A Cautorhia iWnTsn.—A Sacramento .cor rupondsnt of tho York Courier writes as < - hum ibout the weather therein January. It »o»ft» # singular climato where rocs and chry* •gnthfiirn ww|> Mnain before daffodils and the cro* ’ climate of California U at this season of the year peculiarly mild and delightful. The rains fell in San Francisco gently but steadily through most of the month of November; when "they ceased, tbo weather aeaamed the balmy ** temperature of Jone. Vegltation sprang up, and the sandy knolls about the bay soon beoamei cov ered with a coat of readme. This ®° a “» * n troth, through tho Southero haU of tioPtoto, corresponds with ibo opening of spring . cut. Lilies arc in hlooa, together with tho chrysanthemum. the gcreomm, an .. ing plants nhlch adorn thei porohea. there, too. you will a™ ">• » h !‘» «“ n« 1B « with the iilly, and the red drooping in thediar diet flowers, under »bo cool moisture ; of^lhe / nights. The budß of ibe passionflower areswel ling, sod the green pointed heads of the bya* eintb, tbs.crocus jnd tbs daffodils hays broken the ground, Tho markets are fitted with vegeta bles; finch as Cauliflowers, turnips and, green . -peat. A light hoar frost folia frequently during I the clesmlghta, hut there has been so Soe, nor j • has the ground beeu even crisped with cold.: iC- f-Ko winter climalo that I have overheard red can compare 'with that of ibis coast below / UlUddr3B. Tfaio place is one or two degrees higher'and less pleasant than the region about the bay; but it has oot y*t been visited by frost, ice or snow. Tho farmers are at work, break ing up the ground. Tho mountains to the east ward loom •up grandly, (belong Une of then; summits being covered with snow. The proepecta however, from San Francisco eastward, is more impressive. Monte DiaMe towers above the in tervening hills, the hoary monarch of the scene. 1q tho morning tho sun breaks forth from the barrier of his buawj tops and bathes the.green bills and tho gliUeriug buy to a flood of mellow tight. lam qaiu incompetent to describe the charming effect of this quid, pleasant, mid summer scene, of hill, plain and water, repos iog under the august vigilance of tho winlery eaoiioel-” Wnxn the prenooi Marquis of Bate attains his majority, be will bo ono of tho most opulent no blemen of the British petrage, and equal to the Westminsters, Buccleuchs, and Breadalbanea. The following in n brief enumeration of the es tates in Britain possessed by the noble Lord, and the lilies under which bo holds them. In Eog land, estates in the counties of Essex and Cam bridge' derived through the North family; a large estate., in Bedfordshire, derived through the third Earl of Bute, a large portion of whiob Still remains; a.large estate in Durham, derived through the Claverioge, an heiress of which family mametji the Inst Viscount Windsor. The ; v collieries on this estate yield fc large yearly rev enue. In Wales, his vast Glamorganshire (states, derived through the Herberts, Earls of Pem broke, and their representatives, the Windsors, Viscounts Windsor. In Scotland, nearly the whole Isle of Bute (tripled in its annual return since the last thirty years,) derived through a branch of tho world-renowned house of Stuart, hereditary afterward Earls of Bute; large estates in tho counties of Ayr and Wig town, derived through the Crichtons, Earls of Damfrietfj and Barons Crichton, and their fam ilies, which they by marriage represented; also, some estates inCambrae. GAZETTE JOB OFFICE BALSTON & YOUNG, [BOCCK3OI3 VO JOBS T. BOTTOCI,] BOOK, CARD & JOB PRINTERS- gazette B-crii-xjiJsrca-, FIFTH gTHKKT, NIC All POST OFFICE, PITTSBURGH, PBNM'A, 4F£xmuU «v«ry klud of BOOK •»»«! FAHCY JOB PRINTING wilh naatness and dtepatch, jo27u]»wtrF_ atfiotituUutal. &r, R" "lQiir place fob evergreens, Afi.—2o,ooo extra Coe, grown of the )i»rJy rt rfetlM, from V/i to 8 feet. 60,000 from mall to 2>£ feet. , „ . 6000 extra fine cliorry,42,OOQ peach nd 2 jerJs, fln*~ three roars old, dwarf eu>l standard. . . . ,S.gr,L k s ssfssit sb.*ss* b PITTSBCOII AND OAKLAND NUR-® 8K83E3. , •** 96,000 Apple Trers*, 6 to 8 feet, 40 raHatlw, 46J)00 do do lto’ifeet,W da, 1&050 Peach; 8,000; Cherry; 3,000 Qaloc*; 3 000 Standard Pear, KXtn fine? 19,000 Dwarf Pear, I*ooo Ilonghton'a Qooaeberry—3 year olds—CQ's 6,000 Bilrer Maple, 12 to 10 teet; ' , . 60003 Evergreen*,.! to 8 frett IW of the relebrated Uop Trets, with a flue aaar.rtmoot ofShado 'Tree*, Straw berry, Qrotmhonae Planta. Ac., Ac. g» Wboltwale porcheeer* will be dealt with morally. ge3la)AwP JOHN tlDllPtfOO. Jit. Eeaal #Lot(crs. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of AdmluUtratkm on the «UU of Henry McOewr; late of PUUbnrgh. decnuod, baring been ffwjted Register of Allcabeny county, to the undent gnaJ. All l*r* 1081 haring claftn* or demands againat the «tat.- of add do cedent are raqumted to make known tho tamo without Jb- Ibt. and all persons indebted to make payment to 117,0 3AMK3 MABSUALL, Adm r, dtaixtwr neuBKN miller, jr.. j r- K AHIHKRB» aiITUAL tPIRK INSITRANCB3 COMPANY OmcK- Onitr Sqwrt, York, Pmna. Accumulated Capital ...$ll7,Xl* 33 J This Company continues to insure the safe klnda of property agaiiutloaa or damage by fire, at rate* » *« “ U mabM WUt “ folr H. MUBIB. RmridenL PITTD Bwnctxu. Beo'r ee3S;wlyT_ BBSII ARRIVAIT HAVANA CIGARS. So,oooSeneca*. 2 *■^9® m ? t^ cUlllo, 9 000 Horde Arroyavo, 25,000 Plantation. And a Variety ofotba,- choice brand* conitaatly on hand al Ana a Tario y JOS. FLEMING S DrngSu>«e, comer Market it- and tba Diamond^ p ENTS’ STOUT BOOT S for 52.25, ITT BOYS* do do 1.75. YOUTHS’ do d‘* 1-BO* CHILDRESS’ do Jo IM. Call and get a bargain at the People#’ Cheap Suoj Stoi ° Ck j _ l). 3. DIPFKNBACfIKU. ERUIT— 100 bOiCS Sicily Oranges: &*lo by fIUBIYKIt *PI {.WORTH XOKOkV NUTS.—4 bills Hickory Nub _J”* * rrl,rf *"' l '“ r , iir.miv n. cnixm*. XJUTTEH 20 bbU. fresli, in rolls; 11 !»M«. JO *»« 4» So, for »>« tj l 7 m OttK BABBBLS.—MS Pork Burreln, bittor bw, r»n i-wirf, “•’^■rKfoSSfe*" tioOS MKirJrMlo-bT ~ H’MNII i.iNJBB. ygUPS 50 hbfa. Penna. and Baltimore; nEaBrr.BAREHB. BUCKWHEAT KXODK-50 eacks for calc b, McBASI B AN JEtt, H* BieonJ »<■ POTATOES— 100 bush, dioico white Pink lye Potatoes, JaU i«*lTey j.lB _UEWttT tI.COLLTNfI.^ P~ BA NOTH—6O packs to arrive j>or steam- OCJOA N UTS—2 lihda. Cocoa Nats to ar r., 7 r l ~0 °“, M ' B °^OBT fo Liog| , r, 3» UUrt, ....... T BMONS—IOTxiim Sicily Lemons, in good I 1 order, to arrive per iteanier Kaalce, oa co&Bigumeot, nOBT.DICKBY, ZM Liberty etrceU BANOJBS—SO boros, in primo order, re celra] Ihli ’ r jgSSi»gSgS!sw®& ,noKWIIBAJ. .. iUGOt ri*io.. for py . 