fem. • Dies Goods, .igo of the unglue( Be. !Lee, No g " a.t .egoet. Pletebutgh. mull P PALMED, No. IUS Market Street,• kgesler lu Baguets. N.q Rm. Selmtehaus, mud etre. Golode Kaaren). eID zfurnttuu /OM 11 : 1 4‘).—.- ?BOIL a. Totm.=.2l;;lii s 3 w. B. YOBBO i Co., 11..1107A019i1za or RNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. fAUTOIITI_Irkgma MTh., and Penna. Awn_ Wartihotme—NOS. 38 & 40 Smithfield St., 41'.! TE r 7311 da T. O. YOUItO M. • IE3 W. WOOI,W.MILL. ITURSMAND CHAIRS. "EOLESALE AIID RETAIL, Embracing every style of P tr R N x T rr R E >s WOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, 8 PA one, ORAB11= 1 :N C" D DINING ROOMS, Zonal to any to ORE AND PHILADELPHIA, t . .0111, Noe. TT An. ri p TUrtiVi3girki. ABOAT CABIN FURNITURE-W 0 ?mutant!, tnancfactariag,SSEAMßOAT CABIN fißli and WAIL and Invite the attention et - rated In forniattlog tante. NEW Wai nu 2641, C9IONTSIENTS OF PRODUCE—. ' N .E : A l? me e p t l i .i ss; 00 keg. Lot :It:. rbaambill:Litaal:•:::110:40:.:baY:111:::::,, B° - TER AND Etalg -- .ti bbis fresh .Eggs, ' 6 et. fresh Bailee. tlda day received and for sale oy i J. J .A. A. VgY7Jta, rot. Market and Ineet Ms C O C° -. 01L 7 ( C / ' b bo " T ° :::oT b' .ll '4 lack, NTEY RACON-3,01.10 lbs. choice ate; Blew anon wall cared sad sleety trimmed. J. A. i t g gonna: Msakea sad if Int sta. UR.-500 tails Extra l iind Extra Family nape, In Cara and foi axle by' al__ . YPIUNG XII lIAEII4IIO a A CO. Syrup; also, a superior Syrup from • thy Yost lurdueir t Wolf*, with Crush ed 11. i cares Stumm. kw Wu U 7: BROIL t 14261 L USN --Sir n a nd gheltad Corn,;ound and . :jer"'ln t ri nt'all i ttanige . 0 Smithfield it, litgcdlanoous Catts. S. =SIT P. es,wipas & cu., DEALERS -•IN PROVISIONS, AND LARD OlL'ilArruracru sass No. 309 Liberty Streets PIT TbOORGII. ncaS B F. siIOPE, AIRRCHANT TAILOR. tin. 75 aurrartzu. Am, makes to older and in lb neatest manner Man'. and Bob'. Coate, Pants, Vegan, /to. It!_Giro him • call. aplZdti J. N. Si - Iai.LALACNJEI keliAnVIG Ei, Er. CO ESuce•sars ta R. Dunlap, Jr.] PITTSBURGH. INPORTIRII AND DNA6NNe II HARD WA RD AND CUTLERY No. 101 Murkot Street, PITTS on.ou, PA• 1ut717.1t1 CALDWELL & BOAT FORNIBIIIiI9 AND DRALISEIS IN ♦!letup lord Cotton CiOrdsgrix Oaum, Tar, PRA, Rusin and Ciflw Trtpaollti, Dock, Light and Fleury Drilling+, Au spiel+ No. 68 Hirt, and 18 Pr 07.1 ALANE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAI; LIM • Y, corner or FIFTH and GRANT ATRENTIB, In krTighe'n Bnil itng , opposito the Court Home, This Oiler) has Joist boon Otied up with rtipertor slde and sky-tight. ao Photographs, Apart mhnityinw, Daguerreotype+, Ac., taken In styles out to be rod. Btratdrers and cid+++ are cordially Invited to call and ex amine for themselves+ moderate. Nilr - Butrancs on Filth strsot. Room. easy or tern. apaklyd FAlltßAgti'B B(JALES FAIRILLNER RAT, 00AL. PLATFORM •ad COUNTER SCALES, Of esery description, On cats at /AIRBANET BCALS WAREIMIME, /I.lllll' &MS., ... . -.1.08.1. J. M./MOP 11l iiiincitsoN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS and 15PIOKS, CONTEINIONCRY, SUGARS, PIRG WOMB, A., NO. 39 WOOD STREET, opposite FL Marl., Rotel, Pitnannr a h, Pt, mrl2-,lyd S 'iIIOCO WORKER. JAMES OVV ENS. CORNAR ELM ANO WYLIE STRAWY'S, W.S.XTUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER, give. particular attantlon to all arlyrs fur work IS Lll thox. 11121-OKNTIO66 and WIN .11.1.1 &NTS of all kinds furolabe4 on .sort notion. .p25-dly T. W. Wat•tt o.ead Clonk makes [ FINE WATCILESAND JEWELRY, No. 23 Wilth fftrert.,betwooo Wood and Market, PittS• burgh, Pa. aws - PutieuFar attenahon pall to Um making of Watch and Jewelry. 