The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 17, 1860, Image 1

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    commtiston, arc
- I
Forwareing oMmlssion Merchants,
Dealer. ;mom GRAIN ad PRODUCE generally,
N. Water and OS first etreeta.
Ram Po—Mkbc.rk, McC'rßryt Co, Pillebroy,; Joe.
DeDa . Eol-• dr e s s 5 111 .Pktrick, Orn Leo* WWI
der Barker • Dilworth; do; TIMM • 00.. BC iAtan
It in • Dar at Reettleit ri:derrrsork.Clnrcistrhtlpail
Co. kr, Withert, Da to , ,
Polar& Meal. Et Malone; Con on Dorlown,
iKk.b.rden Overman, Phil delphia; °Damao t Il t, r 2 a4 d
• EtiH 20N rwART,
Wholesale Sitars 'aininission Merchants,
Sallyd 'lO7 WOOD, STREET.
J 111
Wboleade °racer; Comm lavine awl Pnrior•nliog Merchant,
rmd Nalen la Westritn Prodnim and Prothinna, la N. 155
Micky wen. pitteher g h,
C l ONalgtonetlaof ChAtrae, Butter, Egg., Oral., et.. odk-
IW sad matiotemory rehire.. gmbrowLe.l. Liberal taah
Vsoore mode.
131 7.11TTE7R, • ROBINSON
' No. G Smithli eld Street,
Op_ , .. gatolst Roa,
r o l o i lairr;ft,,l:ll,(Hl,4;rs, FIND. sod every
a/gmesealsof Preview. Ile. reribit"tsrbus.nrsUb."Alge're.lZEtL:::
BROWN Jr. mittlipn ?alms.
lion. 191 nnd 193 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh.
. • sstorsos.
parifiiriai di co.,
Porimardllag 111erebant.,
And Wholentle;4wiln
.I.4Borm„,.LARD, PORK, BAUM. /LOUR, rtsu,
171 pe,sl A 0.% Eskrataa, Linseed & Lord Oil, Dried
• Iraßead Posisoe generally.
Rios. 141 and 844 Prong S
VlLovLp . • . .... .......
1 1 1..0trfe, c3RA.INT ett P 14.01) LICE.
No. 343 Liberty s
1: PA.,
41eica brands of /LOUR, for Bakeeo nodPITTSBURGH Family lase
000 511 au hand. Particular ottootiou pol 4 to drrie g
ordte for Merchandise ararrallr• ucCtlrd
jr AIUES A. FETZER, Eta-wardi ng an d
COMMISSION IS KROMANT, for the hide. or /LOUR,
acid hula. generally, N 0.16 Mahe &rte.% carau Ant,
. W a r
calf. U. Dahly. IN. Pittsburgh, William Dilworth,
do, S. Catht on / .1 Bon, do, Atwell, Lew alteo, do, John
Eaq d; D. Jlarqr it 00., Otn.nristi; S. Brady,
Omatqlwr It Bulk, Souu.l Ott, Sul., do,
&mule It Co, do, Paxton h. Wooloo, dcr, Cordon. Bra,
L. 61. ki KA Pr. • ViatTLE-IrLfl ritoktDiß.
114 Second Street, Pittsburgh.
: . .
- . ,g i
. P
1 I
, - , .-:,
MltlttO y
• 4C. W. Wen & Ch, New Tort, Shrivel. & Dilworth, Plud,'g
Pro&sev & Co. h Spr. Harbarigh k Co., "
Thalami, Clark & Young, itYlandkaa. hi rim & Co."
Philadelphia. • llarrisou & Copper, Clack,.
T. A. Newhall A Bose, PhD& T'. &Dugan & _Ch.,.
T. Whitrlda., Jr Co., kalthwarial U. D. Newcomb & Clan Las.
ar_nakead/tkoto k Co. . I kyklo. KY. t./7-17d
267 Liberty Street, corner of Rand,
101. Particular
attention given to the purchase and saki of
Flour Orate, Dried • Prune, Potstossr, Pork, Lard, Butter
Chaeae, Chseer and Ticoothl Rdsde. lq
Order, promptly Ailed at tbo lowest market pricer/. Ad
moo mode on consistonwolo.
118.012c0 of the Plattgurgh Bag hhoufactory. auJl:lyd
SAB . oy l — .
r a ll y . Prod/
' , T. a • R. IL Dahl,
And dealers la Inner. G 774,
95997 1
• — . 7 4.7rak1M14444A1t f9fo of
-- Mahon ing
No 4 '149 and 151 Wood t+trgad, war Ninth. PI
41LN rapping Paper so N. factor."' prir
P 1 for 194 p.
• I
No. 257 Liberty Street.
tally 1. 1852-Ap2s P 1212111128 11, PA.
/11TIC11COCH.; & CO.,
jEnavaery to Marna; 51`Creary &Ca]
Forwarding and Cominhwion Merchants,
And Wbolraas
. Dosien to
Prodase, Flour and Wool,
Ara 153 "Ra and 122 &and a., Ficthoryk
lIIIMMIII4IIIIOII..WWWI r. ratTir-111111.
'Wool, Bides, Provieionsto Produce Generally,
/51 °' 209 Liberti Egtll9l.Pltta!?urgh.
k li•aAhoG i itaJER,
mum IN
Flour. Grain and Prodnoe.
Commission and Forwarding Merchants
No. 124 Second St, Pittsbaryi, Pa.
00111 114, -..- ......
Q CCTLIBERT & SON, General Commis
kr. won Agents for the gale and Parchaee of Reel Estate,
No. Si ll.t het etreet. Pltteborah. JaZlttl
J. f 1 .7 ie iGra OFF I C 0.,:
rrodLOUR FACTORS and Produce Coronas
sloe Merchants, for the safe of Floar,Orafe, Seed. sod
°. generally, Nce. 7b Water mad 52 Front tene
Mid/arab, P. 5 0 , ,. t, I A.28.1tr
Q JOIINSTON, (maccessor to L. Wilcox,
Q. A
woulCV tit. DittlaillaY, Owner SAitAfield anti Faun
Simla, melanin munition to bit awortrnent of Pan
Oro. and etwoolcalit, Perfaniory and,laue ) fhanith val.
tile fatally Mancho4 Ahaitioh timi ng my. Pure
!Agoura, Gaudin bran& of Clitiara,te., An., al) of which an
oft...xi SI =surpass,' In.:panty and at low.t prior.
Phyldclanaproactipilon• cartfolly compounded. otltilyd
ur AI ACKEOWN,Thf" — ' --- - i oli 0 , mc --, i)ruigilit,
yy • dawn (NI SfAutitactarernod Agent tor Thayer*
Salk! And Flak% listracta, Sio. ISt LI ben, street, Potts
Lona; P.
.1401 yd
: ll . Tifr:lf AA NX,Slllii,_a u .. ,h -------- ,10
.1..• • S. A. Pahneriock • C 10.,. sad encoeseorn to ketwog
Bros., Wholonslo Droggba Ka SO, corner Wood arid I write
Sta. Pittsburgh. Pa.
=l . l:ltitbargo, cornet ""ltrri /mollEtit t.
Oitimata Nowa asitaL
RetanDinginvoraerof liberty and L. Clair ea,
0- - Wilcox Cbd corner allot woo and Dlomond, keep
constantly unhand oral, ital.= lete amortrocat of Drop,
ta lolopay
Modicl i
tass, o
Ido Ifattelao Chew, 14 .. rat aLI article. por•
I.' -
airftpdodmapromertploom carefully co:owl:Died at all
Ito Wood stroet, of Wood /DINS aid Vire..
Pittaborich, Pa.
JOHN , : ;SCOTT, Wholesale Denier in
Dnlt" Unto, 0 lls; Ternlabee sn.l 11)ostofrd,.1lo.
Wren, streetaftlatargh.
:,All orders rill roceirepitapt nlteatloo.
Vrobute Mr
JAMES, nOLXES...L.m_d Pork Packers
torn Market and innit
LEEOH & ililTariffraiii, COMMiRBiOiI
and Forentsdlog Nercbants, dealers lo Westsro Its
sorra . /flour, dy
er, Batter, 1..1 011, Pot
and Peed i Bends, Onto, Dried trait, and Prom,
usuinuy. Br /may Pous. shrsys on bend,:
Pests for Ms sale of bladlsoa Co. celebrated Paso tral
ra& Noe.ll6llecood sod 143
era, between
Wood sod Ilsolthleld eta, Plttabora, Pa. optlyd
1,,, oounts, forwarding and Cbm mission Merchan,nd
New In Mew., Butter, Ulm PM and Produce mereliy,
16 16 - &4 EL, above Water, Plnaberatt. , in,2l
Eolii---g---cv--------1145.ARE E.—JAS. a ARi5:
ma, • Whohole Dealw In Wear, Pr
een are
.....,......ny,N a . 6 &rent!, Meet, boktireen Libel' y
- god -- Emltillfeltl. Pittsburgh, P.,
_Awdrenne =eh.
j , V" Deal
the 4.4 " o 7Lit,fted -°, laer
SUNDRIES— 10500 bble. n our—an grades;
,0b) bGer end obolled:
16,00 e b Vilma;
• LOO . 4 bring do
7n dont And forma° by nny Bap,
sp4 1111C170OCK, MaCTUEERY 4 CO.
