FBIDAY MORSIKQ, FEB. S, 18GO. • AfTAiss iailsxico.—the Galveston News, of Ihe 21it; has tho following:; - i Ueßava had. the pleasuroof greeting pur \ friend and fellow-citizen, Dr. better known 1 to oar readers under the now thuß commenced his regular diplomatic career, j When the revolution of 1848 broke out, he was \ connected with the Frenoh mission at Baenos f Ayres. rise with the fortunes of Lonis [ Napoleon kept a live the tr&dUon of his Bona- I partean paternity How. Hbsbt I). Gilpin, who died in Phila delphia on Sunday last, was born in that city in 18QL The mlain points of his life are sketobed in Mr. AUlbofle’a Dielionary as follows: ; Graduated in the University of PennB;ivania, 1819; Attorney for the United Statps in Pennsyl vania, 1832; Solicitor of the Treasury of the U. S., 1837; Attorney General of the United States, 1840; now (1857) Prosidont of the Pennsylvania Academy or tho Fine Arts, Vice President of the Historical Society and Director of Girard [ College. Mr. Gilpin resigned the Presidency ; of the Aoadomy of tho Fino Arte and the Girard College Direotorehip, a year or two ago, his fail ing health having obliged him to give up all po sitions requiring active exertion. Besides nu merous contributions to reviews and magazines, Mr.' Gilpin published the opinions of' theJJnited States Attorney Generals from tho beginning of j the government to 1841, and also eaporvieed the ; 'publication of the papers of James Madison. i GAZETTE JOB OFFICE RALSTON & YOUNG, faccosseou to join* v. suitock,] h BOOK, CARD & JOB PRINTERS. GAZETTE BTTXI-3DHTQ’, FIFTH STBESTf NEAR POST OFFICE, PITTSBURGH, PUNK’A, i>ary kind of BOOK and FASOY JOB PBIBTIKG with niataeu and dUpatcli. jngadawtfP /CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.— -16 or ?. FOR A GOOD SHIRT, ST>*, $lO and apwsrti, 50 era. FOR A GOOD MERINO SHIRT; tO CTJ. FOR GOOD UEMS«> DRAWERS; SHIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS, TIES, STOCKS, MUFFLERS, BU3PBNDER3, SOCKS, GLOVES, Ac, all at retin cat price* EATON, CBEE A BJACROV Jas3 • No 17 Fifth *tn*L SUNDRIES— 1 Dry Hide; ft tKb Feathers; , 30 eacks Dry Applf*; _ 3 tain Sheep Pclte; d tierce* No. 3 Lard; i 12 bales H&trasa Cotton; S 3 do 2 do i On steamer Lebanon’ Ip arrive for iale by I Q3O ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. NTHBACITE COAL —I 2 tons in stoxc aad for iMe by 1 nnh BBS EXTRA FAMIL* FLOUK, A vUV/ branded Ocean Son them Oily, EdJpee and lonlO inils, (or rale by 3. B. OAICf ULD A 00. J&23 First atreet. pear Wood. 1*/ A3HBOAEDS.—60doz "Harznar” Zinc TT iTFethboards jut recti fed and far nleby J«gB SAMUEL BIDDLE, 21 Diamond. LARD —6 bbls 4.prime leaf, suitable) lor rc tkiOn* in store, for tale by J*2B~ ISAIAH DICKBY A CO. MILL FEED.—lions Fniabed Middlings, i 8 tons Ship EtafT, 10 do Brsn&nd Eborts, Jut ro cetredper eteuser Onbaand for sale by JtSa JAB. A. TBTZBR, ccr. Market and Ftratstr. TIMOTHY SEED.—SO bush prime Tim -OUI7 Seed fbr sale by JAS. A. FKTZER, jaS3 corner Market and First street*. BARLEY —300 bush. Spring Barley rec'd and tot aalo by JaMEo A. FEIZBtt, JalS corner Market and rirat streets. 1 Qflfl EELS. FAMILY FLOCK, choice A AUv article, for tale by Jalfl , niTCnOOCK, ftTOHEEHT A 00. HOMINY —15 bbls/choico Pearl Hominy, J«rt rec’d and tor tale by J. A. FfTTZER, jilS ccroer Market and First etratta. SUGAR —10 hhds. prime new crop New Or* lesns Sogar, landing from steamer Neptnne.tor rale by CtSO JOHN FLOYD ft 00- 173 Wood street. LYCEKINE—IOO lba. for ealo by B. L. FAUNESTOO& A 00- ii«« Ko. CO, corner Wood and Foorlh at*. g-Vl; T\BI£D FBOIT—IOO sacks Apples; : If _i 6»> do Peaehea, halves,'.v » j rSrr.t« by J>9 J. D. CANPLELD 4 . PBABL HOMINY—33 bbla. choice Pearl Hominy lost rec’d on consignment and for sale by - : -JAS. A. FETZKR.cqr. Market and Flrat rU.;• A pretty little library -10 Volnmo -La Box. Price, Oa« Dollar. A BiW ropply melted. de2? BACHES AND APPLES— -30 aaek* Dried Peaebos—balres; I 75 do do Apples, In star* and for ole by de«d J. D. QAKHEID i 00. SHELLED CORN.— I6OO bushels choice 8 belled Coro fa »tcr* aad orrivlce, for sale by (' j*g> : UBttßBT* BAcor. Liberty »ndg»od«lt- N, O. SUGAR—S hhds prime in store and «* for it!* by ELKuDST * BABEISR, JUS ; ;• • carper liberty *od U*ad afreets. onn bbls. moeasses-, t (wv/v &ohbj hr , i: ■' uJAMTSi AtlJdZlit' * '^ooi/ifcr- Turfceysand CJhiektms ’ • X','- j;-: are- .•*i l, *]k Vlntau «aoj. UI,L *-:*. J5T£-£-i“Tium . „„„ ITCTHOBEBjSiiE OBOCEBa AhB.BEAI.Eaa V* (. | LN Vlanr* Baton# Cb**Mr c.: _ - J , . '•- irion* * Frnl(i|Olli*Prodseii Uis i . wSS*IAM BAGALET, WKOI!eISAL£] qroobr, Soit{lB and ■O'Wood Street, jnSfcdtf , ; FITTSEVBOn. B. «.*wuaio*,< __—ltltllUt- Utp With Of Levis A Kdgarton, PlUib*g. [Garrett k Martin, EDGfittTOM: ABTK WART, j (Baccwson to'Lewis k EJgertot*.) Wholesale flrtjctn andCommisiion Merchants, 107 W6otl street. Pittslmrsb* m- j ; m WaauU~u~~*. tcsorn— ***“ JOHN M'GILL & SON, Grocera and Com misaion Uerfehants. Agents tor tbs sale of Pig Iron and in™™*, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. felfclyd . KINO, WHOLESALE Grocer M Importer of Bod* Aih, No. 273 liberty street, Pitts barj&Pa- iplflyd* , , A —- i | ~,, - i--mi. L. COCUT. TONES A COOLEY, WHOLELALE GEO •I fffntu kU Boat Fanrfahcrs, dealen in Prodde* and Pittsburgh Maontectnres,No.l4l Water street, near Cherry 6 tigy, Pittsburgh, Pm. tnygQ Uil ?. aaanm.. a. MiwoaTH. SHRIVER-A DILWORTH, WHOLESALE Grocera, ITISO and IS2 Second street, (between Wood sad Rrafthflftld,qttiborgh. . TOHN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE If Grocen acdCommlarlon Merchants, No. 17S Wood and 333 liberty atreet, Pittsburgh. je!B TTTATT A WILSON, WHOLESALE GEO- Yy OSES, Commission Uercbanta sod Dealen in Pro due and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 253 Liberty atreet, Pittsburgh. Jn2S WM. MoOUTOHEON WHOLE BALE Grocer, Produce and Oommlxsion Merchant, and Dealer La* Pittsburgh Manatectnred Articles, No. 160 liberty atreet. comer of Brewery sy, Pittsburgh, Pa. pyS rona .a. t. u> „..xuAS.arwau- A TWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE -ft Grocera, produce and Commission Uercbanta, and Dealen in Pittobcrgh Manufacture*, No. 8 Wood atreet, be twees Water and Front «L, Pittsburgh. *pH soar. sOBOOii-..; iam*i. a- aoriKia. R ROBISON A 00., WHOLESALE • Grocery Commission Merchants, and Dealen in all klndaof Prorisiooa, Produce and Pittsburgh Uanuftctarce, Ho. SM Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jalfclyd ,',■■■■ .. . JAW a. EaaAJCTQ. Robert dalzell a co., whole- HAt.w Grocer*, Commission and Forwarding Her* ebanta and Daalipain Produce and Pittsburgh Hanobetares, Ho. 361 Liberty ytreet, Pittaborgh, Pa. ' mjr3 JrSALAH DICKEY A CO., WHOLESALE L Grocer*, Oo*mni«ien Merchant!, and Dealen in Produce, 0.80 Water street, and 63 Front street, Pittsburgh. WM. G.l JOHNSTON & CO., Stationera, Blank Book Manufacturers and ipb Printers, 80. B 