SA I , AY 0 t • • . SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEY: - ' I , t,red Glue I Preitared Glue ! fyLVEI TED FECES! ECONOBr; "Jk 6m9ct at Tons BAria Nim' ~g 6 -At tteektents urn MTN*, oven Gs ssell-ftpulate ,l tsssiasS, It Is wry &kW>ls to lure sace asap mid eon- Taint wsy for rcpstring Smulle, Toys, CrOckG7, Spaldhv's Prepared Glue meats all rreh mteargencles, and no hotutebold cud afford to'be without It! It la always ready, and up to UM stick- Mg point Thera la Mt Inger s rteaselly for limping dabs, Ipthltertd TIMMS, beanie dot; and broken cradles,- It It Jag the article for rote, eta, and (Altar ornimmtal work, so !opular with tulles of relthement and tut& Thus antral' preparation b mod cola, being; eally bat In solution, =a poneetter, all the tub! 's.lltlell of Um bast eabinstomakere Olue. It may De vW let Gs piece of onititHig muethc, bothz: mtly more "Abram "Malin ut,uvEr.y HOUSE' N,B.—A Bann mompantell cub bottle. Price, 25 cents. %Who Wale Depot, No. 30 Platt-street, Now York Addreas— HENRY C. SPILLDLISIO it. CO Bas No. E,GE; /SW Yam Put irp for Deem In Cita eoldaining soar. Tight, and Tyrelre Doren, betntifel Lithograph% Show-Card eccetriparying each package. A ern& bottle of SPALDERIZP3 PREPARED GIME will ewe ten Ones ito test eannally to , o eo7 bombed. .420 riohl by all prominent Stationer; Druggists, hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Storm • COW* EUtebants eberold make a net, aT SPALD• MOS PEEFAIED GLIM, when making up their liot. It will stand any climate. Spalding's Prepared Glue, trstaim 4A EVERY HOUSE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY STATIONERS. arnomrs PREPARED aLur, COLD BY DM:MOIST& • ; SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIM ,SOLD HT HARDWARE HEAT TP,3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GUT, BOLD BY BOUSE-FIIIINISIIM STORE. SPALDING'S PEPA'AIaD OWE, • SM.!) Sy FI'P.SITPrj DEATA:cS.. SPALDING'S' PREPAP.ED GLUF, SOLD BY FANCY-GOODS DEALEE.S. SPALDING:3 PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY GROCECS. SPALDDID'S- PREPARED GLUE SOLD BY corn= IILERcILANT3 GENERALLY. Ataaneseturod by HENRY C. SPALDING & No. NO Pleat-street, Now York Address Post -Office, Box No. 5,00. •meted I. en Alphabetical List of Artie which, it damaged, may be restored to tb Galahad aerength and asetalneas by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE iA.....Mends ACCOUNT BOOKS B ....Mends BUREAUS . ..Al ....Mends CRADLES ~ iD ....Mends DOLLS .r: __Mends kreckzEs .".•F . „Mends FANS (,;(1., .Mends GUITARS ',II ...:-Mends HARPS. II ....Mende ESL AIDWORK ... J ....Meade JARS-- ... ....... ...K.—Mends SNOBS • " .. L —.Mends LEATHER-WORK - iiiil —.Mends MIRROR-FRAMES ".:(1 ....Mends OTTOMANS ~P ....Mends PIANO-FORTES .. !,Q.....Mends QUILT-FRAMES...:::....Mends ROCKLNG.ILIORSES ....... B ....Mends SOFAS •,T ....Mends TABLES .17 ....Mends UMBRELLA-STICKS iN ....Mends VASES , N 'IV —.Mends WORK-BOXES W --1." ....Mends XYLOGRAPFIIC-WORli X ".Y ....Mends YARD-STICKS . ~ V 12 ....Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK ......:: ...In conclusion, SPAIDLNGE PREPARED GIIUF. Is metal in Libraries and Schools. 1..8 _Mends SOFAS 8 I • " 2 .. P. Mends PITCHERS P ^ i., n..A...Mends AC/CORDEONS I • .t 4..L..Mends LETTER SELLING I . 4 LLD-Mends DAGUERREOTYPE CASES.. P.. :, G.. 1 _Mends I3LAGES ..M..Mends NEW BREAKAGES N !. 7 2.9-0.-Mends GUN-STOCKS G.. 4 3 ..9 .S -Mends SCHOOL-BOOKS 2... f 2 .• 20.i15-Mends PARASOLS P... 110 I..R..MMAIs RULERS R... 1 II 19..11:-Mends ELECTRICAL MACHIN E5.....E.. 412 13...P.:M0nds PATER-HANGINGS - ISLA-Mends ARM-CHAIRS P 4. — tiI 15J:ft-Mends iricaczTy FURNITURE...... 1:.. .115 16..E..bIends ERASER-HANDLE 3 " E.... 1.3 17-D.-Mends DESKS • li-417 iS_G-Ifends GLOBES • a...11S 19-L-Merels LOOSENED LEAVES 1....,12 20..U..Mends UPHOISFR'D Ftrrsrrpla .. 1f... It) gl..E..blends EGG-BEATERS . . 0... ...Mends ACORN-WORE • 22 Mends CHESS-BOARDS II Mende FIDDLES .. .1. g Mende SHELL-WORK J. Meads FILLET-WORK 47 'Mends HOBBY-lIORSES ' ZS Mends KALEIDOSCOPES k 29 Mends MONEY-BOXES SO Mende PICTIDIE•FRAMES .1 51 Mends SECRETARIES i , 22 Mends VENEERING St Meads SCHOOL FURNITUREt S 4 Mends PAPIER-MACHE .. 95 Mends WARDROBES ' BG.:;..Mende PA rTA N MARBLE n f Mends CRIES :I9_ ....Mende BABY-JUMPERS ap Mends IVORY-WORK 40 Mends MATCH-SAFES .1 4 41 .Mends PICTURES 45 Mends QUILL-WIIEI:LS I en 40 Mends TOWEL-RACKS 4 44 Mends WASII.6TANDS ! . 'O 9 Mends BEDSTEADS . . ..... .. . ... ..../ 46... - .blends DRUMS 40 47. Mends CLIF.SSMEN 6, 48. . Mends BALLOT-BORES .. . . ..... . 4i. 49 Mends HERBARIUMS .6 SO Mends BACKGAMMON.BOARDs 21. . steeds BAND-BOXES ... 21 22 . Mend, FILACK.BOAIIIrS .. . . Q. 22 .Mends BASS-VIOLA 22 blends BILLIARD-TABLE-4.. 