.s' Y "l'M" 2 ' ? ...r x, ~3 '`o` t - . -11 iio4o4t .: j it. Alat 4.. ausulocum..o. Linuamik.Dok. naquocaw. am". 4. ;mai:TT & go.). uro ziaAairte linor'iritrass. • •-•-•PrI`TEL73=act.CCMX: TUESAAVISIORNINdi APRIL 17, 1860 ' oFoteartos. AND FEEI VP G. cuFerczy OT =VMS' covarr Picas:um—ft view of the pro ,. ' iseclingit of the Covodelnvestigatiog Committee, ottr . :ratearkably pions and dignified President • '? shakes his Presidential fist In the face of Con _ greet; deflestheir power to investigate his Ads and with virtuous indignation remarks in his ' lite !weaned "protest" : "Amid all thit . politlcal storms through which I have passed, the present is the first attempt hilt ever been made, to my knowledge, to assail my personal or official integrity, and this been done as the time is — approaching when , row. volyntarily retire from the service of my inttoleY: 1 - feel proudly "ctinscious that there is no public ant of my life which Witt not bear the eirletest 'wrathy.. I . defy all investigation. :.;.A , 3-'. , Noithlng tout the -bused perjury can stilly my Untillitame. Ido not fear even this, because I cherish an humble confidence that the GflOlOU3 Being who has hitherto defended and protected . me against the shafts of falsehood and malice will not desert me now when I have become 'old end grayAesied.' I can declare before God and my country that no human being, with an creep tion namely worthy of notice, has, at any period ofiny, life, dared to approaph me with aoorropt **•oi'dishonorable proposition," this reads very prettily; and if the public could only forget the past, such a manifestation - rif_Upparent honesty might have some effect in Mollifying public sentiment. Bat, unfortunately for Mr illuclistmo, the record is against 'him. .71-If ho-is-'disposed "not to put too firm a point upon it,"• what would ha call the following but • 4. lreetrupt'and dishonorable proposition" . t "PaihaDexruza, Sept. 13,1858. -#Dialt Sot: I veutare to suggut to you the Jar. penance of awarding the contracts for the machinery of dui sloop now building at the Navy-Yard at this ~,:e t inte, and it can be done without prejudice to the public service, to Merrick A Sons. Theirs Is the only establishment in the Ist Dfletrict which eta- Ploys a large number of mechanics—at this time, ' 390; when in fall work, 450. The managing partners (Ur. M., Sen., being ab sent In bad health) are full of energy, straining keep their force during this depres ' and,e to insofaras I know, the only Old Whigs of any influence in that district who are in furor of the re-election of Col. Florence. I know, from former experience, the "aloe of that -Influence, and feel persuaded that it is the interest of the Democratic party to increase it. The Ist District will, I hope, be carried to any event; bat with the shop at work, fall-banded, two weeks prior to the election, the result would, I think, ba placed beyond all doubt. With mach respect, ' Tits Passmase. W. C. PATTERSON." .The author of the indignant paragraph firet above quoted, when Ile wee approached by this "corrupt and dishonorabloproposition," instead Of *linking the man'ibti "dared" to approach him with it, emit ii back to the Secretary of the Navy, with the following indorsement: ..SW.PTEMBLIZ 15, 1858. "The inclosed letter from CoL Patterson, of Phila delphia, is submitted to the attention of the Spero. tary . of the Navy. . J. B." ' °Dean/mous ADD Sevens."—The second of the valorous Pryor objects to Bowie knives as duelling *impanel, on the ground that they 'lre "barbarous and savage." TM, Is • direct fling at the South. The Bowie knife Is essentially a Southern weapon. It is, is fact, a Southern institution. Members of Congress from that favored and happy region carry them about their persons as means of de fence, and do not scruple to nee them as occasion offers., "Barbarous and savage!" Then are the ;llontliern'essociatee of Mr. Pryor barbarism and savages—a conclusion at which the whole Beath ihould rebel. We enggest to the courageous sons of Arkansas that some one of them owes it to the thuitalned escutcheon of Bowie to chat _ lenge.the man who thus caeca a slur upon the favorite and innocent weapon of the South. Quere—Did Pryor's dread of the Bowie knife cause Hindman, of Arkansas, to back out of the position of second to the cowardly Virginian? "Commoner," in his letter to the Press says: "Col. Lander, the second of Mr. Potter, to a native of Massachusetts, differing entirely with Mr." Potter upon polities, having always !been an active and influential member of the Democratic party. He is at the ;head of one of the'everland expeditions in the employ of the Interior Department, and is distinguished for hie courage, Ms great ptiyeical strength, and his chivalric bearieg. His course in the affair re ferred to' wits characterized by remarkable cool - neinvresolution, and perseverance. The second of Mr. Pryor. Mr. Millman, of Virgiole, is a gentleman of high standing and character, and Is also in the employ of the Ad ministration, as a general mail agent. Among those who consulted with CoL Lander, ...oti.the aide of Mr. Potter, were Lieutenant E. P. , Beale, - late of the navy, and Hon. P. P. Stanton, ef Tennessee. Leery Northern man, without - distiectionof party, rallied around Potter." 8. he adds the following characteristic Tea O ' CLOCK P. M.—l hove jallt beard that the .Administration intends removing Lander from the position be holds under thegoveroment, On account of hie connection with Potter in the late difficulty. Ina PEIBIDINCY.—The Cincinnati dazette, in an article en the subject of the Presidency, says "In this connection we have jot a word to is; to our ilepnblican triads in Pennsylvania, trusting they will not consider our suggestions obtrusire. We have distinctly recognized the propriety of a frank and decided declaration; on the part otthe Penneyl muds delegation, at Chicago, as to the choice of the people of that State, and (wharshould mean the came thing,) aa to the candidate most certain to sa mara Its electoral vote. We trust ruchan expression will' be given in good faith, on a careful alum of the whole field, and_wltbo■t any merely personal or local btu. If Gen. Cameron to named ea that man, by delegates of such character as (been apeciSed above, and if the entire vote of Pennsylvania is pm 'latently cast at Chicago in accordance with this in dication, be will be one of the most formidable com petitor, for. the nomination. If, on the other hand, It should appear that this representation la only . dlplomatier in its character, and that lieu. Canto roe is talked of only for the purpose of aiding the nomination of another person,-ttie "Keystone" dela. gallon is Very likely to have much less blames in controlling the nomination than it would otherwise beentitiedto. In brief, if Oen. Cameron wants Mr. Senurdzierninated, and proclaims to the friends of the latter that Se can 'carry Pennsylvania 6,10,- 1300 majority,' let it be understood at the start" . ..,,,..„-., _The idea that Gen. Cameron is talked of in Puntsyliania "only for the purpose of aiding v. ' '.:- - the nomination of another person," was started , ',.. in thee fecund 0011,00 of political mendacity, the , Ni York /Jerald, and has not and never had the :E. least: lenndation in tact. Geo. earner° has never said that'"Bearard can carry Pe n i yha. ' nia by 10,000 atsjotity," nor is he any way : r : • , party to 110y&ITS0g012:100i to se e the nomins .,. ' Lion of that gentleman. Nor arOie friends. -.