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, l*a. ■ st-30 tohn s. Davison, bookseller and t/ Btattcner,vucceeKTto Darlaon AAgnew, No. C 3 Market atreet, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kay a qo., booksellers and sta tioners, No. 86 Wood atreet, mat door to the cor ner of Third, Pittsburgh, Pi. School nnd Law boolscon ■tanilyon band. » if • 7B Fourth sL, Apollo Bnlldingja._ __ UNT A MIN E R, BOOKSELLER and Stationer, Haconio llal], Fifth street ! iiainttre. j oiin: Thompson a eo ITOUBE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, NO. 136 THIRD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. mr2o:lyd ! Ucal ISstalt agents. ’IVKI4I4I Afll WAUD, Dealer in promissory notes, ' BoaJs, Mortgage* nod all aeenrltlo* fur Peraona Can procure Liana through ruy Agency, on reaaon able term*. Thoaewiahlng to luT««t tllnlr money to good adaantage, •an alwaji findiflnt aud aeconJ clau paper at my office, (or nle. All cosunanteattou and lntenrtow* atrictiy obafldenUnl. Office QRANT STREET, opposite fit. Paul’* Cathedral. JeLdtf ; JOHN IV MELLOR, No. si WOOD ST., between Diamond Alley and Fourth street, fWe Agent torOIIICttEIUNO A SONS’ (IKaton) PIANO FORTES, MA SON A HAMLIN’S MODEL MELODEOSB and OMAN HARMONIUMS, and Dealer In Utulcand Musical Good*. Ja33 I HKXEBER A BRO., No. 53 FIFTH a BL,Blgn oftheGoldenHarp,Sole Agent tor NUNNB A CLARK'S (New Tort) anrtrailed Grand and Booara PIANOS, and QABHART A NEEDHAM’S yattiiai UELO DEONS and OHG AN HARMONIUMS, Dealer* In Hade and Hndc&llnrtmmenta. ‘ f*B CHARLOTTE BLUMB, M ANUF ACT OIL KB and Dealct In Piano Tort**, aud Importer of Undo and Mniica! Inatrnmcnta. Sole Agent tor the HAMBURG PIANOS, alao for HALLCT, DA VISA OQ-’8 Beaton Fianci, with and without AEolean Attachment. US Wood itrect. myB : CARRIAGES I BOQQIESI KOOKAWAYS! PHAETONS, BABOVCHES, OIOS, A ND everything in the lino, purchased from J\ tho nicst reliable EASTERN HANOFAOrUBEBS, Together with a fall aoortment of elegant ! JSuKra Darnui Inerery T«»ely suitable (or tingle or doable taaoi. Al*o» Axle< Springy) and other item*, too nomenma to mention, oenatantly onhandand for aal* at reuonabU price* by r JOHN 8. SHAFFER, Diamond atreet, near Liberty, Plttoborgh, Pa. Carriage* bought and sold on commladooi Repair* ng neatly and promptly don*. . aallally KIER A MITCHELL. Valtis r. *uasmn.. Wall Fapar Wtnhou*. TIT" ALTER P. MARSHALL & CO., Im- W porteri and Design, 87 Wood ttreet, between l'oartb ■trseeaad Diamond Alley, vben may be fonnd an extensive anoctmentofAverydcacrfpUonof Paper LUnglngsJur Par lors, Balia, Din 1 !)}; Rooms and Chambers. Also, Window Shades, la IT*»t variety at lowest prlcea to country dualen. WALTER P. MARSHALL A 00. E URKKA iSsORANCE COMPANY 99 Water street. ROUT. FINNEY, Bee’y. a W. Hatch- ILOX, General m J3 ; T A.I CARRIER, SECRETARY ~~l\ m Penn»tlTMl» laroraneo Company of PUtahurgb. ionea* Bnllplof;, Focrth rtroet. If; GORDON, Secretary Wewtcrn Insur • >aa» Company, PSWatgrrtrat. JGASdiMRCOFFIN, Agent for Knrnk • lin Plralntcracc* Company, North-cwt corner (Fond cod Third ....-...0*0.fc. hxissul „w. *. until BURCHFIELD & CO., (sucoossors to Mur* pby A Bjzrchflald,) Whstecaloand Retail Dealer! Id tuple and Fancy Dry Ooodi, Horth-oaat corner Fourth and Market Pitt* bnrgh. »el J.L. READ, No. 78 Voanb B(reeL CH. LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fancy • DryGooda, alga of the original Doe lilTo, No 14 Market atrtwtj Pittabnrgb. mrlO_ R„._ - -jIJ pXUMKR, NoT 106 Market Street, « Dealer In Bonneta, Uata, Bliaw Trimming!, and Straw Good*generally, "26 V "jAIVtEB W.~ WOOU WHILE. FU K It I T U C n A I R UfiSßa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JEmbroelag every style of furnitukb, ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGANY AND WALNUT, ' BniUldefbr PA BLORa, OUAUDERS AND DINIMQ ROOMS. ' Kqa&l to any In NBWTOfcKAND PHILADELPHIA, WinMoom, Non. 77 aku 7# Toro Snutet, nrtfcdti : pirtanaHau. i-A. *IOU B. toiiw,.. TUOS- 8. TOCIO f*B Jl* U IOCWi Iv.D. TOUHO ACO.I Dinoncrcuu or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ! Of Every Deioription. lAC7TORY—/WmU XL,Uaocm Wylie and Anna- A'amtu Warehonse—Kos, 18 & 40 Smith Belli 81., STEAMBOAT CABIH FURNITURE—Wo ere cbnaiintljr mannthctßrfftg KTISAW&OA.T OADIN f UENITUka; and UHAIBS, and Invite the attention of those lotertstAdlu fox&lehtag Duati. ••SfedAwT ' T. n. YOONO A CO. So, 950 litbartjr Street. Bank- of discount, exchange AND DEPOSIT. Capital —....8 150,000 Capital Uapreaantad,'over— R ... 1,000,000 ui uu> Ikdivihuaut Liant*"®® Gold, Silver, Par Fonda ani Cnrreney received bo deposit. ALL MONEYS allowed to remain for a Specified Time, WILL DRAW INTEREST. Sight Exchange on lha Eastern «nd Wostkniciticaoon&tantly Tor sale in atuns to ralt OollMUoni rukie In all the rnndtial cliin la tbejunlted So Canadas, PROMPTLY RE tlltf £X> IQ spy il Ml rod point, on day of ioatatit j. , • | pIABOFOAg. John Htolwl, UexuAnJmiia.Mn WuiK OM. S. OMdfJ. mu; William Seibert, W. McCUutock, p«ory Me* OaUoagb. •S&lyd i • u. a BOHMERTZ. jCtihitr. gUUAItIANB MOLASSES—' . 6ty?£ltdd £nnr u falr to pitane," 299 bbla N. 0. MoUaaea; 60 Ibis Forte jUeo Molisiir*: < ! - 200 bbleßipnoed Begin • i ■v ! - - '"A bids Fauna. Byrnp.- Inetore aod for cola by l • . saRIVEHA WLWOHPL •jichaxo rboTb—non. iiSOOfeStllUß, &c. iauBIC, &?, (Ztacnajni. aphoistrtj), Insurantt antnte. . fflatpttß. Otp CSooßb. jTumltuw. IjIEOIWERS-S bale, rot note i JoU 1\ t. FAHNESTOCK A 00/ jFot U.it. jatgtfilantaMS ffiarfra.l; | EOn~SALE— A 3 Etorj) Dwelling Uouee, couUiaiQg 11 rtjotna, on South Areooe, AJWheny . C^l£ A PANT) DURA R T. R Ohio rirrr, (» eire deflrable ftm cl»r» A * Jx Ct u LI U ft A i>lJ L . residence;) for sale low. Term*, halt ca«h,b«Uocoia 1 wri H'-. mv ->rw a V vr “ y»*r* vitb lotoroat BITCBUOI)£»UcOHKKftT * CO. \ f if A * if AI4X . -f i ! !’■ 1 * Stocking Manufacturer, 1- (Joiner Fifth St ondMarkot alley, TTj4s cowhand a tremendous assortment of n : Woolen Stocking*, Ilose, Soclu, OomkrtJ, Glotm, llixxi*, frtu k* for men bli! women,'together with* very ex-J tfniire|UKortmcQt of all dtaisriptfcm* to hta lino' suitably to the season. lie Belli pritriqrirtjcl?e*t low price*. S' Call sad examine. ''''*s••-Ir a9»&rmeiuber! M. ftAf.Y hu but one ilofe. anil that la on me (joruor of Fifth street and Market alleys..no";3tnil 17J0R SALE.—A Beoomi-harui Lnuine, six . ' Inch cylinder, twe feet stroke, with governor, and boiler 18 fee* by 30 Inches, Is Jnl good order nstl can be •ced in operation at CARTWRIGHT A TOTTXO’3, • fe2 . No 80 Wood Street. NO.43IPJ3NN.SI’. FOK SALE.—A gocd Brick Dwelling House, with! lot of ground 2* feet troutby 100 deep toanaUpy, wltfie brick stable on tie alley, Priae $4,600. S.OUTHURfcT A 80N,61 Market »U BUILDING LOX 3 in the “Uld Poor Uoqso plan," for sale by J«3l B.CCTHBERT A EON, 61 Market strwt. Ridge st. dwelling for bale.