9 13 Mends BILLIARD-iNTES . it 94 Mende BIRD-CAGES ... . iii V( . Mende BROOMSTICKS '4 - ; 211 Mends BOOK-CASES N. 142 blends BOOT-CRIMPS .. .. .. :2 14...... Mends BRIISII.HANDLYS . . .... ei 1,1 Iffeennddi's BRUSHES.... .. :s. - . • f,_ . .? CI-- -Mends CHURNS .. . . .. . .. .. . a. 3 Mends CLOCK-CASES , . ._ CL Minds CRIITCIIES rw 61 Mends 4.,ussAINS np A a Mends CASINGS - ... • - Cl. -Mends CADDIES i'. To- Mends CAMERAS le 7t, Mends CHAIRS 71 72. Mends CHARTS • 71 74 . - Mends CLOTHESHEAMES72 . 74 74 Mends CARD-CASES 74 Mende CHESTS 70 . Mends DIARIES 77 • Mends WM-STANDS 7 7K ' Mends DEAUGHT-BOARDS 74 7 Mends DISHES 79 Mi.,. Mends DIVANS F 4 Si: aaimas DIOE•BOXES s I ES; ...Mends DOORS ..01 US . mom Dommon • .Si Mend , s PIP.EBOARDS . ..q ES, Mends FLUTES SI BC, - • Mends BALLUSTEP.S •• RI 87; , .... Mends GLASSWARE e 7 ES,.....Mends HANDLES se 89 - Mends GUTTA-PEZOIIAWARE AO, 90 . Mends RITES •90 . PI i, Mende'TOPS „11. 92 , Mends ORGANS 99 pa' Mends MODLS 911 94 Mends SEW ING-MA CHINE STAN DS ..... .91. 95i........Mands PANELS ns. 90R. ..... Mends PASTEBOARD-WORK ....... .... oil 97' Mends PATTERNS .98 , Mends SIDEBOARDS.... 99• Mends WOODEN-WARE 100 Mends WILLOW-WARE 7 Spalding's Prepared Glue, BOLD EY STATIONERS. - 4 I EPILDINGS PREPARED GLUE, FOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 6 PALDDIEVE PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY GROCERS. Arvamrsom PREPARED GLUE, SQLD HT mizoviresr. STORES SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. 401,D "t GODMPURNISIIING STOPEA i.j,.!,-,Rp.ALDISCES PREPARED GLUE, GOLD $Y PASaY43IOOD3 DEALER., DEALDISITS PREPARED GLUE, SOLDItY.COLTRTRY AtERCIIANTA GENERAL(.I - Tl l / 4 ii 9ilactanxi try - . 4 (1•'::;!i:,;,10315111.Y-C.• SPALDINO & CO., Now Vox*. "Adirrqszorrez,'DOX NO. ;0.5. 91seit-contataplt = - •eltherFoar- • IxtaptilnlOl6o% , IaILDEC9IIe*D4 0,4 4 : 7ip Groin's: . . %Ar il OISIAIE GUNNIES AND D SALNII.B ',lour, .14aAork, chew, Frolta,olla AI Produce, nle inarcomnsr-Prrrasuaciu. wiLlaard BACIALEIy, VU'Erox.Eirs.A.Lm) ■oe. 18! arid SO Wood Street, DISPATCH atairaar, isle with Of Lesriail Infinrtnn, Pittalfir.ll3arreu & Martin, Phila. ILDGICRTOX t STEWART• Olindintors to Lewis & P.a.anrtUri,) Wholesale Graters and Commission Merchants, 107 Wo. street, .IPittsbuilda. jatlyd mar oceans..7Bl4. 1 . 011. N 1 1 1 ' GILL& SOB, &cars and COM- O 131131011 Blereliania. A gwnts for tbe ale of Pig Iron 'nod Bloom, No. 183 Liberty street, Pirtisburgl, felfdyd ja.A LE X ANDRIC ! KING, VI IiOLLSA-LE Grocer autl ImpOrter of Soda Leh, No. 27311bcrty street, Rittsborgb, pa. aplll34* JONES & COOLEY, WHOLFdALE ORO or.r.s ant 'brad Pornlaltars, dealori la Prcelueo and Pagabargh Nantlfaithrea, N 0.141 Water street, emu. Marry Mloy,Pittsburgh,P... topbt ! ch e rni- I trel.-4-, QIIRIVER & DILWORTH,LE WHOSALE Grocrs, NO. NiO arid 123 Second won, (between Wald and Sra:thdchl,ElMMmrgh. Mi. MU, aICDIID MT --;;111i D. 1 MIN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE u Grocursind Commtaxion Merchant., No. 173 Waal and 1:23 Mort, arrant, tithkaargb. zoml wars—.— wason. WATT S 4 WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO CERS, Commission Merchants and , Mealen ftnPro. date and Pittsburgh Manuferturea, No.2sB`Liborty ablest, Plthiburgb. ; Pat. Wu. (71 Sr VlCO — ar ' : HALE Grocer, Produce and Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No, ILO Liberty strooLcorn4r of tirowery oy, Pittel.Trgb, I. inda itnte •TWALL A. J. AAA .......... ATWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE Grows , Pioducir and Commission 41nrchau., and Dealers la PittliArrgh Ilimufncturea, No. S WOW strneh be. taw° Vital, awl front st., Pittsborgh. apIS suet. o. tont., D a9aT. ROBISON & CO., WHOLESAI.E Groton, Corminslou Merelinnts, and Drab,. In all MO. of rforklooo. 'Produce aad Pittaborgh!Manunnctores, No. 2f.4 Lawny 0.1.'4. Pittsburgh. Jat9:l3rd B.OMM DALZIELL....-4... -1.0 L tinnaniia: DOBERT DALZELL & CO.; WHOLE 13t BALE Ord:wit, Commiodon nod Pooirarding Mhn chant. and Dordokshi Protium said Pittof•orgh onofactorm, No. 241 Liberty atrogit. Pittsburgh, Pot roy2 • ISALIII DICKEY &CO., WHOLESALE, Groom, Ooramlision hlorchantookod Noolors In FrodOcot No. 80 Water .hoot, ind 63 front ehoot,Pittotoo-gh. W11300tOrlito&C. M. O. JOCENSTON & CO., Stationers, Blank Book itanofacturors .4 Job Printers, No 67 Wool otre.l., Mt..., Ps. 0111`"AVT'' AIN S. DAVISON, .BOOKSELLER AND ...., St loLor,.oirne.urtoDavisontAgnow,No.lnNarkot Mead, ttou Pourhlt, Blttaburgh, P. KAY & CO., :BOOKSELLERS AND STA TIONJOSOgo. b 5 Wood street, text door to the sole bee of nip], Pittsbutth, P. &boot and Law Books coo. stantlyon hand. L READ; BOOKSELLER AND STA ," • VON t , :tt.. No. 11.9 Fourth a, Apollo lialltllugth 1.1 LI N T 17N BOOKSELLER ix and kttatiounc.Alitatthlo Hall, Fifth tctintst. J 01IN TTIOMPSON Et CO NOM, SION AND 01INAB1ENTAL PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS NO. 13.5 TEUREHSTRBET, PPITSBITAGII, PA nir2o:lyo Kcal 113statt fignite. Will:141M31 WARD, ; DEALER ll' PROMISSORY NOTES, nda, Mortgages and oil smutting for money. Tenon Hos cm prtgagra lona ttironstg my Agency,. MN. able terms. Those wishing 10 invest their money to good advantage, on always end first and .rood clan pip, at my offlftq for All oommunteattonsand inter-non Minty confidential. Mice GRANT PrillfiET, opposite gt. Poore Cathedral. irEdtl !Rusty, Err JOLIN H. MEI,LOR, No. 81 WOOD ST., between Diamond Allay and Ponrat lomat, Enda Agont fur CHICK KRIM; A SONS' (Itostao) PIANO YORTEA, MA. SON & HAILLI-VH MOM MAILODPONS and Onll•N HARMONIUMS, and Dopler In Simla and &faecal Ganda. JAM . .0 E BRO., No. 53' FD7II n • gt., Al alto Gotten Carp, 8010 Spot, for NUN N 8 t GLAREIi (Nes YBrt) nortmllod Crawl and &pare CARIIART k NEEDIIAM'A pentane )1111.0 DEONB and OMAN RARMOHIUMA, Dealers loldosle and Erstral lustrurootAx. for 3 riliA.RLOrrE iSLUI4IE, ISIANUFACTIJR xj ER sod Aklor lorkkourd Importer of Musk an , / Muskat Instrument. Ascot for tho EIAMBURO PIANCEoI. for RAMAT. DAVIS t CO.'B Breton with and tilhout Atoleto Altar-Intent. 1.15 Wokrl otreet. roy2 earnageo It RIAGESE .14UGGIES: B,UtIKAWAYS Pll KTorrsi BAILOCCIIE.S, GIGS. A ND everything in the line, perelmieil CG, ICASTRILN NIANUFACTUILIMA, T.O her with s full aasortuteut of ..I.,,the Eastern Harness In k, 4t, Inloty suitabto ku singli, or doubt. lama. 1101 m, tiprimm, suit LtLiT Items, too 1111.310 U• til mention, rottstaialy au Mind said fur sal* at maaonabia prices by Jrillti E. /MA/ilia, Dist:loud .strOoL liaar Liberty, Intrstairgti, Po • Stria,,no ifam.s boight and aotd on commission. Repair. int noir!! and promptly' doom. bolstrip Wall ['mailer Warenoaate. Ur ALTER P. fiIARSIIALL t CO., im- T porters sad Dent6ra, 67 Wood rtrent, betireon Vutu-tb Matt and Disanntnl Allej, where may toe Joann aa entrant,* nenurtuannt ar.nry dnacriptlon of Caper Ilanglagn, tor;Par. ton, Hann. DiKeta( !!.Alen and Litatutonn. 1116.5 Wlttiow Owlet, In great varlotyi at lowest micreau ta,nntr, &Wert telt ,WAL2I:II 31-iIiSILAIL I CO. Insurance a grnta EUREKA INSORANOE COMPANY 99 Water erroxt. MET. VINNEY,Ney. W Kant. twa,ll.aeral A,raL ' triy3 A A. CAY.RIER, SECRETARY • Irrnlran, GaDvany ul Pllb..l•urah, Joi.ea'ltnAldit.., Fourth mtmett • - • • . - • Ll M. GORDON, StY:rotary SYcwwrn n-u r cwrveuturmuy. arnt. _I a ARDINEH COFFIN, Agent for Frank e./ . lln Fire In no S .rupody, N.1.1.-eme awl', Wood iM9E=I NADELRA, Agent for Delaware JP'. Mutual lusurante 4.2 Water atruut Itr W. POINDENIER, Agent Groat West- JA". era iltatuttaco C0.;177 trout attaa. gla — rp — rto W.U. & U. EVCALL DEALER IN CARPETS, OIL CLOMS, merriNua. Ac. It, 87 Founts street nests wood. Eitl2 Goals. K. YUCCUTIZI.D...—.. ARR.. 111111LIMILL W. R. le Oftrar 813 U ROLI FIELD 4 CO. (auccessorm to• blur pby k Burchfield.) tb - bohyste and liutad Deddor• tape end Fancy Ln7 Nurth-e.l con,. YoUith an.] klarkot .1 CIL LOVE, Diler in Staple and rangy . Dry Goods, .Igo tb• original Bee Litrii, No IS Market Itrsist, Pittsburgh: ntriu 11. PALMER, No. 105 Alarket Street, • Dealsis 10 Donuts, list. *trust Trhnitiliiirr, end bust Gliside mussily.' s►trniturt. :lA_Au vcrsLi,x_.. FIIRAITORE=AND CHAIRS WHOLESALe AND RETAIL,' Ittntorullig every style or :cr xt ; I 'T 'CT ROSEWOOD, IdAIIDOANY AND WALNUT. Bailable for P ANUNLS. CDASID4I3.9 AND DINING DOOM, Equal to 4.11412 NEW TORN A'Nl:# PIIILADELPEIIA WADIUDOIS, NON 77 AND 70 THIRD STRU., au.26,Di P1M8U6017., PA. sumo el. roue_ ..dnos.4. 1017114........../AISMS. L. roast T. O. 'YOUNG & CO., imeheaMmesda or FURNITURE' AND OHAIRB Of Every Description. IF I CTORT—/t4eral 8/..Aatocen Ityt,e and Penna. Acenue Warehouse—Nos, 18 & 40 _Smithfield STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE-We stv. ay manufacturing EITRAIIIJONT ci&erN fIJILYLTIMN (. 111 1.11111, and (nthe the ettenthm 01 theme Interacted In furzdaidng heaty vogruityrT T. D. YOUNG ig T; 'BE EMON attlr TaProm. po., No. 556 'Liberty 8 BANK OF DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE AND DEPOSIT. .1 Capital ..... 150,000 Cipltal ILeprenente(l, 0ver......... 1,000,000 W-Stocznouatte Ala situ Inantorsaff.r Luau. ba Gold, Moor, Par Fonda and Currency received on depoelt. ALL MONEYS allowed to , rentain for a Sped I`inte, WILL DRAW INTEREST. Pled Exchange on the Lantern and Wootcdn ernes constantly for sale In same to salt Collections mode In all thetrinelpal Miss lo the Collet Mat. and the Canadaa, incpPROCEEDS PROMPTLY RE. 11 /TTED 1P...7 . 1 .. 1 . 4 Inanf, on day of matorify. • DIS/070SC John Monihead, Almada,. Panel, John Reath, Ono. S. Med, J. lint. William &Mrt, W. McClintock, Henry Mo. cellontgb, Robert Auden:op.: a E. WARNER, PreeMenk 8. C. 1101111ERT7, Ooklar. SUGAII. AN'? 