- The expression of opinion In Penaolvaula In -,-:- . favor of Gen. Cameron was not only' made "in god Ma," bat Will be adhered le "in good fallbe! and all attempts to circulate d emu „sane a'aiderent op inion ought, in all entity, to d ti ''A*.'flosabandened at once. No party was eves more Z. , 71.:`, - 44 earnest than the People's Party in ,eide ew e ~.. ~.4 ' 4 lii of the name of fen ; Cameron 3, , ',...,,j' its attlistildatefor the Preeldenoy/ PiliißlPtameeri P B A 3 74l—Tho Chicago k..* V iiriud aptly observei: i 1 1 fil'ha Republicans of then f R e ' _ ~ t 4., . , , 01130 0 presort Z-4,ktives have " or "Wile important measures— '-''''' :7 ” -- "d". Ifni, the Milo suppress polyp. -y, and ,the Bill to admit Sonata Into the Union. Sheettraitieurel are now pendia& In the Senate, , -.,," , vrirteit MO willprobsbly meet the fate of ewer, althe blade of the Democraey. If they should -panther; ordeal, the President; It Is understood, will tomahawk them. '' ' . "Thews Mll/1811T1114 IN) eminently wise and just, received 'ray Republican Tote. The people Trill hold those responsible wbo defeat them." .To Oils;we hope soon 'to add a fourth—the - Chi the preliudiery vote on thLt men lyre in the Rouse lbe Tote was as follow! .701 A all! TA1177, - , i'V•44nofi 2 -limeTicans F,;dstU•Lecompten Democrats Line Whig '--;=:-ZRegular-Dernoorate . • AGAINST • 1111 S TAII/7 Regain. ..... ........ ....... ...... ......... ltokootesOid then Apar, to the coasiderarion it oar ilizipiratla readers who are Tariff mai:. ; - • : t 4 # ~-;.~. , . Gnome Nur; of PhUadeiphia, ti Joist of pro . frgeof Preildent Bneharinn„agid Clerk of the Veiled }3tilitiDistrici Court for the Eastern Dig htct of Poonsylvanis, under the Pierce Admin.. istration, wee before the Cosode Investigating Committee lair week, and testified that be had expended some seventy thousand dollars In the last Presidential campaign, for the purpose of securing the-vote of Pennsylvania for his friend and patroo—the present Chief-Magistrate of the United Staten In his testimony Plitt says that he has been on friendly terms with the President for the last thirty years. lie should however have said more than this to give a proper idea of his relationship with our Chief Magistrate. He has always been regarded as hle confidential agent in all political traosiotioos—as a supple tool in the hands of the wily politician of Wheat- ' land—and his being the chosen agent for the ex penditure of the corruption fund in this State, at once places the President under suspicion. Aside from his intimacy with Mr. Buchanan, Plitt has been regarded by his locofooo associates as an individual of little consequence. A litazaance Entron.—The Ohio Repository, published at Canton, has entered upon its -1 . 6. h volume. Its editor, the venerable Father SAX TON, who for forty• five 'earls ban been editor and publltther, says "Ho is, think God, atilt hale and hearty, and able to do full duty at the C4OO. He attributes his good health, uninterrupted vigor of intellect and body, to his rigid temper ance and ourrectpolisicat principles. Our paper shall continue to be, as it has ever been, 44 op ponent of pro-slavery Democracy " There are very few men tu the country (per haps not oue) who can show as long and un broken a connection with our paper as Father Saxton. May he live many years more to en joy the fruit of his long labors. Lours on Boinues.--The last legislature pasted an act requiring all bridge oompaties on the Allegheny below Warren and all on Oa filo nongshela below Elizabeth to keep lights burn ing on the upper aide of each pier every night, from dark to daylight. As the Governor has signed the bill, it is now a law ; and as it may love the bridge companies some mousy in the way of damages, we call the attention of the bridge companies to the provisions of the Act. We are not able to say, exactly, what is the penal ty prescribed by the act for non-compliance : but the penalty, we understaod, is a heavy one. OIL —The well of Philips & Co. policed in our last, proves to be a very rich one. The Steamer '•Penango" (tarried to Pittsburgh 55 barrels of oil, pumped from this well during hours. It will doubtless yield SO barrels per day. This discovery pretty effectually nettles in the affirm ative,the question sato whether oil exists along the Allegheny in as great quantities as along Oileroult. The discovery of this, the Evans and Hoover, Stewart & co. well, has already turned the tide of operators toward the Allegheny. The Hoover & Stewart well is a good one. We learn that Mr. Johnston has food an abundance of oil on the farm of J. P. Hays in Cranberry Tp., on the river, about five miles from this place. Two wells found oil in this place. Two wells found oil in this place since our last. Smith Ai Stanford have also struck oil near the mouth of West Sandy, about six miles down the river.— Fenanyo Citizen Tun CASUALTY ON Door ItUN.—lOStriAl of having happened on Short Creek, as mentioned in yesterday's Herald, we are reliably informed, to-day, that it was on Deep Bun, four miles be low Warren, in Belmont County, that a dwelling twine Ires carried away by the torrent rushing down the ravine, Tuesday hat, and several of the inmates drowned. Whether it was In the day or night,. we could not learn. In retch nar row rallies, the rise is sometimes so sudden and rapid, that but little time is left for escape. By this casualty, Mr. Ephraim Henry, his wife, and a grown op daughter, lost their lives. Oao little boy was swept away, but found, afterwards, alive, in a drift pile. This was one mile back teem the Ohio river. About the name time, on the Little Fork of Short Creek, near Warren, two schoolhouses, one of them lately erected and completed, were swept entirely, away by de scending waters.—Strub. Her. Two tiles Kithtu --Oa Thursday tiled, the express Train from this city to St. Louis, on the St. Louis Alton and Chicago Railroad, was thrown from the track at the trestle work, three miles north of Springfield. The accident was caused by the malicious removal of a rail from the south end of the trestle work by some unknown Per seus. Two men, names unknown, wore instant ly killed. They were standing on the forward platform of the baggage car, next the tender, and were evidently stealing a ride. The express messenger and one brakeman were considerably but not seriously fejured. bloat of the passen gers escaped injury —a few receiviogeome slight bruises. The trestle work was broken through, and the engine, builder, and alt but the sleeping ear went through to the ground, and were con siderably broken up.—Chicago ✓our. lIZEIIIT WA•n BLICCIEItiI, in his limit Ledger , pa , per, is very severe on those ministers sad pub lic speakers who complain of loelog their voices . Their ailments are the results of their own faults. He doesn't like, however, boisterotui and vociferous men. That gun doesn't carry a ball the farthest that makes the most noise io going off. Acoustic aids are humbugs. What does a rooster care for them ? A bull will sound • bus note that would make Westminster Abbey eh•ke. - A crow will cur to you at two miles distant, without the fear of bronchitus. A dog will bkrk to a whole town without the slightest inconvenience—to himself. And yet men who are brought up to - Pouring as the'busioess of their tiers, cannot make themselves beard at • hundred feet distance, or, only by eurtiooe that trend them home for liniments, bandages and caustic. I:Caroni's concerning the Wheat crap are mul tiplying, but they are ac conflicting an it i■ pos sible for them to he,--even from the same dte. trials of conotry, and to pin a faith of the future on the current remote and inatements, would be of little consequence as a harid of present operations in either Wheat or Flour. Both far mers and present holders of Flour nod Wheat are unwittingly drawn, by the bias of their in tercets, to look on thatente of the Munro prom ise which /Wordy best{ , with their desirea, and ooneequently argue frtim it to produce the re sults they crave, when at the same time not one of them probably would so ' , entry his faith as to provide an additional amount to store, for hit own individual van. They want pounded abroad through the land the cry that atarriflinaliiiiiipi ring the nation in the Moe, aim to produce ppeculative operatione, whit. practically they believe not.