— Being about to remove from the dty, I offer for aale IbeiDwelUog on Ridge street, All<*gheay City, formerly owned by Gar. B.W. Bleak. Tbehooae has Just bad mate rial additions made to it} Is newly painted loslde end out, and Is in ocmpleta repair throughout. It haeeeven chats* ben» la all fourteen rooms, and is in all reap* els one of the dealrablodwehlog* in the two cities. The lot is I*o by 200 feet. JaQilmd JOHN A- WIL3QN, f>* Wood st. , ouo bano tor Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale sootion ten, township 12, range 10, Stark county, Ohio, commonly known as “Bowman's Section," containing 640 acres. It is three mile* west of Masunion, on the Stats Road loading to Wooster, >n| t within about two miles of the pitta* burgh, ft. Wayne end Chicago Railroad. The sooth, east and north-east quarters are partly cleared and Improved— the remainder la covered with superior the whole U well watered by springe and running streams.— Thiseacttcn 1s considered the Onset body of land In the ounnty. It will be sold undivided or In quarters to sail purchasers. To'thoeewho deslreta lnrestln realestefea better opportunity is rarely offered. . rr * to nwmrwvwn No. 101 4th stroot. Pittsburgh. OeS&dewtfT AOWA FARMING LAND.—Tbo subscrib ers offer for sale on favorable . terms six hundred acre* doe Lands, situated in Wrlghi and Hancock conn ties, adjacent to lines of Railroads now in course of construc tion, and one tract only two miles from Conoty seat. Tbs above will be sold low for cash, or exchanged for bimlng lands in this or adjoining counties. no 2o McBANB A ARJER. 124 Second at. ALUABLECOALLAN D FOR SALK-^ A very valuable tract of coal laud, couilstlog of 334 ACRRS,and sltoeted near Webster, Westmoreland conoty, Pa. Hore is an excellent opportunity presented lormny porson desiring to go Into toe coal buslncm, and ono that should bo taken advantage of, as'chances like this do Lot often occur, far further information apply at THIS OFFICE, where ell the poit'cnlers can be aacrmioi’d. de!6:dAwtfP SOR SALE—That splendid Residence,®* with targe Lot of Ground, Fruit Trees and Shrub-fiS. , situated within two minutes'walk of the Wilkins burg Railroad Btatlou. Thehonao Is Urge and flcitbtd In modern style; at present occupied by Moore Thompson.— Will be sold on reasonable terns. Apply to W. A. ANDERSON, JrO.ilAwtfF At Barton's Office, cor. 6th A Grant stl. RUSSOUIU ZiAND, onn nnn ACRES for sale at v/UVJ'Tery low rates—from 25 to W cents par acre. 'Plots famished gratis. WW-Taxos paid for purchaser* of UtiJ utidor the urvlu stlon Act in all the counties cf the tut*. Pt»t»-n> procur ed, Ac. Apply to WILSON, KAWI.INtIi A O*. Bo*i23ma 65 Chestnut street, Bt Lucia, Mo. rjtOß SALE—A tract oT land containing F nine and oue hslf acres, sltaele on the Fourth Htreet huad, about three miles Irern tho Com l llonte. Will b<‘ Sold low fur ouh. Inquired IRIBU A MACKENZIE, nij-T.dlf Att’js at Law, No. no Fourth >t;«-cl FOR BALE. — A cOinlortablß Dwelling □onto of 4 rooms and atUc, with kitchen. cellar, Ac; astern with pump; lot of ground Cd foot frost t>y O') deep: £Srvr, ami cms.' with nil modeln la.pru• rrieuts. f.*l Hl’KmiO'H.’K. JfCRKEKV A O'. f|PU LET.—Tli<* largo TjVarehnu.so, corner - i' ■ I'eor* end Wayne strecis, (the property ul I lie lUrtf.ir.l eulaU- ) tiametlatriy. F.,» term* appJ jf to JOHN I* l.'M» 4 .V. Adu.'r. jad.dtf No. L'JWisil itrse'. LET—ScTontl ftiui St.*Ti? . n M. I Clair streat, one of which will be rr-ut«-l in r.n,n.'-i j.u with tbo spaei;*uarot'm r.u !he edam-t (Id'll, Hud t« sell ml cniatrd f:-r a fiiruituie or rarpot «ti re lln.i»lri< <•! ocU-dtr K. II lltl.-U, No o-i Fouith nt OFFICES TO LK’i'—i’w>* p*>o*l Ullices let, with **r wii'i.'iil ni. nl (.< M.moi't* brU Wharf 'j»s . IsAIAU DICKI.i Uu FIRST BAPTIST CONG RELATION* OFFER TIIKIR niljßCn KldriCl. COU.VPR OKA.STJXD TWJil* ST>.. >’".V '-itF ON RKAiON.vOI.K ILUU.- 1 . will) tbo OIUI AN »nJ Kb’OMVUKK It Is well and sul-staatially bcilt, «ap*:.l" ot «>x bnadred |«>rsou« cooifurtabiy, aud I) only ottet--I U r ssle bccansdlt U tooamal] b>r their **r.roo.»te»- , UkSTRU HAT STOHK, 7L. W O O I> STH KKT. JJILLEKMAN A COI.LOIID Aft no* ptepaxrvl to dhai! the (liTnanJi of ah) rouy vssi lIAT9, CAPS ANDLADIES’ FURS. J* UST NEW CONCERT GRAND PIANO, announced a fcw thy* »lac«s La* ar rived and will be opened today. The mntlcal profestlOD and the publl. ia c urr il »u n apectfully Invited to call at the pi»r.' Wirtn-.ui t>i Ih" • abscrlbcr, and examlaa it. JOnN U. UKLLOII, S". 31 VV.*.d alx«*cV Detwevn Dtam-Jid All»jr A Fourth atreet, Pole Ag-nl for Ohickericg A Semi* lur piitaborgli aod WmUtd l’c&u'a. Jail WALL PAPER FOR SPRING OF I*oo. —WALTER P. MARSHALL l.«i exrlaiiv.- arrangement* with tb« leading Maanlacturen of pap*t lUnglDgitn thiieouslry aud In Knr»pn. *ii»rrl.y bi.vrill receive “Od offer for aale, in th" Spring, Ih- moat l ompU le taaortiucut of Wail Pafter ever l roaght »•> thia market. Jal3 NO. S 7 WOOD BTUKK!* S'u’N DRIES-soil bWn. Innir Mill.i Flmir; . 2Tki d<> I.inriubr «'«* d i ;.(n) do d.i ».i .i.irr i land*; 30 tuna Kbipatufl. 70 da Miadttn<>. a 70 do Drac: 7b bu«. C'lorervi-r i; Jnet reralveO an 1 lor 010 by MMI'SuN A NF.I.^.jM, Pr-leral end N. W, ear Ohl» at. KiutOi««.. CLOSING OUT VERY LOW—Plain an.l Fancy French Merinca, plain and F«n-j O-horga, all wool De Lain.-* and I’lalda. C. HANSON I.OVE, 74 Mark.tat. WlNCilESTEß’SPfcp.imlion ol ilypoph oaphltes; Blair A Wyeth'* Conin' inJ Syrap cf Plov patea, or Chemical ».(« by JiH. FLEMING, J*l7 corLor Market IL and lb« Diamond. W" ÜBAT, WHEAT.—ISOO bash r» imo Clith IV brat at driiat, hit aale by deU IIITCnOOCK, McCREFRV A UO. APPLES.—‘I.uOO bushels prime Dripd’Applea, Javt received end for nle by Jal2 - QBAFF A TAN qoKDKft. lit Peft.nJ »t CHEESE —250 boxes Western Reser'P, to •Inca ronatgnment. for eale by Jal2 ' BECK A I.AZBAR. IoA I.IUu >L 0/”! BBLS. N. 0. MOLASSES arriving and OU for oale by (.1.31) JAMES UAllDlMtlt. I-OWDE POTASH— LOu lha.for aaleliy Jill B. L. FAUNESTVjCK * (X). COFFEE— 200 bogs llio Coffer; to m«tt«“Did Oool" Java Coffee. For tala by __ SHRIVEL A DII.WohTII ALCOHOL— 50 bids, for aale by U.A. FAUNEBTc<3K A C“ , d«2H curDjtr of nr»t and Wood •(«. fIVUP-50 Ibid Golden and Eastwick’s.for sale by GRAFF A YANQORDEB, d«2» lit Kecond atresia. POTATOES— OW) buß.TrimoNcshiinnostH, ntO A P l>«;iot b>-lay, let sale by deal ILITCHCOCH, M’CREF.RY A LARI>OIL —25 bbU No. 1 for ealo by r. SELI.EItB A CO, Mannfacturen, da29 No.3'bi Liberty street. Refined sugars and syrups for by the aduaU of the PtDbaySvanle ItrOoery, jil _ GRAPF A VANGOfIDKII. PEAfIL SAGO—S coses for sale by ii. L. FAHNESTOCK A Co., de29 No. 60, corner Wood aod Foiuth atreei*. UTTER.—iIQ jnrs prime puckod Butter, Joat received and for aitlo by JAB. A. PET/.EII, d»ie corner Market and First ala. DKIEU lns. just received aod far sale by ROBERT DICKKV, dejj 1 i' N 0.348 Libortyatreet.__ SCREW J\, PLATES, to-, with a glno'al auoitmont of Black ounth’aToola, foraaluby !