1)1. i; TnsCiirou or ier Thefillimifi® u »n Eagilah Bscowt;of aie’ciptiiredf-thbno teddaver. It willbawei that the number of WIle P captured, waa 888, and ,B ih 7m W jb? *onjc[ pipers reported j • The. following is an extract of a letter, dated 5?? JS * *#.Newwber r?» f???*, tell jMejomba on Friday last, . find stood oot for a cruise. We are now about two hundred miles off the land, and yesterday and the day belore we chased a Yankee brig ■■■••• an tine, butwithootsuccess. This morning, how . ever, w& captured the notable Orion, with 888 • * Slaves on board. Only fancy, after the Yankees hate sent her to New York, and she has been lot go, and th& Yankees have taken her loto the Congo and detained her, and the Triton had her fatow, that weshoald take her with every little trouble*' lx «rss a glorious sight 1 shall never forget 11* >We saw her at daylight, about eight or ten tnflea off, and,iteamed after her, coming np to her fcLabbut ap hour. Well, we did not hoist oar colors till we were close to her, and then she sent up the i store' and stripes Then WTO steamed round her, and oar captain hailed - to know what riup ii was, and the fellow song out.KJrion/andUiafche was going to New York oo bar captain Eodd we. would board her, and as -ho was stepping out ;of the boat to goon board, / they pulled down their color?, tore them in hall; and hove them| overboard. Oar meo then gave three cheers* wmch enswered by the liber ated slaves in a! manner that wo shall all remem ber aa long as we U\|e. She is a splendid prize. "-This a great losato the dave-dealera, os they fcel tbe loss of fiam more than the -ship* and this tnnkea 2,080 taken in less than twomonths." . From previous .letters it appear? that the Orion - was-captared inAprU last, by her Majesty’s eteamer Triton; she then nulled the American: -dag to her most and; refused to surrender, but Was afterwardstaken possession ot by the Ameri can enrfeers and conveyed to New York. j Ef>sct or the Bavn-ixs.—Tile revival move ment in lrelandl has tell such traces of its pres ence la the county Down as to elicit from the Assistant Barrister, Mr. William Armstrong* Q. 0„ the following official declaration at the open ing Of the late [quarter sessions in Coleraine: Whenl look into thO calendar of the last three oeDtha»aad fa knemdry look back at calenders that come before me, I am greatly struck withita dopeanmee on this occasion. Dnring the entire of three monthsjwhlch have passed since I was hoe before, X find, that bat one new case has come before yon, and one which is in some re jpeds * unimportant [ As I said before, I am greatly struck at the appearance of-thia calendar, so small b the comber of cases, when I formerly . had calendars filled, irith charges for different nefarious practices; pbcEet-pickfug and larcenies of various aortal Now I have none of these* 1 am hahpy to say. Slow b each a gratifying state ol things to be accounted for? ft must be from the improved slate of the morality of the people. I believe llara folly warranted now to say that to nothing else than the moral aud re ligions movement which commenced early last enomer can the change be attributed, f can trace-the state of your calendar to nothing else. It is n matter of great gratification when wo see the people of this country improving, and 1 trust that no temptations ;0f any sort will arise by which they can ibc indacedto forsake the paths of rectitade.—lrish Paper. These are fa Pennsylvania 11,485 public 85h001514,071 teaches,ando34,6sl pupils. In cluding the cost of tnition was $2, 047,651.92,*0f buildfag expenses, $531,413,81, and the whole expense of the system for the year, ; : | fßdnmtß. no liLAit sA vinos uahk No. 65 fourth Street. CU.A RT Kk S D IN l 8 6 6. OPEN DAILY FROM 0 TO 2 O'CLOCK, also do Wedaswtoj and gatentoy orcotug*, from Mty first to Here in her first, ftta> 7 to 9 o’clock; and frma N» • v«2itwr first to itar first, {ram 8 to 8 o’clock. Deposits rwafrcd of oil; sums net lea than o»s DolUi Ud • filslfieod of the profit* doctored twice a year, la dan*«9d December; Intcmt has been declared aernKae] molly,ia Joo*tnd DKeaber.aiace the Beak «u orsan. ud, at the rata of dx per jcest.* year. Interest,if to the credit of the de ocsUoras principal, k*d beam the aamatoUrcMfnsn tboOral den of JcQsandJtowmtwciiumpoimdlng iwtroa yoar with trot firoabllsg the depositor to call or area to preenoi hi* ua book. - Atthls fat*, money will double to lees than IS yamcaVleg lath* aggregate boot anoosi bilt m cos a out. , j \ Books totttltohig Iho Charter. By-Law*, Bdee aud Btgo tstos* furnished gritis, en-appSication-at the oSca. J*«£it»r-f?£o£GUr ALBKEt ' L _ . ! ▼*?*f® SaptrslHUpfecrb, ' i Jtroa | j JfSubilX KtlUj, i Kcbert&obU I . X**oM.staiJockj : Hlilßargcrts, _J_ jeii2 _AIon» JL Gwrkr f ! v OCT*d OKOpbtU, Jdta&Osxitn, CharlxA-CoItoU) fTIIIto DccglaJ,, , raadiffrUx, fUoJamla L rtbaestock.; ' Jama W. Binbmi, ! fflJUaanB.HiTta, '! CBurlae £o*P» ; Jksrttsiy and JVearwer- sbb Z8.0Z7 cmr trust co., So. 250 Liberty Street. Bank op ; discount,, exchange AND DEPOSIT. { Capital 5t0ck5......;.... 150,000 CtplUl BeprtMatca, ov«r~. M .. 1,000,000 EVAocxaasiSss its ißßrnscsiLr Lusts, . Sold, SOtct, Par fiinrli and Cnrrenry rcorf»x3 on deposit. ALL MoNSl3allotted to'remala far a Specified fimt, WILL DBA WlHYSftSFT.'Bight Kxi&asge on the Easters •Bd. Western cities ..XitESMTTBTRSKT, opposite Penn*. R Dtp- '., '•I- 'TITrSBI/BQH, PA. __ i ' order, on 6hort notice, -VoASTIRQg, PHAPTIN3 a PULLETS, <7 alt Bizea • ;i tad; d-ecriftious, of tho beet materials and latest stylos; ■Ho WAGON BOXE3, SAD;IRONS, GBATK3,Ao., always CSbx&d or cut to orucr. ' &*OtsoTt left at tho FdoNDRV, or at A Young**, $8 Wood st.,»iU ratal ve prompt attention. ttiLdlr : \ w. 9.tct«E*MeB-~-.-....;! empHni.- *. r. mat MACKINTOSH, nfiBPHILL * CO., Corner .Filse anil O’Hara Streets. ' Near City Water Works, P I T TS B 01 R G.H, PA., MANUEACTOREF.S OF mackintosh A BEITPHILI/3 lURROTBDPATBNT OSOILLAT LHQaSEAU ENGINES AMD SLIDE VALVES or all sizes and Left ttjle, \ ilsTlce pat op UsCLlaeryot l*/i« capsclty sod of tho bestqtßUlty,w* srtpWpare FloaAUoesatel SaahOord; > Rope of all sUaSjanddescripUoo^ - ffstlinfr ’i : ’• - : 5 -- AVOtdQta W&-*t tb» Hardware Store of Lofso A Greyg, No. si Wood street; will harstattantloo. Jea^ty / . JAfliu ittWin, MAHUPAOTUUBa Of ~ OUi&BCRtO ETHER;' Sulrliurio Aoid: .< ■ Hu* Adi: . • MariaUoAdd; ;• %: Nitrous do. '.v. . . ftjiriai'aßolatloa;Ik, 1 k, . ■ tayB May be foaad at Jabfai Itwla Agoaa 5? Water itrevl. WILLIAM TATB *Bo9)' niiOMBER AKD OAS FITTER. No. 10 ' *° !l «■*«■, M Allegheny, ’ : V A 4»-B?ar7 dwcriptios.offituep t* Water, Q*» and -' . . . ; . oo3lrtj WICLLH, uiuonu « co ~ ju. SO Fourth p*. f .■■■■•' iW--■■■’■ ".munucioja* tw . JIXTHIPS* TH.ONQS AND. SWITCHES. Yt ' Ord^vaoUcitadtree} thntrjtdo, andpromptly (Lip, '•'■■';-''.'oada*parlnft«et*tmt.. . —: ■vj ic» fliotfgtbMa-A psr Seat, discount far cmft. [' bbls. from good to - OttATFiVAKOuaDZE. ' \ boa. Hickory Nuts . JLA jutm*4»nd ftirat. by HERB? Q.COLUKB.., \. JHtfittnanYaus. - '"XSIBUI.CiS , aso’ tfoKKlv* " - STEREOSCOPIC EM POKICMi No. 30s Bboadhmtv Htw Yobe. J/{>t iity IVIBBOJDTfJT, teodoort from rpUB STEREOSCOPE is the most instruo j| nrc, tsfitxsnno, xsrxiTmi.ri, Aucuisa and xxcft -150 o! modern Joveoliou*. Noe* «• tea yovtj, bone too oZJ.jiooe too inhl igml* doo« t» UKtdus3!eJ,to acknowledge lit vquh sad beauty. No borne la coaipfcia'withoat'U, mod It mast nod will p-r.