20 half alio Na 2 hrs. Haikerel,
•10 kilts "1 " •
bbl " a
0b . 1,,8ay of Italia ilerrpNr, tar vas
• . •
-•• • •
- •
.: - ?i , ' - i: . :;' - i-E:i . ' , '' , : f .' , .; ,- 1 - 4 : i.'i.'',''''i . l.,' , .;.':'' - 5:; - ,!.;'ri - i:P'.:=%, - i.:k:i, , '''Sf.:'k-:, : ': , i
.1.. iii,„.. .•
a wata-ot riagaz4,4*4l4ll//57:
Aniline, Rodgers & Co., Bankere on
9 afield street, failed, and opals an ezatoina
lion of the hooka • deficit of $8 or $ lO , O OO wan
discovered. Thin money, it is charged, wa n
drawn out of the concern by the parties indicted,
after its insolvency was ascertained. Also that
false entries were made and false balance sheets
'drawn, in order more effectually to cheat Alessre.
Arthurs and Rodgers.
Mr. Alarehall, defendants' counsel, asked the
court to quash the indictment., oo Ike ground
that it bad not been found within two years af
ter the alleged C 0 02111i93i00 of the offence, as re
quired by the statute of limitatioos. Mr. Col
lier, on the part of the Commonwealth, replied
that the proceeding dated from the lime of the
information; which was within the nee aaaaa y pe
riod. The court directed the jury to bring in a
verdict of not guilty, remarking that Mr. Col
lier might carry the matter to the Supreme Court
if he dissented from his Honor's ruling
Messrs. Militant and Ewan were partners,
Mr. Mack, was a clerk and became involved
through his having kept the books of the con
cern at the time of the alleged defalcation. The
verdict pleased all the defendants but Mr.
Swart, who was anxious to have the ease tried
on Bement/I in order that his innocence of the
grave charges' contained in the indictment might
be vindicated.
Corn. yr. Wm. 11. Brown, indicted on oath of
D. IL Davidson, for assault and battery. Theee
gentlemen are both well known to this city, the
former a coal merchant, and the latter Commis
sioner of the Comaellaville Railroad. The. affair
originated in Mr. Davidson going to the office of
Mr. Brown to pay him come $l,BOO, th e val ue .
of some land of his over which the railroad
panes Verdict, guilty.
Com. on. Sylvester 0. Langdon and Stephen
D. Dillaye,. indicted for forgery and uttering
forged certificates of deposit on the American
Exchange Bank of New York, with the kimono°
of defrauding the. Citizens' Bank of Pitieburgh
The circumstances of this case are still tenth in
the allude of the public. la Sept , 1858, Lang
don and Dillaye, in company with a Mr. Long
lej, a friend of Mr. Jones, cashier of the Citizens'
'Bank, went there, and were' introduced by Mr.
Langley to Mr. Jones, as batring_ezune certificates
of deposit on a bank in New York, which they
wished to dispose of, and that with some of the
r money they were intending to buy shares of the
r '
Monongahela Valley Bank. We give the testi
mony of
Mr. E. D. Jones-01r. Langley, after a few
I customary remarks, told me that Mr. Langdon
had some certificates of deposit which he wished
to negotiate; Langdon then produced one $15,-
000 and one $12,500 certificate, and endorsed
them; they looked to be genuine, and I Mame.;
diately °notated out the money; with Lsegdon'a
consent, 1 gees it to Dillaye, the letter ituggeet-
Mg that if the certificates 'should he kept two or
days, they would probably need New York
end that they would take back part
of that, and leave the balance on deposit to the
of the Monoogshela Valley Bank; I. how
made o a
Monday followi n greement to that effect. On the
I received at ever,
n g, in stonier to one Thad sent,
elegram announcing the certificates
to beorgenee. I immediately went to APKees
part, the same day;) I now Kelsey, Dillaye and
Langl y; I told Langley that I wanted to have
an int sneer with all of them; he went up stairs
to notify them ,
Dillaye and Langdon being ap
there; Dillaye immediately came down, atm on
roy, telling him that the certificates were forged,
and that I wanted my mone ck, he Raid that
It would be angled. lie thencent to ere the
Commieeioner of the Bank, to went
money; I
receivedcomelbing over $ 3 0,000, that being the j
they got from me; the $2,700. which I
Went to swell the $27,000 to over $20,000, was I
&pod note and endorsed by Mr. Kelsey. 1
Mr. Miller, Pres% of the Monongahela Valley i l
Batill ; ;, lestiffed that the bank was not chartered
at Oka time; one of the commissioners told me
that fills certificates were forged, and that Mr.
Jones hil-ceme after the money advanced on
them; I went down to the hotel and saw Iffilaye
and Kelsey, Itt - xhaftinated.rosof the same thing,
that Mr. Rowland, the commisiibries, had; from
the time I bad received the informeltito4, I had
made up my mind what I should do; (I bad a
oonversation with Dillaye and Kelsey, ad it I told
them (bat they should not go on in that' way;
that I would rather give the book up; (hot com
missioners got the money and brought iii tip to
the hotel where Jones, Rowland and Lpihve
counted it. Mr. Collier—l/140u ever Bev those
before? (here the certificates were produced )
I dont remember that I have; had-bee urged
to sign the billy of the bank a goad wan 111 D"
by Langdon, Kelsey and Dillaye, but h always
refused, telling them that I would not it un
til the bank received its charter; Air. angle',
Was teller of the bank, left, scatty limoric
7 ,
Sept. last
lag ~ . :
Robert Algol, thief of Police, testified / 'prest-
Langdon. in New York.
Dr. Duey testined as follows—Saw La once-
In New York and once to McKeesport; 1 . *ow
lock In August, lignB, to obtain subser *or
stria; Dillaya said th at if I could make i ial-
Imp wanting Iporgua4oihe bank (am 'Pi)
, . .
.:. .' • L. • n '
for the We of
ii)ittsburgij 05acit c.
R. R, C)
npre snure, einunzt..
Il'S'/3 13 17 /Pt F 3-1.
800111 PO.I6”ItrTCHIAN CllOllOll, (311100100.—At
a 'meeting of the congregation of the above
church, convened at 75 o'clock r. at., April
in accordance with the previous appointment, to
take action upon the request:of their poster, that
they might unite with him in petitioning Pres.
bytery 10 grant him a release from his present
pastoral relation, with a view to his acceptance
of a call to the co.paslornto of Dr. McElroy's
church in New York city, the following proceed
loge were held and preamble and resolutions
Mr. W. G. Holmes was elected Chairman, and
Geo. K. Clark, Esq., Secretary. The meeting
was opened with prayer, after which Rev. Mr.
Henry stated, at some length, the reasons of his
request, and in a very touching and affectionate
manner, also gave thegroundsof his convictions
of personal duty in the case.
Thereupon Messrs. J. G. Law, Joseph Alden,
and Geo. B. Donlon were appointed a committee
to report a paper expressive of the sense of the
metting in answer to their pastor'e request.
The following preamble and resolutions were
reported by the committee, and after come affect
ing remarks on the part of several members of
the congregation, touching the past and present
relations subsisting between them and their pas.
tor, were unanimously adopted:
Wuctises, Oar beloved' pastor, Rev. Robert
W. Henry, has received a unanimoue call to the
co-pastorate of the Scotch- Presbyterian Church,
(Dr. MoElroy's,) of New York city, under cir
cumstances which indicate to him that it is hie
duty to accept it, and thereupon he has eignified
I his purpose to do so, and requests his oongrega
tion to unite with him in asking the Presbytery
to grant hint a release from his present pastoral
relations; and whereat,, we are persuaded, in
view of all the facts in the case, as they have
`come to our knowledge, that the call is an urgent
one in the providence of God, and we do not
wish, from selfish considerations, to conflict with
what may be the will of the King and Head of
the Church in this matter, or with the convic
tions of duty which actuate our beloved pastor.
Wherefore, be it
Re.tarni, That we submit'our concurrence with
the Rev. R. W. Henry in his request to Presby
tery for the dissolution of hie pastoral relations
to us, and we are the more resigned - to do so, in
view of the liberal assistance extended to us by
the congregation calling him, in our past time of
Reanlred, That while weans concur, we do so
under a sad and solemn settee of the bereavement
which the granting of his request will inflict
upon ue, who have, for four years and a half,
been privileged to enjoy the faithful, zealous and
able ministrations of Mr. Henry; and we would
hereby testify to oar ardent and unceasing at
tachment to him as a man, a minister, and a pas
tor, through days of dark and trying adversity
in the history of the South Presbyterian church
of - Chicago; and were it not that the necessity is
upon fin to do so, we could not be persuaded by
any means to concur in the above request.
Rewired, That we record with gratitude in this
place and on this occasion, that through the
blessing of God upon the preserving and self
denying labors of cur pastor, this congregation
was never in a condition as prosperous and prom
ising as at this moment, and never, Co far as we
can see, could he bath been called away from us
at any preceding period, without disaster to our
interests as a church, and an otter dieeolution
but now, we look with confidence to God thnt
will still provide for us, and that a career Grano
cent, under his blessing, awaits our misaion in
thin city.
Resolved, Tb►t the prayers and best well-wish
es of every member of this congregation go with
oar brother and his dear family to their pew and
arduous field of action, and we anticipate, cer
tainly, that the filming of God will go and abide
with them.
Clrr A FF.I
McClure nod Adame.