—Cm. Corn FOND or Einem vo one objects to o man dosing. If in oy way pleases, provi ded t woes obt commit actual valeta.— the taking of medicine seems 41 ., ronoesattia. Bishop Berkley drank a :rar-vrater; and a pettier) named Samuel tip, who died at the ago of sixty-five, in ','417, tied such an inordinate craving for phy sic, that in twenty-ono years he took no lees than two hundred and twenty-six thoneand nine hundred and thirty-four pills, besides forty then/mod bottles of mixture; and in the year 1814, when bin appetite increased, his commie lion of pills was fifty-one thousand five hundred and ninety! Dr. David Hartley, not content with Joanna Stephens' specific, bad during his life eaten two hundred, pounds weight of soap as a medicine. Tu■ Pope of Rome ii now in his sixty-eighth year, and even should he be obliged to flee from the Eternal city, be will have quite enough to maintain himself comfortably for the remainder of his life. It appears the "Peter Pence" con tributions have already amounted to about one hundred and sixty thousand-dollars, of which sum Ireland has contributed eighty thousand dollars, as much as all the other countries of Europe taken together. Besides this, it le OM , really reported that the Pope has no Ices than twelve million dollars, the pious offerings of good Catholics, packed away In boxes at the Vatican; so that, in eau he should &redder another hegira necessary the money for his trav eling expenses is abundantly provided. TUB WHIM' PAOSINICT.—Ia this country, is now batter than it has been at -any time sines the first approach of Spring. When the Winter weather first moderated, the cr o p app eare d i e hove been left uninjured and gave cheering promise. But the alternate wet and fretting weather which followed had a bad effec , ; in some cases utterly deetroylog the -crop. We leers that in some portions of, the Eastern side of the county, the fields still continue to look bare and unpromising. But in this immediate vicinity and ether portions of the country which we have heard from, the lath rains and warm weather have- so resuscitated the wheat fields that the promise of an abundant harvest is very encouraging.—Connellsvalle Patriot - • A Goon lone is told of Horace ,. Greeley, en the occasion of-his political 'fiat Lore last sum mer. The story goes, that ..the Philosopher" was met at the Wooster !louse, in a promisor'. ens oompany,-by a high•Strodght locofooo from Fairlield,who thought to alike &laugh at his ex pense. Loco shook the hand of the Philosopher Lathe didn't know him: 'Ton'? remembee," suggested. loco;' , •thit . yon and I drank - brandy,', and.water on the Plains?". ••Oh—ob - L-les." res. spoodea: ihe remember-Imm drakkihe brandj and Tdrank ttie water. 7 -1/r . OEMS MEM Tua -Merutrina Woithiv lifkrert.:Aollll.—A couple df years ago c werfolieed titi:death of the fourth orfifth" husband of • German milliner woman residing in the Third District In due I time, cher that, we mentioned the lady's mar riage to her filth or sixth husband. Last year we chronicled the death or this husband. We have now to state that the ladyie again married; this husband, as some say, being her seventh, and as others milatalo, her eighth. The Mo gul''r fatality among the husbands, and the sin gular luck and bad look of the women in being wife and widow every other year, naturally at. tract much attention in the lower end of the city. The monis without a parallel, so tar as we know. The thing is especially wonderful to the ladies, who say that the woman hoe nothing to oom, mend her personally, beyond a fine set of teeth. ' —N. 0 Crescent Snow to asastasv.—A letter (corn Prussia eels the fell of snow this winter exceeds any thing on record. By the latent accounts from the Giants' Mountaine, we bear that the enow diift had continued for three weeks almost with out intermiesion, and the villages were com pletely allowed ep, eo that the inhabitants were hardly able to keep a window at the top of their houses open to admit a little daylight. The cattle suffer greatly from the best in theetables, occasioned by the mimeo of snow reeling on the roofs and excluding every breath of air, sod it is feared that an epidemic will break nut among them in conetqueuee Now STATE. —The Vicksburg Whig of the 3151 ult. ear, ~ The old project of forming a new State out of Northern Mississippi, Western Ten nessee, and the extreme western poiot of Ken tucky, hoe been revived, and the Tennessee Legislature has given io its eanctiom The pro posed State Would he bounded by the Ttanewe River on the east, through the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and by the hliseiseippi on the . west, and would contain a population of about 700,000." Tug Lynn finust.—The Boston Traveller says that a majority of the beet shoemakers at Lynn are now employed at prices satisfactory to them aelves, and that others will Boon commence. Owiog, however, to the limited demand for goods large number of shoemakers will necessarily be cot of work for some time to come. TIMEL hunters from Kansas, lately returned from a month's hunt on the Arkansas river, bring with them the skins of three hundred and seven wolves. Another party of twelve, in two month's time, secured over two thousand skins. The skins are worth one dollar apiece. Sotto of the Catholics of Cincinnati are at variance with the archbishop. They had made arraogementa to celebrate St. t'strlck's Day by • bsil. The Archbishop forbade the bill, as be. log a violation of the rules of Tani, but it was given, nevertheless, and was largely attended. The beautiful manner in which the pack 'qui or Wileon'e Ileattecbs Pttl, lt4i 11. L. Fahlamtock'e Venetia,. ars now put up, by the preptitotet, attracts the attention of the trade. Thom medicine. ere ltoyoud a donbt the Met family modisinrs now sold In the csosetry They ate yreperod of the prima and beat mate-tale, by skillful apothoserle, and told by the pruptietor, .I , UIf:Ib:STOCK t CO, corner of Wood and Fourth hereto. splIN• Pittsburgh, Pe St' .. A! RS. WrusLorr, an t;;re7rieueed Nurse rteeue ehpazise, has a Riothlog Syrup for . elilldren teething, arida. greallYMali • the varmint teething by iudionlng the game, reducing all lia inimailoo—ielll allay all paio,aud.ie sure to regu lain the boaele. Depend upon It, mothers, It will give feet to yonnielvra and relief and health to your Itilanta. rottenly. ..1e In all mita edrerlisemeut le another coturn. ORS. C.. D. FITCIII IL J. W. SVICES, Ployslgloos for DI of the Throat and Chest, and other Chronic Aii/SIOCiA onnoplkstoi with sr canotosPnlcuontor Consumption. 011kor 191 Senn otrooL Pittsburgh. r.. CONSULTATION YItEM A 141 of Tao Sono lout to (Loot .I.hing too...Ault n• by lett, I.4nawclowlt Fla P-eth fibbrrltotmento v.c It 0 P . t• N-) • PROFESSOR A. S. GREGORY and T. F. 13TtlinNtt D, finding tLelr ROMPS at the WW2 . ID MAK Insufficient tor their Loeb:rev, have namovito To NO. P,s GRANT SMELT, oppoette the Court Bonen kb door Iron Fifth street, and belt door to St. Peter's ICpiera rid Church, where they have ample and convenient roams tor Consultation and Treatment. In relddlnon to lobo form. of CLCUTRICITY veLlnb thel hare hitherto n ed. they are prepared to aluaitOnter ELECTIIO-4:3IEitICAL BAI'IIP. - - • The following ere some of the dlscat,s which Fatally yield to thie ?UTE IT !Mit:DT' Pafry ", Pan,lyre, /weft:fret Coucuteption, Rkeaaa tita, Loth Acute, and Glrowir; Krural y ia , /pad. orbs, Torpid Liver, Bronchitis, CatarrA, Acthwitt, Wrakneas and Corrals', of tha Spine. &rob, byrprpeia, Aar nes. by Paraiytia, ilin!fing to O r Ear., Artaurotis, Cat. attune. Weak Eyee, Eryceiptlae, Spocntodie R. - Icarian ej the Urine. St, r. tun' Donee, Cholie,Salt RAcian,Pro lapcua Ani or Pit.., Fr,nale and Irrrysdarities, General Ability, A'. 