4AII work warraacon MUSAIDI IP lal• Pearl Steam Mill, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO WHEAT, RYE AND CORN PURCHASED FLOUR, CORN MEAL MANUFACTURED AND fig P17781117R01f AND 21LLEGFINNY. N ICAV GALLAGIIICR. CRAIG £ 00., Et .8. .A. 8 B -F C. 17 I'..T 7:i f 72% 8, STEAM AND GAS PIPE FITTERS AND PLUNDERS; VINISRERS or ALL KINDS or BRASS WORK, and &Wen In OAS FIXTURES, ifirIIFFICE AND if AILEROO.IIB, NO. 124. WOOD STREIT, !Pro. doors trom Filth street /4"Tuttudry, N 0.152 Pisa( strwt, Eve door. below lb. llocuogattela tlee.e , boltvroeu Rood aod 4 - ALL 08.D2118 PhUIIPTLY PILLCD. - 101 jolt tltf Pittsburgh A.grioulturni Works. VRANCIS B. WILLIAMS, Bar, Sti andSl Ferry M ANU F A CTURER OF WILLSON'S ivy h.scupt, Flay. Straw sod Fodder Cutter, Mowing Itemx , s., Ho rower Torealum go, Cider Elltis and other rouchlue• deliklyd firbortcultutal. t4tr Dunn. PLACE FOR EVERGREENS, te..-711,00t1 nue, grown of the nowt hardy ca. cloth, from 2;4, tot het 61.1,000 Irom 61111•11 to 234 fwd. WO cairn floe cherry, 42,000 inch lad 3 yarLte, One, three yearn old, dwarf and .Mod Our Scullery Etna In carry dr. : ' ,l7trillacnd Is large. which II will give ne Owenn to show to atm hien& and the public. Plttebargh and unlland Norge:Hew OcL . • . , toI'ITSBUOH AND OAKLAND NUR9 scales. E 41,60) Apple Tree; 6 toil feet, 40 rartetlew. 33,(0i do do 1 tel feet, 60 di; 100.0 Near, SAM Cherry - O.OOU Quince: 3,000 Standard Pew, Elora flan 10.600 Dwarf Pew: 1,000 Hougbroy's IltawtoTry-9 year 1.4,1.—e.,s 41,003 Silver Shipley 13 to 16 *eh 40,1.00 Svergreiebe, 1 to a feet' ZO of the celebrated Hop Trees, with .Cos itenew.went of Shade Trees, Strawberry, Bon. Orweolionew Plante, ac., e_ Air Wbolvule purchaaera rill be dealt with liberally. UURDOOH. Jll - Downer', Prolific Seedling Strawberry. IpQUAL TO M'AVOY'S, SUPERIOR ioPertithis in rise, meal to Hares New Pith in Itavor t sad from ris to tea haws as productive Ate any other of the one hundred eittl.tias in cultivation.. So Liowner of hie Iwo itredling. • gentleman with wh m / harebell's ad:gash...l end diem Nolte*. Witt fur y In all our trausectione have never had reeson to Inletionbt his word or honorable dealing. Which kidnaps me to ...rept the agency lot his wtmderfaily prolific berry.— Pend (or chg.:demo( 'spurt ofinvestlwating Committee. JOhN eve Pittsburgh and °ottani Nuneriew NEW phiin and S. Cured, Hboolder. and Sides ERAS LIED-1n bbis.,firtina and pang PORE—. Mesa and Ramp For sale by JACKSON & TOWNSEND, felo Igo 12 Fourth street, near Liberty. DRODUCe—,SOO bbis. Ex. bap. Flour; ze Ltd. Ry Fun. ?loam 7 DLL. prime Roll Butter: 6 kegs paHled ButteM 40 aka, 6011 x. D. W. 1 1 o , e1 ts be. segall W. Roans: 100 lb.. prime Feathery, lOU bus OM. In 54 re for sale by WATT A WILSON. 20k, „ht :2S. CORN received and 300 bbis. our at Depot, for male by BIIIPOON A NELSON Yetlers' e at and N. TV et - m . . 0610 et. am/ E. Qom, All4y. pfile'jNell WALL PAPER, per steamer . 11averta,nen atylee—Jast lied and kr sale by W.. P. MARSHALL, S 7 Wood street. FUItITUItE OILCLOTHS —Irt imitatic.n uf (MI, Walnat, Maple, Itreeerood, Satin Wood, Ma. lanony, Marble and Oreeto,. Also, needy colored figured food.. Mr 26 J. It 11. PHILLIPS. j - POP OLL BUTTER -2 bblo. prime Roil But terpot reed and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, ror3o corner Market and Vint street.. ft OK'S VOCAL MSTIIOD, containing I,,„,onumerous Emotes.. &Hoak% de, de., for the Port erne to, ttnetentlon, and flealbitity of the V 01,,,. Price For In by JOHN L. tIKLLOR , flt Wood street. • TTE R.-10 bble choice 801 l Butter, jua vrmaired find for sal° by LMISCII t 11131CIIINSON, 20 110 Aecond and 11.5 rind ■ RUPS-40 bbls. N. Y. Syrup; 10 do Eeetwide . do i 0 d o brans. do la otora and fur sale by GIKAMP A VAN GORDEN, mr3o No. tlf Peroad oreeL M['STA/0) 6 cases French blasterd, to pots 15 &am Neenah Datttam, do; Jure received and fur este by 11NV5168 ANDIOOO3I, No 30 Wood at, mr3o Opposite AL Viterbo Hotel. PPUREU LIQUORS! PURE LIQUORS!!