1104185E6-• ! 1 ! CO Lb& Swear "Ildrlopfircio,". 2.)3 bbls N.O. Stammer, I r GO bbla Portal** Whoop; .. --. 010 bbbigelloodeogin ''. TO bbloglon,r6Byrup. tic oloro and for cabby! ., • Ogg ••".' • • SIIIIIVER & 1/16406. U fIAISIOMILE FLO ' bales for l sala ip ): t • CA IiSPIPTOOII • .• C=E o LET.—The large Warehouse, corner of T Tenn and Wayne inmate, (the property of the Hartford estate.) Poem:Won given For tortes ai, to JOHN T. I.oti AN, Adni'i, jeadtf No. hi: Woad TO LET—Several fine Store Booms on St. Clair West, one of which will be rooted to ronni.ction with the spaclon• moth on the ...Lid floor, and la well rnf minted for • furtiltnre or carps* core. ?lupine of oelf-dtf E. H. IRISH, No. to Fourth fl OFFICES TO LET—two gout] Utliees to let, with or without storage, roosruleot to alotioLiint bola Wharf jab ISAIAH DICANT A CO. MiliEMIS=lll It is is« 11 sad sokttsutially rspablo st•I•14; .t t Imildtal prreoo.Lvitst.rtably, sad is ottl), rt J ivr owls Leone. It Is too small for t 13.1. sccorrm.istivo For tprins. kr., aptly to WM. II ILVIth....iON, No DI street, or .1 1 , 0041YE1t,311., No 215 Lllvrty stre,e4 U. 11 ANN:ILION, :4,1.601 11..ard or _ _ _ . . visarritE II AT MTOR 75 WO ) 1) S 'l' It 11: if. HILLERM AN & (OLLOI JUST AHRIVEI , L -T1, , . NEV, cONCEE r 01:ANb PIANO, r. -w Ltd \l' rtTed andu al toot,unt to•dny. Tb. ',wont pr.,lemb.n and I, nre ••• tuetto-1 4, Call at it. %Varer..itn. onl...ertt.Tr.and wxamlne lL JOIIN 11. MF.1.L.113. N.. al 1V...1 •'v....1, itTterrett blana/n•I A 1.., A acmrth kr!. Aci•Lt for CbiTterlua A IN acoa. 1.. I .,„b atul Wer.Trn PTnn.a. !al! - - - • -- • WALL PAI'Elt . uF V V —WALT/SIL P 31Alti•IIA LI. ham I• if "ain't, arranerneTta with lb. huldlng Alanufactu..rra w Par-r !Imagi g ng. In ttnecw3Ntr7 and la' b. milt ercelTT and ore, for sa,, In if,, Spring. II , " moat as.ortmera •,f W all Paper 1.‘1,7 bkung,fit 1. Ibla art.t Jal7. Ni). r Wbob WHEAT, WHEAT . -15 ,-,, / bw , 1,1 prime TV Club Wbnot at dept. for ml. by dal3 II ITLIIII:X/C/i, AtcallEl:llY • DRIED vriiiie Print Appko, Jn.t rtcore.4l and tot oaln I.y .14,12 ISA FY A I AN tillßbEft. 111 I,ozes lic, , rse, it cus4,l4l,ulent,f.,r mat.. Ly jolt DELI; A LAZNAIL i+L Litany at BEI.N. N. l) I , IuI,ASSES arriving and esbn 1., t,!..11) IODIDE: POTAS II 1,14.1 lb, 1311 it 1.. PA llNKell•n'li CT, COFFEE 20 ,, ul a niV "'OA Jail • I:R•PILRIWiIf For nl. by - . LIM] bk. fur M. 1.6. I H A FAHNr.STL;CK a , ran 0t.r.4 FIF.I .at Y.ItU /-- L 3 Pal , by d • / UTATUKy—t ui bum. primp A. e A I'. lbynt lar . n.r **le by dCtl 111712,11Me11. ,ernmertv 4 I, bbls No. I for Pilo F. 61C1.1.F.N.:1 A CO, Ybokut...riur,.,s, 4.11,1?-9 21...30a SUGARS AND SYRIII".1 by th" m 3,1,1 th., P,lmaylvar.b, 1.t.4 CItAYI , t V AN GORI , F.II. PEA RI. SAli()-5 ea.Pel for Fait, lov It 1.. PAIINKI•ToeFJ . .t tla29 N. 00, r...rnr, 10..1 an ,I it. —3O jam prime peeked Butter, jut Jim re r c.lvvil AAA eel, by JAB. A. 0E17.1,14 ' .146 Adstnor (..rkAt awl Ytrot Dk;ll bu 9. just rereired sad fei ANA or HAMER r DICKEY'. deZ3 . No. ate Lab Arty A NVILS, BELLvws, VICES. SCREW li PlATltirt, &tt , with rhmal alwortmeut amittl'e Took, tor 'wink, • W 01.17. )•17 cot oer of Llba rt y awl Bt. Clair aw JJI S'jON'S spivs 7 - A full block of Hand, amum, Campus , Millimd Crum era Niwa, of thw celebrated make, for rale by 8 . Wulrf, Jan Liberty awl It. t..lairotra,ta QIKABILESS BAUS-5000 two bus. Rags In 0, -" nod for rain by 11E5581a ElkitlC 814 ONICEY WI ENCIIEJ, of aI Atykr, lor sale by 8 It. IVI/LI'V, J• 1 corner O . •ntl Liberty .treed . F Ws. Central City Aline xiadra extra Family, to artivo arid Br )417 NOEL B FLOYLi a DO FLOUR -400 bble. favored brands Extra and Vtiperllne; GU Bags Bockwhtet Flour, Is. Moro. and for sato try jniMl NAMUEL B. FLOYD .I. 600 BUS. ?r A m TS .v relfd an d nims for a oNrm ti . a l 1 . 7 Jolt and N. W co, Obit:. et i IS Com., Allegbo•ny. WIIKAT-150 bus. Kentucky Red Wheat In store eind for able by SYRUPS -50. bbls. Penna. and Baltimore; .1.0, .10 ~,.; do do do 4. store and for We by ILEISOST .9 BARIZER. _. RY APPLES-350 bush 'Western Reserve Ky. Apple. for We by de2o (BUFF A YAN DORDKR. BARLEYLT6O bus. Spring Barley in store and formal° by .SAS. A. re 9121919, • de2S Corner Market and Vint to. ROLL BOTTEFC-8 barrela and 9 hoses nest. Roll Batton, Jost reed ood far solo by Jal.l J. A. YETZRIb. corner Market and /brat sta. • UTTER-3 bbln prime Roll - Butter jolt recolre4 wad fm sato by POULTRY—Dressed Turkeys and Chickens meolved and to lode by I.A. fINTI.CIt, dr27 MINN Market and Mott atm FLOUR—Extra, Extra Family and Fancy, all ehoira brands, Owaya . band by ikg J. B. CANFIELD A 00. OLIVE OIL---1U bbla. for mlo by H. L. TAIINIIIII`OOII A CO, \ deal No. GU, reenur Wood and Fourth ate DLIOICWIIEAT FLOUE--50 sacks for sale IL) by . MORANRA ANJNIt,III &mod et. DOTATOES-100 bush. choice whito Pink j. Eye fotatese,juat reeefeed sad For sale by Jal9 J. A.IIXTZER. center 111.rket end Ist at, ACE-3cueea forged° by dAd W. 167 Libirty et. 008-7 bbls.. prime !refill Eggs in` store and for sae by bd. LITTLE a TILIIIIBLE. ROLL BUTTER—trbbla. choice, in cloths. - - DAL;ELIek CO. Sale Si; 'Co:ILit 114 IDGE ST. L DWELLING FOR SALE.