Monday, .4prd !GM —C,.m Irg Geo. Aribor,
Robert W. Lackey and Hamtlel Evert r indicted'
on oath of Wm. M. Artbare nod Chug itou g
" 714Z2111111.1.111118 _
that he Would subscribe $27,000; among other par
ties introduced to as, was Mr. Langdon, who said that
he would take $27,000, thus making tip the amount;
Dills).* paid down $5 a share, bat Langdon when ho
examined his pocket-book, found that a certificate of
deposit, which he had there, WAR clot largo enough to
subscribe the $5, (I think that It was on the Ameri
can Rxchange Batik;) aid that the next day ha
would have a larger amount, and that ho would then
pay it; Mr. Rowland, the Commissioner of the Bank,
who was with me, wasp merchant, and was anxious
to gat to Philadelphi a to bay goods, so we had to
leas-a that day; I scanted to go back to New York to
get the,ronney, 1111 I did not like to come home with.
out it; the stock was mobtarilsed all the same time in
Mr. - IDillayer's office, the conditions were . that
they Should have discounts to the fall amount of the
moniy they put in, and twice as mach more. A de
position from Mr. Oakley, the Cashierof the Amer',
can Etchings Bank, was read by Mr. Collier; on
the certificates appears thenama of tleorge W. Tay
lot u , teller of that bank. Mr. Oakley says no such
man is in the employ of the bank, nor has (bore ever
been one of that name. Me pronounces she eartifi
eats a forgery, but 'myths signatures amgood, as is
the geneorral appearance of the note. Collier and
Miller f the p he defenearosecution;. Swartswalder, flamed
and.Riddell for t
A areetat. meeting' of Common Council eras held
Alundaiereniug. Present all the members , except
Messrs. Bindle, Felton, Hayden, WIM E. MaYkr
Rees, Robblos and Siebert Prayer by the Clerk.
Alinutea of last meeting read and approved.
The following business from S. C. trim taken up.
An ordinance relative to vehicle licenses in the
city of Pittsburgh. In S. C., April In, read three
times and painted. The ordinance was read, and
Air. Bailey moved that it be taken up section by see.
tier,. Adopted.
Ale. Ross moved to amend by making the license
on carts and drays $3.
Mr. Dale moved to amend by making the Beenao
on carts, care, drays, wagons drawn by one horse,
and buggies, $3.50. Lost by the followiog vote :
Arta—Balley. Carroll, Dale, Dlanatn, 11111, Lefton. Po
la/a, It3libOtlOM,Taylor,Willeattd Pres', ACCandlnial-11.
Nara-114rnes, Barnhill, linernoson, Chadwick, Ploy .1,
Fryer, B. Bays, Lena, Miller, Jas. Babb nod hoes-11.
The amendment of Mr. Ross amended by adding
one-horse wagona, and that the amount be $.l.
Lost by the following vote:
Ala.-Bailey, Carroll. Dahl, Pr;er, 11111, Glutton, Pont,
llowbottom. Taylor MM. and Pres% M'eandlena-11.
Nara--ll.raPtc ILliablll,llenrolann, Chadadrk, Dinneen,
Floyd, 11.11 aye,y e, Lang, Hiller, Jan. Robb auditor -11.
The ayes and nays were then called on Mr. Roes'
amendment, including wagons, with the following
result :
Or to—Batley, Paha, Fryer, Bill, Roan and Preth'eut 31 .
fiats—Barnes, liarulilll, Beurmatina Caraolt, Obadviek,
Pinker; Floyd, It. MI., Lava, Lemon, Millar, Petrie, Joe
!web, Howtuttova, Taylor and Wllla—lel.
The section was then adopted.
Mr. Bailey moved to embed and make the sect!on
on omnibuae, s and timber wheel, $lO. Lost.
Mr. Rowbottom moved to strike out the ith see,
dun, relative to fee. to Treasurer for collecting
license. Lost by the following vote : ayes 5, nays
ti. The ordinance was then read a third tim e and
- A commaniration from James Venter, Esq. Pres
ident of tae Citizens Passenger Railway, as king for
the privilege of extending the Pittahurgh .1 Birm
ingham Passenger Railway track down Fifth street
to Union street. In Select Council referred to Ordi
nance Committee.
The President read a retuoustrusee against grant
ing the on of fifth street to any Passenger Rail
way. Both referred to the Ordinance Committee.
The hood of the PittaLnrgh A East Liberty Pas
senger Railway approved in Select Council April
10th. Mr. Floyd moved that the following be in
serted in the bond, and shall In all respects conform
to and comply with all each ordinances as the Coan
oils of said city shall from time to time smart.
Mr. Ross moved that the hood be referred to the
Pinnace Committee, with Man:teams to insert the
follow ing
vot an e d make the hood 2'0,000. Lost by the
Atlls—pryer, BM, /tiller, Rowbotttim and Preeldnot 5'
Cam/ wiair.-4
Nat.—Bayley, Barnes. Barnhill, Ileurmeno. Carroll,
Cb.twilelt. MIN Inseam, Pinyd , 11. Hay, ana, Leat.a,
Petrie, Jav Roth, loan, Tailor and Will -1,
The amendment as °tiered by Mr. Floyd was Mee
adopted, and the bond as amended, approved.
The resolatione to Publish the ordinances and arts
onombly, came hark from Select CG ,oectl. A
li of CO/DLOOD COUGOiI nen•coneurred in, mad for.
me? action &Mien,. 5...
appoint Mestr Common Conecil adhere and
, Robb and Dab • committee of con
p A petition for water In Pitt township. to S. C.
referred to Water Committee.
i A resolution enquiring Cense of water in refl.(
on Starenson street. Same reference.
pA report from Water Committee In reference to the
etition from Iter. IV. A. Paasarant, for
of water rent:, which bad beon referrrd to exonorat them
power to art, the committee decline makin p ; the re•
ducit,m. Report accepted.
A petition tacking Council. to here the tol wal
e k?
on Warbiogton street pared. In t , C. refow . od
Street Committee,
A rano.° from 'Wm. A P Siebe . w ; •e" r . .
ut.on granting the privilege. In S. C read
three times and passed. C. C. nott•r•Illf!CIr I'. ad amend
by adding to tho reelution,..prerided they glee re
to !fierily In the sum nf one tho:arid dollars,"
and as amended read three times and passed.
_.:"The report of the COD:Mitten on .4. Lighting.
with a reaolution authorising lb. erection of sundry
Lamps. was presented. In S. repnrt accepted and
resolution , . read three tunes and passed. C. C..
there Leing ol.jection to concur, the resolution laid
- -...--
Woartir or Au, —We have had oecasion once
or twice to mention Mrs. Vanderktate, an old
lady, who, through the mysterions disappearance
of her van and the bad faith of her daughter
in-law, has been left without a relative la this
city or this country. She is very deserving, an
excellent French scholar and a good penman
While she was able to stir out she had consider
able employment, but increasing infirmities ren.
der this no longer possible. If any of our friends
have children who desire to learn French or Im
prove their chirography, send them to Mrs. V.'s
rooms, over Fitzpatrick's gold pen manufactory,
on Fourth street. We have seem specimens of
them pu
exhibited and can truly say that allot
he marked proficiency.
MABIIICto ON me CANR.—Vre are informed by
our accommodating friend, Mr. Tbocau Frye,
conductor on the P., Ft. N. A: C. It. IG , that be
was instrumental in having a happy, loving
couple united in the holy booth of matrimony,
on the oth inst. The parties were Prof. Pollock,
of Itomaactie Academy, and &Ilea Barton:Nl the
name place. The parties belong to the Society
of Friends. The train was running at lull speed
during the performance of the ceremony Tbo
parties were heartily congratulated by a large
number of panseogern.
New Cousrenretr.—filesers. .Feld & Lare, of
the National B.rn4 Note and Commerrgol Reports,
send tis the following deecription of a new spu •
rious bill on the Franklin County Bank, Green.
field, Mass. re.; vignette (on upper left corner,)
female with rake, figure L on die below, female
carrying bunch of wheat. five above and below,
on right end. Five in red on lower part of bill
badly done. Fog rrrrrr ' name (Bald, Adams
Co., Mew York,) on the tipper pert of the bill
Refuse all answering above description.
Morcott,- Pruner,. —The foundry of Mr. J. &imp.
hies, hotter known OA Kingsland's foundry, on Men
dacity street, between Itobinron and !rebel* war
horned to the greeted at about 3.! o'clock on Sandey
morning. All the tools, fluke and patterns in the
place ware destroyed. The machine glop adjoining
was raved, though with come diffloalty, the water in
the fire plugs beteg choked up by the mud from the
late 'rocket. The 100 la •bont $9OO, part of which
Ic covered by insurance. The fire I. upper.] to
have bean the work wf an incendiary.
Ws are indebted to Bunt .t Mioer, the iodefatiga-
Me and energetio news dealers, Fifth street, for Owe
B oputer end excellent publications Goday's Ladyook aod Bolieu's Dollar Monthly, ,
for May. The 's
are too feverishly known to require an 'needed no
tine; it is sollicient to sty that these aro folly up to
preceding numbers. The above Gros also send as
the latest cumbers of Casson Illustrated Family
Bible end Cassell's Popular Natural History. The
price per number of the above excellent works, 4
cents, places there within reach of nearly everybody.
TOO JOHNSTON 74[DAL..--Thie medal, now in
pommies! of Mr. Filth, of the Washington In
fantry, who gained it at the last annual contest,
will he contended for again, at East Liberty, to
m•orrow. The shooting will lake place at Ike
proving ground, where it will be surrendered by
Mr. Fieh to the successful competitor. The oc
casion will he an interesting one and, with good
weather, will secure a large attendance.