11)1 MlB b&K * tAZEAE. ■«- V/j.19 •■; |STEEEOSCOP£C EMPORIUM. E. ANTHONY, -No 303 Broadwav, New York. toiltf.lSW."'" 1 ROADWAY, too dm, fna AJia tm - atSL lflMa BoUL mnR STEREOSCOPE is the most instrcc vcnxun™, i-TTtHAiaim, BCfflmiAaot- U, K«» B> 0I0 r 0 ) 0 O AOWV. nOM 110116 tOC ' n mttK>v*tiuaitd, to oekoowtalec No home 1* complete without U, and It must and will jcrt* f( ilipreionta uTyonr v!nw cv-rj part of the world, rtlitf, boldntti,ptnpcetitt, aud than>nai «/ detail, as M you were on the apot. . , Wolograpbera are everywhere exploring Europe, Ad*, Africa, America, In search of the grand and ilii»bwuUdot, Ul ) tho reenlts of their skill are constantly fnrlcblog oar '* Wo hare an Immense tariely of paper Views PailL London, In*land, Scotland, Ireland, W alea, France, Botsiao, iloUanMlwilMrland, Spain, The Rhine, j~ Bt. Clcud, Fontainebleau, Tolllorlee, Italy, Tnrkey, KgypL Athena, the Holy Land, China, I mil*, Crystal Palace -Sw OronpTniatoriewl, amnalog, marriage K«ne>, break faateceoe«,t>te*nlca,at*toery, An erjuftife «««■!• nunt cj J&iKated Interior* /alacea, Chnrchea, and- Cathedrals of France, Italy, Ae„ Ac. The effect©! thaso Illuminated View, Is viOitnmoTl'able. i ErxryaenamanofvyolUt ani rrjintd forfc:sboald hare, in hie drawing room aome of oar Exquisite VleweouOtasa,- i with revolving atem-cope, ahowlug li, 25,60 or 100 .cone*, Nothing ran oe more leeclnatinx, and one can offer no 1 irnatcr treat to a rrlcud fond ol the picturesque aud the ' beautiful. Anihony'l Jnitanlcntout Blereoecope Viewa are the latest photographic wonder, lfaey ere taken In the fsriieth part ofaeocond, and everything, no matter fco» rajndly U may bo moving, Udepicted as sharply and distinctly u if It had bean perfectly at rest. 'This givee * n additional value, for to the beauties of Inanimate nature it adds the charm of lift and notion. The process Is a discovery of oar own, and lw»- Ing-nnfcnnwn In Europe, we receive from lioodou and Paris large orders for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of Ameri can life andaciraery. . Among other things we hare Jnet pnbllshod Stereoscopic Ulnatratlona of the Scono of tLe Fulton Street Prayer Meet ieyt, in Which many hear la feel an interest. The particulars of this will he found In onr catalogue. Our Catalogue of subjects aud prices will be forwatded to any address on receipt of a stamp. Parties at a distance, sending ns %\ {5, sto, $l5, $2O, or ,J 25, can hare a good Instrument and such pictures as they may request, sont by Express. Views alone (without instrument) can be sont by mall. Partlra who wish to be advised of everything i rally *•>«• able in the lino that cornea out, may send ns tbelr name* to piece on record, end wo will keep them posted at our own eX £etM>f leisure will find Photography a most fascinating anil delightful amusement. We are prepared to fit out ama teurs with everything necessary for their success, together with Instructions “Dow to take Stereoscopic pictures.” E. ANTHONY, Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, giereoseopcsaud gtarroacoplc Views. wy- UtrcAanti from evsry section of tbs country ara re spectfully Invited to make an examination of our stock, aa our discount to the trade will be liberal. TO pnOTOUUAPUEILS—FItst clan Stereoscopic Nega tives wanted. ' Bend by mall aprlnt uumoautsd, with price of NegMtTer jal3:owd [Cut this out for future reformer. ] . v _ STBRWsb OP E S ANi)" V I K W S AT TIKtDQCARTKRS PenUr* will find It l.> llit-Jr adranU;..* j.> eramlns ill* Slosh »n«*t goods at »onuu»nalW low tlgnro enable them to "opi'ly AN IWTARALLELLRD ASSORTMENT At price* which defy eorctwaful competition. A NKW REVOLVING STERESCOPK, F*ir rv'Dlalnlngaoj nrnnUr o se lected. delMmd TEAS! TEAS!! j. p. WILLIAMS, 1U SmithfiM ttrret, i\tUbvrgh, Ilrw ft very chotco selection of Family Groecrli>»,cou»Ulijit Id part of the tollowlnjc •pij cbepls flue to ertra fine Colons tu<*l Chnlan Tci»: y) *• >• “ *• Ilyuu, U. P. ftUd Imp. T««e, to catty boxoa extra fine Uyaon, “ 60 bbU. Crushed, Pnlrcrisi d and Ci-floe Soger*. £>o bAR* Kio, l*a£txayr» and Old Goveriinw.Mil Java 20 l>b:s.extrmSjrrni>aaad UoUftfc-a; lo •« Pare Cidor Vinegar: 25 Ihtxea SI. IL, Layer and Yakutia Ilaltlu*, ID bbla.Zaate Cnrranti: 50 boxes “Woman** Friend - Soap; 55 " Colette** Toilet to *‘ Palm. German and Ilo*hi to “ Sperm, £tar, Opal and SIonM 25 “ Pearl and Sliver Glnvv Stan t*. 60 can* pore gronnd Sptce-r, 100 “ freah Wackbertlr*; 3W It*. CloTrt, Nutmeg*. Mace and 10 rase* Olive, Bordeaux and Virgin Oil*. 20 “ hoxea Cocoa, Uroma and CboroUtrr. 2000 lb*. *uper Corbooate and S«l Soda; 100 ,Wn Mason’# and Anoear'a Blacking; Water, (latter, Boxer, Soda and Wlno Crockers, hr , ic which they offer, Wholeailo and Kelall.et v»ry moderai advance*, to the fvtolhcJ, at>! r«r»j.-»cttully •'die their patronage _ J* lo PITTSBURGH PLOW WORKS J. €. BIDIVEU, HA S ON HAND a VF.UY LAROE »tock of « PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS, Of all Ilia iSlffcxeitt rnrirtioa, ready to enpply l>'» friend* and cuitoOMiumuil. JiUSiKW WORKS, nowbeingererUv. in the central p*rt or the city, on Ois lot fronting UO f#«c cAcb on DoqonDt Way aDd (treat, auJ extending MO feet on Garrteoo alley, will be equal lu extent and ra pidity to any l'low Works in the United Statue, baring all Ura modern imprerementJ lu both wood and ‘iron working Machinery, and will be lo full operation abetu ibo tret o< Jan nary ensuing, Warehotuea for ibe prreeat i.»3 Lk—mj •troet, corner of Cecil*' alley, and 267 IVun »trrx.-i, 49>0rdera are rcepeclfnlly aullcUed, nulO-tf PLOW MANUFACTURERS, No. IC6 Ponn Street, Pittsburgh; PATENTEES o( the celebrated First Pro mlum lUON CENTRE AND HILLSIDE UKVot.V ING BEAM PLOWS. Al»oiiiAanfactar® P»t«Dl Lowr, Ofntro Low, liopr.iwa I’tMuck, Wrought MolUboArd, Croulo, ValUjt and •Terroth«r dwwtiptloo of PLOWS PLOW CASTINGS, CULTIVATORS, Ar. «wTh*y »l«o continue to c*«tt off tb* old Pbirolx *on« Oecil alley, lU CMUug. e which hate been lotiK celebrated lur lUolr eirellcoc*. Ai orders promptly tilled wid Mtlstsctlon b»t«-o to ctuto* In eTpry_ft»rtk>iUr CARPETS AND Oil. CLOTHS, AT TDK FOURTH STREET CAKPFT STORK, WD. &. U. AI’CALLUM RESPECT • FULLY »LDouiM»Uut llwy mo weiring » nn-J »nj.f.ly r.f CAEPBTINU, •elected dir«Uj trch»*cr». Alao. a uew ttjlo of GASTON MATTINO, for autnmer \»f Icra. Tli# Ute*t mako of CAKPKT BWEEPtfES, etc, etc which abalt be cffefoJ *t tho lotrral r»t*a. / *5“ W. D.*_U. M'CALLOM/ T'ouß out FOB YOUR HlDES.—Stored 1 i yriib iu» aobscritier by ateamar Knima, 101 Dry Uid##, wSr'tn.od lofiprwuaA Alcbalrt. Tbaownwa will plaaa# ill aiui lake tberoaw»y or they will Corner of H&lkot and Pint atroetl. JalO _ gIitJAK AN I) MOLASSKS — CO bin]* “(*lr lo prim-'.' SW tbla tt.O. MoUiu-r, U) btiii l*oi to Rtro Moluie*. 200 bbla ftrflnad Hnirar; 7A bbla J’euna. bjnij. to (tor* and for tala I>r J«2y HimiVKH A I>ILWIUtTH._ SUNUKIES— TiOO bun. Dried Applet I'iO do Wblts V«kun; iO<> k*R» Lard-, 20 bbla. OroMe, C»»rkl,n>r lb bag* Feathers; Hi bm. Timothy Hood,' Ferule by JaJ7 A Cn_ ■pitown's BRONCHIALTHOUIIKS; X# Bryan's Pulmonic Waferr, f bbla prlfflo eolld necked batten 25 kcgi prime do d *0 kon printo Ur if; b bbU prlmu Urd; 6 bblaCJow Seed; 26 bagi Buckwheat Floor; 200 baannall while Bain*; ■“* f.. LI,, a— '“"“aa/jSS . ~ No. 130 end 182 Sacond at. OAn BBLS. PKIMK N. O. MOLABSES rfUU L, .111,. Kl bbls. now receiving and tor Bale bv T. L. nODOKiltf. 