Vittsburgt (.31teite t . . , OPPICIAL PAYER Or rna CITY: = TUESDAY SIORNUIG. APRIL 17, 1860. CLT'Y AFFAIRS. Blergoaotuarcat. Obsercationa for the Onnelte,by • O.R. Shaw, Optician, 68 Fifth 134..-conneted daily: IN CON. IN SHAWL .•-' 9 o'clock A.e 00 44 - 12 " st 00 08 ; I • A " r. /6 ...... • .1. Barometer 29 7-20 • Republican Headquarters for 1860, 0011:51:11 WOOD AND FOURTH BT3. ifticraace on Wordstrrel.l33 F.4I6,RRADING Roonsopea every day (Sou dan exceptiefj_ from 9a.lLto 10 P. Eugllab, • and IVekb tifolnpapore from NH pail. of Os Uttion ou fon, and neuebllien Campaign neenroonte for dlanioutt.. The Itubllo'gruirally Had att."... rultlog rittrouruh me co, dlally invited te salt 1131• The EztenUse Committee of the Club meet EVERY ITT,DME.DAT oath., /Loootos 44,, , ciuct, e . r. mr3l4llarteo • Fon Rtirr-A. large and commodious room io the third story of the Gazette Building; is well lighted; easy of 110888E4 and will he rented cheap toe. good tenant. Apply at the conntiog room • of Ibis office. Barra Sr 4 raw arrr for the leek preceding A Aril IGth: 0-• 0a 0. C,,•l 7 Lt•oul rtpron. Dopttots. • -..---- Pittsb'gh 240,5461 307,075,1,732,120 572,091 • Exchangalrk 541,295 , 151,1124,495,783 213,723 M. AM. " 257,502 140,205 951,007 253,765. ' Citizomi " 217,065 51,550 401.121 90,920 1 htechanier .: 249,635 00,436 792,979 104,914 Iron City " 253,010 104.517 698,490 205,795 Allegheny " 312,725 117,514 772,069 172,143 • .• 2,071,570,1,015,445 7,159,568 1,651,162 • Last week.-- 2,072.3731 990,082,7.206.737 1,693,230 'acres; ... 27,4n3 - DB.-115838... 495 47,109 41,863 Tnnanstry now Nova torn m 1 Don • • and Nouol • other Haulm Rooks. 1100 k... 65,590 I 3 60,0201124,703 •:. Exchange. 124,592 -31,952' 41,050 X' A M.. 60,259 21,314 34,416 1:.t1111015s 0. 12,877 27,936 16,159. ' - '2171/0/Ut111e1e,....... 31,625 26,924 20,734 Iron City . 45,027 525 25,635 Allegheny 52,459 10,684 40,295 $ 222,418 $ 167,255 $ 242,992 Last . week... 417,309 171,100 207,565 16,155 35,427 Decrease.- 24,890 13.-! Wheeling excl ,- 'enc 'tint the " T 8! 2.1,890 Tea noon.—Our Wheeling exchanges, with their intelligence respecting the freshet, did not arrive until yesterday. Blanuerbassett island, so famous for the etorrid sosooiatiens of its early proprietor—the man who had left the storms of his own country to seek shelter in one where there was a greater tolerance of opinion—was __ flooded to the depth of several feet. Everything animate, as we are informed by the !radii , grocer, left the island, and on Thursday it 1413 almost desolate. The delicious green maid which covered its level slopes, the trees which ' were just budding, blooming and giving promise of a rich harvest of !Onions fruit, the beautiful flowers which but a few days ago looked fresh • and inviting, are now hid from the view, and - One 'out *sheet of water overspreads the spot where they but lately flourished. In West Wheeling the water had reached the first floor of many buildings. Rlebertown was overflowed. Main street, in the city of Wheel ing,'was submerged as far op as White's grocery. ' , Families escaped from many houses that were surrounded, on skiffs, rafts mid floating timbers. Great activity prevailed on Wain street among - - the merchants, who were removing goods from their cellars—and, some of the more cautious, from the first floor. Water street was abandon ed to. Abe mercy of the waters. Wheeling creek was fuller than it has been known for years, and it is conjectured, that it has brought down all the fences, lumber and loge for many miles above its mouth. Three boats loaded with rail- road iron: at the mouth of Caldwell's run, were soak. Stables were carried off, with their occu pants, and retinae rumors - were circulating of lose of life and other disasters, but some were aecertainod- to be false and others wanted con firmation. Belisle and other little villages down the river are said to be suffering gristly, the chimney and house topi being the only marks to deeignate the 14454114, spots where'etood th wing little places a few days ego. In many :n sea dwellings' up Wheeling Creek , were swept fore the occu panti bad time to remove their 4 niture—see eral barely escaping with their lied: A conductor brought a &WC loa ds gore to Wheeling from Lagrange. l 1141.sigarre22 , be iv a eaffcriv Condit large number ot I.w . wireitter flooded, the hotels were filled with detained psi sengers, and provisions were very scarce. Quite a number of - railroad trains bad been stopped at Moundsville, and none had arrived two days pre viaas to Thursday. A great portion of the C. & P.S. R. track bad been washed away and other damage sustained, all of which was to be speed * repaired. Oae bridge was carried off on the C. R , 'with one or two culverts end a good quantity of trick. The road has been damaged to &greater or less extent along the whole line. Arrange .'ments hare been made, however, to forward pas tieogerswith the assurance that the trains shall be run with all the' are necessary in the present condition of the road. :.Nearly half the track of the liemp6eld R. R. ' eves under water and the damage received is as yet incapable of estimate. Two flatboats loaded with railroad iron.snd manned by upwards of twenty men, ' seri ed by their crews, below Wheeling, sometime during Tuesday night, sod were picked tip by ' the steamer Woodside on Monday morning, with only one man. on each Three or four bridges on. the Ilempfieldtail road had been •earev,..erssy - . - `Aleo Insoy - or the bridges nil the Bethany turnpike. 'Tee wider got into theses pipes, and candles and lamps took the plane of gee burners. The water works were also stopped by the invasion, of the river. Oa the first day of the rise • man was seen ori the opposite aide of the riverorith coat off and pantaloon above his boots, wading in water it; little less than waist deep. lia_positively re.i lased to go back, and when last seen he waii astride the roof of his house, the water giving \ him a stiff race for the chimney. . Many of the houses in Bridgewater and Ro chester, Beaver county, wete partially under wa ter sad some of them almost entirely, the only means of egress being from-the upper stories by - means of boats. The loss to the inmates in dam aged fareitore is certainly very great. A' - man named Hutchinson, from the vicinity of Armstrong's Mills, wee drowned at the month of Clarion river, on last Tuesday night, while ( exerting himself to save his lumber and boats,. - which had been started by the sudden Hee. Ile' Yell between - two rafts and was seen no more. Oa the came day,- a young man undertook to ferry four persons across the Clarion river at the mouth of Mill creek, below the bracket darn; but the skiff -was suddenly drawn into the shale and capsized, and the entire party plunged int 6 the Hoed. A Mart named Samuel Wilson, and Ms son, rent under the skiff, but the whole party reached shore, narrowly escaping death. The lower stream of Wileeeport were sub merged for some distance on Wednesday after nooe,land thaecumpants of houses in that neigh bortmod were obliged to resort to water comma , nieition. Great est:Bement prevailed throughout the loin, those having property near the Hier ticking life and limb to secure it. Mr. Joseph h.Nfrintoek, residing in higfeesport, while walk ing etl One eta pair of coal boats at Look No. 2, inadvertently stepped upon the drift surround, log them and wee drowned. A great deal of coal has been bud, which at the present low tariff of prises will bear hardly on coal merchants. Both - Aix Wheeling and bl'Keesport papers: elate therethiiky and other intoxicating drinks' were freely used daring the excitement caused: by -the flood,' and neateretts brawls occurred Oae epeedes of excitement resembles another in this respect., Whether it bielection dayr-conren -Hort day, a' parade or, a flood, the result is the same—s free indulgence in ardent spirits. Goon AltaantiP leased-to learn, same te go , by the WA :Tam paper', that the Reporteil and Tribune contemplated • union. We have received the first number and pronounce it one of the finest sheets publiahed . . in the west. Its whole appearance is creditable to the county, and the ability of Ire editorial de partment giree promise of important services to the Republican cause in the coming political campaign. 