-j -eirait mrgrehen. ■ ; It prewtiU lo joar view every part of tha world, ioell lb* rrlUf, bddntttiprtpttuttjiLA j7>rrr <■/ dtU\l, as if joa were oa too spot. • Photographers are everywhere exploring Karope, Atl*. Africa, America, fa starch of the gr»qd and the beenUiol, nod the results of tfcelr skill ere cotrttsnUjr tnrkblngoiir •t ck. \ • Wo here eo Immense variety or p%p*f Views uf Breuee io Pails, London, Em-laud, bcoiland, Irslsud, Wslca, franc*, Eolgla to, Holland, BwltzarUcd, Spain,* The Chine, Yvrxsfl leSitJcClbud, Fimteloableia, Tutllerics, Itily, Turkey, Egypt, Athene the Holy Lacd, China, India, Crystal Palace inariUgeaeeoes,break* Lutseo&oa, plonks,sUtnkry, Ac. -An exquitil* auort meat of Jttsmtaztal InUrion of P*l*cet, Churchra, and Otbediali of Prance, Italy, Ac-, Ac. ftlM effect of these lllomioated Views It neat rcmartJbte.: Exrf paifleman of wedlLh and rtfintJ hut*. should bare' In Lie drawing room somi of oar Exquisite Vtowa ooOUfia, with revolving showing 12,£3, SO or IQ9 iceoes. Nothing can oe more t reel nation and one cao oCer no greeter treat to e friend fond cl (he picturesque and the beautiful. i Anthony'i InaUrJcneotlx Stereoscope Viows are the latest photographic wonder. lhey ate taken' io the fortieth port of a second, and everything, no matter Aov Tepidly it tnay be moving, iadepteted u iharpfy and distinctly s* irtt had Ueo perfectly at rot. This gives an additional value, for to the beauties ofdbsnimate natnre it adds the charm otli/e and m*U«n. -The process: is a discovery cfouro.D, and be log no* Down In Europe, wo receive from London and Parts Urge orders for Anthaay'i Instantanfobs View* of Amen can life andecaoery. j ni 4 ® o *# otho ! * w °6« W*l bare jail published Bteroo«cople IllosUallontof the bcenejof the Fallon Blmt Frayn- Fut -0 *bicb BABy hearts feel an interest. The particolars ol this will be found io cor catalogue » Oar Catalogue of eubjoexe and prices Will be forwarded to any aodrea on receipt of a stamp. sending oi $V$5, $lO, $l5, *2O, or **•» have a good • instrument and snch pictures as they way request, sent by Express. Views alone (without Instrument) can be sent by mail. Parties who wl»h to be advised ot everything really valu able in the Use that comet out, may send ns their naaoe to place on and we will keep them posted at onr own expense. ' • Men of leisure will find Photography a moil ftsdnatlng and delightful amusement. We nre prepared to tit out seca teurs with everything urernsry for tbfcir saccose, together with instrurtions '•lfnw t<> take Stereos'coplc Pictures.'' E. ANTHONY, Importer aui Uauufnrthrer of Photographic Mstixislt, fcureoicopesatnl Stereoscopic Views. ■ from every section of the chantry are re spectfully Invited to make an cX*mton(loo ct oor stock, as onr discount to tbetrale will t>e liberal. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS—FiistcIa s: Stereoscopic Nega tives wanted. Bend by mail aptict unmounted, with price of Negative. J»l3:g*d [Cut this out;lorfbtcrereference.] Stereoscopes .*nd views AT HEADQUARTER^. Dealers a 111 find it t> their advantage to examine tbs Stock and Prices of the i, LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY iv xaciß NEW YORK DEPOT, 534 HP.->ib!V*Y. LargP9t anil most complete stock of Stereo scopic Goods in America. Tb« tucilliiss of tbs L. B. Co. for supplying tbt-lr N Y Dvjot with weekly consignment* of tbe an.l Ust K-vda at an uucsusDy low figure ennlifo tpeui to topply iltslm with an UN-parallelled AsaOß-rurNr At prices which defy ■ucefsaful cunjpot)tiuo. A NEW REVOLVING STEKESCOPE, For c-ntaiulngany number of views, (rata FIFTY to THREE UUNDHED, glare or psjHc, bas Jasl been patented by tb« L, S. sod Is now for the tradi. This iVstrumeat, h»uJ»..me|y got up In waluut and reeekood, WILL UR SOLD AT LEdA PRICE Than those heretofjre sold forMaml vtsw*. AS A PRESENT FOR A CLERGYMEN, or tit ua IN STRUCTIVE AND PLEADING AUUSkMENt for Fcboolr Ibis taatrnment, forming A UKIUNFUL PARLOR OR NAMENT, will 1-* found the mi-rj enllabia that can t>6 »e locUml. dol&dmd TKAS! TEA SI! ST E A S!!! J. J. I’. WILLIAMS,! 114 SeiiVifieti ttreti, Fittlburgh, Has a very choice selectloh cf Family l)rw*rles, consLtlag In part of tha tnliowlng: 100 chests fine to extra fino Oolong aad Cholan Tau; W *' u “ : ** Hyson, tj. P. and Imp. Teas, t-Ocattyboxesextrafioa llyaon, k “ “ “ W bbls. Crushed, Pulvdrixed and Coffee Bogara, o 0 legs Rln,Lagua>ra sod Old GovtTumeot Java ib>f!be; Yd bbiaextraSyrnpsahd Molasses; i 10 “ Pure Cidor Vinagßß ‘ io boxes M. R-, LsyeranJ Valeulla Rvsin*; 10 bbls.ZaßteCorraat4: ' bO boxes ‘-Woman’s FHacsT* Foap; j Si “ Colgate’s Toilet . “ to *• Palm, Ocrmaa and Udita Fo^p; ' to ** Sperm,Star. and Mould Cnnlfor “ Pearl and Sllver'Olosa Starch; 60 cans pure ground Spirea; IDO ** fresh UtsckberrW; 300 JU. Cloves, Mace and 10 rase* Olive, Burdoanq and Virgtn Oils; fO . _** brXcs Cocoa, ltroma acd Chi-oUt**. 2XJJ ibs. super Corbcuit? an t s*l Soda; ICO dozen Masos’sesd Anneat'j Blacking; Water, Bntttr, Boear.Poda aud Win* Crarksra, A' , 4.-. which they oOer, Wbojtssl* and Reusll.at very moderate advances, to the trade »r fstuilwr, and respectfuily solicit their patronage j # jo PITTSBORGH PLOW WORKS. J. C. .B ID W ELL, John H. gboanber^tj^ Aloxuuler BretUy, Jtmea Serbia an, A-lLPolloct, M. D WtTHam S. lerelay, William J. Andencs [Lata Sp«r A Lidaell,) Ha s on uand a v fcuy la hoe stock of PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS, Of all tbo diSereDt varieties, ready tosnbpiv hi* frtemlssbd cuxtoeers as usoaj. Hi* NEW WOKR.% now being erected la the central pan of tha city, on the fot froailag 12» leet each on Doqocsne Way-aod Payette alftot, and extending 340/tetbaGmrritou alley, will be equal In extent and ra pacity to any Plow Works Its the United fctui-a, having all tbo modern Improvements In both wcod and Iren working Machinery, and will be Io full operation about the first of iaoo&ryensulcg, _ Warob-jatr* f>;r tbe prtMeut 133 Lifo-rty street, corner of Cecils’ alley, end OT7 Pcbn street. J®*Ordtr» are respectfully scliclted, . notOttf J, c, BIDWELI, John O. Mol Ur, James D. D. Wool*, Times McAu’ey, Walter V. MantiaU, Wilson lilller, John On, Decry L. o«OTg»&BeldsC| Jobn D. Scully, WUllim E.tcbm«m, AlexsoderTtolls, .