7 «G Water end M Flnt street*. R(H.L liUTOKll—io bbla prime Roll liu! Ur In ftoro an 4 Tor-.Mln by _ 18 - z BHOWN A KIEKPATIUQg. M\V "llrumH this day and for tale by ..... Jt3L HBYMERA AtfPKRSON. SO »tfrft. 4 halfbbl'sVanU 3 kegs 1 TT Qreue to arrive on cteamor QlenwooJ for salo by Ift ISAIAH BIORKVACO. Door SPRINGS—Tho cheapest and heel la tho market for ealo by U. WOLFF, Jr., comer Liberty and BL Clair ata. CHESNUTB— 3 bble Italian, jnet reehl and forml.br • BEYMEB a ANDXttSON, ,0100,0 0, No. SO WoodStrooL jls. iJmaU White for silo by R. DALZKIL t, CO. TOST OPENED—New stylo Dark Prints, •I Lancaster Oiozbanj*, Moalini, Cheek* and Flannel*. u> ;L , )yEi 74 Market Street, -1 box primo rac'd and LtTTLK A TRIMOLR. FLOUR— Extra, Extra Family end Fnncy, cbott. hnaH*. *>«» 0U j j i B^OANFXKLD A CO. COUNTING HOUSE FURNITURE ol jor.rjdaNrtptlo.B.S.toonlw. a rouKa QTiIAMBOAT CABIN FURNITUHB coni D *Uatly manofactorlng nod ter wit «t w W«nlwni»* J*so i T.-B. \OUNO A 00. CAMOMILE FLOWERS—S bales forsalo br Ul r.|(. PAUNBsTOOK A 00. ARLEF—flKfbaga 1 prime Fall Barley ii ttore aod lot! tala by MJLQWN * KIttHPATRIuS. L* AHD—‘iOikegs N0.,1 Lard in storo and for fait by 1 - BROW H A Q&KfAZ&IOK. ' ' i ' ! 1 ’ : 1 jaificrtlantoua. iuw ou hand tbo T K A S! 1 J l.&ts c-f 9|ieer A Illdwelt,} J. C, BIDWEI 1XA.1..1-0 « BE»HJiCtto Second Arrival «»t PfTTSDURQR, PENN A. imyrnn received '-'(OUOA NUTS—S,OOO Fresh Snn Bias, juet oj rtc'J .id (or ul.b, KKYMEB * AapKKSON. No. tO WooS >t, oppotlto Bt. CltMtwUufail. Grocftß, I-ITibo b* o»fr»i%!. w i rfireIfADTIFUL COONTRt R?S || \\ U(,lEt -' IX ’ • L lOEiffiftobenphd by tb««brcribef,on6 n»\*X2L VMoar, ttaeo “*V,V* e *! .. A Proi ,„c« i- *•** ten n»iU* of the rtferij The pittJ.u m 11, • Mrtck Hants, or modern style, bu im .oaui nnd Rmbl® lL‘ “7." ”4- , »nd l- .applied with Oat aud Cpld Water, drawn WILLIAM I3AQALBY, ■in tl.e turns, fm.n Spring and iWn W»« o*t»rW • : Itrictt HuUjJejOtrtLgn Hotter, ico Hour®, Ac. TjjelotbM i ..ue.cro.radM.-J trya .r™ M high fence Wd hedge, with over 100 choice bnaitn* FruilTn-w. Gr, P?' l t DM \“ d every varletycf Srjmll F.uit. And Clirubberj*.ttehav 1 iuvie.u V*Vetf niHrreoltiveiloo. To »hO» JtraUng e ' i.nSIUAUL-S i.ML’UoVHI> PuOl'iiKTV.tmWßricleorder, *1 . cepra*., thh ii «*** u.m «■«.. 1: la within iO juiuntM "aft «*•* «» rithi-r IJri.lg*;, aud 10 ruinate* walk from tb* Blrmlsglia«a IVrry and Btnvt B*»w.y. V. W. & ji-V itf Curtior Water ttra-t and Cherry alley- ; fpU UISTTILKKS.—For sale the Appara -1 tee avl Machinery n-d »-y Jam*. MdLwgbUn, dec d, (ii dielitiuitf Alcohol. TuU MvbitierT l« » er T C ‘ > ”l , , , | * l ® M„| rui.vhlo c.\ turning «>ol M hbU. r-®* - Jay- Ae " I*™ 0 ® of Ui« np|>nrAttii has darned by l ,lt ’ la'llng ut a wal . U,. „b..i. ..ii t.~ -,i.i .i..... h.« i'"'" , IU V, I '" S-.-ond street ru,-l running through lo rust. TUe aw>v ~r..i--rl, I, »...lb, .h,- »tt,nll.n. ol l»'““- >« l"""—•• Tim him Inin-. » %,i[t t„- n >li| eeiatreto It dt-alfed. “ 1 OUniIIKHT A SON, i»Jil Keel Kjrtat* au.l ikporaiAsK & l »tre*-t. 17011 SALE-A :i bt.jry Dwelling Uouse, J_ couUlol*i* 11 rmons, mi South Avenue. City, rioniing the Ohio r«»*r, (* Vt-ry drwl'- reeidcnrt*;) ioraslelow. 'JVrons !»•»** ce S years, with Interr-ni. HITCHCOCK,^. FOR SALK.—A Ftwoiul-har Inch cylinder, lw« t—e* stroke, w holler 11 by 30 Inches. I« In K** l seen In i.|.eieiuni at OAItTWIUOUT / wi-ion.ES-A-ijij ca-ROCiiirt, Noli 1H aid %0 Wood Streat, .aotiXKBOM, - - »•*. trrawaat, Ut« '»Jth rU A E.i JaUjra ; ion* H'0ttL............ *. BOUoTt* •>*“" H'lilLL. JOUN M’tflLL. it SON, Qfwcw and CVm mlision MerctwuU. A**uts for the ••*!« Kod blooms. No. 143 U»«*ny sir-rt, MMvjl EBXASUKK K.INU. WUOLESAtK Orooor and Imports ..f fl-tf* A*h, No : «:t IjlWrl, ttreet, FltULnrjth. l*» oio ■ junta ...... Z. TONES it COOi.EY, WHOLESALE QRO • I OKEfI and Dost FnruUhera, dealers lu PrJ and Bmtthfic.ld, Pittibarglt. IOmtrUTTP - tUCUAhII FLul 0 TOIIN FLOYD 4 CO., WHOLESALE (J OroctfaanJ C«*niinl*.«ioo M«tch»uU, No. 173 Wood.»ud ,trt liberty Pitulmrul*. ; . JOUH WIUW*. TSTATT & WILSON, WHOLESALEOHO- W CKIIS. M«rcb*nUaud D«U>'r# In-Pro dnco nnJ Pittsburgh Maimfsctarpi, No. *258 i'ltubnrgb. _ __ Ll—- WM 5l 00UT 0 11 EON WIIOLK BAT.E Oroeor, Prodnr* and OornralMlon and Dealer la PitUborgh Manufactured Article#, 163 Liberty itrteU corner ofJJrow.-. y*T. Pitubnrgh, Pa. ,n>yj A TWELL, LEE A CO., WHOLESALE A Grocer*. produce and ComrniMlon #od - a Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood strout, be ‘ ProDl rt., Pittsburgh. 8 ..aAifia-aoBiHOS. “ROBISON & 00., WHOLESALE tv. Qnxera, Commlaalon Marchanta, and Dcalenjn all or Produce and Plttaburijh Maim£«*ar»a, No. 255 Liberty atreot, PRtabßrj;b. - ionirtßiunxl T>OBERT DALZELL t, PitUbgryh- : ijootselltta, Srr, WM 0. JOHNSTON A. <'(»., Suu'n.jier*, Wnk Mai.ufacCni.Ma act I t N.. 67 Wi-ikl ftrw-t, PRUburgh, l'e , ; TOUN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND M Stationer. »uc.««r>r to t)*W«un N “ M* l *" l atraet, u**r Fourth. PltubnrirhA a. _ ___ ifffi V a, 00., UUOKSELLKKS ANU $1 A- K TIONERH.No. M »!rett, n-it to Ih-cur Bar of Third, PttuU*'(,-h, fa. Behind and La* IbV4> Cl,n ‘ (Uolly on baud. , f L. KE A f)7 800 KS K LLKH AN l) ST A fj • riONER, No. 73 Fourth it., Apollo Bnildliirl ; HU N T A MIN E R. BOOKSELLER nul StatKiiiPr, ilaaoulc Uail, finJiatr^t gamtno IjKSi.ih: .V- c:hiBWKMi,; IOIAK. SIGN AND OKSASKNTAI. rAINTKKS. No. Cl Firra Sthekt, »>!>)>. »«ite Odil-Ffllow* 11«1N A..iterated to dll »)l kind* if falutlrv. i«*d with lsaluch nn 1d- jlch I 011 N Tll 0 M l’ SON .v 0 u noUt-K, ShJV AND OKN AMENTAI. AINTE it s A N 0 ll L A 7, nt n NO l;U> THIRD NTHUKT, pITrMUJK*HI. Vjl mrivrly.l Ktal Esiati Wlhl.lAXl WARI>» Dealer in promissory notes, Bouda, Mortgage* w:.d all •-ccriUM f..r nionay. pertotii ran procure (<«>■* H.fv'vh my Ajjw.cy, able trrtaa. < , . _ Tb.*e wlkhlng to tuv-tl li. ;>!r cu-nry to *;-id *d»nTt»ir>, MR alway* Qn-1 Qn i end cloa* p-.t"r at H*/ All and IfitA-rrl.-wk uri- Hy '•AiuflJ'.i.i' Office GRANT tiTUißbir, . pi-toiu. At. P*i ! » j..l,dtf Jffiusir, Kx. TOiiN li. MELLOR, No. hi Woot> ST., tS 1.1.1..0U.1 Allo> .114 li.i t'. i G"‘ for CHICIi Kill Ml * ! 11,-1.111 HASH > ’ H TKI'.MA. 80S A HAMI.INH !kK*l>Hh MKI-*>DKUN!‘ awluh^ AN nAßliONlUMf.aiu] Dealer tti Mnalrnud Muaicaj Uooda. Ja23 . - L i H KLKBEK & BKU., No. W fclFTll .PI Pirn or the Gol-lotJ Harp.Pol* Agent fo# NUNNB ARK'H (New Vurti) onrlvaltwl Oraod *M *l°«» NKKDUAM ft *"«•'«? , DEONK nud OKU AN IJ ARMANI UMS, Iwl-ra li», *jn-i J-W? Wttbaiid wltbjut i%4r.in AUacbuH f.l 1 M W nid^treot «r 3 Carriage CARRIAGES! BUGGIES! KOCKaWAYS! IMIAKTONH, CiICM, AND everything in the lino. f.ur.-hii.«jid D"™ |!,e njv«l KASTKKN MANUFACn’IIKR". r.n'ftt.xt vtlU ■ lull rtn.rut «,< rW*-»‘ KMl«rn Ilnrndi 1,1 o-,.M »Ai*,flr suitable forslittfl-*>r ii'-ut ic U-arii*. A!•.*, klU*. kmg* and otter IGsma.l-o ui.nwr.vM W ui'utwo, “•““h .'0b.00.0.1 e.r |lakW.k. C ’ (liamond atreal, e*«» i'lUabm’h. P* bonslllMid »»dJ *hj couimlMl-Mn ‘**'t‘* r ' di neatly nndproaytly door- r* l, y _ '.V ®PtK>tet«o>. Vittia r iumauu W*llP*p*»War»liouai. WALTER P. MARSHALL ft CO.. Ins porter* and N 7 Wood «treot.Ut**»-U P.