*• WOI.PF, jilj corner Cf Liberty sud St. CUlrai«._ D" IBSTON’S S AWB—A fuil stuck of Uandl Trnnua, ConipoH, Mill and CrocaCdt S»w«, of Hits celebrated make, for aalo by U. WOLFF, jilj corner Liberty and Bt. Ololr !tneU. Seamless bags—suoo two bus. Bags In it: re and fur »ale by lIKRBST A BARKER, jll2 co*ncr Llborty and Hand atr.t>la,_ H/tONKEY WRENCHES, of all styles, for IVJLaaleby U. WOLFF, j„ IN corocr fit. Citlr and Liberty etrrala. . LOUIt—BOO bblsli Central City Mills 1 . oo._ E’ LOUJI—4OO i/bls. favored brands Kitra| anil Btipurflno; M bags Bookwheat Floar, in atorcand iur aolo by . JalO BAMUEL 11. FLOYD A CO. .ftfin iiVS - OATS rlyiTand for sale by UW SIMPBUNIA NELSON, Federal at, jidl otid N. W. cor. Ohio at. A H. Cum, Allegheny. UEAT^—TstTbupTßeniucky Rod Wheat In atore aod for aale t|r : du'iO McBA.Slt A ANJBR, Hi Fwim.d «t. _ bbls. ponna. and Baltimore; also, 10 14 do" do In atofoaad fur aale by lIERBBT A DARKER. Q" LIVJB OIL—IO bbis. for rnlo by ■ B.L.FAITNKST<)GKACO, . jj No. 60, corner Wood aud Piuirili ita j OcKWHKAT PliOUle—so souks ior safe t j > 1 - McOANE A ANJBR, 12-1 Brcund at. ; 110TATUES —100 bush, ch&ico whilo J’iuk ' I' Eye Potatoes, latt received snd lur aale by j Jjltf J. A. FifTZSR. a»d l«l "iv- . P^CE— 2cmcb forwleby ; Wf MAOttFOWN, 167 Liberty >L, r sitjjjtß owxss —c. A;n.kI3NXT. : ! F. SELLERS A CO., DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, AND LA\&D OIL MANUFACTURERS ; I No. 309 r.ib(erty Btrqet, : ; PITTSfIOROII* ,; l. t>o2fl jacos diuucaH.........wm. scw. r. fttut. rpjSais aA*B»can~. b. yaincu. HARBAUGIIS & 00., S PORK PAC^KKS Ami iu f PROVISIONS. II.30s« on Concord strovt, near" East Lane, AH» gbeoyplty. office, No. 5«9 Liberty street, Pttfaburgh, Pa. nolffi3md* JTW . K K KB , J >. i Architect. " Ko.2aijt.ol«ir crat PttUbqrgh. BTi* p. sTToTe, :.j MKRCUASmiLOR, No. BMITUFIELD ST.» m«kf* to order *od in tin neatest nanoer Men'* end Boj’e Oo»u, fioti, ko. «»jpiTo him ■ call. »P^ti N. SHAI.,I «se CO. ] 5 [ Sucstiion to S. Dunlap, Jr.] ; ?IMPOETBBB AHD DBALBE|IB HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, ( l No. Mnrlcet Street, j 5 PITTfIUDROn, PA« ■ (ayl7:.lU 1) EIOVAL.-J. S. Liggett* Co.,- have ro- Jl%i jnored from Not. 09 aod'7Q Water street to No. 70 W»(e? isil 92 Front stmt. i. s.'iinoiTT . .Jon* URM4F> . I J.*. MOQKTT ft CO., FACTORS and Produce Commie -1 v »Jon Merchant*, for the aalo of Flour, flfala, Bead* and Produce generally, Nos. T& Water and O'J Front street, F>tt»lyrgb. PennV f*2My *. tj. £*u>wtu. juu* catnwar^,**- CALDWELL & BRO., i BOAT FURNISHERS AND DEALERS IN Manilla, II«mp and Oottoa Ourdago; : j Oakom, Tar, Pitch, Rosio an J 011 c Tarpaplln, Dock, Light and Heary Drillloga, Ar., AV>, 08 Wattr and 7» J; 5 C 0 it REESE, ; I MINER AND DEALER IN CANADA, MAONKTIO, . i CHAMPLAIN AND LAKIS SUPER 101 l Rio N ORES; WROUGHT, SCRAP IRON AND§MO mrtai. ttkIFFIUK-CORNUR OF FIIONT AND 8UITIIFIBU) STip&TH. mylftaltf A' j LANE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC OAL i LEltY,corner of FIFTH aad GRANT STREETS, lu klTldia’i Building, opposite the Court House. Gallery ha* Jn.l Uun Bttod up with s«p*«l'»i aide and'aky-llgbt. Photographs, Ambn typoi, Dsgtioi reotypos, A 0., taken In •tying:cot to In' lurpaaitO R(rgugnra and eltli*na are rordlai!) invited to Call and «=»■ amfue for themaelvea. Prices ini-lriit«. AQfcEotrinre on Fifth street. H.xj«u«eiu>y of arctwa av»>ly«l • _ j£j.\ f It II "A liS'n'SOAltj ?F *. IKD AN K'A Hay. O-IAL, PLAiroRM ar.d COUNTER SCALES, Uf i*vjj: v diem-u f. i at fAIUHA.NK'r bCaI.K W.\UEUt‘OBK, No. 61 Fifth str.-rt. TB.SiiWkI.I • t TIIKDdVEI.I. ft NCHfCLIi, :±i A. I>T JC B R S , f • ' SoMKftSKT, PKNNA. . t* U- V.... It.xl ainl Rrtunu pt„«*»pllj remit led s atrsaxHou. IItNK, PltU‘t.r*t, a p.vniK’i; a c> -l L ;f i.ini[i aouaaT j. iiuaav UKYJIK.It * ANDERSON, \kjhIOLKSA.LK DEALERS IN FOREION W FUUITh, Nl'Tflau.l SPICKS, CONFECTION BUY, SCrURS, KIliK HtiUK.H. A '. No. 3« WOOD STKKBT, M. CL.irl.* U»t. 1. Pituhiirgh, Pa. nirlitlyd Q |i‘ U C 0 U W UHKKH. IO l JAMKS OWKSS, ; (OK.XJ./t KLU A.YD WfLIE STHEETS, f%.*TUCC<> AND MASTIC WORKER, gfrr.* i-artkuUr .L.i.ijie n >U with In I.U line, f an! ORNAMENTS of all hinds fbrnlibxd suuit notice. apSAdly ! : t. w. (.uuuiuuct, n _ -Watch and Clock flaksr, • IMPORTER OF DtVjj |?|NE WATCHESAND JEWELRY, AgST JO rNo. S 3 rifUiitredL between Wood and Market, FUt» botfh, Pa. » and Jeeelry. work wairaiand. UOLDTUOUP ft KOltflis, /4i!as AND STEAM FITTERS, No. 130 \JDn THIRD STKUKT, Ucsroon Wood sod SmJlhfieM «tt. ftAT Al ' Ta >® ° n h.ict CbaiinrioT ityln. Alt orders promptly attACiled to. ftgy*AliJ, Plaoe and furnished for Gal Wijrli and Oaa Worts t of soy capacity for pnt» u»». ; i jbiiiiTiAaf'iiELL, ' MA NUF ACT U RER OF BOOTS|^ and SUUE3 uf uwry dcacriptiou. No. 31 BmlthAulJ itxv.it, Pltubnricti. Pa. aeSlilyd Pearl Steam Mill, AhI.COHKNY GiTY R T 'KENNEDY & BRO. WHEAT, RYE AND CORN ■l!l { K('IiASED. ' ; ? FLOUR. CORN MEAL and hominy MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED, PITTitRCKIffi A Sl> ALLBQURNY. Tirm*—OASU 00 Dvllvery NKW KIILM. UAl.L.tlillUlC, CllAtU A 00,, o tx r* td hr s , jITBAM AND HAS Pli’K FITTCKS AND PLUMBKRB; IbuNISHKKS or ALL KINDS or BRASS : S WORK, aud la GAB FTXTUBKB, Ac. AND WAP.BROOUa, : 4 VO. I‘4A WIHID BTfLERT, from Siftii »lre>-f No I39TU «t *lrc«t, A d.K'ra Wilf'w tba Modi-rifc»hrlj 1i.n.*.,, t'r.iwiMjn Wuot and PmllMi'ilJ. ?: SF'AI.I. OIUIKKS PhOMITLY FILLKD.ItA JdHdU _ _ _ Pillvburgli Aarloniiurnl WojrUa. i: FHA.VCIS O, WII.LIAJIB,;. 1 Noa. 4 dalAlyd rjj lavv a TITa ' ~ ir ,vrr AXD VOLT \njKKS- HOT lUESStfii NOTH <•( all on band nod manufactured. Alto. ItOI.TS fur Brbltra, Machinery, Ag ilfcltnral Imvlameata, Ac , f jniDbod at abort not|c«. No 114 IVutor «tre«t. :; KNAP.' SCULLY A CO- ndtoncullural, Xt MWH'r"I*LAOB FOR "EVIKUuiIEENS, Ac^—3o,oo9 vTtra flue, grown oftbo Dniwt hardy va . a, fTnm 2J4 tr,B frnt. 5 . imall to »J 4 faet AOpOextraflue cbrrry,42,ooo pooch ■ud } >aida, fln*, Direr yanrs old, dwarf and itandard. * Otjr Nnracry fitock in every departmeni-U large, which U wlibglve n« pleunre to ahow toonr firlenda atuflbo public. iPDUJiorgh and Dakland Namrles, OcC 27,1H58. V—l6i)Tons of tlio different kinila la «loro aod Voraale by . J.S. LIGGETT A 00. IJRESII ROLL BUTTER—IS bble choici .Dntler la aturo oud Cor aale by jd£b) QRaPF A VAN UOltDKtt,'ll4 Second ati KYE FLOUR—I 2 bbls. Ryo Flour jnst re ctive] and fur aale by J- A. VBT^KII, de3o corner of Market and Tint ata. (LOVER Money—(id boxes Honey for I; (ale st IRQ Liberty at. IIECK k LAZKAR. Dressed pork—isciieshiro Hogs, corn fed, foe aalo l.y JaU _ DECK A LAZKAR. BAR CORN—2SU bus. at depot.for sale by JaU BBUK A LAZKAB ELOUR BAkRELS-250 new in storo and for aale low tu eloae tot by UIRB6T A DARKER. 