6,17:17D7::::/fOlth S"l7 join" OFFICE 1101111.5, Flto3l 7 A. 11. TO O IP. e. SirAIRS. amnion. .111 be In attendant.. to seals( In ! treating Ladino. a1.17:441c11T FOE SALE 8.1 RODGERS ,S; DI LWORTII, 00 Water and UN plant street: motasirg—iso lokrel• prime N. 0. Ifl,t4tlll—lao barrels arrittag: ItRAN?I-34 berchtle prime While; PYL6„-75 bushel.prune DI iota; Ell baS-100 gel clad V 1113% Corn—alt hathels fon arrly.d. ai,l7 SECOND ARRIVAL NOW oI'ENIDT - IT. Very bandana.. LiltiNS 00008. A HAsrLs.SIANTLEII, BOILNULIS, BRIDLE WOIIII, WIIITg OIwLbA, La/.111.5• TI CA. Le. A , vo, g0. , 1 bargain. Iron. Awl.. el , 7 C. IlariiN.lN LOVE, it Morti•t tareet wiirre. BEANS-5 lAA.. primn ju,t re tetrad and for wale I .w In 'loan lot. by UMBEL' DA RR RR, Or r.kroar Liberty and Hand ar ta ,. ExTRA PAM LY FIARIR 11111.ble. Matra Walsilly Finn.; bun do 'titre do In et:an sod artl•lng In” xnlo Ly WA. SUCUTC4PCIN At CO, apl7 N,. 100 Idlwrty ttm.t. FRESH COCOA NUTS-500u San Blag Lost tt-col tad and for ea:e by ILtVNIglt • ANDLIMN. Nn r.../ Wood epl7 oppoc11e•1 G - - - - intopts_souo pound, fremh, at.orted _A arum rla bale by RETURN & AN I , RILSON, ha a 9 IVnn,l ommlto St 1.2.41. Hotta J(i.) -- PAbTEIOO ban. Lemon and Rau to RE f MER & 4NDERFOM, No. 3) Wuxi Ft , apt 7 Opp.olu sort.. Rot I. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR RENT $9 f, , oc month, on s9.l.st, , Allegb•ny. Apply t. ..nl7 8 PIIIIRRT AlOv. GI Sbuket .1. Nu. 7M LIBERTY tiT. FOIL RENT. IA N 0.319 Prot/ ett....1 for tont. • • law% fur rm t. (An WWI ijOUSKS can be kept free from Vermin - II of all Linda by • tb•ely ae Of either. LYON'S MAGNETIC POWDER, CO3TA rxrcsi MOTOR Bold tiy • EL dOECISTON. Druggist, split corner Fnilthdeld and Vomit, &Moeda NOTICE. -W 0 bare emaciated with es Id the Foundry Boolueis, SAMUEL L. PFNAIOCAL rho bootees. will I. mopened mud. r the cane 111131 i stylo PkINNOCK, II ART al ritislargb, Ap,1116, 1510. 51P0 PINNOCL T. 1,11/fOCE PENNOCK, HART & CO., FULTON FOUNDRY, • Warehouse. 141 Wood Strast, 1 . 1"1"TSI4 URG 1L PA. A constant supply of • COOKING BTOVKA AND JUNGIAN, STOVES A OAATKS, WAGON BONEN, al! sins.; HOLLOW WAKE, PLOW cuerrittas AND POINTS, TEA KETCLEiI, SAD AND TAILORS• IRON, IKON AND NAILS.i Water and Cu. Pipes, /loam Prows. Milk and Ate/livery Costive outdo to order. pylAdmd PUBS AND BUCKETS— a6 owls of II po Paloted Tutor, 1.13 d. a. Kumar do 100 dia. do Burnaby, ID Morn and for ..le by NAM% RIDDLE, al Diamond. inIIURNS.-50 doz. stair Churns, assorted 'X do Oval Crank do do Itsrral do pipe, Cedar nod o.k, to 4t.ore sod for We by apiadleT ILIDDLk. 2 BASKETS -4U doz. small Willow; =it nem 2 ooeionsl Market; • tO do open do In Ilk. and foetal. by apid SASIUSL RIDDLE, 211 Diamond. DR. MOTT'S CIIALYBkAft REStOII ATIVII PILLS ON IRON.-12 dos. of the valuable Dole feed Ibi. day et JOS. FLIIMINO'd, aftlB Poetised the DLusiond and Mattel et. OUEK'S CITEATI OF ALIONLSIA, IN POWS.R.-12 dot. of this Idasineds reed MI6 d., JOS. FLEMING, 6 Oorner of the Dlamoud and Market ot. 500 DIMS. CIIOIOE N. Y. POTATOES a .01 Ike finest TifittiNl Mr /saly nee sod far seed, tallying for 0. A P. IL IL far WA at rnenonabla Weal, by /11:81IST rola coon Liberty and Bend angle. 1 000 BUS. NORTHERN N. Y. POTA- Tor. sank. 12rabsonocka Nara &offs Ilium, to artier On Tuesday, for aslaln iota ta cat lb. trade by 11811 Ba &MIL .1116 corner I.lbetty nog flandatna.G. GINSENU AND REESWA.X.-2 barrels Glotreng; 2 nbla. Beretoran now landing from Ignacio nasal Doll, fannala by DlOttlalf .11 CO. TRLLOW OIL AND GREASE--3 barrels TolloorOil,l6 do Oftaso, now lauding from otoomer llos.Ol poll for mao by ISAteit DICKRY , & CO. I AOB--/05 Hags now landing from muma Itimel Dell for Woo, . 04 .• • 1641.1A11 DICKEY CO.' . BATLIERS—' 20 , Elio)ai in state and foi • • DICKEYSOM ‘IIIEEP tatilliti--Lietreral luta la }tare and 1,7 fur NW by - soo; LUUIL Lu ace. ,Siqtrintats, , Statement of the Bank of Pittsburgh. Cutscusse,Apeill6.b, lEte. MEANS. Luarm.JUlL. and Ducoauta.... Lest Egad. AM Ground Stunts and Mintrilsamu Due by other Dank Nl.lra Check. Spode (guld awl ndri.r) INEISEI - - • -•- - Capitel Stuck Profile and Manlius ..... ..... Ifni d Irsviateols and Sowell. Aret. [Nolo other Hook. Deposits 12,21. Vie %boreal,.lotnrot factored to tho hoot 0 f 0.53 21 my knot.. mtg. and belief. JOHN HILANAH, Proak. throrn to and sailmcrltord ltds April IG h, IBW, before me ISHITH, Notary Falai. Statement Writhe Merchant... and Mann, ['slur." , Bank or Pittsburgh. rmsransis. Monday, AprU teth. mu . ththital Stock 600010 00 Dieredatiou, 007,802 00 Due Depositors 283.754 75 Due other Dank,- It 31J WV Lonna end Discounts, ..... ..._..... ........... 481 005 73 Coin ..._ 140.001 Od Notes and Cheeks of ether Dants.--.... 65.207 01 Doe by ether 34.415 3e The above statemeol Is correct an true to the Len of my kooeri di{e end belief. . W , II DLNN F, Usable, Snore and eobseribevl before rue this 11011 day of April, A. D.lBllO. 11. Wtt NEV. Doter> Public. Stateineiot of the flee Pittsboef EIZEM Omahal. Doe to other Bank.- Doe [o $181,474 25 A.9KETS. BIM an , ll7intoi Dtwonotod .=771 17R 44 hoe by °Choc honk, 20,7:2 Do Not. and Cheoko of ocher hooka 014125 . a St.. lkyoult 80,43/5 f 4 S 2 The strove statement Is correct, to the best 9 of My ,773 kno edge end honk. UCO. D. 3PORMW. Cashier !Sworn Lefore me this 6th dilly of A pt.% 10:h, 1660. ____ A. W. sosran.. now, Penile. • • Statement of the Citizens? Pant. Pltiaburgh, April 16th, WO AS h. . • . Loans and 62E120 E 5 Coln In Vault.lls,oo) Treanor,. Notts , - Sl o , ll Nutt. and Checks of olher 12.1.77 11 LIo., bow lnu4A. and Bankvrs II; 60 . . .. Capital Stock...-... ...... ........- . ........... ..$.40,170,1 on Ohmlotion 1117,0 Kb NJ Individual Depogitorm ~. ....... .. 91,9:5 iti Dos to otho, Hants 77,43.5 by Thu Abor,ohttenteut La currort to the brat or oy knot, - edgy, And pellet. E. D. JONNtI, Canbler. AITIrnt, , ,I before [nu this loth day of Aprll, 1000. ==3PC=M Statement of the Iron City flank. PlTterar.oo, April loth. lAGO Capital 400.000 00 Loam and Dlarriouta 1711.400 07 Due by other Danko 7.64134 Doted old Checto of other Bout@ 46,020 62 Sport.. 104.510 GO Circulation .2.6.1,010 00 Doe toother .......... - 624 6.1 Due to Dnporltom ............ ............. .... TOO 71-1 01 The above 4tatoment Is norreer ac :wit h to thn loot of my kutorledg•muilbitlief. JUAN AIALIOPPIN, Cub', Alffirateil lotthro me, this Iron day of April , A. D., PICO. M. ii WIIITNF.Y , Notary ii;tETeinenrZsTiite7Kfir bc ayWilly.. Pmrsemc..E. April 1401, 19t. ASSETS. C•plIal Alba ' CO) WI WI biotee.d Bills 1/Wobbled.- 772 667 73 Dun by other Banks .......... .—...- ..... -.. 402f1t. 03 Nbbm and Chockb ur other flank, .... .. 62.439 17 CV, la - 117,611 lb LIABILITI2.r`. . . . . Circulati . on 312 7 25 00 late to other Ranks Iti,ool 20 Indiridual Leleelta ..-- ...... -....—.... 1741.1.1 bl The above wtatemont bEcorroct to the best of my kmvel., ielge and belle,. .1, W. tAXIK. emitter. Veroro nod sobe,eibrd before con. Oda 1.115 day of Ala It, 1101 Wit. II WIIITNICY, Notary NMI, _ . NOTICE.