•emu nun* ?. H. E k Bflif &DITOB3 and p R (jr£pS6*& o~*'^ 0 ~*'^ 3PII ; | Tb. Ohio 111 v.r and | e Wo hsse not hod leisure [ 0 cxamioo this most ; - important meaeuro tiioreu-hlj, but car attention b M been called to odo of its mala features, sis: ' ;: ’is probable operation oir'tbe steam boat inte rcsla on tie Ohio Riser., ; a The bill presides that railroads terminating ; in Iho oil icref Pittsburgh sad Philadelphia, p ;‘ -.0. sb si I carry ail freight:! between [hose points ottke i ' !s ilswoel rare per ton per mile nhioh is charged on ■ same elate freights passing orer the roads from a l ’I*l 1 * 1 lb « road shall pahUeh the ! ‘lt® £ret day of each month, and shall ; not raise,.norlower ths ralo during the month. * proridea that no oScer or olher person in the employment of tail company ohall engage in the shipping or transportation on oon , tfgjptehlia&rbada, and that no railroad or clhcroor - poratloa ahall engage by ilaelf or ita offioers in 't f- lOe -ilransportatjoa cf freight oc any of the ri ! | sera of this CommoaweoUh.'’ jl . The present charge Irom Philadelphia to Cin- I I omnatl ail to the printed tariff I I of IhoPennsylrania Rail Road Company, is 62 I I P “ 100 henry goods. Ihia b ll " $ ° por or 11 MOO otsperton per mile. I , P , ‘ M ” t .' ll w "' a la,r ' ,h » Prorata between i fc: Pblladeiphiaand Pittsburgh would be $5,07 per j f ton, leasing $5,53 t„ pay the roada from Pitta | - W**—- , If 1,10 fSronghrate shoold , | bo raised, the proportion would elUl bo thesame. if. the monH o ''7* pnb,ia,,ca “ “>« beginning of •f - ? CTerj ’ “b'PPer would*know he if l a T d h,a freight orer the Penna. Rail if »0 3 niJ R K fai ' Tb e Philadelphia merchant if " . 8!l,p 10 bl 3 s S° m Sew to forward by rail [t ■ S 5 23 r ' , 8 “" , “" a f* 1 1 c »rry for lesath.n if 55,53 pcr ton. tbcy will-get the freight. If the .if ' 18 ' ,0 low P™.iit tbom lo do so, ll must I p” 017 ' U ' ‘ S m ‘ y SBCm Probable to | some, the Peana. Rood ehould nod it cannot I* ' and pmp !“ 8 low ,m ‘he people of Pm.wt, 0f ftf„c S a " U ““ b "“ ‘icing for l&e I r Philadelphia, audthdfhrough itlfmV f b ° Lr" 1 ’ 80 mnCh lh ” bclter-for the , ?° re b « ‘bo gronter desire M the part of the Eastern shipper to ease on the Western pari of the rente the difference between water and, raU. We hare always thought iho prpteolion which the Central Road thrown orer the Western roads against our steamboats a .;/ __ 111)0,0 ii® are3 Present it in the ingoodorordionryetegesof water, the freight | on 4th Claes goods by boat is 12}o (sometimes f 10o) from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. The Rail f road Company in its printed tariff makes a dif- I* bCtWeBn rail Bad ri,a »' cnly for I' ' W .?*° a itb cIBBB S°° ,lj “> Cincinnati. This I'' small dlffersnoo mates it seem hardly worth I • while foßntrte shippers tp-dircot.their freight to | bo sent by the riser. The* actnal easing to the | shipper to mdooe him lo send-by rirer if this |, bill were a law, and Ihtfithrongh rates as now, r •■■■#’ Foula pd apparent ■’ t ™ Sil ° 81 ’OOifiltf'fSli slo,doper Freight from Philadelphia to Pittsbnrgh'at tamo ralo per lon per aile $307 3“ Boatin'Cincinnati ]2}c per 100... ‘j’so - $V,37 2, S 3 Difference in favor of river. tfitfer Mr. Iriarasbiilyivcry steamboat on the,Western waters BoaU.be ablo to contract through to Philadelphiad-hnd every eteamboat would for its own' interest become an active agent in procuring freight for the Pennsylvania Railroad. Before three years this agency alone would probably overrun the road with business, and the •‘palmy dayß of Ohio steamboating'' will ; hsTa returned. Nor would the stenmer be oon : fined to making her contracts from the thousand . potato on the Western wuters to Philadelphia' -y alcno.. _Tho agents of roads extending eastward "' from Philadelphia would establish themselves hero, and through them the Bleamer coaid con tract la almost any point required. Tho foaturs in the bill which prevents tbs Company or its oilicers or employers from boils Is a good one, both for the sleambtlif interests generally and for the owners of freights. That part which prevents '-them from being commission and shipping mer chants will at least have a tendency to secure to tbs river snob goods us aro meant for it, and to consignees such goods as are marked with their names. Any legislation which would saw the elcam- host interests from such further depression as jS. this dangerous power can ui anytime .effect ['•iv' Qni * constantly eSeeling, would bo for the p'-. ' --belter, and this law seems to us to be just the I'. thing; What do our rirer men say about it ? ji- z-. Mr. Davis, of Maryland. — The canßervaliTO aod rcfleoliog portion of this gentleman's con- Bliiaeney generally approve of hia magnani mous rapport of Mr. Pennington for Speaker. The political opponents of Mr. D. in Baltimore y av 3 endeavored to mannfaelare a little “indig nation” on~h!s account, Lat their efforts will 1: not, in the end, prof&Tßuccessfol. His tra i!