'wee wisely done to unite these (italic's jolt-reale, as there were too many papers published in that county. The united concern will no doubt pay, as the subscription list will now be the latest of soy paper in Weetern, out of this city. We wish the excellent gentle. men at the. head of this able Republican organ the largest measure of ',accent. New Conscessisrx—A neff - coonterfeit on the Fairmount Bank, Virginia; bas made its appear snoe4r,lt Leans described: Vignette, men feed - fog:pigs; .mart on right end; Henry Clay and figure- 6 on left end; dog between signatures. And. Messrs. Imiq & Bicknell write that they have, this morning, detected a dangerous alter ed three-dotter bill, purporting, to be the trim issue of the Albany .Exchsnge Back, Albany, New York. Vignette: three artisans looking at plans; ship in distance; figure 3 OD the rigni of vignette; right end; State - die,: figure 3 above, and female portrait in oval die below it. Lift end, rule portrait in oval die, and figure 3 A Inv ailnla4e 13toOks 'aridLinA:l7iiaants will Inn. nib} this' mauling, it the Com/Uncial inks room, No. 6.4 Fifth it., by Mi. e. Niacin wand =tom hairioninbaini tcty ONbo sold at Dairie thliottontOog . _ - i'.. y....~- ......w .-tat 3r...w .y.... Tan annual meeting of the tulles' Bible So ciety of Allegheny wee held to the Leetare room of Dr. Swifee church, April 2d, Her. J. McMil lan, Preeident. By a reference to our Constitution, we find that the Ladies' Bible Society of Allegheny way Organized in the Spring of 1830. In the second year of its existence it became auxiliary to the American Bible Society of New York. Since thallium $596 17 have been pelt] for Bibles fOr home distribution. and $3,645 25 have been ap propriated to the Parent Society, making $1,281 92 collected aline our organization. May WO not humbly hope that this seed sewn ddring the last thirty years has been bleesed, and has borne some part in the great work which has been spreading over all lands where the Gospel has been preached ? Sorely we may, for God's promise encourages the feeblest effort put forth in Ilia canoe. word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I cent it." Since our laid annual tieetiog, death has en tired our ranks, and claimed u hla victim one of our oldest SCA most worthy members—Mee. Margaret George. She was connected with this Society ever eince its organization, and wee elected Treasurer very soon after that time, the duties of which office she continued to discharge faithfully until the year previous to her death, when failing health compelled her to yield her work to other hands. In her removal our Soci ety has lost one who in all her actions exempli fied, in an eminent degree, the religion of Jesus Christ Truly it may be raid of her, she "went about doing good." "Bleesed are the dead .which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the Spirit,',:that: they may rest from their labor', and theft works do follow.them." at. 11. The follswing officers and managers were elected for the present year:—president, Mrs. Swift; Vice President, Mrs. Irwin; Correspond log Secretary, Mrs. Rays; Recording Secretary, Mies Mary Horeb ; Treasurer„ Are. Eichbaum; Librarian, Mrs. Patterson. Managers—Mrs. Semple, Cochrane, Brunot, Jamison, Patterson, afoKnight, Sampson, Davie, .Stewart, McMillan, Breadioa, fiawyer, Spratt, Dunlap, Oibeen, Preston. Biody4 Misses Slater, Porterfield, Thompson, FleminW,Sproull, Black 'stook, Taasey, Penally, Elliott, ireekhart, Whit ten, Wright. Trearorree Rey"! /or 1359. Comb collected et amnia! sermoo...i. 17 67 Cash received from various subscriber, 311 14 German Bible sold 1 00 Total $329 SI By cash remitted to Amer. Bible Society.-- $323 00 Cash paid for Bibles and Testaments 4 82 Discount for drag_ SO Discount on tincorrrent note 10 Postage Stampa. 15 Cash on hand— • I 04 Total $329 81 Maar S. Eicanama, Traaxarer. AllrArny,.April 3, 1960. l'oasuearr to a notion a number of citizens met U2BOEIOOI house No. 8, tipper St. Clair township, on Saturday,- 14th inst., at 3 o'clock P. m , for the purposir Cc organizing Republican Club for that section of the township On motion, Capt. John Gill6llan was elected temporary obainuan, and 1)r. David Donaldson, Secretary. Oa motion a committee of her. consisting of Prot. J. B. Siille, John Fife,' Wm. Andrews, David Higbee and Samuel Conner, jr , wit op• pointed to select permanent officers. The meeting was then addressed by Thomas Howard, Erg. On motion a vote of thanks was tendered to Thos. Howard for bin able and eloquent addreee. ' The committee then reported the following of ficers: President, James Espy, Eaq ; Vine Pres idents, Dr. David Donaldson, Alex. Aiken Capt. Thomas Espy, Jesse Conner, Joseph Higbee: Recording Secretary, Card. John Gillfillan; Cor responding Secretary, Wesley Herr; Executive Committee, James G. Merry, Alex. Dr: Wm. J. Oillmore. The report of the com mittee was received and adopted. - The President, on taking the chair, made an able address. The following preamble and res olutions were then &Omitted, and after discuss ion unanimously adopted: WnIZELAP. We believe in the inalienable right of trial by jary, and that no citizen can be con demned without giving him an opportunity of de fending himself, therefore, Reached, That the lion. J. K. Moorhead (or his friends) is hereby requested to come for ward and disprove the charges made against biro in the document circulated throtighlbis county called the Rail Road Record. 2. That we protest against a tromped up de fence male on the eve of the Convention, thereby depriving the Rural Marker of an opportunity of judging for themselves. an invitation to J K. hloorheod (or •t ends) to be present at our next meeting. That we will support no man for any office in this county who will not openly and above board come out nu -footed against the payment of the Railroad Tax. 5. That when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet in this oribe - 00-tii&tardiii next, let, et the hour of two o'clock r. n. 6. That the Secretary famish copies for pub lication to the Gazette, Ditpateh, Journal and True Pr ess.. Oa 1:1301i00, adjouroed. JAMPS ESPY, Preset. ioUN GILLFILLAN, Sec'). Max Deowssti.