-urtll Street and Diamond Ail. jr.wL.-te ni»r "*'**!}'* aasortmeot «f jr dewij)Uou«.f k**r**-r l*ar Ijra. IUU*. I»iu*na ILa.im aadChar.ilo.ra. Ale'* ghaJcaJu *Tfkt r*rl.ly »t firicwn to rohntyy ilr»i.-r* WALTKHF MARSHALL A IX> Insurance agents, TT’URKK A INSURANCE COM P. 4 N Y hwa»M.t ROBT. tIN.-HSY.*'.-,. C. iW l:»wn iLua,General A*eut. u.>o_ A A.' CA R K IKK. SECRETARY. A . PeomylrauU Insurance C-*t'il*»«t A. MADEIRA. Agent |..r OclawaM | # Mutnal ll W’»ter»trerr. T> \V POINDBXTKIv, Afieut Oro-ai Woet l\i a eru toagraareC.. ,P 7 Fiui.t Htr.iot ; fflarptts. \V. V. M. 11. I*I*OALLI'WI i' Dealer in carpets, oil,ol-0111 s, MATTINGS, Ac. No. 67 Foortli atrent Elrj) ©loots. I.H nDKiiiiltli GJO. ». WBIISILL V.jU. MUttfin BUKCUFIELI) k CO.,(succosoors to Mnr* |>li; A UnrrliflnlJ.) tVVlx'lcßalo aud lUtallf Lealare in Slajtlei*ud Fancy Gry G-Tl-J., N«itbl i/.ttial flev> Market etreot, PllUharab. f . ' n, J 1> 'u. PALMER, No. lO& Market Strbot, X\p, Punier in Dynneti, HaU, Straw TrlwuiitiiT*. * n,J BQawGotßl.’ijreutTaily. : ! .^Furnttuce j /UVUCfcT W. WOO JL> WWj lAI *. PIIBKITIIEE AND Cjll A i K S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, KtnbrftCiDg ererj «ljto of • ROSEWOOD, MAIIQUANY AND WALNUT, goltabl* for ; PAItLORH.CItAMUMW AND DINtNQ K-lOftt to »uy to NEW YORK AND t* HI LA D K } L ?JIl A, Warbroouk. No*. 77 a!id 79 Toim» STnKBT, nr -MK,ut Firrmiyiau, ra. ■y. a; vounu &. to., ■»nor*crii6»3 o» j loan n. toviw. FURNITURE AND CUA|R'y Of .Every Description, ;j SAUTOIIY f>dV'o fcr« cooilaotly cmnafaclnrlßg BTKAM|tOAT OABtN fUftNITURB tud (JHAIKS, «*4 iurtt*. tM ol “‘SK? 1 "' 1 iß.jdmM.JLco. the ikobt city tb.vs’s: co„ Wo. »50 Ul)«rtf Strait. XJANK OF DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE h AND DEPOSIT. £pltal Stock. i f Capital Represented, over.-.-.,. 1,000,000 ja*etoCinoU»tllB ABI Utto iTOirnMIAttT; I«UBUt*TO Gc4(l. purer, Tar Food* and Carruucy melted on ALL HONEYS allowed to remain for tX'&prcifitil WILD DRAW INfKltr.nr. FlgLt Kxchnbgsau tlie Kaatj-m •nd Weitcrn clllei coueUully for file la bamo trlcdpel cUlef lo the UnllH PulM and tlie Osua«la», and t'ROUBKDH I’RpMITIiY UK MlfTßDtOMydMlr«*lpoliit,<>adajrolui*l«rUj. ‘ DiaaotOßfl; • u I Juhn MotrM*'*. Alalamler Fureyih, Jobo Htath. Ouo. P. H W Tj. HJU.WHIUra Seibert, W. MeClbiloik, ilerirjr Uc »*?**>»” S . WAiwE r™Lt i .ojsaja B-asoiniwaz, cuUer. PlTTSlWkulli No. -uiVbnn sf.'ro'k Uric* Huumi with l y * (toot by li*> Jet p to mu alley. »ttn » alley. Price s!,:«><). H CUTUBKKT i BUILDING LOftt in (ho ** tor m«l* by H. CUri»RKRT_* P< K" ” lout:" st i>\vi;U.iN' iltiog mbgDt to reraoi* from tli« tl.u Dvelliuz on Hbl{;« atrcet. Altof ovoed by 8. W. Ulack. TUehou-. , rial additions made to It; ia pain«»4 lMl*l« iDdtmt, and la In « repair tbronshoaU I* b*« *afon cttmm* brr», to nil fonrt««o roowa, mod 1b to nil rw, tn > f meat Jc~irmMed«ehlog» Id th« two cttloa. Tlio lot la W *J SuOlWt. Jartdnad JOtlN A WILSON, »> Wood at. ouo Land (or Salt. THE subscriber offers for sale eoction ten, tow cub Ip 12, raug* 10, Burk county, Ohh, amnoolf. fcuotru aa “Bowman'* Bcctlon,*’containing WQaerea. It ll tltuated throw milt* wrotof UwmUloq, on the BUUEmB leading to Wooster, and witlda about two nib* of tbe t*ltU burgh, fu WtkfLo and Chicago Hall road. Tbe«onth, eai* au i u<>rth-«aat quarter* ar* partly cleared and Improved— tba remainder 1* aroerwd ullh auperior timber—and tha whole la well watered by tprtaga and running atreama.— TblaaoctU u la considered the baeat bwly of land in tha poQDty. It wilt be told undivided or In quarter* to aall Earchasar*. Tuthnaewbo d naira to loveat la.real aatata a ~,r „ .-in „ UI i, ...... »»..»>■ J B BWMralß> t*S*dawtf? No. 101 4tb ttreet. Pltttborgh. 1~ OWA I'AKMINU LAND.—The Bubscnb ert ..(T-r f-raslo nn favorable t*>rm« *l* hundred act.* Cb .i.e Ijoj.lh, sltnatrd in Wrltfbt aud linocock rountlea, aJJftCvnt to lino* <>r IUiln«nl» non m cvnroe ol couMmo llt.ii, and . ne trs- I only tu.i mlba frvin County •••at. t'ho above will to sold low for riutli, or olrhancfd Tor #*ru.ing lamia in lbl» «T ad|otQlii|C wmutlra. n ,co McUANB 4 A.NJBIU r.rSocwud at Valuable coal land for salb-^ A very valuable tract of raal land, conalatlog of 334 AL'KK*.and rltuatad hm. Webater. Westmoreland county, |‘a. Hero is an eicollent nj.|«utuulty prowented lor any i.oi»on ilotirlns m i?o Into tin* coal bnaino**, and cue that should l-e taken adrMil»K" < f . •*» clmi.ua like lM* dni not often occur V»t lu.tUr mlormalluD apply at IUIS OF VICK, wli.ru aJI the |>»iti« uUm can I* ascertained. tlelXdAwUV __ SALK—Tint bt.lcn.iid Residence, A 3 with large U>t of Qrcnnd, Vrnlt Tmwan-I BhrubJEl bery, »itu*t*d vritbiu l«» nilLUtiV walk of the WUklna burg Knilr.KiJ Station. Tha hrmw la largo and finlibnl In mmWm anil.; ut proeeut on-upm-l by M-or* — Wdl be *.i-1 .II ».■»*.avlle frr:i.«. Api-lyto W. A. ANJiKRdoN, drVddwtlK At Ballon’* Offices tvr.&th A Uraal eU. IVXISSOUB.I LAHD. o/vi nnn acres for sale at /CUVJ.vJUv' *.r? lour raten-fro:n 26 to W> ceuU ur im 7 i'lube foriiUbed K'atii. | *l|_Trtve* paid tor pnrrhearrs ..I land und»r tt.e Gradu ation Acc In all tlm coutitHw - 1 lb* tut*. Patent* procur «t Ac Apply to WII-sON, UAWLIMIi A CO., a»*dU-r.cu.| c'.i Cbralnnt itrect, Bt I.onia, Mo. j/'OR SAI.K—A tract nl land containing J * niiir aud «ar half arrea, aitnala on tbe Vonrth threat aU.nl tbiee niilM Irom tbe CVurt JJt.uae. Will ba told |..w l i rvtb. lil ium, t.l IRIAII A MACKRN7.IE, my -d,( AM’ra at U», No tO fourthatrwet. ii'CR SALE. -A isdeep; dudvo.lioea, »binl>b>ry. *< , pUa.antiy altnate W i Mount Waahtnglxu lnm.*-.Uain j.xwnlon nn w had. Vor aala on ca«y trrui* «.( j.tjcneiit. I'rbe $t , it. fUTIIUKItT A N-N, M Harkatat^ OKCOND-HANI) STEAM ENGINE AND J 5 BOILKU3 Knit SAI.K —A Si-acn KuKinc in «««l tno uior i-rdf. I" inch i»llutler, 4 fret stroke and two UdU-ra feet lun lot pci-* and trnus eu.julro at ocr t-fllrn. j iS f, S.cmiltEKTA >oN. M MatkH at Dwelling house mhi tw<> Lota «f Lmdl on Bank Uim, AlU#timy Ur tale by >4 3l >. CVTIIUKUT A »OS, tl Marked it. ti>UR RENT--A largo WareliAaso on Wood 1 «U. i.d*r a.-rond. T.»u l'wclilurf llnorca, !s«w. 0> and t.*rg» Store Umnii on Mai kit atrwet, unar foartl., No U Market and I»«eUlo< Ho««r T.u n..:ili.|C 1!.,nn.T .0 tiU, .1. .1 «T. M.1U.0.W. Na ft Thin st».wt-|pwwUlnß llcww ami atnr.t. A .lON, 61 Market at _ WA KEf louse TO I.ET—A fine W A HE liOU. 5 B No o? Wtv-1 atrrat, oppoaltc the Bt Cbtrlaa Uutal now rwupb-l by I M I’anooek 4(>S for reut. Prtr “S April firvt mrrOCuK, M'CHR|CRY A ca_ QTOItE HOUSE' KUK KENT—f'ruin Ist of >5 April. N'. 211 bfberty »tf»rt. with BUM* in rear, now ocrnpir.l t-y A t*> Kcouir- t.l - K. KOBISON A 00, ihutind . rpo LET.—A first class Dwelling, No. E 3 I ivo rseroiiJ itr. it, rociUluing 11 nv»m«- batl. M r«.ni h.