£S A. UVLTv.V, PLOW No. 166 Penn Street, Pittsburgh; PATENTEES ol the celebrated First Pre mium IRON CENTRE AND UILL-91DE REVOLT ING BEAU PLOWS. Alto manufacture Patent Latrf, Centre Laver, Improved Pracock, Wrought Moldboard, Creole. Valley - and I'veryolhfr deecriptidn of I'LOWS, PLOW UASTINGA, CULTIVATOBB, Ac. C5-Vhej alio continue io;carry on the’old Phccnta Foun dry, corner of Peun street led Cecil Bitty, the Castings of which havo been long c&lstirated tor th«|r excellence. All orders promptly flUod and kxtlafection given Cu cailooen In every particular M7:iyd ISCy. becond Arrival nt IbOD. CARPBTS fiRB OIL CLOTHS, AT TUE FOURTH SfBEET CARPET STORE, PITTSBURGH, PE SB’S. WD. i 11. M’CALLUM RESPECT a FULLY aonboocelthat they era receirloff a aec onJ supply of CAttPETIND,. attested directly from toe luporteie and MaoatacturWr by ooa of the itrm, now In the Bast, to which they iDrltotiie attcn(k>o ol prrehatera. Also, a flow atyia of CANTON MATTLN'O. for euumitr par lors. Tba latett makb of CAD PET fIW'BEPEaS, etr.. etc whleh shall tnoffared at the ldwett_ratae, J*' 3 : w.D.a : n. itcallum. A. CAHD TO WE respectfully inform the public of Pltlabargh aodh Tltiatjy b«re»Ub. that a choke stock ofhHiaWAY A SONS’ PIANOd wit! te shortly rectlred by ck Thoy ara profiled with tho mraovu>/aIl irvnjraifie, the occrttrinyt, etc , aod art conudervd the ttaxßt zosxuacdmoat do» ABLzpiaooa now tnada ib this country. The rapid eska of three lostrnmnti dndog the holidays ha« cleared oat oar eutlre sfock of them, although ve reccired two GitTerent ADTolcet during that time We therefore ask (ha indolgaoe* lor :a few aays or our patrons and tba admirers of tba Etdoway aao< ufactnre, when wa shall again be enabled to offer aa fine a anpply ea arer.| It. HLUBBIt A UflO. LOOK COT FOR TOUR HIDES Stored with the snbacrlber by Steamer Earns, 101 Dry Hides, COaeigued toPprscu* A Alcbalst. Tbeuwncre will please tall aud take tDeman,y or L and Diamond. HOf \ RUS. OATS Fac'd and for sole by wUU SIMPSON k NELSON, Fadoral it, I*l* and N. W. cor. Ohio eL A A Allegheny 1 «nn BUSH. SHELLED AND EAR A U\J\J OOBN, receired and tor sale by felo I -gIMPgQN A NELSON. ACTONS MILL FEED, received and for V v Bate by SIMPSON A NELSON, MO Federal A Qtiio atraata, AlUgbeay. MOLASSES— 2lSbbU. now receiving and ttrssloby T. L. BODOEHd, ted 60 Wafer and US Pint atreete. OOR SPKINUS—The cheapest and beat la the market fur sale by 11. WOLFF, Jr-, te3 corner Liberty and rit. Clair sta JUST OPENED—New style jDork Prints, Lancaster Qlogbamj, Mnillns, Chocks and Flannels. i M C. HANSON LOVE, f»Maiket Btraek COUNTING HOUSE FURNITURE of every drerriptloa made (a ordor. J*3o T. B. YOUNG AnCO. Steamboat cabin furniture con atantly aanntactnrlng abd for talo at oar Wartboase. J* 3o T. B ,/YOUN(i A CO. lAMOMILE FLOWERS—S bales foreale fb f J»U I-. 1 PAnNBsTOCK A CO. BARLEY —102 baga prime Fall Barley io store and fur sale by BROWN k EtfIKPATBIcK. ARD—2U kegj No. 1 Lard .in store nnd I for sale by lIBOWN A K.IHKPATUICU. BUITEK —2- bbls. fresit Roll Butler just rac’d and for tale by hAMUKL D.‘FLOYD a co. CHEESE —500 bxs. iCrearn Cbeeso fur sale by JtIT j tt.ROmdQN A CO. CIGARS —3 coues German Cigars in,Ftoro and for tale by IiItQWN A KIuKPATItICK BEANS —1() bbls. Small White fur salo by jat.i r. dalzki.l a co oElTßuxim--i b« primo rec'd und for aala by J«L j UWLB A TItIMDLK. ROLL BUTTER—B barrels, and y bosc* Flfib 801 l Hotter, jnstjrec'd and for tale by JaU J. A. FKTZKB, forocr Market and Flrat ste. EGGS— 7 bbls. , pride lre»b Eggs in [store andforamloby jas |, LITTLE A fttltlfiLC. 1860 “i ,^ ALK IB6O AT BURUHFIELD;drCo’S/Ertraordina ry Itergaln, In FRKNQUX.AWKS. Js« I)UCK.WUEAT FLOUR—SOO sacks f5O) da wore for aala by:’;, j';, v jr.S.LWCWTYpW; Cover seed-so lifter* and fot mlb by Bl B. ABISOBY. the SL 2fic\otat IluUl. Now ou hanJ the IXAlsis- & BPEBH, MANUFACTURERS [ibt'Ubnme Cloveweed IOIfUJtKtaiLPAtBICK. - ' €fto«to. ""’umß * TIIUIBLK, Ml! ■' n • ; - _ ouuOeßS A:rD csAtKv.s: For Sal© or Bent; vu'ur, u*con, chuu, , r PiIK MISSOURI IRON ROLLING MILL Prodae*, i A will t# renfe-d to be aolj Bt mUßßSPSTtHyrdEUtiuli. prie*i,aa,t>rapprovedwcnritj WILLIAM BAOALBV7 iff j WHOLESALii OSOOHH, j ***“■“‘‘“j : ■ot. ih kuii s*i> tvuoii str«*(j t EVA RSI FOR SALK; 3 mile* from Irwin'* , ... - I j 1 A:- &atJ*o.CoDer*l K U;l£3l4aer6«. with* comfortable PITTSB&ipIi, «lw«Ulng boofe w.lfc ball, S rniui and cellar. The land la Id d. m. ’ *•*_ »Tk«Ajtr Uim * | c °^V ortlwl *c cu(JIr*UoJ, :& of whWb ATI* rtuHa> OfU»t»A K-igfrtoa,l*ittst.' K . itlarmt AMamn’t*fiMa ' ue% (bcccMHn to Lewi* A ' j i;c*nip, 4c The ahotofarmW t**jr ct acciaa bj raiiro**l, WMettleOntmaad Ctomiuisa Bertineh, St“ JS-T 1 "*'“ r *“ : J i sr,\,' v ' oc>< * strom, ». cuniDERT * sus\ l*«-*ya Mo 6l Market •Wet-L. * F oit!iALVrBY ,f - noJEiisrsVKrti I yflW ill MILL JL SON, Mnxisrs arul Com- A bdo* Marti*. . iaiiah Merchant*, Ag»ou fur the eale ol fit Jruu j 20u MU. Ultra ini Katra I'aml’r F-*"r ¥” Bloomy. N,>. Ufl Üb*>riT atreet. PUUbnrvh. feSfolyd • N ”°o baa E*r aod rtotltal Owo; Alexankeh kTko. svuouissusi ; =!“iu EiriS 1 "” *" ur - Grocer au.l Importer rUJa A.h. Ho ?nj if Lt«U » n *.» r ’ ttnat,PlUalmrgh, IV _*pldjri* ,' • =- 4S&B.JOSU -Jifl. L. OOOLSi. TONES 4 COOLEY, WHOLELAEE G UO- V GEES Mud Boat furnisher*, dralere lo Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Mo HI Water street, neat Cluny Alley, Flttsfrnrgb, Pa. eiySfl aui’l r. „..r. , ..jotis ». oattosT».. SHRIVER & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE Grocer*, Mo. ICO and 122 Second *tn*t, (between; W.-od and fimithfiold, Plttabargh. JOHH ftOTP. —...UCHiUtO fLoTD- WILUiSI tUiXU JOHN FLOYD 4 CO., WHOLESALE Groeertand Cotnmbuduti Morrhauls, No. 173 (To?-! and <£tB Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 1 a WATT A WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO CEItS, Commission Merchants and Dealer* lb Pro duce and Pittsburgh ManuLeturea, No.'iiS Liberty fe(r«ei, Pittsburgh. Ju2s VJJTM. JIoOUICHKOH WUOLE- VV BALL Grocer, Produce and Coronilislon Uoryhant, and Dealer in Pittsburgh ilunolactnrpd Articles, No-16D Liberty street, conwr of Browcrr ay, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 myC tomt min. a. j. 1x*...~ ciiaa. at»*u_ Atwell, lee & co„ wholesale Grocer*, Produce- sod Commission Merchant*, and Dealer* in PitLiirur/jh Manufacture*, No S W >t»! iiirvi, t»• tWH»n Water ami Front «u, Pltt«bnri:ti. tiplS aoet. toiuson,..- un'i a- tn-ins’i? K ROBISON A CO., WHOLESALE • Qrocara, ComcaimicK Merchant*, and DodWnifaall kinds of (previsions, Produce and Pittsburgh Mnntifvitui-es, Na. 266 Ljberty strvot, Pittsburgh Jal'Jilyd ' Robert” dalzell "co., whole- SALS Grocers, Oommiaaioti and Forwarding; Mor chants and Dealontu Produce and pftttbargb Manafacltirrc. No. 261 Liberty street, Pitt* burgh. Pa. ray? ISAIAir DICKEY Too” wholesale Grocers,Ccmmlasfon Merchants, and Dealers In Produce, No. 8b Water street, and 63 Front street, Pittsburgh. Cooftstllcca, Ac X . . WM. 0. JOHNSTON A CO., Staiio.-u-r*, Blank Book Manaiactnrer* and Job pi id .a, N.>. 17 Wood stmt, Pittsburgh, Pa. tics;> J"-oßns."T»avlson ,"bo'oksellkh an b Stationer, succossor to Daria*. A Agm-w, No 63 Mark: t Street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, I’a. KAY &CO., BOOKSELLERS AND Sta tionery, No s£> Wood street, next door to the rot oer of Third, Pittsburgh. Pa tiebuol aud Law Book* exu ltantly on Land. J" u. READ, BOOKSELLER AND 3TA • TIONKIt, No ra Fourth St, Apollo JiuAdlng*. : Hunt" a miN eRT BOokSELiKK and Stationer, Masonic llall. Fifth street. Damiras. j _P 11 N THOMPSON A C .., SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND OLA Z IF. R S. NO. HS THIRD STREET, PITTUDURUU. Vk, mtttM/U Heal Estate agents, WILLIAM WAliO, Dealer in promissory notes, Bond*, Mortgage and all securities L-r iuou«y. j Perseus can procure loan* through my Agency, tm r«aa.