— Thom 'radiate erticrly pare Livens for medicinal purpose. mmid amoult their owe latertate by parch...lag Mem of Jos. PINNING% mrlo Corner Market meet and Diamond. '. I I IIE FOUR SEASONS—Beautiful Paint log for Milk Dialog aoom. .od 13alomm, sor. I. by W. P. 21A6SUALL. N EW FIGS-1500 drums "Smyrna; 230 boxer . Elerom" /I.'o MI. day. for roJo by RIVINER t ANDERION. mrl2 No. 39 Wood .t om oppodro P 2 Charlet 11orol, AHD OIL-8 bblk now landing from sroamer Pt Coed. for sale by m e. 6 IdAtAll DICKEY CO. !.11' 5 • `—‘ 0)5. nice ye ow 'ar orn ' ln atom and for sale by std. /L. raZllll, corner Market and Ist stst ;BL TALLOW, 1 do. Maple Sugar, just —.4 and lute by JAMEI A. FL Vat, Onntr Market sad /Int KAI. RN, CORN, CORN-1000 bus. shelled and 1000Lnc ear, In non and for I. by mat J. B. OANIIILD /k 00. Pint 0. !'TORN MEAL-50 boa. choice bolted Corn %,/ Meal ill store rod for oar by An= lIUNTRIL a ROBINSON. C. Smithfield at. 1 CAIitiPRING wawa FOR SEED; A. Rear loAls Yellow Cora lu nova far We by mono JAB. GARDINER. WALL PAPER—At Wholesale—Koom, @wood .tory of lbe old mland,No. 87 Wood Wrest. wit) W. P. HARM/ILL. • nOliN.-1 car load Shelled Om, 1 car load .tia do, P rt. W. a O . ILA- Depot. (o We by J. A. Market aml Vint Ms. •—— - - D RY lIIDES.-600 Dry Hint Hides, GA Dry Dont° do. Jut recaltal and for ado by J. A. PIVIZIIR., ap6 Corner Mutat and Pa.: at uIDES-800 prime, Dry Flint hides jun: rec'il arta for sal. by SPRINGER ITARRAUGII CO., aPS No. 209 Liberty stmt. EGGS -7 bb la. frebh ree'd and ro a r sale by HISNUT Fl. VALLI NS. BU'LTE L) R AN EGUS—Freeli Butter and Egg. rrceived Deny and for nabo by and LF.Eall LIUTCIIINSON. ULL BUTTER.-9 bbierhosh Hull itot- J. IL tor, to arrive to day sod for Ws by ao2 J. A. IritTRIII, ear. llarknt and F,ntsic .Rir t iLL BUTTER-5 bble. fresh Roll Butter; b Dove do' do do 2tdo d yreed and for ale by HENRY R. OILId Nit far sal* by HERBST* BAUER. I 0 , 1 p 1311M8. tO C Übe 6W% MIL t WM MILKS ‘lll/ L.N 4 \l Cordia Before Taking___ . Afttr Takine • T"greatest Remedy in the world. This cordial to dletlited from • berry known only to roywll dkcd chemically astihinrd rith mama of the moot valuable medicinal routs, herb. and buts known to the mind a man, si. //Mod Jifo , C, 111c0,1 , .11.4. WiLl Merry Bork, Pl. tali 'Dock, D.delion, :..grOpor in 1, Bair Flowwws, with others, producing the moat !Infallible remedy for the restor- ULM of health grin knowii. It to nature's awe remedy, it. caring Macaw. by amines ' lawn. When taken, its influ ence hi lett coursing thron every of the twdy, purl. tying and accelerating th circulation of the blood. it neutralism any billow. inertia- io the mutual, and •trength. em the whole organisation. Jr.t.feirs STRENGTHENING CORDIAL Will effectually core Liver Complaint, Dycpepsia, Jaundice, Chron ic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, fleartbaro, inerard Piles, Acidity or akkrires of the Slom• ads, rtillommof blood to the Bead, Doll Pain or Brimming In lb. Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Donne. or Wright to the Stomach, Boor Bructstlons, Choking or bufformting Peeling when lying down, Bryn , . Pr Yell/nem.. of the Skin and Byes. Night Barest", inererd Fever, Polo In the all-of ttin Back, chest or Side, Sodden Ylnahes of Heat, Depression of Spirint, Frightful Dreams. Languor, Despon dency or any Nervous Dim/we, Pro. or Blotches on the Skln, and Fever and Ague (or Mills soil Peter.) It will also mint dime.. of the Bladder and Womb, ouch se Semi. nal Weakness, Incontinence. of Urine, Sri - mom:tarp, Intl ano mation or Week... of the Womb or Bladder, Whit, etc. Thf. Cordial will never fall to core any of the above Ma roons, If tat. as per directloruon each ',rata, In Germ., Mullah sod trench. °V at A MILLION uormrs • . Cleve been ',aid during the I.