'nifilO THY SEED—IUO bus. dioico for sate Jk by Jal2 HCRBST A DAKKBH- EEARLASU— 5U casks to arrive and for aalaby Ja9 J. D. OABMKLD ACQ. BAULKY— 132 bags primo Fall Barloy'i ttt.ro and fur aalo by ' tfUOWN A KIHSPATttIuK. BAUD —20 kegs No. 1 Lard in store and for aale by UItOWN A KIRKPATRICK. L°v R JP 1861 Buckwheat flour—soo eacis (50) Id (tore ferula by LALffIaiXTRUL &(8Ctll&1UOtt0. ST E B EOS COPES AND VIEWS AT HEADQUARTERS. DtMtn wCI flail U to tbair advantage to ex inline the Btoe* and Price* of Mm LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, AT TBBB NEW YORK DEPOT, 53* BROADWAY. Now on hand the Largest and most complete Stock of Stereo* scopic Goods m America. -wTli* fad title* of the L. 8. Co. lor supplying tbelr N. Y. .'Depot with weekly toa»lgumroU of tb# newrat and beet food* at in un usually low Agora enable Ibeia to »apply dealer* with AN UNPAItALLRLLKD ASSORTMENT At price* which defy aocceufal competition. A NEW REVOLVING STEKESCOPE, For containing any numbor of vlcwa, from FIFTY toTUREB UUNDUED, glass or paper, bu Jasi been paL-ntod by the L, 8. Co 4 and la now ready for Ike trade. Tbia Instrument, handsomely got op la weluat and rueeno-xl. WILL BE BOLD AT LEAS PUILK Tban Uioaa beretotbr* Fold for2C and SO view*. AS A PRESENT FOB A CLERGYMEN, or a* 10 IN STRUCTIVE AND PLBABINO AAIU9EMBNT for Schools, tbla Instrument, forming A BBADTIFUL PAI’.IXJB OR NAMENT, will be band the tunt »alUble that can be se lected. delftflmd Tjfi ASI” T £ A 81! TE A 8!! f J. P. WILLIAMS, [ 114 SwtftbfUld tirai, PitLburph, Uaa a very chotae eelectlon of Family Groceries, constating In part of the following: __ , _ 100 Chwta fine to extra fine Oolong and Cbolan Tew. jq u >i. •• •• nj*on, Q. P. and Imp. Teaa, to catty boxea extra fine Ujeon, ** “ “ 60 bbla. Crtubed, Pnlvsrixsu and Ooffae Bogart, 60 bag* Rio, Lagoayra and Old Government Java Coffee; 20 bbu. extraSyrupaand Molasses; 10 “ Pare Cider Vinegar; 26 boxea M. IL, Layer and Yalentla Ral*ln»; 10 bbla. Zante Currant*: 60 boxea “Woman** Friend" Soap; 25 “ Colgate’* Toilet “ 60 ** Palm, German and Boatn Eosp; 60 n Bpcrm,Star.Opal and Uonld Candler 26 u Pearl and Sliver Gloss Blarrh; 60 caoa pure ground Spleea; 100 ** freib Blackberries; IWQ I be. CloToa, Nutmeg*, Mace and Cassia; 10 cstea Olive, Bordeaoq and Virgin Ollr, 20 * boxeaOocoa, Bromaaod GhocotaUr, 2004 lbs. super Oorbouate and Bel Soda; 100 doaen Mason's and Annear’a Blacking; Water, Butter, Satar, Soda and Wine Crackers, Ac., Ac , which they offer. Wholesale and Retail,at very modarata advances, to the trade *r families, and retpectfaUy solicit their patronage JelO TUB KAGLB SLATE COMPANY BEING proparod to receive orders for their SUPERIOR ORBtN AND PURPLE ROOFING SLATES, delivered after the opening of navigation, woe Id call attention to the low coat of tbUFIRE-PIU/OF material, and to the gnat parity of rain-water collected from elate root*, not being Impregnated with taint of decayed shinglea or the poisonous qoalltle* of painted metal*. They would also caution I be pobllc against parties faUrly representing tbcmaelvee cut Agents, thereby fnrolahlng an Inferior arti eta in onr name, —the only annoy ettahiiibad by the Com pany belog in the City of New York. Parties In Canada and the North Wealern State* wishing for the OENUINB BAULK GO’B SLATKS will pletu addro** the Company, at “llydertlle, Vtwhoro order* will recolte prompt attantlon. lalOrSmd O. FURMAN, Vlre President SUNDRIES— 40 hhid. Foods. Syrup; 16 do dngar Uon*o di> luO Lose* M«.uld Candles; HO do Steailn* do Til d«.‘ sUrr do '.uo bag* prime rtlo Co a « 40 bulc* U Tobaccn; NJrl.rrl* Y. 11. and Slark Teas; 34i Llil* rmaSod fug**; Id ti*-rr«« prtm* Hire, In »tor* and s*U by LITTLE A TRIMBLE- At uuhcufieLd'a go’s. AT BUROURIEI.D A 00’S. MMnßowgsiKS, lacs setts, FRENCa SWISH SETTS, 800TC1I DO, POIXT LACS COLLARS, MALTKSK DO, MALTESE SETTS, FRENCH LAOS SETTS. Rich Wlutnr Heart*, rhawl*, Cloak*,Dress 9ltk» and other Diraa Goods, all eultabU for CHRISTMAS GIFTS, And all closing out et far leas than value. d*2l BI RD SEED, cleiuj and fresh; Bpsiding’s Prepared Gina, Catawba Wine at $1 per Lottie, Trench Blacking by dm or p«.l F1o« assortment of Sponges, Btker'eCotl Liver Oil, Old French Brandy, Oifumeryand Fancy Goodi For sale by 8. JOIINBTON, Druggist, r >rt» r HtulHiDdd and Fourth streets. BURNINU FLU ID, LARD AND CARBON OiLSalwayi on band at low prloea. __ de34 GHOUEKIKB— MX) bi.la prime N. O. Mo lasae*; 164 bbd* N 0. Sugar; 100 bbls Syrnj.; 2i» bag* Bio Coil-. 100 bx* aseorteJ brand* Tobacco; 160 V 11.. 0. I’. ODd Dl«k T«m; lonvil* id.l far pule l y HIIUIVKR A UU,WORTH, jilj No. ISO mod 132 Second at. PRODUCK-.'. I.bla prime Roll Butter ft |.tu prim* *OMJ p*rk»J Rotten '<& k*** prim* Jo 6 > 80 kejpi prime Lard; ft t*t>l» prime ft bbl*CloT»r pnsd; Vo big* Burfcwbcit I'l ior, 200 l-oi aniall wbito Ucaun; lu) P* LlraUoeM Prather*; tnJ for aal* tjr k bUKIVKK k MLWORTH, j,H * N.v ITO tod 132 B*rool at. Groceries^ 100 bbla PbiU. and lUHisotu B*roc* 200 baga prime Hlo Ct-fl-'*-. 100 boXcaLcmp Tobacco; 100 half cheat* Tea*; tO bbla Regned White luo bbla lint No. S Mackerel, loco It*. Codub; 60 bbla Bleached Whale auJ T«ui/*i*’ Oil, K.tr wb by j*l7 R. ROBISON * 00. SUNDRIES— 30(l boa. Juried Apple*: 100 dd White Beaut, 100 keg* Lard; 20 bbla. Qraaaa, Crackling*; 16 bag* Iwklbcrr, 60 boa Ttaothr Bee-J, Furaelelr J*lT fl. ROBISON 6 Co BRU IV 'a BRONCHIA I. TROCHES; Bryan'* Palmanio Wafer*; Ixnock’a Pnlmanlo WafV-rt; 1 Wtotax’i Coach Lozragec Pile's Congo Candy. Eepl ronttaully oo band at JOS. FLKMINU'S. corner Market atreevt and DUmcnd. OTEr'SOCI ABLE'S “OR “settees.— We hare oo band id! fjr tale Lror Spring Beal So ciable*, raxylng In length from 6 U> feet, and laltable for hotel*or aaloona. T. B. YOUh'O k CO., deS Nu« 33 end 40 Fmlthfi#ld'»tr**l. Grease and, - 13 Bbla Qroaae; 4 Backa Faalbeie. (hialeanter Beat Klrktoea, toarrire and for aaleby ISAIAH DIOKKT 6 00. N~ EW aWDS^- bupchiob aniuTiNG musunb. BUBOQFIELD ACO. Invito the epecisl attention of fom llka to their sapply of lbs shore goods end, also, Trontlbg Linens ofpare flax. de£9 T" “He OLD FHANKLIN~ALMANAO, iB6O, sold by Vsriaty Dealer* and Bookseller* generally, and by the publishers, W. 0. JOHNSTON A CO, 1 OaS4 Printers, 4? Wood street. SLEDS AND JUMPERS—A largo oußort metit of Boy*' Dole and Jomper*—an sppropriste aud seasuoaUe gift for the holiday*, for sale cheap for cash at tbe Wv*ol end Willow Store ol 0. KJDDLH, FLOUR —luO i)bla. Extra Flour; fO do Family do Rac'd eaJ for e»U by JelO LITTLRA TRIMBLE. C"OR*£ —1 car load Ear Corn to arrive and foruleby UU&Xj^JLjROBIXEON, j»7 No. e Smith field (tract. PEACHES —60 bus. Dried Poaches just rrc'il end (or sale L-j ROST. DldLßk, ]*7 No. SIS Liberty atr«c>t. T7LOUH—IOO bbU. Ex. Sup. Flour; P 100 do Kxtra Family Floor, Inatoreand for sale by DROWN A KIRKPATRICK. THOMPSON'S WASHING COMPOUND. —6O cm. tor sale by D. L. FAHKKBTOOK ACO , jail Ko. 00, corner Wood end Fonrth streets. LA 111)—20 Ibis. No. 1 Lard, consigned, in and foreale by QUAFF A VAN OORtICR, de2B _■ No. UlSecoodalreet. SUIKTINU MUSLINS,'! itISU LINENS, Linen Shirt Bosoms, Checks, Tickings, Ginghams, Prints, CentcoiFtanoela, Woolen Flannel*, ate. ja7 C. HASSON L0V1,74 Market stmt. UNDRlES—bbla choice brands Extra Family Floor; SO too* Shntts. Al*o, Extra and Su perflna Floor, Osta, Cornmoal, Baird Uay, Onions, White Baaca, in etore and for sale by deSS COLP A SQKPARD. 