-. daocre are of tho gasno. class of politicians ns ii’-j?-' 11,038 wl *o rcocnls / attempted to insert a pro ] ;. Tieion.la the"charter for-Jha city Railroad, that. |: i • no portion of its profits should aoorue to an en |ji . dorser of Helper’s Book. Their opposition can 1 | no ® (sleeted and high-minded oppo . '.. sent, bat will rather havinhe effect to elevate _ '' him in (he islcem of the pore and the patriotic }Jt.V£> aiaoa « his fellow citizens. Tut which most i; receive tho applause of tho reflecting and intel £ W®* pobUc. In taking.thia step he in no • manner abandoned his own political connections, or assumed those of tho caadidate for whom he Toted. Tho praoLical question boforo tho Honse ~ IFS 3 whether discord was to be perpetuated as the democrats proclaimed ■ ■■ - that Mr. Darla chose, with a disregard of per ieonal ctmseqnenccs, and animated by a purpose „.'Wh]oh Is worthy of all praise. Ho had, through several conseeullvo ballots, ondearored to eleot a member of bis own party, bat failed, and he < would not consent to be transferred to a demo t VOlio candidate, who held no political opinions i-- or sympathies with which be eenld affiliate. As long as he remained nontrnl, hr Tirtnally ■i threw away his rote, by complimenting a third candidate, an election oould not be consummated, j : and after the dsrelopmont last Friday, it was ;; f manifest (hat LhoHoneo must either ba organ. ; Isedby tho lndnenoo of the Administration, ad it ?. dressed to tho small interests holding the balance i hjV of power* thus, preventing nil iureatlgallon, or that some courageous man most confront tho noceselty directly and resolutely. As long as ■ji ho stead back, jlr. Briggs, who had condition 's i .jaßy bomtaUled himself to vote for Mr. Corwin, I wOnld not b’ndgo from his impracticable position, and In (bat condition of things there was danger ;.!' lhat bo might nltimately throw the organisation 1 'l' into thd hands of Uie Administration. Theso are tho circumstances under which Mr. Davis r - took thg responsibility, and he is entitled, more! ! U lhan eoyother man, to the credit of bating V , terminated (his vexations controversy,’ and or : fringing order and harmony ont of nstalo of i oisos and epnfoeion which every day grew moro b! aunilßg." -i >V ' * mobnikq, fee? , ; . OI , Tm '“-“‘■•■■in Dinocurr.- ,ho s ' na, ° Jiiliilals and disnniontsts, now in the light at ttla ago, stands before the nation (ho roomy of tdman progress, and in faeor of the coosorva of old abuses. No longer S, ‘' “oojocnicy utter tho accents of popular lhi„ ° S " docs ,h ° feraooraoy eympa h.zo wth man at homo or abroad straggling forlho recovery of lost rights ortho onlfrgo® Pfl'iloffes. Docs the Legisfa elarorl Wr? T M ,i:l for lhe “bolilifu of a h ? Dcm °of*oy resists it, and ar 'N J ob^ CC , a, r C “°' i<,n - Legislature oL ’ ! l ' f ‘ r' r f 'ol ,Jr J r f««lo form their lo ‘ s ' lr own way,pass ft™ r t P “ from tb,t ™ l territory thopolln i ? f !io“p Ery r Nomocracy resists it, defeats Dow the iS? 'totO’ 00l spplaoda that veto, bloidn ..i 8 a ”, ro ° f New Mexico enact a by slave-code. Demoorooy prompts it pr *“J s it. Does R sovereign com! barrio I,Ehten > b ? h “moo legislation the inia I? f * prosonbod race, so that it may rieo ! ‘ r liEh ‘ 0f a broader and higher man • Democracy io outraged, shocked, and it ieor! e 'V SC f *7 E,b „ b ' ri ”K ‘>outs, jibes and 1* a B^T e ®toto enact or propose to cl “ lu ‘ c3 I"'6lillmo.rooppress tbeso slrcady eh?ria°ih oDll f r lh V rOD becl of oppression, or to ?H k o ° Uano, '“o own citizens who may bo by . Bcnl “nents of benevoienco or a ” fjUSUC ° 10 ,e ““ ‘“oif bondmen ? Democracy npproves and applands it Does bls'ie™’ *t lh ° hc f d ° f Ma lo»lo«B band of filii n.^s, d 7 re .? olorery in Central America ? Democracy hails and applands thatdecree Does sl°avcry^in^c' uba P °*7 poMibl ° » b oiiiion of slavery m Coba ? Democracy protest* cannot •, Wil i S-0.000,000 P for that”““o Ant i m c e „'Mr'., “i W ‘ ll , no ‘ “ooeptlho “Gem oftho Anullc ? if burdened with freedom. Does Enc- Wwt i r ndf» h h fC i 1 t ' r 8 ,rom 11,0 limb » ofMO.IW r j* . b ™ew lore Press Jo thesnbjcot again." The Pc*' matter, Z'yt*' ‘ D " * r " d ‘ to We bate taken pains to inquire into iho mat ler; wo have the deliberate opinions of intelligent persons concerned in the private expresses. Tha expresses at present organized wonld as6ume to do, for two cents, that service for which the gov ernaent now demands throe cents, and to pay half tho compensation they received into the pah ikA" lh ‘ l tbo K° T = r “tacnt would need to do in the matter would be to gel up a lit tle shop for the manufocturo of 6tamps, and dc- Urcr them fn quaulilice to the expresses. In atead of threo cent stamps, which af o nowreqnir-' ed for a sjnglo