•t .ix Months. and In no in. mince nu It felled In giving entire ratistectlon. Who, then will .refer treat vreeknve. en debility, when &Irby.' Btrebgibenlng CortlLvl will core yin,/ TO THE LADIES: Do you wish to be healthy and darting? Then go at once and get moment 51cLeati'm Cordial. It will strengthen and invitturate your whole spacial., cawing a healthy and pare circulation of blood to flow through every vein, and the rich, rosylloom of health toquaant to yintr cheek again. Every bottle I. warranted to give satiefaction. FOR CHILDREN. We ..y a parenhy If your children are sickly, patty, or &Mated with complaint. prevalent among ehlldrea give then • mmail einautity of McLeau'. Coolie], and It trill make them healthy, Lat, and robust. relay not. moment, try it, and you he convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. - - Clannono—Beware or druggleta or dealer, who may try to palm upon you acme Silts, or annapatilla trash, which they can buy cheap, by .sylog It Is jolt no good. ♦void such mew itek for McLean'. Streogtheolug blordiat, and take nothing elan. It Is the only remedy that will portly the blood tbortmghly, and at the mote time strengthenitin nyatem. Ono tablespoonful taken every morning Wilzig, Is a ear tatty preventive for Cholera. Chlllaand ►ever, Yellow liner or any prevalent &way.. it la pat op In largo bottles. Price only $1 per bottle, or d featly fur $5. J. U. AInLEAN, Sole Proprietor of thlaCordial. lien,lllcl.aaile Volcanic Oil Liniment. Principal Depot on tiro corner of Third and Pine larval, AL lantla, Wu. AND 110A1INY MeLEAN'S VOLCANIC LINIMENT The Best Liniment in Ole World. The Mr safe mtd certain care tor Cancers, Pilm, Toulon, Seel:lnge, and Bronchele or Goitre, Yaralyale, Neuralgia, Weak.a of the litteclae, Chronic or Inflammatory !then madsm, &Mee, of the Joints, Contracted Muscles or Liga ments, Nuseche or Toothacho, Nruisos, Ppralne, Wounds, Fresh Cots, Ulan, lever florae, Cakod &mats, Pore Nip. plea, Bursa, Scalds, Sore Throe; or any Inflammation or Path, no different. how severe, or hoe long the diem. may Wiese:fated. IdeLeeole Celebrated Uniment Is a mutat° remedy. DELIVERED, Terms --. MMmNII74w, Viol:wand. of !lemma beings have beau saved • Hfe of de• omits/de and misery by the on of ilia invaluable midi. McLean'i Volcanic Oil Liniment WM relieve pain altoottlostaataa.asly.aad It will clues*, ti purify, a. bast the realest morn •In Incredibly short me. McLean'slebrated Liniment Is the only only safe and reliable remed ce y for the cure of Sparin. Slug Sone, Wind gull., Splints, Unnatural Lamm finales or Swellings. It will never tall to cure Sig Mesa, Poltava, 'Dania, GM Bon Wog Sorsa, or Sweeny, if voter!, applied. For Sprains. Broom Scratches. Cracked Hvele, Chafes, Saddle or (Miler Galls. Cut., Sams or Wounds. It Is an Intallible remedy.— Apply It as &meted, and a core I. certain In every Instance. Then trifle no longer with the may "tombless Linhaent• offered to you. Obtvin a amply of Dr.l.lcLeatee celebrated Liniment. It will cum you. J. li. McLEAN, Sole Vioprieter, Corn•r TOlnl 40d Pine etc, 81. booby 61. DR. 080. H. SYSI4III., 140 Woc4l street, Pittsburgh. Pe, is the .4.4 e 114e40, 10 whom allorders mint be addrialed. 460::14m1y MOTWER non .m 4 are e.;l • " ‘!