. One A. Delany was committed by Ald. Lewis,
on Sunday, charged with attempting to stab A.
Little, 00 March 18th. A warrant was leaned
for Peter Shunter, far a similar offense. The
parties reside in East Liberty.
Deoireau.—George APConnell, of Washington
township, wee drowned at the lowa Mills on the
10th loot: lie was walking the braeket.log over
the breast of the dam, and becoming dizzy, se
is supposed, fell in. Ile was not found on Thurs
day toorning.—J..fferon ,Star.
B .
. . .
AGS—Grain Bap on always on hand and
Tfur ult. by II ITCHOOCK. 11/00RESKY tCO
111 1R--:2.50 bldg. fresh Louisville Lime for
AA oslo by apl4 Hi:HUY IL OLLINS.
DUTTRR-5 bbls. prime Roll But for
E.A NUTS-50 wafts extra Pea Nuts for
ji. We by spl4 /DINKY H. COLLINS.
0170.71-25 bales in etoro andfor sale
C spld
• INATAH waxer a co.
APPLES-100 itooko in otoroatul for
b, Apia 01A1 A 0 DIOXYY 00.
AEON:— asks Munn and efiloulders to
JUI arsirn ' for .I + by MatiANR Ann'R.
ITRITYOBACCO-7 hlida, part to attire,
by sod MilkNE k AMR.
—.LE5...200 bushin storo, for
die D 7 Apia ,
taronde naa . Mo144:1 more
...... r. .
• . ..
. ,
BUR vr.. • - ~_ „,:_...
_, . .
- 11, TUESD2
„ .
ii o ; k , . i
. 0
. .
Thirty -Sixth Congrees—letrst Semeiotic.
WAltiltratOrt err April 16.
Ilouse.—A communication wisr received from the
doorkeeper, giving the number of employees under
him, their salaries, ,ke.
Mr. Burnett spoke of the oecessity of reforming
the abuses in and about the capitol, there being two_-
thirde more olLasre than the public service demand,.
Thera were alwaye • horde of office.eeekere who most
be satisfied. Ile moved that the =Neel be referred
to a Special Committee. Referred.
Mr. Winslow moved that the Rouse adjourn till
the first of Ailey.
The subject was tabled.
Sir. 'Elliott introduced a bill to prohibit the coolie
trade by Americans in American venal,.
The bill appropriating $36,000 to indemnify Oh,
Shawnee radian. for clepredatlooe committed by the
whites, was passed.
An appropriation of $50,000 was passed to defra
the expenses of the Japanese embassy.
A bill was plumed, appropriating $25,000 for ma
throttles in Walden, Tansy.
The report of the Judiciary Committee on the Pre
sidents protest, came up and was poltponed till the
first of May.
A joint resolution was pasted, appropriating $48,-
600 to defray the expenses of the Investigating Com
Mr. Webster introduced a bill providing for the
appointment of a commissioner to ascertain and re-
cocommid a proper eine for a national foundry. '
A hill was paired organising a census board.
Mr. Bonham offered a resolution proposing an ad
journment from Friday next till the first of May.
Mr. Conklin moved to table it, which was nega
Mr. Wasburne moved an adjourn
nesday nex h t but finally withdrew it. ment till Wed-
The Rouse adjourned.
Sitesre.--Mr. Wilson introduced a hill for the
more effectual suppression of the slave trade. It has
nine sections. It provides for the construction of
fire "ream screw sloops of war, adapted to the Afri
can coast; inereasee the bounty from $25 to $100;
offers a reward of $lOO for the delivery to the U. S.
Marshal of any slave lauded in the country; makes
the fitting out or ownership of vessels engaged in the
slave trade piracy, and ponishee with Imprisonment
for life, instead of death; make. it criminal for asbile
net registered to display the American degas a badge
of natioaidltyi makes it the dirty of the otherrs or a
ship before going to the African coast, to report to
the 11. S. Attorney for examination, and provides
that American vessel. cold abroad shall return to the
United States for a new register before going to the
roast of Africa.
Mr. Mason presented the return of U. S. Marshal
Johnson to the warrant for the arrest of John Brown,
Jr., in Ohio. The return states that It is impossible
to arrest Brown unfelt. an armed force be used. lie
also presented the return of the Marshatto the war
rant for the arrest of F. B. Sanborn.
Roth warrants and returns were referred to the
Committee on Judiciary, with instruction' to inquire
and report If any other proceedings are necessary to
viedicee the authority of the Senate and to effect
the arrest of witnesses.
Mr. Sumner moved to refer the memorial of Mr.
Sanborn to the tame committee.
Mr. Mason mowed that it be rejected, when a eliarp
colloquy ensued between Messrs. Mason and Sumner.
Without disposing of the matter, the special order
came op--Mr. Brown's territorial resolutions.
Mr. Latham epok• unfavorably of the .6rrepressi
ble conflict" doctrine, and Bald, in conclusion, that
affection for the Union was too deeply mated in the
hearts of the people to be eradicated.
Mr. Brown said be wanted a vote now on these
Mr. Bigler moved In postpone them, ■ad take op
the Patent Lie. Lill.
Mr. Bale hoped they would not he - postponed, as
there should he ■ vote on them before the Cbarhmton
Convention. The friends of the pony now in the
city wero waiting for the gentlemen to ebow their
The reanhatione were p 4 etrxoned: year 27, nays 2,
The bill amending the P %tent Laws wee taken et
and emended; hat without a rote on its ruurage. th
Senate adjourned,
. astusorow April DI —As • number of the Op
position will pair off with the Democrat members
•ho are going to Charlesteln, and will ntici/ atm
woes of this arrangement to visit their home, it is
probable that scarcely a quorum, Vito many. will be
left hue to attend to the public busioue.
David A. Bosom, who has recently ratarned horn
Ptah, in a lecture, last night, related the statement
of Mr. Hooper, delegate from that territory, that the
Mormons have no coinage of their own, eahlidted
some of their cwkw.Y, whirh the authorities have
forced into circulation to show that it la thirty per
cent below the national atandard. ft la sald that the
Administr•ii in adhere (0
the possession of Sae Jo.
I idatd. and that in rearions ne t the proposition often
British ; toy . ..emcee, the toter. b. by chia,koso been
ii„,.....„4,k0an 'Er Congressman (rem
Maryland, died here to day.
Tbo Tribune's corresponilen? writing from Wash
ington, on Sunday night eayr....The oily is still
agitated with carious rumors to the effect that Mr.
Pryor had disclaimed hie second's action in rejecting
Mr. Potter's terms. and had addressed Mr. Potter
another note, offering to accept his pruposition,which
was not delorered, ander the advice of Mr. Pryor's
friends, Another in, that Mr. Pryor had 'ignited
hi/ willingness to meet In COID/Prill combat with such
arms as either might choose outside of the frequented
walk, Tome rumors have no foundation in fact
I whatever purpose may he entert•ined. They doubt
le. led to the arrest of Mr. Potter yesterday roors•
leg. Mr. Pryor has not yet been arrested, and does
I not intend to put himself immediately within the
I reach of the authorities. lie •as at the Kirkwood
Monsoon Friday eight hut, in company with hi sssss .
Mile. and !Cain- Mr. Potter had arranged • fort
night ago to go homethia week, bat will remote in
consequence of these reports. (lie friends do not
propose to publish thq eOrTespondenee 'now, . the
main facts are Underetood by the public. They are,
however, perfectly willing the other side should.
Cob Lander called upon Mr. Keitt ,e Friday eight
to understand whether his presence, as a second of
Mr. Porter, was .y longer neees.ry in connection
with the affair, and was catered that ultra, nut --
Quite a number of Mr. Pryor's pertional and political
friends entertain the opinion, that he unnecersarily,
thrust this quarrel on Mr. Potter,and having caromed
, an attitude in the /louse, which was followed up by
o peremptory challenge, be was bound to accept any
weapon. Others sustain his comae throughout
to LieuWAiil3olol,3l CITT.
tt t Aptil lei — J•Liiiiierol writes
t. (Central Scohat his Information from
Pipers ° is that the event, likely to be enacted on that
border, are similar to those at Brownsville, end cog
geats the employment of volunteers, bet this is dis
countenanced, and be is advised that the army forces
to New Merle* Will he adequately locreased.
Delegates to the Charleston Convention are eerie.
ing daily from the disteet, and especially from the
Western States, and mitaYgolidem. of political die'
auction are among those orrabeir way there.
Mr. Pryor er..resled to-day and will to-morrow
give security to keep she peace..
All the Democrats, with the 'exceptin of abt
twilve, present ID the Hones to-day, together w ith
thirty-one of the Opposition, favored Alr. !Cobham's
to adjourn over du ringmeeting of
the Charleetoa C onvention, This will kdeOnitely
voted on to-morrow. Should it pans, the Sawate, it
is conadently expected, will concur.
New Yons, April 16.—The 1100. Wm. Preston,
Ambassador to Spain, returned by the Beathee, and
has proceeded to Washington. It is asserted that
he has negotiated with the Queen's Government,
whereby all the questione hitherto la Issue between
the two nations are adjusted, and the most amicable
relation. ro-ostabliehed.
A disp•tch from Washington says the President
bee decided to remove Geo. N. Sanders from the post
Navy w
Agent, at this port. Mr. B. is a Douglas man.