—The Partner. hip beretotbre ex leting bnlvreen Charles liseatt awl Aud.c. IL Eng. nodt.r fl•n, of A. 11. INOLISII A W.. bay M. day Inro Toe ot [lto a,a. settlal by A U. Engbeb, ea .1, old Hood, No 79 Wood .trotL burg b WILLIAM ROLM Le, Y. U. EATON, Er tutor. of Chat,. or. way, A. U. ENUI.I2II. A 11. ENGLISH basing purchased llie A Interest of Chart. Brea..., Xs/, la 'l.n.. of A. U NYUWsfI A (U, hut We day aaiesiated with hletwelf LUCIUS Ult(1001/. TLe new firm will continua the Boob. Stationary and Putillabing bushy... heretofore, In the old atm d, 800. TO Wood atone; under the Fenner name and style. and worthd respecttully solicit the patronage iit the frienila of the old lino. A If ESOLISII A CU. Pittsburgh, April 13.141870 —afilnidtf DissounioN.—The partnerallip bareso kis ei4Ung beteteeti the ntelfweignad as POrJE ere and dealer. In Proristrfor, sea dismayed by mutual coo. bent, April Ist, 101.0 Th. nada...an( lbw lata bin, wlll be tritlatl by JOHN O LTDP., at No :57 I.,ltiaro lartwa. and Ira would radially rowrauend 41 our t twokiara frond. Ilia no. Am of WM It HATS k CO C. 0 IlUtiaNY, 01.11,341 C. W6LLS. CM= %Erre. B. MATS de. CO., Pork Packers, ri AND W ',MALE DEALERS IN BACON, A r .SS PORK, FLOUR, 91.7 , 1A1l COILED 11,4 4 ,A, DRIED BEEP, LAX ~, ,1 , . AND WEIALIC - 11. SOAP, CANDLES, et,, No. 297 Liberty Street. splldwd Join W. ... WILSON', CABS 4 CO. (Lars WILSON. Nana &CO ) Dealerni in Z'OR.E.I.C3Is7 at Dorvx:',62.tc DRY GOODS, Xo. 90 Wood Street, 34 house above Diamond Alley, PITIBRUKOrI. Public Sale of Stock. iwp Thorough Hied Durham Cattle .rur 1T.017.81CH. And Con;wold and Southdown Sheep. ON WEDNESDAY, tho 25th Dar orA rail as.rr, 1 .111.11 by Auction, •Ithont remne, at my farm, A 4 mile, from Wheeling, Va., OP toe Bethany Film, Thirty Durham Cattle, (t rib fly bred taut) rob/dating of butte, Coen. If elfor• nod Calera. Also, a bomber of n0t.... Ida .rule Ones, (fellers mid Wt.* DM.... Mete. and We,., including a Stallion 7 years bid, color sorrel, by Im port./ "01em....," lien, “Alegro,” by "Vronapirtnr.. her D.m by 11atells M 1 ..., do, No Alen, wevemteeo Colt.• urea by the above Manion: four thorough bred toot other Soweto. Slates, ten limed Nana and &Immo valtrablebetro mid middle Munro Co. bonded Sondulown and Gdwwald twee, with dolt Dumb, nod wen,/ kmandown Rodents. woad Urns nod avow of rarKtie ogre. Alai • numb-tor Agrtrultural Implements. - 1131.Th0 .Dirt on L. "summed any time before the sat,. Catalogues containing rtamitlcenleue of the stork ran be hid by applying to no. at my Bmwery ...Clio, in lihreling, or at Joel YLK•I IS 'S, ruttier Market Cowed and the Dimond, Pltteburah. rorilbAtairdld UFA W. FM ITU, Whiwanir, Va. _ WALLACE'S F 011.1 5 0 DEY, ' Engine and Boilocr Shop: •••• ("TEAMENGINES, alraihes, on hand ur A. malt IO °M, or oh, r Acted Vgl re senator lion. arEA POILICKS., MILL 07 R Cil, YULLIES, SHAFT/NU MACLIIN WRY n CASTING F0f.12.1 AND IRON WORKS, AND CELLAR unarits AND (MASK PAhfi . all elwayg on bend. igiaJOll WORK Aril, RKPA I NI NC done on Om,/ notice. ilkgr4ol/106 3lc 1.41. r,, Cruet , l'hubneet. W. W. WALLACE. Ml= Author Bolting. Cloths, "'revels Burr HIII litonu. Portable C 1 .14.1n1t 91II1.—tbu brut In the n cony—R.o's Panto Wort. Whnde, knot tirchinee an I AIIII Flouted.lug of ell kin!, .1 the Inset priers. IV. W. WALLACH, rurlo.ddin (du. 919 tAntry etrsnt , PlRO.nrpb. STEIaDI reta.aiiiiivnJiacs. MARBLE MANTLES :away, on hand, at LOW PRIBP.B. MARBLE, TOPE, ==ll3 MONIIIIENTS, ?ARLETA, CRAVE ETOMI3, Ar, , Made by A/Artillery .4 sol 4 al low /Mom Ila - WAREROcAI 313 LlLmly .Ir•eL. Month Room . bocond mot). O&YR3C-3 Liberty Mm.oL Kits borgo, W. W. WALLACE. HAMEL; PARIS. WHITH LIME, BELMONT CIVIIStiT, be beat to the market fur Clatarua, warranter! 01.1. For le at 31% Liberty street. W. W WALLI,CE. mrlittlrati ; ; F li p'; i; F , Spring Novelties. L 7 A VINO enuTletedaurgpTing pendia& q, IA we an prepazett to offer ettra Ind.:entente la the of VA.NC STAPLE DRY GOODS! Our Stock is eanstitutad of ,iame Rare Styles nod latest Novelties of the Season. Gunlock of SILK AND LACE IS ASTIa.A S Is coulrocod of the Newest Styles of the S.uouf. To ehicb we Owns ESPECIAL ATTENTION. *SM. will atlll be addles to oar already large Mock SYSItY WStit. dm lug the !talcs and Summer, tole, de alt/MS..IW •araaouable Goods, atlikb will ho particularly adapted to a rittaburch Trade. - Remember Ruble., No. 69. Corner Mar ket and .Fourth streete. .Pittaborkh. apl3ljul SPENCE /4, CO. DROOLAM ATION.-04 of Pittsburgh, ed .—Pnomant to . • rettolntlo'n of Me Common 000=11 of the City of Pittsburgh. and by striae of the rotholity la Ins etted,l,O Eouo n vfiLeoN, Moor of geld oily. do la me thieZmy Prociamation,that TOURS!, a YAW, 19M day of A WI, A. D.lllOO. the Preetnen'of :the Wroth Ward of the maid city qualified to vets ids,• member, of the Home of Representatires of 11.1. Pommonweellb, will meet at their trana)placce for bolding etrotkew I. Mesabi Weld, and then mid there elect by ballot ONE P.CitfiOti TO &U WE Al A MEN DWI Or . 00MUOti COUNCIL to lb. unexpired term of kin VIEW EDW.&II. DB. EN.. nwlitood- Green under my band end the m eal 01 the and city of Pitteburgb, the lob day of A prtl.A.'D. ItCQaol . 1.1.P.m• dince of th• United &Mee the eighty berth: apt tltd OBOILUIS WILSON. Mayor. • aTie L icoeseitm IDLIEINO prepared to receive orders for their jUI PIIPXRIOiI G R EEN AND PURPLE ROOVIIIIO OLlTiid, delivered after the opening of ustriptioa.wouki all attention tra 'Molar met of this Illtt•PittrOt materod, and to the pest purity of rein-water collected from elide rode, not twin; impregnated with taint of decayed aidoirlaw or thepoleonone qualities of paroled aortal. Th. y would 099 unite I ho poWte enabist pet deofolerly ennead:hit then:wim se Agents. themby furotehing an infector trod• . eta le our notary—lb* oul,j money yetabliehed by the On. petty being in the City of blewlfork. Parrots In Canada and the North Franzen finale wiabteig froth. GENUINE .ElOl.ll OWd SLATES well Pietas widens. the Company, et "ll.ldeetillaTt;',Wll order. will receive prompt attention. - • • • epleamd . . 0. NORMAN. Vire President.. :11a tf.l3ol:,4—clecei red by the subscriber from Ail Ulm Clovalaad and Pittatargh, Bigro.A ors throir rack of ststue r, raah td .1. 11. F.,. Piltaturgb. The ayner la gaqttataud lo all and plkychargas aml tame Maws:. 2: 03ork Ibbirtisrmnits. - NO GREATEST INVENTION 86 44,0 82 11,808 88 64:183 Ed 207,87 S Of TUE MOP. 861.11T-11017MITIIEL 1" 23 OWESCIrsT'S'i...A.T . 29 NT CORRUGATED STEEL. SPRINGS. Redueing she Weighs oust inereneing the Strength of Skirls 'warty one-half. MITI ..$1,142.7(0 00 21.1411 01 1.014 76 CO 019 7. 240.40 CO 0722191 10 W. S. AC. 11. THOMSON CO. offer the above,. the latest novelty, anti the mutt Important Improvement ha Skirt. lance Coops were Inwnted—allang to We favorite cartnent a lightness. flexibility and strength never before known. Rees, Lady In Anywise who seines comfort, II"Oh• and Oh" Oaltamse In nownme, shoal., base one of thew admirable gactuests Inquire for Thomson's Corrugated Skirts. Thew beautiful Gouda, owned and manufactured @Wel, by us, now two • part of .l I 1 Aaniew tlanY of OAT, April 10th. 1000. =I=I YG 923 no .- 104,913 no Which ara offerel this • eL3OII ill Improved styles, alutpa •nd manufacture, al follow.: THE DOUBLE TRAIN SKIRT, THE PARISIAN BELLE SKIRT, THE GOSSAMER SKIRT, THE INDESTRUCTIBLE SKIRT, THE WOVEN SKIRT THE EXPANSION SHIRT. For We, tbrongbont the Cream. by the prinolpal Jobber and Retailers. 