— Being about t waves from do city. I oar, for. yye the Uweldog oo Itidetistresit. Alleglmsy City, formerly usual by Goy. B. W. black. This howler hasp= had buds co in 10 ttewly 1 , 400 frpfde Ed oat, sed4loatoplets repair throsessat. is lis• heten be Is all tuarteos rooms, aid Is (Rail caplets wisp( the most ,I.sfrabledseldngslo the ties cities. The lot Is CO by i.f leer. isSilsiJ JOHN A. IVILW)N, Of Wool Ohio Lane fox Bala. riplik; subscriber offers toi -salo six:two tun, tornatilp 12, nine 10,Stark Oblo, outaccouly ItementeS . Rearmatt's .C . Von "containing 540 scree. It i. .Masted throe ogles nest of kaaaillna, on the elute goad leading to Wegener. and arittelle about tam miles of the Pkt. burgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago The , arab, mat and north . csatquarters gra partly cleared and Improrad the remainder I. etrrollA with superior titnbee—end the thole to tell tolerant by %linings and running struonna— auctlon couridared th e dn./ beds of lcud In tot County. It will he scold undlrulud or In quarters to mill pitchy/so. To thuee 'who desire to Invent In rent en,a a better opportunity to meta offered. li==l oclila/swifT lOWA FAIUIINU LAND.—Thu subscrtb ere °Ger for We ina (notable terms sit laraidred arras Cholas Lauda, situated lu Wright sod llismock counties, adjacent to Ruse of Railroads now In Worse of thin, cud coo tract only two nine, from Comity mat. The above will bo sold low for cook, or exatangeaka tactility lauds In thl• or lialultilug kleitANll t ANJER, 124 Rocoud VA LCAIi - LE COAL LAND FOR SA A My valuable tract Of cowl hoof, sambaing of 334 , Aliltlrcl, and situatbd near 'Webster, Westinoreland Pa. Here It au nacelle:A opportunity pm - mama to Noy normou &airbag to go 101 l the coal buslonat, and ono that should be taken advantage of, on chntioes like this do oat often ocr. For further information apply at TIM Ong r'7F., cu bon, all the ;J. Ilk,. coo •rr s, d delbilt . Ol{ xplenditl Remdence, Ca eltb large bot Ground, Fruit Tn. sad throb. bery,•oool , -,1 withia too minut-s . walk of 1101 WilLios. burg Railroad tietti , ,n, Vie bonne It lore,. and 6ia•les,l rands. style; vat pro-,ent orent.isil by Moore. Itomisiou • • Will lm au rr>wuoble terms. Opp!, to =!= IV. A. All.Rt:h).V .I..TAAIrtIF At IlArtaa'• 0111,. A(fi g ivstAotrx.t 200 000 ACRES FOrt SALE AT "w luW Emr scra. Oats funs iplatl Y gr l 7lll." ''''44 -4'4" ca n" 1.14 for of Imn.l under ILn Qradu. Atlou Art In nll roslollea tl tlw. Atlte. Pate.. procor. Ac. Apply to W11.E,./N, itAWl.l N(IS A I 'O,, no= 3.1 115 Obtranut rr , rret, Nl Look, M... 11 4 1 0 E SALE—A trAct of hind contaiking hi.. and .ate tultsulrrio,ltunt« on um Vottrrli 1t,,.,!, About three wiles Ir4tu am Court !in.,. Will 1.-1 sold low 4 , r cmh. Inquire ..1 I 'LINN 111Ael6liNV.: tuy7.4ltf Ate) a at law, N... lel Fourth et..., 1.101-16E5 FOR RENT.--Two Nirlho4 itotl,A on Filth et, holt/life Id, 1,3 Market stroot—elOro nod Daolliog Nona.. Moro Room and Dwelling, corner Grant and Tool ,o 4 No. 125 Th 10l etroet—Dwellin; lloneo and, Dwelling [louse and eltoro, corner Market and Third eta Two Daolling II misoe, Zion. NI nod 67 Third at. No .1.1 Doqueetio el.; filen No1.1:9 and TI ei. Dwelling Honeo, earner Colwell and Logen Warehcame, aim, Final and LiniitulloW Warvhon. on Wood aimed, near Elemod. Dwelling !louse, No: L 5 &good weed. Dwelling Huns, , No. 3 Splaue's Cour,: Dwelling Thule and In acres of ground Vu M t.lcaeldug. tutu an., Au., for rout by .lel4 tl CUTLIBERT k enN, si JlarAer wt BUSINESS W./USES TO LET.—A large DD Warohouto on Wood atrort, !wive , [round, u cupaticy of the Anieriesu (Nisi Cis A Vl'arebenue—s rr 1 eland Luslinse—oorner of Flint and Strilthueld its A Warehen•e or two .t,.re ILvae, nn Weitrr 01 , n•rt National Hart. A Stare Room on Market al., near Fourth A store Noon] And Dwelling Donee, No. 63 )lArkrt eL A EtorA ILAALI, N 0.63 Yount, et, flour Wood. A Moro Mount and llwalllng, corner First and !lark., atm. A Stun. Itnotn and Uwetilng corner Third and Meant ate. Apply to S. CUTIIIIERT a K .m, 61 !darn at. FOR RENT—A Country Reaideneo in Pict toWneblp,conalating of a good bowie, containing night room, and an excellent cellar. There is also • good atable and cistern, also, two aunt of ground, planted who apple, peach and other fruit trent; • grape arbor, etc. for farther particulars enquire of WATT a WILSON, Jetta Yea Liberty anvet WAREIIOUSE TO LET.