-t Mid odd w*;.r. and gas, with all uiwdern itupruv f.d nmniOOCK.kTCKKEKV A CO. f|H» LET. —TSio largo Warehouse, t'oropr ol I lUnn and W’rtyu* alrrei", (the property of tha Hartford lv-n-.ni. n hiruu immediately, i’or Urm* apply tl> • JoUN Ta LOUAN, Adcu'r, No. 62 Wood atrteL rpU LET—Several line Storo Hooms on St. X Clair Mrrwt, no* ..f which will b* routed in connection with tbe tpaciou* room "ii ttco aecond Boor, »ud la well cab rulaUdfor b fnruitur* ■ r rarp*t atute. Kqqatro of wtiaiu 11. No- ™ Fourth at. OFFICES TO LET—IVu good Offices to let, wilh i t wii’wnl dP.rag*. fonvonient to Jlotwoga . heia Whart J».S IdAlAtl IHCRKY A CO. IJIHE KIKHT BAPTIST CONUKKUATION ofFKK THemCUUHOII EDIflCf!, c'B\n: wfc-4.vrx.vf> rnmn ST3. f>>h sale Tcitllmr nllb ttto OItUAN »n.l fURSITUKB II l* *J\ *ui! •ut«i\utU»Ij t'Oltt. <■* •‘‘•“ng .1* himilrM iOB.WuWjr, *u l U truly ..ITrrM 1.. r file txciOßo u U lor tl»Mr •rcomro.xlalK'O KorU-tn.. Jtc n t > r .l/ l» \VM H. KVKRFON. No Ol Water r.*KJ»VK!i..iB, No i.iurtj «a«a liar,-, li.n nri>ti uid will t.a i.|*iinj tiMlaf. Tlic tiituj-J»l and tb* I'uMk tew al ac* r*- • prctf.itlr li.TlttJ to rail at «l>f nau-> JVaKT.M.um ul lt>* iiul Pi4uii»o M _ , Ji.illN It. MKIU)!’.. Na 51 ood str#-«, jU-tTir.ui IHmii-ii'l AU.'jr A K.tmtli f..le Ar-mf.-rOa.k-iiug A PUm-a, t.a ntUlmiyh a#JW«IMU IVnu’i. J\ ,4 _: Wall paper ton »i'KiNO up isiso. —IVALTCK P. MAUKUALti liM ftrloilr* nrrE&sMHi*au with tti- iMuliug M*t»nf*ftnwt «f P*P« UaujttDKi in tluii.nn.trj-nu.J lt< »l»fb« will recede wad cH-r f... ~tn, to tU» SprlOß, tb« «>'»l coiupWto UMortownl of WmII JSj.ar wtri Ir .ught t>* n“*BU j %l n NO *7 WOOD gTUfcBT. _ SU N l/lUßS—'ito bhluT Imiii- Mills f lour; •i f J) J>» Lincsnt'-r do do L-iK) an J.‘ :ii> tc.ni .“t-.ljUlnfT. .1) iln MtaiUliitf*; 'M <\u Itrun: ;ii Inn Ck'>or*w'l, J iul wolfed »0.l l. r uU \7 , U * j*l7 nipnnf Market alßirfUio WHEAT, WHEAT.—ISOO bush primo Clnb WbMt at depot, for ulc b T mTOtICOOK, y cORKeHY h OQ._ D’ KIKD bushels primp Lrit-J Apples, Jo»t rwelrrd it>«l for nle by J»I2 (HtKVB k VAN UOBDKU. U 4 B«»U'l iL CiIKKSE— 250 boxcV Western Itcsorve, to «U»4ocouilgnmnnt,for«sl«l»y . , or _., ..... jtYi , nKCK A LAZBARJSS IJUrty it. QrYmilS. N.b. MOLASSES MTiviDg cud ;OU br.1.1,, (Ml) )4»I^«»HDIN«lt. 10DII1E I’QTASU— i’OOlbiforsidoby j.u T i>. u vahnehtookaco. COFFEE— 200 bugs Kio Coffee; For«*l*ly . ALUOUOL-oTI tM». ftrmlobv^ U. A. FAIINKSTOCKA CO MS c oin«jjl_yirrt.B^Wood. STllOi*- SO"hi)V» Uoldcn'iinJEMtwick’B.ri’r bus. prime Nesbannocks, •t 0.4 V. UnUr. . m drill IIIMnOOCg.>rOB»BW LAKDOIU-25 bbls No. iforsaloby V. .SKLLKKS * CO., MMutWtnwr*, J O W No. DOB ‘I>KFINKJsUUAUS"TnJ> SYBOra for ±ll., .» «™.. offt" PKA itii S\GU—5 cftseifpr sale by L.AIVU OAwU B u rAI nTOTOCK A CO., ,1*29 «ft- eonwr WooJ au.l Fourth bU»»h.__ urrKK.-JOjSw r™° r»r ■a^ASlStu *alol*X , Worsts !,Sb*rty>trti EUJUU— uxf bbU. JavbnldUbiands Ext«i ..Ujl M bit. ‘‘“ggjgj ffSSS«p**^>>- 600 ■J«I4 ' u;IN. W.»r- Ohio it. * B.Oa», J iiHtflttllanepug ffiarta. I ,sss£'A PAND DURABLE. 'H&M. DAIt Y, Stocking Manufacturer, - Corner Fifth St. and Market alloy, HAS on hand a tremondons assortment of Wooleo Blacktop, Hop, Bock* Oratort* OtoTM. Uooda, Karl, (or man .nd woman, tajathar »llb » JWT «• Uitdre assortment of all of OootU la u» >*“• •nltolda la Ilia a—.a. 11a .all, pltaa ullcla. .1 la* prlcr*. Gall at.il axatuloo. , vn_&euetnWi 1 M_ DALY hu Lot one atore, and that ta <>n the comer of YlUb atieel and Market ;3md r btLixaa *- 0- *• K- F. SKLliltttS A- CO., DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, AND LARD OIL J IANUFACTO RERS ON ILRAeONABLK TERMS, No. 309 liberty Street, P&TTftBOUOH. .W*. OAUJttOU 9. fnflT. WM. H WnOAOKK. JiOOD BAJUUC3U ■n«an HAIBJUOH - H ARB Aim US & CO., _ POHK PAOKKKS Au9 UUrty itn»t, PttUburgh. P* oolft--3md* ERR, Architect, No. 2fl Bt. OUtr itroot, Pltfborgh. V sfi OPE, r * MKBCBANT TAILOR, Mo * 75 |o ord®r .nd to tb« .od Bo,'. 0»U, Poou, V-w.de call. apli.««_ j. isj. BHALLKNBKBGBK & CO. (Suecettort to R■ Dunlap, /r-] lHroßTltl ahd dhiih 1 * HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, No, 101 jjtlarket Street, PITTSBURGH, PA* [nylTdtl W. k. ttilbwtu- Caldwell & bro., f . M UOAT FURNISHERS AND DKA.LERS IN MutUlk, U(>mi) nod Ootum OorJ*w “ * Oakum, Tar, Pilch, Rotlo tod OttK Tkrpndln, Dock, Light *»J B«rj DrUlli.y, Ic-, op&lr Ao. M Water and Ta Front Brief. Jacob k e e a e, * MINER AND DBALKR IN CANADA. MioN ®™', |rLAtN A N D LIKK BDPBRIOK I R 0 K ORES, WROUauTi iron of fiiont and auiTnn*u> BTKKBTB. myglniu I LANE’S PUOTOURAPHIO QAAr A . LKHT,mr of fIFTU »ad QUANT BTESRTB, lo MTlibo'i IfnlUlns, lho Ccorl Uoom. Tbla Gallery 1la« Ju»t l.wn OMa.l u { . wUb M and «kj-ilgbt. . v i„ rticlojcrapLa, AmWotyp**, Dsjjoffrw.lrpx*. Uk»u Htraogera *ud dlir-cu* c.*rdl«U j luvltcd U> f*U •* Aculue for W -E.,lr.nr., „ u HUb MooUW e**J of BMW*. ■ ■ Jj< A 1 K it A N II ' S SOAbtS. PAIRBANK’3 IIAV, OokU PLATFORM an,l COUNTKR SCALKS. Of er.ry daStolptloo, for tale at MtttDANK’a 6CILK WAHBDOOBE, •run tskdwiu.. T KRUWEtL * SCHELL, B J>k. IST It E. R S , FoMKRiJKT, PKNNA. j®“OoUerllons aollclted and Retnrna promptly remitted. urttncu. MKCHANICB' DANK, PitUborgb. K. PATRICK * t», d.. ILEVMttU * AffuklWOll, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN rUUTTB, NUTS and SPICES, OONPEOTIONBRY, BUUAR3, FIHB WORKS, Ac, No. WOOD STRStCT, optoalU Bt. Charln Hotel, Pltuborgh, Pa. J nrl * , 2“_ IT(T 0 0 W 0 R K. K H . 0 JABIKS OWEBB, COfi.VKK FLM ASD WTUK STBSKTS, AND UASTIO WORKRR. g»rea particular attention to all order* for work lu bit line. . ••.CENTRES aud ORNAMENTS of all kinda fnrulabed on abort nottew. ». W. aUUUUHKI, Watib and Clock Makar, IMPORTER OF HMfl I.MNE WATCHES AND JEWELRY, \QP * No.2dFlftb«lrix!l,U>iw» prlrat* ca*. _ oirfcljrd_ OASP&kbL, a^. Mand FACTURKKOF BOOTS KB and SHOES of every deecrlplloo, No. 34 SmitbiMl (treat, Httffbnrgh, Pa. oc3Uly^ Pearl Steam Mill, AtLKOHBN'Y CITY B T KENNEDY & BHO. WHEAT, RYE AND CORN PURCII ASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL MANUFACTURED AND IS PITTSBURQB ASD ALLEQBES Y, Teruu—GASH on Delivery NJHW PIKM, QAIiEjAGIIKIi, CRAIG * GO., BRASB POU ND H K 8 ST RAM AND OAS PIPE riTTERS AND PLUMBERS; Finishers op all kinds op brass WORK, end dealere lu UAfl PLX TURKS, Ao. «9>OPriOE AND WARE ROOMS, NO. 13-1 WOOD STREET, Five dcon from FitiU itroeL No. 153 Plrat etreet, B»« doora below tbi MooonnbaU Uuna», between Wood ernl Smilbflald. **-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED.-®* jou.-dtr l > itt*b\irtfn Wovka, KlUllCia D. WILLIAHB) Noa.iU and St Ifarrp atre«< ( Manufacturer of willson-s T*teer»ph He;, Straw and Foildar Cottar, Mowing tu*|.er*, Horae Powur Tbrubcra, Older MUlt and other Agricultural macbioee. i deKLlyd H ,AWAfnA . aY UT AXD BOLT WORKS. PATENT HOT Pll£*BKD NUTS of til ilcm on band tad msnulactured. Aleu, BOLTS lor Bridget, Machinery, Ag ricultural Implcuieate, Au .famished »l abort nolle*. No. 114 Water street. _eu4.