>n able term*. Timer wishing to lurut thofr muuej lo giwd advadtsge, ■an always find find tuJ second clan paper at tnj ofßSe, fur •ale. All commuuLatlnu* and interviews strictly confljoct!l*l. Office GRANT r> rRKCT, opparit* 6L Paul’* Cathtalrsil Jelidtf /Husic, &t. JOHN 11. MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD ST.. between Diamond Alley and Fonrth street, Sola Agent forCUICUERING A SONS’ (Boston) PIANO FORTKYj MA SON A HAMLIN'S MODEL MELODEONB and ORGAN HARMONIUMS, aud Dealer In Marie and Musical Gratis. JmXS , HKLEBEK X BKO.. Nu. 6a FiKTU • flt, Kigt« olthe tidJra Harp. Bvle Agrul for NUNNS A CLARE’S (N.w Tort) unrivalled Utand and Square PLANOA,aud CAUQAKT k NLEDIUM s prsuiM MEIXI DSON? and ORGAN UAItUGNIVUS, Dealers In Uuslrar.d kl nil oil Inatrumouta. iod CU AIOOTTEBLUME, SIAN L' t'ACTIi ID KB and Dealer la Plates Fortra, end Importer of M oeic and Unalcal lnatrninenta. Sole Ageut (or the UAMUUiiG PIANOS,aIeo for UALLKT, DAVIS A CO.’S Hoatow PUsoa, With and wlthu of Paper tlanclng*,f.irll'sr (ora, Balls, Dln'ng Rom* and Cbactb«ra. Al*;>, VVirjdow Shades, In groat tarl<-ty at lowesi pric>dd and Third street*. f PA.' MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware • Mutual Insurance Co, 42 Watmrstroel R U r . I’OIJiDEXTER, Agent Ore„i ivi.t •cm loaaranee C0.,97 Frontntreet Catptls. W. l>. M. Jl. fI'CALLPM, Dealer in carpets, oil CLuTiin, UATriNGRAo. N 0.87 Fourth ttroal near Wood. Sts ffioobs. i.v.H'scaniib...... aro.tt. nanu o a Mtiarui BURGUFIELD & CO., (successor* to Mur phy A ißurcbfleidJ Wholesale and lieta:l l unlt-fi lu ample and Fancy Dry Goods, Nurtli-vast con.M enJ Uatkel ats., Piiubargh. snl CXI. LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fanoy< • Dry Goode, sign of the original Dee Div«., Noll Marketotreet, Plttshurgh. airfo K“ 7I7pALMER, No. lU6 Marker Street, e Dealer In ISoanete, 11ala Stiaw Trtmmlugs, Bud hiraw Goclegeuerally. : site jFutmtuct. leal a socm „.tno». a rAaias i (oiira T. U. YOUNG A GO., HXRnrAcrtratu o» FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Dcsoription. FACTOUY —Phisrai St.,b*tw**n IVyheand Ftnna 4 prntu Waretionit-Nos. 18 a 40 Smitbriclil 81., Steamboat cabin furniture—Wo are constantly manufacturing BTEAMDOAT OAIIIN FURNITUUK eu.l OIUIItS, aod Invite the attrut|.< thus* interested in famishing boats. > < sa3o-dAwT T. O. VIJUNO A 00 JAMKS W. WOODWKLL. t’ fl A I R S, WHOLESALE AND\RETAIL, EmLradng every sfylo of P U R N I T U B £l, i ROSKWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUTj Suitable tor PAKLOTLS, CIIAMBKRH AND DINING IIOOV.S, ; Eqnal to soy In NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA, Warsmoous, Non. 77 anu 79 TnmD Strriit, : tnrtfiultf riTTSliUiitifi, f‘A _ yioAL tonos, T-aiTlor coaL vaFhs; Pat lor Coal Hole, Nursery Fenders Ruililn llijo 11-r- or F'undotn.CliaChig Dt»hos, Oyttef Hroll.re, I'Miul ll(kl rona, liathiog Aparatn*, Went ihilrs, lllri Csg» Al|.k|B<’* of lloiim forciehing hanlwaro at the Iron Oily S'oiro ami Tin WaretoasA »f W.W. UUAD.-mAW, No, Ul Woil "tfu-t, tint door tho sign of itu. Unidcn Gun. J.'.'fe IJRODUCK— 6(JO bbln. Ks. Sup. Flour; T~ X . >»■> hhl* Fix. Feiu. n„or; 7 t l-1* j-n-uu itoll Dnll. f: ' h 107-1 packed Butter; t'l oka , f.tl Me ,U. W. Ftelir. 2A Inis small V/. Itetnt; lot) lbs primu Ft-mhirs; * K«i Ims Oaia In store l.»r salo t.y WATT * WIUON; PEA NiJTB—5O backs to arrivn per fctqain «r Kunlre •>urourigt.m«titf”T sale Dj i j«l7 fUiRT. I»)CKICY. T-48 I.U-ertT •.Nsrtj 0/1(1 BUB. CORN rivoived anii*liiKt bbj-i e**\J*J Flour at Df-j-'t, for sain by ; SIUPBON A NELSON, J Federal at aod N. TV. Cor. Ohio st and K Ciirn ■ Alltjg yl C'~ orFEE.-2«6l.ag 3 mrcotiba- FT t>J m»tti "01(1.11001’' J«vaC*.n.e,i- j For sslo by BHIUTKIt A DILWOIb;fH. INGGS^— 3 bbla Egga roc'd uud forsal* 11 by let MCVttY II COLUNSj ALL FABERS —Wall Taper. o.i, aU j-ri:,. fc, n(e b; W. P. MAB=II*t L, 8T VToja it. .JskxiHunL* ' - df° t £s)t ;-si : So Art; scoi.T.iasrc3-TMix.r. T ll - beactifcl country res S 3 M, 10LXCL occnpLd J;y tha aaiwcrlber, one fioiu the ctiy, ou tUo Rro«tuTllh> Turnpik*i comtnmaiu*:* View of tlie cit e*, tnbuiba, and ti n oilasof the ilvera. The Brick H..nae, of nio-Lm *tjle, ha* tro rmn* and Doabje I’eraudeh and Is iupjilltd with Hot end Cold Water, drawn in the Loom from bpilnc and Italn Water Cistern*; a large UrLR Stable, Cirriaga Hvn*e, Ire H«Q*e, Ac The lot htt one acio, iiiclijevl uy a itoue wall, high fruca and Ledge, with over 100 choice Uarlng Fruit Tree*, Grape Vices, *ad er.-rj variety of Small Fraita and the place hay. tag i-ren lh) year* onder cnlttvatloO. To tboe* wantlog's l>L3lltAllL« IMPROVED PROPERTY, In coopletnorder, nl a moderate expense, this is an opportunity seldom to be met with. Jtia withiu 13) miontew walk of the city by either Bridge, «od lo mlnatee walk from the Blrmiagbaj* Ferry aud direct Railway. D. W. G. BIDWKLL, H-i Jtt C-orner Water street and Cherry alley.; 1 ( Mil \ SHAKES Ob'STOCK FOR SALE. A \-/V_JL/_ T n g CLEVELAND IRON MINING COU PAN V own Throe Thocsand acre* of Mineral Land* In the cnnnty of Marqnelte, Lake BoperiOT! Michigan, Open which Is epeo'd op oue of the LARGEST and PUREST Iron Ore Banka In the world, over 60,000 toca baTebeen mlnfd and *nld, 10,000 tons of which 1 bare told to the Iron mas ters of this city. Thin Company omabout cno-half tbs real estate of the town <.f Blarquett*, the Importance Of which It well known- Tb"" have now a railroad w the tains*, aodjUlicr bain ire of m-rb a cotuptete nature that the rapidlW df mvud fur thvtr Iron Orecau bo promptly eni.plieil ‘ I propose to eeil One Thoueanl Bhareijof tb? CapiLal ftc.c n ot this Company, and will b* pleased to show it* ad vantages and nttalnttoe of profit to any perscu wishiug to bay. . ! The company is col of debt, and It Uvt ot,i j in a i ft] log coa lition, hot is Incroulnglt* Working csplul every year. The Charu-r, Map of Location, Ac., c«n be seen by calling upon mo at the Carter Office, Mooong'ahela Honae, I’litb bargh. j«l9 JACOB REUSE/ P'6 r saiTET i .jAWxa a. uasit-iYO. »:.OI ItdK.kU M-»y tottsalu opii»tiou at OARTVVRIiJIIT k YODNU’d !*•< _ No. to Wood meet i FOR SALE—A 3 story Ihreiling House, containing 11 rooms, on South Arenas, Allegheny l it'y, fronting ttio Ohio nver, (• very dcalrablo first claim ruitdeaco;) (or ssle low Tcni.s, hall oath, balance la 1 »t)il t yeare, with lalertet. UI COHOOC&, McORKEHV A 00.; SALiE.-—A swond*hand Engine, six inch cjliii-Jer, tu.> (set ilroka, with goverour, «ud Uitli-f IH f.-rt by ;ii) Inches. Is In good order and cau be seen m uperatlnb a! CAHTVVIUGUT A YOUNO’fI, f»*j* . „ I No 80 Wood Street. : lOWA FARMING LAND.—Thonahscrib pt* uCfur for tale ou (avoralda tains six handred Uholce Lands, situated lu Wright and Hancock rountlr#, •djocciit to liut'i* uf Railroads now |q course ol constroh lion, and one tract ouly two miles fiotn Cjoulj seal. • Tne above will bo sold low for cash, or exchanged fjr foj tiling lands lu this or adjoining eontitits. - n»li6 McUANE A ANJER. 124 beionJst nzissotmx nsaran. r 90(1 non ACRES TOR SALK at GW_ \_7V/v/ very low rticf-ftoail!Slofani>li [■er acre. 