013 Liberty PRODUCE— 10 bbls. fresh Kofi Bntter;“ 8 do Egg*. 100 boa. Dried Apples; 6 bbla. White Beans, In atore ami foe tale by LITTLE A TRIUDLK. OIL MEAL—B tons Oil Meal to arrive by stammer Bay City and for tale by UUNTKR A ROBINSON, Jal? No. 6 Smitbfield atraat. LOUR— 10oOlibK Extra Family’ Flour; 1000 do do do VOO do FnperSue do For rale by Jali H. HOBIBQN A 00. ILL' tons Bran and Shorts, mixed, and 60 tons Cbop Feed, Corn and Oats, half each, an excellent toed, received and for ealaby J. B. LIQQETT A 00., J»« 76 Water and M Firit atreeta. Look, out for your hides—stored with the ftnbscrlbar by steamer EmmvlOt Pry Hides, consigned lo Fpragne A AlcheUt. The owners wOl please call and take them away or they will he told for shargei. JAB. A. FCTZKK, j*lo ccrner-of Market and First limit EOLL BUTTER—I(f barrola and 7 boxes Freeh Bull Batter, received and for sale by de23 4. A. FETZRR, corner Market and First aia PEARL 3TAROIL—2OO bxs. Krkinbroeh cr’a Cincinnati No, 1 Pearl Starch for nle by jelO McBANB A ANJBB, 121 Becond street. CHEESE —200 bis. prime Butting W. R. Ohwiejnit rec’d and for nje by jalfl lIKNRY n. COLLINS; PEA NUTS—SO sacks to arrive per steam crlnolte on consignment for tale by jal? ROBT. DIOKBY, 648 Liberty street. /"‘IQCOA NtJTS—2 hbda. Cocoa Nuts to ar \J rlveontonalgnmentforaaleby Jal? nOBT.DIOmr, 348 liberty atrrat. LEMONS— 40 boxes Sicily Lemons, in good order, to arrive por steamer Eunice, on consignment, tor sale by UOBT.DICKKV, S4B Liberty street. New crop sugar and molassab In store and for tale by LITTLE A TB.TMHT.ta. TJUTTER—2 bbls. Irrali Uoll Butter just II rac’d and for aalo by SAMUEL B. FLOYD A uO. CHEESE —500 bxs. Croora Cheese for solo by Jal7 B.BOBISOH A 00. CIGARS— 3 cases German Cigars in store and for sale by BROWN A KthkpATBICK. BEANS— 10 bbls. Small White for sola by jaiß R. DALE ELL A 00. R- OLL BTJ'rl'Hlt—l bur p rimo rac'd And for sale by Ja6 LITtLE A THIMBU!, ftY APPLES—3S4) bush Westernßceervo and Ky. AfcpUa for sale by .. i-_ eoao V cam A VAN GORDER. BARLEY— 350 bus. Spring Barley in store and for sale by JaB. A. FmTZBR, da23 Comer Market and Flrat alt. ROLL BU'ri'EH—B barrels and! 0 boxes Finb Roll Uniter, ja*t rac’d and for aala by JaU J. A. FCTZXtt, corner Mailtet and Flat eta. BUTTER— 5 bbU primo Roll Butler juai received and for sale by . .■ j t U UKNRT U.OOLLINfI. EGGS— 7 bbls, prime fresh'Eg£a!in r ßtor» tad for ole by Ji6 LtnU;A TBJirßlii. - ffctitah McLß^jra Cordi BLOOD P IT H I F 1 E THE greatest Remedy in rardlrf U distilled from a berry and chemically ccmbloed with snmf tw/-virtual root?, herb* sod batka ’ mao,rta Blood Ko-it, Black Ktot, . tt""G'/T. low Dock. Dmd-lion, Sartapattlla, others, producing lb® inoal Infallible iv, ly for (QO roaior^ ados of health ever known. It U nature’# owp caring disease* by natural law*. When taliecijt* tp“&* na is felt oouratng'throngh every vein of Ibd b4dy, fon*; fytng and accelerating the circulation ol i6e Mood] It neatralltaa anyblllon* matter In the stomach, dntfetredgUi: ena tba whole organization jj ' it’LEAN’S STRENQTUENINO CORDIAL Will effectually core jjj ; ■ Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice; Chfbii-! io or Nervous Debility, Diseased ofj thla Kidneys, and all Diseases arising 5 : from a Disordered Liver 'opj ] Stomach, Dyspepsia, ! {j j ; Heartburn, Inward Hl®*, Acidity or Bickncee if jiie Sojt>- acb, Fullness of Hood to tb*» Head, Doll Pain dr Swjmmibgi In the Uoad, Palpitail.-n of the Heart, Dntlncts oi W«gbC la tbe Stomach, Sour Eructations. Choking £n,ffbC«lOg Fooling when lying down, Dryness or Yellowo*** el the Skin aud Bye*. Night Sweat*, lower J Favor*,! Pa n la the, small of lb® Back, Cbwl or Side, Sudden Flusßuj >f Heat,' Dapresalon of Spirit*, Frightful Dreams, Landnrf dency or any Norroq* Diseases, Bor<* or Bldtcb •* oA the Skin, and Fever auJ Ague (or Chill* and FefeQ] l£ will ■ lan rare diseases of the Bladder aud Womb, as nal Weakness, Inrootluene® of Urine, Strsngnsry, Inflatn* 1 nation or Weakness of the Womb or Bladderi WMtufi ttc] TIIEJIR Id NO MIBTAER ABOUT IT. !' j Tblf Cordial will t»*vi-r fall to earn unyof Jl»« (UM,K|akrauprr iHrurttuoaon rerli bottl.t, l£> tir.nndn, Boglinh and Ireurb. i 1 I OVER A MILLION BOTTLES; I ?i 1 Hara b«an sold daring tbe last »ix month*, 'awl In flo Jni rtmf baa It failed Id tfTlng octire mUtbeUotl. tWhogtlieq will Buffer from weekoea* or dabillty, wbtoj Strengthening Cordial will care yen! r II TO THE \ | j Do you wi*b to ho healthy and itrougf Tbi.u Uj al!obo« (ipdgeiaomeol McLean** CordUl. It will atteuatbffi *Dd invigorate yemr whole system, canaing a healthy andl|>nrt rlrmliMim nf to flow through every tel|) lu^ rich, roay bloom of health to mouDt to yt>or rh*d. aoeh man. Aik for McLean'* Strengthening Cordial, end take nothing el**. It la tbe only remedy that vyfltphniry the blood thoroughly, and at the came time ilreptthtfn tbe antes). j j | ! I One teblmoonful taken every morning fasting!, ta a C«r taln preventive Cor Cholera, Cblllaand Fever, Yellow liter, or any prevalent diaeaee. It la put up In large bdUlef. j Price only fl per bottle, or fl bottle* for SS. !( J J. IL McLEATf. J Bole Proprietor of tbla CornUlS Also, BlcLoaa'a Volcanic Oil Uplmeni Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine Bt. Louis, Mo. ! | 1 ’ McLEAN'S VOLCANIC LlNIM$Ntf. The Bat Linimaii in tht World! j The om.Y atft and certain curs lor Cancers, Piles, Tajndrs, . SwelUsgi.end Broncheleor Goitre, PmralyaiS, ilenrklgt*, Weakoe#eoftbeMuacU*,Cbroolcor Inflammatory Rhep mat Ism, BUffness of the Joint*, Contracted Musclca orldga-; orenta, Earache or Toothache, Brulaea, Sprain^. WcAuldi, Froh Cute, Ulcers, fever Boras, Caked Breaats,lßor^Nl[i flea, Burca, Bcalda, Bore Throat, or anv Inflammation; or aln, no difference how severe, or bow long the disease stay. haveeaUteJ. McLean’e Celebrated J.lulmeut (jjacOrUin remedy. ’ | : Tbouaanda of human beings have been saved • |lfe bf.de* : crrpltode and misery by then** of thia cine. , . ji ] ! McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment j : Will relieve pain atmo*t Instantaneously, and It f jlfcljißß,:- purify, aod hoal the foulest aorta In an Incredibly^shorl; time. , l\ 3l'i ■’ For Dorses and other Animats, » J .?; McLean's celebrated Liniment la the only eoly aaw end reliable remedy fur the con of Spavin, Brag Sane, Wbd- ; galls. Splints, Unnatural Lump*, Nodes or Bwrillnzs.; I,t. will B*Tor Call to con Big Bead,PoUevtl, Ol4 nlog Bores, or Sweeny, if property applied. For S&aln*.- Bruise*, Scratches, Cracked Ileela, Chelae, Badcttf or fojlAT; Oalta, Cuts, Sores or Wound*, It la an infallible remMjf.