letter, ehouid be two cent stamps and for eviry snch elamp delivered them, the ex presses would undertake to pay one cent to tho government. Here ie a revenue of two millions secured at oocolo the treasury, without any other outlay than the trifling one of procuring the dire and linking Iho etamps, while'on every stamp the letter-wriltiug public Bares another cent, which leareS-two millions moro in the pockclo of the clutene. Thero.la another adraulago to be derived from surrendering the maile to the private expresses. The expresses would be responsible for every ml,, . ,“ 0 . B V“a ««T BTticlo if value com mitted to their charge. Tho Postoffioo Depart- Iflbo S oTern meul appoints a post- Wh l u a . ro fl Iie ' or mak t3 » bargain with contractor, and fio ftcalo the enclosed in our letters, there is no re jL “?■ F ‘ M °" r loss may boj tho gevern “A l '." h “ ao "• “ re compelled to trust, and who have robbed us, makes no ! restitution Privalo expresses are subject lea different rule' thVi£»*J»'!-“‘ b " ~ho «M.«coffs at the idea of making compensation to the Injured pereon; pnblto expresses nre compelled by law to ?“ k " ® oo A? n ? r Io,M » wo “V wffer from the in fidelity of thoir agents. «k Th i? ®^ n ' expressea are more ptwolual than the government mails, l D a thousand in alapcca the expresses ontrnn and distanco iho mails. „„^ bo I lr4sen ‘ , ““be r ing and antiquated postal tass o”O,W»,WO' • 00 ° P " JC ° r ab ui!ali ° n Which was' presented with promptness and digoity liig noblo presence and stentorian voico : challenge the rospcct and attention of all wril-di,poaecl and well-mannered members, and when he bo comes a litllo acqnainlcd with the "working of IrLnf biQ< h hecannotfail to make n flrsl-folo presiding offioer Republic i Mu- Btoniow, of tho New Pork Evening * rU ' a „ fBo[n I “ r , la ' January 4, that there will bo no toropoan Congress. None of Ike parlies rd ht r tt a iL f °!t ll i,?°. rCB “ lla Pwmiso to be reaoh ed by it, and it will he abandonod or postponed Tbo pamphlet against tho temporal power of tho Popo has had much to do with dovoloplng this feeling,' ahd breaking np tbs moeltng. Affaire will drift on therefore, ns for (ho lost few months, everything <"™***‘M*M*mio Italian ffif n their independence. Mr. Bjgolow believes that Napoleon never was in as much danger as tbobando f*oassassin?.: Tho totarestod, to bo rid of him is grcotlv tobSu?oaf t ? ? rCBuII f of ,ba litlian war, and fatfiiS hr '"““y “ now added tho «I'gioD, as reproaenled in Iho Rs*ma£ , iD ,b< "‘>" t «“» a « °r ; “warn tJeta^rT 2^^^' 60 mStlg4tcJ HOIL4IID BITIE Jt S ! : friend cf (bat gentleman, is j*w j- * ri .. , _ ; ■Mfc-tSSch Cf a defence after all. The letter : Mcd,cino of Ion S tr,oJ cffic “y &r ream irMeh haa ran (he gannilet of the Somtaa] newspapers from Richmond to New Orleans, cer- i «ch u • * *• 1 ISDIOEST’tON. HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, LOSS Of APPETITP ACIDITY, BILLIOUB COHPLAJNT> WATER-DRASII, CRAMPS. ’ COSTIYOEcH, COLIC, SDjaiitou>iri.4iKT.*c 1c Kotoo., Bhram.llc Ntcr.lfi, InjoccU, c« 0 umiomen., WUI marln] ; Two or thr,, dc. via nnh, tl,» .ra,r,„i „, piair Uko pi««, n „d to „, e floli . k „j,^ L i lawsmwl Bet OH,. ,nc t .f ,|,« (L ,,| I I»Ct bottlrfl ) Dos«n tnwjiooofiil. ScMli.tcnr mi l, on u,„ utd ,>r,. V fr) toul. ra ,L, BENJAMIN I-AGE-Ik.. * CO.; i ! . ... „ ! tfolil !>y DroKKiat* only. I*, ito fj.ol. Jk.il ..ljj4ij- j tainlj was nol written in the stylo of those asu ,®?J marked “prirato.” It Was a careful stntt jmnt of the writer's position on tho elaeery jagllon, and referred to its political action in jHWdfpfk'tnoro in the style of a. Northern dom- Hee ker than that of a plain hnsiness tnan/jefcUug a calumny, vr L - regarded it ae o pliblic letter when we read it and we accord ingly commented on it with, tho same freedom Utat wo Would have usod in noticing a letter from Mr. Dongles, or any of hist political associates, addressed to the same section of tho country Which Mr. 8. has honored with his “confldcn- Ual” correspondence. We do not deny this g to . liemnn, or any other indiridnal, (he righldo Cn iortain nnqneslioned his political opinions, but he venlilales them in (ho pnblio press’ we hlaim the pririlege to treat , thorn as pnblio pro rerly. 1 Tui o, Mr. Posset.-Wo were high y grad Ced when (he telegraph announced the election of Mr. Fof.hbt Io (he Clerkship of (ho llobjo. Thai body has not only secured the I itqteta of a faithfal and competent officer bnt iWb a ?