—The body of a man, about 2L years old, was found ie Se wickley creek, near Shields' nurseries, in Sewickley tp., on Sunday. Ile had brown hair, a m astemhe and whiskers of sandy completion. Eli height wee about b feet 10 inches, and he has a largo wart in the hollow of his left hand and a 'slight wound over the right eye. 110 wore a/blue-grey knit Cannel underebirt ; pantaltionsiof a twilled cassimere, with side stripes • overcoat . of rough petersham cloth, with red 11;nnelliblig, pockets containing an empty flask land a portmonnsie with a. small amount of change. No papers of any kind were found on him. The boy was examined by Drs. John Dickson and 1). M'Kinney. An inquest was held and a verdicti . given that the deceased .d cams to his death by owning. . Ws notice in the Clarion Danner, the account of a surgical operation-performed by our friend. Dr. Klotz, three other physieians assisting. The Doctor was educated In Europe ansdbrings to his profession the resources of a well informed mind. He has been eminently successful in many im portant surgical operations and has a large and well deserved praotice. We wish him well. • Tog Shilling Bong Book; a llotlention of 175 of the most favorite national, patriotic, natio:Latta! and combo ballads of the day,ijuat published and fur sale 'by fleet & Miner, who w II sand it by mail on receipt tif price (12 centsito any addross, froo of postage. Llv you want any of a new and popular books, ateo papers, magazines, pocket books, portatonaies, ( traveling bags, or stationery of any kind, call at Bunt 4 Miner's, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth it., next door to the posboffleo. 4 1859. "Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad Co., 180. "11MIE BALTIMORE 4talaimai 01110 RAILROAD COMPANY are MI, prepared to Mel TO and forwardhSerchaudistommlee through MIL of Win, to and from Pittsburgh and-tl3•*•teleinc-tori; Rates guaranteed to ha squally favorable WILK'. gh , de of 4.13. Peumlraula Ban or auy other Due. Yon information .8 to rates, ete, eat, appliea tloo may .d be made by letter or 43 person to either of tbs Sod. cbru sgentc At MMTON, aoe. Potter. my BMW and Washlnstna eta . " NOW YORK, O. W. Yerrell,2l2 Broadway, abuse the Adm. Boos.. PUMA DR1.P11133, Coltman a Clacton, wow afoaa and ebony streets. Cot. Rsly , coo. Bla lb •nd (Mellott MA s BALTIMORE, J. T.Xualsad,Catudem Melon. Y I TZSBUILCIII, W. J. Jobustun, 'Liberty Shvet, quo. Site bones Ilsilmad Paseentsr 001. R. :Sas Particular atteetion of Merchants, manufacturers and slOppew leneraßy.ot Pittsbergh..Aaryborli My sod 'Molly. Is called tothe factlitlesef MU New Route am toot. pared itl3 otbers, and [halo porous,. and boom are re apart/1311y solicited. RIMY D. MRABB. ' rolght *Kent D. A O. R. ICC°. HATS, CAPS, ISt .t 3 I.t poo -r) CIiILDUKOPS PARICY luvre, Jn peg atrawlance mad at moderato pima at J. H. Hillernian. & Co.'s, FASHIONABLE HAT STORE, No. 75 WOOD STREET. WILLIAM H. GRA.N r . TT trr's and B•a Tobacco This wolf estal4e4 GTO rep superior Wand of Tabu& co received rsgoluly on cototigiseaeot, together with • Mr ofr of °Mei grades and brands of Tobago and for sale by JOHN P. PLEASANTS A; SONS, np2..2awd2m No. 52 South M., Baltimore. „ aUIf4NESS sows EZTRA DWELLS armor AND PORT JCR ?or sale Imprnal pint. and Gammon Plots, BY THEIR, SOLE AGENT MIL TIM UNITED STAUB. 0. lI,ABIOHT, 127 Pearl Street; New York. 113-Onten by mall morally ntletidul to. ocUlawdein OUR SIXTH LOT OF G.cntir, TRAIL surfers. In 15, 20. :25 and 30 Springs. Just received per Sept.!, by IaTON, ORBS A ISACIRUM Nat. testamentary on the es aof /owl. HataLoa, lota of the city of ritta• mmed havebroOttau. dol no aotortibes. pneas lodobtad to raid egittate tre fnEintei to costa iptiffa. • 4lato palyotaot, cod tboio Itotirlog clkt...g.i.itsnut estate to make known in. amok grit/net delay. to • Etratbral 'AIMS n UTOIMON, Executor. A NOT-lIER LOT zik. OF tralf - AND QOIOgIPBL . _1 N T , splo BUI1D111,111,3) WIC rr L. RODGERS has associated with him • la th Pridue•Oyeusisdoa &Awe.A.Dll... 111011171. 21,it71• of tb• Ana t•BUDG r aili /XVI. ; • '-'" . • . • . Insutanct. Delaware Intnal: Safety Insurance Company Inosrparatal by Lie LvirligUre dfralnaryinanta,lB3ll. °IBC% S. E. Corner Third and Walnut eta., PLIILADILPIII.6. MARINE INERRANCBRob Versals, Quito, and 1.401 10 all parte of the world. INLAND INIIIIIL4NLAS on Gooda, by Rivera, Canal; Laken and Land Catlin., to all pare of the Unbolt. FIRS INSURANCES on blerchandice geuerally.—On Storm, Daalling Conan; Lo. ASSETSOP THE ("DEPART, N I, 1650. Pblhulelphla City 6 far cent. furan___.— $1230.4 00 Penrosylrards Scare Loma.. . 101,666 00 101,en 611 Coital Race, Treasury ilitatta and I.7doryod due.- 65,878 Totowa., Loa. to City of 2.6.000 tat Railroad 0 I.r coat. Consorts 800dr...—.-- 66.000 00 Mocks In Petal.. It. R. Gas and Inanranuo 12;1616 00 Gaut Pldladulphla Pannier Railroad Coat y., . nn per cent coupon ........... '— Ronda, Mortcagra and Real &tate-- .._ 76,363 63 Balance due at Agendas, Pr e m i ums an Idarine Podded, Interest and other debut don tballof 6 ' 5 • 561 07,060 at WM., Martin. Ittinund 4.1300d0t. ThoophilosPaoldlng. John It. Poonooo, John O. Doris, Jame trsqnstr, X.yno, Jr.. June 0. nand, Wilma 0. Ludwig. Joooph U. Pool, Dr. K. H. Huston, Cloorgo U. Loler, floo Craig, °horn* 11.1loy, Suanel IL Stoke* J....Pm:attar; Mary Moan, 110 ward Ilartiogtor., IL lows Broau., BpsoceeKeyan, Tbagnm 0. Ilano, Robert Durum. Jr.. Jacob P. Janes Jun. B. Hctarir od. Jughus P. Xyre, Jut". B. Wimp', pltud..,, D. T. Morgan, A B ItTIN, Ppvglelbat.. O. HAND. Vies Preddent Urn LTL4olol,Secnota.ry A. MADEIRA, Ageul, 6 W. , tatrztrteL PilWairrh. 1:=1 .emialty Against Lofts by rim FraokllN rlr• 1. Company of PHILADELPIII• Oftioe 435 and 437 Chestnut st., near Fifth Ntatonteat of Atoms, J.tiary 144 1149, poblletcal totroo► ply to an stet a /14totobly, betnyt Vital Ilortogstroc amply tecoroo-- $1,731.0119 SD howl Latta (woman •41no $101,31361) oto 77,701 71 Temporary Loans, on mop)* Oullatoral be cornier .. 84,4:10 29 Roam (prawn Palo* $80,647 72) trot...—. 71,b47 97 Not,. owl 111114 receltable 4,809 40 4007 ad • p,ol6„xn 112 lej.The. only Praia from Pramlama whim; thin Damp. ny dlrkla by law am from 11.1. k• which have Lawo larmlnad. !moron,. made ou every description of Property, In Thom nod Cout,U7,•l nano an low es an mulatto{ with wearily. Nines their incorparatitin, . period of thirty 'um, they bare paid Lova. by are, to an amount exceeding Awe AI Minas of Dollars, thereby affording evidartmor the advantages of insurattos, as well sa their Willy ans gape altlaa to mewl with promptoma 'WAIN.. Loewe paid during the year MS..— aIIIOTOSS. Uharies W. Flaunter.l Mordecai D. Lewis, Trails& Wagner, David E. Brown, Damao) Grant, haw Las, Jacob R. Eolith,Edw Date, George W. Richards. lard a. George Taint. CHARLES N. GAMLEN, Trealtlent. EDWARD C. Dint, Vice Preirtilant. Wu. A. Sim, Secretary pro tem. J. GARDNER COVINN, Agout i uyti _Glee Northeast tor. Wood and Third au. ruts intruniecic, Wines Mutual Insurance Compaq of Et= Chi BoMenge, Littered or Perpetual, alershaudlso, Pulsators Lc, In Toro or Counts,. Office Nu. 3OS Walnut Street. eanuttili,e3:-. Morn rzeors 43.-1 tomato.' as foliose meat tdomscaon improthal City Properar, worth double Ma atoactut. 0161,1300 00 Peon. Railroad Co. 6 par cant. ilortgage Loan, $30,000, cos. Allogiceny wont} 0 partook Poona It. It. Loma. 10,000 00 OIL, of Irblladelphls, do 'do do .. 6.1,00 00 Pooooplosols.ltanrosd Co'sfiteck 4,000 Oo flock ofibeoallam, the Hallam* Mutual busman. 0u... 19,160 00 &Lock of County Fire Insurance 1.0150 00 atuck ci Dolooste M. A. Insurance 00_..__.—.. Ibo 00 Uolun lasi:rat. i n n 810 CO Illtlo fteationblo, Luminous 30,373 40 h ook Accounts, soaked Intorost, 7,311 04 flsoh on hand .od In Polk._ $156,418 48 CLEM TINCLIT. Prdld bet •11120VCSII. Clem Veggie), W. H. Thompon. Fredenick C. Stevenson,' John a. Women, IL /sCumstis Robert MI.