—■ Apply it sa directed, aod a con is certain tn every lnaUae#. : Thao trifle no longer with the many worthiest Lintofut* offered to you. Obtain aaupply of Dr.MoLeanV ‘ "** Übtraeot. It will car* you. J. 11. McLEAN, Sole Prc Oirrw’r TLlril tod Plae BU Dll. OKO U. KEVHEH, UO Wood ttreot. pa , is tbvaol* Agent, to «boci nil unlrn mail K&dAwljV OKPBOTKCTEpj j _ \ \ r- of oi iron . COMBINED. 1, j This preparation differs from •II other*, being an unchangeable protorjjo o| lieu, attained by a combination never beta* knotty | j 5 • = Por Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Dropsies, Bnu, iljjtatu nf ill wiser nnrul hj* impoverishment of the blood, general debility, uhl especially the diseases peculiar It bee been found extremely effieaeious. 5; j i » Pamphlets, giving • full description of the remedy {ana the remarkable cures lt.hu effected, may bo Tjbta&etl Of the igants. i! iI !? lOertlflcato of Dr. lltye*-] • , 3] ' It is veil known tut the medldnil effect of protoxide of Iron is lost even by i brief exposure to sir, ;%nd fait to maintain e solution ol Protoxide of Iron wilful farther oxidation, has been deemed impossible. ?1 s!■ i { In the Peruvian Syrup, this aeelrabls point has W»h talned by cooebfootiow tn a way before uniwoifn; aid tbll eolation outy replace ill the cUrstoi *®4 tartrate* of the Haterls Medic*. {{ j '{> f;■ It Isalao emlaentlyadapted fO tike the pleqiof toxlde of Iron, which physician* bare used (?) aotdrry pf ■oorbutlo attacks, and to meet curb cases the Sirup ybirttM b* found In the medicine cheat©!every stop. S'; A.A.UAYEB, U-Dj AsMjUt to the State of UasmcbofceUsJ V Id DoyUton lUx*k -! I I A CARD. ; - j y The undersigned having experienced thebtuvflclaEeaecU of lbs “Peruvian byrap* do not hesitate to rtsooajrud It to thealUndonof thepublic. j Proa our own experience, as Well as from the tesrinioay; of others, whose intelligence and Integrity ari aauueetlonable. we have no doubt of its efficacy tn chits r{ Incipient Disease* of the Lungs and Bronchial Paisiges, Dyspepsia, LivarOomplaint, Dropjy, Neuralgia, etj.: f&. deed Us effects would be Incredible but from th? blg|> Cbsi> sc ter of those who witnessed them, and have {volunteered tbolr testimony, as we do ours, to Its res tors tiro povrtr j•: Rot. John Ptrrpoot, Thomas 0. Ainoryi Thomas A. Dexter, Peter narvey, 1 j 8. M. Kendall, U l> , James 0. Dunn, j Samovl Hay, Bev.Tbo*. Whtttoumors, For sain by DK.GSO. U. EKY&JgIW j r - - street 1 21 Piamood. No. 140 Wpod s&reeU PITTBBUROH PLOW S«JSi&f.T, J. C. It ll> WK I. 1., (Lata of Spoor 4 CIJboII,] ! | j j•. HAS ON HAND A VERY : 1.4R0E •tock of J I PLOWS AND PLOW CAST! jlQi : Of all the different varletlea,ready to supply hla frlehJsanj customers as tunal. UIsNXW WORKS, nowbdngSrtcted la the central part of the city, on the lot fronting ISO foot each on Dnquesno Way and Payette street, and exEetilifcj WO feet oa Garrison ails*, Till be equal In extent eid Ca pacity to any Plow Works In the United State#) bating all the modern Improvements In both wood and Iron vcorkinjr Uachlnary, and will be la f&U operation abcuitheiltstof January ensuing, » 49*0fflseand Warehouses for U>a present }39 Liberty street, eornor of Cecils’alloy, and 367 Penn street, \ MM Orders are reepectfally solicited, ] > DolO-tf J, 0, Bpwktln^ anS.-dlwlyF PLA.LL \J fANOY DRBS3 GOODS, SHAWLS, OLOAKB, NBXDLB WOES, UOBUaT.Ao. ;? I ; TT Will be closed bat vsry loyr. Please caIUqJ cumin* lor yoarselna. 3 ; »•' delt Q. UANBON LOVE, 74 Market jlfget.-' INDIA RUBBER DRESSING COlißsi- WuranLrd net to warp or split, and can Im cleaned Jo warm water; alao a large assortmoni of N#U add Tooth Brushes, Juat received by JOE. PDkSHNG, ]' d*U corner Ihrkit ati and DisaaonJ* ' SUNDRY PRODUCE.— "1~l i 7 F 17& bbl* cbolca Apple*, | 6 Dressed Hew*. 60 do Onion*. | SOakaßoe^whaatnodr 3 do Hominy, |2QO bob Bpringiliilsy, Received and for sale by JA&A. JTAxZfiB, dels corner Vint and ttsuet Street*;'- EOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Fancy i Drees Good*. Shawl*. Cloaks, Needle Work, OolUr*,&tU and Meat**, all marked very low to dose thro out. WWsoUcti an early call. 0. HAS BON LoYE,7jMaifrnaC- L I HE—25O bbla. Louisville Lirbe, article,Jnat recolted and fbraal* by 1 daio mamtißooi RUSSETTS, RUSBBTTS.—2OO teels choice fiuNii Apples jut received and for isle by d»l3. HENRY UiOOEhlMfe? (10RN, CORN—IOOO bosh prufo £ J GWdoEarCcrn.fcr'mle.by i J»l7 nhcgOoCg.McCßß.ttl r\KItD APPLES—SO bush, bright; Dry Ant.. Jnit rK-i-lvc-] «nd for.*!. tr : St ij.: rSt JStItSS. (ILOVEKSEBD— 12 bushel* primj! tor lgacL— iseot Tub p™n t svi-y/'vi»~ cE-vnuLKAmioAB. ttWmGßßßggd JfO WTiW DOUBLE ;ra« GipadJjOfthii & >aei i triC,ot< l 9 **toany in tXt Countra , THREE THROUGH PASSEHQRr TRAINS Between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Connecting direct io thaUßtaiDsjiot, at Pittsburgh, with Through Trainj from *ll W«®tBinCiue» fat PhDaSefphia. N*W York, Boston, Baltlmw® ®nd Washington City, thui furnishing facilities for lh® transportation of pmngen 'aosurpaaed, tor epeedond by *ny other rout*. K»prw and Fast Linea ran through to Philadelphia without change of cars or conductor®. Hmokiag Cars *re attached to®*ch train; Woodruff BWplog Cars to Express and Fust Train®. -THE JEXP&B&B *UNS DAILY, Mail and Put Line® Sunday* «x«pta 1 ®t>d Fast Lima connect for Baltimore and Washington. » SI V w ***« Pbiiadslphta and Sew York; Two D*Uy Trains between New York sad p™*"*. Through ®“»‘«>erof the tboTSTrains, and transfers through New York trea BOAT TICKET® to Bjsbqtare good via Norwich. Fall transferred free. TICkRA may bo obtmaed at any of the important Ball- r road oflkea in tbe west; alaj, co board say Lina of Steatarns on tbe MlesiMppi er ohfo mers. Fart a/tray« at l#*, and lm, 0 » quiet: at olhtr Font*. 3 3 ASK fOli TICKETS 11Y PITTSBURGH. The completion of tb® Western cob&ecUoos of tho p ea& . ’ eylraLia lUllrosd to Chicago, make* this the Direct Lin® bitwasn **»• Bast ana tb* Great HorUi West. Tub counoctlng of track® by tbe Rail Road Bridge at Pittsburgh, arctdiagall drayago or farriaga of Freight, to* Berber with tho sat lug of Urso. are advantage* readily ap* predated by Shippers of freight and the Travelling Pub Se. Vor Freight Contracts or Shipping BlietUcns apply to or adder si «ltber at the following Agents of the Company:' 11. S. I’Urco A Co, Zsutsvllle, 0; J J Johnston, Rlplcj.O; U McN; or to Freight Ag«o'.« oi at different pofhln In the Wtst. The Greatest Facilities offered for the Protaetlon and Speedy Transport a tlon ofLIVK. hTUUKi A&J Goon AccoruiootribiiA with usual privilege* for per' »>ue travutliug lu charge thereof. fi'BEIGHTS. By this Boot* Freights of ail descriptions can ke Ibr v wariled toandfruui Philadelphia New York. Boston, or Ball!