“ inifllCrcJ 11 s,i ”« in e "bote to the l|ra»dent by elevating to a reopenaible poeilion f , “* mosl energetio and talented oppo ntalß of the infamous Bnohanan pro-slavery The Washington Cotmitution consoles itself | with the reflection that Mr, Pennington when Governor of New Jersey, recommended the en forcement of the popular clave law. This is nhwß indeed. Sir. Pennington’s term as Gov ernor expired at least ten years berore the enact ment of the Fugitive Slave Law 1 .fitto sottrnisrmma. SPRING GOOBS NEW STYLES (JF Delaines and Prints JUST U)*E.VED AT W. HUGUS’, Corner Fifth and Market streets. itelutivo to thePitti tnr K h Qu Ootnpaiy. . : £ U ord J in »* mJ t.j tire Major. A - i P . itUh ' ir * h iu ScUrta o .i Cotninra. J 03 lt U horeb y wlalnod and enattfch by A lb l* n . o'sann\ That tho provision, of up Act b, 7. * p Pro T *l tJI " thlrtj-Qr«t day ol January. A.J . a™fS . **? hnodrtd and aiity. “ASuppii • *? incorporatethe PiitiLurgLQiiaCoinp4n>. Jv " f M«eb. A. I', out. Il.MiwWc ! I I milH ei dr S d at,J ami llto.n.Do aro Umti- aC T r . tfJ b * tb * Council* ol wai.l my, and tbM U ‘ ! * J , rd l n * ncj » J>ro t «-tly authfLtit alcti by (It * PonJdcola and Clorka of Council*. U* .Mircrwl to tli-> «»!• «r’. ID,, “ n .V Anf I’itw.nrtjii is Lcroby authorized and instruct*! and t.. m*k« a tirr-pi ■nrrouds-r to tho l*ltubnr R h G.» company of *ll inbwU and ownership of said rity Ju auv »to- k »r .>tv r prof-orly audeflbctiin saldOaaOoujpaay. : ' Sicnt ft li. That all ordiiMccoa, or part* of or«lu »mrr< in’ C00.1.!™, U .e 1 th, fret,, ' Ordained ouoo. J A Ilk'S McAUbty, Allen. It. Mono*. Clerk of Select Council. _ A. 'I ' , r . ~ President of Common Count il! AtiOwt, (iChU SicMikTlS, 1 __ Cltrlt nf Oamaao Connell. 8. FUGUBT & SONS UiPouTErui or ’ Havana cio/vks-'. No. sir. «oi:th front *»rwt, Phiin-MpMa. (•». 1 ls.:< wo reem.. regularly, *iuK?7.-r a cUU d«*irtlJeCl(tnrar Rnsnrlmwat ' 7f < !.“ t, ,‘ ,Dtl ' ,n of nnjpsi»ts t a *,„l ..Ihrrs iriinl'u- Iruinajj ■ •TN tbo Court of Common Pious lirtfttWSft X tbe county of Allegheny. affiSK .Vo. 123 z?v~ ll s j . ea ' u *>‘S■ *«'* iz*r AS. CVinri* ’ rm . l ’° Krauted nt tbo next tura'ol faUl U>art, onleai exctpUon* bo filed thereto JVuUw.n g _ DANIP.I. AHMSTItOXO. l-mth’r - T*j ~^H E U(Jlij!T of : Oommon^s, i‘ *od tbeccuut, nf A!lrirtj..nr lUBSS i In the matter of the lucor*i •’ S ** J * J 1 inert-, „ , • t l-SltolUaturfciJscrfet, >!*, ni.nln M.ih, Court ~f cVram-n H..J » B a£» ,* 1 rozaty, atffl-fiUJ in o , v , i,» r “ „ M ,V *n«i« .I \, ■ arortMAitl, | Q trrardaac.t with Jaw. » 4 „| ;r u 0 »•>'?• i„*, tT*!? •on |.a,bowo to tbe contrary: w»i-i rhart-r of inoV L r * UI ‘•‘Looted at.be next ,* m w C “*■'* 3 '‘’* ~ From Old RecoftJ. -iV; A.ir-t- r> .w:\j-TIWVi iv,,', CUNURIks-' - - f> bbla. cb(,l« fn>»b jli,|| £i|ttr<, tl > " onitbogaatnaJl w*.iu* 1;-a,.. " Hickory Not*. 1 bag Cheetrtuts; • I “ Timothy B**hl. i bbll. CloTflf J„ 10 buah. Kli.-rk rrb .v J->0 «• Dried Appl.*; '■?> keg, I.ard, UecM on aniOgr.menf and r »r,u i. v .£» At»EU.I,K : Creaxlng t»U; > *“* •" Keflonl £a£i»rm. & uekaiirood K«ok c...|r..1i -md for .ole by AIIVKU„ l-f'U A ( m. . -* . . _ y» t, \^od Ttro^°^ Utlon . Co *Partuerai)Jp. iiti Piirtueruliip lierololurc l.• >o l diaaolwd, l r i ß t“ r j* ■etrt. Fobnury 4th. JvCO. Arc«:nU illilai , , rilher part,, at the ~!d rtond, ?T 0 -M .tr Jt TflO.< It. LIXiV l>. ALKY. FORSYTH Robert jmle<*wbn>s .Ww , m jheFnprrnafntal PocOall, on iK. w i, r , of *„ w S;:,‘ n i L7^ !i -" *'*• ”• ,iy ,!^ti U *' u _ V ' ,KAV A Co,f,j V>n>',*'rMi O.KOTK'S UISTOjtY OF O REKCE \JI l«t part, Legendary,.{jr,.,,.,, ,t At't.M.f l^ 0 ”* 1 .* 0 UU,cr y lo lU * fiMgtt uf |*.M,t,a-„, at Atbgfaa. From tbo aecond Mitit.ic In 1“ wl , fK.AYAO». If. Wood .irtrL P A^ E ? TilN£ » p a\iT piie^vr- Henry JUAsbota. Uoe Tolama,J r&2 } l*' .. _ JtAV 4 tX> . t'. Jf.»J H.rert suWiilT"' GOUD.i, . .. I'tiRCIIKItU) A OJA. 'T'O LKi—Xwa Ivooiuh, suitable for OUto-m pSj, V 1 ™' W»i.h™.» Italldln*. No X rtlib ettrrt; ftf.tvrj «. (j. nt'SCRY A ,*t. NsiWA* AM molaSses. . • 2iiQ l»b!i. cboke I'UuU'uni Jiuljt-w, IG 20 iittds. primo £ji:p ur ' To.^i««,4jo, I? ]oj, J . __AJIVI;U.. J (■„ AS STOCK AT AUCTION ~\y,l| 1,1 idJcd lo 11,8 IUI t,( BliTi.. lo U- foil! at Ih. I'osm.., rial rial.,, Ilium*, No. M Fifth *trcoi, ,;a T v wI £ U .„ P ' F*.l>.Ttb.«t ; o'clock, " ‘ * ,J uirnlogbam Qa# i?o. j o da vr* tpOK -KENt-ti,V-|w a ; 5t,,,. N,'.. ",s, JL Hood street. Ku<]qlr« l>l ... _ CUAURTJCK t .KIV !)Wri. Extra Kami I v in M.-rc Aur WSJ. MeCrTOHPoN A Oi* BUI IKK 15 bbl.s and 1 box choiire r-.li in jtore_for ul« by W'M> McCU rCHKON A CO MOIaASSJSS— -50 bbk N.O. and Musonvk doloitorefor Rale by Vf U. M* JUTCUEON A 00. WANTED —400 biu»!i. clean Jtyo, l,v T J. A. FBTZSK, ror M.rk.i .ml 1.. M«,' COST I ' “ V AT COST !! ; TO CLOSE OUT »“*:Sr uki ”* ... EXTRAORDINARY RARQArNp To purrhuorn In order to fu&ko rwj K . l,r ~m NKW UPItISU STDCK. AKD PRTTV, tMUUOJDWIIKO RUFFLINiI c.aNrAxrb’ Rouen and v/Ar^Ti, A . . KDdINQ, I.A-OKrf. AO At) “ t^?i "«riwy CUUin Hear. * Wl4I , j nnj*v!t> or *.H HUk« autl Vrtol UMIER ?Sr U r™“ v riLS b WKI “' ““.'"•“•a uu lllilHn-u, b «i IjIATSoN’, Oi-thJKft; MAC'KT/M, No. 17 Fifth Street. bcoutiful sulmrbim itc-'fla idenco of tbo lalo <]ro. Ur.d.h.