-omdto_ __ KNAP, SCULLY A 00._ TIIK KAULK BLATifi COMPANY ' BEINQ prepared to receive orders for their SUPERIOR GUBIN AND PURPLE HOOPING BI.ATKB, delivered eflsr the opening of navigation, wontd call attention to iba lov cnet of tbit FIUE-PRuOFmatertal, and to tbe grt-sl purity of rain-water collected from elate route, not being Impregnated with lelnt of decayed ahlnglee or the poleouoos qualities of painted metals. Twywoold aleo caution (he public against parllea /alrrlg representing themselreaaa Agents, thereby foroUhlpg aa Inferior attl clo in oor name,—the only agency‘eeuLlTthed by the Com peny being In the City of New York.'’Parties In Canada sod the North Weetarmbtatsc wUbtog for tbo GENUINE KAOLR 00’S HLATKS will pletee edSioss the Company, at "Ilydevllle, Ytwhere orders will recolre prompt attention. Jalfttad U ! jroßMAN L Vlra_Praal AUD CARBON OILS always m band at low prices. d«24 Anvils, bellows, vices* screw PLATES,4c., vtlh a general auorlment of Black* •mtth’a Tool*, for tale by U. WOLFF, JalT corner of Liberty and at. OUir ata. DISSiON'S SAWS—A faU stock of Band, Tenncn, Compose, Mill anil CroaCat Saws, of this celebrated make, for «u» by B. WOLFF, Jal7 corner Liberty and Sl.Olalr atrcata. S' EAMLESiT BAGS—SOOO two bu«. Bogs In store end for tale by lIERBST k BARK Kit, Jaßl corner Liberty and Hand afreet*. MONKEY WRENCHES, of aU styles, for •ale by B. WOLFF, Jtlß comer St. Clair and Liberty itreett. ELOUK-300 bbls. Central: City Mills choice Extra Family, to arrive and (or ala ny JalT BAMPEL B ILOYl) k CO. inrin BBLS. FLOUR, various grades, 1 OUV/ rec’d and ferule by JaU BIMrSOS 4 NBLSON. MILL FEED— loo tons different kinda la atom nod for tale by Jiao J.9.UQQBTT k 00. CLOVER UONEX—BO boxes Hooey fo ale Mild Liberty eU BlCtt 4 LAZKAB. DRESSED PORK—U!Cheshire Dags, com fed, for ule by ]>U BECK 4 LaZ AU. GUI COHN-r-250 bus. oVdepot.for w.l; • fjal4 BECK A LAEbAH ELOUK BAUHELS-250 a" 11 for tale low to «lom lot br gKRPftT*BAHEKH. [UMOTIiY SKKU—IUO f £ii“ . by ]»I2 HKBWT A Bb&KEB. RAKI.AHH— so ailcato aniTO ajdfor j, B. CAHfIKIJ)* 00. ■ ■ ’ S-tf 3.* - In presenting you with Djl Ea^oh’s'lnfan -iti wo deairo to state tti atipert&rit* over every n»tn:n> that t>orw» or qoack baa beratoforic&rad you. Fim» im tb» pwiwrsUwu ofa regular p)jyriciin, w ho U won Qualified from auch experience l» : infjbU*eoiDpWnU Secondly—l* ia ei&Uwjr:free from cSH^i'S^nSasss: rd tilng dag from U>« foreate u P «- ion, muir of Ibt-uj by b»» own beod*. , Vo '%7\{Z'l i„r[n L foetiv bormleM *ud cannot injar* tbo no*f and 7 ia a certain car* and ieliof in *H f(r . ** which UIU cblel merit over Jo TOR ALL COMPLAINTS ATUMDIiO .neb tf DTBENTBfU% COUO, A« RMKfiflttt nsuiad reviving pain. Fur regulatUi| ttt» unequalled. ForOold In lb* Head OBOUP, the moet fetal end trjiDg ]* f ",“.ft lied on wltb perfect confldenc*; nnd belnd ■ poN"* 01 “•* •panmodie laallcaaeaof cnnvnUioqior earecatly recommend yon to looee oo time in ptocurlngJlL La* J It cceta »o mach more then other prepare lad* pftb« kind, thu w* ewwn»t afford snch long adverpaodjenu M can tboae who**whole expensela ib.lr edvrrtlltogfifariOrt eamerea •on, it commendiUself a» tb« mewl reUahje lb nil *»«»>•**■ In nil aas, lb* direction* wrapped- nrdiiM **c{» botlle, moat be strictly followed. Prlc»,2S centrpeijbottla Da. Bronson haviog been 'solar fedneed by conanmptlou, uto be considered beyond*ll |epb of recov ery by the meet eminent cflhe medical profenaiob, *sd nlao by himself—• regular pbyaiclao of twenty Ja&SWUm— aa a laat raaort, conceived tbo Idea of aJKAAVZINQ TIIB BLOOD, and appllng tbe subject of to the more Immediate connection, and effect cf-.tho State °t Ibe blood upon the health and ifatem. The molt jjbai been the pro duction of tbla ••BLOOD FOOD," from tbl cifeqf which Dr. Bronson waa rtAloie 110 perfect health. Wlt4lb(lx inontbe after Us introduction. over two thousand &a»bwpff»» were effectually cured tv it If yon bay* a&y&iaplalnlsofu cooenmpUve tendeury, (h/vgh, CoUjWctt&acfc,'"ililpititfion I of Uw Heart, Lout'S Appettfc, or pafn in i/UfUt, lose no I time in procuring a bottle of the **BLOOp FOOD." If yon are suffering from .V*rro>u D/.eiiily.pr it broke* and disturbed, It yoor'ffjnrifs art Deprerfed dr your Orgtnt retard, yon wilt Dud in this an nufelllnft remedy, by com mando* with tendrnjyt. 11 pour £«ucr js torpid dr dlaeas ed In any manner whatever oacor fu>a|>otf|iUba enre to Invigorate, and bring It into llv-ly anjl bjaßbful actlon- In the moat Inveterate cases ol Dyrpeptia, the palknt can here find the moat efficient and grateful relief. A benefit U always experienced altar taking only ftsfartk- ln or FVwtclc Cornplainti and HVoin«l«I iWabfferer, aft*, trying other remedies | D vain,nay,rest that acar. Uln cure will reanlt from the ns# df t«o§ or- thru bottles.— Tba “BLOOD FOOD” la effectnal In. ail pajraf Salt Shew*, (cn/ulas and other llk«M>npUlnta. Pa r cTLdenactabdeJtddrm and adults gre ed by lta naa. It 'give* strength tn tbeT-ody ad d beauty to tbe akin. Phyntsant o/| oH jcWcff are ntlog It with wondarfol anecaaa. ‘ i- B| ; , , For falldlreriioDs,aeAcirmlwi. rrl4sLMl boWe. Bold byOHDRCU A DOPOST, ED Meldvo Lane, New Tork, and by all respectable pnfegilta tbroogb 06>. H. KEYaBR, lb W, » .JOBH CAUTW«Ii,^»* 61 Plflb (tree! UKX2TSCBI TIIE greatest Remedy m tl jo ffQrld. This cord til la dUtllled from a baity k&owjn oplj to myself and chamleally combined with aodie ol the moat ntoabla medicinal rooto, herb* and.berks knfwnj tpthe mindt of mao tl* 1 Blood Boot, Black Boot, TR&f Cherry Bark, Tel lmo \'pock, DandtUon, Sareapaoilla, Bldfr yicnctrt, srfttt other*, producing the moat Infallible rgmedy for the reitob atloa ol health ever known. It -l* Atare’iiown ramedy, coring diseases by natural Un. When] taw. IU tafia «Dce la foil oourelng through every velb of Uje body, pnri. rring and accelerating the clrpoUtfim 6! the blood.. « aeotrallus anybUiona matterlD (be eoa the whole organisation. ■' {•' if LEAN'S STRENQT3ENIN(S CORDIAL Will eflectnaUf cohi I ■. Liver Complaint, dyspepsia, Jauadice, Chron -1 i,». or Nervous Debility Dlsetaesof the Kidneys, and all Disefljsefj : arising from a Disordered or Stomach, Dygpefesii,' n*artborn. lowan! Piles, Acidity or l&difteai of the Stom ach, rnltnnaaof Blood to the Head,Jain or Swimming lo the Head, palpitation of ibe Heart, Dullness or Weight to the Stomach, Soar Eructation*, CKokmg Of ■ BnflbcaUDg Feeling when lying down, DrytMt hr jfrHoTOM f r *£• Shin and By«e. Night Sweat*. Inward Ftfrar*, Pain In the ■mall of tbs Back, Cheater Bide. Sudden {Flushes oflie**,, Depression of Spirit!, FrightfolDrea^*, ■l.icor railm. Bl «r c^Sa3,£. 8k 10, and fever and AgnaToriftjU|aa3 Few.)ltarin alao core diaaase* of the Bladdetnod jWefobfStieb ns MM* ~.i r-~~. Incontinence of Urine, SUtognary, Inflam mation or Wevkuee* of th# Womb crjjßUjdder, White*, etc. rnißK IS NO MIST4KB[AR)Ijr IT. TbU Cordial wQI never fall to enreiowof the above die- MM, If taken aa_j«r direction* 00 e*th pottle, In German, a-g,"-*- "- j i. v ** over a MrLaoTT’BO'nass' Hava been (old during the laatr all teot|tha, and la no to* cunce baa tt (ailed In giving entire wUstfetlon. Who,then wIU suffer from waaknre* orwdabfltty| when McLean a Strengthening Cordial will cure you?! j • : TO THE Do yon wish to be healthy and atn#ngf| Xbto go at once and get eome ol UcUan’aCordiiL It vdlVatnogthen and Invigorate your whole eyrtem, CiraalOg shflalthy god pure circulation sf blood to flow through efery vein, and the rich, roay bloom of health tb moont to jpurcheek again. Every bottle la warranted to give ttUActkra- FOR CHmDRKN- We aay to parent!. If your children aTeilckly, puny, ar afflicted with complaint! pmglanf ainbn* children, give them a ■moll-quantity ot MelWa Cordial, and it will make them healthy, tat, and rubuaU EClay not a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS tfOIT^KE. Oamos.