—A fine 1101:1311,, No. 37 Wood stnet,oppoel to the St. Uterine Ilotetl, now OLGripled L Ef. Pennock •Co for rent. Poe m 11 .colon April first. PPOUCOB, kEtttIICKRY • CO. ()2.VKR OF ANT AND THIRD STS. ROR "AL T 111=1 •u! FUItNITL•KR ra now ptqrre.l t. wont Wu &.iaJ t 116,11 HATS, CAPS Atilt LADIES' FL 104 5() blll4 (7,,ldea and Ea,twj,,,1C..1..r ()RAVI , ANtiONDKII, 111 Ne....l.tre,e. cot oar LlirOtt; and fluid en.+•t., ititatNitiois enbs. wro alarms EZIPORIIIIVL C }TRAP AND DURABLE IN.DALY, Stocking Manufacturer, Corner Fifth St. mad Market alley, HAda on hand a tremendous assortment of ' tirocalnya, Iloee, hocks, Cumfaleh Glove; Doodahs, ke dor wen sod women, tog•tho , 'tiff , • %Tr> h• - Suntan naan Dann of all deewiptlons of Goods in hw, line Jul tattlp to the errand. Ile was prints articles at low prism.: Calf tadaxamlne. 113.neynetube l l SI. DALY has hat oue Gore, and that I. 01. tits curer. or Virth evert and Markt: alley. nottllind .1.1.1r4 .t (mem-. ......... c. S. a. !mast, K. SELLERS C co., DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, AND LAQp OIL MANUFACTURERS No. 309 Liberty Street, . 11_141tRAUMIS & 00 POILIS 1.1:118 /11/11E.10111.11. PVITI' .%111. • 1.11... t. =MO PROVISIONS 1101—Purl 1E1L•n..,.1. P.,4l4,r.leintrt, near Kast Laur, All. 'Aimuy,Clly. 01714, No .YIJI.II.•tiJ rtrwt, Pnlanurgh. P JK It 40 L' • ' A.rehite PEILUVIAMI SlellUP, , WI PatagOTZD . - 1854. . I l'roioxidn, of Iron C 0 :int ' - 11 , 1 v. 91 1 111, piIEPARATIoN DIFFERS FROM being .n otwhangeable protoxide of Itch. 'wattled y combination nets before known. Nor? digretton Tort.l.l Liver. Droptlea, Boras, .11 (orate or Efeetawt toured by Imporeneh went of the blood, general tlelehty, and repettally rho di., eeee pocnittir to ftmattiti it bag hewn ftwed errrentely efticarlane. Pamphlet, alto, a Nil &ascription of the remedy air,/ ramartablo cur. -s It Dar affectod, may la, chtalned cif !aert!tr,LL.L.f lh flap.. 1 11 Im Lwal u,,art that taw wedlchrsl effect c.f Pro!oxide al ir loot erat, 41 • hrtrf export.e I, air, mod that Io n , rat.ln ...luta,. of I•rx.tesada at ltutt willaaatt turthe'r . - L.alwaort. ham twea aernlftl if Lie l'artla lan 8, rap. ma. amdrable point hu t./row al. o•al 11 camhination In a way &fort tothawv, and 1141 mplace all the pro carlaahana, carat,. sad WLlrato-LL La the Haarria .. - . It Iv aleo enil....Natly adapted to take the piace of any I . N;. t,x1.1., of Ir., lortalch phyvcie. have tamel In scarvy Of ... , rt•ottr ntt..ekm, awl to 1.... t mach cases U. syrop 04004 t.... I .:1: , ..: th.. nut irint. cheat of .rery ship. .. A. A. 'TAVES, M D., Am} le: t, the :+:Ala of MosenchoikAts le I; I=l 11,11.1, CARPETS AND OM CLOTHS, PITTSBURGH, PENNA itcoaaa. • -..-1560 s ir LIE PENNSYLVANIA cramo - BAu.nosti. , ;•, • ,zo MILES DOUBLE 'aux cup.drief ads R o.di, ftwertelta trivia tu ctn.*, 'THREE TILEOUGII PASSENGER TRAMS Between Pittibuecti end phuh iphia. tionoecthrg direct In the thine Depe!, at Pittc= w i t b Through Tmlica from all Weettoru. " L . t., , ,100 for p Nee York. Boston. MBE.= an ° . Alaitknr qti. thee furnishing fealties for Use trairepsterloa of Cuiferpeased, tar 'peed and comfort. DT any other ma.. Express and Put Lines run through to Palladelphie Without cheese of tars or ronditetere Brookhrg Caro are attached to each train • Woodruff • Bleeping are to Express and Fast Trams: aye =PEWS ROM trAILli, Berl and thud Lime Beam excepted:- Three Dmly Tr.]. connect.ltrett tor New York. knee. and Part Lliwearanect for Baltimore awl Wilahlaittoth, to belly Trains torhaen Philadelphia and •":"; Two Dolly Trains between New York and Bator. Through Traits (all Ball) are geed on either of the &DOT& Ital., and trauxtere through New York tr.. BOAT TICIONTS to litthth are good tie Norwich, Fall Mier or Stotler. exert' Damp,. transferred Dee- TICK /ST'S may be thtemnrat nay of th e Important nath hid Whom le the weer, also, on bowl/ any of the regular Vito hteamere on the Ithemoipil or Ohio dyer. ohrglis at h+o, and time o• quick o• by arty other Rout, • ASK FOR TICSICT.v nr PlrinkUlioll. into consplotioti of the Western 50ag„,,,,,.. ar th. Iboa isivania Railroad to Chicago, make no. the Di r . e t Lbw/ between Me XXVI •ta,l tlfa Great North [Neat, "T '•'•ffhe connecting of tracks by the Reit Ilrad Bridge at Fitisburgh, minding all drayage or ferriage of height, gether Inch the saving of /111341,ate adrautagne c.way p. pSocieted by Shippen of Freight and the TrarellingYnbffe. For Freight ooutracteor Shipping Lb etboua apply to or akin. tither of the following Agents of the Company, D. A. STNIVANT, Pittenurgb; Pirree A co , Zeneerille, er, J J Johnsten,lliplei3O, It 31cNsrly,31ayvvills, Ky; Ormsby A (topper, Portemontb lO;.PaddnckA Co, Jeffersonville, led; II N Croats • C iUWeionso, o, 0; Athena* Ifibbert, Cinclanati 3 O;ff C . idrePt, Madison, Iml; Joseph K Moore, L4enievllle, fiy; p ft/Wiley nes\ arautrlllv, Ind; N W 0 radmm A the, Cake, fill; It r Eva, KlulerA Ohms, St Louie, elk John n uhmlle, nun; llama A Mont, Memphis, TeochObuke phlca,, III; W II II Kowatz, Ill; or to Freight •,sen:a ollatirunle at I,(4.cent points in the West. •- • - • He Gre a raellitles offered for the !