„, &, Smith, K, q . Tho hmiM parlorm, dining room ami kitchca a * w " msko It a flnt-dan renMenee for tUfeMtamii, lO w. w. bkadohaw. | Jpoii aaju je BTJJAM BOILER l* iten In operation it AN^' :,.rA OAHTWMUIIT k YOUKIi n _ * A°‘ Wood £tro«i. Jf 0K KENT-A STOKE on SUrkrt ntrool, Third tod Fourth strong. SUN 1> IU H S—UsWul FKRNCII HLACEINU, in pot.; PARK!) UJ.UK; IfAIK, TOOTif an ]IATH CIUOK amUJttJTISII LTOI .MKrjTi Wnx TAPEaa, CAbTOU at fate by (r-i in eve ry honsa— i x»m;. UIIEI dmhondck lUjmTfciKT u11.t., _ , L „,i 8-JOUN3TUN, conwr omj|hfieli|ami reuiUuir.tta. IStiO. 1213 Lair anDOSqaX GREATEST INVENTION ’ I,' I,O °P SVTT.V SUMJFACTUBE. J-.ttOMSO JJ*S ;e*.A.XENT CORRUGATED STEEL SPRINGS. heduciug the Weight ami increa*ing the Strength of' Skirt* nearly one-half. U ‘ V 0 * 1 -'' 1 * * CO. offertb*ftbora,utlu yurt. »iJ. ,?• Bn,J ,(l ' J n»f«t important teprotement la e-rL"„u . ..fr ” > ™ • nTt Dte*3—cl Ting to Uite braille *!-iown n ' ,xit,llit 7 and strength n«rer before htaltl,' nft ff L^7 ,n whoralnr* comfort, ih U eHJmi , in iap <^anr ' > * n «**»«* hatooue of u.Lje HJmlnMs ganccuM fnqnlre fcr Thomaon'a Conngated fiklxto. V:'7'lT im ood *>>'wuM buJ msnofiMrtnrßj Bolely |j* I,r ®, t '°* : ‘ rp l till* towa Id liaprr.vc.l iljln, Miara, moaufacloro, a B follomn T nR polrjiLij TRAIN SKIRT, TI, E ■‘AKKIAN BELLE SKIRT, THE GOSSAMER SKrRT, THE INDESTRUCTIBLE SKIRT, TIIE WOVEN SKIRT THE EXPANSION SHIRT. lbro °Khoot the ralon/SyihipHnolpal Jobbcrt lulSKn"* *»'***»* oSrsndmtant Uwcrotwiart ua ctery skirt. NooiMra Msfcanidn*; w. s. *C.II?*HOSSON ACO , P “" «r 4 in .ho Tem » 18i9 - &** JheleU ruilion filed. ,Jan!IJU7U 7 2l *t, 1860, The foregoing m n*. , UwSMUmn. tl,d * r r ,n opwl Coort * w h*rßnpoi,ra the (W, ? * Achtwo, Attorney! for the petition ■h!,« B™°* • Hnlooo all tbe partlw fntereaUd to tha 2&tb day of Pcb- T by V l ** V- ovr * ~rwt * la lh * Borons lloronS P t t £ h B V ad P’W of BIU «"*» Intald Hty of . Hop nn TOR OXtTKD S °tß * aBNT It , e , o . K . li ABICJ u T 2i I’enrl fetr&t, New York. _ts-orJ<«r» by OMarAi rfutJ)> »:UuJfJ |.i SAMUKh GRAY"& SON, Merchant Tailors, &*». S!? IFifdli Street, 1 Muill-Kii iu t'LO.SK OUT TUB UAL -a- ov tukiu FALL AND WINTER STOCK P'.'t*rA : i\TiUlV I>| ; TJJKIII SPRING GOODS, li r f V - ;*. ' k 'r~ u ‘ ,l THAN : • - AL n.lOt:.- Ti.«lt *•„. t dii,nwM (01 the New plack <& Colored Cloths, FAH O v fUENOJ! AM> CA.^SIMEKES, AH,! o\ KJtroAT.S, ri. i aa /- r a stJMc/it’ win I,- MAKE TO ORDER in lie ;n,.l jii-1-; npprivrd mntiner. Hj lUCtl.Vtiqn. U WaCJtIXTOSII.HKapniLt.ACO.,* C«,rnr.j; Hiko m,.| O’lUn, { *-*r City Water Wirk*. l r rS U u ][, ,‘A., TVI jjgWACTIJHERS uK MACKINTOSH vV' 1 ‘HPitOVBD-fiATRXT 05CILLAT* fU " c ' M - VES "'“"*~ "' !" e ' **i*«' i > “ j «f -a. -£ Si litbVl '"T 1 ’”" 1 ", J “ JoU'inn. .od u •f-L IjtUi* Jui-.trattiOi; tbit W tirvmptao*# «odlh. ” ,Bprl * public pairoiwe*. We l B LlVlio' b'friliJi". VALVKOSCIL ".moi*,! imjwUoJ l2O0()^.;ViS?5 K FoSsAti; MNV TbSltl/' "«>* >IIMSO coil tSSSSZA ■•'•*«« Iron Ur. «..i *014, 10. WJ loti* „1,. MfJ i h,'i*o V thM?, n "i°'" fereofthbdty. y , n ” f ’ thMron ran*- liSnur;,"!''' '''ll nolcui. of tfro TWr U.rIVZT' !, l ' l , '" r,3r;f *n)»ir»n »t..i r.«, '.*"l 1 , f •how fUrni bey. » 1 t,r< * • rrt'rt! r*. toy V'rwo* w'Uhil.K to TJEvi.“’* ’“" ,M " r *r r * ,mw ' wtS . ( i*° JACOB UKK!>E. : OOQCBSBTB FOffMDKy **• Mecov & co.. Z i ;/.'«MTr.sr«£ir,*,.j..„.v /v ,„ l'i.'rsiiuit'iu, ; ■ JjIANtI.ML'TUitE . r'lor. mi olmrl nntioc, amnios, Mur-riiuj , v i-culms, ~r .u Ite ,, » *0 11 WXK3, -All II'oN.4,ur.ATKX, Ac. Alvat* on JjauJ tit «jrOr4cr» li u ti,„ ruuxilßr. .1 M tvivrl.bt t 'SSi "■> .„o o , lol> , (OOAL XONtJ.s, '• •*- 1 uaAt, nc»D5, , n>Al, VAflr “ • dOt.VPfNQ DlflHfc; KiijBSKUY PKNDKR.o, UI»U OAGfS, Hl/jOK TIK, , j j , • OOYFiJB AJU> TEA POTS, 11 ' V - 7* BRADBIMW.No. 131 W«H]jKreet, 1 thorijfn oftho-flolJrn Uno, niCHARDfION’H I|USH L INEi\ S,. • &AVASKS, DIAPERS, SC. 0^ 3 SU ¥? RS KICUABHSON’S LIN. Co!w^^.h«n , || lhl^,a . J< * ° r fttminlnjc the OKNUINfI S:2 h'SS Wth,t tho • rUc >« «“■>- tew *rr tc*l o-Ptuth th* full nuna 0 f the flan, £ M'»Uir.;» N * tOSS A OVKbKN, » tljesun nJnw.inn i r ,L kooa ,8 Amc flf**n comoroer nmTtho maanfao bSnIi f J bB , R n? o^ ft a ™ i3 > W,N nut »*«WJOO ■ , wlthtlS^ P f° fl ’* b 'hits jnirdmwra c*n t« Impoaod ou of n worthies cbanctor. - i. UOLLOOKH A J. Ik LOOK?., - AgcnU. r>B Cbnrcb t*trevt, N#w York. 1 f’HOJWXX BTBAM BKBWila?, ' Clrnrrj/ fMoUmnn o ml ,lr,:t Jl'inili ITor4, anil r l y]P i •“*!< lionet and Orannry, 17 Hbfcr rlrnf. s i’SK NCEII & OAIUABD, ’ S'iccMjor* to Adam Wood, . Pittsburgh, IVnnn. r’alftfcml Am|v#r Alr«. Porter nu*rM |iro:ui>tly ntuudd m. I‘rico iiL-usaent by Alnil. WOOD ro:i tfnara runm'-ted with Ibe mncei M ilfdyrr nnd flttiernl Bo'.'Qrty CUNWUES KJ WO Bids Wbltu IVbrat Faoiily Floor, , f»t)c> “ it«i | s'# “ Ultra Flour, .14? .«✓ Jlju •* Dtialt kit ami SbdlcJ Coro; • W T'«u» kifcort*. Luckwliiwt rivur, o*la, JJaKvl -jy nd.\. ' M«t atjle J.