800 that both tow home owl the crotch • stamped on every air' No others are genuine. NY. B. k C. 11. TllO5l/30N t CO, Ilaainfacturere of the Crown fkirts, New York.. Ja24.3meowd STNAM TO SOUTHAMPTON ANDa I 11A YRR AND ❑lO6. The Verelert.l't Moregonn I.ioe lln lteJ Ptelee Mail Steam• eh•pe u.li every OOKT.e !WIT between New York, 14outh moupluo and fl.rro ND °AVIA. rat TOIA. V ANDRE GILT, Lelevre_... • .VaL *l ay 5 We NMI d. Hay 7.1 ILLINOIS. Sat. May 15 Wed. Arun k VAN(' ERBILT Lekere Sat. JOOO 1.1 Wed. Jo lt ...............Sat. June 30) Wed. July IS These Alpe have waterskrblcooripartaiente Piles of Samara either env the same:— let Ceiliin sl.ki slooiSnond CaL1u.....4601 Third Cabin $3O Corlidcatee of Passage bilked from tempo to A naerl66. Specie delivered 1, Liodou es Perla. D. TORRANCR, Agekt, No. 6 Hos Hug Oneeti, Now York. mrl33ind T ILE great enquiry has been made fur a der of years I. lieurelmopere, Whet shell we pet under oar carpets protect them hymn wear Lad mutbi— This grand sod ealustile diecimery wee effected and petent ed April let, IRA, by& 11 If ARRINGTON, and le called Llarringion's Patent Carpet Lining. Thin article haring prosod Ito utility bat now roma Into general use, au much on that ararcely a carpet will be pot down wlth•.cl It, and its cbwpnme pot° It within the reach of every family. It It werreutal to add nay per cons to We durability of Compote, Oil Cloth. and /letting. The do. tern of ite merit. are tun numerwrn to mrntion. It eon be obtained at any at the principal Quint Storm throughout the UniW Phase. and I. manufactured only by the NEW I ORK CARPET LININU COMPANY. Alen, extern's° mannbtcrnrem ut MAMIIOTII COTTON RATTINLI AND CONFORTABLRA, the beet and thesinst that have ever been Introduced In We market. °glee 11 Ley Se., Saleiroom 940 Pearl Street. NEW YORK. BAIT orders nr intorms , inn requested a ill he attended with promptness mat dispatch. Under the mmembilou of Me patentee. Manufactory, 443 .4, 450 Water SL, N. Y. 1471f-Send for ft CUrenlar. mr29-.3rnd AturaiLt DOUULAS do SIIERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, TUB PELLE OP THE SOUTH =tM MAIMS WITHOUT CLASPS, And warranted not to get oat of order, 0 S, 11, 16, at, 35, 30, 30, 10 sod 60 11001.8. h reyn,Lted to Tramline Ihrva before lonrchating °An. ea_WIIOLSALE DEALERS SINPLIED BY DOUGLAS & SUERWOOD, 51, 53 arid 55 White St., New York mrl3:lmd WILLARD, HARVBY & CO., 84 Maiden Lane and 17 Ceder Street PAPER, CORDAGE AND TWINE •=l3mJ ft , in FILO.II EPERNAY, DE VENOM? CO, jetr; FLU' , CI. Lou' 16 oil respectable Den Orr f kruphout Oar Country. 'PILLS fine bran.l of CHAMPAGNE, which natJl the put year lout conflud exclusively to the tut team at the Contluent of Kunme, Las hoe obtainet the most unbuttoned vococuud popolatlty to tole country. Is to recoosorrodel by vows alba dot Physicistw of the city of New Tort. over all other floes. on ac.snout of ha v x tonna parity and aud thou who owe try it rarely we any other Wend. dithoogn ow. year loa elapeed alsvo Ito Introdoeslon tato this wassury, the demand to etormomt and onestawly loctoulog. Onr arranges...to an tech as to ewere the quahty of the Wins being maintoloed at Its preeeat pith standard. The Prisms/ Imbued la Imported solely by to, w• being the ooloageole of Union. D. VOgw Ce. In this country. Bold In this city by MLLES A ilICIRresoN. C. v. IfiIUGUWOOT, Noe 453.441 and 491 Hoseiway, N. V. UN' 16460. 9YKINIi A RT I FlOf AL FLOWERS, LACE UCIINA, OSTRICH AND YANCY taNCY GOUDA, . ke. mobarriber boa In alote newly half tolllton dollars In valise of tbW deweriptkof of 0...14 and continuos to we mire weekly from hr. Yaelortee In Paris, the newest dn. elan*, which he clears for owl. in largo qoantltioa 1. met . . ckaole onol w r a l t erm.. jiillol U. LlEsberaos, No. 303 On/nanny. Now York. Awl 102 Boa de Illehollen.p.ria lall 2ind The Confessions and Experience of a DESIONED for tho benefit and as a %ram oe. arid • emotion to young.toric olio milder from ,Pero- eat IletiN.y. Pereashere Decor. AA, •• • 00[111•11.13ce early error. mrptylog at the mem time the AP...of Reif Cure. lly • enterer from the above clammed Irmo medical Imposition and vomiter, Single caplet tended free) on receleicE • pmt.tekiJ En el.+, bowleg the addorm the applioutt. Aeon. NA. Tit • Nilth MAYFAIR., Rey • Beriturd. aloe. Comity. Ns Yorl• •ol2rdlw3ter WE'VE GOT THEM ONLY 150,000 ROLLS Or IVIVLL PAPER AND BORDERS TO hIATCII Some for G Cents, Some for 8 Cents, And snme for 10.0ents. Thousands at 12 1-2 Ots Beautiful Glazed Paper at 20 and 25c MAGNIFICENT OOLO, VELVET, OAR AND MARBLE Panels for Halls. DRILIAANT CEILING DECORATIONS With al oodieso rorloty or Now Dario& Cra 011 A MAU, ustuntr.s, PA RLORS W. P. MARSHALL, S 7 WOOD STREET, AT THE STRIPED FRONT. vrT (10-PARTNEItSIIIP.—TIie underaigned have thle thy Ibrtord • croperlinonhip under rheum. end •tyle of LEONARD A MILLER, for the transaction of the 001111131181011 Burelnee• In all haver - Mu foram. Concignincrita of hamplea or eferchandies In bulk respet I. fatly eoliclted. All Whims entrusted to on will Inset vitt. especial cue and promptitude. Doing old reeldeots of the city we can off.. Indueenteut• that ochnot (oil to command ettontion. tlEOIttlE W LEONARD, W. GIBSON EULER. Plitsburgb, Throb ?nth. Is6o.—splJ 341 COOK STOVES, life. COB/ltd. EMCEE! WATER CJOLERE,. a ran cA6 El. w b.... 4 woe.. 0 alll INGI APPARATUA, Lkgl rosing WAN. BRASS au I N PRESERVING KETTLES, PLAIN, ramsetak PLANISTIRD . JAI' PANNED TINWARE. • • luftwot not* of dm W.... goods at the lowest plus. . • Wbolauds end Retail Tlo and llooswfotaledlnif • . umw of W. W. BRADMTAW,No.I.44 Wood amt. 4 Met door Wow tbe 44 the Gold. Gun. ELKS ON BANKS AND BROKERS. pasted' tn ceder in superior susresse; Cheek Woks s OO Laud. W , O . JOI.IIIIBON 4 Pact., awl APatiowers, 67 W.wi meet. __-- EPARED GLUE—Every family abould have It to awed Woken worm bold wholesale or to. , N.O. JOEINS , IN • 00 1 Sistioisqs, 51 Masi • COND . IMPORTATION of beautiful ILK sad CLOVE • SIIREOIId, MUTER% TAUS , POD. •DE on Fyn*, iIIttIANDIKS. Om . , Pooh idyls* ia Draw Gods saw opining. C. HANSON LOVE, VI Wild Wrist., IpED APPLES-100 bush for sale by sPlo HURT IL OCILUIL z it ertw n r:r, ~1 ■17:::::. a: Gave Your Carpets! J. IL HARRINGTON, daanr. =IMO xb w Yo xh OH!: . OHM CIIU ROUES, Sc. AIICAT SAVES, Nom.. to warmer.; --- T -scribers are ' Agente fur • MeCor ml 'pars glowers. Troboyabo ale POW 111 cam or pc burrs. Aiampla lora by lie exhibi tion W d Dicraor. Arroagrootott ono mago tj tbo 9'46.! Iloaatioarars to b y boa colastaat law ply,roo best tonna baling by them for all ordoood &WA,/ Poossioylinala glivr JmenDoloaura D I,*- 1V• .au gored 10 lake oallaro Rs no/tJ time oo ta pinata dailgonfold lo ity • . , - ~ ~_ . _: -. _- ~•; - . ,;~.. POLITICAL NOTICES. Csitsisveriss. friends of non. It UT. of SiirOinny City, Ist/ insist upon his re.tiosontil..n es their Iterresentstirs from the XXII District, at the ti.y Dotoreatiro—io sc.rrdanct with the usageof the party stare the orouttstLin du DLitt let. and the .mot the aplTrtitsitceT 10. S OY CONOUL O !...—TIIOSI.I9 114,tr RI.. bto • vithilast. I.forh tn. IZoph litah CollynttiOn. lot the ;:lat distri,t ~f mftt• 11.1•12.1. ISGO. tu.:72.l*lrter - O'FOIL. RCCISTSR-- W. RICOeRDFOB. of T,i o p.mon nT ilte, cill trr• raoth.i.t.. wr kno.trr. aubJect to the dorlehot of the Republican Coon., Coot., Fox liscusrce_-11A emir W. lieu necu, 4 Welkitte 40wn.11114 rill lot rs rers,ll,ll.lr. for Contry It•erter,•abfect to Me droooo of the I:npublicari Moot, ConTnatton. ..O darter I°.FOR RECORDIR.—WESLP.I KERB. of Up p.r St. Cler tosnablp, laa lb &Aarn Nryce , hobjftt to (o.J,kltm of the Itertten , icaa COM. of Coavostioo. •02. 4 t rtrF 10.'FOR IiICORDIII.—fIBDIEL Nlplie tuvrre.lap, ta ill le e Landldate fur Coanty Recorder, eel ject to tLo d.ctebsu lbe Re pobtkon Coaut, Conveutloa. ror2:l 0 . FOR RECORDEL—DA VID J. blcitzx µtli bee candidate for Cordiity Itiieorder, ankjeet to be decision of the Republican C. cation. mraditvrtcP FUR RrCOßD[ft.