•-• INFANTILE CORD v and stn? because Lt nratr foao to ofrord .re tiof arbeo ergo In Inns. It arta as If bl• apagl; itial • . as ahme .111 ~atiuce• you that •hat asp I. true. 1 tootalum NO PARAGORIO OR OPIATE of any bind, and therefore Minya by removing (kr rap, ingt of poor child, loaned of by dendenseg sensabanies. Tor Gin it cr emend. itself aa the only rrliable per pant ion e.. known for CEll LOREN TEWPIIING, IGAR RHONA, DYSENTERY. GRIPING IN TUN BOWELS. ACIDITY Olt TIM ITAGI AWL WIND, COLD IN TGE HEAD, and 01100 P, Gee, for snflenixa the iressiga,rettaring oidaatroation, reprinting die Boon/. onr/ rehtotng pant, It boo no equal—being no antinpatmodin it is need with un failing rumen in all came of CONS - NE.ION OR °TUNA TITS 40 you raise the life reed WAR rf yourchildren, and .old to ea, the fronuthase sad rood tligAling CAW qugners tekich art certain to resabfents Iho ere of narcotics of tedicti other reveddin far htraarale tbareLaents are mm - posed, take wow not 1.11. ICA,TONR INFANTILE CORDIAL, this erea can rev epos. It b perfectly harm/em. nod can not ignite the neat delicate Roast. Print, mote. hall diremtoss accompany each honied Prepared only by ete DUPOST. No. 409 Firoadway, New Pork. _OOD FiP7 Eralay human Blocd upon Wag .A.17.11.1.. , ZZ ED. pianists us with the same eventlal elemenn, and gives column the TRUK STANDARD. Analyse the blood of a Person suffering from Consumution, Liver Onmplaint, DY.lnTen. Scrufnla, le, and we Bud in every reunnce on , min deficiencies nth. red globulin of Blood. Burpf y then deflclenclee, and no are made well. The BLOOUSOOD founded upon this Theory—hence Its utonistilug mean— ness are STEW PREPARATIONS silsphsi to the deficiencies of the Blood In different diseases Fur COUOIIII, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, or any a &cll. whatever of the HROATUNOS incluing CONSUMP TION,t.iNo. I. which I s a l. the No. tur d DEPRESSION Or spurn. LOSS OP APPETITE, and br ail CHRONIC COMPLAINTS srieins from ovatt-orm. GENERAL DE BILITY, and NERVOUS PROSTRATION. No. Oh. LIV IIR COM PLAINTS. No 3 for DYSPEPSIA. Being already Im prfpures or atoorp4on It l. Tl 2. L TWIT and carried mediately tnto the circulation,sothat what you yobs you serous. The No. 4 Is tor PENAL}. IRRECitiLk•ITIICS, HYSTERIA, WEAKNESSES.Ie, tin, special directly. for thin For SALT IMEUM, ESUPVIONS. SICROPU• LOCK KIDNEY and BLABBER COMPLAINTS, take No. 6. to all own the directioea toast he strictly kiloweil.— Prke of U.* BLOOD FOODSI per trey.. RAI by CPI 1.1U1311 It DUPONT, No. 430 .dway,Nese Yor sale by DR. 000. Rr KEYSER,I4O Wood an, PHYork. U. burgh. TallydawP 4 4' id . 4.46 Ty. • litolution of Protoxide of Iron 0011IBINED. THIS PREPARATION DifFERS FROM all cabers, being an unebasigneble poxonide of iron, attained by a combination newer Want known. for Ind igestion, Torpid Liver, llitopekw. TheZi, siffoettie of disease canoed by imporerodiment of the blood, general debility, and eepedally the disease. peculiar to females it has been hand ,mtremely *Madam Pamphleu,Mviog a toll deecriptkut of the remedy and the remarkable mow it boa affected, may be obtained of the route. [oertlficate of Dr. fleyeaj It Is troll amen that lb. otedlcioal effect of Protoktde o f Imo Is lam even by a brlet exposers to at?, and -that to maintain a mahatma. Protoxldio of hem without turtles mthlarkm, boo been deemed hapordble. la the Petite/AA Symp. Ott dateable point km been at tatted by combination Ina foal Wore tookesemen; sod Ott mantle° may replan all the panearnonsiaa, dilate. and tartrate* of lb... Natalia itedloc le alto eminently ad pied to take the place of soy Pro. MAW* of Um& which pbyeottane bare end to merry or ecoebotle anode% sod to meet nth maw the Sy mip should be Mood In the medicine chest of every .hlp. A. A. bIATILB.II. D. Amayht to the Bute of Al meactiosette. la Boyletonetreet. it CARD. The nada:Voted barbs expenemeed titebeneficlel effect. UM...Pen:elan Syrup° do Act hennas to recomotend IS to the attention of this public. how our own experience, as Tell as from the tartiosony of °then, otiose Intelligence and Integrity an altogether ummesOonatda we have no doubt of Its etresce In came cl Incipient Mowa of the Lhogs and Bconehlal remsgs, f?Piopsle, Lew Onnplalot, Dropsy. Neoraisie, eta In• oak, its edam would to Ineredibie Coat from the high ctn.:- weer