& leretheick C. 8 Wood, Jesn.B. Woodeerd damsel Bhchani. ftobflßorn Slam, Benj. W. Tigley. Marshall 11111, L Lothrop, . Lela Jaeil T. Balding, &mitt 8011.11. 701,n 814.011, Pt:taw/IL B. U. LIINCIIKAN, Seamier,. J. O. LIJ/1 7 117, Agaul North-out Larne? Third and Wool are Mnrlac bad inland insurance. INSURANCE CO. or NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Inrorparatod -.5500,010. Animas, January 10. ...... $ 17. DlRXaro Wl A rtta nr 11.0celn, Heron.' W. Jo., John A Wow.. Xamn.l Y. Smith, Ch,rl.. Tay hv, A erthromn Whim John N.Cf, Rle.b.4 D. Waal, William W. 1,14, William X •N. Dick•on 8. Muria .In , a •la LIR G. OUPYIN, Vnol. =MEM INSURANCE 00. or roc STATE or PA PLIILADELPRIA. tncorporatod, I:44—.SpitaLe—s2l4ooo. Auets February I, 1850---- --441.1,808 4L DILIOTTOIII4-11enry D. dberrent Altucto Toby, Chutes if woo/roles. WIILINts dealth,, Jobs D. Dodd. Hoary 0. Cbstleo A. Ludo, Demo DeDutton. Willi.. IL While, Casio U. Stuart, Daronel Grant, Jr., Thomas Wee. nes, Thornu Wolfson. EIANLIT IAbLIARIUIRD. Wlubta thorn, Esrey. Protdder. 1104,1foofroure In flu above Old and Reliable. Oompastot, con be &Mined by applicalloe to felthdly W,D. JONAL Asstd. al WtOor Philade/phi& iftre and LAM UOI1P•N No. 199 Chesnut Street, OPPOBIS4 TER, poseott Win mote all Blade of Ineursoce, ether 'l'Orpeterel Limiter). oo every deocriptios of Property ow Ilterchnellsa et reemousble rotor of premium. mane. P. RINo reel9.u. Y. W. BALDWCS, VW. President. , strarayteut. Chad. P. Bly.ll, 2.-e. Bees, IL B. Boiersh, George W. Bruno. P. B. &very, !cavil B. Peel. 0. Ebertvan, Joho , Clay ton, B. J. Megorgror Z. wilor. Y. Ikaescout,he.rstary. J. U. tioVVIN, Agent, corn. Thin! t... 1 • —.., W 011.L1.T.11 l ttuiti =Moe 60111 FP PITTBBURtII.I. OIGJHUEI DAItStX, Prn.l4eput. (104LLXIN, P.retas7 OA VICIO.,ti A. 111 Water outset, (Spat, A 0 , .Y Warehouse, .P "Web. rittebatteb hour/ hydneteall kervis of Aire And AterMOt RUkl A Haase bsettattion =mewed by Dim:for. r. who are well knows infL ernetuotity, and era are deter otetbert, hit probretess 616Cflibmility, to otettnt tto. the ekeesetete waft /( they Ave g 11.01.1. eu crow Me ?rat laibb tobbhlr the /.airy to be mewed. £II4 T 2, £PkIL dO, 1231 1166211 Accounts . .$ 90,000 00. 011102 /urnMars__ 12.327 26 Prondino — Ntles 30.076 12 Hofer 1941 bills Dlseantiled. 163.312 20 George 4.n 1 •, G. W. ]canon, Jaw. MrAnley, rWiauder Speer, Ackhg. mr3o Wm. Malpighi, Nathaniel llohnea, Alex. Maack, David M. Long, William 11. Smltli 0. W. Etkkayo% oanDoN, Eureka Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania Offico, Ne fig Man Strut, Pittsburgh. J. It RH0161111121;104 . Frenzied. WIRERS VINNLY, getretary. Continuo. to losar• ilignst all Mods of Pinang{ Morin ASSIMI, MAY lid, 1869. Cash lo Pittaborgb Tank Coop.: Mock Doo-01114.-pasablo on demand 41,910 00 Bona. nod 31 360 shins lio= " llank Aka—out— 19,030 CO 290 EAchaoge Bank fltock—cone 11,ton 03 060 do AllegOony Bank 10,000 109 JO Mothania Wok 6,640 03 Hook ..... ...... 11,369 86 BiW Rocalwabl•_.... G. W; Oast, fem. It. Potauxt, W. W.MartiL K. T. lbeoch, Jr David tim, . .adlascm. .1. 11. filmenrarger, W.ll. Nlmltt, /oho A. Oangbay, 13. W. 111.1achalur, It O. Cochran, Ammo I. fimmott, m ,11:1 Wm..l Iloaoagaaala lasaraata Vompaay 0, .P1711111111141/1. Orriana —JAIME; A. 111111.1111BON, PrqsMoot HENRY N. AMMO. Serestary. C.F.t. JAS. WOHDBUII.N, Uonersl Agtnt. Oincci. NO. 00 Wina Phil /neon Against on 1 - Outs of Arrant( apts. £OOlOO, NOVEMBER lifon. 1904: Mack Doe DIIO, payatd•on damandoomod 07 two opprorod taloa ..$1111,600 00 Bill. Dlsooant ifortogo ...„ ._ , ....... 12,000 00 111444 sooldoehntoo'Esok .... 6.16000 100 do Cldrooit do do do 6,176 03 6 0 do Bkok of Pittstargla do do -...... 2.790 00 40 do Eschongo Book do do --- ROO 0:0 Balance of hook 6 4 00 20 eznAss 89 Wm. A, Cativen, WM.. Miler, John filcDervitt. Om A. Nnfry . - IlklArd Ham Jim IlkAdburo, otchtmon. lAPU W. IL flokoms,' BMA. Udell, L m eith n trltystrlok Wm. Xmas, John Atwell, 14m'1 D. liaison, Jars. A. Pittsburgh Insurance Company, office, corner Market and Water Streets, PITTBDUBA 11, es. JAS. W. I:TAIWAN; Prsal. O. W. ILS.TCCILOR, S. P. 7. A. Osmosis, Saes. igauTrs nolo% Mall sad Cargo Was ou Cu Ohlo ma Ithrlorippl Aden sad tribute:ha, sod Maras Saks pa. orally.- And sgstart UN of 1,1 Tin, • Asa against the Perth! or tar Ns. sod Inland Nallgatiou arurpounporiallos., Id Alszsadsi aria Sid:oll% - • Ma'am Yaps r' ' Job, Sera, • - Wag W Wutros. /smug SVCdurtas, - - 'Mei Oordos, ... , . - Oss. Arbvtbmt. —!..". . Mato Omisir, .• - ; - Wiistim Cur, M. N. liccabiso, Rabat IL Dialloy, • Joshua Chodss.. ' F."" - 'I I IREBO 414k.11114Tilifo v • • • , I'2'; - ' i jrair '''-. : er r M: i ' ,-' - :'::;', 7 : "% A : im,o .-• -:.: • - ~-,, NORTHERN Assurance Company, NO. I IIOOROAIN BM= LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. OAPITAL--.--------.56,2913,800 00 PAID UP CAPITAL AND bURPLUS— 91.194.11 I 00 ANNUAL 1,000,000 00 PIUS COMPANY INSURES AGAINST Ia or Ondtede b 7 Y l " , • Iktml arirY ameriptlon Ymparty. rx. !Imhof Premiems are retoderole, and, In all cases, tumid upon the character of the onmr ur MN. Wit, and the merits of the risk. Loam promptly adlmtad and pald without raferance London. A lrerla pa14673 , 9i /and PIITN4C6I Pliikdel, pAns for poramt O f LOME In Mrs *nano,. KOMBIC.II3 to IITRIBINfill: blown. 'Junes McCully a Co-, t 74 Wood etre.; - John Floyd a Co., rm Brown a Kirkpatrick; 193 Liberty street, " D Orem 4.004 44 Weed etretiti - Wil,oo, biltinay a Co., 14 Wood anat. Jam. tibilat' tidiest a C 0,10.3 Moduli A 0:1,03 WM* , street " A A. rahnoWock 100, Vino and Wood streets " Jos Woodaell A 00., Amorld nod Wcod•; • %%Cooper A Oo , Liberty 010va4; a DsnLßotdl Bo a fourth and Mark.% stream a mu...Ms* Alumna Co., Wood and Walor Min SAMILIMOIPIPAIIADWPWA. George U. Stuart Bp., 13 Boat street Uneu., Afton, Clan:tuna 1 6..2= Market -street *f... jaw., 810, 22 Booth front mean • BrOutctumnAoOUins, roma nod New MA a Arnim, Williams 10., 613 Uarket street; _ " Jams. °nabs= l Co., 20 and 21 Latllia Mon,. Joseph B. Mitchell, Bp. Ptsuldeut Manual& Ba* Jame Dunlap, lag., Prod:lent VAIO9 WE: BOA. W.A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. AJOICS 'lll • AlittllT mrklydle Offlee, 1 3 Wood an:AL ALLEOBEINY MuORAN op , riTTSl3l7nail Orrict—No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block, jcNSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FINN AND MAIDENS HUHN. MAO JONES, Prmideem JOHN D. HcOORD, Pne.klept D. H BOOK, decartarn Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, Cameral Agent. Draammaa—lnaa JOT., 0. O. MAT. Ham, Child.. K.O. Cray, Joho A. Wilma, D L. Yabatatock, Jahn D.ll'OnnL Capt. Adam Jamb., K.P.Marling, Capt. Witham Dean. &Ma L. McCraw, H. NA. faLlyd Citlfectiiineo Company lot Pittsburgh. Office, coy. Market & Water Streets (Syron. Fulos,) ILIGALEY, Presafrot. Samoa Eke, Secretary. INSURES STRAW:WATS AND CARGOES. awes agaluat.Lass and Datnage la the MarisaDoh of th &nit Hun and Western Ithere, Lake. and Bayous: and the Navigation of the Salo. honors against Lows and Damage by Piro. Wes Pagaley, Elon.T. kb Elowo, .lu. IL Cooper, Jam Park, Jr., t) Zug, S. aarbsugh, P. Junes, CapL S. C. Young, J. Caldwell. Jr., Yrancia Selltra, R.U. Kier, John 15. Dilworth John Shinto°, Barclay Prestou deelklyd toonsylvaula ins!' ra littlee No. 6:3 Capital and Surplus =EI IMQZ= MMA Iy Pattern., I. Orlnt Rprnal, , , S. A. Ooiton. James 11 Ilopkins. This Company has pad lowa. from the data of its Ina„ poraDon I. 1.64 op to 11ay,11169, to anknot of sacri,ms 1n addition to ragularsendwunoal Dltddends of from IS k 16 par cent., affording °Monne of to stability and mackinaw I ElteCill attention Oak to ftwarance or Dwelling. and 'mordents, kw forks of on. to Ibta• yearly lAIMICS LIBERALLY ADJUBTED A PROMPTLY PAID. A. A. TIARRINIt, PraeMerit. I. OMAR SPROUT. fierirotriry elelo,lAsitaiT LIFE INSURANCE.