-■ , im Tf*of Uir*« PARI-em 4N : D lIEATINQ STOVES 'OP HVEUT DESCRIPTION. “""“l Ooll.Ur. .udotbtr. In «. n i t FKDNT.’'. I’KNDBRd, 4r. j-.rnroUraitemiLu u., , lr /,.«!>• cMel.r*. DIM HLliT©]* UAS A N I) fi,\fOEE CONSEMINU I T 0 VKS; I ROKEK A AM) ARBITER, I>* only UitiH/i ln the market Clb r;,wl/r ° »>•*• **<4 tbe UOVbTSTSpJS. r r B .*?’ - '" '* n "' »**. “■*' b “ rbirb we woalJ recommeu.l thcee, r T Utb ° ,T * r keen exhibited at State mTh. .?^r rpoUUon for ttarabilltyand Xcod- Wf in fuel ainwjijalW L, any other gUjrf< , Q gt# CAUTION't-Buy no Stovacalled Gas Con Bumerawi th ggtthe Double Top. nolS:Cnr Dyr.popnla t- Dyipopola I! Dyapopfila ’ What ij ii ? How Cut id? UrsPErsn is our National Discaso—weak .tonuca, r.,u. aiju.u.s, «u„ „„ Ig , b«WI. Lilloo. TOU , iUo „. Uoirjin.or .o«„r with il aul [u ■tivurso! I )nj ,,( omi Ip | r!(^i W | ta , K to la oUu.j,in„l l„*j „j uu. Yet bow Urn °°* '“‘ mu ‘ ""h! u«*r.Hrri~.o»u,. w.d. u . ~o.Ui«u.l,rr.orti.L ? l.| <)r ia.utl„, „i uUtn . Col •ocb > cootluiou >.< noTrr ci:.i.; I.yiulurtln, .biaa „ u |, ofßco ia to wooten (lie dlgartlou .oj’lp^, of tha entire ftoitnilatire . Bat EUSIPUfiEV’B HOMEOPATHIC IT!.!.;- —, 1; ... mrila.tal .agar plll-h,™ cnred.-buudnd, ofth. wont •DJ toaM obstinate cow,. ThH I. ,louo.in.pl, b, topro.lng lb. too. aad rearing tb. lategrit jof th. dlge.il.. .tnii Iton which mult good appetite, r. 6 ul.r bablte, . clear bead audbco,ant .plriu. Bach a medlcln. I, . , nd ooly ro|ulm to ho kaown to to appreciated. FIPTT CKSTS PICU BOX. N. B -A fall ni of llvarnoer-i Huraorania s , raFK . »lth Book .f Direction., and tarot j different Remedy la largo ctalefinorocro COM, Ji; do, In pl.lo ca.. Cl. E.tuHj c**°of fltt«*a boxramod book, $1 Th... rrndira b,tbn elngl. he, or cm, wot l, anil or.,pr.», fee. of charge, to an, addre.., on receipt of tb*prl«*. AdJrve* Da. f. DUUPUftSY k CO, Soldlo rilttlmrjli (,* J_ LA.vJk, 0 fibpn, Citj, 0. K kLKa/ud mud 3. J. K4ST ’ A " taaowd AwT T° LET-Tlm WAKElioQSES*oppo- Sk *** |JU tba i'wogvr Depot ou Litort/ rntreeL Bq TVrm«eM,,» n j an ,mi Utcr lfc» flr»t of April Mtl. Koqolr# i.l II. 11. WILKIN-lot J.JUTtBUOS. ISGO. v*uwm* nwtßQOAra®*.''lB6o. iIKADQUAKTKtia, VALENTINE HEADQUARTERS. The large*! and heat aasortmeot of NSW AND SEEfiir VALENTINES ® v>r Gffeinl for aaio 1q jUU c[ty U-m P ,|.io* erery rarlety of atyle and Qouh, CAN BE SEEN AT UUNT A Mln’eitk CAN OB SEEN AT HUNT A UIKKbJ CAN OB SBKN AT UUNT A MINER'S BOLD AT WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL >*■* i« i«ta to „n pwchM#l J T K4BTERN rR,OES t£. f, « , f mr . on,er- 10 nuNT A MINER. - **“ Prl ‘” luu J»2lnUf MOFFA T T ' s L l“i r K~l» ILLS „ „ AJ< t> P U IE JV l s BITTERS, Vlt 0 C n! t * VUrri, Scurry t crXnnitieni of tie °atoreSTwVo toiitMtitnf;, oftna FetuoTlDg, In •mw dnyn, ererj Tenuis of SoZ tb 'J r tv&vt -JSTIb. SsKaSSSsSSS SUNDRIES — r— -3l>o Bags Rio OoOee; I U 5 Pocket* Java Co/Teo; J nuo Bbli N. oT’MoUsmk 100 do N. 0. Tar; 160 Ilhda N. 0. 8og»r, 2&0 Dozm Anorted Window Glue WC) do NMl*. Ja Mon tod t>i - y fy crbb a siacudu, i: tm»t. RAISINS— MV> Bole* Malaga Bunch Raiilnr 100 do Uo Layer do: fcW llair Boxm Bunch do: 200 Quarter do do dcr 00 Bcgt Seldlua; '* Bora# Valencia. Jut rac'd and for ui lIBVMKR A anubSon “ No. SO Wood Street /^.BOOEKXES w i - J ""r k d I& tbta.Ooldoa Sjmjn; 30 libda. pHnio N. O. Unear; *0 bbU. I>. U. OnuJtod Uuean £OO baga prime Gram liio Ouffu*. lorjahjy. fej WATT k WILSON. PKOIHJCF —500 bbls. Ex. Sup Flour* SO bPU «*. Pta. Floor; JbX b X.M Bo’u^ 6 logo parked Bnttor; <0 aka.. M 3 liar. email W. Deaoa: 1m IbT ortmVSil'.o ,lon ' 100 lino gate. lo al.rn. for aria by w ATT k W |i2)„ NPJ ICE r Th “P art "™l'Tp _ toeWWo7 Tiro tmoloooool Iho Una “““mb— Ibo olllco or Uio Uoauaarclal Boat, <3 Poo?tß«ra,L* tJI “ TUOMPBOM bbu, I'itloborgh, Jonoorr .11.1HG0 -fXrt *' OAU3UiJ * lor ratuieri'CbtOoglihhca.oi£. 6 5£S, R, “* , ‘* Iron ***' of Uodm fornU^^^i Golden Odd Ueet> fl t dcor tbo «igu of ILe ■ - * J«S* C 5? |i2T' QHJSAPEST! BEST!!: lM(j EST II! - $35 pays tlio Tuition for Sinj|oiujil Doublo Book-keeping, Writing, Cominercial Arithmetic and Eectdrek; Eight veeka Uw«l. JvO; s7|jFull CV-nr*.- ci_ enUre expem*? |<2A i j ’ Ureal lima tu complete a fall conr»<*, Gfeuf Q to >0 >re«ka. Etotj Stod*Bt, ujHia gaaSauteeU toboromi. ftetout to manage the Cooke of aorbumeoi, and ou«lia.>d to earn a uUry of from $5OO ;* Stadeala eater ■( euy time—Ntj VwelktH-Rotitiw at {daerare. ? S FUST PEEUfUMS FOE BEST, BC3IN&3R WEITINQ FOE 1859, received at Pi (la burgh, ptuU£*lj>!jU mad Ohio Btoto Fair at Zanesville, A lea, at (lie pr&citrtl Fair* of the Colon for the put fc>cr yeara. 8 i ’ ivui tk»It(0 al halfl'Mce. [' For Circular*, Specimens is<] EotbeUfebil Collage, enclose five let itU. (tamp* to V. W. JENKINS, OCUST GKUVfi SEM|N. The noxt Tirol of Fftv o J tthtrsdiy, tbt 2J dojr ol Fubratry. 