•;4.roteetion and Speedy ;if ran•pores. • non otI.IVIC. S'YOUK, (LAID ACCE/11111..1.13 Wi th decal tor • t04.11114,11111K 111 t 11rago therm!. ka - LECIG-H.Ta. By this Bunt« Freights of .11 dcocrthtio. MU be tut r't dell to and from Plitt.delpitia, New Yotk.B,ato, or Bali. octs, to sad Ircro •uy point utt lttn ItailrptAq otOttl4, Hats ky, Indiana, Illiuutn, W1J0..1.10, lows, or 3.11/....m, fry 444r0ci1l direct. Th. r0uu,i...1, it..droa4 Mrn cvnamte at elttalytirgb Ittli ht.auwta, by %nada llowda cuu be forwarded to any :17(00 tho Obi, .4 u.l. tugutu, lioutocky, 1 , ....5e1i5e, C 912 Plewd, Mi.., M1.,.../ 00 1% 11k:M.14, Miesiouri, Katts.e. Arkansas and Icon 1ttr.,...”.1•3 Gk.,' ribald, Mudivky ,13 and lend rata a e1.,..1”... .... all 1 ,- In • n Me Norsh•Westt km • 1 Illercbanta tad bblppgre va crush, M., trahepurhaghh ( their Freight to thte Ccaupstly, tau ta,ty w ittk cuathtsucs tlales .putty Ltatuut - i THE ItATEit OF Faiths lIT to any point to the west to ittall'autkylrianto Bail goad, are at all Ilan to favorable. irst.hargsd/ootAcc R. K. anapanics. 1 ./01- Be 'articular to mark packages "ilk Pivea IL ll.' B. J. Stal6l/611, Plablaelptaa ::11AORAW • KO NS sU North atrat, Caltlmora m ;L Ir ICICC ork I.I £ Co, Nu. 2 aetur Lou.-, or Nu. I N. K al. St. • . I `GRINCII & CO., No. 77 rtah. Etre., IhAlort. • i - ',. • 11. 11. HOUSTON, Grul Freight Aft., Philadelphia ' - L. 1.. ROD IT, G.,/al Fiche Ay t, Phill.lelght, THOS. A RIN.Y/T, UrrelNupl., Altuutm, Pa. Ja..17,1 ti ll AIEPII:TSBURG.II, Fraa- Is A' .11, A CUICAtIt/ ItAl ()AD, completad Emu l'lttrburgh W Chicago. WOODRUFF% SLEEPING CARS attached to ail ulght ARIL Thtough without change et cum ,Oh and atter MONDAY. J/1/10•1r 115.1, Ills, Toth., clilllogre the !halloo, corn., Liberty sad UMW. gtrnot., Rithihurgh, eu 11,11rwra. Pittsburgh. Cir.*fun. Pt. Wayne lig ir . ilu.lo 4,40 P St. 545 1**4 1.45 u. Y. J ittlu P... I 4.27 grrise st Chluigo—itspreies 1,45 r. r; Itsystes 1043 4.* RETURNING, IM=l=ll=l fAccentrodation Ttalne, from Federal street, Alhistien Aktiew 9.10 a. r , and 4.4 u r. Yiow E nti " " 12.10 " .17itengh Train, ronneot u followe— d{ Alliance, with drain, or; the Clereleint A Pittaborer Otrrille, Ohio, to and Iron. Millerelarg, AktotbOtlyahoga PM/a, etc Al ffiaidfleld, Ohio, fur bit. Vernon, Shelby, Sanlinsky, TA. Ledo, Detroit, etc. A Crretline for Delaware, SpriugllPld,.Oulotabna, Ohm/Ana- Semi., Dayton, I niiw.polis, St. /4.1111, LOUirrnit., St.. for Sp dro ogfish], Sandusky, , 3 toy, Cliegfe tt erf. /itc ' etc. At Weas for Findley, Dayton, Cincinnati, cdr..., Pic. ' Airt.'Waytte for Pena, La/layettes Int., St. Lathe, and Intro trieffiate porta In Central Ind... rod Illinois. A Plymouth forLeporte. A {Valvtah fur all 1..2 on the tier Albany and Salem nr at Chicago, with (nal. Cr all redo. to Illlnota, lure .P74ootiain ate, Minnesota. Por further Mtn - matron ant tlactr - ih Ili:ken .pply to J. PTSWART, 'racket Agent, Passenger itt ahem, Pltlaburgh. E. 0 STEyP.IISON, Ticket Agent, • io Alleheny Tl•ntigh 'Pirko. for palePaer at ai lth e TlCket Office g r t.i Citiritrany ea the line of the road, to all parts of th• • • • 'lttfitera' J. J. 110082 , 021, Om. emaer ' ikill yr;rand and Pittsburgh &Mond., 1 4 . ANNE OF 1111 Pe—WINTER. IatRANOLYIENT. AT and after MONDAY, January /Cal, lila, Trial as tott i ssi o De .n put of U. Pentssyl wards Railroad, 111 Pitts -40 . 1 ., ' oe Pirlsbar ves a t and Chic-yea/Ans. r Arri Arrivals at Arrives at ' PITTNBUI:011. CLEYLLAND. TOLNUti. CLI [CARO. i 2410 • m 1129 acm 12.10 ant 10:00 • m I lis pra 7:4 pus 12,10 •in 10:20 •at ; qtr.. ago. , sisrairiat; log , / /4 , Mileages, via Clerrlant mast 'l4O irtrucelai West los hetett via eievelaosl. POOLdryls, llsitsatbas and Chub:nal, .510,1 Line, tin 6rdTEduebents2l, ray bars. Arrives at Anises at . Arrives at • grilll34lllhll.l, COLO-1100A, CINCINNATI, bT-LORLY. 0, 2.g0•,. /kb por Raip mlllO p m 1115 pto 1.45 ata ROO •in 215 p m Ilis gauze la shorter to Cincinmstb bonisvillo, Columblye and all polou South, Ruts any other reels. Pplardid tjleciltog Vara stbuirod lo ail Pagtst Trails. id t vga Arriv Pitaburgh and £ L es es at Arne-twat. Arrives at Arrive. at ra - rtswa, ROCEIENR, WELLet, bTKIJIPS, WRIZI/13 !gob st ot 2:35 a m 1:45 aus irss a m 7130 ama i 124 pin elope at all stations—arm. at 025 put bbil p m 201 p m SOO p m 511 n pin WA pso alas 1:45 p. na. Train does not atop between Elooteater sad IlitriMieg. tTlayough Tiblets can Lo processed at IbttsLorgti, Maybe - Worse, Pbiladelphla, New York arid Boston. I Is, R. MYERS, Geotral Ticket Agent. .r 4 ftirUtor saformabou apply to d l * i A l( ` ' JNO. isTRWAIa, Ticket Agent, ap nal6 Liberty at. depot, Pi traburge. 