—The 0 IRARD LIFE INSURANtIX, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. t the A pier). No. 76 ()rant meet, ~k. insurance• no Dom In addition to • paid capital of pccuak they hare • large and tzterering aussrsn k fiord 131 g undaunted amenity to the inninet to nuns of inenrauca fur Life Oar balm derbord from 11.11.1011 D ;Kara ha alreaily etraed.l fifty per C.A. no MI premium* !ALL Too.. 1 / I .loflT, Preet ; Job, P. Jams. Actuary; J•.. U.. Merikral Isnaulluar, oMe• No. 112 Firth, Pitialiargh. Far inrilair.linumerflon .P pi, U. WM. BAR A MULL, Arent Air 616•Cleinpaso, No. Ti Dram ..trewi. Zrlvitto iHattiurs SEWING hIACIIINES ! BOWE'S NEW SHUTTLE MACIIINES are otpresaly adapted for all klantlfacthrlng plumate ! . thd Family ore— era tally anrranted, and atil b 'old far oar half the wormy barged for any other Harbin. capabla of dolor the same atlas of wort to ns goad a manner. Call and wa them bo ars parthaelag. AGENTS WANTED. W. B. L.AltralthiLL, Agent.. lallLw► Mo. GO Market Shoat. up •tatrt. W B. BRAMAN & CO.'S Y DOUBLE TURKAD • FAMILY BELYING MAOUINISI. PRICE $l5. Buoy ►!•chine warnotted. Apoxf, w.. 0. &owl LJT ctscoGor. Call and tomato:Rl, la Nr. GO Ittarka •two. (op tilalraL) let 4 W. W. NORVIROP. IMPORTANT TRUTHS. TUN W1L47 , 1 • tiftlitti FILL Sewing IL a chines CanislNE - ACCirtftooD QUALITIES ol 14 boanler GioirtilA Dater', I. U. Billoor'm Mod Blow Howe.; ra4ut. AND BY NAM. , ' Thn tiZ.vr YATEST LOOPEIL utitcta to applied to throe atchltoos, Ob. Wilk,: • to coonmeted to KNOT EVERY STITCH bus tofml.l which manor tw npped,avent tbongb every thud Mitch be cot. ADUWer &alms trial. la ts. morkabla .boot lh4 tatuper In, it cannot by any pAssitruvy MUM A SLNOLM eTITOIi • Cell sad examine at NO. 51 FIFTH STREET, FAIRBANKX & Chbooral Aire&U, GEOnflit P. 11 !WILTON ..... -.MARCUS W. ACT ON H AMILTON .L Arronsare AT LAW Man No. 119 Fonro otreeL Pllo.l..urgh. lotklyd OLLIER & ;NITRIDE 101 101111 BVICET, ..16tod N. d. SAMUEL PURVIANCE, Arrossar AT La • • Oflka—Corner a Itlflb and W t lla atranta, PITTSBUPLIIII, PA., practice awl attend to colltellona to Me ouanlina o aro:karma. pawner and Butler. manly,' C. B. M. EMITS Attorney and Counsellor ut /.411.4 HAg Bg110V61) TO kUII N ' S LAW BUILDINOS No. 13 Diamond Street, I Nex , d.rar to Pl. Ntre• Church. Loam aiming . a. • McK NIOIiT Is CA RN ABAN, is3l3-431 PFTTSBUROU. PA. RISII & MACKENZIE, Attorpoys nt Law, , Mk. No. re roarth etredot,Plttabarigh, P.. Notary Pal/ .IW owl OW, Oommluioaer. =CI boots $ Zboto ‘441:1W STOCK thin. OPENED. JA., ES ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, tr.o,, K Jost renifelinkfrom the Rut en a large lot well Needed mock of _ 0074I 'W ZI.ttlki - lOUS Of every earlety and style, Is nem unpin...ll to i. hl. Mends and customers. His nook somptlans on, - largest selortnnents to be found west of the oloantal t. gar lenges% Idles*? end Children's Matt Heeled ...J . .. 001111:RW, SLIPPERS, °Pitting sod TIES. Idea, Boys, and Yellin* . Ono Calf Banta, Garters 41.O•ford Tito, DenclogPompa, Opera Bootie, Lasting Gallery .. 11 of whkh he .ell, ITUOLELLLE OR RETLI4 CHEAT ➢OA CA!'n• All lo want would do well to tall nod ebotoino b been porobsoloo oloorboro. .pd JAMES It I F YOU DESIRE A NEAT AND ctooD emitom,. Of the Lauri, style; no to the PEOPLE'S 011E•P` "OE STORE, It hero yore the mirth from • new Neck. D.S. DIVVENBAOR try._ melt No. 14 Fif th street, M 4orond door from BUY YOUR MORS AT TUE PROPLE'S SHOE STOR E, No. IL !MN bTILEIfr, wend door from Ilekef. mr2 D. fl. DI VINN11•01 811 . The 1-Nsuple's 'shoe Store,D. El, DIPFENBACEOR, DRALLN IN BOOTS, SHOES AND OAITERS C 148.190 a .4„.„1 ~,d buoyant ephite. Sorb ►medicine le • gem, and 'igir maim to be kaolin to t mandated. FIFTY OXXXX Plea BOX." er, Brl fall at of Uosammee tionooeeesta beatfee, With Book ef _lBroottoos. sad twenty &Want ltstoaliee, to tom Olds, oweeoto 1 1 . 1 to *le eel% 81, halls age of !two bottom& nem remedies, br the sleet box Or easeyarsorfabi MB or rme. frrtd , igange, teeny addreethoo neeetot of I tborb,Fe. &&11&11 jet, & 00, , Pfttgrartir usaz,"a d afi ifgrtlt. 4142 - ierr4 .„ . *umlaut. COMFY set uo., of PittsburglZ Nourttt Street. 0ver.......... $150,000 00 w.. Maoptuti A. A Owder, Henry Ili/WI: Nkholu Vrglgy, :=I attorneys. ==%l N. 1 - 10/..1 , 4 11.1,3 6 SONS. DISALKIS I. Foreign and Domestic Bills or Exchange 011LTIFIOLTIZI OF DIXON; J 013 2 11 COCdrittal—N .11in MILNOMITOIUM OF Iron Waling, tram Vaults, Vault LtoorS, Window shatter', Window Guard', &e., Nu. 91 Second &reel and 80 Third Mreef, (Between Wood end Umtata PITT/OMAR, Pa., Us•. an bane a •artetl of new Pattern., farmland plain suitable fie , all purpcose. Particular attention paid to an. aiming ammo Lou. -lobbing dona at short notice. mr9 hi L TWOS MI 11ACITLOUS VSRUIN Duntorist, nt Only Remaly fa Mt Mote World Sure ef , Estereginofe Rare, Mick OoczaoAcn a, Bea., ANTS, Plcept - IToi3, Fumy 510,1115, !foul!, (1111114 WOW LID °agora iselare, ir. 50,000 sun BOLD ON T. moxyn. Those Celoinstod Remedies have been eitentively Ned for I captor° Tern la all parts ofEn rope, and their mama dnoa power been attmitikl by the Marts of Rusts, francs, Rolland, Anottio, hands: Ilamtris, &many, Bela). cab Rolland, Naples. la, and their Chemical properties onamtned, and approved by the moat distingniohed Stodkal famines all oror the world. Their deetroctivences to ell kinds of vermin sod lamas hadi beet cmtlfloel in this conntry by the Dbectere of the •winos Public Institutions, Planters, Farmers, Proprktore of Lottls, Warehomme, Menniattoriee, and by various di► Welshed privets citizen.. 'iluttlarous Togiranntale sad Oertificatea or the &Hoary CI those R.medto can bemoan at the Depot. .!or Ws, Wholesale and Retell, by the lurentor and Pm )ifetar, JOSEIPH HRTEB.Pnetloel Mandel. 612 Broadway (cor. Houston staNsw York. .teral Agent far the U. atanseand Cattadaa, YURDRB• V. RUBIbrON, Druggist; No. 10 Aztor flaw, and 417 bray, New Yost. x We In JOIN city, •bohrle sad retell by ft R. SRO. AS C 0.,. come Wood and Amnia eta.: Jtd. YL6IIINO, rear Diamond and Market at. 11KEILIIAll t kI'ERN v. Allegheny. deantendro . • lialltplaltihe ton and imrest rimed, In the world, ha (tam at Atwater, and Matt nee liallthlldren,whetber It lin= teatlllog at from soy ethea alma.% MI stal health eau be tathaated by donne* and lasete,tt rth Its weight In gold. Ilea= of -bottlie sea said ovary year In tba United .It le an old and trellteled remedy. . • Huai ONLY 23 cizerra a. BODrLI. 101.1fota maim naleimatte fee-altalle oIQUATIII A Pm Ili& Nair lamb on tha rood& wrapper, i lida tl os thmtichout. u......te. . . . DR.CI I.t. ansx./Itiect, tor Pltlabauelt. , •- . =WM( kr. C 04.142.03, - rfprliredltlit alld Comn . Usslon .WoOpipit„ AND wileajr4lll:iililliglV. 9kooo . pinta. liiiiew*linithifc . i - ;Aid lii Sputa! /tonal, LARY SUPERIOR COPPER /SILL MF. L. u-ING WOR.IIB =EI PARR, nrcuraDY et CO, MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, GRAZIER!• goo WILT CA/ PPER. PRESSAD CUP PAR WYITWIP, Dalai arIII Boma, bpelrer Polder. AP. AIAN lava - Uwe and Dpah.r. lu 111,A LP, TIN PLATO SHAM` IRON, iv IRK, Ac. (Narrowly Olt band , Th102017 . a ld sallow •od Tads. Warehouse, No. 141 Arse mad 120 Seenna titreei rit.burgh, Penna. lerOpects I orders orCh.pper rot b.q deed 'nal oeltsiii roirTkdtlel fT S.