of Moe. ohs entwined there, and hare volunteered their testitoonyo• we do owe. to Its restonnlve power. ' Rev—lobo Pierpont. Thomas O. Amy, Thomas A. Drake, Peter Harem 11. IL Sandell, U. D, James C. Dann, Samuel Use, Rev. Tboanehittemmont. /or sale by MOO. 11. ICZYSILS„ antld►wl7l No. 140 Wood ittrlNK E" (GYPTIAN EMELT 11.010_ D EARLY— , 300 eau of debM the plumpest gran and Loom haw. cod to the country for rob lIMILIST t flettIKKA, - torn corms of Marty and Rand aldroL STREET FLOOR OIL CLOTIfi--A large variety cr ot)IM on hand, *blob pill to tot to alit any .0 of room or hall, by & - mre Nu . 2.1141 'a St. Clair argot. PATENT have on hand conatautly, a supply of- ell the popular ed really good medkirt• of the eay. Anything in We Ilea massed from me mu he relived no. JOSEPII 11.1 NO. 11VILL CONTINUE TO SELL. MY WIN TKIt EITOBT Qr BOOTS AND' IMOLA at dowdy n TBS. A TAW Wletraft LONGER. Na ham. bag, Le I .6h to made nano for ray aptiod and eninaar , • • Itaatemkr at thi.Peole La Ehale Stara," N 0.15 rySs at e near /.lalktt satet. 8. DIFFEND6CLICR. 1118,Y 4PPLES-50 bb!a in store - and for jj oh . sp3 INILLUDICOLXX CO. • IfarDtrai. MEM! PQ RIFIBR TIIE6B 18 NO NISTA RIL ABOUT IT. For Horses and other Animals PEILUVtAN svaup. OR PIZOSZCIIID Eaticoabs 18110..,51.1X1MEtt auttaseckartair—a PENNSYLVANIA .... A CE.STRAL RALLIumb. SIGHT DAILY Trak INS. On and after .110NDAT, April • letb, • the aait at all resat. atatims; Tuitouou (asrep TRAIN teart.:At a•at Peasta,er Itccrton every m c ,,,i n Potodsy)st •ea•Pt arrictog let POilutitiphis •15:11 , 1 r. 71111 TII.IIOUdEI ItXPBAL.Sci TEA IN leaves 44, P. X .01,36,0331va/ principal stations, ruairog nr. t .r. on at ll•crratxtrg for Baltimore, an/ arriving I t , ph i ,. .101,1116 or Baltimore b,a/a... x. TUE VAST LISM learn Lae tqattaa daily (e1,aptt,..4„,, at ..;tor a. .topping poly aI GrercoLlurg. Larrote, tow, Willmorry,iiallitteil, Altoona, lk cane...chug at Bar. direct I rlSaltlm.Yo, and writ - tug to Phil. •Jelphia D.11(r.00 a, w. Accrentaniction Truint The Johnstown Way Tram leave. at 5.50 a. Y. The Johnonsen Arc,..tnmodetiou Tlralo rapt etiodat / µ 130 t. a , mopping at all ataLions, and toil / won me tar as t A Cutietaxuati. ccoinetto voi../n Train for nun.. Creek Bridge leave* duly test , /pt tourtat at 11/ . .11 u. Svcsall Amts./nava/inn Traio tor Turtle Creek loavra dal ) (riCept Pat.,/ 406 Tbled Aceonunoistion Train Lc Tonle Creek leaves dairy. (accept Uunday )at 11.3.1 r a Returning Traloa urns. to Pittsburgh El , ugo r. ti; 31 . 11 , 1 =1A..: Yam imeolito a.m.; Joh.. wan ll= a. a: Yint I intl. et net mon,- ogation, Lin A 11:Yeaond lier...tan.mialing .1:13 P. X.: A Third Accominudatlon, et= r. Y. Train. for Ilimnvilie and in/liana rorinect µ Blaitasllle Interaction with Mall Train Es., 1:.1p/es. Ttala West, also the Jultoatora Accommodation Tn/ln East and We.. Pittsburgh Jt COncellaville Trains, .topping at all .tenon. ot Use Pittaborgh A COODellaviiie Road, lease daily (Bondsy rtropted) t--41•11 Train, isid a. an; Espere•Tralo, gnSti P. K. Retort/tug Trains from Pittsburgh t Coariello ' ilk. Road, at Pittabot gin 5/00 a. U. sod fellU V. X. The /raveling public trill boa it greatly to their letrareb to going Eat or IVeat, to travel by the Pentatlyania Rail road, as the acconitoodattoos now. &red Canon be aorpaaa ad on any other route. Tbiltoad ballasted with atonal/ad Is entirely free from dust. we can promise safety apacd and comfort to all who may favor :hie fowl 0110 their patina age To New ........._.=l3 I.IOITo Draliforore---.....--$ 9 50 Philadelphia__._... 