—Beware of druggist* or deafer* who may try to palm npoo you eomeßUtar o*jßarkapgrflU traah, which they oh boy cheap, by aaylog it U jgt;M good. Avoid ■nch man. Aak for McLean’* gtredglianlng Cordial, and take nothing else. It la the only rednedy that wOl purify the blood thoroughly, and at the aame ttap strengthen the taken every mc|nUfe 'totting, U acer taln prevantm tor Cholera, Chfllaasd brer, Yellow Fever, ior any prevalent dlieaae. It tl pot ttp la Urge bottle*. I Price only $1 per bottler flWttfeafcrlS. ■ ■ JJ IUUAbtAn, Sole proprietor ol thle Cordial. Alea,McLegn’a YbleahbOn linimant- Principal Depot on the corner of JhbfJd god Pine alreeta, Bt. Louie, Uo. I ! McLEAN'S VOLO4NIQ DIRIMENT. The Bat Liniment fojtti World. The okit aale and certain cure briCum, Piles, Tamore, Swelling*, and Brencbeleor Ooltri Pgnflysli, Neurtlgla, Weakness of the Mueclet, Chrohlo cf lklUmmatory Rbeu matiim, Stlffiieea of the Joint* Ooufracied Muactanor Uga mantt, Earache or ToothaebV Bprelna, Wmmda, Freah Onto,Hirer*, Fever Bor**, diked BreMta, Bore Nip plea, Baroa, Scalds Bore Throat, o* atiF. Inflammation or Paln.nodlffereocehow*evare,-orbbw tongthedUoaaemay j baveexlated. McLean’* Celebrated liniment U a certain of bnmau being* haribeffl saved a life of de creptlnde and mleery by thg wa |f tMI InvalukbU medl- McLean’s Volcanic Oil jLiniment Will reUeve pain almo*ttn*untan*aify,’gnd It will cleg***, porify, and beal the fooleat ;:*orel Inf an Incredibly ahert tlo»* ,S I J-. . For Horses ana .othbr AnHnaJs. McLean’s celebrated Liniment |i dejpoly eoly reUableremedyflortheeoreof SpArlihf * gall*, Splint*. »pd&« { ej f ** will never toll to core Big FUtola, Old Bsn< nlegSore*,or Sweeny,lf pwp*rfrabf|Ud. Bruiser Scratohe*, Cracked fiddle or Collar Galls, Cota, 8or« or WonndgJ It la aalotolUbla remedy.— Apply It aa directed, and a cure la Arttlq In every IbMaseat. Theu trlflo no lodger with the mby Worthlaaa Unlmentt offered to yon. Obtain a aopply urDrdlcLeeA a celebrated Unlment ltwlllcnre g » _ . J. U. McLEAN J Sole Propneter, Oomer ThlrJ#nd>ln« sU, SL Mo- DB. GEO. D. KlYSia.l« WboAi afreet, l* thoeole Agvut, to whom g]lMsa.aiaat be addreagod. aeOnlAwljF i \ AND HOMINY DELIVERED, PElujvlAß STB UP, ; 0 L pLjTXOTXD In f 1 ' Solution o( Protect!tie of Iron COMBINE®. This preparation Differs from •II often, bolngan oachaafeatl* protoxide ortroa, »ii»ihml |)« • combination nsTer rtraraknown for Indigestion, Torpid Ll?er, .DrOTelss, BoO*, all forma of illiintn rrntfd by ImpoTombcdeaVof the blood, general debility, and especially ft* dlaoal on peculiar lo female*, U has been found extremely eflcaotoos* ' . Pamphlets, clvlog a full (JewedptEmcf tbe-remedy and ft* remarkable com It hM may bo obtained or the agents. :? I_J v' It It nil Jj Iron is lost area by a brief exffosito Sir, and ~*V J? maintain • relation ol Protoxldd oElroo without farmer oildstloo, bM been deemed ImpQreftl*. ... -_ .. In the Peruvian Sy rap, ftlsdMrable *2s' Utaetl by cc*>K*atic» in V*™ «« “£ “J retntloo may replace all the citr*M *no tartrates of the Hatsrla&ledloa* U jj-; t MA It Is also eminently adapted ti 7 toildjof Iron, *tlA •oortmUo attacks, and to meet W , be fonml In the medicine chest U. D, Anjutto I#Boytitonstreet- ' 5 V - . . A effects Tb®ondarslgnad havingJ?*YK*iiUts to reoommedd it or fta “i'ernTiao Byrep - do f *Tr to the attention of tbepaoiw* a testimony from onr own »*perjeao*» icywrlte are altogether of others, whore to crere ol Pnret« Incipient plrees , '|or t ~*. Kearalirf** etoTlth ; [assSfeb-*, BimullUT. ;; D S j(. o*o. U. K*YBM. I ■ f 3«*»° *■»*«■»<• P' kODUOE— IO ibEiU Roll Batter, 8 da qp* 1(0 taißriM tyfiK 8 btUi WlltU u ««.Mlt--i-n r TMty™*tmmbml' OIL MEAL—B tons I ■Ulmer BirCHj aitffcri Mill eeed—» u mixed, and «ton Choi ucb, an aiccHont feed, rsftin W,:-Y,. ..-V ‘jw 1860 —~ HOOI rrulE PENNSYLVASIifacMtgiM', I “sSTIUL RAILROAD. tttmi ' 250 HILKS BODBLB Duos. ni Chplrit* efail Hoad* no»(2wttonnjfnti, Cmlry TnREG through passenger trains Bjtweon Pittsburgh »ml PtulvWpMn. dlrtct In Urn Mon !*;»*•“ Through tnlnl from »U Wfttorn 1 lb««i tor N U RI F I E >ii jttinl to arrive by prigea a bobwsos, qgQ} l SmlthflaM strut lira Family Floor; do- v. - - do IRtflß* - - - do i B.BOBiaoaa 00. U—1001) bb|s. 1000 soo vdo r 1«1TV ■ issiilmi and- Shorts, iift|d,'Com and Oat*,; b*l< lUdfsTßlily •■r rai^uivaf BOAT TlCEKttio BattcauipaJtU Koflfidlifill Rivrr or Btooln£too Lluea. UaK(ag»traM£tßodfrM« TICKETS may b* obiaiuad at toy ot tha tmpTT*« T t R*U road Office* to tba wect; aUa, co board «ny of the regular Hoe of StMt&ora oa Iba Sllwleeippl or utib riTtra. Fare altcoy* a$ at quick at ty-ony other Route. ABtt FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH. Tie completion of the Weft era coaneclloue of the paaa* (> |*anle Railroad to Chicago, Bike* this the Direct Llb« bttweta the But eaa tile Crest Worth Weet, The connecting of track! by the Rett Bcel Wto at Pittsburgh, avoiding all drayaga or ferrite of FnJght,to- K 6iher with the savTog of time, ere urerieted Ly Shipper* or Freight and tU Travailing Phbfto. V For fcrdsbl Cootrscteor Hhlpptog DliecUoni apply taor eJdreu . Ither i»l the following Ageott of Iho Company: C. A. STEWART. PlUaturgh; H S PWrcoACo, Zeneavilte, m J J John»tcn,Rlpley,Q; H Melville, Ey;Ormeby A Crupper, PartamoßtS 0; Jock S Co, Jeffersonville, lod; U W ClDcluseu, O; A the. a A Ulfcberi, Cure lonell. *>.Uo i IW. drain, MtJleoo, lod;Jti«ph B M*f©* Luuiiville, Kj»P U O’BlUy A Co, Evansville, InJ; N W Qribim l Cti, CWra. Ill; R y Ba*s, Shaler ft Glass, St Loola, Mo; John U Harris,- Ns*hviHe,Tenn; Harris k Unnt, Mempbls,T«ooiOMrkaA Oo,Chicago, HI; W U U Koonlx, Alton, lU;or to Freight Agnu‘-i 01 tUllrujuU »t different point* in the Weet. The Greatest Faclllttca ofTercd For »h*ii Protection and Speedy Transports* 4 lion ofLIVE, STOCK, And Good Aocokuoiunoxa with usual privilege* fcrper* eons travelling lo charge thereof. ismusiqiits. By thte Roots Freights of Cl description* can be ibf warded toandfruni Philadelphia, New York,Boston,or BalU* more, to end lieol nay point ou the Railroad* of Ohfci, Ken* tacky, Indiana. ItUuol*, Wtecouaiu, lowa, or Mlaeoort, b\f Rodrood direct. The Psnmylvaul* Railroad also cvunectl at Plttetorgb with &tcan>eta,by whhii Uoodn can La forwarded to any Krt on the Ohio, Uoaldugum, Keotacky, TennasM*. Cats v rlnnd, Illinois, Ulaiulppl, Wlecouiln, Mlssonrl, Kansas, Arkansas a&d Rol Rivers; aud at Uleteiaud,Sandusky and Chicago with Steamer* to all I'ottaoutno North- Western Lake*. Merchants ftnd Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with tooßdeoce on Ua speedy transit. TUB PAT** OF FREIGHT to any point lo the West by the Pennsylvania Ball Road, ore of aft tfw<4 as /awraMses crecAarsedbyotAer R. R. Companies. 