• ~ ,l ei ..= I:kk 4 0, 4 0 ~..• , tr ~.„- lii - mlueittit -o.'o-1.- - gy: I T • ''' •- e.;.4.40 1 e, "f---' MZMNIIMM S t , C A L E S That don't require.m, to carry around • apltiblosta. bps which always ohne of Mewed,. mod how they ought to stand to weigh eminently, Ine - mnr toot the highest preettom non the Fhfrbanki Sad, at the fate Fair held Miry as fluy do over allothers. They arts no or made of Pittsburgh Iron, nod will be made here when the Sales reach • point that will Jastify it. 11,11', COAL, ORE, RAILROAD and all other Reales made to order. ffartlepairs promptly made by calling nn tha Agent. Refer to Wears. DIORPON. 13ThWART A 00: LYON, anglill NORRIS k COLTARS; F. 0. NEOLRY, N 1 110 R a 00, and .11 utht. vain our Realm. ISAIAH DICKEY, Agent, Pt its burch. Penny. d. SUN'S fiIAGNICTIC I N Ca W U E R. F-rIERMINA TES BED BEM, ROACHES, MEE, A NTS, GARDEN isszers,a , It rontslim no Poison. LII , IV'S MAGNSTIC PILLS ARE CENTAIN DEATH TO GIAT: , AND MMIC. aplo-sndrso aar•Dold Pittsburgh Stetil Works. C1.10.1011a3 . 1101.... JONEGS. BOYD 6r. CO.. llonofachuery of • CAST STEEL SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRING ANTI A SLIMS. Corner Rose and First Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa eels • W P. WAI.C., pr.w inaveuPati. Leis of Putabargh. Plallsdelpbta. PITTSBURG!' COMMISSION MOUSM. WALKER & BARNBYB, COMMISSION 111 ERCTFI A-NTB PITTSBURGH TO NOP ACT DILE D GOODS, COAL OILS AND 0111Z¢ MERCHANDISE, No. 160 Pearl Street N 0 It . reirCousigorourita aolicited, to stitch proper peromitlit teutJou M.II un glenn, and prnrer-te prnruptly romittr 1. AMAZACIA MOW/. Bryce, Richuds Mean.. lobo !Mark & Oa., Al....ander King, EN .1 McKee l lin,ther, Moen. Adana, Mrkllo Al,leoo l urwia. , N. Y. Pl2l..lyet Iolf T BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, SIjEttNIAN A CO, ON THE UNION BANK, LONDON, IN SUMS OT ONE POUND STERLING AND UPWARDS. Alpo, Bllla on the yrinelpal ribes and bow, ul Franca, Belgium, Unhand, Germany, Rduada and other Betropeau Stales conataelly on hand and Ihr gale by R'3l. 11. WILLIAMS & U 0 , Haagen, Wood atreet, corn, or Third: P Pl. MILLI.II. PIT... POPO.PI ROBINSON, MINIS lc MILLERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, WASHINGTON WORT{ Pittsburgh, P0111:18. Market street. Miatianctarmall ;dada 01 dtdamEnglikdr and 11111 klubln T. Oaf Slap, Railroad Work, titearu EbllK. wod ribert Iron JObblris .nd lte(xlrtnß dane. abort oe , ttce. cgrj.klydfc J; SCOTT, DenUat, HAS rernovneto tho howin lately occupied by Dr. W. A Ward, no 211 bent etered, erooth aldej third door above nand layer.. 11m. Hoary from 9 a... till 5 P. a ap2.lydb. JOHN B. L. Li. NI N. RC FL A. N'T • A.ll, 0 Et, so. 85 filark•t Sa., P ttsburgb. A good asportroent of CI us, CAssixcass, 'Aeneas, Cbaneas, arid all Ancate addable for perotlemeard sraarjaat received. • All(drthrtlet. promptly MINI, le the Ist.t etyl.of tiu, a nazoluirr k () 13 Ra Uit 1 - 1 O.IAZ VI raliw BONNETS AND DATS, • DANNFT SWOONS, FLOWEIA. NO.= BAREST fiTIIRICT, mr4l,the RAIL ROAD 13PIKE COMPANY. Joeeioh ... —.Do W. C. Bidwell. (81tesenors to Porter, ROA Q AMI-) 111.0FACTOMS RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. Corns f of Water Street and Cherry alley, sn IT Itbal3l-t 1J111: er, CU.. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Agents fur tho sale of Pittsburgh Manu taotorro. Cotolgortkouto aud onion. for [Alb. BIDES, US W, PRODUOR, &e., oollottott. Prompt &Moo lion to receiving and totorarthoig. No. 49 Commercial S tttttt St. Lool• BANK NOVO AND SPEI7/1, NO. 67 MAHER? NTI6KET, PITTSBURGH, PA. IliSh.Oullectloon made au all the prloelpel el tin through ut the United State. sp2lfely NV .ICYNIA.N .GZ IIN)N. Nanalkoton.r. owl Dealer. lo .11 kludo of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, A N D r..£1141.V . TOBACCO, Corner ofifotatafield Siren and Dizatofut Alley, PITTADUROIi, PA. J. M. L.rrria...ici nerEEtba-K.A.zrr No. 54 St. Clair Street, (Dr. Irlslio Now Rallaug,` PITTABLIMIL PA esAklydfo AOTLIZItaI /tIIJWiII6IISII BIOTIIIGILSIti Don't fail to procure' hire. Winslow's Booth dirop for Children Toothing. It no equal on corth greatly facilitate. tlas proms of nothing by , aattontag tne on, reducing WI lad ammstkm—will allay Win. and In sto regulate the bonen. Depend non %motions, it gin ram toyonnalma and rand and health to pour an. Portent, safe in all can. - raluablapospanaion •la this proscription of on. of moiteAostltmad and atiltal tonal* Phpaitiant to N.w :gland, and bas non nod witb nerertalling ammo in 'Nom ofel,MIL - • , , ~_,,,,.; , -.,.._ . ..._ . .:triva , mr:.._ LIVINGSTON, •-, - --A-. , -.— , -0- , -A v ..-...... -, - . 1-. t!O .-,-,7.-: - -.7; -.., - ---. - iwe I lit' TA COPELAND & CO „„ ;rrii , ,) r t vci Tr 11 , 4, - -.,,- ii ,,;--, , .; ..mrig i n.4,4 - .4i i Jillst it ' 3 .' O r ..., r: •,,, I :.''±o44,Vp . fiki . b . t i sl i 4‘i 11111 :—.: '', Proprietors - "=:—. —”- i -L' -'... - - A- .T ., *. . 1 a, ''`..-.4:-1: - -..:Nr• 2: - .:...%,"- - =---,4W::: , --, .z-:s,.y.s--,,- , - MANUFACTURE --, - -- 7 , :1- 5 ,2-7-7 - ',7.- A .".:: - ,...E.. - +:4 1.,-- _ ''.e.-t.,:.- FAIRBANKS' PATENT PLATFORM SOALE , , or Er NKr VAIIIETT, fOr.WEig,ililli my ..., STOCH, QAT, GRAIN, ORE 0.1.A4 IRON, and for atd. parpomeenf Aferchardialocerbellair Drama= or an Marl with llohttlag Lever or without; Iron or Wooden Columns, and of all deem and ovarian% trona Hamad Minim dam to the mall *mho, Scales and Salmon. ALSO, they are the Pahangv and only almoulartnrera of the otoiralled JANUS PACED notta LOGE: AND LATCHES for right or left hand door., of every gaze sodoaely trimmed and flalahed. COEPta . PAINT halls, CORN MILLS and SIIELLERS, SAUSAGE CIIS and SSUPPEAS. BOLTS, lIELIMEUTTIN • GATE arid SHUTTER HINGES, BED CASTOR, AXLE PUL L, WARDSOBSSOOKS. MR IBA= STAND. SO, Ao., together with every vtulety.of Malleable Coatings and borne Ito Ilardtrare rowel", .. Ism2fiyd .tpcciat ffi.DIUTS .. .__ Soyer's Sultana Sauce, FOR HOT AND COLD DISEI69 Or ALL KINDS. Thi. mud Milldam and appatlalng ~.LfSi. 4 . i &ore, Invecied by the recenrned e, - ! •.B.* . . . . " for the London Reform _,,,,......,..✓',.. Club, la, !theca his dem" a 1.. ., .• ?...,.„ 7 " - R .! 0 Mired by theoirellbunown hems of ( .....7 . ' ," F . ..7 .... '1, ' A Ca 0631 & pi_ljaistla, L00..1., Rum , ''..5:: -. ....A:' — ',...!'• ;..- the original rklre. it Is the, favor. ~ 1. %,:::,,71:j . . t Ite Hance In 1 England, and on the Ik'",- .., ' ' 4 Continent, avEil a high and grovring r i i rapniatlon wrong American FriL <4 car., and la dunch appro•ml of a• • etinrolent to the appetite and aid to digentium OPLNIONB Or TUE LONDON PRIM. alNe recommend our correspondent to try Most Porn's •w Sears, entitled the `Bnitina's Beare.' It Is made ales the Tartish recipe; Its flavor Is dormant, and it dont* rota siderable aid In nine of doss LID Iflug DiOasftOle "-75 e Lane 4 .Izarar7, Phpurtt and Srtcy, worths tho geld. of Payer —oNrrner. i `la moot valuable adjunct to Yin,Fleab and Fowl, sod Would Enna plan on every table:all-40os. Role Anent. toe Um Gulled states, GARDNER G. 2 {',IILIN, 217 Fulton et., New Yen mud wßill A UAYES A Bunten!, Bowan. , Yew Sale by Grocer. and Fruit Beaten everywhere. ptlednawdly 8. H. & C. P. fdABICLB, PAPER MANUFACTURERS Awl I/ salamis DOOR, PRINT, CAP, LETTER AND ALL HINDS 01 w .A. PPI N A. .P 3f.• R. litre remove./ from Nu. 117 Wismi stres4 to N 0.,: Sailllttlehl Ptreet. Pittsburgh, P. rrir-Csall or Tn& far kap. injialtt Fe DSCH NECK COM ING.