10 OA 66 7 .151 BaDLage Clow And to all 01.110. a on the Penna. Railroad, and to Ph iladelphie, Italtimom sod Now Amt. Pamengem purcussiag [marts to care, will be charged on. half cent per 00110 in addition to the Stratton rates, eampt from Matrons wl ere the Vompan_ ha no Agent. NOTII7III-laoooe of low, the Company will hold them Ires responsible for pretreat baggage ouly, and fur an amount not exc. ediug SIM N It—An otuollam Line has been employed to convey Pmeee.gere sod Baggage to and from the impart, at •charg• mot •reel "3 acute for each paullettg•r and begroge. Foe Twat.ta apply to J. STS.WAILT, Agent. Ai the P. LLB. Pswenger Ftstion, on Liberty and Want es _,M7 —te . s7 T IIE Fyn Sti ItO GO A F l r :- RUAWAm pet A edß H m A ittsbur g h to Chit:art. wouDnueri SLEMIqNGICAILS attached •to tal alibi train. Throogh without heerPali. anal. • On and tatter MUNDAr, A ledh, IPSO. Trains will leave the Station, corner Liberty and Grant strvata, • Pittsburgh, se follows: Pat Line 1:00 A.M. Trams will arrive at Ptttebnegh as follow. ... -.--... . 119 A. 11: Accommodatton noon., Maim Federal meet, Alleghen far New Brighton. lOUS •. and 4.10 P. al. At rive at 8.10 a. 0, and 2:15 P. Y. Throngs Trains connect as foilowa— At AlWucq with Balm on the Cleveland A Pittsburgh ft Road. At Onrille, Ohio, to and from Millembur4 Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, eta. At Mansfield, Ohio, (or Aft. Tem.., Shelby, Sandusky. To lode, NW/Leto. At erwetlitre for Delaware, 9pringfield, Onlumbas.Llturinuo LI, Serda, Dayton, Inelaimpolie, FL Lore. Louisville, eta At .loreet for Springfield, Saudi:lnky, Dalton, Cludrisatl, elm, etc. At tam for rindley, Dayton, Cincinnati, etc., etc. Atit. Wayne for Pero, Latayette, dud., Nt. lAddx, and Inter" mediate porta In Central Indiana and Mirada ' At Plymouth, for Laporte. At Wanatah for all polote on the New Albany and Balm Railroad. Ant at Chicago, with traltu tor all point.. In llllnciajOws. Wkrimnain and titionewita. For further Information and through Tickets snit, to .f. PTILWART, Ticket agent, lasseuger Statioth PltteLergd IL O. iliTZVEaNdtliN, Ticket Agent, Paseeuger bodkin, Allegheny. Through Ticksts far sale at all th e Ticket Moss of the Company on the lino of the rand, to all ports of Its United ilitsters J. J. EIOUBTON, Gem taaa'r Age. Ptua. Clav•tand and elittabargls flaalsoad. CHANGE Of' THIN-WINTER ARIL&SCIEIDLYT. ON and after MONDAY, February 57th, 1853, Train will leave the Depot of the Pormaylvartu, Itailruoal, In PIM. •1 tnnytt, ao .JULOlnzes` and Chicago line team Armes at A nivm at Antic. PITIIII3I.IIIOH. CLNTAI-AND. TULIIIIO. CHICAGO. MOu • m ilitt . m 12:10 • m HMG . m pm Lag pat lalll., • m WS ain desiring to go to Chicago, vla Cleveland, met bat particular to mg for Tickets id. Cleveland. Pithetturph, Chimiditts and Cinelnnatt SUN Jim, mi• Limier keine Anima at Wilmer at Anima .t PIT 11111Th01.1, COLCHISUA, CINCINNATI, PT. LOUIS. HOD • - En - 110 p m 6:36 p m /IXlp m 1:45 p 1;45 •at PMO aat ; ZI6 p This mute Is .horror to Chichi: at{ Louisville, Columba. .ad all polore itinith, .ban any other mute. Pplendhl bleeping Com attarlintio to all Nista , Attstniva and Heeding Lira. I Leave* Arrive. as. Amu vet Ater,. at Andres at PITTPICO, lIGCUILTII, WELLS' ATr,Ulf ft, IVLINELIti '2OO •to 11.5 m 115 133 7MO •ni p m P:01 pto p m OLIO pto MOO bp or I:15 P. at. gr' dom not mop between Ilachmter and Through ' burg, Phil. Nor Iv ....8* , .04,5 • , 1.:4:.• ...AH. .: to ow be plc ured at elttalugh, Rani. .1 eiptt New inid Buton. • MY ES, ttotwal Ilan Agrtit. i l ,„ f CT ID , na . stit: ap üb.rty ply to .:„...,1=1.....tim....,...„7 S'44eLll.-. JNo. orkWAßT,Ticlet Agent, 100 A UNDZII TIDY NAME AND ATTLEOP Ross dt. 002111 PANT, ! 