—.l. of A !lee) by, 'Not 1110 renelJeln fur the *h.,' otL , r, eubje to the dm (Moo of the ft.rohlicau Couipy ecoveatton. tut22,lr. otcf Foix iticoßDKlL—tiao. F. htinISILI., Bewicitiey. atuttd.l. to the &whiten or the Republic.. C. null Viitiveutliiii torte:tilt oittT Clerk of the etottrt.. O . CCERIC OF TM! CoINIT, of Pittsburg!, will lwr • andolsto for th. 11.10., Hu, subject La the decision of lb. itepordicnu County Gon•eu tion. nte3,lAwl,, FOR CLICRF. OF THE COURTS—Dr. •I, V. BILDIFIS %VI bee eeonldate for tile Ow.. 003 re, .4 Jed to the dreb.l on of the Ifroubocse alady Otirl3dtieleT Or FOR CLERK or TUR COURTS.—SAtiret. F. 84811, of I%47ra:evil), will bo • um:obtain tor the above Mite, subject to the of the Retaiblirefi County Contention. rorblee talc r [O. FOR CLeax or TUR COORTS.—Iin wI ri hlrCrraron, olf the Recood Ward, Allosbery City, will ben casolblete for Clork of the Outlets, snbjfet le the derlriou of the Republican Comity lkfurention. tor3alaurtell o.Foir. CLERK OF TUE COURTEL—IVAL A HERRON, of Flu township, will be a candidate Ir Ckek or the °duets of Allegheny county, subject to the de eislon of the Repubtleau County Nocoheallug Convetallue. yandes ter [O.4j4ERR or COURTS.—LIMB LOWRY, Jr., ni Pittsburgh, will bs . candideits for elstk of Courts, subject to the dodsion 01 awn Repot,lirsin Count, Coors:Alen. bagilAwler 10.' FOR CLIRK OF TUR COLIRT.—.TORN STEW..:, ora.nlo. towuellip,sublect to OA derision or the Republimgt Corm ty Oussoniloo. wawa wIrT M=M=V - - 10.. COU NT COMM ISSIONEIL—I „ Y U. MILLER, , of Doquestio Borough, will too • candidate for County Commissioner. sulJect to thwilechiloo of the &roily Republican Convention. wir2loliertrY FOR I,l'KEr, of Pretties township, will be candidate for County Commiazioner, subject to the decision of the Rep: Mikan County Convention. tortindhwic O a REPODLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION.-Thu Republican Voters of the Vet Congresalonal Dln trio will meat at their oeusl piece. of holding their pri mary tnevalup, on BATURDA Y. Cm 101 b day of April, (being the laat Setorday In April) for the porpoari Of elect ing two delettelos (from oach Octet= district) 1.0 meet lo Coovention, at the Court Hones, en the following WED. NICSDAY,(beIog the VI ROT WEDNEBDAY,uod DI day of Sim) et II o'clock, A. el, for the putpose of nominating a Congressional candhlate, and a1t404 the in:apnea of elect. log lour delegate* to represent ltd. District m the Republi can National Convention, which will amenable In the city of Chicago, on the loth day of the name month 131. y) for the purpose, of nominatlng e Republican candidate ior the Preeelency. The Republican v.tere of the 224 Coogrestiond District, or no ton M of it a. lies iu Allegheny comity, befog all that part of the county lying north at the Allegheny and Ohio riven, will ales, over, lu lite meaner, at the moms time and' for the same purpose, and their delegatest so chows will amerrible In 0.011..11.10111 at the Court Dense, to Pittahurgh, on the same day and hoer, and for the nor. purpoes, with the delegate. of the 31.1 Gongrmdoaat District, The meetings in the different ward. and boroughs will be held between the boors of 5 and 8 o'clock. P. H.. (delegate. to be elected by ballot) and those in the townships between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock P. 11, (delegate. to be elected by marklag) of uld day. JOIIN Id. KIRKPATRICK, Chairman Alleg'y Co. Rep: Ps. Committee, !Inez Muse, nee'y. derlialkwter tlublit flatters. •.nr ~, P. A.—The 33Ist _Anniversary of We protestedoo of the Prot , st to the Diet at Nyirea, A D. 16mA win be siren et Orr Neu, ort Tramper Esl.3- leo A pril 19. The meeting will ha addressed by esseral trisitosuleltedspaskent. Tickets of ettnotealuo frost to be had from the members Of the enisr,atel at the door. No person will be admlttal •01toa1 a Daft. N. B.—The Committee co Demerathen are requeeted 10 meet at the Hell at 934 o'clock me Thoemday monolog. apleclt SAMUEL HAIHINGS, &crew), labucatmnal .nct Commcr At. wi llama culy be loand in btu o'cloct . It. Trall3—sll par echolar Or qr. of l i . If for PuonograptaL TrArbusokodsr-1 tare great pleartire In allying that Mr . U. Minims to SO escrlient teacher—intelligent, iintureet, and faithful. It Ina prufseslim to which he to wholly devo ted. and to winch he brings not only •to exp. knee and an ardent eatbusiamtn, but • temarkable conaciontionrods, In which I can testily from my own Knowledge that parrot. and patrons may folly contile. ALEX. . T. 31c13ILL. Wean r u Tioadogical Pruninary, April 31t1i,1 SAO. I folly concur with DT. SJOIIII to the above itatement and recomenendstlon. D. ELLIOTT. Ills method of leeching and mane/peg We papal exceeds by tar any lease known at any time. Ir. 31. TPARIiE, Pitt Township. Teaching le a protrusion for which he is pernliarly fitted. IDIARLES suALKH. Within the retire of my arqnsintance he nsa no superior se a loather. JOSETLI P. GAZZI,III. Ile is one ofbbe bast teacher.. nadir whom I harm sirs bad my man 1mr.30) JOHN B. WA KORN. V , DOE WURTII SEMINARY FUR YOUNG LADIXA, .AT SICIFICELZP, PA. Re, A. WILLIAMS, D. b Proll V. D[llAll, ?owl, of Movicood French. • A. 8 WALL, Tomb*, a/Drawing end Printroa. The Sommer boccioa mill commove., oo lb. YLILIT 01D\. DAV IN MAY. A. Drily ahmltwl vomber cus be secelood early applications are do/Ira/Art. For Lerma, Jr, me Circ. lan, which may be obtainer! at t h e Back awl Mori.: Storer, or kr opplioarion to tho Frlocipal. mr31:4,814! EIZIX2 OOL OM E INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIII.I.—We have the plemurei of announcing to the friends sod pate/to of Clcsme that the coming Summer Manion, (commencing ou Meant Ilooday of ?day) will open under very favorabla 4121pleee. A corpse of Teacher., of superior worth awl ghJiticatinhe , h.. already been secured. sod no eta is will be .pared to ,coder the institution worthy the public patronage. Circulars atmotturing the course of study, term., 2c, will to Waned within a few drys, mei may Mee be had on appli cation to the Vrlth.lpal. °LIVIA J. PftgfielLf. (.29 Canonsburg. Pa. LIONOG RA Pll I C RE FORTIN G taught aL Ntr 29 Bt. Otair enrot. 'qr.'s . railroid 'yak. Iltrrally—e trmill named 14 re*. ro. lir rapalatou marl - Ad by maw Ohs mac' , oolk Rev. Dr. litill/LlLY,Lnwpool. 4lu auction .7. G. .1011. 3 4553, 41.41Citionee,r.. Commercial Bake R.,. No. 54 Street. UNDERWRITER'S SALE OF DAMAG , ICD NAILS —On IVedneeday me - Wog, April 18166, at tO o'Clock, at the 6comertial Sales Bootee No. 64 Fifth street, 'nil be mid, 110 kegs Nall., of good qualliy, alighlly damaged by water, embreeing a general ammo:mimeos of all the varione *NT J.O. DAV/14 ADM PIANO Font's AT AUCTION.—On Thanelayafterooon, April 19114113 o'clock, In the 3d floor Baba Bookie, NA 64 Fifth IL, will be wild, 1 handsome well Limed alb octave !Simeon.' owe Mime Forte, male in 80.1008 I Mahogany case aii 0.1001 Menu Forte. made by Newman, of Baltimore. spa J.ll. DAVIS, Asa. DONNETS, SIIAIVLB, DRESS GOODS, II au, Al. AUCTION,—Ott Thoredsy sod Priday net.- Aptllll2th sad 20th, et 10 cechck, et the Commode/ Wee karma, No 64 nth etreet, Htl be•LJL.