—Thie celebra lei Pturtrlso xlll bo iu PittatAlrgh MONDAY AND TUENDAY March 6111ard 6th at lb. VFLUO MALE OP DIL GP.O. U. KEYSZII, tirro ho has tithed op la cfnes fur the •zammettuu of W fleets, f,r the r.nn; of CON Ei IThIPTION ALL DISEASES OF TUE LUNGS Adler Dr. SG:merit's depertore. Dr. George 11. Heyeer ba. Veen provided with . Rarpirommter, and will evimine pa- Dental If limy desire IL Dr. fkboeck is the inventor or whet le CAI led ' Echoed... Riapiromeler, kw examining lb. longs, witiftb Ie highly • recommended by the focally. One part of It la placed to tha natal breaet,and Moono to the oar of the sown tatter, then, w ben the patient dame long fall breath, It transmits the sound or rattling of lb long; ro loud and diotinct, th at by practleo it Is ouy to d let - mine how far and what portion Is dleeseed, and en. nerringly determine vt,ther It la Tnbercxdoni, Pl.orlti• or Inonchial consumption, or nbetber it Is an affection of Um sonorous suarabrana of dm bronchial tat., spanatbi slog (sum the boar Cr anstnach, and farming a progoonfi ac cordingly. Marty Jean aga t 1.11.1 Oren 13p am being to the he stages of comettaptlon, and wow taken from my home In PbMade' OM to my friends In Moorestown, New Jersey, to Ms. I .sated away to s mete skeleton, wss confined to my bed end my ph)riclan, who had attended my father's tawny before me, said I amid not lire a week. Than, like • cat catching at • strew, I heard of sod obtained tme preparation of roma and heft., .mob made& parker =neatens. It memo! tom. that T could fecl it penetrating My label. system. It goon rtecued the, materiel my lung; .ad would tit off tome than • Mot of offend's yellow . matter erery morning for more than • week. A. non as that be. Ran to anbeice, ray rough, fryer, pada, night alrebti, all Le. Ran to leave me, and ray arp.dite baYanlo gnat that it ram with difficalty I could keep from eating too muctL I coon gained my mrergeb, aid have Leen rowing in A+.& ever Dim, It amoulebed all who know me, mover). one Mu:nicht I was too tar gone ever to Do mired again. Plan, at those people who knew me Menem, boartivlng In New Jersey and Philadelphia, wbe could easily Satisfy the romt vocrodulatie as to the trolls of this niALMent.— Mine woe. Monty complaint my father, mother, brothera and Mitten .11 died with consumptioo, and I alone am lett. Now I enjoy the Annof health, and have for years nd weighed over two hured end ten poooda. Immediately on my recovery I turned me attention to the science of medicine, .0.1 the mod, of tti. pectdiarrliweewa. In feet, I was driven Toil by the great number of people ceming to me or eel:Ming tor toe from dl pasta la care them; and 1 fletter myself that al tide day I bore had am much expert. en. end •occrea In the treatment of Ulla disems• se any other proton la the •coontry, baring visited many reunions ot It, and Modred the vast°. typed and forms of I/iodises. peculiar to the different plumes of our climate. I therefore feel • contldeuee in my mode of treatment which Mime who melba. their practice to but one locality can hardly hope to obtain. . 1 am the proprietor of thin, medicine; the POlmoolo Pyrop for Corricroptlon, na Weed Tonic for liyopep.y. and Mend:aka Palo tor Liver Complaint. Ono forth of flea Weed Tonic often rennet. In. worst caws of DJZp.p•y. The Mandrake Pills hare become to common ma for all Nina. complaint. where Fagan.... an required. They act en the liver and stomach stouter to calomel, wliboat nay: tor any had effect., and are ...rental not to contain a par . Ude of Panne/ or mercury. The Tonic and Pills ...originally intended to %add the Pclmo.; Syrup he curt. Conanniptimi when the atomsch and User are much dleordered; but they are often now mod when the lungs are tot diseased, with the happiembeealta. The Painsouic Wool. almileted to correct the lodge, stomach and liner, and will ripen and remove mr.rbkl met for from the eystem; but sometime. the bow... go cmtme, and the liver eo eloggiah, that it requite. some thing mom seem with the Puiroonio Syrup; thee tee See Weed Tonic .ad Mandrake Pills are required. The dlr.. lions which scourupsey the Syrup explain when they Dee to be rued. Sher wishing a thorough examination with the Reap& rometer will be charged three dollar., but all advice will be given grail., aqd l will do all la my . power to explain the nature of their can. Thom desiring an examination, imitinftinabitt m Pan need not beatata to toll 63 Ma, kw the came attention will be Mourn and the same Intelsat rosnifsted In them which I Mato., on thine more favored. I am analme to meet and to explain to • everyone my meaner of Meeting tbistmidiondimme—Cmilureption. flow, consumptive., here is • plain statement from one who hut made thin dhowse the etody of •lifetime; and If the weeder were in Philedelpbta, where I reeds, L amid .how him any aumbor ill cames that have boon mewed to health from the mum bopolio. condition. honorer, mty One who will take the triable to read the well authenticated rectal- Me, trill be convinced beyond a doubt of my ability to cure Mdin terrible disease In It. severest limns. Dr. tiCIIENCH no eh° refer to wore of the mod reepect sble eitirene of Pittsburgh, who.* =gee 01113 be evert, and here Web, by ceiling et the Drag Stare of Da. GEO. a - ayHiili, EiZIP N 0.140 Wood greet. ;;;F ; ; ; ; IRON Ab MEDICINS=PtIIIIVIAN •STRO - P—A Cosa Nun Hons.—l pabileh • below an extract of • letter from Darld Boyd, of lieeklmirdtea Mallon of the Allegheuy Valley Railroad, whole*, aired of a told fdain of dyepepel• by the nee of the Palmieri Ur. Ileid la • hotel keeper, and Si grail known, and he has suffered Yor the loot eight yeare. i Inform a. that: be gained eight monde in limb by the nee of ono bottle 'of the ways and tan am. tborivui we to publish his letter. which is eppacidtd. I rater to the long mdeertlsement of the Partreiao Nyrop In enother column, for particulara M y na =Wed powers. DR. ORO. H. KEYSER, lto Wood greet, Bole Agent. JANOLIT :344 /860. Da. Goo. H. lErrimr--Eir—Lnekteed Rend-you three doLlers for two bottles of the Peruvian ityrop. I got one . bottle from you shout three week. ago. If you recoiled me, I told you that I had something like dyspepeda. The symptom/lento wind and pales I a the bowels, and rake in the back of the neck, and at Drom diarrhoea. Yon rerom meudud the Peruvian &MP, sad h has duos ....O. geed Duo say medicine that I hoes tried 'yet, and I'll's,. Non toting medicine for the last alght years. Ton told too It I would take three bottles at ooe time, you would give It forge. dollars, hot not Its:meted whether It would do any good, I thought I would [lntl try one bottle. Now that / am lending Mobster,rs of the money in so eitort a time, you will send me the other three haul. DAVID WAD. sold by DR. GEOROR IL HISYSZR., No.llo woad 114 Jewelry! Jewerly!! RELINEMAN & METRAN, Jeweller', 42 Fifth Street. Have just opened, and have for sale, a large and _v0r.14,1 osoottootat of R RINGS, FINGER RINGS, LOCKETS, SILVER SPOONS, MUSIC BOXES, WATCHES, BREASTPINS, !SEALS, - KEYS, • PENCILS, POLE KT CUTLERY, MERU SPOONS, EMS? ETUDE, CRAMS, SPECTACLES, TOBACCO BOXES, PORTMONNAIES, z., CLOCKS, Fancy Goods, etc., etc., all of which will be Bold low for cash. del7:d&w.F Cl L h PG of i n . CLOUTING. ?DIE AND LAI3OII SATED./ lotttipentablo to lloattkeepers.,, irlIE MOST SIMPLE, iscoNomI r • dur.ol...rod. aver oilseed !to the pub! , the disco:skate of wash day. Description. It cousins of a. metal cyllocer, with P .Id., and as Interiors) linen of w' space of from 6 to 8 Mews between ll' crank turns both cyllteiere et Mc its ocUous, tepidly crewing • ends, fp the clothes. and effectively nose of G. water dote the Wort gate' rubbly& and thus term tissue - 101 Joon? Alloy, IY Pie • BCILL • N. It —Stamina 130. sapplk4 ottbllschlo :11i '•1laelfoa1 A N'Y' m at iturnoss•taxt 4 '47743#41N1f„ A. KREBS,i & BRO. clqitCo li.affitaphivs or Wood and Pourti PITTSBURGE. amaze= scavoinommr. PraOtical Lithographer, Non. 17 and 19 Fifth it„ Pittsburgh. MAPS, DIPLOMAS, SHOW CARDS, pormunt. LAMLE. BONDS, CZIITILWOATDive. OHS, DILL HRADR, plum. a.. • -- F‘101"1/ J S II TO ITS CORS(1161110X Mrs. Winslow, An experienced Nam and Female Physician. Facts te the attention of cotters tier SOOTHING SYRUP, roa CHILDREN TEETH/14a, artdch gresily facllltsted lbs prangs of teething, by tondo. 