'Plots fumLLiM gratis. A9»Tases paid tor parchsaera of land under the Gradq ati.ui Act In all the coantlee »( tbe fclale. Palenu pructir e.l, Ac. Apply I-. WILSON, IIAWI.tNUA A CO., CS Cheelnat stmt, til. Louis, Mo. SALK—A tract of land containing i nine stid oos half acres, eltnslo ou tha Fonrlh Street M-.0-i, about tliim miles (rout the Cjart Uoase. Will lie told tow (or r««L. Inquire cf • IRISH A .UAOELN7.It, AU’ys at Law, No. CO Fourth street ; Oblo L>aD<3 for Bai«. TIIE Butwcribcr offers for sale section ten, tuwushlp Ui, vango 10, Stark coouty, Ohio, rowuiualj known aa’’Bowiuao’aYeclion/’eontaialug Oldecraa. Ill* situated thnw mile* west of Massillon, od the Plate Road leading to Wooster, and within ab.mt two ulltw of tbe Pltt«- trorgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. The eontti, eeal and norfh-eaat quarters ar« partly cleared and Improved* the remainder i» covered eith superior timber—and th* whole Is well watered by springs and running streams.* Thiaeectiua is ctinsl.h toi tl.s fitccl l»«ly of land In tha eoonty. It will (-e sold muiiTfiLi, Allegheny, aAj«.-eut to Capt. Bole and T. dtuilh, Rsij. The house is of brick, nearly newt has t«v dining rxdn acd kUchsnaod wide halt on the lint flooi; Cvo b*d chsmLrts aod a fib.ebed attic above; a nice argeysrd trout end tear cf thobcoi*, With shrubbery, grapo vines, Ac. There is a bklb bouse, wttb but and cold water—range In Iba kitchen, aud every thing hooded to tnako U a first-class residence for eiUirr tbe man of lelsore or tbo b-rilorsj mao, being bat ten utnat** 1 walk from the I’llUbnrgU Market Hoirn. Bant erlil t* nutieraU to * carefhl tenant PoeeessloiKlvcn April Ist, I*6J. Ln-ioir* of tbs sntwnlbcr, No, 131 sfiecL M: f W. W. BRADSHAW. ’ LI UR .SILE 1> with Urge Ixstof(7r «SM, »*-nR Treeeand Hhrnb.gj Wry, within tw«» mtnotes’ walk of tbe Wfiklna burg R»llrr>» l Statlco. Tha house U targe aad finlihrd la mndorn stylr, at present occupir»l by Moore Tbvmpaoa.— Will be • id on reasonable terms. Apply to •Ir'.l dAwtlF At Haltin’* Offi,cor. 6th A Grant its. i 'ru LEtT—XwTT^'store “kgoms- J» with Office*, good Cellars, in connection with the can: f.4table DweMiags on tho secon-J floor; aleo, a spacioot lIA LL on the fonrth floor, la the new ballding on Bmlth‘- li-f-d street,corner tf Virgin aliry. Poseeaaloo gtvao imme* dtstaly. For terms apply to J. TU. DKUULEU, fell dtf No. )80 Liberty stresL : WARKUUUBK TO LEX—A fine WARE LUDSE, No. 57 Wuo-1 atn oppoaltn the St- Chari c* Hotel, now occopicd by 1. M. Penoocx A Co, lor rent. Poai aeasiou April flrsL ' DITCHOuK, M'CKBEUY A CO. ! STOKE HOUSE FOR RENT—From Ist of April, ’No. 241 Liberty street, with Mablr la retr, new cc.-cpit-d by Mmsj* Woods A Co. Emjtlrsof &■ BOBISON A 00, jsTO.lmd No. 2&i L(l«Tty stmet. r LET.—A firbt class Dwelling, No. A 1W Fccond tin ot, containing U rooms, ro-un, hot and cold water, and get, with all modern Improv* tnrnte. M IHTCIICOOEL MUnkBItV A (A). f |X) LET.—The Urge Warehouse, corner of .L IVnn »dJ Wajcs (tbo property of the Hartford Rir?n Immediately. >*ac teroa apply T. LOGAN, Adn/r, j No. f- Wood atruit. LKT—.Several tine Store ilooms on St.; JL Clfcfr itrect. cno of ■ bleb will bo rented lo concretion with tbe apaclon* room on lb» accood Coir, nod l« well c*l» culntcd for n fnnilturu or rnrpot atom. Ifoqolre of _ocU-lif TO LfcT—Two Koom«, suitable for Ofhcea, in tbe aCKCuJ »tory ct cui W•reboots Building, No. ST Fif.h kttMl . AC Ivd C G. tIOSAEY A CO. ij'ORKKNT-A conjf.jrtablo Dwelling House Urge and -noy-nUtt; gy ■&.) water throngfiont tliv' bifiiv. situate ou stevt-n*«n *" Kent (240 per Tuf> _M? K.CUTHDERT * BON, 61 MarUt si. 1?OK KENT—Tho larjre Store*, Wo. 151; W.v l struct Kr. jnlr* of f. 6 CHADWICK * HuS. Suboncultural, vVc RIGHT FLACK FOR KVEUUKEKNS, Ac 'i*>,uuO f itrn fio*, (rerwo of (be finest bardj »*■ (mm U‘( to 5 teat. l»U,0(»> fn.qi iTHlil to feet b»OU etlra Luo cilery, firth) (-ea.l, a I J yarii, Bua, Hire* years old, dw*rl an I »f«ndir.| Jut Suisi-r) hbU and Ida pobllu Ptrtiburcti and i«iklati l Niira.-tica, ()r| T,, 1969 . JOHN UUItDOCIi. Jn PITTSUDUII aNO OAKLAND Wii-SI aisuim 3? Urt.tW Apple Tr»«<, 1 IjS fori. ft) orry—ll year obis— (Lie; (*,OOO fcl!m Uaplo, Vi to |fi . 60.UW LTercrvet-s. ( to B f««tt •J.*J ~l ibo ceM.rale.l Hop Tr\«a, »illi a line amrt:uei.t ««( ftbadu Trees, lll(awl*iirry, Koaee. UiM&buose Plants, 1« , Sc, WWLob.aalo fi... bu,ti »ltl U Jrali wllb lib-rally. aeSiuUwr JOUN MUttIRRM. JR. jMlft FI US i‘ BA FTfisT UU«U KEU ATION orfKlt TUEIII CIIURCU KDIk'tCK, (.ORSZIt OR AST AyD THIRD RTX. FOR RAI.K ON KPaSoNABLB TRRMB, Tor-lher with Itie OIUIAN and rUfINITUR* It l* well ami capable Of seating all hundred person* U noty uflsrtd for ante because It is looaianll for iht-lr arrommolatlDD For lerros, Ac, apply to W'M. U. EVKKBON, No 9* WaUr street, or J. UOOBYBU, Ja . No. 225 Liberty itreot. Ct-ftTilfel UAT STOUfci, re wo o r> a r r u ic hi t JJILLER.MAS t COLLORD Aro.uow prepared tj oiant tiio demands of (boss »t>o may lIATS, OAPS ANDL ADIE S' FURS. JOB I*RINTINQ—CAKDSTUIKCULARS, BILL HKADA, DILLS T.ADINQ, pOSTRHfI, PRIOR l.tSTfl, PANOV show CAUDB and every (Inscription of Jot> Piloting cicrntev! it abort notice la Ino best manner, by “ W.O. JOHNBTON A CO, fell Steam Job Prlutcra, fr 7 Wood street NKVV BACON—linsis, pfntnnnd S. Cured: Kbunldcrtanil Bides 1-kAP I.aßD—ln bb!», firkins and pell*; POIIK— M«aa and Rump For silo by JACESON A TOWNABNH, Mo Nil 12 FoOrtb street, near IJberty. OLTiSSESaM) SYRUI* 2a tibia Nc« Orleans Molaasns; 20 lilbbls--. d.. dt; bblaOr'dn, S>n,p: b»r at 196 Liberty afnVt. DK IK A LA7.B4R. F Lui)it BAKHKLS- ItKinew Bound Hoop Flour Dan-Ms, roc'd an.l 1,~ side at 81 cents by fed J. A. FK3 ZPCR, cuincr Market and Kirat s>«. PEABLASH —iy casks |p«ived and for Stic by J. H. LtilOEtT * CO, Rl», 76 Water sud P 2 Front sircct. IjAR AND MIBLLKD COHN —1.5U0 bus. JJ for role In rjti&Mt'M tnanlf, by T L. IiODURRfi, No. LO Water,slnet. INDIA KUBBKR GLOVES for Ladies ant} Orntletncn’s ns*, of differtni kinds, for rale by > »jB J. * 11. PHILLIP* c SPALDING’S PBIiP VKEDULUE—S gro. for .Me by U. L, FAHNESTOCK A CO, M 9 : rvoflj,corner Foartbaod Woodalrettm. CORN BROOMS—SU dozen Coin Brooms rcerfred and Cjt bs!q cheap by feiO JAS.X romer FUrkct and First stl. On wiislgoiariiL FUA 6An£. AND tNGJNi: CORNER ELM ASD I miF. STREETS, BB.STUOCO AND MASTIC WORKER, give* panLnl attautlou lo all vrden fur wsrfc Id bU line. and ORN AMENTS of ail klodi furotsbeJ uu abort ootlea. - - 1 ap3d:dly '• T. VV< «.oOUilliEtr, o W.ttb attd Clockltak.r.lrX IMPORTER OF ftV*a 1?INE WATCUESAND JEWELRY, No. 29 Fifth alrect,between Wood and Market, Pula' burgh, Pa. 49*Partlcolar i>*JJ to lb* Watcba and Jewelry. work warraaUd. UOLDTUOUP A KOII^E, Gas and steam fitters, n«». m THIRD STREET, between Wood and Smlth&eM ita un hand Chandelier*, Drafk»t« and Flitui of all kind*. Plumbing done tu a tujierlor atjlo All ot dura promptly aUended to. Plan* aod )*|wciflcatluua furalabod (or (Jaa Works aod Oaa Wm ka couatrucUxl of auy ca|>ad(y for jiab lie or private uaa mrfclyd ■ *. inam w. a a»a»ant. Pearl Steam Mill, i. B fIWKITZBB, MANUFACTURED AND ANDKHBON, BhASS POUNDEhS FINISHERS o? ALL KINDS or BRASS WORR, and dealer. In Q.lB FIXTURES, kz B»N)FFICEAND WARDROOMS, I NO I'iß WOuD nTREET, Five door* from filth attest. ( No. IS9 Fitai fi.e d.iora U-low (b< Moaongab.la Uooae, between Wood aod Smlthfleld. BVALL OUDERfI PROMPTLY FILLKD-t* JaU-dtf Pittaburgti -AgrlouHural Worita. RRAJSCI9 B. WiLLIADS, So*. 