• large geeo• thy T, lament D.eoete,23bstrla, Mate, 13.101,1ci05, biloac Hui eve, Jo. grin J.O DAV ott,is. CUUNTRY SEAT IN PENN 'rOWNSIIIP. On Thursday afternoon. April 2&h, at 3 o'clock, w 111 Le maiden the premiss, • Loeulltully lowed Country Be M. IA peon township, on the Prantslown Plank Road, 8 Mika from Pltubrirshonobracins fU awns and 129 lambed of mry:nch Isnd. ad ler perfect ordUratiott. and with large quantity or rulers dacrlplions of Snot Trees. °rummer ~,i Terra, plgrabbery.ac. Thereon I• erectsol • handsome two story Prune Dwelling, wall finished to Gothic style, with It room., • Iwo hall and 3 pasha; • spook:cm yard, with clatrru and gad Owl of water, it enclosed wlrb • Ore lobed pallog forme. Alm, erected thereon a tenant hooey, now °mopes% for atone, post.offloe awl dwelling. Also, a large Bent Barn, with madding for 91 horses. This prop erty compi ISM all whattlagra for SCLlllireellatkll,o4l elegant °minify . reale enes, with dioram a / 4 d schools cenvenlent the ostler, Mr. George E. Weready oxnplae lb. pre.mbet, and will alms them to 'WWI. any time Afire the sale. luen, o 7 per—ramo rash. $1.1.03 on Jet of April nest. and residue on April lat,llllB, with interest odds, dakrzwl psyineots. spls ROCERY STottE AT AUCTION—WiII b. "d on rill 2 bY. April 'Atli. at 30 o'clrek, A. w, et the well known Mod of J. A. (Arline. corner of Fourth end Perry el reoid, • lux. stock of timoriee—loolodles Coifs.. Sneer. tdoleser• ' Orem and black Tee; bplope. Prroerred Prole, Beep, Tobeceo, &gars. Ac. A large Onen My of first 9. 0 14 Plodbiliblewsre.ealtablefw eteembootemed hotels. At 3 o'clock will bo sold the fixtures, Boat am Oroutors, /Ow,. indif. Pim, /Mow Coxes, Poole, Plogorm .bed *muter/ tok Bi Oenbtere, PI e Proof Pen, roweatedlored The trade will plebe. tel. wilco that tb”tnek. b wort hy of th eir Itreatho, .od will be gold withoot norm, ow , iey owner le chsogleg his Weide.. J. G. DAVV, A c t. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF RIRMIN BARRY BOATS.—On 134, o'clbek, t the torrwer. , Finh street. by order of Roble. Kirkoowl wo f iR e h„,„„ 131 .ptaln Mack !HMI.. 7.21tb part of the: tompricdott wharf boats. c macaw then ootato to thi SAvorfl • enitt,iba undivided ~_iroxinghsai Steam linn7 bonne. ac., negtue Biwa /am floats, two oat ILL, with their tackle, and all ilypartee oto belonging, being the Intoned of In. aid moon. .1.,0. DAVIS. Anon. AND LAND WARRANT AT :ON—OuNip •ream`. April 171 h: ae 714, M Commercl.l Sales Noms, N. 61 PIRI. st., Ig rb. o Ilrgheoy Dank block: It ~" dhow.' do; • 27 IlogOony Bridge Company. "Noongsbola bay, do 6 I is's* Jammu.* Compiloy 2 ' 3 0 A.. Lon., ."i mr b; ok of rittad g opl3 4 S. O. DAVIS, And. TilithEr oraiacra co `MANI'S, in plain or fancy Or tLsonsol, orloOd sod tilt dispasco, W. O. JOHNSTON .0 OD, 15145 m Job hinters, 67 Wood stmt. AMUSEMENTS W. LISNDERFON..._.._ • • ?RIM op .E.tsiceg Dress Circle and raricette.___.. Family Colored Dorn.__. I So." 0.1 Nl,ht of the ergeßenri at of MR. C. W. cou Lne i,, ke-lotgarntotat ol tang lIBNDKRSON. ' TUSsDA.B XVBNINO. ACM UM. Slktspevv. pia, .41 the ENS OF BkINI Cr--; hykxk y r (Indium. OBSIIBI L5... 1 0. Bab; .eks MAU.; NON Sitio fleredo'snl; tau, Crmaer. 04ciod. • BB ?II R OMNIBUS. r . R.AinicziN BILLIARD SALOON, ME= FRANNLIY HALF, _~ ~= 6th xt., oppoNite Pittsburgh Tbettttre. AK. MATTHEWS, J., Proprietor • THIS eieZant and commodious Hall is now provided with NINE . DEW slAn liL6 RED DILLIAED TA BINS, Id the tAtett And most Approved et3lsandpaitern, and is other Aloe duel op equal to any in the testmy to the AcconAntrdlrion of citme igod rtrnn,p , Am g r. ,, air, comfort sod convenience. It out ifoqualed th the IltottArn RADA. The Proprietor poltrite a coutinnalit,n of the pstroosge to libtratly tostowed cubit Wove hercto• fort., sod toteuree the public . the! every attention veal IA to their comfort end phAvur. N. It rot the Atte er Dzlllord Tatra, Italla.Cloth, Cue.P.lnte, chalk and oil utbAr artildes lithis whir, he roil &Iva, or on fetteottoble terve end st the not:tut/At twee . ..bole sle twine dettlyd Vbltabripbca 2blurtiormento. • JAN RS A. TIERNAN, F . .1 Ncr AND I - A Riarr aGoDs. Nao.lroala Artier 110.R1PRT. BRAIDS. sroot, cOrTON, .% !MOLES. 151.170,V,, criLgitr LACY-N. rTeIIE.P AND RIAcKINC, • No. 1 St rivirbavry.stitetti gl..l4l6 ate V rota (Or CAELii PIIILADELEDIA. gEcraitogly low rat .. ., relying ninro upoii orranrito rat. Mut 'Mall than noon liinord rales and hivh Tatra D OMAN CE9IENT, ROSEN bA LE CE MENT, OA LCINED PL AIMEE, 0t411.7ND PLASTISR. Cc, girt) Relaa, ar low cub price, by EDWIN A. SMITH d 1100., Not th-Welt corner Front and 113110.• Phll•delpEls. 8. FIIGUEIT & 80N8i IMPORTERS OF 14.41V.A.N A. CI El. No. 216 South Front strirg. Phllsdolphis, P.. I ArsialdiherllMl We rendre regolsrly, end stint, o e huece oseartneent of detetrables Cigars. Tbreattene hare of Druggists, r.crret and others is invited fisillyd T 111 t UNTISTS BICST OUTLAY IS TO PURCUASK 811.A.W•8 A EirrISAW, For sale at DENTAL DEPOTS. Atireirculara of explanation mut on application to BUMF A BAILEE . ; 213 Rare atroct, Philadehibia, PA. N. —All order. will react with ptrunpt attention. PaßAmd CARD_ J. B. KOONS & CO., Flour and Provision Commission Merchants, .No. 245 North DAtrtors, &kola rum Stket, PEULADELPAIA. a.e Ohnell & Co, Bankers, Phila. = r Starrett k Martin, PhDs. hark Northern Labattlra. Dm. &Da, B. Balked & 000. , " J. D. Lataaer,.oisc3matt, 0 Wright Bnat. a Ca.. - D. Schack, " Corn Exchange hank, " 'althea Prpre, SL Lod.. &ash/ • ISIVA.L.L. Sr. CH.A.N.L>LAEtat, Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merehants t 1= Market El, alma /rent, wrist side, fluladdiskicb fI FFER for sale the following,.on the.moet Isat.able terms, salo packagee New Ycak end Philadelphia Syrot. axed; 100 reeks prime retailing RICO, 600 Lbs. liellned Supra, assneckel, • prim/elk:be ilsalaseea„ bao tags Rio Cake, pekoe athllmediam 4uoties, With pausal naeortment Teak Pplcer, a. J. 25 CARDS I CARDS I! CARDS l: PRINTRR'S HE MET AND CUT CARDS Bad and Cheapest In the Mists Cnrdg ellonnti hutograph Pictures, a. • eddy sa4 at Lser Priem Su. lllX Alfint • MAST Pasts-BoartU,Stred Beards , os IL AInd AV , pr s :ate ty dit ADA CARD 1.06 MINOR STREIir, PHIL ADRLPCDA.. .9341-1.,0*- - •0 0 , 'llSsirsiiistst IStreEst. loppeelte Girard Moans) • PLIILADELPIII_A.. NEC W 121POILTA.TiONS•VINIC WATCIIIIM PATEN, PHI icres a CO. Watches, In Genesi. CLIANLES FIESDSHAII'S Load. Si•nc-lisepeiti,. new earlaa 11.1./I, Its Bunting 12ee, and Open Fsce. '." 'ltEirSOle Authorized Agents for abate." GOLD AND SILVER, ENOLISII AND SWISS TC H E RICO JEWELRY, nets designs. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, and all the Frebl - ntsble etolze. SI O'ER WARE, ausurpaseed In style, quelsty and dash =has exAttraageta slotting Phlladelphls, are forted tots • their NEW MARBLE ESTABLISTIMENT; • ride entailing no obligation CO poramiark UN IFJR.II EIIICIO3, b plain Norco, &rad oo aarlatiou. Joallityd IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, te. CONSIIMERS OF RICIIAROSON'S I,IN ENS, and these anima of clashing the GENUINE (With% shuold •.e that the articles they purchase are seal ed with the toll am• of the arm, J. N. UGH /IILIMuN, BONS a OWDEN, se a guarantee of the smalltime a durability of the Goods. Tag camas Is rendered see dally taxiway, no tugs quantitie•4 -harlot - and e D a ars prepared. • &Sao altar mason and sealed wi the Itara of RICHARD. SON. by Irish Houma, who. repadlem u 1 tba — thlory thus Inflicted aliases, the Atocilmos consumer and the mant torn of the gaol. Goode, will not testily abandou a Isaias a w Goods of a t prollNathtabla, an while pu actehrcr. rs nn be Imposed on ith . J. WILLOW:: k & J. IL LOCES, - Akonts...lB March Elwell, New York /!ALCM W AILKI II ALID.WAIIISII JAMES R. LINDSAY, • .. No. 73 Wood SL, Pittsturglk,'Pa. Importer sod Ilarieractstreea Ageut for the auto at aCngilsh and &maxlean lam seer enrolee:lg the largest stork or ilosnab Geude est of the tleuetalor • Roll groinlrea auJ Forka, pOO dric Pocket Elam!, • Ur! drir-film, Trooratii. ac • Prom relabrated Waoutactoross. Will duplicate any Nek York invoice. amkdtf,i. N 0 DILRU IIANT • . VlNtleg Belttmore Would pit to exateit. the ext.:Mrs' stock of VaNCY 0001.1:4, 1103161 LY. GLOVES. de .cliered Ar ..le by WILED. LICK NY A SONE,. = • No. 260 Baltimore Ntreet. it to one or the moat eztw.ir. to the cortorr7, and the Aroprtetote are folly prepared to compete wits noithere