11. AVING recentiv purchased the ertensive COAL WORKS, lately owned Do lartlilvery A South, am new prepared tr; fornlab Coal, at their Depot. imnsediately Leto., I.a, Wood &OA Itollltot Wil ,nowt r. or ragout, They will - • aim furnish. with th we tae of the dia. ottauctEerturent or proate families, at re...tattle kr - tree. have secured We eerewee of JuLIN OMITLIT, whet bat had MILLI, VW, asperiantee lo the COM I bLLSMVIIM 10 be capaoty of Superintendent andwateemao. J•ltally DWIELASTERS' • BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, DIAMOND 21111011 T, DEMI L1112,1t17, -.:, • EITTSBUSOII, P.A. ORSES BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND Ai_ everything unary bland In . Ann class lbsthas, as band and to order at all times. Hors., aril trowel( and reliable; FrAteteseleventand cattiftridbk• tifirOrdara to, carriages to funerals, or r Unapt.. N. punctually attended to, at all bouts. b-lltuba,.onea be.ght• end wad; OW. kqo d./ aeltor .o 1741) Plttaburgn Stamparta !Stencil Worst TZIO. Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cattei, TOBIthNa-lIUTLE& GRINDER, &c.— Kala alade• Inserted: Ta' . 01) 1121 send thaaralipaleg at. Molted to: Laueiier. arp _ No. guelthlleaet, near Sixth. I , I77SBUSOkI, Arne above gene It prepared to make anything In the ha °tan edge toot, o r do any kind of ealth work what •short melt. intent Gi;l9l' .110C.FaiPLES, 003 bbl.ll. 0, )lolamex 100 hi do do do 104 bbla. do Boyar; lOU half chest... Young Ilyaon gaol Mork Taal :110 bags ILlo Cothir. 1.0 born awartad Tobaca; 25 bbLs, Cut and Dry do kegs 111 Cart. Soda; 20 Dorcas prime Rios,. 100 boxes Paul Starch; aides Solo Leather - 11.0 dose. (boo BroouLa 11.0 do Dockata, • Wore and for W. Ly JOHNFLOYD L CO, rs II) Wood aivaot. kl (INDIUM— Li um bosh Ear sad Shelled Coro: ROO bales Hey; Z. Witt Dried Apphv; 10 We Oo& Meal; loru • 313 u le by CULP MEP Lem street. PRODUCX„ kegseol utter; b bbl.. Roll Butter; 19 toga No 1 Lank b do No.l Lord; 30. socks Dry applur, 30 oactoClover Bead; 25 bbl. lre,A; 100 Nu &moll White Boom, for ash, by mr29 JOUR FLOYD &CM, 173 Weed se. IS U"Ritried. APP/e‘160.. do.,Cloverßoo.: - LO .do White Enzi 1 0bbls. Roll Botta; 10 do Packed do' top boxes W. 1t..e.06e; 12 mita Roma gam It. [MULL!. a CO 1 UNDRIES-600 bus, Ear Corn; 100 do Bneikd do MO do Outs; 10 tma? pm Con itqS:lcZiclllll. Floor, - lon do Franklin W. Wheat FlOot: 100 do Croskey'a do do 140 do Willow Grove • do • Roca and for rite by SIYIPSON & NELSON, • - Foams' street and North constr. Ohio street sod last Cosontons. Alfrebtoy. G ROCERIE.-200, prime O. Itlotuses, - Ice;bblo BCC and N. Y.Spapa, O thct• prime M.O. bagar Ws Conned White do, ~ D3O bap Hb Oar., 160 boot* Lamp Tobacoa, led half chats Tea. 'For dole by and 11;IMMITI4ON k CO. • IMPROVED PREPARED GLUE; matu j. talltied by the New 'England Olos Co, Madam, Ca— Tao cheapen and beatpraparral diw RI the mallet I Itrery family aboard have it to mead beaten chins, shwa, Inral. ram &a. In orniantlng — wrialitlea will prove It to he India.. Retail Fria Rt. cent, ith lamb. Deaden ontrplhal OW - liberal tams by W. IL SonunToN & CU., t • • Suitt ' 'Stationers,ll Wood strait. BLAND - : 77.77. - pa?. PATER AND • . . • STATIONARY... oulatry roorehaata and ethane 'haling tar den' aro 'Had to di and amain* oar stock. Account Books mirda, to order at slim mike. Job Prlalhas promptly astraited., cor. Wood and Third; and Marko! sad &coal ria.! RolLßutt e n . . 10 do : Na 111 ems ittlr; 10 host' eluded Dry Pesamg - • ; • t GOO do • - do do Apple., 1 :041 • - ;. GRANT VAN 00IIDNIL 'w11. : 4 . M . 41 .. Lod & rers, e d Frels tt , il l S v. V io aOdp:S :, , slgna Delvy Potts by. . LAVIN. corner Wood sod Third I sod comer llszkat sad_ Second stmts. ' OKI ED--.K fresh supply of • - 's Blood and tarsi Bynix. - , • " Balsam kr the Lungc . • „ 'a Pala Panama; . . a 7Avarmort and Tar. .gt rzalma's Drug Matkaa strait and Diamond. • • supply of Behataca's pulutonloßyrnn- . mr7 Store, a;;:t! Ala% • Woo attic. 'S liedit RESTOKER—the bed I.'tb. world for restoring th• hdr Idiom it "d armor 'tuba it. end the Dtsmoza. ■ '._ ^ I =WI !la t 7 *.;441:1n , •