1 Tb* l*®** ln*fructor» *re pr .TiJed lo»» li fileportment— Applicant* fcr Boarding or Dny Paplli thoJlittw made to tb« Rector pHianallj crthr.njgb IhoPltuiurSb Potl uffli J*3o;lotd QLOBOBT. |ir' PENN INSTITUTE, T i HANCOCK BTRbET, NBAS WfDi r*n Monday, th« auth . $22 per notion of Ate m auUi(. •ul-lyd PnoNoouAPinu kbpoit M G tuiigl At No. 2S 8t Clair »tmt. : 1 f•• “It U • railros.l •oa of Ita exp^iniou—a r&[?ro#d bjr namo o?ltt raze •' ao20; Kof.Dr. Urerpool. < gutlic j&atftiw.K]T 0. Field mil doliverTj coorseof “V Nine hectares, in LiPAVETTE IllilX, on the CREATION OP TUB UNIVXBSK.tnore &*da?lyor the Boa aw! Pianola; I iiT*5 onl «* recoil I dilation of all real or alleged difficult* t&wlseb the two records, by ahowing the dlrtiocltoe chiraeferi Dfcarh, or the different between tho Book ol Cn#tioo»«l the Hook of UerelaUon aa to Intention or end. I 1 The flm Lecture (Introductory to tbi whi&el will be de- TUESDAY EVEMKQ, fb. Tth, lU Smm.oc log et 7J40 dock, and continue each snceeeaifeor alternate erenleg.a* nolltUd.ontll completed. Ttcketi&bith'acoorsh, $1 each. ForringiolectorolScenti, aijmlltfcdoiadyand gentleman. May he had at the Book Btorea.B j fefcStd. Omci op the Pnnapgaa flag Co, 1 ftbnuj ) Stockholders of the Pltt&drfcli Gaa „ Company are hereby notified that ah alMtlon ibr three Tnuteea of aaid Oompany—one toierraauaililhefirat Monday of October, I 860; one to aerre ontil (hot flnrt Mon* ?* rt?. ! ? ona to wrve until thlftm'Hooday ° be held at4be offib ofNCo^W hJSitF&i t°* *°P AY ' tb ® coart of S and b 0 clock, r. u. » ii '- ' f&0:dul JAMES M.CnßlStTlrlea'rorar. Auxaust Bubok, •• • l rittaborgb, February Sdjl SCO. f Notice.—An for President, Manager* and Officer* of the iJotananTTbr erecting a Drtogeorer the Allegheny Hirer, H'«*»«J °f Allegheny, will be IcUTt (be Toll Uoaie, at theacoth end of the Bridge, on t,“/i w u , tatww> «>e tumra of 2 tfclhekend 4 o flock, I. M. !(4:oa%idtd WM.ROSEBdBfI.Tre^p, Mososoihh4BxxswJ, J » . r „ Pittilrargh, Janturyio^l£»./ [TS A.V Llcction for President, Mnnyjcfeand thTlßl™??”"' l ?“ I Co “P» ,, f “or wwing or,, March 6th, 18C0, at 3 o'clock, I‘. M. v ? > HUI ’ <****"•* JOHS THAW, Trflaiurcr. ornccrrrrsr • lascaiaci W>’* ' ifIUBUH lasciASci 03- lW WaUrTCI - , Pittsburgh,J»on»rj ; 27th|lSGoy: f Annual Election for l)i J**r, will U Lel«. of Pobroarj oezt. '^ r Meeting ot flallrna/1 Coni|>«tt)j of Pltt*t>argti l o& '1 at to o'clock, A. M. o. p«ny, with Uia UtuinoM of the {i&st jew, jjjll t& njasmted *“ 1 “•"»««« f»rts|«dttto g ’ J®ar wul bo held on same <» t, A "it SA VIRUS OA n No. 65 Fourth Street; CHABTERKD llfl # 6 | OI’EN DAILY FEOM 9 TO S O’&llOGK W«ln«u r udeuiinli 7 .ToiilßnJfr&il g>, iwas ss hsst mill,, In Joe. ..d Dumber, dm, lb. Sank MijoikM *“» ** Lfco r»t* of six p«r cent. • year | • PMilur m tv)c*»jra& with d T dtor ifiPhto KSu"^ ,o t^J£ssss rrttidnit—GZOßQH aTTiptt | \ Hopewell Heptmrn, Junea Shidle, James D. Eelley, Do Bert Robb, Inao M. Pea Duct, Hill Borgwln, John H. Sbbanhcni i* t Ahtimfor BredlA, Juaea Hardman,! A. M. Pallact. mjp William 8. EavelA. William J. Andorwa* ns > P- A. Uadelta 3 Jobs H. UaUoc, § > Jwa«B. D.Ue#L, Jaoea HcAnle*. F wa*m Mmsr.XF John Orr, >;T Henry L. aiogwafl, ' a*c g .B.Sak6o # \ Join D. Scull v, I .William £.£dtsu§u! AltTinderTfcaie. R Itaae Whittier. | lUßr.ss x coLfo^r,- John 0. Backofeo, Jobs D. Cbafleld, J. Gardner CcJOn, David Campbell, John S.Ooeipave, Chari ee A-Oolton, William Donglaa, franda fella, Benjamin L. K*ho<«to<\k. lion W. Heilman, WUliexa 8. Haves, Charles Knap, Awrtwyaid ZVraim aalAyd—jaa2nlawy aonu to bk ADnutticu tha& Ti js~ RICHEST I)lAi)|iM BVBII WORN BY \ } .!/ Kings or EniperorLj l- WII A 1 ? A BiicTinii, llxad or THE article that will natural!? mtolelho •btamedWaj. Prof. WOOD’S HAIB TOSHM. tgllS. nfo remedy for baUnee, drjncea, prwnatonrenfaM X color, and theKTenl evidence* ofalsek "frerStirntf aftim I roots of the hair, which caa U fcmaO.' QraSsomShSoM and “hair tonica” flUevery '£S£# 8 I £:'ZZ* y \ l An P M oaletikSwSSSi SfjriSwX* U ?S o, .*? , ?* m * Q * how «lebrltyhaa fcc3i2 P°**2»l*» any noatnun render i apoa voor hair. Touch nothing you bar* not Wood &2£i u • 51 thaU* purport* to bo. Pro*«a-wifdj£2 I Sw il'sSuS usss**" fr °" p,rt,a f *>! ■J* t?OOD;—Dur 6 „ £S!s^f“^«Siissss^9i: lu original hoe. I oouidcryoor &eetontlT6UßvWrfwlin - I Jojful Innntloo, cat. ta cJISS. u »5uIXlE3t: x™. 01 P? Sold by all DrngglfTi, tod by 0. J. Wood ArW it t Broadway, Now York, and 114, Market (treat. Bt/£nn& i M&fcsssir'fisst ««4 Hischaboks fßojTrn* Bar wit „ •Utter from Mr. 0. K. Sargent. ' ‘ *| ? C«x * Ol ' lst “”° , '“ I *“ h ™>tiiln4 Wa .«k,.jii c k,«to, u,, aM olraire^» “r” ‘7* U| « ■“» »«rto* » o.t I C«IM B* ££ ,S' llci. I bora bras dclagmore or lraaCir.l, raO? 