10g the gams, reducing all latlammitkin—wld allay. ALL PAIN and vaccoodle action, sod is; DOKE TO REGOLA.TE ,TUE BOWELL Depudope 14 stothers,lt trill give rest to yourselves, sad Belief and Health to - your Infants. Re have pot op mod sol,l this attic!. fur over trn and CAN SAY, IN CON/I=N= AND TUUTLI of It /this We hero paver beep abb. tosey of soy o t h sr rordlcioe— NITER HAS IT FAILED INA /3117- "" `7" OLE INSTANCE TO EVISOT CURE 7 "' 0 '" ; "` when t Lut a 1 y hod. Nero Ai • - 51 AUP• • • • of disaatisfaeuon by auy one wee need at. bo Ittecontru. .re detlitetal with Its roperatious, and speak In tartm of cocura , oaditt.n. of it. m nsi,l eut• noJ CORdiella ONtO I. We break 113 the matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW,. after ten years . experience, AND PLEIXIE ODE DEPUTATION /OR THE YULYILLMENT Of WHAT WE UERE DE CLARE. In almost every Inflame when theintant fa anb fennx from pain and exhAustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes, atter the syrup la adrulniatered. This saleable preparation is the pteseriptkin of. one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKIM , UL NURSES In Noe Enslssid, and boa been need with NEVER FAILING SUC CESS In • THOUSANDS cok VASES. It art only relieve. thechild from palatal' Invigorate. the IlloolCil and 1.1.11111, COVIrCtS acidity, and ¬ate aad energy to the whole .yetem. It will almost Instantly relieve Griping in the Bowels and Wind Collo, awl ovarartoce,.. roe . enbdons, whkb, if not apectily m on - FGN melded, end In death. IV° T WET lure It the BEET AND NOR CRT REMIDYIN nigwoaLD, all coat of DYWINSERY AND DEAR. !MIRA IN COI LDIt KN. whether Redact pent teething or from any other owe. 'ire aranold say toirrery mother whohne ',child pottering from - any or the forrjohoircetoplahlte—DO Nor LEI. YOUR PRJUDICES, NOR Tes,parnanots OY OTILERR wand between jon and yam auffertrut d and the railer that will be EURN—Thy, ARSOLUTRLY PUBS—to fotlow. the me of thhe inedlclocif timely -wed. Pell directional for wing will accompany carh tottla. Nene gennthe bal.r the tao-aimlle of 011kITIO A PERK/LN4 New ay on the coned° wrapper ? - Sold 07 Drogglata throughout thawruld:.' • Prlnetpal .. oMe*, 13 Cedar street, Y nrcx ONLY 25 OENTS OW BOTTLE. • Sold by B. L FAHNNRPOOS CO.i canter Wood sad ' , north street; oleo, GEO. E.. EIPLIEB,I4O Wood stroet. folldoolslyT iiusintos jfaintress tic ' - Mango, DISSOLUTION.—The firtirbf - J.'. Y. MC LAUGHLIN & CO, to this dey .itiralved by mutual witeent„ W. W. MAIN withdrawing from the concern. The behind. etil be met by it. T. LYEC4 Jr and .7. %%Itc h& UGIILIN, who will hare the outodiethe books and paper.. Cud settle op the effeire of the lima' Lbir ado., No. 711 Water set at, eae doer below Om beam of f lel(msu, Rehm & Co. .7. Y. MOLAUG 7t. T. LEECH. Pittabargh, April Li, MO. W. W. MAUL • CO-PAItTNERSECLP.—Tb.e. - underaiitied have this day formed am partztasehlti mtbe the acme sod idyls, as heretofore, of J. Y. IteLLOOLUAN A CO.— Theywill continuo the both:was of theold concern and Now olecture Japanned. Grain, Pkirtlng, Dash, Collar, Ragtag, liensnalled and every deectiptioti of Fancy ptgorod Leather. Office, No. 79 Water streeh J. Y. IfeLATIOCILUT R T. LEECH. Jr. TAPSOLUTION.—Tbe. ruln'of LEECII 11 the day dissolved by mutualsoneent.. The hatrilittew nine, concern will be noes and the &Salts petaled by Al Slit d DaYIPOIV, who will have charge of the boot* and papers, and continne she baalnetest the old eland. No. 127 Wood street It. T. LERCLI, Plttaburgh. April Id, 1880. • • 14.,!:vi,:maut., 00-PARTNERSIIIP.—T h Ondersigned hare tale day formed 4 . o}9l4l.otrshiptadatbs nen. mad Idyls of MAIN k DAVISON., They tea succeed the ammo of Llt ROE( Malt, amf continue the haddiery liardirera Boduese, and the min ofoerrtageTrlannlngi, it, at the old mend, No. 127 Wood greet, when they' aollelt the patronage of the former boom and the trade of the pub. IM generally. ' W. W. 1111 R, Pitteborgn. April 2d, UM. , J. B. DAVIdON., , • To enable me to give my ezeinsiveattention to another booloon, I Dave dbrpoeed of. my iseateat to the firm of LIMON a DATIL to, Hew. LtAIMA DAMON. sad take plewure to recommeedlog them to My old trtenda sad customers. apa;lmd, -[1. Jo. MBE UNDERSIGNED , haTa with them in the hulloes of llitmfeetnehmit IRON NAILS and STEEL, ANDREW lUD. BAILEY: The etyle of the tiro VIII =three ea hetelogrot, • BAILEY, SHOWN 00., Pittabugh. Dec. 31,1659 . . WAYNE IRON AND BTEDL WORKS. BAILEY ; 331t0W24r. Co., :•.. NANUFACTUNERE OP - ' IKON, NA.ILfS AND BTiO3vr. , Waasaorsa 120 Water Street, Between Wood irsd Pholthfield ... Jaldtf J.ll lIERSTINE i BANKIIO2f. FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORS General Produce Commission Ea. 246 N. Wharves and:it ,N. Ulna kw, PHILLDICDPIII4. • • WIZ TO • Wm. S. 811111.12 Co., Watt Wilma, Plthotaigly ilas.Elteel a Co " Clarke it Craig is bed., . " J.llcCally e Co.. . It. a. H. W.Cluberwood " Wm. Begat/by, Sleq.i " • ~ Tweed A Sibley. Cmicantl, Baster 110o.,St.loode, NM C. W. Week& Co " B.F. °method, Lodils, 14 . .. i Madbm . PIiE tuadereigned hare tussocsititerl with them trk the 00001,141011 L Itesintee 'Jazz. nattit,• 1.. ot. titeabenilla, Ohio. The nil. of the Etta will ecettatm, am bat•totore.. • taltiClL • CO. litlat. ISLItICI =CZ 1.72/56202C ag CO, COMMISSION MER,OIIANTS for the rtiroer Plg Iron and 13sgams. gs wASUPTRIET,IPmassiag. I . lle VE THIS DAY A SSENHATXD WITH ma, atr. JOUN DiLLOW.Itt the Cacleitattnibeenemi • oicb win be coploc4rduodertbe tuatw'slid *trial Lan- ON DEW:ff. . • -• • 4AntEn Lamm • ~. , . -nun onzow..-..,-...-.—.-..1:-:-t-I.:.Stentlanallt • Vetnnermalung In all /to Elrellientins -..- - LESION & VELLOW; Ero:118, Fourth it.;- are prefaced to do Uoderinhig to - halts bona" hi . the beet rusnuer, et prlon to nth 'retre Wien tn.-tall spa - del mention to "Plek's nee style-yettne 3,lstallio hand. ,--, num ke the soli of ninth.** an ads agents la Ink ay.; _ 'Z' stel'al which ne"lisey 'constantly on . hand alands assare,":," COOL ""thranbutitld ehnPo s.d IlednAele2Oldan :. ',."'• ohms, trrtnende *ill besappned - sith Union UOtenlia ::, Carriages promptly, at knee rates than anyoneo eststadej'.:: : " swat Sti the city. Guano:notary Synods, sande:lke. they.: allot. notionace id thepatrann hontoneeso Meanly. amended to Ito oh( Sim. .. TEETEL,-SAYE ,TUElkt BEFOREg' it is tea lats. 0. -SILL Ass remind b 24 PlaliN taIIEBT. In the hesser..formerie eir. , - -.7., .2. 14 fleyser,oppostte Chirist'SCharch. IV . =dean Improvements. Teeth isserte trim $l5 to SO per tee. ._. .. ..' . ?linasscs—Ray. W. D. nv. , - - . A. Bradley. A; O. llcCaodhese. 1' ' V Stairk,Dr. Geo.. IL Neyser" _ orkdirk ". A 7 GP, 111111