Ne Tolio, April 16 .—Ttie bank statement for
past week shows a decrease in loan, of $487,716;
inrnost , In sport., $102,585; decrease in circulation,
53,926; Inc mmmm in loans, $128,728.
Mouartsrotra, Pa., April 16.—This morning, two
prisoners iu the county jell escaped. They dog
through • wall 18 inches thick, and • stone wall 2
feet thick, knocked down the jailor, strait his keys
and escaped through the mails entrance. 'One was •
burglar under ten years imprisonment, and thauther
• home thief. A heavy reward is offered for their I
grra.t. r
Roane, April l&—The bark Bell, NO. Ryder,
from Boston to Philadelphia, was fallen in with on
the 15th. at Long Island. bearing N. N. W. 35 miles,
nengition, having come in eonthet with
an unknown dip. The crew of the bark were taken
off by the brig Aloiliken, at New Bedford, and after
wards traneferred to a New York pilot boat. The
ship log her eta water and bowsprit
lifetime, Ind., A pHI lii.—A are occurred oe Sun
day morning which destroyed a house belonging to
Mr. Myer. orn occupied by three or four Irish faqir
iliac The loss ie about SIOUO, on wbieh there le no
la! ['ran co.
A (farmer; boy named Joharrles, aged about 12
years, was accidentally drowned 111 the Ohio river
yesterday afternoon. Hie body was not recovered.
BcaaLaar.—Oor town was vlsited,on Saturn
day night laid by one or more expert burglar',
who entered and plundered several of the houses'
and gores of oar citizens. They appear to have,
been well provided with the necessary appliances
for their trade, such as gum shoe., nipper.,
Crowbars, to., Sao., as 'aria.. mark. on doors,
floors and keys indicated. They Brat visited the
house of Dr. fluty, carried cot and ransacked a
trunk, but finding nothing of value, bet a watch,
left and entered the Boar and feed store of J.
Scott. Mr. Scott is not &warier anything being
stolen from his 'tore. Lila desk was broken
open and papers rumaged, but no farther mill
chief done. They then entered the dwelling of
Mr. Hermon West and took from his pants pock
et, (which were under his pillow at the time,)
eome $6O. The public house of 3. F. Wolf was
oleo entered, as also the dwelling of Mr.. Boles
la neither of which places did they'ket anything
to reward them for their trouble. So far se We
know, no euspicion rests upon any one in pet ,
titular, bat from eertale hots In the case, it is
likely to hate been perpetrated by parolee well
aoquainted here.—Afe/Versport StandaTd.,,
Km Ex:Mallon Bhenango
ley note staled that the <meal le full of. btiste,
sag as there is every proepectrof
amount of booloooothlo moos::
losporla by leaver.
1 . 01 / 1 011 LLB, ler bisrann,l-2 1011. toldage. 2 bin dtN,
(lmege Coole: 4 bxs ebony bbia on. A Meaner.; 23 We
basscco, J A Msgoire; 117 dry 1nda4,..1 It Went, 10 cgs
Node ash, 2do lie, do • 0.1 5 bbla lard nil, II
&heart, 100 bbla floor, Al do, 8 Liadalay, 6 cheek linea.
meal do, 2 meta Lupsolinge, ba.. of auLlassersi,J
Ilan,, 150 1414 ,sehialte, A ba11..,; coo}, otos., 2 hastlug
do, J U purl: 35 btde velsky, PI btols
shoo, 1,0 Oda
y, 0. do. .0 had. bbace, 60 eke ehotilders, 100
!dna door, 10 oto tibite, 3140.30 do, Marge ACo; 1 As Bee
e 5401.. bothh Tricelde, 10011 . P Nollere A Co; 2 bble
spirit, A Wileon Co; be/ 061 door, I.lrabarn Thouna.
Ib. rods, 12 cag, J Thomason: 1 /elk cr.tho tumid;
plug. 01A prnot 31.0.1 in A Co, 0414 eggs, J
Liggett t Poo .
PE 4 OIIIO, per A e1,t14-1,4/5 abooldenr, =O3 battik Jae
nerdmau A Co; 4;10 pigs, lOwt,oc. Co.: GS bbia lard,
Mlle. A Co; lait 300 tons at Parketabarg: 4U bbla lard, 20
bbla •Inalty h it at Wheellug.
ACCnne; l . o olB, per 61 elnelle—:01 dry 1.1.1,., 11 green do,
71 green bide, N'Obengliltn: 74 dry Ihrit bids,
ltryant: 151 tin do. no I, R met . 140 green hides D'L•Ofte;
:1 li• steel lead, A bkoLb , n, 160 dr,
• bP,. •
14.,in.M.0.......0-e,,,610ag.174..1.11,vr1tke.ttn..ti10f,03,13bbb1a door,
Clarke Co. 21 lea 2 lads pessa, 10 bble
;Co: 70 eke runt, 51'llana A Anger; 7 hoe tobaboo, VJ 6114
1r)grr.o::::;0341 / 1 1.0.;T:tatti.i,ratt aL 41 lThO 3 t 0 64:11 ° .7, " xi
beef. 111'8<orn Ilregg; 22 ppea W WAlleee:
bbia hams, Brownaellia 'nun( Wet; 10 lota plc Iron 13
Lomb. 15 hbds angtr, name,: lof 4001.40 n, Pagala).
Steele treat Register.
Tahgrapb, Braanurniq Toleyrag., Broanymill •
Brmanwrint, Jytlyracy,
CoL Bayard, Elizatmin Itlntabotin
Diamond, Louisville: I
Arizona, ProFIY;
Elyinotte, Et. Lonly,
River—lf, Byt, and falling..
Telegram/Lc natitillse
s o d . April 16 —Floor Nana);.. entire, Implome
material rhaO Mthe mitt; the market Is generally wtthoot
so; the home trade Is haYing he • itmiMa . 0
toot, an' Metro le elm •lale export holOWY; Mlm g O BOO bbl.
at M 00,20.3.5 fur sop., state; P5,110Q3,60 tor eat./ do; SX&S
fur •oper semlorn; 1i6,4363ib fur rummon middling extra
&N and M3Mtilft fur Mlpplug brands extra R. 11. D.—the
market cloning rime% Canadian Flour lu pretty good to
ques/ at i
on micro. Rye Moor ion/Inure lIM. Whitky le
hoary end lower; tel. OW bldg./ Yle. %heat less active,
bat litlle changed In prior,., sod a moderate export Imial.7:
man 0600 book Udmurt Pprlng end MK* do White iodlana
at MAO; 400)d0 *kit.,tent ertudern at $1,424; 1/410 do
•Kentucky •131,72, and Ottno tonal Mir Milwaukee
ChM al $1,26. Ity• , seers and quite Ono at Illiq adtem.—
Bode, dull 00.1 busy, at 70210,7. Porn rulo• In/try with •
intoderute export for white; Wm 2!,0W hue b at 7331(,716..
0110.0.1 western flub and dellooted. i 5 foruollow, sod 746
70.4 Int ob li. doom/ern. Orme Monty and doll. Tallow to
dull at 10,MInti 101 l stud exchanged. C... 1 dull
nod ouchategeri. Curter at 11013 fur Ohl. boo LitO 20
for letate. Coffee extremely quiet mud rory lirtorseith nelY
Itrifling 1.41011 at prontous Mem.
didolarra Mead,. Kegtm
ttIYPL-0.1,17f.'"*".,6'1"1t1ce(60 bbet.aCort7.:l:46.l- 0
Reedscho, Sickness at the toomach. It .Rote. 1313111191.
AT/I after 461114 or drinking too freely—sopeOce
to liatatoge Wooer* a. • cooling drink—sad one bottle le
vial to note (in it. medicinal propertkmdot the Liquid
Curate or
timdling rapidly. A MILLION Or
LOTTLRS .old York alone Nat sOltortior Par Pek•
by all D . artist. in lettaborgb. klautientoty 193 bpring
etreet. Neer York city.
ktmk.A.k for ROGERS', and ome no other. aell2tm•
Fl5l1 -5U blab. large No. 3 hlactereE
16 /IL On.•
2 du.
kith No. I family
10 UR Day of Iceland Lierrhill do;
30 hf bbl. No. I While
10 Lb!. Lake lielmoot
IS bide 0 Trout;
Pickled Lierring;
/or mAle by
IVO.' 319 PISNN(.-----PS'aT)II.EET.—.TF------wAre oirviirilionGt7:
lorgoliod coMfortoble Doornail , Hoorn two parlor*,
hall, dialog room, kitchen, aro bedrooms, thalami uric,
hne r d itIRPMTDOM. 4.
S. CUM/IMT 0 lON, II krarkot
t Th
ea ago. .. a . ea •
SAnn a MAL ,Ohomor.2 bbl.Brooirsm 3 bide. Tallow
0.11.1blablo:Ormoo, mammon steamer Dmil tor sato
trY • 4 , 11 •• • ISAIAH 0100XY *OO.
WWS -4_ 00 tuna -ftelsitympu s jail reo'd
for ispo .
1111)1 , P3llllaft.„,
. - .'t.,: - .1
._.. _.,.........: _,.:,
- -
Joirern bIIAVOILTP, V. P.
Canuo Paulson,
AVCALAT. Il7."(trw:i..
11 1/ 1 / 1 111Ittl /I al Altai ivy',
(1 , 14...frd Auernady for Me Piltrarina
PlTTnennoll, ToMetr, Ain't 17, lees.