40 and SI Perry street, Manufacturer of willson’s Teldgraph Qay, Straw and Fodder Cutter, Mowing Kcspera, Boras Power Tbreeliera, Cider Mitla and other AgricuttnrU machines. dnlftlyd THE EAGLE SLATE COOIPASV SEIKO prepared to reoeire orders for their SUPERIOR GREEN AND PURFLE BCOFING TBS, delivered after tbe opening of navigation, would call attention to tbe low coat of tbii FLRE-PlliiOFmaterial, and to tba great parity of relo-water collected from slate roefa, not being impregnated with taint of decayed ehingles or the poiaonou* qoalltie* c.f painted meta La. Tbiywonld also eantion t he public against partiM faUilf representing themaaiTeeaa Ageata l ihereby fnrntahing aa inferiorarli elo In oor name, —tba only agrocyostablTabod by tbe Com pany being In the City of New York. Parties In Canada and tbe North Weetera Stat*a wiaLlng for tbe GENUINE KAOLEd/* SLATES Will pldtse address the Company, at "lijdertUs, Viwhere order* will receive prompt attention. JatOJsd U. FORMAN, Vire Poatdeai E. U. laißif, No. IO PourOi at. SUNDRY PRODUCE - f.O duz Corn BrMms; A 0 boa Dried Apples, 50 Las Drlod Peaches, 46 bbli Pearl Hominy, 6 Lbia Pickles, 16 Lbla prims Roll Dutter, 9 kegs packed Bolter. 100 bm White lisana, 15 bus Onion* 75 boa prime Olorar Saed, in store and for (ale by JAMES A. PETZER, _ I*4 eurn«r Market end First atrert* N SUGAR AND MOLASSES a 250 bbls. choice Plantation Uolaiair, 20 hbdj. prime Soger, To Arrive *od_forMl» by ATWSLI,, IJ!K A (U pen'bus. dry appi!.es; l6 Jo Jo I’Mfbet; \ 'i LbU (toll Bolter, > U 0 lbi.prloiu a«»o Ve*thtr.: 1 Bec'J euJ for ul« Ij HliaiVEll A DILWORTII, . fe'J --- OILS AND PITCH— -23 bt)t. No. 1 L*rd OH; ti MacUluary Oil, 2. •• N. O. Hitch, Up hand apj for aalt by Mt) JONES A COOLBY. ORANGES— 100 boxes prime Oranges re ctklr.g Miladay and furailo bjr KBYUKR A ANDERSON, 39 Wood at., foly the St Cbarlra Hotel. BHIKIING MUSUNS of our own brand, Llaena, t>tst make, Shirt Froata «f all <|uallllo*, arampleto atuck opanrd tM« iDoraiop. fr*6 0. IiANEON LOVE, 74 Mat**! at. GREEN APPLES—Large barrels and lounJ fruit, for Ly _MSj JOUN B. CAN f I ELI) A CO._ CLOYJ2K SUED—IOO bus. prime Ohio Clo ver 84d Jmt ree’J oo rocstgomeDt uuf for irfelty l«M J A. FSTZER, eororr Market aad lit eta. DRIED APPLES—2SO bus. prime bright Dry Apploajail rac'd oo coailKomeat and for uli by falS JAB A. fKTZBR, cor. Market and FintiU. i non BUS.’ DRY APPLES and 100 W A DUV/ Dry Ptachre (er u)e by Ilia _J. B._GANHELb A CO. Eastern i>hH Dronjn’Cliup. £> tihi'i. Kitra Sjtop, 6 Lbdi, Cuba bUKirJaitrec'd and for tilt* cbeip for cub. Jell QKAPP A VAN GOHDkfL s 0. U. ANUKitdON. fiwrrtarr Hoard of Tmaleca. INDIA RUBBER BAT, PARLOR, SOLID ted Fpona* Util*, all oil • oo hand ud for aale by l»U_ JA II I'WiLl-l ft. 20 and 28 SL Clair »1. E l drum* Smyrna juat reo’d anil »for«el*i» KKt'rlKK 4 ANDKRtON, lel6 '■+' No. 39 Wood »t. 1000 i! * ANI. FAMILY . ' '■•'■‘US 4 hEtSUN, IoJO »uU '» •-ftlri'tl* Altogbt'liy. OPKNhU FKB’Y'. an eirgnnt lot of Merrtmtc and Cocfi’*fo Print*, of in** nmteat Kyles taanofactorwl. O. HANSON LOVE,7I Uarkuatrret. : O UNDKIKS—SO htft. htar Candles, 20 bxs. J Foi’i White \Vh>*t Star.-h, 75 bbt* Gaff MM • Ultra Family Flour, I cir l.i*l fc»r (Vrn for «*le by i l*U QUAFF 4 VAN GORDER. ORANUKS— 40 bxft. iu prime order jus! rec'd oo >‘ntt«lg<;mpal for aala by : M* UQ9T DICK BY. 348 LiWrl. K. ALCUIiuL— 50 bbls for saleby U- L. FAIINEiTOCtt 4 CO, j M 3 No. CO, corner Wood nr?twii, Hickory nuts—so bus. theiibaik Illckory NuUJiut received sod for by ; M 4 henry u. coi.l raa. EAR CORN— 2OO bus. prime Ear Corn in ■tor* isd for ule by jas a. FBTZKR, j laid i corner Uasketetid lat *la. PEA NUTS—SO sack* for Bale by ft!B __ HOPt‘. OICBEY. COCOA KUTS—WOfcrialo low to close. fclS T BOST.SIOSST* 1 r. stum owxs3_&. ussrr. F. SELLKtIS «fc^O., DEALERS IK* PROVISIONS, AND LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS No. 309 Liberty Street* PITTbDDHQn. a u£d UOOB lUltgOaß -~.WK. JUMACOH-. —USX W. FXTTtT. MmaasiMiias »■. n *arr*c*«. TTARBACOIIS & CO., XL POBK HACKERS And ilcilhi (a PROVISIONS. UuUMuu lono.ird e(rert,u*»r EaU Lane, Alle gheny City. Offlct, N„ -.Oj Liberty etrtel, Pittahorgb. P*. nol939:lj'l* No SS.-t. UUir atn-ot, PI Hahn rub Bf. su’ui* k," • MFRCtIAFT TAILOR . No. 75 StIJTUFI LLt“ . s *i , tint<4 u. order endUo ike natural manner Ueu'a.tuid U-n'. Cuete, Pacta, Year*. Ac. a call. •[■lU.ittl J. N. 6H A 1.1 * R;N.BiCK.CxILU Ac CO. to JS. Ihmlap, Jr J lUPOBTCBB AND DIALEBB IB hardware and cutlery. No. 101 JSlarUot Street, PITTBOUROU, PA. • r\ & BRO., VJ BOAT FuRNISHKRa AND DEAI.Ur.a IN Manilla, [letup Mil Dottoo Cordage; Oat nm. Tar, PltcL, Roaln and U Tariteollu, Duct, Light sod Ueavj Drillings, Ac* ap&lv No, 68 IPs-a* and ?K Strrei J‘ A COB H E B SE, MINER AND DKALKK IN CANADA, UAONBTJG, CHAMPLAIN AND LAKE SUPERIOR IROK ORES; WROUGHT, SCRAP IRON AND PlO METAL. BFOPriOB—CORNER OP FRONT AND BMITHFIELD BTBBKTB. my27:dtf A LANE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL • .I,?RY, comer of PIFTfT end fiItANT STREET:}, it> MTtgbe’a njijv-Or* thr> Court Q-nne. Tbta Gallery ha* ja->i np with rt ’. - end aty-ligbt. Photograph*, Acibrnt)D ign. rrt.'tyi-e*, A:, takra l.i »tyl—t- .. IVFGW FIKM. UALLAtiHEK, CUAIG A GO., STEAM AND U4B PIPS FITTERS AND PLUMBERS: KKWU32 !i LLla.n. W. Whale Oil; YKUP&—4.J bbl*. Bronji 8 hxlra Jjjrup; 3 do Eutwick ilu do L bhJa N*» Tork, folu QttAfy A VAN fIUBDKK. takcLT C o r d ia m.< >oij PUii I f R Before Talinr. TllE.greatest KeracJy ip jtbejworfd. This cordial U distilled Iroro* titrry 6n/>Jrn«otj tomjaetf •uJn-c$ tbs body, puri fying and accelerating the ctreclitionSd :tb« blocd. It neatraltraa any billons matter in Hi** Blsmfcbt, and strength en* tbs wbol« organisation. g' = J f’LEAX'S STKEXGTiJEXfXq CORDIAL Will effectually ctara *' L- Liver Complaint, Pyip«p3ip,!Jmili«iice, Chron ic or Nerrons debility,’ Diseases of the Kidneys, and a’l Disfmsefjj- ftrisin" from u Disordered Li red or Stomach; Dyspepgid,’i flearttorn, Inward Pitas, Aridity cr Sick&M cl rtio Stom ach, Full nest of Blood to the* H.ad.'Dall P#(q or Swimming In the flcad, Palpitation of th« Hjart, Diaitrm or Weight in tbs Stomach. Soar Brnctail..ui, CbvkldgV’r Snffoestmg Feeling when lying down, Brjor-M « r Isrilownat* of the Skin aad Eye*. Night Sweat*. Inward Fefc-r*, Tain In the small of tho Back, Chest or Mi>, Sudden I’lO'bcsol llrat, Depression of Spirits, Prlghtfc! Druiu*, tango-T, Bifpou dencyor any Nerrona gores jtJ Blotches on the Skin, and Ferer and Agoa (or Chill* and ?ev*r.) It a 111 alao core dlaeases of the Divider and Womb, meb a* Semi nal Weaknnaa, IttconUnenco of Brine, Stifingnary, Inflam taatJon nr We«kn»* of the VTi-mh br fcladiler, White*, itc. ?nr ? ;r i:i rro sitstakr ab4gt it. » in J-.r !:«t w,n tcTir f»it to cor* any bf the ahsro *ll*- r*T*. »» p"t d»r.