0a particular to mark packages “via Pcia'A U. H“ K, 3. BNBKDKR, Philadelphia. UAGBAW k BOONS, 60 North Street,Baltimore. LEKOQ A CQ., No. 2 Alter Uocao, or No. 1 fl. Wat* 8L New York. * LBEOQ A 00., No. 77 fitate street, Boston, * □. U. UOOBTON, Gm'I Frtighl Aft, Philadelphia ' L. L. UOUPT, Gtril Ttcirf Aft, Philadelphia. TUGS. A. 8001 T, OctClSap'L, Altoona, Pa. J>7.lyd THEPirTSBPRQn,yr.ta;«g— WAYNE A CHICAGO EAILOUtSSI ROAD, completed from Pittsburgh to Chicago. - • WOODRUFFS BLEEPING CARS attached to ell night trains. Ciruugh without change of cars. On and After MONDAY, Jiausar I6tb, IIM, Trains will leave the Station, corner Liberty and Grant str.ats, Pittsburgh, ae follows: PUUborgb. I CreaSlna. I FL Wsyna *gprea*. 140 a.m. • 1080 a. s. I Mot.lL Rxpreai~—. L43».M. j 10:40 P.M. [ AA7 A.N.- 1 Arrive at Chicago—E* press 10.4 i F.M.;JUpraalQ4l RETURNING. Arrive at Pittsburgh—Express Mall, 6.-05,A.lL,txprs*i " ' 5.00 P.K. Acemamodatkm Trains, from federal stm£'Aß*(hsn for New Bdghtoo,o.4o*.and 4.40 P. M. - ■> From “ *• A3i> “ ** 1340 “ Through Trains connect e* follows-* At atitew/w, with trains on the Cleveland A PlUibergb B. 1 At OmtUe, Ohio, to and from Mllientnrg, Akron, Cnyahogs 1 AHtalffleJLd, ObJo, Rc Ut. Yemen, Bhelhy, Bandtaky,f!» ledo; DetroH, etc. _ At CnwtUns for Delaware, Bprlngflcld,Oolambos,Chjdane- IL Xsnls, Uaytoa, Indianapolis, BL Laols, Louisville, sto.g At Fortat- for Bprlogfidd, cand&sky, Dayton, ClnriDoatl,' ete^eto. At Lima for flndlsy, Dayton, {Snctanatl, ett, etc. At Ft. Wayne tor ran, LaUyetia, Ini, BLLouls, and inter* mediate porta in Central Indiana and lilinohi. , At Plymontb for Lapurte. At Wanstah for all points on the New Albany and Balam < RaDroad. And at Chicago, with trains for ail pofnta In Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin andtltoncaafa. hr farther InformatiofteAQ tbroogh Tickets apply to STBWART, Ticket Agent, ' Passenger Station, PUmbnrgh. fi. O.BTEVRNBON, Ticket Aga&t, Passenger Station, Aliegbany. Through Tickets for sale at all the Ticket the. Company 00 the line of the road, to all parts of UiaJMlsd gmteeT 3. J. IIOPBTQN, Gen. raaST Ag^gittC^ icieveiend and : CHANGE Or TIME—WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after MoNHAT.RSwanBM: J»OUW7 16th, 1352, Tr.lm.JlM will leave tb* Depot of the Pennsylvania Uaflroid, to Plttr borgb, as ioltom: WS/luTyH end Chicago Line. Arrive* at Arrtrreat Arrives** PITTHBURQU. CLEVELAND. TOLBDO. OtUOiOO. 1-00 a m *lr2S» * m lllO.e ni 10X0 a m 1:16 p m 7X6 p m 1110 a u 10X5 a m Paaecngvr* dfald»p-tn go to Chicago, ra moat be particular to ask for Ticket* via Cleveland. i\ttisurph, Orfusthtu and Cln&nnatt' Skcti Hite, eta ' SUuboieillf. Hxirtm leave* Arrive* at An Ire* at ' AnfVß at PlfrßßUftUU, COLUSIBOfi, CI3CINNATI,-BT.LOUIB. 2XO a D IXO p d 6X5 p m IXO p B 1:15 p m I;4S a m BXO a m • 2:43 p.m Thla root* b shorter to Cincinnati, Louisville, Coltuaboi and all potsu Sooth, than a&y other root*. Splendid BlwptngOar* attached to all Night Train*. . niUbvTgh and Wutlrng Hue. Leave* Arrive* ai Arrival at Arrive* at ArHraaat PRTSB‘O, noOOE&’B, WELLS’S, BTEUB’E, WHEIL’Q 2XO a a SX6 ato 4:15 a m 6X5 a m 7XO a m 3A5 pto Stops at all itatjcnv—srriva* at 9X5 p a L*4s p a BX4 p a 4XO p a 6X3 pto 646 p B Tb* IX3 p. m. Train does cat stop between hocheatara&d Wheeling. Throogo Ticket* can be procured at Pittsburgh, Barrb* trarg,'Philadelphia, New York and Beaton. P. ft. UTS US, QeneraJ Ticket Agent. For farther Information apply to JRQ. STEWART,Ticket Agent, Liberty at. depot, PlttabcrgP \ 1849. Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad Co., 1819. THE BALTIMORE ARlnniß OHIO ara now prepared to recall# and forvardUerctutodls#Q&dtt through bitla of lading tonad from PHtiliwKli and tb* Eaitera Cities* Kata guaranteed to be equally Carorable with chow of the PaonaylranJa Kail Rom 00., or any other Una for Informadoa u to rata, faeilUlee, eio* e*c-, Uoa may be mtdo by leltar or io penoq to either C* die •oderalgnedateata; -- “ At BUTTON, Uoaea PoUar, cor. State and Washington «ta . “ NKW TURK, a W. Pei Ten, 22i Bruediray, aUreth* A»tor Boom. ** PHILADELPHIA, Oolboun A Oowtcn, corner Breed and Chany ibwla. ' " *• ■ CoL Kelly, cor. Sixth and Cheatnut fta » BALTIMORE, J. T. Ragland, Oamdoß Station. “ PIXfiJBUIUI tl, J. A. Caaghey,l44 Water itmL' . Particular attention of tnarehanta, mannfartoiere and ehlppara generally, ol Plttabergh, Allegheny Cttyaad tklnltr, is called totbafadllUeeof this AV» neecm oared with otbara, and their patronage and farere art rw> (DoctltalJj acUdtcd. 21RMBT D. MBABIL teXiktf Oeoaral Freight Agent B. A 0. & &. Oe. aca * nurm—-..—-—bom UNDERTQK NAME AMD STYLE 07 EOSS 4 OOMPAWi HAVING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORKS, Utely owned to MriUlvery A Smith, an now pnpmd to fornlibOual, at tbdr Depot. Immediately below Ja*,Wood ACo*a Bering MUl,la boats, bargee or wagon. They wilt tlao (BTolaht with their own teams, la either oTthe etoM t* mannlectnxen or private familka, at reaaonabla pricaa. •wa_ffe have aoenred the ecrrtcaaofJOllK aMITLET, •ko Uaa bad many yean experience in Oxe Ooel bnilneaa ta be capacity o< Bnperioupdent Bad aalnman. jalfcdly aK’IOASXBBA' BAZAAR AND UVEBY STABLE PLAUOXD BBXIT, NBAS LIBBBTF, . . *.,« Horses, boogies, carbiagesand everything uiuaJly found In a flr** band and to order at all times. Sdnff trutoti-Mmr. »**&£'! weaker month. san»ir r Pittitrargb stamp anti Stencil ‘ WOrtm JNO. D* MAITCHKWSi Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cotter, ; TUBBING CUTLER, GRINDER,-.4b£» uSSSmOT iiau,msotß,_ [ -■ ■ ■■■ "Toll™ L^wsis^sasasSaS i~t.Bhortnoti—- ... ■ ,-.la«oe j i wAUHOT BALL HfißlAOßAlitr MJiOXIO BALL.TITTB ST&ZXT, 3 ■ josßPH.rsioß llB ) pbop aiaroa*': .- :k LL THE DELICACIES OF . A run eaasou, pw“? l .fr m« m« u- J^^Ra, «ti,iiml oprttlniliorn.l w|MB S3BSr^»^s3^"ifiSSS ibat they coaid deair*. _ . ; yywholtaale Depot ter OytUrs, ft*h» f**l| Vegatahlatln bU > OTICE ia hereby! oven thatfafejEation vOI be tnada to (ha Legulabu* at UaftflESk nation by tna Troitats and JDders of tha Qenw Evangelical Protestant Cbarch in Pittsburgh, for the paeeege ot a la*, entborixlns them to leeta and tmproran portion of their lot on the com* of Sixth and fimithflald .tree Up la old diy, and to rvmors the dead from the borlal groand apoa aatdlot. ' ,■ • JaSlfltd UNION iIYDEAULIU- OEMENT.—The favorite make, n*ad and approved toy Railroad *?“* tractor*. Bridge and CUtera Bm&n to yean past.. War ranted to be of a mora nperkr wnaUty than any_t“* T ® , ‘. fsmd In the market IJEBuU* uoVClimBo3»_ v . aplaf, Ho. ns Second twiium»UW*- JMiOUK—IOO bbla. Extra Ftotf? JJ- to do Family do lUtfd and for aalaby jalo LUtLB * TBIMBLX. rtOßK— l'cat load Ear Corn .toamwoi \J tor nla by mJBTia A KACIIKS—CD bus. Dried ,-:-.,gsSgBa, ; T?.LOUK—IOO bbl». Kt Sop. '• -is u 100 do ! iliti»»«na tonuty naawn * jaxtmuax. iWBOMPSON'Sjn^^gggP^ W-'PWiatinlaWh? w • ft