'jar blood,obd tbnoremoratbaoorra „ eecilbgl, fcr lb, LL jtt L , *“»g«b.r ltt «n: —Aflor lb» date of my letter to yon of the uth Noy, lull i continued to use the Peruvian Syrnp until my Iny naa; fatly restored to mo, and my boelth perfectly re-eatabU&k ed. I have net taken any ot the Syrnp for several mohftiii past, and 1 Uive do donfel that I am permanently sored-of tbo Infirmity vltb which Iwu for so many year* aßUct&t Yonra, rreptetfally, .OYRUS B. SABQJENTe p 08. a ED. XL KKY&ER, 140 Wood atrest, la the; ir for this city. - FOURTH LIST of Applications for Scllitfff Uijnort, Died In the Cictfc'e Office op to febrniry ftf. 16 W. }■ jj * Downs Karr, eating bosao, 3d ward,- Pitfartmrgb; 5= i Brennan Junes, agent, with ether goods, 4tb w*d.slltro Gallagher Jobs, eating home, let ward. Ptttalmrrfi* '{T Emms Michael, tavern, 2d do do 2 Michael, do 3d do do ~ £ THOMAS A. EQWLXY.GIMki Office, fab. SJ, 1360. " fiSuP Xp^T£'£S&SS£3!k& A, JPS r t? D i£ Bo * ,II S theaiehm fodctttcdirtn&kunedf on JAAMeBRIEa ACOntboWeattHwnMeiZfcSlS: •ad lettle ibelr acconeU. JAMaf Great sale of . " tyn JIWKIBT AT ATOnosJ»5i V i 2sg J.U.Dayfeßo. 6l fifth treat •Taoinf, no. 21^'toa «wj«,or onlU iilti»M- Thh«ock^^??4?^* **° bUrer-Watcht, aod UurUTol jSSL •wy drecrlpUoo, which Is worthy thaSSk— ehuera, m ths wboteStock BOS* t» 8014 g** for cub. luifu ardftontltnwn call ud axunfee th» good! daring oca fay. cui parcliudat Or retell, linnw prfera, tad all tb*U pr©To U repnwntft!, 1&4 *‘“ifc fm? or therefobded. I‘lauegtrenn wall u+m-fJj Anctloa KHe vifl rotunieaa «*eh enziax >t ■ J - aDA?5r^ A SALK oj? stocks «*• 7th.*ir ao»*. *4ttiaSSitonri? sns. »°i w siwi5 iwi ** i*L"*k£i .old, «» Utoßobwt a*tw»j dec’^wfflfc* i rsair-., M do PitUbarjcfa, V. W. * O ‘i* To which will Is added SO thin* Mechanic*’ Book Elj4 ■ ID •bar* M. 4 M. Bosk or Pitutursb Id do Allegheny do do 25 do AUegbcoj lowtinceOo. fr:' jalorgb, P« SaiONEJS SALE OF LAND IftJ Mioii lOAK. P*6. T(h,U7 oVLvV at tfte Cpmawrlil B*l** Eoqcm, Mo. M Fifth »toe*t.brarl' derofWm. P.Baam, A*Blgne*of Hugh D. •old, 000 oodividcd fourth p*rtcfl2s tcru UadJnMtffe* •lx, towuxblp ld Oakland coaatr. MtohJlr 0 * le2 J- Q.pawTS. U(3OST. Ten in aumi. j Principal. AUSTIN LoQMiS£ CO.,JlereSazitt , ~Sxt A LLEQHEJNY PROPERTY FOR SATfc T 140110 D Montgomery street, 3) (bet front M£fe fcftdexteßd log along Tsjlor arenao ilu frt t Terms, cno-fonrtb cuh, balance to 1, 2 sod 3mn s- P'T 1» AUSTIN LOOMIS * co- 18 ramhSa^^ SIXJOK HAJJiS BY AUSTIN LOOMIS’* 00, AT TUB MERCHANTS’ RXCI2AKQB imr ivtNna._n.ut, E*gL (topper Stock, Bond ud Heal OUU cold at pobllt (y* si tie Merchants’Kicbangp by uo » . t, « ACbTINLOOHIB 4 CO. Drifts sod u-sns on Best Estate negutlaladea r“on»lla *"“• Igr AUSTIN lOOmSTST ** Stock Kolaßrotan. 83 fourth 1. Cits amusrarnte. ADAME LOLA MOMTEZ Will e i»*. bar Wlltj uj IHCTURB ON PABHJOH, LAFAYETTE HALL, WEDNESDAY K.YENINO, PEDBUARY BTff. n^*r D 2S rl cpon ,f T ' Uctar P *° rotnmenco.l 8 o'clock Tickets tS cents. to&Jtd ■ATIONAL TUEATKE— Odd Fuxoir? 3 IN l-KITDi SIGHT, BxrcHoov BsssarAsasß |. wlib Uie iliitlognliheii Prima Donna, MISS JULIA GODLD.; rfST.S 1 PP* 111 *? BOCKLKV, tita great Amatkan ,Dfjrm ttiopabEotbatba CakM TO-MIQHT, tendered blm by Utpittiboigfc. • cke,> *o tetadmt the Untie gtarci daring tfco d*Y.atid 1 In tb* areolng at tba door. B For pmlcnlara. are programma. ; la<dcbrJu PR “ cth at., opposite Pittsburgh Theatre T JOS. MATTHEwa, Pinnate. , uio elegant aod commodious Hall is now • u AESLB BEB BZZXUBD UWt «ad moatapproTed atria udMttea. ■*4 la ocbervrto fitted op eqnaj toaay la the cocdryftx •ccottnodatioa or dtlzeni and itracgen, udferl&tat, £ w2S«^! d , Co,nr £L b *“*ttfpSSl, ffecualSta 100 Waalaro Statea. Tb« Proorlatcr BDliella a rnMinniHnn f^J“ P *y° nt£ ® *° baatowad onltfi WeenbaKS poWta-»kit every attention wm.ba to thair comCfft ajuT^mtore.*' N- ,0T *da of nauari Talil**, Tun* clJh chalk and all otttrarßd* labkliaai. which he can diapcao of on i*»« CUT OIBM Beft tfidciiupe't Jq tb«Varket^ T J Cards for Mounting Jrtotograph Picture*, M I Bnp«riMQMlltj»ii4 t tlii w j tlc _ a«.«ni imtcvuijinwMUXutfßxß&.tttitoT*, *,on hand OKI fir A.M. COLLINB, PAPBatad CARD Warahocta, 606 iHNOASTBE*?, PUiLiDELPOLi. : • ■: '■ B. CiißffjH * CO., Chestnut Street, [oppMUs Qtnttf EocnJ PHILADELPHIA. »B W IaPOB.TATIOBS*FISB WiTCUEI JhTEKjPHIUOT* 00.. WsltheMa a«ne»«. OtfAßtiKß rsoDStUITS Locikra nav **ries,aU shot la Bushs* QucseaU Open he,/* n,w SnfgPTBS W A T O H; 13 - S „ ’ RICH JEWRLBT, BevdMfgos. DIAMOHRS, PEARLS, and all &■ paablxiabla gt.u. SILVER WARE, onrerpaacd ia itjU, n^ui! j&ss*" ksmss .**JSS£3giss!2ESF*", ■ uCTOSBPaiQSEo, puintQgS-,.^^ COX) ZjXVSTR ntr f . & CO’S UNEXCELLED BRAND -Du to be fa»d of tlio ProprWort.Jonsa nmS * MS.Third•tmt,PbSdSpbi«iiil«» < S l S®5 *. a. it stttißa a ooTiMLnSSiitaw - «& l s ¥^ a?, !3a&aa^SSr 1 » •. ofOllorcftUother*,Ubrthaatf^JK^ 1 # iiMtorttoigg^tSr-i" 11 ■ 7Mn^agpi - ssssssslbmsS&BSsK c ABO._.D EmnilTi _ : toprerrt ~SS3to£SS 3S^lffl§&2Sfs»ff£ Bs^wSSSS^»as: omwaTuteatgu gWu»«n«»itoSfs Sm S>?SßS£?*iS?“ toMwAaiwii toMTfad s^Kl5 !la g^ l^j'«>t J - 8- LlVia, Aact. CARDS 1!