-cti>>ae*’n each tatjlMa German, i n;H-b-an I French. jh OTSU A MILLION.EOTTEik liure t -r r* cold daring the last sijt an t In no In stance has It failed (n girins entire Who, then will euCer Inmi weakness e* d?ltlHty,[when Urlcsc’i 9trn.gth«nlug Cordial will rcro yen?: £'. TO TH® L„vbliiß: luycofthb lobs healthy and strong? ?Tbon go at tuca and gut McLean's Cordial.; it will Strengthen aud Invigorat” jour whole system, causing a feeslthy and pure circulation of bio Jto flow through every vdn, and the ri.h, rug; bloncj of health,to mount io yotfr cheek agatu. bottle li warranted to give SaUturtlon. EPOR CHXLDRBtN. Wo i«y to pare DU, If your children are|'«ickiy, pan/, er afllirted with complaints prevalent among'children, give them email quantity ol McLean's CoptUL'an'l it will make tbom healthy, tat, tad robust. Celajfnct a moment, try It, au l yoa will to convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS.TO TSVKE. Cionc.i —Beware of druggists of dealerlwbo may try to pain upon yon aome Bitter or Ewsaparlll* trash, which (bey tan buy cheap, by saylog It la ju»t£as good. Avoid sneb tueo. Aik tor Mcle»an’i BtreogUienlrig Cordial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, anj at the »»rob tim{ the system t: Ona tnMa»iMAibful takeu Wary mortdng. lasting, ta a Cur tain prereutive far Cholera, Chill* and Fcvjlr, Yellow F»ver, or any {nevalont disease. Ills put op lu forge botliea. Price ..ulj |l per but tie,"of 0 bottles for J. H. BicLEAN. Buie proprietor or ti)!* Cordial. Alan,UcLMn’e VolcanUOU IJniment ,P« lu- I pal D'-put ou lbs corner of -Third fail Pine streets, Bt U.nla, ilu. M.'LEAN'S VOLCANIC LINLMENT ■The Best Liniment in the World. Tb-j cstt safe and certain cure tor Cencer&^Pile*, Tumors, Swellings, and Bruotbele or Ooitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of the Muscles, Ctironlc or Inflammatory Rhen tnallau), tHiiTuc«i of tbs Joints, Contracted Lift' menta, Ksrarhn or Toothache, Brdltira, Hpraics, Wounds, Fresh Cuts, Ciena, Fever Bores, Cekfd Jiteuts, Sore Stip ples, Barns, Bcalda, Sore Throat, or any rfcflanimetlcu or Pula, no dlflorcrx-e buw severe,or hijw longlife disease Day havewtated. Mclx-au’s OflfbratuJ la a certain remeJy. gf ThouunJi of human beluga hare teen a Ufa of dr Wounds, It (s.'an Infallible remedy.— Apply it as dirertt*!, and a enre la certain literary Instance. Tbcofilftepo longer with the many worthless Linlmenta offcrel to yon. Obtain a supply of l>r;McLfcan’s celebrated Unlmeot. It will cure you. s ; ; J, 11. McLEAN, Sole ftroprieter, • Corner Third and Pint Louis, Me. tm Uho l| > nKY.SBU, HO Wood ttnit, Pittsburgh, Pa , U the sol* 4*put, lu shorn allocddr* uifljt be addressed. PEUI \ IAM^SYfILP, UR r^OTE^pID >1 Protoxide &f' Iron C 0 M B I N E D . ffv IMUS PRRPARAXFOJJ-Dffi’Pfcß.S KROM i.f • VTiTv »er d(bra kncdra* For Imliicution, lorpid L»*tr, Drop* In*, S&uljJaU fcrz&i of diacaae can*«d hr ItnpoTerubment of tb£ Hood, general Jebdftj, and especially the dleeaees.pecultcr; to female*, it but hern found extremely afßcaeloqi. £v Pamphlets, giving a full description of w$ ramady and the remarkable etirr# It haa efloctod. may&e ottatLod of the ag»nt». t; (Certificate of Dr. Qaj-e* ) t; ll U well known that the medicinal effectLlPiotoxlde of iron i* lost err n by ft brief exposure to «fr, and that to maintain • solution ot Protoxide of Iron without farther axld&tloc, fan* been defined im{Joaiiblo. |; In the PoxQTiftQ gyrop. tbU desirable pcldt baa been at tained by in a cay btfvrt unitwion; and this •otntion may replace all the pro-carbons tfa, citrate* and tartrates of tha Mstoria Uedica. | It (s al*o eailarntly adapted to take the pace of any Pro toxide cf Iron, which physician* have tug} in scurry or srorbotie attache, am) to meet such case* th& gjjrop should bs f.>ond In tlie medicine cbretofoTery ships'.: A. A. HAYISi, U. D-, Asxaybt to the State of Mamdmstta. Id Boylatou street ' ?,• A OABD. • {,'! 1 La undersigned having experienced the tsbeflcUl effects oi the “Prrovian Syrup" do net hesitate tccrocomswod It to the attention of the public. |-. From our own experience, as wall 'as frettf (k 6 testimony of others, whose Intelligence and taUKritJ&e altocetber cnqn«tloDabl*». ire bare no doubt of Ita b>cates of Incipient Diseaace of the Longa and Bronchial Passages, Dyeoepila, LlrerComplaint, Dropsy. neuralgia, etc. In deed ita effects would be incredible put tromjlhe high char acter of those who witnessed them, And-baSy Tnlsntoercd their testimony, u we do onrt, to Ita hebufafire power Her. John Pierpont, TbotbaaOeAmu-r), \ Thomas A. Dexter, ' Petet Harley, 8. U. Beudall, il. v, Jamie Q. Bunn, Pamne) May, Iter.[TkoaffiThtltcLniora. ,.UM*>Du.^ DB-QBO. NdltO gVoorl ItTMt Fur kUd by aoSnJAtrl;? In presenting you with Dit. Eat&n’s Infan~ tilk Coasui, we desire to state its in >cric&iy over evaty nostrum that cone or qoack has beret ifcre offered you- Flrat—lt U the preparation of a regulhr pb&alciso, whole veil qualified from each nptrlmco Tn Infan&lu complaint* to proscribe for them. Secondly—lili eiitfrrJj froo fr.rn paregoric or opiate of any kind, aodcouaoqciotJj relieves by rumoring the aaflfcriogof your child, JaatSaJ of deadea iag tta sensibilities. Tblrdlj—lt la pot np «t(b great cere, a» a comparison of- U with toy other srtlclafcr Infantile cuapiainte will shew; tbe very rooUNtola wb&rb it la distill ed being dug from tbe foroata coder tbe direction of Dr. £*■ too, many of Item by hie own baada.' Fourthly—lt is per fectly barmlcae end cannot injure tbe coat <|dicate la taut, ami tee certain cure and relief Id all the l-flloalog casts, which ia tti chief merit orur every othef prep&rwUoo, vie FOIt ALL COMPLAINTS ATrtNDINQfT2BTUHSQ. aucb as DYSENTEKV, COLIC, Ait; afip, fbrjfeltening tbe gumiaod reviving pain. Fur regulating tß* bowal»ltif unequalled. For Cold (o the Heed It be fdft relief. For OBOUP, tbo moat fetal and trying of. can be re tied on with perfectco&ddenee; und being a e&U* •paatoodlr; lu ell raise of convulsion! er Otajwerarccetfy' I recommend you to love* no time (u ptocuflojtil. .Lastly— i It coata co tuacb more tbsa other prepdrmUor|'uf tbe krad, | that •« rsnnot afford socb loßgsdrerttflenunfa aa can those • hot* whuto expense Is ib«ir advertising; forftie uunere*. «00, u cornuunUaliaelf aa lb a tnnt reliable Qj*U tootboia. luall cawe,thedirections wrapped; sroaolibechbottle, most l»e strictly followed. Price,!U eadtspectkrftto Ur. Bbonson having been eofariedufied by cuoinmptbu, as to be considered beyond all Sops ofa-ecoe •ry by tho mret eminent of tbe (pedtoal by himself—a regular physician of twenty yewp practice— asalatt retort, conceived the Idea of ANASxUNCLTQI BLOOD, and appUng tbe aubject of t»hykloloj£|;to tbe more Immediate connection, and effort n tbfe itettof tbe Hooj upotube health and ejatem. The naolt haihbMnlhanrm doctionof tLla “BLOOD FOOD,” from (baoiknf irbkh Dr Brocauo was rwtoiei to perfcot health. WiiWhal* month* after Its introduction, ovsr two were effectually cured by it. If you haw M9tSls!&asl consumptive tendency, tough, told, fir e j atA s. >fcwMi.-- r/ iht Jlcan, Lon c/ Afptute, or pofa te no lime In prorating e bottle of the "BLOOD KJQ&.