Ye.derday woe plement. After the told /map at s lay
the a -natter to.aletated, and xe be.ra warm
woe a good deal of buelonea 41. e c. the wart T m. Therehe Arlsoo•
come lu from Peoria, the Mammal rum Louisville •nd
Blnlnotte froze St. Jenne, all with sue Irina much of their
freight gam threrigh klest Id the produce market there/.
little or Do excitement. We glee • pretty lair aggregate of
eat , * lOW Morning. The river to et • eland, with some /6
feet of water In the channel.
b orer. Extra. It a. Psta. P ulley.
100 bbla from store.-- 670 5 SOO a6O
16) do do ... - 670 coo --
i 0 100 do do ...,_ m 7,
130 do do —_ 076 012 6 2.5
~. 100 d o do ___ SCO 594 630
•" 30 do do ...... -- 670 560 -
100 do do .....
60 do do ....
00 do do ...
160 do do ..
2.0 do at depot-.
1341 do do
70 do do ..... .
60 do do ...... .-- --- .... ---
, GRAIN-100E101s uta. store, 47; 700 do owns delol. 04
76 do oats, Core, 41!,1.,.. 101:1 shelled corn 66 ; 1 4 0 do, ar bar 1.
63; 200 do ear, do 68; 60 bomb mita, store, 47; 360 do do 46;
40000 corn 60.
PEND-841nm K ton. middlings, atom, at flYi /I ton. ,
Dil IND FREI f—ilales :Al tooth peaehatt at $114,00.441,24
apples. at $1,50 li Loslod
AlOLAMNEt.4—todsa 70 Ram N 0, at In-; 10 do do 5 0 o: nod
40 do do 48,061 c $4 .M.
4 , 00 A it—elains 39 Lad. 24.44 al 6 - 1,40,.
SYRUP—Mom 0 Ltd, vsrtuus brand.. at lb, tue is gal.
CofFlCE—ale. 140 mk. Et.: at 14, 144416 c.
DV rrxn--.641ms 600 16. tm:, at 17 a. 2 bola at 10: 2 do 264 -
81.1116-BaDa 00 Lida at 1 _ )0 130 ? dor: 470 doe al Ise.
(11 1NE8E-Balra 45 homes 11aru4nig at 120. V/ do W, R.
at 11c. 16 do now at Ilk; 100 bas W. it, at 1ik011.040.
1 1811-64 Isa 27 hall 1,614 whits fish at 5 6 .60045 4 :5: 12
Lbla t
at 4,5 No. 3 Alstteral, largo, at 1111:U•, 10 half WA. Lake
Nis LT-6.1.60 bbl. at $l.lO it 661.
L l lBl4—Rats 40 bbl., Louisville white at 61 26,
400 Lush 0s at 40st totand al 47r:
choice 60c p bosh.
BACON—ttalsa 1100 Du Loots and shoulders al 10%0K10!.;
for hams and 0 , 4 tor abooldorm.
WHISKY—SaIta 41 ist/Li city ncliGed at =7, 30 days,
6 60
63 0 67U --- •37
7: 670 90 640
TIM Wheat market to-day °rented extremely doll, sod
boym• offered poly 100 Q. Lel for Nu. 2 apt-lola hut...a...ea
10 24102 , 4 sr. mild, wOkb I. a dechoe 14 2... 3: on yrater
d•••• figureti. The Off/Ith 111 .0001 1. r« permed the mar
het for Our nuke sad morn active.
Hod, heavy oreipta, (2J,403 tom ) the market for corn
tau heave, and 114 a 2c loamy, several 10111 01 No I mid at
the opening al 44c, tat aabarquently 44 !;4045, wee paid,
markat timing ateady. a ith a Mar demand at 4.1;,c. Dot
little river ecru .rerloa : and holder ate firm. mile doll
and heavy at • decline of lc : H;, lo !mod densaml h) die
W he.. ;Imlay quiet. limn anal qttlet.
OUlt— Recriptal=tl bbla oo ablpreeols; mite 20) bbla
<Moire irpring extra at 1.1,12!4 del. 49 let ilenean o do at $l.lO
de 400 ba Kay etty do at d 4,02 del. LI,J I. goodting as
era at SO del. btu tw do on p. t.
WllKAT—lteeviptadOdd boa, no thipmettho wilm 350 boa
On- 1 gyring at $1,04; 10133 hoc new ...on. ... 2 . $ 1 , 01 :
:>u do at $1.02 id °on do at $1.0.4 all to .tore Wheat oo
track very doll: min 300 bug club at 61 : 10 del; 30:1 do en p
L; 304 Ims by eampl. at 'Ltd del, ISS hi, oo I apriog at
j 1,03; :41/ bll4 00. sat $1.03
COltN—Recelpt• 0t,190 Loa, shipments 151.5.84 hos: .Ire.
M 2,0 him no. I new mempto at 4lc in afore: /10G0 de as 40S4c
I old 30.000 tm• do at 44,!..;c: ;Om do at 114.1 , 40 In arose;
camd at 40 5L
bus on
to 2 ( % to nu cut • carp/ at 1:1:2.:c In amt., 6000 ho l e
ot; Los no. oat 4:l< lo atm, 71a./ boa
at 43c o track: 400 tem 0
n; , .:tel In bloyt al lie on Ire w do .t
C l htradoJouroat
buAv. houta Al ri1.12 -- Prnrivion. ara held rain t •hova
yer' view. dome detnand oel noted, tor map pork, but
•..lea of every thlim mum,. to little, oh«, nmrlteta
parthmtswly Naar otleaa : ore doll. Flour ternalne doll,
al h deomml Oily for suet. dont. a • Wt. I.eust begs wars
IA • 1 d 3 7 ht 0 0 foe city sapetfloe:
.1 . 3 41/ Was mimed for
10Ce.) 114.
apse,at for Hay dahms y. %haat, ...101l ett , 3 4 c.
(Hale alai
Receipt. doll to-day, or less amts. Man on yeaterday.
of taboo:0 are light, men that is off-red for num.
sod prima only In deMaiat, conseluetaly about ball
the bid. of keday mere rale:ted
The. late One (WOO have so touch Herm:, ad wheat pro.-
peels that • doe crop m tooled Hy, tbough to Morelk.calitt
1110 wloter •neat has oudered greatly : As a i•norlal 441103
ever this western rant/try, farmers ar• • mouth attwal o
usual new, to their plowing. pl.n , we .5a gsMerld *Dried
wort: dll consequently bare the tetter moo —{', , t
Logi P- 7
T. imp“rt• of Dr h 0 , ../s kw the week •h ow a largo,.
creme, from the rureepoadlog. weak of hutt year. The ak.
ore. glee lees then rue heir ot the Ilaa.a 4a /n fart. Int the
fallsog ~17 fuer le.ralLty he ••Itrltott.d, to eofoe•at..nt. to the
00-arrr.....1 4 oo ti.., stay The itonreef..o a na l dry
ono te, L. , wever, that ,he adi atonal ej
motional d.t. lam. le crolergneure of evert< hour. on Iropor-1
tattoo. of feat year Thtlf feature, mod the dholahe4 fonds.
Ilidebtedava• al the c.f.:ter,. ae rosnpelred with I 0:. la MO
no. of the lodstleneo, wih abhh the arm. of ea ad
vance to the ttllallll3ol2l of the t
a. uk la allcallall brro.
We &noes • recuperative etaterunot ol the Import. of
foretr,o dry gvv.l. a uk general trerrhandfre at Neer Y.e.k fn..
the eirwk sod Circe Jen. 1:
Por the week
o a .lFl lKoran/ Cl the je , rt.. .
.13 l o 5 z. e.O TIM mo r on market 0.5ee451,34..141 pll,.
/an I .1 1411,1 1 Ul9
..1.• port
.16.441,5241 ti ts72Lll2 •
- euart,,tt.B3
N Trilmr..
ol ,r,rn Tins ra.,x, Cut. —l,turoa tlta e.tpnrta
Jot, 1 L .. J.. 1 1
Ports In China to 31.• Usti.
•uuKtot. If not
5 .1 y :MP. rho evinp•rl.o Ibr
7,444 616 4411,9r6
213,017 1,12,zu
2,27'.71544 1.,211,16.1
1,0 01 1 27% 1,401.3,t4
12.6:9.4% 11:1,726,
NI rt.. 4
1.1.14517 $,51013
I r. 11.641/
1.11.111 -.-....
sat No Irtki 713
6027.706 7.135,a13
ni o Pek
rota !flack. the
Gr.pd total
Tn. Sr
•W th
...... ?ff.
21,599116 24,:10,079
ort...—The welt* ere open. Ye...labile*
th way en 4 lb. 0.1.4 0. 011111,11ake
. 1113 [11nat.4. ,
The PIT. will glee au locnrood
Chwaeo Tribune.
1h ~vint.llnt T . . Law:
tnet COLN. ender the hoe Ilant.lug Law. 14 own.
4 to fa toned .4 mune, TM tilla,lo., howeve,
,dming ..t • circulation .4 r.:n0.000. meetly h
and Arkene. . The betas ere report.' to
itttatuluatte Irani rt.port the twat, et , a - rt•l feel
n track h• 0 hallrnatt at Patintabnrg, anth
+1•12,01.1 tot
gotnla wet Its
be rats. nod that the *Oa
to not, itt.irni tut Matie
lOW I.nat 1.41 e Eel No 3 report. toontJog • minis
44•1 ol good. 1.-101. •11h sok azonout of
rncLez• taking not gonda tbruagh the not
Gentlemen's Garments
Inletslag la part, a large and well 'slatted Ada*
Caaaimerea and Coatings,
6 Yu 026
6 li
Cloths and Vestings,
A. lha toonntactorico of Europe con prodoo.ontikilharit
adopted to th• •anta of gontlintitti of lotto, who
appreciate alibi and quality in clothing.