* more, to and from any point ou lha Railroads of Ohio, Sen* ,inray, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lvwo,or AltoourL by RaHriiid direct. The FenuayUanU Kailrou.l iI M couu.cto at Pittsburgh with Bteauiers, by which Goode can be forwarded to any port on the Oblo, U uekinguin, Kentutky, T nnrwon. Com berlnnd, Illinois, Mississippi, U’isrouvln, AlUsoori, ««*>*«“■ Arkansas and Bediilvtr*; and at Cle» o uud,!4ando»toaou Chicago with Btonoiers lo oil Ports cn tbe Koith-Woctem . Lakes. Mercbantanud Bblppon ebtruatlog ib». triiisjttrtaUoQ their Freight to this Company, cau roly with conDdonsa on Its epeedy transit. TDK BATES OF FBKIU UT to any point la tbe West by tbe Pennsylvania Ball Road, art at all titxu ai favor&bUu artc.'iargedbyoOurJi.it.CbmpcTiut- Be particnlar to mark packages "m'PxSH'A B. R." K. J. BNEKDRR, Philadelphia. UAO&AW k KOObB, 80 berth Street, Baltimore. LEECH k CO, No. 2 Astor llousd, or No. 1 0. Wm. St. New York.' LKKCII k 00, No. 77 Blate street,-' Boston. U. U. UODBTON,Cm’I Frdghl Aft-, philadelpbU L. L. DOUPT, Oen'l Ticket Ag’L, Philadelphia. TUPS. A. ROUTT, 6e»'lSup'L, Altoona, Pa. JaT-lyd THE PITTSBUKQH, FT. WATNB A CUIOAGO ROAD, completed from Pntsbnrgb to Chicago. WOODRUFF'S BLEEPING CARS attached toaU night trains. Through withont change of cars. On and after MONDAY, Jascut 16tb, UH, Trains will leave [ tbe Station, corner Liberty and Gran! streets, Pittsburgh, as follows: j. Ptitsbcrgb. | Greet!lne. I Ft, Ways* Express Uoa a. 1 A. K. I 4,40 t. *■ Express, LAA t. K. |Hk4O 9.M. { 4AT *.«. Arrive at Chicago—Express i 0.46 r. w ; Elpteas 19. D A.« RCtURNINO. Arrive at Plttsbnrgb—Express Mall, fcOA,A. K, Express foOOp.w. Accommodation Trains, from Federal struat, AOegbM fbr New Brighton, 9.40 a. w, and 4.40 r. u. Through Trains connect as follow®— At Alliance, with trains on the Olevnlxnd A Pittsburgh B. Road. At Onrille, Ohio, to and from MiUersbnrg, Akron, Cuyahoga Fails, etc. At Uaasfletd, Ohio, for ill. Yernon,Shelby,Sandusky,9^ ledo, Detroit, otc. _ AlCrestUne for Delaware, fipringQeld, Coiambus, Ondno®- ti, Xenia, Deytbo, Inilanapolis,Bt. Louis, Louisville, etc. At sorest for Bpringfldd, Randuiky, Dayton, Cincinnati, etc, etc. At Lima for Findley, Dayton, Cincinnati, etc., etc. At Ft.'Wayne lor Peru, lAfryette, Ind-, gcLouis, aad inter mediate port* In Contra! ludlaua and Illinois. At Plymouth forlAparte. At Wans tab for all points on the New Albany and Haleru Railroad. And at Chicago, with trains for-sH points in Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin and Minonaatwr^ For farther Information and through Tickets apply t® J. STEWART, Ticket Agent, Paaseugtr Station, PiUsbnnb. B. C. STEVENSON, Ticket Agent, Passenger Station, JUJeglitny. Through Tickets for sale at all theScket Company no the line of tbe road, to all parts United state! J. J.npgaTON, Oen.t^rfTgt,PltU. Ci®w®iwad and PUtfbnrgb Railroad, CUANOE OF TIME—WINTER AB&ANOEUENT. PERUVIAN BVUUP, si '*•{ ON and afl«r Monday, iu*. km rsumainwr January 13th, 1559, TralniiffliJgJ Mil leave the Depot of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pitta* burgh, as follows: nUsburgh and Chicago Lint. Loaves Arrives at Arrives at Arrive® at PITTSBURGH. CLEVELAND, TOLEDO. CHICAGO. 7:00 a m U.-2S a m m 10dX) a d L 45 pIB TSt6 ya» —l7:lo‘a m KViaJt m Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, via Cleveland, Oust be particular to ask tor Tickets vta Cleveland. iY&iurpb, CUumhu* end CSnrinnari Shari ZJm, eta SUubaaiUc. Express leaves Anlres&t Arrives at Arrives at PITtSUURQU, COLUUBUB, CINCINNATI, ST.LOUIS. 2.00 ami I»0 p m ASS p a 1.-QQ p m 1:45 pm . 1;45 a m fcOO a m 2:45 p m This route Is shorter to Cincinnati, Louisville, Columbus. and all points South, than any other route. Splendid SleeptngOar* attached to all Sight Trains. KUtburfh and RAcrffny Jam. Lmtm Arrive* at Antra at Anriraat Arrirea at WTTSB'Q, KOCHES’E, WELLS’A, ATEUB'K, WIIEEZA3 200 a m 3J5 a m 4:46 a m a a 7JO a m &&& p m Eton at all ttatlona—amm at 90S p u 1:48 p u &Q 4 p m 4JO p m 6103 p m Cl 6 p m The 1:16 p. m. Train dc*9 not Hop between Hoc batter and Wheeling. Throe go TkkeU con be procured at Pittsburgh, UarrU* barg, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. P. it. MYEUS, General Ticket Agent. Per further information apply to JNO. OTXWART, Ticket Aga&t, nolß Liberty at. depot, Plttahnrgf. 1859. Bailtmors and Ohio Railroad 10., 1819.- TH£ BALTIMORE ItawraMß OHIO RAILROAD COMPANYfIBUKSSSK are now prepared to receive and forward Merchandise under through bill* of lading from Plttiborsh and the Eastern Cities. Balre guaranteed to be eaually tovoiatle with thoe* ol tho Pennsylvania Hall Bond Co., or any other Utw. for Information a* to rates, facllltle*. em, Ucn may be made by letter or In pcr»ja to miner ,el the undersigned agents: At BOSTON, Moan Potter, oor. State and Washington its. “ NEW YORK, G. W. Pervell, 229 Broadway, abort tba Attar Doom. “ PUILADELPIIIA,OoIbous A Cowton, corner Broad and Cherry streets. Ool.Kelly,cor. Sixth and Cteetnut eta. - BALTIMORE. J. T. England, Otmdsn flUtton. “ PHTSBUIUIII, J. A; Cangbey,l(A Water street. i 49* Particular attention of merchant*, mannfaticrers and shippers generally, of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City: and vicinity, la called totbe CaeiUtieeof this JWt* UvuittMoao pared with other*, aud their patronage and favors are ra* spectfhlty solicited. HENRY D. HEARS, tollktf General freight Agent B. AO. 8.8.C0. sea * pubtu - son UNDER TUB NAME AND STYLE OP boss & oozuzp.atf’sr, HAYING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORKS, lately owned bo llcGllvcry A Smith, are now.prepared to famish Coal, at thoirDvpu. Immediately below das. Wood A Co’s Bolling Hill, In boats, barges or wagons. They will also famish, with their own teams, in either of the dtisa to oiannlactureraor private at reasonable prices. • Eft. We have second the servlet* of JOIUi SHITLEY, who has had many years experience In the Coal buslnms to be capacity of Soperintendent and i*«wn Jal&dly TTORSES, BUOO^ifCARRIAGES AND jQ. everything usually found In a first class Bazaar, on hand and to order at all times. Bona weft frof*ed md rt/fofcle; VtXidzitUgcuUcmdGmferiabU. 49*0rden for carriage* to funerals, or tor fstallUa, pnactuaUy attended to, at all hour*. 49»Uoreee boogbt and ecjdralsa, kept by the day week or month. ’ aalTaSly PlCtEbargn scamp Worfc* JKO. D. MATTHEWS, Stomp, Stencil and . Brand Cotter. JOBBING CUTLER, -GRINDER, Ao^~ KnivM, Scissors and Basnrs Ground. Bladn Inserted: Table KnJvto Repaired, and General Jobbing at* tended to: LOOKBMITU AND BKLL-UANGEB. Ho. 13 B ftmttUleld Btnttnuar Slxthi riTTssmaa, rj. 44-Tbe above Srta l* prepared to make anything In tba u.;iu oian edge tool, ur do any Yind of smith work wbat ■r. an abort notiee. fyaayd . ALL TUB DELICACIES OFj/Js TUB BEA&ON, prepared by the most perleneed,cooks,eerrcd cp atlhethorteat no-HHiHH MX O'CLOCK A. H. UNTIL TWELYJI O»OWCKf. If. All articles In the line, pecohsr to the Bast, West as Booth, melted dally by Express, and served op to