** If too areen (feri ng from Renot* DttnlUy, oryottri&nfibnioa and duf urirj, ifyear Aifmt are Derated afjmr OrJSu relasti. yea will tied lu this an unfailing com mencing wlih Acts drop:, if your Zf#c?i* tofpid kdfeear ed In any manner whatever o»eer to invigorate, end bting It Into lively aadboStblnleeUoo. In the moat toTcornto e&tve of Jfrn*pxfc,t&ipe(lMileto here find the mo.t tffldent and l« always experienced attar taking onlr cm b&U. lOifafe or Fcmtlt Owpirinii and KYaAncjiL, thehuffaer, alter trying ot«r nsmedlM fo rmln, may rest annr«L that a car- IS?®;**' 0 ® of or ‘S.v® 0 ® FOOL'** laeffwtnillo al I cases &f Emptio**, SaU Rkenrn, Icrtfidat and other iikrccmgt&lata- /hte and adtillt are btnaflt id by its use. Itgivie strength to tb* body tfnd color and beauty tothoakia. P AyiicfamDa,fo(«circtilara Frlc*st phf bottle. aoldbyCllDltCll A DUPOaT, Dragghta, tfalda* Lana, N«w York, and by all reepectahip DruggJtta through ont tbo ciontrv. ] Fir for sale by bft UEO. H KFTPER. Hd Pl«*- btrph, p.», „j | feUydiwF EsB«gfl@ INDIA KOBBBK GASKETS arjlS Square Rpm of all ilfo* for *»l« fcy J. 4 PHSCLIVrf, o 7 Ko«. 20 aod23 St. Ci>fr Hrwt RV APPLES—TOD bus. WqsterHiHefcerra frnit far ala by QBAFP^jVANgORDKIt. AUKD busn. to kose con •lsonw>n*.for«alß by BBCKAipi sundaj) *t a-Cw r. x. * topping at ail statues, aadroo •* Conemwcb. . - , *‘ rl Afc ".\ mo atiii, -Praia fj, TnrtleCink Bridga loires Mn'«elj *. toiler,:—El* to*n Aocom-ju4*Uoj U-yo a«• r?* * :SS ***'•■ c*ub»,ai.> ~, A^n- A«rccniooiati.n. r aJ r.M. ' 3xl ''•* l»P-K.;Tbird Train* lor Bi*lr*ritl» nod Indivn*-r with Mail Train fc**t EvnJ’.'S V tb* Johontown Acc'iimuodati Jn Tr»t a iin *° 4 Pi.rnborcti A Conor UiYiilo Tnu?, it .JftL,,. va tb« Tuuborgh A CnnotlUrUie Kota,u. T f «uh rxcrpt*}) as Ulcwa Train, TrDO*. m ? r. 0i p. u. Eitforolng Train* from Putabonh A Ctmasiu! rill* EoHd,%triru at PitUbatgh, fcOOa.-R. aod&ittr.B. The trvreliog pnblic Will bud It greatly to tbdr Interest* i* lialf crnt per xniin in to tha £l*tloa fates,'«*e*pt (torn Matu.ni tri eie tt>e cosftnt*?bas co Agent, ...i. NOTICK —lq c.ir® CoSiJtaoj willvß3|ngh Wittoat change of car*. .h ni L r V° ; ' DAY * leUi, I*A5, Tniit* SLb" s V«f'"o':°- ma " *«-«<. ?p~. P >» ifiSKfl &BE 4 Expre55,.....,.. 1:45 p. m |iQ;to p.« f 4.0 T « M Arriraat 10.45p. N-tEXV-rtM 10Ui h KUrUSNINQ. i-"***v,t*a ■ ArritoilFlttabiirgti— Kxprttt Mail, t.Oa. k, »„ fcjrj,-,, 5.00 p.m. Accomm«latK>u Tr&lua, from Aider*} atrert. Allucb*n for New Brightuu,9.4i)a. u., end'4.4o p, M. From** “ 0.05 “ “ lilO u Throogb Train, connect a. follnwa— At Alliance, with train. ou th u Cleveland A I'Ut.bargh it. Rond. At OrrrlHe, Olilu, tottuS IVwUi MiHeral-iug, Akreu. CuyitiWi Falls, etc. At SlanaficM, Ohio, for Alt. Bhilhj, Saciioiky, To ledo, Detroit, elo. At Crulline for IVUwuo, SprtogfluLi, Coluuibua, Cluciona tl, Xenia, Dayton, inilonapolb, Bt. LouU, Louisville, ate. At Forest fur tprlugfieli, gandtuky, Dayton, Cincinnati, etc., etc. At Lima fur Findley, Dayton, Ciuciauati, etc, etc. At Ft. Wayne lor Peru, LaUjette, lud., £l. Louie, and Inter- medial*porta Jo Central Indiana atnl llllnoi*. At Plymoctb for Lipcrte. ~ , At Wacalab tor nil points ou the N«» Albany and Halem- Railroed. And at Chicago, «lUi train, for ail points in Illinatl, lowa, VVUcflaiia.aifJ Minnesota. For Ini4fi*r Information and through Ticket* apply t) J- STEWART, Ticket Agent, Passenger Station, Pittabsrgik k t! STEVENSON, Ticket Agnot, Pusenger Station, Alleghany, TLruogb Tkktla for saloatall tho Ticket OflLceaoitba Company on ih« Hoe of the ruad, to all parts of the Called Btateia. J. J. HOUSTON, Qua.lWt Agt, Pita.- Cleveland auu ritubnrgh Railroad, CUANGK OF ARKAN42RUEMT. ON and after Monday. |g?nwrTWTfTTWn January ICtli, IS£», will leave the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pitta* bnrgh, a. follow.: I'iUtbuyjh atiJ Chiejgo Lint. Leave* Arrives at Arnrcaat Arrlrta at PITTSBURGH. CLEVELAND. TOLEDO. CHICAGO. 2:00 a m ti:2S a m 12:10 a m ICWX) afa 1:45 p m 735 p tn 12:10 a 01 1035 a a Passenger* desiring to go tu Chicago, via ClfiiwlaaS, mut* be particular to aak for Tickets via Cleveland. i\Otburps, fbftnnitti and Cincinnati Sheri Ffnf, rij &Gibsnviile. Express leaves Arrive, at Arrheaat ArrlTaiat PITrSBDKUU, COIdIAIBUg, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. 2:00 a m 1:50 p m 635 p m i3O pot 1:45 p m 1;45 atn B:G0 a m 2:45 p m Thla rcote is sWter to Cincinnati, Loolarille, Colambtta and all point. getuh, than any other roots. Splendid Bleeping Cara attached to all Night Trains. FUUburghand WudingLint. . 1 Leave. Arrive* at Arrives at Arrlrea at PITTSB’G, UuCUES'B, WDLLS’i; ATKUB’E, lFJtt»)5Da. 2-00 a Q 535 atn 4:15 a m a m .355 p m at all aiatlmt nrnrra at pst 1:45 p m 504 pa 430 p m -triQZ ptarfelS p a Thai: 15 |>. barg, Philadelphia, Jew Turk aud D^Um. t. B. MITJSU3, Oiticrai Ticket AgHit. l*or further iulorm&tiuu apply u . JNO. fIXAVFARr, Ticket Jlgezt, doK Liberty it. a spot, WtUhartd U> McUilTery A&nlth;exo cow prcr-are-l u> '■ * ttba * r below Jot. Wood «Co a Kbiliog Mill, ia boats, largvaor w&gcns. Tier will ujo fnreliL, with their om »>«"*«, to either of the to cano&ctaroraor prtmra taaOUw, it rcasooable prtcee. *3UWebaTe«Ecor*d the eemcM nf who bu had many year* erjvriecee to th» Leal bottom to he capacity of gapcriatcndcat aad jal&dlj 2a , lKLaQ^zm.a , BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, 1 DIAMOND HREET, NEAR ULEitIT, • rnTXB’JSiM, FA. Horses, bougies, carriages and - everythtug uicilljr futmd In e Cr«t cUn Bluer, ca'r bwuti eud to order et nil Uinie. £i#rtu'-&itf tnzizrri atvi' , rtliaMt; VcMd;t elrparU and ccrnforlablt-. ‘ ;; v , 4E9 Orders for to ftisertle, or for fe&iUs3>~ punctually attended to, et ell boon. 49hitoree* bought end »UJ; els-o, kept t>y tb* day ■clTullj Fitubargn Stamp and Stencil Works JND. L>. MATTHEWS, Stamp, Stenaii and Brand Cutter JOBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, Ac.— Enivee, Sciaeoraend Razors Ground, Ac 4 Knife filtdei Ineerted: Table Knlm Repaired, and General Jobbio* at leaded to: lOGSSMITU AND DELL-UANGBB, Mo. 138 Smftbfleld Street, near Sixth* ' __ Fmsb UR QUy FA. %tvre Brio to mihe aoythtogto the ‘••l** olsu edge tool, wr do any kind of aotlth work whit > .o ■‘h.vft pr-tl>«. hawed w UT HALL HBS'XAGRART, LAt-oMo nrrii street, JOSEPH FRIOEER’j I'ROPHrSTOE. it All till delicacies of -is.- XUii BKASON, prtpucd tli«FliiD«t ri puriMicsd ctM*j,wcv«*l cp altlio iWieat tie*, from w- . . ~. SIXO'CIjXJH A. #l. CKTIL rWKLT«b'CLpOSPAf. AUuUclm Iq tbo lie*-, pecuttM lo tb*:Kssf, Wait or ffeQUt,nceJir«d daily ordu.—. Dcjldlm m«a «Ut CuJ (Lo t*U»at WALK CP RALt all that ihflr coold de&irc. CFWDoluhk. D#j*.| for OycterXi'flib; Uims tndostij ytttauUwto thdr rdJ > »iq>d QOAL IOiVUS, COAL IIOW, COAL S3UTTJJE3, CUAfiNG r. PARLOR PEKDEfifi. NusaEnv t exorns, 77 PATES t QBJOIEOSi, BIRD CAQEi, BATHING APrABATCS, BLOCK Tiff, ? . OOFJEE AND TEA K>T3, AoJ» tolimppl/ol lUrdirsr*. *t tb» Iron Uir StoT* *ad TitfWwhow of W. W. BHAMHAW, No. 1M Wood ttreeL Jtg} Writ door bckrwihotlyn r»flho Gol.baOtTß. C UN DRIES — O 6 bbU. eboic* tn*h Soli Eottu; r JO <• ladbtgsiOMU wtlte De*a*. V U ** Hickory Sou; 1 btffChat&aU: •J 1“ Ttootfay lieed; {Hbbt*,Clurw