No. 19 Fifth Street.
L E l 3 A N---17 STYLES
lovito si'obe.l.l attention to arty cbo iw atock
IIEA E 4,•
Z.phyr and Shetland Wool,
Shirts, Collars and itosoms,
Cravats, Ties and Suspenders,
Summer Undershirts .I.Dratrere
tes av c WAOLESALE As well co RETAIL BITTERS will Bad
AA eilant
Lowasr POSSIB amfortmenf
PRIOR& cf frrarythl o, fi
ng to our lint, ce.
130 11a.E; AND mo-zr.c>pm.a./.1.
raorEsson WOOD'S
Wag Introduced to the Public early in 1859.
Univernelly hied throughout the civilized
IF YO.'R klAut
Aniki lo Putstnargh by Dr. GrO. H. figIIDEB., D. I. 1411.
NIWTOO• • lk/, ...•11 141 Dnaggiota. fasaaDyi
Children are often seized very suddenly
.Ith th 4 diem., which, it not quickly relieved, pm.*
fatal. It grnerielly Waal, children in O. night, after
having beet. tench expowrid b.dantp, bold art ode through the
day. Damp hoar*., wet Net, thin shoe*, wet clothe*, or
ahan!ing that obstructs perspiration, may ...don Croup.
M boar children Soo liable to be barn with Mil
' dread catlnklaint at A tuna when you loam expect 14 but It
le not idsw3a a doctor c. be celled or • remedy found, and
tor this nia.on we would adman you now, and without a
to buy a haute or Dr. litartia's Inramtxl
Cum.. It will cure every swis of Croup. It taken. Moe;
awl also all complaints at.endlog Teething, Quorntsiona,
Cough. Mad. etc. It 4 .old by all reap.4l.4 druggim.
ltriora Cannon a Doran, Now York, are the ptopristurs,
ad alno sole agent. for-Ur Builtai...• gluon Pun." which
ror Oonetimptive end Chronic dimes. la a ants tromody..--
Do Dot r,. put .17 with any other articles. WritetoCutincri
a Dcruar, New lora, if
!ODD. _ yon cannot gat them In your own
- •
ti_P•e a,lvertlsemont. Foe sale by 01.0. 11. 11 1RT8/48,
Agent, ISO Pate/arab. P. • apldasslmll
i..' '--- 1 --- h---,
9....0W*‘• auto ,*,inane , 'MUTATION, POLINITIM Or
t CY: nt soy effectioa of the Throw MIRKA the
eRONGHILIs 1 " ,,, ".7°.•'...",°,..'°.:,17r- ET:
_ „..; ,CZIKII, RNLIK VIGO by DtalWß'B &lON.
00\ CHIA'. TRUCUMI, or Cason Loziam
' A nosple aad eiegatat centlenaDonfor 0000H8, to.
Dr. U. I. BIGELOW. Boston.
- Raw prove d 'Orono!), serviceable Tor 110/11181tNUM•
./ rerawsweJ their ust to PUDLIO SPRARISRII`
kw, IL U. MUNI, Now York.
.11fost salutary ndief ne BRORCEI/T/B.'•
8e..8. MOGYRIRD, Morrletenrel. Obis
nßenefirfal whohoompetledlospeak,segrenagfraes COLD"
hr.. A J. Y. ASIDisRBOB, at. Lows.
"Syrictual in newring fforrewst and britatio. of the
Thr.a so onweens with rPM KIDS and 81.818/tHB..
Prot. W. STACY JOW INA. Imisang.,oa,
Teacher of ankle. Mather° Female College,
"Groot brew& when taken before and 4fiermacking, as
they prerent lloarß.,. AVM Oar. pad trot,/ clank
Vol, ot at Of of pr rovaltrnl adrantage tome'
Kw. Sa RO WRIT. A. My
Pree/dellt Atheoe College, Trod. bold by all Druggist; et 23 meta per boa.
—e wq,.......,:fyspepria, ineffgestion, Ontattgadiwe, Head
Ortiews. do. notkakellinT
oto 01.
pre emit:lent o.e,lldoe 6•i
ey in ail tbe &wears
demi lbe navel practice of oath
orceeethy bat unworthy of them%
their fruit., their soul worth taw**.
thrive tun by the faith of the meditione. Lel
110.1144, dyypepele, blhowe and liver affection.,
111411111.13, &MT* and arm, obstinate heed aebeca...
rret dotangernente of health, thew Mlle here tenth,
.provot certain anti . openly remedy. • simile istaiN
pie. the Life Pille beyond the reach of competition in l t
animation waver, patient.
Dr. Monett'. Pbuenth Hitter. will boloand equallyealca•
clone in oil owe of nervous debility, otinprpain,
the incanted incident to fetemies In delicate hea l th. and
every kind ore's...hi...sof theorgan
digestive donde
Dr. W. D. MOFFATT, Me Bev/Wash New Ymit, by
anti by
diedicine Den/mend Druirgicte generally tbrongtiont the
ENVIED celebrity which this
- abed for lb Insertable alb a.
40 -. referee to cure, hes res.
'OOll pialtiog opt 00110.
•n, known by
WM they
,ses of cow
S u ieL'E,Rd.iil' i S):..
60 bids. /1....:.....7.
6 00 " Pelens Plenteitton Molester,
109 .. ..orted brands Ayrn
'&5O be. klo CotGe: ie.;
20 pork. Jars Oodee;
100 bezes snorted Wands Tobaeso&
25.1tes do do
150 Oen dents Young anon and Blatt Teas;
ratty base* do do do do
50 Loxes iioSit) Soap;
25 " deem. Pcap;
15 " Oiesn do
10 . Mould PuJJle.;
2.5 6 NWT do
IV bbl.. tore and Est. Family Flour,
In et_ore_ and by BROWN & RIMIPATRICOL
60 dotes Ihorn r , WARE—
nc Weah
Mu do do hootete-- ,
25 do do Tubs. womd,do
DV do Raft Marbly do
bo nests Pine Tube,
30 do two Clot hed do do
:,0 do Clot
60 do 01050 kismet Basßaskets. sho
lld do
:0 duseh Cob Batkett:
1..0 do Wire rooto.,,rtod.
With other ankles WO 11 0100TOOd 40 01001100, for sole by
opllolharr 8 4111171 L 11YDDI, It, 21 rdonsood.
_.ELD pier
Are rtPloohddog their how largo stock or
Wllb now antral. Every tow day.,
.thd In luluro galck Waa mark
u too bbf a. Pall MIRY Wheat lam fly Mow;
fax, do I: do do Rad •do do do
bra do
Abb. Prima Mod nay, Fhorta, Ray um Bun." Clora. la
Moto and for sta• by COLP t 811.11PARD,
apl I
No 343 Wanly Wadi.
cod arriving Mb. day ay Ws bp - " ult --re
erretereog.waltacrtY • 00,
LlZlSsoome Ibl !Int ante.
FLOOR -160F1 bbla D onthern Indi ana and
Bowl.= cook. Mato When /Mira litany brink
recalvlng ant 9 39,19 97 J. B. Liman* a_co.
• TVIIFen 9a d 92 roast week.
litAiresh Lime for
se• by 'e • Inur IL ODLIOX
Tointher sltb v fino so anortm
No. 17 Fifth Street,
N. 17 Fifth Street.
.au •vts
pH& UNDERSIGNED haring used ProE
rinag in our lamellae vita the mot aattelketory
at h
oil p molts, and
baring foil confideno, in their genninentee, poliand effi
cacy, cheerfully ecommend theca toanto= who wish
to hare mle. re r
zialdo, and efficacio remedies and for
pole doconetic toe, one
The Rea Wm. Bomar, editor of wTheNorthern Indepen
dent" !inborn, N. Y.; the Bee. E. H. Creamy, LLD Booby
of Bt. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. M. Bey. 8 .1.. lim,
Chaplain of the /inborn /trio Priem); the Rea Epeucer X.
Rice, Renfe re ctor, 11 mr D,,tinra, Men; the Bor. ACM NW* N.
nce; the Rev. -Simnel Nichols, Beet Gememire '
Conference, N. Y ; the Ites.'P. & Pratt, Aareet, TI; the &es, ,
lone E. Roble, DoiLdm A.O. MM. EN. Olin, K. T 4 the
800. Neal Dow, Portland, MN the Mu Schuyler Coffer,
Routh Bend, Ind.; the lion. Geo. Rom phreye, X. 1 .4 Venn
D. Cook, gaol, Editor of Tae Ohio State Journal, Coltitebna
a Ohio; the lion. it. B. (inhere, Moline, Ill.; the am Thee.
ato.llootkeLlo. Ft.; to. Coo. JoeePh Banat, Info,
N. Y.; Wei. Bristol, IN, Utica, N. T.; a. 5. Po . En,
Utica, N. Y.; James Plunkett be, Nashrilia, Tenn.
No. 1-Por Fever, Congestion end Infilimmatton.
No. l-For Worm Fever, Worm Mlle, wetting the lied.
No. I--Per Colic, Orylng, Teething mid * Wakedttinnie of
No.laints. 41-For Diarbooa, Cholera In/anttun. and Entuntor
No. 6-. Pia Colt. Griphme, Doentery or Bloody Flog.