1141. :Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1819. liE RALTI.IIORE &maga . 40110 IiAILNoAD COMPANY ue ups preporod to Fs...if/5 and fortes.: Myrobandoso under tipuriAbollis 4 lading to end from I tittsbargh and tow Kastern Cities. 41• Nsioaranteeslto he squeaky Cseorable with these of the Pbookylvauta Rail lbsed Co, or any other lin, :Pa information as to rhos, [Judith., ate, eta, applies. tir , hop Iso tussle by letter or in per•so to saber of the a altird agents, , ---- ,At' TON, Moto. Potter, ear. State ~NY washing-ton eta t " rgby YoLIK, C. W. Perini, 2.l• firooderay, stops tha ; . Astor Rouse. 1" 1111-APELPIIbs, Coltman it Coals., comer Broad and ebony. streets. 1" • " Col. Kelly, roe. ninth and Chestnut .t..;" , ALTIIIORE, J. T. Ragland, Camden auk.. 1" r 1 rrs n ulca e 1 , J. A. l•Soghey,ll4.l Water street. Mr- Partarolas atieunan of merchauts, nonsufacteren add stipple* germ/ally, of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Qty and iiisliy, is uslassi toll. halalcs at usla Ness kende as 1,4 m r+2.4 with other; sod them patabasago awl favors are trio opfeeduily donated. 11.EN/1.1 D. MRAIIN. 4 1( tieueral freight Arena b. A O. lii. R.Co. ENDER TOE NAME AND STYLE OF It 0S S & COMPANY, recently purchased the extensive ; Com. swims, teiSiAiwited bo dictiiivery ik Smith, are now prephrod to toiroidithal, at their Depot immediately below Jas. Wood Q.,llotolling lull, fri boats, barges or graphs. They will lal6 tdrilleh, with their own teem., in either or the cities to ruettinFicterers or prirete Ismaili., at reserdoiLle crime. , hereeecured tha eorsiam of JOIIN SIFITLEY, with has hid tunny years experience in the Cool business in he •• • ty M Superintendent and salesman. Jaltitdly BIZIELARTMELS BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, • ; DIAIIUND BRENT, NE.AIt LlBYttrf, PATT3IIIIRWI, PA. --- lARSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND fl , v4rjthlng madly found In a drat dila. Maur. on hatid aint to order at all times. • Armes nNe7 frctio,l and rainbk;;Tetrides elegant and toolforathk• 4111/.7Orders for carriagi. to Innerabo, or fur fautillta, Punt*lVattandad to, at all num. Ifir•Agrona bought and rid; att.. tops ..7 tho - dl7 %rock olt month. . aertatly P 1 ts•urgh Stamp end Stencil Work* tillil•Sisro. a. aterrrnaaws. swim Stencil and Brand Cutter, 5 051111.10 CUTLER, GRINDER, &c.-- 1 Kett Betworeand Retort around, ft; Haab ßlades tottruitt bib &deem Repaired, .11 GOOtt.4 Jot bing at tootedioi , LOCEB3llll AND 11111.1.11111107:8: "leg I all Smithfield S ,agar Stith, 117788UR08, P.A. 4-libli ;Above Arn, is prepared to wale ityttuog it Ma ct it Mgo tool, or do .7 kind of smith wort whet 0q , tort .11. 4 _.. . • littard is sLi ? Di Ur HALL. EtIit3TAUELA.I22". I ' ' H ssiessa se BALL, P 1 1 ,711 BTRZJIT, 4-42111EPZX PRIOICEIR, ii: .... ii. PROPIIIHTOII. ` - Flit; DELICACIES 01 4 t it TIM SEASON, prepared by the re. 4 es. .4. . perieuelid - eooke,fterred Op at Ow &honest Ito -tlcogredu 1 i - - PIXTCLOOS A. M. UNTIL TWELVE 0T1.061 P.ll. diarlttlie lu the lirey peathau to the East, lirett at : don rbbetelet Jelly by Entrees, al. aural up to order,— Dm Me tuan will not Ma table at WALNUT WALL all ~ Otto 4 theredeld desire. Mile-Wtioloodo Depot tar Oyders, Mali. Graue cod early YeerAtobbm to their eeetem..lrell NU e 4 ta) d --4--- = ----- ----- DiOTICE is hereby given that it It ation Ihirs. made to the legislature at Da preeeot melon 'by tdo Teolter. and Aldan."( the dome. ET.0 . 1, 3 1 rroAatahtP.bureti la Plttaborgb, (or the pomp of a la out rle'ltut them to into and improve a version of their jot One earner of tilsth and Bnalthfledd aroma, in said el ty, P.mlld !moor.; the dead from the Intriil ground upon saki fot. 1.214601 IrTiNtoi4 iIYDRAO OEMENT.--nlO , ... ILl ,, D.roadle make, mod and approved' by Itafbvia Vbb ow re4hldge cud Ulitern Indldees En . ;Dan peat. War- Meted td be Di • more eoperior qtutity Met any °therm fond4° 0, qoimik.t. LEI4II a utrrciumom ' i.'l . p_ i : i Ht.: 110 flormod and 145 'lnt target. N'- ‘ , , , t!.;,t , ARD-6 bbls. and 50 kegs to or , .as foe cote by CIIIATP a VAN OttilDsß. car load to arrive and to be sold , GILA VP Jr. VAN GOILDER.II4 st. TITCTNS ST. CTIAMTLE COKE .11V.T mAL on bead sod fa ale by YA001; BEMS af,i DWELLING.I.I.OIJSESPOR RENT. D. CUTHBERT .11, SON,51)111kot .t. llog )-# • S--35 bbls. Onions fer i a:l . l . a l p naggsg—wo boxes -Chem received this Vcll.3loptee sale by &I ' 1DL5114 IL COLLINS. Cw , ilitsa—no boxes W. R. CheeseTorsale 1.13 OALZILL I 00. 10 Itege No. .4 . Leal for ofki*by & RiLIALL *coy