No. 6-For Cholera, Cholera Moan, Vomiting.
No. 7-sor Coughs, Colds, Influaum.d gore Throat.
No. 11-For Toahacho, Face-acha and Neundgia.
M No. 9-For ileadarle, Vertigo, Beat and Pal ot the '
No 10-Drarriam IlusFor Went sad Deranged Stom
ach, Conatipeuon end Wear Complaint.
No. I i-rox Fume laaeonaluittes. &ninth Wad or
&wore...a Petlod..
N0..12-For Learner hea, Protege. Menem, and Beartag
Dowo .4 Fernelni.
No. la-Y, Creep, Hamm Cough, Bad Itmelblog. -
No. la -! au Ensue Pnis-Wor BrYiapelm, BeupUona
'Pimple* on the hoe.
No. 16-Barmeano Pnie-For Pain,Lernateme,
nna, in the aim, Bean. Lola.; or Limbs. • or !ma-
A-Por Fever and Ague, Chill Foyer, Dumb Ague, Old
Misanneemi Agora .
P.-For Piles, BUnd in. trtee dizat.lateraol or IsteraeL _
0.-For Pore, Week, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids, ha
leg, Weak, or illoned Sight.
as-for Catarrh,of king Standing or reeetkelther trith
otatruction or motto. dbeimaga •
W. C... For Whooptag Cootabothottog Its videseelati
ehorteolnets comm.
Li all acme aisamo, each.. term, laesmtsttom,
Diadem; Dyeentery, troop, Ithealaatlem. end etch amp. . A
tire ammo. of Scarlet Ferrer, *melee, and Bleysipeleatbe I
*fruitage of giving the prem. rommase promptly to oboe.
mu, and in all such COMM Obo opecEllat oestik. • etteme,..- -
The entire &sane is often mended at orme,!end la.tal WM -
the 1. 10412C0 a a* attack b mderstrel, tbe -ammo "harken.
ed and tmedeted tem asaprom •
Celob. and Colds, ulna en climb Eloquent mantettesk'
ma shish oo Mom toy the foundation of dimmed team
oroodous arid coosomptba, e
my ll be at elm aUid by:,
the Fever and Cough PIM
/a all Mem Memo, ouch osE7sPets* Week aloasM i e''' ,- . • • 57'..
lmettpeti Lim oecepieone, rm eesete Deldlity, ant . - -•,
,rregreartoa,old Beeidachee, Borea r
or Week. Eyes, Oaten% .- • "
t Monza and other old eruption; the ome haa vecuka -
e proper appikation will adord a canto ahrinst =err - '
Often dm eon of. alogle chronic atfficuitionich - -
• - owe, Piton or (hawk, iteedacho or Footed. West- -....f than pled tor the nee ten Mite one.
plate, In =MC., .04 800k.......410:10 -
dßook, pleln-.-....._.____....:.-... 4,03
-, tenee, ud n00t.........i...........-... FDO:
cu.• or iti Tuk.
c Uue ". 21.: 1 :2:'
limes uumboroof
~, 4,,,..__ -------. -•
Moak lottorod
, 43 L..- izr.---....---,...........-.. SO•
Largo tam of 21 „a, Ihcinclad Palakfaots...l4o3,
lor Attlam ° r nad'-'3P P ... . 1 . Ditaeldt. plateld
. pe
Kr to . Wad With Coigh and /4pectoratfoo.
owk. rixi
'• .ibr .t.- - ' .... A. *4 D eal
lar. ,
sod mar C.
Pte, with fill.&an.
tloaa, sl porboa.
, i
Pomo. Irbo with to plod tbesoralto• nadorth•P...
atonal we. or to ...k odolco of Prot A roloraoark, fro• do ow.. -
so, et Lir office 1562.8routry. ddlitrout 8 441 f. to BP. if, . •
003 88 / 1 0138 ZIP KALIL ~ , , , . :
Look oy.,
I. lila, sop • ciao of nIW kind •• you
ammo, and gook. tbo amount fa • scrums moo or 0n0z0 4 4 . .-
by moll to oar orldtam, at. N 0.862 Bacnoway, Nihr T
and the medicine all be dnly rotonteff by matt or. zproos_..
40ZIVro RUAVIZI).—We &afro in miffs, ofllkkok ~-,,
Agent (or the woof auzllnandlen in sret7 lowa Cr Omura .- --
rmy La Co. United Swan. Addroro .
curnaryi* co, -
Pboodway. New Task. , '
Bold In PiUnburei by J. LIMOS and ..TOEX;TTpriI tn,
.lbotmooy by J. P. LLiftfie MI J. J. Lit ' • • ~f -
0 0 0 D. S
PacEtrafal BELEIWaIar
Conersqf Ma mutts , a erect .573vh
Ada: Mit awe Water sbut.,
SPENOTB. it Cf..S.,K.B.AtliD,'
. Eineensoio to Aliont.lllood,-
Pittabazi46 P.Onrus-
1611 wow. • ootoolkotal; pub Melo', In•!Pite -
.I=l4o aittoo;omodgotlipeomigni,::
Sawn we IWwwWwww Amur .
Vtanosrzolu s i r.
P I A N-0 8
ffflignWitty latest haproieneeatern,
PI ANOS. I .,,
(With the tams ImpeommateJ
In Orme Romnrood and *Limit Our. frorn S 0 to $5OO.
For sale only by
.10ffEr 11. IdSZLOR,
ELSOW diaccuarazir-rs
06 Oct.,. Itelademm, 1/17Legs...---- ..
6 do do
6 do do PIER etyle--....-----.....
6 do do do 6 .do do Doable; P....d.,1ixr, 4.16
6 do do do do Pianos*,la.—..
The Melodeons ern pronounced superior to
ill attar. by Dr. Lowell Maeda, Thalbargßalaer,Gotte.
'Calk, eta. They hare bean awarded the Idsheat woad.
1113111ar every Fair where exhibited. /wade cab' b 7
. 17-daver JOIIN IL BIBLLOS II Wood se.
Eva in Thom Hem, to TereliorezialarDislogstes
between Teacher and Pupil. Tide is sebooltpresoottug
• eonries hid pleasing mazer Usepried• Tbsro'
Tim en thor bee met with greet success la Ms maw nese.
tide method to mils, and confidently recommands It of
clasher, se en lerahuble bid to their Wan. Prke hoc
Pot ode by 70 FIN EL DIII.LII, Ert Wood at.
Caplan Neat by mail reolpt of the praom wirllalewP
jok Oft AND CONCERTPIANO. front the
41..1,4nd rectory ot eTialtirer a BONS,
New York, will ne exhibited et car ewer.= on or atter
Thoreday mm 4214 Inet. It was personetly Meet:edit lb*
rectory by If . Bieber, and it ie contidentiy expected tomer.
peas anything heretofore Been or be.. In Ma oltyln the
plemo line. Notke led! be glee. of its Arvin[.
H. Z.LII atllallitt).. No. h 3 Mb street,
Nob Aeons. for andetrepit Bona.
fREAT BeatilAlNS INSELImpf ---- jAN D
nGI PIANOS -One elegant Emearnod 7 Ortala,Pirmi t ta
ee but a abort time 1'nce.......... ---..........1.......110d
One elegant lioaercod 7 donna lhan — c . t, la ono buts fear
.- .. -...4z - • 187
One Itraewood - 6
. 14 octave Plano ----....-...-..0.- 160
OOne llabogmtg 6 do do eery g0ce1...----t- 126
ne . do 6 do do .-..-... ---------- .- 76
One do ti do do
.....- 1.23
OM seroold bunt Melodeon r il l neeold for 06 on&
ao, one good nomad band Viol/men; wortb SAO, trill -
be acid for po, me the owner bee left [be My. .
caamarn Attu;
No.llB Wood at., 7d door above Flab.
, Os._GREAT Ri p m
t.i.b.BAYttAlS:.—Win caLl , new
MAI ROSE' Vat prlirrilirrE of all and Ilre-wghthe
lavWen (Dom D to A) for g 2 DOCASIL They are front •
IKON orebly known f: to tr i. rt.. York city, hare the NOLL
hare a SHAMS, beveled corner., twel Octagon legs. Teal
full ma S,
rah and made. ' tone, and
It. are fully warra A
Bka ntee, Please
.eS L golea gent for th e above and &dormer, Moon
. N0.'63 nth etreen
Gout iZeds! p re - gun
Aim `al popular
Joet r=cirod,
Hi W - od street, wood door Montißh-
6 PIANOS To it NT,
at 2, a sad dollsn • atontb.lMM
J 0111: 11. 1 1fiLLOR, 81 Wood at-
NEW bONO3, ames..._poor
hell Come Ela Drooph,g/dahlear. eong by Poen ilnk % The or
m; 8. 0. Fatter. llNgie ibe
to. Vela
-m by Fredeebykt Bottler Fm TILot dog Pride of
of Thee.
Idol of lay a. A. word. by•efe•
id (bet I were BosattroL Just roestvell "- .1°
one =tam
No. lib Wood oh 2d dm. atoTra
OK.. Mak
wiraacEreat ir
(reins, Fink, Melodeon nue Erin. ) music.„„. In Flaying, In Ibe Ermine for Adnlte, aNel
Neturdays ter Arrenusen,
OM - Terme med. known opm ernakntion st lISMI
DECN& NO. 1011 111 , 111 , t ebbs ' Ps.
x 4.1